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#ifndef _COLLINFO_H
#define _COLLINFO_H
#include "CNode.h"
#include "Graphics.h"
#include "IDelegate.h"
#include "id32.h"
#include "JSystem/JKernel/JKRFileLoader.h"
#include "MonoObjectMgr.h"
#include "Sys/Tube.h"
#include "SysShape/Model.h"
#include "SysShape/MtxObject.h"
#include "Vector3.h"
#include "Condition.h"
struct CollPartMgr;
#define COLLTYPE_TUBE (1)
namespace Game {
struct Creature;
struct CollPart : public CNode {
////////////// VTABLE
virtual ~CollPart() { } // _08 (weak)
virtual int getChildCount() // _0C (weak)
return CNode::getChildCount();
virtual bool isMouth() // _10 (weak)
return false;
virtual void draw(Graphics&); // _14
virtual void constructor() { } // _18 (weak)
virtual void doAnimation() { } // _1C (weak)
virtual void doEntry() { } // _20 (weak)
virtual void doSetView(u32) { } // _24 (weak)
virtual void doViewCalc() { } // _28 (weak)
virtual void doSimulation(f32 rate) { } // _2C (weak)
virtual void doDirectDraw(Graphics& gfx) { } // _30 (weak)
////////////// END VTABLE
void init(SysShape::MtxObject*);
void addChild(CollPart* child) { add(child); }
void attachModel(SysShape::MtxObject*);
void calcStickGlobal(Vector3f&, Vector3f&);
void calcStickLocal(Vector3f&, Vector3f&);
void calcPoseMatrix(Vector3f&, Matrixf&);
void checkCollision(Sys::Sphere&, IDelegate1<CollPart*>*);
void checkCollisionMulti(CollPart*, IDelegate3<CollPart*, CollPart*, Vector3f&>*);
CollPart* clone(SysShape::MtxObject*, CollPartMgr*);
bool collide(CollPart*, Vector3f&);
int getAllCollPartToArray(CollPart**, int, int&);
CollPart* getChild() { return (CollPart*)mChild; }
CollPart* getCollPart(u32);
CollPart* getNext() { return (CollPart*)mNext; }
void getSphere(Sys::Sphere&);
void getTube(Sys::Tube&);
bool isLeaf() { return (getChild() == nullptr); }
bool isSphere() { return (mPartType == COLLTYPE_SPHERE); }
bool isStickable();
bool isTube() { return (mPartType == COLLTYPE_TUBE); }
bool isTubeTree() { return (mPartType == COLLTYPE_TUBETREE); }
bool isTubeLike() { return isTube() || isTubeTree(); }
bool isPrim() { return (getChild() == nullptr || isTube() || isTubeTree()); }
void makeMatrixTo(Matrixf&);
void makeTubeTree();
void read(Stream&, bool);
void setScale(f32);
void update();
f32 mBaseRadius; // _18, base radius used to calculate real radius (in setScale, it's scaled)
f32 mRadius; // _1C
Vector3f mOffset; // _20
u32 mJointIndex; // _2C
ID32 mCurrentID; // _30, identifier of current part, initialised to root
ID32 mSpecialID; // _3C, used to detect whether the collpart is stickable, denoted by prefixed -s: e.g. 'sp01'
u16 mAttribute; // _48
Vector3f mPosition; // _4C
u8 mPartType; // _58, using define list - 0=Sphere, 1=Tube, 2=TubeTree
SysShape::MtxObject* mModel; // _5C
u32 _60; // _60
struct CollPartMgr : public MonoObjectMgr<CollPart> {
virtual ~CollPartMgr() { } // _08 (weak)
CollPart* createOne(SysShape::MtxObject*);
struct FindCollPartArg {
Condition<CollPart>* mCondition; // _00
Vector3f mPosition; // _04
struct MouthCollPart : public CollPart {
virtual ~MouthCollPart() { } // _08 (weak)
virtual bool isMouth() // _10 (weak)
return true;
void copyMatrixTo(Matrixf&);
void getPosition(Vector3f&);
// inlined
void setup(SysShape::Model* model, char* jointName, Vector3f& vector);
Game::Creature* mStuckCreature; // _64
SysShape::Joint* mMouthJoint; // _68
u8 _6C; // _6C
struct MouthSlots {
void alloc(int);
MouthCollPart* getSlot(int);
void update();
void setup(int, SysShape::Model*, char*);
int getMax() { return mMax; }
inline Game::Creature* getStuckCreature(int i) { return getSlot(i)->mStuckCreature; }
int mMax; // _00
MouthCollPart* mSlots; // _04
struct AgeCollPart : public CollPart {
virtual ~AgeCollPart() { } // _08 (weak)
virtual void draw(Graphics&); // _14
u8 mDrawFlags; // _64
struct CollPartFactory : public CollPart {
inline CollPartFactory(Stream& input)
: CollPart()
read(input, false);
virtual ~CollPartFactory() { } // _08 (weak)
static CollPartFactory* load(char*);
static CollPartFactory* load(JKRFileLoader*, char*);
CollPart* createInstance(SysShape::MtxObject*, CollPartMgr*);
struct CollTree {
void attachModel(SysShape::MtxObject*);
void createFromFactory(SysShape::MtxObject*, CollPartFactory*, CollPartMgr*);
void createSingleSphere(SysShape::MtxObject*, int, Sys::Sphere&, CollPartMgr*);
bool checkCollision(CollTree*, CollPart**, CollPart**, Vector3f&);
void checkCollision(Sys::Sphere&, IDelegate1<CollPart*>*);
bool checkCollisionRec(CollPart*, CollPart*, CollPart**, CollPart**, Vector3f&);
void checkCollisionMulti(CollTree*, IDelegate3<CollPart*, CollPart*, Vector3f&>*);
CollPart* findCollPart(FindCollPartArg&);
void getBoundingSphere(Sys::Sphere&);
CollPart* getCollPart(u32);
CollPart* getRandomCollPart();
void release();
void releaseRec(CollPart*);
void update();
// Unused/inlined:
void checkCollisionMultiRec(CollPart*, CollPart*, IDelegate3<CollPart*, CollPart*, Vector3f&>*);
static bool mDebug;
CollPart* mPart; // _00
CollPartMgr* mMgr; // _04