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synced 2025-02-26 16:45:57 +00:00
1072 lines
32 KiB
1072 lines
32 KiB
#ifndef _PIKIAI_H
#define _PIKIAI_H
#include "types.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
#include "SysShape/MotionListener.h"
#include "Condition.h"
#include "Collinfo.h"
#include "Game/SlotChangeListener.h"
#include "Sys/Sphere.h"
namespace Sys {
struct Triangle;
} // namespace Sys
namespace SysShape {
struct KeyEvent;
} // namespace SysShape
namespace Game {
struct Piki;
struct CollEvent;
struct Onyon;
struct PlatEvent;
struct Pellet;
struct PathNode;
struct WayPoint;
struct Creature;
struct ItemGate;
struct BaseItem;
struct Navi;
struct CPlate;
struct BaseFlockMgr;
struct EnemyBase;
struct Footmark;
namespace ItemRock {
struct Item;
} // namespace ItemRock
namespace ItemBridge {
struct Item;
} // namespace ItemBridge
namespace ItemWeed {
struct Item;
} // namespace ItemWeed
} // namespace Game
struct Graphics;
struct FindCondition : public Condition<CollPart> {
virtual bool satisfy(CollPart*); // _08 (weak)
namespace PikiAI {
struct ActAttack;
struct ActBattle;
struct ActBore;
struct ActBreakGate;
struct ActBreakRock;
struct ActBridge;
struct ActClimb;
struct ActCrop;
struct ActEnter;
struct ActExit;
struct ActFlockAttack;
struct ActFollowVectorField;
struct ActFormation;
struct ActFree;
struct ActGather;
struct ActGotoPos;
struct ActGotoSlot;
struct ActOneshot;
struct ActPathMove;
struct ActRescue;
struct ActRest;
struct ActStickAttack;
struct ActTeki;
struct ActTransport;
struct ActWeed;
enum PikiBrainAction {
ACT_NULL = -1,
ACT_Formation = 0,
ACT_Free = 1,
ACT_Enter = 2,
ACT_Exit = 3,
ACT_Transport = 4,
ACT_Bore = 5,
ACT_BreakGate = 6,
ACT_BreakRock = 7,
ACT_Crop = 8,
ACT_Weed = 9,
ACT_Bridge = 10,
ACT_Teki = 11,
ACT_Rescue = 12,
ACT_Battle = 13,
ACT_ActionCount, // total number of actions
enum ActionExitCode {
ACTEXEC_Success = 0, // action is finished and completed successfully
ACTEXEC_Continue = 1, // action is unfinshed
ACTEXEC_Fail = 2, // action is finished and failed
struct ActionArg {
virtual char* getName() // _08 (weak)
return "ActionArg";
// _00 = VTBL
struct CreatureActionArg : public ActionArg {
inline CreatureActionArg(Game::Creature* creature)
: mCreature(creature)
virtual char* getName() // _08 (weak)
return "CreatureActionArg";
// _00 VTBL
Game::Creature* mCreature; // _04
struct Action {
Action(Game::Piki* piki);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings) { } // _08 (weak)
virtual int exec() { return ACTEXEC_Continue; } // _0C (weak)
virtual void cleanup() { } // _10 (weak)
virtual void emotion_success() { } // _14 (weak)
virtual void emotion_fail() { } // _18 (weak)
virtual bool applicable() { return true; } // _1C (weak)
virtual u32 getNextAIType() { return ACT_Formation; } // _20 (weak)
virtual void bounceCallback(Game::Piki* p, Sys::Triangle* hit) { } // _24 (weak)
virtual void collisionCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::CollEvent& event) { } // _28 (weak)
virtual void platCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::PlatEvent& event) { } // _2C (weak)
virtual void doDirectDraw(Graphics& gfx) { } // _30 (weak)
virtual void wallCallback(Vector3f& pos) { } // _34 (weak)
virtual void getInfo(char*); // _38
// _00 = VTBL
Game::Piki* mParent; // _04
char* mName; // _08
struct ApproachPosActionArg : public ActionArg {
inline ApproachPosActionArg(Vector3f& pos, f32 a, f32 b, u8 c, u8 d)
: mPosition(pos)
, _10(a)
, _14(b)
, _18(c)
, _19(d)
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
Vector3f mPosition; // _04
f32 _10; // _10
f32 _14; // _14
u8 _18; // _18
u8 _19; // _19
struct ActApproachPos : public Action {
ActApproachPos(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
f32 _0C; // _0C
Vector3f mPosition; // _10
f32 _1C; // _1C
f32 _20; // _20
u8 _24; // _24
u8 _25; // _25
struct ActAttackArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName() { return "ActAttackArg"; } // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
Game::Creature* mCreature; // _04
CollPart* mCollPart; // _08
struct ActAttack : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActAttack(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void emotion_success(); // _14
virtual bool applicable(); // _1C
virtual u32 getNextAIType(); // _20 (weak)
virtual void bounceCallback(Game::Piki* p, Sys::Triangle* hit); // _24
virtual void collisionCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::CollEvent& event); // _28
virtual void getInfo(char*); // _38
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _3C (weak)
void initStickAttack();
void initAdjust();
void initJump();
void initJumpAdjust();
void calcAttackPos();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
Game::Creature* mCreature; // _10
CollPart* mCollPart; // _14
u16 _18; // _18
ActStickAttack* mStickAttack; // _1C
ActApproachPos* mApproachPos; // _20
Sys::Sphere mAttackSphere; // _24
s16 _34; // _34
u8 _36; // _36
// _38 = MotionListener
struct ActBattleArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName() { return "ActBattleArg"; } // _08 (weak)
inline ActBattleArg(Game::Piki* piki, bool start)
mAggressor = piki;
mIsAttackStart = start;
// _00 = VTBL
Game::Piki* mAggressor; // _04
bool mIsAttackStart; // _08
// Pikmin hitting eachother, like in VS mode
struct ActBattle : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActBattle(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void emotion_success(); // _14
virtual void collisionCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::CollEvent& event); // _28
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _3C (weak)
void initApproach();
int execApproach();
void initBattle();
int execBattle();
int execDamage();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
Game::Piki* mOther; // _10, vs battle piki attack
u8 mState; // _14
ActApproachPos* mApproachPos; // _18
s8 _1C; // _1C
s8 _1D; // _1D
struct ActBoreBase : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
virtual void finish() = 0; // _3C
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event) = 0; // _40
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
struct ActBore : public Action {
ActBore(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
void startCurrAction();
void finish();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
u8 _0C; // _0C
u32 _10; // _10
u32 _14; // _14
u8 _18; // _18
ActRest* mRest; // _1C
ActOneshot* mOneshot; // _20
struct ActBreakGateArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
Game::ItemGate* mGate; // _04
struct ActBreakGate : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActBreakGate(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void emotion_success(); // _14
virtual void bounceCallback(Game::Piki* p, Sys::Triangle* hit); // _24
virtual void collisionCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::CollEvent& event); // _28
virtual void platCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::PlatEvent& event); // _2C
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _3C
void initFollow();
inline void initStickAttack();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
Game::ItemGate* mGate; // _10
u16 mState; // _14
ActStickAttack* mStickAttack; // _18
ActGotoPos* mGotoPos; // _1C
ActFollowVectorField* mFollowField; // _20
u8 _24; // _24
u8 _25[0x3]; // _25, unknown/probably padding
u8 _28[0xC]; // _28, unknown
// _34 = MotionListener
struct ActBreakRockArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
Game::ItemRock::Item* mRock; // _04
struct ActBreakRock : public Action, public virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActBreakRock(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void bounceCallback(Game::Piki* p, Sys::Triangle* hit); // _24
virtual void collisionCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::CollEvent& event); // _28
virtual void platCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::PlatEvent& event); // _2C
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event) { } // _3C
void initFollow();
inline void initStickAttack();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
Game::ItemRock::Item* mRock; // _10
u16 mState; // _14
ActStickAttack* mStickAttack; // _18
ActGotoPos* mGotoPos; // _1C
ActFollowVectorField* mFollowField; // _20
u8 _24[0xC]; // _24, unknown
// _30 = MotionListener
struct ActBridgeArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
Game::ItemBridge::Item* mBridge; // _04
struct ActBridge : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActBridge(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(PikiAI::ActionArg*); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void bounceCallback(Game::Piki* p, Sys::Triangle* hit); // _24
virtual void collisionCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::CollEvent& event); // _28
virtual void platCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::PlatEvent& event); // _2C
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event) { } // _3C (weak)
void initFollow();
inline void initGoto();
inline void initStickAttack();
inline void calcAttackPos();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
Game::ItemBridge::Item* mBridge; // _10
u16 mState; // _14
ActStickAttack* mStickAttack; // _18
ActGotoPos* mGotoPos; // _1C
ActFollowVectorField* mFollowField; // _20
u32 _24; // _24
u32 _28; // _28
u32 _2C; // _2C
u8 _30; // _30
// _34 = MotionListener
struct ClimbActionArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
CollPart* mCollPart; // _04
f32 _08; // _08
u8 _0C; // _0C
struct ActClimb : public Action {
ActClimb(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
CollPart* mCollPart; // _0C
f32 _10; // _10
Vector3f _14; // _14
u8 _20; // _20
struct ActCropArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName() { return "ActCropArg"; } // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
Game::Creature* mCreature; // _04
struct ActCrop : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActCrop(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual u32 getNextAIType(); // _20 (weak)
virtual void collisionCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::CollEvent& event); // _28
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _3C (weak)
void execClimb();
void initGoto();
void initAttack();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
Game::Creature* mCreature; // _10
CollPart* mCollPart; // _14
Vector3f _18; // _18
f32 _24; // _24
s16 _28; // _28
ActStickAttack* mStickAttack; // _2C
ActGotoPos* mGotoPos; // _30
u8 _34[0x8]; // _34, unknown
u8 _3C; // _3C
// _40 = MotionListener
struct ActEnter : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActEnter(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _3C (weak)
void initStay();
void execStay();
void initSuck();
void execSuck();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
s16 _10; // _10
ActGotoPos* mGotoPos; // _14
ActClimb* mClimb; // _18
CollPart* mOnyonLeg; // _1C
CollPart* mOnyonFoot; // _20
Game::Onyon* mOnyon; // _24
Vector3f _28; // _28
Vector3f _34; // _34
f32 _40; // _40
f32 _44; // _44
f32 _48; // _48
u8 _4C; // _4C
Vector3f _50; // _50
f32 mBaseScale; // _54
// _58 = MotionListener
struct ActExit : public Action {
ActExit(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
ActClimb* mClimb; // _0C
CollPart* mOnyonLeg; // _10
Game::Creature* mCreature; // _14
f32 mBaseScale; // _18
struct FlockAttackActionArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
f32 _04; // _04
u32 _08; // _08, unknown
int _0C; // _0C
int _10; // _10
struct ActFlockAttack : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActFlockAttack(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _3C (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
u8 _10; // _10
u8 _11[0x3]; // _11, unknown/probably padding
u8 _14[0x4]; // _14, unknown
f32 _18; // _18
u8 _1C; // _1C
int _20; // _20
u8 _24[0x4]; // _24, unknown
// _28 = MotionListener
struct FollowVectorFieldActionArg : public ActionArg {
inline FollowVectorFieldActionArg(Game::BaseItem* item)
: mItem(item)
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak) uncomment this when linking aiBreakGate.cpp
// {
// return "FollowVectorFieldActionArg";
// }
// _00 = VTBL
Game::BaseItem* mItem; // _04
struct ActFollowVectorField : public Action {
ActFollowVectorField(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
Game::BaseItem* mItem; // _0C
struct ActFormationInitArg : public CreatureActionArg {
inline ActFormationInitArg(Game::Creature* navi, bool b1)
: CreatureActionArg(navi)
, _08(b1)
inline ActFormationInitArg(Game::Creature* navi)
: CreatureActionArg(navi)
, _08(false)
, _09(0)
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_08 = CreatureActionArg, Creature* = Navi*
bool _08; // _08
u8 _09; // _09
struct ActFormation : public Action, virtual Game::SlotChangeListener, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActFormation(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual u32 getNextAIType(); // _20 (weak)
virtual void collisionCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::CollEvent& event); // _28
virtual void platCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::PlatEvent& event); // _2C
virtual void wallCallback(Vector3f& pos); // _34
virtual bool resumable(); // _3C (weak)
virtual void inform(int); // _40 (weak)
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _44 (weak)
void startSort();
void setFormed();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = SlotChangeListener*
// _10-_14 = MotionListener*
Game::Navi* mNavi; // _14
ActFormationInitArg mInitArg; // _18
int mNextAIType; // _24
u16 mSortState; // _28, use FORMATION_SORT_ enum
u16 _2A; // _2A
u16 _2C; // _2C
u16 _2E; // _2E
u8 _30; // _30
u8 _31; // _31
int mSlotID; // _34
u8 _38; // _38
u32 _3C; // _3C, unknown
u8 _40; // _40
int mFrameTimer; // _44
int _48; // _48
int _4C; // _4C
f32 _50; // _50
u8 _54; // _54
f32 _58; // _58, timer?
Game::CPlate* mCPlate; // _5C
bool _60; // _60
bool _61; // _61
// _64 = SlotChangeListener
// _6C = MotionListener
struct ActFreeArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
u8 mToGather; // _04
Vector3f mDestination; // _08
f32 _14; // _14
struct ActFree : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActFree(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(PikiAI::ActionArg*); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual u32 getNextAIType(); // _20 (weak)
virtual void collisionCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::CollEvent& event); // _28
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _3C (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
u16 mState; // _10
ActGather* mGather; // _14
ActBore* mBore; // _18
u16 mDelayTimer; // _1C
// _20 = MotionListener
struct GatherActionArg : public ActionArg {
inline GatherActionArg(ActFreeArg* arg)
mDestination.x = arg->mDestination.x;
mDestination.y = arg->mDestination.y;
mDestination.z = arg->mDestination.z;
_10 = arg->_14;
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
Vector3f mDestination; // _04
f32 _10; // _10
struct ActGather : public Action {
ActGather(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void cleanup(); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void init(PikiAI::ActionArg*); // _10
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
Vector3f _0C; // _0C
f32 _18; // _18
f32 mTimer; // _1C
struct GotoPosActionArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
Vector3f mPosition; // _04
f32 _10; // _10
struct ActGotoPos : public Action {
ActGotoPos(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(PikiAI::ActionArg*); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
f32 _0C; // _0C
Vector3f mPosition; // _10
struct GotoSlotArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
Game::Pellet* mPellet; // _04
u8 _08; // _08
struct ActGotoSlot : public Action {
ActGotoSlot(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void wallCallback(Vector3f& pos); // _34
void resetTimers();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
Game::Pellet* mPellet; // _0C
s16 _10; // _10, slot?
u32 _14; // _14
f32 _18; // _18
u8 _1C; // _1C
u8 _1D; // _1D
struct ActOneshotArg : public ActionArg {
// _00 = VTBL
int _04; // _04
struct ActOneshot : public ActBoreBase {
ActOneshot(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void finish(); // _3C
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _40 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_10 = ActBoreBase
ActOneshotArg mOneshotArg; // _10
u8 _18; // _18
// _1C = MotionListener
struct PathMoveArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
Game::Pellet* mPellet; // _04
Vector3f _08; // _08
s16 _14; // _14
u32 _18; // _18
struct ActPathMove : public Action {
ActPathMove(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
void initPathfinding(bool);
void decideGoal();
void execPathfinding();
void execMoveGoal();
void isAllBlue();
void carry(Vector3f&);
void execMove();
void execMoveGuru();
void getWayPoint(int);
void crGetPoint(int);
void contextCheck(int);
void crGetRadius(int);
void crInit();
void crMakeRefs();
void crMove();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
void* _0C; // _0C, unknown
Vector3f _10; // _10
s16 _1C; // _1C
s16 _1E; // _1E
u32 _20; // _20
Vector3f _24; // _24
Game::Pellet* mPellet; // _30
Game::Onyon* mOnyon; // _34
f32 _38; // _38
u8 _3C; // _3C
u8 _3D; // _3D
u8 _3E[6]; // _3E
Game::PathNode* _44; // _44
Game::PathNode* _48; // _48
int _4C; // _4C
int _50; // _50
s16 _54; // _54
s16 _56; // _56
Vector3f _58; // _58
Game::WayPoint* _64; // _64
f32 _68; // _68
u32 _6C; // _6C
int _70; // _70
Vector3f _74[4]; // _74
Vector3f _A4; // _A4
Vector3f _B0; // _B0
struct ActRescue : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActRescue(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void emotion_success(); // _14
virtual u32 getNextAIType(); // _20 (weak)
virtual void collisionCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::CollEvent& event); // _28
virtual void doDirectDraw(Graphics& gfx); // _30
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _3C (weak)
void initApproach();
void execApproach();
void initGo();
void execGo();
void initThrow();
void execThrow();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
u8 _10[0x4]; // _10, unknown
u8 _14; // _14
ActApproachPos* mApproachPos; // _18
Game::Piki* mTargetPiki; // _1C
Game::WayPoint* mWayPoint; // _20
u8 _24[0x4]; // _24, unknown
// _28 = MotionListener
struct ActRest : public ActBoreBase {
ActRest(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void finish(); // _3C
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _40 (weak)
void sitDown();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_10 = ActBoreBase
u8 _10; // _10
f32 _14; // _14
u8 _18; // _18
// _1C = MotionListener
struct StickAttackActionArg : public ActionArg {
inline StickAttackActionArg(f32 damage, Game::Creature* creature, int state, u8 p1)
: mAttackDamage(damage)
, mCreature(creature)
, mNextState(state)
, _10(p1)
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
f32 mAttackDamage; // _04
Game::Creature* mCreature; // _08
int mNextState; // _0C
u8 _10; // _10
struct ActStickAttack : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActStickAttack(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _3C (weak)
void createEfx();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
Game::Creature* mCreature; // _10
f32 _14; // _14
u8 _18; // _18
u8 _19; // _19
u8 _1A; // _1A
u8 _1B; // _1B
u8 _1C; // _1C
u8 _1D; // _1D
int mStateID; // _20
// _24 = MotionListener
struct ActTeki : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActTeki(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void emotion_success(); // _14
virtual u32 getNextAIType() { return 1; } // _20 (weak)
virtual void collisionCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::CollEvent& event); // _28
virtual void doDirectDraw(Graphics& gfx); // _30
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event) { } // _3C (weak)
void makeTarget();
void test_0();
void setTimer();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
Game::EnemyBase* mFollowingTeki; // _10
bool mToPanicFinish; // _14
bool mToEmote; // _15
Game::Footmark* mFollowMark; // _18
s32 _1C; // _1C
f32 _20; // _20
f32 mMoveSpeed; // _24
u32 _28; // _28
Vector3f _2C; // _2C
f32 _38; // _38
f32 _3C; // _3C
f32 _40; // _40
f32 _44; // _44
// _48 = MotionListener
struct ActTransportArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
Game::Pellet* mPellet; // _04
u32 _08; // _08, unknown
Vector3f _0C; // _0C
s16 _18; // _18, slot maybe?
struct ActTransport : public Action, virtual SysShape::MotionListener {
ActTransport(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void emotion_success(); // _14
virtual void emotion_fail(); // _18
virtual void getInfo(char*); // _38
virtual void onKeyEvent(const SysShape::KeyEvent& event); // _3C (weak)
void isStickLeader();
void initLift();
void execLift();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
// _0C-_10 = MotionListener*
Game::Pellet* mPellet; // _10
u32 _14; // _14, unknown
s16 _18; // _18
Vector3f _1C; // _1C
s16 _28; // _28
ActGotoSlot* mGotoSlot; // _2C
ActPathMove* mPathMove; // _30
u8 _34; // _34
s16 _36; // _36
u8 _38; // _38
u8 _39; // _39
bool _3A; // _3A
// _3C = MotionListener
struct ActWeedArg : public ActionArg {
virtual char* getName(); // _08 (weak)
// _00 = VTBL
Game::ItemWeed::Item* mWeed; // _04
struct ActWeed : public Action {
ActWeed(Game::Piki* p);
virtual void init(ActionArg* settings); // _08
virtual int exec(); // _0C
virtual void cleanup(); // _10
virtual void collisionCallback(Game::Piki* p, Game::CollEvent& event); // _28
virtual void getInfo(char*); // _38
void decideTarget();
void initAdjust();
void calcAttackPos();
// _00 = VTBL
// _00-_0C = Action
Game::ItemWeed::Item* mWeed; // _0C
Game::BaseFlockMgr* mFlockMgr; // _10
u16 _14; // _14
ActFlockAttack* mFlockAttack; // _18
ActApproachPos* mApproachPos; // _1C
u8 _20; // _20
int _24; // _24
Vector3f mAttackPosition; // _28
struct Brain {
Brain(Game::Piki* p);
void addAction(PikiAI::Action*);
void init();
void exec();
PikiAI::Action* getCurrAction();
Game::Navi* searchOrima();
bool start(int, PikiAI::ActionArg*);
Action** mActions; // _00, might be array of ptrs instead
int mActionCnt; // _04
int mActionId; // _08
Game::Piki* mPiki; // _0C
}; // namespace PikiAI