2024-08-17 20:23:16 -07:00

514 lines
18 KiB

.section .rodata
.global gUnknown_80E2BE0
gUnknown_80E2BE0: @ 80E2BE0
.string "Your own Pokémon will not disappear\n"
.string "if you send it as a helper.\n"
.string "Will you send a helper to your friend?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2C48
gUnknown_80E2C48: @ 80E2C48
.string "Pick the Pokémon to be sent as a helper.\n"
.string "(Any hold item will not be sent.)\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2C94
gUnknown_80E2C94: @ 80E2C94
.string "No Pokémon are in your Friend Areas.\n"
.string "What would you like to do?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2CD4
gUnknown_80E2CD4: @ 80E2CD4
.string "Is this Pokémon OK?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2CE8
gUnknown_80E2CE8: @ 80E2CE8
.string "Please choose the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}A-OK Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} that should\n"
.string "be sent to your friend.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2D30
gUnknown_80E2D30: @ 80E2D30
.string "This {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}A-OK Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} will be sent.\n"
.string "Is that OK?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2D60
gUnknown_80E2D60: @ 80E2D60
.string "There is no {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}A-OK Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2D7C
gUnknown_80E2D7C: @ 80E2D7C
.string "Connect the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Game Link cable{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\n"
.string "When your friend is ready{COMMA} begin\n"
.string "communication.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2DD0
gUnknown_80E2DD0: @ 80E2DD0
.string "{CENTER_ALIGN}Communicating...\n"
.string "{CENTER_ALIGN}Please wait with the power on.\n"
.string "{CENTER_ALIGN}To cancel{COMMA} press {B_BUTTON}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2E20
gUnknown_80E2E20: @ 80E2E20
.string "The GBA Game Pak will be written to.\n"
.string "Is that OK?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2E54
gUnknown_80E2E54: @ 80E2E54
.string "{CENTER_ALIGN}Reading from GBA Game Pak.\n"
.string "{CENTER_ALIGN}Do not remove the GBA Game Pak.\n"
.string "{CENTER_ALIGN}Please wait with the power on.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2EB4
gUnknown_80E2EB4: @ 80E2EB4
.string "{CENTER_ALIGN}Writing to GBA Game Pak.\n"
.string "{CENTER_ALIGN}Do not remove the GBA Game Pak.\n"
.string "{CENTER_ALIGN}Please wait with the power on.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2F14
gUnknown_80E2F14: @ 80E2F14
.string "There is no {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} on\n"
.string "the GBA Game Pak.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2F44
gUnknown_80E2F44: @ 80E2F44
.string "Please choose an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}\n"
.string "on the GBA Game Pak.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2F78
gUnknown_80E2F78: @ 80E2F78
.string "Is it OK to accept this {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2FA0
gUnknown_80E2FA0: @ 80E2FA0
.string "There is no more space for accepting\n"
.string "new mail.\n"
.string "You must delete old mail.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E2FEC
gUnknown_80E2FEC: @ 80E2FEC
.string "The {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} has been received.\n"
.string "Your adventure will be saved.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3030
gUnknown_80E3030: @ 80E3030
.string "Please embark on your rescue mission\n"
.string "from the Pelipper Post Office. \0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3078
gUnknown_80E3078: @ 80E3078
.string "Please enter the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail password{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E30A4
gUnknown_80E30A4: @ 80E30A4
.string "Is it OK to send this {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E30D0
gUnknown_80E30D0: @ 80E30D0
.string "Please choose the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} that\n"
.string "should be sent to your friend.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E311C
gUnknown_80E311C: @ 80E311C
.string "Please enter the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail password{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E314C
gUnknown_80E314C: @ 80E314C
.string "The {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail password{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} will be\n"
.string "shown.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E317C
gUnknown_80E317C: @ 80E317C
.string "Your adventure will be saved.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E319C
gUnknown_80E319C: @ 80E319C
.string "Steps will now be taken to receive the\n"
.string "{COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E31D8
gUnknown_80E31D8: @ 80E31D8
.string "All preparations have been made.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E31FC
gUnknown_80E31FC: @ 80E31FC
.string "The {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} was sent.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3220
gUnknown_80E3220: @ 80E3220
.string "You received the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3248
gUnknown_80E3248: @ 80E3248
.string "The {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} was sent.\n"
.string "Your adventure will be saved.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3288
gUnknown_80E3288: @ 80E3288
.string "Steps will now be taken to send your\n"
.string "{COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E32C4
gUnknown_80E32C4: @ 80E32C4
.string "OK. You{APOSTROPHE}re good to go.\n"
.string "{COLOR_1 YELLOW_5}%s{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}{COMMA} I hope your sense of\n"
.string "gratitude reaches your friend.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E331C
gUnknown_80E331C: @ 80E331C
.string "The item chosen here can{APOSTROPHE}t be exchanged\n"
.string "with anything else.\n"
.string "Are you sure this item is OK?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3378
gUnknown_80E3378: @ 80E3378
.string "Please choose the item to be sent.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E339C
gUnknown_80E339C: @ 80E339C
.string "There are no items in storage.\n"
.string "What would you like to do?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E33D8
gUnknown_80E33D8: @ 80E33D8
.string "Would you like to choose\n"
.string "a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}reward item{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} from storage and\n"
.string "send it with your mail?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3430
gUnknown_80E3430: @ 80E3430
.string "This mail already has an attached\n"
.string "{COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}reward item{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.{EXTRA_MSG}Once an item has been chosen{COMMA} it may not\n"
.string "be exchanged with another item.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E34B0
gUnknown_80E34B0: @ 80E34B0
.string "Would you like to resend the mail\n"
.string "with the same item attached?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E34F0
gUnknown_80E34F0: @ 80E34F0
.string "Please select a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}\n"
.string "from the GBA Game Pak.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E352C
gUnknown_80E352C: @ 80E352C
.string "Is it OK to accept this {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E355C
gUnknown_80E355C: @ 80E355C
.string "Mail can{APOSTROPHE}t be sent to a GBA Game Pak\n"
.string "with the game quicksaved in a dungeon.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E35AC
gUnknown_80E35AC: @ 80E35AC
.string "The GBA Game Pak does not have\n"
.string "a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} on it.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E35E8
gUnknown_80E35E8: @ 80E35E8
.string "There is no {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E360C
gUnknown_80E360C: @ 80E360C
.string "How would you like to send\n"
.string "your {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3644
gUnknown_80E3644: @ 80E3644
.string "How would you like to receive\n"
.string "the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E367C
gUnknown_80E367C: @ 80E367C
.string "Read which Info?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3690
gUnknown_80E3690: @ 80E3690
.string "If your team is defeated and in need\n"
.string "of rescuing{COMMA} send an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}\n"
.string "to a friend.{EXTRA_MSG}Once you send your mail{COMMA} you must wait\n"
.string "for your friend to send you\n"
.string "an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}A-OK Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.{EXTRA_MSG}If the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}A-OK Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} arrives{COMMA} your\n"
.string "team can be revived to resume exploring\n"
.string "the dungeon it was in.{EXTRA_MSG}When your team is revived{COMMA} don{APOSTROPHE}t forget\n"
.string "to send a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} to the friend\n"
.string "who came to your rescue.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3818
gUnknown_80E3818: @ 80E3818
.string "If your team is defeated in\n"
.string "a dungeon{COMMA} you may send a friend\n"
.string "an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} for help.{EXTRA_MSG}However{COMMA} there are some places\n"
.string "where it is impossible for you to\n"
.string "call for a rescue.{EXTRA_MSG}Also{COMMA} if you send an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}{COMMA}\n"
.string "you may not continue with your\n"
.string "adventure while awaiting rescue.{EXTRA_MSG}If you cannot wait to be rescued{COMMA}\n"
.string "you will have to give up and return\n"
.string "to your rescue team base.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3998
gUnknown_80E3998: @ 80E3998
.string "If your friend successfully rescues\n"
.string "your team{COMMA} accept your friend{APOSTROPHE}s\n"
.string "you may revive your team and resume\n"
.string "exploring the dungeon you were in.{EXTRA_MSG}Using a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Game Link cable{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}{COMMA}\n"
.string "your friend can also send you\n"
.string "a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}helper Pokémon{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.{EXTRA_MSG}However{COMMA} the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}helper Pokémon{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} will not\n"
.string "be able to bring an item with it when\n"
.string "joining your team.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3B1C
gUnknown_80E3B1C: @ 80E3B1C
.string "If your team has been rescued{COMMA} be sure\n"
.string "to send a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} to the friend\n"
.string "that came to your help.{EXTRA_MSG}You may also attach a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}reward item{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}\n"
.string "from storage to your {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}\n"
.string "and send it to your friend.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3BF8
gUnknown_80E3BF8: @ 80E3BF8
.string "If your friend{APOSTROPHE}s team needs rescuing{COMMA}\n"
.string "you must first receive an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}\n"
.string "from your friend.{EXTRA_MSG}When you get the mail{COMMA} you may embark\n"
.string "on your rescue mission from the\n"
.string "{COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Pelipper Post Office{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.{EXTRA_MSG}If you rescue your friend{APOSTROPHE}s defeated\n"
.string "team{COMMA} send an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}A-OK Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} to your\n"
.string "friend.{EXTRA_MSG}If you rescue a friend{COMMA} you will be eligible\n"
.string "to receive a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.{EXTRA_MSG}If you have quicksaved inside a dungeon{COMMA}\n"
.string "you may not choose {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Go Rescue{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\n"
.string "Your last save must be out of a dungeon.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3DE4
gUnknown_80E3DE4: @ 80E3DE4
.string "You may receive an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} from\n"
.string "a friend{APOSTROPHE}s team that lies defeated in\n"
.string "a dungeon.{EXTRA_MSG}If there is no space for new mail{COMMA} delete\n"
.string "old mail at the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Pelipper Post Office{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E3E98
gUnknown_80E3E98: @ 80E3E98
.string "If you successfully rescue your friend{APOSTROPHE}s\n"
.string "team{COMMA} send your friend an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}A-OK Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.{EXTRA_MSG}Using a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Game Link cable{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}{COMMA} you may\n"
.string "also send your friend a Pokémon from\n"
.string "your Friend Area as a helper.{EXTRA_MSG}Don{APOSTROPHE}t worry--sending a Pokémon as\n"
.string "a helper will not make it disappear from\n"
.string "its Friend Area.{EXTRA_MSG}If there is no space for new mail{COMMA} delete\n"
.string "old mail at the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Pelipper Post Office{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E4014
gUnknown_80E4014: @ 80E4014
.string "When you receive an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}{COMMA}\n"
.string "you may embark on your rescue mission\n"
.string "from the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Pelipper Post Office{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.{EXTRA_MSG}Beware--if you do not have access to\n"
.string "the dungeon they are in{COMMA} you may not go\n"
.string "on a rescue mission there.{EXTRA_MSG}Accept challenging rescues only\n"
.string "if you are ready and qualified!\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E4130
gUnknown_80E4130: @ 80E4130
.string "If you send an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}A-OK Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}{COMMA} you may\n"
.string "receive a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} in return\n"
.string "from your friend.{EXTRA_MSG}The {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} may also come\n"
.string "with a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}reward item{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} attached.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E41DC
gUnknown_80E41DC: @ 80E41DC
.string "Using the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Dual Slot{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} function{COMMA}\n"
.string "you may perform rescue operations with\n"
.string "friends using the GBA Game Pak version.{EXTRA_MSG}Insert the DS Game Card and the GBA\n"
.string "Game Pak in your Nintendo DS system{COMMA}\n"
.string "then turn on the power.{EXTRA_MSG}Friend Rescue missions using\n"
.string "the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Dual Slot{END_COLOR_TEXT_1} function will be\n"
.string "available on the main menu. \0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E4314
gUnknown_80E4314: @ 80E4314
.string "Friends can rescue each other{APOSTROPHE}s defeated\n"
.string "teams using a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Game Link cable{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}{COMMA}\n"
.string "{COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}passwords{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}{COMMA} and so on.{EXTRA_MSG}You may go on a rescue mission to save\n"
.string "your friend{APOSTROPHE}s team that has been defeated\n"
.string "in a dungeon.{EXTRA_MSG}Or{COMMA} you may call for help from a friend\n"
.string "to save your fallen team in a dungeon.{EXTRA_MSG}Using {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}passwords{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}{COMMA} you can even\n"
.string "exchange help with faraway friends.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E4480
gUnknown_80E4480: @ 80E4480
.string "There was a communication error.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E44A4
gUnknown_80E44A4: @ 80E44A4
.string "An incorrect number of GBA systems are\n"
.string "connected.\n"
.string "Please redo this process from the start.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E4500
gUnknown_80E4500: @ 80E4500
.string "There is no response from your friend.\n"
.string "Please redo this process from the start.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E4550
gUnknown_80E4550: @ 80E4550
.string "The sender and receiver appear to be\n"
.string "in different modes.\n"
.string "Please redo the process from the start.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E45B4
gUnknown_80E45B4: @ 80E45B4
.string "Your storage space is full.\n"
.string "Please make room{COMMA} then redo the\n"
.string "process from the start.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E460C
gUnknown_80E460C: @ 80E460C
.string "This mail has been received before.\n"
.string "It cannot be received again.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E4650
gUnknown_80E4650: @ 80E4650
.string "This mail has been sent already.\n"
.string "It cannot be sent again.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E468C
gUnknown_80E468C: @ 80E468C
.string "You do not appear eligible to receive\n"
.string "this {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}A-OK Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E46C8
gUnknown_80E46C8: @ 80E46C8
.string "Your friend is not eligible to receive\n"
.string "this {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}A-OK Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E4704
gUnknown_80E4704: @ 80E4704
.string "You do not appear eligible to receive\n"
.string "this {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E4744
gUnknown_80E4744: @ 80E4744
.string "Your friend is not eligible to receive\n"
.string "this {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E4788
gUnknown_80E4788: @ 80E4788
.string "Something went wrong.\n"
.string "Please turn off the power and\n"
.string "reinsert the GBA Game Pak.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E47D8
gUnknown_80E47D8: @ 80E47D8
.string "There is no space for receiving new\n"
.string "mail.\n"
.string "Please delete old mail{COMMA} then try again.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E482C
gUnknown_80E482C: @ 80E482C
.string "There is no response from your friend.\n"
.string "Please make sure the sender and receiver\n"
.string "are ready{COMMA} then redo this from the start.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E48A8
gUnknown_80E48A8: @ 80E48A8
.string "This password is incorrect.\n"
.string "Would you like to enter it again?\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E48E8
gUnknown_80E48E8: @ 80E48E8
.string "This password does not appear to be\n"
.string "that of an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E4928
gUnknown_80E4928: @ 80E4928
.string "Received the {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}SOS Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\n"
.string "Your adventure will be saved.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E4964
gUnknown_80E4964: @ 80E4964
.string "This password does not appear to be\n"
.string "an {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}A-OK Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E499C
gUnknown_80E499C: @ 80E499C
.string "This password can no longer be used.\0"
.align 2,0
.global gUnknown_80E49C4
gUnknown_80E49C4: @ 80E49C4
.string "This password does not appear to be\n"
.string "that of a {COLOR_1 LIGHT_BLUE}Thank-You Mail{END_COLOR_TEXT_1}.\0"
.align 2,0