2024-05-01 14:41:02 -04:00

182 lines
6.4 KiB

from pathlib import (Path, PurePosixPath)
import argparse
PROJECT_NAME = "pikmin2.usa"
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("src_file", type=str, help="file to link/unlink")
link_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
link_group.add_argument("-l", "--link", help="link", action="store_false", dest="unlink")
link_group.add_argument("-ul", "--unlink", help="unlink", action="store_true", dest="unlink")
args = parser.parse_args()
provided_filename = Path(args.src_file)
unlink = args.unlink
if not provided_filename.exists():
print("FAIL: Provided source file does not exist. Make sure this was run from the root of the project.")
return 1
if not provided_filename.parts[0] == "src":
print("FAIL: We only accept relative paths that start with \"src\". Make sure this was run from the root of the project.")
return 1
modify_makefile(provided_filename, unlink)
modify_configure(provided_filename, unlink)
modify_o_file(provided_filename, unlink)
delete_source_file(provided_filename, unlink)
return 0
def modify_makefile(whole_file_path:Path, unlink:bool):
# grab the containing folder
containing_folder = whole_file_path.parent
# assume makefile is in the same folder as the file we're running
makefile_to_modify = containing_folder / "Makefile"
if not makefile_to_modify.exists():
print(f"Unable to modify makefile: {makefile_to_modify}")
# turn the path into a unix-based path, and replace the extension with .o
part_to_change = PurePosixPath(whole_file_path.with_suffix(".o"))
# remove the "src" path at the beginning and change it to "asm"
part_to_change_to = PurePosixPath("asm") / PurePosixPath(*part_to_change.parts[1:])
# swap asm/src if we're linking
if not unlink:
part_to_change, part_to_change_to = part_to_change_to, part_to_change
whole_makefile = makefile_to_modify.read_text()
# find the file we're (un)linking
if str(part_to_change) not in whole_makefile:
print(f"Unable to find \"{part_to_change}\" in makefile: \"{makefile_to_modify}\"")
print(f"Changing \"{part_to_change}\" to \"{part_to_change_to}\" in makefile \"{makefile_to_modify}\"")
# just replace the string
whole_makefile = whole_makefile.replace(str(part_to_change), str(part_to_change_to))
def modify_configure(whole_file_path:Path, unlink:bool):
containing_folder = whole_file_path.parent
file_without_extension = whole_file_path.stem
# make sure we can find "configure.py", i.e. this was run in the root of the project
configure_to_modify = Path("configure.py")
if not configure_to_modify.exists():
print(f"Unable to modify \"{configure_to_modify}\" in root directory. Make sure this command was run from the root of the project.")
# remove the "src" folder from path, and remove any extension
part_to_change = PurePosixPath(*containing_folder.parts[1:]) / PurePosixPath(file_without_extension)
whole_configure = configure_to_modify.read_text()
# wrap the file in quotes, cuz that's how it'll appear in the config file
entry = f"\"{part_to_change}\""
# count how many times it appears in the configure.py file
entry_count = whole_configure.count(entry)
# make sure it only appears once
if entry_count <= 0:
print(f"Unable to find {entry} file in \"{configure_to_modify}\".")
elif entry_count > 1:
print(f"Too many matches of {entry} in \"{configure_to_modify}\", unable to edit.")
# get the "True" or "False" of (un)linking
to_change = str(unlink)
to_change_to = str(not unlink)
# offset to after the file is located in the configure.py file
offset = whole_configure.find(entry) + len(entry)
# substring the entry, we want to find the next instance of `to_change` bool
sub_conf = whole_configure[offset:]
# cap it at the next closing brace, this should limit our find to be the correct next bool
linking_status_found = sub_conf.find(to_change, 0, sub_conf.find("]"))
# if we didn't find the bool we're looking for
if linking_status_found < 0:
print(f"Unable to find \"{to_change}\" for {entry} in {configure_to_modify}")
print(f"Changing linking of {entry} from \"{to_change}\" to \"{to_change_to}\" in \"{configure_to_modify}\"")
offset += linking_status_found
# string manipulation to replace the bool with our new bool
new_configure = whole_configure[:offset] + to_change_to + whole_configure[offset + len(to_change):]
def modify_o_file(whole_file_path:Path, unlink:bool):
# if we're linking, no need to copy over o files, exit
if not unlink:
# replace the end with a .o extension
o_file_path = whole_file_path.with_suffix(".o")
# turn those into asm and src folders in the build directory
asm_file_path = Path(f"build/{PROJECT_NAME}/asm") / Path(*o_file_path.parts[1:])
src_file_path = Path(f"build/{PROJECT_NAME}/src") / Path(*o_file_path.parts[1:])
# make sure the source exists, and the asm does not
if not src_file_path.exists():
print(f"Unable to find source file to copy: {src_file_path}")
elif asm_file_path.exists():
print(f"Destination file already exists: {asm_file_path}")
print(f"Copying \"{src_file_path}\" to \"{asm_file_path}\"")
# if the directory is long gone, make the directory, otherwise it's fine
asm_file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
def delete_source_file(whole_file_path:Path, unlink:bool):
# no need to delete source files if we're unlinking
if unlink:
# replace the extension with ".s"
whole_file_path = whole_file_path.with_suffix(".s")
# remove the "src" root folder, and add "asm"
asm_file_path = Path("asm") / Path(*whole_file_path.parts[1:])
# make sure we can delete it
if not asm_file_path.exists():
print(f"Unable to locate asm source file to delete: \"{asm_file_path}\"")
print(f"Deleting source asm file: \"{asm_file_path}\"")
if __name__ == "__main__": exit(main())