mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 13:27:31 +00:00
Decompile osGbpakCheckConnector
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,328 +1,222 @@
#include <ultra64.h>
#include "constants.h"
#include "bss.h"
#include "lib/libc/ll.h"
#include "lib/lib_4e090.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "types.h"
glabel osGbpakCheckConnector
/* 50f20: 27bdfdf0 */ addiu $sp,$sp,-528
/* 50f24: afbf0044 */ sw $ra,0x44($sp)
/* 50f28: 240e0001 */ addiu $t6,$zero,0x1
/* 50f2c: afbe0040 */ sw $s8,0x40($sp)
/* 50f30: afb7003c */ sw $s7,0x3c($sp)
/* 50f34: afb60038 */ sw $s6,0x38($sp)
/* 50f38: afb50034 */ sw $s5,0x34($sp)
/* 50f3c: afb40030 */ sw $s4,0x30($sp)
/* 50f40: afb3002c */ sw $s3,0x2c($sp)
/* 50f44: afb20028 */ sw $s2,0x28($sp)
/* 50f48: afb10024 */ sw $s1,0x24($sp)
/* 50f4c: afb00020 */ sw $s0,0x20($sp)
/* 50f50: afa40210 */ sw $a0,0x210($sp)
/* 50f54: afa50214 */ sw $a1,0x214($sp)
/* 50f58: afae0208 */ sw $t6,0x208($sp)
/* 50f5c: afa00204 */ sw $zero,0x204($sp)
/* 50f60: 0c0142f8 */ jal osGbpakGetStatus
/* 50f64: a7a00200 */ sh $zero,0x200($sp)
/* 50f68: 2401000d */ addiu $at,$zero,0xd
/* 50f6c: 14410005 */ bne $v0,$at,.L00050f84
/* 50f70: 00401825 */ or $v1,$v0,$zero
/* 50f74: 8fa40210 */ lw $a0,0x210($sp)
/* 50f78: 0c0142f8 */ jal osGbpakGetStatus
/* 50f7c: 8fa50214 */ lw $a1,0x214($sp)
/* 50f80: 00401825 */ or $v1,$v0,$zero
/* 50f84: 2401000d */ addiu $at,$zero,0xd
/* 50f88: 14410003 */ bne $v0,$at,.L00050f98
/* 50f8c: 00000000 */ nop
/* 50f90: 100000f9 */ b .L00051378
/* 50f94: 24020004 */ addiu $v0,$zero,0x4
/* 50f98: 144000f6 */ bnez $v0,.L00051374
/* 50f9c: 8faf0214 */ lw $t7,0x214($sp)
/* 50fa0: 91f80000 */ lbu $t8,0x0($t7)
/* 50fa4: 8fa40210 */ lw $a0,0x210($sp)
/* 50fa8: 33190001 */ andi $t9,$t8,0x1
/* 50fac: 57200008 */ bnezl $t9,.L00050fd0
/* 50fb0: 27a40070 */ addiu $a0,$sp,0x70
/* 50fb4: 0c0018cc */ jal osGbpakPower
/* 50fb8: 24050001 */ addiu $a1,$zero,0x1
/* 50fbc: 50400004 */ beqzl $v0,.L00050fd0
/* 50fc0: 27a40070 */ addiu $a0,$sp,0x70
/* 50fc4: 100000ed */ b .L0005137c
/* 50fc8: 8fbf0044 */ lw $ra,0x44($sp)
/* 50fcc: 27a40070 */ addiu $a0,$sp,0x70
/* 50fd0: 0c012c30 */ jal bzero
/* 50fd4: 2405000c */ addiu $a1,$zero,0xc
/* 50fd8: 24080080 */ addiu $t0,$zero,0x80
/* 50fdc: 24020080 */ addiu $v0,$zero,0x80
/* 50fe0: afa20068 */ sw $v0,0x68($sp)
/* 50fe4: a7a80202 */ sh $t0,0x202($sp)
/* 50fe8: 24160001 */ addiu $s6,$zero,0x1
/* 50fec: 8fa90208 */ lw $t1,0x208($sp)
/* 50ff0: 27ab007c */ addiu $t3,$sp,0x7c
/* 50ff4: 00009825 */ or $s3,$zero,$zero
/* 50ff8: 000951c0 */ sll $t2,$t1,0x7
/* 50ffc: 00009025 */ or $s2,$zero,$zero
/* 51000: 014bf021 */ addu $s8,$t2,$t3
/* 51004: 8fa20068 */ lw $v0,0x68($sp)
/* 51008: 00138140 */ sll $s0,$s3,0x5
/* 5100c: 03d0a821 */ addu $s5,$s8,$s0
/* 51010: 00523021 */ addu $a2,$v0,$s2
/* 51014: 30ccffff */ andi $t4,$a2,0xffff
/* 51018: 240d0020 */ addiu $t5,$zero,0x20
/* 5101c: afad0010 */ sw $t5,0x10($sp)
/* 51020: 01803025 */ or $a2,$t4,$zero
/* 51024: 02a03825 */ or $a3,$s5,$zero
/* 51028: 8fa40210 */ lw $a0,0x210($sp)
/* 5102c: 00002825 */ or $a1,$zero,$zero
/* 51030: 0c0144ec */ jal osGbpakReadWrite
/* 51034: 0240a025 */ or $s4,$s2,$zero
/* 51038: 10400003 */ beqz $v0,.L00051048
/* 5103c: 8fae0208 */ lw $t6,0x208($sp)
/* 51040: 100000ce */ b .L0005137c
/* 51044: 8fbf0044 */ lw $ra,0x44($sp)
/* 51048: 000e7880 */ sll $t7,$t6,0x2
/* 5104c: 27b80070 */ addiu $t8,$sp,0x70
/* 51050: 01f8b821 */ addu $s7,$t7,$t8
/* 51054: 02f3c821 */ addu $t9,$s7,$s3
/* 51058: a3360000 */ sb $s6,0x0($t9)
/* 5105c: 8fa80204 */ lw $t0,0x204($sp)
/* 51060: 27ab0070 */ addiu $t3,$sp,0x70
/* 51064: 27ad007c */ addiu $t5,$sp,0x7c
/* 51068: 00084880 */ sll $t1,$t0,0x2
/* 5106c: 01335021 */ addu $t2,$t1,$s3
/* 51070: 014b8821 */ addu $s1,$t2,$t3
/* 51074: 922e0000 */ lbu $t6,0x0($s1)
/* 51078: 000861c0 */ sll $t4,$t0,0x7
/* 5107c: 018d9021 */ addu $s2,$t4,$t5
/* 51080: 15c0000f */ bnez $t6,.L000510c0
/* 51084: 8fa40210 */ lw $a0,0x210($sp)
/* 51088: 97af0200 */ lhu $t7,0x200($sp)
/* 5108c: 24190020 */ addiu $t9,$zero,0x20
/* 51090: afb90010 */ sw $t9,0x10($sp)
/* 51094: 01f43021 */ addu $a2,$t7,$s4
/* 51098: 30d8ffff */ andi $t8,$a2,0xffff
/* 5109c: 03003025 */ or $a2,$t8,$zero
/* 510a0: 00002825 */ or $a1,$zero,$zero
/* 510a4: 0c0144ec */ jal osGbpakReadWrite
/* 510a8: 02503821 */ addu $a3,$s2,$s0
/* 510ac: 50400004 */ beqzl $v0,.L000510c0
/* 510b0: a2360000 */ sb $s6,0x0($s1)
/* 510b4: 100000b1 */ b .L0005137c
/* 510b8: 8fbf0044 */ lw $ra,0x44($sp)
/* 510bc: a2360000 */ sb $s6,0x0($s1)
/* 510c0: 02a02025 */ or $a0,$s5,$zero
/* 510c4: 02502821 */ addu $a1,$s2,$s0
/* 510c8: 0c013824 */ jal bcmp
/* 510cc: 24060020 */ addiu $a2,$zero,0x20
/* 510d0: 10400003 */ beqz $v0,.L000510e0
/* 510d4: 26920020 */ addiu $s2,$s4,0x20
/* 510d8: 10000008 */ b .L000510fc
/* 510dc: 00009825 */ or $s3,$zero,$zero
/* 510e0: 2a620003 */ slti $v0,$s3,0x3
/* 510e4: 26730001 */ addiu $s3,$s3,0x1
/* 510e8: 326affff */ andi $t2,$s3,0xffff
/* 510ec: 3249ffff */ andi $t1,$s2,0xffff
/* 510f0: 01209025 */ or $s2,$t1,$zero
/* 510f4: 1440ffc3 */ bnez $v0,.L00051004
/* 510f8: 01409825 */ or $s3,$t2,$zero
/* 510fc: 12600003 */ beqz $s3,.L0005110c
/* 51100: 02601025 */ or $v0,$s3,$zero
/* 51104: 1000009c */ b .L00051378
/* 51108: 24020004 */ addiu $v0,$zero,0x4
/* 5110c: 8fab0204 */ lw $t3,0x204($sp)
/* 51110: 00009825 */ or $s3,$zero,$zero
/* 51114: 00009025 */ or $s2,$zero,$zero
/* 51118: 11600036 */ beqz $t3,.L000511f4
/* 5111c: 02f38021 */ addu $s0,$s7,$s3
/* 51120: 92080000 */ lbu $t0,0x0($s0)
/* 51124: 8fa40210 */ lw $a0,0x210($sp)
/* 51128: 00002825 */ or $a1,$zero,$zero
/* 5112c: 1500000e */ bnez $t0,.L00051168
/* 51130: 8fac0068 */ lw $t4,0x68($sp)
/* 51134: 01923021 */ addu $a2,$t4,$s2
/* 51138: 30cdffff */ andi $t5,$a2,0xffff
/* 5113c: 00137140 */ sll $t6,$s3,0x5
/* 51140: 240f0020 */ addiu $t7,$zero,0x20
/* 51144: afaf0010 */ sw $t7,0x10($sp)
/* 51148: 03ce3821 */ addu $a3,$s8,$t6
/* 5114c: 0c0144ec */ jal osGbpakReadWrite
/* 51150: 01a03025 */ or $a2,$t5,$zero
/* 51154: 50400004 */ beqzl $v0,.L00051168
/* 51158: a2160000 */ sb $s6,0x0($s0)
/* 5115c: 10000087 */ b .L0005137c
/* 51160: 8fbf0044 */ lw $ra,0x44($sp)
/* 51164: a2160000 */ sb $s6,0x0($s0)
/* 51168: 27b80070 */ addiu $t8,$sp,0x70
/* 5116c: 02788821 */ addu $s1,$s3,$t8
/* 51170: 92390000 */ lbu $t9,0x0($s1)
/* 51174: 00138140 */ sll $s0,$s3,0x5
/* 51178: 8fa40210 */ lw $a0,0x210($sp)
/* 5117c: 1720000c */ bnez $t9,.L000511b0
/* 51180: 00002825 */ or $a1,$zero,$zero
/* 51184: 27a9007c */ addiu $t1,$sp,0x7c
/* 51188: 240a0020 */ addiu $t2,$zero,0x20
/* 5118c: afaa0010 */ sw $t2,0x10($sp)
/* 51190: 02093821 */ addu $a3,$s0,$t1
/* 51194: 0c0144ec */ jal osGbpakReadWrite
/* 51198: 3246ffff */ andi $a2,$s2,0xffff
/* 5119c: 50400004 */ beqzl $v0,.L000511b0
/* 511a0: a2360000 */ sb $s6,0x0($s1)
/* 511a4: 10000075 */ b .L0005137c
/* 511a8: 8fbf0044 */ lw $ra,0x44($sp)
/* 511ac: a2360000 */ sb $s6,0x0($s1)
/* 511b0: 27ab007c */ addiu $t3,$sp,0x7c
/* 511b4: 020b2821 */ addu $a1,$s0,$t3
/* 511b8: 03d02021 */ addu $a0,$s8,$s0
/* 511bc: 0c013824 */ jal bcmp
/* 511c0: 24060020 */ addiu $a2,$zero,0x20
/* 511c4: 10400003 */ beqz $v0,.L000511d4
/* 511c8: 26520020 */ addiu $s2,$s2,0x20
/* 511cc: 10000009 */ b .L000511f4
/* 511d0: 00001025 */ or $v0,$zero,$zero
/* 511d4: 2a620003 */ slti $v0,$s3,0x3
/* 511d8: 26730001 */ addiu $s3,$s3,0x1
/* 511dc: 326cffff */ andi $t4,$s3,0xffff
/* 511e0: 3248ffff */ andi $t0,$s2,0xffff
/* 511e4: 01009025 */ or $s2,$t0,$zero
/* 511e8: 1440ffcc */ bnez $v0,.L0005111c
/* 511ec: 01809825 */ or $s3,$t4,$zero
/* 511f0: 01801025 */ or $v0,$t4,$zero
/* 511f4: 10400003 */ beqz $v0,.L00051204
/* 511f8: 8fad0204 */ lw $t5,0x204($sp)
/* 511fc: 1000005e */ b .L00051378
/* 51200: 24020004 */ addiu $v0,$zero,0x4
/* 51204: 11a00005 */ beqz $t5,.L0005121c
/* 51208: 000d7080 */ sll $t6,$t5,0x2
/* 5120c: 27af0070 */ addiu $t7,$sp,0x70
/* 51210: 01cf2021 */ addu $a0,$t6,$t7
/* 51214: 0c012c30 */ jal bzero
/* 51218: 24050004 */ addiu $a1,$zero,0x4
/* 5121c: 8faa0068 */ lw $t2,0x68($sp)
/* 51220: 8fb90208 */ lw $t9,0x208($sp)
/* 51224: 97b80202 */ lhu $t8,0x202($sp)
/* 51228: 000a5840 */ sll $t3,$t2,0x1
/* 5122c: 3168ffff */ andi $t0,$t3,0xffff
/* 51230: 29014001 */ slti $at,$t0,0x4001
/* 51234: 3b290003 */ xori $t1,$t9,0x3
/* 51238: afa80068 */ sw $t0,0x68($sp)
/* 5123c: a7ab0202 */ sh $t3,0x202($sp)
/* 51240: afa90208 */ sw $t1,0x208($sp)
/* 51244: afb90204 */ sw $t9,0x204($sp)
/* 51248: 1420ff68 */ bnez $at,.L00050fec
/* 5124c: a7b80200 */ sh $t8,0x200($sp)
/* 51250: 8fac0210 */ lw $t4,0x210($sp)
/* 51254: 8faf0208 */ lw $t7,0x208($sp)
/* 51258: 00009825 */ or $s3,$zero,$zero
/* 5125c: 8d8d0050 */ lw $t5,0x50($t4)
/* 51260: 00009025 */ or $s2,$zero,$zero
/* 51264: 27b9007c */ addiu $t9,$sp,0x7c
/* 51268: 29a10002 */ slti $at,$t5,0x2
/* 5126c: 10200005 */ beqz $at,.L00051284
/* 51270: 000fc1c0 */ sll $t8,$t7,0x7
/* 51274: 8d8e004c */ lw $t6,0x4c($t4)
/* 51278: 24010002 */ addiu $at,$zero,0x2
/* 5127c: 55c10037 */ bnel $t6,$at,.L0005135c
/* 51280: 8fa40210 */ lw $a0,0x210($sp)
/* 51284: 0319f021 */ addu $s8,$t8,$t9
/* 51288: 3416a000 */ dli $s6,0xa000
/* 5128c: 02563021 */ addu $a2,$s2,$s6
/* 51290: 00138140 */ sll $s0,$s3,0x5
/* 51294: 03d0a821 */ addu $s5,$s8,$s0
/* 51298: 30c9ffff */ andi $t1,$a2,0xffff
/* 5129c: 240a0020 */ addiu $t2,$zero,0x20
/* 512a0: afaa0010 */ sw $t2,0x10($sp)
/* 512a4: 01203025 */ or $a2,$t1,$zero
/* 512a8: 02a03825 */ or $a3,$s5,$zero
/* 512ac: 8fa40210 */ lw $a0,0x210($sp)
/* 512b0: 00002825 */ or $a1,$zero,$zero
/* 512b4: 0c0144ec */ jal osGbpakReadWrite
/* 512b8: 0240a025 */ or $s4,$s2,$zero
/* 512bc: 10400003 */ beqz $v0,.L000512cc
/* 512c0: 8fa40210 */ lw $a0,0x210($sp)
/* 512c4: 1000002d */ b .L0005137c
/* 512c8: 8fbf0044 */ lw $ra,0x44($sp)
/* 512cc: 8fa80204 */ lw $t0,0x204($sp)
/* 512d0: 26862000 */ addiu $a2,$s4,0x2000
/* 512d4: 27ae007c */ addiu $t6,$sp,0x7c
/* 512d8: 000869c0 */ sll $t5,$t0,0x7
/* 512dc: 01b06021 */ addu $t4,$t5,$s0
/* 512e0: 018e8821 */ addu $s1,$t4,$t6
/* 512e4: 30cbffff */ andi $t3,$a2,0xffff
/* 512e8: 240f0020 */ addiu $t7,$zero,0x20
/* 512ec: afaf0010 */ sw $t7,0x10($sp)
/* 512f0: 01603025 */ or $a2,$t3,$zero
/* 512f4: 02203825 */ or $a3,$s1,$zero
/* 512f8: 0c0144ec */ jal osGbpakReadWrite
/* 512fc: 00002825 */ or $a1,$zero,$zero
/* 51300: 10400003 */ beqz $v0,.L00051310
/* 51304: 02a02025 */ or $a0,$s5,$zero
/* 51308: 1000001c */ b .L0005137c
/* 5130c: 8fbf0044 */ lw $ra,0x44($sp)
/* 51310: 02202825 */ or $a1,$s1,$zero
/* 51314: 0c013824 */ jal bcmp
/* 51318: 24060020 */ addiu $a2,$zero,0x20
/* 5131c: 10400003 */ beqz $v0,.L0005132c
/* 51320: 26920020 */ addiu $s2,$s4,0x20
/* 51324: 10000008 */ b .L00051348
/* 51328: 00009825 */ or $s3,$zero,$zero
/* 5132c: 2a620003 */ slti $v0,$s3,0x3
/* 51330: 26730001 */ addiu $s3,$s3,0x1
/* 51334: 3279ffff */ andi $t9,$s3,0xffff
/* 51338: 3258ffff */ andi $t8,$s2,0xffff
/* 5133c: 03009025 */ or $s2,$t8,$zero
/* 51340: 1440ffd2 */ bnez $v0,.L0005128c
/* 51344: 03209825 */ or $s3,$t9,$zero
/* 51348: 52600004 */ beqzl $s3,.L0005135c
/* 5134c: 8fa40210 */ lw $a0,0x210($sp)
/* 51350: 10000009 */ b .L00051378
/* 51354: 24020004 */ addiu $v0,$zero,0x4
/* 51358: 8fa40210 */ lw $a0,0x210($sp)
/* 5135c: 0c0142f8 */ jal osGbpakGetStatus
/* 51360: 8fa50214 */ lw $a1,0x214($sp)
/* 51364: 2401000d */ addiu $at,$zero,0xd
/* 51368: 14410002 */ bne $v0,$at,.L00051374
/* 5136c: 00401825 */ or $v1,$v0,$zero
/* 51370: 24030004 */ addiu $v1,$zero,0x4
/* 51374: 00601025 */ or $v0,$v1,$zero
/* 51378: 8fbf0044 */ lw $ra,0x44($sp)
/* 5137c: 8fb00020 */ lw $s0,0x20($sp)
/* 51380: 8fb10024 */ lw $s1,0x24($sp)
/* 51384: 8fb20028 */ lw $s2,0x28($sp)
/* 51388: 8fb3002c */ lw $s3,0x2c($sp)
/* 5138c: 8fb40030 */ lw $s4,0x30($sp)
/* 51390: 8fb50034 */ lw $s5,0x34($sp)
/* 51394: 8fb60038 */ lw $s6,0x38($sp)
/* 51398: 8fb7003c */ lw $s7,0x3c($sp)
/* 5139c: 8fbe0040 */ lw $s8,0x40($sp)
/* 513a0: 03e00008 */ jr $ra
/* 513a4: 27bd0210 */ addiu $sp,$sp,0x210
* The internal operations performed by the osGbpakCheckConnector function are
* as follows.
* - Checks the ROM area addresses of the Game Boy Game Pak and performs the
* following processing for 0x0000, 0x0080, 0x0100, 0x0200, 0x0400, 0x0800,
* 0x1000, 0x2000, and 0x4000.
* 1. Compares data starting at the above addresses with neighboring data in
* 32-byte units.
* 2. If the data are identical, compares the next 32 bytes, and if this is
* also the same, compares the next 32 bytes. Up to 4 comparisons (ie, 128
* bytes) are performed. If all data are identical, the address line is
* considered insecurely connected and an error is returned. If different
* data are detected even once, it is determined that the data are being
* read properly and the function advances.
* 3. Data at each of the above addresses are compared with the data starting
* at 0x0000 in 32-byte units.
* 4. As in 2., up to 4 comparisons (128 bytes) are made. If all the data are
* identical, an error is returned. If different data are detected even
* once, it is determined that the data are being read properly and the
* function advances.
* - If a RAM area exists, the function checks the address of the Game Boy Game
* Pak RAM area and performs the following processing for 0x2000 and 0xa000.
* 1. Compares the data starting at the above addresses in 32-byte units.
* 2. If the data are identical, compares the next 32 bytes, and if this is
* also the same, compares the next 32 bytes. Up to 4 comparisons (ie, 128
* bytes) are performed. If all the data are the same, the address line is
* evaluated to be insecurely connected and an error is returned. If
* different data are detected even once, it is determined that the data
* are being read properly and the function advances.
s32 osGbpakCheckConnector(OSPfs *pfs, u8 *status)
s32 ret;
s32 thisslot = 1;
s32 prevslot = 0;
u16 thischunkaddr;
u16 prevchunkaddr = 0;
u16 offset;
u16 blocknum;
u8 blocks[3][4][0x20];
u8 blocksloaded[3][4];
bool stilllooking;
ret = osGbpakGetStatus(pfs, status);
if (ret == PFS_ERR_NEW_GBCART) {
ret = osGbpakGetStatus(pfs, status);
if (ret == PFS_ERR_NEW_GBCART) {
if (ret == 0) {
if ((*status & OS_GBPAK_POWER) == 0) {
ret = osGbpakPower(pfs, OS_GBPAK_POWER_ON);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
bzero(blocksloaded, 12);
for (thischunkaddr = 0x80; thischunkaddr <= 0x4000; thischunkaddr *= 2) {
blocknum = 0;
offset = 0;
do {
// Load the current block
ret = osGbpakReadWrite(pfs, PFS_READ, thischunkaddr + offset, blocks[thisslot][blocknum], 32);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
blocksloaded[thisslot][blocknum] = 1;
// Load the same block from the previous chunk if not already loaded
// (This only applies for the 0x0000 chunk)
if (blocksloaded[prevslot][blocknum] == 0) {
ret = osGbpakReadWrite(pfs, PFS_READ, prevchunkaddr + offset, blocks[prevslot][blocknum], 32);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
blocksloaded[prevslot][blocknum] = 1;
// Compare them and bail out if different
if (bcmp(blocks[thisslot][blocknum], blocks[prevslot][blocknum], 32) != 0) {
blocknum = 0;
stilllooking = blocknum < 3;
offset += 0x20; blocknum++;
} while (stilllooking);
if (blocknum);
if (blocknum);
if (blocknum);
if (blocknum);
if (blocknum);
if (blocknum);
stilllooking = blocknum;
if (stilllooking) {
// Now compare each block in this chunk with each block in the
// 0x0000 chunk
blocknum = 0;
offset = 0;
if (prevslot != 0) {
do {
// Make sure the current block is loaded
if (blocksloaded[thisslot][blocknum] == 0) {
ret = osGbpakReadWrite(pfs, PFS_READ, thischunkaddr + offset, blocks[thisslot][blocknum], 32);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
blocksloaded[thisslot][blocknum] = 1;
// Make sure this block in chunk 0x0000 is loaded
if (blocksloaded[0][blocknum] == 0) {
ret = osGbpakReadWrite(pfs, PFS_READ, offset, blocks[0][blocknum], 32);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
blocksloaded[0][blocknum] = 1;
// Compare them and bail out if different
if (bcmp(blocks[thisslot][blocknum], blocks[0][blocknum], 32) != 0) {
stilllooking = false;
goto foo;
stilllooking = blocknum < 3;
offset += 0x20; blocknum++;
} while (stilllooking);
stilllooking = blocknum;
if (stilllooking) {
if (prevslot != 0) {
bzero(&blocksloaded[prevslot][0], 4);
prevchunkaddr = thischunkaddr;
prevslot = thisslot;
thisslot ^= 3; // toggle between 1 and 2
// Check RAM if present
if (pfs->dir_size >= 2 || pfs->version == 2) {
blocknum = 0;
offset = 0;
do {
ret = osGbpakReadWrite(pfs, PFS_READ, 0xa000 + offset, blocks[thisslot][blocknum], 32);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
ret = osGbpakReadWrite(pfs, PFS_READ, 0x2000 + offset, blocks[prevslot][blocknum], 32);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
if (bcmp(blocks[thisslot][blocknum], blocks[prevslot][blocknum], 32) != 0) {
blocknum = 0;
stilllooking = blocknum < 3;
offset += 0x20; blocknum++;
} while (stilllooking);
stilllooking = blocknum;
if (stilllooking) {
ret = osGbpakGetStatus(pfs, status);
if (ret == PFS_ERR_NEW_GBCART) {
return ret;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user