mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 02:17:15 +00:00

* Darkmeiro decompilation Bg_Gnd_Darkmeiro decompiled, matched, and documented. * give this a shot * fix conflict * one more try * could be useful * whoops * ZAP2 stuff * ZAP why * ZAP again * small fix to function parser * off by one error
168 lines
5.0 KiB
168 lines
5.0 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import argparse
AudioFunctions = {}
Verbose = False
Verbose2 = False
def set_verbose(v):
global Verbose
global Verbose2
Verbose = v
Verbose2 = v
return 1
def make_audio_dict(AudioFunctions, repo):
with open(repo + os.sep + 'include' + os.sep + 'functions.h','r') as funcfile:
funcdata = funcfile.readlines()
for i, line in enumerate(funcdata):
funcname, argnum = get_func_data(funcdata,i)
if(funcname != None):
AudioFunctions[funcname] = argnum
return 1
def get_func_data(funcdata,i):
j = i
while(funcdata[j - 1].count(';') == 0):
j -= 1
k = i + 1
while(funcdata[k - 1].count(';') == 0):
k += 1
prototype = "".join(funcdata[j:k])
argdata = prototype.replace('(',',').replace(')',',').split(',')
funcname = argdata[0].split(' ')[1]
for x in range(len(argdata)):
if(x == len(argdata) - 1):
print('sfxId not found in ', funcname)
return None,-1
return funcname, x - 1
def lookup_sfx(idnum, repo):
if(type(idnum) is int):
id = '0x' + format(idnum,'X')
id = '0x' + format(int(idnum),'X')
id = idnum
idfix,sfxFlag = fix_sfx_flag(id)
with open(repo + os.sep + 'include' + os.sep + 'sfx.h','r') as sfxfile:
for line in sfxfile:
return line.split(' ')[1] + sfxFlag
return 'INVALID_ID'
def fix_sfx_flag(id):
if(id.endswith(' - SFX_FLAG')):
splitdata = id.split('-')
return splitdata[0].strip(), ' -' + splitdata[1]
if not(int(id,16) & 0x800):
newid = '0x' + format(int(id,16) + 0x800,'X')
sfxFlag = ' - SFX_FLAG'
else :
newid = id
sfxFlag = ''
return newid,sfxFlag
def fix_sfx_func(sourcedata, i, j, repo):
data = ''.join(sourcedata[i:j])
func = data.split('(')[0].strip()
index = data.find(func)
argnum = AudioFunctions.get(func,-1)
if(argnum == -1 or index == -1):
print('Function lookup error at line', i, 'in', func)
return -1
args = data[index:].replace('(',',').replace(')',',').split(',')
sfxId = args[argnum + 1].strip()
if(sfxId.count('NA_SE') != 0):
return 0
newId = lookup_sfx(sfxId, repo)
if(newId == 'INVALID_ID'):
print('ID parse error at line', i, 'in', func)
return -2
for k in range(i, j):
sourcedata[k] = sourcedata[k].replace(sfxId,newId)
if Verbose:
print('Replaced', sfxId, 'with', newId, 'in', func, 'at line', i + 1)
return 1
def find_audio_func(line):
audiofuncs = list(AudioFunctions.keys())
funcname = line.split('(')[0].strip()
for func in audiofuncs:
return func
return False
def fix_sfx_all(repo):
global Verbose2
tv = Verbose2
Verbose2 = False
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(repo + os.sep + 'src'):
for filename in files:
file = subdir + os.sep + filename
fix_sfx(file, repo)
Verbose2 = tv
return 1
def fix_sfx(file, repo, outfile = None):
if(outfile == None):
outfile = file
make_audio_dict(AudioFunctions, repo)
with open(file,'r',encoding='utf-8') as sourcefile:
sourcedata = sourcefile.readlines()
replacements = set()
j = 0
lookuperrors = 0
funcerrors = 0
iderrors = 0
fixes = 0
for i, line in enumerate(sourcedata):
if(i < j):
j = i
while(sourcedata[j].count(';') == 0):
j += 1
status = fix_sfx_func(sourcedata, i, j + 1, repo)
if(status == -2):
iderrors += 1
elif(status == -1):
lookuperrors += 1
elif(status > 0):
fixes += 1
if(fixes > 0):
with open(outfile,'w',encoding ='utf-8',newline='\n') as outfile:
if Verbose:
print(file, 'updated')
elif Verbose2:
print('No changes made to', file)
if(lookuperrors > 0):
print('Problem with function lookup. Try formatting functions.h')
if(iderrors > 0):
print('Problem with id parsing. Make sure your SFX ids are in hex.')
return 1
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert hex SFX ids to macros')
parser.add_argument('file', help="source file to be processed")
parser.add_argument('repo', help="directory of the decomp repo")
parser.add_argument('-o', metavar='outfile',dest='outfile',help='file to write to instead of original')
parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true',help='show what changes are made')
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()
fix_sfx(args.file, args.repo, outfile=args.outfile)