Start trying ogFuriko

This commit is contained in:
intns 2024-01-13 03:17:55 +00:00
parent f86f3820ca
commit 22434fa135
3 changed files with 23 additions and 180 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ struct Vector2 {
this->y += y;
inline f32 angleBetween(Vector2& other)
f32 angle = JMath::atanTable_.atan2_((this->y - other.y), -(this->x - other.x));
return angle;
Vector2& operator+=(const Vector2& other)
x += other.x;
@ -85,6 +91,9 @@ inline f32 _lenVec2D(Vector2f& vec)
return _sqrtf(a.y + vec.x * vec.x);
// should be
// inline f32 _lenVec2D(Vector2f& vec) { return _sqrtf(SQUARE(vec.x) + SQUARE(vec.y)); }
template <>
inline f32 Vector2f::length() const

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ extern "C" {
#define M_SQRT3 1.73205f
#define DEG2RAD (1.0f / 180.0f)
#define RAD2DEG (57.295776f)
#define TORADIANS(val) (PI * (DEG2RAD * val))
extern int __float_nan[];

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@ -85,24 +85,29 @@ void CallBack_Furiko::setParam(f32 p1, f32 p2, f32 p3)
void CallBack_Furiko::update()
// Updates @ 30FPS
f32 time = sys->mDeltaTime / 0.033333f;
if (mPane && mCanUpdate) {
Vector2f diff = mCurrPosition - mGoalPosition;
f32 dist = _lenVec2D(diff);
f32 dist = _lenVec2D(diff);
if (dist > 0.0f) {
f32 offs = dist - mOffset;
f32 offs = dist - mOffset;
f32 weightX = -(mChangeModifier.x * mGrowth - offs * (diff.x / dist) * time);
mChangeModifier.x = time * weightX + mChangeModifier.x;
f32 weightY = -(mChangeModifier.y * mGrowth - offs * (diff.y / dist) * time);
mChangeModifier.y = time * (mParam2 + weightY) + mChangeModifier.y;
mGoalPosition.x += mChangeModifier.x * time;
mGoalPosition.y += mChangeModifier.y * time;
f32 angle = JMath::atanTable_.atan2_((mCurrPosition.y - mGoalPosition.y), -(mCurrPosition.x - mGoalPosition.x));
mCurrPaneAngle = angle * 57.295776f + 90.0f;
J2DPane* pane = mPane;
pane->mAngleZ = mCurrPaneAngle;
f32 angle = mCurrPosition.angleBetween(mGoalPosition);
mCurrPaneAngle = (angle * RAD2DEG) + 90.0f;
mCanUpdate = false;
@ -286,178 +291,6 @@ void setFurikoScreen(P2DScreen::Mgr* screen)
pane->mMessageID = (u64)setCallBack_Furiko(screen, tag);
stwu r1, -0x40(r1)
mflr r0
lis r7, lbl_8048F550@ha
lis r6, 0x66666667@ha
stw r0, 0x44(r1)
lis r5, 0x6B6F3030@ha
lis r4, 0x66757269@ha
stmw r21, 0x14(r1)
mr r22, r3
addi r27, r7, lbl_8048F550@l
addi r28, r6, 0x66666667@l
addi r29, r5, 0x6B6F3030@l
addi r30, r4, 0x66757269@l
li r25, 0
mulhw r5, r28, r25
lwz r12, 0(r22)
mr r3, r22
lwz r12, 0x3c(r12)
srawi r0, r5, 2
srwi r4, r0, 0x1f
add r0, r0, r4
mulli r0, r0, 0xa
subf r4, r0, r25
srawi r0, r4, 0x1f
addc r6, r4, r29
adde r7, r0, r30
srawi r0, r5, 2
srwi r4, r0, 0x1f
add r5, r0, r4
mulhw r0, r28, r5
srawi r0, r0, 2
srwi r4, r0, 0x1f
add r0, r0, r4
mulli r0, r0, 0xa
subf r0, r0, r5
slwi r4, r0, 8
srawi r0, r4, 0x1f
addc r6, r6, r4
adde r5, r7, r0
mr r23, r6
mr r24, r5
mtctr r12
or. r31, r3, r3
beq lbl_8032A690
li r3, 0x4c
bl __nw__FUl
or. r26, r3, r3
beq lbl_8032A58C
bl __ct__5CNodeFv
lis r3, __vt__Q29P2DScreen4Node@ha
lis r4, __vt__Q29P2DScreen12CallBackNode@ha
addi r0, r3, __vt__Q29P2DScreen4Node@l
lis r3, __vt__Q32og6Screen15CallBack_Furiko@ha
stw r0, 0(r26)
li r5, 0
addi r4, r4, __vt__Q29P2DScreen12CallBackNode@l
addi r3, r3, __vt__Q32og6Screen15CallBack_Furiko@l
stw r5, 0x18(r26)
li r0, 1
lfs f3, lbl_8051DEA8@sda21(r2)
stw r4, 0(r26)
lfs f2, lbl_8051DEAC@sda21(r2)
stw r3, 0(r26)
lfs f1, lbl_8051DEB0@sda21(r2)
stw r5, 0x1c(r26)
lfs f0, lbl_8051DEB4@sda21(r2)
stb r5, 0x20(r26)
stb r0, 0x21(r26)
stfs f3, 0x24(r26)
stfs f3, 0x28(r26)
stfs f2, 0x2c(r26)
stfs f1, 0x30(r26)
stfs f0, 0x34(r26)
lfs f0, 0x24(r26)
stfs f0, 0x38(r26)
lfs f1, 0x28(r26)
lfs f0, 0x2c(r26)
fadds f0, f1, f0
stfs f0, 0x3c(r26)
stfs f3, 0x40(r26)
stfs f3, 0x44(r26)
stfs f3, 0x48(r26)
cmplwi r26, 0
bne lbl_8032A5A8
addi r3, r27, 0
addi r5, r27, 0x1c
li r4, 0xe3
crclr 6
bl panic_f__12JUTExceptionFPCciPCce
mr r3, r22
mr r6, r23
mr r5, r24
bl TagSearch__Q22og6ScreenFP9J2DScreenUx
or. r21, r3, r3
bne lbl_8032A5D4
addi r3, r27, 0
addi r5, r27, 0x1c
li r4, 0xe5
crclr 6
bl panic_f__12JUTExceptionFPCciPCce
cmplwi r21, 0
beq lbl_8032A654
stw r21, 0x1c(r26)
lfs f0, lbl_8051DEA8@sda21(r2)
lwz r3, 0x1c(r26)
stfs f0, 0xc0(r3)
lwz r12, 0(r3)
lwz r12, 0x2c(r12)
mtctr r12
lfs f0, lbl_8051DEAC@sda21(r2)
li r3, 0
lfs f1, lbl_8051DEB0@sda21(r2)
li r0, 1
stfs f0, 0x2c(r26)
lfs f0, lbl_8051DEB4@sda21(r2)
stfs f1, 0x30(r26)
lfs f2, lbl_8051DEA8@sda21(r2)
stfs f0, 0x34(r26)
stb r3, 0x20(r26)
stb r0, 0x21(r26)
stfs f2, 0x24(r26)
stfs f2, 0x28(r26)
lfs f0, 0x24(r26)
stfs f0, 0x38(r26)
lfs f1, 0x28(r26)
lfs f0, 0x2c(r26)
fadds f0, f1, f0
stfs f0, 0x3c(r26)
stfs f2, 0x40(r26)
stfs f2, 0x44(r26)
b lbl_8032A668
addi r3, r27, 0
addi r5, r27, 0x10
li r4, 0x76
crclr 6
bl panic_f__12JUTExceptionFPCciPCce
mr r3, r22
mr r6, r23
mr r5, r24
mr r7, r26
bl addCallBack__Q29P2DScreen3MgrFUxPQ29P2DScreen4Node
stw r26, 0x1c(r21)
li r0, 0
stw r0, 0x18(r21)
stw r26, 0x1c(r31)
stw r0, 0x18(r31)
addi r25, r25, 1
cmpwi r25, 0x64
blt lbl_8032A478
lmw r21, 0x14(r1)
lwz r0, 0x44(r1)
mtlr r0
addi r1, r1, 0x40
@ -467,7 +300,7 @@ blr
CallBack_Furiko* getFurikoPtr(P2DScreen::Mgr* screen, u64 tag)
J2DPane* pane = TagSearch(screen, tag);
return (CallBack_Furiko*)pane->mMessageID; /// ?????????
return (CallBack_Furiko*)pane->mMessageID;
} // namespace Screen
} // namespace og