mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 10:45:56 +00:00
Update OSError.s
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,39 +1,67 @@
.include "macros.inc"
.section .data, "wa" # 0x8049E220 - 0x804EFC20
.balign 8
.global lbl_804A8F90
obj local lbl_804A8F90
.asciz " in \"%s\" on line %d.\n"
end lbl_804A8F90
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A8FA8
.asciz "\nAddress: Back Chain LR Save\n"
end lbl_804A8FA8
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A8FD0
.asciz "0x%08x: 0x%08x 0x%08x\n"
end lbl_804A8FD0
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A8FEC
.asciz "Non-recoverable Exception %d"
end lbl_804A8FEC
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A900C
.asciz "Unhandled Exception %d"
end lbl_804A900C
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A9024
.asciz "\nDSISR = 0x%08x DAR = 0x%08x\n"
end lbl_804A9024
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A9058
.asciz "TB = 0x%016llx\n"
end lbl_804A9058
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A9068
.asciz "\nInstruction at 0x%x (read from SRR0) attempted to access invalid address 0x%x (read from DAR)\n"
end lbl_804A9068
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A90C8
.asciz "\nAttempted to fetch instruction from invalid address 0x%x (read from SRR0)\n"
end lbl_804A90C8
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A9114
.asciz "\nInstruction at 0x%x (read from SRR0) attempted to access unaligned address 0x%x (read from DAR)\n"
end lbl_804A9114
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A9178
.asciz "\nProgram exception : Possible illegal instruction/operation at or around 0x%x (read from SRR0)\n"
end lbl_804A9178
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A91D8
.asciz "AI DMA Address = 0x%04x%04x\n"
end lbl_804A91D8
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A91F8
.asciz "ARAM DMA Address = 0x%04x%04x\n"
end lbl_804A91F8
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A9218
.asciz "DI DMA Address = 0x%08x\n"
end lbl_804A9218
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A9234
.asciz "\nLast interrupt (%d): SRR0 = 0x%08x TB = 0x%016llx\n"
end lbl_804A9234
.balign 4
obj local lbl_804A926C
.4byte .L_800EDD64
.4byte .L_800EDD64
.4byte .L_800EDCBC
@ -50,23 +78,25 @@ lbl_804A926C:
.4byte .L_800EDD64
.4byte .L_800EDD64
.4byte .L_800EDD18
end lbl_804A926C
.section .bss # 0x804EFC20 - 0x8051467C
.global __OSErrorTable
obj global __OSErrorTable
.skip 0x44
end __OSErrorTable
.section .sdata, "wa" # 0x80514680 - 0x80514D80
.balign 8
.global __OSFpscrEnableBits
obj global __OSFpscrEnableBits
.4byte 0x000000F8
end __OSFpscrEnableBits
.balign 4
obj local lbl_805149EC
.asciz "\n"
end lbl_805149EC
.section .text, "ax" # 0x800056C0 - 0x80472F00
.global OSReport
fn weak OSReport
/* 800ED6EC 000EA62C 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 800ED6F0 000EA630 90 01 00 04 */ stw r0, 4(r1)
/* 800ED6F4 000EA634 94 21 FF 88 */ stwu r1, -0x78(r1)
@ -100,9 +130,9 @@ OSReport:
/* 800ED760 000EA6A0 38 21 00 78 */ addi r1, r1, 0x78
/* 800ED764 000EA6A4 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0
/* 800ED768 000EA6A8 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
end OSReport
.global OSPanic
fn weak OSPanic
/* 800ED76C 000EA6AC 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 800ED770 000EA6B0 90 01 00 04 */ stw r0, 4(r1)
/* 800ED774 000EA6B4 94 21 FF 70 */ stwu r1, -0x90(r1)
@ -182,9 +212,9 @@ OSPanic:
/* 800ED88C 000EA7CC 38 21 00 90 */ addi r1, r1, 0x90
/* 800ED890 000EA7D0 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0
/* 800ED894 000EA7D4 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
end OSPanic
.global OSSetErrorHandler
fn global OSSetErrorHandler
/* 800ED898 000EA7D8 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 800ED89C 000EA7DC 90 01 00 04 */ stw r0, 4(r1)
/* 800ED8A0 000EA7E0 94 21 FF D0 */ stwu r1, -0x30(r1)
@ -328,9 +358,9 @@ OSSetErrorHandler:
/* 800EDAA4 000EA9E4 38 21 00 30 */ addi r1, r1, 0x30
/* 800EDAA8 000EA9E8 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0
/* 800EDAAC 000EA9EC 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
end OSSetErrorHandler
.global __OSUnhandledException
fn global __OSUnhandledException
/* 800EDAB0 000EA9F0 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 800EDAB4 000EA9F4 3D 00 80 4F */ lis r8, __OSErrorTable@ha
/* 800EDAB8 000EA9F8 90 01 00 04 */ stw r0, 4(r1)
@ -531,3 +561,4 @@ __OSUnhandledException:
/* 800EDD8C 000EACCC 38 21 00 40 */ addi r1, r1, 0x40
/* 800EDD90 000EACD0 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0
/* 800EDD94 000EACD4 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
end __OSUnhandledException
Reference in New Issue
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