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207 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ====================================
# Ptr checker v0.0.9 (by RevoSucks)
# ====================================
# WARNING, seriously, get a puke bucket. This is just a file i am writing for my own sole use.
# If you want to use it, I have some advice for you: D.O.N.T.
# It stands for dooooooonnnnnn't use it. Ever.
# ------------------
# Imports
# ------------------
import os, fnmatch, math
# ------------------
# Defines
# ------------------
# Path to baserom.dol
baserom_path = "baserom.dol"
map_path = "build/pikmin2.usa/pikmin2.map"
# ------------------
# Methods
# ------------------
# Return a list of searchable '.s' files in a given folder recursively.
def findExt(folder):
matches = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(folder):
for filename in filenames:
if filename.endswith('.s'):
matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
return matches
# Name is passed in as the address initially. If we cannot find it, return the string of the address.
def getMatchingTextSymbolFromAddress(name):
# Strip the 0x from the start.
#print("DEBUG: ", str(hex(name))[2:].zfill(8))
result = str(hex(name))[2:].zfill(8)
matches = [result, '(entry of ']
# First open the .map file.
map = open(map_path, 'r')
Lines = map.readlines()
# Parse over the map until a match is found.
for line in Lines:
# Does the line have the 2 expected strings?
if all(x in line for x in matches):
# We found the line.
#print("Match found! Line: ", line)
# Split the name out and return it.
return line.split(' ')[9]
# We're done, close it.
return hex(name)
# Build a list of the pointers and scan each word.
def dumpVirtualTable(line):
# Init the table.
table = ""
# Open baserom.dol for processing.
f = open(baserom_path, 'rb')
address = line.split(' ')[2][:-1]
size = line.split(' ')[3]
#print("ADDR: ", address)
#print("SIZE: ", size)
f.seek(int(address, 16))
entries = int(size, 16) / 4
while entries != 0:
entry = int.from_bytes(f.read(4), byteorder='big')
if entry == 0:
str_to_print = "0"
elif (entry & 0xFF000000) == 0x80000000:
str_to_print = str(getMatchingTextSymbolFromAddress(entry))
str_to_print = str(hex(entry))
table = table + " .4byte " + str_to_print + "\n"
entries = entries - 1
return table
def isBaseromEntrySus(line):
with open(baserom_path, 'rb') as f: # context management to close file for us
address = line.split(' ')[2][:-1]
size = line.split(' ')[3]
lower_four = 4 * math.floor(int(size, 16)/4) # Floor the size to the lower multiple of 4 if needed.
entries = int(size, 16) / 4
f.seek(int(address, 16))
while entries > 0:
entry = int.from_bytes(f.read(4), byteorder='big', signed=False)
if (entry & 0xFF000000) == 0x80000000 and entry != 0x80000000:
print("Suspicious Ptr: ", str(hex(entry)))
return True
entries -= 1
return False
# Same as isBaseromEntrySus but check for rodata str. Man this file is a mess.
def isBaseromEntrySus_ShouldDump(line):
with open(baserom_path, 'rb') as f: # context management to close file for us
address = line.split(' ')[2][:-1]
size = line.split(' ')[3]
lower_four = 4 * math.floor(int(size, 16)/4) # Floor the size to the lower multiple of 4 if needed.
entries = int(size, 16) / 4
f.seek(int(address, 16))
while entries > 0:
entry = int.from_bytes(f.read(4), byteorder='big', signed=False)
if (entry & 0xFF000000) == 0x80000000 and entry != 0x80000000:
text_sym = getMatchingTextSymbolFromAddress(entry)
if text_sym != str(hex(entry)):
if text_sym[:2] == "$$":
return True
entries -= 1
return False
def isBaseromEntryPurePtrTable(line):
table = ""
with open(baserom_path, 'rb') as f: # context management to close file for us
address = line.split(' ')[2][:-1]
size = line.split(' ')[3]
lower_four = 4 * math.floor(int(size, 16)/4) # Floor the size to the lower multiple of 4 if needed.
entries = int(size, 16) / 4
f.seek(int(address, 16))
# If any values are neither 0 nor a
while entries > 0:
entry = int.from_bytes(f.read(4), byteorder='big', signed=False)
if entry == 0:
str_to_print = "0"
elif (entry & 0xFF000000) == 0x80000000:
str_to_print = getMatchingTextSymbolFromAddress(entry)
print("DEBUG: ", str_to_print)
elif entry == 0xFFFFFFFF:
str_to_print = "-1"
return line # Not a pure pure table. Keep the entry.
if str_to_print[:2] == "0x":
return line # Not a pure pure table. Keep the entry.
table = table + " .4byte " + str_to_print + "\n"
entries = entries - 1
return table
def dumpActorTable(line):
table = ""
with open(baserom_path, 'rb') as f: # context management to close file for us
address = line.split(' ')[2][:-1]
size = line.split(' ')[3]
lower_four = 4 * math.floor(int(size, 16)/4) # Floor the size to the lower multiple of 4 if needed.
entries = int(size, 16) / 4
f.seek(int(address, 16))
# If any values are neither 0 nor a
while entries > 0:
entry = int.from_bytes(f.read(4), byteorder='big', signed=False)
if entry == 0:
str_to_print = "0"
elif (entry & 0xFF000000) == 0x80000000:
str_to_print = getMatchingTextSymbolFromAddress(entry)
print("DEBUG: ", str_to_print)
elif entry == 0xFFFFFFFF:
str_to_print = "-1"
str_to_print = str(entry)
table = table + " .4byte " + str_to_print + "\n"
entries = entries - 1
return table
# -----------------------------------
# Config
# -----------------------------------
print_baserom_calls = True
# -----------------------------------
# ------------------
# Main code
# ------------------
asm_files = findExt("asm")
#asm_files = ['/c/sms/asm/NPC/NpcInitData.s']
print("Checking all files for possible ptrs...")
# Using readlines()
for i in asm_files:
file1 = open(i, 'r')
Lines = file1.readlines()
file1 = open(i, 'w')
count = 0
line_array = [] #array of current line and last two lines
file_sus = False
for line in Lines:
line_array[0] = line_array[1]
line_array[1] = line_array[2]
line_array[2] = line
# Do something with the line here. Does the line belong to a baserom.dol call for a __vt__?
if "__vt__" in line_array[1] and "baserom.dol" in line:
if file_sus == True:
print("Sus: ", i, "Count: ", count, "\n")