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synced 2024-11-27 15:00:33 +00:00
322 lines
13 KiB
322 lines
13 KiB
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200808L // Don't use GNU getline
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "global.h"
static const char SPLASH[] = "IPS patch creator for undisassembled data\n"
"Created by PikalaxALT on 23 June 2019 All Rights Reserved\n";
static const char HELP[] = "br_ips\n"
"This utility is meant to be run with no arguments in the project root of a PRET AGB disassembly.\n"
"baserom.gba and ld_script.txt are required files which must be present in the project root.\n"
"ld_script.txt is a GNU linker script. For more details, see\n"
"All ELF targets in the linker script with Makefile rules \"%.o: %.s\" must have their sources present\n"
"at the indicated paths relative to the project root.\n"
" -h - show this message and exit\n";
static int getline(char ** lineptr, size_t * n, FILE * stream) {
// Static implementation of GNU getline
int i = 0;
int c;
if (n == NULL || lineptr == NULL || stream == NULL) return -1;
size_t size = *n;
char * buf = *lineptr;
if (buf == NULL || size < 4) {
size = 128;
*lineptr = buf = realloc(buf, 128);
if (buf == NULL) return -1;
while (1) {
c = getc(stream);
if (c == EOF) break;
buf[i++] = c;
if (c == '\n') break;
if (i == size - 1) {
size <<= 1;
buf = realloc(buf, size);
if (buf == NULL) return -1;
*lineptr = buf;
*n = size;
if (i == 0) return -1;
buf[i] = 0;
return i;
static void getIncbinsFromFile(hunk_t ** hunks, size_t * num, size_t * maxnum, const char * fname, char ** strbuf, size_t * buffersize) {
// Recursively find incbinned segments and encode them as hunks.
FILE * file = fopen(fname, "r");
if (file == NULL) FATAL_ERROR("unable to open file \"%s\" for reading\n", fname);
hunk_t * data = *hunks;
size_t nhunks = *num;
size_t maxnhunks = *maxnum;
int line_n = 0; // for error prints
while (getline(strbuf, buffersize, file) > 0) {
// If another file is included by this one, recurse into it.
char * include = strstr(*strbuf, ".include");
if (include != NULL) {
char incfname[128];
include = strchr(include, '"');
if (include == NULL) FATAL_ERROR("%s:%d: malformed include\n", fname, line_n);
char * endq_p = strchr(include, '"');
if (endq_p == NULL) FATAL_ERROR("%s:%d: malformed include\n", fname, line_n);
*endq_p = 0;
strcpy(incfname, include);
getIncbinsFromFile(&data, &nhunks, &maxnhunks, incfname, strbuf, buffersize);
// Check for a .incbin "baserom.gba" directive
char * line = strstr(*strbuf, ".incbin");
if (line == NULL) continue;
line = strstr(line + sizeof(".incbin"), "\"baserom.gba\",");
if (line == NULL) continue;
line += sizeof("\"baserom.gba\",") - 1;
uint32_t incbinOffset;
// Enforce the structure .incbin "baserom.gba", offset, size
// Data cannot be located at offset 0, as that is the entry
// point (ARM code).
do {
if (*line == 0) FATAL_ERROR("%s:%d: malformed incbin\n", fname, line_n);
incbinOffset = strtoul(line, &line, 0);
} while (incbinOffset == 0);
size_t incbinSize;
do {
if (*line == 0) FATAL_ERROR("%s:%d: malformed incbin\n", fname, line_n);
incbinSize = strtoul(line, &line, 0);
} while (incbinSize == 0);
// Offset must fit in three bytes
if (incbinOffset >= 0x01000000) FATAL_ERROR("%s:%d: offset exceeds encodable limit\n", fname, line_n);
// Avoid confusion with the end sentinel
if (incbinOffset == 0x454F46) { // "EOF"
// Cannot read past a certain point due to format restrictions
if (incbinOffset + incbinSize > 0xFFFFFF + 0xFFFF) FATAL_ERROR("%s:%d: size exceeds encodable limit\n", fname, line_n);
// Break up the incbin into hunks of maximum size 0xFFFF
do {
size_t trueSize = incbinSize <= 0xFFFF ? incbinSize : 0xFFFF;
if (nhunks >= maxnhunks) {
maxnhunks <<= 1;
data = realloc(data, maxnhunks * sizeof(hunk_t));
if (data == NULL) FATAL_ERROR("unable to reallocate hunks buffer\n");
data[nhunks].offset = incbinOffset;
data[nhunks].size = trueSize;
incbinOffset += trueSize;
incbinSize -= trueSize;
if (incbinOffset == 0x454F46) {
} while (incbinSize > 0);
// Error check
if (!feof(file)) FATAL_ERROR("getline\n");
*hunks = data;
*num = nhunks;
*maxnum = maxnhunks;
static hunk_t * getAllIncbins(FILE * ld_script, size_t * num_p) {
// Parse the ld script.
// Strict adherence to syntax is expected.
char * line = NULL;
size_t linesiz = 0;
char fname_buf[128];
size_t maxnum = 256;
size_t num = 0;
// Allocate the hunks array.
hunk_t * hunks = malloc(256 * sizeof(hunk_t));
if (hunks == NULL) FATAL_ERROR("failed to allocate hunks buffer\n");
while (getline(&line, &linesiz, ld_script) > 0) {
char * endptr;
// We only expect hunks in rodata, script_data, and gfx_data sections.
if ((endptr = strstr(line, ".o(.rodata);")) == NULL
&& (endptr = strstr(line, ".o(script_data);")) == NULL
&& (endptr = strstr(line, ".o(gfx_data);")) == NULL) continue;
char * startptr = line;
// Skip whitespace.
while (isspace(*startptr)) startptr++;
if (strstr(startptr, ".a:") != NULL) continue; // no hunks in libs
if (strstr(startptr, "src/") == startptr) continue; // no hunks in src/
// Replace the extension with .s and truncate the string
endptr[1] = 's';
endptr[2] = 0;
// We're reusing the already-allocated string buffer, so
// copy the filename to the stack for use in error prints.
strcpy(fname_buf, startptr);
getIncbinsFromFile(&hunks, &num, &maxnum, fname_buf, &line, &linesiz);
// Error check
if (!feof(ld_script)) FATAL_ERROR("getline\n");
*num_p = num;
return hunks;
static int cmp_baserom(const void * a, const void * b) {
// Comparison function for sorting Hunk structs.
// For more details, please refer to the qsort man pages.
// See also the function "collapseIncbins" below.
const hunk_t * aa = (const hunk_t *)a;
const hunk_t * bb = (const hunk_t *)b;
return (aa->offset > bb->offset) - (aa->offset < bb->offset);
static void collapseIncbins(hunk_t * hunks, size_t * num_p) {
// This function merges adjacent hunks where possible.
size_t num = *num_p;
// Sort the array by offset increasing.
qsort(hunks, num, sizeof(hunk_t), cmp_baserom);
// We stop at num - 1 because we need to be able to look one
// entry ahead in the hunks array.
for (int i = 0; i < num - 1; i++) {
// Loop until the next hunk is not adjacent to the current.
while (hunks[i].offset + hunks[i].size == hunks[i + 1].offset) {
// If this hunk cannot be merged with the next, proceed to the next.
if (hunks[i].size == 0xFFFF || (hunks[i].size == 0xFFFE && hunks[i + 1].offset == 0x454F45)) break;
// If this hunk is empty, remove it.
if (hunks[i].size == 0) {
int j;
// Find the next non-empty hunk
for (j = i + 1; j < num; j++) {
if (hunks[j].size != 0) break;
if (j == num) {
// All remaining hunks are empty
num = i;
// Compaction
// Use a for loop instead of memcpy to avoid UB from
// overlapping buffers.
for (int k = 0; k < num - j; k++) hunks[i + k] = hunks[j + k];
num -= j - i;
if (i >= num - 1) break;
// Combine this hunk with the next
hunks[i].size += hunks[i + 1].size;
if (hunks[i].size > 0xFFFF) {
// Split the hunk back up, it's too big to encode.
// Set the earlier hunk to the maximum permitted size,
// and the following hunk to the remainder.
hunks[i + 1].size = hunks[i].size - 0xFFFF;
hunks[i].size = 0xFFFF;
hunks[i + 1].offset = hunks[i].offset + 0xFFFF;
// If this operation would confuse the hunk with the
// EOF sentinel, fix that.
if (hunks[i + 1].offset == 0x454F46) {
hunks[i + 1].offset--;
hunks[i + 1].size++;
} else {
// Compaction
// Use a for loop instead of memcpy to avoid UB from
// overlapping buffers.
for (int j = i + 1; j < num - 1; j++) hunks[j] = hunks[j + 1];
if (i >= num - 1) break;
*num_p = num;
static void writePatch(const char * filename, const hunk_t * hunks, size_t num, FILE * rom) {
// Create an IPS patch.
// The file is headed with a magic code which is "PATCH" in ASCII.
// Following that are the "hunks": 3-byte offset, 2-byte size, and
// the literal data. The file is ended with "EOF", again in ASCII.
// For that reason, an offset of 0x454F46 cannot be encoded directly.
// Offset and size are encoded big-endian.
FILE * file = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (file == NULL) FATAL_ERROR("unable to open file \"%s\" for writing\n", filename);
// Maximum hunk size is 65535 bytes. For convenience, we allocate a
// round 65536 (0x10000). This has no effect on memory consumption,
// as malloc will round this up anyway.
char * readbuf = malloc(0x10000);
if (readbuf == NULL) FATAL_ERROR("failed to allocate write buffer\n");
fwrite("PATCH", 1, 5, file); // magic
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
// Encode the offset
uint32_t offset = hunks[i].offset;
putc(offset >> 16, file);
putc(offset >> 8, file);
putc(offset >> 0, file);
// Encode the size
size_t size = hunks[i].size;
putc(size >> 8, file);
putc(size >> 0, file);
// Yank the data straight from the ROM
if (fseek(rom, offset, SEEK_SET)) FATAL_ERROR("seek\n");
if (fread(readbuf, 1, size, rom) != size) FATAL_ERROR("read\n");
if (fwrite(readbuf, 1, size, file) != size) FATAL_ERROR("write\n");
// Write the EOF magic
fwrite("EOF", 1, 3, file);
// This script takes no arguments.
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
// Show a friendly message
// If requested, show help message
if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0) {
return 0;
// This script expects to be in a PRET AGB disassembly project root.
// Required files include baserom.gba, ld_script.txt, and all paths
// referenced in ld_script.txt relative to the project root.
FILE * rom = fopen("baserom.gba", "rb");
if (rom == NULL) FATAL_ERROR("unable to open \"baserom.gba\" for reading\n");
FILE * ld_script = fopen("ld_script.txt", "r");
if (ld_script == NULL) FATAL_ERROR("unable to open \"ld_script.txt\" for reading\n");
// Find all instances where segments of baserom.gba are incbinned literaly.
size_t num = 0;
hunk_t * hunks = getAllIncbins(ld_script, &num);
if (num == 0) {
// If this line is printed, the script was unable to find any
// `.incbin "baserom.gba"` lines.
// If this is incorrect, please contact the developer.
puts("No baserom.gba hunks found!\n"
"If there are baserom.gba hunks in this project,\n"
"please ping PikalaxALT on the pret discord,\n"
"channel #gen-3-help.\n");
} else {
// Merge neighboring hunks to reduce the number of hunks.
collapseIncbins(hunks, &num);
// Encode the hunks in the IPS patch.
writePatch("baserom.ips", hunks, num, rom);
// Communicate status to the user.
puts("IPS file created at baserom.ips\n");
// Clean up and return.
return 0;