#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import os.path parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Display various information about a symbol or address." ) parser.add_argument( "name", type=str, default="", help="symbol name or VROM/VRAM address to lookup" ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--expected", dest="use_expected", action="store_true", help="use the map file in expected/build/ instead of build/" ) args = parser.parse_args() mymap = "build/mm.map" if args.use_expected: mymap = f"expected/{mymap}" if not os.path.isfile(mymap): print(f"{mymap} must exist.") exit(1) def search_address(target_addr): is_ram = target_addr & 0x80000000 ram_offset = None prev_ram = 0 prev_rom = 0 prev_sym = "" cur_file = "" prev_file = cur_file prev_line = "" with open(mymap) as f: for line in f: if "load address" in line: # Ignore .bss sections if we're looking for a ROM address if not is_ram and (".bss" in line or ".bss" in prev_line): ram_offset = None continue ram = int(line[16 : 16 + 18], 0) rom = int(line[59 : 59 + 18], 0) ram_offset = ram - rom continue prev_line = line if ( ram_offset is None or "=" in line or "*fill*" in line or " 0x" not in line ): continue ram = int(line[16 : 16 + 18], 0) rom = ram - ram_offset sym = line.split()[-1] if "0x" in sym and "/" not in sym: ram_offset = None continue if "/" in sym: cur_file = sym continue if rom == target_addr or (is_ram and ram == target_addr): return f"{sym} (VRAM 0x{ram:X}, VROM 0x{rom:X}, {cur_file})" if rom > target_addr or (is_ram and ram > target_addr): offset = target_addr - prev_ram if is_ram else target_addr - prev_rom return f"at 0x{offset:X} bytes inside {prev_sym} (VRAM 0x{prev_ram:X}, VROM 0x{prev_rom:X}, {prev_file})" prev_ram = ram prev_rom = rom prev_sym = sym prev_file = cur_file return "at end of rom?" def search_symbol(target_sym): ram_offset = None cur_file = "" prev_line = "" with open(mymap) as f: for line in f: if "load address" in line: ram = int(line[16 : 16 + 18], 0) rom = int(line[59 : 59 + 18], 0) ram_offset = ram - rom continue prev_line = line if ( ram_offset is None or "=" in line or "*fill*" in line or " 0x" not in line ): continue ram = int(line[16 : 16 + 18], 0) rom = ram - ram_offset sym = line.split()[-1] if "0x" in sym and "/" not in sym: ram_offset = None continue elif "/" in sym: cur_file = sym continue if sym == target_sym: return (rom, cur_file, ram) return None try: target_addr = int(args.name, 0) print(args.name, "is", search_address(target_addr)) except ValueError: sym_info = search_symbol(args.name) if sym_info is not None: sym_rom = sym_info[0] sym_file = sym_info[1] sym_ram = sym_info[2] print(f"Symbol {args.name} (VRAM: 0x{sym_ram:08X}, VROM: 0x{sym_rom:06X}, {sym_file})") else: print(f"Symbol {args.name} not found in map file {mymap}")