# mkdd Decompilation of Mario Kart Double Dash!! ## Building ### Requirements - DevkitPPC r38 or r41, other versions are not tested > **Note** > on windows the environment variables get set incorrectly for devkitpro, > change it to the path where you stored devkitPro - Ninja(Optional: add ninja to your environment variables) - Python 3.8+ ### Instructions - clone the repo using `git clone https://github.com/SwareJonge/mkdd --recursive` - Dump a copy of the Debug or PAL version and extract `main.dol` - for Debug place `main.dol` in `orig/MarioClub_us/` - for PAL place `main.dol` in `orig/Release_eu/` - Place the compilers of GC MW 2.6 in `tools/2.6` - Place the compilers of GC MW 1.3.2 in `tools/1.3.2` - Place the compilers of GC MW 1.2.5 in `tools/1.2.5` - (First time only) Install the modules from requirements.txt (`pip install -r requirementstxt`) - To target Debug, run `python configure.py -r us` - To target PAL, run `python configure.py -r eu` - If `dol_slices.yml` changed, rerun the configure script - Run `ninja` ## Credits - [Seeky](https://github.com/SeekyCt) for ppcdis, without it this project wouldn't have been where it is now ### Matching Used code from the following repositories(JSystem) * [Pikmin 2 Decomp](https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2) * [Super Mario Sunshine Decomp](https://github.com/doldecomp/sms) * [Syati](https://github.com/PMArkive/Syati-pretransfer) * [Twilight Princess Decomp](https://github.com/zeldaret/tp) And many thanks to the people who helped me match some game functions(sorry if i forgot someone) * [Chippy](https://github.com/1superchip) * [kiwi](https://github.com/kiwi515) * [Seeky](https://github.com/SeekyCt)