mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 21:09:52 +00:00
Fix bug in progress.py (#518)
* Fix autogenarted names regex * Use sizes from map file instead of reading the asm directly * Speed up * Fix gameplay_object_exchange_static being in the wrong category * Fix regex again
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ NOT_ATTEMPTED_PATTERN = r'#pragma\s+GLOBAL_ASM\s*\(\s*"(.*?)"\s*\)'
# This is the format ZAPD uses to autogenerate variable names
# It should not be used for properly documented variables
AUTOGENERATED_ASSET_NAME = re.compile(r".+[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$")
AUTOGENERATED_ASSET_NAME = re.compile(r".+0[0-9A-Fa-f]{5}")
ASM_JMP_LABEL = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>L[0-9A-F]{8})$")
# TODO: consider making this a parameter of this script
GAME_VERSION = "mm.us.rev1"
@ -53,28 +55,12 @@ def GetCsvFilelist(version, filelist):
with open(path, newline='') as f:
return list(csv.reader(f, delimiter=','))
def GetRemovableSize(functions_to_count):
def GetRemovableSize(functionSizes, functions_to_count):
size = 0
for asm_file_path in functions_to_count:
if "//" in asm_file_path:
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid file path: {asm_file_path}")
file_size = 0
asm_lines = ReadAllLines(asm_file_path)
shouldCount = True
for asm_line in asm_lines:
if asm_line[0] == ".":
if asm_line.startswith(".text") or asm_line.startswith(".section .text"):
shouldCount = True
elif ".rdata" in asm_line or ".late_rodata" in asm_line:
shouldCount = False
if shouldCount:
if (asm_line[0:2] == "/*" and asm_line[28:30] == "*/"):
file_size += 4
size += file_size
for func in functions_to_count:
if func in functionSizes:
size += functionSizes[func]
return size
@ -82,11 +68,6 @@ def CalculateMapSizes(mapFileList):
for mapFile in mapFileList:
accumulatedSize = 0
if mapFile["section"] != ".data":
if not mapFile["name"].startswith("build/assets/"):
symbolCount = len(mapFile["symbols"])
if symbolCount == 0:
@ -107,6 +88,19 @@ def CalculateMapSizes(mapFileList):
mapFile["symbols"][-1]["size"] = size
return mapFileList
def GetFunctionSizes(mapFileList):
functionSizes = dict()
for mapFile in mapFileList:
if mapFile["section"] != ".text":
for symbol in mapFile["symbols"]:
symbolName = symbol["name"]
functionSizes[symbolName] = symbol["size"]
return functionSizes
def CalculateNonNamedAssets(mapFileList, assetsTracker):
for mapFile in mapFileList:
if mapFile["section"] != ".data":
@ -171,16 +165,31 @@ for assetCat in assetsCategories:
# Initialize all the code values
src = 0
src_code = 0
src_boot = 0
src_ovl = 0
src_libultra = 0
asm = 0
asm_code = 0
asm_boot = 0
asm_ovl = 0
asm_libultra = 0
srcCategories = [
srcCategoriesFixer = {
"boot_O2": "boot",
"boot_O2_g3": "boot",
srcTracker = dict()
asmTracker = dict()
for srcCat in srcCategories:
srcTracker[srcCat] = dict()
srcTracker[srcCat]["currentSize"] = 0
srcTracker[srcCat]["totalSize"] = 0
srcTracker[srcCat]["percent"] = 0
asmTracker[srcCat] = dict()
asmTracker[srcCat]["currentSize"] = 0
asmTracker[srcCat]["totalSize"] = 0
asmTracker[srcCat]["percent"] = 0
mapFileList = []
@ -199,35 +208,20 @@ for line in map_file:
if (section == ".text"):
objFileName = objFileSplit[-1].split(".o")[0]
srcCat = obj_file.split("/")[2]
if srcCat in srcCategoriesFixer:
srcCat = srcCategoriesFixer[srcCat]
if objFileName in fileSectionFixer:
correctSection = fileSectionFixer[objFileName]
if correctSection == "code":
src_code += file_size
elif correctSection == "libultra":
src_libultra += file_size
elif correctSection == "boot":
src_boot += file_size
elif correctSection == "overlays":
src_ovl += file_size
elif (obj_file.startswith("build/src")):
if (obj_file.startswith("build/src/code")):
src_code += file_size
elif (obj_file.startswith("build/src/libultra")):
src_libultra += file_size
elif (obj_file.startswith("build/src/boot")):
src_boot += file_size
elif (obj_file.startswith("build/src/overlays")):
src_ovl += file_size
if correctSection in srcTracker:
srcTracker[correctSection]["totalSize"] += file_size
elif obj_file.startswith("build/src"):
if srcCat in srcTracker:
srcTracker[srcCat]["totalSize"] += file_size
elif (obj_file.startswith("build/asm")):
if (obj_file.startswith("build/asm/code")):
asm_code += file_size
elif (obj_file.startswith("build/asm/libultra")):
asm_libultra += file_size
elif (obj_file.startswith("build/asm/boot")):
asm_boot += file_size
elif (obj_file.startswith("build/asm/overlays")):
asm_ovl += file_size
if srcCat in asmTracker:
asmTracker[srcCat]["totalSize"] += file_size
if section == ".data":
if obj_file.startswith("build/assets/"):
@ -244,36 +238,41 @@ for line in map_file:
varName = varName.strip()
if varName == "0x0":
#print(varVram, varName)
if ASM_JMP_LABEL.search(varName) is not None:
# Filter out jump table's labels
symbolData = {"name": varName, "vram": varVram, "size": 0}
mapFileList = CalculateMapSizes(mapFileList)
functionSizes = GetFunctionSizes(mapFileList)
assetsTracker = CalculateNonNamedAssets(mapFileList, assetsTracker)
# Add libultra to boot.
src_boot += src_libultra
asm_boot += asm_libultra
srcTracker["boot"]["totalSize"] += srcTracker["libultra"]["totalSize"]
asmTracker["boot"]["totalSize"] += asmTracker["libultra"]["totalSize"]
del srcTracker["libultra"]
del asmTracker["libultra"]
# Calculate Non-Matching
non_matching_functions_ovl = list(filter(lambda x: "/overlays/" in x, non_matching_functions))
non_matching_functions_code = list(filter(lambda x: "/code/" in x, non_matching_functions))
non_matching_functions_boot = list(filter(lambda x: "/boot/" in x, non_matching_functions))
non_matching_functions_ovl = list(map(lambda x: x.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0], filter(lambda x: "/overlays/" in x, non_matching_functions)))
non_matching_functions_code = list(map(lambda x: x.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0], filter(lambda x: "/code/" in x, non_matching_functions)))
non_matching_functions_boot = list(map(lambda x: x.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0], filter(lambda x: "/boot/" in x, non_matching_functions)))
non_matching_asm_ovl = GetRemovableSize(non_matching_functions_ovl)
non_matching_asm_code = GetRemovableSize(non_matching_functions_code)
non_matching_asm_boot = GetRemovableSize(non_matching_functions_boot)
non_matching_asm_ovl = GetRemovableSize(functionSizes, non_matching_functions_ovl)
non_matching_asm_code = GetRemovableSize(functionSizes, non_matching_functions_code)
non_matching_asm_boot = GetRemovableSize(functionSizes, non_matching_functions_boot)
# Calculate Not Attempted
not_attempted_functions_ovl = list(filter(lambda x: "/overlays/" in x, not_attempted_functions))
not_attempted_functions_code = list(filter(lambda x: "/code/" in x, not_attempted_functions))
not_attempted_functions_boot = list(filter(lambda x: "/boot/" in x, not_attempted_functions))
not_attempted_functions_ovl = list(map(lambda x: x.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0], filter(lambda x: "/overlays/" in x, not_attempted_functions)))
not_attempted_functions_code = list(map(lambda x: x.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0], filter(lambda x: "/code/" in x, not_attempted_functions)))
not_attempted_functions_boot = list(map(lambda x: x.split("/")[-1].split(".")[0], filter(lambda x: "/boot/" in x, not_attempted_functions)))
not_attempted_asm_ovl = GetRemovableSize(not_attempted_functions_ovl)
not_attempted_asm_code = GetRemovableSize(not_attempted_functions_code)
not_attempted_asm_boot = GetRemovableSize(not_attempted_functions_boot)
not_attempted_asm_ovl = GetRemovableSize(functionSizes, not_attempted_functions_ovl)
not_attempted_asm_code = GetRemovableSize(functionSizes, not_attempted_functions_code)
not_attempted_asm_boot = GetRemovableSize(functionSizes, not_attempted_functions_boot)
# All the non matching asm is the sum of non-matching code
non_matching_asm = non_matching_asm_ovl + non_matching_asm_code + non_matching_asm_boot
@ -282,18 +281,19 @@ non_matching_asm = non_matching_asm_ovl + non_matching_asm_code + non_matching_a
not_attempted_asm = not_attempted_asm_ovl + not_attempted_asm_code + not_attempted_asm_boot
# Calculate total decompiled for each bucket by taking out the non-matching and not attempted in ovl/code/boot buckets.
code = src_code - (non_matching_asm_code + not_attempted_asm_code)
boot = src_boot - (non_matching_asm_boot + not_attempted_asm_boot)
ovl = src_ovl - (non_matching_asm_ovl + not_attempted_asm_ovl)
srcTracker["code"]["currentSize"] = srcTracker["code"]["totalSize"] - (non_matching_asm_code + not_attempted_asm_code)
srcTracker["boot"]["currentSize"] = srcTracker["boot"]["totalSize"] - (non_matching_asm_boot + not_attempted_asm_boot)
srcTracker["overlays"]["currentSize"] = srcTracker["overlays"]["totalSize"] - (non_matching_asm_ovl + not_attempted_asm_ovl)
# Total code bucket sizes
code_size = src_code # + asm_code
boot_size = src_boot # + asm_boot
ovl_size = src_ovl # + asm_ovl
handwritten = asm_code + asm_boot + asm_ovl
handwritten = 0
for srcCat in asmTracker:
handwritten += asmTracker[srcCat]["totalSize"]
# Calculate the total amount of decompilable code
total = code_size + boot_size + ovl_size
total = 0
for srcCat in asmTracker:
total += srcTracker[srcCat]["totalSize"]
# Calculate size of all assets
for assetCat in assetsTracker:
@ -305,11 +305,12 @@ if args.matching:
assetsTracker[assetCat]["currentSize"] -= assetsTracker[assetCat]["removableSize"]
# Calculate asm and src totals
src = src_code + src_boot + src_ovl
asm = asm_code + asm_boot + asm_ovl
# Take out the non-matchings and not attempted in grand totals
src -= non_matching_asm + not_attempted_asm
src = 0
for srcCat in srcTracker:
src += srcTracker[srcCat]["currentSize"]
asm = 0
for srcCat in asmTracker:
asm += asmTracker[srcCat]["totalSize"]
asm += non_matching_asm + not_attempted_asm
# Calculate assets totals
@ -319,9 +320,8 @@ assets_total = sum(x["totalSize"] for x in assetsTracker.values())
# Convert vaules to percentages
src_percent = 100 * src / total
asm_percent = 100 * asm / total
code_percent = 100 * code / code_size
boot_percent = 100 * boot / boot_size
ovl_percent = 100 * ovl / ovl_size
for srcCat in ["boot", "code", "overlays"]:
srcTracker[srcCat]["percent"] = 100 * srcTracker[srcCat]["currentSize"] / srcTracker[srcCat]["totalSize"]
assets_percent = 100 * assets / assets_total
@ -336,36 +336,6 @@ bytes_per_rupee = bytes_per_mask / max_rupees
masks = int(src / bytes_per_mask)
rupees = int((src % bytes_per_mask) / bytes_per_rupee)
# Debug print statements for the values
#print("Total: ", total)
#print("src: ", src)
#print("asm: ", asm)
#print("src_code: ", src_code)
#print("src_boot: ", src_boot)
#print("src_ovl: ", src_ovl)
#print("asm_code: ", asm_code)
#print("asm_boot: ", asm_boot)
#print("asm_ovl: ", asm_ovl)
#print("Nonmatching code: ", non_matching_asm_code)
#print("Nonmatching boot: ", non_matching_asm_boot)
#print("Nonmatching ovl: ", non_matching_asm_ovl)
#print("Not attempted code: ", not_attempted_asm_code)
#print("Not attempted boot: ", not_attempted_asm_boot)
#print("Not attempted ovl: ", not_attempted_asm_ovl)
#print("code_size: ", code_size)
#print("boot_size: ", boot_size)
#print("ovl_size: ", ovl_size)
#print("code: ", code)
#print("boot: ", boot)
#print("ovl: ", ovl)
if args.format == 'csv':
version = 2
git_object = git.Repo().head.object
@ -373,7 +343,11 @@ if args.format == 'csv':
git_hash = git_object.hexsha
csv_list = [
version, timestamp, git_hash, src, total,
boot, boot_size, code, code_size, ovl, ovl_size,
for srcCat in ["boot", "code", "overlays"]:
csv_list += [srcTracker[srcCat]["currentSize"], srcTracker[srcCat]["totalSize"]]
csv_list += [
asm, len(non_matching_functions),
csv_list += [
@ -396,9 +370,10 @@ elif args.format == 'text':
assetsAdjective = "debinarized" if not args.matching else "identified"
print("src: {:>9} / {:>8} total bytes {:<13} {:>9.4f}%".format(src, total, adjective, round(src_percent, 4)))
print(" boot: {:>9} / {:>8} bytes {:<13} {:>9.4f}%".format(boot, boot_size, adjective, round(boot_percent, 4)))
print(" code: {:>9} / {:>8} bytes {:<13} {:>9.4f}%".format(code, code_size, adjective, round(code_percent, 4)))
print(" overlays: {:>9} / {:>8} bytes {:<13} {:>9.4f}%".format(ovl, ovl_size, adjective, round(ovl_percent, 4)))
for srcCat in ["boot", "code", "overlays"]:
src = srcTracker[srcCat]
print(" {:<10} {:>9} / {:>8} bytes {:<13} {:>9.4f}%".format(f"{srcCat}:", src["currentSize"], src["totalSize"], adjective, round(src["percent"], 4)))
print("assets: {:>9} / {:>8} total bytes {:<13} {:>9.4f}%".format(assets, assets_total, assetsAdjective, round(assets_percent, 4)))
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