mid-kid 99a038284b Translate all .include to #include
This decision was made to reduce the complexity of using .include whilst
juggling with tools/scaninc and tools/preproc:
- tools/scaninc doesn't apply the proper search rules for .include (it
  assumes #include behavior). In particular, it doesn't consider paths
  starting from $PWD, and doesn't scan the included files as a result.
- .include had to be processed before #include by preproc in many cases,
  as code was being included that had to be preprocessed by CPP (think
  of #define). This contradicts standard GCC behavior.

To make include paths consistent across the asm/ data/ and src/
directories, the following files were moved:
- constants/ → include/asm/constants/
- asm/macros/ → include/asm/macros/
- asm/ → include/asm/
- include/macros/ → include/asm/macros/

As part of the necessary changes for this to work, the scaninc method in
the makefile was improved to generate .d files that don't choke when
files are missing.
2021-12-20 16:29:12 +01:00

77 lines
1.2 KiB

#include "asm/constants/"
#include "asm/"
.syntax unified
thumb_func_start sub_8038440
push {r4,r5,lr}
movs r5, 0
ldr r0, _080384B0
ldr r0, [r0]
mov r12, r0
movs r3, 0xD4
lsls r3, 1
add r3, r12
ldrh r1, [r3]
ldr r0, _080384B4
ands r0, r1
ldr r1, _080384B8
ands r0, r1
ldr r4, _080384BC
ands r0, r4
ldr r1, _080384C0
ands r0, r1
ldr r1, _080384C4
ands r0, r1
movs r2, 0x80
lsls r2, 7
ldr r1, _080384C8
ands r0, r1
orrs r0, r2
strh r0, [r3]
movs r2, 0xFC
lsls r2, 2
ldrh r1, [r3, 0x4]
movs r0, 0xFC
lsls r0, 8
ands r0, r1
orrs r0, r2
ands r0, r4
movs r2, 0xF
movs r4, 0xF0
lsls r4, 8
ldr r1, _080384CC
ands r0, r1
orrs r0, r4
strh r0, [r3, 0x4]
movs r0, 0x70
strh r0, [r3, 0x2]
movs r1, 0xE0
lsls r1, 3
ldrh r0, [r3, 0x6]
ands r2, r0
orrs r2, r1
strh r2, [r3, 0x6]
movs r0, 0xD8
lsls r0, 1
add r0, r12
str r5, [r0]
pop {r4,r5}
pop {r0}
bx r0
.align 2, 0
_080384B0: .4byte gUnknown_203B360
_080384B4: .4byte 0x0000feff
_080384B8: .4byte 0x0000fdff
_080384BC: .4byte 0x0000f3ff
_080384C0: .4byte 0x0000efff
_080384C4: .4byte 0x0000dfff
_080384C8: .4byte 0x00003fff
_080384CC: .4byte 0x00000fff
thumb_func_end sub_8038440
.align 2,0