mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 18:36:39 +00:00
match JSGActor.cpp
shoutout to @jonathanbrady for inspiring me to finish this file
This commit is contained in:
@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ pikmin2.usa.dol: `sha1: 90d328bf8f190c90472e8c19e7e53c6ad0fe0d1a`
- <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JMath/random.cpp">JSystem/JMath/random.cpp</a>
- <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JPA/JPAKeyBlock.cpp">JSystem/JPA/JPAKeyBlock.cpp</a>
- <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JPA/JPATexture.cpp">JSystem/JPA/JPATexture.cpp</a>
- <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JSG/JSGActor.cpp">JSystem/JSG/JSGActor.cpp</a>
- <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JSG/JSGObject.cpp">JSystem/JSG/JSGObject.cpp</a>
- <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/jstudio/jstudio-data.cpp">JSystem/jstudio/jstudio-data.cpp</a>
- <a href="https://github.com/projectPiki/pikmin2/tree/main/src/JSystem/JSupport/JSUFileStream.cpp">JSystem/JSupport/JSUFileStream.cpp</a>
@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
.include "macros.inc"
.section .data, "wa" # 0x8049E220 - 0x804EFC20
.balign 8
.global __vt__Q26JStage6TActor
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte JSGFGetType__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGGetName__Q26JStage7TObjectCFv
.4byte JSGUpdate__Q26JStage7TObjectFv
.4byte JSGGetFlag__Q26JStage7TObjectCFv
.4byte JSGSetFlag__Q26JStage7TObjectFUl
.4byte JSGGetData__Q26JStage7TObjectCFUlPvUl
.4byte JSGSetData__Q26JStage7TObjectFUlPCvUl
.4byte JSGGetParent__Q26JStage7TObjectCFPPQ26JStage7TObjectPUl
.4byte JSGSetParent__Q26JStage7TObjectFPQ26JStage7TObjectUl
.4byte JSGSetRelation__Q26JStage7TObjectFbPQ26JStage7TObjectUl
.4byte JSGFindNodeID__Q26JStage7TObjectCFPCc
.4byte JSGGetNodeTransformation__Q26JStage7TObjectCFUlPA4_f
.4byte JSGGetTranslation__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
.4byte JSGSetTranslation__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
.4byte JSGGetScaling__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
.4byte JSGSetScaling__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
.4byte JSGGetRotation__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
.4byte JSGSetRotation__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
.4byte JSGGetShape__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetShape__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
.4byte JSGGetAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
.4byte JSGGetAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorFf
.4byte JSGGetAnimationFrameMax__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGGetAnimationTransition__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetAnimationTransition__Q26JStage6TActorFf
.4byte JSGGetTextureAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetTextureAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
.4byte JSGGetTextureAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetTextureAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorFf
.4byte JSGGetTextureAnimationFrameMax__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.section .sdata2, "a" # 0x80516360 - 0x80520E40
.balign 8
.float 0.0
.section .text, "ax" # 0x800056C0 - 0x80472F00
.global __dt__Q26JStage6TActorFv
/* 80098990 000958D0 94 21 FF F0 */ stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
/* 80098994 000958D4 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 80098998 000958D8 90 01 00 14 */ stw r0, 0x14(r1)
/* 8009899C 000958DC 93 E1 00 0C */ stw r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 800989A0 000958E0 7C 9F 23 78 */ mr r31, r4
/* 800989A4 000958E4 93 C1 00 08 */ stw r30, 8(r1)
/* 800989A8 000958E8 7C 7E 1B 79 */ or. r30, r3, r3
/* 800989AC 000958EC 41 82 00 28 */ beq lbl_800989D4
/* 800989B0 000958F0 3C A0 80 4A */ lis r5, __vt__Q26JStage6TActor@ha
/* 800989B4 000958F4 38 80 00 00 */ li r4, 0
/* 800989B8 000958F8 38 05 36 C0 */ addi r0, r5, __vt__Q26JStage6TActor@l
/* 800989BC 000958FC 90 1E 00 00 */ stw r0, 0(r30)
/* 800989C0 00095900 4B FF FF 15 */ bl __dt__Q26JStage7TObjectFv
/* 800989C4 00095904 7F E0 07 35 */ extsh. r0, r31
/* 800989C8 00095908 40 81 00 0C */ ble lbl_800989D4
/* 800989CC 0009590C 7F C3 F3 78 */ mr r3, r30
/* 800989D0 00095910 4B F8 B6 E5 */ bl __dl__FPv
/* 800989D4 00095914 80 01 00 14 */ lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
/* 800989D8 00095918 7F C3 F3 78 */ mr r3, r30
/* 800989DC 0009591C 83 E1 00 0C */ lwz r31, 0xc(r1)
/* 800989E0 00095920 83 C1 00 08 */ lwz r30, 8(r1)
/* 800989E4 00095924 7C 08 03 A6 */ mtlr r0
/* 800989E8 00095928 38 21 00 10 */ addi r1, r1, 0x10
/* 800989EC 0009592C 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGFGetType__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
/* 800989F0 00095930 38 60 00 02 */ li r3, 2
/* 800989F4 00095934 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGGetTranslation__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
/* 800989F8 00095938 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGSetTranslation__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
/* 800989FC 0009593C 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGGetScaling__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
/* 80098A00 00095940 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGSetScaling__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
/* 80098A04 00095944 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGGetRotation__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
/* 80098A08 00095948 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGSetRotation__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
/* 80098A0C 0009594C 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGGetShape__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
/* 80098A10 00095950 38 60 FF FF */ li r3, -1
/* 80098A14 00095954 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGSetShape__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
/* 80098A18 00095958 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGGetAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
/* 80098A1C 0009595C 38 60 FF FF */ li r3, -1
/* 80098A20 00095960 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGSetAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
/* 80098A24 00095964 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGGetAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
/* 80098A28 00095968 C0 22 89 20 */ lfs f1, lbl_80516C80@sda21(r2)
/* 80098A2C 0009596C 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGSetAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorFf
/* 80098A30 00095970 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGGetAnimationFrameMax__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
/* 80098A34 00095974 C0 22 89 20 */ lfs f1, lbl_80516C80@sda21(r2)
/* 80098A38 00095978 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGGetAnimationTransition__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
/* 80098A3C 0009597C C0 22 89 20 */ lfs f1, lbl_80516C80@sda21(r2)
/* 80098A40 00095980 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGSetAnimationTransition__Q26JStage6TActorFf
/* 80098A44 00095984 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGGetTextureAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
/* 80098A48 00095988 38 60 FF FF */ li r3, -1
/* 80098A4C 0009598C 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGSetTextureAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
/* 80098A50 00095990 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGGetTextureAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
/* 80098A54 00095994 C0 22 89 20 */ lfs f1, lbl_80516C80@sda21(r2)
/* 80098A58 00095998 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGSetTextureAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorFf
/* 80098A5C 0009599C 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global JSGGetTextureAnimationFrameMax__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
/* 80098A60 000959A0 C0 22 89 20 */ lfs f1, lbl_80516C80@sda21(r2)
/* 80098A64 000959A4 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
.section .text, "ax" # 0x800056C0 - 0x80472F00
.global __dt__Q29P2DScreen3MgrFv
__dt__Q29P2DScreen3MgrFv: # weak function
/* 803F1A80 003EE9C0 94 21 FF F0 */ stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
/* 803F1A84 003EE9C4 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 803F1A88 003EE9C8 90 01 00 14 */ stw r0, 0x14(r1)
@ -10,17 +10,14 @@ __vt__Q25P2JME10TReference:
.section .sbss # 0x80514D80 - 0x80516360
.balign 8
.global frm$674
frm$674: # local object
.skip 0x1
init$675: # local object
.skip 0x1
.global init$675
.skip 0x7
.section .sdata2, "a" # 0x80516360 - 0x80520E40
.balign 8
.global lbl_805208E8
lbl_805208E8: # Shift-JIS
.4byte 0x83658358
.4byte 0x83670000
.balign 4
@ -64,7 +61,7 @@ lbl_8043DB7C:
/* 8043DB88 0043AAC8 4E 80 00 20 */ blr
.global __dt__Q25P2JME10TReferenceFv
__dt__Q25P2JME10TReferenceFv: # weak function
/* 8043DB8C 0043AACC 94 21 FF F0 */ stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
/* 8043DB90 0043AAD0 7C 08 02 A6 */ mflr r0
/* 8043DB94 0043AAD4 90 01 00 14 */ stw r0, 0x14(r1)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#include "JStage/TObject.h"
#include "Dolphin/vec.h"
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte JSGFGetType__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGGetName__Q26JStage7TObjectCFv
.4byte JSGUpdate__Q26JStage7TObjectFv
.4byte JSGGetFlag__Q26JStage7TObjectCFv
.4byte JSGSetFlag__Q26JStage7TObjectFUl
.4byte JSGGetData__Q26JStage7TObjectCFUlPvUl
.4byte JSGSetData__Q26JStage7TObjectFUlPCvUl
.4byte JSGGetParent__Q26JStage7TObjectCFPPQ26JStage7TObjectPUl
.4byte JSGSetParent__Q26JStage7TObjectFPQ26JStage7TObjectUl
.4byte JSGSetRelation__Q26JStage7TObjectFbPQ26JStage7TObjectUl
.4byte JSGFindNodeID__Q26JStage7TObjectCFPCc
.4byte JSGGetNodeTransformation__Q26JStage7TObjectCFUlPA4_f
.4byte JSGGetTranslation__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
.4byte JSGSetTranslation__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
.4byte JSGGetScaling__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
.4byte JSGSetScaling__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
.4byte JSGGetRotation__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
.4byte JSGSetRotation__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
.4byte JSGGetShape__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetShape__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
.4byte JSGGetAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
.4byte JSGGetAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorFf
.4byte JSGGetAnimationFrameMax__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGGetAnimationTransition__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetAnimationTransition__Q26JStage6TActorFf
.4byte JSGGetTextureAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetTextureAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
.4byte JSGGetTextureAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetTextureAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorFf
.4byte JSGGetTextureAnimationFrameMax__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
namespace JStage {
struct TActor : public TObject {
virtual int JSGFGetType() const; // _04
virtual void JSGGetTranslation(Vec*) const; // _34
virtual void JSGSetTranslation(const Vec&); // _38
virtual void JSGGetScaling(Vec*) const; // _3C
virtual void JSGSetScaling(const Vec&); // _40
virtual void JSGGetRotation(Vec*) const; // _44
virtual void JSGSetRotation(const Vec&); // _48
virtual int JSGGetShape() const; // _4C
virtual void JSGSetShape(unsigned long); // _50
virtual int JSGGetAnimation() const; // _54
virtual void JSGSetAnimation(unsigned long); // _58
virtual f32 JSGGetAnimationFrame() const; // _5C
virtual void JSGSetAnimationFrame(float); // _60
virtual f32 JSGGetAnimationFrameMax() const; // _64
virtual f32 JSGGetAnimationTransition() const; // _68
virtual void JSGSetAnimationTransition(float); // _6C
virtual int JSGGetTextureAnimation() const; // _70
virtual void JSGSetTextureAnimation(unsigned long); // _74
virtual f32 JSGGetTextureAnimationFrame() const; // _78
virtual void JSGSetTextureAnimationFrame(float); // _7C
virtual f32 JSGGetTextureAnimationFrameMax() const; // _80
virtual void _84() = 0; // _84
// _00 VTBL
} // namespace JStage
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "types.h"
.4byte 0
@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
namespace JStage {
struct TObject {
virtual void _00() = 0; // _00
virtual u32 JSGFGetType() const = 0; // _04
virtual int JSGFGetType() const = 0; // _04
virtual char* JSGGetName() const; // _08
virtual void JSGUpdate(); // _0C
virtual u32 JSGGetFlag() const; // _10
virtual int JSGGetFlag() const; // _10
virtual void JSGSetFlag(unsigned long); // _14
virtual void* JSGGetData(unsigned long, void*, unsigned long) const; // _18
virtual void JSGSetData(unsigned long, const void*, unsigned long); // _1C
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ JSYSTEM:=\
@ -1,265 +1,158 @@
#include "types.h"
#include "JStage/TActor.h"
Generated from dpostproc
.section .data, "wa" # 0x8049E220 - 0x804EFC20
.global __vt__Q26JStage6TActor
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte JSGFGetType__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGGetName__Q26JStage7TObjectCFv
.4byte JSGUpdate__Q26JStage7TObjectFv
.4byte JSGGetFlag__Q26JStage7TObjectCFv
.4byte JSGSetFlag__Q26JStage7TObjectFUl
.4byte JSGGetData__Q26JStage7TObjectCFUlPvUl
.4byte JSGSetData__Q26JStage7TObjectFUlPCvUl
.4byte JSGGetParent__Q26JStage7TObjectCFPPQ26JStage7TObjectPUl
.4byte JSGSetParent__Q26JStage7TObjectFPQ26JStage7TObjectUl
.4byte JSGSetRelation__Q26JStage7TObjectFbPQ26JStage7TObjectUl
.4byte JSGFindNodeID__Q26JStage7TObjectCFPCc
.4byte JSGGetNodeTransformation__Q26JStage7TObjectCFUlPA4_f
.4byte JSGGetTranslation__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
.4byte JSGSetTranslation__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
.4byte JSGGetScaling__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
.4byte JSGSetScaling__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
.4byte JSGGetRotation__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
.4byte JSGSetRotation__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
.4byte JSGGetShape__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetShape__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
.4byte JSGGetAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
.4byte JSGGetAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorFf
.4byte JSGGetAnimationFrameMax__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGGetAnimationTransition__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetAnimationTransition__Q26JStage6TActorFf
.4byte JSGGetTextureAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetTextureAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
.4byte JSGGetTextureAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetTextureAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorFf
.4byte JSGGetTextureAnimationFrameMax__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte 0
.section .sdata2, "a" # 0x80516360 - 0x80520E40
.global lbl_80516C80
.4byte 0x00000000
.4byte 0x00000000
namespace JStage {
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098990
* Size: 000060
stwu r1, -0x10(r1)
mflr r0
stw r0, 0x14(r1)
stw r31, 0xc(r1)
mr r31, r4
stw r30, 8(r1)
or. r30, r3, r3
beq lbl_800989D4
lis r5, __vt__Q26JStage6TActor@ha
li r4, 0
addi r0, r5, __vt__Q26JStage6TActor@l
stw r0, 0(r30)
bl __dt__Q26JStage7TObjectFv
extsh. r0, r31
ble lbl_800989D4
mr r3, r30
bl __dl__FPv
lwz r0, 0x14(r1)
mr r3, r30
lwz r31, 0xc(r1)
lwz r30, 8(r1)
mtlr r0
addi r1, r1, 0x10
TActor::~TActor(void) { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 800989F0
* Size: 000008
u32 JStage::TActor::JSGFGetType() const { return 0x2; }
int TActor::JSGFGetType() const { return 2; }
* --INFO--
* Address: 800989F8
* Size: 000004
void JStage::TActor::JSGGetTranslation(const(Vec*)) { }
void TActor::JSGGetTranslation(Vec*) const { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 800989FC
* Size: 000004
void JStage::TActor::JSGSetTranslation(Vec const&) { }
void TActor::JSGSetTranslation(Vec const&) { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A00
* Size: 000004
void JStage::TActor::JSGGetScaling(const(Vec*)) { }
void TActor::JSGGetScaling(Vec*) const { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A04
* Size: 000004
void JStage::TActor::JSGSetScaling(Vec const&) { }
void TActor::JSGSetScaling(Vec const&) { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A08
* Size: 000004
void JStage::TActor::JSGGetRotation(const(Vec*)) { }
void TActor::JSGGetRotation(Vec*) const { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A0C
* Size: 000004
void JStage::TActor::JSGSetRotation(Vec const&) { }
void TActor::JSGSetRotation(Vec const&) { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A10
* Size: 000008
s32 JStage::TActor::JSGGetShape() const { return -0x1; }
int TActor::JSGGetShape() const { return -1; }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A18
* Size: 000004
void JStage::TActor::JSGSetShape(unsigned long) { }
void TActor::JSGSetShape(unsigned long) { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A1C
* Size: 000008
s32 JStage::TActor::JSGGetAnimation() const { return -0x1; }
int TActor::JSGGetAnimation() const { return -1; }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A24
* Size: 000004
void JStage::TActor::JSGSetAnimation(unsigned long) { }
void TActor::JSGSetAnimation(unsigned long) { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A28
* Size: 000008
void JStage::TActor::JSGGetAnimationFrame() const
lfs f1, lbl_80516C80@sda21(r2)
f32 TActor::JSGGetAnimationFrame() const { return 0.0f; }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A30
* Size: 000004
void JStage::TActor::JSGSetAnimationFrame(float) { }
void TActor::JSGSetAnimationFrame(float) { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A34
* Size: 000008
void JStage::TActor::JSGGetAnimationFrameMax() const
lfs f1, lbl_80516C80@sda21(r2)
f32 TActor::JSGGetAnimationFrameMax() const { return 0.0f; }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A3C
* Size: 000008
void JStage::TActor::JSGGetAnimationTransition() const
lfs f1, lbl_80516C80@sda21(r2)
f32 TActor::JSGGetAnimationTransition() const { return 0.0f; }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A44
* Size: 000004
void JStage::TActor::JSGSetAnimationTransition(float) { }
void TActor::JSGSetAnimationTransition(float) { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A48
* Size: 000008
s32 JStage::TActor::JSGGetTextureAnimation() const { return -0x1; }
int TActor::JSGGetTextureAnimation() const { return -1; }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A50
* Size: 000004
void JStage::TActor::JSGSetTextureAnimation(unsigned long) { }
void TActor::JSGSetTextureAnimation(unsigned long) { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A54
* Size: 000008
void JStage::TActor::JSGGetTextureAnimationFrame() const
lfs f1, lbl_80516C80@sda21(r2)
f32 TActor::JSGGetTextureAnimationFrame() const { return 0.0f; }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A5C
* Size: 000004
void JStage::TActor::JSGSetTextureAnimationFrame(float) { }
void TActor::JSGSetTextureAnimationFrame(float) { }
* --INFO--
* Address: 80098A60
* Size: 000008
void JStage::TActor::JSGGetTextureAnimationFrameMax() const
lfs f1, lbl_80516C80@sda21(r2)
f32 TActor::JSGGetTextureAnimationFrameMax() const { return 0.0f; }
} // namespace JStage
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ void TObject::JSGUpdate(void) { }
* Address: 80098928
* Size: 000008
u32 TObject::JSGGetFlag() const { return 0; }
int TObject::JSGGetFlag() const { return 0; }
* --INFO--
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte 0
.4byte JSGFGetType__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGGetName__Q26JStage7TObjectCFv
.4byte JSGUpdate__Q26JStage7TObjectFv
.4byte JSGGetFlag__Q26JStage7TObjectCFv
.4byte JSGSetFlag__Q26JStage7TObjectFUl
.4byte JSGGetData__Q26JStage7TObjectCFUlPvUl
.4byte JSGSetData__Q26JStage7TObjectFUlPCvUl
.4byte JSGGetParent__Q26JStage7TObjectCFPPQ26JStage7TObjectPUl
.4byte JSGSetParent__Q26JStage7TObjectFPQ26JStage7TObjectUl
.4byte JSGSetRelation__Q26JStage7TObjectFbPQ26JStage7TObjectUl
.4byte JSGFindNodeID__Q26JStage7TObjectCFPCc
.4byte JSGGetNodeTransformation__Q26JStage7TObjectCFUlPA4_f
.4byte JSGGetTranslation__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
.4byte JSGSetTranslation__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
.4byte JSGGetScaling__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
.4byte JSGSetScaling__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
.4byte JSGGetRotation__Q26JStage6TActorCFP3Vec
.4byte JSGSetRotation__Q26JStage6TActorFRC3Vec
.4byte JSGGetShape__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetShape__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
.4byte JSGGetAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
.4byte JSGGetAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorFf
.4byte JSGGetAnimationFrameMax__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGGetAnimationTransition__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetAnimationTransition__Q26JStage6TActorFf
.4byte JSGGetTextureAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetTextureAnimation__Q26JStage6TActorFUl
.4byte JSGGetTextureAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte JSGSetTextureAnimationFrame__Q26JStage6TActorFf
.4byte JSGGetTextureAnimationFrameMax__Q26JStage6TActorCFv
.4byte 0
namespace JStage {
struct TObject {
virtual void _00() = 0; // _00
virtual void JSGFGetType() const; // _04
virtual void JSGGetName() const; // _08
virtual void JSGUpdate(); // _0C
virtual void JSGGetFlag() const; // _10
virtual void JSGSetFlag(unsigned long); // _14
virtual void JSGGetData(unsigned long, void*, unsigned long) const; // _18
virtual void JSGSetData(unsigned long, const void*, unsigned long); // _1C
virtual void JSGGetParent(TObject**, unsigned long*) const; // _20
virtual void JSGSetParent(TObject*, unsigned long); // _24
virtual void JSGSetRelation(bool, TObject*, unsigned long); // _28
virtual void JSGFindNodeID(const char*) const; // _2C
virtual void JSGGetNodeTransformation(unsigned long,
float (*)[4]) const; // _30
// _00 VTBL
} // namespace JStage
namespace JStage {
struct TActor : public TObject {
virtual void _00() = 0; // _00
virtual void JSGFGetType() const; // _04
virtual void JSGGetName() const; // _08
virtual void JSGUpdate(); // _0C
virtual void JSGGetFlag() const; // _10
virtual void JSGSetFlag(unsigned long); // _14
virtual void JSGGetData(unsigned long, void*, unsigned long) const; // _18
virtual void JSGSetData(unsigned long, const void*, unsigned long); // _1C
virtual void JSGGetParent(TObject**, unsigned long*) const; // _20
virtual void JSGSetParent(TObject*, unsigned long); // _24
virtual void JSGSetRelation(bool, TObject*, unsigned long); // _28
virtual void JSGFindNodeID(const char*) const; // _2C
virtual void JSGGetNodeTransformation(unsigned long,
float (*)[4]) const; // _30
virtual void JSGGetTranslation(Vec*) const; // _34
virtual void JSGSetTranslation(const Vec&); // _38
virtual void JSGGetScaling(Vec*) const; // _3C
virtual void JSGSetScaling(const Vec&); // _40
virtual void JSGGetRotation(Vec*) const; // _44
virtual void JSGSetRotation(const Vec&); // _48
virtual void JSGGetShape() const; // _4C
virtual void JSGSetShape(unsigned long); // _50
virtual void JSGGetAnimation() const; // _54
virtual void JSGSetAnimation(unsigned long); // _58
virtual void JSGGetAnimationFrame() const; // _5C
virtual void JSGSetAnimationFrame(float); // _60
virtual void JSGGetAnimationFrameMax() const; // _64
virtual void JSGGetAnimationTransition() const; // _68
virtual void JSGSetAnimationTransition(float); // _6C
virtual void JSGGetTextureAnimation() const; // _70
virtual void JSGSetTextureAnimation(unsigned long); // _74
virtual void JSGGetTextureAnimationFrame() const; // _78
virtual void JSGSetTextureAnimationFrame(float); // _7C
virtual void JSGGetTextureAnimationFrameMax() const; // _80
virtual void _84() = 0; // _84
// _00 VTBL
} // namespace JStage
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