Cleanup ID32

This commit is contained in:
intns 2021-10-03 01:44:38 +01:00
parent c420e18ce6
commit 21845bf601
2 changed files with 66 additions and 244 deletions

View File

@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
#ifndef id32_h
#define id32_h
#ifndef _ID32_H
#define _ID32_H
class ID32 {
char inputstring[5];
unsigned int rawID;
bool isEof(); //done
ID32(); //done
ID32(unsigned long); //done
bool match(unsigned long, char); //done
void operator =(unsigned long); //done, but could use cleaning
bool operator ==(unsigned long); //done
bool operator !=(unsigned long); //done
void setID(unsigned long); //done
void updateID(); //done
//void read(Stream &);
//void write(Stream &);
//void sprint(char*); //verify
//void print(); //done
char m_str[5];
unsigned int m_rawID;
bool isEof(); // done
ID32(); // done
ID32(unsigned long); // done
bool match(unsigned long, char); // done
void operator=(unsigned long); // done, but could use cleaning
bool operator==(unsigned long); // done
bool operator!=(unsigned long); // done
void setID(unsigned long); // done
void updateID(); // done
// void read(Stream &);
// void write(Stream &);
// void sprint(char*); //verify
// void print(); //done
void updateString(); //done
void updateString(); // done

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
#include "id32.h"
* --INFO--
* Address: ........
* Size: 0000E0
void _Print(char *, ...)
@ -15,72 +15,22 @@ void _Print(char *, ...)
* Address: 80413254
* Size: 00001C
#include "id32.h"
bool ID32::isEof()
return (this->rawID == '_eof');
/* .loc_0x0:
lis r4, 0x5F65
lwz r3, 0x8(r3)
addi r0, r4, 0x6F66
sub r0, r0, r3
cntlzw r0, r0
rlwinm r3,r0,27,5,31
blr */
bool ID32::isEof() { return this->m_rawID == '_eof'; }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80413270
* Size: 000038
ID32::ID32() { this->setID('none'); }
// setID(this, 'none');
// return;
stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
mflr r0
lis r4, 0x6E6F
stw r0, 0x14(r1)
addi r4, r4, 0x6E65
stw r31, 0xC(r1)
mr r31, r3
bl ID32::setID
lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
mr r3, r31
lwz r31, 0xC(r1)
mtlr r0
addi r1, r1, 0x10
* --INFO--
* Address: 804132A8
* Size: 000030
ID32::ID32(unsigned long id) { this->setID(id); }
// setID(this, id);
// return;
stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
mflr r0
stw r0, 0x14(r1)
stw r31, 0xC(r1)
mr r31, r3
bl ID32::setID
lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
mr r3, r31
lwz r31, 0xC(r1)
mtlr r0
addi r1, r1, 0x10
* --INFO--
* Address: 804132D8
@ -88,20 +38,8 @@ ID32::ID32(unsigned long id) { this->setID(id); }
void ID32::setID(unsigned long set_id)
this->rawID = set_id;
stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
mflr r0
stw r0, 0x14(r1)
stw r4, 0x8(r3)
bl 0xF0
lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
mtlr r0
addi r1, r1, 0x10
this->m_rawID = set_id;
@ -111,75 +49,16 @@ void ID32::setID(unsigned long set_id)
bool ID32::match(unsigned long _id, char exception)
char* p_id = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&_id);
char* m_id = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->rawID);
char* p_id = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&_id);
char* m_id = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->m_rawID);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (p_id[i] != exception && p_id[i] != m_id[i])
return 0;
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (p_id[i] != exception && p_id[i] != m_id[i]) {
return false;
return true;
stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
extsb r5, r5
stw r4, 0x8(r1)
lbz r0, 0x8(r1)
extsb r4, r0
cmpw r5, r4
beq- .loc_0x34
lbz r0, 0x8(r3)
extsb r0, r0
cmpw r4, r0
beq- .loc_0x34
li r3, 0
b .loc_0xB0
lbz r0, 0x9(r1)
extsb r4, r0
cmpw r5, r4
beq- .loc_0x5C
lbz r0, 0x9(r3)
extsb r0, r0
cmpw r4, r0
beq- .loc_0x5C
li r3, 0
b .loc_0xB0
lbz r0, 0xA(r1)
extsb r4, r0
cmpw r5, r4
beq- .loc_0x84
lbz r0, 0xA(r3)
extsb r0, r0
cmpw r4, r0
beq- .loc_0x84
li r3, 0
b .loc_0xB0
lbz r0, 0xB(r1)
extsb r4, r0
cmpw r5, r4
beq- .loc_0xAC
lbz r0, 0xB(r3)
extsb r0, r0
cmpw r4, r0
beq- .loc_0xAC
li r3, 0
b .loc_0xB0
li r3, 0x1
addi r1, r1, 0x10
* --INFO--
@ -188,22 +67,10 @@ bool ID32::match(unsigned long _id, char exception)
void ID32::updateID()
char* m_id = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->rawID);
char* m_id = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->m_rawID);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
m_id[i] = this->inputstring[i];
lbz r0, 0x0(r3)
stb r0, 0x8(r3)
lbz r0, 0x1(r3)
stb r0, 0x9(r3)
lbz r0, 0x2(r3)
stb r0, 0xA(r3)
lbz r0, 0x3(r3)
stb r0, 0xB(r3)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
m_id[i] = this->m_str[i];
@ -213,97 +80,50 @@ void ID32::updateID()
void ID32::updateString()
char* m_id = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->rawID);
char* m_id = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&this->m_rawID);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
this->inputstring[i] = m_id[i];
inputstring[4] = '\0';
lbz r4, 0x8(r3)
li r0, 0
stb r4, 0x0(r3)
lbz r4, 0x9(r3)
stb r4, 0x1(r3)
lbz r4, 0xA(r3)
stb r4, 0x2(r3)
lbz r4, 0xB(r3)
stb r4, 0x3(r3)
stb r0, 0x4(r3)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
this->m_str[i] = m_id[i];
m_str[4] = '\0';
* --INFO--
* Address: 80413404
* Size: 000030
void ID32::operator= (unsigned long _id) //{ this->setID(_id); }
void ID32::operator=(unsigned long _id)
this->rawID = _id;
this->inputstring[0] = *(char*)&this->rawID;
this->inputstring[1] = *(char*)((int)&this->rawID + 1);
this->inputstring[2] = *(char*)((int)&this->rawID + 2);
this->inputstring[3] = *(char*)((int)&this->rawID + 3);
this->inputstring[4] = '\0';
stw r4, 0x8(r3)
li r0, 0
lbz r4, 0x8(r3)
stb r4, 0x0(r3)
lbz r4, 0x9(r3)
stb r4, 0x1(r3)
lbz r4, 0xA(r3)
stb r4, 0x2(r3)
lbz r4, 0xB(r3)
stb r4, 0x3(r3)
stb r0, 0x4(r3)
this->m_rawID = _id;
this->m_str[0] = *(char*)&this->m_rawID;
this->m_str[1] = *(char*)((int)&this->m_rawID + 1);
this->m_str[2] = *(char*)((int)&this->m_rawID + 2);
this->m_str[3] = *(char*)((int)&this->m_rawID + 3);
this->m_str[4] = '\0';
* --INFO--
* Address: 80413434
* Size: 000014
bool ID32::operator== (unsigned long target) { return (this->rawID == target); }
lwz r0, 0x8(r3)
sub r0, r4, r0
cntlzw r0, r0
rlwinm r3,r0,27,5,31
bool ID32::operator==(unsigned long target)
return (this->m_rawID == target);
* --INFO--
* Address: 80413448
* Size: 000018
bool ID32::operator!= (unsigned long _id) { return (this->rawID != _id); }
lwz r0, 0x8(r3)
sub r3, r4, r0
sub r0, r0, r4
or r0, r3, r0
rlwinm r3,r0,1,31,31
bool ID32::operator!=(unsigned long _id) { return (this->m_rawID != _id); }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80413460
* Size: 000090
//void ID32::write(Stream &)
// void ID32::write(Stream&)
@ -355,7 +175,7 @@ bool ID32::operator!= (unsigned long _id) { return (this->rawID != _id); }
* Address: 804134F0
* Size: 0000EC
//void ID32::read(Stream &)
// void ID32::read(Stream &)
@ -430,7 +250,7 @@ bool ID32::operator!= (unsigned long _id) { return (this->rawID != _id); }
* Address: 804135DC
* Size: 000004
//void ID32::print()
// void ID32::print()
// return;
@ -438,18 +258,18 @@ bool ID32::operator!= (unsigned long _id) { return (this->rawID != _id); }
* --INFO--
* Address: 804135E0
* Size: 000038
//void ID32::sprint(char *str)
// void ID32::sprint(char *str)
// str[0] = (this->rawID & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
// str[1] = (this->rawID & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
// str[2] = (this->rawID & 0xFF00) >> 8;
// str[3] = this->rawID;
// str[0] = (this->m_rawID & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
// str[1] = (this->m_rawID & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
// str[2] = (this->m_rawID & 0xFF00) >> 8;
// str[3] = this->m_rawID;
// str[4] = '\0';
@ -475,7 +295,7 @@ blr
* Address: 80413618
* Size: 000040
//void __sinit_id32_cpp(void)
// void __sinit_id32_cpp(void)