@ -2128,7 +2128,7 @@ void func_8002CD48(Player *player, s8 arg1, s8 arg2) {
if ((player->unk_0BC & 4) == 4) {
if ((player->unk_0BC & 0x04000000) == 0x04000000) {
if ((s32)(player->unk_0BC & 0x04000000) == 0x04000000) {
func_8008DC08(player, arg1);
if ((player->unk_0BC & 0x40000000) == 0x40000000) {
@ -3058,107 +3058,71 @@ void control_cpu_movement(Player *player, Camera *camera, s8 arg2, s8 arg3) {
#ifdef MIPS_TO_C
//generated by m2c commit eefca95b040d7ee0c617bc58f9ac6cd1cf7bce87 on Aug-16-2023
? func_80029B4C(Player *, f32, f32, f32); /* extern */
static ? D_800E3DC8; /* unable to generate initializer */
static ? D_800E3DD4; /* unable to generate initializer */
static ? D_800E3DE0; /* unable to generate initializer */
static ? D_800E3DEC; /* unable to generate initializer */
void func_8002F730(Player *player, Camera *camera, s8 arg2, s8 arg3) {
f32 spFC;
f32 spF4;
f32 spE8;
? spDC;
f32 spD0;
Vec3f spF4 = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
Vec3f spE8 = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
Vec3f spDC = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
Vec3f spD0 = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
f32 spCC;
f32 spC8;
f32 spC4;
f32 spC0;
f32 spBC;
f32 sp44;
f32 spB8;
f32 temp_f0_2;
s32 pad[11];
f32 sp84;
s32 pad1;
f32 sp7C;
f32 sp78;
f32 sp70;
f32 sp6C;
f32 sp68;
f32 sp5C;
f32 *sp4C;
f32 sp44;
f32 sp34;
f32 *temp_a1;
f32 *temp_v0;
f32 *temp_v0_2;
f32 temp_f0_2;
f32 temp_f10;
f32 temp_f12_2;
f32 temp_f14;
f32 temp_f2_2;
f32 temp_f2_3;
f32 temp_f6;
f32 temp_f6_2;
f32 temp_f8;
f64 temp_f0;
f64 temp_f12;
f64 temp_f2;
f32 sqrt;
Vec3f sp68;
Vec3f sp5C;
s32 pad3[3];
func_80037BB4(player, spD0);
sp84 = player->unk_064 * 0;
sp7C = player->unk_06C * 0;
spF4[2] = func_80030150(player, arg3);
func_802B63B8(spF4, player->unk_174);
sp68[0] = player->unk_034[0];
sp68[1] = player->unk_034[1];
sp68[2] = player->unk_034[2];
sp68[0] += (((f64) (spF4[0] + sp84) - (sp68[0] * 780.0)) / 6500.0);
sp68[2] += (((f64) (spF4[2] + sp7C) - (sp68[2] * 780.0)) / 6500.0);
sp68[1] += (((f64) (spF4[1] + -1100.0f) - (sp68[1] * 780.0)) / 6500.0);
spC0 = player->pos[0];
sp44 = player->pos[1];
spB8 = player->pos[2];
player->rotX = player->pos[0];
player->rotY = player->pos[1];
player->rotZ = player->pos[2];
spCC = player->unk_034[0] + spC0;
spC8 = player->unk_034[1] + sp44;
spC4 = player->unk_034[2] + spB8;
spF4.unk0 = D_800E3DC8.unk0;
spF4.unk4 = (s32) D_800E3DC8.unk4;
spF4.unk8 = (s32) D_800E3DC8.unk8;
spE8.unk0 = D_800E3DD4.unk0;
spE8.unk4 = (s32) D_800E3DD4.unk4;
spE8.unk8 = (s32) D_800E3DD4.unk8;
spDC.unk0 = (s32) D_800E3DE0.unk0;
spDC.unk4 = (s32) D_800E3DE0.unk4;
spDC.unk8 = (s32) D_800E3DE0.unk8;
spD0.unk0 = D_800E3DEC.unk0;
spD0.unk4 = (s32) D_800E3DEC.unk4;
spD0.unk8 = (s32) D_800E3DEC.unk8;
func_80037BB4(player, &spD0);
sp84 = player->unk_064 * 0.0f;
sp7C = player->unk_06C * 0.0f;
temp_a1 = player->unk_174[0];
spFC = func_80030150(player, arg3);
sp4C = temp_a1;
func_802B63B8(&spF4, (f32 (*)[3]) temp_a1);
sp68 = player->unk_034[0];
sp6C = player->unk_034[1];
temp_f0 = (f64) sp68;
sp70 = player->unk_034[2];
temp_f2 = (f64) sp70;
sp68 = (f32) (temp_f0 + (((f64) (spF4 + sp84) - (temp_f0 * 780.0)) / 6500.0));
temp_f12 = (f64) sp6C;
sp70 = (f32) (temp_f2 + (((f64) (spFC + sp7C) - (temp_f2 * 780.0)) / 6500.0));
sp6C = (f32) (temp_f12 + (((f64) (spF8 + -1100.0f) - (temp_f12 * 780.0)) / 6500.0));
temp_f14 = player->pos[0];
spC0 = temp_f14;
temp_f6 = player->pos[1];
sp44 = temp_f6;
spBC = sp44;
sp34 = player->pos[2];
spB8 = sp34;
player->rotX = temp_f14;
player->rotY = temp_f6;
player->rotZ = sp34;
spCC = player->unk_034[0] + temp_f14;
temp_f10 = player->unk_034[1] + sp44;
spC8 = temp_f10;
temp_f8 = player->unk_034[2] + spB8;
spC4 = temp_f8;
temp_f6_2 = temp_f10 + player->kartHopVelocity;
spC8 = temp_f6_2;
func_802AD950(&player->unk_110, player->boundingBoxSize, spCC, temp_f6_2, temp_f8, player->rotX, player->rotY, player->rotZ);
spC8 += player->kartHopVelocity;
func_802AD950(&player->unk_110, player->boundingBoxSize, spCC, spC8, spC4, player->rotX, player->rotY, player->rotZ);
player->unk_058 = 0.0f;
player->unk_060 = 0.0f;
player->unk_05C = 1.0f;
func_802B6540((f32 (*)[3]) sp4C, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, (s16) (s32) player->unk_02C[1]);
player->unk_060 = 0.0f;
func_802B6540(player->unk_174, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, (s16) (s32) player->unk_02C[1]);
player->unk_0BC &= ~8;
sp78 = player->unk_110.unk3C[2];
if (sp78 <= 0.0f) {
func_8003F46C(player, &sp5C, &sp68, &spE8, &sp78, &spCC, &spC8, &spC4);
func_8003F46C(player, sp5C, sp68, spE8, &sp78, &spCC, &spC8, &spC4);
player->unk_074 = func_802ABE30(spCC, spC8, spC4, player->unk_110.unk3A);
if (((player->unk_000 & 0x4000) == 0x4000) && ((gActiveScreenMode == 0) || (gActiveScreenMode == 2) || (gActiveScreenMode == 1))) {
@ -3167,36 +3131,36 @@ void func_8002F730(Player *player, Camera *camera, s8 arg2, s8 arg3) {
func_8002A194(player, spCC, spC8, spC4);
func_8002AE38(player, arg3, spC0, spB8, spCC, spC4);
sqrt = (sp68[0] * sp68[0]) + (sp68[1] * sp68[1]) + (sp68[2] * sp68[2]);
player->unk_22C = player->unk_094;
temp_f2_2 = player->unk_08C;
player->unk_094 = sqrtf((sp70 * sp70) + ((sp68 * sp68) + (sp6C * sp6C)));
if (((temp_f2_2 <= 0.0f) && ((f64) player->unk_094 < 0.13)) || ((temp_f2_2 <= 0.0f) && ((f64) player->unk_094 < 0.2) && ((player->unk_0BC & 1) == 1))) {
sp68 += sp68 * -1.0f;
sp70 += sp70 * -1.0f;
player->unk_094 = sqrtf(sqrt);
if (((player->unk_08C <= 0.0f) && ((f64) player->unk_094 < 0.13)) || ((player->unk_08C <= 0.0f) && ((f64) player->unk_094 < 0.2) && ((player->unk_0BC & 1) == 1))) {
sp68[0] = sp68[0] + (sp68[0] * -1.0f);
sp68[2] = sp68[2] + (sp68[2] * -1.0f);
} else {
player->pos[0] = spCC;
player->pos[2] = spC4;
player->pos[1] = (f32) ((f64) spC8 - 0.018);
player->unk_064 = spE8;
player->unk_06C = spF0;
player->unk_034[0] = sp68;
player->unk_034[1] = sp6C;
player->unk_034[2] = sp70;
temp_v0 = D_80165070[arg3];
temp_v0->unk0 = sp68;
temp_v0->unk4 = sp6C;
temp_v0->unk8 = sp70;
player->pos[1] = spC8 - 0.018;
player->unk_064 = spE8[0];
player->unk_06C = spE8[2];
player->unk_034[0] = sp68[0];
player->unk_034[1] = sp68[1];
player->unk_034[2] = sp68[2];
D_80165070[arg3][0] = sp68[0];
D_80165070[arg3][1] = sp68[1];
D_80165070[arg3][2] = sp68[2];
if ((player->unk_000 & 0x4000) == 0x4000) {
temp_f2_3 = player->unk_094;
temp_v0_2 = &gKartTopSpeedTable[player->characterId];
temp_f12_2 = *temp_v0_2;
if (temp_f12_2 < temp_f2_3) {
temp_f0_2 = temp_f12_2 / temp_f2_3;
if (gKartTopSpeedTable[player->characterId] < player->unk_094) {
temp_f0_2 = gKartTopSpeedTable[player->characterId] / player->unk_094;
player->unk_034[0] *= temp_f0_2;
player->unk_034[1] *= temp_f0_2;
player->unk_034[2] *= temp_f0_2;
player->unk_094 = *temp_v0_2;
player->unk_094 = gKartTopSpeedTable[player->characterId];
@ -3675,7 +3639,7 @@ void func_80030FC8(Player *player) {
if (player->unk_214 <= player->unk_09C) {
player->unk_09C = player->unk_214;
if (((player->unk_0BC & 8) == 0) || ((player->unk_0BC * 2) < 0)) {
if (!((player->unk_0BC & 8)) || ((player->unk_0BC & 0x40000000))) {
player->unk_08C = (player->unk_09C * player->unk_09C) / 25.0f;
player->unk_044 |= 0x20;
@ -4160,212 +4124,149 @@ void func_80033A40(Player *player, s32 *arg1, s32 *arg2, s32 arg3, s32 arg4, s32
#ifdef MIPS_TO_C
//generated by m2c commit eefca95b040d7ee0c617bc58f9ac6cd1cf7bce87 on Aug-16-2023
static ? D_800E3DF8; /* unable to generate initializer */
void func_80033AE0(Player *player, struct Controller *controller, s8 arg2) {
s32 sp2E4;
s32 sp2E0;
s32 temp_v0_3;
s32 pad[2];
s16 pad2;
s16 var_s1_2;
s32 sp2D0;
s32 sp2CC;
s32 sp2C8;
f32 sp2C4;
f32 sp2C0;
f32 sp2BC;
? sp44;
s32 sp40;
s32 sp3C;
s32 sp38;
f32 temp_f0;
f32 temp_f0_2;
f32 temp_f0_3;
f32 temp_f0_4;
f32 var_f0;
f32 var_f0_2;
f32 var_f0_3;
f32 var_f12;
f32 var_f2;
f32 var_f2_2;
f32 var_f2_3;
s16 temp_v0_3;
s16 temp_v1_3;
s16 temp_v1_6;
s16 var_s1_2;
s16 var_s1_3;
s16 var_t1;
s32 *temp_v0;
s32 *temp_v0_2;
s32 temp_f6;
s32 temp_f8;
s32 temp_lo;
s32 temp_lo_10;
s32 temp_lo_11;
s32 temp_lo_12;
s32 temp_lo_13;
s32 temp_lo_14;
s32 temp_lo_15;
s32 temp_lo_16;
s32 temp_lo_17;
s32 temp_lo_2;
s32 temp_lo_3;
s32 temp_lo_4;
s32 temp_lo_5;
s32 temp_lo_6;
s32 temp_lo_7;
s32 temp_lo_8;
s32 temp_lo_9;
s32 temp_t2;
s32 temp_t3;
s32 temp_t3_2;
s32 temp_t4;
s32 temp_t5;
s32 temp_t5_2;
s32 temp_t7;
s32 temp_t9;
s32 temp_v0_10;
s32 temp_v0_7;
s32 temp_v1;
s32 temp_v1_2;
s32 temp_v1_4;
s32 temp_v1_5;
s32 temp_v1_7;
s32 temp_v1_8;
f32 var_f12 = 0.0f;
f32 var_f2 = 0;
s32 pad4;
s32 var_a0;
s32 var_s1;
s32 var_t0;
s32 var_t4;
s32 var_v1;
u16 temp_v0_6;
u16 temp_v1_9;
u8 temp_v0_4;
u8 temp_v0_5;
u8 temp_v0_8;
u8 temp_v0_9;
sp2C0 = 0.0f;
M2C_MEMCPY_ALIGNED(&sp44, &D_800E3DF8, 0x270);
temp_v1 = player->unk_0BC;
if ((((temp_v1 & 2) != 2) && (((temp_lo = (s16) player->unk_0C0 / 182, ((temp_lo < 7) != 0)) && (temp_lo >= -6)) || ((controller->button & 0x10) != 0x10))) || (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) <= 20.0f) || ((temp_v1 & 0x8000) == 0x8000)) {
sp2BC = 0.0f;
f32 sp44[156] = {0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8};
if (((((player->unk_0BC & 2) != 2) && ((((player->unk_0C0 / 182) <= 6) && ((player->unk_0C0 / 182) >= (-6))) || ((controller->button & 0x0010) != 0x0010))) || (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) <= 20.0f)) || ((player->unk_0BC & 0x8000) == 0x8000))
temp_lo_2 = (s16) player->unk_0C0 / 182;
if (temp_lo_2 < -5) {
if ((player->unk_0C0 / 182) < (-5)) {
player->unk_044 |= 4;
player->unk_044 &= 0xFFFD;
temp_v0 = &D_801652C0[arg2];
var_s1 = arg2 * 4;
*temp_v0 += 1;
} else if (temp_lo_2 >= 6) {
if ((player->unk_0C0 / 182) >= 6)
player->unk_044 |= 2;
player->unk_044 &= 0xFFFB;
temp_v0_2 = &D_801652C0[arg2];
var_s1 = arg2 * 4;
*temp_v0_2 += 1;
} else {
player->unk_044 &= 0xFFF9;
D_801652C0[arg2] = 0;
var_s1 = arg2 * 4;
temp_v1_2 = player->unk_0BC;
if (((temp_v1_2 & 2) == 2) || ((temp_v1_2 & 0x10) == 0x10)) {
if (((player->unk_0BC & 2) == 2) || ((player->unk_0BC & 0x10) == 0x10))
player->unk_044 &= 0xFFF9;
sp2BC = 0.0f;
sp2E4 = player->unk_07C;
temp_v0_3 = func_80038534(controller);
temp_v1_3 = player->unk_044;
var_f2 = 0.0f;
var_t1 = temp_v0_3;
if (((temp_v1_3 & 1) == 1) || ((temp_v1_3 & 8) == 8)) {
var_t1 = -temp_v0_3;
if (((player->unk_044 & 1) == 1) || ((player->unk_044 & 8) == 8))
temp_v0_3 = -temp_v0_3;
temp_t3 = (var_t1 << 0x10) & 0xFFFF0000;
player->unk_07C = temp_t3;
temp_t5 = sp2E4 - temp_t3;
sp2D0 = temp_t5;
temp_t9 = temp_t5 >> 0x10;
sp2D0 = temp_t9;
player->unk_0FA = (s16) temp_t9;
if (((sp2D0 >= 0x5A) || (sp2D0 < -0x59)) && !(player->unk_044 & 0x4000)) {
temp_v1_4 = player->unk_0BC;
if (!(temp_v1_4 & 0x10) && (gCCSelection == 2) && (gModeSelection != 3) && !(temp_v1_4 & 8) && (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) >= 40.0f) && (player->unk_204 == 0)) {
player->statusEffects |= 0x80;
player->unk_07C = (temp_v0_3 << 16) & 0xFFFF0000;
sp2D0 = sp2E4 - player->unk_07C;
sp2D0 = sp2D0 >> 16;
player->unk_0FA = (s16) sp2D0;
if (((sp2D0 >= 0x5A) || (sp2D0 < (-0x59))) && (!(player->unk_044 & 0x4000)))
if ((((((!(player->unk_0BC & 0x10)) && (gCCSelection == 2)) && (gModeSelection != 3)) && (!(player->unk_0BC & 8))) && (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) >= 40.0f)) && (player->unk_204 == 0))
player->statusEffects |= 0x80;
temp_v0_4 = player->boundingBoxCorners[3].surfaceType;
temp_v1_5 = player->unk_0BC;
if ((s32) temp_v0_4 < 0xF) {
var_f2 = 0.0f + D_800E3610[player->characterId][temp_v0_4];
if (((s32) player->boundingBoxCorners[3].surfaceType) < 0xF)
var_f2 += D_800E3610[player->characterId][player->boundingBoxCorners[3].surfaceType];
temp_v0_5 = player->boundingBoxCorners[2].surfaceType;
if ((s32) temp_v0_5 < 0xF) {
var_f2 += D_800E3610[player->characterId][temp_v0_5];
if (((s32) player->boundingBoxCorners[2].surfaceType) < 0xF)
var_f2 += D_800E3610[player->characterId][player->boundingBoxCorners[2].surfaceType];
if ((temp_v1_5 & 0x20) == 0x20) {
var_v1 = 0x0000000A;
var_t0 = 0x0000000A;
} else {
if ((player->unk_0BC & 0x20) == 0x20)
sp2C8 = 10;
sp2CC = 10;
if (((player->unk_0BC & 0x10) == 0x10) && ((player->unk_0BC & 2) != 2))
var_a0 = 3;
var_a0 = 0;
var_t0 = 8;
if (((temp_v1_5 & 0x10) == 0x10) && ((temp_v1_5 & 2) != 2)) {
var_a0 = 3;
var_v1 = 8;
if (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) >= 15.0f) {
temp_v1_6 = player->unk_044;
if ((temp_v1_6 & 2) == 2) {
if ((sp2D0 < 0x24) && (sp2D0 >= 0)) {
temp_f8 = (s32) ((gKartTable800E3650[player->characterId] + 1.0f) * ((f32) (var_a0 + 0xF) * (1.0f + var_f2)));
sp2C8 = temp_f8;
sp2CC = temp_f8;
} else {
temp_f0 = 1.0f + var_f2;
sp2C8 = (s32) ((f32) (var_a0 + 5) * temp_f0);
sp2CC = (s32) ((f32) (var_a0 + 9) * temp_f0);
} else if ((temp_v1_6 & 4) == 4) {
if ((sp2D0 >= -0x23) && (sp2D0 <= 0)) {
temp_f6 = (s32) ((gKartTable800E3650[player->characterId] + 1.0f) * ((f32) (var_a0 + 0xF) * (1.0f + var_f2)));
sp2C8 = temp_f6;
sp2CC = temp_f6;
} else {
temp_f0_2 = 1.0f + var_f2;
sp2C8 = (s32) ((f32) (var_a0 + 5) * temp_f0_2);
sp2CC = (s32) ((f32) (var_a0 + 9) * temp_f0_2);
} else {
temp_f0_3 = 1.0f + var_f2;
sp2C8 = (s32) ((f32) (var_a0 + 3) * temp_f0_3);
sp2CC = (s32) ((f32) (var_a0 + 6) * temp_f0_3);
if (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) >= 15.0f)
if ((player->unk_044 & 2) == 2)
if ((sp2D0 < 36) && (sp2D0 >= 0))
sp2C8 = (gKartTable800E3650[player->characterId] + 1.0f) * (((f32) (var_a0 + 0xF)) * (1.0f + var_f2));
sp2CC = (gKartTable800E3650[player->characterId] + 1.0f) * (((f32) (var_a0 + 0xF)) * (1.0f + var_f2));
var_t0 = sp2CC;
var_v1 = sp2C8;
} else {
sp2C8 = 8;
sp2CC = 8;
sp2C8 = (s32) (((f32) (var_a0 + 5)) * (1.0f + var_f2));
sp2CC = (s32) (((f32) (var_a0 + 9)) * (1.0f + var_f2));
if ((player->unk_044 & 4) == 4)
if ((sp2D0 >= (-0x23)) && (sp2D0 <= 0))
sp2C8 = (gKartTable800E3650[player->characterId] + 1.0f) * (((f32) (var_a0 + 0xF)) * (1.0f + var_f2));
sp2CC = (gKartTable800E3650[player->characterId] + 1.0f) * (((f32) (var_a0 + 0xF)) * (1.0f + var_f2));
sp2C8 = (s32) (((f32) (var_a0 + 5)) * (1.0f + var_f2));
sp2CC = (s32) (((f32) (var_a0 + 9)) * (1.0f + var_f2));
sp2C8 = (s32) (((f32) (var_a0 + 3)) * (1.0f + var_f2));
sp2CC = (s32) (((f32) (var_a0 + 6)) * (1.0f + var_f2));
sp2C8 = 8;
sp2CC = 8;
temp_v0_6 = player->unk_0DE;
if ((temp_v0_6 & 1) == 1) {
var_v1 = (s32) ((f64) var_v1 * 1.5);
var_t0 = (s32) ((f64) var_t0 * 1.5);
} else {
if ((temp_v0_6 & 2) == 2) {
var_v1 = (s32) ((f64) var_v1 * 1.2);
var_t0 = (s32) ((f64) var_t0 * 1.2);
if ((player->unk_0DE & 1) == 1)
sp2C8 *= 1.5;
sp2CC *= 1.5;
if ((player->unk_0DE & 2) == 2)
sp2C8 *= 1.2;
sp2CC *= 1.2;
temp_f0_4 = *(D_801652A0 + var_s1);
if (((f64) (temp_f0_4 - player->boundingBoxCorners[2].cornerGroundY) >= 3.5) || ((f64) (temp_f0_4 - player->boundingBoxCorners[3].cornerGroundY) >= 3.5)) {
var_v1 = (s32) ((f64) var_v1 * 1.05);
var_t0 = (s32) ((f64) var_t0 * 1.05);
if ((((f64) (D_801652A0[arg2] - player->boundingBoxCorners[2].cornerGroundY)) >= 3.5) || (((f64) (D_801652A0[arg2] - player->boundingBoxCorners[3].cornerGroundY)) >= 3.5))
sp2C8 *= 1.05;
sp2CC *= 1.05;
sp2E0 = (s32) var_t1;
sp2CC = var_t0;
sp2C8 = var_v1;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000005A, 0x78000 / var_v1, 0x000001C2);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000005A, 0x78000 / sp2C8, 0x000001C2);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000059, 0x76000 / sp2C8, 0x000001B8);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000058, 0x74000 / sp2C8, 0x000001AE);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000057, 0x72000 / sp2C8, 0x000001A4);
@ -4376,78 +4277,54 @@ void func_80033AE0(Player *player, struct Controller *controller, s8 arg2) {
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000052, 0x4F000 / sp2C8, 0x00000186);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000051, 0x4E000 / sp2C8, 0x0000017C);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000050, 0x4D000 / sp2C8, 0x00000172);
temp_lo_3 = 0x4C000 / sp2C8;
sp40 = temp_lo_3;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000004F, temp_lo_3, 0x00000168);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000004E, sp40, 0x00000168);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000004F, 0x4C000 / sp2C8, 0x00000168);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000004E, 0x4C000 / sp2C8, 0x00000168);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000004D, 0x4B000 / sp2C8, 0x0000015E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000004C, 0x4A000 / sp2C8, 0x00000154);
temp_lo_4 = 0x49000 / sp2C8;
sp40 = temp_lo_4;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000004B, temp_lo_4, 0x0000014A);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000004A, sp40, 0x0000014A);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000049, sp40, 0x0000014A);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000004B, 0x49000 / sp2C8, 0x0000014A);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000004A, 0x49000 / sp2C8, 0x0000014A);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000049, 0x49000 / sp2C8, 0x0000014A);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000048, 0x48000 / sp2C8, 0x00000140);
temp_lo_5 = 0x47000 / sp2C8;
sp40 = temp_lo_5;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000047, temp_lo_5, 0x0000013B);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000046, sp40, 0x0000013B);
temp_lo_6 = 0x46000 / sp2C8;
sp40 = temp_lo_6;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000045, temp_lo_6, 0x00000131);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000044, sp40, 0x00000131);
temp_lo_7 = 0x45000 / sp2C8;
sp3C = temp_lo_7;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000043, temp_lo_7, 0x00000118);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000042, sp40, 0x0000010E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000041, sp3C, 0x0000010E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000047, 0x47000 / sp2C8, 0x0000013B);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000046, 0x47000 / sp2C8, 0x0000013B);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000045, 0x46000 / sp2C8, 0x00000131);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000044, 0x46000 / sp2C8, 0x00000131);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000043, 0x45000 / sp2C8, 0x00000118);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000042, 0x46000 / sp2C8, 0x0000010E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000041, 0x45000 / sp2C8, 0x0000010E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000040, 0x44000 / sp2C8, 0x00000104);
temp_lo_8 = 0x43000 / sp2C8;
sp40 = temp_lo_8;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000003F, temp_lo_8, 0x000000FA);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000003E, sp40, 0x000000FA);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000003D, sp40, 0x000000FA);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000003F, 0x43000 / sp2C8, 0x000000FA);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000003E, 0x43000 / sp2C8, 0x000000FA);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000003D, 0x43000 / sp2C8, 0x000000FA);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000003C, 0x3D000 / sp2C8, 0x000000F5);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000003B, 0x3C000 / sp2C8, 0x000000F5);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000003A, 0x3B000 / sp2C8, 0x000000F5);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000039, 0x3A000 / sp2C8, 0x000000F5);
temp_lo_9 = 0x38000 / sp2C8;
sp40 = temp_lo_9;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000038, temp_lo_9, 0x000000F5);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000037, sp40, 0x000000E6);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000036, sp40, 0x000000E6);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000035, sp40, 0x000000E6);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000034, sp40, 0x000000E6);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000033, sp40, 0x000000E6);
temp_lo_10 = 0x32000 / sp2C8;
sp40 = temp_lo_10;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000032, temp_lo_10, 0x000000DC);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000031, sp40, 0x000000DC);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000030, sp40, 0x000000DC);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000002F, sp40, 0x000000DC);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000002E, sp40, 0x000000DC);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000038, 0x38000 / sp2C8, 0x000000F5);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000037, 0x38000 / sp2C8, 0x000000E6);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000036, 0x38000 / sp2C8, 0x000000E6);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000035, 0x38000 / sp2C8, 0x000000E6);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000034, 0x38000 / sp2C8, 0x000000E6);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000033, 0x38000 / sp2C8, 0x000000E6);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000032, 0x32000 / sp2C8, 0x000000DC);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000031, 0x32000 / sp2C8, 0x000000DC);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000030, 0x32000 / sp2C8, 0x000000DC);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000002F, 0x32000 / sp2C8, 0x000000DC);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000002E, 0x32000 / sp2C8, 0x000000DC);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000002D, 0x30000 / sp2C8, 0x0000006E);
temp_lo_11 = 0x2E000 / sp2C8;
sp40 = temp_lo_11;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000002C, temp_lo_11, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000002B, sp40, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000002A, sp40, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000029, sp40, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000028, sp40, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000002C, 0x2E000 / sp2C8, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000002B, 0x2E000 / sp2C8, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000002A, 0x2E000 / sp2C8, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000029, 0x2E000 / sp2C8, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000028, 0x2E000 / sp2C8, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000027, 0x2C000 / sp2C8, 0x0000006E);
temp_lo_12 = 0x28000 / sp2C8;
sp40 = temp_lo_12;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000026, temp_lo_12, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000025, sp40, 0x0000006E);
temp_lo_13 = 0x24000 / sp2C8;
sp40 = temp_lo_13;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000024, temp_lo_13, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000023, sp40, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000026, 0x28000 / sp2C8, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000025, 0x28000 / sp2C8, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000024, 0x24000 / sp2C8, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000023, 0x24000 / sp2C8, 0x0000006E);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000022, 0x22000 / sp2C8, 0x0000006E);
temp_lo_14 = 0x20000 / sp2C8;
sp40 = temp_lo_14;
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000020, temp_lo_14, 0x00000064);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000001F, sp40, 0x00000064);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000020, 0x20000 / sp2C8, 0x00000064);
func_80033884(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000001F, 0x20000 / sp2C8, 0x00000064);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000001E, 0x1F000 / sp2CC, 0.9f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000001D, 0x1E000 / sp2CC, 0.9f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000001C, 0x1D000 / sp2CC, 0.9f);
@ -4465,18 +4342,12 @@ void func_80033AE0(Player *player, struct Controller *controller, s8 arg2) {
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x00000010, 0x11000 / sp2CC, 1.05f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000000F, 0x10000 / sp2CC, 1.2f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000000E, 0xF000 / sp2CC, 1.2f);
temp_lo_15 = 0xE000 / sp2CC;
sp40 = temp_lo_15;
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000000D, temp_lo_15, 1.2f);
temp_lo_16 = 0xD000 / sp2CC;
sp3C = temp_lo_16;
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000000C, temp_lo_16, 1.2f);
temp_lo_17 = 0xC000 / sp2CC;
sp38 = temp_lo_17;
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000000B, temp_lo_17, 1.2f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000000A, sp40, 1.6f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 9, sp3C, 1.6f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 8, sp38, 1.6f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000000D, 0xE000 / sp2CC, 1.2f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000000C, 0xD000 / sp2CC, 1.2f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000000B, 0xC000 / sp2CC, 1.2f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0x0000000A, 0xE000 / sp2CC, 1.6f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 9, 0xD000 / sp2CC, 1.6f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 8, 0xC000 / sp2CC, 1.6f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 7, 0xB000 / sp2CC, 1.6f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 6, 0xA000 / sp2CC, 1.6f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 5, 0x9000 / sp2CC, 1.9f);
@ -4485,139 +4356,146 @@ void func_80033AE0(Player *player, struct Controller *controller, s8 arg2) {
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 2, 0x6000 / sp2CC, 1.9f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 1, 0x5000 / sp2CC, 1.9f);
func_80033A40(player, &sp2D0, &sp2E4, player->unk_07C, 0, 0 / sp2CC, 1.9f);
temp_v1_7 = player->unk_0BC;
temp_v0_7 = temp_v1_7 & 0x10;
if (temp_v0_7 == 0x10) {
var_f2_2 = (f32) ((s32) (sp2E4 >> 0x10) / 8);
var_f0 = (player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f;
} else {
var_f0 = (player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f;
if (var_f0 <= 25.0f) {
var_f2_2 = (f32) ((s32) (sp2E4 >> 0x10) / 12);
} else {
var_f2_2 = (f32) (sp2E4 >> 0x10) / (8.0f + (player->unk_09C / 50.0f));
if ((player->unk_0BC & 0x10) == 0x10)
var_f2_2 = (f32) (((s32) (sp2E4 >> 16)) / 8);
if (var_f2_2 < 0.0f) {
if (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) <= 25.0f)
var_f2_2 = (f32) ((sp2E4 >> 16) / 12);
var_f2_2 = ((f32) (sp2E4 >> 0x10)) / (8.0f + (player->unk_09C / 50.0f));
if (var_f2_2 < 0.0f)
var_f2_2 = -var_f2_2;
if ((temp_v1_7 & 0x20) == 0x20) {
var_f2_3 = (sp + ((s16) (s32) var_f0 * 4))->unk6C * 1.5f * var_f2_2;
} else if (temp_v0_7 == 0x10) {
var_f2_3 = (sp + ((s16) (s32) var_f0 * 4))->unk44 * var_f2_2;
} else {
var_f2_3 = (sp + ((s16) (s32) var_f0 * 4))->unk44 * 1.5f * var_f2_2;
if ((player->unk_0BC & 0x20) == 0x20)
var_f2_2 = var_f2_2 * (sp44[((s16) ((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f)) + 10] * 1.5f);
if ((player->unk_0BC & 0x10) == 0x10)
var_f2_2 = var_f2_2 * sp44[(s16) ((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f)];
var_f2_2 = var_f2_2 * (sp44[(s16) ((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f)] * 1.5f);
player->unk_07C = sp2E4;
if (player->unk_10C != 0) {
sp2C4 = var_f2_3;
if (player->unk_10C != 0)
temp_v0_8 = player->boundingBoxCorners[3].surfaceType;
player->unk_0BC &= 0xDFFFFFFF;
if ((s32) temp_v0_8 >= 0xF) {
var_f12 = sp2C0;
} else {
var_f12 = 0.0f + D_800E3410[player->characterId][temp_v0_8];
if (((s32) player->boundingBoxCorners[3].surfaceType) > 0xE)
var_f12 = var_f12;
temp_v0_9 = player->boundingBoxCorners[2].surfaceType;
if ((s32) temp_v0_9 < 0xF) {
var_f12 += D_800E3410[player->characterId][temp_v0_9];
var_f12 += D_800E3410[player->characterId][player->boundingBoxCorners[3].surfaceType];
temp_v1_8 = player->unk_0BC;
temp_v0_10 = temp_v1_8 & 2;
if ((temp_v0_10 != 2) && ((temp_v1_8 & 0x10) != 0x10)) {
if ((temp_v1_8 & 0x20) == 0x20) {
player->unk_078 = (s16) (s32) ((f32) (((s32) player->unk_07C >> 0x10) * 5) * var_f2_3);
} else {
if ((temp_v1_8 & 1) != 1) {
temp_v1_9 = player->characterId;
temp_t3_2 = (s32) player->unk_07C >> 0x10;
if ((temp_t3_2 >= 0x2D) || (temp_t3_2 < -0x2C)) {
player->unk_078 = (s16) (s32) (((f64) gKartHandlingTable[temp_v1_9] + 0.15) * (f64) ((f32) temp_t3_2 * (var_f2_3 + (var_f2_3 * var_f12))));
} else {
player->unk_078 = (s16) (s32) (gKartHandlingTable[temp_v1_9] * ((f32) temp_t3_2 * (var_f2_3 + (var_f2_3 * var_f12))));
} else {
var_f0_2 = (player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f;
if ((var_f0_2 >= 0.0f) && (var_f0_2 < 8.0f)) {
player->unk_078 = (s16) (s32) ((f32) ((s32) player->unk_07C >> 0x10) * (var_f2_3 + (var_f2_3 * var_f12)));
var_f0_2 = (player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f;
if ((var_f0_2 >= 8.0f) && (var_f0_2 < 65.0f)) {
player->unk_078 = (s16) (s32) ((f64) ((s32) player->unk_07C >> 0x10) * ((f64) var_f2_3 + 1.5 + (f64) (var_f2_3 * var_f12)));
var_f0_2 = (player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f;
if (var_f0_2 >= 65.0f) {
player->unk_078 = (s16) (s32) ((f64) ((s32) player->unk_07C >> 0x10) * ((f64) var_f2_3 + 1.6 + (f64) (var_f2_3 * var_f12)));
if (((s32) player->boundingBoxCorners[2].surfaceType) < 0xF)
var_f12 += D_800E3410[player->characterId][player->boundingBoxCorners[2].surfaceType];
if (((player->unk_0BC & 2) != 2) && ((player->unk_0BC & 0x10) != 0x10))
if ((player->unk_0BC & 0x20) == 0x20)
player->unk_078 = (s16) ((s32) (((f32) ((((s32) player->unk_07C) >> 0x10) * 5)) * var_f2_2));
if ((player->unk_0BC & 0x1) != 0x1)
if (((player->unk_07C >> 16) >= 45) || ((player->unk_07C >> 16) <= (-45)))
player->unk_078 = ((player->unk_07C >> 16) * (var_f2_2 + (var_f2_2 * var_f12))) * (0.15 + gKartHandlingTable[player->characterId]);
player->unk_228 = 0;
if (player->unk_22A < 2) {
player->unk_22A = 0;
player->unk_078 = ((player->unk_07C >> 16) * (var_f2_2 + (var_f2_2 * var_f12))) * gKartHandlingTable[player->characterId];
} else if (((temp_v1_8 & 8) != 8) && (temp_v0_10 != 2)) {
if (((s16) player->unk_0C0 / 182) > 0) {
temp_t5_2 = (s32) player->unk_07C >> 0x10;
var_s1_2 = ((s32) ((temp_t5_2 * 0xD) + 0x2B1) / 106) + 0x28;
if (temp_t5_2 < -0x27) {
temp_t2 = temp_v1_8 | 0x20000000;
player->unk_0BC = temp_t2;
if (temp_t5_2 < -0x31) {
player->unk_0BC = temp_t2 | 0x20000000;
if ((((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) >= 0.0f) && (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) < 8.0f))
player->unk_078 = (player->unk_07C >> 16) * (var_f2_2 + (var_f2_2 * var_f12));
if ((((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) >= 8.0f) && (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) < 65.0f))
player->unk_078 = (player->unk_07C >> 16) * ((var_f2_2 + 1.5) + (var_f2_2 * var_f12));
if (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) >= 65.0f)
player->unk_078 = (player->unk_07C >> 16) * ((var_f2_2 + 1.6) + (var_f2_2 * var_f12));
player->unk_228 = 0;
if (player->unk_22A < 2) {
player->unk_22A = 0;
if (((player->unk_0BC & 8) != 8) && ((player->unk_0BC & 2) != 2)) {
if ((((s16) player->unk_0C0) / 182) > 0)
var_s1_2 = (((s32) (((player->unk_07C >> 0x10) * 0xD) + 0x2B1)) / 106) + 0x28;
if ((player->unk_07C >> 0x10) < (-0x27)) {
player->unk_0BC = player->unk_0BC | 0x20000000;
if ((player->unk_07C >> 0x10) < (-0x31)) {
player->unk_0BC |= 0x20000000;
sp2C4 = var_f2_3;
sp2C0 = var_f12;
func_8002A8A4(player, arg2);
} else {
temp_t7 = (s32) player->unk_07C >> 0x10;
var_s1_2 = ((s32) ((temp_t7 * 0xD) + 0x2B1) / 106) - 0x35;
if (temp_t7 >= 0x28) {
temp_t4 = temp_v1_8 | 0x20000000;
player->unk_0BC = temp_t4;
if (temp_t7 < -0x31) {
player->unk_0BC = temp_t4 | 0x20000000;
sp2C4 = var_f2_3;
sp2C0 = var_f12;
func_8002A8A4(player, arg2);
var_f0_3 = (player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f;
if ((var_f0_3 >= 0.0f) && (var_f0_3 < 8.0f)) {
player->unk_078 = (s16) (s32) ((f32) var_s1_2 * (sp2C4 + 2.0f + (sp2C4 * sp2C0)));
var_f0_3 = (player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f;
else {
var_s1_2 = (((s32) (((player->unk_07C >> 0x10) * 0xD) + 0x2B1)) / 106) - 0x35;
if ((player->unk_07C >> 0x10) >= 0x28) {
player->unk_0BC = player->unk_0BC | 0x20000000;
if ((player->unk_07C >> 0x10) < (-0x31)) {
player->unk_0BC |= 0x20000000;
func_8002A8A4(player, arg2);
if ((var_f0_3 >= 8.0f) && (var_f0_3 < 65.0f)) {
player->unk_078 = (s16) (s32) ((f32) var_s1_2 * (sp2C4 + 3.0f + (sp2C4 * sp2C0)));
var_f0_3 = (player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f;
if ((((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) >= 0.0f) && (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) < 8.0f)) {
player->unk_078 = (s16) ((s32) (var_s1_2 * ((var_f2_2 + 2.0f) + (var_f2_2 * var_f12))));
if (var_f0_3 >= 65.0f) {
player->unk_078 = (s16) (s32) ((f64) var_s1_2 * ((f64) sp2C4 + 3.5 + (f64) (sp2C4 * sp2C0)));
if ((((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) >= 8.0f) && (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) < 65.0f)) {
player->unk_078 = var_s1_2 * ((var_f2_2 + 3) + (var_f2_2 * var_f12));
if (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) >= 65.0f) {
player->unk_078 = var_s1_2 * ((((f64) var_f2_2) + 3.5) + (var_f2_2 * var_f12));
if ((player->unk_0BC & 0x20000000) == 0x20000000) {
player->unk_078 = (s16) (s32) ((f64) player->unk_078 * 0.9);
} else {
var_t4 = (s32) ((f64) player->unk_078 * 0.65);
goto block_123;
player->unk_078 *= 0.9;
else {
player->unk_078 *= 0.65;
} else {
var_s1_3 = (s16) ((s32) player->unk_07C >> 0x10);
if (sp2E0 == 0) {
var_s1_3 = 0;
var_s1_2 = (s16) (((s32) player->unk_07C) >> 16);
if (temp_v0_3 == 0) {
var_s1_2 = 0;
if (((player->unk_094 / 18.0f) * 216.0f) <= 5.0f) {
player->unk_078 = (s16) (s32) ((f32) var_s1_3 * (var_f2_3 + 6.0f));
} else {
var_t4 = (s32) ((f32) var_s1_3 * (var_f2_3 + 1.5f));
player->unk_078 = (s16) var_t4;
player->unk_078 = (s16) ((s32) (((f32) var_s1_2) * (var_f2_2 + 6.0f)));
else {
player->unk_078 = ((s16) var_s1_2) * (var_f2_2 + 1.5f);
if (gModeSelection == 3) {
player->unk_078 = (s16) (s32) ((f64) player->unk_078 * 1.7);
player->unk_078 *= 1.7;
@ -5409,7 +5287,7 @@ void func_80038C6C(Player *player, Camera *camera, s8 arg2, s8 arg3) {
player->unk_074 = func_802ABE30(spEC, spE8, spE4, player->unk_110.unk3A);
func_80029B4C(player, &spEC, &spE8, &spE4);
func_80029B4C(player, spEC, spE8, spE4);
func_8002AE38(player, arg3, spE0, spD8, spEC, spE4);
player->unk_22C = player->unk_094;
player->unk_094 = sqrtf((sp90 * sp90) + (sp88 * sp88));