Match pipe.c in s11d

This commit is contained in:
nocato 2024-03-17 02:28:17 +01:00
parent 22fe07ffbe
commit 34c1191c7c
19 changed files with 282 additions and 882 deletions

View File

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_info_800CDB90
dw 0x27BDFFE8 ; 800CDB90
dw 0x3C02800C ; 800CDB94
dw 0x8C42335C ; 800CDB98
dw 0x00803021 ; 800CDB9C
dw 0x14400005 ; 800CDBA0
dw 0xAFBF0010 ; 800CDBA4
dw 0x0C005472 ; 800CDBA8
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDBAC
dw 0x08033760 ; 800CDBB0
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDBB4
dw 0x8CC50024 ; 800CDBB8
dw 0x3C03800B ; 800CDBBC
dw 0x24A20001 ; 800CDBC0
dw 0xACC20024 ; 800CDBC4
dw 0x3C02800B ; 800CDBC8
dw 0x8C44B920 ; 800CDBCC
dw 0x246319EC ; 800CDBD0
dw 0x00041080 ; 800CDBD4
dw 0x00621821 ; 800CDBD8
dw 0x00441021 ; 800CDBDC
dw 0x00021100 ; 800CDBE0
dw 0x24420044 ; 800CDBE4
dw 0x00C24021 ; 800CDBE8
dw 0x8CC40020 ; 800CDBEC
dw 0x8C6901EC ; 800CDBF0
dw 0x10800006 ; 800CDBF4
dw 0x25070028 ; 800CDBF8
dw 0x24020001 ; 800CDBFC
dw 0x10820012 ; 800CDC00
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDC04
dw 0x08033738 ; 800CDC08
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDC0C
dw 0x8CC20034 ; 800CDC10
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDC14
dw 0x00A20018 ; 800CDC18
dw 0x8CC2003C ; 800CDC1C
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDC20
dw 0x9043000A ; 800CDC24
dw 0x00002012 ; 800CDC28
dw 0x0064102A ; 800CDC2C
dw 0x10400004 ; 800CDC30
dw 0x24020001 ; 800CDC34
dw 0x00602021 ; 800CDC38
dw 0xACC20020 ; 800CDC3C
dw 0xACC00024 ; 800CDC40
dw 0x0803373C ; 800CDC44
dw 0xACC40028 ; 800CDC48
dw 0x8CC20038 ; 800CDC4C
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDC50
dw 0x00A20018 ; 800CDC54
dw 0x8CC20040 ; 800CDC58
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDC5C
dw 0x9043000A ; 800CDC60
dw 0x00002012 ; 800CDC64
dw 0x0064102A ; 800CDC68
dw 0x10400002 ; 800CDC6C
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDC70
dw 0x00602021 ; 800CDC74
dw 0x8CC20038 ; 800CDC78
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDC7C
dw 0x00A20018 ; 800CDC80
dw 0x8CC20040 ; 800CDC84
dw 0xACC4002C ; 800CDC88
dw 0x9045000B ; 800CDC8C
dw 0x00001812 ; 800CDC90
dw 0x00A3102A ; 800CDC94
dw 0x10400002 ; 800CDC98
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDC9C
dw 0x00A01821 ; 800CDCA0
dw 0x8CC50040 ; 800CDCA4
dw 0xACC30030 ; 800CDCA8
dw 0x90A2000B ; 800CDCAC
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDCB0
dw 0x1462000E ; 800CDCB4
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDCB8
dw 0x90A2000A ; 800CDCBC
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDCC0
dw 0x1482000B ; 800CDCC4
dw 0x3C0400FF ; 800CDCC8
dw 0x8CC20020 ; 800CDCCC
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDCD0
dw 0x24420001 ; 800CDCD4
dw 0x0803373D ; 800CDCD8
dw 0xACC20020 ; 800CDCDC
dw 0x8CC20024 ; 800CDCE0
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDCE4
dw 0x2442FFFF ; 800CDCE8
dw 0xACC20024 ; 800CDCEC
dw 0x3C0400FF ; 800CDCF0
dw 0x94C20028 ; 800CDCF4
dw 0x3484FFFF ; 800CDCF8
dw 0x244200BC ; 800CDCFC
dw 0xA5020020 ; 800CDD00
dw 0xA5020010 ; 800CDD04
dw 0x94C2002C ; 800CDD08
dw 0x3C05FF00 ; 800CDD0C
dw 0x244200BC ; 800CDD10
dw 0xA4E20020 ; 800CDD14
dw 0xA4E20010 ; 800CDD18
dw 0x94C20030 ; 800CDD1C
dw 0x8CE30000 ; 800CDD20
dw 0x24420008 ; 800CDD24
dw 0xA4E20022 ; 800CDD28
dw 0xA4E2001A ; 800CDD2C
dw 0x8D220000 ; 800CDD30
dw 0x00651824 ; 800CDD34
dw 0x00441024 ; 800CDD38
dw 0x00621825 ; 800CDD3C
dw 0xACE30000 ; 800CDD40
dw 0x8D220000 ; 800CDD44
dw 0x00E41824 ; 800CDD48
dw 0x00451024 ; 800CDD4C
dw 0x00431025 ; 800CDD50
dw 0xAD220000 ; 800CDD54
dw 0x8D030000 ; 800CDD58
dw 0x00441024 ; 800CDD5C
dw 0x00651824 ; 800CDD60
dw 0x00621825 ; 800CDD64
dw 0xAD030000 ; 800CDD68
dw 0x8D220000 ; 800CDD6C
dw 0x01042024 ; 800CDD70
dw 0x00451024 ; 800CDD74
dw 0x00441025 ; 800CDD78
dw 0xAD220000 ; 800CDD7C
dw 0x8FBF0010 ; 800CDD80
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDD84
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CDD88
dw 0x27BD0018 ; 800CDD8C

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_info_800CDD90
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CDD90
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDD94

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_info_800CDD98
dw 0x27BDFFC0 ; 800CDD98
dw 0xAFB5002C ; 800CDD9C
dw 0x0080A821 ; 800CDDA0
dw 0x30A4FFFF ; 800CDDA4
dw 0xAFB00018 ; 800CDDA8
dw 0x00C08021 ; 800CDDAC
dw 0xAFBE0038 ; 800CDDB0
dw 0x26BE003C ; 800CDDB4
dw 0xAFBF003C ; 800CDDB8
dw 0xAFB70034 ; 800CDDBC
dw 0xAFB60030 ; 800CDDC0
dw 0xAFB40028 ; 800CDDC4
dw 0xAFB30024 ; 800CDDC8
dw 0xAFB20020 ; 800CDDCC
dw 0xAFB1001C ; 800CDDD0
dw 0x0C00760C ; 800CDDD4
dw 0xAFA7004C ; 800CDDD8
dw 0x3204FFFF ; 800CDDDC
dw 0x0C00760C ; 800CDDE0
dw 0xAEA2003C ; 800CDDE4
dw 0x00401821 ; 800CDDE8
dw 0xAFC30004 ; 800CDDEC
dw 0x8EA2003C ; 800CDDF0
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDDF4
dw 0x10400061 ; 800CDDF8
dw 0x2402FFFF ; 800CDDFC
dw 0x1060005F ; 800CDE00
dw 0x26B70044 ; 800CDE04
dw 0x0000A021 ; 800CDE08
dw 0x24060080 ; 800CDE0C
dw 0x241300BC ; 800CDE10
dw 0x24160008 ; 800CDE14
dw 0x26B0005E ; 800CDE18
dw 0x24020009 ; 800CDE1C
dw 0xA202FFE9 ; 800CDE20
dw 0x2402002C ; 800CDE24
dw 0xA202FFED ; 800CDE28
dw 0x32820001 ; 800CDE2C
dw 0xA206FFEA ; 800CDE30
dw 0xA206FFEB ; 800CDE34
dw 0x10400004 ; 800CDE38
dw 0xA206FFEC ; 800CDE3C
dw 0x8FD20004 ; 800CDE40
dw 0x08033794 ; 800CDE44
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDE48
dw 0x8FD20000 ; 800CDE4C
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDE50
dw 0x92440008 ; 800CDE54
dw 0x9243000A ; 800CDE58
dw 0x92420009 ; 800CDE5C
dw 0x9245000B ; 800CDE60
dw 0x00831821 ; 800CDE64
dw 0xA202FFF3 ; 800CDE68
dw 0xA202FFFB ; 800CDE6C
dw 0x00451021 ; 800CDE70
dw 0xA204FFF2 ; 800CDE74
dw 0xA203FFFA ; 800CDE78
dw 0xA2040002 ; 800CDE7C
dw 0xA2020003 ; 800CDE80
dw 0xA203000A ; 800CDE84
dw 0xA202000B ; 800CDE88
dw 0x96420004 ; 800CDE8C
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDE90
dw 0xA602FFFC ; 800CDE94
dw 0x96420006 ; 800CDE98
dw 0x32910001 ; 800CDE9C
dw 0xA602FFF4 ; 800CDEA0
dw 0x8FA8004C ; 800CDEA4
dw 0x00111080 ; 800CDEA8
dw 0x00481021 ; 800CDEAC
dw 0x8C420000 ; 800CDEB0
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDEB4
dw 0x10400005 ; 800CDEB8
dw 0x02E02021 ; 800CDEBC
dw 0x24050001 ; 800CDEC0
dw 0x0C024916 ; 800CDEC4
dw 0xAFA60010 ; 800CDEC8
dw 0x8FA60010 ; 800CDECC
dw 0x12200005 ; 800CDED0
dw 0x24020001 ; 800CDED4
dw 0x12220010 ; 800CDED8
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDEDC
dw 0x080337D0 ; 800CDEE0
dw 0x26940001 ; 800CDEE4
dw 0x24020009 ; 800CDEE8
dw 0xA613FFFE ; 800CDEEC
dw 0xA613FFEE ; 800CDEF0
dw 0xA602FFF8 ; 800CDEF4
dw 0xA602FFF0 ; 800CDEF8
dw 0xA6130006 ; 800CDEFC
dw 0xA613FFF6 ; 800CDF00
dw 0x9242000B ; 800CDF04
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CDF08
dw 0x24420009 ; 800CDF0C
dw 0xA6020008 ; 800CDF10
dw 0x080337CF ; 800CDF14
dw 0xA6020000 ; 800CDF18
dw 0xA613FFFE ; 800CDF1C
dw 0xA613FFEE ; 800CDF20
dw 0xA616FFF8 ; 800CDF24
dw 0xA616FFF0 ; 800CDF28
dw 0xA6130006 ; 800CDF2C
dw 0xA613FFF6 ; 800CDF30
dw 0xA6160008 ; 800CDF34
dw 0xA6160000 ; 800CDF38
dw 0x26940001 ; 800CDF3C
dw 0x26100028 ; 800CDF40
dw 0x2A820004 ; 800CDF44
dw 0x1440FFB4 ; 800CDF48
dw 0x26F70028 ; 800CDF4C
dw 0x00001021 ; 800CDF50
dw 0x24030008 ; 800CDF54
dw 0x3C04800C ; 800CDF58
dw 0xAEA30034 ; 800CDF5C
dw 0xAEA30038 ; 800CDF60
dw 0x24030001 ; 800CDF64
dw 0xAEA00020 ; 800CDF68
dw 0xAEA00024 ; 800CDF6C
dw 0xAEA00030 ; 800CDF70
dw 0xAEA0002C ; 800CDF74
dw 0xAEA00028 ; 800CDF78
dw 0xAC83335C ; 800CDF7C
dw 0x8FBF003C ; 800CDF80
dw 0x8FBE0038 ; 800CDF84
dw 0x8FB70034 ; 800CDF88
dw 0x8FB60030 ; 800CDF8C
dw 0x8FB5002C ; 800CDF90
dw 0x8FB40028 ; 800CDF94
dw 0x8FB30024 ; 800CDF98
dw 0x8FB20020 ; 800CDF9C
dw 0x8FB1001C ; 800CDFA0
dw 0x8FB00018 ; 800CDFA4
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CDFA8
dw 0x27BD0040 ; 800CDFAC

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_info_800CDFB0
dw 0x27BDFFD8 ; 800CDFB0
dw 0xAFB3001C ; 800CDFB4
dw 0x00C09821 ; 800CDFB8
dw 0xAFB10014 ; 800CDFBC
dw 0x00808821 ; 800CDFC0
dw 0xAFB20018 ; 800CDFC4
dw 0x00A09021 ; 800CDFC8
dw 0x24040007 ; 800CDFCC
dw 0x240500E4 ; 800CDFD0
dw 0xAFBF0020 ; 800CDFD4
dw 0x0C005439 ; 800CDFD8
dw 0xAFB00010 ; 800CDFDC
dw 0x00408021 ; 800CDFE0
dw 0x12000011 ; 800CDFE4
dw 0x3C05800D ; 800CDFE8
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CDFEC
dw 0x24A5DB90 ; 800CDFF0
dw 0x3C06800D ; 800CDFF4
dw 0x24C6DD90 ; 800CDFF8
dw 0x3C07800D ; 800CDFFC
dw 0x0C005453 ; 800CE000
dw 0x24E71EB4 ; 800CE004
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE008
dw 0x3225FFFF ; 800CE00C
dw 0x3246FFFF ; 800CE010
dw 0x0C033766 ; 800CE014
dw 0x02603821 ; 800CE018
dw 0x04410004 ; 800CE01C
dw 0x02001021 ; 800CE020
dw 0x0C005472 ; 800CE024
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE028
dw 0x00001021 ; 800CE02C
dw 0x8FBF0020 ; 800CE030
dw 0x8FB3001C ; 800CE034
dw 0x8FB20018 ; 800CE038
dw 0x8FB10014 ; 800CE03C
dw 0x8FB00010 ; 800CE040
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CE044
dw 0x27BD0028 ; 800CE048

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_pipe_800CE04C
dw 0x3C02800C ; 800CE04C
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CE050
dw 0xAC40335C ; 800CE054

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_pipe_800CE058
dw 0x8C840000 ; 800CE058
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE05C
dw 0x30820300 ; 800CE060
dw 0x1040000E ; 800CE064
dw 0x00001821 ; 800CE068
dw 0x00041302 ; 800CE06C
dw 0x30420003 ; 800CE070
dw 0x24030004 ; 800CE074
dw 0x00621823 ; 800CE078
dw 0x00031140 ; 800CE07C
dw 0x00431023 ; 800CE080
dw 0x00021080 ; 800CE084
dw 0x00431021 ; 800CE088
dw 0x00021840 ; 800CE08C
dw 0x30820100 ; 800CE090
dw 0x14400002 ; 800CE094
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE098
dw 0x00031823 ; 800CE09C
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CE0A0
dw 0x00601021 ; 800CE0A4

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_pipe_800CE0A8
dw 0x27BDFFD8 ; 800CE0A8
dw 0xAFB20018 ; 800CE0AC
dw 0x00809021 ; 800CE0B0
dw 0xAFBF0024 ; 800CE0B4
dw 0xAFB40020 ; 800CE0B8
dw 0xAFB3001C ; 800CE0BC
dw 0xAFB10014 ; 800CE0C0
dw 0xAFB00010 ; 800CE0C4
dw 0x8E540020 ; 800CE0C8
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE0CC
dw 0x8691002E ; 800CE0D0
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE0D4
dw 0x1A20000A ; 800CE0D8
dw 0x26900048 ; 800CE0DC
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE0E0
dw 0x0C006AB4 ; 800CE0E4
dw 0x00002821 ; 800CE0E8
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE0EC
dw 0x0C006AB4 ; 800CE0F0
dw 0x24050001 ; 800CE0F4
dw 0x2631FFFF ; 800CE0F8
dw 0x1E20FFF8 ; 800CE0FC
dw 0x2610005C ; 800CE100
dw 0x96440092 ; 800CE104
dw 0x0C0054B7 ; 800CE108
dw 0x2405006B ; 800CE10C
dw 0x0C0054E3 ; 800CE110
dw 0x00402021 ; 800CE114
dw 0xAE820024 ; 800CE118
dw 0x8C510004 ; 800CE11C
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE120
dw 0x1A20001B ; 800CE124
dw 0x24530020 ; 800CE128
dw 0x24520024 ; 800CE12C
dw 0x2690009A ; 800CE130
dw 0xAE13FFEE ; 800CE134
dw 0x8E43002C ; 800CE138
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE13C
dw 0x04610003 ; 800CE140
dw 0x00031040 ; 800CE144
dw 0x0803385B ; 800CE148
dw 0xAE00FFF6 ; 800CE14C
dw 0x00431021 ; 800CE150
dw 0x000210C0 ; 800CE154
dw 0x00431023 ; 800CE158
dw 0x00021080 ; 800CE15C
dw 0x24420048 ; 800CE160
dw 0x02821021 ; 800CE164
dw 0xAE02FFF6 ; 800CE168
dw 0x0C033816 ; 800CE16C
dw 0x02602021 ; 800CE170
dw 0xA602FFFE ; 800CE174
dw 0x96420000 ; 800CE178
dw 0x26520058 ; 800CE17C
dw 0x26730058 ; 800CE180
dw 0x2631FFFF ; 800CE184
dw 0xA6020000 ; 800CE188
dw 0x1E20FFE9 ; 800CE18C
dw 0x2610005C ; 800CE190
dw 0x8FBF0024 ; 800CE194
dw 0x8FB40020 ; 800CE198
dw 0x8FB3001C ; 800CE19C
dw 0x8FB20018 ; 800CE1A0
dw 0x8FB10014 ; 800CE1A4
dw 0x8FB00010 ; 800CE1A8
dw 0x00001021 ; 800CE1AC
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CE1B0
dw 0x27BD0028 ; 800CE1B4

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_pipe_800CE1B8
dw 0x27BDFFC8 ; 800CE1B8
dw 0xAFB00030 ; 800CE1BC
dw 0x00808021 ; 800CE1C0
dw 0xAFBF0034 ; 800CE1C4
dw 0x8E020084 ; 800CE1C8
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE1CC
dw 0x94420006 ; 800CE1D0
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE1D4
dw 0x30420004 ; 800CE1D8
dw 0x1040002D ; 800CE1DC
dw 0x3C02800A ; 800CE1E0
dw 0x2448D430 ; 800CE1E4
dw 0x8D030000 ; 800CE1E8
dw 0x8D060004 ; 800CE1EC
dw 0x8D070008 ; 800CE1F0
dw 0xAFA30010 ; 800CE1F4
dw 0xAFA60014 ; 800CE1F8
dw 0xAFA70018 ; 800CE1FC
dw 0x8D03000C ; 800CE200
dw 0x8D060010 ; 800CE204
dw 0x8D070014 ; 800CE208
dw 0xAFA3001C ; 800CE20C
dw 0xAFA60020 ; 800CE210
dw 0xAFA70024 ; 800CE214
dw 0x8D030018 ; 800CE218
dw 0x8D06001C ; 800CE21C
dw 0xAFA30028 ; 800CE220
dw 0xAFA6002C ; 800CE224
dw 0x86020088 ; 800CE228
dw 0x27A40010 ; 800CE22C
dw 0xAFA20024 ; 800CE230
dw 0x8602008A ; 800CE234
dw 0x3C05800A ; 800CE238
dw 0xAFA20028 ; 800CE23C
dw 0x8602008C ; 800CE240
dw 0x24A5F4CC ; 800CE244
dw 0x0C01B7F7 ; 800CE248
dw 0xAFA2002C ; 800CE24C
dw 0x3C04800C ; 800CE250
dw 0x24843360 ; 800CE254
dw 0x0C017563 ; 800CE258
dw 0x24050001 ; 800CE25C
dw 0x3C04800C ; 800CE260
dw 0x24843364 ; 800CE264
dw 0x0C017563 ; 800CE268
dw 0x24050002 ; 800CE26C
dw 0x8E040084 ; 800CE270
dw 0x0C00B52C ; 800CE274
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE278
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE27C
dw 0x24020001 ; 800CE280
dw 0xAE000084 ; 800CE284
dw 0x0C03382A ; 800CE288
dw 0xAE02009C ; 800CE28C
dw 0xAE000098 ; 800CE290
dw 0x8FBF0034 ; 800CE294
dw 0x8FB00030 ; 800CE298
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CE29C
dw 0x27BD0038 ; 800CE2A0

View File

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_pipe_800CE2A4
dw 0x27BDFFC8 ; 800CE2A4
dw 0xAFB00030 ; 800CE2A8
dw 0x00808021 ; 800CE2AC
dw 0xAFBF0034 ; 800CE2B0
dw 0x8E020094 ; 800CE2B4
dw 0x8E040098 ; 800CE2B8
dw 0x3C03800B ; 800CE2BC
dw 0xAC62B9B0 ; 800CE2C0
dw 0x28820004 ; 800CE2C4
dw 0x10400005 ; 800CE2C8
dw 0x24820001 ; 800CE2CC
dw 0xAE020098 ; 800CE2D0
dw 0x26040088 ; 800CE2D4
dw 0x0C006976 ; 800CE2D8
dw 0x26050044 ; 800CE2DC
dw 0x8E03009C ; 800CE2E0
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE2E4
dw 0x14600005 ; 800CE2E8
dw 0x28620010 ; 800CE2EC
dw 0x0C03386E ; 800CE2F0
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE2F4
dw 0x080338FD ; 800CE2F8
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE2FC
dw 0x1040003C ; 800CE300
dw 0x24630001 ; 800CE304
dw 0x24020008 ; 800CE308
dw 0x10620004 ; 800CE30C
dw 0xAE03009C ; 800CE310
dw 0x24020010 ; 800CE314
dw 0x14620036 ; 800CE318
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE31C
dw 0x3C02800A ; 800CE320
dw 0x2449D430 ; 800CE324
dw 0x8D260000 ; 800CE328
dw 0x8D270004 ; 800CE32C
dw 0x8D280008 ; 800CE330
dw 0xAFA60010 ; 800CE334
dw 0xAFA70014 ; 800CE338
dw 0xAFA80018 ; 800CE33C
dw 0x8D26000C ; 800CE340
dw 0x8D270010 ; 800CE344
dw 0x8D280014 ; 800CE348
dw 0xAFA6001C ; 800CE34C
dw 0xAFA70020 ; 800CE350
dw 0xAFA80024 ; 800CE354
dw 0x8D260018 ; 800CE358
dw 0x8D27001C ; 800CE35C
dw 0xAFA60028 ; 800CE360
dw 0xAFA7002C ; 800CE364
dw 0x86020088 ; 800CE368
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE36C
dw 0xAFA20024 ; 800CE370
dw 0x8602008A ; 800CE374
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE378
dw 0xAFA20028 ; 800CE37C
dw 0x8602008C ; 800CE380
dw 0x24040800 ; 800CE384
dw 0x0C005C2F ; 800CE388
dw 0xAFA2002C ; 800CE38C
dw 0x8FA30024 ; 800CE390
dw 0x24040800 ; 800CE394
dw 0x00621821 ; 800CE398
dw 0x0C005C2F ; 800CE39C
dw 0xAFA30024 ; 800CE3A0
dw 0x8FA30028 ; 800CE3A4
dw 0x24040800 ; 800CE3A8
dw 0x00621821 ; 800CE3AC
dw 0x0C005C2F ; 800CE3B0
dw 0xAFA30028 ; 800CE3B4
dw 0x27A40010 ; 800CE3B8
dw 0x3C05800A ; 800CE3BC
dw 0x8FA3002C ; 800CE3C0
dw 0x24A5F4CC ; 800CE3C4
dw 0x00621821 ; 800CE3C8
dw 0x0C01B7F7 ; 800CE3CC
dw 0xAFA3002C ; 800CE3D0
dw 0x3C04800C ; 800CE3D4
dw 0x24843360 ; 800CE3D8
dw 0x0C017563 ; 800CE3DC
dw 0x24050001 ; 800CE3E0
dw 0x3C04800C ; 800CE3E4
dw 0x24843364 ; 800CE3E8
dw 0x0C017563 ; 800CE3EC
dw 0x24050002 ; 800CE3F0
dw 0x8FBF0034 ; 800CE3F4
dw 0x8FB00030 ; 800CE3F8
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CE3FC
dw 0x27BD0038 ; 800CE400

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_pipe_800CE404
dw 0x27BDFFE8 ; 800CE404
dw 0xAFB00010 ; 800CE408
dw 0x00808021 ; 800CE40C
dw 0xAFBF0014 ; 800CE410
dw 0x0C00D2FE ; 800CE414
dw 0x26040020 ; 800CE418
dw 0x8E040084 ; 800CE41C
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE420
dw 0x10800003 ; 800CE424
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE428
dw 0x0C00B52C ; 800CE42C
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE430
dw 0x8FBF0014 ; 800CE434
dw 0x8FB00010 ; 800CE438
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CE43C
dw 0x27BD0018 ; 800CE440

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_pipe_800CE444
dw 0x27BDFFC8 ; 800CE444
dw 0xAFB1002C ; 800CE448
dw 0x00808821 ; 800CE44C
dw 0x24040074 ; 800CE450
dw 0x240205DC ; 800CE454
dw 0xA7A20018 ; 800CE458
dw 0x240202EE ; 800CE45C
dw 0xA7A2001A ; 800CE460
dw 0x24020FA0 ; 800CE464
dw 0xAFBF0034 ; 800CE468
dw 0xAFB20030 ; 800CE46C
dw 0xAFB00028 ; 800CE470
dw 0x0C00825A ; 800CE474
dw 0xA7A2001C ; 800CE478
dw 0x00402021 ; 800CE47C
dw 0x0C008285 ; 800CE480
dw 0x27A50020 ; 800CE484
dw 0x8BA30023 ; 800CE488
dw 0x9BA30020 ; 800CE48C
dw 0x8BA80027 ; 800CE490
dw 0x9BA80024 ; 800CE494
dw 0xAA23008B ; 800CE498
dw 0xBA230088 ; 800CE49C
dw 0xAA28008F ; 800CE4A0
dw 0xBA28008C ; 800CE4A4
dw 0x0C00B500 ; 800CE4A8
dw 0x26320088 ; 800CE4AC
dw 0x00408021 ; 800CE4B0
dw 0x12000016 ; 800CE4B4
dw 0xAE300084 ; 800CE4B8
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE4BC
dw 0x24050014 ; 800CE4C0
dw 0x24060001 ; 800CE4C4
dw 0x0C00B71D ; 800CE4C8
dw 0x27A70018 ; 800CE4CC
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE4D0
dw 0x24050001 ; 800CE4D4
dw 0x00003021 ; 800CE4D8
dw 0x00A03821 ; 800CE4DC
dw 0x2402FFFF ; 800CE4E0
dw 0xAFA20010 ; 800CE4E4
dw 0x3C02800B ; 800CE4E8
dw 0x2442B39C ; 800CE4EC
dw 0x0C00B733 ; 800CE4F0
dw 0xAFA20014 ; 800CE4F4
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE4F8
dw 0x0C00B540 ; 800CE4FC
dw 0x02402821 ; 800CE500
dw 0x00001021 ; 800CE504
dw 0x08033945 ; 800CE508
dw 0xAE200098 ; 800CE50C
dw 0x2402FFFF ; 800CE510
dw 0x8FBF0034 ; 800CE514
dw 0x8FB20030 ; 800CE518
dw 0x8FB1002C ; 800CE51C
dw 0x8FB00028 ; 800CE520
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CE524
dw 0x27BD0038 ; 800CE528

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_pipe_800CE52C
dw 0x27BDFFE0 ; 800CE52C
dw 0xAFB00010 ; 800CE530
dw 0x00808021 ; 800CE534
dw 0x2404006D ; 800CE538
dw 0xAFBF001C ; 800CE53C
dw 0xAFB20018 ; 800CE540
dw 0x0C00825A ; 800CE544
dw 0xAFB10014 ; 800CE548
dw 0x1040000F ; 800CE54C
dw 0x00008821 ; 800CE550
dw 0x26100090 ; 800CE554
dw 0x24120002 ; 800CE558
dw 0x0C0082A9 ; 800CE55C
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE560
dw 0x10400009 ; 800CE564
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE568
dw 0x12320007 ; 800CE56C
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE570
dw 0x0C00827A ; 800CE574
dw 0x00402021 ; 800CE578
dw 0xA6020000 ; 800CE57C
dw 0x26100002 ; 800CE580
dw 0x08033957 ; 800CE584
dw 0x26310001 ; 800CE588
dw 0x8FBF001C ; 800CE58C
dw 0x8FB20018 ; 800CE590
dw 0x8FB10014 ; 800CE594
dw 0x8FB00010 ; 800CE598
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CE59C
dw 0x27BD0020 ; 800CE5A0

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_pipe_800CE5A4
dw 0x27BDFFB0 ; 800CE5A4
dw 0xAFB10044 ; 800CE5A8
dw 0x00808821 ; 800CE5AC
dw 0xAFBF004C ; 800CE5B0
dw 0xAFB20048 ; 800CE5B4
dw 0x0C03394B ; 800CE5B8
dw 0xAFB00040 ; 800CE5BC
dw 0x26320020 ; 800CE5C0
dw 0x02402021 ; 800CE5C4
dw 0x2406006D ; 800CE5C8
dw 0x96250090 ; 800CE5CC
dw 0x0C00D26C ; 800CE5D0
dw 0x00003821 ; 800CE5D4
dw 0x02402021 ; 800CE5D8
dw 0x0C00D311 ; 800CE5DC
dw 0x26250044 ; 800CE5E0
dw 0x0C00825A ; 800CE5E4
dw 0x24040064 ; 800CE5E8
dw 0x00402021 ; 800CE5EC
dw 0x0C008285 ; 800CE5F0
dw 0x27A50010 ; 800CE5F4
dw 0x0C00825A ; 800CE5F8
dw 0x24040070 ; 800CE5FC
dw 0x00402021 ; 800CE600
dw 0x27B00018 ; 800CE604
dw 0x0C008285 ; 800CE608
dw 0x02002821 ; 800CE60C
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE610
dw 0x0C006F23 ; 800CE614
dw 0x27A50010 ; 800CE618
dw 0x0C024B76 ; 800CE61C
dw 0x27A40020 ; 800CE620
dw 0x3C02800B ; 800CE624
dw 0x8E230020 ; 800CE628
dw 0x9442B9B0 ; 800CE62C
dw 0x8FA80020 ; 800CE630
dw 0x8FA90024 ; 800CE634
dw 0x8FAA0028 ; 800CE638
dw 0x8FAB002C ; 800CE63C
dw 0xAC680000 ; 800CE640
dw 0xAC690004 ; 800CE644
dw 0xAC6A0008 ; 800CE648
dw 0xAC6B000C ; 800CE64C
dw 0x8FA80030 ; 800CE650
dw 0x8FA90034 ; 800CE654
dw 0x8FAA0038 ; 800CE658
dw 0x8FAB003C ; 800CE65C
dw 0xAC680010 ; 800CE660
dw 0xAC690014 ; 800CE664
dw 0xAC6A0018 ; 800CE668
dw 0xAC6B001C ; 800CE66C
dw 0xA642000C ; 800CE670
dw 0x8E220020 ; 800CE674
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE678
dw 0x8442002E ; 800CE67C
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE680
dw 0x1840000E ; 800CE684
dw 0x00001821 ; 800CE688
dw 0x240500F0 ; 800CE68C
dw 0x00602021 ; 800CE690
dw 0x8E420000 ; 800CE694
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE698
dw 0x00441021 ; 800CE69C
dw 0xA4450098 ; 800CE6A0
dw 0x8E420000 ; 800CE6A4
dw 0x24630001 ; 800CE6A8
dw 0x8442002E ; 800CE6AC
dw 0x00000000 ; 800CE6B0
dw 0x0062102A ; 800CE6B4
dw 0x1440FFF6 ; 800CE6B8
dw 0x2484005C ; 800CE6BC
dw 0x8FBF004C ; 800CE6C0
dw 0x8FB20048 ; 800CE6C4
dw 0x8FB10044 ; 800CE6C8
dw 0x8FB00040 ; 800CE6CC
dw 0x00001021 ; 800CE6D0
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CE6D4
dw 0x27BD0050 ; 800CE6D8

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_pipe_800CE6DC
dw 0x27BDFFE0 ; 800CE6DC
dw 0xAFB00010 ; 800CE6E0
dw 0x00808021 ; 800CE6E4
dw 0xAFB10014 ; 800CE6E8
dw 0x3C11800B ; 800CE6EC
dw 0xAFBF0018 ; 800CE6F0
dw 0x0C033911 ; 800CE6F4
dw 0xAE26B9B0 ; 800CE6F8
dw 0x0440000A ; 800CE6FC
dw 0x2402FFFF ; 800CE700
dw 0x0C033969 ; 800CE704
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE708
dw 0x04400005 ; 800CE70C
dw 0x00001021 ; 800CE710
dw 0x8E23B9B0 ; 800CE714
dw 0xAE00009C ; 800CE718
dw 0x080339CA ; 800CE71C
dw 0xAE030094 ; 800CE720
dw 0x2402FFFF ; 800CE724
dw 0x8FBF0018 ; 800CE728
dw 0x8FB10014 ; 800CE72C
dw 0x8FB00010 ; 800CE730
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CE734
dw 0x27BD0020 ; 800CE738

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
opt c+, at+, e+, n-
section overlay.text
xdef s11d_pipe_800CE73C
dw 0x27BDFFE0 ; 800CE73C
dw 0xAFB10014 ; 800CE740
dw 0x00808821 ; 800CE744
dw 0xAFB20018 ; 800CE748
dw 0x00A09021 ; 800CE74C
dw 0x24040006 ; 800CE750
dw 0x240500A0 ; 800CE754
dw 0xAFBF001C ; 800CE758
dw 0x0C005439 ; 800CE75C
dw 0xAFB00010 ; 800CE760
dw 0x00408021 ; 800CE764
dw 0x12000010 ; 800CE768
dw 0x3C05800D ; 800CE76C
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE770
dw 0x24A5E2A4 ; 800CE774
dw 0x3C06800D ; 800CE778
dw 0x24C6E404 ; 800CE77C
dw 0x3C07800D ; 800CE780
dw 0x0C005453 ; 800CE784
dw 0x24E71EBC ; 800CE788
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE78C
dw 0x02202821 ; 800CE790
dw 0x0C0339B7 ; 800CE794
dw 0x02403021 ; 800CE798
dw 0x04410004 ; 800CE79C
dw 0x02001021 ; 800CE7A0
dw 0x0C005472 ; 800CE7A4
dw 0x02002021 ; 800CE7A8
dw 0x00001021 ; 800CE7AC
dw 0x8FBF001C ; 800CE7B0
dw 0x8FB20018 ; 800CE7B4
dw 0x8FB10014 ; 800CE7B8
dw 0x8FB00010 ; 800CE7BC
dw 0x03E00008 ; 800CE7C0
dw 0x27BD0020 ; 800CE7C4

View File

@ -2770,27 +2770,13 @@ overlay_bss group file("{{OBJ_DIR}}\{{OVERLAY}}_{{OVERLAY_SUFFIX}}_bss.bin")
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_landing_800CD810.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_landing_800CDA20.obj"
; already reversed info.obj?
; part of landing.obj?
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_info_800CDAAC.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_info_800CDAF8.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_info_800CDB5C.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_info_800CDB90.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_info_800CDD90.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_info_800CDD98.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_info_800CDFB0.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_pipe_800CE04C.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_pipe_800CE058.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_pipe_800CE0A8.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_pipe_800CE1B8.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_pipe_800CE2A4.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_pipe_800CE404.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_pipe_800CE444.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_pipe_800CE52C.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_pipe_800CE5A4.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_pipe_800CE6DC.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\s11d_pipe_800CE73C.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s03b\chara\torture\info.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s11d\chara\rope\pipe.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s01a\Thing\snow.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s01a\Thing\sphere.obj"
include "{{OBJ_DIR}}\overlays\s16b\Enemy\asioto.obj"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
#include "libgv/libgv.h"
#include "Game/game.h"
#include "Game/object.h"
#include "Game/vibrate.h"
#include "Bullet/blast.h"
typedef struct PipeWork
GV_ACT actor;
MATRIX light[2];
TARGET *target;
unsigned short model_ids[2];
int where;
int counter;
int counter2;
} PipeWork;
unsigned char pipe_vibration1_800C3360[] = {0x7F, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00};
unsigned char pipe_vibration2_800C3364[] = {0xAF, 0x04, 0x41, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
extern int GM_CurrentMap_800AB9B0;
extern SVECTOR DG_ZeroVector_800AB39C;
extern MATRIX DG_ZeroMatrix_8009D430;
extern Blast_Data blast_data_8009F4B8[8];
// Duplicate of Snake03c2GetRaise_800CDB78
int PipeGetRaise_800CE058(DG_MDL *mdl)
unsigned int flags;
int raise;
flags = mdl->flags_0;
raise = 0;
if (flags & 0x300)
raise = (4 - ((flags >> 0xC) & 3)) * 250;
if (!(flags & 0x100))
raise = -raise;
return raise;
// Modified Snake03c2_800CDBC8
int Pipe_800CE0A8(PipeWork *work)
DG_MDL *mdl, *mdl2;
DG_OBJ *obj;
DG_OBJS *objs;
int count;
objs = work->object.objs;
count = objs->n_models;
obj = objs->objs;
for (; count > 0; count--, obj++)
DG_FreeObjPacket_8001AAD0(obj, 0);
DG_FreeObjPacket_8001AAD0(obj, 1);
objs->def = GV_GetCache_8001538C(GV_CacheID_800152DC(work->model_ids[1], 'k'));
count = objs->def->num_mesh_4;
mdl = objs->def->model;
mdl2 = &objs->def->model[0];
obj = &objs->objs[0];
for (; count > 0; obj++, mdl2++, mdl++, count--)
obj->model = mdl;
if (mdl2->unknownA_30 < 0)
obj->extend = NULL;
obj->extend = &objs->objs[mdl2->unknownA_30];
obj->raise = PipeGetRaise_800CE058(mdl);
obj->n_packs = mdl2->numFaces_4;
return 0;
void Pipe_800CE1B8(PipeWork *work)
if (work->target->field_6_flags & TARGET_POWER)
mat = DG_ZeroMatrix_8009D430;
mat.t[0] = work->svec.vx;
mat.t[1] = work->svec.vy;
mat.t[2] = work->svec.vz;
NewBlast_8006DFDC(&mat, &blast_data_8009F4B8[1]);
NewPadVibration_8005D58C(pipe_vibration1_800C3360, 1);
NewPadVibration_8005D58C(pipe_vibration2_800C3364, 2);
work->target = NULL;
work->counter2 = 1;
work->counter = 0;
void PipeAct_800CE2A4(PipeWork *work)
GM_CurrentMap_800AB9B0 = work->where;
if (work->counter < 4)
DG_GetLightMatrix2_8001A5D8(&work->svec, work->light);
if (work->counter2 == 0)
else if (work->counter2 < 16)
if (work->counter2 == 8 || work->counter2 == 16)
mat = DG_ZeroMatrix_8009D430;
mat.t[0] = work->svec.vx;
mat.t[1] = work->svec.vy;
mat.t[2] = work->svec.vz;
mat.t[0] += GV_RandS_800170BC(0x800);
mat.t[1] += GV_RandS_800170BC(0x800);
mat.t[2] += GV_RandS_800170BC(0x800);
NewBlast_8006DFDC(&mat, &blast_data_8009F4B8[1]);
NewPadVibration_8005D58C(pipe_vibration1_800C3360, 1);
NewPadVibration_8005D58C(pipe_vibration2_800C3364, 2);
void PipeDie_800CE404(PipeWork *work)
GM_FreeObject_80034BF8((OBJECT *)&work->object);
if (work->target != NULL)
int PipeInitTarget_800CE444(PipeWork *work)
SVECTOR svec1, svec2;
TARGET *target;
svec1.vx = 1500;
svec1.vy = 750;
svec1.vz = 4000;
GCL_StrToSV_80020A14((char *)GCL_GetOption_80020968('t'), &svec2);
work->svec = svec2;
work->target = target = GM_AllocTarget_8002D400();
if (target == NULL)
return -1;
GM_SetTarget_8002DC74(target, 0x14, 1, &svec1);
GM_Target_8002DCCC(target, 1, 0, 1, -1, &DG_ZeroVector_800AB39C);
GM_Target_SetVector_8002D500(target, &work->svec);
work->counter = 0;
return 0;
void PipeGetInts_800CE52C(PipeWork *work)
int i;
short *out;
char *res;
if (!GCL_GetOption_80020968('m'))
i = 0;
out = work->model_ids;
while ((res = GCL_Get_Param_Result_80020AA4()))
if (i == 2)
*out++ = GCL_StrToInt_800209E8(res);
int PipeInitObject_800CE5A4(PipeWork *work)
SVECTOR svec1, svec2;
MATRIX world;
int i;
object = &work->object;
GM_InitObjectNoRots_800349B0(object, work->model_ids[0], 0x6D, 0);
GM_ConfigObjectLight_80034C44((OBJECT *)object, work->light);
GCL_StrToSV_80020A14((char *)GCL_GetOption_80020968('d'), &svec1);
GCL_StrToSV_80020A14((char *)GCL_GetOption_80020968('p'), &svec2);
DG_SetPos2_8001BC8C(&svec2, &svec1);
work->object.objs->world = world;
object->map_name = GM_CurrentMap_800AB9B0;
for (i = 0; i < object->objs->n_models; i++)
object->objs->objs[i].raise = 240;
return 0;
int PipeGetResources_800CE6DC(PipeWork *work, int name, int where)
GM_CurrentMap_800AB9B0 = where;
if (PipeInitTarget_800CE444(work) < 0)
return -1;
if (PipeInitObject_800CE5A4(work) < 0)
return -1;
work->counter2 = 0;
work->where = GM_CurrentMap_800AB9B0;
return 0;
GV_ACT *NewPipe_800CE73C(int name, int where, int argc, char **argv)
PipeWork *work;
work = (PipeWork *)GV_NewActor_800150E4(6, sizeof(PipeWork));
if (work == NULL)
return NULL;
GV_SetNamedActor_8001514C(&work->actor, (TActorFunction)PipeAct_800CE2A4, (TActorFunction)PipeDie_800CE404,
if (PipeGetResources_800CE6DC(work, name, where) < 0)
return NULL;
return &work->actor;

View File

@ -64,10 +64,6 @@ int s11d_dword_800C334C = 0x000002FF;
int s11d_dword_800C3350 = 0x00000000;
int s11d_dword_800C3354 = 0x00000000;
int s11d_dword_800C3358 = 0x00000000;
int s11d_dword_800C335C = 0x00000000;
int s11d_dword_800C3360 = 0x0000027F;
int s11d_dword_800C3364 = 0x044104AF;
int s11d_dword_800C3368 = 0x00000000;
const char s11d_aTosi_800D1D5C[] = "to_s11i";
@ -136,10 +132,6 @@ const char s11d_aSned_800D1E9C[] = "sne_11d2";
const char s11d_dword_800D1EA8[] = {'l', 'a', 'n', 'd'};
const char s11d_dword_800D1EAC[] = {'i', 'n', 'g', '.'};
const char s11d_dword_800D1EB0[] = {'c', 0x0, 'c', 0x94};
const char s11d_dword_800D1EB4[] = {'i', 'n', 'f', 'o'};
const char s11d_dword_800D1EB8[] = {'.', 'c', 0x0, 0x8};
const char s11d_dword_800D1EBC[] = {'p', 'i', 'p', 'e'};
const char s11d_dword_800D1EC0[] = {'.', 'c', 0x0, '<'};
int SECTION("overlay.bss") s11d_dword_800D1F78;

Binary file not shown.