mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 21:10:33 +00:00
Link std-vector.cpp
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
.include "macros.inc"
.section .text, "ax" # 0x800056C0 - 0x80472F00
.fn extend_default__Q27JGadget6vectorFUlUlUl, global
/* 8002766C 000245AC 54 83 08 3C */ slwi r3, r4, 1
/* 80027670 000245B0 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.endfn extend_default__Q27JGadget6vectorFUlUlUl
.fn "__ct__Q27JGadget20TVector_pointer_voidFRCQ27JGadget14TAllocator<Pv>", global
/* 80027674 000245B4 88 04 00 00 */ lbz r0, 0(r4)
/* 80027678 000245B8 38 A0 00 00 */ li r5, 0
/* 8002767C 000245BC 3C 80 80 02 */ lis r4, extend_default__Q27JGadget6vectorFUlUlUl@ha
/* 80027680 000245C0 98 03 00 00 */ stb r0, 0(r3)
/* 80027684 000245C4 38 04 76 6C */ addi r0, r4, extend_default__Q27JGadget6vectorFUlUlUl@l
/* 80027688 000245C8 90 A3 00 04 */ stw r5, 4(r3)
/* 8002768C 000245CC 80 83 00 04 */ lwz r4, 4(r3)
/* 80027690 000245D0 90 83 00 08 */ stw r4, 8(r3)
/* 80027694 000245D4 90 A3 00 0C */ stw r5, 0xc(r3)
/* 80027698 000245D8 90 03 00 10 */ stw r0, 0x10(r3)
/* 8002769C 000245DC 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.endfn "__ct__Q27JGadget20TVector_pointer_voidFRCQ27JGadget14TAllocator<Pv>"
.fn "insert__Q27JGadget38TVector<Pv,Q27JGadget14TAllocator<Pv>>FPPvUlRCPv", weak
/* 800276A0 000245E0 94 21 FF E0 */ stwu r1, -0x20(r1)
/* 800276A4 000245E4 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 800276A8 000245E8 90 01 00 24 */ stw r0, 0x24(r1)
/* 800276AC 000245EC 93 E1 00 1C */ stw r31, 0x1c(r1)
/* 800276B0 000245F0 7C DF 33 78 */ mr r31, r6
/* 800276B4 000245F4 93 C1 00 18 */ stw r30, 0x18(r1)
/* 800276B8 000245F8 7C BE 2B 79 */ or. r30, r5, r5
/* 800276BC 000245FC 93 A1 00 14 */ stw r29, 0x14(r1)
/* 800276C0 00024600 7C 7D 1B 78 */ mr r29, r3
/* 800276C4 00024604 41 82 00 38 */ beq .L_800276FC
/* 800276C8 00024608 48 00 00 51 */ bl "Insert_raw__Q27JGadget38TVector<Pv,Q27JGadget14TAllocator<Pv>>FPPvUl"
/* 800276CC 0002460C 80 1D 00 08 */ lwz r0, 8(r29)
/* 800276D0 00024610 7C 03 00 40 */ cmplw r3, r0
/* 800276D4 00024614 41 82 00 28 */ beq .L_800276FC
/* 800276D8 00024618 80 1F 00 00 */ lwz r0, 0(r31)
/* 800276DC 0002461C 7F C9 03 A6 */ mtctr r30
/* 800276E0 00024620 28 1E 00 00 */ cmplwi r30, 0
/* 800276E4 00024624 41 82 00 18 */ beq .L_800276FC
/* 800276E8 00024628 28 03 00 00 */ cmplwi r3, 0
/* 800276EC 0002462C 41 82 00 08 */ beq .L_800276F4
/* 800276F0 00024630 90 03 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r3)
/* 800276F4 00024634 38 63 00 04 */ addi r3, r3, 4
/* 800276F8 00024638 42 00 FF F0 */ bdnz .L_800276E8
/* 800276FC 0002463C 80 01 00 24 */ lwz r0, 0x24(r1)
/* 80027700 00024640 83 E1 00 1C */ lwz r31, 0x1c(r1)
/* 80027704 00024644 83 C1 00 18 */ lwz r30, 0x18(r1)
/* 80027708 00024648 83 A1 00 14 */ lwz r29, 0x14(r1)
/* 8002770C 0002464C 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0
/* 80027710 00024650 38 21 00 20 */ addi r1, r1, 0x20
/* 80027714 00024654 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.endfn "insert__Q27JGadget38TVector<Pv,Q27JGadget14TAllocator<Pv>>FPPvUlRCPv"
.fn "Insert_raw__Q27JGadget38TVector<Pv,Q27JGadget14TAllocator<Pv>>FPPvUl", weak
/* 80027718 00024658 94 21 FF D0 */ stwu r1, -0x30(r1)
/* 8002771C 0002465C 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 80027720 00024660 90 01 00 34 */ stw r0, 0x34(r1)
/* 80027724 00024664 BF 61 00 1C */ stmw r27, 0x1c(r1)
/* 80027728 00024668 7C BC 2B 79 */ or. r28, r5, r5
/* 8002772C 0002466C 7C 7B 1B 78 */ mr r27, r3
/* 80027730 00024670 7C 9E 23 78 */ mr r30, r4
/* 80027734 00024674 40 82 00 0C */ bne .L_80027740
/* 80027738 00024678 7C 83 23 78 */ mr r3, r4
/* 8002773C 0002467C 48 00 04 38 */ b .L_80027B74
/* 80027740 00024680 80 BB 00 04 */ lwz r5, 4(r27)
/* 80027744 00024684 28 05 00 00 */ cmplwi r5, 0
/* 80027748 00024688 40 82 00 0C */ bne .L_80027754
/* 8002774C 0002468C 38 00 00 00 */ li r0, 0
/* 80027750 00024690 48 00 00 14 */ b .L_80027764
/* 80027754 00024694 80 1B 00 08 */ lwz r0, 8(r27)
/* 80027758 00024698 7C 05 00 50 */ subf r0, r5, r0
/* 8002775C 0002469C 7C 00 16 70 */ srawi r0, r0, 2
/* 80027760 000246A0 7C 00 01 94 */ addze r0, r0
/* 80027764 000246A4 80 7B 00 0C */ lwz r3, 0xc(r27)
/* 80027768 000246A8 7C 1C 02 14 */ add r0, r28, r0
/* 8002776C 000246AC 7C 00 18 40 */ cmplw r0, r3
/* 80027770 000246B0 41 81 02 18 */ bgt .L_80027988
/* 80027774 000246B4 57 87 10 3A */ slwi r7, r28, 2
/* 80027778 000246B8 80 DB 00 08 */ lwz r6, 8(r27)
/* 8002777C 000246BC 7D 1E 3A 14 */ add r8, r30, r7
/* 80027780 000246C0 7C 08 30 40 */ cmplw r8, r6
/* 80027784 000246C4 40 80 01 44 */ bge .L_800278C8
/* 80027788 000246C8 7D 27 30 50 */ subf r9, r7, r6
/* 8002778C 000246CC 38 66 00 03 */ addi r3, r6, 3
/* 80027790 000246D0 7C 09 30 40 */ cmplw r9, r6
/* 80027794 000246D4 7C 69 18 50 */ subf r3, r9, r3
/* 80027798 000246D8 7D 25 4B 78 */ mr r5, r9
/* 8002779C 000246DC 54 63 F0 BE */ srwi r3, r3, 2
/* 800277A0 000246E0 40 80 00 7C */ bge .L_8002781C
/* 800277A4 000246E4 54 60 E8 FF */ rlwinm. r0, r3, 0x1d, 3, 0x1f
/* 800277A8 000246E8 7C 09 03 A6 */ mtctr r0
/* 800277AC 000246EC 41 82 00 58 */ beq .L_80027804
/* 800277B0 000246F0 80 05 00 00 */ lwz r0, 0(r5)
/* 800277B4 000246F4 90 06 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r6)
/* 800277B8 000246F8 80 05 00 04 */ lwz r0, 4(r5)
/* 800277BC 000246FC 90 06 00 04 */ stw r0, 4(r6)
/* 800277C0 00024700 80 05 00 08 */ lwz r0, 8(r5)
/* 800277C4 00024704 90 06 00 08 */ stw r0, 8(r6)
/* 800277C8 00024708 80 05 00 0C */ lwz r0, 0xc(r5)
/* 800277CC 0002470C 90 06 00 0C */ stw r0, 0xc(r6)
/* 800277D0 00024710 80 05 00 10 */ lwz r0, 0x10(r5)
/* 800277D4 00024714 90 06 00 10 */ stw r0, 0x10(r6)
/* 800277D8 00024718 80 05 00 14 */ lwz r0, 0x14(r5)
/* 800277DC 0002471C 90 06 00 14 */ stw r0, 0x14(r6)
/* 800277E0 00024720 80 05 00 18 */ lwz r0, 0x18(r5)
/* 800277E4 00024724 90 06 00 18 */ stw r0, 0x18(r6)
/* 800277E8 00024728 80 05 00 1C */ lwz r0, 0x1c(r5)
/* 800277EC 0002472C 38 A5 00 20 */ addi r5, r5, 0x20
/* 800277F0 00024730 90 06 00 1C */ stw r0, 0x1c(r6)
/* 800277F4 00024734 38 C6 00 20 */ addi r6, r6, 0x20
/* 800277F8 00024738 42 00 FF B8 */ bdnz .L_800277B0
/* 800277FC 0002473C 70 63 00 07 */ andi. r3, r3, 7
/* 80027800 00024740 41 82 00 1C */ beq .L_8002781C
/* 80027804 00024744 7C 69 03 A6 */ mtctr r3
/* 80027808 00024748 80 05 00 00 */ lwz r0, 0(r5)
/* 8002780C 0002474C 38 A5 00 04 */ addi r5, r5, 4
/* 80027810 00024750 90 06 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r6)
/* 80027814 00024754 38 C6 00 04 */ addi r6, r6, 4
/* 80027818 00024758 42 00 FF F0 */ bdnz .L_80027808
/* 8002781C 0002475C 38 69 00 03 */ addi r3, r9, 3
/* 80027820 00024760 7C 09 F0 40 */ cmplw r9, r30
/* 80027824 00024764 7C 7E 18 50 */ subf r3, r30, r3
/* 80027828 00024768 80 DB 00 08 */ lwz r6, 8(r27)
/* 8002782C 0002476C 7D 25 4B 78 */ mr r5, r9
/* 80027830 00024770 54 63 F0 BE */ srwi r3, r3, 2
/* 80027834 00024774 40 81 00 6C */ ble .L_800278A0
/* 80027838 00024778 54 60 E8 FF */ rlwinm. r0, r3, 0x1d, 3, 0x1f
/* 8002783C 0002477C 7C 09 03 A6 */ mtctr r0
/* 80027840 00024780 41 82 00 50 */ beq .L_80027890
/* 80027844 00024784 80 05 FF FC */ lwz r0, -4(r5)
/* 80027848 00024788 90 06 FF FC */ stw r0, -4(r6)
/* 8002784C 0002478C 80 05 FF F8 */ lwz r0, -8(r5)
/* 80027850 00024790 90 06 FF F8 */ stw r0, -8(r6)
/* 80027854 00024794 80 05 FF F4 */ lwz r0, -0xc(r5)
/* 80027858 00024798 90 06 FF F4 */ stw r0, -0xc(r6)
/* 8002785C 0002479C 80 05 FF F0 */ lwz r0, -0x10(r5)
/* 80027860 000247A0 90 06 FF F0 */ stw r0, -0x10(r6)
/* 80027864 000247A4 80 05 FF EC */ lwz r0, -0x14(r5)
/* 80027868 000247A8 90 06 FF EC */ stw r0, -0x14(r6)
/* 8002786C 000247AC 80 05 FF E8 */ lwz r0, -0x18(r5)
/* 80027870 000247B0 90 06 FF E8 */ stw r0, -0x18(r6)
/* 80027874 000247B4 80 05 FF E4 */ lwz r0, -0x1c(r5)
/* 80027878 000247B8 90 06 FF E4 */ stw r0, -0x1c(r6)
/* 8002787C 000247BC 84 05 FF E0 */ lwzu r0, -0x20(r5)
/* 80027880 000247C0 94 06 FF E0 */ stwu r0, -0x20(r6)
/* 80027884 000247C4 42 00 FF C0 */ bdnz .L_80027844
/* 80027888 000247C8 70 63 00 07 */ andi. r3, r3, 7
/* 8002788C 000247CC 41 82 00 14 */ beq .L_800278A0
/* 80027890 000247D0 7C 69 03 A6 */ mtctr r3
/* 80027894 000247D4 84 05 FF FC */ lwzu r0, -4(r5)
/* 80027898 000247D8 94 06 FF FC */ stwu r0, -4(r6)
/* 8002789C 000247DC 42 00 FF F8 */ bdnz .L_80027894
/* 800278A0 000247E0 7F C3 F3 78 */ mr r3, r30
/* 800278A4 000247E4 48 00 00 08 */ b .L_800278AC
/* 800278A8 000247E8 38 63 00 04 */ addi r3, r3, 4
/* 800278AC 000247EC 7C 03 40 40 */ cmplw r3, r8
/* 800278B0 000247F0 40 82 FF F8 */ bne .L_800278A8
/* 800278B4 000247F4 80 1B 00 08 */ lwz r0, 8(r27)
/* 800278B8 000247F8 7C 83 23 78 */ mr r3, r4
/* 800278BC 000247FC 7C 00 3A 14 */ add r0, r0, r7
/* 800278C0 00024800 90 1B 00 08 */ stw r0, 8(r27)
/* 800278C4 00024804 48 00 02 B0 */ b .L_80027B74
/* 800278C8 00024808 38 66 00 03 */ addi r3, r6, 3
/* 800278CC 0002480C 7C 1E 30 40 */ cmplw r30, r6
/* 800278D0 00024810 7C 7E 18 50 */ subf r3, r30, r3
/* 800278D4 00024814 7D 06 43 78 */ mr r6, r8
/* 800278D8 00024818 7F C5 F3 78 */ mr r5, r30
/* 800278DC 0002481C 54 63 F0 BE */ srwi r3, r3, 2
/* 800278E0 00024820 40 80 00 7C */ bge .L_8002795C
/* 800278E4 00024824 54 60 E8 FF */ rlwinm. r0, r3, 0x1d, 3, 0x1f
/* 800278E8 00024828 7C 09 03 A6 */ mtctr r0
/* 800278EC 0002482C 41 82 00 58 */ beq .L_80027944
/* 800278F0 00024830 80 05 00 00 */ lwz r0, 0(r5)
/* 800278F4 00024834 90 06 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r6)
/* 800278F8 00024838 80 05 00 04 */ lwz r0, 4(r5)
/* 800278FC 0002483C 90 06 00 04 */ stw r0, 4(r6)
/* 80027900 00024840 80 05 00 08 */ lwz r0, 8(r5)
/* 80027904 00024844 90 06 00 08 */ stw r0, 8(r6)
/* 80027908 00024848 80 05 00 0C */ lwz r0, 0xc(r5)
/* 8002790C 0002484C 90 06 00 0C */ stw r0, 0xc(r6)
/* 80027910 00024850 80 05 00 10 */ lwz r0, 0x10(r5)
/* 80027914 00024854 90 06 00 10 */ stw r0, 0x10(r6)
/* 80027918 00024858 80 05 00 14 */ lwz r0, 0x14(r5)
/* 8002791C 0002485C 90 06 00 14 */ stw r0, 0x14(r6)
/* 80027920 00024860 80 05 00 18 */ lwz r0, 0x18(r5)
/* 80027924 00024864 90 06 00 18 */ stw r0, 0x18(r6)
/* 80027928 00024868 80 05 00 1C */ lwz r0, 0x1c(r5)
/* 8002792C 0002486C 38 A5 00 20 */ addi r5, r5, 0x20
/* 80027930 00024870 90 06 00 1C */ stw r0, 0x1c(r6)
/* 80027934 00024874 38 C6 00 20 */ addi r6, r6, 0x20
/* 80027938 00024878 42 00 FF B8 */ bdnz .L_800278F0
/* 8002793C 0002487C 70 63 00 07 */ andi. r3, r3, 7
/* 80027940 00024880 41 82 00 1C */ beq .L_8002795C
/* 80027944 00024884 7C 69 03 A6 */ mtctr r3
/* 80027948 00024888 80 05 00 00 */ lwz r0, 0(r5)
/* 8002794C 0002488C 38 A5 00 04 */ addi r5, r5, 4
/* 80027950 00024890 90 06 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r6)
/* 80027954 00024894 38 C6 00 04 */ addi r6, r6, 4
/* 80027958 00024898 42 00 FF F0 */ bdnz .L_80027948
/* 8002795C 0002489C 80 1B 00 08 */ lwz r0, 8(r27)
/* 80027960 000248A0 7F C3 F3 78 */ mr r3, r30
/* 80027964 000248A4 48 00 00 08 */ b .L_8002796C
/* 80027968 000248A8 38 63 00 04 */ addi r3, r3, 4
/* 8002796C 000248AC 7C 03 00 40 */ cmplw r3, r0
/* 80027970 000248B0 40 82 FF F8 */ bne .L_80027968
/* 80027974 000248B4 80 1B 00 08 */ lwz r0, 8(r27)
/* 80027978 000248B8 7C 83 23 78 */ mr r3, r4
/* 8002797C 000248BC 7C 00 3A 14 */ add r0, r0, r7
/* 80027980 000248C0 90 1B 00 08 */ stw r0, 8(r27)
/* 80027984 000248C4 48 00 01 F0 */ b .L_80027B74
/* 80027988 000248C8 28 05 00 00 */ cmplwi r5, 0
/* 8002798C 000248CC 40 82 00 0C */ bne .L_80027998
/* 80027990 000248D0 38 80 00 00 */ li r4, 0
/* 80027994 000248D4 48 00 00 14 */ b .L_800279A8
/* 80027998 000248D8 80 1B 00 08 */ lwz r0, 8(r27)
/* 8002799C 000248DC 7C 05 00 50 */ subf r0, r5, r0
/* 800279A0 000248E0 7C 00 16 70 */ srawi r0, r0, 2
/* 800279A4 000248E4 7C 80 01 94 */ addze r4, r0
/* 800279A8 000248E8 81 9B 00 10 */ lwz r12, 0x10(r27)
/* 800279AC 000248EC 7F 85 E3 78 */ mr r5, r28
/* 800279B0 000248F0 7F A4 E2 14 */ add r29, r4, r28
/* 800279B4 000248F4 7D 89 03 A6 */ mtctr r12
/* 800279B8 000248F8 4E 80 04 21 */ bctrl
/* 800279BC 000248FC 7C 1D 18 40 */ cmplw r29, r3
/* 800279C0 00024900 7C 7F 1B 78 */ mr r31, r3
/* 800279C4 00024904 40 81 00 08 */ ble .L_800279CC
/* 800279C8 00024908 7F BF EB 78 */ mr r31, r29
/* 800279CC 0002490C 57 E3 10 3A */ slwi r3, r31, 2
/* 800279D0 00024910 4B FF C4 D5 */ bl __nw__FUl
/* 800279D4 00024914 7C 60 1B 79 */ or. r0, r3, r3
/* 800279D8 00024918 40 82 00 0C */ bne .L_800279E4
/* 800279DC 0002491C 80 7B 00 08 */ lwz r3, 8(r27)
/* 800279E0 00024920 48 00 01 94 */ b .L_80027B74
/* 800279E4 00024924 80 BB 00 04 */ lwz r5, 4(r27)
/* 800279E8 00024928 38 9E 00 03 */ addi r4, r30, 3
/* 800279EC 0002492C 93 61 00 08 */ stw r27, 8(r1)
/* 800279F0 00024930 7C 06 03 78 */ mr r6, r0
/* 800279F4 00024934 7C 05 F0 40 */ cmplw r5, r30
/* 800279F8 00024938 7C 85 20 50 */ subf r4, r5, r4
/* 800279FC 0002493C 90 01 00 0C */ stw r0, 0xc(r1)
/* 80027A00 00024940 54 84 F0 BE */ srwi r4, r4, 2
/* 80027A04 00024944 40 80 00 7C */ bge .L_80027A80
/* 80027A08 00024948 54 83 E8 FF */ rlwinm. r3, r4, 0x1d, 3, 0x1f
/* 80027A0C 0002494C 7C 69 03 A6 */ mtctr r3
/* 80027A10 00024950 41 82 00 58 */ beq .L_80027A68
/* 80027A14 00024954 80 65 00 00 */ lwz r3, 0(r5)
/* 80027A18 00024958 90 66 00 00 */ stw r3, 0(r6)
/* 80027A1C 0002495C 80 65 00 04 */ lwz r3, 4(r5)
/* 80027A20 00024960 90 66 00 04 */ stw r3, 4(r6)
/* 80027A24 00024964 80 65 00 08 */ lwz r3, 8(r5)
/* 80027A28 00024968 90 66 00 08 */ stw r3, 8(r6)
/* 80027A2C 0002496C 80 65 00 0C */ lwz r3, 0xc(r5)
/* 80027A30 00024970 90 66 00 0C */ stw r3, 0xc(r6)
/* 80027A34 00024974 80 65 00 10 */ lwz r3, 0x10(r5)
/* 80027A38 00024978 90 66 00 10 */ stw r3, 0x10(r6)
/* 80027A3C 0002497C 80 65 00 14 */ lwz r3, 0x14(r5)
/* 80027A40 00024980 90 66 00 14 */ stw r3, 0x14(r6)
/* 80027A44 00024984 80 65 00 18 */ lwz r3, 0x18(r5)
/* 80027A48 00024988 90 66 00 18 */ stw r3, 0x18(r6)
/* 80027A4C 0002498C 80 65 00 1C */ lwz r3, 0x1c(r5)
/* 80027A50 00024990 38 A5 00 20 */ addi r5, r5, 0x20
/* 80027A54 00024994 90 66 00 1C */ stw r3, 0x1c(r6)
/* 80027A58 00024998 38 C6 00 20 */ addi r6, r6, 0x20
/* 80027A5C 0002499C 42 00 FF B8 */ bdnz .L_80027A14
/* 80027A60 000249A0 70 84 00 07 */ andi. r4, r4, 7
/* 80027A64 000249A4 41 82 00 1C */ beq .L_80027A80
/* 80027A68 000249A8 7C 89 03 A6 */ mtctr r4
/* 80027A6C 000249AC 80 65 00 00 */ lwz r3, 0(r5)
/* 80027A70 000249B0 38 A5 00 04 */ addi r5, r5, 4
/* 80027A74 000249B4 90 66 00 00 */ stw r3, 0(r6)
/* 80027A78 000249B8 38 C6 00 04 */ addi r6, r6, 4
/* 80027A7C 000249BC 42 00 FF F0 */ bdnz .L_80027A6C
/* 80027A80 000249C0 80 BB 00 08 */ lwz r5, 8(r27)
/* 80027A84 000249C4 57 83 10 3A */ slwi r3, r28, 2
/* 80027A88 000249C8 7C DD 33 78 */ mr r29, r6
/* 80027A8C 000249CC 7F C7 F3 78 */ mr r7, r30
/* 80027A90 000249D0 38 85 00 03 */ addi r4, r5, 3
/* 80027A94 000249D4 7C 1E 28 40 */ cmplw r30, r5
/* 80027A98 000249D8 7C 9E 20 50 */ subf r4, r30, r4
/* 80027A9C 000249DC 7C A6 1A 14 */ add r5, r6, r3
/* 80027AA0 000249E0 54 84 F0 BE */ srwi r4, r4, 2
/* 80027AA4 000249E4 40 80 00 7C */ bge .L_80027B20
/* 80027AA8 000249E8 54 83 E8 FF */ rlwinm. r3, r4, 0x1d, 3, 0x1f
/* 80027AAC 000249EC 7C 69 03 A6 */ mtctr r3
/* 80027AB0 000249F0 41 82 00 58 */ beq .L_80027B08
/* 80027AB4 000249F4 80 67 00 00 */ lwz r3, 0(r7)
/* 80027AB8 000249F8 90 65 00 00 */ stw r3, 0(r5)
/* 80027ABC 000249FC 80 67 00 04 */ lwz r3, 4(r7)
/* 80027AC0 00024A00 90 65 00 04 */ stw r3, 4(r5)
/* 80027AC4 00024A04 80 67 00 08 */ lwz r3, 8(r7)
/* 80027AC8 00024A08 90 65 00 08 */ stw r3, 8(r5)
/* 80027ACC 00024A0C 80 67 00 0C */ lwz r3, 0xc(r7)
/* 80027AD0 00024A10 90 65 00 0C */ stw r3, 0xc(r5)
/* 80027AD4 00024A14 80 67 00 10 */ lwz r3, 0x10(r7)
/* 80027AD8 00024A18 90 65 00 10 */ stw r3, 0x10(r5)
/* 80027ADC 00024A1C 80 67 00 14 */ lwz r3, 0x14(r7)
/* 80027AE0 00024A20 90 65 00 14 */ stw r3, 0x14(r5)
/* 80027AE4 00024A24 80 67 00 18 */ lwz r3, 0x18(r7)
/* 80027AE8 00024A28 90 65 00 18 */ stw r3, 0x18(r5)
/* 80027AEC 00024A2C 80 67 00 1C */ lwz r3, 0x1c(r7)
/* 80027AF0 00024A30 38 E7 00 20 */ addi r7, r7, 0x20
/* 80027AF4 00024A34 90 65 00 1C */ stw r3, 0x1c(r5)
/* 80027AF8 00024A38 38 A5 00 20 */ addi r5, r5, 0x20
/* 80027AFC 00024A3C 42 00 FF B8 */ bdnz .L_80027AB4
/* 80027B00 00024A40 70 84 00 07 */ andi. r4, r4, 7
/* 80027B04 00024A44 41 82 00 1C */ beq .L_80027B20
/* 80027B08 00024A48 7C 89 03 A6 */ mtctr r4
/* 80027B0C 00024A4C 80 67 00 00 */ lwz r3, 0(r7)
/* 80027B10 00024A50 38 E7 00 04 */ addi r7, r7, 4
/* 80027B14 00024A54 90 65 00 00 */ stw r3, 0(r5)
/* 80027B18 00024A58 38 A5 00 04 */ addi r5, r5, 4
/* 80027B1C 00024A5C 42 00 FF F0 */ bdnz .L_80027B0C
/* 80027B20 00024A60 80 7B 00 04 */ lwz r3, 4(r27)
/* 80027B24 00024A64 80 BB 00 08 */ lwz r5, 8(r27)
/* 80027B28 00024A68 7C 64 1B 78 */ mr r4, r3
/* 80027B2C 00024A6C 48 00 00 08 */ b .L_80027B34
/* 80027B30 00024A70 38 84 00 04 */ addi r4, r4, 4
/* 80027B34 00024A74 7C 04 28 40 */ cmplw r4, r5
/* 80027B38 00024A78 40 82 FF F8 */ bne .L_80027B30
/* 80027B3C 00024A7C 80 BB 00 04 */ lwz r5, 4(r27)
/* 80027B40 00024A80 80 9B 00 08 */ lwz r4, 8(r27)
/* 80027B44 00024A84 90 61 00 0C */ stw r3, 0xc(r1)
/* 80027B48 00024A88 7C 85 20 50 */ subf r4, r5, r4
/* 80027B4C 00024A8C 7C 84 16 70 */ srawi r4, r4, 2
/* 80027B50 00024A90 7C 84 01 94 */ addze r4, r4
/* 80027B54 00024A94 7C 9C 22 14 */ add r4, r28, r4
/* 80027B58 00024A98 54 84 10 3A */ slwi r4, r4, 2
/* 80027B5C 00024A9C 7C 80 22 14 */ add r4, r0, r4
/* 80027B60 00024AA0 90 9B 00 08 */ stw r4, 8(r27)
/* 80027B64 00024AA4 90 1B 00 04 */ stw r0, 4(r27)
/* 80027B68 00024AA8 93 FB 00 0C */ stw r31, 0xc(r27)
/* 80027B6C 00024AAC 4B FF C5 49 */ bl __dl__FPv
/* 80027B70 00024AB0 7F A3 EB 78 */ mr r3, r29
/* 80027B74 00024AB4 BB 61 00 1C */ lmw r27, 0x1c(r1)
/* 80027B78 00024AB8 80 01 00 34 */ lwz r0, 0x34(r1)
/* 80027B7C 00024ABC 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0
/* 80027B80 00024AC0 38 21 00 30 */ addi r1, r1, 0x30
/* 80027B84 00024AC4 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.endfn "Insert_raw__Q27JGadget38TVector<Pv,Q27JGadget14TAllocator<Pv>>FPPvUl"
.fn __dt__Q27JGadget20TVector_pointer_voidFv, global
/* 80027B88 00024AC8 94 21 FF F0 */ stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
/* 80027B8C 00024ACC 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 80027B90 00024AD0 90 01 00 14 */ stw r0, 0x14(r1)
/* 80027B94 00024AD4 93 E1 00 0C */ stw r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 80027B98 00024AD8 7C 9F 23 78 */ mr r31, r4
/* 80027B9C 00024ADC 93 C1 00 08 */ stw r30, 8(r1)
/* 80027BA0 00024AE0 7C 7E 1B 79 */ or. r30, r3, r3
/* 80027BA4 00024AE4 41 82 00 D0 */ beq .L_80027C74
/* 80027BA8 00024AE8 41 82 00 BC */ beq .L_80027C64
/* 80027BAC 00024AEC 80 BE 00 08 */ lwz r5, 8(r30)
/* 80027BB0 00024AF0 80 9E 00 04 */ lwz r4, 4(r30)
/* 80027BB4 00024AF4 38 65 00 03 */ addi r3, r5, 3
/* 80027BB8 00024AF8 7C 05 28 40 */ cmplw r5, r5
/* 80027BBC 00024AFC 7C 65 18 50 */ subf r3, r5, r3
/* 80027BC0 00024B00 54 63 F0 BE */ srwi r3, r3, 2
/* 80027BC4 00024B04 40 80 00 7C */ bge .L_80027C40
/* 80027BC8 00024B08 54 60 E8 FF */ rlwinm. r0, r3, 0x1d, 3, 0x1f
/* 80027BCC 00024B0C 7C 09 03 A6 */ mtctr r0
/* 80027BD0 00024B10 41 82 00 58 */ beq .L_80027C28
/* 80027BD4 00024B14 80 05 00 00 */ lwz r0, 0(r5)
/* 80027BD8 00024B18 90 04 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r4)
/* 80027BDC 00024B1C 80 05 00 04 */ lwz r0, 4(r5)
/* 80027BE0 00024B20 90 04 00 04 */ stw r0, 4(r4)
/* 80027BE4 00024B24 80 05 00 08 */ lwz r0, 8(r5)
/* 80027BE8 00024B28 90 04 00 08 */ stw r0, 8(r4)
/* 80027BEC 00024B2C 80 05 00 0C */ lwz r0, 0xc(r5)
/* 80027BF0 00024B30 90 04 00 0C */ stw r0, 0xc(r4)
/* 80027BF4 00024B34 80 05 00 10 */ lwz r0, 0x10(r5)
/* 80027BF8 00024B38 90 04 00 10 */ stw r0, 0x10(r4)
/* 80027BFC 00024B3C 80 05 00 14 */ lwz r0, 0x14(r5)
/* 80027C00 00024B40 90 04 00 14 */ stw r0, 0x14(r4)
/* 80027C04 00024B44 80 05 00 18 */ lwz r0, 0x18(r5)
/* 80027C08 00024B48 90 04 00 18 */ stw r0, 0x18(r4)
/* 80027C0C 00024B4C 80 05 00 1C */ lwz r0, 0x1c(r5)
/* 80027C10 00024B50 38 A5 00 20 */ addi r5, r5, 0x20
/* 80027C14 00024B54 90 04 00 1C */ stw r0, 0x1c(r4)
/* 80027C18 00024B58 38 84 00 20 */ addi r4, r4, 0x20
/* 80027C1C 00024B5C 42 00 FF B8 */ bdnz .L_80027BD4
/* 80027C20 00024B60 70 63 00 07 */ andi. r3, r3, 7
/* 80027C24 00024B64 41 82 00 1C */ beq .L_80027C40
/* 80027C28 00024B68 7C 69 03 A6 */ mtctr r3
/* 80027C2C 00024B6C 80 05 00 00 */ lwz r0, 0(r5)
/* 80027C30 00024B70 38 A5 00 04 */ addi r5, r5, 4
/* 80027C34 00024B74 90 04 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r4)
/* 80027C38 00024B78 38 84 00 04 */ addi r4, r4, 4
/* 80027C3C 00024B7C 42 00 FF F0 */ bdnz .L_80027C2C
/* 80027C40 00024B80 80 1E 00 08 */ lwz r0, 8(r30)
/* 80027C44 00024B84 7C 83 23 78 */ mr r3, r4
/* 80027C48 00024B88 48 00 00 08 */ b .L_80027C50
/* 80027C4C 00024B8C 38 63 00 04 */ addi r3, r3, 4
/* 80027C50 00024B90 7C 03 00 40 */ cmplw r3, r0
/* 80027C54 00024B94 40 82 FF F8 */ bne .L_80027C4C
/* 80027C58 00024B98 90 9E 00 08 */ stw r4, 8(r30)
/* 80027C5C 00024B9C 80 7E 00 04 */ lwz r3, 4(r30)
/* 80027C60 00024BA0 4B FF C4 55 */ bl __dl__FPv
/* 80027C64 00024BA4 7F E0 07 35 */ extsh. r0, r31
/* 80027C68 00024BA8 40 81 00 0C */ ble .L_80027C74
/* 80027C6C 00024BAC 7F C3 F3 78 */ mr r3, r30
/* 80027C70 00024BB0 4B FF C4 45 */ bl __dl__FPv
/* 80027C74 00024BB4 80 01 00 14 */ lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
/* 80027C78 00024BB8 7F C3 F3 78 */ mr r3, r30
/* 80027C7C 00024BBC 83 E1 00 0C */ lwz r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 80027C80 00024BC0 83 C1 00 08 */ lwz r30, 8(r1)
/* 80027C84 00024BC4 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0
/* 80027C88 00024BC8 38 21 00 10 */ addi r1, r1, 0x10
/* 80027C8C 00024BCC 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.endfn __dt__Q27JGadget20TVector_pointer_voidFv
.fn insert__Q27JGadget20TVector_pointer_voidFPPvRCPv, global
/* 80027C90 00024BD0 94 21 FF F0 */ stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
/* 80027C94 00024BD4 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 80027C98 00024BD8 90 01 00 14 */ stw r0, 0x14(r1)
/* 80027C9C 00024BDC 48 00 00 15 */ bl "insert__Q27JGadget38TVector<Pv,Q27JGadget14TAllocator<Pv>>FPPvRCPv"
/* 80027CA0 00024BE0 80 01 00 14 */ lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
/* 80027CA4 00024BE4 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0
/* 80027CA8 00024BE8 38 21 00 10 */ addi r1, r1, 0x10
/* 80027CAC 00024BEC 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.endfn insert__Q27JGadget20TVector_pointer_voidFPPvRCPv
.fn "insert__Q27JGadget38TVector<Pv,Q27JGadget14TAllocator<Pv>>FPPvRCPv", weak
/* 80027CB0 00024BF0 94 21 FF F0 */ stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
/* 80027CB4 00024BF4 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 80027CB8 00024BF8 7C A6 2B 78 */ mr r6, r5
/* 80027CBC 00024BFC 38 A0 00 01 */ li r5, 1
/* 80027CC0 00024C00 90 01 00 14 */ stw r0, 0x14(r1)
/* 80027CC4 00024C04 93 E1 00 0C */ stw r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 80027CC8 00024C08 93 C1 00 08 */ stw r30, 8(r1)
/* 80027CCC 00024C0C 7C 7E 1B 78 */ mr r30, r3
/* 80027CD0 00024C10 80 03 00 04 */ lwz r0, 4(r3)
/* 80027CD4 00024C14 7C 00 20 50 */ subf r0, r0, r4
/* 80027CD8 00024C18 7C 00 16 70 */ srawi r0, r0, 2
/* 80027CDC 00024C1C 7F E0 01 94 */ addze r31, r0
/* 80027CE0 00024C20 4B FF F9 C1 */ bl "insert__Q27JGadget38TVector<Pv,Q27JGadget14TAllocator<Pv>>FPPvUlRCPv"
/* 80027CE4 00024C24 80 7E 00 04 */ lwz r3, 4(r30)
/* 80027CE8 00024C28 57 E0 10 3A */ slwi r0, r31, 2
/* 80027CEC 00024C2C 7C 63 02 14 */ add r3, r3, r0
/* 80027CF0 00024C30 83 E1 00 0C */ lwz r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 80027CF4 00024C34 83 C1 00 08 */ lwz r30, 8(r1)
/* 80027CF8 00024C38 80 01 00 14 */ lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
/* 80027CFC 00024C3C 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0
/* 80027D00 00024C40 38 21 00 10 */ addi r1, r1, 0x10
/* 80027D04 00024C44 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.endfn "insert__Q27JGadget38TVector<Pv,Q27JGadget14TAllocator<Pv>>FPPvRCPv"
.fn erase__Q27JGadget20TVector_pointer_voidFPPvPPv, global
/* 80027D08 00024C48 80 E3 00 08 */ lwz r7, 8(r3)
/* 80027D0C 00024C4C 38 C7 00 03 */ addi r6, r7, 3
/* 80027D10 00024C50 7C 05 38 40 */ cmplw r5, r7
/* 80027D14 00024C54 7C C5 30 50 */ subf r6, r5, r6
/* 80027D18 00024C58 7C 87 23 78 */ mr r7, r4
/* 80027D1C 00024C5C 54 C6 F0 BE */ srwi r6, r6, 2
/* 80027D20 00024C60 40 80 00 7C */ bge .L_80027D9C
/* 80027D24 00024C64 54 C0 E8 FF */ rlwinm. r0, r6, 0x1d, 3, 0x1f
/* 80027D28 00024C68 7C 09 03 A6 */ mtctr r0
/* 80027D2C 00024C6C 41 82 00 58 */ beq .L_80027D84
/* 80027D30 00024C70 80 05 00 00 */ lwz r0, 0(r5)
/* 80027D34 00024C74 90 07 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r7)
/* 80027D38 00024C78 80 05 00 04 */ lwz r0, 4(r5)
/* 80027D3C 00024C7C 90 07 00 04 */ stw r0, 4(r7)
/* 80027D40 00024C80 80 05 00 08 */ lwz r0, 8(r5)
/* 80027D44 00024C84 90 07 00 08 */ stw r0, 8(r7)
/* 80027D48 00024C88 80 05 00 0C */ lwz r0, 0xc(r5)
/* 80027D4C 00024C8C 90 07 00 0C */ stw r0, 0xc(r7)
/* 80027D50 00024C90 80 05 00 10 */ lwz r0, 0x10(r5)
/* 80027D54 00024C94 90 07 00 10 */ stw r0, 0x10(r7)
/* 80027D58 00024C98 80 05 00 14 */ lwz r0, 0x14(r5)
/* 80027D5C 00024C9C 90 07 00 14 */ stw r0, 0x14(r7)
/* 80027D60 00024CA0 80 05 00 18 */ lwz r0, 0x18(r5)
/* 80027D64 00024CA4 90 07 00 18 */ stw r0, 0x18(r7)
/* 80027D68 00024CA8 80 05 00 1C */ lwz r0, 0x1c(r5)
/* 80027D6C 00024CAC 38 A5 00 20 */ addi r5, r5, 0x20
/* 80027D70 00024CB0 90 07 00 1C */ stw r0, 0x1c(r7)
/* 80027D74 00024CB4 38 E7 00 20 */ addi r7, r7, 0x20
/* 80027D78 00024CB8 42 00 FF B8 */ bdnz .L_80027D30
/* 80027D7C 00024CBC 70 C6 00 07 */ andi. r6, r6, 7
/* 80027D80 00024CC0 41 82 00 1C */ beq .L_80027D9C
/* 80027D84 00024CC4 7C C9 03 A6 */ mtctr r6
/* 80027D88 00024CC8 80 05 00 00 */ lwz r0, 0(r5)
/* 80027D8C 00024CCC 38 A5 00 04 */ addi r5, r5, 4
/* 80027D90 00024CD0 90 07 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r7)
/* 80027D94 00024CD4 38 E7 00 04 */ addi r7, r7, 4
/* 80027D98 00024CD8 42 00 FF F0 */ bdnz .L_80027D88
/* 80027D9C 00024CDC 80 03 00 08 */ lwz r0, 8(r3)
/* 80027DA0 00024CE0 7C E5 3B 78 */ mr r5, r7
/* 80027DA4 00024CE4 48 00 00 08 */ b .L_80027DAC
/* 80027DA8 00024CE8 38 A5 00 04 */ addi r5, r5, 4
/* 80027DAC 00024CEC 7C 05 00 40 */ cmplw r5, r0
/* 80027DB0 00024CF0 40 82 FF F8 */ bne .L_80027DA8
/* 80027DB4 00024CF4 90 E3 00 08 */ stw r7, 8(r3)
/* 80027DB8 00024CF8 7C 83 23 78 */ mr r3, r4
/* 80027DBC 00024CFC 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.endfn erase__Q27JGadget20TVector_pointer_voidFPPvPPv
@ -28,31 +28,30 @@
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JMessage/control.cpp">JMessage/control.cpp</a> | 6412 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JGadget/std-list.cpp">JGadget/std-list.cpp</a> | 6905 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio/jstudio-math.cpp">JStudio/jstudio-math.cpp</a> | 6948 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JParticle/JPAResourceLoader.cpp">JParticle/JPAResourceLoader.cpp</a> | 9831 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAISequenceHeap.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAISequenceHeap.cpp</a> | 10033 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAIInitData.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAIInitData.cpp</a> | 10317 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JGadget/std-vector.cpp">JGadget/std-vector.cpp</a> | 10966 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio_JStage/object-light.cpp">JStudio_JStage/object-light.cpp</a> | 11294 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASDSPChannel.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASDSPChannel.cpp</a> | 11896 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASTaskThread.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASTaskThread.cpp</a> | 12200 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASWSParser.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASWSParser.cpp</a> | 12435 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JParticle/JPADynamicsBlock.cpp">JParticle/JPADynamicsBlock.cpp</a> | 12718 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JMessage/resource.cpp">JMessage/resource.cpp</a> | 12954 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DJoint.cpp">J3D/J3DJoint.cpp</a> | 13780 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASAiCtrl.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASAiCtrl.cpp</a> | 14267 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DShape.cpp">J3D/J3DShape.cpp</a> | 14990 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DMaterial.cpp">J2D/J2DMaterial.cpp</a> | 15401 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio_JParticle/object-particle.cpp">JStudio_JParticle/object-particle.cpp</a> | 16851 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio/stb.cpp">JStudio/stb.cpp</a> | 16978 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DCluster.cpp">J3D/J3DCluster.cpp</a> | 18929 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DMaterialFactory.cpp">J2D/J2DMaterialFactory.cpp</a> | 18966 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DTextBoxEx.cpp">J2D/J2DTextBoxEx.cpp</a> | 19100 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASChannel.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASChannel.cpp</a> | 19252 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASBNKParser.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASBNKParser.cpp</a> | 19529 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio/fvb.cpp">JStudio/fvb.cpp</a> | 19853 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DTevs.cpp">J3D/J3DTevs.cpp</a> | 20723 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DMtxBuffer.cpp">J3D/J3DMtxBuffer.cpp</a> | 20816 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DModelLoaderCalcSize.cpp">J3D/J3DModelLoaderCalcSize.cpp</a> | 21313 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DMaterial.cpp">J3D/J3DMaterial.cpp</a> | 21616 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAIAnimation.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAIAnimation.cpp</a> | 22715 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DWindow.cpp">J2D/J2DWindow.cpp</a> | 23735 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DGD.cpp">J3D/J3DGD.cpp</a> | 24264 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DModel.cpp">J3D/J3DModel.cpp</a> | 25170 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAIBasic.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAIBasic.cpp</a> | 29235 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DMaterialAttach.cpp">J3D/J3DMaterialAttach.cpp</a> | 29965 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DScreen.cpp">J2D/J2DScreen.cpp</a> | 30751 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DMaterialFactory_v21.cpp">J3D/J3DMaterialFactory_v21.cpp</a> | 35247 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JMessage/processor.cpp">JMessage/processor.cpp</a> | 35637 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DPicture.cpp">J2D/J2DPicture.cpp</a> | 42051 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASAramStream.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASAramStream.cpp</a> | 47117 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DWindowEx.cpp">J2D/J2DWindowEx.cpp</a> | 47225 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASSeqParser.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASSeqParser.cpp</a> | 47291 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio/functionvalue.cpp">JStudio/functionvalue.cpp</a> | 50054 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAISound.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAISound.cpp</a> | 51800 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAIStreamMgr.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAIStreamMgr.cpp</a> | 53010 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAISeMgr.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAISeMgr.cpp</a> | 64949 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAISequenceMgr.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAISequenceMgr.cpp</a> | 68811 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASTrack.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASTrack.cpp</a> | 72438 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DMaterialFactory.cpp">J3D/J3DMaterialFactory.cpp</a> | 75581 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DPictureEx.cpp">J2D/J2DPictureEx.cpp</a> | 90428 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JParticle/JPAResource.cpp">JParticle/JPAResource.cpp</a> | 95965 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JParticle/JPABaseShape.cpp">JParticle/JPABaseShape.cpp</a> | 96437 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio/jstudio-object.cpp">JStudio/jstudio-object.cpp</a> | 104283 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DMatBlock.cpp">J2D/J2DMatBlock.cpp</a> | 127713 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DMatBlock.cpp">J3D/J3DMatBlock.cpp</a> | 165948 | | |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio_JStage/object-light.cpp">JStudio_JStage/object-light.cpp</a> | 11294 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASDSPChannel.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASDSPChannel.cpp</a> | 11896 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASTaskThread.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASTaskThread.cpp</a> | 12200 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASWSParser.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASWSParser.cpp</a> | 12435 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JParticle/JPADynamicsBlock.cpp">JParticle/JPADynamicsBlock.cpp</a> | 12718 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JMessage/resource.cpp">JMessage/resource.cpp</a> | 12954 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DJoint.cpp">J3D/J3DJoint.cpp</a> | 13780 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASAiCtrl.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASAiCtrl.cpp</a> | 14267 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DShape.cpp">J3D/J3DShape.cpp</a> | 14990 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DMaterial.cpp">J2D/J2DMaterial.cpp</a> | 15401 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio_JParticle/object-particle.cpp">JStudio_JParticle/object-particle.cpp</a> | 16851 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio/stb.cpp">JStudio/stb.cpp</a> | 16978 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DCluster.cpp">J3D/J3DCluster.cpp</a> | 18929 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DMaterialFactory.cpp">J2D/J2DMaterialFactory.cpp</a> | 18966 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DTextBoxEx.cpp">J2D/J2DTextBoxEx.cpp</a> | 19100 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASChannel.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASChannel.cpp</a> | 19252 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASBNKParser.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASBNKParser.cpp</a> | 19529 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio/fvb.cpp">JStudio/fvb.cpp</a> | 19853 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DTevs.cpp">J3D/J3DTevs.cpp</a> | 20723 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DMtxBuffer.cpp">J3D/J3DMtxBuffer.cpp</a> | 20816 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DModelLoaderCalcSize.cpp">J3D/J3DModelLoaderCalcSize.cpp</a> | 21313 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DMaterial.cpp">J3D/J3DMaterial.cpp</a> | 21616 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAIAnimation.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAIAnimation.cpp</a> | 22715 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DWindow.cpp">J2D/J2DWindow.cpp</a> | 23735 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DGD.cpp">J3D/J3DGD.cpp</a> | 24264 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DModel.cpp">J3D/J3DModel.cpp</a> | 25170 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAIBasic.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAIBasic.cpp</a> | 29235 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DMaterialAttach.cpp">J3D/J3DMaterialAttach.cpp</a> | 29965 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DScreen.cpp">J2D/J2DScreen.cpp</a> | 30751 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DMaterialFactory_v21.cpp">J3D/J3DMaterialFactory_v21.cpp</a> | 35247 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JMessage/processor.cpp">JMessage/processor.cpp</a> | 35637 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DPicture.cpp">J2D/J2DPicture.cpp</a> | 42051 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASAramStream.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASAramStream.cpp</a> | 47117 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DWindowEx.cpp">J2D/J2DWindowEx.cpp</a> | 47225 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASSeqParser.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASSeqParser.cpp</a> | 47291 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio/functionvalue.cpp">JStudio/functionvalue.cpp</a> | 50054 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAISound.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAISound.cpp</a> | 51800 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAIStreamMgr.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAIStreamMgr.cpp</a> | 53010 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAISeMgr.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAISeMgr.cpp</a> | 64949 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAI/JAISequenceMgr.cpp">JAudio//JAI/JAISequenceMgr.cpp</a> | 68811 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JAudio/JSystem/JAS/JASTrack.cpp">JAudio//JAS/JASTrack.cpp</a> | 72438 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DMaterialFactory.cpp">J3D/J3DMaterialFactory.cpp</a> | 75581 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DPictureEx.cpp">J2D/J2DPictureEx.cpp</a> | 90428 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JParticle/JPAResource.cpp">JParticle/JPAResource.cpp</a> | 95965 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JParticle/JPABaseShape.cpp">JParticle/JPABaseShape.cpp</a> | 96437 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JStudio/jstudio-object.cpp">JStudio/jstudio-object.cpp</a> | 104283 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J2D/J2DMatBlock.cpp">J2D/J2DMatBlock.cpp</a> | 127713 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/J3D/J3DMatBlock.cpp">J3D/J3DMatBlock.cpp</a> | 165948 |
### <section id="plugProjectEbisawaU">plugProjectEbisawaU</section>
| File | Size (bytes) | File | Size (bytes) |
@ -66,7 +65,7 @@
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/plugProjectHikinoU/PSBnkMgr.cpp">PSBnkMgr.cpp</a> | 10222 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/plugProjectHikinoU/PSSe.cpp">PSSe.cpp</a> | 22162 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/plugProjectHikinoU/PSSeq.cpp">PSSeq.cpp</a> | 27178 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/plugProjectHikinoU/PSAutoBgm.cpp">PSAutoBgm.cpp</a> | 53589 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/plugProjectHikinoU/PSGame.cpp">PSGame.cpp</a> | 75661 | | |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/plugProjectHikinoU/PSGame.cpp">PSGame.cpp</a> | 75660 | | |
### <section id="plugProjectKandoU">plugProjectKandoU</section>
| File | Size (bytes) | File | Size (bytes) |
@ -173,7 +172,7 @@
### <section id="sysGCU">sysGCU</section>
| File | Size (bytes) | File | Size (bytes) |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/sysGCU/aramMgr.cpp">aramMgr.cpp</a> | 4254 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/sysGCU/section.cpp">section.cpp</a> | 7996 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/sysGCU/aramMgr.cpp">aramMgr.cpp</a> | 4254 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/sysGCU/section.cpp">section.cpp</a> | 8003 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/sysGCU/JSTObjectCamera.cpp">JSTObjectCamera.cpp</a> | 8577 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/sysGCU/JSTObjectGameActor.cpp">JSTObjectGameActor.cpp</a> | 9290 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/sysGCU/sysShapeModel.cpp">sysShapeModel.cpp</a> | 15486 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/sysGCU/titleSection.cpp">titleSection.cpp</a> | 19709 |
| <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/sysGCU/JSTObjectSystem.cpp">JSTObjectSystem.cpp</a> | 22461 | <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/sysGCU/JSTObjectActor.cpp">JSTObjectActor.cpp</a> | 22505 |
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
#include "JSystem/JGadget/allocator.h"
#include "PowerPC_EABI_Support/MSL_C++/MSL_Common/Include/algorithm.h"
#include "PowerPC_EABI_Support/MSL_C++/MSL_Common/Include/msl_memory.h"
#include "types.h"
namespace JGadget {
@ -29,28 +31,154 @@ struct TVector {
T* mPointer;
// TVector(u32, const T&, const Allocator<T>&);
// TVector(Allocator<T> alloc)
// {
// _00 = alloc._00;
// _04 = nullptr;
// mBegin = nullptr;
// mEnd = nullptr;
// mExtend = vector::extend_default;
// }
void insert(T*, u32, const T&);
void** Insert_raw(T*, u32);
void** insert(T*, const T&);
// void insert(T*, u32, const T&);
void insert(T* position, u32 count, T const& value)
if (!count) {
void** v = Insert_raw(position, count); // insert `count` values before element at `position`
if (v != this->mEnd) {
for (int i = 0; i != count; i++) {
if (v) {
*v = value;
void** Insert_raw(T* position, u32 count)
// purpose: to make space for `count` many elements at the supplied location
// returns: pointer to location for new items
T* const pFirst = position;
// JUT_DEBUG_ASSERT((mBegin<=pItFirst_)&&(pItFirst_<=mEnd), 0x1be);
// it's assumed the pointer is to something already in the vector, or pointing to the end
if (count == 0) {
return position;
// can we fit in the space already allocated?
if (count + size() <= mCapacity) {
// get the theoretical new end
void** newEnd = pFirst + count;
// if there exists items in the current vector past where we will insert these items
// then we need to move them to be at the end of the vector
if (newEnd < mEnd) {
// get a pointer to the `count` many values that need to be pushed to the end
void** pOverwrittenValues = mEnd - count;
// copy `count` many values to the end of the vector
std::uninitialized_copy(pOverwrittenValues, mEnd, mEnd);
// copy the remaining values that need to be shifted
// copying backwards so we don't move a value into the range we're copying from, erasing data
std::copy_backward(pFirst, pOverwrittenValues, mEnd);
// destroy everything from pFirst -> newEnd, this treats the inserted items as "uninitialized"
DestroyElement_(pFirst, newEnd);
// increment count
mEnd += count;
// return pointer to new items
return pFirst;
} else {
// position + count >= mEnd
// else our values that we want to add will write beyond the current mEnd
// copy the values that exist at our pointer to the newEnd, which is position + count, making room for our `count` many
// items
std::uninitialized_copy(pFirst, mEnd, newEnd);
// uninitialize the values that used to be there
DestroyElement_(pFirst, mEnd);
// increment count
mEnd += count;
// return pointer to new items
return position;
// count + size() > mCapacity
// we need more space
// figure out how much space we'll need
u32 newSize = GetSize_extend_(count);
// allocate that space
void** newDataPointer = mAllocator.allocate(newSize, 0);
// make sure that data was actually allocated
if (!newDataPointer) {
// return end pointer so we know not to actually assign any values
return end();
// this struct will deallocate the specified data pointer when destroyed
// If we end up throwing an exception, it'll deallocate our new data pointer, no leaks!
TDestructed_deallocate_ destructionDeallocator(mAllocator, newDataPointer);
// copy all the beginning of our data up to our pointer to the new data
void** const endOfCopy = std::uninitialized_copy(mBegin, pFirst, newDataPointer);
// copy the rest of the data to fit at the end of our new data
// this leaves a gap of `count` many items in our new data
std::uninitialized_copy(pFirst, mEnd, endOfCopy + count);
// destroy all our current elements, the other elements should be living in the new data
// and we're about to deallocate our
// everything should be set, so now we can deallocate our old data pointer
// when this func exits
// set our new vector member variables
mEnd = newDataPointer + (mEnd - mBegin + count);
mBegin = newDataPointer;
mCapacity = newSize;
// return where the gap of `count` many items lives
return endOfCopy;
void** insert(T* position, const T& value)
u32 posOffset = position - mBegin;
// insert one value of `value` at `position`
insert(position, 1, value);
return mBegin + posOffset; // return pointer to new value at position
void assign(u32, const T&);
void resize(u32, const T&);
void Resize_raw(u32);
void operator=(const TVector<T>& rhs);
size_t GetSize_extend_(size_t count) const;
size_t GetSize_extend_(size_t count) const
u32 oldSize = size();
u32 neededNewSpace = oldSize + count;
u32 extendedSize = mExtend(capacity(), oldSize, count);
return neededNewSpace > extendedSize ? neededNewSpace : extendedSize;
T* begin() { return mBegin; }
T* const begin() const { return mBegin; }
T* end() { return mEnd; }
@ -66,8 +194,15 @@ struct TVector {
return ((int)mEnd - (int)mBegin) / 4;
void DestroyElement_(T* start, T* end);
void DestroyElement_all_();
void DestroyElement_(T* pFirst, T* pLast)
void** iter = pFirst;
while (iter != pLast) {
void DestroyElement_all_() { DestroyElement_(mBegin, mEnd); }
Allocator mAllocator; // _00
T* mBegin; // _04
@ -79,7 +214,7 @@ struct TVector {
// clang-format off
struct TVector_pointer_void : public TVector<void*, TAllocator<void*> > {
TVector_pointer_void(const JGadget::TAllocator<void*>& allocator);
// TVector_pointer_void(u32, void* const&, const JGadget::TAllocator<void*>& allocator); // unused/inlined
TVector_pointer_void(u32, void* const&, const JGadget::TAllocator<void*>& allocator); // unused/inlined
@ -87,7 +222,7 @@ struct TVector_pointer_void : public TVector<void*, TAllocator<void*> > {
void** erase(void**, void**);
void clear() { erase(begin(), end()); }
void push_back(const void*& ref) { insert(end(), (void* const&)ref); }
void push_back(const void*& value) { insert(end(), (void* const&)value); }
// unused/inlined:
// void insert(void**, u32, void* const&);
@ -118,11 +253,144 @@ struct TVector_pointer : public TVector_pointer_void {
const T* end() const { return (const T*)TVector_pointer_void::end(); }
T* end() { return (T*)TVector_pointer_void::end(); }
void push_back(const T& ref) { static_cast<TVector_pointer_void*>(this)->push_back((const void*&)ref); }
void push_back(const T& value) { static_cast<TVector_pointer_void*>(this)->push_back((const void*&)value); }
// _00-_18 = TVector_pointer_void
// clang-format off
typedef JGadget::TVector<void*, JGadget::TAllocator<void*> > TVPVBase;
// clang-format on
// template <>
// void TVPVBase::insert(void** values, u32 count, void* const& defaultValue)
// {
// if (!count) {
// return;
// }
// void** v = Insert_raw(values, count);
// if (v != this->mEnd) {
// for (int i = 0; i != count; i++) {
// if (v) {
// *v = defaultValue;
// }
// v++;
// }
// }
// }
* @note Address: 0x80027718
* @note Size: 0x470
template <>
void** TVPVBase::Insert_raw(void** pItFirst, u32 count)
// purpose: to make space for `count` many elements at the supplied location
// returns: pointer to location for new items
void** const pItFirst_ = pItFirst;
// JUT_DEBUG_ASSERT((mBegin<=pItFirst_)&&(pItFirst_<=mEnd), 0x1be);
// it's assumed the pointer is to something already in the vector, or pointing to the end
if (count == 0) {
return pItFirst;
// can we fit in the space already allocated?
if (count + size() <= mCapacity) {
// get the theoretical new end
void** newEnd = pItFirst_ + count;
// if there exists items in the current vector past where we will insert these items
// then we need to move them to be at the end of the vector
if (newEnd < mEnd) {
// get a pointer to the `count` many values that need to be pushed to the end
void** pOverwrittenValues = mEnd - count;
// copy `count` many values to the end of the vector
std::uninitialized_copy(pOverwrittenValues, mEnd, mEnd);
// copy the remaining values that need to be shifted
// copying backwards so we don't move a value into the range we're copying from, erasing data
std::copy_backward(pItFirst_, pOverwrittenValues, mEnd);
// destroy everything from pItFirst_ -> newEnd, this treats the inserted items as "uninitialized"
DestroyElement_(pItFirst_, newEnd);
// increment count
mEnd += count;
// return pointer to new items
return pItFirst;
} else {
// pItFirst + count >= mEnd
// else our values that we want to add will write beyond the current mEnd
// copy the values that exist at our pointer to the newEnd, which is pItFirst + count, making room for our `count` many
// items
std::uninitialized_copy(pItFirst_, mEnd, newEnd);
// uninitialize the values that used to be there
DestroyElement_(pItFirst_, mEnd);
// increment count
mEnd += count;
// return pointer to new items
return pItFirst;
// count + size() > mCapacity
// we need more space
// figure out how much space we'll need
u32 newSize = GetSize_extend_(count);
// allocate that space
void** newDataPointer = mAllocator.allocate(newSize, 0);
// make sure that data was actually allocated
if (!newDataPointer) {
// return end pointer?
return end();
// this struct will deallocate the specified data pointer when destroyed
// If we end up throwing an exception, it'll deallocate our new data pointer, no leaks!
TDestructed_deallocate_ destructionDeallocator(mAllocator, newDataPointer);
// copy all the beginning of our data up to our pointer to the new data
void** const endOfCopy = std::uninitialized_copy(mBegin, pItFirst_, newDataPointer);
// copy the rest of the data to fit at the end of our new data
// this leaves a gap of `count` many items in our new data
std::uninitialized_copy(pItFirst_, mEnd, endOfCopy + count);
// destroy all our current elements, the other elements should be living in the new data
// and we're about to deallocate our
// everything should be set, so now we can deallocate our old data pointer
// when this func exits
// set our new vector member variables
mEnd = newDataPointer + (mEnd - mBegin + count);
mBegin = newDataPointer;
mCapacity = newSize;
// return where the gap of `count` many items lives
return endOfCopy;
} // namespace JGadget
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
["JSystem/JGadget/binary", true],
["JSystem/JGadget/linklist", true],
["JSystem/JGadget/std-list", false],
["JSystem/JGadget/std-vector", false]
["JSystem/JGadget/std-vector", true]
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ JGADGET_FILES:=\
@ -1,19 +1,13 @@
#include "JSystem/JGadget/allocator.h"
#include "JSystem/JGadget/vector.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "PowerPC_EABI_Support/MSL_C++/MSL_Common/Include/algorithm.h"
#include "PowerPC_EABI_Support/MSL_C++/MSL_Common/Include/msl_memory.h"
// clang-format off
typedef JGadget::TVector<void*, JGadget::TAllocator<void*> > TVPVBase;
// clang-format on
namespace JGadget {
* @note Address: 0x8002766C
* @note Size: 0x8
u32 vector::extend_default(u32 p1, u32 p2, u32 p3) { return p2 * 2; }
u32 vector::extend_default(u32 capacity, u32 oldSize, u32 count) { return oldSize * 2; }
* @note Address: 0x80027674
@ -29,35 +23,15 @@ TVector_pointer_void::TVector_pointer_void(const TVoidAllocator& allocator)
mExtend = vector::extend_default;
template <>
size_t TVPVBase::GetSize_extend_(size_t count) const
u32 oldSize = size();
u32 neededNewSpace = oldSize + count;
u32 extendedSize = mExtend(capacity(), oldSize, count);
return neededNewSpace > extendedSize ? neededNewSpace : extendedSize;
* @note Address: N/A
* @note Size: 0x104
template <>
TVector_pointer_void::TVector_pointer_void(u32 count, void* const& defaultValue, const JGadget::TAllocator<void*>& allocator)
TVector::insert(nullptr, count, defaultValue);
// /**
// * @note Address: N/A
// * @note Size: 0x30
// */
// TVector_pointer_void::TVector_pointer_void(u32, void* const&, const JGadget::TAllocator<void*>& allocator)
// {
// }
// /**
// * @note Address: N/A
// * @note Size: 0x64
@ -69,152 +43,13 @@ TVPVBase::~TVector()
// }
* @note Address: 0x800276A0
* @note Size: 0x78
* @note Address: N/A
* @note Size: 0x104
template <>
inline void TVPVBase::DestroyElement_(void** pFirst, void** pLast)
void** iter = pFirst;
while (iter != pLast) {
template <>
inline void TVPVBase::DestroyElement_all_()
DestroyElement_(mBegin, mEnd);
template <>
void TVPVBase::insert(void** values, u32 count, void* const& defaultValue)
if (!count) {
void** v = Insert_raw(values, count);
if (v != this->mEnd) {
for (int i = 0; i != count; i++) {
if (v) {
*v = defaultValue;
* @note Address: 0x80027718
* @note Size: 0x470
template <>
void** TVPVBase::Insert_raw(void** pItFirst, u32 count)
// purpose: to make space for `count` many elements at the supplied location
// returns: pointer to location for new items
void** const pItFirst_ = pItFirst;
// JUT_DEBUG_ASSERT((mBegin<=pItFirst_)&&(pItFirst_<=mEnd), 0x1be);
// it's assumed the pointer is to something already in the vector, or pointing to the end
if (count == 0) {
return pItFirst;
// can we fit in the space already allocated?
if (count + size() <= mCapacity) {
// get the theoretical new end
void** newEnd = pItFirst_ + count;
// if there exists items in the current vector past where we will insert these items
// then we need to move them to be at the end of the vector
if (newEnd < mEnd) {
// get a pointer to the `count` many values that need to be pushed to the end
void** pOverwrittenValues = mEnd - count;
// copy `count` many values to the end of the vector
std::uninitialized_copy(pOverwrittenValues, mEnd, mEnd);
// copy the remaining values that need to be shifted
// copying backwards so we don't move a value into the range we're copying from, erasing data
std::copy_backward(pItFirst_, pOverwrittenValues, mEnd);
// destroy everything from pItFirst_ -> newEnd, this treats the inserted items as "uninitialized"
DestroyElement_(pItFirst_, newEnd);
// increment count
mEnd += count;
// return pointer to new items
return pItFirst;
} else {
// pItFirst + count >= mEnd
// else our values that we want to add will write beyond the current mEnd
// copy the values that exist at our pointer to the newEnd, which is pItFirst + count, making room for our `count` many
// items
std::uninitialized_copy(pItFirst_, mEnd, newEnd);
// uninitialize the values that used to be there
DestroyElement_(pItFirst_, mEnd);
// increment count
mEnd += count;
// return pointer to new items
return pItFirst;
// count + size() > mCapacity
// we need more space
// figure out how much space we'll need
u32 newSize = GetSize_extend_(count);
// allocate that space
void** newDataPointer = mAllocator.allocate(newSize, 0);
// make sure that data was actually allocated
if (!newDataPointer) {
// return end pointer?
return end();
// this struct will deallocate the specified data pointer when destroyed
// If we end up throwing an exception, it'll deallocate our new data pointer, no leaks!
TDestructed_deallocate_ destructionDeallocator(mAllocator, newDataPointer);
// copy all the beginning of our data up to our pointer to the new data
void** const endOfCopy = std::uninitialized_copy(mBegin, pItFirst_, newDataPointer);
// copy the rest of the data to fit at the end of our new data
// this leaves a gap of `count` many items in our new data
std::uninitialized_copy(pItFirst_, mEnd, endOfCopy + count);
// destroy all our current elements, the other elements should be living in the new data
// and we're about to deallocate our
// everything should be set, so now we can deallocate our old data pointer
// when this func exits
// set our new vector member variables
mEnd = newDataPointer + (mEnd - mBegin + count);
mBegin = newDataPointer;
mCapacity = newSize;
// return where the gap of `count` many items lives
return endOfCopy;
@ -237,44 +72,7 @@ TVector_pointer_void::~TVector_pointer_void()
* @note Address: 0x80027C90
* @note Size: 0x20
void TVector_pointer_void::insert(void** p1, void* const& p2) { TVector::insert(p1, p2); }
* @note Address: 0x80027CB0
* @note Size: 0x58
template <>
void** TVPVBase::insert(void** p1, void* const& p2)
u32 c = p1 - mBegin;
insert(p1, 1, p2);
return mBegin + c;
stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
mflr r0
mr r6, r5
li r5, 0x1
stw r0, 0x14(r1)
stw r31, 0xC(r1)
stw r30, 0x8(r1)
mr r30, r3
lwz r0, 0x4(r3)
sub r0, r4, r0
srawi r0, r0, 0x2
addze r31, r0
bl -0x640
lwz r3, 0x4(r30)
rlwinm r0,r31,2,0,29
add r3, r3, r0
lwz r31, 0xC(r1)
lwz r30, 0x8(r1)
lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
mtlr r0
addi r1, r1, 0x10
void TVector_pointer_void::insert(void** position, void* const& value) { TVector::insert(position, value); }
// /**
// * @note Address: N/A
@ -307,69 +105,6 @@ void** TVector_pointer_void::erase(void** start, void** end)
mEnd = ppvVar3;
return start;
// void TVector_pointer_void::erase(void**, void**)
// {
// /*
// lwz r7, 8(r3)
// addi r6, r7, 3
// cmplw r5, r7
// subf r6, r5, r6
// mr r7, r4
// srwi r6, r6, 2
// bge lbl_80027D9C
// rlwinm. r0, r6, 0x1d, 3, 0x1f
// mtctr r0
// beq lbl_80027D84
// lbl_80027D30:
// lwz r0, 0(r5)
// stw r0, 0(r7)
// lwz r0, 4(r5)
// stw r0, 4(r7)
// lwz r0, 8(r5)
// stw r0, 8(r7)
// lwz r0, 0xc(r5)
// stw r0, 0xc(r7)
// lwz r0, 0x10(r5)
// stw r0, 0x10(r7)
// lwz r0, 0x14(r5)
// stw r0, 0x14(r7)
// lwz r0, 0x18(r5)
// stw r0, 0x18(r7)
// lwz r0, 0x1c(r5)
// addi r5, r5, 0x20
// stw r0, 0x1c(r7)
// addi r7, r7, 0x20
// bdnz lbl_80027D30
// andi. r6, r6, 7
// beq lbl_80027D9C
// lbl_80027D84:
// mtctr r6
// lbl_80027D88:
// lwz r0, 0(r5)
// addi r5, r5, 4
// stw r0, 0(r7)
// addi r7, r7, 4
// bdnz lbl_80027D88
// lbl_80027D9C:
// lwz r0, 8(r3)
// mr r5, r7
// b lbl_80027DAC
// lbl_80027DA8:
// addi r5, r5, 4
// lbl_80027DAC:
// cmplw r5, r0
// bne lbl_80027DA8
// stw r7, 8(r3)
// mr r3, r4
// blr
// */
// }
// /**
// * @note Address: N/A
@ -1027,3 +1027,5 @@ You have 4703 out of 10000 Pokos and 114 out of 201 treasures.",2024-06-01 23:52
You have 4707 out of 10000 Pokos and 114 out of 201 treasures.",2024-06-02 20:00:14.296051
You have 4715 out of 10000 Pokos and 114 out of 201 treasures.",2024-06-02 20:38:19.330730
You have 4715 out of 10000 Pokos and 114 out of 201 treasures.",2024-06-04 16:20:22.820604
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