2021-01-04 15:09:06 -05:00

114 lines
2.4 KiB

import sys, os
checking_symbols = [
stagedRegs = {}
lineNum = 0
def isProblemLine(l, sp):
x = l.split(sp)
x2 = x[1].split()[-1]
xtok = x2.replace("("," ").replace(")"," ").split()
if not("lo" in xtok[0] or "hi" in xtok[0]):
if len(xtok[0][1:]) > 4:
# print(xtok)
stagedRegs[xtok[1]] = [xtok[0], lineNum]
# if len(stagedRegs[xtok[1]]) != 2:
# print(l)
return True
return False
def fixLine(l, num):
x = l.split(s)
x2 = x[1].split()[-1]
xtok = x2.replace("("," ").replace(")"," ").split()
def exposedLui(l):
if '0x8000' in l:
return False
if "lui" in l and "hi" not in l and ">>" not in l and "&" not in l and "0x80" in l:
return True
return False
def handleStagedLine(l, ls, d):
stage = ls[lineNum]
x = l.split("lui")
x2 = x[-2:][-1][:-1]
xtok = [i.strip() for i in x2.split(',')]
hi = xtok[1]+'0000'
lo = stagedRegs[xtok[0]][0]
except Exception as e:
print(l, ls[len(ls) - lineNum])
hint = int(hi, 16)
lont = int(lo, 16)
addr = hint + lont
# if str(hex(addr))[2:].upper() in d:
# sym = d[str(hex(addr))[2:].upper()]
# else:
sym = "D_"+str(hex(addr))[2:].upper()
paradigm = len(ls)
line1 = ls[paradigm - lineNum]
line1 = line1.split()
line1[-1] = "%hi("+sym+")"
line1 = ' '.join(line1)
ls[paradigm - lineNum] = line1+"\n"
line2 = ls[paradigm - stagedRegs[xtok[0]][1]]
line2 = line2.split()
temp = line2[-1].split("(")
temp[0] = "%lo("+sym+")("
line2[-1] = ''.join(temp)
line2 = ' '.join(line2)
ls[paradigm - stagedRegs[xtok[0]][1]] = line2+"\n"
# print(lineNum, stagedRegs[xtok[0]][1])
# print(ls[paradigm - lineNum][:-1])
# print(line1, line2)
symdic = {}
# with open(sys.argv[1]) as mp:
# for line in mp:
# t = line.split()
for i in sys.argv[1:]: # xargs support lul
lineList = None
with open(i) as f:
lineList = f.readlines()[::-1]
lineNum = len(lineList)
for line in lineList:
for s in checking_symbols:
if s in line:
if isProblemLine(line, s):
x = 0
# print(line[:-1])
if exposedLui(line):
# lineList[lineNum] = ""
handleStagedLine(line, lineList, None)
# print(line[:-1], "bruh", lineList[lineNum])
e = open(i, 'w')
stagedRegs = {}