diff --git a/docs/recommended_todo.md b/docs/recommended_todo.md
index dcec23a6c..a40e570e2 100644
--- a/docs/recommended_todo.md
+++ b/docs/recommended_todo.md
@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@
| File | Size (bytes) | File | Size (bytes) |
| ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| flockMgr.cpp | 7469 | cellIterator.cpp | 9325 |
-| mapMgrTraceMove.cpp | 9736 | aiEnter.cpp | 10813 |
-| naviWhistle.cpp | 11601 | itemHole.cpp | 11707 |
-| itemHoney.cpp | 12288 | itemBigFountain.cpp | 12667 |
-| aiBreakGate.cpp | 13962 | creatureLOD.cpp | 14138 |
+| mapMgrTraceMove.cpp | 9736 | creatureLOD.cpp | 10051 |
+| aiEnter.cpp | 10813 | naviWhistle.cpp | 11601 |
+| itemHole.cpp | 11707 | itemHoney.cpp | 12288 |
+| itemBigFountain.cpp | 12667 | aiBreakGate.cpp | 13962 |
| texCaster.cpp | 14405 | gameCaveInfo.cpp | 15260 |
| baseGameSectionKantei.cpp | 15455 | itemRock.cpp | 17251 |
| itemCave.cpp | 20160 | pathfinder.cpp | 20316 |
diff --git a/src/plugProjectKandoU/creatureLOD.cpp b/src/plugProjectKandoU/creatureLOD.cpp
index ef3403d03..6b75fc23f 100644
--- a/src/plugProjectKandoU/creatureLOD.cpp
+++ b/src/plugProjectKandoU/creatureLOD.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
namespace Game {
+bool AILOD::drawInfo;
* @note Address: 0x801D7808
* @note Size: 0x1C
@@ -42,17 +44,19 @@ void Creature::updateLOD(Game::AILODParm& parm)
if (parm.mIsCylinder) {
- mLod.mFlags = AILOD_NULL;
- int iStack[2];
- int* pi = iStack;
- bool shouldCull = true; // set to false if visible on any viewport
- int v11 = 2;
+ // gonna have to play with the order of these probably
+ mLod.mFlags = AILOD_NULL;
+ bool shouldCull = true; // set to false if visible on any viewport
+ int vpStats[2];
Graphics* gfx = sys->mGfx;
int viewportCount = gfx->mActiveViewports;
+ int currFlag = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < viewportCount; i++) {
Viewport* vp = gfx->getViewport(i);
if (!vp->viewable()) {
- *pi = 2;
+ vpStats[i] = 2;
} else {
Camera* camera = vp->mCamera;
if (parm.mIsCylinder) {
@@ -69,19 +73,18 @@ void Creature::updateLOD(Game::AILODParm& parm)
f32 screenSize = camera->calcScreenSize(lodSphere);
if (screenSize > parm.mFar) {
- *pi = 0;
+ vpStats[i] = 0;
} else {
if (screenSize > parm.mClose) {
- *pi = 1;
+ vpStats[i] = 1;
} else {
- *pi = 2;
+ vpStats[i] = 2;
- if (*pi < v11) {
- v11 = *pi;
+ if (vpStats[i] < currFlag) {
+ currFlag = vpStats[i];
- pi++;
if (!(gameSystem->isMultiplayerMode() && (2 <= viewportCount))) {
@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ void Creature::updateLOD(Game::AILODParm& parm)
P2ASSERTLINE(176, vp1->mCamera);
Vector3f pos0 = *vp0->mCamera->getSoundPositionPtr();
Vector3f pos1 = *vp1->mCamera->getSoundPositionPtr();
- if (sqrDistance(pos1, lodSphere.mPosition) < sqrDistance(pos0, lodSphere.mPosition)) {
+ if (pos1.sqrDistance(lodSphere.mPosition) < pos0.sqrDistance(lodSphere.mPosition)) {
mLod.mSndVpId = 0;
} else {
mLod.mSndVpId = 1;
@@ -107,18 +110,20 @@ void Creature::updateLOD(Game::AILODParm& parm)
for (int i = 0; i < viewportCount; i++) {
- mLod.mFlags |= (u8)v11;
+ mLod.setFlag((u8)currFlag);
if (!shouldCull) {
- mLod.mFlags |= AILOD_IsVisible;
+ mLod.setFlag(AILOD_IsVisible);
} else {
- mLod.mFlags = AILOD_IsFar;
+ mLod.mFlags = (AILOD_IsFar);
if (0 < getCellPikiCount()) {
- mLod.mFlags |= AILOD_PikiInCell;
+ mLod.setFlag(AILOD_PikiInCell);
stwu r1, -0xa0(r1)
mflr r0
@@ -418,7 +423,7 @@ void Creature::drawLODInfo(Graphics& gfx, Vector3f& position)
const char* nearnessLabels[] = { "near", "mid", "far" };
- u8 nearness = mLod.mFlags & (AILOD_IsMid | AILOD_IsFar);
+ int nearness = mLod.mFlags & (AILOD_IsMid | AILOD_IsFar);
switch (nearness) {
info.mColorA.set(0, 10, 255, 255);
@@ -433,198 +438,19 @@ void Creature::drawLODInfo(Graphics& gfx, Vector3f& position)
info.mColorB.set(200, 200, 200, 255);
- const char* flag4Text = "_";
- if (mLod.mFlags & AILOD_IsVisible) {
- flag4Text = "p";
- }
- const char* vp1VisibilityText = "x";
- if (mLod.mFlags & AILOD_IsVisVP1) {
- vp1VisibilityText = "v";
- }
- const char* vp0VisibilityText = "x";
- if (mLod.mFlags & AILOD_IsVisVP0) {
- vp0VisibilityText = "v";
- }
- gfx.perspPrintf(info, position, "[%s%s %s %s]", vp0VisibilityText, vp1VisibilityText, flag4Text, nearnessLabels[nearness]);
+ gfx.perspPrintf(info, position, "[%s%s %s %s]", (mLod.isFlag(AILOD_IsVisVP0)) ? "v" : "x",
+ (mLod.isFlag(AILOD_IsVisVP1)) ? "v" : "x", (mLod.isFlag(AILOD_PikiInCell)) ? "p" : "_", nearnessLabels[nearness]);
Camera* camera0 = sys->mGfx->getViewport(0)->mCamera;
Vector3f sizeOnScreenTextPosition;
- sizeOnScreenTextPosition.x = position.x;
- sizeOnScreenTextPosition.y = position.y + 15.0f;
- sizeOnScreenTextPosition.z = position.z;
+ sizeOnScreenTextPosition = position;
+ sizeOnScreenTextPosition.y += 15.0f;
Sys::Sphere lodSphere;
gfx.perspPrintf(info, sizeOnScreenTextPosition, "<%f>", camera0->calcScreenSize(lodSphere));
- /*
- stwu r1, -0x60(r1)
- mflr r0
- stw r0, 0x64(r1)
- stw r31, 0x5c(r1)
- mr r31, r5
- stw r30, 0x58(r1)
- mr r30, r4
- stw r29, 0x54(r1)
- mr r29, r3
- stw r28, 0x50(r1)
- lbz r0, drawInfo__Q24Game5AILOD@sda21(r13)
- cmplwi r0, 0
- beq lbl_801D7E1C
- lwz r3, systemFont__9JFWSystem@sda21(r13)
- li r6, 0
- li r0, 0xff
- li r5, 0x66
- lfs f0, lbl_80519768@sda21(r2)
- li r4, 0x99
- stw r3, 0x30(r1)
- mr r3, r30
- stw r6, 0x34(r1)
- stw r6, 0x38(r1)
- stw r6, 0x3c(r1)
- stfs f0, 0x40(r1)
- stb r5, 0x44(r1)
- stb r4, 0x45(r1)
- stb r0, 0x46(r1)
- stb r0, 0x47(r1)
- stb r6, 0x48(r1)
- stb r5, 0x49(r1)
- stb r0, 0x4a(r1)
- stb r0, 0x4b(r1)
- lwz r4, 0x25c(r30)
- bl initPerspPrintf__8GraphicsFP8Viewport
- lbz r0, 0xd8(r29)
- lis r3, lbl_804807E4@ha
- lwzu r5, lbl_804807E4@l(r3)
- clrlwi r0, r0, 0x1e
- lwz r4, 4(r3)
- cmpwi r0, 1
- lwz r3, 8(r3)
- stw r5, 0x24(r1)
- stw r4, 0x28(r1)
- stw r3, 0x2c(r1)
- beq lbl_801D7CEC
- bge lbl_801D7CAC
- cmpwi r0, 0
- bge lbl_801D7CB8
- b lbl_801D7D4C
- cmpwi r0, 3
- bge lbl_801D7D4C
- b lbl_801D7D1C
- li r4, 0xff
- li r3, 0xc8
- li r6, 0
- li r5, 0xa
- stb r6, 0x44(r1)
- stb r5, 0x45(r1)
- stb r4, 0x46(r1)
- stb r4, 0x47(r1)
- stb r3, 0x48(r1)
- stb r3, 0x49(r1)
- stb r3, 0x4a(r1)
- stb r4, 0x4b(r1)
- b lbl_801D7D4C
- li r5, 0xc8
- li r3, 0xff
- li r4, 0
- stb r5, 0x44(r1)
- stb r5, 0x45(r1)
- stb r4, 0x46(r1)
- stb r3, 0x47(r1)
- stb r5, 0x48(r1)
- stb r5, 0x49(r1)
- stb r5, 0x4a(r1)
- stb r3, 0x4b(r1)
- b lbl_801D7D4C
- li r6, 0xff
- li r3, 0xc8
- li r5, 0xa
- li r4, 0
- stb r6, 0x44(r1)
- stb r5, 0x45(r1)
- stb r4, 0x46(r1)
- stb r6, 0x47(r1)
- stb r3, 0x48(r1)
- stb r3, 0x49(r1)
- stb r3, 0x4a(r1)
- stb r6, 0x4b(r1)
- lbz r4, 0xd8(r29)
- addi r9, r2, lbl_80519770@sda21
- rlwinm. r3, r4, 0, 0x1c, 0x1c
- beq lbl_801D7D60
- addi r9, r2, lbl_8051976C@sda21
- rlwinm. r3, r4, 0, 0x1a, 0x1a
- addi r8, r2, lbl_80519778@sda21
- beq lbl_801D7D70
- addi r8, r2, lbl_80519774@sda21
- rlwinm. r3, r4, 0, 0x1b, 0x1b
- lis r4, lbl_804807F0@ha
- addi r6, r4, lbl_804807F0@l
- mr r5, r31
- mr r3, r30
- addi r4, r1, 0x30
- addi r7, r2, lbl_80519778@sda21
- beq lbl_801D7D94
- addi r7, r2, lbl_80519774@sda21
- slwi r0, r0, 2
- addi r10, r1, 0x24
- lwzx r10, r10, r0
- crclr 6
- bl "perspPrintf__8GraphicsFR15PerspPrintfInfoR10Vector3Pce"
- lwz r3, sys@sda21(r13)
- li r4, 0
- lwz r3, 0x24(r3)
- bl getViewport__8GraphicsFi
- lwz r28, 0x44(r3)
- mr r3, r29
- lfs f1, 0(r31)
- addi r4, r1, 8
- lfs f0, lbl_8051977C@sda21(r2)
- stfs f1, 0x18(r1)
- lfs f1, 4(r31)
- stfs f1, 0x1c(r1)
- fadds f0, f1, f0
- lfs f1, 8(r31)
- stfs f1, 0x20(r1)
- stfs f0, 0x1c(r1)
- lwz r12, 0(r29)
- lwz r12, 0x140(r12)
- mtctr r12
- bctrl
- mr r3, r28
- addi r4, r1, 8
- bl calcScreenSize__6CameraFRQ23Sys6Sphere
- mr r3, r30
- addi r4, r1, 0x30
- addi r5, r1, 0x18
- addi r6, r2, lbl_80519780@sda21
- crset 6
- bl "perspPrintf__8GraphicsFR15PerspPrintfInfoR10Vector3Pce"
- lwz r0, 0x64(r1)
- lwz r31, 0x5c(r1)
- lwz r30, 0x58(r1)
- lwz r29, 0x54(r1)
- lwz r28, 0x50(r1)
- mtlr r0
- addi r1, r1, 0x60
- blr
- */
} // namespace Game