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synced 2024-12-03 11:00:51 +00:00
BigTreasure color shenanigans
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,32 @@ struct BigTreasureShadowMgr;
struct BigTreasureAttackMgr;
struct FSM;
struct EyeColor {
inline void set(f32 _r, f32 _g, f32 _b)
m_rgb[0] = _r;
m_rgb[1] = _g;
m_rgb[2] = _b;
inline EyeColor& operator=(const EyeColor& other)
m_rgb[0] = other.m_rgb[0];
m_rgb[1] = other.m_rgb[1];
m_rgb[2] = other.m_rgb[2];
return *this;
inline void operator=(EyeColor& other)
m_rgb[0] = other.m_rgb[0];
m_rgb[1] = other.m_rgb[1];
m_rgb[2] = other.m_rgb[2];
f32 m_rgb[3]; // _00, r=0, g=1, b=2
enum StateID {
@ -190,7 +216,7 @@ struct Obj : public EnemyBase {
StateID m_nextState; // _2C8
Vector3f m_targetPosition; // _2CC
f32 m_shadowScale; // _2D8
u8 _2DC; // _2DC
bool _2DC; // _2DC
bool _2DD[0x4]; // _2DD, to do with treasures?
IKSystemMgr* m_ikSystemMgr; // _2E4
IKSystemParms* m_ikSystemParms; // _2E8
@ -205,17 +231,15 @@ struct Obj : public EnemyBase {
f32 _3E8[4]; // _3E8, to do with treasures
CollPart* m_treasureCollParts[4]; // _3F8, elec / fire / gas / water
int m_attackIndex; // _408, enum TitanDweevilAttack?
J3DGXColorS10 m_currMatBodyColor; // _40C
J3DGXColorS10 _414; // _414
int _41C; // _41C
u8 _420[0x30]; // _420, unknown
f32 _450; // _450
f32 _454; // _454
f32 _458; // _458
u8 _45C[0x18]; // _45C, unknown
f32 _474; // _474
f32 _478; // _478
f32 _47C; // _47C
J3DGXColorS10 m_targetMatBodyColor; // _40C
J3DGXColorS10 m_currMatBodyColor; // _414
int _41C; // _41C, indexes the targetEyeColor arrays
f32 m_eye1AnimSpeeds[3]; // _420, r=0, g=1, b=2
f32 m_eye2AnimSpeeds[3]; // _42C, r=0, g=1, b=2
EyeColor m_targetEyeColor1[2]; // _438, indexed by _41C
EyeColor m_currEyeColor1; // _450
EyeColor m_targetEyeColor2[2]; // _45C, indexed by _41C
EyeColor m_currEyeColor2; // _474
efx::TOootaFoot* m_footFX[4]; // _480
efx::TDamaFootw* m_footWFX[4]; // _490
efx::TDamaSmoke* m_treasureSmokeFX[4]; // _4A0
@ -56,6 +56,14 @@ struct J3DGXColorS10 : public GXColorS10 {
a = _a;
J3DGXColorS10(f32 _r, f32 _g, f32 _b, u16 _a)
r = _r;
g = _g;
b = _b;
a = _a;
J3DGXColorS10(const J3DGXColorS10& other)
r = other.r;
@ -183,132 +183,25 @@ void Obj::doAnimationCullingOff()
void Obj::changeMaterial()
J3DModel* j3dModel = m_model->m_j3dModel;
J3DModelData* modelData = j3dModel->m_modelData;
J3DModelData* modelData = j3dModel->getModelData();
u16 bodyIdx = modelData->m_materialTable._0C->getIndex("mat_body");
J3DMaterial* bodyMat = modelData->m_materialTable.m_materials1[bodyIdx];
bodyMat->m_tevBlock->setTevColor(0, _414);
bodyMat->m_tevBlock->setTevColor(0, m_currMatBodyColor);
u16 red1 = (u16)_450;
u16 green1 = (u16)_454;
u16 blue1 = (u16)_458;
J3DGXColorS10 color1(m_currEyeColor1.m_rgb[0], m_currEyeColor1.m_rgb[1], m_currEyeColor1.m_rgb[2], 255);
u16 eyeIdx1 = modelData->m_materialTable._0C->getIndex("mat_eye1");
J3DMaterial* eyeMat1 = modelData->m_materialTable.m_materials1[eyeIdx1];
eyeMat1->m_tevBlock->setTevColor(0, J3DGXColorS10(red1, green1, blue1, 255));
eyeMat1->m_tevBlock->setTevColor(0, color1);
u16 red2 = (u16)_474;
u16 green2 = (u16)_478;
u16 blue2 = (u16)_47C;
J3DGXColorS10 color2(m_currEyeColor2.m_rgb[0], m_currEyeColor2.m_rgb[1], m_currEyeColor2.m_rgb[2], 255);
u16 eyeIdx2 = modelData->m_materialTable._0C->getIndex("mat_eye2");
J3DMaterial* eyeMat2 = modelData->m_materialTable.m_materials1[eyeIdx2];
eyeMat2->m_tevBlock->setTevColor(0, J3DGXColorS10(red2, green2, blue2, 255));
eyeMat2->m_tevBlock->setTevColor(0, color2);
stwu r1, -0x70(r1)
mflr r0
lis r4, lbl_8048CA80@ha
stw r0, 0x74(r1)
stmw r25, 0x54(r1)
mr r30, r3
addi r29, r4, lbl_8048CA80@l
addi r4, r29, 0x1c
lwz r3, 0x174(r3)
lwz r31, 8(r3)
lwz r28, 4(r31)
lwz r3, 0x64(r28)
bl getIndex__10JUTNameTabCFPCc
lwz r4, 0x60(r28)
rlwinm r3, r3, 2, 0xe, 0x1d
lha r0, 0x414(r30)
addi r5, r1, 0x18
lwzx r3, r4, r3
li r4, 0
sth r0, 0x18(r1)
lha r0, 0x416(r30)
sth r0, 0x1a(r1)
lha r0, 0x418(r30)
sth r0, 0x1c(r1)
lha r0, 0x41a(r30)
sth r0, 0x1e(r1)
lwz r3, 0x2c(r3)
lwz r12, 0(r3)
lwz r12, 0x64(r12)
mtctr r12
lfs f2, 0x450(r30)
addi r4, r29, 0x28
lfs f1, 0x454(r30)
lfs f0, 0x458(r30)
fctiwz f2, f2
fctiwz f1, f1
lwz r3, 0x64(r28)
fctiwz f0, f0
stfd f2, 0x20(r1)
stfd f1, 0x28(r1)
lwz r27, 0x24(r1)
stfd f0, 0x30(r1)
lwz r26, 0x2c(r1)
lwz r25, 0x34(r1)
bl getIndex__10JUTNameTabCFPCc
lwz r4, 0x60(r28)
rlwinm r3, r3, 2, 0xe, 0x1d
li r0, 0xff
addi r5, r1, 0x10
lwzx r3, r4, r3
li r4, 0
sth r27, 0x10(r1)
sth r26, 0x12(r1)
sth r25, 0x14(r1)
sth r0, 0x16(r1)
lwz r3, 0x2c(r3)
lwz r12, 0(r3)
lwz r12, 0x64(r12)
mtctr r12
lfs f2, 0x474(r30)
addi r4, r29, 0x34
lfs f1, 0x478(r30)
lfs f0, 0x47c(r30)
fctiwz f2, f2
fctiwz f1, f1
lwz r3, 0x64(r28)
fctiwz f0, f0
stfd f2, 0x38(r1)
stfd f1, 0x40(r1)
lwz r25, 0x3c(r1)
stfd f0, 0x48(r1)
lwz r26, 0x44(r1)
lwz r27, 0x4c(r1)
bl getIndex__10JUTNameTabCFPCc
lwz r4, 0x60(r28)
rlwinm r3, r3, 2, 0xe, 0x1d
li r0, 0xff
addi r5, r1, 8
lwzx r3, r4, r3
li r4, 0
sth r25, 8(r1)
sth r26, 0xa(r1)
sth r27, 0xc(r1)
sth r0, 0xe(r1)
lwz r3, 0x2c(r3)
lwz r12, 0(r3)
lwz r12, 0x64(r12)
mtctr r12
mr r3, r31
lwz r12, 0(r31)
lwz r12, 0x14(r12)
mtctr r12
lmw r25, 0x54(r1)
lwz r0, 0x74(r1)
mtlr r0
addi r1, r1, 0x70
@ -1577,6 +1470,22 @@ bool Obj::isNormalAttack(int idx) { return (m_treasureHealth[idx] > 3000.0f); }
void Obj::resetMaterialColor()
bool isVisible = false;
_2DC = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (m_treasures[i]) {
isVisible = true;
_41C = 1;
stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
mflr r0
@ -1638,26 +1547,16 @@ lbl_802DE368:
* Address: 802DE3AC
* Size: 000038
void Obj::resetTargetMatBodyColor(bool check)
void Obj::resetTargetMatBodyColor(bool isVisible)
li r5, 0x1e
clrlwi. r0, r4, 0x18
sth r5, 0x40c(r3)
li r4, 0x46
li r0, 0x3c
sth r4, 0x40e(r3)
sth r0, 0x410(r3)
beq lbl_802DE3D8
li r0, 0xff
sth r0, 0x412(r3)
li r0, 0
sth r0, 0x412(r3)
m_targetMatBodyColor.r = 30;
m_targetMatBodyColor.g = 70;
m_targetMatBodyColor.b = 60;
if (isVisible) {
m_targetMatBodyColor.a = 255;
} else {
m_targetMatBodyColor.a = 0;
@ -1665,20 +1564,7 @@ lbl_802DE3D8:
* Address: 802DE3E4
* Size: 000024
void Obj::resetCurrentMatBodyColor()
lha r0, 0x40c(r3)
sth r0, 0x414(r3)
lha r0, 0x40e(r3)
sth r0, 0x416(r3)
lha r0, 0x410(r3)
sth r0, 0x418(r3)
lha r0, 0x412(r3)
sth r0, 0x41a(r3)
void Obj::resetCurrentMatBodyColor() { m_currMatBodyColor = m_targetMatBodyColor; }
* --INFO--
@ -1687,30 +1573,10 @@ void Obj::resetCurrentMatBodyColor()
void Obj::resetTargetEyeMatColor()
lfs f2, lbl_8051CD14@sda21(r2)
lfs f0, lbl_8051CC38@sda21(r2)
stfs f2, 0x438(r3)
lfs f1, lbl_8051CC90@sda21(r2)
stfs f0, 0x43c(r3)
lfs f0, lbl_8051CD18@sda21(r2)
stfs f2, 0x440(r3)
lfs f4, lbl_8051CD1C@sda21(r2)
stfs f1, 0x444(r3)
lfs f3, lbl_8051CC30@sda21(r2)
stfs f0, 0x448(r3)
lfs f2, lbl_8051CCA4@sda21(r2)
stfs f4, 0x44c(r3)
lfs f1, lbl_8051CCF8@sda21(r2)
stfs f3, 0x45c(r3)
lfs f0, lbl_8051CD20@sda21(r2)
stfs f2, 0x460(r3)
stfs f3, 0x464(r3)
stfs f4, 0x468(r3)
stfs f1, 0x46c(r3)
stfs f0, 0x470(r3)
m_targetEyeColor1[0].set(20.0f, 60.0f, 20.0f);
m_targetEyeColor1[1].set(120.0f, 255.0f, 90.0f);
m_targetEyeColor2[0].set(0.0f, 30.0f, 0.0f);
m_targetEyeColor2[1].set(90.0f, 180.0f, 160.0f);
@ -1720,21 +1586,8 @@ void Obj::resetTargetEyeMatColor()
void Obj::resetCurrentMatEyeColor()
lfs f0, 0x438(r3)
stfs f0, 0x450(r3)
lfs f0, 0x43c(r3)
stfs f0, 0x454(r3)
lfs f0, 0x440(r3)
stfs f0, 0x458(r3)
lfs f0, 0x45c(r3)
stfs f0, 0x474(r3)
lfs f0, 0x460(r3)
stfs f0, 0x478(r3)
lfs f0, 0x464(r3)
stfs f0, 0x47c(r3)
m_currEyeColor1 = m_targetEyeColor1[0];
m_currEyeColor2 = m_targetEyeColor2[0];
@ -1744,6 +1597,44 @@ void Obj::resetCurrentMatEyeColor()
void Obj::setMatEyeAnimSpeed()
f32 time = 30.0f;
if (_2DC) {
time = 10.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// eye 1
f32 colorDiff1 = m_targetEyeColor1[_41C].m_rgb[i] - m_currEyeColor1.m_rgb[i];
colorDiff1 = (colorDiff1 > 0.0f) ? colorDiff1 : -colorDiff1;
f32 otherDiff1 = m_targetEyeColor1[1].m_rgb[i] - m_targetEyeColor1[0].m_rgb[i];
otherDiff1 = (otherDiff1 > 0.0f) ? otherDiff1 : -otherDiff1;
colorDiff1 = (colorDiff1 > otherDiff1) ? colorDiff1 : otherDiff1;
m_eye1AnimSpeeds[i] = colorDiff1;
if (m_eye1AnimSpeeds[i] < 1.0f) {
m_eye1AnimSpeeds[i] = 1.0f;
m_eye1AnimSpeeds[i] = m_eye1AnimSpeeds[i] / time;
// eye 2
f32 colorDiff2 = m_targetEyeColor2[_41C].m_rgb[i] - m_currEyeColor2.m_rgb[i];
colorDiff2 = (colorDiff2 > 0.0f) ? colorDiff2 : -colorDiff2;
f32 otherDiff2 = m_targetEyeColor2[1].m_rgb[i] - m_targetEyeColor2[0].m_rgb[i];
otherDiff2 = (otherDiff2 > 0.0f) ? otherDiff2 : -otherDiff2;
colorDiff2 = (colorDiff2 > otherDiff2) ? colorDiff2 : otherDiff2;
m_eye2AnimSpeeds[i] = colorDiff2;
if (m_eye2AnimSpeeds[i] < 1.0f) {
m_eye2AnimSpeeds[i] = 1.0f;
m_eye2AnimSpeeds[i] = m_eye2AnimSpeeds[i] / time;
lbz r0, 0x2dc(r3)
lfs f5, lbl_8051CCA4@sda21(r2)
Reference in New Issue
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