2023-12-19 16:38:56 -05:00

66 lines
1.8 KiB

import urllib.request
import os
import stat
import platform
import shutil
import tempfile
import tarfile
import zstandard
if sys.platform == "cygwin":
f"Cygwin/MSYS2 is not supported."
f"\nPlease use native Windows Python instead."
f"\nPlease run pacman -R python in msys2."
f"\n(Current path: {sys.executable})"
# TODO: Less hardcoded elements
REPO = "https://wii.leseratte10.de/devkitPro/devkitPPC/r44%20%282023-08-07%29/"
def main() -> None:
output = f"{os.path.dirname(__file__)}/devkitPPC"
uname = platform.uname()
system = uname.system.lower()
arch = uname.machine.lower()
if system == "darwin":
system = "osx"
if arch == "amd64":
arch = "x86_64"
if arch == "x86_32" and system == "windows":
system = "win32"
arch = "1686"
if arch in ["armv8", "arm64v8", "aarch64"]:
arch = "aarch64"
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:
tmp_zst = f"{tmp}/tmp.tar.zst"
tmp_tar = f"{tmp}/tmp.tar"
tmp_dir = f"{tmp}/tmp"
tmp_ppc = f"{tmp_dir}/opt/devkitpro/devkitPPC"
request = urllib.request.Request(
headers={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"},
with urllib.request.urlopen(request) as src, open(tmp_zst, "wb") as dst:
shutil.copyfileobj(src, dst)
with open(tmp_zst, "rb") as src, open(tmp_tar, "wb") as dst:
zstandard.ZstdDecompressor().copy_stream(src, dst)
with tarfile.open(tmp_tar) as src:
shutil.move(tmp_ppc, output)
st = os.stat(output)
os.chmod(output, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
if __name__ == "__main__":