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synced 2025-03-06 20:47:06 +00:00
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320 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
BANNER = """
# This script is the culmination of three patches supporting decompilation
# with the CodeWarrior compiler.
# - riidefi, 2020
# postprocess.py [args] file
# 1) Certain versions have a bug where the ctor alignment is ignored and set incorrectly.
# This option is enabled with -fctor-realign, and disabled by default with -fno-ctor-realign
# 2) Certain C++ symbols cannot be assembled normally.
# To support the buildsystem, a simple substitution system has been devised
# ?<ID> -> CHAR
# IDs (all irregular symbols in mangled names):
# 0: <
# 1: >
# 2: @
# 3: \\
# 4: ,
# 5: -
# This option is enabled with -fsymbol-fixup, and disabled by default with -fno-symbol-fixup
# 3) CodeWarrior versions below 2.3 used a different scheduler model.
# The script can currently adjust function epilogues with the old_stack option.
# -fprologue-fixup=[default=none, none, old_stack]
import struct
# Substitutions
#NOTE: We replaced ? with $$ for the escape sequence
substitutions = (
('<', '$$0'),
('>', '$$1'),
('@', '$$2'),
('\\', '$$3'),
(',', '$$4'),
('-', '$$5'),
('', '____')
def format(symbol):
for sub in substitutions:
symbol = symbol.replace(sub[0], sub[1])
return symbol
def decodeformat(symbol):
for sub in substitutions:
symbol = symbol.replace(sub[1], sub[0])
return symbol
# Stream utilities
def read_u8(f):
return struct.unpack("B", f.read(1))[0]
def read_u32(f):
return struct.unpack(">I", f.read(4))[0]
def read_u16(f):
return struct.unpack(">H", f.read(2))[0]
def write_u32(f, val):
f.write(struct.pack(">I", val))
class ToReplace:
def __init__(self, position, dest, src_size):
self.position = position # Where in file
self.dest = dest # String to patch
self.src_size = src_size # Pad rest with zeroes
# print("To replace: %s %s %s" % (self.position, self.dest, self.src_size))
def read_string(f):
tmp = ""
c = 0xff
while c != 0x00:
c = read_u8(f)
if c != 0:
tmp += chr(c)
return tmp
def ctor_realign(f, ofsSecHeader, nSecHeader, idxSegNameSeg):
patch_align_ofs = []
for i in range(nSecHeader):
f.seek(ofsSecHeader + i * 0x28)
ofsname = read_u32(f)
if not ofsname: continue
back = f.tell()
f.seek(ofsSecHeader + (idxSegNameSeg * 0x28) + 0x10)
ofsShST = read_u32(f)
f.seek(ofsShST + ofsname)
name = read_string(f)
if name == ".ctors" or name == ".dtors":
patch_align_ofs.append(ofsSecHeader + i * 0x28 + 0x20)
return patch_align_ofs
def impl_postprocess_elf(f, do_ctor_realign, do_old_stack, do_symbol_fixup):
result = []
ofsSecHeader = read_u32(f)
nSecHeader = read_u16(f)
idxSegNameSeg = read_u16(f)
secF = False # First instance the section names
# Header: 0x32:
patch_align_ofs = []
if do_ctor_realign:
patch_align_ofs = ctor_realign(f, ofsSecHeader, nSecHeader, idxSegNameSeg)
for i in range(nSecHeader):
f.seek(ofsSecHeader + i * 0x28)
sh_name = read_u32(f)
sh_type = read_u32(f)
if sh_type == SHT_STRTAB and do_symbol_fixup:
if not secF:
secF = True
f.seek(ofsSecHeader + i * 0x28 + 0x10)
ofs = read_u32(f)
size = read_u32(f)
string = ""
str_spos = ofs
for i in range(ofs, ofs+size):
c = read_u8(f)
if c == 0:
if len(string):
fixed = decodeformat(string)
if fixed != string:
result.append(ToReplace(str_spos, fixed, len(string)))
string = ""
str_spos = i+1
string += chr(c)
f.seek(ofsSecHeader + (idxSegNameSeg * 0x28) + 0x10)
ofsShST = read_u32(f)
f.seek(ofsShST + sh_name)
name = read_string(f)
if name == ".text" and do_old_stack:
f.seek(ofsSecHeader + i * 0x28 + 0x10)
ofs = read_u32(f)
size = read_u32(f)
# We assume
# 1) Only instructions are in the .text section
# 2) These instructions are 4-byte aligned
assert ofs != 0
assert ofs % 4 == 0
assert size % 4 == 0
mtlr_pos = 0
# (mtlr position, blr position)
epilogues = []
for _ in range(ofs, ofs+size, 4):
it = f.tell()
instr = read_u32(f)
# Skip padding
if instr == 0: continue
# Call analysis is not actually required
# No mtlr will exist without a blr; mtctr/bctr* is used for dynamic dispatch
# FUN_A:
# li r3, 0
# blr <---- No mtlr, move onto the next function
# FUN_B:
# ; complex function, stack manip
# mtlr r0 <---- Expect a blr
# addi r1, r1, 24
# blr <---- Confirm patch above
# mtlr alias for mtspr
if instr == 0x7C0803A6:
assert mtlr_pos == 0
mtlr_pos = it
# blr
elif instr == 0x4E800020:
if mtlr_pos:
epilogues.append((mtlr_pos, it))
mtlr_pos = 0
# Check for a lone mtlr
assert mtlr_pos == 0
# Reunify mtlr/blr instructions, shifting intermediary instructions up
for mtlr_pos, blr_pos in epilogues:
# Check if we need to do anything
if mtlr_pos + 4 == blr_pos: continue
# As the processor can only hold 6 instructions at once in the pipeline,
# it's unlikely for the mtlr be shifted up more instructions than that--usually,
# only one:
# mtlr r0
# addi r1, r1, 24
# blr
assert blr_pos - 4 > mtlr_pos
assert blr_pos - mtlr_pos <= 6 * 4
print("Patching old epilogue: %s %s" % (mtlr_pos, blr_pos))
mtlr = read_u32(f)
for it in range(mtlr_pos, blr_pos - 4, 4):
f.seek(it + 4)
next_instr = read_u32(f)
write_u32(f, next_instr)
f.seek(blr_pos - 4)
write_u32(f, mtlr)
return (result, patch_align_ofs)
def postprocess_elf(f, do_ctor_realign, do_old_stack, do_symbol_fixup):
patches = impl_postprocess_elf(f, do_ctor_realign, do_old_stack, do_symbol_fixup)
source_bytes = list(f.read())
for patch in patches[0]:
assert len(patch.dest) <= patch.src_size
for j in range(patch.src_size):
if j >= len(patch.dest):
c = 0
c = ord(patch.dest[j])
source_bytes[patch.position + j] = c
# Patch ctor align
nP = 0
for p in patches[1]:
print("Patching ctors")
source_bytes[p + 0] = 0
source_bytes[p + 1] = 0
source_bytes[p + 2] = 0
source_bytes[p + 3] = 4
nP += 1
if nP > 1:
print("Patched ctors + dtors")
def frontend(args):
inplace = ""
do_ctor_realign = False
do_old_stack = False
do_symbol_fixup = False
for arg in args:
if arg.startswith('-f'):
negated = False
if arg.startswith('-fno-'):
negated = True
arg = arg[len('-fno-'):]
arg = arg[len('-f'):]
if arg == 'ctor_realign':
do_ctor_realign = not negated
elif arg == 'symbol-fixup':
do_symbol_fixup = not negated
elif arg.startswith('prologue-fixup='):
do_old_stack = arg[len('prologue-fixup='):] == 'old_stack'
print("Unknown argument: %s" % arg)
elif arg.startswith('-'):
print("Unknown argument: %s. Perhaps you meant -f%s?" % (arg, arg))
if inplace:
print("Cannot process %s. Only one source file may be specified." % arg)
inplace = arg
if not inplace:
print("A file must be specified!")
postprocess_elf(open(inplace, 'rb+'), do_ctor_realign, do_old_stack, do_symbol_fixup)
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Cannot open file %s" % inplace)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
frontend(sys.argv[1:]) |