mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 03:45:36 +00:00
59546 lines
2.3 MiB
59546 lines
2.3 MiB
ROM0: 16141 bytes used / 243 free
ROMX: 1629823 bytes used / 450945 free in 127 banks
SRAM: 48194 bytes used / 17342 free in 8 banks
WRAM0: 4043 bytes used / 53 free
WRAMX: 22978 bytes used / 5694 free in 7 banks
HRAM: 127 bytes used / 0 free
ROM0 bank #0:
SECTION: $0000 (0 bytes) ["NULL"]
$0000 = NULL
SECTION: $0000-$0003 ($0004 bytes) ["rst0"]
EMPTY: $0004-$0007 ($0004 bytes)
SECTION: $0008-$000a ($0003 bytes) ["rst8"]
$0008 = FarCall
EMPTY: $000b-$000f ($0005 bytes)
SECTION: $0010-$0015 ($0006 bytes) ["rst10"]
$0010 = Bankswitch
EMPTY: $0016-$0017 ($0002 bytes)
SECTION: $0018-$0018 ($0001 byte) ["rst18"]
EMPTY: $0019-$001f ($0007 bytes)
SECTION: $0020-$0020 ($0001 byte) ["rst20"]
EMPTY: $0021-$0027 ($0007 bytes)
SECTION: $0028-$0032 ($000b bytes) ["rst28"]
$0028 = JumpTable
EMPTY: $0033-$0037 ($0005 bytes)
SECTION: $0038-$0038 ($0001 byte) ["rst38"]
EMPTY: $0039-$003f ($0007 bytes)
SECTION: $0040-$0042 ($0003 bytes) ["vblank"]
EMPTY: $0043-$0047 ($0005 bytes)
SECTION: $0048-$004a ($0003 bytes) ["lcd"]
EMPTY: $004b-$004f ($0005 bytes)
SECTION: $0050-$0052 ($0003 bytes) ["timer"]
EMPTY: $0053-$0057 ($0005 bytes)
SECTION: $0058-$005a ($0003 bytes) ["serial"]
EMPTY: $005b-$005f ($0005 bytes)
SECTION: $0060-$0062 ($0003 bytes) ["joypad"]
EMPTY: $0063-$00ff ($009d bytes)
SECTION: $0100-$014f ($0050 bytes) ["Header"]
$0100 = Start
SECTION: $0150-$3fe2 ($3e93 bytes) ["Home"]
$0150 = Reset
$016e = _Start
$0175 = _Start.cgb
$0177 = _Start.load
$017d = Init
$01a2 = Init.wait
$01b1 = Init.ByteFill
$022b = Init.no_double_speed
$0245 = ClearVRAM
$024f = ClearVRAM.clear
$025a = ClearWRAM
$025c = ClearWRAM.bank_loop
$0270 = ClearsScratch
$0283 = VBlank
$02a1 = VBlankHandlers
$02b1 = VBlank_Normal
$02f4 = VBlank_Normal.done
$02fc = VBlank_Normal.done_oam
$030a = VBlank_Normal.ok
$0314 = VBlank_Normal.ok2
$0325 = VBlank_SoundOnly
$0337 = VBlank_Cutscene
$0351 = VBlank_Cutscene.done
$037f = UpdatePals
$0396 = VBlank_CutsceneCGB
$03b3 = VBlank_CutsceneCGB.done
$03df = VBlank_Serial
$0400 = VBlank_Credits
$0413 = VBlank_Credits.done
$0436 = VBlank_DMATransfer
$044c = VBlank_DMATransfer.done
$045a = DelayFrame
$045f = DelayFrame.halt
$0468 = DelayFrames
$046f = UpdateTimeAndPals
$047e = TimeOfDayPals
$0485 = UpdateTimePals
$048c = TimeOfDayFade
$0499 = TimeOfDayFade.okay
$04a3 = RotateFourPalettesRight
$04af = RotateFourPalettesRight.dmg
$04b6 = RotateThreePalettesRight
$04c2 = RotateThreePalettesRight.dmg
$04c7 = RotatePalettesRight
$04dd = RotateFourPalettesLeft
$04e9 = RotateFourPalettesLeft.dmg
$04f0 = RotateThreePalettesLeft
$04fc = RotateThreePalettesLeft.dmg
$0501 = RotatePalettesLeft
$0517 = IncGradGBPalTable_00
$051a = IncGradGBPalTable_01
$051d = IncGradGBPalTable_02
$0520 = IncGradGBPalTable_03
$0523 = IncGradGBPalTable_04
$0526 = IncGradGBPalTable_05
$0529 = IncGradGBPalTable_06
$052c = IncGradGBPalTable_07
$052f = IncGradGBPalTable_08
$0532 = IncGradGBPalTable_09
$0535 = IncGradGBPalTable_10
$0538 = IncGradGBPalTable_11
$053b = IncGradGBPalTable_12
$053e = IncGradGBPalTable_13
$0541 = IncGradGBPalTable_14
$0544 = IncGradGBPalTable_15
$0547 = Function547
$0552 = LCD
$0566 = LCD.done
$0568 = DisableLCD
$0577 = DisableLCD.wait
$058a = EnableLCD
$0591 = Timer
$059a = Timer.not_mobile
$059c = LatchClock
$05a7 = UpdateTime
$05b7 = GetClock
$05e8 = FixDays
$05f4 = FixDays.modh
$05f8 = FixDays.modl
$0604 = FixDays.daylo
$060a = FixDays.mod
$0614 = FixDays.set
$061b = FixDays.quit
$061d = FixTime
$062a = FixTime.updatesec
$063a = FixTime.updatemin
$064a = FixTime.updatehr
$0658 = InitTimeOfDay
$0663 = InitDayOfWeek
$0677 = InitTime
$067e = ClearClock
$0685 = ClearClock.ClearhRTC
$0691 = SetClock
$06c4 = ClearRTCStatus
$06d3 = RecordRTCStatus
$06e3 = CheckRTCStatus
$06ef = Serial
$071c = Serial.mobile
$0721 = Serial.printer
$0726 = Serial.establish_connection
$0730 = Serial.player1
$073f = Serial.delay_loop
$074f = Serial._player2
$0752 = Serial.player2
$075a = Serial.end
$075f = Serial_ExchangeBytes
$0763 = Serial_ExchangeBytes.loop
$076e = Serial_ExchangeBytes.wait
$0782 = Serial_ExchangeBytes.load
$078a = Serial_ExchangeByte
$078a = Serial_ExchangeByte.timeout_loop
$079b = Serial_ExchangeByte.not_player_2
$079b = Serial_ExchangeByte.loop
$07b7 = Serial_ExchangeByte.no_rollover_up
$07c0 = Serial_ExchangeByte.not_player_1_or_timed_out
$07e2 = Serial_ExchangeByte.long_delay_loop
$07e5 = Serial_ExchangeByte.await_new_data
$07f8 = Serial_ExchangeByte.non_serial_interrupts_enabled
$080d = Serial_ExchangeByte.no_rollover
$0813 = Serial_ExchangeByte.timed_out
$0825 = Serial_ExchangeByte.ShortDelay
$0827 = Serial_ExchangeByte.short_delay_loop
$082b = CheckLinkTimeoutFramesNonzero
$0833 = SerialDisconnected
$083b = Serial_ExchangeSyncBytes
$0847 = Serial_ExchangeSyncBytes.exchange
$0862 = Serial_PlaceWaitingTextAndSyncAndExchangeNybble
$0871 = Serial_SyncAndExchangeNybble
$087d = WaitLinkTransfer
$0882 = WaitLinkTransfer.loop
$089d = WaitLinkTransfer.skip
$089e = WaitLinkTransfer.check
$08a6 = WaitLinkTransfer.receive
$08b1 = WaitLinkTransfer.acknowledge
$08c1 = LinkTransfer
$08d7 = LinkTransfer.got_high_nybble
$08ee = LinkTransfer.player_1
$08f3 = LinkTransfer.Receive
$0908 = LinkDataReceived
$0919 = SetBitsForTimeCapsuleRequestIfNotLinked
$092e = Joypad
$092f = ClearJoypad
$0935 = UpdateJoypad
$0984 = GetJoypad
$09a2 = GetJoypad.quit
$09a7 = GetJoypad.auto
$09c2 = GetJoypad.updateauto
$09d6 = GetJoypad.next
$09e0 = GetJoypad.stopauto
$09e5 = GetJoypad.finishauto
$09ee = StartAutoInput
$0a0a = StopAutoInput
$0a1b = JoyTitleScreenInput
$0a1b = JoyTitleScreenInput.loop
$0a34 = JoyTitleScreenInput.keycombo
$0a36 = JoyWaitAorB
$0a36 = JoyWaitAorB.loop
$0a46 = WaitButton
$0a57 = JoyTextDelay
$0a63 = JoyTextDelay.ok
$0a70 = JoyTextDelay.checkframedelay
$0a7a = JoyTextDelay.restartframedelay
$0a80 = WaitPressAorB_BlinkCursor
$0a8d = WaitPressAorB_BlinkCursor.loop
$0aa5 = SimpleWaitPressAorB.loop
$0aa5 = SimpleWaitPressAorB
$0aaf = PromptButton
$0ac1 = PromptButton.link
$0ac6 = PromptButton.wait_input
$0ad9 = PromptButton.input_wait_loop
$0af1 = PromptButton.received_input
$0af5 = PromptButton.blink_cursor
$0aff = PromptButton.cursor_off
$0b02 = PromptButton.load_cursor_state
$0b06 = BlinkCursor
$0b27 = BlinkCursor.place_arrow
$0b40 = FarDecompress
$0b50 = Decompress
$0b58 = Decompress.Main
$0b72 = Decompress.short
$0b7a = Decompress.command
$0b8d = Decompress.lloop
$0b94 = Decompress.lnext
$0b99 = Decompress.Iter
$0b9a = Decompress.iloop
$0ba1 = Decompress.inext
$0ba5 = Decompress.Alt
$0bac = Decompress.anext1
$0bb6 = Decompress.anext2
$0bbb = Decompress.adone1
$0bbc = Decompress.adone2
$0bbf = Decompress.Zero
$0bc0 = Decompress.zloop
$0bc7 = Decompress.znext
$0bcb = Decompress.rewrite
$0bdd = Decompress.positive
$0be9 = Decompress.ok
$0bf6 = Decompress.Repeat
$0bfc = Decompress.rnext
$0c01 = Decompress.Flip
$0c08 = Decompress.fnext
$0c0d = Decompress.floop
$0c19 = Decompress.Reverse
$0c20 = Decompress.rvnext
$0c25 = Decompress.donerw
$0c2b = Decompress.next
$0c2f = UpdatePalsIfCGB
$0c33 = UpdateCGBPals
$0c37 = ForceUpdateCGBPals
$0c49 = ForceUpdateCGBPals.bgp
$0c74 = ForceUpdateCGBPals.obp
$0c9f = DmgToCgbBGPals
$0cc9 = DmgToCgbBGPals.end
$0ccb = DmgToCgbObjPals
$0cf8 = DmgToCgbObjPal0
$0d22 = DmgToCgbObjPal0.dmg
$0d24 = DmgToCgbObjPal1
$0d4e = DmgToCgbObjPal1.dmg
$0d50 = CopyPals
$0d53 = CopyPals.loop
$0d73 = CopyPals.ok
$0d79 = ClearVBank1
$0d90 = GSReloadPalettes
$0d91 = ReloadSpritesNoPalettes
$0db1 = LoadOverworldAttrmapPals
$0dbd = ScrollBGMapPalettes
$0dc9 = Get2bppViaHDMA
$0ddc = Get1bppViaHDMA
$0def = FarCopyBytesDouble_DoubleBankSwitch
$0dfd = SafeHDMATransfer
$0e09 = SafeHDMATransfer.loop
$0e3c = SafeHDMATransfer.done
$0e4a = UpdatePlayerSprite
$0e51 = LoadStandardFont
$0e58 = LoadFontsBattleExtra
$0e5f = LoadFontsExtra
$0e6c = LoadFontsExtra2
$0e73 = DecompressRequest2bpp
$0e8d = FarCopyBytes
$0e9b = FarCopyBytesDouble
$0ead = FarCopyBytesDouble.loop
$0eb1 = FarCopyBytesDouble.dec
$0eba = Request2bpp
$0edc = Request2bpp.NotMobile
$0eec = Request2bpp.loop
$0ef6 = Request2bpp.wait
$0f08 = Request2bpp.cycle
$0f0d = Request2bpp.wait2
$0f1e = Request1bpp
$0f40 = Request1bpp.NotMobile
$0f50 = Request1bpp.loop
$0f5a = Request1bpp.wait
$0f6c = Request1bpp.cycle
$0f71 = Request1bpp.wait2
$0f82 = Get2bpp
$0f89 = Copy2bpp
$0f9d = Get1bpp
$0fa4 = Copy1bpp
$0fb6 = ClearBox
$0fb8 = FillBoxWithByte.row
$0fb8 = FillBoxWithByte
$0fba = FillBoxWithByte.col
$0fc8 = ClearTilemap
$0fdb = ClearScreen
$0fe8 = Textbox
$0ff1 = TextboxBorder
$1000 = TextboxBorder.row
$101e = TextboxBorder.PlaceChars
$101f = TextboxBorder.loop
$1024 = TextboxPalette
$102e = TextboxPalette.col
$1030 = TextboxPalette.row
$103e = SpeechTextbox
$1048 = GameFreakText
$1052 = RadioTerminator
$1056 = RadioTerminator.stop
$1057 = PrintText
$105a = BuenaPrintText
$1065 = PrintTextboxText
$106c = SetUpTextbox
$1078 = PlaceString
$1079 = PlaceNextChar
$1082 = DummyChar
$1083 = NextChar
$1087 = CheckDict
$1122 = CheckDict.not_u1
$1145 = CheckDict.diacritic
$114c = CheckDict.not_diacritic
$115c = CheckDict.hiragana_dakuten
$115e = CheckDict.place_dakuten
$1165 = CheckDict.handakuten
$116d = CheckDict.hiragana_handakuten
$116f = CheckDict.place_handakuten
$1174 = CheckDict.place
$117b = MobileScriptChar
$1186 = PrintMomsName
$118d = PrintPlayerName
$1194 = PrintRivalName
$119b = PrintRedsName
$11a2 = PrintGreensName
$11a9 = TrainerChar
$11b0 = TMChar
$11b7 = PCChar
$11be = RocketChar
$11c5 = PlacePOKe
$11cc = PlaceKougeki
$11d3 = SixDotsChar
$11da = PlacePKMN
$11e1 = PlacePOKE
$11e8 = PlaceJPRoute
$11ef = PlaceWatashi
$11f6 = PlaceKokoWa
$11fd = PlaceMoveTargetsName
$1203 = PlaceMoveUsersName
$1205 = PlaceBattlersName
$120e = PlaceBattlersName.enemy
$121b = PlaceEnemysName
$1248 = PlaceEnemysName.rival
$124d = PlaceEnemysName.linkbattle
$1252 = PlaceGenderedPlayerName
$126a = PlaceCommandCharacter
$1273 = TMCharText
$1276 = TrainerCharText
$127e = PCCharText
$1281 = RocketCharText
$1288 = PlacePOKeText
$128d = KougekiText
$1292 = SixDotsCharText
$1295 = EnemyText
$129c = PlacePKMNText
$129f = PlacePOKEText
$12a2 = String_Space
$12a4 = PlaceJPRouteText
$12a4 = PlaceWatashiText
$12a4 = PlaceKokoWaText
$12a5 = KunSuffixText
$12a6 = ChanSuffixText
$12a7 = NextLineChar
$12b0 = LineFeedChar
$12b9 = CarriageReturnChar
$12c4 = CarriageReturnChar.loop
$12cd = CarriageReturnChar.next
$12d1 = CarriageReturnChar.done
$12d8 = CarriageReturnChar.loop2
$12df = CarriageReturnChar.done2
$12ea = LineChar
$12f2 = Paragraph
$1301 = Paragraph.linkbattle
$131f = _ContText
$1328 = _ContText.communication
$1337 = _ContTextNoPause
$1345 = ContText
$1354 = ContText.cont
$1356 = PlaceDexEnd
$135a = PromptText
$1368 = PromptText.ok
$137c = DoneText
$1382 = DoneText.stop
$1383 = NullChar
$138c = TextScroll
$1394 = TextScroll.col
$1397 = TextScroll.row
$13b6 = Text_WaitBGMap
$13c6 = Diacritic
$13c7 = LoadBlinkingCursor
$13cd = UnloadBlinkingCursor
$13d4 = PlaceFarString
$13e0 = PokeFluteTerminator
$13e4 = PokeFluteTerminator.stop
$13e5 = PrintTextboxTextAt
$13f6 = DoTextUntilTerminator
$13ff = DoTextUntilTerminator.TextCommand
$1410 = TextCommands
$143e = TextCommand_START
$1449 = TextCommand_RAM
$1455 = TextCommand_FAR
$1470 = TextCommand_BCD
$1480 = TextCommand_MOVE
$148b = TextCommand_BOX
$149b = TextCommand_LOW
$149f = TextCommand_PROMPT_BUTTON
$14ba = TextCommand_SCROLL
$14c9 = TextCommand_START_ASM
$14ce = TextCommand_START_ASM.not_rom
$14d2 = TextCommand_DECIMAL
$14ed = TextCommand_PAUSE
$14fd = TextCommand_PAUSE.done
$1500 = TextCommand_SOUND
$1508 = TextCommand_SOUND.loop
$1514 = TextCommand_SOUND.play
$151f = TextCommand_SOUND.done
$1522 = TextCommand_CRY
$152d = TextSFX
$1543 = TextCommand_DOTS
$1548 = TextCommand_DOTS.loop
$155a = TextCommand_DOTS.next
$1562 = TextCommand_WAIT_BUTTON
$156a = TextCommand_STRINGBUFFER
$1582 = TextCommand_DAY
$15a2 = TextCommand_DAY.Days
$15b0 = TextCommand_DAY.Sun
$15b4 = TextCommand_DAY.Mon
$15b8 = TextCommand_DAY.Tues
$15bd = TextCommand_DAY.Wednes
$15c4 = TextCommand_DAY.Thurs
$15ca = TextCommand_DAY.Fri
$15ce = TextCommand_DAY.Satur
$15d4 = TextCommand_DAY.Day
$15d8 = DMATransfer
$15e3 = UpdateBGMapBuffer
$15f7 = UpdateBGMapBuffer.next
$163a = WaitTop
$1648 = WaitTop.done
$164c = UpdateBGMap
$167b = UpdateBGMap.Attr
$168a = UpdateBGMap.Tiles
$168d = UpdateBGMap.update
$16aa = UpdateBGMap.middle
$16bd = UpdateBGMap.top
$16c6 = UpdateBGMap.start
$16cd = UpdateBGMap.row
$170a = Serve1bppRequest
$172f = Serve1bppRequest.next
$1769 = Serve2bppRequest
$1778 = Serve2bppRequest_VBlank
$177d = _Serve2bppRequest
$1795 = _Serve2bppRequest.next
$17d3 = AnimateTileset
$17ff = GetSpritePalette
$180e = GetSpriteVTile
$181d = GetSpriteVTile.loop
$182b = GetSpriteVTile.nope
$1830 = GetSpriteVTile.found
$1833 = GetSpriteVTile.done
$1836 = DoesSpriteHaveFacings
$184a = GetPlayerTilePermission
$1852 = CheckOnWater
$185d = GetTilePermission
$1875 = CheckGrassTile
$1882 = CheckGrassTile.grass
$1888 = CheckGrassTile.water
$188e = CheckSuperTallGrassTile
$1894 = CheckCutTreeTile
$189a = CheckHeadbuttTreeTile
$18a0 = CheckCounterTile
$18a6 = CheckPitTile
$18ac = CheckIceTile
$18b4 = CheckWhirlpoolTile
$18bd = CheckWaterfallTile
$18c3 = CheckStandingOnEntrance
$18d2 = GetMapObject
$18de = CheckObjectVisibility
$18f3 = CheckObjectVisibility.not_visible
$18f5 = CheckObjectTime
$1912 = CheckObjectTime.ok
$191c = CheckObjectTime.timeofday_always
$191e = CheckObjectTime.TimesOfDay
$1921 = CheckObjectTime.check_hour
$193f = CheckObjectTime.check_timeofday
$1949 = CheckObjectTime.yes
$194b = CheckObjectTime.no
$194d = CopyMapObjectStruct
$1956 = UnmaskCopyMapObjectStruct
$1967 = ApplyDeletionToMapObject
$1985 = ApplyDeletionToMapObject.CheckStopFollow
$1990 = ApplyDeletionToMapObject.ok
$199f = DeleteObjectStruct
$19a6 = CopyPlayerObjectTemplate
$19b8 = DeleteFollowerMapObject
$19de = DeleteFollowerMapObject.ok
$19e9 = LoadMovementDataPointer
$1a13 = FindFirstEmptyObjectStruct
$1a1d = FindFirstEmptyObjectStruct.loop
$1a28 = FindFirstEmptyObjectStruct.break
$1a2c = FindFirstEmptyObjectStruct.done
$1a2f = GetSpriteMovementFunction
$1a39 = GetSpriteMovementFunction.ok
$1a47 = GetInitialFacing
$1a61 = CopySpriteMovementData
$1a71 = CopySpriteMovementData.CopyData
$1aae = _GetMovementIndex
$1ac6 = SetVramState_SpriteUpdatesDisabled
$1acc = ResetVramState_SpriteUpdatesDisabled
$1ad2 = UpdateSprites
$1ae5 = GetObjectStruct
$1af1 = DoesObjectHaveASprite
$1af8 = SetSpriteDirection
$1b07 = GetSpriteDirection
$1b0f = Cosine
$1b11 = Sine
$1b1e = InitMovementBuffer
$1b35 = DecrementMovementBufferCount
$1b3f = AppendToMovementBuffer
$1b50 = AppendToMovementBufferNTimes
$1b57 = AppendToMovementBufferNTimes.okay
$1b58 = AppendToMovementBufferNTimes.loop
$1b5f = ComputePathToWalkToPlayer
$1b6a = ComputePathToWalkToPlayer.got_x_distance
$1b75 = ComputePathToWalkToPlayer.got_y_distance
$1b7f = ComputePathToWalkToPlayer.done
$1b92 = ComputePathToWalkToPlayer.GetMovementData
$1ba5 = ComputePathToWalkToPlayer.MovementData
$1bb1 = Load2DMenuData
$1bb8 = Load2DMenuData.loop
$1bc9 = StaticMenuJoypad
$1bd3 = ScrollingMenuJoypad
$1bdd = GetMenuJoypad
$1bee = PlaceHollowCursor
$1bf7 = HideCursor
$1c00 = PushWindow
$1c07 = ExitMenu
$1c10 = InitVerticalMenuCursor
$1c17 = CloseWindow
$1c23 = RestoreTileBackup
$1c30 = RestoreTileBackup.copy
$1c35 = RestoreTileBackup.row
$1c37 = RestoreTileBackup.col
$1c47 = PopWindow
$1c4c = PopWindow.loop
$1c53 = GetMenuBoxDims
$1c66 = CopyMenuData
$1c7e = GetWindowStackTop
$1c89 = PlaceVerticalMenuItems
$1c9c = PlaceVerticalMenuItems.loop
$1cbb = MenuBox
$1cc6 = GetMenuTextStartCoord
$1cd8 = GetMenuTextStartCoord.bit_6_set
$1ce0 = GetMenuTextStartCoord.bit_7_clear
$1ce1 = ClearMenuBoxInterior
$1cf1 = ClearWholeMenuBox
$1cfd = MenuBoxCoord2Tile
$1d05 = Coord2Tile
$1d19 = MenuBoxCoord2Attr
$1d21 = Coord2Attr
$1d35 = LoadMenuHeader
$1d3c = CopyMenuHeader
$1d4b = StoreMenuCursorPosition
$1d4f = MenuTextbox
$1d57 = Menu_DummyFunction
$1d58 = LoadMenuTextbox
$1d5f = LoadMenuTextbox.MenuHeader
$1d67 = MenuTextboxBackup
$1d6e = LoadStandardMenuHeader
$1d75 = LoadStandardMenuHeader.MenuHeader
$1d7d = Call_ExitMenu
$1d81 = VerticalMenu
$1da7 = VerticalMenu.cancel
$1da9 = VerticalMenu.okay
$1dab = GetMenu2
$1db8 = CopyNameFromMenu
$1dcf = YesNoBox
$1dd2 = PlaceYesNoBox
$1dd4 = PlaceGenericTwoOptionBox
$1dd9 = _YesNoBox
$1de9 = _YesNoBox.okay
$1dfe = InterpretTwoOptionMenu
$1e16 = InterpretTwoOptionMenu.no
$1e1d = YesNoMenuHeader
$1e25 = YesNoMenuHeader.MenuData
$1e2e = OffsetMenuHeader
$1e35 = _OffsetMenuHeader
$1e5d = DoNthMenu
$1e70 = SetUpMenu
$1e7f = DrawVariableLengthMenuBox
$1e8c = MenuWriteText
$1ea6 = AutomaticGetMenuBottomCoord
$1ebd = GetMenuIndexSet
$1ecc = GetMenuIndexSet.loop
$1ed3 = GetMenuIndexSet.skip
$1eda = RunMenuItemPrintingFunction
$1ee1 = RunMenuItemPrintingFunction.loop
$1efb = RunMenuItemPrintingFunction._hl_
$1eff = InitMenuCursorAndButtonPermissions
$1f0e = InitMenuCursorAndButtonPermissions.disallow_select
$1f19 = InitMenuCursorAndButtonPermissions.disallow_left_right
$1f1a = GetScrollingMenuJoypad
$1f23 = GetStaticMenuJoypad
$1f2a = ContinueGettingMenuJoypad
$1f44 = ContinueGettingMenuJoypad.d_right
$1f4b = ContinueGettingMenuJoypad.d_left
$1f52 = ContinueGettingMenuJoypad.a_button
$1f57 = ContinueGettingMenuJoypad.done
$1f6d = ContinueGettingMenuJoypad.b_start
$1f79 = PlaceMenuStrings
$1f8d = PlaceNthMenuStrings
$1f9e = GetNthMenuStrings
$1fa7 = MenuJumptable
$1fb1 = GetMenuDataPointerTableEntry
$1fbf = ClearWindowData
$1ff0 = ClearWindowData.ClearMenuData
$1ff8 = MenuClickSound
$2007 = MenuClickSound.nosound
$2009 = PlayClickSFX
$2012 = MenuTextboxWaitButton
$201c = Place2DMenuItemName
$202a = _2DMenu
$2039 = InterpretBattleMenu
$2048 = InterpretMobileMenu
$2057 = PrinterReceive
$2063 = AskSerial
$208a = ResetGameTime
$209e = GameTimer
$20ad = GameTimer.Function
$20c9 = GameTimer.second
$20d6 = GameTimer.minute
$20e3 = GameTimer.hour
$2106 = GameTimer.ok
$210f = ClearUnusedMapBuffer
$211b = CheckScenes
$2128 = CheckScenes.scene_exists
$212a = GetCurrentMapSceneID
$2147 = GetMapSceneID
$2151 = GetMapSceneID.loop
$2160 = GetMapSceneID.next
$2167 = GetMapSceneID.end
$216a = GetMapSceneID.found
$216d = GetMapSceneID.done
$2173 = LoadOverworldTilemapAndAttrmapPals
$217a = LoadOverworldTilemap
$2198 = LoadMetatiles
$21a5 = LoadMetatiles.row
$21a9 = LoadMetatiles.col
$21b2 = LoadMetatiles.ok
$21d8 = LoadMetatiles.next_u2
$21eb = LoadMetatiles.next_u3
$21fe = LoadMetatiles.next_u4
$2225 = LoadMetatiles.ok2
$222a = ReturnToMapFromSubmenu
$2238 = CheckWarpTile
$224a = WarpCheck
$2252 = GetDestinationWarpNumber
$2266 = GetDestinationWarpNumber.GetDestinationWarpNumber
$227e = GetDestinationWarpNumber.loop
$2289 = GetDestinationWarpNumber.next
$2291 = GetDestinationWarpNumber.okay
$2296 = GetDestinationWarpNumber.found_warp
$22a3 = GetDestinationWarpNumber.IncreaseHLTwice
$22a7 = CopyWarpData
$22b4 = CopyWarpData.CopyWarpData
$22d0 = CopyWarpData.skip
$22ee = CheckOutdoorMap
$22f4 = CheckIndoorMap
$2300 = CheckUnknownMap
$2309 = LoadMapAttributes
$2317 = LoadMapAttributes_SkipObjects
$2326 = CopyMapPartialAndAttributes
$2336 = ReadMapEvents
$234f = ReadMapScripts
$235c = CopyMapAttributes
$2361 = CopyMapAttributes.loop
$2368 = GetMapConnections
$2384 = GetMapConnections.no_north
$238e = GetMapConnections.no_south
$2398 = GetMapConnections.no_west
$23a2 = GetMapConnections.no_east
$23a3 = GetMapConnection
$23a5 = GetMapConnection.loop
$23ac = ReadMapSceneScripts
$23c3 = ReadMapCallbacks
$23da = ReadWarpEvents
$23f1 = ReadCoordEvents
$2408 = ReadBGEvents
$241f = ReadObjectEvents
$244a = ReadObjectEvents.loop
$2454 = ReadObjectEvents.skip
$2457 = CopyMapObjectEvents
$245a = CopyMapObjectEvents.loop
$2461 = CopyMapObjectEvents.loop2
$2471 = ClearObjectStructs
$2484 = ClearObjectStructs.loop
$248a = GetWarpDestCoords
$24b3 = GetWarpDestCoords.skip
$24ba = GetWarpDestCoords.backup
$24cd = LoadBlockData
$24e4 = ChangeMap
$250c = ChangeMap.row
$2510 = ChangeMap.col
$251e = ChangeMap.okay
$2524 = FillMapConnections
$2550 = FillMapConnections.South
$257c = FillMapConnections.West
$25a7 = FillMapConnections.East
$25d2 = FillMapConnections.Done
$25d3 = FillNorthConnectionStrip
$25d3 = FillSouthConnectionStrip
$25d5 = FillSouthConnectionStrip.y
$25da = FillSouthConnectionStrip.x
$25f2 = FillSouthConnectionStrip.okay
$25f6 = FillWestConnectionStrip
$25f6 = FillEastConnectionStrip
$25f6 = FillEastConnectionStrip.loop
$2617 = FillEastConnectionStrip.okay
$261b = LoadMapStatus
$261f = CallScript
$2631 = CallMapScript
$263b = RunMapCallback
$2650 = RunMapCallback.done
$2653 = RunMapCallback.FindCallback
$2664 = RunMapCallback.loop
$266e = RunMapCallback.found
$2674 = ExecuteCallbackScript
$269a = MapTextbox
$26b7 = Call_a_de
$26c5 = Call_a_de.de
$26c7 = GetMovementData
$26d4 = GetScriptByte
$26ef = ObjectEvent
$26f2 = ObjectEventText
$26f7 = BGEvent
$26fa = BGEventText
$26ff = CoordinatesEvent
$2702 = CoordinatesEventText
$2707 = CheckObjectMask
$2712 = MaskObject
$271e = UnmaskObject
$272a = ComputeROMXChecksum
$2732 = ComputeROMXChecksum.loop
$2741 = ScrollMapUp
$275f = ScrollMapDown
$2788 = ScrollMapLeft
$27a6 = ScrollMapRight
$27ce = BackupBGMapRow
$27d0 = BackupBGMapRow.loop
$27d7 = BackupBGMapColumn
$27d9 = BackupBGMapColumn.loop
$27e6 = BackupBGMapColumn.skip
$27ea = UpdateBGMapRow
$27f6 = UpdateBGMapRow.iteration
$27f8 = UpdateBGMapRow.loop
$280f = UpdateBGMapColumn
$2814 = UpdateBGMapColumn.loop
$2825 = UpdateBGMapColumn.skip
$282d = ClearBGMapBuffer
$2838 = LoadTilesetGFX
$2886 = LoadTilesetGFX.load_roof
$288c = LoadTilesetGFX.skip_roof
$2890 = BufferScreen
$289d = BufferScreen.row
$289f = BufferScreen.col
$28b4 = SaveScreen
$28d7 = SaveScreen.up
$28e2 = SaveScreen.down
$28e5 = SaveScreen.vertical
$28eb = SaveScreen.left
$28f1 = SaveScreen.right
$28f4 = SaveScreen.horizontal
$28fa = LoadConnectionBlockData
$290e = SaveScreen_LoadConnection
$290e = SaveScreen_LoadConnection.row
$2911 = SaveScreen_LoadConnection.col
$291f = SaveScreen_LoadConnection.okay
$292b = GetMovementPermissions
$295c = GetMovementPermissions.MovementPermissionsData
$2964 = GetMovementPermissions.UpDown
$2983 = GetMovementPermissions.LeftRight
$29a2 = GetMovementPermissions.Down
$29b6 = GetMovementPermissions.ok_down
$29bf = GetMovementPermissions.Up
$29d3 = GetMovementPermissions.ok_up
$29dc = GetMovementPermissions.Right
$29f0 = GetMovementPermissions.ok_right
$29f9 = GetMovementPermissions.Left
$2a0d = GetMovementPermissions.ok_left
$2a16 = GetMovementPermissions.CheckHiNybble
$2a1e = GetFacingTileCoord
$2a43 = GetFacingTileCoord.Directions
$2a53 = GetCoordTileCollision
$2a6d = GetCoordTileCollision.nocarry
$2a73 = GetCoordTileCollision.nocarry2
$2a7a = GetCoordTileCollision.nope
$2a7d = GetBlockLocation
$2a8f = GetBlockLocation.loop
$2a94 = GetBlockLocation.ok
$2a9b = GetBlockLocation.nope
$2aa2 = CheckFacingBGEvent
$2ac1 = CheckIfFacingTileCoordIsBGEvent
$2ac7 = CheckIfFacingTileCoordIsBGEvent.loop
$2ad2 = CheckIfFacingTileCoordIsBGEvent.next
$2ada = CheckIfFacingTileCoordIsBGEvent.nocarry
$2adf = CheckIfFacingTileCoordIsBGEvent.copysign
$2aeb = CheckCurrentMapCoordEvents
$2afe = CheckCurrentMapCoordEvents.CoordEventCheck
$2b14 = CheckCurrentMapCoordEvents.loop
$2b1d = CheckCurrentMapCoordEvents.got_id
$2b27 = CheckCurrentMapCoordEvents.next
$2b2f = CheckCurrentMapCoordEvents.nocarry
$2b34 = CheckCurrentMapCoordEvents.copy_coord_event
$2b40 = FadeToMenu
$2b53 = CloseSubmenu
$2b64 = ExitAllMenus
$2b73 = FinishExitMenu
$2b8b = ReturnToMapWithSpeechTextbox
$2bc5 = ReloadTilesetAndPalettes
$2bfc = GetMapPointer
$2c04 = GetAnyMapPointer
$2c1b = GetMapField
$2c23 = GetAnyMapField
$2c33 = SwitchToMapAttributesBank
$2c3b = SwitchToAnyMapAttributesBank
$2c40 = GetMapAttributesBank
$2c48 = GetAnyMapAttributesBank
$2c54 = CopyMapPartial
$2c69 = SwitchToMapScriptsBank
$2c6e = GetMapScriptsBank
$2c72 = GetAnyMapBlocksBank
$2c94 = GetMapAttributesPointer
$2ca1 = GetMapEnvironment
$2caf = Map_DummyFunction
$2cb0 = GetAnyMapEnvironment
$2cbe = GetAnyMapTileset
$2cc6 = GetWorldMapLocation
$2cd4 = GetMapMusic
$2cee = GetMapMusic.done
$2cf1 = GetMapMusic.radiotower
$2cfd = GetMapMusic.clearedradiotower
$2d05 = GetMapMusic.mahoganymart
$2d11 = GetMapMusic.clearedmahogany
$2d16 = GetMapTimeOfDay
$2d1c = GetMapPhoneService
$2d24 = GetPhoneServiceTimeOfDayByte
$2d30 = GetFishingGroup
$2d3e = LoadMapTileset
$2d5a = DummyEndPredef
$2d6b = FarCall_de
$2d78 = FarCall_JumpToDE
$2d7a = FarCall_hl
$2d85 = ReturnFarCall
$2d99 = FarCall_JumpToHL
$2d9a = Predef
$2dbd = Predef.Return
$2dd1 = ReanchorMap
$2de6 = CloseText
$2df9 = CloseText.CloseText
$2e1f = OpenText
$2e37 = HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_Menu
$2e48 = SafeUpdateSprites
$2e65 = SetCarryFlag
$2e67 = ResetMapBufferEventFlags
$2e6d = ResetBikeFlags
$2e74 = ResetFlashIfOutOfCave
$2e80 = ResetFlashIfOutOfCave.outdoors
$2e86 = EventFlagAction
$2e8d = FlagAction
$2ea4 = FlagAction.one
$2eab = FlagAction.two
$2eb0 = FlagAction.three
$2ebb = FlagAction.setbit
$2ebf = FlagAction.clearbit
$2ec4 = CheckReceivedDex
$2ed2 = CheckBPressedDebug
$2edd = xor_a
$2edf = xor_a_dec_a
$2ee2 = CheckFieldDebug
$2eea = DisableSpriteUpdates
$2efb = EnableSpriteUpdates
$2f0d = InitString
$2f10 = InitName
$2f13 = _InitString
$2f14 = _InitString.loop
$2f20 = _InitString.blank
$2f2b = _InitString.notblank
$2f2e = IsInJohto
$2f4c = IsInJohto.CheckRegion
$2f50 = IsInJohto.Johto
$2f52 = IsInJohto.Kanto
$2f55 = SetXYCompareFlags
$2f56 = DoItemEffect
$2f5d = CheckTossableItem
$2f6a = TossItem
$2f7d = ReceiveItem
$2f90 = CheckItem
$2fa3 = Random
$2fb6 = BattleRandom
$2fc8 = RandomRange
$2fcc = RandomRange.mod
$2fd2 = RandomRange.loop
$2fe2 = OpenSRAM
$2fea = OpenSRAM.loop
$2fff = OpenSRAM.valid
$300f = CloseSRAM
$301a = _hl_
$301b = _de_
$301d = DoubleSpeed
$3025 = NormalSpeed
$302b = SwitchSpeed
$3039 = ClearSprites
$303f = ClearSprites.loop
$3044 = HideSprites
$304e = HideSprites.loop
$3054 = CopyBytes
$3058 = CopyBytes.CopyByte
$305b = CopyBytes.HandleLoop
$3062 = SwapBytes
$3062 = SwapBytes.Loop
$306f = ByteFill
$3073 = ByteFill.PutByte
$3074 = ByteFill.HandleLoop
$307b = GetFarByte
$308b = GetFarWord
$3099 = FarCopyWRAM
$30a9 = GetFarWRAMByte
$30bb = GetFarWRAMWord
$30cb = LoadTilemapToTempTilemap
$30e2 = SafeLoadTempTilemapToTilemap
$30ed = LoadTempTilemapToTilemap
$3104 = CopyName1
$3107 = CopyName2.loop
$3107 = CopyName2
$310f = IsInArray
$3112 = IsInArray.loop
$311e = IsInArray.NotInArray
$3120 = IsInArray.InArray
$3122 = SkipNames
$3127 = SkipNames.loop
$312c = AddNTimes
$312e = AddNTimes.loop
$3133 = SimpleMultiply
$3138 = SimpleMultiply.loop
$313e = SimpleDivide
$3140 = SimpleDivide.loop
$3147 = Multiply
$3152 = Divide
$3164 = SubtractAbsolute
$316b = PrintLetterDelay
$318e = PrintLetterDelay.fast
$3190 = PrintLetterDelay.updatedelay
$3193 = PrintLetterDelay.checkjoypad
$31a4 = PrintLetterDelay.checkb
$31a8 = PrintLetterDelay.delay
$31ad = PrintLetterDelay.wait
$31b3 = PrintLetterDelay.end
$31ba = CopyDataUntil
$31c6 = PrintNum
$31d2 = MobilePrintNum
$31de = FarPrintText
$31ec = CallPointerAt
$31fb = QueueScript
$31fd = FarQueueScript
$3209 = CompareBytes
$3209 = CompareBytes.loop
$3212 = CompareBytesLong
$3212 = CompareBytesLong.loop
$321f = CompareBytesLong.diff
$3221 = ClearBGPalettes
$3224 = WaitBGMap
$322e = WaitBGMap2
$323c = WaitBGMap2.bg0
$3246 = IsCGB
$324a = ApplyTilemap
$325c = ApplyTilemap.dmg
$3266 = CGBOnly_CopyTilemapAtOnce
$326b = CopyTilemapAtOnce
$326d = CopyAttrmapAndTilemapToWRAMBank3
$3274 = _CopyTilemapAtOnce
$3280 = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.wait
$329b = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.wait2
$32a9 = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.CopyBGMapViaStack
$32ba = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop
$32bb = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u5
$32c4 = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u6
$32cd = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u7
$32d6 = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u8
$32df = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u9
$32e8 = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u10
$32f1 = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u11
$32fa = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u12
$3303 = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u13
$330c = _CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u14
$3327 = SetDefaultBGPAndOBP
$3337 = SetDefaultBGPAndOBP.SetDefaultBGPAndOBPForGameBoyColor
$3345 = ClearPalettes
$3352 = ClearPalettes.cgb
$336c = GetMemSGBLayout
$336e = GetSGBLayout
$3377 = GetSGBLayout.sgb
$337c = SetHPPal
$3381 = GetHPPal
$338d = CountSetBits
$338f = CountSetBits.next
$3393 = CountSetBits.count
$33a4 = GetWeekday
$33a7 = GetWeekday.mod
$33ae = SetSeenAndCaughtMon
$33b9 = SetSeenMon
$33c1 = CheckCaughtMon
$33c9 = CheckSeenMon
$33cf = PokedexFlagAction
$33d9 = NamesPointers
$33f1 = GetName
$340f = GetName.NotPokeName
$3431 = GetName.done
$343f = GetNthString
$3445 = GetNthString.readChar
$344e = GetBasePokemonName
$3455 = GetBasePokemonName.loop
$3465 = GetBasePokemonName.end
$3467 = GetBasePokemonName.quit
$3469 = GetPokemonName
$3496 = GetItemName
$34ac = GetItemName.TM
$34af = GetItemName.Copied
$34b5 = GetTMHMName
$34c9 = GetTMHMName.TM
$34cf = GetTMHMName.copy
$34e7 = GetTMHMName.not_hm
$34e9 = GetTMHMName.mod10
$34f0 = GetTMHMName.done_mod
$3507 = GetTMHMName.TMText
$3509 = GetTMHMName.TMTextEnd
$350a = GetTMHMName.HMText
$350c = GetTMHMName.HMTextEnd
$350d = IsHM
$3513 = IsHM.NotHM
$3515 = IsHMMove
$351e = IsHMMove.HMMoves
$3526 = GetMoveName
$353a = ScrollingMenu
$3552 = ScrollingMenu.UpdatePalettes
$355d = InitScrollingMenu
$3579 = JoyTextDelay_ForcehJoyDown
$3595 = HandleStoneQueue
$35a2 = HandleStoneQueue.WarpAction
$35c5 = HandleStoneQueue.nope
$35c7 = HandleStoneQueue.IsObjectOnWarp
$35de = HandleStoneQueue.check_on_warp
$35ea = HandleStoneQueue.loop
$35f6 = HandleStoneQueue.not_on_warp
$35fd = HandleStoneQueue.no_carry
$3601 = HandleStoneQueue.nope2
$3603 = HandleStoneQueue.found_warp
$360c = HandleStoneQueue.IsObjectInStoneTable
$3614 = HandleStoneQueue.loop2
$3625 = HandleStoneQueue.next_inc3
$3626 = HandleStoneQueue.next_inc2
$362a = HandleStoneQueue.nope3
$362c = HandleStoneQueue.yes
$362e = CheckTrainerBattle
$363b = _CheckTrainerBattle
$3640 = _CheckTrainerBattle.loop
$3685 = _CheckTrainerBattle.next
$3694 = _CheckTrainerBattle.startbattle
$36a2 = TalkToTrainer
$36ac = LoadTrainer_continue
$36d3 = FacingPlayerDistance_bc
$36db = FacingPlayerDistance
$36f3 = FacingPlayerDistance.CheckY
$3702 = FacingPlayerDistance.Above
$3707 = FacingPlayerDistance.CheckX
$3716 = FacingPlayerDistance.Left
$3719 = FacingPlayerDistance.CheckFacing
$3721 = FacingPlayerDistance.NotFacing
$3723 = CheckTrainerFlag
$3746 = PrintWinLossText
$3752 = PrintWinLossText.canlose
$375f = PrintWinLossText.ok
$376f = IsAPokemon
$377a = IsAPokemon.NotAPokemon
$377c = IsAPokemon.Pokemon
$377e = DrawBattleHPBar
$378a = DrawBattleHPBar.template
$379d = DrawBattleHPBar.fill
$37ac = DrawBattleHPBar.lastbar
$37b0 = DrawBattleHPBar.done
$37b4 = PrepMonFrontpic
$37b9 = _PrepMonFrontpic
$37db = _PrepMonFrontpic.not_pokemon
$37e4 = PlayStereoCry
$37f2 = PlayStereoCry2
$37fc = PlayMonCry
$3803 = PlayMonCry2
$3810 = _PlayMonCry
$381d = _PlayMonCry.done
$3821 = LoadCry
$384c = GetCryIndex
$3859 = GetCryIndex.no
$385b = PrintLevel
$386b = PrintLevel_Force3Digits
$3870 = Print8BitNumLeftAlign
$387b = GetNthMove
$3884 = GetBaseData
$38a9 = GetBaseData.egg
$38be = GetBaseData.end
$38ca = GetCurNickname
$38d0 = GetNickname
$38e9 = PrintBCDNumber
$38fb = PrintBCDNumber.loop
$3912 = PrintBCDNumber.skipLeftAlignmentAdjustment
$3919 = PrintBCDNumber.skipCurrencySymbol
$391f = PrintBCDNumber.done
$3920 = PrintBCDDigit
$3932 = PrintBCDDigit.skipCurrencySymbol
$3934 = PrintBCDDigit.outputDigit
$393a = PrintBCDDigit.zeroDigit
$3945 = GetPartyParamLocation
$3955 = GetPartyLocation
$395b = GetDexNumber
$3973 = UserPartyAttr
$397c = UserPartyAttr.ot
$397f = OpponentPartyAttr
$3988 = OpponentPartyAttr.ot
$398b = BattlePartyAttr
$399b = OTPartyAttr
$39ab = ResetDamage
$39b3 = SetPlayerTurn
$39b7 = SetEnemyTurn
$39bc = UpdateOpponentInParty
$39c3 = UpdateUserInParty
$39ca = UpdateBattleMonInParty
$39cd = UpdateBattleMon
$39de = UpdateEnemyMonInParty
$39f7 = RefreshBattleHuds
$3a02 = UpdateBattleHuds
$3a0f = GetBattleVar
$3a15 = GetBattleVarAddr
$3a27 = GetBattleVarAddr.getvar
$3a36 = BattleVarPairs
$3a60 = BattleVarPairs.Substatus1
$3a62 = BattleVarPairs.Substatus1Opp
$3a64 = BattleVarPairs.Substatus2
$3a66 = BattleVarPairs.Substatus2Opp
$3a68 = BattleVarPairs.Substatus3
$3a6a = BattleVarPairs.Substatus3Opp
$3a6c = BattleVarPairs.Substatus4
$3a6e = BattleVarPairs.Substatus4Opp
$3a70 = BattleVarPairs.Substatus5
$3a72 = BattleVarPairs.Substatus5Opp
$3a74 = BattleVarPairs.Status
$3a76 = BattleVarPairs.StatusOpp
$3a78 = BattleVarPairs.MoveAnim
$3a7a = BattleVarPairs.MoveEffect
$3a7c = BattleVarPairs.MovePower
$3a7e = BattleVarPairs.MoveType
$3a80 = BattleVarPairs.CurMove
$3a82 = BattleVarPairs.LastCounter
$3a84 = BattleVarPairs.LastCounterOpp
$3a86 = BattleVarPairs.LastMove
$3a88 = BattleVarPairs.LastMoveOpp
$3a8a = BattleVarLocations
$3abe = FarCopyRadioText
$3ae0 = MobileTextBorder
$3af1 = BattleTextbox
$3b03 = StdBattleTextbox
$3b0f = GetBattleAnimPointer
$3b1e = GetBattleAnimByte
$3b3a = PushLYOverrides
$3b58 = InitSpriteAnimStruct
$3b6a = ReinitSpriteAnimFrame
$3b7c = InitSound
$3b98 = UpdateSound
$3bb4 = _LoadMusicByte
$3bc5 = PlayMusic
$3bdc = PlayMusic.nomusic
$3bdf = PlayMusic.end
$3bea = PlayMusic2
$3c11 = PlayCry
$3c51 = PlaySFX
$3c60 = PlaySFX.play
$3c77 = PlaySFX.done
$3c7c = WaitPlaySFX
$3c83 = WaitSFX
$3c84 = WaitSFX.wait
$3ca2 = IsSFXPlaying
$3cc2 = IsSFXPlaying.playing
$3cc5 = MaxVolume
$3ccb = LowVolume
$3cd1 = MinVolume
$3cd6 = FadeOutToMusic
$3cdc = FadeInToMusic
$3ce2 = SkipMusic
$3ce2 = SkipMusic.loop
$3cea = FadeToMapMusic
$3d08 = FadeToMapMusic.done
$3d0d = PlayMapMusic
$3d2c = PlayMapMusic.done
$3d31 = PlayMapMusicBike
$3d46 = PlayMapMusicBike.play
$3d5d = TryRestartMapMusic
$3d75 = RestartMapMusic
$3d90 = SpecialMapMusic
$3da2 = SpecialMapMusic.no
$3da4 = SpecialMapMusic.bike
$3da9 = SpecialMapMusic.surf
$3dae = SpecialMapMusic.contest
$3dc0 = SpecialMapMusic.ranking
$3dc5 = GetMapMusic_MaybeSpecial
$3dcd = PlaceBCDNumberSprite
$3e03 = PlaceBCDNumberSprite.max
$3e0c = CheckSFX
$3e2a = CheckSFX.playing
$3e2c = TerminateExpBarSound
$3e3e = ChannelsOff
$3e4f = SFXChannelsOff
$3e60 = MobileAPI
$3e7d = MobileAPI.okay
$3e8e = ReturnMobileAPI
$3eae = MobileReceive
$3ec1 = MobileTimer
$3ef8 = MobileTimer.skip_timer
$3f00 = MobileTimer.pop_ret
$3f05 = Function3ed7
$3f18 = Function3eea
$3f2b = Function3efd
$3f3b = Function3efd.fill_attr
$3f4e = Function3f20
$3f63 = Function3f35
$3f68 = Function3f35.row
$3f6a = Function3f35.col
$3f75 = MobileHome_PlaceBox
$3f7a = MobileHome_PlaceBox.RowLoop
$3f86 = MobileHome_PlaceBox.FillTop
$3f8e = MobileHome_PlaceBox.FillBottom
$3f96 = MobileHome_PlaceBox.FillMiddle
$3f9c = MobileHome_PlaceBox.FillRow
$3f9f = MobileHome_PlaceBox.FillLoop
$3faa = Function3f7c
$3fb6 = Function3f88
$3fbb = Function3f88.row
$3fbe = Function3f88.col
$3fcd = Function3f9f
$3fd0 = Function3f9f.row
$3fd3 = Function3f9f.col
EMPTY: $3fe3-$3fff ($001d bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $00f3 bytes
ROMX bank #1:
SECTION: $4000-$7481 ($3482 bytes) ["bank1"]
$4000 = PlaceWaitingText
$4012 = PlaceWaitingText.notinbattle
$4017 = PlaceWaitingText.proceed
$4025 = PlaceWaitingText.Waiting
$4031 = WriteOAMDMACodeToHRAM
$4038 = WriteOAMDMACodeToHRAM.copy
$403f = OAMDMACode
$4049 = OAMDMACode.End
$4049 = Facings
$408b = FacingStepDown0
$408b = FacingStepDown2
$408b = FacingWeirdTree0
$408b = FacingWeirdTree2
$409c = FacingStepDown1
$40ad = FacingStepDown3
$40be = FacingStepUp0
$40be = FacingStepUp2
$40cf = FacingStepUp1
$40e0 = FacingStepUp3
$40f1 = FacingStepLeft0
$40f1 = FacingStepLeft2
$4102 = FacingStepRight0
$4102 = FacingStepRight2
$4113 = FacingStepLeft1
$4113 = FacingStepLeft3
$4124 = FacingStepRight1
$4124 = FacingStepRight3
$4135 = FacingFishDown
$414a = FacingFishUp
$415f = FacingFishLeft
$4174 = FacingFishRight
$4189 = FacingEmote
$419a = FacingShadow
$41a3 = FacingBigDollSymmetric
$41e4 = FacingWeirdTree1
$41f5 = FacingWeirdTree3
$4206 = FacingBigDollAsymmetric
$423f = FacingBoulderDust1
$4250 = FacingBoulderDust2
$4261 = FacingGrass1
$426a = FacingGrass2
$4273 = SpriteMovementData
$4357 = DeleteMapObject
$4379 = DeleteMapObject.ok
$437b = HandleObjectStep
$4386 = CheckObjectStillVisible
$43b2 = CheckObjectStillVisible.ok
$43dc = CheckObjectStillVisible.yes
$43de = CheckObjectStillVisible.ok2
$43eb = CheckObjectStillVisible.yes2
$43f3 = HandleStepType
$4409 = HandleStepType.zero
$4414 = HandleStepType.one
$4421 = HandleStepType.ok3
$4426 = HandleStepType.frozen
$4427 = HandleObjectAction
$4440 = HandleFrozenObjectAction
$4448 = _CallFrozenObjectAction
$444d = CallObjectAction
$445f = ObjectActionPairPointers
$44a3 = SetFacingStanding
$44aa = SetFacingCurrent
$44b5 = SetFacingStandAction
$44c1 = SetFacingStepAction
$44e4 = SetFacingSkyfall
$4508 = SetFacingBumpAction
$4529 = SetFacingCounterclockwiseSpin
$4539 = SetFacingCounterclockwiseSpin2
$453f = CounterclockwiseSpinAction
$4558 = CounterclockwiseSpinAction.ok
$456a = CounterclockwiseSpinAction.facings
$456e = SetFacingFish
$457b = SetFacingShadow
$4582 = SetFacingEmote
$4589 = SetFacingBigDollSym
$4590 = SetFacingBounce
$45a4 = SetFacingFreezeBounce
$45ab = SetFacingWeirdTree
$45be = SetFacingBigDollAsym
$45c5 = SetFacingBigDoll
$45d4 = SetFacingBigDoll.ok
$45da = SetFacingBoulderDust
$45eb = SetFacingBoulderDust.ok
$45ed = SetFacingGrassShake
$45fe = SetFacingGrassShake.ok
$4600 = CopyCoordsTileToLastCoordsTile
$462a = CopyLastCoordsToCoords
$463f = UpdateTallGrassFlags
$464f = UpdateTallGrassFlags.ok
$4661 = SetTallGrassFlags
$466b = SetTallGrassFlags.set
$4672 = SetTallGrassFlags.reset
$4679 = UselessAndA
$467b = EndSpriteMovement
$4690 = InitStep
$46a6 = GetNextTile
$46d7 = AddStepVector
$46e9 = GetStepVector
$4700 = StepVectors
$4730 = GetStepVectorSign
$4738 = UpdatePlayerStep
$4759 = GetMapObjectField
$4769 = RestoreDefaultMovement
$477d = RestoreDefaultMovement.ok
$4780 = ObjectMovement_ZeroAnonJumptableIndex
$4787 = ObjectMovement_IncAnonJumptableIndex
$478d = ObjectMovement_DecAnonJumptableIndex
$4793 = ObjectMovement_AnonJumptable
$479b = ObjectStep_ZeroAnonJumptableIndex
$47a2 = ObjectStep_IncAnonJumptableIndex
$47a8 = ObjectStep_AnonJumptable
$47b0 = ObjectStep_GetAnonJumptableIndex
$47b6 = ObjectStep_SetAnonJumptableIndex
$47bc = StepFunction_Reset
$47dd = StepFunction_FromMovement
$47e9 = StepFunction_FromMovement.Pointers
$4821 = MovementFunction_Null
$4822 = MovementFunction_RandomWalkY
$482c = MovementFunction_RandomWalkX
$4838 = MovementFunction_RandomWalkXY
$4842 = MovementFunction_RandomSpinSlow
$4851 = MovementFunction_RandomSpinFast
$4865 = MovementFunction_RandomSpinFast.keep
$4869 = MovementFunction_Standing
$487c = MovementFunction_ObeyDPad
$4882 = MovementFunction_Indexed1
$4888 = MovementFunction_Indexed2
$488e = MovementFunction_0a
$4891 = MovementFunction_0b
$4894 = MovementFunction_0c
$4897 = MovementFunction_0d
$489d = MovementFunction_0e
$48a0 = MovementFunction_Follow
$48a6 = MovementFunction_Script
$48ac = MovementFunction_Strength
$48af = MovementFunction_Strength.anon_dw
$48b3 = MovementFunction_Strength.start
$48eb = MovementFunction_Strength.ok2
$48ee = MovementFunction_Strength.ok
$48f5 = MovementFunction_Strength.on_pit
$48f8 = MovementFunction_Strength.stop
$48ff = MovementFunction_FollowNotExact
$4929 = MovementFunction_FollowNotExact.less
$492d = MovementFunction_FollowNotExact.equal
$493b = MovementFunction_FollowNotExact.less2
$493d = MovementFunction_FollowNotExact.done
$494a = MovementFunction_FollowNotExact.standing
$4958 = MovementFunction_BigStanding
$496e = MovementFunction_Bouncing
$4984 = MovementFunction_SpinCounterclockwise
$4987 = MovementFunction_SpinCounterclockwise.anon_dw
$498d = MovementFunction_SpinClockwise
$4990 = MovementFunction_SpinClockwise.anon_dw
$4996 = _MovementSpinInit
$499c = _MovementSpinRepeat
$49b8 = _MovementSpinTurnLeft
$49c0 = _MovementSpinTurnLeft.facings_counterclockwise
$49c4 = _MovementSpinTurnRight
$49cc = _MovementSpinTurnRight.facings_clockwise
$49d0 = _MovementSpinNextFacing
$49e5 = MovementFunction_Shadow
$4a0f = MovementFunction_Shadow.ok
$4a21 = MovementFunction_Emote
$4a46 = MovementFunction_BoulderDust
$4a81 = MovementFunction_BoulderDust.dust_coords
$4a89 = MovementFunction_ShakingGrass
$4aa8 = InitMovementField1dField1e
$4abc = MovementFunction_ScreenShake
$4ade = MovementFunction_ScreenShake.GetDurationAndField1e
$4aeb = MovementFunction_ScreenShake.loop
$4af0 = _RandomWalkContinue
$4b10 = _RandomWalkContinue.centered
$4b17 = _RandomWalkContinue.new_duration
$4b1d = RandomStepDuration_Slow
$4b26 = RandomStepDuration_Fast
$4b2d = _SetRandomStepDuration
$4b45 = StepTypesJumptable
$4b79 = WaitStep_InPlace
$4b86 = StepFunction_NPCJump
$4b89 = StepFunction_NPCJump.anon_dw
$4b8d = StepFunction_NPCJump.Jump
$4ba9 = StepFunction_NPCJump.Land
$4bbf = StepFunction_PlayerJump
$4bc2 = StepFunction_PlayerJump.anon_dw
$4bca = StepFunction_PlayerJump.initjump
$4bd2 = StepFunction_PlayerJump.stepjump
$4bf2 = StepFunction_PlayerJump.initland
$4bfd = StepFunction_PlayerJump.stepland
$4c18 = StepFunction_TeleportFrom
$4c1b = StepFunction_TeleportFrom.anon_dw
$4c23 = StepFunction_TeleportFrom.InitSpin
$4c32 = StepFunction_TeleportFrom.DoSpin
$4c42 = StepFunction_TeleportFrom.InitSpinRise
$4c5d = StepFunction_TeleportFrom.DoSpinRise
$4c89 = StepFunction_TeleportTo
$4c8c = StepFunction_TeleportTo.anon_dw
$4c9a = StepFunction_TeleportTo.InitWait
$4caa = StepFunction_TeleportTo.DoWait
$4cb3 = StepFunction_TeleportTo.InitDescent
$4cc9 = StepFunction_TeleportTo.DoDescent
$4ceb = StepFunction_TeleportTo.InitFinalSpin
$4cf5 = StepFunction_TeleportTo.DoFinalSpin
$4d01 = StepFunction_TeleportTo.FinishStep
$4d14 = StepFunction_Skyfall
$4d17 = StepFunction_Skyfall.anon_dw
$4d1f = StepFunction_Skyfall.Init
$4d2e = StepFunction_Skyfall.Step
$4d4f = StepFunction_Skyfall.Fall
$4d6b = StepFunction_Skyfall.Finish
$4d7e = StepFunction_GotBite
$4d81 = StepFunction_GotBite.anon_dw
$4d85 = StepFunction_GotBite.Init
$4d94 = StepFunction_GotBite.Run
$4daf = StepFunction_RockSmash
$4db5 = StepFunction_RockSmash.Step
$4dc2 = StepFunction_RockSmash.yes
$4dc8 = StepFunction_DigTo
$4dd5 = StepFunction_DigTo.yes
$4ddd = StepFunction_Sleep
$4df0 = StepFunction_Delete
$4dff = StepFunction_Bump
$4e0c = StepFunction_Restore
$4e0f = StepFunction_Restore.anon_dw
$4e13 = StepFunction_Restore.Reset
$4e21 = StepFunction_Standing
$4e2b = StepFunction_NPCWalk
$4e47 = StepFunction_ContinueWalk
$4e56 = StepFunction_PlayerWalk
$4e59 = StepFunction_PlayerWalk.anon_dw
$4e5d = StepFunction_PlayerWalk.init
$4e65 = StepFunction_PlayerWalk.step
$4e83 = StepFunction_Turn
$4e86 = StepFunction_Turn.anon_dw
$4e8e = StepFunction_Turn.init1
$4ea4 = StepFunction_Turn.step1
$4ead = StepFunction_Turn.init2
$4ec0 = StepFunction_Turn.step2
$4ecd = StepFunction_StrengthBoulder
$4f04 = StepFunction_TrackingObject
$4f30 = StepFunction_TrackingObject.nope
$4f33 = StepFunction_14
$4f33 = StepFunction_ScreenShake
$4f36 = StepFunction_ScreenShake.anon_dw
$4f3a = StepFunction_ScreenShake.Init
$4f43 = StepFunction_ScreenShake.Run
$4f68 = StepFunction_ScreenShake.ok
$4f6c = StepFunction_ScreenShake.GetSign
$4f77 = StepFunction_16
$4f7a = StepFunction_17
$4f7d = StepFunction_17.anon_dw
$4f83 = StepFunction_SkyfallTop
$4f83 = StepFunction_17.null
$4f86 = StepFunction_SkyfallTop.anon_dw
$4f8a = StepFunction_SkyfallTop.Init
$4f99 = StepFunction_SkyfallTop.Run
$4fb2 = Stubbed_UpdateYOffset
$4fcd = Stubbed_UpdateYOffset.y_offsets
$4fd5 = UpdateJumpPosition
$4ff0 = UpdateJumpPosition.y_offsets
$5000 = GetPlayerNextMovementIndex
$500e = GetMovementIndex
$5015 = GetIndexedMovementIndex1
$5026 = GetIndexedMovementIndex2
$5037 = _GetMovementObject
$503d = GetMovementObject
$5041 = HandleMovementData
$5044 = HandleMovementData.loop
$5055 = HandleMovementData.StorePointer
$505e = JumpMovementPointer
$5065 = ContinueReadingMovement
$506b = DoMovementFunction
$5075 = MovementPointers
$5129 = Movement_teleport_from
$5130 = Movement_teleport_to
$5137 = Movement_skyfall
$513e = Movement_skyfall_top
$5145 = Movement_step_dig
$516a = Movement_return_dig
$5189 = Movement_fish_got_bite
$5196 = Movement_rock_smash
$51ab = Movement_fish_cast_rod
$51b8 = Movement_step_loop
$51c1 = Movement_step_end
$51db = Movement_step_wait_end
$51fd = Movement_remove_object
$520a = Movement_remove_object.not_leading
$5210 = Movement_stop
$5222 = Movement_step_sleep_1
$5226 = Movement_step_sleep_2
$522a = Movement_step_sleep_3
$522e = Movement_step_sleep_4
$5232 = Movement_step_sleep_5
$5236 = Movement_step_sleep_6
$523a = Movement_step_sleep_7
$523e = Movement_step_sleep_8
$5242 = Movement_step_sleep
$5247 = Movement_step_sleep_common
$525f = Movement_step_bump
$5279 = Movement_tree_shake
$5293 = Movement_remove_sliding
$529c = Movement_set_sliding
$52a5 = Movement_remove_fixed_facing
$52ae = Movement_fix_facing
$52b7 = Movement_show_object
$52c0 = Movement_hide_object
$52c9 = Movement_hide_emote
$52cf = Movement_show_emote
$52d5 = Movement_step_shake
$52de = Movement_turn_head_down
$52e2 = Movement_turn_head_up
$52e6 = Movement_turn_head_left
$52ea = Movement_turn_head_right
$52ee = TurnHead
$5300 = Movement_slow_step_down
$5305 = Movement_slow_step_up
$530a = Movement_slow_step_left
$530f = Movement_slow_step_right
$5314 = Movement_step_down
$5319 = Movement_step_up
$531e = Movement_step_left
$5323 = Movement_step_right
$5328 = Movement_big_step_down
$532d = Movement_big_step_up
$5332 = Movement_big_step_left
$5337 = Movement_big_step_right
$533c = Movement_turn_away_down
$5341 = Movement_turn_away_up
$5346 = Movement_turn_away_left
$534b = Movement_turn_away_right
$5350 = Movement_turn_in_down
$5355 = Movement_turn_in_up
$535a = Movement_turn_in_left
$535f = Movement_turn_in_right
$5364 = Movement_turn_waterfall_down
$5369 = Movement_turn_waterfall_up
$536e = Movement_turn_waterfall_left
$5373 = Movement_turn_waterfall_right
$5378 = Movement_slow_slide_step_down
$537d = Movement_slow_slide_step_up
$5382 = Movement_slow_slide_step_left
$5387 = Movement_slow_slide_step_right
$538c = Movement_slide_step_down
$5391 = Movement_slide_step_up
$5396 = Movement_slide_step_left
$539b = Movement_slide_step_right
$53a0 = Movement_fast_slide_step_down
$53a5 = Movement_fast_slide_step_up
$53aa = Movement_fast_slide_step_left
$53af = Movement_fast_slide_step_right
$53b4 = Movement_slow_jump_step_down
$53b9 = Movement_slow_jump_step_up
$53be = Movement_slow_jump_step_left
$53c3 = Movement_slow_jump_step_right
$53c8 = Movement_jump_step_down
$53cd = Movement_jump_step_up
$53d2 = Movement_jump_step_left
$53d7 = Movement_jump_step_right
$53dc = Movement_fast_jump_step_down
$53e1 = Movement_fast_jump_step_up
$53e6 = Movement_fast_jump_step_left
$53eb = Movement_fast_jump_step_right
$53f0 = Movement_turn_step_down
$53f4 = Movement_turn_step_up
$53f8 = Movement_turn_step_left
$53fc = Movement_turn_step_right
$5400 = TurnStep
$5412 = NormalStep
$542d = NormalStep.shake_grass
$5430 = NormalStep.skip_grass
$543f = NormalStep.player
$5446 = TurningStep
$5461 = TurningStep.player
$5468 = SlideStep
$5483 = SlideStep.player
$548a = JumpStep
$54b1 = JumpStep.player
$54b8 = ApplyMovementToFollower
$54e6 = GetFollowerNextMovementIndex
$54fc = GetFollowerNextMovementIndex.loop
$5503 = GetFollowerNextMovementIndex.done
$550a = GetFollowerNextMovementIndex.CancelFollowIfLeaderMissing
$5520 = GetFollowerNextMovementIndex.nope
$5529 = SpawnShadow
$5535 = SpawnShadow.ShadowObject
$5538 = SpawnStrengthBoulderDust
$5544 = SpawnStrengthBoulderDust.BoulderDustObject
$5547 = SpawnEmote
$5553 = SpawnEmote.EmoteObject
$5556 = ShakeGrass
$5562 = ShakeGrass.GrassObject
$5565 = ShakeScreen
$5576 = ShakeScreen.ScreenShakeObject
$5579 = DespawnEmote
$5582 = DespawnEmote.DeleteEmote
$5587 = DespawnEmote.loop
$55a1 = DespawnEmote.next
$55ac = InitTempObject
$55b9 = CopyTempObjectData
$55e0 = UpdateAllObjectsFrozen
$55ea = UpdateAllObjectsFrozen.loop
$55f4 = UpdateAllObjectsFrozen.ok
$5602 = RespawnPlayerAndOpponent
$5619 = RespawnPlayerAndOpponent.skip_opponent
$561d = RespawnPlayer
$5629 = RespawnObject
$5645 = HideAllObjects
$5649 = HideAllObjects.loop
$565c = UpdateObjectFrozen
$5673 = UpdateRespawnedObjectFrozen
$5680 = SetFacing_Standing
$5688 = UpdateObjectTile
$56a3 = CheckObjectOnScreen
$56bc = CheckObjectOnScreen.equal_x
$56c9 = CheckObjectOnScreen.equal_y
$56cb = CheckObjectOnScreen.nope
$56cd = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox
$56e5 = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox.ok1
$56ef = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox.ok2
$56fc = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox.ok3
$5715 = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox.ok4
$571f = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox.ok5
$572c = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox.ok6
$573e = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox.ok7
$5741 = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox.loop
$574d = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox.next
$5760 = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox.ok8
$5763 = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox.ok9
$5768 = CheckObjectCoveredByTextbox.nope
$576a = HandleNPCStep
$5771 = ResetStepVector
$5781 = DoStepsForAllObjects
$5785 = DoStepsForAllObjects.loop
$578f = DoStepsForAllObjects.next
$579d = RefreshPlayerSprite
$57bc = TryResetPlayerAction
$57c4 = TryResetPlayerAction.ok
$57ca = SpawnInCustomFacing
$57d9 = SpawnInFacingDown
$57db = _ContinueSpawnFacing
$57e2 = _SetPlayerPalette
$5803 = StartFollow
$5815 = SetLeaderIfVisible
$581f = StopFollow
$5826 = ResetLeader
$582c = SetFollowerIfVisible
$5847 = ResetFollower
$585c = FreezeAllOtherObjects
$586e = FreezeObject
$587a = FreezeAllObjects
$587e = FreezeAllObjects.loop
$588a = FreezeAllObjects.next
$5897 = _UnfreezeFollowerObject
$58b9 = UnfreezeAllObjects
$58be = UnfreezeAllObjects.loop
$58ca = UnfreezeAllObjects.next
$58d8 = UnfreezeObject
$58e3 = ResetObject
$5903 = ResetObject.set_standing
$591c = ResetObject.standing_movefns
$5920 = _UpdateSprites
$593a = _UpdateSprites.fill
$5945 = _UpdateSprites.ok
$5952 = _UpdateSprites.loop
$5958 = ApplyBGMapAnchorToObjects
$5968 = ApplyBGMapAnchorToObjects.loop
$597c = ApplyBGMapAnchorToObjects.skip
$5991 = InitSprites
$59a4 = InitSprites.DeterminePriorities
$59b6 = InitSprites.loop
$59d9 = InitSprites.skip
$59e2 = InitSprites.add
$59ec = InitSprites.next
$59f3 = InitSprites.InitSpritesByPriority
$59f6 = InitSprites.next_sprite
$5a0d = InitSprites.InitSprite
$5a1d = InitSprites.not_vram1
$5a28 = InitSprites.not_priority
$5a2e = InitSprites.not_obp_num
$5a3f = InitSprites.not_overhead
$5a8e = InitSprites.addsprite
$5aa3 = InitSprites.nope1
$5aaf = InitSprites.nope2
$5abe = InitSprites.done
$5ac0 = InitSprites.full
$5ac2 = InitSprites.GetObjectStructPointer
$5ace = InitSprites.Addresses
$5ae8 = Intro_MainMenu
$5b04 = IntroMenu_DummyFunction
$5b05 = PrintDayOfWeek
$5b1c = PrintDayOfWeek.Days
$5b40 = PrintDayOfWeek.Day
$5b44 = NewGame_ClearTilemapEtc
$5b54 = MysteryGift
$5b64 = Option
$5b6b = NewGame
$5b8f = PlayerProfileSetup
$5b9e = PlayerProfileSetup.ok
$5ba7 = DebugRoom
$5bae = ResetWRAM
$5bb5 = _ResetWRAM
$5ca8 = _ResetWRAM.InitList
$5cad = SetDefaultBoxNames
$5cb2 = SetDefaultBoxNames.loop
$5cc5 = SetDefaultBoxNames.less
$5cd6 = SetDefaultBoxNames.Box
$5cda = InitializeMagikarpHouse
$5cea = InitializeMagikarpHouse.Ralph
$5cf0 = InitializeNPCNames
$5d11 = InitializeNPCNames.Copy
$5d18 = InitializeNPCNames.Rival
$5d1c = InitializeNPCNames.Red
$5d20 = InitializeNPCNames.Green
$5d26 = InitializeNPCNames.Mom
$5d2a = InitializeWorld
$5d3a = LoadOrRegenerateLuckyIDNumber
$5d5c = LoadOrRegenerateLuckyIDNumber.skip
$5d6c = Continue
$5d93 = Continue.Check1Pass
$5d9d = Continue.Check2Pass
$5ddd = Continue.FailToLoad
$5dde = Continue.SpawnAfterE4
$5de9 = SpawnAfterRed
$5dee = PostCreditsSpawn
$5df7 = Continue_MobileAdapterMenu
$5e3b = ConfirmContinue
$5e3b = ConfirmContinue.loop
$5e4e = ConfirmContinue.PressA
$5e4f = Continue_CheckRTC_RestartClock
$5e62 = Continue_CheckRTC_RestartClock.pass
$5e64 = FinishContinueFunction
$5e64 = FinishContinueFunction.loop
$5e87 = FinishContinueFunction.AfterRed
$5e8c = DisplaySaveInfoOnContinue
$5e9a = DisplaySaveInfoOnContinue.clock_ok
$5ea1 = DisplaySaveInfoOnSave
$5ea6 = DisplayNormalContinueData
$5eb6 = DisplayContinueDataWithRTCError
$5ec6 = Continue_LoadMenuHeader
$5ed6 = Continue_LoadMenuHeader.show_menu
$5ee0 = Continue_LoadMenuHeader.MenuHeader_Dex
$5ee8 = Continue_LoadMenuHeader.MenuData_Dex
$5f02 = Continue_LoadMenuHeader.MenuHeader_NoDex
$5f0a = Continue_LoadMenuHeader.MenuData_NoDex
$5f23 = Continue_DisplayBadgesDexPlayerName
$5f45 = Continue_DisplayBadgesDexPlayerName.Player
$5f47 = Continue_PrintGameTime
$5f4f = Continue_UnknownGameTime
$5f5a = Continue_UnknownGameTime.three_question_marks
$5f5f = Continue_DisplayBadgeCount
$5f72 = Continue_DisplayPokedexNumCaught
$5f8b = Continue_DisplayGameTime
$5fa0 = OakSpeech
$604c = OakText1
$6051 = OakText2
$6062 = OakText3
$6067 = OakText4
$606c = OakText5
$6071 = OakText6
$6076 = OakText7
$607b = NamePlayer
$609d = NamePlayer.NewName
$60d6 = NamePlayer.Male
$60da = NamePlayer.Chris
$60e5 = NamePlayer.Kris
$60f0 = GSShowPlayerNamingChoices
$6101 = StorePlayerName
$6116 = ShrinkPlayer
$6171 = Intro_RotatePalettesLeftFrontpic
$6176 = Intro_RotatePalettesLeftFrontpic.loop
$6183 = IntroFadePalettes
$6189 = Intro_WipeInFrontpic
$6189 = IntroFadePalettes.End
$6195 = Intro_WipeInFrontpic.loop
$61a3 = Intro_PrepTrainerPic
$61bb = ShrinkFrame
$61d4 = Intro_PlacePlayerSprite
$61eb = Intro_PlacePlayerSprite.loop
$61ff = Intro_PlacePlayerSprite.male
$6205 = Intro_PlacePlayerSprite.sprites
$6212 = IntroSequence
$6220 = StartTitleScreen
$622d = StartTitleScreen.loop
$6265 = StartTitleScreen.ok
$6271 = StartTitleScreen.dw
$627b = StartTitleScreen.TitleScreen
$6282 = RunTitleScreen
$6297 = RunTitleScreen.done_title
$6299 = UnusedTitlePerspectiveScroll
$62aa = TitleScreenScene
$62b6 = TitleScreenScene.scenes
$62be = TitleScreenNextScene
$62c3 = TitleScreenEntrance
$62df = TitleScreenEntrance.loop
$62eb = TitleScreenEntrance.done
$62fd = TitleScreenTimer
$630b = TitleScreenMain
$6339 = TitleScreenMain.check_clock_reset
$6347 = TitleScreenMain.check_start
$634d = TitleScreenMain.incave
$6351 = TitleScreenMain.delete_save_data
$6353 = TitleScreenMain.done
$635c = TitleScreenMain.end
$6371 = TitleScreenMain.reset_clock
$637c = TitleScreenEnd
$6390 = DeleteSaveData
$6399 = ResetClock
$63a2 = UpdateTitleTrailSprite
$63d1 = UpdateTitleTrailSprite.TitleTrailCoords
$63e9 = Copyright
$6404 = CopyrightString
$6435 = GameInit
$645b = ReanchorBGMap_NoOAMUpdate
$647a = ReanchorBGMap_NoOAMUpdate.ReanchorBGMap
$64c0 = ReanchorBGMap_NoOAMUpdate.LoadBGMapAddrIntoHRAM
$64c6 = LoadFonts_NoOAMUpdate
$64d4 = LoadFonts_NoOAMUpdate.LoadGFX
$64e2 = HDMATransfer_FillBGMap0WithBlack
$650f = LearnMove
$6527 = LearnMove.loop
$6537 = LearnMove.next
$6560 = LearnMove.not_disabled
$656b = LearnMove.learn
$65bc = LearnMove.cancel
$65d1 = LearnMove.learned
$65da = ForgetMove
$65f5 = ForgetMove.loop
$6667 = ForgetMove.hmmove
$6670 = ForgetMove.cancel
$6672 = LearnedMoveText
$6677 = MoveAskForgetText
$667c = StopLearningMoveText
$6681 = DidNotLearnMoveText
$6686 = AskForgetMoveText
$668b = Text_1_2_and_Poof
$669c = Text_1_2_and_Poof.MoveForgotText
$66a1 = MoveCantForgetHMText
$66a6 = CorrectNickErrors
$66aa = CorrectNickErrors.checkchar
$66b3 = CorrectNickErrors.loop
$66c6 = CorrectNickErrors.done
$66d3 = CorrectNickErrors.end
$66d6 = CorrectNickErrors.textcommands
$66e5 = _Multiply
$66f3 = _Multiply.loop
$671b = _Multiply.next
$6734 = _Multiply.done
$6745 = _Divide
$6753 = _Divide.loop
$676e = _Divide.next
$679f = _Divide.next2
$67a5 = _Divide.okay
$67b3 = _Divide.done
$67c8 = ItemAttributes
$6ec8 = CanObjectMoveInDirection
$6ee0 = CanObjectMoveInDirection.not_swimming
$6ef0 = CanObjectMoveInDirection.continue
$6ef0 = CanObjectMoveInDirection.noclip_tiles
$6efc = CanObjectMoveInDirection.noclip_objs
$6f0c = CanObjectMoveInDirection.move_anywhere
$6f0e = WillObjectBumpIntoWater
$6f33 = WillObjectBumpIntoLand
$6f45 = WillObjectBumpIntoTile
$6f62 = WillObjectBumpIntoTile.dir_masks
$6f66 = CanObjectLeaveTile
$6f82 = CanObjectLeaveTile.dir_masks
$6f86 = GetSideWallDirectionMask
$6f93 = GetSideWallDirectionMask.continue
$6fa0 = GetSideWallDirectionMask.side_wall_masks
$6fa8 = WillObjectRemainOnWater
$6fb9 = WillObjectRemainOnWater.down
$6fbe = WillObjectRemainOnWater.up
$6fc2 = WillObjectRemainOnWater.left
$6fc6 = WillObjectRemainOnWater.right
$6fc9 = WillObjectRemainOnWater.continue
$6fde = WillObjectRemainOnWater.not_land
$6fe0 = CheckFacingObject
$6ff8 = CheckFacingObject.not_counter
$700e = CheckFacingObject.standing
$7010 = WillObjectBumpIntoSomeoneElse
$701c = IsObjectFacingSomeoneElse
$7028 = IsObjectFacingSomeoneElse.GetFacingCoords
$7042 = IsObjectFacingSomeoneElse.down
$7044 = IsObjectFacingSomeoneElse.up
$7046 = IsObjectFacingSomeoneElse.left
$7048 = IsNPCAtCoord
$704c = IsNPCAtCoord.loop
$706a = IsNPCAtCoord.not_big
$707a = IsNPCAtCoord.continue
$7082 = IsNPCAtCoord.check_current_coords
$709a = IsNPCAtCoord.next
$70a9 = IsNPCAtCoord.yes
$70ab = HasObjectReachedMovementLimit
$70ce = HasObjectReachedMovementLimit.check_y
$70f0 = HasObjectReachedMovementLimit.nope
$70f2 = HasObjectReachedMovementLimit.yes
$70f4 = IsObjectMovingOffEdgeOfScreen
$7105 = IsObjectMovingOffEdgeOfScreen.check_y
$7116 = IsObjectMovingOffEdgeOfScreen.nope
$7118 = IsObjectMovingOffEdgeOfScreen.yes
$711a = IsNPCAtPlayerCoord
$7126 = IsNPCAtPlayerCoord.loop
$713d = IsNPCAtPlayerCoord.not_big
$7155 = IsNPCAtPlayerCoord.check_current_coords
$7167 = IsNPCAtPlayerCoord.next
$7176 = IsNPCAtPlayerCoord.yes
$7178 = WillObjectIntersectBigObject
$7192 = WillObjectIntersectBigObject.nope
$7194 = GetFirstPokemonHappiness
$719d = GetFirstPokemonHappiness.loop
$71a6 = GetFirstPokemonHappiness.done
$71b3 = CheckFirstMonIsEgg
$71c0 = CheckFirstMonIsEgg.egg
$71c9 = ChangeHappiness
$71f6 = ChangeHappiness.ok
$7210 = ChangeHappiness.negative
$7214 = ChangeHappiness.done
$7228 = HappinessChanges
$7261 = StepHappiness
$7274 = StepHappiness.loop
$727f = StepHappiness.next
$7289 = DayCareStep
$72ab = DayCareStep.day_care_lady
$72cd = DayCareStep.check_egg
$72ff = DayCareStep.okay
$730c = GiveShuckle
$7372 = GiveShuckle.NotGiven
$7377 = SpecialShuckleOT
$737d = SpecialShuckleNickname
$7385 = ReturnShuckie
$73b6 = ReturnShuckie.CheckOT
$73c2 = ReturnShuckie.done
$73e9 = ReturnShuckie.HappyToStayWithYou
$73ed = ReturnShuckie.refused
$73f3 = ReturnShuckie.DontReturn
$73f8 = ReturnShuckie.fainted
$73fe = BillsGrandfather
$7415 = BillsGrandfather.cancel
$741a = OlderHaircutBrother
$741f = YoungerHaircutBrother
$7424 = DaisysGrooming
$7427 = HaircutOrGrooming
$7443 = HaircutOrGrooming.loop
$744b = HaircutOrGrooming.ok
$7455 = HaircutOrGrooming.nope
$745a = HaircutOrGrooming.egg
$7460 = HappinessData_OlderHaircutBrother
$7469 = HappinessData_YoungerHaircutBrother
$7472 = HappinessData_DaisysGrooming
$7475 = CopyPokemonName_Buffer1_Buffer3
$7481 = DummyPredef1
EMPTY: $7482-$7fff ($0b7e bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0b7e bytes
ROMX bank #2:
SECTION: $4000-$7828 ($3829 bytes) ["bank2"]
$4000 = BlankScreen
$4029 = SpawnPlayer
$4059 = SpawnPlayer.ok
$4071 = PlayerObjectTemplate
$407e = CopyDECoordsToMapObject
$408f = PlayerSpawn_ConvertCoords
$40a1 = WriteObjectXY
$40b8 = RefreshPlayerCoords
$40e7 = CopyObjectStruct
$40f4 = CopyObjectStruct.loop
$4104 = CopyObjectStruct.done
$4116 = CopyMapObjectToObjectStruct
$411d = CopyMapObjectToObjectStruct.CopyMapObjectToTempObject
$414e = CopyMapObjectToObjectStruct.skip_color_override
$4177 = InitializeVisibleSprites
$417c = InitializeVisibleSprites.loop
$41bb = InitializeVisibleSprites.next
$41c9 = InitializeVisibleSprites.ret
$41ca = CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange
$41d6 = CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange.dw
$41de = CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange.Up
$41e5 = CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange.Down
$41ea = CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange.Vertical
$41f4 = CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange.loop_v
$4224 = CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange.next_v
$4232 = CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange.Left
$4239 = CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange.Right
$423e = CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange.Horizontal
$4248 = CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange.loop_h
$4278 = CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange.next_h
$4286 = CopyTempObjectToObjectStruct
$42d5 = CopyTempObjectToObjectStruct.InitYCoord
$42f1 = CopyTempObjectToObjectStruct.InitXCoord
$430d = CopyTempObjectToObjectStruct.InitRadius
$431e = TrainerWalkToPlayer
$433b = TrainerWalkToPlayer.TerminateStep
$4341 = TrainerWalkToPlayer.GetPathToPlayer
$4379 = SurfStartStep
$4388 = SurfStartStep.GetMovementData
$439a = SurfStartStep.movement_data
$439e = FollowNotExact
$43c4 = FollowNotExact.to_the_left
$43c7 = FollowNotExact.same_x
$43d4 = FollowNotExact.below
$43d5 = FollowNotExact.continue
$4417 = GetRelativeFacing
$4437 = GetRelativeFacing.carry
$4439 = GetRelativeFacing.GetFacing_e_relativeto_d
$4460 = GetRelativeFacing.b_right_of_d_1
$4469 = GetRelativeFacing.c_below_e_1
$446c = GetRelativeFacing.same_x_1
$4476 = GetRelativeFacing.c_directly_below_e
$447a = GetRelativeFacing.same_y_1
$4484 = GetRelativeFacing.b_directly_right_of_d
$4488 = GetRelativeFacing.same_x_and_y
$448a = QueueFollowerFirstStep
$4497 = QueueFollowerFirstStep.same
$449d = QueueFollowerFirstStep.QueueFirstStep
$44c1 = QueueFollowerFirstStep.left
$44c5 = QueueFollowerFirstStep.check_y
$44d3 = QueueFollowerFirstStep.up
$44d7 = QueueFollowerFirstStep.same_xy
$44d9 = _Sine
$44e5 = _Sine.negative_u1
$44ef = _Sine.apply_u1
$44fe = _Sine.multiply_u1
$4503 = _Sine.even_u1
$450b = _Sine.sinetable_u1
$454b = GetPredefPointer
$456b = PredefPointers
$456b = LearnMovePredef
$456e = DummyPredef1Predef
$4571 = HealPartyPredef
$4574 = SmallFarFlagActionPredef
$4577 = ComputeHPBarPixelsPredef
$457a = FillPPPredef
$457d = TryAddMonToPartyPredef
$4580 = AddTempmonToPartyPredef
$4583 = SendGetMonIntoFromBoxPredef
$4586 = SendMonIntoBoxPredef
$4589 = GiveEggPredef
$458c = AnimateHPBarPredef
$458f = CalcMonStatsPredef
$4592 = CalcMonStatCPredef
$4595 = CanLearnTMHMMovePredef
$4598 = GetTMHMMovePredef
$459b = LinkTextboxAtHLPredef
$459e = PrintMoveDescriptionPredef
$45a1 = UpdatePlayerHUDPredef
$45a4 = PlaceGraphicPredef
$45a7 = CheckPlayerPartyForFitMonPredef
$45aa = UpdateEnemyHUDPredef
$45ad = StartBattlePredef
$45b0 = FillInExpBarPredef
$45b3 = GetBattleMonBackpicPredef
$45b6 = GetEnemyMonFrontpicPredef
$45b9 = LearnLevelMovesPredef
$45bc = FillMovesPredef
$45bf = EvolveAfterBattlePredef
$45c2 = TradeAnimationPlayer2Predef
$45c5 = TradeAnimationPredef
$45c8 = CopyMonToTempMonPredef
$45cb = ListMovesPredef
$45ce = PlaceNonFaintStatusPredef
$45d1 = Unused_PlaceEnemyHPLevelPredef
$45d4 = ListMovePPPredef
$45d7 = GetGenderPredef
$45da = StatsScreenInitPredef
$45dd = DrawPlayerHPPredef
$45e0 = DrawEnemyHPPredef
$45e3 = PrintTempMonStatsPredef
$45e6 = GetTypeNamePredef
$45e9 = PrintMoveTypePredef
$45ec = PrintTypePredef
$45ef = PrintMonTypesPredef
$45f2 = GetUnownLetterPredef
$45f5 = LoadPoisonBGPalsPredef
$45f8 = DummyPredef2FPredef
$45fb = InitSGBBorderPredef
$45fe = LoadSGBLayoutPredef
$4601 = Pokedex_GetAreaPredef
$4604 = Unused_CheckShininessPredef
$4607 = DoBattleTransitionPredef
$460a = DummyPredef35Predef
$460d = DummyPredef36Predef
$4610 = PlayBattleAnimPredef
$4613 = DummyPredef38Predef
$4616 = DummyPredef39Predef
$4619 = DummyPredef3APredef
$461c = PartyMonItemNamePredef
$461f = GetMonFrontpicPredef
$4622 = GetMonBackpicPredef
$4625 = GetAnimatedFrontpicPredef
$4628 = GetTrainerPicPredef
$462b = DecompressGet2bppPredef
$462e = CheckTypeMatchupPredef
$4631 = ConvertMon_1to2Predef
$4634 = NewPokedexEntryPredef
$4637 = Unused_AnimateMon_Slow_NormalPredef
$463a = PlaceStatusStringPredef
$463d = LoadMonAnimationPredef
$4640 = AnimateFrontpicPredef
$4643 = Unused_HOF_AnimateAlignedFrontpicPredef
$4646 = HOF_AnimateFrontpicPredef
$464c = LoadSGBLayout
$465a = LoadSGBLayout.not_default
$466f = SGBLayoutJumptable
$46ad = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_BattleGrayscale
$46b4 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_BattleColors
$473c = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_MoveList
$475c = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_PokegearPals
$4763 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_StatsScreenHPPals
$47ab = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_PartyMenu
$47b2 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_Pokedex
$47e9 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_BillsPC
$4823 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_PokedexUnownMode
$482a = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_PokedexSearchOption
$484b = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_PackPals
$4852 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_SlotMachine
$4859 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_BetaTitleScreen
$4860 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_Diploma
$4860 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_MysteryGift
$4867 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_GSIntro
$4878 = SGBLayoutJumptable.BlkPacketTable_GSIntro
$4884 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_GSTitleScreen
$4890 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_MagnetTrain
$4897 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_BetaPikachuMinigame
$489e = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_BetaPoker
$48b1 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_MapPals
$48cd = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_Evolution
$48ef = SGBLayoutJumptable.partymon
$4913 = SGBLayoutJumptable.done
$491a = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_Unused0D
$491a = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_TrainerCard
$4921 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_UnownPuzzle
$4928 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_Pokepic
$4969 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_Unused1E
$49a6 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_GamefreakLogo
$49ad = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_PlayerOrMonFrontpicPals
$49d9 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_TradeTube
$49e0 = SGBLayoutJumptable.SGB_TrainerOrMonFrontpicPals
$4a0c = SGBLayoutJumptable.GetMapPalsIndex
$4a16 = SGBLayoutJumptable.morn_day
$4a39 = SGBLayoutJumptable.route
$4a3c = SGBLayoutJumptable.cave
$4a3f = SGBLayoutJumptable.env5
$4a42 = SGBLayoutJumptable.gate
$4a45 = MapGroupRoofSGBPalInds
$4a60 = _LoadSGBLayout_ReturnFromJumptable
$4a68 = CheckShininess
$4a86 = CheckShininess.not_shiny
$4a88 = Unused_CheckShininess
$4aa2 = Unused_CheckShininess.not_shiny
$4aa4 = SGB_ApplyCreditsPals
$4ad1 = InitPartyMenuPalettes
$4ade = SGB_ApplyPartyMenuHPPals
$4af7 = SGB_ApplyPartyMenuHPPals.okay
$4b07 = Intro_LoadMagikarpPalettes
$4b2f = Intro_LoadMagikarpPalettes.MagikarpBGPal
$4b37 = Intro_LoadMagikarpPalettes.MagikarpOBPal
$4b3f = Intro_LoadAllPal0
$4b4d = Intro_LoadBetaIntroVenusaurPalettes
$4b5c = Intro_LoadBetaIntroVenusaurPalettes.cgb
$4b67 = Intro_LoadPackPalettes
$4b76 = Intro_LoadPackPalettes.cgb
$4b81 = GSIntro_LoadMonPalette
$4bb2 = GSIntro_LoadMonPalette.cgb
$4bbd = LoadTrainerClassPaletteAsNthBGPal
$4bc6 = LoadMonPaletteAsNthBGPal
$4bd7 = LoadNthMiddleBGPal
$4bde = LoadNthMiddleBGPal.loop
$4be5 = LoadNthMiddleBGPal.got_addr
$4bec = LoadBetaPokerPalettes
$4bf7 = LoadBetaPokerPalettes.cgb
$4c04 = LoadBetaPokerPalettes.loop
$4c0b = LoadBetaPokerPalettes.done
$4c1d = ApplyMonOrTrainerPals
$4c2d = ApplyMonOrTrainerPals.get_trainer
$4c33 = ApplyMonOrTrainerPals.load_palettes
$4c43 = ApplyHPBarPals
$4c52 = ApplyHPBarPals.Enemy
$4c57 = ApplyHPBarPals.Player
$4c5a = ApplyHPBarPals.okay
$4c70 = ApplyHPBarPals.PartyMenu
$4c7b = ApplyHPBarPals.loop
$4c82 = ApplyHPBarPals.done
$4c8a = LoadStatsScreenPals
$4cb4 = LoadMailPalettes
$4cf0 = LoadMailPalettes.cgb
$4d05 = LoadMailPalettes.MailPals
$4d55 = CheckCGB
$4d59 = LoadSGBLayoutCGB
$4d61 = LoadSGBLayoutCGB.not_default
$4d79 = LoadSGBLayoutCGB.done
$4d7a = CGBLayoutJumptable
$4db8 = _CGB_BattleGrayscale
$4ddb = _CGB_BattleColors
$4e23 = _CGB_FinishBattleScreenLayout
$4e85 = InitPartyMenuBGPal7
$4e8b = Mobile_InitPartyMenuBGPal7
$4e93 = Mobile_InitPartyMenuBGPal7.not_mobile
$4e9f = InitPartyMenuBGPal0
$4ead = InitPartyMenuBGPal0.not_mobile
$4eb9 = _CGB_PokegearPals
$4ec5 = _CGB_PokegearPals.male
$4ec8 = _CGB_PokegearPals.got_pals
$4edb = _CGB_StatsScreenHPPals
$4f52 = StatsScreenPagePals
$4f6a = StatsScreenPals
$4f70 = _CGB_Pokedex
$4f8a = _CGB_Pokedex.is_pokemon
$4f90 = _CGB_Pokedex.got_palette
$4fba = PokedexQuestionMarkPalette
$4fc2 = PokedexCursorPalette
$4fca = _CGB_BillsPC
$4fe4 = _CGB_BillsPC.GetMonPalette
$4fed = _CGB_BillsPC.GotPalette
$5009 = _CGB_Unknown
$5011 = _CGB_Unknown.GetMonPalette
$501a = _CGB_Unknown.GotPalette
$5036 = BillsPCOrangePalette
$503e = _CGB_PokedexUnownMode
$506e = _CGB_SlotMachine
$50f8 = _CGB_BetaTitleScreen
$5122 = _CGB_GSIntro
$512d = _CGB_GSIntro.Jumptable
$5133 = _CGB_GSIntro.ShellderLaprasScene
$514e = _CGB_GSIntro.ShellderLaprasBGPalette
$5156 = _CGB_GSIntro.ShellderLaprasOBPals
$5166 = _CGB_GSIntro.JigglypuffPikachuScene
$5180 = _CGB_GSIntro.StartersCharizardScene
$5195 = _CGB_BetaPoker
$51ad = _CGB_Diploma
$51c8 = _CGB_MapPals
$51d1 = _CGB_PartyMenu
$51e4 = _CGB_Evolution
$51f5 = _CGB_Evolution.pokemon
$521a = _CGB_Evolution.got_palette
$5228 = _CGB_GSTitleScreen
$5251 = _CGB_Unused0D
$525e = _CGB_UnownPuzzle
$5289 = _CGB_TrainerCard
$52e3 = _CGB_TrainerCard.got_gender
$52f6 = _CGB_TrainerCard.got_gender2
$535d = _CGB_TrainerCard.got_gender3
$5363 = _CGB_TrainerCard.got_gender4
$5373 = _CGB_MoveList
$53a6 = _CGB_BetaPikachuMinigame
$53ba = _CGB_PokedexSearchOption
$53d3 = _CGB_PackPals
$53e6 = _CGB_PackPals.tutorial_male
$53e9 = _CGB_PackPals.got_gender
$5439 = _CGB_PackPals.ChrisPackPals
$5469 = _CGB_PackPals.KrisPackPals
$5499 = _CGB_Pokepic
$54a5 = _CGB_Pokepic.loop
$54ac = _CGB_Pokepic.found_top
$54d0 = _CGB_MagnetTrain
$54fa = _CGB_GamefreakLogo
$5521 = _CGB_GamefreakLogo.GamefreakDittoPalette
$5529 = _CGB_PlayerOrMonFrontpicPals
$5542 = _CGB_Unused1E
$5555 = _CGB_TradeTube
$5578 = _CGB_TrainerOrMonFrontpicPals
$5591 = _CGB_MysteryGift
$55e0 = _CGB_MysteryGift.MysteryGiftPalettes
$55f0 = GS_CGB_MysteryGift
$5608 = GS_CGB_MysteryGift.MysteryGiftPalette
$5610 = CopyFourPalettes
$5615 = CopyPalettes
$5615 = CopyPalettes.loop
$5625 = GetPredefPal
$5630 = LoadHLPaletteIntoDE
$5639 = LoadHLPaletteIntoDE.loop
$5643 = LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black
$5654 = LoadPalette_White_Col1_Col2_Black.loop
$5663 = FillBoxCGB
$5663 = FillBoxCGB.row
$5665 = FillBoxCGB.col
$5673 = ResetBGPals
$5683 = ResetBGPals.loop
$5699 = WipeAttrmap
$56a4 = ApplyPals
$56b3 = ApplyAttrmap
$56d0 = ApplyAttrmap.UpdateVBank1
$56dc = ApplyAttrmap.row
$56de = ApplyAttrmap.col
$56ea = ApplyAttrmap.okay
$56f3 = CGB_ApplyPartyMenuHPPals
$570b = CGB_ApplyPartyMenuHPPals.loop
$5712 = CGB_ApplyPartyMenuHPPals.done
$571a = InitPartyMenuOBPals
$5729 = GetBattlemonBackpicPalettePointer
$573a = GetEnemyFrontpicPalettePointer
$574b = GetPlayerOrMonPalettePointer
$5760 = GetPlayerOrMonPalettePointer.male
$5764 = GetFrontpicPalettePointer
$576b = GetTrainerPalettePointer
$5775 = GetMonPalettePointer
$5779 = CGBCopyBattleObjectPals
$5787 = CGBCopyBattleObjectPals.loop
$579c = BattleObjectPals
$57cc = CGBCopyTwoPredefObjectPals
$57e5 = CGBCopyTwoPredefObjectPals.PushPalette
$57e7 = CGBCopyTwoPredefObjectPals.loop
$57ee = _GetMonPalettePointer
$57f9 = GetMonNormalOrShinyPalettePointer
$5809 = PushSGBPals
$581a = _PushSGBPals
$581f = _PushSGBPals.loop
$5829 = _PushSGBPals.loop2
$582d = _PushSGBPals.loop3
$5835 = _PushSGBPals.okay
$5853 = InitSGBBorder
$588a = InitSGBBorder.skip
$5890 = InitCGBPals
$58ac = InitCGBPals.bgpals_loop
$58bd = InitCGBPals.obpals_loop
$58df = InitCGBPals.LoadWhitePals
$58e1 = InitCGBPals.loop
$58eb = _InitSGBBorderPals
$58f0 = _InitSGBBorderPals.loop
$58ff = _InitSGBBorderPals.PacketPointerTable
$5911 = UpdateSGBBorder
$592c = PushSGBBorder
$5938 = PushSGBBorder.LoadSGBBorderPointers
$593f = SGB_ClearVRAM
$594a = PushSGBBorderPalsAndWait
$59a6 = PushSGBBorderPalsAndWait.carry
$59ab = PushSGBBorderPalsAndWait.FinalPush
$59b4 = SGBBorder_PushBGPals
$59d8 = SGBBorder_MorePalPushing
$59ea = SGBBorder_MorePalPushing.loop
$5a24 = SGBBorder_YetMorePalPushing
$5a30 = SGBBorder_YetMorePalPushing.loop
$5a52 = CopyData
$5a52 = CopyData.loop
$5a5b = ClearBytes
$5a5b = ClearBytes.loop
$5a64 = DrawDefaultTiles
$5a6e = DrawDefaultTiles.line
$5a70 = DrawDefaultTiles.tile
$5a7a = SGBDelayCycles
$5a7d = SGBDelayCycles.wait
$5a86 = BlkPacket_AllPal0
$5a96 = BlkPacket_GSIntroJigglypuffPikachu
$5aa6 = BlkPacket_Battle
$5ac6 = BlkPacket_StatsScreen
$5ad6 = BlkPacket_MoveList
$5ae6 = BlkPacket_Pokedex_PC
$5af6 = BlkPacket_PokedexUnownMode
$5b06 = BlkPacket_SlotMachine
$5b26 = BlkPacket_PartyMenu
$5b56 = BlkPacket_GSTitleScreen
$5b76 = BlkPacket_BetaTitleScreen
$5b86 = BlkPacket_MagnetTrain
$5b96 = PalPacket_GSTitleScreen
$5ba6 = PalPacket_MagnetTrain
$5bb6 = PalPacket_BetaPoker
$5bc6 = PalPacket_UnownPuzzle
$5bd6 = PalPacket_AllPal0
$5be6 = PalPacket_GSIntroShellderLapras
$5bf6 = PalPacket_BetaIntroLapras
$5c06 = PalPacket_GSIntroJigglypuffPikachu
$5c16 = PalPacket_GSIntroStartersTransition
$5c26 = PalPacket_BetaIntroVenusaur
$5c36 = PalPacket_Pack
$5c46 = PalPacket_BetaPikachuMinigame
$5c56 = PalPacket_PartyMenu
$5c66 = PalPacket_BattleGrayscale
$5c76 = PalPacket_Pokegear
$5c86 = PalPacket_Pack2
$5c96 = PalPacket_SlotMachine
$5ca6 = PalPacket_BetaTitleScreen
$5cb6 = PalPacket_Diploma
$5cc6 = PalPacket_TradeTube
$5cd6 = PalPacket_GamefreakLogo
$5ce6 = PalPacket_Pal01
$5cf6 = PalPacket_Pal23
$5d06 = PalTrnPacket
$5d16 = MltReq1Packet
$5d26 = MltReq2Packet
$5d36 = ChrTrnPacket
$5d46 = PctTrnPacket
$5d56 = MaskEnFreezePacket
$5d66 = MaskEnCancelPacket
$5d76 = DataSndPacket1
$5d86 = DataSndPacket2
$5d96 = DataSndPacket3
$5da6 = DataSndPacket4
$5db6 = DataSndPacket5
$5dc6 = DataSndPacket6
$5dd6 = DataSndPacket7
$5de6 = DataSndPacket8
$5df6 = PredefPals
$606e = SGBBorderMapAndPalettes
$651e = SGBBorderGFX
$68be = HPBarPals
$68ca = ExpBarPalette
$68ce = PokemonPalettes
$70ce = PlayerPalette
$70ce = TrainerPalettes
$70d2 = KrisPalette
$71de = LoadMapPals
$7210 = LoadMapPals.outer_loop
$7222 = LoadMapPals.inner_loop
$7230 = LoadMapPals.got_pals
$7253 = LoadMapPals.outside
$726d = LoadMapPals.morn_day
$7279 = EnvironmentColorsPointers
$7289 = EnvironmentColorsPointers.OutdoorColors
$72a9 = EnvironmentColorsPointers.IndoorColors
$72c9 = EnvironmentColorsPointers.DungeonColors
$72e9 = EnvironmentColorsPointers.Env5Colors
$7309 = PartyMenuBGMobilePalette
$7311 = PartyMenuBGPalette
$7319 = TilesetBGPalette
$7469 = MapObjectPals
$7569 = RoofPals
$7641 = DiplomaPalettes
$7681 = PartyMenuOBPals
$76c1 = UnusedBattleObjectPals
$76f1 = UnusedGSTitleBGPals
$7719 = UnusedGSTitleOBPals
$7729 = MalePokegearPals
$7759 = FemalePokegearPals
$7789 = BetaPokerPals
$77a9 = SlotMachinePals
EMPTY: $7829-$7fff ($07d7 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $07d7 bytes
ROMX bank #3:
SECTION: $4000-$7a0a ($3a0b bytes) ["bank3"]
$4000 = CheckTime
$4012 = CheckTime.TimeOfDayTable
$401b = Special
$4029 = SpecialsPointers
$4029 = WarpToSpawnPointSpecial
$402c = SetBitsForLinkTradeRequestSpecial
$402f = WaitForLinkedFriendSpecial
$4032 = CheckLinkTimeout_ReceptionistSpecial
$4035 = TryQuickSaveSpecial
$4038 = CheckBothSelectedSameRoomSpecial
$403b = FailedLinkToPastSpecial
$403e = CloseLinkSpecial
$4041 = WaitForOtherPlayerToExitSpecial
$4044 = SetBitsForBattleRequestSpecial
$4047 = SetBitsForTimeCapsuleRequestSpecial
$404a = CheckTimeCapsuleCompatibilitySpecial
$404d = EnterTimeCapsuleSpecial
$4050 = TradeCenterSpecial
$4053 = ColosseumSpecial
$4056 = TimeCapsuleSpecial
$4059 = CableClubCheckWhichChrisSpecial
$405c = CheckMysteryGiftSpecial
$405f = GetMysteryGiftItemSpecial
$4062 = UnlockMysteryGiftSpecial
$4065 = BugContestJudgingSpecial
$4068 = CheckPartyFullAfterContestSpecial
$406b = ContestDropOffMonsSpecial
$406e = ContestReturnMonsSpecial
$4071 = GiveParkBallsSpecial
$4074 = CheckMagikarpLengthSpecial
$4077 = MagikarpHouseSignSpecial
$407a = HealPartySpecial
$407d = PokemonCenterPCSpecial
$4080 = PlayersHousePCSpecial
$4083 = DayCareManSpecial
$4086 = DayCareLadySpecial
$4089 = DayCareManOutsideSpecial
$408c = MoveDeletionSpecial
$408f = BankOfMomSpecial
$4092 = MagnetTrainSpecial
$4095 = NameRivalSpecial
$4098 = SetDayOfWeekSpecial
$409b = OverworldTownMapSpecial
$409e = UnownPrinterSpecial
$40a1 = MapRadioSpecial
$40a4 = UnownPuzzleSpecial
$40a7 = SlotMachineSpecial
$40aa = CardFlipSpecial
$40ad = UnusedMemoryGameSpecial
$40b0 = ClearBGPalettesBufferScreenSpecial
$40b3 = FadeOutToWhiteSpecial
$40b6 = BattleTowerFadeSpecial
$40b9 = FadeOutToBlackSpecial
$40bc = FadeInFromWhiteSpecial
$40bf = FadeInFromBlackSpecial
$40c2 = ReloadSpritesNoPalettesSpecial
$40c5 = ClearBGPalettesSpecial
$40c8 = UpdateTimePalsSpecial
$40cb = ClearTilemapSpecial
$40ce = UpdateSpritesSpecial
$40d1 = UpdatePlayerSpriteSpecial
$40d4 = GameCornerPrizeMonCheckDexSpecial
$40d7 = UnusedSetSeenMonSpecial
$40da = WaitSFXSpecial
$40dd = PlayMapMusicSpecial
$40e0 = RestartMapMusicSpecial
$40e3 = HealMachineAnimSpecial
$40e6 = SurfStartStepSpecial
$40e9 = FindPartyMonAboveLevelSpecial
$40ec = FindPartyMonAtLeastThatHappySpecial
$40ef = FindPartyMonThatSpeciesSpecial
$40f2 = FindPartyMonThatSpeciesYourTrainerIDSpecial
$40f5 = UnusedCheckUnusedTwoDayTimerSpecial
$40f8 = DayCareMon1Special
$40fb = DayCareMon2Special
$40fe = SelectRandomBugContestContestantsSpecial
$4101 = ActivateFishingSwarmSpecial
$4104 = ToggleMaptileDecorationsSpecial
$4107 = ToggleDecorationsVisibilitySpecial
$410a = GiveShuckleSpecial
$410d = ReturnShuckieSpecial
$4110 = BillsGrandfatherSpecial
$4113 = CheckPokerusSpecial
$4116 = DisplayCoinCaseBalanceSpecial
$4119 = DisplayMoneyAndCoinBalanceSpecial
$411c = PlaceMoneyTopRightSpecial
$411f = CheckForLuckyNumberWinnersSpecial
$4122 = CheckLuckyNumberShowFlagSpecial
$4125 = ResetLuckyNumberShowFlagSpecial
$4128 = PrintTodaysLuckyNumberSpecial
$412b = SelectApricornForKurtSpecial
$412e = NameRaterSpecial
$4131 = DisplayLinkRecordSpecial
$4134 = GetFirstPokemonHappinessSpecial
$4137 = CheckFirstMonIsEggSpecial
$413a = RandomUnseenWildMonSpecial
$413d = RandomPhoneWildMonSpecial
$4140 = RandomPhoneMonSpecial
$4143 = LoadUsedSpritesGFXSpecial
$4146 = PlaySlowCrySpecial
$4149 = SnorlaxAwakeSpecial
$414c = OlderHaircutBrotherSpecial
$414f = YoungerHaircutBrotherSpecial
$4152 = DaisysGroomingSpecial
$4155 = PlayCurMonCrySpecial
$4158 = ProfOaksPCBootSpecial
$415b = GameboyCheckSpecial
$415e = TrainerHouseSpecial
$4161 = PhotoStudioSpecial
$4164 = InitRoamMonsSpecial
$4167 = FadeOutMusicSpecial
$416a = DiplomaSpecial
$416d = PrintDiplomaSpecial
$4170 = Function11ac3eSpecial
$4173 = TradeCornerHoldMonSpecial
$4176 = Function11b5e8Special
$4179 = Function11b7e5Special
$417c = Function11b879Special
$417f = Function11b920Special
$4182 = Function11b93bSpecial
$4185 = BattleTowerRoomMenuSpecial
$4188 = Function1700baSpecial
$418b = Function170114Special
$418e = BattleTowerBattleSpecial
$4191 = Function1704e1Special
$4194 = UnusedBattleTowerDummySpecial1Special
$4197 = LoadOpponentTrainerAndPokemonWithOTSpriteSpecial
$419a = Function11ba38Special
$419d = CheckForBattleTowerRulesSpecial
$41a0 = GiveOddEggSpecial
$41a3 = ResetSpecial
$41a6 = Function1011f1Special
$41a9 = Function101220Special
$41ac = Function101225Special
$41af = Function101231Special
$41b2 = MoveTutorSpecial
$41b5 = OmanyteChamberSpecial
$41b8 = Function11c1abSpecial
$41bb = BattleTowerActionSpecial
$41be = DisplayUnownWordsSpecial
$41c1 = Menu_ChallengeExplanationCancelSpecial
$41c4 = Function17d2b6Special
$41c7 = Function17d2ceSpecial
$41ca = BattleTowerMobileErrorSpecial
$41cd = AskMobileOrCableSpecial
$41d0 = HoOhChamberSpecial
$41d3 = Function102142Special
$41d6 = CelebiShrineEventSpecial
$41d9 = CheckCaughtCelebiSpecial
$41dc = PokeSeerSpecial
$41df = BuenasPasswordSpecial
$41e2 = BuenaPrizeSpecial
$41e5 = GiveDratiniSpecial
$41e8 = SampleKenjiBreakCountdownSpecial
$41eb = BeastsCheckSpecial
$41ee = MonCheckSpecial
$41f1 = SetPlayerPaletteSpecial
$41f4 = UnusedBattleTowerDummySpecial2Special
$41f7 = Mobile_SelectThreeMonsSpecial
$41fa = Function1037ebSpecial
$41fd = Function10383cSpecial
$4200 = StubbedTrainerRankings_HealingsSpecial
$4203 = RefreshSpritesSpecial
$4206 = Function1037c2Special
$4209 = CheckMobileAdapterStatusSpecialSpecial
$420c = Function103780Special
$420f = Function10387bSpecial
$4212 = AskRememberPasswordSpecial
$4215 = LoadMapPalettesSpecial
$4218 = UnusedFindItemInPCOrBagSpecial
$421b = InitialSetDSTFlagSpecial
$421e = InitialClearDSTFlagSpecial
$4221 = UnusedDummySpecialSpecial
$4224 = UnusedDummySpecial
$4225 = SetPlayerPalette
$4230 = GameCornerPrizeMonCheckDex
$4252 = UnusedSetSeenMon
$425a = FindPartyMonAboveLevel
$4268 = FindPartyMonAtLeastThatHappy
$4276 = FindPartyMonThatSpecies
$4284 = FindPartyMonThatSpeciesYourTrainerID
$4292 = FoundOne
$4298 = FoundNone
$429d = NameRival
$42b2 = NameRival.DefaultName
$42b9 = NameRater
$42c0 = OverworldTownMap
$42cd = UnownPrinter
$42da = DisplayLinkRecord
$42e7 = PlayersHousePC
$42f6 = CheckMysteryGift
$4302 = CheckMysteryGift.no
$4309 = GetMysteryGiftItem
$433d = GetMysteryGiftItem.no_room
$4345 = GetMysteryGiftItem.ReceiveItemText
$434a = BugContestJudging
$4355 = MapRadio
$4360 = UnownPuzzle
$4373 = SlotMachine
$4380 = CardFlip
$438d = UnusedMemoryGame
$439a = StartGameCornerGame
$43ae = CheckCoinsAndCoinCase
$43c4 = CheckCoinsAndCoinCase.no_coins
$43c9 = CheckCoinsAndCoinCase.no_coin_case
$43cc = CheckCoinsAndCoinCase.print
$43d1 = CheckCoinsAndCoinCase.NoCoinsText
$43d6 = CheckCoinsAndCoinCase.NoCoinCaseText
$43db = ClearBGPalettesBufferScreen
$43e2 = ScriptReturnCarry
$43e9 = ScriptReturnCarry.carry
$43ef = UnusedCheckUnusedTwoDayTimer
$43fc = ActivateFishingSwarm
$4403 = StoreSwarmMapIndices
$4410 = StoreSwarmMapIndices.yanma
$4419 = CheckPokerus
$4422 = ResetLuckyNumberShowFlag
$4434 = CheckLuckyNumberShowFlag
$443d = SnorlaxAwake
$444f = SnorlaxAwake.loop
$445f = SnorlaxAwake.nextcoord
$4462 = SnorlaxAwake.nope
$4463 = SnorlaxAwake.done
$4467 = SnorlaxAwake.ProximityCoords
$4472 = PlayCurMonCry
$4478 = GameboyCheck
$4485 = GameboyCheck.sgb
$4489 = GameboyCheck.cgb
$448b = GameboyCheck.done
$448f = FadeOutMusic
$449f = Diploma
$44ac = PrintDiploma
$44b9 = TrainerHouse
$44c7 = _PrintNum
$44d4 = _PrintNum.moneyflag
$44d9 = _PrintNum.main
$44f8 = _PrintNum.word
$4501 = _PrintNum.byte
$4504 = _PrintNum.start
$4538 = _PrintNum.six
$454a = _PrintNum.five
$455b = _PrintNum.four
$456c = _PrintNum.three
$457c = _PrintNum.two
$4583 = _PrintNum.two_skip
$4587 = _PrintNum.mod_10
$4590 = _PrintNum.modded_10
$459b = _PrintNum.money
$45ad = _PrintNum.money_leading_zero
$45ba = _PrintNum.PrintYen
$45c9 = _PrintNum.stop
$45cb = _PrintNum.PrintDigit
$45d2 = _PrintNum.ok
$45d4 = _PrintNum.loop
$45f6 = _PrintNum.skip2
$4611 = _PrintNum.skip5
$4616 = _PrintNum.skip4
$461c = _PrintNum.skip6
$4620 = _PrintNum.skip3
$4624 = _PrintNum.skip1
$4637 = _PrintNum.done
$4644 = _PrintNum.PrintLeadingZero
$464a = _PrintNum.AdvancePointer
$4656 = _PrintNum.inc
$4658 = HealParty
$465f = HealParty.loop
$466d = HealParty.next
$4676 = HealParty.done
$4677 = HealPartyMon
$4699 = ComputeHPBarPixels
$46cc = ComputeHPBarPixels.divide
$46dd = ComputeHPBarPixels.zero
$46e0 = AnimateHPBar
$46ea = FieldMoveJumptableReset
$46f5 = FieldMoveJumptable
$4702 = FieldMoveJumptable.okay
$4706 = GetPartyNickname
$4721 = CheckEngineFlag
$472f = CheckEngineFlag.isset
$4731 = CheckBadge
$473d = CheckBadge.BadgeRequiredText
$4742 = CheckPartyMove
$4748 = CheckPartyMove.loop
$4767 = CheckPartyMove.check
$476e = CheckPartyMove.next
$4771 = CheckPartyMove.yes
$4777 = CheckPartyMove.no
$4779 = FieldMoveFailed
$4780 = FieldMoveFailed.CantUseItemText
$4785 = CutFunction
$4788 = CutFunction.loop
$4796 = CutFunction.Jumptable
$479c = CutFunction.CheckAble
$47ac = CutFunction.nohivebadge
$47af = CutFunction.nothingtocut
$47b2 = CutFunction.DoCut
$47bb = CutFunction.FailCut
$47c4 = UseCutText
$47c9 = CutNothingText
$47ce = CheckMapForSomethingToCut
$47fc = CheckMapForSomethingToCut.fail
$47fe = Script_CutFromMenu
$4802 = Script_Cut
$4810 = CutDownTreeOrGrass
$4840 = CheckOverworldTileArrays
$4860 = CheckOverworldTileArrays.nope
$4862 = CutTreeBlockPointers
$4872 = CutTreeBlockPointers.johto
$4882 = CutTreeBlockPointers.johto_modern
$4886 = CutTreeBlockPointers.kanto
$4899 = CutTreeBlockPointers.park
$48a0 = CutTreeBlockPointers.forest
$48a4 = WhirlpoolBlockPointers
$48a8 = WhirlpoolBlockPointers.johto
$48ac = FlashFunction
$48b5 = FlashFunction.CheckUseFlash
$48d1 = FlashFunction.useflash
$48d7 = FlashFunction.notadarkcave
$48dd = FlashFunction.nozephyrbadge
$48e0 = UseFlash
$48e6 = Script_UseFlash
$48f3 = UseFlashTextScript
$4908 = UseFlashTextScript.BlankText
$4909 = SurfFunction
$490c = SurfFunction.loop
$491a = SurfFunction.Jumptable
$4922 = SurfFunction.TrySurf
$4956 = SurfFunction.nofogbadge
$4959 = SurfFunction.alreadyfail
$495c = SurfFunction.cannotsurf
$495f = SurfFunction.DoSurf
$4971 = SurfFunction.FailSurf
$497a = SurfFunction.AlreadySurfing
$4983 = SurfFromMenuScript
$4986 = UsedSurfScript
$49a2 = UsedSurfScript.stubbed_fn
$49a9 = UsedSurfText
$49ae = CantSurfText
$49b3 = AlreadySurfingText
$49b8 = GetSurfType
$49cb = CheckDirection
$49e1 = CheckDirection.quit
$49e3 = CheckDirection.Directions
$49e7 = TrySurfOW
$4a2a = TrySurfOW.quit
$4a2c = AskSurfScript
$4a36 = AskSurfText
$4a3b = FlyFunction
$4a3e = FlyFunction.loop
$4a4c = FlyFunction.Jumptable
$4a52 = FlyFunction.TryFly
$4a64 = FlyFunction.outdoors
$4a85 = FlyFunction.nostormbadge
$4a88 = FlyFunction.indoors
$4a8b = FlyFunction.illegal
$4a94 = FlyFunction.DoFly
$4a9d = FlyFunction.FailFly
$4aa3 = FlyFunction.FlyScript
$4acb = FlyFunction.ReturnFromFly
$4ade = WaterfallFunction
$4ae7 = WaterfallFunction.TryWaterfall
$4b01 = WaterfallFunction.failed
$4b07 = CheckMapCanWaterfall
$4b1a = CheckMapCanWaterfall.failed
$4b1c = Script_WaterfallFromMenu
$4b20 = Script_UsedWaterfall
$4b2c = Script_UsedWaterfall.loop
$4b38 = Script_UsedWaterfall.CheckContinueWaterfall
$4b4f = Script_UsedWaterfall.WaterfallStep
$4b51 = Script_UsedWaterfall.UseWaterfallText
$4b56 = TryWaterfallOW
$4b74 = TryWaterfallOW.failed
$4b7e = Script_CantDoWaterfall
$4b81 = Script_CantDoWaterfall.HugeWaterfallText
$4b86 = Script_AskWaterfall
$4b90 = Script_AskWaterfall.AskWaterfallText
$4b95 = EscapeRopeFunction
$4b9c = DigFunction
$4ba1 = EscapeRopeOrDig
$4ba4 = EscapeRopeOrDig.loop
$4bb2 = EscapeRopeOrDig.DigTable
$4bb8 = EscapeRopeOrDig.CheckCanDig
$4bc3 = EscapeRopeOrDig.fail
$4bc6 = EscapeRopeOrDig.incave
$4bd8 = EscapeRopeOrDig.DoDig
$4bf7 = EscapeRopeOrDig.escaperope
$4c06 = EscapeRopeOrDig.FailDig
$4c19 = EscapeRopeOrDig.failescaperope
$4c1c = EscapeRopeOrDig.UseDigText
$4c21 = EscapeRopeOrDig.UseEscapeRopeText
$4c26 = EscapeRopeOrDig.CantUseDigText
$4c2b = EscapeRopeOrDig.UsedEscapeRopeScript
$4c35 = EscapeRopeOrDig.UsedDigScript
$4c3c = EscapeRopeOrDig.UsedDigOrEscapeRopeScript
$4c59 = EscapeRopeOrDig.DigOut
$4c5d = EscapeRopeOrDig.DigReturn
$4c61 = TeleportFunction
$4c64 = TeleportFunction.loop
$4c72 = TeleportFunction.Jumptable
$4c78 = TeleportFunction.TryTeleport
$4c82 = TeleportFunction.CheckIfSpawnPoint
$4c99 = TeleportFunction.nope
$4c9c = TeleportFunction.DoTeleport
$4ca8 = TeleportFunction.FailTeleport
$4cb1 = TeleportFunction.TeleportReturnText
$4cb6 = TeleportFunction.CantUseTeleportText
$4cbb = TeleportFunction.TeleportScript
$4ce1 = TeleportFunction.TeleportFrom
$4ce3 = TeleportFunction.TeleportTo
$4ce5 = StrengthFunction
$4cee = StrengthFunction.TryStrength
$4cf8 = StrengthFunction.AlreadyUsingStrength
$4d01 = StrengthFunction.AlreadyUsingStrengthText
$4d06 = StrengthFunction.Failed
$4d09 = StrengthFunction.UseStrength
$4d12 = SetStrengthFlag
$4d29 = Script_StrengthFromMenu
$4d2d = Script_UsedStrength
$4d41 = Script_UsedStrength.UseStrengthText
$4d46 = Script_UsedStrength.MoveBoulderText
$4d4b = AskStrengthScript
$4d59 = AskStrengthScript.DontMeetRequirements
$4d5c = AskStrengthScript.AlreadyUsedStrength
$4d5f = AskStrengthScript.AskStrength
$4d69 = AskStrengthText
$4d6e = BouldersMoveText
$4d73 = BouldersMayMoveText
$4d78 = TryStrengthOW
$4d92 = TryStrengthOW.nope
$4d96 = TryStrengthOW.already_using
$4d99 = TryStrengthOW.done
$4d9d = WhirlpoolFunction
$4da0 = WhirlpoolFunction.loop
$4dae = WhirlpoolFunction.Jumptable
$4db4 = WhirlpoolFunction.TryWhirlpool
$4dc4 = WhirlpoolFunction.failed
$4dc7 = WhirlpoolFunction.noglacierbadge
$4dca = WhirlpoolFunction.DoWhirlpool
$4dd3 = WhirlpoolFunction.FailWhirlpool
$4dd9 = UseWhirlpoolText
$4dde = TryWhirlpoolMenu
$4e09 = TryWhirlpoolMenu.failed
$4e0b = Script_WhirlpoolFromMenu
$4e0f = Script_UsedWhirlpool
$4e1d = DisappearWhirlpool
$4e3e = TryWhirlpoolOW
$4e5c = TryWhirlpoolOW.failed
$4e66 = Script_MightyWhirlpool
$4e69 = Script_MightyWhirlpool.MayPassWhirlpoolText
$4e6e = Script_AskWhirlpoolOW
$4e78 = AskWhirlpoolText
$4e7d = HeadbuttFunction
$4e86 = TryHeadbuttFromMenu
$4e97 = TryHeadbuttFromMenu.no_tree
$4e9d = UseHeadbuttText
$4ea2 = HeadbuttNothingText
$4ea7 = HeadbuttFromMenuScript
$4eab = HeadbuttScript
$4ec3 = HeadbuttScript.no_battle
$4ec9 = TryHeadbuttOW
$4eda = TryHeadbuttOW.no
$4edc = AskHeadbuttScript
$4ee6 = AskHeadbuttText
$4eeb = RockSmashFunction
$4ef4 = TryRockSmashFromMenu
$4f07 = TryRockSmashFromMenu.no_rock
$4f0d = GetFacingObject
$4f2c = GetFacingObject.fail
$4f2e = RockSmashFromMenuScript
$4f32 = RockSmashScript
$4f54 = RockSmashScript.done
$4f55 = MovementData_RockSmash
$4f58 = UseRockSmashText
$4f5d = AskRockSmashScript
$4f6f = AskRockSmashScript.no
$4f72 = MaySmashText
$4f77 = AskRockSmashText
$4f7c = HasRockSmash
$4f87 = HasRockSmash.yes
$4f8a = HasRockSmash.done
$4f8e = FishFunction
$4f97 = FishFunction.loop
$4fa5 = FishFunction.FishTable
$4faf = FishFunction.TryFish
$4fc4 = FishFunction.fail
$4fc7 = FishFunction.facingwater
$4fd0 = FishFunction.goodtofish
$4fee = FishFunction.nonibble
$4ff1 = FishFunction.FailFish
$4ff4 = FishFunction.FishGotSomething
$5002 = FishFunction.FishNoBite
$5010 = FishFunction.FishNoFish
$501e = Script_NotEvenANibble
$5027 = Script_NotEvenANibble2
$502d = Script_NotEvenANibble_FallThrough
$5035 = Script_GotABite
$5046 = Script_GotABite.NotFacingUp
$504a = Script_GotABite.FightTheHookedPokemon
$505c = Script_GotABite.Movement_NotFacingUp
$5062 = Script_GotABite.Movement_FacingUp
$5069 = Script_GotABite.Movement_RestoreRod
$506c = Fishing_CheckFacingUp
$5078 = Fishing_CheckFacingUp.up
$507c = Script_FishCastRod
$5093 = MovementData_CastRod
$5095 = PutTheRodAway
$50a4 = RodBiteText
$50a9 = RodNothingText
$50ae = UnusedNothingHereText
$50b3 = BikeFunction
$50bc = BikeFunction.TryBike
$50ce = BikeFunction.GetOnBike
$50f7 = BikeFunction.GetOffBike
$510b = BikeFunction.CantGetOffBike
$5110 = BikeFunction.CannotUseBike
$5113 = BikeFunction.done
$5119 = BikeFunction.CheckIfRegistered
$5121 = BikeFunction.CheckEnvironment
$5133 = BikeFunction.ok
$513c = BikeFunction.nope
$513e = Script_GetOnBike
$514e = Script_GetOnBike_Register
$5156 = Overworld_DummyFunction
$5158 = Script_GetOffBike
$5163 = FinishGettingOffBike
$516b = Script_GetOffBike_Register
$5171 = Script_CantGetOffBike
$5177 = Script_CantGetOffBike.CantGetOffBikeText
$517c = GotOnBikeText
$5181 = GotOffBikeText
$5186 = TryCutOW
$519f = TryCutOW.cant_cut
$51a9 = AskCutScript
$51b8 = AskCutScript.declined
$51ba = AskCutScript.CheckMap
$51c8 = AskCutText
$51cd = CantCutScript
$51d0 = CanCutText
$51d5 = _ReceiveItem
$51e9 = _ReceiveItem.Pockets
$51f1 = _ReceiveItem.Item
$51f6 = _ReceiveItem.KeyItem
$51fb = _ReceiveItem.Ball
$5201 = _ReceiveItem.TMHM
$520d = _TossItem
$5220 = _TossItem.Pockets
$5228 = _TossItem.Ball
$522e = _TossItem.TMHM
$523a = _TossItem.KeyItem
$523f = _TossItem.Item
$5241 = _TossItem.remove
$5244 = _CheckItem
$5257 = _CheckItem.Pockets
$525f = _CheckItem.Ball
$5265 = _CheckItem.TMHM
$5271 = _CheckItem.KeyItem
$5276 = _CheckItem.Item
$5278 = _CheckItem.nope
$527b = DoesHLEqualNumItems
$5283 = GetPocketCapacity
$528e = GetPocketCapacity.not_bag
$5299 = GetPocketCapacity.not_pc
$529c = PutItemInPocket
$52a5 = PutItemInPocket.loop
$52ba = PutItemInPocket.next
$52bd = PutItemInPocket.terminator
$52c6 = PutItemInPocket.ok
$52d2 = PutItemInPocket.loop2
$52e6 = PutItemInPocket.newstack
$52ef = PutItemInPocket.terminator2
$52fd = PutItemInPocket.done
$52ff = RemoveItemFromPocket
$5318 = RemoveItemFromPocket.ok
$531c = RemoveItemFromPocket.loop
$5327 = RemoveItemFromPocket.skip
$533b = RemoveItemFromPocket.loop2
$5345 = RemoveItemFromPocket.yup
$5347 = RemoveItemFromPocket.nope
$5349 = CheckTheItem
$534d = CheckTheItem.loop
$5358 = CheckTheItem.done
$535a = ReceiveKeyItem
$5372 = ReceiveKeyItem.nope
$5374 = TossKeyItem
$5387 = TossKeyItem.ok
$538a = TossKeyItem.ok2
$538d = TossKeyItem.loop
$5396 = TossKeyItem.Toss
$539d = TossKeyItem.loop3
$53a8 = TossKeyItem.ok3
$53b1 = CheckKeyItems
$53b8 = CheckKeyItems.loop
$53c2 = CheckKeyItems.done
$53c4 = ReceiveTMHM
$53d6 = ReceiveTMHM.toomany
$53d8 = TossTMHM
$53f7 = TossTMHM.yup
$53f9 = TossTMHM.nope
$53fb = CheckTMHM
$5407 = GetTMHMNumber
$5411 = GetTMHMNumber.skip
$5412 = GetTMHMNumber.done
$5417 = GetNumberedTMHM
$5421 = GetNumberedTMHM.skip_one
$5422 = GetNumberedTMHM.done
$5427 = _CheckTossableItem
$5432 = CheckSelectableItem
$543d = CheckItemPocket
$5448 = CheckItemContext
$5453 = CheckItemMenu
$5460 = GetItemAttr
$547f = ItemAttr_ReturnCarry
$5486 = GetItemPrice
$5497 = _HandlePlayerStep
$54a9 = _HandlePlayerStep.update_overworld_map
$54b3 = _HandlePlayerStep.update_player_coords
$54b8 = _HandlePlayerStep.finish
$54d2 = ScrollScreen
$54e5 = HandlePlayerStep
$54f2 = HandlePlayerStep.Jumptable
$5508 = HandlePlayerStep.fail1
$5509 = HandlePlayerStep.mobile
$5510 = HandlePlayerStep.fail2
$5511 = UpdatePlayerCoords
$551c = UpdatePlayerCoords.check_step_down
$5525 = UpdatePlayerCoords.check_step_left
$552e = UpdatePlayerCoords.check_step_right
$5536 = UpdateOverworldMap
$5549 = UpdateOverworldMap.step_down
$5553 = UpdateOverworldMap.step_up
$555d = UpdateOverworldMap.step_left
$5567 = UpdateOverworldMap.step_right
$5571 = UpdateOverworldMap.ScrollOverworldMapDown
$5586 = UpdateOverworldMap.not_overflowed
$5594 = UpdateOverworldMap.done_down
$5595 = UpdateOverworldMap.ScrollMapDataDown
$55a2 = UpdateOverworldMap.ScrollOverworldMapUp
$55b7 = UpdateOverworldMap.not_underflowed
$55c5 = UpdateOverworldMap.done_up
$55c6 = UpdateOverworldMap.ScrollMapDataUp
$55d5 = UpdateOverworldMap.ScrollOverworldMapLeft
$55f3 = UpdateOverworldMap.done_left
$55f4 = UpdateOverworldMap.ScrollMapDataLeft
$55fe = UpdateOverworldMap.ScrollOverworldMapRight
$561c = UpdateOverworldMap.done_right
$561d = UpdateOverworldMap.ScrollMapDataRight
$5627 = _AnimateHPBar
$562f = _AnimateHPBar.ShortAnimLoop
$5645 = _AnimateHPBar.MoreThan48Pixels
$5648 = _AnimateHPBar.LongAnimLoop
$565f = _AnimateHPBar.IsMaximumMoreThan48Pixels
$566e = _AnimateHPBar.player
$5670 = _AnimateHPBar.ComputePixels
$56c1 = _AnimateHPBar.negative
$56d9 = _AnimateHPBar.got_direction
$56e2 = ShortAnim_UpdateVariables
$56ed = ShortAnim_UpdateVariables.not_finished
$56f5 = LongAnim_UpdateVariables
$56f5 = LongAnim_UpdateVariables.loop
$5707 = LongAnim_UpdateVariables.next
$5730 = ShortHPBarAnim_UpdateTiles
$5749 = LongHPBarAnim_UpdateTiles
$5771 = HPBarAnim_RedrawHPBar
$5780 = HPBarAnim_RedrawHPBar.skip
$5784 = HPBarAnim_UpdateHPRemaining
$5792 = HPBarAnim_UpdateHPRemaining.load_15
$5795 = HPBarAnim_UpdateHPRemaining.loaded_de
$57b4 = HPBarAnim_PaletteUpdate
$57c9 = HPBarAnim_BGMapUpdate
$57d5 = HPBarAnim_BGMapUpdate.cgb
$57ea = HPBarAnim_BGMapUpdate.bottom_half_of_screen
$57ec = HPBarAnim_BGMapUpdate.got_third
$57ff = HPBarAnim_BGMapUpdate.skip_delay
$5813 = HPBarAnim_BGMapUpdate.two_frames
$5829 = HPBarAnim_BGMapUpdate.load_0
$582d = HPBarAnim_BGMapUpdate.load_1
$582f = HPBarAnim_BGMapUpdate.finish
$5839 = ShortHPBar_CalcPixelFrame
$5851 = ShortHPBar_CalcPixelFrame.loop
$585e = ShortHPBar_CalcPixelFrame.done
$586f = ShortHPBar_CalcPixelFrame.no_carry
$587c = ShortHPBar_CalcPixelFrame.finish
$5880 = ShortHPBar_CalcPixelFrame.return_zero
$5885 = ShortHPBar_CalcPixelFrame.return_max
$588c = TryAddMonToParty
$5899 = TryAddMonToParty.getpartylocation
$58a7 = TryAddMonToParty.loadspecies
$58bc = TryAddMonToParty.loadOTname
$58f0 = TryAddMonToParty.skipnickname
$58fd = TryAddMonToParty.initializeStats
$5906 = GeneratePartyMonStats
$5922 = GeneratePartyMonStats.skipitem
$5943 = GeneratePartyMonStats.randomlygeneratemoves
$5950 = GeneratePartyMonStats.next
$597a = GeneratePartyMonStats.loop
$5992 = GeneratePartyMonStats.registerpokedex
$59b5 = GeneratePartyMonStats.initializeDVs
$59f3 = GeneratePartyMonStats.copywildmonDVs
$5a03 = GeneratePartyMonStats.wildmonpploop
$5a29 = GeneratePartyMonStats.initstats
$5a3b = GeneratePartyMonStats.generatestats
$5a45 = GeneratePartyMonStats.registerunowndex
$5a6b = GeneratePartyMonStats.done
$5a6d = FillPP
$5a70 = FillPP.loop
$5a8f = FillPP.next
$5a96 = AddTempmonToParty
$5b12 = AddTempmonToParty.egg
$5b3d = AddTempmonToParty.done
$5b3f = SendGetMonIntoFromBox
$5b60 = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.check_IfPartyIsFull
$5b69 = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.there_is_room
$5b7c = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.okay1
$5b97 = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.okay2
$5b9b = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.breedmon
$5bb7 = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.okay3
$5bbd = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.okay4
$5bdc = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.okay6
$5be2 = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.okay5
$5bf5 = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.okay7
$5bfb = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.okay8
$5c1a = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.okay10
$5c20 = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.okay9
$5c33 = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.okay11
$5c39 = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.okay12
$5c9e = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.egg
$5ca4 = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.took_out_of_box
$5cac = SendGetMonIntoFromBox.CloseSRAM_And_ClearCarryFlag
$5cb1 = CloseSRAM_And_SetCarryFlag
$5cb6 = RestorePPOfDepositedPokemon
$5cec = RestorePPOfDepositedPokemon.loop
$5d18 = RestorePPOfDepositedPokemon.done
$5d21 = RetrieveMonFromDayCareMan
$5d42 = RetrieveMonFromDayCareLady
$5d64 = RetrieveBreedmon
$5d6e = RetrieveBreedmon.room_in_party
$5d86 = RetrieveBreedmon.okay
$5e1a = GetLastPartyMon
$5e2a = DepositMonWithDayCareMan
$5e37 = DepositMonWithDayCareLady
$5e44 = DepositBreedmon
$5e6e = SendMonIntoBox
$5e85 = SendMonIntoBox.loop
$5ee5 = SendMonIntoBox.loop2
$5eef = SendMonIntoBox.loop3
$5f20 = SendMonIntoBox.not_unown
$5f42 = SendMonIntoBox.full
$5f47 = ShiftBoxMon
$5f5f = ShiftBoxMon.shift
$5f83 = ShiftBoxMon.loop
$5f8c = GiveEgg
$5fc3 = GiveEgg.skip_caught_flag
$5fd9 = GiveEgg.skip_seen_flag
$6022 = GiveEgg.got_init_happiness
$6035 = String_Egg
$6039 = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox
$604a = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.okay
$6057 = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.loop
$606d = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.party
$607e = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.delete_inside
$6090 = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.party2
$60a5 = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.party4
$60bc = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.party5
$60c3 = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.copy
$60d2 = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.party6
$60ed = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.party7
$60f0 = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.finish
$611a = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.loop2
$6131 = RemoveMonFromPartyOrBox.close_sram
$6134 = ComputeNPCTrademonStats
$6167 = CalcMonStats
$6169 = CalcMonStats.loop
$617b = CalcMonStatC
$6193 = CalcMonStatC.not_spdef
$61a5 = CalcMonStatC.no_stat_exp
$61e3 = CalcMonStatC.Attack
$61ea = CalcMonStatC.Defense
$61ef = CalcMonStatC.Speed
$61f7 = CalcMonStatC.Special
$61fb = CalcMonStatC.GotDV
$6202 = CalcMonStatC.no_overflow_1
$620f = CalcMonStatC.no_overflow_2
$624c = CalcMonStatC.no_overflow_3
$624e = CalcMonStatC.not_hp
$625b = CalcMonStatC.no_overflow_4
$626b = CalcMonStatC.max_stat
$6273 = CalcMonStatC.stat_value_okay
$6277 = GivePoke
$62b0 = GivePoke.failed
$62e1 = GivePoke.done
$632f = GivePoke.otnameloop
$635e = GivePoke.send_to_box
$6366 = GivePoke.loop
$6390 = GivePoke.wildmon
$63a0 = GivePoke.party
$63a6 = GivePoke.set_caught_data
$63b2 = GivePoke.skip_nickname
$63d4 = GivePoke.FailedToGiveMon
$63d9 = WasSentToBillsPCText
$63de = InitNickname
$63fd = _BillsPC
$640a = _BillsPC.CheckCanUsePC
$6417 = _BillsPC.PCGottaHavePokemonText
$641c = _BillsPC.LogIn
$643a = _BillsPC.PCWhatText
$643f = _BillsPC.LogOut
$6443 = _BillsPC.UseBillsPC
$644b = _BillsPC.loop
$646b = _BillsPC.cancel
$646f = _BillsPC.MenuHeader
$6477 = _BillsPC.MenuData
$647f = _BillsPC.strings
$64ba = _BillsPC.Jumptable
$64c4 = _BillsPC.items
$64cb = BillsPC_SeeYa
$64cd = BillsPC_MovePKMNMenu
$64e0 = BillsPC_MovePKMNMenu.no_mail
$64f4 = BillsPC_MovePKMNMenu.quit
$64f9 = BillsPC_MovePKMNMenu.PCMonHoldingMailText
$64fe = BillsPC_DepositMenu
$6512 = BillsPC_Deposit_CheckPartySize
$651e = BillsPC_Deposit_CheckPartySize.no_mon
$6526 = BillsPC_Deposit_CheckPartySize.only_one_mon
$652e = BillsPC_Deposit_CheckPartySize.PCNoSingleMonText
$6533 = BillsPC_Deposit_CheckPartySize.PCCantDepositLastMonText
$6538 = CheckCurPartyMonFainted
$6540 = CheckCurPartyMonFainted.loop
$654b = CheckCurPartyMonFainted.skip
$6555 = CheckCurPartyMonFainted.done
$6557 = CheckCurPartyMonFainted.notfainted
$6559 = BillsPC_WithdrawMenu
$656d = BillsPC_Withdraw_CheckPartySize
$6576 = BillsPC_Withdraw_CheckPartySize.party_full
$657e = PCCantTakeText
$6583 = BillsPC_ChangeBoxMenu
$658b = ClearPCItemScreen
$65bb = CopyBoxmonToTempMon
$65d9 = LoadBoxMonListing
$65f1 = LoadBoxMonListing.same_box
$65f6 = LoadBoxMonListing.okay
$6608 = LoadBoxMonListing.loop
$6662 = LoadBoxMonListing.okay2
$666a = LoadBoxMonListing.empty_box
$666e = LoadBoxMonListing.BoxAddresses
$6698 = GetBreedMon1LevelGrowth
$66b3 = GetBreedMon2LevelGrowth
$66ce = BugContest_SetCaughtContestMon
$66ea = BugContest_SetCaughtContestMon.firstcatch
$66fd = BugContest_SetCaughtContestMon.generatestats
$671d = BugContest_SetCaughtContestMon.ContestCaughtMonText
$6722 = _DoItemEffect
$673c = ItemEffects
$68a2 = PokeBallEffect
$68c0 = PokeBallEffect.room_in_party
$68f2 = PokeBallEffect.get_multiplier_loop
$68fe = PokeBallEffect.call_ball_function
$6906 = PokeBallEffect.skip_or_return_from_ball_fn
$6940 = PokeBallEffect.okay_1
$6960 = PokeBallEffect.statuscheck
$6971 = PokeBallEffect.addstatus
$6977 = PokeBallEffect.max_1
$698e = PokeBallEffect.skip_hp_calc
$698e = PokeBallEffect.max_2
$699c = PokeBallEffect.catch_without_fail
$699f = PokeBallEffect.fail_to_catch
$69b0 = PokeBallEffect.not_kurt_ball
$69f5 = PokeBallEffect.caught
$6a13 = PokeBallEffect.ditto
$6a1a = PokeBallEffect.not_ditto
$6a27 = PokeBallEffect.load_data
$6a67 = PokeBallEffect.Transformed
$6ab7 = PokeBallEffect.skip_pokedex
$6ac8 = PokeBallEffect.not_celebi
$6af8 = PokeBallEffect.SkipPartyMonFriendBall
$6b3c = PokeBallEffect.SendToPC
$6b5b = PokeBallEffect.BoxNotFullYet
$6b67 = PokeBallEffect.SkipBoxMonFriendBall
$6baf = PokeBallEffect.SkipBoxMonNickname
$6bd1 = PokeBallEffect.catch_bug_contest_mon
$6bd9 = PokeBallEffect.FinishTutorial
$6bdc = PokeBallEffect.shake_and_break_free
$6be2 = PokeBallEffect.return_from_capture
$6bfb = PokeBallEffect.toss
$6c05 = PokeBallEffect.used_park_ball
$6c0a = BallMultiplierFunctionTable
$6c29 = UltraBallMultiplier
$6c2f = GreatBallMultiplier
$6c2f = SafariBallMultiplier
$6c2f = ParkBallMultiplier
$6c38 = HeavyBall_GetDexEntryBank
$6c4c = HeavyBall_GetDexEntryBank.PokedexEntryBanks
$6c50 = HeavyBallMultiplier
$6c61 = HeavyBallMultiplier.SkipText
$6c99 = HeavyBallMultiplier.subbc
$6ca4 = HeavyBallMultiplier.compare
$6cac = HeavyBallMultiplier.lookup
$6cb4 = HeavyBallMultiplier.heavymon
$6cbc = HeavyBallMultiplier.lightmon
$6cc4 = HeavyBallMultiplier.WeightsTable
$6ccc = LureBallMultiplier
$6cd9 = LureBallMultiplier.max
$6cdb = LureBallMultiplier.done
$6cdd = MoonBallMultiplier
$6d0f = MoonBallMultiplier.max
$6d11 = MoonBallMultiplier.done
$6d12 = LoveBallMultiplier
$6d39 = LoveBallMultiplier.got_player_gender
$6d52 = LoveBallMultiplier.got_wild_gender
$6d62 = LoveBallMultiplier.max
$6d65 = LoveBallMultiplier.done2
$6d66 = LoveBallMultiplier.done1
$6d68 = FastBallMultiplier
$6d71 = FastBallMultiplier.loop
$6d85 = FastBallMultiplier.max
$6d88 = FastBallMultiplier.next
$6d8c = LevelBallMultiplier
$6da8 = LevelBallMultiplier.max
$6dab = BallDodgedText
$6db0 = BallMissedText
$6db5 = BallBrokeFreeText
$6dba = BallAppearedCaughtText
$6dbf = BallAlmostHadItText
$6dc4 = BallSoCloseText
$6dc9 = Text_GotchaMonWasCaught
$6de6 = WaitButtonText
$6deb = BallSentToPCText
$6df0 = NewDexDataText
$6df5 = AskGiveNicknameText
$6dfa = ReturnToBattle_UseBall
$6e01 = TownMapEffect
$6e08 = BicycleEffect
$6e0f = EvoStoneEffect
$6e35 = EvoStoneEffect.NoEffect
$6e38 = EvoStoneEffect.DecidedNotToUse
$6e3d = VitaminEffect
$6e83 = NoEffectMessage
$6e8c = UpdateStatsAfterItem
$6e9f = RareCandy_StatBooster_ExitMenu
$6ea6 = ItemStatRoseText
$6eab = StatStrings
$6eb5 = StatStrings.health
$6ebc = StatStrings.attack
$6ec3 = StatStrings.defense
$6ecb = StatStrings.speed
$6ed1 = StatStrings.special
$6ed9 = GetStatExpRelativePointer
$6edf = GetStatExpRelativePointer.next
$6ee6 = GetStatExpRelativePointer.got_it
$6eeb = StatExpItemPointerOffsets
$6ef5 = RareCandy_StatBooster_GetParameters
$6f14 = RareCandyEffect
$6fad = HealPowderEffect
$6fc9 = HealPowderEffect.not_used
$6fcc = StatusHealingEffect
$6fd4 = FullyHealStatus
$6fda = UseStatusHealer
$6ff4 = UseStatusHealer.good
$7009 = IsItemUsedOnConfusedMon
$701c = IsItemUsedOnConfusedMon.nope
$701e = BattlemonRestoreHealth
$7030 = HealStatus
$704f = HealStatus.not_full_heal
$7058 = GetItemHealingAction
$7062 = GetItemHealingAction.next
$7068 = GetItemHealingAction.found_it
$7071 = StatusHealingActions
$709e = StatusHealer_Jumptable
$70a3 = StatusHealer_Jumptable.dw
$70a9 = RevivalHerbEffect
$70c5 = RevivalHerbEffect.not_used
$70c8 = ReviveEffect
$70d6 = RevivePokemon
$7104 = RevivePokemon.skip_to_revive
$7114 = RevivePokemon.revive_half_hp
$7117 = RevivePokemon.finish_revive
$7128 = FullRestoreEffect
$713e = FullRestoreEffect.NotAtFullHealth
$7144 = FullRestoreEffect.FullRestore
$716a = BitterBerryEffect
$7183 = BitterBerryEffect.done
$7186 = RestoreHPEffect
$718c = EnergypowderEffect
$7190 = EnergyRootEffect
$7192 = EnergypowderEnergyRootCommon
$71a6 = EnergypowderEnergyRootCommon.skip_happiness
$71a9 = ItemRestoreHP
$71db = HealHP_SFX_GFX
$71f9 = UseItem_SelectMon
$7209 = UseItem_SelectMon.not_egg
$720b = UseItem_SelectMon.SelectMon
$721c = ChooseMonToUseItemOn
$724a = ItemActionText
$7279 = ItemActionTextWaitButton
$7299 = StatusHealer_NoEffect
$729e = StatusHealer_ExitMenu
$72a2 = StatusHealer_ClearPalettes
$72a6 = IsItemUsedOnBattleMon
$72b8 = IsItemUsedOnBattleMon.nope
$72ba = ReviveHalfHP
$72c3 = ReviveFullHP
$72c6 = ContinueRevive
$72d1 = RestoreHealth
$72f5 = RestoreHealth.full_hp
$72f8 = RestoreHealth.finish
$72f9 = RemoveHP
$7309 = RemoveHP.okay
$730d = IsMonFainted
$731b = IsMonAtFullHealth
$7328 = LoadCurHPIntoBuffer3
$7336 = LoadHPIntoBuffer3
$733f = LoadHPFromBuffer3
$7348 = LoadCurHPIntoBuffer2
$7356 = LoadHPFromBuffer2
$735f = LoadMaxHPIntoBuffer1
$736f = LoadHPFromBuffer1
$7378 = GetOneFifthMaxHP
$7395 = GetHealingItemAmount
$739d = GetHealingItemAmount.next
$73a9 = GetHealingItemAmount.NotFound
$73aa = GetHealingItemAmount.done
$73af = HealingHPAmounts
$73df = Softboiled_MilkDrinkFunction
$7413 = Softboiled_MilkDrinkFunction.skip
$7419 = Softboiled_MilkDrinkFunction.SelectMilkDrinkRecipient
$7419 = Softboiled_MilkDrinkFunction.loop
$743e = Softboiled_MilkDrinkFunction.set_carry
$7440 = Softboiled_MilkDrinkFunction.cant_use
$744a = Softboiled_MilkDrinkFunction.ItemCantUseOnMonText
$744f = EscapeRopeEffect
$7462 = SuperRepelEffect
$7466 = MaxRepelEffect
$746a = RepelEffect
$746c = UseRepel
$747d = RepelUsedEarlierIsStillInEffectText
$7482 = XAccuracyEffect
$748f = PokeDollEffect
$74a6 = PokeDollEffect.not_wild
$74ab = GuardSpecEffect
$74b8 = DireHitEffect
$74c5 = XItemEffect
$74ce = XItemEffect.loop
$74d5 = XItemEffect.got_it
$7504 = XItemStats
$750c = PokeFluteEffect
$7512 = PokeFluteEffect.in_battle
$752b = PokeFluteEffect.skip_otrainer
$754e = PokeFluteEffect.dummy
$7554 = PokeFluteEffect.CureSleep
$7559 = PokeFluteEffect.loop
$7564 = PokeFluteEffect.not_asleep
$756c = PokeFluteEffect.PlayedFluteText
$7571 = PokeFluteEffect.FluteWakeUpText
$7576 = PokeFluteEffect.PlayedTheFlute
$758c = PokeFluteEffect.battle
$758f = BlueCardEffect
$7595 = BlueCardEffect.BlueCardBalanceText
$759a = CoinCaseEffect
$75a0 = CoinCaseEffect.CoinCaseCountText
$75a5 = OldRodEffect
$75a9 = GoodRodEffect
$75ad = SuperRodEffect
$75b1 = UseRod
$75b8 = ItemfinderEffect
$75bf = RestorePPEffect
$75c5 = RestorePPEffect.loop
$75cd = RestorePPEffect.loop2
$75e7 = RestorePPEffect.ppup
$762f = RestorePPEffect.CantUsePPUpOnSketch
$7637 = RestorePPEffect.do_ppup
$764c = FinishPPRestore
$7652 = BattleRestorePP
$766c = BattleRestorePP.not_in_battle
$7677 = BattleRestorePP.UpdateBattleMonPP
$7688 = BattleRestorePP.loop
$76a1 = BattleRestorePP.next
$76a6 = BattleRestorePP.done
$76a7 = Not_PP_Up
$76af = Elixer_RestorePPofAllMoves
$76b7 = Elixer_RestorePPofAllMoves.moveLoop
$76ce = Elixer_RestorePPofAllMoves.next
$76dd = PPRestoreItem_NoEffect
$76e0 = PPRestoreItem_Cancel
$76e8 = RestorePP
$7715 = RestorePP.restore_some
$771d = RestorePP.restore_all
$7723 = RestorePP.dont_restore
$7725 = RaiseThePPOfWhichMoveText
$772a = RestoreThePPOfWhichMoveText
$772f = PPIsMaxedOutText
$7734 = PPsIncreasedText
$7739 = PPRestoredText
$773e = SquirtbottleEffect
$7745 = CardKeyEffect
$774c = BasementKeyEffect
$7753 = SacredAshEffect
$7763 = NormalBoxEffect
$7767 = GorgeousBoxEffect
$7769 = OpenBox
$7778 = OpenBox.SentTrophyHomeText
$777d = NoEffect
$7780 = Play_SFX_FULL_HEAL
$7789 = UseItemText
$7795 = UseDisposableItem
$77a0 = UseBallInTrainerBattle
$77ca = WontHaveAnyEffect_NotUsedMessage
$77d6 = LooksBitterMessage
$77dc = Ball_BoxIsFullMessage
$77e8 = CantUseOnEggMessage
$77ed = IsntTheTimeMessage
$77f2 = WontHaveAnyEffectMessage
$77f7 = BelongsToSomeoneElseMessage
$77fc = CyclingIsntAllowedMessage
$7801 = CantGetOnYourBikeMessage
$7804 = CantUseItemMessage
$780b = ItemLooksBitterText
$7810 = ItemCantUseOnEggText
$7815 = ItemOakWarningText
$781a = ItemBelongsToSomeoneElseText
$781f = ItemWontHaveEffectText
$7824 = BallBlockedText
$7829 = BallDontBeAThiefText
$782e = NoCyclingText
$7833 = ItemCantGetOnText
$7838 = BallBoxFullText
$783d = ItemUsedText
$7842 = ItemGotOnText
$7847 = ItemGotOffText
$784c = ApplyPPUp
$7864 = ApplyPPUp.loop
$7876 = ApplyPPUp.use
$787d = ApplyPPUp.skip
$7881 = ComputeMaxPP
$78a3 = ComputeMaxPP.loop
$78ab = ComputeMaxPP.okay
$78b6 = ComputeMaxPP.NoPPUp
$78b9 = RestoreAllPP
$78ce = RestoreAllPP.loop
$78ec = GetMaxPPOfMove
$7915 = GetMaxPPOfMove.got_nonpartymon
$791a = GetMaxPPOfMove.got_partymon
$791d = GetMaxPPOfMove.gotdatmove
$7942 = GetMaxPPOfMove.notwild
$7963 = GetMthMoveOfNthPartymon
$7969 = GetMthMoveOfCurrentMon
$7971 = GetPokeBallWobble
$7994 = GetPokeBallWobble.loop
$799b = GetPokeBallWobble.checkwobble
$79a8 = GetPokeBallWobble.finished
$79b2 = GetPokeBallWobble.done
$79ba = WobbleProbabilities
$79ea = KnowsMove
$79f5 = KnowsMove.loop
$79fe = KnowsMove.knows_move
$7a06 = KnowsMove.KnowsMoveText
EMPTY: $7a0b-$7fff ($05f5 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $05f5 bytes
ROMX bank #4:
SECTION: $4000-$7daa ($3dab bytes) ["bank4"]
$4000 = Pack
$4008 = Pack.loop
$401a = Pack.done
$4026 = Pack.RunJumptable
$4030 = Pack.Jumptable
$4046 = Pack.InitGFX
$4056 = Pack.InitItemsPocket
$4067 = Pack.ItemsPocketMenu
$4094 = Pack.InitKeyItemsPocket
$40a6 = Pack.KeyItemsPocketMenu
$40d3 = Pack.InitTMHMPocket
$40e8 = Pack.TMHMPocketMenu
$410a = Pack.use_quit
$4110 = Pack.load_jump
$4124 = Pack.MenuHeader1
$412c = Pack.MenuData_1
$4137 = Pack.Jumptable1
$413b = Pack.MenuHeader2
$4143 = Pack.MenuData_2
$4153 = Pack.Jumptable2
$4159 = Pack.UseItem
$4179 = Pack.declined
$4186 = Pack.InitBallsPocket
$4198 = Pack.BallsPocketMenu
$41c5 = Pack.ItemBallsKey_LoadSubmenu
$41eb = Pack.selectable
$41f9 = Pack.tossable
$4207 = Pack.usable
$420f = Pack.selectable_usable
$4217 = Pack.tossable_selectable
$421f = Pack.tossable_unselectable
$4227 = Pack.unusable
$422f = Pack.selectable_unusable
$4235 = Pack.build_menu
$4249 = MenuHeader_UsableKeyItem
$4251 = MenuHeader_UsableKeyItem.MenuData
$426a = Jumptable_UseGiveTossRegisterQuit
$4274 = MenuHeader_UsableItem
$427c = MenuHeader_UsableItem.MenuData
$4291 = Jumptable_UseGiveTossQuit
$4299 = MenuHeader_UnusableItem
$42a1 = MenuHeader_UnusableItem.MenuData
$42ac = Jumptable_UseQuit
$42b0 = MenuHeader_UnusableKeyItem
$42b8 = MenuHeader_UnusableKeyItem.MenuData
$42c7 = Jumptable_UseRegisterQuit
$42cd = MenuHeader_HoldableKeyItem
$42d5 = MenuHeader_HoldableKeyItem.MenuData
$42ea = Jumptable_GiveTossRegisterQuit
$42f2 = MenuHeader_HoldableItem
$42fa = MenuHeader_HoldableItem.MenuData
$430b = Jumptable_GiveTossQuit
$4311 = UseItem
$431f = UseItem.dw
$432d = UseItem.Oak
$4334 = UseItem.Current
$4338 = UseItem.Party
$434e = UseItem.NoPokemon
$4355 = UseItem.Field
$4364 = TossMenu
$439c = TossMenu.finish
$439d = ResetPocketCursorPositions
$43aa = ResetPocketCursorPositions.balls
$43b2 = ResetPocketCursorPositions.items
$43ba = ResetPocketCursorPositions.key
$43c2 = RegisterItem
$43f6 = RegisterItem.cant_register
$43fd = GiveItem
$4427 = GiveItem.loop
$4453 = GiveItem.give
$4475 = GiveItem.finish
$4486 = GiveItem.NoPokemon
$448d = GiveItem.AnEggCantHoldAnItemText
$4492 = QuitItemSubmenu
$4493 = BattlePack
$449b = BattlePack.loop
$44ad = BattlePack.end
$44b9 = BattlePack.RunJumptable
$44c3 = BattlePack.Jumptable
$44d9 = BattlePack.InitGFX
$44e9 = BattlePack.InitItemsPocket
$44fa = BattlePack.ItemsPocketMenu
$4527 = BattlePack.InitKeyItemsPocket
$4539 = BattlePack.KeyItemsPocketMenu
$4566 = BattlePack.InitTMHMPocket
$4581 = BattlePack.TMHMPocketMenu
$4594 = BattlePack.InitBallsPocket
$45a6 = BattlePack.BallsPocketMenu
$45d3 = ItemSubmenu
$45dc = TMHMSubmenu
$45e7 = TMHMSubmenu.NoUse
$45ed = TMHMSubmenu.proceed
$4601 = TMHMSubmenu.UsableMenuHeader
$4609 = TMHMSubmenu.UsableMenuData
$4614 = TMHMSubmenu.UsableJumptable
$4618 = TMHMSubmenu.UnusableMenuHeader
$4620 = TMHMSubmenu.UnusableMenuData
$4627 = TMHMSubmenu.UnusableJumptable
$4629 = TMHMSubmenu.Use
$4637 = TMHMSubmenu.ItemFunctionJumptable
$4645 = TMHMSubmenu.Oak
$464c = TMHMSubmenu.Unused
$4656 = TMHMSubmenu.BattleField
$466c = TMHMSubmenu.ReturnToBattle
$4671 = TMHMSubmenu.BattleOnly
$467e = TMHMSubmenu.quit_run_script
$4684 = TMHMSubmenu.didnt_use_item
$4689 = TMHMSubmenu.Quit
$468a = InitPackBuffers
$46a5 = DepositSellInitPackBuffers
$46be = DepositSellPack
$46be = DepositSellPack.loop
$46c7 = DepositSellPack.RunJumptable
$46d1 = DepositSellPack.Jumptable
$46d9 = DepositSellPack.ItemsPocket
$46ff = DepositSellPack.KeyItemsPocket
$4726 = DepositSellPack.TMHMPocket
$473b = DepositSellPack.BallsPocket
$4762 = InitPocket
$476f = DepositSellTutorial_InterpretJoypad
$4788 = DepositSellTutorial_InterpretJoypad.a_button
$478f = DepositSellTutorial_InterpretJoypad.b_button
$4795 = DepositSellTutorial_InterpretJoypad.d_left
$47a8 = DepositSellTutorial_InterpretJoypad.d_right
$47bb = TutorialPack
$47ca = TutorialPack.loop
$47d7 = TutorialPack.RunJumptable
$47e1 = TutorialPack.dw
$47e9 = TutorialPack.Items
$47ef = TutorialPack.ItemsMenuHeader
$47f7 = TutorialPack.ItemsMenuData
$4807 = TutorialPack.KeyItems
$480e = TutorialPack.KeyItemsMenuHeader
$4816 = TutorialPack.KeyItemsMenuData
$4826 = TutorialPack.TMHM
$483b = TutorialPack.Balls
$4842 = TutorialPack.BallsMenuHeader
$484a = TutorialPack.BallsMenuData
$485a = TutorialPack.DisplayPocket
$4866 = Pack_JumptableNext
$486b = Pack_GetJumptablePointer
$4874 = Pack_QuitNoScript
$487e = Pack_QuitRunScript
$4889 = Pack_PrintTextNoScroll
$489a = WaitBGMap_DrawPackGFX
$489d = DrawPackGFX
$48b3 = DrawPackGFX.male_dude
$48c5 = DrawPackGFX.female
$48cc = PackGFXPointers
$48d4 = Pack_InterpretJoypad
$48f8 = Pack_InterpretJoypad.a_button
$48fa = Pack_InterpretJoypad.b_button
$4901 = Pack_InterpretJoypad.d_left
$4912 = Pack_InterpretJoypad.d_right
$4923 = Pack_InterpretJoypad.select
$4931 = Pack_InterpretJoypad.switching_item
$493d = Pack_InterpretJoypad.place_insert
$494f = Pack_InterpretJoypad.end_switch
$4955 = Pack_InitGFX
$498a = Pack_InitGFX.loop
$49a5 = PlacePackGFX
$49af = PlacePackGFX.row
$49b1 = PlacePackGFX.column
$49bb = DrawPocketName
$49d0 = DrawPocketName.row
$49d2 = DrawPocketName.col
$49e1 = DrawPocketName.tilemap
$4a1d = Pack_GetItemName
$4a2a = Pack_ClearTilemap
$4a36 = ClearPocketList
$4a40 = Pack_InitColors
$4a4f = ItemsPocketMenuHeader
$4a57 = ItemsPocketMenuHeader.MenuData
$4a67 = PC_Mart_ItemsPocketMenuHeader
$4a6f = PC_Mart_ItemsPocketMenuHeader.MenuData
$4a7f = KeyItemsPocketMenuHeader
$4a87 = KeyItemsPocketMenuHeader.MenuData
$4a97 = PC_Mart_KeyItemsPocketMenuHeader
$4a9f = PC_Mart_KeyItemsPocketMenuHeader.MenuData
$4aaf = BallsPocketMenuHeader
$4ab7 = BallsPocketMenuHeader.MenuData
$4ac7 = PC_Mart_BallsPocketMenuHeader
$4acf = PC_Mart_BallsPocketMenuHeader.MenuData
$4adf = PackNoItemText
$4ae4 = AskThrowAwayText
$4ae9 = AskQuantityThrowAwayText
$4aee = ThrewAwayText
$4af3 = OakThisIsntTheTimeText
$4af8 = YouDontHaveAMonText
$4afd = RegisteredItemText
$4b02 = CantRegisterText
$4b07 = AskItemMoveText
$4b0c = PackEmptyText
$4b11 = YouCantUseItInABattleText
$4b16 = PackMenuGFX
$5016 = PackGFX
$53d6 = _InitializeStartDay
$53da = ClearDailyTimers
$53e5 = InitCallReceiveDelay
$53e9 = NextCallReceiveDelay
$53f2 = NextCallReceiveDelay.okay
$540e = NextCallReceiveDelay.debug_ok
$5412 = NextCallReceiveDelay.ReceiveCallDelays
$5416 = CheckReceiveCallTimer
$5423 = CheckReceiveCallTimer.ok
$5428 = InitOneDayCountdown
$542a = InitNDaysCountdown
$5435 = CheckDayDependentEventHL
$5443 = RestartReceiveCallDelay
$5451 = CheckReceiveCallDelay
$5461 = RestartDailyResetTimer
$5467 = CheckDailyResetTimer
$5495 = CheckDailyResetTimer.RestartKenjiBreakCountdown
$5498 = CheckDailyResetTimer.DontRestartKenjiBreakCountdown
$549a = SampleKenjiBreakCountdown
$54a5 = StartBugContestTimer
$54b9 = CheckBugContestTimer
$54d7 = CheckBugContestTimer.okay
$54e9 = CheckBugContestTimer.timed_out
$54f2 = InitializeStartDay
$54fc = CheckPokerusTick
$550f = CheckPokerusTick.done
$5511 = SetUnusedTwoDayTimer
$5521 = CheckUnusedTwoDayTimer
$5531 = UnusedSetSwarmFlag
$5537 = UnusedCheckSwarmFlag
$5540 = RestartLuckyNumberCountdown
$5549 = RestartLuckyNumberCountdown.GetDaysUntilNextFriday
$5554 = RestartLuckyNumberCountdown.friday_saturday
$5556 = RestartLuckyNumberCountdown.earlier
$5557 = _CheckLuckyNumberShowFlag
$555d = DoMysteryGiftIfDayHasPassed
$5587 = DoMysteryGiftIfDayHasPassed.not_timed_out
$559b = UpdateTimeRemaining
$55a5 = UpdateTimeRemaining.ok
$55aa = UpdateTimeRemaining.set_carry
$55ae = GetSecondsSinceIfLessThan60
$55c3 = GetMinutesSinceIfLessThan60
$55d3 = GetHoursSinceIfLessThan24
$55dd = GetDaysSince
$55e1 = GetTimeElapsed_ExceedsUnitLimit
$55e4 = CalcDaysSince
$55e7 = CalcHoursDaysSince
$55eb = CalcMinsHoursDaysSince
$55f0 = CalcSecsMinsHoursDaysSince
$55fb = CalcSecsMinsHoursDaysSince.skip
$5600 = _CalcMinsHoursDaysSince
$5608 = _CalcMinsHoursDaysSince.skip
$560d = _CalcHoursDaysSince
$5615 = _CalcHoursDaysSince.skip
$561a = _CalcDaysSince
$5623 = _CalcDaysSince.skip
$5628 = CopyDayHourMinSecToHL
$5636 = CopyDayToHL
$563b = CopyDayHourToHL
$5643 = CopyDayHourMinToHL
$564e = CanLearnTMHMMove
$5664 = CanLearnTMHMMove.loop
$566e = CanLearnTMHMMove.found
$567b = CanLearnTMHMMove.end
$567f = GetTMHMMove
$568f = TMHMMoves
$56cc = _NamingScreen
$56d6 = NamingScreen
$56fa = NamingScreen.loop
$570d = NamingScreen.SetUpNamingScreen
$5732 = NamingScreen.GetNamingScreenSetup
$5743 = NamingScreen.Jumptable
$5753 = NamingScreen.Pokemon
$578d = NamingScreen.place_gender
$5791 = NamingScreen.genderless
$5795 = NamingScreen.NicknameStrings
$57a2 = NamingScreen.Player
$57b8 = NamingScreen.PlayerNameString
$57c3 = NamingScreen.Rival
$57d8 = NamingScreen.RivalNameString
$57e6 = NamingScreen.Mom
$57fb = NamingScreen.MomNameString
$580a = NamingScreen.Box
$5837 = NamingScreen.BoxNameString
$5841 = NamingScreen.Tomodachi
$584e = NamingScreen.oTomodachi_no_namae_sutoringu
$585c = NamingScreen.LoadSprite
$5888 = NamingScreen.not_kris
$5890 = NamingScreen.StoreMonIconParams
$5897 = NamingScreen.StoreSpriteIconParams
$589e = NamingScreen.StoreBoxIconParams
$58a5 = NamingScreen.StoreParams
$58b1 = NamingScreen_IsTargetBox
$58bd = NamingScreen_InitText
$58d9 = NamingScreen_InitText.not_box
$58df = NamingScreen_ApplyTextInputMode
$58ea = NamingScreen_ApplyTextInputMode.not_box
$58fc = NamingScreen_ApplyTextInputMode.not_box_2
$5918 = NamingScreen_ApplyTextInputMode.row
$591a = NamingScreen_ApplyTextInputMode.col
$592a = NamingScreenJoypadLoop
$5945 = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.quit
$5955 = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.UpdateStringEntry
$5963 = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.got_coords
$597d = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.RunJumptable
$598c = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.Jumptable
$5990 = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.InitCursor
$599a = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.got_cursor_position
$59b6 = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.ReadButtons
$59ce = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.a
$59e4 = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.start
$59fc = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.b
$5a00 = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.end
$5a09 = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.select
$5a19 = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.upper
$5a20 = NamingScreenJoypadLoop.GetCursorPosition
$5a26 = NamingScreen_GetCursorPosition
$5a34 = NamingScreen_GetCursorPosition.not_box
$5a48 = NamingScreen_GetCursorPosition.case_switch
$5a4b = NamingScreen_GetCursorPosition.delete
$5a4e = NamingScreen_GetCursorPosition.not_bottom_row
$5a50 = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor
$5a68 = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.ok
$5a75 = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.ok2
$5a8e = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.LetterEntries
$5a97 = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.CaseDelEnd
$5aa0 = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.GetDPad
$5ab8 = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.right
$5ac9 = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.wrap_left
$5acc = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.target_right
$5ad1 = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.no_wrap_target_left
$5ada = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.left
$5aea = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.wrap_right
$5aed = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.target_left
$5af3 = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.no_wrap_target_right
$5afe = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.down
$5b0e = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.not_box
$5b14 = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.wrap_up
$5b17 = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.up
$5b21 = NamingScreen_AnimateCursor.wrap_down
$5b29 = NamingScreen_TryAddCharacter
$5b2c = MailComposition_TryAddCharacter
$5b38 = NamingScreen_LoadNextCharacter
$5b3c = NamingScreen_AdvanceCursor_CheckEndOfString
$5b4c = NamingScreen_AdvanceCursor_CheckEndOfString.end_of_string
$5b4e = AddDakutenToCharacter
$5b5d = AddDakutenToCharacter.loop
$5b68 = AddDakutenToCharacter.done
$5b6b = Dakutens
$5bbc = Handakutens
$5bd1 = NamingScreen_DeleteCharacter
$5be5 = NamingScreen_GetTextCursorPosition
$5bf5 = NamingScreen_InitNameEntry
$5c05 = NamingScreen_InitNameEntry.loop
$5c0c = NamingScreen_StoreEntry
$5c16 = NamingScreen_StoreEntry.loop
$5c1f = NamingScreen_StoreEntry.terminator
$5c21 = NamingScreen_StoreEntry.not_terminator
$5c26 = NamingScreen_GetLastCharacter
$5c58 = NamingScreen_GetLastCharacter.loop
$5c60 = NamingScreen_GetLastCharacter.done
$5c66 = LoadNamingScreenGFX
$5ccc = NamingScreenGFX_Border
$5cdc = NamingScreenGFX_Cursor
$5cfc = NameInputLower
$5d51 = BoxNameInputLower
$5db7 = NameInputUpper
$5e0c = BoxNameInputUpper
$5e72 = NamingScreenGFX_End
$5e7a = NamingScreenGFX_MiddleLine
$5e82 = NamingScreenGFX_UnderLine
$5e8a = _ComposeMailMessage
$5ea3 = _ComposeMailMessage.loop
$5eaf = _ComposeMailMessage.InitBlankMail
$5f09 = _ComposeMailMessage.MailIcon
$5f89 = _ComposeMailMessage.initwNamingScreenMaxNameLength
$5f8f = _ComposeMailMessage.PleaseWriteAMailString
$5f99 = _ComposeMailMessage.InitCharset
$5fbe = _ComposeMailMessage.PlaceMailCharset
$5fc3 = _ComposeMailMessage.next
$5fc5 = _ComposeMailMessage.loop_
$5fd5 = _ComposeMailMessage.DoMailEntry
$5ff0 = _ComposeMailMessage.exit_mail
$6000 = _ComposeMailMessage.Update
$601d = _ComposeMailMessage.DoJumptable
$602c = _ComposeMailMessage.Jumptable
$6030 = _ComposeMailMessage.init_blinking_cursor
$604f = _ComposeMailMessage.process_joypad
$6067 = _ComposeMailMessage.a
$608f = _ComposeMailMessage.start
$60a2 = _ComposeMailMessage.b
$60b6 = _ComposeMailMessage.finished
$60bf = _ComposeMailMessage.select
$60cf = _ComposeMailMessage.switch_to_lowercase
$60d6 = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor
$60f4 = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.got_pointer
$610d = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.LetterEntries
$6117 = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.CaseDelEnd
$6121 = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.GetDPad
$6139 = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.right
$614a = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.wrap_around_letter_right
$614d = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.case_del_done_right
$6152 = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.wrap_around_command_right
$615b = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.left
$616b = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.wrap_around_letter_left
$616e = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.caps_del_done_left
$6174 = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.wrap_around_command_left
$617f = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.down
$618a = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.wrap_around_down
$618d = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.up
$6197 = ComposeMail_AnimateCursor.wrap_around_up
$619a = NamingScreen_PressedA_GetCursorCommand
$61a0 = ComposeMail_GetCursorPosition
$61b9 = ComposeMail_GetCursorPosition.case
$61bc = ComposeMail_GetCursorPosition.del
$61bf = ComposeMail_GetCursorPosition.letter
$61c1 = MailComposition_TryAddLastCharacter
$61c7 = MailComposition_TryAddLastCharacter.add_dakuten
$61d8 = MailComposition_TryAddLastCharacter.one_back
$61dd = MailComposition_TryAddLastCharacter.continue
$61e2 = MailComposition_TryAddLastCharacter.loop
$61ee = MailComposition_TryAddLastCharacter.done
$61f2 = MailEntry_Uppercase
$6264 = MailEntry_Lowercase
$62d6 = Script_AbortBugContest
$62e2 = Script_AbortBugContest.finish
$62e3 = FindItemInBallScript
$62f8 = FindItemInBallScript.no_room
$6303 = FindItemInBallScript.FoundItemText
$6308 = FindItemInBallScript.CantCarryItemText
$630d = FindItemInBallScript.TryReceiveItem
$6339 = HealMachineAnim
$6353 = HealMachineAnim.DoJumptableFunctions
$6357 = HealMachineAnim.jumptable_loop
$6379 = HealMachineAnim.finish
$637a = HealMachineAnim.Pointers
$6380 = HealMachineAnim.Pokecenter
$6384 = HealMachineAnim.ElmsLab
$6388 = HealMachineAnim.HallOfFame
$638c = HealMachineAnim.Jumptable
$6398 = HealMachineAnim.LoadGFX
$63a8 = HealMachineAnim.PC_LoadBallsOntoMachine
$63b6 = HealMachineAnim.HOF_LoadBallsOntoMachine
$63bc = HealMachineAnim.LoadBallsOntoMachine
$63c0 = HealMachineAnim.party_loop
$63d4 = HealMachineAnim.PlayHealMusic
$63dd = HealMachineAnim.HOF_PlaySFX
$63f0 = HealMachineAnim.dummy_5
$63f1 = HealMachineAnim.PC_ElmsLab_OAM
$6411 = HealMachineAnim.HealMachineGFX
$6431 = HealMachineAnim.HOF_OAM
$6449 = HealMachineAnim.LoadPalettes
$6453 = HealMachineAnim.cgb
$6466 = HealMachineAnim.palettes
$646e = HealMachineAnim.FlashPalettes8Times
$6470 = HealMachineAnim.palette_loop
$647e = HealMachineAnim.FlashPalettes
$648a = HealMachineAnim.go
$649b = HealMachineAnim.palette_loop_2
$64b8 = HealMachineAnim.PlaceHealingMachineTile
$64c6 = HealMachineAnim.okay
$64d6 = Script_BattleWhiteout
$64dd = OverworldWhiteoutScript
$64e3 = Script_Whiteout
$6507 = Script_Whiteout.bug_contest
$650a = Script_Whiteout.WhitedOutText
$650f = OverworldBGMap
$651f = BattleBGMap
$6528 = HalveMoney
$653c = GetWhiteoutSpawn
$654e = GetWhiteoutSpawn.yes
$6552 = Script_ForcedMovement
$6565 = Script_ForcedMovement.up
$656a = Script_ForcedMovement.down
$656f = Script_ForcedMovement.right
$6574 = Script_ForcedMovement.left
$6579 = Script_ForcedMovement.MovementData_up
$6580 = Script_ForcedMovement.MovementData_down
$6587 = Script_ForcedMovement.MovementData_right
$658e = Script_ForcedMovement.MovementData_left
$6595 = ItemFinder
$65a2 = ItemFinder.found_something
$65a5 = ItemFinder.resume
$65ae = ItemFinder.ItemfinderSound
$65b0 = ItemFinder.sfx_loop
$65c2 = ItemFinder.Script_FoundSomething
$65cf = ItemFinder.Script_FoundNothing
$65d8 = ItemFinder.ItemfinderItemNearbyText
$65dd = ItemFinder.ItemfinderNopeText
$65e2 = StartMenu
$65fe = StartMenu.GotMenuData
$6627 = StartMenu.Reopen
$6636 = StartMenu.Select
$6659 = StartMenu.MenuReturns
$6667 = StartMenu.Exit
$6674 = StartMenu.ReturnEnd
$6677 = StartMenu.ReturnEnd2
$667e = StartMenu.GetInput
$668c = StartMenu.loop
$669f = StartMenu.a
$66a4 = StartMenu.b
$66a6 = StartMenu.ExitMenuRunScript
$66ae = StartMenu.ExitMenuRunScriptCloseText
$66b7 = StartMenu.ExitMenuCallFuncCloseText
$66c6 = StartMenu.ReturnRedraw
$66cc = StartMenu.Clear
$66e8 = StartMenu.MenuHeader
$66f0 = StartMenu.ContestMenuHeader
$66f8 = StartMenu.MenuData
$6700 = StartMenu.Items
$6736 = StartMenu.PokedexString
$673b = StartMenu.PartyString
$6740 = StartMenu.PackString
$6745 = StartMenu.StatusString
$6747 = StartMenu.SaveString
$674c = StartMenu.OptionString
$6753 = StartMenu.ExitString
$6758 = StartMenu.PokegearString
$675e = StartMenu.QuitString
$6763 = StartMenu.PokedexDesc
$6771 = StartMenu.PartyDesc
$6780 = StartMenu.PackDesc
$678f = StartMenu.PokegearDesc
$67a3 = StartMenu.StatusDesc
$67b3 = StartMenu.SaveDesc
$67c6 = StartMenu.OptionDesc
$67d6 = StartMenu.ExitDesc
$67e6 = StartMenu.QuitDesc
$67fa = StartMenu.OpenMenu
$6804 = StartMenu.MenuString
$6815 = StartMenu.MenuDesc
$682c = StartMenu.none
$682e = StartMenu.GetMenuAccountTextPointer
$683e = StartMenu.SetUpMenuItems
$6851 = StartMenu.no_pokedex
$685c = StartMenu.no_pokemon
$686e = StartMenu.no_pack
$687a = StartMenu.no_pokegear
$6890 = StartMenu.write
$6893 = StartMenu.no_save
$68a2 = StartMenu.FillMenuList
$68b5 = StartMenu.AppendMenuList
$68b9 = StartMenu.DrawMenuAccount
$68bc = StartMenu.PrintMenuAccount
$68c9 = StartMenu._DrawMenuAccount
$68e0 = StartMenu.IsMenuAccountOn
$68e6 = StartMenu.DrawBugContestStatusBox
$68f3 = StartMenu.DrawBugContestStatus
$68fb = StartMenu.contest
$6902 = StartMenu_Exit
$6905 = StartMenu_Quit
$6918 = StartMenu_Quit.DontEndContest
$691b = StartMenu_Quit.StartMenuContestEndText
$6920 = StartMenu_Save
$692e = StartMenu_Save.saved
$6931 = StartMenu_Option
$693d = StartMenu_Status
$694c = StartMenu_Pokedex
$695e = StartMenu_Pokedex.empty
$6961 = StartMenu_Pokegear
$6970 = StartMenu_Pack
$6985 = StartMenu_Pack.used_item
$698b = StartMenu_Pokemon
$6994 = StartMenu_Pokemon.choosemenu
$699b = StartMenu_Pokemon.menu
$69ad = StartMenu_Pokemon.menunoreload
$69dd = StartMenu_Pokemon.return
$69e3 = StartMenu_Pokemon.quit
$69ea = HasNoItems
$69fe = HasNoItems.loop
$6a07 = HasNoItems.done
$6a09 = TossItemFromPC
$6a54 = TossItemFromPC.key_item
$6a57 = TossItemFromPC.quit
$6a5a = TossItemFromPC.ItemsTossOutHowManyText
$6a5f = TossItemFromPC.ItemsThrowAwayText
$6a64 = TossItemFromPC.ItemsDiscardedText
$6a69 = TossItemFromPC.CantToss
$6a70 = TossItemFromPC.ItemsTooImportantText
$6a75 = CantUseItem
$6a7c = ItemsOakWarningText
$6a81 = PartyMonItemName
$6a8e = CancelPokemonAction
$6a9d = PokemonActionSubmenu
$6ac2 = PokemonActionSubmenu.nothing
$6ac5 = PokemonActionSubmenu.Actions
$6b01 = SwitchPartyMons
$6b6d = SwitchPartyMons.DontSwitch
$6b75 = GiveTakePartyMonItem
$6bb5 = GiveTakePartyMonItem.take
$6bbb = GiveTakePartyMonItem.cancel
$6bbe = GiveTakePartyMonItem.GiveItem
$6bc4 = GiveTakePartyMonItem.loop
$6be5 = GiveTakePartyMonItem.next
$6bed = GiveTakePartyMonItem.quit
$6bee = TryGiveItemToPartymon
$6c09 = TryGiveItemToPartymon.give_item_to_mon
$6c16 = TryGiveItemToPartymon.please_remove_mail
$6c1d = TryGiveItemToPartymon.already_holding_item
$6c51 = TryGiveItemToPartymon.bag_full
$6c60 = TryGiveItemToPartymon.abort
$6c61 = GivePartyItem
$6c74 = GivePartyItem.done
$6c75 = TakePartyItem
$6ca1 = TakePartyItem.not_holding_item
$6ca9 = TakePartyItem.item_storage_full
$6caf = TakePartyItem.done
$6cb0 = GiveTakeItemMenuData
$6cb8 = GiveTakeItemMenuData.Items
$6cc4 = PokemonSwapItemText
$6cc9 = PokemonHoldItemText
$6cce = PokemonRemoveMailText
$6cd3 = PokemonNotHoldingText
$6cd8 = ItemStorageFullText
$6cdd = PokemonTookItemText
$6ce2 = PokemonAskSwapItemText
$6ce7 = ItemCantHeldText
$6cec = GetPartyItemLocation
$6cf4 = ReceiveItemFromPokemon
$6cff = GiveItemToPokemon
$6d0a = StartMenuYesNo
$6d13 = ComposeMailMessage
$6d5a = MonMailAction
$6d82 = MonMailAction.read
$6d8b = MonMailAction.take
$6da7 = MonMailAction.MailboxFull
$6daf = MonMailAction.RemoveMailToBag
$6dd3 = MonMailAction.BagIsFull
$6ddb = MonMailAction.done
$6dde = MonMailAction.MenuHeader
$6de6 = MonMailAction.MenuData
$6df7 = MonMailAction.MailLoseMessageText
$6dfc = MonMailAction.MailDetachedText
$6e01 = MonMailAction.MailNoSpaceText
$6e06 = MonMailAction.MailAskSendToPCText
$6e0b = MonMailAction.MailboxFullText
$6e10 = MonMailAction.MailSentToPCText
$6e15 = OpenPartyStats
$6e30 = MonMenu_Cut
$6e42 = MonMenu_Cut.Fail
$6e45 = MonMenu_Fly
$6e61 = MonMenu_Fly.Fail
$6e64 = MonMenu_Fly.Error
$6e67 = MonMenu_Fly.NoReload
$6e6a = MonMenu_Flash
$6e7c = MonMenu_Flash.Fail
$6e7f = MonMenu_Strength
$6e91 = MonMenu_Strength.Fail
$6e94 = MonMenu_Whirlpool
$6ea6 = MonMenu_Whirlpool.Fail
$6ea9 = MonMenu_Waterfall
$6ebb = MonMenu_Waterfall.Fail
$6ebe = MonMenu_Teleport
$6ecf = MonMenu_Teleport.Fail
$6ed2 = MonMenu_Surf
$6ee3 = MonMenu_Surf.Fail
$6ee6 = MonMenu_Dig
$6ef8 = MonMenu_Dig.Fail
$6efb = MonMenu_Softboiled_MilkDrink
$6f08 = MonMenu_Softboiled_MilkDrink.NotEnoughHP
$6f0e = MonMenu_Softboiled_MilkDrink.finish
$6f15 = MonMenu_Softboiled_MilkDrink.PokemonNotEnoughHPText
$6f1a = MonMenu_Softboiled_MilkDrink.CheckMonHasEnoughHP
$6f3b = MonMenu_Headbutt
$6f4d = MonMenu_Headbutt.Fail
$6f50 = MonMenu_RockSmash
$6f62 = MonMenu_RockSmash.Fail
$6f65 = MonMenu_SweetScent
$6f70 = ChooseMoveToDelete
$6f88 = ChooseMoveToDelete.ChooseMoveToDelete
$6f9b = ChooseMoveToDelete.loop
$6fa8 = ChooseMoveToDelete.enter_loop
$6fb1 = ChooseMoveToDelete.a_button
$6fb4 = ChooseMoveToDelete.b_button
$6fb5 = ChooseMoveToDelete.finish
$6fc7 = DeleteMoveScreen2DMenuData
$6fcf = ManagePokemonMoves
$6fe7 = ManagePokemonMoves.egg
$6fea = MoveScreenLoop
$6ffd = MoveScreenLoop.loop
$7007 = MoveScreenLoop.joy_loop
$701e = MoveScreenLoop.skip_joy
$702d = MoveScreenLoop.moving_move
$704d = MoveScreenLoop.b_button
$7070 = MoveScreenLoop.d_right
$708a = MoveScreenLoop.d_left
$70a4 = MoveScreenLoop.cycle_right
$70bc = MoveScreenLoop.cycle_left
$70c1 = MoveScreenLoop.cycle_left_loop
$70db = MoveScreenLoop.a_button
$70f3 = MoveScreenLoop.place_move
$7128 = MoveScreenLoop.swap_moves
$714f = MoveScreenLoop.copy_move
$7169 = MoveScreenLoop.exit
$7178 = MoveScreen2DMenuData
$7180 = String_MoveWhere
$7187 = SetUpMoveScreenBG
$7204 = SetUpMoveList
$724a = PrepareToPlaceMoveData
$726b = PlaceMoveData
$72bc = PlaceMoveData.no_power
$72c2 = PlaceMoveData.description
$72cf = String_MoveType_Top
$72d7 = String_MoveType_Bottom
$72df = String_MoveAtk
$72e4 = String_MoveNoPower
$72e8 = PlaceMoveScreenArrows
$72ef = PlaceMoveScreenLeftArrow
$72fc = PlaceMoveScreenLeftArrow.loop
$7308 = PlaceMoveScreenLeftArrow.prev
$730d = PlaceMoveScreenLeftArrow.legal
$7313 = PlaceMoveScreenRightArrow
$7324 = PlaceMoveScreenRightArrow.loop
$7333 = PlaceMoveScreenRightArrow.next
$7336 = PlaceMoveScreenRightArrow.legal
$733c = SelectMenu
$7344 = SelectMenu.NotRegistered
$7355 = MayRegisterItemText
$735a = CheckRegisteredItem
$7369 = CheckRegisteredItem.Pockets
$7371 = CheckRegisteredItem.CheckItem
$7386 = CheckRegisteredItem.CheckKeyItem
$739c = CheckRegisteredItem.CheckBall
$73b0 = CheckRegisteredItem.CheckTMHM
$73b2 = CheckRegisteredItem.NoRegisteredItem
$73bb = CheckRegisteredItem.CheckRegisteredNo
$73c9 = CheckRegisteredItem.NotEnoughItems
$73cb = CheckRegisteredItem.IsSameItem
$73d6 = CheckRegisteredItem.NotSameItem
$73d8 = UseRegisteredItem
$73e6 = UseRegisteredItem.SwitchTo
$73f4 = UseRegisteredItem.NoFunction
$73ff = UseRegisteredItem.Current
$740a = UseRegisteredItem.Party
$741b = UseRegisteredItem.Overworld
$7437 = UseRegisteredItem.CantUse
$743a = UseRegisteredItem._cantuse
$7442 = Elevator
$745d = Elevator.quit
$745f = Elevator.LoadPointer
$746f = Elevator.LoadFloors
$7484 = Elevator.loop
$7492 = Elevator.FindCurrentFloor
$74aa = Elevator.loop2
$74cc = Elevator.next1
$74cd = Elevator.next2
$74d0 = Elevator.done
$74d3 = Elevator.fail
$74d5 = Elevator_GoToFloor
$74f2 = Elevator_AskWhichFloor
$7520 = Elevator_AskWhichFloor.cancel
$7522 = AskFloorElevatorText
$7527 = Elevator_GetCurrentFloorText
$754c = Elevator_CurrentFloorText
$7554 = Elevator_GetCurrentFloorString
$7565 = Elevator_MenuHeader
$756d = Elevator_MenuData
$757d = GetElevatorFloorStrings
$7580 = GetFloorString
$758a = FloorToString
$7598 = ElevatorFloorNames
$75b8 = ElevatorFloorNames.B4F
$75bc = ElevatorFloorNames.B3F
$75c0 = ElevatorFloorNames.B2F
$75c4 = ElevatorFloorNames.B1F
$75c8 = ElevatorFloorNames._1F
$75cb = ElevatorFloorNames._2F
$75ce = ElevatorFloorNames._3F
$75d1 = ElevatorFloorNames._4F
$75d4 = ElevatorFloorNames._5F
$75d7 = ElevatorFloorNames._6F
$75da = ElevatorFloorNames._7F
$75dd = ElevatorFloorNames._8F
$75e0 = ElevatorFloorNames._9F
$75e3 = ElevatorFloorNames._10F
$75e7 = ElevatorFloorNames._11F
$75eb = ElevatorFloorNames.ROOF
$75f0 = GiveParkBalls
$7600 = BugCatchingContestBattleScript
$760d = BugCatchingContestOverScript
$7618 = BugCatchingContestOutOfBallsScript
$7620 = BugCatchingContestReturnToGateScript
$7624 = BugCatchingContestTimeUpText
$7629 = BugCatchingContestIsOverText
$762e = RepelWoreOffScript
$7635 = RepelWoreOffScript.RepelWoreOffText
$763a = HiddenItemScript
$7653 = HiddenItemScript.bag_full
$7658 = HiddenItemScript.finish
$765a = HiddenItemScript.PlayerFoundItemText
$765f = HiddenItemScript.ButNoSpaceText
$7664 = SetMemEvent
$7670 = CheckFacingTileForStdScript
$7694 = CheckFacingTileForStdScript.notintable
$7696 = TileCollisionStdScripts
$76af = Script_JumpStdFromRAM
$76b2 = _BugContestJudging
$7700 = ContestJudging_FirstPlaceText
$7712 = ContestJudging_FirstPlaceScoreText
$7717 = ContestJudging_SecondPlaceText
$7729 = ContestJudging_SecondPlaceScoreText
$772e = ContestJudging_ThirdPlaceText
$7740 = ContestJudging_ThirdPlaceScoreText
$7745 = LoadContestantName
$776c = LoadContestantName.next
$778c = LoadContestantName.player
$7798 = BugContestantPointers
$77ae = BugContestant_BugCatcherDon
$77b9 = BugContestant_BugCatcherEd
$77c4 = BugContestant_CooltrainerMNick
$77cf = BugContestant_PokefanMWilliam
$77da = BugContestant_BugCatcherBenny
$77e5 = BugContestant_CamperBarry
$77f0 = BugContestant_PicnickerCindy
$77fb = BugContestant_BugCatcherJosh
$7806 = BugContestant_YoungsterSamuel
$7811 = BugContestant_SchoolboyKipp
$781c = BugContest_GetPlayersResult
$7824 = BugContest_GetPlayersResult.loop
$782d = BugContest_GetPlayersResult.done
$782e = BugContest_JudgeContestants
$7848 = ClearContestResults
$784e = ClearContestResults.loop
$7853 = DetermineContestWinners
$7880 = DetermineContestWinners.not_first_place
$78a1 = DetermineContestWinners.not_second_place
$78b4 = DetermineContestWinners.done
$78b5 = CopyTempContestant
$78c5 = ComputeAIContestantScores
$78c7 = ComputeAIContestantScores.loop
$78e2 = ComputeAIContestantScores.loop2
$790e = ComputeAIContestantScores.done
$7915 = ContestScore
$7993 = ContestScore.done
$7994 = ContestScore.AddContestStat
$799d = ApplyPokerusTick
$79a6 = ApplyPokerusTick.loop
$79af = ApplyPokerusTick.ok
$79b5 = ApplyPokerusTick.next
$79bd = SelectRandomBugContestContestants
$79c2 = SelectRandomBugContestContestants.loop1
$79d5 = SelectRandomBugContestContestants.loop2
$79d6 = SelectRandomBugContestContestants.next
$7a02 = CheckBugContestContestantFlag
$7a13 = BugCatchingContestantEventFlagTable
$7a27 = ContestDropOffMons
$7a40 = ContestDropOffMons.fainted
$7a46 = ContestReturnMons
$7a4f = ContestReturnMons.loop
$7a57 = ContestReturnMons.done
$7a5c = CorrectPartyErrors
$7a69 = CorrectPartyErrors.party_length_okay
$7a6d = CorrectPartyErrors.loop1
$7a79 = CorrectPartyErrors.invalid_species
$7a88 = CorrectPartyErrors.next_species
$7a98 = CorrectPartyErrors.loop2
$7aa4 = CorrectPartyErrors.invalid_species_2
$7ab1 = CorrectPartyErrors.check_level
$7ac9 = CorrectPartyErrors.invalid_level
$7aca = CorrectPartyErrors.load_level
$7af1 = CorrectPartyErrors.loop3
$7b1b = CorrectPartyErrors.got_nickname
$7b23 = CorrectPartyErrors.valid_nickname
$7b30 = CorrectPartyErrors.loop4
$7b49 = CorrectPartyErrors.valid_ot_name
$7b55 = CorrectPartyErrors.loop5
$7b60 = CorrectPartyErrors.invalid_move
$7b62 = CorrectPartyErrors.moves_loop
$7b6a = CorrectPartyErrors.fill_invalid_moves
$7b71 = CorrectPartyErrors.next_move
$7b75 = CorrectPartyErrors.next_pokemon
$7b80 = CorrectPartyErrors.TAMAGO
$7b86 = CorrectPartyErrors.GetLengthOfStringWith6CharCap
$7b8b = CorrectPartyErrors.search_loop
$7b9a = CorrectPartyErrors.done
$7b9c = GetSquareRoot
$7ba1 = GetSquareRoot.loop
$7bad = GetSquareRoot.Squares
EMPTY: $7dab-$7fff ($0255 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0255 bytes
ROMX bank #5:
SECTION: $4000-$74b9 ($34ba bytes) ["bank5"]
$4000 = StopRTC
$4019 = StartRTC
$4032 = GetTimeOfDay
$4037 = GetTimeOfDay.check
$403e = GetTimeOfDay.match
$4044 = TimesOfDay
$404e = BetaTimesOfDay
$4056 = StageRTCTimeForSave
$406a = SaveRTC
$4089 = StartClock
$4097 = StartClock.skip_set
$409b = _FixDays
$40a8 = _FixDays.set_bit_7
$40ae = ClockContinue
$40c8 = ClockContinue.time_overflow
$40eb = ClockContinue.dont_update
$40ed = _InitTime
$4102 = _InitTime.okay_secs
$410d = _InitTime.okay_mins
$4118 = _InitTime.okay_hrs
$4128 = _InitTime.okay_days
$412a = GetEmote2bpp
$4135 = _UpdatePlayerSprite
$4146 = _RefreshSprites
$4157 = _ClearSprites
$4168 = RefreshSprites
$416f = RefreshSprites.Refresh
$4183 = GetPlayerSprite
$4197 = GetPlayerSprite.go
$419b = GetPlayerSprite.loop
$41ac = GetPlayerSprite.good
$41ad = GetPlayerSprite.finish
$41b7 = ChrisStateSprites
$41c0 = KrisStateSprites
$41c9 = AddMapSprites
$41d5 = AddMapSprites.outdoor
$41d9 = AddIndoorSprites
$41de = AddIndoorSprites.loop
$41ee = AddOutdoorSprites
$41ff = AddOutdoorSprites.loop
$4209 = LoadUsedSpritesGFX
$4215 = LoadMiscTiles
$422f = LoadMiscTiles.outdoor
$4236 = SafeGetSprite
$423c = GetSprite
$4259 = GetMonSprite
$426b = GetMonSprite.Normal
$426d = GetMonSprite.Icon
$4279 = GetMonSprite.BreedMon1
$427e = GetMonSprite.BreedMon2
$4281 = GetMonSprite.Mon
$4291 = GetMonSprite.Variable
$429f = GetMonSprite.NoBreedmon
$42a7 = _DoesSpriteHaveFacings
$42c2 = _DoesSpriteHaveFacings.only_down
$42c4 = _GetSpritePalette
$42d8 = _GetSpritePalette.is_pokemon
$42db = LoadAndSortSprites
$42e5 = AddSpriteGFX
$42ed = AddSpriteGFX.loop
$42fd = AddSpriteGFX.exists
$4301 = AddSpriteGFX.new
$4306 = LoadSpriteGFX
$430b = LoadSpriteGFX.loop
$4318 = LoadSpriteGFX.done
$4319 = LoadSpriteGFX.LoadSprite
$431e = SortUsedSprites
$4323 = SortUsedSprites.FindLastSprite
$432c = SortUsedSprites.FoundLastSprite
$4333 = SortUsedSprites.CheckSprite
$4336 = SortUsedSprites.CheckFollowing
$4347 = SortUsedSprites.loop
$4354 = SortUsedSprites.quit
$4355 = ArrangeUsedSprites
$435c = ArrangeUsedSprites.FirstTableLength
$436b = ArrangeUsedSprites.loop
$4371 = ArrangeUsedSprites.SecondTable
$4374 = ArrangeUsedSprites.SecondTableLength
$4385 = ArrangeUsedSprites.quit
$4386 = GetSpriteLength
$4395 = GetSpriteLength.AnyDirection
$4398 = GetSpriteLength.OneDirection
$439b = GetUsedSprites
$43a0 = GetUsedSprites.loop
$43bd = GetUsedSprites.dont_set
$43c7 = GetUsedSprites.done
$43c8 = GetUsedSprite
$43df = GetUsedSprite.skip
$4405 = GetUsedSprite.done
$4406 = GetUsedSprite.GetTileAddr
$4418 = GetUsedSprite.CopyToVram
$4426 = GetUsedSprite.bankswitch
$442f = LoadEmote
$444d = Emotes
$4495 = SpriteMons
$44b8 = OutdoorSprites
$44ec = PalletGroupSprites
$4503 = ViridianGroupSprites
$451a = PewterGroupSprites
$4531 = CinnabarGroupSprites
$4548 = CeruleanGroupSprites
$455f = SaffronGroupSprites
$4576 = CeladonGroupSprites
$458d = LavenderGroupSprites
$45a4 = VermilionGroupSprites
$45bb = FuchsiaGroupSprites
$45d2 = IndigoGroupSprites
$45e9 = NewBarkGroupSprites
$4600 = CherrygroveGroupSprites
$4617 = SilverGroupSprites
$462e = VioletGroupSprites
$4645 = EcruteakGroupSprites
$465c = AzaleaGroupSprites
$4673 = GoldenrodGroupSprites
$468a = CianwoodGroupSprites
$46a1 = OlivineGroupSprites
$46b8 = LakeOfRageGroupSprites
$46cf = MahoganyGroupSprites
$46e6 = BlackthornGroupSprites
$46fd = DungeonsGroupSprites
$4714 = FastShipGroupSprites
$472b = CableClubGroupSprites
$4736 = OverworldSprites
$499a = CheckWarpCollision
$49ad = CheckWarpCollision.warp
$49af = CheckDirectionalWarp
$49c4 = CheckDirectionalWarp.directional
$49c6 = CheckWarpFacingDown
$49d3 = CheckWarpFacingDown.blocks
$49dd = CheckGrassCollision
$49ea = CheckGrassCollision.blocks
$49f5 = CheckCutCollision
$4a00 = CheckCutCollision.blocks
$4a07 = GetWarpSFX
$4a1a = SaveMenu
$4a4a = SaveMenu.refused
$4a58 = SaveAfterLinkTrade
$4a83 = ChangeBoxSaveGame
$4ab0 = ChangeBoxSaveGame.refused
$4ab2 = Link_SaveGame
$4ac1 = Link_SaveGame.refused
$4ac2 = MoveMonWOMail_SaveGame
$4ad5 = MoveMonWOMail_InsertMon_SaveGame
$4b34 = StartMoveMonWOMail_SaveGame
$4b52 = StartMoveMonWOMail_SaveGame.refused
$4b54 = PauseGameLogic
$4b5a = ResumeGameLogic
$4b5f = AddHallOfFameEntry
$4b6d = AddHallOfFameEntry.loop
$4b85 = SaveGameData
$4b89 = AskOverwriteSaveFile
$4b9e = AskOverwriteSaveFile.yoursavefile
$4ba8 = AskOverwriteSaveFile.erase
$4bab = AskOverwriteSaveFile.ok
$4bad = AskOverwriteSaveFile.refused
$4baf = SaveTheGame_yesorno
$4bcb = CompareLoadedAndSavedPlayerID
$4be3 = _SavingDontTurnOffThePower
$4be6 = SavedTheGame
$4c10 = _SaveGameData
$4c67 = _SaveGameData.ok
$4c6b = UpdateStackTop
$4c84 = UpdateStackTop.update
$4c8c = UpdateStackTop.done
$4c90 = FindStackTop
$4c93 = FindStackTop.loop
$4c99 = SavingDontTurnOffThePower
$4cbb = ErasePreviousSave
$4ce2 = EraseLinkBattleStats
$4cf4 = EraseMysteryGift
$4d06 = EraseHallOfFame
$4d18 = InitDefaultEZChatMsgs
$4d2c = InitDefaultEZChatMsgs.Data
$4d5c = EraseBattleTowerStatus
$4d68 = SaveData
$4d6c = Function14d6c
$4d7b = Function14d6c.ok
$4d83 = Function14d83
$4d93 = DisableMobileStadium
$4da0 = HallOfFame_InitSaveIfNeeded
$4da9 = ValidateSave
$4dbb = SaveOptions
$4dd7 = SavePlayerData
$4df7 = SavePokemonData
$4e0c = SaveBox
$4e13 = SaveChecksum
$4e2d = ValidateBackupSave
$4e40 = SaveBackupOptions
$4e55 = SaveBackupPlayerData
$4e76 = SaveBackupPokemonData
$4e8b = SaveBackupChecksum
$4ea5 = TryLoadSaveFile
$4ed6 = TryLoadSaveFile.backup
$4f07 = TryLoadSaveFile.corrupt
$4f1c = TryLoadSaveData
$4f46 = TryLoadSaveData.backup
$4f6c = TryLoadSaveData.corrupt
$4f7c = DefaultOptions
$4f84 = CheckPrimarySaveFile
$4f84 = DefaultOptions.End
$4fab = CheckPrimarySaveFile.nope
$4faf = CheckBackupSaveFile
$4fd3 = CheckBackupSaveFile.nope
$4fd7 = LoadPlayerData
$5008 = LoadPlayerData.not_4
$500c = LoadPokemonData
$5021 = LoadBox
$5028 = VerifyChecksum
$5040 = VerifyChecksum.fail
$5046 = LoadBackupPlayerData
$5067 = LoadBackupPokemonData
$507c = VerifyBackupChecksum
$5094 = VerifyBackupChecksum.fail
$509a = _SaveData
$50b9 = _LoadData
$50d8 = GetBoxAddress
$50e3 = GetBoxAddress.ok
$50f9 = SaveBoxAddress
$517d = LoadBoxAddress
$51fb = EraseBoxes
$5200 = EraseBoxes.next
$5213 = EraseBoxes.clear
$522d = BoxAddresses
$5273 = Checksum
$5276 = Checksum.loop
$5283 = WouldYouLikeToSaveTheGameText
$5288 = SavingDontTurnOffThePowerText
$528d = SavedTheGameText
$5292 = AlreadyASaveFileText
$5297 = AnotherSaveFileText
$529c = SaveFileCorruptedText
$52a1 = ChangeBoxSaveText
$52a6 = MoveMonWOMailSaveText
$52ab = SpawnPoints
$531f = EnterMapSpawnPoint
$5341 = EnterMapSpawnPoint.spawn_n_a
$5344 = IsSpawnPoint
$5349 = IsSpawnPoint.loop
$5356 = IsSpawnPoint.next
$535f = IsSpawnPoint.nope
$5361 = IsSpawnPoint.yes
$5363 = RunMapSetupScript
$5377 = MapSetupScripts
$538f = MapSetupScript_Teleport
$5390 = MapSetupScript_Fly
$5392 = MapSetupScript_Warp
$53a9 = MapSetupScript_BadWarp
$53bf = MapSetupScript_Connection
$53d0 = MapSetupScript_Fall
$53d1 = MapSetupScript_Door
$53d2 = MapSetupScript_Train
$53e7 = MapSetupScript_ReloadMap
$53f7 = MapSetupScript_LinkReturn
$5408 = MapSetupScript_Continue
$541a = MapSetupScript_Submenu
$541d = ReadMapSetupScript
$541d = ReadMapSetupScript.loop
$5439 = ReadMapSetupScript.go
$5440 = MapSetupCommands
$5440 = EnableLCD_MapSetupCmd
$5443 = DisableLCD_MapSetupCmd
$5446 = InitSound_MapSetupCmd
$5449 = PlayMapMusic_MapSetupCmd
$544c = RestartMapMusic_MapSetupCmd
$544f = FadeToMapMusic_MapSetupCmd
$5452 = FadeMapMusicAndPalettes_MapSetupCmd
$5455 = PlayMapMusicBike_MapSetupCmd
$5458 = ForceMapMusic_MapSetupCmd
$545b = FadeInToMusic_MapSetupCmd
$545e = LoadBlockData_MapSetupCmd
$5461 = LoadConnectionBlockData_MapSetupCmd
$5464 = SaveScreen_MapSetupCmd
$5467 = BufferScreen_MapSetupCmd
$546a = LoadMapGraphics_MapSetupCmd
$546d = LoadMapTileset_MapSetupCmd
$5470 = LoadMapTimeOfDay_MapSetupCmd
$5473 = LoadMapPalettes_MapSetupCmd
$5476 = LoadWildMonData_MapSetupCmd
$5479 = RefreshMapSprites_MapSetupCmd
$547c = HandleNewMap_MapSetupCmd
$547f = HandleContinueMap_MapSetupCmd
$5482 = LoadMapObjects_MapSetupCmd
$5485 = EnterMapSpawnPoint_MapSetupCmd
$5488 = EnterMapConnection_MapSetupCmd
$548b = EnterMapWarp_MapSetupCmd
$548e = LoadMapAttributes_MapSetupCmd
$5491 = LoadMapAttributes_SkipObjects_MapSetupCmd
$5494 = ClearBGPalettes_MapSetupCmd
$5497 = FadeOutToWhite_MapSetupCmd
$549a = FadeInFromWhite_MapSetupCmd
$549d = GetMapScreenCoords_MapSetupCmd
$54a0 = GetWarpDestCoords_MapSetupCmd
$54a3 = SpawnInFacingDown_MapSetupCmd
$54a6 = SpawnPlayer_MapSetupCmd
$54a9 = RefreshPlayerCoords_MapSetupCmd
$54ac = ResetPlayerObjectAction_MapSetupCmd
$54af = SkipUpdateMapSprites_MapSetupCmd
$54b2 = UpdateRoamMons_MapSetupCmd
$54b5 = JumpRoamMons_MapSetupCmd
$54b8 = FadeOutMapMusic_MapSetupCmd
$54bb = ActivateMapAnims_MapSetupCmd
$54be = SuspendMapAnims_MapSetupCmd
$54c1 = ApplyMapPalettes_MapSetupCmd
$54c4 = EnableTextAcceleration_MapSetupCmd
$54c7 = InitMapNameSign_MapSetupCmd
$54ca = EnableTextAcceleration
$54cf = ActivateMapAnims
$54d4 = SuspendMapAnims
$54d8 = LoadMapObjects
$54ea = MapSetup_DummyFunction
$54eb = ResetPlayerObjectAction
$54f1 = SkipUpdateMapSprites
$54f7 = CheckUpdatePlayerSprite
$5508 = CheckUpdatePlayerSprite.ok
$550c = CheckUpdatePlayerSprite.CheckForcedBiking
$551a = CheckUpdatePlayerSprite.ResetSurfingOrBikingState
$553e = CheckUpdatePlayerSprite.no_biking
$5545 = CheckUpdatePlayerSprite.surfing
$554c = CheckUpdatePlayerSprite.nope
$554e = CheckUpdatePlayerSprite.CheckSurfing
$5563 = CheckUpdatePlayerSprite.is_surfing
$5565 = CheckUpdatePlayerSprite.nope2
$5567 = FadeOutMapMusic
$556d = ApplyMapPalettes
$5574 = FadeMapMusicAndPalettes
$5587 = ForceMapMusic
$5596 = ForceMapMusic.notbiking
$559a = PokemonCenterPC
$55b3 = PokemonCenterPC.loop
$55cc = PokemonCenterPC.shutdown
$55d6 = PokemonCenterPC.TopMenu
$55de = PokemonCenterPC.MenuData
$55e6 = PokemonCenterPC.Jumptable
$55fa = PokemonCenterPC.String_PlayersPC
$5600 = PokemonCenterPC.String_BillsPC
$5609 = PokemonCenterPC.String_OaksPC
$5616 = PokemonCenterPC.String_HallOfFame
$5623 = PokemonCenterPC.String_TurnOff
$562c = PokemonCenterPC.WhichPC
$563e = PokemonCenterPC.ChooseWhichPCListToUse
$5646 = PokemonCenterPC.got_dex
$5650 = PC_CheckPartyForPokemon
$5663 = PC_CheckPartyForPokemon.PokecenterPCCantUseText
$5668 = BillsPC
$5679 = PlayersPC
$5689 = OaksPC
$569a = HallOfFamePC
$56ab = TurnOffPC
$56b3 = PC_PlayBootSound
$56b8 = PC_PlayShutdownSound
$56c2 = PC_PlayChoosePCSound
$56c7 = PC_PlaySwapItemsSound
$56d0 = PC_WaitPlaySFX
$56d9 = _PlayersHousePC
$56f9 = _PlayersHousePC.changed_deco_tiles
$56ff = PlayersPCTurnOnText
$5704 = _PlayersPC
$5715 = _PlayersPC.PlayersPC
$5722 = _PlayersPC.loop
$5731 = _PlayersPC.turn_off
$5732 = _PlayersPC.done
$5736 = PlayersPCMenuData
$573e = PlayersPCMenuData.PlayersPCMenuData
$5746 = PlayersPCMenuData.PlayersPCMenuPointers
$5762 = PlayersPCMenuData.WithdrawItem
$5770 = PlayersPCMenuData.DepositItem
$577d = PlayersPCMenuData.TossItem
$5787 = PlayersPCMenuData.MailBox
$5790 = PlayersPCMenuData.Decoration
$579b = PlayersPCMenuData.TurnOff
$57a4 = PlayersPCMenuData.LogOff
$57ac = PlayersPCMenuData.WhichPC
$57bb = PC_DisplayTextWaitMenu
$57cc = PlayersPCAskWhatDoText
$57d1 = PlayerWithdrawItemMenu
$57da = PlayerWithdrawItemMenu.loop
$57e4 = PlayerWithdrawItemMenu.quit
$57e9 = PlayerWithdrawItemMenu.Submenu
$57fc = PlayerWithdrawItemMenu.askquantity
$5810 = PlayerWithdrawItemMenu.withdraw
$5848 = PlayerWithdrawItemMenu.PackFull
$584f = PlayerWithdrawItemMenu.done
$5850 = PlayerWithdrawItemMenu.PlayersPCHowManyWithdrawText
$5855 = PlayerWithdrawItemMenu.PlayersPCWithdrewItemsText
$585a = PlayerWithdrawItemMenu.PlayersPCNoRoomWithdrawText
$585f = PlayerTossItemMenu
$5868 = PlayerTossItemMenu.loop
$5878 = PlayerTossItemMenu.quit
$587d = PlayerDecorationMenu
$5888 = PlayerLogOffMenu
$588b = PlayerDepositItemMenu
$589c = PlayerDepositItemMenu.loop
$58b3 = PlayerDepositItemMenu.close
$58b6 = PlayerDepositItemMenu.nope
$58b8 = PlayerDepositItemMenu.CheckItemsInBag
$58c7 = PlayerDepositItemMenu.PlayersPCNoItemsText
$58cc = PlayerDepositItemMenu.TryDepositItem
$58e7 = PlayerDepositItemMenu.dw
$58f5 = PlayerDepositItemMenu.no_toss
$58f6 = PlayerDepositItemMenu.tossable
$590a = PlayerDepositItemMenu.DepositItem
$591d = PlayerDepositItemMenu.AskQuantity
$5933 = PlayerDepositItemMenu.ContinueDeposit
$5965 = PlayerDepositItemMenu.NoRoomInPC
$596c = PlayerDepositItemMenu.DeclinedToDeposit
$596e = PlayerDepositItemMenu.PlayersPCHowManyDepositText
$5973 = PlayerDepositItemMenu.PlayersPCDepositItemsText
$5978 = PlayerDepositItemMenu.PlayersPCNoRoomDepositText
$597d = PlayerMailBoxMenu
$5985 = PCItemsJoypad
$5989 = PCItemsJoypad.loop
$59d8 = PCItemsJoypad.moving_stuff_around
$59e9 = PCItemsJoypad.b_2
$59ef = PCItemsJoypad.a_select_2
$59f2 = PCItemsJoypad.select_1
$59f8 = PCItemsJoypad.next
$59fb = PCItemsJoypad.a_1
$5a06 = PCItemsJoypad.b_1
$5a08 = PCItemsJoypad.PCItemsMenuData
$5a10 = PCItemsJoypad.MenuData
$5a20 = PC_DisplayText
$5a27 = PokecenterPCTurnOnText
$5a2c = PokecenterPCWhoseText
$5a31 = PokecenterBillsPCText
$5a36 = PokecenterPlayersPCText
$5a3b = PokecenterOaksPCText
$5a40 = PokecenterPCOaksClosedText
$5a45 = OpenMartDialog
$5a57 = OpenMartDialog.dialogs
$5a61 = MartDialog
$5a6e = HerbShop
$5a84 = BargainShop
$5aa7 = BargainShop.skip_set
$5aae = Pharmacist
$5ac4 = RooftopSale
$5ad5 = RooftopSale.ok
$5aee = RooftopSaleMart1
$5aff = RooftopSaleMart2
$5b10 = LoadMartPointer
$5b31 = GetMart
$5b3c = GetMart.IsAMart
$5b47 = StandardMart
$5b47 = StandardMart.loop
$5b56 = StandardMart.MartFunctions
$5b62 = StandardMart.HowMayIHelpYou
$5b6e = StandardMart.TopMenu
$5b84 = StandardMart.quit
$5b87 = StandardMart.buy
$5b8a = StandardMart.sell
$5b8d = StandardMart.Buy
$5b9a = StandardMart.Sell
$5ba3 = StandardMart.Quit
$5baf = StandardMart.AnythingElse
$5bbb = FarReadMart
$5bc4 = FarReadMart.CopyMart
$5bd7 = FarReadMart.ReadMartItem
$5be4 = FarReadMart.done
$5be5 = GetMartItemPrice
$5bf0 = GetMartPrice
$5c0b = GetMartPrice.loop
$5c1a = GetMartPrice.CharToNybble
$5c22 = GetMartPrice.not_space
$5c25 = ReadMart
$5c33 = ReadMart.loop
$5c4b = ReadMart.done
$5c51 = BargainShopData
$5c62 = BuyMenu
$5c74 = BuyMenu.loop
$5c7d = LoadBuyMenuText
$5c91 = MartAskPurchaseQuantity
$5ca3 = GetMartDialogGroup
$5cb0 = GetMartDialogGroup.MartTextFunctionPointers
$5cbf = GetMartDialogGroup.StandardMartPointers
$5ccb = GetMartDialogGroup.HerbShopPointers
$5cd7 = GetMartDialogGroup.BargainShopPointers
$5ce3 = GetMartDialogGroup.PharmacyPointers
$5cef = BuyMenuLoop
$5d27 = BuyMenuLoop.useless_pointer
$5d68 = BuyMenuLoop.cancel
$5d6d = BuyMenuLoop.set_carry
$5d6f = BuyMenuLoop.insufficient_bag_space
$5d79 = BuyMenuLoop.insufficient_funds
$5d83 = StandardMartAskPurchaseQuantity
$5d97 = MartConfirmPurchase
$5da5 = BargainShopAskPurchaseQuantity
$5dd8 = BargainShopAskPurchaseQuantity.SoldOut
$5de2 = RooftopSaleAskPurchaseQuantity
$5df9 = RooftopSaleAskPurchaseQuantity.GetSalePrice
$5e0e = MartHowManyText
$5e13 = MartFinalPriceText
$5e18 = MenuHeader_Buy
$5e20 = MenuHeader_Buy.MenuData
$5e30 = MenuHeader_Buy.PrintBCDPrices
$5e4a = HerbShopLadyIntroText
$5e4f = HerbalLadyHowManyText
$5e54 = HerbalLadyFinalPriceText
$5e59 = HerbalLadyThanksText
$5e5e = HerbalLadyPackFullText
$5e63 = HerbalLadyNoMoneyText
$5e68 = HerbalLadyComeAgainText
$5e6d = BargainShopIntroText
$5e72 = BargainShopFinalPriceText
$5e77 = BargainShopThanksText
$5e7c = BargainShopPackFullText
$5e81 = BargainShopSoldOutText
$5e86 = BargainShopNoFundsText
$5e8b = BargainShopComeAgainText
$5e90 = PharmacyIntroText
$5e95 = PharmacyHowManyText
$5e9a = PharmacyFinalPriceText
$5e9f = PharmacyThanksText
$5ea4 = PharmacyPackFullText
$5ea9 = PharmacyNoMoneyText
$5eae = PharmacyComeAgainText
$5eb3 = SellMenu
$5ebc = SellMenu.loop
$5ece = SellMenu.quit
$5ed3 = SellMenu.NothingToSell
$5edb = SellMenu.NothingToSellText
$5ee0 = SellMenu.TryToSellItem
$5eee = SellMenu.dw
$5efc = SellMenu.cant_buy
$5efd = SellMenu.try_sell
$5f11 = SellMenu.okay_to_sell
$5f6e = SellMenu.declined
$5f73 = MartSellHowManyText
$5f78 = MartSellPriceText
$5f7d = UnusedDummyString
$5f83 = MartWelcomeText
$5f88 = MenuHeader_BuySell
$5f90 = MenuHeader_BuySell.MenuData
$5fa0 = MartThanksText
$5fa5 = MartNoMoneyText
$5faa = MartPackFullText
$5faf = MartCantBuyText
$5fb4 = MartComeAgainText
$5fb9 = MartAskMoreText
$5fbe = MartBoughtText
$5fc3 = PlayTransactionSound
$5fcd = MartTextbox
$5fd7 = GiveMoney
$5ff5 = GiveMoney.not_maxed_out
$5ff7 = MaxMoney
$5ffa = TakeMoney
$6009 = TakeMoney.okay
$600b = CompareMoney
$600d = CompareFunds
$6015 = CompareFunds.loop1
$601c = CompareFunds.done
$601d = CompareFunds.loop2
$6022 = CompareFunds.okay
$602d = CompareFunds.set_carry
$6031 = CompareFunds.skip_carry
$6035 = SubtractMoney
$6037 = SubtractFunds
$603f = SubtractFunds.loop
$6046 = SubtractFunds.done
$6047 = SubtractFunds.loop2
$6053 = AddMoney
$6055 = AddFunds
$605b = AddFunds.loop1
$6062 = AddFunds.done
$6063 = AddFunds.loop2
$606f = GiveCoins
$608b = GiveCoins.not_maxed
$608d = GiveCoins.maxcoins
$608f = TakeCoins
$609f = TakeCoins.okay
$60a1 = CheckCoins
$60a9 = Marts
$60ed = MartCherrygrove
$60f3 = MartCherrygroveDex
$60fa = MartViolet
$6106 = MartAzalea
$6111 = MartCianwood
$6118 = MartGoldenrod2F1
$6121 = MartGoldenrod2F2
$612b = MartGoldenrod3F
$6134 = MartGoldenrod4F
$613b = MartGoldenrod5F1
$6140 = MartGoldenrod5F2
$6146 = MartGoldenrod5F3
$614c = MartGoldenrod5F4
$6153 = MartOlivine
$615e = MartEcruteak
$616a = MartMahogany1
$6170 = MartMahogany2
$617b = MartBlackthorn
$6186 = MartViridian
$6191 = MartPewter
$619a = MartCerulean
$61a5 = MartLavender
$61af = MartVermilion
$61b9 = MartCeladon2F1
$61c2 = MartCeladon2F2
$61ce = MartCeladon3F
$61d5 = MartCeladon4F
$61da = MartCeladon5F1
$61e1 = MartCeladon5F2
$61ea = MartFuchsia
$61f3 = MartSaffron
$61fd = MartMtMoon
$6205 = MartIndigoPlateau
$620e = MartUnderground
$6214 = DefaultMart
$6218 = BankOfMom
$6223 = BankOfMom.loop
$622f = BankOfMom.done
$6233 = BankOfMom.RunJumptable
$6242 = BankOfMom.dw
$6254 = BankOfMom.CheckIfBankInitialized
$6264 = BankOfMom.savingmoneyalready
$6266 = BankOfMom.done_0
$626a = BankOfMom.InitializeBank
$627f = BankOfMom.DontSaveMoney
$6281 = BankOfMom.done_1
$6290 = BankOfMom.IsThisAboutYourMoney
$629f = BankOfMom.nope
$62a4 = BankOfMom.done_2
$62a8 = BankOfMom.AccessBankOfMom
$62ce = BankOfMom.cancel
$62d2 = BankOfMom.withdraw
$62d6 = BankOfMom.deposit
$62da = BankOfMom.stopsaving
$62dc = BankOfMom.done_3
$62e0 = BankOfMom.StoreMoney
$635f = BankOfMom.InsufficientFundsInWallet
$6366 = BankOfMom.NotEnoughRoomInBank
$636d = BankOfMom.CancelDeposit
$636f = BankOfMom.done_4
$6373 = BankOfMom.TakeMoney
$63f2 = BankOfMom.InsufficientFundsInBank
$63f9 = BankOfMom.NotEnoughRoomInWallet
$6400 = BankOfMom.CancelWithdraw
$6402 = BankOfMom.done_5
$6406 = BankOfMom.StopOrStartSavingMoney
$6422 = BankOfMom.StopSavingMoney
$642d = BankOfMom.JustDoWhatYouCan
$6433 = BankOfMom.AskDST
$6439 = DSTChecks
$6447 = DSTChecks.NotDST
$644b = DSTChecks.LostBooklet
$6468 = DSTChecks.loop
$6497 = DSTChecks.SetDST
$64b9 = DSTChecks.SetClockForward
$64c4 = DSTChecks.DontLoopHourForward
$64d1 = DSTChecks.SetClockBack
$64da = DSTChecks.DontLoopHourBack
$64e6 = DSTChecks.DontLoopDayBack
$64ea = DSTChecks.ClearBox
$64f4 = DSTChecks.TimesetAskAdjustDSTText
$64f9 = DSTChecks.MomLostGearBookletText
$64fe = DSTChecks.TimesetAskDSTText
$6503 = DSTChecks.TimesetDSTText
$6508 = DSTChecks.TimesetAskNotDSTText
$650d = DSTChecks.TimesetNotDSTText
$6512 = Mom_SetUpWithdrawMenu
$6517 = Mom_SetUpDepositMenu
$651a = Mom_ContinueMenuSetup
$656b = Mom_Wait10Frames
$6571 = Mom_WithdrawDepositMenuJoypad
$6571 = Mom_WithdrawDepositMenuJoypad.loop
$65b0 = Mom_WithdrawDepositMenuJoypad.skip
$65b5 = Mom_WithdrawDepositMenuJoypad.pressedB
$65b7 = Mom_WithdrawDepositMenuJoypad.pressedA
$65b9 = Mom_WithdrawDepositMenuJoypad.dpadaction
$65d2 = Mom_WithdrawDepositMenuJoypad.movecursorleft
$65da = Mom_WithdrawDepositMenuJoypad.movecursorright
$65e3 = Mom_WithdrawDepositMenuJoypad.incrementdigit
$65f5 = Mom_WithdrawDepositMenuJoypad.decrementdigit
$6607 = Mom_WithdrawDepositMenuJoypad.getdigitquantity
$6613 = Mom_WithdrawDepositMenuJoypad.DigitQuantities
$6649 = MomLeavingText1
$664e = MomLeavingText2
$6653 = MomLeavingText3
$6658 = MomIsThisAboutYourMoneyText
$665d = MomBankWhatDoYouWantToDoText
$6662 = MomStoreMoneyText
$6667 = MomTakeMoneyText
$666c = MomSaveMoneyText
$6671 = MomHaventSavedThatMuchText
$6676 = MomNotEnoughRoomInWalletText
$667b = MomInsufficientFundsInWalletText
$6680 = MomNotEnoughRoomInBankText
$6685 = MomStartSavingMoneyText
$668a = MomStoredMoneyText
$668f = MomTakenMoneyText
$6694 = MomJustDoWhatYouCanText
$6699 = Mom_SavedString
$669f = Mon_WithdrawString
$66a8 = Mom_DepositString
$66b0 = Mom_HeldString
$66b5 = BankOfMom_MenuHeader
$66bd = BankOfMom_MenuHeader.MenuData
$66d6 = DayCareMan
$66fe = DayCareMan.AskWithdrawMon
$6721 = DayCareMan.print_text
$6724 = DayCareMan.cancel
$672a = DayCareLady
$6752 = DayCareLady.AskWithdrawMon
$6778 = DayCareLady.print_text
$677b = DayCareLady.cancel
$6781 = DayCareLadyIntroText
$6788 = DayCareLadyIntroText.okay
$678f = DayCareManIntroText
$6798 = DayCareAskDepositPokemon
$67dd = DayCareAskDepositPokemon.Declined
$67e1 = DayCareAskDepositPokemon.Egg
$67e5 = DayCareAskDepositPokemon.OnlyOneMon
$67e9 = DayCareAskDepositPokemon.OutOfUsableMons
$67ed = DayCareAskDepositPokemon.HoldingMail
$67f1 = DayCareAskDepositPokemon.DaycareDummyText
$67f6 = DayCare_DepositPokemonText
$6807 = DayCare_AskWithdrawBreedMon
$6819 = DayCare_AskWithdrawBreedMon.grew_at_least_one_level
$682d = DayCare_AskWithdrawBreedMon.check_money
$6844 = DayCare_AskWithdrawBreedMon.refused
$6848 = DayCare_AskWithdrawBreedMon.not_enough_money
$684c = DayCare_AskWithdrawBreedMon.party_full
$6850 = DayCare_GetBackMonForMoney
$686d = GetPriceToRetrieveBreedmon
$689b = PrintDayCareText
$68aa = PrintDayCareText.TextTable
$68d2 = PrintDayCareText.DayCareManIntroText
$68d7 = PrintDayCareText.DayCareManIntroEggText
$68dc = PrintDayCareText.DayCareLadyIntroText
$68e1 = PrintDayCareText.DayCareLadyIntroEggText
$68e6 = PrintDayCareText.WhatShouldIRaiseText
$68eb = PrintDayCareText.OnlyOneMonText
$68f0 = PrintDayCareText.CantAcceptEggText
$68f5 = PrintDayCareText.RemoveMailText
$68fa = PrintDayCareText.LastHealthyMonText
$68ff = PrintDayCareText.IllRaiseYourMonText
$6904 = PrintDayCareText.ComeBackLaterText
$6909 = PrintDayCareText.AreWeGeniusesText
$690e = PrintDayCareText.YourMonHasGrownText
$6913 = PrintDayCareText.PerfectHeresYourMonText
$6918 = PrintDayCareText.GotBackMonText
$691d = PrintDayCareText.BackAlreadyText
$6922 = PrintDayCareText.HaveNoRoomText
$6927 = PrintDayCareText.NotEnoughMoneyText
$692c = PrintDayCareText.OhFineThenText
$6931 = PrintDayCareText.ComeAgainText
$6936 = DayCareManOutside
$6944 = DayCareManOutside.NotYetText
$6949 = DayCareManOutside.AskGiveEgg
$697c = DayCareManOutside.Declined
$697f = DayCareManOutside.Load0
$6987 = DayCareManOutside.PartyFull
$6993 = DayCareManOutside.FoundAnEggText
$6998 = DayCareManOutside.ReceivedEggText
$699d = DayCareManOutside.TakeGoodCareOfEggText
$69a2 = DayCareManOutside.IllKeepItThanksText
$69a7 = DayCareManOutside.NoRoomForEggText
$69ac = DayCare_GiveEgg
$6a2f = DayCare_GiveEgg.PartyFull
$6a31 = DayCare_GetCurrentPartyMember
$6a3b = DayCare_InitBreeding
$6a59 = DayCare_InitBreeding.loop
$6a66 = DayCare_InitBreeding.UselessJump
$6ab6 = DayCare_InitBreeding.LoadWhichBreedmonIsTheMother
$6ac2 = DayCare_InitBreeding.GotMother
$6ae8 = DayCare_InitBreeding.GotEggSpecies
$6b46 = DayCare_InitBreeding.loop2
$6b90 = DayCare_InitBreeding.ParentCheck2
$6b98 = DayCare_InitBreeding.GotDVs
$6bab = DayCare_InitBreeding.SkipDVs
$6be0 = DayCare_InitBreeding.String_EGG
$6be4 = _UnownPrinter
$6c6b = _UnownPrinter.joy_loop
$6c82 = _UnownPrinter.pressed_a
$6c95 = _UnownPrinter.pressed_b
$6ca0 = _UnownPrinter.LeftRight
$6cad = _UnownPrinter.press_left
$6cb6 = _UnownPrinter.wrap_around_left
$6cb9 = _UnownPrinter.press_right
$6cc3 = _UnownPrinter.wrap_around_right
$6cc4 = _UnownPrinter.return
$6cc8 = _UnownPrinter.UpdateUnownFrontpic
$6cff = _UnownPrinter.Load2bppToSRAM
$6d20 = _UnownPrinter.vacant
$6d57 = AlphRuinsStampString
$6d69 = UnownDexDoWhatString
$6d72 = UnownDexMenuString
$6d95 = UnownDexVacantString
$6d9c = UnownDexATile
$6da4 = UnownDexBTile
$6dac = PlaceUnownPrinterFrontpic
$6dc7 = PhotoStudio
$6df8 = PhotoStudio.cancel
$6dfd = PhotoStudio.egg
$6e00 = PhotoStudio.print_text
$6e04 = PhotoStudio.WhichMonPhotoText
$6e09 = PhotoStudio.HoldStillText
$6e0e = PhotoStudio.PrestoAllDoneText
$6e13 = PhotoStudio.NoPhotoText
$6e18 = PhotoStudio.EggPhotoText
$6e1d = CheckBreedmonCompatibility
$6e48 = CheckBreedmonCompatibility.breedmon2
$6e6d = CheckBreedmonCompatibility.compare_gender
$6e70 = CheckBreedmonCompatibility.genderless
$6e82 = CheckBreedmonCompatibility.ditto1
$6e89 = CheckBreedmonCompatibility.compute
$6e9f = CheckBreedmonCompatibility.compare_ids
$6eb7 = CheckBreedmonCompatibility.done
$6ebc = CheckBreedmonCompatibility.CheckDVs
$6ed6 = CheckBreedmonCompatibility.CheckBreedingGroupCompatibility
$6f3a = CheckBreedmonCompatibility.Incompatible
$6f3c = CheckBreedmonCompatibility.Compatible
$6f3e = DoEggStep
$6f46 = DoEggStep.loop
$6f56 = DoEggStep.next
$6f5e = OverworldHatchEgg
$6f70 = HatchEggs
$6f7a = HatchEggs.loop
$6fbf = HatchEggs.nottogepi
$7074 = HatchEggs.nonickname
$707d = HatchEggs.next
$708a = HatchEggs.done
$708b = HatchEggs.Text_HatchEgg
$70b0 = HatchEggs.BreedClearboxText
$70b5 = HatchEggs.BreedEggHatchText
$70ba = HatchEggs.BreedAskNicknameText
$70bf = InitEggMoves
$70c6 = InitEggMoves.loop
$70cf = InitEggMoves.next
$70df = InitEggMoves.skip
$70e3 = InitEggMoves.done
$70e4 = GetEggMove
$70f6 = GetEggMove.loop
$7107 = GetEggMove.reached_end
$710c = GetEggMove.loop2
$7116 = GetEggMove.found_eggmove
$7127 = GetEggMove.loop3
$7130 = GetEggMove.loop4
$7146 = GetEggMove.inherit_tmhm
$7149 = GetEggMove.loop5
$7163 = GetEggMove.done_carry
$7166 = GetEggMove.done
$7169 = LoadEggMove
$7172 = LoadEggMove.loop
$7187 = LoadEggMove.done
$7197 = GetHeritableMoves
$71b1 = GetHeritableMoves.ditto1
$71d7 = GetHeritableMoves.ditto2
$71fb = GetHeritableMoves.inherit_mon2_moves
$7203 = GetHeritableMoves.inherit_mon1_moves
$720b = GetBreedmonMovePointer
$7220 = GetBreedmonMovePointer.ditto
$7224 = GetEggFrontpic
$723c = GetHatchlingFrontpic
$7254 = Hatch_UpdateFrontpicBGMapCenter
$727f = EggHatch_DoAnimFrame
$728f = EggHatch_AnimationSequence
$72ee = EggHatch_AnimationSequence.outerloop
$72f8 = EggHatch_AnimationSequence.loop
$7327 = EggHatch_AnimationSequence.done
$7363 = Hatch_LoadFrontpicPal
$736d = EggHatch_CrackShell
$7393 = EggHatchGFX
$73b3 = Hatch_InitShellFragments
$73bc = Hatch_InitShellFragments.loop
$73e5 = Hatch_InitShellFragments.done
$73ef = Hatch_InitShellFragments.SpriteData
$7418 = Hatch_ShellFragmentLoop
$741a = Hatch_ShellFragmentLoop.loop
$7421 = DayCareMon1
$7440 = DayCareMon2
$745f = DayCareMonCursor
$7462 = LeftWithDayCareLadyText
$7467 = LeftWithDayCareManText
$746c = DayCareMonCompatibilityText
$749b = DayCareMonCompatibilityText.done
$749c = DayCareMonCompatibilityText.BreedBrimmingWithEnergyText
$74a1 = DayCareMonCompatibilityText.BreedNoInterestText
$74a6 = DayCareMonCompatibilityText.BreedAppearsToCareForText
$74ab = DayCareMonCompatibilityText.BreedFriendlyText
$74b0 = DayCareMonCompatibilityText.BreedShowsInterestText
$74b5 = DayCareMonPrintEmptyString
$74b9 = DayCareMonPrintEmptyString.string
EMPTY: $74ba-$7fff ($0b46 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0b46 bytes
ROMX bank #6:
SECTION: $4000-$7dfd ($3dfe bytes) ["Tileset Data 1"]
$4000 = TilesetKantoGFX
$4606 = TilesetKantoMeta
$4e06 = TilesetKantoColl
$5006 = Tileset0GFX
$5006 = TilesetJohtoGFX
$5c0e = Tileset0Meta
$5c0e = TilesetJohtoMeta
$640e = TilesetJohtoColl
$640e = Tileset0Coll
$660e = TilesetIcePathGFX
$6f3e = TilesetIcePathMeta
$733e = TilesetIcePathColl
$743e = TilesetPlayersRoomGFX
$78fe = TilesetPlayersRoomMeta
$7cfe = TilesetPlayersRoomColl
EMPTY: $7dfe-$7fff ($0202 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0202 bytes
ROMX bank #7:
SECTION: $4000-$430b ($030c bytes) ["Roofs"]
$4000 = LoadMapGroupRoof
$4021 = MapGroupRoofs
$403c = Roofs
SECTION: $430c-$731b ($3010 bytes) ["Tileset Data 2"]
$430c = TilesetPokecenterGFX
$473c = TilesetPokecenterMeta
$4b3c = TilesetPokecenterColl
$4c3c = TilesetPortGFX
$504c = TilesetPortMeta
$544c = TilesetPortColl
$554c = TilesetPlayersHouseGFX
$592c = TilesetPlayersHouseMeta
$5d2c = TilesetPlayersHouseColl
$5e2c = TilesetMansionGFX
$658c = TilesetMansionMeta
$698c = TilesetMansionColl
$6a8c = TilesetCaveGFX
$6e1c = TilesetCaveMeta
$6e1c = TilesetDarkCaveMeta
$721c = TilesetDarkCaveColl
$721c = TilesetCaveColl
SECTION: $731c-$7f6b ($0c50 bytes) ["Extra Songs 1"]
$731c = Music_Credits
$7328 = Music_Credits_Ch1
$7407 = Music_Credits_Ch1.loop1
$7483 = Music_Credits_Ch1.sub1
$74ed = Music_Credits_Ch1.sub2
$74f8 = Music_Credits_Ch1.sub3
$7559 = Music_Credits_Ch1.sub4
$7582 = Music_Credits_Ch1.sub5
$758d = Music_Credits_Ch2
$7657 = Music_Credits_Ch2.loop1
$76cb = Music_Credits_Ch2.sub1
$773f = Music_Credits_Ch2.sub2
$7748 = Music_Credits_Ch2.sub3
$7772 = Music_Credits_Ch3
$78aa = Music_Credits_Ch3.sub1
$78db = Music_Credits_Ch3.sub2
$78e7 = Music_Credits_Ch3.sub3
$7934 = Music_Credits_Ch3.sub4
$794b = Music_Credits_Ch3.sub5
$7973 = Music_Credits_Ch4
$79a8 = Music_Credits_Ch4.loop1
$79c6 = Music_Credits_Ch4.loop2
$79f2 = Music_Credits_Ch4.loop3
$7a4d = Music_Credits_Ch4.sub1
$7a6d = Music_Credits_Ch4.sub2
$7a8d = Music_Clair
$7a99 = Music_Clair_Ch1
$7aab = Music_Clair_Ch1.loop1
$7ac9 = Music_Clair_Ch1.mainloop
$7b12 = Music_Clair_Ch1.sub1
$7b2e = Music_Clair_Ch1.sub2
$7b41 = Music_Clair_Ch2
$7b49 = Music_Clair_Ch2.loop1
$7b77 = Music_Clair_Ch2.mainloop
$7ba6 = Music_Clair_Ch2.sub1
$7bb9 = Music_Clair_Ch3
$7bd1 = Music_Clair_Ch3.mainloop
$7c3c = Music_Clair_Ch3.sub1
$7c4b = Music_Clair_Ch4
$7c5e = Music_Clair_Ch4.mainloop
$7c6e = Music_Clair_Ch4.sub1
$7c87 = Music_MobileAdapter
$7c93 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch1
$7cad = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch1.mainloop
$7d39 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch1.sub1
$7d63 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch2
$7d80 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch2.mainloop
$7dfe = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch2.sub1
$7e16 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch2.sub2
$7e3d = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch3
$7e4f = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch3.mainloop
$7ecf = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch3.sub1
$7ecf = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch3.sub1loop1
$7ed8 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch3.sub1loop2
$7ee3 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch3.sub2
$7ee3 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch3.sub2loop1
$7eee = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch3.sub3
$7ef7 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch3.sub4
$7f09 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch3.sub5
$7f09 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch3.sub5loop1
$7f2c = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch4
$7f38 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch4.mainloop
$7f3e = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch4.loop1
$7f49 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch4.loop2
$7f60 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch4.sub1
$7f60 = Music_MobileAdapter_Ch4.sub1loop1
EMPTY: $7f6c-$7fff ($0094 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0094 bytes
ROMX bank #8:
SECTION: $4000-$4180 ($0181 bytes) ["Clock Reset"]
$4000 = RestartClock_GetWraparoundTime
$4015 = RestartClock_GetWraparoundTime.WrapAroundTimes
$4021 = RestartClock
$4047 = RestartClock.ClockTimeMayBeWrongText
$404c = RestartClock.ClockSetWithControlPadText
$4051 = RestartClock.SetClock
$4071 = RestartClock.loop
$40ad = RestartClock.cancel
$40b0 = RestartClock.ClockIsThisOKText
$40b5 = RestartClock.ClockHasResetText
$40ba = RestartClock.joy_loop
$40dd = RestartClock.press_A
$40e1 = RestartClock.press_B
$40e5 = RestartClock.pressed_up
$40f6 = RestartClock.pressed_down
$4108 = RestartClock.pressed_left
$4112 = RestartClock.pressed_right
$411d = RestartClock.done_scroll
$411f = RestartClock.PrintTime
$4160 = RestartClock.UnusedPlaceCharsFragment
$4168 = RestartClock.PlaceChars
$417c = JPHourString
$417e = JPMinuteString
SECTION: $4181-$7b10 ($3990 bytes) ["Tileset Data 3"]
$4181 = TilesetTowerGFX
$46e1 = TilesetTowerMeta
$4ae1 = TilesetTowerColl
$4be1 = TilesetLabGFX
$53e1 = TilesetLabMeta
$57e1 = TilesetLabColl
$58e1 = TilesetMartGFX
$6031 = TilesetMartMeta
$6431 = TilesetMartColl
$6531 = TilesetGameCornerGFX
$6af1 = TilesetGameCornerMeta
$6ef1 = TilesetGameCornerColl
$6ff1 = TilesetTrainStationGFX
$7391 = TilesetTrainStationMeta
$7791 = TilesetTrainStationColl
$7891 = TilesetForestMeta
SECTION: $7b11-$7f50 ($0440 bytes) ["Egg Moves"]
$7b11 = EggMovePointers
$7d07 = BulbasaurEggMoves
$7d0d = CharmanderEggMoves
$7d14 = SquirtleEggMoves
$7d1b = PidgeyEggMoves
$7d1f = RattataEggMoves
$7d26 = SpearowEggMoves
$7d2c = EkansEggMoves
$7d32 = SandshrewEggMoves
$7d38 = NidoranFEggMoves
$7d40 = NidoranMEggMoves
$7d48 = VulpixEggMoves
$7d4e = ZubatEggMoves
$7d54 = OddishEggMoves
$7d59 = ParasEggMoves
$7d61 = VenonatEggMoves
$7d65 = DiglettEggMoves
$7d6b = MeowthEggMoves
$7d70 = PsyduckEggMoves
$7d79 = MankeyEggMoves
$7d80 = GrowlitheEggMoves
$7d86 = PoliwagEggMoves
$7d8c = AbraEggMoves
$7d90 = MachopEggMoves
$7d95 = BellsproutEggMoves
$7d9b = TentacoolEggMoves
$7da1 = GeodudeEggMoves
$7da4 = PonytaEggMoves
$7dab = SlowpokeEggMoves
$7db0 = FarfetchDEggMoves
$7db6 = DoduoEggMoves
$7dbc = SeelEggMoves
$7dc3 = GrimerEggMoves
$7dc7 = ShellderEggMoves
$7dcd = GastlyEggMoves
$7dd1 = OnixEggMoves
$7dd4 = DrowzeeEggMoves
$7dd7 = KrabbyEggMoves
$7ddd = ExeggcuteEggMoves
$7de3 = CuboneEggMoves
$7deb = LickitungEggMoves
$7def = KoffingEggMoves
$7df5 = RhyhornEggMoves
$7dfd = ChanseyEggMoves
$7e01 = TangelaEggMoves
$7e07 = KangaskhanEggMoves
$7e0d = HorseaEggMoves
$7e14 = GoldeenEggMoves
$7e18 = MrMimeEggMoves
$7e1c = ScytherEggMoves
$7e23 = PinsirEggMoves
$7e26 = LaprasEggMoves
$7e29 = EeveeEggMoves
$7e2c = OmanyteEggMoves
$7e32 = KabutoEggMoves
$7e38 = AerodactylEggMoves
$7e3c = SnorlaxEggMoves
$7e3e = DratiniEggMoves
$7e43 = ChikoritaEggMoves
$7e4a = CyndaquilEggMoves
$7e51 = TotodileEggMoves
$7e58 = SentretEggMoves
$7e5e = HoothootEggMoves
$7e65 = LedybaEggMoves
$7e69 = SpinarakEggMoves
$7e6f = ChinchouEggMoves
$7e73 = PichuEggMoves
$7e79 = CleffaEggMoves
$7e80 = IgglybuffEggMoves
$7e84 = TogepiEggMoves
$7e8a = NatuEggMoves
$7e90 = MareepEggMoves
$7e97 = MarillEggMoves
$7ea0 = SudowoodoEggMoves
$7ea2 = HoppipEggMoves
$7eaa = AipomEggMoves
$7eb3 = YanmaEggMoves
$7eb7 = WooperEggMoves
$7ebb = MurkrowEggMoves
$7ec2 = MisdreavusEggMoves
$7ec5 = GirafarigEggMoves
$7ecb = PinecoEggMoves
$7ed0 = DunsparceEggMoves
$7ed6 = GligarEggMoves
$7edb = SnubbullEggMoves
$7ee4 = QwilfishEggMoves
$7ee9 = ShuckleEggMoves
$7eeb = HeracrossEggMoves
$7eef = SneaselEggMoves
$7ef5 = TeddiursaEggMoves
$7efc = SlugmaEggMoves
$7efe = SwinubEggMoves
$7f04 = CorsolaEggMoves
$7f0a = RemoraidEggMoves
$7f10 = DelibirdEggMoves
$7f16 = MantineEggMoves
$7f1b = SkarmoryEggMoves
$7f20 = HoundourEggMoves
$7f28 = PhanpyEggMoves
$7f2d = StantlerEggMoves
$7f33 = TyrogueEggMoves
$7f38 = SmoochumEggMoves
$7f3a = ElekidEggMoves
$7f40 = MagbyEggMoves
$7f46 = MiltankEggMoves
$7f4a = LarvitarEggMoves
$7f50 = NoEggMoves
EMPTY: $7f51-$7fff ($00af bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $00af bytes
ROMX bank #9:
SECTION: $4000-$7a2c ($3a2d bytes) ["bank9"]
$4000 = StringBufferPointers
$400e = _2DMenu_
$4022 = _InterpretBattleMenu
$403c = _InterpretMobileMenu
$405a = _InterpretMobileMenu.loop
$4076 = _InterpretMobileMenu.quit
$4085 = Draw2DMenu
$408f = Get2DMenuSelection
$4098 = Mobile_GetMenuSelection
$40a6 = Mobile_GetMenuSelection.skip
$40b4 = Mobile_GetMenuSelection.skip2
$40c9 = Mobile_GetMenuSelection.quit1
$40cb = Mobile_GetMenuSelection.quit2
$40cd = Get2DMenuNumberOfColumns
$40d3 = Get2DMenuNumberOfRows
$40db = Place2DMenuItemStrings
$40eb = Place2DMenuItemStrings.row
$40f1 = Place2DMenuItemStrings.col
$411a = Init2DMenuCursorPosition
$4146 = Init2DMenuCursorPosition.loop
$4157 = Init2DMenuCursorPosition.reset1
$4159 = Init2DMenuCursorPosition.okay1
$4169 = Init2DMenuCursorPosition.reset2
$416b = Init2DMenuCursorPosition.okay2
$4179 = Init2DMenuCursorPosition.InitFlags_a
$418a = Init2DMenuCursorPosition.InitFlags_b
$4193 = Init2DMenuCursorPosition.InitFlags_c
$419e = Init2DMenuCursorPosition.skip
$41a4 = Init2DMenuCursorPosition.skip2
$41a8 = _StaticMenuJoypad
$41ab = _ScrollingMenuJoypad
$41ba = MobileMenuJoypad
$41cd = MobileMenuJoypad.skip_joypad
$41d5 = Function241d5
$41d8 = Function241d5.loop
$41f9 = Function241d5.done
$41fa = Function241d5.loop2
$4216 = MenuJoypadLoop
$4216 = MenuJoypadLoop.loop
$4237 = MenuJoypadLoop.done
$4238 = MenuJoypadLoop.BGMap_OAM
$4249 = Do2DMenuRTCJoypad
$4249 = Do2DMenuRTCJoypad.loopRTC
$4259 = Menu_WasButtonPressed
$4266 = Menu_WasButtonPressed.skip_to_joypad
$4270 = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad
$4299 = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.set_bit_7
$42a0 = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.d_down
$42ac = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.check_wrap_around_down
$42ba = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.wrap_around_down
$42be = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.d_up
$42c8 = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.check_wrap_around_up
$42d6 = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.wrap_around_up
$42dc = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.d_left
$42e6 = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.check_wrap_around_left
$42f4 = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.wrap_around_left
$42fa = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.d_right
$4306 = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.check_wrap_around_right
$4314 = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.wrap_around_right
$4318 = _2DMenuInterpretJoypad.a_b_start_select
$431a = Move2DMenuCursor
$4329 = Place2DMenuCursor
$4344 = Place2DMenuCursor.row_loop
$4348 = Place2DMenuCursor.got_row
$435b = Place2DMenuCursor.col_loop
$435f = Place2DMenuCursor.got_col
$436b = Place2DMenuCursor.cursor_on
$4374 = _PushWindow
$4387 = _PushWindow.loop
$4398 = _PushWindow.bit_6
$43ae = _PushWindow.not_bit_7
$43b5 = _PushWindow.done
$43cd = _PushWindow.copy
$43d5 = _PushWindow.row
$43d7 = _PushWindow.col
$43e7 = _PushWindow.ret
$43e8 = _ExitMenu
$4411 = _ExitMenu.loop
$441b = _ExitMenu.done
$4423 = RestoreOverworldMapTiles
$444c = RestoreOverworldMapTiles.loop
$4452 = RestoreOverworldMapTiles.next
$445d = Error_Cant_ExitMenu
$4466 = Error_Cant_ExitMenu.infinite_loop
$4468 = Error_Cant_ExitMenu.WindowPoppingErrorText
$446d = _InitVerticalMenuCursor
$447d = _InitVerticalMenuCursor.skip_offset
$4492 = _InitVerticalMenuCursor.skip_bit_5
$449b = _InitVerticalMenuCursor.skip_bit_6
$44a9 = _InitVerticalMenuCursor.skip_bit_1
$44b7 = _InitVerticalMenuCursor.load_at_the_top
$44b9 = _InitVerticalMenuCursor.load_position
$44c3 = UpdateItemDescription
$44e3 = Pokepic
$4528 = ClosePokepic
$4547 = PokepicMenuHeader
$454f = LoadObjectMasks
$4561 = LoadObjectMasks.loop
$456c = LoadObjectMasks.next
$457d = CheckObjectFlag
$4598 = CheckObjectFlag.check
$45a1 = CheckObjectFlag.unmasked
$45a3 = CheckObjectFlag.masked
$45a7 = GetObjectTimeMask
$45af = _InitScrollingMenu
$45cb = _ScrollingMenu.loop
$45cb = _ScrollingMenu
$45d6 = _ScrollingMenu.exit
$45e1 = _ScrollingMenu.zero
$45f1 = ScrollingMenu_InitDisplay
$4609 = ScrollingMenuJoyAction
$4609 = ScrollingMenuJoyAction.loop
$4640 = ScrollingMenuJoyAction.no_zero_no_carry
$4644 = ScrollingMenuJoyAction.a_button
$466f = ScrollingMenuJoyAction.b_button
$4673 = ScrollingMenuJoyAction.select
$4695 = ScrollingMenuJoyAction.start
$46a1 = ScrollingMenuJoyAction.d_left
$46b5 = ScrollingMenuJoyAction.d_right
$46c9 = ScrollingMenuJoyAction.d_up
$46dc = ScrollingMenuJoyAction.xor_dec_up
$46df = ScrollingMenuJoyAction.d_down
$46f9 = ScrollingMenuJoyAction.xor_dec_down
$46fc = ScrollingMenu_GetCursorPosition
$4706 = ScrollingMenu_ClearLeftColumn
$4713 = ScrollingMenu_ClearLeftColumn.loop
$471a = InitScrollingMenuCursor
$4745 = InitScrollingMenuCursor.store
$4748 = InitScrollingMenuCursor.skip
$475a = InitScrollingMenuCursor.wrap
$4763 = InitScrollingMenuCursor.done
$4764 = ScrollingMenu_InitFlags
$4786 = ScrollingMenu_InitFlags.no_extra_row
$4796 = ScrollingMenu_InitFlags.skip_set_0
$479c = ScrollingMenu_InitFlags.skip_set_1
$47b0 = ScrollingMenu_InitFlags.disallow_select
$47b6 = ScrollingMenu_InitFlags.disallow_start
$47c8 = ScrollingMenu_InitFlags.reset_cursor
$47ca = ScrollingMenu_InitFlags.cursor_okay
$47dd = ScrollingMenu_ValidateSwitchItem
$47ef = ScrollingMenu_ValidateSwitchItem.done
$47f0 = ScrollingMenu_UpdateDisplay
$480d = ScrollingMenu_UpdateDisplay.okay
$481a = ScrollingMenu_UpdateDisplay.loop
$4850 = ScrollingMenu_UpdateDisplay.done
$4851 = ScrollingMenu_UpdateDisplay.cancel
$485f = ScrollingMenu_UpdateDisplay.CancelString
$4866 = ScrollingMenu_UpdateDisplay.call_function
$486e = ScrollingMenu_CallFunctions1and2
$488a = ScrollingMenu_CallFunctions1and2.done
$488b = ScrollingMenu_PlaceCursor
$48b7 = ScrollingMenu_PlaceCursor.done
$48b8 = ScrollingMenu_CheckCallFunction3
$48c7 = ScrollingMenu_CheckCallFunction3.call
$48d5 = ScrollingMenu_GetListItemCoordAndFunctionArgs
$48f1 = ScrollingMenu_GetListItemCoordAndFunctionArgs.pointless_jump
$48f2 = ScrollingMenu_GetListItemCoordAndFunctionArgs.got_spacing
$490c = SwitchItemsInBag
$493d = SwitchItemsInBag.init
$4945 = SwitchItemsInBag.trivial
$494a = SwitchItemsInBag.below
$497a = SwitchItemsInBag.above
$49a7 = SwitchItemsInBag.try_combining_stacks
$49cd = SwitchItemsInBag.no_combine
$49cf = SwitchItemsInBag.combine
$49d1 = SwitchItemsInBag.combine_stacks
$4a01 = SwitchItemsInBag.merge_stacks
$4a25 = SwitchItemsInBag.not_combining_last_item
$4a34 = SwitchItemsInBag.copy_loop
$4a40 = ItemSwitch_CopyItemToBuffer
$4a4d = ItemSwitch_CopyBufferToItem
$4a5c = ItemSwitch_GetNthItem
$4a6c = ItemSwitch_GetItemOffset
$4a76 = ItemSwitch_GetItemOffset.dont_negate
$4a80 = ItemSwitch_GetItemFormatSize
$4a91 = ItemSwitch_GetItemFormatSize.item_format_sizes
$4a97 = ItemSwitch_GetItemQuantity
$4aa7 = ItemSwitch_GetItemQuantity.no_quantity
$4aab = ItemSwitch_BackwardsCopyBytes
$4aab = ItemSwitch_BackwardsCopyBytes.loop
$4ab4 = PlaceMenuItemName
$4ac3 = PlaceMenuItemQuantity
$4ae7 = PlaceMenuItemQuantity.done
$4ae8 = PlaceMoneyTopRight
$4af0 = PlaceMoneyBottomLeft
$4af8 = PlaceMoneyAtTopLeftOfTextbox
$4b01 = PlaceMoneyTextbox
$4b15 = MoneyTopRightMenuHeader
$4b1d = MoneyBottomLeftMenuHeader
$4b25 = DisplayCoinCaseBalance
$4b4e = DisplayMoneyAndCoinBalance
$4b83 = MoneyString
$4b89 = CoinString
$4b8e = ShowMoney_TerminatorString
$4b8f = StartMenu_PrintSafariGameStatus
$4bcf = StartMenu_PrintSafariGameStatus.slash_500
$4bd4 = StartMenu_PrintSafariGameStatus.booru_ko
$4bdc = StartMenu_DrawBugContestStatusBox
$4be7 = StartMenu_PrintBugContestStatus
$4c1e = StartMenu_PrintBugContestStatus.no_contest_mon
$4c3e = StartMenu_PrintBugContestStatus.skip_level
$4c43 = StartMenu_PrintBugContestStatus.BallsJPString
$4c4b = StartMenu_PrintBugContestStatus.CaughtString
$4c52 = StartMenu_PrintBugContestStatus.BallsString
$4c59 = StartMenu_PrintBugContestStatus.NoneString
$4c5e = StartMenu_PrintBugContestStatus.LevelString
$4c64 = FindApricornsInBag
$4c73 = FindApricornsInBag.loop
$4c89 = FindApricornsInBag.nope
$4c8d = FindApricornsInBag.done
$4c94 = FindApricornsInBag.addtobuffer
$4ca0 = ApricornBalls
$4caf = MonMenuOptionStrings
$4cd9 = MonMenuOptions
$4d19 = MonSubmenu
$4d3f = MonSubmenu.MenuHeader
$4d47 = MonSubmenu.GetTopCoord
$4d59 = MonMenuLoop
$4d59 = MonMenuLoop.loop
$4d81 = MonMenuLoop.cancel
$4d84 = MonMenuLoop.select
$4d91 = PopulateMonMenu
$4d9b = PopulateMonMenu.loop
$4db0 = GetMonMenuString
$4dc8 = GetMonMenuString.NotMove
$4dd4 = GetMonSubmenuItems
$4ded = GetMonSubmenuItems.loop
$4dfd = GetMonSubmenuItems.next
$4e03 = GetMonSubmenuItems.skip_moves
$4e2c = GetMonSubmenuItems.ok
$4e2f = GetMonSubmenuItems.skip2
$4e3b = GetMonSubmenuItems.ok2
$4e3f = GetMonSubmenuItems.egg
$4e52 = IsFieldMove
$4e56 = IsFieldMove.next
$4e67 = IsFieldMove.nope
$4e68 = ResetMonSubmenu
$4e76 = TerminateMonSubmenu
$4e83 = AddMonMenuItem
$4e99 = BattleMonMenu
$4ed0 = BattleMonMenu.set_carry
$4ed2 = BattleMonMenu.clear_carry
$4ed4 = BattleMonMenu.MenuHeader
$4edc = BattleMonMenu.MenuData
$4ef2 = LoadBattleMenu
$4f0b = SafariBattleMenu
$4f13 = ContestBattleMenu
$4f19 = CommonBattleMenu
$4f2c = BattleMenuHeader
$4f34 = BattleMenuHeader.MenuData
$4f3d = BattleMenuHeader.Text
$4f4e = SafariBattleMenuHeader
$4f56 = SafariBattleMenuHeader.MenuData
$4f5f = SafariBattleMenuHeader.Text
$4f7c = SafariBattleMenuHeader.PrintSafariBallsRemaining
$4f89 = ContestBattleMenuHeader
$4f91 = ContestBattleMenuHeader.MenuData
$4f9a = ContestBattleMenuHeader.Text
$4fb2 = ContestBattleMenuHeader.PrintParkBallsRemaining
$4fbf = SelectQuantityToToss
$4fc9 = SelectQuantityToBuy
$4fcf = RooftopSale_SelectQuantityToBuy
$4fe1 = SelectQuantityToSell
$4ff9 = Toss_Sell_Loop
$4ffe = Toss_Sell_Loop.loop
$500c = Toss_Sell_Loop.nope
$500e = BuySellToss_InterpretJoypad
$502b = BuySellToss_InterpretJoypad.b
$502f = BuySellToss_InterpretJoypad.a
$5033 = BuySellToss_InterpretJoypad.down
$503d = BuySellToss_InterpretJoypad.finish_down
$503f = BuySellToss_InterpretJoypad.up
$504b = BuySellToss_InterpretJoypad.finish_up
$504d = BuySellToss_InterpretJoypad.left
$5058 = BuySellToss_InterpretJoypad.load_1
$505a = BuySellToss_InterpretJoypad.finish_left
$505f = BuySellToss_InterpretJoypad.right
$506c = BuySellToss_InterpretJoypad.finish_right
$5072 = BuySellToss_UpdateQuantityDisplay
$5097 = NoPriceToDisplay
$5098 = DisplayPurchasePrice
$509f = DisplaySellingPrice
$50a9 = BuySell_MultiplyPrice
$50c1 = Sell_HalvePrice
$50d1 = BuySell_DisplaySubtotal
$50ed = TossItem_MenuHeader
$50f5 = BuyItem_MenuHeader
$50fd = SellItem_MenuHeader
$5105 = TrainerCard
$5117 = TrainerCard.loop
$5132 = TrainerCard.quit
$513b = TrainerCard.InitRAM
$518e = TrainerCard.RunJumptable
$519d = TrainerCard.Jumptable
$51ab = TrainerCard_IncrementJumptable
$51b0 = TrainerCard_Quit
$51b6 = TrainerCard_Page1_LoadGFX
$51d7 = TrainerCard_Page1_Joypad
$51e3 = TrainerCard_Page1_Joypad.pressed_right_a
$51e9 = TrainerCard_Page1_Joypad.KantoBadgeCheck
$51f4 = TrainerCard_Page2_LoadGFX
$5221 = TrainerCard_Page2_Joypad
$5235 = TrainerCard_Page2_Joypad.d_left
$523b = TrainerCard_Page2_Joypad.KantoBadgeCheck
$5246 = TrainerCard_Page2_Joypad.Quit
$524c = TrainerCard_Page3_LoadGFX
$5279 = TrainerCard_Page3_Joypad
$528d = TrainerCard_Page3_Joypad.left
$5293 = TrainerCard_Page3_Joypad.right
$5299 = TrainerCard_PrintTopHalfOfCard
$52ec = TrainerCard_PrintTopHalfOfCard.Name_Money
$52f9 = TrainerCard_PrintTopHalfOfCard.ID_No
$52fc = TrainerCard_PrintTopHalfOfCard.HorizontalDivider
$530a = TrainerCard_Page1_PrintDexCaught_GameTime
$534c = TrainerCard_Page1_PrintDexCaught_GameTime.Dex_PlayTime
$535b = TrainerCard_Page1_PrintDexCaught_GameTime.Unused
$535c = TrainerCard_Page1_PrintDexCaught_GameTime.Badges
$5366 = TrainerCard_Page1_PrintDexCaught_GameTime.StatusTilemap
$536c = TrainerCard_Page2_3_InitObjectsAndStrings
$537c = TrainerCard_Page2_3_InitObjectsAndStrings.loop
$538d = TrainerCard_Page2_3_InitObjectsAndStrings.loop2
$53a2 = TrainerCard_Page2_3_InitObjectsAndStrings.BadgesTilemap
$53a8 = TrainerCardSetup_PlaceTilemapString
$53a8 = TrainerCardSetup_PlaceTilemapString.loop
$53b0 = TrainerCard_InitBorder
$53b2 = TrainerCard_InitBorder.loop1
$53bf = TrainerCard_InitBorder.loop2
$53c9 = TrainerCard_InitBorder.loop3
$53d0 = TrainerCard_InitBorder.loop4
$53e4 = TrainerCard_InitBorder.loop5
$53ed = TrainerCard_InitBorder.loop6
$53f4 = TrainerCard_Page2_3_PlaceLeadersFaces
$5415 = TrainerCard_Page1_PrintGameTime
$5438 = TrainerCard_Page2_3_AnimateBadges
$5448 = TrainerCard_Page2_3_OAMUpdate
$5453 = TrainerCard_Page2_3_OAMUpdate.loop
$5472 = TrainerCard_Page2_3_OAMUpdate.skip_badge
$547b = TrainerCard_Page2_3_OAMUpdate.PrepOAM
$5487 = TrainerCard_Page2_3_OAMUpdate.xflip
$548a = TrainerCard_Page2_3_OAMUpdate.loop2
$54a7 = TrainerCard_Page2_3_OAMUpdate.facing1
$54b8 = TrainerCard_Page2_3_OAMUpdate.facing2
$54c9 = TrainerCard_JohtoBadgesOAM
$5523 = CardStatusGFX
$5583 = LeaderGFX
$5ae3 = LeaderGFX2
$6043 = BadgeGFX
$6303 = BadgeGFX2
$65c3 = CardRightCornerGFX
$65d3 = ProfOaksPC
$65e1 = ProfOaksPC.shutdown
$65ee = ProfOaksPCBoot
$6601 = ProfOaksPCRating
$6616 = Rate
$6647 = Rate.UpdateRatingBuffers
$665a = Rate.UpdateRatingBuffer
$666b = FindOakRating
$666d = FindOakRating.loop
$6677 = FindOakRating.match
$667f = OakRatings
$66de = OakPCText1
$66e3 = OakPCText2
$66e8 = OakPCText3
$66ed = OakRating01
$66f2 = OakRating02
$66f7 = OakRating03
$66fc = OakRating04
$6701 = OakRating05
$6706 = OakRating06
$670b = OakRating07
$6710 = OakRating08
$6715 = OakRating09
$671a = OakRating10
$671f = OakRating11
$6724 = OakRating12
$6729 = OakRating13
$672e = OakRating14
$6733 = OakRating15
$6738 = OakRating16
$673d = OakRating17
$6742 = OakRating18
$6747 = OakRating19
$674c = OakPCText4
$6751 = InitDecorations
$675c = _PlayerDecorationMenu
$676f = _PlayerDecorationMenu.top_loop
$678e = _PlayerDecorationMenu.exit_menu
$679a = _PlayerDecorationMenu.MenuHeader
$67a2 = _PlayerDecorationMenu.MenuData
$67aa = _PlayerDecorationMenu.category_pointers
$67ca = _PlayerDecorationMenu.bed
$67ce = _PlayerDecorationMenu.carpet
$67d5 = _PlayerDecorationMenu.plant
$67db = _PlayerDecorationMenu.poster
$67e2 = _PlayerDecorationMenu.game
$67ef = _PlayerDecorationMenu.ornament
$67f8 = _PlayerDecorationMenu.big_doll
$6801 = _PlayerDecorationMenu.exit
$6806 = _PlayerDecorationMenu.FindCategoriesWithOwnedDecos
$6822 = _PlayerDecorationMenu.ClearStringBuffer2
$6830 = _PlayerDecorationMenu.AppendToStringBuffer2
$683a = _PlayerDecorationMenu.FindOwnedDecos
$683d = _PlayerDecorationMenu.loop
$6851 = _PlayerDecorationMenu.next
$6854 = _PlayerDecorationMenu.done
$6855 = _PlayerDecorationMenu.owned_pointers
$686c = Deco_FillTempWithMinusOne
$687a = CheckAllDecorationFlags
$687a = CheckAllDecorationFlags.loop
$6890 = CheckAllDecorationFlags.done
$6891 = AppendDecoIndex
$689b = FindOwnedDecosInCategory
$68b5 = DecoBedMenu
$68bd = FindOwnedBeds
$68c5 = FindOwnedBeds.beds
$68ca = DecoCarpetMenu
$68d2 = FindOwnedCarpets
$68da = FindOwnedCarpets.carpets
$68df = DecoPlantMenu
$68e7 = FindOwnedPlants
$68ef = FindOwnedPlants.plants
$68f3 = DecoPosterMenu
$68fb = FindOwnedPosters
$6903 = FindOwnedPosters.posters
$6908 = DecoConsoleMenu
$6910 = FindOwnedConsoles
$6918 = FindOwnedConsoles.consoles
$691d = DecoOrnamentMenu
$6925 = FindOwnedOrnaments
$692d = FindOwnedOrnaments.ornaments
$6945 = DecoBigDollMenu
$694d = FindOwnedBigDolls
$6955 = FindOwnedBigDolls.big_dolls
$6959 = DecoExitMenu
$695b = PopulateDecoCategoryMenu
$6977 = PopulateDecoCategoryMenu.no_action_1
$697b = PopulateDecoCategoryMenu.beyond_eight
$69a5 = PopulateDecoCategoryMenu.no_action_2
$69a9 = PopulateDecoCategoryMenu.empty
$69b0 = PopulateDecoCategoryMenu.NothingToChooseText
$69b5 = PopulateDecoCategoryMenu.NonscrollingMenuHeader
$69bd = PopulateDecoCategoryMenu.NonscrollingMenuData
$69c5 = PopulateDecoCategoryMenu.ScrollingMenuHeader
$69cd = PopulateDecoCategoryMenu.ScrollingMenuData
$69dd = GetDecorationData
$69e7 = GetDecorationName
$69f3 = DecorationMenuFunction
$6a02 = DoDecorationAction2
$6a12 = DoDecorationAction2.DecoActions
$6a30 = GetDecorationFlag
$6a3b = DecorationFlagAction
$6a44 = GetDecorationSprite
$6a4f = DecorationAttributes
$6b8d = DecorationNames
$6c72 = GetDecoName
$6c7e = GetDecoName.NameFunctions
$6c8c = GetDecoName.invalid
$6c8d = GetDecoName.plant
$6c90 = GetDecoName.bed
$6c97 = GetDecoName.carpet
$6c9e = GetDecoName.poster
$6ca6 = GetDecoName.doll
$6cae = GetDecoName.bigdoll
$6cb8 = GetDecoName.unused
$6cc0 = GetDecoName.getpokename
$6cca = GetDecoName.getdeconame
$6ccf = GetDecoName._getdeconame
$6cda = GetDecoName.copy
$6ce3 = DecoAction_nothing
$6ce5 = DecoAction_setupbed
$6ceb = DecoAction_putawaybed
$6cf1 = DecoAction_setupcarpet
$6cf7 = DecoAction_putawaycarpet
$6cfd = DecoAction_setupplant
$6d03 = DecoAction_putawayplant
$6d09 = DecoAction_setupposter
$6d0f = DecoAction_putawayposter
$6d15 = DecoAction_setupconsole
$6d1b = DecoAction_putawayconsole
$6d21 = DecoAction_setupbigdoll
$6d27 = DecoAction_putawaybigdoll
$6d2d = DecoAction_TrySetItUp
$6d43 = DecoAction_TrySetItUp.failed
$6d46 = DecoAction_SetItUp
$6d6d = DecoAction_SetItUp.nothingthere
$6d7e = DecoAction_SetItUp.alreadythere
$6d86 = DecoAction_TryPutItAway
$6dab = DecoAction_TryPutItAway.nothingthere
$6db3 = DecoAction_setupornament
$6dc7 = DecoAction_setupornament.cancel
$6dc9 = DecoAction_putawayornament
$6dd3 = DecoAction_putawayornament.incave
$6dd6 = DecoAction_FinishUp_Ornament
$6de3 = DecoAction_SetItUp_Ornament
$6e11 = DecoAction_SetItUp_Ornament.nothingthere
$6e2b = DecoAction_SetItUp_Ornament.failed
$6e33 = DecoAction_SetItUp_Ornament.getwhichside
$6e41 = WhichSidePutOnText
$6e46 = DecoAction_PutItAway_Ornament
$6e63 = DecoAction_PutItAway_Ornament.nothingthere
$6e6b = WhichSidePutAwayText
$6e70 = DecoAction_AskWhichSide
$6e98 = DecoAction_AskWhichSide.nope
$6e9a = QueryWhichSide
$6eab = DecoSideMenuHeader
$6eb3 = DecoSideMenuHeader.MenuData
$6ed1 = PutAwayTheDecoText
$6ed6 = NothingToPutAwayText
$6edb = SetUpTheDecoText
$6ee0 = PutAwayAndSetUpText
$6ee5 = AlreadySetUpText
$6eea = GetDecorationName_c_de
$6ef1 = DecorationFlagAction_c
$6ef5 = GetDecorationName_c
$6f02 = SetSpecificDecorationFlag
$6f0c = GetDecorationID
$6f19 = SetAllDecorationFlags
$6f1c = SetAllDecorationFlags.loop
$6f2a = SetAllDecorationFlags.done
$6f2b = DecorationIDs
$6f59 = DescribeDecoration
$6f5f = DescribeDecoration.Jumptable
$6f69 = DecorationDesc_Poster
$6f7d = DecorationDesc_Poster.nope
$6f84 = DecorationDesc_PosterPointers
$6f91 = DecorationDesc_TownMapPoster
$6f9b = DecorationDesc_TownMapPoster.LookTownMapText
$6fa0 = DecorationDesc_PikachuPoster
$6fa3 = DecorationDesc_PikachuPoster.LookPikachuPosterText
$6fa8 = DecorationDesc_ClefairyPoster
$6fab = DecorationDesc_ClefairyPoster.LookClefairyPosterText
$6fb0 = DecorationDesc_JigglypuffPoster
$6fb3 = DecorationDesc_JigglypuffPoster.LookJigglypuffPosterText
$6fb8 = DecorationDesc_NullPoster
$6fb9 = DecorationDesc_LeftOrnament
$6fbe = DecorationDesc_RightOrnament
$6fc3 = DecorationDesc_Console
$6fc8 = DecorationDesc_OrnamentOrConsole
$6fd5 = DecorationDesc_OrnamentOrConsole.OrnamentConsoleScript
$6fd8 = DecorationDesc_OrnamentOrConsole.LookAdorableDecoText
$6fdd = DecorationDesc_GiantOrnament
$6fe3 = DecorationDesc_GiantOrnament.BigDollScript
$6fe6 = DecorationDesc_GiantOrnament.LookGiantDecoText
$6feb = ToggleMaptileDecorations
$7027 = SetPosterVisibility
$7031 = SetPosterVisibility.ok
$7037 = SetDecorationTile
$7043 = ToggleDecorationsVisibility
$7074 = ToggleDecorationVisibility
$7080 = ToggleDecorationVisibility.hide
$7085 = _GetDecorationSprite
$7092 = PadCoords_de
$709e = LevelUpHappinessMod
$70bd = LevelUpHappinessMod.ok
$70c4 = GetTrainerDVs
$70d6 = TrainerClassDVs
$715c = _ReturnToBattle_UseBall
$7171 = _ReturnToBattle_UseBall.gettutorialbackpic
$7177 = _ReturnToBattle_UseBall.continue
$7192 = ConsumeHeldItem
$71ac = ConsumeHeldItem.theirturn
$71b9 = ConsumeHeldItem.loop
$71c6 = ConsumeHeldItem.ok
$71d8 = ConsumeHeldItem.ourturn
$71da = ConsumeHeldItem.done
$71de = ConsumableEffects
$71f4 = MoveEffectsPointers
$732e = NormalHit
$732e = MoveEffects
$7340 = DoSleep
$7347 = PoisonHit
$735a = LeechHit
$736d = BurnHit
$7380 = FreezeHit
$7393 = ParalyzeHit
$73a6 = Selfdestruct
$73b9 = DreamEater
$73cb = MirrorMove
$73d0 = AttackUp
$73da = DefenseUp
$73e4 = SpeedUp
$73ee = SpecialAttackUp
$73f8 = SpecialDefenseUp
$7402 = AccuracyUp
$740c = EvasionUp
$7417 = AttackUp2
$7421 = DefenseUp2
$742b = SpeedUp2
$7435 = SpecialAttackUp2
$743f = SpecialDefenseUp2
$7449 = AccuracyUp2
$7453 = EvasionUp2
$745d = AttackDown
$7468 = DefenseDown
$7473 = SpeedDown
$747e = SpecialAttackDown
$7489 = SpecialDefenseDown
$7494 = AccuracyDown
$749f = EvasionDown
$74aa = AttackDown2
$74b5 = DefenseDown2
$74c0 = SpeedDown2
$74cb = SpecialAttackDown2
$74d6 = SpecialDefenseDown2
$74e1 = AccuracyDown2
$74ec = EvasionDown2
$74f7 = AttackDownHit
$750b = DefenseDownHit
$7520 = SpeedDownHit
$7534 = SpecialAttackDownHit
$7548 = SpecialDefenseDownHit
$755c = AccuracyDownHit
$7570 = EvasionDownHit
$7584 = DefenseUpHit
$7598 = AttackUpHit
$75ac = AllUpHit
$75bf = PayDay
$75d2 = Conversion
$75d7 = ResetStats
$75dc = Bide
$75ea = Rampage
$75ff = ForceSwitch
$7605 = MultiHit
$761d = PoisonMultiHit
$7637 = FlinchHit
$764a = OHKOHit
$7657 = RecoilHit
$766a = Mist
$766f = FocusEnergy
$7674 = DoConfuse
$767b = ConfuseHit
$768e = Heal
$7693 = Transform
$7698 = LightScreen
$7698 = Reflect
$769d = TriAttack
$76af = Toxic
$76af = DoPoison
$76b7 = DoParalyze
$76bf = SkyAttack
$76d5 = Substitute
$76da = HyperBeam
$76ec = Rage
$7700 = Mimic
$7706 = Metronome
$770b = LeechSeed
$7711 = Splash
$7716 = Disable
$771c = RazorWind
$7730 = Fly
$7745 = TrapTarget
$7758 = SuperFang
$7758 = StaticDamage
$7758 = Psywave
$7765 = Reversal
$7773 = Counter
$777e = Encore
$7784 = PainSplit
$778a = Snore
$779f = Conversion2
$77a5 = LockOn
$77ab = Sketch
$77b0 = DefrostOpponent
$77b5 = SleepTalk
$77ba = DestinyBond
$77bf = Spite
$77c5 = FalseSwipe
$77d8 = HealBell
$77dd = TripleKick
$77f7 = Thief
$780b = MeanLook
$7810 = Nightmare
$7815 = FlameWheel
$7829 = Curse
$782e = Protect
$7833 = Spikes
$7838 = Foresight
$783e = PerishSong
$7843 = Sandstorm
$7848 = Endure
$784d = Rollout
$7861 = Swagger
$7871 = FuryCutter
$7884 = Attract
$788a = Return
$789d = Present
$78b0 = Frustration
$78c3 = Safeguard
$78c8 = SacredFire
$78dc = Magnitude
$78f0 = BatonPass
$78f5 = Pursuit
$7908 = RapidSpin
$791b = MorningSun
$7920 = Synthesis
$7925 = Moonlight
$792a = HiddenPower
$793c = RainDance
$7941 = SunnyDay
$7946 = FakeOut
$794e = BellyDrum
$7953 = PsychUp
$7958 = MirrorCoat
$7963 = SkullBash
$797a = Twister
$798e = Earthquake
$79a1 = FutureSight
$79b0 = Gust
$79c2 = Stomp
$79d6 = Solarbeam
$79eb = Thunder
$79ff = Teleport
$7a04 = BeatUp
$7a1d = DefenseCurl
$7a28 = Kurt_SelectQuantity_InterpretJoypad
EMPTY: $7a2d-$7fff ($05d3 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $05d3 bytes
ROMX bank #10:
SECTION: $4000-$7a19 ($3a1a bytes) ["bankA"]
$4000 = LinkCommunications
$405d = Gen2ToGen1LinkComms
$4091 = Gen2ToGen1LinkComms.player_1
$40fe = Gen2ToGen1LinkComms.loop
$411d = Gen2ToGen1LinkComms.next
$4135 = Gen2ToGen1LinkComms.party_loop
$414e = Gen2ToGen1LinkComms.done_party
$4177 = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms
$41ae = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.player_1
$41fd = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.not_trading
$4224 = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.loop1
$4243 = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.next1
$4254 = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.loop2
$4259 = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.loop3
$4272 = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.loop4
$4279 = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.okay1
$4282 = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.loop5
$4294 = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.start_copying_mail
$429c = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.copy_mail_loop
$42b4 = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.copy_author_loop
$42cc = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.fix_mail_loop
$42e4 = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.skip
$42ee = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.next
$42fe = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.skip_mail
$43a9 = Gen2ToGen2LinkComms.ready_to_trade
$43b2 = LinkTimeout
$43b7 = LinkTimeout.loop
$43ed = LinkTimeout.LinkTimeoutText
$43f2 = ExchangeBytes
$43f6 = ExchangeBytes.loop
$4401 = ExchangeBytes.wait
$4411 = ExchangeBytes.load
$4419 = String_PleaseWait
$4426 = ClearLinkData
$442c = ClearLinkData.loop
$4434 = FixDataForLinkTransfer
$443b = FixDataForLinkTransfer.preamble_loop
$4441 = FixDataForLinkTransfer.rn_loop
$4457 = FixDataForLinkTransfer.clear_loop
$4464 = FixDataForLinkTransfer.patch_loop
$447a = FixDataForLinkTransfer.got_size
$447f = FixDataForLinkTransfer.process
$448c = FixDataForLinkTransfer.data1_done
$4495 = FixDataForLinkTransfer.data2_done
$4499 = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen1
$44a0 = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen1.loop1
$44b5 = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen1.loop2
$44ce = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen1.done_party
$44db = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen1.mon_loop
$44f0 = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen1.copy_ot_nicks
$44f6 = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen1.ConvertPartyStruct2to1
$4528 = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen1.steel_type
$4530 = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen1.skip_steel
$4544 = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen1.done_steel
$4595 = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen2
$459c = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen2.preamble_loop
$45ef = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen2.message_loop
$4603 = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen2.metadata_loop
$461a = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen2.translate_loop
$4635 = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen2.italian_spanish
$463f = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen2.translate_next
$4658 = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen2.message_patch_loop
$465f = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen2.message_patch_skip
$466f = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen2.metadata_patch_loop
$467a = Link_PrepPartyData_Gen2.metadata_patch_skip
$4682 = Link_CopyMailPreamble
$4684 = Link_CopyMailPreamble.loop
$468a = Link_ConvertPartyStruct1to2
$469b = Link_ConvertPartyStruct1to2.loop
$46ba = Link_ConvertPartyStruct1to2.ConvertToGen2
$4771 = TimeCapsule_ReplaceTeruSama
$4778 = TimeCapsule_ReplaceTeruSama.loop
$4782 = TimeCapsule_ReplaceTeruSama.found
$4783 = TimeCapsule_ReplaceTeruSama.end
$4785 = TimeCapsule_CatchRateItems
$479e = Link_CopyOTData
$479e = Link_CopyOTData.loop
$47ab = Link_CopyRandomNumbers
$47bb = Link_CopyRandomNumbers.loop
$47ca = Link_FindFirstNonControlCharacter_SkipZero
$47ca = Link_FindFirstNonControlCharacter_SkipZero.loop
$47d8 = Link_FindFirstNonControlCharacter_AllowZero
$47d8 = Link_FindFirstNonControlCharacter_AllowZero.loop
$47e3 = InitTradeMenuDisplay
$4803 = LinkTrade_OTPartyMenu
$4835 = LinkTradeOTPartymonMenuLoop
$485b = LinkTradeOTPartymonMenuLoop.not_a_button
$4883 = LinkTradeOTPartymonMenuLoop.not_d_up
$488b = LinkTrade_PlayerPartyMenu
$48c5 = LinkTradePartymonMenuLoop
$48d2 = LinkTradePartymonMenuLoop.check_joypad
$48d9 = LinkTradePartymonMenuLoop.not_a_button
$48fe = LinkTradePartymonMenuLoop.not_d_down
$491c = LinkTradePartiesMenuMasterLoop
$4926 = LinkTrade_TradeStatsMenu
$4946 = LinkTrade_TradeStatsMenu.joy_loop
$4983 = LinkTrade_TradeStatsMenu.b_button
$498d = LinkTrade_TradeStatsMenu.d_right
$49cd = LinkTrade_TradeStatsMenu.show_stats
$49fe = LinkTrade_TradeStatsMenu.try_trade
$4a58 = LinkTrade_TradeStatsMenu.abnormal
$4a89 = LinkTrade_TradeStatsMenu.cancel_trade
$4aaf = LinkTrade_TradeStatsMenu.LinkTradeCantBattleText
$4ab4 = LinkTrade_TradeStatsMenu.String_Stats_Trade
$4ac4 = LinkTrade_TradeStatsMenu.LinkAbnormalMonText
$4ac9 = LinkTradeOTPartymonMenuCheckCancel
$4ade = LinkTradePartymonMenuCheckCancel
$4ade = LinkTradePartymonMenuCheckCancel.loop1
$4ae3 = LinkTradePartymonMenuCheckCancel.loop2
$4b03 = LinkTradePartymonMenuCheckCancel.d_up
$4b0b = LinkTradePartymonMenuCheckCancel.a_button
$4b22 = ExitLinkCommunications
$4b42 = GSPlaceTradeScreenFooter
$4b61 = GSPlaceTradeScreenFooter.CancelString
$4b68 = LinkTradePlaceArrow
$4b77 = LinkEngine_FillBox
$4b77 = LinkEngine_FillBox.row
$4b79 = LinkEngine_FillBox.col
$4b87 = LinkTrade
$4c33 = LinkTrade.canceled
$4c54 = LinkTrade.try_trade
$4c7b = LinkTrade.do_trade
$4c96 = LinkTrade.copy_mail
$4ca6 = LinkTrade.copy_player_data
$4de4 = LinkTrade.player_2
$4de9 = LinkTrade.done_animation
$4e49 = LinkTrade.send_checkbyte
$4e63 = LinkTrade.save
$4ea3 = InitTradeMenuDisplay_Delay
$4eab = String_TradeCancel
$4eb8 = LinkAskTradeForText
$4ebd = String_TradeCompleted
$4ece = String_TooBadTheTradeWasCanceled
$4eef = LinkTextboxAtHL
$4ef8 = LoadTradeScreenBorderGFX
$4eff = SetTradeRoomBGPals
$4f09 = PlaceTradeScreenTextbox
$4f24 = TradeAnimation
$4f3f = TradeAnimation.script
$4f63 = TradeAnimationPlayer2
$4f7e = TradeAnimationPlayer2.script
$4fa1 = RunTradeAnimScript
$4fca = RunTradeAnimScript.anim_loop
$4fdb = RunTradeAnimScript.TradeAnimLayout
$500b = RunTradeAnimScript.NotCGB
$5082 = DoTradeAnimation
$509b = DoTradeAnimation.finished
$50a0 = DoTradeAnimation.DoTradeAnimCommand
$50af = DoTradeAnimation.Jumptable
$50af = TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer_TradeCmd
$50b1 = TradeAnim_ShowGivemonData_TradeCmd
$50b3 = TradeAnim_ShowGetmonData_TradeCmd
$50b5 = TradeAnim_EnterLinkTube1_TradeCmd
$50b7 = TradeAnim_EnterLinkTube2_TradeCmd
$50b9 = TradeAnim_ExitLinkTube_TradeCmd
$50bb = TradeAnim_TubeToOT1_TradeCmd
$50bd = TradeAnim_TubeToOT2_TradeCmd
$50bf = TradeAnim_TubeToOT3_TradeCmd
$50c1 = TradeAnim_TubeToOT4_TradeCmd
$50c3 = TradeAnim_TubeToOT5_TradeCmd
$50c5 = TradeAnim_TubeToOT6_TradeCmd
$50c7 = TradeAnim_TubeToOT7_TradeCmd
$50c9 = TradeAnim_TubeToOT8_TradeCmd
$50cb = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer1_TradeCmd
$50cd = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer2_TradeCmd
$50cf = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer3_TradeCmd
$50d1 = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer4_TradeCmd
$50d3 = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer5_TradeCmd
$50d5 = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer6_TradeCmd
$50d7 = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer7_TradeCmd
$50d9 = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer8_TradeCmd
$50db = TradeAnim_SentToOTText_TradeCmd
$50dd = TradeAnim_OTBidsFarewell_TradeCmd
$50df = TradeAnim_TakeCareOfText_TradeCmd
$50e1 = TradeAnim_OTSendsText1_TradeCmd
$50e3 = TradeAnim_OTSendsText2_TradeCmd
$50e5 = TradeAnim_SetupGivemonScroll_TradeCmd
$50e7 = TradeAnim_DoGivemonScroll_TradeCmd
$50e9 = TradeAnim_FrontpicScrollStart_TradeCmd
$50eb = TradeAnim_TextboxScrollStart_TradeCmd
$50ed = TradeAnim_ScrollOutRight_TradeCmd
$50ef = TradeAnim_ScrollOutRight2_TradeCmd
$50f1 = TradeAnim_Wait80_TradeCmd
$50f3 = TradeAnim_Wait40_TradeCmd
$50f5 = TradeAnim_RockingBall_TradeCmd
$50f7 = TradeAnim_DropBall_TradeCmd
$50f9 = TradeAnim_WaitAnim_TradeCmd
$50fb = TradeAnim_WaitAnim2_TradeCmd
$50fd = TradeAnim_Poof_TradeCmd
$50ff = TradeAnim_BulgeThroughTube_TradeCmd
$5101 = TradeAnim_GiveTrademonSFX_TradeCmd
$5103 = TradeAnim_GetTrademonSFX_TradeCmd
$5105 = TradeAnim_End_TradeCmd
$5107 = TradeAnim_AnimateFrontpic_TradeCmd
$5109 = TradeAnim_Wait96_TradeCmd
$510b = TradeAnim_Wait80IfOTEgg_TradeCmd
$510d = TradeAnim_Wait180IfOTEgg_TradeCmd
$510f = TradeAnim_IncrementJumptableIndex
$5114 = TradeAnim_AdvanceScriptPointer
$5123 = TradeAnim_End
$5129 = TradeAnim_TubeToOT1
$513c = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer1
$514e = TradeAnim_InitTubeAnim
$51af = TradeAnim_TubeToOT2
$51c4 = TradeAnim_TubeToOT3
$51d9 = TradeAnim_TubeToOT4
$51e8 = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer3
$51fd = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer4
$5211 = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer5
$5220 = TradeAnim_TubeToOT6
$5220 = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer6
$5229 = TradeAnim_TubeToOT8
$5229 = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer8
$525d = TradeAnim_TubeToOT5
$525d = TradeAnim_TubeToOT7
$525d = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer2
$525d = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer7
$5269 = TradeAnim_TubeToPlayer7.done
$526d = TradeAnim_GiveTrademonSFX
$5277 = TradeAnim_GetTrademonSFX
$5281 = TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable
$528f = TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable.Jumptable
$5297 = TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable.Zero
$5297 = TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable.Three
$52af = TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable.One
$52be = TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable.Two
$52d9 = TradeAnim_TubeAnimJumptable.loop
$52ec = TradeAnim_CopyTradeGameBoyTilemap
$52f6 = TradeAnim_PlaceTrademonStatsOnTubeAnim
$531e = TradeAnim_PlaceTrademonStatsOnTubeAnim.find_name_end_loop
$5326 = TradeAnim_PlaceTrademonStatsOnTubeAnim.done
$5348 = TradeAnim_EnterLinkTube1
$537e = TradeAnim_EnterLinkTube2
$5388 = TradeAnim_EnterLinkTube2.done
$5391 = TradeAnim_ExitLinkTube
$539c = TradeAnim_ExitLinkTube.done
$53a6 = TradeAnim_SetupGivemonScroll
$53b6 = TradeAnim_DoGivemonScroll
$53c7 = TradeAnim_DoGivemonScroll.done
$53d2 = TradeAnim_FrontpicScrollStart
$53de = TradeAnim_TextboxScrollStart
$53ea = TradeAnim_ScrollOutRight
$540c = TradeAnim_ScrollOutRight2
$5417 = TradeAnim_ScrollOutRight2.done
$542e = TradeAnim_ShowGivemonData
$545d = TradeAnim_ShowGivemonData.skip_cry
$5461 = TradeAnim_ShowGetmonData
$5487 = TradeAnim_AnimateFrontpic
$5491 = TradeAnim_GetFrontpic
$54a9 = TradeAnim_GetNicknamename
$54bb = TradeAnim_ShowGivemonFrontpic
$54c0 = TradeAnim_ShowGetmonFrontpic
$54c3 = TradeAnim_ShowFrontpic
$54e7 = TradeAnim_Wait80
$54f0 = TradeAnim_Wait40
$54f9 = TradeAnim_Wait96
$5502 = TradeAnim_Wait80IfOTEgg
$550c = TradeAnim_Wait180IfOTEgg
$5516 = IsOTTrademonEgg
$551f = ShowPlayerTrademonStats
$5549 = ShowOTTrademonStats
$5573 = TrademonStats_MonTemplate
$5591 = TrademonStats_MonTemplate.OTMonData
$55a1 = TrademonStats_Egg
$55c2 = TrademonStats_Egg.EggData
$55d8 = TrademonStats_WaitBGMap
$55e3 = TrademonStats_PrintSpeciesNumber
$55ef = TrademonStats_PrintSpeciesName
$55f6 = TrademonStats_PrintOTName
$55fb = TrademonStats_PrintOTName.caught_gender_okay
$560e = TrademonStats_PrintOTName.Gender
$5611 = TrademonStats_PrintTrademonID
$561b = TradeAnim_RockingBall
$562c = TradeAnim_DropBall
$5649 = TradeAnim_Poof
$5660 = TradeAnim_BulgeThroughTube
$5676 = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube
$5686 = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.Jumptable
$5694 = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.JumptableNext
$569a = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.InitTimer
$56a4 = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.WaitTimer1
$56af = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.MoveRight
$56ba = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.done_move_right
$56bd = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.MoveDown
$56c8 = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.done_move_down
$56cf = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.MoveUp
$56da = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.done_move_up
$56dd = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.MoveLeft
$56e8 = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.done_move_left
$56f2 = TradeAnim_AnimateTrademonInTube.WaitTimer2
$5701 = TradeAnim_SentToOTText
$5725 = TradeAnim_SentToOTText.time_capsule
$5732 = TradeAnim_SentToOTText.MonWasSentToText
$5737 = TradeAnim_SentToOTText.MonNameSentToText
$573c = TradeAnim_OTBidsFarewell
$5752 = TradeAnim_OTBidsFarewell.BidsFarewellToMonText
$5757 = TradeAnim_OTBidsFarewell.MonNameBidsFarewellText
$575c = TradeAnim_TakeCareOfText
$577a = TradeAnim_TakeCareOfText.TakeGoodCareOfMonText
$577f = TradeAnim_OTSendsText1
$579a = TradeAnim_OTSendsText1.ForYourMonSendsText
$579f = TradeAnim_OTSendsText1.OTSendsText
$57a4 = TradeAnim_OTSendsText2
$57bf = TradeAnim_OTSendsText2.WillTradeText
$57c4 = TradeAnim_OTSendsText2.ForYourMonWillTradeText
$57c9 = TradeAnim_Wait80Frames
$57cf = TradeAnim_BlankTilemap
$57db = TradeAnim_CopyBoxFromDEtoHL
$57db = TradeAnim_CopyBoxFromDEtoHL.row
$57dd = TradeAnim_CopyBoxFromDEtoHL.col
$57ed = TradeAnim_NormalPals
$57f6 = TradeAnim_NormalPals.not_sgb
$57ff = LinkTradeAnim_LoadTradePlayerNames
$5814 = LinkTradeAnim_LoadTradeMonSpecies
$581d = TradeAnim_FlashBGPals
$582b = LoadTradeBallAndCableGFX
$585a = LoadTradeBubbleGFX
$5879 = TradeAnim_WaitAnim
$5882 = TradeAnim_WaitAnim.done
$5886 = TradeAnim_WaitAnim2
$588f = TradeAnim_WaitAnim2.done
$5893 = DebugTrade
$589f = DebugTrade.loop1
$58ae = DebugTrade.loop2
$58b5 = DebugTrade.DebugTradeData
$58c7 = TradeGameBoyTilemap
$58f7 = TradeLinkTubeTilemap
$591b = TradeArrowRightGFX
$592b = TradeArrowLeftGFX
$593b = TradeCableGFX
$595b = TradeBubbleGFX
$599b = TradeGameBoyLZ
$5adb = TradeBallGFX
$5b3b = TradePoofGFX
$5bfb = CheckTimeCapsuleCompatibility
$5c00 = CheckTimeCapsuleCompatibility.loop
$5c0c = CheckTimeCapsuleCompatibility.checkitem
$5c13 = CheckTimeCapsuleCompatibility.itemloop
$5c2e = CheckTimeCapsuleCompatibility.move_loop
$5c30 = CheckTimeCapsuleCompatibility.move_next
$5c42 = CheckTimeCapsuleCompatibility.mon_too_new
$5c4c = CheckTimeCapsuleCompatibility.move_too_new
$5c5e = CheckTimeCapsuleCompatibility.mon_has_mail
$5c63 = CheckTimeCapsuleCompatibility.done
$5c67 = GetIncompatibleMonName
$5c7b = EnterTimeCapsule
$5c92 = WaitForOtherPlayerToExit
$5ce8 = SetBitsForLinkTradeRequest
$5cf1 = SetBitsForBattleRequest
$5cfa = SetBitsForTimeCapsuleRequest
$5d11 = WaitForLinkedFriend
$5d2f = WaitForLinkedFriend.no_link_action
$5d39 = WaitForLinkedFriend.loop
$5d68 = WaitForLinkedFriend.not_done
$5d79 = WaitForLinkedFriend.connected
$5d8d = WaitForLinkedFriend.done
$5d92 = CheckLinkTimeout_Receptionist
$5dba = CheckLinkTimeout_Gen2
$5de0 = CheckLinkTimeout_Gen2.wait
$5e03 = CheckLinkTimeout_Gen2.timeout
$5e08 = CheckLinkTimeout_Gen2.exit
$5e0c = Link_CheckCommunicationError
$5e2f = Link_CheckCommunicationError.load_true
$5e31 = Link_CheckCommunicationError.done
$5e3b = Link_CheckCommunicationError.CheckConnected
$5e47 = Link_CheckCommunicationError.AcknowledgeSerial
$5e49 = Link_CheckCommunicationError.loop
$5e53 = Link_CheckCommunicationError.ConvertDW
$5e66 = TryQuickSave
$5e75 = TryQuickSave.return_result
$5e82 = CheckBothSelectedSameRoom
$5eaa = CheckBothSelectedSameRoom.fail
$5eaf = TimeCapsule
$5ec4 = TradeCenter
$5ed9 = Colosseum
$5eee = CloseLink
$5efa = FailedLinkToPast
$5f04 = Link_ResetSerialRegistersAfterLinkClosure
$5f17 = Link_EnsureSync
$5f29 = Link_EnsureSync.receive_loop
$5f40 = Link_EnsureSync.done
$5f47 = CableClubCheckWhichChris
$5f50 = CableClubCheckWhichChris.yes
$5f54 = GSLinkCommsBorderGFX
$5fe4 = CheckSRAM0Flag
$5ff8 = LoadWildMonData
$6006 = LoadWildMonData.copy
$6011 = LoadWildMonData.done_copy
$601b = LoadWildMonData.no_copy
$601f = FindNest
$6043 = FindNest.kanto
$6052 = FindNest.FindGrass
$6067 = FindNest.next_grass
$606e = FindNest.FindWater
$6081 = FindNest.next_water
$6088 = FindNest.SearchMapForMon
$6089 = FindNest.ScanMapLoop
$6098 = FindNest.found
$609c = FindNest.AppendNest
$60a7 = FindNest.AppendNestLoop
$60b4 = FindNest.found_nest
$60b7 = FindNest.RoamMon1
$60cf = FindNest.RoamMon2
$60e7 = TryWildEncounter
$60f8 = TryWildEncounter.no_battle
$6103 = TryWildEncounter.EncounterRate
$6111 = GetMapEncounterRate
$611e = GetMapEncounterRate.ok
$6124 = ApplyMusicEffectOnEncounterRate
$6135 = ApplyMusicEffectOnEncounterRate.double
$6138 = ApplyCleanseTagEffectOnEncounterRate
$6142 = ApplyCleanseTagEffectOnEncounterRate.loop
$614c = ApplyCleanseTagEffectOnEncounterRate.cleansetag
$614f = ChooseWildEncounter
$6174 = ChooseWildEncounter.watermon
$6175 = ChooseWildEncounter.randomloop
$6180 = ChooseWildEncounter.prob_bracket_loop
$6187 = ChooseWildEncounter.got_it
$61aa = ChooseWildEncounter.ok
$61bf = ChooseWildEncounter.done
$61c1 = ChooseWildEncounter.nowildbattle
$61c5 = ChooseWildEncounter.loadwildmon
$61c9 = ChooseWildEncounter.startwildbattle
$61cb = GrassMonProbTable
$61d9 = WaterMonProbTable
$61df = CheckRepelEffect
$61eb = CheckRepelEffect.loop
$61f2 = CheckRepelEffect.ok
$61fe = CheckRepelEffect.encounter
$6200 = LoadWildMonDataPointer
$6205 = _GrassWildmonLookup
$621d = _WaterWildmonLookup
$6235 = _JohtoWildmonCheck
$623d = _SwarmWildmonCheck
$625c = _SwarmWildmonCheck.CheckYanma
$6278 = _NoSwarmWildmon
$627a = _NormalWildmonOK
$627f = CopyCurrMapDE
$6288 = LookUpWildmonsForMapDE
$6288 = LookUpWildmonsForMapDE.loop
$6296 = LookUpWildmonsForMapDE.next
$629a = LookUpWildmonsForMapDE.nope
$629d = LookUpWildmonsForMapDE.yup
$62a0 = InitRoamMons
$62ce = CheckEncounterRoamMon
$630a = CheckEncounterRoamMon.DontEncounterRoamMon
$630d = UpdateRoamMons
$6324 = UpdateRoamMons.SkipRaikou
$633b = UpdateRoamMons.SkipEntei
$6352 = UpdateRoamMons.Finished
$6355 = UpdateRoamMons.Update
$6358 = UpdateRoamMons.loop
$6365 = UpdateRoamMons.next
$636b = UpdateRoamMons.yes
$636e = UpdateRoamMons.update_loop
$6390 = UpdateRoamMons.done
$6394 = JumpRoamMons
$63a6 = JumpRoamMons.SkipRaikou
$63b8 = JumpRoamMons.SkipEntei
$63ca = JumpRoamMons.Finished
$63cd = JumpRoamMon
$63cd = JumpRoamMon.loop
$63d0 = JumpRoamMon.innerloop1
$63db = JumpRoamMon.innerloop2
$63de = JumpRoamMon.innerloop3
$63e4 = JumpRoamMon.ok
$63f2 = JumpRoamMon.done
$63f6 = _BackUpMapIndices
$640f = RoamMaps
$64a0 = ValidateTempWildMonSpecies
$64a9 = ValidateTempWildMonSpecies.nowildmon
$64ab = RandomUnseenWildMon
$64c6 = RandomUnseenWildMon.GetGrassmon
$64d4 = RandomUnseenWildMon.randloop1
$64eb = RandomUnseenWildMon.loop2
$6514 = RandomUnseenWildMon.done
$651a = RandomUnseenWildMon.JustSawSomeRareMonText
$651f = RandomPhoneWildMon
$6538 = RandomPhoneWildMon.ok
$6543 = RandomPhoneWildMon.loop
$6549 = RandomPhoneWildMon.done
$6567 = RandomPhoneMon
$657c = RandomPhoneMon.skip_trainer
$657f = RandomPhoneMon.skip
$658b = RandomPhoneMon.skipped
$658b = RandomPhoneMon.skip_name
$65b3 = RandomPhoneMon.got_mon_length
$65b6 = RandomPhoneMon.count_mon
$65c2 = RandomPhoneMon.rand
$65cb = RandomPhoneMon.get_mon
$65d1 = RandomPhoneMon.got_mon
$65e9 = JohtoGrassWildMons
$65e9 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_SPROUT_TOWER_2F
$6618 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_SPROUT_TOWER_3F
$6647 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_TIN_TOWER_2F
$6676 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_TIN_TOWER_3F
$66a5 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_TIN_TOWER_4F
$66d4 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_TIN_TOWER_5F
$6703 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_TIN_TOWER_6F
$6732 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_TIN_TOWER_7F
$6761 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_TIN_TOWER_8F
$6790 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_TIN_TOWER_9F
$67bf = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_BURNED_TOWER_1F
$67ee = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_BURNED_TOWER_B1F
$681d = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_NATIONAL_PARK
$684c = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_RUINS_OF_ALPH_OUTSIDE
$687b = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_RUINS_OF_ALPH_INNER_CHAMBER
$68aa = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_UNION_CAVE_1F
$68d9 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_UNION_CAVE_B1F
$6908 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_UNION_CAVE_B2F
$6937 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_SLOWPOKE_WELL_B1F
$6966 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_SLOWPOKE_WELL_B2F
$6995 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ILEX_FOREST
$69c4 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_MOUNT_MORTAR_1F_OUTSIDE
$69f3 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_MOUNT_MORTAR_1F_INSIDE
$6a22 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_MOUNT_MORTAR_2F_INSIDE
$6a51 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_MOUNT_MORTAR_B1F
$6a80 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ICE_PATH_1F
$6aaf = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ICE_PATH_B1F
$6ade = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ICE_PATH_B2F_MAHOGANY_SIDE
$6b0d = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ICE_PATH_B2F_BLACKTHORN_SIDE
$6b3c = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ICE_PATH_B3F
$6b6b = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_WHIRL_ISLAND_NW
$6b9a = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_WHIRL_ISLAND_NE
$6bc9 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_WHIRL_ISLAND_SW
$6bf8 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_WHIRL_ISLAND_CAVE
$6c27 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_WHIRL_ISLAND_SE
$6c56 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_WHIRL_ISLAND_B1F
$6c85 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_WHIRL_ISLAND_B2F
$6cb4 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_WHIRL_ISLAND_LUGIA_CHAMBER
$6ce3 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_SILVER_CAVE_ROOM_1
$6d12 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_SILVER_CAVE_ROOM_2
$6d41 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_SILVER_CAVE_ROOM_3
$6d70 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_SILVER_CAVE_ITEM_ROOMS
$6d9f = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_DARK_CAVE_VIOLET_ENTRANCE
$6dce = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_DARK_CAVE_BLACKTHORN_ENTRANCE
$6dfd = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_29
$6e2c = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_30
$6e5b = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_31
$6e8a = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_32
$6eb9 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_33
$6ee8 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_34
$6f17 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_35
$6f46 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_36
$6f75 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_37
$6fa4 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_38
$6fd3 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_39
$7002 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_42
$7031 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_43
$7060 = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_44
$708f = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_45
$70be = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_46
$70ed = JohtoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_SILVER_CAVE_OUTSIDE
$711d = JohtoWaterWildMons
$711d = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_RUINS_OF_ALPH_OUTSIDE
$7126 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_UNION_CAVE_1F
$712f = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_UNION_CAVE_B1F
$7138 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_UNION_CAVE_B2F
$7141 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_SLOWPOKE_WELL_B1F
$714a = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_SLOWPOKE_WELL_B2F
$7153 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ILEX_FOREST
$715c = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_MOUNT_MORTAR_1F_OUTSIDE
$7165 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_MOUNT_MORTAR_2F_INSIDE
$716e = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_MOUNT_MORTAR_B1F
$7177 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_WHIRL_ISLAND_SW
$7180 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_WHIRL_ISLAND_B2F
$7189 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_WHIRL_ISLAND_LUGIA_CHAMBER
$7192 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_SILVER_CAVE_ROOM_2
$719b = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_DARK_CAVE_VIOLET_ENTRANCE
$71a4 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_DARK_CAVE_BLACKTHORN_ENTRANCE
$71ad = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_DRAGONS_DEN_B1F
$71b6 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_OLIVINE_PORT
$71bf = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_30
$71c8 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_31
$71d1 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_32
$71da = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_34
$71e3 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_35
$71ec = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_40
$71f5 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_41
$71fe = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_42
$7207 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_43
$7210 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_44
$7219 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_45
$7222 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_NEW_BARK_TOWN
$722b = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_CHERRYGROVE_CITY
$7234 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_VIOLET_CITY
$723d = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_CIANWOOD_CITY
$7246 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_OLIVINE_CITY
$724f = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ECRUTEAK_CITY
$7258 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_LAKE_OF_RAGE
$7261 = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_BLACKTHORN_CITY
$726a = JohtoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_SILVER_CAVE_OUTSIDE
$7274 = KantoGrassWildMons
$7274 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_DIGLETTS_CAVE
$72a3 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_MOUNT_MOON
$72d2 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROCK_TUNNEL_1F
$7301 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROCK_TUNNEL_B1F
$7330 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_VICTORY_ROAD
$735f = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_TOHJO_FALLS
$738e = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_1
$73bd = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_2
$73ec = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_3
$741b = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_4
$744a = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_5
$7479 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_6
$74a8 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_7
$74d7 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_8
$7506 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_9
$7535 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_10_NORTH
$7564 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_11
$7593 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_13
$75c2 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_14
$75f1 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_15
$7620 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_16
$764f = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_17
$767e = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_18
$76ad = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_21
$76dc = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_22
$770b = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_24
$773a = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_25
$7769 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_26
$7798 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_27
$77c7 = KantoGrassWildMons._def_grass_wildmons_ROUTE_28
$77f7 = KantoWaterWildMons
$77f7 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_TOHJO_FALLS
$7800 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_VERMILION_PORT
$7809 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_4
$7812 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_6
$781b = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_9
$7824 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_10_NORTH
$782d = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_12
$7836 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_13
$783f = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_19
$7848 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_20
$7851 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_21
$785a = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_22
$7863 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_24
$786c = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_25
$7875 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_26
$787e = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_27
$7887 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_ROUTE_28
$7890 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_PALLET_TOWN
$7899 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_VIRIDIAN_CITY
$78a2 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_CERULEAN_CITY
$78ab = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_VERMILION_CITY
$78b4 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_CELADON_CITY
$78bd = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_FUCHSIA_CITY
$78c6 = KantoWaterWildMons._def_water_wildmons_CINNABAR_ISLAND
$78d0 = SwarmGrassWildMons
$792f = SwarmWaterWildMons
$7930 = DetermineLinkBattleResult
$794c = DetermineLinkBattleResult.even_number_of_mons_remaining
$7970 = DetermineLinkBattleResult.compare_lo
$7976 = DetermineLinkBattleResult.victory
$797f = DetermineLinkBattleResult.defeat
$798a = DetermineLinkBattleResult.drawn
$7995 = DetermineLinkBattleResult.CountMonsRemaining
$799c = DetermineLinkBattleResult.loop
$79a1 = DetermineLinkBattleResult.not_fainted
$79a6 = DetermineLinkBattleResult.CalcPercentHPRemaining
$79ab = DetermineLinkBattleResult.loop2
$79d7 = DetermineLinkBattleResult.next
$79e1 = DetermineLinkBattleResult.BothSides_CheckNumberMonsAtFullHealth
$79f2 = DetermineLinkBattleResult.finish
$7a01 = DetermineLinkBattleResult.CheckFaintedOrFullHealth
$7a03 = DetermineLinkBattleResult.loop3
$7a10 = DetermineLinkBattleResult.fainted_or_full_health
SECTION: $7a1a-$7ce9 ($02d0 bytes) ["Trainer Backpics"]
$7a1a = ChrisBackpic
$7baa = DudeBackpic
EMPTY: $7cea-$7fff ($0316 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0316 bytes
ROMX bank #11:
SECTION: $4000-$6f9e ($2f9f bytes) ["bankB"]
$4000 = BattleStart_TrainerHuds
$4012 = EnemySwitch_TrainerHud
$401c = ShowPlayerMonsRemaining
$403a = ShowOTTrainerMonsRemaining
$4059 = StageBallTilesData
$4062 = StageBallTilesData.loop1
$406b = StageBallTilesData.loop2
$4075 = StageBallTilesData.GetHUDTile
$407f = StageBallTilesData.got_hp
$408b = StageBallTilesData.fainted
$408e = StageBallTilesData.load
$4095 = DrawPlayerHUDBorder
$40a9 = DrawPlayerHUDBorder.tiles
$40ad = DrawPlayerPartyIconHUDBorder
$40ad = DrawPlayerHUDBorder.tiles_end
$40c1 = DrawPlayerPartyIconHUDBorder.tiles
$40c5 = DrawEnemyHUDBorder
$40c5 = DrawPlayerPartyIconHUDBorder.tiles_end
$40ed = DrawEnemyHUDBorder.tiles
$40f1 = PlaceHUDBorderTiles
$40f1 = DrawEnemyHUDBorder.tiles_end
$40ff = PlaceHUDBorderTiles.loop
$410d = LinkBattle_TrainerHuds
$4143 = LoadTrainerHudOAM
$4148 = LoadTrainerHudOAM.loop
$4165 = LoadBallIconGFX
$4172 = LoadBallIconGFX.gfx
$41b2 = _ShowLinkBattleParticipants
$41ef = TrainerClassNames
$441a = AI_Redundant
$442c = AI_Redundant.Moves
$4487 = AI_Redundant.LightScreen
$448d = AI_Redundant.Mist
$4493 = AI_Redundant.FocusEnergy
$4499 = AI_Redundant.Confuse
$44a5 = AI_Redundant.Transform
$44ab = AI_Redundant.Reflect
$44b1 = AI_Redundant.Substitute
$44b7 = AI_Redundant.LeechSeed
$44bd = AI_Redundant.Disable
$44c2 = AI_Redundant.Encore
$44c8 = AI_Redundant.Snore
$44c8 = AI_Redundant.SleepTalk
$44d1 = AI_Redundant.MeanLook
$44d7 = AI_Redundant.Nightmare
$44e3 = AI_Redundant.Spikes
$44e9 = AI_Redundant.Foresight
$44ef = AI_Redundant.PerishSong
$44f5 = AI_Redundant.Sandstorm
$44fe = AI_Redundant.Attract
$450c = AI_Redundant.Safeguard
$4512 = AI_Redundant.RainDance
$451b = AI_Redundant.SunnyDay
$4524 = AI_Redundant.DreamEater
$452d = AI_Redundant.Swagger
$4533 = AI_Redundant.FutureSight
$4539 = AI_Redundant.Heal
$4539 = AI_Redundant.MorningSun
$4539 = AI_Redundant.Synthesis
$4539 = AI_Redundant.Moonlight
$4541 = AI_Redundant.Teleport
$4541 = AI_Redundant.Redundant
$4545 = AI_Redundant.NotRedundant
$4547 = MoveDeletion
$45bc = MoveDeletion.egg
$45c3 = MoveDeletion.declined
$45ca = MoveDeletion.onlyonemove
$45d1 = MoveDeletion.MoveKnowsOneText
$45d6 = MoveDeletion.AskDeleteMoveText
$45db = MoveDeletion.DeleterForgotMoveText
$45e0 = MoveDeletion.MailEggText
$45e5 = MoveDeletion.DeleterNoComeAgainText
$45ea = MoveDeletion.DeleterAskWhichMoveText
$45ef = MoveDeletion.DeleterIntroText
$45f4 = MoveDeletion.DeleterAskWhichMonText
$45f9 = MoveDeletion.DeleteMove
$460f = MoveDeletion.loop
$461b = MoveDeletion.okay
$4633 = MoveDeletion.loop2
$463f = MoveDeletion.done
$4642 = StageDataForMysteryGift
$46ac = StageDataForMysteryGift.RandomSample
$46be = StageDataForMysteryGift.loop
$46c9 = StageDataForMysteryGift.skip
$46cc = StageDataForMysteryGift.tenpercent
$46dd = StageDataForMysteryGift.loop2
$46e8 = StageDataForMysteryGift.skip2
$46ed = StageDataForMysteryGift.twopercent
$46fd = StageDataForMysteryGift.pointfourpercent
$4706 = StageDataForMysteryGift.done
$4708 = MysteryGiftGetItem
$4715 = MysteryGiftGetDecoration
$4722 = MysteryGiftFallbackItem
$4725 = MysteryGiftItems
$474a = MysteryGiftItems.End
$474a = MysteryGiftDecos
$476f = TMHMPocket
$476f = MysteryGiftDecos.End
$4798 = TMHMPocket.ConvertItemToTMHMNumber
$47a7 = ConvertCurItemIntoCurTMHM
$47b6 = GetTMHMItemMove
$47bf = AskTeachTMHM
$47e9 = AskTeachTMHM.TM
$47f5 = AskTeachTMHM.NotTMHM
$47fb = ChooseMonToLearnTMHM
$480a = ChooseMonToLearnTMHM_NoRefresh
$4821 = ChooseMonToLearnTMHM_NoRefresh.loopback
$4854 = ChooseMonToLearnTMHM_NoRefresh.egg
$4867 = TeachTMHM
$488b = TeachTMHM.compatible
$48b6 = TeachTMHM.nope
$48b8 = TeachTMHM.didnt_use
$48bd = TeachTMHM.learned_move
$48bf = BootedTMText
$48c4 = BootedHMText
$48c9 = ContainedMoveText
$48ce = TMHMNotCompatibleText
$48d3 = TMHM_PocketLoop
$48f1 = TMHM_PocketLoop.okay
$4915 = TMHM_JoypadLoop
$4946 = TMHM_ShowTMMoveDescription
$4974 = TMHM_ChooseTMorHM
$498a = TMHM_CheckHoveringOverCancel
$4991 = TMHM_CheckHoveringOverCancel.loop
$499f = TMHM_CheckHoveringOverCancel.okay
$49a5 = TMHM_ExitPack
$49a8 = _TMHM_ExitPack
$49af = TMHM_ExitPocket
$49b1 = TMHM_ScrollPocket
$49c5 = TMHM_ScrollPocket.skip
$49ca = TMHM_ScrollPocket.loop
$49e2 = TMHM_DisplayPocketItems
$49fa = TMHM_DisplayPocketItems.loop2
$4a22 = TMHM_DisplayPocketItems.HM
$4a38 = TMHM_DisplayPocketItems.okay
$4a6f = TMHM_DisplayPocketItems.hm2
$4a77 = TMHM_DisplayPocketItems.NotTMHM
$4a85 = TMHM_DisplayPocketItems.done
$4a86 = TMHMPocket_GetCurrentLineCoord
$4a90 = TMHMPocket_GetCurrentLineCoord.loop
$4a95 = PlaceMoveNameAfterTMHMName
$4aae = TMHM_CancelString
$4ab5 = TMHM_GetCurrentPocketPosition
$4abf = TMHM_GetCurrentPocketPosition.loop
$4aca = Tutorial_TMHMPocket
$4ad6 = TMHM_PlaySFX_ReadText2
$4adf = VerboseReceiveTMHM
$4aed = VerboseReceiveTMHM.print
$4af0 = VerboseReceiveTMHM.NoRoomTMHMText
$4af5 = VerboseReceiveTMHM.ReceivedTMHMText
$4afa = VerboseReceiveTMHM.CheckHaveRoomForTMHM
$4b0c = ConsumeTM
$4b2a = CountTMsHMs
$4b31 = CountTMsHMs.loop
$4b36 = CountTMsHMs.skip
$4b3e = PrintMoveDescription
$4b52 = MoveDescriptions
$4d52 = MoveFCDescription
$4d52 = MoveFDDescription
$4d52 = MoveFEDescription
$4d52 = MoveFFDescription
$4d52 = Move00Description
$4d54 = PoundDescription
$4d74 = KarateChopDescription
$4d95 = DoubleslapDescription
$4db1 = CometPunchDescription
$4dcf = MegaPunchDescription
$4df2 = PayDayDescription
$4e16 = FirePunchDescription
$4e37 = IcePunchDescription
$4e59 = ThunderpunchDescription
$4e7d = ScratchDescription
$4e99 = VicegripDescription
$4eb8 = GuillotineDescription
$4ed5 = RazorWindDescription
$4ef8 = SwordsDanceDescription
$4f19 = CutDescription
$4f39 = GustDescription
$4f59 = WingAttackDescription
$4f78 = WhirlwindDescription
$4f9a = FlyDescription
$4fb9 = BindDescription
$4fd9 = SlamDescription
$4fff = VineWhipDescription
$5021 = StompDescription
$5045 = DoubleKickDescription
$505e = MegaKickDescription
$5079 = JumpKickDescription
$5096 = RollingKickDescription
$50ad = SandAttackDescription
$50d0 = HeadbuttDescription
$50f4 = HornAttackDescription
$5113 = FuryAttackDescription
$512e = HornDrillDescription
$514a = TackleDescription
$5165 = BodySlamDescription
$5189 = WrapDescription
$51a9 = TakeDownDescription
$51cc = ThrashDescription
$51ef = DoubleEdgeDescription
$5212 = TailWhipDescription
$522b = PoisonStingDescription
$5251 = TwineedleDescription
$5274 = PinMissileDescription
$5296 = LeerDescription
$52b0 = BiteDescription
$52d4 = GrowlDescription
$52ed = RoarDescription
$530d = SingDescription
$532f = SupersonicDescription
$5351 = SonicboomDescription
$536e = DisableDescription
$5392 = AcidDescription
$53b4 = EmberDescription
$53d7 = FlamethrowerDescription
$53fa = MistDescription
$5413 = WaterGunDescription
$542c = HydroPumpDescription
$544b = SurfDescription
$5468 = IceBeamDescription
$548b = BlizzardDescription
$54ae = PsybeamDescription
$54d2 = BubblebeamDescription
$54f2 = AuroraBeamDescription
$5513 = HyperBeamDescription
$5533 = PeckDescription
$5552 = DrillPeckDescription
$5574 = SubmissionDescription
$559a = LowKickDescription
$55be = CounterDescription
$55de = SeismicTossDescription
$5600 = StrengthDescription
$561e = AbsorbDescription
$5642 = MegaDrainDescription
$5666 = LeechSeedDescription
$568c = GrowthDescription
$56a9 = RazorLeafDescription
$56ca = SolarbeamDescription
$56ed = PoisonpowderDescription
$570d = StunSporeDescription
$572f = SleepPowderDescription
$5751 = PetalDanceDescription
$5774 = StringShotDescription
$5797 = DragonRageDescription
$57b4 = FireSpinDescription
$57d5 = ThundershockDescription
$57f9 = ThunderboltDescription
$581d = ThunderWaveDescription
$583e = ThunderDescription
$5862 = RockThrowDescription
$587c = EarthquakeDescription
$589f = FissureDescription
$58c1 = DigDescription
$58e3 = ToxicDescription
$5909 = ConfusionDescription
$592d = PsychicMDescription
$5950 = HypnosisDescription
$596a = MeditateDescription
$5983 = AgilityDescription
$59a6 = QuickAttackDescription
$59ca = RageDescription
$59ec = TeleportDescription
$5a0c = NightShadeDescription
$5a2e = MimicDescription
$5a4d = ScreechDescription
$5a6f = DoubleTeamDescription
$5a88 = RecoverDescription
$5aa7 = HardenDescription
$5ac1 = MinimizeDescription
$5ada = SmokescreenDescription
$5af4 = ConfuseRayDescription
$5b12 = WithdrawDescription
$5b2f = DefenseCurlDescription
$5b4c = BarrierDescription
$5b6d = LightScreenDescription
$5b90 = HazeDescription
$5bad = ReflectDescription
$5bcc = FocusEnergyDescription
$5bed = BideDescription
$5c11 = MetronomeDescription
$5c2e = MirrorMoveDescription
$5c4b = SelfdestructDescription
$5c6e = EggBombDescription
$5c8a = LickDescription
$5cae = SmogDescription
$5cd1 = SludgeDescription
$5cf4 = BoneClubDescription
$5d18 = FireBlastDescription
$5d39 = WaterfallDescription
$5d53 = ClampDescription
$5d70 = SwiftDescription
$5d8d = SkullBashDescription
$5db0 = SpikeCannonDescription
$5dcf = ConstrictDescription
$5def = AmnesiaDescription
$5e12 = KinesisDescription
$5e2d = SoftboiledDescription
$5e52 = HiJumpKickDescription
$5e6e = GlareDescription
$5e8f = DreamEaterDescription
$5eb1 = PoisonGasDescription
$5ed1 = BarrageDescription
$5eef = LeechLifeDescription
$5f13 = LovelyKissDescription
$5f35 = SkyAttackDescription
$5f58 = TransformDescription
$5f79 = BubbleDescription
$5f9a = DizzyPunchDescription
$5fbe = SporeDescription
$5fd9 = FlashDescription
$5ffc = PsywaveDescription
$601b = SplashDescription
$6035 = AcidArmorDescription
$6057 = CrabhammerDescription
$6078 = ExplosionDescription
$609c = FurySwipesDescription
$60b9 = BonemerangDescription
$60d7 = RestDescription
$60fb = RockSlideDescription
$611f = HyperFangDescription
$6143 = SharpenDescription
$6168 = ConversionDescription
$618b = TriAttackDescription
$61af = SuperFangDescription
$61c8 = SlashDescription
$61e9 = SubstituteDescription
$620e = StruggleDescription
$6231 = SketchDescription
$6253 = TripleKickDescription
$6277 = ThiefDescription
$629d = SpiderWebDescription
$62bc = MindReaderDescription
$62de = NightmareDescription
$6301 = FlameWheelDescription
$6322 = SnoreDescription
$6347 = CurseDescription
$636a = FlailDescription
$638b = Conversion2Description
$63ad = AeroblastDescription
$63ce = CottonSporeDescription
$63ee = ReversalDescription
$640f = SpiteDescription
$6432 = PowderSnowDescription
$6455 = ProtectDescription
$647a = MachPunchDescription
$6499 = ScaryFaceDescription
$64b9 = FaintAttackDescription
$64d6 = SweetKissDescription
$64f4 = BellyDrumDescription
$6517 = SludgeBombDescription
$653a = MudSlapDescription
$6555 = OctazookaDescription
$6579 = SpikesDescription
$659a = ZapCannonDescription
$65bb = ForesightDescription
$65dd = DestinyBondDescription
$65fe = PerishSongDescription
$6622 = IcyWindDescription
$6643 = DetectDescription
$6669 = BoneRushDescription
$6688 = LockOnDescription
$66aa = OutrageDescription
$66cd = SandstormDescription
$66e9 = GigaDrainDescription
$670d = EndureDescription
$6729 = CharmDescription
$6749 = RolloutDescription
$676c = FalseSwipeDescription
$678e = SwaggerDescription
$67b2 = MilkDrinkDescription
$67d1 = SparkDescription
$67f5 = FuryCutterDescription
$6812 = SteelWingDescription
$682e = MeanLookDescription
$684d = AttractDescription
$6873 = SleepTalkDescription
$6892 = HealBellDescription
$68b2 = ReturnDescription
$68d6 = PresentDescription
$68f2 = FrustrationDescription
$6916 = SafeguardDescription
$6934 = PainSplitDescription
$6958 = SacredFireDescription
$697b = MagnitudeDescription
$699e = DynamicpunchDescription
$69be = MegahornDescription
$69d8 = DragonbreathDescription
$69f0 = BatonPassDescription
$6a10 = EncoreDescription
$6a32 = PursuitDescription
$6a52 = RapidSpinDescription
$6a70 = SweetScentDescription
$6a8e = IronTailDescription
$6ab1 = MetalClawDescription
$6ad5 = VitalThrowDescription
$6afa = MorningSunDescription
$6b18 = SynthesisDescription
$6b36 = MoonlightDescription
$6b54 = HiddenPowerDescription
$6b74 = CrossChopDescription
$6b95 = TwisterDescription
$6bb3 = RainDanceDescription
$6bd8 = SunnyDayDescription
$6bfc = CrunchDescription
$6c1f = MirrorCoatDescription
$6c41 = PsychUpDescription
$6c5f = ExtremespeedDescription
$6c7e = AncientpowerDescription
$6ca2 = ShadowBallDescription
$6cc5 = FutureSightDescription
$6ce6 = RockSmashDescription
$6d08 = WhirlpoolDescription
$6d25 = BeatUpDescription
$6d44 = GivePokerusAndConvertBerries
$6d51 = GivePokerusAndConvertBerries.loopMons
$6d70 = GivePokerusAndConvertBerries.randomMonSelectLoop
$6d82 = GivePokerusAndConvertBerries.randomPokerusLoop
$6d91 = GivePokerusAndConvertBerries.load_pkrs
$6d9a = GivePokerusAndConvertBerries.TrySpreadPokerus
$6db3 = GivePokerusAndConvertBerries.checkFollowingMonsLoop
$6dc3 = GivePokerusAndConvertBerries.checkPreviousMonsLoop
$6dd9 = GivePokerusAndConvertBerries.infectMon
$6de6 = ConvertBerriesToBerryJuice
$6df8 = ConvertBerriesToBerryJuice.partyMonLoop
$6e08 = ConvertBerriesToBerryJuice.loopMon
$6e12 = ConvertBerriesToBerryJuice.convertToJuice
$6e18 = ShowLinkBattleParticipants
$6e2f = FindFirstAliveMonAndStartBattle
$6e3d = FindFirstAliveMonAndStartBattle.loop
$6e45 = FindFirstAliveMonAndStartBattle.okay
$6e6c = PlayBattleMusic
$6eae = PlayBattleMusic.kantowild
$6eb3 = PlayBattleMusic.trainermusic
$6ef9 = PlayBattleMusic.othertrainer
$6f09 = PlayBattleMusic.johtotrainer
$6f0e = PlayBattleMusic.kantotrainer
$6f11 = PlayBattleMusic.done
$6f18 = ClearBattleRAM
$6f6e = PlaceGraphic
$6f79 = PlaceGraphic.x1
$6f7b = PlaceGraphic.y1
$6f88 = PlaceGraphic.right
$6f90 = PlaceGraphic.x2
$6f92 = PlaceGraphic.y2
EMPTY: $6f9f-$7fff ($1061 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1061 bytes
ROMX bank #12:
SECTION: $4000-$73ef ($33f0 bytes) ["Tileset Data 4"]
$4000 = TilesetEliteFourRoomGFX
$44e0 = TilesetEliteFourRoomMeta
$48e0 = TilesetEliteFourRoomColl
$49e0 = TilesetParkGFX
$4e80 = TilesetParkMeta
$5280 = TilesetParkColl
$5380 = TilesetRadioTowerGFX
$58e0 = TilesetRadioTowerMeta
$5ce0 = TilesetRadioTowerColl
$5de0 = TilesetUndergroundGFX
$61b0 = TilesetUndergroundMeta
$65b0 = TilesetUndergroundColl
$66b0 = TilesetDarkCaveGFX
$69f0 = UnusedTilesetJohtoMeta
$71f0 = UnusedTilesetJohtoColl
EMPTY: $73f0-$7fff ($0c10 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0c10 bytes
ROMX bank #13:
SECTION: $4000-$7ef3 ($3ef4 bytes) ["Effect Commands"]
$4000 = DoPlayerTurn
$400a = DoEnemyTurn
$401d = DoTurn
$402c = DoMove
$4041 = DoMove.GetMoveEffect
$4058 = DoMove.ReadMoveEffectCommand
$4083 = DoMove.DoMoveEffectCommand
$4084 = CheckTurn
$4084 = BattleCommand_CheckTurn
$40c0 = BattleCommand_CheckTurn.no_recharge
$40dc = BattleCommand_CheckTurn.woke_up
$40f9 = BattleCommand_CheckTurn.fast_asleep
$4110 = BattleCommand_CheckTurn.not_asleep
$412e = BattleCommand_CheckTurn.not_frozen
$4143 = BattleCommand_CheckTurn.not_flinched
$415a = BattleCommand_CheckTurn.not_disabled
$4173 = BattleCommand_CheckTurn.confused
$419a = BattleCommand_CheckTurn.not_confused
$41c3 = BattleCommand_CheckTurn.not_infatuated
$41d8 = BattleCommand_CheckTurn.no_disabled_move
$41f0 = CantMove
$420f = CantMove.fly_dig
$4216 = OpponentCantMove
$421f = CheckEnemyTurn
$4234 = CheckEnemyTurn.no_recharge
$4255 = CheckEnemyTurn.woke_up
$4272 = CheckEnemyTurn.fast_asleep
$4283 = CheckEnemyTurn.not_asleep
$42a1 = CheckEnemyTurn.not_frozen
$42b6 = CheckEnemyTurn.not_flinched
$42cd = CheckEnemyTurn.not_disabled
$42e6 = CheckEnemyTurn.confused
$4332 = CheckEnemyTurn.not_confused
$435b = CheckEnemyTurn.not_infatuated
$4370 = CheckEnemyTurn.no_disabled_move
$4385 = EndTurn
$438d = MoveDisabled
$43a5 = HitConfusion
$43db = BattleCommand_CheckObedience
$4407 = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.obeylevel
$4424 = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.getlevel
$4430 = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.checklevel
$4433 = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.rand1
$4441 = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.rand2
$4464 = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.Nap
$4476 = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.DoNothing
$4490 = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.Print
$4496 = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.UseInstead
$44ac = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.GetTotalPP
$44b9 = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.CheckMovePP
$44d7 = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.RandomMove
$450c = BattleCommand_CheckObedience.EndDisobedience
$451f = IgnoreSleepOnly
$452e = IgnoreSleepOnly.CheckSleep
$4541 = BattleCommand_UsedMoveText
$4548 = CheckUserIsCharging
$4553 = CheckUserIsCharging.end
$4555 = BattleCommand_DoTurn
$4570 = BattleCommand_DoTurn.proceed
$45a4 = BattleCommand_DoTurn.player
$45ad = BattleCommand_DoTurn.consume_pp
$45b8 = BattleCommand_DoTurn.okay
$45c5 = BattleCommand_DoTurn.wild
$45dc = BattleCommand_DoTurn.mimic
$45e3 = BattleCommand_DoTurn.out_of_pp
$45fc = BattleCommand_DoTurn.print
$4602 = BattleCommand_DoTurn.continuousmoves
$460b = CheckMimicUsed
$4616 = CheckMimicUsed.player
$462f = CheckMimicUsed.mimic
$4631 = BattleCommand_Critical
$464d = BattleCommand_Critical.Item
$465c = BattleCommand_Critical.Farfetchd
$4669 = BattleCommand_Critical.FocusEnergy
$4673 = BattleCommand_Critical.CheckCritical
$4687 = BattleCommand_Critical.ScopeLens
$4692 = BattleCommand_Critical.Tally
$46a3 = CriticalHitMoves
$46ab = CriticalHitChances
$46b2 = BattleCommand_TripleKick
$46be = BattleCommand_TripleKick.next_kick
$46cd = BattleCommand_KickCounter
$46d2 = BattleCommand_Stab
$46f7 = BattleCommand_Stab.go
$4720 = BattleCommand_Stab.stab
$473a = BattleCommand_Stab.SkipStab
$4743 = BattleCommand_Stab.TypesLoop
$4757 = BattleCommand_Stab.SkipForesightCheck
$4763 = BattleCommand_Stab.GotMatchup
$4775 = BattleCommand_Stab.NotImmune
$47ab = BattleCommand_Stab.ok
$47b3 = BattleCommand_Stab.SkipType
$47b7 = BattleCommand_Stab.end
$47c8 = BattleCheckTypeMatchup
$47d3 = CheckTypeMatchup
$47e7 = CheckTypeMatchup.TypesLoop
$47fb = CheckTypeMatchup.Next
$4807 = CheckTypeMatchup.Nope
$4808 = CheckTypeMatchup.Nope2
$480b = CheckTypeMatchup.Yup
$482f = CheckTypeMatchup.End
$4833 = BattleCommand_ResetTypeMatchup
$484a = BattleCommand_ResetTypeMatchup.reset
$484e = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups
$4861 = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.loop
$4891 = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.neutral
$4895 = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.super_effective
$489b = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.next
$489f = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.exit
$48b0 = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.unknown_moves
$48c4 = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.ok
$48d7 = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.done
$48d7 = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.ok2
$48de = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.CheckEnemyMoveMatchups
$48e9 = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.loop2
$491d = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.exit2
$492e = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.doubledown
$4931 = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.DecreaseScore
$4939 = CheckPlayerMoveTypeMatchups.IncreaseScore
$4941 = CheckAbleToSwitch
$4971 = CheckAbleToSwitch.not_2
$497a = CheckAbleToSwitch.loop1
$4986 = CheckAbleToSwitch.no_perish
$49be = CheckAbleToSwitch.not_2_again
$49cc = CheckAbleToSwitch.okay
$49d2 = CheckAbleToSwitch.no_last_counter_move
$49f4 = FindAliveEnemyMons
$4a05 = FindAliveEnemyMons.loop
$4a16 = FindAliveEnemyMons.next
$4a26 = FindAliveEnemyMons.only_one
$4a28 = FindAliveEnemyMons.more_than_one
$4a2a = FindEnemyMonsImmuneToLastCounterMove
$4a39 = FindEnemyMonsImmuneToLastCounterMove.loop
$4a77 = FindEnemyMonsImmuneToLastCounterMove.next
$4a85 = FindAliveEnemyMonsWithASuperEffectiveMove
$4a91 = FindAliveEnemyMonsWithASuperEffectiveMove.loop
$4a98 = FindAliveEnemyMonsWithASuperEffectiveMove.next
$4aa7 = FindEnemyMonsWithASuperEffectiveMove
$4ab5 = FindEnemyMonsWithASuperEffectiveMove.loop
$4abf = FindEnemyMonsWithASuperEffectiveMove.loop3
$4ae9 = FindEnemyMonsWithASuperEffectiveMove.nope
$4aef = FindEnemyMonsWithASuperEffectiveMove.break3
$4af0 = FindEnemyMonsWithASuperEffectiveMove.done
$4b00 = FindEnemyMonsWithASuperEffectiveMove.next
$4b0e = FindEnemyMonsWithASuperEffectiveMove.done2
$4b15 = FindEnemyMonsWithASuperEffectiveMove.loop2
$4b20 = FindEnemyMonsThatResistPlayer
$4b28 = FindEnemyMonsThatResistPlayer.loop
$4b4a = FindEnemyMonsThatResistPlayer.skip_move
$4b5d = FindEnemyMonsThatResistPlayer.check_type
$4b6d = FindEnemyMonsThatResistPlayer.dont_choose_mon
$4b72 = FindEnemyMonsThatResistPlayer.done
$4b77 = FindEnemyMonsWithAtLeastQuarterMaxHP
$4b82 = FindEnemyMonsWithAtLeastQuarterMaxHP.loop
$4ba1 = FindEnemyMonsWithAtLeastQuarterMaxHP.next
$4bac = FindEnemyMonsWithAtLeastQuarterMaxHP.done
$4bb1 = TypeMatchups
$4cfd = BattleCommand_DamageVariation
$4d08 = BattleCommand_DamageVariation.go
$4d12 = BattleCommand_DamageVariation.loop
$4d32 = BattleCommand_CheckHit
$4d6e = BattleCommand_CheckHit.BrightPowder
$4d81 = BattleCommand_CheckHit.skip_brightpowder
$4d8c = BattleCommand_CheckHit.Hit
$4d8d = BattleCommand_CheckHit.Miss
$4d99 = BattleCommand_CheckHit.Missed
$4d9f = BattleCommand_CheckHit.DreamEater
$4daf = BattleCommand_CheckHit.Protect
$4dcb = BattleCommand_CheckHit.LockOn
$4dec = BattleCommand_CheckHit.LockedOn
$4df0 = BattleCommand_CheckHit.DrainSub
$4e00 = BattleCommand_CheckHit.not_draining_sub
$4e04 = BattleCommand_CheckHit.FlyDigMoves
$4e21 = BattleCommand_CheckHit.DigMoves
$4e2f = BattleCommand_CheckHit.ThunderRain
$4e3d = BattleCommand_CheckHit.XAccuracy
$4e45 = BattleCommand_CheckHit.StatModifiers
$4e60 = BattleCommand_CheckHit.got_acc_eva
$4e6b = BattleCommand_CheckHit.skip_foresight_check
$4e7a = BattleCommand_CheckHit.accuracy_loop
$4ea2 = BattleCommand_CheckHit.min_accuracy
$4eaf = BattleCommand_CheckHit.finish_accuracy
$4eb2 = AccuracyLevelMultipliers
$4ecc = BattleCommand_EffectChance
$4ee1 = BattleCommand_EffectChance.got_move_chance
$4ee7 = BattleCommand_EffectChance.failed
$4eee = BattleCommand_LowerSub
$4f18 = BattleCommand_LowerSub.already_charged
$4f21 = BattleCommand_LowerSub.charge_turn
$4f36 = BattleCommand_LowerSub.mimic_anims
$4f3c = BattleCommand_LowerSub.Rampage
$4f4d = BattleCommand_LowerSub.rollout_rampage
$4f57 = BattleCommand_MoveAnim
$4f60 = BattleCommand_MoveAnimNoSub
$4f76 = BattleCommand_MoveAnimNoSub.got_rollout_count
$4f96 = BattleCommand_MoveAnimNoSub.triplekick
$4fad = BattleCommand_MoveAnimNoSub.clear_sprite
$4fb0 = BattleCommand_MoveAnimNoSub.alternate_anim
$4fd1 = BattleCommand_StatUpAnim
$4fdb = BattleCommand_StatDownAnim
$4feb = BattleCommand_StatUpDownAnim
$4ffd = BattleCommand_SwitchTurn
$5004 = BattleCommand_RaiseSub
$5023 = BattleCommand_FailureText
$5049 = BattleCommand_FailureText.multihit
$504f = BattleCommand_FailureText.fly_dig
$505e = BattleCommand_ApplyDamage
$5072 = BattleCommand_ApplyDamage.focus_band
$508b = BattleCommand_ApplyDamage.damage
$509b = BattleCommand_ApplyDamage.damage_player
$509e = BattleCommand_ApplyDamage.done_damage
$50ab = BattleCommand_ApplyDamage.focus_band_text
$50bb = BattleCommand_ApplyDamage.update_damage_taken
$50ce = BattleCommand_ApplyDamage.got_damage_taken
$50e4 = GetFailureResultText
$5110 = GetFailureResultText.got_text
$513e = GetFailureResultText.do_at_least_1_damage
$5157 = FailText_CheckOpponentProtect
$5162 = FailText_CheckOpponentProtect.not_protected
$5165 = BattleCommand_BideFailText
$5175 = BattleCommand_CriticalText
$518e = BattleCommand_CriticalText.wait
$5193 = BattleCommand_CriticalText.texts
$5197 = BattleCommand_StartLoop
$51a2 = BattleCommand_StartLoop.ok
$51a5 = BattleCommand_SuperEffectiveLoopText
$51ad = BattleCommand_SuperEffectiveText
$51bd = BattleCommand_SuperEffectiveText.print
$51c0 = BattleCommand_CheckFaint
$51cb = BattleCommand_CheckFaint.got_hp
$51f2 = BattleCommand_CheckFaint.got_max_hp
$5231 = BattleCommand_CheckFaint.no_dbond
$524a = BattleCommand_CheckFaint.multiple_hit_raise_sub
$524d = BattleCommand_CheckFaint.finish
$5250 = BattleCommand_BuildOpponentRage
$5253 = BattleCommand_BuildOpponentRage.start
$526b = BattleCommand_BuildOpponentRage.player
$527b = BattleCommand_RageDamage
$5290 = BattleCommand_RageDamage.rage_loop
$529a = BattleCommand_RageDamage.done
$52a3 = EndMoveEffect
$52b1 = DittoMetalPowder
$52bf = DittoMetalPowder.got_species
$52d8 = DittoMetalPowder.done
$52dc = BattleCommand_DamageStats
$52e2 = PlayerAttackDamage
$5302 = PlayerAttackDamage.physicalcrit
$5315 = PlayerAttackDamage.special
$5326 = PlayerAttackDamage.specialcrit
$5337 = PlayerAttackDamage.lightball
$533c = PlayerAttackDamage.thickclub
$533f = PlayerAttackDamage.done
$534d = TruncateHL_BC
$534d = TruncateHL_BC.loop
$535e = TruncateHL_BC.done_bc
$536b = TruncateHL_BC.finish
$5376 = TruncateHL_BC.done
$5378 = CheckDamageStatsCritical
$539c = CheckDamageStatsCritical.enemy
$53b1 = CheckDamageStatsCritical.end
$53b5 = ThickClubBoost
$53c3 = LightBallBoost
$53d1 = SpeciesItemBoost
$53e3 = SpeciesItemBoost.CompareSpecies
$53e9 = SpeciesItemBoost.GetItemHeldEffect
$53f6 = EnemyAttackDamage
$5416 = EnemyAttackDamage.physicalcrit
$5429 = EnemyAttackDamage.special
$543a = EnemyAttackDamage.specialcrit
$544b = EnemyAttackDamage.lightball
$5450 = EnemyAttackDamage.thickclub
$5453 = EnemyAttackDamage.done
$5461 = BattleCommand_BeatUp
$5482 = BattleCommand_BeatUp.next_mon
$548d = BattleCommand_BeatUp.got_mon
$54b2 = BattleCommand_BeatUp.active_mon
$54ef = BattleCommand_BeatUp.enemy_beats_up
$5502 = BattleCommand_BeatUp.enemy_next_mon
$550d = BattleCommand_BeatUp.enemy_got_mon
$5532 = BattleCommand_BeatUp.link_or_tower
$5544 = BattleCommand_BeatUp.got_enemy_nick
$5560 = BattleCommand_BeatUp.active_enemy
$556b = BattleCommand_BeatUp.wild
$557d = BattleCommand_BeatUp.finish_beatup
$55b0 = BattleCommand_BeatUp.beatup_fail
$55b5 = BattleCommand_BeatUpFailText
$55bd = GetBeatupMonLocation
$55cc = GetBeatupMonLocation.got_species
$55d5 = BattleCommand_ClearMissDamage
$55dd = HitSelfInConfusion
$55f7 = HitSelfInConfusion.got_it
$5604 = HitSelfInConfusion.mimic_screen
$5612 = BattleCommand_DamageCalc
$5620 = BattleCommand_DamageCalc.dont_selfdestruct
$562b = BattleCommand_DamageCalc.skip_zero_damage_check
$5631 = BattleCommand_DamageCalc.not_dividing_by_zero
$563e = BattleCommand_DamageCalc.level_not_overflowing
$566c = BattleCommand_DamageCalc.NextItem
$568f = BattleCommand_DamageCalc.DoneItem
$56a5 = BattleCommand_DamageCalc.dont_cap_1
$56bd = BattleCommand_DamageCalc.dont_cap_2
$56d9 = BattleCommand_DamageCalc.Cap
$56df = BattleCommand_DamageCalc.dont_cap_3
$56e7 = BattleCommand_DamageCalc.dont_floor
$56eb = BattleCommand_DamageCalc.CriticalMultiplier
$5703 = TypeBoostItems
$5726 = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage
$5731 = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.got_turn
$5758 = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.psywave
$575d = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.psywave_loop
$576b = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.super_fang
$5776 = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.got_hp
$578c = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.got_power
$5792 = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.reversal
$579d = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.reversal_got_hp
$57d6 = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.skip_to_divide
$57e1 = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.reversal_loop
$57e8 = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.break_loop
$57f8 = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.notPlayersTurn
$5800 = BattleCommand_ConstantDamage.notEnemysTurn
$5807 = FlailReversalPower
$5813 = BattleCommand_Counter
$585f = BattleCommand_Counter.capped
$5864 = BattleCommand_Encore
$5875 = BattleCommand_Encore.ok
$588e = BattleCommand_Encore.got_move
$58cc = BattleCommand_Encore.find_player_move
$58dd = BattleCommand_Encore.got_player_move
$58ef = BattleCommand_Encore.force_last_enemy_move
$58f9 = BattleCommand_Encore.find_enemy_move
$590a = BattleCommand_Encore.got_enemy_move
$591a = BattleCommand_Encore.finish_move
$5923 = BattleCommand_Encore.failed
$5926 = BattleCommand_PainSplit
$597d = BattleCommand_PainSplit.PlayerShareHP
$59ac = BattleCommand_PainSplit.EnemyShareHP
$59c2 = BattleCommand_PainSplit.skip
$59cd = BattleCommand_PainSplit.ButItFailed
$59d0 = BattleCommand_Snore
$59e6 = BattleCommand_Conversion2
$59f7 = BattleCommand_Conversion2.got_type
$5a13 = BattleCommand_Conversion2.loop
$5a24 = BattleCommand_Conversion2.okay
$5a50 = BattleCommand_Conversion2.failed
$5a53 = BattleCommand_LockOn
$5a6e = BattleCommand_LockOn.fail
$5a74 = BattleCommand_Sketch
$5a83 = BattleCommand_Sketch.not_linked
$5aa5 = BattleCommand_Sketch.get_last_move
$5ab7 = BattleCommand_Sketch.does_user_already_know_move
$5ac1 = BattleCommand_Sketch.find_sketch
$5af6 = BattleCommand_Sketch.user_trainer
$5b04 = BattleCommand_Sketch.done_copy
$5b10 = BattleCommand_Sketch.fail
$5b16 = BattleCommand_DefrostOpponent
$5b33 = BattleCommand_SleepTalk
$5b4f = BattleCommand_SleepTalk.got_moves
$5b62 = BattleCommand_SleepTalk.sample_move
$5b9a = BattleCommand_SleepTalk.charging
$5ba3 = BattleCommand_SleepTalk.fail
$5ba9 = BattleCommand_SleepTalk.safely_check_has_usable_move
$5bb3 = BattleCommand_SleepTalk.check_has_usable_move
$5bbe = BattleCommand_SleepTalk.got_move_2
$5bc8 = BattleCommand_SleepTalk.loop2
$5bd7 = BattleCommand_SleepTalk.nope
$5bdb = BattleCommand_SleepTalk.carry
$5bdd = BattleCommand_SleepTalk.no_carry
$5bdf = BattleCommand_SleepTalk.check_two_turn_move
$5bff = BattleCommand_DestinyBond
$5c0f = BattleCommand_Spite
$5c24 = BattleCommand_Spite.got_moves
$5c33 = BattleCommand_Spite.loop
$5c5b = BattleCommand_Spite.deplete_pp
$5c81 = BattleCommand_Spite.not_wildmon
$5c82 = BattleCommand_Spite.transformed
$5c91 = BattleCommand_Spite.failed
$5c94 = BattleCommand_FalseSwipe
$5c9f = BattleCommand_FalseSwipe.got_hp
$5cba = BattleCommand_FalseSwipe.okay
$5cc5 = BattleCommand_FalseSwipe.carry
$5cc7 = BattleCommand_FalseSwipe.done
$5cc9 = BattleCommand_HealBell
$5cdb = BattleCommand_HealBell.got_status
$5ce9 = BattleCommand_HealBell.loop
$5d00 = FarPlayBattleAnimation
$5d08 = PlayFXAnimID
$5d1c = DoEnemyDamage
$5d31 = DoEnemyDamage.ignore_substitute
$5d5c = DoEnemyDamage.debug_skip
$5d6b = DoEnemyDamage.no_underflow
$5d8d = DoEnemyDamage.did_no_damage
$5d90 = DoPlayerDamage
$5da5 = DoPlayerDamage.ignore_substitute
$5dd7 = DoPlayerDamage.no_underflow
$5def = DoPlayerDamage.did_no_damage
$5df2 = DoSubstituteDamage
$5e03 = DoSubstituteDamage.got_hp
$5e11 = DoSubstituteDamage.broke
$5e4c = DoSubstituteDamage.ok
$5e4f = DoSubstituteDamage.done
$5e52 = UpdateMoveData
$5e6e = BattleCommand_SleepTarget
$5e82 = BattleCommand_SleepTarget.not_protected_by_item
$5eb6 = BattleCommand_SleepTarget.random_loop
$5ed8 = BattleCommand_SleepTarget.fail
$5ee0 = BattleCommand_SleepTarget.CheckAIRandomFail
$5efe = BattleCommand_SleepTarget.dont_fail
$5f00 = BattleCommand_PoisonTarget
$5f3e = BattleCommand_Poison
$5f71 = BattleCommand_Poison.do_poison
$5f9b = BattleCommand_Poison.dont_sample_failure
$5fb6 = BattleCommand_Poison.toxic
$5fc3 = BattleCommand_Poison.finished
$5fca = BattleCommand_Poison.failed
$5fd2 = BattleCommand_Poison.apply_poison
$5fdb = BattleCommand_Poison.check_toxic
$5feb = BattleCommand_Poison.ok
$5ff3 = CheckIfTargetIsPoisonType
$5ffe = CheckIfTargetIsPoisonType.ok
$6007 = PoisonOpponent
$6011 = BattleCommand_DrainTarget
$601a = BattleCommand_EatDream
$6023 = SapHealth
$6038 = SapHealth.at_least_one
$6049 = SapHealth.battlemonhp
$6076 = SapHealth.max_hp
$6082 = SapHealth.finish
$6090 = SapHealth.hp_bar
$609e = BattleCommand_BurnTarget
$60ef = Defrost
$6106 = Defrost.ok
$6114 = BattleCommand_FreezeTarget
$6174 = BattleCommand_FreezeTarget.finish
$6177 = BattleCommand_ParalyzeTarget
$61be = BattleCommand_AttackUp
$61c2 = BattleCommand_DefenseUp
$61c6 = BattleCommand_SpeedUp
$61ca = BattleCommand_SpecialAttackUp
$61ce = BattleCommand_SpecialDefenseUp
$61d2 = BattleCommand_AccuracyUp
$61d6 = BattleCommand_EvasionUp
$61da = BattleCommand_AttackUp2
$61de = BattleCommand_DefenseUp2
$61e2 = BattleCommand_SpeedUp2
$61e6 = BattleCommand_SpecialAttackUp2
$61ea = BattleCommand_SpecialDefenseUp2
$61ee = BattleCommand_AccuracyUp2
$61f2 = BattleCommand_EvasionUp2
$61f6 = BattleCommand_StatUp
$6201 = RaiseStat
$6210 = RaiseStat.got_stat_levels
$623d = RaiseStat.got_num_stages
$6255 = RaiseStat.got_stats_pointer
$6261 = RaiseStat.no_carry
$626d = RaiseStat.not_already_max
$6277 = RaiseStat.calc_player_stats
$627a = RaiseStat.done_calcing_stats
$6280 = RaiseStat.stats_already_max
$6282 = RaiseStat.cant_raise_stat
$628d = RaiseStat.stat_raise_failed
$6293 = MinimizeDropSub
$62a4 = MinimizeDropSub.do_player
$62bf = BattleCommand_AttackDown
$62c3 = BattleCommand_DefenseDown
$62c7 = BattleCommand_SpeedDown
$62cb = BattleCommand_SpecialAttackDown
$62cf = BattleCommand_SpecialDefenseDown
$62d3 = BattleCommand_AccuracyDown
$62d7 = BattleCommand_EvasionDown
$62db = BattleCommand_AttackDown2
$62df = BattleCommand_DefenseDown2
$62e3 = BattleCommand_SpeedDown2
$62e7 = BattleCommand_SpecialAttackDown2
$62eb = BattleCommand_SpecialDefenseDown2
$62ef = BattleCommand_AccuracyDown2
$62f3 = BattleCommand_EvasionDown2
$62f5 = BattleCommand_StatDown
$6309 = BattleCommand_StatDown.GetStatLevel
$6322 = BattleCommand_StatDown.ComputerMiss
$634a = BattleCommand_StatDown.DidntMiss
$6378 = BattleCommand_StatDown.do_enemy
$637e = BattleCommand_StatDown.Hit
$6383 = BattleCommand_StatDown.CouldntLower
$6384 = BattleCommand_StatDown.CantLower
$638f = BattleCommand_StatDown.Failed
$6398 = BattleCommand_StatDown.Mist
$63a3 = CheckMist
$63c0 = CheckMist.dont_check_mist
$63c2 = CheckMist.check_mist
$63ca = BattleCommand_StatUpMessage
$63df = BattleCommand_StatUpMessage.stat
$63f1 = BattleCommand_StatUpMessage.BattleStatWentWayUpText
$63f6 = BattleCommand_StatUpMessage.BattleStatWentUpText
$63fb = BattleCommand_StatDownMessage
$6410 = BattleCommand_StatDownMessage.stat
$6422 = BattleCommand_StatDownMessage.BattleStatSharplyFellText
$6427 = BattleCommand_StatDownMessage.BattleStatFellText
$642c = TryLowerStat
$6438 = TryLowerStat.no_carry
$6441 = TryLowerStat.not_min
$6451 = TryLowerStat.Player
$645a = TryLowerStat.end
$645e = BattleCommand_StatUpFailText
$647c = BattleCommand_StatDownFailText
$64a1 = GetStatName
$64a6 = GetStatName.CheckName
$64a9 = GetStatName.GetName
$64af = GetStatName.Copy
$64b8 = StatNames
$64f8 = StatLevelMultipliers
$6512 = BattleCommand_AllStatsUp
$653f = ResetMiss
$6544 = LowerStat
$6552 = LowerStat.got_target
$656a = LowerStat.got_num_stages
$6582 = LowerStat.got_target_2
$6588 = LowerStat.accuracy_evasion
$6592 = LowerStat.player
$6595 = LowerStat.finish
$659a = LowerStat.failed
$659b = LowerStat.cant_lower_anymore
$65a1 = BattleCommand_TriStatusChance
$65a4 = BattleCommand_TriStatusChance.loop
$65b3 = BattleCommand_TriStatusChance.StatusCommands
$65b9 = BattleCommand_Curl
$65c1 = BattleCommand_RaiseSubNoAnim
$65cc = BattleCommand_RaiseSubNoAnim.PlayerTurn
$65d5 = BattleCommand_LowerSubNoAnim
$65e0 = BattleCommand_LowerSubNoAnim.PlayerTurn
$65e9 = CalcPlayerStats
$660f = CalcEnemyStats
$662f = CalcBattleStats
$662f = CalcBattleStats.loop
$6663 = CalcBattleStats.check_maxed_out
$6674 = CalcBattleStats.not_maxed_out
$6683 = BattleCommand_StoreEnergy
$6696 = BattleCommand_StoreEnergy.check_still_storing_energy
$66bf = BattleCommand_StoreEnergy.player
$66d5 = BattleCommand_StoreEnergy.not_maxed
$66dd = BattleCommand_StoreEnergy.built_up_something
$66ee = BattleCommand_StoreEnergy.still_storing
$66f7 = BattleCommand_UnleashEnergy
$6708 = BattleCommand_UnleashEnergy.got_damage
$672c = BattleCommand_CheckRampage
$6737 = BattleCommand_CheckRampage.player
$675e = BattleCommand_CheckRampage.continue_rampage
$6763 = BattleCommand_Rampage
$6776 = BattleCommand_Rampage.ok
$678a = BattleCommand_Teleport
$67be = BattleCommand_Teleport.loop_player
$67cb = BattleCommand_Teleport.failed
$67d1 = BattleCommand_Teleport.enemy_turn
$67e4 = BattleCommand_Teleport.loop_enemy
$67f1 = BattleCommand_Teleport.run_away
$6816 = SetBattleDraw
$6821 = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch
$6857 = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.random_loop_wild
$6864 = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.missed
$6867 = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.wild_force_flee
$687b = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.trainer
$68ac = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.random_loop_trainer
$68dc = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.switch_fail
$68df = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.force_player_switch
$68f8 = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.wild_random_loop_playeristarget
$6905 = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.player_miss
$6907 = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.wild_succeed_playeristarget
$691a = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.vs_trainer
$694c = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.random_loop_trainer_playeristarget
$697b = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.fail
$6987 = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.succeed
$69a3 = BattleCommand_ForceSwitch.do_text
$69a6 = CheckPlayerHasMonToSwitchTo
$69af = CheckPlayerHasMonToSwitchTo.loop
$69c0 = CheckPlayerHasMonToSwitchTo.next
$69c6 = CheckPlayerHasMonToSwitchTo.not_fainted
$69c8 = BattleCommand_EndLoop
$69d9 = BattleCommand_EndLoop.got_addrs
$69fe = BattleCommand_EndLoop.reject_triple_kick_sample
$6a0d = BattleCommand_EndLoop.beat_up
$6a1d = BattleCommand_EndLoop.check_ot_beat_up
$6a30 = BattleCommand_EndLoop.only_one_beatup
$6a3d = BattleCommand_EndLoop.not_triple_kick
$6a4b = BattleCommand_EndLoop.got_number_hits
$6a4c = BattleCommand_EndLoop.double_hit
$6a51 = BattleCommand_EndLoop.twineedle
$6a55 = BattleCommand_EndLoop.in_loop
$6a5a = BattleCommand_EndLoop.done_loop
$6a6c = BattleCommand_EndLoop.got_hit_n_times_text
$6a79 = BattleCommand_EndLoop.beat_up_2
$6a7d = BattleCommand_EndLoop.loop_back_to_critical
$6a85 = BattleCommand_EndLoop.not_critical
$6a94 = BattleCommand_FakeOut
$6aac = BattleCommand_FakeOut.fail
$6ab2 = BattleCommand_FlinchTarget
$6ac7 = FlinchTarget
$6ad1 = CheckOpponentWentFirst
$6adb = BattleCommand_HeldFlinch
$6b05 = BattleCommand_OHKO
$6b24 = BattleCommand_OHKO.got_move_accuracy
$6b30 = BattleCommand_OHKO.finish_ohko
$6b41 = BattleCommand_OHKO.no_effect
$6b4c = BattleCommand_CheckCharge
$6b5f = BattleCommand_Charge
$6b77 = BattleCommand_Charge.awake
$6ba8 = BattleCommand_Charge.flying
$6bab = BattleCommand_Charge.not_flying
$6bc2 = BattleCommand_Charge.set_flying
$6bc4 = BattleCommand_Charge.dont_set_digging
$6bd5 = BattleCommand_Charge.mimic
$6bed = BattleCommand_Charge.UsedText
$6c1f = BattleCommand_Charge.done
$6c20 = BattleCommand_Charge.BattleMadeWhirlwindText
$6c25 = BattleCommand_Charge.BattleTookSunlightText
$6c2a = BattleCommand_Charge.BattleLoweredHeadText
$6c2f = BattleCommand_Charge.BattleGlowingText
$6c34 = BattleCommand_Charge.BattleFlewText
$6c39 = BattleCommand_Charge.BattleDugText
$6c3e = BattleCommand_Unused3C
$6c3f = BattleCommand_TrapTarget
$6c55 = BattleCommand_TrapTarget.got_trap
$6c73 = BattleCommand_TrapTarget.find_trap_text
$6c7b = BattleCommand_TrapTarget.found_trap_text
$6c81 = BattleCommand_TrapTarget.Traps
$6c90 = BattleCommand_Mist
$6ca4 = BattleCommand_Mist.already_mist
$6caa = BattleCommand_FocusEnergy
$6cbe = BattleCommand_FocusEnergy.already_pumped
$6cc4 = BattleCommand_Recoil
$6ccf = BattleCommand_Recoil.got_hp
$6cea = BattleCommand_Recoil.min_damage
$6d10 = BattleCommand_Recoil.dont_ko
$6d1e = BattleCommand_Recoil.animate_hp_bar
$6d2f = BattleCommand_ConfuseTarget
$6d4d = BattleCommand_Confuse
$6d65 = BattleCommand_Confuse.no_item_protection
$6d77 = BattleCommand_Confuse.not_already_confused
$6d82 = BattleCommand_FinishConfusingTarget
$6d8d = BattleCommand_FinishConfusingTarget.got_confuse_count
$6dab = BattleCommand_FinishConfusingTarget.got_effect
$6dc2 = BattleCommand_FinishConfusingTarget.heal_confusion
$6dc8 = BattleCommand_Confuse_CheckSnore_Swagger_ConfuseHit
$6dd9 = BattleCommand_Paralyze
$6e01 = BattleCommand_Paralyze.no_item_protection
$6e20 = BattleCommand_Paralyze.dont_sample_failure
$6e5b = BattleCommand_Paralyze.paralyzed
$6e64 = BattleCommand_Paralyze.failed
$6e67 = BattleCommand_Paralyze.didnt_affect
$6e6d = CheckMoveTypeMatchesTarget
$6e79 = CheckMoveTypeMatchesTarget.ok
$6e87 = CheckMoveTypeMatchesTarget.return
$6e89 = CheckMoveTypeMatchesTarget.normal
$6e8e = BattleCommand_Substitute
$6ea2 = BattleCommand_Substitute.got_hp
$6ee1 = BattleCommand_Substitute.player
$6efa = BattleCommand_Substitute.no_anim
$6efd = BattleCommand_Substitute.finish
$6f06 = BattleCommand_Substitute.already_has_sub
$6f11 = BattleCommand_Substitute.too_weak_to_sub
$6f1a = BattleCommand_Substitute.jp_stdbattletextbox
$6f1d = BattleCommand_RechargeNextTurn
$6f25 = EndRechargeOpp
$6f2f = BattleCommand_Rage
$6f37 = BattleCommand_DoubleFlyingDamage
$6f41 = BattleCommand_DoubleUndergroundDamage
$6f49 = DoubleDamage
$6f57 = DoubleDamage.quit
$6f58 = BattleCommand_Mimic
$6f6f = BattleCommand_Mimic.player_turn
$6f83 = BattleCommand_Mimic.check_already_knows_move
$6f8b = BattleCommand_Mimic.find_mimic
$6fac = BattleCommand_Mimic.fail
$6faf = BattleCommand_LeechSeed
$6fc5 = BattleCommand_LeechSeed.ok
$6fe4 = BattleCommand_LeechSeed.grass
$6fea = BattleCommand_LeechSeed.evaded
$6ff3 = BattleCommand_Splash
$6fff = BattleCommand_Disable
$7016 = BattleCommand_Disable.got_moves
$7029 = BattleCommand_Disable.loop
$7039 = BattleCommand_Disable.got_pp
$7040 = BattleCommand_Disable.loop2
$7059 = BattleCommand_Disable.got_disabled_move_pointer
$706b = BattleCommand_Disable.failed
$706e = BattleCommand_PayDay
$707e = BattleCommand_PayDay.ok
$708b = BattleCommand_PayDay.done
$7091 = BattleCommand_Conversion
$70a2 = BattleCommand_Conversion.got_moves
$70a8 = BattleCommand_Conversion.loop
$70c4 = BattleCommand_Conversion.okay
$70cf = BattleCommand_Conversion.loop2
$70e2 = BattleCommand_Conversion.next
$70e5 = BattleCommand_Conversion.fail
$70eb = BattleCommand_Conversion.done
$70eb = BattleCommand_Conversion.loop3
$7120 = BattleCommand_ResetStats
$7149 = BattleCommand_ResetStats.Fill
$714b = BattleCommand_ResetStats.next
$7150 = BattleCommand_Heal
$7161 = BattleCommand_Heal.got_hp
$7198 = BattleCommand_Heal.no_status_to_heal
$71a5 = BattleCommand_Heal.calc_enemy_stats
$71a8 = BattleCommand_Heal.got_stats
$71ab = BattleCommand_Heal.not_rest
$71b5 = BattleCommand_Heal.restore_full_hp
$71bb = BattleCommand_Heal.finish
$71d6 = BattleCommand_Heal.hp_full
$71df = BattleCommand_Transform
$7212 = BattleCommand_Transform.mimic_substitute
$7231 = BattleCommand_Transform.got_mon_species
$724c = BattleCommand_Transform.mimic_enemy_backup
$7271 = BattleCommand_Transform.pp_loop
$727e = BattleCommand_Transform.done_move
$72b2 = BattleCommand_Transform.got_byte
$72ba = BattleCommand_Transform.mimic_anims
$72c0 = BattleCommand_Transform.after_anim
$72d8 = BattleSideCopy
$72e1 = BattleSideCopy.copy
$72e4 = BattleEffect_ButItFailed
$72ea = ClearLastMove
$72f9 = ResetActorDisable
$7306 = ResetActorDisable.player
$730e = BattleCommand_Screen
$731f = BattleCommand_Screen.got_screens_pointer
$7336 = BattleCommand_Screen.Reflect
$7343 = BattleCommand_Screen.good
$7349 = BattleCommand_Screen.failed
$734f = PrintDoesntAffect
$7355 = PrintNothingHappened
$735b = TryPrintButItFailed
$7360 = PrintButItFailed
$7366 = FailMove
$7369 = FailMimic
$7372 = PrintDidntAffect
$7378 = PrintDidntAffect2
$7384 = PrintParalyze
$738a = CheckSubstituteOpp
$7392 = BattleCommand_Selfdestruct
$73db = BattleCommand_MirrorMove
$73f0 = BattleCommand_MirrorMove.failed
$73fc = BattleCommand_MirrorMove.use
$7424 = BattleCommand_MirrorMove.done
$742a = BattleCommand_Metronome
$743d = BattleCommand_Metronome.charging
$7440 = BattleCommand_Metronome.GetMove
$7466 = MetronomeExcepts
$7474 = CheckUserMove
$7480 = CheckUserMove.ok
$7482 = CheckUserMove.loop
$748d = ResetTurn
$7498 = ResetTurn.player
$74a4 = BattleCommand_Thief
$74d0 = BattleCommand_Thief.stealenemyitem
$74e0 = BattleCommand_Thief.enemy
$750a = BattleCommand_Thief.stole
$7513 = BattleCommand_Thief.playeritem
$751e = BattleCommand_Thief.enemyitem
$7529 = BattleCommand_ArenaTrap
$7542 = BattleCommand_ArenaTrap.failed
$7548 = BattleCommand_Nightmare
$756f = BattleCommand_Nightmare.failed
$7575 = BattleCommand_Defrost
$758a = BattleCommand_Defrost.party
$7591 = BattleCommand_Defrost.done
$759a = BattleCommand_Curse
$75ab = BattleCommand_Curse.go
$75c1 = BattleCommand_Curse.raise
$75e9 = BattleCommand_Curse.ghost
$7616 = BattleCommand_Curse.failed
$761c = BattleCommand_Curse.cantraise
$762a = BattleCommand_Protect
$763e = ProtectChance
$7649 = ProtectChance.got_count
$765b = ProtectChance.loop
$7668 = ProtectChance.done
$7668 = ProtectChance.rand
$7677 = ProtectChance.failed
$7681 = BattleCommand_Endure
$7695 = BattleCommand_Spikes
$76a0 = BattleCommand_Spikes.got_screens
$76af = BattleCommand_Spikes.failed
$76b2 = BattleCommand_Foresight
$76d1 = BattleCommand_Foresight.failed
$76d4 = BattleCommand_PerishSong
$76e3 = BattleCommand_PerishSong.ok
$76ee = BattleCommand_PerishSong.enemy
$76fb = BattleCommand_PerishSong.done
$7704 = BattleCommand_PerishSong.failed
$770a = BattleCommand_StartSandstorm
$7724 = BattleCommand_StartSandstorm.failed
$772a = BattleCommand_CheckCurl
$7735 = BattleCommand_CheckCurl.ok
$7743 = BattleCommand_CheckCurl.reset
$7746 = BattleCommand_RolloutPower
$7759 = BattleCommand_RolloutPower.got_rollout_count
$7762 = BattleCommand_RolloutPower.skip_set_rampage
$7770 = BattleCommand_RolloutPower.hit
$7780 = BattleCommand_RolloutPower.not_done_with_rollout
$7787 = BattleCommand_RolloutPower.done_with_substatus_flag
$7791 = BattleCommand_RolloutPower.not_curled
$7791 = BattleCommand_RolloutPower.loop
$77a2 = BattleCommand_RolloutPower.done_damage
$77a3 = BattleCommand_Unused5D
$77a4 = BattleCommand_FuryCutter
$77af = BattleCommand_FuryCutter.go
$77bf = BattleCommand_FuryCutter.checkdouble
$77d0 = ResetFuryCutterCount
$77dc = ResetFuryCutterCount.reset
$77e0 = BattleCommand_Attract
$7804 = BattleCommand_Attract.failed
$7807 = CheckOppositeGender
$7827 = CheckOppositeGender.got_gender
$783b = CheckOppositeGender.not_transformed
$7856 = CheckOppositeGender.got_enemy_gender
$785b = CheckOppositeGender.genderless_samegender
$785d = BattleCommand_HappinessPower
$7869 = BattleCommand_HappinessPower.ok
$7886 = BattleCommand_Present
$788f = BattleCommand_Present.colosseum_skippush
$789b = BattleCommand_Present.colosseum_skippop
$78b3 = BattleCommand_Present.next
$78bf = BattleCommand_Present.got_power
$78c9 = BattleCommand_Present.heal_effect
$78e0 = BattleCommand_Present.got_hp_fn_pointer
$7905 = BattleCommand_Present.already_fully_healed
$7916 = BattleCommand_Present.do_animation
$7919 = PresentPower
$7920 = BattleCommand_FrustrationPower
$792c = BattleCommand_FrustrationPower.ok
$794b = BattleCommand_Safeguard
$795c = BattleCommand_Safeguard.ok
$796e = BattleCommand_Safeguard.failed
$7974 = SafeCheckSafeguard
$7980 = SafeCheckSafeguard.got_turn
$7984 = BattleCommand_CheckSafeguard
$798f = BattleCommand_CheckSafeguard.got_turn
$79a3 = BattleCommand_GetMagnitude
$79ab = BattleCommand_GetMagnitude.loop
$79b3 = BattleCommand_GetMagnitude.ok
$79c6 = MagnitudePower
$79db = BattleCommand_BatonPass
$7a37 = BattleCommand_BatonPass.Enemy
$7a79 = BatonPass_LinkPlayerSwitch
$7a94 = BatonPass_LinkEnemySwitch
$7ab2 = BatonPass_LinkEnemySwitch.baton_pass
$7aba = BatonPass_LinkEnemySwitch.switch
$7abd = FailedBatonPass
$7ac3 = ResetBatonPassStatus
$7ad3 = ResetBatonPassStatus.ok
$7afb = CheckAnyOtherAlivePartyMons
$7b08 = CheckAnyOtherAliveEnemyMons
$7b13 = CheckAnyOtherAliveMons
$7b16 = CheckAnyOtherAliveMons.loop
$7b23 = CheckAnyOtherAliveMons.next
$7b2c = CheckAnyOtherAliveMons.done
$7b2f = BattleCommand_Pursuit
$7b3a = BattleCommand_Pursuit.ok
$7b4b = BattleCommand_ClearHazards
$7b5c = BattleCommand_ClearHazards.not_leeched
$7b6d = BattleCommand_ClearHazards.got_screens_wrap
$7b7b = BattleCommand_ClearHazards.no_spikes
$7b86 = BattleCommand_HealMorn
$7b8a = BattleCommand_HealDay
$7b8e = BattleCommand_HealNite
$7b90 = BattleCommand_TimeBasedHealContinue
$7ba1 = BattleCommand_TimeBasedHealContinue.start
$7bb7 = BattleCommand_TimeBasedHealContinue.Weather
$7bc4 = BattleCommand_TimeBasedHealContinue.Heal
$7be9 = BattleCommand_TimeBasedHealContinue.Full
$7bf2 = BattleCommand_TimeBasedHealContinue.Multipliers
$7bfa = BattleCommand_HiddenPower
$7c06 = BattleCommand_StartRain
$7c19 = BattleCommand_StartSun
$7c2c = BattleCommand_BellyDrum
$7c53 = BattleCommand_BellyDrum.max_attack_loop
$7c61 = BattleCommand_BellyDrum.failed
$7c67 = BattleCommand_PsychUp
$7c76 = BattleCommand_PsychUp.pointers_correct
$7c79 = BattleCommand_PsychUp.loop
$7c88 = BattleCommand_PsychUp.break
$7c8b = BattleCommand_PsychUp.loop2
$7c9b = BattleCommand_PsychUp.calc_enemy_stats
$7c9e = BattleCommand_PsychUp.merge
$7ca7 = BattleCommand_MirrorCoat
$7cf3 = BattleCommand_MirrorCoat.capped
$7cf8 = BattleCommand_DoubleMinimizeDamage
$7d03 = BattleCommand_DoubleMinimizeDamage.ok
$7d14 = BattleCommand_SkipSunCharge
$7d1f = BattleCommand_CheckFutureSight
$7d30 = BattleCommand_CheckFutureSight.ok
$7d46 = BattleCommand_FutureSight
$7d5d = BattleCommand_FutureSight.AlreadyChargingFutureSight
$7d68 = BattleCommand_FutureSight.GotFutureSightCount
$7d89 = BattleCommand_FutureSight.StoreDamage
$7d99 = BattleCommand_FutureSight.failed
$7da6 = BattleCommand_ThunderAccuracy
$7db9 = BattleCommand_ThunderAccuracy.rain
$7dbc = CheckHiddenOpponent
$7dc4 = GetUserItem
$7dcf = GetUserItem.go
$7dd3 = GetOpponentItem
$7dde = GetOpponentItem.go
$7de2 = GetItemHeldEffect
$7dfb = AnimateCurrentMoveEitherSide
$7e13 = AnimateCurrentMove
$7e2b = PlayDamageAnim
$7e42 = PlayDamageAnim.player
$7e48 = LoadMoveAnim
$7e56 = LoadAnim
$7e59 = PlayUserBattleAnim
$7e66 = PlayOpponentBattleAnim
$7e85 = CallBattleCore
$7e89 = AnimateFailedMove
$7e92 = BattleCommand_MoveDelay
$7e97 = BattleCommand_ClearText
$7e9d = BattleCommand_ClearText.text
$7e9e = SkipToBattleCommand
$7ea6 = SkipToBattleCommand.loop
$7eb3 = GetMoveAttr
$7ebf = GetMoveData
$7ecd = GetMoveByte
$7ed2 = DisappearUser
$7ed9 = AppearUserLowerSub
$7ee0 = AppearUserRaiseSub
$7ee7 = _CheckBattleScene
EMPTY: $7ef4-$7fff ($010c bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $010c bytes
ROMX bank #14:
SECTION: $4000-$7a66 ($3a67 bytes) ["Enemy Trainers"]
$4000 = AI_SwitchOrTryItem
$4032 = AI_SwitchOrTryItem.ok
$4041 = DontSwitch
$4045 = SwitchOften
$4061 = SwitchOften.not_10
$406f = SwitchOften.not_20
$4077 = SwitchOften.switch
$4083 = SwitchRarely
$409f = SwitchRarely.not_10
$40ad = SwitchRarely.not_20
$40b5 = SwitchRarely.switch
$40c1 = SwitchSometimes
$40dd = SwitchSometimes.not_10
$40eb = SwitchSometimes.not_20
$40f3 = SwitchSometimes.switch
$40ff = CheckSubstatusCantRun
$4105 = AI_TryItem
$412c = AI_TryItem.loop
$413f = AI_TryItem.has_item
$414a = AI_TryItem.callback
$4170 = AI_TryItem.IsHighestLevel
$417c = AI_TryItem.next
$4181 = AI_TryItem.ok
$4192 = AI_TryItem.no
$4194 = AI_TryItem.yes
$4196 = AI_Items
$41be = AI_Items.FullHeal
$41ca = AI_Items.Status
$41e7 = AI_Items.StatusCheckContext
$41fd = AI_Items.FailToxicCheck
$4208 = AI_Items.FullRestore
$421a = AI_Items.UseFullRestore
$4220 = AI_Items.MaxPotion
$422c = AI_Items.HealItem
$4254 = AI_Items.CheckQuarterHP
$4267 = AI_Items.CheckHalfOrQuarterHP
$4281 = AI_Items.UseHealItem
$4284 = AI_Items.HyperPotion
$4292 = AI_Items.SuperPotion
$42a0 = AI_Items.Potion
$42ae = AI_Items.UnusedHealItem
$42d5 = AI_Items.check_50_percent
$42e4 = AI_Items.dont_use
$42e7 = AI_Items.check_40_percent
$42f9 = AI_Items.XAccuracy
$4305 = AI_Items.GuardSpec
$4311 = AI_Items.DireHit
$431d = AI_Items.XAttack
$4329 = AI_Items.XDefend
$4335 = AI_Items.XSpeed
$4341 = AI_Items.XSpecial
$434d = AI_Items.XItem
$4372 = AI_Items.notfirstturnout
$4383 = AI_Items.DontUse
$4385 = AI_Items.Use
$4387 = AIUpdateHUD
$439a = AIUsedItemSound
$43a3 = EnemyUsedFullHeal
$43ae = EnemyUsedMaxPotion
$43b5 = EnemyUsedFullRestore
$43c6 = FullRestoreContinue
$43e8 = EnemyUsedPotion
$43ee = EnemyUsedSuperPotion
$43f4 = EnemyUsedHyperPotion
$43f8 = EnemyPotionContinue
$4415 = EnemyPotionContinue.ok
$4436 = EnemyPotionFinish
$444b = AI_TrySwitch
$4454 = AI_TrySwitch.SwitchLoop
$445b = AI_TrySwitch.fainted
$446c = AI_Switch
$44a3 = AI_Switch.skiptext
$44d0 = EnemyWithdrewText
$44d5 = EnemyUsedFullHealRed
$44e0 = AI_HealStatus
$44f7 = EnemyUsedXAccuracy
$4504 = EnemyUsedGuardSpec
$4511 = EnemyUsedDireHit
$451e = AICheckEnemyFractionMaxHP
$4541 = EnemyUsedXAttack
$4547 = EnemyUsedXDefend
$454d = EnemyUsedXSpeed
$4553 = EnemyUsedXSpecial
$4557 = EnemyUsedXItem
$4568 = PrintText_UsedItemOn_AND_AIUpdateHUD
$4571 = PrintText_UsedItemOn
$458c = EnemyUsedOnText
$4591 = AIScoring
$4591 = AI_Basic
$4599 = AI_Basic.checkmove
$45d6 = AI_Basic.discourage
$45db = StatusOnlyEffects
$45e0 = AI_Setup
$45e8 = AI_Setup.checkmove
$4613 = AI_Setup.statup
$461b = AI_Setup.statdown
$4621 = AI_Setup.encourage
$462a = AI_Setup.discourage
$4635 = AI_Types
$463d = AI_Types.checkmove
$466c = AI_Types.noteffective
$467a = AI_Types.checkmove2
$4692 = AI_Types.damaging
$4693 = AI_Types.movesdone
$469d = AI_Types.immune
$46a2 = AI_Offensive
$46aa = AI_Offensive.checkmove
$46be = AI_Smart
$46c6 = AI_Smart.checkmove
$46ec = AI_Smart.nextmove
$46f2 = AI_Smart_EffectHandlers
$47e3 = AI_Smart_Sleep
$47f0 = AI_Smart_Sleep.encourage
$47f7 = AI_Smart_LeechHit
$4815 = AI_Smart_LeechHit.discourage
$481d = AI_Smart_LockOn
$4834 = AI_Smart_LockOn.skip_speed_check
$484f = AI_Smart_LockOn.checkmove
$4875 = AI_Smart_LockOn.do_nothing
$4877 = AI_Smart_LockOn.discourage
$487a = AI_Smart_LockOn.maybe_encourage
$4882 = AI_Smart_LockOn.player_locked_on
$488b = AI_Smart_LockOn.checkmove2
$48a2 = AI_Smart_LockOn.dismiss
$48a6 = AI_Smart_Selfdestruct
$48b7 = AI_Smart_Selfdestruct.notlastmon
$48c6 = AI_Smart_Selfdestruct.discourage
$48ca = AI_Smart_DreamEater
$48d4 = AI_Smart_EvasionUp
$48ef = AI_Smart_EvasionUp.greatly_encourage
$48f2 = AI_Smart_EvasionUp.hp_mismatch_1
$490a = AI_Smart_EvasionUp.hp_mismatch_3
$490f = AI_Smart_EvasionUp.hp_mismatch_2
$4911 = AI_Smart_EvasionUp.not_encouraged
$4936 = AI_Smart_EvasionUp.discourage
$4938 = AI_Smart_EvasionUp.maybe_greatly_encourage
$4941 = AI_Smart_EvasionUp.maybe_encourage
$4947 = AI_Smart_AlwaysHit
$4954 = AI_Smart_AlwaysHit.encourage
$495b = AI_Smart_MirrorMove
$4968 = AI_Smart_MirrorMove.usedmove
$4985 = AI_Smart_AccuracyDown
$499d = AI_Smart_AccuracyDown.greatly_encourage
$49a0 = AI_Smart_AccuracyDown.hp_mismatch_1
$49b8 = AI_Smart_AccuracyDown.hp_mismatch_3
$49bd = AI_Smart_AccuracyDown.hp_mismatch_2
$49bf = AI_Smart_AccuracyDown.not_encouraged
$49e4 = AI_Smart_AccuracyDown.discourage
$49e6 = AI_Smart_AccuracyDown.maybe_greatly_encourage
$49ef = AI_Smart_AccuracyDown.encourage
$49f5 = AI_Smart_ResetStats
$49fb = AI_Smart_ResetStats.enemystatsloop
$4a05 = AI_Smart_ResetStats.enemystatsdone
$4a0a = AI_Smart_ResetStats.playerstatsloop
$4a12 = AI_Smart_ResetStats.encourage
$4a1b = AI_Smart_ResetStats.discourage
$4a1e = AI_Smart_Bide
$4a2a = AI_Smart_ForceSwitch
$4a3a = AI_Smart_Heal
$4a3a = AI_Smart_MorningSun
$4a3a = AI_Smart_Synthesis
$4a3a = AI_Smart_Moonlight
$4a45 = AI_Smart_Moonlight.encourage
$4a4e = AI_Smart_Toxic
$4a4e = AI_Smart_LeechSeed
$4a54 = AI_Smart_LightScreen
$4a54 = AI_Smart_Reflect
$4a60 = AI_Smart_Ohko
$4a71 = AI_Smart_TrapTarget
$4a8b = AI_Smart_TrapTarget.discourage
$4a91 = AI_Smart_TrapTarget.encourage
$4a9c = AI_Smart_RazorWind
$4a9c = AI_Smart_Unused2B
$4aaa = AI_Smart_Unused2B.no_perish_count
$4ab0 = AI_Smart_Unused2B.checkmove
$4ac1 = AI_Smart_Unused2B.movesdone
$4acd = AI_Smart_Unused2B.maybe_discourage
$4ad3 = AI_Smart_Unused2B.discourage
$4ad5 = AI_Smart_Unused2B.dismiss
$4adb = AI_Smart_Confuse
$4ae7 = AI_Smart_Confuse.skipdiscourage
$4aed = AI_Smart_SpDefenseUp2
$4b09 = AI_Smart_SpDefenseUp2.encourage
$4b10 = AI_Smart_SpDefenseUp2.discourage
$4b12 = AI_Smart_Fly
$4b20 = AI_Smart_SuperFang
$4b26 = AI_Smart_Paralyze
$4b3a = AI_Smart_Paralyze.discourage
$4b40 = AI_Smart_SpeedDownHit
$4b5c = AI_Smart_Substitute
$4b63 = AI_Smart_HyperBeam
$4b72 = AI_Smart_HyperBeam.discourage
$4b7f = AI_Smart_Rage
$4b8c = AI_Smart_Rage.skipencourage
$4b9b = AI_Smart_Rage.notbuilding
$4ba6 = AI_Smart_Rage.discourage
$4ba8 = AI_Smart_Mimic
$4bd4 = AI_Smart_Mimic.skip_encourage
$4be9 = AI_Smart_Mimic.dismiss
$4bef = AI_Smart_Mimic.discourage
$4bf1 = AI_Smart_Counter
$4bf9 = AI_Smart_Counter.playermoveloop
$4c0e = AI_Smart_Counter.skipmove
$4c30 = AI_Smart_Counter.encourage
$4c38 = AI_Smart_Counter.done
$4c39 = AI_Smart_Counter.discourage
$4c3b = AI_Smart_Encore
$4c68 = AI_Smart_Encore.weakmove
$4c78 = AI_Smart_Encore.encourage
$4c81 = AI_Smart_Encore.discourage
$4c85 = EncoreMoves
$4ca4 = AI_Smart_PainSplit
$4cba = AI_Smart_Snore
$4cba = AI_Smart_SleepTalk
$4cc7 = AI_Smart_SleepTalk.discourage
$4ccb = AI_Smart_DefrostOpponent
$4cd5 = AI_Smart_Spite
$4ce7 = AI_Smart_Spite.usedmove
$4cf1 = AI_Smart_Spite.moveloop
$4cfb = AI_Smart_Spite.foundmove
$4d0b = AI_Smart_Spite.discourage
$4d0d = AI_Smart_Spite.encourage
$4d16 = AI_Smart_Spite.dismiss
$4d19 = AI_Smart_DestinyBond
$4d19 = AI_Smart_Reversal
$4d19 = AI_Smart_SkullBash
$4d1f = AI_Smart_HealBell
$4d2c = AI_Smart_HealBell.loop
$4d37 = AI_Smart_HealBell.next
$4d48 = AI_Smart_HealBell.ok
$4d52 = AI_Smart_HealBell.no_status
$4d5a = AI_Smart_PriorityHit
$4d93 = AI_Smart_Thief
$4d98 = AI_Smart_Conversion2
$4dc9 = AI_Smart_Conversion2.discourage
$4dd1 = AI_Smart_Disable
$4dee = AI_Smart_Disable.notencourage
$4df3 = AI_Smart_Disable.discourage
$4dfb = AI_Smart_MeanLook
$4e24 = AI_Smart_MeanLook.discourage
$4e26 = AI_Smart_MeanLook.encourage
$4e2e = AICheckLastPlayerMon
$4e3a = AICheckLastPlayerMon.loop
$4e44 = AICheckLastPlayerMon.skip
$4e4a = AI_Smart_Nightmare
$4e50 = AI_Smart_FlameWheel
$4e5c = AI_Smart_Curse
$4e90 = AI_Smart_Curse.approve
$4e92 = AI_Smart_Curse.greatly_encourage
$4e93 = AI_Smart_Curse.encourage
$4e95 = AI_Smart_Curse.ghost_curse
$4eb0 = AI_Smart_Curse.notlastmon
$4eb7 = AI_Smart_Curse.ghost_continue
$4ecb = AI_Smart_Curse.maybe_greatly_encourage
$4ed2 = AI_Smart_Protect
$4f0d = AI_Smart_Protect.encourage
$4f13 = AI_Smart_Protect.greatly_discourage
$4f14 = AI_Smart_Protect.discourage
$4f1d = AI_Smart_Foresight
$4f41 = AI_Smart_Foresight.encourage
$4f4a = AI_Smart_PerishSong
$4f6f = AI_Smart_PerishSong.yes
$4f75 = AI_Smart_PerishSong.no
$4f7a = AI_Smart_Sandstorm
$4fa5 = AI_Smart_Sandstorm.greatly_discourage
$4fa6 = AI_Smart_Sandstorm.discourage
$4fa8 = AI_Smart_Sandstorm.SandstormImmuneTypes
$4fac = AI_Smart_Endure
$4fcb = AI_Smart_Endure.no_reversal
$4fd8 = AI_Smart_Endure.greatly_discourage
$4fd9 = AI_Smart_Endure.discourage
$4fdb = AI_Smart_FuryCutter
$4fef = AI_Smart_Rollout
$5020 = AI_Smart_Rollout.maybe_discourage
$5026 = AI_Smart_Swagger
$5026 = AI_Smart_Attract
$5032 = AI_Smart_Attract.first_turn
$503a = AI_Smart_Safeguard
$5044 = AI_Smart_Magnitude
$5044 = AI_Smart_Earthquake
$5058 = AI_Smart_Earthquake.could_dig
$5062 = AI_Smart_BatonPass
$5072 = AI_Smart_Pursuit
$507d = AI_Smart_Pursuit.encourage
$5084 = AI_Smart_RapidSpin
$5097 = AI_Smart_RapidSpin.encourage
$509e = AI_Smart_HiddenPower
$50c7 = AI_Smart_HiddenPower.good
$50c9 = AI_Smart_HiddenPower.bad
$50cb = AI_Smart_RainDance
$50e7 = RainDanceMoves
$50f3 = AI_Smart_SunnyDay
$510d = AI_Smart_WeatherMove
$511e = AIBadWeatherType
$5122 = AIGoodWeatherType
$5131 = AIGoodWeatherType.good
$5134 = SunnyDayMoves
$513d = AI_Smart_BellyDrum
$514d = AI_Smart_BellyDrum.discourage
$5152 = AI_Smart_PsychUp
$515a = AI_Smart_PsychUp.enemy_loop
$5169 = AI_Smart_PsychUp.player_loop
$5188 = AI_Smart_PsychUp.discourage
$518b = AI_Smart_MirrorCoat
$5193 = AI_Smart_MirrorCoat.playermoveloop
$51a8 = AI_Smart_MirrorCoat.skipmove
$51ca = AI_Smart_MirrorCoat.encourage
$51d2 = AI_Smart_MirrorCoat.done
$51d3 = AI_Smart_MirrorCoat.discourage
$51d5 = AI_Smart_Twister
$51d5 = AI_Smart_Gust
$51e9 = AI_Smart_Gust.couldFly
$51f3 = AI_Smart_FutureSight
$5200 = AI_Smart_Stomp
$520b = AI_Smart_Solarbeam
$521e = AI_Smart_Solarbeam.encourage
$5225 = AI_Smart_Thunder
$5233 = AICompareSpeed
$5246 = AICheckPlayerMaxHP
$5251 = AICheckEnemyMaxHP
$525a = AICheckMaxHP
$5269 = AICheckMaxHP.not_max
$526e = AICheckPlayerHalfHP
$5281 = AICheckEnemyHalfHP
$5298 = AICheckEnemyQuarterHP
$52b3 = AICheckPlayerQuarterHP
$52ca = AIHasMoveEffect
$52d0 = AIHasMoveEffect.checkmove
$52e0 = AIHasMoveEffect.no
$52e3 = AIHasMoveEffect.yes
$52e6 = AIHasMoveInArray
$52e9 = AIHasMoveInArray.next
$52f4 = AIHasMoveInArray.check
$52fd = AIHasMoveInArray.done
$5301 = UsefulMoves
$5315 = AI_Opportunist
$5322 = AI_Opportunist.lowhp
$532a = AI_Opportunist.checkmove
$5347 = AI_Opportunist.done
$5348 = StallMoves
$5369 = AI_Aggressive
$5372 = AI_Aggressive.checkmove
$53a3 = AI_Aggressive.nodamage
$53a8 = AI_Aggressive.gotstrongestmove
$53b4 = AI_Aggressive.checkmove2
$53e1 = AI_Aggressive.done
$53e2 = RecklessMoves
$53e7 = AIDamageCalc
$5400 = AIDamageCalc.notconstant
$5413 = ConstantDamageEffects
$5418 = AI_Cautious
$5425 = AI_Cautious.loop
$5446 = ResidualMoves
$5453 = AI_Status
$545b = AI_Status.checkmove
$5480 = AI_Status.poisonimmunity
$548e = AI_Status.typeimmunity
$54a4 = AI_Status.immune
$54a9 = AI_Risky
$54b1 = AI_Risky.checkmove
$54de = AI_Risky.checkko
$54fa = AI_Risky.nextmove
$54ff = RiskyEffects
$5502 = AI_None
$5503 = AIDiscourageMove
$5508 = AIGetEnemyMove
$5521 = AI_80_20
$5527 = AI_50_50
$552d = GetTrainerClassName
$5544 = GetTrainerClassName.rival
$5550 = GetOTName
$556f = GetOTName.ok
$557b = GetTrainerAttributes
$559c = TrainerClassAttributes
$5771 = ReadTrainerParty
$579e = ReadTrainerParty.not_cal2
$57ae = ReadTrainerParty.skip_trainer
$57b1 = ReadTrainerParty.loop
$57b8 = ReadTrainerParty.got_trainer
$57b8 = ReadTrainerParty.skip_name
$57d0 = ReadTrainerParty.done
$57d3 = ReadTrainerParty.cal2
$57e3 = TrainerTypes
$57eb = TrainerType1
$57ed = TrainerType1.loop
$5806 = TrainerType2
$5808 = TrainerType2.loop
$5830 = TrainerType2.copy_moves
$5852 = TrainerType2.copy_pp
$586e = TrainerType2.copied_pp
$5871 = TrainerType3
$5873 = TrainerType3.loop
$589d = TrainerType4
$589f = TrainerType4.loop
$58da = TrainerType4.copy_moves
$58fc = TrainerType4.copy_pp
$5918 = TrainerType4.copied_pp
$591b = ComputeTrainerReward
$5939 = Battle_GetTrainerName
$594c = GetTrainerName
$596d = GetTrainerName.not_cal2
$597a = GetTrainerName.loop
$597d = GetTrainerName.skip
$5984 = CopyTrainerName
$5990 = IncompleteCopyNameFunction
$5999 = TrainerGroups
$5a1f = Trainers
$5a1f = FalknerGroup
$5a35 = WhitneyGroup
$5a4b = BugsyGroup
$5a65 = MortyGroup
$5a85 = PryceGroup
$5a9f = JasmineGroup
$5abb = ChuckGroup
$5acf = ClairGroup
$5aef = Rival1Group
$5c51 = PokemonProfGroup
$5c51 = WillGroup
$5c76 = PKMNTrainerGroup
$5c9a = BrunoGroup
$5cc0 = KarenGroup
$5ce6 = KogaGroup
$5d0b = ChampionGroup
$5d37 = BrockGroup
$5d5d = MistyGroup
$5d7d = LtSurgeGroup
$5da6 = ScientistGroup
$5de1 = ErikaGroup
$5e01 = YoungsterGroup
$5ea5 = SchoolboyGroup
$5fee = BirdKeeperGroup
$60d1 = LassGroup
$61d3 = JanineGroup
$61fa = CooltrainerMGroup
$634f = CooltrainerFGroup
$6494 = BeautyGroup
$657e = PokemaniacGroup
$6629 = GruntMGroup
$67b5 = GentlemanGroup
$67f2 = SkierGroup
$680b = TeacherGroup
$6831 = SabrinaGroup
$684d = BugCatcherGroup
$6954 = FisherGroup
$6acb = SwimmerMGroup
$6bea = SwimmerFGroup
$6ccf = SailorGroup
$6d82 = SuperNerdGroup
$6e2a = Rival2Group
$6f1a = GuitaristGroup
$6f36 = HikerGroup
$708c = BikerGroup
$7101 = BlaineGroup
$711c = BurglarGroup
$714f = FirebreatherGroup
$71a7 = JugglerGroup
$7206 = BlackbeltGroup
$7290 = ExecutiveMGroup
$7302 = PsychicGroup
$73b8 = PicnickerGroup
$7518 = CamperGroup
$763f = ExecutiveFGroup
$767b = SageGroup
$7709 = MediumGroup
$7760 = BoarderGroup
$778a = PokefanMGroup
$784b = KimonoGirlGroup
$7887 = TwinsGroup
$7947 = PokefanFGroup
$799c = RedGroup
$79c6 = BlueGroup
$79f1 = OfficerGroup
$7a06 = GruntFGroup
$7a4c = MysticalmanGroup
EMPTY: $7a67-$7fff ($0599 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0599 bytes
ROMX bank #15:
SECTION: $4000-$7e85 ($3e86 bytes) ["Battle Core"]
$4000 = DoBattle
$4019 = DoBattle.loop
$4021 = DoBattle.alive
$4031 = DoBattle.not_linked
$4047 = DoBattle.wild
$404c = DoBattle.player_2
$406b = DoBattle.loop2
$4076 = DoBattle.alive2
$40df = DoBattle.not_linked_2
$40e2 = DoBattle.tutorial_debug
$40e5 = WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled
$4115 = WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled.print_text
$4118 = WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled.skip_text
$4126 = WildFled_EnemyFled_LinkBattleCanceled.skip_sfx
$412f = BattleTurn
$412f = BattleTurn.loop
$4174 = BattleTurn.not_disconnected
$4179 = BattleTurn.loop1
$418a = BattleTurn.skip_iteration
$419e = BattleTurn.false
$41a1 = BattleTurn.proceed
$41be = BattleTurn.quit
$41bf = Stubbed_Increments5_a89a
$41d2 = Stubbed_Increments5_a89a.finish
$41d6 = HandleBetweenTurnEffects
$41fe = HandleBetweenTurnEffects.CheckEnemyFirst
$421e = HandleBetweenTurnEffects.NoMoreFaintingConditions
$423c = CheckFaint_PlayerThenEnemy
$424a = CheckFaint_PlayerThenEnemy.PlayerNotFainted
$4258 = CheckFaint_PlayerThenEnemy.BattleContinues
$425a = CheckFaint_PlayerThenEnemy.BattleIsOver
$425c = CheckFaint_EnemyThenPlayer
$426a = CheckFaint_EnemyThenPlayer.EnemyNotFainted
$4278 = CheckFaint_EnemyThenPlayer.BattleContinues
$427a = CheckFaint_EnemyThenPlayer.BattleIsOver
$427c = HandleBerserkGene
$4287 = HandleBerserkGene.reverse
$428a = HandleBerserkGene.player
$4296 = HandleBerserkGene.enemy
$42a0 = HandleBerserkGene.go
$4300 = EnemyTriesToFlee
$430d = EnemyTriesToFlee.not_linked
$430f = EnemyTriesToFlee.forfeit
$4314 = DetermineMoveOrder
$4341 = DetermineMoveOrder.player_2
$434c = DetermineMoveOrder.switch
$435b = DetermineMoveOrder.use_move
$436d = DetermineMoveOrder.equal_priority
$4391 = DetermineMoveOrder.player_no_quick_claw
$439f = DetermineMoveOrder.both_have_quick_claw
$43b5 = DetermineMoveOrder.player_2b
$43c5 = DetermineMoveOrder.speed_check
$43d8 = DetermineMoveOrder.speed_tie
$43e9 = DetermineMoveOrder.player_2c
$43f1 = DetermineMoveOrder.player_first
$43f3 = DetermineMoveOrder.enemy_first
$43f5 = CheckContestBattleOver
$440e = CheckContestBattleOver.contest_not_over
$4410 = CheckPlayerLockedIn
$4432 = CheckPlayerLockedIn.quit
$4434 = ParsePlayerAction
$4449 = ParsePlayerAction.not_encored
$4476 = ParsePlayerAction.struggle
$447c = ParsePlayerAction.encored
$4494 = ParsePlayerAction.continue_fury_cutter
$44a4 = ParsePlayerAction.continue_rage
$44b5 = ParsePlayerAction.reset_bide
$44ba = ParsePlayerAction.locked_in
$44c9 = ParsePlayerAction.continue_protect
$44ce = ParsePlayerAction.reset_rage
$44df = HandleEncore
$44ea = HandleEncore.player_1
$44ed = HandleEncore.do_player
$450a = HandleEncore.end_player_encore
$4518 = HandleEncore.do_enemy
$4535 = HandleEncore.end_enemy_encore
$4543 = TryEnemyFlee
$4596 = TryEnemyFlee.Stay
$4598 = TryEnemyFlee.Flee
$459a = FleeMons
$459a = SometimesFleeMons
$45a8 = OftenFleeMons
$45b1 = AlwaysFleeMons
$45b4 = CompareMovePriority
$45c5 = GetMovePriority
$45d1 = GetMovePriority.loop
$45dd = GetMovePriority.done
$45df = MoveEffectPriorities
$45ec = GetMoveEffect
$45fe = Battle_EnemyFirst
$462f = Battle_EnemyFirst.switch_item
$4664 = Battle_PlayerFirst
$46be = Battle_PlayerFirst.switched_or_used_item
$46cf = PlayerTurn_EndOpponentProtectEndureDestinyBond
$46de = EnemyTurn_EndOpponentProtectEndureDestinyBond
$46ed = EndOpponentProtectEndureDestinyBond
$46fe = EndUserDestinyBond
$4706 = HasUserFainted
$470b = HasEnemyFainted
$4710 = HasPlayerFainted
$4713 = CheckIfHPIsZero
$4716 = ResidualDamage
$4733 = ResidualDamage.got_anim
$474d = ResidualDamage.check_toxic
$475f = ResidualDamage.add
$4765 = ResidualDamage.did_toxic
$4768 = ResidualDamage.did_psn_brn
$47a1 = ResidualDamage.not_seeded
$47c5 = ResidualDamage.not_nightmare
$47e9 = ResidualDamage.not_cursed
$47f4 = ResidualDamage.check_fainted
$47f7 = ResidualDamage.fainted
$4801 = HandlePerishSong
$4813 = HandlePerishSong.EnemyFirst
$481c = HandlePerishSong.do_it
$4827 = HandlePerishSong.got_count
$485c = HandlePerishSong.kill_enemy
$4874 = HandleWrap
$4886 = HandleWrap.EnemyFirst
$488f = HandleWrap.do_it
$48a0 = HandleWrap.got_addrs
$48d3 = HandleWrap.skip_anim
$48de = HandleWrap.release_from_bounds
$48e1 = HandleWrap.print_text
$48e4 = SwitchTurnCore
$48eb = HandleLeftovers
$48fd = HandleLeftovers.DoEnemyFirst
$4906 = HandleLeftovers.do_it
$4922 = HandleLeftovers.got_hp
$492d = HandleLeftovers.restore
$493c = HandleMysteryberry
$494e = HandleMysteryberry.DoEnemyFirst
$4957 = HandleMysteryberry.do_it
$499b = HandleMysteryberry.wild
$499d = HandleMysteryberry.loop
$49ae = HandleMysteryberry.quit
$49af = HandleMysteryberry.restore
$49b8 = HandleMysteryberry.sketch
$49d2 = HandleMysteryberry.player_pp
$49ee = HandleMysteryberry.check_transform
$49f5 = HandleMysteryberry.skip_checks
$4a12 = HandleMysteryberry.consume_item
$4a14 = HandleMysteryberry.skip_consumption
$4a26 = HandleFutureSight
$4a38 = HandleFutureSight.enemy_first
$4a41 = HandleFutureSight.do_it
$4a4c = HandleFutureSight.okay
$4a8f = HandleDefrost
$4a9a = HandleDefrost.enemy_first
$4a9d = HandleDefrost.do_player_turn
$4ac9 = HandleDefrost.do_enemy_turn
$4aef = HandleDefrost.wild
$4afb = HandleSafeguard
$4b06 = HandleSafeguard.player1
$4b09 = HandleSafeguard.CheckPlayer
$4b1c = HandleSafeguard.CheckEnemy
$4b2e = HandleSafeguard.print
$4b36 = HandleScreens
$4b41 = HandleScreens.Both
$4b44 = HandleScreens.CheckPlayer
$4b55 = HandleScreens.CheckEnemy
$4b64 = HandleScreens.TickScreens
$4b6f = HandleScreens.Copy
$4b75 = HandleScreens.Your
$4b7a = HandleScreens.Enemy
$4b80 = HandleScreens.LightScreenTick
$4b91 = HandleScreens.ReflectTick
$4b9e = HandleWeather
$4bc7 = HandleWeather.enemy_first
$4bd0 = HandleWeather.SandstormDamage
$4be3 = HandleWeather.ok
$4c13 = HandleWeather.ended
$4c1e = HandleWeather.PrintWeatherMessage
$4c2d = HandleWeather.WeatherMessages
$4c33 = HandleWeather.WeatherEndedMessages
$4c39 = SubtractHPFromTarget
$4c3f = SubtractHPFromUser
$4c45 = SubtractHP
$4c50 = SubtractHP.ok
$4c76 = GetSixteenthMaxHP
$4c82 = GetSixteenthMaxHP.ok
$4c83 = GetEighthMaxHP
$4c8d = GetEighthMaxHP.end
$4c8e = GetQuarterMaxHP
$4c9e = GetQuarterMaxHP.end
$4c9f = GetHalfMaxHP
$4cab = GetHalfMaxHP.end
$4cac = GetMaxHP
$4cb7 = GetMaxHP.ok
$4cc2 = GetHalfHP
$4ccd = GetHalfHP.ok
$4cde = CheckUserHasEnoughHP
$4ce9 = CheckUserHasEnoughHP.ok
$4cef = RestoreHP
$4cfa = RestoreHP.ok
$4d2d = RestoreHP.overflow
$4d36 = UpdateHPBarBattleHuds
$4d3c = UpdateHPBar
$4d4a = UpdateHPBar.ok
$4d55 = HandleEnemyMonFaint
$4d8c = HandleEnemyMonFaint.trainer
$4da4 = HandleEnemyMonFaint.dont_flee
$4dba = HandleEnemyMonFaint.player_mon_not_fainted
$4dca = DoubleSwitch
$4de6 = DoubleSwitch.player_1
$4dfc = DoubleSwitch.done
$4e01 = UpdateBattleStateAndExperienceAfterEnemyFaint
$4e16 = UpdateBattleStateAndExperienceAfterEnemyFaint.wild
$4e2f = UpdateBattleStateAndExperienceAfterEnemyFaint.wild2
$4e37 = UpdateBattleStateAndExperienceAfterEnemyFaint.trainer
$4e47 = UpdateBattleStateAndExperienceAfterEnemyFaint.player_mon_did_not_faint
$4e6c = UpdateBattleStateAndExperienceAfterEnemyFaint.loop
$4e72 = UpdateBattleStateAndExperienceAfterEnemyFaint.skip_exp
$4eaa = IsAnyMonHoldingExpShare
$4eb5 = IsAnyMonHoldingExpShare.loop
$4ed1 = IsAnyMonHoldingExpShare.next
$4ee1 = IsAnyMonHoldingExpShare.loop2
$4ee6 = IsAnyMonHoldingExpShare.okay
$4eec = StopDangerSound
$4ef1 = FaintYourPokemon
$4f14 = FaintEnemyPokemon
$4f35 = CheckEnemyTrainerDefeated
$4f40 = CheckEnemyTrainerDefeated.loop
$4f4a = HandleEnemySwitch
$4f6d = HandleEnemySwitch.not_linked
$4f78 = EnemyPartyMonEntrance
$4f8f = EnemyPartyMonEntrance.set
$4f92 = EnemyPartyMonEntrance.done_switch
$4fa4 = WinTrainerBattle
$4fe8 = WinTrainerBattle.skip_heal
$4ff2 = WinTrainerBattle.skip_win_loss_text
$4ff5 = WinTrainerBattle.mobile
$5006 = WinTrainerBattle.battle_tower
$502b = WinTrainerBattle.give_money
$5044 = WinTrainerBattle.okay
$5047 = WinTrainerBattle.loop
$5052 = WinTrainerBattle.loop2
$505c = WinTrainerBattle.done
$507b = WinTrainerBattle.KeepItAll
$5081 = WinTrainerBattle.AddMoneyToMom
$508d = WinTrainerBattle.AddMoneyToWallet
$5099 = WinTrainerBattle.DoubleReward
$50ab = WinTrainerBattle.SentToMomTexts
$50b1 = WinTrainerBattle.CheckMaxedOutMomMoney
$50be = AddBattleMoneyToAccount
$50ce = AddBattleMoneyToAccount.loop
$50ea = PlayVictoryMusic
$5113 = PlayVictoryMusic.trainer_victory
$511e = PlayVictoryMusic.play_music
$5121 = PlayVictoryMusic.lost
$5123 = IsKantoGymLeader
$5128 = IsGymLeader
$512b = IsGymLeaderCommon
$5137 = GymLeaders
$5145 = KantoGymLeaders
$514e = HandlePlayerMonFaint
$517f = HandlePlayerMonFaint.trainer
$5185 = HandlePlayerMonFaint.notfainted
$5190 = HandlePlayerMonFaint.switch
$51aa = UpdateFaintedPlayerMon
$51dc = UpdateFaintedPlayerMon.got_param
$51f8 = AskUseNextPokemon
$520a = AskUseNextPokemon.loop
$5217 = AskUseNextPokemon.pressed_b
$5227 = ForcePlayerMonChoice
$5241 = ForcePlayerMonChoice.skip_link
$5251 = ForcePlayerMonChoice.enemy_fainted_mobile_error
$526c = ForcePlayerMonChoice.send_out_pokemon
$52b3 = PlayerPartyMonEntrance
$52e0 = CheckMobileBattleError
$52ef = CheckMobileBattleError.not_mobile
$52f1 = IsMobileBattle
$52f7 = SetUpBattlePartyMenu
$52fa = SetUpBattlePartyMenu_Loop
$5313 = JumpToPartyMenuAndPrintText
$5329 = SelectBattleMon
$5335 = SelectBattleMon.mobile
$533c = PickPartyMonInBattle
$533c = PickPartyMonInBattle.loop
$534f = SwitchMonAlreadyOut
$5360 = SwitchMonAlreadyOut.notout
$5362 = ForcePickPartyMonInBattle
$5362 = ForcePickPartyMonInBattle.pick
$5375 = PickSwitchMonInBattle
$5375 = PickSwitchMonInBattle.pick
$5380 = ForcePickSwitchMonInBattle
$5380 = ForcePickSwitchMonInBattle.pick
$538e = LostBattle
$53bc = LostBattle.skip_win_loss_text
$53bd = LostBattle.battle_tower
$53e3 = LostBattle.not_canlose
$53f3 = LostBattle.LostLinkBattle
$540a = LostBattle.not_tied
$5412 = LostBattle.text
$5415 = LostBattle.end
$5417 = LostBattle.mobile
$5432 = EnemyMonFaintedAnimation
$543b = PlayerMonFaintedAnimation
$5444 = MonFaintedAnimation
$544f = MonFaintedAnimation.OuterLoop
$5454 = MonFaintedAnimation.InnerLoop
$5488 = MonFaintedAnimation.Spaces
$5490 = SlideBattlePicOut
$5493 = SlideBattlePicOut.loop
$5497 = SlideBattlePicOut.loop2
$54ae = SlideBattlePicOut.DoFrame
$54b5 = SlideBattlePicOut.forward
$54bc = SlideBattlePicOut.back
$54c3 = ForceEnemySwitch
$54e1 = EnemySwitch
$54f1 = EnemySwitch.skip
$5517 = EnemySwitch_SetMode
$5522 = EnemySwitch_SetMode.skip
$5533 = CheckWhetherSwitchmonIsPredetermined
$5541 = CheckWhetherSwitchmonIsPredetermined.not_linked
$554b = CheckWhetherSwitchmonIsPredetermined.check_wBattleHasJustStarted
$5555 = CheckWhetherSwitchmonIsPredetermined.return_carry
$5557 = ResetEnemyBattleVars
$557a = ResetBattleParticipants
$5581 = AddBattleParticipant
$5599 = FindMonInOTPartyToSwitchIntoBattle
$55a3 = FindMonInOTPartyToSwitchIntoBattle.loop
$55d0 = FindMonInOTPartyToSwitchIntoBattle.discourage
$55d7 = LookUpTheEffectivenessOfEveryMove
$55e2 = LookUpTheEffectivenessOfEveryMove.loop
$5617 = LookUpTheEffectivenessOfEveryMove.done
$5618 = IsThePlayerMonTypesEffectiveAgainstOTMon
$5663 = IsThePlayerMonTypesEffectiveAgainstOTMon.super_effective
$566f = IsThePlayerMonTypesEffectiveAgainstOTMon.reset
$5672 = ScoreMonTypeMatchups
$5672 = ScoreMonTypeMatchups.loop1
$5681 = ScoreMonTypeMatchups.loop2
$568a = ScoreMonTypeMatchups.okay
$5693 = ScoreMonTypeMatchups.loop3
$569a = ScoreMonTypeMatchups.okay2
$56a0 = ScoreMonTypeMatchups.loop4
$56a7 = ScoreMonTypeMatchups.loop5
$56c9 = ScoreMonTypeMatchups.quit
$56ca = LoadEnemyMonToSwitchTo
$5708 = LoadEnemyMonToSwitchTo.skip_unown
$5714 = CheckWhetherToAskSwitch
$5749 = CheckWhetherToAskSwitch.return_nc
$574b = OfferSwitch
$5791 = OfferSwitch.canceled_switch
$579a = OfferSwitch.said_no
$57a0 = ClearEnemyMonBox
$57b8 = ShowBattleTextEnemySentOut
$57c7 = ShowSetEnemyMonAndSendOutAnimation
$5800 = ShowSetEnemyMonAndSendOutAnimation.not_shiny
$5821 = ShowSetEnemyMonAndSendOutAnimation.cry_no_anim
$582c = ShowSetEnemyMonAndSendOutAnimation.skip_cry
$5834 = NewEnemyMonStatus
$5867 = ResetEnemyStatLevels
$586e = ResetEnemyStatLevels.loop
$5873 = CheckPlayerPartyForFitMon
$587e = CheckPlayerPartyForFitMon.loop
$5887 = CheckIfCurPartyMonIsFitToFight
$58ae = CheckIfCurPartyMonIsFitToFight.print_textbox
$58b1 = CheckIfCurPartyMonIsFitToFight.finish_fail
$58b3 = TryToRunAwayFromBattle
$5916 = TryToRunAwayFromBattle.no_flee_item
$596c = TryToRunAwayFromBattle.loop
$597a = TryToRunAwayFromBattle.cant_escape_2
$598d = TryToRunAwayFromBattle.cant_escape
$5992 = TryToRunAwayFromBattle.cant_run_from_trainer
$5995 = TryToRunAwayFromBattle.print_inescapable_text
$59a2 = TryToRunAwayFromBattle.can_escape
$59cf = TryToRunAwayFromBattle.fled
$59f5 = TryToRunAwayFromBattle.mobile
$5a05 = TryToRunAwayFromBattle.skip_link_error
$5a0d = InitBattleMon
$5a74 = BattleCheckPlayerShininess
$5a79 = BattleCheckEnemyShininess
$5a7c = BattleCheckShininess
$5a85 = GetPartyMonDVs
$5a97 = GetEnemyMonDVs
$5ab1 = ResetPlayerStatLevels
$5ab8 = ResetPlayerStatLevels.loop
$5abd = InitEnemyMon
$5b25 = InitEnemyMon.loop
$5b32 = SwitchPlayerMon
$5b5f = SendOutPlayerMon
$5bbc = SendOutPlayerMon.not_shiny
$5bd6 = SendOutPlayerMon.statused
$5bde = NewBattleMonStatus
$5c18 = BreakAttraction
$5c23 = SpikesDamage
$5c3a = SpikesDamage.ok
$5c5a = SpikesDamage.hl
$5c5b = PursuitSwitch
$5c7e = PursuitSwitch.do_turn
$5cc0 = PursuitSwitch.check_enemy_fainted
$5cdf = PursuitSwitch.done_fainted
$5ce4 = PursuitSwitch.done
$5ce6 = RecallPlayerMon
$5cf9 = HandleHealingItems
$5d17 = HandleHealingItems.player_1
$5d2f = HandleHPHealingItem
$5d4a = HandleHPHealingItem.go
$5d62 = HandleHPHealingItem.equal
$5d66 = HandleHPHealingItem.less
$5d8d = HandleHPHealingItem.okay
$5da4 = HandleHPHealingItem.got_hp_bar_coords
$5dac = UseOpponentItem
$5dc8 = ItemRecoveryAnim
$5de9 = UseHeldStatusHealingItem
$5df2 = UseHeldStatusHealingItem.loop
$5e26 = UseHeldStatusHealingItem.skip_confuse
$5e31 = UseHeldStatusHealingItem.got_pointer
$5e44 = HeldStatusHealingEffects
$5e51 = UseConfusionHealingItem
$5e67 = UseConfusionHealingItem.heal_status
$5e90 = UseConfusionHealingItem.do_partymon
$5e97 = HandleStatBoostingHeldItems
$5ea3 = HandleStatBoostingHeldItems.player_1
$5ea9 = HandleStatBoostingHeldItems.DoPlayer
$5eb1 = HandleStatBoostingHeldItems.DoEnemy
$5eb6 = HandleStatBoostingHeldItems.HandleItem
$5ec7 = HandleStatBoostingHeldItems.loop
$5ef9 = HandleStatBoostingHeldItems.finish
$5efc = HeldStatUpItems
$5f12 = GetPartymonItem
$5f1f = GetOTPartymonItem
$5f2c = UpdateBattleHUDs
$5f48 = UpdatePlayerHUD
$5f58 = DrawPlayerHUD
$5f98 = UpdatePlayerHPPal
$5f9e = CheckDanger
$5fb2 = CheckDanger.no_danger
$5fb9 = CheckDanger.danger
$5fbe = CheckDanger.done
$5fbf = PrintPlayerHUD
$6013 = PrintPlayerHUD.got_gender_char
$602d = PrintPlayerHUD.copy_level
$6036 = UpdateEnemyHUD
$6043 = DrawEnemyHUD
$6080 = DrawEnemyHUD.ok
$609a = DrawEnemyHUD.got_gender
$60b5 = DrawEnemyHUD.print_level
$60be = DrawEnemyHUD.skip_level
$60d1 = DrawEnemyHUD.not_fainted
$6105 = DrawEnemyHUD.less_than_256_max
$611a = DrawEnemyHUD.draw_bar
$6127 = UpdateEnemyHPPal
$612e = UpdateHPPal
$6138 = Battle_DummyFunction
$6139 = BattleMenu
$6156 = BattleMenu.ok
$6156 = BattleMenu.loop
$6165 = BattleMenu.not_contest
$6171 = BattleMenu.skip_dude_pack_select
$6175 = BattleMenu.next
$6192 = BattleMenu_Fight
$619b = LoadBattleMenu2
$61a8 = LoadBattleMenu2.mobile
$61c5 = LoadBattleMenu2.error
$61c7 = BattleMenu_Pack
$61f1 = BattleMenu_Pack.tutorial
$6201 = BattleMenu_Pack.contest
$6209 = BattleMenu_Pack.got_item
$620d = BattleMenu_Pack.didnt_use_item
$622b = BattleMenu_Pack.ItemsCantBeUsed
$6234 = BattleMenu_Pack.UseItem
$624a = BattleMenu_Pack.ball
$625d = BattleMenu_Pack.tutorial2
$6279 = BattleMenu_Pack.run
$628d = BattleMenu_PKMN
$6290 = BattleMenuPKMN_ReturnFromStats
$6299 = BattleMenuPKMN_Loop
$62a8 = BattleMenuPKMN_Loop.loop
$62c8 = BattleMenuPKMN_Loop.PressedB
$62cf = BattleMenuPKMN_Loop.Stats
$62da = BattleMenuPKMN_Loop.Cancel
$62f5 = BattleMenuPKMN_Loop.GetMenu
$6301 = BattleMenuPKMN_Loop.mobile
$6308 = Battle_StatsScreen
$6358 = TryPlayerSwitch
$636b = TryPlayerSwitch.check_trapped
$6378 = TryPlayerSwitch.trapped
$6381 = TryPlayerSwitch.try_switch
$63ad = PlayerSwitch
$63c1 = PlayerSwitch.not_linked
$63ca = PlayerSwitch.switch
$63cf = PlayerSwitch.linked
$63e9 = PlayerSwitch.dont_run
$63f7 = PlayerSwitch.player_1
$63ff = EnemyMonEntrance
$640b = BattleMonEntrance
$6423 = BattleMonEntrance.ok
$6459 = PassedBattleMonEntrance
$6489 = BattleMenu_Run
$64a8 = CheckAmuletCoin
$64bc = MoveSelectionScreen
$64c8 = MoveSelectionScreen.not_mobile
$64dd = MoveSelectionScreen.ether_elixer_menu
$64e2 = MoveSelectionScreen.got_menu_type
$6503 = MoveSelectionScreen.got_dims
$6513 = MoveSelectionScreen.got_start_coord
$652c = MoveSelectionScreen.got_default_coord
$653e = MoveSelectionScreen.skip_inc
$6569 = MoveSelectionScreen.okay
$657a = MoveSelectionScreen.menu_loop
$658e = MoveSelectionScreen.battle_player_moves
$65a3 = MoveSelectionScreen.interpret_joypad
$65d0 = MoveSelectionScreen.not_enemy_moves_process_b
$65d9 = MoveSelectionScreen.use_move
$6606 = MoveSelectionScreen.skip2
$660b = MoveSelectionScreen.move_disabled
$6610 = MoveSelectionScreen.no_pp_left
$6613 = MoveSelectionScreen.place_textbox_start_over
$661c = MoveSelectionScreen.empty_string
$661d = MoveSelectionScreen.pressed_up
$662e = MoveSelectionScreen.pressed_down
$6643 = MoveSelectionScreen.pressed_select
$6671 = MoveSelectionScreen.not_swapping_disabled_move
$6682 = MoveSelectionScreen.swap_moves_in_party_struct
$669e = MoveSelectionScreen.transformed
$66a5 = MoveSelectionScreen.swap_bytes
$66bf = MoveSelectionScreen.start_swap
$66c8 = MoveInfoBox
$66f4 = MoveInfoBox.not_disabled
$674e = MoveInfoBox.done
$674f = MoveInfoBox.Disabled
$6759 = MoveInfoBox.Type
$675f = MoveInfoBox.PrintPP
$676c = MoveInfoBox.ok
$6786 = CheckPlayerHasUsableMoves
$679f = CheckPlayerHasUsableMoves.disabled
$67a7 = CheckPlayerHasUsableMoves.loop
$67b2 = CheckPlayerHasUsableMoves.done
$67b4 = CheckPlayerHasUsableMoves.force_struggle
$67c1 = ParseEnemyAction
$6817 = ParseEnemyAction.not_linked
$6824 = ParseEnemyAction.skip_encore
$682c = ParseEnemyAction.skip_turn
$6830 = ParseEnemyAction.continue
$6838 = ParseEnemyAction.loop
$6848 = ParseEnemyAction.disabled
$684f = ParseEnemyAction.enough_pp
$6855 = ParseEnemyAction.loop2
$687f = ParseEnemyAction.finish
$6882 = ParseEnemyAction.skip_load
$6894 = ParseEnemyAction.raging
$689f = ParseEnemyAction.fury_cutter
$68af = ParseEnemyAction.no_rage
$68bd = ParseEnemyAction.struggle
$68c1 = ResetVarsForSubstatusRage
$68d1 = CheckEnemyLockedIn
$68e4 = LinkBattleSendReceiveAction
$68eb = LoadEnemyMon
$6925 = LoadEnemyMon.WildItem
$6945 = LoadEnemyMon.UpdateItem
$6963 = LoadEnemyMon.InitDVs
$6996 = LoadEnemyMon.NotRoaming
$69a0 = LoadEnemyMon.GenerateDVs
$69a8 = LoadEnemyMon.UpdateDVs
$69c8 = LoadEnemyMon.Magikarp
$69fe = LoadEnemyMon.CheckMagikarpArea
$6a1a = LoadEnemyMon.Happiness
$6a44 = LoadEnemyMon.TreeMon
$6a4c = LoadEnemyMon.UpdateStatus
$6a6e = LoadEnemyMon.InitRoamHP
$6a74 = LoadEnemyMon.OpponentParty
$6a90 = LoadEnemyMon.Moves
$6ab6 = LoadEnemyMon.WildMoves
$6ac5 = LoadEnemyMon.PP
$6ad9 = LoadEnemyMon.TrainerPP
$6aeb = LoadEnemyMon.Finish
$6af3 = LoadEnemyMon.loop
$6b38 = CheckSleepingTreeMon
$6b51 = CheckSleepingTreeMon.Check
$6b5b = CheckSleepingTreeMon.NotSleeping
$6b5d = AsleepTreeMonsNite
$6b69 = AsleepTreeMonsDay
$6b6f = AsleepTreeMonsMorn
$6b75 = CheckUnownLetter
$6b7c = CheckUnownLetter.loop
$6b96 = CheckUnownLetter.next
$6b9f = CheckUnownLetter.match
$6ba1 = UnlockedUnownLetterSets
$6ba9 = UnlockedUnownLetterSets.Set_A_K
$6bb5 = UnlockedUnownLetterSets.Set_L_R
$6bbd = UnlockedUnownLetterSets.Set_S_W
$6bc3 = UnlockedUnownLetterSets.Set_X_Z
$6bc7 = SwapBattlerLevels
$6bd8 = BattleWinSlideInEnemyTrainerFrontpic
$6bf3 = BattleWinSlideInEnemyTrainerFrontpic.outer_loop
$6c01 = BattleWinSlideInEnemyTrainerFrontpic.inner_loop
$6c1a = BattleWinSlideInEnemyTrainerFrontpic.CopyColumn
$6c1f = BattleWinSlideInEnemyTrainerFrontpic.loop
$6c2c = ApplyStatusEffectOnPlayerStats
$6c30 = ApplyStatusEffectOnEnemyStats
$6c31 = ApplyStatusEffectOnStats
$6c39 = ApplyPrzEffectOnSpeed
$6c58 = ApplyPrzEffectOnSpeed.player_ok
$6c5a = ApplyPrzEffectOnSpeed.enemy
$6c74 = ApplyPrzEffectOnSpeed.enemy_ok
$6c76 = ApplyBrnEffectOnAttack
$6c91 = ApplyBrnEffectOnAttack.player_ok
$6c93 = ApplyBrnEffectOnAttack.enemy
$6ca9 = ApplyBrnEffectOnAttack.enemy_ok
$6cab = ApplyStatLevelMultiplierOnAllStats
$6cad = ApplyStatLevelMultiplierOnAllStats.stat_loop
$6cb7 = ApplyStatLevelMultiplier
$6cd2 = ApplyStatLevelMultiplier.got_pointers
$6cd7 = ApplyStatLevelMultiplier.okay
$6ce6 = ApplyStatLevelMultiplier.okay2
$6d1e = ApplyStatLevelMultiplier.okay3
$6d29 = ApplyStatLevelMultiplier.okay4
$6d2b = StatLevelMultipliers_Applied
$6d45 = BadgeStatBoosts
$6d69 = BadgeStatBoosts.CheckBadge
$6d7c = BoostStat
$6d9f = _LoadBattleFontsHPBar
$6da6 = _LoadHPBar
$6dad = LoadHPExpBarGFX
$6dd1 = EmptyBattleTextbox
$6dd7 = EmptyBattleTextbox.empty
$6dd8 = _BattleRandom
$6e01 = _BattleRandom.loop
$6e0f = Call_PlayBattleAnim_OnlyIfVisible
$6e17 = Call_PlayBattleAnim
$6e27 = FinishBattleAnim
$6e3b = GiveExperiencePoints
$6e50 = GiveExperiencePoints.loop
$6e7c = GiveExperiencePoints.stat_exp_loop
$6e89 = GiveExperiencePoints.no_carry_stat_exp
$6ea4 = GiveExperiencePoints.stat_exp_maxed_out
$6ea9 = GiveExperiencePoints.stat_exp_awarded
$6edd = GiveExperiencePoints.boosted
$6ee2 = GiveExperiencePoints.no_boost
$6f3d = GiveExperiencePoints.no_exp_overflow
$6f74 = GiveExperiencePoints.not_max_exp
$7012 = GiveExperiencePoints.transformed
$7035 = GiveExperiencePoints.skip_active_mon_update
$7057 = GiveExperiencePoints.skip_exp_bar_animation
$7093 = GiveExperiencePoints.level_loop
$70b9 = GiveExperiencePoints.next_mon
$70d1 = GiveExperiencePoints.done
$70d4 = GiveExperiencePoints.EvenlyDivideExpAmongParticipants
$70dc = GiveExperiencePoints.count_loop
$70ef = GiveExperiencePoints.base_stat_division_loop
$7106 = BoostExp
$711b = Text_MonGainedExpPoint
$712c = BoostedExpPointsText
$7131 = ExpPointsText
$7136 = AnimateExpBar
$7186 = AnimateExpBar.NoOverflow
$71a8 = AnimateExpBar.AlreadyAtMaxExp
$71b7 = AnimateExpBar.LoopLevels
$71ff = AnimateExpBar.FinishExpBar
$7219 = AnimateExpBar.finish
$721b = AnimateExpBar.PlayExpBarSound
$722c = AnimateExpBar.LoopBarAnimation
$722f = AnimateExpBar.anim_loop
$7263 = AnimateExpBar.min_number_of_frames
$7268 = AnimateExpBar.end_animation
$726d = SendOutMonText
$727c = SendOutMonText.not_linked
$72ce = SendOutMonText.skip_to_textbox
$72d1 = GoMonText
$72d8 = DoItMonText
$72df = GoForItMonText
$72e6 = YourFoesWeakGetmMonText
$72eb = PrepareBattleMonNicknameText
$72ef = BattleMonNicknameText
$72f4 = WithdrawMonText
$72fa = WithdrawMonText.WithdrawMonText
$7348 = ThatsEnoughComeBackText
$734d = OKComeBackText
$7352 = GoodComeBackText
$7357 = TextJump_ComeBack
$735b = ComeBackText
$7360 = HandleSafariAngerEatingStatus
$736d = HandleSafariAngerEatingStatus.angry
$7388 = HandleSafariAngerEatingStatus.finish
$7390 = FillInExpBar
$739c = CalcExpBar
$73f4 = CalcExpBar.loop
$740c = CalcExpBar.done
$741c = PlaceExpBar
$741e = PlaceExpBar.loop1
$742c = PlaceExpBar.next
$7434 = PlaceExpBar.loop2
$7436 = PlaceExpBar.skip
$743c = PlaceExpBar.finish
$743d = GetBattleMonBackpic
$7447 = DropPlayerSub
$746f = GetBattleMonBackpic_DoAnim
$747c = GetEnemyMonFrontpic
$7486 = DropEnemySub
$74b4 = GetEnemyMonFrontpic_DoAnim
$74c1 = StartBattle
$74d9 = CallDoBattle
$74dd = BattleIntro
$754e = LoadTrainerOrWildMonPic
$755a = LoadTrainerOrWildMonPic.Trainer
$755e = InitEnemy
$7568 = BackUpBGMap2
$7594 = InitEnemyTrainer
$75b8 = InitEnemyTrainer.ok
$75ea = InitEnemyTrainer.partyloop
$75fc = InitEnemyTrainer.skipfaintedmon
$7606 = InitEnemyTrainer.done
$7607 = InitEnemyWildmon
$7648 = InitEnemyWildmon.skip_unown
$7662 = FillEnemyMovesFromMoveIndicesBuffer
$766a = FillEnemyMovesFromMoveIndicesBuffer.loop
$768e = FillEnemyMovesFromMoveIndicesBuffer.clear
$7690 = FillEnemyMovesFromMoveIndicesBuffer.clearpp
$769e = ExitBattle
$76a5 = ExitBattle.HandleEndOfBattle
$76b7 = ExitBattle.not_linked
$76d0 = CleanUpBattleRAM
$7715 = CleanUpBattleRAM.loop
$771d = CheckPayDay
$773d = CheckPayDay.okay
$7759 = ShowLinkBattleParticipantsAfterEnd
$777c = DisplayLinkBattleResult
$7797 = DisplayLinkBattleResult.proceed
$77ad = DisplayLinkBattleResult.win
$77b8 = DisplayLinkBattleResult.lose
$77c3 = DisplayLinkBattleResult.store_result
$77ee = DisplayLinkBattleResult.mobile
$77f7 = DisplayLinkBattleResult.YouWin
$77ff = DisplayLinkBattleResult.YouLose
$7808 = DisplayLinkBattleResult.Draw
$780f = DisplayLinkBattleResult.Mobile_InvalidBattle
$7821 = DisplayLinkBattleResult.InvalidBattle
$7830 = IsMobileBattle2
$7836 = _DisplayLinkRecord
$785f = ReadAndPrintLinkBattleRecord
$7870 = ReadAndPrintLinkBattleRecord.loop
$78c9 = ReadAndPrintLinkBattleRecord.PrintFormatString
$78cf = ReadAndPrintLinkBattleRecord.next
$78e0 = ReadAndPrintLinkBattleRecord.PrintBattleRecord
$792a = ReadAndPrintLinkBattleRecord.quit
$792b = ReadAndPrintLinkBattleRecord.PrintZerosIfNoSaveFileExists
$7938 = ReadAndPrintLinkBattleRecord.Scores
$7947 = ReadAndPrintLinkBattleRecord.Format
$7964 = ReadAndPrintLinkBattleRecord.Record
$796e = ReadAndPrintLinkBattleRecord.Result
$7983 = ReadAndPrintLinkBattleRecord.Total
$7998 = BattleEnd_HandleRoamMons
$79af = BattleEnd_HandleRoamMons.caught_or_defeated_roam_mon
$79c4 = BattleEnd_HandleRoamMons.not_roaming
$79ca = BattleEnd_HandleRoamMons.update_roam_mons
$79d1 = GetRoamMonMapGroup
$79e9 = GetRoamMonMapNumber
$7a01 = GetRoamMonHP
$7a19 = GetRoamMonDVs
$7a31 = GetRoamMonSpecies
$7a42 = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord
$7a62 = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.loop
$7a85 = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.copy
$7a93 = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.loop2
$7a99 = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.done
$7aa0 = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.StoreResult
$7ab4 = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.okay
$7abe = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.CheckOverflow
$7ac8 = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.FindOpponentAndAppendRecord
$7ad0 = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.loop3
$7aed = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.loop4
$7b10 = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.equal
$7b1f = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.done2
$7b54 = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.LoadPointer
$7b63 = AddLastLinkBattleToLinkRecord.okay2
$7b6c = InitBattleDisplay
$7bd6 = InitBattleDisplay.BlankBGMap
$7bf8 = InitBattleDisplay.InitBackPic
$7bff = GetTrainerBackpic
$7c20 = GetTrainerBackpic.Chris
$7c25 = GetTrainerBackpic.Decompress
$7c30 = CopyBackpic
$7c5b = CopyBackpic.LoadTrainerBackpicAsOAM
$7c65 = CopyBackpic.outer_loop
$7c69 = CopyBackpic.inner_loop
$7c8b = BattleStartMessage
$7caa = BattleStartMessage.wild
$7cc2 = BattleStartMessage.not_shiny
$7ce0 = BattleStartMessage.cry_no_anim
$7ceb = BattleStartMessage.skip_cry
$7cfd = BattleStartMessage.NotFishing
$7d0e = BattleStartMessage.PrintBattleStartText
$7d28 = BattleCommandPointers
EMPTY: $7e86-$7fff ($017a bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $017a bytes
ROMX bank #16:
SECTION: $4000-$65b0 ($25b1 bytes) ["bank10"]
$4000 = Pokedex
$4029 = Pokedex.main
$403b = Pokedex.exit
$4063 = InitPokedex
$40a2 = Pokedex_CheckUnlockedUnownMode
$40ae = Pokedex_CheckUnlockedUnownMode.unlocked
$40b4 = Pokedex_InitCursorPosition
$40cc = Pokedex_InitCursorPosition.loop1
$40db = Pokedex_InitCursorPosition.only_one_page
$40dd = Pokedex_InitCursorPosition.loop2
$40ec = Pokedex_InitCursorPosition.done
$40ed = Pokedex_GetLandmark
$4107 = Pokedex_GetLandmark.load
$410b = Pokedex_RunJumptable
$4115 = Pokedex_RunJumptable.Jumptable
$4131 = Pokedex_IncrementDexPointer
$4136 = Pokedex_Exit
$413c = Pokedex_InitMainScreen
$417b = Pokedex_InitMainScreen.okay
$41ae = Pokedex_UpdateMainScreen
$41d9 = Pokedex_UpdateMainScreen.a
$41eb = Pokedex_UpdateMainScreen.select
$41fe = Pokedex_UpdateMainScreen.start
$4211 = Pokedex_UpdateMainScreen.b
$4217 = Pokedex_InitDexEntryScreen
$4258 = Pokedex_UpdateDexEntryScreen
$4273 = Pokedex_UpdateDexEntryScreen.do_menu_action
$427d = Pokedex_UpdateDexEntryScreen.return_to_prev_screen
$4288 = Pokedex_UpdateDexEntryScreen.max_volume
$4292 = Pokedex_Page
$42aa = Pokedex_ReinitDexEntryScreen
$42e8 = DexEntryScreen_ArrowCursorData
$42f2 = DexEntryScreen_MenuActionJumptable
$42fa = DexEntryScreen_MenuActionJumptable.Area
$4340 = DexEntryScreen_MenuActionJumptable.Cry
$434f = DexEntryScreen_MenuActionJumptable.Print
$438d = Pokedex_RedisplayDexEntry
$439d = Pokedex_InitOptionScreen
$43be = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen
$43c9 = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.okay
$43cc = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.okay2
$43e0 = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.do_menu_action
$43ea = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.return_to_main_screen
$43f3 = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.NoUnownModeArrowCursorData
$43fb = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.ArrowCursorData
$4405 = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.MenuActionJumptable
$440d = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.MenuAction_NewMode
$4411 = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.MenuAction_OldMode
$4415 = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.MenuAction_ABCMode
$4417 = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.ChangeMode
$4431 = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.skip_changing_mode
$443a = Pokedex_UpdateOptionScreen.MenuAction_UnownMode
$4443 = Pokedex_InitSearchScreen
$4471 = Pokedex_UpdateSearchScreen
$448b = Pokedex_UpdateSearchScreen.do_menu_action
$4495 = Pokedex_UpdateSearchScreen.cancel
$449e = Pokedex_UpdateSearchScreen.ArrowCursorData
$44a8 = Pokedex_UpdateSearchScreen.MenuActionJumptable
$44b0 = Pokedex_UpdateSearchScreen.MenuAction_MonSearchType
$44b7 = Pokedex_UpdateSearchScreen.MenuAction_BeginSearch
$44dc = Pokedex_UpdateSearchScreen.show_search_results
$4501 = Pokedex_UpdateSearchScreen.MenuAction_Cancel
$450a = Pokedex_InitSearchResultsScreen
$4562 = Pokedex_UpdateSearchResultsScreen
$4583 = Pokedex_UpdateSearchResultsScreen.go_to_dex_entry
$4595 = Pokedex_UpdateSearchResultsScreen.return_to_search_screen
$45bd = Pokedex_InitUnownMode
$45df = Pokedex_UpdateUnownMode
$45eb = Pokedex_UpdateUnownMode.a_b
$4603 = Pokedex_UpdateUnownMode.decompress
$460f = Pokedex_UpdateUnownMode.done
$4610 = Pokedex_UnownModeHandleDPadInput
$461e = Pokedex_UnownModeHandleDPadInput.right
$462d = Pokedex_UnownModeHandleDPadInput.left
$4635 = Pokedex_UnownModeHandleDPadInput.update
$4654 = Pokedex_UnownModeEraseCursor
$4658 = Pokedex_UnownModePlaceCursor
$465d = Pokedex_UnownModeUpdateCursorGfx
$466c = Pokedex_NextOrPreviousDexEntry
$4687 = Pokedex_NextOrPreviousDexEntry.up
$469e = Pokedex_NextOrPreviousDexEntry.down
$46b5 = Pokedex_NextOrPreviousDexEntry.yep
$46b7 = Pokedex_NextOrPreviousDexEntry.nope
$46c5 = Pokedex_ListingHandleDPadInput
$46ea = Pokedex_ListingMoveCursorUp
$46f4 = Pokedex_ListingMoveCursorUp.try_scrolling
$46fe = Pokedex_ListingMoveCursorDown
$470c = Pokedex_ListingMoveCursorDown.try_scrolling
$4716 = Pokedex_ListingMoveUpOnePage
$4724 = Pokedex_ListingMoveUpOnePage.not_near_top
$4728 = Pokedex_ListingMoveDownOnePage
$4733 = Pokedex_ListingMoveDownOnePage.near_bottom
$4738 = Pokedex_ListingMoveDownOnePage.not_near_bottom
$473d = Pokedex_ListingPosStayedSame
$473f = Pokedex_ListingPosChanged
$4741 = Pokedex_FillColumn
$4745 = Pokedex_FillColumn.loop
$474c = Pokedex_DrawMainScreenBG
$47e1 = String_SEEN
$47e6 = String_OWN
$47ea = String_SELECT_OPTION
$47f2 = String_START_SEARCH
$47fd = Pokedex_DrawDexEntryScreenBG
$484f = Pokedex_DrawDexEntryScreenBG.Number
$4852 = Pokedex_DrawDexEntryScreenBG.Height
$485c = Pokedex_DrawDexEntryScreenBG.Weight
$4867 = Pokedex_DrawDexEntryScreenBG.MenuItems
$487c = Pokedex_DrawOptionScreenBG
$48b2 = Pokedex_DrawOptionScreenBG.Title
$48bd = Pokedex_DrawOptionScreenBG.Modes
$48e5 = Pokedex_DrawOptionScreenBG.UnownMode
$48f0 = Pokedex_DrawSearchScreenBG
$492a = Pokedex_DrawSearchScreenBG.Title
$4935 = Pokedex_DrawSearchScreenBG.TypeLeftRightArrows
$4940 = Pokedex_DrawSearchScreenBG.Types
$494c = Pokedex_DrawSearchScreenBG.Menu
$4962 = Pokedex_DrawSearchResultsScreenBG
$49ae = Pokedex_DrawSearchResultsScreenBG.BottomWindowText
$49cf = Pokedex_PlaceSearchResultsTypeStrings
$49f0 = Pokedex_PlaceSearchResultsTypeStrings.done
$49f1 = Pokedex_DrawUnownModeBG
$4a1d = Pokedex_DrawUnownModeBG.loop
$4a39 = Pokedex_DrawUnownModeBG.done
$4a3e = UnownModeLetterAndCursorCoords
$4aa6 = Pokedex_FillBackgroundColor2
$4ab2 = Pokedex_PlaceFrontpicTopLeftCorner
$4ab5 = Pokedex_PlaceFrontpicAtHL
$4ab8 = Pokedex_PlaceFrontpicAtHL.row
$4abc = Pokedex_PlaceFrontpicAtHL.col
$4acd = Pokedex_PlaceString
$4acd = Pokedex_PlaceString.loop
$4ad5 = Pokedex_PlaceBorder
$4ae6 = Pokedex_PlaceBorder.loop
$4b06 = Pokedex_PlaceBorder.FillRow
$4b07 = Pokedex_PlaceBorder.row_loop
$4b0f = Pokedex_PrintListing
$4b1a = Pokedex_PrintListing.okay
$4b1c = Pokedex_PrintListing.resume
$4b3c = Pokedex_PrintListing.loop
$4b55 = Pokedex_PrintListing.PrintEntry
$4b6a = Pokedex_PrintNumberIfOldMode
$4b72 = Pokedex_PrintNumberIfOldMode.printnum
$4b82 = Pokedex_PlaceCaughtSymbolIfCaught
$4b89 = Pokedex_PlaceCaughtSymbolIfCaught.place_caught_symbol
$4b8d = Pokedex_PlaceDefaultStringIfNotSeen
$4b9a = Pokedex_PlaceDefaultStringIfNotSeen.NameNotSeen
$4ba0 = Pokedex_DrawFootprint
$4bb1 = Pokedex_GetSelectedMon
$4bc4 = Pokedex_CheckCaught
$4bd0 = Pokedex_CheckSeen
$4bdc = Pokedex_OrderMonsByMode
$4bf0 = Pokedex_OrderMonsByMode.Jumptable
$4bf6 = Pokedex_OrderMonsByMode.NewMode
$4bfe = Pokedex_OrderMonsByMode.loopnew
$4c08 = Pokedex_OrderMonsByMode.OldMode
$4c0f = Pokedex_OrderMonsByMode.loopold
$4c18 = Pokedex_OrderMonsByMode.FindLastSeen
$4c1e = Pokedex_OrderMonsByMode.loopfindend
$4c2b = Pokedex_OrderMonsByMode.foundend
$4c30 = Pokedex_ABCMode
$4c3c = Pokedex_ABCMode.loop1abc
$4c51 = Pokedex_ABCMode.skipabc
$4c5b = Pokedex_ABCMode.loop2abc
$4c64 = Pokedex_ABCMode.doneabc
$4c65 = AlphabeticalPokedexOrder
$4d60 = NewPokedexOrder
$4e5b = Pokedex_DisplayModeDescription
$4e7d = Pokedex_DisplayModeDescription.Modes
$4e85 = Pokedex_DisplayModeDescription.NewMode
$4ea6 = Pokedex_DisplayModeDescription.OldMode
$4ec6 = Pokedex_DisplayModeDescription.ABCMode
$4ee4 = Pokedex_DisplayModeDescription.UnownMode
$4f08 = Pokedex_DisplayChangingModesMessage
$4f32 = String_ChangingModesPleaseWait
$4f4f = Pokedex_UpdateSearchMonType
$4f63 = Pokedex_UpdateSearchMonType.no_change
$4f65 = Pokedex_PrevSearchMonType
$4f76 = Pokedex_PrevSearchMonType.type2
$4f80 = Pokedex_PrevSearchMonType.wrap_around
$4f82 = Pokedex_PrevSearchMonType.done
$4f84 = Pokedex_NextSearchMonType
$4f95 = Pokedex_NextSearchMonType.type1_wrap_around
$4f99 = Pokedex_NextSearchMonType.type2
$4fa4 = Pokedex_NextSearchMonType.type2_wrap_around
$4fa6 = Pokedex_NextSearchMonType.done
$4fa8 = Pokedex_PlaceSearchScreenTypeStrings
$4fcd = Pokedex_PlaceTypeString
$4fe4 = PokedexTypeSearchStrings
$5086 = Pokedex_SearchForMons
$5095 = Pokedex_SearchForMons.Search
$50ad = Pokedex_SearchForMons.loop
$50d4 = Pokedex_SearchForMons.match_found
$50e0 = Pokedex_SearchForMons.next_mon
$50ec = Pokedex_SearchForMons.zero_remaining_mons
$50f5 = Pokedex_SearchForMons.done
$50f6 = PokedexTypeSearchConversionTable
$5107 = Pokedex_DisplayTypeNotFoundMessage
$5126 = Pokedex_DisplayTypeNotFoundMessage.TypeNotFound
$5148 = Pokedex_UpdateCursorOAM
$5157 = Pokedex_PutOldModeCursorOAM
$5163 = Pokedex_PutOldModeCursorOAM.okay
$5167 = Pokedex_PutOldModeCursorOAM.CursorOAM
$51c8 = Pokedex_PutOldModeCursorOAM.CursorAtTopOAM
$5229 = Pokedex_PutNewModeABCModeCursorOAM
$5230 = Pokedex_PutNewModeABCModeCursorOAM.CursorOAM
$5281 = Pokedex_UpdateSearchResultsCursorOAM
$5290 = Pokedex_UpdateSearchResultsCursorOAM.CursorOAM
$52f1 = Pokedex_LoadCursorOAM
$52f4 = Pokedex_LoadCursorOAM.loop
$530e = Pokedex_PutScrollbarOAM
$5333 = Pokedex_PutScrollbarOAM.loop
$533f = Pokedex_PutScrollbarOAM.max
$5341 = Pokedex_PutScrollbarOAM.done
$534f = Pokedex_InitArrowCursor
$535a = Pokedex_MoveArrowCursor
$538f = Pokedex_MoveArrowCursor.move_left_or_up
$53a0 = Pokedex_MoveArrowCursor.move_right_or_down
$53af = Pokedex_MoveArrowCursor.update_cursor_pos
$53bf = Pokedex_MoveArrowCursor.no_action
$53c1 = Pokedex_MoveArrowCursor.select
$53ce = Pokedex_MoveArrowCursor.update
$53d4 = Pokedex_GetArrowCursorPos
$53e0 = Pokedex_BlinkArrowCursor
$53ef = Pokedex_BlinkArrowCursor.blink_on
$53f5 = Pokedex_ArrowCursorDelay
$53fe = Pokedex_FillBox
$5401 = Pokedex_BlackOutBG
$5415 = Pokedex_ApplyPrintPals
$5423 = Pokedex_GetSGBLayout
$5427 = Pokedex_ApplyUsualPals
$5432 = Pokedex_LoadPointer
$543b = Pokedex_LoadSelectedMonTiles
$545b = Pokedex_LoadSelectedMonTiles.QuestionMark
$5478 = Pokedex_LoadCurrentFootprint
$547b = Pokedex_LoadAnyFootprint
$54b7 = Pokedex_LoadGFX
$54e0 = Pokedex_LoadGFX.LoadPokedexLZ
$54e9 = Pokedex_LoadGFX.LoadPokedexSlowpokeLZ
$54fb = Pokedex_LoadInvertedFont
$5504 = Pokedex_InvertTiles
$5504 = Pokedex_InvertTiles.loop
$550e = PokedexLZ
$56b0 = PokedexSlowpokeLZ
$5a24 = Pokedex_CheckSGB
$5a2c = Pokedex_LoadUnownFont
$5a58 = Pokedex_LoadUnownFrontpicTiles
$5a7f = _NewPokedexEntry
$5ad7 = Pokedex_SetBGMapMode3
$5ae1 = Pokedex_SetBGMapMode4
$5aeb = Pokedex_SetBGMapMode_3ifDMG_4ifCGB
$5af3 = Pokedex_SetBGMapMode_3ifDMG_4ifCGB.DMG
$5af7 = Pokedex_ResetBGMapMode
$5afb = Moves
$61d8 = EvolvePokemon
$61e6 = EvolveAfterBattle
$61f5 = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop
$6230 = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.loop
$627a = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.got_tyrogue_evo
$6283 = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.happiness
$62a4 = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.happiness_daylight
$62ae = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.trade
$62d5 = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.item
$62ee = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.level
$62fd = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.proceed
$63ec = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.skip_unown
$63f8 = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.dont_evolve_1
$63f9 = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.dont_evolve_2
$63fa = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.dont_evolve_3
$63fe = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.UnusedReturnToMap
$63ff = EvolveAfterBattle_MasterLoop.ReturnToMap
$6414 = UpdateSpeciesNameIfNotNicknamed
$642b = UpdateSpeciesNameIfNotNicknamed.loop
$6454 = CancelEvolution
$6461 = IsMonHoldingEverstone
$6473 = CongratulationsYourPokemonText
$6478 = EvolvedIntoText
$647d = StoppedEvolvingText
$6482 = EvolvingText
$6487 = LearnLevelMoves
$6499 = LearnLevelMoves.skip_evos
$649d = LearnLevelMoves.find_move
$64b9 = LearnLevelMoves.check_move
$64c2 = LearnLevelMoves.has_move
$64c5 = LearnLevelMoves.learn
$64da = LearnLevelMoves.done
$64e1 = FillMoves
$64f5 = FillMoves.GoToAttacks
$64fb = FillMoves.NextMove
$64fc = FillMoves.GetMove
$64fd = FillMoves.GetLevel
$6516 = FillMoves.CheckMove
$6519 = FillMoves.CheckRepeat
$6525 = FillMoves.CheckSlot
$6546 = FillMoves.ShiftedMove
$6547 = FillMoves.LearnMove
$656a = FillMoves.done
$656e = ShiftMoves
$6570 = ShiftMoves.loop
$6577 = EvoFlagAction
$6581 = GetPreEvolution
$6583 = GetPreEvolution.loop
$658d = GetPreEvolution.loop2
$6596 = GetPreEvolution.not_tyrogue
$65a2 = GetPreEvolution.no_evolve
$65aa = GetPreEvolution.found_preevo
SECTION: $65b1-$7c5b ($16ab bytes) ["Evolutions and Attacks"]
$65b1 = EvosAttacksPointers
$67a7 = BulbasaurEvosAttacks
$67c2 = IvysaurEvosAttacks
$67e1 = VenusaurEvosAttacks
$67ff = CharmanderEvosAttacks
$6818 = CharmeleonEvosAttacks
$6833 = CharizardEvosAttacks
$684f = SquirtleEvosAttacks
$686a = WartortleEvosAttacks
$6889 = BlastoiseEvosAttacks
$68a7 = CaterpieEvosAttacks
$68b0 = MetapodEvosAttacks
$68b9 = ButterfreeEvosAttacks
$68cf = WeedleEvosAttacks
$68d8 = KakunaEvosAttacks
$68e1 = BeedrillEvosAttacks
$68f3 = PidgeyEvosAttacks
$6908 = PidgeottoEvosAttacks
$6921 = PidgeotEvosAttacks
$6939 = RattataEvosAttacks
$694c = RaticateEvosAttacks
$695e = SpearowEvosAttacks
$6973 = FearowEvosAttacks
$6989 = EkansEvosAttacks
$699e = ArbokEvosAttacks
$69b4 = PikachuEvosAttacks
$69cf = RaichuEvosAttacks
$69d9 = SandshrewEvosAttacks
$69ee = SandslashEvosAttacks
$6a04 = NidoranFEvosAttacks
$6a19 = NidorinaEvosAttacks
$6a2e = NidoqueenEvosAttacks
$6a3a = NidoranMEvosAttacks
$6a4f = NidorinoEvosAttacks
$6a64 = NidokingEvosAttacks
$6a70 = ClefairyEvosAttacks
$6a89 = ClefableEvosAttacks
$6a93 = VulpixEvosAttacks
$6aa8 = NinetalesEvosAttacks
$6ab4 = JigglypuffEvosAttacks
$6acb = WigglytuffEvosAttacks
$6ad5 = ZubatEvosAttacks
$6ae8 = GolbatEvosAttacks
$6aff = OddishEvosAttacks
$6b14 = GloomEvosAttacks
$6b30 = VileplumeEvosAttacks
$6b3a = ParasEvosAttacks
$6b4f = ParasectEvosAttacks
$6b65 = VenonatEvosAttacks
$6b80 = VenomothEvosAttacks
$6b9c = DiglettEvosAttacks
$6bb1 = DugtrioEvosAttacks
$6bc9 = MeowthEvosAttacks
$6bde = PersianEvosAttacks
$6bf2 = PsyduckEvosAttacks
$6c07 = GolduckEvosAttacks
$6c1f = MankeyEvosAttacks
$6c38 = PrimeapeEvosAttacks
$6c54 = GrowlitheEvosAttacks
$6c69 = ArcanineEvosAttacks
$6c75 = PoliwagEvosAttacks
$6c8a = PoliwhirlEvosAttacks
$6ca6 = PoliwrathEvosAttacks
$6cb4 = AbraEvosAttacks
$6cbb = KadabraEvosAttacks
$6cd4 = AlakazamEvosAttacks
$6cea = MachopEvosAttacks
$6d03 = MachokeEvosAttacks
$6d1e = MachampEvosAttacks
$6d36 = BellsproutEvosAttacks
$6d4f = WeepinbellEvosAttacks
$6d6c = VictreebelEvosAttacks
$6d76 = TentacoolEvosAttacks
$6d8d = TentacruelEvosAttacks
$6da5 = GeodudeEvosAttacks
$6dbc = GravelerEvosAttacks
$6dd7 = GolemEvosAttacks
$6df1 = PonytaEvosAttacks
$6e08 = RapidashEvosAttacks
$6e24 = SlowpokeEvosAttacks
$6e3e = SlowbroEvosAttacks
$6e58 = MagnemiteEvosAttacks
$6e6f = MagnetonEvosAttacks
$6e89 = FarfetchDEvosAttacks
$6e9b = DoduoEvosAttacks
$6eb0 = DodrioEvosAttacks
$6ec6 = SeelEvosAttacks
$6ed9 = DewgongEvosAttacks
$6eed = GrimerEvosAttacks
$6f04 = MukEvosAttacks
$6f1a = ShellderEvosAttacks
$6f2f = CloysterEvosAttacks
$6f3d = GastlyEvosAttacks
$6f54 = HaunterEvosAttacks
$6f6d = GengarEvosAttacks
$6f83 = OnixEvosAttacks
$6f98 = DrowzeeEvosAttacks
$6fb1 = HypnoEvosAttacks
$6fcb = KrabbyEvosAttacks
$6fe0 = KinglerEvosAttacks
$6ff6 = VoltorbEvosAttacks
$700d = ElectrodeEvosAttacks
$7027 = ExeggcuteEvosAttacks
$703e = ExeggutorEvosAttacks
$704a = CuboneEvosAttacks
$7065 = MarowakEvosAttacks
$7083 = HitmonleeEvosAttacks
$709b = HitmonchanEvosAttacks
$70b1 = LickitungEvosAttacks
$70c3 = KoffingEvosAttacks
$70da = WeezingEvosAttacks
$70f2 = RhyhornEvosAttacks
$7107 = RhydonEvosAttacks
$711d = ChanseyEvosAttacks
$7138 = TangelaEvosAttacks
$714e = KangaskhanEvosAttacks
$7162 = HorseaEvosAttacks
$7175 = SeadraEvosAttacks
$718e = GoldeenEvosAttacks
$71a5 = SeakingEvosAttacks
$71bb = StaryuEvosAttacks
$71d4 = StarmieEvosAttacks
$71e0 = MrMimeEvosAttacks
$71f8 = ScytherEvosAttacks
$7211 = JynxEvosAttacks
$722b = ElectabuzzEvosAttacks
$723f = MagmarEvosAttacks
$7259 = PinsirEvosAttacks
$726b = TaurosEvosAttacks
$727f = MagikarpEvosAttacks
$728a = GyaradosEvosAttacks
$729c = LaprasEvosAttacks
$72b4 = DittoEvosAttacks
$72b8 = EeveeEvosAttacks
$72d9 = VaporeonEvosAttacks
$72ef = JolteonEvosAttacks
$7305 = FlareonEvosAttacks
$731b = PorygonEvosAttacks
$7334 = OmanyteEvosAttacks
$7349 = OmastarEvosAttacks
$735f = KabutoEvosAttacks
$7374 = KabutopsEvosAttacks
$738a = AerodactylEvosAttacks
$739c = SnorlaxEvosAttacks
$73b2 = ArticunoEvosAttacks
$73c4 = ZapdosEvosAttacks
$73d6 = MoltresEvosAttacks
$73e8 = DratiniEvosAttacks
$7401 = DragonairEvosAttacks
$741e = DragoniteEvosAttacks
$743a = MewtwoEvosAttacks
$7452 = MewEvosAttacks
$7460 = ChikoritaEvosAttacks
$7479 = BayleefEvosAttacks
$7496 = MeganiumEvosAttacks
$74b0 = CyndaquilEvosAttacks
$74c5 = QuilavaEvosAttacks
$74dc = TyphlosionEvosAttacks
$74f2 = TotodileEvosAttacks
$7509 = CroconawEvosAttacks
$7522 = FeraligatrEvosAttacks
$753a = SentretEvosAttacks
$754d = FurretEvosAttacks
$7561 = HoothootEvosAttacks
$7578 = NoctowlEvosAttacks
$7590 = LedybaEvosAttacks
$75a9 = LedianEvosAttacks
$75c1 = SpinarakEvosAttacks
$75da = AriadosEvosAttacks
$75f4 = CrobatEvosAttacks
$7608 = ChinchouEvosAttacks
$761f = LanturnEvosAttacks
$7635 = PichuEvosAttacks
$7644 = CleffaEvosAttacks
$7653 = IgglybuffEvosAttacks
$7662 = TogepiEvosAttacks
$7675 = TogeticEvosAttacks
$7685 = NatuEvosAttacks
$7698 = XatuEvosAttacks
$76aa = MareepEvosAttacks
$76bd = FlaaffyEvosAttacks
$76d2 = AmpharosEvosAttacks
$76e8 = BellossomEvosAttacks
$76f4 = MarillEvosAttacks
$7709 = AzumarillEvosAttacks
$7721 = SudowoodoEvosAttacks
$7731 = PolitoedEvosAttacks
$773f = HoppipEvosAttacks
$7758 = SkiploomEvosAttacks
$7777 = JumpluffEvosAttacks
$7793 = AipomEvosAttacks
$77a5 = SunkernEvosAttacks
$77b6 = SunfloraEvosAttacks
$77c6 = YanmaEvosAttacks
$77da = WooperEvosAttacks
$77ef = QuagsireEvosAttacks
$7801 = EspeonEvosAttacks
$7817 = UmbreonEvosAttacks
$782d = MurkrowEvosAttacks
$783b = SlowkingEvosAttacks
$784f = MisdreavusEvosAttacks
$7861 = UnownEvosAttacks
$7865 = WobbuffetEvosAttacks
$786f = GirafarigEvosAttacks
$7885 = PinecoEvosAttacks
$789c = ForretressEvosAttacks
$78b2 = DunsparceEvosAttacks
$78c2 = GligarEvosAttacks
$78d4 = SteelixEvosAttacks
$78e8 = SnubbullEvosAttacks
$78ff = GranbullEvosAttacks
$7913 = QwilfishEvosAttacks
$7927 = ScizorEvosAttacks
$793d = ShuckleEvosAttacks
$794d = HeracrossEvosAttacks
$7961 = SneaselEvosAttacks
$7977 = TeddiursaEvosAttacks
$798e = UrsaringEvosAttacks
$79a6 = SlugmaEvosAttacks
$79bb = MagcargoEvosAttacks
$79d1 = SwinubEvosAttacks
$79e4 = PiloswineEvosAttacks
$79fa = CorsolaEvosAttacks
$7a0c = RemoraidEvosAttacks
$7a21 = OctilleryEvosAttacks
$7a35 = DelibirdEvosAttacks
$7a39 = MantineEvosAttacks
$7a4b = SkarmoryEvosAttacks
$7a5b = HoundourEvosAttacks
$7a70 = HoundoomEvosAttacks
$7a82 = KingdraEvosAttacks
$7a98 = PhanpyEvosAttacks
$7aad = DonphanEvosAttacks
$7abf = Porygon2EvosAttacks
$7ad5 = StantlerEvosAttacks
$7ae5 = SmeargleEvosAttacks
$7afb = TyrogueEvosAttacks
$7b0b = HitmontopEvosAttacks
$7b1f = SmoochumEvosAttacks
$7b38 = ElekidEvosAttacks
$7b4d = MagbyEvosAttacks
$7b64 = MiltankEvosAttacks
$7b78 = BlisseyEvosAttacks
$7b90 = RaikouEvosAttacks
$7ba4 = EnteiEvosAttacks
$7bb8 = SuicuneEvosAttacks
$7bcc = LarvitarEvosAttacks
$7be5 = PupitarEvosAttacks
$7c02 = TyranitarEvosAttacks
$7c1c = LugiaEvosAttacks
$7c32 = HoOhEvosAttacks
$7c48 = CelebiEvosAttacks
EMPTY: $7c5c-$7fff ($03a4 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $03a4 bytes
ROMX bank #17:
SECTION: $4000-$4996 ($0997 bytes) ["bank11"]
$4000 = FruitTreeScript
$4021 = FruitTreeScript.fruit
$403a = FruitTreeScript.packisfull
$403f = FruitTreeScript.end
$4041 = GetCurTreeFruit
$404c = TryResetFruitTrees
$4055 = CheckFruitTree
$405f = PickedFruitTree
$406a = ResetFruitTrees
$4078 = GetFruitTreeFlag
$408a = GetFruitTreeItem
$4097 = FruitTreeItems
$40b5 = FruitBearingTreeText
$40ba = HeyItsFruitText
$40bf = ObtainedFruitText
$40c4 = FruitPackIsFullText
$40c9 = NothingHereText
$40ce = AIChooseMove
$40f3 = AIChooseMove.CheckDisabledMove
$40fa = AIChooseMove.ScoreDisabledMove
$4102 = AIChooseMove.CheckPP
$410a = AIChooseMove.CheckMovePP
$411b = AIChooseMove.ApplyLayers
$412f = AIChooseMove.battle_tower_skip
$4134 = AIChooseMove.CheckLayer
$415e = AIChooseMove.DecrementScores
$4166 = AIChooseMove.DecrementNextScore
$4174 = AIChooseMove.PickLowestScoreMoves
$4175 = AIChooseMove.move_loop
$4184 = AIChooseMove.loop2
$4189 = AIChooseMove.skip_load
$4191 = AIChooseMove.keep
$4193 = AIChooseMove.after_toss
$4197 = AIChooseMove.ChooseMove
$41af = AIScoringPointers
$41cf = AnimateDexSearchSlowpoke
$41d4 = AnimateDexSearchSlowpoke.loop
$41dd = AnimateDexSearchSlowpoke.ok
$41fc = AnimateDexSearchSlowpoke.FrameIDs
$4207 = DoDexSearchSlowpokeFrame
$4210 = DoDexSearchSlowpokeFrame.loop
$4228 = DoDexSearchSlowpokeFrame.SlowpokeSpriteData
$424d = DisplayDexEntry
$42b0 = DisplayDexEntry.skip_height
$42cd = DisplayDexEntry.skip_weight
$4331 = POKeString
$4333 = GetDexEntryPointer
$4351 = GetDexEntryPointer.PokedexEntryBanks
$4355 = GetDexEntryPagePointer
$435b = GetDexEntryPagePointer.loop1
$436b = GetDexEntryPagePointer.loop2
$4374 = GetDexEntryPagePointer.done
$4378 = PokedexDataPointerTable
$456e = SendMailToPC
$45be = SendMailToPC.full
$45c0 = DeleteMailFromPC
$45d4 = DeleteMailFromPC.loop
$45e4 = DeleteMailFromPC.done
$45f4 = ReadMailMessage
$4607 = MoveMailFromPCToParty
$4648 = GetMailboxCount
$4654 = CheckPokeMail
$4691 = CheckPokeMail.loop
$46ab = CheckPokeMail.done
$46c1 = CheckPokeMail.close_sram_return
$46c6 = CheckPokeMail.pop_return
$46c8 = CheckPokeMail.return
$46cc = GivePokeMail
$4725 = BackupPartyMonMail
$4745 = RestorePartyMonMail
$4765 = DeletePartyMonMail
$4781 = IsAnyMonHoldingMail
$478b = IsAnyMonHoldingMail.loop
$479e = IsAnyMonHoldingMail.no_mons
$47a0 = _PlayerMailBoxMenu
$47ae = _PlayerMailBoxMenu.nomail
$47b4 = _PlayerMailBoxMenu.EmptyMailboxText
$47b9 = InitMail
$47ce = InitMail.loop
$47d3 = InitMail.done
$47da = MailboxPC_GetMailAuthor
$47fb = MailboxPC_PrintMailAuthor
$4806 = MailboxPC
$480f = MailboxPC.loop
$4848 = MailboxPC.exit
$484a = MailboxPC.Submenu
$4860 = MailboxPC.subexit
$4861 = MailboxPC.Jumptable
$4869 = MailboxPC.ReadMail
$4877 = MailboxPC.PutInPack
$489e = MailboxPC.put_in_bag
$48ac = MailboxPC.MailClearedPutAwayText
$48b1 = MailboxPC.MailPackFullText
$48b6 = MailboxPC.MailMessageLostText
$48bb = MailboxPC.GetMailType
$48d2 = MailboxPC.AttachMail
$48dc = MailboxPC.try_again
$4923 = MailboxPC.egg
$492b = MailboxPC.attach_mail
$4939 = MailboxPC.exit2
$493c = MailboxPC.MailAlreadyHoldingItemText
$4941 = MailboxPC.MailEggText
$4946 = MailboxPC.MailMovedFromBoxText
$494b = MailboxPC.Cancel
$494c = MailboxPC.TopMenuHeader
$4954 = MailboxPC.TopMenuData
$4964 = MailboxPC.SubMenuHeader
$496c = MailboxPC.SubMenuData
EMPTY: $4997-$7fff ($3669 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $3669 bytes
ROMX bank #18:
SECTION: $4000-$6e93 ($2e94 bytes) ["Crystal Features 1"]
$4000 = InitCrystalData
$402f = InitMobileProfile
$405a = InitMobileProfile.not_yet_initialized
$408a = InitMobileProfile.asm_4808a
$40d7 = InitMobileProfile.asm_480d7
$4113 = InitMobileProfile.asm_48113
$4157 = Function48157
$415f = asm_4815f
$4177 = asm_4815f.dont_check_b_button
$417a = asm_4815f.b_button
$4187 = Function48187
$41a2 = Function48187.asm_481a2
$41ad = Function48187.asm_481ad
$41c1 = Function48187.asm_481c1
$41ce = Function48187.asm_481ce
$41db = Function48187.asm_481db
$41f1 = Function48187.asm_481f1
$41f8 = Function48187.asm_481f8
$4201 = Function48187.asm_48201
$4202 = Function48187.String_TellLater
$420d = Function4820d
$421f = Function4820d.asm_4821f
$425c = Function4820d.asm_4825c
$4272 = Function48272
$4275 = MobileString_PersonalInfo
$4283 = Function48283
$428d = asm_4828d
$42e1 = asm_4828d.asm_482e1
$42ed = asm_4828d.asm_482ed
$42f1 = asm_4828d.asm_482f1
$4304 = Function48304
$433f = Function48304.asm_4833f
$4348 = Function48304.asm_48348
$4377 = Function48304.asm_48377
$4383 = Function48383
$4390 = Function48383.asm_48390
$439f = Function48383.asm_4839f
$43af = Function48383.asm_483af
$43b7 = Function48383.asm_483b7
$43bb = Function483bb
$43c8 = Function483bb.asm_483c8
$43cb = Function483bb.asm_483cb
$43d5 = Function483bb.asm_483d5
$43e8 = Function483e8
$43f8 = Function483e8.asm_483f8
$43fc = Function483e8.asm_483fc
$4405 = Function483e8.asm_48405
$440c = Function4840c
$4437 = Function4840c.narrower_box
$4444 = Mobile12_Bin2Dec
$444b = Mobile12_Bin2Dec.loop
$4453 = Mobile12_Bin2Dec.got_string
$445d = Mobile12_Bin2Dec.DigitStrings
$4471 = MobileProfileString
$4482 = MobileString_Gender
$4489 = MobileString_Age
$448d = MobileString_Address
$4495 = MobileString_ZipCode
$449e = MobileString_OK
$44a1 = MobileString_ProfileChanged
$44b1 = MobileDesc_Gender
$44be = MobileDesc_Age
$44cf = MobileDesc_Address
$44e2 = MobileDesc_ZipCode
$44f1 = MenuHeader_0x484f1
$44f9 = MenuData_0x484f9
$44fb = Strings_484fb
$44fb = String_484fb
$44ff = String_484ff
$4504 = MenuHeader_0x48504
$4509 = MenuHeader_0x48509
$450e = MenuHeader_0x4850e
$4513 = MenuHeader_0x48513
$451b = MenuData_0x4851b
$452b = MenuData_0x4851b.Items
$455b = Prefectures
$455b = Aichi
$4561 = Aomori
$4568 = Akita
$456e = Ishikawa
$4575 = Ibaraki
$457c = Iwate
$4582 = Ehime
$4588 = Oita
$458f = Osakafu
$4595 = Okayama
$459c = Okinawa
$45a3 = Kagawa
$45a9 = Kagoshima
$45b0 = Kanagawa
$45b7 = Gifu
$45bc = Kyotofu
$45c2 = Kumamoto
$45c9 = Gunma
$45cf = Kochi
$45d5 = Saitama
$45dc = Saga
$45e1 = Shiga
$45e6 = Shizuoka
$45ed = Shimane
$45f3 = Chiba
$45f8 = Tokyo
$45ff = Tokushima
$4606 = Tochigi
$460c = Tottori
$4613 = Toyama
$4619 = Nagasaki
$4620 = Nagano
$4626 = Naraken
$462b = Niigata
$4632 = Hyogo
$4639 = Hiroshima
$4640 = Fukui
$4646 = Fukuoka
$464d = Fukushima
$4654 = Hokkaido
$465b = Mie
$4660 = Miyagi
$4666 = Miyazaki
$466d = Yamagata
$4674 = Yamaguchi
$467b = Yamanashi
$4682 = Wakayama
$4689 = Function48689
$46bf = Function486bf
$46ce = Function486bf.start_at_6
$46d1 = Function486bf.got_init_y
$46e4 = Function486bf.got_num_rows_1
$46e7 = Function486bf.check_wd479
$46f8 = Function486bf.four_rows
$46fb = Function486bf.got_num_rows_2
$471a = Function486bf.got_joypad_mask
$4725 = Function48725
$473a = Function48725.clear_carry
$473c = Function4873c
$4764 = Function4873c.male
$4766 = Function4873c.okay_gender
$476f = Function4876f
$47ab = Function4876f.asm_487ab
$47b2 = Function4876f.asm_487b2
$47b7 = Function4876f.asm_487b7
$47c6 = Function4876f.asm_487c6
$47da = Function4876f.asm_487da
$47ec = Function487ec
$47ff = Function487ff
$480d = String_4880d
$480e = Function4880e
$4838 = Function4880e.asm_48838
$4840 = Function4880e.asm_48840
$4843 = Function4880e.asm_48843
$484c = Function4880e.asm_4884c
$484f = Function4880e.asm_4884f
$4858 = Function4880e.asm_48858
$485f = Function4880e.asm_4885f
$4868 = Function4880e.asm_48868
$486f = Function4880e.asm_4886f
$4887 = Function4880e.asm_48887
$4898 = Function4880e.asm_48898
$48a7 = Function4880e.asm_488a7
$48b4 = Function488b4
$48b9 = Function488b9
$48c3 = MobileUpArrowGFX
$48cb = MobileDownArrowGFX
$48d3 = Function488d3
$4922 = asm_48922
$494c = asm_48922.asm_4894c
$495a = Function4895a
$4965 = Function4895a.asm_48965
$496e = Function4896e
$4972 = asm_48972
$4988 = asm_48972.asm_48988
$4994 = asm_48972.asm_48994
$49b1 = asm_48972.asm_489b1
$49c5 = asm_48972.asm_489c5
$49ea = Function489ea
$4a38 = String_48a38
$4a3a = Function48a3a
$4a98 = Function48a3a.asm_48a98
$4a9a = Function48a9a
$4a9c = MenuHeader_0x48a9c
$4aa1 = String_48aa1
$4ab5 = Function48ab5
$4adf = Function48ab5.asm_48adf
$4ae7 = Function48ab5.asm_48ae7
$4af1 = Function48ab5.asm_48af1
$4af9 = Function48ab5.asm_48af9
$4b03 = Function48ab5.asm_48b03
$4b0b = Function48ab5.asm_48b0b
$4b15 = Function48ab5.asm_48b15
$4b1d = Function48ab5.asm_48b1d
$4b25 = Function48ab5.asm_48b25
$4b2c = Function48ab5.asm_48b2c
$4b51 = Function48ab5.asm_48b51
$4b55 = Function48ab5.asm_48b55
$4b61 = Function48ab5.asm_48b61
$4b62 = Function48ab5.asm_48b62
$4b7a = Function48ab5.asm_48b7a
$4b85 = Function48ab5.asm_48b85
$4b88 = Function48ab5.asm_48b88
$4b8d = Function48ab5.asm_48b8d
$4b9a = Function48ab5.asm_48b9a
$4b9d = Function48ab5.asm_48b9d
$4baf = Function48ab5.asm_48baf
$4bc4 = Function48ab5.asm_48bc4
$4bc7 = asm_48bc7
$4bd3 = asm_48bc7.asm_48bd3
$4bd7 = Function48bd7
$4bf3 = Function48bd7.asm_48bf3
$4bf8 = Function48bd7.asm_48bf8
$4c00 = Function48c00
$4c0d = Function48c0d
$4c0f = Function48c0f
$4c11 = Function48c11
$4c1e = Function48c11.asm_48c1e
$4c20 = Function48c11.asm_48c20
$4c3a = Function48c11.asm_48c3a
$4c40 = Function48c11.asm_48c40
$4c4d = Function48c4d
$4c5a = Function48c5a
$4c63 = Function48c63
$4c76 = Function48c63.asm_48c76
$4c81 = Function48c63.asm_48c81
$4c8c = Function48c63.asm_48c8c
$4c8e = Function48c8e
$4ca3 = Function48ca3
$4cad = Function48ca3.asm_48cad
$4cb6 = Function48ca3.asm_48cb6
$4cbf = Function48ca3.asm_48cbf
$4cc7 = Function48ca3.asm_48cc7
$4cda = Function48cda
$4cdc = Function48cdc
$4ced = Function48cdc.asm_48ced
$4cef = Function48cdc.asm_48cef
$4cfd = Function48cfd
$4d0c = Function48cfd.asm_48d0c
$4d2a = Function48d2a
$4d2b = Function48d2a.asm_48d2b
$4d30 = Function48d30
$4d3d = Function48d3d
$4d4a = Function48d4a
$4d94 = Function48d94
$4dcb = InitGender
$4dfc = InitGender.MenuHeader
$4e04 = InitGender.MenuData
$4e0f = AreYouABoyOrAreYouAGirlText
$4e14 = InitGenderScreen
$4e47 = LoadGenderScreenPal
$4e5c = LoadGenderScreenPal.Palette
$4e64 = LoadGenderScreenLightBlueTile
$4e71 = LoadGenderScreenLightBlueTile.LightBlueTile
$4e81 = DrawKrisPackGFX
$4e93 = PackFGFXPointers
$4e9b = PackFGFX
$525b = MoveTutor
$5289 = MoveTutor.loop
$5291 = MoveTutor.enter_loop
$529c = MoveTutor.cancel
$52a1 = MoveTutor.quit
$52a5 = MoveTutor.GetMoveTutorMove
$52b3 = MoveTutor.flamethrower
$52b6 = MoveTutor.thunderbolt
$52b9 = CheckCanLearnMoveTutorMove
$52e5 = CheckCanLearnMoveTutorMove.can_learn
$5300 = CheckCanLearnMoveTutorMove.didnt_learn
$5305 = CheckCanLearnMoveTutorMove.learned
$530a = CheckCanLearnMoveTutorMove.MenuHeader
$530f = GetCrystalCGBLayout
$5317 = GetCrystalCGBLayout.not_default
$532f = GetCrystalCGBLayout.done
$5330 = GetCrystalCGBLayout.Jumptable
$5336 = Crystal_FillBoxCGB
$5336 = Crystal_FillBoxCGB.row
$5338 = Crystal_FillBoxCGB.col
$5346 = Crystal_WipeAttrmap
$5351 = MG_Mobile_Layout_LoadPals
$536e = _CrystalCGB_MobileLayout0
$5384 = MG_Mobile_Layout_CreatePalBoxes
$53e1 = Palette_MysteryGiftMobile
$5409 = LoadOW_BGPal7
$5418 = Palette_TextBG7
$5420 = Function49420
$542f = _CrystalCGB_MobileLayout1
$5464 = _CrystalCGB_MobileLayout1.asm_49464
$5467 = _CrystalCGB_MobileLayout1.done
$5478 = _CrystalCGB_MobileLayout1.TextPalette
$5480 = _CrystalCGB_MobileLayout1.Function49480
$5496 = _CrystalCGB_MobileLayout1.Function49496
$54ac = LoadSpecialMapPalette
$54c9 = LoadSpecialMapPalette.pokecom_2f
$54ce = LoadSpecialMapPalette.battle_tower_inside
$54d3 = LoadSpecialMapPalette.ice_path
$54e1 = LoadSpecialMapPalette.house
$54e6 = LoadSpecialMapPalette.radio_tower
$54eb = LoadSpecialMapPalette.mansion_mobile
$54f0 = LoadSpecialMapPalette.do_nothing
$54f2 = LoadPokeComPalette
$5501 = PokeComPalette
$5541 = LoadBattleTowerInsidePalette
$5550 = BattleTowerInsidePalette
$5590 = LoadIcePathPalette
$559f = IcePathPalette
$55df = LoadHousePalette
$55ee = HousePalette
$562e = LoadRadioTowerPalette
$563d = RadioTowerPalette
$567d = MansionPalette1
$56c5 = LoadMansionPalette
$56fe = MansionPalette2
$5706 = _CrystalCGB_NameCard
$5732 = _CrystalCGB_NameCard.BGPalette
$573a = _CrystalCGB_NameCard.OBPalette
$5742 = Function49742
$5757 = Function49742.MobileBorderPalettes
$5797 = _InitMG_Mobile_LinkTradePalMap
$5811 = _LoadTradeRoomBGPals
$5826 = TradeRoomPalette
$5856 = InitMG_Mobile_LinkTradePalMap
$585a = UnusedForestTreeFrames
$589a = CelebiShrineEvent
$58ca = CelebiShrineEvent.loop
$58ee = CelebiShrineEvent.done
$58f9 = CelebiShrineEvent.RestorePlayerSprite_DespawnLeaves
$58ff = CelebiShrineEvent.OAMloop
$5912 = LoadCelebiGFX
$5935 = CelebiEvent_CountDown
$593e = CelebiEvent_CountDown.done
$5944 = CelebiEvent_SpawnLeaf
$5962 = SpecialCelebiLeafGFX
$59a2 = SpecialCelebiGFX
$5aa2 = UpdateCelebiPosition
$5ac6 = UpdateCelebiPosition.skip
$5ae2 = UpdateCelebiPosition.ShiftY
$5af2 = UpdateCelebiPosition.moving_left
$5afb = UpdateCelebiPosition.float_down
$5b05 = UpdateCelebiPosition.float_up
$5b0d = UpdateCelebiPosition.ReinitSpriteAnimFrame
$5b26 = UpdateCelebiPosition.left
$5b2f = UpdateCelebiPosition.done
$5b30 = UpdateCelebiPosition.FreezeCelebiPosition
$5b3b = CelebiEvent_Cosine
$5b48 = CelebiEvent_Cosine.negative_u2
$5b52 = CelebiEvent_Cosine.apply_u2
$5b61 = CelebiEvent_Cosine.multiply_u2
$5b66 = CelebiEvent_Cosine.even_u2
$5b6e = CelebiEvent_Cosine.sinetable_u2
$5bae = GetCelebiSpriteTile
$5bd0 = GetCelebiSpriteTile.Frame1
$5bd4 = GetCelebiSpriteTile.Frame2
$5bd8 = GetCelebiSpriteTile.Frame3
$5bdc = GetCelebiSpriteTile.Frame4
$5bde = GetCelebiSpriteTile.load_tile
$5be5 = GetCelebiSpriteTile.restart
$5be9 = GetCelebiSpriteTile.done
$5bed = GetCelebiSpriteTile.AddE
$5bf3 = CelebiEvent_SetBattleType
$5bf9 = CheckCaughtCelebi
$5c07 = CheckCaughtCelebi.false
$5c0b = CheckCaughtCelebi.done
$5c0c = MobileMenuGFX
$5cdc = MainMenu
$5cdc = MainMenu.loop
$5d13 = MainMenu.quit
$5d14 = MainMenu.MenuHeader
$5d1c = MainMenu.MenuData
$5d24 = MainMenu.Strings
$5d6b = MainMenu.Jumptable
$5d79 = MainMenuItems
$5db9 = MainMenu_GetWhichMenu
$5dc5 = MainMenu_GetWhichMenu.next
$5de6 = MainMenu_GetWhichMenu.ok
$5de8 = MainMenu_GetWhichMenu.ok2
$5deb = MainMenu_GetWhichMenu.mystery_gift
$5df4 = MainMenu_GetWhichMenu.ok3
$5df6 = MainMenu_GetWhichMenu.ok4
$5df9 = MainMenuJoypadLoop
$5dfc = MainMenuJoypadLoop.loop
$5e17 = MainMenuJoypadLoop.a_button
$5e1c = MainMenuJoypadLoop.b_button
$5e1e = MainMenu_PrintCurrentTimeAndDay
$5e3c = MainMenu_PrintCurrentTimeAndDay.PlaceBox
$5e4e = MainMenu_PrintCurrentTimeAndDay.TimeFail
$5e52 = MainMenu_PrintCurrentTimeAndDay.PlaceTime
$5e85 = MainMenu_PrintCurrentTimeAndDay.minString
$5e8a = MainMenu_PrintCurrentTimeAndDay.PrintTimeNotSet
$5e94 = MainMenu_PrintCurrentTimeAndDay.TimeNotSetString
$5ea1 = MainMenu_PrintCurrentTimeAndDay.MainMenuTimeUnknownText
$5ea6 = MainMenu_PrintCurrentTimeAndDay.PrintDayOfWeek
$5ebd = MainMenu_PrintCurrentTimeAndDay.Days
$5ee1 = MainMenu_PrintCurrentTimeAndDay.Day
$5ee5 = ClearTilemapEtc
$5ef5 = MainMenu_NewGame
$5efc = MainMenu_Option
$5f03 = MainMenu_Continue
$5f0a = MainMenu_MysteryGift
$5f11 = MainMenu_Mobile
$5f1f = Function49f0a
$5f2b = Function49f16
$5f6a = Function49f16.joy_loop
$5f72 = Function49f16.check_buttons
$5f7c = Function49f16.a_button
$5f99 = Function49f16.b_button
$5fac = Function49f16.next
$5fcc = Function49f16.useless_jump
$5fe1 = MobileString1
$5ffe = String_0x49fe9
$5ffe = MobileStrings2
$6086 = MobileMenu_InitMenuBuffers
$60ad = Function4a098
$60ce = Function4a0b9
$60d7 = Function4a0c2
$610e = Function4a0c2.skip_save
$6115 = Function4a100
$6126 = asm_4a111
$612d = Function4a118
$6150 = Function4a13b
$615e = Function4a149
$61aa = Function4a195
$61b2 = asm_4a19d
$61bc = asm_4a19d.asm_4a1a7
$61cf = asm_4a19d.asm_4a1ba
$61d1 = asm_4a19d.asm_4a1bc
$61f0 = asm_4a19d.asm_4a1db
$6204 = String_4a1ef
$6223 = Function4a20e
$6236 = Function4a221
$624a = Function4a221.asm_4a235
$624e = Function4a239
$6252 = Strings_4a23d
$629f = Function4a28a
$62f4 = Function4a28a.asm_4a2df
$6305 = Function4a28a.DeleteLoginPassword
$634d = Function4a28a.dont_delete_password
$6350 = Function4a28a.quit
$635b = MenuHeader_0x4a346
$6360 = String_4a34b
$636d = DeleteSavedLoginPasswordText
$6372 = DeletedTheLoginPasswordText
$6377 = DeletePassword_YesNo_MenuHeader
$637f = MenuData_0x4a36a
$6388 = Function4a373
$63af = Function4a39a
$63bc = Function4a3a7
$63bf = Function4a3aa
$645e = Function4a449
$649a = Function4a485
$64a7 = Function4a492
$64ab = MainMenu_MobileStudium
$64d9 = Function4a4c4
$655a = Function4a545
$6562 = asm_4a54d
$656c = asm_4a54d.asm_4a557
$6589 = asm_4a54d.asm_4a574
$6593 = asm_4a54d.asm_4a57e
$65c5 = Function4a5b0
$65da = String_4a5c5
$65e2 = String_4a5cd
$65ef = String_4a5da
$65fb = String_4a5e6
$6607 = String_4a5f2
$660b = Strings_4a5f6
$6695 = Function4a680
$66c0 = Function4a6ab
$66da = Function4a6c5
$66ed = Function4a6d8
$66ef = Function4a6d8.asm_4a6da
$66fd = MainMenu_DebugRoom
$6704 = BeastsCheck
$6728 = BeastsCheck.notexist
$672d = MonCheck
$6737 = MonCheck.exists
$673d = CheckOwnMonAnywhere
$674b = CheckOwnMonAnywhere.partymon
$676d = CheckOwnMonAnywhere.openboxmon
$6776 = CheckOwnMonAnywhere.loop
$6782 = CheckOwnMonAnywhere.boxes
$6787 = CheckOwnMonAnywhere.box
$67b4 = CheckOwnMonAnywhere.boxmon
$67be = CheckOwnMonAnywhere.loopboxmon
$67cb = CheckOwnMonAnywhere.loopbox
$67d6 = CheckOwnMon
$6822 = CheckOwnMon.notfound
$6827 = CheckOwnMon.found
$682c = SearchBoxAddressTable
$6856 = UpdateOTPointer
$685f = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere
$686d = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.partymon
$688f = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.openboxmon
$6898 = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.loop
$68a4 = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.boxes
$68a9 = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.box
$68d6 = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.boxmon
$68e0 = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.loopboxmon
$68ed = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.loopbox
$68f8 = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.CheckMatch
$6906 = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.no_match
$690b = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.match
$6910 = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.BoxAddresses
$693a = MobileCheckOwnMonAnywhere.AdvanceOTName
$6943 = UnusedFindItemInPCOrBag
$6964 = UnusedFindItemInPCOrBag.found
$696a = Function4a94e
$6990 = Function4a94e.asm_4a974
$6997 = Function4a94e.asm_4a97b
$69a1 = Function4a94e.asm_4a985
$69ac = Function4a94e.asm_4a990
$69bd = Function4a94e.asm_4a9a1
$69cb = Function4a94e.asm_4a9af
$69cc = Function4a94e.asm_4a9b0
$69da = MobilePickThreeMonForBattleText
$69df = Function4a9c3
$69f1 = Function4a9c3.asm_4a9d5
$69f3 = Function4a9d7
$6a39 = MobileUseTheseThreeMonText
$6a3e = Function4aa22
$6a41 = Function4aa25
$6a50 = Function4aa34
$6a82 = Function4aa34.asm_4aa66
$6a83 = Function4aa34.asm_4aa67
$6a8a = Function4aa6e
$6a96 = Function4aa7a
$6a9b = Function4aa7a.loop
$6aa9 = Function4aa7a.inner_loop
$6ab6 = Function4aa7a.same_as_d
$6ab8 = Function4aa7a.proceed
$6ac1 = Function4aa7a.next
$6acf = Function4aa7a.done
$6ad1 = Function4aa7a.finished
$6ad2 = Function4aab6
$6ad7 = Function4aab6.loop
$6aee = Function4aab6.done
$6aef = Function4aad3
$6af9 = Function4aad3.loop
$6b17 = Function4aafb
$6b20 = Function4aafb.egg
$6b22 = Function4ab06
$6b35 = Function4ab06.NotFainted
$6b36 = Function4ab1a
$6b36 = Function4ab1a.asm_4ab1a
$6b89 = Function4ab1a.asm_4ab6d
$6b8f = Function4ab1a.asm_4ab73
$6b9a = Function4ab1a.asm_4ab7e
$6bb5 = Function4ab99
$6bc2 = Function4ab99.asm_4aba6
$6bc4 = Function4aba8
$6bda = Function4aba8.asm_4abbe
$6bdf = Function4abc3
$6bf1 = Function4abc3.asm_4abd5
$6c07 = Function4abc3.asm_4abeb
$6c24 = Function4abc3.asm_4ac08
$6c2c = Function4abc3.asm_4ac10
$6c42 = Function4abc3.asm_4ac26
$6c45 = Function4abc3.asm_4ac29
$6c57 = Function4abc3.asm_4ac3b
$6c70 = Function4abc3.asm_4ac54
$6c72 = Function4abc3.asm_4ac56
$6c74 = Function4ac58
$6ca5 = Function4ac58.asm_4ac89
$6cb2 = Function4ac58.asm_4ac96
$6cbe = MenuHeader_0x4aca2
$6cc6 = Function4acaa
$6cc6 = Function4acaa.asm_4acaa
$6cde = Function4acaa.asm_4acc2
$6ce8 = Function4acaa.asm_4accc
$6d0f = Function4acaa.asm_4acf3
$6d10 = Function4acaa.asm_4acf4
$6d2a = Function4acaa.asm_4ad0e
$6d33 = Function4ad17
$6d55 = Function4ad17.asm_4ad39
$6d66 = Function4ad17.asm_4ad4a
$6d6d = MobileOnlyThreeMonMayEnterText
$6d72 = Function4ad56
$6d7c = Function4ad60
$6d83 = Function4ad67
$6d84 = Function4ad68
$6d9a = Function4ad68.asm_4ad7e
$6da0 = Function4ad68.asm_4ad84
$6da4 = String_4ad88
$6db6 = String_4ad9a
$6dbc = String_4ada0
$6dc3 = String_4ada7
$6dce = Function4adb2
$6dde = Function4adc2
$6df9 = Function4adc2.skip2
$6e01 = Function4adc2.skip
$6e13 = Function4adf7
$6e2e = AskRememberPassword
$6e37 = AskRememberPassword.okay
$6e3b = AskRememberPassword.DoMenu
$6e73 = AskRememberPassword.refused
$6e7a = Buena_ExitMenu
EMPTY: $6e94-$7fff ($116c bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $116c bytes
ROMX bank #19:
SECTION: $4000-$5248 ($1249 bytes) ["bank13"]
$4000 = _LoadOverworldAttrmapPals
$4008 = _LoadOverworldAttrmapPals.loop
$400b = _LoadOverworldAttrmapPals.innerloop
$4021 = _LoadOverworldAttrmapPals.UpperNybble
$4031 = _LoadOverworldAttrmapPals.next
$403f = _ScrollBGMapPalettes
$4045 = _ScrollBGMapPalettes.loop
$405b = _ScrollBGMapPalettes.UpperNybble
$406b = _ScrollBGMapPalettes.next
$4075 = TilesetKantoPalMap
$40e5 = Tileset0PalMap
$40e5 = TilesetJohtoPalMap
$4155 = TilesetJohtoModernPalMap
$41c5 = TilesetHousePalMap
$4235 = TilesetPlayersHousePalMap
$42a5 = TilesetPokecenterPalMap
$4315 = TilesetGatePalMap
$4385 = TilesetPortPalMap
$43f5 = TilesetLabPalMap
$4465 = TilesetFacilityPalMap
$44d5 = TilesetMartPalMap
$4545 = TilesetMansionPalMap
$45b5 = TilesetGameCornerPalMap
$4625 = TilesetEliteFourRoomPalMap
$4695 = TilesetTraditionalHousePalMap
$4705 = TilesetTowerPalMap
$4775 = TilesetCavePalMap
$4775 = TilesetDarkCavePalMap
$47e5 = TilesetParkPalMap
$4855 = TilesetRuinsOfAlphPalMap
$4855 = TilesetBetaWordRoomPalMap
$4855 = TilesetHoOhWordRoomPalMap
$4855 = TilesetKabutoWordRoomPalMap
$4855 = TilesetOmanyteWordRoomPalMap
$4855 = TilesetAerodactylWordRoomPalMap
$48c5 = TilesetRadioTowerPalMap
$4935 = TilesetTrainStationPalMap
$49a5 = TilesetUndergroundPalMap
$4a15 = TilesetChampionsRoomPalMap
$4a85 = TilesetLighthousePalMap
$4af5 = TilesetPlayersRoomPalMap
$4b65 = UnusedMuseumPalMap
$4bd5 = TilesetIcePathPalMap
$4c45 = TilesetForestPalMap
$4cb5 = TilesetPokeComCenterPalMap
$4d25 = TilesetBattleTowerInsidePalMap
$4d95 = TilesetBattleTowerOutsidePalMap
$4e05 = MapGroupPalettes
$4e1f = CollisionPermissionTable
$4f1f = EmptyAllSRAMBanks
$4f34 = EmptyAllSRAMBanks.EmptyBank
$4f45 = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce
$4f57 = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.wait
$4f72 = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.wait2
$4f80 = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.CopyBGMapViaStack
$4f91 = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop
$4f92 = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u3
$4f9b = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u4
$4fa4 = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u5
$4fad = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u6
$4fb6 = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u7
$4fbf = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u8
$4fc8 = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u9
$4fd1 = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u10
$4fda = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u11
$4fe3 = SaveMenu_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u12
$4ffe = CheckSave
$501b = CheckSave.ok
$501e = MapScenes
$515b = _LoadOverworldTilemap
$5168 = _LoadOverworldTilemap.top_row
$5170 = _LoadOverworldTilemap.left_column
$5175 = _LoadOverworldTilemap.loop
$5177 = _LoadOverworldTilemap.loop2
$5184 = _LoadOverworldTilemap.carry
$5188 = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce
$51a2 = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.wait
$51bd = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.wait2
$51cb = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.CopyBGMapViaStack
$51dc = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop
$51dd = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u13
$51e6 = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u14
$51ef = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u15
$51f8 = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u16
$5201 = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u17
$520a = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u18
$5213 = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u19
$521c = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u20
$5225 = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u21
$522e = PhoneRing_CopyTilemapAtOnce.loop_u22
SECTION: $5249-$5318 ($00d0 bytes) ["Shrink Pics"]
$5249 = Shrink1Pic
$52d9 = Shrink2Pic
SECTION: $5319-$737a ($2062 bytes) ["bank13_2"]
$5319 = LinkMonStatsScreen
$5354 = Link_WaitBGMap
$535b = LinkTextbox2
$536e = LinkTextbox2.row
$5370 = LinkTextbox2.col
$537e = LinkTextbox2.PlaceBorder
$538d = LinkTextbox2.loop
$53ab = LinkTextbox2.PlaceRow
$53ac = LinkTextbox2.row_loop
$53b1 = _ResetClock
$53f7 = _ResetClock.wrongpassword
$53fe = _ResetClock.PasswordAskResetText
$5403 = _ResetClock.PasswordWrongText
$5408 = _ResetClock.PasswordAskResetClockText
$540d = _ResetClock.NoYes_MenuHeader
$5415 = _ResetClock.NoYes_MenuData
$541e = ClockResetPassword
$5437 = ClockResetPassword.loop
$543a = ClockResetPassword.loop2
$5453 = ClockResetPassword.confirm
$5461 = ClockResetPassword.nope
$5463 = ClockResetPassword.PasswordAskEnterText
$5468 = ClockResetPassword.updateIDdisplay
$5470 = ClockResetPassword.loop3
$5490 = ClockResetPassword.dpadinput
$54a5 = ClockResetPassword.left
$54af = ClockResetPassword.right
$54ba = ClockResetPassword.up
$54c5 = ClockResetPassword.wraparound_up
$54c8 = ClockResetPassword.down
$54d2 = ClockResetPassword.wraparound_down
$54d5 = ClockResetPassword.getcurrentdigit
$54e0 = ClockResetPassword.ConvertDecIDToBytes
$5501 = ClockResetPassword.ConvertToBytes
$550f = ClockResetPassword.CalculatePassword
$5533 = ClockResetPassword.ComponentFromNumber
$553e = ClockResetPassword.ComponentFromString
$554c = _DeleteSaveData
$5580 = _DeleteSaveData.ClearAllSaveDataText
$5585 = _DeleteSaveData.NoYesMenuHeader
$558d = _DeleteSaveData.MenuData
$5596 = Tilesets
$57c1 = SmallFarFlagAction
$57d6 = SmallFarFlagAction.shift
$57da = SmallFarFlagAction.shifted
$57e7 = SmallFarFlagAction.set
$57ec = SmallFarFlagAction.check
$57f5 = SmallFarFlagAction.farcheck
$57f9 = SmallFarFlagAction.done
$57fd = GetTrademonFrontpic
$581e = AnimateTrademonFrontpic
$5860 = _CheckPokerus
$586d = _CheckPokerus.Check
$5876 = _CheckPokerus.NoPokerus
$5878 = _CheckPokerus.HasPokerus
$587a = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners
$588d = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.PartyLoop
$58af = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.OpenBoxLoop
$58bf = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.SkipOpenBoxMon
$58c8 = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.SkipOpenBox
$58cd = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.BoxesLoop
$58f1 = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.BoxNLoop
$5901 = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.SkipBoxMon
$590b = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.SkipBox
$5936 = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.print
$5939 = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.CompareLuckyNumberToMonID
$595d = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.loop
$5967 = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.done
$5984 = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.okay
$598e = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.bettermatch
$599b = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.nomatch
$599f = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.BoxBankAddresses
$59c9 = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.LuckyNumberMatchPartyText
$59ce = CheckForLuckyNumberWinners.LuckyNumberMatchPCText
$59d3 = PrintTodaysLuckyNumber
$59e5 = CheckPartyFullAfterContest
$5a66 = CheckPartyFullAfterContest.Party_SkipNickname
$5aa3 = CheckPartyFullAfterContest.TryAddToBox
$5af7 = CheckPartyFullAfterContest.Box_SkipNickname
$5b08 = CheckPartyFullAfterContest.BoxFull
$5b35 = CheckPartyFullAfterContest.DidntCatchAnything
$5b3b = GiveANickname_YesNo
$5b44 = CaughtAskNicknameText
$5b49 = SetCaughtData
$5b53 = SetBoxmonOrEggmonCaughtData
$5b78 = SetBoxmonOrEggmonCaughtData.NotPokecenter2F
$5b83 = SetBoxMonCaughtData
$5b92 = SetGiftBoxMonCaughtData
$5ba3 = SetGiftPartyMonCaughtData
$5baf = SetGiftMonCaughtData
$5bb8 = SetEggMonCaughtData
$5bd2 = _FindPartyMonAboveLevel
$5bd9 = _FindPartyMonAtLeastThatHappy
$5be0 = _FindPartyMonThatSpecies
$5be6 = _FindPartyMonThatSpeciesYourTrainerID
$5c08 = _FindPartyMonThatSpeciesYourTrainerID.nope
$5c0a = FindAtLeastThatHappy
$5c10 = FindAtLeastThatHappy.loop
$5c22 = FindAtLeastThatHappy.greater_equal
$5c26 = FindAtLeastThatHappy.lower
$5c31 = FindAboveLevel
$5c37 = FindAboveLevel.loop
$5c4b = FindAboveLevel.greater
$5c56 = FindThatSpecies
$5c5b = FindThatSpecies.loop
$5c67 = RetroactivelyIgnoreEggs
$5c6c = RetroactivelyIgnoreEggs.loop
$5c77 = RetroactivelyIgnoreEggs.skip_notegg
$5c7b = BattleStatsScreenInit
$5c8a = StatsScreenInit
$5c8f = _MobileStatsScreenInit
$5c94 = StatsScreenInit_gotaddress
$5cd2 = StatsScreenMain
$5ce3 = StatsScreenMain.loop
$5cf7 = StatsScreenMobile
$5d08 = StatsScreenMobile.loop
$5d29 = StatsScreenMobile.exit
$5d2a = StatsScreenPointerTable
$5d3a = StatsScreen_WaitAnim
$5d49 = StatsScreen_WaitAnim.try_anim
$5d56 = StatsScreen_WaitAnim.finish
$5d62 = StatsScreen_SetJumptableIndex
$5d6c = StatsScreen_Exit
$5d72 = MonStatsInit
$5d9b = MonStatsInit.egg
$5da1 = EggStatsInit
$5dac = EggStatsJoypad
$5db7 = EggStatsJoypad.check
$5dc4 = EggStatsJoypad.quit
$5dca = EggStatsJoypad.hatch
$5dfc = EggStatsJoypad.skip
$5e00 = EggStatsJoypad.HatchSoonString
$5e0d = StatsScreen_LoadPage
$5e1d = MonStatsJoypad
$5e28 = MonStatsJoypad.next
$5e2d = StatsScreenWaitCry
$5e39 = StatsScreen_CopyToTempMon
$5e57 = StatsScreen_CopyToTempMon.not_tempmon
$5e71 = StatsScreen_CopyToTempMon.done
$5e73 = StatsScreen_GetJoypad
$5e95 = StatsScreen_GetJoypad.not_tempmon
$5e97 = StatsScreen_GetJoypad.clear_carry
$5e99 = StatsScreen_GetJoypad.set_carry
$5e9b = StatsScreen_JoypadAction
$5ebe = StatsScreen_JoypadAction.d_down
$5ece = StatsScreen_JoypadAction.next_mon
$5ee7 = StatsScreen_JoypadAction.d_up
$5eff = StatsScreen_JoypadAction.a_button
$5f04 = StatsScreen_JoypadAction.d_right
$5f0e = StatsScreen_JoypadAction.d_left
$5f15 = StatsScreen_JoypadAction.done
$5f16 = StatsScreen_JoypadAction.set_page
$5f25 = StatsScreen_JoypadAction.load_mon
$5f2b = StatsScreen_JoypadAction.b_button
$5f31 = StatsScreen_InitUpperHalf
$5f8c = StatsScreen_InitUpperHalf.PlaceHPBar
$5fad = StatsScreen_InitUpperHalf.PlaceGenderChar
$5fbc = StatsScreen_InitUpperHalf.got_gender
$5fbe = StatsScreen_InitUpperHalf.NicknamePointers
$5fc6 = StatsScreen_PlaceVerticalDivider
$5fce = StatsScreen_PlaceVerticalDivider.loop
$5fd6 = StatsScreen_PlaceHorizontalDivider
$5fdd = StatsScreen_PlaceHorizontalDivider.loop
$5fe2 = StatsScreen_PlacePageSwitchArrows
$5fed = StatsScreen_PlaceShinyIcon
$5ffd = StatsScreen_LoadGFX
$601d = StatsScreen_LoadGFX.place_frontpic
$6021 = StatsScreen_LoadGFX.ClearBox
$6034 = StatsScreen_LoadGFX.LoadPals
$6049 = StatsScreen_LoadGFX.PageTilemap
$6054 = StatsScreen_LoadGFX.Jumptable
$605a = LoadPinkPage
$6084 = LoadPinkPage.NotImmuneToPkrs
$609c = LoadPinkPage.HasPokerus
$60a7 = LoadPinkPage.StatusOK
$60ad = LoadPinkPage.done_status
$60bf = LoadPinkPage.vertical_divider
$611a = LoadPinkPage.PrintNextLevel
$6126 = LoadPinkPage.AtMaxLevel
$612e = LoadPinkPage.CalcExpToNextLevel
$6158 = LoadPinkPage.AlreadyAtMaxLevel
$6160 = LoadPinkPage.Status_Type
$616e = LoadPinkPage.OK_str
$6172 = LoadPinkPage.ExpPointStr
$617d = LoadPinkPage.LevelUpStr
$6186 = LoadPinkPage.ToStr
$6189 = LoadPinkPage.PkrsStr
$618e = LoadGreenPage
$61d0 = LoadGreenPage.GetItemName
$61e7 = LoadGreenPage.Item
$61ec = LoadGreenPage.ThreeDashes
$61f0 = LoadGreenPage.Move
$61f5 = LoadBluePage
$6202 = LoadBluePage.vertical_divider
$6213 = LoadBluePage.PlaceOTInfo
$6258 = LoadBluePage.got_gender
$625c = LoadBluePage.done
$625d = LoadBluePage.OTNamePointers
$6265 = IDNoString
$6269 = OTString
$626d = StatsScreen_PlaceFrontpic
$627f = StatsScreen_PlaceFrontpic.egg
$6286 = StatsScreen_PlaceFrontpic.no_cry
$628d = StatsScreen_PlaceFrontpic.cry
$629a = StatsScreen_PlaceFrontpic.AnimateMon
$62ad = StatsScreen_PlaceFrontpic.unown
$62b8 = StatsScreen_PlaceFrontpic.AnimateEgg
$62c8 = StatsScreen_PlaceFrontpic.unownegg
$62d0 = StatsScreen_PlaceFrontpic.get_animation
$62f4 = StatsScreen_GetAnimationParam
$62fc = StatsScreen_GetAnimationParam.Jumptable
$6306 = StatsScreen_GetAnimationParam.PartyMon
$6316 = StatsScreen_GetAnimationParam.OTPartyMon
$6318 = StatsScreen_GetAnimationParam.BoxMon
$6334 = StatsScreen_GetAnimationParam.Tempmon
$6339 = StatsScreen_GetAnimationParam.CheckEggFaintedFrzSlp
$6345 = StatsScreen_GetAnimationParam.egg
$6348 = StatsScreen_GetAnimationParam.Wildmon
$634c = StatsScreen_GetAnimationParam.FaintedFrzSlp
$634e = StatsScreen_LoadTextboxSpaceGFX
$6371 = StatsScreenSpaceGFX
$6381 = EggStatsScreen
$63ca = EggStatsScreen.PushStartString
$63d7 = EggStatsScreen.placed_push_start
$63f2 = EggStatsScreen.picked
$641f = EggString
$6423 = FiveQMarkString
$6429 = EggSoonString
$645c = EggCloseString
$649c = EggMoreTimeString
$64cd = EggALotMoreTimeString
$64f6 = StatsScreen_AnimateEgg
$650a = StatsScreen_AnimateEgg.animate
$652c = StatsScreen_LoadPageIndicators
$6556 = StatsScreen_LoadPageIndicators.load_square
$6564 = CopyNickname
$656c = CopyNickname.okay
$6581 = CopyNickname.partymon
$6587 = GetNicknamePointer
$659e = CheckFaintedFrzSlp
$65b1 = CheckFaintedFrzSlp.fainted_frz_slp
$65b3 = CatchTutorial
$65c3 = CatchTutorial.dw
$65c9 = CatchTutorial.DudeTutorial
$6616 = CatchTutorial.LoadDudeData
$6639 = CatchTutorial.Dude
$663e = CatchTutorial.AutoInput
$6640 = EvolutionAnimation
$6666 = EvolutionAnimation.EvolutionAnimation
$66db = EvolutionAnimation.skip_cry
$673d = EvolutionAnimation.no_anim
$673e = EvolutionAnimation.cancel_evo
$6762 = EvolutionAnimation.GetSGBLayout
$6767 = EvolutionAnimation.PlaceFrontpic
$6770 = EvolutionAnimation.LoadFrontpic
$6785 = EvolutionAnimation.AnimationSequence
$678b = EvolutionAnimation.loop
$679e = EvolutionAnimation.exit_sequence
$67a0 = EvolutionAnimation.Flash
$67b4 = EvolutionAnimation.ReplaceFrontpic
$67c1 = EvolutionAnimation.loop1
$67c2 = EvolutionAnimation.loop2
$67d8 = EvolutionAnimation.WaitFrames_CheckPressedB
$67e6 = EvolutionAnimation.loop3
$67eb = EvolutionAnimation.pressed_b
$67f3 = EvolutionAnimation.check_statused
$6805 = EvolutionAnimation.PlayEvolvedSFX
$6817 = EvolutionAnimation.loop4
$6821 = EvolutionAnimation.done
$6823 = EvolutionAnimation.loop5
$682e = EvolutionAnimation.balls_of_light
$6845 = EvolutionAnimation.done_balls
$6847 = EvolutionAnimation.GenerateBallOfLight
$686b = EvolutionAnimation.AnimateBallsOfLight
$6882 = EvolutionAnimation.loop6
$6890 = EvolutionAnimation.GFX
$68e0 = InitDisplayForHallOfFame
$691c = InitDisplayForHallOfFame.SavingRecordText
$6921 = InitDisplayForRedCredits
$694d = InitDisplayForRedCredits.load_white_palettes
$6965 = ResetDisplayBetweenHallOfFameMons
$6988 = GetMobileOTTrainerClass
$698f = GetMobileOTTrainerClass.GetMobileOTTrainerClass
$6998 = GetMobileOTTrainerClass.male_trainer_loop
$69a0 = GetMobileOTTrainerClass.skip_male_trainers
$69af = GetMobileOTTrainerClass.female_trainer_loop
$69b7 = GetMobileOTTrainerClass.finished
$69bc = MaleTrainers
$69d5 = MaleTrainers.End
$69d5 = FemaleTrainers
$69df = BattleIntroSlidingPics
$69df = FemaleTrainers.End
$69f7 = BattleIntroSlidingPics.subfunction1
$6a0a = BattleIntroSlidingPics.subfunction2
$6a11 = BattleIntroSlidingPics.loop1
$6a12 = BattleIntroSlidingPics.loop2
$6a2d = BattleIntroSlidingPics.skip1
$6a35 = BattleIntroSlidingPics.subfunction3
$6a3d = BattleIntroSlidingPics.loop3
$6a44 = BattleIntroSlidingPics.subfunction4
$6a50 = BattleIntroSlidingPics.subfunction5
$6a56 = BattleIntroSlidingPics.loop4
$6a5d = BattleIntroSlidingPics.loop5
$6a64 = BattleIntroSlidingPics.loop6
$6a69 = Mobile_PrintOpponentBattleMessage
$6aa3 = CheckBattleScene
$6ab8 = CheckBattleScene.mobile
$6ad1 = CheckBattleScene.from_wram
$6adf = CheckBattleScene.off
$6ae1 = GBCOnlyScreen
$6b1f = GBCOnlyScreen.loop
$6b24 = DrawGBCOnlyScreen
$6b49 = DrawGBCOnlyBorder
$6b74 = DrawGBCOnlyBorder.FillRow
$6b76 = DrawGBCOnlyBorder.next_column
$6b7b = DrawGBCOnlyBorder.FillColumn
$6b80 = DrawGBCOnlyBorder.next_row
$6b86 = DrawGBCOnlyGraphic
$6b89 = DrawGBCOnlyGraphic.y
$6b8b = DrawGBCOnlyGraphic.x
$6b97 = GBCOnlyString
$6bd5 = GBCOnlyGFX
$711b = PokeSeer
$7140 = PokeSeer.cancel
$7146 = PokeSeer.no_mon
$7147 = PokeSeer.egg
$714d = SeerAction
$7155 = SeerActions
$715f = SeerAction0
$716d = SeerAction1
$717e = SeerAction2
$7184 = SeerAction3
$718a = SeerAction4
$7193 = ReadCaughtData
$71be = ReadCaughtData.traded
$71cf = ReadCaughtData.error
$71d5 = GetCaughtName
$71eb = GetCaughtLevel
$7203 = GetCaughtLevel.print
$7213 = GetCaughtLevel.unknown
$7220 = GetCaughtLevel.unknown_level
$7224 = GetCaughtTime
$723e = GetCaughtTime.none
$7245 = GetCaughtTime.times
$7257 = UnknownCaughtData
$7261 = UnknownCaughtData.unknown
$7269 = GetCaughtLocation
$728d = GetCaughtLocation.Unknown
$7293 = GetCaughtLocation.event
$729a = GetCaughtLocation.fail
$72a1 = GetCaughtOT
$72c3 = GetCaughtOT.got_grammar
$72ca = GetCaughtOT.male
$72cb = GetCaughtOT.female
$72cc = PrintSeerText
$72db = SeerTexts
$72eb = SeerSeeAllText
$72f0 = SeerCantTellAThingText
$72f5 = SeerNameLocationText
$72fa = SeerTimeLevelText
$72ff = SeerTradeText
$7304 = SeerNoLocationText
$7309 = SeerEggText
$730e = SeerDoNothingText
$7313 = SeerAdvice
$7325 = SeerAdvice.next
$732d = SeerAdvice.print
$7335 = SeerAdviceTexts
$7347 = SeerMoreCareText
$734c = SeerMoreConfidentText
$7351 = SeerMuchStrengthText
$7356 = SeerMightyText
$735b = SeerImpressedText
$7360 = GetCaughtGender
$7375 = GetCaughtGender.male
$7378 = GetCaughtGender.genderless
EMPTY: $737b-$7fff ($0c85 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0c85 bytes
ROMX bank #20:
SECTION: $4000-$7d9b ($3d9c bytes) ["bank14"]
$4000 = SelectMonFromParty
$401d = SelectTradeOrDayCareMon
$403f = InitPartyMenuLayout
$404f = LoadPartyMenuGFX
$405f = WritePartyMenuTilemap
$4077 = WritePartyMenuTilemap.loop
$4084 = WritePartyMenuTilemap.end
$4089 = WritePartyMenuTilemap.Jumptable
$409b = PlacePartyNicknames
$40a7 = PlacePartyNicknames.loop
$40bf = PlacePartyNicknames.end
$40c8 = PlacePartyNicknames.CancelString
$40cf = PlacePartyHPBar
$40de = PlacePartyHPBar.loop
$4103 = PlacePartyHPBar.skip
$4117 = PlacePartymonHPBar
$4129 = PlacePartymonHPBar.not_fainted
$4138 = PlacePartyMenuHPDigits
$4143 = PlacePartyMenuHPDigits.loop
$416b = PlacePartyMenuHPDigits.next
$4176 = PlacePartyMonLevel
$4181 = PlacePartyMonLevel.loop
$41a1 = PlacePartyMonLevel.ThreeDigits
$41a7 = PlacePartyMonLevel.next
$41b2 = PlacePartyMonStatus
$41bd = PlacePartyMonStatus.loop
$41d5 = PlacePartyMonStatus.next
$41e0 = PlacePartyMonTMHMCompatibility
$41eb = PlacePartyMonTMHMCompatibility.loop
$420a = PlacePartyMonTMHMCompatibility.next
$4215 = PlacePartyMonTMHMCompatibility.PlaceAbleNotAble
$421d = PlacePartyMonTMHMCompatibility.able
$4221 = PlacePartyMonTMHMCompatibility.string_able
$4226 = PlacePartyMonTMHMCompatibility.string_not_able
$422f = PlacePartyMonEvoStoneCompatibility
$423a = PlacePartyMonEvoStoneCompatibility.loop
$425d = PlacePartyMonEvoStoneCompatibility.next
$4268 = PlacePartyMonEvoStoneCompatibility.DetermineCompatibility
$4287 = PlacePartyMonEvoStoneCompatibility.loop2
$429f = PlacePartyMonEvoStoneCompatibility.nope
$42a3 = PlacePartyMonEvoStoneCompatibility.string_able
$42a8 = PlacePartyMonEvoStoneCompatibility.string_not_able
$42b1 = PlacePartyMonGender
$42bc = PlacePartyMonGender.loop
$42df = PlacePartyMonGender.got_gender
$42e3 = PlacePartyMonGender.next
$42ee = PlacePartyMonGender.male
$42f5 = PlacePartyMonGender.female
$42fe = PlacePartyMonGender.unknown
$4307 = PlacePartyMonMobileBattleSelection
$4312 = PlacePartyMonMobileBattleSelection.loop
$433b = PlacePartyMonMobileBattleSelection.loop2
$4340 = PlacePartyMonMobileBattleSelection.loop3
$434a = PlacePartyMonMobileBattleSelection.done
$436b = PlacePartyMonMobileBattleSelection.String_Banme
$4372 = PlacePartyMonMobileBattleSelection.String_Sanka_Shinai
$4379 = PlacePartyMonMobileBattleSelection.String_Kettei_Yameru
$4383 = PlacePartyMonMobileBattleSelection.Strings_1_2_3
$4389 = PartyMenuCheckEgg
$4396 = GetPartyMenuQualityIndexes
$43ae = GetPartyMenuQualityIndexes.skip
$43b2 = PartyMenuQualityPointers
$43c6 = PartyMenuQualityPointers.Default
$43cc = PartyMenuQualityPointers.TMHM
$43d1 = PartyMenuQualityPointers.EvoStone
$43d6 = PartyMenuQualityPointers.Gender
$43db = PartyMenuQualityPointers.Mobile
$43e0 = InitPartyMenuGFX
$43ea = InitPartyMenuGFX.loop
$4405 = InitPartyMenuWithCancel
$4422 = InitPartyMenuWithCancel.skip
$4424 = InitPartyMenuWithCancel.done
$442d = InitPartyMenuNoCancel
$4444 = InitPartyMenuNoCancel.skip
$4446 = InitPartyMenuNoCancel.done
$444f = PartyMenu2DMenuData
$4457 = PartyMenuSelect
$448f = PartyMenuSelect.exitmenu
$449a = PlacePartyMenuText
$44ae = PlacePartyMenuText.haspokemon
$44be = PlacePartyMenuText.gotstring
$44d2 = PartyMenuStrings
$44e4 = ChooseAMonString
$44f3 = UseOnWhichPKMNString
$4504 = WhichPKMNString
$450e = TeachWhichPKMNString
$451e = MoveToWhereString
$452d = ChooseAFemalePKMNString
$453b = ChooseAMalePKMNString
$4549 = ToWhichPKMNString
$4556 = YouHaveNoPKMNString
$4566 = PrintPartyMenuActionText
$457b = PrintPartyMenuActionText.MenuActionTexts
$458f = PrintPartyMenuActionText.RecoveredSomeHPText
$4594 = PrintPartyMenuActionText.CuredOfPoisonText
$4599 = PrintPartyMenuActionText.RidOfParalysisText
$459e = PrintPartyMenuActionText.BurnWasHealedText
$45a3 = PrintPartyMenuActionText.WasDefrostedText
$45a8 = PrintPartyMenuActionText.WokeUpText
$45ad = PrintPartyMenuActionText.HealthReturnedText
$45b2 = PrintPartyMenuActionText.RevitalizedText
$45b7 = PrintPartyMenuActionText.GrewToLevelText
$45bc = PrintPartyMenuActionText.CameToItsSensesText
$45c1 = PrintPartyMenuActionText.PrintText
$45da = DoPoisonStep
$45e6 = DoPoisonStep.loop_clearPoisonStepData
$45ee = DoPoisonStep.loop_check_poison
$4605 = DoPoisonStep.not_poisoned
$4622 = DoPoisonStep.someone_has_fainted
$462c = DoPoisonStep.no_faint
$462e = DoPoisonStep.DamageMonIfPoisoned
$4654 = DoPoisonStep.not_fainted
$4658 = DoPoisonStep.PlayPoisonSFX
$4669 = DoPoisonStep.Script_MonFaintedToPoison
$4677 = DoPoisonStep.whiteout
$467b = DoPoisonStep.CheckWhitedOut
$4682 = DoPoisonStep.party_loop
$469c = DoPoisonStep.mon_not_fainted
$46b2 = DoPoisonStep.PoisonFaintText
$46b7 = DoPoisonStep.PoisonWhiteoutText
$46bc = SweetScentFromMenu
$46c8 = SweetScentFromMenu.SweetScent
$46e5 = SweetScentFromMenu.BugCatchingContest
$46e9 = SweetScentNothing
$46ef = SweetScentEncounter
$4712 = SweetScentEncounter.not_in_bug_contest
$4718 = SweetScentEncounter.start_battle
$471e = SweetScentEncounter.no_battle
$4726 = UseSweetScentText
$472b = SweetScentNothingText
$4730 = _Squirtbottle
$473c = _Squirtbottle.SquirtbottleScript
$474b = _Squirtbottle.SquirtbottleNothingScript
$474e = _Squirtbottle.SquirtbottleNothingText
$4753 = _Squirtbottle.CheckCanUseSquirtbottle
$4774 = _Squirtbottle.nope
$4779 = _CardKey
$47a9 = _CardKey.nope
$47af = _CardKey.CardKeyScript
$47b4 = _BasementKey
$47db = _BasementKey.nope
$47e1 = _BasementKey.BasementKeyScript
$47e6 = _SacredAsh
$47fb = CheckAnyFaintedMon
$4809 = CheckAnyFaintedMon.loop
$4815 = CheckAnyFaintedMon.next
$481d = CheckAnyFaintedMon.done
$4821 = SacredAshScript
$4845 = SacredAshScript.UseSacredAshText
$484a = CopyMonToTempMon
$487b = CopyMonToTempMon.copywholestruct
$488a = CopyMonToTempMon.done
$488b = CalcBufferMonStats
$4890 = CalcTempmonStats
$4893 = _TempMonStatsCalculation
$48c1 = _TempMonStatsCalculation.not_egg
$48cd = _TempMonStatsCalculation.zero_status
$48d5 = GetMonSpecies
$48e7 = GetMonSpecies.partymon
$48ec = GetMonSpecies.otpartymon
$48f1 = GetMonSpecies.boxmon
$4900 = GetMonSpecies.breedmon
$4905 = GetMonSpecies.done
$4909 = GetMonSpecies.done2
$490d = PrintMonTypes
$4928 = PrintMonTypes.Print
$492b = PrintMonTypes.hide_type_2
$493a = PrintMoveType
$4953 = PrintType
$4964 = GetTypeName
$497b = TypeNames
$49b3 = Normal
$49ba = Fighting
$49c3 = Flying
$49ca = Poison
$49d1 = CurseType
$49d5 = Fire
$49da = Water
$49e0 = Grass
$49e6 = Electric
$49ef = Psychic
$49f7 = Ice
$49fb = Ground
$4a02 = Rock
$4a07 = Bird
$4a0c = Bug
$4a10 = Ghost
$4a16 = Steel
$4a1c = Dragon
$4a23 = Dark
$4a28 = GetGen1TrainerClassName
$4a3a = GetGen1TrainerClassName.copy
$4a42 = Gen1TrainerClassNames
$4aa0 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Youngster
$4aa5 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.BugCatcher
$4aaa = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Lass
$4aaf = Gen1TrainerClassNames.JrTrainerM
$4ab3 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.JrTrainerF
$4ab7 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Pokemaniac
$4abb = Gen1TrainerClassNames.SuperNerd
$4ac0 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Burglar
$4ac5 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Engineer
$4ac9 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Jack
$4ace = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Swimmer
$4ad3 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Beauty
$4ad9 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Rocker
$4ade = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Juggler
$4ae4 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Blackbelt
$4ae8 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.ProfOak
$4aed = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Chief
$4af1 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Scientist
$4af9 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.Rocket
$4afe = Gen1TrainerClassNames.CooltrainerM
$4b04 = Gen1TrainerClassNames.CooltrainerF
$4b0a = DrawPlayerHP
$4b0e = DrawEnemyHP
$4b10 = DrawHP
$4b30 = DrawHP.at_least_1_hp
$4b41 = DrawHP.not_boxmon
$4b4a = DrawHP.fainted
$4b66 = DrawHP.not_boxmon_2
$4b7b = PrintTempMonStats
$4bab = PrintTempMonStats.PrintStat
$4bb5 = PrintTempMonStats.StatNames
$4bdd = GetGender
$4c03 = GetGender.PartyMon
$4c03 = GetGender.sBoxMon
$4c09 = GetGender.DVs
$4c48 = GetGender.Female
$4c4a = GetGender.Male
$4c4e = GetGender.Genderless
$4c50 = ListMovePP
$4c6f = ListMovePP.skip
$4c7a = ListMovePP.loop
$4cc8 = ListMovePP.done
$4cc9 = ListMovePP.load_loop
$4cd0 = BrokenPlacePPUnits.loop
$4cd0 = BrokenPlacePPUnits
$4cdb = Unused_PlaceEnemyHPLevel
$4d09 = Unused_PlaceEnemyHPLevel.egg
$4d0a = PlaceStatusString
$4d21 = FntString
$4d25 = CopyStatusString
$4d2e = PlaceNonFaintStatus
$4d53 = PlaceNonFaintStatus.place
$4d59 = PlaceNonFaintStatus.no_status
$4d5b = SlpString
$4d5f = PsnString
$4d63 = BrnString
$4d67 = FrzString
$4d6b = ParString
$4d6f = ListMoves
$4d74 = ListMoves.moves_loop
$4da7 = ListMoves.no_more_moves
$4da8 = ListMoves.nonmove_loop
$4db8 = ListMoves.done
$4db9 = InitList
$4dca = InitList.check_party_ot_name
$4dd8 = InitList.check_mon_name
$4de6 = InitList.check_item_name
$4df4 = InitList.check_ob_item_name
$4dfc = InitList.done
$4e1b = CalcLevel
$4e26 = CalcLevel.next_level
$4e45 = CalcLevel.got_level
$4e47 = CalcExpAtLevel
$4ec8 = CalcExpAtLevel.subtract
$4eda = CalcExpAtLevel.done_quadratic
$4eed = CalcExpAtLevel.LevelSquared
$4efa = GrowthRates
$4f12 = _SwitchPartyMons
$4f33 = _SwitchPartyMons.skip
$4f34 = _SwitchPartyMons.ClearSprite
$4f55 = _SwitchPartyMons.gfx_loop
$4f62 = _SwitchPartyMons.SwapMonAndMail
$5036 = _SwitchPartyMons.CopyNameToSwitchMonBuffer
$5039 = _SwitchPartyMons.CopyName
$5040 = GetUnownLetter
$5077 = GetMonFrontpic
$508b = GetAnimatedFrontpic
$50a5 = _GetFrontpic
$50d7 = GetFrontpicPointer
$50e5 = GetFrontpicPointer.unown
$50ea = GetFrontpicPointer.ok
$5103 = GetAnimatedEnemyFrontpic
$513b = GetAnimatedEnemyFrontpic.got_dims
$514f = LoadFrontpicTiles
$5161 = LoadFrontpicTiles.loop
$516c = GetMonBackpic
$5190 = GetMonBackpic.ok
$51c5 = FixPicBank
$51d4 = FixPicBank.PicsBanks
$51ec = GSIntro_GetMonFrontpic
$520d = GetTrainerPic
$525d = DecompressGet2bpp
$527c = FixBackpicAlignment
$5296 = FixBackpicAlignment.got_dims
$529b = FixBackpicAlignment.loop
$52a8 = FixBackpicAlignment.keep_dims
$52ab = PadFrontpic
$52b4 = PadFrontpic.seven_loop
$52bd = PadFrontpic.six
$52c3 = PadFrontpic.six_loop
$52d2 = PadFrontpic.five
$52d8 = PadFrontpic.five_loop
$52ed = PadFrontpic.Fill
$52f2 = LoadOrientedFrontpic
$52f8 = LoadOrientedFrontpic.left_loop
$52ff = LoadOrientedFrontpic.x_flip
$5300 = LoadOrientedFrontpic.right_loop
$5322 = InsertPokemonIntoBox
$538b = InsertPokemonIntoParty
$53cb = InsertSpeciesIntoBoxOrParty
$53d8 = InsertSpeciesIntoBoxOrParty.loop
$53e0 = InsertDataIntoBoxOrParty
$53ef = InsertDataIntoBoxOrParty.loop
$5415 = InsertDataIntoBoxOrParty.insert
$5424 = BaseData
$7384 = PokemonNames
$7d84 = BetaMonPicBanks
SECTION: $7d9c-$7e2d ($0092 bytes) ["Unused Egg Pic"]
$7d9c = UnusedEggPic
EMPTY: $7e2e-$7fff ($01d2 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $01d2 bytes
ROMX bank #21:
SECTION: $4000-$7321 ($3322 bytes) ["Map Scripts 1"]
$4000 = GoldenrodGym_MapScripts
$400a = GoldenrodGymNoop1Scene
$400b = GoldenrodGymNoop2Scene
$400c = GoldenrodGymWhitneyScript
$4037 = GoldenrodGymWhitneyScript.FightDone
$4044 = GoldenrodGymWhitneyScript.StoppedCrying
$4064 = GoldenrodGymWhitneyScript.GotPlainBadge
$4077 = GoldenrodGymWhitneyScript.GotAttract
$407b = GoldenrodGymWhitneyScript.NoRoomForAttract
$407d = GoldenrodGymActivateRockets
$4086 = GoldenrodGymActivateRockets.GoldenrodRockets
$4089 = GoldenrodGymActivateRockets.RadioTowerRockets
$408c = TrainerLassCarrie
$4098 = TrainerLassCarrie.Script
$40a0 = WhitneyCriesScript
$40bb = TrainerLassBridget
$40c7 = TrainerLassBridget.Script
$40cf = TrainerBeautyVictoria
$40db = TrainerBeautyVictoria.Script
$40e3 = TrainerBeautySamantha
$40ef = TrainerBeautySamantha.Script
$40f7 = GoldenrodGymGuideScript
$4105 = GoldenrodGymGuideScript.GoldenrodGymGuideWinScript
$410c = GoldenrodGymStatue
$4115 = GoldenrodGymStatue.Beaten
$411c = BridgetWalksUpMovement
$411f = BridgetWalksAwayMovement
$4122 = WhitneyBeforeText
$41a5 = WhitneyShouldntBeSoSeriousText
$41f4 = WhitneyYouMeanieText
$4222 = WhitneyWhatDoYouWantText
$4273 = PlayerReceivedPlainBadgeText
$428b = WhitneyPlainBadgeText
$4302 = WhitneyAttractText
$4360 = WhitneyGoodCryText
$439b = LassCarrieSeenText
$43d6 = LassCarrieBeatenText
$43f6 = LassCarrieAfterBattleText
$4411 = LassBridgetSeenText
$445f = LassBridgetBeatenText
$4470 = LassBridgetAfterBattleText
$44d4 = BridgetWhitneyCriesText
$452d = BeautyVictoriaSeenText
$4574 = BeautyVictoriaBeatenText
$458f = BeautyVictoriaAfterBattleText
$45be = BeautySamanthaSeenText
$45ed = BeautySamanthaBeatenText
$460b = BeautySamanthaAfterBattleText
$463a = GoldenrodGymGuideText
$46a7 = GoldenrodGymGuideWinText
$46dd = GoldenrodGym_MapEvents
$474d = GoldenrodBikeShop_MapScripts
$474f = GoldenrodBikeShopNoopScene
$4750 = GoldenrodBikeShopClerkScript
$4775 = GoldenrodBikeShopClerkScript.GotBicycle
$477b = GoldenrodBikeShopClerkScript.Refused
$4781 = GoldenrodBikeShopJustReleasedCompactBike
$4784 = GoldenrodBikeShopBicycle
$4787 = GoldenrodBikeShopClerkIntroText
$47f8 = GoldenrodBikeShopClerkAgreedText
$4848 = BorrowedABicycleText
$485f = GoldenrodBikeShopClerkFirstRateBikesText
$4898 = GoldenrodBikeShopClerkRefusedText
$48c0 = GoldenrodBikeShopJustReleasedCompactBikeText
$48ed = GoldenrodBikeShopBicycleText
$4907 = GoldenrodBikeShop_MapEvents
$4951 = GoldenrodHappinessRater_MapScripts
$4953 = GoldenrodHappinessRaterTeacherScript
$4973 = GoldenrodHappinessRaterTeacherScript.LovesYouALot
$4979 = GoldenrodHappinessRaterTeacherScript.ReallyTrustsYou
$497f = GoldenrodHappinessRaterTeacherScript.SortOfHappy
$4985 = GoldenrodHappinessRaterTeacherScript.QuiteCute
$498b = GoldenrodHappinessRaterTeacherScript.NotUsedToYou
$4991 = GoldenrodHappinessRaterTeacherScript.LooksMean
$4997 = GoldenrodHappinessRaterPokefanMScript
$499a = GoldenrodHappinessRaterTwinScript
$499d = HappinessRatersHouseBookshelf
$49a0 = HappinessRatersHouseRadio
$49a3 = GoldenrodHappinessRaterTeacherText
$49fc = GoldenrodHappinessRatingText_LovesYouALot
$4a2c = GoldenrodHappinessRatingText_ReallyTrustsYou
$4a5a = GoldenrodHappinessRatingText_SortOfHappy
$4a8e = GoldenrodHappinessRatingText_QuiteCute
$4a9f = GoldenrodHappinessRatingText_NotUsedToYou
$4ad1 = GoldenrodHappinessRatingText_LooksMean
$4b04 = GoldenrodHappinessRaterPokefanMText
$4b67 = GoldenrodHappinessRaterTwinText
$4b9c = GoldenrodHappinessRater_MapEvents
$4be2 = BillsFamilysHouse_MapScripts
$4be4 = BillScript
$4c13 = BillScript.NoRoom
$4c19 = BillScript.Refused
$4c1f = BillScript.GotEevee
$4c25 = BillsMomScript
$4c33 = BillsMomScript.HaventMetBill
$4c39 = BillsSisterScript
$4c58 = BillsSisterScript.GotBillsNumber
$4c5e = BillsSisterScript.Refused
$4c64 = BillsSisterScript.NoRoom
$4c6b = BillsHouseBookshelf1
$4c6e = BillsHouseBookshelf2
$4c71 = BillsHouseRadio
$4c74 = BillTakeThisEeveeText
$4d3f = BillImCountingOnYouText
$4dae = ReceivedEeveeText
$4dc1 = BillEeveeMayEvolveText
$4e02 = BillPartyFullText
$4e2d = BillNoEeveeText
$4e42 = BillPopWontWorkText
$4ea8 = BillsMomText_BeforeEcruteak
$4f4e = BillsMomText_AfterEcruteak
$4f9e = BillsSisterUsefulNumberText
$4fd9 = RecordedBillsNumberText
$4ff3 = BillsSisterRefusedNumberText
$5046 = BillsSisterPhoneFullText
$5069 = BillsSisterStorageSystemText
$509f = BillsFamilysHouse_MapEvents
$50e5 = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStation_MapScripts
$50eb = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationNoopScene
$50ec = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerScript
$50fa = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerScript.MagnetTrainToSaffron
$5122 = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerScript.MovementBoardTheTrain
$5124 = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerScript.PassNotInBag
$512a = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerScript.DecidedNotToRide
$5130 = Script_ArriveFromSaffron
$5143 = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationGentlemanScript
$5146 = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerApproachTrainDoorMovement
$514b = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerReturnToBoardingGateMovement
$514f = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationPlayerApproachAndEnterTrainMovement
$5158 = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationPlayerLeaveTrainAndEnterStationMovement
$5160 = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerTheTrainHasntComeInText
$51b7 = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerAreYouComingAboardText
$51ed = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerRightThisWayText
$522c = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerYouDontHaveARailPassText
$524f = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerHopeToSeeYouAgainText
$526a = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationOfficerArrivedInGoldenrodText
$52a3 = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStationGentlemanText
$531f = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStation_MapEvents
$535b = GoldenrodFlowerShop_MapScripts
$535d = FlowerShopTeacherScript
$538f = FlowerShopTeacherScript.Lalala
$5399 = FlowerShopTeacherScript.GotSquirtbottle
$539c = FlowerShopTeacherScript.NoPlainBadge
$539f = FlowerShopTeacherScript.HaventMetFloria
$53a2 = FlowerShopFloriaScript
$53bf = FlowerShopFloriaScript.GotSquirtbottle
$53c5 = FlowerShopFloriaScript.FoughtSudowoodo
$53cb = FlowerShopShelf1
$53ce = FlowerShopShelf2
$53d1 = FlowerShopRadio
$53d4 = GoldenrodFlowerShopTeacherMySisterWentToSeeWigglyTreeRoute36Text
$5463 = GoldenrodFlowerShopTeacherAskWantToBorrowWaterBottleText
$54c2 = GoldenrodFlowerShopTeacherHeresTheSquirtbottleText
$550d = GoldenrodFlowerShopTeacherDontDoAnythingDangerousText
$552e = GoldenrodFlowerShopTeacherLalalaHavePlentyOfWaterText
$5561 = GoldenrodFlowerShopFloriaWonderIfSisWillLendWaterBottleText
$55e6 = GoldenrodFlowerShopFloriaYouBeatWhitneyText
$5604 = GoldenrodFlowerShopFloriaItReallyWasAMonText
$561e = GoldenrodFlowerShop_MapEvents
$5648 = GoldenrodPPSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$564a = GoldenrodPPSpeechHouseFisherScript
$564d = GoldenrodPPSpeechHouseLassScript
$5650 = GoldenrodPPSpeechHouseBookshelf2
$5653 = GoldenrodPPSpeechHouseBookshelf1
$5656 = GoldenrodPPSpeechHouseRadio
$5659 = GoldenrodPPSpeechHouseFisherText
$56ca = GoldenrodPPSpeechHouseLassText
$5741 = GoldenrodPPSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$577a = GoldenrodNameRater_MapScripts
$577c = GoldenrodNameRater
$5784 = GoldenrodNameRaterBookshelf
$5787 = GoldenrodNameRaterRadio
$578a = UnusedSweetHoneyText
$57d6 = UnusedSweetHoneyBagFullText
$5819 = UnusedSweetHoneyGiveText
$583e = UnusedGotSweetHoneyText
$5857 = UnusedSweetHoneyAfterText1
$58b1 = UnusedSweetHoneyAfterText2
$58ea = UnusedSweetHoneyAfterText3
$593f = UnusedSweetHoneyButterfreeText
$5953 = GoldenrodNameRater_MapEvents
$597f = GoldenrodDeptStore1F_MapScripts
$5981 = GoldenrodDeptStore1FReceptionistScript
$5984 = GoldenrodDeptStore1FGentlemanScript
$5987 = GoldenrodDeptStore1FPokefanFScript
$598a = GoldenrodDeptStore1FBugCatcherScript
$598d = GoldenrodDeptStore1FDirectory
$5990 = GoldenrodDeptStore1FElevatorButton
$5993 = GoldenrodDeptStore1FReceptionistText
$59b7 = GoldenrodDeptStore1FGentlemanText
$5a1a = GoldenrodDeptStore1FPokefanFText
$5a3a = GoldenrodDeptStore1FBugCatcherText
$5a80 = GoldenrodDeptStore1FDirectoryText
$5b03 = GoldenrodDeptStore1F_MapEvents
$5b5b = GoldenrodDeptStore2F_MapScripts
$5b5d = GoldenrodDeptStore2FClerk1Script
$5b65 = GoldenrodDeptStore2FClerk2Script
$5b6d = GoldenrodDeptStore2FYoungsterScript
$5b70 = GoldenrodDeptStore2FCooltrainerFScript
$5b73 = GoldenrodDeptStore2FGentlemanScript
$5b76 = GoldenrodDeptStore2FDirectory
$5b79 = GoldenrodDeptStore2FElevatorButton
$5b7c = GoldenrodDeptStore2FUnusedText1
$5bd3 = GoldenrodDeptStore2FUnusedText2
$5c25 = GoldenrodDeptStore2FYoungsterText
$5c7b = GoldenrodDeptStore2FCooltrainerFText
$5cb7 = GoldenrodDeptStore2FGentlemanText
$5d28 = GoldenrodDeptStore2FDirectoryText
$5d56 = GoldenrodDeptStore2F_MapEvents
$5db6 = GoldenrodDeptStore3F_MapScripts
$5db8 = GoldenrodDeptStore3FClerkScript
$5dc0 = GoldenrodDeptStore3FSuperNerdScript
$5dc3 = GoldenrodDeptStore3FRockerScript
$5dc6 = GoldenrodDeptStore3FDirectory
$5dc9 = GoldenrodDeptStore3FElevatorButton
$5dcc = GoldenrodDeptStore3FSuperNerdText
$5e15 = GoldenrodDeptStore3FRockerText
$5e74 = GoldenrodDeptStore3FDirectoryText
$5ea1 = GoldenrodDeptStore3F_MapEvents
$5ee7 = GoldenrodDeptStore4F_MapScripts
$5ee9 = GoldenrodDeptStore4FClerkScript
$5ef1 = GoldenrodDeptStore4FCooltrainerMScript
$5ef4 = GoldenrodDeptStore4FBugCatcherScript
$5ef7 = GoldenrodDeptStore4FGameboyKidScript
$5f02 = GoldenrodDeptStore4FDirectory
$5f05 = GoldenrodDeptStore4FElevatorButton
$5f08 = GoldenrodDeptStore4FCooltrainerMText
$5f52 = GoldenrodDeptStore4FBugCatcherText
$5f74 = GoldenrodDeptStore4FGameboyKidText
$600d = GoldenrodDeptStore4FDirectoryText
$6038 = GoldenrodDeptStore4F_MapEvents
$608b = GoldenrodDeptStore5F_MapScripts
$6090 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FCheckIfSundayCallback
$6099 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FCheckIfSundayCallback.yes
$609c = GoldenrodDeptStore5FClerkScript
$60ad = GoldenrodDeptStore5FClerkScript.headbutt
$60b6 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FClerkScript.neither
$60bc = GoldenrodDeptStore5FClerkScript.onlyheadbutt
$60c2 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FClerkScript.onlyrocksmash
$60c8 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FClerkScript.both
$60ce = GoldenrodDeptStore5FReceptionistScript
$60ee = GoldenrodDeptStore5FReceptionistScript.VeryHappy
$60fd = GoldenrodDeptStore5FReceptionistScript.SomewhatHappy
$6103 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FReceptionistScript.NotVeryHappy
$6112 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FReceptionistScript.EventIsOver
$6116 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FReceptionistScript.Done
$6118 = Carrie
$612a = Carrie.NotGBC
$6130 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FLassScript
$6133 = Mike
$613a = GoldenrodDeptStore5FPokefanMScript
$613d = GoldenrodDeptStore5FDirectory
$6140 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FElevatorButton
$6143 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FReceptionistOhYourMonDotDotDotText
$615a = GoldenrodDeptStore5FReceptionistThisMoveShouldBePerfectText
$61a6 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FReceptionistItsAdorableText
$61d8 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FReceptionistItLooksEvilHowAboutThisTMText
$6202 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FReceptionistThereAreTMsPerfectForMonText
$6241 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FCarrieMysteryGiftExplanationText
$6279 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FCarrieMysteryGiftRequiresGBCText
$62ad = GoldenrodDeptStore5FLassText
$62f3 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FPokefanMText
$6364 = GoldenrodDeptStore5FDirectoryText
$6386 = GoldenrodDeptStore5F_MapEvents
$63f3 = GoldenrodDeptStore6F_MapScripts
$63f5 = GoldenrodVendingMachine
$63f9 = GoldenrodVendingMachine.Start
$640f = GoldenrodVendingMachine.FreshWater
$6429 = GoldenrodVendingMachine.SodaPop
$6443 = GoldenrodVendingMachine.Lemonade
$645d = GoldenrodVendingMachine.VendItem
$646a = GoldenrodVendingMachine.NotEnoughMoney
$6471 = GoldenrodVendingMachine.NotEnoughSpace
$6478 = GoldenrodVendingMachine.MenuHeader
$6480 = GoldenrodVendingMachine.MenuData
$64bf = GoldenrodDeptStore6FLassScript
$64c2 = GoldenrodDeptStore6FSuperNerdScript
$64c5 = GoldenrodDeptStore6FDirectory
$64c8 = GoldenrodDeptStore6FElevatorButton
$64cb = GoldenrodVendingText
$64ef = GoldenrodClangText
$6512 = GoldenrodVendingNoMoneyText
$652b = GoldenrodVendingNoSpaceText
$654b = GoldenrodDeptStore6FLassText
$65ca = GoldenrodDeptStore6FSuperNerdText
$661a = GoldenrodDeptStore6FDirectoryText
$664a = GoldenrodDeptStore6F_MapEvents
$6697 = GoldenrodDeptStoreElevator_MapScripts
$6699 = GoldenrodDeptStoreElevatorScript
$66c1 = GoldenrodDeptStoreElevatorScript.BoxLayout3
$66cb = GoldenrodDeptStoreElevatorScript.BoxLayout1
$66d5 = GoldenrodDeptStoreElevatorScript.BoxLayout2
$66df = GoldenrodDeptStoreElevatorScript.Done
$66e0 = GoldenrodDeptStoreElevatorData
$66fe = GoldenrodDeptStoreElevator_MapEvents
$6713 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoof_MapScripts
$671b = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofCheckSaleChangeBlockCallback
$6722 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofCheckSaleChangeBlockCallback.SaleIsOn
$672b = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofCheckSaleChangeClerkCallback
$6738 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofCheckSaleChangeClerkCallback.ChangeClerk
$673f = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofClerkScript
$6746 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofPokefanFScript
$6749 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofFisherScript
$6754 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofTwinScript
$6757 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofSuperNerdScript
$676a = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofPokefanMScript
$676d = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofTeacherScript
$6770 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofBugCatcherScript
$6773 = Binoculars1
$6776 = Binoculars2
$6779 = Binoculars3
$677c = PokeDollVendingMachine
$677f = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofPokefanFText
$67d2 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofFisherText
$6839 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofTwinText
$6867 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofSuperNerdOhWowText
$6871 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofSuperNerdQuitBotheringMeText
$688e = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofPokefanMText
$6901 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofTeacherText
$6942 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoofBugCatcherText
$69c3 = Binoculars1Text
$6a2b = Binoculars2Text
$6aa6 = Binoculars3Text
$6b11 = PokeDollVendingMachineText
$6b6d = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoof_MapEvents
$6bf4 = GoldenrodGameCorner_MapScripts
$6bf9 = GoldenrodGameCornerMoveTutorCallback
$6c0e = GoldenrodGameCornerMoveTutorCallback.move_tutor_inside
$6c11 = GoldenrodGameCornerMoveTutorCallback.move_tutor_outside
$6c19 = GoldenrodGameCornerMoveTutorCallback.finish
$6c1a = MoveTutorInsideScript
$6c25 = GoldenrodGameCornerCoinVendorScript
$6c28 = GoldenrodGameCornerTMVendorScript
$6c36 = GoldenrodGameCornerTMVendor_LoopScript
$6c4d = GoldenrodGameCornerTMVendor_LoopScript.Thunder
$6c69 = GoldenrodGameCornerTMVendor_LoopScript.Blizzard
$6c85 = GoldenrodGameCornerTMVendor_LoopScript.FireBlast
$6ca1 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeVendor_ConfirmPurchaseScript
$6ca6 = GoldenrodGameCornerTMVendor_FinishScript
$6cb1 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeVendor_NotEnoughCoinsScript
$6cb7 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeMonVendor_NoRoomForPrizeScript
$6cbd = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeVendor_CancelPurchaseScript
$6cc3 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeVendor_NoCoinCaseScript
$6cc9 = GoldenrodGameCornerTMVendorMenuHeader
$6cd1 = GoldenrodGameCornerTMVendorMenuHeader.MenuData
$6d01 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeMonVendorScript
$6d0c = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeMonVendorScript.loop
$6d26 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeMonVendorScript.Abra
$6d54 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeMonVendorScript.Cubone
$6d82 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeMonVendorScript.Wobbuffet
$6db0 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeMonVendorScript.MenuHeader
$6db8 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeMonVendorScript.MenuData
$6df1 = GoldenrodGameCornerPharmacistScript
$6dfc = GoldenrodGameCornerPokefanM1Script
$6e07 = GoldenrodGameCornerCooltrainerMScript
$6e12 = GoldenrodGameCornerPokefanFScript
$6e1d = GoldenrodGameCornerCooltrainerFScript
$6e20 = GoldenrodGameCornerGentlemanScript
$6e2b = GoldenrodGameCornerPokefanM2Script
$6e2e = GoldenrodGameCornerLeftTheirDrinkScript
$6e31 = GoldenrodGameCornerSlotsMachineScript
$6e40 = GoldenrodGameCornerLuckySlotsMachineScript
$6e49 = GoldenrodGameCornerCardFlipMachineScript
$6e50 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeVendorIntroText
$6e8b = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeVendorWhichPrizeText
$6ea8 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeVendorConfirmPrizeText
$6ebd = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeVendorHereYouGoText
$6ecb = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeVendorNeedMoreCoinsText
$6ee8 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeVendorNoMoreRoomText
$6f09 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeVendorQuitText
$6f35 = GoldenrodGameCornerPrizeVendorNoCoinCaseText
$6f55 = GoldenrodGameCornerPharmacistText
$6f9e = GoldenrodGameCornerPokefanM1Text
$6ff4 = GoldenrodGameCornerCooltrainerMText
$702b = GoldenrodGameCornerPokefanFText
$7097 = GoldenrodGameCornerCooltrainerFText
$70b1 = GoldenrodGameCornerGentlemanText
$710d = GoldenrodGameCornerPokefanM2Text
$718a = MoveTutorInsideText
$71af = GoldenrodGameCornerLeftTheirDrinkText
$71db = GoldenrodGameCorner_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7322-$7fff ($0cde bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0cde bytes
ROMX bank #22:
SECTION: $4000-$7711 ($3712 bytes) ["Map Scripts 2"]
$4000 = RuinsOfAlphOutside_MapScripts
$400d = RuinsOfAlphOutsideNoop1Scene
$400e = RuinsOfAlphOutsideNoop2Scene
$400f = RuinsOfAlphOutsideScientistCallback
$401e = RuinsOfAlphOutsideScientistCallback.MaybeScientist
$4027 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideScientistCallback.YesScientist
$402c = RuinsOfAlphOutsideScientistCallback.NoScientist
$4031 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideScientistScene1
$403a = RuinsOfAlphOutsideScientistScene2
$4043 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideScientistScript
$4044 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideScientistSceneContinue
$4061 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideFisherScript
$4070 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideFisherScript.Next
$4076 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideYoungster1Script
$407e = RuinsOfAlphOutsideYoungster2Script
$4089 = TrainerPsychicNathan
$4095 = TrainerPsychicNathan.Script
$409d = TrainerSuperNerdStan
$40a9 = TrainerSuperNerdStan.Script
$40b1 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideMysteryChamberSign
$40b4 = RuinsOfAlphSign
$40b7 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterSign
$40ba = RuinsOfAlphOutsideScientistWalkToLabMovement
$40c5 = RuinsOfAlphOutsidePlayerEnterLabMovement
$40c7 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideScientistText
$41e5 = SuperNerdStanSeenText
$4217 = SuperNerdStanBeatenText
$4250 = SuperNerdStanAfterBattleText
$42eb = PsychicNathanSeenText
$430b = PsychicNathanBeatenText
$430e = PsychicNathanAfterBattleText
$4325 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideMysteryChamberSignText
$4342 = RuinsOfAlphSignText
$4362 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterSignText
$43a4 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideFisherText1
$4420 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideFisherText2
$4449 = RuinsOfAlphOutsideYoungster1Text
$448e = RuinsOfAlphOutsideYoungster2Text
$44c3 = RuinsOfAlphOutside_MapEvents
$4560 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamber_MapScripts
$456d = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberCheckWallScene
$4577 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberCheckWallScene.OpenWall
$457b = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberNoopScene
$457c = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberHiddenDoorsCallback
$4586 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberHiddenDoorsCallback.WallOpen
$458d = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberHiddenDoorsCallback.FloorClosed
$4596 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberWallOpenScript
$45ae = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberPuzzle
$45ba = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberPuzzle.PuzzleComplete
$45e7 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberAncientReplica
$45ea = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberDescriptionSign
$45ed = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberWallPatternLeft
$45f8 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberWallPatternRight
$4609 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberWallPatternRight.WallOpen
$4610 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberSkyfallTopMovement
$4612 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberWallPatternLeftText
$4633 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberUnownText
$4644 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberWallPatternRightText
$4665 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberWallHoleText
$4685 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberAncientReplicaText
$46aa = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberDescriptionText
$46e1 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamber_MapEvents
$471e = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamber_MapScripts
$472b = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberCheckWallScene
$4732 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberCheckWallScene.OpenWall
$4736 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberNoopScene
$4737 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberHiddenDoorsCallback
$4741 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberHiddenDoorsCallback.WallOpen
$4748 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberHiddenDoorsCallback.FloorClosed
$4751 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberWallOpenScript
$4769 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberReceptionistScript
$476c = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberPuzzle
$4778 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberPuzzle.PuzzleComplete
$47a8 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberScientistScript
$47c0 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberScientistScript.PuzzleIncomplete
$47c9 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberScientistScript.WallOpen
$47cf = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberScientistScript.AllUnownCaught
$47d5 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberAncientReplica
$47d8 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberDescriptionSign
$47db = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberWallPatternLeft
$47e6 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberWallPatternRight
$47f7 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberWallPatternRight.WallOpen
$47fe = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberSkyfallTopMovement
$4800 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberReceptionistText
$48f5 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberScientistCrypticText
$497c = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberScientistHoleText
$49b8 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberScientistTremorText
$4a03 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberUnusedText
$4aa7 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberWallPatternLeftText
$4ac8 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberUnownText
$4ad9 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberWallPatternRightText
$4afa = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberWallHoleText
$4b1a = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberAncientReplicaText
$4b3f = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberDescriptionText
$4b85 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamber_MapEvents
$4bdc = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamber_MapScripts
$4be9 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberCheckWallScene
$4bf3 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberCheckWallScene.OpenWall
$4bf7 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberNoopScene
$4bf8 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberHiddenDoorsCallback
$4c02 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberHiddenDoorsCallback.WallOpen
$4c09 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberHiddenDoorsCallback.FloorClosed
$4c12 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberWallOpenScript
$4c2a = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberPuzzle
$4c36 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberPuzzle.PuzzleComplete
$4c63 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberAncientReplica
$4c66 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberDescriptionSign
$4c69 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberWallPatternLeft
$4c74 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberWallPatternRight
$4c85 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberWallPatternRight.WallOpen
$4c8c = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberSkyfallTopMovement
$4c8e = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberWallPatternLeftText
$4caf = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberUnownText
$4cc0 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberWallPatternRightText
$4ce1 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberWallHoleText
$4d01 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberAncientReplicaText
$4d26 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberDescriptionText
$4d63 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamber_MapEvents
$4da0 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamber_MapScripts
$4dad = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberCheckWallScene
$4db4 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberCheckWallScene.OpenWall
$4db8 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberNoopScene
$4db9 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberHiddenDoorsCallback
$4dc3 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberHiddenDoorsCallback.WallOpen
$4dca = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberHiddenDoorsCallback.FloorClosed
$4dd3 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberWallOpenScript
$4deb = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberPuzzle
$4df7 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberPuzzle.PuzzleComplete
$4e24 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberAncientReplica
$4e27 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberDescriptionSign
$4e2a = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberWallPatternLeft
$4e35 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberWallPatternRight
$4e46 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberWallPatternRight.WallOpen
$4e4d = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberSkyfallTopMovement
$4e4f = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberWallPatternLeftText
$4e70 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberUnownText
$4e81 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberWallPatternRightText
$4ea2 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberWallHoleText
$4ec2 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberAncientReplicaText
$4ee7 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberDescriptionText
$4f22 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamber_MapEvents
$4f5f = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamber_MapScripts
$4f69 = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamberNoopScene
$4f6a = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamberStrangePresenceScene
$4f6e = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamberStrangePresenceScript
$4f7d = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamberFisherScript
$4f80 = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamberTeacherScript
$4f83 = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamberGrampsScript
$4f86 = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamberStatue
$4f89 = RuinsOfAlphStrangePresenceText
$4fac = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamberFisherText
$4fda = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamberTeacherText
$5024 = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamberGrampsText
$5072 = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamberStatueText
$5097 = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamber_MapEvents
$5173 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenter_MapScripts
$5180 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterNoopScene
$5181 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterGetUnownDexScene
$5185 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientistCallback
$518b = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientistCallback.ShowScientist
$5192 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterGetUnownDexScript
$51d1 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist3Script
$51df = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist3Script.PrinterAvailable
$51e5 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Script
$51ff = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Script.UnownAppeared
$5205 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Script.GotUnownDex
$520b = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Script.GotAllUnown
$5214 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Script
$5228 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Script.UnownAppeared
$522e = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Script.GotAllUnown
$5234 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterComputer
$5241 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterComputer.SkipChecking
$5247 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterComputer.GotAllUnown
$524d = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterPrinter
$525a = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterPrinter.SkipChecking
$5260 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterPrinter.PrinterAvailable
$5269 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterPhoto
$526c = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterBookshelf
$526f = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterApproachesComputerMovement
$5274 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterApproachesPlayerMovement
$5276 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterLeavesPlayerMovement
$5278 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterModifiedDexText
$52fa = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterDexUpgradedText
$5311 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist3Text
$535f = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist3_PrinterAvailable
$53ed = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Text
$5445 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Text_GotUnownDex
$5478 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Text_UnownAppeared
$54cb = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Text_GotAllUnown
$554f = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Text
$55cb = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Text_UnownAppeared
$5669 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterUnusedText1
$56d3 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterUnusedText2
$5769 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Text_GotAllUnown
$57b6 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterComputerText
$57d9 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterComputerText_GotAllUnown
$580e = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterPrinterText_DoesntWork
$582d = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterUnownPrinterText
$5848 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterProfSilktreePhotoText
$5886 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterAcademicBooksText
$58d0 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenter_MapEvents
$5916 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhItemRoom_MapScripts
$5918 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhItemRoomGoldBerry
$591a = RuinsOfAlphHoOhItemRoomMysteryberry
$591c = RuinsOfAlphHoOhItemRoomRevivalHerb
$591e = RuinsOfAlphHoOhItemRoomCharcoal
$5920 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhItemRoomAncientReplica
$5923 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhItemRoomAncientReplicaText
$5948 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhItemRoom_MapEvents
$59a0 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoItemRoom_MapScripts
$59a2 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoItemRoomBerry
$59a4 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoItemRoomPsncureberry
$59a6 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoItemRoomHealPowder
$59a8 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoItemRoomEnergypowder
$59aa = RuinsOfAlphKabutoItemRoomAncientReplica
$59ad = RuinsOfAlphKabutoItemRoomAncientReplicaText
$59d2 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoItemRoom_MapEvents
$5a2a = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteItemRoom_MapScripts
$5a2c = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteItemRoomMysteryberry
$5a2e = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteItemRoomMysticWater
$5a30 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteItemRoomStardust
$5a32 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteItemRoomStarPiece
$5a34 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteItemRoomAncientReplica
$5a37 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteItemRoomAncientReplicaText
$5a5c = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteItemRoom_MapEvents
$5ab4 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylItemRoom_MapScripts
$5ab6 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylItemRoomGoldBerry
$5ab8 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylItemRoomMoonStone
$5aba = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylItemRoomHealPowder
$5abc = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylItemRoomEnergyRoot
$5abe = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylItemRoomAncientReplica
$5ac1 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylItemRoomAncientReplicaText
$5ae6 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylItemRoom_MapEvents
$5b3e = RuinsOfAlphHoOhWordRoom_MapScripts
$5b40 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhWordRoom_MapEvents
$5b55 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoWordRoom_MapScripts
$5b57 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoWordRoom_MapEvents
$5b6c = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteWordRoom_MapScripts
$5b6e = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteWordRoom_MapEvents
$5b83 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylWordRoom_MapScripts
$5b85 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylWordRoom_MapEvents
$5b9a = UnionCave1F_MapScripts
$5b9c = TrainerPokemaniacLarry
$5ba8 = TrainerPokemaniacLarry.Script
$5bb0 = TrainerHikerRussell
$5bbc = TrainerHikerRussell.Script
$5bc4 = TrainerHikerDaniel
$5bd0 = TrainerHikerDaniel.Script
$5bd8 = TrainerFirebreatherBill
$5be4 = TrainerFirebreatherBill.Script
$5bec = TrainerFirebreatherRay
$5bf8 = TrainerFirebreatherRay.Script
$5c00 = UnionCave1FGreatBall
$5c02 = UnionCave1FXAttack
$5c04 = UnionCave1FPotion
$5c06 = UnionCave1FAwakening
$5c08 = UnionCave1FUnusedSign
$5c0b = HikerRussellSeenText
$5c5f = HikerRussellBeatenText
$5c6c = HikerRussellAfterBattleText
$5cb5 = PokemaniacLarrySeenText
$5d1b = PokemaniacLarryBeatenText
$5d31 = PokemaniacLarryAfterBattleText
$5d73 = HikerDanielSeenText
$5dae = HikerDanielBeatenText
$5dc9 = HikerDanielAfterBattleText
$5e15 = FirebreatherBillSeenText
$5e60 = FirebreatherBillBeatenText
$5e6f = FirebreatherBillAfterBattleText
$5eaf = FirebreatherRaySeenText
$5ef4 = FirebreatherRayBeatenText
$5efc = FirebreatherRayAfterBattleText
$5f29 = UnionCave1FUnusedSignText
$5f35 = UnionCave1F_MapEvents
$5fc4 = UnionCaveB1F_MapScripts
$5fc6 = TrainerPokemaniacAndrew
$5fd2 = TrainerPokemaniacAndrew.Script
$5fda = TrainerPokemaniacCalvin
$5fe6 = TrainerPokemaniacCalvin.Script
$5fee = TrainerHikerPhillip
$5ffa = TrainerHikerPhillip.Script
$6002 = TrainerHikerLeonard
$600e = TrainerHikerLeonard.Script
$6016 = UnionCaveB1FTMSwift
$6018 = UnionCaveB1FXDefend
$601a = UnionCaveB1FBoulder
$601d = HikerPhillipSeenText
$606a = HikerPhillipBeatenText
$6073 = HikerPhillipAfterBattleText
$60bf = HikerLeonardSeenText
$60dd = HikerLeonardBeatenText
$60fb = HikerLeonardAfterBattleText
$614a = PokemaniacAndrewSeenText
$6173 = PokemaniacAndrewBeatenText
$6181 = PokemaniacAndrewAfterBattleText
$61b0 = PokemaniacCalvinSeenText
$6217 = PokemaniacCalvinBeatenText
$6230 = PokemaniacCalvinAfterBattleText
$628e = UnionCaveB1F_MapEvents
$6308 = UnionCaveB2F_MapScripts
$630d = UnionCaveB2FLaprasCallback
$6319 = UnionCaveB2FLaprasCallback.NoAppear
$631c = UnionCaveB2FLaprasCallback.Appear
$631f = UnionCaveLapras
$632e = TrainerCooltrainermNick
$633a = TrainerCooltrainermNick.Script
$6342 = TrainerCooltrainerfGwen
$634e = TrainerCooltrainerfGwen.Script
$6356 = TrainerCooltrainerfEmma
$6362 = TrainerCooltrainerfEmma.Script
$636a = UnionCaveB2FElixer
$636c = UnionCaveB2FHyperPotion
$636e = CooltrainermNickSeenText
$63d5 = CooltrainermNickBeatenText
$63f0 = CooltrainermNickAfterBattleText
$6444 = CooltrainerfGwenSeenText
$6467 = CooltrainerfGwenBeatenText
$6488 = CooltrainerfGwenAfterBattleText
$64b6 = CooltrainerfEmmaSeenText
$6507 = CooltrainerfEmmaBeatenText
$652b = CooltrainerfEmmaAfterBattleText
$657a = UnionCaveB2F_MapEvents
$65d3 = SlowpokeWellB1F_MapScripts
$65d5 = SlowpokeWellB1FKurtScript
$65d8 = TrainerGruntM29
$65e4 = TrainerGruntM29.Script
$65ec = TrainerGruntM1
$65f8 = TrainerGruntM1.Script
$6659 = TrainerGruntM2
$6665 = TrainerGruntM2.Script
$666d = TrainerGruntF1
$6679 = TrainerGruntF1.Script
$6681 = SlowpokeWellB1FSlowpokeWithMailScript
$668f = SlowpokeWellB1FSlowpokeWithMailScript.ReadMail
$6695 = SlowpokeWellB1FTaillessSlowpokeScript
$66a0 = SlowpokeWellB1FBoulder
$66a3 = SlowpokeWellB1FSuperPotion
$66a5 = KurtSlowpokeWellVictoryMovementData
$66b5 = SlowpokeWellB1FKurtText
$67ca = KurtLeaveSlowpokeWellText
$6825 = GruntM29SeenText
$68cc = GruntM29BeatenText
$68e8 = GruntM29AfterBattleText
$698b = GruntM1SeenText
$69d0 = GruntM1BeatenText
$69fc = TrainerGruntM1WhenTalkText
$6a8d = GruntM2SeenText
$6adf = GruntM2BeatenText
$6af2 = GruntM2AfterBattleText
$6b43 = GruntF1SeenText
$6b7b = GruntF1BeatenText
$6b8d = GruntF1AfterBattleText
$6bcb = SlowpokeWellB1FSlowpokeWithMailText
$6c09 = SlowpokeWellB1FSlowpokeMailText
$6c61 = SlowpokeWellB1FTaillessSlowpokeText
$6c84 = SlowpokeWellB1F_MapEvents
$6d09 = SlowpokeWellB2F_MapScripts
$6d0b = SlowpokeWellB2FGymGuideScript
$6d20 = SlowpokeWellB2FGymGuideScript.NoRoom
$6d22 = SlowpokeWellB2FGymGuideScript.GotKingsRock
$6d28 = SlowpokeWellB2FTMRainDance
$6d2a = SlowpokeWellB2FGymGuideText
$6df2 = SlowpokeWellB2FGymGuideText_GotKingsRock
$6e40 = SlowpokeWellB2F_MapEvents
$6e65 = OlivineLighthouse1F_MapScripts
$6e67 = OlivineLighthouse1FSailorScript
$6e6a = OlivineLighthouse1FPokefanFScript
$6e6d = OlivineLighthouse1FSailorText
$6ec2 = OlivineLighthouse1FPokefanFText
$6f36 = OlivineLighthouse1F_MapEvents
$6f6f = OlivineLighthouse2F_MapScripts
$6f71 = TrainerGentlemanAlfred
$6f7d = TrainerGentlemanAlfred.Script
$6f85 = TrainerSailorHuey
$6f91 = TrainerSailorHuey.Script
$6fb0 = TrainerSailorHuey.AskedBefore
$6fb3 = TrainerSailorHuey.AskForNumber
$6fc7 = TrainerSailorHuey.WantsBattle
$6fe2 = TrainerSailorHuey.Fight3
$6fe8 = TrainerSailorHuey.Fight2
$6fee = TrainerSailorHuey.Fight1
$6ff4 = TrainerSailorHuey.LoadFight0
$7001 = TrainerSailorHuey.LoadFight1
$700e = TrainerSailorHuey.LoadFight2
$701b = TrainerSailorHuey.LoadFight3
$703e = TrainerSailorHuey.SkipGift
$703f = TrainerSailorHuey.HasProtein
$7053 = TrainerSailorHuey.AskNumber1
$7057 = TrainerSailorHuey.AskNumber2
$705b = TrainerSailorHuey.RegisteredNumber
$705f = TrainerSailorHuey.NumberAccepted
$7063 = TrainerSailorHuey.NumberDeclined
$7067 = TrainerSailorHuey.PhoneFull
$706b = TrainerSailorHuey.Rematch
$706f = TrainerSailorHuey.PackFull
$7076 = TrainerSailorHuey.RematchGift
$707a = SailorHueySeenText
$70b0 = SailorHueyBeatenText
$70be = SailorHueyUnusedText
$70f8 = GentlemanAlfredSeenText
$711b = GentlemanAlfredBeatenText
$713e = GentlemanAlfredAfterBattleText
$71b6 = SailorHueyGiveProteinText
$71fd = OlivineLighthouse2F_MapEvents
$723b = OlivineLighthouse3F_MapScripts
$723d = TrainerBirdKeeperTheo
$7249 = TrainerBirdKeeperTheo.Script
$7251 = TrainerGentlemanPreston
$725d = TrainerGentlemanPreston.Script
$7265 = TrainerSailorTerrell
$7271 = TrainerSailorTerrell.Script
$7279 = OlivineLighthouse3FEther
$727b = BirdKeeperTheoSeenText
$72c4 = BirdKeeperTheoBeatenText
$72df = BirdKeeperTheoAfterBattleText
$7333 = SailorTerrellSeenText
$7365 = SailorTerrellBeatenText
$7384 = SailorTerrellAfterBattleText
$73f4 = GentlemanPrestonSeenText
$7437 = GentlemanPrestonBeatenText
$7457 = GentlemanPrestonAfterBattleText
$7481 = OlivineLighthouse3F_MapEvents
$74e8 = OlivineLighthouse4F_MapScripts
$74ea = TrainerLassConnie
$74f6 = TrainerLassConnie.Script
$74fe = TrainerSailorKent
$750a = TrainerSailorKent.Script
$7512 = SailorKentSeenText
$7565 = SailorKentBeatenText
$7584 = SailorKentAfterBattleText
$75c5 = LassConnie1SeenText
$762b = LassConnie1BeatenText
$763c = LassConnie1AfterBattleText
$76c0 = OlivineLighthouse4F_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7712-$7fff ($08ee bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $08ee bytes
ROMX bank #23:
SECTION: $4000-$7098 ($3099 bytes) ["Map Scripts 3"]
$4000 = NationalPark_MapScripts
$4002 = NationalParkLassScript
$4005 = NationalParkPokefanFScript
$4008 = NationalParkTeacher1Script
$401d = NationalParkTeacher1Script.GotQuickClaw
$4021 = NationalParkTeacher1Script.NoRoom
$4023 = NationalParkYoungster1Script
$4026 = NationalParkYoungster2Script
$4029 = NationalParkTeacher2Script
$402c = NationalParkPersian
$4037 = NationalParkGameboyKidScript
$4042 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1
$404e = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.Script
$4071 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.AskAgain
$4074 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.RequestNumber
$4088 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.Rematch
$40a7 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.Fight4
$40ad = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.Fight3
$40b3 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.Fight2
$40b9 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.Fight1
$40bf = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.LoadFight0
$40cc = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.LoadFight1
$40d9 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.LoadFight2
$40e6 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.LoadFight3
$40f3 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.LoadFight4
$40fc = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.AskNumber1
$4100 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.AskNumber2
$4104 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.RegisteredNumber
$4108 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.NumberAccepted
$410c = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.NumberDeclined
$4110 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.PhoneFull
$4114 = TrainerSchoolboyJack1.RematchStd
$4118 = TrainerPokefanmWilliam
$4124 = TrainerPokefanmWilliam.Script
$412c = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1
$4138 = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.Script
$4160 = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.AskAgain
$4163 = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.RequestNumber
$4177 = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.GiveNugget
$4186 = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.NoRoom
$4189 = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.NoMarill
$418f = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.AskNumber1
$4193 = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.AskNumber2
$4197 = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.RegisteredNumber
$419b = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.NumberAccepted
$419f = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.NumberDeclined
$41a3 = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.PhoneFull
$41a7 = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.Gift
$41ab = TrainerPokefanfBeverly1.PackFull
$41af = TrainerLassKrise
$41bb = TrainerLassKrise.Script
$41c3 = NationalParkRelaxationSquareSign
$41c6 = NationalParkBattleNoticeSign
$41c9 = NationalParkTrainerTipsSign
$41cc = NationalParkParlyzHeal
$41ce = NationalParkTMDig
$41d0 = NationalParkHiddenFullHeal
$41d3 = NationalParkLassText
$422e = NationalParkPokefanFText
$4265 = NationalParkTeacher1Text
$430d = NationalParkTeacher1Text_GotQuickClaw
$435d = NationalParkYoungster1Text
$438f = NationalParkYoungster2Text
$43bc = NationalParkTeacher2Text
$4416 = NationalParkPersianText
$442a = NationalParkGameboyKidText
$447e = SchoolboyJack1SeenText
$44e4 = SchoolboyJack1BeatenText
$44f3 = SchoolboyJackTradeMonText
$4552 = PokefanfBeverly1SeenText
$459e = PokefanfBeverly1BeatenText
$45bd = PokefanBeverlyCuteMonText
$45e9 = PokefanmWilliamSeenText
$4639 = PokefanmWilliamBeatenText
$4645 = PokefanmWilliamAfterBattleText
$468a = PokefanFBeverlyMarillFriendText
$46e4 = LassKriseSeenText
$4715 = LassKriseBeatenText
$471d = LassKriseAfterBattleText
$4750 = NationalParkRelaxationSquareText
$4771 = NationalParkBattleNoticeText
$47c6 = NationalParkTrainerTipsText
$4806 = NationalPark_MapEvents
$48ea = NationalParkBugContest_MapScripts
$48ec = BugCatchingContestant1AScript
$48f4 = BugCatchingContestant2AScript
$48fc = BugCatchingContestant3AScript
$4904 = BugCatchingContestant4AScript
$490c = BugCatchingContestant5AScript
$4914 = BugCatchingContestant6AScript
$491c = BugCatchingContestant7AScript
$4924 = BugCatchingContestant8AScript
$492c = BugCatchingContestant9AScript
$4934 = BugCatchingContestant10AScript
$493c = NationalParkBugContestRelaxationSquareSign
$493f = NationalParkBugContestBattleNoticeSign
$4942 = NationalParkBugContestTrainerTipsSign
$4945 = NationalParkBugContestParlyzHeal
$4947 = NationalParkBugContestTMDig
$4949 = NationalParkBugContestHiddenFullHeal
$494c = BugCatchingContestant1AText
$4973 = BugCatchingContestant2AText
$49a3 = BugCatchingContestant3AText
$49cc = BugCatchingContestant4AText
$4a15 = BugCatchingContestant5AText
$4a52 = BugCatchingContestant6AText
$4a8f = BugCatchingContestant7AText
$4ac8 = BugCatchingContestant8AText
$4b25 = BugCatchingContestant9AText
$4b64 = BugCatchingContestant10AText
$4ba7 = NationalParkBugContestRelaxationSquareText
$4bc8 = NationalParkBugContestBattleNoticeText
$4c1d = NationalParkBugContestTrainerTipsText
$4c5d = NationalParkBugContest_MapEvents
$4d27 = RadioTower1F_MapScripts
$4d29 = RadioTower1FReceptionistScript
$4d37 = RadioTower1FReceptionistScript.Rockets
$4d3d = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManScript
$4d4c = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManScript.skip
$4d84 = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManScript.GameOver
$4d8a = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManScript.FirstPlace
$4d9f = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManScript.SecondPlace
$4db4 = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManScript.ThirdPlace
$4dc9 = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManScript.NoPrize
$4dcf = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManScript.BagFull
$4dd5 = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanScript
$4e2d = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanScript.GotCard
$4e33 = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanScript.RadioCardText
$4e3e = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanScript.ReceiveItem
$4e42 = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanScript.WrongAnswer
$4e4b = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanScript.NoQuiz
$4e51 = RadioTower1FLassScript
$4e54 = RadioTower1FYoungsterScript
$4e57 = TrainerGruntM3
$4e63 = TrainerGruntM3.Script
$4e6b = RadioTower1FDirectory
$4e6e = RadioTower1FLuckyChannelSign
$4e71 = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManGoToPCMovement
$4e74 = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManReturnToPlayerMovement
$4e77 = RadioTower1FReceptionistWelcomeText
$4e81 = RadioTower1FReceptionistNoToursText
$4eba = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManAskToPlayText
$4f3a = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManThisWeeksIdIsText
$4f5a = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManCheckIfMatchText
$4f79 = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManDotDotDotText
$4f7e = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManComeAgainText
$4fb5 = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManPerfectMatchText
$5023 = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManOkayMatchText
$5076 = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManWeakMatchText
$50c0 = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManNoneOfYourIDNumbersMatchText
$50e6 = RadioTower1FLuckyNumberManNoRoomForYourPrizeText
$512d = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanOfferQuizText
$51f2 = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanQuestion1Text
$5231 = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanQuestion2Text
$5282 = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanQuestion3Text
$52bc = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanQuestion4Text
$530e = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanQuestion5Text
$537b = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanYouWinText
$53c0 = RadioTower1FPokegearIsARadioText
$53e5 = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanTuneInText
$5409 = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanWrongAnswerText
$5443 = RadioTower1FRadioCardWomanNotTakingQuizText
$5476 = RadioTower1FLassText
$54ac = RadioTower1FYoungsterText
$54f4 = GruntM3SeenText
$5582 = GruntM3BeatenText
$55a2 = GruntM3AfterBattleText
$55e7 = RadioTower1FDirectoryText
$5631 = RadioTower1FLuckyChannelSignText
$568e = RadioTower1F_MapEvents
$56fb = RadioTower2F_MapScripts
$56fd = RadioTower2FNoopScene
$56fe = RadioTower2FSuperNerdScript
$5701 = RadioTower2FTeacherScript
$570f = RadioTower2FTeacherScript.Rockets
$5715 = RadioTowerJigglypuff
$571f = RadioTower2FBlackBelt1Script
$5722 = RadioTower2FBlackBelt2Script
$5725 = TrainerGruntM4
$5731 = TrainerGruntM4.Script
$5739 = TrainerGruntM5
$5745 = TrainerGruntM5.Script
$574d = TrainerGruntM6
$5759 = TrainerGruntM6.Script
$5761 = TrainerGruntF2
$576d = TrainerGruntF2.Script
$5775 = Buena
$57be = Buena.DontNeedToMove
$5800 = Buena.Introduction
$580a = Buena.TuneIn
$581a = Buena.Registered0
$581e = Buena.ForgotPassword
$582f = Buena.PlayedAlready
$583f = Buena.Registered1
$5845 = Buena.WrongAnswer
$5865 = Buena.MidRocketTakeover
$586b = Buena.NoBlueCard
$587b = Buena.Registered2
$587f = Buena.BlueCardCapped0
$588f = Buena.Registered3
$5893 = Buena.TooEarly
$58a3 = Buena.Registered4
$58a4 = Buena.BlueCardCapped1
$58cc = Buena.OfferedNumberBefore
$58d0 = Buena.AskForNumber
$58ed = Buena.NumberDeclined
$58f6 = Buena.PhoneFull
$58fe = Buena.HasNumber
$58ff = RadioTowerBuenaPrizeReceptionist
$590f = RadioTowerBuenaPrizeReceptionist.NoCard
$5915 = RadioTower2FSalesSign
$5918 = RadioTower2FOaksPKMNTalkSign
$591b = RadioTower2FPokemonRadioSign
$591e = RadioTower2FBookshelf
$5921 = RadioTower2FPlayerWalksToMicrophoneMovement
$5924 = RadioTower2FSuperNerdText
$5956 = RadioTower2FTeacherText
$5983 = RadioTower2FTeacherText_Rockets
$59b6 = RadioTowerJigglypuffText
$59cb = RadioTower2FBlackBelt1Text
$5a44 = RadioTower2FBlackBelt2Text
$5a9b = GruntM4SeenText
$5af1 = GruntM4BeatenText
$5b07 = GruntM4AfterBattleText
$5b39 = GruntM5SeenText
$5b80 = GruntM5BeatenText
$5b99 = GruntM5AfterBattleText
$5bcd = GruntM6SeenText
$5bed = GruntM6BeatenText
$5c00 = GruntM6AfterBattleText
$5c64 = GruntF2SeenText
$5cbf = GruntF2BeatenText
$5cd0 = GruntF2AfterBattleText
$5cf4 = RadioTower2FBuenaShowIntroductionText
$5e10 = RadioTower2FBuenaTuneInToMyShowText
$5e35 = RadioTower2FBuenaDoYouKnowPasswordText
$5e84 = RadioTower2FBuenaJoinTheShowText
$5edd = RadioTower2FBuenaEveryoneSayPasswordText
$5f29 = RadioTower2FBuenaComeBackAfterListeningText
$5f6c = RadioTower2FBuenaAlreadyPlayedText
$5fc1 = RadioTower2FBuenaCorrectAnswerText
$601c = RadioTower2FBuenaDidYouForgetText
$6054 = RadioTower2FBuenaThanksForComingText
$60c2 = RadioTower2FBuenaPasswordIsHelpText
$60f1 = RadioTower2FBuenaCardIsFullText
$6131 = RadioTower2FBuenaTuneInAfterSixText
$6192 = RadioTower2FBuenaNoBlueCardText
$61ee = RadioTower2FBuenaOfferPhoneNumberText
$62bf = RadioTower2FBuenaOfferNumberAgainText
$62f3 = RadioTower2FRegisteredBuenasNumberText
$6310 = RadioTower2FBuenaCallMeText
$633c = RadioTower2FBuenaSadRejectedText
$635e = RadioTower2FBuenaYourPhoneIsFullText
$6392 = RadioTower2FBuenaReceptionistPointsForPrizesText
$63d8 = RadioTower2FBuenaReceptionistNoCardText
$6426 = RadioTower2FSalesSignText
$6430 = RadioTower2FOaksPKMNTalkSignText
$6463 = RadioTower2FPokemonRadioSignText
$6481 = RadioTower2F_MapEvents
$653e = RadioTower3F_MapScripts
$6543 = RadioTower3FCardKeyShutterCallback
$654a = RadioTower3FCardKeyShutterCallback.Change
$6553 = RadioTower3FSuperNerdScript
$6556 = RadioTower3FGymGuideScript
$6564 = RadioTower3FGymGuideScript.NoRockets
$656a = RadioTower3FCooltrainerFScript
$6584 = RadioTower3FCooltrainerFScript.UsedCardKey
$658a = RadioTower3FCooltrainerFScript.NoRockets
$659d = RadioTower3FCooltrainerFScript.GotSunnyDay
$65a1 = RadioTower3FCooltrainerFScript.NoRoom
$65a3 = TrainerGruntM7
$65af = TrainerGruntM7.Script
$65b7 = TrainerGruntM8
$65c3 = TrainerGruntM8.Script
$65cb = TrainerGruntM9
$65d7 = TrainerGruntM9.Script
$65df = TrainerScientistMarc
$65eb = TrainerScientistMarc.Script
$65f3 = CardKeySlotScript
$6603 = CardKeySlotScript.UsedCardKey
$6605 = CardKeySlotScript.HaveCardKey
$661b = RadioTower3FPersonnelSign
$661e = RadioTower3FPokemonMusicSign
$6621 = RadioTower3FSuperNerdText
$6682 = RadioTower3FGymGuideText_Rockets
$66eb = RadioTower3FGymGuideText
$6754 = RadioTower3FCooltrainerFPleaseSaveDirectorText
$67cb = RadioTower3FCooltrainerFIsDirectorSafeText
$67e2 = RadioTower3FCooltrainerFYoureMyHeroText
$6821 = RadioTower3FCooltrainerFItsSunnyDayText
$685c = RadioTower3FCooltrainerFYouWereMarvelousText
$6878 = GruntM7SeenText
$68c8 = GruntM7BeatenText
$68d0 = GruntM7AfterBattleText
$6904 = GruntM8SeenText
$6934 = GruntM8BeatenText
$6944 = GruntM8AfterBattleText
$697d = GruntM9SeenText
$69c2 = GruntM9BeatenText
$69d0 = GruntM9AfterBattleText
$6a14 = ScientistMarcSeenText
$6a43 = ScientistMarcBeatenText
$6a61 = ScientistMarcAfterBattleText
$6aa4 = RadioTower3FCardKeySlotText
$6abc = InsertedTheCardKeyText
$6ad6 = RadioTower3FPersonnelSignText
$6ae4 = RadioTower3FPokemonMusicSignText
$6b01 = RadioTower3F_MapEvents
$6b80 = RadioTower4F_MapScripts
$6b82 = RadioTower4FFisherScript
$6b85 = RadioTower4FDJMaryScript
$6b99 = RadioTower4FDJMaryScript.ClearedRockets
$6bac = RadioTower4FDJMaryScript.GotPinkBow
$6bb0 = RadioTower4FDJMaryScript.NoRoom
$6bb2 = RadioTowerMeowth
$6bbc = TrainerGruntM10
$6bc8 = TrainerGruntM10.Script
$6bd0 = TrainerExecutivem2
$6bdc = TrainerExecutivem2.Script
$6be4 = TrainerGruntF4
$6bf0 = TrainerGruntF4.Script
$6bf8 = TrainerScientistRich
$6c04 = TrainerScientistRich.Script
$6c0c = RadioTower4FProductionSign
$6c0f = RadioTower4FStudio2Sign
$6c12 = RadioTower4FFisherText
$6c68 = RadioTower4FDJMaryText
$6cab = RadioTower4FDJMaryText_ClearedRockets
$6cef = RadioTower4FDJMaryText_GivePinkBow
$6d2c = RadioTower4FDJMaryText_After
$6d66 = RadioTowerMeowthText
$6d77 = GruntM10SeenText
$6dcf = GruntM10BeatenText
$6de2 = GruntM10AfterBattleText
$6e04 = Executivem2SeenText
$6e50 = Executivem2BeatenText
$6e69 = Executivem2AfterBattleText
$6ec4 = GruntF4SeenText
$6f15 = GruntF4BeatenText
$6f31 = GruntF4AfterBattleText
$6f62 = ScientistRichSeenText
$6fa3 = ScientistRichBeatenText
$6fcb = ScientistRichAfterBattleText
$6ffe = RadioTower4FProductionSignText
$700d = RadioTower4FStudio2SignText
$701a = RadioTower4F_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7099-$7fff ($0f67 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0f67 bytes
ROMX bank #24:
SECTION: $4000-$728d ($328e bytes) ["Map Scripts 4"]
$4000 = RadioTower5F_MapScripts
$400e = RadioTower5FNoop1Scene
$400f = RadioTower5FNoop2Scene
$4010 = RadioTower5FNoop3Scene
$4011 = FakeDirectorScript
$4046 = Director
$4054 = Director.TrueDirector
$405a = TrainerExecutivef1
$4066 = TrainerExecutivef1.Script
$406e = RadioTower5FRocketBossScript
$40f1 = RadioTower5FRocketBossScript.UselessJump
$40fb = Ben
$40fe = RadioTower5FUltraBall
$4100 = RadioTower5FDirectorsOfficeSign
$4103 = RadioTower5FStudio1Sign
$4106 = RadioTower5FBookshelf
$4109 = FakeDirectorMovement
$410f = RadioTower5FDirectorWalksIn
$411a = RadioTower5FDirectorWalksOut
$4125 = RadioTower5FPlayerTwoStepsLeftMovement
$4128 = FakeDirectorTextBefore1
$4147 = FakeDirectorTextBefore2
$4223 = FakeDirectorWinText
$4246 = FakeDirectorTextAfter
$42cb = Executivef1SeenText
$431e = Executivef1BeatenText
$4358 = Executivef1AfterBattleText
$43d1 = RadioTower5FRocketBossBeforeText
$44f3 = RadioTower5FRocketBossWinText
$450e = RadioTower5FRocketBossAfterText
$45b2 = RadioTower5FDirectorThankYouText
$462c = RadioTower5FDirectorDescribeClearBellText
$4824 = RadioTower5FDirectorText
$48be = BenText
$48e0 = RadioTower5FDirectorsOfficeSignText
$48f9 = RadioTower5FStudio1SignText
$4906 = RadioTower5F_MapEvents
$4980 = OlivineLighthouse5F_MapScripts
$4982 = TrainerBirdKeeperDenis
$498e = TrainerBirdKeeperDenis.Script
$4996 = TrainerSailorErnest
$49a2 = TrainerSailorErnest.Script
$49aa = OlivineLighthouse5FRareCandy
$49ac = OlivineLighthouse5FSuperRepel
$49ae = OlivineLighthouse5FTMSwagger
$49b0 = OlivineLighthouse5FHiddenHyperPotion
$49b3 = SailorErnestSeenText
$49fe = SailorErnestBeatenText
$4a1f = SailorErnestAfterBattleText
$4a74 = BirdKeeperDenisSeenText
$4aaf = BirdKeeperDenisBeatenText
$4ac3 = BirdKeeperDenisAfterBattleText
$4b20 = OlivineLighthouse5F_MapEvents
$4b8f = OlivineLighthouse6F_MapScripts
$4b91 = OlivineLighthouseJasmine
$4ba5 = OlivineLighthouseJasmine.ExplainedSickness
$4bab = OlivineLighthouseJasmine.BroughtSecretpotion
$4c17 = OlivineLighthouseJasmine.FacingDown
$4c1e = OlivineLighthouseJasmine.FacingRight
$4c25 = OlivineLighthouseJasmine.Refused
$4c39 = OlivineLighthouseJasmine.Unused
$4c3a = OlivineLighthouseAmphy
$4c51 = OlivineLighthouseAmphy.HealthyNow
$4c66 = OlivineLighthouse6FSuperPotion
$4c68 = OlivineLighthouseJasmineLeavesUpMovement
$4c70 = OlivineLighthouseJasmineLeavesDownMovement
$4c79 = OlivineLighthouseJasmineLeavesRightMovement
$4c81 = JasmineCianwoodPharmacyText
$4d64 = JasmineGetSomeMedicineText
$4d99 = JasmineCureAmphyText
$4dc3 = PlayerHandedSecretpotionText
$4dea = JasmineDontBeOffendedText
$4e44 = JasmineAmphyHowAreYouFeelingText
$4e6c = JasmineThankYouText
$4edf = JasmineISeeText
$4ef1 = JasmineAmphyHangOnText
$4f03 = AmphyPalPalooText
$4f19 = AmphyBreathingLaboredText
$4f3d = AmphyPaluPaluluText
$4f53 = OlivineLighthouse6F_MapEvents
$4f8f = GoldenrodPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$4f91 = GoldenrodPokecenter1FNurseScript
$4f94 = GoldenrodPokecenter1F_GSBallSceneLeft
$4f9e = GoldenrodPokecenter1F_GSBallSceneLeft.gsball
$4fd8 = GoldenrodPokecenter1F_GSBallSceneLeft.cancel
$4fd9 = GoldenrodPokecenter1F_GSBallSceneRight
$4fe3 = GoldenrodPokecenter1F_GSBallSceneRight.gsball
$501d = GoldenrodPokecenter1F_GSBallSceneRight.cancel
$501e = GoldenrodPokecenter1FGameboyKidScript
$5021 = GoldenrodPokecenter1FLassScript
$5024 = GoldenrodPokecenter1FPokefanF
$504b = GoldenrodPokecenter1FPokefanF.NoEonMail
$5051 = GoldenrodPokecenter1FPokefanF.NoRoom
$505a = GoldenrodPokeCenter1FLinkReceptionistApproachPlayerAtLeftDoorwayTileMovement
$5060 = GoldenrodPokeCenter1FLinkReceptionistWalkToStairsFromLeftDoorwayTileMovement
$5065 = GoldenrodPokeCenter1FLinkReceptionistApproachPlayerAtRightDoorwayTileMovement
$506c = GoldenrodPokeCenter1FLinkReceptionistWalkToStairsFromRightDoorwayTileMovement
$5072 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterWelcomeToTradeCornerText
$50ce = GoldenrodPokecomCenterWeMustHoldYourMonText
$5111 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterWhatMonDoYouWantText
$513b = GoldenrodPokecomCenterWeWillTradeYourMonForMonText
$51c9 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterWeWillTradeYourMonForNewText
$5271 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterYourMonHasBeenReceivedText
$52d8 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterYouHaveOnlyOneMonText
$5344 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterWeHopeToSeeYouAgainText
$535f = GoldenrodPokecomCenterCommunicationErrorText
$5375 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterCantAcceptLastMonText
$53a9 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterCantAcceptEggText
$53c8 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterCantAcceptAbnormalMonText
$5409 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterAlreadyHoldingMonText
$5438 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterCheckingTheRoomsText
$545c = GoldenrodPokecomCenterTradePartnerHasBeenFoundText
$549a = GoldenrodPokecomCenterItsYourNewPartnerText
$54ed = GoldenrodPokecomCenterYourPartyIsFullText
$5544 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterNoTradePartnerFoundText
$55a5 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterReturnedYourMonText
$55c2 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterYourMonIsLonelyText
$566e = GoldenrodPokecenter1FWeHopeToSeeYouAgainText_2
$5689 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterContinueToHoldYourMonText
$56b4 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterRecentlyLeftYourMonText
$56fb = GoldenrodPokecomCenterSaveBeforeTradeCornerText
$5727 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterWhichMonToTradeText
$5749 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterTradeCanceledText
$576f = GoldenrodPokecomCenterEggTicketText
$57d2 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterOddEggBriefingText
$591f = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPleaseWaitAMomentText
$5936 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterHereIsYourOddEggText
$5996 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterNoEggTicketServiceText
$59db = GoldenrodPokecomCenterNewsMachineText
$59f5 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterWhatToDoText
$5a11 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterNewsMachineExplanationText
$5b7c = GoldenrodPokecomCenterWouldYouLikeTheNewsText
$5b9d = GoldenrodPokecomCenterReadingTheLatestNewsText
$5bc4 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterNoOldNewsText
$5bdb = GoldenrodPokecomCenterCorruptedNewsDataText
$5c18 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterMakingPreparationsText
$5c4b = GoldenrodPokecomCenterSaveBeforeNewsMachineText
$5c89 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson1Text
$5cef = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson2Text
$5dfd = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson3Text
$5e5c = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson4Text
$5eb2 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson5Text
$5efa = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson6Text
$5f48 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson7Text
$5fc9 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson8Text
$602c = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson9Text
$606d = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson10Text
$60a1 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson11Text
$6105 = GoldenrodPokecenter1FGameboyKidText
$6173 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson12Text
$6222 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterPerson13Text
$6260 = GoldenrodPokecenter1FLassText
$62f0 = GoldenrodPokeCenter1FLinkReceptionistPleaseAcceptGSBallText
$6359 = GoldenrodPokeCenter1FLinkReceptionistPleaseDoComeAgainText
$6370 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterSignText
$63c7 = GoldenrodPokecomCenterNewsMachineNotYetText
$63fb = GoldenrodPokecenter1FPokefanFDoYouHaveEonMailText
$648c = GoldenrodPokecenter1FAskGiveAwayAnEonMailText
$64a4 = GoldenrodPokecenter1FPokefanFThisIsForYouText
$64e9 = GoldenrodPokecenter1FPokefanFDaughterWillBeDelightedText
$6509 = GoldenrodPokecenter1FPokefanFTooBadText
$652a = GoldenrodPokecenter1FPokefanFAnotherTimeThenText
$6549 = GoldenrodPokecenter1FPlayerGaveAwayTheEonMailText
$6564 = GoldenrodPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$65cf = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobile_MapScripts
$65d1 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileScientist1Script
$65d4 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileScientist2Script
$65d7 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileScientist3Script
$65da = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer1
$65df = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer1.loop
$65f0 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer1.PokeComClub
$65f8 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer1.MobileCenter
$6600 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer1.Quit
$6602 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer1.Computer1MenuHeader
$660a = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer1.MenuData
$6624 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer2
$6629 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer2.loop
$663a = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer2.UsePhone
$6642 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer2.DontUsePhone
$664a = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer2.Quit
$664c = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer2.Computer2MenuHeader
$6654 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer2.MenuData
$6671 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer3
$6674 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileScientist1Text
$66f9 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileScientist2Text
$6795 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileScientist3Text
$67ee = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer1Text
$6828 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer1Text_PokeComClub
$68f4 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer1Text_MobileCenter
$6989 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer2Text
$69ae = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer2Text_UsePhone
$6a5a = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer2Text_DontUsePhone
$6b26 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobileComputer3Text
$6c32 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobile_MapEvents
$6c78 = IlexForestAzaleaGate_MapScripts
$6c7a = IlexForestAzaleaGateOfficerScript
$6c7d = IlexForestAzaleaGateGrannyScript
$6c80 = IlexForestAzaleaGateOfficerText
$6cb0 = IlexForestAzaleaGateGrannyText
$6cf4 = IlexForestAzaleaGate_MapEvents
$6d28 = Route34IlexForestGate_MapScripts
$6d2d = Route34IsForestRestlessCallback
$6d38 = Route34IsForestRestlessCallback.Normal
$6d3d = Route34IlexForestGateCelebiEvent
$6d62 = Route34IlexForestGateCelebiEvent.skip
$6d63 = Route34IlexForestGateTeacherScript
$6d7e = Route34IlexForestGateTeacherScript.GotSweetScent
$6d82 = Route34IlexForestGateTeacherScript.NoRoom
$6d84 = Route34IlexForestGateTeacherScript.ForestIsRestless
$6d8a = Route34IlexForestGateButterfreeScript
$6d94 = Route34IlexForestGateLassScript
$6d97 = Route34IlexForestGateTeacherBlocksPlayerMovement
$6d9a = Route34IlexForestGateTeacherReturnsMovement
$6d9d = Route34IlexForestGateTeacherText
$6df6 = Route34IlexForestGateTeacher_GotSweetScent
$6e41 = Route34IlexForestGateTeacher_ForestIsRestless
$6e83 = Route34IlexForestGateButterfreeText
$6e97 = Route34IlexForestGateLassText
$6f20 = Route34IlexForestGate_MapEvents
$6f76 = DayCare_MapScripts
$6f7b = DayCareEggCheckCallback
$6f88 = DayCareEggCheckCallback.PutDayCareManOutside
$6f8f = DayCareManScript_Inside
$6fb6 = DayCareManScript_Inside.PartyFull
$6fbd = DayCareManScript_Inside.AlreadyHaveOddEgg
$6fc3 = DayCareLadyScript
$6fd1 = DayCareLadyScript.HusbandWasLookingForYou
$6fd7 = DayCareBookshelf
$6fda = Text_GrampsLookingForYou
$6ff7 = Text_DayCareManTalksAboutEggTicket
$70ce = DayCareManText_GiveOddEgg
$71a1 = DayCareText_ComeAgain
$71ae = DayCareText_GotOddEgg
$71c3 = DayCareText_DescribeOddEgg
$7237 = DayCareText_PartyFull
$7250 = DayCare_MapEvents
EMPTY: $728e-$7fff ($0d72 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0d72 bytes
ROMX bank #25:
SECTION: $4000-$7307 ($3308 bytes) ["Crystal Phone Text"]
$4000 = IrwinHangUpText
$4032 = IrwinRocketTakeoverRumorText
$4099 = IrwinPlainBadgeGossipText
$40e6 = IrwinJasmineReturnedGossipText
$416d = IrwinRocketHideoutGossipText
$41e8 = IrwinRadioTowerGossipText
$4247 = IrwinRisingBadgeGossipText
$42bb = IrwinEliteFourGossipText
$43d4 = IrwinVermilionCityGossipText
$4448 = IrwinTrainPassGossipText
$455b = IrwinSnorlaxGossipText
$45ff = IrwinMtSilverGossipText
$46a3 = IrwinCalledRightAwayText
$46df = IrwinFogBadgeGossipText
$47d8 = IrwinMarshBadgeGossipText
$4846 = IrwinYourEscapadesRockText
$4881 = IrwinGoodMatchText
$48dc = IrwinSoMuchToChatAboutText
$49dc = ArnieMonIsSoCuteText
$4a13 = ArnieDefeatedMonText
$4a71 = ArnieLostAMonText
$4ada = ArnieBattleRematchText
$4b48 = ArnieHangUpText
$4b5f = ArnieSwarmText
$4bc6 = ArnieHaventSeenRareMonText
$4c13 = ArnieReminderText
$4c5a = ArnieHurryText
$4cbd = AlanGettingStrongerText
$4cf3 = AlanDefeatedMonText
$4d4f = AlanLostAMonText
$4da4 = AlanBattleRematchText
$4e1f = AlanHangUpText
$4e2f = AlanFoundItemText
$4e90 = AlanHaventPickedUpAnythingText
$4ed4 = AlanReminderText
$4f1a = AlanComePickUpGiftText
$4f74 = DanaTakingPhotosText
$4fb2 = DanaDefeatedMonText
$501c = DanaLostAMonText
$5091 = DanaBattleRematchText
$50e2 = DanaHangUpText
$50ec = DanaFoundItemText
$5161 = DanaCanYouWaitABitLongerText
$51bf = DanaReminderText
$520f = DanaComePickUpText
$5271 = ChadObservingWildText
$5318 = ChadDefeatedMonText
$5399 = ChadLostAMonText
$5419 = ChadBattleRematchText
$5471 = ChadHangUpText
$5481 = ChadBlueGossipText
$54ea = ChadDaisyGossipText
$5555 = ChadProfElmGossipText
$55c7 = ChadProfOaksDreamGossipText
$5628 = ChadKurtGossipText
$569b = ChadLeagueGossipText
$574a = ChadPokemonTalkGossipText
$5810 = ChadProfOakTrainerGossipText
$58c6 = ChadDaisyTeaGossipText
$5969 = ChadProfOakTravelingGossipText
$5a23 = ChadGoingToStudyHardText
$5a63 = ChadReminderText
$5ab2 = DerekCheekPinchingText
$5b29 = DerekDefeatedMonText
$5bc8 = DerekLostAMonText
$5c4e = DerekHangUpText
$5c66 = DerekBugCatchingContestText
$5cf9 = DerekFoundItemText
$5d5c = DerekLetsGetTogetherText
$5da6 = DerekComePickUpText
$5de4 = TullyMonHasGrownText
$5e42 = TullyDefeatedMonText
$5eac = TullyLostAMonText
$5f17 = TullyBattleRematchText
$5f6e = TullyHangUpText
$5f88 = TullyFoundItemText
$5ff2 = TullyNoItemText
$6043 = TullyForwardText
$6087 = TullyHurryText
$60be = BrentRareTradeText
$613c = BrentDefeatedMonText
$618c = BrentLostAMonText
$6214 = BrentBattleRematchText
$62a9 = BrentHangUpText
$62bc = BrentFatherGossipText
$62fc = BrentGrandpaGossipText
$6335 = BrentGoldenrodGossipText
$6366 = BrentRoute25GossipText
$63a1 = BrentAbraGossipText
$63e6 = BrentSisterGossipText
$6421 = BrentMilkGossipText
$645f = BrentBattlingGossipText
$649b = BrentFlowerShopGossipText
$64dd = BrentKimonoGirlGossipText
$651e = BrentSorryImTooBusyText
$6579 = BrentReminderText
$65ad = TiffanyMonIsAdorableText
$6605 = TiffanyDefeatedMonText
$6688 = TiffanyLostAMonText
$6730 = TiffanyBattleRematchText
$6796 = TiffanyItsAwfulText
$67f7 = TiffanyHangUpText
$6801 = TiffanyFoundItemText
$6882 = TiffanyNoItemText
$68a3 = TiffanyAsleepText
$691d = TiffanyHurryText
$6980 = VanceMonHasBecomeTougherText
$69b2 = VanceDefeatedMonText
$69ed = VanceLostAMonText
$6a3a = VanceBattleRematchText
$6a93 = VanceHangUpText
$6aa5 = VanceLookingForwardText
$6ad1 = VanceHurryHurryText
$6afc = WiltonMonHasGrownText
$6b3e = WiltonDefeatedMonText
$6b8f = WiltonLostAMonText
$6bf3 = WiltonBattleRematchText
$6c58 = WiltonHangUpText
$6c6b = WiltonFoundItemText
$6ca7 = WiltonHaventFoundAnythingText
$6cf7 = WiltonNotBitingText
$6d45 = WiltonWantThisText
$6dab = KenjiHangUpText
$6dc5 = KenjiRemainDedicatedText
$6e17 = KenjiCallMeBackAnotherTimeText
$6e67 = KenjiIllHaveTimeToChatTomorrowText
$6ed3 = KenjiHangUpMorningText
$6f11 = KenjiTakingABreakText
$6f52 = KenjiHangUpNightText
$6f9f = ParryNothingCanMatchText
$6fc0 = ParryDefeatedMonText
$7001 = ParryLostAMonText
$7096 = ParryBattleRematchText
$70eb = ParryHangUpText
$7106 = ParryBattleWithMeText
$712a = ParryHaventYouGottenToText
$717a = ErinMonIsMuchStrongerText
$71a4 = ErinDefeatedMonText
$71eb = ErinLostAMonText
$722e = ErinBattleRematchText
$7281 = ErinHangUpText
$7294 = ErinWorkingHardText
$72d5 = ErinComeBattleText
EMPTY: $7308-$7fff ($0cf8 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0cf8 bytes
ROMX bank #26:
SECTION: $4000-$7a66 ($3a67 bytes) ["Map Scripts 5"]
$4000 = Route11_MapScripts
$4002 = TrainerYoungsterOwen
$400e = TrainerYoungsterOwen.Script
$4016 = TrainerYoungsterJason
$4022 = TrainerYoungsterJason.Script
$402a = TrainerPsychicHerman
$4036 = TrainerPsychicHerman.Script
$403e = TrainerPsychicFidel
$404a = TrainerPsychicFidel.Script
$4052 = Route11Sign
$4055 = Route11FruitTree
$4057 = Route11HiddenRevive
$405a = YoungsterOwenSeenText
$4097 = YoungsterOwenBeatenText
$40b2 = YoungsterOwenAfterBattleText
$40f3 = YoungsterJasonSeenText
$4131 = YoungsterJasonBeatenText
$414a = YoungsterJasonAfterBattleText
$4175 = PsychicHermanSeenText
$4178 = PsychicHermanBeatenText
$417b = PsychicHermanAfterBattleText
$41a1 = PsychicFidelSeenText
$41cd = PsychicFidelBeatenText
$41ec = PsychicFidelAfterBattleText
$4238 = Route11SignText
$4242 = Route11_MapEvents
$4293 = VioletMart_MapScripts
$4295 = VioletMartClerkScript
$429c = VioletMartGrannyScript
$429f = VioletMartCooltrainerMScript
$42a2 = VioletMartGrannyText
$4323 = VioletMartCooltrainerMText
$4389 = VioletMart_MapEvents
$43c0 = VioletGym_MapScripts
$43c2 = VioletGymFalknerScript
$43ec = VioletGymFalknerScript.FightDone
$4412 = VioletGymFalknerScript.SpeechAfterTM
$4416 = VioletGymFalknerScript.NoRoomForMudSlap
$4418 = VioletGymActivateRockets
$4421 = VioletGymActivateRockets.GoldenrodRockets
$4424 = VioletGymActivateRockets.RadioTowerRockets
$4427 = TrainerBirdKeeperRod
$4433 = TrainerBirdKeeperRod.Script
$443b = TrainerBirdKeeperAbe
$4447 = TrainerBirdKeeperAbe.Script
$444f = VioletGymGuideScript
$445d = VioletGymGuideScript.VioletGymGuideWinScript
$4463 = VioletGymStatue
$446c = VioletGymStatue.Beaten
$4473 = FalknerIntroText
$454a = FalknerWinLossText
$45af = ReceivedZephyrBadgeText
$45c8 = FalknerZephyrBadgeText
$4648 = FalknerTMMudSlapText
$4735 = FalknerFightDoneText
$47cd = BirdKeeperRodSeenText
$482f = BirdKeeperRodBeatenText
$4837 = BirdKeeperRodAfterBattleText
$487f = BirdKeeperAbeSeenText
$48b3 = BirdKeeperAbeBeatenText
$48c7 = BirdKeeperAbeAfterBattleText
$48f9 = VioletGymGuideText
$49c8 = VioletGymGuideWinText
$4a0c = VioletGym_MapEvents
$4a5a = EarlsPokemonAcademy_MapScripts
$4a5c = AcademyEarl
$4a70 = AcademyEarl.Part1
$4a7d = AcademyEarl.Done
$4a83 = EarlsPokemonAcademyYoungster1Script
$4a86 = EarlsPokemonAcademyGameboyKid1Script
$4a91 = EarlsPokemonAcademyGameboyKid2Script
$4a9c = EarlsPokemonAcademyYoungster2Script
$4a9f = AcademyBlackboard
$4aa3 = AcademyBlackboard.Loop
$4abe = AcademyBlackboard.Poison
$4ac5 = AcademyBlackboard.Paralysis
$4acc = AcademyBlackboard.Sleep
$4ad3 = AcademyBlackboard.Burn
$4ada = AcademyBlackboard.Freeze
$4ae1 = AcademyBlackboard.BlackboardMenuHeader
$4ae9 = AcademyBlackboard.MenuData
$4af2 = AcademyBlackboard.Text
$4b0b = AcademyNotebook
$4b25 = AcademyNotebook.Done
$4b27 = AcademyStickerMachine
$4b2a = AcademyBookshelf
$4b2d = AcademyEarlSpinMovement
$4b3b = AcademyEarlIntroText
$4bbd = AcademyEarlTeachHowToWinText
$4c51 = AcademyEarlTeachMoreText
$4c7b = AcademyEarlTeachHowToRaiseWellText
$4d31 = AcademyEarlNoMoreToTeachText
$4d80 = EarlsPokemonAcademyYoungster1Text
$4dda = EarlsPokemonAcademyGameboyKid1Text
$4e07 = EarlsPokemonAcademyGameboyKid2Text
$4e39 = EarlsPokemonAcademyYoungster2Text
$4eb2 = AcademyBlackboardText
$4eeb = AcademyBlackboardText2
$4efe = AcademyPoisonText
$4f80 = AcademyParalysisText
$4fe2 = AcademySleepText
$5055 = AcademyBurnText
$50cb = AcademyFreezeText
$5136 = AcademyNotebookText
$5197 = AcademyNotebookText1
$5207 = AcademyNotebookText2
$5287 = AcademyNotebookText3
$5344 = AcademyStickerMachineText
$5375 = EarlsPokemonAcademy_MapEvents
$53e7 = VioletNicknameSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$53e9 = VioletNicknameSpeechHouseTeacherScript
$53ec = VioletNicknameSpeechHouseLassScript
$53ef = VioletNicknameSpeechHouseBirdScript
$53fa = VioletNicknameSpeechHouseTeacherText
$545e = VioletNicknameSpeechHouseLassText
$547c = VioletNicknameSpeechHouseBirdText
$5490 = VioletNicknameSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$54c7 = VioletPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$54c9 = VioletPokecenterNurse
$54cc = VioletPokecenter1F_ElmsAideScript
$54d7 = VioletPokecenter1F_ElmsAideScript.AskTakeEgg
$5511 = VioletPokecenter1F_ElmsAideScript.AideWalksAroundPlayer
$5523 = VioletPokecenter1F_ElmsAideScript.eggname
$5527 = VioletPokecenter1F_ElmsAideScript.AideGivesEgg
$552b = VioletPokecenter1F_ElmsAideScript.PartyFull
$5531 = VioletPokecenter1F_ElmsAideScript.RefusedEgg
$553a = VioletPokecenter1F_ElmsAideScript.SecondTimeAsking
$5540 = VioletPokecenter1FGameboyKidScript
$5543 = VioletPokecenter1FGentlemanScript
$5546 = VioletPokecenter1FYoungsterScript
$5549 = MovementData_AideWalksStraightOutOfPokecenter
$554e = MovementData_AideWalksLeftToExitPokecenter
$5551 = MovementData_AideFinishesLeavingPokecenter
$5555 = VioletPokecenterElmsAideFavorText
$55c5 = VioletPokecenterElmsAideGiveEggText
$5693 = VioletCityElmsAideFullPartyText
$56f2 = VioletPokecenterElmsAideRefuseText
$5712 = VioletPokecenterElmsAideAskEggText
$572d = VioletPokecenterFarawayLinkText
$5791 = VioletPokecenterMobileAdapterText
$5809 = VioletPokecenter1FGameboyKidText
$583c = VioletPokecenter1FGentlemanText
$58b8 = VioletPokecenter1FYoungsterText
$5935 = VioletPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$598b = VioletKylesHouse_MapScripts
$598d = VioletKylesHousePokefanMScript
$5990 = Kyle
$5997 = VioletKylesHousePokefanMText
$5a01 = VioletKylesHouse_MapEvents
$5a2b = Route32RuinsOfAlphGate_MapScripts
$5a2d = Route32RuinsOfAlphGateOfficerScript
$5a30 = Route32RuinsOfAlphGatePokefanMScript
$5a33 = Route32RuinsOfAlphGateYoungsterScript
$5a36 = Route32RuinsOfAlphGateOfficerText
$5a81 = Route32RuinsOfAlphGatePokefanMText
$5abd = Route32RuinsOfAlphGateYoungsterText
$5b0f = Route32RuinsOfAlphGate_MapEvents
$5b50 = Route32Pokecenter1F_MapScripts
$5b52 = Route32Pokecenter1FNurseScript
$5b55 = Route32Pokecenter1FFishingGuruScript
$5b74 = Route32Pokecenter1FFishingGuruScript.Refused
$5b7a = Route32Pokecenter1FFishingGuruScript.GotOldRod
$5b80 = Route32Pokecenter1FCooltrainerFScript
$5b83 = Route32Pokecenter1FFishingGuruText_Question
$5be8 = Route32Pokecenter1FFishingGuruText_Yes
$5c1b = Route32Pokecenter1FFishingGuruText_GiveOldRod
$5c6c = Route32Pokecenter1FFishingGuruText_No
$5c8d = Route32Pokecenter1FFishingGuruText_After
$5cac = Route32Pokecenter1FCooltrainerFText
$5cf9 = Route32Pokecenter1F_MapEvents
$5d35 = Route35GoldenrodGate_MapScripts
$5d37 = RandyScript
$5d73 = RandyScript.alreadyhavekenya
$5d79 = RandyScript.partyfull
$5d7f = RandyScript.refused
$5d85 = RandyScript.questcomplete
$5d92 = RandyScript.gothpup
$5d96 = RandyScript.bagfull
$5d98 = GiftSpearowMail
$5db9 = GiftSpearowName
$5dbf = GiftSpearowOTName
$5dc6 = Route35GoldenrodGatePokefanFScript
$5dd4 = Route35GoldenrodGatePokefanFScript.FoughtSudowoodo
$5dda = Route35GoldenrodGateFisherScript
$5ddd = Route35GoldenrodGateRandyAskTakeThisMonToMyFriendText
$5e48 = Route35GoldenrodGateRandyThanksText
$5eb8 = Route35GoldenrodGatePlayerReceivedAMonWithMailText
$5ed6 = Route35GoldenrodGateRandyWeirdTreeBlockingRoadText
$5f56 = Route35GoldenrodGateRandyCantCarryAnotherMonText
$5f74 = Route35GoldenrodGateRandyOhNeverMindThenText
$5f8b = Route35GoldenrodGateRandySomethingForYourTroubleText
$5fd9 = Route35GoldenrodGateRandyMyPalWasSnoozingRightText
$600a = Route35GoldenrodGatePokefanFText
$609a = Route35GoldenrodGatePokefanFText_FoughtSudowoodo
$60cb = Route35GoldenrodGateFisherText
$6148 = Route35GoldenrodGate_MapEvents
$6189 = Route35NationalParkGate_MapScripts
$619d = Route35NationalParkGateNoop1Scene
$619e = Route35NationalParkGateNoop2Scene
$619f = Route35NationalParkGateLeaveContestEarlyScene
$61a3 = Route35NationalParkGateCheckIfContestRunningCallback
$61ac = Route35NationalParkBugContestIsRunningScript
$61af = Route35NationalParkGateCheckIfContestAvailableCallback
$61ca = Route35NationalParkGateCheckIfContestAvailableCallback.SetContestOfficer
$61d1 = Route35NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript
$61ee = Route35NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.GoBackToContest
$6204 = Route35OfficerScriptContest
$6234 = Route35NationalParkGate_OkayToProceed
$6261 = Route35NationalParkGate_EnterContest
$626c = Route35NationalParkGate_FacingLeft
$6271 = Route35NationalParkGate_LeaveTheRestBehind
$627d = Route35NationalParkGate_LessThanFullParty
$62a3 = Route35NationalParkGate_DeclinedToParticipate
$62a9 = Route35NationalParkGate_DeclinedToLeaveMonsBehind
$62af = Route35NationalParkGate_FirstMonIsFainted
$62b5 = Route35NationalParkGate_NoRoomInBox
$62bb = Route35NationalParkGate_FirstMonIsEgg
$62c1 = Route35NationalParkGate_ContestIsOver
$62c7 = Route35NationalParkGate_NoContestToday
$62ca = Route35NationalParkGateOfficerScript
$62d8 = Route35NationalParkGateYoungsterScript
$62db = BugCatchingContestExplanationSign
$62de = Route35NationalParkGate_GetDayOfWeek
$62e2 = Route35NationalParkGatePlayerApproachOfficer1Movement
$62e5 = Route35NationalParkGatePlayerGoAroundOfficerAndEnterParkMovement
$62e9 = Route35NationalParkGatePlayerEnterParkMovement
$62eb = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1AskToParticipateText
$639d = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1GiveParkBallsText
$63c7 = Route35NationalParkGatePlayerReceivedParkBallsText
$63e2 = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1ExplainsRulesText
$64c6 = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1AskToUseFirstMonText
$6537 = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1WellHoldYourMonText
$656b = Route35NationalParkGatePlayersMonLeftWithHelperText
$6597 = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1ChooseMonAndComeBackText
$65dc = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1TakePartInFutureText
$6608 = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1FirstMonCantBattleText
$667c = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1MakeRoomText
$671f = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1EggAsFirstMonText
$679a = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1WantToFinishText
$67db = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1WaitAtNorthGateText
$6823 = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1OkGoFinishText
$684f = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1ContestIsOverText
$6894 = Route35NationalParkGateOfficer1WeHoldContestsText
$68d8 = Route35NationalParkGateYoungsterText
$690e = BugCatchingContestExplanationText
$69d2 = Route35NationalParkGate_MapEvents
$6a18 = Route36RuinsOfAlphGate_MapScripts
$6a1a = Route36RuinsOfAlphGateOfficerScript
$6a1d = Route36RuinsOfAlphGateGrampsScript
$6a20 = Route36RuinsOfAlphGateOfficerText
$6a5b = Route36RuinsOfAlphGateGrampsText
$6ac9 = Route36RuinsOfAlphGate_MapEvents
$6afd = Route36NationalParkGate_MapScripts
$6b11 = Route36NationalParkGateNoop1Scene
$6b12 = Route36NationalParkGateNoop2Scene
$6b13 = Route36NationalParkGateLeaveContestEarlyScene
$6b17 = Route36NationalParkGateCheckIfContestRunningCallback
$6b20 = Route36NationalParkGateCheckIfContestRunningCallback.BugContestIsRunning
$6b23 = Route36NationalParkGateCheckIfContestAvailableCallback
$6b42 = Route36NationalParkGateCheckIfContestAvailableCallback.SetContestOfficer
$6b46 = Route36NationalParkGateCheckIfContestAvailableCallback.Return
$6b47 = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript
$6b76 = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.GoBackToContest
$6b8c = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.CopyContestants
$6b94 = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.Not1
$6b9c = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.Not2
$6ba4 = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.Not3
$6bac = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.Not4
$6bb4 = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.Not5
$6bbc = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.Not6
$6bc4 = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.Not7
$6bcc = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.Not8
$6bd4 = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.Not9
$6bdc = Route36NationalParkGateLeavingContestEarlyScript.Not10
$6be0 = Route36OfficerScriptContest
$6c10 = Route36OfficerScriptContest.ResumeStartingContest
$6c41 = Route36OfficerScriptContest.LeaveMonsWithOfficer
$6c4d = Route36OfficerScriptContest.ContinueLeavingMons
$6c73 = Route36OfficerScriptContest.DecidedNotToJoinContest
$6c79 = Route36OfficerScriptContest.RefusedToLeaveMons
$6c7f = Route36OfficerScriptContest.FirstMonIsFainted
$6c85 = Route36OfficerScriptContest.BoxFull
$6c8b = Route36OfficerScriptContest.FirstMonIsEgg
$6c91 = Route36Officer_ContestHasConcluded
$6caf = Route36Officer_ContestHasConcluded.Sunstone
$6cbe = Route36Officer_ContestHasConcluded.Everstone
$6ccd = Route36Officer_ContestHasConcluded.GoldBerry
$6cdc = Route36Officer_ContestHasConcluded.Berry
$6ceb = Route36Officer_ContestHasConcluded.BagFull
$6cf1 = _ContestNotOn
$6cf4 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficerScript
$6d02 = Route36ParkGate_DayToText
$6d06 = BugCatchingContestant1BScript
$6d14 = BugCatchingContestant1BScript.StillCompeting
$6d1a = BugCatchingContestant2BScript
$6d28 = BugCatchingContestant2BScript.StillCompeting
$6d2e = BugCatchingContestant3BScript
$6d3c = BugCatchingContestant3BScript.StillCompeting
$6d42 = BugCatchingContestant4BScript
$6d50 = BugCatchingContestant4BScript.StillCompeting
$6d56 = BugCatchingContestant5BScript
$6d64 = BugCatchingContestant5BScript.StillCompeting
$6d6a = BugCatchingContestant6BScript
$6d78 = BugCatchingContestant6BScript.StillCompeting
$6d7e = BugCatchingContestant7BScript
$6d8c = BugCatchingContestant7BScript.StillCompeting
$6d92 = BugCatchingContestant8BScript
$6da0 = BugCatchingContestant8BScript.StillCompeting
$6da6 = BugCatchingContestant9BScript
$6db4 = BugCatchingContestant9BScript.StillCompeting
$6dba = BugCatchingContestant10BScript
$6dc8 = BugCatchingContestant10BScript.StillCompeting
$6dce = UnusedBugCatchingContestExplanationSign
$6dd1 = Route36NationalParkGatePlayerWaitWithContestantsMovement
$6dd5 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1AskToParticipateText
$6e87 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1GiveParkBallsText
$6eb1 = Route36NationalParkGatePlayerReceivedParkBallsText
$6ecc = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1ExplainsRulesText
$6fb0 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1AskToUseFirstMonText
$7021 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1WellHoldYourMonText
$7055 = Route36NationalParkGatePlayersMonLeftWithHelperText
$7081 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1ChooseMonAndComeBackText
$70c6 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1TakePartInFutureText
$70f2 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1FirstMonCantBattleText
$7166 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1MakeRoomText
$7209 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1EggAsFirstMonText
$7284 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1WantToFinishText
$72c5 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1WaitHereForAnnouncementText
$7300 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1OkGoFinishText
$732b = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1ContestIsOverText
$7370 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1SomeMonOnlySeenInParkText
$7399 = BugCatchingContestant1BText
$73c4 = BugCatchingContestant1BStillCompetingText
$740f = BugCatchingContestant2BText
$7440 = BugCatchingContestant2BStillCompetingText
$7462 = BugCatchingContestant3BText
$7496 = BugCatchingContestant3BStillCompetingText
$74da = BugCatchingContestant4BText
$750a = BugCatchingContestant4BStillCompetingText
$754e = BugCatchingContestant5BText
$757c = BugCatchingContestant5BStillCompetingText
$75b0 = BugCatchingContestant6BText
$75dd = BugCatchingContestant6BStillCompetingText
$764b = BugCatchingContestant7BText
$7698 = BugCatchingContestant7BStillCompetingText
$76b8 = BugCatchingContestant8BText
$76e9 = BugCatchingContestant8BStillCompetingText
$771b = BugCatchingContestant9BText
$7740 = BugCatchingContestant9BStillCompetingText
$776f = BugCatchingContestant10BText
$77af = BugCatchingContestant10BStillCompetingText
$77e7 = UnusedSilphScope2Text
$784c = UnusedBugCatchingContestExplanationText
$7910 = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1WellHoldPrizeText
$797f = Route36NationalParkGateOfficer1HeresThePrizeText
$79ac = Route36NationalParkGate_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7a67-$7fff ($0599 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0599 bytes
ROMX bank #27:
SECTION: $4000-$76a3 ($36a4 bytes) ["Map Scripts 6"]
$4000 = Route8_MapScripts
$4002 = TrainerBikerDwayne
$400e = TrainerBikerDwayne.Script
$4016 = TrainerBikerHarris
$4022 = TrainerBikerHarris.Script
$402a = TrainerBikerZeke
$4036 = TrainerBikerZeke.Script
$403e = TrainerSupernerdSam
$404a = TrainerSupernerdSam.Script
$4052 = TrainerSupernerdTom
$405e = TrainerSupernerdTom.Script
$4066 = Route8LockedDoor
$4069 = Route8UndergroundPathSign
$406c = Route8FruitTree
$406e = BikerDwayneSeenText
$40be = BikerDwayneBeatenText
$40c8 = BikerDwayneAfterBattleText
$40f4 = BikerHarrisSeenText
$4134 = BikerHarrisBeatenText
$4143 = BikerHarrisAfterBattleText
$4167 = BikerZekeSeenText
$4194 = BikerZekeBeatenText
$41a3 = BikerZekeAfterBattleText
$41d0 = SupernerdSamSeenText
$41f3 = SupernerdSamBeatenText
$4219 = SupernerdSamAfterBattleText
$423d = SupernerdTomSeenText
$425d = SupernerdTomBeatenText
$427e = SupernerdTomAfterBattleText
$42aa = Route8LockedDoorText
$42b7 = Route8UndergroundPathSignText
$42e1 = Route8_MapEvents
$4349 = MahoganyMart1F_MapScripts
$4356 = MahoganyMart1FNoopScene
$4357 = MahoganyMart1FLanceUncoversStairsScene
$435b = MahoganyMart1FStaircaseCallback
$4362 = MahoganyMart1FStaircaseCallback.ShowStairs
$4367 = MahoganyMart1FPharmacistScript
$4375 = MahoganyMart1FPharmacistScript.LanceEntered
$437b = MahoganyMart1FBlackBeltScript
$4389 = MahoganyMart1FBlackBeltScript.LanceEntered
$438f = MahoganyMart1FLanceUncoversStaircaseScript
$43ee = MahoganyMart1FGrannyScript
$43f6 = MahoganyMart1FDragoniteTackleMovement
$43fb = MahoganyMart1FBlackBeltKnockedBackMovement
$4403 = MahoganyMart1FPharmacistShovedAsideMovement
$4407 = MahoganyMart1FLanceApproachPlayerMovement
$440a = MahoganyMart1FLanceApproachPharmacistMovement
$440e = MahoganyMart1FLanceApproachHiddenStairsMovement
$4412 = MahoganyMart1FLanceGoDownStairsMovement
$4414 = MahoganyMart1FRageCandyBarText
$446b = MahoganyMart1FPharmacistText_LanceEntered
$4494 = MahoganyMart1FBlackBeltText
$4501 = MahoganyMart1FBlackBeltText_LanceEntered
$452a = MahoganyMart1FLanceDragoniteHyperBeamText
$4549 = MahoganyMart1FLanceRadioText
$459e = MahoganyMart1FLanceStairsText
$45ba = MahoganyMart1FLanceSplitUpText
$45fb = MahoganyMart1F_MapEvents
$4651 = TeamRocketBaseB1F_MapScripts
$465a = TeamRocketBaseB1FNoopScene
$465b = TeamRocketBaseB1FHideSecurityGruntCallback
$465e = SecurityCamera1a
$46a7 = SecurityCamera1b
$46f0 = SecurityCamera2a
$473c = SecurityCamera2b
$4788 = SecurityCamera3a
$47d4 = SecurityCamera3b
$4820 = SecurityCamera4
$486c = SecurityCamera5
$48b8 = NoSecurityCamera
$48b9 = TrainerCameraGrunt1
$48ce = TrainerCameraGrunt2
$48e3 = PlaySecurityCameraSounds
$4900 = ExplodingTrap1
$490e = ExplodingTrap2
$491c = ExplodingTrap3
$492a = ExplodingTrap4
$4938 = ExplodingTrap5
$4946 = ExplodingTrap6
$4954 = ExplodingTrap7
$4962 = ExplodingTrap8
$4970 = ExplodingTrap9
$497e = ExplodingTrap10
$498c = ExplodingTrap11
$499a = ExplodingTrap12
$49a8 = ExplodingTrap13
$49b6 = ExplodingTrap14
$49c4 = ExplodingTrap15
$49d2 = ExplodingTrap16
$49e0 = ExplodingTrap17
$49ee = ExplodingTrap18
$49fc = ExplodingTrap19
$4a0a = ExplodingTrap20
$4a18 = ExplodingTrap21
$4a26 = ExplodingTrap22
$4a34 = VoltorbExplodingTrap
$4a47 = GeodudeExplodingTrap
$4a5a = KoffingExplodingTrap
$4a6d = NoExplodingTrap
$4a6e = TrainerScientistJed
$4a7a = TrainerScientistJed.Script
$4a82 = TrainerGruntM16
$4a8e = TrainerGruntM16.Script
$4a96 = TeamRocketBaseB1FSecurityCamera
$4a99 = TeamRocketBaseB1FBookshelf
$4a9c = TeamRocketBaseB1FSecretSwitch
$4abe = TeamRocketBaseB1FSecretSwitch.SecretSwitchOff
$4ac4 = TeamRocketBaseB1FHyperPotion
$4ac6 = TeamRocketBaseB1FNugget
$4ac8 = TeamRocketBaseB1FGuardSpec
$4aca = TeamRocketBaseB1FHiddenRevive
$4acd = SecurityCameraMovement1
$4ad2 = SecurityCameraMovement2
$4ada = SecurityCameraMovement3
$4ae3 = SecurityCameraMovement4
$4aea = SecurityCameraMovement5
$4af2 = SecurityCameraMovement6
$4afa = SecurityCameraMovement7
$4b02 = SecurityCameraMovement8
$4b0c = SecurityCameraMovement9
$4b12 = CameraGrunt1SeenText
$4b28 = CameraGrunt1BeatenText
$4b39 = CameraGrunt2SeenText
$4b59 = CameraGrunt2BeatenText
$4bbb = ScientistJedSeenText
$4c0b = ScientistJedBeatenText
$4c16 = ScientistJedAfterBattleText
$4cb7 = GruntM16SeenText
$4d12 = GruntM16BeatenText
$4d1b = GruntM16AfterBattleText
$4d7c = TeamRocketBaseB1FSecurityCameraText
$4dad = TeamRocketBaseB1FSecretSwitchText
$4dd0 = TeamRocketBaseB1FSwitchOffText
$4deb = TeamRocketBaseB1F_MapEvents
$4f70 = TeamRocketBaseB2F_MapScripts
$4f85 = TeamRocketBaseB2FNoop1Scene
$4f86 = TeamRocketBaseB2FNoop2Scene
$4f87 = TeamRocketBaseB2FNoop3Scene
$4f88 = TeamRocketBaseB2FNoop4Scene
$4f89 = TeamRocketBaseB2FTransmitterDoorCallback
$4f90 = TeamRocketBaseB2FTransmitterDoorCallback.OpenDoor
$4f95 = RocketBaseBossFLeft
$4f9c = RocketBaseBossFRight
$4fac = RocketBaseBossFScript
$5075 = RocketBaseCantLeaveScript
$507a = RocketBaseLancesSideScript
$5085 = LanceHealsScript1
$508b = LanceHealsScript2
$5091 = LanceHealsCommon
$50be = LanceHealsCommon.FacingRight
$50c5 = TrainerGruntM17
$50d1 = TrainerGruntM17.Script
$50d9 = TrainerGruntM18
$50e5 = TrainerGruntM18.Script
$50ed = TrainerGruntM19
$50f9 = TrainerGruntM19.Script
$5101 = RocketElectrode1
$512c = RocketElectrode2
$5157 = RocketElectrode3
$5182 = TeamRocketBaseB2FReloadMap
$5184 = RocketBaseElectrodeScript
$51d7 = TeamRocketBaseB2FLockedDoor
$51db = TeamRocketBaseB2FLockedDoor.Script
$51e8 = TeamRocketBaseB2FLockedDoor.KnowsPassword
$51fa = TeamRocketBaseB2FTransmitterScript
$5207 = TeamRocketBaseB2FTransmitterScript.Deactivated
$520d = TeamRocketBaseB2FTMThief
$520f = TeamRocketBaseB2FHiddenFullHeal
$5212 = RocketBaseLanceLeavesAfterHealMovement
$5219 = RocketBaseLanceLeavesAfterHealRightMovement
$521f = RocketBasePlayerApproachesBossFMovement
$5224 = RocketBaseBossFApproachesPlayerMovement
$522f = RocketBaseGruntApproachesPlayerMovement
$5236 = RocketBaseDragoniteAttacksMovement
$523b = RocketBaseBossFHitMovement
$5241 = RocketBaseBossFFacesPlayerMovement
$5244 = RocketBaseLanceApproachesBossFMovement
$5248 = RocketBaseBossFBattlesPlayerMovement
$524a = RocketBaseGruntBattlesLanceMovement
$524c = RocketBaseGruntProtectsBossFMovement
$5250 = RocketBaseLanceChecksPlayerMovement
$5254 = RocketBaseLanceApproachesMachineMovement
$5258 = RocketBaseLancePacesMovement
$5267 = RocketBaseLanceApproachesElectrodesMovement
$5271 = RocketBasePlayerCantLeaveElectrodesMovement
$5278 = RocketBasePlayerCantGoRightMovement
$527a = RocketBaseLanceLeavesElectrodesMovement
$5283 = RocketBaseLanceLeavesBaseMovement
$528c = RocketBasePlayerLeavesElectrodesMovement1
$5299 = RocketBasePlayerLeavesElectrodesMovement2
$52a4 = RocketBasePlayerLeavesElectrodesMovement3
$52ad = RocketBaseExecutiveFHoldItText
$52c3 = RocketBaseBossFThrashText
$538c = RocketBaseLanceShareFunText
$53bd = RocketBaseBossDontMeddleText
$545c = RocketBaseBossWinText
$54c6 = RocketBaseBossRetreatText
$55d8 = RocketBaseLancePostBattleText
$564e = RocketBaseLancePowerOffText
$56cf = RockerBaseLanceElectrodeFaintText
$57ea = RocketBaseLancesSideText
$5809 = RocketBaseLanceElectrodeDoneText
$58e6 = RocketBaseReceivedHM06Text
$58f8 = RocketBaseLanceWhirlpoolText
$5994 = RocketBaseLanceMonMasterText
$5a97 = LanceHealsText1
$5af7 = LanceHealsText2
$5b22 = GruntM17SeenText
$5b79 = GruntM17BeatenText
$5b88 = GruntM17AfterBattleText
$5bca = GruntM18SeenText
$5c09 = GruntM18BeatenText
$5c1a = GruntM18AfterBattleText
$5cb0 = GruntM19SeenText
$5cc9 = GruntM19BeatenText
$5cd1 = GruntM19AfterBattleText
$5d39 = RocketBaseDoorNoPasswordText
$5d6b = RocketBaseDoorKnowPasswordText
$5da7 = RocketBaseB2FTransmitterText
$5e03 = RocketBaseB2FDeactivateTransmitterText
$5e44 = TeamRocketBaseB2F_MapEvents
$5fd4 = TeamRocketBaseB3F_MapScripts
$5fe9 = TeamRocketBaseB3FLanceGetsPasswordScene
$5fed = TeamRocketBaseB3FNoop1Scene
$5fee = TeamRocketBaseB3FNoop2Scene
$5fef = TeamRocketBaseB3FNoop3Scene
$5ff0 = TeamRocketBaseB3FCheckGiovanniDoorCallback
$5ff7 = TeamRocketBaseB3FCheckGiovanniDoorCallback.OpenSesame
$5ffc = LanceGetPasswordScript
$6019 = RocketBaseRival
$6048 = TeamRocketBaseB3FRocketScript
$604b = RocketBaseBossLeft
$6052 = RocketBaseBossRight
$6056 = RocketBaseBoss
$6091 = RocketBaseMurkrow
$609b = SlowpokeTailGrunt
$60a7 = GruntF5Script
$60b2 = RaticateTailGrunt
$60be = GruntM28Script
$60c9 = TrainerScientistRoss
$60d5 = TrainerScientistRoss.Script
$60dd = TrainerScientistMitch
$60e9 = TrainerScientistMitch.Script
$60f1 = TeamRocketBaseB3FLockedDoor
$60f5 = TeamRocketBaseB3FLockedDoor.Script
$6105 = TeamRocketBaseB3FLockedDoor.NeedsPassword
$610b = TeamRocketBaseB3FLockedDoor.OpenSesame
$611d = TeamRocketBaseB3FOathScript
$6120 = TeamRocketBaseB3FProtein
$6122 = TeamRocketBaseB3FXSpecial
$6124 = TeamRocketBaseB3FFullHeal
$6126 = TeamRocketBaseB3FIceHeal
$6128 = TeamRocketBaseB3FUltraBall
$612a = RocketBaseLanceApproachesPlayerMovement
$612c = RocketBaseLanceLeavesMovement
$6133 = RocketBasePlayerApproachesBossLeftMovement
$613a = RocketBasePlayerApproachesBossRightMovement
$6142 = RocketBaseBossApproachesPlayerMovement
$6144 = RocketBaseBossHitsTableMovement
$6147 = RocketBaseBossLeavesMovement
$6164 = RocketBaseRivalEnterMovement
$616d = RocketBaseRivalLeavesMovement
$6175 = RocketBaseRivalShovesPlayerMovement
$6179 = LanceGetPasswordText
$6235 = TeamRocketBaseB3FRocketText
$6267 = RocketBaseRivalText
$6400 = ExecutiveM4BeforeText
$6511 = ExecutiveM4BeatenText
$6548 = ExecutiveM4AfterText
$6585 = RocketBaseMurkrowText
$65af = GruntF5SeenText
$65f1 = GruntF5BeatenText
$6611 = GruntF5AfterBattleText
$6671 = GruntM28SeenText
$6717 = GruntM28BeatenText
$6737 = GruntM28AfterBattleText
$678d = ScientistRossSeenText
$6802 = ScientistRossBeatenText
$6822 = ScientistRossAfterBattleText
$68ac = ScientistMitchSeenText
$68df = ScientistMitchBeatenText
$690a = ScientistMitchAfterBattleText
$6970 = TeamRocketBaseB3FLockedDoorNeedsPasswordText
$69a3 = TeamRocketBaseB3FLockedDoorOpenSesameText
$69e4 = TeamRocketBaseB3F_MapEvents
$6afe = IlexForest_MapScripts
$6b03 = IlexForestFarfetchdCallback
$6b34 = IlexForestFarfetchdCallback.Static
$6b35 = IlexForestFarfetchdCallback.PositionOne
$6b3c = IlexForestFarfetchdCallback.PositionTwo
$6b43 = IlexForestFarfetchdCallback.PositionThree
$6b4a = IlexForestFarfetchdCallback.PositionFour
$6b51 = IlexForestFarfetchdCallback.PositionFive
$6b58 = IlexForestFarfetchdCallback.PositionSix
$6b5f = IlexForestFarfetchdCallback.PositionSeven
$6b66 = IlexForestFarfetchdCallback.PositionEight
$6b6d = IlexForestFarfetchdCallback.PositionNine
$6b74 = IlexForestFarfetchdCallback.PositionTen
$6b7b = IlexForestCharcoalApprenticeScript
$6b89 = IlexForestCharcoalApprenticeScript.DoneFarfetchd
$6b8f = IlexForestFarfetchdScript
$6bba = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position1
$6bd9 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position2
$6bf1 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position2_Down
$6c02 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position3
$6c1a = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position3_Left
$6c2b = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position4
$6c43 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position4_Up
$6c54 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position5
$6c74 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position5_Left
$6c85 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position5_Up
$6c96 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position5_Right
$6ca7 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position6
$6cbf = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position6_Right
$6cd0 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position7
$6cec = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position7_Left
$6cfd = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position7_Down
$6d0e = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position8
$6d2e = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position8_Right
$6d3f = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position8_Up
$6d3f = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position8_Left
$6d50 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position9
$6d74 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position9_Right
$6d85 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position9_Down
$6d96 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.Position10
$6da1 = IlexForestFarfetchdScript.CryAndCheckFacing
$6dae = IlexForestCharcoalMasterScript
$6dd8 = IlexForestCharcoalMasterScript.AlreadyGotCut
$6dde = IlexForestHeadbuttGuyScript
$6df3 = IlexForestHeadbuttGuyScript.AlreadyGotHeadbutt
$6df7 = IlexForestHeadbuttGuyScript.BagFull
$6df9 = TrainerBugCatcherWayne
$6e05 = TrainerBugCatcherWayne.Script
$6e0d = IlexForestLassScript
$6e10 = IlexForestRevive
$6e12 = IlexForestXAttack
$6e14 = IlexForestAntidote
$6e16 = IlexForestEther
$6e18 = IlexForestHiddenEther
$6e1b = IlexForestHiddenSuperPotion
$6e1e = IlexForestHiddenFullHeal
$6e21 = IlexForestBoulder
$6e24 = IlexForestSignpost
$6e27 = IlexForestShrineScript
$6e30 = IlexForestShrineScript.ForestIsRestless
$6e35 = IlexForestShrineScript.DontDoCelebiEvent
$6e38 = IlexForestShrineScript.AskCelebiEvent
$6e42 = IlexForestShrineScript.CelebiEvent
$6e8e = IlexForestShrineScript.DidntCatchCelebi
$6e8f = MovementData_Farfetchd_Pos1_Pos2
$6e95 = MovementData_Farfetchd_Pos2_Pos3
$6e9e = MovementData_Farfetchd_Pos2_Pos8
$6ea4 = MovementData_Farfetchd_Pos3_Pos4
$6eab = MovementData_Farfetchd_Pos3_Pos2
$6eb1 = MovementData_Farfetchd_Pos4_Pos5
$6eb8 = MovementData_Farfetchd_Pos4_Pos3
$6ebd = MovementData_Farfetchd_Pos5_Pos6
$6ec7 = MovementData_Farfetchd_Pos5_Pos7
$6ecc = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos5_Pos4_Up
$6ed2 = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos5_Pos4_Right
$6ee6 = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos6_Pos7
$6eef = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos6_Pos5
$6ef8 = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos7_Pos8
$6f00 = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos7_Pos6
$6f09 = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos7_Pos5
$6f10 = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos8_Pos9
$6f18 = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos8_Pos7
$6f1e = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos8_Pos2
$6f23 = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos9_Pos10
$6f33 = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos9_Pos8_Right
$6f3d = MovementData_Farfetched_Pos9_Pos8_Down
$6f4e = IlexForestKurtStepsUpMovement
$6f53 = IlexForestKurtStepsDownMovement
$6f58 = IlexForestPlayerStepsDownMovement
$6f5c = IlexForestApprenticeIntroText
$7019 = IlexForestApprenticeAfterText
$706f = Text_ItsTheMissingPokemon
$7086 = Text_Kwaaaa
$7099 = Text_CharcoalMasterIntro
$7141 = Text_CharcoalMasterOutro
$71c0 = Text_CharcoalMasterTalkAfter
$721b = Text_HeadbuttIntro
$726d = Text_HeadbuttOutro
$72af = Text_IlexForestLass
$72de = IlexForestSignpostText
$7358 = Text_IlexForestShrine
$7394 = Text_ShrineCelebiEvent
$743b = Text_InsertGSBall
$7452 = Text_KurtCaughtCelebi
$7515 = BugCatcherWayneSeenText
$7551 = BugCatcherWayneBeatenText
$7571 = BugCatcherWayneAfterBattleText
$75e7 = IlexForest_MapEvents
EMPTY: $76a4-$7fff ($095c bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $095c bytes
ROMX bank #28:
SECTION: $4000-$76ec ($36ed bytes) ["Map Scripts 7"]
$4000 = LakeOfRage_MapScripts
$4010 = LakeOfRageNoop1Scene
$4011 = LakeOfRageNoop2Scene
$4012 = LakeOfRageFlypointCallback
$4016 = LakeOfRageWesleyCallback
$401f = LakeOfRageWesleyCallback.WesleyAppears
$4022 = LakeOfRageLanceScript
$4035 = LakeOfRageLanceScript.AgreedToHelp
$404e = LakeOfRageLanceScript.RefusedToHelp
$4057 = LakeOfRageLanceScript.AskAgainForHelp
$4063 = RedGyarados
$407a = RedGyarados.NotBeaten
$408e = LakeOfRageGrampsScript
$409c = LakeOfRageGrampsScript.ClearedRocketHideout
$40a2 = LakeOfRageSuperNerdScript
$40a5 = LakeOfRageCooltrainerFScript
$40a8 = LakeOfRageSign
$40ab = MagikarpHouseSignScript
$40b8 = MagikarpHouseSignScript.MagikarpLengthRecord
$40be = TrainerFisherAndre
$40ca = TrainerFisherAndre.Script
$40d2 = TrainerFisherRaymond
$40de = TrainerFisherRaymond.Script
$40e6 = TrainerCooltrainermAaron
$40f2 = TrainerCooltrainermAaron.Script
$40fa = TrainerCooltrainerfLois
$4106 = TrainerCooltrainerfLois.Script
$410e = WesleyScript
$4129 = WesleyScript.MetWesley
$413c = WesleyWednesdayScript
$4140 = WesleyDoneScript
$4142 = WesleyNotWednesdayScript
$4148 = LakeOfRageElixer
$414a = LakeOfRageTMDetect
$414c = LakeOfRageHiddenFullRestore
$414f = LakeOfRageHiddenRareCandy
$4152 = LakeOfRageHiddenMaxPotion
$4155 = LakeOfRageLanceTeleportIntoSkyMovement
$4157 = LakeOfRageLanceForcedToEvolveText
$41b4 = LakeOfRageLanceIntroText
$42c6 = LakeOfRageLanceRadioSignalText
$4371 = LakeOfRageLanceRefusedText
$43a5 = LakeOfRageLanceAskHelpText
$43cb = LakeOfRageGyaradosCryText
$43df = LakeOfRageGotRedScaleText
$43f8 = LakeOfRageGrampsText
$4421 = LakeOfRageGrampsText_ClearedRocketHideout
$4444 = LakeOfRageSuperNerdText
$44bb = LakeOfRageCooltrainerFText
$4522 = FisherAndreSeenText
$454e = FisherAndreBeatenText
$458f = FisherAndreAfterBattleText
$45c0 = FisherRaymondSeenText
$45f7 = FisherRaymondBeatenText
$4611 = FisherRaymondAfterBattleText
$4632 = CooltrainermAaronSeenText
$4688 = CooltrainermAaronBeatenText
$469c = CooltrainermAaronAfterBattleText
$46df = CooltrainerfLoisSeenText
$4745 = CooltrainerfLoisBeatenText
$4752 = CooltrainerfLoisAfterBattleText
$4784 = MeetWesleyText
$47dd = WesleyGivesGiftText
$480b = WesleyGaveGiftText
$4844 = WesleyWednesdayText
$48a9 = WesleyNotWednesdayText
$48d7 = LakeOfRageSignText
$4903 = FishingGurusHouseSignText
$4919 = LakeOfRage_MapEvents
$49de = CeladonDeptStore1F_MapScripts
$49e0 = CeladonDeptStore1FReceptionistScript
$49e3 = CeladonDeptStore1FGentlemanScript
$49e6 = CeladonDeptStore1FTeacherScript
$49e9 = CeladonDeptStore1FDirectory
$49ec = CeladonDeptStore1FElevatorButton
$49ef = CeladonDeptStore1FReceptionistText
$4a35 = CeladonDeptStore1FGentlemanText
$4aa9 = CeladonDeptStore1FTeacherText
$4aea = CeladonDeptStore1FDirectoryText
$4b60 = CeladonDeptStore1F_MapEvents
$4bab = CeladonDeptStore2F_MapScripts
$4bad = CeladonDeptStore2FClerk1Script
$4bb5 = CeladonDeptStore2FClerk2Script
$4bbd = CeladonDeptStore2FPokefanMScript
$4bc0 = CeladonDeptStore2FYoungsterScript
$4bc3 = CeladonDeptStore2FDirectory
$4bc6 = CeladonDeptStore2FElevatorButton
$4bc9 = CeladonDeptStore2FPokefanMText
$4c3e = CeladonDeptStore2FYoungsterText
$4c9c = CeladonDeptStore2FDirectoryText
$4cd4 = CeladonDeptStore2F_MapEvents
$4d27 = CeladonDeptStore3F_MapScripts
$4d29 = CeladonDeptStore3FClerkScript
$4d31 = CeladonDeptStore3FYoungsterScript
$4d34 = CeladonDeptStore3FGameboyKid1Script
$4d3f = CeladonDeptStore3FGameboyKid2Script
$4d4a = CeladonDeptStore3FSuperNerdScript
$4d4d = CeladonDeptStore3FElevatorButton
$4d50 = CeladonDeptStore3FDirectory
$4d53 = CeladonDeptStore3FYoungsterText
$4d86 = CeladonDeptStore3FGameboyKid1Text
$4dc7 = CeladonDeptStore3FGameboyKid2Text
$4e61 = CeladonDeptStore3FSuperNerdText
$4e85 = CeladonDeptStore3FDirectoryText
$4eab = CeladonDeptStore3F_MapEvents
$4f0b = CeladonDeptStore4F_MapScripts
$4f0d = CeladonDeptStore4FClerkScript
$4f15 = CeladonDeptStore4FSuperNerdScript
$4f18 = CeladonDeptStore4FYoungsterScript
$4f1b = CeladonDeptStore4FDirectory
$4f1e = CeladonDeptStore4FElevatorButton
$4f21 = CeladonDeptStore4FSuperNerdText
$4f55 = CeladonDeptStore4FYoungsterText
$4f8c = CeladonDeptStore4FDirectoryText
$4fbc = CeladonDeptStore4F_MapEvents
$5002 = CeladonDeptStore5F_MapScripts
$5004 = CeladonDeptStore5FClerk1Script
$500c = CeladonDeptStore5FClerk2Script
$5014 = CeladonDeptStore5FGentlemanScript
$5017 = CeladonDeptStore5FSailorScript
$501a = CeladonDeptStore5FTeacherScript
$501d = CeladonDeptStore5FDirectory
$5020 = CeladonDeptStore5FElevatorButton
$5023 = CeladonDeptStore5FGentlemanText
$5072 = CeladonDeptStore5FSailorText
$50b6 = CeladonDeptStore5FTeacherText
$5100 = CeladonDeptStore5FDirectoryText
$5110 = CeladonDeptStore5F_MapEvents
$5170 = CeladonDeptStore6F_MapScripts
$5175 = CeladonDeptStore6FHideRooftopStairsCallback
$517a = CeladonDeptStore6FSuperNerdScript
$517d = CeladonDeptStore6FYoungsterScript
$5180 = CeladonDeptStore6FVendingMachine
$5184 = CeladonDeptStore6FVendingMachine.Start
$519a = CeladonDeptStore6FVendingMachine.FreshWater
$51b4 = CeladonDeptStore6FVendingMachine.SodaPop
$51ce = CeladonDeptStore6FVendingMachine.Lemonade
$51e8 = CeladonDeptStore6FVendingMachine.VendItem
$51f5 = CeladonDeptStore6FVendingMachine.NotEnoughMoney
$51fc = CeladonDeptStore6FVendingMachine.NotEnoughSpace
$5203 = CeladonDeptStore6FVendingMachine.MenuHeader
$520b = CeladonDeptStore6FVendingMachine.MenuData
$524a = CeladonDeptStore6FDirectory
$524d = CeladonDeptStore6FElevatorButton
$5250 = CeladonVendingText
$5274 = CeladonClangText
$528e = CeladonVendingNoMoneyText
$52a7 = CeladonVendingNoSpaceText
$52c7 = CeladonDeptStore6FSuperNerdText
$5310 = CeladonDeptStore6FYoungsterText
$533e = CeladonDeptStore6FDirectoryText
$5363 = CeladonDeptStore6F_MapEvents
$53ab = CeladonDeptStoreElevator_MapScripts
$53ad = CeladonDeptStoreElevatorScript
$53bd = CeladonDeptStoreElevatorScript.Done
$53be = CeladonDeptStoreElevatorData
$53d8 = CeladonDeptStoreElevator_MapEvents
$53ed = CeladonMansion1F_MapScripts
$53ef = CeladonMansionManager
$53f2 = CeladonMansion1FMeowth
$53fc = CeladonMansion1FClefairy
$5406 = CeladonMansion1FNidoranF
$5410 = CeladonMansionManagersSuiteSign
$5413 = CeladonMansion1FBookshelf
$5416 = CeladonMansionManagerText
$5470 = CeladonMansion1FMeowthText
$547f = CeladonMansion1FClefairyText
$5496 = CeladonMansion1FNidoranFText
$54ab = CeladonMansionManagersSuiteSignText
$54cc = CeladonMansion1F_MapEvents
$552e = CeladonMansion2F_MapScripts
$5530 = CeladonMansion2FComputer
$5533 = CeladonMansion2FMeetingRoomSign
$5536 = CeladonMansion2FBookshelf
$5539 = CeladonMansion2FComputerText
$562c = CeladonMansion2FMeetingRoomSignText
$5645 = CeladonMansion2F_MapEvents
$566e = CeladonMansion3F_MapScripts
$5670 = GameFreakGameDesignerScript
$567e = GameFreakGameDesignerScript.CompletedPokedex
$5696 = GameFreakGraphicArtistScript
$56a4 = GameFreakGraphicArtistScript.CanPrintDiploma
$56b0 = GameFreakGraphicArtistScript.Refused
$56b6 = GameFreakGraphicArtistScript.CancelPrinting
$56bc = GameFreakProgrammerScript
$56bf = GameFreakCharacterDesignerScript
$56c2 = CeladonMansion3FDevRoomSign
$56c5 = CeladonMansion3FDrawing
$56c8 = CeladonMansion3FGameProgram
$56cb = CeladonMansion3FReferenceMaterial
$56ce = GameFreakGameDesignerText
$5725 = GameFreakGameDesignerCompletedPokedexText
$5760 = GameFreakGameDesignerPauseForDiplomaText
$5763 = GameFreakGameDesignerAfterDiplomaText
$57b4 = GameFreakGraphicArtistText
$57d8 = GameFreakGraphicArtistPrintDiplomaText
$5830 = GameFreakGraphicArtistRefusedText
$5863 = GameFreakGraphicArtistErrorText
$5895 = GameFreakProgrammerText
$58ca = GameFreakCharacterDesignerText
$590b = CeladonMansion3FDevRoomSignText
$5928 = CeladonMansion3FDrawingText
$5952 = CeladonMansion3FGameProgramText
$5996 = CeladonMansion3FReferenceMaterialText
$59d5 = CeladonMansion3F_MapEvents
$5a37 = CeladonMansionRoof_MapScripts
$5a39 = CeladonMansionRoofFisherScript
$5a3c = CeladonMansionRoofGraffiti
$5a3f = CeladonMansionRoofFisherText
$5aa1 = CeladonMansionRoofGraffitiText
$5ad4 = CeladonMansionRoof_MapEvents
$5afb = CeladonMansionRoofHouse_MapScripts
$5afd = CeladonMansionRoofHousePharmacistScript
$5b14 = CeladonMansionRoofHousePharmacistScript.Night
$5b21 = CeladonMansionRoofHousePharmacistScript.GotCurse
$5b25 = CeladonMansionRoofHousePharmacistScript.NoRoom
$5b27 = CeladonMansionRoofHousePharmacistIntroText
$5b4a = CeladonMansionRoofHousePharmacistNotNightText
$5ba3 = CeladonMansionRoofHousePharmacistStoryText
$5db3 = CeladonMansionRoofHousePharmacistCurseText
$5e03 = CeladonMansionRoofHouse_MapEvents
$5e20 = CeladonPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$5e22 = CeladonPokecenter1FNurseScript
$5e25 = CeladonPokecenter1FGentlemanScript
$5e28 = CeladonPokecenter1FCooltrainerFScript
$5e2b = CeladonPokecenter1FPharmacistScript
$5e2e = CeladonEusine
$5e46 = CeladonEusine.NoSuicune
$5e48 = CeladonEusine.HoOh
$5e5a = CeladonEusine.Location1
$5e5e = CeladonEusine.Continue
$5e65 = CeladonEusine.Movement2
$5e6b = CeladonEusine.Movement1
$5e70 = CeladonPokecenter1FCooltrainerFText
$5ec1 = CeladonPokecenter1FPharmacistText
$5f22 = CeladonEusineText1
$5f65 = EusineLeavesCeladonText
$601a = NoBeastsText
$60b8 = CeladonPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$610e = CeladonPokecenter2FBeta_MapScripts
$6110 = CeladonPokecenter2FBeta_MapEvents
$611b = CeladonGameCorner_MapScripts
$611d = CeladonGameCornerClerkScript
$6120 = CeladonGameCornerReceptionistScript
$6123 = CeladonGameCornerPokefanMScript
$612e = CeladonGameCornerTeacherScript
$6139 = CeladonGameCornerFishingGuruScript
$6144 = CeladonGameCornerFisherScript
$6169 = CeladonGameCornerFisherScript.GotCoins
$6172 = CeladonGameCornerFisherScript.GiveCoins
$6176 = CeladonGameCornerFisherScript.coinname
$617b = CeladonGameCornerFisherScript.NoCoinCase
$6184 = CeladonGameCornerFisherScript.FullCoinCase
$618d = CeladonGymGuideScript
$6190 = CeladonGameCornerGrampsScript
$619b = CeladonGameCornerPoster1Script
$619e = CeladonGameCornerPoster2Script
$61a1 = CeladonGameCornerLuckySlotMachineScript
$61b0 = CeladonGameCornerSlotMachineScript
$61b9 = CeladonGameCornerCardFlipScript
$61c0 = CeladonGameCornerLighterScript
$61c3 = CeladonGameCornerSodaCanScript
$61cd = CeladonGameCornerUnusedMovementData
$61d0 = CeladonGameCornerReceptionistText
$6215 = CeladonGameCornerPokefanMText
$6242 = CeladonGameCornerTeacherText
$6295 = CeladonGameCornerFishingGuruText
$62dc = CeladonGameCornerFisherText1
$6345 = CeladonGameCornerFisherText2
$638a = CeladonGameCornerFisherNoCoinCaseText
$63d9 = CeladonGameCornerFisherFullCoinCaseText
$6425 = CeladonGymGuideText
$64ad = CeladonGameCornerGrampsText
$64f3 = CeladonGameCornerPoster1Text
$6521 = CeladonGameCornerPoster2Text
$654f = CeladonGameCornerLighterText
$6567 = CeladonGameCornerSodaCanText
$65a4 = CeladonGameCorner_MapEvents
$66e7 = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoom_MapScripts
$66e9 = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomGentlemanScript
$66ec = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPharmacistScript
$66ef = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomTMVendor
$66fd = CeladonPrizeRoom_tmcounterloop
$6714 = CeladonPrizeRoom_tmcounterloop.DoubleTeam
$6730 = CeladonPrizeRoom_tmcounterloop.Psychic
$674c = CeladonPrizeRoom_tmcounterloop.HyperBeam
$6768 = CeladonPrizeRoom_askbuy
$676d = CeladonPrizeRoom_purchased
$6778 = CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughcoins
$677e = CeladonPrizeRoom_notenoughroom
$6784 = CeladonPrizeRoom_CancelPurchaseScript
$678a = CeladonPrizeRoom_NoCoinCase
$6790 = CeladonPrizeRoom_TMMenuHeader
$6798 = CeladonPrizeRoom_TMMenuHeader.MenuData
$67c8 = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPokemonVendor
$67d3 = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPokemonVendor.loop
$67ed = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPokemonVendor.Pikachu
$681b = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPokemonVendor.Porygon
$6849 = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPokemonVendor.Larvitar
$6877 = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPokemonVendor.MenuHeader
$687f = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPokemonVendor.MenuData
$68b8 = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomGentlemanText
$68e9 = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoomPharmacistText
$693e = CeladonPrizeRoom_PrizeVendorIntroText
$6974 = CeladonPrizeRoom_AskWhichPrizeText
$6991 = CeladonPrizeRoom_ConfirmPurchaseText
$69ad = CeladonPrizeRoom_HereYouGoText
$69bb = CeladonPrizeRoom_NotEnoughCoinsText
$69d8 = CeladonPrizeRoom_NotEnoughRoomText
$69f2 = CeladonPrizeRoom_ComeAgainText
$6a14 = CeladonPrizeRoom_NoCoinCaseText
$6a34 = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoom_MapEvents
$6a68 = CeladonGym_MapScripts
$6a6a = CeladonGymErikaScript
$6a9b = CeladonGymErikaScript.FightDone
$6aae = CeladonGymErikaScript.GotGigaDrain
$6ab4 = TrainerLassMichelle
$6ac0 = TrainerLassMichelle.Script
$6ac8 = TrainerPicnickerTanya
$6ad4 = TrainerPicnickerTanya.Script
$6adc = TrainerBeautyJulia
$6ae8 = TrainerBeautyJulia.Script
$6af0 = TrainerTwinsJoAndZoe1
$6afc = TrainerTwinsJoAndZoe1.Script
$6b04 = TrainerTwinsJoAndZoe2
$6b10 = TrainerTwinsJoAndZoe2.Script
$6b18 = CeladonGymStatue
$6b21 = CeladonGymStatue.Beaten
$6b28 = ErikaBeforeBattleText
$6c3e = ErikaBeatenText
$6c96 = PlayerReceivedRainbowBadgeText
$6cb0 = ErikaExplainTMText
$6d8f = ErikaAfterBattleText
$6dfc = LassMichelleSeenText
$6e24 = LassMichelleBeatenText
$6e30 = LassMichelleAfterBattleText
$6e53 = PicnickerTanyaSeenText
$6e7f = PicnickerTanyaBeatenText
$6e8e = PicnickerTanyaAfterBattleText
$6ec5 = BeautyJuliaSeenText
$6ef2 = BeautyJuliaBeatenText
$6f01 = BeautyJuliaAfterBattleText
$6f32 = TwinsJoAndZoe1SeenText
$6f62 = TwinsJoAndZoe1BeatenText
$6f70 = TwinsJoAndZoe1AfterBattleText
$6f91 = TwinsJoAndZoe2SeenText
$6faf = TwinsJoAndZoe2BeatenText
$6fc0 = TwinsJoAndZoe2AfterBattleText
$6fdf = CeladonGym_MapEvents
$7047 = CeladonCafe_MapScripts
$7049 = CeladonCafeChef
$7051 = CeladonCafeFisher1
$7062 = CeladonCafeFisher2
$7073 = CeladonCafeFisher3
$7084 = CeladonCafeTeacher
$709a = CeladonCafeTeacher.HasCoinCase
$70ad = EatathonContestPoster
$70b0 = CeladonCafeTrashcan
$70cd = CeladonCafeTrashcan.PackFull
$70db = CeladonCafeTrashcan.TrashEmpty
$70de = ChefText_Eatathon
$7129 = Fisher1Text_Snarfle
$713a = Fisher1Text_Concentration
$716a = Fisher2Text_GulpChew
$7178 = Fisher2Text_Quantity
$71ae = Fisher3Text_MunchMunch
$71bd = Fisher3Text_GoldenrodIsBest
$7201 = TeacherText_CrunchCrunch
$7212 = TeacherText_NoCoinCase
$7254 = TeacherText_KeepEating
$7278 = TeacherText_MoreChef
$7285 = EatathonContestPosterText
$72e7 = FoundLeftoversText
$72f7 = NoRoomForLeftoversText
$7316 = CeladonCafe_MapEvents
$7371 = Route16FuchsiaSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$7373 = Route16FuchsiaSpeechHouseSuperNerdScript
$7376 = Route16FuchsiaSpeechHouseBookshelf
$7379 = Route16FuchsiaSpeechHouseSuperNerdText
$73bc = Route16FuchsiaSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$73e3 = Route16Gate_MapScripts
$73e9 = Route16GateNoopScene
$73ea = Route16GateOfficerScript
$73ed = Route16GateBicycleCheck
$73f3 = Route16GateBicycleCheck.NoBicycle
$7405 = Route16GateCannotPassMovement
$7408 = Route16GateOfficerText
$7496 = Route16GateCannotPassText
$74df = Route16Gate_MapEvents
$7516 = Route7SaffronGate_MapScripts
$7518 = Route7SaffronGuardScript
$7526 = Route7SaffronGuardScript.ReturnedPart
$752c = Route7SaffronGuardPowerPlantText
$7592 = Route7SaffronGuardSeriousText
$75e0 = Route7SaffronGate_MapEvents
$7607 = Route17Route18Gate_MapScripts
$760d = Route17Route18GateNoopScene
$760e = Route17Route18GateOfficerScript
$7611 = Route17Route18GateBicycleCheck
$7617 = Route17Route18GateBicycleCheck.NoBicycle
$7629 = Route17Route18GateCannotPassMovement
$762c = Route17Route18GateOfficerText
$764d = Route17Route18GateCannotPassText
$76b6 = Route17Route18Gate_MapEvents
EMPTY: $76ed-$7fff ($0913 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0913 bytes
ROMX bank #29:
SECTION: $4000-$7281 ($3282 bytes) ["Map Scripts 8"]
$4000 = DiglettsCave_MapScripts
$4002 = DiglettsCavePokefanMScript
$4005 = DiglettsCaveHiddenMaxRevive
$4008 = DiglettsCavePokefanMText
$4049 = DiglettsCave_MapEvents
$407f = MountMoon_MapScripts
$4089 = MountMoonRivalEncounterScene
$408d = MountMoonNoopScene
$408e = MountMoonRivalBattleScript
$40c3 = MountMoonRivalBattleScript.Totodile
$40d3 = MountMoonRivalBattleScript.Chikorita
$40e3 = MountMoonRivalBattleScript.FinishBattle
$40f9 = MountMoonRivalMovementBefore
$40fd = MountMoonRivalMovementAfter
$4105 = MountMoonRivalTextBefore
$419d = MountMoonRivalTextWin
$41fa = MountMoonRivalTextAfter
$42e0 = MountMoonRivalTextLoss
$4356 = MountMoon_MapEvents
$4391 = UndergroundPath_MapScripts
$4393 = UndergroundPathHiddenFullRestore
$4396 = UndergroundPathHiddenXSpecial
$4399 = UndergroundPath_MapEvents
$43b3 = RockTunnel1F_MapScripts
$43b5 = RockTunnel1FElixer
$43b7 = RockTunnel1FTMSteelWing
$43b9 = RockTunnel1FHiddenXAccuracy
$43bc = RockTunnel1FHiddenXDefend
$43bf = RockTunnel1F_MapEvents
$4407 = RockTunnelB1F_MapScripts
$4409 = RockTunnelB1FIron
$440b = RockTunnelB1FPPUp
$440d = RockTunnelB1FRevive
$440f = RockTunnelB1FHiddenMaxPotion
$4412 = RockTunnelB1F_MapEvents
$4458 = SafariZoneFuchsiaGateBeta_MapScripts
$445a = SafariZoneFuchsiaGateBeta_MapEvents
$4474 = SafariZoneBeta_MapScripts
$4476 = SafariZoneBeta_MapEvents
$4486 = VictoryRoad_MapScripts
$4490 = VictoryRoadNoop1Scene
$4491 = VictoryRoadNoop2Scene
$4492 = VictoryRoadRivalLeft
$44b5 = VictoryRoadRivalRight
$44d4 = VictoryRoadRivalNext
$44ff = VictoryRoadRivalNext.GotTotodile
$450f = VictoryRoadRivalNext.GotChikorita
$451f = VictoryRoadRivalNext.AfterBattle
$4529 = VictoryRoadTMEarthquake
$452b = VictoryRoadMaxRevive
$452d = VictoryRoadFullRestore
$452f = VictoryRoadFullHeal
$4531 = VictoryRoadHPUp
$4533 = VictoryRoadHiddenMaxPotion
$4536 = VictoryRoadHiddenFullHeal
$4539 = VictoryRoadRivalBattleApproachMovement1
$4542 = VictoryRoadRivalBattleApproachMovement2
$454c = VictoryRoadRivalBattleExitMovement1
$4555 = VictoryRoadRivalBattleExitMovement2
$455f = VictoryRoadRivalBeforeText
$463d = VictoryRoadRivalDefeatText
$46ce = VictoryRoadRivalAfterText
$47aa = VictoryRoadRivalVictoryText
$4802 = VictoryRoad_MapEvents
$48a2 = OlivinePort_MapScripts
$48ac = OlivinePortNoopScene
$48ad = OlivinePortLeaveShipScene
$48b1 = OlivinePortLeaveShipScript
$48c0 = OlivinePortSailorAtGangwayScript
$490a = OlivinePortSailorAtGangwayScript.FirstTime
$4919 = OlivinePortAlreadyRodeScript
$491f = OlivinePortWalkUpToShipScript
$494e = OlivinePortWalkUpToShipScript.FirstTime
$496d = OlivinePortWalkUpToShipScript.NoTicket
$4977 = OlivinePortWalkUpToShipScript.NextShipMonday
$4981 = OlivinePortWalkUpToShipScript.NextShipFriday
$498b = OlivinePortWalkUpToShipScript.skip
$498c = OlivinePortNotRidingScript
$4992 = OlivinePortNotRidingMoveAwayScript
$499c = OlivinePortSailorAfterHOFScript
$49c0 = OlivinePortSailorAfterHOFScript.FirstTime
$49e5 = OlivinePortSailorAfterHOFScript.Right
$49ec = OlivinePortSailorAfterHOFScript.NoTicket
$49f2 = OlivinePortSailorAfterHOFScript.NextShipMonday
$49f8 = OlivinePortSailorAfterHOFScript.NextShipFriday
$49fe = OlivinePortSailorBeforeHOFScript
$4a01 = OlivinePortFishingGuru1Script
$4a0c = OlivinePortFishingGuru2Script
$4a17 = OlivinePortYoungsterScript
$4a22 = OlivinePortCooltrainerFScript
$4a2d = OlivinePortHiddenProtein
$4a30 = OlivinePortEnterFastShipMovement
$4a32 = OlivinePortLeaveFastShipMovement
$4a34 = OlivinePortCannotEnterFastShipMovement
$4a37 = OlivinePortApproachFastShipFirstTimeMovement
$4a3f = OlivinePortApproachFastShipAfterHOFMovement
$4a49 = OlivinePortApproachFastShipAfterHOFRightMovement
$4a55 = OlivinePortSailorGetOnBoardText
$4a80 = OlivinePortCantBoardText
$4a9c = OlivinePortAskBoardText
$4ada = OlivinePortAskTicketText
$4af6 = OlivinePortComeAgainText
$4b11 = OlivinePortFlashTicketText
$4b41 = OlivinePortNoTicketText
$4ba8 = OlivinePortMondayShipText
$4bce = OlivinePortFridayShipText
$4bf4 = OlivinePortFishingGuru1Text
$4c35 = OlivinePortFishingGuru2Text
$4c76 = OlivinePortYoungsterText
$4ca2 = OlivinePortCooltrainerFText
$4cd7 = OlivinePortSailorBeforeHOFText
$4d18 = OlivinePort_MapEvents
$4d90 = VermilionPort_MapScripts
$4d9d = VermilionPortNoopScene
$4d9e = VermilionPortLeaveShipScene
$4da2 = VermilionPortFlypointCallback
$4da6 = VermilionPortLeaveShipScript
$4dc4 = VermilionPortSailorAtGangwayScript
$4e1a = VermilionPortAlreadyRodeScript
$4e20 = VermilionPortWalkUpToShipScript
$4e68 = VermilionPortWalkUpToShipScript.NoTicket
$4e72 = VermilionPortWalkUpToShipScript.NextShipWednesday
$4e7c = VermilionPortWalkUpToShipScript.NextShipSunday
$4e86 = VermilionPortWalkUpToShipScript.skip
$4e87 = VermilionPortNotRidingScript
$4e8d = VermilionPortNotRidingMoveAwayScript
$4e97 = VermilionPortSailorScript
$4ed4 = VermilionPortSailorScript.NoTicket
$4eda = VermilionPortSailorScript.NextShipWednesday
$4ee0 = VermilionPortSailorScript.NextShipSunday
$4ee6 = VermilionPortSuperNerdScript
$4eee = VermilionPortHiddenIron
$4ef1 = VermilionPortEnterFastShipMovement
$4ef3 = VermilionPortLeaveFastShipMovement
$4ef5 = VermilionPortCannotEnterFastShipMovement
$4ef8 = VermilionPortApproachFastShipMovement
$4efe = VermilionPortApproachFastShipRightMovement
$4f06 = VermilionPortDepartingText
$4f31 = VermilionPortCantBoardText
$4f4d = VermilionPortAskBoardingText
$4f8b = VermilionPortAskTicketText
$4fa7 = VermilionPortComeAgainText
$4fc2 = VermilionPortSSTicketText
$4ff2 = VermilionPortNoTicketText
$5059 = VermilionPortSailWednesdayText
$5080 = VermilionPortSailSundayText
$50a6 = VermilionPortSuperNerdText
$50e3 = VermilionPort_MapEvents
$5127 = FastShip1F_MapScripts
$5135 = FastShip1FNoop1Scene
$5136 = FastShip1FEnterShipScene
$513a = FastShip1FNoop2Scene
$513b = FastShip1FEnterShipScript
$515d = FastShip1FEnterShipScript.SkipGrandpa
$5160 = FastShip1FSailor1Script
$5174 = FastShip1FSailor1Script.Olivine
$517a = FastShip1FSailor1Script.Arrived
$519c = FastShip1FSailor1Script._Olivine
$51b8 = FastShip1FSailor1Script.LetThePlayerOut
$51c7 = FastShip1FSailor1Script.YouAreFacingRight
$51d0 = FastShip1FSailor2Script
$51de = FastShip1FSailor2Script.Vermilion
$51e4 = FastShip1FSailor3Script
$51e7 = WorriedGrandpaSceneRight
$51eb = WorriedGrandpaSceneLeft
$520e = FastShip1F_SailorStepAsideMovement
$5211 = FastShip1F_SailorBlocksDoorMovement
$5214 = FastShip1F_SailorStepAsideDownMovement
$5217 = FastShip1F_PlayerEntersShipMovement
$521b = FastShip1F_GrandpaRunsInMovement
$5220 = FastShip1F_GrandpaApproachesPlayerMovement
$5222 = FastShip1F_GrandpaRunsOutMovement
$522e = FastShip1F_PlayerHitByGrandpaMovement
$5231 = FastShip1F_StepUpMovement
$5233 = FastShip1F_StepDownMovement
$5235 = FastShip1F_PlayerLeavesShipMovement
$5238 = FastShip1F_PlayerLeavesShipRightMovement
$523b = FastShip1FSailor1Text_ToVermilion
$529b = FastShip1FSailor1Text_ToOlivine
$52f9 = FastShip1FSailor2Text_FirstTime
$534f = FastShip1FSailor2Text
$53c0 = FastShip1FSailor3Text
$5412 = FastShip1FGrandpaText
$548d = FastShip1FSailor1Text_InOlivine
$54be = FastShip1FSailor1Text_InVermilion
$54f1 = FastShip1F_MapEvents
$5577 = FastShipCabins_NNW_NNE_NE_MapScripts
$5579 = TrainerCooltrainermSean
$5585 = TrainerCooltrainermSean.Script
$558d = TrainerCooltrainerfCarol
$5599 = TrainerCooltrainerfCarol.Script
$55a1 = TrainerPokemaniacEthan
$55ad = TrainerPokemaniacEthan.Script
$55b5 = TrainerHikerNoland
$55c1 = TrainerHikerNoland.Script
$55c9 = TrainerGentlemanEdward
$55d5 = TrainerGentlemanEdward.Script
$55dd = TrainerBurglarCorey
$55e9 = TrainerBurglarCorey.Script
$55f1 = FastShipLazySailorScript
$5629 = FastShipLazySailorScript.Movement2
$5634 = FastShipCabins_NNW_NNE_NETrashcan
$5637 = FastShipLazySailorLeavesMovement1
$563c = FastShipLazySailorLeavesMovement2
$5643 = CooltrainermSeanSeenText
$5669 = CooltrainermSeanBeatenText
$567b = CooltrainermSeanAfterBattleText
$56b3 = CooltrainerfCarolSeenText
$56d5 = CooltrainerfCarolBeatenText
$56f7 = CooltrainerfCarolAfterBattleText
$5716 = PokemaniacEthanSeenText
$5741 = PokemaniacEthanBeatenText
$574b = PokemaniacEthanAfterBattleText
$5797 = HikerNolandSeenText
$57b9 = HikerNolandBeatenText
$57d4 = HikerNolandAfterBattleText
$5812 = SailorStanlySeenText
$5897 = SailorStanlyBeatenText
$58b1 = SailorStanlyAfterBattleText
$58f1 = GentlemanEdwardSeenText
$5923 = GentlemanEdwardBeatenText
$5937 = GentlemanEdwardAfterBattleText
$5970 = BurglarCoreySeenText
$5980 = BurglarCoreyBeatenText
$5996 = BurglarCoreyAfterBattleText
$59ce = FastShipCabins_NNW_NNE_NE_MapEvents
$5a4d = FastShipCabins_SW_SSW_NW_MapScripts
$5a4f = TrainerFirebreatherLyle
$5a5b = TrainerFirebreatherLyle.Script
$5a63 = TrainerBugCatcherKen
$5a6f = TrainerBugCatcherKen.Script
$5a77 = TrainerBeautyCassie
$5a83 = TrainerBeautyCassie.Script
$5a8b = TrainerGuitaristClyde
$5a97 = TrainerGuitaristClyde.Script
$5aa5 = TrainerGuitaristClyde.mobile
$5aac = FastShipBed
$5ae1 = FastShipBed.AlreadyArrived
$5ae2 = FastShipBed.CanArrive
$5af7 = FastShipBed.ArrivedOlivine
$5b01 = FastShipCabinsNorthwestCabinTrashcan
$5b04 = FirebreatherLyleSeenText
$5b38 = FirebreatherLyleBeatenText
$5b52 = FirebreatherLyleAfterBattleText
$5b8e = BugCatcherKenSeenText
$5bbd = BugCatcherKenBeatenText
$5bd5 = BugCatcherKenAfterBattleText
$5c07 = BeautyCassieSeenText
$5c32 = BeautyCassieBeatenText
$5c43 = BeautyCassieAfterBattleText
$5ca6 = GuitaristClydeSeenText
$5ce4 = GuitaristClydeBeatenText
$5cfe = GuitaristClydeAfterBattleMobileText
$5d65 = GuitaristClydeAfterBattleText
$5da4 = FastShipBedText1
$5dc1 = FastShipBedText2
$5dde = FastShipArrivedOlivineText
$5e0f = FastShipArrivedVermilionText
$5e42 = FastShipCabins_SW_SSW_NW_MapEvents
$5ea4 = FastShipCabins_SE_SSE_CaptainsCabin_MapScripts
$5ea6 = FastShipCabins_SE_SSE_CaptainsCabinNoopScene
$5ea7 = SSAquaCaptain
$5eb5 = SSAquaCaptain.LaterTrip
$5ebb = SSAquaGranddaughterBefore
$5f03 = SSAquaGranddaughterBefore.PlayerIsFemale
$5f09 = SSAquaGranddaughterBefore.cont
$5f1f = SSAquaGrandpa
$5f37 = SSAquaMetalCoatAndDocking
$5f44 = SSAquaMetalCoatAndDocking.NoRoom
$5f58 = SSAquaFoundGranddaughter
$5f65 = SSAquaFoundGranddaughter.NoRoom
$5f67 = SSAquaGotMetalCoat
$5f6d = SSAquaGranddaughterAfter
$5f75 = TrainerPokefanmColin
$5f81 = TrainerPokefanmColin.Script
$5f89 = TrainerTwinsMegandpeg1
$5f95 = TrainerTwinsMegandpeg1.Script
$5f9d = TrainerTwinsMegandpeg2
$5fa9 = TrainerTwinsMegandpeg2.Script
$5fb1 = TrainerPsychicRodney
$5fbd = TrainerPsychicRodney.Script
$5fc5 = TrainerPokefanmJeremy
$5fd1 = TrainerPokefanmJeremy.Script
$5fd9 = TrainerPokefanfGeorgia
$5fe5 = TrainerPokefanfGeorgia.Script
$5fed = TrainerSupernerdShawn
$5ff9 = TrainerSupernerdShawn.Script
$6001 = FastShipCaptainsCabinTrashcan
$6004 = SSAquaCaptainsCabinWarpsToGrandpasCabinMovement
$600c = SSAquaGranddaughterEntersCabinMovement
$6010 = SSAquaGrandpaApproachesPlayerMovement
$6012 = SSAquaCaptainExhaustingText
$6064 = SSAquaCaptainHowDoYouLikeText
$60ae = SSAquaCantFindGranddaughterText
$6143 = SSAquaEntertainedGranddaughterText
$619b = SSAquaGrandpaHaveThisText
$61be = SSAquaGrandpaTravellingText
$61e0 = SSAquaGranddaughterCaptainPlayWithMeText
$621f = SSAquaGranddaughterHasToFindGrandpaText
$6284 = SSAquaGranddaughterWasPlayingMText
$62c6 = SSAquaGranddaughterWasPlayingFText
$630d = SSAquaGranddaughterHadFunText
$6329 = PokefanmColinSeenText
$634c = PokefanmColinBeatenText
$635b = PokefanmColinAfterBattleText
$638e = TwinsMegandpeg1SeenText
$63b4 = TwinsMegandpeg1BeatenText
$63c2 = TwinsMegandpeg1AfterBattleText
$63e9 = TwinsMegandpeg2SeenText
$641a = TwinsMegandpeg2BeatenText
$6428 = TwinsMegandpeg2AfterBattleText
$6455 = PsychicRodneySeenText
$6481 = PsychicRodneyBeatenText
$6497 = PsychicRodneyAfterBattleText
$64ce = PokefanmJeremySeenText
$64fe = PokefanmJeremyBeatenText
$651c = PokefanmJeremyAfterBattleText
$654f = PokefanfGeorgiaSeenText
$657d = PokefanfGeorgiaBeatenText
$6596 = PokefanfGeorgiaAfterBattleText
$65c7 = SupernerdShawnSeenText
$65f4 = SupernerdShawnBeatenText
$660f = SupernerdShawnAfterBattleText
$6645 = SSAquaHasArrivedVermilionText
$6678 = FastShipCabins_SE_SSE_CaptainsCabin_MapEvents
$6730 = FastShipB1F_MapScripts
$673a = FastShipB1FNoop1Scene
$673b = FastShipB1FNoop2Scene
$673c = FastShipB1FSailorBlocksLeft
$6751 = FastShipB1FSailorBlocksRight
$6766 = FastShipB1FAlreadyBlocked
$6767 = FastShipB1FSailorScript
$6787 = FastShipB1FSailorScript.AlreadyInformed
$678d = FastShipB1FSailorScript.LazySailor
$6799 = FastShipB1FSailorScript.NotFoundGirl
$67a0 = FastShipB1FSailorScript.FirstTime
$67a6 = TrainerSailorJeff
$67b2 = TrainerSailorJeff.Script
$67ba = TrainerPicnickerDebra
$67c6 = TrainerPicnickerDebra.Script
$67ce = TrainerJugglerFritz
$67da = TrainerJugglerFritz.Script
$67e2 = TrainerSailorGarrett
$67ee = TrainerSailorGarrett.Script
$67f6 = TrainerFisherJonah
$6802 = TrainerFisherJonah.Script
$680a = TrainerBlackbeltWai
$6816 = TrainerBlackbeltWai.Script
$681e = TrainerSailorKenneth
$682a = TrainerSailorKenneth.Script
$6832 = TrainerTeacherShirley
$683e = TrainerTeacherShirley.Script
$6846 = TrainerSchoolboyNate
$6852 = TrainerSchoolboyNate.Script
$685a = TrainerSchoolboyRicky
$6866 = TrainerSchoolboyRicky.Script
$686e = FastShipB1FTrashcan
$6871 = FastShipB1FSailorBlocksRightMovement
$6876 = FastShipB1FSailorBlocksLeftMovement
$687b = FastShipB1FOnDutySailorText
$6907 = FastShipB1FOnDutySailorRefusedText
$692e = FastShipB1FOnDutySailorThanksText
$696d = FastShipB1FOnDutySailorSawLittleGirlText
$699d = FastShipB1FOnDutySailorDirectionsText
$69ed = SailorJeffSeenText
$6a1a = SailorJeffBeatenText
$6a38 = SailorJeffAfterBattleText
$6a63 = PicnickerDebraSeenText
$6a81 = PicnickerDebraBeatenText
$6a99 = PicnickerDebraAfterBattleText
$6ad7 = JugglerFritzSeenText
$6aea = JugglerFritzBeatenText
$6b02 = JugglerFritzAfterBattleText
$6b40 = SailorGarrettSeenText
$6b60 = SailorGarrettBeatenText
$6b7a = SailorGarrettAfterBattleText
$6bbc = FisherJonahSeenText
$6c08 = FisherJonahBeatenText
$6c22 = FisherJonahAfterBattleText
$6c47 = BlackbeltWaiSeenText
$6c85 = BlackbeltWaiBeatenText
$6c9e = BlackbeltWaiAfterBattleText
$6cf9 = SailorKennethSeenText
$6d3c = SailorKennethBeatenText
$6d5f = SailorKennethAfterBattleText
$6db6 = TeacherShirleySeenText
$6dd9 = TeacherShirleyBeatenText
$6de1 = TeacherShirleyAfterBattleText
$6e14 = SchoolboyNateSeenText
$6e34 = SchoolboyNateBeatenText
$6e3d = SchoolboyNateAfterBattleText
$6e6f = SchoolboyRickySeenText
$6ea6 = SchoolboyRickyBeatenText
$6eb6 = SchoolboyRickyAfterBattleText
$6ee9 = FastShipB1F_MapEvents
$6faa = OlivinePortPassage_MapScripts
$6fac = OlivinePortPassagePokefanMScript
$6faf = OlivinePortPassagePokefanMText
$6fec = OlivinePortPassage_MapEvents
$7018 = VermilionPortPassage_MapScripts
$701a = VermilionPortPassageTeacherScript
$701d = VermilionPortPassageTeacherText
$705a = VermilionPortPassage_MapEvents
$7086 = MountMoonSquare_MapScripts
$7092 = MountMoonSquareNoopScene
$7093 = MountMoonSquareDisappearMoonStoneCallback
$7097 = MountMoonSquareDisappearRockCallback
$709a = ClefairyDance
$7117 = ClefairyDance.NoDancing
$7118 = MountMoonSquareHiddenMoonStone
$711b = DontLitterSign
$711e = MtMoonSquareRock
$7121 = PlayerWalksUpToDancingClefairies
$7123 = ClefairyDanceStep1
$7126 = ClefairyDanceStep2
$7128 = ClefairyDanceStep3
$712b = ClefairyDanceStep4
$712d = ClefairyDanceStep5
$7130 = ClefairyDanceStep6
$7132 = ClefairyDanceStep7
$7134 = ClefairyFleeMovement
$713b = DontLitterSignText
$7158 = MountMoonSquare_MapEvents
$71a6 = MountMoonGiftShop_MapScripts
$71a8 = MountMoonGiftShopClerkScript
$71b0 = MountMoonGiftShopLassScript
$71b3 = MountMoonGiftShopLassText
$71e7 = MountMoonGiftShop_MapEvents
$722b = TinTowerRoof_MapScripts
$7230 = TinTowerRoofHoOhCallback
$723e = TinTowerRoofHoOhCallback.Appear
$7241 = TinTowerRoofHoOhCallback.NoAppear
$7244 = TinTowerHoOh
$7260 = HoOhText
$726a = TinTowerRoof_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7282-$7fff ($0d7e bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0d7e bytes
ROMX bank #30:
SECTION: $4000-$76a7 ($36a8 bytes) ["Map Scripts 9"]
$4000 = Route34_MapScripts
$4005 = Route34EggCheckCallback
$4014 = Route34EggCheckCallback.PutDayCareManOutside
$401d = Route34EggCheckCallback.CheckMon1
$4029 = Route34EggCheckCallback.HideMon1
$402f = Route34EggCheckCallback.CheckMon2
$4039 = Route34EggCheckCallback.HideMon2
$403d = DayCareManScript_Outside
$405a = DayCareManScript_Outside.end_fail
$405b = DayCareManScript_Outside.walk_around_player
$4065 = DayCareMon1Script
$406b = DayCareMon2Script
$4071 = TrainerCamperTodd1
$407d = TrainerCamperTodd1.Script
$40a6 = TrainerCamperTodd1.AskAgain
$40a9 = TrainerCamperTodd1.FinishAsk
$40bd = TrainerCamperTodd1.Rematch
$40dc = TrainerCamperTodd1.Fight4
$40e2 = TrainerCamperTodd1.Fight3
$40e8 = TrainerCamperTodd1.Fight2
$40ee = TrainerCamperTodd1.Fight1
$40f4 = TrainerCamperTodd1.LoadFight0
$4101 = TrainerCamperTodd1.LoadFight1
$410e = TrainerCamperTodd1.LoadFight2
$411b = TrainerCamperTodd1.LoadFight3
$4128 = TrainerCamperTodd1.LoadFight4
$4131 = TrainerCamperTodd1.SaleIsOn
$4137 = TrainerCamperTodd1.AskNumber
$413b = TrainerCamperTodd1.AskNumber2
$413f = TrainerCamperTodd1.RegisteredNumber
$4143 = TrainerCamperTodd1.NumberAccepted
$4147 = TrainerCamperTodd1.NumberDeclined
$414b = TrainerCamperTodd1.PhoneFull
$414f = TrainerCamperTodd1.RematchStd
$4153 = TrainerPicnickerGina1
$415f = TrainerPicnickerGina1.Script
$4188 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.AskAgain
$418b = TrainerPicnickerGina1.FinishAsk
$419f = TrainerPicnickerGina1.Rematch
$41be = TrainerPicnickerGina1.Fight4
$41c4 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.Fight3
$41ca = TrainerPicnickerGina1.Fight2
$41d0 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.Fight1
$41d6 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.LoadFight0
$41e3 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.LoadFight1
$41f0 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.LoadFight2
$41fd = TrainerPicnickerGina1.LoadFight3
$420a = TrainerPicnickerGina1.LoadFight4
$4213 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.LeafStone
$4225 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.BagFull
$4228 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.AskNumber1
$422c = TrainerPicnickerGina1.AskNumber2
$4230 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.RegisteredNumber
$4234 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.NumberAccepted
$4238 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.NumberDeclined
$423c = TrainerPicnickerGina1.PhoneFull
$4240 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.RematchStd
$4244 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.Gift
$4248 = TrainerPicnickerGina1.PackFull
$424c = OfficerKeithScript
$4270 = OfficerKeithScript.AfterScript
$4276 = OfficerKeithScript.NoFight
$427c = TrainerYoungsterSamuel
$4288 = TrainerYoungsterSamuel.Script
$4290 = TrainerYoungsterIan
$429c = TrainerYoungsterIan.Script
$42a4 = TrainerPokefanmBrandon
$42b0 = TrainerPokefanmBrandon.Script
$42b8 = TrainerCooltrainerfIrene
$42c4 = TrainerCooltrainerfIrene.Script
$42d2 = TrainerCooltrainerfIrene.GotSoftSand
$42d8 = TrainerCooltrainerfJenn
$42e4 = TrainerCooltrainerfJenn.Script
$42f2 = TrainerCooltrainerfJenn.GotSoftSand
$42f8 = TrainerCooltrainerfKate
$4304 = TrainerCooltrainerfKate.Script
$4319 = TrainerCooltrainerfKate.GotSoftSand
$431d = TrainerCooltrainerfKate.BagFull
$431f = Route34IlexForestSign
$4322 = Route34Sign
$4325 = Route34TrainerTips
$4328 = DayCareSign
$432b = Route34Nugget
$432d = Route34HiddenRareCandy
$4330 = Route34HiddenSuperPotion
$4333 = Route34MovementData_DayCareManWalksBackInside
$4337 = Route34MovementData_DayCareManWalksBackInside_WalkAroundPlayer
$433d = YoungsterSamuelSeenText
$435e = YoungsterSamuelBeatenText
$437d = YoungsterSamuelMobileText
$43d8 = YoungsterSamuelAfterText
$4425 = YoungsterIanSeenText
$4447 = YoungsterIanBeatenText
$4469 = YoungsterIanAfterText
$449b = CamperTodd1SeenText
$44d3 = CamperTodd1BeatenText
$44f0 = CamperTodd1AfterText
$4532 = CamperToddSaleText
$456d = PicnickerGina1SeenText
$459e = PicnickerGina1BeatenText
$45b8 = PicnickerGina1AfterText
$45e4 = OfficerKeithSeenText
$4609 = OfficerKeithWinText
$4624 = OfficerKeithAfterText
$466a = OfficerKeithDaytimeText
$4696 = PokefanmBrandonSeenText
$46e1 = PokefanmBrandonBeatenText
$46fc = PokefanmBrandonAfterText
$4743 = CooltrainerfIreneSeenText
$4765 = CooltrainerfIreneBeatenText
$477f = CooltrainerfIreneAfterText1
$47ad = CooltrainerfIreneAfterText2
$47eb = CooltrainerfJennSeenText
$4819 = CooltrainerfJennBeatenText
$4836 = CooltrainerfJennAfterText1
$4866 = CooltrainerfJennAfterText2
$4890 = CooltrainerfKateSeenText
$48c0 = CooltrainerfKateBeatenText
$48e2 = CooltrainerfKateOfferSoftSandText
$492b = CooltrainerfKateAfterText
$498a = Route34IlexForestSignText
$49a8 = Route34SignText
$49ed = Route34TrainerTipsText
$4a52 = DayCareSignText
$4a7c = Route34_MapEvents
$4b5d = ElmsLab_MapScripts
$4b7a = ElmsLabMeetElmScene
$4b7e = ElmsLabNoop1Scene
$4b7f = ElmsLabNoop2Scene
$4b80 = ElmsLabNoop3Scene
$4b81 = ElmsLabNoop4Scene
$4b82 = ElmsLabNoop5Scene
$4b83 = ElmsLabMoveElmCallback
$4b8b = ElmsLabMoveElmCallback.Skip
$4b8c = ElmsLabWalkUpToElmScript
$4b9b = ElmsLabWalkUpToElmScript.MustSayYes
$4ba5 = ElmsLabWalkUpToElmScript.ElmGetsEmail
$4be0 = ProfElmScript
$4bee = ElmCheckMasterBall
$4bfa = ElmCheckEverstone
$4c22 = ElmEggHatchedScript
$4c35 = ElmCheckTogepiEgg
$4c41 = ElmCheckGotEggAgain
$4c65 = LabTryToLeaveScript
$4c73 = CyndaquilPokeBallScript
$4cb5 = TotodilePokeBallScript
$4cf1 = ChikoritaPokeBallScript
$4d2d = DidntChooseStarterScript
$4d33 = ElmDirectionsScript
$4d67 = ElmDescribesMrPokemonScript
$4d6d = LookAtElmPokeBallScript
$4d74 = ElmsLabHealingMachine
$4d81 = ElmsLabHealingMachine.CanHeal
$4d8a = ElmsLabHealingMachine_HealParty
$4d9f = ElmAfterTheftDoneScript
$4da2 = ElmAfterTheftScript
$4ddc = ElmStudyingEggScript
$4de2 = ElmAideHasEggScript
$4de8 = ElmWaitingEggHatchScript
$4dee = ShowElmTogepiScript
$4e03 = ElmGiveEverstoneScript
$4e16 = ElmScript_CallYou
$4e1a = ElmScript_NoRoomForEverstone
$4e1c = ElmGiveMasterBallScript
$4e2d = ElmGiveMasterBallScript.notdone
$4e2f = ElmGiveTicketScript
$4e3f = ElmJumpBackScript1
$4e53 = ElmJumpBackScript2
$4e67 = ElmJumpUpScript
$4e6d = ElmJumpDownScript
$4e73 = ElmJumpLeftScript
$4e79 = ElmJumpRightScript
$4e7f = AideScript_WalkPotion1
$4e8e = AideScript_WalkPotion2
$4e9d = AideScript_GivePotion
$4ead = AideScript_WalkBalls1
$4ebc = AideScript_WalkBalls2
$4ecb = AideScript_GiveYouBalls
$4ee2 = AideScript_ReceiveTheBalls
$4ee6 = ElmsAideScript
$4f00 = AideScript_TheftTestimony
$4f06 = AideScript_ExplainBalls
$4f0c = AideScript_AfterTheft
$4f12 = MeetCopScript2
$4f16 = MeetCopScript
$4f1a = CopScript
$4f33 = ElmsLabWindow
$4f43 = ElmsLabWindow.BreakIn
$4f49 = ElmsLabWindow.Normal
$4f4f = ElmsLabTravelTip1
$4f52 = ElmsLabTravelTip2
$4f55 = ElmsLabTravelTip3
$4f58 = ElmsLabTravelTip4
$4f5b = ElmsLabTrashcan
$4f5e = ElmsLabPC
$4f61 = ElmsLabTrashcan2
$4f64 = ElmsLabBookshelf
$4f67 = ElmsLab_WalkUpToElmMovement
$4f70 = ElmsLab_CantLeaveMovement
$4f72 = MeetCopScript2_StepLeft
$4f74 = MeetCopScript_WalkUp
$4f78 = OfficerLeavesMovement
$4f7e = AideWalksRight1
$4f82 = AideWalksRight2
$4f87 = AideWalksLeft1
$4f8b = AideWalksLeft2
$4f90 = ElmJumpUpMovement
$4f94 = ElmJumpDownMovement
$4f98 = ElmJumpLeftMovement
$4f9c = ElmJumpRightMovement
$4fa0 = ElmsLab_ElmToDefaultPositionMovement1
$4fa2 = ElmsLab_ElmToDefaultPositionMovement2
$4fa7 = AfterCyndaquilMovement
$4fab = AfterTotodileMovement
$4fb0 = AfterChikoritaMovement
$4fb6 = ElmText_Intro
$50fa = ElmText_Accepted
$511a = ElmText_Refused
$513a = ElmText_ResearchAmbitions
$51ae = ElmText_GotAnEmail
$51df = ElmText_MissionFromMrPokemon
$52ff = ElmText_ChooseAPokemon
$5375 = ElmText_LetYourMonBattleIt
$53a7 = LabWhereGoingText
$53c8 = TakeCyndaquilText
$53f3 = TakeTotodileText
$541f = TakeChikoritaText
$544d = DidntChooseStarterText
$5487 = ChoseStarterText
$54ad = ReceivedStarterText
$54c0 = ElmDirectionsText1
$5581 = ElmDirectionsText2
$55db = ElmDirectionsText3
$55f3 = GotElmsNumberText
$560d = ElmDescribesMrPokemonText
$5668 = ElmPokeBallText
$5690 = ElmsLabHealingMachineText1
$56aa = ElmsLabHealingMachineText2
$56cd = ElmAfterTheftText1
$5712 = ElmAfterTheftText2
$5739 = ElmAfterTheftText3
$5745 = ElmAfterTheftText4
$5780 = ElmAfterTheftText5
$58cf = ElmAfterTheftText6
$593c = ElmStudyingEggText
$597d = ElmAideHasEggText
$5a1b = ElmWaitingEggHatchText
$5a40 = ElmThoughtEggHatchedText
$5a72 = ShowElmTogepiText1
$5a8b = ShowElmTogepiText2
$5a9f = ShowElmTogepiText3
$5b1c = ElmGiveEverstoneText1
$5b8d = ElmGiveEverstoneText2
$5c37 = ElmText_CallYou
$5c65 = AideText_AfterTheft
$5cd0 = ElmGiveMasterBallText1
$5d31 = ElmGiveMasterBallText2
$5df3 = ElmGiveTicketText1
$5e6f = ElmGiveTicketText2
$5f0b = ElmsLabMonEggText
$5f38 = AideText_GiveYouPotion
$5f65 = AideText_AlwaysBusy
$5f95 = AideText_TheftTestimony
$6078 = AideText_GiveYouBalls
$609a = AideText_ExplainBalls
$60f0 = ElmsLabOfficerText1
$61c0 = ElmsLabOfficerText2
$61fd = ElmsLabWindowText1
$6231 = ElmsLabWindowText2
$624c = ElmsLabTravelTip1Text
$628a = ElmsLabTravelTip2Text
$62c6 = ElmsLabTravelTip3Text
$6315 = ElmsLabTravelTip4Text
$6370 = ElmsLabTrashcanText
$63a6 = ElmsLabPCText
$63de = ElmsLab_MapEvents
$64cc = PlayersHouse1F_MapScripts
$64d6 = PlayersHouse1FNoop1Scene
$64d7 = PlayersHouse1FNoop2Scene
$64d8 = MeetMomLeftScript
$64db = MeetMomRightScript
$64f2 = MeetMomRightScript.OnRight
$64f6 = MeetMomScript
$6519 = MeetMomScript.SetDayOfWeek
$652a = MeetMomScript.WrongDay
$6531 = MeetMomScript.DayOfWeekDone
$653b = MeetMomScript.KnowPhone
$6542 = MeetMomScript.ExplainPhone
$6549 = MeetMomScript.FinishPhone
$655d = MeetMomScript.FromRight
$6564 = MeetMomScript.FromLeft
$656b = MeetMomScript.Finish
$6572 = MeetMomTalkedScript
$6578 = PokegearName
$657e = PlayersHouse1FReceiveItemStd
$6582 = MomScript
$65a9 = MomScript.GotAPokemon
$65af = MomScript.FirstTimeBanking
$65b5 = MomScript.GaveMysteryEgg
$65b8 = MomScript.BankOfMom
$65c1 = NeighborScript
$65d2 = NeighborScript.MornScript
$65d9 = NeighborScript.DayScript
$65e0 = NeighborScript.NiteScript
$65e7 = NeighborScript.Main
$65f0 = PlayersHouse1FTVScript
$65f3 = PlayersHouse1FStoveScript
$65f6 = PlayersHouse1FSinkScript
$65f9 = PlayersHouse1FFridgeScript
$65fc = MomTurnsTowardPlayerMovement
$65fe = MomWalksToPlayerMovement
$6600 = MomTurnsBackMovement
$6602 = MomWalksBackMovement
$6604 = ElmsLookingForYouText
$66bd = MomGivesPokegearText
$6742 = IsItDSTText
$6763 = ComeHomeForDSTText
$67cb = KnowTheInstructionsText
$6807 = DontKnowTheInstructionsText
$6850 = InstructionsNextText
$68b5 = HurryUpElmIsWaitingText
$68e5 = SoWhatWasProfElmsErrandText
$6957 = ImBehindYouText
$697d = NeighborMornIntroText
$699c = NeighborDayIntroText
$69b4 = NeighborNiteIntroText
$69d3 = NeighborText
$6a3a = PlayersHouse1FStoveText
$6a64 = PlayersHouse1FSinkText
$6a91 = PlayersHouse1FFridgeText
$6ad0 = PlayersHouse1FTVText
$6b31 = PlayersHouse1F_MapEvents
$6bab = PlayersHouse2F_MapScripts
$6bb3 = PlayersHouse2FNoopScene
$6bb4 = PlayersHouse2FInitializeRoomCallback
$6bc4 = PlayersHouse2FInitializeRoomCallback.SkipInitialization
$6bc5 = PlayersHouse2FSetUpTileDecorationsCallback
$6bcc = PlayersHouseDoll1Script
$6bce = PlayersHouseDoll2Script
$6bd0 = PlayersHouseBigDollScript
$6bd2 = PlayersHouseGameConsoleScript
$6bd4 = PlayersHousePosterScript
$6bd8 = PlayersHousePosterScript.Script
$6bda = PlayersHouseRadioScript
$6c07 = PlayersHouseRadioScript.NormalRadio
$6c0a = PlayersHouseRadioScript.AbbreviatedRadio
$6c12 = PlayersHouseBookshelfScript
$6c15 = PlayersHousePCScript
$6c1e = PlayersHousePCScript.Warp
$6c24 = PlayersRadioText1
$6c55 = PlayersRadioText2
$6c64 = PlayersRadioText3
$6c84 = PlayersRadioText4
$6c99 = PlayersHouse2F_MapEvents
$6cec = PlayersNeighborsHouse_MapScripts
$6cee = PlayersNeighborsDaughterScript
$6cf1 = PlayersNeighborScript
$6cf4 = PlayersNeighborsHouseBookshelfScript
$6cf7 = PlayersNeighborsHouseRadioScript
$6d24 = PlayersNeighborsHouseRadioScript.NormalRadio
$6d27 = PlayersNeighborsHouseRadioScript.AbbreviatedRadio
$6d2f = PlayersNeighborsDaughterText
$6dd4 = PlayersNeighborText
$6e3b = PlayerNeighborRadioText1
$6e6c = PlayerNeighborRadioText2
$6e7b = PlayerNeighborRadioText3
$6e9b = PlayerNeighborRadioText4
$6eb0 = PlayersNeighborsHouse_MapEvents
$6ee9 = ElmsHouse_MapScripts
$6eeb = ElmsWife
$6eee = ElmsSon
$6ef1 = ElmsHousePC
$6ef4 = ElmsHouseBookshelf
$6ef7 = ElmsWifeText
$6f6b = ElmsSonText
$6fbc = ElmsHouseLabFoodText
$6fec = ElmsHousePokemonFoodText
$701b = ElmsHousePCText
$70ea = ElmsHouse_MapEvents
$7123 = Route26HealHouse_MapScripts
$7125 = Route26HealHouseTeacherScript
$714a = Route26HealHouseBookshelf
$714d = Route26HealHouseRestAWhileText
$718b = Route26HealHouseKeepAtItText
$71bb = Route26HealHouse_MapEvents
$71e2 = DayOfWeekSiblingsHouse_MapScripts
$71e4 = DayOfWeekSiblingsHousePokedexScript
$71f7 = DayOfWeekSiblingsHousePokedexScript.End
$71f9 = DayOfWeekSiblingsHousePokedexText1
$7222 = DayOfWeekSiblingsHousePokedexText2
$72b9 = DayOfWeekSiblingsHousePokedexText3
$7375 = DayOfWeekSiblingsHouse_MapEvents
$7392 = Route27SandstormHouse_MapScripts
$7394 = SandstormHouseWoman
$73aa = SandstormHouseWoman.Loyal
$73b7 = SandstormHouseWoman.AlreadyGotItem
$73bb = SandstormHouseWoman.Done
$73bd = SandstormHouseWoman.Disloyal
$73c3 = SandstormHouseBookshelf
$73c6 = SandstormHouseWomanText1
$742b = SandstormHouseWomanLoyalText
$748f = SandstormHouseSandstormDescription
$751f = SandstormHouseWomanDisloyalText
$7592 = Route27SandstormHouse_MapEvents
$75b9 = Route29Route46Gate_MapScripts
$75bb = Route29Route46GateOfficerScript
$75be = Route29Route46GateYoungsterScript
$75c1 = Route29Route46GateOfficerText
$760d = Route29Route46GateYoungsterText
$7674 = Route29Route46Gate_MapEvents
EMPTY: $76a8-$7fff ($0958 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0958 bytes
ROMX bank #31:
SECTION: $4000-$7627 ($3628 bytes) ["Map Scripts 10"]
$4000 = Route22_MapScripts
$4002 = VictoryRoadEntranceSign
$4005 = VictoryRoadEntranceSignText
$4028 = Route22_MapEvents
$4038 = GoldenrodUnderground_MapScripts
$4043 = GoldenrodUndergroundResetSwitchesCallback
$4076 = GoldenrodUndergroundCheckBasementKeyCallback
$407d = GoldenrodUndergroundCheckBasementKeyCallback.LockBasementDoor
$4082 = GoldenrodUndergroundCheckDayOfWeekCallback
$40a5 = GoldenrodUndergroundCheckDayOfWeekCallback.Monday
$40ae = GoldenrodUndergroundCheckDayOfWeekCallback.NotMondayMorning
$40b5 = GoldenrodUndergroundCheckDayOfWeekCallback.Tuesday
$40be = GoldenrodUndergroundCheckDayOfWeekCallback.Wednesday
$40c7 = GoldenrodUndergroundCheckDayOfWeekCallback.Thursday
$40d0 = GoldenrodUndergroundCheckDayOfWeekCallback.Friday
$40d9 = GoldenrodUndergroundCheckDayOfWeekCallback.Saturday
$40e2 = TrainerSupernerdEric
$40ee = TrainerSupernerdEric.Script
$40f6 = TrainerSupernerdTeru
$4102 = TrainerSupernerdTeru.Script
$410a = TrainerPokemaniacIssac
$4116 = TrainerPokemaniacIssac.Script
$411e = TrainerPokemaniacDonald
$412a = TrainerPokemaniacDonald.Script
$4132 = BitterMerchantScript
$4140 = BitterMerchantScript.Open
$4146 = BargainMerchantScript
$4156 = BargainMerchantScript.CheckMorn
$4161 = OlderHaircutBrotherScript
$4173 = OlderHaircutBrotherScript.DoHaircut
$41a9 = OlderHaircutBrotherScript.two
$41b5 = OlderHaircutBrotherScript.three
$41c1 = OlderHaircutBrotherScript.else
$41cd = OlderHaircutBrotherScript.then
$41fc = OlderHaircutBrotherScript.Refused
$4202 = OlderHaircutBrotherScript.NotEnoughMoney
$4208 = OlderHaircutBrotherScript.AlreadyGotHaircut
$420e = YoungerHaircutBrotherScript
$4220 = YoungerHaircutBrotherScript.DoHaircut
$4256 = YoungerHaircutBrotherScript.two
$4262 = YoungerHaircutBrotherScript.three
$426e = YoungerHaircutBrotherScript.else
$427a = YoungerHaircutBrotherScript.then
$42a9 = YoungerHaircutBrotherScript.Refused
$42af = YoungerHaircutBrotherScript.NotEnoughMoney
$42b5 = YoungerHaircutBrotherScript.AlreadyGotHaircut
$42bb = EitherHaircutBrotherScript_SlightlyHappier
$42c4 = EitherHaircutBrotherScript_Happier
$42cd = EitherHaircutBrotherScript_MuchHappier
$42d6 = BasementDoorScript
$42e8 = BasementDoorScript.Unlock
$42fa = BasementDoorScript.Open
$4300 = GoldenrodUndergroundScript_ShopClosed
$4306 = GoldenrodUndergroundCoinCase
$4308 = GoldenrodUndergroundNoEntrySign
$430b = GoldenrodUndergroundHiddenParlyzHeal
$430e = GoldenrodUndergroundHiddenSuperPotion
$4311 = GoldenrodUndergroundHiddenAntidote
$4314 = SupernerdEricSeenText
$4361 = SupernerdEricBeatenText
$436c = SupernerdEricAfterBattleText
$439a = SupernerdTeruSeenText
$4403 = SupernerdTeruBeatenText
$4410 = SupernerdTeruAfterBattleText
$4452 = PokemaniacIssacSeenText
$448e = PokemaniacIssacBeatenText
$4498 = PokemaniacIssacAfterBattleText
$44d1 = PokemaniacDonaldSeenText
$450d = PokemaniacDonaldBeatenText
$452f = PokemaniacDonaldAfterBattleText
$45b0 = GoldenrodUndergroundTheDoorsLockedText
$45c3 = GoldenrodUndergroundTheDoorIsOpenText
$45d6 = GoldenrodUndergroundBasementKeyOpenedDoorText
$45f9 = GoldenrodUndergroundOlderHaircutBrotherOfferHaircutText
$469a = GoldenrodUndergroundOlderHaircutBrotherAskWhichMonText
$46b8 = GoldenrodUndergroundOlderHaircutBrotherWatchItBecomeBeautifulText
$46d8 = GoldenrodUndergroundOlderHaircutBrotherAllDoneText
$46ea = GoldenrodUndergroundOlderHaircutBrotherThatsAShameText
$4709 = GoldenrodUndergroundOlderHaircutBrotherYoullNeedMoreMoneyText
$472b = GoldenrodUndergroundOlderHaircutBrotherOneHaircutADayText
$475c = GoldenrodUndergroundYoungerHaircutBrotherOfferHaircutText
$47f1 = GoldenrodUndergroundYoungerHaircutBrotherAskWhichMonText
$480e = GoldenrodUndergroundYoungerHaircutBrotherIllMakeItLookCoolText
$482a = GoldenrodUndergroundYoungerHaircutBrotherAllDoneText
$4842 = GoldenrodUndergroundYoungerHaircutBrotherHowDisappointingText
$485b = GoldenrodUndergroundYoungerHaircutBrotherShortOnFundsText
$487b = GoldenrodUndergroundYoungerHaircutBrotherOneHaircutADayText
$48bf = HaircutBrosText_SlightlyHappier
$48dc = HaircutBrosText_Happier
$48ee = HaircutBrosText_MuchHappier
$4904 = GoldenrodUndergroundWeAreNotOpenTodayText
$491a = GoldenrodUndergroundNoEntryText
$4936 = GoldenrodUnderground_MapEvents
$49e8 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_MapScripts
$49f5 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesNoop1Scene
$49f6 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesNoop2Scene
$49f7 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesUpdateDoorPositionsCallback
$4a01 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesUpdateDoorPositionsCallback.false4
$4a0b = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesUpdateDoorPositionsCallback.false5
$4a15 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesUpdateDoorPositionsCallback.false6
$4a1f = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesUpdateDoorPositionsCallback.false7
$4a29 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesUpdateDoorPositionsCallback.false8
$4a33 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesUpdateDoorPositionsCallback.false9
$4a41 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesUpdateDoorPositionsCallback.false10
$4a4f = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesUpdateDoorPositionsCallback.false11
$4a5d = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesUpdateDoorPositionsCallback.false12
$4a6b = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesUpdateDoorPositionsCallback.false13
$4a79 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesUpdateDoorPositionsCallback.false14
$4a7a = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesSuperNerdScript
$4a7d = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesTeacherScript
$4a80 = UndergroundRivalScene1
$4aaa = UndergroundRivalScene2
$4ad4 = UndergroundRivalBattleScript
$4ae1 = UndergroundRivalBattleScript.Continue
$4b09 = UndergroundRivalBattleScript.Totodile
$4b19 = UndergroundRivalBattleScript.Chikorita
$4b29 = UndergroundRivalBattleScript.FinishRivalBattle
$4b33 = TrainerGruntM11
$4b3f = TrainerGruntM11.Script
$4b47 = TrainerGruntM25
$4b53 = TrainerGruntM25.Script
$4b5b = TrainerBurglarDuncan
$4b67 = TrainerBurglarDuncan.Script
$4b6f = TrainerBurglarEddie
$4b7b = TrainerBurglarEddie.Script
$4b83 = TrainerGruntM13
$4b8f = TrainerGruntM13.Script
$4b97 = TrainerGruntF3
$4ba3 = TrainerGruntF3.Script
$4bab = Switch1Script
$4bcb = Switch1Script.On
$4be0 = Switch2Script
$4c00 = Switch2Script.On
$4c15 = Switch3Script
$4c35 = Switch3Script.On
$4c4a = EmergencySwitchScript
$4c70 = EmergencySwitchScript.On
$4c8b = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_DontToggle
$4c8d = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors
$4cb0 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Position0
$4cd7 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Position1
$4cf2 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Position2
$4d0d = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Position3
$4d28 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Position4
$4d43 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Position5
$4d5e = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Position6
$4d79 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.EmergencyPosition
$4da5 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Set4
$4dad = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Set5
$4db5 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Set6
$4dbd = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Set7
$4dc5 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Set8
$4dcd = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Set9
$4dd5 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Set10
$4de1 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Set11
$4ded = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Set12
$4df9 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Set13
$4e05 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Set14
$4e11 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Clear4
$4e19 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Clear5
$4e21 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Clear6
$4e29 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Clear7
$4e31 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Clear8
$4e39 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Clear9
$4e41 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Clear10
$4e4d = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Clear11
$4e59 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Clear12
$4e65 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Clear13
$4e71 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_UpdateDoors.Clear14
$4e7d = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesSmokeBall
$4e7f = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesFullHeal
$4e81 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesHiddenMaxPotion
$4e84 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesHiddenRevive
$4e87 = UndergroundRivalApproachMovement1
$4e8c = UndergroundRivalApproachMovement2
$4e92 = UndergroundRivalRetreatMovement1
$4e97 = UndergroundRivalRetreatMovement2
$4e9d = UndergroundRivalBeforeText
$4f5d = UndergroundRivalWinText
$4fc2 = UndergroundRivalAfterText
$5102 = UndergroundRivalLossText
$5176 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_SuperNerdText
$51d0 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_TeacherText
$522b = GruntM11SeenText
$526f = GruntM11BeatenText
$5290 = GruntM11AfterBattleText
$52d8 = GruntM25SeenText
$5335 = GruntM25BeatenText
$5347 = GruntM25AfterBattleText
$53ae = BurglarDuncanSeenText
$53c7 = BurglarDuncanBeatenText
$53cf = BurglarDuncanAfterBattleText
$53fb = BurglarEddieSeenText
$544c = BurglarEddieBeatenText
$545b = BurglarEddieAfterBattleText
$54b2 = GruntM13SeenText
$54fc = GruntM13BeatenText
$551f = GruntM13AfterBattleText
$5554 = SwitchRoomText_Switch1
$556b = GruntF3SeenText
$55d6 = GruntF3BeatenText
$55e6 = GruntF3AfterBattleText
$5617 = SwitchRoomText_OffTurnOn
$562d = SwitchRoomText_OnTurnOff
$5643 = SwitchRoomText_Switch2
$565a = SwitchRoomText_Switch3
$5671 = SwitchRoomText_Emergency
$5689 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_MapEvents
$5779 = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1F_MapScripts
$5781 = GoldenRodDeptStoreB1FClearBoxesCallback
$578a = GoldenRodDeptStoreB1FClearBoxesCallback.GotCardKey
$5791 = GoldenRodDeptStoreB1FClearBoxesCallback.Continue
$57a2 = GoldenRodDeptStoreB1FClearBoxesCallback.Layout2
$57a7 = GoldenRodDeptStoreB1FClearBoxesCallback.Layout3
$57ac = GoldenRodDeptStoreUnblockCallback
$57b0 = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1FBlackBelt1Script
$57b3 = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1FBlackBelt2Script
$57b6 = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1FBlackBelt3Script
$57b9 = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1FMachopScript
$57c3 = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1FEther
$57c5 = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1FAmuletCoin
$57c7 = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1FBurnHeal
$57c9 = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1FUltraBall
$57cb = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1FBlackBelt1Text
$582c = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1FBlackBelt2Text
$5875 = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1FBlackBelt3Text
$58bb = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1FMachokeText
$58ce = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1F_MapEvents
$594b = GoldenrodUndergroundWarehouse_MapScripts
$5950 = GoldenrodUndergroundWarehouseResetSwitchesCallback
$5983 = TrainerGruntM24
$598f = TrainerGruntM24.Script
$5997 = TrainerGruntM14
$59a3 = TrainerGruntM14.Script
$59ab = TrainerGruntM15
$59b7 = TrainerGruntM15.Script
$59bf = GoldenrodUndergroundWarehouseDirectorScript
$59de = GoldenrodUndergroundWarehouseDirectorScript.GotCardKey
$59e4 = GoldenrodUndergroundWarehouseMaxEther
$59e6 = GoldenrodUndergroundWarehouseTMSleepTalk
$59e8 = GoldenrodUndergroundWarehouseUltraBall
$59ea = GruntM24SeenText
$5a34 = GruntM24BeatenText
$5a48 = GruntM24AfterBattleText
$5aa7 = GruntM14SeenText
$5af6 = GruntM14BeatenText
$5b01 = GruntM14AfterBattleText
$5b27 = GruntM15SeenText
$5b6b = GruntM15BeatenText
$5b8e = GruntM15AfterBattleText
$5bc6 = DirectorIntroText
$5c5b = DirectorCardKeyText
$5c8d = DirectorAfterText
$5d84 = GoldenrodUndergroundWarehouse_MapEvents
$5df4 = MountMortar1FOutside_MapScripts
$5df6 = MountMortar1FOutsideEther
$5df8 = MountMortar1FOutsideRevive
$5dfa = MountMortar1FOutsideHiddenHyperPotion
$5dfd = MountMortar1FOutside_MapEvents
$5e4f = MountMortar1FInside_MapScripts
$5e51 = TrainerPokemaniacMiller
$5e5d = TrainerPokemaniacMiller.Script
$5e65 = TrainerSupernerdMarkus
$5e71 = TrainerSupernerdMarkus.Script
$5e79 = MountMortar1FBoulder
$5e7c = MountMortar1FInsideEscapeRope
$5e7e = MountMortar1FInsideMaxRevive
$5e80 = MountMortar1FInsideHyperPotion
$5e82 = MountMortar1FInsideMaxPotion
$5e84 = MountMortar1FInsideNugget
$5e86 = MountMortar1FInsideIron
$5e88 = MountMortar1FInsideUltraBall
$5e8a = MountMortar1FInsideHiddenMaxRepel
$5e8d = PokemaniacMillerSeenText
$5ea7 = PokemaniacMillerBeatenText
$5ebd = PokemaniacMillerAfterBattleText
$5f6a = SupernerdMarkusSeenText
$5f76 = SupernerdMarkusBeatenText
$5f97 = SupernerdMarkusAfterBattleText
$601d = MountMortar1FInside_MapEvents
$60c8 = MountMortar2FInside_MapScripts
$60ca = TrainerSupernerdHugh
$60d6 = TrainerSupernerdHugh.Script
$60de = MountMortar2FInsideMaxPotion
$60e0 = MountMortar2FInsideRareCandy
$60e2 = MountMortar2FInsideTMDefenseCurl
$60e4 = MountMortar2FInsideDragonScale
$60e6 = MountMortar2FInsideElixer
$60e8 = MountMortar2FInsideEscapeRope
$60ea = MountMortar2FInsideHiddenFullRestore
$60ed = SupernerdHughSeenText
$60fa = SupernerdHughBeatenText
$610e = SupernerdHughAfterBattleText
$6184 = MountMortar2FInside_MapEvents
$61f4 = MountMortarB1F_MapScripts
$61f6 = MountMortarB1FKiyoScript
$6217 = MountMortarB1FKiyoScript.BeatKiyo
$6231 = MountMortarB1FKiyoScript.GotTyrogue
$6237 = MountMortarB1FKiyoScript.NoRoom
$623d = MountMortarB1FBoulder
$6240 = MountMortarB1FHyperPotion
$6242 = MountMortarB1FCarbos
$6244 = MountMortarB1FFullRestore
$6246 = MountMortarB1FMaxEther
$6248 = MountMortarB1FPPUp
$624a = MountMortarB1FHiddenMaxRevive
$624d = MountMortarB1FKiyoIntroText
$62a9 = MountMortarB1FKiyoWinText
$62c0 = MountMortarB1FTyrogueRewardText
$6355 = MountMortarB1FReceiveMonText
$636a = MountMortarB1FKiyoGotTyrogueText
$63df = MountMortarB1FKiyoFullPartyText
$6400 = MountMortarB1F_MapEvents
$6470 = IcePath1F_MapScripts
$6472 = IcePath1FHMWaterfall
$6474 = IcePath1FPPUp
$6476 = IcePath1FProtein
$6478 = IcePath1F_MapEvents
$64b9 = IcePathB1F_MapScripts
$64be = IcePathB1FSetUpStoneTableCallback
$64c2 = IcePathB1FSetUpStoneTableCallback.CommandQueue
$64c7 = IcePathB1FSetUpStoneTableCallback.StoneTable
$64d8 = IcePathB1FSetUpStoneTableCallback.Boulder1
$64e0 = IcePathB1FSetUpStoneTableCallback.Boulder2
$64e8 = IcePathB1FSetUpStoneTableCallback.Boulder3
$64f0 = IcePathB1FSetUpStoneTableCallback.Boulder4
$64f8 = IcePathB1FSetUpStoneTableCallback.FinishBoulder
$6504 = IcePathB1FSetUpStoneTableCallback.BoulderFallsThrough
$650a = IcePathB1FBoulder
$650d = IcePathB1FIron
$650f = IcePathB1FHiddenMaxPotion
$6512 = IcePathBoulderFellThroughText
$652d = IcePathB1F_MapEvents
$65a1 = IcePathB2FMahoganySide_MapScripts
$65a3 = IcePathB2FMahoganySideBoulder
$65a6 = IcePathB2FMahoganySideFullHeal
$65a8 = IcePathB2FMahoganySideMaxPotion
$65aa = IcePathB2FMahoganySideHiddenCarbos
$65ad = IcePathB2FMahoganySideBoulderText
$65cd = IcePathB2FMahoganySide_MapEvents
$6644 = IcePathB2FBlackthornSide_MapScripts
$6646 = IcePathB2FBlackthornSideTMRest
$6648 = IcePathB2FBlackthornSideHiddenIceHeal
$664b = IcePathB2FBlackthornSide_MapEvents
$666d = IcePathB3F_MapScripts
$666f = IcePathB3FNevermeltice
$6671 = IcePathB3FRock
$6674 = IcePathB3F_MapEvents
$669e = LavenderPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$66a0 = LavenderPokecenter1FNurseScript
$66a3 = LavenderPokecenter1FGentlemanScript
$66a6 = LavenderPokecenter1FTeacherScript
$66a9 = LavenderPokecenter1FYoungsterScript
$66b7 = LavenderPokecenter1FYoungsterScript.ReturnedMachinePart
$66bd = LavenderPokecenter1FGentlemanText
$6710 = LavenderPokecenter1FTeacherText
$6779 = LavenderPokecenter1FYoungsterText
$67ed = LavenderPokecenter1FYoungsterText_ReturnedMachinePart
$6872 = LavenderPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$68bb = LavenderPokecenter2FBeta_MapScripts
$68bd = LavenderPokecenter2FBeta_MapEvents
$68c8 = MrFujisHouse_MapScripts
$68ca = MrFujisHouseSuperNerdScript
$68cd = MrFujisHouseLassScript
$68d0 = MrFujisPsyduck
$68da = MrFujisNidorino
$68e4 = MrFujisPidgey
$68ee = MrFujisHouseBookshelf
$68f1 = MrFujisHouseSuperNerdText
$6940 = MrFujisHouseLassText
$69b6 = MrFujisPsyduckText
$69c9 = MrFujisNidorinoText
$69da = MrFujisPidgeyText
$69ea = MrFujisHouse_MapEvents
$6a45 = LavenderSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$6a47 = LavenderSpeechHousePokefanFScript
$6a4a = LavenderSpeechHouseBookshelf
$6a4d = LavenderSpeechHousePokefanFText
$6ac4 = LavenderSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$6aeb = LavenderNameRater_MapScripts
$6af1 = LavenderNameRaterNoopScene
$6af2 = LavenderNameRater
$6afa = LavenderNameRaterUnusedBookshelf
$6afd = LavenderNameRater_MapEvents
$6b1a = LavenderMart_MapScripts
$6b1c = LavenderMartClerkScript
$6b23 = LavenderMartPokefanMScript
$6b26 = LavenderMartRockerScript
$6b29 = LavenderMartPokefanMText
$6bac = LavenderMartRockerText
$6c0e = LavenderMart_MapEvents
$6c45 = SoulHouse_MapScripts
$6c47 = MrFuji
$6c4a = SoulHouseTeacherScript
$6c4d = SoulHouseLassScript
$6c50 = SoulHouseGrannyScript
$6c53 = MrFujiText
$6d4d = SoulHouseTeacherText
$6db1 = SoulHouseLassText
$6ddb = SoulHouseGrannyText
$6e1d = SoulHouse_MapEvents
$6e61 = LavRadioTower1F_MapScripts
$6e63 = LavRadioTower1FReceptionistScript
$6e66 = LavRadioTower1FOfficerScript
$6e69 = LavRadioTower1FSuperNerd1Script
$6e6c = LavRadioTower1FGentlemanScript
$6e80 = LavRadioTower1FGentlemanScript.ReturnedMachinePart
$6e8e = LavRadioTower1FGentlemanScript.GotExpnCard
$6e94 = LavRadioTower1FGentlemanScript.receiveitem
$6e98 = LavRadioTower1FGentlemanScript.expncardname
$6ea2 = LavRadioTower1FSuperNerd2Script
$6eb0 = LavRadioTower1FSuperNerd2Script.GotExpnCard
$6eb6 = LavRadioTower1FDirectory
$6eb9 = LavRadioTower1FPokeFluteSign
$6ebc = LavRadioTower1FReferenceLibrary
$6ebf = LavRadioTower1FReceptionistText
$6efa = LavRadioTower1FOfficerText
$6f90 = LavRadioTower1FSuperNerd1Text
$6ffb = LavRadioTower1FGentlemanText
$70a1 = LavRadioTower1FGentlemanText_ReturnedMachinePart
$7141 = LavRadioTower1FGentlemanText_GotExpnCard
$7193 = LavRadioTower1FSuperNerd2Text
$7248 = LavRadioTower1FSuperNerd2Text_GotExpnCard
$72e3 = LavRadioTower1FDirectoryText
$732d = LavRadioTower1FPokeFluteSignText
$736b = LavRadioTower1FReferenceLibraryText
$73b9 = LavRadioTower1F_MapEvents
$7414 = Route8SaffronGate_MapScripts
$7416 = Route8SaffronGateOfficerScript
$7419 = Route8SaffronGateOfficerText
$745b = Route8SaffronGate_MapEvents
$7482 = Route12SuperRodHouse_MapScripts
$7484 = Route12SuperRodHouseFishingGuruScript
$74a0 = Route12SuperRodHouseFishingGuruScript.GotSuperRod
$74a6 = Route12SuperRodHouseFishingGuruScript.Refused
$74aa = Route12SuperRodHouseFishingGuruScript.NoRoom
$74ac = SuperRodHouseBookshelf
$74af = OfferSuperRodText
$752f = GiveSuperRodText
$757c = GaveSuperRodText
$75ec = DontWantSuperRodText
$760b = Route12SuperRodHouse_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7628-$7fff ($09d8 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $09d8 bytes
ROMX bank #32:
SECTION: $4000-$63c7 ($23c8 bytes) ["bank20"]
$4000 = DoPlayerMovement
$4017 = DoPlayerMovement.GetDPad
$402d = DoPlayerMovement.TranslateIntoMovement
$4044 = DoPlayerMovement.Normal
$4060 = DoPlayerMovement.Surf
$4074 = DoPlayerMovement.Ice
$4098 = DoPlayerMovement.HitWall
$409d = DoPlayerMovement.NotMoving
$40ad = DoPlayerMovement.CantMove
$40b2 = DoPlayerMovement.Standing
$40b7 = DoPlayerMovement.CheckTile
$40c4 = DoPlayerMovement.not_whirlpool
$40d8 = DoPlayerMovement.water
$40e8 = DoPlayerMovement.water_table
$40ec = DoPlayerMovement.land1
$4100 = DoPlayerMovement.land1_table
$4108 = DoPlayerMovement.land2
$411c = DoPlayerMovement.land2_table
$4124 = DoPlayerMovement.warps
$4135 = DoPlayerMovement.down
$413c = DoPlayerMovement.no_walk
$413e = DoPlayerMovement.continue_walk
$4147 = DoPlayerMovement.CheckTurning
$4169 = DoPlayerMovement.not_turning
$416b = DoPlayerMovement.TryStep
$41a7 = DoPlayerMovement.fast
$41ae = DoPlayerMovement.walk
$41b5 = DoPlayerMovement.ice
$41bc = DoPlayerMovement.unused
$41be = DoPlayerMovement.bump
$41c0 = DoPlayerMovement.TrySurf
$41e2 = DoPlayerMovement.ExitWater
$41f1 = DoPlayerMovement.surf_bump
$41f3 = DoPlayerMovement.TryJump
$421c = DoPlayerMovement.DontJump
$421e = DoPlayerMovement.ledge_table
$4226 = DoPlayerMovement.CheckWarp
$4259 = DoPlayerMovement.not_warp
$425b = DoPlayerMovement.EdgeWarps
$425f = DoPlayerMovement.DoStep
$4283 = DoPlayerMovement.Steps
$4293 = DoPlayerMovement.SlowStep
$4297 = DoPlayerMovement.NormalStep
$429b = DoPlayerMovement.FastStep
$429f = DoPlayerMovement.JumpStep
$42a3 = DoPlayerMovement.SlideStep
$42a7 = DoPlayerMovement.BackJumpStep
$42ab = DoPlayerMovement.TurningStep
$42af = DoPlayerMovement.FinishFacing
$42b3 = DoPlayerMovement.StandInPlace
$42bf = DoPlayerMovement._WalkInPlace
$42cb = DoPlayerMovement.CheckForced
$42e8 = DoPlayerMovement.forced_dpad
$42ec = DoPlayerMovement.GetAction
$4307 = DoPlayerMovement.d_down
$4308 = DoPlayerMovement.d_up
$4309 = DoPlayerMovement.d_left
$430a = DoPlayerMovement.d_right
$430b = DoPlayerMovement.update
$4323 = DoPlayerMovement.action_table
$4323 = DoPlayerMovement.action_table_1
$4329 = DoPlayerMovement.action_table_1_end
$4341 = DoPlayerMovement.CheckNPC
$4369 = DoPlayerMovement.no_npc
$436c = DoPlayerMovement.no_bump
$436f = DoPlayerMovement.CheckStrengthBoulder
$439c = DoPlayerMovement.not_boulder
$439e = DoPlayerMovement.CheckLandPerms
$43b2 = DoPlayerMovement.NotWalkable
$43b4 = DoPlayerMovement.CheckSurfPerms
$43c8 = DoPlayerMovement.NotSurfable
$43ca = DoPlayerMovement.BikeCheck
$43d3 = DoPlayerMovement.CheckWalkable
$43da = DoPlayerMovement.CheckSurfable
$43e6 = DoPlayerMovement.Water
$43e8 = DoPlayerMovement.Land
$43ec = DoPlayerMovement.Neither
$43ee = DoPlayerMovement.BumpSound
$43f9 = DoPlayerMovement.GetOutOfWater
$4404 = CheckStandingOnIce
$441e = CheckStandingOnIce.yep
$4420 = CheckStandingOnIce.not_ice
$4422 = StopPlayerForEvent
$4430 = EngineFlagAction
$4439 = EngineFlagAction.ceiling
$443e = EngineFlagAction.invalid
$4441 = EngineFlagAction.read
$4457 = EngineFlagAction.set
$445b = EngineFlagAction.reset
$4462 = EngineFlags
$4648 = _GetVarAction
$464e = _GetVarAction.valid
$4668 = _GetVarAction.call
$466c = _GetVarAction.loadstringbuffer2
$4671 = _GetVarAction.VarActionTable
$46c5 = _GetVarAction.CountCaughtMons
$46d3 = _GetVarAction.CountSeenMons
$46e1 = _GetVarAction.CountBadges
$46ef = _GetVarAction.PlayerFacing
$46f9 = _GetVarAction.DayOfWeek
$46ff = _GetVarAction.UnownCaught
$4706 = _GetVarAction.count_unown
$470b = _GetVarAction.loop
$4715 = _GetVarAction.BoxFreeSpace
$4728 = _GetVarAction.BattleResult
$4730 = BattleText_PlayerPickedUpPayDayMoney
$4730 = BattleText
$4746 = WildPokemonAppearedText
$475c = HookedPokemonAttackedText
$4778 = PokemonFellFromTreeText
$4793 = WildCelebiAppearedText
$47a9 = WantsToBattleText
$47bd = BattleText_WildFled
$47cf = BattleText_EnemyFled
$47e2 = HurtByPoisonText
$47f8 = HurtByBurnText
$480e = LeechSeedSapsText
$4822 = HasANightmareText
$4836 = HurtByCurseText
$484d = SandstormHitsText
$4864 = PerishCountText
$4880 = BattleText_TargetRecoveredWithItem
$4899 = BattleText_UserRecoveredPPUsing
$48b6 = BattleText_TargetWasHitByFutureSight
$48d2 = BattleText_SafeguardFaded
$48e7 = BattleText_MonsLightScreenFell
$4905 = BattleText_MonsReflectFaded
$491f = BattleText_RainContinuesToFall
$4938 = BattleText_TheSunlightIsStrong
$4951 = BattleText_TheSandstormRages
$4967 = BattleText_TheRainStopped
$497a = BattleText_TheSunlightFaded
$498f = BattleText_TheSandstormSubsided
$49a8 = BattleText_EnemyMonFainted
$49be = GotMoneyForWinningText
$49da = BattleText_EnemyWasDefeated
$49eb = TiedAgainstText
$49fc = SentSomeToMomText
$4a2a = SentHalfToMomText
$4a3d = SentAllToMomText
$4a4f = UnusedRivalLossText
$4a75 = BattleText_MonFainted
$4a83 = BattleText_UseNextMon
$4a93 = UnusedRivalWinText
$4ab9 = LostAgainstText
$4aca = BattleText_EnemyIsAboutToUseWillPlayerChangeMon
$4af8 = BattleText_EnemySentOut
$4b0b = BattleText_TheresNoWillToBattle
$4b26 = BattleText_AnEGGCantBattle
$4b3b = BattleText_CantEscape2
$4b49 = BattleText_TheresNoEscapeFromTrainerBattle
$4b77 = BattleText_GotAwaySafely
$4b89 = BattleText_UserFledUsingAStringBuffer1
$4ba0 = BattleText_CantEscape
$4bae = BattleText_UserHurtBySpikes
$4bc2 = RecoveredUsingText
$4bde = BattleText_UsersStringBuffer1Activated
$4bf3 = BattleText_ItemsCantBeUsedHere
$4c0d = BattleText_MonIsAlreadyOut
$4c22 = BattleText_MonCantBeRecalled
$4c39 = BattleText_TheresNoPPLeftForThisMove
$4c5b = BattleText_TheMoveIsDisabled
$4c72 = BattleText_MonHasNoMovesLeft
$4c8a = BattleText_TargetsEncoreEnded
$4c9c = BattleText_StringBuffer1GrewToLevel
$4cba = BattleText_WildMonIsEating
$4cd1 = BattleText_WildMonIsAngry
$4ce7 = FastAsleepText
$4cfa = WokeUpText
$4d06 = FrozenSolidText
$4d1a = FlinchedText
$4d27 = MustRechargeText
$4d39 = DisabledNoMoreText
$4d4f = IsConfusedText
$4d5f = HurtItselfText
$4d81 = ConfusedNoMoreText
$4d97 = BecameConfusedText
$4dab = BattleText_ItemHealedConfusion
$4dcc = AlreadyConfusedText
$4de2 = BattleText_UsersHurtByStringBuffer1
$4df5 = BattleText_UserWasReleasedFromStringBuffer1
$4e11 = UsedBindText
$4e24 = WhirlpoolTrapText
$4e34 = FireSpinTrapText
$4e44 = WrappedByText
$4e59 = ClampedByText
$4e6e = StoringEnergyText
$4e84 = UnleashedEnergyText
$4e99 = HungOnText
$4eb0 = EnduredText
$4ec4 = InLoveWithText
$4eda = InfatuationText
$4f02 = DisabledMoveText
$4f19 = LoafingAroundText
$4f31 = BeganToNapText
$4f44 = WontObeyText
$4f54 = TurnedAwayText
$4f66 = IgnoredOrdersText
$4f7b = IgnoredSleepingText
$4f99 = NoPPLeftText
$4fba = HasNoPPLeftText
$4fd7 = WentToSleepText
$4fe9 = RestedText
$500c = RegainedHealthText
$5020 = AttackMissedText
$5033 = AttackMissed2Text
$5046 = CrashedText
$5061 = UnaffectedText
$5071 = DoesntAffectText
$5086 = CriticalHitText
$5097 = OneHitKOText
$50aa = SuperEffectiveText
$50c1 = NotVeryEffectiveText
$50da = TookDownWithItText
$50f3 = RageBuildingText
$5109 = GotAnEncoreText
$511b = SharedPainText
$5136 = TookAimText
$5143 = SketchedText
$5156 = DestinyBondEffectText
$517f = SpiteEffectText
$51a0 = BellChimedText
$51b1 = FellAsleepText
$51c1 = AlreadyAsleepText
$51d5 = WasPoisonedText
$51e6 = BadlyPoisonedText
$51fa = AlreadyPoisonedText
$5210 = SuckedHealthText
$5227 = DreamEatenText
$523c = WasBurnedText
$524b = DefrostedOpponentText
$525d = WasFrozenText
$5272 = WontRiseAnymoreText
$528f = WontDropAnymoreText
$52ac = FledFromBattleText
$52c1 = FledInFearText
$52d2 = BlownAwayText
$52e5 = PlayerHitTimesText
$52f8 = EnemyHitTimesText
$530b = MistText
$5321 = ProtectedByMistText
$5338 = GettingPumpedText
$534d = RecoilText
$5362 = MadeSubstituteText
$5378 = HasSubstituteText
$538d = TooWeakSubText
$53ad = SubTookDamageText
$53d0 = SubFadedText
$53e6 = MimicLearnedMoveText
$53f8 = WasSeededText
$5407 = EvadedText
$541d = WasDisabledText
$5435 = CoinsScatteredText
$5452 = TransformedTypeText
$5476 = EliminatedStatsText
$5499 = TransformedText
$54b4 = LightScreenEffectText
$54c7 = ReflectEffectText
$54d9 = NothingHappenedText
$54f0 = ButItFailedText
$5500 = ItFailedText
$550c = DidntAffect1Text
$5520 = DidntAffect2Text
$5534 = HPIsFullText
$5544 = DraggedOutText
$5558 = ParalyzedText
$557d = FullyParalyzedText
$5592 = AlreadyParalyzedText
$55a9 = ProtectedByText
$55c1 = MirrorMoveFailedText
$55da = StoleText
$55f7 = CantEscapeNowText
$560b = StartedNightmareText
$562b = WasDefrostedText
$563d = PutACurseText
$5665 = ProtectedItselfText
$567a = ProtectingItselfText
$5691 = SpikesText
$56b1 = IdentifiedText
$56c2 = StartPerishText
$56e4 = SandstormBrewedText
$56f9 = BracedItselfText
$570b = FellInLoveText
$571c = CoveredByVeilText
$5733 = SafeguardProtectText
$5751 = MagnitudeText
$5764 = ReleasedByText
$577a = ShedLeechSeedText
$578e = BlewSpikesText
$57a3 = DownpourText
$57b8 = SunGotBrightText
$57d2 = BellyDrumText
$57f6 = CopiedStatsText
$5817 = ForesawAttackText
$582d = BeatUpAttackText
$583b = PresentFailedText
$5850 = IgnoredOrders2Text
$5863 = BattleText_LinkErrorBattleCanceled
$588e = BattleText_NoTimeLeftToday
$58ac = DebugColorPicker
$58b5 = DebugColorPicker.cgb
$58de = DebugColorPicker.loop
$58f0 = DebugColorPicker.exit
$58f4 = DebugColor_InitMonOrTrainerColor
$58fd = DebugColor_InitMonColor
$5902 = DebugColor_InitMonColor.loop
$5911 = DebugColor_InitTrainerColor
$5919 = DebugColor_InitTrainerColor.loop
$5928 = DebugColor_InitColor
$5948 = DebugColor_InitVRAM
$597c = DebugColor_LoadGFX
$599d = DebugColor_LoadGFX.loop
$59a7 = DebugColor_InitPalettes
$59c8 = DebugColor_InitPalettes.bg_loop
$59d6 = DebugColor_InitPalettes.ob_loop
$59f4 = Palette_DebugBG
$5a34 = Palette_DebugOB
$5a74 = DebugColorMain
$5a8b = DebugColorMain.no_start_select
$5a9a = DebugColorMain.NextMon
$5aab = DebugColorMain.PreviousMon
$5aba = DebugColorMain.SwitchMon
$5ac3 = DebugColorMain.SetMaxNum
$5acc = DebugColorMain.trainer
$5acf = DebugColorMain.Jumptable
$5adb = DebugColor_InitScreen
$5b66 = DebugColor_InitScreen.normal
$5b69 = DebugColor_InitScreen.place_text
$5b7a = DebugColor_InitScreen.trainer
$5ba9 = DebugColor_InitScreen.done
$5baf = DebugColor_InitScreen.ShinyText
$5bb4 = DebugColor_InitScreen.NormalText
$5bb9 = DebugColor_InitScreen.SwitchText
$5bc0 = DebugColor_LoadRGBMeter
$5bde = DebugColor_LoadRGBMeter.load_meter
$5bf4 = DebugColor_SetRGBMeter
$5c18 = DebugColor_UpdateScreen
$5c2a = DebugColor_UpdateScreen.sgb
$5c33 = DebugColor_UpdatePalettes
$5c69 = DebugColor_UpdatePalettes.sgb
$5ca7 = DebugColor_PrintHexColor
$5cbc = DebugColor_PrintHexColor.place_tile
$5cc2 = DebugColor_Joypad
$5cdf = DebugColor_Joypad.tmhm
$5ce5 = DebugColor_Joypad.toggle_shiny
$5d02 = DebugColor_Joypad.PointerTable
$5d0a = DebugColor_SelectColorBox
$5d1d = DebugColor_SelectColorBox.light
$5d28 = DebugColor_SelectColorBox.dark
$5d34 = DebugColor_ChangeRedValue
$5d46 = DebugColor_ChangeGreenValue
$5d58 = DebugColor_ChangeBlueValue
$5d63 = DebugColor_UpdateRGBColor
$5d70 = DebugColor_UpdateRGBColor.increment
$5d77 = DebugColor_UpdateRGBColor.decrement
$5d7b = DebugColor_UpdateRGBColor.done
$5d84 = DebugColor_PreviousRGBColor
$5d89 = DebugColor_NextRGBColor
$5d8e = DebugColor_InitTMHM
$5daf = DebugColor_TMHMJoypad
$5dbb = DebugColor_TMHMJoypad.cancel
$5dc1 = DebugColor_TMHMJoypad.exit
$5dc7 = DebugColor_TMHMJoypad.scroll
$5dd5 = DebugColor_TMHMJoypad.up
$5ddf = DebugColor_TMHMJoypad.wrap_down
$5de2 = DebugColor_TMHMJoypad.down
$5deb = DebugColor_TMHMJoypad.wrap_up
$5ded = DebugColor_TMHMJoypad.done
$5df4 = DebugColor_PrintTMHMMove
$5e3f = DebugColor_PrintTMHMMove.place_string
$5e46 = DebugColor_PrintTMHMMove.AbleText
$5e4d = DebugColor_PrintTMHMMove.NotAbleText
$5e55 = DebugColor_PrintTMHMMove.GetNumberedTMHM
$5e5b = DebugColor_PrintTMHMMove.tm
$5e5e = DebugColor_PrintTMHMMove.ClearRow
$5e67 = DebugColor_CalculatePalette
$5e9c = DebugColor_CalculatePalette.light
$5ea5 = DebugColor_CalculateRGB
$5eca = DebugColor_BackupSpriteColors
$5ee3 = DebugColor_LoadPalettes_White_Col1_Col2_Black
$5ee3 = DebugColor_LoadPalettes_White_Col1_Col2_Black.loop
$5efc = DebugColor_FillBoxWithByte
$5efc = DebugColor_FillBoxWithByte.row
$5efe = DebugColor_FillBoxWithByte.col
$5f0c = DebugColor_PushSGBPals
$5f1d = _DebugColor_PushSGBPals
$5f22 = _DebugColor_PushSGBPals.loop
$5f2c = _DebugColor_PushSGBPals.loop2
$5f30 = _DebugColor_PushSGBPals.loop3
$5f38 = _DebugColor_PushSGBPals.okay
$5f51 = _DebugColor_PushSGBPals.wait
$5f5e = DebugColor_PlaceCursor
$5f8d = DebugColor_PlaceCursor.place_cursor
$5f98 = DebugColor_PlaceCursor.light
$5f9b = DebugColor_PlaceCursor.place
$5fb7 = DebugColor_PlaceCursor.placesprite
$5fc9 = DebugColor_PlaceCursor.clearsprites
$5fcd = DebugColor_AreYouFinishedString
$5fe3 = DebugColor_UpArrowGFX
$5ff3 = DebugColor_GFX
$6153 = TilesetColorPicker
$61d2 = DebugTileset_DrawColorSwatch
$61d8 = DebugColor_DrawAttributeSwatch
$61de = _DebugColor_DrawSwatch
$61f4 = DebugTileset_LoadRGBMeter
$6203 = DebugTileset_LoadRGBMeter.Place
$620f = DebugTileset_LoadPalettes
$6236 = DebugColorMain2
$6247 = DebugColorMain2.next_palette
$6253 = DebugColorMain2.palette_ok
$6299 = DebugColorMain2.cancel
$62a3 = DebugTileset_UpdatePalettes
$62f0 = DebugTileset_Joypad
$6301 = DebugTileset_Joypad.PointerTable
$6309 = DebugTileset_SelectColorBox
$631c = DebugTileset_SelectColorBox.left
$6322 = DebugTileset_SelectColorBox.right
$6326 = DebugTileset_SelectColorBox.done
$6339 = DebugTileset_ChangeRedValue
$634b = DebugTileset_ChangeGreenValue
$635d = DebugTileset_ChangeBlueValue
$6368 = DebugTileset_UpdateRGBColor
$6375 = DebugTileset_UpdateRGBColor.increment
$637c = DebugTileset_UpdateRGBColor.decrement
$6380 = DebugTileset_UpdateRGBColor.done
$6387 = DebugTileset_PreviousRGBColor
$638c = DebugTileset_NextRGBColor
$6391 = DebugTileset_CalculatePalette
$63c6 = DebugTileset_CalculatePalette.dummy1
$63c7 = DebugTileset_CalculatePalette.dummy2
EMPTY: $63c8-$7fff ($1c38 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1c38 bytes
ROMX bank #33:
SECTION: $4000-$68f6 ($28f7 bytes) ["bank21"]
$4000 = Printer_StartTransmission
$4022 = PrinterJumptableIteration
$4031 = PrinterJumptableIteration.Jumptable
$4059 = _Printer_NextSection
$405e = Printer_PrevSection
$4063 = Printer_Quit
$406d = Printer_NextSection
$4071 = Printer_SectionOne
$4077 = Print_InitPrinterHandshake
$4099 = Printer_StartTransmittingTilemap
$40c5 = Printer_EndTilemapTransmission
$40de = Printer_SignalSendHeader
$4103 = Printer_SignalLoopBack
$4120 = Printer_WaitSerial
$412e = Printer_WaitSerialAndLoopBack2
$4143 = Printer_CheckConnectionStatus
$4156 = Printer_CheckConnectionStatus.printer_connected
$4172 = Printer_CheckConnectionStatus.printer_error
$4180 = Printer_TransmissionLoop
$4197 = Printer_TransmissionLoop.cycle_back
$419b = Printer_TransmissionLoop.enter_wait_loop
$41a1 = Printer_WaitUntilFinished
$41b0 = Printer_NextSectionWaitLoopBack
$41b3 = Printer_WaitLoopBack
$41c3 = Printer_WaitHandshake
$41c3 = Printer_WaitHandshake.loop
$41e2 = Printer_CopyPacket
$41fb = Printer_ResetData
$4219 = Printer_ComputeChecksum
$423c = Printer_ComputeChecksum.ComputeChecksum
$423c = Printer_ComputeChecksum.loop
$4242 = Printer_ComputeChecksum.no_overflow
$4249 = Printer_StageHeaderForSend
$4260 = Printer_Convert2RowsTo2bpp
$4271 = Printer_Convert2RowsTo2bpp.loop1
$4278 = Printer_Convert2RowsTo2bpp.okay1
$427f = Printer_Convert2RowsTo2bpp.loop2
$4297 = Printer_Convert2RowsTo2bpp.vtiles_8xxx
$4299 = Printer_Convert2RowsTo2bpp.got_vtile_addr
$42ab = Printer_ByteFill
$42ad = Printer_ByteFill.loop
$42b7 = PrinterDataPacket1
$42bd = PrinterDataPacket2
$42c3 = PrinterDataPacket3
$42c9 = PrinterDataPacket4
$42cf = PrinterDataPacket5
$42d5 = PrinterDataPacket6
$42db = _PrinterReceive
$42ea = _PrinterReceive.Jumptable
$432a = Printer_NextInstruction
$432f = Printer_DoNothing
$4330 = Printer_Send0x33
$4339 = Printer_SendPrinterData1
$4343 = Printer_SendPrinterData2
$434d = Printer_SendPrinterData3
$4357 = Printer_SendPrinterData4
$4361 = Printer_SendNextByte
$4388 = Printer_SendNextByte.done
$438b = Printer_SendwPrinterChecksumLo
$4395 = Printer_SendwPrinterChecksumHi
$439f = Printer_Send0x00_2
$43a8 = Printer_ReceiveTwoPrinterHandshakeAndSend0x00
$43b6 = Printer_ReceiveTwoPrinterStatusFlagsAndExitSendLoop
$43c0 = Printer_Send0x0f
$43c9 = Printer_Send0x00
$43d2 = Printer_Send0x08
$43db = Printer_SerialSend
$43e6 = Printer_ReceiveTwoPrinterStatusFlagsAndExitSendLoop_2
$43f0 = SendScreenToPrinter
$43f0 = SendScreenToPrinter.loop
$440d = SendScreenToPrinter.finished
$440f = SendScreenToPrinter.cancel
$4411 = Printer_CleanUpAfterSend
$4419 = Printer_PrepareTilemapForPrint
$4425 = Printer_ExitPrinter
$442c = PrintDexEntry
$449d = PrintDexEntry.skip_second_page
$44ae = PrintDexEntry.low_volume_delay_frames
$44bc = PrintPCBox
$4545 = PrintPCBox.cancel
$4559 = Printer_ResetRegistersAndStartDataSend
$4560 = PrintUnownStamp
$4597 = PrintUnownStamp.loop
$45b5 = PrintUnownStamp.check_status
$45c0 = PrintUnownStamp.done
$45d4 = PrintMailAndExit
$45db = PrintMail
$461a = PrintPartymon
$4671 = PrintPartymon.cancel
$4688 = _PrintDiploma
$46e2 = _PrintDiploma.cancel
$46f6 = CheckCancelPrint
$46fe = CheckCancelPrint.pressed_b
$4705 = CheckCancelPrint.loop
$471c = CheckCancelPrint.loop2
$4722 = CheckCancelPrint.cancel
$4728 = Printer_CopyTilemapToBuffer
$4735 = Printer_CopyBufferToTilemap
$4742 = Printer_ResetJoypadRegisters
$474c = Printer_PlayMusic
$4753 = Printer_RestartMapMusic
$4757 = CheckPrinterStatus
$4765 = CheckPrinterStatus.printer_connected
$4777 = CheckPrinterStatus.error_4
$477b = CheckPrinterStatus.error_1
$477f = CheckPrinterStatus.error_2
$4781 = CheckPrinterStatus.load_text_index
$4785 = PlacePrinterStatusString
$47bd = PlacePrinterStatusStringBorderless
$47f5 = String_PressBToCancel
$4807 = PrinterStatusStringPointers
$4817 = PrintPCBox_Page1
$4865 = PrintPCBox_Page1.String_PokemonList
$486f = PrintPCBox_Page2
$4893 = PrintPCBox_Page3
$48b7 = PrintPCBox_Page4
$48e7 = Printer_PrintBoxListSegment
$48ed = Printer_PrintBoxListSegment.loop
$4972 = Printer_PrintBoxListSegment.ok2
$4981 = Printer_PrintBoxListSegment.finish
$4986 = Printer_PrintBoxListSegment.max_length
$498a = Printer_GetMonGender
$49c3 = Printer_GetMonGender.got_gender
$49c6 = Printer_GetBoxMonSpecies
$49d7 = Printer_PlaceTopBorder
$49e1 = Printer_PlaceTopBorder.loop
$49e9 = Printer_PlaceSideBorders
$49f1 = Printer_PlaceSideBorders.loop
$49fc = Printer_PlaceBottomBorders
$4a06 = Printer_PlaceBottomBorders.loop
$4a0e = Printer_PlaceEmptyBoxSlotString
$4a13 = Printer_PlaceEmptyBoxSlotString.loop
$4a25 = Printer_PlaceEmptyBoxSlotString.EmptyBoxSlotString
$4a2e = AnimObj00GFX
$4a2e = AnimObjHitGFX
$4b1e = AnimObjCutGFX
$4b7e = AnimObjFireGFX
$4bde = AnimObjWaterGFX
$4cae = AnimObjLightningGFX
$4dee = AnimObjSmokeGFX
$4e7e = AnimObjExplosionGFX
$4ede = AnimObjIceGFX
$4f1e = AnimObjRocksGFX
$500e = AnimObjPoisonGFX
$507e = AnimObjPlantGFX
$515e = AnimObjPokeBallGFX
$51ae = AnimObjBubbleGFX
$524e = AnimObjNoiseGFX
$530e = AnimObjReflectGFX
$537e = AnimObjPowderGFX
$539e = AnimObjBeamGFX
$542e = AnimObjSpeedGFX
$547e = AnimObjChargeGFX
$54ee = AnimObjWindGFX
$55ae = AnimObjWhipGFX
$562e = AnimObjRopeGFX
$56ee = AnimObjEggGFX
$576e = AnimObjPsychicGFX
$57de = AnimObjSandGFX
$583e = AnimObjWebGFX
$58be = AnimObjHazeGFX
$594e = AnimObjHornGFX
$59ae = AnimObjFlowerGFX
$5a0e = AnimObjMiscGFX
$5bae = AnimObjSkyAttackGFX
$5d0e = AnimObjGlobeGFX
$5dfe = AnimObjShapesGFX
$5e9e = AnimObjStatusGFX
$5fbe = AnimObjObjectsGFX
$609e = AnimObjShineGFX
$617e = AnimObjAngelsGFX
$62ee = AnimObjWaveGFX
$638e = AnimObjAeroblastGFX
$640e = HallOfFame
$6436 = HallOfFame.ok
$6455 = RedCredits
$648e = HallOfFame_FadeOutMusic
$64b4 = HallOfFame_PlayMusicDE
$64c3 = AnimateHallOfFame
$64d6 = AnimateHallOfFame.loop
$64fb = AnimateHallOfFame.done
$650c = AnimateHallOfFame.DisplayNewHallOfFamer
$652c = AnimateHallOfFame.String_NewHallOfFamer
$653f = GetHallOfFameParty
$6556 = GetHallOfFameParty.next
$6562 = GetHallOfFameParty.mon
$65b1 = GetHallOfFameParty.done
$65b5 = AnimateHOFMonEntrance
$6635 = HOF_SlideBackpic
$6635 = HOF_SlideBackpic.backpicloop
$6643 = HOF_SlideFrontpic
$6643 = HOF_SlideFrontpic.frontpicloop
$6650 = _HallOfFamePC
$6657 = _HallOfFamePC.MasterLoop
$6665 = _HallOfFamePC.DisplayTeam
$6669 = _HallOfFamePC.next
$666e = _HallOfFamePC.loop
$6688 = _HallOfFamePC.a_button
$668e = _HallOfFamePC.b_button
$6690 = _HallOfFamePC.start_button
$6692 = _HallOfFamePC.DisplayMonAndStrings
$66a7 = _HallOfFamePC.fail
$66a9 = _HallOfFamePC.okay
$66c6 = _HallOfFamePC.print_num_hof
$66de = _HallOfFamePC.finish
$66fb = _HallOfFamePC.EmptyString
$66fc = _HallOfFamePC.HOFMaster
$670c = _HallOfFamePC.TimeFamer
$671c = LoadHOFTeam
$6743 = LoadHOFTeam.absent
$6746 = LoadHOFTeam.invalid
$6748 = DisplayHOFMon
$67e2 = DisplayHOFMon.got_gender
$67f8 = DisplayHOFMon.print_id_no
$6810 = HOF_AnimatePlayerPic
$68ed = HOF_AnimatePlayerPic.PlayTime
EMPTY: $68f7-$7fff ($1709 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1709 bytes
ROMX bank #34:
SECTION: $4000-$7a23 ($3a24 bytes) ["Crystal Features 2"]
$4000 = Kurt_PrintTextWhichApricorn
$4007 = Kurt_PrintTextWhichApricorn.WhichApricornText
$400c = Kurt_PrintTextHowMany
$4013 = Kurt_PrintTextHowMany.HowManyShouldIMakeText
$4018 = SelectApricornForKurt
$4024 = SelectApricornForKurt.loop
$4051 = SelectApricornForKurt.done
$4055 = Kurt_SelectApricorn
$4083 = Kurt_SelectApricorn.nope
$4084 = Kurt_SelectApricorn.done
$4086 = Kurt_SelectApricorn.MenuHeader
$408f = Kurt_SelectApricorn.MenuData
$409f = Kurt_SelectApricorn.Name
$40ab = Kurt_SelectApricorn.Quantity
$40c2 = Kurt_SelectQuantity
$40de = Kurt_SelectQuantity.loop
$4109 = Kurt_SelectQuantity.done
$410d = Kurt_SelectQuantity.MenuHeader
$4116 = Kurt_SelectQuantity.PlaceApricornName
$4126 = PlaceApricornQuantity
$4139 = Kurt_GetQuantityOfApricorn
$4143 = Kurt_GetQuantityOfApricorn.loop
$4153 = Kurt_GetQuantityOfApricorn.done
$415a = Kurt_GetQuantityOfApricorn.done2
$4161 = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn
$4175 = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn.loop1
$4198 = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn.okay1
$41a2 = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn.loop2
$41a5 = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn.loop3
$41bc = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn.equal
$41c0 = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn.less
$41c9 = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn.okay2
$41d0 = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn.OnlyOne
$41d3 = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn.loop4
$41e9 = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn.loop5
$41f6 = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn.okay3
$41fa = Kurt_GiveUpSelectedQuantityOfSelectedApricorn.done
$4201 = Kurt_GetAddressOfApricornQuantity
$4211 = Kurt_GetRidOfItem
$4235 = Kurt_GetRidOfItem.okay
$4243 = Kurt_GetRidOfItem.done
$4248 = BetaLoadPlayerTrainerClass
$4253 = BetaLoadPlayerTrainerClass.got_class
$4258 = MovePlayerPicRight
$4260 = MovePlayerPicLeft
$4266 = MovePlayerPic
$4268 = MovePlayerPic.loop
$4297 = ShowPlayerNamingChoices
$42a4 = ShowPlayerNamingChoices.got_header
$42b5 = ChrisNameMenuHeader
$42be = ChrisNameMenuHeader.MaleNames
$42c9 = MalePlayerNameArray
$42e5 = KrisNameMenuHeader
$42ee = KrisNameMenuHeader.FemaleNames
$42f9 = FemalePlayerNameArray
$4318 = GetPlayerNameArray
$4328 = GetPlayerNameArray.got_array
$432c = GetPlayerIcon
$433d = GetPlayerIcon.got_gfx
$433e = GetCardPic
$434b = GetCardPic.got_pic
$4365 = ChrisCardPic
$4595 = KrisCardPic
$47c5 = TrainerCardGFX
$4825 = GetPlayerBackpic
$4830 = GetChrisBackpic
$4840 = HOF_LoadTrainerFrontpic
$4851 = HOF_LoadTrainerFrontpic.got_class
$4862 = HOF_LoadTrainerFrontpic.got_pic
$4874 = DrawIntroPlayerPic
$487f = DrawIntroPlayerPic.got_class
$4890 = DrawIntroPlayerPic.got_pic
$48a9 = ChrisPic
$4bb9 = KrisPic
$4ec9 = GetKrisBackpic
$4ed6 = KrisBackpic
$5116 = String_89116
$511c = String_8911c
$5135 = String_89135
$5153 = String_89153
$5160 = OpenSRAMBank4
$5168 = Function89168
$516e = Function8916e
$5174 = Function89174
$517a = Function8917a
$5185 = Function89185
$5187 = Function89185.loop
$5190 = Function89185.done
$5193 = Function89193
$5195 = Function89193.loop
$519e = Function8919e
$51a1 = Function8919e.loop
$51ab = Function891ab
$51b8 = Function891b8
$51ca = Function891ca
$51d3 = Function891d3
$51de = Function891de
$51fe = Function891fe
$5209 = Mobile_EnableSpriteUpdates
$520f = Mobile_DisableSpriteUpdates
$5215 = Function89215
$521f = Function8921f
$5227 = Function8921f.loop
$5229 = Function8921f.asm_89229
$5235 = Mobile22_PromptButton
$523c = Mobile22_SetBGMapMode0
$5240 = Mobile22_SetBGMapMode1
$5245 = Function89245
$5254 = Function89254
$5259 = Function89259
$525e = Function8925e
$5261 = Function89261
$52a1 = Function89261.done
$52a3 = MenuHeader_0x892a3
$52ab = MenuData_0x892ab
$52b4 = Function892b4
$52b7 = Function892b7
$52fb = Function892b7.loop
$5305 = Function89305
$530b = Function89305.loop
$531b = Function8931b
$532d = Function8932d
$5331 = Function89331
$5334 = Function89331.loop
$5340 = Function89331.terminator
$5343 = Function89331.nonspace
$5344 = Function89331.done
$5346 = Function89346
$534a = Function8934a
$534e = _incave
$5351 = _incave.loop
$535d = _incave.terminator
$5360 = _incave.nonspace
$5361 = _incave.done
$5363 = Function89363
$536b = Function89363._incave
$536e = Function89363.loop
$537e = Function89363.ok
$537f = Function89363.done
$5381 = Function89381
$5392 = Function89381.ok
$539a = Function8939a
$53b3 = Function893b3
$53cc = Function893cc
$53e2 = Function893e2
$53ef = Function893ef
$53fe = Function893fe
$540b = EZChatCursorGFX
$542b = Function8942b
$5448 = Function89448
$544f = Function89448.loop
$5455 = Function89455
$5464 = Function89464
$5481 = Function89481
$5492 = Function89492
$549c = Function8949c
$54b3 = Palette_894b3
$54bb = Function894bb
$54ca = Function894ca
$54dc = Function894dc
$5509 = Function894dc.PalettePointers
$550f = Function894dc.Pals012a
$5527 = Function894dc.Pals012b
$553f = Function894dc.Pals012c
$5557 = Function894dc.Pals345
$556f = Function8956f
$55b1 = Function8956f.loop
$55c7 = Function895c7
$55de = Palette_895de
$55e6 = Function895e6
$55f2 = Function895f2
$5605 = Function89605
$560f = Function89605.loop
$561b = Function89605.done
$5622 = Function89605.loop2
$563d = Function8963d
$5648 = Function8963d.loop
$564b = Function8963d.next
$5655 = Function89655
$565f = Function89655.loop
$5662 = Function89655.next
$566c = Function8966c
$567a = Function8967a
$5688 = Function89688
$56a9 = Function89688.loop
$56b5 = Function89688.done
$56cb = Function896cb
$56d6 = Function896d6
$56e1 = Function896e1
$56e1 = Function896e1.loop
$56eb = Function896eb
$56eb = Function896eb.loop
$56f5 = Function896f5
$56ff = Function896ff
$5704 = Function896ff.row_loop
$5706 = Function896ff.col_loop
$5713 = Function896ff.bottom_loop
$571f = Function8971f
$5736 = Function89736
$5753 = Function89753
$575b = Function8975b
$5769 = Function8975b.asm_89769
$5771 = Function89771
$577a = Function8977a
$577e = Function8977a.asm_8977e
$578c = Function8977a.asm_8978c
$5797 = Function89797
$57a6 = Function89797.asm_897a6
$57af = Function897af
$57d5 = Function897d5
$57e5 = Function897d5.asm_897e5
$57e8 = Function897d5.asm_897e8
$57f3 = Function897d5.asm_897f3
$5807 = Function89807
$5814 = Function89807.asm_89814
$5829 = Function89829
$5832 = Function89829.asm_89832
$5834 = Function89829.asm_89834
$5844 = Function89844
$5856 = Function89856
$587f = Function8987f
$58aa = Function898aa
$58be = Function898be
$58cd = Function898be.asm_898cd
$58d7 = Function898be.asm_898d7
$58dc = Function898dc
$58eb = Function898dc.asm_898eb
$58f3 = Function898f3
$590a = Function898f3.asm_8990a
$5913 = Function898f3.asm_89913
$5915 = Function89915
$591c = Function89915.asm_8991c
$5932 = Function89915.asm_89932
$593b = Function89915.asm_8993b
$5942 = Unknown_89942
$594a = Unknown_8994a
$594e = Function8994e
$5962 = Function89962
$5967 = Function89962.asm_89967
$5975 = Function89975
$5978 = Function89975.asm_89978
$598b = Function8998b
$5997 = Function8998b.asm_89997
$5999 = Function8998b.asm_89999
$599c = Function8999c
$59ac = String_899ac
$59b2 = Function899b2
$59bf = Function899b2.asm_899bf
$59c2 = Function899b2.asm_899c2
$59c9 = Function899c9
$59d3 = Function899d3
$59fe = Function899fe
$5a0c = Function89a0c
$5a1c = Function89a0c.asm_89a1c
$5a23 = Function89a23
$5a2e = Function89a2e
$5a4e = String_89a4e
$5a53 = String_89a53
$5a57 = Function89a57
$5a70 = Function89a57.a_b_button
$5a74 = Function89a57.start_button
$5a78 = Function89a57.d_up
$5a81 = Function89a57.d_down
$5a8a = Function89a57.PlayPocketSwitchSFX
$5a93 = Function89a57.MoveCursorDown
$5a9b = Function89a57.MoveCursorUp
$5aa3 = Function89a57.ApplyCursorMovement
$5aa8 = Function89a57.loop
$5ab2 = Function89a57.not_zero
$5ac0 = Function89a57.equal_to_d
$5ac7 = Function89a57.Function89ac7
$5ad4 = Function89a57.Function89ad4
$5ae3 = Function89a57.no_nonspace_character
$5ae4 = Function89a57.finish_decode
$5ae6 = Function89a57.Function89ae6
$5aee = Function89a57.loop2
$5afc = Function89a57.load_and_ret
$5b00 = Function89b00
$5b07 = Function89b07
$5b14 = Function89b14
$5b1e = Function89b1e
$5b28 = Function89b28
$5b3b = Function89b3b
$5b45 = Function89b45
$5b4b = Function89b45.loop
$5b5a = Function89b45.low_nybble_less_than_10
$5b6c = Function89b45.high_nybble_less_than_10
$5b71 = Function89b45.set_carry
$5b74 = Function89b45.clear_carry
$5b75 = Function89b45.finish
$5b78 = Function89b78
$5b85 = Function89b78.asm_89b85
$5b89 = Function89b78.asm_89b89
$5b8c = Function89b78.asm_89b8c
$5b97 = Function89b97
$5ba0 = Function89b97.asm_89ba0
$5ba9 = Function89b97.asm_89ba9
$5bae = Function89b97.asm_89bae
$5bb4 = Function89b97.asm_89bb4
$5bbb = Function89b97.asm_89bbb
$5bd8 = Unknown_89bd8
$5be0 = Unknown_89be0
$5bf5 = Unknown_89bf5
$5c0a = Unknown_89c0a
$5c1f = Unknown_89c1f
$5c34 = Function89c34
$5c44 = Function89c44
$5c4f = Function89c44.asm_89c4f
$5c5c = Function89c44.asm_89c5c
$5c60 = Function89c44.asm_89c60
$5c67 = Function89c67
$5c74 = Function89c67.not_a_button
$5c7a = Function89c67.not_b_button
$5c81 = Function89c67.not_d_up
$5c87 = Function89c67.not_d_down
$5c8d = Function89c67.not_d_left
$5c93 = Function89c67.not_d_right
$5ca5 = Function89c67.got_data
$5cad = Function89c67.add_n_times
$5cb1 = Function89c67.got_row
$5cbf = Function89c67.ScrollData0
$5ccf = Function89c67.ScrollData1
$5cdf = Function89cdf
$5cee = Function89cdf.asm_89cee
$5cf2 = Function89cdf.asm_89cf2
$5d0d = Function89d0d
$5d1c = Function89d0d.loop
$5d4e = Function89d0d.Palette1
$5d56 = Function89d0d.Palette2
$5d5e = Function89d5e
$5d75 = Function89d75
$5d85 = Function89d85
$5d90 = asm_89d90
$5da9 = asm_89d90.asm_89da9
$5dab = Function89dab
$5dc7 = Function89dab.asm_89dc7
$5dd9 = Function89dab.asm_89dd9
$5de0 = Function89de0
$5dea = Function89de0.asm_89dea
$5dfd = Function89de0.asm_89dfd
$5e00 = Function89de0.asm_89e00
$5e04 = Jumptable_89e04
$5e0a = Function89e0a
$5e18 = Jumptable_89e18
$5e1e = Function89e1e
$5e2e = asm_89e2e
$5e36 = Function89e36
$5e3c = Jumptable_89e3c
$5e58 = Function89e58
$5e68 = Function89e68
$5e6f = Function89e6f
$5e9a = Function89e9a
$5eb1 = Palette_89eb1
$5eb9 = Function89eb9
$5ee1 = Function89ee1
$5efd = Function89efd
$5f09 = Function89efd.asm_89f09
$5f1f = Function89efd.asm_89f1f
$5f26 = Function89efd.asm_89f26
$5f2e = Function89efd.asm_89f2e
$5f34 = Function89efd.asm_89f34
$5f4d = Function89efd.asm_89f4d
$5f51 = Function89efd.asm_89f51
$5f58 = Function89efd.asm_89f58
$5f60 = Function89efd.asm_89f60
$5f6a = Function89f6a
$5f77 = Function89f77
$5f80 = Function89f77.asm_89f80
$5f83 = Function89f77.asm_89f83
$5f9a = Function89f9a
$5fa0 = Function89f9a.asm_89fa0
$5fa5 = Function89fa5
$5faf = Function89fa5.asm_89faf
$5fb2 = Function89fa5.asm_89fb2
$5fce = Function89fce
$5fed = Function89fed
$5ff6 = Function89ff6
$603d = Function8a03d
$604c = Function8a04c
$6055 = Function8a055
$6059 = Function8a055.asm_8a059
$60a1 = Function8a0a1
$60aa = Function8a0a1.asm_8a0aa
$60c1 = Function8a0c1
$60c9 = Function8a0c9
$60d4 = Function8a0c9.asm_8a0d4
$60d8 = Function8a0c9.asm_8a0d8
$60de = Function8a0de
$60e6 = Function8a0e6
$60ec = Function8a0ec
$60f5 = Function8a0f5
$60ff = Function8a0ff
$6102 = MobileCardFolderIntro1Text
$6107 = MobileCardFolderIntro2Text
$610c = MobileCardFolderIntro3Text
$6111 = MobileCardFolderIntro4Text
$6116 = Function8a116
$6121 = Function8a116.asm_8a121
$6140 = Function8a116.asm_8a140
$614c = Function8a116.asm_8a14c
$615a = Function8a116.asm_8a15a
$616b = Function8a116.asm_8a16b
$6176 = MenuHeader_0x8a176
$617b = Function8a17b
$6198 = Function8a17b.asm_8a198
$619a = MenuHeader_0x8a19a
$61a2 = MenuData_0x8a1a2
$61b0 = Function8a1b0
$61cc = Strings_8a1cc
$620d = Function8a20d
$6232 = MobileCardFolderAskDeleteText
$6237 = MobileCardFolderDeleteAreYouSureText
$623c = MobileCardFolderDeletedText
$6241 = Function8a241
$6254 = Function8a241.asm_8a254
$6262 = Function8a262
$62aa = Function8a2aa
$62cf = Function8a2aa.asm_8a2cf
$62ea = Function8a2aa.asm_8a2ea
$62ed = Function8a2aa.asm_8a2ed
$62ef = MenuHeader_0x8a2ef
$62f4 = MobileCardFolderAskOpenOldText
$62f9 = MobileCardFolderAskDeleteOldText
$62fe = Function8a2fe
$6313 = Function8a313
$631c = Function8a31c
$634e = Function8a31c.asm_8a34e
$636a = Function8a31c.asm_8a36a
$6370 = Function8a31c.asm_8a370
$6383 = Function8a383
$6399 = Function8a383.asm_8a399
$639e = Function8a383.asm_8a39e
$63a2 = Function8a3a2
$63b2 = Function8a3b2
$63ce = Function8a3b2.asm_8a3ce
$63db = Function8a3b2.asm_8a3db
$63df = Function8a3df
$63f8 = Function8a3df.asm_8a3f8
$6400 = Function8a400
$6408 = Unknown_8a408
$640b = Unknown_8a40b
$640f = MenuHeader_0x8a40f
$6417 = MenuData_0x8a417
$6435 = MenuHeader_0x8a435
$643d = MenuData_0x8a43d
$6453 = Function8a453
$6472 = Function8a453.asm_8a472
$6476 = String_8a476
$6483 = Strings_8a483
$64d3 = Function8a4d3
$64eb = Function8a4d3.asm_8a4eb
$64fc = Function8a4fc
$6515 = Function8a515
$6520 = Function8a515.asm_8a520
$6529 = asm_8a529
$653d = Function8a53d
$6573 = Function8a573
$657c = Function8a57c
$6584 = Function8a584
$658d = Function8a58d
$6595 = Function8a58d.asm_8a595
$6597 = Function8a58d.asm_8a597
$65a3 = Function8a5a3
$65a9 = Function8a5a3.asm_8a5a9
$65ab = Function8a5a3.asm_8a5ab
$65b6 = Function8a5b6
$65e5 = Palette_8a5e5
$65fd = Palette_8a5fd
$6605 = Palette_8a605
$660d = Function8a60d
$6624 = Palette_8a624
$662c = Function8a62c
$6639 = Function8a62c.asm_8a639
$666a = Function8a62c.asm_8a66a
$6671 = Jumptable_8a671
$6679 = Function8a679
$66a3 = Function8a679.asm_8a6a3
$66bc = Jumptable_8a6bc
$66c0 = Function8a6c0
$66c5 = Function8a6c5
$66cd = Function8a6cd
$66e5 = Function8a6cd.asm_8a6e5
$66fb = Function8a6cd.asm_8a6fb
$6718 = Function8a6cd.asm_8a718
$673f = Function8a6cd.asm_8a73f
$6742 = Function8a6cd.asm_8a742
$674f = Jumptable_8a74f
$6757 = Function8a757
$6765 = Function8a765
$678a = Function8a765.asm_8a78a
$678c = Function8a78c
$67cb = Function8a7cb
$67f4 = Function8a7cb.asm_8a7f4
$6818 = Function8a818
$6863 = Function8a818.asm_8a863
$6868 = Function8a818.string_8a868
$6875 = Function8a818.asm_8a875
$687a = Function8a818.asm_8a87a
$687d = Function8a818.asm_8a87d
$688b = String_8a88b
$68a1 = Function8a8a1
$68bf = Function8a8a1.asm_8a8bf
$68c1 = Function8a8a1.asm_8a8c1
$68c3 = Function8a8c3
$690f = Function8a8c3.asm_8a90f
$6919 = String_8a919
$6926 = String_8a926
$6930 = Function8a930
$6943 = Function8a930.asm_8a943
$6953 = Function8a930.asm_8a953
$6995 = Function8a930.asm_8a995
$6999 = Function8a999
$69a1 = Function8a999.asm_8a9a1
$69bb = Function8a999.asm_8a9bb
$69c5 = Jumptable_8a9c5
$69c9 = MenuHeader_0x8a9c9
$69ce = Function8a9ce
$69ed = Function8a9ce.asm_8a9ed
$69f2 = MenuHeader_0x8a9f2
$69fa = MenuData_0x8a9fa
$6a09 = Function8aa09
$6a0a = Function8aa0a
$6a3a = Function8aa0a.asm_8aa3a
$6a43 = Function8aa0a.asm_8aa43
$6a61 = Function8aa0a.asm_8aa61
$6a69 = Function8aa0a.asm_8aa69
$6a6d = Jumptable_8aa6d
$6a73 = Function8aa73
$6a9d = Function8aa73.asm_8aa9d
$6ab6 = Function8aab6
$6aeb = Function8aab6.asm_8aaeb
$6af0 = String_8aaf0
$6b00 = Function8ab00
$6b11 = Function8ab11
$6b37 = Function8ab11.asm_8ab37
$6b39 = Function8ab11.asm_8ab39
$6b3b = Function8ab3b
$6b3b = Function8ab3b.pressed_start
$6b77 = Function8ab3b.JoypadLoop
$6b8e = Function8ab3b.a_b_button
$6b93 = Function8ab93
$6ba9 = Function8aba9
$6bb3 = Function8aba9.asm_8abb3
$6bb9 = Function8aba9.asm_8abb9
$6bdf = Function8aba9.asm_8abdf
$6be2 = Function8aba9.asm_8abe2
$6be5 = Function8aba9.asm_8abe5
$6c0f = Function8aba9.asm_8ac0f
$6c3b = String_8ac3b
$6c4e = Function8ac4e
$6c70 = Function8ac70
$6c76 = Function8ac76
$6c7c = Function8ac7c
$6cb0 = Function8ac7c.asm_8acb0
$6ccc = Function8ac7c.asm_8accc
$6ce4 = Function8ac7c.asm_8ace4
$6cf0 = Function8ac7c.asm_8acf0
$6d06 = MobileCardFolderFinishRegisteringCardsText
$6d0b = Function8ad0b
$6d0b = Function8ad0b.asm_8ad0b
$6d37 = Function8ad0b.asm_8ad37
$6d84 = Function8ad0b.asm_8ad84
$6d86 = Function8ad0b.asm_8ad86
$6d87 = Function8ad0b.asm_8ad87
$6d89 = String_8ad89
$6d9c = String_8ad9c
$6db3 = Function8adb3
$6dbf = Function8adbf
$6dcc = Function8adcc
$6ddb = HoOhChamber
$6dee = HoOhChamber.done
$6def = OmanyteChamber
$6e10 = OmanyteChamber.loop
$6e24 = OmanyteChamber.open
$6e2f = OmanyteChamber.nope
$6e30 = SpecialAerodactylChamber
$6e4a = SpecialAerodactylChamber.nope
$6e4b = SpecialAerodactylChamber.done
$6e4e = SpecialKabutoChamber
$6e65 = SpecialKabutoChamber.done
$6e68 = DisplayUnownWords
$6e75 = DisplayUnownWords.loop
$6e79 = DisplayUnownWords.load
$6e9c = DisplayUnownWords.loop2
$6ea5 = DisplayUnownWords.copy
$6ebc = UnownWalls
$6ed5 = MenuHeaders_UnownWalls
$6ee9 = _DisplayUnownWords_FillAttr
$6ef5 = _DisplayUnownWords_FillAttr.got_pal
$6efd = _DisplayUnownWords_FillAttr.PlaceSquare
$6f09 = _DisplayUnownWords_CopyWord
$6f0b = _DisplayUnownWords_CopyWord.word_loop
$6f19 = _DisplayUnownWords_CopyWord.word_done
$6f1c = _DisplayUnownWords_CopyWord.ConvertChar
$6f3b = _DisplayUnownWords_CopyWord.Tile60
$6f4b = _DisplayUnownWords_CopyWord.Tile62
$6f5b = _DisplayUnownWords_CopyWord.Tile64
$6f6b = BuenasPassword
$6fa4 = BuenasPassword.wrong
$6fa9 = BuenasPassword.MenuHeader
$6fb2 = BuenasPassword.MenuData
$6fb8 = BuenasPassword.PasswordIndices
$6fbd = BuenasPassword.PlacePasswordChoices
$6fd4 = BuenaPrize
$6feb = BuenaPrize.loop
$6ff1 = BuenaPrize.okay
$7047 = BuenaPrize.InsufficientBalance
$704c = BuenaPrize.BagFull
$7051 = BuenaPrize.Purchase
$705a = BuenaPrize.print
$705f = BuenaPrize.done
$7072 = BuenaPrize.BuenaAskWhichPrizeText
$7077 = BuenaPrize.BuenaIsThatRightText
$707c = BuenaPrize.BuenaHereYouGoText
$7081 = BuenaPrize.BuenaNotEnoughPointsText
$7086 = BuenaPrize.BuenaNoRoomText
$708b = BuenaPrize.BuenaComeAgainText
$7090 = Buena_DisplayBlueCardBalance
$7097 = PrintBlueCardBalance
$709e = PrintBlueCardBalance.DrawBox
$70ca = PrintBlueCardBalance.Points_string
$70d1 = BlueCardBalanceMenuHeader
$70d6 = Buena_PlacePrizeMenuBox
$70dd = Buena_PlacePrizeMenuBox.MenuHeader
$70e2 = Buena_PrizeMenu
$7111 = Buena_PrizeMenu.cancel
$7113 = Buena_PrizeMenu.MenuHeader
$711c = Buena_PrizeMenu.MenuData
$7129 = Buena_PrizeMenu.Prizes
$7134 = Buena_PrizeMenu.PrintPrizeItem
$7147 = Buena_PrizeMenu.PrintPrizePoints
$7154 = Buena_GetPrize
$715e = BuenaPrizeItems
$7170 = GiveDratini
$7185 = GiveDratini.CheckForDratini
$7194 = GiveDratini.GiveMoveset
$71a4 = GiveDratini.GiveMoves
$71c4 = GiveDratini.Movesets
$71c4 = GiveDratini.Moveset0
$71c9 = GiveDratini.Moveset1
$71ce = GiveDratini.GetNthPartyMon
$71da = GiveDratini.loop
$71df = GiveDratini.EmptyParty
$71e1 = CheckForMobileBattleRules
$71ed = CheckForMobileBattleRules.PointerTables
$71f2 = CheckForMobileBattleRules.Functions
$71f6 = CheckForMobileBattleRules.TextPointers
$71fc = CheckForMobileBattleRules.BTExcuseMeText
$7201 = _CheckForBattleTowerRules
$7215 = _CheckForBattleTowerRules.PointerTables
$721a = _CheckForBattleTowerRules.Functions
$7222 = _CheckForBattleTowerRules.TextPointers
$722c = ExcuseMeYoureNotReadyText
$7231 = BattleTower_PleaseReturnWhenReady
$7238 = BattleTower_PleaseReturnWhenReady.BattleTowerReturnWhenReadyText
$723d = NeedAtLeastThreeMonText
$7242 = EggDoesNotQualifyText
$7247 = OnlyThreeMonMayBeEnteredText
$724c = TheMonMustAllBeDifferentKindsText
$7251 = TheMonMustNotHoldTheSameItemsText
$7256 = YouCantTakeAnEggText
$725b = BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable
$725e = BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable.loop
$726c = BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable.DoJumptableFunction
$7276 = BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable.Next_CheckReachedEnd
$727a = BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable.GetFunctionPointer
$7281 = BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable.GetTextPointers
$728a = BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable.LoadTextPointer
$728e = BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable.PrintFailureText
$729d = BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable.PrintFirstText
$72a9 = BattleTower_ExecuteJumptable.PrintNthText
$72bb = BattleTower_CheckPartyLengthIs3
$72c1 = BattleTower_CheckPartyHasThreeMonsThatAreNotEggs
$72c8 = BattleTower_CheckPartyHasThreeMonsThatAreNotEggs.loop
$72ce = BattleTower_CheckPartyHasThreeMonsThatAreNotEggs.egg
$72da = CheckBTRule_PartyCountEq3
$72e2 = CheckBTRule_PartySpeciesAreUnique
$72e9 = CheckPartyValueIsUnique
$72f2 = CheckPartyValueIsUnique.loop
$72fe = CheckPartyValueIsUnique.loop2
$7309 = CheckPartyValueIsUnique.next2
$730c = CheckPartyValueIsUnique.next
$7314 = CheckPartyValueIsUnique.done
$7316 = CheckPartyValueIsUnique.gotcha
$731a = CheckPartyValueIsUnique.nextmon
$7322 = CheckPartyValueIsUnique.isegg
$732a = CheckBTRule_PartyItemsAreUnique
$7331 = CheckBTRule_HasPartyAnEgg
$7336 = CheckBTRule_HasPartyAnEgg.loop
$7340 = CheckBTRule_HasPartyAnEgg.found
$7342 = Function8b342
$7348 = Function8b342.loop
$7354 = Function8b342.dw
$735a = Function8b342.zero
$735b = Function8b342.one
$735c = Function8b342.two
$735d = Function8b35d
$7363 = Function8b363
$736c = Function8b36c
$7379 = Function8b379
$7385 = Function8b385
$7391 = Function8b391
$7396 = Function8b391.loop
$73a2 = Function8b391.done
$73a4 = Function8b3a4
$73b0 = Function8b3b0
$73c2 = Function8b3b0.asm_8b3c2
$73c9 = Function8b3b0.asm_8b3c9
$73cd = Function8b3cd
$73d1 = Function8b3cd.asm_8b3d1
$73dd = Function8b3dd
$73f7 = Function8b3dd.a_button
$7407 = Function8b3dd.e_is_zero
$740e = Function8b3dd.b_button
$741e = Function8b3dd.e_is_not_zero
$7429 = Function8b3dd.d_up
$7433 = Function8b3dd.less_than_10_up_1
$743b = Function8b3dd.less_than_10_up_2
$7443 = Function8b3dd.d_down
$744d = Function8b3dd.less_than_10_down
$7454 = Function8b3dd.nonzero_down
$745c = Function8b45c
$746e = Function8b45c.asm_8b46e
$7493 = Function8b493
$74a0 = Jumptable_8b4a0
$74a4 = Function8b4a4
$74b8 = Function8b4b8
$74cc = Function8b4cc
$74d8 = Function8b4d8
$74ea = Function8b4ea
$74fd = Function8b4fd
$750a = Function8b50a
$7513 = Function8b50a.asm_8b513
$7518 = Function8b518
$7521 = Function8b521
$7529 = Unknown_8b529
$7539 = Function8b539
$7555 = Function8b555
$7555 = Function8b555.loop
$757c = Function8b555.asm_8b57c
$75a6 = Function8b555.strings_equal
$75c8 = Function8b555.asm_8b5c8
$75ce = EnterNewPasscodeText
$75d3 = ConfirmPasscodeText
$75d8 = PasscodesNotSameText
$75dd = PasscodeSetText
$75e2 = FourZerosInvalidText
$75e7 = Function8b5e7
$7602 = Function8b5e7.asm_8b602
$7635 = Function8b5e7.asm_8b635
$763c = Function8b5e7.asm_8b63c
$7642 = EnterPasscodeText
$7647 = IncorrectPasscodeText
$764c = UnknownText_0x8b64c
$7663 = UnknownText_0x8b64c.string_8b663
$7664 = Function8b664
$7668 = Function8b664.asm_8b668
$766e = Function8b664.asm_8b66e
$7677 = Function8b677
$7690 = Function8b690
$76bb = Function8b6bb
$76d5 = Palette_8b6d5
$76ed = Function8b6ed
$7703 = Function8b703
$7717 = Function8b703.asm_8b717
$7732 = Function8b732
$773e = Function8b73e
$773f = Function8b73e.asm_8b73f
$7744 = Function8b744
$774d = Function8b744.asm_8b74d
$774f = Function8b744.asm_8b74f
$775d = Function8b75d
$7780 = Function8b75d.asm_8b780
$7787 = Function8b787
$7788 = Function8b788
$7788 = Function8b788.asm_8b788
$779e = Function8b79e
$77a9 = Function8b79e.asm_8b7a9
$77bd = Function8b7bd
$77e0 = Function8b7bd.asm_8b7e0
$77ea = Function8b7bd.asm_8b7ea
$7813 = Function8b7bd.asm_8b813
$781c = Function8b7bd.asm_8b81c
$7823 = Function8b7bd.asm_8b823
$7824 = Function8b7bd.asm_8b824
$7832 = Function8b832
$783e = Function8b83e
$784b = Function8b84b
$7855 = Function8b855
$785e = Function8b855.asm_8b85e
$7867 = MenuHeader_0x8b867
$7870 = MenuData_0x8b870
$7880 = Function8b880
$788c = Function8b88c
$78a3 = Function8b88c.asm_8b8a3
$78c0 = Function8b88c.asm_8b8c0
$78c8 = Function8b8c8
$7903 = Unknown_8b903
$790b = String_8b90b
$7919 = String_8b919
$792a = String_8b92a
$7938 = String_8b938
$794a = Function8b94a
$7960 = Function8b960
$797a = Function8b960.asm_8b97a
$7987 = Function8b960.asm_8b987
$799c = Function8b960.asm_8b99c
$799d = Function8b960.asm_8b99d
$799f = Function8b99f
$79ab = Function8b9ab
$79ac = MenuHeader_0x8b9ac
$79b1 = MenuHeader_0x8b9b1
$79b9 = MenuData_0x8b9b9
$79ca = MenuHeader_0x8b9ca
$79d2 = MenuData_0x8b9d2
$79e9 = Function8b9e9
$79f6 = Function8b9e9.asm_8b9f6
$79ff = Function8b9e9.asm_8b9ff
$7a08 = Function8b9e9.asm_8ba08
$7a0c = Function8b9e9.asm_8ba0c
$7a10 = Function8b9e9.asm_8ba10
$7a1c = Unknown_8ba1c
$7a1f = Unknown_8ba1f
EMPTY: $7a24-$7fff ($05dc bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $05dc bytes
ROMX bank #35:
SECTION: $4000-$7f0c ($3f0d bytes) ["bank23"]
$4000 = DummyPredef35
$4000 = DummyPredef36
$4001 = UpdateTimeOfDayPal
$4011 = _TimeOfDayPals
$403f = _TimeOfDayPals.push
$405b = _TimeOfDayPals.pop
$406e = _TimeOfDayPals.dontchange
$4070 = _UpdateTimePals
$4079 = FadeInFromWhite
$4084 = FadeOutToWhite
$4092 = BattleTowerFade
$409c = BattleTowerFade.loop
$40ab = FadeInFromBlack
$40b6 = FadeOutToBlack
$40c1 = FillWhiteBGColor
$40d4 = FillWhiteBGColor.loop
$40e5 = ReplaceTimeOfDayPals
$40fc = ReplaceTimeOfDayPals.NeedsFlash
$4109 = ReplaceTimeOfDayPals.UsedFlash
$410f = ReplaceTimeOfDayPals.BrightnessLevels
$4117 = GetTimePalette
$4126 = GetTimePalette.TimePalettes
$412e = GetTimePalette.MorningPalette
$4134 = GetTimePalette.DayPalette
$413e = GetTimePalette.NitePalette
$4146 = GetTimePalette.DarknessPalette
$414e = DmgToCgbTimePals
$415e = ConvertTimePalsIncHL
$415e = ConvertTimePalsIncHL.loop
$416d = ConvertTimePalsDecHL
$416d = ConvertTimePalsDecHL.loop
$417c = GetTimePalFade
$4197 = GetTimePalFade.cgb
$419e = GetTimePalFade.dmgfades
$41a6 = GetTimePalFade.morn
$41bb = GetTimePalFade.day
$41d0 = GetTimePalFade.nite
$41e5 = GetTimePalFade.darkness
$41fa = GetTimePalFade.cgbfade
$420f = DoBattleTransition
$422b = DoBattleTransition.loop
$423a = DoBattleTransition.done
$426d = DoBattleTransition.InitGFX
$4288 = DoBattleTransition.mobile
$428b = DoBattleTransition.resume
$42a0 = DoBattleTransition.NonMobile_LoadPokeballTiles
$42aa = LoadTrainerBattlePokeballTiles
$42cf = ConvertTrainerBattlePokeballTilesTo2bpp
$42dd = ConvertTrainerBattlePokeballTilesTo2bpp.loop
$42f4 = TrainerBattlePokeballTiles
$4314 = BattleTransitionJumptable
$4323 = BattleTransitionJumptable.Jumptable
$4365 = StartTrainerBattle_DetermineWhichAnimation
$4375 = StartTrainerBattle_DetermineWhichAnimation.not_stronger
$4386 = StartTrainerBattle_DetermineWhichAnimation.cave
$438f = StartTrainerBattle_DetermineWhichAnimation.StartingPoints
$4393 = StartTrainerBattle_Finish
$439c = StartTrainerBattle_NextScene
$43a1 = StartTrainerBattle_SetUpBGMap
$43ab = StartTrainerBattle_Flash
$43b3 = StartTrainerBattle_Flash.DoFlashAnimation
$43d5 = StartTrainerBattle_Flash.done
$43db = StartTrainerBattle_Flash.pals
$43e8 = StartTrainerBattle_SetUpForWavyOutro
$4408 = StartTrainerBattle_SineWave
$4413 = StartTrainerBattle_SineWave.end
$4419 = StartTrainerBattle_SineWave.DoSineWave
$442b = StartTrainerBattle_SineWave.loop
$443d = StartTrainerBattle_SetUpForSpinOutro
$444f = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack
$447a = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.end
$4490 = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.spin_quadrants
$44f5 = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.load
$44fc = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.loop
$4500 = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.loop1
$450c = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.leftside
$450d = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.okay1
$451e = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.upper
$4528 = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.loop2
$4532 = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.leftside2
$4533 = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.okay2
$4538 = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.wedge1
$453e = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.wedge2
$4548 = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.wedge3
$455a = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.wedge4
$4568 = StartTrainerBattle_SpinToBlack.wedge5
$4578 = StartTrainerBattle_SetUpForRandomScatterOutro
$458f = StartTrainerBattle_SpeckleToBlack
$4599 = StartTrainerBattle_SpeckleToBlack.loop
$45a2 = StartTrainerBattle_SpeckleToBlack.done
$45b8 = StartTrainerBattle_SpeckleToBlack.BlackOutRandomTile
$45b8 = StartTrainerBattle_SpeckleToBlack.y_loop
$45c0 = StartTrainerBattle_SpeckleToBlack.x_loop
$45cf = StartTrainerBattle_SpeckleToBlack.row_loop
$45dc = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics
$45f0 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.pal_loop
$45f4 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.enter_loop_midway
$4602 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.tile_loop
$4605 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.row_loop
$4608 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.col_loop
$4611 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.no_load
$4614 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.done
$4639 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.cgb
$4648 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.not_dark
$4673 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.nextscene
$4677 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.copypals
$4698 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.copy
$46a1 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.pals
$46a9 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.darkpals
$46b1 = StartTrainerBattle_LoadPokeBallGraphics.loadpokeballgfx
$46b8 = PokeBallTransition
$46d8 = WipeLYOverrides
$46ef = WipeLYOverrides.wipe
$46f2 = WipeLYOverrides.loop
$46f7 = StartTrainerBattle_DrawSineWave
$4702 = StartTrainerBattle_DrawSineWave.negative_u23
$470c = StartTrainerBattle_DrawSineWave.apply_u23
$471b = StartTrainerBattle_DrawSineWave.multiply_u23
$4720 = StartTrainerBattle_DrawSineWave.even_u23
$4728 = StartTrainerBattle_DrawSineWave.sinetable_u23
$4768 = StartTrainerBattle_ZoomToBlack
$4771 = StartTrainerBattle_ZoomToBlack.loop
$478c = StartTrainerBattle_ZoomToBlack.done
$4792 = StartTrainerBattle_ZoomToBlack.boxes
$47b7 = StartTrainerBattle_ZoomToBlack.Copy
$47b9 = StartTrainerBattle_ZoomToBlack.row
$47bb = StartTrainerBattle_ZoomToBlack.col
$47c9 = UnusedWaitBGMapOnce
$47d4 = PlayWhirlpoolSound
$47e1 = BlindingFlash
$480a = ShakeHeadbuttTree
$4852 = ShakeHeadbuttTree.loop
$486a = ShakeHeadbuttTree.done
$4893 = HeadbuttTreeGFX
$4913 = HideHeadbuttTree
$4938 = TreeRelativeLocationTable
$4940 = OWCutAnimation
$4952 = OWCutAnimation.loop
$496c = OWCutAnimation.finish
$496d = OWCutAnimation.LoadCutGFX
$498c = CutTreeGFX
$49cc = CutGrassGFX
$4a0c = OWCutJumptable
$4a1b = OWCutJumptable.dw
$4a23 = Cut_SpawnAnimateTree
$4a3c = Cut_SpawnAnimateLeaves
$4a5c = Cut_StartWaiting
$4a64 = Cut_WaitAnimSFX
$4a6d = Cut_WaitAnimSFX.finished
$4a73 = Cut_SpawnLeaf
$4a8e = Cut_GetLeafSpawnCoords
$4a9a = Cut_GetLeafSpawnCoords.left_side
$4aa3 = Cut_GetLeafSpawnCoords.top_side
$4ab3 = Cut_GetLeafSpawnCoords.Coords
$4ad3 = Cut_Headbutt_GetPixelFacing
$4ae5 = Cut_Headbutt_GetPixelFacing.Coords
$4aed = FlyFromAnim
$4b14 = FlyFromAnim.loop
$4b2e = FlyFromAnim.exit
$4b33 = FlyToAnim
$4b60 = FlyToAnim.loop
$4b7a = FlyToAnim.exit
$4b82 = FlyToAnim.RestorePlayerSprite_DespawnLeaves
$4b88 = FlyToAnim.OAMloop
$4b9b = FlyFunction_InitGFX
$4bc8 = FlyFunction_FrameTimer
$4be0 = FlyFunction_FrameTimer.exit
$4be6 = FlyFunction_FrameTimer.SpawnLeaf
$4c04 = MagnetTrain
$4c14 = MagnetTrain.ToGoldenrod
$4c1c = MagnetTrain.continue
$4c48 = MagnetTrain.loop
$4c66 = MagnetTrain.initialize
$4c6b = MagnetTrain.done
$4c99 = MagnetTrain_UpdateLYOverrides
$4cc4 = MagnetTrain_UpdateLYOverrides.loadloop
$4cc9 = MagnetTrain_LoadGFX_PlayMusic
$4d27 = DrawMagnetTrain
$4d2b = DrawMagnetTrain.loop
$4d65 = DrawMagnetTrain.FillLine
$4d6c = DrawMagnetTrain.FillAlt
$4d74 = GetMagnetTrainBGTiles
$4d82 = MagnetTrainBGTiles
$4da6 = MagnetTrain_InitLYOverrides
$4dc3 = SetMagnetTrainPals
$4df7 = MagnetTrain_Jumptable
$4e06 = MagnetTrain_Jumptable.Jumptable
$4e14 = MagnetTrain_Jumptable.Next
$4e19 = MagnetTrain_Jumptable.InitPlayerSpriteAnim
$4e31 = MagnetTrain_Jumptable.got_gender
$4e47 = MagnetTrain_Jumptable.MoveTrain1
$4e64 = MagnetTrain_Jumptable.PrepareToHoldTrain
$4e6d = MagnetTrain_Jumptable.WaitScene
$4e76 = MagnetTrain_Jumptable.DoneWaiting
$4e7a = MagnetTrain_Jumptable.MoveTrain2
$4e9e = MagnetTrain_Jumptable.PrepareToFinishAnim
$4ea2 = MagnetTrain_Jumptable.TrainArrived
$4eae = MagnetTrain_Jumptable_FirstRunThrough
$4eff = MagnetTrainTilemap
$4f4f = BattleStart_CopyTilemapAtOnce
$4f53 = ClearSpriteAnims
$4f59 = ClearSpriteAnims.loop
$4f62 = PlaySpriteAnimationsAndDelayFrame
$4f69 = PlaySpriteAnimations
$4f7a = DoNextFrameForAllSprites
$4f7f = DoNextFrameForAllSprites.loop
$4f91 = DoNextFrameForAllSprites.next
$4f9e = DoNextFrameForAllSprites.loop2
$4fa7 = DoNextFrameForAllSprites.done
$4fa8 = DoNextFrameForFirst16Sprites
$4fad = DoNextFrameForFirst16Sprites.loop
$4fbf = DoNextFrameForFirst16Sprites.next
$4fcc = DoNextFrameForFirst16Sprites.loop2
$4fd5 = DoNextFrameForFirst16Sprites.done
$4fd6 = _InitSpriteAnimStruct
$4fdd = _InitSpriteAnimStruct.loop
$4fec = _InitSpriteAnimStruct.found
$4ff7 = _InitSpriteAnimStruct.nonzero
$5036 = DeinitializeSprite
$503d = DeinitializeAllSprites
$5046 = DeinitializeAllSprites.loop
$504c = UpdateAnimFrame
$5071 = UpdateAnimFrame.loop
$50b6 = UpdateAnimFrame.delete
$50b9 = UpdateAnimFrame.done
$50bb = UpdateAnimFrame.reached_the_end
$50be = AddOrSubtractY
$50cc = AddOrSubtractY.ok
$50ce = AddOrSubtractX
$50dc = AddOrSubtractX.ok
$50de = GetSpriteOAMAttr
$50ec = InitSpriteAnimBuffer
$5109 = GetSpriteAnimVTile
$5111 = GetSpriteAnimVTile.loop
$511c = GetSpriteAnimVTile.ok
$511d = GetSpriteAnimVTile.done
$5120 = _ReinitSpriteAnimFrame
$5132 = GetSpriteAnimFrame
$5132 = GetSpriteAnimFrame.loop
$5142 = GetSpriteAnimFrame.next_frame
$5163 = GetSpriteAnimFrame.okay
$516d = GetSpriteAnimFrame.repeat_last
$517b = GetSpriteAnimFrame.restart
$5189 = GetSpriteAnimFrame.GetPointer
$51a2 = GetFrameOAMPointer
$51ac = UnusedLoadSpriteAnimGFX
$51c4 = SpriteAnimObjects
$524b = DoSpriteAnimFrame
$525b = DoSpriteAnimFrame.Jumptable
$52a1 = SpriteAnimFunc_Null
$52a2 = SpriteAnimFunc_PartyMon
$52b9 = SpriteAnimFunc_PartyMonSwitch
$52df = SpriteAnimFunc_PartyMonSwitch.load_zero
$52e2 = SpriteAnimFunc_PartyMonSwitch.load_minus_one
$52e6 = SpriteAnimFunc_PartyMonSwitch.load_minus_two
$52ea = SpriteAnimFunc_PartyMonSelected
$52fb = SpriteAnimFunc_PartyMonSelected.three_offset_right
$5302 = SpriteAnimFunc_GSTitleTrail
$5306 = SpriteAnimFunc_GSTitleTrail.anon_dw
$530a = SpriteAnimFunc_GSTitleTrail.zero
$5321 = SpriteAnimFunc_GSTitleTrail.one
$5356 = SpriteAnimFunc_GSTitleTrail.delete
$535a = SpriteAnimFunc_GSIntroHoOhLugia
$536c = SpriteAnimFunc_NamingScreenCursor
$5373 = SpriteAnimFunc_MailCursor
$537a = SpriteAnimFunc_GameFreakLogo
$5381 = SpriteAnimFunc_GSGameFreakLogoStar
$5395 = SpriteAnimFunc_GSGameFreakLogoStar.stay
$53ba = SpriteAnimFunc_GSGameFreakLogoStar.delete
$53c3 = SpriteAnimFunc_GSGameFreakLogoSparkle
$541e = SpriteAnimFunc_GSGameFreakLogoSparkle.delete
$5422 = SpriteAnimFunc_SlotsGolem
$5429 = SpriteAnimFunc_SlotsChansey
$543e = SpriteAnimFunc_SlotsChanseyEgg
$5461 = SpriteAnimFunc_SlotsChanseyEgg.move_right
$5462 = SpriteAnimFunc_SlotsChanseyEgg.move_vertical
$546e = SpriteAnimFunc_UnusedCursor
$5475 = SpriteAnimFunc_PokegearArrow
$547c = SpriteAnimFunc_MemoryGameCursor
$5483 = SpriteAnimFunc_TradePokeBall
$5487 = SpriteAnimFunc_TradePokeBall.anon_dw
$5493 = SpriteAnimFunc_TradePokeBall.zero
$54a5 = SpriteAnimFunc_TradePokeBall.two
$54af = SpriteAnimFunc_TradePokeBall.next
$54b8 = SpriteAnimFunc_TradePokeBall.three
$54cd = SpriteAnimFunc_TradePokeBall.done
$54d5 = SpriteAnimFunc_TradePokeBall.one
$54e8 = SpriteAnimFunc_TradePokeBall.four
$551c = SpriteAnimFunc_TradePokeBall.done2
$5526 = SpriteAnimFunc_TradePokeBall.delete
$552a = SpriteAnimFunc_TradeTubeBulge
$553f = SpriteAnimFunc_TradeTubeBulge.delete
$5543 = SpriteAnimFunc_TrademonInTube
$554a = SpriteAnimFunc_RevealNewMon
$5574 = SpriteAnimFunc_RevealNewMon.finish_EggShell
$5578 = SpriteAnimFunc_RadioTuningKnob
$557f = SpriteAnimFunc_CutLeaves
$55b0 = SpriteAnimFunc_FlyFrom
$55d3 = SpriteAnimFunc_FlyFrom.skip
$55e2 = SpriteAnimFunc_FlyLeaf
$5603 = SpriteAnimFunc_FlyLeaf.delete_leaf
$5607 = SpriteAnimFunc_FlyTo
$5621 = SpriteAnimFunc_FlyTo.stay
$5630 = SpriteAnimFunc_MobileTradeSentPulse
$5637 = SpriteAnimFunc_MobileTradeOTPulse
$563e = SpriteAnimFunc_IntroSuicune
$5645 = SpriteAnimFunc_IntroSuicune.continue
$5666 = SpriteAnimFunc_IntroPichuWooper
$567f = SpriteAnimFunc_IntroPichuWooper.done
$5680 = SpriteAnimFunc_IntroUnown
$56a2 = SpriteAnimFunc_IntroUnownF
$56ae = SpriteAnimFunc_IntroSuicuneAway
$56b7 = SpriteAnimFunc_EZChatCursor
$56be = SpriteAnimFunc_Celebi
$56c5 = AnimSeqs_AnonJumptable
$56d8 = AnimSeqs_IncAnonJumptableIndex
$56de = AnimSeqs_Sine
$56e2 = AnimSeqs_Cosine
$56e6 = SpriteAnimFrameData
$576a = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_00
$576d = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_PartyMon
$5772 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_PartyMonWithMail
$5777 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_PartyMonWithItem
$577c = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_PartyMonFast
$5781 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_PartyMonWithMailFast
$5786 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_PartyMonWithItemFast
$578b = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_RedWalk
$5794 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_BlueWalk
$579d = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_MagnetTrainBlue
$57a6 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_GSTitleTrail
$57ab = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_TextEntryCursor
$57b0 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_TextEntryCursorBig
$57b5 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_GameFreakLogo
$57d4 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_GSGameFreakLogoStar
$57d9 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_GSGameFreakLogoSparkle
$57e2 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_SlotsGolem
$57eb = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_SlotsChansey
$57f4 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_SlotsChansey2
$57ff = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_SlotsEgg
$5802 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_StillCursor
$5805 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_TradePokeBall
$5808 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_TradePokeBallWobble
$5811 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_TradePoof
$5818 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_TradeTubeBulge
$581d = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_TrademonIcon
$5822 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_TrademonBubble
$5825 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EvolutionBallOfLight
$582c = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_RadioTuningKnob
$582f = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_MagnetTrainRed
$5838 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_Unknown1
$583d = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_Unknown2
$5842 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_Unknown3
$5847 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_Unknown4
$5850 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_Unknown5
$5853 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_Unknown6
$5856 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_Unknown7
$5859 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_Unknown8
$585c = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_Unknown9
$5861 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_Unused1C
$5864 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_Leaf
$5867 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_CutTree
$5874 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EggCrack
$5877 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EggHatch1
$587a = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EggHatch2
$587d = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EggHatch3
$5880 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EggHatch4
$5883 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_GSIntroHoOhLugia
$5890 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_HeadbuttTree
$5899 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EZChatCursor1
$589c = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EZChatCursor2
$589f = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EZChatCursor3
$58a2 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EZChatCursor4
$58a5 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EZChatCursor5
$58a8 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EZChatCursor6
$58ab = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_EZChatCursor7
$58ae = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_MobileTradeSentBall
$58cd = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_MobileTradeOTBall
$58ec = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_MobileTradeCableBulge
$58f1 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_MobileTradeSentPulse
$58f4 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_MobileTradeOTPulse
$58f7 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_MobileTradePing
$58fe = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_IntroSuicune
$5907 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_IntroSuicune2
$590c = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_IntroPichu
$5913 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_IntroWooper
$5916 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_IntroUnown1
$591d = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_IntroUnown2
$5924 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_IntroUnown3
$592b = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_IntroUnown4
$5932 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_IntroUnownF2
$593d = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_IntroSuicuneAway
$5940 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_IntroUnownF
$5943 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_CelebiLeft
$5948 = SpriteAnimFrameData.Frameset_CelebiRight
$594d = SpriteAnimOAMData
$5af1 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_1x1_Palette0
$5af6 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroShellder
$5b07 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSGameFreakLogoStar
$5b18 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_TradePokeBall1
$5b29 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroUnownF2_1
$5b3a = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_TradeTubeBulge
$5b4b = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_Unknown1
$5b5c = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_TradePoofBubble
$5b9d = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroBigFireball
$5c2e = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_Unused43_4A
$5c53 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroJigglypuffPikachu
$5c94 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroStarter
$5cf9 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_Unknown2
$5d8a = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_RedWalk
$5d9b = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_MagnetTrainRed
$5dac = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_PartyMonWithMail1
$5dbd = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_PartyMonWithMail2
$5dce = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_PartyMonWithItem1
$5ddf = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_PartyMonWithItem2
$5df0 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroMagikarp
$5e09 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroLapras
$5e7e = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroNote
$5e87 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroPikachuTail
$5e9c = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_Leaf
$5ea1 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_Tree
$5eb2 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_TextEntryCursor
$5ec3 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_TextEntryCursorBig
$5eec = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSGameFreakLogo
$5f29 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_SlotsGolem
$5f42 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_SlotsChansey1
$5f5b = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_SlotsChansey2
$5f74 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_SlotsChansey3
$5f8d = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_SlotsChansey4
$5fa6 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_SlotsChansey5
$5fbf = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_RadioTuningKnob
$5fcc = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_Unused4B
$5fe5 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_Unused4C
$5ff6 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_CutTree2
$6007 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_CutTree3
$6018 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_CutTree4
$6029 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroHoOhLugia1
$6076 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroHoOhLugia2
$60b7 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroHoOhLugia3
$60f4 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroHoOhLugia4
$6139 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSIntroHoOhLugia5
$617e = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GSTitleTrail
$6183 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_EZChatCursor1
$61b4 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_EZChatCursor2
$61b9 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_EZChatCursor3
$61ca = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_EZChatCursor4
$61eb = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_EZChatCursor5
$61f0 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_EZChatCursor6
$61f9 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_EZChatCursor7
$6202 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_BlueWalk
$6213 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_MagnetTrainBlue
$6224 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_MobileTradeCableBulge
$6229 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_MobileTradeSentPulse
$623a = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_MobileTradeOTPulse
$624b = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_MobileTradePing1
$625c = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_MobileTradePing2
$627d = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_MobileTradePing3
$62ae = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroSuicune1
$633f = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroSuicune2
$63b0 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroSuicune3
$6429 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroSuicune4
$64a6 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroPichu
$650b = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroWooper
$654c = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroUnown1
$6551 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroUnown2
$655e = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroUnown3
$657b = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroUnownF2_2
$659c = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroUnownF2_3
$65cd = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroUnownF2_4_5
$661e = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_IntroSuicuneAway
$666f = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_Celebi
$6680 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GameFreakLogo1_3
$66a5 = SpriteAnimOAMData.OAMData_GameFreakLogo4_11
$6706 = UnusedSpriteAnimGFX
$672a = Sprites_Cosine
$672a = UnusedSpriteAnimGFX.DeletedGFX
$672c = Sprites_Sine
$6737 = Sprites_Sine.negative_u24
$6741 = Sprites_Sine.apply_u24
$6750 = Sprites_Sine.multiply_u24
$6755 = Sprites_Sine.even_u24
$675d = Sprites_Sine.sinetable_u24
$679d = AnimateEndOfExpBar
$67a8 = AnimateEndOfExpBar.load
$67b5 = AnimateEndOfExpBar.loop
$67c6 = AnimateEndOfExpBar.AnimateFrame
$67cb = AnimateEndOfExpBar.anim_loop
$67f4 = EndOfExpBarGFX
$6804 = SGBEndOfExpBarGFX
$6814 = ClearSpriteAnims2
$681e = ClearSpriteAnims2.loop
$682b = LoadOverworldMonIcon
$683f = LoadMenuMonIcon
$6849 = LoadMenuMonIcon.LoadIcon
$6854 = LoadMenuMonIcon.Jumptable
$6862 = Unused_GetPartyMenuMonIcon
$686c = Unused_GetPartyMenuMonIcon.GetPartyMonItemGFX
$688e = Unused_GetPartyMenuMonIcon.not_mail
$6890 = Unused_GetPartyMenuMonIcon.no_item
$6892 = Unused_GetPartyMenuMonIcon.got_tile
$6898 = Mobile_InitAnimatedMonIcon
$68b1 = Mobile_InitPartyMenuBGPal71
$68d5 = PartyMenu_InitAnimatedMonIcon
$68df = PartyMenu_InitAnimatedMonIcon.SpawnItemIcon
$6900 = PartyMenu_InitAnimatedMonIcon.mail
$6902 = PartyMenu_InitAnimatedMonIcon.okay
$6908 = InitPartyMenuIcon
$6936 = SetPartyMonIconAnimSpeed
$694c = SetPartyMonIconAnimSpeed.getspeed
$695e = SetPartyMonIconAnimSpeed.speeds
$6961 = NamingScreen_InitAnimatedMonIcon
$697d = MoveList_InitAnimatedMonIcon
$699a = Trade_LoadMonIconGFX
$69ac = GetSpeciesIcon
$69bc = FlyFunction_GetMonIcon
$69cc = GetMonIconDE
$69db = GetMemIconGFX
$69de = GetIconGFX
$69f7 = HeldItemIcons
$6a17 = GetIcon_de
$6a1b = GetIcon_a
$6a1e = GetIcon
$6a3f = GetGFXUnlessMobile
$6a4a = FreezeMonIcons
$6a53 = FreezeMonIcons.loop
$6a5e = FreezeMonIcons.loadwithtwo
$6a60 = FreezeMonIcons.ok
$6a69 = FreezeMonIcons.next
$6a71 = UnfreezeMonIcons
$6a76 = UnfreezeMonIcons.loop
$6a84 = UnfreezeMonIcons.next
$6a8c = HoldSwitchmonIcon
$6a95 = HoldSwitchmonIcon.loop
$6aa0 = HoldSwitchmonIcon.is_switchmon
$6aa2 = HoldSwitchmonIcon.join_back
$6aab = HoldSwitchmonIcon.next
$6ab3 = ReadMonMenuIcon
$6ac1 = ReadMonMenuIcon.egg
$6ac4 = MonMenuIcons
$6bbf = IconPointers
$6c0d = Icons
$6c0d = NullIcon
$6c0d = PoliwagIcon
$6c8d = JigglypuffIcon
$6d0d = DiglettIcon
$6d8d = PikachuIcon
$6e0d = StaryuIcon
$6e8d = FishIcon
$6f0d = BirdIcon
$6f8d = MonsterIcon
$700d = ClefairyIcon
$708d = OddishIcon
$710d = BugIcon
$718d = GhostIcon
$720d = LaprasIcon
$728d = HumanshapeIcon
$730d = FoxIcon
$738d = EquineIcon
$740d = ShellIcon
$748d = BlobIcon
$750d = SerpentIcon
$758d = VoltorbIcon
$760d = SquirtleIcon
$768d = BulbasaurIcon
$770d = CharmanderIcon
$778d = CaterpillarIcon
$780d = UnownIcon
$788d = GeodudeIcon
$790d = FighterIcon
$798d = EggIcon
$7a0d = JellyfishIcon
$7a8d = MothIcon
$7b0d = BatIcon
$7b8d = SnorlaxIcon
$7c0d = HoOhIcon
$7c8d = LugiaIcon
$7d0d = GyaradosIcon
$7d8d = SlowpokeIcon
$7e0d = SudowoodoIcon
$7e8d = BigmonIcon
EMPTY: $7f0d-$7fff ($00f3 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $00f3 bytes
ROMX bank #36:
SECTION: $4000-$7a3c ($3a3d bytes) ["bank24"]
$4000 = AddPhoneNumber
$400d = AddPhoneNumber.cant_add
$400f = DelCellNum
$4017 = DelCellNum.not_in_list
$4019 = CheckCellNum
$401c = _CheckCellNum
$4021 = _CheckCellNum.loop
$402a = _CheckCellNum.got_it
$402d = Phone_FindOpenSlot
$4034 = Phone_FindOpenSlot.loop
$403d = Phone_FindOpenSlot.FoundOpenSpace
$4040 = GetRemainingSpaceInPhoneList
$4047 = GetRemainingSpaceInPhoneList.loop
$405b = GetRemainingSpaceInPhoneList.permanent
$405d = GetRemainingSpaceInPhoneList.continue
$405f = GetRemainingSpaceInPhoneList.done
$4066 = PermanentNumbers
$4069 = BrokenPlaceFarString
$4074 = CheckPhoneCall
$40a4 = CheckPhoneCall.no_call
$40a6 = CheckPhoneCall.timecheck
$40ad = CheckPhoneContactTimeOfDay
$40bf = ChooseRandomCaller
$40dc = ChooseRandomCaller.NothingToSample
$40de = GetAvailableCallers
$40f7 = GetAvailableCallers.loop
$411e = GetAvailableCallers.different_map
$412e = GetAvailableCallers.not_good_for_call
$4136 = CheckSpecialPhoneCall
$4171 = CheckSpecialPhoneCall.NoPhoneCall
$4173 = CheckSpecialPhoneCall.script
$4178 = CheckSpecialPhoneCall.DoSpecialPhoneCall
$4188 = SpecialCallOnlyWhenOutside
$4195 = SpecialCallOnlyWhenOutside.outside
$4197 = SpecialCallWhereverYouAre
$4199 = MakePhoneCallFromPokegear
$41d9 = MakePhoneCallFromPokegear.GetPhoneScript
$41e7 = MakePhoneCallFromPokegear.OutOfArea
$41f0 = MakePhoneCallFromPokegear.DoPhoneCall
$4205 = LoadPhoneScriptBank
$4209 = LoadOutOfAreaScript
$420d = LoadCallerScript
$421d = LoadCallerScript.actualcaller
$4229 = LoadCallerScript.proceed
$4233 = WrongNumber
$4238 = WrongNumber.script
$423c = WrongNumber.PhoneWrongNumberText
$4241 = Script_ReceivePhoneCall
$4255 = Script_SpecialBillCall
$425c = Script_SpecialBillCall.LoadBillScript
$4261 = Script_SpecialElmCall
$426a = Script_SpecialElmCall.LoadElmScript
$426f = RingTwice_StartCall
$427c = RingTwice_StartCall.Ring
$4292 = RingTwice_StartCall.CallerTextboxWithName
$429a = PhoneCall
$42b3 = PhoneCall.Ring
$42c9 = PhoneCall.CallerTextboxWithName
$42e3 = Phone_NoSignal
$42eb = HangUp
$42f1 = Phone_CallEnd
$4316 = HangUp_ShutDown
$431d = HangUp_Beep
$432a = PhoneClickText
$432f = HangUp_BoopOn
$4336 = PhoneEllipseText
$433b = HangUp_BoopOff
$433f = Phone_StartRinging
$4355 = HangUp_Wait20Frames
$4357 = Phone_Wait20Frames
$4363 = Phone_TextboxWithName
$4375 = Phone_CallerTextbox
$4380 = GetCallerClassAndName
$438a = CheckCanDeletePhoneNumber
$439a = GetCallerTrainerClass
$43a9 = GetCallerName
$43c5 = GetCallerName.NotTrainer
$43d6 = NonTrainerCallerNames
$43e2 = NonTrainerCallerNames.none
$43ed = NonTrainerCallerNames.mom
$43f2 = NonTrainerCallerNames.bill
$43f8 = NonTrainerCallerNames.elm
$4402 = NonTrainerCallerNames.bikeshop
$440d = NonTrainerCallerNames.buena
$4423 = Phone_GetTrainerName
$442e = Phone_GetTrainerClassName
$4439 = GetCallerLocation
$445f = PhoneContacts
$4627 = SpecialPhoneCallList
$4657 = PhoneOutOfAreaScript
$465b = PhoneOutOfAreaText
$4660 = PhoneScript_JustTalkToThem
$4664 = PhoneJustTalkToThemText
$4669 = PhoneThankYouTextScript
$466d = PhoneThankYouText
$4672 = InitClock
$46e8 = InitClock.loop
$470d = InitClock.SetHourLoop
$472e = InitClock.HourIsSet
$4752 = InitClock.SetMinutesLoop
$4773 = InitClock.MinutesAreSet
$4783 = InitClock.ClearScreen
$4795 = SetHour
$47ad = SetHour.down
$47b6 = SetHour.DecreaseThroughMidnight
$47ba = SetHour.up
$47c4 = SetHour.AdvanceThroughMidnight
$47c6 = SetHour.okay
$47dc = SetHour.Confirm
$47de = DisplayHourOClock
$47f1 = DisplayHoursMinutesWithMinString
$4810 = SetMinutes
$4828 = SetMinutes.d_down
$4831 = SetMinutes.decrease
$4835 = SetMinutes.d_up
$483f = SetMinutes.increase
$4841 = SetMinutes.finish_dpad
$4857 = SetMinutes.a_button
$4859 = DisplayMinutesWithMinString
$4867 = PrintTwoDigitNumberLeftAlign
$4874 = OakTimeWokeUpText
$4879 = OakTimeWhatTimeIsItText
$487e = String_oclock
$4886 = OakTimeWhatHoursText
$4895 = OakTimeWhatHoursText.OakTimeHoursQuestionMarkText
$489a = OakTimeHowManyMinutesText
$489f = String_min
$48a4 = OakTimeWhoaMinutesText
$48b3 = OakTimeWhoaMinutesText.OakTimeMinutesQuestionMarkText
$48b8 = OakText_ResponseToSetTime
$48e0 = OakText_ResponseToSetTime.nite
$48e4 = OakText_ResponseToSetTime.morn
$48e8 = OakText_ResponseToSetTime.day
$48ec = OakText_ResponseToSetTime.OakTimeOversleptText
$48f1 = OakText_ResponseToSetTime.OakTimeYikesText
$48f6 = OakText_ResponseToSetTime.OakTimeSoDarkText
$48fb = TimeSetBackgroundGFX
$4903 = TimeSetUpArrowGFX
$490b = TimeSetDownArrowGFX
$4913 = SetDayOfWeek
$4936 = SetDayOfWeek.loop
$496a = SetDayOfWeek.loop2
$4993 = SetDayOfWeek.GetJoypadAction
$499b = SetDayOfWeek.not_A
$49ad = SetDayOfWeek.d_down
$49b6 = SetDayOfWeek.decrease
$49ba = SetDayOfWeek.d_up
$49c4 = SetDayOfWeek.increase
$49c6 = SetDayOfWeek.finish_dpad
$49de = SetDayOfWeek.PlaceWeekdayString
$49f2 = SetDayOfWeek.WeekdayStrings
$4a02 = SetDayOfWeek.Sunday
$4a0a = SetDayOfWeek.Monday
$4a12 = SetDayOfWeek.Tuesday
$4a1b = SetDayOfWeek.Wednesday
$4a25 = SetDayOfWeek.Thursday
$4a2e = SetDayOfWeek.Friday
$4a36 = SetDayOfWeek.Saturday
$4a3f = SetDayOfWeek.OakTimeWhatDayIsItText
$4a44 = SetDayOfWeek.ConfirmWeekdayText
$4a4f = SetDayOfWeek.OakTimeIsItText
$4a54 = InitialSetDSTFlag
$4a6c = InitialSetDSTFlag.Text
$4a83 = InitialSetDSTFlag.DSTIsThatOKText
$4a88 = InitialClearDSTFlag
$4aa0 = InitialClearDSTFlag.Text
$4ab7 = InitialClearDSTFlag.TimeAskOkayText
$4abc = MrChrono
$4acc = MrChrono.Text
$4b06 = MrChrono.off
$4b0f = MrChrono.done
$4b13 = MrChrono.NowOnDebug
$4b23 = MrChrono.PrintTime
$4b3e = PrintHour
$4b58 = GetTimeOfDayString
$4b65 = GetTimeOfDayString.nite
$4b69 = GetTimeOfDayString.morn
$4b6d = GetTimeOfDayString.day
$4b71 = GetTimeOfDayString.nite_string
$4b76 = GetTimeOfDayString.morn_string
$4b7b = GetTimeOfDayString.day_string
$4b7f = AdjustHourForAMorPM
$4b8a = AdjustHourForAMorPM.midnight
$4b8d = PokeGear
$4ba9 = PokeGear.loop
$4bc4 = PokeGear.done
$4bea = PokeGear.InitTilemap
$4c4e = Pokegear_LoadGFX
$4ca5 = Pokegear_LoadGFX.ssaqua
$4cb2 = FastShipGFX
$4d32 = InitPokegearModeIndicatorArrow
$4d41 = AnimatePokegearModeIndicatorArrow
$4d52 = AnimatePokegearModeIndicatorArrow.XCoords
$4d56 = TownMap_GetCurrentLandmark
$4d70 = TownMap_InitCursorAndPlayerIconPositions
$4d8e = TownMap_InitCursorAndPlayerIconPositions.LoadLandmark
$4d95 = TownMap_InitCursorAndPlayerIconPositions.FastShip
$4d9e = Pokegear_InitJumptableIndices
$4da8 = InitPokegearTilemap
$4dcb = InitPokegearTilemap.return_from_jumptable
$4de8 = InitPokegearTilemap.kanto_0
$4df3 = InitPokegearTilemap.finish
$4e00 = InitPokegearTilemap.UpdateBGMap
$4e0e = InitPokegearTilemap.dmg
$4e12 = InitPokegearTilemap.Jumptable
$4e1a = InitPokegearTilemap.Clock
$4e36 = InitPokegearTilemap.switch
$4e3f = InitPokegearTilemap.Map
$4e4a = InitPokegearTilemap.johto
$4e4e = InitPokegearTilemap.kanto
$4e50 = InitPokegearTilemap.ok
$4e72 = InitPokegearTilemap.Radio
$4e82 = InitPokegearTilemap.Phone
$4e98 = InitPokegearTilemap.PlacePhoneBars
$4eb0 = Pokegear_FinishTilemap
$4ee4 = Pokegear_FinishTilemap.PlaceMapIcon
$4eeb = Pokegear_FinishTilemap.PlacePhoneIcon
$4ef2 = Pokegear_FinishTilemap.PlaceRadioIcon
$4ef7 = Pokegear_FinishTilemap.PlacePokegearCardIcon
$4f04 = PokegearJumptable
$4f13 = PokegearJumptable.Jumptable
$4f2d = PokegearClock_Init
$4f3e = PokegearClock_Joypad
$4f5a = PokegearClock_Joypad.no_map_card
$4f67 = PokegearClock_Joypad.no_phone_card
$4f71 = PokegearClock_Joypad.done
$4f75 = PokegearClock_Joypad.quit
$4f7b = PokegearClock_Joypad.UpdateClock
$4f86 = Pokegear_UpdateClock
$4faf = Pokegear_UpdateClock.GearTodayText
$4fb4 = PokegearMap_CheckRegion
$4fbf = PokegearMap_CheckRegion.johto
$4fc4 = PokegearMap_CheckRegion.kanto
$4fc6 = PokegearMap_CheckRegion.done
$4fcd = PokegearMap_Init
$4fe9 = PokegearMap_KantoMap
$4fee = PokegearMap_JohtoMap
$4ff2 = PokegearMap_ContinueMap
$5008 = PokegearMap_ContinueMap.right
$5015 = PokegearMap_ContinueMap.no_phone
$5021 = PokegearMap_ContinueMap.left
$5025 = PokegearMap_ContinueMap.done
$5029 = PokegearMap_ContinueMap.cancel
$502f = PokegearMap_ContinueMap.DPad
$503d = PokegearMap_ContinueMap.up
$5047 = PokegearMap_ContinueMap.wrap_around_up
$504a = PokegearMap_ContinueMap.down
$5054 = PokegearMap_ContinueMap.wrap_around_down
$5055 = PokegearMap_ContinueMap.done_dpad
$506a = PokegearMap_InitPlayerIcon
$5079 = PokegearMap_InitPlayerIcon.got_gender
$5098 = PokegearMap_InitCursor
$50b4 = PokegearMap_UpdateLandmarkName
$50d4 = PokegearMap_UpdateCursorPosition
$50e8 = TownMap_GetKantoLandmarkLimits
$50f4 = TownMap_GetKantoLandmarkLimits.not_hof
$50f9 = PokegearRadio_Init
$5112 = PokegearRadio_Joypad
$512e = PokegearRadio_Joypad.left
$513b = PokegearRadio_Joypad.no_phone
$5148 = PokegearRadio_Joypad.no_map
$514c = PokegearRadio_Joypad.switch_page
$5150 = PokegearRadio_Joypad.cancel
$5156 = PokegearPhone_Init
$5171 = PokegearPhone_Joypad
$518f = PokegearPhone_Joypad.left
$519c = PokegearPhone_Joypad.no_map
$51a2 = PokegearPhone_Joypad.right
$51ac = PokegearPhone_Joypad.switch_page
$51b0 = PokegearPhone_Joypad.b
$51b6 = PokegearPhone_Joypad.a
$51e5 = PokegearPhone_Joypad.quit_submenu
$51eb = PokegearPhone_MakePhoneCall
$5234 = PokegearPhone_MakePhoneCall.no_service
$524c = PokegearPhone_MakePhoneCall.GearEllipseText
$5251 = PokegearPhone_MakePhoneCall.GearOutOfServiceText
$5256 = PokegearPhone_FinishPhoneCall
$526d = PokegearPhone_GetDPad
$527b = PokegearPhone_GetDPad.up
$5285 = PokegearPhone_GetDPad.scroll_page_up
$528e = PokegearPhone_GetDPad.down
$5299 = PokegearPhone_GetDPad.scroll_page_down
$52a3 = PokegearPhone_GetDPad.done_joypad_same_page
$52ad = PokegearPhone_GetDPad.done_joypad_update_page
$52b7 = PokegearPhone_UpdateCursor
$52d8 = PokegearPhone_UpdateDisplayList
$52df = PokegearPhone_UpdateDisplayList.row
$52e1 = PokegearPhone_UpdateDisplayList.col
$52f8 = PokegearPhone_UpdateDisplayList.loop
$531e = PokegearPhone_DeletePhoneNumber
$5336 = PokegearPhone_DeletePhoneNumber.loop
$533e = PokegearPhone_DeletePhoneNumber.skip
$5342 = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu
$5366 = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.cant_delete
$536c = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.got_menu_data
$5398 = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.loop
$53b4 = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.d_up
$53c1 = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.d_down
$53d4 = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.a_b
$53f1 = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.Cancel
$53f9 = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.Delete
$5419 = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.CancelDelete
$541b = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.Call
$541d = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.UpdateCursor
$542c = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.clear_column
$543f = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.CallDeleteCancelStrings
$5455 = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.CallDeleteCancelJumptable
$545b = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.CallCancelStrings
$546a = PokegearPhoneContactSubmenu.CallCancelJumptable
$546e = GetAMPMHours
$547b = GetAMPMHours.am
$5480 = Pokegear_SwitchPage
$5492 = ExitPokegearRadio_HandleMusic
$54a3 = ExitPokegearRadio_HandleMusic.restart_map_music
$54ab = DeleteSpriteAnimStruct2ToEnd
$54bb = Pokegear_LoadTilemapRLE
$54be = Pokegear_LoadTilemapRLE.loop
$54c8 = Pokegear_LoadTilemapRLE.load
$54ce = PokegearAskWhoCallText
$54d3 = PokegearPressButtonText
$54d8 = PokegearAskDeleteText
$54dd = PokegearSpritesGFX
$550d = RadioTilemapRLE
$558a = PhoneTilemapRLE
$55db = ClockTilemapRLE
$563e = _UpdateRadioStation
$5640 = AnimateTuningKnob
$564e = AnimateTuningKnob.TuningKnob
$565c = AnimateTuningKnob.down
$5666 = AnimateTuningKnob.up
$566f = UpdateRadioStation
$566f = AnimateTuningKnob.update
$5676 = UpdateRadioStation.loop
$5682 = UpdateRadioStation.nostation
$5686 = UpdateRadioStation.foundstation
$568e = UpdateRadioStation.returnafterstation
$56a1 = LoadPokegearRadioChannelPointer
$56ad = RadioChannels
$56c9 = RadioChannels.PKMNTalkAndPokedexShow
$56d8 = RadioChannels.PokemonMusic
$56e0 = RadioChannels.LuckyChannel
$56e8 = RadioChannels.BuenasPassword
$56f0 = RadioChannels.RuinsOfAlphRadio
$56fa = RadioChannels.PlacesAndPeople
$5709 = RadioChannels.LetsAllSing
$5718 = RadioChannels.PokeFluteRadio
$5727 = RadioChannels.EvolutionRadio
$573d = RadioChannels.ok
$5740 = RadioChannels.NoSignal
$5744 = RadioChannels.InJohto
$5751 = RadioChannels.johto
$5753 = LoadStation_OaksPokemonTalk
$5766 = LoadStation_PokedexShow
$577b = LoadStation_PokemonMusic
$5790 = LoadStation_LuckyChannel
$57a5 = LoadStation_BuenasPassword
$57c3 = BuenasPasswordName
$57d4 = NotBuenasPasswordName
$57d5 = LoadStation_UnownRadio
$57ea = LoadStation_PlacesAndPeople
$57ff = LoadStation_LetsAllSing
$5814 = LoadStation_RocketRadio
$5829 = LoadStation_PokeFluteRadio
$583e = LoadStation_EvolutionRadio
$5853 = DummyLoadStation
$5854 = RadioMusicRestartDE
$5868 = RadioMusicRestartPokemonChannel
$587c = Radio_BackUpFarCallParams
$5888 = NoRadioStation
$589d = NoRadioMusic
$58a9 = NoRadioName
$58bf = OaksPKMNTalkName
$58cc = PokedexShowName
$58d6 = PokemonMusicName
$58e1 = LuckyChannelName
$58ef = UnownStationName
$58f5 = PlacesAndPeopleName
$5905 = LetsAllSingName
$5914 = PokeFluteStationName
$591c = _TownMap
$598b = _TownMap.dmg
$599b = _TownMap.kanto
$59a1 = _TownMap.resume
$59b0 = _TownMap.loop
$59c7 = _TownMap.loop2
$59d4 = _TownMap.pressed_up
$59de = _TownMap.okay
$59e1 = _TownMap.pressed_down
$59eb = _TownMap.okay2
$59ec = _TownMap.next
$5a04 = _TownMap.InitTilemap
$5a0f = _TownMap.kanto2
$5a11 = _TownMap.okay_tilemap
$5a53 = PlayRadio
$5a62 = PlayRadio.loop
$5a7a = PlayRadio.zero
$5a7f = PlayRadio.stop
$5a87 = PlayRadio.PlayStation
$5a9b = PlayRadio.jump_return
$5ab9 = PlayRadioStationPointers
$5acb = LoadStation_PokemonChannel
$5ade = LoadStation_PokemonChannel.kanto
$5ae1 = PokegearMap
$5aec = PokegearMap.kanto
$5af3 = _FlyMap
$5b29 = _FlyMap.loop
$5b4a = _FlyMap.pressedB
$5b4e = _FlyMap.pressedA
$5b5a = _FlyMap.exit
$5b73 = _FlyMap.HandleDPad
$5b89 = _FlyMap.ScrollNext
$5b93 = _FlyMap.NotAtEndYet
$5b9b = _FlyMap.ScrollPrev
$5ba5 = _FlyMap.NotAtStartYet
$5bab = _FlyMap.Finally
$5bb5 = TownMapBubble
$5bf4 = TownMapBubble.Where
$5bfb = TownMapBubble.Name
$5c17 = GetMapCursorCoordinates
$5c3c = CheckIfVisitedFlypoint
$5c50 = HasVisitedSpawn
$5c5e = Flypoints
$5c8f = Pokegear_DummyFunction
$5c90 = FlyMap
$5caa = FlyMap.CheckRegion
$5cc7 = FlyMap.KantoFlyMap
$5ce8 = FlyMap.NoKanto
$5cf9 = FlyMap.MapHud
$5d11 = Pokedex_GetArea
$5d6e = Pokedex_GetArea.loop
$5d87 = Pokedex_GetArea.select
$5d8a = Pokedex_GetArea.next
$5d8f = Pokedex_GetArea.a_b
$5d9b = Pokedex_GetArea.LeftRightInput
$5da6 = Pokedex_GetArea.left
$5db7 = Pokedex_GetArea.right
$5dcd = Pokedex_GetArea.BlinkNestIcons
$5ddc = Pokedex_GetArea.copy_sprites
$5de9 = Pokedex_GetArea.PlaceString_MonsNest
$5e16 = Pokedex_GetArea.String_SNest
$5e1e = Pokedex_GetArea.GetAndPlaceNest
$5e2e = Pokedex_GetArea.nestloop
$5e4d = Pokedex_GetArea.done_nest
$5e5a = Pokedex_GetArea.HideNestsShowPlayer
$5e70 = Pokedex_GetArea.ShowPlayerLoop
$5e8c = Pokedex_GetArea.male
$5e91 = Pokedex_GetArea.clear_oam
$5e9c = Pokedex_GetArea.PlayerOAM
$5ea9 = Pokedex_GetArea.CheckPlayerLocation
$5ebc = Pokedex_GetArea.johto
$5ec2 = Pokedex_GetArea.ok
$5ec4 = Pokedex_GetArea.clear
$5ed0 = Pokedex_GetArea.GetPlayerOrFastShipIcon
$5ede = Pokedex_GetArea.FastShip
$5ee4 = TownMapBGUpdate
$5ef8 = TownMapBGUpdate.tiles
$5eff = FillJohtoMap
$5f04 = FillKantoMap
$5f07 = FillTownMap
$5f0a = FillTownMap.loop
$5f13 = TownMapPals
$5f1c = TownMapPals.loop
$5f34 = TownMapPals.odd
$5f41 = TownMapPals.pal0
$5f42 = TownMapPals.update
$5f4b = TownMapPals.PalMap
$5f7b = TownMapMon
$5fa6 = TownMapPlayerIcon
$5fd3 = TownMapPlayerIcon.got_gender
$5ff2 = LoadTownMapGFX
$5fff = JohtoMap
$6168 = KantoMap
$62d1 = PokedexNestIconGFX
$62e1 = FlyMapLabelBorderGFX
$6311 = EntireFlyMap
$636e = EntireFlyMap.loop
$638f = EntireFlyMap.pressedB
$6393 = EntireFlyMap.pressedA
$639f = EntireFlyMap.exit
$63b8 = EntireFlyMap.HandleDPad
$63c6 = EntireFlyMap.ScrollNext
$63d0 = EntireFlyMap.NotAtEndYet
$63d3 = EntireFlyMap.ScrollPrev
$63dc = EntireFlyMap.NotAtStartYet
$63dd = EntireFlyMap.FillMap
$63ec = EntireFlyMap.InJohto
$63f3 = EntireFlyMap.Finally
$6402 = Fish
$641a = Fish.Fish
$642c = Fish.loop
$6436 = Fish.ok
$643f = Fish.no_bite
$6443 = Fish.TimeEncounter
$6458 = Fish.time_species
$645b = GetFishGroupIndex
$646d = GetFishGroupIndex.done
$6472 = GetFishGroupIndex.qwilfish
$647d = GetFishGroupIndex.remoraid
$6488 = FishGroups
$64e3 = FishGroups.Shore_Old
$64ec = FishGroups.Shore_Good
$64f8 = FishGroups.Shore_Super
$6504 = FishGroups.Ocean_Old
$650d = FishGroups.Ocean_Good
$6519 = FishGroups.Ocean_Super
$6525 = FishGroups.Lake_Old
$652e = FishGroups.Lake_Good
$653a = FishGroups.Lake_Super
$6546 = FishGroups.Pond_Old
$654f = FishGroups.Pond_Good
$655b = FishGroups.Pond_Super
$6567 = FishGroups.Dratini_Old
$6570 = FishGroups.Dratini_Good
$657c = FishGroups.Dratini_Super
$6588 = FishGroups.Qwilfish_Swarm_Old
$6591 = FishGroups.Qwilfish_Swarm_Good
$659d = FishGroups.Qwilfish_Swarm_Super
$65a9 = FishGroups.Remoraid_Swarm_Old
$65b2 = FishGroups.Remoraid_Swarm_Good
$65be = FishGroups.Remoraid_Swarm_Super
$65ca = FishGroups.Gyarados_Old
$65d3 = FishGroups.Gyarados_Good
$65df = FishGroups.Gyarados_Super
$65eb = FishGroups.Dratini_2_Old
$65f4 = FishGroups.Dratini_2_Good
$6600 = FishGroups.Dratini_2_Super
$660c = FishGroups.WhirlIslands_Old
$6615 = FishGroups.WhirlIslands_Good
$6621 = FishGroups.WhirlIslands_Super
$662d = FishGroups.Qwilfish_Old
$662d = FishGroups.Qwilfish_NoSwarm_Old
$6636 = FishGroups.Qwilfish_Good
$6636 = FishGroups.Qwilfish_NoSwarm_Good
$6642 = FishGroups.Qwilfish_Super
$6642 = FishGroups.Qwilfish_NoSwarm_Super
$664e = FishGroups.Remoraid_Old
$6657 = FishGroups.Remoraid_Good
$6663 = FishGroups.Remoraid_Super
$666f = TimeFishGroups
$66c7 = _SlotMachine
$66d2 = _SlotMachine.loop
$66f7 = _SlotMachine.InitGFX
$679b = Slots_GetPals
$67ab = Slots_GetPals.cgb
$67af = SlotsLoop
$67d1 = SlotsLoop.stop
$67d3 = SlotsLoop.Stubbed_AlternateMatchingSevensPalette
$67ea = SlotsLoop.matching_sevens
$67f8 = SlotsLoop.PrintCoinsAndPayout
$6811 = DebugPrintSlotBias
$682c = AnimateSlotReelIcons
$6839 = AnimateSlotReelIcons.loop
$6844 = SlotsJumptable
$6853 = SlotsJumptable.Jumptable
$6879 = SlotsAction_Next
$687e = SlotsAction_Init
$688e = SlotsAction_BetAndStart
$6899 = SlotsAction_BetAndStart.proceed
$68c6 = SlotsAction_WaitStart
$68cf = SlotsAction_WaitStart.proceed
$68d6 = SlotsAction_WaitReel1
$68e6 = SlotsAction_WaitStopReel1
$6900 = SlotsAction_WaitReel2
$6910 = SlotsAction_WaitStopReel2
$692a = SlotsAction_WaitReel3
$693a = SlotsAction_WaitStopReel3
$6955 = SlotsAction_FlashIfWin
$6963 = SlotsAction_FlashIfWin.GotIt
$696b = SlotsAction_FlashScreen
$6980 = SlotsAction_FlashScreen.done
$6987 = SlotsAction_GiveEarnedCoins
$699e = SlotsAction_PayoutTextAndAnim
$69a4 = SlotsAction_PayoutAnim
$69c5 = SlotsAction_PayoutAnim.okay
$69d5 = SlotsAction_PayoutAnim.done
$69d9 = SlotsAction_RestartOrQuit
$69ea = SlotsAction_RestartOrQuit.exit_slots
$69f0 = SlotsAction_Quit
$69f6 = Slots_LoadReelState
$6a04 = Slots_CheckCoinCaseFull
$6a10 = Slots_CheckCoinCaseFull.not_full
$6a12 = Slots_GetCurrentReelState
$6a1c = Slots_GetCurrentReelState.okay
$6a2b = Slots_StopReel1
$6a2e = Slots_StopReel2
$6a3f = Slots_StopReel2.skip
$6a4e = Slots_StopReel2.dont_jump
$6a51 = Slots_StopReel2.CheckReel1ForASeven
$6a60 = Slots_StopReel3
$6a84 = Slots_StopReel3.biased
$6a8f = Slots_StopReel3.golem
$6a92 = Slots_StopReel3.slow_advance
$6a95 = Slots_StopReel3.stop
$6a98 = Slots_InitReelTiles
$6af9 = Slots_InitReelTiles.OAM
$6b0f = Slots_SpinReels
$6b22 = Slots_SpinReels.SpinReel
$6b2e = Slots_SpinReels.skip
$6b49 = Slots_SpinReels.loop
$6b53 = Slots_UpdateReelPositionAndOAM
$6b81 = Slots_UpdateReelPositionAndOAM.load
$6b83 = Slots_UpdateReelPositionAndOAM.LoadOAM
$6b8a = Slots_UpdateReelPositionAndOAM.loop
$6bbe = GetUnknownSlotReelData
$6bce = GetUnknownSlotReelData.data
$6bd4 = ReelActionJumptable
$6be4 = ReelActionJumptable.Jumptable
$6c16 = ReelAction_DoNothing
$6c17 = ReelAction_QuadrupleRate
$6c1e = ReelAction_DoubleRate
$6c25 = ReelAction_NormalRate
$6c2c = ReelAction_HalfRate
$6c33 = ReelAction_QuarterRate
$6c3a = Slots_StopReel
$6c4c = ReelAction_StopReelIgnoreJoypad
$6c56 = ReelAction_StopReelIgnoreJoypad.EndReel
$6c5e = ReelAction_StopReel1
$6c72 = ReelAction_StopReel1.NoBias
$6c76 = ReelAction_StopReel1.CheckForBias
$6c86 = ReelAction_StopReel2
$6c94 = ReelAction_StopReel2.nope
$6ca5 = ReelAction_StopReel2.NoBias
$6ca9 = ReelAction_StopReel3
$6cbd = ReelAction_StopReel3.NoMatch
$6cce = ReelAction_StopReel3.NoBias
$6cd2 = ReelAction_SetUpReel2SkipTo7
$6ce1 = ReelAction_SetUpReel2SkipTo7.no_match
$6cf8 = ReelAction_WaitReel2SkipTo7
$6d02 = ReelAction_WaitReel2SkipTo7.ready
$6d13 = ReelAction_FastSpinReel2UntilLinedUp7s
$6d20 = ReelAction_InitGolem
$6d4f = ReelAction_WaitGolem
$6d5b = ReelAction_WaitGolem.two
$6d62 = ReelAction_WaitGolem.one
$6d6e = ReelAction_EndGolem
$6d7e = ReelAction_InitChansey
$6da4 = ReelAction_WaitChansey
$6db3 = ReelAction_WaitEgg
$6dca = ReelAction_DropReel
$6dd4 = ReelAction_DropReel.check_match
$6de5 = ReelAction_DropReel.EggAgain
$6df7 = ReelAction_Unused
$6e10 = ReelAction_CheckDropReel
$6e1f = ReelAction_CheckDropReel.spin
$6e31 = ReelAction_WaitDropReel
$6e3b = ReelAction_WaitDropReel.DropReel
$6e47 = ReelAction_StartSlowAdvanceReel3
$6e64 = ReelAction_WaitSlowAdvanceReel3
$6e6d = ReelAction_WaitSlowAdvanceReel3.play_sfx
$6e73 = ReelAction_WaitSlowAdvanceReel3.check1
$6e88 = ReelAction_WaitSlowAdvanceReel3.check2
$6e94 = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels
$6eb6 = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.return
$6ebd = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.Jumptable
$6ec5 = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.three
$6ecb = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.two
$6ed1 = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.one
$6ed4 = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.zero
$6ed5 = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.CheckBottomRow
$6ee0 = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.CheckUpwardsDiag
$6eeb = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.CheckMiddleRow
$6ef6 = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.CheckDownwardsDiag
$6f01 = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.CheckTopRow
$6f0c = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.StoreResult
$6f17 = Slots_CheckMatchedFirstTwoReels.matching_sevens
$6f1d = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels
$6f3d = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.return
$6f46 = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.matched_nontrivial
$6f48 = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.Jumptable
$6f50 = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.three
$6f56 = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.two
$6f5c = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.one
$6f5f = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.zero
$6f60 = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.CheckBottomRow
$6f70 = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.CheckUpwardsDiag
$6f80 = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.CheckMiddleRow
$6f90 = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.CheckDownwardsDiag
$6fa0 = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.CheckTopRow
$6fb0 = Slots_CheckMatchedAllThreeReels.StoreResult
$6fb4 = Slots_CopyReelState
$6fc0 = Slots_GetNumberOfGolems
$6fcf = Slots_GetNumberOfGolems.Check7Bias
$6fd7 = Slots_GetNumberOfGolems.loop1
$6fe8 = Slots_GetNumberOfGolems.not_biased_to_seven
$6ff2 = Slots_GetNumberOfGolems.loop2
$7002 = Slots_InitBias
$7013 = Slots_InitBias.okay
$7017 = Slots_InitBias.loop
$701e = Slots_InitBias.done
$7023 = Slots_InitBias.Normal
$7031 = Slots_InitBias.Lucky
$703f = Slots_IlluminateBetLights
$704c = Slots_DeilluminateBetLights
$704e = Slots_Lights3OnOff
$705a = Slots_Lights2OnOff
$7066 = Slots_Lights1OnOff
$7069 = Slots_TurnLightsOnOrOff
$707c = Slots_AskBet
$707c = Slots_AskBet.loop
$70ad = Slots_AskBet.Start
$70b6 = Slots_AskBet.ok
$70c7 = Slots_AskBet.SlotsBetHowManyCoinsText
$70cc = Slots_AskBet.SlotsStartText
$70d1 = Slots_AskBet.SlotsNotEnoughCoinsText
$70d6 = Slots_AskBet.MenuHeader
$70de = Slots_AskBet.MenuData
$70e9 = Slots_AskPlayAgain
$70fd = Slots_AskPlayAgain.you_have_coins
$7118 = Slots_AskPlayAgain.exit_slots
$711a = Slots_AskPlayAgain.SlotsRanOutOfCoinsText
$711f = Slots_AskPlayAgain.SlotsPlayAgainText
$7124 = Slots_GetPayout
$7145 = Slots_GetPayout.PayoutTable
$7151 = Slots_GetPayout.no_win
$7158 = Slots_PayoutText
$716c = Slots_PayoutText.MatchedSomething
$7188 = Slots_PayoutText.return
$7195 = Slots_PayoutText.PayoutStrings
$71b9 = Slots_PayoutText.Text_PrintPayout
$71db = Slots_PayoutText.SlotsLinedUpText
$71e0 = Slots_PayoutText.SlotsDarnText
$71e5 = Slots_PayoutText.LinedUpSevens
$71ff = Slots_PayoutText.lower_seven_streak_odds
$720b = Slots_PayoutText.LinedUpPokeballs
$7214 = Slots_PayoutText.LinedUpMonOrCherry
$721d = Slots_AnimateGolem
$722d = Slots_AnimateGolem.Jumptable
$7233 = Slots_AnimateGolem.init
$7247 = Slots_AnimateGolem.retain
$7259 = Slots_AnimateGolem.fall
$7273 = Slots_AnimateGolem.play_sound
$7289 = Slots_AnimateGolem.roll
$72a3 = Slots_AnimateGolem.restart
$72ac = Slots_AnimateChansey
$72bc = Slots_AnimateChansey.Jumptable
$72c2 = Slots_AnimateChansey.walk
$72d6 = Slots_AnimateChansey.limit
$72e0 = Slots_AnimateChansey.one
$72f1 = Slots_AnimateChansey.retain
$72fc = Slots_AnimateChansey.two
$7306 = Slots_AnimateChansey.spawn_egg
$7316 = Slots_WaitSFX
$731e = Slots_PlaySFX
$7327 = Reel1Tilemap
$7339 = Reel2Tilemap
$734b = Reel3Tilemap
$735d = SlotsTilemap
$744d = Slots1LZ
$75cd = Slots2LZ
$782d = Slots3LZ
EMPTY: $7a3d-$7fff ($05c3 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $05c3 bytes
ROMX bank #37:
SECTION: $4000-$66af ($26b0 bytes) ["Maps"]
$4000 = MapGroupPointers
$4034 = MapGroup_Olivine
$40b2 = MapGroup_Mahogany
$40f1 = MapGroup_Dungeons
$4424 = MapGroup_Ecruteak
$4475 = MapGroup_Blackthorn
$44cf = MapGroup_Cinnabar
$4517 = MapGroup_Cerulean
$45b0 = MapGroup_Azalea
$45ef = MapGroup_LakeOfRage
$4625 = MapGroup_Violet
$46be = MapGroup_Goldenrod
$4796 = MapGroup_Vermilion
$480b = MapGroup_Pallet
$4841 = MapGroup_Pewter
$4889 = MapGroup_FastShip
$48f5 = MapGroup_Indigo
$493d = MapGroup_Fuchsia
$49b2 = MapGroup_Lavender
$4a30 = MapGroup_Silver
$4a54 = MapGroup_CableClub
$4a8a = MapGroup_Celadon
$4b74 = MapGroup_Cianwood
$4c04 = MapGroup_Viridian
$4c79 = MapGroup_NewBark
$4cee = MapGroup_Saffron
$4d75 = MapGroup_Cherrygrove
$4dd8 = NewBarkTown_MapAttributes
$4dfc = CherrygroveCity_MapAttributes
$4e20 = VioletCity_MapAttributes
$4e50 = AzaleaTown_MapAttributes
$4e74 = CianwoodCity_MapAttributes
$4e8c = GoldenrodCity_MapAttributes
$4eb0 = OlivineCity_MapAttributes
$4ed4 = EcruteakCity_MapAttributes
$4f04 = MahoganyTown_MapAttributes
$4f34 = LakeOfRage_MapAttributes
$4f4c = BlackthornCity_MapAttributes
$4f70 = SilverCaveOutside_MapAttributes
$4f88 = Route26_MapAttributes
$4fa0 = Route27_MapAttributes
$4fc4 = Route28_MapAttributes
$4fdc = Route29_MapAttributes
$500c = Route30_MapAttributes
$5030 = Route31_MapAttributes
$5054 = Route32_MapAttributes
$5078 = Route33_MapAttributes
$509c = Route34_MapAttributes
$50c0 = Route35_MapAttributes
$50e4 = Route36_MapAttributes
$5114 = Route37_MapAttributes
$5138 = Route38_MapAttributes
$515c = Route39_MapAttributes
$5180 = Route40_MapAttributes
$51a4 = Route41_MapAttributes
$51c8 = Route42_MapAttributes
$51ec = Route43_MapAttributes
$5210 = Route44_MapAttributes
$5234 = Route45_MapAttributes
$5258 = Route46_MapAttributes
$527c = PewterCity_MapAttributes
$52a0 = Route2_MapAttributes
$52c4 = ViridianCity_MapAttributes
$52f4 = Route22_MapAttributes
$530c = Route1_MapAttributes
$5330 = PalletTown_MapAttributes
$5354 = Route21_MapAttributes
$5378 = CinnabarIsland_MapAttributes
$539c = Route20_MapAttributes
$53c0 = Route19_MapAttributes
$53e4 = FuchsiaCity_MapAttributes
$5414 = Route18_MapAttributes
$5438 = Route17_MapAttributes
$545c = Route16_MapAttributes
$5480 = CeladonCity_MapAttributes
$54a4 = Route7_MapAttributes
$54c8 = Route15_MapAttributes
$54ec = Route14_MapAttributes
$5510 = Route13_MapAttributes
$5534 = Route12_MapAttributes
$5564 = Route11_MapAttributes
$5588 = LavenderTown_MapAttributes
$55b8 = VermilionCity_MapAttributes
$55dc = Route6_MapAttributes
$5600 = SaffronCity_MapAttributes
$563c = Route5_MapAttributes
$5660 = CeruleanCity_MapAttributes
$569c = Route9_MapAttributes
$56c0 = Route24_MapAttributes
$56e4 = Route25_MapAttributes
$56fc = Route3_MapAttributes
$5720 = Route4_MapAttributes
$5744 = Route8_MapAttributes
$5768 = Route10North_MapAttributes
$578c = Route10South_MapAttributes
$57b0 = Route23_MapAttributes
$57bc = SproutTower1F_MapAttributes
$57c8 = SproutTower2F_MapAttributes
$57d4 = SproutTower3F_MapAttributes
$57e0 = TinTower1F_MapAttributes
$57ec = TinTower2F_MapAttributes
$57f8 = TinTower3F_MapAttributes
$5804 = TinTower4F_MapAttributes
$5810 = TinTower5F_MapAttributes
$581c = TinTower6F_MapAttributes
$5828 = TinTower7F_MapAttributes
$5834 = TinTower8F_MapAttributes
$5840 = TinTower9F_MapAttributes
$584c = BurnedTower1F_MapAttributes
$5858 = BurnedTowerB1F_MapAttributes
$5864 = NationalPark_MapAttributes
$5870 = NationalParkBugContest_MapAttributes
$587c = RadioTower1F_MapAttributes
$5888 = RadioTower2F_MapAttributes
$5894 = RadioTower3F_MapAttributes
$58a0 = RadioTower4F_MapAttributes
$58ac = RadioTower5F_MapAttributes
$58b8 = RuinsOfAlphOutside_MapAttributes
$58c4 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamber_MapAttributes
$58d0 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamber_MapAttributes
$58dc = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamber_MapAttributes
$58e8 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamber_MapAttributes
$58f4 = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamber_MapAttributes
$5900 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenter_MapAttributes
$590c = RuinsOfAlphHoOhItemRoom_MapAttributes
$5918 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoItemRoom_MapAttributes
$5924 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteItemRoom_MapAttributes
$5930 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylItemRoom_MapAttributes
$593c = RuinsOfAlphHoOhWordRoom_MapAttributes
$5948 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoWordRoom_MapAttributes
$5954 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteWordRoom_MapAttributes
$5960 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylWordRoom_MapAttributes
$596c = UnionCave1F_MapAttributes
$5978 = UnionCaveB1F_MapAttributes
$5984 = UnionCaveB2F_MapAttributes
$5990 = SlowpokeWellB1F_MapAttributes
$599c = SlowpokeWellB2F_MapAttributes
$59a8 = OlivineLighthouse1F_MapAttributes
$59b4 = OlivineLighthouse2F_MapAttributes
$59c0 = OlivineLighthouse3F_MapAttributes
$59cc = OlivineLighthouse4F_MapAttributes
$59d8 = OlivineLighthouse5F_MapAttributes
$59e4 = OlivineLighthouse6F_MapAttributes
$59f0 = MahoganyMart1F_MapAttributes
$59fc = TeamRocketBaseB1F_MapAttributes
$5a08 = TeamRocketBaseB2F_MapAttributes
$5a14 = TeamRocketBaseB3F_MapAttributes
$5a20 = IlexForest_MapAttributes
$5a2c = GoldenrodUnderground_MapAttributes
$5a38 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_MapAttributes
$5a44 = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1F_MapAttributes
$5a50 = GoldenrodUndergroundWarehouse_MapAttributes
$5a5c = MountMortar1FOutside_MapAttributes
$5a68 = MountMortar1FInside_MapAttributes
$5a74 = MountMortar2FInside_MapAttributes
$5a80 = MountMortarB1F_MapAttributes
$5a8c = IcePath1F_MapAttributes
$5a98 = IcePathB1F_MapAttributes
$5aa4 = IcePathB2FMahoganySide_MapAttributes
$5ab0 = IcePathB2FBlackthornSide_MapAttributes
$5abc = IcePathB3F_MapAttributes
$5ac8 = WhirlIslandNW_MapAttributes
$5ad4 = WhirlIslandNE_MapAttributes
$5ae0 = WhirlIslandSW_MapAttributes
$5aec = WhirlIslandCave_MapAttributes
$5af8 = WhirlIslandSE_MapAttributes
$5b04 = WhirlIslandB1F_MapAttributes
$5b10 = WhirlIslandB2F_MapAttributes
$5b1c = WhirlIslandLugiaChamber_MapAttributes
$5b28 = SilverCaveRoom1_MapAttributes
$5b34 = SilverCaveRoom2_MapAttributes
$5b40 = SilverCaveRoom3_MapAttributes
$5b4c = SilverCaveItemRooms_MapAttributes
$5b58 = DarkCaveVioletEntrance_MapAttributes
$5b64 = DarkCaveBlackthornEntrance_MapAttributes
$5b70 = DragonsDen1F_MapAttributes
$5b7c = DragonsDenB1F_MapAttributes
$5b88 = DragonShrine_MapAttributes
$5b94 = TohjoFalls_MapAttributes
$5ba0 = OlivinePokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$5bac = OlivineGym_MapAttributes
$5bb8 = OlivineTimsHouse_MapAttributes
$5bc4 = OlivineHouseBeta_MapAttributes
$5bd0 = OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$5bdc = OlivineGoodRodHouse_MapAttributes
$5be8 = OlivineCafe_MapAttributes
$5bf4 = OlivineMart_MapAttributes
$5c00 = Route38EcruteakGate_MapAttributes
$5c0c = Route39Barn_MapAttributes
$5c18 = Route39Farmhouse_MapAttributes
$5c24 = MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$5c30 = MahoganyGym_MapAttributes
$5c3c = MahoganyPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$5c48 = Route42EcruteakGate_MapAttributes
$5c54 = DiglettsCave_MapAttributes
$5c60 = MountMoon_MapAttributes
$5c6c = UndergroundPath_MapAttributes
$5c78 = RockTunnel1F_MapAttributes
$5c84 = RockTunnelB1F_MapAttributes
$5c90 = SafariZoneFuchsiaGateBeta_MapAttributes
$5c9c = SafariZoneBeta_MapAttributes
$5ca8 = VictoryRoad_MapAttributes
$5cb4 = EcruteakTinTowerEntrance_MapAttributes
$5cc0 = WiseTriosRoom_MapAttributes
$5ccc = EcruteakPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$5cd8 = EcruteakLugiaSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$5ce4 = DanceTheater_MapAttributes
$5cf0 = EcruteakMart_MapAttributes
$5cfc = EcruteakGym_MapAttributes
$5d08 = EcruteakItemfinderHouse_MapAttributes
$5d14 = BlackthornGym1F_MapAttributes
$5d20 = BlackthornGym2F_MapAttributes
$5d2c = BlackthornDragonSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$5d38 = BlackthornEmysHouse_MapAttributes
$5d44 = BlackthornMart_MapAttributes
$5d50 = BlackthornPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$5d5c = MoveDeletersHouse_MapAttributes
$5d68 = CinnabarPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$5d74 = CinnabarPokecenter2FBeta_MapAttributes
$5d80 = Route19FuchsiaGate_MapAttributes
$5d8c = SeafoamGym_MapAttributes
$5d98 = CeruleanGymBadgeSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$5da4 = CeruleanPoliceStation_MapAttributes
$5db0 = CeruleanTradeSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$5dbc = CeruleanPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$5dc8 = CeruleanPokecenter2FBeta_MapAttributes
$5dd4 = CeruleanGym_MapAttributes
$5de0 = CeruleanMart_MapAttributes
$5dec = Route10Pokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$5df8 = Route10Pokecenter2FBeta_MapAttributes
$5e04 = PowerPlant_MapAttributes
$5e10 = BillsHouse_MapAttributes
$5e1c = AzaleaPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$5e28 = CharcoalKiln_MapAttributes
$5e34 = AzaleaMart_MapAttributes
$5e40 = KurtsHouse_MapAttributes
$5e4c = AzaleaGym_MapAttributes
$5e58 = LakeOfRageHiddenPowerHouse_MapAttributes
$5e64 = LakeOfRageMagikarpHouse_MapAttributes
$5e70 = Route43MahoganyGate_MapAttributes
$5e7c = Route43Gate_MapAttributes
$5e88 = VioletMart_MapAttributes
$5e94 = VioletGym_MapAttributes
$5ea0 = EarlsPokemonAcademy_MapAttributes
$5eac = VioletNicknameSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$5eb8 = VioletPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$5ec4 = VioletKylesHouse_MapAttributes
$5ed0 = Route32RuinsOfAlphGate_MapAttributes
$5edc = Route32Pokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$5ee8 = Route35GoldenrodGate_MapAttributes
$5ef4 = Route35NationalParkGate_MapAttributes
$5f00 = Route36RuinsOfAlphGate_MapAttributes
$5f0c = Route36NationalParkGate_MapAttributes
$5f18 = GoldenrodGym_MapAttributes
$5f24 = GoldenrodBikeShop_MapAttributes
$5f30 = GoldenrodHappinessRater_MapAttributes
$5f3c = BillsFamilysHouse_MapAttributes
$5f48 = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStation_MapAttributes
$5f54 = GoldenrodFlowerShop_MapAttributes
$5f60 = GoldenrodPPSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$5f6c = GoldenrodNameRater_MapAttributes
$5f78 = GoldenrodDeptStore1F_MapAttributes
$5f84 = GoldenrodDeptStore2F_MapAttributes
$5f90 = GoldenrodDeptStore3F_MapAttributes
$5f9c = GoldenrodDeptStore4F_MapAttributes
$5fa8 = GoldenrodDeptStore5F_MapAttributes
$5fb4 = GoldenrodDeptStore6F_MapAttributes
$5fc0 = GoldenrodDeptStoreElevator_MapAttributes
$5fcc = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoof_MapAttributes
$5fd8 = GoldenrodGameCorner_MapAttributes
$5fe4 = GoldenrodPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$5ff0 = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobile_MapAttributes
$5ffc = IlexForestAzaleaGate_MapAttributes
$6008 = Route34IlexForestGate_MapAttributes
$6014 = DayCare_MapAttributes
$6020 = VermilionFishingSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$602c = VermilionPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$6038 = VermilionPokecenter2FBeta_MapAttributes
$6044 = PokemonFanClub_MapAttributes
$6050 = VermilionMagnetTrainSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$605c = VermilionMart_MapAttributes
$6068 = VermilionDiglettsCaveSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$6074 = VermilionGym_MapAttributes
$6080 = Route6SaffronGate_MapAttributes
$608c = Route6UndergroundPathEntrance_MapAttributes
$6098 = RedsHouse1F_MapAttributes
$60a4 = RedsHouse2F_MapAttributes
$60b0 = BluesHouse_MapAttributes
$60bc = OaksLab_MapAttributes
$60c8 = PewterNidoranSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$60d4 = PewterGym_MapAttributes
$60e0 = PewterMart_MapAttributes
$60ec = PewterPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$60f8 = PewterPokecenter2FBeta_MapAttributes
$6104 = PewterSnoozeSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$6110 = OlivinePort_MapAttributes
$611c = VermilionPort_MapAttributes
$6128 = FastShip1F_MapAttributes
$6134 = FastShipCabins_NNW_NNE_NE_MapAttributes
$6140 = FastShipCabins_SW_SSW_NW_MapAttributes
$614c = FastShipCabins_SE_SSE_CaptainsCabin_MapAttributes
$6158 = FastShipB1F_MapAttributes
$6164 = OlivinePortPassage_MapAttributes
$6170 = VermilionPortPassage_MapAttributes
$617c = MountMoonSquare_MapAttributes
$6188 = MountMoonGiftShop_MapAttributes
$6194 = TinTowerRoof_MapAttributes
$61a0 = IndigoPlateauPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$61ac = WillsRoom_MapAttributes
$61b8 = KogasRoom_MapAttributes
$61c4 = BrunosRoom_MapAttributes
$61d0 = KarensRoom_MapAttributes
$61dc = LancesRoom_MapAttributes
$61e8 = HallOfFame_MapAttributes
$61f4 = FuchsiaMart_MapAttributes
$6200 = SafariZoneMainOffice_MapAttributes
$620c = FuchsiaGym_MapAttributes
$6218 = BillsBrothersHouse_MapAttributes
$6224 = FuchsiaPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$6230 = FuchsiaPokecenter2FBeta_MapAttributes
$623c = SafariZoneWardensHome_MapAttributes
$6248 = Route15FuchsiaGate_MapAttributes
$6254 = LavenderPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$6260 = LavenderPokecenter2FBeta_MapAttributes
$626c = MrFujisHouse_MapAttributes
$6278 = LavenderSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$6284 = LavenderNameRater_MapAttributes
$6290 = LavenderMart_MapAttributes
$629c = SoulHouse_MapAttributes
$62a8 = LavRadioTower1F_MapAttributes
$62b4 = Route8SaffronGate_MapAttributes
$62c0 = Route12SuperRodHouse_MapAttributes
$62cc = SilverCavePokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$62d8 = Route28SteelWingHouse_MapAttributes
$62e4 = Pokecenter2F_MapAttributes
$62f0 = TradeCenter_MapAttributes
$62fc = Colosseum_MapAttributes
$6308 = TimeCapsule_MapAttributes
$6314 = MobileTradeRoom_MapAttributes
$6320 = MobileBattleRoom_MapAttributes
$632c = CeladonDeptStore1F_MapAttributes
$6338 = CeladonDeptStore2F_MapAttributes
$6344 = CeladonDeptStore3F_MapAttributes
$6350 = CeladonDeptStore4F_MapAttributes
$635c = CeladonDeptStore5F_MapAttributes
$6368 = CeladonDeptStore6F_MapAttributes
$6374 = CeladonDeptStoreElevator_MapAttributes
$6380 = CeladonMansion1F_MapAttributes
$638c = CeladonMansion2F_MapAttributes
$6398 = CeladonMansion3F_MapAttributes
$63a4 = CeladonMansionRoof_MapAttributes
$63b0 = CeladonMansionRoofHouse_MapAttributes
$63bc = CeladonPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$63c8 = CeladonPokecenter2FBeta_MapAttributes
$63d4 = CeladonGameCorner_MapAttributes
$63e0 = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoom_MapAttributes
$63ec = CeladonGym_MapAttributes
$63f8 = CeladonCafe_MapAttributes
$6404 = Route16FuchsiaSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$6410 = Route16Gate_MapAttributes
$641c = Route7SaffronGate_MapAttributes
$6428 = Route17Route18Gate_MapAttributes
$6434 = ManiasHouse_MapAttributes
$6440 = CianwoodGym_MapAttributes
$644c = CianwoodPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$6458 = CianwoodPharmacy_MapAttributes
$6464 = CianwoodPhotoStudio_MapAttributes
$6470 = CianwoodLugiaSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$647c = PokeSeersHouse_MapAttributes
$6488 = BattleTower1F_MapAttributes
$6494 = BattleTowerBattleRoom_MapAttributes
$64a0 = BattleTowerElevator_MapAttributes
$64ac = BattleTowerHallway_MapAttributes
$64b8 = Route40BattleTowerGate_MapAttributes
$64c4 = BattleTowerOutside_MapAttributes
$64d0 = ViridianGym_MapAttributes
$64dc = ViridianNicknameSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$64e8 = TrainerHouse1F_MapAttributes
$64f4 = TrainerHouseB1F_MapAttributes
$6500 = ViridianMart_MapAttributes
$650c = ViridianPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$6518 = ViridianPokecenter2FBeta_MapAttributes
$6524 = Route2NuggetHouse_MapAttributes
$6530 = Route2Gate_MapAttributes
$653c = VictoryRoadGate_MapAttributes
$6548 = ElmsLab_MapAttributes
$6554 = PlayersHouse1F_MapAttributes
$6560 = PlayersHouse2F_MapAttributes
$656c = PlayersNeighborsHouse_MapAttributes
$6578 = ElmsHouse_MapAttributes
$6584 = Route26HealHouse_MapAttributes
$6590 = DayOfWeekSiblingsHouse_MapAttributes
$659c = Route27SandstormHouse_MapAttributes
$65a8 = Route29Route46Gate_MapAttributes
$65b4 = FightingDojo_MapAttributes
$65c0 = SaffronGym_MapAttributes
$65cc = SaffronMart_MapAttributes
$65d8 = SaffronPokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$65e4 = SaffronPokecenter2FBeta_MapAttributes
$65f0 = MrPsychicsHouse_MapAttributes
$65fc = SaffronMagnetTrainStation_MapAttributes
$6608 = SilphCo1F_MapAttributes
$6614 = CopycatsHouse1F_MapAttributes
$6620 = CopycatsHouse2F_MapAttributes
$662c = Route5UndergroundPathEntrance_MapAttributes
$6638 = Route5SaffronGate_MapAttributes
$6644 = Route5CleanseTagHouse_MapAttributes
$6650 = CherrygroveMart_MapAttributes
$665c = CherrygrovePokecenter1F_MapAttributes
$6668 = CherrygroveGymSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$6674 = GuideGentsHouse_MapAttributes
$6680 = CherrygroveEvolutionSpeechHouse_MapAttributes
$668c = Route30BerryHouse_MapAttributes
$6698 = MrPokemonsHouse_MapAttributes
$66a4 = Route31VioletGate_MapAttributes
SECTION: $66b0-$7f7d ($18ce bytes) ["Events"]
$66b0 = OverworldLoop
$66b4 = OverworldLoop.loop
$66c2 = OverworldLoop.done
$66c3 = OverworldLoop.Jumptable
$66cb = DisableEvents
$66d0 = EnableEvents
$66d6 = CheckEnabledMapEventsBit5
$66dc = DisableWarpsConnections
$66e2 = DisableCoordEvents
$66e8 = DisableStepCount
$66ee = DisableWildEncounters
$66f4 = EnableWarpsConnections
$66fa = EnableCoordEvents
$6700 = EnableStepCount
$6706 = EnableWildEncounters
$670c = CheckWarpConnectionsEnabled
$6712 = CheckCoordEventsEnabled
$6718 = CheckStepCountEnabled
$671e = CheckWildEncountersEnabled
$6724 = StartMap
$673e = EnterMap
$675a = EnterMap.dont_enable
$6764 = EnterMap.dontresetpoison
$676d = UnusedWait30Frames
$6773 = HandleMap
$6795 = MapEvents
$679d = MapEvents.Jumptable
$67a1 = MapEvents.events
$67ae = MapEvents.no_events
$67af = MaxOverworldDelay
$67b0 = ResetOverworldDelay
$67b7 = NextOverworldFrame
$67c1 = HandleMapTimeAndJoypad
$67d1 = HandleMapObjects
$67e1 = HandleMapBackground
$67f4 = CheckPlayerState
$6806 = CheckPlayerState.events
$680c = CheckPlayerState.noevents
$6812 = _CheckObjectEnteringVisibleRange
$681f = PlayerEvents
$6848 = PlayerEvents.ok
$6865 = PlayerEvents.ok2
$6867 = CheckTrainerEvent
$6872 = CheckTrainerEvent.nope
$6874 = CheckTileEvent
$6886 = CheckTileEvent.connections_disabled
$6890 = CheckTileEvent.coord_events_disabled
$6899 = CheckTileEvent.step_count_disabled
$68a4 = CheckTileEvent.ok
$68a6 = CheckTileEvent.map_connection
$68aa = CheckTileEvent.warp_tile
$68b6 = CheckTileEvent.not_pit
$68ba = CheckTileEvent.coord_event
$68c7 = CheckWildEncounterCooldown
$68d1 = SetUpFiveStepWildEncounterCooldown
$68d7 = SetMinTwoStepWildEncounterCooldown
$68e4 = Dummy_CheckEnabledMapEventsBit5
$68ec = RunSceneScript
$6938 = RunSceneScript.nope
$693a = CheckTimeEvents
$6951 = CheckTimeEvents.do_daily
$6964 = CheckTimeEvents.nothing
$6966 = CheckTimeEvents.end_bug_contest
$6970 = CheckTimeEvents.hatch
$6974 = OWPlayerInput
$698d = OWPlayerInput.NoAction
$698f = OWPlayerInput.Action
$6999 = CheckAPressOW
$69ac = PlayTalkObject
$69b5 = TryObjectEvent
$69bf = TryObjectEvent.IsObject
$69ec = TryObjectEvent.nope
$69ee = ObjectEventTypeArray
$6a04 = ObjectEventTypeArray.script
$6a12 = ObjectEventTypeArray.itemball
$6a29 = ObjectEventTypeArray.trainer
$6a30 = ObjectEventTypeArray.three
$6a32 = ObjectEventTypeArray.four
$6a34 = ObjectEventTypeArray.five
$6a36 = ObjectEventTypeArray.six
$6a38 = TryBGEvent
$6a3f = TryBGEvent.is_bg_event
$6a47 = BGEventJumptable
$6a59 = BGEventJumptable.up
$6a5d = BGEventJumptable.down
$6a61 = BGEventJumptable.right
$6a65 = BGEventJumptable.left
$6a69 = BGEventJumptable.checkdir
$6a72 = BGEventJumptable.read
$6a83 = BGEventJumptable.itemifset
$6aa2 = BGEventJumptable.copy
$6ab5 = BGEventJumptable.ifset
$6abc = BGEventJumptable.ifnotset
$6ac1 = BGEventJumptable.thenread
$6ad6 = BGEventJumptable.dontread
$6ad8 = CheckBGEventFlag
$6af0 = PlayerMovement
$6afd = PlayerMovementPointers
$6b0d = PlayerMovementPointers.normal
$6b0d = PlayerMovementPointers.finish
$6b10 = PlayerMovementPointers.jump
$6b16 = PlayerMovementPointers.warp
$6b1b = PlayerMovementPointers.turn
$6b20 = PlayerMovementPointers.force_turn
$6b2b = PlayerMovementPointers.continue
$6b2b = PlayerMovementPointers.exit_water
$6b30 = CheckMenuOW
$6b49 = CheckMenuOW.NoMenu
$6b4b = CheckMenuOW.Select
$6b58 = StartMenuScript
$6b5f = SelectMenuScript
$6b66 = StartMenuCallback
$6b66 = SelectMenuCallback
$6b72 = SelectMenuCallback.Script
$6b75 = SelectMenuCallback.Asm
$6b79 = CountStep
$6b9c = CountStep.skip_happiness
$6bab = CountStep.skip_egg
$6bc3 = CountStep.skip_poison
$6bc9 = CountStep.done
$6bcb = CountStep.doscript
$6bcf = CountStep.hatch
$6bd3 = CountStep.whiteout
$6bd7 = DoRepelStep
$6beb = DoPlayerEvent
$6c0c = PlayerEventScriptPointers
$6c2d = InvalidEventScript
$6c2e = UnusedPlayerEventScript
$6c2f = HatchEggScript
$6c34 = WarpToNewMapScript
$6c38 = FallIntoMapScript
$6c48 = FallIntoMapScript.SkyfallMovement
$6c4a = LandAfterPitfallScript
$6c4d = EdgeWarpScript
$6c4f = ChangeDirectionScript
$6c56 = EnableScriptMode
$6c5e = ScriptEvents
$6c61 = ScriptEvents.loop
$6c6e = ScriptEvents.modes
$6c76 = EndScript
$6c7a = WaitScript
$6c91 = WaitScriptMovement
$6ca9 = RunScriptCommand
$6cb1 = ScriptCommandTable
$6e05 = StartScript
$6e0b = CheckScript
$6e11 = StopScript
$6e17 = Script_callasm
$6e26 = Script_special
$6e35 = Script_memcallasm
$6e45 = Script_jumptextfaceplayer
$6e5f = Script_jumptext
$6e79 = JumpTextFacePlayerScript
$6e7a = JumpTextScript
$6e81 = Script_farjumptext
$6e9b = Script_writetext
$6eab = Script_farwritetext
$6ebb = Script_repeattext
$6ed8 = Script_repeattext.done
$6ed9 = Script_waitbutton
$6edc = Script_promptbutton
$6eed = Script_yesorno
$6ef6 = Script_yesorno.no
$6efa = Script_loadmenu
$6f0f = Script_closewindow
$6f16 = Script_pokepic
$6f1f = Script_pokepic.ok
$6f29 = Script_closepokepic
$6f30 = Script_verticalmenu
$6f3d = Script_verticalmenu.ok
$6f41 = Script__2dmenu
$6f4e = Script__2dmenu.ok
$6f52 = Script_battletowertext
$6f60 = Script_verbosegiveitem
$6f76 = GiveItemScript_DummyFunction
$6f77 = GiveItemScript
$6f86 = GiveItemScript.Full
$6f89 = GiveItemScript.ReceivedItemText
$6f8e = Script_verbosegiveitemvar
$6f98 = Script_verbosegiveitemvar.ok
$6fb0 = Script_verbosegiveitemvar.ok2
$6fc6 = Script_itemnotify
$6fd5 = Script_pocketisfull
$6fe4 = Script_specialsound
$6ff7 = Script_specialsound.play
$6ffe = GetPocketName
$701c = ItemPocketNames
$7024 = ItemPocketNames.Item
$7030 = ItemPocketNames.Key
$703b = ItemPocketNames.Ball
$7047 = ItemPocketNames.TM
$7051 = CurItemName
$705b = PutItemInPocketText
$7060 = PocketIsFullText
$7065 = Script_pokemart
$707c = Script_elevator
$7099 = Script_trade
$70a4 = Script_phonecall
$70b7 = Script_hangup
$70be = Script_askforphonenumber
$70d2 = Script_askforphonenumber.phonefull
$70d6 = Script_askforphonenumber.refused
$70db = Script_askforphonenumber.done
$70df = Script_describedecoration
$70ee = Script_fruittree
$70fc = Script_swarm
$710f = Script_trainertext
$7125 = Script_scripttalkafter
$7132 = Script_trainerflagaction
$714c = Script_winlosstext
$7163 = Script_endifjustbattled
$716b = Script_checkjustbattled
$717a = Script_encountermusic
$7185 = Script_playmapmusic
$7189 = Script_playmusic
$71a2 = Script_musicfadeout
$71b7 = Script_playsound
$71c3 = Script_waitsfx
$71c7 = Script_warpsound
$71d1 = Script_cry
$71df = Script_cry.ok
$71e3 = GetScriptObject
$71ea = Script_setlasttalked
$71f3 = Script_applymovement
$71fa = ApplyMovement
$7221 = UnfreezeFollowerObject
$7228 = Script_applymovementlasttalked
$722e = Script_faceplayer
$7248 = Script_faceobject
$7254 = Script_faceobject.ok
$7261 = Script_faceobject.ok2
$7274 = Script_turnobject
$7280 = Script_turnobject.ok
$728b = ApplyObjectFacing
$72b5 = ApplyObjectFacing.text_state
$72b9 = ApplyObjectFacing.not_visible
$72bc = ApplyObjectFacing.DisableTextTiles
$72c5 = ApplyObjectFacing.loop
$72ce = Script_variablesprite
$72dd = Script_appear
$72ee = Script_disappear
$72fa = Script_disappear.ok
$730b = ApplyEventActionAppearDisappear
$7321 = ApplyEventActionAppearDisappear.okay
$7325 = Script_follow
$733a = Script_stopfollow
$7341 = Script_moveobject
$735b = Script_writeobjectxy
$7367 = Script_writeobjectxy.ok
$736f = Script_follownotexact
$7384 = Script_loademote
$738e = Script_loademote.not_var_emote
$7396 = Script_showemote
$73a8 = Script_showemote.ok
$73b6 = ShowEmoteScript
$73c1 = ShowEmoteScript.Show
$73c4 = ShowEmoteScript.Hide
$73c7 = Script_earthquake
$73e6 = Script_earthquake.script
$73eb = EarthquakeMovement
$73f0 = Script_loadpikachudata
$73f0 = EarthquakeMovement.End
$73fb = Script_randomwildmon
$7400 = Script_loadtemptrainer
$7412 = Script_loadwildmon
$7424 = Script_loadtrainer
$7436 = Script_startbattle
$7447 = Script_catchtutorial
$7459 = Script_reloadmapafterbattle
$7470 = Script_reloadmapafterbattle.notblackedout
$747c = Script_reloadmapafterbattle.was_wild
$748e = Script_reloadmapafterbattle.done
$7491 = Script_reloadmap
$74a2 = Script_scall
$74b0 = Script_farscall
$74be = Script_memcall
$74cb = ScriptCall
$74f3 = CallCallback
$74fe = Script_sjump
$750d = Script_farsjump
$751c = Script_memjump
$752c = Script_iffalse
$7536 = Script_iftrue
$7540 = Script_ifequal
$754b = Script_ifnotequal
$7556 = Script_ifgreater
$7562 = Script_ifless
$756e = Script_jumpstd
$7573 = Script_callstd
$757b = StdScript
$7596 = SkipTwoScriptBytes
$759d = ScriptJump
$75aa = Script_sdefer
$75c2 = Script_checkscene
$75cb = Script_checkscene.no_scene
$75d1 = Script_checkmapscene
$75e5 = Script_checkmapscene.no_scene
$75eb = Script_setscene
$75f5 = Script_setmapscene
$75fd = DoScene
$7608 = DoScene.no_scene
$7609 = Script_readmem
$7616 = Script_writemem
$7623 = Script_loadmem
$7630 = Script_setval
$7637 = Script_addval
$7640 = Script_random
$7653 = Script_random.loop
$765f = Script_random.no_restriction
$7666 = Script_random.finish
$7673 = Script_random.Divide256byC
$7676 = Script_random.mod_loop
$767d = Script_readvar
$7688 = Script_writevar
$7693 = Script_loadvar
$769e = GetVarAction
$76a6 = Script_checkver
$76ad = Script_checkver.gs_version
$76ae = Script_getmonname
$76b7 = Script_getmonname.gotit
$76c0 = GetStringBuffer
$76c8 = CopyConvertedText
$76c8 = GetStringBuffer.ok
$76d5 = Script_getitemname
$76de = Script_getitemname.ok
$76e9 = Script_getcurlandmarkname
$76f4 = ConvertLandmarkToText
$7701 = Script_getlandmarkname
$7706 = Script_gettrainername
$7716 = Script_getname
$771c = ContinueToGetName
$772b = Script_gettrainerclassname
$7732 = Script_getmoney
$7747 = Script_getcoins
$775c = Script_getnum
$7771 = ResetStringBuffer1
$777d = Script_getstring
$7792 = Script_givepokemail
$77b7 = Script_checkpokemail
$77ca = Script_giveitem
$77d4 = Script_giveitem.ok
$77eb = Script_giveitem.full
$77f0 = Script_takeitem
$7812 = Script_checkitem
$7829 = Script_givemoney
$7836 = Script_takemoney
$7843 = Script_checkmoney
$784f = CompareMoneyAction
$7857 = CompareMoneyAction.exact
$785b = CompareMoneyAction.less
$785d = CompareMoneyAction.done
$7861 = GetMoneyAccount
$786d = LoadMoneyAmountToMem
$7881 = Script_givecoins
$788b = Script_takecoins
$7895 = Script_checkcoins
$78a0 = LoadCoinAmountToMem
$78ae = Script_checktime
$78c3 = Script_checkpoke
$78da = Script_addcellnum
$78ef = Script_delcellnum
$7904 = Script_checkcellnum
$7919 = Script_specialphonecall
$7926 = Script_checkphonecall
$792e = Script_checkphonecall.ok
$7932 = Script_givepoke
$795d = Script_givepoke.ok
$7968 = Script_giveegg
$7988 = Script_setevent
$7996 = Script_clearevent
$79a4 = Script_checkevent
$79b7 = Script_checkevent.false
$79bb = Script_setflag
$79c9 = Script_clearflag
$79d7 = Script_checkflag
$79ea = Script_checkflag.false
$79ee = _EngineFlagAction
$79f5 = Script_wildoff
$79fb = Script_wildon
$7a01 = Script_xycompare
$7a0e = Script_warpfacing
$7a1d = Script_warp
$7a4a = Script_warp.not_ok
$7a65 = Script_warpmod
$7a78 = Script_blackoutmod
$7a85 = Script_dontrestartmapmusic
$7a8b = Script_writecmdqueue
$7a9e = Script_delcmdqueue
$7ab3 = Script_changemapblocks
$7acc = Script_changeblock
$7ae3 = Script_refreshmap
$7af6 = Script_warpcheck
$7b01 = Script_enableevents
$7b08 = Script_newloadmap
$7b16 = Script_reloadend
$7b1c = Script_opentext
$7b20 = Script_reanchormap
$7b27 = Script_writeunusedbyte
$7b2e = UnusedClosetextScript
$7b2f = Script_closetext
$7b36 = Script_autoinput
$7b47 = Script_pause
$7b50 = Script_pause.loop
$7b5c = Script_deactivatefacing
$7b65 = Script_deactivatefacing.no_time
$7b6e = Script_stopandsjump
$7b74 = Script_end
$7b7a = Script_end.resume
$7b8c = Script_endcallback
$7b91 = Script_endcallback.dummy
$7b9a = ExitScriptSubroutine
$7bbe = ExitScriptSubroutine.done
$7bc0 = Script_endall
$7bd5 = Script_halloffame
$7bf3 = Script_credits
$7bf9 = ReturnFromCredits
$7c05 = Script_wait
$7c09 = Script_wait.loop
$7c15 = Script_checksave
$7c20 = Script_checkver_duplicate
$7c27 = Script_checkver_duplicate.gs_version
$7c28 = WarpToSpawnPoint
$7c30 = RunMemScript
$7c4f = LoadMemScript
$7c5f = TryTileCollisionEvent
$7c7b = TryTileCollisionEvent.whirlpool
$7c8b = TryTileCollisionEvent.waterfall
$7c9b = TryTileCollisionEvent.headbutt
$7cad = TryTileCollisionEvent.surf
$7cb7 = TryTileCollisionEvent.noevent
$7cb9 = TryTileCollisionEvent.done
$7cc0 = RandomEncounter
$7cdb = RandomEncounter.bug_contest
$7ce2 = RandomEncounter.nope
$7ce6 = RandomEncounter.ok
$7ced = RandomEncounter.ok_bug_contest
$7cf4 = RandomEncounter.done
$7cf9 = WildBattleScript
$7cfd = CanEncounterWildMon
$7d17 = CanEncounterWildMon.ice_check
$7d21 = CanEncounterWildMon.no
$7d23 = _TryWildEncounter_BugContest
$7d31 = ChooseWildEncounter_BugContest
$7d31 = ChooseWildEncounter_BugContest.loop
$7d40 = ChooseWildEncounter_BugContest.CheckMon
$7d46 = ChooseWildEncounter_BugContest.GotMon
$7d54 = ChooseWildEncounter_BugContest.RandomLevel
$7d5f = ChooseWildEncounter_BugContest.GotLevel
$7d64 = TryWildEncounter_BugContest
$7d70 = TryWildEncounter_BugContest.ok
$7d87 = ContestMons
$7db3 = DoBikeStep
$7dd8 = DoBikeStep.increment
$7ddc = DoBikeStep.dont_increment
$7df7 = DoBikeStep.NoCall
$7df9 = ClearCmdQueue
$7e02 = ClearCmdQueue.loop
$7e08 = HandleCmdQueue
$7e0c = HandleCmdQueue.loop
$7e19 = HandleCmdQueue.skip
$7e25 = GetNthCmdQueueEntry
$7e31 = WriteCmdQueue
$7e45 = WriteCmdQueue.GetNextEmptyEntry
$7e4d = WriteCmdQueue.loop
$7e57 = WriteCmdQueue.done
$7e5c = DelCmdQueue
$7e64 = DelCmdQueue.loop
$7e6e = DelCmdQueue.done
$7e72 = _DelCmdQueue
$7e79 = HandleQueuedCommand
$7e83 = HandleQueuedCommand.okay
$7e94 = HandleQueuedCommand.Jumptable
$7ea3 = CmdQueues_AnonJumptable
$7eab = CmdQueues_IncAnonJumptableIndex
$7eb1 = CmdQueues_DecAnonJumptableIndex
$7eb7 = CmdQueue_Null
$7eb8 = CmdQueue_Type1
$7ebc = CmdQueue_Type4
$7ebf = CmdQueue_Type4.anon_dw
$7ec3 = CmdQueue_Type4.zero
$7ecd = CmdQueue_Type4.one
$7ee4 = CmdQueue_Type4.add
$7eee = CmdQueue_Type4.finish
$7ef9 = CmdQueue_Type3
$7efc = CmdQueue_Type3.anon_dw
$7f02 = CmdQueue_Type3.zero
$7f0a = CmdQueue_Type3.one
$7f1b = CmdQueue_Type3.two
$7f2c = CmdQueue_Type3.PlayerNotFacingDown
$7f38 = CmdQueue_Type3.IsPlayerFacingDown
$7f42 = CmdQueue_StoneTable
$7f47 = CmdQueue_StoneTable.loop
$7f71 = CmdQueue_StoneTable.next
$7f7c = CmdQueue_StoneTable.fall_down_hole
EMPTY: $7f7e-$7fff ($0082 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0082 bytes
ROMX bank #38:
SECTION: $4000-$7bf7 ($3bf8 bytes) ["Map Scripts 11"]
$4000 = EcruteakTinTowerEntrance_MapScripts
$400d = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceNoop1Scene
$400e = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceNoop2Scene
$400f = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceInitializeSagesCallback
$4022 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceInitializeSagesCallback.BlockTower
$4032 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceInitializeSagesCallback.NoClearBell
$4033 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceInitializeSagesCallback.DontBlockTower
$4037 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageBlocksLeft
$404c = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageBlocksRight
$4061 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceAlreadyBlocked
$4062 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageScript
$4076 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageScript.BlockPassage_GotFogBadge
$407c = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageScript.CheckForClearBell
$4093 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageScript.GotClearBell
$40a4 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageScript.AllowedThrough
$40aa = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageScript.RangClearBell
$40b0 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceWanderingSageScript
$40be = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceWanderingSageScript.GotClearBell
$40c4 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceGrampsScript
$40c7 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageBlocksLeftMovement
$40cc = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageBlocksRightMovement
$40d1 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageText
$4131 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageText_GotFogBadge
$41a4 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageText_NoClearBell
$4250 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageText_HearsClearBell
$437e = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageText_PleaseDoGoOn
$4391 = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceSageText_HeardClearBell
$440b = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceWanderingSageText
$446f = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceWanderingSageText_GotClearBell
$44ab = EcruteakTinTowerEntranceGrampsText
$4502 = EcruteakTinTowerEntrance_MapEvents
$4565 = WiseTriosRoom_MapScripts
$4572 = WiseTriosRoomNoop1Scene
$4573 = WiseTriosRoomNoop2Scene
$4574 = WiseTriosRoomWiseTrioCallback
$458c = WiseTriosRoomWiseTrioCallback.WiseTrio2
$4593 = WiseTriosRoomWiseTrioCallback.NoWiseTrio
$459a = WiseTriosRoomSage1Script
$459d = WiseTriosRoomSage2Script
$45a0 = WiseTriosRoomSage3Script
$45a3 = WiseTriosRoom_CannotEnterTinTowerScript
$45c6 = TrainerSageGaku
$45d2 = TrainerSageGaku.Script
$45d9 = TrainerSageMasa
$45e5 = TrainerSageMasa.Script
$45ec = TrainerSageKoji
$45f8 = TrainerSageKoji.Script
$461b = TrainerSageKoji.KojiAllowsPassage
$4622 = WiseTriosRoomSageBlocksPlayerMovement
$4625 = WiseTriosRoomSageReturnsMovement
$4628 = WiseTriosRoomSageAllowsPassageMovement
$462b = WiseTriosRoomSage1Text
$468b = WiseTriosRoomSage2Text
$4712 = WiseTriosRoomSage3BlocksExitText
$47af = WiseTriosRoomSage3Text
$47ed = SageGakuSeenText
$4914 = SageGakuBeatenText
$4938 = SageGakuAfterBattleText
$49d2 = SageMasaSeenText
$4a18 = SageMasaBeatenText
$4a35 = SageMasaAfterBattleText
$4c42 = SageKojiSeenText
$4c5a = SageKojiBeatenText
$4c6c = SageKojiAfterBattleQuestionText
$4cac = SageKojiAfterBattleSpeechText
$4db5 = SageKojiAfterBattleFinalText
$4dea = WiseTriosRoom_MapEvents
$4e55 = EcruteakPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$4e5f = EcruteakPokecenter1FMeetBillScene
$4e63 = EcruteakPokecenter1FNoopScene
$4e64 = EcruteakPokcenter1FBillActivatesTimeCapsuleScript
$4e95 = EcruteakPokcenter1FBillActivatesTimeCapsuleScript.PointlessJump
$4eb0 = EcruteakPokecenter1FNurseScript
$4eb3 = EcruteakPokecenter1FPokefanMScript
$4ebc = EcruteakPokecenter1FPokefanMScript.mobile
$4ebf = EcruteakPokecenter1FCooltrainerFScript
$4ec2 = EcruteakPokecenter1FGymGuideScript
$4ec5 = EcruteakPokecenter1FBillMovement1
$4ece = EcruteakPokecenter1FBillMovement2
$4ed4 = EcruteakPokecenter1FPlayerMovement1
$4ed8 = EcruteakPokecenter1F_BillText1
$4f22 = EcruteakPokecenter1F_BillText2
$5155 = EcruteakPokecenter1FPokefanMText
$51aa = EcruteakPokecenter1FPokefanMTextMobile
$5240 = EcruteakPokecenter1FCooltrainerFText
$5286 = EcruteakPokecenter1FGymGuideText
$52dc = EcruteakPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$5332 = EcruteakLugiaSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$5334 = EcruteakLugiaSpeechHouseGrampsScript
$5337 = EcruteakLugiaSpeechHouseYoungsterScript
$533a = LugiaSpeechHouseRadio
$533d = EcruteakLugiaSpeechHouseGrampsText
$53ec = EcruteakLugiaSpeechHouseYoungsterText
$5431 = EcruteakLugiaSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$5460 = DanceTheater_MapScripts
$5462 = TrainerKimonoGirlNaoko
$546e = TrainerKimonoGirlNaoko.Script
$5476 = TrainerKimonoGirlSayo
$5482 = TrainerKimonoGirlSayo.Script
$548a = TrainerKimonoGirlZuki
$5496 = TrainerKimonoGirlZuki.Script
$549e = TrainerKimonoGirlKuni
$54aa = TrainerKimonoGirlKuni.Script
$54b2 = TrainerKimonoGirlMiki
$54be = TrainerKimonoGirlMiki.Script
$54c6 = DanceTheaterSurfGuy
$54f3 = DanceTheaterSurfGuy.KimonoGirlsUndefeated
$54ff = DanceTheaterSurfGuy.PlayerIsFemale
$5505 = DanceTheaterSurfGuy.GetSurf
$5515 = SurfGuyAlreadyGaveSurf
$551b = DanceTheaterRhydon
$5525 = DanceTheaterCooltrainerMScript
$5528 = DanceTheaterGrannyScript
$552b = DanceTheaterFancyPanel
$552e = KimonoGirlNaokoSeenText
$555f = KimonoGirlNaokoBeatenText
$5579 = KimonoGirlNaokoAfterBattleText
$55ae = KimonoGirlSayoSeenText
$55ea = KimonoGirlSayoBeatenText
$560b = KimonoGirlSayoAfterBattleText
$563f = KimonoGirlZukiSeenText
$566c = KimonoGirlZukiBeatenText
$5688 = KimonoGirlZukiAfterBattleText
$56c0 = KimonoGirlKuniSeenText
$56f5 = KimonoGirlKuniBeatenText
$5714 = KimonoGirlKuniAfterBattleText
$575c = KimonoGirlMikiSeenText
$578a = KimonoGirlMikiBeatenText
$57a8 = KimonoGirlMikiAfterBattleText
$580a = SurfGuyNeverLeftAScratchText
$5891 = SurfGuyLadGiftText
$58d4 = SurfGuyLassieGiftText
$591a = SurfGuyLikeADanceText
$599b = SurfGuySurfExplanationText
$59d5 = SurfGuyElegantKimonoGirlsText
$5a0a = RhydonText
$5a24 = DanceTheaterCooltrainerMText
$5aaa = DanceTheaterGrannyText
$5b79 = DanceTheaterFancyPanelText
$5baa = DanceTheater_MapEvents
$5c39 = EcruteakMart_MapScripts
$5c3b = EcruteakMartClerkScript
$5c42 = EcruteakMartSuperNerdScript
$5c45 = EcruteakMartGrannyScript
$5c48 = EcruteakMartSuperNerdText
$5cd5 = EcruteakMartGrannyText
$5d12 = EcruteakMart_MapEvents
$5d49 = EcruteakGym_MapScripts
$5d53 = EcruteakGymForcedToLeaveScene
$5d57 = EcruteakGymNoopScene
$5d58 = EcruteakGymMortyScript
$5d8c = EcruteakGymMortyScript.FightDone
$5db1 = EcruteakGymMortyScript.GotShadowBall
$5db5 = EcruteakGymMortyScript.NoRoomForShadowBall
$5db7 = EcruteakGymActivateRockets
$5dc0 = EcruteakGymActivateRockets.GoldenrodRockets
$5dc3 = EcruteakGymActivateRockets.RadioTowerRockets
$5dc6 = EcruteakGymClosed
$5de9 = TrainerSageJeffrey
$5df5 = TrainerSageJeffrey.Script
$5dfd = TrainerSagePing
$5e09 = TrainerSagePing.Script
$5e11 = TrainerMediumMartha
$5e1d = TrainerMediumMartha.Script
$5e25 = TrainerMediumGrace
$5e31 = TrainerMediumGrace.Script
$5e39 = EcruteakGymGuideScript
$5e47 = EcruteakGymGuideScript.EcruteakGymGuideWinScript
$5e4d = EcruteakGymStatue
$5e56 = EcruteakGymStatue.Beaten
$5e5d = EcruteakGymPlayerStepUpMovement
$5e5f = EcruteakGymPlayerSlowStepDownMovement
$5e63 = EcruteakGymGrampsSlowStepDownMovement
$5e65 = MortyIntroText
$600a = MortyWinLossText
$6043 = Text_ReceivedFogBadge
$6059 = MortyText_FogBadgeSpeech
$60ec = MortyText_ShadowBallSpeech
$6145 = MortyFightDoneText
$61bd = SageJeffreySeenText
$623d = SageJeffreyBeatenText
$6263 = SageJeffreyAfterBattleText
$627e = SagePingSeenText
$62a7 = SagePingBeatenText
$62b7 = SagePingAfterBattleText
$62fb = MediumMarthaSeenText
$6309 = MediumMarthaBeatenText
$6318 = MediumMarthaAfterBattleText
$633e = MediumGraceSeenText
$637f = MediumGraceBeatenText
$638a = MediumGraceAfterBattleText
$63e8 = EcruteakGymGuideText
$6452 = EcruteakGymGuideWinText
$649c = EcruteakGymClosedText
$64e9 = EcruteakGym_MapEvents
$65f9 = EcruteakItemfinderHouse_MapScripts
$65fb = EcruteakItemfinderGuy
$6614 = EcruteakItemfinderGuy.itemfinder
$661a = EcruteakItemfinderGuy.no
$6620 = EcruteakHistoryBook
$662a = EcruteakHistoryBook.ReadBook
$6633 = EcruteakHistoryBook.KeepReading
$6639 = ItemFinderHouseRadio
$663c = EcruteakItemfinderAdventureText
$66b5 = EcruteakItemfinderTrueSpiritText
$670e = ItemfinderExplanationText
$6805 = EcruteakItemfinderToEachHisOwnText
$6826 = EcruteakHistoryBookText
$684c = EcruteakTwoTowersText
$6902 = EcruteakThreeMonText
$69f5 = EcruteakItemfinderHouse_MapEvents
$6a24 = ViridianGym_MapScripts
$6a26 = ViridianGymBlueScript
$6a51 = ViridianGymBlueScript.FightDone
$6a57 = ViridianGymGuideScript
$6a65 = ViridianGymGuideScript.ViridianGymGuideWinScript
$6a6b = ViridianGymStatue
$6a74 = ViridianGymStatue.Beaten
$6a7b = LeaderBlueBeforeText
$6bae = LeaderBlueWinText
$6c0f = Text_ReceivedEarthBadge
$6c27 = LeaderBlueAfterText
$6cab = LeaderBlueEpilogueText
$6cee = ViridianGymGuideText
$6da0 = ViridianGymGuideWinText
$6e04 = ViridianGym_MapEvents
$6e38 = ViridianNicknameSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$6e3a = ViridianNicknameSpeechHousePokefanMScript
$6e3d = ViridianNicknameSpeechHouseLassScript
$6e40 = Speary
$6e4a = Rattey
$6e54 = ViridianNicknameSpeechHousePokefanMText
$6ecb = ViridianNicknameSpeechHouseLassText
$6efe = SpearyText
$6f10 = RatteyText
$6f21 = ViridianNicknameSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$6f65 = TrainerHouse1F_MapScripts
$6f67 = TrainerHouse1FReceptionistScript
$6f6a = TrainerHouse1FCooltrainerMScript
$6f6d = TrainerHouse1FCooltrainerFScript
$6f70 = TrainerHouse1FYoungsterScript
$6f73 = TrainerHouse1FGentlemanScript
$6f76 = TrainerHouseSign1
$6f79 = TrainerHouseSign2
$6f7c = TrainerHouseIllegibleBook
$6f7f = TrainerHouse1FReceptionistText
$7025 = TrainerHouse1FCooltrainerMText
$70b5 = TrainerHouse1FCooltrainerFText
$711d = TrainerHouse1FYoungsterText
$71c9 = TrainerHouse1FGentlemanText
$71f4 = TrainerHouseSign1Text
$725d = TrainerHouseSign2Text
$72c1 = TrainerHouseIllegibleText
$731f = TrainerHouse1F_MapEvents
$7384 = TrainerHouseB1F_MapScripts
$738a = TrainerHouseB1FNoopScene
$738b = TrainerHouseReceptionistScript
$73a6 = TrainerHouseReceptionistScript.GetCal3Name
$73aa = TrainerHouseReceptionistScript.GotName
$73dc = TrainerHouseReceptionistScript.NoSpecialBattle
$73e8 = TrainerHouseReceptionistScript.End
$73ed = TrainerHouseReceptionistScript.Declined
$73f7 = TrainerHouseReceptionistScript.FoughtTooManyTimes
$7401 = Movement_EnterTrainerHouseBattleRoom
$740f = Movement_ExitTrainerHouseBattleRoom
$741d = Movement_TrainerHouseTurnBack
$7420 = TrainerHouseB1FIntroText
$746a = TrainerHouseB1FYourOpponentIsText
$7487 = TrainerHouseB1FAskWantToBattleText
$74a2 = TrainerHouseB1FGoRightInText
$74d6 = TrainerHouseB1FPleaseComeAgainText
$751d = TrainerHouseB1FSecondChallengeDeniedText
$7578 = TrainerHouseB1FCalBeatenText
$7587 = TrainerHouseB1FCalBeforeText
$75b8 = TrainerHouseB1F_MapEvents
$75e5 = ViridianMart_MapScripts
$75e7 = ViridianMartClerkScript
$75ee = ViridianMartLassScript
$75f1 = ViridianMartCooltrainerMScript
$75f4 = ViridianMartLassText
$761a = ViridianMartCooltrainerMText
$7657 = ViridianMart_MapEvents
$768e = ViridianPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$7690 = ViridianPokecenter1FNurseScript
$7693 = ViridianPokecenter1FCooltrainerMScript
$76a1 = ViridianPokecenter1FCooltrainerMScript.BlueReturned
$76a7 = ViridianPokecenter1FCooltrainerFScript
$76aa = ViridianPokecenter1FBugCatcherScript
$76ad = ViridianPokecenter1FCooltrainerMText
$76f5 = ViridianPokecenter1FCooltrainerMText_BlueReturned
$776b = ViridianPokecenter1FCooltrainerFText
$77c8 = ViridianPokecenter1FBugCatcherText
$77ef = ViridianPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$7838 = ViridianPokecenter2FBeta_MapScripts
$783a = ViridianPokecenter2FBeta_MapEvents
$7845 = Route2NuggetHouse_MapScripts
$7847 = Route2NuggetHouseFisherScript
$785c = Route2NuggetHouseFisherScript.GotNugget
$7860 = Route2NuggetHouseFisherScript.NoRoom
$7862 = Route2NuggetHouseBookshelf
$7865 = Route2NuggetHouseFisherText
$78e5 = Route2NuggetHouseFisherText_GotNugget
$7933 = Route2NuggetHouse_MapEvents
$7950 = Route2Gate_MapScripts
$7952 = Route2GateScientistScript
$7955 = Route2GateScientistText
$79ca = Route2Gate_MapEvents
$79f1 = VictoryRoadGate_MapScripts
$79fb = VictoryRoadGateNoop1Scene
$79fc = VictoryRoadGateNoop2Scene
$79fd = VictoryRoadGateBadgeCheckScript
$7a03 = VictoryRoadGateOfficerScript
$7a04 = _VictoryRoadGateBadgeCheckScript
$7a19 = _VictoryRoadGateBadgeCheckScript.AllEightBadges
$7a21 = VictoryRoadGateLeftBlackBeltScript
$7a24 = VictoryRoadGateRightBlackBeltScript
$7a27 = VictoryRoadGateStepDownMovement
$7a29 = VictoryRoadGateOfficerText
$7a5f = VictoryRoadGateNotEnoughBadgesText
$7ab4 = VictoryRoadGateEightBadgesText
$7af1 = VictoryRoadGateLeftBlackBeltText
$7b37 = VictoryRoadGateRightBlackBeltText
$7b9b = VictoryRoadGate_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7bf8-$7fff ($0408 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0408 bytes
ROMX bank #39:
SECTION: $4000-$7bb1 ($3bb2 bytes) ["Map Scripts 12"]
$4000 = OlivinePokecenter1F_MapScripts
$4002 = OlivinePokecenter1FNurseScript
$4005 = OlivinePokecenter1FFishingGuruScript
$4008 = OlivinePokecenter1FFisherScript
$400b = OlivinePokecenter1FTeacherScript
$400e = OlivinePokecenter1FFisherText
$4086 = OlivinePokecenter1FTeacherText
$40e4 = OlivinePokecenter1F_MapEvents
$412d = OlivineGym_MapScripts
$412f = OlivineGymJasmineScript
$4159 = OlivineGymJasmineScript.FightDone
$4172 = OlivineGymJasmineScript.GotIronTail
$4176 = OlivineGymJasmineScript.NoRoomForIronTail
$4178 = OlivineGymActivateRockets
$4181 = OlivineGymActivateRockets.GoldenrodRockets
$4184 = OlivineGymActivateRockets.RadioTowerRockets
$4187 = OlivineGymGuideScript
$419b = OlivineGymGuideScript.OlivineGymGuideWinScript
$41a2 = OlivineGymGuideScript.OlivineGymGuidePreScript
$41a9 = OlivineGymStatue
$41b2 = OlivineGymStatue.Beaten
$41b9 = Jasmine_SteelTypeIntro
$42bb = Jasmine_BetterTrainer
$433a = Text_ReceivedMineralBadge
$4354 = Jasmine_BadgeSpeech
$4393 = Text_ReceivedTM09
$43a5 = Jasmine_IronTailSpeech
$43d1 = Jasmine_GoodLuck
$4402 = OlivineGymGuideText
$4451 = OlivineGymGuideWinText
$44a8 = OlivineGymGuidePreText
$4526 = OlivineGym_MapEvents
$455a = OlivineTimsHouse_MapScripts
$455c = Tim
$4563 = TimsHouseBookshelf
$4566 = OlivineTimsHouse_MapEvents
$458d = OlivineHouseBeta_MapScripts
$458f = OlivineHouseBetaTeacherScript
$4592 = OlivineHouseBetaRhydonScript
$459c = OlivineHouseBetaBookshelf1
$459f = OlivineHouseBetaBookshelf2
$45a2 = OlivineHouseBetaTeacherText
$45f0 = OlivineHouseBetaRhydonText
$4601 = OlivineHouseBeta_MapEvents
$4635 = OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$4637 = OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseDad
$463a = OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseDaughter
$463d = OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseBookshelf2
$4640 = OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseBookshelf1
$4643 = OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseDadText
$46b1 = OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouseDaughterText
$46e5 = OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$4719 = OlivineGoodRodHouse_MapScripts
$471b = GoodRodGuru
$473a = GoodRodGuru.DontWantIt
$4740 = GoodRodGuru.AlreadyGotItem
$4746 = GoodRodHouseBookshelf
$4749 = OfferGoodRodText
$47db = GiveGoodRodText
$4807 = GaveGoodRodText
$484c = DontWantGoodRodText
$487f = HaveGoodRodText
$48a2 = OlivineGoodRodHouse_MapEvents
$48bf = OlivineCafe_MapScripts
$48c1 = OlivineCafeStrengthSailorScript
$48d3 = OlivineCafeStrengthSailorScript.GotStrength
$48d9 = OlivineCafeFishingGuruScript
$48dc = OlivineCafeSailorScript
$48df = OlivineCafeStrengthSailorText
$4965 = OlivineCafeStrengthSailorText_GotStrength
$49c5 = OlivineCafeFishingGuruText
$4a09 = OlivineCafeSailorText
$4a8e = OlivineCafe_MapEvents
$4ac5 = OlivineMart_MapScripts
$4ac7 = OlivineMartClerkScript
$4ace = OlivineMartCooltrainerFScript
$4ad1 = OlivineMartLassScript
$4ad4 = OlivineMartCooltrainerFText
$4b16 = OlivineMartLassText
$4b9e = OlivineMart_MapEvents
$4bd5 = Route38EcruteakGate_MapScripts
$4bd7 = Route38EcruteakGateOfficerScript
$4bda = Route38EcruteakGateOfficerText
$4c4d = Route38EcruteakGate_MapEvents
$4c74 = Route39Barn_MapScripts
$4c76 = Route39BarnTwin1Script
$4c87 = Route39BarnTwin1Script.FeedingMooMoo
$4c90 = Route39BarnTwin2Script
$4ca1 = Route39BarnTwin2Script.FeedingMooMoo
$4caa = MoomooScript
$4cc6 = MoomooScript.GiveBerry
$4cf0 = MoomooScript.ThreeBerries
$4cfa = MoomooScript.FiveBerries
$4d04 = MoomooScript.SevenBerries
$4d19 = MoomooScript.NoBerriesInBag
$4d1f = MoomooScript.Refused
$4d25 = MoomooScript.HappyCow
$4d2e = Route39BarnTwinMoomooIsSickText
$4d5a = Route39BarnTwinWereFeedingMoomooText
$4d70 = MoomooWeakMooText
$4d80 = Route39BarnItsCryIsWeakText
$4d92 = MoomooHappyMooText
$4da2 = Route39BarnAskGiveBerryText
$4dbc = Route39BarnGaveBerryText
$4dd8 = Route39BarnLittleHealthierText
$4dfc = Route39BarnQuiteHealthyText
$4e1b = Route39BarnTotallyHealthyText
$4e3c = Route39BarnNoBerriesText
$4e4f = Route39BarnRefusedBerryText
$4e7b = Route39Barn_MapEvents
$4eb2 = Route39Farmhouse_MapScripts
$4eb4 = PokefanM_DairyFarmer
$4ec5 = FarmerMScript_SellMilk
$4ef6 = FarmerMScript_NoMoney
$4efc = FarmerMScript_NoRoom
$4f02 = FarmerMScript_NoSale
$4f08 = FarmerMScript_Milking
$4f0e = PokefanF_SnoreFarmer
$4f22 = FarmerFScript_GiveSnore
$4f2f = FarmerFScript_GotSnore
$4f33 = FarmerFScript_NoRoomForSnore
$4f35 = FarmhouseBookshelf
$4f38 = FarmerMText_SickCow
$4fe1 = FarmerMText_BuyMilk
$505d = FarmerMText_GotMilk
$507c = FarmerMText_NoMoney
$509d = FarmerMText_NoRoom
$50b7 = FarmerMText_NoSale
$50dc = FarmerMText_Milking
$50f6 = FarmerFText_InTrouble
$5156 = FarmerFText_HealedMiltank
$51b5 = Text_ReceivedTM13
$51c7 = FarmerFText_SnoreSpeech
$5242 = Route39Farmhouse_MapEvents
$5276 = ManiasHouse_MapScripts
$5278 = ManiaScript
$52a4 = ManiaScript.alreadyhaveshuckie
$52b0 = ManiaScript.partyfull
$52b6 = ManiaScript.refusetotakeshuckie
$52bc = ManiaScript.returnshuckie
$52df = ManiaScript.wrong
$52e5 = ManiaScript.superhappy
$52ee = ManiaScript.refused
$52f4 = ManiaScript.nothingleft
$52fa = ManiaScript.default_postevent
$5300 = ManiasHouseUnusedBookshelf
$5303 = ManiaText_AskLookAfterShuckle
$53ed = ManiaText_TakeCareOfShuckle
$541b = ManiaText_GotShuckle
$542f = ManiaText_PartyFull
$5449 = ManiaText_IfHeComesBack
$5470 = ManiaText_CanIHaveMyMonBack
$54b1 = ManiaText_ThankYou
$54bd = ManiaText_ShuckleNotThere
$54e3 = ManiaText_ShuckleLikesYou
$553f = ManiaText_SameAsBeingRobbed
$556c = ManiaText_HappinessSpeech
$55b0 = ManiaText_ShuckleIsYourLastMon
$55f0 = ManiasHouse_MapEvents
$560d = CianwoodGym_MapScripts
$560f = CianwoodGymChuckScript
$5656 = CianwoodGymChuckScript.FightDone
$567b = CianwoodGymChuckScript.AlreadyGotTM
$567f = CianwoodGymChuckScript.BagFull
$5681 = CianwoodGymActivateRockets
$568a = CianwoodGymActivateRockets.GoldenrodRockets
$568d = CianwoodGymActivateRockets.RadioTowerRockets
$5690 = TrainerBlackbeltYoshi
$569c = TrainerBlackbeltYoshi.Script
$56a4 = TrainerBlackbeltLao
$56b0 = TrainerBlackbeltLao.Script
$56b8 = TrainerBlackbeltNob
$56c4 = TrainerBlackbeltNob.Script
$56cc = TrainerBlackbeltLung
$56d8 = TrainerBlackbeltLung.Script
$56e0 = CianwoodGymBoulder
$56e3 = CianwoodGymStatue
$56ec = CianwoodGymStatue.Beaten
$56f3 = CianwoodGymMovement_ChuckChucksBoulder
$56f9 = ChuckIntroText1
$576f = ChuckIntroText2
$578a = ChuckIntroText3
$57f6 = ChuckLossText
$5835 = GetStormBadgeText
$584d = ChuckExplainBadgeText
$58da = ChuckExplainTMText
$5930 = ChuckAfterText
$5997 = BlackbeltYoshiSeenText
$59e9 = BlackbeltYoshiBeatenText
$59fa = BlackbeltYoshiAfterText
$5a2e = BlackbeltLaoSeenText
$5a50 = BlackbeltLaoBeatenText
$5a61 = BlackbeltLaoAfterText
$5a8a = BlackbeltNobSeenText
$5abd = BlackbeltNobBeatenText
$5ac0 = BlackbeltNobAfterText
$5ad9 = BlackbeltLungSeenText
$5b02 = BlackbeltLungBeatenText
$5b14 = BlackbeltLungAfterText
$5b3e = CianwoodGym_MapEvents
$5bcd = CianwoodPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$5bcf = CianwoodPokecenter1FNurseScript
$5bd2 = CianwoodPokecenter1FLassScript
$5bd5 = CianwoodGymGuideScript
$5be3 = CianwoodGymGuideScript.CianwoodGymGuideWinScript
$5bea = CianwoodPokecenter1FSuperNerdScript
$5bed = CianwoodPokecenter1FLassText
$5c33 = CianwoodGymGuideText
$5dc5 = CianwoodGymGuideWinText
$5df2 = CianwoodPokecenter1FUnusedText1
$5e66 = CianwoodPokecenter1FUnusedText2
$5ed7 = CianwoodPokecenter1FSuperNerdText
$5f4e = CianwoodPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$5f97 = CianwoodPharmacy_MapScripts
$5f9d = CianwoodPharmacyNoopScene
$5f9e = CianwoodPharmacist
$5fc4 = CianwoodPharmacist.Mart
$5fca = CianwoodPharmacyBookshelf
$5fcd = PharmacistGiveSecretpotionText
$6056 = ReceivedSecretpotionText
$6070 = PharmacistDescribeSecretpotionText
$60b7 = CianwoodPharmacy_MapEvents
$60de = CianwoodPhotoStudio_MapScripts
$60e0 = CianwoodPhotoStudioFishingGuruScript
$60f3 = CianwoodPhotoStudioFishingGuruScript.Refused
$60f9 = CianwoodPhotoStudioFishingGuruText_Question
$6142 = CianwoodPhotoStudioFishingGuruText_Yes
$6156 = CianwoodPhotoStudioFishingGuruText_No
$6191 = CianwoodPhotoStudio_MapEvents
$61ae = CianwoodLugiaSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$61b0 = CianwoodLugiaSpeechHouseTeacherScript
$61b3 = CianwoodLugiaSpeechHouseLassScript
$61b6 = CianwoodLugiaSpeechHouseTwinScript
$61b9 = CianwoodLugiaSpeechHouseBookshelf
$61bc = CianwoodLugiaSpeechHouseTeacherText
$623f = CianwoodLugiaSpeechHouseLassText
$62a9 = CianwoodLugiaSpeechHouseTwinText
$632b = CianwoodLugiaSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$636c = PokeSeersHouse_MapScripts
$636e = SeerScript
$6376 = PokeSeersHouse_MapEvents
$6393 = BattleTower1F_MapScripts
$639d = BattleTower1FCheckStateScene
$63c4 = BattleTower1FCheckStateScene.LeftWithoutSaving
$63d1 = BattleTower1FCheckStateScene.SkipEverything
$63d3 = BattleTower1FNoopScene
$63d4 = BattleTower1FRulesSign
$63e0 = BattleTower1FRulesSign.skip
$63e2 = BattleTower1FReceptionistScript
$63fc = Script_Menu_ChallengeExplanationCancel
$640f = Script_ChooseChallenge
$644e = Script_ResumeBattleTowerChallenge
$6454 = Script_WalkToBattleTowerElevator
$647a = Script_GivePlayerHisPrize
$6498 = Script_YourPackIsStuffedFull
$649e = Script_BattleTowerIntroductionYesNo
$64a5 = Script_BattleTowerExplanation
$64a8 = Script_BattleTowerSkipExplanation
$64b0 = Script_BattleTowerHopeToServeYouAgain
$64b6 = Script_MobileError2
$64bb = Script_WaitButton
$64be = Script_ChooseChallenge2
$64ea = Script_StartChallenge
$6512 = Script_StartChallenge.zero
$6515 = Script_StartChallenge.continue
$653b = Script_ReachedBattleLimit
$6542 = Script_AMonLevelExceeds
$6549 = Script_MayNotEnterABattleRoomUnderL70
$6550 = Script_MobileError
$6555 = BattleTower_LeftWithoutSaving
$655d = BattleTower1FYoungsterScript
$6568 = BattleTower1FCooltrainerFScript
$656b = BattleTower1FBugCatcherScript
$656e = BattleTower1FGrannyScript
$6571 = MovementData_BattleTower1FWalkToElevator
$6576 = MovementData_BattleTowerHallwayPlayerEntersBattleRoom
$6578 = MovementData_BattleTowerElevatorExitElevator
$657a = MovementData_BattleTowerHallwayWalkTo1020Room
$657c = MovementData_BattleTowerHallwayWalkTo3040Room
$6582 = MovementData_BattleTowerHallwayWalkTo90100Room
$6584 = MovementData_BattleTowerHallwayWalkTo7080Room
$6586 = MovementData_BattleTowerHallwayWalkTo5060Room
$658c = MovementData_BattleTowerBattleRoomPlayerWalksIn
$6592 = MovementData_BattleTowerBattleRoomOpponentWalksIn
$6597 = MovementData_BattleTowerBattleRoomOpponentWalksOut
$659c = MovementData_BattleTowerBattleRoomReceptionistWalksToPlayer
$65a1 = MovementData_BattleTowerBattleRoomReceptionistWalksAway
$65a7 = MovementData_BattleTowerBattleRoomPlayerTurnsToFaceReceptionist
$65a9 = MovementData_BattleTowerBattleRoomPlayerTurnsToFaceNextOpponent
$65ab = Text_BattleTowerWelcomesYou
$65ea = Text_WantToGoIntoABattleRoom
$660a = Text_RightThisWayToYourBattleRoom
$662f = Text_BattleTowerIntroduction_1
$6886 = Text_BattleTowerIntroduction_2
$69eb = Text_ReceivedAListOfLeadersOnTheHonorRoll
$6a1b = Text_PleaseConfirmOnThisMonitor
$6a3c = Text_ThankYou
$6a49 = Text_ThanksForVisiting
$6a5f = Text_BeatenAllTheTrainers_Mobile
$6aef = Text_CongratulationsYouveBeatenAllTheTrainers
$6b45 = Text_AskRegisterRecord_Mobile
$6b7e = Text_PlayerGotFive
$6b94 = Text_YourPackIsStuffedFull
$6bd6 = Text_YourRegistrationIsComplete
$6c09 = Text_WeHopeToServeYouAgain
$6c26 = Text_PleaseStepThisWay
$6c3d = Text_WouldYouLikeToHearAboutTheBattleTower
$6c6d = Text_CantBeRegistered
$6cb0 = Text_CantBeRegistered_PreviousRecordDeleted
$6d1e = Text_CheckTheLeaderHonorRoll
$6d3c = Text_ReadBattleTowerRules
$6d72 = Text_BattleTowerRules
$6e18 = Text_BattleTower_LeftWithoutSaving
$6e92 = Text_YourMonWillBeHealedToFullHealth
$6ebc = Text_NextUpOpponentNo
$6ee0 = Text_SaveBeforeConnecting_Mobile
$6f1f = Text_SaveBeforeEnteringBattleRoom
$6f5e = Text_SaveAndEndTheSession
$6f79 = Text_SaveBeforeReentry
$6fbf = Text_CancelYourBattleRoomChallenge
$6fe3 = Text_RegisterRecordOnFile_Mobile
$7037 = Text_WeveBeenWaitingForYou
$7076 = Text_FiveDayBattleLimit_Mobile
$70c1 = Text_TooMuchTimeElapsedNoRegister
$7151 = Text_RegisterRecordTimedOut_Mobile
$71e5 = Text_AMonLevelExceeds
$7217 = Text_MayNotEnterABattleRoomUnderL70
$7264 = Text_BattleTowerYoungster
$72a4 = Text_BattleTowerCooltrainerF
$72e3 = Text_BattleTowerGranny
$735b = Text_BattleTowerBugCatcher
$73b4 = BattleTower1F_MapEvents
$740f = BattleTowerBattleRoom_MapScripts
$7419 = BattleTowerBattleRoomEnterScene
$7420 = BattleTowerBattleRoomNoopScene
$7421 = Script_BattleRoom
$7425 = Script_BattleRoomLoop
$7477 = Script_ContinueAndBattleNextOpponent
$7483 = Script_DontBattleNextOpponent
$74a3 = Script_DontSaveAndEndTheSession
$74c2 = Script_FailedBattleTowerChallenge
$74d9 = Script_BeatenAllTrainers
$74e4 = Script_BeatenAllTrainers2
$74eb = Script_TooMuchTimeElapsedNoRegister
$74f7 = Script_ChallengeCanceled
$750b = Text_ReturnedAfterSave_Mobile
$752e = BattleTowerBattleRoom_MapEvents
$7558 = BattleTowerElevator_MapScripts
$7562 = BattleTowerElevatorEnterScene
$7567 = BattleTowerElevatorNoopScene
$7568 = BattleTowerElevatorRideElevatorScript
$758f = MovementData_BattleTowerElevatorReceptionistWalksIn
$7592 = MovementData_BattleTowerElevatorPlayerWalksIn
$7594 = BattleTowerElevator_MapEvents
$75b1 = BattleTowerHallway_MapScripts
$75bb = BattleTowerHallwayEnterScene
$75c0 = BattleTowerHallwayNoopScene
$75c1 = BattleTowerHallwayChooseBattleRoomScript
$75cb = BattleTowerHallwayChooseBattleRoomScript.asm_load_battle_room
$75dc = BattleTowerHallwayChooseBattleRoomScript.WalkToChosenBattleRoom
$7603 = BattleTowerHallwayChooseBattleRoomScript.L30L40
$760a = BattleTowerHallwayChooseBattleRoomScript.L50L60
$7611 = BattleTowerHallwayChooseBattleRoomScript.L70L80
$7618 = BattleTowerHallwayChooseBattleRoomScript.L90L100
$761f = BattleTowerHallwayChooseBattleRoomScript.EnterBattleRoom
$762f = BattleTowerHallway_MapEvents
$7660 = Route40BattleTowerGate_MapScripts
$7665 = RouteBattleTowerGateShowSailorCallback
$7669 = Route40BattleTowerGateRockerScript
$766c = Route40BattleTowerGateTwinScript
$766f = Route40BattleTowerGateUnusedText1
$76ba = Route40BattleTowerGateUnusedText2
$7716 = Route40BattleTowerGateRockerText
$7783 = Route40BattleTowerGateUnusedText3
$77c8 = Route40BattleTowerGateTwinText
$781e = Route40BattleTowerGate_MapEvents
$7852 = BattleTowerOutside_MapScripts
$785a = BattleTowerOutsideNoopCallback
$785b = BattleTowerOutsideShowCiviliansCallback
$785f = BattleTowerOutsideYoungsterScript
$7862 = BattleTowerOutsideBeautyScript
$7865 = BattleTowerOutsideSailorScript
$7868 = BattleTowerOutsideSign
$786b = BattleTowerOutsideYoungsterText_NotYetOpen
$78b3 = BattleTowerOutsideYoungsterText_Mobile
$7930 = BattleTowerOutsideYoungsterText
$797b = BattleTowerOutsideBeautyText_NotYetOpen
$79db = BattleTowerOutsideBeautyText
$7a32 = BattleTowerOutsideSailorText_Mobile
$7a8c = BattleTowerOutsideSailorText
$7aee = BattleTowerOutsideSignText_NotYetOpen
$7afc = BattleTowerOutsideSignText
$7b2f = BattleTowerOutsideText_DoorsClosed
$7b54 = BattleTowerOutsideText_DoorsOpen
$7b5f = BattleTowerOutside_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7bb2-$7fff ($044e bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $044e bytes
ROMX bank #40:
SECTION: $4000-$5ec9 ($1eca bytes) ["Phone Scripts 1"]
$4000 = Phone_GenericCall_Male
$4013 = Phone_GenericCall_Male.Bragging
$4017 = Phone_GenericCall_Female
$402a = Phone_GenericCall_Female.Bragging
$402e = Phone_BraggingCall_Male
$4036 = Phone_BraggingCall_Female
$403e = Phone_FoundAMon_Male
$4051 = Phone_FoundAMon_Male.GotAway
$4055 = Phone_FoundAMon_Female
$4068 = Phone_FoundAMon_Female.GotAway
$406c = Phone_GotAwayCall_Male
$4074 = Phone_GotAwayCall_Female
$407c = Phone_WhosBragging_Male
$40c2 = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Jack
$40c8 = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Gaven
$40ce = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Jose
$40d4 = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Joey
$40da = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Wade
$40e0 = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Ralph
$40e6 = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Anthony
$40ec = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Todd
$40f2 = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Arnie
$40f8 = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Alan
$40fe = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Chad
$4104 = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Derek
$410a = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Tully
$4110 = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Brent
$4116 = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Vance
$411c = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Wilton
$4122 = Phone_WhosBragging_Male.Parry
$4128 = Phone_WhosBragging_Female
$414a = Phone_WhosBragging_Female.Beverly
$4150 = Phone_WhosBragging_Female.Beth
$4156 = Phone_WhosBragging_Female.Reena
$415c = Phone_WhosBragging_Female.Liz
$4162 = Phone_WhosBragging_Female.Gina
$4168 = Phone_WhosBragging_Female.Dana
$416e = Phone_WhosBragging_Female.Tiffany
$4174 = Phone_WhosBragging_Female.Erin
$417a = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male
$41c0 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Jack
$41c6 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Gaven
$41cc = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Jose
$41d2 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Joey
$41d8 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Wade
$41de = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Ralph
$41e4 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Anthony
$41ea = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Todd
$41f0 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Arnie
$41f6 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Alan
$41fc = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Chad
$4202 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Derek
$4208 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Tully
$420e = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Brent
$4214 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Vance
$421a = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Wilton
$4220 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Male.Parry
$4226 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Female
$4248 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Female.Beverly
$424e = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Female.Beth
$4254 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Female.Reena
$425a = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Female.Liz
$4260 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Female.Gina
$4266 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Female.Dana
$426c = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Female.Tiffany
$4272 = Phone_WhoDefeatedMon_Female.Erin
$4278 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male
$42be = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Jack
$42c4 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Gaven
$42ca = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Jose
$42d0 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Joey
$42d6 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Wade
$42dc = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Ralph
$42e2 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Anthony
$42e8 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Todd
$42ee = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Arnie
$42f4 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Alan
$42fa = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Chad
$4300 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Derek
$4306 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Tully
$430c = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Brent
$4312 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Vance
$4318 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Wilton
$431e = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Male.Parry
$4324 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Female
$4346 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Female.Beverly
$434c = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Female.Beth
$4352 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Female.Reena
$4358 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Female.Liz
$435e = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Female.Gina
$4364 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Female.Dana
$436a = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Female.Tiffany
$4370 = Phone_WhoLostAMon_Female.Erin
$4376 = PhoneScript_WantsToBattle_Male
$437e = PhoneScript_WantsToBattle_Female
$4386 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male
$43cc = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Jack
$43d2 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Huey
$43d8 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Gaven
$43de = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Jose
$43e4 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Joey
$43ea = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Wade
$43f0 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Ralph
$43f6 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Anthony
$43fc = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Todd
$4402 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Arnie
$4408 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Alan
$440e = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Chad
$4414 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Tully
$441a = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Brent
$4420 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Vance
$4426 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Wilton
$442c = PhoneScript_RematchText_Male.Parry
$4432 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Female
$4450 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Female.Beth
$4456 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Female.Reena
$445c = PhoneScript_RematchText_Female.Liz
$4462 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Female.Gina
$4468 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Female.Dana
$446e = PhoneScript_RematchText_Female.Tiffany
$4474 = PhoneScript_RematchText_Female.Erin
$447a = LizWrongNumberScript
$447f = TiffanyItsAwful
$4484 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male
$44d6 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Jack
$44db = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Huey
$44e0 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Gaven
$44e5 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Jose
$44ea = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Joey
$44ef = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Wade
$44f4 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Ralph
$44f9 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Anthony
$44fe = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Todd
$4503 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Irwin
$4508 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Arnie
$450d = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Alan
$4512 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Chad
$4517 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Derek
$451c = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Tully
$4521 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Brent
$4526 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Vance
$452b = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Wilton
$4530 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Kenji
$4535 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Male.Parry
$453a = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Female
$455c = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Female.Beverly
$4561 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Female.Beth
$4566 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Female.Reena
$456b = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Female.Liz
$4570 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Female.Gina
$4575 = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Female.Dana
$457a = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Female.Tiffany
$457f = PhoneScript_HangUpText_Female.Erin
$4584 = Phone_CheckIfUnseenRare_Male
$458e = Phone_CheckIfUnseenRare_Male.HangUp
$4592 = Phone_CheckIfUnseenRare_Female
$459c = Phone_CheckIfUnseenRare_Female.HangUp
$45a0 = PhoneScriptRareWildMon
$45a4 = PhoneScript_BugCatchingContest
$45ae = PhoneScript_BugCatchingContest.Wade
$45b6 = PhoneScript_BugCatchingContest.Derek
$45be = IrwinRocketRumorScript
$45c6 = GinaRocketRumorScript
$45ce = ArnieSwarmScript
$45d6 = RalphItemScript
$45de = AnthonySwarmScript
$45e6 = PhoneScript_FoundItem_Male
$4600 = PhoneScript_FoundItem_Male.Jose
$4605 = PhoneScript_FoundItem_Male.Wade
$460a = PhoneScript_FoundItem_Male.Alan
$460f = PhoneScript_FoundItem_Male.Derek
$4614 = PhoneScript_FoundItem_Male.Tully
$4619 = PhoneScript_FoundItem_Male.Wilton
$461e = PhoneScript_FoundItem_Female
$4630 = PhoneScript_FoundItem_Female.Beverly
$4635 = PhoneScript_FoundItem_Female.Gina
$463a = PhoneScript_FoundItem_Female.Dana
$463f = PhoneScript_FoundItem_Female.Tiffany
$4644 = ToddItemScript
$464c = KenjiCallingPhoneScript
$4654 = JackTriviaScript
$4682 = JackTriviaScript.Thunder
$468a = JackTriviaScript.Rollout
$4692 = JackTriviaScript.Solarbeam
$469a = JackTriviaScript.Stomp
$46a2 = JackTriviaScript.Gust
$46aa = JackTriviaScript.Twister
$46b2 = JackTriviaScript.Earthquake
$46ba = JackTriviaScript.Magnitude
$46c2 = JackTriviaScript.Sandstorm
$46ca = JackTriviaScript.SunnyDay
$46d2 = JackTriviaScript.RainDance
$46da = LizGossipRandomScript
$4704 = LizGossipRandomScript.RuinsOfAlph
$470c = LizGossipRandomScript.Falkner
$4714 = LizGossipRandomScript.Earl
$471c = LizGossipRandomScript.SurfPikachu
$4724 = LizGossipRandomScript.MooMooMilk
$472c = LizGossipRandomScript.Salon
$4734 = LizGossipRandomScript.Whitney
$473c = LizGossipRandomScript.BugCatchingContest
$4744 = LizGossipRandomScript.BeautifulTrainer
$474c = LizGossipRandomScript.Forgot
$4754 = ChadOakGossipScript
$477e = ChadOakGossipScript.Blue
$4786 = ChadOakGossipScript.Daisy
$478e = ChadOakGossipScript.ProfElm
$4796 = ChadOakGossipScript.Dream
$479e = ChadOakGossipScript.Kurt
$47a6 = ChadOakGossipScript.League
$47ae = ChadOakGossipScript.RadioShow
$47b6 = ChadOakGossipScript.Battling
$47be = ChadOakGossipScript.DaisyTea
$47c6 = ChadOakGossipScript.Traveled
$47ce = BrentBillTriviaScript
$47f8 = BrentBillTriviaScript.Father
$4800 = BrentBillTriviaScript.Grandpa
$4808 = BrentBillTriviaScript.Goldenrod
$4810 = BrentBillTriviaScript.Route25
$4818 = BrentBillTriviaScript.Abra
$4820 = BrentBillTriviaScript.Sister
$4828 = BrentBillTriviaScript.Milk
$4830 = BrentBillTriviaScript.Battling
$4838 = BrentBillTriviaScript.FlowerShop
$4840 = BrentBillTriviaScript.KimonoGirl
$4848 = IrwinRumorScript
$4898 = IrwinRumorScript.PlainBadge
$48a0 = IrwinRumorScript.JasmineReturned
$48a8 = IrwinRumorScript.RocketHideout
$48b0 = IrwinRumorScript.RadioTower
$48b8 = IrwinRumorScript.RisingBadge
$48c0 = IrwinRumorScript.EliteFour
$48c8 = IrwinRumorScript.VermilionCity
$48d0 = IrwinRumorScript.TrainPass
$48d8 = IrwinRumorScript.Snorlax
$48e0 = IrwinRumorScript.MtSilver
$48e8 = IrwinRumorScript.FogBadge
$48f0 = IrwinRumorScript.MarshBadge
$48f8 = JackPhoneTipsScript
$4900 = BeverlyHangUpScript
$4908 = HueyHangUpScript
$4910 = GavenHangUpNotThursdayScript
$4918 = BethHangUpScript
$4920 = JoseHangUpScript
$4928 = ReenaForwardScript
$4930 = JoeyHangUpScript
$4938 = WadeNoBerriesScript
$4940 = RalphNoItemScript
$4948 = LizHangUpScript
$4950 = AnthonyHangUpScript
$4958 = ToddNoItemScript
$4960 = GinaHangUpScript
$4968 = ArnieHangUpScript
$4970 = AlanHangUpScript
$4978 = DanaHangUpScript
$4980 = ChadHangUpScript
$4988 = DerekHangUpScript
$4990 = TullyNoItemScript
$4998 = BrentHangUpScript
$49a0 = TiffanyNoItemScript
$49a8 = VanceLookingForwardScript
$49b0 = WiltonHaventFoundAnythingScript
$49b8 = ParryBattleWithMeScript
$49c0 = ErinWorkingHardScript
$49c8 = IrwinRandomTextScript
$49d6 = IrwinEscapadeScript
$49de = IrwinGoodMatchScript
$49e6 = IrwinSoMuchToChatAboutScript
$49ee = KenjiAnswerPhoneScript
$4a00 = KenjiAnswerPhoneScript.Training
$4a08 = KenjiAnswerPhoneScript.OnBreak
$4a1d = KenjiAnswerPhoneScript.Morning
$4a25 = KenjiAnswerPhoneScript.Night
$4a2d = JackWantsBattleScript
$4a32 = HueyWantsBattleScript
$4a37 = GavenReminderScript
$4a3c = BethBattleReminderScript
$4a41 = JoseReminderScript
$4a46 = ReenaHurryScript
$4a4b = JoeyReminderScript
$4a50 = WadeQuickBattleScript
$4a55 = RalphReminderScript
$4a5a = LizReminderScript
$4a5f = AnthonyReminderScript
$4a64 = ToddForwardScript
$4a69 = GinaReminderScript
$4a6e = ArnieReminderScript
$4a73 = AlanReminderScript
$4a78 = DanaReminderScript
$4a7d = ChadReminderScript
$4a82 = TullyForwardScript
$4a87 = BrentReminderScript
$4a8c = TiffanyAsleepScript
$4a91 = VanceHurryHurryScript
$4a96 = WiltonNotBitingScript
$4a9b = ParryHaventYouGottenToScript
$4aa0 = ErinComeBattleScript
$4aa5 = BeverlyComePickUpScript
$4aad = JoseComePickUpScript
$4ab5 = WadeComeQuickScript
$4abd = GinaComePickUpScript
$4ac5 = AlanComePickUpScript
$4acd = DanaComePickUpScript
$4ad5 = DerekComePickUpScript
$4add = TullyHurryScript
$4ae5 = TiffanyHurryScript
$4aed = WiltonWantThisScript
$4af5 = RalphHurryScript
$4afa = AnthonyHurryScript
$4aff = ArnieHurryScript
$4b04 = ToddHurryScript
$4b09 = BikeShopPhoneCallerScript
$4b14 = BuenaPhoneCalleeScript
$4b26 = BuenaPhoneCallerScript
$4b32 = BuenaPhoneScript_CheckTimeOfDayCallee
$4b41 = BuenaPhoneScript_CheckTimeOfDayCallee.morn
$4b46 = BuenaPhoneScript_CheckTimeOfDayCallee.day
$4b4b = BuenaPhoneScript_AfterMidnightCallee
$4b4f = BuenaPhoneScript_CheckTimeOfDayCaller
$4b64 = BuenaPhoneScript_CheckTimeOfDayCaller.morn
$4b69 = BuenaPhoneScript_CheckTimeOfDayCaller.day
$4b6e = BuenaPhoneScript_AfterMidnightCaller
$4b73 = BuenaPhoneScript_Rocket
$4b77 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller
$4b82 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.PostE4
$4b84 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.Jumptable
$4bbc = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.zero
$4bc2 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.one
$4bc8 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.two
$4bce = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.three
$4bd4 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.four
$4bda = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.five
$4be0 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.six
$4be6 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.seven
$4bec = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.eight
$4bf2 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.nine
$4bf8 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.ten
$4bfe = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.eleven
$4c04 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.twelve
$4c0a = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.thirteen
$4c0d = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCaller.finish
$4c0e = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCallee
$4c1c = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCallee.zero
$4c20 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCallee.one
$4c24 = BuenaPhoneScript_RandomCallee.two
$4c28 = BuenaPhoneMorningAnswerText
$4c72 = BuenaPhoneDayAnswerText
$4caf = BuenaPhoneMidnightAnswerText
$4d42 = BuenaPhoneNiteAnswerText
$4d96 = BuenaPhoneMorningText
$4dcf = BuenaPhoneDayText
$4e01 = BuenaPhoneMidnightText
$4e29 = BuenaPhoneNiteText
$4e5e = BuenaPhoneRocketText
$4efb = BuenaPhoneWentOutWithBenText
$4fcf = BuenaPhoneReceptionistText
$509d = BuenaPhoneLuckyNumberShowText
$5143 = BuenaPhoneStressedFromWorkText
$5244 = BuenaPhoneProfessorOakText
$5318 = BuenaPhoneGotAColdText
$53d8 = BuenaPhoneRadioCardQuestionsText
$5488 = BuenaPhonePikachuFanClubText
$55de = BuenaPhoneRadioTowerDirectorText
$5717 = BuenaPhoneWhenDoYouRelaxText
$583d = BuenaPhoneStarterPokemonText
$59b1 = BuenaPhoneCompanyVacationText
$5ac0 = BuenaPhoneBenAndFernText
$5bed = BuenaPhoneGoingShoppingText
$5c88 = BuenaPhoneFavoriteSlotMachineAnswerText
$5d5f = BuenaPhonePokegearAnswerText
$5e2f = BuenaPhoneCoopedUpInRadioTowerAnswerText
EMPTY: $5eca-$7fff ($2136 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $2136 bytes
ROMX bank #41:
SECTION: $4000-$64ac ($24ad bytes) ["Phone Text"]
$4000 = AnthonyAskNumber1Text
$40a9 = AnthonyAskNumber2Text
$40f8 = AnthonyNumberAcceptedText
$4126 = AnthonyNumberDeclinedText
$4158 = AnthonyPhoneFullText
$418d = AnthonyRematchText
$41c0 = ToddAskNumber1Text
$426a = ToddAskNumber2Text
$42ab = ToddNumberAcceptedText
$42f2 = ToddNumberDeclinedText
$434a = ToddPhoneFullText
$4382 = ToddRematchText
$43ca = ToddSaleText
$4405 = GinaAskNumber1Text
$44db = GinaAskNumber2Text
$451d = GinaNumberAcceptedText
$4542 = GinaNumberDeclinedText
$4573 = GinaPhoneFullText
$4595 = GinaRematchText
$45c9 = GinaGiftText
$4603 = GinaPackFullText
$4642 = IrwinAskNumber1Text
$470b = IrwinAskNumber2Text
$4730 = IrwinNumberAcceptedText
$4794 = IrwinNumberDeclinedText
$47eb = IrwinPhoneFullText
$4829 = ArnieAskNumber1Text
$48fc = ArnieAskNumber2Text
$494d = ArnieNumberAcceptedText
$498a = ArnieNumberDeclinedText
$49bd = ArniePhoneFullText
$49fc = ArnieRematchText
$4a31 = AlanAskNumber1Text
$4b03 = AlanAskNumber2Text
$4b47 = AlanNumberAcceptedText
$4b87 = AlanNumberDeclinedText
$4bcd = AlanPhoneFullText
$4bec = AlanRematchText
$4c24 = AlanGiftText
$4c47 = AlanPackFullText
$4c8c = DanaAskNumber1Text
$4d36 = DanaAskNumber2Text
$4d72 = DanaNumberAcceptedText
$4dcd = DanaNumberDeclinedText
$4e01 = DanaPhoneFullText
$4e21 = DanaRematchText
$4e4c = DanaGiftText
$4e8f = DanaPackFullText
$4ed4 = ChadAskNumber1Text
$4fc8 = ChadAskNumber2Text
$502e = ChadNumberAcceptedText
$505f = ChadNumberDeclinedText
$508c = ChadPhoneFullText
$50b1 = ChadRematchText
$50d5 = DerekAskNumber1Text
$5175 = DerekAskNumber2Text
$51ac = DerekNumberAcceptedText
$51ee = DerekNumberDeclinedText
$5216 = DerekPhoneFullText
$523a = DerekGiftText
$52a0 = DerekPackFullText
$52e2 = TullyAskNumber1Text
$5383 = TullyAskNumber2Text
$53de = TullyNumberAcceptedText
$5412 = TullyNumberDeclinedText
$5446 = TullyPhoneFullText
$548c = TullyRematchText
$54e3 = TullyGiftText
$5513 = TullyPackFullText
$5545 = BrentAskNumber1Text
$5621 = BrentAskNumber2Text
$5666 = BrentNumberAcceptedText
$56b6 = BrentNumberDeclinedText
$56e2 = BrentPhoneFullText
$571e = BrentRematchText
$574a = TiffanyAskNumber1Text
$57e3 = TiffanyAskNumber2Text
$5820 = TiffanyNumberAcceptedText
$5842 = TiffanyNumberDeclinedText
$5881 = TiffanyPhoneFullText
$58a3 = TiffanyRematchText
$58d5 = TiffanyGiftText
$5914 = TiffanyPackFullText
$5937 = VanceAskNumber1Text
$59bc = VanceAskNumber2Text
$5a28 = VanceNumberAcceptedText
$5a5a = VanceNumberDeclinedText
$5aa6 = VancePhoneFullText
$5ada = VanceRematchText
$5aff = VancePackFullText
$5b3f = VanceRematchGiftText
$5bc4 = WiltonAskNumber1Text
$5c4b = WiltonAskNumber2Text
$5c8e = WiltonNumberAcceptedText
$5cc5 = WiltonNumberDeclinedText
$5cfa = WiltonPhoneFullText
$5d1d = WiltonRematchText
$5d4d = WiltonGiftText
$5d9a = WiltonPackFullText
$5dc6 = KenjiAskNumber1Text
$5e63 = KenjiAskNumber2Text
$5ea8 = KenjiNumberAcceptedText
$5ed6 = KenjiNumberDeclinedText
$5f06 = KenjiPhoneFullText
$5f37 = KenjiGiftText
$5faa = KenjiPackFullText
$600c = ParryAskNumber1Text
$6076 = ParryAskNumber2Text
$60b5 = ParryNumberAcceptedText
$60e2 = ParryNumberDeclinedText
$6144 = ParryPhoneFullText
$6175 = ParryRematchText
$61c9 = ParryPackFullText
$6200 = ParryRematchGiftText
$6295 = ErinAskNumber1Text
$6316 = ErinAskNumber2Text
$6359 = ErinNumberAcceptedText
$638c = ErinNumberDeclinedText
$63cc = ErinPhoneFullText
$63f1 = ErinRematchText
$6411 = ErinPackFullText
$6454 = ErinRematchGiftText
EMPTY: $64ad-$7fff ($1b53 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1b53 bytes
ROMX bank #42:
SECTION: $4000-$7faa ($3fab bytes) ["Map Blocks 1"]
$4000 = Route32_Blocks
$41c2 = Route40_Blocks
$4276 = Route36_Blocks
$4384 = Route44_Blocks
$4492 = Route28_Blocks
$4546 = BetaPlayersHouse2F_Blocks
$4552 = CeladonCity_Blocks
$46ba = SaffronCity_Blocks
$4822 = Route2_Blocks
$4930 = ElmsHouse_Blocks
$4940 = BetaSproutTower1_Blocks
$499a = Route11_Blocks
$4a4e = BetaSproutTower5_Blocks
$4aa8 = Route15_Blocks
$4b5c = BetaSproutTower9_Blocks
$4b80 = Route19_Blocks
$4c34 = BetaBlackthornCity_Blocks
$4d9c = Route10South_Blocks
$4df6 = CinnabarPokecenter2FBeta_Blocks
$4df6 = CeruleanPokecenter2FBeta_Blocks
$4df6 = Route10Pokecenter2FBeta_Blocks
$4df6 = VermilionPokecenter2FBeta_Blocks
$4df6 = PewterPokecenter2FBeta_Blocks
$4df6 = FuchsiaPokecenter2FBeta_Blocks
$4df6 = LavenderPokecenter2FBeta_Blocks
$4df6 = Pokecenter2F_Blocks
$4df6 = CeladonPokecenter2FBeta_Blocks
$4df6 = ViridianPokecenter2FBeta_Blocks
$4df6 = SaffronPokecenter2FBeta_Blocks
$4e16 = Route41_Blocks
$50b9 = Route33_Blocks
$5113 = Route45_Blocks
$52d5 = Route29_Blocks
$53e3 = Route37_Blocks
$543d = LavenderTown_Blocks
$5497 = PalletTown_Blocks
$54f1 = Route25_Blocks
$55ff = Route24_Blocks
$5659 = BetaVioletCity_Blocks
$57c1 = Route3_Blocks
$58cf = PewterCity_Blocks
$5a37 = BetaSilverCaveOutside_Blocks
$5b9f = BetaSproutTower2_Blocks
$5bf9 = Route12_Blocks
$5d07 = BetaGoldenrodCity_Blocks
$5e6f = Route20_Blocks
$5f7d = BetaSproutTower6_Blocks
$5fd7 = BetaPokecenter_Blocks
$5ff7 = Route30_Blocks
$6105 = Route26_Blocks
$6321 = Route42_Blocks
$642f = Route34_Blocks
$653d = Route46_Blocks
$65f1 = FuchsiaCity_Blocks
$6759 = Route38_Blocks
$680d = BetaCianwoodCity_Blocks
$6867 = OlivineTimsHouse_Blocks
$6867 = OlivineHouseBeta_Blocks
$6867 = OlivinePunishmentSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = OlivineGoodRodHouse_Blocks
$6867 = Route39Farmhouse_Blocks
$6867 = MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = BlackthornDragonSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = BlackthornEmysHouse_Blocks
$6867 = MoveDeletersHouse_Blocks
$6867 = CeruleanGymBadgeSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = CeruleanPoliceStation_Blocks
$6867 = CeruleanTradeSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = BillsHouse_Blocks
$6867 = CharcoalKiln_Blocks
$6867 = LakeOfRageHiddenPowerHouse_Blocks
$6867 = LakeOfRageMagikarpHouse_Blocks
$6867 = GoldenrodHappinessRater_Blocks
$6867 = BillsFamilysHouse_Blocks
$6867 = GoldenrodPPSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = GoldenrodNameRater_Blocks
$6867 = VermilionFishingSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = VermilionMagnetTrainSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = VermilionDiglettsCaveSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = BluesHouse_Blocks
$6867 = PewterNidoranSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = PewterSnoozeSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = BillsBrothersHouse_Blocks
$6867 = LavenderSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = LavenderNameRater_Blocks
$6867 = Route12SuperRodHouse_Blocks
$6867 = Route28SteelWingHouse_Blocks
$6867 = CeladonMansionRoofHouse_Blocks
$6867 = Route16FuchsiaSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = ManiasHouse_Blocks
$6867 = CianwoodPharmacy_Blocks
$6867 = CianwoodPhotoStudio_Blocks
$6867 = CianwoodLugiaSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = PokeSeersHouse_Blocks
$6867 = ViridianNicknameSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = Route2NuggetHouse_Blocks
$6867 = PlayersNeighborsHouse_Blocks
$6867 = Route26HealHouse_Blocks
$6867 = DayOfWeekSiblingsHouse_Blocks
$6867 = Route27SandstormHouse_Blocks
$6867 = MrPsychicsHouse_Blocks
$6867 = Route5CleanseTagHouse_Blocks
$6867 = CherrygroveGymSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = GuideGentsHouse_Blocks
$6867 = CherrygroveEvolutionSpeechHouse_Blocks
$6867 = Route30BerryHouse_Blocks
$6877 = SafariZoneFuchsiaGateBeta_Blocks
$6877 = Route19FuchsiaGate_Blocks
$6877 = Route43MahoganyGate_Blocks
$6877 = Route43Gate_Blocks
$6877 = Route35GoldenrodGate_Blocks
$6877 = Route36RuinsOfAlphGate_Blocks
$6877 = Route34IlexForestGate_Blocks
$6877 = Route6SaffronGate_Blocks
$6877 = Route40BattleTowerGate_Blocks
$6877 = Route2Gate_Blocks
$6877 = Route29Route46Gate_Blocks
$6877 = Route5SaffronGate_Blocks
$688b = BetaEcruteakCity_Blocks
$69f3 = BetaCherrygroveCity_Blocks
$6a4d = CinnabarIsland_Blocks
$6aa7 = Route4_Blocks
$6b5b = Route8_Blocks
$6c0f = BetaSproutTower3_Blocks
$6c69 = ViridianCity_Blocks
$6dd1 = Route13_Blocks
$6edf = Route21_Blocks
$6f93 = BetaSproutTower7_Blocks
$6fed = Route17_Blocks
$71af = BetaMahoganyTown_Blocks
$7209 = Route31_Blocks
$72bd = Route27_Blocks
$7425 = Route35_Blocks
$74d9 = Route43_Blocks
$75e7 = Route39_Blocks
$769b = PlayersHouse1F_Blocks
$76af = Route38EcruteakGate_Blocks
$76af = Route42EcruteakGate_Blocks
$76af = Route32RuinsOfAlphGate_Blocks
$76af = IlexForestAzaleaGate_Blocks
$76af = Route15FuchsiaGate_Blocks
$76af = Route8SaffronGate_Blocks
$76af = Route16Gate_Blocks
$76af = Route7SaffronGate_Blocks
$76af = Route17Route18Gate_Blocks
$76af = Route31VioletGate_Blocks
$76c3 = BetaAzaleaTown_Blocks
$782b = VermilionCity_Blocks
$7993 = BetaOlivineCity_Blocks
$7afb = BetaNewBarkTown_Blocks
$7b55 = ElmsLab_Blocks
$7b73 = CeruleanCity_Blocks
$7cdb = Route1_Blocks
$7d8f = Route5_Blocks
$7de9 = Route9_Blocks
$7ef7 = Route22_Blocks
EMPTY: $7fab-$7fff ($0055 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0055 bytes
ROMX bank #43:
SECTION: $4000-$7f59 ($3f5a bytes) ["Map Blocks 2"]
$4000 = Route14_Blocks
$40b4 = BetaSproutTower8_Blocks
$410e = OlivineMart_Blocks
$410e = EcruteakMart_Blocks
$410e = BlackthornMart_Blocks
$410e = CeruleanMart_Blocks
$410e = AzaleaMart_Blocks
$410e = VioletMart_Blocks
$410e = VermilionMart_Blocks
$410e = PewterMart_Blocks
$410e = FuchsiaMart_Blocks
$410e = LavenderMart_Blocks
$410e = ViridianMart_Blocks
$410e = SaffronMart_Blocks
$410e = CherrygroveMart_Blocks
$4126 = Route10North_Blocks
$4180 = BetaLakeOfRage_Blocks
$42e8 = OlivinePokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = MahoganyPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = EcruteakPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = BlackthornPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = CinnabarPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = CeruleanPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = Route10Pokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = AzaleaPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = VioletPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = Route32Pokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = GoldenrodPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = VermilionPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = PewterPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = FuchsiaPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = LavenderPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = SilverCavePokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = CeladonPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = CianwoodPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = ViridianPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = SaffronPokecenter1F_Blocks
$42e8 = CherrygrovePokecenter1F_Blocks
$42fc = BetaPewterMuseumOfScience1F_Blocks
$4324 = BetaPewterMuseumOfScience2F_Blocks
$4340 = EarlsPokemonAcademy_Blocks
$4360 = BetaCinnabarPokemonLabHallway_Blocks
$4384 = BetaCinnabarPokemonLabRoom1_Blocks
$4394 = BetaCinnabarPokemonLabRoom2_Blocks
$43a4 = BetaCinnabarPokemonLabRoom3_Blocks
$43b4 = GoldenrodDeptStore1F_Blocks
$43b4 = CeladonDeptStore1F_Blocks
$43d4 = GoldenrodDeptStore2F_Blocks
$43d4 = CeladonDeptStore2F_Blocks
$43f4 = GoldenrodDeptStore3F_Blocks
$43f4 = CeladonDeptStore3F_Blocks
$4414 = GoldenrodDeptStore4F_Blocks
$4414 = CeladonDeptStore4F_Blocks
$4434 = GoldenrodDeptStore5F_Blocks
$4434 = CeladonDeptStore5F_Blocks
$4454 = GoldenrodDeptStore6F_Blocks
$4454 = CeladonDeptStore6F_Blocks
$4474 = GoldenrodDeptStoreElevator_Blocks
$4474 = CeladonDeptStoreElevator_Blocks
$4478 = CeladonMansion1F_Blocks
$448c = CeladonMansion2F_Blocks
$44a0 = CeladonMansion3F_Blocks
$44b4 = CeladonMansionRoof_Blocks
$44c8 = BetaHouse_Blocks
$44d8 = CeladonGameCorner_Blocks
$451e = CeladonGameCornerPrizeRoom_Blocks
$4527 = Colosseum_Blocks
$453b = TradeCenter_Blocks
$453b = TimeCapsule_Blocks
$454f = EcruteakLugiaSpeechHouse_Blocks
$454f = EcruteakItemfinderHouse_Blocks
$454f = VioletNicknameSpeechHouse_Blocks
$454f = VioletKylesHouse_Blocks
$455f = BetaUnionCave_Blocks
$45b9 = UnionCaveB1F_Blocks
$466d = UnionCaveB2F_Blocks
$4721 = UnionCave1F_Blocks
$47d5 = NationalPark_Blocks
$47d5 = NationalParkBugContest_Blocks
$49f1 = Route6UndergroundPathEntrance_Blocks
$49f1 = Route5UndergroundPathEntrance_Blocks
$4a01 = BetaCapsuleHouse_Blocks
$4a11 = KurtsHouse_Blocks
$4a31 = GoldenrodMagnetTrainStation_Blocks
$4a8b = RuinsOfAlphOutside_Blocks
$4b3f = BetaRuinsOfAlphUnsolvedPuzzleRoom_Blocks
$4b53 = RuinsOfAlphInnerChamber_Blocks
$4bdf = RuinsOfAlphHoOhChamber_Blocks
$4bdf = RuinsOfAlphKabutoChamber_Blocks
$4bdf = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamber_Blocks
$4bdf = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamber_Blocks
$4bf3 = SproutTower1F_Blocks
$4c43 = BetaSproutTowerCutOut1_Blocks
$4c4d = SproutTower2F_Blocks
$4c9d = BetaSproutTowerCutOut2_Blocks
$4ca7 = SproutTower3F_Blocks
$4cf7 = BetaSproutTowerCutOut3_Blocks
$4d01 = RadioTower1F_Blocks
$4d25 = RadioTower2F_Blocks
$4d49 = RadioTower3F_Blocks
$4d6d = RadioTower4F_Blocks
$4d91 = RadioTower5F_Blocks
$4db5 = NewBarkTown_Blocks
$4e0f = CherrygroveCity_Blocks
$4ec3 = VioletCity_Blocks
$502b = AzaleaTown_Blocks
$50df = CianwoodCity_Blocks
$5274 = GoldenrodCity_Blocks
$53dc = OlivineCity_Blocks
$5544 = EcruteakCity_Blocks
$56ac = MahoganyTown_Blocks
$5706 = LakeOfRage_Blocks
$586e = BlackthornCity_Blocks
$59d6 = SilverCaveOutside_Blocks
$5b3e = Route6_Blocks
$5b98 = Route7_Blocks
$5bf2 = Route16_Blocks
$5c4c = Route18_Blocks
$5ca6 = GoldenrodUnderground_Blocks
$5db4 = GoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrances_Blocks
$5ec2 = GoldenrodDeptStoreB1F_Blocks
$5f1c = GoldenrodUndergroundWarehouse_Blocks
$5f76 = BetaElevator_Blocks
$5f8f = TinTower1F_Blocks
$5fe9 = TinTower2F_Blocks
$6043 = TinTower3F_Blocks
$609d = TinTower4F_Blocks
$60f7 = TinTower5F_Blocks
$6151 = TinTower6F_Blocks
$61ab = TinTower7F_Blocks
$6205 = TinTower8F_Blocks
$625f = TinTower9F_Blocks
$62b9 = TinTowerRoof_Blocks
$6313 = BurnedTower1F_Blocks
$636d = BurnedTowerB1F_Blocks
$63c7 = BetaCaveTestMap_Blocks
$64d5 = MountMortar1FOutside_Blocks
$663d = MountMortar1FInside_Blocks
$6859 = MountMortar2FInside_Blocks
$69c1 = MountMortarB1F_Blocks
$6b29 = IcePath1F_Blocks
$6c91 = IcePathB1F_Blocks
$6d45 = IcePathB2FMahoganySide_Blocks
$6d9f = IcePathB2FBlackthornSide_Blocks
$6dcc = IcePathB3F_Blocks
$6e26 = WhirlIslandNW_Blocks
$6e53 = WhirlIslandNE_Blocks
$6ead = WhirlIslandSW_Blocks
$6f07 = WhirlIslandCave_Blocks
$6f34 = WhirlIslandSE_Blocks
$6f61 = WhirlIslandB1F_Blocks
$70c9 = WhirlIslandB2F_Blocks
$717d = WhirlIslandLugiaChamber_Blocks
$71d7 = SilverCaveRoom1_Blocks
$728b = SilverCaveRoom2_Blocks
$7399 = SilverCaveRoom3_Blocks
$744d = BetaRocketHideoutB2F_Blocks
$755b = BetaRocketHideoutB1F_Blocks
$7669 = BetaRocketHideout1F_Blocks
$7777 = BetaRocketHideoutB3F_Blocks
$7885 = MahoganyMart1F_Blocks
$7885 = MountMoonGiftShop_Blocks
$7895 = TeamRocketBaseB1F_Blocks
$791c = TeamRocketBaseB2F_Blocks
$79a3 = TeamRocketBaseB3F_Blocks
$7a2a = BetaRoute23_Blocks
$7a84 = IndigoPlateauPokecenter1F_Blocks
$7ac3 = WillsRoom_Blocks
$7af0 = KogasRoom_Blocks
$7b1d = BrunosRoom_Blocks
$7b4a = KarensRoom_Blocks
$7b77 = AzaleaGym_Blocks
$7b9f = VioletGym_Blocks
$7bc7 = GoldenrodGym_Blocks
$7c21 = EcruteakGym_Blocks
$7c4e = MahoganyGym_Blocks
$7c7b = OlivineGym_Blocks
$7ca3 = BetaUnknownGym_Blocks
$7cb7 = CianwoodGym_Blocks
$7ce4 = BlackthornGym1F_Blocks
$7d11 = BlackthornGym2F_Blocks
$7d3e = OlivineLighthouse1F_Blocks
$7d98 = OlivineLighthouse2F_Blocks
$7df2 = OlivineLighthouse3F_Blocks
$7e4c = OlivineLighthouse4F_Blocks
$7ea6 = OlivineLighthouse5F_Blocks
$7f00 = OlivineLighthouse6F_Blocks
EMPTY: $7f5a-$7fff ($00a6 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $00a6 bytes
ROMX bank #44:
SECTION: $4000-$5b41 ($1b42 bytes) ["Map Blocks 3"]
$4000 = BetaSlowpokeWell1F_Blocks
$4023 = SlowpokeWellB1F_Blocks
$407d = SlowpokeWellB2F_Blocks
$40d7 = IlexForest_Blocks
$426c = DarkCaveVioletEntrance_Blocks
$43d4 = DarkCaveBlackthornEntrance_Blocks
$44e2 = RuinsOfAlphResearchCenter_Blocks
$44f2 = GoldenrodBikeShop_Blocks
$4502 = DanceTheater_Blocks
$452c = EcruteakTinTowerEntrance_Blocks
$4586 = GoldenrodGameCorner_Blocks
$45cc = Route35NationalParkGate_Blocks
$45dc = Route36NationalParkGate_Blocks
$45f0 = FastShip1F_Blocks
$4680 = FastShipB1F_Blocks
$4700 = BetaFastShipInsideCutOut_Blocks
$4710 = FastShipCabins_NNW_NNE_NE_Blocks
$4750 = FastShipCabins_SW_SSW_NW_Blocks
$4790 = FastShipCabins_SE_SSE_CaptainsCabin_Blocks
$47e5 = OlivinePort_Blocks
$4899 = VermilionPort_Blocks
$494d = OlivineCafe_Blocks
$494d = SafariZoneMainOffice_Blocks
$495d = PlayersHouse2F_Blocks
$4969 = SaffronMagnetTrainStation_Blocks
$49c3 = CeruleanGym_Blocks
$49eb = VermilionGym_Blocks
$4a18 = SaffronGym_Blocks
$4a72 = PowerPlant_Blocks
$4acc = PokemonFanClub_Blocks
$4acc = SafariZoneWardensHome_Blocks
$4ae0 = FightingDojo_Blocks
$4afe = SilphCo1F_Blocks
$4b1e = ViridianGym_Blocks
$4b4b = TrainerHouse1F_Blocks
$4b6e = TrainerHouseB1F_Blocks
$4b96 = RedsHouse1F_Blocks
$4ba6 = RedsHouse2F_Blocks
$4bb6 = OaksLab_Blocks
$4bd4 = MrFujisHouse_Blocks
$4be8 = LavRadioTower1F_Blocks
$4c10 = SilverCaveItemRooms_Blocks
$4c6a = DayCare_Blocks
$4c7e = SoulHouse_Blocks
$4c92 = PewterGym_Blocks
$4cb5 = CeladonGym_Blocks
$4ce2 = BetaCeladonMansion1F_Blocks
$4cf6 = CeladonCafe_Blocks
$4d0e = BetaCeladonMansion2F_Blocks
$4d26 = RockTunnel1F_Blocks
$4e34 = RockTunnelB1F_Blocks
$4f42 = DiglettsCave_Blocks
$4ff6 = MountMoon_Blocks
$507d = SeafoamGym_Blocks
$5091 = MrPokemonsHouse_Blocks
$50a1 = VictoryRoadGate_Blocks
$50fb = OlivinePortPassage_Blocks
$50fb = VermilionPortPassage_Blocks
$5155 = FuchsiaGym_Blocks
$5182 = SafariZoneBeta_Blocks
$5236 = UndergroundPath_Blocks
$5260 = Route39Barn_Blocks
$5270 = VictoryRoad_Blocks
$53d8 = Route23_Blocks
$5432 = LancesRoom_Blocks
$546e = HallOfFame_Blocks
$5491 = CopycatsHouse1F_Blocks
$54a1 = CopycatsHouse2F_Blocks
$54b0 = GoldenrodFlowerShop_Blocks
$54c0 = MountMoonSquare_Blocks
$5547 = WiseTriosRoom_Blocks
$5557 = DragonsDen1F_Blocks
$5584 = DragonsDenB1F_Blocks
$56ec = TohjoFalls_Blocks
$5773 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhItemRoom_Blocks
$5773 = RuinsOfAlphKabutoItemRoom_Blocks
$5773 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteItemRoom_Blocks
$5773 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylItemRoom_Blocks
$5787 = RuinsOfAlphHoOhWordRoom_Blocks
$57ff = RuinsOfAlphKabutoWordRoom_Blocks
$5845 = RuinsOfAlphOmanyteWordRoom_Blocks
$5895 = RuinsOfAlphAerodactylWordRoom_Blocks
$58db = DragonShrine_Blocks
$58f4 = BattleTower1F_Blocks
$591c = BattleTowerBattleRoom_Blocks
$592c = PokecomCenterAdminOfficeMobile_Blocks
$5a2c = MobileTradeRoom_Blocks
$5a40 = MobileBattleRoom_Blocks
$5a54 = BattleTowerHallway_Blocks
$5a6a = BattleTowerElevator_Blocks
$5a6e = BattleTowerOutside_Blocks
$5afa = BetaBlank_Blocks
$5b22 = GoldenrodDeptStoreRoof_Blocks
EMPTY: $5b42-$7fff ($24be bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $24be bytes
ROMX bank #45:
SECTION: $4000-$7ea7 ($3ea8 bytes) ["Tileset Data 5"]
$4000 = TilesetPokeComCenterGFX
$48a0 = TilesetPokeComCenterMeta
$4ca0 = TilesetPokeComCenterColl
$4da0 = TilesetBattleTowerInsideGFX
$50e0 = TilesetBattleTowerInsideMeta
$54e0 = TilesetBattleTowerInsideColl
$55e0 = TilesetGateGFX
$59e0 = TilesetGateMeta
$5de0 = TilesetGateColl
$5ee0 = TilesetBattleTowerOutsideGFX
$5ee0 = TilesetJohtoModernGFX
$6ae8 = TilesetJohtoModernMeta
$72e8 = TilesetJohtoModernColl
$74e8 = TilesetTraditionalHouseGFX
$79a8 = TilesetTraditionalHouseMeta
$7da8 = TilesetTraditionalHouseColl
EMPTY: $7ea8-$7fff ($0158 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0158 bytes
ROMX bank #46:
SECTION: $4000-$5e8a ($1e8b bytes) ["bank2E"]
$4000 = InitMapNameSign
$400a = InitMapNameSign.inefficient_farcall
$4024 = InitMapNameSign.gate
$4029 = InitMapNameSign.not_gate
$4054 = InitMapNameSign.dont_do_map_sign
$4064 = InitMapNameSign.CheckMovingWithinLandmark
$4070 = InitMapNameSign.CheckSpecialMap
$4089 = InitMapNameSign.CheckNationalParkGate
$4098 = PlaceMapNameSign
$40b3 = PlaceMapNameSign.already_initialized
$40bc = PlaceMapNameSign.disappear
$40c6 = LoadMapNameSignGFX
$40d3 = InitMapNameFrame
$40e1 = PlaceMapNameCenterAlign
$4101 = PlaceMapNameCenterAlign.GetNameLength
$4107 = PlaceMapNameCenterAlign.loop
$4113 = PlaceMapNameCenterAlign.stop
$4115 = InitMapSignAttrmap
$411f = InitMapSignAttrmap.loop
$4121 = InitMapSignAttrmap.inner_loop
$412f = PlaceMapNameFrame
$415b = PlaceMapNameFrame.FillMiddle
$415f = PlaceMapNameFrame.loop
$4164 = PlaceMapNameFrame.FillTopBottom
$4168 = PlaceMapNameFrame.continueloop
$416a = PlaceMapNameFrame.enterloop
$4172 = CheckForHiddenItems
$4194 = CheckForHiddenItems.loop
$41d2 = CheckForHiddenItems.next
$41dd = CheckForHiddenItems.nobgeventitems
$41df = CheckForHiddenItems.itemnearby
$41e2 = CheckForHiddenItems.GetFarByte
$41ea = TreeMonEncounter
$4214 = TreeMonEncounter.no_battle
$4219 = RockMonEncounter
$423c = RockMonEncounter.no_battle
$423f = GetTreeMonSet
$4247 = GetTreeMonSet.loop
$4255 = GetTreeMonSet.skip2
$4256 = GetTreeMonSet.skip1
$4259 = GetTreeMonSet.not_in_table
$425b = GetTreeMonSet.in_table
$425e = TreeMonMaps
$42c5 = RockMonMaps
$42d2 = GetTreeMons
$42e6 = GetTreeMons.quit
$42e8 = TreeMons
$42fa = TreeMonSet_City
$42fa = TreeMonSet_Canyon
$4320 = TreeMonSet_Town
$4346 = TreeMonSet_Route
$436c = TreeMonSet_Kanto
$4392 = TreeMonSet_Lake
$43b8 = TreeMonSet_Forest
$43de = TreeMonSet_Rock
$43e5 = GetTreeMon
$43f6 = GetTreeMon.bad
$4400 = GetTreeMon.good
$440b = GetTreeMon.rare
$4416 = GetTreeMon.skip
$441f = SelectTreeMon
$4424 = SelectTreeMon.loop
$442c = SelectTreeMon.ok
$443b = NoTreeMon
$4443 = GetTreeScore
$445a = GetTreeScore.ok
$4460 = GetTreeScore.good
$4463 = GetTreeScore.rare
$4466 = GetTreeScore.CoordScore
$4473 = GetTreeScore.loop
$4477 = GetTreeScore.next
$449d = GetTreeScore.OTIDScore
$44b3 = LoadFishingGFX
$44c7 = LoadFishingGFX.got_gender
$44e3 = LoadFishingGFX.LoadGFX
$44f2 = FishingGFX
$4582 = KrisFishingGFX
$4612 = PlayRadioShow
$462b = PlayRadioShow.ok
$463a = RadioJumptable
$46ea = PrintRadioLine
$470a = PrintRadioLine.print
$470d = PrintRadioLine.skip
$4718 = ReplacePeriodsWithSpaces
$471b = ReplacePeriodsWithSpaces.loop
$4722 = ReplacePeriodsWithSpaces.next
$4728 = RadioScroll
$4731 = RadioScroll.proceed
$4742 = OaksPKMNTalk1
$4752 = OaksPKMNTalk2
$475a = OaksPKMNTalk3
$4762 = OaksPKMNTalk4
$4762 = OaksPKMNTalk4.sample
$477a = OaksPKMNTalk4.loop
$478f = OaksPKMNTalk4.next
$4796 = OaksPKMNTalk4.done
$479a = OaksPKMNTalk4.loop2
$47a9 = OaksPKMNTalk4.loop3
$47ec = OaksPKMNTalk4.overflow
$47f2 = OaksPKMNTalkRoutes
$4810 = OaksPKMNTalk5
$4810 = OaksPKMNTalkRoutes.End
$4818 = OaksPKMNTalk6
$4820 = OPT_IntroText1
$4825 = OPT_IntroText2
$482a = OPT_IntroText3
$482f = OPT_OakText1
$4834 = OPT_OakText2
$4839 = OPT_OakText3
$483e = OaksPKMNTalk7
$484f = OPT_MaryText1
$4854 = OaksPKMNTalk8
$4869 = OaksPKMNTalk8.Adverbs
$4889 = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_SweetAdorablyText
$488e = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_WigglySlicklyText
$4893 = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_AptlyNamedText
$4898 = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_UndeniablyKindOfText
$489d = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_UnbearablyText
$48a2 = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_WowImpressivelyText
$48a7 = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_AlmostPoisonouslyText
$48ac = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_SensuallyText
$48b1 = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_MischievouslyText
$48b6 = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_TopicallyText
$48bb = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_AddictivelyText
$48c0 = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_LooksInWaterText
$48c5 = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_EvolutionMustBeText
$48ca = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_ProvocativelyText
$48cf = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_FlippedOutText
$48d4 = OaksPKMNTalk8.OPT_HeartMeltinglyText
$48d9 = OaksPKMNTalk9
$48fb = OaksPKMNTalk9.ok
$48fe = OaksPKMNTalk9.Adjectives
$491e = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_CuteText
$4923 = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_WeirdText
$4928 = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_PleasantText
$492d = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_BoldSortOfText
$4932 = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_FrighteningText
$4937 = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_SuaveDebonairText
$493c = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_PowerfulText
$4941 = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_ExcitingText
$4946 = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_GroovyText
$494b = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_InspiringText
$4950 = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_FriendlyText
$4955 = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_HotHotHotText
$495a = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_StimulatingText
$495f = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_GuardedText
$4964 = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_LovelyText
$4969 = OaksPKMNTalk9.OPT_SpeedyText
$496e = OaksPKMNTalk10
$498e = OPT_PokemonChannelText
$4993 = OPT_RestartText
$4994 = OaksPKMNTalk11
$49a4 = OaksPKMNTalk11.pokemon_string
$49a9 = OaksPKMNTalk12
$49b9 = OaksPKMNTalk12.pokemon_channel_string
$49c6 = OaksPKMNTalk13
$49d6 = OaksPKMNTalk13.terminator
$49d7 = OaksPKMNTalk14
$49ff = OaksPKMNTalk14.terminator
$4a00 = PlaceRadioString
$4a0b = CopyBottomLineToTopLine
$4a17 = ClearBottomLine
$4a2d = PokedexShow_GetDexEntryBank
$4a42 = PokedexShow_GetDexEntryBank.PokedexEntryBanks
$4a46 = PokedexShow1
$4a49 = PokedexShow1.loop
$4a6c = PokedexShow2
$4aa4 = PokedexShow3
$4aac = PokedexShow4
$4ab4 = PokedexShow5
$4abc = PokedexShow6
$4ac4 = PokedexShow7
$4acc = PokedexShow8
$4ad4 = CopyDexEntry
$4af3 = CopyDexEntryPart1
$4b05 = CopyDexEntryPart1.loop
$4b11 = CopyDexEntryPart2
$4b12 = CopyDexEntryPart2.loop
$4b23 = CopyDexEntryPart2.okay
$4b30 = PokedexShowText
$4b35 = BenMonMusic1
$4b40 = BenMonMusic2
$4b48 = BenMonMusic3
$4b50 = FernMonMusic1
$4b5b = FernMonMusic2
$4b63 = BenFernMusic4
$4b6b = BenFernMusic5
$4b78 = BenFernMusic5.SunTueThurSun
$4b7d = BenFernMusic6
$4b8a = BenFernMusic6.SunTueThurSun
$4b8f = BenFernMusic7
$4b90 = StartPokemonMusicChannel
$4ba3 = StartPokemonMusicChannel.SunTueThurSun
$4baa = BenIntroText1
$4baf = BenIntroText2
$4bb4 = BenIntroText3
$4bb9 = FernIntroText1
$4bbe = FernIntroText2
$4bc3 = BenFernText1
$4bc8 = BenFernText2A
$4bcd = BenFernText2B
$4bd2 = BenFernText3A
$4bd7 = BenFernText3B
$4bdc = LuckyNumberShow1
$4bed = LuckyNumberShow1.dontreset
$4bf5 = LuckyNumberShow2
$4bfd = LuckyNumberShow3
$4c05 = LuckyNumberShow4
$4c0d = LuckyNumberShow5
$4c15 = LuckyNumberShow6
$4c1d = LuckyNumberShow7
$4c25 = LuckyNumberShow8
$4c3e = LuckyNumberShow9
$4c46 = LuckyNumberShow10
$4c4e = LuckyNumberShow11
$4c56 = LuckyNumberShow12
$4c5e = LuckyNumberShow13
$4c6b = LuckyNumberShow13.okay
$4c6e = LuckyNumberShow14
$4c76 = LuckyNumberShow15
$4c7e = LC_Text1
$4c83 = LC_Text2
$4c88 = LC_Text3
$4c8d = LC_Text4
$4c92 = LC_Text5
$4c97 = LC_Text6
$4c9c = LC_Text7
$4ca1 = LC_Text8
$4ca6 = LC_Text9
$4cab = LC_Text10
$4cb0 = LC_Text11
$4cb5 = LC_DragText1
$4cba = LC_DragText2
$4cbf = PeoplePlaces1
$4cca = PeoplePlaces2
$4cd2 = PeoplePlaces3
$4ce0 = PeoplePlaces3.ok
$4ce3 = PnP_Text1
$4ce8 = PnP_Text2
$4ced = PnP_Text3
$4cf2 = PeoplePlaces4
$4d14 = PeoplePlaces4.ok
$4d3e = PnP_HiddenPeople
$4d43 = PnP_HiddenPeople_BeatE4
$4d4b = PnP_HiddenPeople_BeatKanto
$4d51 = PnP_Text4
$4d56 = PeoplePlaces5
$4d7a = PeoplePlaces5.ok
$4d7d = PeoplePlaces5.Adjectives
$4d9d = PnP_CuteText
$4da2 = PnP_LazyText
$4da7 = PnP_HappyText
$4dac = PnP_NoisyText
$4db1 = PnP_PrecociousText
$4db6 = PnP_BoldText
$4dbb = PnP_PickyText
$4dc0 = PnP_SortOfOKText
$4dc5 = PnP_SoSoText
$4dca = PnP_GreatText
$4dcf = PnP_MyTypeText
$4dd4 = PnP_CoolText
$4dd9 = PnP_InspiringText
$4dde = PnP_WeirdText
$4de3 = PnP_RightForMeText
$4de8 = PnP_OddText
$4ded = PeoplePlaces6
$4e11 = PnP_Places
$4e23 = PnP_Places.End
$4e23 = PnP_Text5
$4e28 = PeoplePlaces7
$4e4f = PeoplePlaces7.ok
$4e52 = PeoplePlaces7.Adjectives
$4e72 = RocketRadio1
$4e7d = RocketRadio2
$4e85 = RocketRadio3
$4e8d = RocketRadio4
$4e95 = RocketRadio5
$4e9d = RocketRadio6
$4ea5 = RocketRadio7
$4ead = RocketRadio8
$4eb5 = RocketRadio9
$4ebd = RocketRadio10
$4ec5 = RocketRadioText1
$4eca = RocketRadioText2
$4ecf = RocketRadioText3
$4ed4 = RocketRadioText4
$4ed9 = RocketRadioText5
$4ede = RocketRadioText6
$4ee3 = RocketRadioText7
$4ee8 = RocketRadioText8
$4eed = RocketRadioText9
$4ef2 = RocketRadioText10
$4ef7 = PokeFluteRadio
$4f00 = UnownRadio
$4f09 = EvolutionRadio
$4f12 = BuenasPassword1
$4f22 = BuenasPassword1.PlayPassword
$4f3f = BuenasPassword2
$4f47 = BuenasPassword3
$4f55 = BuenasPassword4
$4f65 = BuenasPassword4.greater_than_11
$4f71 = BuenasPassword4.greater_than_three
$4f83 = BuenasPassword4.AlreadyGotIt
$4f8f = GetBuenasPassword
$4fb8 = GetBuenasPassword.StringFunctionJumptable
$4fc0 = GetBuenasPassword.Mon
$4fc7 = GetBuenasPassword.Item
$4fce = GetBuenasPassword.Move
$4fd5 = GetBuenasPassword.GetTheIndex
$4fde = GetBuenasPassword.RawString
$4fe2 = GetBuenasPassword.read_loop
$4feb = GetBuenasPassword.skip
$4fee = GetBuenasPassword.copy_loop
$4ff9 = BuenasPasswordTable
$500f = BuenasPasswordTable.JohtoStarters
$5014 = BuenasPasswordTable.Beverages
$5019 = BuenasPasswordTable.HealingItems
$501e = BuenasPasswordTable.Balls
$5023 = BuenasPasswordTable.Pokemon1
$5028 = BuenasPasswordTable.Pokemon2
$502d = BuenasPasswordTable.JohtoTowns
$505a = BuenasPasswordTable.Types
$506d = BuenasPasswordTable.Moves
$5072 = BuenasPasswordTable.XItems
$5077 = BuenasPasswordTable.RadioStations
$509c = BuenasPassword5
$50a4 = BuenasPassword6
$50ac = BuenasPassword7
$50b9 = BuenasPasswordAfterMidnight
$50c5 = BuenasPassword8
$50d2 = BuenasPassword9
$50da = BuenasPassword10
$50e2 = BuenasPassword11
$50ea = BuenasPassword12
$50f2 = BuenasPassword13
$50fa = BuenasPassword14
$5102 = BuenasPassword15
$510a = BuenasPassword16
$5112 = BuenasPassword17
$511a = BuenasPassword18
$5122 = BuenasPassword19
$512a = BuenasPassword20
$5152 = BuenasPassword21
$5169 = BuenasPasswordCheckTime
$5171 = BuenasPasswordChannelName
$5182 = BuenaRadioText1
$5187 = BuenaRadioText2
$518c = BuenaRadioText3
$5191 = BuenaRadioText4
$5196 = BuenaRadioText5
$519b = BuenaRadioText6
$51a0 = BuenaRadioText7
$51a5 = BuenaRadioMidnightText1
$51aa = BuenaRadioMidnightText2
$51af = BuenaRadioMidnightText3
$51b4 = BuenaRadioMidnightText4
$51b9 = BuenaRadioMidnightText5
$51be = BuenaRadioMidnightText6
$51c3 = BuenaRadioMidnightText7
$51c8 = BuenaRadioMidnightText8
$51cd = BuenaRadioMidnightText9
$51d2 = BuenaRadioMidnightText10
$51d7 = BuenaOffTheAirText
$51dc = CopyRadioTextToRAM
$51eb = StartRadioStation
$520b = RadioChannelSongs
$5221 = NextRadioLine
$5229 = ReadPartyMonMail
$5237 = ReadAnyMail
$5268 = ReadAnyMail.got_font
$529a = ReadAnyMail.loop
$52a8 = ReadAnyMail.pressed_start
$52b8 = ReadAnyMail.LoadGFX
$52d9 = ReadAnyMail.loop2
$52e6 = ReadAnyMail.invalid
$52ea = ReadAnyMail.got_pointer
$52f7 = ReadAnyMail.done
$52f8 = MailGFXPointers
$5317 = LoadSurfMailGFX
$5335 = LoadLiteBlueMailGFX
$5351 = FinishLoadingSurfLiteBlueMailGFX
$53d2 = LoadEonMailGFX
$544b = LoadLovelyMailGFX
$5491 = LovelyEonMail_PlaceIcons
$54d6 = LoadMorphMailGFX
$5582 = LoadBlueSkyMailGFX
$5636 = Mail_Place6TileRow
$5638 = Mail_Place6TileRow.loop
$563e = LoadFlowerMailGFX
$56ca = LoadPortraitMailGFX
$5710 = LoadMusicMailGFX
$5776 = LoadMirageMailGFX
$57f8 = MailGFX_GenerateMonochromeTilesColor2
$57f8 = MailGFX_GenerateMonochromeTilesColor2.loop
$5803 = MailGFX_PlaceMessage
$584b = MailGFX_PlaceMessage.place_author
$584e = InvertBytes
$584e = InvertBytes.loop
$5858 = DrawMailBorder
$587b = DrawMailBorder2
$589e = Mail_Place14TileAlternatingRow
$58a3 = Mail_Place16TileAlternatingRow
$58a8 = Mail_Place18TileAlternatingRow
$58ab = Mail_PlaceAlternatingRow
$58ab = Mail_PlaceAlternatingRow.loop
$58b5 = Mail_Place14TileAlternatingColumn
$58ba = Mail_Place16TileAlternatingColumn
$58bd = Mail_PlaceAlternatingColumn
$58bd = Mail_PlaceAlternatingColumn.loop
$58cc = Mail_Draw7TileRow
$58d0 = Mail_Draw13TileRow
$58d4 = Mail_Draw16TileRow
$58d8 = Mail_DrawTopBottomBorder
$58dc = Mail_DrawFullWidthBorder
$58de = Mail_DrawRowLoop
$58de = Mail_DrawRowLoop.loop
$58e3 = Mail_DrawLeftRightBorder
$58e8 = Mail_DrawLeftRightBorder.loop
$58ee = Mail_Draw2x2Graphic
$58fc = Mail_Draw3x2Graphic
$590c = LoadMailGFX_Color1
$590c = LoadMailGFX_Color1.loop
$5915 = LoadMailGFX_Color2
$5915 = LoadMailGFX_Color2.loop
$591e = LoadMailGFX_Color3
$591e = LoadMailGFX_Color3.loop
$5926 = MorphMailDividerGFX
$592e = BlueSkyMailGrassGFX
$5936 = PortraitMailSmallPokeballGFX
$593e = MorphMailBorderGFX
$5946 = MusicMailSmallNoteGFX
$594e = SurfMailWaveGFX
$595e = PortraitMailUnderlineGFX
$5966 = LovelyMailUnderlineGFX
$596e = LovelyMailSmallHeartGFX
$5976 = SurfLiteBlueMailSmallShapesGFX
$597e = EonMailBorder1GFX
$598e = EonMailBorder2GFX
$5996 = MailNatuGFX
$59c6 = MailDratiniGFX
$59f6 = MailPoliwagGFX
$5a26 = MailLaprasGFX
$5a56 = MailEeveeGFX
$5a86 = MailDittoGFX
$5ab6 = MailMewGFX
$5b46 = MailDragoniteAndSentretGFX
$5bfe = PortraitMailLargePokeballGFX
$5c1e = MailOddishGFX
$5c3e = SurfLiteBlueMailLargeShapesGFX
$5c5e = LovelyMailLargeHeartGFX
$5c7e = MorphMailBorderCornerGFX
$5c9e = MailLargeCircleGFX
$5cbe = FlowerMailFlowerGFX
$5cfe = MusicMailLargeNoteGFX
$5d16 = MailCloudGFX
$5d46 = SurfMailBorderGFX
$5d86 = FlowerMailBorderGFX
$5dc6 = LiteBlueMailBorderGFX
$5e06 = MusicMailBorderGFX
$5e26 = LovelyMailBorderGFX
$5e4e = PortraitMailBorderGFX
$5e76 = ItemIsMail
$5e80 = MailItems
EMPTY: $5e8b-$7fff ($2175 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $2175 bytes
ROMX bank #47:
SECTION: $4000-$6698 ($2699 bytes) ["Phone Scripts 2"]
$4000 = StdScripts
$4000 = PokecenterNurseScriptStdScript
$4003 = DifficultBookshelfScriptStdScript
$4006 = PictureBookshelfScriptStdScript
$4009 = MagazineBookshelfScriptStdScript
$400c = TeamRocketOathScriptStdScript
$400f = IncenseBurnerScriptStdScript
$4012 = MerchandiseShelfScriptStdScript
$4015 = TownMapScriptStdScript
$4018 = WindowScriptStdScript
$401b = TVScriptStdScript
$401e = HomepageScriptStdScript
$4021 = Radio1ScriptStdScript
$4024 = Radio2ScriptStdScript
$4027 = TrashCanScriptStdScript
$402a = StrengthBoulderScriptStdScript
$402d = SmashRockScriptStdScript
$4030 = PokecenterSignScriptStdScript
$4033 = MartSignScriptStdScript
$4036 = GoldenrodRocketsScriptStdScript
$4039 = RadioTowerRocketsScriptStdScript
$403c = ElevatorButtonScriptStdScript
$403f = DayToTextScriptStdScript
$4042 = BugContestResultsWarpScriptStdScript
$4045 = BugContestResultsScriptStdScript
$4048 = InitializeEventsScriptStdScript
$404b = AskNumber1MScriptStdScript
$404e = AskNumber2MScriptStdScript
$4051 = RegisteredNumberMScriptStdScript
$4054 = NumberAcceptedMScriptStdScript
$4057 = NumberDeclinedMScriptStdScript
$405a = PhoneFullMScriptStdScript
$405d = RematchMScriptStdScript
$4060 = GiftMScriptStdScript
$4063 = PackFullMScriptStdScript
$4066 = RematchGiftMScriptStdScript
$4069 = AskNumber1FScriptStdScript
$406c = AskNumber2FScriptStdScript
$406f = RegisteredNumberFScriptStdScript
$4072 = NumberAcceptedFScriptStdScript
$4075 = NumberDeclinedFScriptStdScript
$4078 = PhoneFullFScriptStdScript
$407b = RematchFScriptStdScript
$407e = GiftFScriptStdScript
$4081 = PackFullFScriptStdScript
$4084 = RematchGiftFScriptStdScript
$4087 = GymStatue1ScriptStdScript
$408a = GymStatue2ScriptStdScript
$408d = ReceiveItemScriptStdScript
$4090 = ReceiveTogepiEggScriptStdScript
$4093 = PCScriptStdScript
$4096 = GameCornerCoinVendorScriptStdScript
$4099 = HappinessCheckScriptStdScript
$409c = PokecenterNurseScript
$40af = PokecenterNurseScript.morn
$40bd = PokecenterNurseScript.morn_comcenter
$40c5 = PokecenterNurseScript.day
$40d3 = PokecenterNurseScript.day_comcenter
$40db = PokecenterNurseScript.nite
$40e9 = PokecenterNurseScript.nite_comcenter
$40f1 = PokecenterNurseScript.ok
$412f = PokecenterNurseScript.no
$4135 = PokecenterNurseScript.done
$4146 = PokecenterNurseScript.pokerus
$4155 = PokecenterNurseScript.pokerus_comcenter
$415b = PokecenterNurseScript.pokerus_done
$4162 = DifficultBookshelfScript
$4166 = PictureBookshelfScript
$416a = MagazineBookshelfScript
$416e = TeamRocketOathScript
$4172 = IncenseBurnerScript
$4176 = MerchandiseShelfScript
$417a = TownMapScript
$4185 = WindowScript
$4189 = TVScript
$4191 = HomepageScript
$4195 = Radio1Script
$419d = Radio2Script
$41a5 = TrashCanScript
$41a9 = PCScript
$41af = ElevatorButtonScript
$41b8 = StrengthBoulderScript
$41bc = SmashRockScript
$41c0 = PokecenterSignScript
$41c4 = MartSignScript
$41c8 = DayToTextScript
$41e7 = DayToTextScript.Monday
$41ec = DayToTextScript.Tuesday
$41f1 = DayToTextScript.Wednesday
$41f6 = DayToTextScript.Thursday
$41fb = DayToTextScript.Friday
$4200 = DayToTextScript.Saturday
$4205 = DayToTextScript.SundayText
$420c = DayToTextScript.MondayText
$4213 = DayToTextScript.TuesdayText
$421b = DayToTextScript.WednesdayText
$4225 = DayToTextScript.ThursdayText
$422e = DayToTextScript.FridayText
$4235 = DayToTextScript.SaturdayText
$423e = GoldenrodRocketsScript
$4242 = RadioTowerRocketsScript
$425c = BugContestResultsWarpScript
$4274 = BugContestResultsScript
$42a9 = BugContestResults_DidNotWin
$42b1 = BugContestResults_ReturnAfterWinnersPrize
$42b6 = BugContestResults_FinishUp
$42c4 = BugContestResults_DidNotLeaveMons
$42d4 = BugContestResults_CleanUp
$431e = BugContestResults_FirstPlace
$4332 = BugContestResults_SecondPlace
$4343 = BugContestResults_ThirdPlace
$4354 = BugContestResults_NoRoomForSunStone
$435f = BugContestResults_NoRoomForEverstone
$436a = BugContestResults_NoRoomForGoldBerry
$4375 = BugContestResults_NoRoomForBerry
$4380 = BugContestResults_CopyContestantsToResults
$4389 = BugContestResults_CopyContestantsToResults.skip1
$4392 = BugContestResults_CopyContestantsToResults.skip2
$439b = BugContestResults_CopyContestantsToResults.skip3
$43a4 = BugContestResults_CopyContestantsToResults.skip4
$43ad = BugContestResults_CopyContestantsToResults.skip5
$43b6 = BugContestResults_CopyContestantsToResults.skip6
$43bf = BugContestResults_CopyContestantsToResults.skip7
$43c8 = BugContestResults_CopyContestantsToResults.skip8
$43d1 = BugContestResults_CopyContestantsToResults.skip9
$43da = BugContestResults_CopyContestantsToResults.skip10
$43db = InitializeEventsScript
$4574 = AskNumber1MScript
$45c9 = AskNumber1MScript.Jack
$45ce = AskNumber1MScript.Huey
$45d3 = AskNumber1MScript.Gaven
$45d8 = AskNumber1MScript.Jose
$45dd = AskNumber1MScript.Joey
$45e2 = AskNumber1MScript.Wade
$45e7 = AskNumber1MScript.Ralph
$45ec = AskNumber1MScript.Anthony
$45f1 = AskNumber1MScript.Todd
$45f6 = AskNumber1MScript.Irwin
$45fb = AskNumber1MScript.Arnie
$4600 = AskNumber1MScript.Alan
$4605 = AskNumber1MScript.Chad
$460a = AskNumber1MScript.Derek
$460f = AskNumber1MScript.Tully
$4614 = AskNumber1MScript.Brent
$4619 = AskNumber1MScript.Vance
$461e = AskNumber1MScript.Wilton
$4623 = AskNumber1MScript.Kenji
$4628 = AskNumber1MScript.Parry
$462d = AskNumber2MScript
$4682 = AskNumber2MScript.Jack
$4687 = AskNumber2MScript.Huey
$468c = AskNumber2MScript.Gaven
$4691 = AskNumber2MScript.Jose
$4696 = AskNumber2MScript.Joey
$469b = AskNumber2MScript.Wade
$46a0 = AskNumber2MScript.Ralph
$46a5 = AskNumber2MScript.Anthony
$46aa = AskNumber2MScript.Todd
$46af = AskNumber2MScript.Irwin
$46b4 = AskNumber2MScript.Arnie
$46b9 = AskNumber2MScript.Alan
$46be = AskNumber2MScript.Chad
$46c3 = AskNumber2MScript.Derek
$46c8 = AskNumber2MScript.Tully
$46cd = AskNumber2MScript.Brent
$46d2 = AskNumber2MScript.Vance
$46d7 = AskNumber2MScript.Wilton
$46dc = AskNumber2MScript.Kenji
$46e1 = AskNumber2MScript.Parry
$46e6 = RegisteredNumberMScript
$46f0 = NumberAcceptedMScript
$4742 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Jack
$4749 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Huey
$4750 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Gaven
$4757 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Jose
$475e = NumberAcceptedMScript.Joey
$4765 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Wade
$476c = NumberAcceptedMScript.Ralph
$4773 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Anthony
$477a = NumberAcceptedMScript.Todd
$4781 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Irwin
$4788 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Arnie
$478f = NumberAcceptedMScript.Alan
$4796 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Chad
$479d = NumberAcceptedMScript.Derek
$47a4 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Tully
$47ab = NumberAcceptedMScript.Brent
$47b2 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Vance
$47b9 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Wilton
$47c0 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Kenji
$47c7 = NumberAcceptedMScript.Parry
$47ce = NumberDeclinedMScript
$4820 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Jack
$4827 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Huey
$482e = NumberDeclinedMScript.Gaven
$4835 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Jose
$483c = NumberDeclinedMScript.Joey
$4843 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Wade
$484a = NumberDeclinedMScript.Ralph
$4851 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Anthony
$4858 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Todd
$485f = NumberDeclinedMScript.Irwin
$4866 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Arnie
$486d = NumberDeclinedMScript.Alan
$4874 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Chad
$487b = NumberDeclinedMScript.Derek
$4882 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Tully
$4889 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Brent
$4890 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Vance
$4897 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Wilton
$489e = NumberDeclinedMScript.Kenji
$48a5 = NumberDeclinedMScript.Parry
$48ac = PhoneFullMScript
$48fe = PhoneFullMScript.Jack
$4905 = PhoneFullMScript.Huey
$490c = PhoneFullMScript.Gaven
$4913 = PhoneFullMScript.Jose
$491a = PhoneFullMScript.Joey
$4921 = PhoneFullMScript.Wade
$4928 = PhoneFullMScript.Ralph
$492f = PhoneFullMScript.Anthony
$4936 = PhoneFullMScript.Todd
$493d = PhoneFullMScript.Irwin
$4944 = PhoneFullMScript.Arnie
$494b = PhoneFullMScript.Alan
$4952 = PhoneFullMScript.Chad
$4959 = PhoneFullMScript.Derek
$4960 = PhoneFullMScript.Tully
$4967 = PhoneFullMScript.Brent
$496e = PhoneFullMScript.Vance
$4975 = PhoneFullMScript.Wilton
$497c = PhoneFullMScript.Kenji
$4983 = PhoneFullMScript.Parry
$498a = RematchMScript
$49d0 = RematchMScript.Jack
$49d7 = RematchMScript.Huey
$49de = RematchMScript.Gaven
$49e5 = RematchMScript.Jose
$49ec = RematchMScript.Joey
$49f3 = RematchMScript.Wade
$49fa = RematchMScript.Ralph
$4a01 = RematchMScript.Anthony
$4a08 = RematchMScript.Todd
$4a0f = RematchMScript.Arnie
$4a16 = RematchMScript.Alan
$4a1d = RematchMScript.Chad
$4a24 = RematchMScript.Tully
$4a2b = RematchMScript.Brent
$4a32 = RematchMScript.Vance
$4a39 = RematchMScript.Wilton
$4a40 = RematchMScript.Parry
$4a47 = GiftMScript
$4a65 = GiftMScript.Jose
$4a6b = GiftMScript.Wade
$4a71 = GiftMScript.Alan
$4a77 = GiftMScript.Derek
$4a7d = GiftMScript.Tully
$4a83 = GiftMScript.Wilton
$4a89 = GiftMScript.Kenji
$4a8f = PackFullMScript
$4abd = PackFullMScript.Huey
$4ac4 = PackFullMScript.Jose
$4acb = PackFullMScript.Joey
$4ad2 = PackFullMScript.Wade
$4ad9 = PackFullMScript.Alan
$4ae0 = PackFullMScript.Derek
$4ae7 = PackFullMScript.Tully
$4aee = PackFullMScript.Vance
$4af5 = PackFullMScript.Wilton
$4afc = PackFullMScript.Kenji
$4b03 = PackFullMScript.Parry
$4b0a = RematchGiftMScript
$4b1d = RematchGiftMScript.Huey
$4b23 = RematchGiftMScript.Joey
$4b29 = RematchGiftMScript.Vance
$4b2f = RematchGiftMScript.Parry
$4b35 = AskNumber1FScript
$4b57 = AskNumber1FScript.Beverly
$4b5c = AskNumber1FScript.Beth
$4b61 = AskNumber1FScript.Reena
$4b66 = AskNumber1FScript.Liz
$4b6b = AskNumber1FScript.Gina
$4b70 = AskNumber1FScript.Dana
$4b75 = AskNumber1FScript.Tiffany
$4b7a = AskNumber1FScript.Erin
$4b7f = AskNumber2FScript
$4ba1 = AskNumber2FScript.Beverly
$4ba6 = AskNumber2FScript.Beth
$4bab = AskNumber2FScript.Reena
$4bb0 = AskNumber2FScript.Liz
$4bb5 = AskNumber2FScript.Gina
$4bba = AskNumber2FScript.Dana
$4bbf = AskNumber2FScript.Tiffany
$4bc4 = AskNumber2FScript.Erin
$4bc9 = RegisteredNumberFScript
$4bd3 = NumberAcceptedFScript
$4bf5 = NumberAcceptedFScript.Beverly
$4bfc = NumberAcceptedFScript.Beth
$4c03 = NumberAcceptedFScript.Reena
$4c0a = NumberAcceptedFScript.Liz
$4c11 = NumberAcceptedFScript.Gina
$4c18 = NumberAcceptedFScript.Dana
$4c1f = NumberAcceptedFScript.Tiffany
$4c26 = NumberAcceptedFScript.Erin
$4c2d = NumberDeclinedFScript
$4c4f = NumberDeclinedFScript.Beverly
$4c56 = NumberDeclinedFScript.Beth
$4c5d = NumberDeclinedFScript.Reena
$4c64 = NumberDeclinedFScript.Liz
$4c6b = NumberDeclinedFScript.Gina
$4c72 = NumberDeclinedFScript.Dana
$4c79 = NumberDeclinedFScript.Tiffany
$4c80 = NumberDeclinedFScript.Erin
$4c87 = PhoneFullFScript
$4ca9 = PhoneFullFScript.Beverly
$4cb0 = PhoneFullFScript.Beth
$4cb7 = PhoneFullFScript.Reena
$4cbe = PhoneFullFScript.Liz
$4cc5 = PhoneFullFScript.Gina
$4ccc = PhoneFullFScript.Dana
$4cd3 = PhoneFullFScript.Tiffany
$4cda = PhoneFullFScript.Erin
$4ce1 = RematchFScript
$4cff = RematchFScript.Beth
$4d06 = RematchFScript.Reena
$4d0d = RematchFScript.Liz
$4d14 = RematchFScript.Gina
$4d1b = RematchFScript.Dana
$4d22 = RematchFScript.Tiffany
$4d29 = RematchFScript.Erin
$4d30 = GiftFScript
$4d42 = GiftFScript.Beverly
$4d48 = GiftFScript.Gina
$4d4e = GiftFScript.Dana
$4d54 = GiftFScript.Tiffany
$4d5a = PackFullFScript
$4d70 = PackFullFScript.Beverly
$4d77 = PackFullFScript.Gina
$4d7e = PackFullFScript.Dana
$4d85 = PackFullFScript.Tiffany
$4d8c = PackFullFScript.Erin
$4d93 = RematchGiftFScript
$4d99 = RematchGiftFScript.Erin
$4da0 = GymStatue1Script
$4daa = GymStatue2Script
$4db9 = ReceiveItemScript
$4dc3 = ReceiveTogepiEggScript
$4dcd = GameCornerCoinVendorScript
$4de0 = CoinVendor_IntroScript
$4de4 = CoinVendor_IntroScript.loop
$4df7 = CoinVendor_IntroScript.Buy50
$4e1b = CoinVendor_IntroScript.Buy500
$4e3f = CoinVendor_IntroScript.NotEnoughMoney
$4e46 = CoinVendor_IntroScript.CoinCaseFull
$4e4d = CoinVendor_IntroScript.Cancel
$4e54 = CoinVendor_IntroScript.MenuHeader
$4e5c = CoinVendor_IntroScript.MenuData
$4e7f = HappinessCheckScript
$4e93 = HappinessCheckScript.KindaHappy
$4e9a = HappinessCheckScript.Unhappy
$4ea1 = Movement_ContestResults_WalkAfterWarp
$4ea5 = UnusedPhoneScript
$4eaa = MomPhoneCalleeScript
$4ec5 = MomPhoneCalleeScript.started_quest
$4edf = MomPhoneLandmark
$4ee7 = MomPhoneInTown
$4f05 = MomPhoneInTown.newbark
$4f0d = MomPhoneInTown.cherrygrove
$4f15 = MomPhoneInTown.violet
$4f1b = MomPhoneInTown.azalea
$4f21 = MomPhoneInTown.goldenrod
$4f27 = MomPhoneOnRoute
$4f2f = MomPhoneOther
$4f37 = MomSavingMoney
$4f49 = MomSavingMoney.NotSaving
$4f55 = MomSavingMoney.SavingHasMoney
$4f63 = MomSavingMoney.SavingNoMoney
$4f6e = MomSavingMoney.NoMoney
$4f79 = MomSavingMoney.HasMoney
$4f87 = MomPhoneSaveMoneyScript
$4f92 = MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyScript
$4f9d = MomPhoneHangUpScript
$4fa2 = MomPhoneNoPokemonScript
$4fa7 = MomPhoneNoPokedexScript
$4fac = MomPhoneNoGymQuestScript
$4fb1 = MomPhoneLectureScript
$4fc5 = BillPhoneCalleeScript
$4fd7 = BillPhoneCalleeScript.daygreet
$4fdf = BillPhoneCalleeScript.nitegreet
$4fe7 = BillPhoneCalleeScript.main
$4ffd = BillPhoneCalleeScript.nearlyfull
$5002 = BillPhoneCalleeScript.full
$5007 = BillPhoneCallerScript
$500d = ElmPhoneCalleeScript
$5025 = ElmPhoneCalleeScript.next
$5048 = ElmPhoneCalleeScript.sawmrpokemon
$504d = ElmPhoneCalleeScript.stolen
$5052 = ElmPhoneCalleeScript.checkingegg
$5057 = ElmPhoneCalleeScript.assistant
$505c = ElmPhoneCalleeScript.eggunhatched
$5061 = ElmPhoneCalleeScript.egghatched
$5069 = ElmPhoneCalleeScript.discovery
$5074 = ElmPhoneCalleeScript.nextdiscovery
$5079 = ElmPhoneCalleeScript.pokerus
$5081 = ElmPhoneCallerScript
$509f = ElmPhoneCallerScript.disaster
$50aa = ElmPhoneCallerScript.assistant
$50b8 = ElmPhoneCallerScript.rocket
$50c0 = ElmPhoneCallerScript.gift
$50c8 = ElmPhoneCallerScript.neat
$50d0 = JackPhoneCalleeScript
$50ef = JackPhoneCalleeScript.NotMonday
$50f3 = JackPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$50fa = JackPhoneCallerScript
$511e = JackPhoneCallerScript.WaitingForBattle
$512a = JackMondayMorning
$512d = JackWantsToBattle
$5137 = JackFindsRare
$513b = JackBattleTrivia
$513f = BeverlyPhoneCalleeScript
$5151 = BeverlyPhoneCalleeScript.HasNugget
$5158 = BeverlyPhoneCallerScript
$516e = BeverlyPhoneCallerScript.HasNugget
$5172 = BeverlyPhoneCallerScript.FoundNugget
$517c = HueyPhoneCalleeScript
$519b = HueyPhoneCalleeScript.NotWednesday
$51a2 = HueyPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$51a9 = HueyPhoneCallerScript
$51c9 = HueyPhoneCallerScript.Flavor
$51cd = HueyWednesdayNight
$51d0 = HueyWantsBattle
$51da = GavenPhoneCalleeScript
$51f9 = GavenPhoneCalleeScript.NotThursday
$51fd = GavenPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5204 = GavenPhoneCallerScript
$5220 = GavenPhoneCallerScript.WaitingForBattle
$522c = GavenThursdayMorningScript
$522f = GavenWantsRematch
$5239 = GavenFoundRare
$523d = BethPhoneCalleeScript
$525c = BethPhoneCalleeScript.NotFriday
$5260 = BethPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5267 = BethPhoneCallerScript
$5283 = BethPhoneCallerScript.Generic
$5287 = BethFridayAfternoon
$528a = BethWantsBattle
$5294 = JosePhoneCalleeScript
$52b9 = JosePhoneCalleeScript.NotSaturday
$52bd = JosePhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$52c4 = JosePhoneCalleeScript.HasItem
$52cb = JosePhoneCallerScript
$52f5 = JosePhoneCallerScript.Generic
$5301 = JoseSaturdayNight
$5304 = JoseWantsBattle
$530e = JoseFoundRare
$5312 = JoseHasStarPiece
$531c = ReenaPhoneCalleeScript
$533b = ReenaPhoneCalleeScript.NotSunday
$533f = ReenaPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5346 = ReenaPhoneCallerScript
$5362 = ReenaPhoneCallerScript.Generic
$5366 = ReenaSundayMorning
$5369 = ReenaWantsBattle
$5373 = JoeyPhoneCalleeScript
$5392 = JoeyPhoneCalleeScript.NotMonday
$5399 = JoeyPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$53a0 = JoeyPhoneCallerScript
$53c0 = JoeyPhoneCallerScript.Generic
$53c4 = JoeyMondayAfternoon
$53c7 = JoeyWantsBattle
$53d1 = WadePhoneCalleeScript
$53f6 = WadePhoneCalleeScript.NotTuesday
$5412 = WadePhoneCalleeScript.NoContest
$5416 = WadePhoneCalleeScript.ContestToday
$541a = WadePhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5421 = WadePhoneCalleeScript.HasItem
$5428 = WadePhoneCallerScript
$544c = WadePhoneCallerScript.NoContest
$5474 = WadePhoneCallerScript.next
$5480 = WadePhoneCallerScript.ContestToday
$5484 = WadeTuesdayNight
$5487 = WadeWantsBattle2
$5491 = WadeFoundRare
$5495 = WadeHasItem2
$54b9 = WadeHasItem2.Berry
$54bf = WadeHasItem2.PsnCureBerry
$54c5 = WadeHasItem2.PrzCureBerry
$54cb = WadeHasItem2.Bitterberry
$54ce = WadeHasItem2.FoundBerry
$54d2 = RalphPhoneCalleeScript
$54f1 = RalphPhoneCalleeScript.CheckSwarm
$54fb = RalphPhoneCalleeScript.Rematch
$5502 = RalphPhoneCalleeScript.ReportSwarm
$5509 = RalphPhoneCallerScript
$552b = RalphPhoneCallerScript.CheckSwarm
$5537 = Ralph_WednesdayMorning
$553a = Ralph_FightMe
$5544 = Ralph_SetUpSwarm
$555c = Ralph_SetUpSwarm.Generic
$5560 = LizPhoneCalleeScript
$557f = LizPhoneCalleeScript.NotThursday
$5586 = LizPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$558d = LizPhoneCallerScript
$55a9 = LizPhoneCallerScript.next
$55bf = LizPhoneCallerScript.Generic
$55c3 = LizThursdayAfternoon
$55c6 = LizWantsBattle
$55d0 = LizWrongNumber
$55d4 = LizGossip
$55fa = LizGossip.CoolTrainerM
$5600 = LizGossip.Beauty
$5606 = LizGossip.Grunt
$560c = LizGossip.Teacher
$5612 = LizGossip.SwimmerF
$5618 = LizGossip.KimonoGirl
$561e = LizGossip.Skier
$5624 = LizGossip.Medium
$562a = LizGossip.PokefanM
$5630 = LizGossipScript
$5634 = AnthonyPhoneCalleeScript
$5653 = AnthonyPhoneCalleeScript.NotFriday
$565d = AnthonyPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5664 = AnthonyPhoneCalleeScript.AlreadySwarming
$566b = AnthonyPhoneCallerScript
$568d = AnthonyPhoneCallerScript.TriesSwarm
$5699 = AnthonyFridayNight
$569c = AnthonyWantsBattle
$56a6 = AnthonyTriesDunsparceSwarm
$56bd = AnthonyTriesDunsparceSwarm.Generic
$56c1 = ToddPhoneCalleeScript
$56e0 = ToddPhoneCalleeScript.NotSaturday
$56ea = ToddPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$56f1 = ToddPhoneCalleeScript.SaleOn
$56f5 = ToddPhoneCallerScript
$5717 = ToddPhoneCallerScript.TryForSale
$571f = ToddPhoneCallerScript.NoGoldenrod
$572b = ToddSaturdayMorning
$572e = ToddWantsBattle
$5738 = ToddFoundRare
$573c = ToddDeptStoreSale
$5743 = GinaPhoneCalleeScript
$5768 = GinaPhoneCalleeScript.NotSunday
$5772 = GinaPhoneCalleeScript.Rockets
$5776 = GinaPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$577d = GinaPhoneCalleeScript.HasLeafStone
$5784 = GinaPhoneCallerScript
$57b2 = GinaPhoneCallerScript.GaveLeafStone
$57c8 = GinaPhoneCallerScript.Generic
$57cc = GinaSundayDay
$57cf = GinaWantsBattle
$57d9 = GinaRockets
$57dd = GinaHasLeafStone
$57e7 = IrwinPhoneCalleeScript
$57f9 = IrwinPhoneCalleeScript.Rockets
$57fd = IrwinPhoneCallerScript
$580f = IrwinPhoneCallerScript.Rockets
$5813 = ArniePhoneCalleeScript
$5832 = ArniePhoneCalleeScript.NotTuesday
$583c = ArniePhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5843 = ArniePhoneCalleeScript.AlreadySwarming
$584a = ArniePhoneCallerScript
$5866 = ArniePhoneCallerScript.Swarm
$587a = ArnieTuesdayMorning
$587d = ArnieWantsBattle
$5887 = ArnieYanmaSwarm
$589e = ArnieFoundRare
$58a2 = ArnieYanmaAlreadySwarming
$58a6 = AlanPhoneCalleeScript
$58cb = AlanPhoneCalleeScript.NotWednesday
$58cf = AlanPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$58d6 = AlanPhoneCalleeScript.FireStone
$58dd = AlanPhoneCallerScript
$590d = AlanPhoneCallerScript.FireStone
$5915 = AlanPhoneCallerScript.Generic
$5919 = AlanWednesdayDay
$591c = AlanWantsBattle
$5926 = AlanHasFireStone
$5930 = DanaPhoneCalleeScript
$5955 = DanaPhoneCalleeScript.NotThursday
$5959 = DanaPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5960 = DanaPhoneCalleeScript.HasThunderstone
$5967 = DanaPhoneCallerScript
$5997 = DanaPhoneCallerScript.Thunderstone
$599f = DanaPhoneCallerScript.Generic
$59ab = DanaThursdayNight
$59ae = DanaWantsBattle
$59b8 = DanaFoundRare
$59bc = DanaHasThunderstone
$59c6 = ChadPhoneCalleeScript
$59e5 = ChadPhoneCalleeScript.NotFriday
$59e9 = ChadPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$59f0 = ChadPhoneCallerScript
$5a14 = ChadPhoneCallerScript.Generic
$5a20 = ChadFridayMorning
$5a23 = ChadWantsBattle
$5a2d = ChadFoundRare
$5a31 = ChadOakGossip
$5a35 = DerekPhoneCalleeScript
$5a5f = DerekPhoneCalleeScript.NoContest
$5a63 = DerekPhoneCalleeScript.ContestToday
$5a67 = DerekPhoneCalleeScript.Nugget
$5a6e = DerekPhoneCallerScript
$5a92 = DerekPhoneCallerScript.NoContest
$5a9e = DerekPhoneCallerScript.ContestToday
$5aa2 = DerekPhoneCallerScript.Nugget
$5aac = TullyPhoneCalleeScript
$5ad1 = TullyPhoneCalleeScript.NotSunday
$5ad5 = TullyPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5adc = TullyPhoneCalleeScript.WaterStone
$5ae3 = TullyPhoneCallerScript
$5b13 = TullyPhoneCallerScript.WaterStone
$5b1b = TullyPhoneCallerScript.Generic
$5b1f = TullySundayNight
$5b22 = TullyWantsBattle
$5b2c = TullyFoundWaterStone
$5b36 = BrentPhoneCalleeScript
$5b55 = BrentPhoneCalleeScript.NotMonday
$5b59 = BrentPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5b60 = BrentPhoneCallerScript
$5b84 = BrentPhoneCallerScript.Generic
$5b88 = BrentMondayMorning
$5b8b = BrentWantsBattle
$5b95 = BrentBillTrivia
$5b99 = TiffanyPhoneCalleeScript
$5bbe = TiffanyPhoneCalleeScript.NotTuesday
$5bc2 = TiffanyPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5bc9 = TiffanyPhoneCalleeScript.HasItem
$5bd0 = TiffanyPhoneCallerScript
$5c08 = TiffanyPhoneCallerScript.PinkBow
$5c10 = TiffanyPhoneCallerScript.Generic
$5c14 = TiffanyTuesdayAfternoon
$5c17 = TiffanyWantsBattle
$5c21 = TiffanysFamilyMembers
$5c3b = TiffanysFamilyMembers.Grandma
$5c42 = TiffanysFamilyMembers.Grandpa
$5c49 = TiffanysFamilyMembers.Mom
$5c50 = TiffanysFamilyMembers.Dad
$5c57 = TiffanysFamilyMembers.Sister
$5c5e = TiffanysFamilyMembers.Brother
$5c65 = TiffanysFamilyMembers.PoorClefairy
$5c69 = TiffanyHasPinkBow
$5c73 = VancePhoneCalleeScript
$5c92 = VancePhoneCalleeScript.NotWednesday
$5c96 = VancePhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5c9d = VancePhoneCallerScript
$5cbd = VancePhoneCallerScript.WantsBattle
$5cc1 = VanceWednesdayNight
$5cc4 = VanceWantsRematch
$5cce = WiltonPhoneCalleeScript
$5cf3 = WiltonPhoneCalleeScript.NotThursday
$5cf7 = WiltonPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5cfe = WiltonPhoneCalleeScript.HasItem
$5d05 = WiltonPhoneCallerScript
$5d2f = WiltonPhoneCallerScript.GenericCall
$5d33 = WiltonThursdayMorning
$5d36 = WiltonWantsBattle
$5d40 = WiltonHasItem
$5d5e = WiltonHasItem.UltraBall
$5d64 = WiltonHasItem.GreatBall
$5d6a = WiltonHasItem.PokeBall
$5d6d = WiltonHasItem.FoundItem
$5d71 = KenjiPhoneCalleeScript
$5d7d = KenjiPhoneCallerScript
$5d89 = ParryPhoneCalleeScript
$5da8 = ParryPhoneCalleeScript.WantsRematch
$5dac = ParryPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5db3 = ParryPhoneCallerScript
$5dd3 = ParryPhoneCallerScript.GenericCall
$5dd7 = ParryFridayDay
$5dda = ParryWantsBattle
$5de4 = ErinPhoneCalleeScript
$5e03 = ErinPhoneCalleeScript.NotSaturday
$5e07 = ErinPhoneCalleeScript.WantsBattle
$5e0e = ErinPhoneCallerScript
$5e2e = ErinPhoneCallerScript.GenericCall
$5e32 = ErinSaturdayNight
$5e35 = ErinWantsBattle
$5e3f = PhoneScript_Random2
$5e42 = PhoneScript_Random3
$5e45 = PhoneScript_Random4
$5e48 = PhoneScript_Random5
$5e4b = PhoneScript_Random11
$5e4e = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male
$5eaa = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Jack
$5eb0 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Huey
$5eb6 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Gaven
$5ebc = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Jose
$5ec2 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Joey
$5ec8 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Wade
$5ece = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Ralph
$5ed4 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Anthony
$5eda = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Todd
$5ee0 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Irwin
$5ee6 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Arnie
$5eec = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Alan
$5ef2 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Chad
$5ef8 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Derek
$5efe = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Tully
$5f04 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Brent
$5f0a = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Vance
$5f10 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Wilton
$5f16 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Kenji
$5f1c = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male.Parry
$5f22 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day
$5f74 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Jack
$5f7a = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Huey
$5f80 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Gaven
$5f86 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Jose
$5f8c = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Joey
$5f92 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Wade
$5f98 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Ralph
$5f9e = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Anthony
$5fa4 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Todd
$5faa = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Irwin
$5fb0 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Arnie
$5fb6 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Alan
$5fbc = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Chad
$5fc2 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Derek
$5fc8 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Tully
$5fce = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Brent
$5fd4 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Vance
$5fda = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Wilton
$5fe0 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Kenji
$5fe6 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Day.Parry
$5fec = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite
$603e = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Jack
$6044 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Huey
$604a = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Gaven
$6050 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Jose
$6056 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Joey
$605c = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Wade
$6062 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Ralph
$6068 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Anthony
$606e = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Todd
$6074 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Irwin
$607a = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Arnie
$6080 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Alan
$6086 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Chad
$608c = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Derek
$6092 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Tully
$6098 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Brent
$609e = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Vance
$60a4 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Wilton
$60aa = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Kenji
$60b0 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Male_Nite.Parry
$60b6 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female
$60e2 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female.Beverly
$60e8 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female.Beth
$60ee = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female.Reena
$60f4 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female.Liz
$60fa = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female.Gina
$6100 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female.Dana
$6106 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female.Tiffany
$610c = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female.Erin
$6112 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Day
$6134 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Day.Beverly
$613a = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Day.Beth
$6140 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Day.Reena
$6146 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Day.Liz
$614c = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Day.Gina
$6152 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Day.Dana
$6158 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Day.Tiffany
$615e = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Day.Erin
$6164 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Nite
$6186 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Nite.Beverly
$618c = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Nite.Beth
$6192 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Nite.Reena
$6198 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Nite.Liz
$619e = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Nite.Gina
$61a4 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Nite.Dana
$61aa = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Nite.Tiffany
$61b0 = PhoneScript_AnswerPhone_Female_Nite.Erin
$61b6 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male
$6212 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Jack
$6218 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Huey
$621e = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Gaven
$6224 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Jose
$622a = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Joey
$6230 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Wade
$6236 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Ralph
$623c = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Anthony
$6242 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Todd
$6248 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Irwin
$624e = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Arnie
$6254 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Alan
$625a = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Chad
$6260 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Derek
$6266 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Tully
$626c = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Brent
$6272 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Vance
$6278 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Wilton
$627e = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Kenji
$6284 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male.Parry
$628a = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day
$62dc = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Jack
$62e2 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Huey
$62e8 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Gaven
$62ee = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Jose
$62f4 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Joey
$62fa = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Wade
$6300 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Ralph
$6306 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Anthony
$630c = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Todd
$6312 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Irwin
$6318 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Arnie
$631e = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Alan
$6324 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Chad
$632a = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Derek
$6330 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Tully
$6336 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Brent
$633c = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Vance
$6342 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Wilton
$6348 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Kenji
$634e = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Day.Parry
$6354 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite
$63a6 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Jack
$63ac = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Huey
$63b2 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Gaven
$63b8 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Jose
$63be = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Joey
$63c4 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Wade
$63ca = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Ralph
$63d0 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Anthony
$63d6 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Todd
$63dc = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Irwin
$63e2 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Arnie
$63e8 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Alan
$63ee = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Chad
$63f4 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Derek
$63fa = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Tully
$6400 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Brent
$6406 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Vance
$640c = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Wilton
$6412 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Kenji
$6418 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Male_Nite.Parry
$641e = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female
$644a = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female.Beverly
$6450 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female.Beth
$6456 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female.Reena
$645c = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female.Liz
$6462 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female.Gina
$6468 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female.Dana
$646e = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female.Tiffany
$6474 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female.Erin
$647a = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Day
$649c = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Day.Beverly
$64a2 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Day.Beth
$64a8 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Day.Reena
$64ae = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Day.Liz
$64b4 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Day.Gina
$64ba = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Day.Dana
$64c0 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Day.Tiffany
$64c6 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Day.Erin
$64cc = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Nite
$64ee = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Nite.Beverly
$64f4 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Nite.Beth
$64fa = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Nite.Reena
$6500 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Nite.Liz
$6506 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Nite.Gina
$650c = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Nite.Dana
$6512 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Nite.Tiffany
$6518 = PhoneScript_GreetPhone_Female_Nite.Erin
$651e = PhoneScript_Generic_Male
$6564 = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Jack
$656a = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Unknown
$6570 = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Gaven
$6576 = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Jose
$657c = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Joey
$6582 = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Wade
$6588 = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Ralph
$658e = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Anthony
$6594 = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Todd
$659a = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Arnie
$65a0 = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Alan
$65a6 = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Chad
$65ac = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Derek
$65b2 = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Tully
$65b8 = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Brent
$65be = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Vance
$65c4 = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Wilton
$65ca = PhoneScript_Generic_Male.Parry
$65d0 = PhoneScript_Generic_Female
$65f2 = PhoneScript_Generic_Female.Beverly
$65f8 = PhoneScript_Generic_Female.Beth
$65fe = PhoneScript_Generic_Female.Reena
$6604 = PhoneScript_Generic_Female.Liz
$660a = PhoneScript_Generic_Female.Gina
$6610 = PhoneScript_Generic_Female.Dana
$6616 = PhoneScript_Generic_Female.Tiffany
$661c = PhoneScript_Generic_Female.Erin
$6622 = PhoneScript_MonFlavorText
$6636 = PhoneScript_MonFlavorText.TooEnergetic
$663a = PhoneScript_MonFlavorText.unnecessary
$6643 = GrandmaString
$664b = GrandpaString
$6653 = MomString
$6657 = DadString
$665b = SisterString
$6662 = BrotherString
$666a = TalkToTrainerScript
$6675 = SeenByTrainerScript
$668a = StartBattleWithMapTrainerScript
$6698 = AlreadyBeatenTrainerScript
EMPTY: $6699-$7fff ($1967 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1967 bytes
ROMX bank #48:
SECTION: $4000-$7fbf ($3fc0 bytes) ["Sprites 1"]
$4000 = ChrisSpriteGFX
$4180 = ChrisBikeSpriteGFX
$4300 = GameboyKidSpriteGFX
$43c0 = RivalSpriteGFX
$4540 = OakSpriteGFX
$46c0 = RedSpriteGFX
$4840 = BlueSpriteGFX
$49c0 = BillSpriteGFX
$4b40 = ElderSpriteGFX
$4cc0 = JanineSpriteGFX
$4e40 = KurtSpriteGFX
$4fc0 = MomSpriteGFX
$5140 = BlaineSpriteGFX
$52c0 = RedsMomSpriteGFX
$5440 = DaisySpriteGFX
$55c0 = ElmSpriteGFX
$5740 = WillSpriteGFX
$5800 = FalknerSpriteGFX
$5980 = WhitneySpriteGFX
$5b00 = BugsySpriteGFX
$5c80 = MortySpriteGFX
$5e00 = ChuckSpriteGFX
$5f80 = JasmineSpriteGFX
$6100 = PryceSpriteGFX
$6280 = ClairSpriteGFX
$6400 = BrockSpriteGFX
$6580 = KarenSpriteGFX
$6640 = BrunoSpriteGFX
$67c0 = MistySpriteGFX
$6940 = LanceSpriteGFX
$6ac0 = SurgeSpriteGFX
$6c40 = ErikaSpriteGFX
$6dc0 = KogaSpriteGFX
$6f40 = SabrinaSpriteGFX
$70c0 = CooltrainerMSpriteGFX
$7240 = CooltrainerFSpriteGFX
$73c0 = BugCatcherSpriteGFX
$7540 = TwinSpriteGFX
$76c0 = YoungsterSpriteGFX
$7840 = LassSpriteGFX
$79c0 = TeacherSpriteGFX
$7b40 = BeautySpriteGFX
$7cc0 = SuperNerdSpriteGFX
$7e40 = RockerSpriteGFX
EMPTY: $7fc0-$7fff ($0040 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0040 bytes
ROMX bank #49:
SECTION: $4000-$7f7f ($3f80 bytes) ["Sprites 2"]
$4000 = PokefanMSpriteGFX
$4180 = PokefanFSpriteGFX
$4300 = GrampsSpriteGFX
$4480 = GrannySpriteGFX
$4600 = SwimmerGuySpriteGFX
$4780 = SwimmerGirlSpriteGFX
$4900 = BigSnorlaxSpriteGFX
$4980 = SurfingPikachuSpriteGFX
$4b00 = RocketSpriteGFX
$4c80 = RocketGirlSpriteGFX
$4e00 = NurseSpriteGFX
$4ec0 = LinkReceptionistSpriteGFX
$5040 = ClerkSpriteGFX
$51c0 = FisherSpriteGFX
$5340 = FishingGuruSpriteGFX
$54c0 = ScientistSpriteGFX
$5640 = KimonoGirlSpriteGFX
$57c0 = SageSpriteGFX
$5940 = UnusedGuySpriteGFX
$5ac0 = GentlemanSpriteGFX
$5c40 = BlackBeltSpriteGFX
$5dc0 = ReceptionistSpriteGFX
$5f40 = OfficerSpriteGFX
$60c0 = CalSpriteGFX
$6240 = SlowpokeSpriteGFX
$6280 = CaptainSpriteGFX
$6400 = BigLaprasSpriteGFX
$6480 = GymGuideSpriteGFX
$6600 = SailorSpriteGFX
$6780 = BikerSpriteGFX
$6900 = PharmacistSpriteGFX
$6a80 = MonsterSpriteGFX
$6c00 = FairySpriteGFX
$6d80 = BirdSpriteGFX
$6f00 = DragonSpriteGFX
$7080 = BigOnixSpriteGFX
$7140 = N64SpriteGFX
$7180 = SudowoodoSpriteGFX
$7200 = SurfSpriteGFX
$7380 = PokeBallSpriteGFX
$7500 = PokedexSpriteGFX
$7680 = PaperSpriteGFX
$7800 = VirtualBoySpriteGFX
$7840 = OldLinkReceptionistSpriteGFX
$7880 = RockSpriteGFX
$78c0 = BoulderSpriteGFX
$7900 = SnesSpriteGFX
$7940 = FamicomSpriteGFX
$7980 = FruitTreeSpriteGFX
$79c0 = GoldTrophySpriteGFX
$7a00 = SilverTrophySpriteGFX
$7a40 = KrisSpriteGFX
$7bc0 = KrisBikeSpriteGFX
$7d40 = KurtOutsideSpriteGFX
$7e00 = SuicuneSpriteGFX
$7e40 = EnteiSpriteGFX
$7e80 = RaikouSpriteGFX
$7ec0 = StandingYoungsterSpriteGFX
EMPTY: $7f80-$7fff ($0080 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0080 bytes
ROMX bank #50:
SECTION: $4000-$7d2d ($3d2e bytes) ["bank32"]
$4000 = ExecuteBGEffects
$4005 = ExecuteBGEffects.loop
$4012 = ExecuteBGEffects.next
$401a = QueueBGEffect
$401f = QueueBGEffect.loop
$402c = QueueBGEffect.load
$4043 = EndBattleBGEffect
$404a = DoBattleBGEffectFunction
$405a = BattleBGEffects
$40c6 = BattleBGEffect_End
$40ca = BatttleBGEffects_GetNamedJumptablePointer
$40d7 = BattleBGEffects_AnonJumptable
$40e5 = BattleBGEffects_IncAnonJumptableIndex
$40eb = BattleBGEffect_FlashInverted
$40f1 = BattleBGEffect_FlashInverted.inverted
$40f3 = BattleBGEffect_FlashWhite
$40f9 = BattleBGEffect_FlashWhite.white
$40fb = BattleBGEffect_FlashContinue
$410a = BattleBGEffect_FlashContinue.init
$4120 = BattleBGEffect_FlashContinue.apply_pal
$412d = BattleBGEffect_WhiteHues
$4139 = BattleBGEffect_WhiteHues.quit
$413d = BattleBGEffect_WhiteHues.Pals
$4141 = BattleBGEffect_BlackHues
$414d = BattleBGEffect_BlackHues.quit
$4151 = BattleBGEffect_BlackHues.Pals
$4155 = BattleBGEffect_AlternateHues
$4164 = BattleBGEffect_AlternateHues.quit
$4168 = BattleBGEffect_AlternateHues.Pals
$4171 = BattleBGEffect_CycleOBPalsGrayAndYellow
$417b = BattleBGEffect_CycleOBPalsGrayAndYellow.sgb
$417e = BattleBGEffect_CycleOBPalsGrayAndYellow.okay
$4185 = BattleBGEffect_CycleOBPalsGrayAndYellow.PalsCGB
$4188 = BattleBGEffect_CycleOBPalsGrayAndYellow.PalsSGB
$418b = BattleBGEffect_CycleMidOBPalsGrayAndYellow
$4195 = BattleBGEffect_CycleMidOBPalsGrayAndYellow.sgb
$4198 = BattleBGEffect_CycleMidOBPalsGrayAndYellow.okay
$419f = BattleBGEffect_CycleMidOBPalsGrayAndYellow.PalsCGB
$41a2 = BattleBGEffect_CycleMidOBPalsGrayAndYellow.PalsSGB
$41a5 = BattleBGEffect_CycleBGPals_Inverted
$41af = BattleBGEffect_CycleBGPals_Inverted.Pals
$41b3 = BattleBGEffect_HideMon
$41b6 = BattleBGEffect_HideMon.anon_dw
$41c0 = BattleBGEffect_HideMon.zero
$41d1 = BattleBGEffect_HideMon.player_side
$41d7 = BattleBGEffect_HideMon.got_pointer
$41e3 = BattleBGEffect_HideMon.four
$41ea = BattleBGEffect_ShowMon
$41f3 = BattleBGEffect_ShowMon.not_flying
$41fd = BattleBGEffect_ShowMon.player_side
$4200 = BattleBGEffect_ShowMon.got_pointer
$420c = BattleBGEffect_ShowMon.PlayerData
$4210 = BattleBGEffect_ShowMon.EnemyData
$4214 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_1Row
$4217 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_1Row.anon_dw
$4223 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_1Row.zero
$4230 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_1Row.not_flying_digging
$4242 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_1Row.player_side
$4249 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_1Row.okay
$425a = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_1Row.one
$426b = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_1Row.player_side_2
$4271 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_1Row.okay2
$427a = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_1Row.five
$4281 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_2Row
$4284 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_2Row.anon_dw
$4290 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_2Row.zero
$429d = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_2Row.not_flying_digging
$42af = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_2Row.player_side
$42b6 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_2Row.okay
$42c7 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_2Row.one
$42d8 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_2Row.player_side_2
$42de = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_2Row.okay2
$42e7 = BattleBGEffect_BattlerObj_2Row.five
$42ee = _QueueBattleAnimation
$42f5 = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon
$42f8 = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.anon_dw
$4302 = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.zero
$4315 = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.user
$4317 = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.okay
$431d = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.one
$432b = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.row1
$432d = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.col1
$433e = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.user_2
$4344 = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.row2
$4346 = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.col2
$4355 = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.okay2
$4365 = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.four
$4377 = BattleBGEffect_RemoveMon.done
$437b = BattleBGEffect_EnterMon
$4385 = BattleBGEffect_EnterMon.player_turn
$4388 = BattleBGEffect_EnterMon.okay
$4394 = BattleBGEffect_EnterMon.PlayerData
$439e = BattleBGEffect_EnterMon.EnemyData
$43a8 = BattleBGEffect_ReturnMon
$43b2 = BattleBGEffect_ReturnMon.player_turn
$43b5 = BattleBGEffect_ReturnMon.okay
$43c1 = BattleBGEffect_ReturnMon.PlayerData
$43d7 = BattleBGEffect_ReturnMon.EnemyData
$43ed = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript
$43f0 = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.anon_dw
$43fa = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.zero
$441d = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.skip
$4425 = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.clear
$442a = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.restart
$4434 = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.end
$443b = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.ClearBox
$4458 = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.PlaceGraphic
$4484 = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.row
$448a = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.col
$449c = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.Coords
$44a8 = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.BGSquares
$44ba = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.SixBySix
$44de = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.FourByFour
$44ee = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.TwoByTwo
$44f2 = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.SevenBySeven
$4523 = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.FiveByFive
$453c = BattleBGEffect_RunPicResizeScript.ThreeByThree
$4545 = BattleBGEffect_Surf
$4548 = BattleBGEffect_Surf.anon_dw
$454e = BattleBGEffect_Surf.zero
$4557 = BattleBGEffect_Surf.one
$4561 = BattleBGEffect_Surf.two
$4565 = BattleBGEffect_Surf.RotatewSurfWaveBGEffect
$456f = BattleBGEffect_Surf.loop
$4580 = BattleBGEffect_Surf.loop2
$458b = BattleBGEffect_Surf.load_zero
$458c = BattleBGEffect_Surf.okay
$4599 = BattleBGEffect_Whirlpool
$459c = BattleBGEffect_Whirlpool.anon_dw
$45a2 = BattleBGEffect_Whirlpool.zero
$45ba = BattleBGEffect_Whirlpool.one
$45be = BattleBGEffect_Whirlpool.two
$45c2 = BattleBGEffect_StartWater
$45ce = BattleBGEffect_Water
$45fc = BattleBGEffect_Water.done
$4603 = BattleBGEffect_EndWater
$4607 = BattleBGEffect_Psychic
$460a = BattleBGEffect_Psychic.anon_dw
$4610 = BattleBGEffect_Psychic.zero
$462e = BattleBGEffect_Psychic.one
$463b = BattleBGEffect_Psychic.two
$463f = BattleBGEffect_Teleport
$4642 = BattleBGEffect_Teleport.anon_dw
$4648 = BattleBGEffect_Teleport.zero
$465a = BattleBGEffect_Teleport.one
$465e = BattleBGEffect_Teleport.two
$4662 = BattleBGEffect_NightShade
$4665 = BattleBGEffect_NightShade.anon_dw
$466b = BattleBGEffect_NightShade.zero
$4681 = BattleBGEffect_NightShade.one
$4685 = BattleBGEffect_NightShade.two
$4689 = BattleBGEffect_DoubleTeam
$468c = BattleBGEffect_DoubleTeam.anon_dw
$4698 = BattleBGEffect_DoubleTeam.zero
$46af = BattleBGEffect_DoubleTeam.one
$46bd = BattleBGEffect_DoubleTeam.three
$46cb = BattleBGEffect_DoubleTeam.next
$46cf = BattleBGEffect_DoubleTeam.two
$46e9 = BattleBGEffect_DoubleTeam.four
$46ea = BattleBGEffect_DoubleTeam.UpdateLYOverrides
$46fa = BattleBGEffect_DoubleTeam.loop
$4705 = BattleBGEffect_DoubleTeam.five
$4709 = BattleBGEffect_AcidArmor
$470c = BattleBGEffect_AcidArmor.anon_dw
$4712 = BattleBGEffect_AcidArmor.zero
$4732 = BattleBGEffect_AcidArmor.one
$473a = BattleBGEffect_AcidArmor.loop
$4752 = BattleBGEffect_AcidArmor.okay
$475d = BattleBGEffect_AcidArmor.two
$4761 = BattleBGEffect_Withdraw
$4764 = BattleBGEffect_Withdraw.anon_dw
$476a = BattleBGEffect_Withdraw.zero
$4781 = BattleBGEffect_Withdraw.one
$47a3 = BattleBGEffect_Withdraw.two
$47a7 = BattleBGEffect_Dig
$47aa = BattleBGEffect_Dig.anon_dw
$47b2 = BattleBGEffect_Dig.zero
$47cf = BattleBGEffect_Dig.one
$47d9 = BattleBGEffect_Dig.next
$47de = BattleBGEffect_Dig.two
$47f6 = BattleBGEffect_Dig.skip
$4801 = BattleBGEffect_Dig.three
$4805 = BattleBGEffect_Tackle
$4808 = BattleBGEffect_Tackle.anon_dw
$4810 = BattleBGEffect_Tackle.zero
$482f = BattleBGEffect_Tackle.player_side
$4831 = BattleBGEffect_Tackle.okay
$4833 = BattleBGEffect_Tackle.three
$4837 = BattleBGEffect_BodySlam
$483a = BattleBGEffect_BodySlam.anon_dw
$4842 = BattleBGEffect_BodySlam.zero
$4861 = BattleBGEffect_BodySlam.player_side
$4863 = BattleBGEffect_BodySlam.okay
$4865 = BattleBGEffect_BodySlam.three
$4869 = Tackle_MoveForward
$4876 = Tackle_MoveForward.reached_limit
$4879 = Tackle_MoveForward.finish
$4888 = Tackle_ReturnMove
$4893 = Tackle_ReturnMove.move_back
$48a5 = Rollout_FillLYOverridesBackup
$48b3 = Rollout_FillLYOverridesBackup.not_rollout
$48b7 = Rollout_FillLYOverridesBackup.rollout
$48d0 = Rollout_FillLYOverridesBackup.skip1
$48d6 = Rollout_FillLYOverridesBackup.skip2
$48e0 = Rollout_FillLYOverridesBackup.skip3
$48e2 = Rollout_FillLYOverridesBackup.loop
$48e7 = BattleBGEffect_BetaPursuit
$48ea = BattleBGEffect_BetaPursuit.anon_dw
$48f2 = BattleBGEffect_BetaPursuit.three
$48f6 = VitalThrow_MoveBackwards
$4915 = VitalThrow_MoveBackwards.player_turn
$4917 = VitalThrow_MoveBackwards.okay
$4919 = BattleBGEffect_VitalThrow
$491c = BattleBGEffect_VitalThrow.anon_dw
$4926 = BattleBGEffect_VitalThrow.four
$4929 = BattleBGEffect_VitalThrow.two
$492a = BattleBGEffect_WobbleMon
$492d = BattleBGEffect_WobbleMon.anon_dw
$4933 = BattleBGEffect_WobbleMon.zero
$494a = BattleBGEffect_WobbleMon.one
$4960 = BattleBGEffect_WobbleMon.two
$4964 = BattleBGEffect_Flail
$4967 = BattleBGEffect_Flail.anon_dw
$496d = BattleBGEffect_Flail.zero
$4985 = BattleBGEffect_Flail.one
$49b1 = BattleBGEffect_Flail.two
$49b5 = BattleBGEffect_WaveDeformMon
$49b8 = BattleBGEffect_WaveDeformMon.anon_dw
$49be = BattleBGEffect_WaveDeformMon.zero
$49ca = BattleBGEffect_WaveDeformMon.one
$49da = BattleBGEffect_WaveDeformMon.two
$49ea = BattleBGEffect_WaveDeformMon.reset
$49ee = BattleBGEffect_BounceDown
$49f1 = BattleBGEffect_BounceDown.anon_dw
$49f7 = BattleBGEffect_BounceDown.zero
$4a14 = BattleBGEffect_BounceDown.one
$4a36 = BattleBGEffect_BounceDown.two
$4a3a = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1
$4a3d = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.anon_dw
$4a49 = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.zero
$4a60 = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.loop
$4a69 = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.done
$4a6f = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.one
$4a6f = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.four
$4a70 = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.two
$4a79 = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.next
$4a88 = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.three
$4a96 = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.finish
$4a9a = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.SetLYOverridesBackup
$4aa5 = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.loop2
$4aac = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.five
$4ab0 = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.GetLYOverride
$4ac7 = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon1.data
$4acc = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon2
$4acf = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon2.anon_dw
$4ad3 = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon2.zero
$4ae5 = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon2.one
$4afc = BattleBGEffect_BetaSendOutMon2.done
$4b00 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating
$4b08 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.anon_dw
$4b0e = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.zero
$4b22 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.one
$4b4d = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.player
$4b5b = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.okay
$4b60 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.two
$4b6c = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.DMG_LYOverrideLoads
$4b6f = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.loop1
$4b74 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.loop2
$4b7a = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.cgb
$4b81 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.Jumptable
$4b87 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.cgb_zero
$4b91 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.cgb_one
$4bbb = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.player_2
$4bca = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.cgb_two
$4bd8 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.CGB_DMGEnemyData
$4be0 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonsToBlackRepeating.DMG_PlayerData
$4be8 = BattleBGEffect_RapidFlash
$4bef = BattleBGEffect_RapidFlash.FlashPals
$4bf2 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonToLight
$4bf9 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonToLight.Pals
$4bfd = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonToBlack
$4c04 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonToBlack.Pals
$4c08 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonToLightRepeating
$4c0f = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonToLightRepeating.Pals
$4c14 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonToBlackRepeating
$4c1b = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonToBlackRepeating.Pals
$4c20 = BattleBGEffect_CycleMonLightDarkRepeating
$4c27 = BattleBGEffect_CycleMonLightDarkRepeating.Pals
$4c30 = BattleBGEffect_FlashMonRepeating
$4c37 = BattleBGEffect_FlashMonRepeating.Pals
$4c3c = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonToWhiteWaitFadeBack
$4c43 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonToWhiteWaitFadeBack.Pals
$4c55 = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonFromWhite
$4c5c = BattleBGEffect_FadeMonFromWhite.Pals
$4c61 = BattleBGEffect_VibrateMon
$4c64 = BattleBGEffect_VibrateMon.anon_dw
$4c68 = BattleBGEffect_VibrateMon.zero
$4c85 = BattleBGEffect_VibrateMon.one
$4c9e = BattleBGEffect_VibrateMon.finish
$4ca2 = BattleBGEffect_WobblePlayer
$4ca5 = BattleBGEffect_WobblePlayer.anon_dw
$4cab = BattleBGEffect_WobblePlayer.zero
$4cc3 = BattleBGEffect_WobblePlayer.one
$4cdd = BattleBGEffect_WobblePlayer.two
$4ce1 = BattleBGEffect_Rollout
$4cea = BattleBGEffect_Rollout.xor_a
$4ceb = BattleBGEffect_Rollout.okay
$4cf9 = BattleBGEffect_ShakeScreenX
$4cff = BattleBGEffect_ShakeScreenX.skip
$4d02 = BattleBGEffect_ShakeScreenY
$4d08 = BattleBGEffect_ShakeScreenY.skip
$4d0b = BattleBGEffects_GetShakeAmount
$4d18 = BattleBGEffects_GetShakeAmount.okay
$4d2a = BattleBGEffects_GetShakeAmount.every_16_frames
$4d3a = BattleBGEffect_WobbleScreen
$4d53 = BattleBGEffect_WobbleScreen.finish
$4d57 = BattleBGEffect_GetNthDMGPal
$4d69 = BattleBGEffect_GetNthDMGPal.zero
$4d77 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals
$4d85 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.Jumptable_DMG
$4d8b = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.zero_dmg
$4daa = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.one_dmg
$4db5 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.okay_1_dmg
$4dc3 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.okay_2_dmg
$4dc9 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.two_dmg
$4dd4 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.cgb
$4ddd = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.Jumptable_CGB
$4de7 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.zero_cgb
$4df2 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.player_turn_cgb
$4e02 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.one_cgb
$4e0d = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.okay_1_cgb
$4e1b = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.okay_2_cgb
$4e21 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.two_cgb
$4e2a = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.three_cgb
$4e35 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.okay_3_cgb
$4e43 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.okay_4_cgb
$4e49 = BGEffect_RapidCyclePals.four_cgb
$4e52 = BGEffects_LoadPlayerPals
$4e7f = BGEffects_LoadEnemyPals
$4eac = BattleBGEffect_GetFirstDMGPal
$4eb2 = BattleBGEffect_GetNextDMGPal
$4ec6 = BattleBGEffect_GetNextDMGPal.repeat
$4ec8 = BattleBGEffect_GetNextDMGPal.quit
$4eca = BattleBGEffects_ClearLYOverrides
$4ecb = BattleBGEffects_SetLYOverrides
$4ed0 = BattleBGEffects_SetLYOverrides.loop1
$4ed9 = BattleBGEffects_SetLYOverrides.loop2
$4ede = BattleBGEffect_SetLCDStatCustoms1
$4eea = BattleBGEffect_SetLCDStatCustoms1.player_turn
$4eed = BattleBGEffect_SetLCDStatCustoms1.okay
$4ef4 = BattleBGEffect_SetLCDStatCustoms2
$4f00 = BattleBGEffect_SetLCDStatCustoms2.player_turn
$4f03 = BattleBGEffect_SetLCDStatCustoms2.okay
$4f0a = BattleAnim_ResetLCDStatCustom
$4f19 = BattleBGEffects_ResetVideoHRAM
$4f2e = DeformScreen
$4f43 = DeformScreen.loop
$4f58 = DeformScreen.next
$4f69 = InitSurfWaves
$4f7e = InitSurfWaves.loop
$4f9a = DeformWater
$4faf = DeformWater.loop
$4fcf = DeformWater.skip1
$4fd6 = DeformWater.skip2
$4fe1 = DeformWater.done
$4fe4 = DeformWater.GetLYOverrideBackupAddrOffset
$4fef = BattleBGEffect_WavyScreenFX
$5001 = BattleBGEffect_WavyScreenFX.loop
$5009 = BattleBGEffect_WavyScreenFX.done
$500b = BGEffect_FillLYOverridesBackup
$5016 = BGEffect_FillLYOverridesBackup.loop
$501b = BGEffect_DisplaceLYOverridesBackup
$502c = BGEffect_DisplaceLYOverridesBackup.loop
$5033 = BGEffect_DisplaceLYOverridesBackup.loop2
$5038 = BGEffect_CheckBattleTurn
$5042 = BGEffect_CheckFlyDigStatus
$5053 = BGEffect_CheckFlyDigStatus.player
$5059 = BattleBGEffects_CheckSGB
$505d = BattleBGEffects_Sine
$5066 = BattleBGEffects_Cosine
$506f = BattleAnimations
$529b = BattleAnim_Dummy
$529b = BattleAnim_MirrorMove
$529c = BattleAnim_SweetScent2
$52c1 = BattleAnim_ThrowPokeBall
$52f2 = BattleAnim_ThrowPokeBall.TheTrainerBlockedTheBall
$5305 = BattleAnim_ThrowPokeBall.UltraBall
$5326 = BattleAnim_ThrowPokeBall.GreatBall
$5347 = BattleAnim_ThrowPokeBall.MasterBall
$5392 = BattleAnim_ThrowPokeBall.Shake
$53aa = BattleAnim_ThrowPokeBall.Loop
$53bc = BattleAnim_ThrowPokeBall.Click
$53be = BattleAnim_ThrowPokeBall.BreakFree
$53d1 = BattleAnim_SendOutMon
$53fa = BattleAnim_SendOutMon.Unknown
$541c = BattleAnim_SendOutMon.Shiny
$5471 = BattleAnim_SendOutMon.Normal
$5483 = BattleAnim_ReturnMon
$5486 = BattleAnimSub_Return
$548d = BattleAnim_Confused
$54a3 = BattleAnim_Slp
$54a8 = BattleAnim_Slp.loop
$54b4 = BattleAnim_Brn
$54b6 = BattleAnim_Brn.loop
$54c5 = BattleAnim_Psn
$54da = BattleAnim_Sap
$54f8 = BattleAnim_Frz
$5508 = BattleAnim_Par
$551e = BattleAnim_InLove
$5533 = BattleAnim_InSandstorm
$5546 = BattleAnim_InSandstorm.loop
$5550 = BattleAnim_InNightmare
$555c = BattleAnim_InWhirlpool
$5566 = BattleAnim_InWhirlpool.loop
$5574 = BattleAnim_HitConfusion
$5580 = BattleAnim_Miss
$5581 = BattleAnim_EnemyDamage
$5581 = BattleAnim_EnemyDamage.loop
$5592 = BattleAnim_EnemyStatDown
$55a0 = BattleAnim_PlayerStatDown
$55ae = BattleAnim_PlayerDamage
$55b5 = BattleAnim_Wobble
$55bc = BattleAnim_Shake
$55c3 = BattleAnim_Pound
$55d5 = BattleAnim_KarateChop
$5605 = BattleAnim_Doubleslap
$561b = BattleAnim_Doubleslap.alternate
$562b = BattleAnim_CometPunch
$5641 = BattleAnim_CometPunch.alternate
$5651 = BattleAnim_MegaPunch
$565e = BattleAnim_MegaPunch.loop
$5677 = BattleAnim_Stomp
$56a7 = BattleAnim_DoubleKick
$56bd = BattleAnim_DoubleKick.alternate
$56cd = BattleAnim_JumpKick
$56f1 = BattleAnim_JumpKick.alternate
$56fc = BattleAnim_HiJumpKick
$571e = BattleAnim_HiJumpKick.alternate
$5729 = BattleAnim_RollingKick
$573e = BattleAnim_MegaKick
$574b = BattleAnim_MegaKick.loop
$5764 = BattleAnim_HyperFang
$577b = BattleAnim_SuperFang
$5788 = BattleAnim_SuperFang.loop
$57a1 = BattleAnim_Ember
$57d8 = BattleAnim_FirePunch
$57e5 = BattleAnim_FireSpin
$57e7 = BattleAnim_FireSpin.loop
$5811 = BattleAnim_DragonRage
$5813 = BattleAnim_DragonRage.loop
$5822 = BattleAnim_Flamethrower
$5857 = BattleAnim_Flamethrower.loop
$5861 = BattleAnim_FireBlast
$5863 = BattleAnim_FireBlast.loop1
$5870 = BattleAnim_FireBlast.loop2
$588d = BattleAnim_FireBlast.loop3
$58b0 = BattleAnim_IcePunch
$58bd = BattleAnim_IceBeam
$58bf = BattleAnim_IceBeam.loop
$58d1 = BattleAnim_IceBeam.loop2
$58e8 = BattleAnim_Blizzard
$58ea = BattleAnim_Blizzard.loop
$591e = BattleAnim_Bubble
$593d = BattleAnim_Bubblebeam
$593f = BattleAnim_Bubblebeam.loop
$5979 = BattleAnim_WaterGun
$59b4 = BattleAnim_HydroPump
$5a2a = BattleAnim_Surf
$5a36 = BattleAnim_Surf.loop
$5a42 = BattleAnim_VineWhip
$5a5a = BattleAnim_LeechSeed
$5a7c = BattleAnim_RazorLeaf
$5af2 = BattleAnim_Solarbeam
$5b30 = BattleAnim_Solarbeam.FireSolarBeam
$5b3c = BattleAnim_Thunderpunch
$5b53 = BattleAnim_Thundershock
$5b66 = BattleAnim_Thunderbolt
$5b84 = BattleAnim_ThunderWave
$5b9a = BattleAnim_Thunder
$5bbd = BattleAnim_RazorWind
$5bc8 = BattleAnim_RazorWind.loop
$5c00 = BattleAnim_Sonicboom_JP
$5c03 = BattleAnim_Sonicboom_JP.loop
$5c36 = BattleAnim_Gust
$5c36 = BattleAnim_Sonicboom
$5c39 = BattleAnim_Sonicboom.loop
$5c53 = BattleAnim_Selfdestruct
$5c63 = BattleAnim_Selfdestruct.loop
$5c72 = BattleAnim_Explosion
$5c87 = BattleAnim_Explosion.loop
$5c96 = BattleAnim_Acid
$5c9d = BattleAnim_RockThrow
$5cd2 = BattleAnim_RockSlide
$5cd9 = BattleAnim_RockSlide.loop
$5d0c = BattleAnim_Sing
$5d11 = BattleAnim_Sing.loop
$5d35 = BattleAnim_Poisonpowder
$5d35 = BattleAnim_StunSpore
$5d35 = BattleAnim_SleepPowder
$5d35 = BattleAnim_Spore
$5d37 = BattleAnim_StunSpore.loop
$5d6a = BattleAnim_HyperBeam
$5d80 = BattleAnim_AuroraBeam
$5d95 = BattleAnim_Vicegrip
$5da6 = BattleAnim_Scratch
$5dbc = BattleAnim_FurySwipes
$5dd9 = BattleAnim_FurySwipes.alternate
$5df0 = BattleAnim_Cut
$5dfc = BattleAnim_Slash
$5e0d = BattleAnim_Clamp
$5e2e = BattleAnim_Bite
$5e4f = BattleAnim_Teleport
$5e6f = BattleAnim_Fly
$5e82 = BattleAnim_Fly.miss
$5e89 = BattleAnim_Fly.turn1
$5e9a = BattleAnim_DoubleTeam
$5eaf = BattleAnim_Recover
$5eeb = BattleAnim_Absorb
$5ef2 = BattleAnim_Absorb.loop
$5f13 = BattleAnim_MegaDrain
$5f1f = BattleAnim_MegaDrain.loop
$5f46 = BattleAnim_MegaDrain.spawn
$5f4e = BattleAnim_MegaDrain.done
$5f55 = BattleAnim_EggBomb
$5f85 = BattleAnim_Softboiled
$5fa4 = BattleAnim_Softboiled.loop
$5fb5 = BattleAnim_FocusEnergy
$5fc4 = BattleAnim_FocusEnergy.loop
$5ffc = BattleAnim_Bide
$6014 = BattleAnim_Bind
$6036 = BattleAnim_Wrap
$6058 = BattleAnim_Confusion
$606c = BattleAnim_Constrict
$608a = BattleAnim_Earthquake
$608f = BattleAnim_Earthquake.loop
$6098 = BattleAnim_Fissure
$60a2 = BattleAnim_Fissure.loop
$60ab = BattleAnim_Growl
$60b5 = BattleAnim_Growl.loop
$60d7 = BattleAnim_Roar
$60e0 = BattleAnim_Roar.loop
$60f3 = BattleAnim_Roar.done
$60f4 = BattleAnim_Supersonic
$60f6 = BattleAnim_Supersonic.loop
$6105 = BattleAnim_Screech
$610f = BattleAnim_Screech.loop
$611b = BattleAnim_ConfuseRay
$6154 = BattleAnim_ConfuseRay.loop
$615e = BattleAnim_Leer
$616a = BattleAnim_Reflect
$618e = BattleAnim_LightScreen
$61d5 = BattleAnim_Amnesia
$61ed = BattleAnim_DizzyPunch
$6212 = BattleAnim_Rest
$6217 = BattleAnim_Rest.loop
$6223 = BattleAnim_AcidArmor
$6237 = BattleAnim_Splash
$624b = BattleAnim_Dig
$6263 = BattleAnim_Dig.loop
$627d = BattleAnim_Dig.hit
$6286 = BattleAnim_Dig.fail
$628d = BattleAnim_SandAttack
$6293 = BattleAnim_StringShot
$62d1 = BattleAnim_Headbutt
$62ef = BattleAnim_Tackle
$6307 = BattleAnim_BodySlam
$6331 = BattleAnim_TakeDown
$635c = BattleAnim_DoubleEdge
$6382 = BattleAnim_Submission
$63a8 = BattleAnim_Whirlwind
$63aa = BattleAnim_Whirlwind.loop
$63d7 = BattleAnim_Whirlwind.done
$63d8 = BattleAnim_Hypnosis
$63da = BattleAnim_Hypnosis.loop
$63ee = BattleAnim_Haze
$63f3 = BattleAnim_Haze.loop
$6404 = BattleAnim_Mist
$640b = BattleAnim_Mist.loop
$6417 = BattleAnim_Smog
$641c = BattleAnim_Smog.loop
$6428 = BattleAnim_PoisonGas
$642d = BattleAnim_PoisonGas.loop
$6439 = BattleAnim_HornAttack
$644c = BattleAnim_FuryAttack
$647d = BattleAnim_HornDrill
$648b = BattleAnim_HornDrill.loop
$64b4 = BattleAnim_PoisonSting
$64c7 = BattleAnim_Twineedle
$64e7 = BattleAnim_PinMissile
$64ea = BattleAnim_PinMissile.loop
$651a = BattleAnim_SpikeCannon
$651d = BattleAnim_SpikeCannon.loop
$654d = BattleAnim_Transform
$6564 = BattleAnim_PetalDance
$656a = BattleAnim_PetalDance.loop
$6580 = BattleAnim_Barrage
$6596 = BattleAnim_PayDay
$65ac = BattleAnim_Mimic
$65de = BattleAnim_LovelyKiss
$65f6 = BattleAnim_Bonemerang
$660c = BattleAnim_Swift
$6624 = BattleAnim_Crabhammer
$6631 = BattleAnim_Crabhammer.loop
$663f = BattleAnim_SkullBash
$6659 = BattleAnim_SkullBash.loop
$666a = BattleAnim_Kinesis
$6678 = BattleAnim_Kinesis.loop
$668b = BattleAnim_Peck
$66a0 = BattleAnim_DrillPeck
$66a2 = BattleAnim_DrillPeck.loop
$66cc = BattleAnim_Guillotine
$6700 = BattleAnim_Flash
$673c = BattleAnim_Substitute
$6760 = BattleAnim_Substitute.dropsub
$676e = BattleAnim_Substitute.raisesub
$677c = BattleAnim_Substitute.dropsub2
$678a = BattleAnim_Minimize
$67a1 = BattleAnim_SkyAttack
$67cc = BattleAnim_NightShade
$67e5 = BattleAnim_Lick
$67f1 = BattleAnim_TriAttack
$680c = BattleAnim_Withdraw
$6829 = BattleAnim_Psybeam
$6835 = BattleAnim_Psybeam.loop
$6844 = BattleAnim_DreamEater
$6853 = BattleAnim_LeechLife
$685e = BattleAnim_Harden
$686c = BattleAnim_Psywave
$6873 = BattleAnim_Psywave.loop
$6897 = BattleAnim_Glare
$68a8 = BattleAnim_Thrash
$68d5 = BattleAnim_Growth
$6909 = BattleAnim_Conversion2
$6939 = BattleAnim_Smokescreen
$6951 = BattleAnim_Smokescreen.loop
$6960 = BattleAnim_Strength
$697e = BattleAnim_SwordsDance
$699e = BattleAnim_QuickAttack
$69d8 = BattleAnim_Meditate
$69ed = BattleAnim_Sharpen
$6a0a = BattleAnim_DefenseCurl
$6a27 = BattleAnim_SeismicToss
$6a45 = BattleAnim_Rage
$6a74 = BattleAnim_Agility
$6aa4 = BattleAnim_Agility.loop
$6ab2 = BattleAnim_BoneClub
$6ac5 = BattleAnim_Barrier
$6ae1 = BattleAnim_Waterfall
$6b1d = BattleAnim_PsychicM
$6b29 = BattleAnim_PsychicM.loop
$6b3b = BattleAnim_Sludge
$6b42 = BattleAnim_Toxic
$6b52 = BattleAnim_Metronome
$6b5d = BattleAnim_Metronome.loop
$6b69 = BattleAnim_Counter
$6b6b = BattleAnim_Counter.loop
$6baa = BattleAnim_LowKick
$6be6 = BattleAnim_WingAttack
$6c13 = BattleAnim_Slam
$6c24 = BattleAnim_Disable
$6c41 = BattleAnim_TailWhip
$6c55 = BattleAnim_Struggle
$6c61 = BattleAnim_Sketch
$6c7b = BattleAnim_TripleKick
$6c95 = BattleAnim_TripleKick.alternate1
$6ca5 = BattleAnim_TripleKick.alternate2
$6cb5 = BattleAnim_Thief
$6cd9 = BattleAnim_SpiderWeb
$6cfb = BattleAnim_MindReader
$6d00 = BattleAnim_MindReader.loop
$6d1b = BattleAnim_Nightmare
$6d30 = BattleAnim_FlameWheel
$6d32 = BattleAnim_FlameWheel.loop
$6d6b = BattleAnim_Snore
$6d7c = BattleAnim_Snore.loop
$6d86 = BattleAnim_Curse
$6da3 = BattleAnim_Curse.NotGhost
$6db9 = BattleAnim_Curse.loop
$6df1 = BattleAnim_Flail
$6e17 = BattleAnim_Conversion
$6e4b = BattleAnim_Aeroblast
$6e84 = BattleAnim_CottonSpore
$6e8b = BattleAnim_CottonSpore.loop
$6e97 = BattleAnim_Reversal
$6ed6 = BattleAnim_Spite
$6ee2 = BattleAnim_PowderSnow
$6ee4 = BattleAnim_PowderSnow.loop
$6f0e = BattleAnim_Protect
$6f33 = BattleAnim_MachPunch
$6f73 = BattleAnim_ScaryFace
$6f84 = BattleAnim_FaintAttack
$6fb4 = BattleAnim_SweetKiss
$6fcf = BattleAnim_BellyDrum
$7051 = BattleAnim_SludgeBomb
$7067 = BattleAnim_MudSlap
$706f = BattleAnim_Octazooka
$7086 = BattleAnim_Octazooka.loop
$7091 = BattleAnim_Octazooka.done
$7092 = BattleAnim_Spikes
$70b0 = BattleAnim_ZapCannon
$70d0 = BattleAnim_Foresight
$70f0 = BattleAnim_DestinyBond
$7104 = BattleAnim_DestinyBond.fainted
$7113 = BattleAnim_PerishSong
$714c = BattleAnim_IcyWind
$715c = BattleAnim_IcyWind.loop
$718c = BattleAnim_Detect
$719d = BattleAnim_BoneRush
$71bc = BattleAnim_LockOn
$71c1 = BattleAnim_LockOn.loop
$71dc = BattleAnim_Outrage
$7210 = BattleAnim_Sandstorm
$7223 = BattleAnim_Sandstorm.loop
$722d = BattleAnim_GigaDrain
$724d = BattleAnim_GigaDrain.loop
$7274 = BattleAnim_Endure
$7283 = BattleAnim_Endure.loop
$72bb = BattleAnim_Charm
$72d5 = BattleAnim_Rollout
$72f5 = BattleAnim_FalseSwipe
$730d = BattleAnim_Swagger
$7310 = BattleAnim_Swagger.loop
$7328 = BattleAnim_MilkDrink
$733c = BattleAnim_MilkDrink.loop
$734d = BattleAnim_Spark
$7386 = BattleAnim_FuryCutter
$7388 = BattleAnim_FuryCutter.loop
$7397 = BattleAnim_FuryCutter.obj1
$739c = BattleAnim_FuryCutter.okay
$73a1 = BattleAnim_SteelWing
$73df = BattleAnim_MeanLook
$7405 = BattleAnim_Attract
$7407 = BattleAnim_Attract.loop
$7417 = BattleAnim_SleepTalk
$7419 = BattleAnim_SleepTalk.loop
$7428 = BattleAnim_HealBell
$7431 = BattleAnim_HealBell.loop
$7464 = BattleAnim_Return
$7488 = BattleAnim_Present
$74aa = BattleAnim_Present.loop
$74b2 = BattleAnim_Present.heal
$74b5 = BattleAnim_Present.loop2
$74c1 = BattleAnim_Frustration
$74f9 = BattleAnim_Safeguard
$751e = BattleAnim_PainSplit
$753d = BattleAnim_SacredFire
$7549 = BattleAnim_SacredFire.loop
$757d = BattleAnim_Magnitude
$757f = BattleAnim_Magnitude.loop
$75aa = BattleAnim_Dynamicpunch
$75c0 = BattleAnim_Megahorn
$75de = BattleAnim_Dragonbreath
$75e3 = BattleAnim_Dragonbreath.loop
$75ef = BattleAnim_BatonPass
$75fe = BattleAnim_Encore
$761b = BattleAnim_Pursuit
$762b = BattleAnim_Pursuit.pursued
$765e = BattleAnim_RapidSpin
$7663 = BattleAnim_RapidSpin.loop
$768e = BattleAnim_SweetScent
$76b6 = BattleAnim_IronTail
$76dc = BattleAnim_MetalClaw
$7703 = BattleAnim_VitalThrow
$7739 = BattleAnim_MorningSun
$7743 = BattleAnim_MorningSun.loop
$7756 = BattleAnim_MorningSun.zero
$775a = BattleAnim_Synthesis
$777a = BattleAnim_Synthesis.one
$777e = BattleAnim_Crunch
$77a8 = BattleAnim_Moonlight
$77d7 = BattleAnim_Moonlight.three
$77db = BattleAnim_HiddenPower
$7812 = BattleAnim_HiddenPower.loop
$783a = BattleAnim_CrossChop
$785a = BattleAnim_Twister
$785d = BattleAnim_Twister.loop1
$786a = BattleAnim_Twister.loop2
$788a = BattleAnim_Twister.loop3
$7897 = BattleAnim_Twister.loop4
$78b3 = BattleAnim_RainDance
$78cf = BattleAnim_SunnyDay
$78e9 = BattleAnim_MirrorCoat
$78f1 = BattleAnim_MirrorCoat.loop
$7917 = BattleAnim_PsychUp
$7940 = BattleAnim_Extremespeed
$797a = BattleAnim_Ancientpower
$79c6 = BattleAnim_ShadowBall
$79db = BattleAnim_FutureSight
$7a10 = BattleAnim_FutureSight.loop
$7a1b = BattleAnim_RockSmash
$7a6a = BattleAnim_Whirlpool
$7a75 = BattleAnim_Whirlpool.loop
$7a84 = BattleAnim_BeatUp
$7a9b = BattleAnim_BeatUp.current_mon
$7ab3 = BattleAnimSub_Drain
$7adc = BattleAnimSub_EyeBeams
$7b12 = BattleAnimSub_WarpAway
$7b39 = BattleAnimSub_Beam
$7b62 = BattleAnimSub_Explosion1
$7b8f = BattleAnimSub_Explosion2
$7bbc = BattleAnimSub_Sound
$7bcc = BattleAnimSub_Fire
$7bcf = BattleAnimSub_Fire.loop
$7bdf = BattleAnimSub_Ice
$7c15 = BattleAnimSub_Sludge
$7c15 = BattleAnimSub_Sludge.loop
$7c35 = BattleAnimSub_Acid
$7c35 = BattleAnimSub_Acid.loop
$7c43 = BattleAnimSub_Metallic
$7c5b = BattleAnimSub_SandOrMud
$7c5b = BattleAnimSub_SandOrMud.loop
$7c6a = BattleAnimSub_Glimmer
$7c80 = BattleAnimSub_Glimmer2
$7c83 = BattleAnimSub_Glimmer2.loop
$7ca7 = BattleAnim_TargetObj_1Row
$7caf = BattleAnim_TargetObj_2Row
$7cb7 = BattleAnim_ShowMon_0
$7cc2 = BattleAnim_UserObj_1Row
$7cca = BattleAnim_UserObj_2Row
$7cd2 = BattleAnim_ShowMon_1
$7cdd = LoadPoisonBGPals
$7ce5 = LoadPoisonBGPals.LoadPals
$7cf7 = LoadPoisonBGPals.convert_pals
$7d06 = LoadPoisonBGPals.cgb
$7d12 = LoadPoisonBGPals.loop
SECTION: $7d2e-$7e2d ($0100 bytes) ["The End"]
$7d2e = TheEndGFX
EMPTY: $7e2e-$7fff ($01d2 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $01d2 bytes
ROMX bank #51:
SECTION: $4000-$7d9d ($3d9e bytes) ["Move Animations"]
$4000 = DisplayCaughtContestMonStats
$40a7 = DisplayCaughtContestMonStats.Health
$40ae = DisplayCaughtContestMonStats.Stock
$40b8 = DisplayCaughtContestMonStats.This
$40c2 = ContestAskSwitchText
$40c7 = DisplayAlreadyCaughtText
$40d0 = DisplayAlreadyCaughtText.ContestAlreadyCaughtText
$40d5 = DummyPredef2F
$40d5 = DummyPredef38
$40d5 = DummyPredef39
$40d6 = PlayBattleAnim
$40e4 = _PlayBattleAnim
$40e6 = _PlayBattleAnim.wait
$40ff = _PlayBattleAnim.got_speed
$411c = BattleAnimRunScript
$4141 = BattleAnimRunScript.disabled
$4156 = BattleAnimRunScript.hi_byte
$415f = BattleAnimRunScript.done
$4163 = RunBattleAnimScript
$4166 = RunBattleAnimScript.playframe
$418c = RunBattleAnimScript.find
$4193 = RunBattleAnimScript.not_rollout
$4196 = RunBattleAnimScript.done
$41a1 = BattleAnimClearHud
$41bb = BattleAnimRestoreHuds
$41e2 = BattleAnimRequestPals
$41fb = BattleAnimDelayFrame
$4200 = BattleAnimDelayFrame.wait
$4207 = ClearActorHud
$4216 = ClearActorHud.player
$4220 = PlaceWindowOverBattleTextbox
$423d = BattleAnim_ClearOAM
$4249 = BattleAnim_ClearOAM.loop
$4254 = BattleAnim_ClearOAM.delete
$425a = BattleAnim_ClearOAM.loop2
$425f = RunBattleAnimCommand
$4267 = RunBattleAnimCommand.CheckTimer
$4273 = RunBattleAnimCommand.done
$4275 = RunBattleAnimCommand.RunScript
$4275 = RunBattleAnimCommand.loop
$4286 = RunBattleAnimCommand.not_done_with_anim
$428e = RunBattleAnimCommand.do_anim
$4293 = RunBattleAnimCommand.DoCommand
$42a4 = BattleAnimCommands
$4304 = BattleAnimCmd_EA
$4304 = BattleAnimCmd_EB
$4304 = BattleAnimCmd_EC
$4304 = BattleAnimCmd_ED
$4305 = BattleAnimCmd_Ret
$4317 = BattleAnimCmd_Call
$4339 = BattleAnimCmd_Jump
$4348 = BattleAnimCmd_Loop
$435b = BattleAnimCmd_Loop.continue_loop
$4363 = BattleAnimCmd_Loop.perpetual
$4372 = BattleAnimCmd_Loop.return_from_loop
$4383 = BattleAnimCmd_JumpUntil
$439a = BattleAnimCmd_JumpUntil.dont_jump
$43a6 = BattleAnimCmd_SetVar
$43ad = BattleAnimCmd_IncVar
$43b2 = BattleAnimCmd_IfVarEqual
$43c7 = BattleAnimCmd_IfVarEqual.jump
$43d6 = BattleAnimCmd_IfParamEqual
$43eb = BattleAnimCmd_IfParamEqual.jump
$43fa = BattleAnimCmd_IfParamAnd
$4410 = BattleAnimCmd_IfParamAnd.jump
$441f = BattleAnimCmd_Obj
$443b = BattleAnimCmd_BGEffect
$4457 = BattleAnimCmd_BGP
$445e = BattleAnimCmd_OBP0
$4465 = BattleAnimCmd_OBP1
$446c = BattleAnimCmd_ResetObp0
$4475 = BattleAnimCmd_ResetObp0.not_sgb
$4479 = BattleAnimCmd_ClearObjs
$447e = BattleAnimCmd_ClearObjs.loop
$4485 = BattleAnimCmd_1GFX
$4485 = BattleAnimCmd_2GFX
$4485 = BattleAnimCmd_3GFX
$4485 = BattleAnimCmd_4GFX
$4485 = BattleAnimCmd_5GFX
$4492 = BattleAnimCmd_5GFX.loop
$44c0 = BattleAnimCmd_IncObj
$44c8 = BattleAnimCmd_IncObj.loop
$44dd = BattleAnimCmd_IncObj.found
$44e3 = BattleAnimCmd_IncBGEffect
$44eb = BattleAnimCmd_IncBGEffect.loop
$4500 = BattleAnimCmd_IncBGEffect.found
$4506 = BattleAnimCmd_SetObj
$450e = BattleAnimCmd_SetObj.loop
$4523 = BattleAnimCmd_SetObj.found
$452c = BattleAnimCmd_BattlerGFX_1Row
$452f = BattleAnimCmd_BattlerGFX_1Row.loop
$4537 = BattleAnimCmd_BattlerGFX_1Row.okay
$4561 = BattleAnimCmd_BattlerGFX_1Row.LoadFeet
$457e = BattleAnimCmd_BattlerGFX_2Row
$4581 = BattleAnimCmd_BattlerGFX_2Row.loop
$4589 = BattleAnimCmd_BattlerGFX_2Row.okay
$45b3 = BattleAnimCmd_BattlerGFX_2Row.LoadHead
$45d0 = BattleAnimCmd_CheckPokeball
$45db = BattleAnimCmd_E7
$45dc = BattleAnimCmd_Transform
$4604 = BattleAnimCmd_Transform.player
$461a = BattleAnimCmd_Transform.done
$4622 = BattleAnimCmd_UpdateActorPic
$4635 = BattleAnimCmd_UpdateActorPic.player
$4640 = BattleAnimCmd_RaiseSub
$464b = GetSubstitutePic
$4651 = GetSubstitutePic.loop
$468f = GetSubstitutePic.player
$46bf = GetSubstitutePic.done
$46c6 = GetSubstitutePic.CopyTile
$46cf = BattleAnimCmd_MinimizeOpp
$46e7 = GetMinimizePic
$46ed = GetMinimizePic.loop
$4709 = GetMinimizePic.player
$4719 = CopyMinimizePic
$4725 = MinimizePic
$4735 = BattleAnimCmd_Minimize
$4750 = BattleAnimCmd_DropSub
$4768 = BattleAnimCmd_DropSub.player
$476e = BattleAnimCmd_DropSub.done
$4776 = BattleAnimCmd_BeatUp
$479e = BattleAnimCmd_BeatUp.player
$47ae = BattleAnimCmd_BeatUp.done
$47bb = BattleAnimCmd_OAMOn
$47bf = BattleAnimCmd_OAMOff
$47c4 = BattleAnimCmd_KeepSprites
$47ca = BattleAnimCmd_F5
$47cb = BattleAnimCmd_F6
$47cc = BattleAnimCmd_F7
$47cd = BattleAnimCmd_Sound
$47f8 = BattleAnimCmd_Sound.GetPanning
$47fc = BattleAnimCmd_Sound.GetCryTrack
$4803 = BattleAnimCmd_Sound.enemy
$4807 = BattleAnimCmd_Cry
$482c = BattleAnimCmd_Cry.enemy
$4834 = BattleAnimCmd_Cry.done_cry_tracks
$486d = BattleAnimCmd_Cry.done
$4871 = BattleAnimCmd_Cry.CryData
$4881 = PlayHitSound
$488b = PlayHitSound.okay
$48a0 = PlayHitSound.play
$48a4 = BattleAnimAssignPals
$48b2 = BattleAnimAssignPals.sgb
$48be = BattleAnimAssignPals.cgb
$48d3 = ClearBattleAnims
$48d9 = ClearBattleAnims.loop
$48f6 = BattleAnim_RevertPals
$491a = BattleAnim_SetBGPals
$494b = BattleAnim_SetOBPals
$496e = BattleAnim_UpdateOAM_All
$4978 = BattleAnim_UpdateOAM_All.loop
$498a = BattleAnim_UpdateOAM_All.next
$4997 = BattleAnim_UpdateOAM_All.loop2
$49a0 = BattleAnim_UpdateOAM_All.done
$49a1 = QueueBattleAnimation
$49a6 = QueueBattleAnimation.loop
$49b3 = QueueBattleAnimation.done
$49bd = DeinitBattleAnimation
$49c4 = InitBattleAnimation
$4a09 = BattleAnimOAMUpdate
$4a3c = BattleAnimOAMUpdate.loop
$4a53 = BattleAnimOAMUpdate.no_yflip
$4a6f = BattleAnimOAMUpdate.no_xflip
$4aa2 = BattleAnimOAMUpdate.delete
$4aa5 = BattleAnimOAMUpdate.done
$4aa7 = BattleAnimOAMUpdate.exit_set_carry
$4aaa = InitBattleAnimBuffer
$4b09 = InitBattleAnimBuffer.check_kinesis_softboiled_milkdrink
$4b20 = InitBattleAnimBuffer.do_sub
$4b25 = InitBattleAnimBuffer.no_sub
$4b26 = InitBattleAnimBuffer.done
$4b31 = GetBattleAnimTileOffset
$4b39 = GetBattleAnimTileOffset.loop
$4b44 = GetBattleAnimTileOffset.load
$4b45 = GetBattleAnimTileOffset.done
$4b48 = _ExecuteBGEffects
$4b4f = _QueueBGEffect
$4b56 = BattleAnimObjects
$4fbe = DoBattleAnimFrame
$4fce = DoBattleAnimFrame.Jumptable
$506e = BattleAnimFunc_Null
$5071 = BattleAnimFunc_Null.anon_dw
$5075 = BattleAnimFunc_Null.one
$5078 = BattleAnimFunc_Null.zero
$5079 = BattleAnimFunc_ThrowFromUserToTargetAndDisappear
$5081 = BattleAnimFunc_ThrowFromUserToTarget
$50a6 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveWaveToTarget
$50b3 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveWaveToTarget.move
$50e3 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveInCircle
$50e6 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveInCircle.anon_dw
$50ea = BattleAnimFunc_MoveInCircle.zero
$50f9 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveInCircle.got_starting_position
$5106 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveInCircle.one
$512a = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTarget
$512d = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTarget.anon_dw
$5131 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTarget.one
$5135 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTarget.zero
$5146 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetAndDisappear
$5158 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetAndDisappear.done
$515c = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall
$515f = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.anon_dw
$5177 = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.zero
$517e = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.one
$5196 = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.three
$51a7 = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.four
$51d2 = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.six
$51dc = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.two
$51dc = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.five
$51dc = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.nine
$51dd = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.seven
$51ee = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.eight
$51ee = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.ten
$520e = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBall.eleven
$5212 = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBallBlocked
$5215 = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBallBlocked.anon_dw
$521b = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBallBlocked.zero
$5222 = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBallBlocked.one
$522f = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBallBlocked.next
$5232 = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBallBlocked.two
$5245 = BattleAnimFunc_PokeBallBlocked.done
$5249 = GetBallAnimPal
$525a = GetBallAnimPal.IsInArray
$5265 = GetBallAnimPal.load
$526c = BallColors
$5284 = BattleAnimFunc_Ember
$5287 = BattleAnimFunc_Ember.anon_dw
$5291 = BattleAnimFunc_Ember.zero
$52a0 = BattleAnimFunc_Ember.one
$52b1 = BattleAnimFunc_Ember.two
$52b5 = BattleAnimFunc_Ember.three
$52bd = BattleAnimFunc_Ember.four
$52be = BattleAnimFunc_Drop
$52c1 = BattleAnimFunc_Drop.anon_dw
$52c5 = BattleAnimFunc_Drop.zero
$52d1 = BattleAnimFunc_Drop.one
$5302 = BattleAnimFunc_Drop.done
$5306 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetSpinAround
$5309 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetSpinAround.anon_dw
$5311 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetSpinAround.zero
$531e = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetSpinAround.next
$5321 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetSpinAround.one
$532a = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetSpinAround.two
$5363 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetSpinAround.loop_back
$537a = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetSpinAround.finish
$537d = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetSpinAround.three
$538a = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetSpinAround.retain
$538e = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetSpinAround.SetCoords
$53a9 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveFromUserToTargetSpinAround.loop
$53ae = BattleAnimFunc_Shake
$53b1 = BattleAnimFunc_Shake.anon_dw
$53b7 = BattleAnimFunc_Shake.zero
$53cc = BattleAnimFunc_Shake.one
$53d6 = BattleAnimFunc_Shake.done_one
$53ee = BattleAnimFunc_Shake.two
$53f2 = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast
$53f5 = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast.anon_dw
$5409 = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast.zero
$541d = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast.seven
$542f = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast.set_up_eight
$5437 = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast.eight
$5458 = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast.nine
$545c = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast.one
$5462 = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast.four
$5467 = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast.two
$546d = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast.five
$5472 = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast.three
$5477 = BattleAnimFunc_FireBlast.six
$5478 = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf
$547b = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.anon_dw
$548d = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.zero
$5496 = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.one
$54bc = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.sine_cosine
$54ee = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.two
$54fb = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.sine_cosine_2
$5519 = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.decrease
$551e = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.finish
$553a = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.three
$5545 = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.four
$5545 = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.five
$5545 = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.six
$5545 = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.seven
$5549 = BattleAnimFunc_RazorLeaf.eight
$5557 = BattleAnim_ScatterHorizontal
$556c = BattleAnim_ScatterHorizontal.plus_384
$5570 = BattleAnim_ScatterHorizontal.plus_256
$5574 = BattleAnim_ScatterHorizontal.negative
$5582 = BattleAnim_ScatterHorizontal.minus_384
$5586 = BattleAnim_ScatterHorizontal.minus_256
$558a = BattleAnimFunc_RockSmash
$558d = BattleAnimFunc_RockSmash.anon_dw
$5591 = BattleAnimFunc_RockSmash.zero
$55aa = BattleAnimFunc_RockSmash.one
$55b7 = BattleAnimFunc_RockSmash.sine_cosine
$55e9 = BattleAnimFunc_Bubble
$55ec = BattleAnimFunc_Bubble.anon_dw
$55f2 = BattleAnimFunc_Bubble.zero
$55fb = BattleAnimFunc_Bubble.one
$560d = BattleAnimFunc_Bubble.next
$561b = BattleAnimFunc_Bubble.two
$563f = BattleAnimFunc_Bubble.okay
$566a = BattleAnimFunc_Surf
$566d = BattleAnimFunc_Surf.anon_dw
$5677 = BattleAnimFunc_Surf.zero
$5687 = BattleAnimFunc_Surf.one
$569b = BattleAnimFunc_Surf.move
$56c5 = BattleAnimFunc_Surf.two
$56c6 = BattleAnimFunc_Surf.three
$56d6 = BattleAnimFunc_Surf.four
$56da = BattleAnimFunc_Surf.move_down
$56e3 = BattleAnimFunc_Sing
$56e6 = BattleAnimFunc_Sing.anon_dw
$56ea = BattleAnimFunc_Sing.zero
$56f7 = BattleAnimFunc_Sing.one
$5704 = BattleAnimFunc_Sing.move
$571a = BattleAnimFunc_WaterGun
$571d = BattleAnimFunc_WaterGun.anon_dw
$5725 = BattleAnimFunc_WaterGun.zero
$5728 = BattleAnimFunc_WaterGun.one
$5747 = BattleAnimFunc_WaterGun.run_down
$5763 = BattleAnimFunc_WaterGun.two
$576e = BattleAnimFunc_WaterGun.splash
$5776 = BattleAnimFunc_WaterGun.three
$5777 = BattleAnimFunc_Powder
$5784 = BattleAnimFunc_Powder.move
$57a4 = BattleAnimFunc_Recover
$57a7 = BattleAnimFunc_Recover.anon_dw
$57ab = BattleAnimFunc_Recover.zero
$57d2 = BattleAnimFunc_Recover.one
$57de = BattleAnimFunc_Recover.move
$580c = BattleAnimFunc_ThunderWave
$580f = BattleAnimFunc_ThunderWave.anon_dw
$5817 = BattleAnimFunc_ThunderWave.one
$581f = BattleAnimFunc_ThunderWave.zero
$581f = BattleAnimFunc_ThunderWave.two
$5820 = BattleAnimFunc_ThunderWave.three
$5824 = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore
$5827 = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore.anon_dw
$5835 = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore.zero
$5852 = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore.flipped
$5858 = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore.got_sine_start
$5860 = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore.one
$587e = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore.load_no_inc
$5883 = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore.reinit
$588f = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore.two
$588f = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore.three
$588f = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore.four
$588f = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore.five
$5893 = BattleAnimFunc_Clamp_Encore.six
$589a = BattleAnimFunc_Bite
$589d = BattleAnimFunc_Bite.anon_dw
$58ab = BattleAnimFunc_Bite.zero
$58be = BattleAnimFunc_Bite.flipped
$58c4 = BattleAnimFunc_Bite.got_sine_start
$58cc = BattleAnimFunc_Bite.one
$58e6 = BattleAnimFunc_Bite.flipped2
$58e8 = BattleAnimFunc_Bite.got_frameset
$58f5 = BattleAnimFunc_Bite.two
$58f5 = BattleAnimFunc_Bite.three
$58f5 = BattleAnimFunc_Bite.four
$58f5 = BattleAnimFunc_Bite.five
$58f9 = BattleAnimFunc_Bite.six
$5900 = BattleAnimFunc_SolarBeam
$5903 = BattleAnimFunc_SolarBeam.anon_dw
$5907 = BattleAnimFunc_SolarBeam.zero
$5913 = BattleAnimFunc_SolarBeam.one
$5950 = BattleAnimFunc_SolarBeam.zero_radius
$5954 = BattleAnimFunc_Gust
$5957 = BattleAnimFunc_Gust.anon_dw
$5961 = BattleAnimFunc_Gust.zero
$596a = BattleAnimFunc_Gust.one
$596a = BattleAnimFunc_Gust.three
$596e = BattleAnimFunc_Gust.two
$597b = BattleAnimFunc_Gust.four
$5988 = BattleAnimFunc_Gust.move
$599a = BattleAnimFunc_Gust.GustWobble
$59d7 = BattleAnimFunc_Gust.start_wobble
$59e2 = BattleAnimFunc_Gust.finish_wobble
$59f4 = BattleAnimFunc_Gust.GetGustRadius
$5a01 = BattleAnimFunc_Gust.GustOffsets
$5a0a = BattleAnimFunc_Absorb
$5a17 = BattleAnimFunc_Absorb.move
$5a2c = BattleAnimFunc_Absorb.loop
$5a31 = BattleAnimFunc_Wrap
$5a34 = BattleAnimFunc_Wrap.anon_dw
$5a3a = BattleAnimFunc_Wrap.one
$5a4c = BattleAnimFunc_Wrap.zero
$5a4c = BattleAnimFunc_Wrap.two
$5a4d = BattleAnimFunc_LeechSeed
$5a50 = BattleAnimFunc_LeechSeed.anon_dw
$5a58 = BattleAnimFunc_LeechSeed.zero
$5a62 = BattleAnimFunc_LeechSeed.one
$5a6f = BattleAnimFunc_LeechSeed.sprout
$5a7a = BattleAnimFunc_LeechSeed.two
$5a84 = BattleAnimFunc_LeechSeed.flutter
$5a8c = BattleAnimFunc_LeechSeed.three
$5a8d = BattleAnim_StepThrownToTarget
$5ad6 = BattleAnimFunc_Spikes
$5ad9 = BattleAnimFunc_Spikes.anon_dw
$5adf = BattleAnimFunc_Spikes.zero
$5ae9 = BattleAnimFunc_Spikes.one
$5af6 = BattleAnimFunc_Spikes.wait
$5af9 = BattleAnimFunc_Spikes.two
$5afa = BattleAnimFunc_RazorWind
$5b06 = BattleAnimFunc_Kick
$5b09 = BattleAnimFunc_Kick.anon_dw
$5b13 = BattleAnimFunc_Kick.zero
$5b14 = BattleAnimFunc_Kick.one
$5b24 = BattleAnimFunc_Kick.move_down
$5b28 = BattleAnimFunc_Kick.two
$5b50 = BattleAnimFunc_Kick.three
$5b65 = BattleAnimFunc_Kick.four
$5b80 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg
$5b83 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.anon_dw
$5b9f = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.zero
$5bb3 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.one
$5bbd = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.egg_bomb_vertical_wave
$5bc1 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.six
$5bcb = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.softboiled_vertical_wave
$5bcf = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.two
$5be6 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.egg_bomb_done
$5beb = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.three
$5bf5 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.done_waiting
$5bfa = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.egg_bomb_step
$5c1a = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.five
$5c1e = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.seven
$5c27 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.eight
$5c39 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.nine
$5c48 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.eleven
$5c57 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.twelve
$5c71 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.done_top_shell
$5c74 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.four
$5c74 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.ten
$5c74 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.thirteen
$5c75 = BattleAnimFunc_Egg.EggVerticalWaveMotion
$5ca6 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveUp
$5cb6 = BattleAnimFunc_MoveUp.move
$5cc3 = BattleAnimFunc_Sound
$5cc6 = BattleAnimFunc_Sound.anon_dw
$5cca = BattleAnimFunc_Sound.zero
$5cd9 = BattleAnimFunc_Sound.got_turn
$5ced = BattleAnimFunc_Sound.one
$5cfa = BattleAnimFunc_Sound.done_anim
$5cfe = BattleAnimFunc_Sound.SoundWaveMotion
$5d20 = BattleAnimFunc_Sound.negative
$5d2a = BattleAnimFunc_ConfuseRay
$5d2d = BattleAnimFunc_ConfuseRay.anon_dw
$5d31 = BattleAnimFunc_ConfuseRay.zero
$5d4f = BattleAnimFunc_ConfuseRay.one
$5d87 = BattleAnimFunc_ConfuseRay.skip_vertical_movement
$5d90 = BattleAnimFunc_Dizzy
$5d93 = BattleAnimFunc_Dizzy.anon_dw
$5d97 = BattleAnimFunc_Dizzy.zero
$5dbc = BattleAnimFunc_Dizzy.one
$5df0 = BattleAnimFunc_Dizzy.not_flipped
$5df5 = BattleAnimFunc_Dizzy.got_frameset
$5df9 = BattleAnimFunc_Amnesia
$5dfc = BattleAnimFunc_Amnesia.anon_dw
$5e02 = BattleAnimFunc_Amnesia.zero
$5e20 = BattleAnimFunc_Amnesia.one
$5e21 = BattleAnimFunc_Amnesia.two
$5e25 = BattleAnimFunc_Amnesia.AmnesiaOffsets
$5e28 = BattleAnimFunc_FloatUp
$5e54 = BattleAnimFunc_Dig
$5e6b = BattleAnimFunc_String
$5e6e = BattleAnimFunc_String.anon_dw
$5e72 = BattleAnimFunc_String.zero
$5e83 = BattleAnimFunc_String.not_param_zero
$5e88 = BattleAnimFunc_String.one
$5e89 = BattleAnimFunc_Paralyzed
$5e8c = BattleAnimFunc_Paralyzed.anon_dw
$5e90 = BattleAnimFunc_Paralyzed.zero
$5eb2 = BattleAnimFunc_Paralyzed.right
$5ebf = BattleAnimFunc_Paralyzed.one
$5ec9 = BattleAnimFunc_Paralyzed.var1_zero
$5edd = BattleAnimFunc_SpiralDescent
$5f17 = BattleAnimFunc_SpiralDescent.delete
$5f1b = BattleAnimFunc_PetalDance
$5f55 = BattleAnimFunc_PetalDance.end
$5f59 = BattleAnimFunc_PoisonGas
$5f5c = BattleAnimFunc_PoisonGas.anon_dw
$5f60 = BattleAnimFunc_PoisonGas.zero
$5f88 = BattleAnimFunc_PoisonGas.next
$5f8c = BattleAnimFunc_SmokeFlameWheel
$5fc7 = BattleAnimFunc_SmokeFlameWheel.done
$5fcb = BattleAnimFunc_SacredFire
$6007 = BattleAnimFunc_SacredFire.done
$600b = BattleAnimFunc_PresentSmokescreen
$600e = BattleAnimFunc_PresentSmokescreen.anon_dw
$6014 = BattleAnimFunc_PresentSmokescreen.zero
$6023 = BattleAnimFunc_PresentSmokescreen.one
$602d = BattleAnimFunc_PresentSmokescreen.do_move
$6046 = BattleAnimFunc_PresentSmokescreen.negative
$605f = BattleAnimFunc_PresentSmokescreen.two
$6063 = BattleAnimFunc_Horn
$6066 = BattleAnimFunc_Horn.anon_dw
$606e = BattleAnimFunc_Horn.zero
$6083 = BattleAnimFunc_Horn.one
$6091 = BattleAnimFunc_Horn.two
$609e = BattleAnimFunc_Horn.three
$60c5 = BattleAnimFunc_Needle
$60c8 = BattleAnimFunc_Needle.anon_dw
$60ce = BattleAnimFunc_Needle.zero
$60dd = BattleAnimFunc_Needle.two
$60f0 = BattleAnimFunc_Needle.negative
$60f8 = BattleAnimFunc_Needle.one
$6105 = BattleAnimFunc_Needle.move_to_target
$610e = BattleAnimFunc_ThiefPayday
$6111 = BattleAnimFunc_ThiefPayday.anon_dw
$6115 = BattleAnimFunc_ThiefPayday.zero
$612a = BattleAnimFunc_ThiefPayday.one
$6149 = BattleAnimFunc_ThiefPayday.var_doesnt_equal_param
$615c = BattleAnimFunc_AbsorbCircle
$6189 = BattleAnimFunc_AbsorbCircle.dont_move_x
$6197 = BattleAnimFunc_AbsorbCircle.dont_move_y
$61aa = BattleAnimFunc_AbsorbCircle.increase_radius
$61ac = BattleAnimFunc_AbsorbCircle.end
$61b0 = BattleAnimFunc_Conversion
$61df = BattleAnimFunc_Conversion.shrink
$61e7 = BattleAnimFunc_Bonemerang
$61ea = BattleAnimFunc_Bonemerang.anon_dw
$61ee = BattleAnimFunc_Bonemerang.zero
$61fb = BattleAnimFunc_Bonemerang.one
$6226 = BattleAnimFunc_Shiny
$6229 = BattleAnimFunc_Shiny.anon_dw
$622d = BattleAnimFunc_Shiny.zero
$6254 = BattleAnimFunc_Shiny.one
$6255 = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack
$6258 = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.anon_dw
$6260 = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.zero
$626c = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.enemy_turn
$626e = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.got_var1
$6274 = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.one
$6278 = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.two
$6289 = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.three
$629b = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.done
$629f = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.SkyAttack_CyclePalette
$62b6 = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.sgb
$62b9 = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.got_pals
$62c4 = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.GBCPals
$62c8 = BattleAnimFunc_SkyAttack.SGBPals
$62cc = BattleAnimFunc_GrowthSwordsDance
$62fd = BattleAnimFunc_StrengthSeismicToss
$6300 = BattleAnimFunc_StrengthSeismicToss.anon_dw
$6306 = BattleAnimFunc_StrengthSeismicToss.zero
$6319 = BattleAnimFunc_StrengthSeismicToss.move_up
$6330 = BattleAnimFunc_StrengthSeismicToss.one
$633a = BattleAnimFunc_StrengthSeismicToss.switch_position
$634c = BattleAnimFunc_StrengthSeismicToss.two
$635b = BattleAnimFunc_StrengthSeismicToss.done
$635f = BattleAnimFunc_SpeedLine
$6362 = BattleAnimFunc_SpeedLine.anon_dw
$6366 = BattleAnimFunc_SpeedLine.zero
$6375 = BattleAnimFunc_SpeedLine.one
$6383 = BattleAnimFunc_SpeedLine.inverted
$6389 = BattleAnimFunc_Sludge
$638c = BattleAnimFunc_Sludge.anon_dw
$6392 = BattleAnimFunc_Sludge.zero
$639c = BattleAnimFunc_Sludge.one
$63a6 = BattleAnimFunc_Sludge.done
$63ae = BattleAnimFunc_Sludge.two
$63b4 = BattleAnimFunc_MetronomeHand
$63d2 = BattleAnimFunc_MetronomeSparkleSketch
$63df = BattleAnimFunc_MetronomeSparkleSketch.do_move
$63ff = BattleAnimFunc_Agility
$6402 = BattleAnimFunc_Agility.anon_dw
$6406 = BattleAnimFunc_Agility.zero
$6412 = BattleAnimFunc_Agility.one
$6416 = BattleAnimFunc_SafeguardProtect
$643a = BattleAnimFunc_LockOnMindReader
$643d = BattleAnimFunc_LockOnMindReader.anon_dw
$6443 = BattleAnimFunc_LockOnMindReader.zero
$6465 = BattleAnimFunc_LockOnMindReader.one
$648b = BattleAnimFunc_LockOnMindReader.done
$6490 = BattleAnimFunc_LockOnMindReader.two
$649c = BattleAnimFunc_HealBellNotes
$649f = BattleAnimFunc_HealBellNotes.anon_dw
$64a3 = BattleAnimFunc_HealBellNotes.zero
$64b0 = BattleAnimFunc_HealBellNotes.one
$64d8 = BattleAnimFunc_HealBellNotes.done
$64dc = BattleAnimFunc_BatonPass
$64f4 = BattleAnimFunc_BatonPass.negative
$6508 = BattleAnimFunc_EncoreBellyDrum
$652e = BattleAnimFunc_EncoreBellyDrum.done
$6532 = BattleAnimFunc_SwaggerMorningSun
$655b = BattleAnimFunc_HiddenPower
$655e = BattleAnimFunc_HiddenPower.anon_dw
$6564 = BattleAnimFunc_HiddenPower.zero
$656e = BattleAnimFunc_HiddenPower.one
$6577 = BattleAnimFunc_HiddenPower.two
$658b = BattleAnimFunc_HiddenPower.done
$658f = BattleAnimFunc_HiddenPower.step_circle
$6593 = BattleAnimFunc_Curse
$6596 = BattleAnimFunc_Curse.anon_dw
$659a = BattleAnimFunc_Curse.one
$65b0 = BattleAnimFunc_Curse.done
$65b3 = BattleAnimFunc_Curse.zero
$65b4 = BattleAnimFunc_PerishSong
$65dc = BattleAnimFunc_RapidSpin
$65ea = BattleAnimFunc_RapidSpin.done
$65ee = BattleAnimFunc_BetaPursuit
$65f1 = BattleAnimFunc_BetaPursuit.anon_dw
$65f9 = BattleAnimFunc_BetaPursuit.zero
$660a = BattleAnimFunc_BetaPursuit.one
$6618 = BattleAnimFunc_BetaPursuit.three
$661c = BattleAnimFunc_BetaPursuit.move_up
$6622 = BattleAnimFunc_BetaPursuit.two
$662f = BattleAnimFunc_RainSandstorm
$6632 = BattleAnimFunc_RainSandstorm.anon_dw
$663a = BattleAnimFunc_RainSandstorm.zero
$6648 = BattleAnimFunc_RainSandstorm.one
$6654 = BattleAnimFunc_RainSandstorm.dont_reset_y_offset_one
$665c = BattleAnimFunc_RainSandstorm.two
$6668 = BattleAnimFunc_RainSandstorm.dont_reset_y_offset_two
$6672 = BattleAnimFunc_RainSandstorm.three
$667e = BattleAnimFunc_RainSandstorm.dont_reset_y_offset_three
$6688 = BattleAnimFunc_AnimObjB0
$66b3 = BattleAnimFunc_PsychUp
$66bf = BattleAnimFunc_Cotton
$66d2 = BattleAnimFunc_AncientPower
$66ed = BattleAnimFunc_AncientPower.done
$66f1 = BattleAnim_StepCircle
$670a = BattleAnim_StepToTarget
$6719 = BattleAnim_StepToTarget.loop
$671e = BattleAnim_AnonJumptable
$672c = BattleAnim_IncAnonJumptableIndex
$6732 = BattleAnim_Cosine
$6734 = BattleAnim_Sine
$673f = BattleAnim_Sine.negative_u25
$6749 = BattleAnim_Sine.apply_u25
$6758 = BattleAnim_Sine.multiply_u25
$675d = BattleAnim_Sine.even_u25
$6765 = BattleAnim_Sine_e
$676b = BattleAnim_Cosine_e
$6771 = BattleAnim_AbsSinePrecise
$6778 = BattleAnim_AbsCosinePrecise
$677f = BattleAnimSineWave
$67bf = ReinitBattleAnimFrameset
$67d1 = GetBattleAnimFrame
$67d1 = GetBattleAnimFrame.loop
$67e1 = GetBattleAnimFrame.next_frame
$67fd = GetBattleAnimFrame.okay
$6807 = GetBattleAnimFrame.repeat_last
$6815 = GetBattleAnimFrame.restart
$6823 = GetBattleAnimFrame.GetPointer
$683c = GetBattleAnimOAMPointer
$6846 = LoadBattleAnimGFX
$685e = BattleAnimFrameData
$69d0 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_HitBig
$69d3 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Hit
$69d6 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_HitSmall
$69d9 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Punch
$69dc = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Kick
$69df = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Palm
$69e2 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Fang
$69e5 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PunchShake
$69f6 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_CutDownLeft
$6a0b = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_CutDownRight
$6a20 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_CutUpRight
$6a35 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_CutLongDownLeft
$6a50 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_CutLongDownRight
$6a6b = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_BallPoof
$6a74 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PokeBall1
$6a7d = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PokeBall2
$6a80 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PokeBall3
$6a83 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PokeBall4
$6a86 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PokeBall5
$6a91 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_DragonRage
$6a94 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Flamethrower
$6a99 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Ember
$6a9e = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Burned
$6aaf = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Blizzard
$6abc = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Ice
$6ad3 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_IceBeam
$6ad6 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PowderSnow
$6adb = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_RazorLeaf1
$6ade = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_RazorLeaf2
$6af3 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_LeechSeed1
$6af6 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_LeechSeed2
$6b01 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_LeechSeed3
$6b06 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Explosion
$6b0d = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_BigRock
$6b10 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SmallRock
$6b13 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Strength
$6b16 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SkullCrossbone
$6b19 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Acid
$6b1c = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PoisonDropletUnused
$6b1f = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SludgeBubble
$6b26 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SludgeBubbleBurst
$6b2b = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SmallBubble
$6b2e = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PulsingBubble
$6b37 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Surf
$6b3a = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_MusicNote1
$6b3d = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_MusicNote2
$6b40 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_MusicNote3
$6b43 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_WaterGun1
$6b46 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_WaterGun2
$6b4b = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_WaterGun3
$6b50 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_HydroPump
$6b63 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Powder
$6b68 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Beam
$6b6d = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_BeamTip
$6b70 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_IceBuildup
$6b78 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Frozen
$6b89 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_CirclingSparkle
$6b8e = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ThunderCenter
$6b97 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ThunderLeft
$6ba0 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ThunderRight
$6ba9 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ThunderWaveDisable
$6bb0 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ThunderWaveExtra
$6bc1 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ThunderBoltSparks
$6bca = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ThunderBoltCore
$6bcf = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ThunderShockSparks
$6bd4 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ThunderShockCore
$6bd9 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Clamp
$6bdc = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ClampFlipped
$6bdf = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Bite1
$6be2 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Bite2
$6be5 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ChargeOrb1
$6bec = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ChargeOrb2
$6bf3 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_AbsorbCenter
$6c08 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ShrinkingChargeOrb
$6c0f = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Gust
$6c20 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_VineWhip1
$6c25 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_VineWhip2
$6c2a = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_RazorWind1
$6c37 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_RazorWind2
$6c44 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SonicboomJP
$6c4d = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Warp
$6c56 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Egg
$6c67 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_EggWobble
$6c72 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_EggCrackedTop
$6c77 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_EggCrackedBottom
$6c7c = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Focus
$6c7f = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Bind1
$6c86 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Bind2
$6c8b = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Bind3
$6c92 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Bind4
$6c97 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Sound1
$6c9a = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Sound2
$6c9d = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Sound3
$6ca0 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Wave
$6cab = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ConfuseRay1
$6cb0 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ConfuseRay2
$6cb3 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Sparkle
$6cbe = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_GrowingSparkle
$6cc9 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Leer
$6ccc = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Reflect
$6ce7 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Chick1
$6cec = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Chick2
$6cf1 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Amnesia1
$6cf4 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Amnesia2
$6cf7 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Amnesia3
$6cfa = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Asleep
$6d09 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_DigSand
$6d0c = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_DigPile
$6d19 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Sand
$6d22 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_StringShot1
$6d2b = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_StringShot2
$6d32 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_StringShot3
$6d39 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Paralyzed
$6d3c = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ParalyzedFlipped
$6d3f = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Haze
$6d44 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Mist
$6d49 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Horn
$6d4c = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Needle
$6d4f = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Flower
$6d54 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_BarrageBall
$6d57 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PayDay
$6d5a = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Heart
$6d5d = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SpinningBone
$6d62 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Star
$6d65 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Spoon
$6d72 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SkyAttack
$6d75 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Lick
$6d88 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_WithdrawShell
$6d8b = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Conversion
$6d8e = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Sword
$6d91 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SpeedLine1
$6d93 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SpeedLine2
$6d95 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SpeedLine3
$6d98 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SeismicToss
$6d9b = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Sharpen
$6da8 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_DefenseCurl
$6db5 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_MetronomeHand
$6db8 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Agility
$6dbb = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Cotton
$6dbe = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_MilkBottle
$6dc1 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Spike
$6dc4 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_AngerVein
$6dc7 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_HealBell
$6dcc = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_BatonPass
$6dcf = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_LockOn1
$6dd2 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_LockOn2
$6dd5 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_LockOn3
$6dd8 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_LockOn4
$6ddb = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_MindReader1
$6dde = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_MindReader2
$6de1 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_MindReader3
$6de4 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_MindReader4
$6de7 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Safeguard
$6dea = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_MegaphoneUnused
$6ded = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ItemBag
$6df0 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SpiderWeb
$6df3 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_UnusedCake
$6df6 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Imp
$6df9 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ImpFlipped
$6dfc = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Cherub
$6dff = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Pencil
$6e02 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_EncoreHand
$6e05 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_EncoreHandFlipped
$6e08 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_DestinyBond
$6e0b = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_MorningSun
$6e12 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Glimmer
$6e19 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Moonlight
$6e1e = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_CrossChop1
$6e3d = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_CrossChop2
$6e5c = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ZapCannon
$6e61 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_CurseNail
$6e64 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_ForesightShine
$6e6b = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_RapidSpin
$6e70 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Swagger
$6e75 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_MeanLook
$6e7e = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_UpsideDownPunch
$6e81 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Rain
$6e84 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PsychUp
$6e8d = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_SpiralUnused
$6e96 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Aeroblast
$6e9f = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_Sandstorm
$6ea2 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_EnemyFeet1Row
$6ea5 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PlayerHead1Row
$6ea8 = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_EnemyFeet2Row
$6eab = BattleAnimFrameData.Frameset_PlayerHead2Row
$6eae = BattleAnimOAMData
$720e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_11
$7216 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_56
$721e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_03
$722e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_02
$723e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_c3
$7262 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_01
$7286 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_cf
$72b6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_1c
$72f6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_00
$7336 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_09
$7376 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_0c
$737e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_6a
$7386 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_04
$7396 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_5d
$73a6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_13
$73b6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_22
$740e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_2a
$7422 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_2b
$743a = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_2c
$7456 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_2d
$7476 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_2e
$749a = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_2f
$74aa = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_30
$74ba = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_31
$74d2 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_76
$74da = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_32
$7512 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_33
$7566 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_36
$759e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_3a
$75d6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_3e
$763e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_41
$76a6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_42
$76c6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_44
$76e6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_46
$76f6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_47
$7706 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_48
$771e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_49
$772e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_4a
$7736 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_0f
$774a = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_4c
$7762 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_4d
$777e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_4f
$779e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_50
$77c2 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_51
$77ea = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_59
$77fa = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_5a
$780a = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_60
$780e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_69
$7812 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_61
$7836 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_65
$785a = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_d4
$7876 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_d6
$78ae = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_d5
$78c6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_d7
$78f6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_6e
$790a = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_6f
$7916 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_77
$791a = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_78
$7926 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_79
$793e = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_7a
$7962 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_7b
$7992 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_7c
$79ca = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_7d
$7a06 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_70
$7a26 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_81
$7a36 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_87
$7a76 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_88
$7aa6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_8a
$7ac6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_8e
$7ada = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_8f
$7aea = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_93
$7b02 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_99
$7b12 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_9b
$7ba2 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_9c
$7bba = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_9f
$7bda = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_a0
$7bf6 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_a4
$7c1a = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_ac
$7c2a = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_bc
$7c42 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_c1
$7c82 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_c2
$7c9a = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_c8
$7cb2 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_ca
$7cc2 = BattleAnimOAMData.OAMData_cc
$7cf6 = AnimObjGFX
SECTION: $7d9e-$7f03 ($0166 bytes) ["Extra Songs 2"]
$7d9e = Music_PostCredits
$7da5 = Music_PostCredits_Ch1
$7db2 = Music_PostCredits_Ch1.mainloop
$7e48 = Music_PostCredits_Ch2
$7e5a = Music_PostCredits_Ch2.mainloop
EMPTY: $7f04-$7fff ($00fc bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $00fc bytes
ROMX bank #52:
SECTION: $4000-$7c32 ($3c33 bytes) ["Pic Animations 1"]
$4000 = Unused_AnimateMon_Slow_Normal
$4012 = Unused_AnimateMon_Slow_Normal.wild
$401a = AnimateMon_Menu
$4022 = AnimateMon_Trade
$402a = AnimateMon_Evolve
$4032 = AnimateMon_Hatch
$403a = AnimateMon_HOF
$4042 = PokeAnims
$4054 = PokeAnims.Slow
$4058 = PokeAnims.Normal
$405c = PokeAnims.Menu
$4064 = PokeAnims.Trade
$406e = PokeAnims.Evolve
$4076 = PokeAnims.Hatch
$4080 = PokeAnims.HOF
$4088 = PokeAnims.Egg1
$408b = PokeAnims.Egg2
$408e = AnimateFrontpic
$4095 = AnimateFrontpic.loop
$40a3 = LoadMonAnimation
$40b4 = SetUpPokeAnim
$40da = PokeAnim_SetupCommands
$40da = PokeAnim_Finish_SetupCommand
$40dc = PokeAnim_BasePic_SetupCommand
$40de = PokeAnim_SetWait_SetupCommand
$40e0 = PokeAnim_Wait_SetupCommand
$40e2 = PokeAnim_Setup_SetupCommand
$40e4 = PokeAnim_Setup2_SetupCommand
$40e6 = PokeAnim_Idle_SetupCommand
$40e8 = PokeAnim_Play_SetupCommand
$40ea = PokeAnim_Play2_SetupCommand
$40ec = PokeAnim_Cry_SetupCommand
$40ee = PokeAnim_CryNoWait_SetupCommand
$40f0 = PokeAnim_StereoCry_SetupCommand
$40f2 = PokeAnim_SetWait
$40fe = PokeAnim_Wait
$410b = PokeAnim_Setup
$411d = PokeAnim_Setup2
$412f = PokeAnim_Idle
$4141 = PokeAnim_Play
$4155 = PokeAnim_Play2
$4166 = PokeAnim_BasePic
$4171 = PokeAnim_Finish
$417a = PokeAnim_Cry
$4188 = PokeAnim_CryNoWait
$4196 = PokeAnim_StereoCry
$41a9 = PokeAnim_DeinitFrames
$41c6 = AnimateMon_CheckIfPokemon
$41d4 = AnimateMon_CheckIfPokemon.fail
$41d6 = PokeAnim_InitPicAttributes
$4228 = PokeAnim_InitAnim
$4250 = PokeAnim_DoAnimScript
$4253 = PokeAnim_DoAnimScript.loop
$425d = PokeAnim_DoAnimScript.Jumptable
$4261 = PokeAnim_DoAnimScript.RunAnim
$4282 = PokeAnim_DoAnimScript.WaitAnim
$428e = PokeAnim_DoAnimScript.SetRepeat
$4296 = PokeAnim_DoAnimScript.DoRepeat
$42a8 = PokeAnim_End
$42ae = PokeAnim_GetDuration
$42c8 = PokeAnim_GetFrame
$42dc = PokeAnim_StartWaitAnim
$42e4 = PokeAnim_StopWaitAnim
$42ec = PokeAnim_IsUnown
$42f2 = PokeAnim_IsEgg
$42f8 = PokeAnim_GetPointer
$431b = PokeAnim_GetBitmaskIndex
$433b = PokeAnim_CopyBitmaskToBuffer
$4356 = PokeAnim_CopyBitmaskToBuffer.GetSize
$4368 = PokeAnim_CopyBitmaskToBuffer.Sizes
$436b = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask
$4375 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.loop
$438a = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.next
$4392 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.IsCurBitSet
$43ab = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.loop2
$43b0 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.skip
$43b7 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.finish
$43bd = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.ApplyFrame
$43cd = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.GetCoord
$43e8 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.subtract
$43f3 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.done
$43f4 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.UnusedSizeData
$43f7 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.GetTilemap
$4405 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.check_add_24
$4417 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.add_24
$441a = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.check_add_13
$442c = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.add_13
$442f = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask._5by5
$4448 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask._6by6
$446c = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.GetStartCoord
$448f = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.okay
$4497 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.add_bc
$4499 = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.NextBit
$44bb = PokeAnim_ConvertAndApplyBitmask.no_carry
$44bd = PokeAnim_PlaceGraphic
$44ce = PokeAnim_PlaceGraphic.flipped
$44d4 = PokeAnim_PlaceGraphic.okay
$44e2 = PokeAnim_PlaceGraphic.loop
$44e8 = PokeAnim_PlaceGraphic.loop2
$44f6 = PokeAnim_PlaceGraphic.ClearBox
$4504 = PokeAnim_SetVBank1
$451b = PokeAnim_SetVBank1.SetFlag
$4525 = PokeAnim_SetVBank1.row
$4527 = PokeAnim_SetVBank1.col
$4536 = PokeAnim_SetVBank0
$4540 = PokeAnim_SetVBank0.row
$4542 = PokeAnim_SetVBank0.col
$4551 = PokeAnim_GetAttrmapCoord
$455c = GetMonAnimPointer
$4576 = GetMonAnimPointer.unown
$457e = GetMonAnimPointer.idles
$4597 = GetMonAnimPointer.egg
$45a7 = GetMonAnimPointer.idles_egg
$45b4 = PokeAnim_GetFrontpicDims
$45ce = GetMonFramesPointer
$45ef = GetMonFramesPointer.got_frames
$4609 = GetMonFramesPointer.egg
$461b = GetMonBitmaskPointer
$462f = GetMonBitmaskPointer.unown
$464a = GetMonBitmaskPointer.egg
$465c = PokeAnim_GetSpeciesOrUnown
$4665 = PokeAnim_GetSpeciesOrUnown.unown
$4669 = Unused_HOF_AnimateAlignedFrontpic
$466e = HOF_AnimateFrontpic
$468c = HOF_AnimateFrontpic.fail
$4695 = AnimationPointers
$488b = BulbasaurAnimation
$489c = IvysaurAnimation
$48a5 = VenusaurAnimation
$48b6 = CharmanderAnimation
$48c5 = CharmeleonAnimation
$48d4 = CharizardAnimation
$48e1 = SquirtleAnimation
$48f2 = WartortleAnimation
$48ff = BlastoiseAnimation
$4908 = CaterpieAnimation
$4915 = MetapodAnimation
$491c = ButterfreeAnimation
$4929 = WeedleAnimation
$493a = KakunaAnimation
$493f = BeedrillAnimation
$4954 = PidgeyAnimation
$4967 = PidgeottoAnimation
$497a = PidgeotAnimation
$4987 = RattataAnimation
$4998 = RaticateAnimation
$49a3 = SpearowAnimation
$49b6 = FearowAnimation
$49c3 = EkansAnimation
$49d2 = ArbokAnimation
$49ed = PikachuAnimation
$4a02 = RaichuAnimation
$4a0f = SandshrewAnimation
$4a26 = SandslashAnimation
$4a37 = NidoranFAnimation
$4a44 = NidorinaAnimation
$4a53 = NidoqueenAnimation
$4a64 = NidoranMAnimation
$4a71 = NidorinoAnimation
$4a86 = NidokingAnimation
$4a8f = ClefairyAnimation
$4a9e = ClefableAnimation
$4aa7 = VulpixAnimation
$4aba = NinetalesAnimation
$4acb = JigglypuffAnimation
$4ade = WigglytuffAnimation
$4aed = ZubatAnimation
$4afa = GolbatAnimation
$4b0d = OddishAnimation
$4b20 = GloomAnimation
$4b35 = VileplumeAnimation
$4b46 = ParasAnimation
$4b4f = ParasectAnimation
$4b66 = VenonatAnimation
$4b83 = VenomothAnimation
$4b8c = DiglettAnimation
$4b97 = DugtrioAnimation
$4bb4 = MeowthAnimation
$4bbf = PersianAnimation
$4bd0 = PsyduckAnimation
$4bdd = GolduckAnimation
$4bf4 = MankeyAnimation
$4bff = PrimeapeAnimation
$4c0c = GrowlitheAnimation
$4c1b = ArcanineAnimation
$4c26 = PoliwagAnimation
$4c33 = PoliwhirlAnimation
$4c42 = PoliwrathAnimation
$4c4f = AbraAnimation
$4c5a = KadabraAnimation
$4c67 = AlakazamAnimation
$4c76 = MachopAnimation
$4c83 = MachokeAnimation
$4c8a = MachampAnimation
$4c9d = BellsproutAnimation
$4cb2 = WeepinbellAnimation
$4cbf = VictreebelAnimation
$4cca = TentacoolAnimation
$4cd3 = TentacruelAnimation
$4cde = GeodudeAnimation
$4ceb = GravelerAnimation
$4cfc = GolemAnimation
$4d07 = PonytaAnimation
$4d18 = RapidashAnimation
$4d31 = SlowpokeAnimation
$4d38 = SlowbroAnimation
$4d4f = MagnemiteAnimation
$4d5c = MagnetonAnimation
$4d71 = FarfetchDAnimation
$4d7a = DoduoAnimation
$4d89 = DodrioAnimation
$4d92 = SeelAnimation
$4d9f = DewgongAnimation
$4daa = GrimerAnimation
$4db3 = MukAnimation
$4dbc = ShellderAnimation
$4dc5 = CloysterAnimation
$4dd0 = GastlyAnimation
$4ddd = HaunterAnimation
$4de8 = GengarAnimation
$4df7 = OnixAnimation
$4e08 = DrowzeeAnimation
$4e1b = HypnoAnimation
$4e26 = KrabbyAnimation
$4e39 = KinglerAnimation
$4e4a = VoltorbAnimation
$4e57 = ElectrodeAnimation
$4e5c = ExeggcuteAnimation
$4e7b = ExeggutorAnimation
$4e8a = CuboneAnimation
$4e9f = MarowakAnimation
$4eb0 = HitmonleeAnimation
$4ec7 = HitmonchanAnimation
$4eda = LickitungAnimation
$4ee5 = KoffingAnimation
$4ef0 = WeezingAnimation
$4efd = RhyhornAnimation
$4f04 = RhydonAnimation
$4f15 = ChanseyAnimation
$4f26 = TangelaAnimation
$4f2d = KangaskhanAnimation
$4f3c = HorseaAnimation
$4f49 = SeadraAnimation
$4f54 = GoldeenAnimation
$4f61 = SeakingAnimation
$4f6c = StaryuAnimation
$4f79 = StarmieAnimation
$4f86 = MrMimeAnimation
$4f99 = ScytherAnimation
$4fa8 = JynxAnimation
$4fb5 = ElectabuzzAnimation
$4fcc = MagmarAnimation
$4fd7 = PinsirAnimation
$4fe4 = TaurosAnimation
$4ff7 = MagikarpAnimation
$5002 = GyaradosAnimation
$500b = LaprasAnimation
$5016 = DittoAnimation
$5029 = EeveeAnimation
$5038 = VaporeonAnimation
$5043 = JolteonAnimation
$5054 = FlareonAnimation
$505f = PorygonAnimation
$506e = OmanyteAnimation
$5075 = OmastarAnimation
$507c = KabutoAnimation
$5085 = KabutopsAnimation
$5092 = AerodactylAnimation
$50a1 = SnorlaxAnimation
$50b2 = ArticunoAnimation
$50c1 = ZapdosAnimation
$50cc = MoltresAnimation
$50e3 = DratiniAnimation
$50f0 = DragonairAnimation
$50fd = DragoniteAnimation
$5114 = MewtwoAnimation
$5133 = MewAnimation
$5154 = ChikoritaAnimation
$5165 = BayleefAnimation
$516c = MeganiumAnimation
$517f = CyndaquilAnimation
$5194 = QuilavaAnimation
$51a3 = TyphlosionAnimation
$51b6 = TotodileAnimation
$51c7 = CroconawAnimation
$51d2 = FeraligatrAnimation
$51dd = SentretAnimation
$51e6 = FurretAnimation
$51f3 = HoothootAnimation
$5208 = NoctowlAnimation
$5219 = LedybaAnimation
$5224 = LedianAnimation
$5233 = SpinarakAnimation
$5240 = AriadosAnimation
$524d = CrobatAnimation
$525e = ChinchouAnimation
$5271 = LanturnAnimation
$5280 = PichuAnimation
$5289 = CleffaAnimation
$5290 = IgglybuffAnimation
$5299 = TogepiAnimation
$52a6 = TogeticAnimation
$52b3 = NatuAnimation
$52bc = XatuAnimation
$52cd = MareepAnimation
$52dc = FlaaffyAnimation
$52e9 = AmpharosAnimation
$52fa = BellossomAnimation
$530b = MarillAnimation
$531a = AzumarillAnimation
$5329 = SudowoodoAnimation
$5336 = PolitoedAnimation
$5345 = HoppipAnimation
$534e = SkiploomAnimation
$5357 = JumpluffAnimation
$535e = AipomAnimation
$5369 = SunkernAnimation
$5374 = SunfloraAnimation
$537b = YanmaAnimation
$538a = WooperAnimation
$5397 = QuagsireAnimation
$53a0 = EspeonAnimation
$53af = UmbreonAnimation
$53be = MurkrowAnimation
$53cf = SlowkingAnimation
$53e2 = MisdreavusAnimation
$53e9 = UnownAnimation
$53fe = WobbuffetAnimation
$5403 = GirafarigAnimation
$541c = PinecoAnimation
$5421 = ForretressAnimation
$5434 = DunsparceAnimation
$5441 = GligarAnimation
$5444 = SteelixAnimation
$544f = SnubbullAnimation
$5462 = GranbullAnimation
$546f = QwilfishAnimation
$547c = ScizorAnimation
$548d = ShuckleAnimation
$549e = HeracrossAnimation
$54a5 = SneaselAnimation
$54aa = TeddiursaAnimation
$54b9 = UrsaringAnimation
$54c8 = SlugmaAnimation
$54d9 = MagcargoAnimation
$54e4 = SwinubAnimation
$54ef = PiloswineAnimation
$54f6 = CorsolaAnimation
$5501 = RemoraidAnimation
$5508 = OctilleryAnimation
$5515 = DelibirdAnimation
$552a = MantineAnimation
$5539 = SkarmoryAnimation
$5544 = HoundourAnimation
$554f = HoundoomAnimation
$5560 = KingdraAnimation
$5571 = PhanpyAnimation
$557e = DonphanAnimation
$5587 = Porygon2Animation
$5592 = StantlerAnimation
$55a1 = SmeargleAnimation
$55ac = TyrogueAnimation
$55b7 = HitmontopAnimation
$55c6 = SmoochumAnimation
$55cd = ElekidAnimation
$55e0 = MagbyAnimation
$55ed = MiltankAnimation
$55fa = BlisseyAnimation
$5607 = RaikouAnimation
$5614 = EnteiAnimation
$561d = SuicuneAnimation
$5634 = LarvitarAnimation
$563d = PupitarAnimation
$564a = TyranitarAnimation
$5659 = LugiaAnimation
$5666 = HoOhAnimation
$5679 = CelebiAnimation
$5696 = EggAnimation
$56a3 = AnimationIdlePointers
$5899 = BulbasaurAnimationIdle
$58a0 = IvysaurAnimationIdle
$58ad = VenusaurAnimationIdle
$58b6 = CharmanderAnimationIdle
$58bf = CharmeleonAnimationIdle
$58cc = CharizardAnimationIdle
$58d5 = SquirtleAnimationIdle
$58de = WartortleAnimationIdle
$58e7 = BlastoiseAnimationIdle
$58f0 = CaterpieAnimationIdle
$58f9 = MetapodAnimationIdle
$5904 = ButterfreeAnimationIdle
$590d = WeedleAnimationIdle
$5922 = KakunaAnimationIdle
$592b = BeedrillAnimationIdle
$593c = PidgeyAnimationIdle
$5949 = PidgeottoAnimationIdle
$5952 = PidgeotAnimationIdle
$5961 = RattataAnimationIdle
$596a = RaticateAnimationIdle
$597b = SpearowAnimationIdle
$5986 = FearowAnimationIdle
$598f = EkansAnimationIdle
$599c = ArbokAnimationIdle
$59a9 = PikachuAnimationIdle
$59ba = RaichuAnimationIdle
$59c3 = SandshrewAnimationIdle
$59ce = SandslashAnimationIdle
$59d7 = NidoranFAnimationIdle
$59e0 = NidorinaAnimationIdle
$59e9 = NidoqueenAnimationIdle
$59f4 = NidoranMAnimationIdle
$59fd = NidorinoAnimationIdle
$5a0a = NidokingAnimationIdle
$5a13 = ClefairyAnimationIdle
$5a20 = ClefableAnimationIdle
$5a29 = VulpixAnimationIdle
$5a34 = NinetalesAnimationIdle
$5a3d = JigglypuffAnimationIdle
$5a46 = WigglytuffAnimationIdle
$5a4f = ZubatAnimationIdle
$5a5a = GolbatAnimationIdle
$5a63 = OddishAnimationIdle
$5a6c = GloomAnimationIdle
$5a75 = VileplumeAnimationIdle
$5a82 = ParasAnimationIdle
$5a8b = ParasectAnimationIdle
$5a92 = VenonatAnimationIdle
$5a9b = VenomothAnimationIdle
$5aa4 = DiglettAnimationIdle
$5aad = DugtrioAnimationIdle
$5abe = MeowthAnimationIdle
$5ac7 = PersianAnimationIdle
$5ad0 = PsyduckAnimationIdle
$5ad9 = GolduckAnimationIdle
$5ae2 = MankeyAnimationIdle
$5aeb = PrimeapeAnimationIdle
$5af8 = GrowlitheAnimationIdle
$5b03 = ArcanineAnimationIdle
$5b0c = PoliwagAnimationIdle
$5b1d = PoliwhirlAnimationIdle
$5b26 = PoliwrathAnimationIdle
$5b2f = AbraAnimationIdle
$5b38 = KadabraAnimationIdle
$5b41 = AlakazamAnimationIdle
$5b48 = MachopAnimationIdle
$5b51 = MachokeAnimationIdle
$5b62 = MachampAnimationIdle
$5b6b = BellsproutAnimationIdle
$5b78 = WeepinbellAnimationIdle
$5b81 = VictreebelAnimationIdle
$5b8c = TentacoolAnimationIdle
$5b95 = TentacruelAnimationIdle
$5ba0 = GeodudeAnimationIdle
$5ba9 = GravelerAnimationIdle
$5bb4 = GolemAnimationIdle
$5bbd = PonytaAnimationIdle
$5bc4 = RapidashAnimationIdle
$5bcd = SlowpokeAnimationIdle
$5bd0 = SlowbroAnimationIdle
$5bd9 = MagnemiteAnimationIdle
$5be4 = MagnetonAnimationIdle
$5bf3 = FarfetchDAnimationIdle
$5bfa = DoduoAnimationIdle
$5c07 = DodrioAnimationIdle
$5c10 = SeelAnimationIdle
$5c1b = DewgongAnimationIdle
$5c2a = GrimerAnimationIdle
$5c37 = MukAnimationIdle
$5c40 = ShellderAnimationIdle
$5c49 = CloysterAnimationIdle
$5c4e = GastlyAnimationIdle
$5c57 = HaunterAnimationIdle
$5c5a = GengarAnimationIdle
$5c69 = OnixAnimationIdle
$5c74 = DrowzeeAnimationIdle
$5c81 = HypnoAnimationIdle
$5c8a = KrabbyAnimationIdle
$5c91 = KinglerAnimationIdle
$5c9a = VoltorbAnimationIdle
$5ca5 = ElectrodeAnimationIdle
$5ca8 = ExeggcuteAnimationIdle
$5cb1 = ExeggutorAnimationIdle
$5cba = CuboneAnimationIdle
$5cc3 = MarowakAnimationIdle
$5ccc = HitmonleeAnimationIdle
$5cd5 = HitmonchanAnimationIdle
$5ce2 = LickitungAnimationIdle
$5ceb = KoffingAnimationIdle
$5cee = WeezingAnimationIdle
$5cfb = RhyhornAnimationIdle
$5d04 = RhydonAnimationIdle
$5d0d = ChanseyAnimationIdle
$5d16 = TangelaAnimationIdle
$5d1f = KangaskhanAnimationIdle
$5d2c = HorseaAnimationIdle
$5d35 = SeadraAnimationIdle
$5d40 = GoldeenAnimationIdle
$5d49 = SeakingAnimationIdle
$5d54 = StaryuAnimationIdle
$5d5f = StarmieAnimationIdle
$5d66 = MrMimeAnimationIdle
$5d6f = ScytherAnimationIdle
$5d78 = JynxAnimationIdle
$5d81 = ElectabuzzAnimationIdle
$5d8a = MagmarAnimationIdle
$5d93 = PinsirAnimationIdle
$5d9c = TaurosAnimationIdle
$5da5 = MagikarpAnimationIdle
$5dae = GyaradosAnimationIdle
$5db7 = LaprasAnimationIdle
$5dc0 = DittoAnimationIdle
$5dc9 = EeveeAnimationIdle
$5dd6 = VaporeonAnimationIdle
$5ddf = JolteonAnimationIdle
$5de8 = FlareonAnimationIdle
$5df1 = PorygonAnimationIdle
$5dfa = OmanyteAnimationIdle
$5e03 = OmastarAnimationIdle
$5e0c = KabutoAnimationIdle
$5e19 = KabutopsAnimationIdle
$5e22 = AerodactylAnimationIdle
$5e2b = SnorlaxAnimationIdle
$5e34 = ArticunoAnimationIdle
$5e41 = ZapdosAnimationIdle
$5e48 = MoltresAnimationIdle
$5e57 = DratiniAnimationIdle
$5e60 = DragonairAnimationIdle
$5e71 = DragoniteAnimationIdle
$5e7e = MewtwoAnimationIdle
$5e87 = MewAnimationIdle
$5e96 = ChikoritaAnimationIdle
$5e9f = BayleefAnimationIdle
$5ea8 = MeganiumAnimationIdle
$5eb1 = CyndaquilAnimationIdle
$5eba = QuilavaAnimationIdle
$5ec3 = TyphlosionAnimationIdle
$5ecc = TotodileAnimationIdle
$5ed7 = CroconawAnimationIdle
$5ee0 = FeraligatrAnimationIdle
$5ee9 = SentretAnimationIdle
$5ef2 = FurretAnimationIdle
$5efb = HoothootAnimationIdle
$5f08 = NoctowlAnimationIdle
$5f11 = LedybaAnimationIdle
$5f1c = LedianAnimationIdle
$5f25 = SpinarakAnimationIdle
$5f2e = AriadosAnimationIdle
$5f3b = CrobatAnimationIdle
$5f44 = ChinchouAnimationIdle
$5f4d = LanturnAnimationIdle
$5f56 = PichuAnimationIdle
$5f5f = CleffaAnimationIdle
$5f68 = IgglybuffAnimationIdle
$5f71 = TogepiAnimationIdle
$5f7a = TogeticAnimationIdle
$5f83 = NatuAnimationIdle
$5f86 = XatuAnimationIdle
$5f99 = MareepAnimationIdle
$5fa2 = FlaaffyAnimationIdle
$5fab = AmpharosAnimationIdle
$5fb6 = BellossomAnimationIdle
$5fbf = MarillAnimationIdle
$5fca = AzumarillAnimationIdle
$5fd3 = SudowoodoAnimationIdle
$5fdc = PolitoedAnimationIdle
$5fe5 = HoppipAnimationIdle
$5ff0 = SkiploomAnimationIdle
$5ff9 = JumpluffAnimationIdle
$6002 = AipomAnimationIdle
$600b = SunkernAnimationIdle
$6014 = SunfloraAnimationIdle
$601d = YanmaAnimationIdle
$6026 = WooperAnimationIdle
$602f = QuagsireAnimationIdle
$6034 = EspeonAnimationIdle
$603d = UmbreonAnimationIdle
$6046 = MurkrowAnimationIdle
$604f = SlowkingAnimationIdle
$6054 = MisdreavusAnimationIdle
$605d = UnownAnimationIdle
$6066 = WobbuffetAnimationIdle
$6069 = GirafarigAnimationIdle
$606e = PinecoAnimationIdle
$6077 = ForretressAnimationIdle
$6080 = DunsparceAnimationIdle
$6089 = GligarAnimationIdle
$608c = SteelixAnimationIdle
$6095 = SnubbullAnimationIdle
$609e = GranbullAnimationIdle
$60a7 = QwilfishAnimationIdle
$60b0 = ScizorAnimationIdle
$60b9 = ShuckleAnimationIdle
$60c2 = HeracrossAnimationIdle
$60cb = SneaselAnimationIdle
$60d2 = TeddiursaAnimationIdle
$60db = UrsaringAnimationIdle
$60e4 = SlugmaAnimationIdle
$60ed = MagcargoAnimationIdle
$60f0 = SwinubAnimationIdle
$60f9 = PiloswineAnimationIdle
$6102 = CorsolaAnimationIdle
$610b = RemoraidAnimationIdle
$6114 = OctilleryAnimationIdle
$611d = DelibirdAnimationIdle
$6126 = MantineAnimationIdle
$612f = SkarmoryAnimationIdle
$6138 = HoundourAnimationIdle
$6145 = HoundoomAnimationIdle
$614e = KingdraAnimationIdle
$6157 = PhanpyAnimationIdle
$6160 = DonphanAnimationIdle
$6169 = Porygon2AnimationIdle
$616c = StantlerAnimationIdle
$6175 = SmeargleAnimationIdle
$617e = TyrogueAnimationIdle
$6187 = HitmontopAnimationIdle
$6192 = SmoochumAnimationIdle
$619b = ElekidAnimationIdle
$61a6 = MagbyAnimationIdle
$61af = MiltankAnimationIdle
$61b8 = BlisseyAnimationIdle
$61c1 = RaikouAnimationIdle
$61ce = EnteiAnimationIdle
$61d7 = SuicuneAnimationIdle
$61e2 = LarvitarAnimationIdle
$61eb = PupitarAnimationIdle
$61f6 = TyranitarAnimationIdle
$61ff = LugiaAnimationIdle
$620c = HoOhAnimationIdle
$6215 = CelebiAnimationIdle
$6222 = EggAnimationIdle
$6229 = UnownAnimationPointers
$625d = UnownAAnimation
$6274 = UnownBAnimation
$6283 = UnownCAnimation
$6292 = UnownDAnimation
$629f = UnownEAnimation
$62ae = UnownFAnimation
$62bf = UnownGAnimation
$62ca = UnownHAnimation
$62dd = UnownIAnimation
$62ea = UnownJAnimation
$62f7 = UnownKAnimation
$6304 = UnownLAnimation
$6319 = UnownMAnimation
$632e = UnownNAnimation
$633f = UnownOAnimation
$634c = UnownPAnimation
$6353 = UnownQAnimation
$6360 = UnownRAnimation
$636d = UnownSAnimation
$637e = UnownTAnimation
$638b = UnownUAnimation
$6394 = UnownVAnimation
$639d = UnownWAnimation
$63a6 = UnownXAnimation
$63b3 = UnownYAnimation
$63c2 = UnownZAnimation
$63d1 = UnownAnimationIdlePointers
$6405 = UnownAAnimationIdle
$640e = UnownBAnimationIdle
$6417 = UnownCAnimationIdle
$6420 = UnownDAnimationIdle
$6429 = UnownEAnimationIdle
$6432 = UnownFAnimationIdle
$643b = UnownGAnimationIdle
$6444 = UnownHAnimationIdle
$644d = UnownIAnimationIdle
$6456 = UnownJAnimationIdle
$645f = UnownKAnimationIdle
$6468 = UnownLAnimationIdle
$6471 = UnownMAnimationIdle
$647a = UnownNAnimationIdle
$6483 = UnownOAnimationIdle
$648c = UnownPAnimationIdle
$6495 = UnownQAnimationIdle
$649e = UnownRAnimationIdle
$64a7 = UnownSAnimationIdle
$64b0 = UnownTAnimationIdle
$64b9 = UnownUAnimationIdle
$64c2 = UnownVAnimationIdle
$64cb = UnownWAnimationIdle
$64d4 = UnownXAnimationIdle
$64dd = UnownYAnimationIdle
$64e6 = UnownZAnimationIdle
$64ef = BitmasksPointers
$66e5 = BulbasaurBitmasks
$66f9 = IvysaurBitmasks
$6708 = VenusaurBitmasks
$6732 = CharmanderBitmasks
$6742 = CharmeleonBitmasks
$6751 = CharizardBitmasks
$6766 = SquirtleBitmasks
$677a = WartortleBitmasks
$6789 = BlastoiseBitmasks
$67a5 = CaterpieBitmasks
$67ad = MetapodBitmasks
$67b9 = ButterfreeBitmasks
$67c7 = WeedleBitmasks
$67d3 = KakunaBitmasks
$67d7 = BeedrillBitmasks
$67e5 = PidgeyBitmasks
$67f1 = PidgeottoBitmasks
$6800 = PidgeotBitmasks
$6815 = RattataBitmasks
$681d = RaticateBitmasks
$682c = SpearowBitmasks
$6844 = FearowBitmasks
$6860 = EkansBitmasks
$686c = ArbokBitmasks
$688f = PikachuBitmasks
$68a3 = RaichuBitmasks
$68b8 = SandshrewBitmasks
$68c8 = SandslashBitmasks
$68d7 = NidoranFBitmasks
$68e3 = NidorinaBitmasks
$68f7 = NidoqueenBitmasks
$6921 = NidoranMBitmasks
$692d = NidorinoBitmasks
$6941 = NidokingBitmasks
$694f = ClefairyBitmasks
$6963 = ClefableBitmasks
$6972 = VulpixBitmasks
$6981 = NinetalesBitmasks
$69a4 = JigglypuffBitmasks
$69b0 = WigglytuffBitmasks
$69bf = ZubatBitmasks
$69cb = GolbatBitmasks
$69e0 = OddishBitmasks
$69ec = GloomBitmasks
$69fb = VileplumeBitmasks
$6a10 = ParasBitmasks
$6a1c = ParasectBitmasks
$6a3f = VenonatBitmasks
$6a47 = VenomothBitmasks
$6a55 = DiglettBitmasks
$6a61 = DugtrioBitmasks
$6a76 = MeowthBitmasks
$6a82 = PersianBitmasks
$6a97 = PsyduckBitmasks
$6a9f = GolduckBitmasks
$6ad0 = MankeyBitmasks
$6adc = PrimeapeBitmasks
$6af8 = GrowlitheBitmasks
$6b04 = ArcanineBitmasks
$6b2e = PoliwagBitmasks
$6b3e = PoliwhirlBitmasks
$6b57 = PoliwrathBitmasks
$6b6c = AbraBitmasks
$6b78 = KadabraBitmasks
$6b87 = AlakazamBitmasks
$6ba3 = MachopBitmasks
$6baf = MachokeBitmasks
$6bcb = MachampBitmasks
$6bfc = BellsproutBitmasks
$6c10 = WeepinbellBitmasks
$6c1f = VictreebelBitmasks
$6c42 = TentacoolBitmasks
$6c56 = TentacruelBitmasks
$6c65 = GeodudeBitmasks
$6c71 = GravelerBitmasks
$6c8a = GolemBitmasks
$6c9e = PonytaBitmasks
$6cb7 = RapidashBitmasks
$6cd3 = SlowpokeBitmasks
$6cdf = SlowbroBitmasks
$6cf4 = MagnemiteBitmasks
$6d00 = MagnetonBitmasks
$6d28 = FarfetchDBitmasks
$6d3c = DoduoBitmasks
$6d48 = DodrioBitmasks
$6d64 = SeelBitmasks
$6d73 = DewgongBitmasks
$6db2 = GrimerBitmasks
$6dc2 = MukBitmasks
$6dd7 = ShellderBitmasks
$6ddf = CloysterBitmasks
$6df4 = GastlyBitmasks
$6e02 = HaunterBitmasks
$6e11 = GengarBitmasks
$6e2f = OnixBitmasks
$6e67 = DrowzeeBitmasks
$6e80 = HypnoBitmasks
$6e9c = KrabbyBitmasks
$6eb4 = KinglerBitmasks
$6ec9 = VoltorbBitmasks
$6ed1 = ElectrodeBitmasks
$6edd = ExeggcuteBitmasks
$6ef2 = ExeggutorBitmasks
$6f00 = CuboneBitmasks
$6f18 = MarowakBitmasks
$6f31 = HitmonleeBitmasks
$6f4d = HitmonchanBitmasks
$6f66 = LickitungBitmasks
$6f82 = KoffingBitmasks
$6f96 = WeezingBitmasks
$6fb9 = RhyhornBitmasks
$6fc7 = RhydonBitmasks
$6fdc = ChanseyBitmasks
$6ff0 = TangelaBitmasks
$6ffa = KangaskhanBitmasks
$701d = HorseaBitmasks
$702d = SeadraBitmasks
$703c = GoldeenBitmasks
$704b = SeakingBitmasks
$7067 = StaryuBitmasks
$7071 = StarmieBitmasks
$7085 = MrMimeBitmasks
$70ad = ScytherBitmasks
$70c9 = JynxBitmasks
$70d8 = ElectabuzzBitmasks
$70ec = MagmarBitmasks
$7100 = PinsirBitmasks
$711c = TaurosBitmasks
$7138 = MagikarpBitmasks
$7147 = GyaradosBitmasks
$7155 = LaprasBitmasks
$7163 = DittoBitmasks
$7183 = EeveeBitmasks
$7193 = VaporeonBitmasks
$719d = JolteonBitmasks
$71b1 = FlareonBitmasks
$71c5 = PorygonBitmasks
$71d4 = OmanyteBitmasks
$71e0 = OmastarBitmasks
$71ef = KabutoBitmasks
$71fb = KabutopsBitmasks
$7205 = AerodactylBitmasks
$721a = SnorlaxBitmasks
$722f = ArticunoBitmasks
$7252 = ZapdosBitmasks
$7260 = MoltresBitmasks
$7291 = DratiniBitmasks
$72a1 = DragonairBitmasks
$72bf = DragoniteBitmasks
$72e2 = MewtwoBitmasks
$7305 = MewBitmasks
$7319 = ChikoritaBitmasks
$732d = BayleefBitmasks
$7341 = MeganiumBitmasks
$735d = CyndaquilBitmasks
$7365 = QuilavaBitmasks
$7374 = TyphlosionBitmasks
$7389 = TotodileBitmasks
$7395 = CroconawBitmasks
$73a9 = FeraligatrBitmasks
$73c5 = SentretBitmasks
$73cf = FurretBitmasks
$73e3 = HoothootBitmasks
$73f7 = NoctowlBitmasks
$740c = LedybaBitmasks
$7420 = LedianBitmasks
$742f = SpinarakBitmasks
$743f = AriadosBitmasks
$7446 = CrobatBitmasks
$7469 = ChinchouBitmasks
$747d = LanturnBitmasks
$7491 = PichuBitmasks
$749d = CleffaBitmasks
$74a9 = IgglybuffBitmasks
$74b5 = TogepiBitmasks
$74bd = TogeticBitmasks
$74d9 = NatuBitmasks
$74e1 = XatuBitmasks
$74f0 = MareepBitmasks
$74f8 = FlaaffyBitmasks
$7507 = AmpharosBitmasks
$7531 = BellossomBitmasks
$755b = MarillBitmasks
$756b = AzumarillBitmasks
$7587 = SudowoodoBitmasks
$7596 = PolitoedBitmasks
$75ab = HoppipBitmasks
$75b3 = SkiploomBitmasks
$75c2 = JumpluffBitmasks
$75de = AipomBitmasks
$75ea = SunkernBitmasks
$75f6 = SunfloraBitmasks
$760a = YanmaBitmasks
$7619 = WooperBitmasks
$7629 = QuagsireBitmasks
$763d = EspeonBitmasks
$7651 = UmbreonBitmasks
$7665 = MurkrowBitmasks
$7674 = SlowkingBitmasks
$7689 = MisdreavusBitmasks
$7693 = UnownBitmasks
$76ab = WobbuffetBitmasks
$76b0 = GirafarigBitmasks
$76cc = PinecoBitmasks
$76d8 = ForretressBitmasks
$76ed = DunsparceBitmasks
$7701 = GligarBitmasks
$7706 = SteelixBitmasks
$771b = SnubbullBitmasks
$7734 = GranbullBitmasks
$773e = QwilfishBitmasks
$774a = ScizorBitmasks
$7774 = ShuckleBitmasks
$7784 = HeracrossBitmasks
$7793 = SneaselBitmasks
$77a7 = TeddiursaBitmasks
$77b3 = UrsaringBitmasks
$77cf = SlugmaBitmasks
$77e7 = MagcargoBitmasks
$77f1 = SwinubBitmasks
$77f9 = PiloswineBitmasks
$7808 = CorsolaBitmasks
$7817 = RemoraidBitmasks
$7823 = OctilleryBitmasks
$7832 = DelibirdBitmasks
$7850 = MantineBitmasks
$787a = SkarmoryBitmasks
$7888 = HoundourBitmasks
$789c = HoundoomBitmasks
$78b8 = KingdraBitmasks
$78e2 = PhanpyBitmasks
$78ee = DonphanBitmasks
$790a = Porygon2Bitmasks
$7919 = StantlerBitmasks
$792e = SmeargleBitmasks
$7943 = TyrogueBitmasks
$794f = HitmontopBitmasks
$796b = SmoochumBitmasks
$7973 = ElekidBitmasks
$798c = MagbyBitmasks
$79a0 = MiltankBitmasks
$79af = BlisseyBitmasks
$79cb = RaikouBitmasks
$79d9 = EnteiBitmasks
$79f5 = SuicuneBitmasks
$7a26 = LarvitarBitmasks
$7a32 = PupitarBitmasks
$7a3c = TyranitarBitmasks
$7a58 = LugiaBitmasks
$7a97 = HoOhBitmasks
$7ab3 = CelebiBitmasks
$7acf = EggBitmasks
$7ad3 = UnownBitmasksPointers
$7b07 = UnownABitmasks
$7b13 = UnownBBitmasks
$7b1f = UnownCBitmasks
$7b2f = UnownDBitmasks
$7b3b = UnownEBitmasks
$7b47 = UnownFBitmasks
$7b57 = UnownGBitmasks
$7b63 = UnownHBitmasks
$7b6b = UnownIBitmasks
$7b77 = UnownJBitmasks
$7b83 = UnownKBitmasks
$7b8b = UnownLBitmasks
$7b97 = UnownMBitmasks
$7b9f = UnownNBitmasks
$7bab = UnownOBitmasks
$7bb3 = UnownPBitmasks
$7bbf = UnownQBitmasks
$7bc7 = UnownRBitmasks
$7bcf = UnownSBitmasks
$7bdb = UnownTBitmasks
$7be7 = UnownUBitmasks
$7bef = UnownVBitmasks
$7bfb = UnownWBitmasks
$7c07 = UnownXBitmasks
$7c13 = UnownYBitmasks
$7c23 = UnownZBitmasks
EMPTY: $7c33-$7fff ($03cd bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $03cd bytes
ROMX bank #53:
SECTION: $4000-$623f ($2240 bytes) ["Pic Animations 2"]
$4000 = FramesPointers
$41f6 = KantoFrames
$41f6 = BulbasaurFrames
$4200 = BulbasaurFrames.frame1
$4209 = BulbasaurFrames.frame2
$4211 = BulbasaurFrames.frame3
$4217 = BulbasaurFrames.frame4
$421a = BulbasaurFrames.frame5
$421e = IvysaurFrames
$4224 = IvysaurFrames.frame1
$4228 = IvysaurFrames.frame2
$4235 = IvysaurFrames.frame3
$423c = VenusaurFrames
$424a = VenusaurFrames.frame1
$424e = VenusaurFrames.frame2
$4261 = VenusaurFrames.frame3
$4272 = VenusaurFrames.frame4
$4280 = VenusaurFrames.frame5
$4283 = VenusaurFrames.frame6
$4286 = VenusaurFrames.frame7
$4289 = CharmanderFrames
$4291 = CharmanderFrames.frame1
$4297 = CharmanderFrames.frame2
$42a4 = CharmanderFrames.frame3
$42a6 = CharmanderFrames.frame4
$42ac = CharmeleonFrames
$42b4 = CharmeleonFrames.frame1
$42b8 = CharmeleonFrames.frame2
$42ca = CharmeleonFrames.frame3
$42de = CharmeleonFrames.frame4
$42f2 = CharizardFrames
$42f8 = CharizardFrames.frame1
$4308 = CharizardFrames.frame2
$4326 = CharizardFrames.frame3
$432b = SquirtleFrames
$4335 = SquirtleFrames.frame1
$4340 = SquirtleFrames.frame2
$434f = SquirtleFrames.frame3
$4354 = SquirtleFrames.frame4
$4356 = SquirtleFrames.frame5
$435a = WartortleFrames
$4360 = WartortleFrames.frame1
$4372 = WartortleFrames.frame2
$4377 = WartortleFrames.frame3
$437d = BlastoiseFrames
$4385 = BlastoiseFrames.frame1
$439e = BlastoiseFrames.frame2
$43c0 = BlastoiseFrames.frame3
$43db = BlastoiseFrames.frame4
$43dd = CaterpieFrames
$43e3 = CaterpieFrames.frame1
$43ee = CaterpieFrames.frame2
$43f9 = CaterpieFrames.frame3
$43fb = MetapodFrames
$4403 = MetapodFrames.frame1
$440d = MetapodFrames.frame2
$4419 = MetapodFrames.frame3
$441c = MetapodFrames.frame4
$441f = ButterfreeFrames
$4423 = ButterfreeFrames.frame1
$4444 = ButterfreeFrames.frame2
$4447 = WeedleFrames
$444f = WeedleFrames.frame1
$4454 = WeedleFrames.frame2
$4458 = WeedleFrames.frame3
$445d = WeedleFrames.frame4
$4462 = KakunaFrames
$4464 = KakunaFrames.frame1
$446e = BeedrillFrames
$4474 = BeedrillFrames.frame1
$448c = BeedrillFrames.frame2
$44a4 = BeedrillFrames.frame3
$44b0 = PidgeyFrames
$44b6 = PidgeyFrames.frame1
$44c0 = PidgeyFrames.frame2
$44d0 = PidgeyFrames.frame3
$44d2 = PidgeottoFrames
$44da = PidgeottoFrames.frame1
$44ed = PidgeottoFrames.frame2
$4501 = PidgeottoFrames.frame3
$4515 = PidgeottoFrames.frame4
$4517 = PidgeotFrames
$451d = PidgeotFrames.frame1
$4530 = PidgeotFrames.frame2
$453f = PidgeotFrames.frame3
$4541 = RattataFrames
$4549 = RattataFrames.frame1
$455a = RattataFrames.frame2
$456b = RattataFrames.frame3
$457c = RattataFrames.frame4
$4580 = RaticateFrames
$4586 = RaticateFrames.frame1
$4591 = RaticateFrames.frame2
$45a4 = RaticateFrames.frame3
$45a7 = SpearowFrames
$45b3 = SpearowFrames.frame1
$45b7 = SpearowFrames.frame2
$45bf = SpearowFrames.frame3
$45c7 = SpearowFrames.frame4
$45d2 = SpearowFrames.frame5
$45da = SpearowFrames.frame6
$45dc = FearowFrames
$45e4 = FearowFrames.frame1
$4605 = FearowFrames.frame2
$4608 = FearowFrames.frame3
$4623 = FearowFrames.frame4
$4626 = EkansFrames
$4630 = EkansFrames.frame1
$463a = EkansFrames.frame2
$4648 = EkansFrames.frame3
$4656 = EkansFrames.frame4
$4659 = EkansFrames.frame5
$465c = ArbokFrames
$4668 = ArbokFrames.frame1
$4675 = ArbokFrames.frame2
$4681 = ArbokFrames.frame3
$468d = ArbokFrames.frame4
$4691 = ArbokFrames.frame5
$4695 = ArbokFrames.frame6
$4698 = PikachuFrames
$46a2 = PikachuFrames.frame1
$46b2 = PikachuFrames.frame2
$46c5 = PikachuFrames.frame3
$46d9 = PikachuFrames.frame4
$46dd = PikachuFrames.frame5
$46e1 = RaichuFrames
$46e9 = RaichuFrames.frame1
$46ff = RaichuFrames.frame2
$4716 = RaichuFrames.frame3
$472d = RaichuFrames.frame4
$4731 = SandshrewFrames
$473b = SandshrewFrames.frame1
$4747 = SandshrewFrames.frame2
$4753 = SandshrewFrames.frame3
$4755 = SandshrewFrames.frame4
$4757 = SandshrewFrames.frame5
$4759 = SandslashFrames
$4761 = SandslashFrames.frame1
$4769 = SandslashFrames.frame2
$4779 = SandslashFrames.frame3
$477c = SandslashFrames.frame4
$478c = NidoranFFrames
$4794 = NidoranFFrames.frame1
$47a3 = NidoranFFrames.frame2
$47b2 = NidoranFFrames.frame3
$47b7 = NidoranFFrames.frame4
$47b9 = NidorinaFrames
$47c1 = NidorinaFrames.frame1
$47c9 = NidorinaFrames.frame2
$47d2 = NidorinaFrames.frame3
$47d8 = NidorinaFrames.frame4
$47db = NidoqueenFrames
$47e7 = NidoqueenFrames.frame1
$47f7 = NidoqueenFrames.frame2
$4814 = NidoqueenFrames.frame3
$482b = NidoqueenFrames.frame4
$4847 = NidoqueenFrames.frame5
$484e = NidoqueenFrames.frame6
$4857 = NidoranMFrames
$485d = NidoranMFrames.frame1
$4869 = NidoranMFrames.frame2
$4870 = NidoranMFrames.frame3
$4872 = NidorinoFrames
$487e = NidorinoFrames.frame1
$4896 = NidorinoFrames.frame2
$489a = NidorinoFrames.frame3
$489e = NidorinoFrames.frame4
$48a2 = NidorinoFrames.frame5
$48ac = NidorinoFrames.frame6
$48c4 = NidokingFrames
$48ca = NidokingFrames.frame1
$48e8 = NidokingFrames.frame2
$4906 = NidokingFrames.frame3
$4909 = ClefairyFrames
$4913 = ClefairyFrames.frame1
$491d = ClefairyFrames.frame2
$492b = ClefairyFrames.frame3
$492e = ClefairyFrames.frame4
$4934 = ClefairyFrames.frame5
$4936 = ClefableFrames
$493c = ClefableFrames.frame1
$4948 = ClefableFrames.frame2
$4958 = ClefableFrames.frame3
$495b = VulpixFrames
$4963 = VulpixFrames.frame1
$4973 = VulpixFrames.frame2
$4983 = VulpixFrames.frame3
$4987 = VulpixFrames.frame4
$498d = NinetalesFrames
$4997 = NinetalesFrames.frame1
$49a8 = NinetalesFrames.frame2
$49be = NinetalesFrames.frame3
$49db = NinetalesFrames.frame4
$49f9 = NinetalesFrames.frame5
$49fc = JigglypuffFrames
$4a04 = JigglypuffFrames.frame1
$4a0a = JigglypuffFrames.frame2
$4a15 = JigglypuffFrames.frame3
$4a1c = JigglypuffFrames.frame4
$4a23 = WigglytuffFrames
$4a29 = WigglytuffFrames.frame1
$4a35 = WigglytuffFrames.frame2
$4a42 = WigglytuffFrames.frame3
$4a49 = ZubatFrames
$4a4f = ZubatFrames.frame1
$4a60 = ZubatFrames.frame2
$4a63 = ZubatFrames.frame3
$4a73 = GolbatFrames
$4a7b = GolbatFrames.frame1
$4a9f = GolbatFrames.frame2
$4aac = GolbatFrames.frame3
$4ab9 = GolbatFrames.frame4
$4abd = OddishFrames
$4ac5 = OddishFrames.frame1
$4ad3 = OddishFrames.frame2
$4ae1 = OddishFrames.frame3
$4ae4 = OddishFrames.frame4
$4ae6 = GloomFrames
$4af0 = GloomFrames.frame1
$4af5 = GloomFrames.frame2
$4afa = GloomFrames.frame3
$4aff = GloomFrames.frame4
$4b06 = GloomFrames.frame5
$4b0a = VileplumeFrames
$4b10 = VileplumeFrames.frame1
$4b1f = VileplumeFrames.frame2
$4b38 = VileplumeFrames.frame3
$4b3b = ParasFrames
$4b41 = ParasFrames.frame1
$4b49 = ParasFrames.frame2
$4b58 = ParasFrames.frame3
$4b5c = ParasectFrames
$4b66 = ParasectFrames.frame1
$4b7b = ParasectFrames.frame2
$4b92 = ParasectFrames.frame3
$4b9e = ParasectFrames.frame4
$4ba2 = ParasectFrames.frame5
$4ba9 = VenonatFrames
$4bad = VenonatFrames.frame1
$4bb3 = VenonatFrames.frame2
$4bbc = VenomothFrames
$4bc0 = VenomothFrames.frame1
$4be2 = VenomothFrames.frame2
$4be5 = DiglettFrames
$4bed = DiglettFrames.frame1
$4bf7 = DiglettFrames.frame2
$4c01 = DiglettFrames.frame3
$4c04 = DiglettFrames.frame4
$4c06 = DugtrioFrames
$4c14 = DugtrioFrames.frame1
$4c1d = DugtrioFrames.frame2
$4c2d = DugtrioFrames.frame3
$4c43 = DugtrioFrames.frame4
$4c59 = DugtrioFrames.frame5
$4c6f = DugtrioFrames.frame6
$4c85 = DugtrioFrames.frame7
$4c9b = MeowthFrames
$4ca3 = MeowthFrames.frame1
$4ca6 = MeowthFrames.frame2
$4cb0 = MeowthFrames.frame3
$4cba = MeowthFrames.frame4
$4cbf = PersianFrames
$4cc7 = PersianFrames.frame1
$4ce0 = PersianFrames.frame2
$4ce7 = PersianFrames.frame3
$4cee = PersianFrames.frame4
$4cf5 = PsyduckFrames
$4cf9 = PsyduckFrames.frame1
$4cfe = PsyduckFrames.frame2
$4d08 = GolduckFrames
$4d16 = GolduckFrames.frame1
$4d19 = GolduckFrames.frame2
$4d2e = GolduckFrames.frame3
$4d47 = GolduckFrames.frame4
$4d56 = GolduckFrames.frame5
$4d69 = GolduckFrames.frame6
$4d78 = GolduckFrames.frame7
$4d82 = MankeyFrames
$4d88 = MankeyFrames.frame1
$4d8b = MankeyFrames.frame2
$4d97 = MankeyFrames.frame3
$4d9a = PrimeapeFrames
$4da2 = PrimeapeFrames.frame1
$4dbf = PrimeapeFrames.frame2
$4dc3 = PrimeapeFrames.frame3
$4dcb = PrimeapeFrames.frame4
$4dd0 = GrowlitheFrames
$4dd6 = GrowlitheFrames.frame1
$4de0 = GrowlitheFrames.frame2
$4de4 = GrowlitheFrames.frame3
$4de9 = ArcanineFrames
$4df7 = ArcanineFrames.frame1
$4e00 = ArcanineFrames.frame2
$4e0d = ArcanineFrames.frame3
$4e22 = ArcanineFrames.frame4
$4e37 = ArcanineFrames.frame5
$4e3b = ArcanineFrames.frame6
$4e3e = ArcanineFrames.frame7
$4e47 = PoliwagFrames
$4e4f = PoliwagFrames.frame1
$4e56 = PoliwagFrames.frame2
$4e5b = PoliwagFrames.frame3
$4e5d = PoliwagFrames.frame4
$4e61 = PoliwhirlFrames
$4e6b = PoliwhirlFrames.frame1
$4e76 = PoliwhirlFrames.frame2
$4e84 = PoliwhirlFrames.frame3
$4e93 = PoliwhirlFrames.frame4
$4eaa = PoliwhirlFrames.frame5
$4eb1 = PoliwrathFrames
$4eb7 = PoliwrathFrames.frame1
$4ec4 = PoliwrathFrames.frame2
$4ed1 = PoliwrathFrames.frame3
$4ed4 = AbraFrames
$4eda = AbraFrames.frame1
$4ee4 = AbraFrames.frame2
$4ef0 = AbraFrames.frame3
$4ef3 = KadabraFrames
$4efb = KadabraFrames.frame1
$4f05 = KadabraFrames.frame2
$4f14 = KadabraFrames.frame3
$4f23 = KadabraFrames.frame4
$4f27 = AlakazamFrames
$4f31 = AlakazamFrames.frame1
$4f47 = AlakazamFrames.frame2
$4f5c = AlakazamFrames.frame3
$4f5f = AlakazamFrames.frame4
$4f73 = AlakazamFrames.frame5
$4f89 = MachopFrames
$4f8f = MachopFrames.frame1
$4f9d = MachopFrames.frame2
$4fa0 = MachopFrames.frame3
$4fa4 = MachokeFrames
$4fb0 = MachokeFrames.frame1
$4fbe = MachokeFrames.frame2
$4fcc = MachokeFrames.frame3
$4fd5 = MachokeFrames.frame4
$4fd9 = MachokeFrames.frame5
$4fdd = MachokeFrames.frame6
$4fdf = MachampFrames
$4fed = MachampFrames.frame1
$4ffa = MachampFrames.frame2
$500c = MachampFrames.frame3
$5023 = MachampFrames.frame4
$5040 = MachampFrames.frame5
$5044 = MachampFrames.frame6
$5060 = MachampFrames.frame7
$5069 = BellsproutFrames
$5075 = BellsproutFrames.frame1
$5079 = BellsproutFrames.frame2
$507d = BellsproutFrames.frame3
$5087 = BellsproutFrames.frame4
$508d = BellsproutFrames.frame5
$5095 = BellsproutFrames.frame6
$5098 = WeepinbellFrames
$509e = WeepinbellFrames.frame1
$50aa = WeepinbellFrames.frame2
$50b6 = WeepinbellFrames.frame3
$50b9 = VictreebelFrames
$50c3 = VictreebelFrames.frame1
$50ce = VictreebelFrames.frame2
$50df = VictreebelFrames.frame3
$50ed = VictreebelFrames.frame4
$50f4 = VictreebelFrames.frame5
$50f7 = TentacoolFrames
$5101 = TentacoolFrames.frame1
$510b = TentacoolFrames.frame2
$510f = TentacoolFrames.frame3
$5113 = TentacoolFrames.frame4
$5120 = TentacoolFrames.frame5
$5127 = TentacruelFrames
$512d = TentacruelFrames.frame1
$513f = TentacruelFrames.frame2
$5143 = TentacruelFrames.frame3
$5148 = GeodudeFrames
$514e = GeodudeFrames.frame1
$5154 = GeodudeFrames.frame2
$515f = GeodudeFrames.frame3
$5164 = GravelerFrames
$516e = GravelerFrames.frame1
$5176 = GravelerFrames.frame2
$517a = GravelerFrames.frame3
$518d = GravelerFrames.frame4
$5197 = GravelerFrames.frame5
$519a = GolemFrames
$51a2 = GolemFrames.frame1
$51b1 = GolemFrames.frame2
$51c1 = GolemFrames.frame3
$51cf = GolemFrames.frame4
$51d1 = PonytaFrames
$51db = PonytaFrames.frame1
$51e6 = PonytaFrames.frame2
$51ef = PonytaFrames.frame3
$51f1 = PonytaFrames.frame4
$51f4 = PonytaFrames.frame5
$51f8 = RapidashFrames
$5200 = RapidashFrames.frame1
$5209 = RapidashFrames.frame2
$521f = RapidashFrames.frame3
$5234 = RapidashFrames.frame4
$5237 = SlowpokeFrames
$523d = SlowpokeFrames.frame1
$524a = SlowpokeFrames.frame2
$525b = SlowpokeFrames.frame3
$525e = SlowbroFrames
$5266 = SlowbroFrames.frame1
$5269 = SlowbroFrames.frame2
$5280 = SlowbroFrames.frame3
$5297 = SlowbroFrames.frame4
$529c = MagnemiteFrames
$52a8 = MagnemiteFrames.frame1
$52b2 = MagnemiteFrames.frame2
$52c0 = MagnemiteFrames.frame3
$52ca = MagnemiteFrames.frame4
$52cc = MagnemiteFrames.frame5
$52ce = MagnemiteFrames.frame6
$52d0 = MagnetonFrames
$52e0 = MagnetonFrames.frame1
$52e3 = MagnetonFrames.frame2
$52e6 = MagnetonFrames.frame3
$52e9 = MagnetonFrames.frame4
$52eb = MagnetonFrames.frame5
$52ee = MagnetonFrames.frame6
$52f1 = MagnetonFrames.frame7
$52f3 = MagnetonFrames.frame8
$52fa = FarfetchDFrames
$5304 = FarfetchDFrames.frame1
$530c = FarfetchDFrames.frame2
$531c = FarfetchDFrames.frame3
$532c = FarfetchDFrames.frame4
$532f = FarfetchDFrames.frame5
$5334 = DoduoFrames
$533a = DoduoFrames.frame1
$5342 = DoduoFrames.frame2
$534c = DoduoFrames.frame3
$5355 = DodrioFrames
$535d = DodrioFrames.frame1
$536e = DodrioFrames.frame2
$5389 = DodrioFrames.frame3
$538d = DodrioFrames.frame4
$53a5 = SeelFrames
$53ab = SeelFrames.frame1
$53ba = SeelFrames.frame2
$53c1 = SeelFrames.frame3
$53c4 = DewgongFrames
$53d6 = DewgongFrames.frame1
$53dc = DewgongFrames.frame2
$53f0 = DewgongFrames.frame3
$53ff = DewgongFrames.frame4
$540b = DewgongFrames.frame5
$5416 = DewgongFrames.frame6
$5418 = DewgongFrames.frame7
$541c = DewgongFrames.frame8
$5421 = DewgongFrames.frame9
$5423 = GrimerFrames
$542b = GrimerFrames.frame1
$5430 = GrimerFrames.frame2
$5436 = GrimerFrames.frame3
$543d = GrimerFrames.frame4
$5448 = MukFrames
$5450 = MukFrames.frame1
$5461 = MukFrames.frame2
$5473 = MukFrames.frame3
$5485 = MukFrames.frame4
$548c = ShellderFrames
$5492 = ShellderFrames.frame1
$5499 = ShellderFrames.frame2
$54a0 = ShellderFrames.frame3
$54ab = CloysterFrames
$54b3 = CloysterFrames.frame1
$54d0 = CloysterFrames.frame2
$54d3 = CloysterFrames.frame3
$54ef = CloysterFrames.frame4
$54f2 = GastlyFrames
$54f8 = GastlyFrames.frame1
$5505 = GastlyFrames.frame2
$5512 = GastlyFrames.frame3
$551a = HaunterFrames
$5522 = HaunterFrames.frame1
$5529 = HaunterFrames.frame2
$5534 = HaunterFrames.frame3
$553f = HaunterFrames.frame4
$5542 = GengarFrames
$554e = GengarFrames.frame1
$5557 = GengarFrames.frame2
$556f = GengarFrames.frame3
$5577 = GengarFrames.frame4
$558a = GengarFrames.frame5
$558d = GengarFrames.frame6
$5592 = OnixFrames
$55a2 = OnixFrames.frame1
$55b1 = OnixFrames.frame2
$55c2 = OnixFrames.frame3
$55ca = OnixFrames.frame4
$55d5 = OnixFrames.frame5
$55e2 = OnixFrames.frame6
$55e4 = OnixFrames.frame7
$55e6 = OnixFrames.frame8
$55e9 = DrowzeeFrames
$55f3 = DrowzeeFrames.frame1
$55f9 = DrowzeeFrames.frame2
$5604 = DrowzeeFrames.frame3
$5610 = DrowzeeFrames.frame4
$5617 = DrowzeeFrames.frame5
$561c = HypnoFrames
$5624 = HypnoFrames.frame1
$5634 = HypnoFrames.frame2
$5642 = HypnoFrames.frame3
$5650 = HypnoFrames.frame4
$5653 = KrabbyFrames
$5661 = KrabbyFrames.frame1
$5664 = KrabbyFrames.frame2
$5667 = KrabbyFrames.frame3
$566c = KrabbyFrames.frame4
$5670 = KrabbyFrames.frame5
$5677 = KrabbyFrames.frame6
$567d = KrabbyFrames.frame7
$5680 = KinglerFrames
$5686 = KinglerFrames.frame1
$569a = KinglerFrames.frame2
$56a9 = KinglerFrames.frame3
$56af = VoltorbFrames
$56b3 = VoltorbFrames.frame1
$56bf = VoltorbFrames.frame2
$56c3 = ElectrodeFrames
$56c9 = ElectrodeFrames.frame1
$56d1 = ElectrodeFrames.frame2
$56db = ElectrodeFrames.frame3
$56e1 = ExeggcuteFrames
$56e7 = ExeggcuteFrames.frame1
$5701 = ExeggcuteFrames.frame2
$571e = ExeggcuteFrames.frame3
$572e = ExeggutorFrames
$5732 = ExeggutorFrames.frame1
$5742 = ExeggutorFrames.frame2
$574a = CuboneFrames
$5756 = CuboneFrames.frame1
$575d = CuboneFrames.frame2
$5766 = CuboneFrames.frame3
$576e = CuboneFrames.frame4
$5774 = CuboneFrames.frame5
$5776 = CuboneFrames.frame6
$577d = MarowakFrames
$5787 = MarowakFrames.frame1
$579b = MarowakFrames.frame2
$57b1 = MarowakFrames.frame3
$57b9 = MarowakFrames.frame4
$57c0 = MarowakFrames.frame5
$57c8 = HitmonleeFrames
$57d2 = HitmonleeFrames.frame1
$57e2 = HitmonleeFrames.frame2
$57f2 = HitmonleeFrames.frame3
$5803 = HitmonleeFrames.frame4
$5815 = HitmonleeFrames.frame5
$5819 = HitmonchanFrames
$5823 = HitmonchanFrames.frame1
$5830 = HitmonchanFrames.frame2
$5833 = HitmonchanFrames.frame3
$5845 = HitmonchanFrames.frame4
$5852 = HitmonchanFrames.frame5
$5865 = LickitungFrames
$586d = LickitungFrames.frame1
$5878 = LickitungFrames.frame2
$5884 = LickitungFrames.frame3
$588b = LickitungFrames.frame4
$588f = KoffingFrames
$5899 = KoffingFrames.frame1
$58a1 = KoffingFrames.frame2
$58af = KoffingFrames.frame3
$58b9 = KoffingFrames.frame4
$58c3 = KoffingFrames.frame5
$58c7 = WeezingFrames
$58d1 = WeezingFrames.frame1
$58da = WeezingFrames.frame2
$58e8 = WeezingFrames.frame3
$58fb = WeezingFrames.frame4
$5907 = WeezingFrames.frame5
$5915 = RhyhornFrames
$591b = RhyhornFrames.frame1
$5930 = RhyhornFrames.frame2
$594b = RhyhornFrames.frame3
$5960 = RhydonFrames
$5968 = RhydonFrames.frame1
$596c = RhydonFrames.frame2
$597d = RhydonFrames.frame3
$598e = RhydonFrames.frame4
$5991 = ChanseyFrames
$5999 = ChanseyFrames.frame1
$59ae = ChanseyFrames.frame2
$59b4 = ChanseyFrames.frame3
$59b9 = ChanseyFrames.frame4
$59cc = TangelaFrames
$59d0 = TangelaFrames.frame1
$59e6 = TangelaFrames.frame2
$59ea = KangaskhanFrames
$59f6 = KangaskhanFrames.frame1
$5a06 = KangaskhanFrames.frame2
$5a13 = KangaskhanFrames.frame3
$5a1b = KangaskhanFrames.frame4
$5a23 = KangaskhanFrames.frame5
$5a30 = KangaskhanFrames.frame6
$5a32 = HorseaFrames
$5a3a = HorseaFrames.frame1
$5a3e = HorseaFrames.frame2
$5a42 = HorseaFrames.frame3
$5a46 = HorseaFrames.frame4
$5a4b = SeadraFrames
$5a51 = SeadraFrames.frame1
$5a55 = SeadraFrames.frame2
$5a67 = SeadraFrames.frame3
$5a6c = GoldeenFrames
$5a72 = GoldeenFrames.frame1
$5a77 = GoldeenFrames.frame2
$5a85 = GoldeenFrames.frame3
$5a88 = SeakingFrames
$5a90 = SeakingFrames.frame1
$5a9f = SeakingFrames.frame2
$5aad = SeakingFrames.frame3
$5aaf = SeakingFrames.frame4
$5ab2 = StaryuFrames
$5ab8 = StaryuFrames.frame1
$5ac9 = StaryuFrames.frame2
$5acc = StaryuFrames.frame3
$5acf = StarmieFrames
$5ad9 = StarmieFrames.frame1
$5af0 = StarmieFrames.frame2
$5af2 = StarmieFrames.frame3
$5af4 = StarmieFrames.frame4
$5af5 = StarmieFrames.frame5
$5af6 = MrMimeFrames
$5b06 = MrMimeFrames.frame1
$5b0c = MrMimeFrames.frame2
$5b15 = MrMimeFrames.frame3
$5b29 = MrMimeFrames.frame4
$5b3a = MrMimeFrames.frame5
$5b46 = MrMimeFrames.frame6
$5b48 = MrMimeFrames.frame7
$5b50 = MrMimeFrames.frame8
$5b60 = ScytherFrames
$5b6c = ScytherFrames.frame1
$5b89 = ScytherFrames.frame2
$5ba6 = ScytherFrames.frame3
$5bb6 = ScytherFrames.frame4
$5bc6 = ScytherFrames.frame5
$5bd1 = ScytherFrames.frame6
$5bd8 = JynxFrames
$5bde = JynxFrames.frame1
$5be9 = JynxFrames.frame2
$5bef = JynxFrames.frame3
$5bf4 = ElectabuzzFrames
$5bfe = ElectabuzzFrames.frame1
$5c03 = ElectabuzzFrames.frame2
$5c0a = ElectabuzzFrames.frame3
$5c1f = ElectabuzzFrames.frame4
$5c34 = ElectabuzzFrames.frame5
$5c37 = MagmarFrames
$5c3f = MagmarFrames.frame1
$5c4c = MagmarFrames.frame2
$5c4f = MagmarFrames.frame3
$5c53 = MagmarFrames.frame4
$5c56 = PinsirFrames
$5c5e = PinsirFrames.frame1
$5c70 = PinsirFrames.frame2
$5c8d = PinsirFrames.frame3
$5cac = PinsirFrames.frame4
$5cc6 = TaurosFrames
$5cce = TaurosFrames.frame1
$5cdb = TaurosFrames.frame2
$5cf3 = TaurosFrames.frame3
$5d06 = TaurosFrames.frame4
$5d08 = MagikarpFrames
$5d0e = MagikarpFrames.frame1
$5d16 = MagikarpFrames.frame2
$5d21 = MagikarpFrames.frame3
$5d27 = GyaradosFrames
$5d2d = GyaradosFrames.frame1
$5d41 = GyaradosFrames.frame2
$5d55 = GyaradosFrames.frame3
$5d58 = LaprasFrames
$5d62 = LaprasFrames.frame1
$5d70 = LaprasFrames.frame2
$5d7e = LaprasFrames.frame3
$5d8c = LaprasFrames.frame4
$5d8e = LaprasFrames.frame5
$5d90 = DittoFrames
$5da0 = DittoFrames.frame1
$5dab = DittoFrames.frame2
$5dbd = DittoFrames.frame3
$5dca = DittoFrames.frame4
$5dce = DittoFrames.frame5
$5dd1 = DittoFrames.frame6
$5dd7 = DittoFrames.frame7
$5de5 = DittoFrames.frame8
$5df0 = EeveeFrames
$5dfa = EeveeFrames.frame1
$5dfe = EeveeFrames.frame2
$5e02 = EeveeFrames.frame3
$5e0f = EeveeFrames.frame4
$5e14 = EeveeFrames.frame5
$5e1d = VaporeonFrames
$5e23 = VaporeonFrames.frame1
$5e30 = VaporeonFrames.frame2
$5e3d = VaporeonFrames.frame3
$5e42 = JolteonFrames
$5e4a = JolteonFrames.frame1
$5e62 = JolteonFrames.frame2
$5e7c = JolteonFrames.frame3
$5e7e = JolteonFrames.frame4
$5e80 = FlareonFrames
$5e88 = FlareonFrames.frame1
$5e9b = FlareonFrames.frame2
$5e9e = FlareonFrames.frame3
$5eaa = FlareonFrames.frame4
$5eae = PorygonFrames
$5eb4 = PorygonFrames.frame1
$5ec6 = PorygonFrames.frame2
$5ed9 = PorygonFrames.frame3
$5edb = OmanyteFrames
$5ee1 = OmanyteFrames.frame1
$5ee9 = OmanyteFrames.frame2
$5ef2 = OmanyteFrames.frame3
$5ef6 = OmastarFrames
$5efc = OmastarFrames.frame1
$5f07 = OmastarFrames.frame2
$5f19 = OmastarFrames.frame3
$5f1c = KabutoFrames
$5f22 = KabutoFrames.frame1
$5f2a = KabutoFrames.frame2
$5f31 = KabutoFrames.frame3
$5f35 = KabutopsFrames
$5f3b = KabutopsFrames.frame1
$5f57 = KabutopsFrames.frame2
$5f73 = KabutopsFrames.frame3
$5f7b = AerodactylFrames
$5f81 = AerodactylFrames.frame1
$5f9d = AerodactylFrames.frame2
$5fa5 = AerodactylFrames.frame3
$5fa7 = SnorlaxFrames
$5fb1 = SnorlaxFrames.frame1
$5fbe = SnorlaxFrames.frame2
$5fcb = SnorlaxFrames.frame3
$5fce = SnorlaxFrames.frame4
$5fd0 = SnorlaxFrames.frame5
$5fd2 = ArticunoFrames
$5fdc = ArticunoFrames.frame1
$5fed = ArticunoFrames.frame2
$6007 = ArticunoFrames.frame3
$601f = ArticunoFrames.frame4
$6032 = ArticunoFrames.frame5
$6042 = ZapdosFrames
$6048 = ZapdosFrames.frame1
$605f = ZapdosFrames.frame2
$607f = ZapdosFrames.frame3
$6096 = MoltresFrames
$60a4 = MoltresFrames.frame1
$60b7 = MoltresFrames.frame2
$60c3 = MoltresFrames.frame3
$60e0 = MoltresFrames.frame4
$60f6 = MoltresFrames.frame5
$6100 = MoltresFrames.frame6
$6102 = MoltresFrames.frame7
$610f = DratiniFrames
$6117 = DratiniFrames.frame1
$611b = DratiniFrames.frame2
$6123 = DratiniFrames.frame3
$612a = DratiniFrames.frame4
$612c = DragonairFrames
$6138 = DragonairFrames.frame1
$613a = DragonairFrames.frame2
$6146 = DragonairFrames.frame3
$6153 = DragonairFrames.frame4
$6156 = DragonairFrames.frame5
$6161 = DragonairFrames.frame6
$616d = DragoniteFrames
$6177 = DragoniteFrames.frame1
$6184 = DragoniteFrames.frame2
$618e = DragoniteFrames.frame3
$61a2 = DragoniteFrames.frame4
$61b1 = DragoniteFrames.frame5
$61b3 = MewtwoFrames
$61bd = MewtwoFrames.frame1
$61bf = MewtwoFrames.frame2
$61cf = MewtwoFrames.frame3
$61d2 = MewtwoFrames.frame4
$61ef = MewtwoFrames.frame5
$6214 = MewFrames
$621e = MewFrames.frame1
$6222 = MewFrames.frame2
$6227 = MewFrames.frame3
$623b = MewFrames.frame4
$623e = MewFrames.frame5
EMPTY: $6240-$7fff ($1dc0 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1dc0 bytes
ROMX bank #54:
SECTION: $4000-$43ff ($0400 bytes) ["Font Inversed"]
$4000 = FontInversed
SECTION: $4400-$5c65 ($1866 bytes) ["Pic Animations 3"]
$4400 = JohtoFrames
$4400 = ChikoritaFrames
$440a = ChikoritaFrames.frame1
$440e = ChikoritaFrames.frame2
$441c = ChikoritaFrames.frame3
$442b = ChikoritaFrames.frame4
$4435 = ChikoritaFrames.frame5
$4438 = BayleefFrames
$4440 = BayleefFrames.frame1
$444c = BayleefFrames.frame2
$445b = BayleefFrames.frame3
$4460 = BayleefFrames.frame4
$4463 = MeganiumFrames
$446b = MeganiumFrames.frame1
$4483 = MeganiumFrames.frame2
$449e = MeganiumFrames.frame3
$44a4 = MeganiumFrames.frame4
$44a7 = CyndaquilFrames
$44af = CyndaquilFrames.frame1
$44c4 = CyndaquilFrames.frame2
$44d9 = CyndaquilFrames.frame3
$44ee = CyndaquilFrames.frame4
$44f5 = QuilavaFrames
$44fd = QuilavaFrames.frame1
$4514 = QuilavaFrames.frame2
$452b = QuilavaFrames.frame3
$452e = QuilavaFrames.frame4
$453b = TyphlosionFrames
$4545 = TyphlosionFrames.frame1
$4563 = TyphlosionFrames.frame2
$457b = TyphlosionFrames.frame3
$4599 = TyphlosionFrames.frame4
$459b = TyphlosionFrames.frame5
$45b3 = TotodileFrames
$45b9 = TotodileFrames.frame1
$45c6 = TotodileFrames.frame2
$45cf = TotodileFrames.frame3
$45d3 = CroconawFrames
$45db = CroconawFrames.frame1
$45f2 = CroconawFrames.frame2
$460b = CroconawFrames.frame3
$461f = CroconawFrames.frame4
$4636 = FeraligatrFrames
$463e = FeraligatrFrames.frame1
$4650 = FeraligatrFrames.frame2
$4660 = FeraligatrFrames.frame3
$4671 = FeraligatrFrames.frame4
$4674 = SentretFrames
$4678 = SentretFrames.frame1
$4688 = SentretFrames.frame2
$468a = FurretFrames
$4692 = FurretFrames.frame1
$469d = FurretFrames.frame2
$46a7 = FurretFrames.frame3
$46aa = FurretFrames.frame4
$46ae = HoothootFrames
$46b8 = HoothootFrames.frame1
$46c2 = HoothootFrames.frame2
$46c4 = HoothootFrames.frame3
$46cf = HoothootFrames.frame4
$46d4 = HoothootFrames.frame5
$46d8 = NoctowlFrames
$46e2 = NoctowlFrames.frame1
$46e4 = NoctowlFrames.frame2
$46f7 = NoctowlFrames.frame3
$470a = NoctowlFrames.frame4
$471d = NoctowlFrames.frame5
$4720 = LedybaFrames
$4728 = LedybaFrames.frame1
$4732 = LedybaFrames.frame2
$4743 = LedybaFrames.frame3
$474c = LedybaFrames.frame4
$4757 = LedianFrames
$475f = LedianFrames.frame1
$476c = LedianFrames.frame2
$4779 = LedianFrames.frame3
$478a = LedianFrames.frame4
$478e = SpinarakFrames
$4796 = SpinarakFrames.frame1
$479d = SpinarakFrames.frame2
$47a6 = SpinarakFrames.frame3
$47a9 = SpinarakFrames.frame4
$47ac = AriadosFrames
$47b4 = AriadosFrames.frame1
$47cb = AriadosFrames.frame2
$47e2 = AriadosFrames.frame3
$47f9 = AriadosFrames.frame4
$4810 = CrobatFrames
$481a = CrobatFrames.frame1
$482d = CrobatFrames.frame2
$4836 = CrobatFrames.frame3
$4851 = CrobatFrames.frame4
$485c = CrobatFrames.frame5
$4879 = ChinchouFrames
$4881 = ChinchouFrames.frame1
$488a = ChinchouFrames.frame2
$488c = ChinchouFrames.frame3
$4895 = ChinchouFrames.frame4
$4898 = LanturnFrames
$48a0 = LanturnFrames.frame1
$48ac = LanturnFrames.frame2
$48b3 = LanturnFrames.frame3
$48bf = LanturnFrames.frame4
$48c4 = PichuFrames
$48cc = PichuFrames.frame1
$48dd = PichuFrames.frame2
$48ee = PichuFrames.frame3
$48f1 = PichuFrames.frame4
$48f5 = CleffaFrames
$48fb = CleffaFrames.frame1
$48fe = CleffaFrames.frame2
$490b = CleffaFrames.frame3
$4912 = IgglybuffFrames
$4918 = IgglybuffFrames.frame1
$491a = IgglybuffFrames.frame2
$4926 = IgglybuffFrames.frame3
$492a = TogepiFrames
$492e = TogepiFrames.frame1
$493d = TogepiFrames.frame2
$493f = TogeticFrames
$4949 = TogeticFrames.frame1
$4959 = TogeticFrames.frame2
$4972 = TogeticFrames.frame3
$4974 = TogeticFrames.frame4
$4983 = TogeticFrames.frame5
$499c = NatuFrames
$49a4 = NatuFrames.frame1
$49af = NatuFrames.frame2
$49ba = NatuFrames.frame3
$49c5 = NatuFrames.frame4
$49c7 = XatuFrames
$49cf = XatuFrames.frame1
$49dc = XatuFrames.frame2
$49e9 = XatuFrames.frame3
$49ec = XatuFrames.frame4
$49f9 = MareepFrames
$49fd = MareepFrames.frame1
$4a0a = MareepFrames.frame2
$4a0d = FlaaffyFrames
$4a15 = FlaaffyFrames.frame1
$4a21 = FlaaffyFrames.frame2
$4a2f = FlaaffyFrames.frame3
$4a3d = FlaaffyFrames.frame4
$4a40 = AmpharosFrames
$4a4c = AmpharosFrames.frame1
$4a64 = AmpharosFrames.frame2
$4a86 = AmpharosFrames.frame3
$4aa1 = AmpharosFrames.frame4
$4aa4 = AmpharosFrames.frame5
$4aad = AmpharosFrames.frame6
$4ab8 = BellossomFrames
$4ac4 = BellossomFrames.frame1
$4ad0 = BellossomFrames.frame2
$4adc = BellossomFrames.frame3
$4ade = BellossomFrames.frame4
$4ae9 = BellossomFrames.frame5
$4af4 = BellossomFrames.frame6
$4af9 = MarillFrames
$4b03 = MarillFrames.frame1
$4b0c = MarillFrames.frame2
$4b18 = MarillFrames.frame3
$4b1f = MarillFrames.frame4
$4b22 = MarillFrames.frame5
$4b25 = AzumarillFrames
$4b2d = AzumarillFrames.frame1
$4b39 = AzumarillFrames.frame2
$4b4b = AzumarillFrames.frame3
$4b68 = AzumarillFrames.frame4
$4b6c = SudowoodoFrames
$4b72 = SudowoodoFrames.frame1
$4b80 = SudowoodoFrames.frame2
$4b8c = SudowoodoFrames.frame3
$4b8f = PolitoedFrames
$4b97 = PolitoedFrames.frame1
$4baa = PolitoedFrames.frame2
$4bbe = PolitoedFrames.frame3
$4bd2 = PolitoedFrames.frame4
$4bd8 = HoppipFrames
$4bdc = HoppipFrames.frame1
$4be9 = HoppipFrames.frame2
$4bec = SkiploomFrames
$4bf4 = SkiploomFrames.frame1
$4bff = SkiploomFrames.frame2
$4c0c = SkiploomFrames.frame3
$4c19 = SkiploomFrames.frame4
$4c1c = JumpluffFrames
$4c24 = JumpluffFrames.frame1
$4c3f = JumpluffFrames.frame2
$4c48 = JumpluffFrames.frame3
$4c53 = JumpluffFrames.frame4
$4c59 = AipomFrames
$4c5f = AipomFrames.frame1
$4c63 = AipomFrames.frame2
$4c6a = AipomFrames.frame3
$4c6e = SunkernFrames
$4c74 = SunkernFrames.frame1
$4c76 = SunkernFrames.frame2
$4c80 = SunkernFrames.frame3
$4c84 = SunfloraFrames
$4c8c = SunfloraFrames.frame1
$4c9d = SunfloraFrames.frame2
$4cac = SunfloraFrames.frame3
$4caf = SunfloraFrames.frame4
$4cb2 = YanmaFrames
$4cb8 = YanmaFrames.frame1
$4cc4 = YanmaFrames.frame2
$4cd1 = YanmaFrames.frame3
$4cd4 = WooperFrames
$4cdc = WooperFrames.frame1
$4cdf = WooperFrames.frame2
$4ce8 = WooperFrames.frame3
$4ceb = WooperFrames.frame4
$4cf2 = QuagsireFrames
$4cfa = QuagsireFrames.frame1
$4cfe = QuagsireFrames.frame2
$4d07 = QuagsireFrames.frame3
$4d14 = QuagsireFrames.frame4
$4d1c = EspeonFrames
$4d24 = EspeonFrames.frame1
$4d2b = EspeonFrames.frame2
$4d32 = EspeonFrames.frame3
$4d38 = EspeonFrames.frame4
$4d3c = UmbreonFrames
$4d44 = UmbreonFrames.frame1
$4d54 = UmbreonFrames.frame2
$4d63 = UmbreonFrames.frame3
$4d76 = UmbreonFrames.frame4
$4d7c = MurkrowFrames
$4d82 = MurkrowFrames.frame1
$4d95 = MurkrowFrames.frame2
$4d99 = MurkrowFrames.frame3
$4d9c = SlowkingFrames
$4da2 = SlowkingFrames.frame1
$4da6 = SlowkingFrames.frame2
$4dab = SlowkingFrames.frame3
$4dc5 = MisdreavusFrames
$4dcd = MisdreavusFrames.frame1
$4dd4 = MisdreavusFrames.frame2
$4ddb = MisdreavusFrames.frame3
$4ddd = MisdreavusFrames.frame4
$4de4 = UnownFrames
$4dfa = UnownFrames.frame1
$4e05 = UnownFrames.frame2
$4e10 = UnownFrames.frame3
$4e1d = UnownFrames.frame4
$4e2a = UnownFrames.frame5
$4e2f = UnownFrames.frame6
$4e34 = UnownFrames.frame7
$4e3f = UnownFrames.frame8
$4e4a = UnownFrames.frame9
$4e53 = UnownFrames.frame10
$4e5c = UnownFrames.frame11
$4e5e = WobbuffetFrames
$4e62 = WobbuffetFrames.frame1
$4e7a = WobbuffetFrames.frame2
$4e92 = GirafarigFrames
$4e9c = GirafarigFrames.frame1
$4eae = GirafarigFrames.frame2
$4ec5 = GirafarigFrames.frame3
$4ecd = GirafarigFrames.frame4
$4ee4 = GirafarigFrames.frame5
$4ee7 = PinecoFrames
$4eed = PinecoFrames.frame1
$4ef6 = PinecoFrames.frame2
$4f05 = PinecoFrames.frame3
$4f09 = ForretressFrames
$4f13 = ForretressFrames.frame1
$4f18 = ForretressFrames.frame2
$4f1d = ForretressFrames.frame3
$4f24 = ForretressFrames.frame4
$4f2b = ForretressFrames.frame5
$4f2e = DunsparceFrames
$4f38 = DunsparceFrames.frame1
$4f44 = DunsparceFrames.frame2
$4f54 = DunsparceFrames.frame3
$4f64 = DunsparceFrames.frame4
$4f69 = DunsparceFrames.frame5
$4f6c = GligarFrames
$4f6e = GligarFrames.frame1
$4f83 = SteelixFrames
$4f8b = SteelixFrames.frame1
$4f9b = SteelixFrames.frame2
$4fab = SteelixFrames.frame3
$4fc0 = SteelixFrames.frame4
$4fc2 = SnubbullFrames
$4fcc = SnubbullFrames.frame1
$4fd3 = SnubbullFrames.frame2
$4fde = SnubbullFrames.frame3
$4fef = SnubbullFrames.frame4
$4ff1 = SnubbullFrames.frame5
$4ff5 = GranbullFrames
$4ff9 = GranbullFrames.frame1
$5009 = GranbullFrames.frame2
$500e = QwilfishFrames
$5014 = QwilfishFrames.frame1
$5016 = QwilfishFrames.frame2
$5025 = QwilfishFrames.frame3
$5033 = ScizorFrames
$503f = ScizorFrames.frame1
$5057 = ScizorFrames.frame2
$5060 = ScizorFrames.frame3
$506c = ScizorFrames.frame4
$506e = ScizorFrames.frame5
$5083 = ScizorFrames.frame6
$508e = ShuckleFrames
$5096 = ShuckleFrames.frame1
$509e = ShuckleFrames.frame2
$50a7 = ShuckleFrames.frame3
$50b5 = ShuckleFrames.frame4
$50b7 = HeracrossFrames
$50bd = HeracrossFrames.frame1
$50cd = HeracrossFrames.frame2
$50d4 = HeracrossFrames.frame3
$50d7 = SneaselFrames
$50df = SneaselFrames.frame1
$50f0 = SneaselFrames.frame2
$5104 = SneaselFrames.frame3
$5109 = SneaselFrames.frame4
$510b = TeddiursaFrames
$5113 = TeddiursaFrames.frame1
$511a = TeddiursaFrames.frame2
$5121 = TeddiursaFrames.frame3
$5125 = TeddiursaFrames.frame4
$5128 = UrsaringFrames
$5132 = UrsaringFrames.frame1
$513b = UrsaringFrames.frame2
$514d = UrsaringFrames.frame3
$515f = UrsaringFrames.frame4
$5167 = UrsaringFrames.frame5
$516a = SlugmaFrames
$517a = SlugmaFrames.frame1
$517f = SlugmaFrames.frame2
$5185 = SlugmaFrames.frame3
$518b = SlugmaFrames.frame4
$518e = SlugmaFrames.frame5
$5193 = SlugmaFrames.frame6
$5196 = SlugmaFrames.frame7
$519a = SlugmaFrames.frame8
$519e = MagcargoFrames
$51a6 = MagcargoFrames.frame1
$51b3 = MagcargoFrames.frame2
$51c6 = MagcargoFrames.frame3
$51d9 = MagcargoFrames.frame4
$51ec = SwinubFrames
$51f2 = SwinubFrames.frame1
$51f7 = SwinubFrames.frame2
$51fc = SwinubFrames.frame3
$51ff = PiloswineFrames
$5205 = PiloswineFrames.frame1
$5212 = PiloswineFrames.frame2
$521b = PiloswineFrames.frame3
$521f = CorsolaFrames
$5227 = CorsolaFrames.frame1
$522d = CorsolaFrames.frame2
$5233 = CorsolaFrames.frame3
$523c = CorsolaFrames.frame4
$523f = RemoraidFrames
$5247 = RemoraidFrames.frame1
$524b = RemoraidFrames.frame2
$5254 = RemoraidFrames.frame3
$525d = RemoraidFrames.frame4
$5262 = OctilleryFrames
$5268 = OctilleryFrames.frame1
$5277 = OctilleryFrames.frame2
$527c = OctilleryFrames.frame3
$527e = DelibirdFrames
$528a = DelibirdFrames.frame1
$528f = DelibirdFrames.frame2
$529d = DelibirdFrames.frame3
$52ac = DelibirdFrames.frame4
$52ae = DelibirdFrames.frame5
$52b9 = DelibirdFrames.frame6
$52bb = MantineFrames
$52c7 = MantineFrames.frame1
$52d7 = MantineFrames.frame2
$52d9 = MantineFrames.frame3
$52e5 = MantineFrames.frame4
$52f4 = MantineFrames.frame5
$52ff = MantineFrames.frame6
$5302 = SkarmoryFrames
$5306 = SkarmoryFrames.frame1
$530f = SkarmoryFrames.frame2
$532a = HoundourFrames
$5332 = HoundourFrames.frame1
$5343 = HoundourFrames.frame2
$534f = HoundourFrames.frame3
$5352 = HoundourFrames.frame4
$5356 = HoundoomFrames
$5360 = HoundoomFrames.frame1
$5372 = HoundoomFrames.frame2
$5380 = HoundoomFrames.frame3
$538e = HoundoomFrames.frame4
$539a = HoundoomFrames.frame5
$539d = KingdraFrames
$53a9 = KingdraFrames.frame1
$53b2 = KingdraFrames.frame2
$53bc = KingdraFrames.frame3
$53cb = KingdraFrames.frame4
$53d0 = KingdraFrames.frame5
$53d2 = KingdraFrames.frame6
$53d5 = PhanpyFrames
$53db = PhanpyFrames.frame1
$53e8 = PhanpyFrames.frame2
$53f0 = PhanpyFrames.frame3
$53f2 = DonphanFrames
$53fc = DonphanFrames.frame1
$540e = DonphanFrames.frame2
$5420 = DonphanFrames.frame3
$5431 = DonphanFrames.frame4
$5438 = DonphanFrames.frame5
$543a = Porygon2Frames
$5440 = Porygon2Frames.frame1
$544b = Porygon2Frames.frame2
$5462 = Porygon2Frames.frame3
$546f = StantlerFrames
$5475 = StantlerFrames.frame1
$5478 = StantlerFrames.frame2
$5493 = StantlerFrames.frame3
$5496 = SmeargleFrames
$549c = SmeargleFrames.frame1
$54ad = SmeargleFrames.frame2
$54b9 = SmeargleFrames.frame3
$54bc = TyrogueFrames
$54c4 = TyrogueFrames.frame1
$54ce = TyrogueFrames.frame2
$54d7 = TyrogueFrames.frame3
$54e0 = TyrogueFrames.frame4
$54e3 = HitmontopFrames
$54eb = HitmontopFrames.frame1
$54f2 = HitmontopFrames.frame2
$5516 = HitmontopFrames.frame3
$5523 = HitmontopFrames.frame4
$5526 = SmoochumFrames
$552c = SmoochumFrames.frame1
$5530 = SmoochumFrames.frame2
$5536 = SmoochumFrames.frame3
$553c = ElekidFrames
$5546 = ElekidFrames.frame1
$5552 = ElekidFrames.frame2
$5565 = ElekidFrames.frame3
$5568 = ElekidFrames.frame4
$5573 = ElekidFrames.frame5
$5578 = MagbyFrames
$5582 = MagbyFrames.frame1
$558a = MagbyFrames.frame2
$55a4 = MagbyFrames.frame3
$55be = MagbyFrames.frame4
$55d7 = MagbyFrames.frame5
$55da = MiltankFrames
$55e0 = MiltankFrames.frame1
$55ef = MiltankFrames.frame2
$5605 = MiltankFrames.frame3
$5607 = BlisseyFrames
$560f = BlisseyFrames.frame1
$5618 = BlisseyFrames.frame2
$5627 = BlisseyFrames.frame3
$562e = BlisseyFrames.frame4
$5631 = RaikouFrames
$563d = RaikouFrames.frame1
$564e = RaikouFrames.frame2
$566d = RaikouFrames.frame3
$568c = RaikouFrames.frame4
$569d = RaikouFrames.frame5
$56ae = RaikouFrames.frame6
$56bf = EnteiFrames
$56c7 = EnteiFrames.frame1
$56df = EnteiFrames.frame2
$56f8 = EnteiFrames.frame3
$56fc = EnteiFrames.frame4
$56ff = SuicuneFrames
$5711 = SuicuneFrames.frame1
$572d = SuicuneFrames.frame2
$574e = SuicuneFrames.frame3
$5763 = SuicuneFrames.frame4
$577f = SuicuneFrames.frame5
$57a0 = SuicuneFrames.frame6
$57a2 = SuicuneFrames.frame7
$57a5 = SuicuneFrames.frame8
$57a7 = SuicuneFrames.frame9
$57a9 = LarvitarFrames
$57af = LarvitarFrames.frame1
$57b1 = LarvitarFrames.frame2
$57bb = LarvitarFrames.frame3
$57c0 = PupitarFrames
$57c4 = PupitarFrames.frame1
$57c8 = PupitarFrames.frame2
$57cf = TyranitarFrames
$57d9 = TyranitarFrames.frame1
$57f1 = TyranitarFrames.frame2
$580d = TyranitarFrames.frame3
$5825 = TyranitarFrames.frame4
$582a = TyranitarFrames.frame5
$582c = LugiaFrames
$583e = LugiaFrames.frame1
$585c = LugiaFrames.frame2
$5878 = LugiaFrames.frame3
$587f = LugiaFrames.frame4
$5895 = LugiaFrames.frame5
$58a9 = LugiaFrames.frame6
$58b1 = LugiaFrames.frame7
$58bc = LugiaFrames.frame8
$58c3 = LugiaFrames.frame9
$58c6 = HoOhFrames
$58ce = HoOhFrames.frame1
$58de = HoOhFrames.frame2
$58f4 = HoOhFrames.frame3
$5904 = HoOhFrames.frame4
$5907 = CelebiFrames
$5921 = CelebiFrames.frame1
$592c = CelebiFrames.frame2
$5937 = CelebiFrames.frame3
$5944 = CelebiFrames.frame4
$5951 = CelebiFrames.frame5
$5956 = CelebiFrames.frame6
$595b = CelebiFrames.frame7
$5966 = CelebiFrames.frame8
$5971 = CelebiFrames.frame9
$597a = CelebiFrames.frame10
$5983 = CelebiFrames.frame11
$5985 = CelebiFrames.frame12
$5988 = CelebiFrames.frame13
$598b = EggFrames
$598f = EggFrames.frame1
$599c = EggFrames.frame2
$59a9 = UnownFramesPointers
$59dd = UnownsFrames
$59dd = UnownAFrames
$59e7 = UnownAFrames.frame1
$59e9 = UnownAFrames.frame2
$59eb = UnownAFrames.frame3
$59ee = UnownAFrames.frame4
$59f1 = UnownAFrames.frame5
$59f6 = UnownBFrames
$5a02 = UnownBFrames.frame1
$5a05 = UnownBFrames.frame2
$5a08 = UnownBFrames.frame3
$5a0b = UnownBFrames.frame4
$5a0e = UnownBFrames.frame5
$5a11 = UnownBFrames.frame6
$5a16 = UnownCFrames
$5a1e = UnownCFrames.frame1
$5a24 = UnownCFrames.frame2
$5a26 = UnownCFrames.frame3
$5a29 = UnownCFrames.frame4
$5a2e = UnownDFrames
$5a34 = UnownDFrames.frame1
$5a3e = UnownDFrames.frame2
$5a47 = UnownDFrames.frame3
$5a4c = UnownEFrames
$5a52 = UnownEFrames.frame1
$5a56 = UnownEFrames.frame2
$5a5a = UnownEFrames.frame3
$5a5f = UnownFFrames
$5a67 = UnownFFrames.frame1
$5a69 = UnownFFrames.frame2
$5a6b = UnownFFrames.frame3
$5a6d = UnownFFrames.frame4
$5a72 = UnownGFrames
$5a78 = UnownGFrames.frame1
$5a7f = UnownGFrames.frame2
$5a87 = UnownGFrames.frame3
$5a8c = UnownHFrames
$5a96 = UnownHFrames.frame1
$5a99 = UnownHFrames.frame2
$5a9c = UnownHFrames.frame3
$5a9f = UnownHFrames.frame4
$5aa2 = UnownHFrames.frame5
$5aa9 = UnownIFrames
$5aaf = UnownIFrames.frame1
$5ab2 = UnownIFrames.frame2
$5ab5 = UnownIFrames.frame3
$5abc = UnownJFrames
$5ac2 = UnownJFrames.frame1
$5ac7 = UnownJFrames.frame2
$5acb = UnownJFrames.frame3
$5ad0 = UnownKFrames
$5ad6 = UnownKFrames.frame1
$5adc = UnownKFrames.frame2
$5ae2 = UnownKFrames.frame3
$5ae7 = UnownLFrames
$5af1 = UnownLFrames.frame1
$5af4 = UnownLFrames.frame2
$5af7 = UnownLFrames.frame3
$5afa = UnownLFrames.frame4
$5afc = UnownLFrames.frame5
$5b01 = UnownMFrames
$5b07 = UnownMFrames.frame1
$5b0e = UnownMFrames.frame2
$5b15 = UnownMFrames.frame3
$5b1a = UnownNFrames
$5b20 = UnownNFrames.frame1
$5b25 = UnownNFrames.frame2
$5b30 = UnownNFrames.frame3
$5b37 = UnownOFrames
$5b3d = UnownOFrames.frame1
$5b42 = UnownOFrames.frame2
$5b48 = UnownOFrames.frame3
$5b4d = UnownPFrames
$5b53 = UnownPFrames.frame1
$5b57 = UnownPFrames.frame2
$5b5d = UnownPFrames.frame3
$5b62 = UnownQFrames
$5b68 = UnownQFrames.frame1
$5b6d = UnownQFrames.frame2
$5b72 = UnownQFrames.frame3
$5b79 = UnownRFrames
$5b7f = UnownRFrames.frame1
$5b83 = UnownRFrames.frame2
$5b87 = UnownRFrames.frame3
$5b8c = UnownSFrames
$5b92 = UnownSFrames.frame1
$5b96 = UnownSFrames.frame2
$5b9b = UnownSFrames.frame3
$5ba0 = UnownTFrames
$5ba6 = UnownTFrames.frame1
$5bae = UnownTFrames.frame2
$5bb4 = UnownTFrames.frame3
$5bb9 = UnownUFrames
$5bbf = UnownUFrames.frame1
$5bc8 = UnownUFrames.frame2
$5bd1 = UnownUFrames.frame3
$5bd6 = UnownVFrames
$5bdc = UnownVFrames.frame1
$5be1 = UnownVFrames.frame2
$5be7 = UnownVFrames.frame3
$5bec = UnownWFrames
$5bf2 = UnownWFrames.frame1
$5bfb = UnownWFrames.frame2
$5c01 = UnownWFrames.frame3
$5c06 = UnownXFrames
$5c0c = UnownXFrames.frame1
$5c11 = UnownXFrames.frame2
$5c21 = UnownXFrames.frame3
$5c26 = UnownYFrames
$5c2e = UnownYFrames.frame1
$5c30 = UnownYFrames.frame2
$5c32 = UnownYFrames.frame3
$5c3c = UnownYFrames.frame4
$5c42 = UnownZFrames
$5c4a = UnownZFrames.frame1
$5c51 = UnownZFrames.frame2
$5c5c = UnownZFrames.frame3
$5c61 = UnownZFrames.frame4
EMPTY: $5c66-$7fff ($239a bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $239a bytes
ROMX bank #55:
SECTION: $4000-$7d8f ($3d90 bytes) ["Tileset Data 6"]
$4000 = TilesetForestGFX
$43d0 = TilesetChampionsRoomGFX
$4c50 = TilesetChampionsRoomMeta
$5050 = TilesetChampionsRoomColl
$5150 = TilesetHouseGFX
$5600 = TilesetHouseMeta
$5a00 = TilesetHouseColl
$5b00 = TilesetLighthouseGFX
$5f70 = TilesetLighthouseMeta
$6370 = TilesetLighthouseColl
$6470 = TilesetForestColl
$6570 = TilesetFacilityGFX
$6990 = TilesetFacilityMeta
$6d90 = TilesetFacilityColl
$6e90 = TilesetBattleTowerOutsideMeta
$7690 = TilesetBattleTowerOutsideColl
$7890 = TilesetBetaWordRoomMeta
$7c90 = TilesetKabutoWordRoomColl
$7c90 = TilesetAerodactylWordRoomColl
$7c90 = TilesetOmanyteWordRoomColl
$7c90 = TilesetBetaWordRoomColl
$7c90 = TilesetHoOhWordRoomColl
EMPTY: $7d90-$7fff ($0270 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0270 bytes
ROMX bank #56:
SECTION: $4000-$77f8 ($37f9 bytes) ["bank38"]
$4000 = RotateUnownFrontpic
$400b = RotateUnownFrontpic.loop
$404e = RotateUnownFrontpic.Copy
$4050 = RotateUnownFrontpic.loop_copy
$4057 = RotateUnownFrontpic.Rotate
$405e = RotateUnownFrontpic.loop_decompress
$4078 = RotateUnownFrontpic.CountSetBit
$407c = RotateUnownFrontpic.loop_count
$4083 = RotateUnownFrontpic.clear
$4084 = RotateUnownFrontpic.apply
$408b = UnownPrinter_GBPrinterRectangle
$40ed = UnusedCursor_InterpretJoypad_AnimateCursor
$40ed = MemoryGameGFX
$40ee = _CardFlip
$4170 = _CardFlip.MasterLoop
$417c = _CardFlip.leavethegame
$4191 = _CardFlip.CardFlip
$41a0 = _CardFlip.Jumptable
$41b0 = _CardFlip.Increment
$41b5 = _CardFlip.AskPlayWithThree
$41c7 = _CardFlip.SaidNo
$41cd = _CardFlip.CardFlipPlayWithThreeCoinsText
$41d2 = _CardFlip.DeductCoins
$41ef = _CardFlip.deduct
$4212 = _CardFlip.CardFlipNotEnoughCoinsText
$4217 = _CardFlip.ChooseACard
$425c = _CardFlip.loop
$427c = _CardFlip.next
$4284 = _CardFlip.loop2
$42b2 = _CardFlip.CardFlipChooseACardText
$42b7 = _CardFlip.PlaceYourBet
$42bd = _CardFlip.betloop
$42d1 = _CardFlip.betdone
$42d5 = _CardFlip.CardFlipPlaceYourBetText
$42da = _CardFlip.CheckTheCard
$4314 = _CardFlip.TabulateTheResult
$431e = _CardFlip.PlayAgain
$4330 = _CardFlip.Continue
$434d = _CardFlip.KeepTheCurrentDeck
$4350 = _CardFlip.LoopAround
$4356 = _CardFlip.CardFlipPlayAgainText
$435b = _CardFlip.CardFlipShuffledText
$4360 = _CardFlip.Quit
$4366 = CardFlip_ShuffleDeck
$4375 = CardFlip_ShuffleDeck.loop
$4398 = CollapseCursorPosition
$43ac = GetCoordsOfChosenCard
$43ba = GetCoordsOfChosenCard.BottomCard
$43c0 = GetCoordsOfChosenCard.done
$43c1 = PlaceCardFaceDown
$43ce = PlaceCardFaceDown.FaceDownCardTilemap
$43ec = CardFlip_DisplayCardFaceUp
$4418 = CardFlip_DisplayCardFaceUp.row
$441b = CardFlip_DisplayCardFaceUp.col
$443b = CardFlip_DisplayCardFaceUp.FaceUpCardTilemap
$4459 = CardFlip_DisplayCardFaceUp.Deck
$4489 = CardFlip_UpdateCoinBalanceDisplay
$449c = CardFlip_PrintCoinBalance
$44bc = CardFlip_PrintCoinBalance.CoinStr
$44c1 = CardFlip_InitTilemap
$44e5 = CardFlip_FillGreenBox
$44e7 = CardFlip_FillBox
$44e7 = CardFlip_FillBox.row
$44e9 = CardFlip_FillBox.col
$44f7 = CardFlip_CopyToBox
$44f7 = CardFlip_CopyToBox.row
$44f9 = CardFlip_CopyToBox.col
$4509 = CardFlip_CopyOAM
$450d = CardFlip_CopyOAM.loop
$4521 = CardFlip_ShiftDigitsUpOnePixel
$4534 = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot
$4553 = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.Jumptable
$455f = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.Level1
$4575 = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.discarded2
$4583 = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.Level2
$4599 = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.discarded1
$45a7 = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.Level3
$45bd = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.discarded4
$45cb = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.Level4
$45e1 = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.discarded3
$45ef = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.Level5
$4605 = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.discarded6
$4613 = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.Level6
$4629 = CardFlip_BlankDiscardedCardSlot.discarded5
$4637 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition
$4643 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Jumptable
$46a3 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Impossible
$46a6 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PikaJiggly
$46b0 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PoliOddish
$46ba = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.WinSix
$46c2 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.OneTwo
$46cc = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.ThreeFour
$46d8 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.FiveSix
$46e4 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.WinNine
$46ec = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Pikachu
$46f6 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Jigglypuff
$4702 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Poliwag
$470e = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Oddish
$471a = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.WinTwelve
$4722 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.One
$472c = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Two
$4738 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Three
$4744 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Four
$4750 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Five
$475c = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Six
$4768 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.WinEighteen
$4770 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PikaOne
$4774 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.JigglyOne
$4778 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PoliOne
$477c = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.OddOne
$4780 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PikaTwo
$4784 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.JigglyTwo
$4788 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PoliTwo
$478c = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.OddTwo
$4790 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PikaThree
$4794 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.JigglyThree
$4798 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PoliThree
$479c = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.OddThree
$47a0 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PikaFour
$47a4 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.JigglyFour
$47a8 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PoliFour
$47ac = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.OddFour
$47b0 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PikaFive
$47b4 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.JigglyFive
$47b8 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PoliFive
$47bc = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.OddFive
$47c0 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PikaSix
$47c4 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.JigglySix
$47c8 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.PoliSix
$47cc = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.OddSix
$47ce = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.CheckWin72
$47db = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Lose
$47eb = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.Payout
$47fb = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.loop
$4804 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.full
$4811 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.CardFlipYeahText
$4816 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.CardFlipDarnText
$481b = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.AddCoinPlaySFX
$4833 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.IsCoinCaseFull
$483e = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.check_low
$4845 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.more
$4847 = CardFlip_CheckWinCondition.less
$4849 = PlaceOAMCardBorder
$4853 = PlaceOAMCardBorder.SpriteData
$489c = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad
$48b8 = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.d_left
$48cc = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.mon_group_left
$48d5 = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.mon_pair_left
$48e2 = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.left_to_number_gp
$48ef = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.d_right
$48ff = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.mon_pair_right
$490a = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.d_up
$491d = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.num_gp_up
$4925 = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.num_pair_up
$4931 = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.up_to_mon_group
$493d = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.d_down
$4950 = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.num_pair_down
$4959 = ChooseCard_HandleJoypad.play_sound
$4960 = CardFlip_UpdateCursorOAM
$496d = CardFlip_UpdateCursorOAM.skip
$4981 = CardFlip_UpdateCursorOAM.OAMData
$4a41 = CardFlip_UpdateCursorOAM.SingleTile
$4a5a = CardFlip_UpdateCursorOAM.PokeGroup
$4ac3 = CardFlip_UpdateCursorOAM.NumGroup
$4b14 = CardFlip_UpdateCursorOAM.NumGroupPair
$4b8d = CardFlip_UpdateCursorOAM.PokeGroupPair
$4c26 = CardFlip_UpdateCursorOAM.Impossible
$4c37 = CardFlip_InitAttrPals
$4c93 = CardFlip_InitAttrPals.palettes
$4cdb = CardFlipLZ03
$4cf6 = CardFlipOffButtonGFX
$4d06 = CardFlipOnButtonGFX
$4d16 = CardFlipLZ01
$4ea8 = CardFlipLZ02
$510c = CardFlipTilemap
$5190 = _UnownPuzzle
$5217 = _UnownPuzzle.loop
$5230 = _UnownPuzzle.holding_piece
$5235 = _UnownPuzzle.clear
$5238 = _UnownPuzzle.next
$523d = _UnownPuzzle.quit
$524e = InitUnownPuzzlePiecePositions
$5252 = InitUnownPuzzlePiecePositions.load_loop
$526d = InitUnownPuzzlePiecePositions.PuzzlePieceInitialPositions
$527d = PlaceStartCancelBox
$5287 = PlaceStartCancelBox.loop
$528d = PlaceStartCancelBoxBorder
$52ca = UnownPuzzleJumptable
$52d9 = UnownPuzzleJumptable.Jumptable
$52db = UnownPuzzleJumptable.Function
$5301 = UnownPuzzleJumptable.d_up
$530d = UnownPuzzleJumptable.d_down
$5325 = UnownPuzzleJumptable.d_left
$5341 = UnownPuzzleJumptable.left_overflow
$5345 = UnownPuzzleJumptable.d_right
$5362 = UnownPuzzleJumptable.right_overflow
$5364 = UnownPuzzleJumptable.done_joypad
$536f = UnownPuzzleJumptable.holding_piece
$5372 = UnownPuzzleJumptable.play_sfx
$5376 = UnownPuzzle_A
$539f = UnownPuzzle_A.TryPlacePiece
$53de = UnownPuzzle_Quit
$53e4 = UnownPuzzle_InvalidAction
$53ee = UnownPuzzle_FillBox
$53f1 = UnownPuzzle_FillBox.row
$53f3 = UnownPuzzle_FillBox.col
$53fe = UnownPuzzle_UpdateTilemap
$5404 = UnownPuzzle_UpdateTilemap.loop
$5413 = UnownPuzzle_UpdateTilemap.not_holding_piece
$5416 = UnownPuzzle_UpdateTilemap.next
$541f = PlaceUnownPuzzlePieceGFX
$5431 = PlaceUnownPuzzlePieceGFX.row
$5434 = PlaceUnownPuzzlePieceGFX.col
$5441 = FillUnoccupiedPuzzleSpace
$5456 = FillUnoccupiedPuzzleSpace.row
$5459 = FillUnoccupiedPuzzleSpace.col
$5463 = GetUnownPuzzleCoordData
$5475 = UnownPuzzle_CheckCurrentTileOccupancy
$5481 = GetCurrentPuzzlePieceVTileCorner
$548f = GetCurrentPuzzlePieceVTileCorner.Corners
$54a0 = CheckSolvedUnownPuzzle
$54a8 = CheckSolvedUnownPuzzle.loop
$54b3 = CheckSolvedUnownPuzzle.not_solved
$54b5 = CheckSolvedUnownPuzzle.SolvedPuzzleConfiguration
$54d9 = RedrawUnownPuzzlePieces
$54f2 = RedrawUnownPuzzlePieces.NoPiece
$54f5 = RedrawUnownPuzzlePieces.load
$54f8 = RedrawUnownPuzzlePieces.loop
$550f = RedrawUnownPuzzlePieces.OAM_HoldingPiece
$5534 = RedrawUnownPuzzlePieces.OAM_NotHoldingPiece
$5559 = UnownPuzzleCoordData
$5631 = ConvertLoadedPuzzlePieces
$5639 = ConvertLoadedPuzzlePieces.loop
$5654 = ConvertLoadedPuzzlePieces.EnlargePuzzlePieceTiles
$5656 = ConvertLoadedPuzzlePieces.loop1
$565b = ConvertLoadedPuzzlePieces.loop2
$5681 = ConvertLoadedPuzzlePieces.loop3
$56aa = ConvertLoadedPuzzlePieces.GetEnlargedTile
$56b7 = ConvertLoadedPuzzlePieces.EnlargedTiles
$56c7 = UnownPuzzle_AddPuzzlePieceBorders
$56cc = UnownPuzzle_AddPuzzlePieceBorders.loop
$56e2 = UnownPuzzle_AddPuzzlePieceBorders.LoadGFX
$56e5 = UnownPuzzle_AddPuzzlePieceBorders.loop1
$56e6 = UnownPuzzle_AddPuzzlePieceBorders.loop2
$56ea = UnownPuzzle_AddPuzzlePieceBorders.loop3
$5703 = PuzzlePieceBorderData
$5723 = PuzzlePieceBorderData.TileBordersGFX
$57a3 = LoadUnownPuzzlePiecesGFX
$57bd = LoadUnownPuzzlePiecesGFX.LZPointers
$57c5 = UnownPuzzleCursorGFX
$5805 = UnownPuzzleStartCancelLZ
$58ab = HoOhPuzzleLZ
$59fb = AerodactylPuzzleLZ
$5bab = KabutoPuzzleLZ
$5c9b = OmanytePuzzleLZ
$5e5b = _MemoryGame
$5e61 = _MemoryGame.loop
$5e67 = _MemoryGame.LoadGFXAndPals
$5ebb = _MemoryGame.JumptableLoop
$5ed0 = _MemoryGame.quit
$5ed2 = _MemoryGame.ExecuteJumptable
$5ee1 = _MemoryGame.Jumptable
$5ef3 = _MemoryGame.RestartGame
$5efb = _MemoryGame.ResetBoard
$5f06 = _MemoryGame.proceed
$5f1c = _MemoryGame.InitBoardTilemapAndCursorObject
$5f30 = _MemoryGame.spawn_object
$5f42 = _MemoryGame.CheckTriesRemaining
$5f58 = _MemoryGame.next_try
$5f61 = _MemoryGame.PickCard1
$5f8b = _MemoryGame.PickCard2
$5fba = _MemoryGame.DelayPickAgain
$5fc3 = _MemoryGame.PickAgain
$5fcc = _MemoryGame.RevealAll
$5fd5 = _MemoryGame.RevelationLoop
$5ff9 = _MemoryGame.finish_round
$6000 = _MemoryGame.AskPlayAgain
$600b = _MemoryGame.restart
$6010 = MemoryGame_CheckMatch
$6044 = MemoryGame_CheckMatch.find_empty_slot
$6066 = MemoryGame_CheckMatch.no_match
$6083 = MemoryGame_CheckMatch.VictoryText
$6093 = MemoryGameYeahText
$6098 = MemoryGameDarnText
$609d = MemoryGame_InitBoard
$60db = MemoryGame_InitBoard.loop
$60e0 = MemoryGame_InitBoard.no_load
$60e5 = MemoryGame_SampleTilePlacement
$60e9 = MemoryGame_SampleTilePlacement.loop
$6101 = MemoryGame_GetDistributionOfTiles
$6110 = MemoryGame_GetDistributionOfTiles.distributions
$6128 = MemoryGame_PlaceCard
$6142 = MemoryGame_DeleteCard
$6152 = MemoryGame_InitStrings
$6176 = MemoryGame_InitStrings.dummy_text
$6177 = MemoryGame_InitStrings.japstr1
$617d = MemoryGame_InitStrings.japstr2
$6183 = MemoryGame_Card2Coord
$6185 = MemoryGame_Card2Coord.find_row
$618c = MemoryGame_Card2Coord.found_row
$6195 = MemoryGame_Card2Coord.loop2
$619d = MemoryGame_Card2Coord.done
$61a1 = MemoryGame_InterpretJoypad_AnimateCursor
$61c8 = MemoryGame_InterpretJoypad_AnimateCursor.quit
$61cf = MemoryGame_InterpretJoypad_AnimateCursor.pressed_a
$61d9 = MemoryGame_InterpretJoypad_AnimateCursor.pressed_left
$61e9 = MemoryGame_InterpretJoypad_AnimateCursor.pressed_right
$61fa = MemoryGame_InterpretJoypad_AnimateCursor.pressed_up
$620d = MemoryGame_InterpretJoypad_AnimateCursor.pressed_down
$6221 = MemoryGameLZ
$6391 = _DepositPKMN
$63b4 = _DepositPKMN.loop
$63c6 = _DepositPKMN.done
$63d5 = _DepositPKMN.RunJumptable
$63df = _DepositPKMN.Jumptable
$63e9 = _DepositPKMN.Init
$641a = _DepositPKMN.HandleJoypad
$6443 = _DepositPKMN.a_button
$6452 = _DepositPKMN.go_back
$6457 = _DepositPKMN.b_button
$645d = _DepositPKMN.WhatsUp
$647d = _DepositPKMN.Submenu
$64a1 = BillsPCDepositJumptable
$64a9 = BillsPCDepositFuncDeposit
$64c1 = BillsPCDepositFuncDeposit.box_full
$64c8 = BillsPCDepositFuncStats
$64e0 = BillsPCDepositFuncRelease
$652c = BillsPCDepositFuncRelease.failed_release
$6537 = BillsPCDepositFuncCancel
$653d = BillsPCDepositMenuHeader
$6545 = BillsPCDepositMenuHeader.MenuData
$6564 = BillsPCClearThreeBoxes
$6583 = _WithdrawPKMN
$65a7 = _WithdrawPKMN.loop
$65b9 = _WithdrawPKMN.done
$65c8 = _WithdrawPKMN.RunJumptable
$65d2 = _WithdrawPKMN.Jumptable
$65dc = _WithdrawPKMN.Init
$6612 = _WithdrawPKMN.Joypad
$663b = _WithdrawPKMN.a_button
$664a = _WithdrawPKMN.go_back
$664f = _WithdrawPKMN.b_button
$6655 = _WithdrawPKMN.PrepSubmenu
$6675 = BillsPC_Withdraw
$6699 = BillsPC_Withdraw.dw
$66a1 = BillsPC_Withdraw.withdraw
$66b9 = BillsPC_Withdraw.FailedWithdraw
$66c0 = BillsPC_Withdraw.stats
$66d8 = BillsPC_Withdraw.release
$6720 = BillsPC_Withdraw.FailedRelease
$672b = BillsPC_Withdraw.cancel
$6731 = BillsPC_Withdraw.MenuHeader
$6739 = BillsPC_Withdraw.MenuData
$6759 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail
$6781 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.loop
$6793 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.done
$67a2 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.RunJumptable
$67ac = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.Jumptable
$67ba = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.Init
$67eb = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.Joypad
$6816 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.d_pad
$6823 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.a_button
$6832 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.go_back
$6837 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.b_button
$683d = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.PrepSubmenu
$685d = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.MoveMonWOMailSubmenu
$6881 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.Jumptable2
$6887 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.Move
$68a5 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.Stats
$68bd = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.Cancel
$68c3 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.MenuHeader
$68cb = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.MenuData
$68df = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.PrepInsertCursor
$6903 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.Joypad2
$692b = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.dpad_2
$6938 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.a_button_2
$6946 = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.no_space
$694b = _MovePKMNWithoutMail.b_button_2
$6963 = BillsPC_InitRAM
$698d = BillsPC_IncrementJumptableIndex
$6992 = BillsPC_EndJumptableLoop
$6998 = _StatsScreenDPad
$69b2 = _StatsScreenDPad.empty
$69b5 = Withdraw_UpDown
$69cd = Withdraw_UpDown.empty
$69d0 = MoveMonWithoutMail_DPad
$69e8 = MoveMonWithoutMail_DPad.check_left_right
$69f4 = MoveMonWithoutMail_DPad_2
$6a0c = MoveMonWithoutMail_DPad_2.check_left_right
$6a18 = BillsPC_PressUp
$6a22 = BillsPC_PressUp.top
$6a2c = BillsPC_PressDown
$6a42 = BillsPC_PressDown.not_bottom
$6a48 = BillsPC_PressLeft
$6a52 = BillsPC_PressLeft.wrap_around
$6a56 = BillsPC_PressRight
$6a61 = BillsPC_PressRight.wrap_around
$6a65 = BillsPC_JoypadDidNothing
$6a68 = BillsPC_UpDownDidSomething
$6a6c = BillsPC_LeftRightDidSomething
$6a6e = BillsPC_PlaceString
$6a80 = BillsPC_MoveMonWOMail_BoxNameAndArrows
$6a8e = BillsPC_BoxName
$6aa5 = BillsPC_BoxName.gotbox
$6ab3 = BillsPC_BoxName.party
$6ab6 = BillsPC_BoxName.print
$6abd = BillsPC_BoxName.PartyPKMN
$6ac6 = PCMonInfo
$6ae9 = PCMonInfo.row
$6aed = PCMonInfo.col
$6b4b = PCMonInfo.printgender
$6b4f = PCMonInfo.skip_gender
$6b61 = PCMonInfo.mail
$6b68 = PCMonInfo.printitem
$6b6d = BillsPC_LoadMonStats
$6bc6 = BillsPC_LoadMonStats.party
$6bf5 = BillsPC_LoadMonStats.sBox
$6c2c = BillsPC_RefreshTextboxes
$6c53 = BillsPC_RefreshTextboxes.loop
$6c67 = BillsPC_RefreshTextboxes.CancelString
$6c6e = BillsPC_RefreshTextboxes.PlaceNickname
$6c7c = BillsPC_RefreshTextboxes.get_nickname
$6cc2 = BillsPC_RefreshTextboxes.boxfail
$6cc8 = BillsPC_RefreshTextboxes.party
$6cee = BillsPC_RefreshTextboxes.partyfail
$6cf1 = BillsPC_RefreshTextboxes.sBox
$6d1f = BillsPC_RefreshTextboxes.sBoxFail
$6d23 = BillsPC_RefreshTextboxes.placeholder_string
$6d2a = BillsPC_RefreshTextboxes.Placeholder
$6d30 = CopyBoxmonSpecies
$6d57 = CopyBoxmonSpecies.loop_u26
$6d79 = CopyBoxmonSpecies.done_u26
$6d87 = CopyBoxmonSpecies.party
$6d8a = CopyBoxmonSpecies.loop_u27
$6dac = CopyBoxmonSpecies.done_u27
$6db7 = CopyBoxmonSpecies.sBox
$6dbf = CopyBoxmonSpecies.loop_u28
$6de1 = CopyBoxmonSpecies.done_u28
$6def = BillsPC_GetSelectedPokemonSpecies
$6e01 = BillsPC_UpdateSelectionCursor
$6e0b = BillsPC_UpdateSelectionCursor.place_cursor
$6e11 = BillsPC_UpdateSelectionCursor.loop
$6e2b = BillsPC_UpdateSelectionCursor.OAM
$6e8c = BillsPC_UpdateInsertCursor
$6e92 = BillsPC_UpdateInsertCursor.loop
$6eac = BillsPC_UpdateInsertCursor.OAM
$6ed5 = BillsPC_FillBox
$6ed5 = BillsPC_FillBox.row
$6ed7 = BillsPC_FillBox.col
$6ee5 = BillsPC_CheckSpaceInDestination
$6ef8 = BillsPC_CheckSpaceInDestination.party
$6efa = BillsPC_CheckSpaceInDestination.compare
$6f00 = BillsPC_CheckSpaceInDestination.same_box
$6f02 = BillsPC_CheckSpaceInDestination.no_room
$6f18 = BillsPC_CheckMail_PreventBlackout
$6f3d = BillsPC_CheckMail_PreventBlackout.Okay
$6f3f = BillsPC_CheckMail_PreventBlackout.HasMail
$6f44 = BillsPC_CheckMail_PreventBlackout.AllOthersFainted
$6f49 = BillsPC_CheckMail_PreventBlackout.ItsYourLastPokemon
$6f4c = BillsPC_CheckMail_PreventBlackout.NotOkay
$6f5f = BillsPC_IsMonAnEgg
$6f68 = BillsPC_IsMonAnEgg.egg
$6f7e = BillsPC_StatsScreen
$6f95 = StatsScreenDPad
$6faa = StatsScreenDPad.pressed_down_up
$6fd0 = StatsScreenDPad.pressed_a_b_right_left
$6fd1 = StatsScreenDPad.did_nothing
$6fd6 = BillsPC_CopyMon
$7020 = BillsPC_CopyMon.party
$7048 = BillsPC_CopyMon.box
$707c = DepositPokemon
$70e4 = DepositPokemon.BoxFull
$70fa = TryWithdrawPokemon
$716a = TryWithdrawPokemon.PartyFull
$7180 = ReleasePKMN_ByePKMN
$71ab = ReleasePKMN_ByePKMN.skip_cry
$71e7 = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon
$7215 = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.moving_from_box
$721d = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.moving_to_box
$722a = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.dw_return
$7233 = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.Saving_LeaveOn
$7245 = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.Jumptable
$724d = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.BoxToBox
$725d = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.same_box
$7267 = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.PartyToBox
$727d = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.BoxToParty
$7284 = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.PartyToParty
$728e = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.CheckTrivialMove
$72a8 = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.top_of_screen
$72b0 = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.CopyFromBox
$72fa = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.CopyToBox
$7316 = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.CopyFromParty
$7346 = MovePKMNWithoutMail_InsertMon.CopyToParty
$7357 = CopySpeciesToTemp
$7363 = CopyNicknameToTemp
$7376 = CopyOTNameToTemp
$7389 = CopyMonToTemp
$7396 = GetBoxPointer
$73a6 = GetBoxPointer.BoxBankAddresses
$73d0 = BillsPC_ApplyPalettes
$73df = BillsPC_Jumptable
$73e8 = BillsPC_InitGFX
$7419 = PCSelectLZ
$749d = PCMailGFX
$74dd = PCString_ChooseaPKMN
$74ea = PCString_WhatsUp
$74f4 = PCString_ReleasePKMN
$7500 = PCString_MoveToWhere
$750f = PCString_ItsYourLastPKMN
$7521 = PCString_TheresNoRoom
$7531 = PCString_NoMoreUsablePKMN
$7544 = PCString_RemoveMail
$7551 = PCString_ReleasedPKMN
$755e = PCString_Bye
$7563 = PCString_Stored
$756b = PCString_Got
$7570 = PCString_Non
$7575 = PCString_BoxFull
$7586 = PCString_PartyFull
$7597 = PCString_NoReleasingEGGS
$75aa = _ChangeBox
$75b0 = _ChangeBox.loop
$75de = _ChangeBox.done
$75e2 = BillsPC_ClearTilemap
$75f1 = _ChangeBox_MenuHeader
$75f9 = _ChangeBox_MenuHeader.MenuData
$7609 = _ChangeBox_MenuHeader.Boxes
$7619 = _ChangeBox_MenuHeader.PrintBoxNames
$7626 = GetBoxName
$7632 = BillsPC_PrintBoxCountAndCapacity
$7663 = BillsPC_PrintBoxCountAndCapacity.Pokemon
$7668 = BillsPC_PrintBoxCountAndCapacity.OutOf20
$766c = GetBoxCount
$7695 = GetBoxCount.newfile
$7697 = GetBoxCount.activebox
$76a5 = GetBoxCount.BoxBankAddresses
$76cf = BillsPC_PrintBoxName
$76f1 = BillsPC_PrintBoxName.Current
$76f9 = BillsPC_ChangeBoxSubmenu
$7717 = BillsPC_ChangeBoxSubmenu.Print
$772f = BillsPC_ChangeBoxSubmenu.EmptyBox
$7734 = BillsPC_ChangeBoxSubmenu.Switch
$7745 = BillsPC_ChangeBoxSubmenu.Name
$777b = BillsPC_ChangeBoxSubmenu.MenuHeader
$7783 = BillsPC_ChangeBoxSubmenu.MenuData
$779c = BillsPC_PlaceChooseABoxString
$77a1 = BillsPC_PlaceChooseABoxString.ChooseABox
$77af = BillsPC_PlaceWhatsUpString
$77b4 = BillsPC_PlaceWhatsUpString.WhatsUp
$77be = BillsPC_PlaceEmptyBoxString_SFX
$77d3 = BillsPC_PlaceEmptyBoxString_SFX.NoMonString
$77e3 = BillsPC_PlaceChangeBoxString
EMPTY: $77f9-$7fff ($0807 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0807 bytes
ROMX bank #57:
SECTION: $4000-$41cf ($01d0 bytes) ["Copyright"]
$4000 = CopyrightGFX
SECTION: $41d0-$7a6c ($389d bytes) ["bank39"]
$41d0 = _Option
$41f3 = _Option.print_text_loop
$4217 = _Option.joypad_loop
$422a = _Option.dpad
$4234 = _Option.ExitOptions
$4241 = StringOptions
$42d6 = GetOptionPointer
$42e5 = GetOptionPointer.Pointers
$42f5 = Options_TextSpeed
$4309 = Options_TextSpeed.Increase
$430d = Options_TextSpeed.LeftPressed
$4313 = Options_TextSpeed.Decrease
$4315 = Options_TextSpeed.Save
$431f = Options_TextSpeed.NonePressed
$4331 = Options_TextSpeed.Strings
$4337 = Options_TextSpeed.Fast
$433c = Options_TextSpeed.Mid
$4341 = Options_TextSpeed.Slow
$4346 = GetTextSpeed
$4359 = GetTextSpeed.slow
$435f = GetTextSpeed.fast
$4365 = Options_BattleScene
$4378 = Options_BattleScene.LeftPressed
$437e = Options_BattleScene.NonePressed
$4384 = Options_BattleScene.ToggleOn
$438b = Options_BattleScene.ToggleOff
$4390 = Options_BattleScene.Display
$4398 = Options_BattleScene.On
$439c = Options_BattleScene.Off
$43a0 = Options_BattleStyle
$43b3 = Options_BattleStyle.LeftPressed
$43b9 = Options_BattleStyle.NonePressed
$43bd = Options_BattleStyle.ToggleShift
$43c4 = Options_BattleStyle.ToggleSet
$43c9 = Options_BattleStyle.Display
$43d1 = Options_BattleStyle.Shift
$43d7 = Options_BattleStyle.Set
$43dd = Options_Sound
$43f0 = Options_Sound.LeftPressed
$43f6 = Options_Sound.NonePressed
$43fc = Options_Sound.SetMono
$4401 = Options_Sound.ToggleMono
$4406 = Options_Sound.SetStereo
$440b = Options_Sound.ToggleStereo
$440e = Options_Sound.Display
$4416 = Options_Sound.Mono
$441d = Options_Sound.Stereo
$4424 = Options_Print
$4438 = Options_Print.Increase
$443c = Options_Print.LeftPressed
$4442 = Options_Print.Decrease
$4444 = Options_Print.Save
$4448 = Options_Print.NonePressed
$445a = Options_Print.Strings
$4464 = Options_Print.Lightest
$446d = Options_Print.Lighter
$4476 = Options_Print.Normal
$447f = Options_Print.Darker
$4488 = Options_Print.Darkest
$4491 = GetPrinterSetting
$44a9 = GetPrinterSetting.IsLightest
$44af = GetPrinterSetting.IsLight
$44b5 = GetPrinterSetting.IsDark
$44bb = GetPrinterSetting.IsDarkest
$44c1 = Options_MenuAccount
$44d4 = Options_MenuAccount.LeftPressed
$44da = Options_MenuAccount.NonePressed
$44de = Options_MenuAccount.ToggleOff
$44e5 = Options_MenuAccount.ToggleOn
$44ea = Options_MenuAccount.Display
$44f2 = Options_MenuAccount.Off
$44f6 = Options_MenuAccount.On
$44fa = Options_Frame
$4509 = Options_Frame.RightPressed
$450d = Options_Frame.LeftPressed
$450f = Options_Frame.Save
$4512 = UpdateFrame
$4520 = Options_Cancel
$4528 = Options_Cancel.Exit
$452a = OptionsControl
$4539 = OptionsControl.DownPressed
$4542 = OptionsControl.CheckMenuAccount
$4548 = OptionsControl.Increase
$454b = OptionsControl.UpPressed
$4554 = OptionsControl.NotFrame
$4559 = OptionsControl.Decrease
$455c = Options_UpdateCursorPosition
$4564 = Options_UpdateCursorPosition.loop
$4579 = SplashScreen
$45c0 = SplashScreen.joy_loop
$45de = SplashScreen.pressed_button
$45e3 = SplashScreen.finish
$45e8 = GameFreakPresentsInit
$465e = GameFreakPresentsEnd
$4670 = GameFreakPresentsScene
$467f = GameFreakPresentsScene.scenes
$4687 = GameFreakPresents_NextScene
$468c = GameFreakPresents_WaitSpriteAnim
$468d = GameFreakPresents_PlaceGameFreak
$4697 = GameFreakPresents_PlaceGameFreak.PlaceGameFreak
$46af = GameFreakPresents_PlaceGameFreak.game_freak
$46b9 = GameFreakPresents_PlaceGameFreak.end
$46ba = GameFreakPresents_PlacePresents
$46c4 = GameFreakPresents_PlacePresents.place_presents
$46d6 = GameFreakPresents_PlacePresents.presents
$46dc = GameFreakPresents_PlacePresents.end
$46dd = GameFreakPresents_WaitForTimer
$46e7 = GameFreakPresents_WaitForTimer.finish
$46ed = GameFreakLogoSpriteAnim
$46fd = GameFreakLogoSpriteAnim.scenes
$4707 = GameFreakLogo_Init
$470d = GameFreakLogo_Bounce
$4723 = GameFreakLogo_Bounce.no_negative
$4747 = GameFreakLogo_Bounce.done
$4759 = GameFreakLogo_Ditto
$4764 = GameFreakLogo_Ditto.start_transform
$4776 = GameFreakLogo_Transform
$47a3 = GameFreakLogo_Transform.done
$47ab = GameFreakLogo_Done
$47ac = GameFreakDittoPaletteFade
$47cc = GameFreakLogoGFX
$48ac = CrystalIntro
$48bc = CrystalIntro.loop
$48db = CrystalIntro.ShutOffMusic
$48e1 = CrystalIntro.done
$4901 = CrystalIntro.InitRAMAddrs
$490f = IntroSceneJumper
$491e = IntroScenes
$4956 = NextIntroScene
$495b = IntroScene1
$49d6 = IntroScene2
$49f1 = IntroScene2.nosound
$49f9 = IntroScene2.endscene
$49fd = IntroScene3
$4a69 = IntroScene4
$4a76 = IntroScene4.endscene
$4a7a = IntroScene5
$4af7 = IntroScene6
$4b0e = IntroScene6.FirstUnown
$4b1c = IntroScene6.NoUnown
$4b24 = IntroScene6.SecondUnown
$4b32 = IntroScene6.StopUnown
$4b3b = IntroScene6.endscene
$4b3f = IntroScene7
$4bd3 = IntroScene8
$4be2 = IntroScene8.suicune_sound
$4be8 = IntroScene8.animate_suicune
$4bf4 = IntroScene8.finish
$4c04 = IntroScene9
$4c4f = IntroScene10
$4c64 = IntroScene10.pichu
$4c73 = IntroScene10.wooper
$4c82 = IntroScene10.done
$4c86 = IntroScene11
$4cfa = IntroScene12
$4d1d = IntroScene12.second_half
$4d32 = IntroScene12.done
$4d36 = IntroScene12.PlayUnownSound
$4d3d = IntroScene12.loop
$4d48 = IntroScene12.playsound
$4d54 = IntroScene12.UnownSounds
$4d6d = IntroScene13
$4dfa = IntroScene14
$4e14 = IntroScene14.jump
$4e1a = IntroScene14.run_after_jump
$4e2c = IntroScene14.disappear
$4e33 = IntroScene14.run
$4e3c = IntroScene14.done
$4e40 = IntroScene15
$4edc = IntroScene16
$4ef1 = IntroScene16.done
$4ef5 = IntroScene17
$4f67 = IntroScene18
$4f7a = IntroScene18.done
$4f7e = IntroScene19
$5019 = IntroScene20
$5032 = IntroScene20.AppearUnown
$5049 = IntroScene20.AppearUnownPal2
$5059 = IntroScene20.finished
$505d = IntroScene21
$5072 = IntroScene22
$507c = IntroScene22.done
$5086 = IntroScene23
$508e = IntroScene24
$50a4 = IntroScene24.done
$50ad = IntroScene25
$50b7 = IntroScene25.done
$50bb = IntroScene26
$512d = IntroScene27
$5149 = IntroScene27.done
$5152 = IntroScene28
$5168 = IntroScene28.clear
$516c = IntroScene28.done
$5172 = Intro_Scene24_ApplyPaletteFade
$5187 = Intro_Scene24_ApplyPaletteFade.loop1
$518a = Intro_Scene24_ApplyPaletteFade.loop2
$519c = Intro_Scene24_ApplyPaletteFade.FadePals
$51dc = CrystalIntro_InitUnownAnim
$5223 = CrystalIntro_UnownFade
$523e = CrystalIntro_UnownFade.okay
$5288 = CrystalIntro_UnownFade.BWFade
$52c8 = CrystalIntro_UnownFade.BlackLBlueFade
$5308 = CrystalIntro_UnownFade.BlackBlueFade
$5348 = Intro_Scene20_AppearUnown
$5350 = Intro_Scene20_AppearUnown.load_pal_2
$5353 = Intro_Scene20_AppearUnown.got_pointer
$538d = Intro_Scene20_AppearUnown.pal1
$5395 = Intro_Scene20_AppearUnown.pal2
$539d = Intro_FadeUnownWordPals
$53db = Intro_FadeUnownWordPals.FastFadePalettes
$53fb = Intro_FadeUnownWordPals.SlowFadePalettes
$541b = Intro_LoadTilemap
$542a = Intro_LoadTilemap.row
$542c = Intro_LoadTilemap.col
$5441 = Intro_Scene16_AnimateSuicune
$544d = Intro_Scene16_AnimateSuicune.PrepareForSuicuneSwap
$5451 = Intro_ColoredSuicuneFrameSwap
$5457 = Intro_ColoredSuicuneFrameSwap.loop
$5462 = Intro_ColoredSuicuneFrameSwap.skip
$546d = Intro_RustleGrass
$5496 = Intro_RustleGrass.RustlingGrassPointers
$549e = Intro_SetCGBPalUpdate
$54a3 = Intro_ClearBGPals
$54c2 = Intro_DecompressRequest2bpp_128Tiles
$54de = Intro_DecompressRequest2bpp_255Tiles
$54fa = Intro_DecompressRequest2bpp_64Tiles
$5516 = Intro_ResetLYOverrides
$552f = Intro_PerspectiveScrollBG
$5548 = Intro_PerspectiveScrollBG.skip
$555d = IntroSuicuneRunGFX
$592d = IntroPichuWooperGFX
$5c7d = IntroBackgroundGFX
$5e6d = IntroBackgroundTilemap
$5ecd = IntroBackgroundAttrmap
$5edd = IntroBackgroundPalette
$5f5d = IntroUnownsGFX
$634d = IntroPulseGFX
$63dd = IntroUnownATilemap
$641d = IntroUnownAAttrmap
$642d = IntroUnownHITilemap
$647d = IntroUnownHIAttrmap
$649d = IntroUnownsTilemap
$655d = IntroUnownsAttrmap
$65ad = IntroUnownsPalette
$662d = IntroCrystalUnownsGFX
$672d = IntroCrystalUnownsTilemap
$676d = IntroCrystalUnownsAttrmap
$679d = IntroCrystalUnownsPalette
$681d = IntroSuicuneCloseGFX
$6c3d = IntroSuicuneCloseTilemap
$6d0d = IntroSuicuneCloseAttrmap
$6d6d = IntroSuicuneClosePalette
$6ded = IntroSuicuneJumpGFX
$72ad = IntroSuicuneBackGFX
$764d = IntroSuicuneJumpTilemap
$76ad = IntroSuicuneJumpAttrmap
$76bd = IntroSuicuneBackTilemap
$778d = IntroSuicuneBackAttrmap
$77dd = IntroSuicunePalette
$785d = IntroUnownBackGFX
$799d = IntroGrass1GFX
$79dd = IntroGrass2GFX
$7a1d = IntroGrass3GFX
$7a5d = IntroGrass4GFX
EMPTY: $7a6d-$7fff ($0593 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0593 bytes
ROMX bank #58:
SECTION: $4000-$54e8 ($14e9 bytes) ["Audio"]
$4000 = _InitSound
$4015 = _InitSound.clearsound
$4029 = _InitSound.clearaudio
$403d = MusicFadeRestart
$4051 = MusicOn
$4057 = MusicOff
$405c = _UpdateSound
$406b = _UpdateSound.loop
$4080 = _UpdateSound.noteover
$4093 = _UpdateSound.continue_sound_update
$40d9 = _UpdateSound.restnote
$40df = _UpdateSound.next
$40ee = _UpdateSound.sfx_channel
$40fc = _UpdateSound.sound_channel_on
$4102 = _UpdateSound.nextchannel
$4125 = UpdateChannels
$4136 = UpdateChannels.ChannelFunctions
$4146 = UpdateChannels.Channel1
$414c = UpdateChannels.Channel5
$4159 = UpdateChannels.noPitchSweep
$416b = UpdateChannels.ch1_frequency_override
$4175 = UpdateChannels.ch1_check_duty_override
$4184 = UpdateChannels.ch1_vibrato_override
$4195 = UpdateChannels.ch1_rest
$41a2 = UpdateChannels.ch1_noise_sampling
$41bc = UpdateChannels.Channel2
$41bc = UpdateChannels.Channel6
$41db = UpdateChannels.ch2_frequency_override
$41e6 = UpdateChannels.ch2_vibrato_override
$41f7 = UpdateChannels.ch2_rest
$4204 = UpdateChannels.ch2_noise_sampling
$421e = UpdateChannels.Channel3
$421e = UpdateChannels.Channel7
$422f = UpdateChannels.ch3_frequency_override
$423a = UpdateChannels.ch3_vibrato_override
$4240 = UpdateChannels.ch3_rest
$424d = UpdateChannels.ch3_noise_sampling
$4268 = UpdateChannels.load_wave_pattern
$42b4 = UpdateChannels.Channel4
$42b4 = UpdateChannels.Channel8
$42c1 = UpdateChannels.ch4_frequency_override
$42c7 = UpdateChannels.ch4_rest
$42d4 = UpdateChannels.ch4_noise_sampling
$42e7 = _CheckSFX
$4305 = _CheckSFX.sfxon
$4307 = PlayDanger
$431e = PlayDanger.halfway
$4323 = PlayDanger.begin
$4326 = PlayDanger.applychannel
$4335 = PlayDanger.increment
$433c = PlayDanger.noreset
$4350 = DangerSoundHigh
$4354 = DangerSoundLow
$4358 = FadeMusic
$4368 = FadeMusic.update
$4380 = FadeMusic.novolume
$439d = FadeMusic.quit
$43a3 = FadeMusic.bicycle
$43bd = FadeMusic.fadein
$43c4 = FadeMusic.maxvolume
$43c9 = FadeMusic.updatevolume
$43d1 = LoadNote
$43e5 = LoadNote.ok
$4420 = LoadNote.greater_than
$443e = LoadNote.resume
$4444 = LoadNote.loop
$4451 = LoadNote.quit
$4466 = HandleTrackVibrato
$4481 = HandleTrackVibrato.next
$449f = HandleTrackVibrato.vibrato
$44c1 = HandleTrackVibrato.subexit
$44c4 = HandleTrackVibrato.toggle
$44e3 = HandleTrackVibrato.down
$44ef = HandleTrackVibrato.no_carry
$44f8 = HandleTrackVibrato.quit
$44f9 = ApplyPitchSlide
$4542 = ApplyPitchSlide.decreasing
$456f = ApplyPitchSlide.finished_pitch_slide
$457c = ApplyPitchSlide.continue_pitch_slide
$458c = HandleNoise
$45a4 = HandleNoise.next
$45af = ReadNoiseSample
$45e0 = ReadNoiseSample.quit
$45e1 = ParseMusic
$45ec = ParseMusic.readcommand
$45f1 = ParseMusic.readnote
$4633 = ParseMusic.rest
$463a = ParseMusic.sound_ret
$4651 = ParseMusic.chan_5to8
$4664 = ParseMusic.ok
$4679 = RestoreVolume
$4698 = ParseSFXOrCry
$46c5 = GetNoiseSample
$46e7 = GetNoiseSample.sfx
$46ea = GetNoiseSample.next
$470f = ParseMusicCommand
$4720 = MusicCommands
$4780 = MusicF1
$4780 = MusicF2
$4780 = MusicF3
$4780 = MusicF4
$4780 = MusicF5
$4780 = MusicF6
$4780 = MusicF7
$4780 = MusicF8
$4781 = Music_Ret
$4796 = Music_Call
$47bc = Music_Jump
$47cc = Music_Loop
$47e2 = Music_Loop.checkloop
$47eb = Music_Loop.loop
$47fb = Music_Loop.endloop
$480e = Music_SetCondition
$4817 = Music_JumpIf
$482e = Music_JumpIf.jump
$483e = MusicEE
$485b = MusicEE.jump
$486d = MusicF9
$4873 = MusicE2
$4882 = Music_Vibrato
$48bd = Music_PitchSlide
$48e4 = Music_PitchOffset
$48f7 = MusicE7
$4906 = Music_DutyCyclePattern
$491e = MusicE8
$492d = Music_ToggleSFX
$4938 = Music_ToggleSFX.on
$493b = Music_ToggleNoise
$4946 = Music_ToggleNoise.on
$494f = Music_SFXToggleNoise
$495a = Music_SFXToggleNoise.on
$4963 = Music_NoteType
$4977 = Music_PitchSweep
$4984 = Music_DutyCycle
$4991 = Music_VolumeEnvelope
$499a = Music_Tempo
$49a6 = Music_Octave8
$49a6 = Music_Octave7
$49a6 = Music_Octave6
$49a6 = Music_Octave5
$49a6 = Music_Octave4
$49a6 = Music_Octave3
$49a6 = Music_Octave2
$49a6 = Music_Octave1
$49b1 = Music_Transpose
$49ba = Music_StereoPanning
$49c5 = Music_ForceStereoPanning
$49d2 = Music_Volume
$49e1 = Music_TempoRelative
$49ed = Music_TempoRelative.negative
$49ef = Music_TempoRelative.ok
$49fd = Music_SFXPriorityOn
$4a03 = Music_SFXPriorityOff
$4a08 = Music_RestartChannel
$4a30 = Music_NewSong
$4a3e = GetMusicByte
$4a5d = GetFrequency
$4a7d = GetFrequency.loop
$4a88 = GetFrequency.ok
$4a8d = SetNoteDuration
$4ab8 = SetNoteDuration.Multiply
$4aba = SetNoteDuration.loop
$4abf = SetNoteDuration.skip
$4ac7 = SetGlobalTempo
$4ae9 = SetGlobalTempo.sfxchannels
$4b01 = SetGlobalTempo.end
$4b03 = Tempo
$4b11 = StartChannel
$4b1b = SetLRTracks
$4b30 = _PlayMusic
$4b4e = _PlayMusic.loop
$4b79 = _PlayCry
$4b97 = _PlayCry.loop
$4bc8 = _PlayCry.start
$4be6 = _PlayCry.next
$4bfb = _PlayCry.end
$4c04 = _PlaySFX
$4c24 = _PlaySFX.ch6
$4c3b = _PlaySFX.ch7
$4c54 = _PlaySFX.ch8
$4c72 = _PlaySFX.chscleared
$4c8d = _PlaySFX.startchannels
$4ca6 = PlayStereoSFX
$4ccc = PlayStereoSFX.loop
$4d0c = PlayStereoSFX.skip
$4d1b = LoadChannel
$4d5b = ChannelInit
$4d63 = ChannelInit.loop
$4d76 = LoadMusicByte
$4d80 = FrequencyTable
$4db2 = WaveSamples
$4e52 = Drumkits
$4e5e = Drumkit0
$4e78 = Drumkit1
$4e92 = Drumkit2
$4eac = Drumkit3
$4ec6 = Drumkit4
$4ee0 = Drumkit5
$4efa = Drum00
$4efe = Snare1
$4f02 = Snare2
$4f06 = Snare3
$4f0a = Snare4
$4f0e = Drum05
$4f21 = Triangle1
$4f25 = Triangle2
$4f2c = HiHat1
$4f30 = Snare5
$4f34 = Snare6
$4f38 = Snare7
$4f3c = HiHat2
$4f40 = HiHat3
$4f44 = Snare8
$4f48 = Triangle3
$4f4f = Triangle4
$4f56 = Snare9
$4f5a = Snare10
$4f5e = Snare11
$4f62 = Drum20
$4f66 = Drum21
$4f67 = Snare12
$4f6b = Snare13
$4f6f = Snare14
$4f73 = Kick1
$4f7a = Triangle5
$4f7e = Drum27
$4f82 = Drum28
$4f89 = Drum29
$4f90 = Crash1
$4f97 = Drum31
$4f9e = Drum32
$4fa5 = Drum33
$4fa9 = Crash2
$4fad = Drum35
$4fb4 = Drum36
$4fbb = Kick2
$4fc2 = GetLRTracks
$4fcd = GetLRTracks.stereo
$4fd1 = MonoTracks
$4fd5 = StereoTracks
$4fd9 = ChannelPointers
$4fe9 = ClearChannels
$4ff7 = ClearChannels.loop
$4ffe = ClearChannel
$500a = PlayTrainerEncounterMusic
$5027 = TrainerEncounterMusic
$506e = Music
$51a3 = Music_Nothing
$51af = Music_Nothing_Ch1
$51af = Music_Nothing_Ch2
$51af = Music_Nothing_Ch3
$51af = Music_Nothing_Ch4
$51b0 = Cries
$527c = SFX
SECTION: $54e9-$7fc2 ($2ada bytes) ["Songs 1"]
$54e9 = Music_Route36
$54f5 = Music_Route36_Ch1
$5517 = Music_Route36_Ch1.mainloop
$55af = Music_Route36_Ch2
$55ce = Music_Route36_Ch2.mainloop
$566b = Music_Route36_Ch3
$5684 = Music_Route36_Ch3.mainloop
$5709 = Music_Route36_Ch4
$5713 = Music_Route36_Ch4.loop1
$5713 = Music_Route36_Ch4.mainloop
$5723 = Music_Route36_Ch4.loop2
$5734 = Music_Route36_Ch4.sub1
$573b = Music_Route36_Ch4.sub2
$5741 = Music_Route36_Ch4.sub3
$574f = Music_RivalBattle
$5758 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch1
$5777 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch1.loop1
$578f = Music_RivalBattle_Ch1.loop2
$57a6 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch1.mainloop
$5837 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch1.loop3
$58af = Music_RivalBattle_Ch2
$58ea = Music_RivalBattle_Ch2.loop1
$5903 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch2.loop2
$591a = Music_RivalBattle_Ch2.mainloop
$59a6 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch2.loop3
$59c1 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch2.loop4
$59e0 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch2.sub1
$59fb = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3
$5a0c = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop1
$5a17 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop2
$5a30 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.mainloop
$5a66 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop3
$5a71 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop4
$5ab3 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop5
$5ab9 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop6
$5abf = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop7
$5ac5 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop8
$5acb = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop9
$5ad3 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop10
$5b10 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop11
$5b1a = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop12
$5b28 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop13
$5b32 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.loop14
$5b47 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.sub1
$5b47 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.sub1loop1
$5b50 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.sub2
$5b5c = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.sub3
$5b5c = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.sub3loop1
$5b65 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.sub4
$5b65 = Music_RivalBattle_Ch3.sub4loop1
$5b6f = Music_RocketBattle
$5b78 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch1
$5bad = Music_RocketBattle_Ch1.loop1
$5bc1 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch1.loop2
$5c02 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch1.mainloop
$5cc5 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch1.loop3
$5d3e = Music_RocketBattle_Ch2
$5d7b = Music_RocketBattle_Ch2.loop1
$5d91 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch2.loop2
$5db1 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch2.mainloop
$5e5a = Music_RocketBattle_Ch2.loop3
$5ea0 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch2.sub1
$5eaa = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3
$5ecc = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.loop1
$5edf = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.loop2
$5efe = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.mainloop
$5f25 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.loop3
$5f4e = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.loop4
$5f6a = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.loop5
$5f7c = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.loop6
$5f8c = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.loop7
$5f9e = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.loop8
$5fa8 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.loop9
$5fe6 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.sub1
$5ff3 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.sub2
$6010 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.sub3
$601d = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.sub4
$602a = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.sub5
$602a = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.sub5loop1
$6033 = Music_RocketBattle_Ch3.sub6
$6040 = Music_ElmsLab
$604c = Music_ElmsLab_Ch1
$6075 = Music_ElmsLab_Ch1.mainloop
$6128 = Music_ElmsLab_Ch2
$614f = Music_ElmsLab_Ch2.mainloop
$61fd = Music_ElmsLab_Ch3
$6216 = Music_ElmsLab_Ch3.mainloop
$62b1 = Music_ElmsLab_Ch4
$62b9 = Music_ElmsLab_Ch4.mainloop
$62be = Music_DarkCave
$62ca = Music_DarkCave_Ch1
$62dc = Music_DarkCave_Ch1.loop1
$62e8 = Music_DarkCave_Ch1.loop2
$62e8 = Music_DarkCave_Ch1.mainloop
$6303 = Music_DarkCave_Ch1.loop3
$6328 = Music_DarkCave_Ch1.loop4
$6333 = Music_DarkCave_Ch1.sub1
$636a = Music_DarkCave_Ch2
$6374 = Music_DarkCave_Ch2.loop1
$637e = Music_DarkCave_Ch2.loop2
$637e = Music_DarkCave_Ch2.mainloop
$646e = Music_DarkCave_Ch3
$6471 = Music_DarkCave_Ch3.loop1
$6478 = Music_DarkCave_Ch3.loop2
$6478 = Music_DarkCave_Ch3.mainloop
$64a7 = Music_DarkCave_Ch3.sub1
$64c3 = Music_DarkCave_Ch3.sub2
$64ce = Music_DarkCave_Ch3.sub3
$64ea = Music_DarkCave_Ch4
$64ee = Music_DarkCave_Ch4.mainloop
$650d = Music_JohtoGymBattle
$6516 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch1
$6526 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch1.loop1
$652f = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch1.loop2
$655d = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch1.mainloop
$665f = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch2
$666a = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch2.loop1
$6673 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch2.loop2
$66ee = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch2.mainloop
$67f4 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3
$683f = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.mainloop
$6952 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub1
$6963 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub2
$6963 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub2loop1
$696a = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub3
$696a = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub3loop1
$6971 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub4
$6971 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub4loop1
$6978 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub5
$6983 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub6
$6990 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub7
$699c = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub8
$69a9 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub9
$69a9 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub9loop1
$69b1 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub10
$69b1 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub10loop1
$69b8 = Music_JohtoGymBattle_Ch3.sub11
$69c1 = Music_ChampionBattle
$69ca = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1
$69e2 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.loop1
$69f0 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.loop2
$69fa = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.loop3
$6a35 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.mainloop
$6a3d = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.loop4
$6ab1 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.loop5
$6abe = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.loop6
$6aee = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.sub1
$6afc = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.sub2
$6b06 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.sub3
$6b0f = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.sub4
$6b24 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.sub5
$6b31 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch1.sub6
$6b4a = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch2
$6b9d = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch2.mainloop
$6bef = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch2.loop1
$6c4f = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch2.sub1
$6c5c = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch2.sub2
$6c79 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch2.sub3
$6c85 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3
$6c88 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.loop1
$6cc6 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.loop2
$6cc6 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.mainloop
$6ccc = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.loop3
$6cda = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.loop4
$6ce0 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.loop5
$6d05 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.loop6
$6d1d = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.loop7
$6d24 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.loop8
$6d32 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.loop9
$6d40 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.loop10
$6d46 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.loop11
$6d4e = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.loop12
$6d61 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.sub1
$6d61 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.sub1loop1
$6d6f = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.sub2
$6d83 = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.sub3
$6d8e = Music_ChampionBattle_Ch3.sub4
$6d99 = Music_SSAqua
$6da5 = Music_SSAqua_Ch1
$6dbc = Music_SSAqua_Ch1.mainloop
$6eca = Music_SSAqua_Ch2
$6ed5 = Music_SSAqua_Ch2.mainloop
$6f88 = Music_SSAqua_Ch2.sub1
$6fd5 = Music_SSAqua_Ch2.sub2
$6fe0 = Music_SSAqua_Ch2.sub3
$6ff5 = Music_SSAqua_Ch2.sub4
$703e = Music_SSAqua_Ch2.sub5
$7056 = Music_SSAqua_Ch3
$7063 = Music_SSAqua_Ch3.mainloop
$708d = Music_SSAqua_Ch3.loop1
$714d = Music_SSAqua_Ch3.sub1
$7172 = Music_SSAqua_Ch3.sub2
$7230 = Music_SSAqua_Ch3.sub3
$7249 = Music_SSAqua_Ch4
$724e = Music_SSAqua_Ch4.loop1
$724e = Music_SSAqua_Ch4.mainloop
$72ae = Music_SSAqua_Ch4.sub1
$72bb = Music_SSAqua_Ch4.sub2
$72c7 = Music_SSAqua_Ch4.sub3
$72d3 = Music_NewBarkTown
$72dd = Music_NewBarkTown_Ch1
$72eb = Music_NewBarkTown_Ch1.mainloop
$7349 = Music_NewBarkTown_Ch1.sub1
$737c = Music_NewBarkTown_Ch1.sub2
$738d = Music_NewBarkTown_Ch2
$7396 = Music_NewBarkTown_Ch2.mainloop
$73bf = Music_NewBarkTown_Ch2.sub1
$73f2 = Music_NewBarkTown_Ch2.sub2
$7400 = Music_NewBarkTown_Ch3
$7408 = Music_NewBarkTown_Ch3.mainloop
$7453 = Music_GoldenrodCity
$745f = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch1
$746d = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch1.mainloop
$74a9 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch1.sub1
$74d1 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch1.sub2
$7519 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch2
$7523 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch2.mainloop
$7555 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch2.sub1
$7572 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch2.sub2
$7584 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch3
$758c = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch3.mainloop
$75aa = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch3.sub1
$75d2 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch3.sub2
$7606 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch4
$7613 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch4.loop1
$7613 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch4.mainloop
$7650 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch4.loop2
$7663 = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch4.sub1
$766d = Music_GoldenrodCity_Ch4.sub2
$7676 = Music_VermilionCity
$7680 = Music_VermilionCity_Ch1
$76a0 = Music_VermilionCity_Ch1.mainloop
$76f9 = Music_VermilionCity_Ch1.sub1
$7701 = Music_VermilionCity_Ch1.sub2
$770c = Music_VermilionCity_Ch1.sub3
$7721 = Music_VermilionCity_Ch2
$7735 = Music_VermilionCity_Ch2.mainloop
$7768 = Music_VermilionCity_Ch2.sub1
$777e = Music_VermilionCity_Ch2.sub2
$7785 = Music_VermilionCity_Ch3
$779e = Music_VermilionCity_Ch3.mainloop
$77de = Music_VermilionCity_Ch3.sub1
$77f5 = Music_VermilionCity_Ch3.sub2
$7808 = Music_TitleScreen
$7814 = Music_TitleScreen_Ch1
$796d = Music_TitleScreen_Ch1.sub1
$7971 = Music_TitleScreen_Ch1.sub1loop1
$7984 = Music_TitleScreen_Ch2
$7ae7 = Music_TitleScreen_Ch2.sub1
$7aeb = Music_TitleScreen_Ch2.sub1loop1
$7b01 = Music_TitleScreen_Ch3
$7c5c = Music_TitleScreen_Ch4
$7d40 = Music_TitleScreen_Ch4.loop1
$7d77 = Music_TitleScreen_Ch4.sub1
$7d81 = Music_TitleScreen_Ch4.sub2
$7d8b = Music_TitleScreen_Ch4.sub3
$7d8b = Music_TitleScreen_Ch4.sub3loop1
$7d93 = Music_TitleScreen_Ch4.sub4
$7d9e = Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior
$7da7 = Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch1
$7db8 = Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch2
$7dc2 = Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch2.mainloop
$7dd4 = Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch3
$7dd7 = Music_RuinsOfAlphInterior_Ch3.mainloop
$7de1 = Music_LookPokemaniac
$7dea = Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch1
$7dfb = Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch1.loop1
$7dfb = Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch1.mainloop
$7e12 = Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch2
$7e24 = Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch2.loop1
$7e24 = Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch2.mainloop
$7e38 = Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch2.loop2
$7e51 = Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch3
$7e62 = Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch3.mainloop
$7e70 = Music_LookPokemaniac_Ch3.sub1
$7eab = Music_TrainerVictory
$7eb4 = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch1
$7ecd = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch1.loop1
$7ecd = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch1.mainloop
$7ef2 = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch1.loop2
$7f01 = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch1.loop3
$7f11 = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch1.sub1
$7f1b = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch2
$7f30 = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch2.loop1
$7f30 = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch2.mainloop
$7f56 = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch2.sub1
$7f64 = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch3
$7f74 = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch3.loop1
$7f74 = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch3.mainloop
$7fb1 = Music_TrainerVictory_Ch3.sub1
EMPTY: $7fc3-$7fff ($003d bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $003d bytes
ROMX bank #59:
SECTION: $4000-$7ef4 ($3ef5 bytes) ["Songs 2"]
$4000 = Music_Route1
$400a = Music_Route1_Ch1
$404a = Music_Route1_Ch1.mainloop
$40eb = Music_Route1_Ch2
$4112 = Music_Route1_Ch2.mainloop
$4188 = Music_Route1_Ch2.sub1
$4198 = Music_Route1_Ch2.sub2
$41aa = Music_Route1_Ch2.sub3
$41b8 = Music_Route1_Ch3
$420c = Music_Route1_Ch3.mainloop
$42ca = Music_Route3
$42d6 = Music_Route3_Ch1
$4307 = Music_Route3_Ch1.mainloop
$43a4 = Music_Route3_Ch1.sub1
$43a4 = Music_Route3_Ch1.sub1loop1
$43b1 = Music_Route3_Ch1.sub1loop2
$43bd = Music_Route3_Ch1.sub1loop3
$43d0 = Music_Route3_Ch2
$43f5 = Music_Route3_Ch2.mainloop
$4443 = Music_Route3_Ch2.sub1
$445b = Music_Route3_Ch3
$447f = Music_Route3_Ch3.mainloop
$44bd = Music_Route3_Ch3.sub1
$44ce = Music_Route3_Ch3.sub2
$44eb = Music_Route3_Ch4
$44f0 = Music_Route3_Ch4.mainloop
$4506 = Music_Route12
$4512 = Music_Route12_Ch1
$4535 = Music_Route12_Ch1.mainloop
$459b = Music_Route12_Ch1.loop1
$45b1 = Music_Route12_Ch1.sub1
$45bf = Music_Route12_Ch1.sub2
$45ca = Music_Route12_Ch2
$45e5 = Music_Route12_Ch2.mainloop
$4647 = Music_Route12_Ch2.sub1
$4657 = Music_Route12_Ch3
$466c = Music_Route12_Ch3.mainloop
$46a3 = Music_Route12_Ch3.loop1
$46b4 = Music_Route12_Ch3.sub1
$46ce = Music_Route12_Ch4
$46e1 = Music_Route12_Ch4.loop1
$46e1 = Music_Route12_Ch4.mainloop
$46ed = Music_Route12_Ch4.loop2
$4707 = Music_Route12_Ch4.loop3
$4717 = Music_Route12_Ch4.sub1
$4720 = Music_KantoGymBattle
$4729 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch1
$478b = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch1.mainloop
$4832 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch1.sub1
$4847 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch2
$4852 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch2.loop1
$485d = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch2.loop2
$4894 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch2.mainloop
$4907 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch2.sub1
$492e = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3
$4934 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop1
$493d = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop2
$4965 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop3
$4965 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.mainloop
$496c = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop4
$497f = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop5
$4987 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop6
$4992 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop7
$49a8 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop8
$49bb = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop9
$49c2 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop10
$49d8 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop11
$49df = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop12
$49e5 = Music_KantoGymBattle_Ch3.loop13
$49fa = Music_KantoTrainerBattle
$4a04 = Music_KantoTrainerBattle_Ch1
$4a88 = Music_KantoTrainerBattle_Ch1.mainloop
$4bea = Music_KantoTrainerBattle_Ch2
$4c04 = Music_KantoTrainerBattle_Ch2.loop1
$4c41 = Music_KantoTrainerBattle_Ch2.mainloop
$4dd2 = Music_KantoTrainerBattle_Ch3
$4e5a = Music_KantoTrainerBattle_Ch3.mainloop
$506d = Music_KantoWildBattle
$5077 = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch1
$5091 = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch1.mainloop
$515b = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch1.loop1
$5166 = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch1.loop2
$516e = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch1.loop3
$5176 = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch1.loop4
$517e = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch1.loop5
$518a = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch1.sub1
$519f = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch2
$51c8 = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch2.mainloop
$52c6 = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch2.sub1
$5307 = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch2.sub2
$531b = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch2.sub3
$5340 = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch2.sub4
$5354 = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch2.sub5
$5368 = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch3
$539e = Music_KantoWildBattle_Ch3.mainloop
$55c6 = Music_PokemonCenter
$55d2 = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch1
$55df = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch1.mainloop
$5671 = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch2
$5674 = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch2.mainloop
$56d1 = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch2.sub1
$56e4 = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch2.sub2
$56f3 = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch3
$56f6 = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch3.mainloop
$576f = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch3.sub1
$5778 = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch3.sub2
$5783 = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch3.sub3
$578c = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch4
$5792 = Music_PokemonCenter_Ch4.mainloop
$579b = Music_LookLass
$57a7 = Music_LookLass_Ch1
$57bd = Music_LookLass_Ch1.mainloop
$57cd = Music_LookLass_Ch2
$57d5 = Music_LookLass_Ch2.mainloop
$57e6 = Music_LookLass_Ch3
$57ef = Music_LookLass_Ch3.mainloop
$581a = Music_LookLass_Ch4
$581f = Music_LookLass_Ch4.mainloop
$582d = Music_LookOfficer
$5836 = Music_LookOfficer_Ch1
$5852 = Music_LookOfficer_Ch1.mainloop
$5863 = Music_LookOfficer_Ch2
$5882 = Music_LookOfficer_Ch2.loop1
$5882 = Music_LookOfficer_Ch2.mainloop
$589e = Music_LookOfficer_Ch2.sub1
$58ad = Music_LookOfficer_Ch3
$58c8 = Music_LookOfficer_Ch3.mainloop
$58dd = Music_Route2
$58e9 = Music_Route2_Ch1
$58fb = Music_Route2_Ch1.mainloop
$5931 = Music_Route2_Ch1.sub1
$5940 = Music_Route2_Ch1.sub2
$5971 = Music_Route2_Ch1.sub3
$5996 = Music_Route2_Ch2
$59a1 = Music_Route2_Ch2.mainloop
$59ba = Music_Route2_Ch2.sub1
$59dc = Music_Route2_Ch2.sub2
$5a02 = Music_Route2_Ch2.sub3
$5a2c = Music_Route2_Ch3
$5a4b = Music_Route2_Ch3.mainloop
$5a9e = Music_Route2_Ch3.sub1
$5aaf = Music_Route2_Ch3.sub2
$5acb = Music_Route2_Ch3.sub3
$5adc = Music_Route2_Ch4
$5ae0 = Music_Route2_Ch4.loop1
$5aef = Music_Route2_Ch4.loop2
$5aef = Music_Route2_Ch4.mainloop
$5af9 = Music_Route2_Ch4.loop3
$5b09 = Music_Route2_Ch4.loop4
$5b17 = Music_Route2_Ch4.loop5
$5b29 = Music_MtMoon
$5b35 = Music_MtMoon_Ch1
$5b4c = Music_MtMoon_Ch2
$5b56 = Music_MtMoon_Ch2.mainloop
$5b8a = Music_MtMoon_Ch3
$5b8a = Music_MtMoon_Ch3.mainloop
$5b8d = Music_MtMoon_Ch3.loop1
$5bab = Music_MtMoon_Ch3.loop2
$5bbf = Music_MtMoon_Ch4
$5bc3 = Music_MtMoon_Ch4.mainloop
$5bd8 = Music_ShowMeAround
$5be4 = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch1
$5c01 = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch1.mainloop
$5c15 = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch1.sub1
$5c2a = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch2
$5c44 = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch2.mainloop
$5c86 = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch2.sub1
$5c8e = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch2.sub2
$5c98 = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch2.sub3
$5ca9 = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch3
$5cd9 = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch3.mainloop
$5cef = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch3.sub1
$5d0f = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch3.sub2
$5d30 = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch4
$5d39 = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch4.mainloop
$5d4f = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch4.sub1
$5d5e = Music_ShowMeAround_Ch4.sub2
$5d6d = Music_GameCorner
$5d79 = Music_GameCorner_Ch1
$5d84 = Music_GameCorner_Ch1.mainloop
$5db1 = Music_GameCorner_Ch1.loop1
$5dbb = Music_GameCorner_Ch1.loop2
$5dc5 = Music_GameCorner_Ch1.loop3
$5dd0 = Music_GameCorner_Ch1.loop4
$5ddb = Music_GameCorner_Ch1.loop5
$5de5 = Music_GameCorner_Ch1.loop6
$5def = Music_GameCorner_Ch1.loop7
$5e03 = Music_GameCorner_Ch1.sub1
$5e13 = Music_GameCorner_Ch1.sub2
$5e1c = Music_GameCorner_Ch2
$5e25 = Music_GameCorner_Ch2.mainloop
$5e75 = Music_GameCorner_Ch2.sub1
$5ee8 = Music_GameCorner_Ch3
$5eef = Music_GameCorner_Ch3.mainloop
$5fdd = Music_GameCorner_Ch3.sub1
$5ff8 = Music_GameCorner_Ch3.sub2
$600c = Music_GameCorner_Ch3.sub3
$6024 = Music_GameCorner_Ch3.sub4
$603f = Music_GameCorner_Ch3.sub5
$606f = Music_GameCorner_Ch4
$607f = Music_GameCorner_Ch4.mainloop
$6082 = Music_GameCorner_Ch4.loop1
$6091 = Music_GameCorner_Ch4.loop2
$60a4 = Music_GameCorner_Ch4.loop3
$60b3 = Music_GameCorner_Ch4.loop4
$60c9 = Music_GameCorner_Ch4.loop5
$60e8 = Music_GameCorner_Ch4.loop6
$6106 = Music_GameCorner_Ch4.sub1
$610f = Music_GameCorner_Ch4.sub2
$6119 = Music_Bicycle
$6125 = Music_Bicycle_Ch1
$6144 = Music_Bicycle_Ch1.mainloop
$61de = Music_Bicycle_Ch2
$61fd = Music_Bicycle_Ch2.mainloop
$6263 = Music_Bicycle_Ch2.sub1
$626d = Music_Bicycle_Ch3
$627f = Music_Bicycle_Ch3.mainloop
$62e9 = Music_Bicycle_Ch3.loop1
$6333 = Music_Bicycle_Ch3.sub1
$6345 = Music_Bicycle_Ch4
$634b = Music_Bicycle_Ch4.mainloop
$634c = Music_Bicycle_Ch4.loop1
$635e = Music_LookSage
$6364 = Music_LookSage_Ch1
$638e = Music_LookSage_Ch1.mainloop
$63fa = Music_LookSage_Ch1.sub1
$6414 = Music_LookSage_Ch3
$6430 = Music_LookSage_Ch3.mainloop
$645f = Music_PokemonChannel
$646b = Music_PokemonChannel_Ch1
$64be = Music_PokemonChannel_Ch2
$650e = Music_PokemonChannel_Ch3
$6549 = Music_PokemonChannel_Ch4
$654d = Music_PokemonChannel_Ch4.loop1
$6569 = Music_Lighthouse
$6575 = Music_Lighthouse_Ch1
$6584 = Music_Lighthouse_Ch1.mainloop
$65fc = Music_Lighthouse_Ch2
$6604 = Music_Lighthouse_Ch2.mainloop
$6656 = Music_Lighthouse_Ch3
$665b = Music_Lighthouse_Ch3.mainloop
$6664 = Music_Lighthouse_Ch3.loop1
$6683 = Music_Lighthouse_Ch3.loop2
$669b = Music_Lighthouse_Ch3.loop3
$66ad = Music_Lighthouse_Ch4
$66b1 = Music_Lighthouse_Ch4.mainloop
$66c5 = Music_LakeOfRage
$66d1 = Music_LakeOfRage_Ch1
$66e9 = Music_LakeOfRage_Ch1.mainloop
$6749 = Music_LakeOfRage_Ch2
$675e = Music_LakeOfRage_Ch2.mainloop
$67c1 = Music_LakeOfRage_Ch3
$67d0 = Music_LakeOfRage_Ch3.mainloop
$6835 = Music_LakeOfRage_Ch4
$683b = Music_LakeOfRage_Ch4.mainloop
$6852 = Music_IndigoPlateau
$685e = Music_IndigoPlateau_Ch1
$686a = Music_IndigoPlateau_Ch1.mainloop
$6881 = Music_IndigoPlateau_Ch1.sub1
$6892 = Music_IndigoPlateau_Ch2
$6899 = Music_IndigoPlateau_Ch2.mainloop
$68e9 = Music_IndigoPlateau_Ch2.sub1
$68fa = Music_IndigoPlateau_Ch3
$68fd = Music_IndigoPlateau_Ch3.mainloop
$6915 = Music_IndigoPlateau_Ch3.sub1
$6924 = Music_IndigoPlateau_Ch4
$692a = Music_IndigoPlateau_Ch4.mainloop
$694b = Music_Route37
$6957 = Music_Route37_Ch1
$6969 = Music_Route37_Ch1.mainloop
$69a5 = Music_Route37_Ch1.loop1
$69da = Music_Route37_Ch1.sub1
$69e9 = Music_Route37_Ch1.sub2
$69f8 = Music_Route37_Ch2
$6a24 = Music_Route37_Ch2.mainloop
$6ab7 = Music_Route37_Ch2.sub1
$6ac7 = Music_Route37_Ch3
$6acc = Music_Route37_Ch3.loop1
$6ad3 = Music_Route37_Ch3.mainloop
$6ae0 = Music_Route37_Ch3.loop2
$6afb = Music_Route37_Ch3.loop3
$6b03 = Music_Route37_Ch3.loop4
$6b10 = Music_Route37_Ch3.loop5
$6b18 = Music_Route37_Ch3.loop6
$6b28 = Music_Route37_Ch3.loop7
$6b32 = Music_Route37_Ch3.sub1
$6b3c = Music_Route37_Ch3.sub2
$6b4d = Music_Route37_Ch4
$6b51 = Music_Route37_Ch4.mainloop
$6b6b = Music_Route37_Ch4.sub1
$6b75 = Music_RocketHideout
$6b81 = Music_RocketHideout_Ch1
$6b93 = Music_RocketHideout_Ch1.loop1
$6b93 = Music_RocketHideout_Ch1.mainloop
$6b98 = Music_RocketHideout_Ch1.loop2
$6bfe = Music_RocketHideout_Ch1.loop3
$6c07 = Music_RocketHideout_Ch2
$6c14 = Music_RocketHideout_Ch2.mainloop
$6c79 = Music_RocketHideout_Ch3
$6c7c = Music_RocketHideout_Ch3.loop1
$6c7c = Music_RocketHideout_Ch3.mainloop
$6c8a = Music_RocketHideout_Ch3.loop2
$6c9b = Music_RocketHideout_Ch3.loop3
$6ca6 = Music_RocketHideout_Ch3.loop4
$6cb8 = Music_RocketHideout_Ch4
$6cc7 = Music_RocketHideout_Ch4.mainloop
$6cdb = Music_RocketHideout_Ch4.sub1
$6ce8 = Music_DragonsDen
$6cf4 = Music_DragonsDen_Ch1
$6d03 = Music_DragonsDen_Ch1.mainloop
$6d1e = Music_DragonsDen_Ch1.sub1
$6d2d = Music_DragonsDen_Ch1.sub2
$6d3c = Music_DragonsDen_Ch2
$6d46 = Music_DragonsDen_Ch2.mainloop
$6d5e = Music_DragonsDen_Ch2.sub1
$6d6b = Music_DragonsDen_Ch2.sub2
$6d6d = Music_DragonsDen_Ch2.sub2loop1
$6d78 = Music_DragonsDen_Ch3
$6d78 = Music_DragonsDen_Ch3.loop1
$6d78 = Music_DragonsDen_Ch3.mainloop
$6d99 = Music_DragonsDen_Ch3.loop2
$6db7 = Music_DragonsDen_Ch4
$6dbd = Music_DragonsDen_Ch4.mainloop
$6dcb = Music_RuinsOfAlphRadio
$6dd4 = Music_RuinsOfAlphRadio_Ch1
$6de3 = Music_RuinsOfAlphRadio_Ch1.mainloop
$6e01 = Music_RuinsOfAlphRadio_Ch1.sub1
$6e08 = Music_RuinsOfAlphRadio_Ch1.sub2
$6e12 = Music_RuinsOfAlphRadio_Ch2
$6e17 = Music_RuinsOfAlphRadio_Ch2.mainloop
$6e32 = Music_RuinsOfAlphRadio_Ch3
$6e35 = Music_RuinsOfAlphRadio_Ch3.mainloop
$6e3e = Music_LookBeauty
$6e4a = Music_LookBeauty_Ch1
$6e5f = Music_LookBeauty_Ch1.mainloop
$6e9c = Music_LookBeauty_Ch2
$6ec5 = Music_LookBeauty_Ch2.mainloop
$6efa = Music_LookBeauty_Ch3
$6f0f = Music_LookBeauty_Ch3.mainloop
$6f8b = Music_LookBeauty_Ch4
$6f91 = Music_LookBeauty_Ch4.mainloop
$6fa1 = Music_LookBeauty_Ch4.sub1
$6fb2 = Music_Route26
$6fbe = Music_Route26_Ch1
$6fe0 = Music_Route26_Ch1.mainloop
$709d = Music_Route26_Ch2
$70ce = Music_Route26_Ch2.mainloop
$710e = Music_Route26_Ch2.loop1
$714e = Music_Route26_Ch2.sub1
$715a = Music_Route26_Ch3
$718a = Music_Route26_Ch3.mainloop
$722f = Music_Route26_Ch3.sub1
$7238 = Music_Route26_Ch4
$723c = Music_Route26_Ch4.loop1
$7246 = Music_Route26_Ch4.mainloop
$7266 = Music_Route26_Ch4.loop2
$727c = Music_Route26_Ch4.loop3
$729a = Music_Route26_Ch4.sub1
$72a8 = Music_Route26_Ch4.sub2
$72b0 = Music_Route26_Ch4.sub3
$72d0 = Music_EcruteakCity
$72d9 = Music_EcruteakCity_Ch1
$72e5 = Music_EcruteakCity_Ch1.mainloop
$737f = Music_EcruteakCity_Ch1.sub1
$7391 = Music_EcruteakCity_Ch1.sub2
$73be = Music_EcruteakCity_Ch1.sub2loop1
$73d0 = Music_EcruteakCity_Ch1.sub2loop2
$73eb = Music_EcruteakCity_Ch2
$73f2 = Music_EcruteakCity_Ch2.mainloop
$74e1 = Music_EcruteakCity_Ch3
$74e3 = Music_EcruteakCity_Ch3.mainloop
$7569 = Music_EcruteakCity_Ch3.sub1
$75b1 = Music_LakeOfRageRocketRadio
$75ba = Music_LakeOfRageRocketRadio_Ch1
$75c9 = Music_LakeOfRageRocketRadio_Ch1.mainloop
$75d6 = Music_LakeOfRageRocketRadio_Ch2
$75e5 = Music_LakeOfRageRocketRadio_Ch3
$75f0 = Music_MagnetTrain
$75fc = Music_MagnetTrain_Ch1
$7648 = Music_MagnetTrain_Ch2
$767d = Music_MagnetTrain_Ch3
$76f4 = Music_MagnetTrain_Ch4
$7711 = Music_MagnetTrain_Ch4.sub1
$771e = Music_MagnetTrain_Ch4.sub2
$772f = Music_LavenderTown
$7739 = Music_LavenderTown_Ch1
$774c = Music_LavenderTown_Ch1.mainloop
$77ca = Music_LavenderTown_Ch1.loop1
$77fd = Music_LavenderTown_Ch1.sub1
$787f = Music_LavenderTown_Ch1.sub2
$7899 = Music_LavenderTown_Ch2
$78a0 = Music_LavenderTown_Ch2.loop1
$78d7 = Music_LavenderTown_Ch2.mainloop
$7915 = Music_LavenderTown_Ch2.sub1
$7932 = Music_LavenderTown_Ch3
$7941 = Music_LavenderTown_Ch3.mainloop
$79bc = Music_DancingHall
$79c6 = Music_DancingHall_Ch1
$79d3 = Music_DancingHall_Ch1.mainloop
$7a17 = Music_DancingHall_Ch1.sub1
$7a2c = Music_DancingHall_Ch2
$7a37 = Music_DancingHall_Ch2.mainloop
$7a7a = Music_DancingHall_Ch2.sub1
$7ad6 = Music_DancingHall_Ch3
$7ae3 = Music_DancingHall_Ch3.mainloop
$7b3e = Music_ContestResults
$7b4a = Music_ContestResults_Ch1
$7b52 = Music_ContestResults_Ch1.mainloop
$7b7b = Music_ContestResults_Ch2
$7b7e = Music_ContestResults_Ch2.mainloop
$7ba6 = Music_ContestResults_Ch2.loop1
$7bcc = Music_ContestResults_Ch3
$7bd2 = Music_ContestResults_Ch3.mainloop
$7be9 = Music_ContestResults_Ch4
$7bed = Music_ContestResults_Ch4.mainloop
$7c01 = Music_Route30
$7c0d = Music_Route30_Ch1
$7c2e = Music_Route30_Ch1.mainloop
$7cda = Music_Route30_Ch2
$7cf6 = Music_Route30_Ch2.mainloop
$7d5f = Music_Route30_Ch3
$7d79 = Music_Route30_Ch3.mainloop
$7e7a = Music_Route30_Ch4
$7e84 = Music_Route30_Ch4.mainloop
$7eb8 = Music_Route30_Ch4.sub1
$7ec1 = Music_Route30_Ch4.sub2
$7ecd = Music_Route30_Ch4.sub3
$7ed7 = Music_Route30_Ch4.sub4
$7ee1 = Music_Route30_Ch4.sub5
EMPTY: $7ef5-$7fff ($010b bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $010b bytes
ROMX bank #60:
SECTION: $4000-$4940 ($0941 bytes) ["Songs 3"]
$4000 = Music_VioletCity
$400c = Music_VioletCity_Ch1
$4056 = Music_VioletCity_Ch1.mainloop
$4162 = Music_VioletCity_Ch2
$4199 = Music_VioletCity_Ch2.mainloop
$4247 = Music_VioletCity_Ch3
$4261 = Music_VioletCity_Ch3.mainloop
$4311 = Music_VioletCity_Ch3.sub1
$431e = Music_VioletCity_Ch4
$4338 = Music_VioletCity_Ch4.mainloop
$436c = Music_VioletCity_Ch4.sub1
$437a = Music_VioletCity_Ch4.sub2
$4386 = Music_Route29
$4392 = Music_Route29_Ch1
$43a5 = Music_Route29_Ch1.mainloop
$444d = Music_Route29_Ch2
$4458 = Music_Route29_Ch2.mainloop
$44de = Music_Route29_Ch2.sub1
$44fb = Music_Route29_Ch3
$4504 = Music_Route29_Ch3.mainloop
$45a9 = Music_Route29_Ch4
$45b0 = Music_Route29_Ch4.mainloop
$45bf = Music_HallOfFame
$45cb = Music_HallOfFame_Ch1
$45e6 = Music_HallOfFame_Ch1.loop1
$45e6 = Music_HallOfFame_Ch1.mainloop
$460b = Music_HallOfFame_Ch2
$4610 = Music_HallOfFame_Ch2.mainloop
$462e = Music_HallOfFame_Ch3
$462e = Music_HallOfFame_Ch3.mainloop
$4631 = Music_HallOfFame_Ch3.loop1
$466d = Music_HallOfFame_Ch4
$4677 = Music_HallOfFame_Ch4.mainloop
$4697 = Music_HealPokemon
$46a0 = Music_HealPokemon_Ch1
$46c4 = Music_HealPokemon_Ch2
$46d4 = Music_HealPokemon_Ch3
$46e1 = Music_Evolution
$46ed = Music_Evolution_Ch1
$4713 = Music_Evolution_Ch1.loop1
$4713 = Music_Evolution_Ch1.mainloop
$4737 = Music_Evolution_Ch1.sub1
$4743 = Music_Evolution_Ch1.sub2
$474f = Music_Evolution_Ch2
$4761 = Music_Evolution_Ch2.loop1
$4761 = Music_Evolution_Ch2.mainloop
$4787 = Music_Evolution_Ch2.sub1
$4793 = Music_Evolution_Ch2.sub2
$479f = Music_Evolution_Ch3
$47a3 = Music_Evolution_Ch3.loop1
$47a3 = Music_Evolution_Ch3.mainloop
$47bf = Music_Evolution_Ch3.sub1
$47d5 = Music_Evolution_Ch3.sub2
$47eb = Music_Evolution_Ch4
$47f0 = Music_Evolution_Ch4.mainloop
$47fd = Music_Printer
$4800 = Music_Printer_Ch3
$4823 = Music_Printer_Ch3.mainloop
SECTION: $4941-$6786 ($1e46 bytes) ["Sound Effects"]
$4941 = Sfx_PokeballsPlacedOnTable
$4944 = Sfx_BallWobble
$4947 = Sfx_Potion
$494a = Sfx_FullHeal
$494d = Sfx_Menu
$4950 = Sfx_ReadText
$4950 = Sfx_ReadText2
$4953 = Sfx_Poison
$4956 = Sfx_GotSafariBalls
$4959 = Sfx_BootPc
$495c = Sfx_ShutDownPc
$495f = Sfx_ChoosePcOption
$4962 = Sfx_EscapeRope
$4965 = Sfx_PushButton
$4968 = Sfx_SecondPartOfItemfinder
$496b = Sfx_WarpTo
$496e = Sfx_WarpFrom
$4971 = Sfx_ChangeDexMode
$4974 = Sfx_JumpOverLedge
$4977 = Sfx_GrassRustle
$497a = Sfx_Fly
$497d = Sfx_Wrong
$4983 = Sfx_Squeak
$4986 = Sfx_Strength
$4989 = Sfx_Boat
$498f = Sfx_WallOpen
$4992 = Sfx_PlacePuzzlePieceDown
$4995 = Sfx_EnterDoor
$4998 = Sfx_SwitchPokemon
$499e = Sfx_Tally
$49a4 = Sfx_Transaction
$49aa = Sfx_Bump
$49ad = Sfx_ExitBuilding
$49b0 = Sfx_Save
$49b6 = Sfx_Save_Ch5
$49d5 = Sfx_Save_Ch6
$49f8 = Sfx_Pokeflute
$49fb = Sfx_ElevatorEnd
$49fe = Sfx_ThrowBall
$4a04 = Sfx_BallPoof
$4a0a = Sfx_Unknown3A
$4a10 = Sfx_Run
$4a13 = Sfx_SlotMachineStart
$4a19 = Sfx_Call
$4a1c = Sfx_Unknown60
$4a1f = Sfx_Unknown61
$4a22 = Sfx_SwitchPockets
$4a25 = Sfx_Unknown63
$4a28 = Sfx_Burn
$4a2b = Sfx_TitleScreenEntrance
$4a2e = Sfx_Unknown66
$4a31 = Sfx_GetCoinFromSlots
$4a34 = Sfx_PayDay
$4a3a = Sfx_Metronome
$4a3d = Sfx_Peck
$4a40 = Sfx_Kinesis
$4a43 = Sfx_Lick
$4a46 = Sfx_Pound
$4a49 = Sfx_MovePuzzlePiece
$4a4c = Sfx_CometPunch
$4a4f = Sfx_MegaPunch
$4a52 = Sfx_Scratch
$4a55 = Sfx_Vicegrip
$4a58 = Sfx_RazorWind
$4a5b = Sfx_Cut
$4a5e = Sfx_WingAttack
$4a61 = Sfx_Whirlwind
$4a64 = Sfx_Bind
$4a67 = Sfx_VineWhip
$4a6a = Sfx_DoubleKick
$4a6d = Sfx_MegaKick
$4a70 = Sfx_Headbutt
$4a73 = Sfx_HornAttack
$4a76 = Sfx_Tackle
$4a79 = Sfx_PoisonSting
$4a7c = Sfx_Powder
$4a7f = Sfx_Doubleslap
$4a82 = Sfx_Bite
$4a88 = Sfx_JumpKick
$4a8b = Sfx_Stomp
$4a8e = Sfx_TailWhip
$4a91 = Sfx_KarateChop
$4a94 = Sfx_Submission
$4a97 = Sfx_WaterGun
$4a9d = Sfx_SwordsDance
$4aa0 = Sfx_Thunder
$4aa3 = Sfx_Supersonic
$4aac = Sfx_Leer
$4ab5 = Sfx_Ember
$4abb = Sfx_Bubblebeam
$4ac4 = Sfx_HydroPump
$4aca = Sfx_Surf
$4ad3 = Sfx_Psybeam
$4adc = Sfx_Charge
$4ae5 = Sfx_Thundershock
$4aee = Sfx_Psychic
$4af7 = Sfx_Screech
$4afd = Sfx_BoneClub
$4b03 = Sfx_Sharpen
$4b09 = Sfx_EggBomb
$4b12 = Sfx_Sing
$4b18 = Sfx_HyperBeam
$4b21 = Sfx_Shine
$4b24 = Sfx_Unknown5F
$4b2a = Sfx_Sandstorm
$4b2d = Sfx_HangUp
$4b30 = Sfx_NoSignal
$4b33 = Sfx_Elevator
$4b3f = Sfx_DexFanfare5079
$4b3f = Sfx_LevelUp
$4b4b = Sfx_LevelUp_Ch5
$4b4b = Sfx_DexFanfare5079_Ch5
$4b5f = Sfx_LevelUp_Ch6
$4b5f = Sfx_DexFanfare5079_Ch6
$4b6d = Sfx_LevelUp_Ch7
$4b6d = Sfx_DexFanfare5079_Ch7
$4b7f = Sfx_LevelUp_Ch8
$4b7f = Sfx_DexFanfare5079_Ch8
$4b86 = Sfx_KeyItem
$4b92 = Sfx_KeyItem_Ch5
$4ba8 = Sfx_KeyItem_Ch6
$4bb8 = Sfx_KeyItem_Ch7
$4bce = Sfx_KeyItem_Ch8
$4bd5 = Sfx_DexFanfare2049
$4be1 = Sfx_DexFanfare2049_Ch5
$4bfe = Sfx_DexFanfare2049_Ch6
$4c13 = Sfx_DexFanfare2049_Ch7
$4c27 = Sfx_DexFanfare2049_Ch8
$4c2f = Sfx_Item
$4c3b = Sfx_Item_Ch5
$4c54 = Sfx_Item_Ch6
$4c68 = Sfx_Item_Ch7
$4c81 = Sfx_Item_Ch8
$4c89 = Sfx_CaughtMon
$4c95 = Sfx_CaughtMon_Ch5
$4cb5 = Sfx_CaughtMon_Ch6
$4cce = Sfx_CaughtMon_Ch7
$4ce2 = Sfx_CaughtMon_Ch8
$4cea = Sfx_DexFanfare80109
$4cf6 = Sfx_DexFanfare80109_Ch5
$4d17 = Sfx_DexFanfare80109_Ch6
$4d32 = Sfx_DexFanfare80109_Ch7
$4d4e = Sfx_DexFanfare80109_Ch8
$4d56 = Sfx_Fanfare2
$4d5f = Sfx_Unused
$4d6b = Sfx_Unused_Ch5
$4d8a = Sfx_Unused_Ch6
$4da6 = Sfx_Unused_Ch7
$4db6 = Sfx_Unused_Ch8
$4dbe = Sfx_Fanfare
$4dc7 = Sfx_RegisterPhoneNumber
$4dd3 = Sfx_RegisterPhoneNumber_Ch5
$4df0 = Sfx_RegisterPhoneNumber_Ch6
$4e08 = Sfx_RegisterPhoneNumber_Ch7
$4e1c = Sfx_RegisterPhoneNumber_Ch8
$4e26 = Sfx_3rdPlace
$4e2f = Sfx_3rdPlace_Ch5
$4e45 = Sfx_3rdPlace_Ch6
$4e56 = Sfx_3rdPlace_Ch7
$4e66 = Sfx_GetEgg
$4e72 = Sfx_GetEgg_Ch5
$4e9b = Sfx_GetEgg_Ch6
$4ebe = Sfx_GetEgg_Ch7
$4ed0 = Sfx_GetEgg_Ch8
$4edc = Sfx_MoveDeleted
$4ee8 = Sfx_MoveDeleted_Ch5
$4f0d = Sfx_MoveDeleted_Ch6
$4f37 = Sfx_MoveDeleted_Ch7
$4f53 = Sfx_MoveDeleted_Ch8
$4f5e = Sfx_2ndPlace
$4f6a = Sfx_2ndPlace_Ch5
$4f92 = Sfx_2ndPlace_Ch6
$4fad = Sfx_2ndPlace_Ch7
$4fd2 = Sfx_2ndPlace_Ch8
$4fd7 = Sfx_2ndPlace_Ch8.loop1
$4fe2 = Sfx_1stPlace
$4fee = Sfx_1stPlace_Ch5
$5020 = Sfx_1stPlace_Ch6
$503d = Sfx_1stPlace_Ch7
$5054 = Sfx_1stPlace_Ch8
$5069 = Sfx_ChooseACard
$5075 = Sfx_ChooseACard_Ch5
$50a9 = Sfx_ChooseACard_Ch6
$50c9 = Sfx_ChooseACard_Ch7
$50ec = Sfx_ChooseACard_Ch8
$5104 = Sfx_GetTm
$5110 = Sfx_GetTm_Ch5
$5131 = Sfx_GetTm_Ch6
$514c = Sfx_GetTm_Ch7
$516a = Sfx_GetTm_Ch8
$517d = Sfx_GetBadge
$5189 = Sfx_GetBadge_Ch5
$51aa = Sfx_GetBadge_Ch5.sub1
$51be = Sfx_GetBadge_Ch6
$51f5 = Sfx_GetBadge_Ch7
$521b = Sfx_GetBadge_Ch8
$5220 = Sfx_GetBadge_Ch8.loop1
$5236 = Sfx_QuitSlots
$5242 = Sfx_QuitSlots_Ch5
$5266 = Sfx_QuitSlots_Ch6
$5283 = Sfx_QuitSlots_Ch7
$52a1 = Sfx_QuitSlots_Ch8
$52b4 = Sfx_Protect
$52ba = Sfx_Protect_Ch5
$52c0 = Sfx_Protect_Ch5.loop1
$52e5 = Sfx_Protect_Ch8
$52f6 = Sfx_Sketch
$52f9 = Sfx_Sketch_Ch5
$52fd = Sfx_Sketch_Ch5.loop1
$5314 = Sfx_RainDance
$5317 = Sfx_RainDance_Ch8
$5334 = Sfx_Aeroblast
$533a = Sfx_Aeroblast_Ch5
$5345 = Sfx_Aeroblast_Ch8
$5352 = Sfx_Spark
$5355 = Sfx_Spark_Ch8
$5360 = Sfx_Curse
$5366 = Sfx_Curse_Ch5
$5379 = Sfx_Curse_Ch8
$537d = Sfx_Rage
$5383 = Sfx_Rage_Ch5
$5392 = Sfx_Rage_Ch8
$539c = Sfx_Thief
$539f = Sfx_Thief_Ch8
$53b0 = Sfx_Thief2
$53b3 = Sfx_Thief2_Ch5
$53ca = Sfx_SpiderWeb
$53d0 = Sfx_SpiderWeb_Ch5
$53f3 = Sfx_SpiderWeb_Ch8
$53f7 = Sfx_MindReader
$53fd = Sfx_MindReader_Ch5
$5416 = Sfx_MindReader_Ch8
$541d = Sfx_Nightmare
$5420 = Sfx_Nightmare_Ch5
$5424 = Sfx_Nightmare_Ch5.loop1
$5453 = Sfx_Snore
$5456 = Sfx_Snore_Ch8
$5469 = Sfx_SweetKiss
$546c = Sfx_SweetKiss_Ch5
$546e = Sfx_SweetKiss_Ch5.loop1
$547f = Sfx_SweetKiss2
$5482 = Sfx_SweetKiss2_Ch5
$54a5 = Sfx_BellyDrum
$54ab = Sfx_BellyDrum_Ch5
$54b6 = Sfx_BellyDrum_Ch8
$54ba = Sfx_Unknown7F
$54bd = Sfx_Unknown7F_Ch5
$54d0 = Sfx_SludgeBomb
$54d6 = Sfx_SludgeBomb_Ch5
$54eb = Sfx_SludgeBomb_Ch8
$54f5 = Sfx_Foresight
$54f8 = Sfx_Foresight_Ch5
$5515 = Sfx_Spite
$5518 = Sfx_Spite_Ch5
$553a = Sfx_Outrage
$553d = Sfx_Outrage_Ch8
$554d = Sfx_PerishSong
$5553 = Sfx_PerishSong_Ch5
$5561 = Sfx_PerishSong_Ch6
$5570 = Sfx_GigaDrain
$5576 = Sfx_GigaDrain_Ch5
$55a1 = Sfx_GigaDrain_Ch8
$55b4 = Sfx_Attract
$55b7 = Sfx_Attract_Ch5
$55cc = Sfx_Kinesis2
$55cf = Sfx_Kinesis2_Ch5
$55de = Sfx_ZapCannon
$55e1 = Sfx_ZapCannon_Ch8
$55ef = Sfx_MeanLook
$55f2 = Sfx_MeanLook_Ch5
$55fa = Sfx_MeanLook_Ch5.loop1
$5621 = Sfx_HealBell
$5624 = Sfx_HealBell_Ch5
$5637 = Sfx_Return
$563a = Sfx_Return_Ch5
$563c = Sfx_Return_Ch5.loop1
$5653 = Sfx_ExpBar
$5656 = Sfx_ExpBar_Ch5
$567f = Sfx_MilkDrink
$5682 = Sfx_MilkDrink_Ch5
$5684 = Sfx_MilkDrink_Ch5.loop1
$569f = Sfx_Present
$56a2 = Sfx_Present_Ch5
$56a6 = Sfx_Present_Ch5.loop1
$56b9 = Sfx_MorningSun
$56bc = Sfx_MorningSun_Ch5
$56be = Sfx_MorningSun_Ch5.loop1
$56df = Sfx_Moonlight
$56e2 = Sfx_Moonlight_Ch5
$56e4 = Sfx_Moonlight_Ch5.loop1
$56fd = Sfx_Encore
$5703 = Sfx_Encore_Ch5
$570b = Sfx_Encore_Ch5.loop1
$571a = Sfx_Encore_Ch8
$5721 = Sfx_BeatUp
$5724 = Sfx_BeatUp_Ch8
$5734 = Sfx_SweetScent
$5737 = Sfx_SweetScent_Ch5
$574c = Sfx_BatonPass
$5752 = Sfx_BatonPass_Ch5
$5771 = Sfx_BatonPass_Ch8
$5775 = Sfx_EggCrack
$5778 = Sfx_EggCrack_Ch5
$5784 = Sfx_Evolved
$5787 = Sfx_Evolved_Ch5
$579b = Sfx_MasterBall
$579e = Sfx_MasterBall_Ch5
$57c0 = Sfx_EggHatch
$57c3 = Sfx_EggHatch_Ch5
$57d9 = Sfx_GsIntroCharizardFireball
$57dc = Sfx_GsIntroCharizardFireball_Ch8
$57e2 = Sfx_GsIntroCharizardFireball_Ch8.loop1
$57ff = Sfx_GsIntroPokemonAppears
$5802 = Sfx_GsIntroPokemonAppears_Ch8
$5818 = Sfx_Flash
$581b = Sfx_Flash_Ch5
$5846 = Sfx_GameFreakLogoGs
$5849 = Sfx_GameFreakLogoGs_Ch5
$5878 = Sfx_DexFanfareLessThan20
$5884 = Sfx_DexFanfareLessThan20_Ch5
$589b = Sfx_DexFanfareLessThan20_Ch6
$58ad = Sfx_DexFanfareLessThan20_Ch7
$58c8 = Sfx_DexFanfareLessThan20_Ch8
$58d2 = Sfx_DexFanfare140169
$58de = Sfx_DexFanfare140169_Ch5
$5901 = Sfx_DexFanfare140169_Ch6
$591e = Sfx_DexFanfare140169_Ch7
$593f = Sfx_DexFanfare140169_Ch8
$5945 = Sfx_DexFanfare140169_Ch8.loop1
$5951 = Sfx_DexFanfare170199
$595d = Sfx_DexFanfare170199_Ch5
$5982 = Sfx_DexFanfare170199_Ch6
$59a3 = Sfx_DexFanfare170199_Ch7
$59c0 = Sfx_DexFanfare170199_Ch8
$59d6 = Sfx_DexFanfare200229
$59e2 = Sfx_DexFanfare200229_Ch5
$5a04 = Sfx_DexFanfare200229_Ch6
$5a1f = Sfx_DexFanfare200229_Ch7
$5a4a = Sfx_DexFanfare200229_Ch8
$5a66 = Sfx_DexFanfare230Plus
$5a72 = Sfx_DexFanfare230Plus_Ch5
$5ab2 = Sfx_DexFanfare230Plus_Ch6
$5ada = Sfx_DexFanfare230Plus_Ch7
$5b0c = Sfx_DexFanfare230Plus_Ch8
$5b14 = Sfx_DexFanfare230Plus_Ch8.loop1
$5b2b = Sfx_DexFanfare230Plus_Ch8.loop2
$5b33 = Sfx_NotVeryEffective
$5b36 = Sfx_NotVeryEffective_Ch8
$5b40 = Sfx_Damage
$5b43 = Sfx_Damage_Ch8
$5b50 = Sfx_SuperEffective
$5b53 = Sfx_SuperEffective_Ch8
$5b63 = Sfx_BallBounce
$5b69 = Sfx_BallBounce_Ch5
$5b8c = Sfx_BallBounce_Ch6
$5bb3 = Sfx_SweetScent2
$5bb9 = Sfx_SweetScent2_Ch5
$5bcc = Sfx_SweetScent2_Ch8
$5bd2 = Sfx_SweetScent2_Ch8.loop1
$5bec = Sfx_HitEndOfExpBar
$5bf2 = Sfx_HitEndOfExpBar_Ch5
$5c01 = Sfx_HitEndOfExpBar_Ch6
$5c10 = Sfx_GiveTrademon
$5c13 = Sfx_GiveTrademon_Ch5
$5c3e = Sfx_GetTrademon
$5c41 = Sfx_GetTrademon_Ch5
$5c6c = Sfx_TrainArrived
$5c75 = Sfx_TrainArrived_Ch6
$5c7c = Sfx_TrainArrived_Ch5
$5c9b = Sfx_TrainArrived_Ch8
$5cb4 = Sfx_2Boops
$5cb7 = Sfx_2Boops_Ch5
$5cb9 = Sfx_2Boops_Ch5.loop1
$5cd0 = Sfx_IntroWhoosh
$5cd3 = Sfx_Menu_Ch8
$5cda = Sfx_Pokeflute_Ch7
$5cf8 = Sfx_PlacePuzzlePieceDown_Ch8
$5d08 = Sfx_EnterDoor_Ch8
$5d0f = Sfx_SwitchPokemon_Ch5
$5d16 = Sfx_SwitchPokemon_Ch6
$5d21 = Sfx_PokeballsPlacedOnTable_Ch5
$5d32 = Sfx_BallWobble_Ch5
$5d43 = Sfx_Tally_Ch5
$5d4a = Sfx_Tally_Ch6
$5d55 = Sfx_Transaction_Ch5
$5d60 = Sfx_Transaction_Ch6
$5d6f = Sfx_Bump_Ch5
$5d7a = Sfx_ExitBuilding_Ch8
$5d8a = Sfx_ReadText_Ch5
$5d8a = Sfx_ReadText2_Ch5
$5d9d = Sfx_Potion_Ch5
$5dac = Sfx_Poison_Ch5
$5dbf = Sfx_FullHeal_Ch5
$5dd4 = Sfx_GotSafariBalls_Ch5
$5de3 = Sfx_BootPc_Ch5
$5e0e = Sfx_ShutDownPc_Ch5
$5e21 = Sfx_ChoosePcOption_Ch5
$5e34 = Sfx_EscapeRope_Ch5
$5e4f = Sfx_PushButton_Ch5
$5e66 = Sfx_SecondPartOfItemfinder_Ch5
$5e7b = Sfx_WarpTo_Ch5
$5e96 = Sfx_WarpFrom_Ch5
$5eb1 = Sfx_ChangeDexMode_Ch5
$5ebc = Sfx_JumpOverLedge_Ch5
$5ec7 = Sfx_GrassRustle_Ch8
$5ed4 = Sfx_Fly_Ch8
$5f05 = Sfx_Wrong_Ch5
$5f1c = Sfx_Wrong_Ch6
$5f2f = Sfx_Squeak_Ch5
$5f3a = Sfx_Strength_Ch8
$5f53 = Sfx_Boat_Ch5
$5f72 = Sfx_Boat_Ch6
$5f91 = Sfx_WallOpen_Ch5
$5fae = Sfx_ElevatorEnd_Ch5
$5fc9 = Sfx_ThrowBall_Ch5
$5fd2 = Sfx_ThrowBall_Ch6
$5fd9 = Sfx_Shine_Ch5
$5ff4 = Sfx_BallPoof_Ch5
$5fff = Sfx_BallPoof_Ch8
$6003 = Sfx_Unknown3A_Ch5
$600a = Sfx_Unknown3A_Ch8
$6014 = Sfx_Run_Ch8
$6036 = Sfx_SlotMachineStart_Ch5
$6047 = Sfx_SlotMachineStart_Ch6
$6052 = Sfx_Call_Ch5
$606f = Sfx_Peck_Ch8
$6073 = Sfx_Kinesis_Ch5
$607e = Sfx_Lick_Ch5
$6089 = Sfx_Pound_Ch8
$608d = Sfx_MovePuzzlePiece_Ch8
$6091 = Sfx_CometPunch_Ch8
$609b = Sfx_MegaPunch_Ch8
$60a5 = Sfx_Scratch_Ch8
$60ac = Sfx_Vicegrip_Ch8
$60b9 = Sfx_RazorWind_Ch8
$60c3 = Sfx_Cut_Ch8
$60d0 = Sfx_WingAttack_Ch8
$60de = Sfx_Whirlwind_Ch8
$60eb = Sfx_Bind_Ch8
$60f8 = Sfx_VineWhip_Ch8
$6111 = Sfx_DoubleKick_Ch8
$611b = Sfx_MegaKick_Ch8
$6128 = Sfx_Headbutt_Ch8
$612f = Sfx_HornAttack_Ch8
$6139 = Sfx_Tackle_Ch8
$6140 = Sfx_PoisonSting_Ch8
$6147 = Sfx_Powder_Ch8
$6151 = Sfx_Doubleslap_Ch8
$6158 = Sfx_Bite_Ch5
$6169 = Sfx_Bite_Ch8
$6176 = Sfx_JumpKick_Ch8
$6183 = Sfx_Stomp_Ch8
$618a = Sfx_TailWhip_Ch8
$619a = Sfx_KarateChop_Ch8
$61a1 = Sfx_Submission_Ch8
$61b1 = Sfx_WaterGun_Ch5
$61bc = Sfx_WaterGun_Ch8
$61c3 = Sfx_SwordsDance_Ch8
$61d3 = Sfx_Thunder_Ch8
$61e9 = Sfx_Supersonic_Ch5
$61ef = Sfx_Supersonic_Ch5.loop
$61fc = Sfx_Supersonic_Ch6
$6202 = Sfx_Supersonic_Ch6.loop
$620f = Sfx_Supersonic_Ch8
$621a = Sfx_Leer_Ch5
$6229 = Sfx_Leer_Ch6
$6238 = Sfx_Leer_Ch8
$6243 = Sfx_Ember_Ch5
$625a = Sfx_Ember_Ch8
$626e = Sfx_Bubblebeam_Ch5
$6289 = Sfx_Bubblebeam_Ch6
$62a0 = Sfx_Bubblebeam_Ch8
$62b1 = Sfx_HydroPump_Ch5
$62d0 = Sfx_HydroPump_Ch8
$62e7 = Sfx_Surf_Ch5
$62fa = Sfx_Surf_Ch6
$630d = Sfx_Surf_Ch8
$631e = Sfx_Psybeam_Ch5
$6335 = Sfx_Psybeam_Ch6
$634c = Sfx_Psybeam_Ch8
$6357 = Sfx_Charge_Ch5
$636e = Sfx_Charge_Ch6
$6385 = Sfx_Charge_Ch8
$6396 = Sfx_Thundershock_Ch5
$63a5 = Sfx_Thundershock_Ch6
$63b4 = Sfx_Thundershock_Ch8
$63bf = Sfx_Psychic_Ch5
$63de = Sfx_Psychic_Ch6
$63f9 = Sfx_Psychic_Ch8
$640c = Sfx_Screech_Ch5
$6423 = Sfx_Screech_Ch6
$643a = Sfx_BoneClub_Ch5
$6445 = Sfx_BoneClub_Ch6
$644c = Sfx_Sharpen_Ch5
$6463 = Sfx_Sharpen_Ch6
$647a = Sfx_EggBomb_Ch5
$6489 = Sfx_EggBomb_Ch6
$6498 = Sfx_EggBomb_Ch8
$64a5 = Sfx_Sing_Ch5
$64b6 = Sfx_Sing_Ch6
$64ca = Sfx_HyperBeam_Ch5
$64f8 = Sfx_HyperBeam_Ch5.loop
$6509 = Sfx_HyperBeam_Ch6
$6537 = Sfx_HyperBeam_Ch6.loop
$6548 = Sfx_HyperBeam_Ch8
$6553 = Sfx_Unknown60_Ch8
$656c = Sfx_IntroWhoosh_Ch8
$6588 = Sfx_Unknown61_Ch8
$658c = Sfx_SwitchPockets_Ch8
$6590 = Sfx_Unknown63_Ch8
$659a = Sfx_Burn_Ch8
$65a1 = Sfx_TitleScreenEntrance_Ch8
$65b4 = Sfx_Unknown66_Ch5
$65c3 = Sfx_GetCoinFromSlots_Ch5
$65ce = Sfx_PayDay_Ch5
$65dd = Sfx_PayDay_Ch6
$65ec = Sfx_Metronome_Ch5
$6617 = Sfx_Unknown5F_Ch5
$6617 = Sfx_Unknown5F_Ch5.loop
$6624 = Sfx_Unknown5F_Ch6
$6635 = Sfx_Fanfare2_Ch5
$6658 = Sfx_Fanfare2_Ch6
$6673 = Sfx_Fanfare2_Ch8
$6687 = Sfx_Fanfare_Ch5
$66af = Sfx_Fanfare_Ch6
$66d8 = Sfx_Fanfare_Ch8
$66f1 = Sfx_HangUp_Ch5
$66ff = Sfx_NoSignal_Ch5
$670e = Sfx_Sandstorm_Ch8
$670e = Sfx_Unknown5F_Ch8
$6722 = Sfx_Elevator_Ch5
$6726 = Sfx_Elevator_Ch5.loop
$674b = Sfx_Elevator_Ch6
$674b = Sfx_Elevator_Ch7
$6754 = Sfx_Elevator_Ch8
$675b = Sfx_StopSlot
$675e = Sfx_StopSlot_Ch5
$6769 = Sfx_GlassTing
$676c = Sfx_GlassTing_Ch5
$6773 = Sfx_GlassTing2
$6779 = Sfx_GlassTing2_Ch5
$6780 = Sfx_GlassTing2_Ch6
SECTION: $6787-$7fb5 ($182f bytes) ["Cries"]
$6787 = PokemonCries
$6d81 = Cry_Marill
$6d8a = Cry_Togepi
$6d90 = Cry_Togetic
$6d96 = Cry_Spinarak
$6d9f = Cry_Raikou
$6da8 = Cry_Hoothoot
$6db1 = Cry_Sentret
$6db7 = Cry_Slowking
$6dc0 = Cry_Mareep
$6dc6 = Cry_Cyndaquil
$6dcf = Cry_Chikorita
$6dd8 = Cry_Gligar
$6dde = Cry_Girafarig
$6de7 = Cry_Slugma
$6ded = Cry_Ledyba
$6df6 = Cry_Wooper
$6dff = Cry_Donphan
$6e08 = Cry_Typhlosion
$6e11 = Cry_Natu
$6e1a = Cry_Teddiursa
$6e23 = Cry_Sunflora
$6e2c = Cry_Ampharos
$6e35 = Cry_Totodile
$6e3e = Cry_Cleffa
$6e47 = Cry_Pichu
$6e50 = Cry_Aipom
$6e59 = Cry_Dunsparce
$6e62 = Cry_Magcargo
$6e6b = Cry_Entei
$6e74 = Cry_Mantine
$6e7d = Cry_Entei_Ch5
$6e94 = Cry_Entei_Ch6
$6ea7 = Cry_Entei_Ch8
$6eb4 = Cry_Magcargo_Ch5
$6ed3 = Cry_Magcargo_Ch6
$6ef2 = Cry_Magcargo_Ch8
$6ef5 = Cry_Magcargo_Ch8.loop
$6f03 = Cry_Dunsparce_Ch5
$6f26 = Cry_Dunsparce_Ch6
$6f31 = Cry_Dunsparce_Ch8
$6f3b = Cry_Slowking_Ch5
$6f5a = Cry_Slowking_Ch6
$6f71 = Cry_Slowking_Ch8
$6f8a = Cry_Pichu_Ch5
$6fab = Cry_Pichu_Ch6
$6fc2 = Cry_Pichu_Ch8
$6fd2 = Cry_Marill_Ch5
$6ff1 = Cry_Marill_Ch6
$700c = Cry_Marill_Ch8
$701f = Cry_Togepi_Ch5
$7022 = Cry_Togepi_Ch6
$7035 = Cry_Togetic_Ch5
$7038 = Cry_Togetic_Ch6
$7048 = Cry_Spinarak_Ch5
$705b = Cry_Spinarak_Ch6
$706e = Cry_Spinarak_Ch8
$707b = Cry_Raikou_Ch5
$709a = Cry_Raikou_Ch6
$70bd = Cry_Raikou_Ch8
$70d6 = Cry_Hoothoot_Ch5
$70f9 = Cry_Hoothoot_Ch6
$70fb = Cry_Hoothoot_Ch6.loop1
$7103 = Cry_Hoothoot_Ch6.loop2
$7114 = Cry_Hoothoot_Ch8
$7121 = Cry_Sentret_Ch5
$7129 = Cry_Sentret_Ch6
$712b = Cry_Sentret_Ch6.body
$7134 = Cry_Sentret_Ch8
$713b = Cry_Mareep_Ch5
$7143 = Cry_Mareep_Ch6
$7145 = Cry_Mareep_Ch6.body
$7156 = Cry_Cyndaquil_Ch5
$7159 = Cry_Cyndaquil_Ch6
$715f = Cry_Cyndaquil_Ch6.loop1
$716b = Cry_Cyndaquil_Ch6.loop2
$7178 = Cry_Cyndaquil_Ch8
$7178 = Cry_Gligar_Ch8
$717f = Cry_Chikorita_Ch5
$7182 = Cry_Chikorita_Ch6
$7199 = Cry_Chikorita_Ch8
$71a0 = Cry_Gligar_Ch5
$71a5 = Cry_Girafarig_Ch5
$71ad = Cry_Girafarig_Ch6
$71af = Cry_Girafarig_Ch6.body
$71c4 = Cry_Girafarig_Ch8
$71d4 = Cry_Slugma_Ch5
$71eb = Cry_Slugma_Ch8
$71f8 = Cry_Ledyba_Ch5
$7200 = Cry_Ledyba_Ch6
$7202 = Cry_Ledyba_Ch6.body
$721b = Cry_Ledyba_Ch8
$722e = Cry_Wooper_Ch5
$722e = Cry_Donphan_Ch5
$7249 = Cry_Wooper_Ch6
$7249 = Cry_Donphan_Ch6
$7264 = Cry_Wooper_Ch8
$7274 = Cry_Donphan_Ch8
$7284 = Cry_Typhlosion_Ch5
$7284 = Cry_Teddiursa_Ch5
$7286 = Cry_Typhlosion_Ch5.loop1
$728e = Cry_Typhlosion_Ch5.loop2
$7296 = Cry_Typhlosion_Ch5.loop3
$72a2 = Cry_Typhlosion_Ch5.loop4
$72ae = Cry_Typhlosion_Ch5.loop5
$72bb = Cry_Typhlosion_Ch6
$72bb = Cry_Teddiursa_Ch6
$72da = Cry_Typhlosion_Ch8
$72e7 = Cry_Natu_Ch5
$72e9 = Cry_Natu_Ch5.body1
$72f5 = Cry_Natu_Ch5.body2
$7302 = Cry_Natu_Ch6
$7302 = Cry_Sunflora_Ch6
$7302 = Cry_Sunflora_Ch6.body1
$7310 = Cry_Sunflora_Ch6.body2
$731d = Cry_Natu_Ch8
$731d = Cry_Sunflora_Ch8
$731d = Cry_Sunflora_Ch8.body1
$7326 = Cry_Sunflora_Ch8.body2
$7330 = Cry_Teddiursa_Ch8
$7337 = Cry_Sunflora_Ch5
$733c = Cry_Mantine_Ch5
$7345 = Cry_Mantine_Ch6
$734c = Cry_Mantine_Ch8
$7353 = Cry_Ampharos_Ch5
$7355 = Cry_Ampharos_Ch5.loop
$7370 = Cry_Ampharos_Ch6
$7387 = Cry_Ampharos_Ch8
$739a = Cry_Totodile_Ch5
$73b1 = Cry_Totodile_Ch6
$73c8 = Cry_Totodile_Ch8
$73d5 = Cry_Cleffa_Ch5
$73fc = Cry_Cleffa_Ch6
$740f = Cry_Cleffa_Ch8
$7422 = Cry_Aipom_Ch5
$7441 = Cry_Aipom_Ch6
$7443 = Cry_Aipom_Ch6.loop1
$744b = Cry_Aipom_Ch6.loop2
$7453 = Cry_Aipom_Ch6.loop3
$7460 = Cry_Aipom_Ch8
$747d = Cry_Nidoran_M
$7486 = Cry_Nidoran_F
$748f = Cry_Slowpoke
$7498 = Cry_Kangaskhan
$74a1 = Cry_Charmander
$74aa = Cry_Grimer
$74b3 = Cry_Voltorb
$74bc = Cry_Muk
$74c5 = Cry_Oddish
$74ce = Cry_Raichu
$74d7 = Cry_Nidoqueen
$74e0 = Cry_Diglett
$74e9 = Cry_Seel
$74f2 = Cry_Drowzee
$74fb = Cry_Pidgey
$7504 = Cry_Bulbasaur
$750d = Cry_Spearow
$7516 = Cry_Rhydon
$751f = Cry_Golem
$7528 = Cry_Blastoise
$7531 = Cry_Pidgeotto
$753a = Cry_Weedle
$7543 = Cry_Caterpie
$754c = Cry_Ekans
$7555 = Cry_Fearow
$755e = Cry_Clefairy
$7567 = Cry_Venonat
$7570 = Cry_Lapras
$7579 = Cry_Metapod
$7582 = Cry_Squirtle
$758b = Cry_Paras
$7594 = Cry_Growlithe
$759d = Cry_Krabby
$75a6 = Cry_Psyduck
$75af = Cry_Rattata
$75b8 = Cry_Vileplume
$75c1 = Cry_Vulpix
$75ca = Cry_Weepinbell
$75d3 = Cry_Unused_Ch5
$75ee = Cry_Unused_Ch6
$7609 = Cry_Unused_Ch8
$761f = Cry_Raichu_Ch5
$763c = Cry_Raichu_Ch6
$765d = Cry_Raichu_Ch8
$7676 = Cry_Vileplume_Ch5
$768d = Cry_Vileplume_Ch6
$76a0 = Cry_Vileplume_Ch8
$76ad = Cry_Vulpix_Ch5
$76d0 = Cry_Vulpix_Ch6
$76f3 = Cry_Vulpix_Ch8
$7703 = Cry_Rhydon_Ch5
$7722 = Cry_Rhydon_Ch6
$7745 = Cry_Rhydon_Ch8
$775b = Cry_Weepinbell_Ch5
$7772 = Cry_Weepinbell_Ch6
$7789 = Cry_Weepinbell_Ch8
$7796 = Cry_Kangaskhan_Ch5
$77b5 = Cry_Kangaskhan_Ch6
$77d4 = Cry_Kangaskhan_Ch8
$77e1 = Cry_Bulbasaur_Ch5
$77fc = Cry_Bulbasaur_Ch6
$7817 = Cry_Bulbasaur_Ch8
$7827 = Cry_Spearow_Ch5
$784a = Cry_Spearow_Ch6
$786d = Cry_Spearow_Ch8
$7877 = Cry_Nidoran_M_Ch5
$7886 = Cry_Nidoran_M_Ch6
$7895 = Cry_Nidoran_M_Ch8
$789f = Cry_Pidgey_Ch5
$78b2 = Cry_Pidgey_Ch6
$78c5 = Cry_Pidgey_Ch8
$78cf = Cry_Voltorb_Ch5
$78e9 = Cry_Voltorb_Ch6
$78ea = Cry_Voltorb_Ch8
$78fd = Cry_Muk_Ch5
$790c = Cry_Muk_Ch6
$791b = Cry_Muk_Ch8
$7925 = Cry_Grimer_Ch5
$7938 = Cry_Grimer_Ch6
$794a = Cry_Grimer_Ch8
$794b = Cry_Diglett_Ch5
$7976 = Cry_Diglett_Ch6
$7995 = Cry_Diglett_Ch8
$79ae = Cry_Seel_Ch5
$79d5 = Cry_Seel_Ch6
$79fb = Cry_Seel_Ch8
$79fc = Cry_Slowpoke_Ch5
$7a0b = Cry_Slowpoke_Ch6
$7a19 = Cry_Slowpoke_Ch8
$7a1a = Cry_Drowzee_Ch5
$7a39 = Cry_Drowzee_Ch6
$7a68 = Cry_Drowzee_Ch8
$7a87 = Cry_Nidoran_F_Ch5
$7a9a = Cry_Nidoran_F_Ch6
$7aad = Cry_Nidoran_F_Ch8
$7aba = Cry_Nidoqueen_Ch5
$7ad9 = Cry_Nidoqueen_Ch6
$7afc = Cry_Nidoqueen_Ch8
$7b15 = Cry_Oddish_Ch5
$7b28 = Cry_Oddish_Ch6
$7b3b = Cry_Oddish_Ch8
$7b45 = Cry_Charmander_Ch5
$7b64 = Cry_Charmander_Ch6
$7b83 = Cry_Charmander_Ch8
$7b96 = Cry_Clefairy_Ch5
$7ba5 = Cry_Clefairy_Ch6
$7bb7 = Cry_Clefairy_Ch8
$7bb8 = Cry_Caterpie_Ch5
$7bc7 = Cry_Caterpie_Ch6
$7bd6 = Cry_Caterpie_Ch8
$7be0 = Cry_Lapras_Ch5
$7bf7 = Cry_Lapras_Ch6
$7c0e = Cry_Lapras_Ch8
$7c1b = Cry_Golem_Ch5
$7c2e = Cry_Golem_Ch6
$7c41 = Cry_Golem_Ch8
$7c4e = Cry_Blastoise_Ch5
$7c69 = Cry_Blastoise_Ch6
$7c84 = Cry_Blastoise_Ch8
$7c97 = Cry_Pidgeotto_Ch5
$7ca6 = Cry_Pidgeotto_Ch6
$7cb5 = Cry_Pidgeotto_Ch8
$7cbf = Cry_Paras_Ch5
$7ce2 = Cry_Paras_Ch6
$7d09 = Cry_Paras_Ch8
$7d25 = Cry_Weedle_Ch5
$7d40 = Cry_Weedle_Ch6
$7d5b = Cry_Weedle_Ch8
$7d6e = Cry_Ekans_Ch5
$7d81 = Cry_Ekans_Ch6
$7d94 = Cry_Ekans_Ch8
$7da1 = Cry_Metapod_Ch5
$7dc4 = Cry_Metapod_Ch6
$7ddf = Cry_Metapod_Ch8
$7def = Cry_Venonat_Ch5
$7e0a = Cry_Venonat_Ch6
$7e25 = Cry_Venonat_Ch8
$7e38 = Cry_Squirtle_Ch5
$7e53 = Cry_Squirtle_Ch6
$7e6e = Cry_Squirtle_Ch8
$7e7e = Cry_Fearow_Ch5
$7ea1 = Cry_Fearow_Ch6
$7ec4 = Cry_Fearow_Ch8
$7ed7 = Cry_Growlithe_Ch5
$7eea = Cry_Growlithe_Ch6
$7efd = Cry_Growlithe_Ch8
$7f0a = Cry_Krabby_Ch5
$7f1d = Cry_Krabby_Ch6
$7f30 = Cry_Krabby_Ch8
$7f3d = Cry_Psyduck_Ch5
$7f60 = Cry_Psyduck_Ch6
$7f82 = Cry_Psyduck_Ch8
$7f83 = Cry_Rattata_Ch5
$7f96 = Cry_Rattata_Ch6
$7fa9 = Cry_Rattata_Ch8
EMPTY: $7fb6-$7fff ($004a bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $004a bytes
ROMX bank #61:
SECTION: $4000-$7ef2 ($3ef3 bytes) ["Songs 4"]
$4000 = Music_ViridianCity
$400c = Music_ViridianCity_Ch1
$4039 = Music_ViridianCity_Ch1.mainloop
$40c5 = Music_ViridianCity_Ch1.sub1
$410f = Music_ViridianCity_Ch1.sub2
$4125 = Music_ViridianCity_Ch2
$414c = Music_ViridianCity_Ch2.mainloop
$41c0 = Music_ViridianCity_Ch2.sub1
$4201 = Music_ViridianCity_Ch2.sub2
$420b = Music_ViridianCity_Ch2.sub3
$4215 = Music_ViridianCity_Ch2.sub4
$421e = Music_ViridianCity_Ch3
$4246 = Music_ViridianCity_Ch3.mainloop
$42a2 = Music_ViridianCity_Ch3.sub1
$42df = Music_ViridianCity_Ch4
$42e9 = Music_ViridianCity_Ch4.mainloop
$431d = Music_ViridianCity_Ch4.sub1
$432c = Music_ViridianCity_Ch4.sub2
$433b = Music_ViridianCity_Ch4.sub3
$434b = Music_ViridianCity_Ch4.sub4
$435b = Music_CeladonCity
$4364 = Music_CeladonCity_Ch1
$436c = Music_CeladonCity_Ch1.mainloop
$437d = Music_CeladonCity_Ch1.loop1
$43cc = Music_CeladonCity_Ch1.sub1
$43cc = Music_CeladonCity_Ch1.sub1loop1
$43e1 = Music_CeladonCity_Ch1.sub2
$43e1 = Music_CeladonCity_Ch1.sub2loop1
$43fe = Music_CeladonCity_Ch1.sub3
$43fe = Music_CeladonCity_Ch1.sub3loop1
$4406 = Music_CeladonCity_Ch2
$441a = Music_CeladonCity_Ch2.mainloop
$4463 = Music_CeladonCity_Ch2.sub1
$4474 = Music_CeladonCity_Ch2.sub2
$4492 = Music_CeladonCity_Ch3
$4495 = Music_CeladonCity_Ch3.mainloop
$44a1 = Music_CeladonCity_Ch3.loop1
$44fd = Music_CeladonCity_Ch3.sub1
$44fd = Music_CeladonCity_Ch3.sub1loop1
$4510 = Music_CeladonCity_Ch3.sub2
$4518 = Music_WildPokemonVictory
$4521 = Music_WildPokemonVictory_Ch1
$4536 = Music_WildPokemonVictory_Ch1.body
$4538 = Music_WildPokemonVictory_Ch1.mainloop
$455c = Music_WildPokemonVictory_Ch1.sub1
$4575 = Music_WildPokemonVictory_Ch2
$4585 = Music_WildPokemonVictory_Ch2.body
$4587 = Music_WildPokemonVictory_Ch2.mainloop
$45b5 = Music_WildPokemonVictory_Ch2.sub1
$45c4 = Music_WildPokemonVictory_Ch3
$45cf = Music_WildPokemonVictory_Ch3.mainloop
$45cf = Music_WildPokemonVictory_Ch3.body
$45f4 = Music_WildPokemonVictory_Ch3.sub1
$4602 = Music_SuccessfulCapture
$460b = Music_SuccessfulCapture_Ch1
$461b = Music_SuccessfulCapture_Ch2
$4626 = Music_SuccessfulCapture_Ch3
$462c = Music_GymLeaderVictory
$4638 = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch1
$4658 = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch1.loop1
$4658 = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch1.mainloop
$4689 = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch1.sub1
$46a0 = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch1.sub2
$46bd = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch2
$46d0 = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch2.mainloop
$4711 = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch2.sub1
$4720 = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch2.sub2
$4737 = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch3
$4744 = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch3.loop1
$4744 = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch3.mainloop
$479e = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch3.sub1
$47e5 = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch4
$47eb = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch4.mainloop
$47fb = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch4.loop1
$480b = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch4.sub1
$480b = Music_GymLeaderVictory_Ch4.sub1loop1
$4815 = Music_MtMoonSquare
$481b = Music_MtMoonSquare_Ch1
$4826 = Music_MtMoonSquare_Ch1.mainloop
$4829 = Music_MtMoonSquare_Ch1.loop1
$4835 = Music_MtMoonSquare_Ch1.loop2
$4841 = Music_MtMoonSquare_Ch1.loop3
$484d = Music_MtMoonSquare_Ch1.loop4
$485d = Music_MtMoonSquare_Ch2
$4862 = Music_MtMoonSquare_Ch2.mainloop
$4865 = Music_MtMoonSquare_Ch2.loop1
$4877 = Music_MtMoonSquare_Ch2.loop2
$4889 = Music_MtMoonSquare_Ch2.loop3
$489b = Music_MtMoonSquare_Ch2.loop4
$48ae = Music_Gym
$48ba = Music_Gym_Ch1
$48c9 = Music_Gym_Ch1.mainloop
$497c = Music_Gym_Ch2
$4980 = Music_Gym_Ch2.mainloop
$49e9 = Music_Gym_Ch2.sub1
$4a15 = Music_Gym_Ch2.sub2
$4a37 = Music_Gym_Ch3
$4a3c = Music_Gym_Ch3.mainloop
$4ab3 = Music_Gym_Ch3.sub1
$4ac5 = Music_Gym_Ch4
$4ac7 = Music_Gym_Ch4.mainloop
$4ae1 = Music_Gym_Ch4.loop1
$4afa = Music_Gym_Ch4.loop2
$4b0c = Music_PalletTown
$4b15 = Music_PalletTown_Ch1
$4b22 = Music_PalletTown_Ch1.mainloop
$4b59 = Music_PalletTown_Ch1.loop1
$4ba1 = Music_PalletTown_Ch2
$4ba8 = Music_PalletTown_Ch2.mainloop
$4be5 = Music_PalletTown_Ch2.loop1
$4c2a = Music_PalletTown_Ch3
$4c2d = Music_PalletTown_Ch3.mainloop
$4c9f = Music_ProfOaksPokemonTalk
$4ca9 = Music_ProfOaksPokemonTalk_Ch1
$4cc3 = Music_ProfOaksPokemonTalk_Ch1.mainloop
$4d31 = Music_ProfOaksPokemonTalk_Ch2
$4d4d = Music_ProfOaksPokemonTalk_Ch2.mainloop
$4d82 = Music_ProfOaksPokemonTalk_Ch3
$4d95 = Music_ProfOaksPokemonTalk_Ch3.mainloop
$4dea = Music_ProfOak
$4df3 = Music_ProfOak_Ch1
$4e10 = Music_ProfOak_Ch1.loop1
$4e22 = Music_ProfOak_Ch1.mainloop
$4e42 = Music_ProfOak_Ch1.sub1
$4e4d = Music_ProfOak_Ch1.sub2
$4e58 = Music_ProfOak_Ch1.sub3
$4e6c = Music_ProfOak_Ch1.sub4
$4e7e = Music_ProfOak_Ch2
$4e92 = Music_ProfOak_Ch2.loop1
$4ebf = Music_ProfOak_Ch2.mainloop
$4ef5 = Music_ProfOak_Ch3
$4f0d = Music_ProfOak_Ch3.loop1
$4f1d = Music_ProfOak_Ch3.mainloop
$4f3d = Music_ProfOak_Ch3.sub1
$4f4c = Music_ProfOak_Ch3.sub2
$4f5a = Music_ProfOak_Ch3.sub3
$4f69 = Music_ProfOak_Ch3.sub4
$4f79 = Music_LookRival
$4f85 = Music_LookRival_Ch1
$4fb1 = Music_LookRival_Ch1.mainloop
$4ff7 = Music_LookRival_Ch1.loop1
$5010 = Music_LookRival_Ch2
$502e = Music_LookRival_Ch2.mainloop
$5070 = Music_LookRival_Ch2.loop1
$5086 = Music_LookRival_Ch3
$509d = Music_LookRival_Ch3.loop1
$509d = Music_LookRival_Ch3.mainloop
$50ef = Music_LookRival_Ch3.sub1
$50f7 = Music_LookRival_Ch3.sub2
$50ff = Music_LookRival_Ch3.sub3
$5106 = Music_LookRival_Ch4
$5118 = Music_LookRival_Ch4.mainloop
$5127 = Music_AfterTheRivalFight
$5133 = Music_AfterTheRivalFight_Ch1
$5153 = Music_AfterTheRivalFight_Ch2
$516a = Music_AfterTheRivalFight_Ch3
$517a = Music_AfterTheRivalFight_Ch4
$518a = Music_Surf
$5194 = Music_Surf_Ch1
$519e = Music_Surf_Ch1.mainloop
$5233 = Music_Surf_Ch1.sub1
$5293 = Music_Surf_Ch1.sub2
$52d9 = Music_Surf_Ch1.sub3
$5317 = Music_Surf_Ch2
$5317 = Music_Surf_Ch2.mainloop
$5321 = Music_Surf_Ch2.loop1
$5333 = Music_Surf_Ch2.loop2
$53b2 = Music_Surf_Ch2.sub1
$53d6 = Music_Surf_Ch2.sub2
$53e8 = Music_Surf_Ch2.sub3
$53f3 = Music_Surf_Ch2.sub4
$5404 = Music_Surf_Ch2.sub5
$540c = Music_Surf_Ch3
$540c = Music_Surf_Ch3.mainloop
$54c8 = Music_Surf_Ch3.sub1
$54e8 = Music_NationalPark
$54f4 = Music_NationalPark_Ch1
$5504 = Music_NationalPark_Ch1.mainloop
$554a = Music_NationalPark_Ch1.sub1
$563a = Music_NationalPark_Ch1.sub2
$5652 = Music_NationalPark_Ch2
$565d = Music_NationalPark_Ch2.mainloop
$56b8 = Music_NationalPark_Ch2.sub1
$56f5 = Music_NationalPark_Ch2.sub2
$5723 = Music_NationalPark_Ch3
$572e = Music_NationalPark_Ch3.mainloop
$5756 = Music_NationalPark_Ch3.sub1
$578f = Music_NationalPark_Ch3.sub2
$57b8 = Music_NationalPark_Ch4
$57bd = Music_NationalPark_Ch4.loop1
$57bd = Music_NationalPark_Ch4.mainloop
$57c8 = Music_NationalPark_Ch4.loop2
$57e8 = Music_AzaleaTown
$57f4 = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch1
$5801 = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch1.introloop
$5816 = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch1.mainloop
$588c = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch1.sub1
$5912 = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch1.sub2
$591d = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch2
$5952 = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch2.mainloop
$59c7 = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch2.sub1
$5a08 = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch3
$5a24 = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch3.mainloop
$5a86 = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch3.sub1
$5acf = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch3.sub2
$5ae5 = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch4
$5aea = Music_AzaleaTown_Ch4.mainloop
$5b03 = Music_CherrygroveCity
$5b0f = Music_CherrygroveCity_Ch1
$5b26 = Music_CherrygroveCity_Ch1.mainloop
$5b74 = Music_CherrygroveCity_Ch2
$5b87 = Music_CherrygroveCity_Ch2.mainloop
$5bd8 = Music_CherrygroveCity_Ch3
$5be4 = Music_CherrygroveCity_Ch3.mainloop
$5c48 = Music_CherrygroveCity_Ch4
$5c4d = Music_CherrygroveCity_Ch4.mainloop
$5c60 = Music_UnionCave
$5c6c = Music_UnionCave_Ch1
$5c7b = Music_UnionCave_Ch1.mainloop
$5c7e = Music_UnionCave_Ch1.loop1
$5c85 = Music_UnionCave_Ch1.loop2
$5c91 = Music_UnionCave_Ch1.loop3
$5ccf = Music_UnionCave_Ch1.sub1
$5cd5 = Music_UnionCave_Ch2
$5cda = Music_UnionCave_Ch2.mainloop
$5d34 = Music_UnionCave_Ch2.sub1
$5d52 = Music_UnionCave_Ch2.sub2
$5d58 = Music_UnionCave_Ch3
$5d5d = Music_UnionCave_Ch3.loop1
$5d5d = Music_UnionCave_Ch3.mainloop
$5d65 = Music_UnionCave_Ch3.loop2
$5d73 = Music_UnionCave_Ch3.loop3
$5d8d = Music_UnionCave_Ch3.loop4
$5d9c = Music_UnionCave_Ch3.loop5
$5da5 = Music_UnionCave_Ch4
$5da9 = Music_UnionCave_Ch4.mainloop
$5dc5 = Music_JohtoWildBattle
$5dce = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch1
$5ddb = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch1.body
$5e2d = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch1.mainloop
$5ea2 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch2
$5eb2 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch2.body
$5ed1 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch2.mainloop
$5f5d = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch2.sub1
$5f91 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3
$5f94 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.body
$5fc6 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.loop1
$5fdb = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.loop2
$5fdb = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.mainloop
$5fe8 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.loop3
$5ff0 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.loop4
$6006 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.loop5
$6027 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.loop6
$602d = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.loop7
$6039 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.loop8
$603f = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.loop9
$6047 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.loop10
$6055 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.sub1
$6055 = Music_JohtoWildBattle_Ch3.sub1loop1
$605c = Music_JohtoWildBattleNight
$6065 = Music_JohtoWildBattleNight_Ch1
$6076 = Music_JohtoWildBattleNight_Ch2
$608f = Music_JohtoWildBattleNight_Ch3
$6096 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle
$609f = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch1
$6102 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch1.mainloop
$61bd = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch1.loop1
$629f = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch1.sub1
$62b3 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch2
$632a = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch2.mainloop
$635a = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch2.loop1
$6376 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch2.loop2
$63dd = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch2.loop3
$649a = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch2.sub1
$64a3 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch2.sub2
$64b6 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch2.sub3
$64be = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch2.sub4
$64d2 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch2.sub5
$64de = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3
$6501 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.loop1
$6531 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.mainloop
$6591 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.loop2
$65ac = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.loop3
$65b4 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.loop4
$65c0 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.loop5
$65c6 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.loop6
$65ce = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.loop7
$661e = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.loop8
$6624 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.loop9
$6630 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.loop10
$6636 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.loop11
$6676 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.sub1
$6681 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.sub2
$6692 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.sub3
$669d = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.sub4
$669d = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.sub4loop1
$66a5 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.sub5
$66a5 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.sub5loop1
$66ac = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.sub6
$66ac = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.sub6loop1
$66b4 = Music_JohtoTrainerBattle_Ch3.sub7
$66c3 = Music_LookYoungster
$66cc = Music_LookYoungster_Ch1
$66ea = Music_LookYoungster_Ch1.mainloop
$670f = Music_LookYoungster_Ch2
$672f = Music_LookYoungster_Ch2.mainloop
$6784 = Music_LookYoungster_Ch3
$67ae = Music_LookYoungster_Ch3.mainloop
$6811 = Music_TinTower
$681d = Music_TinTower_Ch1
$682a = Music_TinTower_Ch1.mainloop
$688b = Music_TinTower_Ch2
$6893 = Music_TinTower_Ch2.mainloop
$6895 = Music_TinTower_Ch2.loop1
$68f8 = Music_TinTower_Ch3
$68fb = Music_TinTower_Ch3.mainloop
$6948 = Music_TinTower_Ch4
$694c = Music_TinTower_Ch4.mainloop
$6974 = Music_SproutTower
$6980 = Music_SproutTower_Ch1
$6994 = Music_SproutTower_Ch1.mainloop
$69c8 = Music_SproutTower_Ch2
$69dc = Music_SproutTower_Ch2.mainloop
$6a25 = Music_SproutTower_Ch3
$6a3e = Music_SproutTower_Ch3.mainloop
$6a7a = Music_SproutTower_Ch4
$6a7f = Music_SproutTower_Ch4.mainloop
$6a99 = Music_BurnedTower
$6aa5 = Music_BurnedTower_Ch1
$6ac8 = Music_BurnedTower_Ch1.loop1
$6ad8 = Music_BurnedTower_Ch1.mainloop
$6b17 = Music_BurnedTower_Ch1.loop2
$6b29 = Music_BurnedTower_Ch2
$6b39 = Music_BurnedTower_Ch2.mainloop
$6b8e = Music_BurnedTower_Ch2.sub1
$6ba2 = Music_BurnedTower_Ch3
$6bad = Music_BurnedTower_Ch3.loop1
$6bad = Music_BurnedTower_Ch3.mainloop
$6bc3 = Music_BurnedTower_Ch3.loop2
$6bdd = Music_BurnedTower_Ch4
$6be1 = Music_BurnedTower_Ch4.loop1
$6be7 = Music_BurnedTower_Ch4.mainloop
$6bf2 = Music_Mom
$6bfb = Music_Mom_Ch2
$6c0e = Music_Mom_Ch2.mainloop
$6c20 = Music_Mom_Ch3
$6c2e = Music_Mom_Ch3.mainloop
$6c51 = Music_Mom_Ch4
$6c56 = Music_Mom_Ch4.mainloop
$6c72 = Music_VictoryRoad
$6c7e = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch1
$6c8d = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch1.loop1
$6c8d = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch1.mainloop
$6c94 = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch1.loop2
$6cae = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch1.loop3
$6cb9 = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch1.sub1
$6cce = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch2
$6cd3 = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch2.mainloop
$6d1e = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch2.sub1
$6d2c = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch3
$6d31 = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch3.loop1
$6d31 = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch3.mainloop
$6d38 = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch3.loop2
$6d47 = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch3.loop3
$6d52 = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch3.sub1
$6d5f = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch4
$6d63 = Music_VictoryRoad_Ch4.mainloop
$6d79 = Music_PokemonLullaby
$6d82 = Music_PokemonLullaby_Ch1
$6d8c = Music_PokemonLullaby_Ch1.mainloop
$6dc4 = Music_PokemonLullaby_Ch2
$6dcc = Music_PokemonLullaby_Ch2.mainloop
$6e03 = Music_PokemonLullaby_Ch3
$6e06 = Music_PokemonLullaby_Ch3.mainloop
$6e23 = Music_PokemonMarch
$6e2f = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch1
$6e4c = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch1.mainloop
$6eae = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch1.sub1
$6eb8 = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch1.sub2
$6ec1 = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch2
$6ece = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch2.mainloop
$6f4d = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch3
$6f56 = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch3.mainloop
$6f7b = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch3.loop1
$6fe8 = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch3.sub1
$6ffa = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch4
$7003 = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch4.mainloop
$7042 = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch4.sub1
$704c = Music_PokemonMarch_Ch4.sub2
$7055 = Music_GoldSilverOpening
$705e = Music_GoldSilverOpening_Ch1
$70f8 = Music_GoldSilverOpening_Ch2
$71c8 = Music_GoldSilverOpening_Ch3
$7308 = Music_GoldSilverOpening2
$7314 = Music_GoldSilverOpening2_Ch1
$7325 = Music_GoldSilverOpening2_Ch1.loop1
$7358 = Music_GoldSilverOpening2_Ch2
$739c = Music_GoldSilverOpening2_Ch3
$73ea = Music_GoldSilverOpening2_Ch4
$73f8 = Music_GoldSilverOpening2_Ch4.loop1
$7411 = Music_LookHiker
$741d = Music_LookHiker_Ch1
$7433 = Music_LookHiker_Ch1.mainloop
$7443 = Music_LookHiker_Ch2
$7457 = Music_LookHiker_Ch2.mainloop
$746b = Music_LookHiker_Ch3
$7477 = Music_LookHiker_Ch3.mainloop
$748a = Music_LookHiker_Ch3.sub1
$7494 = Music_LookHiker_Ch4
$749a = Music_LookHiker_Ch4.mainloop
$74a2 = Music_LookRocket
$74ae = Music_LookRocket_Ch1
$74c7 = Music_LookRocket_Ch1.mainloop
$74e6 = Music_LookRocket_Ch1.sub1
$74f7 = Music_LookRocket_Ch1.sub2
$750c = Music_LookRocket_Ch1.sub3
$7514 = Music_LookRocket_Ch2
$7526 = Music_LookRocket_Ch2.mainloop
$7547 = Music_LookRocket_Ch2.sub1
$7554 = Music_LookRocket_Ch2.sub2
$7568 = Music_LookRocket_Ch2.sub3
$756f = Music_LookRocket_Ch2.sub4
$758a = Music_LookRocket_Ch2.sub5
$7597 = Music_LookRocket_Ch3
$75a5 = Music_LookRocket_Ch3.mainloop
$75bf = Music_LookRocket_Ch3.sub1
$75cc = Music_LookRocket_Ch3.sub2
$75e1 = Music_LookRocket_Ch3.sub3
$75fe = Music_LookRocket_Ch3.sub4
$7623 = Music_LookRocket_Ch3.sub5
$7638 = Music_LookRocket_Ch4
$7640 = Music_LookRocket_Ch4.mainloop
$765c = Music_LookRocket_Ch4.sub1
$7664 = Music_LookRocket_Ch4.sub2
$766d = Music_RocketTheme
$7679 = Music_RocketTheme_Ch1
$768b = Music_RocketTheme_Ch1.mainloop
$76ef = Music_RocketTheme_Ch1.loop1
$7701 = Music_RocketTheme_Ch1.loop2
$7707 = Music_RocketTheme_Ch1.loop3
$770d = Music_RocketTheme_Ch1.loop4
$7713 = Music_RocketTheme_Ch1.loop5
$7727 = Music_RocketTheme_Ch1.sub1
$773e = Music_RocketTheme_Ch2
$774b = Music_RocketTheme_Ch2.mainloop
$7800 = Music_RocketTheme_Ch2.sub1
$781c = Music_RocketTheme_Ch2.sub2
$7826 = Music_RocketTheme_Ch3
$782f = Music_RocketTheme_Ch3.mainloop
$78be = Music_RocketTheme_Ch4
$78c3 = Music_RocketTheme_Ch4.mainloop
$78de = Music_RocketTheme_Ch4.loop1
$78fd = Music_MainMenu
$7909 = Music_MainMenu_Ch1
$791d = Music_MainMenu_Ch1.loop1
$791d = Music_MainMenu_Ch1.mainloop
$7940 = Music_MainMenu_Ch2
$7949 = Music_MainMenu_Ch2.loop1
$7949 = Music_MainMenu_Ch2.mainloop
$7969 = Music_MainMenu_Ch3
$796f = Music_MainMenu_Ch3.loop1
$796f = Music_MainMenu_Ch3.mainloop
$7996 = Music_MainMenu_Ch4
$79a5 = Music_MainMenu_Ch4.mainloop
$79b8 = Music_LookKimonoGirl
$79c2 = Music_LookKimonoGirl_Ch1
$79d7 = Music_LookKimonoGirl_Ch1.mainloop
$7a13 = Music_LookKimonoGirl_Ch1.sub1
$7a34 = Music_LookKimonoGirl_Ch1.sub2
$7a55 = Music_LookKimonoGirl_Ch2
$7a5f = Music_LookKimonoGirl_Ch2.mainloop
$7a94 = Music_LookKimonoGirl_Ch2.sub1
$7aa8 = Music_LookKimonoGirl_Ch2.sub2
$7ad4 = Music_LookKimonoGirl_Ch3
$7aec = Music_LookKimonoGirl_Ch3.mainloop
$7b13 = Music_PokeFluteChannel
$7b1c = Music_PokeFluteChannel_Ch1
$7b40 = Music_PokeFluteChannel_Ch1.mainloop
$7b68 = Music_PokeFluteChannel_Ch2
$7b94 = Music_PokeFluteChannel_Ch2.mainloop
$7bd5 = Music_PokeFluteChannel_Ch3
$7be1 = Music_PokeFluteChannel_Ch3.mainloop
$7c05 = Music_PokeFluteChannel_Ch3.sub1
$7c16 = Music_BugCatchingContest
$7c22 = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch1
$7c4b = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch1.mainloop
$7c4e = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch1.loop1
$7c55 = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch1.loop2
$7c6b = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch1.loop3
$7c8e = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch1.loop4
$7cf4 = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch2
$7cff = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch2.loop5
$7d0a = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch2.mainloop
$7d8e = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch2.sub1
$7db7 = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch3
$7dda = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch3.mainloop
$7e9a = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch4
$7eaf = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch4.loop1
$7eaf = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch4.mainloop
$7ee2 = Music_BugCatchingContest_Ch4.sub1
EMPTY: $7ef3-$7fff ($010d bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $010d bytes
ROMX bank #62:
SECTION: $4000-$7e90 ($3e91 bytes) ["bank3E"]
$4000 = FontExtra
$4200 = Font
$4600 = FontBattleExtra
$4800 = Frames
$49b0 = StatsScreenPageTilesGFX
$4ac0 = EnemyHPBarBorderGFX
$4ae0 = HPExpBarBorderGFX
$4b10 = ExpBarGFX
$4ba0 = TownMapGFX
$4ea4 = UnusedWeekdayKanjiGFX
$4f24 = PokegearPhoneIconGFX
$4f34 = UnusedBoldFontGFX
$5204 = TextboxSpaceGFX
$5214 = FontsExtra_SolidBlackGFX
$521c = UnusedUpArrowGFX
$5234 = MobilePhoneTilesGFX
$5344 = MapEntryFrameGFX
$5424 = FontsExtra2_UpArrowGFX
$5434 = Footprints
$7434 = EnableHDMAForGraphics
$7435 = Get1bppOptionalHDMA
$743f = Get2bppOptionalHDMA
$7449 = _LoadStandardFont
$748a = _LoadFontsExtra1
$74b0 = _LoadFontsExtra2
$74be = _LoadFontsBattleExtra
$74cc = LoadFrame
$74f2 = LoadBattleFontsHPBar
$750d = LoadHPBar
$753e = StatsScreen_LoadFont
$7571 = LoadStatsScreenPageTilesGFX
$757e = ValidateOTTrademon
$759c = ValidateOTTrademon.matching_or_egg
$75d9 = ValidateOTTrademon.normal
$75db = ValidateOTTrademon.abnormal
$75dd = CheckAnyOtherAliveMonsForTrade
$75e7 = CheckAnyOtherAliveMonsForTrade.loop
$75f8 = CheckAnyOtherAliveMonsForTrade.next
$760b = CheckAnyOtherAliveMonsForTrade.done
$760d = PlaceTradePartnerNamesAndParty
$7634 = PlaceTradePartnerNamesAndParty.PlaceSpeciesNames
$7636 = PlaceTradePartnerNamesAndParty.loop
$7656 = KantoMonSpecials
$76ed = _NameRater
$776c = _NameRater.samename
$7779 = _NameRater.traded
$777e = _NameRater.cancel
$7783 = _NameRater.egg
$7786 = _NameRater.done
$778a = CheckIfMonIsYourOT
$77b1 = CheckIfMonIsYourOT.loop
$77bc = CheckIfMonIsYourOT.nope
$77be = IsNewNameEmpty
$77c3 = IsNewNameEmpty.loop
$77cf = IsNewNameEmpty.terminator
$77d1 = IsNewNameEmpty.nonspace
$77d3 = CompareNewToOld
$77f2 = CompareNewToOld.loop
$77fe = CompareNewToOld.different
$7800 = CompareNewToOld.terminator
$7802 = GetNicknamenameLength
$7804 = GetNicknamenameLength.loop
$780f = NameRaterHelloText
$7814 = NameRaterWhichMonText
$7819 = NameRaterBetterNameText
$781e = NameRaterWhatNameText
$7823 = NameRaterFinishedText
$7828 = NameRaterComeAgainText
$782d = NameRaterPerfectNameText
$7832 = NameRaterEggText
$7837 = NameRaterSameNameText
$783c = NameRaterNamedText
$7841 = PlaySlowCry
$7876 = PlaySlowCry.done
$7877 = NewPokedexEntry
$78c8 = NewPokedexEntry.ReturnFromDexRegistration
$78f1 = ConvertMon_2to1
$78fc = ConvertMon_2to1.loop
$7908 = ConvertMon_1to2
$791c = Pokered_MonIndices
$7a18 = UpdateUnownDex
$7a21 = UpdateUnownDex.loop
$7a2b = UpdateUnownDex.done
$7a2e = PrintUnownWord
$7a52 = PrintUnownWord.loop
$7a5a = UnownWords
$7a90 = UnownWordA
$7a96 = UnownWordB
$7a9b = UnownWordC
$7aa1 = UnownWordD
$7aa8 = UnownWordE
$7aaf = UnownWordF
$7ab4 = UnownWordG
$7ab9 = UnownWordH
$7abe = UnownWordI
$7ac7 = UnownWordJ
$7acc = UnownWordK
$7ad1 = UnownWordL
$7ad7 = UnownWordM
$7adc = UnownWordN
$7ae3 = UnownWordO
$7aeb = UnownWordP
$7af3 = UnownWordQ
$7afb = UnownWordR
$7b04 = UnownWordS
$7b0b = UnownWordT
$7b10 = UnownWordU
$7b15 = UnownWordV
$7b1c = UnownWordW
$7b21 = UnownWordX
$7b27 = UnownWordY
$7b2d = UnownWordZ
$7b32 = CheckMagikarpLength
$7b98 = CheckMagikarpLength.not_long_enough
$7b9e = CheckMagikarpLength.declined
$7ba4 = CheckMagikarpLength.not_magikarp
$7ba9 = CheckMagikarpLength.MagikarpGuruMeasureText
$7bae = Magikarp_LoadFeetInchesChars
$7bbb = Magikarp_LoadFeetInchesChars.feetinchchars
$7bdb = PrintMagikarpLength
$7bfc = CalcMagikarpLength
$7c21 = CalcMagikarpLength.no
$7c29 = CalcMagikarpLength.read
$7c63 = CalcMagikarpLength.next
$7c78 = CalcMagikarpLength.done
$7c83 = CalcMagikarpLength.div_254
$7c89 = CalcMagikarpLength.mod_12
$7c92 = CalcMagikarpLength.ok
$7c9a = CalcMagikarpLength.BCLessThanDE
$7ca1 = CalcMagikarpLength.BCMinusDE
$7ca8 = MagikarpLengths
$7cd2 = MagikarpHouseSign
$7ce8 = MagikarpHouseSign.KarpGuruRecordText
$7ced = HiddenPowerDamage
$7cf8 = HiddenPowerDamage.got_dvs
$7d41 = HiddenPowerDamage.done
$7d54 = _DisappearUser
$7d61 = _DisappearUser.player
$7d64 = _DisappearUser.okay
$7d69 = _AppearUserRaiseSub
$7d71 = _AppearUserLowerSub
$7d77 = AppearUser
$7d85 = AppearUser.player
$7d8a = AppearUser.okay
$7d91 = FinishAppearDisappearUser
$7d96 = GetEnemyFrontpicCoords
$7d9d = GetPlayerBackpicCoords
$7da4 = DoWeatherModifiers
$7daf = DoWeatherModifiers.CheckWeatherType
$7dbc = DoWeatherModifiers.NextWeatherType
$7dc0 = DoWeatherModifiers.done_weather_types
$7dc9 = DoWeatherModifiers.CheckWeatherMove
$7dd6 = DoWeatherModifiers.NextWeatherMove
$7dda = DoWeatherModifiers.ApplyModifier
$7e0a = DoWeatherModifiers.Update
$7e12 = DoWeatherModifiers.done
$7e13 = WeatherTypeModifiers
$7e20 = WeatherMoveModifiers
$7e24 = DoBadgeTypeBoosts
$7e3f = DoBadgeTypeBoosts.CheckBadge
$7e50 = DoBadgeTypeBoosts.NextBadge
$7e53 = DoBadgeTypeBoosts.ApplyBoost
$7e6f = DoBadgeTypeBoosts.done_min
$7e75 = DoBadgeTypeBoosts.Update
$7e7d = DoBadgeTypeBoosts.done
$7e80 = BadgeTypeBoosts
EMPTY: $7e91-$7fff ($016f bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $016f bytes
ROMX bank #63:
SECTION: $4000-$51d1 ($11d2 bytes) ["bank3F"]
$4000 = _AnimateTileset
$401b = Tileset0Anim
$401b = TilesetJohtoModernAnim
$401b = TilesetKantoAnim
$4047 = TilesetParkAnim
$4073 = TilesetForestAnim
$40a3 = TilesetJohtoAnim
$40d7 = UnusedTilesetAnim1
$4103 = UnusedTilesetAnim2
$412f = TilesetPortAnim
$415f = TilesetEliteFourRoomAnim
$417f = UnusedTilesetAnim3
$41af = UnusedTilesetAnim4
$41e7 = TilesetCaveAnim
$41e7 = TilesetDarkCaveAnim
$4233 = TilesetIcePathAnim
$427f = TilesetTowerAnim
$42bf = UnusedTilesetAnim5
$42e7 = TilesetBattleTowerOutsideAnim
$42e7 = TilesetHouseAnim
$42e7 = TilesetPlayersHouseAnim
$42e7 = TilesetPokecenterAnim
$42e7 = TilesetGateAnim
$42e7 = TilesetLabAnim
$42e7 = TilesetFacilityAnim
$42e7 = TilesetMartAnim
$42e7 = TilesetMansionAnim
$42e7 = TilesetGameCornerAnim
$42e7 = TilesetTraditionalHouseAnim
$42e7 = TilesetTrainStationAnim
$42e7 = TilesetChampionsRoomAnim
$42e7 = TilesetLighthouseAnim
$42e7 = TilesetPlayersRoomAnim
$42e7 = TilesetPokeComCenterAnim
$42e7 = TilesetBattleTowerInsideAnim
$42e7 = TilesetRuinsOfAlphAnim
$42e7 = TilesetRadioTowerAnim
$42e7 = TilesetUndergroundAnim
$42e7 = TilesetBetaWordRoomAnim
$42e7 = TilesetHoOhWordRoomAnim
$42e7 = TilesetKabutoWordRoomAnim
$42e7 = TilesetOmanyteWordRoomAnim
$42e7 = TilesetAerodactylWordRoomAnim
$42fb = DoneTileAnimation
$42fe = WaitTileAnimation
$42ff = StandingTileFrame8
$4309 = ScrollTileRightLeft
$4318 = ScrollTileUpDown
$4327 = ScrollTileLeft
$432b = ScrollTileLeft.loop
$433b = ScrollTileRight
$433f = ScrollTileRight.loop
$434f = ScrollTileUp
$435a = ScrollTileUp.loop
$436a = ScrollTileDown
$4377 = ScrollTileDown.loop
$4387 = AnimateFountainTile
$4399 = AnimateFountainTile.okay
$43a2 = AnimateFountainTile.FountainTileFramePointers
$43b2 = AnimateFountainTile.FountainTile1
$43c2 = AnimateFountainTile.FountainTile2
$43d2 = AnimateFountainTile.FountainTile3
$43e2 = AnimateFountainTile.FountainTile4
$43f2 = AnimateFountainTile.FountainTile5
$4402 = AnimateWaterTile
$441c = AnimateWaterTile.WaterTileFrames
$445c = ForestTreeLeftAnimation
$446c = ForestTreeLeftAnimation.do_animation
$447d = ForestTreeLeftAnimation.got_frames
$4484 = ForestTreeLeftFrames
$44a4 = ForestTreeRightFrames
$44c4 = ForestTreeRightAnimation
$44d4 = ForestTreeRightAnimation.do_animation
$44eb = ForestTreeRightAnimation.got_frames
$44f2 = ForestTreeLeftAnimation2
$4502 = ForestTreeLeftAnimation2.do_animation
$4515 = ForestTreeLeftAnimation2.got_frames
$451c = ForestTreeRightAnimation2
$452c = ForestTreeRightAnimation2.do_animation
$4545 = ForestTreeRightAnimation2.got_frames
$454c = GetForestTreeFrame
$4567 = GetForestTreeFrame.odd
$456b = GetForestTreeFrame.even
$456d = AnimateFlowerTile
$458c = AnimateFlowerTile.FlowerTileFrames
$45cc = AnimateLavaBubbleTile1
$45eb = AnimateLavaBubbleTile2
$4605 = LavaBubbleTileFrames
$4645 = AnimateTowerPillarTile
$466b = AnimateTowerPillarTile.TowerPillarTileFrameOffsets
$4673 = StandingTileFrame
$4678 = AnimateWhirlpoolTile
$4696 = WriteTileFromAnimBuffer
$46a2 = ReadTileToAnimBuffer
$46ac = WriteTile
$46d7 = AnimateWaterPalette
$4706 = AnimateWaterPalette.color0
$4711 = AnimateWaterPalette.color2
$471a = AnimateWaterPalette.end
$471e = FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette
$4743 = FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette.color1
$4746 = FlickeringCaveEntrancePalette.okay
$4750 = TowerPillarTilePointer1
$4754 = TowerPillarTilePointer2
$4758 = TowerPillarTilePointer3
$475c = TowerPillarTilePointer4
$4760 = TowerPillarTilePointer5
$4764 = TowerPillarTilePointer6
$4768 = TowerPillarTilePointer7
$476c = TowerPillarTilePointer8
$4770 = TowerPillarTilePointer9
$4774 = TowerPillarTilePointer10
$4778 = TowerPillarTile1
$47c8 = TowerPillarTile2
$4818 = TowerPillarTile3
$4868 = TowerPillarTile4
$48b8 = TowerPillarTile5
$4908 = TowerPillarTile6
$4958 = TowerPillarTile7
$49a8 = TowerPillarTile8
$49f8 = TowerPillarTile9
$4a48 = TowerPillarTile10
$4a98 = WhirlpoolFrames1
$4a9c = WhirlpoolFrames2
$4aa0 = WhirlpoolFrames3
$4aa4 = WhirlpoolFrames4
$4aa8 = WhirlpoolTiles1
$4ae8 = WhirlpoolTiles2
$4b28 = WhirlpoolTiles3
$4b68 = WhirlpoolTiles4
$4ba8 = NPCTrade
$4c03 = NPCTrade.done
$4c07 = NPCTrade.TradeAnimation
$4c23 = CheckTradeGender
$4c3e = CheckTradeGender.check_male
$4c46 = CheckTradeGender.matching
$4c48 = CheckTradeGender.not_matching
$4c4a = TradeFlagAction
$4c59 = Trade_GetDialog
$4c63 = DoNPCTrade
$4ce6 = DoNPCTrade.okay
$4d1c = DoNPCTrade.incomplete
$4dc2 = GetTradeAttr
$4dd7 = Trade_GetAttributeOfCurrentPartymon
$4dde = Trade_GetAttributeOfLastPartymon
$4de8 = GetTradeMonName
$4df4 = CopyTradeName
$4dfb = Trade_CopyFourCharString
$4e05 = Trade_CopyThreeCharString
$4e0f = Trade_CopyTwoBytes
$4e15 = Trade_CopyTwoBytesReverseEndian
$4e1b = GetTradeMonNames
$4e3c = GetTradeMonNames.loop
$4e54 = GetTradeMonNames.done
$4e58 = NPCTrades
$4f38 = PrintTradeText
$4f53 = TradeTexts
$4f7b = NPCTradeCableText
$4f80 = TradedForText
$4f92 = TradedForText.done
$4f97 = NPCTradeIntroText1
$4f9c = NPCTradeCancelText1
$4fa1 = NPCTradeWrongText1
$4fa6 = NPCTradeCompleteText1
$4fab = NPCTradeAfterText1
$4fb0 = NPCTradeIntroText2
$4fb5 = NPCTradeCancelText2
$4fba = NPCTradeWrongText2
$4fbf = NPCTradeCompleteText2
$4fc4 = NPCTradeAfterText2
$4fc9 = NPCTradeIntroText3
$4fce = NPCTradeCancelText3
$4fd3 = NPCTradeWrongText3
$4fd8 = NPCTradeCompleteText3
$4fdd = NPCTradeAfterText3
$4fe2 = NPCTradeCompleteText4
$4fe7 = NPCTradeAfterText4
$4fec = MomTriesToBuySomething
$500f = MomTriesToBuySomething.Script
$5017 = MomTriesToBuySomething.ASMFunction
$5027 = MomTriesToBuySomething.ok
$5044 = CheckBalance_MomItem2
$5065 = CheckBalance_MomItem2.nope
$5067 = CheckBalance_MomItem2.have_enough_money
$5069 = CheckBalance_MomItem2.check_have_2300
$5074 = CheckBalance_MomItem2.loop
$5089 = CheckBalance_MomItem2.less_than
$508b = CheckBalance_MomItem2.exact
$5099 = CheckBalance_MomItem2.AddMoney
$50a6 = MomBuysItem_DeductFunds
$50c3 = Mom_GiveItemOrDoll
$50db = Mom_GiveItemOrDoll.not_doll
$50eb = Mom_GetScriptPointer
$50fd = Mom_GetScriptPointer.ItemScript
$510a = Mom_GetScriptPointer.DollScript
$5117 = GetItemFromMom
$5123 = GetItemFromMom.zero
$512b = GetItemFromMom.ok
$512e = GetItemFromMom.GetFromList1
$5136 = MomItems_1
$515e = MomItems_2
$515e = MomItems_1.End
$51ae = MomItems_2.End
$51b1 = MomHiHowAreYouText
$51b6 = MomFoundAnItemText
$51bb = MomBoughtWithYourMoneyText
$51c0 = MomItsInPCText
$51c5 = MomFoundADollText
$51ca = MomItsInYourRoomText
$51cf = DummyPredef3A_DummyData
$51d0 = DummyPredef3A
$51d1 = DummyPredef3A_DummyFunction
EMPTY: $51d2-$7fff ($2e2e bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $2e2e bytes
ROMX bank #64:
SECTION: $4000-$789c ($389d bytes) ["mobile40"]
$4000 = Function100000
$4022 = Function100022
$4057 = Function100057
$4063 = SetRAMStateForMobile
$4082 = EnableMobile
$40a4 = DisableMobile
$40ba = Function1000ba
$40ba = Function1000ba.loop
$40e8 = Function1000e8
$40fa = Function1000fa
$4117 = Function1000fa.asm_100117
$4144 = Function100144
$4155 = Function100144.asm_100155
$4163 = Function100163
$416f = Function10016f
$41af = Function10016f.asm_1001af
$41b6 = Function10016f.asm_1001b6
$41bd = Function10016f.asm_1001bd
$41c4 = Function10016f.asm_1001c4
$41cb = Function10016f.asm_1001cb
$41d2 = Function10016f.asm_1001d2
$41d7 = Function10016f.asm_1001d7
$41e6 = Function10016f.asm_1001e6
$41e7 = Function10016f.asm_1001e7
$41ee = Function10016f.asm_1001ee
$41f5 = Function10016f.asm_1001f5
$420b = Function10020b
$4232 = Function100232
$424d = String10024d
$425e = String10025e
$4276 = Function100276
$4293 = Function100276.asm_100293
$4296 = Function100276.asm_100296
$429f = Function100276.asm_10029f
$42a5 = Function100276.asm_1002a5
$42b1 = Function100276.asm_1002b1
$42c0 = Function100276.asm_1002c0
$42c9 = Function1002c9
$42dc = Function1002dc
$42ed = Function1002ed
$4301 = Function100301
$4320 = Function100320
$4327 = Function100327
$432e = Function10032e
$4337 = Function100337
$4345 = Function100337.asm_100345
$434d = Function10034d
$4364 = Function10034d.asm_100364
$4366 = Function10034d.asm_100366
$436a = Function10034d.asm_10036a
$437e = Function10034d.asm_10037e
$4382 = Function100382
$438a = Function10038a
$4393 = Function100393
$439c = Function10039c
$43ab = Function1003ab
$43ba = Function1003ba
$43c9 = Function1003c9
$43d8 = Function1003d8
$43f5 = Function1003f5
$4406 = Function100406
$4426 = Function100406.asm_100426
$442d = Function100406.asm_10042d
$4432 = Function100406.asm_100432
$443a = Function10043a
$443f = Function10043a.asm_10043f
$444e = Jumptable_10044e
$446a = Function10046a
$447c = Function10047c
$4487 = Function10047c.asm_100487
$448d = Function10047c.asm_10048d
$4493 = Function100493
$4495 = Function100495
$4497 = asm_100497
$44a4 = Function1004a4
$44b8 = Function1004a4.asm_1004b8
$44ba = Function1004ba
$44c8 = Function1004ba.asm_1004c8
$44ce = Function1004ce
$44de = Function1004de
$44e9 = Function1004e9
$44f4 = Function1004f4
$4504 = Function100504
$4513 = Function100513
$4522 = Function100522
$452a = Jumptable_10052a
$4534 = Function100534
$4545 = Function100545
$454d = Function10054d
$4565 = Function10054d.asm_100565
$456f = Function10054d.asm_10056f
$4579 = Function100579
$4581 = Jumptable_100581
$4585 = Function100585
$4597 = Function100597
$45a6 = Function100597.asm_1005a6
$45b2 = MenuHeader_1005b2
$45ba = MenuData_1005ba
$45c3 = Function1005c3
$45cb = Jumptable_1005cb
$45cf = Function1005cf
$45e1 = Function1005e1
$45f0 = Function1005e1.asm_1005f0
$45fc = MenuHeader_1005fc
$4604 = MenuData_100604
$460d = Mobile_CommunicationStandby
$4621 = Mobile_CommunicationStandby.String
$462d = AdvanceMobileInactivityTimerAndCheckExpired
$463a = AdvanceMobileInactivityTimerAndCheckExpired.timed_out
$4641 = StartMobileInactivityTimer
$464c = IncrementMobileInactivityTimerBy1Frame
$464e = IncrementMobileInactivityTimerByCFrames
$4658 = IncrementMobileInactivityTimerByCFrames.seconds
$4661 = IncrementMobileInactivityTimerByCFrames.minutes
$4665 = Function100665
$4675 = Function100675
$4681 = Function100681
$4694 = Function100681.asm_100694
$4697 = Function100697
$46b4 = Function100697.asm_1006b4
$46bb = Function100697.asm_1006bb
$46c2 = String1006c2
$46c6 = String1006c6
$46ca = String1006ca
$46d3 = Function1006d3
$46dc = Function1006dc
$46e5 = Function1006dc.asm_1006e5
$46f0 = Function1006dc.asm_1006f0
$46fb = Function1006dc.asm_1006fb
$46fd = MobileBattleResetTimer
$470d = MobileBattleFixTimer
$4720 = Function100720
$4754 = Function100754
$4772 = Function100772
$478c = Function100772.asm_10078c
$479a = Function100772.asm_10079a
$479c = Function10079c
$47be = Function10079c.overflow
$47e5 = Function10079c.quit
$47f4 = Function10079c.dont_quit
$47f6 = Function1007f6
$4826 = Function100826
$4830 = Function100826.asm_100830
$483c = Function100826.asm_10083c
$4846 = Function100846
$4858 = Function100846.asm_100858
$487c = Function100846.asm_10087c
$488e = String_10088e
$489f = String_10089f
$48a6 = MobileBattleGetRemainingTime
$48c8 = MobileBattleGetRemainingTime.no_carry_seconds
$48da = MobileBattleGetRemainingTime.fail
$48e0 = Function1008e0
$4902 = Function100902
$493f = Function100902.asm_10093f
$495a = Function100902.string_10095a
$4966 = Function100902.string_100966
$4970 = Function100970
$4989 = Function100989
$49a5 = Function1009a5
$49ae = Function1009ae
$49bf = Function1009ae.loop_row
$49c0 = Function1009ae.loop_col
$49d2 = Function1009d2
$49f3 = Function1009f3
$4a07 = Function1009f3.select_a
$4a09 = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction
$4a2a = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.not_mobile
$4a2d = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.done
$4a2e = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.StageForSend
$4a48 = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.switch
$4a4f = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.struggle
$4a50 = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.use_move
$4a53 = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.LinkBattle_SendReceiveAction
$4a5e = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.waiting
$4a6c = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.receive
$4a77 = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.acknowledge
$4a87 = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.MobileBattle_SendReceiveAction
$4a92 = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.asm_100a92
$4ac7 = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.asm_100ac7
$4ace = _LinkBattleSendReceiveAction.asm_100ace
$4acf = Function100acf
$4adb = Function100acf.asm_100adb
$4ae7 = Function100ae7
$4aed = Function100ae7.asm_100aed
$4af8 = Function100ae7.asm_100af8
$4aff = Function100ae7.asm_100aff
$4b0a = Unknown_100b0a
$4b12 = Mobile_LoadBattleMenu
$4b45 = Function100b45
$4b48 = Function100b45.loop
$4b6b = Function100b45.asm_100b6b
$4b7a = Function100b7a
$4b9f = Mobile_MoveSelectionScreen
$4bc2 = Mobile_MoveSelectionScreen.GetMoveSelection
$4bcb = Mobile_MoveSelectionScreen.master_loop
$4bd1 = Mobile_MoveSelectionScreen.loop
$4bff = Mobile_MoveSelectionScreen.d_up
$4c10 = Mobile_MoveSelectionScreen.d_down
$4c25 = Mobile_MoveSelectionScreen.b_button
$4c30 = Mobile_MoveSelectionScreen.a_button
$4c63 = Mobile_MoveSelectionScreen.move_disabled
$4c68 = Mobile_MoveSelectionScreen.no_pp_left
$4c6b = Mobile_MoveSelectionScreen.print_text
$4c74 = Mobile_MoveSelectionScreen.ListMoves
$4c98 = Function100c98
$4cad = Function100c98.data
$4cb5 = Mobile_PartyMenuSelect
$4cc0 = Mobile_PartyMenuSelect.loop
$4d17 = Mobile_PartyMenuSelect.done
$4d22 = MobileBattleMonMenu
$4d30 = MobileBattleMonMenu.asm_100d30
$4d54 = MobileBattleMonMenu.asm_100d54
$4d56 = MobileBattleMonMenu.asm_100d56
$4d65 = MobileBattleMonMenu.asm_100d65
$4d67 = Function100d67
$4d88 = Function100d67.MenuHeader
$4d90 = Function100d67.MenuData
$4da5 = Function100da5
$4db0 = Function100db0
$4dbe = Function100db0.asm_100dbe
$4dc0 = Function100dc0
$4dd0 = Function100dc0.mobile
$4dd2 = Mobile_SetOverworldDelay
$4dd8 = Function100dd8
$4dfb = Function100dd8.asm_100dfb
$4dfd = MobileComms_CheckInactivityTimer
$4e2b = MobileComms_CheckInactivityTimer.quit
$4e2d = Function100e2d
$4e61 = Function100e2d.asm_100e61
$4e63 = Function100e63
$4e72 = Function100e72
$4e7c = Function100e72.asm_100e7c
$4e84 = Function100e84
$4e8c = Jumptable_100e8c
$4ea2 = Function100ea2
$4eae = Function100eae
$4eb4 = Function100eb4
$4eb8 = asm_100eb8
$4ec4 = Function100ec4
$4ec5 = Function100ec5
$4eca = Function100eca
$4ed4 = Function100ed4
$4edf = Function100edf
$4ee6 = Function100ee6
$4eed = Function100eed
$4ef4 = Function100ef4
$4efb = Function100efb
$4f02 = Function100f02
$4f15 = Function100f02.loop
$4f34 = Function100f02.done
$4f3d = Function100f3d
$4f4d = Function100f3d.three
$4f61 = Function100f3d.two
$4f77 = Function100f3d.one
$4f8d = Function100f8d
$4fb0 = Function100f8d.far_wram
$4fb6 = Function100f8d.sram
$4fc0 = Unknown_100fc0
$4feb = Unknown_100feb
$4ff3 = Unknown_100ff3
$502c = Unknown_10102c
$5050 = Function101050
$507d = Function10107d
$50cd = Function10107d.CopyAllFromOT
$50de = Function1010de
$50e3 = Function1010de.loop
$50f2 = LoadSelectedPartiesForColosseum
$5145 = LoadSelectedPartiesForColosseum.CopyThreeSpecies
$514a = LoadSelectedPartiesForColosseum.party_loop
$5168 = LoadSelectedPartiesForColosseum.GetNthSpecies
$517c = LoadSelectedPartiesForColosseum.CopyPartyStruct
$5181 = LoadSelectedPartiesForColosseum.CopyName
$5184 = LoadSelectedPartiesForColosseum.ContinueCopy
$51a0 = LoadSelectedPartiesForColosseum.big_copy_loop
$51df = LoadSelectedPartiesForColosseum.GetDestinationAddress
$51e8 = LoadSelectedPartiesForColosseum.GetCopySize
$51f1 = Function1011f1
$5210 = Function1011f1.skip
$5220 = Function101220
$5225 = Function101225
$5231 = Function101231
$523d = Function10123d
$5247 = Jumptable_101247
$5251 = Function101251
$5265 = Function101265
$526c = Function10126c
$527c = Function10127c
$527d = Function10127d
$527e = Function10127e
$5290 = Function10127e.zero
$5292 = Function10127e.load
$5297 = Jumptable_101297
$538b = Function10138b
$5396 = Function10138b.asm_101396
$539f = Function10138b.asm_10139f
$53a9 = Function10138b.asm_1013a9
$53aa = Function1013aa
$53c0 = Function1013c0
$53d6 = Function1013d6
$53dd = Function1013dd
$53e1 = Function1013e1
$53e6 = Function1013e1.asm_1013e6
$53f1 = Function1013e1.asm_1013f1
$53f5 = Function1013f5
$53f9 = Function1013f5.asm_1013f9
$5400 = Function101400
$5406 = Function101406
$5409 = Function101406.asm_101409
$5416 = asm_101416
$5418 = Function101418
$5425 = Function101418.asm_101425
$542c = Function10142c
$5438 = Function101438
$5457 = Jumptable_101457
$545b = Function10145b
$5467 = Function101467
$5475 = Function101475
$5494 = Jumptable_101494
$549a = Function10149a
$54a6 = Function1014a6
$54b7 = Function1014b7
$54c5 = Function1014b7.asm_1014c5
$54ce = Function1014ce
$54e2 = Function1014e2
$54f4 = Function1014f4
$5507 = Function101507
$551d = Function10151d
$552a = Function10152a
$5537 = Function101537
$5544 = Function101544
$5557 = Function101557
$556d = Function10156d
$5571 = Function101571
$5582 = Function101571.asm_101582
$558a = Function10158a
$559d = Function10159d
$55be = Function1015be
$55df = Function1015df
$5600 = Function101600
$561f = Function10161f
$562a = Function10162a
$5635 = MobileCopyTransferData
$563f = MobileCopyTransferData2
$5649 = Function101649
$565a = Function10165a
$5663 = Function101663
$5674 = Function101674
$567d = Function10167d
$568a = Function10168a
$568e = Function10168e
$56c3 = Jumptable_1016c3
$56cf = Function1016cf
$56de = Function1016de
$56eb = Function1016de.asm_1016eb
$56f8 = Function1016f8
$5705 = Function101705
$5719 = Function101719
$5724 = Function101724
$5731 = Function101724.asm_101731
$573a = Unknown_10173a
$573b = Function10173b
$574c = Function10174c
$576f = Function10176f
$577b = Function10177b
$57a0 = Function10177b.asm_1017a0
$57b0 = Function1017b0
$57c7 = Function1017c7
$57e4 = Function1017e4
$57f1 = Function1017f1
$57f5 = Function1017f5
$581e = Function1017f5.next
$5826 = Function101826
$5833 = Function101826.asm_101833
$5844 = Function101826.asm_101844
$585b = Function101826.asm_10185b
$5869 = Function101826.asm_101869
$586f = Unknown_10186f
$5881 = Unknown_10186f.end
$5882 = Unknown_101882
$5894 = Unknown_101882.end
$5895 = Unknown_101895
$58a7 = Unknown_101895.end
$58a8 = Function1018a8
$58ca = Function1018a8.asm_1018ca
$58d0 = Function1018a8.asm_1018d0
$58d6 = Function1018d6
$58e1 = Function1018e1
$58ec = Function1018ec
$58f3 = Function1018ec.asm_1018f3
$58fb = Function1018fb
$5906 = Function1018fb.asm_101906
$5909 = Function1018fb.asm_101909
$5913 = Function101913
$593f = Function101913.asm_10193f
$5945 = Function101913.asm_101945
$594b = Function10194b
$5967 = Function10194b.asm_101967
$596d = _SelectMonsForMobileBattle
$59ab = _StartMobileBattle
$59e6 = _StartMobileBattle.asm_1019e6
$59ee = _StartMobileBattle.CopyOTDetails
$5a1e = _StartMobileBattle.got_link_player_number
$5a21 = StartMobileBattle
$5a4f = Function101a4f
$5a75 = CopyOtherPlayersBattleMonSelection
$5a97 = Function101a97
$5ab4 = Function101ab4
$5ac6 = Function101ac6
$5aed = Function101aed
$5b0f = Function101b0f
$5b2b = Function101b2b
$5b51 = Function101b2b.asm_101b51
$5b59 = Function101b59
$5b70 = Function101b70
$5b8f = Function101b8f
$5bbc = Function101b8f.asm_101bbc
$5bc8 = Function101bc8
$5be5 = Function101be5
$5c0b = Function101be5.asm_101c0b
$5c11 = Function101c11
$5c2b = Function101c2b
$5c42 = Function101c42
$5c50 = Function101c50
$5c62 = Function101c62
$5c92 = Function101c92
$5ca0 = Function101ca0
$5cbc = Function101cbc
$5cc2 = Function101cc2
$5cc8 = Function101cc8
$5cdf = Function101cdf
$5cf6 = Function101cf6
$5d03 = Function101d03
$5d10 = Function101d10
$5d1e = Function101d1e
$5d2a = Function101d2a
$5d4d = Jumptable_101d4d
$5d51 = Function101d51
$5d5d = Function101d5d
$5d6b = Function101d6b
$5d7b = Function101d7b
$5d8d = Unknown_101d8d
$5d95 = Function101d95
$5db2 = Function101db2
$5dca = Function101db2.asm_101dca
$5dd0 = Function101dd0
$5ddd = Function101dd0.asm_101ddd
$5de3 = Function101de3
$5df3 = Function101de3.asm_101df3
$5e00 = Function101de3.asm_101e00
$5e09 = Function101e09
$5e16 = Function101e09.asm_101e16
$5e2b = Function101e09.asm_101e2b
$5e31 = Function101e31
$5e39 = Function101e39
$5e49 = Function101e39.asm_101e49
$5e4f = Function101e4f
$5e64 = Function101e64
$5e77 = Function101e64.asm_101e77
$5e82 = Function101e82
$5e8d = Function101e8d
$5e98 = Function101e98
$5ead = Function101ead
$5ec8 = Function101ead.asm_101ec8
$5eca = Function101ead.asm_101eca
$5ecc = Function101ecc
$5ed3 = Function101ed3
$5ee2 = Function101ee2
$5ee4 = Function101ee4
$5ef5 = Unknown_101ef5
$5f13 = String_101f13
$5f14 = String_101f14
$5f32 = String_101f32
$5f4f = String_101f4f
$5f69 = String_101f69
$5f81 = String_101f81
$5f93 = String_101f93
$5faa = String_101faa
$5fc5 = String_101fc5
$5fd2 = String_101fd2
$5fe1 = String_101fe1
$5fef = String_101fef
$6000 = String_102000
$600c = String_10200c
$6014 = String_102014
$602c = Function10202c
$6048 = Function102048
$604c = Function10204c
$6054 = Function10204c.asm_102054
$6067 = Function10204c.asm_102067
$6068 = Function102068
$606d = Function102068.asm_10206d
$607f = Function102068.asm_10207f
$6080 = Function102080
$608a = Function102080.asm_10208a
$608e = Function10208e
$609c = Function10209c
$60a8 = Function1020a8
$60bf = Function1020bf
$60e8 = Function1020bf.asm_1020e8
$60ea = Function1020ea
$6110 = Function1020ea.quit
$6112 = Function102112
$611c = Function102112.outer_loop
$6122 = Function102112.inner_loop
$612f = Function102112.not_matching
$613c = Function102112.done
$6142 = Function102142
$617c = Function102142.asm_10217c
$6180 = Function102180
$618d = Function10218d
$619f = Function10219f
$61b8 = Function1021b8
$61d1 = NewCardArrivedText
$61d6 = PutCardInCardFolderText
$61db = CardWasListedText
$61e0 = Function1021e0
$61ea = StartingLinkText
$61ef = LinkTerminatedText
$61f4 = ClosingLinkText
$61f9 = Function1021f9
$620f = Function1021f9.asm_10220f
$6231 = Function1021f9.asm_102231
$6233 = Function102233
$6241 = Function102241
$624b = Function10224b
$625e = Function10224b.asm_10225e
$626a = Function10226a
$6274 = Function102274
$6283 = Function102283
$628e = Function10228e
$6298 = Function102298
$62b6 = Function102298.asm_1022b6
$62c1 = Function102298.asm_1022c1
$62ca = Function1022ca
$62d0 = Function1022d0
$62f3 = Function1022d0.asm_1022f3
$62f5 = Jumptable_1022f5
$634b = Function10234b
$6361 = Function102361
$636e = Function10236e
$637f = Function10236e.asm_10237f
$6387 = Function102387
$63a1 = Function1023a1
$63b5 = Function1023b5
$63c6 = Function1023c6
$6416 = Function102416
$6423 = Function102423
$644b = Function10244b
$646a = Function10246a
$6480 = Function102480
$648d = Function10248d
$6496 = Function102496
$64a8 = Function1024a8
$64af = Function1024af
$64ba = Jumptable_1024ba
$64c0 = Function1024c0
$64cb = Function1024cb
$64de = Function1024de
$64e9 = Function1024de.asm_1024e9
$64f6 = Function1024f6
$650c = Function10250c
$654b = Function10250c.asm_10254b
$6568 = Function10250c.asm_102568
$656d = Function10250c.asm_10256d
$6572 = Function10250c.asm_102572
$6577 = Function10250c.asm_102577
$6591 = Function102591
$65b0 = Function1025b0
$65bd = Function1025bd
$65c7 = Function1025c7
$65dc = Function1025dc
$65e9 = Function1025e9
$65ff = Function1025ff
$6623 = Function1025ff.a_button
$662e = Function1025ff.d_up
$6646 = Function1025ff.d_down
$6652 = Function102652
$666b = Function10266b
$668f = Function10266b.a_button
$669a = Function10266b.d_down
$66a8 = Function10266b.d_up
$66b7 = Function1026b7
$66c8 = Function1026c8
$66da = Jumptable_1026da
$66de = Function1026de
$66f3 = Function1026f3
$6702 = Function1026f3.asm_102702
$6712 = Function1026f3.asm_102712
$6723 = Function1026f3.asm_102723
$6738 = Function102738
$6754 = Function102754
$6766 = Jumptable_102766
$6770 = Function102770
$6775 = Function102775
$678c = Function10278c
$679b = Function10278c.asm_10279b
$67a0 = Function1027a0
$67b7 = Function1027b7
$67c6 = asm_1027c6
$67d1 = asm_1027d1
$67e2 = asm_1027e2
$67eb = Function1027eb
$6804 = Function1027eb.Stats_Trade
$6814 = Function102814
$683c = Function10283c
$6852 = Function10283c.asm_102852
$6862 = Function102862
$686f = Function10286f
$6886 = Function10286f.asm_102886
$68a5 = Function1028a5
$68ab = Function1028ab
$68bf = Function1028bf
$68c6 = Function1028c6
$68d3 = Function1028d3
$68da = Function1028da
$68e8 = Function1028e8
$68fc = Function1028fc
$6909 = Function1028fc.asm_102909
$6917 = Jumptable_102917
$6921 = Function102921
$692f = Jumptable_10292f
$6933 = Function102933
$694f = Function10294f
$695d = Function10295d
$696e = Function10296e
$6984 = Function102984
$6996 = Function102996
$699e = Function10299e
$69af = Function1029af
$69bb = MenuHeader_1029bb
$69c3 = Function1029c3
$69cb = Jumptable_1029cb
$69cf = Function1029cf
$69fe = Function1029fe
$6a21 = Function1029fe.asm_102a21
$6a26 = String_102a26
$6a33 = MenuData3_102a33
$6a3b = Function102a3b
$6b12 = Function102b12
$6b2b = Function102b12.asm_102b2b
$6b31 = Function102b12.asm_102b31
$6b32 = Function102b32
$6b4e = Function102b4e
$6b68 = Function102b68
$6b73 = MenuData_102b73
$6b7b = Function102b7b
$6b94 = MenuData_102b94
$6b9c = Function102b9c
$6bac = Function102bac
$6bdc = Function102bdc
$6bfa = Function102bdc.asm_102bfa
$6c05 = Function102bdc.asm_102c05
$6c07 = Function102c07
$6c14 = Function102c14
$6c21 = Function102c21
$6c2e = Function102c2e
$6c3b = Function102c3b
$6c48 = Function102c48
$6c71 = Function102c71
$6c87 = Function102c87
$6cee = Function102cee
$6d34 = Function102d34
$6d3e = Function102d3e
$6d48 = Function102d48
$6d6d = Function102d48.asm_102d6d
$6d98 = Function102d48.asm_102d98
$6d9a = Function102d9a
$6db7 = Function102db7
$6dc3 = Function102dc3
$6dd3 = Function102dd3
$6dec = Function102dec
$6e07 = Function102e07
$6e19 = Function102e07.link_battle
$6e28 = Function102e07.okay
$6e32 = Function102e07.waiting
$6e3e = Function102e3e
$6e48 = Function102e3e.CancelString
$6e4f = Function102e4f
$6e86 = Function102e4f.PlaceSpeciesNames
$6e88 = Function102e4f.count_loop
$6ea8 = Function102ea8
$6ee2 = TradingMonForOTMonText
$6ee7 = Function102ee7
$6ef4 = String_102ef4
$6f15 = Function102f15
$6f22 = Function102f15.TooBadTheTradeWasCanceled
$6f32 = Function102f32
$6f3f = Function102f32.TradeCompleted
$6f50 = Function102f50
$6f5d = Function102f50.PleaseWait
$6f6d = Function102f6d
$6f7a = Function102f6d.Finished
$6f85 = Function102f85
$6fb2 = String_102fb2
$6fcc = String_102fcc
$6fce = Function102fce
$6fdb = String_102fdb
$6ff5 = Function102ff5
$7002 = String_103002
$7021 = Function103021
$702e = String_10302e
$704f = Function10304f
$705d = Function10305d
$706e = Function10306e
$707f = Function10307f
$708a = Function10307f.asm_10308a
$7094 = Function103094
$70b2 = Function103094.asm_1030b2
$70c0 = Function103094.asm_1030c0
$70ca = Function103094.asm_1030ca
$70cd = Function1030cd
$70de = Function1030cd.asm_1030de
$70eb = Function1030cd.asm_1030eb
$7112 = Unknown_103112
$727a = Unknown_10327a
$72a2 = MobileTradeLightsGFX
$72e2 = MobileTradeLightsPalettes
$7302 = Function103302
$7309 = Function103309
$7362 = Function103362
$7362 = Function103362.asm_103362
$7398 = Function103362.asm_103398
$739a = Function10339a
$73af = Function1033af
$73cd = Function1033af.up
$73de = Function1033af.down
$73f1 = Function1033af.b
$73fa = Function1033af.a
$7412 = Function1033af.left
$7412 = Function1033af.right
$7412 = Function1033af.a_return
$742c = Function10342c
$743c = Function10343c
$7452 = Function10343c.asm_103452
$745f = Function10343c.asm_10345f
$747d = Function10343c.asm_10347d
$7487 = Function103487
$7490 = Function103490
$74a7 = Function1034a7
$74be = Function1034be
$74ca = Function1034be.asm_1034ca
$74e0 = Function1034e0
$74f1 = Function1034f1
$74f7 = Function1034f7
$750f = Function10350f
$7522 = Unknown_103522
$7545 = String_103545
$7546 = String_103546
$754f = String_10354f
$7557 = String_103557
$755f = String_10355f
$7571 = String_103571
$7585 = String_103585
$7598 = String_103598
$75a0 = String_1035a0
$75a8 = String_1035a8
$75b1 = String_1035b1
$75ba = String_1035ba
$75bd = String_1035bd
$75c1 = String_1035c1
$75c6 = Function1035c6
$75d7 = Unknown_1035d7
$75e7 = Unknown_1035e7
$75ee = Unknown_1035e7.this
$75f3 = Unknown_1035f3
$75fa = Unknown_1035f3.this
$75fe = Unknown_1035fe
$7605 = Unknown_1035fe.this
$7608 = Unknown_103608
$760f = Unknown_103608.this
$7612 = AskMobileOrCable
$7622 = AskMobileOrCable.skip_load
$763b = AskMobileOrCable.pressed_b
$7640 = MenuHeader_103640
$7648 = MenuData_103648
$7654 = Function103654
$7666 = Function103654.asm_103666
$766e = Mobile_SelectThreeMons
$7690 = Mobile_SelectThreeMons.asm_103690
$7696 = Mobile_SelectThreeMons.asm_103696
$769b = Mobile_SelectThreeMons.asm_10369b
$76b5 = Mobile_SelectThreeMons.asm_1036b5
$76d9 = Mobile_SelectThreeMons.asm_1036d9
$76e6 = Mobile_SelectThreeMons.asm_1036e6
$76ec = Mobile_SelectThreeMons.asm_1036ec
$76f4 = Mobile_SelectThreeMons.asm_1036f4
$76f9 = Function1036f9
$7700 = Function103700
$770f = Function103700.asm_10370f
$7724 = Function103700.five_or_more_mins
$772c = Function103700.two_to_five_mins
$7734 = Function103700.one_min
$773c = Function103700.times_up
$7747 = MenuHeader_103747
$774f = MenuData_10374f
$775d = MobileBattleMustPickThreeMonText
$7762 = MobileBattleMoreInfoText
$7767 = MobileBattleRulesText
$776c = WouldYouLikeToMobileBattleText
$7771 = WantAQuickMobileBattleText
$7776 = WantToRushThroughAMobileBattleText
$777b = PleaseTryAgainTomorrowText
$7780 = Function103780
$778c = Function10378c
$779c = Function10378c.already_set
$77b5 = Function10378c.failed_to_save
$77c2 = Function1037c2
$77de = Function1037c2.nope
$77e6 = TryAgainUsingSameSettingsText
$77eb = Function1037eb
$7807 = Function1037eb.asm_103807
$7813 = Function1037eb.asm_103813
$7819 = MobileBattleLessThanOneMinuteLeftText
$781e = MobileBattleNoTimeLeftForLinkingText
$7823 = MobileCheckRemainingBattleTime
$7838 = MobileCheckRemainingBattleTime.ok
$783a = MobileCheckRemainingBattleTime.fail
$783c = Function10383c
$7870 = Function10383c.asm_103870
$7876 = PickThreeMonForMobileBattleText
$787b = Function10387b
$7898 = MobileBattleRemainingTimeText
EMPTY: $789d-$7fff ($0763 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0763 bytes
ROMX bank #65:
SECTION: $4000-$6dbc ($2dbd bytes) ["bank41"]
$4000 = HDMATransferAttrmapAndTilemapToWRAMBank3
$4006 = HDMATransferAttrmapAndTilemapToWRAMBank3.Function
$402d = HDMATransferTilemapToWRAMBank3
$4033 = HDMATransferTilemapToWRAMBank3.Function
$4047 = HDMATransferAttrmapToWRAMBank3
$404d = HDMATransferAttrmapToWRAMBank3.Function
$4061 = HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_Overworld
$4067 = HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_Overworld.Function
$4099 = Mobile_HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_Overworld
$40a2 = Mobile_HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_Overworld.Function
$40d4 = Function1040d4
$40da = Function1040d4.Function
$40fb = Function1040fb
$4101 = Function1040fb.Function
$4110 = _HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_Menu
$4116 = _HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_Menu.Function
$4148 = Mobile_HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_Menu
$414e = Mobile_HDMATransferTilemapAndAttrmap_Menu.Function
$4177 = CallInSafeGFXMode
$419c = CallInSafeGFXMode._hl_
$419d = HDMATransferToWRAMBank3
$41a4 = WaitDMATransfer
$41a4 = WaitDMATransfer.loop
$41ad = HDMATransfer_WaitForScanline128_toBGMap
$41b7 = HDMATransfer_WaitForScanline124_toBGMap
$41c1 = HDMATransfer_NoDI
$41e4 = HDMATransfer_NoDI.loop1
$41e9 = HDMATransfer_NoDI.loop2
$41f8 = HDMATransfer_NoDI.loop3
$4205 = HDMATransfer_WaitForScanline124
$4209 = HDMATransfer_WaitForScanline128
$420b = _continue_HDMATransfer
$4225 = _continue_HDMATransfer.ly_loop
$422b = _continue_HDMATransfer.rstat_loop_1
$4231 = _continue_HDMATransfer.rstat_loop_2
$4240 = _continue_HDMATransfer.final_ly_loop
$424e = _LoadHDMAParameters
$425f = PadTilemapForHDMATransfer
$4263 = PadAttrmapForHDMATransfer
$4265 = PadMapForHDMATransfer
$426d = PadMapForHDMATransfer.loop1
$426f = PadMapForHDMATransfer.loop2
$4279 = PadMapForHDMATransfer.loop3
$4284 = HDMATransfer2bpp
$42b2 = HDMATransfer1bpp.loop
$42b2 = HDMATransfer1bpp
$42d6 = HDMATransfer1bpp.bankswitch
$4303 = HDMATransfer_OnlyTopFourRows
$4309 = HDMATransfer_OnlyTopFourRows.Function
$433a = HDMATransfer_OnlyTopFourRows.Copy
$433c = HDMATransfer_OnlyTopFourRows.outer_loop
$433e = HDMATransfer_OnlyTopFourRows.inner_loop
$4350 = ShockEmote
$4390 = QuestionEmote
$43d0 = HappyEmote
$4410 = SadEmote
$4450 = HeartEmote
$4490 = BoltEmote
$44d0 = SleepEmote
$4510 = FishEmote
$4550 = JumpShadowGFX
$4560 = FishingRodGFX
$4580 = BoulderDustGFX
$45a0 = GrassRustleGFX
$45b0 = HandleNewMap
$45c4 = HandleContinueMap
$45d6 = EnterMapConnection
$45ed = EnterMapConnection.west
$461a = EnterMapConnection.loop
$461e = EnterMapConnection.skip_to_load
$4629 = EnterMapConnection.east
$4656 = EnterMapConnection.loop2
$465a = EnterMapConnection.skip_to_load2
$4665 = EnterMapConnection.north
$4696 = EnterMapConnection.south
$46c4 = EnterMapConnection.done
$46c6 = EnterMapWarp
$46df = EnterMapWarp.SaveDigWarp
$4705 = EnterMapWarp.not_mt_moon_square_or_tin_tower_roof
$4718 = EnterMapWarp.SetSpawn
$4743 = EnterMapWarp.pokecenter_pokecom
$4750 = LoadMapTimeOfDay
$4770 = LoadMapTimeOfDay.ClearBGMap
$47a3 = LoadMapTimeOfDay.PushAttrmap
$47b4 = LoadMapTimeOfDay.copy
$47bb = LoadMapTimeOfDay.row
$47bc = LoadMapTimeOfDay.column
$47cf = LoadMapGraphics
$47eb = LoadMapPalettes
$47f0 = RefreshMapSprites
$4817 = RefreshMapSprites.skip
$4820 = CheckMovingOffEdgeOfMap
$4837 = CheckMovingOffEdgeOfMap.down
$4846 = CheckMovingOffEdgeOfMap.up
$4851 = CheckMovingOffEdgeOfMap.left
$485c = CheckMovingOffEdgeOfMap.right
$486b = CheckMovingOffEdgeOfMap.ok
$486d = GetMapScreenCoords
$487d = GetMapScreenCoords.odd_x
$4881 = GetMapScreenCoords.got_block_x
$489a = GetMapScreenCoords.odd_y
$489e = GetMapScreenCoords.got_block_y
$48ba = DoMysteryGift
$492f = DoMysteryGift.skip_checks
$4963 = DoMysteryGift.skip_append_save
$4990 = DoMysteryGift.SentItem
$49af = DoMysteryGift.LinkCanceled
$49b4 = DoMysteryGift.CommunicationError
$49bd = DoMysteryGift.GiftWaiting
$49c2 = DoMysteryGift.FriendNotReady
$49c5 = DoMysteryGift.PrintTextAndExit
$49cd = DoMysteryGift.String_PressAToLink_BToCancel
$49fd = DoMysteryGift.MysteryGiftCanceledText
$4a02 = DoMysteryGift.MysteryGiftCommErrorText
$4a07 = DoMysteryGift.RetrieveMysteryGiftText
$4a0c = DoMysteryGift.YourFriendIsNotReadyText
$4a11 = DoMysteryGift.MysteryGiftFiveADayText
$4a16 = DoMysteryGift.MysteryGiftOneADayText
$4a1b = DoMysteryGift.MysteryGiftSentText
$4a20 = DoMysteryGift.MysteryGiftSentHomeText
$4a25 = DoMysteryGift.CheckAlreadyGotFiveGiftsToday
$4a30 = DoMysteryGift.CheckAlreadyGotAGiftFromThatPerson
$4a42 = DoMysteryGift.loop
$4a4e = DoMysteryGift.skip
$4a52 = DoMysteryGift.Yes
$4a53 = DoMysteryGift.No
$4a56 = DoMysteryGift.AddMysteryGiftPartnerID
$4a71 = DoMysteryGift.SaveMysteryGiftTrainerName
$4a95 = ExchangeMysteryGiftData
$4a9f = ExchangeMysteryGiftData.restart
$4ac8 = ExchangeMysteryGiftData.failed
$4ac8 = ExchangeMysteryGiftData.wait_frame
$4ad5 = ExchangeMysteryGiftData.continue
$4add = ExchangeMysteryGiftData.in_vblank
$4ae6 = ExchangeMysteryGiftData.wait_vblank
$4b04 = ReceiverExchangeMysteryGiftDataPayloads
$4b0a = ReceiverExchangeMysteryGiftDataPayloads_GotPayload
$4b22 = SenderExchangeMysteryGiftDataPayloads
$4b40 = ReceiveMysteryGiftDataPayload
$4b49 = ReceiveMysteryGiftDataPayload_GotRegionPrefix
$4b88 = SendMysteryGiftDataPayload
$4bd0 = EndOrContinueMysteryGiftIRCommunication
$4c10 = EndOrContinueMysteryGiftIRCommunication.sender
$4c18 = EndOrContinueMysteryGiftIRCommunication.quit
$4c2d = ExchangeNameCardData
$4c37 = ExchangeNameCardData.restart
$4c6c = ExchangeNameCardData.sender
$4c8a = ReceiveNameCardDataPayload
$4cd2 = SendNameCardDataPayload
$4d1c = EndNameCardIRCommunication
$4d32 = WrongMysteryGiftRegion
$4d38 = BeginSendingIRCommunication
$4d43 = BeginReceivingIRCommunication
$4d4e = TrySendingIRDataBlock
$4d56 = TryReceivingIRDataBlock
$4d5e = InitializeIRCommunicationInterrupts
$4d6d = InitializeIRCommunicationInterrupts.busy_wait
$4d74 = StartFastIRTimer
$4d86 = StartSlowIRTimer
$4d96 = BeginIRCommunication
$4da0 = EndIRCommunication
$4da9 = ReceiveInfraredLEDOn
$4da9 = ReceiveInfraredLEDOn.recv_loop
$4db7 = ReceiveInfraredLEDOff
$4db7 = ReceiveInfraredLEDOff.no_recv_loop
$4dc5 = SendInfraredLEDOn
$4dc8 = SendInfraredLEDOn.wait
$4dd1 = SendInfraredLEDOff
$4dd4 = SendInfraredLEDOff.wait
$4ddd = InitializeIRCommunicationRoles
$4de4 = InitializeIRCommunicationRoles.loop
$4df6 = InitializeIRCommunicationRoles.not_canceled
$4dfe = ReceiveIRHelloMessage
$4e3a = SendIRHelloMessageAfterDelay
$4e41 = SendIRHelloMessageAfterDelay.wait_loop
$4e46 = SendIRHelloMessage
$4e8c = ToggleIRCommunication
$4e93 = SendIRDataBlock
$4ed6 = SendIRDataMessage
$4eee = SendIRDataMessage.byte_loop
$4f02 = SendIRDataMessage.bit_loop
$4f13 = SendIRDataMessage.wait
$4f25 = SendIRDataMessage.no_halt
$4f2e = SendIRDataMessage.done
$4f42 = InfraredLEDReceiveTimedOut
$4f49 = ReceivedWrongIRChecksum
$4f50 = ReceivedWrongIRMessagePrefix
$4f57 = ReceiveIRDataBlock
$4faf = ReceiveIRDataMessage
$4fd2 = ReceiveIRDataMessage.main_loop
$4fd9 = ReceiveIRDataMessage.inner_loop
$4fdb = ReceiveIRDataMessage.recv_loop
$4fe5 = ReceiveIRDataMessage.recv_done
$4fe5 = ReceiveIRDataMessage.send_loop
$4fed = ReceiveIRDataMessage.send_done
$4ffd = ReceiveIRDataMessage.zero
$4fff = ReceiveIRDataMessage.ok
$500b = ReceiveIRDataMessage.continue
$501a = ReceiveIRDataMessage.done
$502e = SendEmptyIRDataBlock
$5033 = ReceiveEmptyIRDataBlock
$5038 = MysteryGift_UpdateJoypad
$5069 = CheckAndSetMysteryGiftDecorationAlreadyReceived
$5091 = CopyMysteryGiftReceivedDecorationsToPC
$5096 = CopyMysteryGiftReceivedDecorationsToPC.loop
$50b0 = CopyMysteryGiftReceivedDecorationsToPC.skip
$50b9 = UnlockMysteryGift
$50c5 = UnlockMysteryGift.ok
$50c8 = ResetDailyMysteryGiftLimitIfUnlocked
$50d6 = ResetDailyMysteryGiftLimitIfUnlocked.dont_clear
$50d9 = BackupMysteryGift
$50ea = RestoreMysteryGift
$50fb = ClearMysteryGiftTrainer
$5101 = ClearMysteryGiftTrainer.loop
$5106 = GetMysteryGiftBank
$510b = StagePartyDataForMysteryGift
$5119 = StagePartyDataForMysteryGift.loop
$513e = StagePartyDataForMysteryGift.next
$5148 = StagePartyDataForMysteryGift.party_end
$5153 = InitMysteryGiftLayout
$522e = InitMysteryGiftLayout.Load5GFX
$5232 = InitMysteryGiftLayout.Load6GFX
$5236 = InitMysteryGiftLayout.Load16GFX
$5238 = InitMysteryGiftLayout.gfx_loop
$523e = InitMysteryGiftLayout.Load9Column
$5242 = InitMysteryGiftLayout.Load11Column
$5246 = InitMysteryGiftLayout.Load14Column
$5248 = InitMysteryGiftLayout.col_loop
$5251 = InitMysteryGiftLayout.Load16Row
$5253 = InitMysteryGiftLayout.row_loop
$5258 = MysteryGiftGFX
$5688 = DoNameCardSwap
$56eb = DoNameCardSwap.SlideNameCardUpOffScreen
$56ed = DoNameCardSwap.loop
$56f2 = DoNameCardSwap.dec_y_loop
$56ff = DoNameCardSwap.inc_y_loop
$5712 = DoNameCardSwap.LinkCanceled
$571a = DoNameCardSwap.CommunicationError
$5726 = DoNameCardSwap.PrintTextAndExit
$572e = DoNameCardSwap.String_PressAToLink_BToCancel_JP
$575e = DoNameCardSwap.NameCardReceivedCardText
$5763 = DoNameCardSwap.NameCardListedCardText
$5768 = DoNameCardSwap.NameCardNotRegisteredCardText
$576d = DoNameCardSwap.NameCardLinkCancelledText
$5772 = DoNameCardSwap.NameCardCommErrorText
$5777 = DoNameCardSwap.ClearScreen
$578c = StageDataForNameCard
$57d7 = InitNameCardLayout
$58c6 = InitNameCardLayout.Load6Row
$58ca = InitNameCardLayout.Load11Row
$58ce = InitNameCardLayout.Load12Row
$58d0 = InitNameCardLayout.row_loop
$58d6 = InitNameCardLayout.Load9Column
$58da = InitNameCardLayout.Load11Column
$58de = InitNameCardLayout.Load14Column
$58e0 = InitNameCardLayout.column_loop
$58e9 = InitNameCardLayout.Load16Row
$58eb = InitNameCardLayout.row_loop_no_inc
$58f0 = InitNameCardLayout.NameCardOAMData
$5930 = CardTradeGFX
$5d30 = CardTradeSpriteGFX
$5db0 = DisplayUsedMoveText
$5db9 = UsedMoveText
$5dc9 = UsedMoveText.start
$5dec = UsedMoveText.grammar
$5e04 = UsedMove1Text
$5e0b = UsedMove2Text
$5e10 = UsedMoveText_CheckObedience
$5e1a = UsedMoveText_CheckObedience.UsedInsteadText
$5e1f = UsedMoveText_CheckObedience.GetMoveNameText
$5e23 = MoveNameText
$5e39 = MoveNameText.endusedmovetexts
$5e43 = EndUsedMove1Text
$5e48 = EndUsedMove2Text
$5e4d = EndUsedMove3Text
$5e52 = EndUsedMove4Text
$5e57 = EndUsedMove5Text
$5e5c = GetMoveGrammar
$5e66 = GetMoveGrammar.loop
$5e74 = GetMoveGrammar.end
$5e7a = MoveGrammar
$5ed0 = UpdateUsedMoves
$5ed7 = UpdateUsedMoves.loop
$5ef2 = UpdateUsedMoves.add
$5ef4 = UpdateUsedMoves.quit
$5ef6 = StubbedTrainerRankings_HallOfFame2
$5f33 = StubbedTrainerRankings_MagikarpLength
$5f47 = StubbedTrainerRankings_MagikarpLength.isLowByteHigher
$5f4f = StubbedTrainerRankings_MagikarpLength.newRecordLongest
$5f55 = StubbedTrainerRankings_MagikarpLength.checkShortest
$5f65 = StubbedTrainerRankings_MagikarpLength.isLowByteLower
$5f6d = StubbedTrainerRankings_MagikarpLength.newRecordShortest
$5f72 = StubbedTrainerRankings_MagikarpLength.done
$5f79 = StubbedTrainerRankings_BugContestScore
$5f8b = StubbedTrainerRankings_BugContestScore.isLowByteHigher
$5f92 = StubbedTrainerRankings_BugContestScore.newHighScore
$5f98 = StubbedTrainerRankings_BugContestScore.done
$5f9f = StubbedTrainerRankings_AddToSlotsWinStreak
$5fae = StubbedTrainerRankings_AddToSlotsWinStreak.noCarry
$5fb9 = StubbedTrainerRankings_AddToSlotsWinStreak.isLowByteHigher
$5fc1 = StubbedTrainerRankings_AddToSlotsWinStreak.newRecordStreak
$5fc9 = StubbedTrainerRankings_AddToSlotsWinStreak.done
$5fd0 = StubbedTrainerRankings_EndSlotsWinStreak
$5fe3 = StubbedTrainerRankings_AddToSlotsPayouts
$6001 = StubbedTrainerRankings_AddToSlotsPayouts.done
$6008 = StubbedTrainerRankings_AddToBattlePayouts
$6027 = StubbedTrainerRankings_AddToBattlePayouts.done
$602e = StubbedTrainerRankings_StepCount
$6035 = StubbedTrainerRankings_BattleTowerWins
$6049 = StubbedTrainerRankings_TMsHMsTaught
$6050 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Battles
$605d = StubbedTrainerRankings_WildBattles
$606a = StubbedTrainerRankings_TrainerBattles
$6071 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Unused1
$6078 = StubbedTrainerRankings_HallOfFame
$607f = StubbedTrainerRankings_WildMonsCaught
$6086 = StubbedTrainerRankings_HookedEncounters
$608d = StubbedTrainerRankings_EggsHatched
$6094 = StubbedTrainerRankings_MonsEvolved
$609b = StubbedTrainerRankings_FruitPicked
$60a2 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Healings
$60a9 = StubbedTrainerRankings_MysteryGift
$60af = StubbedTrainerRankings_Trades
$60b5 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Fly
$60bb = StubbedTrainerRankings_Surf
$60c1 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Waterfall
$60c7 = StubbedTrainerRankings_WhiteOuts
$60cd = StubbedTrainerRankings_LuckyNumberShow
$60d3 = StubbedTrainerRankings_PhoneCalls
$60d9 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Unused2
$60df = StubbedTrainerRankings_LinkBattles
$60e5 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Splash
$60ef = StubbedTrainerRankings_TreeEncounters
$60f5 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Unused3
$60fb = StubbedTrainerRankings_ColosseumWins
$6101 = StubbedTrainerRankings_ColosseumLosses
$6107 = StubbedTrainerRankings_ColosseumDraws
$610d = StubbedTrainerRankings_Selfdestruct
$6117 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Increment4Byte
$611d = StubbedTrainerRankings_Increment3Byte
$6123 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Increment2Byte
$6129 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Increment1Byte
$612d = StubbedTrainerRankings_Increment
$6136 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Increment.asm_106136
$613d = StubbedTrainerRankings_Increment.asm_10613d
$6142 = StubbedTrainerRankings_Increment.asm_106142
$614d = StubbedTrainerRankings_Increment.asm_10614d
$6155 = UpdateTrainerRankingsChecksum2
$6162 = UpdateTrainerRankingsChecksum
$616e = CalculateTrainerRankingsChecksum
$6179 = CalculateTrainerRankingsChecksum.asm_106179
$617f = CalculateTrainerRankingsChecksum.asm_10617f
$6187 = BackupGSBallFlag
$619d = RestoreGSBallFlag
$61b3 = VerifyTrainerRankingsChecksum
$61c0 = ClearGSBallFlag
$61cd = InitializeTrainerRankings
$61ef = _MobilePrintNum
$620a = _MobilePrintNum.three_bytes
$620e = _MobilePrintNum.two_bytes
$6212 = _MobilePrintNum.one_byte
$6256 = _MobilePrintNum.three_to_nine_digits
$625b = _MobilePrintNum.digit_loop
$626a = _MobilePrintNum.two_digits
$626e = _MobilePrintNum.mod_ten_loop
$6277 = _MobilePrintNum.simple_divide_done
$6284 = _MobilePrintNum.create_digit
$6288 = _MobilePrintNum.done
$6292 = _MobilePrintNum._9
$6296 = _MobilePrintNum._8
$629a = _MobilePrintNum._7
$629e = _MobilePrintNum._6
$62a2 = _MobilePrintNum._5
$62a6 = _MobilePrintNum._4
$62aa = _MobilePrintNum._3
$62ae = _MobilePrintNum._2
$62b2 = _MobilePrintNum.Function1062b2
$62b4 = _MobilePrintNum.asm_1062b4
$62eb = _MobilePrintNum.asm_1062eb
$62f7 = _MobilePrintNum.LoadMinusTenIfNegative
$62ff = _MobilePrintNum.Function1062ff
$630d = _MobilePrintNum.asm_10630d
$630f = CheckMobileAdapterStatusSpecial
$6314 = SetMobileAdapterStatus
$632f = CheckMobileAdapterStatus
$6359 = CheckMobileAdapterStatus.nope
$635c = Function10635c
$636a = Function10635c.Jumptable
$637c = Function10635c.init
$6392 = Function106392
$63a2 = Function106392.asm_1063a2
$63b4 = Function106392.asm_1063b4
$63bf = Function106392.asm_1063bf
$63cc = Function1063cc
$63d8 = Function1063d8
$63e5 = Function1063e5
$63f3 = Function1063f3
$6403 = Function106403
$640f = Function106403.asm_10640f
$6426 = Function106403.asm_106426
$6435 = Function106403.asm_106435
$6442 = Function106442
$6453 = Function106453
$6462 = Stubbed_Function106462
$6464 = Function106464
$649b = Function10649b
$64c3 = Function1064c3
$64d8 = Function1064d8
$64ed = asm_1064ed
$650a = Function10650a
$6514 = MobileDialingFrameGFX
$6594 = LoadOverworldFont
$65ad = LoadOverworldFont.OverworldFontGFX
$6dad = LoadOverworldFont.OverworldFontSpaceGFX
EMPTY: $6dbd-$7fff ($1243 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1243 bytes
ROMX bank #66:
SECTION: $4000-$5406 ($1407 bytes) ["mobile42"]
$4000 = MobileTradeAnimation_SendGivemonToGTS
$400b = MobileTradeAnimation_SendGivemonToGTS.TradeAnimScript
$4012 = MobileTradeAnimation_RetrieveGivemonFromGTS
$4016 = MobileTradeAnimation_ReceiveGetmonFromGTS
$4018 = asm_108018
$4021 = asm_108018.TradeAnimScript
$4026 = Function108026
$402a = Function10802a
$402c = asm_10802c
$4035 = asm_10802c.TradeAnimScript
$403d = Function10803d
$4048 = Function10803d.TradeAnimScript
$404d = Function10804d
$4058 = Function10804d.TradeAnimScript
$405b = RunMobileTradeAnim_Frontpics
$4078 = RunMobileTradeAnim_Frontpics.loop
$4089 = RunMobileTradeAnim_NoFrontpics
$40a6 = RunMobileTradeAnim_NoFrontpics.loop
$40b7 = Function1080b7
$4157 = Function108157
$41ad = MobileTradeAnim_ClearTiles
$41ca = MobileTradeAnim_ClearBGMap
$41e9 = MobileTradeAnim_GetFrontpic
$4201 = Function108201
$4219 = Function108219
$4229 = Function108229
$4239 = MobileTradeAnim_InitSpeciesName
$424b = MobileTradeAnim_JumptableLoop
$425a = MobileTradeAnim_JumptableLoop.StopAnim
$427b = MobileTradeAnim_JumptableLoop.ExecuteMobileTradeAnimCommand
$428a = MobileTradeAnim_JumptableLoop.Jumptable
$428a = GetMobileTradeAnimByte_MobileTradeCmd
$428c = MobileTradeAnim_ShowPlayerMonToBeSent_MobileTradeCmd
$428e = MobileTradeAnim_02_MobileTradeCmd
$4290 = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon1_MobileTradeCmd
$4292 = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon2_MobileTradeCmd
$4294 = MobileTradeAnim_05_MobileTradeCmd
$4296 = MobileTradeAnim_06_MobileTradeCmd
$4298 = MobileTradeAnim_07_MobileTradeCmd
$429a = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon1_MobileTradeCmd
$429c = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon2_MobileTradeCmd
$429e = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon3_MobileTradeCmd
$42a0 = MobileTradeAnim_ShowOTMonFromTrade_MobileTradeCmd
$42a2 = EndMobileTradeAnim_MobileTradeCmd
$42a4 = MobileTradeAnim_ShowPlayerMonForGTS_MobileTradeCmd
$42a6 = MobileTradeAnim_ShowOTMonFromGTS_MobileTradeCmd
$42a8 = MobileTradeAnim_0f_MobileTradeCmd
$42aa = MobileTradeAnim_10_MobileTradeCmd
$42ac = MobileTradeAnim_11_MobileTradeCmd
$42ae = MobileTradeAnim_FadeToBlack_MobileTradeCmd
$42b0 = MobileTradeAnim_GetOddEgg_MobileTradeCmd
$42b2 = MobileTradeAnim_Next
$42b7 = GetMobileTradeAnimByte
$42c6 = EndMobileTradeAnim
$42cc = WaitMobileTradeSpriteAnims
$42cc = WaitMobileTradeSpriteAnims.loop
$42db = Function1082db
$42db = Function1082db.loop
$42f0 = Function1082f0
$42f0 = Function1082f0.loop
$42fa = Function1082fa
$42fa = Function1082fa.loop
$430e = MobileTradeAnim_ShowPlayerMonToBeSent
$4348 = MobileTradeAnim_ShowPlayerMonToBeSent.loop
$435d = MobileTradeAnim_ShowPlayerMonToBeSent.okay
$4371 = MobileTradeAnim_ShowPlayerMonToBeSent.skip_cry
$439b = MobileTradeAnim_ShowOTMonFromTrade
$442c = MobileTradeAnim_ShowPlayerMonForGTS
$4484 = MobileTradeAnim_ShowPlayerMonForGTS.loop
$4499 = MobileTradeAnim_ShowPlayerMonForGTS.done
$44ad = MobileTradeAnim_ShowPlayerMonForGTS.skip_cry
$44d7 = MobileTradeAnim_ShowOTMonFromGTS
$4589 = MobileTradeAnim_GetOddEgg
$4638 = MobileTradeAnim_02
$4689 = MobileTradeAnim_10
$46f4 = MobileTradeAnim_11
$4763 = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon1
$4774 = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon1.loop
$478a = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon1.next
$4791 = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon1.loop2
$47a9 = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon1.init
$47b7 = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon1.delete
$47bc = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon1.replace
$47c4 = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon1.next2
$47cb = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon1.done
$47cf = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon2
$47fc = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon2.loop
$480d = MobileTradeAnim_GiveTrademon2.done
$4811 = MobileTradeAnim_05
$4838 = MobileTradeAnim_06
$484c = MobileTradeAnim_07
$4863 = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon1
$4868 = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon1.loop
$4879 = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon1.done
$4894 = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon2
$48ad = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon2.asm_1088ad
$48c5 = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon2.asm_1088c5
$48cf = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon2.asm_1088cf
$48dd = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon2.asm_1088dd
$48e7 = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon2.asm_1088e7
$48ee = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon2.asm_1088ee
$4906 = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon2.asm_108906
$490a = MobileTradeAnim_GetTrademon3
$4919 = MobileTradeAnim_0f
$493d = MobileTradeAnim_FadeToBlack
$493d = MobileTradeAnim_FadeToBlack.loop
$4953 = MobileTradeAnim_FadeToBlack.blank
$495e = Function10895e
$4963 = Function108963
$4966 = asm_108966
$498a = Function10898a
$49a8 = MobileTradeAnim_DisplayMonToBeSent
$49d2 = MobileTradeAnim_DisplayReceivedMon
$49fc = MobileTradeAnim_DisplayEggData
$4a1d = MobileTradeAnim_DisplayEggData.EggTemplate
$4a33 = Function108a33
$4a54 = Function108a33.OddEgg
$4a5b = MobileTradeAnim_LoadMonTemplate
$4a79 = MobileTradeAnim_LoadMonTemplate.MonTemplate
$4a87 = MobileTradeAnim_MonDisplay_UpdateBGMap
$4a92 = MobileTradeAnim_MonDisplay_PrintSpeciesNumber
$4a9c = MobileTradeAnim_MonDisplay_PrintSpeciesName
$4aa3 = MobileTradeAnim_MonDisplay_PrintOTNameAndGender
$4aa8 = MobileTradeAnim_MonDisplay_PrintOTNameAndGender.got_gender
$4abb = MobileTradeAnim_MonDisplay_PrintOTNameAndGender.GenderChars
$4abe = MobileTradeAnim_MonDisplay_PrintIDNumber
$4ac8 = MobileTradeAnim_ClearTilemap
$4ad4 = Function108ad4
$4adc = Function108ad4.asm_108adc
$4adf = Function108ad4.asm_108adf
$4af4 = Function108af4
$4b1c = Function108af4.copy_MobileTradeOB1Palettes
$4b34 = Function108af4.done_copy
$4b45 = Function108b45
$4b5a = Function108b5a
$4b69 = Function108b5a.loop
$4b78 = Function108b78
$4b89 = Function108b78.Orange
$4b8c = Function108b78.load_pal
$4b98 = Function108b98
$4b98 = Palette_108b98
$4bad = Function108b98.asm_108bad
$4bb0 = Function108b98.asm_108bb0
$4bbd = MobileTradeAnim_DeleteSprites
$4bc7 = MobileTradeAnim_AnimateSentPulse
$4bd9 = MobileTradeAnim_AnimateSentPulse.delete
$4be0 = MobileTradeAnim_AnimateOTPulse
$4bec = Function108bec
$4c07 = Function108bec.MobilePlayerWillTradeMonText
$4c0c = Function108bec.MobileForPartnersMonText
$4c11 = Function108bec.MobilePlayersMonTradeText
$4c16 = Function108c16
$4c26 = Function108c16.MobileTakeGoodCareOfMonText
$4c2b = Function108c2b
$4c3b = Function108c2b.MobilePlayersMonTrade2Text
$4c40 = Function108c40
$4c57 = Function108c40.Getmon
$4c63 = Function108c40.MobileTakeGoodCareOfText
$4c68 = Function108c40.MobileTradeCameBackText
$4c6d = Function108c6d
$4c80 = Function108c80
$4c9b = DebugMobileTrade
$4ca7 = DebugMobileTrade.your_name_loop
$4cb2 = DebugMobileTrade.your_id_loop
$4cbd = DebugMobileTrade.your_ot_loop
$4ccc = DebugMobileTrade.their_name_loop
$4cd7 = DebugMobileTrade.their_id_loop
$4ce2 = DebugMobileTrade.their_ot_loop
$4ce9 = DebugMobileTrade.DebugTradeData
$4d07 = LoadMobileAdapterPalette
$4d12 = LoadMobileAdapterPalette.asm_108d12
$4d27 = MobileTradeSpritesGFX
$4da7 = MobileTradeGFX
$4fe7 = MobileTradeTilemapLZ
$50a7 = MobileTradeAttrmapLZ
$50f7 = UnusedMobilePulsePalettes
$5107 = MobileTradeBGPalettes
$5147 = MobileTradeOB1Palettes
$5187 = MobileTradeOB2Palettes
$51c7 = MobileCable1GFX
$52c7 = MobileCable2GFX
$53c7 = MobileAdapterPalettes
SECTION: $5407-$5846 ($0440 bytes) ["Intro Logo"]
$5407 = GameFreakDittoGFX
SECTION: $5847-$764f ($1e09 bytes) ["Credits"]
$5847 = Credits
$584f = Credits.okay
$586a = Credits.load_loop
$58de = Credits.execution_loop
$58ee = Credits.exit_credits
$58fd = Credits_HandleAButton
$5908 = Credits_HandleBButton
$591e = Credits_HandleBButton.okay
$5926 = Credits_Jumptable
$5937 = Credits_Jumptable.Jumptable
$5951 = Credits_Next
$5956 = Credits_LoopBack
$595e = Credits_PrepBGMapUpdate
$5964 = Credits_UpdateGFXRequestPath
$597b = Credits_RequestGFX
$5986 = Credits_LYOverride
$59a3 = Credits_LYOverride.Fill
$59a5 = Credits_LYOverride.loop
$59aa = ParseCredits
$59bd = ParseCredits.parse
$59cb = ParseCredits.loop
$5a05 = ParseCredits.copyright
$5a0a = ParseCredits.staff
$5a0d = ParseCredits.print
$5a1b = ParseCredits.theend
$5a20 = ParseCredits.scene
$5a32 = ParseCredits.clear
$5a39 = ParseCredits.music
$5a4d = ParseCredits.wait2
$5a55 = ParseCredits.wait
$5a62 = ParseCredits.done
$5a65 = ParseCredits.end
$5a7a = ParseCredits.get
$5a95 = ConstructCreditsTilemap
$5aff = ConstructCreditsTilemap.InitTopPortion
$5b01 = ConstructCreditsTilemap.outer_loop
$5b08 = ConstructCreditsTilemap.inner_loop
$5b1d = DrawCreditsBorder
$5b1f = DrawCreditsBorder.loop
$5b2c = GetCreditsPalette
$5b37 = GetCreditsPalette.GetPalAddress
$5b49 = GetCreditsPalette.UpdatePals
$5b6a = CreditsPalettes
$5bca = Credits_LoadBorderGFX
$5bed = Credits_LoadBorderGFX.init
$5bf1 = Credits_LoadBorderGFX.Frames
$5c11 = Credits_TheEnd
$5c1c = Credits_TheEnd.Load
$5c1e = Credits_TheEnd.loop
$5c24 = CreditsBorderGFX
$5cb4 = CreditsMonsGFX
$5cb4 = CreditsPichuGFX
$60b4 = CreditsSmoochumGFX
$64b4 = CreditsDittoGFX
$68b4 = CreditsIgglybuffGFX
$6cb4 = CreditsScript
$6e13 = CreditsStringsPointers
$6ee1 = CreditsStringsPointers.SatoshiTajiri
$6ef3 = CreditsStringsPointers.JunichiMasuda
$6f05 = CreditsStringsPointers.TetsuyaWatanabe
$6f18 = CreditsStringsPointers.ShigekiMorimoto
$6f2b = CreditsStringsPointers.SousukeTamada
$6f3d = CreditsStringsPointers.TakenoriOota
$6f4e = CreditsStringsPointers.KenSugimori
$6f5f = CreditsStringsPointers.MotofumiFujiwara
$6f72 = CreditsStringsPointers.AtsukoNishida
$6f84 = CreditsStringsPointers.MuneoSaito
$6f94 = CreditsStringsPointers.SatoshiOota
$6fa5 = CreditsStringsPointers.RenaYoshikawa
$6fb7 = CreditsStringsPointers.JunOkutani
$6fc7 = CreditsStringsPointers.HironobuYoshida
$6fda = CreditsStringsPointers.AsukaIwashita
$6fec = CreditsStringsPointers.GoIchinose
$6ffc = CreditsStringsPointers.MorikazuAoki
$700d = CreditsStringsPointers.KohjiNishino
$701e = CreditsStringsPointers.KenjiMatsushima
$7031 = CreditsStringsPointers.ToshinobuMatsumiya
$7045 = CreditsStringsPointers.SatoruIwata
$7056 = CreditsStringsPointers.NobuhiroSeya
$7067 = CreditsStringsPointers.KazuhitoSekine
$7079 = CreditsStringsPointers.TetsujiOota
$708a = CreditsStringsPointers.NclSuperMarioClub
$709f = CreditsStringsPointers.Sarugakucho
$70af = CreditsStringsPointers.AkitoMori
$70bf = CreditsStringsPointers.TakahiroHarada
$70d1 = CreditsStringsPointers.TohruHashimoto
$70e3 = CreditsStringsPointers.NoboruMatsumoto
$70f6 = CreditsStringsPointers.TakehiroIzushi
$7108 = CreditsStringsPointers.TakashiKawaguchi
$711b = CreditsStringsPointers.TsunekazuIshihara
$712f = CreditsStringsPointers.HiroshiYamauchi
$7142 = CreditsStringsPointers.KenjiSaiki
$7152 = CreditsStringsPointers.AtsushiTada
$7163 = CreditsStringsPointers.NaokoKawakami
$7175 = CreditsStringsPointers.HiroyukiZinnai
$7187 = CreditsStringsPointers.KunimiKawamura
$7199 = CreditsStringsPointers.HisashiSogabe
$71ab = CreditsStringsPointers.KeitaKagaya
$71bc = CreditsStringsPointers.YoshinoriMatsuda
$71cf = CreditsStringsPointers.HitomiSato
$71df = CreditsStringsPointers.ToruOsawa
$71ef = CreditsStringsPointers.TakaoOhara
$71ff = CreditsStringsPointers.YuichiroIto
$7210 = CreditsStringsPointers.TakaoShimizu
$7221 = CreditsStringsPointers.Planning
$7259 = CreditsStringsPointers.KeitaNakamura
$726b = CreditsStringsPointers.HirotakaUemura
$727d = CreditsStringsPointers.HiroakiTamura
$728f = CreditsStringsPointers.NoriakiSakaguchi
$72a2 = CreditsStringsPointers.MiyukiSato
$72b2 = CreditsStringsPointers.GakuziNomoto
$72c3 = CreditsStringsPointers.AiMashima
$72d3 = CreditsStringsPointers.MikihiroIshikawa
$72e6 = CreditsStringsPointers.HideyukiHashimoto
$72fa = CreditsStringsPointers.SatoshiYamato
$730c = CreditsStringsPointers.ShigeruMiyamoto
$731f = CreditsStringsPointers.End
$732b = CreditsStringsPointers.Unknown
$733a = CreditsStringsPointers.GailTilden
$734a = CreditsStringsPointers.NobOgasawara
$735b = CreditsStringsPointers.SethMcMahill
$736c = CreditsStringsPointers.HirotoAlexander
$737f = CreditsStringsPointers.TeresaLillygren
$7392 = CreditsStringsPointers.ThomasHertzog
$73a4 = CreditsStringsPointers.ErikJohnson
$73b5 = CreditsStringsPointers.HiroNakamura
$73c6 = CreditsStringsPointers.TerukiMurakawa
$73d8 = CreditsStringsPointers.KazuyoshiOsawa
$73ea = CreditsStringsPointers.KimikoNakamichi
$73fd = CreditsStringsPointers.Staff
$7427 = CreditsStringsPointers.Director
$7436 = CreditsStringsPointers.CoDirector
$7446 = CreditsStringsPointers.Programmers
$7456 = CreditsStringsPointers.GraphicsDirector
$7469 = CreditsStringsPointers.MonsterDesign
$747b = CreditsStringsPointers.GraphicsDesign
$748d = CreditsStringsPointers.Music
$749a = CreditsStringsPointers.SoundEffects
$74ab = CreditsStringsPointers.GameDesign
$74bb = CreditsStringsPointers.GameScenario
$74cc = CreditsStringsPointers.ToolProgramming
$74df = CreditsStringsPointers.ParametricDesign
$74f2 = CreditsStringsPointers.ScriptDesign
$7503 = CreditsStringsPointers.MapDataDesign
$7515 = CreditsStringsPointers.MapDesign
$7525 = CreditsStringsPointers.ProductTesting
$7537 = CreditsStringsPointers.SpecialThanks
$7549 = CreditsStringsPointers.Producers
$7558 = CreditsStringsPointers.ExecutiveProducer
$756c = CreditsStringsPointers.PokemonAnimation
$757c = CreditsStringsPointers.PokedexText
$758a = CreditsStringsPointers.MobilePrjLeader
$759e = CreditsStringsPointers.MobileSystemAd
$75b1 = CreditsStringsPointers.MobileStadiumDir
$75c5 = CreditsStringsPointers.Coordination
$75d6 = CreditsStringsPointers.UsVersionStaff
$75e9 = CreditsStringsPointers.UsCoordination
$75fb = CreditsStringsPointers.TextTranslation
$760e = CreditsStringsPointers.PaadTesting
$761f = CreditsStringsPointers.Copyright
EMPTY: $7650-$7fff ($09b0 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $09b0 bytes
ROMX bank #67:
SECTION: $4000-$7f5d ($3f5e bytes) ["Title"]
$4000 = UnusedTitleScreen
$4040 = UnusedTitleScreen.copy
$40b1 = UnusedTitleBG_GFX
$50b1 = UnusedTitleBG_Tilemap
$58b1 = UnusedTitleBG_Palettes
$5ab1 = UnusedTitleFG_GFX
$6ab1 = UnusedTitleFG_Palettes
$6cb1 = UnusedTitleFG_OAM
$6d51 = TestCrystalTitleScreen
$6d54 = TestCrystalTitleScreen.loop
$6d66 = TestCrystalTitleScreen.done
$6d67 = _TitleScreen
$6e5d = _TitleScreen.loop
$6ea7 = SuicuneFrameIterator
$6ece = SuicuneFrameIterator.Frames
$6ed2 = LoadSuicuneFrame
$6ed7 = LoadSuicuneFrame.bgrows
$6ed9 = LoadSuicuneFrame.col
$6eef = DrawTitleGraphic
$6eef = DrawTitleGraphic.bgrows
$6ef2 = DrawTitleGraphic.col
$6f06 = InitializeBackground
$6f0f = InitializeBackground.loop
$6f1c = InitializeBackground.InitColumn
$6f20 = InitializeBackground.loop2
$6f32 = AnimateTitleCrystal
$6f3b = AnimateTitleCrystal.loop
$6f46 = TitleSuicuneGFX
$7326 = TitleLogoGFX
$7cee = TitleCrystalGFX
$7ede = TitleScreenPalettes
EMPTY: $7f5e-$7fff ($00a2 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $00a2 bytes
ROMX bank #68:
SECTION: $4000-$7f83 ($3f84 bytes) ["Mobile Adapter SDK"]
$4000 = MobileSDK_CopyBytes
$4000 = MobileSDK_CopyBytes.loop
$4007 = MobileSDK_CopyString
$4007 = MobileSDK_CopyString.loop
$400f = MobileSDK_CopyStringLen
$4014 = MobileSDK_CopyStringLen.loop
$4020 = MobileSDK_CopyStringLen.done
$4029 = ResetReceivePacketBuffer
$4030 = _MobileAPI
$4047 = _MobileAPI.noreset
$4066 = _MobileAPI.okay
$4070 = _MobileAPI.dw
$40b4 = Function1100b4
$40b5 = Function1100b4.loop
$40da = Function1100b4.done
$40dc = MobileAPI_SetTimer
$40f9 = MobileAPI_SetTimer.asm_1100f9
$4115 = Function110115
$4120 = Function110115.asm_110120
$4158 = Function110115.asm_110158
$415b = Function110115.asm_11015b
$415d = Function110115.asm_11015d
$416a = Function110115.asm_11016a
$418e = Function110115.asm_11018e
$41a4 = Function110115.asm_1101a4
$41d7 = Function110115.asm_1101d7
$41f2 = Function110115.asm_1101f2
$41f8 = Function110115.asm_1101f8
$420d = Function110115.asm_11020d
$4226 = Function110226
$4228 = Function110228
$4231 = Function110231
$4235 = Function110235
$4236 = Function110236
$424e = Function110236.asm_11024e
$4289 = Function110236.asm_110289
$428b = Function110236.asm_11028b
$4291 = Function110291
$42a6 = Function110291.asm_1102a6
$42b3 = Function110291.asm_1102b3
$42f2 = Function110291.asm_1102f2
$42f4 = Function110291.asm_1102f4
$432c = Function11032c
$437f = Function11032c.asm_11037f
$4381 = Function11032c.asm_110381
$4393 = Function110393
$439a = Function11039a
$439c = Function11039a.asm_11039c
$43a3 = Function11039a.asm_1103a3
$43aa = Function11039a.asm_1103aa
$43ac = Function1103ac
$43d2 = Function1103ac.asm_1103d2
$43d6 = Function1103ac.isp_login
$4432 = Function110432
$4438 = Function110438
$4454 = Function110438.asm_110454
$4485 = Mobile_DialTelephone
$449e = Mobile_DialTelephone.asm_11049e
$44a1 = Mobile_DialTelephone.asm_1104a1
$44b0 = Function1104b0
$44c6 = Function1104c6
$44fa = Function1104c6.asm_1104fa
$4507 = Function1104c6.asm_110507
$451f = Function1104c6.asm_11051f
$4526 = Function1104c6.asm_110526
$4578 = Function110578
$4582 = Function110582
$458c = Function11058c
$4596 = Function110596
$45d9 = Function110596.asm_1105d9
$45dd = Function1105dd
$4615 = Function110615
$4625 = Function110615.asm_110625
$462c = Function110615.asm_11062c
$4631 = Function110615.asm_110631
$46ac = Function110615.asm_1106ac
$46c1 = Function110615.asm_1106c1
$46d0 = Function110615.asm_1106d0
$46da = Function110615.asm_1106da
$46ef = Function1106ef
$4712 = Function1106ef.asm_110712
$473b = Function1106ef.asm_11073b
$4744 = Function1106ef.asm_110744
$4757 = Function110757
$476f = Function110757.asm_11076f
$4781 = Function110757.asm_110781
$47fb = Function110757.asm_1107fb
$47ff = Function1107ff
$4891 = Function1107ff.asm_110891
$4899 = Function110899
$48a3 = Function1108a3
$48ab = Function1108ab
$4905 = Function110905
$492f = Function110905.asm_11092f
$4933 = Function110905.asm_110933
$494a = Function110905.asm_11094a
$4953 = Function110905.asm_110953
$4961 = Function110905.asm_110961
$49a4 = Function1109a4
$49f9 = Function1109f9
$4a5b = Function110a5b
$4a6d = Function110a5b.asm_110a6d
$4af4 = Function110af4
$4b1c = Function110af4.asm_110b1c
$4b5c = Function110af4.asm_110b5c
$4b9b = Function110af4.asm_110b9b
$4bbb = Function110af4.asm_110bbb
$4bd5 = Function110af4.asm_110bd5
$4c05 = Function110af4.asm_110c05
$4c3c = Function110c3c
$4c9e = Function110c9e
$4cb0 = Function110c9e.asm_110cb0
$4d37 = Function110d37
$4d3b = Function110d37.check_under_10k
$4d49 = Function110d37.subtract_10k
$4d52 = Function110d37.done_10k
$4d59 = Function110d37.check_under_1k
$4d67 = Function110d37.subtract_1k
$4d70 = Function110d37.done_1k
$4d77 = Function110d37.check_under_100
$4d83 = Function110d37.subtract_100
$4d8c = Function110d37.check_under_10
$4d94 = Function110d37.subtract_10
$4d9d = Function110d37.done_10
$4dac = Function110d37.find_first_digit
$4db7 = Function110d37.found_first_digit
$4dc9 = Function110d37.penultimate_loop
$4dd5 = Function110d37.done
$4dd6 = Function110d37.last_loop
$4ddd = Function110ddd
$4df9 = Function110ddd.asm_110df9
$4dfa = Function110ddd.asm_110dfa
$4dfd = Function110ddd.asm_110dfd
$4e00 = Function110ddd.asm_110e00
$4e4a = Function110ddd.asm_110e4a
$4e53 = Function110ddd.asm_110e53
$4e64 = Function110ddd.asm_110e64
$4e70 = Function110ddd.asm_110e70
$4e79 = Function110ddd.asm_110e79
$4e86 = Function110ddd.asm_110e86
$4e8f = Function110ddd.asm_110e8f
$4ea2 = Function110ddd.asm_110ea2
$4eaa = Function110ddd.asm_110eaa
$4eb3 = Function110ddd.asm_110eb3
$4ecb = Function110ddd.asm_110ecb
$4ee3 = Function110ddd.asm_110ee3
$4f07 = Function110f07
$4f12 = Function110f07.asm_110f12
$4f28 = Function110f07.asm_110f28
$4f8a = Function110f07.asm_110f8a
$4f95 = Function110f07.asm_110f95
$4fad = URIPrefix
$4fb4 = URIPrefix.End
$4fb4 = HTTPDownloadURL
$4fd9 = HTTPUploadURL
$4fd9 = HTTPDownloadURL.End
$4ffc = HTTPUploadURL.End
$4ffc = HTTPUtilityURL
$5020 = HTTPRankingURL
$5020 = HTTPUtilityURL.End
$5044 = Function111044
$5044 = HTTPRankingURL.End
$50ac = Function111044.asm_1110ac
$50eb = Function111044.asm_1110eb
$5144 = Function111044.asm_111144
$515f = Function11115f
$5168 = Function11115f.asm_111168
$51a2 = Function11115f.asm_1111a2
$51ca = Function1111ca
$51d7 = Function1111d7
$51e8 = Function1111d7.asm_1111e8
$51ee = Function1111d7.asm_1111ee
$51f1 = Function1111d7.asm_1111f1
$51fe = Function1111fe
$5251 = Function1111fe.asm_111251
$5256 = Function1111fe.asm_111256
$5268 = Function1111fe.asm_111268
$5275 = Function1111fe.asm_111275
$527e = Function1111fe.asm_11127e
$528f = Function1111fe.asm_11128f
$5297 = Function1111fe.asm_111297
$52a0 = Function1111fe.asm_1112a0
$52a4 = Function1111fe.asm_1112a4
$52cc = Function1111fe.asm_1112cc
$52eb = Function1111fe.asm_1112eb
$5335 = Function111335
$5344 = Function111335.asm_111344
$534e = Function111335.asm_11134e
$5352 = Function111335.asm_111352
$535b = Function111335.asm_11135b
$5363 = Function111335.asm_111363
$536d = Function111335.asm_11136d
$5371 = Function111335.asm_111371
$537b = Function111335.asm_11137b
$537f = Function111335.asm_11137f
$5389 = Function111335.asm_111389
$538d = Function111335.asm_11138d
$5396 = Function111335.asm_111396
$539e = Function111335.asm_11139e
$53a8 = Function111335.asm_1113a8
$53ac = Function111335.asm_1113ac
$53b6 = Function111335.asm_1113b6
$53ea = Function1113ea
$53f7 = Function1113f7
$53f8 = Function1113f8
$53fe = Function1113fe
$5413 = Function1113fe.asm_111413
$5436 = Function1113fe.asm_111436
$547b = Function1113fe.asm_11147b
$547f = Function1113fe.asm_11147f
$5485 = Function1113fe.asm_111485
$548c = Function11148c
$54bb = Function11148c.asm_1114bb
$54bd = Function11148c.asm_1114bd
$54d2 = Function11148c.asm_1114d2
$54dc = Function11148c.asm_1114dc
$54e4 = Function11148c.asm_1114e4
$54e6 = Function11148c.asm_1114e6
$54fa = Function11148c.asm_1114fa
$5500 = Function11148c.asm_111500
$5507 = Function11148c.asm_111507
$550c = Function11148c.asm_11150c
$5521 = Function11148c.asm_111521
$5540 = Function111540
$5541 = MobileAPI_TelephoneStatus
$556f = MobileAPI_TelephoneStatus.asm_11156f
$557a = MobileAPI_TelephoneStatus.asm_11157a
$557c = MobileAPI_TelephoneStatus.asm_11157c
$5582 = MobileAPI_TelephoneStatus.asm_111582
$5596 = Function111596
$55af = Function111596.asm_1115af
$55dd = Function111596.asm_1115dd
$55e4 = Function1115e4
$5601 = Function1115e4.asm_111601
$5604 = Function1115e4.asm_111604
$5609 = Function1115e4.asm_111609
$560d = Function1115e4.asm_11160d
$5610 = Function111610
$5626 = Function111610.asm_111626
$562d = Function11162d
$5647 = Function11162d.asm_111647
$564f = Function11164f
$5664 = Function111664
$5679 = Function111664.asm_111679
$567c = Function111664.asm_11167c
$5686 = Function111686
$56a0 = Function1116a0
$56a4 = Function1116a4
$56a9 = Function1116a9
$56c5 = _MobileReceive
$5716 = _MobileReceive.asm_111716
$5727 = _MobileReceive.asm_111727
$5730 = _MobileReceive.asm_111730
$5757 = _MobileReceive.asm_111757
$576e = _MobileReceive.asm_11176e
$5772 = _MobileReceive.asm_111772
$5774 = _MobileReceive.asm_111774
$5778 = _MobileReceive.asm_111778
$577c = Function11177c
$5785 = Function11177c.asm_111785
$5796 = Function111796
$579a = asm_11179a
$57a0 = Function1117a0
$57a2 = asm_1117a2
$57e1 = asm_1117a2.asm_1117e1
$57e7 = Function1117e7
$57f8 = Function1117e7.asm_1117f8
$5803 = Function1117e7.asm_111803
$5805 = Function1117e7.asm_111805
$5812 = Function1117e7.asm_111812
$5817 = Function1117e7.asm_111817
$5840 = Function1117e7.asm_111840
$584e = Function1117e7.asm_11184e
$5864 = Function1117e7.asm_111864
$586e = Function11186e
$5884 = Function111884
$5892 = Function111892
$58b4 = Function111892.asm_1118b4
$58bc = Function1118bc
$58c2 = Function1118c2
$58de = _Timer
$58fe = _Timer.asm_1118fe
$5927 = _Timer.asm_111927
$5977 = _Timer.asm_111977
$597d = _Timer.asm_11197d
$5984 = _Timer.asm_111984
$5991 = _Timer.asm_111991
$599c = _Timer.asm_11199c
$59a9 = _Timer.asm_1119a9
$59be = _Timer.asm_1119be
$59dd = _Timer.asm_1119dd
$59f0 = Function1119f0_BeginSession
$5a0b = Function111a0b
$5a2a = Function111a2a
$5a40 = asm_111a40
$5a42 = Function111a42
$5a47 = asm_111a47
$5a63 = asm_111a47.asm_111a63
$5a91 = asm_111a47.asm_111a91
$5aa8 = asm_111a47.asm_111aa8
$5ab9 = Function111ab9
$5abd = Function111abd
$5acb = Function111abd.asm_111acb
$5af9 = Function111abd.asm_111af9
$5afb = Function111abd.asm_111afb
$5afe = Function111abd.asm_111afe
$5b1c = Function111abd.asm_111b1c
$5b21 = Function111b21
$5b2e = Function111b2e
$5b3b = Function111b3b
$5b3c = Function111b3c
$5b59 = Function111b3c.asm_111b59
$5b5c = Function111b3c.asm_111b5c
$5b62 = Function111b3c.asm_111b62
$5bbe = Function111b3c.asm_111bbe
$5bca = Function111b3c.asm_111bca
$5bd0 = Function111b3c.asm_111bd0
$5be0 = Function111b3c.asm_111be0
$5bf0 = Function111b3c.asm_111bf0
$5c06 = Function111c06
$5c17 = Function111c17
$5c50 = Function111c17.asm_111c50
$5c52 = Function111c17.asm_111c52
$5c5b = Function111c17.asm_111c5b
$5c6e = Function111c17.asm_111c6e
$5c83 = Function111c17.asm_111c83
$5c89 = Function111c17.asm_111c89
$5c9d = Function111c17.asm_111c9d
$5cc2 = Function111cc2
$5cda = Function111cc2.asm_111cda
$5ce1 = Function111cc2.asm_111ce1
$5d07 = Function111d07
$5d1c = Function111d07.asm_111d1c
$5d23 = Function111d23
$5d39 = ParseResponse_BeginSession
$5d41 = ParseResponse_BeginSession.check_loop
$5d4a = ParseResponse_BeginSession.check_done
$5d59 = ParseResponse_BeginSession.done
$5d62 = ParseResponse_BeginSession.fail
$5d65 = Function111d65
$5d70 = Function111d70
$5da9 = Function111d70.asm_111da9
$5dbb = Function111d70.asm_111dbb
$5dc0 = Function111d70.asm_111dc0
$5dd9 = Function111dd9
$5de7 = Function111dd9.asm_111de7
$5dea = Function111dd9.asm_111dea
$5df8 = Function111dd9.asm_111df8
$5dfb = Function111dd9.asm_111dfb
$5e12 = Function111dd9.asm_111e12
$5e15 = Function111e15
$5e28 = Function111e28
$5e2b = GetErrorCode
$5e48 = GetErrorCode.asm_111e48
$5e54 = GetErrorCode.asm_111e54
$5e57 = GetErrorCode.asm_111e57
$5e84 = GetErrorCode.store_error_code
$5e88 = GetErrorCode.adapter_not_plugged_in
$5e8c = GetErrorCode.dial_telephone
$5e99 = GetErrorCode.asm_111e99
$5e9d = GetErrorCode.asm_111e9d
$5ea1 = GetErrorCode.hang_up_logout
$5eae = GetErrorCode.transfer_data
$5ed3 = GetErrorCode.asm_111ed3
$5edc = GetErrorCode.read_configuration_data
$5ee0 = GetErrorCode.isp_login
$5ee4 = GetErrorCode.open_tcp_connection
$5ee9 = GetErrorCode.dns_query
$5eed = GetErrorCode.close_tcp_connection
$5ef8 = Function111ef8
$5eff = PacketSendEmptyBody
$5f02 = Function111f02
$5f07 = PacketSendBytes
$5f17 = PacketSendBytes.asm_111f17
$5f35 = PacketSendBytes.asm_111f35
$5f4f = PacketSendBytes.asm_111f4f
$5f63 = Function111f63
$5f6c = Function111f63.asm_111f6c
$5f71 = Function111f63.asm_111f71
$5f73 = Function111f63.asm_111f73
$5f8d = Function111f8d
$5f97 = Function111f97
$5fcb = Function111f97.done
$5fcd = Function111f97.hang_up
$5fe9 = Function111f97.begin_session
$6000 = MobilePacket_Idle
$6001 = MobilePacket_Idle.End
$6001 = MobilePacket_BeginSession
$6013 = MobilePacket_BeginSession.End
$6013 = MobilePacket_EndSession
$601d = MobilePacket_DialTelephone
$601d = MobilePacket_EndSession.End
$6023 = MobilePacket_DialTelephone.End
$6023 = MobilePacket_HangUpTelephone
$602d = MobilePacket_TelephoneStatus
$602d = MobilePacket_HangUpTelephone.End
$6037 = MobilePacket_ISPLogin
$6037 = MobilePacket_TelephoneStatus.End
$603c = MobilePacket_ISPLogin.End
$603c = MobilePacket_ISPLogout
$6046 = MobilePacket_ReadConfigurationDataPart1
$6046 = MobilePacket_ISPLogout.End
$6052 = MobilePacket_ReadConfigurationDataPart2
$6052 = MobilePacket_ReadConfigurationDataPart1.End
$605e = MobilePacket_WriteConfigurationData
$605e = MobilePacket_ReadConfigurationDataPart2.End
$6063 = MobilePacket_WriteConfigurationData.End
$6063 = MobilePacket_DNSQuery
$6068 = MobilePacket_DNSQuery.End
$6068 = MobilePacket_WaitForTelephoneCall
$6072 = MobilePacket_TransferData
$6072 = MobilePacket_WaitForTelephoneCall.End
$607d = MobilePacket_OpenTCPConnection
$607d = MobilePacket_TransferData.End
$6083 = MobilePacket_OpenTCPConnection.End
$6083 = MobilePacket_CloseTCPConnection
$6089 = Unknown_112089
$6089 = MobilePacket_CloseTCPConnection.End
$609e = Unknown_11209e
$60a4 = Unknown_1120a4
$60b0 = Unknown_1120b0
$60ba = Unknown_1120ba
$60c1 = Unknown_1120c1
$60c8 = Unknown_1120c8
$60ce = Unknown_1120ce
$60d4 = Unknown_1120d4
$60db = Unknown_1120db
$60e8 = Unknown_1120e8
$60f5 = Unknown_1120f5
$6102 = Unknown_112102
$6110 = Unknown_112110
$6115 = Unknown_112115
$6121 = Unknown_112121
$6132 = Unknown_112132
$6137 = Unknown_112137
$613d = Unknown_11213d
$614e = Function11214e
$616f = Function11214e.asm_11216f
$6175 = Function11214e.asm_112175
$6187 = Function11214e.asm_112187
$6196 = Function11214e.asm_112196
$61ac = Jumptable_1121ac
$61f6 = Function1121f6
$61fe = Function1121f6.asm_1121fe
$6206 = Function1121f6.asm_112206
$6210 = Function1121f6.asm_112210
$6226 = Function1121f6.asm_112226
$622b = Function1121f6.asm_11222b
$623a = Function1121f6.asm_11223a
$6249 = Function1121f6.asm_112249
$6251 = Function112251
$625d = Function11225d
$6269 = Mobile_EndSession
$6271 = Function112271
$628c = Function112271.asm_11228c
$6292 = Function112271.asm_112292
$62a1 = Function112271.asm_1122a1
$62b3 = Function112271.asm_1122b3
$62f5 = Function112271.asm_1122f5
$62fc = Function112271.asm_1122fc
$6301 = Function112271.asm_112301
$6309 = Function112271.asm_112309
$6314 = Function112271.asm_112314
$631b = Function112271.asm_11231b
$6326 = Function112271.asm_112326
$6335 = Function112271.asm_112335
$6342 = Function112271.asm_112342
$634b = Function11234b
$635a = Function11235a
$636b = Function11236b
$6373 = Function112373
$6381 = Function112373.asm_112381
$638c = Function112373.asm_11238c
$6393 = Function112373.asm_112393
$639b = Function112373.asm_11239b
$63ad = Function112373.asm_1123ad
$63b6 = Function1123b6
$63bd = Function1123b6.asm_1123bd
$63be = Function1123b6.wait_for_call
$63c6 = Function1123b6.asm_1123c6
$63e1 = Function1123e1
$63f2 = Function1123e1.asm_1123f2
$6408 = Function1123e1.asm_112408
$640a = Function1123e1.asm_11240a
$6416 = Function1123e1.asm_112416
$641e = Function1123e1.asm_11241e
$6421 = Function1123e1.asm_112421
$6430 = Function112430
$6451 = Function112451
$6458 = Function112451.asm_112458
$6480 = Function112451.asm_112480
$648b = Function112451.asm_11248b
$6496 = Function112451.asm_112496
$64ab = Function112451.asm_1124ab
$64b8 = Function112451.asm_1124b8
$64ce = Function112451.asm_1124ce
$6521 = Function112451.asm_112521
$6531 = Function112451.asm_112531
$6534 = Function112534
$653a = Function112534.asm_11253a
$6566 = Function112566
$657d = Function112566.asm_11257d
$6590 = Function112566.asm_112590
$6597 = Function112597
$65bc = Function112597.asm_1125bc
$65bf = Function1125bf
$65c7 = Function1125c7
$661c = Function11261c
$664e = Function11264e
$6654 = Function112654
$669b = Function11269b
$66ac = Function1126ac
$66b0 = Function1126b0
$66b6 = Function1126b6
$66e6 = Function1126e6
$66f5 = Function1126e6.asm_1126f5
$6701 = Function1126e6.asm_112701
$6715 = Function112715
$6724 = Function112724
$6729 = Function112729
$673a = Function11273a
$6744 = Function11273a.asm_112744
$6752 = Function11273a.asm_112752
$677a = Function11273a.asm_11277a
$678f = Function11273a.asm_11278f
$67b7 = Function11273a.asm_1127b7
$67c5 = Function1127c5
$67cd = Function1127cd
$67e1 = Function1127e1
$67e7 = Function1127e7
$67f3 = Function1127f3
$6807 = Function112807
$682a = Function112807.asm_11282a
$682d = Function112807.asm_11282d
$6830 = Function112807.asm_112830
$6840 = Function112840
$6844 = Function112840.asm_112844
$689d = Function112840.asm_11289d
$68ab = Function112840.asm_1128ab
$68bd = Function1128bd
$68d3 = Function1128d3
$68db = Function1128db
$68e5 = Function1128db.asm_1128e5
$6901 = Function1128db.asm_112901
$6913 = Function1128db.asm_112913
$693d = Function1128db.asm_11293d
$6941 = Function1128db.asm_112941
$6947 = Function1128db.asm_112947
$695b = Function1128db.asm_11295b
$695e = Function11295e
$6969 = Function112969
$6970 = Function112969.asm_112970
$6986 = Function112969.asm_112986
$6989 = Function112969.asm_112989
$699c = Function11299c
$69aa = Function11299c.asm_1129aa
$69c9 = Function11299c.asm_1129c9
$69e7 = Function11299c.asm_1129e7
$69fe = Function11299c.asm_1129fe
$6a0f = Function11299c.asm_112a0f
$6a1d = Function11299c.asm_112a1d
$6a2c = Function11299c.asm_112a2c
$6a2c = Function112a2c
$6a42 = Function112a42
$6a56 = Function112a56
$6a5a = Function112a56.asm_112a5a
$6a67 = Function112a56.asm_112a67
$6a95 = Function112a56.asm_112a95
$6aa6 = Function112a56.asm_112aa6
$6aac = Function112aac
$6abe = Function112aac.asm_112abe
$6b04 = Function112aac.asm_112b04
$6b11 = Function112b11
$6b2d = Function112b11.asm_112b2d
$6b36 = Function112b11.asm_112b36
$6b49 = Function112b11.asm_112b49
$6b4b = Function112b11.asm_112b4b
$6b4f = Function112b11.asm_112b4f
$6b52 = Function112b11.asm_112b52
$6b60 = Function112b11.asm_112b60
$6b6f = Function112b11.asm_112b6f
$6b71 = Function112b71
$6b75 = Function112b71.asm_112b75
$6b82 = Function112b71.asm_112b82
$6b87 = Function112b71.asm_112b87
$6ba3 = Function112b71.asm_112ba3
$6bb5 = Function112b71.asm_112bb5
$6bbb = Function112bbb
$6bbf = Function112bbb.asm_112bbf
$6bd4 = Function112bbb.asm_112bd4
$6be6 = Function112bbb.asm_112be6
$6bec = Function112bec
$6bf7 = Function112bec.asm_112bf7
$6c03 = Function112bec.asm_112c03
$6c0b = Function112bec.asm_112c0b
$6c1a = Function112bec.asm_112c1a
$6c56 = Function112bec.asm_112c56
$6c9f = Function112bec.asm_112c9f
$6cdb = Function112bec.asm_112cdb
$6cea = Function112bec.asm_112cea
$6cef = Function112bec.asm_112cef
$6d01 = Function112bec.asm_112d01
$6d09 = Function112bec.asm_112d09
$6d20 = Function112d20
$6d2d = Function112d20.asm_112d2d
$6d33 = Function112d33
$6d4c = Function112d33.asm_112d4c
$6d4d = Function112d33.asm_112d4d
$6d60 = Function112d33.asm_112d60
$6d6d = Function112d33.asm_112d6d
$6d82 = Function112d33.asm_112d82
$6d87 = Function112d33.asm_112d87
$6d9f = Function112d33.asm_112d9f
$6dab = Function112d33.asm_112dab
$6dc1 = Function112d33.asm_112dc1
$6de1 = Function112d33.asm_112de1
$6df2 = Function112d33.asm_112df2
$6e21 = Function112d33.asm_112e21
$6e2a = Function112d33.asm_112e2a
$6e2d = Function112d33.asm_112e2d
$6e38 = Function112d33.asm_112e38
$6e46 = Function112d33.asm_112e46
$6e65 = Function112d33.asm_112e65
$6e6c = Function112d33.asm_112e6c
$6e7f = Function112d33.asm_112e7f
$6e95 = Function112d33.asm_112e95
$6ea6 = Function112d33.asm_112ea6
$6ec1 = Function112d33.asm_112ec1
$6eea = Function112d33.asm_112eea
$6efb = Function112d33.asm_112efb
$6f13 = Function112d33.asm_112f13
$6f3d = Function112d33.asm_112f3d
$6f52 = Function112d33.asm_112f52
$6f61 = Function112f61
$6f70 = Function112f61.asm_112f70
$6f7d = Function112f61.asm_112f7d
$6f8a = Function112f61.asm_112f8a
$6fa1 = Function112f61.asm_112fa1
$6fc2 = Function112f61.asm_112fc2
$6fc9 = Function112f61.asm_112fc9
$6fce = Function112f61.asm_112fce
$6fd5 = Function112fd5
$6fe0 = Function112fd5.asm_112fe0
$6fe6 = Function112fd5.asm_112fe6
$6ffe = Function112fd5.asm_112ffe
$7001 = Unknown_113001
$7008 = Function113008
$7013 = Function113008.asm_113013
$7026 = Function113026
$7031 = Function113026.asm_113031
$7037 = Function113026.asm_113037
$7054 = Function113054
$705f = Function113054.asm_11305f
$706b = Function11306b
$7072 = Function113072
$7089 = Function113089
$7094 = Function113089.asm_113094
$7095 = Function113095
$70b3 = Function113095.asm_1130b3
$70c8 = Function113095.asm_1130c8
$70d6 = Function113095.asm_1130d6
$70f5 = Function113095.asm_1130f5
$710d = Function113095.asm_11310d
$7135 = Function113095.asm_113135
$7150 = Function113095.asm_113150
$7167 = Function113167
$7172 = Function113167.asm_113172
$7178 = Function113167.asm_113178
$7180 = Function113180
$718b = Function113180.asm_11318b
$7191 = Function113180.asm_113191
$7197 = Function113197
$71a9 = Function1131a9
$71b7 = Function1131a9.asm_1131b7
$71c4 = Function1131a9.asm_1131c4
$71ef = Function1131a9.asm_1131ef
$7206 = Function113206
$7214 = Function113206.asm_113214
$7245 = Function113245
$7268 = Function113268
$7268 = Function113268.asm_113268
$7273 = Function113273
$7275 = Function113273.asm_113275
$7281 = Function113281
$7287 = Function113281.asm_113287
$7298 = Function113281.asm_113298
$729d = Function11329d
$72a6 = Unknown_1132a6
$72b2 = Unknown_1132b2
$72bf = Unknown_1132bf
$72dd = Unknown_1132dd
$72ff = Unknown_1132ff
$730c = Unknown_11330c
$7317 = Function113317
$7344 = Function113317.asm_113344
$7348 = Function113317.asm_113348
$7351 = Function113317.asm_113351
$736a = Function113317.asm_11336a
$7372 = Unknown_113372
$7386 = Function113386
$73de = Function1133de
$73fe = Function1133fe
$7432 = Function1133fe.asm_113432
$744c = Function1133fe.asm_11344c
$7455 = Function1133fe.asm_113455
$7460 = Function1133fe.asm_113460
$7478 = Function1133fe.asm_113478
$7482 = Function113482
$7496 = Function113482.asm_113496
$74a3 = Function113482.asm_1134a3
$74cb = Function1134cb
$74d9 = Function1134cb.asm_1134d9
$74f0 = Function1134cb.asm_1134f0
$74f4 = Function1134cb.asm_1134f4
$74fc = Function1134cb.asm_1134fc
$750b = Function1134cb.asm_11350b
$750e = Function1134cb.asm_11350e
$7519 = Function113519
$7527 = Function113519.asm_113527
$752d = Function113519.asm_11352d
$753c = Function113519.asm_11353c
$753f = Function113519.asm_11353f
$7551 = Function113519.asm_113551
$757e = Function113519.asm_11357e
$7586 = Function113519.asm_113586
$758a = Function113519.asm_11358a
$758c = Function113519.asm_11358c
$7592 = Function113592
$759d = Function11359d
$75ad = Function1135ad
$75ba = Function1135ba
$75eb = Function1135eb
$75ed = Function1135eb.asm_1135ed
$761c = Function1135eb.asm_11361c
$7620 = Function113620
$7623 = Function113623
$7626 = Function113626
$7634 = Function113626.asm_113634
$7639 = Function113626.asm_113639
$7642 = Function113626.asm_113642
$766c = Function113626.asm_11366c
$766f = Function113626.asm_11366f
$7672 = Function113672
$7680 = Function113672.asm_113680
$7686 = Function113672.asm_113686
$7693 = Function113672.asm_113693
$76bb = Function113672.asm_1136bb
$76be = Function113672.asm_1136be
$76c1 = Function1136c1
$76eb = Function1136c1.asm_1136eb
$76ff = Function1136c1.asm_1136ff
$7706 = Function1136c1.asm_113706
$770d = Function1136c1.asm_11370d
$7725 = Function1136c1.asm_113725
$7734 = Function1136c1.asm_113734
$7751 = Function1136c1.asm_113751
$777c = Function1136c1.asm_11377c
$77fc = Function1136c1.asm_1137fc
$782d = Function1136c1.asm_11382d
$7839 = Function1136c1.asm_113839
$783f = Function1136c1.asm_11383f
$7845 = Function1136c1.asm_113845
$784c = Function1136c1.asm_11384c
$7852 = Function1136c1.asm_113852
$7858 = Function1136c1.asm_113858
$785e = Function1136c1.asm_11385e
$786c = Function1136c1.asm_11386c
$7878 = Function1136c1.asm_113878
$787e = Function1136c1.asm_11387e
$7884 = Function1136c1.asm_113884
$788b = Function1136c1.asm_11388b
$7891 = Function1136c1.asm_113891
$7897 = Function1136c1.asm_113897
$789d = Function1136c1.asm_11389d
$78c2 = Function1136c1.asm_1138c2
$78d0 = Function1136c1.asm_1138d0
$78db = Function1136c1.asm_1138db
$78e1 = Function1136c1.asm_1138e1
$78e7 = Function1136c1.asm_1138e7
$7909 = Function113909
$791e = Function11391e
$792f = Function11392f
$7973 = Function113973
$79b7 = Function1139b7
$79de = Function1139de
$7a0b = Function113a0b
$7a0d = Function113a0b.asm_113a0d
$7a15 = Function113a15
$7a17 = Function113a15.asm_113a17
$7a1f = Function113a1f
$7a21 = Function113a1f.asm_113a21
$7a28 = Function113a28
$7a2a = Function113a28.asm_113a2a
$7a32 = Function113a32
$7a38 = Function113a32.asm_113a38
$7a40 = Function113a40
$7a40 = Function113a40.asm_113a40
$7a55 = Unknown_113a55
$7a70 = Unknown_113a70
$7b70 = Unknown_113b70
$7b7e = Unknown_113b7e
$7b8e = MD5_K_Table
$7c8e = Function113c8e
$7ca0 = Function113c8e.asm_113ca0
$7ca6 = Function113c8e.asm_113ca6
$7cc3 = Function113c8e.asm_113cc3
$7ccf = Function113c8e.asm_113ccf
$7d39 = Function113c8e.asm_113d39
$7d43 = Function113c8e.asm_113d43
$7d47 = Function113d47
$7d5a = Function113d47.asm_113d5a
$7d5d = Function113d47.asm_113d5d
$7d60 = Function113d47.asm_113d60
$7d63 = Function113d47.asm_113d63
$7d66 = Function113d66
$7d74 = Function113d66.asm_113d74
$7d82 = Function113d66.asm_113d82
$7d88 = Function113d66.asm_113d88
$7da1 = Function113d66.asm_113da1
$7daa = Function113d66.asm_113daa
$7dae = Function113d66.asm_113dae
$7dfa = Function113d66.decodeBase64Character
$7e24 = Function113d66.asm_113e24
$7e26 = Function113d66.asm_113e26
$7e31 = Function113d66.asm_113e31
$7e34 = Function113d66.asm_113e34
$7e37 = Function113d66.asm_113e37
$7e3a = Function113d66.asm_113e3a
$7e3c = Function113d66.asm_113e3c
$7e3f = Function113d66.asm_113e3f
$7e42 = Function113e42
$7e4f = Function113e42.asm_113e4f
$7e56 = Function113e42.asm_113e56
$7e58 = Function113e42.asm_113e58
$7e6d = Function113e42.asm_113e6d
$7e7e = Function113e42.asm_113e7e
$7e81 = Function113e42.asm_113e81
$7e85 = Function113e42.asm_113e85
$7ea8 = Function113e42.asm_113ea8
$7eb0 = Function113e42.asm_113eb0
$7eb8 = Function113eb8
$7ec7 = Function113ec7
$7ef2 = Function113ef2
$7efa = Function113ef2.asm_113efa
$7f03 = Function113ef2.asm_113f03
$7f2d = Function113f2d
$7f35 = Function113f2d.asm_113f35
$7f3e = Function113f2d.asm_113f3e
$7f4f = Function113f2d.asm_113f4f
EMPTY: $7f84-$7fff ($007c bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $007c bytes
ROMX bank #69:
SECTION: $4000-$5d98 ($1d99 bytes) ["Mobile Adapter SDK Mail"]
$4000 = String_114000
$4004 = String_114004
$4011 = Unknown_114011
$4033 = String_114033
$403a = String_11403a
$4043 = String_114043
$404e = String_11404e
$4053 = String_114053
$4058 = String_114058
$4062 = String_114062
$4074 = String_114074
$408d = String_11408d
$409f = String_11409f
$40b8 = String_1140b8
$40e6 = String_1140e6
$4110 = String_114110
$413f = String_11413f
$4160 = String_114160
$4163 = String_114163
$4165 = Jumptable_114165
$417f = Unknown_11417f
$4199 = Unknown_11417f.From
$419f = Unknown_11417f.Sender
$41a7 = Unknown_11417f.ReplyTo
$41b1 = Unknown_11417f.To
$41b5 = Unknown_11417f.CC
$41b9 = Unknown_11417f.Subject
$41c2 = Unknown_11417f.Date
$41c8 = Unknown_11417f.ContentType
$41d6 = Unknown_11417f.MimeVersion
$41e4 = Unknown_11417f.XMailer
$41ee = Unknown_11417f.XGameTitle
$41fc = Unknown_11417f.XGameCode
$4209 = Unknown_11417f.XGBMailType
$4218 = String_114218
$421e = String_11421e
$4228 = String_114228
$4232 = String_114232
$4243 = Function114243
$425c = Function11425c
$4268 = Stubbed_Function114268
$4269 = Function114269
$4282 = Function114269.asm_114282
$4292 = Function114269.asm_114292
$429b = Function114269.asm_11429b
$42a4 = Function114269.asm_1142a4
$42ae = Function114269.asm_1142ae
$42b0 = Function114269.asm_1142b0
$42bb = Function114269.asm_1142bb
$42d4 = Function114269.asm_1142d4
$42fe = Function114269.asm_1142fe
$4303 = Function114269.asm_114303
$4309 = Function114269.asm_114309
$430d = Function114269.asm_11430d
$4333 = Function114333
$433c = Function11433c
$4351 = Function11433c.asm_114351
$4357 = Function11433c.asm_114357
$4358 = Function11433c.asm_114358
$4360 = Function11433c.asm_114360
$4381 = Function11433c.asm_114381
$4394 = Function11433c.asm_114394
$4397 = Function11433c.asm_114397
$43a1 = Function11433c.asm_1143a1
$43ad = Function11433c.asm_1143ad
$43b7 = Function1143b7
$43eb = Function1143b7.asm_1143eb
$43ed = Function1143b7.asm_1143ed
$43f3 = Function1143f3
$4400 = Function1143f3.asm_114400
$4402 = Function1143f3.asm_114402
$4407 = Function1143f3.asm_114407
$440d = Function1143f3.asm_11440d
$4412 = Function1143f3.asm_114412
$442b = Function1143f3.asm_11442b
$444a = Function1143f3.asm_11444a
$4462 = Function1143f3.asm_114462
$446e = Function1143f3.asm_11446e
$4476 = Function1143f3.asm_114476
$4481 = Function1143f3.asm_114481
$4486 = Function1143f3.asm_114486
$44ae = Function1143f3.asm_1144ae
$44b8 = Function1143f3.asm_1144b8
$44c2 = Function1143f3.asm_1144c2
$44c8 = Function1144c8
$44d1 = Function1144d1
$4511 = Function1144d1.asm_114511
$451c = Function1144d1.asm_11451c
$4537 = Function1144d1.asm_114537
$4559 = Function1144d1.asm_114559
$455b = Function1144d1.asm_11455b
$4561 = Function114561
$4576 = Function114576
$45b4 = Function114576.asm_1145b4
$45b6 = Function114576.asm_1145b6
$45ba = Function114576.asm_1145ba
$45bc = Function114576.asm_1145bc
$45bf = Function114576.asm_1145bf
$45c5 = Function1145c5
$45cd = Function1145c5.asm_1145cd
$45e3 = Function1145c5.asm_1145e3
$45ef = Function1145c5.asm_1145ef
$45f3 = Function1145c5.asm_1145f3
$45f5 = Function1145c5.asm_1145f5
$45f8 = Function1145c5.asm_1145f8
$460e = Function1145c5.asm_11460e
$4619 = Function1145c5.asm_114619
$4620 = Function1145c5.asm_114620
$4627 = Function1145c5.asm_114627
$4636 = Function1145c5.asm_114636
$463c = Function11463c
$4648 = Function11463c.asm_114648
$4662 = Function11463c.asm_114662
$4673 = Function11463c.asm_114673
$468a = Function11463c.asm_11468a
$469b = Function11469b
$46a4 = Function1146a4
$46da = Function1146a4.asm_1146da
$46e4 = Function1146a4.asm_1146e4
$46e8 = Function1146a4.asm_1146e8
$46f5 = Function1146a4.asm_1146f5
$46f7 = Function1146a4.asm_1146f7
$46fa = Function1146fa
$4737 = Function1146fa.asm_114737
$4749 = Function1146fa.asm_114749
$4773 = Function1146fa.asm_114773
$4786 = Function1146fa.asm_114786
$478a = Function1146fa.asm_11478a
$478e = Function1146fa.asm_11478e
$4794 = Function1146fa.asm_114794
$4796 = Function1146fa.asm_114796
$4799 = Function1146fa.asm_114799
$47b7 = Function1146fa.asm_1147b7
$47cb = Function1146fa.asm_1147cb
$47cd = Function1147cd
$47d6 = Function1147cd.asm_1147d6
$47e8 = Function1147cd.asm_1147e8
$480c = Function1147cd.asm_11480c
$4827 = Function1147cd.asm_114827
$482b = Function1147cd.asm_11482b
$482f = Function1147cd.asm_11482f
$4837 = Function1147cd.asm_114837
$483a = Function11483a
$4843 = Function114843
$485f = Function114843.asm_11485f
$4867 = Function114867
$48a9 = Function114867.asm_1148a9
$48b6 = Function114867.asm_1148b6
$48b9 = Function1148b9
$48c2 = Function1148c2
$4904 = Function1148c2.asm_114904
$4932 = Function1148c2.asm_114932
$4934 = Function1148c2.asm_114934
$4941 = Function1148c2.asm_114941
$4944 = Function114944
$494d = Function11494d
$4983 = Function11494d.asm_114983
$49b1 = Function11494d.asm_1149b1
$49b3 = Function11494d.asm_1149b3
$49c0 = Function11494d.asm_1149c0
$49c3 = Function1149c3
$49cc = Function1149cc
$4a0b = Function1149cc.asm_114a0b
$4a0f = Function114a0f
$4a18 = Function114a18
$4a1c = Function114a18.asm_114a1c
$4a2e = Function114a18.asm_114a2e
$4a52 = Function114a18.asm_114a52
$4a5e = Function114a18.asm_114a5e
$4a62 = Function114a18.asm_114a62
$4a66 = Function114a18.asm_114a66
$4a6e = Function114a18.asm_114a6e
$4a71 = Function114a71
$4a7a = Function114a7a
$4a7d = Function114a7a.asm_114a7d
$4abb = Function114a7a.asm_114abb
$4ac3 = Function114a7a.asm_114ac3
$4ac6 = Function114ac6
$4acf = Function114acf
$4acf = Function114acf.asm_114acf
$4ad1 = Function114acf.asm_114ad1
$4ae2 = Function114acf.asm_114ae2
$4aec = Function114acf.asm_114aec
$4af4 = Function114acf.asm_114af4
$4af5 = Function114acf.asm_114af5
$4b09 = Function114acf.asm_114b09
$4b15 = Function114acf.asm_114b15
$4b19 = Function114acf.asm_114b19
$4b26 = Function114acf.asm_114b26
$4b31 = Function114acf.asm_114b31
$4b42 = Function114acf.asm_114b42
$4b4c = Function114b4c
$4b55 = Function114b55
$4b65 = Function114b55.asm_114b65
$4b82 = Function114b55.asm_114b82
$4b8c = Function114b55.asm_114b8c
$4b96 = Function114b55.asm_114b96
$4bb2 = Function114b55.asm_114bb2
$4bbc = Function114bbc
$4bff = Function114bbc.asm_114bff
$4c03 = Function114bbc.asm_114c03
$4c05 = Function114bbc.asm_114c05
$4c0b = Function114c0b
$4c18 = Function114c0b.asm_114c18
$4c24 = Function114c0b.asm_114c24
$4c2c = Function114c0b.asm_114c2c
$4c34 = Function114c0b.asm_114c34
$4c4e = Function114c0b.asm_114c4e
$4c55 = Function114c55
$4c5e = Function114c5e
$4c62 = Function114c5e.asm_114c62
$4c75 = Function114c5e.asm_114c75
$4c84 = Function114c5e.asm_114c84
$4ca6 = Function114c5e.asm_114ca6
$4cb8 = Function114c5e.asm_114cb8
$4cc0 = Function114c5e.asm_114cc0
$4cc6 = Function114c5e.asm_114cc6
$4cce = Function114c5e.asm_114cce
$4cd7 = Function114c5e.asm_114cd7
$4cd9 = Function114cd9
$4d11 = Function114cd9.asm_114d11
$4d29 = Function114cd9.asm_114d29
$4d2d = Function114cd9.asm_114d2d
$4d33 = Function114cd9.asm_114d33
$4d39 = Function114d39
$4d39 = Function114d39.asm_114d39
$4d4a = Function114d39.asm_114d4a
$4d55 = Function114d39.asm_114d55
$4d5f = Function114d39.asm_114d5f
$4d6f = Function114d39.asm_114d6f
$4d7f = Function114d39.asm_114d7f
$4d84 = Function114d39.asm_114d84
$4d96 = Function114d39.asm_114d96
$4d99 = Function114d99
$4d9e = Function114d99.asm_114d9e
$4daa = Function114d99.asm_114daa
$4db6 = Function114d99.asm_114db6
$4dc1 = Function114d99.asm_114dc1
$4dc4 = Function114d99.asm_114dc4
$4dd2 = Function114d99.asm_114dd2
$4dd6 = Function114d99.asm_114dd6
$4dde = Function114d99.asm_114dde
$4df1 = Function114df1
$4e09 = Function114df1.asm_114e09
$4e0b = Function114df1.asm_114e0b
$4e29 = Function114df1.asm_114e29
$4e2b = Function114df1.asm_114e2b
$4e2d = Function114e2d
$4e45 = Function114e2d.asm_114e45
$4e55 = Function114e2d.asm_114e55
$4e58 = Function114e2d.asm_114e58
$4e62 = Function114e62
$4e6f = Function114e62.asm_114e6f
$4e76 = Function114e62.asm_114e76
$4e99 = Function114e62.asm_114e99
$4ea0 = Function114ea0
$4edb = Function114ea0.asm_114edb
$4ee0 = Function114ee0
$4ee9 = Function114ee9
$4f0a = Function114f0a
$4f21 = Function114f0a.asm_114f21
$4f23 = Function114f0a.asm_114f23
$4f26 = Function114f0a.asm_114f26
$4f39 = Function114f39
$4f58 = Function114f39.asm_114f58
$4f59 = Function114f59
$4f7c = Function114f59.asm_114f7c
$4fa5 = Function114f59.asm_114fa5
$4fa7 = Function114f59.asm_114fa7
$4fc9 = Function114f59.asm_114fc9
$4fdf = Function114f59.asm_114fdf
$4fe7 = Function114f59.asm_114fe7
$4fec = Function114f59.asm_114fec
$4ff4 = Function114f59.asm_114ff4
$4ffc = Function114f59.asm_114ffc
$5007 = Function114f59.asm_115007
$5015 = Function114f59.asm_115015
$501e = Function114f59.asm_11501e
$5020 = Function115020
$5036 = Function115020.asm_115036
$5046 = Function115020.asm_115046
$5056 = Function115020.asm_115056
$5059 = Function115059
$5062 = Function115062
$5098 = Function115062.asm_115098
$509b = Function115062.asm_11509b
$50ae = Function115062.asm_1150ae
$50b2 = Function115062.asm_1150b2
$50b3 = Function1150b3
$50bb = Function1150b3.asm_1150bb
$50c9 = Function1150b3.asm_1150c9
$50dc = Function1150b3.asm_1150dc
$50dd = Function1150b3.asm_1150dd
$50f8 = Function1150b3.asm_1150f8
$5103 = Function1150b3.asm_115103
$510b = Function1150b3.asm_11510b
$5119 = Function1150b3.asm_115119
$5133 = Function1150b3.asm_115133
$5136 = Function115136
$514d = Function115136.asm_11514d
$515d = Function115136.asm_11515d
$516d = Function115136.asm_11516d
$5170 = Function115170
$5179 = Function115179
$51d8 = Function115179.asm_1151d8
$51da = Function115179.asm_1151da
$51ef = Function115179.asm_1151ef
$51f2 = Function115179.asm_1151f2
$51f4 = Function115179.asm_1151f4
$520e = Function11520e
$5217 = Function115217
$522d = Function115217.asm_11522d
$523d = Function115217.asm_11523d
$5252 = Function115217.asm_115252
$5262 = Function115217.asm_115262
$5265 = Function115217.asm_115265
$5267 = Function115217.asm_115267
$5278 = Function115217.asm_115278
$5286 = Function115286
$528f = Function11528f
$52a4 = Function11528f.asm_1152a4
$52af = Function1152af
$52b8 = Function1152b8
$52ca = Function1152b8.asm_1152ca
$52d0 = Function1152b8.asm_1152d0
$52d8 = Function1152b8.asm_1152d8
$52e7 = Function1152b8.asm_1152e7
$52f9 = Function1152b8.asm_1152f9
$5301 = Function1152b8.asm_115301
$5307 = Function1152b8.asm_115307
$5335 = Function1152b8.asm_115335
$536b = Function1152b8.asm_11536b
$537d = Function11537d
$53b5 = Function1153b5
$53d2 = Function1153d2
$53ef = Function1153d2.asm_1153ef
$53f4 = Function1153d2.asm_1153f4
$53f5 = Function1153d2.asm_1153f5
$5426 = Function1153d2.asm_115426
$542b = Function1153d2.asm_11542b
$5430 = Function1153d2.asm_115430
$543d = Function1153d2.asm_11543d
$544b = Function1153d2.asm_11544b
$5457 = Function1153d2.asm_115457
$5460 = Function1153d2.asm_115460
$546d = Function1153d2.asm_11546d
$5477 = Function1153d2.asm_115477
$5478 = Function1153d2.asm_115478
$548c = Function1153d2.asm_11548c
$54d4 = Function1154d4
$54f7 = Function1154d4.asm_1154f7
$5502 = Function1154d4.asm_115502
$550f = Function1154d4.asm_11550f
$551a = Function1154d4.asm_11551a
$552c = Function1154d4.asm_11552c
$5531 = Function1154d4.asm_115531
$5547 = Function1154d4.asm_115547
$5560 = Function1154d4.asm_115560
$5577 = Function1154d4.asm_115577
$557d = Function1154d4.asm_11557d
$55a0 = Function1154d4.asm_1155a0
$55af = Function1155af
$55d1 = Function1155d1
$55f0 = Function1155d1.asm_1155f0
$560a = Function11560a
$5631 = Function11560a.asm_115631
$564d = Function11560a.asm_11564d
$5659 = Function11560a.asm_115659
$56a9 = Function11560a.asm_1156a9
$56b1 = Function11560a.asm_1156b1
$56b6 = Function11560a.asm_1156b6
$56cc = Function1156cc
$56fa = Function1156cc.asm_1156fa
$56fd = Function1156cc.asm_1156fd
$5716 = Function1156cc.asm_115716
$572b = Function1156cc.asm_11572b
$5732 = Function115732
$575c = Function11575c
$576a = Function11575c.asm_11576a
$577c = Function11575c.asm_11577c
$578a = Function11575c.asm_11578a
$578f = Function11575c.asm_11578f
$57a2 = Function11575c.asm_1157a2
$57b4 = Function11575c.asm_1157b4
$57c3 = Function11575c.asm_1157c3
$57d0 = Function1157d0
$57e9 = Function1157d0.asm_1157e9
$57eb = Function1157d0.asm_1157eb
$580f = Function1157d0.asm_11580f
$581e = Function11581e
$586e = Function11581e.asm_11586e
$58ad = Function11581e.asm_1158ad
$58b4 = Function11581e.asm_1158b4
$58b9 = Function11581e.asm_1158b9
$58bb = Function11581e.asm_1158bb
$58bc = Function11581e.asm_1158bc
$58c2 = Function1158c2
$58e5 = Function1158c2.asm_1158e5
$58eb = Function1158c2.asm_1158eb
$5908 = Function1158c2.asm_115908
$5914 = Function1158c2.asm_115914
$5998 = Function1158c2.asm_115998
$59b1 = Function1158c2.asm_1159b1
$59c4 = Function1158c2.asm_1159c4
$59ce = Function1158c2.asm_1159ce
$59d8 = Function1158c2.asm_1159d8
$59dc = Function1159dc
$59ef = Function1159dc.asm_1159ef
$59f2 = Function1159dc.asm_1159f2
$59f5 = Function1159dc.asm_1159f5
$59f8 = Function1159dc.asm_1159f8
$59fb = Function1159fb
$5a29 = Function1159fb.asm_115a29
$5a2c = Function1159fb.asm_115a2c
$5a45 = Function1159fb.asm_115a45
$5a5a = Function1159fb.asm_115a5a
$5a5f = Function115a5f
$5a6e = Function115a5f.asm_115a6e
$5a80 = Function115a5f.asm_115a80
$5a8e = Function115a5f.asm_115a8e
$5ab0 = Function115ab0
$5ac9 = Function115ab0.asm_115ac9
$5acb = Function115ab0.asm_115acb
$5af0 = Function115ab0.asm_115af0
$5b00 = Function115b00
$5b36 = Function115b00.asm_115b36
$5b3b = Function115b00.asm_115b3b
$5b3d = Function115b00.asm_115b3d
$5b43 = Function115b00.asm_115b43
$5b7b = Function115b00.asm_115b7b
$5bba = Function115b00.asm_115bba
$5bc1 = Function115b00.asm_115bc1
$5bc6 = Function115b00.asm_115bc6
$5bc8 = Function115bc8
$5bcc = Function115bc8.asm_115bcc
$5c1b = Function115bc8.asm_115c1b
$5c33 = Function115bc8.asm_115c33
$5c3a = Function115bc8.asm_115c3a
$5c3d = Function115bc8.Function115c3d
$5c46 = Function115bc8.asm_115c46
$5c49 = Function115c49
$5c64 = Function115c49.asm_115c64
$5c71 = Function115c49.asm_115c71
$5c77 = Function115c49.asm_115c77
$5c8c = Function115c49.asm_115c8c
$5c95 = Function115c49.asm_115c95
$5c99 = Function115c49.asm_115c99
$5c9f = Function115c49.asm_115c9f
$5cfd = Function115c49.decodeBase64Character
$5d27 = Function115c49.asm_115d27
$5d2f = Function115c49.asm_115d2f
$5d32 = Function115c49.asm_115d32
$5d35 = Function115c49.asm_115d35
$5d38 = Function115c49.asm_115d38
$5d4d = Function115c49.asm_115d4d
$5d50 = Function115c49.asm_115d50
$5d53 = Function115d53
$5d53 = Function115d53.asm_115d53
$5d61 = Function115d61
$5d6a = Function115d6a
$5d6a = Function115d6a.asm_115d6a
$5d77 = Function115d77
$5d80 = Function115d80
$5d8b = Function115d80.asm_115d8b
SECTION: $5d99-$7ce1 ($1f49 bytes) ["mobile45"]
$5d99 = Function115d99
$5dc3 = Function115dc3
$5dd3 = Function115dd3
$5e04 = Function115dd3.asm_115e04
$5e18 = Function115e18
$5e22 = Function115e22
$5e2b = Function115e2b
$5e51 = Function115e2b.not_end
$5e59 = Unknown_115e59
$5e61 = Unknown_115e61
$5e6c = Unknown_115e6c
$5e76 = Unknown_115e76
$5e79 = Unknown_115e79
$5e86 = Unknown_115e86
$5ea6 = Unknown_115ea6
$5eb7 = Unknown_115eb7
$5ecc = Unknown_115ecc
$5ee1 = Unknown_115ee1
$5ef6 = Unknown_115ef6
$5f13 = Unknown_115f13
$5f30 = Unknown_115f30
$5f4d = Unknown_115f4d
$5f6a = Unknown_115f6a
$5f87 = Unknown_115f87
$5f9c = Unknown_115f9c
$5fb1 = Unknown_115fb1
$5fc6 = Unknown_115fc6
$5fdb = Unknown_115fdb
$5ff0 = Unknown_115ff0
$6005 = Unknown_116005
$601a = MobileDialingGFX
$615a = Function11615a
$619d = Function11619d
$61b4 = Function11619d.asm_1161b4
$61b8 = Function1161b8
$61c7 = Function1161b8.Jumptable
$61d5 = Function1161d5
$61e9 = Function1161d5.wait_for_vblank
$628c = MenuHeader_11628c
$6294 = Function116294
$62cb = Function1162cb
$62f2 = Function1162f2
$6321 = Function1162f2.asm_116321
$635a = Function1162f2.asm_11635a
$636e = Function11636e
$63c0 = Function1163c0
$642a = Function1163c0.asm_11642a
$6439 = Function1163c0.asm_116439
$6441 = Function116441
$6468 = Function116468
$6484 = Function116468.asm_116484
$648d = Function116468.asm_11648d
$649e = Function116468.asm_11649e
$64a8 = Function116468.asm_1164a8
$64b8 = Function116468.asm_1164b8
$64c1 = Function116468.asm_1164c1
$64c6 = Function116468.asm_1164c6
$64f2 = Function116468.asm_1164f2
$650b = Function116468.asm_11650b
$651c = Function116468.asm_11651c
$6521 = Function116468.asm_116521
$654d = Function116468.asm_11654d
$6567 = Function116567
$6570 = Function116567.asm_116570
$6595 = Function116567.asm_116595
$659d = Function11659d
$65af = Jumptable_1165af
$65d5 = Function1165d5
$65d8 = Function1165d8
$65e3 = Function1165e3
$65f5 = Function1165f5
$6600 = Function116600
$6615 = Function116615
$6618 = Function116618
$6623 = Function116623
$6635 = Function116635
$6640 = Function116640
$6655 = Function116655
$665c = Function11665c
$6673 = Function11665c.asm_116673
$6675 = Function11665c.asm_116675
$668d = Function11668d
$669f = Function11669f
$66a2 = Function1166a2
$66c4 = Function1166c4
$66d6 = Function1166d6
$66e4 = Function1166d6.asm_1166e4
$66f4 = Function1166f4
$6702 = Function1166f4.asm_116702
$670c = Function1166f4.asm_11670c
$671f = Function11671f
$672d = Function11671f.asm_11672d
$6747 = Function116747
$6758 = Function116758
$6770 = Function116758.asm_116770
$6774 = Function116758.asm_116774
$6778 = Function116758.asm_116778
$677a = Function116758.asm_11677a
$677e = Function11677e
$6780 = Function116780
$678c = Function116780.asm_11678c
$678e = Function11678e
$6797 = Function116797
$679c = Function11679c
$67a6 = Function1167a6
$67af = asm_1167af
$67dc = asm_1167af.asm_1167dc
$67e3 = asm_1167af.asm_1167e3
$67eb = Unknown_1167eb
$67fb = Unknown_1167fb
$6808 = Unknown_116808
$6815 = Unknown_116815
$683e = Unknown_11683e
$6867 = Unknown_116867
$6870 = Unknown_116870
$6881 = Unknown_116881
$68ae = Unknown_1168ae
$68c5 = Unknown_1168c5
$6923 = Unknown_116923
$6960 = Unknown_116960
$69a1 = Unknown_1169a1
$69de = Unknown_1169de
$6a1b = Unknown_116a1b
$6a58 = Unknown_116a58
$6a99 = Unknown_116a99
$6ad6 = Unknown_116ad6
$6b13 = Unknown_116b13
$6b54 = Unknown_116b54
$6b95 = Unknown_116b95
$6bd6 = Unknown_116bd6
$6c17 = Unknown_116c17
$6c58 = Unknown_116c58
$6c99 = Unknown_116c99
$6cda = Unknown_116cda
$6d1b = Unknown_116d1b
$6d4c = Unknown_116d4c
$6d85 = Unknown_116d85
$6dbe = Unknown_116dbe
$6df7 = Unknown_116df7
$6e30 = Unknown_116e30
$6e69 = Unknown_116e69
$6e9a = Unknown_116e9a
$6ed3 = Unknown_116ed3
$6f0c = Unknown_116f0c
$6f45 = Unknown_116f45
$6f7e = Unknown_116f7e
$6fb7 = Unknown_116fb7
$6fec = Unknown_116fec
$7025 = Unknown_117025
$7056 = Unknown_117056
$7083 = Unknown_117083
$70c0 = Unknown_1170c0
$70fd = Unknown_1170fd
$713a = Unknown_11713a
$7177 = Unknown_117177
$719c = Unknown_11719c
$71c1 = Unknown_1171c1
$71e6 = Unknown_1171e6
$720b = Unknown_11720b
$7230 = Unknown_117230
$7255 = Unknown_117255
$727a = Unknown_11727a
$729f = Unknown_11729f
$72c4 = Unknown_1172c4
$72e9 = Unknown_1172e9
$730e = PichuBorderMobileOBPalettes
$734e = PichuBorderMobileBGPalettes
$7356 = PichuBorderMobileTilemapAttrmap
$7656 = GiveOddEgg
$765d = Function11765d
$766b = Function11766b
$7699 = Function117699
$76ee = Function1176ee
$76ee = Function1176ee.loop
$7709 = Function1176ee.quit
$7719 = Function117719
$7728 = Jumptable_117728
$7738 = Function117738
$7764 = Function117764
$776f = Function117764.asm_11776f
$7770 = Function117764.asm_117770
$77a5 = Function117764_select
$77ac = Function117764_start
$77b7 = Function1177b7
$77c5 = Function1177b7.asm_1177c5
$77cb = Function1177cb
$77d6 = Function117764_b_button
$77f1 = Function117764_d_up
$7806 = Function117764_d_vertical_load
$780a = Function117764_d_down
$7825 = Function117764_d_down.asm_117825
$7829 = Function117764_d_down.asm_117829
$782d = Function117764_d_left
$7837 = Function117764_d_right
$7842 = Function117764_d_right.wrap
$784c = Function117764_a_button
$7866 = Function117764_a_button.not_4
$7880 = Function117764_a_button.ascii_symbols
$7883 = Function117764_a_button.got_ascii
$78aa = Function1178aa
$78e8 = Function1178e8
$790f = Function1178e8.d_down
$7925 = Function1178e8.a_button
$7939 = Function1178e8.b_button
$7942 = Function117942
$7976 = Function117976
$797e = asm_11797e
$7984 = Function117984
$79a7 = Function1179a7
$79b5 = MenuHeader_1179b5
$79bd = MenuHeader_1179bd
$79c5 = YessNoString_1179c5
$79cc = AskSavePasswordString
$79e1 = NotAPokemonPasswordString
$79f7 = SavedPasswordString
$7a0a = MobilePassword_IncrementJumptable
$7a0f = Unknown_117a0f
$7a47 = Unknown_117a47
$7a7f = MobileStudium
$7a8d = Function117a8d
$7a94 = Function117a94
$7ab4 = Function117ab4
$7acd = Function117acd
$7ae2 = Function117acd.asm_117ae2
$7ae9 = Function117ae9
$7af8 = Function117ae9.Jumptable
$7b06 = Function117b06
$7b14 = Function117b14
$7b28 = Function117b28
$7b31 = Function117b31
$7b4f = Function117b4f
$7b76 = Function117b4f.d_down
$7b8c = Function117b4f.a_button
$7ba4 = Function117b4f.b_button
$7bb6 = Function117bb6
$7bd0 = Function117bb6.asm_117bd0
$7be1 = Function117bb6.asm_117be1
$7be7 = Function117bb6.asm_117be7
$7c0b = Function117bb6.asm_117c0b
$7c16 = Function117bb6.asm_117c16
$7c20 = Function117bb6.asm_117c20
$7c4a = Function117c4a
$7c71 = Function117c4a.loop
$7c89 = Function117c89
$7c97 = Function117c89.asm_117c97
$7cbc = MenuHeader_117cbc
$7cc4 = MenuHeader_117cc4
$7ccc = YesNo117ccc
$7cd3 = MobileStadiumEntryText
$7cd8 = MobileStadiumSuccessText
$7cdd = MobileStudium_JumptableIncrement
EMPTY: $7ce2-$7fff ($031e bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $031e bytes
ROMX bank #70:
SECTION: $4000-$7c9d ($3c9e bytes) ["mobile46"]
$4000 = Function118000
$4007 = Function118007
$400b = asm_11800b
$4024 = asm_11800b.loop
$4037 = asm_11800b.skip
$405e = BattleTowerRoomMenu_DoNothing
$405f = Function11805f
$407d = Function11805f.asm_11807d
$4090 = Function11805f.asm_118090
$40b8 = Function1180b8
$40d1 = Function1180b8.asm_1180d1
$40e4 = Function1180b8.asm_1180e4
$40f2 = Function1180b8.asm_1180f2
$411a = Function11811a
$4121 = _BattleTowerRoomMenu
$4125 = Function118125
$413e = Function118125.loop
$4151 = Function118125.skip
$4180 = Function118180
$41c9 = Function118180.reset_banks
$41d0 = Function118180.return_d3
$41da = Function1181da
$41f8 = Function1181da.asm_1181f8
$420b = Function1181da.asm_11820b
$4233 = Function118233
$424c = Function118233.asm_11824c
$425f = Function118233.asm_11825f
$4284 = Function118284
$429d = Function118284.asm_11829d
$42b0 = Function118284.asm_1182b0
$42d5 = Function1182d5
$42ee = Function1182d5.asm_1182ee
$4301 = Function1182d5.asm_118301
$4329 = Function118329
$4342 = Function118329.asm_118342
$4355 = Function118329.asm_118355
$437a = Function11837a
$4393 = Function11837a.asm_118393
$43a6 = Function11837a.asm_1183a6
$43cb = BattleTowerRoomMenu_InitRAM
$4440 = Function118440
$4452 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_Cleanup
$4473 = Function118473
$44a0 = Function118473.ninety_nine
$44a5 = Function1184a5
$44b4 = Function1184a5.Jumptable
$44ec = Function1184ec
$44fb = Function1184ec.Jumptable
$454d = BattleTowerRoomMenu_Jumptable
$455c = BattleTowerRoomMenu_Jumptable.Jumptable
$457c = Function11857c
$458b = Function11857c.Jumptable
$45c3 = Function1185c3
$45d2 = Function1185c3.Jumptable
$4624 = Function118624
$4633 = Function118624.Jumptable
$4671 = Function118671
$4680 = Function118671.Jumptable
$46b2 = Function1186b2
$46c1 = Function1186b2.Jumptable
$46f5 = Function1186f5
$4704 = Function1186f5.Jumptable
$4746 = Function118746
$4755 = Function118746.Jumptable
$478d = Function11878d
$47a7 = Function11878d.asm_1187a7
$47aa = Function11878d.asm_1187aa
$47af = Function11878d.asm_1187af
$47d1 = Function11878d.asm_1187d1
$47f5 = Function11878d.asm_1187f5
$47f9 = Function11878d.asm_1187f9
$47fd = Function11878d.asm_1187fd
$47ff = Function11878d.asm_1187ff
$4803 = Function11878d.asm_118803
$4805 = SetMobileErrorCode
$4821 = Function118821
$484a = Function118821.asm_11884a
$484c = Function11884c
$4864 = Function11884c.asm_118864
$4866 = Function118866
$486a = Function11886a
$486e = Function11886e
$486f = asm_11886f
$4880 = Function118880
$4896 = Function118896
$48a5 = Function118896.asm_1188a5
$48aa = Function118896.asm_1188aa
$48b0 = Function1188b0
$48b8 = Function1188b8
$48c0 = Function1188c0
$48c8 = Function1188c8
$48d3 = Function1188c8.asm_1188d3
$48e7 = Function1188e7
$48fa = Function1188e7.asm_1188fa
$4903 = Function118903
$491c = Function11891c
$4922 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_PickLevelMessage
$492d = BattleTowerRoomMenu_PickLevelMessage.asm_11892d
$4930 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_PickLevelMessage.asm_118930
$4936 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_PlacePickLevelMenu
$496b = BattleTowerRoomMenu_PlacePickLevelMenu.asm_11896b
$4970 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_PlacePickLevelMenu.asm_118970
$4982 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UpdatePickLevelMenu
$49b5 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UpdatePickLevelMenu.asm_1189b5
$49c2 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UpdatePickLevelMenu.asm_1189c2
$49c4 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UpdatePickLevelMenu.asm_1189c4
$49e5 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UpdatePickLevelMenu.asm_1189e5
$49e6 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UpdatePickLevelMenu.d_down
$49f2 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UpdatePickLevelMenu.d_up
$4a01 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UpdatePickLevelMenu.a_button
$4a30 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UpdatePickLevelMenu.asm_118a30
$4a39 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UpdatePickLevelMenu.b_button
$4a3c = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UpdatePickLevelMenu.asm_118a3c
$4a54 = Function118a54
$4a65 = Function118a65
$4a7a = SetBattleDownloadURL
$4a8f = SetExchangeDownloadURL
$4aa4 = SetNewsDownloadURL
$4abc = SetStadiumDownloadURL
$4ad0 = SetOddEggDownloadURL
$4ae4 = Function118ae4
$4af5 = Function118ae4.asm_118af5
$4b06 = Function118ae4.asm_118b06
$4b10 = Function118b10
$4b24 = Function118b24
$4b42 = Function118b42
$4b8c = Function118b8c
$4b8c = Function118b8c.asm_118b8c
$4b9a = Function118b9a
$4ba5 = ExchangeDownloadURL
$4bf7 = BattleDownloadURL
$4c47 = NewsDownloadURL
$4c95 = StadiumDownloadURL
$4ce5 = OddEggDownloadURL
$4d35 = Function118d35
$4d6e = Function118d35.asm_118d6e
$4d78 = Function118d35.asm_118d78
$4d7b = Function118d35.asm_118d7b
$4d80 = Function118d80
$4d8e = Function118d80.asm_118d8e
$4d9b = Function118d9b
$4d9f = asm_118d9f
$4db2 = asm_118d9f.asm_118db2
$4db7 = asm_118d9f.asm_118db7
$4ded = Function118ded
$4e03 = Function118ded.asm_118e03
$4e06 = Function118e06
$4e0f = Function118e06.asm_118e0f
$4e1d = Function118e06.asm_118e1d
$4e25 = Function118e06.asm_118e25
$4e39 = Function118e39
$4e3e = asm_118e3e
$4e4a = asm_118e3e.asm_118e4a
$4e63 = asm_118e3e.asm_118e63
$4e67 = asm_118e3e.asm_118e67
$4e6d = Function118e6d
$4e76 = Function118e76
$4e7e = Function118e7e
$4e87 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_CallRoomMenu2
$4e92 = Function118e92
$4eb0 = Function118eb0
$4ec6 = Function118ec6
$4f0d = Function118f0d
$4f14 = Function118f14
$4f32 = Function118f14.DontSendSaveFile
$4f5e = Function118f5e
$4f68 = Function118f68
$4fba = Function118f68.asm_118fba
$4fc0 = Function118fc0
$4ff2 = Function118fc0.asm_118ff2
$4ff5 = Function118fc0.asm_118ff5
$4ffa = Function118fc0.asm_118ffa
$5009 = Function119009
$5054 = Function119054
$508a = Function119054.asm_11908a
$50d0 = Function1190d0
$50ec = Function1190ec
$513e = Function1190ec.asm_11913e
$514e = Function11914e
$515d = Function11915d
$5176 = Function11915d.asm_119176
$5184 = Function11915d.asm_119184
$518e = Function11915d.asm_11918e
$5192 = Function119192
$5196 = Function119192.asm_119196
$519e = Function119192.asm_11919e
$51a6 = Function119192.asm_1191a6
$51ad = Function1191ad
$51b4 = Function1191ad.asm_1191b4
$51cc = Function1191ad.asm_1191cc
$51d3 = Function1191d3
$520f = Function11920f
$520f = Function11920f.asm_11920f
$5223 = Function119223
$5241 = Function119223.asm_119241
$5266 = Function119223.asm_119266
$5286 = Function119223.asm_119286
$529b = Function119223.asm_11929b
$52a5 = Function119223.asm_1192a5
$52af = Function119223.asm_1192af
$52c2 = Function119223.asm_1192c2
$52cc = Function1192cc
$52e8 = Function1192cc.asm_1192e8
$52fe = Function1192cc.asm_1192fe
$5300 = Function119300
$531a = Function119300.asm_11931a
$5324 = Function119300.asm_119324
$5348 = Function119300.asm_119348
$537f = Function119300.asm_11937f
$5380 = Function119380
$5388 = Function119388
$53a0 = Function1193a0
$53e3 = Function1193e3
$53fb = Function1193fb
$5413 = Function119413
$5447 = Function119413.asm_119447
$5451 = Function119451
$545d = Function119451.asm_11945d
$5471 = Function119471
$54a7 = Function119471.asm_1194a7
$54af = Function119471.asm_1194af
$54b9 = Function119471.asm_1194b9
$54bc = Function119471.asm_1194bc
$54c4 = Function119471.asm_1194c4
$54d1 = Function119471.asm_1194d1
$54d5 = Function119471.asm_1194d5
$54dd = Function119471.asm_1194dd
$54ea = Function119471.asm_1194ea
$54f0 = Function119471.asm_1194f0
$54f3 = Function119471.asm_1194f3
$54fb = Function119471.asm_1194fb
$5508 = Function119471.asm_119508
$550c = Function119471.asm_11950c
$5521 = Function119471.asm_119521
$5528 = Function119471.asm_119528
$5536 = Function119471.asm_119536
$5552 = Function119471.asm_119552
$5553 = Function119471.asm_119553
$5557 = Function119471.asm_119557
$555b = Function119471.asm_11955b
$5571 = Function119471.asm_119571
$5576 = Function119471.asm_119576
$557a = Function119471.asm_11957a
$557c = Function119471.asm_11957c
$5584 = Function119584
$5595 = Function119584.asm_119595
$559c = Function119584.asm_11959c
$55a2 = Function119584.asm_1195a2
$55b3 = Function119584.asm_1195b3
$55ba = Function119584.asm_1195ba
$55c0 = Function119584.asm_1195c0
$55c2 = Function119584.asm_1195c2
$55c4 = Function1195c4
$55d3 = Function1195c4.asm_1195d3
$55d9 = Function1195c4.asm_1195d9
$55f3 = Function1195c4.asm_1195f3
$55f8 = Function1195f8
$5612 = Function119612
$5629 = Function119629
$5648 = Function119648
$5665 = Function119665
$566d = Function11966d
$567d = Function11967d
$5685 = Function119685
$5694 = Function119694
$5699 = Function119694.asm_119699
$56af = Function119694.asm_1196af
$56b0 = Function119694.asm_1196b0
$56b1 = Function119694.asm_1196b1
$56b8 = Unknown_1196b8
$56cd = Function1196cd
$56de = Function1196de
$56f2 = Function1196f2
$56f5 = Function1196f2.asm_1196f5
$5722 = Function1196f2.asm_119722
$5728 = Function1196f2.asm_119728
$5735 = Function1196f2.asm_119735
$573e = Function1196f2.asm_11973e
$5745 = Function1196f2.asm_119745
$574c = Function1196f2.asm_11974c
$5754 = Function1196f2.asm_119754
$575b = Function1196f2.asm_11975b
$5770 = Function1196f2.asm_119770
$5775 = Function1196f2.asm_119775
$577e = Function1196f2.asm_11977e
$5785 = Function1196f2.asm_119785
$578e = Function1196f2.asm_11978e
$5798 = Function119798
$57b4 = Function1197b4
$57bc = Function1197b4.asm_1197bc
$57bf = Function1197bf
$57c6 = Function1197bf.asm_1197c6
$57c9 = Function1197c9
$57dc = Function1197dc
$5800 = Function119800
$584e = Function11984e
$58a0 = Function11984e.asm_1198a0
$58a8 = Function11984e.asm_1198a8
$58ee = Function1198ee
$58f7 = Function1198f7
$5937 = Function119937
$5940 = Function119940
$5945 = Function119940.asm_119945
$594f = Function119940.asm_11994f
$5953 = Function119940.asm_119953
$5954 = Function119954
$5962 = Function119954.asm_119962
$5973 = Function119973
$5987 = Function119987
$59a0 = Function119987.asm_1199a0
$59ae = Function119987.asm_1199ae
$59b4 = Function1199b4
$59c7 = Function1199b4.asm_1199c7
$59ca = Function1199ca
$59e2 = Function1199e2
$59f9 = Function1199e2.loop
$5a05 = Function1199e2.game_result_prefix
$5aa7 = Function1199e2.asm_119aa7
$5aaf = Function1199e2.asm_119aaf
$5ac9 = Function119ac9
$5af1 = XGameCode
$5afd = XGameResult
$5b0d = Function119b0d
$5b23 = Function119b0d.asm_119b23
$5b3b = Function119b3b
$5b45 = Function119b45
$5b4d = asm_119b4d
$5b52 = Function119b52
$5b66 = Function119b52.asm_119b66
$5b6b = Function119b6b
$5b75 = Function119b6b.asm_119b75
$5b85 = Function119b6b.asm_119b85
$5b93 = Function119b6b.asm_119b93
$5be3 = Function119b6b.asm_119be3
$5bfa = Function119b6b.asm_119bfa
$5c3e = Function119b6b.decodeBase64Character
$5c68 = Function119b6b.asm_119c68
$5c80 = Function119b6b.asm_119c80
$5c84 = Function119b6b.asm_119c84
$5c88 = Function119b6b.asm_119c88
$5c8c = Function119b6b.asm_119c8c
$5c8f = Function119b6b.asm_119c8f
$5c93 = Function119b6b.asm_119c93
$5c97 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UberRestrictionMessage
$5ca2 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_PartyMonTopsThisLevelMessage
$5cab = BattleTowerRoomMenu_WaitForMessage
$5cb8 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_DelayRestartMenu
$5cc3 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_QuitMessage
$5cd1 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_QuitMessage.asm_119cd1
$5cd6 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_QuitMessage.asm_119cd6
$5cd9 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_QuitMessage.asm_119cd9
$5cdf = BattleTowerRoomMenu_PlaceYesNoMenu
$5cec = BattleTowerRoomMenu_UpdateYesNoMenu
$5cf7 = MenuHeader_119cf7
$5cff = MenuData_119cff
$5d07 = String_119d07
$5d0c = Strings_L10ToL100
$5d64 = Strings_Ll0ToL40
$5d8c = BattleTowerCancelString
$5d93 = BattleTower_LevelCheck
$5daf = BattleTower_LevelCheck.party_loop
$5dbd = BattleTower_LevelCheck.equal
$5dc6 = BattleTower_LevelCheck.exceeds
$5dd1 = BattleTower_UbersCheck
$5deb = BattleTower_UbersCheck.loop
$5dfd = BattleTower_UbersCheck.uber
$5e02 = BattleTower_UbersCheck.next
$5e08 = BattleTower_UbersCheck.level_70_or_more
$5e0d = BattleTower_UbersCheck.uber_under_70
$5e2b = Function119e2b
$5e2e = BattleTowerRoomMenu_IncrementJumptable
$5e33 = XGameCodePrefix
$5e40 = XGameResultPrefix
$5e4f = Function119e4f
$5e57 = Function119e4f.loop
$5e5b = Function119e4f.next
$5e61 = Function119e4f.return_carry
$5e64 = Function119e4f.found_equality
$5e65 = Function119e4f.loop2
$5e77 = Function119e4f.unequal
$5e7a = Function119e4f.newline
$5e80 = Function119e4f.loop3
$5e8c = Function119e4f.finish
$5e8e = Function119e8e
$5e95 = Function119e8e.less_than_0x60
$5e98 = Function119e98
$5e9a = Function119e98.loop
$5eb4 = Function119eb4
$5ebb = Function119eb4.loop
$5ec2 = Function119ec2
$5ece = Function119ec2.loop
$5ed8 = BattleTowerRoomMenu2
$5eee = BattleTowerRoomMenu2.RunJumptable
$5efd = BattleTowerRoomMenu2.Jumptable
$5f3f = Function119f3f
$5f45 = Function119f45
$5f56 = Function119f56
$5f62 = Function119f56.asm_119f62
$5f76 = Function119f76
$5f82 = Function119f76.asm_119f82
$5f98 = Function119f98
$5fd4 = Function119f98.asm_119fd4
$5fef = Function119f98.asm_119fef
$600e = Function11a00e
$602a = Function11a00e.asm_11a02a
$6039 = Function11a00e.asm_11a039
$6081 = Function11a00e.asm_11a081
$60ca = Function11a0ca
$6113 = Function11a113
$6129 = Function11a129
$6131 = Function11a131
$613d = Function11a13d
$614b = Function11a14b
$6155 = Function11a14b.asm_11a155
$616d = Function11a16d
$6179 = Function11a16d.asm_11a179
$6192 = Function11a192
$61b6 = Function11a192.asm_11a1b6
$61d6 = Function11a1d6
$61e4 = Function11a1d6.asm_11a1e4
$61e6 = Function11a1e6
$61ff = Function11a1ff
$61ff = Function11a1ff.asm_11a1ff
$6207 = BattleTowerRoomMenu2_PlaceYesNoMenu
$6235 = BattleTowerRoomMenu2_UpdateYesNoMenu
$624c = BattleTowerRoomMenu2_UpdateYesNoMenu.asm_11a24c
$6251 = BattleTowerRoomMenu2_UpdateYesNoMenu.d_up
$6270 = BattleTowerRoomMenu2_UpdateYesNoMenu.d_down
$628f = BattleTowerRoomMenu2_UpdateYesNoMenu.a_button
$62b4 = BattleTowerRoomMenu2_UpdateYesNoMenu.asm_11a2b4
$62b7 = BattleTowerRoomMenu2_UpdateYesNoMenu.exit_carry
$62c1 = BattleTowerRoomMenu2_UpdateYesNoMenu.b_button
$62c4 = BattleTowerRoomMenu2_UpdateYesNoMenu.exit_no_carry
$62cf = String_11a2cf
$62d3 = String_11a2d3
$62d6 = MenuHeader_11a2d6
$62de = MenuHeader_11a2de
$62e6 = Function11a2e6
$6302 = Function11a302
$630e = Function11a302.asm_11a30e
$633a = Function11a33a
$6346 = Function11a33a.asm_11a346
$6357 = Function11a357
$636b = Function11a36b
$6377 = Function11a36b.asm_11a377
$638d = Function11a38d
$63b1 = Function11a38d.asm_11a3b1
$63c5 = Function11a3c5
$63d9 = Function11a3d9
$63e5 = Function11a3d9.asm_11a3e5
$63f9 = Function11a3f9
$6405 = Function11a3f9.asm_11a405
$641b = Function11a41b
$643f = Function11a41b.asm_11a43f
$6452 = Function11a452
$6466 = Function11a466
$647a = Function11a47a
$6486 = Function11a47a.asm_11a486
$6488 = Function11a488
$649e = Function11a49e
$64c7 = Function11a49e.asm_11a4c7
$64db = Function11a4db
$64e8 = Function11a4e8
$64fe = Function11a4fe
$6522 = Function11a4fe.asm_11a522
$6536 = Function11a536
$654d = Function11a536.asm_11a54d
$6562 = Function11a536.asm_11a562
$6564 = Function11a536.asm_11a564
$6583 = Function11a536.asm_11a583
$65a2 = Function11a536.asm_11a5a2
$65a7 = Function11a536.asm_11a5a7
$65b0 = BattleTowerRoomMenu2_IncrementJumptable
$65b9 = Function11a5b9
$65f5 = Function11a5f5
$663c = Function11a63c
$6661 = String_11a661
$6679 = String_11a679
$6692 = String_11a692
$66aa = String_11a6aa
$66c8 = String_11a6c8
$66d2 = String_11a6d2
$66db = String_11a6db
$66f1 = String_11a6f1
$6706 = String_11a706
$670b = String_11a70b
$671e = String_11a71e
$672a = String_11a72a
$6743 = String_11a743
$6755 = String_11a755
$6762 = String_11a762
$6779 = String_11a779
$6791 = String_11a791
$67ac = String_11a7ac
$67c1 = String_11a7c1
$67d7 = String_11a7d7
$67f4 = String_11a7f4
$6804 = MenuHeader_11a804
$680c = Function11a80c
$6884 = Function11a884
$688c = Function11a88c
$689a = Unknown_11a89a
$68ba = Unknown_11a8ba
$68da = Unknown_11a8da
$68fa = BattleTowerRoomMenu_WriteMessage
$6909 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_WriteMessage.Jumptable
$690f = Function11a90f
$692c = Function11a90f.asm_11a92c
$6941 = Function11a90f.asm_11a941
$6945 = Function11a90f.asm_11a945
$694f = Function11a90f.asm_11a94f
$6970 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_WriteMessage_DoNothing
$6971 = Function11a971
$697f = Function11a971.asm_11a97f
$69bf = Function11a971.asm_11a9bf
$69c0 = BattleTowerRoomMenu_SetMessage
$69ce = Function11a9ce
$69f0 = Function11a9f0
$69f4 = Function11a9f4
$6a13 = Text_SaveFileWillBeSent
$6a2c = Text_SentSaveFileReadingNews
$6a4b = Text_ReadingNews
$6a5a = Text_ReceivedNews
$6a6a = Text_QuitReadingNews
$6a7e = Text_CanceledSendingSaveFile
$6a9b = Text_ReceivedOddEgg
$6ab2 = Text_RegisteringRecord
$6acc = Text_BattleRoomVisitLimit
$6af0 = Text_PartyMonTopsThisLevel
$6b0f = Text_UberRestriction
$6b4a = Text_CancelBattleRoomChallenge
$6b6e = Text_ExitGymLeaderHonorRoll
$6b8b = Text_LinkingWithCenter
$6ba5 = Text_WhatLevelDoYouWantToChallenge
$6bcb = Text_CheckBattleRoomListByMaxLevel
$6bf1 = Text_EnterWhichBattleRoom
$6c0b = Text_WhichBattleRoom
$6c1f = Text_ThisBattleRoomPleaseWait
$6c3e = Function11ac3e
$6c51 = Function11ac51
$6c82 = Function11ac51.loop
$6ca8 = Function11ac51.asm_11aca8
$6cb7 = Function11acb7
$6ceb = Function11acb7.get_the_other
$6d1b = Function11ad1b
$6d6e = Function11ad6e
$6d78 = Jumptable_11ad78
$6d8a = MobileIncJumptableIndex
$6d8f = Function11ad8f
$6d95 = Function11ad95
$6dc4 = Function11adc4
$6de6 = Function11adc4.asm_11ade6
$6ded = Function11adc4.asm_11aded
$6df4 = Function11adc4.asm_11adf4
$6e06 = Function11adc4.asm_11ae06
$6e23 = Function11adc4.asm_11ae23
$6e28 = Function11adc4.asm_11ae28
$6e2b = Function11adc4.asm_11ae2b
$6e2e = Function11adc4.asm_11ae2e
$6e38 = MenuHeader_11ae38
$6e40 = String_11ae40
$6e4e = Function11ae4e
$6e98 = Function11ae98
$6eb4 = Function11ae98.asm_11aeb4
$6ec1 = Function11ae98.asm_11aec1
$6ec8 = Function11ae98.asm_11aec8
$6ecf = Function11ae98.asm_11aecf
$6ee1 = Function11ae98.asm_11aee1
$6ef7 = Function11ae98.asm_11aef7
$6f04 = Function11af04
$6f4e = Function11af4e
$6f6a = Function11af4e.asm_11af6a
$6f77 = Function11af4e.asm_11af77
$6f7e = Function11af4e.asm_11af7e
$6f85 = Function11af4e.asm_11af85
$6f97 = Function11af4e.asm_11af97
$6faa = Function11af4e.asm_11afaa
$6fb7 = Function11afb7
$6fbb = Function11afbb
$6fbd = asm_11afbd
$6fcc = Unknown_11afcc
$6fd2 = Unknown_11afd2
$6fd6 = Function11afd6
$6fdb = Function11afd6.row
$6fdd = Function11afd6.col
$6fe8 = MenuHeader_11afe8
$6ff0 = String_11aff0
$7003 = String_11b003
$7013 = MenuHeader_11b013
$701b = String_11b01b
$7022 = Function11b022
$702e = Function11b022.asm_11b02e
$703d = Function11b03d
$7041 = Function11b03d.loop
$7051 = Function11b03d.gender
$7055 = Function11b03d.done
$705f = Function11b03d.loop2
$7070 = Function11b03d.female
$7073 = Function11b03d.got_string
$707a = Function11b03d.MaleString
$707e = Function11b03d.FemaleString
$7082 = Function11b082
$7099 = Function11b099
$70b9 = Function11b099.loop
$70cf = Function11b099.PlaceMonNameOrPlaceholderString
$70e1 = Function11b099.SetCaughtFlag
$70e8 = Function11b099.okay
$70ec = Function11b099.CheckSeenFlag
$70f9 = Function11b099.EmptySlot
$70ff = Function11b0ff
$7125 = Function11b0ff.asm_11b125
$7131 = Function11b0ff.asm_11b131
$713d = Function11b0ff.asm_11b13d
$7141 = Function11b0ff.asm_11b141
$7148 = Function11b0ff.asm_11b148
$7163 = Function11b0ff.asm_11b163
$7167 = Function11b0ff.asm_11b167
$716b = Function11b0ff.asm_11b16b
$716c = Function11b0ff.asm_11b16c
$7175 = Function11b175
$719a = Function11b175.asm_11b19a
$71a4 = Function11b175.asm_11b1a4
$71ae = Function11b175.asm_11b1ae
$71bc = Function11b175.asm_11b1bc
$71c6 = Function11b175.asm_11b1c6
$71d4 = Function11b175.asm_11b1d4
$71d8 = Function11b175.asm_11b1d8
$71e3 = Function11b175.asm_11b1e3
$71e8 = Function11b175.asm_11b1e8
$71ed = Function11b175.asm_11b1ed
$71ef = Function11b175.asm_11b1ef
$71f7 = FillScreenWithTile32
$7203 = CopyDataUntilFF.loop
$7203 = CopyDataUntilFF
$720b = Function11b20b
$721e = CheckCaughtMemMon
$722a = CheckSeenMemMon
$7236 = Function11b236
$7239 = Function11b239
$7242 = Function11b242
$7267 = Function11b267
$726a = asm_11b26a
$726f = asm_11b26f
$7272 = Function11b272
$7275 = Function11b275
$7279 = Function11b279
$728f = Function11b279.asm_11b28f
$7294 = Function11b279.asm_11b294
$7295 = Function11b295
$72d1 = Function11b295.asm_11b2d1
$72e7 = Function11b295.asm_11b2e7
$72ec = Function11b295.asm_11b2ec
$72fe = String_11b2fe
$7303 = String_11b303
$7308 = String_11b308
$730e = String_11b30e
$7314 = Function11b314
$731b = Function11b31b
$7344 = Function11b31b.tilemap_3
$7349 = Function11b31b.tilemap_1
$734c = Function11b31b.load_sprites
$7350 = Function11b31b.Coords
$736d = Function11b31b.Tilemap1
$737b = Function11b31b.Tilemap2
$7389 = Function11b31b.Tilemap3
$7397 = Function11b397
$739a = Function11b397.loop
$73b6 = Function11b3b6
$73b6 = Function11b3b6.loop
$73d9 = Function11b3d9
$7401 = Function11b3d9.loop1
$740d = Function11b3d9.skip
$740f = Function11b3d9.load_sprites
$742b = Function11b3d9.version1
$743b = Function11b3d9.version2
$7444 = TradeCornerHoldMon
$744b = Mobile46_InitJumptable
$745c = TradeCornerHoldMon_RunJumptable
$745c = TradeCornerHoldMon_RunJumptable.loop
$746a = TradeCornerHoldMon_RunJumptable.IterateJumptable
$7479 = TradeCornerHoldMon_RunJumptable.Jumptable
$7483 = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload
$748b = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.get_char
$749f = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.get_next_party_mon
$74a6 = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.got_selected_mon
$74a9 = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.copy_mon_byte
$74e8 = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.loop4
$74ef = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.okay2
$74f1 = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.loop5
$7502 = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.loop6
$7509 = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.okay3
$750b = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.loop7
$751b = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.loop8
$7522 = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.okay4
$7529 = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.loop9
$7538 = TradeCornerHoldMon_PrepareForUpload.InitRAM
$7570 = Function11b570
$757f = Function11b570.exit
$7585 = Function11b570.SaveData
$75c0 = TradeCornerHoldMon_RemoveFromParty
$75e0 = TradeCornerHoldMon_Success
$75e7 = TradeCornerHoldMon_Noop
$75e8 = Function11b5e8
$764c = Function11b5e8.loop
$765a = Function11b5e8.RunJumptable
$7669 = Function11b5e8.Jumptable
$766d = Function11b66d
$7691 = Function11b66d.asm_11b691
$76b0 = Function11b66d.asm_11b6b0
$76b3 = Function11b6b3
$76b4 = Function11b6b4
$770f = Function11b6b4.length_check_OT
$7723 = Function11b6b4.error_check_nick
$7736 = Function11b6b4.length_check_nick
$774a = Function11b6b4.error_check_mail
$775d = Function11b6b4.length_check_mail
$7770 = Function11b6b4.fix_mail
$7776 = Function11b6b4.mail_ok
$7789 = Function11b6b4.length_check_author
$779d = Function11b6b4.author_okay
$77a8 = Function11b6b4.item_okay
$77c5 = Function11b6b4.replace_level
$77c6 = Function11b6b4.done_level
$77e5 = Function11b7e5
$7872 = Function11b7e5.asm_11b872
$7879 = Function11b879
$78d8 = Function11b879.asm_11b8d8
$78e2 = Function11b879.asm_11b8e2
$7920 = Function11b920
$793b = Function11b93b
$798f = AddMobileMonToParty
$79a2 = AddMobileMonToParty.loop1
$79ba = AddMobileMonToParty.loop2
$79d8 = AddMobileMonToParty.loop3
$79f9 = AddMobileMonToParty.loop4
$7a1a = AddMobileMonToParty.loop5
$7a38 = Function11ba38
$7a44 = TilemapPack_11ba44
$7b7d = TilemapPack_11bb7d
EMPTY: $7c9e-$7fff ($0362 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0362 bytes
ROMX bank #71:
SECTION: $4000-$7685 ($3686 bytes) ["Battle Tower"]
$4000 = BattleTowerText
$4021 = BattleTowerText.okay0
$4026 = BattleTowerText.female
$4030 = BattleTowerText.okay1
$4033 = BattleTowerText.proceed
$403d = BattleTowerText.restore
$4040 = BattleTowerText.okay2
$405d = Function11c05d
$4071 = Function11c05d.error
$4075 = Function11c075
$4082 = Function11c082
$408f = Function11c08f
$4094 = Function11c08f.loop
$40a2 = Function11c08f.okay
$40b0 = Function11c08f.loop2
$40be = Function11c08f.okay2
$40c6 = PrintEZChatBattleMessage
$40e1 = PrintEZChatBattleMessage.loop
$40fa = PrintEZChatBattleMessage.loop2
$4102 = PrintEZChatBattleMessage.skip_inc
$4113 = PrintEZChatBattleMessage.got_line_terminator
$411c = PrintEZChatBattleMessage.same_line
$4123 = PrintEZChatBattleMessage.skip_space
$412a = PrintEZChatBattleMessage.place_string_loop
$4133 = PrintEZChatBattleMessage.done
$414a = GetLengthOfWordAtC608
$414f = GetLengthOfWordAtC608.loop
$4156 = CopyMobileEZChatToC608
$418f = CopyMobileEZChatToC608.copy_string
$419c = CopyMobileEZChatToC608.get_name
$41ab = Function11c1ab
$41b9 = Function11c1b9
$41ca = Function11c1b9.InitKanaMode
$4254 = Function11c254
$4277 = EZChat_ClearBottom12Rows
$4283 = EZChat_MasterLoop
$4283 = EZChat_MasterLoop.loop
$42a2 = EZChat_MasterLoop.exit
$42ac = EZChat_MasterLoop.DoJumptableFunction
$42bb = EZChat_MasterLoop.Jumptable
$42e9 = EZChat_MasterLoop.SpawnObjects
$4346 = EZChat_MasterLoop.InitRAM
$435f = Function11c35f
$4373 = Function11c373
$438a = Function11c38a
$4392 = Function11c38a.asm_11c392
$43af = Function11c38a.asm_11c3af
$43b5 = Function11c38a.asm_11c3b5
$43bc = String_11c3bc
$43c2 = Function11c3c2
$43ed = Function11c3ed
$441a = Function11c3ed.asm_11c41a
$441d = Function11c3ed.asm_11c41d
$4426 = Function11c3ed.asm_11c426
$442c = Function11c3ed.asm_11c42c
$4440 = Function11c3ed.asm_11c440
$4460 = Function11c3ed.asm_11c460
$4469 = Function11c3ed.asm_11c469
$4472 = Function11c3ed.asm_11c472
$4475 = Function11c3ed.asm_11c475
$447c = Function11c3ed.asm_11c47c
$4484 = Function11c3ed.asm_11c484
$448c = Function11c3ed.asm_11c48c
$4498 = Function11c3ed.asm_11c498
$44a3 = Function11c3ed.asm_11c4a3
$44a5 = Function11c4a5
$44b7 = Function11c4a5.asm_11c4b7
$44be = Function11c4be
$44db = String_11c4db
$451b = String_11c51b
$452c = Function11c52c
$453d = Function11c53d
$456f = Function11c53d.a
$457f = Function11c53d.start
$4589 = Function11c53d.b
$458d = Function11c53d.select
$4599 = Function11c53d.mode
$459d = Function11c53d.got_category
$459f = Function11c53d.go_to_function
$45ab = Function11c53d.done
$45b5 = Function11c53d.up
$45bd = Function11c53d.down
$45c5 = Function11c53d.left
$45da = Function11c53d.right
$45ee = Function11c53d.finish_dpad
$45f0 = EZChat_PlaceCategoryNames
$45f8 = EZChat_PlaceCategoryNames.loop
$4603 = EZChat_PlaceCategoryNames.find_next_string_loop
$4618 = Function11c618
$462a = EZChatString_Stop_Mode_Cancel
$463a = Coords_11c63a
$4658 = Function11c658
$4675 = Function11c675
$4699 = Function11c675.asm_11c699
$469e = Function11c675.start
$46b9 = Function11c675.asm_11c6b9
$46c4 = Function11c675.asm_11c6c4
$46ce = Function11c675.select
$46e6 = Function11c675.a
$46f0 = Function11c675.b
$46fa = Function11c675.asm_11c6fa
$46fc = Function11c675.asm_11c6fc
$4708 = Function11c675.asm_11c708
$4711 = Function11c675.asm_11c711
$471c = Function11c675.asm_11c71c
$4731 = Function11c675.asm_11c731
$4746 = Function11c675.asm_11c746
$4755 = Function11c675.asm_11c755
$476e = Function11c675.asm_11c76e
$4770 = Function11c770
$4795 = Function11c770.load
$4799 = Function11c770.cd21_is_zero
$479f = Function11c770.div_12
$47a8 = Function11c770.no_need_to_floor
$47ab = Function11c770.cd2b_is_nonzero
$47bc = Function11c7bc
$47d0 = Function11c7bc.asm_11c7d0
$47e9 = Function11c7bc.asm_11c7e9
$47f1 = Function11c7bc.asm_11c7f1
$4811 = Function11c7bc.asm_11c811
$4814 = Function11c7bc.asm_11c814
$4831 = Function11c7bc.asm_11c831
$4851 = Function11c7bc.asm_11c851
$4854 = Unknown_11c854
$486e = Function11c86e
$4883 = Function11c86e.asm_11c883
$488a = Function11c86e.asm_11c88a
$4891 = Function11c86e.asm_11c891
$4895 = Function11c86e.asm_11c895
$48b1 = Function11c86e.asm_11c8b1
$48b7 = Function11c86e.asm_11c8b7
$48c2 = Function11c86e.asm_11c8c2
$48c7 = BCD2String
$48ec = MobileString_Page
$48f0 = MobileString_Prev
$48f3 = MobileString_Next
$48f6 = Function11c8f6
$4911 = Function11c8f6.asm_11c911
$4912 = Function11c8f6.asm_11c912
$4927 = Function11c8f6.asm_11c927
$4938 = Function11c8f6.asm_11c938
$495d = Function11c95d
$4972 = Function11c95d.asm_11c972
$4980 = Function11c95d.asm_11c980
$4986 = Unknown_11c986
$4992 = Function11c992
$4997 = Function11c992.asm_11c997
$49ab = Function11c9ab
$49bd = Function11c9bd
$49c3 = Function11c9c3
$49de = Function11c9c3.asm_11c9de
$49e9 = Function11c9c3.asm_11c9e9
$49f7 = Function11c9c3.asm_11c9f7
$49fc = Function11c9c3.asm_11c9fc
$4a01 = Function11ca01
$4a0a = Function11ca01.asm_11ca0a
$4a10 = Function11ca01.asm_11ca10
$4a19 = Function11ca19
$4a22 = Function11ca19.asm_11ca22
$4a28 = Function11ca19.asm_11ca28
$4a38 = String_11ca38
$4a57 = String_11ca57
$4a5e = Function11ca5e
$4a5f = Function11ca5e.loop
$4a6a = Function11ca6a
$4a7f = Function11ca7f
$4aad = Function11caad
$4ab3 = Function11cab3
$4ace = Function11cab3.asm_11cace
$4af3 = Function11cab3.asm_11caf3
$4af9 = Function11cab3.asm_11caf9
$4afc = Function11cab3.asm_11cafc
$4b12 = Function11cab3.asm_11cb12
$4b17 = Function11cab3.asm_11cb17
$4b1c = String_11cb1c
$4b31 = String_11cb31
$4b52 = Function11cb52
$4b58 = Function11cb52.asm_11cb58
$4b5f = Function11cb52.asm_11cb5f
$4b66 = Function11cb66
$4b81 = Function11cb66.asm_11cb81
$4ba2 = Function11cb66.asm_11cba2
$4bba = Function11cb66.asm_11cbba
$4bc1 = Function11cb66.asm_11cbc1
$4bd4 = Function11cb66.asm_11cbd4
$4bd7 = Function11cb66.asm_11cbd7
$4beb = Function11cb66.asm_11cbeb
$4bf0 = Function11cb66.asm_11cbf0
$4bf5 = Function11cbf5
$4c01 = Unknown_11cc01
$4c09 = String_11cc09
$4c23 = String_11cc23
$4c42 = String_11cc42
$4c60 = String_11cc60
$4c7e = Unknown_11cc7e
$4c86 = String_11cc86
$4c9d = String_11cc9d
$4cb9 = String_11ccb9
$4cd4 = String_11ccd4
$4cef = Function11ccef
$4d04 = Function11cd04
$4d10 = String_11cd10
$4d20 = Function11cd20
$4d3a = Function11cd20.asm_11cd3a
$4d3d = Function11cd20.asm_11cd3d
$4d54 = Function11cd54
$4d6f = Function11cd54.asm_11cd6f
$4d73 = Function11cd54.asm_11cd73
$4d7d = Function11cd54.asm_11cd7d
$4d7f = Function11cd54.asm_11cd7f
$4d8b = Function11cd54.asm_11cd8b
$4d94 = Function11cd54.asm_11cd94
$4d9b = Function11cd54.asm_11cd9b
$4daa = Function11cdaa
$4dc7 = String_11cdc7
$4dd9 = String_11cdd9
$4df5 = String_11cdf5
$4e0b = Function11ce0b
$4e2b = Function11ce2b
$4e68 = Function11ce2b.a
$4e78 = Function11ce2b.start
$4e82 = Function11ce2b.b
$4e86 = Function11ce2b.select
$4e92 = Function11ce2b.place
$4e96 = Function11ce2b.mode
$4e98 = Function11ce2b.load
$4ea4 = Function11ce2b.done
$4eae = Function11ce2b.left
$4eaf = Function11ce2b.down
$4eb0 = Function11ce2b.right
$4eb1 = Function11ce2b.up
$4eb9 = Unknown_11ceb9
$4f79 = String_11cf79
$4fb5 = Function11cfb5
$4fba = Unknown_11cfba
$4fbe = Unknown_11cfbe
$4fc2 = Unknown_11cfc2
$4fc6 = Unknown_11cfc6
$4fca = Unknown_11cfca
$4fce = Function11cfce
$4fda = Function11cfce.add_n_times
$4fe0 = Function11cfce.done_add_n_times
$4ff2 = Function11cfce.fill_loop
$4ff6 = Function11cfce.skip_fill
$5005 = Function11cfce.loop
$5011 = Function11cfce.row_loop
$5015 = Function11cfce.skip_row
$5022 = Function11cfce.skip_section
$502d = Function11cfce.final_loop
$5031 = Function11cfce.skip_remainder
$5035 = Function11d035
$5041 = Function11d035.add_n_times
$5047 = Function11d035.done_add_n_times
$5078 = Function11d035.loop
$5082 = Function11d035.skip
$509c = Function11d035.loop2
$50a4 = Function11d035.loop3
$50ac = Function11d035.AddNMinusOneTimes
$50b1 = Function11d035.add_n_minus_one_times
$50b6 = AnimateEZChatCursor
$50c7 = AnimateEZChatCursor.Jumptable
$50dd = AnimateEZChatCursor.zero
$50e9 = AnimateEZChatCursor.one
$50f5 = AnimateEZChatCursor.two
$510f = AnimateEZChatCursor.three
$511e = AnimateEZChatCursor.load
$5134 = AnimateEZChatCursor.four
$5145 = AnimateEZChatCursor.five
$5156 = AnimateEZChatCursor.six
$5175 = AnimateEZChatCursor.seven
$5180 = AnimateEZChatCursor.cursor0
$5182 = AnimateEZChatCursor.got_frameset
$51b1 = AnimateEZChatCursor.asm_11d1b1
$51d1 = AnimateEZChatCursor.nine
$51d7 = AnimateEZChatCursor.eight
$51db = AnimateEZChatCursor.eight_nine_load
$51fc = AnimateEZChatCursor.ten
$5208 = AnimateEZChatCursor.Coords_Zero
$521a = AnimateEZChatCursor.Coords_One
$523e = AnimateEZChatCursor.Coords_Two
$529e = AnimateEZChatCursor.Coords_Three
$52b6 = AnimateEZChatCursor.Coords_Four
$52ba = AnimateEZChatCursor.Coords_Five
$52be = AnimateEZChatCursor.FramesetsIDs_Two
$52ee = AnimateEZChatCursor.UpdateObjectFlags
$5305 = AnimateEZChatCursor.flip_bit_0
$530f = AnimateEZChatCursor.reset_y_offset
$5316 = AnimateEZChatCursor.update_y_offset
$5323 = Function11d323
$533a = Palette_11d33a
$53ba = EZChat_GetSeenPokemonByKana
$53ef = EZChat_GetSeenPokemonByKana.MasterLoop
$5406 = EZChat_GetSeenPokemonByKana.loop1
$543d = EZChat_GetSeenPokemonByKana.loop2
$544a = EZChat_GetSeenPokemonByKana.next
$5453 = EZChat_GetSeenPokemonByKana.done
$548f = EZChat_GetSeenPokemonByKana.ExitMasterLoop
$5493 = EZChat_GetSeenPokemonByKana.CheckSeenMon
$54aa = EZChat_GetCategoryWordsByKana
$54c1 = EZChat_GetCategoryWordsByKana.loop1
$54cf = EZChat_GetCategoryWordsByKana.loop2
$54fe = EZChat_SortedPokemon
$5558 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.a
$555f = EZChat_SortedPokemon.i
$5565 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.u
$556c = EZChat_SortedPokemon.e
$5574 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.o
$557f = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ka_ga
$558e = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ki_gi
$5598 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ku_gu
$559f = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ke_ge
$55a3 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ko_go
$55b2 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.sa_za
$55bb = EZChat_SortedPokemon.shi_ji
$55c0 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.su_zu
$55c8 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.se_ze
$55cb = EZChat_SortedPokemon.so_zo
$55cd = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ta_da
$55d1 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.chi_dhi
$55d4 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.tsu_du
$55d6 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.te_de
$55dc = EZChat_SortedPokemon.to_do
$55e7 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.na
$55ea = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ni
$55f7 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.nu
$55f9 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ne
$55fc = EZChat_SortedPokemon.no
$55fe = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ha_ba_pa
$560e = EZChat_SortedPokemon.hi_bi_pi
$561d = EZChat_SortedPokemon.fu_bu_pu
$562e = EZChat_SortedPokemon.he_be_pe
$5636 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ho_bo_po
$563e = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ma
$5649 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.mi
$564e = EZChat_SortedPokemon.mu
$5651 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.me
$5656 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.mo
$565a = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ya
$5660 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.yu
$5662 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.yo
$5665 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ra
$566d = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ri
$5671 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ru
$5674 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.re
$5678 = EZChat_SortedPokemon.ro
$567a = EZChat_SortedPokemon.wa
$567d = EZChat_SortedPokemon.end
$567e = SelectStartGFX
$56de = EZChatSlowpokeLZ
$5a52 = MobileEZChatCategoryNames
$5aac = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers
$5ac8 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.Types
$5b58 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.Greetings
$5c78 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.People
$5ea0 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.Battle
$60c8 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.Exclamations
$62d8 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.Conversation
$64e8 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.Feelings
$6710 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.Conditions
$6920 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.Life
$6a58 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.Hobbies
$6b90 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.Actions
$6db8 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.Time
$6ef0 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.Farewells
$7100 = MobileEZChatCategoryPointers.ThisAndThat
$7220 = MobileEZChatData_WordAndPageCounts
$723c = EZChat_SortedWords
$72f0 = BTTrainerClassGenders
$72f0 = EZChat_SortedWords.End
$7332 = BTMaleTrainerTexts
$7338 = BTMaleTrainerTexts.Greetings
$736a = BTMaleTrainerTexts.PlayerLost
$739c = BTMaleTrainerTexts.PlayerWon
$73ce = BTFemaleTrainerTexts
$73d4 = BTFemaleTrainerTexts.Greetings
$73f2 = BTFemaleTrainerTexts.PlayerLost
$7410 = BTFemaleTrainerTexts.PlayerWon
$742e = BTGreetingM1Text
$7433 = BTLossM1Text
$7438 = BTWinM1Text
$743d = BTGreetingM2Text
$7442 = BTLossM2Text
$7447 = BTWinM2Text
$744c = BTGreetingM3Text
$7451 = BTLossM3Text
$7456 = BTWinM3Text
$745b = BTGreetingM4Text
$7460 = BTLossM4Text
$7465 = BTWinM4Text
$746a = BTGreetingM5Text
$746f = BTLossM5Text
$7474 = BTWinM5Text
$7479 = BTGreetingM6Text
$747e = BTLossM6Text
$7483 = BTWinM6Text
$7488 = BTGreetingM7Text
$748d = BTLossM7Text
$7492 = BTWinM7Text
$7497 = BTGreetingM8Text
$749c = BTLossM8Text
$74a1 = BTWinM8Text
$74a6 = BTGreetingM9Text
$74ab = BTLossM9Text
$74b0 = BTWinM9Text
$74b5 = BTGreetingM10Text
$74ba = BTLossM10Text
$74bf = BTWinM10Text
$74c4 = BTGreetingM11Text
$74c9 = BTLossM11Text
$74ce = BTWinM11Text
$74d3 = BTGreetingM12Text
$74d8 = BTLossM12Text
$74dd = BTWinM12Text
$74e2 = BTGreetingM13Text
$74e7 = BTLossM13Text
$74ec = BTWinM13Text
$74f1 = BTGreetingM14Text
$74f6 = BTLossM14Text
$74fb = BTWinM14Text
$7500 = BTGreetingM15Text
$7505 = BTLossM15Text
$750a = BTWinM15Text
$750f = BTGreetingM16Text
$7514 = BTLossM16Text
$7519 = BTWinM16Text
$751e = BTGreetingM17Text
$7523 = BTLossM17Text
$7528 = BTWinM17Text
$752d = BTGreetingM18Text
$7532 = BTLossM18Text
$7537 = BTWinM18Text
$753c = BTGreetingM19Text
$7541 = BTLossM19Text
$7546 = BTWinM19Text
$754b = BTGreetingM20Text
$7550 = BTLossM20Text
$7555 = BTWinM20Text
$755a = BTGreetingM21Text
$755f = BTLossM21Text
$7564 = BTWinM21Text
$7569 = BTGreetingM22Text
$756e = BTLossM22Text
$7573 = BTWinM22Text
$7578 = BTGreetingM23Text
$757d = BTLossM23Text
$7582 = BTWinM23Text
$7587 = BTGreetingM24Text
$758c = BTLossM24Text
$7591 = BTWinM24Text
$7596 = BTGreetingM25Text
$759b = BTLossM25Text
$75a0 = BTWinM25Text
$75a5 = BTGreetingF1Text
$75aa = BTLossF1Text
$75af = BTWinF1Text
$75b4 = BTGreetingF2Text
$75b9 = BTLossF2Text
$75be = BTWinF2Text
$75c3 = BTGreetingF3Text
$75c8 = BTLossF3Text
$75cd = BTWinF3Text
$75d2 = BTGreetingF4Text
$75d7 = BTLossF4Text
$75dc = BTWinF4Text
$75e1 = BTGreetingF5Text
$75e6 = BTLossF5Text
$75eb = BTWinF5Text
$75f0 = BTGreetingF6Text
$75f5 = BTLossF6Text
$75fa = BTWinF6Text
$75ff = BTGreetingF7Text
$7604 = BTLossF7Text
$7609 = BTWinF7Text
$760e = BTGreetingF8Text
$7613 = BTLossF8Text
$7618 = BTWinF8Text
$761d = BTGreetingF9Text
$7622 = BTLossF9Text
$7627 = BTWinF9Text
$762c = BTGreetingF10Text
$7631 = BTLossF10Text
$7636 = BTWinF10Text
$763b = BTGreetingF11Text
$7640 = BTLossF11Text
$7645 = BTWinF11Text
$764a = BTGreetingF12Text
$764f = BTLossF12Text
$7654 = BTWinF12Text
$7659 = BTGreetingF13Text
$765e = BTLossF13Text
$7663 = BTWinF13Text
$7668 = BTGreetingF14Text
$766d = BTLossF14Text
$7672 = BTWinF14Text
$7677 = BTGreetingF15Text
$767c = BTLossF15Text
$7681 = BTWinF15Text
EMPTY: $7686-$7fff ($097a bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $097a bytes
ROMX bank #72:
SECTION: $4000-$45ed ($05ee bytes) ["Pic Pointers"]
$4000 = PokemonPicPointers
SECTION: $45ee-$7ff9 ($3a0c bytes) ["Pics 1"]
$45ee = HoOhFrontpic
$4b05 = MachampFrontpic
$5012 = NinetalesFrontpic
$54dd = FeraligatrFrontpic
$5976 = NidokingFrontpic
$5e00 = RaikouFrontpic
$626e = LugiaFrontpic
$66d6 = ArticunoFrontpic
$6b2d = TaurosFrontpic
$6f81 = VenusaurFrontpic
$73cb = EnteiFrontpic
$7810 = SuicuneFrontpic
$7c4d = TyphlosionFrontpic
EMPTY: $7ffa-$7fff ($0006 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0006 bytes
ROMX bank #73:
SECTION: $4000-$409b ($009c bytes) ["Unown Pic Pointers"]
$4000 = UnownPicPointers
SECTION: $409c-$7ffd ($3f62 bytes) ["Pics 2"]
$409c = BlastoiseFrontpic
$44d8 = RapidashFrontpic
$4904 = MeganiumFrontpic
$4d24 = NidoqueenFrontpic
$5142 = HitmonleeFrontpic
$555c = ScizorFrontpic
$5976 = BeedrillFrontpic
$5d84 = ArcanineFrontpic
$6183 = TyranitarFrontpic
$6580 = MoltresFrontpic
$697c = ZapdosFrontpic
$6d70 = ArbokFrontpic
$7161 = MewtwoFrontpic
$7551 = FearowFrontpic
$7937 = CharizardFrontpic
$7d1c = QuilavaFrontpic
EMPTY: $7ffe-$7fff ($0002 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0002 bytes
ROMX bank #74:
SECTION: $4000-$40c8 ($00c9 bytes) ["Trainer Pic Pointers"]
$4000 = TrainerPicPointers
SECTION: $40c9-$7ffd ($3f35 bytes) ["Pics 3"]
$40c9 = SteelixFrontpic
$44ad = AlakazamFrontpic
$4886 = GyaradosFrontpic
$4c54 = KangaskhanFrontpic
$501e = RhydonFrontpic
$53d7 = GolduckFrontpic
$577f = RhyhornFrontpic
$5b1d = PidgeotFrontpic
$5eb5 = SlowbroFrontpic
$624a = ButterfreeFrontpic
$65d7 = WeezingFrontpic
$6964 = CloysterFrontpic
$6cf0 = SkarmoryFrontpic
$706d = DewgongFrontpic
$73e9 = VictreebelFrontpic
$7765 = RaichuFrontpic
$7ae0 = PrimeapeFrontpic
$7e51 = OmastarBackpic
EMPTY: $7ffe-$7fff ($0002 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0002 bytes
ROMX bank #75:
SECTION: $4000-$7fff ($4000 bytes) ["Pics 4"]
$4000 = DodrioFrontpic
$4371 = SlowkingFrontpic
$46df = HitmontopFrontpic
$4a47 = OnixFrontpic
$4dac = BlisseyFrontpic
$510f = MachokeFrontpic
$546e = DragoniteFrontpic
$57ca = PoliwrathFrontpic
$5b25 = ScytherFrontpic
$5e7b = AerodactylFrontpic
$61cc = SeakingFrontpic
$651c = MukFrontpic
$686a = CroconawFrontpic
$6bb6 = HypnoFrontpic
$6efb = NidorinoFrontpic
$723c = SandslashFrontpic
$7575 = JolteonFrontpic
$78ac = DonphanFrontpic
$7bdf = PinsirFrontpic
$7f0e = UnownEFrontpic
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
ROMX bank #76:
SECTION: $4000-$7ffe ($3fff bytes) ["Pics 5"]
$4000 = GolbatFrontpic
$432e = KinglerFrontpic
$465a = ExeggcuteFrontpic
$4982 = MagcargoFrontpic
$4ca1 = PersianFrontpic
$4fbf = StantlerFrontpic
$52dd = RaticateFrontpic
$55fa = VenomothFrontpic
$5916 = PolitoedFrontpic
$5c32 = ElectabuzzFrontpic
$5f4b = MantineFrontpic
$6260 = LickitungFrontpic
$6573 = KingdraFrontpic
$6881 = CharmeleonFrontpic
$6b8b = KadabraFrontpic
$6e90 = ExeggutorFrontpic
$7194 = GastlyFrontpic
$7492 = AzumarillFrontpic
$778f = ParasectFrontpic
$7a8a = MrMimeFrontpic
$7d7b = HeracrossFrontpic
EMPTY: $7fff-$7fff ($0001 byte)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0001 byte
ROMX bank #77:
SECTION: $4000-$7ffe ($3fff bytes) ["Pics 6"]
$4000 = AriadosFrontpic
$42eb = NoctowlFrontpic
$45d2 = WartortleFrontpic
$48b7 = LaprasFrontpic
$4b97 = GolemFrontpic
$4e76 = PoliwhirlFrontpic
$514e = UrsaringFrontpic
$5425 = HoundoomFrontpic
$56fc = KabutopsFrontpic
$59d1 = AmpharosFrontpic
$5ca2 = NidorinaFrontpic
$5f6d = FlareonFrontpic
$6237 = FarfetchDFrontpic
$64ff = VileplumeFrontpic
$67c3 = BayleefFrontpic
$6a82 = MagmarFrontpic
$6d41 = TentacruelFrontpic
$6fff = ElekidFrontpic
$72bd = JumpluffFrontpic
$757a = MarowakFrontpic
$7836 = VulpixFrontpic
$7aed = GligarFrontpic
$7da1 = DunsparceFrontpic
EMPTY: $7fff-$7fff ($0001 byte)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0001 byte
ROMX bank #78:
SECTION: $4000-$7fff ($4000 bytes) ["Pics 7"]
$4000 = VaporeonFrontpic
$42b3 = GirafarigFrontpic
$4562 = DrowzeeFrontpic
$480e = SneaselFrontpic
$4ab4 = BellossomFrontpic
$4d5a = SnorlaxFrontpic
$4fff = WigglytuffFrontpic
$529d = YanmaFrontpic
$5539 = SmeargleFrontpic
$57d4 = ClefableFrontpic
$5a6e = PonytaFrontpic
$5d07 = MurkrowFrontpic
$5fa0 = GravelerFrontpic
$6238 = StarmieFrontpic
$64cf = PidgeottoFrontpic
$6762 = LedybaFrontpic
$69f4 = GengarFrontpic
$6c85 = OmastarFrontpic
$6f15 = PiloswineFrontpic
$71a2 = DugtrioFrontpic
$742d = MagnetonFrontpic
$76b5 = DragonairFrontpic
$793b = ForretressFrontpic
$7bc1 = TogeticFrontpic
$7e45 = KangaskhanBackpic
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
ROMX bank #79:
SECTION: $4000-$7ff6 ($3ff7 bytes) ["Pics 8"]
$4000 = SeelFrontpic
$4284 = CrobatFrontpic
$4502 = ChanseyFrontpic
$477c = TangelaFrontpic
$49f5 = SnubbullFrontpic
$4c6e = GranbullFrontpic
$4ee2 = MiltankFrontpic
$5153 = HaunterFrontpic
$53c3 = SunfloraFrontpic
$562e = UmbreonFrontpic
$5898 = ChikoritaFrontpic
$5afc = GoldeenFrontpic
$5d5e = EspeonFrontpic
$5fbc = XatuFrontpic
$6213 = MewFrontpic
$646a = OctilleryFrontpic
$66c0 = JynxFrontpic
$6915 = WobbuffetFrontpic
$6b68 = DelibirdFrontpic
$6dba = LedianFrontpic
$700b = GloomFrontpic
$7257 = FlaaffyFrontpic
$74a2 = IvysaurFrontpic
$76ec = FurretFrontpic
$7931 = CyndaquilFrontpic
$7b74 = HitmonchanFrontpic
$7db7 = QuagsireFrontpic
EMPTY: $7ff7-$7fff ($0009 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0009 bytes
ROMX bank #80:
SECTION: $4000-$7fff ($4000 bytes) ["Pics 9"]
$4000 = EkansFrontpic
$423f = SudowoodoFrontpic
$447d = PikachuFrontpic
$46b7 = SeadraFrontpic
$48f1 = MagbyFrontpic
$4b2a = WeepinbellFrontpic
$4d61 = TotodileFrontpic
$4f92 = CorsolaFrontpic
$51c1 = FirebreatherPic
$53e9 = MachopFrontpic
$5602 = ChinchouFrontpic
$5819 = RattataFrontpic
$5a2f = ChampionPic
$5c43 = SpearowFrontpic
$5e54 = MagikarpFrontpic
$6065 = CharmanderFrontpic
$6275 = CuboneFrontpic
$6484 = BlackbeltTPic
$6692 = BikerPic
$689f = NidoranMFrontpic
$6aab = PorygonFrontpic
$6cb5 = BrunoPic
$6ebe = GrimerFrontpic
$70c4 = StaryuFrontpic
$72c9 = HikerPic
$74cd = MeowthFrontpic
$76d1 = Porygon2Frontpic
$78d2 = SandshrewFrontpic
$7ad2 = NidoranFFrontpic
$7ccc = PidgeyFrontpic
$7ec6 = ParasectBackpic
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
ROMX bank #81:
SECTION: $4000-$7fff ($4000 bytes) ["Pics 10"]
$4000 = MisdreavusFrontpic
$41f7 = HoundourFrontpic
$43ee = MankeyFrontpic
$45e1 = CelebiFrontpic
$47d1 = MediumPic
$49c0 = PinecoFrontpic
$4bae = KrabbyFrontpic
$4d9a = FisherPic
$4f83 = JigglypuffFrontpic
$516a = ParasFrontpic
$5350 = NidokingBackpic
$5535 = PokefanmPic
$571a = BoarderPic
$58fe = PsyduckFrontpic
$5ae2 = SquirtleFrontpic
$5cc5 = MachampBackpic
$5ea7 = KoffingFrontpic
$6089 = VenonatFrontpic
$626a = ExeggutorBackpic
$6442 = LanturnFrontpic
$661a = TyrogueFrontpic
$67f0 = SkiploomFrontpic
$69c4 = MareepFrontpic
$6b97 = ChuckPic
$6d68 = EeveeFrontpic
$6f39 = ButterfreeBackpic
$7108 = ZubatFrontpic
$72d7 = KimonoGirlPic
$74a5 = AlakazamBackpic
$7672 = AipomFrontpic
$783f = AbraFrontpic
$7a0a = HitmontopBackpic
$7bd4 = CloysterBackpic
$7d9e = HoothootFrontpic
$7f67 = UnownFBackpic
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
ROMX bank #82:
SECTION: $4000-$7ffa ($3ffb bytes) ["Pics 11"]
$4000 = DodrioBackpic
$41c7 = ClefairyFrontpic
$438d = SlugmaFrontpic
$4553 = GrowlitheFrontpic
$4718 = SlowpokeFrontpic
$48dd = SmoochumFrontpic
$4aa2 = JugglerPic
$4c66 = MarillFrontpic
$4e29 = GuitaristPic
$4fec = PokefanfPic
$51ae = VenomothBackpic
$5370 = ClairPic
$5531 = PokemaniacPic
$56f1 = OmanyteFrontpic
$58af = SkierPic
$5a6d = PupitarFrontpic
$5c2b = BellsproutFrontpic
$5de6 = ShellderFrontpic
$5fa0 = TentacoolFrontpic
$6159 = CleffaFrontpic
$630c = GyaradosBackpic
$64bf = NinetalesBackpic
$6670 = YanmaBackpic
$6821 = PinsirBackpic
$69ce = LassPic
$6b7a = ClefableBackpic
$6d26 = DoduoFrontpic
$6ed2 = FeraligatrBackpic
$707d = DratiniFrontpic
$7228 = MagnetonBackpic
$73d1 = QwilfishFrontpic
$7579 = SuicuneBackpic
$7720 = SlowkingBackpic
$78c6 = ElekidBackpic
$7a6b = CelebiBackpic
$7c0f = KrabbyBackpic
$7db2 = BugCatcherPic
$7f55 = SnorlaxBackpic
EMPTY: $7ffb-$7fff ($0005 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0005 bytes
ROMX bank #83:
SECTION: $4000-$7fff ($4000 bytes) ["Pics 12"]
$4000 = VenusaurBackpic
$41a2 = MoltresBackpic
$4342 = SunfloraBackpic
$44e1 = PhanpyFrontpic
$467f = RhydonBackpic
$481c = LarvitarFrontpic
$49b9 = TyranitarBackpic
$4b56 = SandslashBackpic
$4cf2 = SeadraBackpic
$4e8e = TwinsPic
$502a = FarfetchDBackpic
$51c5 = NidoranMBackpic
$5360 = LedybaBackpic
$54fb = CyndaquilBackpic
$5695 = BayleefBackpic
$582c = OddishFrontpic
$59c0 = RapidashBackpic
$5b54 = DoduoBackpic
$5ce8 = HoppipFrontpic
$5e7b = MankeyBackpic
$600e = MagmarBackpic
$61a0 = HypnoBackpic
$6331 = QuilavaBackpic
$64c1 = CroconawBackpic
$6650 = SandshrewBackpic
$67dd = SailorPic
$6969 = BeautyPic
$6af5 = ShellderBackpic
$6c80 = ZubatBackpic
$6e0b = TeddiursaFrontpic
$6f96 = CuboneBackpic
$7120 = GruntmPic
$72aa = GloomBackpic
$7434 = MagcargoBackpic
$75be = KabutopsBackpic
$7748 = BeedrillBackpic
$78d2 = ArcanineBackpic
$7a5b = FlareonBackpic
$7be4 = GoldeenBackpic
$7d6d = BulbasaurFrontpic
$7ef5 = StarmieBackpic
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
ROMX bank #84:
SECTION: $4000-$7fe2 ($3fe3 bytes) ["Pics 13"]
$4000 = OmanyteBackpic
$4188 = PidgeyBackpic
$430f = ScientistPic
$4496 = QwilfishBackpic
$461c = GligarBackpic
$47a1 = TyphlosionBackpic
$4925 = CharmeleonBackpic
$4aa9 = NidoqueenBackpic
$4c2c = PichuFrontpic
$4dae = ElectabuzzBackpic
$4f30 = LedianBackpic
$50b1 = PupitarBackpic
$5232 = HeracrossBackpic
$53b3 = UnownDFrontpic
$5534 = MiltankBackpic
$56b4 = SteelixBackpic
$5834 = PersianBackpic
$59b3 = LtSurgePic
$5b31 = TeacherPic
$5caf = EggPic
$5e2d = EeveeBackpic
$5fa9 = ShuckleFrontpic
$6124 = PonytaBackpic
$629f = RemoraidFrontpic
$641a = PoliwagFrontpic
$6595 = OnixBackpic
$670f = KoffingBackpic
$6889 = BirdKeeperPic
$6a03 = FalknerPic
$6b7b = KarenPic
$6cf3 = NidorinaBackpic
$6e6a = TentacruelBackpic
$6fe1 = GrowlitheBackpic
$7158 = KogaPic
$72cf = MachokeBackpic
$7446 = RaichuBackpic
$75bd = PoliwrathBackpic
$7733 = SwimmermPic
$78a8 = SunkernFrontpic
$7a1b = NidorinoBackpic
$7b8e = MysticalmanPic
$7d00 = CooltrainerfPic
$7e72 = ElectrodeFrontpic
EMPTY: $7fe3-$7fff ($001d bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $001d bytes
ROMX bank #85:
SECTION: $4000-$7fff ($4000 bytes) ["Pics 14"]
$4000 = SudowoodoBackpic
$4171 = FlaaffyBackpic
$42e2 = SentretFrontpic
$4453 = TogeticBackpic
$45c3 = BugsyPic
$4733 = MarowakBackpic
$48a3 = GeodudeBackpic
$4a12 = ScytherBackpic
$4b80 = VileplumeBackpic
$4cee = HitmonchanBackpic
$4e5b = JumpluffBackpic
$4fc7 = CooltrainermPic
$5132 = BlastoiseBackpic
$529d = MisdreavusBackpic
$5407 = TyrogueBackpic
$5570 = GeodudeFrontpic
$56d9 = ScizorBackpic
$5842 = GirafarigBackpic
$59aa = StantlerBackpic
$5b12 = SmeargleBackpic
$5c7a = CharizardBackpic
$5de2 = KadabraBackpic
$5f49 = PrimeapeBackpic
$60b0 = FurretBackpic
$6216 = WartortleBackpic
$637c = ExeggcuteBackpic
$64e2 = IgglybuffFrontpic
$6647 = RaticateBackpic
$67ac = VulpixBackpic
$6911 = EkansBackpic
$6a75 = SeakingBackpic
$6bd9 = BurglarPic
$6d3d = PsyduckBackpic
$6ea1 = PikachuBackpic
$7003 = KabutoFrontpic
$7164 = MareepBackpic
$72c5 = RemoraidBackpic
$7426 = DittoFrontpic
$7586 = KingdraBackpic
$76e6 = CamperPic
$7846 = WooperFrontpic
$79a6 = ClefairyBackpic
$7b05 = VenonatBackpic
$7c64 = BellossomBackpic
$7dc2 = Rival1Pic
$7f20 = SwinubBackpic
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
ROMX bank #86:
SECTION: $4000-$7ff9 ($3ffa bytes) ["Pics 15"]
$4000 = MewtwoBackpic
$415e = PokemonProfPic
$42bc = CalPic
$4419 = SwimmerfPic
$4576 = DiglettFrontpic
$46d3 = OfficerPic
$482f = MukBackpic
$498a = DelibirdBackpic
$4ae5 = SabrinaPic
$4c3f = MagikarpBackpic
$4d98 = AriadosBackpic
$4ef1 = SneaselBackpic
$5049 = UmbreonBackpic
$51a0 = MurkrowBackpic
$52f7 = IvysaurBackpic
$544e = SlowbroBackpic
$55a4 = PsychicTPic
$56fa = GolduckBackpic
$584f = WeezingBackpic
$59a3 = EnteiBackpic
$5af7 = GruntfPic
$5c4a = HorseaFrontpic
$5d9d = PidgeotBackpic
$5ef0 = HoOhBackpic
$6041 = PoliwhirlBackpic
$6191 = MewBackpic
$62e0 = MachopBackpic
$642f = AbraBackpic
$657e = AerodactylBackpic
$66cc = KakunaFrontpic
$681a = DugtrioBackpic
$6968 = WeepinbellBackpic
$6ab6 = NidoranFBackpic
$6c04 = GravelerBackpic
$6d51 = AipomBackpic
$6e9e = EspeonBackpic
$6feb = WeedleFrontpic
$7138 = TotodileBackpic
$7284 = SnubbullBackpic
$73cf = KinglerBackpic
$751a = GengarBackpic
$7664 = RattataBackpic
$77ad = YoungsterPic
$78f5 = WillPic
$7a3d = SchoolboyPic
$7b84 = MagnemiteFrontpic
$7ccb = ErikaPic
$7e10 = JaninePic
$7f54 = MagnemiteBackpic
EMPTY: $7ffa-$7fff ($0006 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0006 bytes
ROMX bank #87:
SECTION: $4000-$7ffe ($3fff bytes) ["Pics 16"]
$4000 = HoothootBackpic
$4144 = NoctowlBackpic
$4287 = MortyPic
$43ca = SlugmaBackpic
$450d = KabutoBackpic
$4650 = VictreebelBackpic
$4792 = MeowthBackpic
$48d4 = MeganiumBackpic
$4a16 = PicnickerPic
$4b58 = LickitungBackpic
$4c99 = TogepiFrontpic
$4dda = SuperNerdPic
$4f1b = HaunterBackpic
$505b = XatuBackpic
$519b = RedPic
$52db = Porygon2Backpic
$541b = JasminePic
$555a = PinecoBackpic
$5699 = MetapodFrontpic
$57d6 = SeelBackpic
$5913 = QuagsireBackpic
$5a4f = WhitneyPic
$5b8b = JolteonBackpic
$5cc6 = CaterpieFrontpic
$5dff = HoppipBackpic
$5f37 = BluePic
$606f = GranbullBackpic
$61a7 = GentlemanPic
$62dd = ExecutivemPic
$6413 = SpearowBackpic
$6549 = SunkernBackpic
$667e = LaprasBackpic
$67b2 = MagbyBackpic
$68e6 = DragonairBackpic
$6a19 = ZapdosBackpic
$6b4c = ChikoritaBackpic
$6c7f = CorsolaBackpic
$6db2 = ChinchouBackpic
$6ee4 = ChanseyBackpic
$7014 = SkiploomBackpic
$7142 = SpinarakFrontpic
$7270 = Rival2Pic
$739e = UnownWFrontpic
$74cb = CharmanderBackpic
$75f8 = RhyhornBackpic
$7724 = UnownCFrontpic
$7850 = MistyPic
$797c = BlainePic
$7aa7 = UnownZFrontpic
$7bd2 = SwinubFrontpic
$7cfc = LarvitarBackpic
$7e26 = PorygonBackpic
$7f4f = UnownHBackpic
EMPTY: $7fff-$7fff ($0001 byte)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0001 byte
ROMX bank #88:
SECTION: $4000-$7ffb ($3ffc bytes) ["Pics 17"]
$4000 = ParasBackpic
$4128 = VaporeonBackpic
$4250 = TentacoolBackpic
$4377 = ExecutivefPic
$449b = BulbasaurBackpic
$45bd = SmoochumBackpic
$46de = PichuBackpic
$47ff = HoundoomBackpic
$4920 = BellsproutBackpic
$4a3f = GrimerBackpic
$4b5d = LanturnBackpic
$4c7b = PidgeottoBackpic
$4d98 = StaryuBackpic
$4eb5 = MrMimeBackpic
$4fd2 = CaterpieBackpic
$50ee = VoltorbFrontpic
$5208 = LugiaBackpic
$5322 = PrycePic
$543c = BrockPic
$5555 = UnownGFrontpic
$566e = ArbokBackpic
$5785 = PolitoedBackpic
$589c = DragoniteBackpic
$59b3 = HitmonleeBackpic
$5ac9 = NatuFrontpic
$5bde = UrsaringBackpic
$5cf3 = SagePic
$5e07 = TeddiursaBackpic
$5f1b = PhanpyBackpic
$602e = UnownVFrontpic
$6141 = KakunaBackpic
$6254 = WobbuffetBackpic
$6362 = TogepiBackpic
$6470 = CrobatBackpic
$657d = BlisseyBackpic
$6689 = AmpharosBackpic
$6793 = IgglybuffBackpic
$689c = AzumarillBackpic
$69a4 = OctilleryBackpic
$6aab = UnownSFrontpic
$6bb0 = HorseaBackpic
$6cb5 = SentretBackpic
$6dba = UnownOFrontpic
$6ebe = UnownTFrontpic
$6fc1 = WigglytuffBackpic
$70c3 = ArticunoBackpic
$71c3 = DittoBackpic
$72c3 = WeedleBackpic
$73c3 = UnownHFrontpic
$74c0 = CleffaBackpic
$75bc = DrowzeeBackpic
$76b7 = GastlyBackpic
$77b1 = FearowBackpic
$78aa = MarillBackpic
$79a3 = DratiniBackpic
$7a9c = ElectrodeBackpic
$7b92 = SkarmoryBackpic
$7c88 = MetapodBackpic
$7d7d = JigglypuffBackpic
$7e72 = OddishBackpic
$7f66 = UnownDBackpic
EMPTY: $7ffc-$7fff ($0004 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0004 bytes
ROMX bank #89:
SECTION: $4000-$69d2 ($29d3 bytes) ["Pics 18"]
$4000 = SpinarakBackpic
$40f3 = RaikouBackpic
$41e6 = UnownKFrontpic
$42d7 = HoundourBackpic
$43c7 = PoliwagBackpic
$44b7 = SquirtleBackpic
$45a6 = ShuckleBackpic
$4692 = DewgongBackpic
$477e = UnownBFrontpic
$4869 = SlowpokeBackpic
$4954 = DunsparceBackpic
$4a3e = DonphanBackpic
$4b27 = WooperBackpic
$4c10 = TaurosBackpic
$4cf7 = UnownXFrontpic
$4ddd = UnownNFrontpic
$4ec3 = TangelaBackpic
$4fa8 = VoltorbBackpic
$508d = UnownJFrontpic
$5172 = MantineBackpic
$524a = UnownLFrontpic
$531d = PiloswineBackpic
$53ef = UnownMFrontpic
$54bf = UnownFFrontpic
$558e = NatuBackpic
$5659 = UnownAFrontpic
$5724 = GolemBackpic
$57ea = UnownUFrontpic
$58aa = DiglettBackpic
$5969 = UnownQFrontpic
$5a26 = UnownPFrontpic
$5adf = UnownCBackpic
$5b93 = JynxBackpic
$5c46 = GolbatBackpic
$5cf6 = UnownYFrontpic
$5da3 = UnownGBackpic
$5e47 = UnownIFrontpic
$5eea = UnownVBackpic
$5f86 = ForretressBackpic
$6019 = UnownSBackpic
$60ab = UnownRFrontpic
$613d = UnownEBackpic
$61c9 = UnownJBackpic
$624c = UnownBBackpic
$62cf = UnownOBackpic
$6351 = UnownZBackpic
$63d0 = UnownWBackpic
$644e = UnownNBackpic
$64c9 = UnownABackpic
$6544 = UnownMBackpic
$65bd = UnownKBackpic
$6632 = UnownTBackpic
$66a6 = UnownXBackpic
$6717 = UnownLBackpic
$6783 = UnownUBackpic
$67ee = UnownQBackpic
$6857 = UnownYBackpic
$68bd = UnownPBackpic
$691b = UnownIBackpic
$6979 = UnownRBackpic
EMPTY: $69d3-$7fff ($162d bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $162d bytes
ROMX bank #90:
SECTION: $4000-$69d2 ($29d3 bytes) ["Pics 19"]
EMPTY: $69d3-$7fff ($162d bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $162d bytes
ROMX bank #91:
SECTION: $4000-$57fd ($17fe bytes) ["bank5B"]
$4000 = Function16c000
$4031 = Function16c000.RunJumptable
$403e = Function16c000.loop
$405c = Function16c000.Jumptable
$4074 = Function16c000.init
$4081 = Function16c000.quit
$4089 = Function16c089
$409e = Function16c09e
$40a8 = Function16c0a8
$40ba = Function16c0ba
$40ca = Function16c0ca
$40dc = Function16c0dc
$40ec = Function16c0ec
$40fa = Function16c0fa
$4108 = MobileSystemSplashScreen_InitGFX
$4130 = MobileSystemSplashScreen_InitGFX.LoadPals
$4145 = MobileSystemSplashScreen_InitGFX.LoadTilemap
$415c = MobileSystemSplashScreen_InitGFX.LoadAttrmap
$4173 = MobileSystemSplashScreen_InitGFX.Tiles
$4633 = MobileSystemSplashScreen_InitGFX.Tilemap
$479b = MobileSystemSplashScreen_InitGFX.Attrmap
$4903 = MobileSplashScreenPalettes
$4943 = Function16c943
$495e = Function16c943.asm_16c95e
$4969 = Function16c943.asm_16c969
$4981 = Function16c943.asm_16c981
$4988 = Function16c943.asm_16c988
$4991 = Function16c943.asm_16c991
$49a9 = Function16c943.asm_16c9a9
$49b0 = Function16c943.asm_16c9b0
$49b9 = Function16c943.asm_16c9b9
$49d1 = Function16c943.asm_16c9d1
$49d8 = Function16c943.asm_16c9d8
$49e1 = Function16c943.asm_16c9e1
$4a09 = Function16c943.asm_16ca09
$4a11 = Function16ca11
$4a1d = Function16ca11.asm_16ca1d
$4a28 = Function16ca11.asm_16ca28
$4a37 = Function16ca11.asm_16ca37
$4a3f = Function16ca11.asm_16ca3f
$4a48 = Function16ca11.asm_16ca48
$4a57 = Function16ca11.asm_16ca57
$4a5f = Function16ca11.asm_16ca5f
$4a68 = Function16ca11.asm_16ca68
$4a77 = Function16ca11.asm_16ca77
$4a7f = Function16ca11.asm_16ca7f
$4a88 = Function16ca11.asm_16ca88
$4aae = Function16ca11.asm_16caae
$4ab6 = Function16cab6
$4abb = Function16cabb
$4ac4 = Function16cac4
$4ad8 = Function16cad8
$4adc = Function16cadc
$4ae8 = Function16cae8
$4b08 = Function16cb08
$4b0f = Function16cb0f
$4b2e = Function16cb2e
$4b40 = Function16cb40
$4b57 = Function16cb40.asm_16cb57
$4b5d = Function16cb5d
$4b60 = Function16cb5d.asm_16cb60
$4b86 = Unknown_16cb86
$4ba3 = Function16cba3
$4bae = Function16cbae
$4bba = Function16cbba
$4bcd = Function16cbba.asm_16cbcd
$4bd1 = Function16cbd1
$4bfb = Unknown_16cbfb
$4c02 = Function16cc02
$4c18 = Function16cc18
$4c25 = Function16cc25
$4c41 = Function16cc25.CopyPal
$4c49 = Function16cc49
$4c5a = Function16cc5a
$4c5c = Function16cc5a.asm_16cc5c
$4c62 = Function16cc62
$4c6e = Function16cc6e
$4c73 = Function16cc73
$4c90 = Function16cc90
$4c93 = Function16cc90.asm_16cc93
$4c94 = Function16cc90.asm_16cc94
$4ca3 = MobileAdapterCheckGFX
$4fa3 = Unknown_16cfa3
$4fa9 = Unknown_16cfa9
$4fb1 = Unknown_16cfb1
$4fb9 = Unknown_16cfb9
$4fc1 = LinkCommsBorderGFX
$5421 = __LoadTradeScreenBorderGFX
$542e = LoadMobileTradeBorderTilemap
$543b = TestMobileTradeBorderTilemap
$5465 = MobileTradeBorderTilemap
$55cd = CableTradeBorderTopTilemap
$55f5 = CableTradeBorderBottomTilemap
$561d = _LinkTextbox
$5630 = _LinkTextbox.row
$5632 = _LinkTextbox.col
$5640 = _LinkTextbox.PlaceBorder
$564f = _LinkTextbox.loop
$566d = _LinkTextbox.PlaceRow
$566e = _LinkTextbox.row_loop
$5673 = InitTradeSpeciesList
$568f = InitTradeSpeciesList.CancelString
$5696 = _LoadTradeScreenBorderGFX
$569a = LinkComms_LoadPleaseWaitTextboxBorderGFX
$56a7 = LoadTradeRoomBGPals
$56ae = LoadCableTradeBorderTilemap
$56ca = LinkTextbox
$56ce = PlaceWaitingTextAndSyncAndExchangeNybble
$56e1 = PlaceWaitingTextAndSyncAndExchangeNybble.PlaceWaitingText
$5701 = PlaceWaitingTextAndSyncAndExchangeNybble.Waiting
$570c = LinkTradeMenu
$5713 = LinkTradeMenu.GetJoypad
$5725 = LinkTradeMenu.MenuAction
$5734 = LinkTradeMenu.loop
$5758 = LinkTradeMenu.done
$5759 = LinkTradeMenu.UpdateBGMapAndOAM
$576a = LinkTradeMenu.loop2
$577a = LinkTradeMenu.UpdateCursor
$5792 = LinkTradeMenu.not_currently_selected
$57ad = LinkTradeMenu.loop3
$57b1 = LinkTradeMenu.skip
$57c4 = LinkTradeMenu.loop4
$57c8 = LinkTradeMenu.skip2
$57de = LinkTradeMenu.cursor_already_there
$57e7 = LinkTradeMenu.TryAnims
$57f4 = LinkTradeMenu.skip_anims
SECTION: $57fe (0 bytes) ["Pics 20"]
EMPTY: $57fe-$7fff ($2802 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $2802 bytes
ROMX bank #92:
SECTION: $4000-$768b ($368c bytes) ["mobile5C"]
$4000 = Function170000
$405a = Function17005a
$40b0 = BattleTowerRoomMenu
$40ba = Function1700ba
$40c4 = Function1700c4
$4114 = Function170114
$4121 = Function170114.Function170121
$4139 = Function170139
$41ac = Function170139.CopyLoop
$420c = Function170139.DecToBin
$4210 = Function170139.digit_loop
$4215 = BattleTowerBattle
$421d = UnusedBattleTowerDummySpecial1
$421e = InitBattleTowerChallengeRAM
$422c = _BattleTowerBattle
$422c = _BattleTowerBattle.loop
$423a = _BattleTowerBattle.do_dw
$4249 = _BattleTowerBattle.dw
$424d = RunBattleTowerTrainer
$42a9 = RunBattleTowerTrainer.lost
$42b7 = ReadBTTrainerParty
$42db = ReadBTTrainerParty.skip_mon_1
$42fc = ReadBTTrainerParty.skip_mon_2
$431d = ReadBTTrainerParty.skip_mon_3
$433d = ReadBTTrainerParty.trainer_name_okay
$4340 = ReadBTTrainerParty.done_trainer_name
$4367 = ReadBTTrainerParty.otpartymon_loop
$4394 = ValidateBTParty
$4399 = ValidateBTParty.pkmn_loop
$43b1 = ValidateBTParty.invalid
$43b4 = ValidateBTParty.valid
$43d6 = ValidateBTParty.load
$43d7 = ValidateBTParty.dont_load
$43ea = ValidateBTParty.not_move
$43f4 = ValidateBTParty.valid_move
$43fb = ValidateBTParty.next
$43ff = ValidateBTParty.done_moves
$4426 = BT_ChrisName
$442c = Function17042c
$4431 = Function17042c.loop
$4435 = Function17042c.loop2
$4451 = Function17042c.empty
$4456 = Function17042c.next_iteration
$445b = Function17042c.copy_data
$4466 = Function17042c.next_trainer
$4470 = Unknown_170470
$447e = Unknown_170470.end
$447e = Unknown_17047e
$44a2 = CopyBTTrainer_FromBT_OT_TowBT_OTTemp
$44c9 = SkipBattleTowerTrainer
$44ca = Function1704ca
$44d3 = Function1704ca.not_max
$44d9 = Function1704ca.loop
$44e0 = Function1704ca.done
$44e1 = Function1704e1
$44f1 = Function1704e1.JumptableLoop
$44fa = Function1704e1.loop
$450f = Function1704e1.done
$4510 = Function1704e1.DoJumptable
$451f = Function1704e1.dw
$4525 = Function1704e1.Jumptable_0
$4571 = Function1704e1.Jumptable_1
$4577 = Function1704e1.Jumptable_2
$458f = Function1704e1.pressed_up
$459d = Function1704e1.pressed_down
$45ac = Function1704e1.pressed_a_or_b
$45b2 = Function1704e1.NextJumptableFunction
$45b7 = Function1704e1.DrawBorder
$45bf = Function1704e1.top_border_loop
$45cd = Function1704e1.left_border_loop
$45d9 = Function1704e1.bottom_border_loop
$45e8 = Function1704e1.right_border_loop
$45f0 = Function1704e1.PlaceTextItems
$460c = Function1704e1.loop1
$4610 = Function1704e1.loop2
$461a = Function1704e1.loop3a
$4625 = Function1704e1.fill_with_e3
$4627 = Function1704e1.loop3b
$4631 = Function1704e1.rejoin
$464b = Function1704e1.ClearBox
$4651 = Function1704e1.clearbox_row
$4653 = Function1704e1.clearbox_column
$465d = Function1704e1.PlaceUpDownArrows
$4669 = Function1704e1.nope
$4676 = Function1704e1.String_Mail
$467a = Function1704e1.String_PastReaders
$4687 = BattleTowerAction
$4696 = BattleTowerAction.dw
$46d6 = ResetBattleTowerTrainersSRAM
$46ee = BattleTower_GiveReward
$4709 = BattleTower_GiveReward.loop
$4711 = BattleTower_GiveReward.next
$471b = BattleTowerAction_1C
$4729 = BattleTowerAction_1D
$4737 = BattleTower_SaveOptions
$473e = BattleTower_RandomlyChooseReward
$473e = BattleTower_RandomlyChooseReward.loop
$474b = BattleTower_RandomlyChooseReward.okay
$475f = BattleTowerAction_CheckExplanationRead
$4778 = BattleTowerAction_GetChallengeState
$4788 = BattleTowerAction_SetExplanationRead
$4799 = BattleTowerAction_SetByteToQuickSaveChallenge
$479d = BattleTowerAction_SetByteToCancelChallenge
$479f = SetBattleTowerChallengeState
$47ac = BattleTowerAction_05
$47e5 = BattleTowerAction_05.asm_1707e5
$47ef = BattleTowerAction_05.asm_1707ef
$47f4 = BattleTowerAction_06
$4807 = BattleTowerAction_16
$481d = BattleTowerAction_17
$4849 = BattleTowerAction_17.asm_170849
$4853 = BattleTowerAction_17.asm_170853
$4868 = SaveBattleTowerLevelGroup
$4881 = LoadBattleTowerLevelGroup
$489a = BattleTower_CheckSaveFileExistsAndIsYours
$48ab = BattleTower_CheckSaveFileExistsAndIsYours.yes
$48ad = BattleTower_CheckSaveFileExistsAndIsYours.nope
$48b1 = BattleTowerAction_0A
$48b9 = BattleTowerAction_GSBall
$48c8 = BattleTowerAction_0C
$48ec = BattleTowerAction_0C.asm_1708ec
$48f0 = BattleTowerAction_0D
$4923 = Function170923
$493c = BattleTowerAction_EggTicket
$4955 = BattleTowerAction_EggTicket.loop
$4965 = BattleTowerAction_EggTicket.loop2
$4969 = BattleTowerAction_EggTicket.skip
$496e = BattleTowerAction_EggTicket.compare_loop
$499d = BattleTowerAction_EggTicket.different
$499f = BattleTowerAction_EggTicket.not_egg
$49a4 = String_MysteryJP
$49aa = BattleTowerAction_0F
$49bb = BattleTowerAction_10
$49da = BattleTowerAction_10.invalid
$49e7 = BattleTowerAction_10.Jumptable
$49f3 = BattleTowerAction_10.DoAction1
$4a00 = BattleTowerAction_10.NoAction
$4a01 = BattleTowerAction_10.Action4
$4a33 = BattleTowerAction_10.Action5
$4a54 = BattleTowerAction_10.compare_loop
$4a72 = BattleTowerAction_10.no_scene
$4a78 = BattleTowerAction_10.different
$4a9b = BattleTowerAction_10.no_scene_2
$4a9c = BattleTowerAction_11
$4aa0 = BattleTowerAction_12
$4aa2 = Set_s5_aa8d
$4aaf = BattleTowerAction_13
$4abe = BattleTowerAction_14
$4ad7 = BattleTowerAction_15
$4ae8 = BattleTowerAction_LevelCheck
$4b16 = BattleTowerAction_UbersCheck
$4b44 = LoadOpponentTrainerAndPokemonWithOTSprite
$4b90 = BTTrainerClassSprites
$4bd2 = UnusedBattleTowerDummySpecial2
$4bd3 = CheckForBattleTowerRules
$4bde = CheckForBattleTowerRules.ready
$4be0 = CheckForBattleTowerRules.end
$4be4 = Function170be4
$4bf7 = Clears5_a89a
$4c06 = Function170c06
$4c15 = Function170c06.asm_170c15
$4c27 = Function170c06.asm_170c27
$4c30 = Function170c06.asm_170c30
$4c58 = Function170c06.asm_170c58
$4c5b = Function170c06.asm_170c5b
$4c69 = Function170c06.asm_170c69
$4c6f = Function170c06.asm_170c6f
$4c7d = Function170c06.asm_170c7d
$4c8b = Function170c8b
$4c90 = Function170c8b.asm_170c90
$4c98 = CheckBTMonMovesForErrors
$4c9d = CheckBTMonMovesForErrors.loop
$4ca6 = CheckBTMonMovesForErrors.okay
$4ca9 = CheckBTMonMovesForErrors.loop2
$4cb1 = CheckBTMonMovesForErrors.loop3
$4cb9 = CheckBTMonMovesForErrors.next
$4cbd = CheckBTMonMovesForErrors.done
$4cc6 = Function170cc6
$4d02 = Function170d02
$4d16 = PichuAnimatedMobileGFX
$55a4 = ElectroBallMobileGFX
$5848 = PichuBorderMobileGFX
$59c8 = Function1719c8
$59d6 = Function1719d6
$59ed = Function1719ed
$5a11 = Function171a11
$5a11 = Function171a11.loop
$5a2c = Function171a11.done
$5a36 = Function171a36
$5a45 = Jumptable_171a45
$5a5d = Function171a5d
$5a6a = Function171a5d.asm_171a6a
$5a95 = Function171a95
$5aa7 = String_171aa7
$5ac9 = Function171ac9
$5ad7 = Function171ad7
$5aec = Function171aec
$5b01 = Function171aec.asm_171b01
$5b1b = Function171aec.asm_171b1b
$5b34 = Function171aec.asm_171b34
$5b42 = Function171b42
$5b4b = Function171b4b
$5b85 = Function171b85
$5b9f = Function171b9f
$5ba5 = asm_171ba5
$5baf = asm_171baf
$5bbd = Function171bbd
$5bcc = Function171bcc
$5bdc = Function171bdc
$5beb = Function171beb
$5c1f = Function171beb.asm_171c1f
$5c21 = Function171beb.asm_171c21
$5c2c = Function171c2c
$5c39 = Function171c39
$5c41 = Function171c41
$5c60 = asm_171c60
$5c66 = Function171c66
$5c6b = MenuHeader_171c6b
$5c73 = String_171c73
$5c87 = Function171c87
$5ccd = Function171ccd
$5cf0 = Function171cf0
$5d16 = Function171cf0.shifted
$5d2b = Function171d2b
$5d71 = MobilePasswordPalettes
$5db1 = AsciiFontGFX
$6491 = PasswordTopTilemap
$651d = PasswordBottomTilemap
$65f9 = PasswordShiftTilemap
$6685 = ChooseMobileCenterTilemap
$67ed = MobilePasswordAttrmap
$6955 = ChooseMobileCenterAttrmap
$6abd = PasswordSlowpokeLZ
$6e31 = String_172e31
$6e3f = String_172e3f
$6e4e = String_172e4e
$6e58 = String_172e58
$6e5d = String_172e5d
$6e78 = Function172e78
$6eb9 = Function172eb9
$6edf = Palette_172edf
$6f1f = Stadium2N64GFX
$73af = Stadium2N64Tilemap
$7524 = Stadium2N64Attrmap
SECTION: $768c (0 bytes) ["Pics 21"]
EMPTY: $768c-$7fff ($0974 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0974 bytes
ROMX bank #93:
SECTION: $4000-$7560 ($3561 bytes) ["Crystal Phone Text 2"]
$4000 = BikeShopPhoneCallerText
$40c0 = JackIntelligenceKeepsRisingText
$4106 = JackDefeatedMonText
$4165 = JackLostAMonText
$41e1 = JackBattleRematchText
$4251 = JackHangUpText
$4261 = JackThunderTriviaText
$429d = JackRolloutTriviaText
$42ee = JackSolarbeamTriviaText
$4340 = JackStompTriviaText
$4391 = JackGustTriviaText
$43e3 = JackTwisterTriviaText
$4433 = JackEarthquakeTriviaText
$4485 = JackMagnitudeTriviaText
$44d6 = JackSandstormTriviaText
$4522 = JackSunnyDayTriviaText
$4571 = JackRainDanceTriviaText
$45c2 = JackHeardSomeGreatTipsText
$4638 = JackReminderText
$4688 = BeverlyMadeMonEvenCuterText
$46c3 = BeverlyDefeatedMonText
$4734 = BeverlyLostAMonText
$47ac = BeverlyHangUpText
$47cc = BeverlyFoundItemText
$485b = BeverlyLetsChatAboutMonAgainText
$4895 = BeverlyComePickUpText
$48ea = HueyBattleRematchText
$4962 = HueyHangUpText
$496b = HueyWeHaveToBattleAgainSometimeText
$49c7 = HueyReminderText
$4a24 = GavenMonGreaterThanImaginedText
$4a80 = GavenDefeatedMonText
$4b2d = GavenLostAMonText
$4bc5 = GavenBattleRematchText
$4c0e = GavenHangUpText
$4c29 = GavenHangUpNotThursdayText
$4c49 = GavenReminderText
$4c7f = BethExhilaratingRideText
$4cf6 = BethDefeatedMonText
$4d86 = BethLostAMonText
$4e4e = BethBattleRematchText
$4eb7 = BethHangUpText
$4ec5 = BethLetsBattleAgainSometimeText
$4ee2 = BethReminderText
$4f2f = JoseMonsStickHasADeliciousAromaText
$4f90 = JoseDefeatedMonText
$4ffd = JoseLostAMonText
$507d = JoseBattleRematchText
$5106 = JoseHangUpText
$5116 = JoseFoundItemText
$519b = JoseHaventGottenItemYetText
$520a = JoseReminderText
$529c = JoseComePickUpText
$52f5 = ReenaMonsIsAPerfectMatchText
$536b = ReenaDefeatedMonText
$53c5 = ReenaLostAMonText
$543a = ReenaBattleRematchText
$5488 = ReenaHangUpText
$549b = ReenaForwardText
$54e5 = ReenaHurryText
$5530 = JoeyMonLookingSharperText
$5591 = JoeyDefeatedMonText
$5611 = JoeyLostAMonText
$5693 = JoeyBattleRematchText
$570a = JoeyHangUpText
$571d = JoeyDevisingStrategiesText
$5786 = JoeyReminderText
$57d4 = WadeAreYourMonGrowingText
$5869 = WadeDefeatedMonText
$58e4 = WadeLostAMonText
$5976 = WadeBattleRematchText
$59e7 = WadeHangUpText
$59f7 = WadeBugCatchingContestText
$5a60 = WadeFoundItemText
$5abe = WadeNoBerriesText
$5b1e = WadeQuickBattleText
$5b6d = WadeComeQuickText
$5bc4 = RalphNeglectingKidsText
$5c24 = RalphDefeatedMonText
$5c9f = RalphLostAMonText
$5d40 = RalphBattleRematchText
$5db7 = RalphHangUpText
$5dd9 = RalphItemText
$5eaf = RalphNoItemText
$5f11 = RalphReminderText
$5f70 = RalphHurryText
$5fda = LizMonAlwaysWantsToNuzzleText
$602d = LizDefeatedMonText
$6095 = LizLostAMonText
$610a = LizBattleRematchText
$61a7 = LizWrongNumberText
$620a = LizHangUpText
$6223 = LizRuinsOfAlphGossipText
$62c3 = LizFalknerGossipText
$638a = LizEarlGossipText
$6424 = LizSurfPikachuGossipText
$64eb = LizMooMooMilkGossipText
$6599 = LizSalonGossipText
$66ac = LizWhitneyGossipText
$674f = LizBugCatchingContestGossipText
$6816 = LizBeautifulTrainerGossipText
$686d = LizForgotGossipText
$68b0 = LizFawningOverMonText
$69da = LizReminderText
$6a2f = AnthonyMonAteSomeBerriesText
$6aef = AnthonyDefeatedMonText
$6b45 = AnthonyLostAMonText
$6bee = AnthonyBattleRematchText
$6c47 = AnthonyHangUpText
$6c61 = AnthonySwarmText
$6d32 = AnthonyWasntPayingAttentionText
$6d85 = AnthonyReminderText
$6dd1 = AnthonyHurryText
$6e5d = ToddLooksCuteLikeMeText
$6e9c = ToddDefeatedMonText
$6eee = ToddLostAMonText
$6f60 = ToddBattleRematchText
$6fdb = ToddHangUpText
$6feb = ToddDepartmentStoreBargainSaleText
$70fb = ToddSavingUpForBargainSaleText
$7138 = ToddLookingForwardToBattleText
$717c = ToddHaveYouGoneToDepartmentStoreText
$71fd = GinaGettingInSyncWithMonText
$7237 = GinaDefeatedMonText
$7297 = GinaLostAMonText
$72e2 = GinaBattleRematchText
$7361 = GinaHangUpText
$7378 = GinaRocketTakeoverRumorText
$73e7 = GinaFoundItemText
$7465 = GinaHaventFoundAnythingYetText
$74c1 = GinaReminderText
$750e = GinaComePickUpText
SECTION: $7561 (0 bytes) ["Pics 22"]
EMPTY: $7561-$7fff ($0a9f bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0a9f bytes
ROMX bank #94:
SECTION: $4000-$401e ($001f bytes) ["UpdateBattleHUDs"]
$4000 = _UpdateBattleHUDs
SECTION: $401f-$582c ($180e bytes) ["Songs 5"]
$401f = Music_MobileAdapterMenu
$4028 = Music_MobileAdapterMenu_Ch1
$4038 = Music_MobileAdapterMenu_Ch1.mainloop
$4057 = Music_MobileAdapterMenu_Ch1.sub1
$4076 = Music_MobileAdapterMenu_Ch1.sub2
$4084 = Music_MobileAdapterMenu_Ch2
$408e = Music_MobileAdapterMenu_Ch2.mainloop
$40ae = Music_MobileAdapterMenu_Ch2.sub1
$40d7 = Music_MobileAdapterMenu_Ch2.sub2
$40e2 = Music_MobileAdapterMenu_Ch3
$40e9 = Music_MobileAdapterMenu_Ch3.mainloop
$4119 = Music_MobileAdapterMenu_Ch3.sub1
$4146 = Music_MobileAdapterMenu_Ch3.sub2
$4153 = Music_BuenasPassword
$415f = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch1
$416b = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch1.mainloop
$4204 = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch1.sub1
$4222 = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch1.sub2
$4231 = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch2
$423c = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch2.mainloop
$42a4 = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch2.sub1
$42cc = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch2.sub2
$42df = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch2.sub3
$4311 = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch3
$4315 = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch3.loop1
$4315 = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch3.mainloop
$43a7 = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch3.sub1
$43bc = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch3.sub2
$43d0 = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch4
$43d9 = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch4.loop1
$43d9 = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch4.mainloop
$440c = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch4.sub1
$4424 = Music_BuenasPassword_Ch4.sub2
$443b = Music_LookMysticalMan
$4447 = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch1
$4458 = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch1.mainloop
$44b4 = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch1.loop1
$44d4 = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch1.loop2
$44f9 = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch1.sub1
$451a = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch2
$4523 = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch2.mainloop
$459a = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch2.sub1
$45c8 = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch2.sub2
$45db = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch3
$45df = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch3.mainloop
$4615 = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch3.loop1
$468e = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch4
$4697 = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch4.loop1
$4697 = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch4.mainloop
$46ba = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch4.loop2
$46d3 = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch4.sub1
$46d9 = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch4.sub2
$46df = Music_LookMysticalMan_Ch4.sub3
$46e8 = Music_CrystalOpening
$46f4 = Music_CrystalOpening_Ch1
$477a = Music_CrystalOpening_Ch2
$47c8 = Music_CrystalOpening_Ch3
$4810 = Music_CrystalOpening_Ch4
$4889 = Music_BattleTowerTheme
$4895 = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch1
$48a5 = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch1.mainloop
$495e = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch1.sub1
$496d = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch2
$4970 = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch2.mainloop
$4a15 = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch2.sub1
$4a20 = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch3
$4a26 = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch3.mainloop
$4afe = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch3.sub1
$4b0d = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch4
$4b11 = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch4.mainloop
$4b1d = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch4.loop1
$4b35 = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch4.loop2
$4b58 = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch4.sub1
$4b61 = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch4.sub2
$4b6c = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch4.sub3
$4b76 = Music_BattleTowerTheme_Ch4.sub4
$4b81 = Music_SuicuneBattle
$4b8a = Music_SuicuneBattle_Ch1
$4bfc = Music_SuicuneBattle_Ch1.mainloop
$4dec = Music_SuicuneBattle_Ch2
$4e4e = Music_SuicuneBattle_Ch2.mainloop
$5122 = Music_SuicuneBattle_Ch3
$5182 = Music_SuicuneBattle_Ch3.mainloop
$548b = Music_BattleTowerLobby
$5497 = Music_BattleTowerLobby_Ch1
$54a9 = Music_BattleTowerLobby_Ch1.mainloop
$553a = Music_BattleTowerLobby_Ch2
$5544 = Music_BattleTowerLobby_Ch2.mainloop
$55ae = Music_BattleTowerLobby_Ch3
$55b1 = Music_BattleTowerLobby_Ch3.mainloop
$5610 = Music_BattleTowerLobby_Ch4
$5612 = Music_BattleTowerLobby_Ch4.mainloop
$561d = Music_MobileCenter
$5629 = Music_MobileCenter_Ch1
$5642 = Music_MobileCenter_Ch1.mainloop
$56cc = Music_MobileCenter_Ch2
$56d6 = Music_MobileCenter_Ch2.mainloop
$5777 = Music_MobileCenter_Ch3
$5788 = Music_MobileCenter_Ch3.mainloop
$5807 = Music_MobileCenter_Ch4
$5813 = Music_MobileCenter_Ch4.loop1
$5813 = Music_MobileCenter_Ch4.mainloop
SECTION: $582d-$59ee ($01c2 bytes) ["Crystal Sound Effects"]
$582d = Sfx_IntroUnown1
$5830 = Sfx_IntroUnown1_Ch5
$583e = Sfx_IntroUnown2
$5841 = Sfx_IntroUnown2_Ch6
$584f = Sfx_IntroUnown3
$5852 = Sfx_IntroUnown3_Ch7
$586e = Sfx_DittoPopUp
$5871 = Sfx_DittoPopUp_Ch5
$5888 = Sfx_DittoTransform
$588b = Sfx_DittoTransform_Ch5
$58a0 = Sfx_IntroSuicune1
$58a3 = Sfx_IntroSuicune1_Ch8
$58aa = Sfx_IntroPichu
$58ad = Sfx_IntroPichu_Ch5
$58c0 = Sfx_IntroSuicune2
$58c3 = Sfx_IntroSuicune2_Ch8
$58f4 = Sfx_IntroSuicune3
$58f7 = Sfx_IntroSuicune3_Ch8
$5907 = Sfx_DittoBounce
$590a = Sfx_DittoBounce_Ch5
$591d = Sfx_IntroSuicune4
$5920 = Sfx_IntroSuicune4_Ch8
$5942 = Sfx_GameFreakPresents
$5945 = Sfx_GameFreakPresents_Ch5
$5961 = Sfx_Tingle
$5964 = Sfx_Tingle_Ch5
$596c = Sfx_Tingle_Ch5.loop1
$597c = Sfx_TwoPcBeeps
$597f = Sfx_TwoPcBeeps_Ch5
$5992 = Sfx_4NoteDitty
$599b = Sfx_4NoteDitty_Ch5
$59bd = Sfx_4NoteDitty_Ch6
$59c4 = Sfx_4NoteDitty_Ch7
$59cb = Sfx_Twinkle
$59ce = Sfx_Twinkle_Ch5
SECTION: $59ef-$7638 ($1c4a bytes) ["mobile5E"]
$59ef = MobileCardGFX
$5bef = ChrisSilhouetteGFX
$5e1f = KrisSilhouetteGFX
$604f = MobileCard2GFX
$61bf = CardLargeSpriteAndFolderGFX
$664f = CardSpriteGFX
$668f = Function17a68f
$66a6 = Function17a68f.asm_17a6a6
$66a8 = Function17a6a8
$66c9 = Function17a6a8.asm_17a6c9
$66f5 = Function17a6f5
$66fc = Function17a6f5.asm_17a6fc
$670e = Function17a6f5.asm_17a70e
$6713 = Function17a713
$671d = Function17a713.asm_17a71d
$6721 = Function17a721
$6732 = Function17a721.asm_17a732
$6748 = Function17a721.asm_17a748
$674c = Function17a721.asm_17a74c
$6751 = Function17a751
$6755 = Function17a751.asm_17a755
$6770 = Function17a770
$6781 = Function17a781
$678f = Function17a78f
$679f = Function17a78f.asm_17a79f
$67a6 = Function17a7a6
$67ae = Function17a7ae
$67b6 = Jumptable_17a7b6
$67c2 = Function17a7c2
$67cd = Function17a7cd
$67d8 = Function17a7d8
$67f4 = Function17a7f4
$67ff = Function17a7ff
$681a = Function17a81a
$683c = Function17a83c
$6848 = Function17a848
$6876 = Function17a848.asm_17a876
$687d = Function17a848.asm_17a87d
$6884 = Function17a848.asm_17a884
$688b = Function17a848.asm_17a88b
$6892 = Function17a848.asm_17a892
$6899 = Function17a848.asm_17a899
$68a0 = Function17a848.asm_17a8a0
$68a7 = Function17a848.asm_17a8a7
$68ae = Function17a8ae
$68bc = Function17a8ae.asm_17a8bc
$68cc = Function17a8ae.asm_17a8cc
$68d7 = Function17a8ae.asm_17a8d7
$68de = Function17a8de
$68fd = Function17a8de.asm_17a8fd
$6904 = Function17a8de.asm_17a904
$6911 = Function17a8de.asm_17a911
$691e = Function17a91e
$692c = Function17a91e.asm_17a92c
$6943 = Function17a943
$695d = Function17a943.asm_17a95d
$6964 = Function17a964
$6979 = Function17a964.asm_17a979
$697b = Function17a97b
$6990 = Function17a97b.asm_17a990
$699d = Function17a97b.asm_17a99d
$699e = Function17a99e
$69b2 = String_17a9b2
$69cb = Function17a9cb
$69df = Function17a9cb.bit_6_set
$69e3 = Function17a9e3
$69f5 = Function17a9f5
$6a0f = Function17a9f5.okay
$6a22 = Function17aa22
$6a4a = Function17aa4a
$6a56 = Function17aa4a.loop
$6a72 = Unknown_17aa72
$6a77 = Unknown_17aa77
$6a88 = Function17aa88
$6a91 = asm_17aa91
$6a98 = Function17aa98
$6aa9 = Function17aaa9
$6ac3 = Function17aac3
$6ad0 = Function17aad0
$6ad3 = Function17aad3
$6ad7 = Function17aad7
$6ae0 = Function17aae0
$6ae3 = Function17aae3
$6af7 = Unknown_17aaf7
$6ba0 = Function17aba0
$6bcf = Function17abcf
$6c0c = Function17ac0c
$6c1d = Function17ac1d
$6c2a = Function17ac2a
$6c3c = Function17ac2a.loop
$6c46 = Function17ac46
$6c51 = Function17ac46.bit_4_set
$6c55 = Palette_17ac55
$6c95 = Palette_17ac95
$6cd5 = DialpadTilemap
$6e3d = DialpadAttrmap
$6fa5 = DialpadGFX
$7465 = DialpadCursorGFX
$74b5 = Palette_17b4b5
$74b9 = MobileCardListGFX
SECTION: $7639 (0 bytes) ["Pics 23"]
EMPTY: $7639-$7fff ($09c7 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $09c7 bytes
ROMX bank #95:
SECTION: $4000-$7f6b ($3f6c bytes) ["mobile5F"]
$4000 = Function17c000
$401e = Function17c000.y
$4022 = Function17c000.x
$4083 = HaveWantGFX
$4983 = MobileSelectGFX
$4b83 = HaveWantMap
$4ff3 = HaveWantPals
$5073 = CheckStringForErrors
$5073 = CheckStringForErrors.loop
$50ac = CheckStringForErrors.Fail
$50ae = CheckStringForErrors.NextChar
$50b1 = CheckStringForErrors.Done
$50b3 = CheckStringForErrors_IgnoreTerminator
$50b3 = CheckStringForErrors_IgnoreTerminator.loop
$50ec = CheckStringForErrors_IgnoreTerminator.end
$50ee = CheckStringForErrors_IgnoreTerminator.next
$50f3 = Function17d0f3
$5180 = Function17d0f3.asm_17d180
$5187 = Mobile_CopyDefaultOTName
$5194 = Mobile5F_PlayersName
$5199 = Mobile_CopyDefaultNickname
$51a6 = Mobile_CopyDefaultNickname.DefaultNickname
$51ab = Mobile_CopyDefaultMail
$51c3 = Mobile_CopyDefaultMail.DefaultMessage
$51c9 = Mobile_CopyDefaultMailAuthor
$51c9 = Mobile_CopyDefaultMail.DefaultMessageEnd
$51e1 = CheckStringContainsLessThanBNextCharacters
$51e1 = CheckStringContainsLessThanBNextCharacters.loop
$51ea = CheckStringContainsLessThanBNextCharacters.next_char
$51ef = CheckStringContainsLessThanBNextCharacters.done
$51f1 = Function17d1f1
$5223 = Function17d1f1.asm_17d223
$5224 = Menu_ChallengeExplanationCancel
$5234 = Menu_ChallengeExplanationCancel.English
$523c = Menu_ChallengeExplanationCancel.Load_Interpret
$5246 = Function17d246
$525d = Function17d246.UsewMenuCursorY
$5260 = Function17d246.LoadToScriptVar
$5264 = Function17d246.Exit
$526a = MenuHeader_17d26a
$5272 = MenuData_17d272
$528f = MenuHeader_ChallengeExplanationCancel
$5297 = MenuData_ChallengeExplanationCancel
$52b6 = Function17d2b6
$52c0 = Function17d2c0
$52ce = Function17d2ce
$52e2 = Function17d2ce.asm_17d2e2
$5314 = Function17d314
$5336 = Function17d314.asm_17d336
$5354 = Function17d314.asm_17d354
$5370 = Function17d370
$53f6 = Function17d3f6
$5405 = Function17d405
$545a = Function17d45a
$545a = Function17d45a.asm_17d45a
$546f = Function17d45a.asm_17d46f
$5474 = Function17d474
$5483 = Jumptable_17d483
$548d = Function17d48d
$54a4 = Function17d48d.asm_17d4a4
$54a8 = Function17d48d.asm_17d4a8
$54b0 = Function17d48d.asm_17d4b0
$54e0 = Function17d48d.asm_17d4e0
$54e6 = Function17d48d.asm_17d4e6
$54ed = Function17d48d.asm_17d4ed
$54f6 = Function17d48d.asm_17d4f6
$54fc = Function17d48d.asm_17d4fc
$5508 = Function17d48d.asm_17d508
$5539 = Function17d48d.asm_17d539
$553a = Function17d48d.asm_17d53a
$558a = Function17d48d.asm_17d58a
$55be = Function17d5be
$55c4 = Function17d5c4
$55ce = Function17d5c4.loop
$55d6 = Function17d5c4.got_button
$55f6 = Function17d5f6
$560b = Function17d60b
$563b = Function17d60b.asm_17d63b
$567a = Function17d60b.asm_17d67a
$5684 = Function17d60b.asm_17d684
$56a1 = Function17d6a1
$56fd = Function17d6fd
$5711 = Function17d711
$5711 = Function17d711.crash_loop
$5721 = asm_17d721
$572a = Jumptable17d72a
$578c = Function17d78c
$578d = Function17d78d
$57b4 = Function17d7b4
$57c2 = Function17d7c2
$57d3 = Function17d7d3
$57e5 = Function17d7e5
$5818 = Function17d818
$5833 = Function17d833
$585d = Function17d85d
$586c = Function17d85d.asm_17d86c
$5878 = Function17d85d.asm_17d878
$589b = Function17d85d.asm_17d89b
$58a1 = Function17d85d.asm_17d8a1
$58ad = Function17d85d.asm_17d8ad
$58c2 = Function17d85d.asm_17d8c2
$58c7 = Function17d85d.asm_17d8c7
$58fe = Function17d85d.asm_17d8fe
$5902 = Function17d902
$5918 = Function17d902.asm_17d918
$5936 = Function17d902.asm_17d936
$593a = Function17d93a
$598b = Function17d98b
$59e3 = Function17d9e3
$5a01 = Function17d9e3.asm_17da01
$5a07 = Function17d9e3.asm_17da07
$5a2d = Function17d9e3.asm_17da2d
$5a30 = Function17d9e3.asm_17da30
$5a31 = Function17da31
$5a4f = Function17da31.asm_17da4f
$5a55 = Function17da31.asm_17da55
$5a70 = Function17da31.asm_17da70
$5a7d = Function17da31.asm_17da7d
$5a88 = Function17da31.asm_17da88
$5a8b = Function17da31.asm_17da8b
$5a8c = Unknown_17da8c
$5a94 = Unknown_17da94
$5a9c = Function17da9c
$5aba = Function17da9c.asm_17daba
$5abd = Function17da9c.asm_17dabd
$5adc = Function17dadc
$5b0e = Function17dadc.asm_17db0e
$5b11 = Function17dadc.asm_17db11
$5b2d = Function17db2d
$5b53 = Function17db2d.asm_17db53
$5b56 = Function17db56
$5b74 = Function17db56.asm_17db74
$5b77 = Function17db77
$5b9f = Function17db77.asm_17db9f
$5bae = Function17db77.asm_17dbae
$5bb1 = Function17dbb1
$5bd4 = Function17dbb1.asm_17dbd4
$5be4 = Function17dbb1.asm_17dbe4
$5be9 = Function17dbe9
$5bf5 = Function17dbe9.asm_17dbf5
$5c05 = Function17dbe9.asm_17dc05
$5c0b = Function17dbe9.asm_17dc0b
$5c1f = Function17dc1f
$5c6e = Function17dc1f.asm_17dc6e
$5c85 = Function17dc1f.asm_17dc85
$5c8d = Function17dc1f.asm_17dc8d
$5c96 = MenuData_17dc96
$5c9f = Function17dc9f
$5ca9 = Function17dca9
$5caf = Function17dcaf
$5cbb = Function17dcaf.asm_17dcbb
$5ccf = Function17dccf
$5ced = Function17dccf.asm_17dced
$5cfa = Function17dccf.crash_loop
$5d0d = Function17dccf.asm_17dd0d
$5d11 = Function17dccf.asm_17dd11
$5d13 = Function17dd13
$5d30 = Function17dd30
$5d49 = Function17dd49
$5d6c = Function17dd49.sram
$5d72 = Function17dd49.got_bank
$5d93 = Function17dd49.close_sram
$5d96 = Function17dd49.exited_bank
$5da0 = Function17dd49.loop
$5daa = Function17dd49.next
$5db7 = Function17dd49.load2
$5dc1 = Function17dd49.load
$5dc9 = Function17dd49.done
$5dcd = Function17ddcd
$5de7 = Function17ddcd.asm_17dde7
$5ded = Function17ddcd.asm_17dded
$5e0c = Function17ddcd.asm_17de0c
$5e0f = Function17ddcd.asm_17de0f
$5e26 = Function17ddcd.asm_17de26
$5e2e = Function17ddcd.asm_17de2e
$5e32 = Function17de32
$5e61 = Function17de32.asm_17de61
$5e6b = Function17de32.asm_17de6b
$5e78 = Function17de32.asm_17de78
$5e82 = Function17de32.asm_17de82
$5e8a = Function17de32.asm_17de8a
$5e91 = Function17de91
$5eca = Function17de91.asm_17deca
$5ed2 = Function17de91.asm_17ded2
$5ed9 = Function17ded9
$5f33 = Function17ded9.asm_17df33
$5f37 = Function17ded9.asm_17df37
$5f5a = Function17ded9.asm_17df5a
$5f5e = Function17ded9.asm_17df5e
$5f79 = Function17ded9.asm_17df79
$5f7b = Function17ded9.asm_17df7b
$5fd0 = Function17ded9.asm_17dfd0
$5fd2 = Function17ded9.asm_17dfd2
$5fea = Function17ded9.asm_17dfea
$5feb = Function17ded9.asm_17dfeb
$601f = Function17ded9.asm_17e01f
$6026 = Function17e026
$6067 = Function17e026.asm_17e067
$606b = Function17e026.asm_17e06b
$608e = Function17e026.asm_17e08e
$6092 = Function17e026.asm_17e092
$60a2 = Function17e026.asm_17e0a2
$60a4 = Function17e026.asm_17e0a4
$60b4 = Function17e026.asm_17e0b4
$60b6 = Function17e026.asm_17e0b6
$60be = Function17e026.asm_17e0be
$60e1 = Function17e026.asm_17e0e1
$60ea = Function17e026.asm_17e0ea
$60ee = asm_17e0ee
$60fd = Function17e0fd
$6127 = Function17e0fd.asm_17e127
$6133 = Function17e133
$6159 = Function17e133.asm_17e159
$6165 = Function17e165
$6195 = Function17e165.asm_17e195
$61a1 = Function17e1a1
$61bb = Function17e1a1.asm_17e1bb
$61c1 = Function17e1a1.asm_17e1c1
$61e2 = Function17e1a1.asm_17e1e2
$61e5 = Function17e1a1.asm_17e1e5
$61f3 = Function17e1a1.asm_17e1f3
$61f9 = Function17e1a1.asm_17e1f9
$621a = Function17e1a1.asm_17e21a
$621d = Function17e1a1.asm_17e21d
$6227 = Function17e1a1.asm_17e227
$6231 = Function17e1a1.asm_17e231
$623e = Function17e1a1.asm_17e23e
$6248 = Function17e1a1.asm_17e248
$6250 = Function17e1a1.asm_17e250
$6254 = Function17e254
$6261 = Function17e261
$6270 = Function17e270
$627f = Function17e27f
$6293 = Function17e293
$62a7 = Function17e2a7
$62d8 = Function17e2a7.asm_17e2d8
$62f7 = Function17e2a7.asm_17e2f7
$6300 = Function17e2a7.asm_17e300
$6309 = Function17e309
$632b = Function17e32b
$6349 = Function17e349
$6367 = IncCrashCheckPointer_SaveGameData
$637e = IncCrashCheckPointer_SaveAfterLinkTrade
$6395 = IncCrashCheckPointer_SaveBox
$63ac = IncCrashCheckPointer_SaveChecksum
$63c3 = IncCrashCheckPointer_SaveTrainerRankingsChecksum
$63e0 = Function17e3e0
$63f0 = Function17e3f0
$63f6 = Function17e3f0.asm_17e3f6
$6409 = Function17e409
$640f = Function17e40f
$6415 = IncCrashCheckPointer
$641e = HlToCrashCheckPointer
$6427 = Function17e427
$6432 = Function17e427.asm_17e432
$6438 = Function17e438
$643d = Function17e43d
$6447 = Function17e447
$6451 = Function17e451
$648b = Function17e451.asm_17e48b
$6490 = Function17e451.asm_17e490
$64cb = Function17e451.asm_17e4cb
$64d5 = Function17e451.asm_17e4d5
$64d8 = Function17e451.asm_17e4d8
$64dd = Function17e4dd
$64ff = Function17e4dd.asm_17e4ff
$651b = Function17e51b
$6544 = Function17e51b.asm_17e544
$655b = Function17e55b
$6566 = Function17e566
$6571 = Function17e571
$65af = Function17e5af
$6600 = Function17e600
$6600 = Function17e600.asm_17e600
$6613 = Function17e613
$6620 = Function17e613.asm_17e620
$6626 = Function17e613.asm_17e626
$663b = Function17e613.asm_17e63b
$663f = Function17e613.asm_17e63f
$6651 = Function17e613.asm_17e651
$6660 = Function17e613.asm_17e660
$6664 = Function17e613.asm_17e664
$6674 = Function17e613.asm_17e674
$6685 = Function17e613.asm_17e685
$6689 = Function17e613.asm_17e689
$6691 = Function17e691
$669f = Function17e691.asm_17e69f
$66a5 = Function17e691.asm_17e6a5
$66ac = Function17e691.asm_17e6ac
$66af = Function17e691.asm_17e6af
$66c2 = Function17e691.asm_17e6c2
$66c7 = Function17e691.asm_17e6c7
$66de = Function17e6de
$66ee = Function17e6de.asm_17e6ee
$66f1 = Function17e6de.asm_17e6f1
$66fe = PokemonNewsGFX
$6b7e = PostalMarkGFX
$6b8e = PokemonNewsTileAttrmap
$6ff6 = PokemonNewsPalettes
$7036 = RunMobileScript
$703c = RunMobileScript.loop
$7043 = RunMobileScript.finished
$7047 = _RunMobileScript
$705f = _RunMobileScript.finished
$7061 = _RunMobileScript.Jumptable
$7081 = Function17f081
$709d = Function17f081.asm_17f09d
$709f = Function17f081.asm_17f09f
$70e0 = Function17f081.asm_17f0e0
$70ea = Function17f081.asm_17f0ea
$70ee = Function17f081.asm_17f0ee
$70f8 = Function17f0f8
$7112 = Function17f0f8.asm_17f112
$7114 = Function17f0f8.asm_17f114
$7154 = Function17f154
$7165 = Function17f154.asm_17f165
$7167 = Function17f154.asm_17f167
$7181 = Function17f181
$719b = Function17f181.asm_17f19b
$719d = Function17f181.asm_17f19d
$71d0 = Function17f1d0
$71ea = Function17f1d0.asm_17f1ea
$71ec = Function17f1d0.asm_17f1ec
$7220 = Function17f220
$723a = Function17f220.asm_17f23a
$723c = Function17f220.asm_17f23c
$726e = Function17f220.Genders
$7272 = Function17f220.Boy
$7276 = Function17f220.Girl
$727b = Function17f27b
$7295 = Function17f27b.asm_17f295
$7297 = Function17f27b.asm_17f297
$72cb = Function17f2cb
$72ff = MobileScript_PlayerName
$7334 = MobileScript_Prefecture
$7355 = MobileScript_Prefecture.asm_17f355
$735d = MobileScript_Prefecture.asm_17f35d
$7382 = Function17f382
$73a3 = Function17f382.asm_17f3a3
$73ab = Function17f382.asm_17f3ab
$73c9 = Function17f3c9
$73f0 = Function17f3f0
$741d = Function17f41d
$742c = Function17f41d.asm_17f42c
$7435 = Function17f41d.asm_17f435
$7439 = Function17f41d.asm_17f439
$7440 = Function17f41d.asm_17f440
$7447 = Function17f41d.asm_17f447
$744f = Function17f44f
$746b = Function17f44f.asm_17f46b
$746d = Function17f44f.asm_17f46d
$7488 = Function17f44f.asm_17f488
$748e = Function17f44f.asm_17f48e
$74af = Function17f44f.asm_17f4af
$74b7 = Function17f44f.asm_17f4b7
$74de = Function17f44f.asm_17f4de
$74e8 = Function17f44f.asm_17f4e8
$74ec = Function17f44f.asm_17f4ec
$74f6 = Function17f4f6
$7509 = Function17f4f6.asm_17f509
$750f = Function17f50f
$7519 = Function17f50f.asm_17f519
$7524 = Function17f524
$7536 = Function17f524.asm_17f536
$753a = Function17f524.asm_17f53a
$753d = BattleTowerMobileError
$7555 = DisplayMobileError
$7555 = DisplayMobileError.loop
$756a = DisplayMobileError.quit
$756e = DisplayMobileError.deinit
$758a = DisplayMobileError.asm_17f58a
$7597 = DisplayMobileError.asm_17f597
$75a1 = DisplayMobileError.asm_17f5a1
$75ae = DisplayMobileError.RunJumptable
$75bd = DisplayMobileError.Jumptable
$75c3 = Function17f5c3
$75d2 = Function17f5d2
$75e4 = Function17f5e4
$7632 = Function17f5e4.asm_17f632
$765d = Function17f5e4.asm_17f65d
$7667 = Function17f5e4.asm_17f667
$766e = Function17f5e4.asm_17f66e
$7674 = Function17f5e4.asm_17f674
$7679 = Function17f5e4.asm_17f679
$767d = Function17f5e4.asm_17f67d
$7684 = Function17f5e4.asm_17f684
$7699 = Table_17f699
$76af = Palette_17f6af
$76b7 = Function17f6b7
$76cd = Function17f6b7.bcd_two_digits
$76d8 = Function17f6b7.bcd_digit
$76dc = MobileCommunicationErrorText
$76e8 = String_17f6e8
$7706 = MobileErrorCodeTable
$774e = MobileErrorCodes_10
$7753 = MobileErrorCodes_11
$7758 = MobileErrorCodes_12
$775d = MobileErrorCodes_13
$7762 = MobileErrorCodes_14
$7767 = MobileErrorCodes_15
$7778 = MobileErrorCodes_16
$777d = MobileErrorCodes_17
$7782 = MobileErrorCodes_20
$7787 = MobileErrorCodes_21
$778c = MobileErrorCodes_22
$7791 = MobileErrorCodes_23
$7796 = MobileErrorCodes_24
$779b = MobileErrorCodes_25
$77a0 = MobileErrorCodes_26
$77a5 = MobileErrorCodes_30
$77ea = MobileErrorCodes_31
$77ff = MobileErrorCodes_32
$7844 = MobileErrorCodes_33
$7891 = MobileErrorCode_10_000_Text
$78d1 = MobileErrorCode_11_000_Text
$78d1 = MobileErrorCode_13_000_Text
$7913 = MobileErrorCode_12_000_Text
$7946 = MobileErrorCode_15_000_Text
$7946 = MobileErrorCode_15_001_Text
$7946 = MobileErrorCode_15_002_Text
$7946 = MobileErrorCode_15_003_Text
$798e = MobileErrorCode_CommuncationErrorText
$79d0 = MobileErrorCode_22_000_Text
$7a14 = MobileErrorCode_23_000_Text
$7a49 = MobileErrorCode_ServerErrorText
$7a71 = MobileErrorCode_14_000_Text
$7a71 = MobileErrorCode_25_000_Text
$7ab0 = MobileErrorCode_32_503_Text
$7af9 = MobileErrorCode_30_450_Text
$7af9 = MobileErrorCode_30_550_Text
$7af9 = MobileErrorCode_30_551_Text
$7af9 = MobileErrorCode_30_553_Text
$7b2a = MobileErrorCode_31_002_Text
$7b6e = MobileErrorCode_31_003_Text
$7b6e = MobileErrorCode_33_201_Text
$7bb6 = MobileErrorCode_32_403_Text
$7bb6 = MobileErrorCode_32_404_Text
$7bfe = MobileErrorCode_26_000_Text
$7bfe = MobileErrorCode_32_408_Text
$7c3e = MobileErrorCode_33_101_Text
$7c88 = MobileErrorCode_33_102_Text
$7c88 = MobileErrorCode_33_299_Text
$7cbf = MobileErrorCode_ServerConnectionFailedText
$7cff = MobileErrorCode_33_103_Text
$7d47 = MobileErrorCode_33_106_Text
$7d84 = MobileErrorCode_101_004_Text
$7d84 = MobileErrorCode_33_104_Text
$7d84 = MobileErrorCode_33_105_Text
$7d84 = MobileErrorCode_33_203_Text
$7d84 = MobileErrorCode_33_206_Text
$7db2 = MobileErrorCode_101_006_Text
$7dd9 = MobileErrorCode_101_001_Text
$7dd9 = MobileErrorCode_101_002_Text
$7e03 = MobileErrorCode_101_003_Text
$7e03 = MobileErrorCode_101_008_Text
$7e03 = MobileErrorCode_101_009_Text
$7e4b = MobileErrorCode_101_007_Text
$7e63 = MobileErrorCode_101_005_Text
$7e9a = String_17fe9a
$7edf = MobileErrorCode_101_000_Text
$7f23 = Function17ff23
$7f3c = Function17ff3c
$7f68 = String_17ff68
SECTION: $7f6c (0 bytes) ["Pics 24"]
EMPTY: $7f6c-$7fff ($0094 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0094 bytes
ROMX bank #96:
SECTION: $4000-$5694 ($1695 bytes) ["Map Scripts 13"]
$4000 = IndigoPlateauPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$4009 = IndigoPlateauPokecenter1FNoopScene
$400a = IndigoPlateauPokecenter1FPrepareElite4Callback
$4053 = PlateauRivalBattle1
$4094 = PlateauRivalBattle2
$40ce = PlateauRivalBattleCommon
$40f3 = PlateauRivalBattleCommon.Totodile
$4103 = PlateauRivalBattleCommon.Chikorita
$4113 = PlateauRivalPostBattle
$412b = PlateauRivalScriptDone
$412c = IndigoPlateauPokecenter1FNurseScript
$412f = IndigoPlateauPokecenter1FClerkScript
$4136 = IndigoPlateauPokecenter1FCooltrainerMScript
$4139 = TeleportGuyScript
$4154 = TeleportGuyScript.No
$415a = AbraScript
$4164 = PlateauRivalMovement1
$416b = PlateauRivalMovement2
$4172 = PlateauRivalLeavesMovement
$4178 = IndigoPlateauPokecenter1FCooltrainerMText
$41f5 = PlateauRivalText1
$4295 = PlateauRivalWinText
$42a4 = PlateauRivalText2
$42fd = PlateauRivalLoseText
$4335 = TeleportGuyText1
$43e7 = TeleportGuyYesText
$4411 = TeleportGuyNoText
$4433 = AbraText
$4441 = IndigoPlateauPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$44b9 = WillsRoom_MapScripts
$44c6 = WillsRoomLockDoorScene
$44ca = WillsRoomNoopScene
$44cb = WillsRoomDoorsCallback
$44d5 = WillsRoomDoorsCallback.KeepEntranceOpen
$44df = WillsRoomDoorsCallback.KeepExitClosed
$44e0 = WillsRoomDoorLocksBehindYouScript
$44f8 = WillScript_Battle
$4526 = WillScript_AfterBattle
$452c = WillsRoom_EnterMovement
$4531 = WillScript_WillBeforeText
$462c = WillScript_WillBeatenText
$4644 = WillScript_WillDefeatText
$46f9 = WillsRoom_MapEvents
$471b = KogasRoom_MapScripts
$4728 = KogasRoomLockDoorScene
$472c = KogasRoomNoopScene
$472d = KogasRoomDoorsCallback
$4737 = KogasRoomDoorsCallback.KeepEntranceOpen
$4741 = KogasRoomDoorsCallback.KeepExitClosed
$4742 = KogasRoomDoorLocksBehindYouScript
$475a = KogaScript_Battle
$4788 = KogaScript_AfterBattle
$478e = KogasRoom_EnterMovement
$4793 = KogaScript_KogaBeforeText
$48a9 = KogaScript_KogaBeatenText
$48ca = KogaScript_KogaDefeatText
$495f = KogasRoom_MapEvents
$4986 = BrunosRoom_MapScripts
$4993 = BrunosRoomLockDoorScene
$4997 = BrunosRoomNoopScene
$4998 = BrunosRoomDoorsCallback
$49a2 = BrunosRoomDoorsCallback.KeepEntranceOpen
$49ac = BrunosRoomDoorsCallback.KeepExitClosed
$49ad = BrunosRoomDoorLocksBehindYouScript
$49c5 = BrunoScript_Battle
$49f3 = BrunoScript_AfterBattle
$49f9 = BrunosRoom_EnterMovement
$49fe = BrunoScript_BrunoBeforeText
$4b23 = BrunoScript_BrunoBeatenText
$4b3c = BrunoScript_BrunoDefeatText
$4b88 = BrunosRoom_MapEvents
$4baf = KarensRoom_MapScripts
$4bbc = KarensRoomLockDoorScene
$4bc0 = KarensRoomNoopScene
$4bc1 = KarensRoomDoorsCallback
$4bcb = KarensRoomDoorsCallback.KeepEntranceOpen
$4bd5 = KarensRoomDoorsCallback.KeepExitClosed
$4bd6 = KarensRoomDoorLocksBehindYouScript
$4bee = KarenScript_Battle
$4c1c = KarenScript_AfterBattle
$4c22 = KarensRoom_EnterMovement
$4c27 = KarenScript_KarenBeforeText
$4cf8 = KarenScript_KarenBeatenText
$4d29 = KarenScript_KarenDefeatText
$4e05 = KarensRoom_MapEvents
$4e2c = LancesRoom_MapScripts
$4e39 = LancesRoomLockDoorScene
$4e3d = LancesRoomNoopScene
$4e3e = LancesRoomDoorsCallback
$4e48 = LancesRoomDoorsCallback.KeepEntranceOpen
$4e52 = LancesRoomDoorsCallback.KeepExitClosed
$4e53 = LancesRoomDoorLocksBehindYouScript
$4e6a = Script_ApproachLanceFromLeft
$4e74 = Script_ApproachLanceFromRight
$4e7b = LancesRoomLanceScript
$4f33 = LancesRoom_EnterMovement
$4f38 = MovementData_ApproachLanceFromLeft
$4f3c = MovementData_ApproachLanceFromRight
$4f41 = LancesRoomMovementData_MaryRushesIn
$4f46 = LancesRoomMovementData_OakWalksIn
$4f49 = LancesRoomMovementData_MaryYieldsToOak
$4f4c = LancesRoomMovementData_MaryInterviewChampion
$4f4f = LancesRoomMovementData_LancePositionsSelfToGuidePlayerAway
$4f53 = LancesRoomMovementData_LanceLeadsPlayerToHallOfFame
$4f55 = LancesRoomMovementData_PlayerExits
$4f57 = LancesRoomMovementData_MaryTriesToFollow
$4f5b = LancesRoomMovementData_MaryRunsBackAndForth
$4f67 = LanceBattleIntroText
$50a4 = LanceBattleWinText
$5132 = LanceBattleAfterText
$51dd = LancesRoomMaryOhNoOakText
$521b = LancesRoomOakCongratulationsText
$534b = LancesRoomMaryInterviewText
$537b = LancesRoomNoisyText
$53c5 = LancesRoomMaryNoInterviewText
$53f4 = LancesRoom_MapEvents
$5445 = HallOfFame_MapScripts
$544f = HallOfFameEnterScene
$5453 = HallOfFameNoopScene
$5454 = HallOfFameEnterScript
$5497 = HallOfFameEnterScript.SkipPhoneCall
$5499 = HallOfFame_WalkUpWithLance
$54a4 = HallOfFame_SlowlyApproachMachine
$54a6 = HallOfFame_LanceText
$5678 = HallOfFame_MapEvents
SECTION: $5695-$71a1 ($1b0d bytes) ["Pokedex Entries 001-064"]
$5695 = BulbasaurPokedexEntry
$5702 = IvysaurPokedexEntry
$5773 = VenusaurPokedexEntry
$57db = CharmanderPokedexEntry
$584a = CharmeleonPokedexEntry
$58b3 = CharizardPokedexEntry
$5926 = SquirtlePokedexEntry
$5993 = WartortlePokedexEntry
$59f9 = BlastoisePokedexEntry
$5a60 = CaterpiePokedexEntry
$5ace = MetapodPokedexEntry
$5b45 = ButterfreePokedexEntry
$5bb4 = WeedlePokedexEntry
$5c23 = KakunaPokedexEntry
$5c8a = BeedrillPokedexEntry
$5cfa = PidgeyPokedexEntry
$5d75 = PidgeottoPokedexEntry
$5dd7 = PidgeotPokedexEntry
$5e3d = RattataPokedexEntry
$5ea3 = RaticatePokedexEntry
$5f03 = SpearowPokedexEntry
$5f64 = FearowPokedexEntry
$5fd4 = EkansPokedexEntry
$603d = ArbokPokedexEntry
$60ad = PikachuPokedexEntry
$6117 = RaichuPokedexEntry
$6184 = SandshrewPokedexEntry
$61e7 = SandslashPokedexEntry
$624b = NidoranFPokedexEntry
$62b6 = NidorinaPokedexEntry
$632e = NidoqueenPokedexEntry
$6392 = NidoranMPokedexEntry
$63fd = NidorinoPokedexEntry
$6463 = NidokingPokedexEntry
$64c8 = ClefairyPokedexEntry
$6530 = ClefablePokedexEntry
$659b = VulpixPokedexEntry
$660c = NinetalesPokedexEntry
$6673 = JigglypuffPokedexEntry
$66e9 = WigglytuffPokedexEntry
$675d = ZubatPokedexEntry
$67c4 = GolbatPokedexEntry
$6836 = OddishPokedexEntry
$68a6 = GloomPokedexEntry
$6918 = VileplumePokedexEntry
$697f = ParasPokedexEntry
$69e2 = ParasectPokedexEntry
$6a53 = VenonatPokedexEntry
$6abf = VenomothPokedexEntry
$6b30 = DiglettPokedexEntry
$6b9d = DugtrioPokedexEntry
$6c08 = MeowthPokedexEntry
$6c78 = PersianPokedexEntry
$6cee = PsyduckPokedexEntry
$6d55 = GolduckPokedexEntry
$6dbd = MankeyPokedexEntry
$6e39 = PrimeapePokedexEntry
$6eaa = GrowlithePokedexEntry
$6f1c = ArcaninePokedexEntry
$6f91 = PoliwagPokedexEntry
$6ffd = PoliwhirlPokedexEntry
$7066 = PoliwrathPokedexEntry
$70d5 = AbraPokedexEntry
$713c = KadabraPokedexEntry
EMPTY: $71a2-$7fff ($0e5e bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0e5e bytes
ROMX bank #97:
SECTION: $4000-$647e ($247f bytes) ["Map Scripts 14"]
$4000 = CeruleanCity_MapScripts
$4005 = CeruleanCityFlypointCallback
$4009 = CeruleanCityCooltrainerMScript
$4017 = CeruleanCityCooltrainerMScript.ReturnedMachinePart
$401d = CeruleanCitySuperNerdScript
$4020 = CeruleanCitySlowbro
$402a = CeruleanCityCooltrainerFScript
$404a = CeruleanCityFisherScript
$4058 = CeruleanCityFisherScript.ReturnedMachinePart
$405e = CeruleanCityFisherScript.MetCeruleanRocket
$4064 = CeruleanCityYoungsterScript
$4072 = CeruleanCityYoungsterScript.BerserkGenePingsItemfinder
$40a1 = CeruleanCitySign
$40a4 = CeruleanGymSign
$40a7 = CeruleanBikeShopSign
$40aa = CeruleanPoliceSign
$40ad = CeruleanCapeSign
$40b0 = CeruleanLockedDoor
$40b3 = CeruleanCityPokecenterSign
$40b6 = CeruleanCityMartSign
$40b9 = CeruleanCityHiddenBerserkGene
$40bc = CeruleanCityCooltrainerMText1
$4144 = CeruleanCityCooltrainerMText2
$41a8 = CeruleanCitySuperNerdText
$41e9 = CeruleanCitySlowbroText
$41fa = CeruleanCityCooltrainerFText1
$4229 = CeruleanCityCooltrainerFText2
$424b = CeruleanCityCooltrainerFText3
$424e = CeruleanCityFisherText
$4275 = CeruleanCityFisherRocketTipText
$42a9 = CeruleanCityYoungsterText1
$42ee = CeruleanCityYoungsterText2
$4312 = CeruleanCitySignText
$4345 = CeruleanGymSignText
$4381 = CeruleanBikeShopSignText
$43cc = CeruleanPoliceSignText
$443b = CeruleanCapeSignText
$4450 = CeruleanLockedDoorText
$445d = CeruleanCity_MapEvents
$44fc = SproutTower1F_MapScripts
$44fe = SproutTower1FSage1Script
$4501 = SproutTower1FSage2Script
$4504 = SproutTower1FGrannyScript
$4507 = SproutTower1FTeacherScript
$450a = TrainerSageChow
$4516 = TrainerSageChow.Script
$451e = SproutTower1FParlyzHeal
$4520 = SproutTower1FStatue
$4523 = SageChowSeenText
$4574 = SageChowBeatenText
$4583 = SageChowAfterBattleText
$45d8 = SproutTower1FSage1Text
$460a = SproutTower1FSage2Text
$4649 = SproutTower1FGrannyText
$469d = SproutTower1FTeacherText
$46d6 = SproutTower1FStatueText
$4703 = SproutTower1F_MapEvents
$477a = SproutTower2F_MapScripts
$477c = TrainerSageNico
$4788 = TrainerSageNico.Script
$4790 = TrainerSageEdmond
$479c = TrainerSageEdmond.Script
$47a4 = SproutTower2FStatue
$47a7 = SproutTower2FXAccuracy
$47a9 = SageNicoSeenText
$47df = SageNicoBeatenText
$47ff = SageNicoAfterBattleText
$4841 = SageEdmondSeenText
$4861 = SageEdmondBeatenText
$486f = SageEdmondAfterBattleText
$48c8 = SproutTower2FStatueText
$48f5 = SproutTower2F_MapEvents
$493b = SproutTower3F_MapScripts
$4945 = SproutTower3FNoop1Scene
$4946 = SproutTower3FNoop2Scene
$4947 = SproutTower3FRivalScene
$49a6 = SageLiScript
$49d1 = SageLiScript.GotFlash
$49d7 = TrainerSageJin
$49e3 = TrainerSageJin.Script
$49eb = TrainerSageTroy
$49f7 = TrainerSageTroy.Script
$49ff = TrainerSageNeal
$4a0b = TrainerSageNeal.Script
$4a13 = SproutTower3FPainting
$4a16 = SproutTower3FStatue
$4a19 = SproutTower3FPotion
$4a1b = SproutTower3FEscapeRope
$4a1d = SproutTower3FPlayerApproachesRivalMovement
$4a22 = SproutTower3FRivalApproachesElderMovement
$4a24 = SproutTower3FRivalLeavesElderMovement
$4a27 = SproutTowerElderLecturesRivalText
$4aec = SproutTowerRivalOnlyCareAboutStrongText
$4bc8 = SproutTowerRivalUsedEscapeRopeText
$4be0 = SageLiSeenText
$4cb2 = SageLiBeatenText
$4cc2 = SageLiTakeThisFlashText
$4d13 = SageLiFlashExplanationText
$4d88 = SageLiAfterBattleText
$4db6 = SageJinSeenText
$4dde = SageJinBeatenText
$4dfa = SageJinAfterBattleText
$4e60 = SageTroySeenText
$4e8a = SageTroyBeatenText
$4ea4 = SageTroyAfterBattleText
$4ec1 = SageNealSeenText
$4ef3 = SageNealBeatenText
$4f12 = SageNealAfterBattleText
$4f37 = SproutTower3FPaintingText
$4f61 = SproutTower3FStatueText
$4f8e = SproutTower3F_MapEvents
$501a = TinTower1F_MapScripts
$502a = TinTower1FSuicuneBattleScene
$502e = TinTower1FNoopScene
$502f = TinTower1FNPCsCallback
$5047 = TinTower1FNPCsCallback.GotRainbowWing
$504f = TinTower1FNPCsCallback.Done
$5050 = TinTower1FNPCsCallback.FaceBeasts
$5065 = TinTower1FNPCsCallback.NoRaikou
$5067 = TinTower1FNPCsCallback.CheckEntei
$5074 = TinTower1FNPCsCallback.NoEntei
$5076 = TinTower1FNPCsCallback.BeastsDone
$5077 = TinTower1FNPCsCallback.FoughtSuicune
$5084 = TinTower1FStairsCallback
$508e = TinTower1FStairsCallback.DontHideStairs
$508f = TinTower1FSuicuneBattleScript
$50b6 = TinTower1FSuicuneBattleScript.Next1
$50d7 = TinTower1FSuicuneBattleScript.Next2
$5173 = TinTower1FSage1Script
$5176 = TinTower1FSage2Script
$5179 = TinTower1FSage3Script
$517c = TinTower1FSage4Script
$5185 = TinTower1FSage4Script.FoughtHoOh
$5188 = TinTower1FSage5Script
$51b0 = TinTower1FSage5Script.GotRainbowWing
$51b6 = TinTower1FSage5Script.FoughtHoOh
$51bc = TinTower1FSage6Script
$51c5 = TinTower1FSage6Script.FoughtHoOh
$51c8 = TinTower1FEusine
$51cb = TinTower1FPlayerEntersMovement
$51d0 = TinTower1FRaikouApproachesMovement
$51d4 = TinTower1FRaikouLeavesMovement
$51da = TinTower1FEnteiApproachesMovement
$51de = TinTower1FEnteiLeavesMovement
$51e4 = TinTower1FSuicuneApproachesMovement
$51e8 = TinTower1FPlayerBacksUpMovement
$51ec = TinTower1FEusineEntersMovement
$51f1 = TinTower1FEusineLeavesMovement
$51f5 = TinTower1FSage1EntersMovement
$51fb = TinTower1FSage2EntersMovement
$51fe = TinTower1FSage3EntersMovement
$5203 = TinTower1FEusineSuicuneText
$5386 = TinTower1FSage1Text
$5433 = TinTower1FSage2Text
$5544 = TinTower1FSage3Text
$55ee = TinTower1FSage4Text1
$5629 = TinTower1FSage5Text1
$564a = TinTower1FSage5Text2
$5654 = TinTower1FSage6Text1
$56a3 = TinTower1FEusineHoOhText
$5765 = TinTower1FSage4Text2
$5803 = TinTower1FSage5Text3
$58d0 = TinTower1FSage6Text2
$598c = TinTower1F_MapEvents
$5a23 = TinTower2F_MapScripts
$5a25 = TinTower2F_MapEvents
$5a35 = TinTower3F_MapScripts
$5a37 = TinTower3FFullHeal
$5a39 = TinTower3F_MapEvents
$5a56 = TinTower4F_MapScripts
$5a58 = TinTower4FUltraBall
$5a5a = TinTower4FPPUp
$5a5c = TinTower4FEscapeRope
$5a5e = TinTower4FHiddenMaxPotion
$5a61 = TinTower4F_MapEvents
$5aa7 = TinTower5F_MapScripts
$5aa9 = TinTower5FRareCandy
$5aab = TinTower5FHiddenFullRestore
$5aae = TinTower5FHiddenCarbos
$5ab1 = TinTower5F_MapEvents
$5ae2 = TinTower6F_MapScripts
$5ae4 = TinTower6FMaxPotion
$5ae6 = TinTower6F_MapEvents
$5b03 = TinTower7F_MapScripts
$5b05 = TinTower7FMaxRevive
$5b07 = TinTower7F_MapEvents
$5b33 = TinTower8F_MapScripts
$5b35 = TinTower8FNugget
$5b37 = TinTower8FMaxElixer
$5b39 = TinTower8FFullRestore
$5b3b = TinTower8F_MapEvents
$5b86 = TinTower9F_MapScripts
$5b88 = TinTower9FHPUp
$5b8a = TinTower9FUnusedHoOhText
$5b9b = TinTower9FUnusedLugiaText
$5bab = TinTower9F_MapEvents
$5be1 = BurnedTower1F_MapScripts
$5bf2 = BurnedTower1FMeetEusineScene
$5bf6 = BurnedTower1FNoop1Scene
$5bf7 = BurnedTower1FNoop2Scene
$5bf8 = BurnedTower1FHoleAndLadderCallback
$5c02 = BurnedTower1FHoleAndLadderCallback.KeepHoleOpen
$5c0c = BurnedTower1FHoleAndLadderCallback.HideBasement
$5c0d = BurnedTower1FMeetEusineScript
$5c25 = BurnedTowerRivalBattleScript
$5c60 = BurnedTowerRivalBattleScript.totodile
$5c70 = BurnedTowerRivalBattleScript.chikorita
$5c80 = BurnedTowerRivalBattleScript.returnfrombattle
$5cbc = BurnedTower1FEusineScript
$5cbf = BurnedTower1FMortyScript
$5cc2 = BurnedTower1FRock
$5cc5 = BurnedTower1FHiddenEther
$5cc8 = BurnedTower1FHiddenUltraBall
$5ccb = BurnedTower1FHPUp
$5ccd = BurnedTowerMovement_PlayerWalksToRival
$5ccf = BurnedTowerMovement_RivalWalksToPlayer
$5cd1 = BurnedTower1FMovement_PlayerStartsToFall
$5cd3 = BurnedTower1FEusineMovement
$5cd9 = BurnedTowerRival_BeforeText
$5d9b = BurnedTowerRival_WinText
$5de2 = BurnedTowerRival_AfterText1
$5e2c = BurnedTowerRival_LossText
$5e75 = BurnedTowerRival_AfterText2
$5ecc = BurnedTower1FEusineIntroText
$5f99 = BurnedTower1FEusineText
$6002 = BurnedTower1FMortyText
$60b2 = BurnedTower1F_MapEvents
$6151 = BurnedTowerB1F_MapScripts
$615e = BurnedTowerB1FNoop1Scene
$615f = BurnedTowerB1FNoop2Scene
$6160 = BurnedTowerB1FLadderCallback
$616a = BurnedTowerB1FLadderCallback.HideLadder
$616b = ReleaseTheBeasts
$6212 = BurnedTowerB1FEusine
$6226 = BurnedTowerB1FEusine.Movement2
$622a = BurnedTowerB1FEusine.Finish
$6231 = BurnedTowerB1FTMEndure
$6233 = BurnedTowerB1FBoulder
$6236 = BurnedTowerRaikouMovement
$623b = BurnedTowerEnteiMovement
$6241 = BurnedTowerSuicuneMovement1
$6248 = BurnedTowerSuicuneMovement2
$624f = BurnedTowerUnusedMovement
$6253 = BurnedTowerSuicuneMovement3
$625c = BurnedTowerB1FEusineMovement2
$6263 = BurnedTowerB1FEusineMovement1
$626a = BurnedTowerB1FEusineText
$63de = BurnedTowerB1F_MapEvents
EMPTY: $647f-$7fff ($1b81 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1b81 bytes
ROMX bank #98:
SECTION: $4000-$7777 ($3778 bytes) ["Map Scripts 15"]
$4000 = CeruleanGymBadgeSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$4002 = CeruleanGymBadgeSpeechHousePokefanMScript
$4005 = CeruleanGymBadgeSpeechHousePokefanMText
$402b = CeruleanGymBadgeSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$4048 = CeruleanPoliceStation_MapScripts
$404a = CeruleanPoliceStationFishingGuruScript
$404d = CeruleanPoliceStationPokefanFScript
$4050 = CeruleanDiglett
$405a = CeruleanPoliceStationFishingGuruText
$40c3 = CeruleanPoliceStationPokefanFText
$40e7 = CeruleanDiglettText
$40fa = CeruleanPoliceStation_MapEvents
$4131 = CeruleanTradeSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$4133 = CeruleanTradeSpeechHouseGrannyScript
$4136 = CeruleanTradeSpeechHouseGrampsScript
$4139 = CeruleanTradeSpeechHouseRhydonScript
$4143 = CeruleanTradeSpeechHouseZubatScript
$414d = CeruleanTradeSpeechHouseGrannyText
$418a = CeruleanTradeSpeechHouseGrampsText
$419c = CeruleanTradeSpeechHouseRhydonText
$41b5 = CeruleanTradeSpeechHouseZubatText
$41c9 = CeruleanTradeSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$420d = CeruleanPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$420f = CeruleanPokecenter1FNurseScript
$4212 = CeruleanPokecenter1FSuperNerdScript
$421b = CeruleanPokecenter1FSuperNerdScript.mobile
$421e = CeruleanPokecenter1FGymGuideScript
$4221 = CeruleanPokecenter1FSuperNerdText
$428c = CeruleanPokecenter1FSuperNerdText_Mobile
$42ff = CeruleanPokecenter1FGymGuideText
$4386 = CeruleanPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$43c2 = CeruleanPokecenter2FBeta_MapScripts
$43c4 = CeruleanPokecenter2FBeta_MapEvents
$43cf = CeruleanGym_MapScripts
$43d9 = CeruleanGymNoopScene
$43da = CeruleanGymGruntRunsOutScene
$43de = CeruleanGymGruntRunsOutScript
$4432 = CeruleanGymMistyScript
$4460 = CeruleanGymMistyScript.FightDone
$4466 = TrainerSwimmerfDiana
$4472 = TrainerSwimmerfDiana.Script
$447a = TrainerSwimmerfBriana
$4486 = TrainerSwimmerfBriana.Script
$448e = TrainerSwimmermParker
$449a = TrainerSwimmermParker.Script
$44a2 = CeruleanGymGuideScript
$44b0 = CeruleanGymGuideScript.CeruleanGymGuideWinScript
$44b6 = CeruleanGymHiddenMachinePart
$44b9 = CeruleanGymStatue1
$44c6 = CeruleanGymStatue2
$44d3 = CeruleanGymStatue
$44dc = CeruleanGymStatue.Beaten
$44e3 = CeruleanGymGruntRunsDownMovement
$44e8 = CeruleanGymGruntRunsOutMovement
$44eb = CeruleanGymGruntRunsIntoYouMovement
$44f5 = CeruleanGymGruntMovesCloseMovement
$44f7 = CeruleanGymGruntBacksAwayMovement
$44fb = CeruleanGymGruntIntroText
$4574 = CeruleanGymGruntBigMistakeText
$45a5 = CeruleanGymGruntByeText
$4610 = CeruleanGymNote1Text
$4642 = CeruleanGymNote2Text
$4674 = MistyIntroText
$470c = MistyWinLossText
$4768 = ReceivedCascadeBadgeText
$4782 = MistyFightDoneText
$480a = SwimmerfDianaSeenText
$4838 = SwimmerfDianaBeatenText
$4856 = SwimmerfDianaAfterBattleText
$4870 = SwimmerfBrianaSeenText
$489f = SwimmerfBrianaBeatenText
$48c0 = SwimmerfBrianaAfterBattleText
$4912 = SwimmermParkerSeenText
$4934 = SwimmermParkerBeatenText
$4943 = SwimmermParkerAfterBattleText
$49a7 = CeruleanGymGuideText
$49fa = CeruleanGymGuideWinText
$4a51 = CeruleanGym_MapEvents
$4abe = CeruleanMart_MapScripts
$4ac0 = CeruleanMart_Clerk
$4ac7 = CeruleanMart_CooltrainerM
$4aca = CeruleanMart_CooltrainerF
$4acd = CeruleanMart_CooltrainerMText
$4b46 = CeruleanMart_CooltrainerFText
$4b9b = CeruleanMart_MapEvents
$4bd2 = Route10Pokecenter1F_MapScripts
$4bd4 = Route10Pokecenter1FNurseScript
$4bd7 = Route10Pokecenter1FGentlemanScript
$4bda = Route10Pokecenter1FGymGuideScript
$4be8 = Route10Pokecenter1FGymGuideScript.ReturnedMachinePart
$4bee = Route10Pokecenter1FCooltrainerFScript
$4bf1 = Route10Pokecenter1FGentlemanText
$4c26 = Route10Pokecenter1FGymGuideText
$4c9e = Route10Pokecenter1FGymGuideText_ReturnedMachinePart
$4d0c = Route10Pokecenter1FCooltrainerFText
$4d63 = Route10Pokecenter1F_MapEvents
$4dac = Route10Pokecenter2FBeta_MapScripts
$4dae = Route10Pokecenter2FBeta_MapEvents
$4db9 = PowerPlant_MapScripts
$4dc3 = PowerPlantNoop1Scene
$4dc4 = PowerPlantNoop2Scene
$4dc5 = PowerPlantGuardPhoneScript
$4df5 = PowerPlantOfficerScript
$4e09 = PowerPlantOfficerScript.MetManager
$4e0f = PowerPlantOfficerScript.ReturnedMachinePart
$4e15 = PowerPlantGymGuide1Script
$4e23 = PowerPlantGymGuide1Script.ReturnedMachinePart
$4e29 = PowerPlantGymGuide2Script
$4e37 = PowerPlantGymGuide2Script.ReturnedMachinePart
$4e3d = PowerPlantOfficer2Script
$4e4b = PowerPlantOfficer2Script.ReturnedMachinePart
$4e51 = PowerPlantGymGuide4Script
$4e5f = PowerPlantGymGuide4Script.ReturnedMachinePart
$4e65 = PowerPlantManager
$4e8d = PowerPlantManager.MetManager
$4e93 = PowerPlantManager.FoundMachinePart
$4eac = PowerPlantManager.ReturnedMachinePart
$4ec3 = PowerPlantManager.NoRoom
$4ec5 = PowerPlantManager.GotZapCannon
$4ecb = Forest
$4ed2 = PowerPlantBookshelf
$4ed5 = PowerPlantOfficer1ApproachGymGuide2Movement
$4eda = PowerPlantOfficer1ReturnToPostMovement
$4ee0 = PowerPlantOfficer1AThiefBrokeInText
$4f22 = PowerPlantOfficer1CeruleanShadyCharacterText
$4f7f = PowerPlantOfficer1CouldIAskForYourCooperationText
$4fa2 = PowerPlantOfficer1HaveToBeefUpSecurityText
$4fcf = PowerPlantGymGuide1SomeoneStoleAPartText
$5038 = PowerPlantGymGuide1GeneratorUpAndRunningText
$5079 = PowerPlantGymGuide2PowerPlantUpAndRunningText
$50ef = PowerPlantGymGuide2GeneratorIsRunningAgainText
$510e = PowerPlantOfficer2ManagerHasBeenSadAndFuriousText
$517f = PowerPlantOfficer2ManagerHasBeenCheerfulText
$51c2 = PowerPlantGymGuide4MagnetTrainConsumesElectricityText
$5225 = PowerPlantGymGuide4WeCanGetMagnetTrainRunningText
$5264 = PowerPlantManagerWhoWouldRuinMyGeneratorText
$5308 = PowerPlantManagerIWontForgiveCulpritText
$536e = PowerPlantManagerThatsThePartText
$53c4 = PowerPlantManagerTakeThisTMText
$53f4 = PowerPlantManagerTM07IsZapCannonText
$5475 = PowerPlantManagerMyBelovedGeneratorText
$54b9 = PowerPlant_MapEvents
$5536 = BillsHouse_MapScripts
$5538 = BillsGrandpa
$5553 = BillsGrandpa.MetGrandpa
$5592 = BillsGrandpa.GotEverstone
$55b3 = BillsGrandpa.GotLeafStone
$55d4 = BillsGrandpa.GotWaterStone
$55f9 = BillsGrandpa.AskVulpix
$561a = BillsGrandpa.GotFireStone
$563b = BillsGrandpa.ShowedLickitung
$5652 = BillsGrandpa.ShowedOddish
$5669 = BillsGrandpa.ShowedStaryu
$5680 = BillsGrandpa.ShowedGrowlitheVulpix
$5697 = BillsGrandpa.ShowedPichu
$56a5 = BillsGrandpa.ExcitedToSee
$56aa = BillsGrandpa.SaidNo
$56b0 = BillsGrandpa.CorrectPokemon
$56b5 = BillsGrandpa.ReceiveItem
$56ba = BillsGrandpa.JustShowedSomething
$56c0 = BillsGrandpa.GotThunderstone
$56c6 = BillsGrandpa.WrongPokemon
$56cc = BillsGrandpa.BagFull
$56ce = BillsGrandpaIntroText
$5732 = BillsGrandpaAskToSeeMonText
$5760 = BillsGrandpaExcitedToSeeText
$5784 = BillsGrandpaYouDontHaveItTextText
$57a6 = BillsGrandpaShownPokemonText
$57e1 = BillsGrandpaTokenOfAppreciationText
$580e = BillsGrandpaComeAgainText
$582a = BillsGrandpaShownAllThePokemonText
$5891 = BillsGrandpaWrongPokemonText
$58c0 = BillsGrandpaLickitungText
$58ff = BillsGrandpaOddishText
$5953 = BillsGrandpaStaryuText
$59fe = BillsGrandpaGrowlitheText
$5a57 = BillsGrandpaVulpixText
$5ab1 = BillsGrandpaPichuText
$5b42 = BillsHouse_MapEvents
$5b5f = FightingDojo_MapScripts
$5b61 = FightingDojoBlackBelt
$5b64 = FightingDojoSign1
$5b67 = FightingDojoSign2
$5b6a = FightingDojoFocusBand
$5b6c = FightingDojoBlackBeltText
$5bc0 = FightingDojoSign1Text
$5be0 = FightingDojoSign2Text
$5bf8 = FightingDojo_MapEvents
$5c2c = SaffronGym_MapScripts
$5c2e = SaffronGymSabrinaScript
$5c65 = SaffronGymSabrinaScript.FightDone
$5c6b = TrainerMediumRebecca
$5c77 = TrainerMediumRebecca.Script
$5c7f = TrainerPsychicFranklin
$5c8b = TrainerPsychicFranklin.Script
$5c93 = TrainerMediumDoris
$5c9f = TrainerMediumDoris.Script
$5ca7 = TrainerPsychicJared
$5cb3 = TrainerPsychicJared.Script
$5cbb = SaffronGymGuideScript
$5cc9 = SaffronGymGuideScript.SaffronGymGuideWinScript
$5ccf = SaffronGymStatue
$5cd8 = SaffronGymStatue.Beaten
$5cdf = SabrinaIntroText
$5df4 = SabrinaWinLossText
$5e95 = ReceivedMarshBadgeText
$5ead = SabrinaMarshBadgeText
$5f6c = SabrinaFightDoneText
$5fe9 = MediumRebeccaSeenText
$601b = MediumRebeccaBeatenText
$6034 = MediumRebeccaAfterBattleText
$6057 = PsychicFranklinSeenText
$6081 = PsychicFranklinBeatenText
$60a6 = PsychicFranklinAfterBattleText
$60dd = MediumDorisSeenText
$6114 = MediumDorisBeatenText
$6136 = MediumDorisAfterBattleText
$616c = PsychicJaredSeenText
$61a2 = PsychicJaredBeatenText
$61b3 = PsychicJaredAfterBattleText
$6201 = SaffronGymGuideText
$62a0 = SaffronGymGuideWinText
$62c4 = SaffronGym_MapEvents
$63bd = SaffronMart_MapScripts
$63bf = SaffronMartClerkScript
$63c6 = SaffronMartCooltrainerMScript
$63c9 = SaffronMartCooltrainerFScript
$63cc = SaffronMartCooltrainerMText
$63f3 = SaffronMartCooltrainerFText
$6444 = SaffronMart_MapEvents
$647b = SaffronPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$647d = SaffronPokecenter1FNurseScript
$6480 = SaffronPokecenter1FTeacherScript
$6489 = SaffronPokecenter1FTeacherScript.mobile
$648c = SaffronPokecenter1FFisherScript
$649a = SaffronPokecenter1FFisherScript.SolvedKantoPowerCrisis
$64a0 = SaffronPokecenter1FYoungsterScript
$64a3 = SaffronPokecenter1FTeacherText
$6532 = SaffronPokecenter1FTeacherMobileText
$65d3 = SaffronPokecenter1FFisherText
$662e = SaffronPokecenter1FFisherReturnedMachinePartText
$66c5 = SaffronPokecenter1FYoungsterText
$6722 = SaffronPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$676b = SaffronPokecenter2FBeta_MapScripts
$676d = SaffronPokecenter2FBeta_MapEvents
$6778 = MrPsychicsHouse_MapScripts
$677a = MrPsychic
$678f = MrPsychic.AlreadyGotItem
$6793 = MrPsychic.Done
$6795 = MrPsychicsHouseBookshelf
$6798 = MrPsychicText1
$67bb = MrPsychicText2
$67f0 = MrPsychicsHouse_MapEvents
$6817 = SaffronMagnetTrainStation_MapScripts
$681d = SaffronMagnetTrainStationNoopScene
$681e = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerScript
$682c = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerScript.MagnetTrainToGoldenrod
$6854 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerScript.MovementBoardTheTrain
$6856 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerScript.PassNotInBag
$685c = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerScript.DecidedNotToRide
$6862 = Script_ArriveFromGoldenrod
$6875 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationGymGuideScript
$6883 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationGymGuideScript.ReturnedMachinePart
$6889 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationTeacherScript
$688c = SaffronMagnetTrainStationLassScript
$688f = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerApproachTrainDoorMovement
$6894 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerReturnToBoardingGateMovement
$6898 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationPlayerApproachAndEnterTrainMovement
$68a1 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationPlayerLeaveTrainAndEnterStationMovement
$68a9 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerTrainIsntOperatingText
$68dd = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerAreYouComingOnBoardText
$6917 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerRightThisWayText
$6956 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerYouDontHaveAPassText
$6978 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerHopeToSeeYouAgainText
$6993 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationOfficerArrivedInSaffronText
$69ca = SaffronMagnetTrainStationGymGuideText
$6a61 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationGymGuideText_ReturnedMachinePart
$6aab = SaffronMagnetTrainStationTeacherText
$6b20 = SaffronMagnetTrainStationLassText
$6b8d = SaffronMagnetTrainStation_MapEvents
$6be3 = SilphCo1F_MapScripts
$6be5 = SilphCoReceptionistScript
$6be8 = SilphCoOfficerScript
$6bfd = SilphCoOfficerScript.GotUpGrade
$6c01 = SilphCoOfficerScript.NoRoom
$6c03 = SilphCoReceptionistText
$6c36 = SilphCoOfficerText
$6ca8 = SilphCoOfficerText_GotUpGrade
$6ce7 = SilphCo1F_MapEvents
$6d11 = CopycatsHouse1F_MapScripts
$6d13 = CopycatsHouse1FPokefanMScript
$6d16 = CopycatsHouse1FPokefanFScript
$6d24 = CopycatsHouse1FPokefanFScript.ReturnedMachinePart
$6d2a = CopycatsHouse1FBlisseyScript
$6d34 = CopycatsHouse1FPokefanMText
$6d95 = CopycatsHouse1FPokefanFText
$6dd3 = CopycatsHouse1FPokefanFText_ReturnedMachinePart
$6e4b = CopycatsHouse1FBlisseyText
$6e5e = CopycatsHouse1F_MapEvents
$6e9a = CopycatsHouse2F_MapScripts
$6e9f = CopycatsHouse2FWhichGenderCallback
$6eac = CopycatsHouse2FWhichGenderCallback.Female
$6eb0 = CopycatsHouse2FWhichGenderCallback.Done
$6eb1 = Copycat
$6ed4 = Copycat.Default_Female_1
$6edc = Copycat.Default_Merge_1
$6ef2 = Copycat.Default_Female_2a
$6ef5 = Copycat.Default_Merge_2a
$6f04 = Copycat.Default_Female_3a
$6f08 = Copycat.Default_Merge_3a
$6f16 = Copycat.TalkAboutLostItem
$6f23 = Copycat.Default_Female_2b
$6f26 = Copycat.Default_Merge_2b
$6f35 = Copycat.Default_Female_3b
$6f39 = Copycat.Default_Merge_3b
$6f4a = Copycat.ReturnLostItem
$6f5b = Copycat.TryGivePassAgain
$6f5c = Copycat.GivePass
$6f6f = Copycat.GotPass
$6f80 = Copycat.GotPass_Female_1
$6f88 = Copycat.GotPass_Merge_1
$6f98 = Copycat.GotPass_Female_2
$6f9b = Copycat.GotPass_Merge_2
$6faa = Copycat.GotPass_Female_3
$6fae = Copycat.GotPass_Merge_3
$6fba = Copycat.Cancel
$6fbc = CopycatsDodrio
$6fca = CopycatsHouse2FDoll
$6fcd = CopycatsHouse2FBookshelf
$6fd0 = CopycatSpinAroundMovementData
$6fda = CopycatText_Male_1
$7028 = CopycatText_QuickMimicking
$7064 = CopycatText_Male_2
$7116 = CopycatText_Worried
$717f = CopycatText_GiveDoll
$71e2 = CopycatText_GivePass
$7214 = CopycatText_ExplainPass
$7298 = CopycatText_Male_3
$72f5 = CopycatText_ItsAScream
$7316 = CopycatText_Female_1
$7366 = CopycatText_Female_2
$7415 = CopycatText_Female_3
$7476 = CopycatsDodrioText1
$7489 = CopycatsDodrioText2
$74c4 = CopycatsHouse2FDollText
$74f0 = CopycatsHouse2F_MapEvents
$7553 = Route5UndergroundPathEntrance_MapScripts
$7555 = Route5UndergroundPathEntranceTeacherScript
$7558 = Route5UndergroundPathEntranceTeacherText
$7595 = Route5UndergroundPathEntrance_MapEvents
$75b7 = Route5SaffronGate_MapScripts
$75b9 = Route5SaffronGateOfficerScript
$75bc = Route5SaffronGateOfficerText
$760b = Route5SaffronGate_MapEvents
$7632 = Route5CleanseTagHouse_MapScripts
$7634 = Route5CleanseTagHouseGrannyScript
$7649 = Route5CleanseTagHouseGrannyScript.GotCleanseTag
$764d = Route5CleanseTagHouseGrannyScript.NoRoom
$764f = Route5CleanseTagHouseTeacherScript
$7652 = HouseForSaleBookshelf
$7655 = Route5CleanseTagHouseGrannyText1
$76a7 = Route5CleanseTagHouseGrannyText2
$76de = Route5CleanseTagHouseTeacherText
$7744 = Route5CleanseTagHouse_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7778-$7fff ($0888 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0888 bytes
ROMX bank #99:
SECTION: $4000-$7440 ($3441 bytes) ["Map Scripts 16"]
$4000 = PewterCity_MapScripts
$4005 = PewterCityFlypointCallback
$4009 = PewterCityCooltrainerFScript
$400c = PewterCityBugCatcherScript
$400f = PewterCityGrampsScript
$4023 = PewterCityGrampsScript.GotSilverWing
$4029 = PewterCitySign
$402c = PewterGymSign
$402f = PewterMuseumSign
$4032 = PewterCityMtMoonGiftShopSign
$4035 = PewterCityWelcomeSign
$4038 = PewterCityPokecenterSign
$403b = PewterCityMartSign
$403e = PewterCityFruitTree1
$4040 = PewterCityFruitTree2
$4042 = PewterCityCooltrainerFText
$4080 = PewterCityBugCatcherText
$40c6 = PewterCityGrampsText
$41aa = PewterCityGrampsText_GotSilverWing
$41ff = PewterCitySignText
$421e = PewterGymSignText
$425e = PewterMuseumSignText
$42a9 = PewterCityMtMoonGiftShopSignText
$42dc = PewterCityWelcomeSignText
$42f5 = PewterCity_MapEvents
$4378 = WhirlIslandNW_MapScripts
$437a = WhirlIslandNW_MapEvents
$4394 = WhirlIslandNE_MapScripts
$4396 = WhirlIslandNEUltraBall
$4398 = WhirlIslandNE_MapEvents
$43ba = WhirlIslandSW_MapScripts
$43bc = WhirlIslandSWUltraBall
$43be = WhirlIslandSW_MapEvents
$43ea = WhirlIslandCave_MapScripts
$43ec = WhirlIslandCave_MapEvents
$43fc = WhirlIslandSE_MapScripts
$43fe = WhirlIslandSE_MapEvents
$440e = WhirlIslandB1F_MapScripts
$4410 = WhirlIslandB1FFullRestore
$4412 = WhirlIslandB1FCarbos
$4414 = WhirlIslandB1FCalcium
$4416 = WhirlIslandB1FNugget
$4418 = WhirlIslandB1FEscapeRope
$441a = WhirlIslandB1FBoulder
$441d = WhirlIslandB1FHiddenRareCandy
$4420 = WhirlIslandB1FHiddenUltraBall
$4423 = WhirlIslandB1FHiddenFullRestore
$4426 = WhirlIslandB1F_MapEvents
$44b6 = WhirlIslandB2F_MapScripts
$44b8 = WhirlIslandB2FFullRestore
$44ba = WhirlIslandB2FMaxRevive
$44bc = WhirlIslandB2FMaxElixer
$44be = WhirlIslandB2F_MapEvents
$44ff = WhirlIslandLugiaChamber_MapScripts
$4504 = WhirlIslandLugiaChamberLugiaCallback
$4512 = WhirlIslandLugiaChamberLugiaCallback.Appear
$4515 = WhirlIslandLugiaChamberLugiaCallback.NoAppear
$4518 = Lugia
$4531 = LugiaText
$453a = WhirlIslandLugiaChamber_MapEvents
$4552 = SilverCaveRoom1_MapScripts
$4554 = SilverCaveRoom1MaxElixer
$4556 = SilverCaveRoom1Protein
$4558 = SilverCaveRoom1EscapeRope
$455a = SilverCaveRoom1UltraBall
$455c = SilverCaveRoom1HiddenDireHit
$455f = SilverCaveRoom1HiddenUltraBall
$4562 = SilverCaveRoom1_MapEvents
$45b0 = SilverCaveRoom2_MapScripts
$45b2 = SilverCaveRoom2Calcium
$45b4 = SilverCaveRoom2UltraBall
$45b6 = SilverCaveRoom2PPUp
$45b8 = SilverCaveRoom2HiddenMaxPotion
$45bb = SilverCaveRoom2_MapEvents
$4601 = SilverCaveRoom3_MapScripts
$4603 = Red
$4637 = RedSeenText
$463c = RedWinLossText
$463f = RedLeavesText
$4644 = SilverCaveRoom3_MapEvents
$465c = SilverCaveItemRooms_MapScripts
$465e = SilverCaveItemRoomsMaxRevive
$4660 = SilverCaveItemRoomsFullRestore
$4662 = SilverCaveItemRooms_MapEvents
$468c = DarkCaveVioletEntrance_MapScripts
$468e = DarkCaveVioletEntrancePotion
$4690 = DarkCaveVioletEntranceFullHeal
$4692 = DarkCaveVioletEntranceHyperPotion
$4694 = DarkCaveVioletEntranceDireHit
$4696 = DarkCaveVioletEntranceRock
$4699 = DarkCaveVioletEntranceHiddenElixer
$469c = DarkCaveVioletEntrance_MapEvents
$471e = DarkCaveBlackthornEntrance_MapScripts
$4720 = DarkCaveBlackthornEntrancePharmacistScript
$4735 = DarkCaveBlackthornEntrancePharmacistScript.GotBlackglasses
$4739 = DarkCaveBlackthornEntrancePharmacistScript.PackFull
$473b = DarkCaveBlackthornEntranceRevive
$473d = DarkCaveBlackthornEntranceTMSnore
$473f = DarkCaveBlackthornEntrancePharmacistText1
$480c = DarkCaveBlackthornEntrancePharmacistText2
$483d = DarkCaveBlackthornEntrance_MapEvents
$4874 = DragonsDen1F_MapScripts
$4876 = DragonsDen1F_MapEvents
$4890 = DragonsDenB1F_MapScripts
$489d = DragonsDenB1FNoop1Scene
$489e = DragonsDenB1FNoop2Scene
$489f = DragonsDenB1FCheckRivalCallback
$48a8 = DragonsDenB1FCheckRivalCallback.CheckDay
$48b5 = DragonsDenB1FCheckRivalCallback.AppearRival
$48b8 = DragonsDenB1F_ClairScene
$48f4 = DragonsDenB1F_ClairScene.BagFull
$48f9 = DragonsDenB1F_ClairScene.FinishClair
$490a = TrainerCooltrainermDarin
$4916 = TrainerCooltrainermDarin.Script
$491e = TrainerCooltrainerfCara
$492a = TrainerCooltrainerfCara.Script
$4932 = TrainerTwinsLeaandpia1
$493e = TrainerTwinsLeaandpia1.Script
$4946 = TrainerTwinsLeaandpia2
$4952 = TrainerTwinsLeaandpia2.Script
$495a = DragonsDenB1FDragonFangScript
$4970 = DragonsDenB1FDragonFangScript.BagFull
$497e = DragonsDenB1FRivalScript
$4995 = DragonsDenB1FRivalScript.RivalTalkAgain
$499e = DragonShrineSignpost
$49a1 = DragonsDenB1FCalcium
$49a3 = DragonsDenB1FMaxElixer
$49a5 = DragonsDenB1FHiddenRevive
$49a8 = DragonsDenB1FHiddenMaxPotion
$49ab = DragonsDenB1FHiddenMaxElixer
$49ae = MovementDragonsDen_ClairWalksToYou
$49b3 = MovementDragonsDen_ClairWalksAway
$49b8 = ClairText_Wait
$49bf = ClairText_GiveDragonbreathDragonDen
$49fb = Text_ReceivedTM24
$4a0d = ClairText_DescribeDragonbreathDragonDen
$4a8b = ClairText_NoRoom
$4af1 = ClairText_WhatsTheMatterDragonDen
$4c2e = DragonShrineSignpostText
$4c83 = RivalText_Training1
$4d2d = RivalText_Training2
$4d53 = CooltrainermDarinSeenText
$4d77 = CooltrainermDarinBeatenText
$4d82 = CooltrainermDarinAfterBattleText
$4de4 = CooltrainerfCaraSeenText
$4dfe = CooltrainerfCaraBeatenText
$4e11 = CooltrainerfCaraAfterBattleText
$4eab = TwinsLeaandpia1SeenText
$4ec9 = TwinsLeaandpia1BeatenText
$4ed3 = TwinsLeaandpia1AfterBattleText
$4ef8 = TwinsLeaandpia2SeenText
$4f06 = TwinsLeaandpia2BeatenText
$4f0f = TwinsLeaandpia2AfterBattleText
$4f41 = Text_FoundDragonFang
$4f51 = Text_NoRoomForDragonFang
$4f73 = DragonsDenB1F_MapEvents
$5014 = DragonShrine_MapScripts
$501e = DragonShrineTakeTestScene
$5022 = DragonShrineNoopScene
$5023 = DragonShrineTakeTestScript
$5030 = DragonShrineTakeTestScript.Question1
$5049 = DragonShrineTakeTestScript.Question2
$5061 = DragonShrineTakeTestScript.Question3
$5079 = DragonShrineTakeTestScript.Question4
$5091 = DragonShrineTakeTestScript.Question5
$50a9 = DragonShrineTakeTestScript.RightAnswer
$50cb = DragonShrineTakeTestScript.WrongAnswer
$5100 = DragonShrineTakeTestScript.PassedTheTest
$51a5 = DragonShrineElder1Script
$51c5 = DragonShrineElder1Script.GiveDratini
$51ed = DragonShrineElder1Script.PartyFull
$51f3 = DragonShrineElder1Script.BeatRivalInMtMoon
$51f9 = DragonShrineElder1Script.DontGiveDratiniYet
$51ff = DragonShrineElder1Script.ReceivedDratini
$5205 = DragonShrineElder2Script
$520d = DragonShrineElder3Script
$5215 = DragonShrineQuestion1_MenuHeader
$521d = DragonShrineQuestion1_MenuHeader.MenuData
$5234 = DragonShrineQuestion2_MenuHeader
$523c = DragonShrineQuestion2_MenuHeader.MenuData
$5258 = DragonShrineQuestion3_MenuHeader
$5260 = DragonShrineQuestion3_MenuHeader.MenuData
$5283 = DragonShrineQuestion4_MenuHeader
$528b = DragonShrineQuestion4_MenuHeader.MenuData
$52a5 = DragonShrineQuestion5_MenuHeader
$52ad = DragonShrineQuestion5_MenuHeader.MenuData
$52bf = DragonShrinePlayerWalkInMovement
$52c7 = DragonShrineElderStepDownMovement
$52c9 = DragonShrineElderWalkToClairMovement
$52ce = DragonShrineElderWalkAway1Movement
$52d1 = DragonShrineElderWalkAway2Movement
$52d4 = DragonShrineClairWalkInMovement
$52da = DragonShrineClairBigStepLeftMovement
$52dd = DragonShrineClairSlowStepLeftMovement
$52e0 = DragonShrineClairTwoSlowStepsRightMovement
$52e3 = DragonShrineClairWalkOutMovement
$52ea = DragonShrineElderGreetingText
$53bc = DragonShrineQuestion1Text
$53d3 = DragonShrineQuestion2Text
$53f3 = DragonShrineQuestion3Text
$5420 = DragonShrineQuestion4Text
$544a = DragonShrineQuestion5Text
$547c = DragonShrinePassedTestText
$5520 = DragonShrineMustIInformLanceText
$55a3 = DragonShrineElderScoldsClairText
$55e5 = DragonShrineComeAgainText
$5604 = DragonShrineTakeThisDratiniText
$5697 = DragonShrinePlayerReceivedDratiniText
$56ac = DragonShrinePartyFullText
$56ca = DragonShrineSymbolicDragonText
$5724 = DragonShrineClairsGrandfatherText
$5782 = DragonShrineRivalIsInTrainingText
$57f6 = DragonShrineWrongAnswerText1
$5816 = DragonShrineWrongAnswerText2
$582d = DragonShrineRightAnswerText
$5840 = DragonShrineElder2Text
$58b1 = DragonShrineElder3Text
$5916 = DragonShrineClairYouPassedText
$5974 = DragonShrineClairThatCantBeText
$5983 = DragonShrineClairYoureLyingText
$59ae = DragonShrineIUnderstandText
$59bf = DragonShrineHereRisingBadgeText
$59f2 = DragonShrinePlayerReceivedRisingBadgeText
$5a0b = DragonShrineRisingBadgeExplanationText
$5ab4 = DragonShrineSpeechlessText
$5abc = DragonShrine_MapEvents
$5b00 = TohjoFalls_MapScripts
$5b02 = TohjoFallsMoonStone
$5b04 = TohjoFalls_MapEvents
$5b21 = AzaleaPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$5b27 = AzaleaPokecenter1FNoopScene
$5b28 = AzaleaPokecenter1FNurseScript
$5b2b = AzaleaPokecenter1FGentlemanScript
$5b2e = AzaleaPokecenter1FFishingGuruScript
$5b31 = AzaleaPokecenter1FPokefanFScript
$5b34 = AzaleaPokecenter1FGentlemanText
$5b88 = AzaleaPokecenter1FUnusedText
$5bee = AzaleaPokecenter1FFishingGuruText
$5c19 = AzaleaPokecenter1FPokefanFText
$5ccf = AzaleaPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$5d18 = CharcoalKiln_MapScripts
$5d1a = CharcoalKilnBoss
$5d2e = CharcoalKilnBoss.SavedSlowpoke
$5d34 = CharcoalKilnBoss.GotCut
$5d3a = CharcoalKilnApprentice
$5d4e = CharcoalKilnApprentice.Thanks
$5d5d = CharcoalKilnApprentice.YoureTheCoolest
$5d61 = CharcoalKilnApprentice.Done
$5d63 = CharcoalKilnFarfetchd
$5d6e = CharcoalKilnBookshelf
$5d71 = CharcoalKilnRadio
$5d74 = CharcoalKilnBossText1
$5dfd = CharcoalKilnBossText2
$5e73 = CharcoalKilnBossText3
$5ee0 = CharcoalKilnApprenticeText1
$5f25 = CharcoalKilnApprenticeText2
$5f93 = CharcoalKilnApprenticeText3
$5fe5 = FarfetchdText
$5ff8 = CharcoalKiln_MapEvents
$603e = AzaleaMart_MapScripts
$6040 = AzaleaMartClerkScript
$6047 = AzaleaMartCooltrainerMScript
$604a = AzaleaMartBugCatcherScript
$604d = AzaleaMartCooltrainerMText
$60b6 = AzaleaMartBugCatcherText
$6118 = AzaleaMart_MapEvents
$614f = KurtsHouse_MapScripts
$6154 = KurtsHouseKurtCallback
$616f = KurtsHouseKurtCallback.MakingBalls
$6177 = KurtsHouseKurtCallback.Done
$6178 = Kurt1
$61ab = Kurt1.RunAround
$61bf = Kurt1.ClearedSlowpokeWell
$61cc = Kurt1.GotLureBall
$6202 = Kurt1.NoGSBall
$6212 = Kurt1.CheckApricorns
$6243 = Kurt1.IMakeBallsFromApricorns
$6249 = Kurt1.AskApricorn
$6275 = Kurt1.Blu
$627b = Kurt1.Ylw
$6281 = Kurt1.Grn
$6287 = Kurt1.Wht
$628d = Kurt1.Blk
$6293 = Kurt1.Pnk
$6299 = Kurt1.GaveKurtApricorns
$629f = Kurt1.WaitForApricorns
$62a5 = Kurt1.Cancel
$62ab = Kurt1._ThatTurnedOutGreat
$62ae = Kurt1.ThatTurnedOutGreat
$62b2 = Kurt1.NoRoomForBall
$62b4 = Kurt1.GiveLevelBall
$62ca = Kurt1.GiveLureBall
$62e0 = Kurt1.GiveMoonBall
$62f6 = Kurt1.GiveFriendBall
$630c = Kurt1.GiveFastBall
$6322 = Kurt1.GiveHeavyBall
$6338 = Kurt1.GiveLoveBall
$634e = Kurt1.CanGiveGSBallToKurt
$6368 = Kurt1.GaveGSBallToKurt
$6378 = Kurt1.NotMakingBalls
$63a2 = Kurt1.GSBallRunAround
$63ac = Kurt1.KurtHasLeftTheBuilding
$63bd = Kurt2
$63c5 = KurtMakingBallsScript
$63d4 = Script_FirstTimeBuggingKurt
$63e0 = KurtScript_ImCheckingItNow
$63ed = KurtsGranddaughter1
$6419 = KurtsGranddaughter1.SlowpokeBack
$6420 = KurtsGranddaughter1.Lonely
$6427 = KurtsGranddaughter1.Dad
$642e = KurtsGranddaughter2
$642f = KurtsGranddaughter2Subscript
$643f = KurtsGranddaughter2Subscript.GSBall
$6448 = KurtsGranddaughterFunScript
$644f = KurtsHouseSlowpoke
$645a = KurtsHouseOakPhoto
$645d = KurtsHouseCelebiStatue
$6460 = KurtsHouseBookshelf
$6463 = KurtsHouseRadio
$6466 = KurtsHouseKurtExitHouseMovement
$646c = KurtsHouseKurtGoAroundPlayerThenExitHouseMovement
$6473 = KurtsHouseKurtMakingBallsMustWaitText
$6615 = KurtsHouseKurtHonoredToMakeBallsText
$66c9 = KurtsHouseKurtBallsFromApricornsText
$6736 = KurtsHouseKurtAskYouHaveAnApricornText
$6779 = KurtsHouseKurtItWillTakeADayText
$67bc = KurtsHouseKurtThatsALetdownText
$67d8 = KurtsHouseKurtDontBotherMeText
$67fb = KurtsHouseKurtJustFinishedYourBallText
$682a = KurtsHouseKurtTurnedOutGreatText
$6863 = KurtsHouseKurtGranddaughterHelpingWorkFasterText
$68ab = KurtsHouseKurtWhatIsThatText
$6934 = KurtsHouseKurtImCheckingItNowText
$6949 = KurtsHouseKurtAhHaISeeText
$695c = KurtsHouseKurtThisBallStartedToShakeText
$69b5 = KurtsGranddaughterSlowpokeGoneText
$69f1 = KurtsGranddaughterLonelyText
$6a0f = KurtsGranddaughterSlowpokeBackText
$6a55 = KurtsGranddaughterDadText
$6ab2 = KurtsGranddaughterHelpText
$6afc = KurtsGranddaughterFunText
$6b14 = KurtsGranddaughterGSBallText
$6b56 = KurtsHouseSlowpokeText
$6b69 = KurtsHouseOakPhotoText
$6b7e = KurtsHouseCelebiStatueText
$6ba8 = KurtsHouse_MapEvents
$6c1c = AzaleaGym_MapScripts
$6c1e = AzaleaGymBugsyScript
$6c48 = AzaleaGymBugsyScript.FightDone
$6c6d = AzaleaGymBugsyScript.GotFuryCutter
$6c71 = AzaleaGymBugsyScript.NoRoomForFuryCutter
$6c73 = AzaleaGymActivateRockets
$6c7c = AzaleaGymActivateRockets.GoldenrodRockets
$6c7f = AzaleaGymActivateRockets.RadioTowerRockets
$6c82 = TrainerTwinsAmyandmay1
$6c8e = TrainerTwinsAmyandmay1.AfterScript
$6c96 = TrainerTwinsAmyandmay2
$6ca2 = TrainerTwinsAmyandmay2.AfterScript
$6caa = TrainerBugCatcherBenny
$6cb6 = TrainerBugCatcherBenny.AfterScript
$6cbe = TrainerBugCatcherAl
$6cca = TrainerBugCatcherAl.AfterScript
$6cd2 = TrainerBugCatcherJosh
$6cde = TrainerBugCatcherJosh.AfterScript
$6ce6 = AzaleaGymGuideScript
$6cf4 = AzaleaGymGuideScript.AzaleaGymGuideWinScript
$6cfb = AzaleaGymStatue
$6d04 = AzaleaGymStatue.Beaten
$6d0b = BugsyText_INeverLose
$6dae = BugsyText_ResearchIncomplete
$6e14 = Text_ReceivedHiveBadge
$6e2b = BugsyText_HiveBadgeSpeech
$6efa = BugsyText_FuryCutterSpeech
$6f98 = BugsyText_BugMonsAreDeep
$6ff8 = BugCatcherBennySeenText
$7037 = BugCatcherBennyBeatenText
$7053 = BugCatcherBennyAfterBattleText
$7081 = BugCatcherAlSeenText
$70b4 = BugCatcherAlBeatenText
$70d3 = BugCatcherAlAfterBattleText
$7118 = BugCatcherJoshSeenText
$7174 = BugCatcherJoshBeatenText
$717e = BugCatcherJoshAfterBattleText
$71a9 = TwinsAmyandmay1SeenText
$71db = TwinsAmyandmay1BeatenText
$71fc = TwinsAmyandmay1AfterBattleText
$7217 = TwinsAmyandmay2SeenText
$7248 = TwinsAmyandmay2BeatenText
$7269 = TwinsAmyandmay2AfterBattleText
$7296 = AzaleaGymGuideText
$7359 = AzaleaGymGuideWinText
$73cc = AzaleaGym_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7441-$7fff ($0bbf bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0bbf bytes
ROMX bank #100:
SECTION: $4000-$7687 ($3688 bytes) ["Map Scripts 17"]
$4000 = MahoganyTown_MapScripts
$400d = MahoganyTownNoop1Scene
$400e = MahoganyTownNoop2Scene
$400f = MahoganyTownFlypointCallback
$4013 = MahoganyTownTryARageCandyBarScript
$402e = MahoganyTownPokefanMScript
$402f = RageCandyBarMerchantScript
$4039 = RageCandyBarMerchantScript.ClearedRocketHideout
$4040 = RageCandyBarMerchantScript.SellRageCandyBars
$406c = RageCandyBarMerchantScript.NotEnoughMoney
$4072 = RageCandyBarMerchantScript.Refused
$4078 = RageCandyBarMerchantScript.NoRoom
$407e = MahoganyTownGrampsScript
$408c = MahoganyTownGrampsScript.ClearedRocketHideout
$4092 = MahoganyTownFisherScript
$4095 = MahoganyTownLassScript
$4098 = MahoganyTownSign
$409b = MahoganyTownRagecandybarSign
$409e = MahoganyGymSign
$40a1 = MahoganyTownPokecenterSign
$40a4 = MahoganyTownCollideDownFaceLeftMovement
$40a7 = MahoganyTownPlayerStepLeftMovement
$40a9 = MahoganyTownRageCandyBarMerchantBlocksYouMovement
$40ad = MahoganyTownRageCandyBarMerchantReturnsMovement
$40b0 = RageCandyBarMerchantTryOneText
$414a = RageCandyBarMerchantSavorItText
$415b = RageCandyBarMerchantNotEnoughMoneyText
$4178 = RageCandyBarMerchantRefusedText
$4188 = RageCandyBarMerchantNoRoomText
$41a6 = RageCandyBarMerchantSoldOutText
$41e5 = MahoganyTownGrampsText
$421d = MahoganyTownGrampsText_ClearedRocketHideout
$4276 = MahoganyTownFisherText
$42f2 = MahoganyTownLassText
$432e = MahoganyTownSignText
$435e = MahoganyTownRagecandybarSignText
$4391 = MahoganyGymSignText
$43d8 = MahoganyTown_MapEvents
$444f = Route32_MapScripts
$4460 = Route32Noop1Scene
$4461 = Route32Noop2Scene
$4462 = Route32Noop3Scene
$4463 = Route32FriedaCallback
$446c = Route32FriedaCallback.FriedaAppears
$446f = Route32CooltrainerMScript
$4470 = Route32CooltrainerMContinueScene
$4489 = Route32CooltrainerMContinueScene.GoToSproutTower
$448f = Route32CooltrainerMContinueScene.GiveMiracleSeed
$449f = Route32CooltrainerMContinueScene.DontHaveZephyrBadge
$44a5 = Route32CooltrainerMContinueScene.GotMiracleSeed
$44a9 = Route32CooltrainerMContinueScene.BagFull
$44ab = Route32CooltrainerMStopsYouScene
$44ce = Route32RoarTMGuyScript
$44e3 = Route32RoarTMGuyScript.AlreadyHaveRoar
$44e7 = Route32RoarTMGuyScript.Finish
$44e9 = Route32WannaBuyASlowpokeTailScript
$44f2 = SlowpokeTailSalesmanScript
$44f3 = _OfferToSellSlowpokeTail
$4503 = _OfferToSellSlowpokeTail.refused
$4509 = TrainerCamperRoland
$4515 = TrainerCamperRoland.Script
$451d = TrainerFisherJustin
$4529 = TrainerFisherJustin.Script
$4531 = TrainerFisherRalph1
$453d = TrainerFisherRalph1.Script
$4566 = TrainerFisherRalph1.AskAgain
$4569 = TrainerFisherRalph1.AskForNumber
$457d = TrainerFisherRalph1.Rematch
$459c = TrainerFisherRalph1.Fight4
$45a2 = TrainerFisherRalph1.Fight3
$45a8 = TrainerFisherRalph1.Fight2
$45ae = TrainerFisherRalph1.Fight1
$45b4 = TrainerFisherRalph1.LoadFight0
$45c1 = TrainerFisherRalph1.LoadFight1
$45ce = TrainerFisherRalph1.LoadFight2
$45db = TrainerFisherRalph1.LoadFight3
$45e8 = TrainerFisherRalph1.LoadFight4
$45f1 = TrainerFisherRalph1.Swarm
$45f7 = TrainerFisherRalph1.AskNumber1
$45fb = TrainerFisherRalph1.AskNumber2
$45ff = TrainerFisherRalph1.RegisteredNumber
$4603 = TrainerFisherRalph1.NumberAccepted
$4607 = TrainerFisherRalph1.NumberDeclined
$460b = TrainerFisherRalph1.PhoneFull
$460f = TrainerFisherRalph1.RematchStd
$4613 = TrainerFisherHenry
$461f = TrainerFisherHenry.Script
$4627 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1
$4633 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.Script
$4656 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.AskAgain
$4659 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.AskForNumber
$466d = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.Rematch
$468c = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.Fight4
$4692 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.Fight3
$4698 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.Fight2
$469e = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.Fight1
$46a4 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.LoadFight0
$46b1 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.LoadFight1
$46be = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.LoadFight2
$46cb = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.LoadFight3
$46d8 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.LoadFight4
$46e1 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.AskNumber1
$46e5 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.AskNumber2
$46e9 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.RegisteredNumber
$46ed = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.NumberAccepted
$46f1 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.NumberDeclined
$46f5 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.PhoneFull
$46f9 = TrainerPicnickerLiz1.RematchStd
$46fd = TrainerYoungsterAlbert
$4709 = TrainerYoungsterAlbert.Script
$4711 = TrainerYoungsterGordon
$471d = TrainerYoungsterGordon.Script
$4725 = TrainerBirdKeeperPeter
$4731 = TrainerBirdKeeperPeter.Script
$4739 = FriedaScript
$4754 = FriedaScript.MetFrieda
$4767 = FriedaScript.Friday
$476b = FriedaScript.Done
$476d = FriedaScript.NotFriday
$4773 = Route32GreatBall
$4775 = Route32Repel
$4777 = Route32Sign
$477a = Route32RuinsSign
$477d = Route32UnionCaveSign
$4780 = Route32PokecenterSign
$4783 = Route32HiddenGreatBall
$4786 = Route32HiddenSuperPotion
$4789 = Movement_Route32CooltrainerMPushesYouBackToViolet
$478c = Movement_Route32CooltrainerMReset1
$478e = Movement_Route32CooltrainerMReset2
$4790 = Route32CooltrainerMText_WhatsTheHurry
$47ab = Route32CooltrainerMText_AideIsWaiting
$4820 = Route32CooltrainerMText_UnusedSproutTower
$48b0 = Route32CooltrainerMText_VioletGym
$4925 = Route32CooltrainerMText_HaveThisSeed
$4a15 = Route32CooltrainerMText_ExperiencesShouldBeUseful
$4a59 = Text_MillionDollarSlowpokeTail
$4acf = Text_ThoughtKidsWereLoaded
$4afc = Text_RefusedToBuySlowpokeTail
$4b21 = FisherJustinSeenText
$4b44 = FisherJustinBeatenText
$4b4e = FisherJustinAfterText
$4b8f = FisherRalph1SeenText
$4bda = FisherRalph1BeatenText
$4bf8 = FisherRalphAfterText
$4c37 = FisherRalphSwarmText
$4c9c = Route32UnusedFisher1SeenText
$4ceb = Route32UnusedFisher1BeatenText
$4d10 = Route32UnusedFisher1AfterText
$4d40 = Route32UnusedFisher2SeenText
$4d73 = Route32UnusedFisher2BeatenText
$4d92 = Route32UnusedFisher2AfterText
$4dcf = FisherHenrySeenText
$4de9 = FisherHenryBeatenText
$4df2 = FisherHenryAfterText
$4e2e = YoungsterAlbertSeenText
$4e73 = YoungsterAlbertBeatenText
$4e82 = YoungsterAlbertAfterText
$4ee8 = YoungsterGordonSeenText
$4f2b = YoungsterGordonBeatenText
$4f49 = YoungsterGordonAfterText
$4f6e = CamperRolandSeenText
$4f8c = CamperRolandBeatenText
$4faa = CamperRolandAfterText
$4fdf = PicnickerLiz1SeenText
$503e = PicnickerLiz1BeatenText
$5060 = PicnickerLiz1AfterText
$507f = BirdKeeperPeterSeenText
$50b4 = BirdKeeperPeterBeatenText
$50d4 = BirdKeeperPeterAfterText
$5105 = Route32UnusedText
$5133 = Text_RoarIntro
$518c = Text_RoarOutro
$51c1 = MeetFriedaText
$5204 = FriedaGivesGiftText
$5222 = FriedaGaveGiftText
$529a = FriedaFridayText
$52ff = FriedaNotFridayText
$533a = Route32SignText
$535e = Route32RuinsSignText
$537b = Route32UnionCaveSignText
$538d = Route32_MapEvents
$548b = VermilionFishingSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$548d = FishingDude
$5490 = FishingDudesHousePhoto
$5493 = FishingDudesHouseBookshelf
$5496 = FishingDudeText
$55a3 = FishingDudesHousePhotoText
$55df = VermilionFishingSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$5601 = VermilionPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$5603 = VermilionPokecenter1FNurseScript
$5606 = VermilionPokecenter1FFishingGuruScript
$5614 = VermilionPokecenter1FFishingGuruScript.FoughtSnorlax
$561a = VermilionPokecenter1FSailorScript
$561d = VermilionPokecenter1FBugCatcherScript
$5620 = VermilionPokecenter1FFishingGuruText
$5698 = VermilionPokecenter1FFishingGuruText_FoughtSnorlax
$56fe = VermilionPokecenter1FSailorText
$573b = VermilionPokecenter1FBugCatcherText
$5791 = VermilionPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$57da = VermilionPokecenter2FBeta_MapScripts
$57dc = VermilionPokecenter2FBeta_MapEvents
$57e7 = PokemonFanClub_MapScripts
$57e9 = PokemonFanClubChairmanScript
$5802 = PokemonFanClubChairmanScript.HeardSpeechButBagFull
$5815 = PokemonFanClubChairmanScript.HeardSpeech
$581b = PokemonFanClubChairmanScript.NotListening
$581f = PokemonFanClubChairmanScript.BagFull
$5821 = PokemonFanClubReceptionistScript
$5824 = PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyScript
$5838 = PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyScript.FoundClefairyDoll
$5844 = PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyScript.MetCopycat
$585f = PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyScript.GotLostItem
$5865 = PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyScript.NoRoom
$586b = PokemonFanClubTeacherScript
$586e = PokemonFanClubClefairyDollScript
$5871 = PokemonFanClubBayleefScript
$587b = PokemonFanClubListenSign
$587e = PokemonFanClubBraggingSign
$5881 = PokemonFanClubChairmanDidYouVisitToHearAboutMyMonText
$5911 = PokemonFanClubChairmanRapidashText
$5a3d = PokemonFanClubChairmanIWantYouToHaveThisText
$5a72 = PokemonFanClubChairmanItsARareCandyText
$5ae0 = PokemonFanClubChairmanMoreTalesToTellText
$5b38 = PokemonFanClubChairmanHowDisappointingText
$5b6d = PokemonFanClubReceptionistText
$5ba0 = PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyClefairyIsSoAdorableText
$5bff = PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyMakingDoWithADollIFoundText
$5c5a = PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyTakeThisDollBackToGirlText
$5d0a = PokemonFanClubPlayerReceivedDollText
$5d1e = PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyGoingToGetARealClefairyText
$5d58 = PokemonFanClubClefairyGuyPackIsJammedFullText
$5d73 = PokemonFanClubTeacherText
$5db1 = PokemonFanClubClefairyDollText
$5de9 = PokemonFanClubBayleefText
$5dfc = PokemonFanClubListenSignText
$5e29 = PokemonFanClubBraggingSignText
$5e4d = PokemonFanClub_MapEvents
$5eb5 = VermilionMagnetTrainSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$5eb7 = VermilionMagnetTrainSpeechHousePokefanFScript
$5eba = VermilionMagnetTrainSpeechHouseYoungsterScript
$5ebd = VermilionMagnetTrainSpeechHouseBookshelf
$5ec0 = VermilionMagnetTrainSpeechHousePokefanFText
$5f16 = VermilionMagnetTrainSpeechHouseYoungsterText
$5f48 = VermilionMagnetTrainSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$5f7c = VermilionMart_MapScripts
$5f7e = VermilionMartClerkScript
$5f85 = VermilionMartSuperNerdScript
$5f88 = VermilionMartBeautyScript
$5f8b = VermilionMartSuperNerdText
$5fca = VermilionMartBeautyText
$5ff8 = VermilionMart_MapEvents
$602f = VermilionDiglettsCaveSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$6031 = VermilionDiglettsCaveSpeechHouseGentlemanScript
$6034 = VermilionDiglettsCaveSpeechHouseGentlemanText
$6086 = VermilionDiglettsCaveSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$60a3 = VermilionGym_MapScripts
$60a5 = VermilionGymSurgeScript
$60d9 = VermilionGymSurgeScript.FightDone
$60df = TrainerGentlemanGregory
$60eb = TrainerGentlemanGregory.Script
$60f3 = TrainerGuitaristVincent
$60ff = TrainerGuitaristVincent.Script
$6107 = TrainerJugglerHorton
$6113 = TrainerJugglerHorton.Script
$611b = VermilionGymGuideScript
$6129 = VermilionGymGuideScript.VermilionGymGuideWinScript
$612f = VermilionGymTrashCan
$6132 = VermilionGymStatue
$613b = VermilionGymStatue.Beaten
$6142 = LtSurgeIntroText
$6238 = LtSurgeWinLossText
$6277 = ReceivedThunderBadgeText
$6291 = LtSurgeThunderBadgeText
$6303 = LtSurgeFightDoneText
$6356 = GentlemanGregorySeenText
$638c = GentlemanGregoryBeatenText
$63b0 = GentlemanGregoryAfterBattleText
$63e8 = GuitaristVincentSeenText
$6437 = GuitaristVincentBeatenText
$644b = GuitaristVincentAfterBattleText
$6487 = JugglerHortonSeenText
$64ba = JugglerHortonBeatenText
$64d6 = JugglerHortonAfterBattleText
$6517 = VermilionGymGuideText
$65df = VermilionGymGuideWinText
$661e = VermilionGymTrashCanText
$663d = VermilionGym_MapEvents
$66e3 = Route6SaffronGate_MapScripts
$66e9 = Route6SaffronGateNoopScene
$66ea = Route6SaffronGuardScript
$66f8 = Route6SaffronGuardScript.ReturnedPart
$66fe = Route6SaffronGuardWelcomeText
$67cb = Route6SaffronGuardMagnetTrainText
$6807 = Route6SaffronGate_MapEvents
$682e = Route6UndergroundPathEntrance_MapScripts
$6830 = Route6UndergroundPathEntrance_MapEvents
$6845 = Pokecenter2F_MapScripts
$685f = Pokecenter2FCheckMysteryGiftScene
$6872 = Pokecenter2FCheckMysteryGiftScene.done
$6873 = Pokecenter2FLeaveTradeCenterScene
$6877 = Pokecenter2FLeaveColosseumScene
$687b = Pokecenter2FLeaveTimeCapsuleScene
$687f = Pokecenter2FLeaveMobileTradeRoomScene
$6883 = Pokecenter2FLeaveMobileBattleRoomScene
$6887 = Pokecenter2F_AppearMysteryGiftDeliveryGuy
$688d = Script_TradeCenterClosed
$6895 = Script_BattleRoomClosed
$689d = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade
$68be = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade.NoMobile
$68f6 = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade.FriendNotReady
$68fe = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade.LinkedToFirstGen
$6909 = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade.IncompatibleRooms
$6911 = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade.LinkTimedOut
$6917 = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade.DidNotSave
$691a = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade.AbortLink
$691d = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade.Cancel
$691f = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade.Mobile
$692a = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade.Mobile_Abort
$692b = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade.Mobile_TrySave
$6943 = LinkReceptionistScript_Trade.Mobile_DidNotSave
$694a = BattleTradeMobile_WalkIn
$6952 = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle
$6973 = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.NoMobile
$69ab = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.FriendNotReady
$69b3 = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.LinkedToFirstGen
$69be = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.IncompatibleRooms
$69c6 = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.LinkTimedOut
$69cc = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.DidNotSave
$69cf = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.AbortLink
$69d2 = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.Cancel
$69d4 = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.Mobile
$69e5 = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.Mobile_Abort
$69e6 = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.Mobile_TrySave
$69fe = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.Mobile_DidNotSave
$6a05 = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.SelectThreeMons
$6a1a = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.Mobile_InvalidParty
$6a1e = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.Mobile_DidNotSelect
$6a22 = LinkReceptionistScript_Battle.Mobile_OK
$6a25 = Script_TimeCapsuleClosed
$6a2d = LinkReceptionistScript_TimeCapsule
$6a84 = LinkReceptionistScript_TimeCapsule.OK
$6a91 = LinkReceptionistScript_TimeCapsule.FriendNotReady
$6a99 = LinkReceptionistScript_TimeCapsule.LinkTimedOut
$6a9f = LinkReceptionistScript_TimeCapsule.DidNotSave
$6aa2 = LinkReceptionistScript_TimeCapsule.Cancel
$6aa7 = LinkReceptionistScript_TimeCapsule.MonTooNew
$6aac = LinkReceptionistScript_TimeCapsule.MonMoveTooNew
$6ab1 = LinkReceptionistScript_TimeCapsule.MonHasMail
$6ab6 = Script_LeftCableTradeCenter
$6ac3 = Script_LeftMobileTradeRoom
$6ad0 = Script_WalkOutOfMobileTradeRoom
$6add = Script_LeftCableColosseum
$6aea = Script_LeftMobileBattleRoom
$6af7 = Script_WalkOutOfMobileBattleRoom
$6b04 = Pokecenter2F_CheckGender
$6b12 = Pokecenter2F_CheckGender.Female
$6b50 = Script_WalkOutOfLinkTradeRoom
$6b63 = Script_WalkOutOfLinkTradeRoom.Female
$6b8a = Script_WalkOutOfLinkBattleRoom
$6b9d = Script_WalkOutOfLinkBattleRoom.Female
$6bc4 = TimeCapsuleScript_CheckPlayerGender
$6bdc = TimeCapsuleScript_CheckPlayerGender.MaleFacingLeft
$6be4 = TimeCapsuleScript_CheckPlayerGender.MaleFacingRight
$6bec = TimeCapsuleScript_CheckPlayerGender.Female
$6c00 = TimeCapsuleScript_CheckPlayerGender.FemaleFacingRight
$6c0a = TimeCapsuleScript_CheckPlayerGender.FemaleFacingLeft
$6c11 = TimeCapsuleScript_CheckPlayerGender.FemaleContinue
$6c20 = TimeCapsuleScript_CheckPlayerGender.FemaleChangeApperance
$6c4e = Script_LeftTimeCapsule
$6c66 = Script_LeftTimeCapsule.Female
$6c8c = Script_LeftTimeCapsule.Done
$6c93 = Pokecenter2FLinkRecordSign
$6c9a = Pokecenter2FOfficerScript
$6cb8 = Pokecenter2FOfficerScript.AlreadyGotGift
$6cbe = Pokecenter2FOfficerScript.BagIsFull
$6cc4 = Pokecenter2FOfficerScript.RefusedGift
$6cca = Pokecenter2FMovementData_ReceptionistWalksUpAndLeft_LookRight
$6cce = Pokecenter2FMobileMobileMovementData_ReceptionistWalksUpAndLeft_LookDown
$6cd2 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_ReceptionistStepsLeftLooksDown
$6cd5 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_ReceptionistStepsRightLooksDown
$6cd8 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_ReceptionistWalksUpAndLeft_LookRight_2
$6cdc = Pokecenter2FMovementData_ReceptionistLooksRight
$6cde = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerTakesThreeStepsUp
$6ce2 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerTakesTwoStepsUp
$6ce5 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerTakesOneStepUp
$6ce7 = Pokecenter2FMobileMovementData_PlayerWalksIntoMobileBattleRoom
$6cec = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerTakesTwoStepsUp_2
$6cef = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerWalksLeftAndUp
$6cf2 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerWalksRightAndUp
$6cf5 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerTakesThreeStepsDown
$6cf9 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerTakesTwoStepsDown
$6cfc = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerTakesOneStepDown
$6cfe = Pokecenter2FMovementData_ReceptionistStepsRightAndDown
$6d01 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_ReceptionistStepsRightLooksDown_2
$6d04 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_ReceptionistStepsRightLooksDown_3
$6d08 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_ReceptionistStepsLeftLooksRight
$6d0b = Pokecenter2FMobileMovementData_ReceptionistWalksUpAndLeft
$6d0f = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerWalksOutOfMobileRoom
$6d14 = Pokecenter2FMobileMovementData_ReceptionistWalksRightAndDown
$6d17 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerSpinsClockwiseEndsFacingRight
$6d1c = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerSpinsClockwiseEndsFacingLeft
$6d22 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerSpinsClockwiseEndsFacingDown
$6d28 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerTakesOneStepDown_2
$6d2a = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerTakesTwoStepsDown_2
$6d2d = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerTakesOneStepUp_2
$6d2f = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerTakesOneStepRight
$6d31 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_PlayerTakesOneStepLeft
$6d33 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_ReceptionistStepsLeftLooksRight_2
$6d36 = Pokecenter2FMovementData_ReceptionistStepsRightLooksLeft_2
$6d39 = Text_BattleReceptionistMobile
$6d7e = Text_TradeReceptionistMobile
$6dc2 = Text_ThisWayToMobileRoom
$6de0 = Text_BattleReceptionistIntro
$6e3a = Text_TradeReceptionistIntro
$6e9f = Text_TimeCapsuleReceptionistIntro
$6f19 = YourFriendIsNotReadyText
$6f34 = Text_MustSaveGame
$6f67 = Text_PleaseWait
$6f75 = Text_LinkTimedOut
$6fd1 = Text_PleaseComeAgain
$6fe5 = Text_PleaseComeInDuplicate
$6ff6 = Text_TemporaryStagingInLinkRoom
$7029 = Text_CantLinkToThePast
$704a = Text_IncompatibleRooms
$706b = Text_PleaseComeIn
$707c = Text_PleaseEnter
$708b = Text_RejectNewMon
$70a8 = Text_RejectMonWithNewMove
$70cf = Text_RejectMonWithMail
$7100 = Text_TimeCapsuleClosed
$712f = Text_TradeRoomClosed
$715f = Text_BattleRoomClosed
$7190 = Text_MysteryGiftDeliveryGuy_Intro
$71c4 = Text_MysteryGiftDeliveryGuy_HereYouGo
$71d2 = Text_MysteryGiftDeliveryGuy_Outro
$71ef = Text_MysteryGiftDeliveryGuy_NoRoom
$724d = Text_MysteryGiftDeliveryGuy_SaidNo
$7266 = Text_OhPleaseWait
$7278 = Text_ChangeTheLook
$729a = Text_LikeTheLook
$72bc = Text_BrokeStadiumRules
$737f = Pokecenter2F_MapEvents
$73dc = TradeCenter_MapScripts
$73e9 = TradeCenterInitializeScene
$73ed = TradeCenterNoopScene
$73ee = TradeCenterSetWhichChrisCallback
$73f9 = TradeCenterSetWhichChrisCallback.Chris2
$73fe = TradeCenterInitializeAndPreparePokecenter2FScript
$7405 = TradeCenterConsoleScript
$740b = TradeCenterFriendScript
$7412 = TradeCenterFriendReadyText
$7429 = TradeCenter_MapEvents
$745d = Colosseum_MapScripts
$7471 = ColosseumInitializeScene
$7475 = ColosseumNoop1Scene
$7476 = ColosseumNoop2Scene
$7477 = ColosseumSetWhichChrisCallback
$7482 = ColosseumSetWhichChrisCallback.Chris2
$7487 = ColosseumPreparePokecenter2FCallback
$748c = ColosseumInitializeAndPreparePokecenter2FScript
$7493 = ColosseumConsoleScript
$7499 = CableClubFriendScript
$74a0 = CableClubFriendScript.FriendReadyText
$74b7 = Colosseum_MapEvents
$74eb = TimeCapsule_MapScripts
$74f8 = TimeCapsuleInitializeScene
$74fc = TimeCapsuleNoopScene
$74fd = TimeCapsuleSetWhichChrisCallback
$7508 = TimeCapsuleSetWhichChrisCallback.Chris2
$750d = TimeCapsuleInitializeAndPreparePokecenter2FScript
$7514 = TimeCapsuleConsoleScript
$751a = TimeCapsuleFriendScript
$7521 = TimeCapsuleFriendScript.FriendReadyText
$7538 = TimeCapsule_MapEvents
$756c = MobileTradeRoom_MapScripts
$7576 = MobileTradeRoomInitializeScene
$757a = MobileTradeRoomNoopScene
$757b = MobileTradeRoomInitializeAndPreparePokecenter2FScript
$7582 = MobileTradeRoomConsoleScript
$7591 = MobileTradeRoom_EstablishingCommsText
$75af = MobileTradeRoom_MapEvents
$75c4 = MobileBattleRoom_MapScripts
$75ce = MobileBattleRoomInitializeScene
$75d2 = MobileBattleRoomNoopScene
$75d3 = MobileBattleRoomInitializeAndPreparePokecenter2FScript
$75da = MobileBattleRoomConsoleScript
$75f4 = MobileBattleRoomConsoleScript.one_
$760d = MobileBattleRoomConsoleScript.two_
$7619 = MobileBattleRoomConsoleScript.one
$7624 = MobileBattleRoomConsoleScript.false
$7626 = MobileBattleRoom_EstablishingCommsText
$7644 = MobileBattleRoom_HealText
$7673 = MobileBattleRoom_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7688-$7fff ($0978 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0978 bytes
ROMX bank #101:
SECTION: $4000-$76bf ($36c0 bytes) ["Map Scripts 18"]
$4000 = Route36_MapScripts
$400d = Route36Noop1Scene
$400e = Route36Noop2Scene
$400f = Route36ArthurCallback
$4018 = Route36ArthurCallback.ArthurAppears
$401b = Route36SuicuneScript
$403c = SudowoodoScript
$404a = SudowoodoScript.Fight
$4053 = WateredWeirdTreeScript
$4079 = DidntUseSquirtbottleScript
$407b = DidntCatchSudowoodo
$408c = Route36FloriaScript
$40ac = Route36FloriaScript.Up
$40b3 = Route36FloriaScript.SecondTimeTalking
$40b9 = Route36RockSmashGuyScript
$40cd = Route36RockSmashGuyScript.ClearedSudowoodo
$40da = Route36RockSmashGuyScript.AlreadyGotRockSmash
$40de = Route36RockSmashGuyScript.NoRoomForTM
$40e0 = Route36LassScript
$40ee = Route36LassScript.ClearedSudowoodo
$40f4 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1
$4100 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.Script
$4129 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.AskAgainForPhoneNumber
$412c = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.ContinueAskForPhoneNumber
$4140 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.ChooseRematch
$415f = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.Fight4
$4165 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.Fight3
$416b = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.Fight2
$4171 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.Fight1
$4177 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.LoadFight0
$4184 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.LoadFight1
$4191 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.LoadFight2
$419e = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.LoadFight3
$41ab = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.LoadFight4
$41b4 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.GiveFireStone
$41c6 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.BagFull
$41c9 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.AskNumber1
$41cd = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.AskNumber2
$41d1 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.RegisteredNumber
$41d5 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.NumberAccepted
$41d9 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.NumberDeclined
$41dd = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.PhoneFull
$41e1 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.Rematch
$41e5 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.Gift
$41e9 = TrainerSchoolboyAlan1.PackFull
$41ed = TrainerPsychicMark
$41f9 = TrainerPsychicMark.Script
$4201 = ArthurScript
$421c = ArthurScript.MetArthur
$422f = ArthurScript.AlreadyGotStone
$4233 = ArthurScript.BagFull
$4235 = ArthurNotThursdayScript
$423b = Route36Sign
$423e = RuinsOfAlphNorthSign
$4241 = Route36TrainerTips1
$4244 = Route36TrainerTips2
$4247 = Route36FruitTree
$4249 = SudowoodoShakeMovement
$424b = WeirdTreeMovement_Flee
$424e = FloriaMovement1
$4258 = FloriaMovement2
$4262 = Route36SuicuneMovement
$426b = UseSquirtbottleText
$4290 = UsedSquirtbottleText
$42aa = SudowoodoAttackedText
$42f1 = FloriaText1
$43ed = FloriaText2
$446f = RockSmashGuyText1
$44d0 = RockSmashGuyText2
$451a = Text_ReceivedTM08
$452c = RockSmashGuyText3
$45b8 = UnusedOddTreeText
$4626 = Route36LassText
$469e = Route36LassText_ClearedSudowoodo
$46ed = PsychicMarkSeenText
$470e = PsychicMarkBeatenText
$471e = PsychicMarkAfterBattleText
$4760 = SchoolboyAlan1SeenText
$4790 = SchoolboyAlan1BeatenText
$47aa = SchoolboyAlanBooksText
$4800 = MeetArthurText
$482d = ArthurGivesGiftText
$4847 = ArthurGaveGiftText
$48aa = ArthurThursdayText
$48f3 = ArthurNotThursdayText
$4924 = Route36SignText
$492e = RuinsOfAlphNorthSignText
$494c = Route36TrainerTips1Text
$49ee = Route36TrainerTips2Text
$4a66 = Route36_MapEvents
$4b19 = FuchsiaCity_MapScripts
$4b1e = FuchsiaCityFlypointCallback
$4b22 = FuchsiaCityYoungster
$4b25 = FuchsiaCityPokefanM
$4b28 = FuchsiaCityTeacher
$4b2b = FuchsiaCitySign
$4b2e = FuchsiaGymSign
$4b31 = SafariZoneOfficeSign
$4b34 = WardensHomeSign
$4b37 = SafariZoneClosedSign
$4b3a = NoLitteringSign
$4b3d = FuchsiaCityPokecenterSign
$4b40 = FuchsiaCityMartSign
$4b43 = FuchsiaCityFruitTree
$4b45 = FuchsiaCityYoungsterText
$4b83 = FuchsiaCityPokefanMText
$4bd3 = FuchsiaCityTeacherText
$4c22 = FuchsiaCitySignText
$4c4a = FuchsiaGymSignText
$4c8b = SafariZoneOfficeSignText
$4cd5 = WardensHomeSignText
$4cf0 = SafariZoneClosedSignText
$4d37 = NoLitteringSignText
$4d67 = FuchsiaCity_MapEvents
$4e00 = BlackthornGym1F_MapScripts
$4e05 = BlackthornGym1FBouldersCallback
$4e0f = BlackthornGym1FBouldersCallback.skip1
$4e19 = BlackthornGym1FBouldersCallback.skip2
$4e23 = BlackthornGym1FBouldersCallback.skip3
$4e24 = BlackthornGymClairScript
$4e63 = BlackthornGymClairScript.FightDone
$4e69 = BlackthornGymClairScript.AlreadyGotBadge
$4e8e = BlackthornGymClairScript.BagFull
$4e94 = BlackthornGymClairScript.GotTM24
$4e9a = TrainerCooltrainermPaul
$4ea6 = TrainerCooltrainermPaul.Script
$4eae = TrainerCooltrainermMike
$4eba = TrainerCooltrainermMike.Script
$4ec2 = TrainerCooltrainerfLola
$4ece = TrainerCooltrainerfLola.Script
$4ed6 = BlackthornGymGuideScript
$4ee4 = BlackthornGymGuideScript.BlackthornGymGuideWinScript
$4eea = BlackthornGymStatue
$4ef3 = BlackthornGymStatue.Beaten
$4efa = ClairIntroText
$4fd6 = ClairWinText
$500e = ClairText_GoToDragonsDen
$5162 = ClairText_TooMuchToExpect
$5196 = BlackthornGymClairText_YouKeptMeWaiting
$51bf = BlackthornGymText_ReceivedTM24
$51d1 = BlackthornGymClairText_DescribeTM24
$524f = BlackthornGymClairText_BagFull
$5272 = BlackthornGymClairText_League
$5396 = CooltrainermPaulSeenText
$53db = CooltrainermPaulBeatenText
$53f1 = CooltrainermPaulAfterBattleText
$542f = CooltrainermMikeSeenText
$545b = CooltrainermMikeBeatenText
$5467 = CooltrainermMikeAfterBattleText
$549d = CooltrainerfLolaSeenText
$550a = CooltrainerfLolaBeatenText
$5516 = CooltrainerfLolaAfterBattleText
$5544 = BlackthornGymGuideText
$5632 = BlackthornGymGuideWinText
$56ae = BlackthornGym1F_MapEvents
$5722 = BlackthornGym2F_MapScripts
$5727 = BlackthornGym2FSetUpStoneTableCallback
$572b = BlackthornGym2FSetUpStoneTableCallback.CommandQueue
$5730 = BlackthornGym2FSetUpStoneTableCallback.StoneTable
$573d = BlackthornGym2FSetUpStoneTableCallback.Boulder1
$5742 = BlackthornGym2FSetUpStoneTableCallback.Boulder2
$5747 = BlackthornGym2FSetUpStoneTableCallback.Boulder3
$574c = BlackthornGym2FSetUpStoneTableCallback.Fall
$5758 = BlackthornGym2FSetUpStoneTableCallback.FX
$575e = BlackthornGymBoulder
$5761 = TrainerCooltrainermCody
$576d = TrainerCooltrainermCody.Script
$5775 = TrainerCooltrainerfFran
$5781 = TrainerCooltrainerfFran.Script
$5789 = CooltrainermCodySeenText
$57b6 = CooltrainermCodyBeatenText
$57d5 = CooltrainermCodyAfterBattleText
$582b = CooltrainerfFranSeenText
$5874 = CooltrainerfFranBeatenText
$5883 = CooltrainerfFranAfterBattleText
$58a5 = BlackthornGym2FBoulderFellText
$58c0 = BlackthornGym2F_MapEvents
$5947 = BlackthornDragonSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$5949 = BlackthornDragonSpeechHouseGrannyScript
$594c = BlackthornDragonSpeechHouseDratiniScript
$5956 = BlackthornDragonSpeechHousePictureBookshelf
$5959 = BlackthornDragonSpeechHouseMagazineBookshelf
$595c = BlackthornDragonSpeechHouseGrannyText
$59ee = BlackthornDragonSpeechHouseDratiniText
$59fe = BlackthornDragonSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$5a28 = BlackthornEmysHouse_MapScripts
$5a2a = Emy
$5a31 = EmysHouseBookshelf
$5a34 = BlackthornEmysHouse_MapEvents
$5a5b = BlackthornMart_MapScripts
$5a5d = BlackthornMartClerkScript
$5a64 = BlackthornMartCooltrainerMScript
$5a67 = BlackthornMartBlackBeltScript
$5a6a = BlackthornMartCooltrainerMText
$5ae9 = BlackthornMartBlackBeltText
$5b40 = BlackthornMart_MapEvents
$5b77 = BlackthornPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$5b79 = BlackthornPokecenter1FNurseScript
$5b7c = BlackthornPokecenter1FGentlemanScript
$5b7f = BlackthornPokecenter1FTwinScript
$5b82 = BlackthornPokecenter1FCooltrainerMScript
$5b85 = BlackthornPokecenter1FGentlemanText
$5bfd = BlackthornPokecenter1FTwinText
$5c69 = BlackthornPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$5cb2 = MoveDeletersHouse_MapScripts
$5cb4 = MoveDeleter
$5cbc = MoveDeletersHouseBookshelf
$5cbf = MoveDeletersHouse_MapEvents
$5ce6 = FuchsiaMart_MapScripts
$5ce8 = FuchsiaMartClerkScript
$5cef = FuchsiaMartFisherScript
$5cf2 = FuchsiaMartCooltrainerFScript
$5cf5 = FuchsiaMartFisherText
$5d36 = FuchsiaMartCooltrainerFText
$5d6e = FuchsiaMart_MapEvents
$5da5 = SafariZoneMainOffice_MapScripts
$5da7 = SafariZoneMainOffice_MapEvents
$5db7 = FuchsiaGym_MapScripts
$5db9 = FuchsiaGymJanineScript
$5e00 = FuchsiaGymJanineScript.FightDone
$5e02 = FuchsiaGymJanineScript.AfterBattle
$5e15 = FuchsiaGymJanineScript.AfterTM
$5e1b = LassAliceScript
$5e2c = LassAliceScript.AliceUnmasked
$5e4a = LassAliceScript.AliceBecomesJanine
$5e4f = LassAliceScript.AliceAfterScript
$5e55 = LassLindaScript
$5e66 = LassLindaScript.LindaUnmasked
$5e84 = LassLindaScript.LindaBecomesJanine
$5e89 = LassLindaScript.LindaAfterScript
$5e8f = PicnickerCindyScript
$5ea0 = PicnickerCindyScript.CindyUnmasked
$5ebe = PicnickerCindyScript.CindyBecomesJanine
$5ec3 = PicnickerCindyScript.CindyAfterScript
$5ec9 = CamperBarryScript
$5eda = CamperBarryScript.BarryUnmasked
$5ef8 = CamperBarryScript.BarryBecomesJanine
$5efd = CamperBarryScript.BarryAfterScript
$5f03 = FuchsiaGymGuideScript
$5f11 = FuchsiaGymGuideScript.FuchsiaGymGuideWinScript
$5f17 = FuchsiaGymStatue
$5f20 = FuchsiaGymStatue.Beaten
$5f27 = Movement_NinjaSpin
$5f35 = JanineText_DisappointYou
$5fa1 = JanineText_ToughOne
$5feb = Text_ReceivedSoulBadge
$6002 = JanineText_ToxicSpeech
$6074 = JanineText_ApplyMyself
$60e6 = LassAliceBeforeText
$6126 = LassAliceBeatenText
$6139 = LassAliceAfterText
$6166 = LassLindaBeforeText
$617b = LassLindaBeatenText
$6199 = LassLindaAfterText
$61bb = PicnickerCindyBeforeText
$61f1 = PicnickerCindyBeatenText
$620c = PicnickerCindyAfterText
$6228 = CamperBarryBeforeText
$624a = CamperBarryBeatenText
$626b = CamperBarryAfterText
$6299 = FuchsiaGymGuideText
$6325 = FuchsiaGymGuideWinText
$6353 = FuchsiaGym_MapEvents
$63bb = BillsBrothersHouse_MapScripts
$63bd = BillsBrotherScript
$63c0 = BillsBrothersHouseYoungsterScript
$63c3 = BillsBrotherText
$63f9 = BillsBrothersHouseYoungsterText
$6428 = BillsBrothersHouse_MapEvents
$6452 = FuchsiaPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$6458 = FuchsiaPokeCenter1FNoopScene
$6459 = FuchsiaPokecenter1FNurseScript
$645c = FuchsiaPokecenter1FCooltrainerMScript
$645f = FuchsiaPokecenter1FCooltrainerFScript
$6462 = FuchsiaPokecenter1FJanineImpersonatorScript
$6486 = FuchsiaPokecenter1FJanineImpersonatorSpinMovement
$6494 = FuchsiaPokecenter1FCooltrainerMText
$64dc = FuchsiaPokecenter1FCooltrainerFText
$652e = FuchsiaPokecenter1FJanineImpersonatorText1
$654e = FuchsiaPokecenter1FJanineImpersonatorText2
$656e = FuchsiaPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$65b7 = FuchsiaPokecenter2FBeta_MapScripts
$65b9 = FuchsiaPokecenter2FBeta_MapEvents
$65c4 = SafariZoneWardensHome_MapScripts
$65c6 = WardensGranddaughter
$65d7 = WardensGranddaughter.AlreadyMet
$65dd = WardenPhoto
$65e0 = SafariZonePhoto
$65e3 = WardensHomeBookshelf
$65e6 = WardensGranddaughterText1
$6691 = WardensGranddaughterText2
$66ea = WardenPhotoText
$6726 = SafariZonePhotoText
$676b = SafariZoneWardensHome_MapEvents
$679c = Route15FuchsiaGate_MapScripts
$679e = Route15FuchsiaGateOfficerScript
$67a1 = Route15FuchsiaGateOfficerText
$67e1 = Route15FuchsiaGate_MapEvents
$6808 = CherrygroveMart_MapScripts
$680a = CherrygroveMartClerkScript
$6817 = CherrygroveMartClerkScript.PokeBallsInStock
$681d = CherrygroveMartCooltrainerMScript
$682b = CherrygroveMartCooltrainerMScript.PokeBallsInStock
$6831 = CherrygroveMartYoungsterScript
$6834 = CherrygroveMartCooltrainerMText
$6873 = CherrygroveMartCooltrainerMText_PokeBallsInStock
$68a0 = CherrygroveMartYoungsterText
$6934 = CherrygroveMart_MapEvents
$696b = CherrygrovePokecenter1F_MapScripts
$696d = CherrygrovePokecenter1FNurseScript
$6970 = CherrygrovePokecenter1FFisherScript
$6973 = CherrygrovePokecenter1FGentlemanScript
$6976 = CherrygrovePokecenter1FTeacherScript
$6984 = CherrygrovePokecenter1FTeacherScript.CommCenterOpen
$698a = CherrygrovePokecenter1FFisherText
$69c8 = CherrygrovePokecenter1FGentlemanText
$69f1 = CherrygrovePokecenter1FTeacherText
$6a46 = CherrygrovePokecenter1FTeacherText_CommCenterOpen
$6a96 = CherrygrovePokecenter1F_MapEvents
$6adf = CherrygroveGymSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$6ae1 = CherrygroveGymSpeechHousePokefanMScript
$6ae4 = CherrygroveGymSpeechHouseBugCatcherScript
$6ae7 = CherrygroveGymSpeechHouseBookshelf
$6aea = CherrygroveGymSpeechHousePokefanMText
$6b65 = CherrygroveGymSpeechHouseBugCatcherText
$6bd1 = CherrygroveGymSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$6c05 = GuideGentsHouse_MapScripts
$6c07 = GuideGentsHouseGuideGent
$6c0a = GuideGentsHouseBookshelf
$6c0d = GuideGentsHouseGuideGentText
$6c89 = GuideGentsHouse_MapEvents
$6cb0 = CherrygroveEvolutionSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$6cb2 = CherrygroveEvolutionSpeechHouseYoungsterScript
$6cb9 = CherrygroveEvolutionSpeechHouseLassScript
$6cc0 = CherrygroveEvolutionSpeechHouseBookshelf
$6cc3 = CherrygroveEvolutionSpeechHouseYoungsterText
$6cfc = CherrygroveEvolutionSpeechHouseLassText
$6d2e = CherrygroveEvolutionSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$6d62 = Route30BerryHouse_MapScripts
$6d64 = Route30BerryHousePokefanMScript
$6d79 = Route30BerryHousePokefanMScript.GotBerry
$6d7d = Route30BerryHousePokefanMScript.NoRoom
$6d7f = Route30BerryHouseBookshelf
$6d82 = Route30BerrySpeechHouseMonEatBerriesText
$6dec = Route30BerrySpeechHouseCheckTreesText
$6e20 = Route30BerryHouse_MapEvents
$6e47 = MrPokemonsHouse_MapScripts
$6e51 = MrPokemonsHouseMeetMrPokemonScene
$6e55 = MrPokemonsHouseNoopScene
$6e56 = MrPokemonsHouseMrPokemonEventScript
$6e97 = MrPokemonsHouse_MrPokemonScript
$6eaa = MrPokemonsHouse_MrPokemonScript.AlwaysNewDiscoveries
$6eb0 = MrPokemonsHouse_MrPokemonScript.RedScale
$6ec3 = MrPokemonsHouse_MrPokemonScript.refused
$6ec7 = MrPokemonsHouse_MrPokemonScript.full
$6ec9 = MrPokemonsHouse_OakScript
$6f49 = MrPokemonsHouse_OakScript.RivalTakesChikorita
$6f4d = MrPokemonsHouse_OakScript.RivalTakesCyndaquil
$6f51 = MrPokemonsHouse_ForeignMagazines
$6f54 = MrPokemonsHouse_BrokenComputer
$6f57 = MrPokemonsHouse_StrangeCoins
$6f5a = MrPokemonsHouse_PlayerWalksToMrPokemon
$6f5d = MrPokemonsHouse_OakWalksToPlayer
$6f61 = MrPokemonsHouse_OakExits
$6f66 = MrPokemonIntroText1
$6fa8 = MrPokemonIntroText2
$6fd2 = MrPokemonsHouse_GotEggText
$6feb = MrPokemonIntroText3
$7092 = MrPokemonIntroText4
$70b7 = MrPokemonIntroText5
$70ed = MrPokemonsHouse_MrPokemonHealText
$7134 = MrPokemonText_ImDependingOnYou
$714a = MrPokemonText_AlwaysNewDiscoveries
$7185 = MrPokemonsHouse_OakText1
$73cc = MrPokemonsHouse_GetDexText
$73de = MrPokemonsHouse_OakText2
$7476 = MrPokemonText_GimmeTheScale
$750d = MrPokemonText_Disappointed
$7543 = MrPokemonsHouse_ForeignMagazinesText
$7584 = MrPokemonsHouse_BrokenComputerText
$75ac = MrPokemonsHouse_StrangeCoinsText
$75ef = MrPokemonsHouse_MapEvents
$7632 = Route31VioletGate_MapScripts
$7634 = Route31VioletGateOfficerScript
$7637 = Route31VioletGateCooltrainerFScript
$763a = Route31VioletGateOfficerText
$7661 = Route31VioletGateCooltrainerFText
$768c = Route31VioletGate_MapEvents
EMPTY: $76c0-$7fff ($0940 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0940 bytes
ROMX bank #102:
SECTION: $4000-$7ac6 ($3ac7 bytes) ["Map Scripts 19"]
$4000 = AzaleaTown_MapScripts
$4011 = AzaleaTownNoop1Scene
$4012 = AzaleaTownNoop2Scene
$4013 = AzaleaTownNoop3Scene
$4014 = AzaleaTownFlypointCallback
$4018 = AzaleaTownRivalBattleScene1
$4034 = AzaleaTownRivalBattleScene2
$4049 = AzaleaTownRivalBattleScript
$4071 = AzaleaTownRivalBattleScript.Totodile
$4081 = AzaleaTownRivalBattleScript.Chikorita
$4091 = AzaleaTownRivalBattleScript.AfterBattle
$40ab = AzaleaTownRocket1Script
$40ae = AzaleaTownRocket2Script
$40b1 = AzaleaTownGrampsScript
$40bf = AzaleaTownGrampsScript.ClearedWell
$40c5 = AzaleaTownTeacherScript
$40c8 = AzaleaTownYoungsterScript
$40cb = AzaleaTownSlowpokeScript
$40da = UnusedWoosterScript
$40e5 = AzaleaTownCelebiScene
$410c = AzaleaTownKurtScript
$4117 = AzaleaTownSign
$411a = KurtsHouseSign
$411d = AzaleaGymSign
$4120 = SlowpokeWellSign
$4123 = CharcoalKilnSign
$4126 = AzaleaTownIlextForestSign
$4129 = AzaleaTownPokecenterSign
$412c = AzaleaTownMartSign
$412f = WhiteApricornTree
$4131 = AzaleaTownHiddenFullHeal
$4134 = AzaleaTownRivalBattleApproachMovement1
$413c = AzaleaTownRivalBattleApproachMovement2
$4144 = AzaleaTownRivalBattleExitMovement
$4148 = AzaleaTownPlayerLeavesKurtsHouseMovement
$414d = AzaleaTownRivalBeforeText
$41e6 = AzaleaTownRivalWinText
$4233 = AzaleaTownRivalAfterText
$435b = AzaleaTownRivalLossText
$437b = AzaleaTownRocket1Text
$43c7 = AzaleaTownRocket2Text
$441b = AzaleaTownGrampsTextBefore
$4473 = AzaleaTownGrampsTextAfter
$44ce = AzaleaTownTeacherText
$451a = AzaleaTownYoungsterText
$45b0 = AzaleaTownSlowpokeText1
$45c3 = AzaleaTownSlowpokeText2
$45cd = WoosterText
$45df = AzaleaTownKurtText1
$460b = AzaleaTownKurtText2
$4628 = AzaleaTownKurtText3
$465a = AzaleaTownSignText
$4693 = KurtsHouseSignText
$46a1 = AzaleaGymSignText
$46e7 = SlowpokeWellSignText
$478d = CharcoalKilnSignText
$479c = AzaleaTownIlexForestSignText
$47c1 = AzaleaTown_MapEvents
$48d0 = GoldenrodCity_MapScripts
$48d8 = GoldenrodCityFlypointAndFloriaCallback
$48e7 = GoldenrodCityFlypointAndFloriaCallback.FloriaDone
$48e8 = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorCallback
$48fd = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorCallback.MoveTutorDisappear
$4900 = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorCallback.MoveTutorAppear
$4908 = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorCallback.MoveTutorDone
$4909 = MoveTutorScript
$493a = MoveTutorScript.Flamethrower
$4949 = MoveTutorScript.Thunderbolt
$4958 = MoveTutorScript.IceBeam
$4967 = MoveTutorScript.MoveMenuHeader
$496f = MoveTutorScript.MenuData
$499a = MoveTutorScript.Refused
$49a0 = MoveTutorScript.Refused2
$49a6 = MoveTutorScript.TeachMove
$49c6 = MoveTutorScript.WalkAroundPlayer
$49ca = MoveTutorScript.GoInside
$49d7 = MoveTutorScript.Incompatible
$49dd = MoveTutorScript.NotEnoughMoney
$49e3 = GoldenrodCityPokefanMScript
$49e6 = GoldenrodCityYoungster1Script
$49e9 = GoldenrodCityCooltrainerF1Script
$49f7 = GoldenrodCityCooltrainerF1Script.ClearedRadioTower
$49fd = GoldenrodCityCooltrainerF2Script
$4a0b = GoldenrodCityCooltrainerF2Script.GotRadioCard
$4a11 = GoldenrodCityYoungster2Script
$4a14 = GoldenrodCityLassScript
$4a17 = GoldenrodCityGrampsScript
$4a1a = GoldenrodCityRocketScoutScript
$4a29 = GoldenrodCityRocket1Script
$4a2c = GoldenrodCityRocket2Script
$4a2f = GoldenrodCityRocket3Script
$4a32 = GoldenrodCityRocket4Script
$4a35 = GoldenrodCityRocket5Script
$4a38 = GoldenrodCityRocket6Script
$4a3b = GoldenrodCityStationSign
$4a3e = GoldenrodCityRadioTowerSign
$4a41 = GoldenrodDeptStoreSign
$4a44 = GoldenrodGymSign
$4a47 = GoldenrodCitySign
$4a4a = GoldenrodCityBikeShopSign
$4a4d = GoldenrodCityGameCornerSign
$4a50 = GoldenrodCityNameRaterSign
$4a53 = GoldenrodCityUndergroundSignNorth
$4a56 = GoldenrodCityUndergroundSignSouth
$4a59 = GoldenrodCityPokecenterSign
$4a5c = GoldenrodCityFlowerShopSign
$4a5f = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorEnterGameCornerMovement
$4a63 = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorWalkAroundPlayerThenEnterGameCornerMovement
$4a69 = GoldenrodCityPokefanMText
$4aa9 = GoldenrodCityYoungster1Text
$4ae6 = GoldenrodCityCooltrainerF1Text
$4b2d = GoldenrodCityCooltrainerF1Text_ClearedRadioTower
$4b73 = GoldenrodCityCooltrainerF2Text
$4c14 = GoldenrodCityCooltrainerF2Text_GotRadioCard
$4c36 = GoldenrodCityYoungster2Text
$4c83 = GoldenrodCityLassText
$4ccf = GoldenrodCityGrampsText
$4d0d = GoldenrodCityRocketScoutText1
$4d2a = GoldenrodCityRocketScoutText2
$4d4e = GoldenrodCityRocket1Text
$4d6d = GoldenrodCityRocket2Text
$4daa = GoldenrodCityRocket3Text
$4de2 = GoldenrodCityRocket4Text
$4e1f = GoldenrodCityRocket5Text
$4e4b = GoldenrodCityRocket6Text
$4e77 = GoldenrodCityStationSignText
$4e8f = GoldenrodCityRadioTowerSignText
$4eab = GoldenrodDeptStoreSignText
$4ee4 = GoldenrodGymSignText
$4f29 = GoldenrodCitySignText
$4f5b = GoldenrodCityBikeShopSignText
$4f81 = GoldenrodCityGameCornerSignText
$4fae = GoldenrodCityNameRaterSignText
$4fd8 = GoldenrodCityUndergroundSignNorthText
$4fee = GoldenrodCityUndergroundSignSouthText
$5004 = GoldenrodCityPokeComCenterSignText
$5022 = GoldenrodCityFlowerShopSignText
$5042 = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorAskTeachAMoveText
$5090 = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorAsk4000CoinsOkayText
$50b4 = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorAwwButTheyreAmazingText
$50ce = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorWhichMoveShouldITeachText
$5107 = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorHmTooBadText
$513a = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorIfYouUnderstandYouveMadeItText
$518b = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorFarewellKidText
$51a4 = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorBButText
$51ac = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorYouDontHaveEnoughCoinsText
$51cf = GoldenrodCityMoveTutorMoveText
$51d1 = GoldenrodCity_MapEvents
$5321 = SaffronCity_MapScripts
$5326 = SaffronCityFlypointCallback
$532a = SaffronCityLass1Script
$5338 = SaffronCityLass1Script.ReturnedMachinePart
$533e = SaffronCityPokefanMScript
$534c = SaffronCityPokefanMScript.ReturnedMachinePart
$5352 = SaffronCityCooltrainerMScript
$5355 = SaffronCityCooltrainerFScript
$5358 = SaffronCityFisherScript
$5366 = SaffronCityFisherScript.ReturnedMachinePart
$536c = SaffronCityYoungster1Script
$536f = SaffronCityYoungster2Script
$5372 = SaffronCityLass2Script
$5375 = SaffronCitySign
$5378 = SaffronGymSign
$537b = FightingDojoSign
$537e = SilphCoSign
$5381 = MrPsychicsHouseSign
$5384 = SaffronCityMagnetTrainStationSign
$5387 = SaffronCityPokecenterSign
$538a = SaffronCityMartSign
$538d = SaffronCityLass1Text
$540d = SaffronCityLass1Text_ReturnedMachinePart
$5460 = SaffronCityPokefanMText
$54ae = SaffronCityPokefanMText_ReturnedMachinePart
$54fe = SaffronCityCooltrainerMText
$558e = SaffronCityCooltrainerFText
$55fc = SaffronCityFisherText
$564b = SaffronCityFisherText_ReturnedMachinePart
$56a5 = SaffronCityYoungster1Text
$56e5 = SaffronCityYoungster2Text
$5745 = SaffronCityLass2Text
$57b7 = SaffronCitySignText
$57e6 = SaffronGymSignText
$5829 = FightingDojoSignText
$584a = SilphCoSignText
$5865 = MrPsychicsHouseSignText
$5879 = SaffronCityMagnetTrainStationSignText
$589c = SaffronCity_MapEvents
$597d = MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$597f = MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouseBlackBeltScript
$5982 = MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouseTeacherScript
$5990 = MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouseTeacherScript.RocketsInRadioTower
$5996 = MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouseUnusedBookshelf1
$5999 = MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouseUnusedBookshelf2
$599c = MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouseBlackBeltText
$5a0e = MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouseTeacherText
$5a3d = MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouseTeacherText_RocketsInRadioTower
$5a72 = MahoganyRedGyaradosSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$5a9c = MahoganyGym_MapScripts
$5a9e = MahoganyGymPryceScript
$5ac8 = MahoganyGymPryceScript.FightDone
$5af0 = PryceScript_Defeat
$5af4 = MahoganyGym_NoRoomForIcyWind
$5af6 = MahoganyGymActivateRockets
$5aff = MahoganyGymActivateRockets.GoldenrodRockets
$5b02 = MahoganyGymActivateRockets.RadioTowerRockets
$5b05 = TrainerSkierRoxanne
$5b11 = TrainerSkierRoxanne.Script
$5b19 = TrainerSkierClarissa
$5b25 = TrainerSkierClarissa.Script
$5b2d = TrainerBoarderRonald
$5b39 = TrainerBoarderRonald.Script
$5b41 = TrainerBoarderBrad
$5b4d = TrainerBoarderBrad.Script
$5b55 = TrainerBoarderDouglas
$5b61 = TrainerBoarderDouglas.Script
$5b69 = MahoganyGymGuideScript
$5b77 = MahoganyGymGuideScript.MahoganyGymGuideWinScript
$5b7d = MahoganyGymStatue
$5b86 = MahoganyGymStatue.Beaten
$5b8d = PryceText_Intro
$5cb3 = PryceText_Impressed
$5d3b = Text_ReceivedGlacierBadge
$5d55 = PryceText_GlacierBadgeSpeech
$5def = PryceText_IcyWindSpeech
$5e59 = PryceText_CherishYourPokemon
$5ee1 = BoarderRonaldSeenText
$5f10 = BoarderRonaldBeatenText
$5f2d = BoarderRonaldAfterBattleText
$5f65 = BoarderBradSeenText
$5fbd = BoarderBradBeatenText
$5fdd = BoarderBradAfterBattleText
$600f = BoarderDouglasSeenText
$6026 = BoarderDouglasBeatenText
$6047 = BoarderDouglasAfterBattleText
$60ae = SkierRoxanneSeenText
$60f4 = SkierRoxanneBeatenText
$6116 = SkierRoxanneAfterBattleText
$6157 = SkierClarissaSeenText
$6174 = SkierClarissaBeatenText
$618f = SkierClarissaAfterBattleText
$61bf = MahoganyGymGuideText
$6275 = MahoganyGymGuideWinText
$62df = MahoganyGym_MapEvents
$6354 = MahoganyPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$6356 = MahoganyPokecenter1FNurseScript
$6359 = MahoganyPokecenter1FPokefanMScript
$635c = MahoganyPokecenter1FYoungsterScript
$635f = MahoganyPokecenter1FCooltrainerFScript
$6362 = MahoganyPokecenter1FPokefanMText
$63b3 = MahoganyPokecenter1FYoungsterText
$6418 = MahoganyPokecenter1FCooltrainerFText
$646a = MahoganyPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$64b3 = Route42EcruteakGate_MapScripts
$64b5 = Route42EcruteakGateOfficerScript
$64b8 = Route42EcruteakGateOfficerText
$64fe = Route42EcruteakGate_MapEvents
$6525 = LakeOfRageHiddenPowerHouse_MapScripts
$6527 = HiddenPowerGuy
$6542 = HiddenPowerGuy.AlreadyGotItem
$6546 = HiddenPowerGuy.Done
$6548 = HiddenPowerHouseBookshelf
$654b = HiddenPowerGuyText1
$65de = HiddenPowerGuyText2
$6673 = HiddenPowerGuyText3
$6685 = LakeOfRageHiddenPowerHouse_MapEvents
$66ac = LakeOfRageMagikarpHouse_MapScripts
$66ae = MagikarpLengthRaterScript
$66d1 = MagikarpLengthRaterScript.ExplainedHistory
$66d7 = MagikarpLengthRaterScript.ClearedRocketHideout
$66e0 = MagikarpLengthRaterScript.AskedForMagikarp
$66fe = MagikarpLengthRaterScript.GetReward
$6711 = MagikarpLengthRaterScript.NoRoom
$6716 = MagikarpLengthRaterScript.TooShort
$671c = MagikarpLengthRaterScript.NotMagikarp
$6722 = MagikarpLengthRaterScript.Refused
$6728 = LakeOfRageMagikarpHouseUnusedRecordSign
$672b = MagikarpHouseBookshelf
$672e = MagikarpLengthRaterText_LakeOfRageHistory
$684d = MagikarpLengthRaterText_MenInBlack
$6890 = MagikarpLengthRaterText_WorldsLargestMagikarp
$693e = MagikarpLengthRaterText_YouHaveAMagikarp
$6977 = MagikarpLengthRaterText_Memento
$69c3 = MagikarpLengthRaterText_Bonus
$6a01 = MagikarpLengthRaterText_TooShort
$6a5c = MagikarpLengthRaterText_NotMagikarp
$6a79 = MagikarpLengthRaterText_Refused
$6abc = LakeOfRageMagikarpHouseUnusedRecordText
$6ae1 = LakeOfRageMagikarpHouseUnusedDummyText
$6ae2 = LakeOfRageMagikarpHouse_MapEvents
$6b09 = Route43MahoganyGate_MapScripts
$6b0b = Route43MahoganyGateOfficer
$6b19 = Route43MahoganyGateOfficer.RocketsCleared
$6b1f = Route43MahoganyGateOfficerText
$6b65 = Route43MahoganyGateOfficerRocketsClearedText
$6b91 = Route43MahoganyGate_MapEvents
$6bb8 = Route43Gate_MapScripts
$6bc5 = Route43GateRocketShakedownScene
$6bc9 = Route43GateNoopScene
$6bca = Route43GateCheckIfRocketsCallback
$6bd5 = Route43GateCheckIfRocketsCallback.NoRockets
$6bda = Route43GateRocketTakeoverScript
$6bea = RocketScript_Southbound
$6c12 = RocketScript_TollSouth
$6c1d = RocketScript_YoureBrokeSouth
$6c28 = RocketScript_ShakeDownSouth
$6c38 = RocketScript_Northbound
$6c5c = RocketScript_TollNorth
$6c67 = RocketScript_YoureBrokeNorth
$6c72 = RocketScript_ShakeDownNorth
$6c82 = RocketScript_MakingABundle
$6c85 = OfficerScript_GuardWithSludgeBomb
$6c9c = OfficerScript_GuardWithSludgeBomb.GotSludgeBomb
$6ca0 = OfficerScript_GuardWithSludgeBomb.NoRoomForSludgeBomb
$6ca2 = PlayerStepsIn
$6ca4 = Rocket1Script_BlocksYouSouth
$6caa = Rocket1Script_LetsYouPassSouth
$6caf = Rocket1Script_BlocksYouNorth
$6cb5 = Rocket1Script_LetsYouPassNorth
$6cbb = Rocket2Script_BlocksYouSouth
$6cc1 = Rocket2Script_LetsYouPassSouth
$6cc7 = Rocket2Script_BlocksYouNorth
$6ccd = Rocket2Script_LetsYouPassNorth
$6cd2 = RocketText_TollFee
$6d0a = RocketText_ThankYou
$6d20 = RocketText_AllYouGot
$6d41 = RocketText_MakingABundle
$6d9b = OfficerText_FoundTM
$6e1b = Text_ReceivedTM30
$6e2d = OfficerText_AvoidGrass
$6e5b = Route43Gate_MapEvents
$6e9c = RedsHouse1F_MapScripts
$6ea2 = RedHouse1FNoopScene
$6ea3 = RedsMom
$6eb4 = RedsMom.MetAlready
$6eba = RedsHouse1FTV
$6ebd = RedsHouse1FBookshelf
$6ec0 = RedsMomText1
$6f81 = RedsMomText2
$6fe8 = RedsHouse1FTVText
$7017 = RedsHouse1F_MapEvents
$7048 = RedsHouse2F_MapScripts
$704a = RedsHouse2FN64Script
$704d = RedsHouse2FPCScript
$7050 = RedsHouse2FN64Text
$7087 = RedsHouse2FPCText
$70b9 = RedsHouse2F_MapEvents
$70ce = BluesHouse_MapScripts
$70d0 = DaisyScript
$70de = DaisyScript.ThreePM
$711e = DaisyScript.AlreadyGroomedMon
$7124 = DaisyScript.Refused
$712a = DaisyScript.CantGroomEgg
$7130 = DaisyHelloText
$71b6 = DaisyOfferGroomingText
$7244 = DaisyWhichMonText
$7266 = DaisyAlrightText
$7296 = GroomedMonLooksContentText
$72aa = DaisyAllDoneText
$72fa = DaisyAlreadyGroomedText
$7334 = DaisyRefusedText
$7377 = DaisyCantGroomEggText
$73a8 = BluesHouse_MapEvents
$73c5 = OaksLab_MapScripts
$73c7 = OaksLabNoopScene
$73c8 = Oak
$73dd = Oak.CheckBadges
$73ea = Oak.CheckPokedex
$73f7 = Oak.OpenMtSilver
$7401 = Oak.Complain
$7408 = Oak.AhGood
$740f = OaksAssistant1Script
$7412 = OaksAssistant2Script
$7415 = OaksAssistant3Script
$7418 = OaksLabBookshelf
$741b = OaksLabPoster1
$741e = OaksLabPoster2
$7421 = OaksLabTrashcan
$7424 = OaksLabPC
$7427 = OakWelcomeKantoText
$74a2 = OakLabDexCheckText
$74c8 = OakLabGoodbyeText
$74fc = OakOpenMtSilverText
$76a2 = OakNoKantoBadgesText
$773c = OakYesKantoBadgesText
$77fb = OaksAssistant1Text
$7859 = OaksAssistant2Text
$78a7 = OaksAssistant3Text
$78ea = OaksLabPoster1Text
$7909 = OaksLabPoster2Text
$7945 = OaksLabTrashcanText
$795e = OaksLabPCText
$7a33 = OaksLab_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7ac7-$7fff ($0539 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0539 bytes
ROMX bank #103:
SECTION: $4000-$7642 ($3643 bytes) ["Map Scripts 20"]
$4000 = CherrygroveCity_MapScripts
$400d = CherrygroveCityNoop1Scene
$400e = CherrygroveCityNoop2Scene
$400f = CherrygroveCityFlypointCallback
$4013 = CherrygroveCityGuideGent
$401f = CherrygroveCityGuideGent.Yes
$4097 = CherrygroveCityGuideGent.JumpstdReceiveItem
$409b = CherrygroveCityGuideGent.mapcardname
$40a4 = CherrygroveCityGuideGent.No
$40aa = CherrygroveRivalSceneSouth
$40ae = CherrygroveRivalSceneNorth
$40ee = CherrygroveRivalSceneNorth.Totodile
$4104 = CherrygroveRivalSceneNorth.Chikorita
$411a = CherrygroveRivalSceneNorth.AfterVictorious
$4126 = CherrygroveRivalSceneNorth.AfterYourDefeat
$412f = CherrygroveRivalSceneNorth.FinishRival
$4146 = CherrygroveTeacherScript
$4154 = CherrygroveTeacherScript.HaveMapCard
$415a = CherrygroveYoungsterScript
$4168 = CherrygroveYoungsterScript.HavePokedex
$416e = MysticWaterGuy
$4183 = MysticWaterGuy.After
$4187 = MysticWaterGuy.Exit
$4189 = CherrygroveCitySign
$418c = GuideGentsHouseSign
$418f = CherrygroveCityPokecenterSign
$4192 = CherrygroveCityMartSign
$4195 = GuideGentMovement1
$419b = GuideGentMovement2
$41a3 = GuideGentMovement3
$41ac = GuideGentMovement4
$41b6 = GuideGentMovement5
$41cb = GuideGentMovement6
$41ce = CherrygroveCity_RivalWalksToYou
$41d4 = CherrygroveCity_RivalPushesYouOutOfTheWay
$41d7 = CherrygroveCity_UnusedMovementData
$41da = CherrygroveCity_RivalExitsStageLeft
$41e3 = GuideGentIntroText
$426f = GuideGentTourText1
$4285 = GuideGentPokecenterText
$4304 = GuideGentMartText
$4359 = GuideGentRoute30Text
$43a7 = GuideGentSeaText
$43ec = GuideGentGiftText
$4438 = GotMapCardText
$4451 = GuideGentPokegearText
$449f = GuideGentNoText
$44e2 = CherrygroveRivalText_Seen
$457f = RivalCherrygroveWinText
$459e = CherrygroveRivalText_YouLost
$45e6 = RivalCherrygroveLossText
$4608 = CherrygroveRivalText_YouWon
$4650 = CherrygroveTeacherText_NoMapCard
$46a8 = CherrygroveTeacherText_HaveMapCard
$46d6 = CherrygroveYoungsterText_NoPokedex
$4701 = CherrygroveYoungsterText_HavePokedex
$4766 = MysticWaterGuyTextBefore
$47c1 = MysticWaterGuyTextAfter
$47e0 = CherrygroveCitySignText
$4815 = GuideGentsHouseSignText
$4829 = CherrygroveCity_MapEvents
$48ad = Route35_MapScripts
$48af = TrainerBirdKeeperBryan
$48bb = TrainerBirdKeeperBryan.Script
$48c3 = TrainerJugglerIrwin
$48cf = TrainerJugglerIrwin.Script
$48ec = TrainerJugglerIrwin.AskedAlready
$48ef = TrainerJugglerIrwin.AskForNumber
$4903 = Route35AskNumber1M
$4907 = Route35AskNumber2M
$490b = Route35RegisteredNumberM
$490f = Route35NumberAcceptedM
$4913 = Route35NumberDeclinedM
$4917 = Route35PhoneFullM
$491b = Route35RematchM
$491f = TrainerCamperIvan
$492b = TrainerCamperIvan.Script
$4933 = TrainerCamperElliot
$493f = TrainerCamperElliot.Script
$4947 = TrainerPicnickerBrooke
$4953 = TrainerPicnickerBrooke.Script
$495b = TrainerPicnickerKim
$4967 = TrainerPicnickerKim.Script
$496f = TrainerBugCatcherArnie
$497b = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.Script
$49a4 = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.AskedAlready
$49a7 = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.AskForNumber
$49bb = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.WantsBattle
$49da = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.Fight4
$49e0 = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.Fight3
$49e6 = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.Fight2
$49ec = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.Fight1
$49f2 = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.LoadFight0
$49ff = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.LoadFight1
$4a0c = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.LoadFight2
$4a19 = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.LoadFight3
$4a26 = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.LoadFight4
$4a2f = TrainerBugCatcherArnie.YanmaSwarming
$4a35 = TrainerFirebreatherWalt
$4a41 = TrainerFirebreatherWalt.Script
$4a49 = TrainerOfficerDirk
$4a6d = TrainerOfficerDirk.AfterBattle
$4a73 = TrainerOfficerDirk.NotNight
$4a79 = Route35Sign
$4a7c = Route35TMRollout
$4a7e = Route35FruitTree
$4a80 = CamperIvanSeenText
$4abb = CamperIvanBeatenText
$4ac4 = CamperIvanAfterBattleText
$4af8 = CamperElliotSeenText
$4b23 = CamperElliotBeatenText
$4b47 = CamperElliotAfterBattleText
$4b74 = PicnickerBrookeSeenText
$4ba0 = PicnickerBrookeBeatenText
$4bba = PicnickerBrookeAfterBattleText
$4bea = PicnickerKimSeenText
$4c0d = PicnickerKimBeatenText
$4c21 = PicnickerKimAfterBattleText
$4c4d = BirdKeeperBryanSeenText
$4c6e = BirdKeeperBryanBeatenText
$4c87 = BirdKeeperBryanAfterBattleText
$4d1e = JugglerIrwin1SeenText
$4d42 = JugglerIrwin1BeatenText
$4d5a = JugglerIrwinAfterBattleText
$4daa = BugCatcherArnieSeenText
$4dd5 = BugCatcherArnieBeatenText
$4df6 = BugCatcherArnieAfterBattleText
$4e38 = BugCatcherArnieYanmaText
$4e76 = FirebreatherWaltSeenText
$4e98 = FirebreatherWaltBeatenText
$4ebc = FirebreatherWaltAfterBattleText
$4eea = OfficerDirkSeenText
$4f06 = OfficerDirkBeatenText
$4f0f = OfficerDirkAfterBattleText
$4f56 = OfficerDirkPrettyToughText
$4f94 = Route35SignText
$4f9e = Route35_MapEvents
$504c = Route43_MapScripts
$5051 = Route43CheckIfRocketsScene
$505c = Route43CheckIfRocketsScene.NoRockets
$5061 = TrainerCamperSpencer
$506d = TrainerCamperSpencer.Script
$5075 = TrainerPokemaniacBen
$5081 = TrainerPokemaniacBen.Script
$5089 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent
$5095 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.Script
$50b8 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.AskedAlready
$50bb = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.AskForNumber
$50cf = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.WantsBattle
$50ea = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.Fight3
$50f0 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.Fight2
$50f6 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.Fight1
$50fc = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.LoadFight0
$5109 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.LoadFight1
$5116 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.LoadFight2
$5123 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.LoadFight3
$512c = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.AskNumber1
$5130 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.AskNumber2
$5134 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.RegisteredNumber
$5138 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.NumberAccepted
$513c = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.NumberDeclined
$5140 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.PhoneFull
$5144 = TrainerPokemaniacBrent.Rematch
$5148 = TrainerPokemaniacRon
$5154 = TrainerPokemaniacRon.Script
$515c = TrainerFisherMarvin
$5168 = TrainerFisherMarvin.Script
$5170 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany
$517c = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.Script
$51aa = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.AskedAlready
$51ad = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.AskForNumber
$51c1 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.WantsBattle
$51dc = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.Fight3
$51e2 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.Fight2
$51e8 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.Fight1
$51ee = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.LoadFight0
$51fb = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.LoadFight1
$5208 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.LoadFight2
$5215 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.LoadFight3
$521e = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.HasPinkBow
$5230 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.NoRoom
$5233 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.NoClefairy
$5239 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.AskNumber1
$523d = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.AskNumber2
$5241 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.RegisteredNumber
$5245 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.NumberAccepted
$5249 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.NumberDeclined
$524d = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.PhoneFull
$5251 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.Rematch
$5255 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.Gift
$5259 = TrainerPicnickerTiffany.PackFull
$525d = Route43Sign1
$5260 = Route43Sign2
$5263 = Route43TrainerTips
$5266 = Route43FruitTree
$5268 = Route43MaxEther
$526a = PokemaniacBenSeenText
$52b4 = PokemaniacBenBeatenText
$52d2 = PokemaniacBenAfterBattleText
$5319 = PokemaniacBrentSeenText
$533a = PokemaniacBrentBeatenText
$5359 = PokemaniacBrentAfterBattleText
$5386 = PokemaniacRonSeenText
$53d6 = PokemaniacRonBeatenText
$53f8 = PokemaniacRonAfterBattleText
$5461 = FisherMarvinSeenText
$54b0 = FisherMarvinBeatenText
$54d3 = FisherMarvinAfterBattleText
$5535 = CamperSpencerSeenText
$5565 = CamperSpencerBeatenText
$557e = CamperSpencerAfterBattleText
$55c1 = PicnickerTiffanySeenText
$5604 = PicnickerTiffanyBeatenText
$5618 = PicnickerTiffanyWantsPicnicText
$564b = PicnickerTiffanyClefairyText
$567b = Route43Sign1Text
$56a2 = Route43Sign2Text
$56c9 = Route43TrainerTipsText
$578c = Route43_MapEvents
$5822 = Route44_MapScripts
$5824 = TrainerBirdKeeperVance1
$5830 = TrainerBirdKeeperVance1.Script
$5853 = TrainerBirdKeeperVance1.AskedAlready
$5856 = TrainerBirdKeeperVance1.AskForNumber
$586a = TrainerBirdKeeperVance1.WantsBattle
$5881 = TrainerBirdKeeperVance1.Fight2
$5887 = TrainerBirdKeeperVance1.Fight1
$588d = TrainerBirdKeeperVance1.LoadFight0
$589a = TrainerBirdKeeperVance1.LoadFight1
$58a7 = TrainerBirdKeeperVance1.LoadFight2
$58ca = TrainerBirdKeeperVance1.ReceivedCarbosBefore
$58cb = TrainerBirdKeeperVance1.Carbos
$58df = Route44AskNumber1M
$58e3 = Route44AskNumber2M
$58e7 = Route44RegisteredNumberM
$58eb = Route44NumberAcceptedM
$58ef = Route44NumberDeclinedM
$58f3 = Route44PhoneFullM
$58f7 = Route44RematchM
$58fb = Route44GiftM
$58ff = Route44PackFullM
$5903 = VancePackFull
$590a = Route44RematchGiftM
$590e = TrainerPsychicPhil
$591a = TrainerPsychicPhil.Script
$5922 = TrainerFisherWilton1
$592e = TrainerFisherWilton1.Script
$5957 = TrainerFisherWilton1.AskedAlready
$595a = TrainerFisherWilton1.AskForNumber
$596e = TrainerFisherWilton1.WantsBattle
$5985 = TrainerFisherWilton1.Fight2
$598b = TrainerFisherWilton1.Fight1
$5991 = TrainerFisherWilton1.LoadFight0
$599e = TrainerFisherWilton1.LoadFight1
$59ab = TrainerFisherWilton1.LoadFight2
$59b4 = TrainerFisherWilton1.HasItem
$59c9 = TrainerFisherWilton1.UltraBall
$59d2 = TrainerFisherWilton1.GreatBall
$59db = TrainerFisherWilton1.PokeBall
$59e1 = TrainerFisherWilton1.ItemReceived
$59e7 = TrainerFisherWilton1.Route44PackFullM
$59ea = TrainerFisherEdgar
$59f6 = TrainerFisherEdgar.Script
$59fe = TrainerCooltrainerfCybil
$5a0a = TrainerCooltrainerfCybil.Script
$5a12 = TrainerPokemaniacZach
$5a1e = TrainerPokemaniacZach.Script
$5a26 = TrainerCooltrainermAllen
$5a32 = TrainerCooltrainermAllen.Script
$5a3a = Route44Sign1
$5a3d = Route44Sign2
$5a40 = Route44FruitTree
$5a42 = Route44MaxRevive
$5a44 = Route44UltraBall
$5a46 = Route44MaxRepel
$5a48 = Route44HiddenElixer
$5a4b = FisherWilton1SeenText
$5a91 = FisherWilton1BeatenText
$5aa8 = FisherWiltonHugePoliwagText
$5af7 = FisherEdgarSeenText
$5b55 = FisherEdgarBeatenText
$5b6f = FisherEdgarAfterBattleText
$5baf = BirdKeeperVance1SeenText
$5bdb = BirdKeeperVance1BeatenText
$5bf3 = BirdKeeperVanceLegendaryBirdsText
$5c67 = BirdKeeperVance2BeatenText
$5cc4 = PsychicPhilSeenText
$5cdd = PsychicPhilBeatenText
$5cfc = PsychicPhilAfterBattleText
$5d2c = PokemaniacZachSeenText
$5d5b = PokemaniacZachBeatenText
$5d7e = PokemaniacZachAfterBattleText
$5ddc = CooltrainermAllenSeenText
$5e43 = CooltrainermAllenBeatenText
$5e66 = CooltrainermAllenAfterBattleText
$5eed = CooltrainerfCybilSeenText
$5f31 = CooltrainerfCybilBeatenText
$5f4d = CooltrainerfCybilAfterBattleText
$5fb3 = Route44Sign1Text
$5fcc = Route44Sign2Text
$5ff6 = Route44_MapEvents
$609f = Route45_MapScripts
$60a1 = TrainerBlackbeltKenji
$60ad = TrainerBlackbeltKenji.Script
$60cd = TrainerBlackbeltKenji.AskedAlready
$60d0 = TrainerBlackbeltKenji.AskForNumber
$60e4 = TrainerBlackbeltKenji.Registered
$610c = TrainerBlackbeltKenji.Morning
$6112 = TrainerBlackbeltKenji.Night
$6118 = TrainerBlackbeltKenji.NoRoom
$611b = Route45AskNumber1M
$611f = Route45AskNumber2M
$6123 = Route45RegisteredNumberM
$6127 = Route45NumberAcceptedM
$612b = Route45NumberDeclinedM
$612f = Route45PhoneFullM
$6133 = Route45RematchM
$6137 = Route45GiftM
$613b = Route45PackFullM
$613f = HikerParryHasIron
$6146 = Route45RematchGiftM
$614a = TrainerHikerErik
$6156 = TrainerHikerErik.Script
$615e = TrainerHikerMichael
$616a = TrainerHikerMichael.Script
$6172 = TrainerHikerParry
$617e = TrainerHikerParry.Script
$61a1 = TrainerHikerParry.AskedAlready
$61a4 = TrainerHikerParry.AskForNumber
$61b8 = TrainerHikerParry.WantsBattle
$61cf = TrainerHikerParry.Fight2
$61d5 = TrainerHikerParry.Fight1
$61db = TrainerHikerParry.LoadFight0
$61e8 = TrainerHikerParry.LoadFight1
$61f5 = TrainerHikerParry.LoadFight2
$6218 = TrainerHikerParry.GotIron
$6219 = TrainerHikerParry.HasIron
$622d = TrainerHikerTimothy
$6239 = TrainerHikerTimothy.Script
$6241 = TrainerCooltrainermRyan
$624d = TrainerCooltrainermRyan.Script
$6255 = TrainerCooltrainerfKelly
$6261 = TrainerCooltrainerfKelly.Script
$6269 = TrainerCamperQuentin
$6285 = TrainerCamperQuentin.Defeated
$628b = Route45DummyScript
$6291 = Route45Sign
$6294 = Route45FruitTree
$6296 = Route45Nugget
$6298 = Route45Revive
$629a = Route45Elixer
$629c = Route45MaxPotion
$629e = Route45HiddenPpUp
$62a1 = HikerErikSeenText
$62ef = HikerErikBeatenText
$6301 = HikerErikAfterBattleText
$633d = HikerMichaelSeenText
$6392 = HikerMichaelBeatenText
$63b1 = HikerMichaelAfterBattleText
$63fd = HikerParry3SeenText
$6418 = HikerParry3BeatenText
$6434 = HikerParryAfterBattleText
$647a = HikerTimothySeenText
$64d6 = HikerTimothyBeatenText
$64f1 = HikerTimothyAfterBattleText
$652c = HikerParryGivesIronText
$659c = BlackbeltKenji3SeenText
$65d7 = BlackbeltKenji3BeatenText
$65e2 = BlackbeltKenjiAfterBattleText
$6634 = BlackbeltKenjiMorningText
$666c = BlackbeltKenjiNightText
$66cb = CooltrainermRyanSeenText
$66f6 = CooltrainermRyanBeatenText
$670d = CooltrainermRyanAfterBattleText
$676f = CooltrainerfKellySeenText
$67c2 = CooltrainerfKellyBeatenText
$67d1 = CooltrainerfKellyAfterBattleText
$6830 = Route45DummyText
$687f = CamperQuentinSeenText
$6899 = CamperQuentinBeatenText
$68bb = CamperQuentinAfterBattleText
$68fe = Route45SignText
$691b = Route45_MapEvents
$69d9 = Route19_MapScripts
$69de = Route19ClearRocksCallback
$69fc = Route19ClearRocksCallback.Done
$69fd = TrainerSwimmerfDawn
$6a09 = TrainerSwimmerfDawn.Script
$6a11 = TrainerSwimmermHarold
$6a1d = TrainerSwimmermHarold.Script
$6a25 = TrainerSwimmermJerome
$6a31 = TrainerSwimmermJerome.Script
$6a39 = TrainerSwimmermTucker
$6a45 = TrainerSwimmermTucker.Script
$6a4d = Route19Fisher1Script
$6a5b = Route19Fisher1Script.RocksCleared
$6a61 = Route19Fisher2Script
$6a6f = Route19Fisher2Script.RocksCleared
$6a75 = Route19Sign
$6a78 = CarefulSwimmingSign
$6a7b = SwimmermHaroldSeenText
$6aad = SwimmermHaroldBeatenText
$6ab4 = SwimmermHaroldAfterBattleText
$6afa = SwimmermTuckerSeenText
$6b2d = SwimmermTuckerBeatenText
$6b3b = SwimmermTuckerAfterBattleText
$6b6f = SwimmerfDawnSeenText
$6b8e = SwimmerfDawnBeatenText
$6bad = SwimmerfDawnAfterBattleText
$6c19 = SwimmermJeromeSeenText
$6c66 = SwimmermJeromeBeatenText
$6c7e = SwimmermJeromeAfterBattleText
$6caf = Route19Fisher1Text
$6d24 = Route19Fisher1Text_RocksCleared
$6d45 = Route19Fisher2Text
$6d7d = Route19Fisher2Text_RocksCleared
$6dbc = Route19SignText
$6de5 = CarefulSwimmingSignText
$6e31 = Route19_MapEvents
$6e94 = Route25_MapScripts
$6e9e = Route25Noop1Scene
$6e9f = Route25Noop2Scene
$6ea0 = Route25MistyDate1Script
$6ee0 = Route25MistyDate2Script
$6f20 = TrainerSchoolboyDudley
$6f2c = TrainerSchoolboyDudley.Script
$6f34 = TrainerLassEllen
$6f40 = TrainerLassEllen.Script
$6f48 = TrainerSchoolboyJoe
$6f54 = TrainerSchoolboyJoe.Script
$6f5c = TrainerLassLaura
$6f68 = TrainerLassLaura.Script
$6f70 = TrainerCamperLloyd
$6f7c = TrainerCamperLloyd.Script
$6f84 = TrainerLassShannon
$6f90 = TrainerLassShannon.Script
$6f98 = TrainerSupernerdPat
$6fa4 = TrainerSupernerdPat.Script
$6fac = TrainerCooltrainermKevin
$6fc7 = TrainerCooltrainermKevin.AfterNuggetBridge
$6fda = TrainerCooltrainermKevin.AfterBattle
$6fde = TrainerCooltrainermKevin.NoRoomForNugget
$6fe0 = BillsHouseSign
$6fe3 = Route25Protein
$6fe5 = Route25HiddenPotion
$6fe8 = Route25MistysDateLeavesMovement1
$6fea = Route25MistysDateLeavesMovement2
$6fed = Route25MistyApproachesPlayerMovement1
$6ff4 = Route25MistyApproachesPlayerMovement2
$6ffa = Route25MistyLeavesPlayerMovement1
$6ffd = Route25MistyLeavesPlayerMovement2
$7000 = Route25MistyLeavesMovement
$7006 = Route25MistyDateText
$714d = SchoolboyDudleySeenText
$71a2 = SchoolboyDudleyBeatenText
$71b5 = SchoolboyDudleyAfterBattleText
$71d8 = LassEllenSeenText
$71f5 = LassEllenBeatenText
$7208 = LassEllenAfterBattleText
$722b = SchoolboyJoeSeenText
$7249 = SchoolboyJoeBeatenText
$725c = SchoolboyJoeAfterBattleText
$727f = LassLauraSeenText
$7299 = LassLauraBeatenText
$72a6 = LassLauraAfterBattleText
$72c9 = CamperLloydSeenText
$72e7 = CamperLloydBeatenText
$72f8 = CamperLloydAfterBattleText
$731b = LassShannonSeenText
$734b = LassShannonBeatenText
$735b = LassShannonAfterBattleText
$737e = SupernerdPatSeenText
$7401 = SupernerdPatBeatenText
$741a = SupernerdPatAfterBattleText
$743b = CooltrainermKevinNuggetText
$749d = CooltrainermKevinSeenText
$74fd = CooltrainermKevinBeatenText
$7520 = CooltrainermKevinAfterBattleText
$7567 = BillsHouseSignText
$7581 = UnusedBillsHouseSignText
$758f = Route25_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7643-$7fff ($09bd bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $09bd bytes
ROMX bank #104:
SECTION: $4000-$70b0 ($30b1 bytes) ["Map Scripts 21"]
$4000 = CianwoodCity_MapScripts
$400d = CianwoodCityNoop1Scene
$400e = CianwoodCityNoop2Scene
$400f = CianwoodCityFlypointAndSuicuneCallback
$401d = CianwoodCityFlypointAndSuicuneCallback.Done
$401e = CianwoodCitySuicuneAndEusine
$4083 = CianwoodCitySuicuneAndEusine.Done
$4084 = CianwoodCityChucksWife
$409c = CianwoodCityChucksWife.BeatChuck
$40ad = CianwoodCityChucksWife.GotFly
$40b1 = CianwoodCityChucksWife.Done
$40b3 = CianwoodCityYoungster
$40b6 = CianwoodCityPokefanM
$40b9 = CianwoodCityLass
$40bc = CianwoodCityUnusedScript
$40bf = CianwoodCitySign
$40c2 = CianwoodGymSign
$40c5 = CianwoodPharmacySign
$40c8 = CianwoodPhotoStudioSign
$40cb = CianwoodPokeSeerSign
$40ce = CianwoodPokecenterSign
$40d1 = CianwoodCityRock
$40d4 = CianwoodCityHiddenRevive
$40d7 = CianwoodCityHiddenMaxEther
$40da = CianwoodCitySuicuneApproachMovement
$40e0 = CianwoodCitySuicuneDepartMovement
$40e7 = CianwoodCityEusineApproachMovement
$40ec = CianwoodCityEusineDepartMovement
$40f1 = ChucksWifeEasierToFlyText
$4163 = ChucksWifeBeatChuckText
$41e3 = ChucksWifeGiveHMText
$421d = ChucksWifeFlySpeechText
$4277 = ChucksWifeChubbyText
$42df = CianwoodCityYoungsterText
$4319 = CianwoodCityPokefanMText
$4394 = CianwoodCityLassText
$43cc = CianwoodCityUnusedText
$4433 = EusineSuicuneText
$45a1 = EusineBeatenText
$45c3 = EusineAfterText
$4660 = CianwoodCitySignText
$468f = CianwoodGymSignText
$46d6 = CianwoodPharmacySignText
$4725 = CianwoodPhotoStudioSignText
$4760 = CianwoodPokeSeerSignText
$4772 = CianwoodCity_MapEvents
$4867 = Route27_MapScripts
$4871 = Route27Noop1Scene
$4872 = Route27Noop2Scene
$4873 = FirstStepIntoKantoLeftScene
$4881 = FirstStepIntoKantoRightScene
$488c = FirstStepIntoKantoScene_Continue
$489c = Route27FisherScript
$489f = TrainerPsychicGilbert
$48ab = TrainerPsychicGilbert.Script
$48b3 = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2
$48bf = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.Script
$48e8 = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.AskedAlready
$48eb = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.AskForNumber
$48ff = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.WantsBattle
$4916 = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.Fight2
$491c = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.Fight1
$4922 = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.LoadFight0
$492f = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.LoadFight1
$493c = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.LoadFight2
$4945 = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.HasStarPiece
$4954 = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.NoRoom
$4957 = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.AskNumber1
$495b = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.AskNumber2
$495f = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.RegisteredNumber
$4963 = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.NumberAccepted
$4967 = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.NumberDeclined
$496b = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.PhoneFull
$496f = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.Rematch
$4973 = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.Gift
$4977 = TrainerBirdKeeperJose2.PackFull
$497b = TrainerCooltrainermBlake
$4987 = TrainerCooltrainermBlake.Script
$498f = TrainerCooltrainermBrian
$499b = TrainerCooltrainermBrian.Script
$49a3 = TrainerCooltrainerfReena
$49af = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.Script
$49d2 = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.AskedAlready
$49d5 = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.AskForNumber
$49e9 = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.WantsBattle
$4a00 = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.Fight2
$4a06 = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.Fight1
$4a0c = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.LoadFight0
$4a19 = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.LoadFight1
$4a26 = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.LoadFight2
$4a2f = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.AskNumber1
$4a33 = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.AskNumber2
$4a37 = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.RegisteredNumber
$4a3b = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.NumberAccepted
$4a3f = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.NumberDeclined
$4a43 = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.PhoneFull
$4a47 = TrainerCooltrainerfReena.Rematch
$4a4b = TrainerCooltrainerfMegan
$4a57 = TrainerCooltrainerfMegan.Script
$4a5f = TohjoFallsSign
$4a62 = Route27TMSolarbeam
$4a64 = Route27RareCandy
$4a66 = Route27FisherStepLeftTwiceMovement
$4a69 = Route27FisherStepLeftOnceMovement
$4a6b = Route27FisherHeyText
$4a71 = Route27FisherText
$4ad9 = CooltrainermBlakeSeenText
$4b05 = CooltrainermBlakeBeatenText
$4b0b = CooltrainermBlakeAfterBattleText
$4b7c = CooltrainermBrianSeenText
$4b98 = CooltrainermBrianBeatenText
$4bac = CooltrainermBrianAfterBattleText
$4bdf = CooltrainerfReenaSeenText
$4c19 = CooltrainerfReenaBeatenText
$4c35 = CooltrainerfReenaAfterBattleText
$4c73 = CooltrainerfMeganSeenText
$4cb4 = CooltrainerfMeganBeatenText
$4cce = CooltrainerfMeganAfterBattleText
$4d55 = PsychicGilbertSeenText
$4dc1 = PsychicGilbertBeatenText
$4dd2 = PsychicGilbertAfterBattleText
$4e22 = BirdKeeperJose2SeenText
$4e3a = BirdKeeperJose2BeatenText
$4e42 = BirdKeeperJose2AfterBattleText
$4e7f = TohjoFallsSignText
$4ead = Route27_MapEvents
$4f4c = Route29_MapScripts
$4f59 = Route29Noop1Scene
$4f5a = Route29Noop2Scene
$4f5b = Route29TuscanyCallback
$4f61 = Route29TuscanyCallback.TuscanyDisappears
$4f64 = Route29TuscanyCallback.DoesTuscanyAppear
$4f6d = Route29Tutorial1
$4fa3 = Route29Tutorial2
$4fd9 = Script_RefusedTutorial1
$4fe5 = Script_RefusedTutorial2
$4ff1 = CatchingTutorialDudeScript
$501c = CatchingTutorialDudeScript.BoxFull
$5022 = CatchingTutorialDudeScript.Declined
$5028 = Route29YoungsterScript
$502b = Route29TeacherScript
$502e = Route29FisherScript
$5031 = Route29CooltrainerMScript
$503d = Route29CooltrainerMScript.day_morn
$5043 = Route29CooltrainerMScript.nite
$5049 = TuscanyScript
$5064 = TuscanyScript.MetTuscany
$5077 = TuscanyTuesdayScript
$507b = TuscanyDoneScript
$507d = TuscanyNotTuesdayScript
$5083 = Route29Sign1
$5086 = Route29Sign2
$5089 = Route29FruitTree
$508b = Route29Potion
$508d = DudeMovementData1a
$5094 = DudeMovementData2a
$509a = DudeMovementData1b
$50a1 = DudeMovementData2b
$50a7 = CatchingTutorialBoxFullText
$50df = CatchingTutorialIntroText
$514d = CatchingTutorialDebriefText
$5197 = CatchingTutorialDeclinedText
$51e3 = CatchingTutorialRepeatText
$5214 = Route29YoungsterText
$526c = Route29TeacherText
$52d9 = Route29FisherText
$5316 = Route29CooltrainerMText_WaitingForDay
$534c = Route29CooltrainerMText_WaitingForNight
$537c = Route29CooltrainerMText_WaitingForMorning
$53b2 = MeetTuscanyText
$542f = TuscanyGivesGiftText
$546f = TuscanyGaveGiftText
$54e7 = TuscanyTuesdayText
$5559 = TuscanyNotTuesdayText
$558e = Route29Sign1Text
$55b9 = Route29Sign2Text
$55e4 = Route29_MapEvents
$5671 = Route30_MapScripts
$5673 = YoungsterJoey_ImportantBattleScript
$569a = TrainerYoungsterJoey
$56a6 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.Script
$56c9 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.AskAgain
$56cc = TrainerYoungsterJoey.RequestNumber
$56e0 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.Rematch
$56ff = TrainerYoungsterJoey.Fight4
$5705 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.Fight3
$570b = TrainerYoungsterJoey.Fight2
$5711 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.Fight1
$5717 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.LoadFight0
$5724 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.LoadFight1
$5731 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.LoadFight2
$573e = TrainerYoungsterJoey.LoadFight3
$574b = TrainerYoungsterJoey.LoadFight4
$576e = TrainerYoungsterJoey.done
$576f = TrainerYoungsterJoey.GiveHPUp
$5783 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.AskNumber1
$5787 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.AskNumber2
$578b = TrainerYoungsterJoey.RegisteredNumber
$578f = TrainerYoungsterJoey.NumberAccepted
$5793 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.NumberDeclined
$5797 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.PhoneFull
$579b = TrainerYoungsterJoey.RematchStd
$579f = TrainerYoungsterJoey.PackFull
$57a6 = TrainerYoungsterJoey.RematchGift
$57aa = TrainerYoungsterMikey
$57b6 = TrainerYoungsterMikey.Script
$57be = TrainerBugCatcherDon
$57ca = TrainerBugCatcherDon.Script
$57d2 = Route30YoungsterScript
$57e0 = Route30YoungsterScript.CompletedEggQuest
$57e6 = Route30CooltrainerFScript
$57e9 = Route30Sign
$57ec = MrPokemonsHouseDirectionsSign
$57ef = MrPokemonsHouseSign
$57f2 = Route30TrainerTips
$57f5 = Route30Antidote
$57f7 = Route30FruitTree1
$57f9 = Route30FruitTree2
$57fb = Route30HiddenPotion
$57fe = Route30_JoeysRattataAttacksMovement
$5802 = Route30_MikeysRattataAttacksMovement
$5806 = Text_UseTackle
$581c = Text_ThisIsABigBattle
$5849 = YoungsterJoey1SeenText
$58a2 = YoungsterJoey1BeatenText
$58c2 = YoungsterJoey1AfterText
$5928 = YoungsterMikeySeenText
$595f = YoungsterMikeyBeatenText
$597d = YoungsterMikeyAfterText
$59d8 = BugCatcherDonSeenText
$5a03 = BugCatcherDonBeatenText
$5a1c = BugCatcherDonAfterText
$5a6a = Route30YoungsterText_DirectionsToMrPokemonsHouse
$5a94 = Route30YoungsterText_EveryoneIsBattling
$5ac4 = Route30CooltrainerFText
$5b0b = Route30SignText
$5b34 = MrPokemonsHouseDirectionsSignText
$5b55 = MrPokemonsHouseSignText
$5b66 = Route30TrainerTipsText
$5bc0 = YoungsterJoeyText_GiveHPUpAfterBattle
$5c54 = Route30_MapEvents
$5d0c = Route38_MapScripts
$5d0e = TrainerBirdKeeperToby
$5d1a = TrainerBirdKeeperToby.Script
$5d22 = TrainerSailorHarry
$5d2e = TrainerSailorHarry.Script
$5d36 = TrainerLassDana1
$5d42 = TrainerLassDana1.Script
$5d6b = TrainerLassDana1.SecondTimeAsking
$5d6e = TrainerLassDana1.AskForPhoneNumber
$5d82 = TrainerLassDana1.DanaRematch
$5da1 = TrainerLassDana1.Fight4
$5da7 = TrainerLassDana1.Fight3
$5dad = TrainerLassDana1.Fight2
$5db3 = TrainerLassDana1.Fight1
$5db9 = TrainerLassDana1.LoadFight0
$5dc6 = TrainerLassDana1.LoadFight1
$5dd3 = TrainerLassDana1.LoadFight2
$5de0 = TrainerLassDana1.LoadFight3
$5ded = TrainerLassDana1.LoadFight4
$5df6 = TrainerLassDana1.TryGiveThunderstone
$5e08 = TrainerLassDana1.NoRoomForThunderstone
$5e0b = TrainerLassDana1.AskNumber1F
$5e0f = TrainerLassDana1.AskNumber2F
$5e13 = TrainerLassDana1.RegisteredPhoneNumber
$5e17 = TrainerLassDana1.NumberAccepted
$5e1b = TrainerLassDana1.DeclinedPhoneNumber
$5e1f = TrainerLassDana1.PhoneFull
$5e23 = TrainerLassDana1.Rematch
$5e27 = TrainerLassDana1.Gift
$5e2b = TrainerLassDana1.PackFull
$5e2f = TrainerSchoolboyChad1
$5e3b = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.Script
$5e5e = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.SecondTimeAsking
$5e61 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.AskToRegisterNumber
$5e75 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.ChadRematch
$5e94 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.Fight4
$5e9a = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.Fight3
$5ea0 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.Fight2
$5ea6 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.Fight1
$5eac = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.LoadFight0
$5eb9 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.LoadFight1
$5ec6 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.LoadFight2
$5ed3 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.LoadFight3
$5ee0 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.LoadFight4
$5ee9 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.AskPhoneNumber1
$5eed = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.AskPhoneNumber2
$5ef1 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.RegisteredChad
$5ef5 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.HaveChadsNumber
$5ef9 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.SaidNo
$5efd = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.PhoneFull
$5f01 = TrainerSchoolboyChad1.Rematch
$5f05 = TrainerBeautyValerie
$5f11 = TrainerBeautyValerie.Script
$5f19 = TrainerBeautyOlivia
$5f25 = TrainerBeautyOlivia.Script
$5f2d = Route38Sign
$5f30 = Route38TrainerTips
$5f33 = Route38FruitTree
$5f35 = BirdKeeperTobySeenText
$5f63 = BirdKeeperTobyBeatenText
$5f86 = BirdKeeperTobyAfterBattleText
$5fc5 = SchoolboyChad1SeenText
$5fee = SchoolboyChad1BeatenText
$600e = SchoolboyChadSoManyTestsText
$607d = LassDana1SeenText
$60c8 = LassDana1BeatenText
$60ec = LassDanaMoomooMilkText
$6130 = BeautyValerieSeenText
$6164 = BeautyValerieBeatenText
$6185 = BeautyValerieAfterBattleText
$61b7 = SailorHarrySeenText
$61f0 = SailorHarryBeatenText
$620c = SailorHarryAfterBattleText
$624c = BeautyOliviaSeenText
$6279 = BeautyOliviaBeatenText
$629a = BeautyOliviaAfterBattleText
$62fd = Route38SignText
$6324 = Route38TrainerTipsText
$63bb = Route38_MapEvents
$6430 = Route13_MapScripts
$6432 = TrainerPokefanmAlex
$643e = TrainerPokefanmAlex.Script
$6446 = TrainerPokefanmJoshua
$6452 = TrainerPokefanmJoshua.Script
$645a = TrainerBirdKeeperPerry
$6466 = TrainerBirdKeeperPerry.Script
$646e = TrainerBirdKeeperBret
$647a = TrainerBirdKeeperBret.Script
$6482 = TrainerHikerKenny
$648e = TrainerHikerKenny.Script
$6496 = Route13TrainerTips
$6499 = Route13Sign
$649c = Route13DirectionsSign
$649f = Route13HiddenCalcium
$64a2 = PokefanmAlexSeenText
$64c2 = PokefanmAlexBeatenText
$64e3 = PokefanmAlexAfterBattleText
$650f = PokefanmJoshuaSeenText
$6542 = PokefanmJoshuaBeatenText
$654f = PokefanmJoshuaAfterBattleText
$6591 = BirdKeeperPerrySeenText
$65bd = BirdKeeperPerryBeatenText
$65db = BirdKeeperPerryAfterBattleText
$6604 = BirdKeeperBretSeenText
$6649 = BirdKeeperBretBeatenText
$6662 = BirdKeeperBretAfterBattleText
$6686 = HikerKennySeenText
$66b9 = HikerKennyBeatenText
$66c2 = HikerKennyAfterBattleText
$671c = Route13TrainerTipsText
$675b = Route13SignText
$677d = Route13DirectionsSignText
$67aa = Route13_MapEvents
$6805 = PewterNidoranSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$6807 = PewterNidoranSpeechHouseSuperNerdScript
$680a = PewterNidoran
$6814 = PewterNidoranSpeechHouseSuperNerdText
$6825 = PewterNidoranText
$6838 = PewterNidoranSpeechHouse_MapEvents
$6862 = PewterGym_MapScripts
$6864 = PewterGymBrockScript
$6892 = PewterGymBrockScript.FightDone
$6898 = TrainerCamperJerry
$68a4 = TrainerCamperJerry.Script
$68ac = PewterGymGuideScript
$68ba = PewterGymGuideScript.PewterGymGuideWinScript
$68c0 = PewterGymStatue
$68c9 = PewterGymStatue.Beaten
$68d0 = BrockIntroText
$69bb = BrockWinLossText
$6a3d = ReceivedBoulderBadgeText
$6a57 = BrockBoulderBadgeText
$6ada = BrockFightDoneText
$6b62 = CamperJerrySeenText
$6bf1 = CamperJerryBeatenText
$6c0f = CamperJerryAfterBattleText
$6c6e = PewterGymGuideText
$6d07 = PewterGymGuideWinText
$6d88 = PewterGym_MapEvents
$6dc9 = PewterMart_MapScripts
$6dcb = PewterMartClerkScript
$6dd2 = PewterMartYoungsterScript
$6dd5 = PewterMartSuperNerdScript
$6dd8 = PewterMartYoungsterText
$6e3a = PewterMartSuperNerdText
$6eae = PewterMart_MapEvents
$6ee5 = PewterPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$6ee7 = PewterPokecenter1FNurseScript
$6eea = PewterPokecenter1FTeacherScript
$6eed = PewterJigglypuff
$6ef7 = PewterPokecenter1FBugCatcherScript
$6efa = Chris
$6f01 = PewterPokecenter1FTeacherText
$6f5d = PewterJigglypuffText
$6f75 = PewterPokecenter1FBugCatcherText
$6ff4 = PewterPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$704a = PewterPokecenter2FBeta_MapScripts
$704c = PewterPokecenter2FBeta_MapEvents
$7057 = PewterSnoozeSpeechHouse_MapScripts
$7059 = PewterSnoozeSpeechHouseGrampsScript
$705c = PewterSnoozeSpeechHouseBookshelf
$705f = PewterSnoozeSpeechHouseGrampsText
$708a = PewterSnoozeSpeechHouse_MapEvents
EMPTY: $70b1-$7fff ($0f4f bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0f4f bytes
ROMX bank #105:
SECTION: $4000-$7336 ($3337 bytes) ["Map Scripts 22"]
$4000 = EcruteakCity_MapScripts
$4005 = EcruteakCityFlypointCallback
$4009 = EcruteakCityGramps1Script
$400c = EcruteakCityGramps2Script
$400f = EcruteakCityGramps3Script
$4012 = EcruteakCityLass1Script
$4015 = EcruteakCityLass2Script
$4023 = EcruteakCityLass2Script.ReleasedBeasts
$4029 = EcruteakCityFisherScript
$4037 = EcruteakCityFisherScript.JasmineReturned
$403d = EcruteakCityYoungsterScript
$4040 = EcruteakCitySign
$4043 = TinTowerSign
$4046 = EcruteakGymSign
$4049 = EcruteakDanceTheaterSign
$404c = BurnedTowerSign
$404f = EcruteakCityPokecenterSign
$4052 = EcruteakCityMartSign
$4055 = EcruteakCityHiddenHyperPotion
$4058 = UnusedMissingDaughterText
$4105 = EcruteakCityGramps1Text
$4147 = EcruteakCityGramps2Text
$41db = EcruteakCityLass1Text
$421a = EcruteakCityLass2Text
$4269 = EcruteakCityLass2Text_ReleasedBeasts
$42ac = EcruteakCityFisherText
$4325 = EcruteakCityFisherText_JasmineReturned
$4386 = EcruteakCityYoungsterText
$43cb = EcruteakCityGramps3Text
$44d1 = EcruteakCitySignText
$4513 = TinTowerSignText
$4548 = EcruteakGymSignText
$458c = EcruteakDanceTheaterSignText
$45a4 = BurnedTowerSignText
$45fc = EcruteakCity_MapEvents
$46d0 = BlackthornCity_MapScripts
$46d8 = BlackthornCityFlypointCallback
$46dc = BlackthornCitySantosCallback
$46e5 = BlackthornCitySantosCallback.SantosAppears
$46e8 = BlackthornSuperNerdScript
$46fc = BlackthornSuperNerdScript.ClearedRadioTower
$4702 = BlackthornSuperNerdScript.BeatClair
$4708 = BlackthornGramps1Script
$470b = BlackthornGramps2Script
$470e = BlackthornBlackBeltScript
$471c = BlackthornBlackBeltScript.ClearedRadioTower
$4722 = BlackthornCooltrainerF1Script
$4725 = BlackthornYoungsterScript
$4728 = BlackthornCooltrainerF2Script
$472b = SantosScript
$4746 = SantosScript.MetSantos
$4759 = SantosScript.Saturday
$475d = SantosScript.Done
$475f = SantosScript.NotSaturday
$4765 = BlackthornCitySign
$4768 = BlackthornGymSign
$476b = MoveDeletersHouseSign
$476e = DragonDensSign
$4771 = BlackthornCityTrainerTips
$4774 = BlackthornCityPokecenterSign
$4777 = BlackthornCityMartSign
$477a = Text_ClairIsOut
$47f3 = Text_ClairIsIn
$4865 = Text_ClairIsBeaten
$48c3 = BlackthornGrampsRefusesEntryText
$48fb = BlackthornGrampsGrantsEntryText
$494a = BlackBeltText_WeirdRadio
$4983 = BlackBeltText_VoicesInMyHead
$49bd = BlackthornCooltrainerF1Text
$49f1 = BlackthornYoungsterText
$4a27 = MeetSantosText
$4a57 = SantosGivesGiftText
$4a6b = SantosGaveGiftText
$4ab6 = SantosSaturdayText
$4b00 = SantosNotSaturdayText
$4b1e = BlackthornCooltrainerF2Text
$4b67 = BlackthornCitySignText
$4b91 = BlackthornGymSignText
$4bd9 = MoveDeletersHouseSignText
$4bef = DragonDensSignText
$4c03 = BlackthornCityTrainerTipsText
$4c57 = BlackthornCity_MapEvents
$4d1d = Route26_MapScripts
$4d1f = TrainerCooltrainermJake
$4d2b = TrainerCooltrainermJake.Script
$4d33 = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3
$4d3f = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.Script
$4d62 = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.AskedAlready
$4d65 = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.AskForNumber
$4d79 = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.WantsBattle
$4d90 = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.Fight2
$4d96 = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.Fight1
$4d9c = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.LoadFight0
$4da9 = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.LoadFight1
$4db6 = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.LoadFight2
$4dbf = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.AskNumber1
$4dc3 = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.AskNumber2
$4dc7 = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.RegisteredNumber
$4dcb = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.NumberAccepted
$4dcf = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.NumberDeclined
$4dd3 = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.PhoneFull
$4dd7 = TrainerCooltrainermGaven3.Rematch
$4ddb = TrainerCooltrainerfJoyce
$4de7 = TrainerCooltrainerfJoyce.Script
$4def = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1
$4dfb = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.Script
$4e1e = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.AskedAlready
$4e21 = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.AskForNumber
$4e35 = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.WantsBattle
$4e4c = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.Fight2
$4e52 = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.Fight1
$4e58 = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.LoadFight0
$4e65 = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.LoadFight1
$4e72 = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.LoadFight2
$4e7b = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.AskNumber1
$4e7f = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.AskNumber2
$4e83 = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.RegisteredNumber
$4e87 = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.NumberAccepted
$4e8b = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.NumberDeclined
$4e8f = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.PhoneFull
$4e93 = TrainerCooltrainerfBeth1.Rematch
$4e97 = TrainerPsychicRichard
$4ea3 = TrainerPsychicRichard.Script
$4eab = TrainerFisherScott
$4eb7 = TrainerFisherScott.Script
$4ebf = Route26Sign
$4ec2 = Route26FruitTree
$4ec4 = Route26MaxElixer
$4ec6 = CooltrainermJakeSeenText
$4efc = CooltrainermJakeBeatenText
$4f08 = CooltrainermJakeAfterBattleText
$4f97 = CooltrainermGaven3SeenText
$4fc7 = CooltrainermGaven3BeatenText
$4fe4 = CooltrainermGavenAfterText
$505c = CooltrainerfJoyceSeenText
$50bd = CooltrainerfJoyceBeatenText
$50d7 = CooltrainerfJoyceAfterBattleText
$5136 = CooltrainerfBeth1SeenText
$51bf = CooltrainerfBeth1BeatenText
$51d9 = CooltrainerfBethAfterText
$5204 = PsychicRichardSeenText
$526a = PsychicRichardBeatenText
$5278 = PsychicRichardAfterBattleText
$52c4 = FisherScottSeenText
$530d = FisherScottBeatenText
$5326 = FisherScottAfterBattleText
$5364 = Route26SignText
$5389 = Route26_MapEvents
$540b = Route28_MapScripts
$540d = Route28Sign
$5410 = Route28HiddenRareCandy
$5413 = Route28SignText
$541d = Route28_MapEvents
$5437 = Route31_MapScripts
$543c = Route31CheckMomCallCallback
$5443 = Route31CheckMomCallCallback.DoMomCall
$5447 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1
$5453 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.Script
$547c = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.AskAgain
$547f = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.Continue
$5493 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.WadeRematch
$54b2 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.Fight4
$54b8 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.Fight3
$54be = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.Fight2
$54c4 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.Fight1
$54ca = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.LoadFight0
$54d7 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.LoadFight1
$54e4 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.LoadFight2
$54f1 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.LoadFight3
$54fe = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.LoadFight4
$5507 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.WadeItem
$5522 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.Berry
$552b = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.Psncureberry
$5534 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.Przcureberry
$553d = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.BitterBerry
$5543 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.Done
$5549 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.PackFull
$554c = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.AskPhoneNumberSTD
$5550 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.AskAgainSTD
$5554 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.RegisterNumberSTD
$5558 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.AcceptedNumberSTD
$555c = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.DeclinedNumberSTD
$5560 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.PhoneFullSTD
$5564 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.RematchSTD
$5568 = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.ItemSTD
$556c = TrainerBugCatcherWade1.PackFullSTD
$5570 = Route31MailRecipientScript
$5584 = Route31MailRecipientScript.TryGiveKenya
$55af = Route31MailRecipientScript.DescribeNightmare
$55b3 = Route31MailRecipientScript.NoRoomForItems
$55b5 = Route31MailRecipientScript.WrongMail
$55bb = Route31MailRecipientScript.NoMail
$55c1 = Route31MailRecipientScript.Refused
$55c7 = Route31MailRecipientScript.LastMon
$55cd = ReceivedSpearowMailText
$55ed = Route31YoungsterScript
$55f0 = Route31Sign
$55f3 = DarkCaveSign
$55f6 = Route31CooltrainerMScript
$55f9 = Route31FruitTree
$55fb = Route31Potion
$55fd = Route31PokeBall
$55ff = Route31CooltrainerMText
$5635 = BugCatcherWade1SeenText
$5668 = BugCatcherWade1BeatenText
$5671 = BugCatcherWade1AfterText
$56d9 = Text_Route31SleepyMan
$5761 = Text_Route31SleepyManGotMail
$5790 = Text_Route31HandOverMailMon
$57ba = Text_Route31ReadingMail
$5896 = Text_Route31DescribeNightmare
$5921 = Text_Route31WrongMail
$5939 = Text_Route31MissingMail
$5972 = Text_Route31DeclinedToHandOverMail
$5991 = Text_Route31CantTakeLastMon
$59d5 = Route31YoungsterText
$5a45 = Route31SignText
$5a6e = DarkCaveSignText
$5a79 = Route31_MapEvents
$5af3 = Route39_MapScripts
$5af5 = Route39Miltank
$5aff = TrainerPokefanmDerek
$5b0b = TrainerPokefanmDerek.Script
$5b33 = TrainerPokefanmDerek.AskedAlready
$5b36 = TrainerPokefanmDerek.AskForNumber
$5b4a = TrainerPokefanmDerek.HasNugget
$5b59 = TrainerPokefanmDerek.NoRoom
$5b5c = TrainerPokefanmDerek.WantsPikachu
$5b62 = TrainerPokefanmDerek.AskNumber1
$5b66 = TrainerPokefanmDerek.AskNumber2
$5b6a = TrainerPokefanmDerek.RegisteredNumber
$5b6e = TrainerPokefanmDerek.NumberAccepted
$5b72 = TrainerPokefanmDerek.NumberDeclined
$5b76 = TrainerPokefanmDerek.PhoneFull
$5b7a = TrainerPokefanmDerek.Gift
$5b7e = TrainerPokefanmDerek.PackFull
$5b82 = TrainerPokefanfRuth
$5b8e = TrainerPokefanfRuth.Script
$5b96 = TrainerSailorEugene
$5ba2 = TrainerSailorEugene.Script
$5baa = TrainerPsychicNorman
$5bb6 = TrainerPsychicNorman.Script
$5bbe = TrainerPokefanfJaime
$5bdf = TrainerPokefanfJaime.Beaten
$5be5 = TrainerPokefanfJaime.NotNight
$5beb = Route39Sign
$5bee = MoomooFarmSign
$5bf1 = Route39TrainerTips
$5bf4 = Route39FruitTree
$5bf6 = Route39HiddenNugget
$5bf9 = Route39MiltankText
$5c09 = SailorEugeneSeenText
$5c42 = SailorEugeneBeatenText
$5c4d = SailorEugeneAfterBattleText
$5ca5 = PokefanmDerekSeenText
$5cd4 = PokefanmDerekBeatenText
$5cf8 = PokefanMDerekText_NotBragging
$5d5b = PokefanfRuthSeenText
$5d9d = PokefanfRuthBeatenText
$5db2 = PokefanfRuthAfterBattleText
$5dec = PokefanMDerekPikachuIsItText
$5e0c = PsychicNormanSeenText
$5e37 = PsychicNormanBeatenText
$5e57 = PsychicNormanAfterBattleText
$5ec4 = PokefanfJaimeHopeItGetsDarkText
$5ee8 = PokefanfJaimeSeenText
$5f17 = PokefanfJaimeBeatenText
$5f31 = PokefanfJaimeAfterBattleText
$5fe3 = Route39SignText
$600a = MoomooFarmSignText
$6036 = Route39TrainerTipsText
$60ba = Route39_MapEvents
$6160 = Route40_MapScripts
$6165 = Route40MonicaCallback
$6171 = Route40MonicaCallback.MonicaAppears
$6174 = TrainerSwimmerfElaine
$6180 = TrainerSwimmerfElaine.Script
$6188 = TrainerSwimmerfPaula
$6194 = TrainerSwimmerfPaula.Script
$619c = TrainerSwimmermSimon
$61a8 = TrainerSwimmermSimon.Script
$61b0 = TrainerSwimmermRandall
$61bc = TrainerSwimmermRandall.Script
$61c4 = Route40Lass1Script
$61c7 = Route40PokefanMScript
$61d0 = Route40PokefanMScript.mobile
$61d3 = Route40Lass2Script
$61d6 = Route40StandingYoungsterScript
$61d9 = MonicaScript
$61f4 = MonicaScript.MetMonica
$6207 = MonicaScript.Monday
$620b = MonicaScript.done
$620d = MonicaScript.NotMonday
$6213 = Route40Sign
$6216 = Route40Rock
$6219 = Route40HiddenHyperPotion
$621c = Route40_StepRightUp6Movement
$6224 = Route40_StepUp5Movement
$622a = Route40_StepUp4Movement
$622f = SwimmermSimonSeenText
$626e = SwimmermSimonBeatenText
$6282 = SwimmermSimonAfterBattleText
$62b4 = SwimmermRandallSeenText
$62ea = SwimmermRandallBeatenText
$62fa = SwimmermRandallAfterBattleText
$632d = SwimmerfElaineSeenText
$6369 = SwimmerfElaineBeatenText
$637b = SwimmerfElaineAfterBattleText
$63a9 = SwimmerfPaulaSeenText
$63dd = SwimmerfPaulaBeatenText
$63f5 = SwimmerfPaulaAfterBattleText
$6429 = Route40Lass1Text
$646a = Route40PokefanMText
$649b = Route40PokefanMText_Mobile
$64e6 = Route40Lass2Text
$6564 = Route40StandingYoungsterText
$6606 = MeetMonicaText
$6636 = MonicaGivesGiftText
$666c = MonicaGaveGiftText
$66dc = MonicaMondayText
$6737 = MonicaNotMondayText
$6767 = Route40SignText
$678e = Route40_MapEvents
$683f = Route41_MapScripts
$6841 = TrainerSwimmerfKaylee
$684d = TrainerSwimmerfKaylee.Script
$6855 = TrainerSwimmerfSusie
$6861 = TrainerSwimmerfSusie.Script
$6869 = TrainerSwimmerfDenise
$6875 = TrainerSwimmerfDenise.Script
$687d = TrainerSwimmerfKara
$6889 = TrainerSwimmerfKara.Script
$6891 = TrainerSwimmerfWendy
$689d = TrainerSwimmerfWendy.Script
$68a5 = TrainerSwimmermCharlie
$68b1 = TrainerSwimmermCharlie.Script
$68b9 = TrainerSwimmermGeorge
$68c5 = TrainerSwimmermGeorge.Script
$68cd = TrainerSwimmermBerke
$68d9 = TrainerSwimmermBerke.Script
$68e1 = TrainerSwimmermKirk
$68ed = TrainerSwimmermKirk.Script
$68f5 = TrainerSwimmermMathew
$6901 = TrainerSwimmermMathew.Script
$6909 = Route41Rock
$690c = Route41HiddenMaxEther
$690f = SwimmermCharlieSeenText
$6952 = SwimmermCharlieBeatenText
$696e = SwimmermCharlieAfterBattleText
$6999 = SwimmermGeorgeSeenText
$69c7 = SwimmermGeorgeBeatenText
$69d4 = SwimmermGeorgeAfterBattleText
$6a2e = SwimmermBerkeSeenText
$6a80 = SwimmermBerkeBeatenText
$6aa4 = SwimmermBerkeAfterBattleText
$6b26 = SwimmermKirkSeenText
$6b62 = SwimmermKirkBeatenText
$6b6c = SwimmermKirkAfterBattleText
$6b9d = SwimmermMathewSeenText
$6bcc = SwimmermMathewBeatenText
$6bed = SwimmermMathewAfterBattleText
$6c24 = SwimmerfKayleeSeenText
$6c67 = SwimmerfKayleeBeatenText
$6c7f = SwimmerfKayleeAfterBattleText
$6cda = SwimmerfSusieSeenText
$6d04 = SwimmerfSusieBeatenText
$6d11 = SwimmerfSusieAfterBattleText
$6d46 = SwimmerfDeniseSeenText
$6d72 = SwimmerfDeniseBeatenText
$6d79 = SwimmerfDeniseAfterBattleText
$6dd0 = SwimmerfKaraSeenText
$6e33 = SwimmerfKaraBeatenText
$6e58 = SwimmerfKaraAfterBattleText
$6e85 = SwimmerfWendySeenText
$6eb7 = SwimmerfWendyBeatenText
$6ec2 = SwimmerfWendyAfterBattleText
$6f12 = Route41_MapEvents
$6fb3 = Route12_MapScripts
$6fb5 = TrainerFisherKyle
$6fc1 = TrainerFisherKyle.Script
$6fc9 = TrainerFisherMartin
$6fd5 = TrainerFisherMartin.Script
$6fdd = TrainerFisherStephen
$6fe9 = TrainerFisherStephen.Script
$6ff1 = TrainerFisherBarney
$6ffd = TrainerFisherBarney.Script
$7005 = Route12Sign
$7008 = FishingSpotSign
$700b = Route12Calcium
$700d = Route12Nugget
$700f = Route12HiddenElixer
$7012 = FisherMartinSeenText
$7043 = FisherMartinBeatenText
$704c = FisherMartinAfterBattleText
$706b = FisherStephenSeenText
$70b4 = FisherStephenBeatenText
$70d4 = FisherStephenAfterBattleText
$711d = FisherBarneySeenText
$714e = FisherBarneyBeatenText
$716d = FisherBarneyAfterBattleText
$7214 = FisherKyleSeenText
$7226 = FisherKyleBeatenText
$7238 = FisherKyleAfterBattleText
$72a0 = Route12SignText
$72c1 = FishingSpotSignText
$72cf = Route12_MapEvents
EMPTY: $7337-$7fff ($0cc9 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0cc9 bytes
ROMX bank #106:
SECTION: $4000-$7889 ($388a bytes) ["Map Scripts 23"]
$4000 = NewBarkTown_MapScripts
$400d = NewBarkTownNoop1Scene
$400e = NewBarkTownNoop2Scene
$400f = NewBarkTownFlypointCallback
$4016 = NewBarkTown_TeacherStopsYouScene1
$4041 = NewBarkTown_TeacherStopsYouScene2
$406f = NewBarkTownTeacherScript
$4089 = NewBarkTownTeacherScript.MonIsAdorable
$408f = NewBarkTownTeacherScript.TellMomYoureLeaving
$4095 = NewBarkTownTeacherScript.CallMom
$409b = NewBarkTownFisherScript
$409e = NewBarkTownRivalScript
$40c8 = NewBarkTownSign
$40cb = NewBarkTownPlayersHouseSign
$40ce = NewBarkTownElmsLabSign
$40d1 = NewBarkTownElmsHouseSign
$40d4 = NewBarkTown_TeacherRunsToYouMovement1
$40d9 = NewBarkTown_TeacherRunsToYouMovement2
$40e0 = NewBarkTown_TeacherBringsYouBackMovement1
$40e6 = NewBarkTown_TeacherBringsYouBackMovement2
$40ed = NewBarkTown_RivalPushesYouAwayMovement
$40f0 = NewBarkTown_RivalShovesYouOutMovement
$40f5 = NewBarkTown_RivalReturnsToTheShadowsMovement
$40f7 = Text_GearIsImpressive
$4134 = Text_WaitPlayer
$413e = Text_WhatDoYouThinkYoureDoing
$415e = Text_ItsDangerousToGoAlone
$41c4 = Text_YourMonIsAdorable
$41f2 = Text_TellMomIfLeaving
$4236 = Text_CallMomOnGear
$4274 = Text_ElmDiscoveredNewMon
$42a6 = NewBarkTownRivalText1
$42cd = NewBarkTownRivalText2
$42e8 = NewBarkTownSignText
$4328 = NewBarkTownPlayersHouseSignText
$4332 = NewBarkTownElmsLabSignText
$4340 = NewBarkTownElmsHouseSignText
$434d = NewBarkTown_MapEvents
$43b2 = VioletCity_MapScripts
$43b7 = VioletCityFlypointCallback
$43bb = VioletCityEarlScript
$43cb = VioletCityEarlScript.PointlessJump
$43d1 = VioletCityEarlScript.FollowEarl
$4403 = VioletCityLassScript
$4406 = VioletCitySuperNerdScript
$4409 = VioletCityGrampsScript
$440c = VioletCityYoungsterScript
$440f = VioletCitySign
$4412 = VioletGymSign
$4415 = SproutTowerSign
$4418 = EarlsPokemonAcademySign
$441b = VioletCityPokecenterSign
$441e = VioletCityMartSign
$4421 = VioletCityPPUp
$4423 = VioletCityRareCandy
$4425 = VioletCityFruitTree
$4427 = VioletCityHiddenHyperPotion
$442a = VioletCityFollowEarl_MovementData
$4463 = VioletCityFinishFollowEarl_MovementData
$4465 = VioletCitySpinningEarl_MovementData
$4473 = Text_EarlAsksIfYouBeatFalkner
$44ac = Text_VeryNiceIndeed
$44cb = Text_FollowEarl
$44f9 = Text_HereTeacherIAm
$4529 = VioletCityLassText
$4593 = VioletCitySuperNerdText
$45ef = VioletCityGrampsText
$4665 = VioletCityYoungsterText
$46b2 = VioletCitySignText
$46dc = VioletGymSignText
$4724 = SproutTowerSignText
$474d = EarlsPokemonAcademySignText
$4762 = VioletCity_MapEvents
$4820 = OlivineCity_MapScripts
$482d = OlivineCityNoop1Scene
$482e = OlivineCityNoop2Scene
$482f = OlivineCityFlypointCallback
$4833 = OlivineCityRivalSceneTop
$486b = OlivineCityRivalSceneBottom
$48a3 = OlivineCitySailor1Script
$48a6 = OlivineCityStandingYoungsterScript
$48b4 = OlivineCityStandingYoungsterScript.FiftyFifty
$48ba = OlivineCitySailor2Script
$48bd = OlivineCitySign
$48c0 = OlivineCityPortSign
$48c3 = OlivineGymSign
$48c6 = OlivineLighthouseSign
$48c9 = OlivineCityBattleTowerSign
$48cc = OlivineCityPokecenterSign
$48cf = OlivineCityMartSign
$48d2 = OlivineCityRivalApproachesTopMovement
$48d6 = OlivineCityRivalApproachesBottomMovement
$48db = OlivineCityRivalLeavesTopMovement
$48e8 = OlivineCityRivalLeavesBottomMovement
$48f4 = OlivineCityPlayerStepsAsideTopMovement
$48f7 = OlivineCityPlayerStepsAsideBottomMovement
$48fa = OlivineCityRivalText
$4a58 = OlivineCitySailor1Text
$4b04 = OlivineCityStandingYoungsterPokegearText
$4b41 = OlivineCityStandingYoungsterPokedexText
$4b71 = OlivineCitySailor2Text
$4bd0 = OlivineCitySignText
$4c00 = OlivineCityPortSignText
$4c1d = OlivineGymSignText
$4c60 = OlivineLighthouseSignText
$4c99 = OlivineCityBattleTowerSignText
$4cba = OlivineCityBattleTowerSignText_NotYetOpen
$4cce = OlivineCity_MapEvents
$4d72 = Route37_MapScripts
$4d77 = Route37SunnyCallback
$4d80 = Route37SunnyCallback.SunnyAppears
$4d83 = TrainerTwinsAnnandanne1
$4d8f = TrainerTwinsAnnandanne1.Script
$4d97 = TrainerTwinsAnnandanne2
$4da3 = TrainerTwinsAnnandanne2.Script
$4dab = TrainerPsychicGreg
$4db7 = TrainerPsychicGreg.Script
$4dbf = SunnyScript
$4dda = SunnyScript.MetSunny
$4de7 = SunnyScript.Kris
$4deb = SunnyScript.next
$4dfa = SunnySundayScript
$4dfe = SunnyDoneScript
$4e00 = SunnyNotSundayScript
$4e06 = Route37Sign
$4e09 = Route37FruitTree1
$4e0b = Route37FruitTree2
$4e0d = Route37FruitTree3
$4e0f = Route37HiddenEther
$4e12 = TwinsAnnandanne1SeenText
$4e3b = TwinsAnnandanne1BeatenText
$4e62 = TwinsAnnandanne1AfterBattleText
$4e9c = TwinsAnnandanne2SeenText
$4ec5 = TwinsAnnandanne2BeatenText
$4eec = TwinsAnnandanne2AfterBattleText
$4f1b = PsychicGregSeenText
$4f65 = PsychicGregBeatenText
$4f80 = PsychicGregAfterBattleText
$4fc8 = MeetSunnyText
$5004 = SunnyGivesGiftText1
$502f = SunnyGivesGiftText2
$505a = SunnyGaveGiftText
$50fc = SunnySundayText
$516e = SunnyNotSundayText
$5197 = Route37SignText
$51a1 = Route37_MapEvents
$520c = Route42_MapScripts
$5216 = Route42Noop1Scene
$5217 = Route42Noop2Scene
$5218 = Route42SuicuneScript
$5233 = TrainerFisherTully
$523f = TrainerFisherTully.Script
$5268 = TrainerFisherTully.AskedAlready
$526b = TrainerFisherTully.AskForNumber
$527f = TrainerFisherTully.WantsBattle
$529a = TrainerFisherTully.Fight3
$52a0 = TrainerFisherTully.Fight2
$52a6 = TrainerFisherTully.Fight1
$52ac = TrainerFisherTully.LoadFight0
$52b9 = TrainerFisherTully.LoadFight1
$52c6 = TrainerFisherTully.LoadFight2
$52d3 = TrainerFisherTully.LoadFight3
$52dc = TrainerFisherTully.HasWaterStone
$52ee = TrainerFisherTully.NoRoom
$52f1 = TrainerFisherTully.AskNumber1
$52f5 = TrainerFisherTully.AskNumber2
$52f9 = TrainerFisherTully.RegisteredNumber
$52fd = TrainerFisherTully.NumberAccepted
$5301 = TrainerFisherTully.NumberDeclined
$5305 = TrainerFisherTully.PhoneFull
$5309 = TrainerFisherTully.Rematch
$530d = TrainerFisherTully.Gift
$5311 = TrainerFisherTully.PackFull
$5315 = TrainerPokemaniacShane
$5321 = TrainerPokemaniacShane.Script
$5329 = TrainerHikerBenjamin
$5335 = TrainerHikerBenjamin.Script
$533d = Route42Sign1
$5340 = MtMortarSign1
$5343 = MtMortarSign2
$5346 = Route42Sign2
$5349 = Route42UltraBall
$534b = Route42SuperPotion
$534d = Route42FruitTree1
$534f = Route42FruitTree2
$5351 = Route42FruitTree3
$5353 = Route42HiddenMaxPotion
$5356 = Route42SuicuneMovement
$535f = FisherTullySeenText
$5393 = FisherTullyBeatenText
$53ab = FisherTullyAfterBattleText
$5408 = HikerBenjaminSeenText
$5435 = HikerBenjaminBeatenText
$543f = HikerBenjaminAfterBattleText
$547c = PokemaniacShaneSeenText
$54b3 = PokemaniacShaneBeatenText
$54d6 = PokemaniacShaneAfterBattleText
$5537 = Route42Sign1Text
$555f = MtMortarSign1Text
$5580 = MtMortarSign2Text
$55a1 = Route42Sign2Text
$55c9 = Route42_MapEvents
$567e = Route46_MapScripts
$5680 = TrainerCamperTed
$568c = TrainerCamperTed.Script
$5694 = TrainerPicnickerErin1
$56a0 = TrainerPicnickerErin1.Script
$56c3 = TrainerPicnickerErin1.AskedAlready
$56c6 = TrainerPicnickerErin1.AskForNumber
$56da = TrainerPicnickerErin1.WantsBattle
$56f1 = TrainerPicnickerErin1.Fight2
$56f7 = TrainerPicnickerErin1.Fight1
$56fd = TrainerPicnickerErin1.LoadFight0
$570a = TrainerPicnickerErin1.LoadFight1
$5717 = TrainerPicnickerErin1.LoadFight2
$573a = TrainerPicnickerErin1.GotCalciumAlready
$573b = TrainerPicnickerErin1.HasCalcium
$574f = Route46AskNumber1F
$5753 = Route46AskNumber2F
$5757 = Route46RegisteredNumberF
$575b = Route46NumberAcceptedF
$575f = Route46NumberDeclinedF
$5763 = Route46PhoneFullF
$5767 = Route46RematchF
$576b = ErinNoRoomForCalcium
$5772 = Route46RematchGiftF
$5776 = TrainerHikerBailey
$5782 = TrainerHikerBailey.Script
$578a = Route46Sign
$578d = Route46XSpeed
$578f = Route46FruitTree1
$5791 = Route46FruitTree2
$5793 = HikerBaileySeenText
$57c6 = HikerBaileyBeatenText
$57e8 = HikerBaileyAfterBattleText
$5819 = CamperTedSeenText
$584a = CamperTedBeatenText
$5851 = CamperTedAfterBattleText
$588f = PicnickerErin1SeenText
$58bb = PicnickerErin1BeatenText
$58c6 = PicnickerErinAfterBattleText
$5927 = PicnickerErin2BeatenText
$59be = Route46SignText
$59db = Route46_MapEvents
$5a43 = ViridianCity_MapScripts
$5a48 = ViridianCityFlypointCallback
$5a4c = ViridianCityCoffeeGramps
$5a5b = ViridianCityCoffeeGramps.no
$5a61 = ViridianCityGrampsNearGym
$5a6f = ViridianCityGrampsNearGym.BlueReturned
$5a75 = ViridianCityDreamEaterFisher
$5a8a = ViridianCityDreamEaterFisher.GotDreamEater
$5a8e = ViridianCityDreamEaterFisher.NoRoomForDreamEater
$5a90 = ViridianCityYoungsterScript
$5a93 = ViridianCitySign
$5a96 = ViridianGymSign
$5a99 = ViridianCityWelcomeSign
$5a9c = TrainerHouseSign
$5a9f = ViridianCityPokecenterSign
$5aa2 = ViridianCityMartSign
$5aa5 = ViridianCityCoffeeGrampsQuestionText
$5b6f = ViridianCityCoffeeGrampsBelievedText
$5bb7 = ViridianCityCoffeeGrampsDoubtedText
$5c11 = ViridianCityGrampsNearGymText
$5c7e = ViridianCityGrampsNearGymBlueReturnedText
$5cc4 = ViridianCityDreamEaterFisherText
$5d86 = ViridianCityDreamEaterFisherGotDreamEaterText
$5daa = ViridianCityYoungsterText
$5def = ViridianCitySignText
$5e1b = ViridianGymSignText
$5e60 = ViridianCityWelcomeSignText
$5e99 = TrainerHouseSignText
$5ec9 = ViridianCity_MapEvents
$5f3a = CeladonCity_MapScripts
$5f3f = CeladonCityFlypointCallback
$5f43 = CeladonCityFisherScript
$5f46 = CeladonCityPoliwrath
$5f50 = CeladonCityTeacher1Script
$5f53 = CeladonCityGramps1Script
$5f56 = CeladonCityGramps2Script
$5f59 = CeladonCityYoungster1Script
$5f5c = CeladonCityYoungster2Script
$5f5f = CeladonCityTeacher2Script
$5f62 = CeladonCityLassScript
$5f65 = CeladonCitySign
$5f68 = CeladonGymSign
$5f6b = CeladonCityDeptStoreSign
$5f6e = CeladonCityMansionSign
$5f71 = CeladonCityGameCornerSign
$5f74 = CeladonCityTrainerTips
$5f77 = CeladonCityPokecenterSign
$5f7a = CeladonCityHiddenPpUp
$5f7d = CeladonCityFisherText
$5fcb = CeladonCityPoliwrathText
$5fde = CeladonCityTeacher1Text
$6043 = CeladonCityGramps1Text
$60dc = CeladonCityGramps2Text
$6115 = CeladonCityYoungster1Text
$6155 = CeladonCityYoungster2Text
$61bd = CeladonCityTeacher2Text
$625b = CeladonCityLassText_Mobile
$6306 = CeladonCityLassText
$6340 = CeladonCitySignText
$6369 = CeladonGymSignText
$63a9 = CeladonCityDeptStoreSignText
$63d4 = CeladonCityMansionSignText
$63e5 = CeladonCityGameCornerSignText
$6418 = CeladonCityTrainerTipsText
$6497 = CeladonCity_MapEvents
$6567 = Route15_MapScripts
$6569 = TrainerTeacherColette
$6575 = TrainerTeacherColette.Script
$657d = TrainerTeacherHillary
$6589 = TrainerTeacherHillary.Script
$6591 = TrainerSchoolboyKipp
$659d = TrainerSchoolboyKipp.Script
$65a5 = TrainerSchoolboyTommy
$65b1 = TrainerSchoolboyTommy.Script
$65b9 = TrainerSchoolboyJohnny
$65c5 = TrainerSchoolboyJohnny.Script
$65cd = TrainerSchoolboyBilly
$65d9 = TrainerSchoolboyBilly.Script
$65e1 = Route15Sign
$65e4 = Route15PPUp
$65e6 = TeacherColetteSeenText
$6604 = TeacherColetteBeatenText
$660d = TeacherColetteAfterBattleText
$664b = TeacherHillarySeenText
$66b3 = TeacherHillaryBeatenText
$66ca = TeacherHillaryAfterBattleText
$6703 = SchoolboyKippSeenText
$6725 = SchoolboyKippBeatenText
$6740 = SchoolboyKippAfterBattleText
$6784 = SchoolboyTommySeenText
$679f = SchoolboyTommyBeatenText
$67bc = SchoolboyTommyAfterBattleText
$67f1 = SchoolboyJohnnySeenText
$6833 = SchoolboyJohnnyBeatenText
$684a = SchoolboyJohnnyAfterBattleText
$687a = SchoolboyBillySeenText
$6895 = SchoolboyBillyBeatenText
$68b0 = SchoolboyBillyAfterBattleText
$68e3 = Route15SignText
$690a = Route15_MapEvents
$697a = VermilionCity_MapScripts
$697f = VermilionCityFlypointCallback
$6983 = VermilionCityTeacherScript
$6986 = VermilionMachopOwner
$6989 = VermilionMachop
$699b = VermilionCitySuperNerdScript
$699e = VermilionSnorlax
$69ab = VermilionSnorlax.Awake
$69c2 = VermilionGymBadgeGuy
$69de = VermilionGymBadgeGuy.SomeBadges
$69e4 = VermilionGymBadgeGuy.MostBadges
$69ea = VermilionGymBadgeGuy.AllBadges
$69f7 = VermilionGymBadgeGuy.AlreadyGotItem
$69fb = VermilionGymBadgeGuy.Done
$69fd = VermilionCitySign
$6a00 = VermilionGymSign
$6a03 = PokemonFanClubSign
$6a06 = VermilionCityDiglettsCaveSign
$6a09 = VermilionCityPortSign
$6a0c = VermilionCityPokecenterSign
$6a0f = VermilionCityMartSign
$6a12 = VermilionCityHiddenFullHeal
$6a15 = VermilionCityTeacherText
$6a6f = VermilionMachopOwnerText
$6aca = VermilionMachopText1
$6ae2 = VermilionMachopText2
$6b1a = VermilionCitySuperNerdText
$6b64 = VermilionCitySnorlaxSleepingText
$6b84 = VermilionCityRadioNearSnorlaxText
$6bc8 = VermilionCityBadgeGuyTrainerText
$6c2b = VermilionCityBadgeGuySomeBadgesText
$6c88 = VermilionCityBadgeGuyMostBadgesText
$6cf3 = VermilionCityBadgeGuyAllBadgesText
$6d4a = VermilionCityBadgeGuyBattleEdgeText
$6db9 = VermilionCitySignText
$6de7 = VermilionGymSignText
$6e28 = PokemonFanClubSignText
$6e4e = VermilionCityDiglettsCaveSignText
$6e5e = VermilionCityPortSignText
$6e77 = VermilionCity_MapEvents
$6f25 = Route9_MapScripts
$6f27 = TrainerCamperDean
$6f33 = TrainerCamperDean.Script
$6f3b = TrainerPicnickerHeidi
$6f47 = TrainerPicnickerHeidi.Script
$6f4f = TrainerCamperSid
$6f5b = TrainerCamperSid.Script
$6f63 = TrainerPicnickerEdna
$6f6f = TrainerPicnickerEdna.Script
$6f77 = TrainerHikerTim
$6f83 = TrainerHikerTim.Script
$6f8b = TrainerHikerSidney
$6f97 = TrainerHikerSidney.Script
$6f9f = Route9Sign
$6fa2 = Route9HiddenEther
$6fa5 = CamperDeanSeenText
$6fc5 = CamperDeanBeatenText
$6fd9 = CamperDeanAfterBattleText
$703f = PicnickerHeidiSeenText
$7074 = PicnickerHeidiBeatenText
$707c = PicnickerHeidiAfterBattleText
$70c2 = CamperSidSeenText
$70da = CamperSidBeatenText
$70f6 = CamperSidAfterBattleText
$7127 = PicnickerEdnaSeenText
$7151 = PicnickerEdnaBeatenText
$715f = PicnickerEdnaAfterBattleText
$71a8 = HikerTimSeenText
$71f7 = HikerTimBeatenText
$7210 = HikerTimAfterBattleText
$7232 = HikerSidneySeenText
$7260 = HikerSidneyBeatenText
$7278 = HikerSidneyAfterBattleText
$72a2 = Route9SignText
$72c7 = Route9_MapEvents
$732a = CinnabarPokecenter1F_MapScripts
$732c = CinnabarPokecenter1FNurseScript
$732f = CinnabarPokecenter1FCooltrainerFScript
$7332 = CinnabarPokecenter1FFisherScript
$7335 = CinnabarPokecenter1FCooltrainerFText
$737f = CinnabarPokecenter1FFisherText
$73ab = CinnabarPokecenter1F_MapEvents
$73e7 = CinnabarPokecenter2FBeta_MapScripts
$73e9 = CinnabarPokecenter2FBeta_MapEvents
$73f4 = Route19FuchsiaGate_MapScripts
$73f6 = Route19FuchsiaGateOfficerScript
$7404 = Route19FuchsiaGateOfficerScript.RocksCleared
$740a = Route19FuchsiaGateOfficerText
$748a = Route19FuchsiaGateOfficerText_RocksCleared
$74cd = Route19FuchsiaGate_MapEvents
$74f4 = SeafoamGym_MapScripts
$74fa = SeafoamGymNoopScene
$74fb = SeafoamGymBlaineScript
$7516 = SeafoamGymBlaineScript.ReturnAfterBattle
$752b = SeafoamGymBlaineScript.FightDone
$7531 = SeafoamGymGuideScript
$7542 = SeafoamGymGuideScript.TalkedToSeafoamGymGuideScript
$7548 = BlaineIntroText
$7646 = BlaineWinLossText
$7683 = ReceivedVolcanoBadgeText
$769d = BlaineAfterBattleText
$771c = BlaineFightDoneText
$7759 = SeafoamGymGuideWinText
$7806 = SeafoamGymGuideWinText2
$7865 = SeafoamGym_MapEvents
EMPTY: $788a-$7fff ($0776 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0776 bytes
ROMX bank #107:
SECTION: $4000-$6795 ($2796 bytes) ["Map Scripts 24"]
$4000 = Route33_MapScripts
$4002 = Route33LassScript
$4005 = TrainerHikerAnthony
$4011 = TrainerHikerAnthony.Script
$403a = TrainerHikerAnthony.AskAgain
$403d = TrainerHikerAnthony.AskForPhoneNumber
$4051 = TrainerHikerAnthony.Rematch
$4070 = TrainerHikerAnthony.Fight4
$4076 = TrainerHikerAnthony.Fight3
$407c = TrainerHikerAnthony.Fight2
$4082 = TrainerHikerAnthony.Fight1
$4088 = TrainerHikerAnthony.LoadFight0
$4095 = TrainerHikerAnthony.LoadFight1
$40a2 = TrainerHikerAnthony.LoadFight2
$40af = TrainerHikerAnthony.LoadFight3
$40bc = TrainerHikerAnthony.LoadFight4
$40c5 = TrainerHikerAnthony.Swarm
$40cb = TrainerHikerAnthony.AskNumber1
$40cf = TrainerHikerAnthony.AskNumber2
$40d3 = TrainerHikerAnthony.RegisteredNumber
$40d7 = TrainerHikerAnthony.NumberAccepted
$40db = TrainerHikerAnthony.NumberDeclined
$40df = TrainerHikerAnthony.PhoneFull
$40e3 = TrainerHikerAnthony.RematchStd
$40e7 = Route33Sign
$40ea = Route33FruitTree
$40ec = HikerAnthony2SeenText
$4130 = HikerAnthony2BeatenText
$4153 = HikerAnthony2AfterText
$4180 = HikerAnthonyDunsparceText
$41e7 = Route33LassText
$4279 = Route33SignText
$4283 = Route33_MapEvents
$42ba = Route2_MapScripts
$42bc = TrainerBugCatcherRob
$42c8 = TrainerBugCatcherRob.Script
$42d0 = TrainerBugCatcherEd
$42dc = TrainerBugCatcherEd.Script
$42e4 = TrainerBugCatcherDoug
$42f0 = TrainerBugCatcherDoug.Script
$42f8 = Route2Sign
$42fb = Route2DiglettsCaveSign
$42fe = Route2DireHit
$4300 = Route2MaxPotion
$4302 = Route2Carbos
$4304 = Route2Elixer
$4306 = Route2FruitTree
$4308 = Route2HiddenMaxEther
$430b = Route2HiddenFullHeal
$430e = Route2HiddenFullRestore
$4311 = Route2HiddenRevive
$4314 = BugCatcherRobSeenText
$433d = BugCatcherRobBeatenText
$434d = BugCatcherRobAfterBattleText
$4376 = BugCatcherEdSeenText
$43bc = BugCatcherEdBeatenText
$43cf = BugCatcherEdAfterBattleText
$43fa = BugCatcherDougSeenText
$4419 = BugCatcherDougBeatenText
$4423 = BugCatcherDougAfterBattleText
$447a = Route2SignText
$449f = Route2DiglettsCaveSignText
$44af = Route2_MapEvents
$4554 = Route1_MapScripts
$4556 = TrainerSchoolboyDanny
$4562 = TrainerSchoolboyDanny.Script
$456a = TrainerCooltrainerfQuinn
$4576 = TrainerCooltrainerfQuinn.Script
$457e = Route1Sign
$4581 = Route1FruitTree
$4583 = SchoolboyDannySeenText
$45b7 = SchoolboyDannyBeatenText
$45d7 = SchoolboyDannyAfterBattleText
$4615 = CooltrainerfQuinnSeenText
$4631 = CooltrainerfQuinnBeatenText
$4640 = CooltrainerfQuinnAfterBattleText
$4675 = Route1SignText
$469a = Route1_MapEvents
$46cc = PalletTown_MapScripts
$46d1 = PalletTownFlypointCallback
$46d5 = PalletTownTeacherScript
$46d8 = PalletTownFisherScript
$46db = PalletTownSign
$46de = RedsHouseSign
$46e1 = OaksLabSign
$46e4 = BluesHouseSign
$46e7 = PalletTownTeacherText
$4720 = PalletTownFisherText
$476b = PalletTownSignText
$479d = RedsHouseSignText
$47aa = OaksLabSignText
$47c1 = BluesHouseSignText
$47cf = PalletTown_MapEvents
$4812 = Route21_MapScripts
$4814 = TrainerSwimmermSeth
$4820 = TrainerSwimmermSeth.Script
$4828 = TrainerSwimmerfNikki
$4834 = TrainerSwimmerfNikki.Script
$483c = TrainerFisherArnold
$4848 = TrainerFisherArnold.Script
$4850 = SwimmermSethSeenText
$486c = SwimmermSethBeatenText
$4873 = SwimmermSethAfterBattleText
$48a0 = SwimmerfNikkiSeenText
$48d6 = SwimmerfNikkiBeatenText
$48f1 = SwimmerfNikkiAfterBattleText
$4927 = FisherArnoldSeenText
$494c = FisherArnoldBeatenText
$495c = FisherArnoldAfterBattleText
$497a = Route21_MapEvents
$49a7 = CinnabarIsland_MapScripts
$49ac = CinnabarIslandFlypointCallback
$49b0 = CinnabarIslandBlue
$49c4 = CinnabarIslandGymSign
$49c7 = CinnabarIslandSign
$49ca = CinnabarIslandPokecenterSign
$49cd = CinnabarIslandHiddenRareCandy
$49d0 = CinnabarIslandBlueTeleport
$49d2 = CinnabarIslandBlueText
$4c73 = CinnabarIslandGymSignText
$4cc2 = CinnabarIslandSignText
$4cf4 = CinnabarIsland_MapEvents
$4d20 = Route20_MapScripts
$4d25 = Route20ClearRocksCallback
$4d29 = TrainerSwimmerfNicole
$4d35 = TrainerSwimmerfNicole.Script
$4d3d = TrainerSwimmerfLori
$4d49 = TrainerSwimmerfLori.Script
$4d51 = TrainerSwimmermCameron
$4d5d = TrainerSwimmermCameron.Script
$4d65 = CinnabarGymSign
$4d68 = SwimmerfNicoleSeenText
$4d8a = SwimmerfNicoleBeatenText
$4d93 = SwimmerfNicoleAfterBattleText
$4dd0 = SwimmerfLoriSeenText
$4e10 = SwimmerfLoriBeatenText
$4e15 = SwimmerfLoriAfterBattleText
$4e4b = SwimmermCameronSeenText
$4e83 = SwimmermCameronBeatenText
$4e8b = SwimmermCameronAfterBattleText
$4ec2 = CinnabarGymSignText
$4ef8 = Route20_MapEvents
$4f2f = Route18_MapScripts
$4f31 = TrainerBirdKeeperBoris
$4f3d = TrainerBirdKeeperBoris.Script
$4f45 = TrainerBirdKeeperBob
$4f51 = TrainerBirdKeeperBob.Script
$4f59 = Route18Sign
$4f5c = BirdKeeperBorisSeenText
$4f9c = BirdKeeperBorisBeatenText
$4fa5 = BirdKeeperBorisAfterBattleText
$4fd7 = BirdKeeperBobSeenText
$5005 = BirdKeeperBobBeatenText
$500d = BirdKeeperBobAfterBattleText
$5051 = Route18SignText
$5077 = Route18_MapEvents
$50a6 = Route17_MapScripts
$50ab = Route17AlwaysOnBikeCallback
$50b2 = TrainerBikerCharles
$50be = TrainerBikerCharles.Script
$50c6 = TrainerBikerRiley
$50d2 = TrainerBikerRiley.Script
$50da = TrainerBikerJoel
$50e6 = TrainerBikerJoel.Script
$50ee = TrainerBikerGlenn
$50fa = TrainerBikerGlenn.Script
$5102 = Route17HiddenMaxEther
$5105 = Route17HiddenMaxElixer
$5108 = BikerRileySeenText
$512a = BikerRileyBeatenText
$513b = BikerRileyAfterBattleText
$515c = BikerJoelSeenText
$5178 = BikerJoelBeatenText
$5196 = BikerJoelAfterBattleText
$51e0 = BikerGlennSeenText
$5203 = BikerGlennBeatenText
$5225 = BikerGlennAfterBattleText
$525c = BikerCharlesSeenText
$527a = BikerCharlesBeatenText
$5293 = BikerCharlesAfterBattleText
$52c5 = Route17_MapEvents
$5313 = Route16_MapScripts
$5318 = Route16AlwaysOnBikeCallback
$5328 = Route16AlwaysOnBikeCallback.CanWalk
$532c = CyclingRoadSign
$532f = CyclingRoadSignText
$535c = Route16_MapEvents
$5380 = Route7_MapScripts
$5382 = Route7UndergroundPathSign
$5385 = Route7LockedDoor
$5388 = Route7UndergroundPathSignText
$5456 = Route7LockedDoorText
$5463 = Route7_MapEvents
$547d = Route14_MapScripts
$547f = Kim
$5486 = TrainerPokefanmCarter
$5492 = TrainerPokefanmCarter.Script
$549a = TrainerBirdKeeperRoy
$54a6 = TrainerBirdKeeperRoy.Script
$54ae = TrainerPokefanmTrevor
$54ba = TrainerPokefanmTrevor.Script
$54c2 = PokefanmCarterSeenText
$54ff = PokefanmCarterBeatenText
$5508 = PokefanmCarterAfterBattleText
$5552 = BirdKeeperRoySeenText
$5581 = BirdKeeperRoyBeatenText
$55a4 = BirdKeeperRoyAfterBattleText
$55e4 = PokefanmTrevorSeenText
$5640 = PokefanmTrevorBeatenText
$5660 = PokefanmTrevorAfterBattleText
$56a1 = Route14_MapEvents
$56db = LavenderTown_MapScripts
$56e0 = LavenderTownFlypointCallback
$56e4 = LavenderTownPokefanMScript
$56e7 = LavenderTownTeacherScript
$56ea = LavenderTownGrampsScript
$56ed = LavenderTownYoungsterScript
$56f0 = LavenderTownSign
$56f3 = KantoRadioStationSign
$56f6 = VolunteerPokemonHouseSign
$56f9 = SoulHouseSign
$56fc = LavenderPokecenterSignText
$56ff = LavenderMartSignText
$5702 = LavenderTownPokefanMText
$573a = LavenderTownTeacherText
$575c = LavenderTownGrampsText
$57ac = LavenderTownYoungsterText
$57f7 = LavenderTownSignText
$581c = KantoRadioStationSignText
$5861 = VolunteerPokemonHouseSignText
$5880 = SoulHouseSignText
$58ac = LavenderTown_MapEvents
$5927 = Route6_MapScripts
$5929 = TrainerPokefanmRex
$5935 = TrainerPokefanmRex.Script
$593d = TrainerPokefanmAllan
$5949 = TrainerPokefanmAllan.Script
$5951 = Route6PokefanMScript
$5954 = Route6UndergroundPathSign
$5957 = Route6PokefanMText
$599b = Route6UndergroundPathSignText
$59cc = PokefanmRexSeenText
$59f3 = PokefanmRexBeatenText
$59ff = PokefanmRexAfterBattleText
$5a4f = PokefanmAllanSeenText
$5a79 = PokefanmAllanBeatenText
$5a88 = PokefanmAllanAfterBattleText
$5adb = Route6_MapEvents
$5b17 = Route5_MapScripts
$5b19 = Route5PokefanMScript
$5b1c = Route5UndergroundPathSign
$5b1f = HouseForSaleSign
$5b22 = Route5PokefanMText
$5b66 = Route5UndergroundPathSignText
$5b97 = HouseForSaleSignText
$5bc7 = Route5_MapEvents
$5bf8 = Route24_MapScripts
$5bfa = Route24RocketScript
$5c2e = Route24RocketSeenText
$5d67 = Route24RocketBeatenText
$5dc0 = Route24RocketAfterBattleText
$5ee1 = Route24RocketDisappearsText
$5f50 = Route24_MapEvents
$5f63 = Route3_MapScripts
$5f65 = TrainerFirebreatherOtis
$5f71 = TrainerFirebreatherOtis.Script
$5f79 = TrainerYoungsterWarren
$5f85 = TrainerYoungsterWarren.Script
$5f8d = TrainerYoungsterJimmy
$5f99 = TrainerYoungsterJimmy.Script
$5fa1 = TrainerFirebreatherBurt
$5fad = TrainerFirebreatherBurt.Script
$5fb5 = Route3MtMoonSquareSign
$5fb8 = FirebreatherOtisSeenText
$5fdb = FirebreatherOtisBeatenText
$5ff7 = FirebreatherOtisAfterBattleText
$6021 = YoungsterWarrenSeenText
$6040 = YoungsterWarrenBeatenText
$6051 = YoungsterWarrenAfterBattleText
$6082 = YoungsterJimmySeenText
$609c = YoungsterJimmyBeatenText
$60a9 = YoungsterJimmyAfterBattleText
$60e7 = FirebreatherBurtSeenText
$6107 = FirebreatherBurtBeatenText
$6118 = FirebreatherBurtAfterBattleText
$6163 = Route3MtMoonSquareSignText
$618a = Route3_MapEvents
$61ce = Route4_MapScripts
$61d0 = TrainerBirdKeeperHank
$61dc = TrainerBirdKeeperHank.Script
$61e4 = TrainerPicnickerHope
$61f0 = TrainerPicnickerHope.Script
$61f8 = TrainerPicnickerSharon
$6204 = TrainerPicnickerSharon.Script
$620c = MtMoonSquareSign
$620f = Route4HPUp
$6211 = Route4HiddenUltraBall
$6214 = BirdKeeperHankSeenText
$6241 = BirdKeeperHankBeatenText
$6258 = BirdKeeperHankAfterBattleText
$62ce = PicnickerHopeSeenText
$6306 = PicnickerHopeBeatenText
$6320 = PicnickerHopeAfterBattleText
$635e = PicnickerSharonSeenText
$6366 = PicnickerSharonBeatenText
$6369 = PicnickerSharonAfterBattleText
$6384 = MtMoonSquareSignText
$63ab = Route4_MapEvents
$63f4 = Route10South_MapScripts
$63f6 = TrainerHikerJim
$6402 = TrainerHikerJim.Script
$640a = TrainerPokefanmRobert
$6416 = TrainerPokefanmRobert.Script
$641e = Route10Sign
$6421 = HikerJimSeenText
$642b = HikerJimBeatenText
$643b = HikerJimAfterBattleText
$6468 = PokefanmRobertSeenText
$648a = PokefanmRobertBeatenText
$64a9 = PokefanmRobertAfterBattleText
$64dc = Route10SignText
$6504 = Route10South_MapEvents
$652e = Route23_MapScripts
$6533 = Route23FlypointCallback
$6537 = IndigoPlateauSign
$653a = IndigoPlateauSignText
$6579 = Route23_MapEvents
$6598 = SilverCavePokecenter1F_MapScripts
$659a = SilverCavePokecenter1FNurseScript
$659d = SilverCavePokecenter1FGrannyScript
$65a0 = SilverCavePokecenter1FGrannyText
$6622 = SilverCavePokecenter1F_MapEvents
$6651 = Route28SteelWingHouse_MapScripts
$6657 = Route28SteelWingHouseNoopScene
$6658 = Celebrity
$666d = Celebrity.Done
$666f = Celebrity.AlreadyGotItem
$6675 = CelebritysFearow
$667f = CelebrityHouseBookshelf
$6682 = CelebrityText1
$66f0 = CelebrityText2
$6752 = CelebritysFearowText
$6762 = Route28SteelWingHouse_MapEvents
EMPTY: $6796-$7fff ($186a bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $186a bytes
ROMX bank #108:
SECTION: $4000-$6041 ($2042 bytes) ["Phone Text 2"]
$4000 = NurseMornText
$402b = NurseDayText
$404f = NurseNiteText
$408a = PokeComNurseMornText
$40d6 = PokeComNurseDayText
$411b = PokeComNurseNiteText
$417a = NurseAskHealText
$41bd = NurseTakePokemonText
$41d7 = NurseReturnPokemonText
$420b = NurseGoodbyeText
$4241 = NursePokerusText
$42d6 = PokeComNursePokerusText
$435a = DifficultBookshelfText
$4378 = PictureBookshelfText
$43a3 = MagazineBookshelfText
$43d9 = TeamRocketOathText
$4448 = IncenseBurnerText
$4472 = MerchandiseShelfText
$448d = LookTownMapText
$44a0 = WindowText
$44be = TVText
$44c9 = HomepageText
$4526 = TrashCanText
$457f = PokecenterSignText
$459c = MartSignText
$45bf = ContestResults_ReadyToJudgeText
$4621 = ContestResults_PlayerWonAPrizeText
$4648 = ReceivedItemText
$465b = ContestResults_JoinUsNextTimeText
$4681 = ContestResults_ConsolationPrizeText
$46b7 = ContestResults_DidNotWinText
$46d9 = ContestResults_ReturnPartyText
$470d = ContestResults_PartyFullText
$474e = GymStatue_CityGymText
$475c = GymStatue_WinningTrainersText
$477f = CoinVendor_WelcomeText
$479c = CoinVendor_NoCoinCaseText
$47e3 = CoinVendor_IntroText
$4830 = CoinVendor_Buy50CoinsText
$484f = CoinVendor_Buy500CoinsText
$486f = CoinVendor_NotEnoughMoneyText
$488c = CoinVendor_CoinCaseFullText
$48ad = CoinVendor_CancelText
$48cc = BugContestPrizeNoRoomText
$492a = HappinessText3
$4954 = HappinessText2
$4989 = HappinessText1
$49c4 = RegisteredNumber1Text
$49e1 = RegisteredNumber2Text
$49fe = JackAskNumber1Text
$4a82 = JackAskNumber2Text
$4adb = JackNumberAcceptedText
$4afd = JackNumberDeclinedText
$4b42 = JackPhoneFullText
$4b75 = JackRematchText
$4bb6 = BeverlyAskNumber1Text
$4c37 = BeverlyAskNumber2Text
$4c9b = BeverlyNumberAcceptedText
$4ce0 = BeverlyNumberDeclinedText
$4d0b = BeverlyPhoneFullText
$4d2c = BeverlyGiftText
$4d69 = BeverlyPackFullText
$4d9f = HueyAskNumber1Text
$4e2c = HueyAskNumber2Text
$4e89 = HueyNumberAcceptedText
$4ea2 = HueyNumberDeclinedText
$4ebc = HueyPhoneFullText
$4edc = HueyRematchText
$4eff = HueyPackFullText
$4f2f = HueyRematchGiftText
$502e = GavenAskNumber1Text
$50d3 = GavenAskNumber2Text
$5136 = GavenNumberAcceptedText
$517b = GavenNumberDeclinedText
$51c4 = GavenPhoneFullText
$51fe = GavenRematchText
$5239 = BethAskNumber1Text
$5314 = BethAskNumber2Text
$5392 = BethNumberAcceptedText
$53af = BethNumberDeclinedText
$53e4 = BethPhoneFullText
$5409 = BethRematchText
$542d = JoseAskNumber1Text
$54e4 = JoseAskNumber2Text
$5553 = JoseNumberAcceptedText
$5584 = JoseNumberDeclinedText
$55b6 = JosePhoneFullText
$55d5 = JoseRematchText
$5607 = JoseGiftText
$564d = JosePackFullText
$5690 = ReenaAskNumber1Text
$5710 = ReenaAskNumber2Text
$5755 = ReenaNumberAcceptedText
$578a = ReenaNumberDeclinedText
$57ba = ReenaPhoneFullText
$57de = ReenaRematchText
$5800 = JoeyAskNumber1Text
$587b = JoeyAskNumber2Text
$58d7 = JoeyNumberAcceptedText
$5908 = JoeyNumberDeclinedText
$5936 = JoeyPhoneFullText
$5954 = JoeyRematchText
$5978 = JoeyPackFullText
$59be = JoeyRematchGiftText
$5a71 = WadeAskNumber1Text
$5b1d = WadeAskNumber2Text
$5b8e = WadeNumberAcceptedText
$5bd2 = WadeNumberDeclinedText
$5c06 = WadePhoneFullText
$5c32 = WadeRematchText
$5c57 = WadeGiftText
$5c91 = WadePackFullText
$5cd5 = RalphAskNumber1Text
$5d85 = RalphAskNumber2Text
$5db9 = RalphNumberAcceptedText
$5df4 = RalphNumberDeclinedText
$5e50 = RalphPhoneFullText
$5e98 = RalphRematchText
$5ebe = LizAskNumber1Text
$5f4e = LizAskNumber2Text
$5faa = LizNumberAcceptedText
$5fdd = LizNumberDeclinedText
$5ffa = LizPhoneFullText
$601f = LizRematchText
SECTION: $6042-$60b2 ($0071 bytes) ["Map Scripts 25"]
$6042 = SilverCaveOutside_MapScripts
$6047 = SilverCaveOutsideFlypointCallback
$604b = MtSilverPokecenterSign
$604e = MtSilverSign
$6051 = SilverCaveOutsideHiddenFullRestore
$6054 = MtSilverSignText
$605f = SilverCaveOutside_MapEvents
$607e = Route10North_MapScripts
$6080 = PowerPlantSign
$6083 = Route10PokecenterSign
$6086 = PowerPlantSignText
$6099 = Route10North_MapEvents
EMPTY: $60b3-$7fff ($1f4d bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1f4d bytes
ROMX bank #109:
SECTION: $4000-$7632 ($3633 bytes) ["Special Phone Text"]
$4000 = MomPhoneGreetingText
$4021 = MomPhoneLandmarkText
$406b = MomPhoneGenericAreaText
$40b1 = MomPhoneNewBarkText
$40e4 = MomPhoneCherrygroveText
$411c = MomOtherAreaText
$4150 = MomDeterminedText
$41a7 = MomCheckBalanceText
$41ea = MomImportantToSaveText
$420d = MomYoureNotSavingText
$4249 = MomYouveSavedText
$4289 = MomOKIllSaveText
$42a3 = MomPhoneWontSaveMoneyText
$42c0 = MomPhoneHangUpText
$42ea = MomPhoneNoPokemonText
$431d = MomPhoneNoPokedexText
$435f = MomPhoneNoGymQuestText
$43a1 = MomPhoneLectureText
$4427 = BillPhoneMornGreetingText
$4470 = BillPhoneDayGreetingText
$44b5 = BillPhoneNiteGreetingText
$44fe = BillPhoneGenericText
$452a = BillPhoneNotFullText
$4587 = BillPhoneNearlyFullText
$45ed = BillPhoneFullText
$4652 = BillPhoneNewlyFullText
$46fc = ElmPhoneHealYourMonText
$4749 = ElmPhoneSawMrPokemonText
$4784 = ElmPhonePokemonStolenText
$47d5 = ElmPhoneCheckingTheEggText
$481c = ElmPhoneAssistantText
$4868 = ElmPhoneHowIsTheEggText
$48bb = ElmPhoneEggHatchedText
$491f = ElmPhoneDiscoveredHatchTimeText
$4982 = ElmPhoneInvestigatingEggMovesText
$49e7 = ElmPhoneDiscoveredPokerusText
$4b17 = ElmPhoneDisasterText
$4b87 = ElmPhoneEggAssistantText
$4c06 = ElmPhoneRadioTowerRocketTakeoverText
$4d09 = ElmPhoneGiftText
$4d5d = ElmPhoneGotAholdOfSomethingNeatText
$4dc5 = JackAnswerPhoneText
$4ded = JackAnswerPhoneDayText
$4e16 = JackAnswerPhoneNiteText
$4e3e = JackGreetText
$4e72 = JackGreetDayText
$4e9e = JackGreetNiteText
$4ecd = JackGenericText
$4f21 = BeverlyAnswerPhoneText
$4f4d = BeverlyAnswerPhoneDayText
$4f75 = BeverlyAnswerPhoneNiteText
$4fa1 = BeverlyGreetText
$4fda = BeverlyGreetDayText
$5004 = BeverlyGreetNiteText
$502b = BeverlyGenericText
$5073 = HueyAnswerPhoneText
$509b = HueyAnswerPhoneDayText
$50c2 = HueyAnswerPhoneNiteText
$50e9 = HueyGreetText
$511a = HueyGreetDayText
$5154 = HueyGreetNiteText
$518b = UnknownGenericText
$522b = UnknownTougherThanEverText
$5270 = GavenAnswerPhoneText
$52a5 = GavenAnswerPhoneDayText
$52cc = GavenAnswerPhoneNiteText
$5301 = GavenGreetText
$5335 = GavenGreetDayText
$535f = GavenGreetNiteText
$5393 = GavenGenericText
$53f7 = BethAnswerPhoneText
$5424 = BethAnswerPhoneDayText
$5446 = BethAnswerPhoneNiteText
$5472 = BethGreetText
$54a6 = BethGreetDayText
$54d4 = BethGreetNiteText
$5510 = BethGenericText
$55ae = JoseAnswerPhoneText
$55da = JoseAnswerPhoneDayText
$55fc = JoseAnswerPhoneNiteText
$5628 = JoseGreetText
$564c = JoseGreetDayText
$5670 = JoseGreetNiteText
$5694 = JoseGenericText
$5702 = ReenaAnswerPhoneText
$572e = ReenaAnswerPhoneDayText
$575a = ReenaAnswerPhoneNiteText
$5786 = ReenaGreetText
$57b7 = ReenaGreetDayText
$57e8 = ReenaGreetNiteText
$5819 = ReenaGenericText
$589a = JoeyAnswerPhoneText
$58c2 = JoeyAnswerPhoneDayText
$58ea = JoeyAnswerPhoneNiteText
$5912 = JoeyGreetText
$5948 = JoeyGreetDayText
$597c = JoeyGreetNiteText
$59b2 = JoeyGenericText
$5a3b = WadeAnswerPhoneText
$5a74 = WadeAnswerPhoneDayText
$5a9f = WadeAnswerPhoneNiteText
$5ad8 = WadeGreetText
$5b0b = WadeGreetDayText
$5b37 = WadeGreetNiteText
$5b68 = WadeGenericText
$5c10 = RalphAnswerPhoneText
$5c63 = RalphAnswerPhoneDayText
$5cb6 = RalphAnswerPhoneNiteText
$5d09 = RalphGreetText
$5d21 = RalphGreetDayText
$5d39 = RalphGreetNiteText
$5d51 = RalphGenericText
$5d9f = LizAnswerPhoneText
$5dcc = LizAnswerPhoneDayText
$5df8 = LizAnswerPhoneNiteText
$5e25 = LizGreetText
$5e59 = LizGreetDayText
$5e8e = LizGreetNiteText
$5ebe = LizGenericText
$5f7a = AnthonyAnswerPhoneText
$5f9e = AnthonyAnswerPhoneDayText
$5fc9 = AnthonyAnswerPhoneNiteText
$5ff6 = AnthonyGreetText
$6017 = AnthonyGreetDayText
$6041 = AnthonyGreetNiteText
$606f = AnthonyGenericText
$60f5 = ToddAnswerPhoneText
$611b = ToddAnswerPhoneDayText
$6149 = ToddAnswerPhoneNiteText
$616e = ToddGreetText
$618f = ToddGreetDayText
$61bd = ToddGreetNiteText
$61f2 = ToddGenericText
$626a = GinaAnswerPhoneText
$6296 = GinaAnswerPhoneDayText
$62c5 = GinaAnswerPhoneNiteText
$62f1 = GinaGreetText
$630e = GinaGreetDayText
$6331 = GinaGreetNiteText
$6352 = GinaGenericText
$638c = IrwinAnswerPhoneText
$63a8 = IrwinAnswerPhoneDayText
$63c4 = IrwinAnswerPhoneNiteText
$63e3 = IrwinGreetText
$6407 = IrwinGreetDayText
$642c = IrwinGreetNiteText
$6454 = ArnieAnswerPhoneText
$647e = ArnieAnswerPhoneDayText
$64a8 = ArnieAnswerPhoneNiteText
$64d2 = ArnieGreetText
$6506 = ArnieGreetDayText
$6539 = ArnieGreetNiteText
$656c = ArnieGenericText
$659d = AlanAnswerPhoneText
$65c7 = AlanAnswerPhoneDayText
$65e3 = AlanAnswerPhoneNiteText
$660d = AlanGreetText
$6624 = AlanGreetDayText
$663b = AlanGreetNiteText
$6652 = AlanGenericText
$66c8 = DanaAnswerPhoneText
$66ec = DanaAnswerPhoneDayText
$6713 = DanaAnswerPhoneNiteText
$6738 = DanaGreetText
$6757 = DanaGreetDayText
$6776 = DanaGreetNiteText
$6795 = DanaGenericText
$67e2 = ChadAnswerPhoneText
$680e = ChadAnswerPhoneDayText
$6836 = ChadAnswerPhoneNiteText
$6862 = ChadGreetText
$6890 = ChadGreetDayText
$68ba = ChadGreetNiteText
$68e8 = ChadGenericText
$69a8 = DerekAnswerPhoneText
$69d2 = DerekAnswerPhoneDayText
$69f8 = DerekAnswerPhoneNiteText
$6a22 = DerekGreetText
$6a56 = DerekGreetDayText
$6a8b = DerekGreetNiteText
$6ac2 = DerekGenericText
$6b39 = TullyAnswerPhoneText
$6b65 = TullyAnswerPhoneDayText
$6b92 = TullyAnswerPhoneNiteText
$6bb9 = TullyGreetText
$6bef = TullyGreetDayText
$6c23 = TullyGreetNiteText
$6c56 = TullyGenericText
$6c96 = BrentAnswerPhoneText
$6cc6 = BrentAnswerPhoneDayText
$6cf6 = BrentAnswerPhoneNiteText
$6d26 = BrentGreetText
$6d57 = BrentGreetDayText
$6d88 = BrentGreetNiteText
$6db9 = BrentGenericText
$6e7c = TiffanyAnswerPhoneText
$6ea6 = TiffanyAnswerPhoneDayText
$6ec9 = TiffanyAnswerPhoneNiteText
$6ef3 = TiffanyGreetText
$6f1c = TiffanyGreetDayText
$6f37 = TiffanyGreetNiteText
$6f60 = TiffanyGenericText
$7019 = VanceAnswerPhoneText
$7057 = VanceAnswerPhoneDayText
$7092 = VanceAnswerPhoneNiteText
$70e7 = VanceGreetText
$7112 = VanceGreetDayText
$7132 = VanceGreetNiteText
$7161 = VanceGenericText
$71d5 = WiltonAnswerPhoneText
$71fc = WiltonAnswerPhoneDayText
$722a = WiltonAnswerPhoneNiteText
$725c = WiltonGreetText
$7283 = WiltonGreetDayText
$72a5 = WiltonGreetNiteText
$72d0 = WiltonGenericText
$730b = KenjiAnswerPhoneText
$7331 = KenjiAnswerPhoneDayText
$7357 = KenjiAnswerPhoneNiteText
$737f = KenjiGreetText
$7397 = KenjiGreetDayText
$73af = KenjiGreetNiteText
$73c7 = ParryAnswerPhoneText
$73ef = ParryAnswerPhoneDayText
$7417 = ParryAnswerPhoneNiteText
$743f = ParryGreetText
$746f = ParryGreetDayText
$749b = ParryGreetNiteText
$74c8 = ParryGenericText
$751a = ErinAnswerPhoneText
$7548 = ErinAnswerPhoneDayText
$756f = ErinAnswerPhoneNiteText
$758f = ErinGreetText
$75ac = ErinGreetDayText
$75c9 = ErinGreetNiteText
$75e5 = ErinGenericText
$7624 = UnusedPhoneText
EMPTY: $7633-$7fff ($09cd bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $09cd bytes
ROMX bank #110:
SECTION: $4000-$5ada ($1adb bytes) ["Pokedex Entries 065-128"]
$4000 = AlakazamPokedexEntry
$4065 = MachopPokedexEntry
$40cb = MachokePokedexEntry
$4133 = MachampPokedexEntry
$41a1 = BellsproutPokedexEntry
$41fd = WeepinbellPokedexEntry
$426e = VictreebelPokedexEntry
$42d1 = TentacoolPokedexEntry
$4337 = TentacruelPokedexEntry
$43a1 = GeodudePokedexEntry
$440c = GravelerPokedexEntry
$4481 = GolemPokedexEntry
$44f2 = PonytaPokedexEntry
$455e = RapidashPokedexEntry
$45d3 = SlowpokePokedexEntry
$4635 = SlowbroPokedexEntry
$469d = MagnemitePokedexEntry
$470a = MagnetonPokedexEntry
$476c = FarfetchDPokedexEntry
$47d7 = DoduoPokedexEntry
$484a = DodrioPokedexEntry
$48bf = SeelPokedexEntry
$4934 = DewgongPokedexEntry
$49a2 = GrimerPokedexEntry
$49fc = MukPokedexEntry
$4a68 = ShellderPokedexEntry
$4ad9 = CloysterPokedexEntry
$4b4a = GastlyPokedexEntry
$4bbd = HaunterPokedexEntry
$4c25 = GengarPokedexEntry
$4c98 = OnixPokedexEntry
$4d0a = DrowzeePokedexEntry
$4d80 = HypnoPokedexEntry
$4ddd = KrabbyPokedexEntry
$4e45 = KinglerPokedexEntry
$4eb0 = VoltorbPokedexEntry
$4f19 = ElectrodePokedexEntry
$4f84 = ExeggcutePokedexEntry
$4ff6 = ExeggutorPokedexEntry
$5068 = CubonePokedexEntry
$50d2 = MarowakPokedexEntry
$513f = HitmonleePokedexEntry
$51a4 = HitmonchanPokedexEntry
$5210 = LickitungPokedexEntry
$5276 = KoffingPokedexEntry
$52ec = WeezingPokedexEntry
$535d = RhyhornPokedexEntry
$53c5 = RhydonPokedexEntry
$542e = ChanseyPokedexEntry
$548c = TangelaPokedexEntry
$54f6 = KangaskhanPokedexEntry
$5553 = HorseaPokedexEntry
$55b8 = SeadraPokedexEntry
$5626 = GoldeenPokedexEntry
$5690 = SeakingPokedexEntry
$5702 = StaryuPokedexEntry
$5776 = StarmiePokedexEntry
$57ea = MrMimePokedexEntry
$5851 = ScytherPokedexEntry
$58c5 = JynxPokedexEntry
$592a = ElectabuzzPokedexEntry
$5994 = MagmarPokedexEntry
$59fb = PinsirPokedexEntry
$5a6f = TaurosPokedexEntry
EMPTY: $5adb-$7fff ($2525 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $2525 bytes
ROMX bank #111:
SECTION: $4000-$608c ($208d bytes) ["Text 1"]
$4000 = _FruitBearingTreeText
$401c = _HeyItsFruitText
$402d = _ObtainedFruitText
$403e = _FruitPackIsFullText
$4055 = _NothingHereText
$406b = _WhichApricornText
$4089 = _HowManyShouldIMakeText
$40a2 = _RecoveredSomeHPText
$40bb = _CuredOfPoisonText
$40d2 = _RidOfParalysisText
$40ea = _BurnWasHealedText
$4101 = _WasDefrostedText
$4115 = _WokeUpText
$4123 = _HealthReturnedText
$413a = _RevitalizedText
$414f = _GrewToLevelText
$416e = _CameToItsSensesText
$4187 = _EnterNewPasscodeText
$41ac = _ConfirmPasscodeText
$41cf = _PasscodesNotSameText
$41eb = _PasscodeSetText
$423e = _FourZerosInvalidText
$4251 = _EnterPasscodeText
$4272 = _IncorrectPasscodeText
$4288 = _CardFolderOpenText
$429c = _OakTimeWokeUpText
$42eb = _OakTimeWhatTimeIsItText
$42fd = _OakTimeWhatHoursText
$4305 = _OakTimeHoursQuestionMarkText
$4308 = _OakTimeHowManyMinutesText
$431b = _OakTimeWhoaMinutesText
$4323 = _OakTimeMinutesQuestionMarkText
$4326 = _OakTimeOversleptText
$4336 = _OakTimeYikesText
$434f = _OakTimeSoDarkText
$4369 = _OakTimeWhatDayIsItText
$437a = _OakTimeIsItText
$4384 = _ThereIsNothingConnectedText
$43a1 = _CheckCellPhoneAdapterText
$43bc = _CheckCDMAAdapterText
$43d1 = _CheckDOCOMOPHSAdapterText
$43ec = _CheckDDIPHSAdapterText
$4404 = _CheckMobileAdapterText
$442c = _ThePasswordIsText
$443f = _IsThisOKText
$444c = _EnterTheIDNoText
$445e = _EnterTheAmountText
$4471 = _NothingToChooseText
$448c = _WhichSidePutOnText
$44b2 = _WhichSidePutAwayText
$44d7 = _PutAwayTheDecoText
$44ec = _NothingToPutAwayText
$4509 = _SetUpTheDecoText
$451c = _PutAwayAndSetUpText
$4546 = _AlreadySetUpText
$455d = _LookTownMapText
$4570 = _LookPikachuPosterText
$4591 = _LookClefairyPosterText
$45b3 = _LookJigglypuffPosterText
$45d7 = _LookAdorableDecoText
$45ef = _LookGiantDecoText
$4615 = _MomHiHowAreYouText
$462a = _MomFoundAnItemText
$464e = _MomBoughtWithYourMoneyText
$4673 = _MomItsInPCText
$4693 = _MomFoundADollText
$46c7 = _MomItsInYourRoomText
$46e9 = _MonWasSentToText
$4701 = _MonNameSentToText
$4703 = _BidsFarewellToMonText
$4719 = _MonNameBidsFarewellText
$471f = _TakeGoodCareOfMonText
$4739 = _ForYourMonSendsText
$474c = _OTSendsText
$475e = _WillTradeText
$4774 = _ForYourMonWillTradeText
$4787 = _MobilePlayerWillTradeMonText
$479d = _MobileForPartnersMonText
$47b0 = _MobilePlayersMonTradeText
$47c3 = _MobileTakeGoodCareOfMonText
$47dd = _MobilePlayersMonTrade2Text
$47f0 = _MobileTakeGoodCareOfText
$480a = _MobileTradeCameBackText
$481a = _OPT_IntroText1
$482d = _OPT_IntroText2
$483a = _OPT_IntroText3
$484b = _OPT_OakText1
$4858 = _OPT_OakText2
$486d = _OPT_OakText3
$4876 = _OPT_MaryText1
$4885 = _OPT_SweetAdorablyText
$489a = _OPT_WigglySlicklyText
$48af = _OPT_AptlyNamedText
$48c1 = _OPT_UndeniablyKindOfText
$48d6 = _OPT_UnbearablyText
$48ea = _OPT_WowImpressivelyText
$48fe = _OPT_AlmostPoisonouslyText
$4913 = _OPT_SensuallyText
$4927 = _OPT_MischievouslyText
$493a = _OPT_TopicallyText
$494e = _OPT_AddictivelyText
$4961 = _OPT_LooksInWaterText
$4975 = _OPT_EvolutionMustBeText
$4989 = _OPT_ProvocativelyText
$4999 = _OPT_FlippedOutText
$49ae = _OPT_HeartMeltinglyText
$49c0 = _OPT_CuteText
$49c8 = _OPT_WeirdText
$49d1 = _OPT_PleasantText
$49dd = _OPT_BoldSortOfText
$49ee = _OPT_FrighteningText
$49fd = _OPT_SuaveDebonairText
$4a11 = _OPT_PowerfulText
$4a1d = _OPT_ExcitingText
$4a29 = _OPT_GroovyText
$4a33 = _OPT_InspiringText
$4a40 = _OPT_FriendlyText
$4a4c = _OPT_HotHotHotText
$4a5d = _OPT_StimulatingText
$4a6c = _OPT_GuardedText
$4a77 = _OPT_LovelyText
$4a81 = _OPT_SpeedyText
$4a8b = _OPT_PokemonChannelText
$4a91 = _PokedexShowText
$4a99 = _BenIntroText1
$4aab = _BenIntroText2
$4ab6 = _BenIntroText3
$4ac8 = _FernIntroText1
$4ad8 = _FernIntroText2
$4ae8 = _BenFernText1
$4af6 = _BenFernText2A
$4b09 = _BenFernText2B
$4b1b = _BenFernText3A
$4b29 = _BenFernText3B
$4b39 = _LC_Text1
$4b4d = _LC_Text2
$4b60 = _LC_Text3
$4b73 = _LC_Text4
$4b86 = _LC_Text5
$4b9a = _LC_Text6
$4baf = _LC_Text7
$4bc2 = _LC_Text8
$4bd6 = _LC_Text9
$4be9 = _LC_Text10
$4bfe = _LC_Text11
$4c11 = _LC_DragText1
$4c25 = _LC_DragText2
$4c3a = _PnP_Text1
$4c4f = _PnP_Text2
$4c63 = _PnP_Text3
$4c72 = _PnP_Text4
$4c80 = _PnP_CuteText
$4c8b = _PnP_LazyText
$4c9e = _PnP_HappyText
$4cb1 = _PnP_NoisyText
$4cc3 = _PnP_PrecociousText
$4cd4 = _PnP_BoldText
$4ce8 = _PnP_PickyText
$4cf8 = _PnP_SortOfOKText
$4d09 = _PnP_SoSoText
$4d1a = _PnP_GreatText
$4d2f = _PnP_MyTypeText
$4d42 = _PnP_CoolText
$4d54 = _PnP_InspiringText
$4d64 = _PnP_WeirdText
$4d78 = _PnP_RightForMeText
$4d8b = _PnP_OddText
$4da0 = _PnP_Text5
$4da8 = _RocketRadioText1
$4dba = _RocketRadioText2
$4dc9 = _RocketRadioText3
$4ddd = _RocketRadioText4
$4df2 = _RocketRadioText5
$4e05 = _RocketRadioText6
$4e17 = _RocketRadioText7
$4e2e = _RocketRadioText8
$4e44 = _RocketRadioText9
$4e5c = _RocketRadioText10
$4e72 = _BuenaRadioText1
$4e87 = _BuenaRadioText2
$4e9a = _BuenaRadioText3
$4eae = _BuenaRadioText4
$4eb7 = _BuenaRadioText5
$4ec9 = _BuenaRadioText6
$4edc = _BuenaRadioText7
$4eeb = _BuenaRadioMidnightText1
$4efb = _BuenaRadioMidnightText2
$4f0d = _BuenaRadioMidnightText3
$4f22 = _BuenaRadioMidnightText4
$4f36 = _BuenaRadioMidnightText5
$4f4b = _BuenaRadioMidnightText6
$4f5e = _BuenaRadioMidnightText7
$4f73 = _BuenaRadioMidnightText8
$4f86 = _BuenaRadioMidnightText9
$4f96 = _BuenaRadioMidnightText10
$4f99 = _BuenaOffTheAirText
$4f9c = _EnemyWithdrewText
$4faf = _EnemyUsedOnText
$4fc7 = _ThatCantBeUsedRightNowText
$4fe5 = _ThatItemCantBePutInThePackText
$5009 = _TheItemWasPutInThePackText
$5029 = _RemainingTimeText
$5039 = _YourMonsHPWasHealedText
$5054 = _WarpingText
$505e = _ChangeWhichNumberText
$507f = _WillYouPlayWithMonText
$509a = _YouNeedTwoMonForBreedingText
$50bd = _BreedingIsNotPossibleText
$50d8 = _CompatibilityShouldTheyBreedText
$5109 = _ThereIsNoEggText
$511c = _ItsGoingToHatchText
$5131 = _TestEventText
$5145 = _StartText
$514d = _EndText
$5153 = _ForABoyText
$515f = _ForAGirlText
$516c = _DoesntConcernABoyText
$5188 = _TheBoxIsFullText
$519a = _NewCardArrivedText
$51ba = _PutCardInCardFolderText
$51dd = _CardWasListedText
$5201 = _StartingLinkText
$5211 = _LinkTerminatedText
$5223 = _ClosingLinkText
$5232 = _ClearTimeLimitText
$5249 = _TimeLimitWasClearedText
$5266 = _PickErrorPacketText
$5286 = _TradingMonForOTMonText
$52a0 = _ObtainedTheVoltorbBadgeText
$52bc = _AskFloorElevatorText
$52ca = _BugCatchingContestTimeUpText
$52e7 = _BugCatchingContestIsOverText
$5308 = _RepelWoreOffText
$5321 = _PlayerFoundItemText
$5331 = _ButNoSpaceText
$534b = _JustSawSomeRareMonText
$539e = _SavingRecordText
$53be = _ReceiveItemText
$53d7 = _NoCoinsText
$53eb = _NoCoinCaseText
$5407 = _NPCTradeCableText
$5429 = Text_NPCTraded
$5445 = _NPCTradeFanfareText
$5449 = _NPCTradeIntroText1
$548c = _NPCTradeCancelText1
$54aa = _NPCTradeWrongText1
$54d2 = _NPCTradeCompleteText1
$54f4 = _NPCTradeAfterText1
$5512 = _NPCTradeIntroText2
$5565 = _NPCTradeCancelText2
$55a1 = _NPCTradeWrongText2
$55cc = _NPCTradeCompleteText2
$55f4 = _NPCTradeAfterText2
$5621 = _NPCTradeIntroText3
$5673 = _NPCTradeCancelText3
$5696 = _NPCTradeWrongText3
$56cd = _NPCTradeCompleteText3
$56f5 = _NPCTradeAfterText3
$5731 = _NPCTradeCompleteText4
$5745 = _NPCTradeAfterText4
$577f = _MomLeavingText1
$5868 = _MomLeavingText2
$588e = _MomLeavingText3
$58da = _MomIsThisAboutYourMoneyText
$5942 = _MomBankWhatDoYouWantToDoText
$595b = _MomStoreMoneyText
$597a = _MomTakeMoneyText
$5999 = _MomSaveMoneyText
$59ba = _MomHaventSavedThatMuchText
$59d7 = _MomNotEnoughRoomInWalletText
$59f1 = _MomInsufficientFundsInWalletText
$5a0b = _MomNotEnoughRoomInBankText
$5a25 = _MomStartSavingMoneyText
$5a5b = _MomStoredMoneyText
$5a7e = _MomTakenMoneyText
$5a90 = _MomJustDoWhatYouCanText
$5aa7 = _DaycareDummyText
$5aa9 = _DayCareManIntroText
$5ad8 = _DayCareManIntroEggText
$5b85 = _DayCareLadyIntroText
$5bbb = _DayCareLadyIntroEggText
$5c79 = _WhatShouldIRaiseText
$5c97 = _OnlyOneMonText
$5cb8 = _CantAcceptEggText
$5cda = _RemoveMailText
$5cff = _LastHealthyMonText
$5d30 = _IllRaiseYourMonText
$5d4b = _ComeBackLaterText
$5d64 = _AreWeGeniusesText
$5d96 = _YourMonHasGrownText
$5e04 = _PerfectHeresYourMonText
$5e1f = _GotBackMonText
$5e32 = _BackAlreadyText
$5ea2 = _HaveNoRoomText
$5ebc = _NotEnoughMoneyText
$5ed9 = _OhFineThenText
$5ee9 = _ComeAgainText
$5ef6 = _NotYetText
$5f00 = _FoundAnEggText
$5fa5 = _ReceivedEggText
$5fba = _TakeGoodCareOfEggText
$5fd1 = _IllKeepItThanksText
$5ff2 = _NoRoomForEggText
$6024 = _WhichMonPhotoText
$6047 = _HoldStillText
$606a = _PrestoAllDoneText
EMPTY: $608d-$7fff ($1f73 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1f73 bytes
ROMX bank #112:
SECTION: $4000-$5ec8 ($1ec9 bytes) ["Text 2"]
$4000 = _NoPhotoText
$4021 = _EggPhotoText
$4043 = _NameRaterHelloText
$40a0 = _NameRaterWhichMonText
$40cd = _NameRaterBetterNameText
$4142 = _NameRaterWhatNameText
$4171 = _NameRaterFinishedText
$419e = _NameRaterComeAgainText
$41be = _NameRaterPerfectNameText
$4208 = _NameRaterEggText
$4222 = _NameRaterSameNameText
$4272 = _NameRaterNamedText
$429c = Text_Gained
$42a9 = _BoostedExpPointsText
$42c9 = _ExpPointsText
$42df = _GoMonText
$42e6 = _DoItMonText
$42f0 = _GoForItMonText
$42fe = _YourFoesWeakGetmMonText
$4317 = _BattleMonNicknameText
$431d = _BattleMonNickCommaText
$4324 = _ThatsEnoughComeBackText
$4340 = _OKComeBackText
$4352 = _GoodComeBackText
$4366 = _ComeBackText
$4373 = _BootedTMText
$4384 = _BootedHMText
$4396 = _ContainedMoveText
$43c2 = _TMHMNotCompatibleText
$43fa = _NoRoomTMHMText
$4421 = _ReceivedTMHMText
$4436 = _MysteryGiftCanceledText
$4454 = _MysteryGiftCommErrorText
$446a = _RetrieveMysteryGiftText
$448e = _YourFriendIsNotReadyText
$44a7 = _MysteryGiftFiveADayText
$44c6 = _MysteryGiftOneADayText
$44e9 = _MysteryGiftSentText
$44fa = _MysteryGiftSentHomeText
$451a = _NameCardReceivedCardText
$4531 = _NameCardListedCardText
$4555 = _NameCardNotRegisteredCardText
$4573 = _NameCardLinkCancelledText
$4591 = _NameCardLinkCommErrorText
$45a7 = _BadgeRequiredText
$45c8 = _CantUseItemText
$45dd = _UseCutText
$45ec = _CutNothingText
$4609 = _BlindingFlashText
$462f = _UsedSurfText
$463f = _CantSurfText
$4654 = _AlreadySurfingText
$466c = _AskSurfText
$468e = _UseWaterfallText
$46a3 = _HugeWaterfallText
$46bf = _AskWaterfallText
$46de = _UseDigText
$46ed = _UseEscapeRopeText
$4705 = _CantUseDigText
$471a = _TeleportReturnText
$473b = _CantUseTeleportText
$4751 = _AlreadyUsingStrengthText
$4774 = _UseStrengthText
$4788 = _MoveBoulderText
$47a0 = _AskStrengthText
$47d8 = _BouldersMoveText
$47f4 = _BouldersMayMoveText
$4816 = _UseWhirlpoolText
$482b = _MayPassWhirlpoolText
$4864 = _AskWhirlpoolText
$4897 = _UseHeadbuttText
$48ac = _HeadbuttNothingText
$48bc = _AskHeadbuttText
$48f0 = _UseRockSmashText
$4906 = _MaySmashText
$4924 = _AskRockSmashText
$4958 = _RodBiteText
$4965 = _RodNothingText
$4979 = _UnusedNothingHereText
$499a = _CantGetOffBikeText
$49b2 = _GotOnBikeText
$49c7 = _GotOffBikeText
$49dd = _AskCutText
$4a05 = _CanCutText
$4a1c = _FoundItemText
$4a2c = _CantCarryItemText
$4a4e = _WhitedOutText
$4a77 = _ItemfinderItemNearbyText
$4aa9 = _ItemfinderNopeText
$4acc = _PoisonFaintText
$4ada = _PoisonWhiteoutText
$4b03 = _UseSweetScentText
$4b1a = _SweetScentNothingText
$4b3b = _SquirtbottleNothingText
$4b65 = _UseSacredAshText
$4b7f = _AnEggCantHoldAnItemText
$4b9a = _PackNoItemText
$4ba5 = _AskThrowAwayText
$4bbb = _AskQuantityThrowAwayText
$4bd8 = _ThrewAwayText
$4bee = _OakThisIsntTheTimeText
$4c17 = _YouDontHaveAMonText
$4c2e = _RegisteredItemText
$4c45 = _CantRegisterText
$4c63 = _AskItemMoveText
$4c83 = _PackEmptyText
$4c85 = _YouCantUseItInABattleText
$4ca3 = _AreYouABoyOrAreYouAGirlText
$4cc6 = Text_BattleEffectActivate
$4cd0 = _BattleStatWentWayUpText
$4ce0 = _BattleStatWentUpText
$4ceb = Text_BattleFoeEffectActivate
$4cf5 = _BattleStatSharplyFellText
$4d06 = _BattleStatFellText
$4d0e = Text_BattleUser
$4d12 = _BattleMadeWhirlwindText
$4d26 = _BattleTookSunlightText
$4d3a = _BattleLoweredHeadText
$4d4e = _BattleGlowingText
$4d5c = _BattleFlewText
$4d6c = _BattleDugText
$4d7a = _ActorNameText
$4d7e = _UsedMove1Text
$4d87 = _UsedMove2Text
$4d90 = _UsedInsteadText
$4d9c = _MoveNameText
$4da1 = _EndUsedMove1Text
$4da4 = _EndUsedMove2Text
$4da7 = _EndUsedMove3Text
$4daa = _EndUsedMove4Text
$4dad = _EndUsedMove5Text
$4db0 = Text_BreedHuh
$4db8 = _BreedClearboxText
$4dba = _BreedEggHatchText
$4dd8 = _BreedAskNicknameText
$4df3 = _LeftWithDayCareLadyText
$4e24 = _LeftWithDayCareManText
$4e54 = _BreedBrimmingWithEnergyText
$4e6f = _BreedNoInterestText
$4e8d = _BreedAppearsToCareForText
$4eac = _BreedFriendlyText
$4ec6 = _BreedShowsInterestText
$4ee3 = _EmptyMailboxText
$4ef9 = _MailClearedPutAwayText
$4f19 = _MailPackFullText
$4f2c = _MailMessageLostText
$4f51 = _MailAlreadyHoldingItemText
$4f71 = _MailEggText
$4f8d = _MailMovedFromBoxText
$4fb3 = _YesPromptText
$4fb8 = _NoPromptText
$4fbc = _AnimationTypeText
$4fdd = _MonNumberText
$4feb = _WasSentToBillsPCText
$5006 = _PCGottaHavePokemonText
$5024 = _PCWhatText
$502b = _PCMonHoldingMailText
$5062 = _PCNoSingleMonText
$5080 = _PCCantDepositLastMonText
$50a2 = _PCCantTakeText
$50c0 = _ContestCaughtMonText
$50cf = _ContestAskSwitchText
$50dd = _ContestAlreadyCaughtText
$50fa = _ContestJudging_FirstPlaceText
$513f = _ContestJudging_FirstPlaceScoreText
$5166 = _ContestJudging_SecondPlaceText
$5196 = _ContestJudging_SecondPlaceScoreText
$51b5 = _ContestJudging_ThirdPlaceText
$51e4 = _ContestJudging_ThirdPlaceScoreText
$5203 = _MagikarpGuruMeasureText
$523a = _KarpGuruRecordText
$5261 = _LuckyNumberMatchPartyText
$52ae = _LuckyNumberMatchPCText
$52fc = _CaughtAskNicknameText
$5328 = _PokecenterPCCantUseText
$5353 = _PlayersPCTurnOnText
$5368 = _PlayersPCAskWhatDoText
$5381 = _PlayersPCHowManyWithdrawText
$53a4 = _PlayersPCWithdrewItemsText
$53bf = _PlayersPCNoRoomWithdrawText
$53df = _PlayersPCNoItemsText
$53ef = _PlayersPCHowManyDepositText
$5411 = _PlayersPCDepositItemsText
$542d = _PlayersPCNoRoomDepositText
$544d = _PokecenterPCTurnOnText
$5462 = _PokecenterPCWhoseText
$5474 = _PokecenterBillsPCText
$54a4 = _PokecenterPlayersPCText
$54d2 = _PokecenterOaksPCText
$5505 = _PokecenterPCOaksClosedText
$5515 = _OakPCText1
$5533 = _OakPCText2
$5553 = _OakPCText3
$5585 = _OakRating01
$55a5 = _OakRating02
$55d5 = _OakRating03
$5611 = _OakRating04
$564f = _OakRating05
$568c = _OakRating06
$56ca = _OakRating07
$5709 = _OakRating08
$573b = _OakRating09
$5773 = _OakRating10
$57a4 = _OakRating11
$57e0 = _OakRating12
$5812 = _OakRating13
$5853 = _OakRating14
$588b = _OakRating15
$58bc = _OakRating16
$58f7 = _OakRating17
$5932 = _OakRating18
$596b = _OakRating19
$59aa = _OakPCText4
$59cd = _TrainerRankingExplanationText
$5a22 = _TrainerRankingNoDataText
$5a5b = _MemoryGameYeahText
$5a65 = _MemoryGameDarnText
$5a6c = _StartMenuContestEndText
$5a90 = _ItemsTossOutHowManyText
$5aad = _ItemsThrowAwayText
$5aca = _ItemsDiscardedText
$5adf = _ItemsTooImportantText
$5b03 = _ItemsOakWarningText
$5b2c = _PokemonSwapItemText
$5b57 = _PokemonHoldItemText
$5b6f = _PokemonRemoveMailText
$5b8e = _PokemonNotHoldingText
$5baa = _ItemStorageFullText
$5bc4 = _PokemonTookItemText
$5bdc = _PokemonAskSwapItemText
$5c09 = _ItemCantHeldText
$5c22 = _MailLoseMessageText
$5c47 = _MailDetachedText
$5c62 = _MailNoSpaceText
$5c86 = _MailAskSendToPCText
$5ca9 = _MailboxFullText
$5cc4 = _MailSentToPCText
$5ce3 = _PokemonNotEnoughHPText
$5cf3 = _MayRegisterItemText
$5d35 = _OakText1
$5da4 = _OakText2
$5de2 = _OakText3
$5de5 = _OakText4
$5e51 = _OakText5
EMPTY: $5ec9-$7fff ($2137 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $2137 bytes
ROMX bank #113:
SECTION: $4000-$611d ($211e bytes) ["Text 3"]
$4000 = _OakText6
$4026 = _OakText7
$40e6 = _ClockTimeMayBeWrongText
$411c = _ClockSetWithControlPadText
$415b = _ClockIsThisOKText
$4168 = _ClockHasResetText
$4183 = _LinkTimeoutText
$41b1 = _LinkTradeCantBattleText
$41e6 = _LinkAbnormalMonText
$4212 = _LinkAskTradeForText
$422a = _MobileBattleMustPickThreeMonText
$4275 = _MobileBattleMoreInfoText
$4298 = _MobileBattleRulesText
$439c = _WouldYouLikeToMobileBattleText
$43dc = _WantAQuickMobileBattleText
$4419 = _WantToRushThroughAMobileBattleText
$445a = _PleaseTryAgainTomorrowText
$449c = _TryAgainUsingSameSettingsText
$44c0 = _MobileBattleLessThanOneMinuteLeftText
$44e7 = _MobileBattleNoTimeLeftForLinkingText
$4508 = _PickThreeMonForMobileBattleText
$4525 = _MobileBattleRemainingTimeText
$454b = _WouldYouLikeToSaveTheGameText
$456d = _SavingDontTurnOffThePowerText
$4590 = _SavedTheGameText
$45a3 = _AlreadyASaveFileText
$45d9 = _AnotherSaveFileText
$460d = _SaveFileCorruptedText
$462a = _ChangeBoxSaveText
$465f = _MoveMonWOMailSaveText
$4693 = _WindowAreaExceededErrorText
$46b7 = _WindowPoppingErrorText
$46dc = _CorruptedEventText
$46ee = _ObjectEventText
$46fc = _BGEventText
$4706 = _CoordinatesEventText
$4719 = _ReceivedItemText
$472c = _PutItemInPocketText
$474b = _PocketIsFullText
$475f = _SeerSeeAllText
$4797 = _SeerCantTellAThingText
$47d4 = _SeerNameLocationText
$47fa = _SeerTimeLevelText
$4837 = _SeerTradeText
$487f = _SeerNoLocationText
$491d = _SeerEggText
$4955 = _SeerDoNothingText
$497a = _SeerMoreCareText
$49c6 = _SeerMoreConfidentText
$4a21 = _SeerMuchStrengthText
$4a5b = _SeerMightyText
$4ae5 = _SeerImpressedText
$4b92 = _CongratulationsYourPokemonText
$4baf = _EvolvedIntoText
$4bc5 = _StoppedEvolvingText
$4be3 = _EvolvingText
$4bfd = _MartHowManyText
$4c08 = _MartFinalPriceText
$4c28 = _HerbShopLadyIntroText
$4ca3 = _HerbalLadyHowManyText
$4cae = _HerbalLadyFinalPriceText
$4cce = _HerbalLadyThanksText
$4cea = _HerbalLadyPackFullText
$4d08 = _HerbalLadyNoMoneyText
$4d2a = _HerbalLadyComeAgainText
$4d47 = _BargainShopIntroText
$4db0 = _BargainShopFinalPriceText
$4dcd = _BargainShopThanksText
$4dd6 = _BargainShopPackFullText
$4df7 = _BargainShopSoldOutText
$4e28 = _BargainShopNoFundsText
$4e46 = _BargainShopComeAgainText
$4e5f = _PharmacyIntroText
$4e7e = _PharmacyHowManyText
$4e89 = _PharmacyFinalPriceText
$4eab = _PharmacyThanksText
$4eb9 = _PharmacyPackFullText
$4ed8 = _PharmacyNoMoneyText
$4ef6 = _PharmacyComeAgainText
$4f12 = _NothingToSellText
$4f33 = _MartSellHowManyText
$4f3e = _MartSellPriceText
$4f62 = _MartWelcomeText
$4f80 = _MartThanksText
$4f9a = _MartNoMoneyText
$4fb7 = _MartPackFullText
$4fd7 = _MartCantBuyText
$4ff9 = _MartComeAgainText
$500d = _MartAskMoreText
$502e = _MartBoughtText
$5049 = _SlotsBetHowManyCoinsText
$505e = _SlotsStartText
$5066 = _SlotsNotEnoughCoinsText
$5079 = _SlotsRanOutOfCoinsText
$5092 = _SlotsPlayAgainText
$509f = _SlotsLinedUpText
$50bb = _SlotsDarnText
$50c2 = _MobileStadiumEntryText
$5121 = _MobileStadiumSuccessText
$5182 = _MainMenuTimeUnknownText
$5196 = _DeleteSavedLoginPasswordText
$51b9 = _DeletedTheLoginPasswordText
$51d7 = _MobilePickThreeMonForBattleText
$51f4 = _MobileUseTheseThreeMonText
$521c = _MobileOnlyThreeMonMayEnterText
$5238 = _MobileCardFolderIntro1Text
$52bc = _MobileCardFolderIntro2Text
$531e = _MobileCardFolderIntro3Text
$5394 = _MobileCardFolderIntro4Text
$53ee = _MobileCardFolderAskDeleteText
$5494 = _MobileCardFolderDeleteAreYouSureText
$54b9 = _MobileCardFolderDeletedText
$54dd = _MobileCardFolderAskOpenOldText
$552d = _MobileCardFolderAskDeleteOldText
$554a = _MobileCardFolderFinishRegisteringCardsText
$5565 = _PhoneWrongNumberText
$5580 = _PhoneClickText
$5588 = _PhoneEllipseText
$558b = _PhoneOutOfAreaText
$55ac = _PhoneJustTalkToThemText
$55ca = _PhoneThankYouText
$55d6 = _SpaceSpaceColonText
$55db = _PasswordAskResetText
$560b = _PasswordWrongText
$561c = _PasswordAskResetClockText
$562e = _PasswordAskEnterText
$564a = _ClearAllSaveDataText
$5660 = _LearnedMoveText
$5678 = _MoveAskForgetText
$5699 = _StopLearningMoveText
$56af = _DidNotLearnMoveText
$56c9 = _AskForgetMoveText
$5740 = Text_MoveForgetCount
$574e = _MoveForgotText
$5772 = _MoveCantForgetHMText
$5793 = _CardFlipPlayWithThreeCoinsText
$57ab = _CardFlipNotEnoughCoinsText
$57be = _CardFlipChooseACardText
$57ce = _CardFlipPlaceYourBetText
$57df = _CardFlipPlayAgainText
$57f4 = _CardFlipShuffledText
$5813 = _CardFlipYeahText
$581a = _CardFlipDarnText
$5821 = _GearTodayText
$5824 = _GearEllipseText
$5827 = _GearOutOfServiceText
$5847 = _PokegearAskWhoCallText
$5862 = _PokegearPressButtonText
$587d = _PokegearAskDeleteText
$589f = _BuenaAskWhichPrizeText
$58bc = _BuenaIsThatRightText
$58d1 = _BuenaHereYouGoText
$58e0 = _BuenaNotEnoughPointsText
$58ff = _BuenaNoRoomText
$591a = _BuenaComeAgainText
$5937 = _BTExcuseMeText
$5944 = _ExcuseMeYoureNotReadyText
$5962 = _BattleTowerReturnWhenReadyText
$5983 = _NeedAtLeastThreeMonText
$59a3 = _EggDoesNotQualifyText
$59c3 = _OnlyThreeMonMayBeEnteredText
$59e5 = _TheMonMustAllBeDifferentKindsText
$5a13 = _TheMonMustNotHoldTheSameItemsText
$5a42 = _YouCantTakeAnEggText
$5a5a = _BallDodgedText
$5a90 = _BallMissedText
$5aa6 = _BallBrokeFreeText
$5ac3 = _BallAppearedCaughtText
$5ae3 = _BallAlmostHadItText
$5afa = _BallSoCloseText
$5b17 = Text_BallCaught
$5b35 = _WaitButtonText
$5b38 = _BallSentToPCText
$5b53 = _NewDexDataText
$5b7f = _AskGiveNicknameText
$5b9a = _ItemStatRoseText
$5bac = _ItemCantUseOnMonText
$5bcd = _RepelUsedEarlierIsStillInEffectText
$5bf9 = _PlayedFluteText
$5c28 = _FluteWakeUpText
$5c44 = Text_PlayedPokeFlute
$5c5e = _BlueCardBalanceText
$5c7b = _CoinCaseCountText
$5c8a = _RaiseThePPOfWhichMoveText
$5ca7 = _RestoreThePPOfWhichMoveText
$5cc6 = _PPIsMaxedOutText
$5cdd = _PPsIncreasedText
$5cf1 = _PPRestoredText
$5d03 = _SentTrophyHomeText
$5d3e = _ItemLooksBitterText
$5d50 = _ItemCantUseOnEggText
$5d6e = _ItemOakWarningText
$5d97 = _ItemBelongsToSomeoneElseText
$5db6 = _ItemWontHaveEffectText
$5dd0 = _BallBlockedText
$5def = _BallDontBeAThiefText
$5e01 = _NoCyclingText
$5e1d = _ItemCantGetOnText
$5e3a = _BallBoxFullText
$5e68 = _ItemUsedText
$5e7b = _ItemGotOnText
$5e90 = _ItemGotOffText
$5ea8 = _KnowsMoveText
$5eba = _MoveKnowsOneText
$5eda = _AskDeleteMoveText
$5ef5 = _DeleterForgotMoveText
$5f17 = _DeleterEggText
$5f36 = _DeleterNoComeAgainText
$5f50 = _DeleterAskWhichMoveText
$5f74 = _DeleterIntroText
$5fd1 = _DeleterAskWhichMonText
$5fde = _DSTIsThatOKText
$5ff1 = _TimeAskOkayText
$6000 = _TimesetAskDSTText
$6030 = _TimesetDSTText
$6056 = _TimesetAskNotDSTText
$6075 = _TimesetNotDSTText
$6095 = _TimesetAskAdjustDSTText
$60d1 = _MomLostGearBookletText
EMPTY: $611e-$7fff ($1ee2 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1ee2 bytes
ROMX bank #114:
SECTION: $4000-$6ecc ($2ecd bytes) ["Miscellaneous Text"]
$4000 = ItemNames
$4955 = PrintItemDescription
$4973 = PrintItemDescription.not_a_tm
$4987 = ItemDescriptions
$4b85 = MasterBallDesc
$4ba5 = UltraBallDesc
$4bc9 = BrightpowderDesc
$4bea = GreatBallDesc
$4c0f = PokeBallDesc
$4c2c = TeruSama1Desc
$4c2e = BicycleDesc
$4c54 = MoonStoneDesc
$4c73 = AntidoteDesc
$4c88 = BurnHealDesc
$4c9b = IceHealDesc
$4cb1 = AwakeningDesc
$4cc8 = ParlyzHealDesc
$4cde = FullRestoreDesc
$4cfa = MaxPotionDesc
$4d12 = HyperPotionDesc
$4d2b = SuperPotionDesc
$4d43 = PotionDesc
$4d5b = EscapeRopeDesc
$4d7d = RepelDesc
$4d9f = MaxElixerDesc
$4dc2 = FireStoneDesc
$4de1 = ThunderStoneDesc
$4e00 = WaterStoneDesc
$4e1f = TeruSama2Desc
$4e21 = HPUpDesc
$4e3c = ProteinDesc
$4e57 = IronDesc
$4e73 = CarbosDesc
$4e8d = LuckyPunchDesc
$4eb0 = CalciumDesc
$4ecf = RareCandyDesc
$4eee = XAccuracyDesc
$4f07 = LeafStoneDesc
$4f26 = MetalPowderDesc
$4f46 = NuggetDesc
$4f64 = PokeDollDesc
$4f84 = FullHealDesc
$4fa4 = ReviveDesc
$4fc7 = MaxReviveDesc
$4fe6 = GuardSpecDesc
$5008 = SuperRepelDesc
$502a = MaxRepelDesc
$504c = DireHitDesc
$506c = TeruSama3Desc
$506e = FreshWaterDesc
$5086 = SodaPopDesc
$509e = LemonadeDesc
$50b6 = XAttackDesc
$50cd = TeruSama4Desc
$50cf = XDefendDesc
$50e7 = XSpeedDesc
$50fd = XSpecialDesc
$511c = CoinCaseDesc
$513a = ItemfinderDesc
$515f = TeruSama5Desc
$5161 = ExpShareDesc
$5183 = OldRodDesc
$51a2 = GoodRodDesc
$51c0 = SilverLeafDesc
$51e1 = SuperRodDesc
$5201 = PPUpDesc
$5223 = EtherDesc
$5242 = MaxEtherDesc
$5261 = ElixerDesc
$5281 = RedScaleDesc
$52a0 = SecretPotionDesc
$52b6 = SSTicketDesc
$52d1 = MysteryEggDesc
$52ef = ClearBellDesc
$5307 = SilverWingDesc
$532b = MoomooMilkDesc
$5344 = QuickClawDesc
$5364 = PsnCureBerryDesc
$5383 = GoldLeafDesc
$53a2 = SoftSandDesc
$53c7 = SharpBeakDesc
$53ec = PrzCureBerryDesc
$540e = BurntBerryDesc
$542f = IceBerryDesc
$544e = PoisonBarbDesc
$5473 = KingsRockDesc
$5493 = BitterBerryDesc
$54b5 = MintBerryDesc
$54d8 = RedApricornDesc
$54e8 = TinyMushroomDesc
$550a = BigMushroomDesc
$5526 = SilverPowderDesc
$5547 = BluApricornDesc
$5558 = TeruSama6Desc
$555a = AmuletCoinDesc
$557c = YlwApricornDesc
$558f = GrnApricornDesc
$55a1 = CleanseTagDesc
$55bf = MysticWaterDesc
$55e3 = TwistedSpoonDesc
$5609 = WhtApricornDesc
$561b = BlackbeltDesc
$563f = BlkApricornDesc
$5652 = TeruSama7Desc
$5654 = PnkApricornDesc
$5666 = BlackGlassesDesc
$5689 = SlowpokeTailDesc
$56a0 = PinkBowDesc
$56c5 = StickDesc
$56e2 = SmokeBallDesc
$5700 = NeverMeltIceDesc
$5721 = MagnetDesc
$5745 = MiracleBerryDesc
$5767 = PearlDesc
$5784 = BigPearlDesc
$57a7 = EverStoneDesc
$57bf = SpellTagDesc
$57e3 = RageCandyBarDesc
$57fb = GSBallDesc
$5810 = BlueCardDesc
$5825 = MiracleSeedDesc
$5849 = ThickClubDesc
$5868 = FocusBandDesc
$5887 = TeruSama8Desc
$5889 = EnergyPowderDesc
$58a9 = EnergyRootDesc
$58ca = HealPowderDesc
$58ed = RevivalHerbDesc
$590b = HardStoneDesc
$592e = LuckyEggDesc
$594e = CardKeyDesc
$5971 = MachinePartDesc
$5995 = EggTicketDesc
$59ba = LostItemDesc
$59da = StardustDesc
$59f7 = StarPieceDesc
$5a1a = BasementKeyDesc
$5a27 = PassDesc
$5a46 = TeruSama9Desc
$5a48 = TeruSama10Desc
$5a4a = TeruSama11Desc
$5a4c = CharcoalDesc
$5a6f = BerryJuiceDesc
$5a87 = ScopeLensDesc
$5aa9 = TeruSama12Desc
$5aab = TeruSama13Desc
$5aad = MetalCoatDesc
$5ad1 = DragonFangDesc
$5af6 = TeruSama14Desc
$5af8 = LeftoversDesc
$5b1a = TeruSama15Desc
$5b1c = TeruSama16Desc
$5b1e = TeruSama17Desc
$5b20 = MysteryBerryDesc
$5b3e = DragonScaleDesc
$5b57 = BerserkGeneDesc
$5b7b = TeruSama18Desc
$5b7d = TeruSama19Desc
$5b7f = TeruSama20Desc
$5b81 = SacredAshDesc
$5ba1 = HeavyBallDesc
$5bc3 = FlowerMailDesc
$5bdd = LevelBallDesc
$5bfb = LureBallDesc
$5c1c = FastBallDesc
$5c3d = TeruSama21Desc
$5c3f = LightBallDesc
$5c5e = FriendBallDesc
$5c7f = MoonBallDesc
$5c9f = LoveBallDesc
$5cc1 = NormalBoxDesc
$5cdf = GorgeousBoxDesc
$5cfd = SunStoneDesc
$5d1c = PolkadotBowDesc
$5d41 = TeruSama22Desc
$5d43 = UpGradeDesc
$5d66 = BerryDesc
$5d88 = GoldBerryDesc
$5daa = SquirtBottleDesc
$5dcd = TeruSama23Desc
$5dcf = ParkBallDesc
$5dee = RainbowWingDesc
$5e14 = TeruSama24Desc
$5e16 = BrickPieceDesc
$5e2c = SurfMailDesc
$5e46 = LiteBlueMailDesc
$5e61 = PortraitMailDesc
$5e86 = LovelyMailDesc
$5e9f = EonMailDesc
$5eb8 = MorphMailDesc
$5ed1 = BlueSkyMailDesc
$5ee8 = MusicMailDesc
$5f00 = MirageMailDesc
$5f17 = TeruSama25Desc
$5f19 = TeruSama26Desc
$5f1b = TeruSama27Desc
$5f1d = TeruSama28Desc
$5f1f = TeruSama29Desc
$5f21 = TeruSama30Desc
$5f23 = TeruSama31Desc
$5f25 = TeruSama32Desc
$5f27 = TeruSama33Desc
$5f29 = MoveNames
$6896 = GetLandmarkCoords
$68a5 = GetLandmarkName
$68b9 = GetLandmarkName.copy
$68c3 = Landmarks
$6a43 = NewBarkTownName
$6a51 = CherrygroveCityName
$6a62 = VioletCityName
$6a6e = AzaleaTownName
$6a7a = GoldenrodCityName
$6a89 = EcruteakCityName
$6a97 = OlivineCityName
$6aa4 = CianwoodCityName
$6ab2 = MahoganyTownName
$6ac0 = BlackthornCityName
$6ad0 = LakeOfRageName
$6add = SilverCaveName
$6ae9 = SproutTowerName
$6af6 = RuinsOfAlphName
$6b04 = UnionCaveName
$6b0f = SlowpokeWellName
$6b1d = RadioTowerName
$6b29 = PowerPlantName
$6b35 = NationalParkName
$6b43 = TinTowerName
$6b4d = LighthouseName
$6b58 = WhirlIslandsName
$6b66 = MtMortarName
$6b70 = DragonsDenName
$6b7d = IcePathName
$6b86 = NotApplicableName
$6b8a = PalletTownName
$6b96 = ViridianCityName
$6ba4 = PewterCityName
$6bb0 = CeruleanCityName
$6bbe = LavenderTownName
$6bcc = VermilionCityName
$6bdb = CeladonCityName
$6be8 = SaffronCityName
$6bf5 = FuchsiaCityName
$6c02 = CinnabarIslandName
$6c12 = IndigoPlateauName
$6c21 = VictoryRoadName
$6c2e = MtMoonName
$6c36 = RockTunnelName
$6c42 = LavRadioTowerName
$6c52 = SilphCoName
$6c5c = SafariZoneName
$6c68 = SeafoamIslandsName
$6c78 = PokemonMansionName
$6c85 = CeruleanCaveName
$6c93 = Route1Name
$6c9b = Route2Name
$6ca3 = Route3Name
$6cab = Route4Name
$6cb3 = Route5Name
$6cbb = Route6Name
$6cc3 = Route7Name
$6ccb = Route8Name
$6cd3 = Route9Name
$6cdb = Route10Name
$6ce4 = Route11Name
$6ced = Route12Name
$6cf6 = Route13Name
$6cff = Route14Name
$6d08 = Route15Name
$6d11 = Route16Name
$6d1a = Route17Name
$6d23 = Route18Name
$6d2c = Route19Name
$6d35 = Route20Name
$6d3e = Route21Name
$6d47 = Route22Name
$6d50 = Route23Name
$6d59 = Route24Name
$6d62 = Route25Name
$6d6b = Route26Name
$6d74 = Route27Name
$6d7d = Route28Name
$6d86 = Route29Name
$6d8f = Route30Name
$6d98 = Route31Name
$6da1 = Route32Name
$6daa = Route33Name
$6db3 = Route34Name
$6dbc = Route35Name
$6dc5 = Route36Name
$6dce = Route37Name
$6dd7 = Route38Name
$6de0 = Route39Name
$6de9 = Route40Name
$6df2 = Route41Name
$6dfb = Route42Name
$6e04 = Route43Name
$6e0d = Route44Name
$6e16 = Route45Name
$6e1f = Route46Name
$6e28 = DarkCaveName
$6e32 = IlexForestName
$6e3e = BurnedTowerName
$6e4b = FastShipName
$6e55 = ViridianForestName
$6e65 = DiglettsCaveName
$6e74 = TohjoFallsName
$6e80 = UndergroundName
$6e8c = BattleTowerName
$6e99 = SpecialMapName
$6ea1 = RegionCheck
$6ebf = RegionCheck.checkagain
$6ec7 = RegionCheck.johto
$6eca = RegionCheck.kanto
EMPTY: $6ecd-$7fff ($1133 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1133 bytes
ROMX bank #115:
SECTION: $4000-$5b50 ($1b51 bytes) ["Pokedex Entries 129-192"]
$4000 = MagikarpPokedexEntry
$4065 = GyaradosPokedexEntry
$40cd = LaprasPokedexEntry
$413c = DittoPokedexEntry
$41b2 = EeveePokedexEntry
$4224 = VaporeonPokedexEntry
$428b = JolteonPokedexEntry
$42ec = FlareonPokedexEntry
$4353 = PorygonPokedexEntry
$43c1 = OmanytePokedexEntry
$442e = OmastarPokedexEntry
$4497 = KabutoPokedexEntry
$4507 = KabutopsPokedexEntry
$4576 = AerodactylPokedexEntry
$45cf = SnorlaxPokedexEntry
$4632 = ArticunoPokedexEntry
$4697 = ZapdosPokedexEntry
$4706 = MoltresPokedexEntry
$4761 = DratiniPokedexEntry
$47dc = DragonairPokedexEntry
$4843 = DragonitePokedexEntry
$48ae = MewtwoPokedexEntry
$4915 = MewPokedexEntry
$4988 = ChikoritaPokedexEntry
$49e9 = BayleefPokedexEntry
$4a54 = MeganiumPokedexEntry
$4abd = CyndaquilPokedexEntry
$4b33 = QuilavaPokedexEntry
$4ba0 = TyphlosionPokedexEntry
$4c14 = TotodilePokedexEntry
$4c84 = CroconawPokedexEntry
$4cf9 = FeraligatrPokedexEntry
$4d6b = SentretPokedexEntry
$4ddd = FurretPokedexEntry
$4e58 = HoothootPokedexEntry
$4eb9 = NoctowlPokedexEntry
$4f2c = LedybaPokedexEntry
$4fa0 = LedianPokedexEntry
$5012 = SpinarakPokedexEntry
$5083 = AriadosPokedexEntry
$50f5 = CrobatPokedexEntry
$5165 = ChinchouPokedexEntry
$51de = LanturnPokedexEntry
$5243 = PichuPokedexEntry
$52bc = CleffaPokedexEntry
$532c = IgglybuffPokedexEntry
$5396 = TogepiPokedexEntry
$5402 = TogeticPokedexEntry
$547d = NatuPokedexEntry
$54e9 = XatuPokedexEntry
$5551 = MareepPokedexEntry
$55b8 = FlaaffyPokedexEntry
$5626 = AmpharosPokedexEntry
$569a = BellossomPokedexEntry
$5705 = MarillPokedexEntry
$5771 = AzumarillPokedexEntry
$57d9 = SudowoodoPokedexEntry
$584b = PolitoedPokedexEntry
$58b5 = HoppipPokedexEntry
$5928 = SkiploomPokedexEntry
$5998 = JumpluffPokedexEntry
$5a11 = AipomPokedexEntry
$5a87 = SunkernPokedexEntry
$5aef = SunfloraPokedexEntry
EMPTY: $5b51-$7fff ($24af bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $24af bytes
ROMX bank #116:
SECTION: $4000-$5930 ($1931 bytes) ["Pokedex Entries 193-251"]
$4000 = YanmaPokedexEntry
$4078 = WooperPokedexEntry
$40dd = QuagsirePokedexEntry
$4155 = EspeonPokedexEntry
$41af = UmbreonPokedexEntry
$421e = MurkrowPokedexEntry
$4292 = SlowkingPokedexEntry
$4301 = MisdreavusPokedexEntry
$4373 = UnownPokedexEntry
$43dd = WobbuffetPokedexEntry
$4446 = GirafarigPokedexEntry
$44b0 = PinecoPokedexEntry
$4524 = ForretressPokedexEntry
$4593 = DunsparcePokedexEntry
$4604 = GligarPokedexEntry
$467c = SteelixPokedexEntry
$46e0 = SnubbullPokedexEntry
$474a = GranbullPokedexEntry
$47b1 = QwilfishPokedexEntry
$4821 = ScizorPokedexEntry
$488e = ShucklePokedexEntry
$4907 = HeracrossPokedexEntry
$497a = SneaselPokedexEntry
$49da = TeddiursaPokedexEntry
$4a41 = UrsaringPokedexEntry
$4ab8 = SlugmaPokedexEntry
$4b21 = MagcargoPokedexEntry
$4b8d = SwinubPokedexEntry
$4c01 = PiloswinePokedexEntry
$4c68 = CorsolaPokedexEntry
$4cd3 = RemoraidPokedexEntry
$4d42 = OctilleryPokedexEntry
$4db1 = DelibirdPokedexEntry
$4e25 = MantinePokedexEntry
$4e8c = SkarmoryPokedexEntry
$4eff = HoundourPokedexEntry
$4f66 = HoundoomPokedexEntry
$4fd1 = KingdraPokedexEntry
$5038 = PhanpyPokedexEntry
$50ac = DonphanPokedexEntry
$510c = Porygon2PokedexEntry
$5174 = StantlerPokedexEntry
$51e0 = SmearglePokedexEntry
$524b = TyroguePokedexEntry
$52c0 = HitmontopPokedexEntry
$532b = SmoochumPokedexEntry
$5398 = ElekidPokedexEntry
$540e = MagbyPokedexEntry
$5482 = MiltankPokedexEntry
$54f7 = BlisseyPokedexEntry
$556b = RaikouPokedexEntry
$55dd = EnteiPokedexEntry
$5642 = SuicunePokedexEntry
$569c = LarvitarPokedexEntry
$5709 = PupitarPokedexEntry
$577b = TyranitarPokedexEntry
$57e9 = LugiaPokedexEntry
$585d = HoOhPokedexEntry
$58cc = CelebiPokedexEntry
EMPTY: $5931-$7fff ($26cf bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $26cf bytes
ROMX bank #117:
ROMX bank #118:
ROMX bank #119:
SECTION: $4000-$41af ($01b0 bytes) ["Unown Font"]
$4000 = UnownFont
SECTION: $41b0-$45a0 ($03f1 bytes) ["Print Party"]
$41b0 = PrintPage1
$420a = PrintPage1.column_loop
$4213 = PrintPage2
$426a = PrintPage2.FillColumn
$426e = PrintPage2.column_loop
$4275 = GBPrinterStrings
$4275 = GBPrinterString_Null
$4276 = GBPrinterString_CheckingLink
$4289 = GBPrinterString_Transmitting
$429c = GBPrinterString_Printing
$42ad = GBPrinterString_PrinterError1
$42e2 = GBPrinterString_PrinterError2
$4317 = GBPrinterString_PrinterError3
$434c = GBPrinterString_PrinterError4
$4381 = PrintPartyMonPage1
$4469 = PrintPartyMonPage1.got_alignment
$447b = PrintPartyMonPage2
$4507 = PrintPartyMonPage2.PrintTempMonStats
$450e = GetCurPartyMonName
$451a = PlaceMoveNameString
$4525 = PlaceMoveNameString.no_move
$4528 = PlaceMoveNameString.got_string
$452c = PlaceGenderAndShininess
$453c = PlaceGenderAndShininess.got_gender
$4550 = PrintParty_OTString
$4554 = PrintParty_MoveString
$4559 = PrintParty_IDNoString
$455d = PrintParty_StatsString
$4584 = PrintParty_NoMoveString
$4591 = GBPrinterHPIcon
$4599 = GBPrinterLvIcon
SECTION: $45a1-$56a8 ($1108 bytes) ["Tileset Data 7"]
$45a1 = TilesetHoOhWordRoomGFX
$45a1 = TilesetOmanyteWordRoomGFX
$45a1 = TilesetRuinsOfAlphGFX
$45a1 = TilesetBetaWordRoomGFX
$45a1 = TilesetAerodactylWordRoomGFX
$45a1 = TilesetKabutoWordRoomGFX
$51a9 = TilesetRuinsOfAlphMeta
$55a9 = TilesetRuinsOfAlphColl
SECTION: $56a9-$62e3 ($0c3b bytes) ["bank77"]
$56a9 = PrintFiveDigitNumber
$56bb = PrintHoursMins
$56c7 = PrintHoursMins.AM
$56cc = PrintHoursMins.PM
$56f7 = PrintHoursMins.place_am_pm
$56fc = String_AM
$56ff = String_PM
$5702 = _Diploma
$5709 = PlaceDiplomaOnScreen
$5760 = PlaceDiplomaOnScreen.Player
$5767 = PlaceDiplomaOnScreen.EmptyString
$5768 = PlaceDiplomaOnScreen.Certification
$57ae = PrintDiplomaPage2
$57f0 = PrintDiplomaPage2.PlayTime
$57fa = PrintDiplomaPage2.GameFreak
$5805 = DiplomaGFX
$5c4b = DiplomaPage1Tilemap
$5db3 = DiplomaPage2Tilemap
$5f1b = Diploma_DummyFunction
$5f1c = LoadSGBPokedexGFX
$5f26 = LoadSGBPokedexGFX2
$5f33 = SGBPokedexGFX_LZ
$60d7 = LoadQuestionMarkPic
$60e1 = LoadQuestionMarkPic.QuestionMarkLZ
$6171 = DrawPokedexListWindow
$61bf = DrawPokedexListWindow.OldMode
$61d0 = DrawPokedexListWindow.Done
$61d1 = DrawPokedexSearchResultsWindow
$623c = DrawPokedexSearchResultsWindow.esults_D
$6247 = DrawDexEntryScreenRightEdge
$627f = Pokedex_FillColumn2
$6283 = Pokedex_FillColumn2.loop
$628a = _DudeAutoInput_A
$628f = _DudeAutoInput_RightA
$6294 = _DudeAutoInput_DownA
$6299 = _DudeAutoInput
$629f = DudeAutoInput_A
$629f = DudeAutoInputs
$62a5 = DudeAutoInput_RightA
$62af = DudeAutoInput_DownA
$62c5 = TownMap_ConvertLineBreakCharacters
$62c8 = TownMap_ConvertLineBreakCharacters.loop
$62d8 = TownMap_ConvertLineBreakCharacters.line_feed
$62da = TownMap_ConvertLineBreakCharacters.end
SECTION: $62e4-$65c7 ($02e4 bytes) ["Pokégear GFX"]
$62e4 = PokegearGFX
SECTION: $65c8-$7237 ($0c70 bytes) ["European Mail"]
$65c8 = ParseMailLanguage
$65e6 = StandardEnglishFont
$69e6 = FrenchGermanFont
$6de6 = SpanishItalianFont
$71e6 = ConvertFrenchGermanMailToEnglish
$71ea = ConvertFrenchGermanMailToEnglish.loop
$71f3 = ConvertFrenchGermanMailToEnglish.check_intermediate_chars
$71fd = ConvertFrenchGermanMailToEnglish.replace
$71fe = ConvertFrenchGermanMailToEnglish.dont_replace
$7203 = ConvertEnglishMailToFrenchGerman
$7207 = ConvertEnglishMailToFrenchGerman.loop
$7210 = ConvertEnglishMailToFrenchGerman.check_intermediate_chars
$721a = ConvertEnglishMailToFrenchGerman.replace
$721b = ConvertEnglishMailToFrenchGerman.dont_replace
$7220 = ConvertEnglishMailToSpanishItalian
$7220 = ConvertSpanishItalianMailToEnglish
$7224 = ConvertEnglishMailToSpanishItalian.loop
$7233 = ConvertEnglishMailToSpanishItalian.dont_replace
EMPTY: $7238-$7fff ($0dc8 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0dc8 bytes
ROMX bank #120:
SECTION: $4000-$4ede ($0edf bytes) ["Debug Room"]
$4000 = _DebugRoom
$400d = _DebugRoom.loop
$403b = _DebugRoom.wait
$4055 = _DebugRoom.done
$4059 = _DebugRoom.MenuHeader
$4061 = _DebugRoom.MenuData
$4069 = _DebugRoom.Strings
$414c = _DebugRoom.Jumptable
$4176 = _DebugRoom.MenuItems
$4192 = DebugRoomMenu_Next
$419a = DebugRoomMenu_Next.got_page
$419d = DebugRoom_SaveChecksum
$41ab = DebugRoom_SaveChecksum.loop
$41c3 = DebugRoomMenu_SpClear
$41d9 = DebugRoom_PrintStackBottomTop
$4210 = DebugRoom_PrintStackBottomTop.SPString
$4214 = DebugRoomMenu_WinWorkClr
$423e = DebugRoom_PrintWindowStackBottomTop
$4247 = DebugRoom_PrintWindowStackBottomTop.loop
$4253 = DebugRoom_PrintWindowStackBottomTop.ok
$4283 = DebugRoom_PrintWindowStackBottomTop.WSPString
$4288 = DebugRoomMenu_PokedexComp
$4298 = DebugRoomMenu_PokedexComp.loop1
$42b3 = DebugRoomMenu_PokedexComp.loop2
$42bf = DebugRoomMenu_PokedexClr
$42e8 = DebugRoomMenu_TimerReset
$42fa = DebugRoomMenu_BattleSkip
$430c = DebugRoom_PrintBattleSkip
$432c = DebugRoom_PrintBattleSkip.ok
$4330 = DebugRoom_PrintBattleSkip.BTLString
$4335 = DebugRoom_PrintBattleSkip.DoString
$433a = DebugRoom_PrintBattleSkip.SkipString
$433f = DebugRoomMenu_ChangeSex
$4351 = DebugRoom_PrintGender
$436c = DebugRoom_PrintGender.ok
$4371 = DebugRoom_PrintGender.SexString
$4376 = DebugRoomMenu_TelDebug
$4384 = DebugRoomMenu_TelDebug.ok
$438b = DebugRoom_PrintTelDebug
$43b1 = DebugRoom_PrintTelDebug.ok
$43b5 = DebugRoom_PrintTelDebug.TelString
$43ba = DebugRoom_PrintTelDebug.OffString
$43bf = DebugRoom_PrintTelDebug.BusyString
$43c4 = DebugRoom_PrintTelDebug.HardString
$43c9 = DebugRoomMenu_RAMFlagClr
$43da = DebugRoom_PrintRAMFlag
$43f7 = DebugRoom_PrintRAMFlag.RamString
$43fc = DebugRoomMenu_SumRecalc
$4404 = DebugRoomMenu_DecorateAll
$4417 = DebugRoomMenu_DecorateAll.loop
$442b = DebugRoom_EditPagedValues
$449c = DebugRoom_EditPagedValues.resume
$44c7 = DebugRoom_EditPagedValues.continue
$44d6 = DebugRoom_EditPagedValues.done
$44db = DebugRoom_PagedValuePressedA
$44e0 = DebugRoom_PagedValuePressedSelect
$44e5 = DebugRoom_PagedValuePressedStart
$44e8 = _CallNonNullPointer
$44ee = DebugRoom_PageString
$44f3 = DebugRoom_IncrementPagedValue
$4504 = DebugRoom_DecrementPagedValue
$4514 = DebugRoom_NextPage
$4520 = DebugRoom_NextPage.ok
$4537 = DebugRoom_NextPage.skip
$453d = DebugRoom_PrevPage
$4546 = DebugRoom_PrevPage.ok
$455e = DebugRoom_PrevPage.skip
$4564 = DebugRoom_NextPagedValue
$457c = DebugRoom_UpdateValueCursor
$4585 = DebugRoom_PrevPagedValue
$4597 = DebugRoom_PrevPagedValue.decrement
$459a = DebugRoom_GetNthPagePointer
$45ab = _DebugRoom_GetPageBValueCPointer
$45ba = DebugRoom_GetCurPagedValuePointer
$45c4 = DebugRoom_ShowHideCursor
$45d4 = DebugRoom_InitializePagedValues
$45d7 = DebugRoom_InitializePagedValues.page_loop
$45e0 = DebugRoom_InitializePagedValues.InitializePage
$45f2 = DebugRoom_InitializePagedValues.value_loop
$45fc = DebugRoom_InitializePagedValues.InitializeValue
$461f = DebugRoom_PrintPage
$4642 = DebugRoom_PrintPage.loop
$464c = DebugRoom_PrintPageBValueC
$4656 = DebugRoom_PrintPagedValue
$46a2 = DebugRoom_PrintPagedValue.hex
$46aa = DebugRoom_PrintPagedValue.printed
$46b9 = DebugRoom_JoyWaitABSelect
$46b9 = DebugRoom_JoyWaitABSelect.loop
$46c3 = DebugRoomMenu_ItemGet
$46ca = DebugRoomMenu_ItemGet.PagedValuesHeader
$46d5 = DebugRoom_SaveItem
$46e5 = DebugRoom_SaveItem.loop1
$46f1 = DebugRoom_SaveItem.found
$46fc = DebugRoom_SaveItem.max
$4702 = DebugRoom_SaveItem.not_found
$471c = DebugRoom_SaveItem.full
$471f = DebugRoom_SaveItem.done
$472f = DebugRoom_SaveItem.ItemNumberAddedText
$4743 = DebugRoom_SaveItem.CreatedNewItemText
$4756 = DebugRoom_SaveItem.StockFullText
$4764 = DebugRoom_PrintItemName
$477b = DebugRoomMenu_ItemGet_Page1Values
$4790 = DebugRoomMenu_ItemGet_Page1Values.ItemNameString
$479a = DebugRoomMenu_ItemGet_Page1Values.NumberString
$47a1 = DebugRoomMenu_PokemonGet
$47a8 = DebugRoomMenu_PokemonGet.PagedValuesHeader
$47b9 = DebugRoom_SavePokemon
$4846 = DebugRoom_SavePokemon.full
$4856 = DebugRoom_SavePokemon.OTString
$485f = DebugRoom_SavePokemon.NicknameString
$4868 = DebugRoom_SavePokemon.CompletedText
$4874 = DebugRoom_SavePokemon.BoxIsFullText
$4882 = DebugRoom_PrintPokemonName
$488b = DebugRoom_PrintItemName2
$4894 = DebugRoom_PrintMoveName
$489d = _DebugRoom_FinishGetName
$48ad = DebugRoom_UpdateExpForLevel
$48d9 = DebugRoomMenu_PokemonGet_Page1Values
$492a = DebugRoomMenu_PokemonGet_Page2Values
$497b = DebugRoomMenu_PokemonGet_Page3Values
$49cc = DebugRoomMenu_PokemonGet_Page4Values
$4a09 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.Pokemon
$4a09 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings
$4a0e = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.Item
$4a13 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.Move1
$4a1a = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.Move2
$4a21 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.Move3
$4a28 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.Move4
$4a2f = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.ID0
$4a35 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.ID1
$4a3b = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.BaseExp0
$4a47 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.BaseExp1
$4a53 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.BaseExp2
$4a5f = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.HPExp0
$4a69 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.HPExp1
$4a73 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.AttkExp0
$4a7f = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.AttkExp1
$4a8b = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.DfnsExp0
$4a97 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.DfnsExp1
$4aa3 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.SpeedExp0
$4ab0 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.SpeedExp1
$4abd = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.SpclExp0
$4ac9 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.SpclExp1
$4ad5 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.PowerRnd0
$4af2 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.PowerRnd1
$4b0f = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.PP1
$4b14 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.PP2
$4b19 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.PP3
$4b1e = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.PP4
$4b23 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.Friend
$4b2a = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.Pokerus
$4b2f = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.NoUse0
$4b39 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.NoUse1
$4b43 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.Level
$4b49 = DebugRoom_BoxStructStrings.SendBox
$4b52 = DebugRoom_BoxAddresses
$4b7c = DebugRoomMenu_RTCEdit
$4b83 = DebugRoomMenu_RTCEdit.PagedValuesHeader
$4b8e = DebugRoom_SaveRTC
$4b99 = DebugRoomMenu_RTCEdit_UpdateClock
$4be3 = DebugRoom_DayHTimeString
$4bf2 = DebugRoom_GetClock
$4c03 = DebugRoom_GetClock.loop
$4c13 = DebugRoom_SetClock
$4c1c = DebugRoom_SetClock.loop
$4c2c = DebugRoomMenu_RTCEdit_Page1Values
$4c5f = DebugRoomMenu_RTCEdit_Page1Values.SecondString
$4c66 = DebugRoomMenu_RTCEdit_Page1Values.MinuteString
$4c6d = DebugRoomMenu_RTCEdit_Page1Values.HourString
$4c72 = DebugRoomMenu_RTCEdit_Page1Values.DayLString
$4c78 = DebugRoomMenu_RTCEdit_Page1Values.DayHString
$4ca7 = DebugRoomMenu_HaltChkClr
$4cbd = DebugRoom_PrintRTCHaltChk
$4ce1 = DebugRoom_PrintRTCHaltChk.ok
$4ce4 = DebugRoom_PrintRTCHaltChk.done
$4ceb = DebugRoom_PrintRTCHaltChk.RTCString
$4cf0 = DebugRoom_PrintRTCHaltChk.OKString
$4cf5 = DebugRoom_PrintRTCHaltChk.HaltString
$4cfa = DebugRoomMenu_GBIDSet
$4d01 = DebugRoomMenu_GBIDSet.PagedValuesHeader
$4d0c = DebugRoom_SaveGBID
$4d27 = DebugRoomMenu_GBIDSet_Page1Values
$4d3c = DebugRoomMenu_GBIDSet_Page1Values.GBID0String
$4d46 = DebugRoomMenu_GBIDSet_Page1Values.GBID1String
$4d50 = DebugRoomMenu_BtlRecClr
$4d67 = DebugRoomMenu_HOFClear
$4d86 = ComputeROMChecksum
$4d8e = ComputeROMChecksum.loop
$4db7 = ComputeROMChecksum.AddAtoDE
$4dbe = ComputeROMChecksum.ComputeROM0Checksum
$4dc1 = ComputeROMChecksum.rom0_loop
$4dcb = ComputeROMChecksum.ComputeROMXChecksum
$4dce = ComputeROMChecksum.romx_loop
$4ddc = DebugRoom_PrintROMChecksum
$4df1 = DebugRoom_PrintROMChecksum.SumString
$4df6 = DebugRoomMenu_ROMChecksum
$4e1c = DebugRoomMenu_ROMChecksum.WaitText
$4e25 = DebugRoomMenu_ROMChecksum.ROMChecksumText
$4e35 = DebugRoomMenu_BTBugPoke
$4e50 = DebugRoomMenu_BTBugPoke.NoBugMonText
$4e5e = DebugRoomMenu_BTBugPoke.bug_mon
$4e7f = DebugRoomMenu_BTBugPoke.done
$4e86 = DebugRoomMenu_BTBugPoke.ItsBugMonText
$4ea9 = PrintHexNumber
$4ea9 = PrintHexNumber.loop
$4eb2 = PrintHexNumber.HandleByte
$4ec4 = PrintHexNumber.PrintDigit
$4ecf = PrintHexNumber.HexDigits
SECTION: $4edf-$5ede ($1000 bytes) ["Tileset Data 8"]
$4edf = TilesetHoOhWordRoomMeta
$52df = TilesetKabutoWordRoomMeta
$56df = TilesetOmanyteWordRoomMeta
$5adf = TilesetAerodactylWordRoomMeta
EMPTY: $5edf-$7fff ($2121 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $2121 bytes
ROMX bank #121:
ROMX bank #122:
ROMX bank #123:
SECTION: $4000-$4f01 ($0f02 bytes) ["Battle Tower Text"]
$4000 = _BTGreetingM1Text
$403b = _BTLossM1Text
$4060 = _BTWinM1Text
$4080 = _BTGreetingM2Text
$40a3 = _BTLossM2Text
$40c4 = _BTWinM2Text
$40e1 = _BTGreetingM3Text
$4108 = _BTLossM3Text
$412a = _BTWinM3Text
$414d = _BTGreetingM4Text
$416f = _BTLossM4Text
$4190 = _BTWinM4Text
$41ae = _BTGreetingM5Text
$41d0 = _BTLossM5Text
$41f4 = _BTWinM5Text
$4216 = _BTGreetingM6Text
$4238 = _BTLossM6Text
$4259 = _BTWinM6Text
$427b = _BTGreetingM7Text
$42a0 = _BTLossM7Text
$42c0 = _BTWinM7Text
$42d9 = _BTGreetingM8Text
$42fe = _BTLossM8Text
$4320 = _BTWinM8Text
$433f = _BTGreetingM9Text
$436c = _BTLossM9Text
$4389 = _BTWinM9Text
$43ad = _BTGreetingM10Text
$43c5 = _BTLossM10Text
$43e5 = _BTWinM10Text
$4402 = _BTGreetingM11Text
$4411 = _BTLossM11Text
$441f = _BTWinM11Text
$442e = _BTGreetingM12Text
$4461 = _BTLossM12Text
$44a0 = _BTWinM12Text
$44d6 = _BTGreetingM13Text
$44f5 = _BTLossM13Text
$4512 = _BTWinM13Text
$4532 = _BTGreetingM14Text
$454b = _BTLossM14Text
$4565 = _BTWinM14Text
$4580 = _BTGreetingM15Text
$459d = _BTLossM15Text
$45b5 = _BTWinM15Text
$45d3 = _BTGreetingM16Text
$45ee = _BTLossM16Text
$460d = _BTWinM16Text
$4631 = _BTGreetingM17Text
$4651 = _BTLossM17Text
$468f = _BTWinM17Text
$46b1 = _BTGreetingM18Text
$46d0 = _BTLossM18Text
$4708 = _BTWinM18Text
$4720 = _BTGreetingM19Text
$473e = _BTLossM19Text
$475b = _BTWinM19Text
$477f = _BTGreetingM20Text
$4798 = _BTLossM20Text
$47bb = _BTWinM20Text
$47d8 = _BTGreetingM21Text
$4818 = _BTLossM21Text
$4837 = _BTWinM21Text
$4858 = _BTGreetingM22Text
$4876 = _BTLossM22Text
$4898 = _BTWinM22Text
$48b1 = _BTGreetingM23Text
$48d5 = _BTLossM23Text
$48f0 = _BTWinM23Text
$4911 = _BTGreetingM24Text
$4928 = _BTLossM24Text
$4949 = _BTWinM24Text
$4969 = _BTGreetingM25Text
$4986 = _BTLossM25Text
$499b = _BTWinM25Text
$49bd = _BTGreetingF1Text
$49d9 = _BTLossF1Text
$49f7 = _BTWinF1Text
$4a0a = _BTGreetingF2Text
$4a2a = _BTLossF2Text
$4a47 = _BTWinF2Text
$4a64 = _BTGreetingF3Text
$4a82 = _BTLossF3Text
$4a9d = _BTWinF3Text
$4abf = _BTGreetingF4Text
$4ade = _BTLossF4Text
$4afa = _BTWinF4Text
$4b19 = _BTGreetingF5Text
$4b37 = _BTLossF5Text
$4b55 = _BTWinF5Text
$4b70 = _BTGreetingF6Text
$4b92 = _BTLossF6Text
$4bb6 = _BTWinF6Text
$4bd9 = _BTGreetingF7Text
$4bf3 = _BTLossF7Text
$4c15 = _BTWinF7Text
$4c39 = _BTGreetingF8Text
$4c55 = _BTLossF8Text
$4c75 = _BTWinF8Text
$4c92 = _BTGreetingF9Text
$4ca7 = _BTLossF9Text
$4cc1 = _BTWinF9Text
$4cd7 = _BTGreetingF10Text
$4cef = _BTLossF10Text
$4d0e = _BTWinF10Text
$4d2b = _BTGreetingF11Text
$4d4d = _BTLossF11Text
$4d6b = _BTWinF11Text
$4d8d = _BTGreetingF12Text
$4daf = _BTLossF12Text
$4dcf = _BTWinF12Text
$4ded = _BTGreetingF13Text
$4e0d = _BTLossF13Text
$4e2a = _BTWinF13Text
$4e4b = _BTGreetingF14Text
$4e70 = _BTLossF14Text
$4e8a = _BTWinF14Text
$4ea8 = _BTGreetingF15Text
$4ec9 = _BTLossF15Text
$4ee8 = _BTWinF15Text
EMPTY: $4f02-$7fff ($30fe bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $30fe bytes
ROMX bank #124:
SECTION: $4000-$49d7 ($09d8 bytes) ["Battle Tower Trainer Data"]
$4000 = BattleTowerTrainerData
EMPTY: $49d8-$7fff ($3628 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $3628 bytes
ROMX bank #125:
SECTION: $4000-$6369 ($236a bytes) ["Mobile News Data"]
$4003 = Function1f4003
$4018 = Function1f4003.news_data
$4dbe = Function1f4dbe
$4dd3 = Function1f4dbe.news_data
$5d9f = Function1f5d9f
$5db4 = Function1f5d9f.news_data
EMPTY: $636a-$7fff ($1c96 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $1c96 bytes
ROMX bank #126:
SECTION: $4000-$78a7 ($38a8 bytes) ["Crystal Events"]
$4000 = LoadOpponentTrainerAndPokemon
$4022 = LoadOpponentTrainerAndPokemon.resample
$403a = LoadOpponentTrainerAndPokemon.next_trainer
$4070 = LoadOpponentTrainerAndPokemon.copy_bt_trainer_data_loop
$4081 = LoadRandomBattleTowerMon
$4083 = LoadRandomBattleTowerMon.loop
$4089 = LoadRandomBattleTowerMon.FindARandomBattleTowerMon
$4099 = LoadRandomBattleTowerMon.resample
$414e = BattleTowerTrainers
$4450 = BattleTowerMons
$74b6 = _GiveOddEgg
$74bf = _GiveOddEgg.loop
$74cd = _GiveOddEgg.not_done
$74d6 = _GiveOddEgg.ok
$74dd = _GiveOddEgg.next
$74e0 = _GiveOddEgg.done
$7546 = _GiveOddEgg.Odd
$7552 = OddEggProbabilities
$756e = OddEggs
EMPTY: $78a8-$7fff ($0758 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0758 bytes
ROMX bank #127:
EMPTY: $4000-$7ddf ($3de0 bytes)
SECTION: $7de0-$7fff ($0220 bytes) ["Stadium 2 Checksums"]
TOTAL EMPTY: $3de0 bytes
VRAM bank #0:
SECTION: $8000-$9fff ($2000 bytes) ["VRAM0"]
$8000 = vTiles0
$8800 = vTiles1
$9000 = vTiles2
$9800 = vBGMap0
$9c00 = vBGMap1
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
VRAM bank #1:
SECTION: $8000-$9fff ($2000 bytes) ["VRAM1"]
$8000 = vTiles3
$8800 = vTiles4
$9000 = vTiles5
$9800 = vBGMap2
$9c00 = vBGMap3
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
SRAM bank #0:
SECTION: $a000-$a5ff ($0600 bytes) ["Scratch"]
$a000 = sScratch
SECTION: $a600-$ac6a ($066b bytes) ["SRAM Bank 0"]
$a600 = sPartyMon1MailMessage
$a600 = sPartyMail
$a600 = sPartyMon1Mail
$a620 = sPartyMon1MailMessageEnd
$a621 = sPartyMon1MailAuthor
$a629 = sPartyMon1MailNationality
$a62b = sPartyMon1MailAuthorID
$a62d = sPartyMon1MailSpecies
$a62e = sPartyMon1MailType
$a62f = sPartyMon2Mail
$a62f = sPartyMon2MailMessage
$a62f = sPartyMon1MailEnd
$a64f = sPartyMon2MailMessageEnd
$a650 = sPartyMon2MailAuthor
$a658 = sPartyMon2MailNationality
$a65a = sPartyMon2MailAuthorID
$a65c = sPartyMon2MailSpecies
$a65d = sPartyMon2MailType
$a65e = sPartyMon3MailMessage
$a65e = sPartyMon2MailEnd
$a65e = sPartyMon3Mail
$a67e = sPartyMon3MailMessageEnd
$a67f = sPartyMon3MailAuthor
$a687 = sPartyMon3MailNationality
$a689 = sPartyMon3MailAuthorID
$a68b = sPartyMon3MailSpecies
$a68c = sPartyMon3MailType
$a68d = sPartyMon4Mail
$a68d = sPartyMon3MailEnd
$a68d = sPartyMon4MailMessage
$a6ad = sPartyMon4MailMessageEnd
$a6ae = sPartyMon4MailAuthor
$a6b6 = sPartyMon4MailNationality
$a6b8 = sPartyMon4MailAuthorID
$a6ba = sPartyMon4MailSpecies
$a6bb = sPartyMon4MailType
$a6bc = sPartyMon4MailEnd
$a6bc = sPartyMon5Mail
$a6bc = sPartyMon5MailMessage
$a6dc = sPartyMon5MailMessageEnd
$a6dd = sPartyMon5MailAuthor
$a6e5 = sPartyMon5MailNationality
$a6e7 = sPartyMon5MailAuthorID
$a6e9 = sPartyMon5MailSpecies
$a6ea = sPartyMon5MailType
$a6eb = sPartyMon6MailMessage
$a6eb = sPartyMon5MailEnd
$a6eb = sPartyMon6Mail
$a70b = sPartyMon6MailMessageEnd
$a70c = sPartyMon6MailAuthor
$a714 = sPartyMon6MailNationality
$a716 = sPartyMon6MailAuthorID
$a718 = sPartyMon6MailSpecies
$a719 = sPartyMon6MailType
$a71a = sPartyMon1MailBackup
$a71a = sPartyMailBackup
$a71a = sPartyMon1MailBackupMessage
$a71a = sPartyMon6MailEnd
$a73a = sPartyMon1MailBackupMessageEnd
$a73b = sPartyMon1MailBackupAuthor
$a743 = sPartyMon1MailBackupNationality
$a745 = sPartyMon1MailBackupAuthorID
$a747 = sPartyMon1MailBackupSpecies
$a748 = sPartyMon1MailBackupType
$a749 = sPartyMon2MailBackup
$a749 = sPartyMon2MailBackupMessage
$a749 = sPartyMon1MailBackupEnd
$a769 = sPartyMon2MailBackupMessageEnd
$a76a = sPartyMon2MailBackupAuthor
$a772 = sPartyMon2MailBackupNationality
$a774 = sPartyMon2MailBackupAuthorID
$a776 = sPartyMon2MailBackupSpecies
$a777 = sPartyMon2MailBackupType
$a778 = sPartyMon3MailBackupMessage
$a778 = sPartyMon3MailBackup
$a778 = sPartyMon2MailBackupEnd
$a798 = sPartyMon3MailBackupMessageEnd
$a799 = sPartyMon3MailBackupAuthor
$a7a1 = sPartyMon3MailBackupNationality
$a7a3 = sPartyMon3MailBackupAuthorID
$a7a5 = sPartyMon3MailBackupSpecies
$a7a6 = sPartyMon3MailBackupType
$a7a7 = sPartyMon4MailBackup
$a7a7 = sPartyMon3MailBackupEnd
$a7a7 = sPartyMon4MailBackupMessage
$a7c7 = sPartyMon4MailBackupMessageEnd
$a7c8 = sPartyMon4MailBackupAuthor
$a7d0 = sPartyMon4MailBackupNationality
$a7d2 = sPartyMon4MailBackupAuthorID
$a7d4 = sPartyMon4MailBackupSpecies
$a7d5 = sPartyMon4MailBackupType
$a7d6 = sPartyMon4MailBackupEnd
$a7d6 = sPartyMon5MailBackupMessage
$a7d6 = sPartyMon5MailBackup
$a7f6 = sPartyMon5MailBackupMessageEnd
$a7f7 = sPartyMon5MailBackupAuthor
$a7ff = sPartyMon5MailBackupNationality
$a801 = sPartyMon5MailBackupAuthorID
$a803 = sPartyMon5MailBackupSpecies
$a804 = sPartyMon5MailBackupType
$a805 = sPartyMon6MailBackupMessage
$a805 = sPartyMon5MailBackupEnd
$a805 = sPartyMon6MailBackup
$a825 = sPartyMon6MailBackupMessageEnd
$a826 = sPartyMon6MailBackupAuthor
$a82e = sPartyMon6MailBackupNationality
$a830 = sPartyMon6MailBackupAuthorID
$a832 = sPartyMon6MailBackupSpecies
$a833 = sPartyMon6MailBackupType
$a834 = sMailboxCount
$a834 = sPartyMon6MailBackupEnd
$a835 = sMailbox1
$a835 = sMailbox1Message
$a835 = sMailboxes
$a855 = sMailbox1MessageEnd
$a856 = sMailbox1Author
$a85e = sMailbox1Nationality
$a860 = sMailbox1AuthorID
$a862 = sMailbox1Species
$a863 = sMailbox1Type
$a864 = sMailbox2
$a864 = sMailbox1End
$a864 = sMailbox2Message
$a884 = sMailbox2MessageEnd
$a885 = sMailbox2Author
$a88d = sMailbox2Nationality
$a88f = sMailbox2AuthorID
$a891 = sMailbox2Species
$a892 = sMailbox2Type
$a893 = sMailbox3
$a893 = sMailbox3Message
$a893 = sMailbox2End
$a8b3 = sMailbox3MessageEnd
$a8b4 = sMailbox3Author
$a8bc = sMailbox3Nationality
$a8be = sMailbox3AuthorID
$a8c0 = sMailbox3Species
$a8c1 = sMailbox3Type
$a8c2 = sMailbox4
$a8c2 = sMailbox4Message
$a8c2 = sMailbox3End
$a8e2 = sMailbox4MessageEnd
$a8e3 = sMailbox4Author
$a8eb = sMailbox4Nationality
$a8ed = sMailbox4AuthorID
$a8ef = sMailbox4Species
$a8f0 = sMailbox4Type
$a8f1 = sMailbox5
$a8f1 = sMailbox4End
$a8f1 = sMailbox5Message
$a911 = sMailbox5MessageEnd
$a912 = sMailbox5Author
$a91a = sMailbox5Nationality
$a91c = sMailbox5AuthorID
$a91e = sMailbox5Species
$a91f = sMailbox5Type
$a920 = sMailbox6
$a920 = sMailbox6Message
$a920 = sMailbox5End
$a940 = sMailbox6MessageEnd
$a941 = sMailbox6Author
$a949 = sMailbox6Nationality
$a94b = sMailbox6AuthorID
$a94d = sMailbox6Species
$a94e = sMailbox6Type
$a94f = sMailbox7
$a94f = sMailbox6End
$a94f = sMailbox7Message
$a96f = sMailbox7MessageEnd
$a970 = sMailbox7Author
$a978 = sMailbox7Nationality
$a97a = sMailbox7AuthorID
$a97c = sMailbox7Species
$a97d = sMailbox7Type
$a97e = sMailbox8
$a97e = sMailbox8Message
$a97e = sMailbox7End
$a99e = sMailbox8MessageEnd
$a99f = sMailbox8Author
$a9a7 = sMailbox8Nationality
$a9a9 = sMailbox8AuthorID
$a9ab = sMailbox8Species
$a9ac = sMailbox8Type
$a9ad = sMailbox9
$a9ad = sMailbox9Message
$a9ad = sMailbox8End
$a9cd = sMailbox9MessageEnd
$a9ce = sMailbox9Author
$a9d6 = sMailbox9Nationality
$a9d8 = sMailbox9AuthorID
$a9da = sMailbox9Species
$a9db = sMailbox9Type
$a9dc = sMailbox10Message
$a9dc = sMailbox10
$a9dc = sMailbox9End
$a9fc = sMailbox10MessageEnd
$a9fd = sMailbox10Author
$aa05 = sMailbox10Nationality
$aa07 = sMailbox10AuthorID
$aa09 = sMailbox10Species
$aa0a = sMailbox10Type
$aa0b = sMailboxCountBackup
$aa0b = sMailbox10End
$aa0c = sMailbox1BackupMessage
$aa0c = sMailboxesBackup
$aa0c = sMailbox1Backup
$aa2c = sMailbox1BackupMessageEnd
$aa2d = sMailbox1BackupAuthor
$aa35 = sMailbox1BackupNationality
$aa37 = sMailbox1BackupAuthorID
$aa39 = sMailbox1BackupSpecies
$aa3a = sMailbox1BackupType
$aa3b = sMailbox2BackupMessage
$aa3b = sMailbox2Backup
$aa3b = sMailbox1BackupEnd
$aa5b = sMailbox2BackupMessageEnd
$aa5c = sMailbox2BackupAuthor
$aa64 = sMailbox2BackupNationality
$aa66 = sMailbox2BackupAuthorID
$aa68 = sMailbox2BackupSpecies
$aa69 = sMailbox2BackupType
$aa6a = sMailbox3Backup
$aa6a = sMailbox3BackupMessage
$aa6a = sMailbox2BackupEnd
$aa8a = sMailbox3BackupMessageEnd
$aa8b = sMailbox3BackupAuthor
$aa93 = sMailbox3BackupNationality
$aa95 = sMailbox3BackupAuthorID
$aa97 = sMailbox3BackupSpecies
$aa98 = sMailbox3BackupType
$aa99 = sMailbox4Backup
$aa99 = sMailbox4BackupMessage
$aa99 = sMailbox3BackupEnd
$aab9 = sMailbox4BackupMessageEnd
$aaba = sMailbox4BackupAuthor
$aac2 = sMailbox4BackupNationality
$aac4 = sMailbox4BackupAuthorID
$aac6 = sMailbox4BackupSpecies
$aac7 = sMailbox4BackupType
$aac8 = sMailbox5BackupMessage
$aac8 = sMailbox5Backup
$aac8 = sMailbox4BackupEnd
$aae8 = sMailbox5BackupMessageEnd
$aae9 = sMailbox5BackupAuthor
$aaf1 = sMailbox5BackupNationality
$aaf3 = sMailbox5BackupAuthorID
$aaf5 = sMailbox5BackupSpecies
$aaf6 = sMailbox5BackupType
$aaf7 = sMailbox5BackupEnd
$aaf7 = sMailbox6BackupMessage
$aaf7 = sMailbox6Backup
$ab17 = sMailbox6BackupMessageEnd
$ab18 = sMailbox6BackupAuthor
$ab20 = sMailbox6BackupNationality
$ab22 = sMailbox6BackupAuthorID
$ab24 = sMailbox6BackupSpecies
$ab25 = sMailbox6BackupType
$ab26 = sMailbox6BackupEnd
$ab26 = sMailbox7Backup
$ab26 = sMailbox7BackupMessage
$ab46 = sMailbox7BackupMessageEnd
$ab47 = sMailbox7BackupAuthor
$ab4f = sMailbox7BackupNationality
$ab51 = sMailbox7BackupAuthorID
$ab53 = sMailbox7BackupSpecies
$ab54 = sMailbox7BackupType
$ab55 = sMailbox8Backup
$ab55 = sMailbox8BackupMessage
$ab55 = sMailbox7BackupEnd
$ab75 = sMailbox8BackupMessageEnd
$ab76 = sMailbox8BackupAuthor
$ab7e = sMailbox8BackupNationality
$ab80 = sMailbox8BackupAuthorID
$ab82 = sMailbox8BackupSpecies
$ab83 = sMailbox8BackupType
$ab84 = sMailbox9Backup
$ab84 = sMailbox8BackupEnd
$ab84 = sMailbox9BackupMessage
$aba4 = sMailbox9BackupMessageEnd
$aba5 = sMailbox9BackupAuthor
$abad = sMailbox9BackupNationality
$abaf = sMailbox9BackupAuthorID
$abb1 = sMailbox9BackupSpecies
$abb2 = sMailbox9BackupType
$abb3 = sMailbox9BackupEnd
$abb3 = sMailbox10Backup
$abb3 = sMailbox10BackupMessage
$abd3 = sMailbox10BackupMessageEnd
$abd4 = sMailbox10BackupAuthor
$abdc = sMailbox10BackupNationality
$abde = sMailbox10BackupAuthorID
$abe0 = sMailbox10BackupSpecies
$abe1 = sMailbox10BackupType
$abe2 = sMailbox10BackupEnd
$abe2 = sMysteryGiftData
$abe2 = sMysteryGiftItem
$abe3 = sMysteryGiftUnlocked
$abe4 = sBackupMysteryGiftItem
$abe5 = sNumDailyMysteryGiftPartnerIDs
$abe6 = sDailyMysteryGiftPartnerIDs
$abf0 = sMysteryGiftDecorationsReceived
$abfa = sMysteryGiftTimer
$abfd = sMysteryGiftTrainerHouseFlag
$abfe = sMysteryGiftPartnerName
$ac09 = sMysteryGiftUnusedFlag
$ac0a = sMysteryGiftTrainer
$ac30 = sBackupMysteryGiftItemEnd
$ac60 = sRTCStatusFlags
$ac68 = sLuckyNumberDay
$ac69 = sLuckyIDNumber
EMPTY: $ac6b-$b1ff ($0595 bytes)
SECTION: $b200-$bf17 ($0d18 bytes) ["Backup Save"]
$b200 = sBackupOptions
$b208 = sBackupCheckValue1
$b209 = sBackupPlayerData
$b209 = sBackupGameData
$ba33 = sBackupCurMapData
$ba65 = sBackupPokemonData
$bd83 = sBackupGameDataEnd
$bf0d = sBackupChecksum
$bf0f = sBackupCheckValue2
$bf10 = sStackTop
$bf12 = sRTCHaltCheckValue
$bf14 = sSkipBattle
$bf15 = sDebugTimeCyclesSinceLastCall
$bf16 = sOpenedInvalidSRAM
$bf17 = sIsBugMon
EMPTY: $bf18-$bfff ($00e8 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $067d bytes
SRAM bank #1:
SECTION: $a000-$ad0f ($0d10 bytes) ["Save"]
$a000 = sOptions
$a008 = sCheckValue1
$a009 = sPlayerData
$a009 = sGameData
$a833 = sCurMapData
$a865 = sPokemonData
$ab83 = sGameDataEnd
$ad0d = sChecksum
$ad0f = sCheckValue2
SECTION: $ad10-$b25f ($0550 bytes) ["Active Box"]
$ad10 = sBoxCount
$ad10 = sBox
$ad11 = sBoxSpecies
$ad26 = sBoxMon1Species
$ad26 = sBoxMons
$ad26 = sBoxMon1
$ad27 = sBoxMon1Item
$ad28 = sBoxMon1Moves
$ad2c = sBoxMon1ID
$ad2e = sBoxMon1Exp
$ad31 = sBoxMon1StatExp
$ad31 = sBoxMon1HPExp
$ad33 = sBoxMon1AtkExp
$ad35 = sBoxMon1DefExp
$ad37 = sBoxMon1SpdExp
$ad39 = sBoxMon1SpcExp
$ad3b = sBoxMon1DVs
$ad3d = sBoxMon1PP
$ad41 = sBoxMon1Happiness
$ad42 = sBoxMon1PokerusStatus
$ad43 = sBoxMon1CaughtData
$ad43 = sBoxMon1CaughtLevel
$ad43 = sBoxMon1CaughtTime
$ad44 = sBoxMon1CaughtGender
$ad44 = sBoxMon1CaughtLocation
$ad45 = sBoxMon1Level
$ad46 = sBoxMon1BoxEnd
$ad46 = sBoxMon2
$ad46 = sBoxMon2Species
$ad47 = sBoxMon2Item
$ad48 = sBoxMon2Moves
$ad4c = sBoxMon2ID
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$ad51 = sBoxMon2StatExp
$ad51 = sBoxMon2HPExp
$ad53 = sBoxMon2AtkExp
$ad55 = sBoxMon2DefExp
$ad57 = sBoxMon2SpdExp
$ad59 = sBoxMon2SpcExp
$ad5b = sBoxMon2DVs
$ad5d = sBoxMon2PP
$ad61 = sBoxMon2Happiness
$ad62 = sBoxMon2PokerusStatus
$ad63 = sBoxMon2CaughtTime
$ad63 = sBoxMon2CaughtLevel
$ad63 = sBoxMon2CaughtData
$ad64 = sBoxMon2CaughtLocation
$ad64 = sBoxMon2CaughtGender
$ad65 = sBoxMon2Level
$ad66 = sBoxMon3
$ad66 = sBoxMon3Species
$ad66 = sBoxMon2BoxEnd
$ad67 = sBoxMon3Item
$ad68 = sBoxMon3Moves
$ad6c = sBoxMon3ID
$ad6e = sBoxMon3Exp
$ad71 = sBoxMon3StatExp
$ad71 = sBoxMon3HPExp
$ad73 = sBoxMon3AtkExp
$ad75 = sBoxMon3DefExp
$ad77 = sBoxMon3SpdExp
$ad79 = sBoxMon3SpcExp
$ad7b = sBoxMon3DVs
$ad7d = sBoxMon3PP
$ad81 = sBoxMon3Happiness
$ad82 = sBoxMon3PokerusStatus
$ad83 = sBoxMon3CaughtTime
$ad83 = sBoxMon3CaughtLevel
$ad83 = sBoxMon3CaughtData
$ad84 = sBoxMon3CaughtGender
$ad84 = sBoxMon3CaughtLocation
$ad85 = sBoxMon3Level
$ad86 = sBoxMon4Species
$ad86 = sBoxMon4
$ad86 = sBoxMon3BoxEnd
$ad87 = sBoxMon4Item
$ad88 = sBoxMon4Moves
$ad8c = sBoxMon4ID
$ad8e = sBoxMon4Exp
$ad91 = sBoxMon4StatExp
$ad91 = sBoxMon4HPExp
$ad93 = sBoxMon4AtkExp
$ad95 = sBoxMon4DefExp
$ad97 = sBoxMon4SpdExp
$ad99 = sBoxMon4SpcExp
$ad9b = sBoxMon4DVs
$ad9d = sBoxMon4PP
$ada1 = sBoxMon4Happiness
$ada2 = sBoxMon4PokerusStatus
$ada3 = sBoxMon4CaughtLevel
$ada3 = sBoxMon4CaughtTime
$ada3 = sBoxMon4CaughtData
$ada4 = sBoxMon4CaughtGender
$ada4 = sBoxMon4CaughtLocation
$ada5 = sBoxMon4Level
$ada6 = sBoxMon4BoxEnd
$ada6 = sBoxMon5Species
$ada6 = sBoxMon5
$ada7 = sBoxMon5Item
$ada8 = sBoxMon5Moves
$adac = sBoxMon5ID
$adae = sBoxMon5Exp
$adb1 = sBoxMon5StatExp
$adb1 = sBoxMon5HPExp
$adb3 = sBoxMon5AtkExp
$adb5 = sBoxMon5DefExp
$adb7 = sBoxMon5SpdExp
$adb9 = sBoxMon5SpcExp
$adbb = sBoxMon5DVs
$adbd = sBoxMon5PP
$adc1 = sBoxMon5Happiness
$adc2 = sBoxMon5PokerusStatus
$adc3 = sBoxMon5CaughtLevel
$adc3 = sBoxMon5CaughtData
$adc3 = sBoxMon5CaughtTime
$adc4 = sBoxMon5CaughtGender
$adc4 = sBoxMon5CaughtLocation
$adc5 = sBoxMon5Level
$adc6 = sBoxMon5BoxEnd
$adc6 = sBoxMon6
$adc6 = sBoxMon6Species
$adc7 = sBoxMon6Item
$adc8 = sBoxMon6Moves
$adcc = sBoxMon6ID
$adce = sBoxMon6Exp
$add1 = sBoxMon6StatExp
$add1 = sBoxMon6HPExp
$add3 = sBoxMon6AtkExp
$add5 = sBoxMon6DefExp
$add7 = sBoxMon6SpdExp
$add9 = sBoxMon6SpcExp
$addb = sBoxMon6DVs
$addd = sBoxMon6PP
$ade1 = sBoxMon6Happiness
$ade2 = sBoxMon6PokerusStatus
$ade3 = sBoxMon6CaughtLevel
$ade3 = sBoxMon6CaughtData
$ade3 = sBoxMon6CaughtTime
$ade4 = sBoxMon6CaughtGender
$ade4 = sBoxMon6CaughtLocation
$ade5 = sBoxMon6Level
$ade6 = sBoxMon6BoxEnd
$ade6 = sBoxMon7Species
$ade6 = sBoxMon7
$ade7 = sBoxMon7Item
$ade8 = sBoxMon7Moves
$adec = sBoxMon7ID
$adee = sBoxMon7Exp
$adf1 = sBoxMon7StatExp
$adf1 = sBoxMon7HPExp
$adf3 = sBoxMon7AtkExp
$adf5 = sBoxMon7DefExp
$adf7 = sBoxMon7SpdExp
$adf9 = sBoxMon7SpcExp
$adfb = sBoxMon7DVs
$adfd = sBoxMon7PP
$ae01 = sBoxMon7Happiness
$ae02 = sBoxMon7PokerusStatus
$ae03 = sBoxMon7CaughtData
$ae03 = sBoxMon7CaughtTime
$ae03 = sBoxMon7CaughtLevel
$ae04 = sBoxMon7CaughtLocation
$ae04 = sBoxMon7CaughtGender
$ae05 = sBoxMon7Level
$ae06 = sBoxMon7BoxEnd
$ae06 = sBoxMon8
$ae06 = sBoxMon8Species
$ae07 = sBoxMon8Item
$ae08 = sBoxMon8Moves
$ae0c = sBoxMon8ID
$ae0e = sBoxMon8Exp
$ae11 = sBoxMon8HPExp
$ae11 = sBoxMon8StatExp
$ae13 = sBoxMon8AtkExp
$ae15 = sBoxMon8DefExp
$ae17 = sBoxMon8SpdExp
$ae19 = sBoxMon8SpcExp
$ae1b = sBoxMon8DVs
$ae1d = sBoxMon8PP
$ae21 = sBoxMon8Happiness
$ae22 = sBoxMon8PokerusStatus
$ae23 = sBoxMon8CaughtTime
$ae23 = sBoxMon8CaughtData
$ae23 = sBoxMon8CaughtLevel
$ae24 = sBoxMon8CaughtGender
$ae24 = sBoxMon8CaughtLocation
$ae25 = sBoxMon8Level
$ae26 = sBoxMon8BoxEnd
$ae26 = sBoxMon9Species
$ae26 = sBoxMon9
$ae27 = sBoxMon9Item
$ae28 = sBoxMon9Moves
$ae2c = sBoxMon9ID
$ae2e = sBoxMon9Exp
$ae31 = sBoxMon9HPExp
$ae31 = sBoxMon9StatExp
$ae33 = sBoxMon9AtkExp
$ae35 = sBoxMon9DefExp
$ae37 = sBoxMon9SpdExp
$ae39 = sBoxMon9SpcExp
$ae3b = sBoxMon9DVs
$ae3d = sBoxMon9PP
$ae41 = sBoxMon9Happiness
$ae42 = sBoxMon9PokerusStatus
$ae43 = sBoxMon9CaughtData
$ae43 = sBoxMon9CaughtLevel
$ae43 = sBoxMon9CaughtTime
$ae44 = sBoxMon9CaughtGender
$ae44 = sBoxMon9CaughtLocation
$ae45 = sBoxMon9Level
$ae46 = sBoxMon9BoxEnd
$ae46 = sBoxMon10Species
$ae46 = sBoxMon10
$ae47 = sBoxMon10Item
$ae48 = sBoxMon10Moves
$ae4c = sBoxMon10ID
$ae4e = sBoxMon10Exp
$ae51 = sBoxMon10HPExp
$ae51 = sBoxMon10StatExp
$ae53 = sBoxMon10AtkExp
$ae55 = sBoxMon10DefExp
$ae57 = sBoxMon10SpdExp
$ae59 = sBoxMon10SpcExp
$ae5b = sBoxMon10DVs
$ae5d = sBoxMon10PP
$ae61 = sBoxMon10Happiness
$ae62 = sBoxMon10PokerusStatus
$ae63 = sBoxMon10CaughtTime
$ae63 = sBoxMon10CaughtLevel
$ae63 = sBoxMon10CaughtData
$ae64 = sBoxMon10CaughtGender
$ae64 = sBoxMon10CaughtLocation
$ae65 = sBoxMon10Level
$ae66 = sBoxMon10BoxEnd
$ae66 = sBoxMon11Species
$ae66 = sBoxMon11
$ae67 = sBoxMon11Item
$ae68 = sBoxMon11Moves
$ae6c = sBoxMon11ID
$ae6e = sBoxMon11Exp
$ae71 = sBoxMon11StatExp
$ae71 = sBoxMon11HPExp
$ae73 = sBoxMon11AtkExp
$ae75 = sBoxMon11DefExp
$ae77 = sBoxMon11SpdExp
$ae79 = sBoxMon11SpcExp
$ae7b = sBoxMon11DVs
$ae7d = sBoxMon11PP
$ae81 = sBoxMon11Happiness
$ae82 = sBoxMon11PokerusStatus
$ae83 = sBoxMon11CaughtData
$ae83 = sBoxMon11CaughtLevel
$ae83 = sBoxMon11CaughtTime
$ae84 = sBoxMon11CaughtGender
$ae84 = sBoxMon11CaughtLocation
$ae85 = sBoxMon11Level
$ae86 = sBoxMon11BoxEnd
$ae86 = sBoxMon12Species
$ae86 = sBoxMon12
$ae87 = sBoxMon12Item
$ae88 = sBoxMon12Moves
$ae8c = sBoxMon12ID
$ae8e = sBoxMon12Exp
$ae91 = sBoxMon12StatExp
$ae91 = sBoxMon12HPExp
$ae93 = sBoxMon12AtkExp
$ae95 = sBoxMon12DefExp
$ae97 = sBoxMon12SpdExp
$ae99 = sBoxMon12SpcExp
$ae9b = sBoxMon12DVs
$ae9d = sBoxMon12PP
$aea1 = sBoxMon12Happiness
$aea2 = sBoxMon12PokerusStatus
$aea3 = sBoxMon12CaughtLevel
$aea3 = sBoxMon12CaughtData
$aea3 = sBoxMon12CaughtTime
$aea4 = sBoxMon12CaughtGender
$aea4 = sBoxMon12CaughtLocation
$aea5 = sBoxMon12Level
$aea6 = sBoxMon12BoxEnd
$aea6 = sBoxMon13Species
$aea6 = sBoxMon13
$aea7 = sBoxMon13Item
$aea8 = sBoxMon13Moves
$aeac = sBoxMon13ID
$aeae = sBoxMon13Exp
$aeb1 = sBoxMon13HPExp
$aeb1 = sBoxMon13StatExp
$aeb3 = sBoxMon13AtkExp
$aeb5 = sBoxMon13DefExp
$aeb7 = sBoxMon13SpdExp
$aeb9 = sBoxMon13SpcExp
$aebb = sBoxMon13DVs
$aebd = sBoxMon13PP
$aec1 = sBoxMon13Happiness
$aec2 = sBoxMon13PokerusStatus
$aec3 = sBoxMon13CaughtLevel
$aec3 = sBoxMon13CaughtData
$aec3 = sBoxMon13CaughtTime
$aec4 = sBoxMon13CaughtGender
$aec4 = sBoxMon13CaughtLocation
$aec5 = sBoxMon13Level
$aec6 = sBoxMon14Species
$aec6 = sBoxMon13BoxEnd
$aec6 = sBoxMon14
$aec7 = sBoxMon14Item
$aec8 = sBoxMon14Moves
$aecc = sBoxMon14ID
$aece = sBoxMon14Exp
$aed1 = sBoxMon14StatExp
$aed1 = sBoxMon14HPExp
$aed3 = sBoxMon14AtkExp
$aed5 = sBoxMon14DefExp
$aed7 = sBoxMon14SpdExp
$aed9 = sBoxMon14SpcExp
$aedb = sBoxMon14DVs
$aedd = sBoxMon14PP
$aee1 = sBoxMon14Happiness
$aee2 = sBoxMon14PokerusStatus
$aee3 = sBoxMon14CaughtData
$aee3 = sBoxMon14CaughtTime
$aee3 = sBoxMon14CaughtLevel
$aee4 = sBoxMon14CaughtLocation
$aee4 = sBoxMon14CaughtGender
$aee5 = sBoxMon14Level
$aee6 = sBoxMon14BoxEnd
$aee6 = sBoxMon15Species
$aee6 = sBoxMon15
$aee7 = sBoxMon15Item
$aee8 = sBoxMon15Moves
$aeec = sBoxMon15ID
$aeee = sBoxMon15Exp
$aef1 = sBoxMon15StatExp
$aef1 = sBoxMon15HPExp
$aef3 = sBoxMon15AtkExp
$aef5 = sBoxMon15DefExp
$aef7 = sBoxMon15SpdExp
$aef9 = sBoxMon15SpcExp
$aefb = sBoxMon15DVs
$aefd = sBoxMon15PP
$af01 = sBoxMon15Happiness
$af02 = sBoxMon15PokerusStatus
$af03 = sBoxMon15CaughtLevel
$af03 = sBoxMon15CaughtTime
$af03 = sBoxMon15CaughtData
$af04 = sBoxMon15CaughtGender
$af04 = sBoxMon15CaughtLocation
$af05 = sBoxMon15Level
$af06 = sBoxMon15BoxEnd
$af06 = sBoxMon16Species
$af06 = sBoxMon16
$af07 = sBoxMon16Item
$af08 = sBoxMon16Moves
$af0c = sBoxMon16ID
$af0e = sBoxMon16Exp
$af11 = sBoxMon16StatExp
$af11 = sBoxMon16HPExp
$af13 = sBoxMon16AtkExp
$af15 = sBoxMon16DefExp
$af17 = sBoxMon16SpdExp
$af19 = sBoxMon16SpcExp
$af1b = sBoxMon16DVs
$af1d = sBoxMon16PP
$af21 = sBoxMon16Happiness
$af22 = sBoxMon16PokerusStatus
$af23 = sBoxMon16CaughtData
$af23 = sBoxMon16CaughtLevel
$af23 = sBoxMon16CaughtTime
$af24 = sBoxMon16CaughtLocation
$af24 = sBoxMon16CaughtGender
$af25 = sBoxMon16Level
$af26 = sBoxMon17Species
$af26 = sBoxMon16BoxEnd
$af26 = sBoxMon17
$af27 = sBoxMon17Item
$af28 = sBoxMon17Moves
$af2c = sBoxMon17ID
$af2e = sBoxMon17Exp
$af31 = sBoxMon17HPExp
$af31 = sBoxMon17StatExp
$af33 = sBoxMon17AtkExp
$af35 = sBoxMon17DefExp
$af37 = sBoxMon17SpdExp
$af39 = sBoxMon17SpcExp
$af3b = sBoxMon17DVs
$af3d = sBoxMon17PP
$af41 = sBoxMon17Happiness
$af42 = sBoxMon17PokerusStatus
$af43 = sBoxMon17CaughtLevel
$af43 = sBoxMon17CaughtData
$af43 = sBoxMon17CaughtTime
$af44 = sBoxMon17CaughtGender
$af44 = sBoxMon17CaughtLocation
$af45 = sBoxMon17Level
$af46 = sBoxMon18Species
$af46 = sBoxMon17BoxEnd
$af46 = sBoxMon18
$af47 = sBoxMon18Item
$af48 = sBoxMon18Moves
$af4c = sBoxMon18ID
$af4e = sBoxMon18Exp
$af51 = sBoxMon18HPExp
$af51 = sBoxMon18StatExp
$af53 = sBoxMon18AtkExp
$af55 = sBoxMon18DefExp
$af57 = sBoxMon18SpdExp
$af59 = sBoxMon18SpcExp
$af5b = sBoxMon18DVs
$af5d = sBoxMon18PP
$af61 = sBoxMon18Happiness
$af62 = sBoxMon18PokerusStatus
$af63 = sBoxMon18CaughtLevel
$af63 = sBoxMon18CaughtData
$af63 = sBoxMon18CaughtTime
$af64 = sBoxMon18CaughtGender
$af64 = sBoxMon18CaughtLocation
$af65 = sBoxMon18Level
$af66 = sBoxMon19Species
$af66 = sBoxMon18BoxEnd
$af66 = sBoxMon19
$af67 = sBoxMon19Item
$af68 = sBoxMon19Moves
$af6c = sBoxMon19ID
$af6e = sBoxMon19Exp
$af71 = sBoxMon19HPExp
$af71 = sBoxMon19StatExp
$af73 = sBoxMon19AtkExp
$af75 = sBoxMon19DefExp
$af77 = sBoxMon19SpdExp
$af79 = sBoxMon19SpcExp
$af7b = sBoxMon19DVs
$af7d = sBoxMon19PP
$af81 = sBoxMon19Happiness
$af82 = sBoxMon19PokerusStatus
$af83 = sBoxMon19CaughtTime
$af83 = sBoxMon19CaughtData
$af83 = sBoxMon19CaughtLevel
$af84 = sBoxMon19CaughtLocation
$af84 = sBoxMon19CaughtGender
$af85 = sBoxMon19Level
$af86 = sBoxMon19BoxEnd
$af86 = sBoxMon20
$af86 = sBoxMon20Species
$af87 = sBoxMon20Item
$af88 = sBoxMon20Moves
$af8c = sBoxMon20ID
$af8e = sBoxMon20Exp
$af91 = sBoxMon20HPExp
$af91 = sBoxMon20StatExp
$af93 = sBoxMon20AtkExp
$af95 = sBoxMon20DefExp
$af97 = sBoxMon20SpdExp
$af99 = sBoxMon20SpcExp
$af9b = sBoxMon20DVs
$af9d = sBoxMon20PP
$afa1 = sBoxMon20Happiness
$afa2 = sBoxMon20PokerusStatus
$afa3 = sBoxMon20CaughtTime
$afa3 = sBoxMon20CaughtLevel
$afa3 = sBoxMon20CaughtData
$afa4 = sBoxMon20CaughtGender
$afa4 = sBoxMon20CaughtLocation
$afa5 = sBoxMon20Level
$afa6 = sBoxMon1OT
$afa6 = sBoxMon20BoxEnd
$afa6 = sBoxMonOTs
$afb1 = sBoxMon2OT
$afbc = sBoxMon3OT
$afc7 = sBoxMon4OT
$afd2 = sBoxMon5OT
$afdd = sBoxMon6OT
$afe8 = sBoxMon7OT
$aff3 = sBoxMon8OT
$affe = sBoxMon9OT
$b009 = sBoxMon10OT
$b014 = sBoxMon11OT
$b01f = sBoxMon12OT
$b02a = sBoxMon13OT
$b035 = sBoxMon14OT
$b040 = sBoxMon15OT
$b04b = sBoxMon16OT
$b056 = sBoxMon17OT
$b061 = sBoxMon18OT
$b06c = sBoxMon19OT
$b077 = sBoxMon20OT
$b082 = sBoxMonNicknames
$b082 = sBoxMon1Nickname
$b08d = sBoxMon2Nickname
$b098 = sBoxMon3Nickname
$b0a3 = sBoxMon4Nickname
$b0ae = sBoxMon5Nickname
$b0b9 = sBoxMon6Nickname
$b0c4 = sBoxMon7Nickname
$b0cf = sBoxMon8Nickname
$b0da = sBoxMon9Nickname
$b0e5 = sBoxMon10Nickname
$b0f0 = sBoxMon11Nickname
$b0fb = sBoxMon12Nickname
$b106 = sBoxMon13Nickname
$b111 = sBoxMon14Nickname
$b11c = sBoxMon15Nickname
$b127 = sBoxMon16Nickname
$b132 = sBoxMon17Nickname
$b13d = sBoxMon18Nickname
$b148 = sBoxMon19Nickname
$b153 = sBoxMon20Nickname
$b15e = sBoxMonNicknamesEnd
$b15e = sBoxEnd
SECTION: $b260-$b2bf ($0060 bytes) ["Link Battle Data"]
$b260 = sLinkBattleStats
$b260 = sLinkBattleWins
$b262 = sLinkBattleLosses
$b264 = sLinkBattleDraws
$b266 = sLinkBattleRecord
$b266 = sLinkBattleRecord1ID
$b266 = sLinkBattleRecord1
$b268 = sLinkBattleRecord1Name
$b272 = sLinkBattleRecord1Wins
$b274 = sLinkBattleRecord1Losses
$b276 = sLinkBattleRecord1Draws
$b278 = sLinkBattleRecord2ID
$b278 = sLinkBattleRecord1End
$b278 = sLinkBattleRecord2
$b27a = sLinkBattleRecord2Name
$b284 = sLinkBattleRecord2Wins
$b286 = sLinkBattleRecord2Losses
$b288 = sLinkBattleRecord2Draws
$b28a = sLinkBattleRecord2End
$b28a = sLinkBattleRecord3ID
$b28a = sLinkBattleRecord3
$b28c = sLinkBattleRecord3Name
$b296 = sLinkBattleRecord3Wins
$b298 = sLinkBattleRecord3Losses
$b29a = sLinkBattleRecord3Draws
$b29c = sLinkBattleRecord4ID
$b29c = sLinkBattleRecord3End
$b29c = sLinkBattleRecord4
$b29e = sLinkBattleRecord4Name
$b2a8 = sLinkBattleRecord4Wins
$b2aa = sLinkBattleRecord4Losses
$b2ac = sLinkBattleRecord4Draws
$b2ae = sLinkBattleRecord5
$b2ae = sLinkBattleRecord5ID
$b2ae = sLinkBattleRecord4End
$b2b0 = sLinkBattleRecord5Name
$b2ba = sLinkBattleRecord5Wins
$b2bc = sLinkBattleRecord5Losses
$b2be = sLinkBattleRecord5Draws
$b2c0 = sLinkBattleRecord5End
$b2c0 = sLinkBattleStatsEnd
SECTION: $b2c0-$be3b ($0b7c bytes) ["SRAM Hall of Fame"]
$b2c0 = sHallOfFame
$b2c0 = sHallOfFame1WinCount
$b2c0 = sHallOfFame1
$b2c1 = sHallOfFame1Mon1Species
$b2c1 = sHallOfFame1Mon1
$b2c2 = sHallOfFame1Mon1ID
$b2c4 = sHallOfFame1Mon1DVs
$b2c6 = sHallOfFame1Mon1Level
$b2c7 = sHallOfFame1Mon1Nickname
$b2d1 = sHallOfFame1Mon2Species
$b2d1 = sHallOfFame1Mon1End
$b2d1 = sHallOfFame1Mon2
$b2d2 = sHallOfFame1Mon2ID
$b2d4 = sHallOfFame1Mon2DVs
$b2d6 = sHallOfFame1Mon2Level
$b2d7 = sHallOfFame1Mon2Nickname
$b2e1 = sHallOfFame1Mon3Species
$b2e1 = sHallOfFame1Mon2End
$b2e1 = sHallOfFame1Mon3
$b2e2 = sHallOfFame1Mon3ID
$b2e4 = sHallOfFame1Mon3DVs
$b2e6 = sHallOfFame1Mon3Level
$b2e7 = sHallOfFame1Mon3Nickname
$b2f1 = sHallOfFame1Mon3End
$b2f1 = sHallOfFame1Mon4
$b2f1 = sHallOfFame1Mon4Species
$b2f2 = sHallOfFame1Mon4ID
$b2f4 = sHallOfFame1Mon4DVs
$b2f6 = sHallOfFame1Mon4Level
$b2f7 = sHallOfFame1Mon4Nickname
$b301 = sHallOfFame1Mon4End
$b301 = sHallOfFame1Mon5
$b301 = sHallOfFame1Mon5Species
$b302 = sHallOfFame1Mon5ID
$b304 = sHallOfFame1Mon5DVs
$b306 = sHallOfFame1Mon5Level
$b307 = sHallOfFame1Mon5Nickname
$b311 = sHallOfFame1Mon6Species
$b311 = sHallOfFame1Mon5End
$b311 = sHallOfFame1Mon6
$b312 = sHallOfFame1Mon6ID
$b314 = sHallOfFame1Mon6DVs
$b316 = sHallOfFame1Mon6Level
$b317 = sHallOfFame1Mon6Nickname
$b321 = sHallOfFame1Mon6End
$b321 = sHallOfFame1End
$b322 = sHallOfFame2WinCount
$b322 = sHallOfFame2
$b323 = sHallOfFame2Mon1
$b323 = sHallOfFame2Mon1Species
$b324 = sHallOfFame2Mon1ID
$b326 = sHallOfFame2Mon1DVs
$b328 = sHallOfFame2Mon1Level
$b329 = sHallOfFame2Mon1Nickname
$b333 = sHallOfFame2Mon2
$b333 = sHallOfFame2Mon2Species
$b333 = sHallOfFame2Mon1End
$b334 = sHallOfFame2Mon2ID
$b336 = sHallOfFame2Mon2DVs
$b338 = sHallOfFame2Mon2Level
$b339 = sHallOfFame2Mon2Nickname
$b343 = sHallOfFame2Mon3
$b343 = sHallOfFame2Mon2End
$b343 = sHallOfFame2Mon3Species
$b344 = sHallOfFame2Mon3ID
$b346 = sHallOfFame2Mon3DVs
$b348 = sHallOfFame2Mon3Level
$b349 = sHallOfFame2Mon3Nickname
$b353 = sHallOfFame2Mon4Species
$b353 = sHallOfFame2Mon4
$b353 = sHallOfFame2Mon3End
$b354 = sHallOfFame2Mon4ID
$b356 = sHallOfFame2Mon4DVs
$b358 = sHallOfFame2Mon4Level
$b359 = sHallOfFame2Mon4Nickname
$b363 = sHallOfFame2Mon5
$b363 = sHallOfFame2Mon4End
$b363 = sHallOfFame2Mon5Species
$b364 = sHallOfFame2Mon5ID
$b366 = sHallOfFame2Mon5DVs
$b368 = sHallOfFame2Mon5Level
$b369 = sHallOfFame2Mon5Nickname
$b373 = sHallOfFame2Mon5End
$b373 = sHallOfFame2Mon6
$b373 = sHallOfFame2Mon6Species
$b374 = sHallOfFame2Mon6ID
$b376 = sHallOfFame2Mon6DVs
$b378 = sHallOfFame2Mon6Level
$b379 = sHallOfFame2Mon6Nickname
$b383 = sHallOfFame2End
$b383 = sHallOfFame2Mon6End
$b384 = sHallOfFame3WinCount
$b384 = sHallOfFame3
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$b385 = sHallOfFame3Mon1Species
$b386 = sHallOfFame3Mon1ID
$b388 = sHallOfFame3Mon1DVs
$b38a = sHallOfFame3Mon1Level
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$b396 = sHallOfFame3Mon2ID
$b398 = sHallOfFame3Mon2DVs
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$b3a5 = sHallOfFame3Mon2End
$b3a6 = sHallOfFame3Mon3ID
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$b3aa = sHallOfFame3Mon3Level
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$b3b6 = sHallOfFame3Mon4ID
$b3b8 = sHallOfFame3Mon4DVs
$b3ba = sHallOfFame3Mon4Level
$b3bb = sHallOfFame3Mon4Nickname
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$b3cb = sHallOfFame3Mon5Nickname
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$b3db = sHallOfFame3Mon6Nickname
$b3e5 = sHallOfFame3Mon6End
$b3e5 = sHallOfFame3End
$b3e6 = sHallOfFame4WinCount
$b3e6 = sHallOfFame4
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$b3ec = sHallOfFame4Mon1Level
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$b3fa = sHallOfFame4Mon2DVs
$b3fc = sHallOfFame4Mon2Level
$b3fd = sHallOfFame4Mon2Nickname
$b407 = sHallOfFame4Mon3
$b407 = sHallOfFame4Mon2End
$b407 = sHallOfFame4Mon3Species
$b408 = sHallOfFame4Mon3ID
$b40a = sHallOfFame4Mon3DVs
$b40c = sHallOfFame4Mon3Level
$b40d = sHallOfFame4Mon3Nickname
$b417 = sHallOfFame4Mon4Species
$b417 = sHallOfFame4Mon4
$b417 = sHallOfFame4Mon3End
$b418 = sHallOfFame4Mon4ID
$b41a = sHallOfFame4Mon4DVs
$b41c = sHallOfFame4Mon4Level
$b41d = sHallOfFame4Mon4Nickname
$b427 = sHallOfFame4Mon5Species
$b427 = sHallOfFame4Mon5
$b427 = sHallOfFame4Mon4End
$b428 = sHallOfFame4Mon5ID
$b42a = sHallOfFame4Mon5DVs
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$b42d = sHallOfFame4Mon5Nickname
$b437 = sHallOfFame4Mon6Species
$b437 = sHallOfFame4Mon6
$b437 = sHallOfFame4Mon5End
$b438 = sHallOfFame4Mon6ID
$b43a = sHallOfFame4Mon6DVs
$b43c = sHallOfFame4Mon6Level
$b43d = sHallOfFame4Mon6Nickname
$b447 = sHallOfFame4End
$b447 = sHallOfFame4Mon6End
$b448 = sHallOfFame5WinCount
$b448 = sHallOfFame5
$b449 = sHallOfFame5Mon1
$b449 = sHallOfFame5Mon1Species
$b44a = sHallOfFame5Mon1ID
$b44c = sHallOfFame5Mon1DVs
$b44e = sHallOfFame5Mon1Level
$b44f = sHallOfFame5Mon1Nickname
$b459 = sHallOfFame5Mon2
$b459 = sHallOfFame5Mon1End
$b459 = sHallOfFame5Mon2Species
$b45a = sHallOfFame5Mon2ID
$b45c = sHallOfFame5Mon2DVs
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$b45f = sHallOfFame5Mon2Nickname
$b469 = sHallOfFame5Mon3
$b469 = sHallOfFame5Mon2End
$b469 = sHallOfFame5Mon3Species
$b46a = sHallOfFame5Mon3ID
$b46c = sHallOfFame5Mon3DVs
$b46e = sHallOfFame5Mon3Level
$b46f = sHallOfFame5Mon3Nickname
$b479 = sHallOfFame5Mon4Species
$b479 = sHallOfFame5Mon4
$b479 = sHallOfFame5Mon3End
$b47a = sHallOfFame5Mon4ID
$b47c = sHallOfFame5Mon4DVs
$b47e = sHallOfFame5Mon4Level
$b47f = sHallOfFame5Mon4Nickname
$b489 = sHallOfFame5Mon5
$b489 = sHallOfFame5Mon4End
$b489 = sHallOfFame5Mon5Species
$b48a = sHallOfFame5Mon5ID
$b48c = sHallOfFame5Mon5DVs
$b48e = sHallOfFame5Mon5Level
$b48f = sHallOfFame5Mon5Nickname
$b499 = sHallOfFame5Mon6Species
$b499 = sHallOfFame5Mon5End
$b499 = sHallOfFame5Mon6
$b49a = sHallOfFame5Mon6ID
$b49c = sHallOfFame5Mon6DVs
$b49e = sHallOfFame5Mon6Level
$b49f = sHallOfFame5Mon6Nickname
$b4a9 = sHallOfFame5End
$b4a9 = sHallOfFame5Mon6End
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$b4aa = sHallOfFame6
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$b4ac = sHallOfFame6Mon1ID
$b4ae = sHallOfFame6Mon1DVs
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$b4bb = sHallOfFame6Mon2Species
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$b4bc = sHallOfFame6Mon2ID
$b4be = sHallOfFame6Mon2DVs
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$b4cb = sHallOfFame6Mon2End
$b4cb = sHallOfFame6Mon3Species
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$b4cc = sHallOfFame6Mon3ID
$b4ce = sHallOfFame6Mon3DVs
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$b4d1 = sHallOfFame6Mon3Nickname
$b4db = sHallOfFame6Mon3End
$b4db = sHallOfFame6Mon4Species
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$b4dc = sHallOfFame6Mon4ID
$b4de = sHallOfFame6Mon4DVs
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$b4e1 = sHallOfFame6Mon4Nickname
$b4eb = sHallOfFame6Mon4End
$b4eb = sHallOfFame6Mon5
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$b4ec = sHallOfFame6Mon5ID
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$b4f1 = sHallOfFame6Mon5Nickname
$b4fb = sHallOfFame6Mon5End
$b4fb = sHallOfFame6Mon6Species
$b4fb = sHallOfFame6Mon6
$b4fc = sHallOfFame6Mon6ID
$b4fe = sHallOfFame6Mon6DVs
$b500 = sHallOfFame6Mon6Level
$b501 = sHallOfFame6Mon6Nickname
$b50b = sHallOfFame6Mon6End
$b50b = sHallOfFame6End
$b50c = sHallOfFame7WinCount
$b50c = sHallOfFame7
$b50d = sHallOfFame7Mon1Species
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$b50e = sHallOfFame7Mon1ID
$b510 = sHallOfFame7Mon1DVs
$b512 = sHallOfFame7Mon1Level
$b513 = sHallOfFame7Mon1Nickname
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$b51d = sHallOfFame7Mon1End
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$b51e = sHallOfFame7Mon2ID
$b520 = sHallOfFame7Mon2DVs
$b522 = sHallOfFame7Mon2Level
$b523 = sHallOfFame7Mon2Nickname
$b52d = sHallOfFame7Mon3Species
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$b52d = sHallOfFame7Mon2End
$b52e = sHallOfFame7Mon3ID
$b530 = sHallOfFame7Mon3DVs
$b532 = sHallOfFame7Mon3Level
$b533 = sHallOfFame7Mon3Nickname
$b53d = sHallOfFame7Mon3End
$b53d = sHallOfFame7Mon4Species
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$b53e = sHallOfFame7Mon4ID
$b540 = sHallOfFame7Mon4DVs
$b542 = sHallOfFame7Mon4Level
$b543 = sHallOfFame7Mon4Nickname
$b54d = sHallOfFame7Mon5
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$b54e = sHallOfFame7Mon5ID
$b550 = sHallOfFame7Mon5DVs
$b552 = sHallOfFame7Mon5Level
$b553 = sHallOfFame7Mon5Nickname
$b55d = sHallOfFame7Mon5End
$b55d = sHallOfFame7Mon6
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$b55e = sHallOfFame7Mon6ID
$b560 = sHallOfFame7Mon6DVs
$b562 = sHallOfFame7Mon6Level
$b563 = sHallOfFame7Mon6Nickname
$b56d = sHallOfFame7End
$b56d = sHallOfFame7Mon6End
$b56e = sHallOfFame8WinCount
$b56e = sHallOfFame8
$b56f = sHallOfFame8Mon1
$b56f = sHallOfFame8Mon1Species
$b570 = sHallOfFame8Mon1ID
$b572 = sHallOfFame8Mon1DVs
$b574 = sHallOfFame8Mon1Level
$b575 = sHallOfFame8Mon1Nickname
$b57f = sHallOfFame8Mon1End
$b57f = sHallOfFame8Mon2Species
$b57f = sHallOfFame8Mon2
$b580 = sHallOfFame8Mon2ID
$b582 = sHallOfFame8Mon2DVs
$b584 = sHallOfFame8Mon2Level
$b585 = sHallOfFame8Mon2Nickname
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$b58f = sHallOfFame8Mon2End
$b58f = sHallOfFame8Mon3
$b590 = sHallOfFame8Mon3ID
$b592 = sHallOfFame8Mon3DVs
$b594 = sHallOfFame8Mon3Level
$b595 = sHallOfFame8Mon3Nickname
$b59f = sHallOfFame8Mon4Species
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$b59f = sHallOfFame8Mon3End
$b5a0 = sHallOfFame8Mon4ID
$b5a2 = sHallOfFame8Mon4DVs
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$b5a5 = sHallOfFame8Mon4Nickname
$b5af = sHallOfFame8Mon5
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$b5af = sHallOfFame8Mon4End
$b5b0 = sHallOfFame8Mon5ID
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$b5b4 = sHallOfFame8Mon5Level
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$b5bf = sHallOfFame8Mon5End
$b5bf = sHallOfFame8Mon6
$b5bf = sHallOfFame8Mon6Species
$b5c0 = sHallOfFame8Mon6ID
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$b5c4 = sHallOfFame8Mon6Level
$b5c5 = sHallOfFame8Mon6Nickname
$b5cf = sHallOfFame8End
$b5cf = sHallOfFame8Mon6End
$b5d0 = sHallOfFame9
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$b5d1 = sHallOfFame9Mon1
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$b5e1 = sHallOfFame9Mon2
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$b5e2 = sHallOfFame9Mon2ID
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$b601 = sHallOfFame9Mon3End
$b601 = sHallOfFame9Mon4
$b601 = sHallOfFame9Mon4Species
$b602 = sHallOfFame9Mon4ID
$b604 = sHallOfFame9Mon4DVs
$b606 = sHallOfFame9Mon4Level
$b607 = sHallOfFame9Mon4Nickname
$b611 = sHallOfFame9Mon5
$b611 = sHallOfFame9Mon4End
$b611 = sHallOfFame9Mon5Species
$b612 = sHallOfFame9Mon5ID
$b614 = sHallOfFame9Mon5DVs
$b616 = sHallOfFame9Mon5Level
$b617 = sHallOfFame9Mon5Nickname
$b621 = sHallOfFame9Mon5End
$b621 = sHallOfFame9Mon6
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$b622 = sHallOfFame9Mon6ID
$b624 = sHallOfFame9Mon6DVs
$b626 = sHallOfFame9Mon6Level
$b627 = sHallOfFame9Mon6Nickname
$b631 = sHallOfFame9Mon6End
$b631 = sHallOfFame9End
$b632 = sHallOfFame10
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$b633 = sHallOfFame10Mon1
$b633 = sHallOfFame10Mon1Species
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$b636 = sHallOfFame10Mon1DVs
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$b639 = sHallOfFame10Mon1Nickname
$b643 = sHallOfFame10Mon2
$b643 = sHallOfFame10Mon1End
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$b646 = sHallOfFame10Mon2DVs
$b648 = sHallOfFame10Mon2Level
$b649 = sHallOfFame10Mon2Nickname
$b653 = sHallOfFame10Mon3Species
$b653 = sHallOfFame10Mon3
$b653 = sHallOfFame10Mon2End
$b654 = sHallOfFame10Mon3ID
$b656 = sHallOfFame10Mon3DVs
$b658 = sHallOfFame10Mon3Level
$b659 = sHallOfFame10Mon3Nickname
$b663 = sHallOfFame10Mon3End
$b663 = sHallOfFame10Mon4
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$b664 = sHallOfFame10Mon4ID
$b666 = sHallOfFame10Mon4DVs
$b668 = sHallOfFame10Mon4Level
$b669 = sHallOfFame10Mon4Nickname
$b673 = sHallOfFame10Mon5
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$b674 = sHallOfFame10Mon5ID
$b676 = sHallOfFame10Mon5DVs
$b678 = sHallOfFame10Mon5Level
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$b683 = sHallOfFame10Mon5End
$b683 = sHallOfFame10Mon6
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$b686 = sHallOfFame10Mon6DVs
$b688 = sHallOfFame10Mon6Level
$b689 = sHallOfFame10Mon6Nickname
$b693 = sHallOfFame10End
$b693 = sHallOfFame10Mon6End
$b694 = sHallOfFame11
$b694 = sHallOfFame11WinCount
$b695 = sHallOfFame11Mon1Species
$b695 = sHallOfFame11Mon1
$b696 = sHallOfFame11Mon1ID
$b698 = sHallOfFame11Mon1DVs
$b69a = sHallOfFame11Mon1Level
$b69b = sHallOfFame11Mon1Nickname
$b6a5 = sHallOfFame11Mon1End
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$b6a8 = sHallOfFame11Mon2DVs
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$b6ab = sHallOfFame11Mon2Nickname
$b6b5 = sHallOfFame11Mon2End
$b6b5 = sHallOfFame11Mon3
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$b6b8 = sHallOfFame11Mon3DVs
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$b6bb = sHallOfFame11Mon3Nickname
$b6c5 = sHallOfFame11Mon3End
$b6c5 = sHallOfFame11Mon4
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$b6cb = sHallOfFame11Mon4Nickname
$b6d5 = sHallOfFame11Mon4End
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$b6db = sHallOfFame11Mon5Nickname
$b6e5 = sHallOfFame11Mon5End
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$b6e6 = sHallOfFame11Mon6ID
$b6e8 = sHallOfFame11Mon6DVs
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$b6eb = sHallOfFame11Mon6Nickname
$b6f5 = sHallOfFame11Mon6End
$b6f5 = sHallOfFame11End
$b6f6 = sHallOfFame12
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$b6fa = sHallOfFame12Mon1DVs
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$b707 = sHallOfFame12Mon2
$b707 = sHallOfFame12Mon1End
$b708 = sHallOfFame12Mon2ID
$b70a = sHallOfFame12Mon2DVs
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$b717 = sHallOfFame12Mon3
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$b71a = sHallOfFame12Mon3DVs
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$b727 = sHallOfFame12Mon3End
$b727 = sHallOfFame12Mon4
$b728 = sHallOfFame12Mon4ID
$b72a = sHallOfFame12Mon4DVs
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$b737 = sHallOfFame12Mon5Species
$b737 = sHallOfFame12Mon4End
$b737 = sHallOfFame12Mon5
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$b747 = sHallOfFame12Mon5End
$b747 = sHallOfFame12Mon6
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$b757 = sHallOfFame12Mon6End
$b757 = sHallOfFame12End
$b758 = sHallOfFame13
$b758 = sHallOfFame13WinCount
$b759 = sHallOfFame13Mon1
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$b779 = sHallOfFame13Mon2End
$b779 = sHallOfFame13Mon3
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$b77c = sHallOfFame13Mon3DVs
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$b77f = sHallOfFame13Mon3Nickname
$b789 = sHallOfFame13Mon3End
$b789 = sHallOfFame13Mon4Species
$b789 = sHallOfFame13Mon4
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$b78c = sHallOfFame13Mon4DVs
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$b78f = sHallOfFame13Mon4Nickname
$b799 = sHallOfFame13Mon4End
$b799 = sHallOfFame13Mon5
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$b7aa = sHallOfFame13Mon6ID
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$b7b9 = sHallOfFame13End
$b7ba = sHallOfFame14
$b7ba = sHallOfFame14WinCount
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$b7cc = sHallOfFame14Mon2ID
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$b7d0 = sHallOfFame14Mon2Level
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$b81b = sHallOfFame14End
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$b870 = sHallOfFame15Mon6DVs
$b872 = sHallOfFame15Mon6Level
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$b87d = sHallOfFame15End
$b87e = sHallOfFame16
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$b8df = sHallOfFame16End
$b8df = sHallOfFame16Mon6End
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$b911 = sHallOfFame17Mon3End
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$b941 = sHallOfFame17Mon6End
$b941 = sHallOfFame17End
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$b993 = sHallOfFame18Mon6
$b994 = sHallOfFame18Mon6ID
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$ba05 = sHallOfFame19End
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$ba67 = sHallOfFame20End
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$bac9 = sHallOfFame21Mon6End
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$bc31 = sHallOfFame25Mon4End
$bc32 = sHallOfFame25Mon5ID
$bc34 = sHallOfFame25Mon5DVs
$bc36 = sHallOfFame25Mon5Level
$bc37 = sHallOfFame25Mon5Nickname
$bc41 = sHallOfFame25Mon6
$bc41 = sHallOfFame25Mon5End
$bc41 = sHallOfFame25Mon6Species
$bc42 = sHallOfFame25Mon6ID
$bc44 = sHallOfFame25Mon6DVs
$bc46 = sHallOfFame25Mon6Level
$bc47 = sHallOfFame25Mon6Nickname
$bc51 = sHallOfFame25Mon6End
$bc51 = sHallOfFame25End
$bc52 = sHallOfFame26
$bc52 = sHallOfFame26WinCount
$bc53 = sHallOfFame26Mon1Species
$bc53 = sHallOfFame26Mon1
$bc54 = sHallOfFame26Mon1ID
$bc56 = sHallOfFame26Mon1DVs
$bc58 = sHallOfFame26Mon1Level
$bc59 = sHallOfFame26Mon1Nickname
$bc63 = sHallOfFame26Mon2Species
$bc63 = sHallOfFame26Mon2
$bc63 = sHallOfFame26Mon1End
$bc64 = sHallOfFame26Mon2ID
$bc66 = sHallOfFame26Mon2DVs
$bc68 = sHallOfFame26Mon2Level
$bc69 = sHallOfFame26Mon2Nickname
$bc73 = sHallOfFame26Mon2End
$bc73 = sHallOfFame26Mon3Species
$bc73 = sHallOfFame26Mon3
$bc74 = sHallOfFame26Mon3ID
$bc76 = sHallOfFame26Mon3DVs
$bc78 = sHallOfFame26Mon3Level
$bc79 = sHallOfFame26Mon3Nickname
$bc83 = sHallOfFame26Mon4Species
$bc83 = sHallOfFame26Mon3End
$bc83 = sHallOfFame26Mon4
$bc84 = sHallOfFame26Mon4ID
$bc86 = sHallOfFame26Mon4DVs
$bc88 = sHallOfFame26Mon4Level
$bc89 = sHallOfFame26Mon4Nickname
$bc93 = sHallOfFame26Mon5Species
$bc93 = sHallOfFame26Mon4End
$bc93 = sHallOfFame26Mon5
$bc94 = sHallOfFame26Mon5ID
$bc96 = sHallOfFame26Mon5DVs
$bc98 = sHallOfFame26Mon5Level
$bc99 = sHallOfFame26Mon5Nickname
$bca3 = sHallOfFame26Mon6Species
$bca3 = sHallOfFame26Mon5End
$bca3 = sHallOfFame26Mon6
$bca4 = sHallOfFame26Mon6ID
$bca6 = sHallOfFame26Mon6DVs
$bca8 = sHallOfFame26Mon6Level
$bca9 = sHallOfFame26Mon6Nickname
$bcb3 = sHallOfFame26End
$bcb3 = sHallOfFame26Mon6End
$bcb4 = sHallOfFame27
$bcb4 = sHallOfFame27WinCount
$bcb5 = sHallOfFame27Mon1
$bcb5 = sHallOfFame27Mon1Species
$bcb6 = sHallOfFame27Mon1ID
$bcb8 = sHallOfFame27Mon1DVs
$bcba = sHallOfFame27Mon1Level
$bcbb = sHallOfFame27Mon1Nickname
$bcc5 = sHallOfFame27Mon2Species
$bcc5 = sHallOfFame27Mon1End
$bcc5 = sHallOfFame27Mon2
$bcc6 = sHallOfFame27Mon2ID
$bcc8 = sHallOfFame27Mon2DVs
$bcca = sHallOfFame27Mon2Level
$bccb = sHallOfFame27Mon2Nickname
$bcd5 = sHallOfFame27Mon3
$bcd5 = sHallOfFame27Mon2End
$bcd5 = sHallOfFame27Mon3Species
$bcd6 = sHallOfFame27Mon3ID
$bcd8 = sHallOfFame27Mon3DVs
$bcda = sHallOfFame27Mon3Level
$bcdb = sHallOfFame27Mon3Nickname
$bce5 = sHallOfFame27Mon4
$bce5 = sHallOfFame27Mon3End
$bce5 = sHallOfFame27Mon4Species
$bce6 = sHallOfFame27Mon4ID
$bce8 = sHallOfFame27Mon4DVs
$bcea = sHallOfFame27Mon4Level
$bceb = sHallOfFame27Mon4Nickname
$bcf5 = sHallOfFame27Mon5
$bcf5 = sHallOfFame27Mon4End
$bcf5 = sHallOfFame27Mon5Species
$bcf6 = sHallOfFame27Mon5ID
$bcf8 = sHallOfFame27Mon5DVs
$bcfa = sHallOfFame27Mon5Level
$bcfb = sHallOfFame27Mon5Nickname
$bd05 = sHallOfFame27Mon6
$bd05 = sHallOfFame27Mon5End
$bd05 = sHallOfFame27Mon6Species
$bd06 = sHallOfFame27Mon6ID
$bd08 = sHallOfFame27Mon6DVs
$bd0a = sHallOfFame27Mon6Level
$bd0b = sHallOfFame27Mon6Nickname
$bd15 = sHallOfFame27End
$bd15 = sHallOfFame27Mon6End
$bd16 = sHallOfFame28
$bd16 = sHallOfFame28WinCount
$bd17 = sHallOfFame28Mon1
$bd17 = sHallOfFame28Mon1Species
$bd18 = sHallOfFame28Mon1ID
$bd1a = sHallOfFame28Mon1DVs
$bd1c = sHallOfFame28Mon1Level
$bd1d = sHallOfFame28Mon1Nickname
$bd27 = sHallOfFame28Mon2
$bd27 = sHallOfFame28Mon1End
$bd27 = sHallOfFame28Mon2Species
$bd28 = sHallOfFame28Mon2ID
$bd2a = sHallOfFame28Mon2DVs
$bd2c = sHallOfFame28Mon2Level
$bd2d = sHallOfFame28Mon2Nickname
$bd37 = sHallOfFame28Mon3
$bd37 = sHallOfFame28Mon2End
$bd37 = sHallOfFame28Mon3Species
$bd38 = sHallOfFame28Mon3ID
$bd3a = sHallOfFame28Mon3DVs
$bd3c = sHallOfFame28Mon3Level
$bd3d = sHallOfFame28Mon3Nickname
$bd47 = sHallOfFame28Mon3End
$bd47 = sHallOfFame28Mon4Species
$bd47 = sHallOfFame28Mon4
$bd48 = sHallOfFame28Mon4ID
$bd4a = sHallOfFame28Mon4DVs
$bd4c = sHallOfFame28Mon4Level
$bd4d = sHallOfFame28Mon4Nickname
$bd57 = sHallOfFame28Mon5Species
$bd57 = sHallOfFame28Mon5
$bd57 = sHallOfFame28Mon4End
$bd58 = sHallOfFame28Mon5ID
$bd5a = sHallOfFame28Mon5DVs
$bd5c = sHallOfFame28Mon5Level
$bd5d = sHallOfFame28Mon5Nickname
$bd67 = sHallOfFame28Mon6
$bd67 = sHallOfFame28Mon6Species
$bd67 = sHallOfFame28Mon5End
$bd68 = sHallOfFame28Mon6ID
$bd6a = sHallOfFame28Mon6DVs
$bd6c = sHallOfFame28Mon6Level
$bd6d = sHallOfFame28Mon6Nickname
$bd77 = sHallOfFame28Mon6End
$bd77 = sHallOfFame28End
$bd78 = sHallOfFame29
$bd78 = sHallOfFame29WinCount
$bd79 = sHallOfFame29Mon1Species
$bd79 = sHallOfFame29Mon1
$bd7a = sHallOfFame29Mon1ID
$bd7c = sHallOfFame29Mon1DVs
$bd7e = sHallOfFame29Mon1Level
$bd7f = sHallOfFame29Mon1Nickname
$bd89 = sHallOfFame29Mon2Species
$bd89 = sHallOfFame29Mon2
$bd89 = sHallOfFame29Mon1End
$bd8a = sHallOfFame29Mon2ID
$bd8c = sHallOfFame29Mon2DVs
$bd8e = sHallOfFame29Mon2Level
$bd8f = sHallOfFame29Mon2Nickname
$bd99 = sHallOfFame29Mon3Species
$bd99 = sHallOfFame29Mon3
$bd99 = sHallOfFame29Mon2End
$bd9a = sHallOfFame29Mon3ID
$bd9c = sHallOfFame29Mon3DVs
$bd9e = sHallOfFame29Mon3Level
$bd9f = sHallOfFame29Mon3Nickname
$bda9 = sHallOfFame29Mon4Species
$bda9 = sHallOfFame29Mon4
$bda9 = sHallOfFame29Mon3End
$bdaa = sHallOfFame29Mon4ID
$bdac = sHallOfFame29Mon4DVs
$bdae = sHallOfFame29Mon4Level
$bdaf = sHallOfFame29Mon4Nickname
$bdb9 = sHallOfFame29Mon5Species
$bdb9 = sHallOfFame29Mon5
$bdb9 = sHallOfFame29Mon4End
$bdba = sHallOfFame29Mon5ID
$bdbc = sHallOfFame29Mon5DVs
$bdbe = sHallOfFame29Mon5Level
$bdbf = sHallOfFame29Mon5Nickname
$bdc9 = sHallOfFame29Mon5End
$bdc9 = sHallOfFame29Mon6Species
$bdc9 = sHallOfFame29Mon6
$bdca = sHallOfFame29Mon6ID
$bdcc = sHallOfFame29Mon6DVs
$bdce = sHallOfFame29Mon6Level
$bdcf = sHallOfFame29Mon6Nickname
$bdd9 = sHallOfFame29Mon6End
$bdd9 = sHallOfFame29End
$bdda = sHallOfFame30
$bdda = sHallOfFame30WinCount
$bddb = sHallOfFame30Mon1
$bddb = sHallOfFame30Mon1Species
$bddc = sHallOfFame30Mon1ID
$bdde = sHallOfFame30Mon1DVs
$bde0 = sHallOfFame30Mon1Level
$bde1 = sHallOfFame30Mon1Nickname
$bdeb = sHallOfFame30Mon2
$bdeb = sHallOfFame30Mon2Species
$bdeb = sHallOfFame30Mon1End
$bdec = sHallOfFame30Mon2ID
$bdee = sHallOfFame30Mon2DVs
$bdf0 = sHallOfFame30Mon2Level
$bdf1 = sHallOfFame30Mon2Nickname
$bdfb = sHallOfFame30Mon3
$bdfb = sHallOfFame30Mon2End
$bdfb = sHallOfFame30Mon3Species
$bdfc = sHallOfFame30Mon3ID
$bdfe = sHallOfFame30Mon3DVs
$be00 = sHallOfFame30Mon3Level
$be01 = sHallOfFame30Mon3Nickname
$be0b = sHallOfFame30Mon4
$be0b = sHallOfFame30Mon4Species
$be0b = sHallOfFame30Mon3End
$be0c = sHallOfFame30Mon4ID
$be0e = sHallOfFame30Mon4DVs
$be10 = sHallOfFame30Mon4Level
$be11 = sHallOfFame30Mon4Nickname
$be1b = sHallOfFame30Mon4End
$be1b = sHallOfFame30Mon5
$be1b = sHallOfFame30Mon5Species
$be1c = sHallOfFame30Mon5ID
$be1e = sHallOfFame30Mon5DVs
$be20 = sHallOfFame30Mon5Level
$be21 = sHallOfFame30Mon5Nickname
$be2b = sHallOfFame30Mon6
$be2b = sHallOfFame30Mon5End
$be2b = sHallOfFame30Mon6Species
$be2c = sHallOfFame30Mon6ID
$be2e = sHallOfFame30Mon6DVs
$be30 = sHallOfFame30Mon6Level
$be31 = sHallOfFame30Mon6Nickname
$be3b = sHallOfFame30End
$be3b = sHallOfFame30Mon6End
$be3c = sHallOfFameEnd
SECTION: $be3c-$be44 ($0009 bytes) ["SRAM Crystal Data"]
$be3c = sGSBallFlag
$be3d = sCrystalData
$be44 = sGSBallFlagBackup
SECTION: $be45-$be56 ($0012 bytes) ["SRAM Battle Tower"]
$be45 = sBattleTowerChallengeState
$be46 = sNrOfBeatenBattleTowerTrainers
$be47 = sBTChoiceOfLevelGroup
$be48 = sBTTrainers
$be4f = sBattleTowerSaveFileFlags
$be50 = sBattleTowerReward
$be51 = sBTMonOfTrainers
$be51 = sBTMonPrevTrainer1
$be52 = sBTMonPrevTrainer2
$be53 = sBTMonPrevTrainer3
$be54 = sBTMonPrevPrevTrainer1
$be55 = sBTMonPrevPrevTrainer2
$be56 = sBTMonPrevPrevTrainer3
EMPTY: $be57-$bfff ($01a9 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $01a9 bytes
SRAM bank #2:
SECTION: $a000-$be2f ($1e30 bytes) ["Boxes 1-7"]
$a000 = sBox1
$a000 = sBox1Count
$a001 = sBox1Species
$a016 = sBox1Mon1
$a016 = sBox1Mon1Species
$a016 = sBox1Mons
$a017 = sBox1Mon1Item
$a018 = sBox1Mon1Moves
$a01c = sBox1Mon1ID
$a01e = sBox1Mon1Exp
$a021 = sBox1Mon1StatExp
$a021 = sBox1Mon1HPExp
$a023 = sBox1Mon1AtkExp
$a025 = sBox1Mon1DefExp
$a027 = sBox1Mon1SpdExp
$a029 = sBox1Mon1SpcExp
$a02b = sBox1Mon1DVs
$a02d = sBox1Mon1PP
$a031 = sBox1Mon1Happiness
$a032 = sBox1Mon1PokerusStatus
$a033 = sBox1Mon1CaughtData
$a033 = sBox1Mon1CaughtTime
$a033 = sBox1Mon1CaughtLevel
$a034 = sBox1Mon1CaughtGender
$a034 = sBox1Mon1CaughtLocation
$a035 = sBox1Mon1Level
$a036 = sBox1Mon2
$a036 = sBox1Mon1BoxEnd
$a036 = sBox1Mon2Species
$a037 = sBox1Mon2Item
$a038 = sBox1Mon2Moves
$a03c = sBox1Mon2ID
$a03e = sBox1Mon2Exp
$a041 = sBox1Mon2HPExp
$a041 = sBox1Mon2StatExp
$a043 = sBox1Mon2AtkExp
$a045 = sBox1Mon2DefExp
$a047 = sBox1Mon2SpdExp
$a049 = sBox1Mon2SpcExp
$a04b = sBox1Mon2DVs
$a04d = sBox1Mon2PP
$a051 = sBox1Mon2Happiness
$a052 = sBox1Mon2PokerusStatus
$a053 = sBox1Mon2CaughtData
$a053 = sBox1Mon2CaughtLevel
$a053 = sBox1Mon2CaughtTime
$a054 = sBox1Mon2CaughtLocation
$a054 = sBox1Mon2CaughtGender
$a055 = sBox1Mon2Level
$a056 = sBox1Mon3
$a056 = sBox1Mon3Species
$a056 = sBox1Mon2BoxEnd
$a057 = sBox1Mon3Item
$a058 = sBox1Mon3Moves
$a05c = sBox1Mon3ID
$a05e = sBox1Mon3Exp
$a061 = sBox1Mon3HPExp
$a061 = sBox1Mon3StatExp
$a063 = sBox1Mon3AtkExp
$a065 = sBox1Mon3DefExp
$a067 = sBox1Mon3SpdExp
$a069 = sBox1Mon3SpcExp
$a06b = sBox1Mon3DVs
$a06d = sBox1Mon3PP
$a071 = sBox1Mon3Happiness
$a072 = sBox1Mon3PokerusStatus
$a073 = sBox1Mon3CaughtLevel
$a073 = sBox1Mon3CaughtTime
$a073 = sBox1Mon3CaughtData
$a074 = sBox1Mon3CaughtGender
$a074 = sBox1Mon3CaughtLocation
$a075 = sBox1Mon3Level
$a076 = sBox1Mon4
$a076 = sBox1Mon4Species
$a076 = sBox1Mon3BoxEnd
$a077 = sBox1Mon4Item
$a078 = sBox1Mon4Moves
$a07c = sBox1Mon4ID
$a07e = sBox1Mon4Exp
$a081 = sBox1Mon4StatExp
$a081 = sBox1Mon4HPExp
$a083 = sBox1Mon4AtkExp
$a085 = sBox1Mon4DefExp
$a087 = sBox1Mon4SpdExp
$a089 = sBox1Mon4SpcExp
$a08b = sBox1Mon4DVs
$a08d = sBox1Mon4PP
$a091 = sBox1Mon4Happiness
$a092 = sBox1Mon4PokerusStatus
$a093 = sBox1Mon4CaughtTime
$a093 = sBox1Mon4CaughtLevel
$a093 = sBox1Mon4CaughtData
$a094 = sBox1Mon4CaughtGender
$a094 = sBox1Mon4CaughtLocation
$a095 = sBox1Mon4Level
$a096 = sBox1Mon5
$a096 = sBox1Mon5Species
$a096 = sBox1Mon4BoxEnd
$a097 = sBox1Mon5Item
$a098 = sBox1Mon5Moves
$a09c = sBox1Mon5ID
$a09e = sBox1Mon5Exp
$a0a1 = sBox1Mon5HPExp
$a0a1 = sBox1Mon5StatExp
$a0a3 = sBox1Mon5AtkExp
$a0a5 = sBox1Mon5DefExp
$a0a7 = sBox1Mon5SpdExp
$a0a9 = sBox1Mon5SpcExp
$a0ab = sBox1Mon5DVs
$a0ad = sBox1Mon5PP
$a0b1 = sBox1Mon5Happiness
$a0b2 = sBox1Mon5PokerusStatus
$a0b3 = sBox1Mon5CaughtTime
$a0b3 = sBox1Mon5CaughtLevel
$a0b3 = sBox1Mon5CaughtData
$a0b4 = sBox1Mon5CaughtLocation
$a0b4 = sBox1Mon5CaughtGender
$a0b5 = sBox1Mon5Level
$a0b6 = sBox1Mon6
$a0b6 = sBox1Mon6Species
$a0b6 = sBox1Mon5BoxEnd
$a0b7 = sBox1Mon6Item
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$a0bc = sBox1Mon6ID
$a0be = sBox1Mon6Exp
$a0c1 = sBox1Mon6StatExp
$a0c1 = sBox1Mon6HPExp
$a0c3 = sBox1Mon6AtkExp
$a0c5 = sBox1Mon6DefExp
$a0c7 = sBox1Mon6SpdExp
$a0c9 = sBox1Mon6SpcExp
$a0cb = sBox1Mon6DVs
$a0cd = sBox1Mon6PP
$a0d1 = sBox1Mon6Happiness
$a0d2 = sBox1Mon6PokerusStatus
$a0d3 = sBox1Mon6CaughtLevel
$a0d3 = sBox1Mon6CaughtData
$a0d3 = sBox1Mon6CaughtTime
$a0d4 = sBox1Mon6CaughtGender
$a0d4 = sBox1Mon6CaughtLocation
$a0d5 = sBox1Mon6Level
$a0d6 = sBox1Mon6BoxEnd
$a0d6 = sBox1Mon7
$a0d6 = sBox1Mon7Species
$a0d7 = sBox1Mon7Item
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$a0dc = sBox1Mon7ID
$a0de = sBox1Mon7Exp
$a0e1 = sBox1Mon7HPExp
$a0e1 = sBox1Mon7StatExp
$a0e3 = sBox1Mon7AtkExp
$a0e5 = sBox1Mon7DefExp
$a0e7 = sBox1Mon7SpdExp
$a0e9 = sBox1Mon7SpcExp
$a0eb = sBox1Mon7DVs
$a0ed = sBox1Mon7PP
$a0f1 = sBox1Mon7Happiness
$a0f2 = sBox1Mon7PokerusStatus
$a0f3 = sBox1Mon7CaughtTime
$a0f3 = sBox1Mon7CaughtLevel
$a0f3 = sBox1Mon7CaughtData
$a0f4 = sBox1Mon7CaughtGender
$a0f4 = sBox1Mon7CaughtLocation
$a0f5 = sBox1Mon7Level
$a0f6 = sBox1Mon8
$a0f6 = sBox1Mon8Species
$a0f6 = sBox1Mon7BoxEnd
$a0f7 = sBox1Mon8Item
$a0f8 = sBox1Mon8Moves
$a0fc = sBox1Mon8ID
$a0fe = sBox1Mon8Exp
$a101 = sBox1Mon8HPExp
$a101 = sBox1Mon8StatExp
$a103 = sBox1Mon8AtkExp
$a105 = sBox1Mon8DefExp
$a107 = sBox1Mon8SpdExp
$a109 = sBox1Mon8SpcExp
$a10b = sBox1Mon8DVs
$a10d = sBox1Mon8PP
$a111 = sBox1Mon8Happiness
$a112 = sBox1Mon8PokerusStatus
$a113 = sBox1Mon8CaughtLevel
$a113 = sBox1Mon8CaughtData
$a113 = sBox1Mon8CaughtTime
$a114 = sBox1Mon8CaughtLocation
$a114 = sBox1Mon8CaughtGender
$a115 = sBox1Mon8Level
$a116 = sBox1Mon9
$a116 = sBox1Mon8BoxEnd
$a116 = sBox1Mon9Species
$a117 = sBox1Mon9Item
$a118 = sBox1Mon9Moves
$a11c = sBox1Mon9ID
$a11e = sBox1Mon9Exp
$a121 = sBox1Mon9HPExp
$a121 = sBox1Mon9StatExp
$a123 = sBox1Mon9AtkExp
$a125 = sBox1Mon9DefExp
$a127 = sBox1Mon9SpdExp
$a129 = sBox1Mon9SpcExp
$a12b = sBox1Mon9DVs
$a12d = sBox1Mon9PP
$a131 = sBox1Mon9Happiness
$a132 = sBox1Mon9PokerusStatus
$a133 = sBox1Mon9CaughtLevel
$a133 = sBox1Mon9CaughtData
$a133 = sBox1Mon9CaughtTime
$a134 = sBox1Mon9CaughtGender
$a134 = sBox1Mon9CaughtLocation
$a135 = sBox1Mon9Level
$a136 = sBox1Mon10Species
$a136 = sBox1Mon9BoxEnd
$a136 = sBox1Mon10
$a137 = sBox1Mon10Item
$a138 = sBox1Mon10Moves
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$a13e = sBox1Mon10Exp
$a141 = sBox1Mon10HPExp
$a141 = sBox1Mon10StatExp
$a143 = sBox1Mon10AtkExp
$a145 = sBox1Mon10DefExp
$a147 = sBox1Mon10SpdExp
$a149 = sBox1Mon10SpcExp
$a14b = sBox1Mon10DVs
$a14d = sBox1Mon10PP
$a151 = sBox1Mon10Happiness
$a152 = sBox1Mon10PokerusStatus
$a153 = sBox1Mon10CaughtTime
$a153 = sBox1Mon10CaughtLevel
$a153 = sBox1Mon10CaughtData
$a154 = sBox1Mon10CaughtLocation
$a154 = sBox1Mon10CaughtGender
$a155 = sBox1Mon10Level
$a156 = sBox1Mon10BoxEnd
$a156 = sBox1Mon11Species
$a156 = sBox1Mon11
$a157 = sBox1Mon11Item
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$a15e = sBox1Mon11Exp
$a161 = sBox1Mon11StatExp
$a161 = sBox1Mon11HPExp
$a163 = sBox1Mon11AtkExp
$a165 = sBox1Mon11DefExp
$a167 = sBox1Mon11SpdExp
$a169 = sBox1Mon11SpcExp
$a16b = sBox1Mon11DVs
$a16d = sBox1Mon11PP
$a171 = sBox1Mon11Happiness
$a172 = sBox1Mon11PokerusStatus
$a173 = sBox1Mon11CaughtData
$a173 = sBox1Mon11CaughtTime
$a173 = sBox1Mon11CaughtLevel
$a174 = sBox1Mon11CaughtGender
$a174 = sBox1Mon11CaughtLocation
$a175 = sBox1Mon11Level
$a176 = sBox1Mon12Species
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$a176 = sBox1Mon12
$a177 = sBox1Mon12Item
$a178 = sBox1Mon12Moves
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$a17e = sBox1Mon12Exp
$a181 = sBox1Mon12StatExp
$a181 = sBox1Mon12HPExp
$a183 = sBox1Mon12AtkExp
$a185 = sBox1Mon12DefExp
$a187 = sBox1Mon12SpdExp
$a189 = sBox1Mon12SpcExp
$a18b = sBox1Mon12DVs
$a18d = sBox1Mon12PP
$a191 = sBox1Mon12Happiness
$a192 = sBox1Mon12PokerusStatus
$a193 = sBox1Mon12CaughtTime
$a193 = sBox1Mon12CaughtLevel
$a193 = sBox1Mon12CaughtData
$a194 = sBox1Mon12CaughtGender
$a194 = sBox1Mon12CaughtLocation
$a195 = sBox1Mon12Level
$a196 = sBox1Mon13
$a196 = sBox1Mon12BoxEnd
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$a198 = sBox1Mon13Moves
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$a19e = sBox1Mon13Exp
$a1a1 = sBox1Mon13HPExp
$a1a1 = sBox1Mon13StatExp
$a1a3 = sBox1Mon13AtkExp
$a1a5 = sBox1Mon13DefExp
$a1a7 = sBox1Mon13SpdExp
$a1a9 = sBox1Mon13SpcExp
$a1ab = sBox1Mon13DVs
$a1ad = sBox1Mon13PP
$a1b1 = sBox1Mon13Happiness
$a1b2 = sBox1Mon13PokerusStatus
$a1b3 = sBox1Mon13CaughtLevel
$a1b3 = sBox1Mon13CaughtTime
$a1b3 = sBox1Mon13CaughtData
$a1b4 = sBox1Mon13CaughtGender
$a1b4 = sBox1Mon13CaughtLocation
$a1b5 = sBox1Mon13Level
$a1b6 = sBox1Mon14Species
$a1b6 = sBox1Mon14
$a1b6 = sBox1Mon13BoxEnd
$a1b7 = sBox1Mon14Item
$a1b8 = sBox1Mon14Moves
$a1bc = sBox1Mon14ID
$a1be = sBox1Mon14Exp
$a1c1 = sBox1Mon14HPExp
$a1c1 = sBox1Mon14StatExp
$a1c3 = sBox1Mon14AtkExp
$a1c5 = sBox1Mon14DefExp
$a1c7 = sBox1Mon14SpdExp
$a1c9 = sBox1Mon14SpcExp
$a1cb = sBox1Mon14DVs
$a1cd = sBox1Mon14PP
$a1d1 = sBox1Mon14Happiness
$a1d2 = sBox1Mon14PokerusStatus
$a1d3 = sBox1Mon14CaughtData
$a1d3 = sBox1Mon14CaughtTime
$a1d3 = sBox1Mon14CaughtLevel
$a1d4 = sBox1Mon14CaughtLocation
$a1d4 = sBox1Mon14CaughtGender
$a1d5 = sBox1Mon14Level
$a1d6 = sBox1Mon15Species
$a1d6 = sBox1Mon15
$a1d6 = sBox1Mon14BoxEnd
$a1d7 = sBox1Mon15Item
$a1d8 = sBox1Mon15Moves
$a1dc = sBox1Mon15ID
$a1de = sBox1Mon15Exp
$a1e1 = sBox1Mon15HPExp
$a1e1 = sBox1Mon15StatExp
$a1e3 = sBox1Mon15AtkExp
$a1e5 = sBox1Mon15DefExp
$a1e7 = sBox1Mon15SpdExp
$a1e9 = sBox1Mon15SpcExp
$a1eb = sBox1Mon15DVs
$a1ed = sBox1Mon15PP
$a1f1 = sBox1Mon15Happiness
$a1f2 = sBox1Mon15PokerusStatus
$a1f3 = sBox1Mon15CaughtData
$a1f3 = sBox1Mon15CaughtTime
$a1f3 = sBox1Mon15CaughtLevel
$a1f4 = sBox1Mon15CaughtGender
$a1f4 = sBox1Mon15CaughtLocation
$a1f5 = sBox1Mon15Level
$a1f6 = sBox1Mon16Species
$a1f6 = sBox1Mon16
$a1f6 = sBox1Mon15BoxEnd
$a1f7 = sBox1Mon16Item
$a1f8 = sBox1Mon16Moves
$a1fc = sBox1Mon16ID
$a1fe = sBox1Mon16Exp
$a201 = sBox1Mon16StatExp
$a201 = sBox1Mon16HPExp
$a203 = sBox1Mon16AtkExp
$a205 = sBox1Mon16DefExp
$a207 = sBox1Mon16SpdExp
$a209 = sBox1Mon16SpcExp
$a20b = sBox1Mon16DVs
$a20d = sBox1Mon16PP
$a211 = sBox1Mon16Happiness
$a212 = sBox1Mon16PokerusStatus
$a213 = sBox1Mon16CaughtLevel
$a213 = sBox1Mon16CaughtTime
$a213 = sBox1Mon16CaughtData
$a214 = sBox1Mon16CaughtGender
$a214 = sBox1Mon16CaughtLocation
$a215 = sBox1Mon16Level
$a216 = sBox1Mon16BoxEnd
$a216 = sBox1Mon17
$a216 = sBox1Mon17Species
$a217 = sBox1Mon17Item
$a218 = sBox1Mon17Moves
$a21c = sBox1Mon17ID
$a21e = sBox1Mon17Exp
$a221 = sBox1Mon17StatExp
$a221 = sBox1Mon17HPExp
$a223 = sBox1Mon17AtkExp
$a225 = sBox1Mon17DefExp
$a227 = sBox1Mon17SpdExp
$a229 = sBox1Mon17SpcExp
$a22b = sBox1Mon17DVs
$a22d = sBox1Mon17PP
$a231 = sBox1Mon17Happiness
$a232 = sBox1Mon17PokerusStatus
$a233 = sBox1Mon17CaughtTime
$a233 = sBox1Mon17CaughtData
$a233 = sBox1Mon17CaughtLevel
$a234 = sBox1Mon17CaughtGender
$a234 = sBox1Mon17CaughtLocation
$a235 = sBox1Mon17Level
$a236 = sBox1Mon18Species
$a236 = sBox1Mon17BoxEnd
$a236 = sBox1Mon18
$a237 = sBox1Mon18Item
$a238 = sBox1Mon18Moves
$a23c = sBox1Mon18ID
$a23e = sBox1Mon18Exp
$a241 = sBox1Mon18HPExp
$a241 = sBox1Mon18StatExp
$a243 = sBox1Mon18AtkExp
$a245 = sBox1Mon18DefExp
$a247 = sBox1Mon18SpdExp
$a249 = sBox1Mon18SpcExp
$a24b = sBox1Mon18DVs
$a24d = sBox1Mon18PP
$a251 = sBox1Mon18Happiness
$a252 = sBox1Mon18PokerusStatus
$a253 = sBox1Mon18CaughtLevel
$a253 = sBox1Mon18CaughtData
$a253 = sBox1Mon18CaughtTime
$a254 = sBox1Mon18CaughtLocation
$a254 = sBox1Mon18CaughtGender
$a255 = sBox1Mon18Level
$a256 = sBox1Mon18BoxEnd
$a256 = sBox1Mon19Species
$a256 = sBox1Mon19
$a257 = sBox1Mon19Item
$a258 = sBox1Mon19Moves
$a25c = sBox1Mon19ID
$a25e = sBox1Mon19Exp
$a261 = sBox1Mon19StatExp
$a261 = sBox1Mon19HPExp
$a263 = sBox1Mon19AtkExp
$a265 = sBox1Mon19DefExp
$a267 = sBox1Mon19SpdExp
$a269 = sBox1Mon19SpcExp
$a26b = sBox1Mon19DVs
$a26d = sBox1Mon19PP
$a271 = sBox1Mon19Happiness
$a272 = sBox1Mon19PokerusStatus
$a273 = sBox1Mon19CaughtLevel
$a273 = sBox1Mon19CaughtData
$a273 = sBox1Mon19CaughtTime
$a274 = sBox1Mon19CaughtLocation
$a274 = sBox1Mon19CaughtGender
$a275 = sBox1Mon19Level
$a276 = sBox1Mon20Species
$a276 = sBox1Mon19BoxEnd
$a276 = sBox1Mon20
$a277 = sBox1Mon20Item
$a278 = sBox1Mon20Moves
$a27c = sBox1Mon20ID
$a27e = sBox1Mon20Exp
$a281 = sBox1Mon20StatExp
$a281 = sBox1Mon20HPExp
$a283 = sBox1Mon20AtkExp
$a285 = sBox1Mon20DefExp
$a287 = sBox1Mon20SpdExp
$a289 = sBox1Mon20SpcExp
$a28b = sBox1Mon20DVs
$a28d = sBox1Mon20PP
$a291 = sBox1Mon20Happiness
$a292 = sBox1Mon20PokerusStatus
$a293 = sBox1Mon20CaughtData
$a293 = sBox1Mon20CaughtTime
$a293 = sBox1Mon20CaughtLevel
$a294 = sBox1Mon20CaughtLocation
$a294 = sBox1Mon20CaughtGender
$a295 = sBox1Mon20Level
$a296 = sBox1Mon1OT
$a296 = sBox1Mon20BoxEnd
$a296 = sBox1MonOTs
$a2a1 = sBox1Mon2OT
$a2ac = sBox1Mon3OT
$a2b7 = sBox1Mon4OT
$a2c2 = sBox1Mon5OT
$a2cd = sBox1Mon6OT
$a2d8 = sBox1Mon7OT
$a2e3 = sBox1Mon8OT
$a2ee = sBox1Mon9OT
$a2f9 = sBox1Mon10OT
$a304 = sBox1Mon11OT
$a30f = sBox1Mon12OT
$a31a = sBox1Mon13OT
$a325 = sBox1Mon14OT
$a330 = sBox1Mon15OT
$a33b = sBox1Mon16OT
$a346 = sBox1Mon17OT
$a351 = sBox1Mon18OT
$a35c = sBox1Mon19OT
$a367 = sBox1Mon20OT
$a372 = sBox1Mon1Nickname
$a372 = sBox1MonNicknames
$a37d = sBox1Mon2Nickname
$a388 = sBox1Mon3Nickname
$a393 = sBox1Mon4Nickname
$a39e = sBox1Mon5Nickname
$a3a9 = sBox1Mon6Nickname
$a3b4 = sBox1Mon7Nickname
$a3bf = sBox1Mon8Nickname
$a3ca = sBox1Mon9Nickname
$a3d5 = sBox1Mon10Nickname
$a3e0 = sBox1Mon11Nickname
$a3eb = sBox1Mon12Nickname
$a3f6 = sBox1Mon13Nickname
$a401 = sBox1Mon14Nickname
$a40c = sBox1Mon15Nickname
$a417 = sBox1Mon16Nickname
$a422 = sBox1Mon17Nickname
$a42d = sBox1Mon18Nickname
$a438 = sBox1Mon19Nickname
$a443 = sBox1Mon20Nickname
$a44e = sBox1End
$a44e = sBox1MonNicknamesEnd
$a450 = sBox2
$a450 = sBox2Count
$a451 = sBox2Species
$a466 = sBox2Mon1Species
$a466 = sBox2Mon1
$a466 = sBox2Mons
$a467 = sBox2Mon1Item
$a468 = sBox2Mon1Moves
$a46c = sBox2Mon1ID
$a46e = sBox2Mon1Exp
$a471 = sBox2Mon1HPExp
$a471 = sBox2Mon1StatExp
$a473 = sBox2Mon1AtkExp
$a475 = sBox2Mon1DefExp
$a477 = sBox2Mon1SpdExp
$a479 = sBox2Mon1SpcExp
$a47b = sBox2Mon1DVs
$a47d = sBox2Mon1PP
$a481 = sBox2Mon1Happiness
$a482 = sBox2Mon1PokerusStatus
$a483 = sBox2Mon1CaughtLevel
$a483 = sBox2Mon1CaughtData
$a483 = sBox2Mon1CaughtTime
$a484 = sBox2Mon1CaughtLocation
$a484 = sBox2Mon1CaughtGender
$a485 = sBox2Mon1Level
$a486 = sBox2Mon1BoxEnd
$a486 = sBox2Mon2Species
$a486 = sBox2Mon2
$a487 = sBox2Mon2Item
$a488 = sBox2Mon2Moves
$a48c = sBox2Mon2ID
$a48e = sBox2Mon2Exp
$a491 = sBox2Mon2StatExp
$a491 = sBox2Mon2HPExp
$a493 = sBox2Mon2AtkExp
$a495 = sBox2Mon2DefExp
$a497 = sBox2Mon2SpdExp
$a499 = sBox2Mon2SpcExp
$a49b = sBox2Mon2DVs
$a49d = sBox2Mon2PP
$a4a1 = sBox2Mon2Happiness
$a4a2 = sBox2Mon2PokerusStatus
$a4a3 = sBox2Mon2CaughtLevel
$a4a3 = sBox2Mon2CaughtTime
$a4a3 = sBox2Mon2CaughtData
$a4a4 = sBox2Mon2CaughtLocation
$a4a4 = sBox2Mon2CaughtGender
$a4a5 = sBox2Mon2Level
$a4a6 = sBox2Mon2BoxEnd
$a4a6 = sBox2Mon3
$a4a6 = sBox2Mon3Species
$a4a7 = sBox2Mon3Item
$a4a8 = sBox2Mon3Moves
$a4ac = sBox2Mon3ID
$a4ae = sBox2Mon3Exp
$a4b1 = sBox2Mon3StatExp
$a4b1 = sBox2Mon3HPExp
$a4b3 = sBox2Mon3AtkExp
$a4b5 = sBox2Mon3DefExp
$a4b7 = sBox2Mon3SpdExp
$a4b9 = sBox2Mon3SpcExp
$a4bb = sBox2Mon3DVs
$a4bd = sBox2Mon3PP
$a4c1 = sBox2Mon3Happiness
$a4c2 = sBox2Mon3PokerusStatus
$a4c3 = sBox2Mon3CaughtTime
$a4c3 = sBox2Mon3CaughtLevel
$a4c3 = sBox2Mon3CaughtData
$a4c4 = sBox2Mon3CaughtGender
$a4c4 = sBox2Mon3CaughtLocation
$a4c5 = sBox2Mon3Level
$a4c6 = sBox2Mon4Species
$a4c6 = sBox2Mon4
$a4c6 = sBox2Mon3BoxEnd
$a4c7 = sBox2Mon4Item
$a4c8 = sBox2Mon4Moves
$a4cc = sBox2Mon4ID
$a4ce = sBox2Mon4Exp
$a4d1 = sBox2Mon4HPExp
$a4d1 = sBox2Mon4StatExp
$a4d3 = sBox2Mon4AtkExp
$a4d5 = sBox2Mon4DefExp
$a4d7 = sBox2Mon4SpdExp
$a4d9 = sBox2Mon4SpcExp
$a4db = sBox2Mon4DVs
$a4dd = sBox2Mon4PP
$a4e1 = sBox2Mon4Happiness
$a4e2 = sBox2Mon4PokerusStatus
$a4e3 = sBox2Mon4CaughtData
$a4e3 = sBox2Mon4CaughtLevel
$a4e3 = sBox2Mon4CaughtTime
$a4e4 = sBox2Mon4CaughtGender
$a4e4 = sBox2Mon4CaughtLocation
$a4e5 = sBox2Mon4Level
$a4e6 = sBox2Mon5Species
$a4e6 = sBox2Mon5
$a4e6 = sBox2Mon4BoxEnd
$a4e7 = sBox2Mon5Item
$a4e8 = sBox2Mon5Moves
$a4ec = sBox2Mon5ID
$a4ee = sBox2Mon5Exp
$a4f1 = sBox2Mon5StatExp
$a4f1 = sBox2Mon5HPExp
$a4f3 = sBox2Mon5AtkExp
$a4f5 = sBox2Mon5DefExp
$a4f7 = sBox2Mon5SpdExp
$a4f9 = sBox2Mon5SpcExp
$a4fb = sBox2Mon5DVs
$a4fd = sBox2Mon5PP
$a501 = sBox2Mon5Happiness
$a502 = sBox2Mon5PokerusStatus
$a503 = sBox2Mon5CaughtData
$a503 = sBox2Mon5CaughtLevel
$a503 = sBox2Mon5CaughtTime
$a504 = sBox2Mon5CaughtGender
$a504 = sBox2Mon5CaughtLocation
$a505 = sBox2Mon5Level
$a506 = sBox2Mon6Species
$a506 = sBox2Mon6
$a506 = sBox2Mon5BoxEnd
$a507 = sBox2Mon6Item
$a508 = sBox2Mon6Moves
$a50c = sBox2Mon6ID
$a50e = sBox2Mon6Exp
$a511 = sBox2Mon6HPExp
$a511 = sBox2Mon6StatExp
$a513 = sBox2Mon6AtkExp
$a515 = sBox2Mon6DefExp
$a517 = sBox2Mon6SpdExp
$a519 = sBox2Mon6SpcExp
$a51b = sBox2Mon6DVs
$a51d = sBox2Mon6PP
$a521 = sBox2Mon6Happiness
$a522 = sBox2Mon6PokerusStatus
$a523 = sBox2Mon6CaughtData
$a523 = sBox2Mon6CaughtLevel
$a523 = sBox2Mon6CaughtTime
$a524 = sBox2Mon6CaughtLocation
$a524 = sBox2Mon6CaughtGender
$a525 = sBox2Mon6Level
$a526 = sBox2Mon6BoxEnd
$a526 = sBox2Mon7Species
$a526 = sBox2Mon7
$a527 = sBox2Mon7Item
$a528 = sBox2Mon7Moves
$a52c = sBox2Mon7ID
$a52e = sBox2Mon7Exp
$a531 = sBox2Mon7HPExp
$a531 = sBox2Mon7StatExp
$a533 = sBox2Mon7AtkExp
$a535 = sBox2Mon7DefExp
$a537 = sBox2Mon7SpdExp
$a539 = sBox2Mon7SpcExp
$a53b = sBox2Mon7DVs
$a53d = sBox2Mon7PP
$a541 = sBox2Mon7Happiness
$a542 = sBox2Mon7PokerusStatus
$a543 = sBox2Mon7CaughtTime
$a543 = sBox2Mon7CaughtLevel
$a543 = sBox2Mon7CaughtData
$a544 = sBox2Mon7CaughtGender
$a544 = sBox2Mon7CaughtLocation
$a545 = sBox2Mon7Level
$a546 = sBox2Mon8
$a546 = sBox2Mon8Species
$a546 = sBox2Mon7BoxEnd
$a547 = sBox2Mon8Item
$a548 = sBox2Mon8Moves
$a54c = sBox2Mon8ID
$a54e = sBox2Mon8Exp
$a551 = sBox2Mon8StatExp
$a551 = sBox2Mon8HPExp
$a553 = sBox2Mon8AtkExp
$a555 = sBox2Mon8DefExp
$a557 = sBox2Mon8SpdExp
$a559 = sBox2Mon8SpcExp
$a55b = sBox2Mon8DVs
$a55d = sBox2Mon8PP
$a561 = sBox2Mon8Happiness
$a562 = sBox2Mon8PokerusStatus
$a563 = sBox2Mon8CaughtData
$a563 = sBox2Mon8CaughtTime
$a563 = sBox2Mon8CaughtLevel
$a564 = sBox2Mon8CaughtGender
$a564 = sBox2Mon8CaughtLocation
$a565 = sBox2Mon8Level
$a566 = sBox2Mon9Species
$a566 = sBox2Mon9
$a566 = sBox2Mon8BoxEnd
$a567 = sBox2Mon9Item
$a568 = sBox2Mon9Moves
$a56c = sBox2Mon9ID
$a56e = sBox2Mon9Exp
$a571 = sBox2Mon9HPExp
$a571 = sBox2Mon9StatExp
$a573 = sBox2Mon9AtkExp
$a575 = sBox2Mon9DefExp
$a577 = sBox2Mon9SpdExp
$a579 = sBox2Mon9SpcExp
$a57b = sBox2Mon9DVs
$a57d = sBox2Mon9PP
$a581 = sBox2Mon9Happiness
$a582 = sBox2Mon9PokerusStatus
$a583 = sBox2Mon9CaughtTime
$a583 = sBox2Mon9CaughtData
$a583 = sBox2Mon9CaughtLevel
$a584 = sBox2Mon9CaughtLocation
$a584 = sBox2Mon9CaughtGender
$a585 = sBox2Mon9Level
$a586 = sBox2Mon10Species
$a586 = sBox2Mon10
$a586 = sBox2Mon9BoxEnd
$a587 = sBox2Mon10Item
$a588 = sBox2Mon10Moves
$a58c = sBox2Mon10ID
$a58e = sBox2Mon10Exp
$a591 = sBox2Mon10StatExp
$a591 = sBox2Mon10HPExp
$a593 = sBox2Mon10AtkExp
$a595 = sBox2Mon10DefExp
$a597 = sBox2Mon10SpdExp
$a599 = sBox2Mon10SpcExp
$a59b = sBox2Mon10DVs
$a59d = sBox2Mon10PP
$a5a1 = sBox2Mon10Happiness
$a5a2 = sBox2Mon10PokerusStatus
$a5a3 = sBox2Mon10CaughtLevel
$a5a3 = sBox2Mon10CaughtData
$a5a3 = sBox2Mon10CaughtTime
$a5a4 = sBox2Mon10CaughtLocation
$a5a4 = sBox2Mon10CaughtGender
$a5a5 = sBox2Mon10Level
$a5a6 = sBox2Mon11Species
$a5a6 = sBox2Mon10BoxEnd
$a5a6 = sBox2Mon11
$a5a7 = sBox2Mon11Item
$a5a8 = sBox2Mon11Moves
$a5ac = sBox2Mon11ID
$a5ae = sBox2Mon11Exp
$a5b1 = sBox2Mon11StatExp
$a5b1 = sBox2Mon11HPExp
$a5b3 = sBox2Mon11AtkExp
$a5b5 = sBox2Mon11DefExp
$a5b7 = sBox2Mon11SpdExp
$a5b9 = sBox2Mon11SpcExp
$a5bb = sBox2Mon11DVs
$a5bd = sBox2Mon11PP
$a5c1 = sBox2Mon11Happiness
$a5c2 = sBox2Mon11PokerusStatus
$a5c3 = sBox2Mon11CaughtData
$a5c3 = sBox2Mon11CaughtTime
$a5c3 = sBox2Mon11CaughtLevel
$a5c4 = sBox2Mon11CaughtGender
$a5c4 = sBox2Mon11CaughtLocation
$a5c5 = sBox2Mon11Level
$a5c6 = sBox2Mon11BoxEnd
$a5c6 = sBox2Mon12Species
$a5c6 = sBox2Mon12
$a5c7 = sBox2Mon12Item
$a5c8 = sBox2Mon12Moves
$a5cc = sBox2Mon12ID
$a5ce = sBox2Mon12Exp
$a5d1 = sBox2Mon12HPExp
$a5d1 = sBox2Mon12StatExp
$a5d3 = sBox2Mon12AtkExp
$a5d5 = sBox2Mon12DefExp
$a5d7 = sBox2Mon12SpdExp
$a5d9 = sBox2Mon12SpcExp
$a5db = sBox2Mon12DVs
$a5dd = sBox2Mon12PP
$a5e1 = sBox2Mon12Happiness
$a5e2 = sBox2Mon12PokerusStatus
$a5e3 = sBox2Mon12CaughtLevel
$a5e3 = sBox2Mon12CaughtTime
$a5e3 = sBox2Mon12CaughtData
$a5e4 = sBox2Mon12CaughtGender
$a5e4 = sBox2Mon12CaughtLocation
$a5e5 = sBox2Mon12Level
$a5e6 = sBox2Mon13Species
$a5e6 = sBox2Mon12BoxEnd
$a5e6 = sBox2Mon13
$a5e7 = sBox2Mon13Item
$a5e8 = sBox2Mon13Moves
$a5ec = sBox2Mon13ID
$a5ee = sBox2Mon13Exp
$a5f1 = sBox2Mon13StatExp
$a5f1 = sBox2Mon13HPExp
$a5f3 = sBox2Mon13AtkExp
$a5f5 = sBox2Mon13DefExp
$a5f7 = sBox2Mon13SpdExp
$a5f9 = sBox2Mon13SpcExp
$a5fb = sBox2Mon13DVs
$a5fd = sBox2Mon13PP
$a601 = sBox2Mon13Happiness
$a602 = sBox2Mon13PokerusStatus
$a603 = sBox2Mon13CaughtData
$a603 = sBox2Mon13CaughtLevel
$a603 = sBox2Mon13CaughtTime
$a604 = sBox2Mon13CaughtGender
$a604 = sBox2Mon13CaughtLocation
$a605 = sBox2Mon13Level
$a606 = sBox2Mon14Species
$a606 = sBox2Mon13BoxEnd
$a606 = sBox2Mon14
$a607 = sBox2Mon14Item
$a608 = sBox2Mon14Moves
$a60c = sBox2Mon14ID
$a60e = sBox2Mon14Exp
$a611 = sBox2Mon14HPExp
$a611 = sBox2Mon14StatExp
$a613 = sBox2Mon14AtkExp
$a615 = sBox2Mon14DefExp
$a617 = sBox2Mon14SpdExp
$a619 = sBox2Mon14SpcExp
$a61b = sBox2Mon14DVs
$a61d = sBox2Mon14PP
$a621 = sBox2Mon14Happiness
$a622 = sBox2Mon14PokerusStatus
$a623 = sBox2Mon14CaughtLevel
$a623 = sBox2Mon14CaughtData
$a623 = sBox2Mon14CaughtTime
$a624 = sBox2Mon14CaughtGender
$a624 = sBox2Mon14CaughtLocation
$a625 = sBox2Mon14Level
$a626 = sBox2Mon14BoxEnd
$a626 = sBox2Mon15Species
$a626 = sBox2Mon15
$a627 = sBox2Mon15Item
$a628 = sBox2Mon15Moves
$a62c = sBox2Mon15ID
$a62e = sBox2Mon15Exp
$a631 = sBox2Mon15HPExp
$a631 = sBox2Mon15StatExp
$a633 = sBox2Mon15AtkExp
$a635 = sBox2Mon15DefExp
$a637 = sBox2Mon15SpdExp
$a639 = sBox2Mon15SpcExp
$a63b = sBox2Mon15DVs
$a63d = sBox2Mon15PP
$a641 = sBox2Mon15Happiness
$a642 = sBox2Mon15PokerusStatus
$a643 = sBox2Mon15CaughtData
$a643 = sBox2Mon15CaughtLevel
$a643 = sBox2Mon15CaughtTime
$a644 = sBox2Mon15CaughtGender
$a644 = sBox2Mon15CaughtLocation
$a645 = sBox2Mon15Level
$a646 = sBox2Mon15BoxEnd
$a646 = sBox2Mon16Species
$a646 = sBox2Mon16
$a647 = sBox2Mon16Item
$a648 = sBox2Mon16Moves
$a64c = sBox2Mon16ID
$a64e = sBox2Mon16Exp
$a651 = sBox2Mon16StatExp
$a651 = sBox2Mon16HPExp
$a653 = sBox2Mon16AtkExp
$a655 = sBox2Mon16DefExp
$a657 = sBox2Mon16SpdExp
$a659 = sBox2Mon16SpcExp
$a65b = sBox2Mon16DVs
$a65d = sBox2Mon16PP
$a661 = sBox2Mon16Happiness
$a662 = sBox2Mon16PokerusStatus
$a663 = sBox2Mon16CaughtTime
$a663 = sBox2Mon16CaughtLevel
$a663 = sBox2Mon16CaughtData
$a664 = sBox2Mon16CaughtGender
$a664 = sBox2Mon16CaughtLocation
$a665 = sBox2Mon16Level
$a666 = sBox2Mon16BoxEnd
$a666 = sBox2Mon17Species
$a666 = sBox2Mon17
$a667 = sBox2Mon17Item
$a668 = sBox2Mon17Moves
$a66c = sBox2Mon17ID
$a66e = sBox2Mon17Exp
$a671 = sBox2Mon17HPExp
$a671 = sBox2Mon17StatExp
$a673 = sBox2Mon17AtkExp
$a675 = sBox2Mon17DefExp
$a677 = sBox2Mon17SpdExp
$a679 = sBox2Mon17SpcExp
$a67b = sBox2Mon17DVs
$a67d = sBox2Mon17PP
$a681 = sBox2Mon17Happiness
$a682 = sBox2Mon17PokerusStatus
$a683 = sBox2Mon17CaughtTime
$a683 = sBox2Mon17CaughtData
$a683 = sBox2Mon17CaughtLevel
$a684 = sBox2Mon17CaughtLocation
$a684 = sBox2Mon17CaughtGender
$a685 = sBox2Mon17Level
$a686 = sBox2Mon17BoxEnd
$a686 = sBox2Mon18
$a686 = sBox2Mon18Species
$a687 = sBox2Mon18Item
$a688 = sBox2Mon18Moves
$a68c = sBox2Mon18ID
$a68e = sBox2Mon18Exp
$a691 = sBox2Mon18HPExp
$a691 = sBox2Mon18StatExp
$a693 = sBox2Mon18AtkExp
$a695 = sBox2Mon18DefExp
$a697 = sBox2Mon18SpdExp
$a699 = sBox2Mon18SpcExp
$a69b = sBox2Mon18DVs
$a69d = sBox2Mon18PP
$a6a1 = sBox2Mon18Happiness
$a6a2 = sBox2Mon18PokerusStatus
$a6a3 = sBox2Mon18CaughtData
$a6a3 = sBox2Mon18CaughtLevel
$a6a3 = sBox2Mon18CaughtTime
$a6a4 = sBox2Mon18CaughtLocation
$a6a4 = sBox2Mon18CaughtGender
$a6a5 = sBox2Mon18Level
$a6a6 = sBox2Mon18BoxEnd
$a6a6 = sBox2Mon19
$a6a6 = sBox2Mon19Species
$a6a7 = sBox2Mon19Item
$a6a8 = sBox2Mon19Moves
$a6ac = sBox2Mon19ID
$a6ae = sBox2Mon19Exp
$a6b1 = sBox2Mon19StatExp
$a6b1 = sBox2Mon19HPExp
$a6b3 = sBox2Mon19AtkExp
$a6b5 = sBox2Mon19DefExp
$a6b7 = sBox2Mon19SpdExp
$a6b9 = sBox2Mon19SpcExp
$a6bb = sBox2Mon19DVs
$a6bd = sBox2Mon19PP
$a6c1 = sBox2Mon19Happiness
$a6c2 = sBox2Mon19PokerusStatus
$a6c3 = sBox2Mon19CaughtTime
$a6c3 = sBox2Mon19CaughtLevel
$a6c3 = sBox2Mon19CaughtData
$a6c4 = sBox2Mon19CaughtLocation
$a6c4 = sBox2Mon19CaughtGender
$a6c5 = sBox2Mon19Level
$a6c6 = sBox2Mon19BoxEnd
$a6c6 = sBox2Mon20Species
$a6c6 = sBox2Mon20
$a6c7 = sBox2Mon20Item
$a6c8 = sBox2Mon20Moves
$a6cc = sBox2Mon20ID
$a6ce = sBox2Mon20Exp
$a6d1 = sBox2Mon20StatExp
$a6d1 = sBox2Mon20HPExp
$a6d3 = sBox2Mon20AtkExp
$a6d5 = sBox2Mon20DefExp
$a6d7 = sBox2Mon20SpdExp
$a6d9 = sBox2Mon20SpcExp
$a6db = sBox2Mon20DVs
$a6dd = sBox2Mon20PP
$a6e1 = sBox2Mon20Happiness
$a6e2 = sBox2Mon20PokerusStatus
$a6e3 = sBox2Mon20CaughtLevel
$a6e3 = sBox2Mon20CaughtTime
$a6e3 = sBox2Mon20CaughtData
$a6e4 = sBox2Mon20CaughtLocation
$a6e4 = sBox2Mon20CaughtGender
$a6e5 = sBox2Mon20Level
$a6e6 = sBox2MonOTs
$a6e6 = sBox2Mon20BoxEnd
$a6e6 = sBox2Mon1OT
$a6f1 = sBox2Mon2OT
$a6fc = sBox2Mon3OT
$a707 = sBox2Mon4OT
$a712 = sBox2Mon5OT
$a71d = sBox2Mon6OT
$a728 = sBox2Mon7OT
$a733 = sBox2Mon8OT
$a73e = sBox2Mon9OT
$a749 = sBox2Mon10OT
$a754 = sBox2Mon11OT
$a75f = sBox2Mon12OT
$a76a = sBox2Mon13OT
$a775 = sBox2Mon14OT
$a780 = sBox2Mon15OT
$a78b = sBox2Mon16OT
$a796 = sBox2Mon17OT
$a7a1 = sBox2Mon18OT
$a7ac = sBox2Mon19OT
$a7b7 = sBox2Mon20OT
$a7c2 = sBox2MonNicknames
$a7c2 = sBox2Mon1Nickname
$a7cd = sBox2Mon2Nickname
$a7d8 = sBox2Mon3Nickname
$a7e3 = sBox2Mon4Nickname
$a7ee = sBox2Mon5Nickname
$a7f9 = sBox2Mon6Nickname
$a804 = sBox2Mon7Nickname
$a80f = sBox2Mon8Nickname
$a81a = sBox2Mon9Nickname
$a825 = sBox2Mon10Nickname
$a830 = sBox2Mon11Nickname
$a83b = sBox2Mon12Nickname
$a846 = sBox2Mon13Nickname
$a851 = sBox2Mon14Nickname
$a85c = sBox2Mon15Nickname
$a867 = sBox2Mon16Nickname
$a872 = sBox2Mon17Nickname
$a87d = sBox2Mon18Nickname
$a888 = sBox2Mon19Nickname
$a893 = sBox2Mon20Nickname
$a89e = sBox2End
$a89e = sBox2MonNicknamesEnd
$a8a0 = sBox3Count
$a8a0 = sBox3
$a8a1 = sBox3Species
$a8b6 = sBox3Mon1Species
$a8b6 = sBox3Mon1
$a8b6 = sBox3Mons
$a8b7 = sBox3Mon1Item
$a8b8 = sBox3Mon1Moves
$a8bc = sBox3Mon1ID
$a8be = sBox3Mon1Exp
$a8c1 = sBox3Mon1StatExp
$a8c1 = sBox3Mon1HPExp
$a8c3 = sBox3Mon1AtkExp
$a8c5 = sBox3Mon1DefExp
$a8c7 = sBox3Mon1SpdExp
$a8c9 = sBox3Mon1SpcExp
$a8cb = sBox3Mon1DVs
$a8cd = sBox3Mon1PP
$a8d1 = sBox3Mon1Happiness
$a8d2 = sBox3Mon1PokerusStatus
$a8d3 = sBox3Mon1CaughtData
$a8d3 = sBox3Mon1CaughtTime
$a8d3 = sBox3Mon1CaughtLevel
$a8d4 = sBox3Mon1CaughtGender
$a8d4 = sBox3Mon1CaughtLocation
$a8d5 = sBox3Mon1Level
$a8d6 = sBox3Mon2Species
$a8d6 = sBox3Mon1BoxEnd
$a8d6 = sBox3Mon2
$a8d7 = sBox3Mon2Item
$a8d8 = sBox3Mon2Moves
$a8dc = sBox3Mon2ID
$a8de = sBox3Mon2Exp
$a8e1 = sBox3Mon2StatExp
$a8e1 = sBox3Mon2HPExp
$a8e3 = sBox3Mon2AtkExp
$a8e5 = sBox3Mon2DefExp
$a8e7 = sBox3Mon2SpdExp
$a8e9 = sBox3Mon2SpcExp
$a8eb = sBox3Mon2DVs
$a8ed = sBox3Mon2PP
$a8f1 = sBox3Mon2Happiness
$a8f2 = sBox3Mon2PokerusStatus
$a8f3 = sBox3Mon2CaughtTime
$a8f3 = sBox3Mon2CaughtData
$a8f3 = sBox3Mon2CaughtLevel
$a8f4 = sBox3Mon2CaughtGender
$a8f4 = sBox3Mon2CaughtLocation
$a8f5 = sBox3Mon2Level
$a8f6 = sBox3Mon3Species
$a8f6 = sBox3Mon2BoxEnd
$a8f6 = sBox3Mon3
$a8f7 = sBox3Mon3Item
$a8f8 = sBox3Mon3Moves
$a8fc = sBox3Mon3ID
$a8fe = sBox3Mon3Exp
$a901 = sBox3Mon3StatExp
$a901 = sBox3Mon3HPExp
$a903 = sBox3Mon3AtkExp
$a905 = sBox3Mon3DefExp
$a907 = sBox3Mon3SpdExp
$a909 = sBox3Mon3SpcExp
$a90b = sBox3Mon3DVs
$a90d = sBox3Mon3PP
$a911 = sBox3Mon3Happiness
$a912 = sBox3Mon3PokerusStatus
$a913 = sBox3Mon3CaughtTime
$a913 = sBox3Mon3CaughtData
$a913 = sBox3Mon3CaughtLevel
$a914 = sBox3Mon3CaughtGender
$a914 = sBox3Mon3CaughtLocation
$a915 = sBox3Mon3Level
$a916 = sBox3Mon4
$a916 = sBox3Mon3BoxEnd
$a916 = sBox3Mon4Species
$a917 = sBox3Mon4Item
$a918 = sBox3Mon4Moves
$a91c = sBox3Mon4ID
$a91e = sBox3Mon4Exp
$a921 = sBox3Mon4StatExp
$a921 = sBox3Mon4HPExp
$a923 = sBox3Mon4AtkExp
$a925 = sBox3Mon4DefExp
$a927 = sBox3Mon4SpdExp
$a929 = sBox3Mon4SpcExp
$a92b = sBox3Mon4DVs
$a92d = sBox3Mon4PP
$a931 = sBox3Mon4Happiness
$a932 = sBox3Mon4PokerusStatus
$a933 = sBox3Mon4CaughtData
$a933 = sBox3Mon4CaughtLevel
$a933 = sBox3Mon4CaughtTime
$a934 = sBox3Mon4CaughtLocation
$a934 = sBox3Mon4CaughtGender
$a935 = sBox3Mon4Level
$a936 = sBox3Mon5Species
$a936 = sBox3Mon5
$a936 = sBox3Mon4BoxEnd
$a937 = sBox3Mon5Item
$a938 = sBox3Mon5Moves
$a93c = sBox3Mon5ID
$a93e = sBox3Mon5Exp
$a941 = sBox3Mon5StatExp
$a941 = sBox3Mon5HPExp
$a943 = sBox3Mon5AtkExp
$a945 = sBox3Mon5DefExp
$a947 = sBox3Mon5SpdExp
$a949 = sBox3Mon5SpcExp
$a94b = sBox3Mon5DVs
$a94d = sBox3Mon5PP
$a951 = sBox3Mon5Happiness
$a952 = sBox3Mon5PokerusStatus
$a953 = sBox3Mon5CaughtData
$a953 = sBox3Mon5CaughtTime
$a953 = sBox3Mon5CaughtLevel
$a954 = sBox3Mon5CaughtLocation
$a954 = sBox3Mon5CaughtGender
$a955 = sBox3Mon5Level
$a956 = sBox3Mon6Species
$a956 = sBox3Mon5BoxEnd
$a956 = sBox3Mon6
$a957 = sBox3Mon6Item
$a958 = sBox3Mon6Moves
$a95c = sBox3Mon6ID
$a95e = sBox3Mon6Exp
$a961 = sBox3Mon6HPExp
$a961 = sBox3Mon6StatExp
$a963 = sBox3Mon6AtkExp
$a965 = sBox3Mon6DefExp
$a967 = sBox3Mon6SpdExp
$a969 = sBox3Mon6SpcExp
$a96b = sBox3Mon6DVs
$a96d = sBox3Mon6PP
$a971 = sBox3Mon6Happiness
$a972 = sBox3Mon6PokerusStatus
$a973 = sBox3Mon6CaughtTime
$a973 = sBox3Mon6CaughtLevel
$a973 = sBox3Mon6CaughtData
$a974 = sBox3Mon6CaughtLocation
$a974 = sBox3Mon6CaughtGender
$a975 = sBox3Mon6Level
$a976 = sBox3Mon6BoxEnd
$a976 = sBox3Mon7
$a976 = sBox3Mon7Species
$a977 = sBox3Mon7Item
$a978 = sBox3Mon7Moves
$a97c = sBox3Mon7ID
$a97e = sBox3Mon7Exp
$a981 = sBox3Mon7HPExp
$a981 = sBox3Mon7StatExp
$a983 = sBox3Mon7AtkExp
$a985 = sBox3Mon7DefExp
$a987 = sBox3Mon7SpdExp
$a989 = sBox3Mon7SpcExp
$a98b = sBox3Mon7DVs
$a98d = sBox3Mon7PP
$a991 = sBox3Mon7Happiness
$a992 = sBox3Mon7PokerusStatus
$a993 = sBox3Mon7CaughtData
$a993 = sBox3Mon7CaughtLevel
$a993 = sBox3Mon7CaughtTime
$a994 = sBox3Mon7CaughtLocation
$a994 = sBox3Mon7CaughtGender
$a995 = sBox3Mon7Level
$a996 = sBox3Mon8Species
$a996 = sBox3Mon7BoxEnd
$a996 = sBox3Mon8
$a997 = sBox3Mon8Item
$a998 = sBox3Mon8Moves
$a99c = sBox3Mon8ID
$a99e = sBox3Mon8Exp
$a9a1 = sBox3Mon8HPExp
$a9a1 = sBox3Mon8StatExp
$a9a3 = sBox3Mon8AtkExp
$a9a5 = sBox3Mon8DefExp
$a9a7 = sBox3Mon8SpdExp
$a9a9 = sBox3Mon8SpcExp
$a9ab = sBox3Mon8DVs
$a9ad = sBox3Mon8PP
$a9b1 = sBox3Mon8Happiness
$a9b2 = sBox3Mon8PokerusStatus
$a9b3 = sBox3Mon8CaughtTime
$a9b3 = sBox3Mon8CaughtData
$a9b3 = sBox3Mon8CaughtLevel
$a9b4 = sBox3Mon8CaughtGender
$a9b4 = sBox3Mon8CaughtLocation
$a9b5 = sBox3Mon8Level
$a9b6 = sBox3Mon8BoxEnd
$a9b6 = sBox3Mon9Species
$a9b6 = sBox3Mon9
$a9b7 = sBox3Mon9Item
$a9b8 = sBox3Mon9Moves
$a9bc = sBox3Mon9ID
$a9be = sBox3Mon9Exp
$a9c1 = sBox3Mon9HPExp
$a9c1 = sBox3Mon9StatExp
$a9c3 = sBox3Mon9AtkExp
$a9c5 = sBox3Mon9DefExp
$a9c7 = sBox3Mon9SpdExp
$a9c9 = sBox3Mon9SpcExp
$a9cb = sBox3Mon9DVs
$a9cd = sBox3Mon9PP
$a9d1 = sBox3Mon9Happiness
$a9d2 = sBox3Mon9PokerusStatus
$a9d3 = sBox3Mon9CaughtLevel
$a9d3 = sBox3Mon9CaughtData
$a9d3 = sBox3Mon9CaughtTime
$a9d4 = sBox3Mon9CaughtGender
$a9d4 = sBox3Mon9CaughtLocation
$a9d5 = sBox3Mon9Level
$a9d6 = sBox3Mon10Species
$a9d6 = sBox3Mon9BoxEnd
$a9d6 = sBox3Mon10
$a9d7 = sBox3Mon10Item
$a9d8 = sBox3Mon10Moves
$a9dc = sBox3Mon10ID
$a9de = sBox3Mon10Exp
$a9e1 = sBox3Mon10StatExp
$a9e1 = sBox3Mon10HPExp
$a9e3 = sBox3Mon10AtkExp
$a9e5 = sBox3Mon10DefExp
$a9e7 = sBox3Mon10SpdExp
$a9e9 = sBox3Mon10SpcExp
$a9eb = sBox3Mon10DVs
$a9ed = sBox3Mon10PP
$a9f1 = sBox3Mon10Happiness
$a9f2 = sBox3Mon10PokerusStatus
$a9f3 = sBox3Mon10CaughtTime
$a9f3 = sBox3Mon10CaughtLevel
$a9f3 = sBox3Mon10CaughtData
$a9f4 = sBox3Mon10CaughtLocation
$a9f4 = sBox3Mon10CaughtGender
$a9f5 = sBox3Mon10Level
$a9f6 = sBox3Mon11Species
$a9f6 = sBox3Mon10BoxEnd
$a9f6 = sBox3Mon11
$a9f7 = sBox3Mon11Item
$a9f8 = sBox3Mon11Moves
$a9fc = sBox3Mon11ID
$a9fe = sBox3Mon11Exp
$aa01 = sBox3Mon11StatExp
$aa01 = sBox3Mon11HPExp
$aa03 = sBox3Mon11AtkExp
$aa05 = sBox3Mon11DefExp
$aa07 = sBox3Mon11SpdExp
$aa09 = sBox3Mon11SpcExp
$aa0b = sBox3Mon11DVs
$aa0d = sBox3Mon11PP
$aa11 = sBox3Mon11Happiness
$aa12 = sBox3Mon11PokerusStatus
$aa13 = sBox3Mon11CaughtLevel
$aa13 = sBox3Mon11CaughtTime
$aa13 = sBox3Mon11CaughtData
$aa14 = sBox3Mon11CaughtGender
$aa14 = sBox3Mon11CaughtLocation
$aa15 = sBox3Mon11Level
$aa16 = sBox3Mon11BoxEnd
$aa16 = sBox3Mon12Species
$aa16 = sBox3Mon12
$aa17 = sBox3Mon12Item
$aa18 = sBox3Mon12Moves
$aa1c = sBox3Mon12ID
$aa1e = sBox3Mon12Exp
$aa21 = sBox3Mon12StatExp
$aa21 = sBox3Mon12HPExp
$aa23 = sBox3Mon12AtkExp
$aa25 = sBox3Mon12DefExp
$aa27 = sBox3Mon12SpdExp
$aa29 = sBox3Mon12SpcExp
$aa2b = sBox3Mon12DVs
$aa2d = sBox3Mon12PP
$aa31 = sBox3Mon12Happiness
$aa32 = sBox3Mon12PokerusStatus
$aa33 = sBox3Mon12CaughtLevel
$aa33 = sBox3Mon12CaughtData
$aa33 = sBox3Mon12CaughtTime
$aa34 = sBox3Mon12CaughtGender
$aa34 = sBox3Mon12CaughtLocation
$aa35 = sBox3Mon12Level
$aa36 = sBox3Mon12BoxEnd
$aa36 = sBox3Mon13Species
$aa36 = sBox3Mon13
$aa37 = sBox3Mon13Item
$aa38 = sBox3Mon13Moves
$aa3c = sBox3Mon13ID
$aa3e = sBox3Mon13Exp
$aa41 = sBox3Mon13HPExp
$aa41 = sBox3Mon13StatExp
$aa43 = sBox3Mon13AtkExp
$aa45 = sBox3Mon13DefExp
$aa47 = sBox3Mon13SpdExp
$aa49 = sBox3Mon13SpcExp
$aa4b = sBox3Mon13DVs
$aa4d = sBox3Mon13PP
$aa51 = sBox3Mon13Happiness
$aa52 = sBox3Mon13PokerusStatus
$aa53 = sBox3Mon13CaughtData
$aa53 = sBox3Mon13CaughtLevel
$aa53 = sBox3Mon13CaughtTime
$aa54 = sBox3Mon13CaughtGender
$aa54 = sBox3Mon13CaughtLocation
$aa55 = sBox3Mon13Level
$aa56 = sBox3Mon13BoxEnd
$aa56 = sBox3Mon14Species
$aa56 = sBox3Mon14
$aa57 = sBox3Mon14Item
$aa58 = sBox3Mon14Moves
$aa5c = sBox3Mon14ID
$aa5e = sBox3Mon14Exp
$aa61 = sBox3Mon14HPExp
$aa61 = sBox3Mon14StatExp
$aa63 = sBox3Mon14AtkExp
$aa65 = sBox3Mon14DefExp
$aa67 = sBox3Mon14SpdExp
$aa69 = sBox3Mon14SpcExp
$aa6b = sBox3Mon14DVs
$aa6d = sBox3Mon14PP
$aa71 = sBox3Mon14Happiness
$aa72 = sBox3Mon14PokerusStatus
$aa73 = sBox3Mon14CaughtData
$aa73 = sBox3Mon14CaughtLevel
$aa73 = sBox3Mon14CaughtTime
$aa74 = sBox3Mon14CaughtGender
$aa74 = sBox3Mon14CaughtLocation
$aa75 = sBox3Mon14Level
$aa76 = sBox3Mon15Species
$aa76 = sBox3Mon14BoxEnd
$aa76 = sBox3Mon15
$aa77 = sBox3Mon15Item
$aa78 = sBox3Mon15Moves
$aa7c = sBox3Mon15ID
$aa7e = sBox3Mon15Exp
$aa81 = sBox3Mon15HPExp
$aa81 = sBox3Mon15StatExp
$aa83 = sBox3Mon15AtkExp
$aa85 = sBox3Mon15DefExp
$aa87 = sBox3Mon15SpdExp
$aa89 = sBox3Mon15SpcExp
$aa8b = sBox3Mon15DVs
$aa8d = sBox3Mon15PP
$aa91 = sBox3Mon15Happiness
$aa92 = sBox3Mon15PokerusStatus
$aa93 = sBox3Mon15CaughtData
$aa93 = sBox3Mon15CaughtTime
$aa93 = sBox3Mon15CaughtLevel
$aa94 = sBox3Mon15CaughtGender
$aa94 = sBox3Mon15CaughtLocation
$aa95 = sBox3Mon15Level
$aa96 = sBox3Mon16Species
$aa96 = sBox3Mon15BoxEnd
$aa96 = sBox3Mon16
$aa97 = sBox3Mon16Item
$aa98 = sBox3Mon16Moves
$aa9c = sBox3Mon16ID
$aa9e = sBox3Mon16Exp
$aaa1 = sBox3Mon16StatExp
$aaa1 = sBox3Mon16HPExp
$aaa3 = sBox3Mon16AtkExp
$aaa5 = sBox3Mon16DefExp
$aaa7 = sBox3Mon16SpdExp
$aaa9 = sBox3Mon16SpcExp
$aaab = sBox3Mon16DVs
$aaad = sBox3Mon16PP
$aab1 = sBox3Mon16Happiness
$aab2 = sBox3Mon16PokerusStatus
$aab3 = sBox3Mon16CaughtLevel
$aab3 = sBox3Mon16CaughtData
$aab3 = sBox3Mon16CaughtTime
$aab4 = sBox3Mon16CaughtGender
$aab4 = sBox3Mon16CaughtLocation
$aab5 = sBox3Mon16Level
$aab6 = sBox3Mon16BoxEnd
$aab6 = sBox3Mon17Species
$aab6 = sBox3Mon17
$aab7 = sBox3Mon17Item
$aab8 = sBox3Mon17Moves
$aabc = sBox3Mon17ID
$aabe = sBox3Mon17Exp
$aac1 = sBox3Mon17HPExp
$aac1 = sBox3Mon17StatExp
$aac3 = sBox3Mon17AtkExp
$aac5 = sBox3Mon17DefExp
$aac7 = sBox3Mon17SpdExp
$aac9 = sBox3Mon17SpcExp
$aacb = sBox3Mon17DVs
$aacd = sBox3Mon17PP
$aad1 = sBox3Mon17Happiness
$aad2 = sBox3Mon17PokerusStatus
$aad3 = sBox3Mon17CaughtLevel
$aad3 = sBox3Mon17CaughtData
$aad3 = sBox3Mon17CaughtTime
$aad4 = sBox3Mon17CaughtGender
$aad4 = sBox3Mon17CaughtLocation
$aad5 = sBox3Mon17Level
$aad6 = sBox3Mon18
$aad6 = sBox3Mon18Species
$aad6 = sBox3Mon17BoxEnd
$aad7 = sBox3Mon18Item
$aad8 = sBox3Mon18Moves
$aadc = sBox3Mon18ID
$aade = sBox3Mon18Exp
$aae1 = sBox3Mon18HPExp
$aae1 = sBox3Mon18StatExp
$aae3 = sBox3Mon18AtkExp
$aae5 = sBox3Mon18DefExp
$aae7 = sBox3Mon18SpdExp
$aae9 = sBox3Mon18SpcExp
$aaeb = sBox3Mon18DVs
$aaed = sBox3Mon18PP
$aaf1 = sBox3Mon18Happiness
$aaf2 = sBox3Mon18PokerusStatus
$aaf3 = sBox3Mon18CaughtData
$aaf3 = sBox3Mon18CaughtTime
$aaf3 = sBox3Mon18CaughtLevel
$aaf4 = sBox3Mon18CaughtLocation
$aaf4 = sBox3Mon18CaughtGender
$aaf5 = sBox3Mon18Level
$aaf6 = sBox3Mon19
$aaf6 = sBox3Mon19Species
$aaf6 = sBox3Mon18BoxEnd
$aaf7 = sBox3Mon19Item
$aaf8 = sBox3Mon19Moves
$aafc = sBox3Mon19ID
$aafe = sBox3Mon19Exp
$ab01 = sBox3Mon19HPExp
$ab01 = sBox3Mon19StatExp
$ab03 = sBox3Mon19AtkExp
$ab05 = sBox3Mon19DefExp
$ab07 = sBox3Mon19SpdExp
$ab09 = sBox3Mon19SpcExp
$ab0b = sBox3Mon19DVs
$ab0d = sBox3Mon19PP
$ab11 = sBox3Mon19Happiness
$ab12 = sBox3Mon19PokerusStatus
$ab13 = sBox3Mon19CaughtTime
$ab13 = sBox3Mon19CaughtData
$ab13 = sBox3Mon19CaughtLevel
$ab14 = sBox3Mon19CaughtGender
$ab14 = sBox3Mon19CaughtLocation
$ab15 = sBox3Mon19Level
$ab16 = sBox3Mon19BoxEnd
$ab16 = sBox3Mon20
$ab16 = sBox3Mon20Species
$ab17 = sBox3Mon20Item
$ab18 = sBox3Mon20Moves
$ab1c = sBox3Mon20ID
$ab1e = sBox3Mon20Exp
$ab21 = sBox3Mon20StatExp
$ab21 = sBox3Mon20HPExp
$ab23 = sBox3Mon20AtkExp
$ab25 = sBox3Mon20DefExp
$ab27 = sBox3Mon20SpdExp
$ab29 = sBox3Mon20SpcExp
$ab2b = sBox3Mon20DVs
$ab2d = sBox3Mon20PP
$ab31 = sBox3Mon20Happiness
$ab32 = sBox3Mon20PokerusStatus
$ab33 = sBox3Mon20CaughtLevel
$ab33 = sBox3Mon20CaughtData
$ab33 = sBox3Mon20CaughtTime
$ab34 = sBox3Mon20CaughtGender
$ab34 = sBox3Mon20CaughtLocation
$ab35 = sBox3Mon20Level
$ab36 = sBox3Mon1OT
$ab36 = sBox3Mon20BoxEnd
$ab36 = sBox3MonOTs
$ab41 = sBox3Mon2OT
$ab4c = sBox3Mon3OT
$ab57 = sBox3Mon4OT
$ab62 = sBox3Mon5OT
$ab6d = sBox3Mon6OT
$ab78 = sBox3Mon7OT
$ab83 = sBox3Mon8OT
$ab8e = sBox3Mon9OT
$ab99 = sBox3Mon10OT
$aba4 = sBox3Mon11OT
$abaf = sBox3Mon12OT
$abba = sBox3Mon13OT
$abc5 = sBox3Mon14OT
$abd0 = sBox3Mon15OT
$abdb = sBox3Mon16OT
$abe6 = sBox3Mon17OT
$abf1 = sBox3Mon18OT
$abfc = sBox3Mon19OT
$ac07 = sBox3Mon20OT
$ac12 = sBox3Mon1Nickname
$ac12 = sBox3MonNicknames
$ac1d = sBox3Mon2Nickname
$ac28 = sBox3Mon3Nickname
$ac33 = sBox3Mon4Nickname
$ac3e = sBox3Mon5Nickname
$ac49 = sBox3Mon6Nickname
$ac54 = sBox3Mon7Nickname
$ac5f = sBox3Mon8Nickname
$ac6a = sBox3Mon9Nickname
$ac75 = sBox3Mon10Nickname
$ac80 = sBox3Mon11Nickname
$ac8b = sBox3Mon12Nickname
$ac96 = sBox3Mon13Nickname
$aca1 = sBox3Mon14Nickname
$acac = sBox3Mon15Nickname
$acb7 = sBox3Mon16Nickname
$acc2 = sBox3Mon17Nickname
$accd = sBox3Mon18Nickname
$acd8 = sBox3Mon19Nickname
$ace3 = sBox3Mon20Nickname
$acee = sBox3End
$acee = sBox3MonNicknamesEnd
$acf0 = sBox4Count
$acf0 = sBox4
$acf1 = sBox4Species
$ad06 = sBox4Mon1
$ad06 = sBox4Mon1Species
$ad06 = sBox4Mons
$ad07 = sBox4Mon1Item
$ad08 = sBox4Mon1Moves
$ad0c = sBox4Mon1ID
$ad0e = sBox4Mon1Exp
$ad11 = sBox4Mon1StatExp
$ad11 = sBox4Mon1HPExp
$ad13 = sBox4Mon1AtkExp
$ad15 = sBox4Mon1DefExp
$ad17 = sBox4Mon1SpdExp
$ad19 = sBox4Mon1SpcExp
$ad1b = sBox4Mon1DVs
$ad1d = sBox4Mon1PP
$ad21 = sBox4Mon1Happiness
$ad22 = sBox4Mon1PokerusStatus
$ad23 = sBox4Mon1CaughtLevel
$ad23 = sBox4Mon1CaughtData
$ad23 = sBox4Mon1CaughtTime
$ad24 = sBox4Mon1CaughtGender
$ad24 = sBox4Mon1CaughtLocation
$ad25 = sBox4Mon1Level
$ad26 = sBox4Mon2
$ad26 = sBox4Mon2Species
$ad26 = sBox4Mon1BoxEnd
$ad27 = sBox4Mon2Item
$ad28 = sBox4Mon2Moves
$ad2c = sBox4Mon2ID
$ad2e = sBox4Mon2Exp
$ad31 = sBox4Mon2HPExp
$ad31 = sBox4Mon2StatExp
$ad33 = sBox4Mon2AtkExp
$ad35 = sBox4Mon2DefExp
$ad37 = sBox4Mon2SpdExp
$ad39 = sBox4Mon2SpcExp
$ad3b = sBox4Mon2DVs
$ad3d = sBox4Mon2PP
$ad41 = sBox4Mon2Happiness
$ad42 = sBox4Mon2PokerusStatus
$ad43 = sBox4Mon2CaughtData
$ad43 = sBox4Mon2CaughtTime
$ad43 = sBox4Mon2CaughtLevel
$ad44 = sBox4Mon2CaughtGender
$ad44 = sBox4Mon2CaughtLocation
$ad45 = sBox4Mon2Level
$ad46 = sBox4Mon3
$ad46 = sBox4Mon2BoxEnd
$ad46 = sBox4Mon3Species
$ad47 = sBox4Mon3Item
$ad48 = sBox4Mon3Moves
$ad4c = sBox4Mon3ID
$ad4e = sBox4Mon3Exp
$ad51 = sBox4Mon3StatExp
$ad51 = sBox4Mon3HPExp
$ad53 = sBox4Mon3AtkExp
$ad55 = sBox4Mon3DefExp
$ad57 = sBox4Mon3SpdExp
$ad59 = sBox4Mon3SpcExp
$ad5b = sBox4Mon3DVs
$ad5d = sBox4Mon3PP
$ad61 = sBox4Mon3Happiness
$ad62 = sBox4Mon3PokerusStatus
$ad63 = sBox4Mon3CaughtLevel
$ad63 = sBox4Mon3CaughtData
$ad63 = sBox4Mon3CaughtTime
$ad64 = sBox4Mon3CaughtLocation
$ad64 = sBox4Mon3CaughtGender
$ad65 = sBox4Mon3Level
$ad66 = sBox4Mon4
$ad66 = sBox4Mon4Species
$ad66 = sBox4Mon3BoxEnd
$ad67 = sBox4Mon4Item
$ad68 = sBox4Mon4Moves
$ad6c = sBox4Mon4ID
$ad6e = sBox4Mon4Exp
$ad71 = sBox4Mon4StatExp
$ad71 = sBox4Mon4HPExp
$ad73 = sBox4Mon4AtkExp
$ad75 = sBox4Mon4DefExp
$ad77 = sBox4Mon4SpdExp
$ad79 = sBox4Mon4SpcExp
$ad7b = sBox4Mon4DVs
$ad7d = sBox4Mon4PP
$ad81 = sBox4Mon4Happiness
$ad82 = sBox4Mon4PokerusStatus
$ad83 = sBox4Mon4CaughtLevel
$ad83 = sBox4Mon4CaughtData
$ad83 = sBox4Mon4CaughtTime
$ad84 = sBox4Mon4CaughtLocation
$ad84 = sBox4Mon4CaughtGender
$ad85 = sBox4Mon4Level
$ad86 = sBox4Mon5
$ad86 = sBox4Mon4BoxEnd
$ad86 = sBox4Mon5Species
$ad87 = sBox4Mon5Item
$ad88 = sBox4Mon5Moves
$ad8c = sBox4Mon5ID
$ad8e = sBox4Mon5Exp
$ad91 = sBox4Mon5HPExp
$ad91 = sBox4Mon5StatExp
$ad93 = sBox4Mon5AtkExp
$ad95 = sBox4Mon5DefExp
$ad97 = sBox4Mon5SpdExp
$ad99 = sBox4Mon5SpcExp
$ad9b = sBox4Mon5DVs
$ad9d = sBox4Mon5PP
$ada1 = sBox4Mon5Happiness
$ada2 = sBox4Mon5PokerusStatus
$ada3 = sBox4Mon5CaughtTime
$ada3 = sBox4Mon5CaughtData
$ada3 = sBox4Mon5CaughtLevel
$ada4 = sBox4Mon5CaughtGender
$ada4 = sBox4Mon5CaughtLocation
$ada5 = sBox4Mon5Level
$ada6 = sBox4Mon6
$ada6 = sBox4Mon6Species
$ada6 = sBox4Mon5BoxEnd
$ada7 = sBox4Mon6Item
$ada8 = sBox4Mon6Moves
$adac = sBox4Mon6ID
$adae = sBox4Mon6Exp
$adb1 = sBox4Mon6HPExp
$adb1 = sBox4Mon6StatExp
$adb3 = sBox4Mon6AtkExp
$adb5 = sBox4Mon6DefExp
$adb7 = sBox4Mon6SpdExp
$adb9 = sBox4Mon6SpcExp
$adbb = sBox4Mon6DVs
$adbd = sBox4Mon6PP
$adc1 = sBox4Mon6Happiness
$adc2 = sBox4Mon6PokerusStatus
$adc3 = sBox4Mon6CaughtTime
$adc3 = sBox4Mon6CaughtLevel
$adc3 = sBox4Mon6CaughtData
$adc4 = sBox4Mon6CaughtGender
$adc4 = sBox4Mon6CaughtLocation
$adc5 = sBox4Mon6Level
$adc6 = sBox4Mon7Species
$adc6 = sBox4Mon7
$adc6 = sBox4Mon6BoxEnd
$adc7 = sBox4Mon7Item
$adc8 = sBox4Mon7Moves
$adcc = sBox4Mon7ID
$adce = sBox4Mon7Exp
$add1 = sBox4Mon7StatExp
$add1 = sBox4Mon7HPExp
$add3 = sBox4Mon7AtkExp
$add5 = sBox4Mon7DefExp
$add7 = sBox4Mon7SpdExp
$add9 = sBox4Mon7SpcExp
$addb = sBox4Mon7DVs
$addd = sBox4Mon7PP
$ade1 = sBox4Mon7Happiness
$ade2 = sBox4Mon7PokerusStatus
$ade3 = sBox4Mon7CaughtLevel
$ade3 = sBox4Mon7CaughtTime
$ade3 = sBox4Mon7CaughtData
$ade4 = sBox4Mon7CaughtLocation
$ade4 = sBox4Mon7CaughtGender
$ade5 = sBox4Mon7Level
$ade6 = sBox4Mon8Species
$ade6 = sBox4Mon8
$ade6 = sBox4Mon7BoxEnd
$ade7 = sBox4Mon8Item
$ade8 = sBox4Mon8Moves
$adec = sBox4Mon8ID
$adee = sBox4Mon8Exp
$adf1 = sBox4Mon8HPExp
$adf1 = sBox4Mon8StatExp
$adf3 = sBox4Mon8AtkExp
$adf5 = sBox4Mon8DefExp
$adf7 = sBox4Mon8SpdExp
$adf9 = sBox4Mon8SpcExp
$adfb = sBox4Mon8DVs
$adfd = sBox4Mon8PP
$ae01 = sBox4Mon8Happiness
$ae02 = sBox4Mon8PokerusStatus
$ae03 = sBox4Mon8CaughtTime
$ae03 = sBox4Mon8CaughtData
$ae03 = sBox4Mon8CaughtLevel
$ae04 = sBox4Mon8CaughtLocation
$ae04 = sBox4Mon8CaughtGender
$ae05 = sBox4Mon8Level
$ae06 = sBox4Mon8BoxEnd
$ae06 = sBox4Mon9
$ae06 = sBox4Mon9Species
$ae07 = sBox4Mon9Item
$ae08 = sBox4Mon9Moves
$ae0c = sBox4Mon9ID
$ae0e = sBox4Mon9Exp
$ae11 = sBox4Mon9StatExp
$ae11 = sBox4Mon9HPExp
$ae13 = sBox4Mon9AtkExp
$ae15 = sBox4Mon9DefExp
$ae17 = sBox4Mon9SpdExp
$ae19 = sBox4Mon9SpcExp
$ae1b = sBox4Mon9DVs
$ae1d = sBox4Mon9PP
$ae21 = sBox4Mon9Happiness
$ae22 = sBox4Mon9PokerusStatus
$ae23 = sBox4Mon9CaughtTime
$ae23 = sBox4Mon9CaughtLevel
$ae23 = sBox4Mon9CaughtData
$ae24 = sBox4Mon9CaughtGender
$ae24 = sBox4Mon9CaughtLocation
$ae25 = sBox4Mon9Level
$ae26 = sBox4Mon10Species
$ae26 = sBox4Mon9BoxEnd
$ae26 = sBox4Mon10
$ae27 = sBox4Mon10Item
$ae28 = sBox4Mon10Moves
$ae2c = sBox4Mon10ID
$ae2e = sBox4Mon10Exp
$ae31 = sBox4Mon10StatExp
$ae31 = sBox4Mon10HPExp
$ae33 = sBox4Mon10AtkExp
$ae35 = sBox4Mon10DefExp
$ae37 = sBox4Mon10SpdExp
$ae39 = sBox4Mon10SpcExp
$ae3b = sBox4Mon10DVs
$ae3d = sBox4Mon10PP
$ae41 = sBox4Mon10Happiness
$ae42 = sBox4Mon10PokerusStatus
$ae43 = sBox4Mon10CaughtTime
$ae43 = sBox4Mon10CaughtLevel
$ae43 = sBox4Mon10CaughtData
$ae44 = sBox4Mon10CaughtGender
$ae44 = sBox4Mon10CaughtLocation
$ae45 = sBox4Mon10Level
$ae46 = sBox4Mon11Species
$ae46 = sBox4Mon11
$ae46 = sBox4Mon10BoxEnd
$ae47 = sBox4Mon11Item
$ae48 = sBox4Mon11Moves
$ae4c = sBox4Mon11ID
$ae4e = sBox4Mon11Exp
$ae51 = sBox4Mon11StatExp
$ae51 = sBox4Mon11HPExp
$ae53 = sBox4Mon11AtkExp
$ae55 = sBox4Mon11DefExp
$ae57 = sBox4Mon11SpdExp
$ae59 = sBox4Mon11SpcExp
$ae5b = sBox4Mon11DVs
$ae5d = sBox4Mon11PP
$ae61 = sBox4Mon11Happiness
$ae62 = sBox4Mon11PokerusStatus
$ae63 = sBox4Mon11CaughtLevel
$ae63 = sBox4Mon11CaughtTime
$ae63 = sBox4Mon11CaughtData
$ae64 = sBox4Mon11CaughtGender
$ae64 = sBox4Mon11CaughtLocation
$ae65 = sBox4Mon11Level
$ae66 = sBox4Mon11BoxEnd
$ae66 = sBox4Mon12
$ae66 = sBox4Mon12Species
$ae67 = sBox4Mon12Item
$ae68 = sBox4Mon12Moves
$ae6c = sBox4Mon12ID
$ae6e = sBox4Mon12Exp
$ae71 = sBox4Mon12HPExp
$ae71 = sBox4Mon12StatExp
$ae73 = sBox4Mon12AtkExp
$ae75 = sBox4Mon12DefExp
$ae77 = sBox4Mon12SpdExp
$ae79 = sBox4Mon12SpcExp
$ae7b = sBox4Mon12DVs
$ae7d = sBox4Mon12PP
$ae81 = sBox4Mon12Happiness
$ae82 = sBox4Mon12PokerusStatus
$ae83 = sBox4Mon12CaughtLevel
$ae83 = sBox4Mon12CaughtData
$ae83 = sBox4Mon12CaughtTime
$ae84 = sBox4Mon12CaughtLocation
$ae84 = sBox4Mon12CaughtGender
$ae85 = sBox4Mon12Level
$ae86 = sBox4Mon12BoxEnd
$ae86 = sBox4Mon13Species
$ae86 = sBox4Mon13
$ae87 = sBox4Mon13Item
$ae88 = sBox4Mon13Moves
$ae8c = sBox4Mon13ID
$ae8e = sBox4Mon13Exp
$ae91 = sBox4Mon13StatExp
$ae91 = sBox4Mon13HPExp
$ae93 = sBox4Mon13AtkExp
$ae95 = sBox4Mon13DefExp
$ae97 = sBox4Mon13SpdExp
$ae99 = sBox4Mon13SpcExp
$ae9b = sBox4Mon13DVs
$ae9d = sBox4Mon13PP
$aea1 = sBox4Mon13Happiness
$aea2 = sBox4Mon13PokerusStatus
$aea3 = sBox4Mon13CaughtLevel
$aea3 = sBox4Mon13CaughtData
$aea3 = sBox4Mon13CaughtTime
$aea4 = sBox4Mon13CaughtLocation
$aea4 = sBox4Mon13CaughtGender
$aea5 = sBox4Mon13Level
$aea6 = sBox4Mon13BoxEnd
$aea6 = sBox4Mon14
$aea6 = sBox4Mon14Species
$aea7 = sBox4Mon14Item
$aea8 = sBox4Mon14Moves
$aeac = sBox4Mon14ID
$aeae = sBox4Mon14Exp
$aeb1 = sBox4Mon14HPExp
$aeb1 = sBox4Mon14StatExp
$aeb3 = sBox4Mon14AtkExp
$aeb5 = sBox4Mon14DefExp
$aeb7 = sBox4Mon14SpdExp
$aeb9 = sBox4Mon14SpcExp
$aebb = sBox4Mon14DVs
$aebd = sBox4Mon14PP
$aec1 = sBox4Mon14Happiness
$aec2 = sBox4Mon14PokerusStatus
$aec3 = sBox4Mon14CaughtData
$aec3 = sBox4Mon14CaughtTime
$aec3 = sBox4Mon14CaughtLevel
$aec4 = sBox4Mon14CaughtLocation
$aec4 = sBox4Mon14CaughtGender
$aec5 = sBox4Mon14Level
$aec6 = sBox4Mon14BoxEnd
$aec6 = sBox4Mon15
$aec6 = sBox4Mon15Species
$aec7 = sBox4Mon15Item
$aec8 = sBox4Mon15Moves
$aecc = sBox4Mon15ID
$aece = sBox4Mon15Exp
$aed1 = sBox4Mon15HPExp
$aed1 = sBox4Mon15StatExp
$aed3 = sBox4Mon15AtkExp
$aed5 = sBox4Mon15DefExp
$aed7 = sBox4Mon15SpdExp
$aed9 = sBox4Mon15SpcExp
$aedb = sBox4Mon15DVs
$aedd = sBox4Mon15PP
$aee1 = sBox4Mon15Happiness
$aee2 = sBox4Mon15PokerusStatus
$aee3 = sBox4Mon15CaughtTime
$aee3 = sBox4Mon15CaughtData
$aee3 = sBox4Mon15CaughtLevel
$aee4 = sBox4Mon15CaughtGender
$aee4 = sBox4Mon15CaughtLocation
$aee5 = sBox4Mon15Level
$aee6 = sBox4Mon16Species
$aee6 = sBox4Mon15BoxEnd
$aee6 = sBox4Mon16
$aee7 = sBox4Mon16Item
$aee8 = sBox4Mon16Moves
$aeec = sBox4Mon16ID
$aeee = sBox4Mon16Exp
$aef1 = sBox4Mon16HPExp
$aef1 = sBox4Mon16StatExp
$aef3 = sBox4Mon16AtkExp
$aef5 = sBox4Mon16DefExp
$aef7 = sBox4Mon16SpdExp
$aef9 = sBox4Mon16SpcExp
$aefb = sBox4Mon16DVs
$aefd = sBox4Mon16PP
$af01 = sBox4Mon16Happiness
$af02 = sBox4Mon16PokerusStatus
$af03 = sBox4Mon16CaughtLevel
$af03 = sBox4Mon16CaughtTime
$af03 = sBox4Mon16CaughtData
$af04 = sBox4Mon16CaughtGender
$af04 = sBox4Mon16CaughtLocation
$af05 = sBox4Mon16Level
$af06 = sBox4Mon17Species
$af06 = sBox4Mon17
$af06 = sBox4Mon16BoxEnd
$af07 = sBox4Mon17Item
$af08 = sBox4Mon17Moves
$af0c = sBox4Mon17ID
$af0e = sBox4Mon17Exp
$af11 = sBox4Mon17HPExp
$af11 = sBox4Mon17StatExp
$af13 = sBox4Mon17AtkExp
$af15 = sBox4Mon17DefExp
$af17 = sBox4Mon17SpdExp
$af19 = sBox4Mon17SpcExp
$af1b = sBox4Mon17DVs
$af1d = sBox4Mon17PP
$af21 = sBox4Mon17Happiness
$af22 = sBox4Mon17PokerusStatus
$af23 = sBox4Mon17CaughtLevel
$af23 = sBox4Mon17CaughtTime
$af23 = sBox4Mon17CaughtData
$af24 = sBox4Mon17CaughtGender
$af24 = sBox4Mon17CaughtLocation
$af25 = sBox4Mon17Level
$af26 = sBox4Mon17BoxEnd
$af26 = sBox4Mon18
$af26 = sBox4Mon18Species
$af27 = sBox4Mon18Item
$af28 = sBox4Mon18Moves
$af2c = sBox4Mon18ID
$af2e = sBox4Mon18Exp
$af31 = sBox4Mon18HPExp
$af31 = sBox4Mon18StatExp
$af33 = sBox4Mon18AtkExp
$af35 = sBox4Mon18DefExp
$af37 = sBox4Mon18SpdExp
$af39 = sBox4Mon18SpcExp
$af3b = sBox4Mon18DVs
$af3d = sBox4Mon18PP
$af41 = sBox4Mon18Happiness
$af42 = sBox4Mon18PokerusStatus
$af43 = sBox4Mon18CaughtTime
$af43 = sBox4Mon18CaughtLevel
$af43 = sBox4Mon18CaughtData
$af44 = sBox4Mon18CaughtGender
$af44 = sBox4Mon18CaughtLocation
$af45 = sBox4Mon18Level
$af46 = sBox4Mon18BoxEnd
$af46 = sBox4Mon19
$af46 = sBox4Mon19Species
$af47 = sBox4Mon19Item
$af48 = sBox4Mon19Moves
$af4c = sBox4Mon19ID
$af4e = sBox4Mon19Exp
$af51 = sBox4Mon19HPExp
$af51 = sBox4Mon19StatExp
$af53 = sBox4Mon19AtkExp
$af55 = sBox4Mon19DefExp
$af57 = sBox4Mon19SpdExp
$af59 = sBox4Mon19SpcExp
$af5b = sBox4Mon19DVs
$af5d = sBox4Mon19PP
$af61 = sBox4Mon19Happiness
$af62 = sBox4Mon19PokerusStatus
$af63 = sBox4Mon19CaughtTime
$af63 = sBox4Mon19CaughtLevel
$af63 = sBox4Mon19CaughtData
$af64 = sBox4Mon19CaughtLocation
$af64 = sBox4Mon19CaughtGender
$af65 = sBox4Mon19Level
$af66 = sBox4Mon20
$af66 = sBox4Mon19BoxEnd
$af66 = sBox4Mon20Species
$af67 = sBox4Mon20Item
$af68 = sBox4Mon20Moves
$af6c = sBox4Mon20ID
$af6e = sBox4Mon20Exp
$af71 = sBox4Mon20HPExp
$af71 = sBox4Mon20StatExp
$af73 = sBox4Mon20AtkExp
$af75 = sBox4Mon20DefExp
$af77 = sBox4Mon20SpdExp
$af79 = sBox4Mon20SpcExp
$af7b = sBox4Mon20DVs
$af7d = sBox4Mon20PP
$af81 = sBox4Mon20Happiness
$af82 = sBox4Mon20PokerusStatus
$af83 = sBox4Mon20CaughtTime
$af83 = sBox4Mon20CaughtLevel
$af83 = sBox4Mon20CaughtData
$af84 = sBox4Mon20CaughtLocation
$af84 = sBox4Mon20CaughtGender
$af85 = sBox4Mon20Level
$af86 = sBox4Mon20BoxEnd
$af86 = sBox4MonOTs
$af86 = sBox4Mon1OT
$af91 = sBox4Mon2OT
$af9c = sBox4Mon3OT
$afa7 = sBox4Mon4OT
$afb2 = sBox4Mon5OT
$afbd = sBox4Mon6OT
$afc8 = sBox4Mon7OT
$afd3 = sBox4Mon8OT
$afde = sBox4Mon9OT
$afe9 = sBox4Mon10OT
$aff4 = sBox4Mon11OT
$afff = sBox4Mon12OT
$b00a = sBox4Mon13OT
$b015 = sBox4Mon14OT
$b020 = sBox4Mon15OT
$b02b = sBox4Mon16OT
$b036 = sBox4Mon17OT
$b041 = sBox4Mon18OT
$b04c = sBox4Mon19OT
$b057 = sBox4Mon20OT
$b062 = sBox4MonNicknames
$b062 = sBox4Mon1Nickname
$b06d = sBox4Mon2Nickname
$b078 = sBox4Mon3Nickname
$b083 = sBox4Mon4Nickname
$b08e = sBox4Mon5Nickname
$b099 = sBox4Mon6Nickname
$b0a4 = sBox4Mon7Nickname
$b0af = sBox4Mon8Nickname
$b0ba = sBox4Mon9Nickname
$b0c5 = sBox4Mon10Nickname
$b0d0 = sBox4Mon11Nickname
$b0db = sBox4Mon12Nickname
$b0e6 = sBox4Mon13Nickname
$b0f1 = sBox4Mon14Nickname
$b0fc = sBox4Mon15Nickname
$b107 = sBox4Mon16Nickname
$b112 = sBox4Mon17Nickname
$b11d = sBox4Mon18Nickname
$b128 = sBox4Mon19Nickname
$b133 = sBox4Mon20Nickname
$b13e = sBox4End
$b13e = sBox4MonNicknamesEnd
$b140 = sBox5Count
$b140 = sBox5
$b141 = sBox5Species
$b156 = sBox5Mon1
$b156 = sBox5Mons
$b156 = sBox5Mon1Species
$b157 = sBox5Mon1Item
$b158 = sBox5Mon1Moves
$b15c = sBox5Mon1ID
$b15e = sBox5Mon1Exp
$b161 = sBox5Mon1StatExp
$b161 = sBox5Mon1HPExp
$b163 = sBox5Mon1AtkExp
$b165 = sBox5Mon1DefExp
$b167 = sBox5Mon1SpdExp
$b169 = sBox5Mon1SpcExp
$b16b = sBox5Mon1DVs
$b16d = sBox5Mon1PP
$b171 = sBox5Mon1Happiness
$b172 = sBox5Mon1PokerusStatus
$b173 = sBox5Mon1CaughtLevel
$b173 = sBox5Mon1CaughtData
$b173 = sBox5Mon1CaughtTime
$b174 = sBox5Mon1CaughtGender
$b174 = sBox5Mon1CaughtLocation
$b175 = sBox5Mon1Level
$b176 = sBox5Mon2
$b176 = sBox5Mon1BoxEnd
$b176 = sBox5Mon2Species
$b177 = sBox5Mon2Item
$b178 = sBox5Mon2Moves
$b17c = sBox5Mon2ID
$b17e = sBox5Mon2Exp
$b181 = sBox5Mon2HPExp
$b181 = sBox5Mon2StatExp
$b183 = sBox5Mon2AtkExp
$b185 = sBox5Mon2DefExp
$b187 = sBox5Mon2SpdExp
$b189 = sBox5Mon2SpcExp
$b18b = sBox5Mon2DVs
$b18d = sBox5Mon2PP
$b191 = sBox5Mon2Happiness
$b192 = sBox5Mon2PokerusStatus
$b193 = sBox5Mon2CaughtData
$b193 = sBox5Mon2CaughtLevel
$b193 = sBox5Mon2CaughtTime
$b194 = sBox5Mon2CaughtLocation
$b194 = sBox5Mon2CaughtGender
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$b196 = sBox5Mon3
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$b1a1 = sBox5Mon3HPExp
$b1a3 = sBox5Mon3AtkExp
$b1a5 = sBox5Mon3DefExp
$b1a7 = sBox5Mon3SpdExp
$b1a9 = sBox5Mon3SpcExp
$b1ab = sBox5Mon3DVs
$b1ad = sBox5Mon3PP
$b1b1 = sBox5Mon3Happiness
$b1b2 = sBox5Mon3PokerusStatus
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$b1b4 = sBox5Mon3CaughtGender
$b1b4 = sBox5Mon3CaughtLocation
$b1b5 = sBox5Mon3Level
$b1b6 = sBox5Mon4
$b1b6 = sBox5Mon4Species
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$b1c1 = sBox5Mon4StatExp
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$b1c9 = sBox5Mon4SpcExp
$b1cb = sBox5Mon4DVs
$b1cd = sBox5Mon4PP
$b1d1 = sBox5Mon4Happiness
$b1d2 = sBox5Mon4PokerusStatus
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$b1d3 = sBox5Mon4CaughtData
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$b1d6 = sBox5Mon5Species
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$b1e1 = sBox5Mon5StatExp
$b1e1 = sBox5Mon5HPExp
$b1e3 = sBox5Mon5AtkExp
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$b1e7 = sBox5Mon5SpdExp
$b1e9 = sBox5Mon5SpcExp
$b1eb = sBox5Mon5DVs
$b1ed = sBox5Mon5PP
$b1f1 = sBox5Mon5Happiness
$b1f2 = sBox5Mon5PokerusStatus
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$b1f3 = sBox5Mon5CaughtData
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$b1f4 = sBox5Mon5CaughtGender
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$b201 = sBox5Mon6HPExp
$b201 = sBox5Mon6StatExp
$b203 = sBox5Mon6AtkExp
$b205 = sBox5Mon6DefExp
$b207 = sBox5Mon6SpdExp
$b209 = sBox5Mon6SpcExp
$b20b = sBox5Mon6DVs
$b20d = sBox5Mon6PP
$b211 = sBox5Mon6Happiness
$b212 = sBox5Mon6PokerusStatus
$b213 = sBox5Mon6CaughtLevel
$b213 = sBox5Mon6CaughtData
$b213 = sBox5Mon6CaughtTime
$b214 = sBox5Mon6CaughtLocation
$b214 = sBox5Mon6CaughtGender
$b215 = sBox5Mon6Level
$b216 = sBox5Mon7
$b216 = sBox5Mon7Species
$b216 = sBox5Mon6BoxEnd
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$b21e = sBox5Mon7Exp
$b221 = sBox5Mon7HPExp
$b221 = sBox5Mon7StatExp
$b223 = sBox5Mon7AtkExp
$b225 = sBox5Mon7DefExp
$b227 = sBox5Mon7SpdExp
$b229 = sBox5Mon7SpcExp
$b22b = sBox5Mon7DVs
$b22d = sBox5Mon7PP
$b231 = sBox5Mon7Happiness
$b232 = sBox5Mon7PokerusStatus
$b233 = sBox5Mon7CaughtTime
$b233 = sBox5Mon7CaughtLevel
$b233 = sBox5Mon7CaughtData
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$b234 = sBox5Mon7CaughtLocation
$b235 = sBox5Mon7Level
$b236 = sBox5Mon8
$b236 = sBox5Mon7BoxEnd
$b236 = sBox5Mon8Species
$b237 = sBox5Mon8Item
$b238 = sBox5Mon8Moves
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$b23e = sBox5Mon8Exp
$b241 = sBox5Mon8StatExp
$b241 = sBox5Mon8HPExp
$b243 = sBox5Mon8AtkExp
$b245 = sBox5Mon8DefExp
$b247 = sBox5Mon8SpdExp
$b249 = sBox5Mon8SpcExp
$b24b = sBox5Mon8DVs
$b24d = sBox5Mon8PP
$b251 = sBox5Mon8Happiness
$b252 = sBox5Mon8PokerusStatus
$b253 = sBox5Mon8CaughtLevel
$b253 = sBox5Mon8CaughtTime
$b253 = sBox5Mon8CaughtData
$b254 = sBox5Mon8CaughtLocation
$b254 = sBox5Mon8CaughtGender
$b255 = sBox5Mon8Level
$b256 = sBox5Mon9Species
$b256 = sBox5Mon9
$b256 = sBox5Mon8BoxEnd
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$b258 = sBox5Mon9Moves
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$b261 = sBox5Mon9StatExp
$b261 = sBox5Mon9HPExp
$b263 = sBox5Mon9AtkExp
$b265 = sBox5Mon9DefExp
$b267 = sBox5Mon9SpdExp
$b269 = sBox5Mon9SpcExp
$b26b = sBox5Mon9DVs
$b26d = sBox5Mon9PP
$b271 = sBox5Mon9Happiness
$b272 = sBox5Mon9PokerusStatus
$b273 = sBox5Mon9CaughtData
$b273 = sBox5Mon9CaughtTime
$b273 = sBox5Mon9CaughtLevel
$b274 = sBox5Mon9CaughtLocation
$b274 = sBox5Mon9CaughtGender
$b275 = sBox5Mon9Level
$b276 = sBox5Mon9BoxEnd
$b276 = sBox5Mon10
$b276 = sBox5Mon10Species
$b277 = sBox5Mon10Item
$b278 = sBox5Mon10Moves
$b27c = sBox5Mon10ID
$b27e = sBox5Mon10Exp
$b281 = sBox5Mon10StatExp
$b281 = sBox5Mon10HPExp
$b283 = sBox5Mon10AtkExp
$b285 = sBox5Mon10DefExp
$b287 = sBox5Mon10SpdExp
$b289 = sBox5Mon10SpcExp
$b28b = sBox5Mon10DVs
$b28d = sBox5Mon10PP
$b291 = sBox5Mon10Happiness
$b292 = sBox5Mon10PokerusStatus
$b293 = sBox5Mon10CaughtData
$b293 = sBox5Mon10CaughtTime
$b293 = sBox5Mon10CaughtLevel
$b294 = sBox5Mon10CaughtGender
$b294 = sBox5Mon10CaughtLocation
$b295 = sBox5Mon10Level
$b296 = sBox5Mon10BoxEnd
$b296 = sBox5Mon11
$b296 = sBox5Mon11Species
$b297 = sBox5Mon11Item
$b298 = sBox5Mon11Moves
$b29c = sBox5Mon11ID
$b29e = sBox5Mon11Exp
$b2a1 = sBox5Mon11HPExp
$b2a1 = sBox5Mon11StatExp
$b2a3 = sBox5Mon11AtkExp
$b2a5 = sBox5Mon11DefExp
$b2a7 = sBox5Mon11SpdExp
$b2a9 = sBox5Mon11SpcExp
$b2ab = sBox5Mon11DVs
$b2ad = sBox5Mon11PP
$b2b1 = sBox5Mon11Happiness
$b2b2 = sBox5Mon11PokerusStatus
$b2b3 = sBox5Mon11CaughtLevel
$b2b3 = sBox5Mon11CaughtData
$b2b3 = sBox5Mon11CaughtTime
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$b2b4 = sBox5Mon11CaughtLocation
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$b2b6 = sBox5Mon12
$b2b6 = sBox5Mon12Species
$b2b6 = sBox5Mon11BoxEnd
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$b2b8 = sBox5Mon12Moves
$b2bc = sBox5Mon12ID
$b2be = sBox5Mon12Exp
$b2c1 = sBox5Mon12StatExp
$b2c1 = sBox5Mon12HPExp
$b2c3 = sBox5Mon12AtkExp
$b2c5 = sBox5Mon12DefExp
$b2c7 = sBox5Mon12SpdExp
$b2c9 = sBox5Mon12SpcExp
$b2cb = sBox5Mon12DVs
$b2cd = sBox5Mon12PP
$b2d1 = sBox5Mon12Happiness
$b2d2 = sBox5Mon12PokerusStatus
$b2d3 = sBox5Mon12CaughtData
$b2d3 = sBox5Mon12CaughtLevel
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$b2d4 = sBox5Mon12CaughtLocation
$b2d4 = sBox5Mon12CaughtGender
$b2d5 = sBox5Mon12Level
$b2d6 = sBox5Mon13
$b2d6 = sBox5Mon13Species
$b2d6 = sBox5Mon12BoxEnd
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$b2d8 = sBox5Mon13Moves
$b2dc = sBox5Mon13ID
$b2de = sBox5Mon13Exp
$b2e1 = sBox5Mon13StatExp
$b2e1 = sBox5Mon13HPExp
$b2e3 = sBox5Mon13AtkExp
$b2e5 = sBox5Mon13DefExp
$b2e7 = sBox5Mon13SpdExp
$b2e9 = sBox5Mon13SpcExp
$b2eb = sBox5Mon13DVs
$b2ed = sBox5Mon13PP
$b2f1 = sBox5Mon13Happiness
$b2f2 = sBox5Mon13PokerusStatus
$b2f3 = sBox5Mon13CaughtTime
$b2f3 = sBox5Mon13CaughtLevel
$b2f3 = sBox5Mon13CaughtData
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$b2f5 = sBox5Mon13Level
$b2f6 = sBox5Mon14
$b2f6 = sBox5Mon13BoxEnd
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$b301 = sBox5Mon14StatExp
$b301 = sBox5Mon14HPExp
$b303 = sBox5Mon14AtkExp
$b305 = sBox5Mon14DefExp
$b307 = sBox5Mon14SpdExp
$b309 = sBox5Mon14SpcExp
$b30b = sBox5Mon14DVs
$b30d = sBox5Mon14PP
$b311 = sBox5Mon14Happiness
$b312 = sBox5Mon14PokerusStatus
$b313 = sBox5Mon14CaughtTime
$b313 = sBox5Mon14CaughtLevel
$b313 = sBox5Mon14CaughtData
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$b314 = sBox5Mon14CaughtLocation
$b315 = sBox5Mon14Level
$b316 = sBox5Mon15
$b316 = sBox5Mon14BoxEnd
$b316 = sBox5Mon15Species
$b317 = sBox5Mon15Item
$b318 = sBox5Mon15Moves
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$b321 = sBox5Mon15StatExp
$b321 = sBox5Mon15HPExp
$b323 = sBox5Mon15AtkExp
$b325 = sBox5Mon15DefExp
$b327 = sBox5Mon15SpdExp
$b329 = sBox5Mon15SpcExp
$b32b = sBox5Mon15DVs
$b32d = sBox5Mon15PP
$b331 = sBox5Mon15Happiness
$b332 = sBox5Mon15PokerusStatus
$b333 = sBox5Mon15CaughtLevel
$b333 = sBox5Mon15CaughtTime
$b333 = sBox5Mon15CaughtData
$b334 = sBox5Mon15CaughtLocation
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$b335 = sBox5Mon15Level
$b336 = sBox5Mon16
$b336 = sBox5Mon15BoxEnd
$b336 = sBox5Mon16Species
$b337 = sBox5Mon16Item
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$b341 = sBox5Mon16HPExp
$b341 = sBox5Mon16StatExp
$b343 = sBox5Mon16AtkExp
$b345 = sBox5Mon16DefExp
$b347 = sBox5Mon16SpdExp
$b349 = sBox5Mon16SpcExp
$b34b = sBox5Mon16DVs
$b34d = sBox5Mon16PP
$b351 = sBox5Mon16Happiness
$b352 = sBox5Mon16PokerusStatus
$b353 = sBox5Mon16CaughtLevel
$b353 = sBox5Mon16CaughtData
$b353 = sBox5Mon16CaughtTime
$b354 = sBox5Mon16CaughtLocation
$b354 = sBox5Mon16CaughtGender
$b355 = sBox5Mon16Level
$b356 = sBox5Mon17
$b356 = sBox5Mon16BoxEnd
$b356 = sBox5Mon17Species
$b357 = sBox5Mon17Item
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$b35e = sBox5Mon17Exp
$b361 = sBox5Mon17HPExp
$b361 = sBox5Mon17StatExp
$b363 = sBox5Mon17AtkExp
$b365 = sBox5Mon17DefExp
$b367 = sBox5Mon17SpdExp
$b369 = sBox5Mon17SpcExp
$b36b = sBox5Mon17DVs
$b36d = sBox5Mon17PP
$b371 = sBox5Mon17Happiness
$b372 = sBox5Mon17PokerusStatus
$b373 = sBox5Mon17CaughtData
$b373 = sBox5Mon17CaughtLevel
$b373 = sBox5Mon17CaughtTime
$b374 = sBox5Mon17CaughtGender
$b374 = sBox5Mon17CaughtLocation
$b375 = sBox5Mon17Level
$b376 = sBox5Mon18
$b376 = sBox5Mon17BoxEnd
$b376 = sBox5Mon18Species
$b377 = sBox5Mon18Item
$b378 = sBox5Mon18Moves
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$b381 = sBox5Mon18HPExp
$b381 = sBox5Mon18StatExp
$b383 = sBox5Mon18AtkExp
$b385 = sBox5Mon18DefExp
$b387 = sBox5Mon18SpdExp
$b389 = sBox5Mon18SpcExp
$b38b = sBox5Mon18DVs
$b38d = sBox5Mon18PP
$b391 = sBox5Mon18Happiness
$b392 = sBox5Mon18PokerusStatus
$b393 = sBox5Mon18CaughtLevel
$b393 = sBox5Mon18CaughtData
$b393 = sBox5Mon18CaughtTime
$b394 = sBox5Mon18CaughtLocation
$b394 = sBox5Mon18CaughtGender
$b395 = sBox5Mon18Level
$b396 = sBox5Mon19
$b396 = sBox5Mon18BoxEnd
$b396 = sBox5Mon19Species
$b397 = sBox5Mon19Item
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$b39c = sBox5Mon19ID
$b39e = sBox5Mon19Exp
$b3a1 = sBox5Mon19StatExp
$b3a1 = sBox5Mon19HPExp
$b3a3 = sBox5Mon19AtkExp
$b3a5 = sBox5Mon19DefExp
$b3a7 = sBox5Mon19SpdExp
$b3a9 = sBox5Mon19SpcExp
$b3ab = sBox5Mon19DVs
$b3ad = sBox5Mon19PP
$b3b1 = sBox5Mon19Happiness
$b3b2 = sBox5Mon19PokerusStatus
$b3b3 = sBox5Mon19CaughtLevel
$b3b3 = sBox5Mon19CaughtData
$b3b3 = sBox5Mon19CaughtTime
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$b3b6 = sBox5Mon20
$b3b6 = sBox5Mon19BoxEnd
$b3b6 = sBox5Mon20Species
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$b3bc = sBox5Mon20ID
$b3be = sBox5Mon20Exp
$b3c1 = sBox5Mon20StatExp
$b3c1 = sBox5Mon20HPExp
$b3c3 = sBox5Mon20AtkExp
$b3c5 = sBox5Mon20DefExp
$b3c7 = sBox5Mon20SpdExp
$b3c9 = sBox5Mon20SpcExp
$b3cb = sBox5Mon20DVs
$b3cd = sBox5Mon20PP
$b3d1 = sBox5Mon20Happiness
$b3d2 = sBox5Mon20PokerusStatus
$b3d3 = sBox5Mon20CaughtLevel
$b3d3 = sBox5Mon20CaughtData
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$b3d5 = sBox5Mon20Level
$b3d6 = sBox5Mon20BoxEnd
$b3d6 = sBox5MonOTs
$b3d6 = sBox5Mon1OT
$b3e1 = sBox5Mon2OT
$b3ec = sBox5Mon3OT
$b3f7 = sBox5Mon4OT
$b402 = sBox5Mon5OT
$b40d = sBox5Mon6OT
$b418 = sBox5Mon7OT
$b423 = sBox5Mon8OT
$b42e = sBox5Mon9OT
$b439 = sBox5Mon10OT
$b444 = sBox5Mon11OT
$b44f = sBox5Mon12OT
$b45a = sBox5Mon13OT
$b465 = sBox5Mon14OT
$b470 = sBox5Mon15OT
$b47b = sBox5Mon16OT
$b486 = sBox5Mon17OT
$b491 = sBox5Mon18OT
$b49c = sBox5Mon19OT
$b4a7 = sBox5Mon20OT
$b4b2 = sBox5MonNicknames
$b4b2 = sBox5Mon1Nickname
$b4bd = sBox5Mon2Nickname
$b4c8 = sBox5Mon3Nickname
$b4d3 = sBox5Mon4Nickname
$b4de = sBox5Mon5Nickname
$b4e9 = sBox5Mon6Nickname
$b4f4 = sBox5Mon7Nickname
$b4ff = sBox5Mon8Nickname
$b50a = sBox5Mon9Nickname
$b515 = sBox5Mon10Nickname
$b520 = sBox5Mon11Nickname
$b52b = sBox5Mon12Nickname
$b536 = sBox5Mon13Nickname
$b541 = sBox5Mon14Nickname
$b54c = sBox5Mon15Nickname
$b557 = sBox5Mon16Nickname
$b562 = sBox5Mon17Nickname
$b56d = sBox5Mon18Nickname
$b578 = sBox5Mon19Nickname
$b583 = sBox5Mon20Nickname
$b58e = sBox5MonNicknamesEnd
$b58e = sBox5End
$b590 = sBox6
$b590 = sBox6Count
$b591 = sBox6Species
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$b5a6 = sBox6Mons
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$b5a7 = sBox6Mon1Item
$b5a8 = sBox6Mon1Moves
$b5ac = sBox6Mon1ID
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$b5b1 = sBox6Mon1HPExp
$b5b1 = sBox6Mon1StatExp
$b5b3 = sBox6Mon1AtkExp
$b5b5 = sBox6Mon1DefExp
$b5b7 = sBox6Mon1SpdExp
$b5b9 = sBox6Mon1SpcExp
$b5bb = sBox6Mon1DVs
$b5bd = sBox6Mon1PP
$b5c1 = sBox6Mon1Happiness
$b5c2 = sBox6Mon1PokerusStatus
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$b5d1 = sBox6Mon2HPExp
$b5d1 = sBox6Mon2StatExp
$b5d3 = sBox6Mon2AtkExp
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$b5d9 = sBox6Mon2SpcExp
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$b5e1 = sBox6Mon2Happiness
$b5e2 = sBox6Mon2PokerusStatus
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$b5e4 = sBox6Mon2CaughtLocation
$b5e5 = sBox6Mon2Level
$b5e6 = sBox6Mon3Species
$b5e6 = sBox6Mon3
$b5e6 = sBox6Mon2BoxEnd
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$b5ec = sBox6Mon3ID
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$b5f1 = sBox6Mon3StatExp
$b5f1 = sBox6Mon3HPExp
$b5f3 = sBox6Mon3AtkExp
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$b5f7 = sBox6Mon3SpdExp
$b5f9 = sBox6Mon3SpcExp
$b5fb = sBox6Mon3DVs
$b5fd = sBox6Mon3PP
$b601 = sBox6Mon3Happiness
$b602 = sBox6Mon3PokerusStatus
$b603 = sBox6Mon3CaughtLevel
$b603 = sBox6Mon3CaughtData
$b603 = sBox6Mon3CaughtTime
$b604 = sBox6Mon3CaughtLocation
$b604 = sBox6Mon3CaughtGender
$b605 = sBox6Mon3Level
$b606 = sBox6Mon4
$b606 = sBox6Mon4Species
$b606 = sBox6Mon3BoxEnd
$b607 = sBox6Mon4Item
$b608 = sBox6Mon4Moves
$b60c = sBox6Mon4ID
$b60e = sBox6Mon4Exp
$b611 = sBox6Mon4StatExp
$b611 = sBox6Mon4HPExp
$b613 = sBox6Mon4AtkExp
$b615 = sBox6Mon4DefExp
$b617 = sBox6Mon4SpdExp
$b619 = sBox6Mon4SpcExp
$b61b = sBox6Mon4DVs
$b61d = sBox6Mon4PP
$b621 = sBox6Mon4Happiness
$b622 = sBox6Mon4PokerusStatus
$b623 = sBox6Mon4CaughtData
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$b623 = sBox6Mon4CaughtTime
$b624 = sBox6Mon4CaughtLocation
$b624 = sBox6Mon4CaughtGender
$b625 = sBox6Mon4Level
$b626 = sBox6Mon5Species
$b626 = sBox6Mon5
$b626 = sBox6Mon4BoxEnd
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$b62e = sBox6Mon5Exp
$b631 = sBox6Mon5StatExp
$b631 = sBox6Mon5HPExp
$b633 = sBox6Mon5AtkExp
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$b637 = sBox6Mon5SpdExp
$b639 = sBox6Mon5SpcExp
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$b641 = sBox6Mon5Happiness
$b642 = sBox6Mon5PokerusStatus
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$b643 = sBox6Mon5CaughtData
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$b644 = sBox6Mon5CaughtLocation
$b644 = sBox6Mon5CaughtGender
$b645 = sBox6Mon5Level
$b646 = sBox6Mon6
$b646 = sBox6Mon6Species
$b646 = sBox6Mon5BoxEnd
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$b659 = sBox6Mon6SpcExp
$b65b = sBox6Mon6DVs
$b65d = sBox6Mon6PP
$b661 = sBox6Mon6Happiness
$b662 = sBox6Mon6PokerusStatus
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$b666 = sBox6Mon7
$b666 = sBox6Mon7Species
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$b671 = sBox6Mon7StatExp
$b673 = sBox6Mon7AtkExp
$b675 = sBox6Mon7DefExp
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$b679 = sBox6Mon7SpcExp
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$b67d = sBox6Mon7PP
$b681 = sBox6Mon7Happiness
$b682 = sBox6Mon7PokerusStatus
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$b683 = sBox6Mon7CaughtData
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$b684 = sBox6Mon7CaughtLocation
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$b686 = sBox6Mon8
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$b687 = sBox6Mon8Item
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$b691 = sBox6Mon8HPExp
$b691 = sBox6Mon8StatExp
$b693 = sBox6Mon8AtkExp
$b695 = sBox6Mon8DefExp
$b697 = sBox6Mon8SpdExp
$b699 = sBox6Mon8SpcExp
$b69b = sBox6Mon8DVs
$b69d = sBox6Mon8PP
$b6a1 = sBox6Mon8Happiness
$b6a2 = sBox6Mon8PokerusStatus
$b6a3 = sBox6Mon8CaughtTime
$b6a3 = sBox6Mon8CaughtLevel
$b6a3 = sBox6Mon8CaughtData
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$b6a5 = sBox6Mon8Level
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$b6a6 = sBox6Mon8BoxEnd
$b6a6 = sBox6Mon9Species
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$b6b1 = sBox6Mon9HPExp
$b6b1 = sBox6Mon9StatExp
$b6b3 = sBox6Mon9AtkExp
$b6b5 = sBox6Mon9DefExp
$b6b7 = sBox6Mon9SpdExp
$b6b9 = sBox6Mon9SpcExp
$b6bb = sBox6Mon9DVs
$b6bd = sBox6Mon9PP
$b6c1 = sBox6Mon9Happiness
$b6c2 = sBox6Mon9PokerusStatus
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$b6c3 = sBox6Mon9CaughtData
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$b6c4 = sBox6Mon9CaughtLocation
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$b6d1 = sBox6Mon10StatExp
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$b6d7 = sBox6Mon10SpdExp
$b6d9 = sBox6Mon10SpcExp
$b6db = sBox6Mon10DVs
$b6dd = sBox6Mon10PP
$b6e1 = sBox6Mon10Happiness
$b6e2 = sBox6Mon10PokerusStatus
$b6e3 = sBox6Mon10CaughtTime
$b6e3 = sBox6Mon10CaughtData
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$b6e6 = sBox6Mon11Species
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$b6f1 = sBox6Mon11HPExp
$b6f1 = sBox6Mon11StatExp
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$b6f7 = sBox6Mon11SpdExp
$b6f9 = sBox6Mon11SpcExp
$b6fb = sBox6Mon11DVs
$b6fd = sBox6Mon11PP
$b701 = sBox6Mon11Happiness
$b702 = sBox6Mon11PokerusStatus
$b703 = sBox6Mon11CaughtTime
$b703 = sBox6Mon11CaughtData
$b703 = sBox6Mon11CaughtLevel
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$b704 = sBox6Mon11CaughtLocation
$b705 = sBox6Mon11Level
$b706 = sBox6Mon12
$b706 = sBox6Mon11BoxEnd
$b706 = sBox6Mon12Species
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$b708 = sBox6Mon12Moves
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$b711 = sBox6Mon12HPExp
$b711 = sBox6Mon12StatExp
$b713 = sBox6Mon12AtkExp
$b715 = sBox6Mon12DefExp
$b717 = sBox6Mon12SpdExp
$b719 = sBox6Mon12SpcExp
$b71b = sBox6Mon12DVs
$b71d = sBox6Mon12PP
$b721 = sBox6Mon12Happiness
$b722 = sBox6Mon12PokerusStatus
$b723 = sBox6Mon12CaughtData
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$b723 = sBox6Mon12CaughtLevel
$b724 = sBox6Mon12CaughtLocation
$b724 = sBox6Mon12CaughtGender
$b725 = sBox6Mon12Level
$b726 = sBox6Mon13Species
$b726 = sBox6Mon13
$b726 = sBox6Mon12BoxEnd
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$b72e = sBox6Mon13Exp
$b731 = sBox6Mon13HPExp
$b731 = sBox6Mon13StatExp
$b733 = sBox6Mon13AtkExp
$b735 = sBox6Mon13DefExp
$b737 = sBox6Mon13SpdExp
$b739 = sBox6Mon13SpcExp
$b73b = sBox6Mon13DVs
$b73d = sBox6Mon13PP
$b741 = sBox6Mon13Happiness
$b742 = sBox6Mon13PokerusStatus
$b743 = sBox6Mon13CaughtTime
$b743 = sBox6Mon13CaughtData
$b743 = sBox6Mon13CaughtLevel
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$b744 = sBox6Mon13CaughtLocation
$b745 = sBox6Mon13Level
$b746 = sBox6Mon14
$b746 = sBox6Mon14Species
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$b751 = sBox6Mon14StatExp
$b751 = sBox6Mon14HPExp
$b753 = sBox6Mon14AtkExp
$b755 = sBox6Mon14DefExp
$b757 = sBox6Mon14SpdExp
$b759 = sBox6Mon14SpcExp
$b75b = sBox6Mon14DVs
$b75d = sBox6Mon14PP
$b761 = sBox6Mon14Happiness
$b762 = sBox6Mon14PokerusStatus
$b763 = sBox6Mon14CaughtLevel
$b763 = sBox6Mon14CaughtTime
$b763 = sBox6Mon14CaughtData
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$b765 = sBox6Mon14Level
$b766 = sBox6Mon15
$b766 = sBox6Mon14BoxEnd
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$b771 = sBox6Mon15StatExp
$b773 = sBox6Mon15AtkExp
$b775 = sBox6Mon15DefExp
$b777 = sBox6Mon15SpdExp
$b779 = sBox6Mon15SpcExp
$b77b = sBox6Mon15DVs
$b77d = sBox6Mon15PP
$b781 = sBox6Mon15Happiness
$b782 = sBox6Mon15PokerusStatus
$b783 = sBox6Mon15CaughtLevel
$b783 = sBox6Mon15CaughtTime
$b783 = sBox6Mon15CaughtData
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$b784 = sBox6Mon15CaughtLocation
$b785 = sBox6Mon15Level
$b786 = sBox6Mon16
$b786 = sBox6Mon15BoxEnd
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$b791 = sBox6Mon16HPExp
$b791 = sBox6Mon16StatExp
$b793 = sBox6Mon16AtkExp
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$b797 = sBox6Mon16SpdExp
$b799 = sBox6Mon16SpcExp
$b79b = sBox6Mon16DVs
$b79d = sBox6Mon16PP
$b7a1 = sBox6Mon16Happiness
$b7a2 = sBox6Mon16PokerusStatus
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$b7a6 = sBox6Mon17
$b7a6 = sBox6Mon17Species
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$b7b1 = sBox6Mon17HPExp
$b7b1 = sBox6Mon17StatExp
$b7b3 = sBox6Mon17AtkExp
$b7b5 = sBox6Mon17DefExp
$b7b7 = sBox6Mon17SpdExp
$b7b9 = sBox6Mon17SpcExp
$b7bb = sBox6Mon17DVs
$b7bd = sBox6Mon17PP
$b7c1 = sBox6Mon17Happiness
$b7c2 = sBox6Mon17PokerusStatus
$b7c3 = sBox6Mon17CaughtTime
$b7c3 = sBox6Mon17CaughtLevel
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$b7d1 = sBox6Mon18StatExp
$b7d3 = sBox6Mon18AtkExp
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$b7d9 = sBox6Mon18SpcExp
$b7db = sBox6Mon18DVs
$b7dd = sBox6Mon18PP
$b7e1 = sBox6Mon18Happiness
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$b7e3 = sBox6Mon18CaughtData
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$b7e6 = sBox6Mon19
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$b7f1 = sBox6Mon19StatExp
$b7f1 = sBox6Mon19HPExp
$b7f3 = sBox6Mon19AtkExp
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$b7f7 = sBox6Mon19SpdExp
$b7f9 = sBox6Mon19SpcExp
$b7fb = sBox6Mon19DVs
$b7fd = sBox6Mon19PP
$b801 = sBox6Mon19Happiness
$b802 = sBox6Mon19PokerusStatus
$b803 = sBox6Mon19CaughtTime
$b803 = sBox6Mon19CaughtLevel
$b803 = sBox6Mon19CaughtData
$b804 = sBox6Mon19CaughtLocation
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$b805 = sBox6Mon19Level
$b806 = sBox6Mon20
$b806 = sBox6Mon20Species
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$b811 = sBox6Mon20HPExp
$b811 = sBox6Mon20StatExp
$b813 = sBox6Mon20AtkExp
$b815 = sBox6Mon20DefExp
$b817 = sBox6Mon20SpdExp
$b819 = sBox6Mon20SpcExp
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$b81d = sBox6Mon20PP
$b821 = sBox6Mon20Happiness
$b822 = sBox6Mon20PokerusStatus
$b823 = sBox6Mon20CaughtTime
$b823 = sBox6Mon20CaughtLevel
$b823 = sBox6Mon20CaughtData
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$b824 = sBox6Mon20CaughtLocation
$b825 = sBox6Mon20Level
$b826 = sBox6Mon1OT
$b826 = sBox6Mon20BoxEnd
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$b831 = sBox6Mon2OT
$b83c = sBox6Mon3OT
$b847 = sBox6Mon4OT
$b852 = sBox6Mon5OT
$b85d = sBox6Mon6OT
$b868 = sBox6Mon7OT
$b873 = sBox6Mon8OT
$b87e = sBox6Mon9OT
$b889 = sBox6Mon10OT
$b894 = sBox6Mon11OT
$b89f = sBox6Mon12OT
$b8aa = sBox6Mon13OT
$b8b5 = sBox6Mon14OT
$b8c0 = sBox6Mon15OT
$b8cb = sBox6Mon16OT
$b8d6 = sBox6Mon17OT
$b8e1 = sBox6Mon18OT
$b8ec = sBox6Mon19OT
$b8f7 = sBox6Mon20OT
$b902 = sBox6MonNicknames
$b902 = sBox6Mon1Nickname
$b90d = sBox6Mon2Nickname
$b918 = sBox6Mon3Nickname
$b923 = sBox6Mon4Nickname
$b92e = sBox6Mon5Nickname
$b939 = sBox6Mon6Nickname
$b944 = sBox6Mon7Nickname
$b94f = sBox6Mon8Nickname
$b95a = sBox6Mon9Nickname
$b965 = sBox6Mon10Nickname
$b970 = sBox6Mon11Nickname
$b97b = sBox6Mon12Nickname
$b986 = sBox6Mon13Nickname
$b991 = sBox6Mon14Nickname
$b99c = sBox6Mon15Nickname
$b9a7 = sBox6Mon16Nickname
$b9b2 = sBox6Mon17Nickname
$b9bd = sBox6Mon18Nickname
$b9c8 = sBox6Mon19Nickname
$b9d3 = sBox6Mon20Nickname
$b9de = sBox6End
$b9de = sBox6MonNicknamesEnd
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$b9f6 = sBox7Mon1
$b9f7 = sBox7Mon1Item
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$ba09 = sBox7Mon1SpcExp
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$ba0d = sBox7Mon1PP
$ba11 = sBox7Mon1Happiness
$ba12 = sBox7Mon1PokerusStatus
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$ba23 = sBox7Mon2AtkExp
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$ba27 = sBox7Mon2SpdExp
$ba29 = sBox7Mon2SpcExp
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$ba2d = sBox7Mon2PP
$ba31 = sBox7Mon2Happiness
$ba32 = sBox7Mon2PokerusStatus
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$ba33 = sBox7Mon2CaughtData
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$ba36 = sBox7Mon3Species
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$ba43 = sBox7Mon3AtkExp
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$ba49 = sBox7Mon3SpcExp
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$ba4d = sBox7Mon3PP
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$ba52 = sBox7Mon3PokerusStatus
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$ba56 = sBox7Mon4
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$ba63 = sBox7Mon4AtkExp
$ba65 = sBox7Mon4DefExp
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$ba69 = sBox7Mon4SpcExp
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$ba6d = sBox7Mon4PP
$ba71 = sBox7Mon4Happiness
$ba72 = sBox7Mon4PokerusStatus
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$ba73 = sBox7Mon4CaughtLevel
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$ba83 = sBox7Mon5AtkExp
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$ba87 = sBox7Mon5SpdExp
$ba89 = sBox7Mon5SpcExp
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$ba92 = sBox7Mon5PokerusStatus
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$baa1 = sBox7Mon6StatExp
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$baa9 = sBox7Mon6SpcExp
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$bac9 = sBox7Mon7SpcExp
$bacb = sBox7Mon7DVs
$bacd = sBox7Mon7PP
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$bae1 = sBox7Mon8StatExp
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$bb03 = sBox7Mon9AtkExp
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$bb07 = sBox7Mon9SpdExp
$bb09 = sBox7Mon9SpcExp
$bb0b = sBox7Mon9DVs
$bb0d = sBox7Mon9PP
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$bb89 = sBox7Mon13SpcExp
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$bb92 = sBox7Mon13PokerusStatus
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$bbcb = sBox7Mon15DVs
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$bbd4 = sBox7Mon15CaughtGender
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$bbf3 = sBox7Mon16CaughtTime
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$bc01 = sBox7Mon17HPExp
$bc03 = sBox7Mon17AtkExp
$bc05 = sBox7Mon17DefExp
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$bc09 = sBox7Mon17SpcExp
$bc0b = sBox7Mon17DVs
$bc0d = sBox7Mon17PP
$bc11 = sBox7Mon17Happiness
$bc12 = sBox7Mon17PokerusStatus
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$bc13 = sBox7Mon17CaughtTime
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$bc14 = sBox7Mon17CaughtLocation
$bc14 = sBox7Mon17CaughtGender
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$bc16 = sBox7Mon18
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$bc21 = sBox7Mon18HPExp
$bc21 = sBox7Mon18StatExp
$bc23 = sBox7Mon18AtkExp
$bc25 = sBox7Mon18DefExp
$bc27 = sBox7Mon18SpdExp
$bc29 = sBox7Mon18SpcExp
$bc2b = sBox7Mon18DVs
$bc2d = sBox7Mon18PP
$bc31 = sBox7Mon18Happiness
$bc32 = sBox7Mon18PokerusStatus
$bc33 = sBox7Mon18CaughtData
$bc33 = sBox7Mon18CaughtTime
$bc33 = sBox7Mon18CaughtLevel
$bc34 = sBox7Mon18CaughtGender
$bc34 = sBox7Mon18CaughtLocation
$bc35 = sBox7Mon18Level
$bc36 = sBox7Mon19Species
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$bc36 = sBox7Mon19
$bc37 = sBox7Mon19Item
$bc38 = sBox7Mon19Moves
$bc3c = sBox7Mon19ID
$bc3e = sBox7Mon19Exp
$bc41 = sBox7Mon19StatExp
$bc41 = sBox7Mon19HPExp
$bc43 = sBox7Mon19AtkExp
$bc45 = sBox7Mon19DefExp
$bc47 = sBox7Mon19SpdExp
$bc49 = sBox7Mon19SpcExp
$bc4b = sBox7Mon19DVs
$bc4d = sBox7Mon19PP
$bc51 = sBox7Mon19Happiness
$bc52 = sBox7Mon19PokerusStatus
$bc53 = sBox7Mon19CaughtTime
$bc53 = sBox7Mon19CaughtLevel
$bc53 = sBox7Mon19CaughtData
$bc54 = sBox7Mon19CaughtGender
$bc54 = sBox7Mon19CaughtLocation
$bc55 = sBox7Mon19Level
$bc56 = sBox7Mon20Species
$bc56 = sBox7Mon20
$bc56 = sBox7Mon19BoxEnd
$bc57 = sBox7Mon20Item
$bc58 = sBox7Mon20Moves
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$bc5e = sBox7Mon20Exp
$bc61 = sBox7Mon20StatExp
$bc61 = sBox7Mon20HPExp
$bc63 = sBox7Mon20AtkExp
$bc65 = sBox7Mon20DefExp
$bc67 = sBox7Mon20SpdExp
$bc69 = sBox7Mon20SpcExp
$bc6b = sBox7Mon20DVs
$bc6d = sBox7Mon20PP
$bc71 = sBox7Mon20Happiness
$bc72 = sBox7Mon20PokerusStatus
$bc73 = sBox7Mon20CaughtLevel
$bc73 = sBox7Mon20CaughtTime
$bc73 = sBox7Mon20CaughtData
$bc74 = sBox7Mon20CaughtLocation
$bc74 = sBox7Mon20CaughtGender
$bc75 = sBox7Mon20Level
$bc76 = sBox7MonOTs
$bc76 = sBox7Mon1OT
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$bc81 = sBox7Mon2OT
$bc8c = sBox7Mon3OT
$bc97 = sBox7Mon4OT
$bca2 = sBox7Mon5OT
$bcad = sBox7Mon6OT
$bcb8 = sBox7Mon7OT
$bcc3 = sBox7Mon8OT
$bcce = sBox7Mon9OT
$bcd9 = sBox7Mon10OT
$bce4 = sBox7Mon11OT
$bcef = sBox7Mon12OT
$bcfa = sBox7Mon13OT
$bd05 = sBox7Mon14OT
$bd10 = sBox7Mon15OT
$bd1b = sBox7Mon16OT
$bd26 = sBox7Mon17OT
$bd31 = sBox7Mon18OT
$bd3c = sBox7Mon19OT
$bd47 = sBox7Mon20OT
$bd52 = sBox7MonNicknames
$bd52 = sBox7Mon1Nickname
$bd5d = sBox7Mon2Nickname
$bd68 = sBox7Mon3Nickname
$bd73 = sBox7Mon4Nickname
$bd7e = sBox7Mon5Nickname
$bd89 = sBox7Mon6Nickname
$bd94 = sBox7Mon7Nickname
$bd9f = sBox7Mon8Nickname
$bdaa = sBox7Mon9Nickname
$bdb5 = sBox7Mon10Nickname
$bdc0 = sBox7Mon11Nickname
$bdcb = sBox7Mon12Nickname
$bdd6 = sBox7Mon13Nickname
$bde1 = sBox7Mon14Nickname
$bdec = sBox7Mon15Nickname
$bdf7 = sBox7Mon16Nickname
$be02 = sBox7Mon17Nickname
$be0d = sBox7Mon18Nickname
$be18 = sBox7Mon19Nickname
$be23 = sBox7Mon20Nickname
$be2e = sBox7End
$be2e = sBox7MonNicknamesEnd
EMPTY: $be30-$bfff ($01d0 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $01d0 bytes
SRAM bank #3:
SECTION: $a000-$be2f ($1e30 bytes) ["Boxes 8-14"]
$a000 = sBox8
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$a023 = sBox8Mon1AtkExp
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$a029 = sBox8Mon1SpcExp
$a02b = sBox8Mon1DVs
$a02d = sBox8Mon1PP
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$a032 = sBox8Mon1PokerusStatus
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$a033 = sBox8Mon1CaughtTime
$a033 = sBox8Mon1CaughtData
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$a043 = sBox8Mon2AtkExp
$a045 = sBox8Mon2DefExp
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$a049 = sBox8Mon2SpcExp
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$a1a5 = sBox8Mon13DefExp
$a1a7 = sBox8Mon13SpdExp
$a1a9 = sBox8Mon13SpcExp
$a1ab = sBox8Mon13DVs
$a1ad = sBox8Mon13PP
$a1b1 = sBox8Mon13Happiness
$a1b2 = sBox8Mon13PokerusStatus
$a1b3 = sBox8Mon13CaughtData
$a1b3 = sBox8Mon13CaughtTime
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$a1b4 = sBox8Mon13CaughtGender
$a1b4 = sBox8Mon13CaughtLocation
$a1b5 = sBox8Mon13Level
$a1b6 = sBox8Mon14
$a1b6 = sBox8Mon14Species
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$a1c1 = sBox8Mon14StatExp
$a1c1 = sBox8Mon14HPExp
$a1c3 = sBox8Mon14AtkExp
$a1c5 = sBox8Mon14DefExp
$a1c7 = sBox8Mon14SpdExp
$a1c9 = sBox8Mon14SpcExp
$a1cb = sBox8Mon14DVs
$a1cd = sBox8Mon14PP
$a1d1 = sBox8Mon14Happiness
$a1d2 = sBox8Mon14PokerusStatus
$a1d3 = sBox8Mon14CaughtLevel
$a1d3 = sBox8Mon14CaughtTime
$a1d3 = sBox8Mon14CaughtData
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$a1d4 = sBox8Mon14CaughtLocation
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$a1d6 = sBox8Mon15
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$a1dc = sBox8Mon15ID
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$a1e1 = sBox8Mon15StatExp
$a1e1 = sBox8Mon15HPExp
$a1e3 = sBox8Mon15AtkExp
$a1e5 = sBox8Mon15DefExp
$a1e7 = sBox8Mon15SpdExp
$a1e9 = sBox8Mon15SpcExp
$a1eb = sBox8Mon15DVs
$a1ed = sBox8Mon15PP
$a1f1 = sBox8Mon15Happiness
$a1f2 = sBox8Mon15PokerusStatus
$a1f3 = sBox8Mon15CaughtLevel
$a1f3 = sBox8Mon15CaughtTime
$a1f3 = sBox8Mon15CaughtData
$a1f4 = sBox8Mon15CaughtLocation
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$a1f6 = sBox8Mon16
$a1f6 = sBox8Mon15BoxEnd
$a1f6 = sBox8Mon16Species
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$a1fc = sBox8Mon16ID
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$a201 = sBox8Mon16StatExp
$a201 = sBox8Mon16HPExp
$a203 = sBox8Mon16AtkExp
$a205 = sBox8Mon16DefExp
$a207 = sBox8Mon16SpdExp
$a209 = sBox8Mon16SpcExp
$a20b = sBox8Mon16DVs
$a20d = sBox8Mon16PP
$a211 = sBox8Mon16Happiness
$a212 = sBox8Mon16PokerusStatus
$a213 = sBox8Mon16CaughtLevel
$a213 = sBox8Mon16CaughtData
$a213 = sBox8Mon16CaughtTime
$a214 = sBox8Mon16CaughtLocation
$a214 = sBox8Mon16CaughtGender
$a215 = sBox8Mon16Level
$a216 = sBox8Mon17Species
$a216 = sBox8Mon17
$a216 = sBox8Mon16BoxEnd
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$a221 = sBox8Mon17HPExp
$a221 = sBox8Mon17StatExp
$a223 = sBox8Mon17AtkExp
$a225 = sBox8Mon17DefExp
$a227 = sBox8Mon17SpdExp
$a229 = sBox8Mon17SpcExp
$a22b = sBox8Mon17DVs
$a22d = sBox8Mon17PP
$a231 = sBox8Mon17Happiness
$a232 = sBox8Mon17PokerusStatus
$a233 = sBox8Mon17CaughtLevel
$a233 = sBox8Mon17CaughtData
$a233 = sBox8Mon17CaughtTime
$a234 = sBox8Mon17CaughtLocation
$a234 = sBox8Mon17CaughtGender
$a235 = sBox8Mon17Level
$a236 = sBox8Mon18
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$a236 = sBox8Mon18Species
$a237 = sBox8Mon18Item
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$a241 = sBox8Mon18StatExp
$a241 = sBox8Mon18HPExp
$a243 = sBox8Mon18AtkExp
$a245 = sBox8Mon18DefExp
$a247 = sBox8Mon18SpdExp
$a249 = sBox8Mon18SpcExp
$a24b = sBox8Mon18DVs
$a24d = sBox8Mon18PP
$a251 = sBox8Mon18Happiness
$a252 = sBox8Mon18PokerusStatus
$a253 = sBox8Mon18CaughtData
$a253 = sBox8Mon18CaughtLevel
$a253 = sBox8Mon18CaughtTime
$a254 = sBox8Mon18CaughtGender
$a254 = sBox8Mon18CaughtLocation
$a255 = sBox8Mon18Level
$a256 = sBox8Mon19
$a256 = sBox8Mon19Species
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$a258 = sBox8Mon19Moves
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$a261 = sBox8Mon19StatExp
$a261 = sBox8Mon19HPExp
$a263 = sBox8Mon19AtkExp
$a265 = sBox8Mon19DefExp
$a267 = sBox8Mon19SpdExp
$a269 = sBox8Mon19SpcExp
$a26b = sBox8Mon19DVs
$a26d = sBox8Mon19PP
$a271 = sBox8Mon19Happiness
$a272 = sBox8Mon19PokerusStatus
$a273 = sBox8Mon19CaughtLevel
$a273 = sBox8Mon19CaughtData
$a273 = sBox8Mon19CaughtTime
$a274 = sBox8Mon19CaughtGender
$a274 = sBox8Mon19CaughtLocation
$a275 = sBox8Mon19Level
$a276 = sBox8Mon20
$a276 = sBox8Mon20Species
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$a277 = sBox8Mon20Item
$a278 = sBox8Mon20Moves
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$a281 = sBox8Mon20StatExp
$a281 = sBox8Mon20HPExp
$a283 = sBox8Mon20AtkExp
$a285 = sBox8Mon20DefExp
$a287 = sBox8Mon20SpdExp
$a289 = sBox8Mon20SpcExp
$a28b = sBox8Mon20DVs
$a28d = sBox8Mon20PP
$a291 = sBox8Mon20Happiness
$a292 = sBox8Mon20PokerusStatus
$a293 = sBox8Mon20CaughtData
$a293 = sBox8Mon20CaughtTime
$a293 = sBox8Mon20CaughtLevel
$a294 = sBox8Mon20CaughtLocation
$a294 = sBox8Mon20CaughtGender
$a295 = sBox8Mon20Level
$a296 = sBox8Mon20BoxEnd
$a296 = sBox8MonOTs
$a296 = sBox8Mon1OT
$a2a1 = sBox8Mon2OT
$a2ac = sBox8Mon3OT
$a2b7 = sBox8Mon4OT
$a2c2 = sBox8Mon5OT
$a2cd = sBox8Mon6OT
$a2d8 = sBox8Mon7OT
$a2e3 = sBox8Mon8OT
$a2ee = sBox8Mon9OT
$a2f9 = sBox8Mon10OT
$a304 = sBox8Mon11OT
$a30f = sBox8Mon12OT
$a31a = sBox8Mon13OT
$a325 = sBox8Mon14OT
$a330 = sBox8Mon15OT
$a33b = sBox8Mon16OT
$a346 = sBox8Mon17OT
$a351 = sBox8Mon18OT
$a35c = sBox8Mon19OT
$a367 = sBox8Mon20OT
$a372 = sBox8Mon1Nickname
$a372 = sBox8MonNicknames
$a37d = sBox8Mon2Nickname
$a388 = sBox8Mon3Nickname
$a393 = sBox8Mon4Nickname
$a39e = sBox8Mon5Nickname
$a3a9 = sBox8Mon6Nickname
$a3b4 = sBox8Mon7Nickname
$a3bf = sBox8Mon8Nickname
$a3ca = sBox8Mon9Nickname
$a3d5 = sBox8Mon10Nickname
$a3e0 = sBox8Mon11Nickname
$a3eb = sBox8Mon12Nickname
$a3f6 = sBox8Mon13Nickname
$a401 = sBox8Mon14Nickname
$a40c = sBox8Mon15Nickname
$a417 = sBox8Mon16Nickname
$a422 = sBox8Mon17Nickname
$a42d = sBox8Mon18Nickname
$a438 = sBox8Mon19Nickname
$a443 = sBox8Mon20Nickname
$a44e = sBox8MonNicknamesEnd
$a44e = sBox8End
$a450 = sBox9Count
$a450 = sBox9
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$a466 = sBox9Mon1
$a467 = sBox9Mon1Item
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$a471 = sBox9Mon1StatExp
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$a473 = sBox9Mon1AtkExp
$a475 = sBox9Mon1DefExp
$a477 = sBox9Mon1SpdExp
$a479 = sBox9Mon1SpcExp
$a47b = sBox9Mon1DVs
$a47d = sBox9Mon1PP
$a481 = sBox9Mon1Happiness
$a482 = sBox9Mon1PokerusStatus
$a483 = sBox9Mon1CaughtTime
$a483 = sBox9Mon1CaughtLevel
$a483 = sBox9Mon1CaughtData
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$a484 = sBox9Mon1CaughtLocation
$a485 = sBox9Mon1Level
$a486 = sBox9Mon2
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$a487 = sBox9Mon2Item
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$a491 = sBox9Mon2StatExp
$a491 = sBox9Mon2HPExp
$a493 = sBox9Mon2AtkExp
$a495 = sBox9Mon2DefExp
$a497 = sBox9Mon2SpdExp
$a499 = sBox9Mon2SpcExp
$a49b = sBox9Mon2DVs
$a49d = sBox9Mon2PP
$a4a1 = sBox9Mon2Happiness
$a4a2 = sBox9Mon2PokerusStatus
$a4a3 = sBox9Mon2CaughtData
$a4a3 = sBox9Mon2CaughtLevel
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$a4a4 = sBox9Mon2CaughtGender
$a4a4 = sBox9Mon2CaughtLocation
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$a4a6 = sBox9Mon3
$a4a6 = sBox9Mon3Species
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$a4ae = sBox9Mon3Exp
$a4b1 = sBox9Mon3HPExp
$a4b1 = sBox9Mon3StatExp
$a4b3 = sBox9Mon3AtkExp
$a4b5 = sBox9Mon3DefExp
$a4b7 = sBox9Mon3SpdExp
$a4b9 = sBox9Mon3SpcExp
$a4bb = sBox9Mon3DVs
$a4bd = sBox9Mon3PP
$a4c1 = sBox9Mon3Happiness
$a4c2 = sBox9Mon3PokerusStatus
$a4c3 = sBox9Mon3CaughtTime
$a4c3 = sBox9Mon3CaughtLevel
$a4c3 = sBox9Mon3CaughtData
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$a4c6 = sBox9Mon4
$a4c7 = sBox9Mon4Item
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$a4cc = sBox9Mon4ID
$a4ce = sBox9Mon4Exp
$a4d1 = sBox9Mon4HPExp
$a4d1 = sBox9Mon4StatExp
$a4d3 = sBox9Mon4AtkExp
$a4d5 = sBox9Mon4DefExp
$a4d7 = sBox9Mon4SpdExp
$a4d9 = sBox9Mon4SpcExp
$a4db = sBox9Mon4DVs
$a4dd = sBox9Mon4PP
$a4e1 = sBox9Mon4Happiness
$a4e2 = sBox9Mon4PokerusStatus
$a4e3 = sBox9Mon4CaughtTime
$a4e3 = sBox9Mon4CaughtLevel
$a4e3 = sBox9Mon4CaughtData
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$a4e4 = sBox9Mon4CaughtLocation
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$a4f1 = sBox9Mon5HPExp
$a4f1 = sBox9Mon5StatExp
$a4f3 = sBox9Mon5AtkExp
$a4f5 = sBox9Mon5DefExp
$a4f7 = sBox9Mon5SpdExp
$a4f9 = sBox9Mon5SpcExp
$a4fb = sBox9Mon5DVs
$a4fd = sBox9Mon5PP
$a501 = sBox9Mon5Happiness
$a502 = sBox9Mon5PokerusStatus
$a503 = sBox9Mon5CaughtData
$a503 = sBox9Mon5CaughtTime
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$a504 = sBox9Mon5CaughtGender
$a504 = sBox9Mon5CaughtLocation
$a505 = sBox9Mon5Level
$a506 = sBox9Mon6Species
$a506 = sBox9Mon6
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$a511 = sBox9Mon6HPExp
$a513 = sBox9Mon6AtkExp
$a515 = sBox9Mon6DefExp
$a517 = sBox9Mon6SpdExp
$a519 = sBox9Mon6SpcExp
$a51b = sBox9Mon6DVs
$a51d = sBox9Mon6PP
$a521 = sBox9Mon6Happiness
$a522 = sBox9Mon6PokerusStatus
$a523 = sBox9Mon6CaughtLevel
$a523 = sBox9Mon6CaughtData
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$a526 = sBox9Mon7
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$a531 = sBox9Mon7StatExp
$a531 = sBox9Mon7HPExp
$a533 = sBox9Mon7AtkExp
$a535 = sBox9Mon7DefExp
$a537 = sBox9Mon7SpdExp
$a539 = sBox9Mon7SpcExp
$a53b = sBox9Mon7DVs
$a53d = sBox9Mon7PP
$a541 = sBox9Mon7Happiness
$a542 = sBox9Mon7PokerusStatus
$a543 = sBox9Mon7CaughtLevel
$a543 = sBox9Mon7CaughtTime
$a543 = sBox9Mon7CaughtData
$a544 = sBox9Mon7CaughtLocation
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$a545 = sBox9Mon7Level
$a546 = sBox9Mon8Species
$a546 = sBox9Mon8
$a546 = sBox9Mon7BoxEnd
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$a551 = sBox9Mon8HPExp
$a551 = sBox9Mon8StatExp
$a553 = sBox9Mon8AtkExp
$a555 = sBox9Mon8DefExp
$a557 = sBox9Mon8SpdExp
$a559 = sBox9Mon8SpcExp
$a55b = sBox9Mon8DVs
$a55d = sBox9Mon8PP
$a561 = sBox9Mon8Happiness
$a562 = sBox9Mon8PokerusStatus
$a563 = sBox9Mon8CaughtTime
$a563 = sBox9Mon8CaughtLevel
$a563 = sBox9Mon8CaughtData
$a564 = sBox9Mon8CaughtLocation
$a564 = sBox9Mon8CaughtGender
$a565 = sBox9Mon8Level
$a566 = sBox9Mon8BoxEnd
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$a566 = sBox9Mon9
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$a56e = sBox9Mon9Exp
$a571 = sBox9Mon9StatExp
$a571 = sBox9Mon9HPExp
$a573 = sBox9Mon9AtkExp
$a575 = sBox9Mon9DefExp
$a577 = sBox9Mon9SpdExp
$a579 = sBox9Mon9SpcExp
$a57b = sBox9Mon9DVs
$a57d = sBox9Mon9PP
$a581 = sBox9Mon9Happiness
$a582 = sBox9Mon9PokerusStatus
$a583 = sBox9Mon9CaughtLevel
$a583 = sBox9Mon9CaughtData
$a583 = sBox9Mon9CaughtTime
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$a584 = sBox9Mon9CaughtLocation
$a585 = sBox9Mon9Level
$a586 = sBox9Mon10
$a586 = sBox9Mon9BoxEnd
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$a587 = sBox9Mon10Item
$a588 = sBox9Mon10Moves
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$a591 = sBox9Mon10HPExp
$a591 = sBox9Mon10StatExp
$a593 = sBox9Mon10AtkExp
$a595 = sBox9Mon10DefExp
$a597 = sBox9Mon10SpdExp
$a599 = sBox9Mon10SpcExp
$a59b = sBox9Mon10DVs
$a59d = sBox9Mon10PP
$a5a1 = sBox9Mon10Happiness
$a5a2 = sBox9Mon10PokerusStatus
$a5a3 = sBox9Mon10CaughtData
$a5a3 = sBox9Mon10CaughtTime
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$a5a4 = sBox9Mon10CaughtLocation
$a5a4 = sBox9Mon10CaughtGender
$a5a5 = sBox9Mon10Level
$a5a6 = sBox9Mon11
$a5a6 = sBox9Mon11Species
$a5a6 = sBox9Mon10BoxEnd
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$a5a8 = sBox9Mon11Moves
$a5ac = sBox9Mon11ID
$a5ae = sBox9Mon11Exp
$a5b1 = sBox9Mon11StatExp
$a5b1 = sBox9Mon11HPExp
$a5b3 = sBox9Mon11AtkExp
$a5b5 = sBox9Mon11DefExp
$a5b7 = sBox9Mon11SpdExp
$a5b9 = sBox9Mon11SpcExp
$a5bb = sBox9Mon11DVs
$a5bd = sBox9Mon11PP
$a5c1 = sBox9Mon11Happiness
$a5c2 = sBox9Mon11PokerusStatus
$a5c3 = sBox9Mon11CaughtData
$a5c3 = sBox9Mon11CaughtTime
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$a5c4 = sBox9Mon11CaughtLocation
$a5c4 = sBox9Mon11CaughtGender
$a5c5 = sBox9Mon11Level
$a5c6 = sBox9Mon12
$a5c6 = sBox9Mon11BoxEnd
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$a5d1 = sBox9Mon12StatExp
$a5d1 = sBox9Mon12HPExp
$a5d3 = sBox9Mon12AtkExp
$a5d5 = sBox9Mon12DefExp
$a5d7 = sBox9Mon12SpdExp
$a5d9 = sBox9Mon12SpcExp
$a5db = sBox9Mon12DVs
$a5dd = sBox9Mon12PP
$a5e1 = sBox9Mon12Happiness
$a5e2 = sBox9Mon12PokerusStatus
$a5e3 = sBox9Mon12CaughtData
$a5e3 = sBox9Mon12CaughtTime
$a5e3 = sBox9Mon12CaughtLevel
$a5e4 = sBox9Mon12CaughtLocation
$a5e4 = sBox9Mon12CaughtGender
$a5e5 = sBox9Mon12Level
$a5e6 = sBox9Mon13
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$a5f1 = sBox9Mon13HPExp
$a5f1 = sBox9Mon13StatExp
$a5f3 = sBox9Mon13AtkExp
$a5f5 = sBox9Mon13DefExp
$a5f7 = sBox9Mon13SpdExp
$a5f9 = sBox9Mon13SpcExp
$a5fb = sBox9Mon13DVs
$a5fd = sBox9Mon13PP
$a601 = sBox9Mon13Happiness
$a602 = sBox9Mon13PokerusStatus
$a603 = sBox9Mon13CaughtLevel
$a603 = sBox9Mon13CaughtData
$a603 = sBox9Mon13CaughtTime
$a604 = sBox9Mon13CaughtGender
$a604 = sBox9Mon13CaughtLocation
$a605 = sBox9Mon13Level
$a606 = sBox9Mon14
$a606 = sBox9Mon13BoxEnd
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$a607 = sBox9Mon14Item
$a608 = sBox9Mon14Moves
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$a60e = sBox9Mon14Exp
$a611 = sBox9Mon14StatExp
$a611 = sBox9Mon14HPExp
$a613 = sBox9Mon14AtkExp
$a615 = sBox9Mon14DefExp
$a617 = sBox9Mon14SpdExp
$a619 = sBox9Mon14SpcExp
$a61b = sBox9Mon14DVs
$a61d = sBox9Mon14PP
$a621 = sBox9Mon14Happiness
$a622 = sBox9Mon14PokerusStatus
$a623 = sBox9Mon14CaughtData
$a623 = sBox9Mon14CaughtLevel
$a623 = sBox9Mon14CaughtTime
$a624 = sBox9Mon14CaughtLocation
$a624 = sBox9Mon14CaughtGender
$a625 = sBox9Mon14Level
$a626 = sBox9Mon15
$a626 = sBox9Mon15Species
$a626 = sBox9Mon14BoxEnd
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$a62e = sBox9Mon15Exp
$a631 = sBox9Mon15HPExp
$a631 = sBox9Mon15StatExp
$a633 = sBox9Mon15AtkExp
$a635 = sBox9Mon15DefExp
$a637 = sBox9Mon15SpdExp
$a639 = sBox9Mon15SpcExp
$a63b = sBox9Mon15DVs
$a63d = sBox9Mon15PP
$a641 = sBox9Mon15Happiness
$a642 = sBox9Mon15PokerusStatus
$a643 = sBox9Mon15CaughtLevel
$a643 = sBox9Mon15CaughtData
$a643 = sBox9Mon15CaughtTime
$a644 = sBox9Mon15CaughtGender
$a644 = sBox9Mon15CaughtLocation
$a645 = sBox9Mon15Level
$a646 = sBox9Mon16
$a646 = sBox9Mon15BoxEnd
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$a647 = sBox9Mon16Item
$a648 = sBox9Mon16Moves
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$a64e = sBox9Mon16Exp
$a651 = sBox9Mon16HPExp
$a651 = sBox9Mon16StatExp
$a653 = sBox9Mon16AtkExp
$a655 = sBox9Mon16DefExp
$a657 = sBox9Mon16SpdExp
$a659 = sBox9Mon16SpcExp
$a65b = sBox9Mon16DVs
$a65d = sBox9Mon16PP
$a661 = sBox9Mon16Happiness
$a662 = sBox9Mon16PokerusStatus
$a663 = sBox9Mon16CaughtData
$a663 = sBox9Mon16CaughtLevel
$a663 = sBox9Mon16CaughtTime
$a664 = sBox9Mon16CaughtGender
$a664 = sBox9Mon16CaughtLocation
$a665 = sBox9Mon16Level
$a666 = sBox9Mon17
$a666 = sBox9Mon16BoxEnd
$a666 = sBox9Mon17Species
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$a668 = sBox9Mon17Moves
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$a671 = sBox9Mon17StatExp
$a671 = sBox9Mon17HPExp
$a673 = sBox9Mon17AtkExp
$a675 = sBox9Mon17DefExp
$a677 = sBox9Mon17SpdExp
$a679 = sBox9Mon17SpcExp
$a67b = sBox9Mon17DVs
$a67d = sBox9Mon17PP
$a681 = sBox9Mon17Happiness
$a682 = sBox9Mon17PokerusStatus
$a683 = sBox9Mon17CaughtData
$a683 = sBox9Mon17CaughtLevel
$a683 = sBox9Mon17CaughtTime
$a684 = sBox9Mon17CaughtGender
$a684 = sBox9Mon17CaughtLocation
$a685 = sBox9Mon17Level
$a686 = sBox9Mon18Species
$a686 = sBox9Mon17BoxEnd
$a686 = sBox9Mon18
$a687 = sBox9Mon18Item
$a688 = sBox9Mon18Moves
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$a691 = sBox9Mon18HPExp
$a691 = sBox9Mon18StatExp
$a693 = sBox9Mon18AtkExp
$a695 = sBox9Mon18DefExp
$a697 = sBox9Mon18SpdExp
$a699 = sBox9Mon18SpcExp
$a69b = sBox9Mon18DVs
$a69d = sBox9Mon18PP
$a6a1 = sBox9Mon18Happiness
$a6a2 = sBox9Mon18PokerusStatus
$a6a3 = sBox9Mon18CaughtTime
$a6a3 = sBox9Mon18CaughtLevel
$a6a3 = sBox9Mon18CaughtData
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$a6a4 = sBox9Mon18CaughtLocation
$a6a5 = sBox9Mon18Level
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$a6a6 = sBox9Mon19
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$a6b1 = sBox9Mon19HPExp
$a6b1 = sBox9Mon19StatExp
$a6b3 = sBox9Mon19AtkExp
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$a6b7 = sBox9Mon19SpdExp
$a6b9 = sBox9Mon19SpcExp
$a6bb = sBox9Mon19DVs
$a6bd = sBox9Mon19PP
$a6c1 = sBox9Mon19Happiness
$a6c2 = sBox9Mon19PokerusStatus
$a6c3 = sBox9Mon19CaughtTime
$a6c3 = sBox9Mon19CaughtData
$a6c3 = sBox9Mon19CaughtLevel
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$a6c4 = sBox9Mon19CaughtLocation
$a6c5 = sBox9Mon19Level
$a6c6 = sBox9Mon20
$a6c6 = sBox9Mon20Species
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$a6d3 = sBox9Mon20AtkExp
$a6d5 = sBox9Mon20DefExp
$a6d7 = sBox9Mon20SpdExp
$a6d9 = sBox9Mon20SpcExp
$a6db = sBox9Mon20DVs
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$a6e1 = sBox9Mon20Happiness
$a6e2 = sBox9Mon20PokerusStatus
$a6e3 = sBox9Mon20CaughtTime
$a6e3 = sBox9Mon20CaughtLevel
$a6e3 = sBox9Mon20CaughtData
$a6e4 = sBox9Mon20CaughtLocation
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$a6e5 = sBox9Mon20Level
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$a6e6 = sBox9Mon1OT
$a6e6 = sBox9Mon20BoxEnd
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$a6fc = sBox9Mon3OT
$a707 = sBox9Mon4OT
$a712 = sBox9Mon5OT
$a71d = sBox9Mon6OT
$a728 = sBox9Mon7OT
$a733 = sBox9Mon8OT
$a73e = sBox9Mon9OT
$a749 = sBox9Mon10OT
$a754 = sBox9Mon11OT
$a75f = sBox9Mon12OT
$a76a = sBox9Mon13OT
$a775 = sBox9Mon14OT
$a780 = sBox9Mon15OT
$a78b = sBox9Mon16OT
$a796 = sBox9Mon17OT
$a7a1 = sBox9Mon18OT
$a7ac = sBox9Mon19OT
$a7b7 = sBox9Mon20OT
$a7c2 = sBox9MonNicknames
$a7c2 = sBox9Mon1Nickname
$a7cd = sBox9Mon2Nickname
$a7d8 = sBox9Mon3Nickname
$a7e3 = sBox9Mon4Nickname
$a7ee = sBox9Mon5Nickname
$a7f9 = sBox9Mon6Nickname
$a804 = sBox9Mon7Nickname
$a80f = sBox9Mon8Nickname
$a81a = sBox9Mon9Nickname
$a825 = sBox9Mon10Nickname
$a830 = sBox9Mon11Nickname
$a83b = sBox9Mon12Nickname
$a846 = sBox9Mon13Nickname
$a851 = sBox9Mon14Nickname
$a85c = sBox9Mon15Nickname
$a867 = sBox9Mon16Nickname
$a872 = sBox9Mon17Nickname
$a87d = sBox9Mon18Nickname
$a888 = sBox9Mon19Nickname
$a893 = sBox9Mon20Nickname
$a89e = sBox9MonNicknamesEnd
$a89e = sBox9End
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$a8b6 = sBox10Mon1
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$a8c1 = sBox10Mon1StatExp
$a8c1 = sBox10Mon1HPExp
$a8c3 = sBox10Mon1AtkExp
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$a8c9 = sBox10Mon1SpcExp
$a8cb = sBox10Mon1DVs
$a8cd = sBox10Mon1PP
$a8d1 = sBox10Mon1Happiness
$a8d2 = sBox10Mon1PokerusStatus
$a8d3 = sBox10Mon1CaughtLevel
$a8d3 = sBox10Mon1CaughtTime
$a8d3 = sBox10Mon1CaughtData
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$a8e1 = sBox10Mon2HPExp
$a8e3 = sBox10Mon2AtkExp
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$a8e7 = sBox10Mon2SpdExp
$a8e9 = sBox10Mon2SpcExp
$a8eb = sBox10Mon2DVs
$a8ed = sBox10Mon2PP
$a8f1 = sBox10Mon2Happiness
$a8f2 = sBox10Mon2PokerusStatus
$a8f3 = sBox10Mon2CaughtLevel
$a8f3 = sBox10Mon2CaughtTime
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$a901 = sBox10Mon3StatExp
$a901 = sBox10Mon3HPExp
$a903 = sBox10Mon3AtkExp
$a905 = sBox10Mon3DefExp
$a907 = sBox10Mon3SpdExp
$a909 = sBox10Mon3SpcExp
$a90b = sBox10Mon3DVs
$a90d = sBox10Mon3PP
$a911 = sBox10Mon3Happiness
$a912 = sBox10Mon3PokerusStatus
$a913 = sBox10Mon3CaughtData
$a913 = sBox10Mon3CaughtLevel
$a913 = sBox10Mon3CaughtTime
$a914 = sBox10Mon3CaughtLocation
$a914 = sBox10Mon3CaughtGender
$a915 = sBox10Mon3Level
$a916 = sBox10Mon3BoxEnd
$a916 = sBox10Mon4Species
$a916 = sBox10Mon4
$a917 = sBox10Mon4Item
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$a921 = sBox10Mon4HPExp
$a921 = sBox10Mon4StatExp
$a923 = sBox10Mon4AtkExp
$a925 = sBox10Mon4DefExp
$a927 = sBox10Mon4SpdExp
$a929 = sBox10Mon4SpcExp
$a92b = sBox10Mon4DVs
$a92d = sBox10Mon4PP
$a931 = sBox10Mon4Happiness
$a932 = sBox10Mon4PokerusStatus
$a933 = sBox10Mon4CaughtTime
$a933 = sBox10Mon4CaughtLevel
$a933 = sBox10Mon4CaughtData
$a934 = sBox10Mon4CaughtLocation
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$a935 = sBox10Mon4Level
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$a936 = sBox10Mon5
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$a941 = sBox10Mon5HPExp
$a941 = sBox10Mon5StatExp
$a943 = sBox10Mon5AtkExp
$a945 = sBox10Mon5DefExp
$a947 = sBox10Mon5SpdExp
$a949 = sBox10Mon5SpcExp
$a94b = sBox10Mon5DVs
$a94d = sBox10Mon5PP
$a951 = sBox10Mon5Happiness
$a952 = sBox10Mon5PokerusStatus
$a953 = sBox10Mon5CaughtLevel
$a953 = sBox10Mon5CaughtTime
$a953 = sBox10Mon5CaughtData
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$a955 = sBox10Mon5Level
$a956 = sBox10Mon6Species
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$a956 = sBox10Mon6
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$a961 = sBox10Mon6HPExp
$a963 = sBox10Mon6AtkExp
$a965 = sBox10Mon6DefExp
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$a969 = sBox10Mon6SpcExp
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$a971 = sBox10Mon6Happiness
$a972 = sBox10Mon6PokerusStatus
$a973 = sBox10Mon6CaughtTime
$a973 = sBox10Mon6CaughtData
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$a974 = sBox10Mon6CaughtLocation
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$a981 = sBox10Mon7HPExp
$a983 = sBox10Mon7AtkExp
$a985 = sBox10Mon7DefExp
$a987 = sBox10Mon7SpdExp
$a989 = sBox10Mon7SpcExp
$a98b = sBox10Mon7DVs
$a98d = sBox10Mon7PP
$a991 = sBox10Mon7Happiness
$a992 = sBox10Mon7PokerusStatus
$a993 = sBox10Mon7CaughtTime
$a993 = sBox10Mon7CaughtData
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$a996 = sBox10Mon8
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$a9a1 = sBox10Mon8HPExp
$a9a1 = sBox10Mon8StatExp
$a9a3 = sBox10Mon8AtkExp
$a9a5 = sBox10Mon8DefExp
$a9a7 = sBox10Mon8SpdExp
$a9a9 = sBox10Mon8SpcExp
$a9ab = sBox10Mon8DVs
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$a9b1 = sBox10Mon8Happiness
$a9b2 = sBox10Mon8PokerusStatus
$a9b3 = sBox10Mon8CaughtTime
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$a9b4 = sBox10Mon8CaughtLocation
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$a9b6 = sBox10Mon9
$a9b6 = sBox10Mon8BoxEnd
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$a9c1 = sBox10Mon9HPExp
$a9c1 = sBox10Mon9StatExp
$a9c3 = sBox10Mon9AtkExp
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$a9c7 = sBox10Mon9SpdExp
$a9c9 = sBox10Mon9SpcExp
$a9cb = sBox10Mon9DVs
$a9cd = sBox10Mon9PP
$a9d1 = sBox10Mon9Happiness
$a9d2 = sBox10Mon9PokerusStatus
$a9d3 = sBox10Mon9CaughtData
$a9d3 = sBox10Mon9CaughtTime
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$a9d6 = sBox10Mon10
$a9d6 = sBox10Mon10Species
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$a9e1 = sBox10Mon10StatExp
$a9e1 = sBox10Mon10HPExp
$a9e3 = sBox10Mon10AtkExp
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$a9e7 = sBox10Mon10SpdExp
$a9e9 = sBox10Mon10SpcExp
$a9eb = sBox10Mon10DVs
$a9ed = sBox10Mon10PP
$a9f1 = sBox10Mon10Happiness
$a9f2 = sBox10Mon10PokerusStatus
$a9f3 = sBox10Mon10CaughtTime
$a9f3 = sBox10Mon10CaughtData
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$a9f4 = sBox10Mon10CaughtLocation
$a9f5 = sBox10Mon10Level
$a9f6 = sBox10Mon11
$a9f6 = sBox10Mon11Species
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$aa01 = sBox10Mon11HPExp
$aa01 = sBox10Mon11StatExp
$aa03 = sBox10Mon11AtkExp
$aa05 = sBox10Mon11DefExp
$aa07 = sBox10Mon11SpdExp
$aa09 = sBox10Mon11SpcExp
$aa0b = sBox10Mon11DVs
$aa0d = sBox10Mon11PP
$aa11 = sBox10Mon11Happiness
$aa12 = sBox10Mon11PokerusStatus
$aa13 = sBox10Mon11CaughtLevel
$aa13 = sBox10Mon11CaughtTime
$aa13 = sBox10Mon11CaughtData
$aa14 = sBox10Mon11CaughtLocation
$aa14 = sBox10Mon11CaughtGender
$aa15 = sBox10Mon11Level
$aa16 = sBox10Mon11BoxEnd
$aa16 = sBox10Mon12
$aa16 = sBox10Mon12Species
$aa17 = sBox10Mon12Item
$aa18 = sBox10Mon12Moves
$aa1c = sBox10Mon12ID
$aa1e = sBox10Mon12Exp
$aa21 = sBox10Mon12HPExp
$aa21 = sBox10Mon12StatExp
$aa23 = sBox10Mon12AtkExp
$aa25 = sBox10Mon12DefExp
$aa27 = sBox10Mon12SpdExp
$aa29 = sBox10Mon12SpcExp
$aa2b = sBox10Mon12DVs
$aa2d = sBox10Mon12PP
$aa31 = sBox10Mon12Happiness
$aa32 = sBox10Mon12PokerusStatus
$aa33 = sBox10Mon12CaughtTime
$aa33 = sBox10Mon12CaughtData
$aa33 = sBox10Mon12CaughtLevel
$aa34 = sBox10Mon12CaughtGender
$aa34 = sBox10Mon12CaughtLocation
$aa35 = sBox10Mon12Level
$aa36 = sBox10Mon13
$aa36 = sBox10Mon12BoxEnd
$aa36 = sBox10Mon13Species
$aa37 = sBox10Mon13Item
$aa38 = sBox10Mon13Moves
$aa3c = sBox10Mon13ID
$aa3e = sBox10Mon13Exp
$aa41 = sBox10Mon13StatExp
$aa41 = sBox10Mon13HPExp
$aa43 = sBox10Mon13AtkExp
$aa45 = sBox10Mon13DefExp
$aa47 = sBox10Mon13SpdExp
$aa49 = sBox10Mon13SpcExp
$aa4b = sBox10Mon13DVs
$aa4d = sBox10Mon13PP
$aa51 = sBox10Mon13Happiness
$aa52 = sBox10Mon13PokerusStatus
$aa53 = sBox10Mon13CaughtData
$aa53 = sBox10Mon13CaughtTime
$aa53 = sBox10Mon13CaughtLevel
$aa54 = sBox10Mon13CaughtGender
$aa54 = sBox10Mon13CaughtLocation
$aa55 = sBox10Mon13Level
$aa56 = sBox10Mon14Species
$aa56 = sBox10Mon14
$aa56 = sBox10Mon13BoxEnd
$aa57 = sBox10Mon14Item
$aa58 = sBox10Mon14Moves
$aa5c = sBox10Mon14ID
$aa5e = sBox10Mon14Exp
$aa61 = sBox10Mon14StatExp
$aa61 = sBox10Mon14HPExp
$aa63 = sBox10Mon14AtkExp
$aa65 = sBox10Mon14DefExp
$aa67 = sBox10Mon14SpdExp
$aa69 = sBox10Mon14SpcExp
$aa6b = sBox10Mon14DVs
$aa6d = sBox10Mon14PP
$aa71 = sBox10Mon14Happiness
$aa72 = sBox10Mon14PokerusStatus
$aa73 = sBox10Mon14CaughtTime
$aa73 = sBox10Mon14CaughtLevel
$aa73 = sBox10Mon14CaughtData
$aa74 = sBox10Mon14CaughtGender
$aa74 = sBox10Mon14CaughtLocation
$aa75 = sBox10Mon14Level
$aa76 = sBox10Mon14BoxEnd
$aa76 = sBox10Mon15
$aa76 = sBox10Mon15Species
$aa77 = sBox10Mon15Item
$aa78 = sBox10Mon15Moves
$aa7c = sBox10Mon15ID
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$aa81 = sBox10Mon15HPExp
$aa81 = sBox10Mon15StatExp
$aa83 = sBox10Mon15AtkExp
$aa85 = sBox10Mon15DefExp
$aa87 = sBox10Mon15SpdExp
$aa89 = sBox10Mon15SpcExp
$aa8b = sBox10Mon15DVs
$aa8d = sBox10Mon15PP
$aa91 = sBox10Mon15Happiness
$aa92 = sBox10Mon15PokerusStatus
$aa93 = sBox10Mon15CaughtTime
$aa93 = sBox10Mon15CaughtData
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$aa94 = sBox10Mon15CaughtLocation
$aa94 = sBox10Mon15CaughtGender
$aa95 = sBox10Mon15Level
$aa96 = sBox10Mon16
$aa96 = sBox10Mon16Species
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$aa9c = sBox10Mon16ID
$aa9e = sBox10Mon16Exp
$aaa1 = sBox10Mon16HPExp
$aaa1 = sBox10Mon16StatExp
$aaa3 = sBox10Mon16AtkExp
$aaa5 = sBox10Mon16DefExp
$aaa7 = sBox10Mon16SpdExp
$aaa9 = sBox10Mon16SpcExp
$aaab = sBox10Mon16DVs
$aaad = sBox10Mon16PP
$aab1 = sBox10Mon16Happiness
$aab2 = sBox10Mon16PokerusStatus
$aab3 = sBox10Mon16CaughtData
$aab3 = sBox10Mon16CaughtTime
$aab3 = sBox10Mon16CaughtLevel
$aab4 = sBox10Mon16CaughtLocation
$aab4 = sBox10Mon16CaughtGender
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$aab6 = sBox10Mon17
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$aabc = sBox10Mon17ID
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$aac1 = sBox10Mon17StatExp
$aac1 = sBox10Mon17HPExp
$aac3 = sBox10Mon17AtkExp
$aac5 = sBox10Mon17DefExp
$aac7 = sBox10Mon17SpdExp
$aac9 = sBox10Mon17SpcExp
$aacb = sBox10Mon17DVs
$aacd = sBox10Mon17PP
$aad1 = sBox10Mon17Happiness
$aad2 = sBox10Mon17PokerusStatus
$aad3 = sBox10Mon17CaughtTime
$aad3 = sBox10Mon17CaughtData
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$aad4 = sBox10Mon17CaughtLocation
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$aad6 = sBox10Mon18
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$aade = sBox10Mon18Exp
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$aae1 = sBox10Mon18HPExp
$aae3 = sBox10Mon18AtkExp
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$aae7 = sBox10Mon18SpdExp
$aae9 = sBox10Mon18SpcExp
$aaeb = sBox10Mon18DVs
$aaed = sBox10Mon18PP
$aaf1 = sBox10Mon18Happiness
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$aafe = sBox10Mon19Exp
$ab01 = sBox10Mon19StatExp
$ab01 = sBox10Mon19HPExp
$ab03 = sBox10Mon19AtkExp
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$ab07 = sBox10Mon19SpdExp
$ab09 = sBox10Mon19SpcExp
$ab0b = sBox10Mon19DVs
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$ab11 = sBox10Mon19Happiness
$ab12 = sBox10Mon19PokerusStatus
$ab13 = sBox10Mon19CaughtData
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$ab13 = sBox10Mon19CaughtLevel
$ab14 = sBox10Mon19CaughtLocation
$ab14 = sBox10Mon19CaughtGender
$ab15 = sBox10Mon19Level
$ab16 = sBox10Mon20
$ab16 = sBox10Mon19BoxEnd
$ab16 = sBox10Mon20Species
$ab17 = sBox10Mon20Item
$ab18 = sBox10Mon20Moves
$ab1c = sBox10Mon20ID
$ab1e = sBox10Mon20Exp
$ab21 = sBox10Mon20StatExp
$ab21 = sBox10Mon20HPExp
$ab23 = sBox10Mon20AtkExp
$ab25 = sBox10Mon20DefExp
$ab27 = sBox10Mon20SpdExp
$ab29 = sBox10Mon20SpcExp
$ab2b = sBox10Mon20DVs
$ab2d = sBox10Mon20PP
$ab31 = sBox10Mon20Happiness
$ab32 = sBox10Mon20PokerusStatus
$ab33 = sBox10Mon20CaughtLevel
$ab33 = sBox10Mon20CaughtTime
$ab33 = sBox10Mon20CaughtData
$ab34 = sBox10Mon20CaughtLocation
$ab34 = sBox10Mon20CaughtGender
$ab35 = sBox10Mon20Level
$ab36 = sBox10Mon1OT
$ab36 = sBox10Mon20BoxEnd
$ab36 = sBox10MonOTs
$ab41 = sBox10Mon2OT
$ab4c = sBox10Mon3OT
$ab57 = sBox10Mon4OT
$ab62 = sBox10Mon5OT
$ab6d = sBox10Mon6OT
$ab78 = sBox10Mon7OT
$ab83 = sBox10Mon8OT
$ab8e = sBox10Mon9OT
$ab99 = sBox10Mon10OT
$aba4 = sBox10Mon11OT
$abaf = sBox10Mon12OT
$abba = sBox10Mon13OT
$abc5 = sBox10Mon14OT
$abd0 = sBox10Mon15OT
$abdb = sBox10Mon16OT
$abe6 = sBox10Mon17OT
$abf1 = sBox10Mon18OT
$abfc = sBox10Mon19OT
$ac07 = sBox10Mon20OT
$ac12 = sBox10Mon1Nickname
$ac12 = sBox10MonNicknames
$ac1d = sBox10Mon2Nickname
$ac28 = sBox10Mon3Nickname
$ac33 = sBox10Mon4Nickname
$ac3e = sBox10Mon5Nickname
$ac49 = sBox10Mon6Nickname
$ac54 = sBox10Mon7Nickname
$ac5f = sBox10Mon8Nickname
$ac6a = sBox10Mon9Nickname
$ac75 = sBox10Mon10Nickname
$ac80 = sBox10Mon11Nickname
$ac8b = sBox10Mon12Nickname
$ac96 = sBox10Mon13Nickname
$aca1 = sBox10Mon14Nickname
$acac = sBox10Mon15Nickname
$acb7 = sBox10Mon16Nickname
$acc2 = sBox10Mon17Nickname
$accd = sBox10Mon18Nickname
$acd8 = sBox10Mon19Nickname
$ace3 = sBox10Mon20Nickname
$acee = sBox10MonNicknamesEnd
$acee = sBox10End
$acf0 = sBox11
$acf0 = sBox11Count
$acf1 = sBox11Species
$ad06 = sBox11Mons
$ad06 = sBox11Mon1Species
$ad06 = sBox11Mon1
$ad07 = sBox11Mon1Item
$ad08 = sBox11Mon1Moves
$ad0c = sBox11Mon1ID
$ad0e = sBox11Mon1Exp
$ad11 = sBox11Mon1HPExp
$ad11 = sBox11Mon1StatExp
$ad13 = sBox11Mon1AtkExp
$ad15 = sBox11Mon1DefExp
$ad17 = sBox11Mon1SpdExp
$ad19 = sBox11Mon1SpcExp
$ad1b = sBox11Mon1DVs
$ad1d = sBox11Mon1PP
$ad21 = sBox11Mon1Happiness
$ad22 = sBox11Mon1PokerusStatus
$ad23 = sBox11Mon1CaughtData
$ad23 = sBox11Mon1CaughtTime
$ad23 = sBox11Mon1CaughtLevel
$ad24 = sBox11Mon1CaughtGender
$ad24 = sBox11Mon1CaughtLocation
$ad25 = sBox11Mon1Level
$ad26 = sBox11Mon1BoxEnd
$ad26 = sBox11Mon2Species
$ad26 = sBox11Mon2
$ad27 = sBox11Mon2Item
$ad28 = sBox11Mon2Moves
$ad2c = sBox11Mon2ID
$ad2e = sBox11Mon2Exp
$ad31 = sBox11Mon2StatExp
$ad31 = sBox11Mon2HPExp
$ad33 = sBox11Mon2AtkExp
$ad35 = sBox11Mon2DefExp
$ad37 = sBox11Mon2SpdExp
$ad39 = sBox11Mon2SpcExp
$ad3b = sBox11Mon2DVs
$ad3d = sBox11Mon2PP
$ad41 = sBox11Mon2Happiness
$ad42 = sBox11Mon2PokerusStatus
$ad43 = sBox11Mon2CaughtTime
$ad43 = sBox11Mon2CaughtLevel
$ad43 = sBox11Mon2CaughtData
$ad44 = sBox11Mon2CaughtLocation
$ad44 = sBox11Mon2CaughtGender
$ad45 = sBox11Mon2Level
$ad46 = sBox11Mon2BoxEnd
$ad46 = sBox11Mon3Species
$ad46 = sBox11Mon3
$ad47 = sBox11Mon3Item
$ad48 = sBox11Mon3Moves
$ad4c = sBox11Mon3ID
$ad4e = sBox11Mon3Exp
$ad51 = sBox11Mon3HPExp
$ad51 = sBox11Mon3StatExp
$ad53 = sBox11Mon3AtkExp
$ad55 = sBox11Mon3DefExp
$ad57 = sBox11Mon3SpdExp
$ad59 = sBox11Mon3SpcExp
$ad5b = sBox11Mon3DVs
$ad5d = sBox11Mon3PP
$ad61 = sBox11Mon3Happiness
$ad62 = sBox11Mon3PokerusStatus
$ad63 = sBox11Mon3CaughtData
$ad63 = sBox11Mon3CaughtTime
$ad63 = sBox11Mon3CaughtLevel
$ad64 = sBox11Mon3CaughtGender
$ad64 = sBox11Mon3CaughtLocation
$ad65 = sBox11Mon3Level
$ad66 = sBox11Mon3BoxEnd
$ad66 = sBox11Mon4Species
$ad66 = sBox11Mon4
$ad67 = sBox11Mon4Item
$ad68 = sBox11Mon4Moves
$ad6c = sBox11Mon4ID
$ad6e = sBox11Mon4Exp
$ad71 = sBox11Mon4StatExp
$ad71 = sBox11Mon4HPExp
$ad73 = sBox11Mon4AtkExp
$ad75 = sBox11Mon4DefExp
$ad77 = sBox11Mon4SpdExp
$ad79 = sBox11Mon4SpcExp
$ad7b = sBox11Mon4DVs
$ad7d = sBox11Mon4PP
$ad81 = sBox11Mon4Happiness
$ad82 = sBox11Mon4PokerusStatus
$ad83 = sBox11Mon4CaughtData
$ad83 = sBox11Mon4CaughtTime
$ad83 = sBox11Mon4CaughtLevel
$ad84 = sBox11Mon4CaughtLocation
$ad84 = sBox11Mon4CaughtGender
$ad85 = sBox11Mon4Level
$ad86 = sBox11Mon4BoxEnd
$ad86 = sBox11Mon5Species
$ad86 = sBox11Mon5
$ad87 = sBox11Mon5Item
$ad88 = sBox11Mon5Moves
$ad8c = sBox11Mon5ID
$ad8e = sBox11Mon5Exp
$ad91 = sBox11Mon5StatExp
$ad91 = sBox11Mon5HPExp
$ad93 = sBox11Mon5AtkExp
$ad95 = sBox11Mon5DefExp
$ad97 = sBox11Mon5SpdExp
$ad99 = sBox11Mon5SpcExp
$ad9b = sBox11Mon5DVs
$ad9d = sBox11Mon5PP
$ada1 = sBox11Mon5Happiness
$ada2 = sBox11Mon5PokerusStatus
$ada3 = sBox11Mon5CaughtData
$ada3 = sBox11Mon5CaughtTime
$ada3 = sBox11Mon5CaughtLevel
$ada4 = sBox11Mon5CaughtGender
$ada4 = sBox11Mon5CaughtLocation
$ada5 = sBox11Mon5Level
$ada6 = sBox11Mon6Species
$ada6 = sBox11Mon5BoxEnd
$ada6 = sBox11Mon6
$ada7 = sBox11Mon6Item
$ada8 = sBox11Mon6Moves
$adac = sBox11Mon6ID
$adae = sBox11Mon6Exp
$adb1 = sBox11Mon6StatExp
$adb1 = sBox11Mon6HPExp
$adb3 = sBox11Mon6AtkExp
$adb5 = sBox11Mon6DefExp
$adb7 = sBox11Mon6SpdExp
$adb9 = sBox11Mon6SpcExp
$adbb = sBox11Mon6DVs
$adbd = sBox11Mon6PP
$adc1 = sBox11Mon6Happiness
$adc2 = sBox11Mon6PokerusStatus
$adc3 = sBox11Mon6CaughtTime
$adc3 = sBox11Mon6CaughtData
$adc3 = sBox11Mon6CaughtLevel
$adc4 = sBox11Mon6CaughtLocation
$adc4 = sBox11Mon6CaughtGender
$adc5 = sBox11Mon6Level
$adc6 = sBox11Mon7Species
$adc6 = sBox11Mon6BoxEnd
$adc6 = sBox11Mon7
$adc7 = sBox11Mon7Item
$adc8 = sBox11Mon7Moves
$adcc = sBox11Mon7ID
$adce = sBox11Mon7Exp
$add1 = sBox11Mon7StatExp
$add1 = sBox11Mon7HPExp
$add3 = sBox11Mon7AtkExp
$add5 = sBox11Mon7DefExp
$add7 = sBox11Mon7SpdExp
$add9 = sBox11Mon7SpcExp
$addb = sBox11Mon7DVs
$addd = sBox11Mon7PP
$ade1 = sBox11Mon7Happiness
$ade2 = sBox11Mon7PokerusStatus
$ade3 = sBox11Mon7CaughtLevel
$ade3 = sBox11Mon7CaughtTime
$ade3 = sBox11Mon7CaughtData
$ade4 = sBox11Mon7CaughtLocation
$ade4 = sBox11Mon7CaughtGender
$ade5 = sBox11Mon7Level
$ade6 = sBox11Mon8Species
$ade6 = sBox11Mon7BoxEnd
$ade6 = sBox11Mon8
$ade7 = sBox11Mon8Item
$ade8 = sBox11Mon8Moves
$adec = sBox11Mon8ID
$adee = sBox11Mon8Exp
$adf1 = sBox11Mon8HPExp
$adf1 = sBox11Mon8StatExp
$adf3 = sBox11Mon8AtkExp
$adf5 = sBox11Mon8DefExp
$adf7 = sBox11Mon8SpdExp
$adf9 = sBox11Mon8SpcExp
$adfb = sBox11Mon8DVs
$adfd = sBox11Mon8PP
$ae01 = sBox11Mon8Happiness
$ae02 = sBox11Mon8PokerusStatus
$ae03 = sBox11Mon8CaughtLevel
$ae03 = sBox11Mon8CaughtTime
$ae03 = sBox11Mon8CaughtData
$ae04 = sBox11Mon8CaughtGender
$ae04 = sBox11Mon8CaughtLocation
$ae05 = sBox11Mon8Level
$ae06 = sBox11Mon9Species
$ae06 = sBox11Mon8BoxEnd
$ae06 = sBox11Mon9
$ae07 = sBox11Mon9Item
$ae08 = sBox11Mon9Moves
$ae0c = sBox11Mon9ID
$ae0e = sBox11Mon9Exp
$ae11 = sBox11Mon9StatExp
$ae11 = sBox11Mon9HPExp
$ae13 = sBox11Mon9AtkExp
$ae15 = sBox11Mon9DefExp
$ae17 = sBox11Mon9SpdExp
$ae19 = sBox11Mon9SpcExp
$ae1b = sBox11Mon9DVs
$ae1d = sBox11Mon9PP
$ae21 = sBox11Mon9Happiness
$ae22 = sBox11Mon9PokerusStatus
$ae23 = sBox11Mon9CaughtData
$ae23 = sBox11Mon9CaughtLevel
$ae23 = sBox11Mon9CaughtTime
$ae24 = sBox11Mon9CaughtGender
$ae24 = sBox11Mon9CaughtLocation
$ae25 = sBox11Mon9Level
$ae26 = sBox11Mon9BoxEnd
$ae26 = sBox11Mon10Species
$ae26 = sBox11Mon10
$ae27 = sBox11Mon10Item
$ae28 = sBox11Mon10Moves
$ae2c = sBox11Mon10ID
$ae2e = sBox11Mon10Exp
$ae31 = sBox11Mon10StatExp
$ae31 = sBox11Mon10HPExp
$ae33 = sBox11Mon10AtkExp
$ae35 = sBox11Mon10DefExp
$ae37 = sBox11Mon10SpdExp
$ae39 = sBox11Mon10SpcExp
$ae3b = sBox11Mon10DVs
$ae3d = sBox11Mon10PP
$ae41 = sBox11Mon10Happiness
$ae42 = sBox11Mon10PokerusStatus
$ae43 = sBox11Mon10CaughtLevel
$ae43 = sBox11Mon10CaughtData
$ae43 = sBox11Mon10CaughtTime
$ae44 = sBox11Mon10CaughtGender
$ae44 = sBox11Mon10CaughtLocation
$ae45 = sBox11Mon10Level
$ae46 = sBox11Mon10BoxEnd
$ae46 = sBox11Mon11Species
$ae46 = sBox11Mon11
$ae47 = sBox11Mon11Item
$ae48 = sBox11Mon11Moves
$ae4c = sBox11Mon11ID
$ae4e = sBox11Mon11Exp
$ae51 = sBox11Mon11HPExp
$ae51 = sBox11Mon11StatExp
$ae53 = sBox11Mon11AtkExp
$ae55 = sBox11Mon11DefExp
$ae57 = sBox11Mon11SpdExp
$ae59 = sBox11Mon11SpcExp
$ae5b = sBox11Mon11DVs
$ae5d = sBox11Mon11PP
$ae61 = sBox11Mon11Happiness
$ae62 = sBox11Mon11PokerusStatus
$ae63 = sBox11Mon11CaughtData
$ae63 = sBox11Mon11CaughtLevel
$ae63 = sBox11Mon11CaughtTime
$ae64 = sBox11Mon11CaughtLocation
$ae64 = sBox11Mon11CaughtGender
$ae65 = sBox11Mon11Level
$ae66 = sBox11Mon11BoxEnd
$ae66 = sBox11Mon12Species
$ae66 = sBox11Mon12
$ae67 = sBox11Mon12Item
$ae68 = sBox11Mon12Moves
$ae6c = sBox11Mon12ID
$ae6e = sBox11Mon12Exp
$ae71 = sBox11Mon12HPExp
$ae71 = sBox11Mon12StatExp
$ae73 = sBox11Mon12AtkExp
$ae75 = sBox11Mon12DefExp
$ae77 = sBox11Mon12SpdExp
$ae79 = sBox11Mon12SpcExp
$ae7b = sBox11Mon12DVs
$ae7d = sBox11Mon12PP
$ae81 = sBox11Mon12Happiness
$ae82 = sBox11Mon12PokerusStatus
$ae83 = sBox11Mon12CaughtData
$ae83 = sBox11Mon12CaughtTime
$ae83 = sBox11Mon12CaughtLevel
$ae84 = sBox11Mon12CaughtLocation
$ae84 = sBox11Mon12CaughtGender
$ae85 = sBox11Mon12Level
$ae86 = sBox11Mon13
$ae86 = sBox11Mon12BoxEnd
$ae86 = sBox11Mon13Species
$ae87 = sBox11Mon13Item
$ae88 = sBox11Mon13Moves
$ae8c = sBox11Mon13ID
$ae8e = sBox11Mon13Exp
$ae91 = sBox11Mon13StatExp
$ae91 = sBox11Mon13HPExp
$ae93 = sBox11Mon13AtkExp
$ae95 = sBox11Mon13DefExp
$ae97 = sBox11Mon13SpdExp
$ae99 = sBox11Mon13SpcExp
$ae9b = sBox11Mon13DVs
$ae9d = sBox11Mon13PP
$aea1 = sBox11Mon13Happiness
$aea2 = sBox11Mon13PokerusStatus
$aea3 = sBox11Mon13CaughtTime
$aea3 = sBox11Mon13CaughtLevel
$aea3 = sBox11Mon13CaughtData
$aea4 = sBox11Mon13CaughtGender
$aea4 = sBox11Mon13CaughtLocation
$aea5 = sBox11Mon13Level
$aea6 = sBox11Mon14Species
$aea6 = sBox11Mon13BoxEnd
$aea6 = sBox11Mon14
$aea7 = sBox11Mon14Item
$aea8 = sBox11Mon14Moves
$aeac = sBox11Mon14ID
$aeae = sBox11Mon14Exp
$aeb1 = sBox11Mon14HPExp
$aeb1 = sBox11Mon14StatExp
$aeb3 = sBox11Mon14AtkExp
$aeb5 = sBox11Mon14DefExp
$aeb7 = sBox11Mon14SpdExp
$aeb9 = sBox11Mon14SpcExp
$aebb = sBox11Mon14DVs
$aebd = sBox11Mon14PP
$aec1 = sBox11Mon14Happiness
$aec2 = sBox11Mon14PokerusStatus
$aec3 = sBox11Mon14CaughtLevel
$aec3 = sBox11Mon14CaughtTime
$aec3 = sBox11Mon14CaughtData
$aec4 = sBox11Mon14CaughtGender
$aec4 = sBox11Mon14CaughtLocation
$aec5 = sBox11Mon14Level
$aec6 = sBox11Mon14BoxEnd
$aec6 = sBox11Mon15Species
$aec6 = sBox11Mon15
$aec7 = sBox11Mon15Item
$aec8 = sBox11Mon15Moves
$aecc = sBox11Mon15ID
$aece = sBox11Mon15Exp
$aed1 = sBox11Mon15HPExp
$aed1 = sBox11Mon15StatExp
$aed3 = sBox11Mon15AtkExp
$aed5 = sBox11Mon15DefExp
$aed7 = sBox11Mon15SpdExp
$aed9 = sBox11Mon15SpcExp
$aedb = sBox11Mon15DVs
$aedd = sBox11Mon15PP
$aee1 = sBox11Mon15Happiness
$aee2 = sBox11Mon15PokerusStatus
$aee3 = sBox11Mon15CaughtData
$aee3 = sBox11Mon15CaughtLevel
$aee3 = sBox11Mon15CaughtTime
$aee4 = sBox11Mon15CaughtLocation
$aee4 = sBox11Mon15CaughtGender
$aee5 = sBox11Mon15Level
$aee6 = sBox11Mon16Species
$aee6 = sBox11Mon15BoxEnd
$aee6 = sBox11Mon16
$aee7 = sBox11Mon16Item
$aee8 = sBox11Mon16Moves
$aeec = sBox11Mon16ID
$aeee = sBox11Mon16Exp
$aef1 = sBox11Mon16HPExp
$aef1 = sBox11Mon16StatExp
$aef3 = sBox11Mon16AtkExp
$aef5 = sBox11Mon16DefExp
$aef7 = sBox11Mon16SpdExp
$aef9 = sBox11Mon16SpcExp
$aefb = sBox11Mon16DVs
$aefd = sBox11Mon16PP
$af01 = sBox11Mon16Happiness
$af02 = sBox11Mon16PokerusStatus
$af03 = sBox11Mon16CaughtData
$af03 = sBox11Mon16CaughtTime
$af03 = sBox11Mon16CaughtLevel
$af04 = sBox11Mon16CaughtGender
$af04 = sBox11Mon16CaughtLocation
$af05 = sBox11Mon16Level
$af06 = sBox11Mon17Species
$af06 = sBox11Mon16BoxEnd
$af06 = sBox11Mon17
$af07 = sBox11Mon17Item
$af08 = sBox11Mon17Moves
$af0c = sBox11Mon17ID
$af0e = sBox11Mon17Exp
$af11 = sBox11Mon17StatExp
$af11 = sBox11Mon17HPExp
$af13 = sBox11Mon17AtkExp
$af15 = sBox11Mon17DefExp
$af17 = sBox11Mon17SpdExp
$af19 = sBox11Mon17SpcExp
$af1b = sBox11Mon17DVs
$af1d = sBox11Mon17PP
$af21 = sBox11Mon17Happiness
$af22 = sBox11Mon17PokerusStatus
$af23 = sBox11Mon17CaughtData
$af23 = sBox11Mon17CaughtTime
$af23 = sBox11Mon17CaughtLevel
$af24 = sBox11Mon17CaughtGender
$af24 = sBox11Mon17CaughtLocation
$af25 = sBox11Mon17Level
$af26 = sBox11Mon18
$af26 = sBox11Mon17BoxEnd
$af26 = sBox11Mon18Species
$af27 = sBox11Mon18Item
$af28 = sBox11Mon18Moves
$af2c = sBox11Mon18ID
$af2e = sBox11Mon18Exp
$af31 = sBox11Mon18StatExp
$af31 = sBox11Mon18HPExp
$af33 = sBox11Mon18AtkExp
$af35 = sBox11Mon18DefExp
$af37 = sBox11Mon18SpdExp
$af39 = sBox11Mon18SpcExp
$af3b = sBox11Mon18DVs
$af3d = sBox11Mon18PP
$af41 = sBox11Mon18Happiness
$af42 = sBox11Mon18PokerusStatus
$af43 = sBox11Mon18CaughtTime
$af43 = sBox11Mon18CaughtLevel
$af43 = sBox11Mon18CaughtData
$af44 = sBox11Mon18CaughtGender
$af44 = sBox11Mon18CaughtLocation
$af45 = sBox11Mon18Level
$af46 = sBox11Mon19
$af46 = sBox11Mon18BoxEnd
$af46 = sBox11Mon19Species
$af47 = sBox11Mon19Item
$af48 = sBox11Mon19Moves
$af4c = sBox11Mon19ID
$af4e = sBox11Mon19Exp
$af51 = sBox11Mon19HPExp
$af51 = sBox11Mon19StatExp
$af53 = sBox11Mon19AtkExp
$af55 = sBox11Mon19DefExp
$af57 = sBox11Mon19SpdExp
$af59 = sBox11Mon19SpcExp
$af5b = sBox11Mon19DVs
$af5d = sBox11Mon19PP
$af61 = sBox11Mon19Happiness
$af62 = sBox11Mon19PokerusStatus
$af63 = sBox11Mon19CaughtData
$af63 = sBox11Mon19CaughtTime
$af63 = sBox11Mon19CaughtLevel
$af64 = sBox11Mon19CaughtGender
$af64 = sBox11Mon19CaughtLocation
$af65 = sBox11Mon19Level
$af66 = sBox11Mon20Species
$af66 = sBox11Mon20
$af66 = sBox11Mon19BoxEnd
$af67 = sBox11Mon20Item
$af68 = sBox11Mon20Moves
$af6c = sBox11Mon20ID
$af6e = sBox11Mon20Exp
$af71 = sBox11Mon20HPExp
$af71 = sBox11Mon20StatExp
$af73 = sBox11Mon20AtkExp
$af75 = sBox11Mon20DefExp
$af77 = sBox11Mon20SpdExp
$af79 = sBox11Mon20SpcExp
$af7b = sBox11Mon20DVs
$af7d = sBox11Mon20PP
$af81 = sBox11Mon20Happiness
$af82 = sBox11Mon20PokerusStatus
$af83 = sBox11Mon20CaughtTime
$af83 = sBox11Mon20CaughtLevel
$af83 = sBox11Mon20CaughtData
$af84 = sBox11Mon20CaughtGender
$af84 = sBox11Mon20CaughtLocation
$af85 = sBox11Mon20Level
$af86 = sBox11MonOTs
$af86 = sBox11Mon1OT
$af86 = sBox11Mon20BoxEnd
$af91 = sBox11Mon2OT
$af9c = sBox11Mon3OT
$afa7 = sBox11Mon4OT
$afb2 = sBox11Mon5OT
$afbd = sBox11Mon6OT
$afc8 = sBox11Mon7OT
$afd3 = sBox11Mon8OT
$afde = sBox11Mon9OT
$afe9 = sBox11Mon10OT
$aff4 = sBox11Mon11OT
$afff = sBox11Mon12OT
$b00a = sBox11Mon13OT
$b015 = sBox11Mon14OT
$b020 = sBox11Mon15OT
$b02b = sBox11Mon16OT
$b036 = sBox11Mon17OT
$b041 = sBox11Mon18OT
$b04c = sBox11Mon19OT
$b057 = sBox11Mon20OT
$b062 = sBox11Mon1Nickname
$b062 = sBox11MonNicknames
$b06d = sBox11Mon2Nickname
$b078 = sBox11Mon3Nickname
$b083 = sBox11Mon4Nickname
$b08e = sBox11Mon5Nickname
$b099 = sBox11Mon6Nickname
$b0a4 = sBox11Mon7Nickname
$b0af = sBox11Mon8Nickname
$b0ba = sBox11Mon9Nickname
$b0c5 = sBox11Mon10Nickname
$b0d0 = sBox11Mon11Nickname
$b0db = sBox11Mon12Nickname
$b0e6 = sBox11Mon13Nickname
$b0f1 = sBox11Mon14Nickname
$b0fc = sBox11Mon15Nickname
$b107 = sBox11Mon16Nickname
$b112 = sBox11Mon17Nickname
$b11d = sBox11Mon18Nickname
$b128 = sBox11Mon19Nickname
$b133 = sBox11Mon20Nickname
$b13e = sBox11End
$b13e = sBox11MonNicknamesEnd
$b140 = sBox12Count
$b140 = sBox12
$b141 = sBox12Species
$b156 = sBox12Mon1
$b156 = sBox12Mons
$b156 = sBox12Mon1Species
$b157 = sBox12Mon1Item
$b158 = sBox12Mon1Moves
$b15c = sBox12Mon1ID
$b15e = sBox12Mon1Exp
$b161 = sBox12Mon1HPExp
$b161 = sBox12Mon1StatExp
$b163 = sBox12Mon1AtkExp
$b165 = sBox12Mon1DefExp
$b167 = sBox12Mon1SpdExp
$b169 = sBox12Mon1SpcExp
$b16b = sBox12Mon1DVs
$b16d = sBox12Mon1PP
$b171 = sBox12Mon1Happiness
$b172 = sBox12Mon1PokerusStatus
$b173 = sBox12Mon1CaughtData
$b173 = sBox12Mon1CaughtTime
$b173 = sBox12Mon1CaughtLevel
$b174 = sBox12Mon1CaughtGender
$b174 = sBox12Mon1CaughtLocation
$b175 = sBox12Mon1Level
$b176 = sBox12Mon2
$b176 = sBox12Mon1BoxEnd
$b176 = sBox12Mon2Species
$b177 = sBox12Mon2Item
$b178 = sBox12Mon2Moves
$b17c = sBox12Mon2ID
$b17e = sBox12Mon2Exp
$b181 = sBox12Mon2StatExp
$b181 = sBox12Mon2HPExp
$b183 = sBox12Mon2AtkExp
$b185 = sBox12Mon2DefExp
$b187 = sBox12Mon2SpdExp
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$b203 = sBox12Mon6AtkExp
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$b209 = sBox12Mon6SpcExp
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$b227 = sBox12Mon7SpdExp
$b229 = sBox12Mon7SpcExp
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$b231 = sBox12Mon7Happiness
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$b236 = sBox12Mon8
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$b241 = sBox12Mon8HPExp
$b241 = sBox12Mon8StatExp
$b243 = sBox12Mon8AtkExp
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$b247 = sBox12Mon8SpdExp
$b249 = sBox12Mon8SpcExp
$b24b = sBox12Mon8DVs
$b24d = sBox12Mon8PP
$b251 = sBox12Mon8Happiness
$b252 = sBox12Mon8PokerusStatus
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$b256 = sBox12Mon9
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$b261 = sBox12Mon9StatExp
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$b263 = sBox12Mon9AtkExp
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$b267 = sBox12Mon9SpdExp
$b269 = sBox12Mon9SpcExp
$b26b = sBox12Mon9DVs
$b26d = sBox12Mon9PP
$b271 = sBox12Mon9Happiness
$b272 = sBox12Mon9PokerusStatus
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$b281 = sBox12Mon10HPExp
$b281 = sBox12Mon10StatExp
$b283 = sBox12Mon10AtkExp
$b285 = sBox12Mon10DefExp
$b287 = sBox12Mon10SpdExp
$b289 = sBox12Mon10SpcExp
$b28b = sBox12Mon10DVs
$b28d = sBox12Mon10PP
$b291 = sBox12Mon10Happiness
$b292 = sBox12Mon10PokerusStatus
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$b296 = sBox12Mon11
$b297 = sBox12Mon11Item
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$b2a1 = sBox12Mon11StatExp
$b2a1 = sBox12Mon11HPExp
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$b2c1 = sBox12Mon12HPExp
$b2c1 = sBox12Mon12StatExp
$b2c3 = sBox12Mon12AtkExp
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$b2c9 = sBox12Mon12SpcExp
$b2cb = sBox12Mon12DVs
$b2cd = sBox12Mon12PP
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$b2d6 = sBox12Mon12BoxEnd
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$b2e1 = sBox12Mon13StatExp
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$b2eb = sBox12Mon13DVs
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$b2f1 = sBox12Mon13Happiness
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$b301 = sBox12Mon14StatExp
$b303 = sBox12Mon14AtkExp
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$b307 = sBox12Mon14SpdExp
$b309 = sBox12Mon14SpcExp
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$b30d = sBox12Mon14PP
$b311 = sBox12Mon14Happiness
$b312 = sBox12Mon14PokerusStatus
$b313 = sBox12Mon14CaughtTime
$b313 = sBox12Mon14CaughtLevel
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$b316 = sBox12Mon15
$b317 = sBox12Mon15Item
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$b321 = sBox12Mon15HPExp
$b321 = sBox12Mon15StatExp
$b323 = sBox12Mon15AtkExp
$b325 = sBox12Mon15DefExp
$b327 = sBox12Mon15SpdExp
$b329 = sBox12Mon15SpcExp
$b32b = sBox12Mon15DVs
$b32d = sBox12Mon15PP
$b331 = sBox12Mon15Happiness
$b332 = sBox12Mon15PokerusStatus
$b333 = sBox12Mon15CaughtLevel
$b333 = sBox12Mon15CaughtData
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$b336 = sBox12Mon16
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$b343 = sBox12Mon16AtkExp
$b345 = sBox12Mon16DefExp
$b347 = sBox12Mon16SpdExp
$b349 = sBox12Mon16SpcExp
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$b34d = sBox12Mon16PP
$b351 = sBox12Mon16Happiness
$b352 = sBox12Mon16PokerusStatus
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$b356 = sBox12Mon17
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$b361 = sBox12Mon17StatExp
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$b363 = sBox12Mon17AtkExp
$b365 = sBox12Mon17DefExp
$b367 = sBox12Mon17SpdExp
$b369 = sBox12Mon17SpcExp
$b36b = sBox12Mon17DVs
$b36d = sBox12Mon17PP
$b371 = sBox12Mon17Happiness
$b372 = sBox12Mon17PokerusStatus
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$b383 = sBox12Mon18AtkExp
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$b387 = sBox12Mon18SpdExp
$b389 = sBox12Mon18SpcExp
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$b38d = sBox12Mon18PP
$b391 = sBox12Mon18Happiness
$b392 = sBox12Mon18PokerusStatus
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$b394 = sBox12Mon18CaughtLocation
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$b396 = sBox12Mon19
$b397 = sBox12Mon19Item
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$b3a1 = sBox12Mon19HPExp
$b3a1 = sBox12Mon19StatExp
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$b3b1 = sBox12Mon19Happiness
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$b3b6 = sBox12Mon19BoxEnd
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$b3c1 = sBox12Mon20HPExp
$b3c3 = sBox12Mon20AtkExp
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$b3cb = sBox12Mon20DVs
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$b3d2 = sBox12Mon20PokerusStatus
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$b402 = sBox12Mon5OT
$b40d = sBox12Mon6OT
$b418 = sBox12Mon7OT
$b423 = sBox12Mon8OT
$b42e = sBox12Mon9OT
$b439 = sBox12Mon10OT
$b444 = sBox12Mon11OT
$b44f = sBox12Mon12OT
$b45a = sBox12Mon13OT
$b465 = sBox12Mon14OT
$b470 = sBox12Mon15OT
$b47b = sBox12Mon16OT
$b486 = sBox12Mon17OT
$b491 = sBox12Mon18OT
$b49c = sBox12Mon19OT
$b4a7 = sBox12Mon20OT
$b4b2 = sBox12Mon1Nickname
$b4b2 = sBox12MonNicknames
$b4bd = sBox12Mon2Nickname
$b4c8 = sBox12Mon3Nickname
$b4d3 = sBox12Mon4Nickname
$b4de = sBox12Mon5Nickname
$b4e9 = sBox12Mon6Nickname
$b4f4 = sBox12Mon7Nickname
$b4ff = sBox12Mon8Nickname
$b50a = sBox12Mon9Nickname
$b515 = sBox12Mon10Nickname
$b520 = sBox12Mon11Nickname
$b52b = sBox12Mon12Nickname
$b536 = sBox12Mon13Nickname
$b541 = sBox12Mon14Nickname
$b54c = sBox12Mon15Nickname
$b557 = sBox12Mon16Nickname
$b562 = sBox12Mon17Nickname
$b56d = sBox12Mon18Nickname
$b578 = sBox12Mon19Nickname
$b583 = sBox12Mon20Nickname
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$b58e = sBox12MonNicknamesEnd
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$b5f9 = sBox13Mon3SpcExp
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$b601 = sBox13Mon3Happiness
$b602 = sBox13Mon3PokerusStatus
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$b603 = sBox13Mon3CaughtLevel
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$b606 = sBox13Mon4
$b606 = sBox13Mon3BoxEnd
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$b611 = sBox13Mon4StatExp
$b611 = sBox13Mon4HPExp
$b613 = sBox13Mon4AtkExp
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$b617 = sBox13Mon4SpdExp
$b619 = sBox13Mon4SpcExp
$b61b = sBox13Mon4DVs
$b61d = sBox13Mon4PP
$b621 = sBox13Mon4Happiness
$b622 = sBox13Mon4PokerusStatus
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$b639 = sBox13Mon5SpcExp
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$b641 = sBox13Mon5Happiness
$b642 = sBox13Mon5PokerusStatus
$b643 = sBox13Mon5CaughtLevel
$b643 = sBox13Mon5CaughtTime
$b643 = sBox13Mon5CaughtData
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$b659 = sBox13Mon6SpcExp
$b65b = sBox13Mon6DVs
$b65d = sBox13Mon6PP
$b661 = sBox13Mon6Happiness
$b662 = sBox13Mon6PokerusStatus
$b663 = sBox13Mon6CaughtData
$b663 = sBox13Mon6CaughtTime
$b663 = sBox13Mon6CaughtLevel
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$b666 = sBox13Mon7Species
$b666 = sBox13Mon6BoxEnd
$b666 = sBox13Mon7
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$b673 = sBox13Mon7AtkExp
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$b679 = sBox13Mon7SpcExp
$b67b = sBox13Mon7DVs
$b67d = sBox13Mon7PP
$b681 = sBox13Mon7Happiness
$b682 = sBox13Mon7PokerusStatus
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$b683 = sBox13Mon7CaughtTime
$b683 = sBox13Mon7CaughtData
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$b686 = sBox13Mon8
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$b691 = sBox13Mon8StatExp
$b691 = sBox13Mon8HPExp
$b693 = sBox13Mon8AtkExp
$b695 = sBox13Mon8DefExp
$b697 = sBox13Mon8SpdExp
$b699 = sBox13Mon8SpcExp
$b69b = sBox13Mon8DVs
$b69d = sBox13Mon8PP
$b6a1 = sBox13Mon8Happiness
$b6a2 = sBox13Mon8PokerusStatus
$b6a3 = sBox13Mon8CaughtTime
$b6a3 = sBox13Mon8CaughtLevel
$b6a3 = sBox13Mon8CaughtData
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$b6a4 = sBox13Mon8CaughtLocation
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$b6a6 = sBox13Mon9
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$b6b1 = sBox13Mon9StatExp
$b6b1 = sBox13Mon9HPExp
$b6b3 = sBox13Mon9AtkExp
$b6b5 = sBox13Mon9DefExp
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$b6b9 = sBox13Mon9SpcExp
$b6bb = sBox13Mon9DVs
$b6bd = sBox13Mon9PP
$b6c1 = sBox13Mon9Happiness
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$b6d1 = sBox13Mon10StatExp
$b6d1 = sBox13Mon10HPExp
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$b6d9 = sBox13Mon10SpcExp
$b6db = sBox13Mon10DVs
$b6dd = sBox13Mon10PP
$b6e1 = sBox13Mon10Happiness
$b6e2 = sBox13Mon10PokerusStatus
$b6e3 = sBox13Mon10CaughtLevel
$b6e3 = sBox13Mon10CaughtTime
$b6e3 = sBox13Mon10CaughtData
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$b6e6 = sBox13Mon11
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$b6f1 = sBox13Mon11StatExp
$b6f1 = sBox13Mon11HPExp
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$b6f7 = sBox13Mon11SpdExp
$b6f9 = sBox13Mon11SpcExp
$b6fb = sBox13Mon11DVs
$b6fd = sBox13Mon11PP
$b701 = sBox13Mon11Happiness
$b702 = sBox13Mon11PokerusStatus
$b703 = sBox13Mon11CaughtTime
$b703 = sBox13Mon11CaughtLevel
$b703 = sBox13Mon11CaughtData
$b704 = sBox13Mon11CaughtLocation
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$b705 = sBox13Mon11Level
$b706 = sBox13Mon12Species
$b706 = sBox13Mon12
$b706 = sBox13Mon11BoxEnd
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$b708 = sBox13Mon12Moves
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$b711 = sBox13Mon12HPExp
$b711 = sBox13Mon12StatExp
$b713 = sBox13Mon12AtkExp
$b715 = sBox13Mon12DefExp
$b717 = sBox13Mon12SpdExp
$b719 = sBox13Mon12SpcExp
$b71b = sBox13Mon12DVs
$b71d = sBox13Mon12PP
$b721 = sBox13Mon12Happiness
$b722 = sBox13Mon12PokerusStatus
$b723 = sBox13Mon12CaughtLevel
$b723 = sBox13Mon12CaughtTime
$b723 = sBox13Mon12CaughtData
$b724 = sBox13Mon12CaughtLocation
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$b725 = sBox13Mon12Level
$b726 = sBox13Mon12BoxEnd
$b726 = sBox13Mon13Species
$b726 = sBox13Mon13
$b727 = sBox13Mon13Item
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$b72e = sBox13Mon13Exp
$b731 = sBox13Mon13HPExp
$b731 = sBox13Mon13StatExp
$b733 = sBox13Mon13AtkExp
$b735 = sBox13Mon13DefExp
$b737 = sBox13Mon13SpdExp
$b739 = sBox13Mon13SpcExp
$b73b = sBox13Mon13DVs
$b73d = sBox13Mon13PP
$b741 = sBox13Mon13Happiness
$b742 = sBox13Mon13PokerusStatus
$b743 = sBox13Mon13CaughtData
$b743 = sBox13Mon13CaughtTime
$b743 = sBox13Mon13CaughtLevel
$b744 = sBox13Mon13CaughtGender
$b744 = sBox13Mon13CaughtLocation
$b745 = sBox13Mon13Level
$b746 = sBox13Mon14Species
$b746 = sBox13Mon14
$b746 = sBox13Mon13BoxEnd
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$b748 = sBox13Mon14Moves
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$b751 = sBox13Mon14StatExp
$b751 = sBox13Mon14HPExp
$b753 = sBox13Mon14AtkExp
$b755 = sBox13Mon14DefExp
$b757 = sBox13Mon14SpdExp
$b759 = sBox13Mon14SpcExp
$b75b = sBox13Mon14DVs
$b75d = sBox13Mon14PP
$b761 = sBox13Mon14Happiness
$b762 = sBox13Mon14PokerusStatus
$b763 = sBox13Mon14CaughtLevel
$b763 = sBox13Mon14CaughtData
$b763 = sBox13Mon14CaughtTime
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$b764 = sBox13Mon14CaughtGender
$b765 = sBox13Mon14Level
$b766 = sBox13Mon15Species
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$b766 = sBox13Mon15
$b767 = sBox13Mon15Item
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$b771 = sBox13Mon15HPExp
$b771 = sBox13Mon15StatExp
$b773 = sBox13Mon15AtkExp
$b775 = sBox13Mon15DefExp
$b777 = sBox13Mon15SpdExp
$b779 = sBox13Mon15SpcExp
$b77b = sBox13Mon15DVs
$b77d = sBox13Mon15PP
$b781 = sBox13Mon15Happiness
$b782 = sBox13Mon15PokerusStatus
$b783 = sBox13Mon15CaughtData
$b783 = sBox13Mon15CaughtLevel
$b783 = sBox13Mon15CaughtTime
$b784 = sBox13Mon15CaughtLocation
$b784 = sBox13Mon15CaughtGender
$b785 = sBox13Mon15Level
$b786 = sBox13Mon16Species
$b786 = sBox13Mon16
$b786 = sBox13Mon15BoxEnd
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$b788 = sBox13Mon16Moves
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$b791 = sBox13Mon16HPExp
$b791 = sBox13Mon16StatExp
$b793 = sBox13Mon16AtkExp
$b795 = sBox13Mon16DefExp
$b797 = sBox13Mon16SpdExp
$b799 = sBox13Mon16SpcExp
$b79b = sBox13Mon16DVs
$b79d = sBox13Mon16PP
$b7a1 = sBox13Mon16Happiness
$b7a2 = sBox13Mon16PokerusStatus
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$b7a4 = sBox13Mon16CaughtLocation
$b7a5 = sBox13Mon16Level
$b7a6 = sBox13Mon17Species
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$b7a6 = sBox13Mon17
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$b7b1 = sBox13Mon17HPExp
$b7b1 = sBox13Mon17StatExp
$b7b3 = sBox13Mon17AtkExp
$b7b5 = sBox13Mon17DefExp
$b7b7 = sBox13Mon17SpdExp
$b7b9 = sBox13Mon17SpcExp
$b7bb = sBox13Mon17DVs
$b7bd = sBox13Mon17PP
$b7c1 = sBox13Mon17Happiness
$b7c2 = sBox13Mon17PokerusStatus
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$b7c4 = sBox13Mon17CaughtLocation
$b7c5 = sBox13Mon17Level
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$b7d1 = sBox13Mon18StatExp
$b7d1 = sBox13Mon18HPExp
$b7d3 = sBox13Mon18AtkExp
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$b7d7 = sBox13Mon18SpdExp
$b7d9 = sBox13Mon18SpcExp
$b7db = sBox13Mon18DVs
$b7dd = sBox13Mon18PP
$b7e1 = sBox13Mon18Happiness
$b7e2 = sBox13Mon18PokerusStatus
$b7e3 = sBox13Mon18CaughtLevel
$b7e3 = sBox13Mon18CaughtData
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$b7e6 = sBox13Mon19
$b7e7 = sBox13Mon19Item
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$b7f1 = sBox13Mon19HPExp
$b7f1 = sBox13Mon19StatExp
$b7f3 = sBox13Mon19AtkExp
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$b7f7 = sBox13Mon19SpdExp
$b7f9 = sBox13Mon19SpcExp
$b7fb = sBox13Mon19DVs
$b7fd = sBox13Mon19PP
$b801 = sBox13Mon19Happiness
$b802 = sBox13Mon19PokerusStatus
$b803 = sBox13Mon19CaughtData
$b803 = sBox13Mon19CaughtTime
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$b804 = sBox13Mon19CaughtLocation
$b804 = sBox13Mon19CaughtGender
$b805 = sBox13Mon19Level
$b806 = sBox13Mon20Species
$b806 = sBox13Mon20
$b806 = sBox13Mon19BoxEnd
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$b811 = sBox13Mon20StatExp
$b811 = sBox13Mon20HPExp
$b813 = sBox13Mon20AtkExp
$b815 = sBox13Mon20DefExp
$b817 = sBox13Mon20SpdExp
$b819 = sBox13Mon20SpcExp
$b81b = sBox13Mon20DVs
$b81d = sBox13Mon20PP
$b821 = sBox13Mon20Happiness
$b822 = sBox13Mon20PokerusStatus
$b823 = sBox13Mon20CaughtLevel
$b823 = sBox13Mon20CaughtTime
$b823 = sBox13Mon20CaughtData
$b824 = sBox13Mon20CaughtLocation
$b824 = sBox13Mon20CaughtGender
$b825 = sBox13Mon20Level
$b826 = sBox13MonOTs
$b826 = sBox13Mon20BoxEnd
$b826 = sBox13Mon1OT
$b831 = sBox13Mon2OT
$b83c = sBox13Mon3OT
$b847 = sBox13Mon4OT
$b852 = sBox13Mon5OT
$b85d = sBox13Mon6OT
$b868 = sBox13Mon7OT
$b873 = sBox13Mon8OT
$b87e = sBox13Mon9OT
$b889 = sBox13Mon10OT
$b894 = sBox13Mon11OT
$b89f = sBox13Mon12OT
$b8aa = sBox13Mon13OT
$b8b5 = sBox13Mon14OT
$b8c0 = sBox13Mon15OT
$b8cb = sBox13Mon16OT
$b8d6 = sBox13Mon17OT
$b8e1 = sBox13Mon18OT
$b8ec = sBox13Mon19OT
$b8f7 = sBox13Mon20OT
$b902 = sBox13MonNicknames
$b902 = sBox13Mon1Nickname
$b90d = sBox13Mon2Nickname
$b918 = sBox13Mon3Nickname
$b923 = sBox13Mon4Nickname
$b92e = sBox13Mon5Nickname
$b939 = sBox13Mon6Nickname
$b944 = sBox13Mon7Nickname
$b94f = sBox13Mon8Nickname
$b95a = sBox13Mon9Nickname
$b965 = sBox13Mon10Nickname
$b970 = sBox13Mon11Nickname
$b97b = sBox13Mon12Nickname
$b986 = sBox13Mon13Nickname
$b991 = sBox13Mon14Nickname
$b99c = sBox13Mon15Nickname
$b9a7 = sBox13Mon16Nickname
$b9b2 = sBox13Mon17Nickname
$b9bd = sBox13Mon18Nickname
$b9c8 = sBox13Mon19Nickname
$b9d3 = sBox13Mon20Nickname
$b9de = sBox13MonNicknamesEnd
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$b9f7 = sBox14Mon1Item
$b9f8 = sBox14Mon1Moves
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$ba01 = sBox14Mon1StatExp
$ba03 = sBox14Mon1AtkExp
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$ba09 = sBox14Mon1SpcExp
$ba0b = sBox14Mon1DVs
$ba0d = sBox14Mon1PP
$ba11 = sBox14Mon1Happiness
$ba12 = sBox14Mon1PokerusStatus
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$ba14 = sBox14Mon1CaughtGender
$ba15 = sBox14Mon1Level
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$ba16 = sBox14Mon2
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$ba21 = sBox14Mon2HPExp
$ba23 = sBox14Mon2AtkExp
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$ba27 = sBox14Mon2SpdExp
$ba29 = sBox14Mon2SpcExp
$ba2b = sBox14Mon2DVs
$ba2d = sBox14Mon2PP
$ba31 = sBox14Mon2Happiness
$ba32 = sBox14Mon2PokerusStatus
$ba33 = sBox14Mon2CaughtTime
$ba33 = sBox14Mon2CaughtData
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$ba36 = sBox14Mon3
$ba36 = sBox14Mon2BoxEnd
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$ba41 = sBox14Mon3StatExp
$ba43 = sBox14Mon3AtkExp
$ba45 = sBox14Mon3DefExp
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$ba49 = sBox14Mon3SpcExp
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$ba4d = sBox14Mon3PP
$ba51 = sBox14Mon3Happiness
$ba52 = sBox14Mon3PokerusStatus
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$ba54 = sBox14Mon3CaughtLocation
$ba55 = sBox14Mon3Level
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$ba56 = sBox14Mon4
$ba56 = sBox14Mon3BoxEnd
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$ba61 = sBox14Mon4StatExp
$ba63 = sBox14Mon4AtkExp
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$ba67 = sBox14Mon4SpdExp
$ba69 = sBox14Mon4SpcExp
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$ba6d = sBox14Mon4PP
$ba71 = sBox14Mon4Happiness
$ba72 = sBox14Mon4PokerusStatus
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$ba89 = sBox14Mon5SpcExp
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$ba91 = sBox14Mon5Happiness
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$bac9 = sBox14Mon7SpcExp
$bacb = sBox14Mon7DVs
$bacd = sBox14Mon7PP
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$baf6 = sBox14Mon9
$baf7 = sBox14Mon9Item
$baf8 = sBox14Mon9Moves
$bafc = sBox14Mon9ID
$bafe = sBox14Mon9Exp
$bb01 = sBox14Mon9StatExp
$bb01 = sBox14Mon9HPExp
$bb03 = sBox14Mon9AtkExp
$bb05 = sBox14Mon9DefExp
$bb07 = sBox14Mon9SpdExp
$bb09 = sBox14Mon9SpcExp
$bb0b = sBox14Mon9DVs
$bb0d = sBox14Mon9PP
$bb11 = sBox14Mon9Happiness
$bb12 = sBox14Mon9PokerusStatus
$bb13 = sBox14Mon9CaughtLevel
$bb13 = sBox14Mon9CaughtData
$bb13 = sBox14Mon9CaughtTime
$bb14 = sBox14Mon9CaughtLocation
$bb14 = sBox14Mon9CaughtGender
$bb15 = sBox14Mon9Level
$bb16 = sBox14Mon10Species
$bb16 = sBox14Mon9BoxEnd
$bb16 = sBox14Mon10
$bb17 = sBox14Mon10Item
$bb18 = sBox14Mon10Moves
$bb1c = sBox14Mon10ID
$bb1e = sBox14Mon10Exp
$bb21 = sBox14Mon10HPExp
$bb21 = sBox14Mon10StatExp
$bb23 = sBox14Mon10AtkExp
$bb25 = sBox14Mon10DefExp
$bb27 = sBox14Mon10SpdExp
$bb29 = sBox14Mon10SpcExp
$bb2b = sBox14Mon10DVs
$bb2d = sBox14Mon10PP
$bb31 = sBox14Mon10Happiness
$bb32 = sBox14Mon10PokerusStatus
$bb33 = sBox14Mon10CaughtTime
$bb33 = sBox14Mon10CaughtLevel
$bb33 = sBox14Mon10CaughtData
$bb34 = sBox14Mon10CaughtGender
$bb34 = sBox14Mon10CaughtLocation
$bb35 = sBox14Mon10Level
$bb36 = sBox14Mon11Species
$bb36 = sBox14Mon11
$bb36 = sBox14Mon10BoxEnd
$bb37 = sBox14Mon11Item
$bb38 = sBox14Mon11Moves
$bb3c = sBox14Mon11ID
$bb3e = sBox14Mon11Exp
$bb41 = sBox14Mon11StatExp
$bb41 = sBox14Mon11HPExp
$bb43 = sBox14Mon11AtkExp
$bb45 = sBox14Mon11DefExp
$bb47 = sBox14Mon11SpdExp
$bb49 = sBox14Mon11SpcExp
$bb4b = sBox14Mon11DVs
$bb4d = sBox14Mon11PP
$bb51 = sBox14Mon11Happiness
$bb52 = sBox14Mon11PokerusStatus
$bb53 = sBox14Mon11CaughtData
$bb53 = sBox14Mon11CaughtLevel
$bb53 = sBox14Mon11CaughtTime
$bb54 = sBox14Mon11CaughtGender
$bb54 = sBox14Mon11CaughtLocation
$bb55 = sBox14Mon11Level
$bb56 = sBox14Mon12Species
$bb56 = sBox14Mon11BoxEnd
$bb56 = sBox14Mon12
$bb57 = sBox14Mon12Item
$bb58 = sBox14Mon12Moves
$bb5c = sBox14Mon12ID
$bb5e = sBox14Mon12Exp
$bb61 = sBox14Mon12HPExp
$bb61 = sBox14Mon12StatExp
$bb63 = sBox14Mon12AtkExp
$bb65 = sBox14Mon12DefExp
$bb67 = sBox14Mon12SpdExp
$bb69 = sBox14Mon12SpcExp
$bb6b = sBox14Mon12DVs
$bb6d = sBox14Mon12PP
$bb71 = sBox14Mon12Happiness
$bb72 = sBox14Mon12PokerusStatus
$bb73 = sBox14Mon12CaughtData
$bb73 = sBox14Mon12CaughtLevel
$bb73 = sBox14Mon12CaughtTime
$bb74 = sBox14Mon12CaughtLocation
$bb74 = sBox14Mon12CaughtGender
$bb75 = sBox14Mon12Level
$bb76 = sBox14Mon12BoxEnd
$bb76 = sBox14Mon13Species
$bb76 = sBox14Mon13
$bb77 = sBox14Mon13Item
$bb78 = sBox14Mon13Moves
$bb7c = sBox14Mon13ID
$bb7e = sBox14Mon13Exp
$bb81 = sBox14Mon13HPExp
$bb81 = sBox14Mon13StatExp
$bb83 = sBox14Mon13AtkExp
$bb85 = sBox14Mon13DefExp
$bb87 = sBox14Mon13SpdExp
$bb89 = sBox14Mon13SpcExp
$bb8b = sBox14Mon13DVs
$bb8d = sBox14Mon13PP
$bb91 = sBox14Mon13Happiness
$bb92 = sBox14Mon13PokerusStatus
$bb93 = sBox14Mon13CaughtTime
$bb93 = sBox14Mon13CaughtLevel
$bb93 = sBox14Mon13CaughtData
$bb94 = sBox14Mon13CaughtGender
$bb94 = sBox14Mon13CaughtLocation
$bb95 = sBox14Mon13Level
$bb96 = sBox14Mon14Species
$bb96 = sBox14Mon14
$bb96 = sBox14Mon13BoxEnd
$bb97 = sBox14Mon14Item
$bb98 = sBox14Mon14Moves
$bb9c = sBox14Mon14ID
$bb9e = sBox14Mon14Exp
$bba1 = sBox14Mon14HPExp
$bba1 = sBox14Mon14StatExp
$bba3 = sBox14Mon14AtkExp
$bba5 = sBox14Mon14DefExp
$bba7 = sBox14Mon14SpdExp
$bba9 = sBox14Mon14SpcExp
$bbab = sBox14Mon14DVs
$bbad = sBox14Mon14PP
$bbb1 = sBox14Mon14Happiness
$bbb2 = sBox14Mon14PokerusStatus
$bbb3 = sBox14Mon14CaughtData
$bbb3 = sBox14Mon14CaughtTime
$bbb3 = sBox14Mon14CaughtLevel
$bbb4 = sBox14Mon14CaughtLocation
$bbb4 = sBox14Mon14CaughtGender
$bbb5 = sBox14Mon14Level
$bbb6 = sBox14Mon15Species
$bbb6 = sBox14Mon15
$bbb6 = sBox14Mon14BoxEnd
$bbb7 = sBox14Mon15Item
$bbb8 = sBox14Mon15Moves
$bbbc = sBox14Mon15ID
$bbbe = sBox14Mon15Exp
$bbc1 = sBox14Mon15HPExp
$bbc1 = sBox14Mon15StatExp
$bbc3 = sBox14Mon15AtkExp
$bbc5 = sBox14Mon15DefExp
$bbc7 = sBox14Mon15SpdExp
$bbc9 = sBox14Mon15SpcExp
$bbcb = sBox14Mon15DVs
$bbcd = sBox14Mon15PP
$bbd1 = sBox14Mon15Happiness
$bbd2 = sBox14Mon15PokerusStatus
$bbd3 = sBox14Mon15CaughtLevel
$bbd3 = sBox14Mon15CaughtData
$bbd3 = sBox14Mon15CaughtTime
$bbd4 = sBox14Mon15CaughtLocation
$bbd4 = sBox14Mon15CaughtGender
$bbd5 = sBox14Mon15Level
$bbd6 = sBox14Mon15BoxEnd
$bbd6 = sBox14Mon16Species
$bbd6 = sBox14Mon16
$bbd7 = sBox14Mon16Item
$bbd8 = sBox14Mon16Moves
$bbdc = sBox14Mon16ID
$bbde = sBox14Mon16Exp
$bbe1 = sBox14Mon16HPExp
$bbe1 = sBox14Mon16StatExp
$bbe3 = sBox14Mon16AtkExp
$bbe5 = sBox14Mon16DefExp
$bbe7 = sBox14Mon16SpdExp
$bbe9 = sBox14Mon16SpcExp
$bbeb = sBox14Mon16DVs
$bbed = sBox14Mon16PP
$bbf1 = sBox14Mon16Happiness
$bbf2 = sBox14Mon16PokerusStatus
$bbf3 = sBox14Mon16CaughtLevel
$bbf3 = sBox14Mon16CaughtTime
$bbf3 = sBox14Mon16CaughtData
$bbf4 = sBox14Mon16CaughtLocation
$bbf4 = sBox14Mon16CaughtGender
$bbf5 = sBox14Mon16Level
$bbf6 = sBox14Mon16BoxEnd
$bbf6 = sBox14Mon17Species
$bbf6 = sBox14Mon17
$bbf7 = sBox14Mon17Item
$bbf8 = sBox14Mon17Moves
$bbfc = sBox14Mon17ID
$bbfe = sBox14Mon17Exp
$bc01 = sBox14Mon17StatExp
$bc01 = sBox14Mon17HPExp
$bc03 = sBox14Mon17AtkExp
$bc05 = sBox14Mon17DefExp
$bc07 = sBox14Mon17SpdExp
$bc09 = sBox14Mon17SpcExp
$bc0b = sBox14Mon17DVs
$bc0d = sBox14Mon17PP
$bc11 = sBox14Mon17Happiness
$bc12 = sBox14Mon17PokerusStatus
$bc13 = sBox14Mon17CaughtTime
$bc13 = sBox14Mon17CaughtData
$bc13 = sBox14Mon17CaughtLevel
$bc14 = sBox14Mon17CaughtGender
$bc14 = sBox14Mon17CaughtLocation
$bc15 = sBox14Mon17Level
$bc16 = sBox14Mon18
$bc16 = sBox14Mon17BoxEnd
$bc16 = sBox14Mon18Species
$bc17 = sBox14Mon18Item
$bc18 = sBox14Mon18Moves
$bc1c = sBox14Mon18ID
$bc1e = sBox14Mon18Exp
$bc21 = sBox14Mon18HPExp
$bc21 = sBox14Mon18StatExp
$bc23 = sBox14Mon18AtkExp
$bc25 = sBox14Mon18DefExp
$bc27 = sBox14Mon18SpdExp
$bc29 = sBox14Mon18SpcExp
$bc2b = sBox14Mon18DVs
$bc2d = sBox14Mon18PP
$bc31 = sBox14Mon18Happiness
$bc32 = sBox14Mon18PokerusStatus
$bc33 = sBox14Mon18CaughtTime
$bc33 = sBox14Mon18CaughtData
$bc33 = sBox14Mon18CaughtLevel
$bc34 = sBox14Mon18CaughtLocation
$bc34 = sBox14Mon18CaughtGender
$bc35 = sBox14Mon18Level
$bc36 = sBox14Mon18BoxEnd
$bc36 = sBox14Mon19
$bc36 = sBox14Mon19Species
$bc37 = sBox14Mon19Item
$bc38 = sBox14Mon19Moves
$bc3c = sBox14Mon19ID
$bc3e = sBox14Mon19Exp
$bc41 = sBox14Mon19HPExp
$bc41 = sBox14Mon19StatExp
$bc43 = sBox14Mon19AtkExp
$bc45 = sBox14Mon19DefExp
$bc47 = sBox14Mon19SpdExp
$bc49 = sBox14Mon19SpcExp
$bc4b = sBox14Mon19DVs
$bc4d = sBox14Mon19PP
$bc51 = sBox14Mon19Happiness
$bc52 = sBox14Mon19PokerusStatus
$bc53 = sBox14Mon19CaughtData
$bc53 = sBox14Mon19CaughtTime
$bc53 = sBox14Mon19CaughtLevel
$bc54 = sBox14Mon19CaughtGender
$bc54 = sBox14Mon19CaughtLocation
$bc55 = sBox14Mon19Level
$bc56 = sBox14Mon19BoxEnd
$bc56 = sBox14Mon20Species
$bc56 = sBox14Mon20
$bc57 = sBox14Mon20Item
$bc58 = sBox14Mon20Moves
$bc5c = sBox14Mon20ID
$bc5e = sBox14Mon20Exp
$bc61 = sBox14Mon20HPExp
$bc61 = sBox14Mon20StatExp
$bc63 = sBox14Mon20AtkExp
$bc65 = sBox14Mon20DefExp
$bc67 = sBox14Mon20SpdExp
$bc69 = sBox14Mon20SpcExp
$bc6b = sBox14Mon20DVs
$bc6d = sBox14Mon20PP
$bc71 = sBox14Mon20Happiness
$bc72 = sBox14Mon20PokerusStatus
$bc73 = sBox14Mon20CaughtLevel
$bc73 = sBox14Mon20CaughtData
$bc73 = sBox14Mon20CaughtTime
$bc74 = sBox14Mon20CaughtLocation
$bc74 = sBox14Mon20CaughtGender
$bc75 = sBox14Mon20Level
$bc76 = sBox14Mon20BoxEnd
$bc76 = sBox14Mon1OT
$bc76 = sBox14MonOTs
$bc81 = sBox14Mon2OT
$bc8c = sBox14Mon3OT
$bc97 = sBox14Mon4OT
$bca2 = sBox14Mon5OT
$bcad = sBox14Mon6OT
$bcb8 = sBox14Mon7OT
$bcc3 = sBox14Mon8OT
$bcce = sBox14Mon9OT
$bcd9 = sBox14Mon10OT
$bce4 = sBox14Mon11OT
$bcef = sBox14Mon12OT
$bcfa = sBox14Mon13OT
$bd05 = sBox14Mon14OT
$bd10 = sBox14Mon15OT
$bd1b = sBox14Mon16OT
$bd26 = sBox14Mon17OT
$bd31 = sBox14Mon18OT
$bd3c = sBox14Mon19OT
$bd47 = sBox14Mon20OT
$bd52 = sBox14MonNicknames
$bd52 = sBox14Mon1Nickname
$bd5d = sBox14Mon2Nickname
$bd68 = sBox14Mon3Nickname
$bd73 = sBox14Mon4Nickname
$bd7e = sBox14Mon5Nickname
$bd89 = sBox14Mon6Nickname
$bd94 = sBox14Mon7Nickname
$bd9f = sBox14Mon8Nickname
$bdaa = sBox14Mon9Nickname
$bdb5 = sBox14Mon10Nickname
$bdc0 = sBox14Mon11Nickname
$bdcb = sBox14Mon12Nickname
$bdd6 = sBox14Mon13Nickname
$bde1 = sBox14Mon14Nickname
$bdec = sBox14Mon15Nickname
$bdf7 = sBox14Mon16Nickname
$be02 = sBox14Mon17Nickname
$be0d = sBox14Mon18Nickname
$be18 = sBox14Mon19Nickname
$be23 = sBox14Mon20Nickname
$be2e = sBox14MonNicknamesEnd
$be2e = sBox14End
EMPTY: $be30-$bfff ($01d0 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $01d0 bytes
SRAM bank #4:
SECTION: $a000-$b000 ($1001 bytes) ["SRAM Mobile 1"]
$a007 = sEZChatMessages
$a007 = sEZChatIntroductionMessage
$a013 = sEZChatBeginBattleMessage
$a013 = sEZChatBattleMessages
$a01f = sEZChatWinBattleMessage
$a02b = sEZChatLoseBattleMessage
$a037 = s4_a037
$a03b = s4_a03b
$a603 = s4_a603
$a60b = s4_a60b
$a60c = s4_a60c
$a60d = s4_a60d
$a60e = s4_a60e
$a800 = sMobileBattleTimer
$b000 = sMobileAdapterStatus
EMPTY: $b001-$bfff ($0fff bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0fff bytes
SRAM bank #5:
SECTION: $a000-$bfff ($2000 bytes) ["SRAM Mobile 2"]
$a000 = sGSBallFlagJP
$a001 = sTrainerRankingGameTimeHOF
$a001 = sTrainerRankings
$a005 = sTrainerRankingStepCountHOF
$a009 = sTrainerRankingHealingsHOF
$a00d = sTrainerRankingBattlesHOF
$a010 = sTrainerRankingStepCount
$a014 = sTrainerRankingBattleTowerWins
$a018 = sTrainerRankingTMsHMsTaught
$a01b = sTrainerRankingBattles
$a01e = sTrainerRankingWildBattles
$a021 = sTrainerRankingTrainerBattles
$a024 = sTrainerRankingUnused1
$a027 = sTrainerRankingHOFEntries
$a02a = sTrainerRankingWildMonsCaught
$a02d = sTrainerRankingHookedEncounters
$a030 = sTrainerRankingEggsHatched
$a033 = sTrainerRankingMonsEvolved
$a036 = sTrainerRankingFruitPicked
$a039 = sTrainerRankingHealings
$a03c = sTrainerRankingMysteryGift
$a03f = sTrainerRankingTrades
$a042 = sTrainerRankingFly
$a045 = sTrainerRankingSurf
$a048 = sTrainerRankingWaterfall
$a04b = sTrainerRankingWhiteOuts
$a04e = sTrainerRankingLuckyNumberShow
$a051 = sTrainerRankingPhoneCalls
$a054 = sTrainerRankingUnused2
$a057 = sTrainerRankingLinkBattles
$a05a = sTrainerRankingSplash
$a05d = sTrainerRankingTreeEncounters
$a060 = sTrainerRankingUnused3
$a063 = sTrainerRankingColosseumWins
$a066 = sTrainerRankingColosseumLosses
$a069 = sTrainerRankingColosseumDraws
$a06c = sTrainerRankingSelfdestruct
$a06f = sTrainerRankingCurrentSlotsStreak
$a071 = sTrainerRankingLongestSlotsStreak
$a073 = sTrainerRankingTotalSlotsPayouts
$a077 = sTrainerRankingTotalBattlePayouts
$a07b = sTrainerRankingLongestMagikarp
$a07d = sTrainerRankingShortestMagikarp
$a07f = sTrainerRankingBugContestScore
$a081 = sTrainerRankingsChecksum
$a083 = sGSBallFlagBackupJP
$a083 = sTrainerRankingsEnd
$a084 = sTrainerRankingsBackup
$a800 = s5_a800
$a801 = sOfferEmail
$a81f = sOfferTrainerID
$a821 = sOfferSecretID
$a823 = sOfferGender
$a824 = sOfferSpecies
$a825 = sOfferReqGender
$a826 = sOfferReqSpecies
$a827 = sOfferMonSender
$a82c = sOfferMon
$a82c = sOfferMonSpecies
$a82d = sOfferMonItem
$a82e = sOfferMonMoves
$a832 = sOfferMonID
$a834 = sOfferMonExp
$a837 = sOfferMonStatExp
$a837 = sOfferMonHPExp
$a839 = sOfferMonAtkExp
$a83b = sOfferMonDefExp
$a83d = sOfferMonSpdExp
$a83f = sOfferMonSpcExp
$a841 = sOfferMonDVs
$a843 = sOfferMonPP
$a847 = sOfferMonHappiness
$a848 = sOfferMonPokerusStatus
$a849 = sOfferMonCaughtTime
$a849 = sOfferMonCaughtData
$a849 = sOfferMonCaughtLevel
$a84a = sOfferMonCaughtLocation
$a84a = sOfferMonCaughtGender
$a84b = sOfferMonLevel
$a84c = sOfferMonBoxEnd
$a84c = sOfferMonStatus
$a84d = sOfferMonUnused
$a84e = sOfferMonHP
$a850 = sOfferMonMaxHP
$a852 = sOfferMonAttack
$a852 = sOfferMonStats
$a854 = sOfferMonDefense
$a856 = sOfferMonSpeed
$a858 = sOfferMonSpclAtk
$a85a = sOfferMonSpclDef
$a85c = sOfferMonOT
$a85c = sOfferMonStructEnd
$a861 = sOfferMonNick
$a866 = sOfferMonMailMessage
$a866 = sOfferMonMail
$a886 = sOfferMonMailMessageEnd
$a887 = sOfferMonMailAuthor
$a88c = sOfferMonMailAuthorID
$a88e = sOfferMonMailSpecies
$a88f = sOfferMonMailType
$a890 = s5_a890
$a890 = sOfferMonMailEnd
$a891 = s5_a891
$a892 = s5_a892
$a893 = s5_a893
$a894 = s5_a894
$a89a = s5_a89a
$a89c = s5_a89c
$a8b2 = s5_a8b2
$a948 = s5_a948
$aa41 = s5_aa41
$aa47 = s5_aa47
$aa48 = s5_aa48
$aa4a = s5_aa4a
$aa4b = sMobileLoginPassword
$aa5d = s5_aa5d
$aa72 = s5_aa72
$aa73 = s5_aa73
$aa7f = s5_aa7f
$aa8b = s5_aa8b
$aa8c = s5_aa8c
$aa8d = s5_aa8d
$aa8e = s5_aa8e
$b023 = s5_b023
$b08c = s5_b08c
$b090 = s5_b090
$b091 = s5_b091
$b092 = s5_b092
$b1b1 = s5_b1b1
$b1b2 = s5_b1b2
$b1b3 = s5_b1b3
$b1b4 = s5_b1b4
$b1d3 = s5_b1d3
$b2f3 = s5_b2f3
$b2f4 = s5_b2f4
$b2f9 = s5_b2f9
$b2fa = s5_b2fa
$b2fb = s5_b2fb
$be45 = s5_be45
$be46 = s5_be46
$bfff = s5_bfff
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
SRAM bank #6:
SECTION: $a000-$b005 ($1006 bytes) ["SRAM Mobile 3"]
$a000 = s6_a000
$a002 = s6_a002
$a003 = s6_a003
$a004 = s6_a004
$a005 = s6_a005
$a006 = s6_a006
EMPTY: $b006-$bfff ($0ffa bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0ffa bytes
SRAM bank #7:
SECTION: $a000-$a800 ($0801 bytes) ["SRAM Mobile 4"]
$a000 = sMobileStadiumFlag
$a001 = s7_a001
$a800 = sMobileAdapterStatus2
EMPTY: $a801-$bfff ($17ff bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $17ff bytes
WRAM0 bank #0:
SECTION: $c000-$c0ff ($0100 bytes) ["Stack"]
$c000 = wStackBottom
$c0ff = wStackTop
SECTION: $c100-$c2c1 ($01c2 bytes) ["Audio RAM"]
$c100 = wMusicPlaying
$c101 = wAudio
$c101 = wChannel1
$c101 = wChannel1MusicID
$c103 = wChannel1MusicBank
$c104 = wChannel1Flags1
$c105 = wChannel1Flags2
$c106 = wChannel1Flags3
$c107 = wChannel1MusicAddress
$c109 = wChannel1LastMusicAddress
$c10d = wChannel1NoteFlags
$c10e = wChannel1Condition
$c10f = wChannel1DutyCycle
$c110 = wChannel1VolumeEnvelope
$c111 = wChannel1Frequency
$c113 = wChannel1Pitch
$c114 = wChannel1Octave
$c115 = wChannel1Transposition
$c116 = wChannel1NoteDuration
$c117 = wChannel1Field16
$c119 = wChannel1LoopCount
$c11a = wChannel1Tempo
$c11c = wChannel1Tracks
$c11d = wChannel1DutyCyclePattern
$c11e = wChannel1VibratoDelayCount
$c11f = wChannel1VibratoDelay
$c120 = wChannel1VibratoExtent
$c121 = wChannel1VibratoRate
$c122 = wChannel1PitchSlideTarget
$c124 = wChannel1PitchSlideAmount
$c125 = wChannel1PitchSlideAmountFraction
$c126 = wChannel1Field25
$c128 = wChannel1PitchOffset
$c12a = wChannel1Field29
$c12b = wChannel1Field2a
$c12d = wChannel1Field2c
$c12e = wChannel1NoteLength
$c12f = wChannel1Field2e
$c130 = wChannel1Field2f
$c131 = wChannel1Field30
$c133 = wChannel2
$c133 = wChannel2MusicID
$c135 = wChannel2MusicBank
$c136 = wChannel2Flags1
$c137 = wChannel2Flags2
$c138 = wChannel2Flags3
$c139 = wChannel2MusicAddress
$c13b = wChannel2LastMusicAddress
$c13f = wChannel2NoteFlags
$c140 = wChannel2Condition
$c141 = wChannel2DutyCycle
$c142 = wChannel2VolumeEnvelope
$c143 = wChannel2Frequency
$c145 = wChannel2Pitch
$c146 = wChannel2Octave
$c147 = wChannel2Transposition
$c148 = wChannel2NoteDuration
$c149 = wChannel2Field16
$c14b = wChannel2LoopCount
$c14c = wChannel2Tempo
$c14e = wChannel2Tracks
$c14f = wChannel2DutyCyclePattern
$c150 = wChannel2VibratoDelayCount
$c151 = wChannel2VibratoDelay
$c152 = wChannel2VibratoExtent
$c153 = wChannel2VibratoRate
$c154 = wChannel2PitchSlideTarget
$c156 = wChannel2PitchSlideAmount
$c157 = wChannel2PitchSlideAmountFraction
$c158 = wChannel2Field25
$c15a = wChannel2PitchOffset
$c15c = wChannel2Field29
$c15d = wChannel2Field2a
$c15f = wChannel2Field2c
$c160 = wChannel2NoteLength
$c161 = wChannel2Field2e
$c162 = wChannel2Field2f
$c163 = wChannel2Field30
$c165 = wChannel3MusicID
$c165 = wChannel3
$c167 = wChannel3MusicBank
$c168 = wChannel3Flags1
$c169 = wChannel3Flags2
$c16a = wChannel3Flags3
$c16b = wChannel3MusicAddress
$c16d = wChannel3LastMusicAddress
$c171 = wChannel3NoteFlags
$c172 = wChannel3Condition
$c173 = wChannel3DutyCycle
$c174 = wChannel3VolumeEnvelope
$c175 = wChannel3Frequency
$c177 = wChannel3Pitch
$c178 = wChannel3Octave
$c179 = wChannel3Transposition
$c17a = wChannel3NoteDuration
$c17b = wChannel3Field16
$c17d = wChannel3LoopCount
$c17e = wChannel3Tempo
$c180 = wChannel3Tracks
$c181 = wChannel3DutyCyclePattern
$c182 = wChannel3VibratoDelayCount
$c183 = wChannel3VibratoDelay
$c184 = wChannel3VibratoExtent
$c185 = wChannel3VibratoRate
$c186 = wChannel3PitchSlideTarget
$c188 = wChannel3PitchSlideAmount
$c189 = wChannel3PitchSlideAmountFraction
$c18a = wChannel3Field25
$c18c = wChannel3PitchOffset
$c18e = wChannel3Field29
$c18f = wChannel3Field2a
$c191 = wChannel3Field2c
$c192 = wChannel3NoteLength
$c193 = wChannel3Field2e
$c194 = wChannel3Field2f
$c195 = wChannel3Field30
$c197 = wChannel4
$c197 = wChannel4MusicID
$c199 = wChannel4MusicBank
$c19a = wChannel4Flags1
$c19b = wChannel4Flags2
$c19c = wChannel4Flags3
$c19d = wChannel4MusicAddress
$c19f = wChannel4LastMusicAddress
$c1a3 = wChannel4NoteFlags
$c1a4 = wChannel4Condition
$c1a5 = wChannel4DutyCycle
$c1a6 = wChannel4VolumeEnvelope
$c1a7 = wChannel4Frequency
$c1a9 = wChannel4Pitch
$c1aa = wChannel4Octave
$c1ab = wChannel4Transposition
$c1ac = wChannel4NoteDuration
$c1ad = wChannel4Field16
$c1af = wChannel4LoopCount
$c1b0 = wChannel4Tempo
$c1b2 = wChannel4Tracks
$c1b3 = wChannel4DutyCyclePattern
$c1b4 = wChannel4VibratoDelayCount
$c1b5 = wChannel4VibratoDelay
$c1b6 = wChannel4VibratoExtent
$c1b7 = wChannel4VibratoRate
$c1b8 = wChannel4PitchSlideTarget
$c1ba = wChannel4PitchSlideAmount
$c1bb = wChannel4PitchSlideAmountFraction
$c1bc = wChannel4Field25
$c1be = wChannel4PitchOffset
$c1c0 = wChannel4Field29
$c1c1 = wChannel4Field2a
$c1c3 = wChannel4Field2c
$c1c4 = wChannel4NoteLength
$c1c5 = wChannel4Field2e
$c1c6 = wChannel4Field2f
$c1c7 = wChannel4Field30
$c1c9 = wChannel5
$c1c9 = wChannel5MusicID
$c1cb = wChannel5MusicBank
$c1cc = wChannel5Flags1
$c1cd = wChannel5Flags2
$c1ce = wChannel5Flags3
$c1cf = wChannel5MusicAddress
$c1d1 = wChannel5LastMusicAddress
$c1d5 = wChannel5NoteFlags
$c1d6 = wChannel5Condition
$c1d7 = wChannel5DutyCycle
$c1d8 = wChannel5VolumeEnvelope
$c1d9 = wChannel5Frequency
$c1db = wChannel5Pitch
$c1dc = wChannel5Octave
$c1dd = wChannel5Transposition
$c1de = wChannel5NoteDuration
$c1df = wChannel5Field16
$c1e1 = wChannel5LoopCount
$c1e2 = wChannel5Tempo
$c1e4 = wChannel5Tracks
$c1e5 = wChannel5DutyCyclePattern
$c1e6 = wChannel5VibratoDelayCount
$c1e7 = wChannel5VibratoDelay
$c1e8 = wChannel5VibratoExtent
$c1e9 = wChannel5VibratoRate
$c1ea = wChannel5PitchSlideTarget
$c1ec = wChannel5PitchSlideAmount
$c1ed = wChannel5PitchSlideAmountFraction
$c1ee = wChannel5Field25
$c1f0 = wChannel5PitchOffset
$c1f2 = wChannel5Field29
$c1f3 = wChannel5Field2a
$c1f5 = wChannel5Field2c
$c1f6 = wChannel5NoteLength
$c1f7 = wChannel5Field2e
$c1f8 = wChannel5Field2f
$c1f9 = wChannel5Field30
$c1fb = wChannel6
$c1fb = wChannel6MusicID
$c1fd = wChannel6MusicBank
$c1fe = wChannel6Flags1
$c1ff = wChannel6Flags2
$c200 = wChannel6Flags3
$c201 = wChannel6MusicAddress
$c203 = wChannel6LastMusicAddress
$c207 = wChannel6NoteFlags
$c208 = wChannel6Condition
$c209 = wChannel6DutyCycle
$c20a = wChannel6VolumeEnvelope
$c20b = wChannel6Frequency
$c20d = wChannel6Pitch
$c20e = wChannel6Octave
$c20f = wChannel6Transposition
$c210 = wChannel6NoteDuration
$c211 = wChannel6Field16
$c213 = wChannel6LoopCount
$c214 = wChannel6Tempo
$c216 = wChannel6Tracks
$c217 = wChannel6DutyCyclePattern
$c218 = wChannel6VibratoDelayCount
$c219 = wChannel6VibratoDelay
$c21a = wChannel6VibratoExtent
$c21b = wChannel6VibratoRate
$c21c = wChannel6PitchSlideTarget
$c21e = wChannel6PitchSlideAmount
$c21f = wChannel6PitchSlideAmountFraction
$c220 = wChannel6Field25
$c222 = wChannel6PitchOffset
$c224 = wChannel6Field29
$c225 = wChannel6Field2a
$c227 = wChannel6Field2c
$c228 = wChannel6NoteLength
$c229 = wChannel6Field2e
$c22a = wChannel6Field2f
$c22b = wChannel6Field30
$c22d = wChannel7MusicID
$c22d = wChannel7
$c22f = wChannel7MusicBank
$c230 = wChannel7Flags1
$c231 = wChannel7Flags2
$c232 = wChannel7Flags3
$c233 = wChannel7MusicAddress
$c235 = wChannel7LastMusicAddress
$c239 = wChannel7NoteFlags
$c23a = wChannel7Condition
$c23b = wChannel7DutyCycle
$c23c = wChannel7VolumeEnvelope
$c23d = wChannel7Frequency
$c23f = wChannel7Pitch
$c240 = wChannel7Octave
$c241 = wChannel7Transposition
$c242 = wChannel7NoteDuration
$c243 = wChannel7Field16
$c245 = wChannel7LoopCount
$c246 = wChannel7Tempo
$c248 = wChannel7Tracks
$c249 = wChannel7DutyCyclePattern
$c24a = wChannel7VibratoDelayCount
$c24b = wChannel7VibratoDelay
$c24c = wChannel7VibratoExtent
$c24d = wChannel7VibratoRate
$c24e = wChannel7PitchSlideTarget
$c250 = wChannel7PitchSlideAmount
$c251 = wChannel7PitchSlideAmountFraction
$c252 = wChannel7Field25
$c254 = wChannel7PitchOffset
$c256 = wChannel7Field29
$c257 = wChannel7Field2a
$c259 = wChannel7Field2c
$c25a = wChannel7NoteLength
$c25b = wChannel7Field2e
$c25c = wChannel7Field2f
$c25d = wChannel7Field30
$c25f = wChannel8MusicID
$c25f = wChannel8
$c261 = wChannel8MusicBank
$c262 = wChannel8Flags1
$c263 = wChannel8Flags2
$c264 = wChannel8Flags3
$c265 = wChannel8MusicAddress
$c267 = wChannel8LastMusicAddress
$c26b = wChannel8NoteFlags
$c26c = wChannel8Condition
$c26d = wChannel8DutyCycle
$c26e = wChannel8VolumeEnvelope
$c26f = wChannel8Frequency
$c271 = wChannel8Pitch
$c272 = wChannel8Octave
$c273 = wChannel8Transposition
$c274 = wChannel8NoteDuration
$c275 = wChannel8Field16
$c277 = wChannel8LoopCount
$c278 = wChannel8Tempo
$c27a = wChannel8Tracks
$c27b = wChannel8DutyCyclePattern
$c27c = wChannel8VibratoDelayCount
$c27d = wChannel8VibratoDelay
$c27e = wChannel8VibratoExtent
$c27f = wChannel8VibratoRate
$c280 = wChannel8PitchSlideTarget
$c282 = wChannel8PitchSlideAmount
$c283 = wChannel8PitchSlideAmountFraction
$c284 = wChannel8Field25
$c286 = wChannel8PitchOffset
$c288 = wChannel8Field29
$c289 = wChannel8Field2a
$c28b = wChannel8Field2c
$c28c = wChannel8NoteLength
$c28d = wChannel8Field2e
$c28e = wChannel8Field2f
$c28f = wChannel8Field30
$c292 = wCurTrackDuty
$c293 = wCurTrackVolumeEnvelope
$c294 = wCurTrackFrequency
$c296 = wUnusedBCDNumber
$c297 = wCurNoteDuration
$c298 = wCurMusicByte
$c299 = wCurChannel
$c29a = wVolume
$c29b = wSoundOutput
$c29c = wPitchSweep
$c29d = wMusicID
$c29f = wMusicBank
$c2a0 = wNoiseSampleAddress
$c2a2 = wNoiseSampleDelay
$c2a4 = wMusicNoiseSampleSet
$c2a5 = wSFXNoiseSampleSet
$c2a6 = wLowHealthAlarm
$c2a7 = wMusicFade
$c2a8 = wMusicFadeCount
$c2a9 = wMusicFadeID
$c2b0 = wCryPitch
$c2b2 = wCryLength
$c2b4 = wLastVolume
$c2b5 = wUnusedMusicF9Flag
$c2b6 = wSFXPriority
$c2b8 = wChannel1JumpCondition
$c2b9 = wChannel2JumpCondition
$c2ba = wChannel3JumpCondition
$c2bb = wChannel4JumpCondition
$c2bc = wStereoPanningMask
$c2bd = wCryTracks
$c2be = wSFXDuration
$c2bf = wCurSFX
$c2c0 = wMapMusic
$c2c0 = wAudioEnd
$c2c1 = wDontPlayMapMusicOnReload
SECTION: $c2c2-$c2fe ($003d bytes) ["WRAM"]
$c2c2 = wLZAddress
$c2c4 = wLZBank
$c2c6 = wBoxAlignment
$c2c7 = wInputType
$c2c8 = wAutoInputAddress
$c2ca = wAutoInputBank
$c2cb = wAutoInputLength
$c2cc = wDebugFlags
$c2cd = wGameLogicPaused
$c2ce = wSpriteUpdatesEnabled
$c2cf = wUnusedScriptByte
$c2d0 = wMapTimeOfDay
$c2d4 = wPrinterConnectionOpen
$c2d5 = wPrinterOpcode
$c2d6 = wPrevDexEntry
$c2d7 = wDisableTextAcceleration
$c2d8 = wPrevLandmark
$c2d9 = wCurLandmark
$c2da = wLandmarkSignTimer
$c2dc = wLinkMode
$c2dd = wScriptVar
$c2de = wPlayerNextMovement
$c2df = wPlayerMovement
$c2e2 = wMovementObject
$c2e3 = wMovementDataBank
$c2e4 = wMovementDataAddress
$c2e6 = wIndexedMovement2Pointer
$c2ea = wContinueReadingMovement
$c2eb = wObjectPriorities
$c2eb = wMovementPointer
$c2f0 = wTempObjectCopyMapObjectIndex
$c2f1 = wTempObjectCopySprite
$c2f2 = wTempObjectCopySpriteVTile
$c2f3 = wTempObjectCopyPalette
$c2f4 = wTempObjectCopyMovement
$c2f5 = wTempObjectCopyRange
$c2f6 = wTempObjectCopyX
$c2f7 = wTempObjectCopyY
$c2f8 = wTempObjectCopyRadius
$c2fa = wTileDown
$c2fb = wTileUp
$c2fc = wTileLeft
$c2fd = wTileRight
$c2fe = wTilePermissions
EMPTY: $c2ff-$c2ff ($0001 byte)
SECTION: $c300-$c3ff ($0100 bytes) ["wSpriteAnims"]
$c300 = wMobileErrorCodeBuffer
$c300 = wMobileWRAM
$c300 = wSpriteAnimData
$c300 = wSpriteAnimDict
$c303 = wc303
$c305 = wc305
$c306 = wc306
$c307 = wc307
$c308 = wc308
$c309 = wc309
$c30a = wc30a
$c30b = wc30b
$c30c = wc30c
$c30d = wc30d
$c30e = wc30e
$c30f = wc30f
$c310 = wc310
$c311 = wc311
$c312 = wc312
$c313 = wc313
$c314 = wc314
$c314 = wSpriteAnimationStructs
$c314 = wSpriteAnim1Index
$c314 = wSpriteAnim1
$c315 = wSpriteAnim1FramesetID
$c316 = wSpriteAnim1AnimSeqID
$c317 = wSpriteAnim1TileID
$c318 = wSpriteAnim1XCoord
$c319 = wc319
$c319 = wSpriteAnim1YCoord
$c31a = wSpriteAnim1XOffset
$c31a = wc31a
$c31b = wSpriteAnim1YOffset
$c31b = wc31b
$c31c = wSpriteAnim1Duration
$c31c = wc31c
$c31d = wSpriteAnim1DurationOffset
$c31d = wc31d
$c31e = wSpriteAnim1FrameIndex
$c31e = wc31e
$c31f = wSpriteAnim1JumptableIndex
$c31f = wc31f
$c320 = wSpriteAnim1Var1
$c320 = wc320
$c321 = wSpriteAnim1Var2
$c322 = wSpriteAnim1Var3
$c323 = wSpriteAnim1Var4
$c324 = wSpriteAnim2Index
$c324 = wSpriteAnim2
$c325 = wSpriteAnim2FramesetID
$c326 = wSpriteAnim2AnimSeqID
$c327 = wSpriteAnim2TileID
$c328 = wSpriteAnim2XCoord
$c329 = wSpriteAnim2YCoord
$c32a = wSpriteAnim2XOffset
$c32b = wSpriteAnim2YOffset
$c32c = wSpriteAnim2Duration
$c32d = wSpriteAnim2DurationOffset
$c32e = wSpriteAnim2FrameIndex
$c32f = wSpriteAnim2JumptableIndex
$c330 = wSpriteAnim2Var1
$c331 = wSpriteAnim2Var2
$c332 = wSpriteAnim2Var3
$c333 = wSpriteAnim2Var4
$c334 = wSpriteAnim3Index
$c334 = wSpriteAnim3
$c335 = wSpriteAnim3FramesetID
$c336 = wSpriteAnim3AnimSeqID
$c337 = wSpriteAnim3TileID
$c338 = wSpriteAnim3XCoord
$c339 = wSpriteAnim3YCoord
$c33a = wSpriteAnim3XOffset
$c33b = wSpriteAnim3YOffset
$c33c = wSpriteAnim3Duration
$c33d = wSpriteAnim3DurationOffset
$c33e = wSpriteAnim3FrameIndex
$c33f = wSpriteAnim3JumptableIndex
$c340 = wSpriteAnim3Var1
$c341 = wSpriteAnim3Var2
$c342 = wSpriteAnim3Var3
$c343 = wSpriteAnim3Var4
$c344 = wSpriteAnim4Index
$c344 = wSpriteAnim4
$c345 = wSpriteAnim4FramesetID
$c346 = wc346
$c346 = wSpriteAnim4AnimSeqID
$c347 = wSpriteAnim4TileID
$c348 = wSpriteAnim4XCoord
$c349 = wSpriteAnim4YCoord
$c34a = wSpriteAnim4XOffset
$c34b = wSpriteAnim4YOffset
$c34c = wSpriteAnim4Duration
$c34d = wSpriteAnim4DurationOffset
$c34e = wSpriteAnim4FrameIndex
$c34f = wSpriteAnim4JumptableIndex
$c350 = wSpriteAnim4Var1
$c351 = wSpriteAnim4Var2
$c352 = wSpriteAnim4Var3
$c353 = wSpriteAnim4Var4
$c354 = wSpriteAnim5Index
$c354 = wSpriteAnim5
$c355 = wSpriteAnim5FramesetID
$c356 = wSpriteAnim5AnimSeqID
$c357 = wSpriteAnim5TileID
$c358 = wSpriteAnim5XCoord
$c359 = wSpriteAnim5YCoord
$c35a = wSpriteAnim5XOffset
$c35b = wSpriteAnim5YOffset
$c35c = wSpriteAnim5Duration
$c35d = wSpriteAnim5DurationOffset
$c35e = wSpriteAnim5FrameIndex
$c35f = wSpriteAnim5JumptableIndex
$c360 = wSpriteAnim5Var1
$c361 = wSpriteAnim5Var2
$c362 = wSpriteAnim5Var3
$c363 = wSpriteAnim5Var4
$c364 = wSpriteAnim6Index
$c364 = wSpriteAnim6
$c365 = wSpriteAnim6FramesetID
$c366 = wSpriteAnim6AnimSeqID
$c367 = wSpriteAnim6TileID
$c368 = wSpriteAnim6XCoord
$c369 = wSpriteAnim6YCoord
$c36a = wSpriteAnim6XOffset
$c36b = wSpriteAnim6YOffset
$c36c = wSpriteAnim6Duration
$c36d = wSpriteAnim6DurationOffset
$c36e = wSpriteAnim6FrameIndex
$c36f = wSpriteAnim6JumptableIndex
$c370 = wSpriteAnim6Var1
$c371 = wSpriteAnim6Var2
$c372 = wSpriteAnim6Var3
$c373 = wSpriteAnim6Var4
$c374 = wSpriteAnim7Index
$c374 = wSpriteAnim7
$c375 = wSpriteAnim7FramesetID
$c376 = wSpriteAnim7AnimSeqID
$c377 = wSpriteAnim7TileID
$c378 = wSpriteAnim7XCoord
$c379 = wSpriteAnim7YCoord
$c37a = wSpriteAnim7XOffset
$c37b = wSpriteAnim7YOffset
$c37c = wSpriteAnim7Duration
$c37d = wSpriteAnim7DurationOffset
$c37e = wSpriteAnim7FrameIndex
$c37f = wSpriteAnim7JumptableIndex
$c380 = wSpriteAnim7Var1
$c381 = wSpriteAnim7Var2
$c382 = wSpriteAnim7Var3
$c383 = wSpriteAnim7Var4
$c384 = wSpriteAnim8Index
$c384 = wSpriteAnim8
$c385 = wSpriteAnim8FramesetID
$c386 = wSpriteAnim8AnimSeqID
$c387 = wSpriteAnim8TileID
$c388 = wSpriteAnim8XCoord
$c389 = wSpriteAnim8YCoord
$c38a = wSpriteAnim8XOffset
$c38b = wSpriteAnim8YOffset
$c38c = wSpriteAnim8Duration
$c38d = wSpriteAnim8DurationOffset
$c38e = wSpriteAnim8FrameIndex
$c38f = wSpriteAnim8JumptableIndex
$c390 = wSpriteAnim8Var1
$c391 = wSpriteAnim8Var2
$c392 = wSpriteAnim8Var3
$c393 = wSpriteAnim8Var4
$c394 = wSpriteAnim9Index
$c394 = wSpriteAnim9
$c395 = wSpriteAnim9FramesetID
$c396 = wSpriteAnim9AnimSeqID
$c397 = wSpriteAnim9TileID
$c398 = wSpriteAnim9XCoord
$c399 = wSpriteAnim9YCoord
$c39a = wSpriteAnim9XOffset
$c39b = wSpriteAnim9YOffset
$c39c = wSpriteAnim9Duration
$c39d = wSpriteAnim9DurationOffset
$c39e = wSpriteAnim9FrameIndex
$c39f = wSpriteAnim9JumptableIndex
$c3a0 = wSpriteAnim9Var1
$c3a1 = wSpriteAnim9Var2
$c3a2 = wSpriteAnim9Var3
$c3a3 = wSpriteAnim9Var4
$c3a4 = wSpriteAnim10Index
$c3a4 = wSpriteAnim10
$c3a5 = wSpriteAnim10FramesetID
$c3a6 = wSpriteAnim10AnimSeqID
$c3a7 = wSpriteAnim10TileID
$c3a8 = wSpriteAnim10XCoord
$c3a9 = wSpriteAnim10YCoord
$c3aa = wSpriteAnim10XOffset
$c3ab = wSpriteAnim10YOffset
$c3ac = wSpriteAnim10Duration
$c3ac = wc3ac
$c3ad = wSpriteAnim10DurationOffset
$c3ae = wSpriteAnim10FrameIndex
$c3af = wSpriteAnim10JumptableIndex
$c3b0 = wSpriteAnim10Var1
$c3b1 = wSpriteAnim10Var2
$c3b2 = wSpriteAnim10Var3
$c3b3 = wSpriteAnim10Var4
$c3b4 = wSpriteAnimationStructsEnd
$c3b4 = wSpriteAnimCount
$c3b5 = wCurSpriteOAMAddr
$c3b6 = wCurIcon
$c3b7 = wCurIconTile
$c3b8 = wCurSpriteOAMFlags
$c3b8 = wSpriteAnimID
$c3b8 = wSpriteAnimAddrBackup
$c3ba = wCurAnimVTile
$c3bb = wCurAnimXCoord
$c3bc = wCurAnimYCoord
$c3bd = wCurAnimXOffset
$c3be = wCurAnimYOffset
$c3bf = wGlobalAnimYOffset
$c3c0 = wGlobalAnimXOffset
$c3c1 = wSpriteAnimDataEnd
$c3cc = wc3cc
$c3cd = wEmailAddress
$c3ec = wc3ec
$c3ed = wc3ed
$c3ee = wc3ee
$c3ef = wc3ef
$c3f0 = wc3f0
$c3f1 = wc3f1
$c3f2 = wc3f2
$c3f3 = wc3f3
$c3f4 = wc3f4
$c3f5 = wc3f5
$c3f6 = wc3f6
$c3f7 = wc3f7
$c3f8 = wc3f8
$c3f9 = wc3f9
$c3fa = wc3fa
$c3fb = wc3fb
$c3fc = wc3fc
$c400 = wMobileWRAMEnd
SECTION: $c400-$c49f ($00a0 bytes) ["Sprites"]
$c400 = wShadowOAMSprite00
$c400 = wShadowOAM
$c400 = wShadowOAMSprite00YCoord
$c401 = wShadowOAMSprite00XCoord
$c402 = wShadowOAMSprite00TileID
$c403 = wShadowOAMSprite00Attributes
$c404 = wShadowOAMSprite01
$c404 = wShadowOAMSprite01YCoord
$c405 = wShadowOAMSprite01XCoord
$c406 = wShadowOAMSprite01TileID
$c407 = wShadowOAMSprite01Attributes
$c408 = wShadowOAMSprite02YCoord
$c408 = wShadowOAMSprite02
$c409 = wShadowOAMSprite02XCoord
$c40a = wShadowOAMSprite02TileID
$c40b = wShadowOAMSprite02Attributes
$c40c = wShadowOAMSprite03
$c40c = wShadowOAMSprite03YCoord
$c40d = wShadowOAMSprite03XCoord
$c40e = wShadowOAMSprite03TileID
$c40f = wShadowOAMSprite03Attributes
$c410 = wShadowOAMSprite04
$c410 = wShadowOAMSprite04YCoord
$c411 = wShadowOAMSprite04XCoord
$c412 = wShadowOAMSprite04TileID
$c413 = wShadowOAMSprite04Attributes
$c414 = wShadowOAMSprite05
$c414 = wShadowOAMSprite05YCoord
$c415 = wShadowOAMSprite05XCoord
$c416 = wShadowOAMSprite05TileID
$c417 = wShadowOAMSprite05Attributes
$c418 = wShadowOAMSprite06YCoord
$c418 = wShadowOAMSprite06
$c419 = wShadowOAMSprite06XCoord
$c41a = wShadowOAMSprite06TileID
$c41b = wShadowOAMSprite06Attributes
$c41c = wShadowOAMSprite07
$c41c = wShadowOAMSprite07YCoord
$c41d = wShadowOAMSprite07XCoord
$c41e = wShadowOAMSprite07TileID
$c41f = wShadowOAMSprite07Attributes
$c420 = wShadowOAMSprite08YCoord
$c420 = wShadowOAMSprite08
$c421 = wShadowOAMSprite08XCoord
$c422 = wShadowOAMSprite08TileID
$c423 = wShadowOAMSprite08Attributes
$c424 = wShadowOAMSprite09
$c424 = wShadowOAMSprite09YCoord
$c425 = wShadowOAMSprite09XCoord
$c426 = wShadowOAMSprite09TileID
$c427 = wShadowOAMSprite09Attributes
$c428 = wShadowOAMSprite10
$c428 = wShadowOAMSprite10YCoord
$c429 = wShadowOAMSprite10XCoord
$c42a = wShadowOAMSprite10TileID
$c42b = wShadowOAMSprite10Attributes
$c42c = wShadowOAMSprite11
$c42c = wShadowOAMSprite11YCoord
$c42d = wShadowOAMSprite11XCoord
$c42e = wShadowOAMSprite11TileID
$c42f = wShadowOAMSprite11Attributes
$c430 = wShadowOAMSprite12
$c430 = wShadowOAMSprite12YCoord
$c431 = wShadowOAMSprite12XCoord
$c432 = wShadowOAMSprite12TileID
$c433 = wShadowOAMSprite12Attributes
$c434 = wShadowOAMSprite13YCoord
$c434 = wShadowOAMSprite13
$c435 = wShadowOAMSprite13XCoord
$c436 = wShadowOAMSprite13TileID
$c437 = wShadowOAMSprite13Attributes
$c438 = wShadowOAMSprite14YCoord
$c438 = wShadowOAMSprite14
$c439 = wShadowOAMSprite14XCoord
$c43a = wShadowOAMSprite14TileID
$c43b = wShadowOAMSprite14Attributes
$c43c = wShadowOAMSprite15YCoord
$c43c = wShadowOAMSprite15
$c43d = wShadowOAMSprite15XCoord
$c43e = wShadowOAMSprite15TileID
$c43f = wShadowOAMSprite15Attributes
$c440 = wShadowOAMSprite16YCoord
$c440 = wShadowOAMSprite16
$c441 = wShadowOAMSprite16XCoord
$c442 = wShadowOAMSprite16TileID
$c443 = wShadowOAMSprite16Attributes
$c444 = wShadowOAMSprite17YCoord
$c444 = wShadowOAMSprite17
$c445 = wShadowOAMSprite17XCoord
$c446 = wShadowOAMSprite17TileID
$c447 = wShadowOAMSprite17Attributes
$c448 = wShadowOAMSprite18YCoord
$c448 = wShadowOAMSprite18
$c449 = wShadowOAMSprite18XCoord
$c44a = wShadowOAMSprite18TileID
$c44b = wShadowOAMSprite18Attributes
$c44c = wShadowOAMSprite19YCoord
$c44c = wShadowOAMSprite19
$c44d = wShadowOAMSprite19XCoord
$c44e = wShadowOAMSprite19TileID
$c44f = wShadowOAMSprite19Attributes
$c450 = wShadowOAMSprite20
$c450 = wShadowOAMSprite20YCoord
$c451 = wShadowOAMSprite20XCoord
$c452 = wShadowOAMSprite20TileID
$c453 = wShadowOAMSprite20Attributes
$c454 = wShadowOAMSprite21YCoord
$c454 = wShadowOAMSprite21
$c455 = wShadowOAMSprite21XCoord
$c456 = wShadowOAMSprite21TileID
$c457 = wShadowOAMSprite21Attributes
$c458 = wShadowOAMSprite22YCoord
$c458 = wShadowOAMSprite22
$c459 = wShadowOAMSprite22XCoord
$c45a = wShadowOAMSprite22TileID
$c45b = wShadowOAMSprite22Attributes
$c45c = wShadowOAMSprite23
$c45c = wShadowOAMSprite23YCoord
$c45d = wShadowOAMSprite23XCoord
$c45e = wShadowOAMSprite23TileID
$c45f = wShadowOAMSprite23Attributes
$c460 = wShadowOAMSprite24YCoord
$c460 = wShadowOAMSprite24
$c461 = wShadowOAMSprite24XCoord
$c462 = wShadowOAMSprite24TileID
$c463 = wShadowOAMSprite24Attributes
$c464 = wShadowOAMSprite25YCoord
$c464 = wShadowOAMSprite25
$c465 = wShadowOAMSprite25XCoord
$c466 = wShadowOAMSprite25TileID
$c467 = wShadowOAMSprite25Attributes
$c468 = wShadowOAMSprite26YCoord
$c468 = wShadowOAMSprite26
$c469 = wShadowOAMSprite26XCoord
$c46a = wShadowOAMSprite26TileID
$c46b = wShadowOAMSprite26Attributes
$c46c = wShadowOAMSprite27YCoord
$c46c = wShadowOAMSprite27
$c46d = wShadowOAMSprite27XCoord
$c46e = wShadowOAMSprite27TileID
$c46f = wShadowOAMSprite27Attributes
$c470 = wShadowOAMSprite28YCoord
$c470 = wShadowOAMSprite28
$c471 = wShadowOAMSprite28XCoord
$c472 = wShadowOAMSprite28TileID
$c473 = wShadowOAMSprite28Attributes
$c474 = wShadowOAMSprite29YCoord
$c474 = wShadowOAMSprite29
$c475 = wShadowOAMSprite29XCoord
$c476 = wShadowOAMSprite29TileID
$c477 = wShadowOAMSprite29Attributes
$c478 = wShadowOAMSprite30YCoord
$c478 = wShadowOAMSprite30
$c479 = wShadowOAMSprite30XCoord
$c47a = wShadowOAMSprite30TileID
$c47b = wShadowOAMSprite30Attributes
$c47c = wShadowOAMSprite31YCoord
$c47c = wShadowOAMSprite31
$c47d = wShadowOAMSprite31XCoord
$c47e = wShadowOAMSprite31TileID
$c47f = wShadowOAMSprite31Attributes
$c480 = wShadowOAMSprite32YCoord
$c480 = wShadowOAMSprite32
$c481 = wShadowOAMSprite32XCoord
$c482 = wShadowOAMSprite32TileID
$c483 = wShadowOAMSprite32Attributes
$c484 = wShadowOAMSprite33YCoord
$c484 = wShadowOAMSprite33
$c485 = wShadowOAMSprite33XCoord
$c486 = wShadowOAMSprite33TileID
$c487 = wShadowOAMSprite33Attributes
$c488 = wShadowOAMSprite34YCoord
$c488 = wShadowOAMSprite34
$c489 = wShadowOAMSprite34XCoord
$c48a = wShadowOAMSprite34TileID
$c48b = wShadowOAMSprite34Attributes
$c48c = wShadowOAMSprite35YCoord
$c48c = wShadowOAMSprite35
$c48d = wShadowOAMSprite35XCoord
$c48e = wShadowOAMSprite35TileID
$c48f = wShadowOAMSprite35Attributes
$c490 = wShadowOAMSprite36YCoord
$c490 = wShadowOAMSprite36
$c491 = wShadowOAMSprite36XCoord
$c492 = wShadowOAMSprite36TileID
$c493 = wShadowOAMSprite36Attributes
$c494 = wShadowOAMSprite37YCoord
$c494 = wShadowOAMSprite37
$c495 = wShadowOAMSprite37XCoord
$c496 = wShadowOAMSprite37TileID
$c497 = wShadowOAMSprite37Attributes
$c498 = wShadowOAMSprite38
$c498 = wShadowOAMSprite38YCoord
$c499 = wShadowOAMSprite38XCoord
$c49a = wShadowOAMSprite38TileID
$c49b = wShadowOAMSprite38Attributes
$c49c = wShadowOAMSprite39YCoord
$c49c = wShadowOAMSprite39
$c49d = wShadowOAMSprite39XCoord
$c49e = wShadowOAMSprite39TileID
$c49f = wShadowOAMSprite39Attributes
$c4a0 = wShadowOAMEnd
SECTION: $c4a0-$c607 ($0168 bytes) ["Tilemap"]
$c4a0 = wTilemap
$c608 = wTilemapEnd
SECTION: $c608-$c7e7 ($01e0 bytes) ["Miscellaneous"]
$c608 = wDebugWhiteTileColor
$c608 = wDebugPalette
$c608 = wDebugMiddleColors
$c608 = wMobileMonSender
$c608 = wTimeSetBuffer
$c608 = wBoxPartialData
$c608 = wEnemyMoveStructAnimation
$c608 = wHallOfFameTempWinCount
$c608 = wPlayerPatchLists
$c608 = wUnknownGender
$c608 = wOddEggSpecies
$c608 = wMobileTransferData
$c608 = wHallOfFameTemp
$c608 = wOddEgg
$c608 = wOfferEmail
$c608 = wDebugLightColor
$c608 = wBT_OTTempName
$c608 = wEnemyMoveStruct
$c608 = wc608
$c608 = wBattle
$c608 = wBT_OTTemp
$c608 = wSurroundingTiles
$c609 = wHallOfFameTempMon1
$c609 = wEnemyMoveStructEffect
$c609 = wHallOfFameTempMon1Species
$c609 = wUnknownSpecies
$c609 = wOddEggItem
$c60a = wEnemyMoveStructPower
$c60a = wOddEggMoves
$c60a = wDebugDarkColor
$c60a = wUnknownReqGender
$c60a = wHallOfFameTempMon1ID
$c60a = wDebugLightTileColor
$c60b = wUnknownReqSpecies
$c60b = wEnemyMoveStructType
$c60c = wHallOfFameTempMon1DVs
$c60c = wEnemyMoveStructAccuracy
$c60c = wDebugDarkTileColor
$c60c = wUnknownMonSender
$c60d = wEnemyMoveStructPP
$c60d = wMobileMonSpecies
$c60d = wMobileMon
$c60e = wHallOfFameTempMon1Level
$c60e = wMobileMonItem
$c60e = wDebugBlackTileColor
$c60e = wOddEggID
$c60e = wEnemyMoveStructEffectChance
$c60f = wc60f
$c60f = wPlayerMoveStructAnimation
$c60f = wPlayerMoveStruct
$c60f = wHallOfFameTempMon1Nickname
$c60f = wMobileMonMoves
$c610 = wOddEggExp
$c610 = wPlayerMoveStructEffect
$c611 = wUnknownMon
$c611 = wUnknownMonSpecies
$c611 = wPlayerMoveStructPower
$c612 = wPlayerMoveStructType
$c612 = wBT_OTTempTrainerClass
$c612 = wDebugRedChannel
$c612 = wUnknownMonItem
$c613 = wMobileMonID
$c613 = wOddEggStatExp
$c613 = wDebugGreenChannel
$c613 = wBT_OTTempMon1Species
$c613 = wPlayerMoveStructAccuracy
$c613 = wBT_OTTempMon1
$c613 = wUnknownMonMoves
$c613 = wOddEggHPExp
$c614 = wPlayerMoveStructPP
$c614 = wDebugBlueChannel
$c614 = wBT_OTTempMon1Item
$c615 = wMobileMonExp
$c615 = wOddEggAtkExp
$c615 = wBT_OTTempMon1Moves
$c615 = wPlayerMoveStructEffectChance
$c616 = wEnemyMonNickname
$c617 = wUnknownMonID
$c617 = wOddEggDefExp
$c618 = wMobileMonStatExp
$c618 = wc618
$c618 = wMobileMonHPExp
$c619 = wHallOfFameTempMon2
$c619 = wHallOfFameTempMon1End
$c619 = wHallOfFameTempMon2Species
$c619 = wOddEggSpdExp
$c619 = wUnknownMonExp
$c619 = wBT_OTTempMon1ID
$c61a = wMobileMonAtkExp
$c61a = wHallOfFameTempMon2ID
$c61b = wOddEggSpcExp
$c61b = wBT_OTTempMon1Exp
$c61c = wMobileMonDefExp
$c61c = wInitHourBuffer
$c61c = wUnknownMonStatExp
$c61c = wUnknownMonHPExp
$c61c = wHallOfFameTempMon2DVs
$c61d = wOddEggDVs
$c61e = wUnknownMonAtkExp
$c61e = wBT_OTTempMon1StatExp
$c61e = wHallOfFameTempMon2Level
$c61e = wMobileMonSpdExp
$c61e = wBT_OTTempMon1HPExp
$c61f = wHallOfFameTempMon2Nickname
$c61f = wOddEggPP
$c620 = wMobileMonSpcExp
$c620 = wBT_OTTempMon1AtkExp
$c620 = wUnknownMonDefExp
$c621 = wBattleMonNickname
$c622 = wMobileMonDVs
$c622 = wBT_OTTempMon1DefExp
$c622 = wUnknownMonSpdExp
$c623 = wOddEggHappiness
$c624 = wBT_OTTempMon1SpdExp
$c624 = wOddEggPokerusStatus
$c624 = wMobileMonPP
$c624 = wUnknownMonSpcExp
$c625 = wOddEggCaughtLevel
$c625 = wOddEggCaughtTime
$c625 = wOddEggCaughtData
$c626 = wOfferTrainerID
$c626 = wOddEggCaughtGender
$c626 = wOddEggCaughtLocation
$c626 = wInitMinuteBuffer
$c626 = wUnknownMonDVs
$c626 = wBT_OTTempMon1SpcExp
$c627 = wOddEggLevel
$c628 = wUnknownMonPP
$c628 = wOfferSecretID
$c628 = wOddEggBoxEnd
$c628 = wBT_OTTempMon1DVs
$c628 = wOddEggStatus
$c628 = wMobileMonHappiness
$c629 = wHallOfFameTempMon3
$c629 = wOddEggUnused
$c629 = wMobileMonPokerusStatus
$c629 = wHallOfFameTempMon2End
$c629 = wHallOfFameTempMon3Species
$c62a = wOddEggHP
$c62a = wBT_OTTempMon1PP
$c62a = wMobileMonCaughtData
$c62a = wHallOfFameTempMon3ID
$c62a = wMobileMonCaughtLevel
$c62a = wOfferGender
$c62a = wMobileMonCaughtTime
$c62b = wOfferSpecies
$c62b = wMobileMonCaughtLocation
$c62b = wMobileMonCaughtGender
$c62c = wBattleMonSpecies
$c62c = wUnknownMonHappiness
$c62c = wHallOfFameTempMon3DVs
$c62c = wOfferReqGender
$c62c = wOddEggMaxHP
$c62c = wBattleMon
$c62c = wMobileMonLevel
$c62d = wUnknownMonPokerusStatus
$c62d = wOfferReqSpecies
$c62d = wMobileMonBoxEnd
$c62d = wBattleMonItem
$c62d = wMobileMonStatus
$c62e = wUnknownMonCaughtData
$c62e = wHallOfFameTempMon3Level
$c62e = wOddEggAttack
$c62e = wOddEggStats
$c62e = wOfferMonSender
$c62e = wBT_OTTempMon1Happiness
$c62e = wUnknownMonCaughtTime
$c62e = wUnknownMonCaughtLevel
$c62e = wMobileMonUnused
$c62e = wBattleMonMoves
$c62f = wHallOfFameTempMon3Nickname
$c62f = wUnknownMonCaughtLocation
$c62f = wMobileMonHP
$c62f = wBT_OTTempMon1PokerusStatus
$c62f = wUnknownMonCaughtGender
$c630 = wBT_OTTempMon1CaughtTime
$c630 = wBT_OTTempMon1CaughtLevel
$c630 = wBT_OTTempMon1CaughtData
$c630 = wOddEggDefense
$c630 = wUnknownMonLevel
$c631 = wUnknownMonBoxEnd
$c631 = wMobileMonMaxHP
$c631 = wBT_OTTempMon1CaughtGender
$c631 = wUnknownMonStatus
$c631 = wBT_OTTempMon1CaughtLocation
$c632 = wBT_OTTempMon1Level
$c632 = wBattleMonDVs
$c632 = wUnknownMonUnused
$c632 = wOddEggSpeed
$c633 = wUnknownMonHP
$c633 = wOfferMonSpecies
$c633 = wBT_OTTempMon1BoxEnd
$c633 = wMobileMonStats
$c633 = wBT_OTTempMon1Status
$c633 = wMobileMonAttack
$c633 = wOfferMon
$c634 = wOddEggSpclAtk
$c634 = wOfferMonItem
$c634 = wBT_OTTempMon1Unused
$c634 = wBattleMonPP
$c635 = wMobileMonDefense
$c635 = wUnknownMonMaxHP
$c635 = wBT_OTTempMon1HP
$c635 = wOfferMonMoves
$c636 = wOddEggSpclDef
$c637 = wUnknownMonStats
$c637 = wBT_OTTempMon1MaxHP
$c637 = wMobileMonSpeed
$c637 = wUnknownMonAttack
$c638 = wOddEggName
$c638 = wBattleMonHappiness
$c638 = wOddEggStructEnd
$c639 = wHallOfFameTempMon4
$c639 = wHallOfFameTempMon4Species
$c639 = wBT_OTTempMon1Stats
$c639 = wHallOfFameTempMon3End
$c639 = wBT_OTTempMon1Attack
$c639 = wUnknownMonDefense
$c639 = wMobileMonSpclAtk
$c639 = wBattleMonLevel
$c639 = wOfferMonID
$c63a = wBattleMonStatus
$c63a = wHallOfFameTempMon4ID
$c63a = wTimeSetBufferEnd
$c63b = wBT_OTTempMon1Defense
$c63b = wMobileMonSpclDef
$c63b = wOfferMonExp
$c63b = wUnknownMonSpeed
$c63c = wBattleMonHP
$c63c = wHallOfFameTempMon4DVs
$c63d = wMobileMonStructEnd
$c63d = wBT_OTTempMon1Speed
$c63d = wUnknownMonSpclAtk
$c63d = wMobileMonOT
$c63e = wHallOfFameTempMon4Level
$c63e = wOfferMonHPExp
$c63e = wBattleMonMaxHP
$c63e = wOfferMonStatExp
$c63f = wHallOfFameTempMon4Nickname
$c63f = wUnknownMonSpclDef
$c63f = wBT_OTTempMon1SpclAtk
$c640 = wBattleMonStats
$c640 = wBattleMonAttack
$c640 = wOfferMonAtkExp
$c641 = wBT_OTTempMon1SpclDef
$c641 = wUnknownMonStructEnd
$c641 = wUnknownMonOT
$c642 = wOfferMonDefExp
$c642 = wMobileMonNick
$c642 = wBattleMonDefense
$c643 = wOddEggOT
$c643 = wBT_OTTempMon1Name
$c643 = wBT_OTTempMon1StructEnd
$c644 = wOfferMonSpdExp
$c644 = wBattleMonSpeed
$c646 = wBattleMonSpclAtk
$c646 = wUnknownMonNick
$c646 = wOfferMonSpcExp
$c647 = wMobileMonMail
$c647 = wMobileMonMailMessage
$c648 = wc648
$c648 = wOfferMonDVs
$c648 = wBattleMonSpclDef
$c649 = wHallOfFameTempMon5
$c649 = wHallOfFameTempMon4End
$c649 = wHallOfFameTempMon5Species
$c64a = wOfferMonPP
$c64a = wc64a
$c64a = wBattleMonType
$c64a = wHallOfFameTempMon5ID
$c64a = wBattleMonType1
$c64b = wUnknownMonMail
$c64b = wUnknownMonMailMessage
$c64b = wBattleMonType2
$c64c = wHallOfFameTempMon5DVs
$c64c = wBattleMonStructEnd
$c64e = wHallOfFameTempMon5Level
$c64e = wOfferMonHappiness
$c64e = wWildMon
$c64e = wBT_OTTempMon2
$c64e = wBT_OTTempMon2Species
$c64f = wHallOfFameTempMon5Nickname
$c64f = wOfferMonPokerusStatus
$c64f = wBT_OTTempMon2Item
$c650 = wOfferMonCaughtLevel
$c650 = wBT_OTTempMon2Moves
$c650 = wEnemyTrainerItem1
$c650 = wOfferMonCaughtData
$c650 = wOfferMonCaughtTime
$c651 = wOfferMonCaughtLocation
$c651 = wEnemyTrainerItem2
$c651 = wOfferMonCaughtGender
$c652 = wOfferMonLevel
$c652 = wEnemyTrainerBaseReward
$c653 = wOfferMonBoxEnd
$c653 = wOfferMonStatus
$c653 = wEnemyTrainerAIFlags
$c654 = wOfferMonUnused
$c654 = wBT_OTTempMon2ID
$c655 = wOfferMonHP
$c656 = wBT_OTTempMon2Exp
$c656 = wOTClassName
$c657 = wOfferMonMaxHP
$c659 = wHallOfFameTempMon6
$c659 = wBT_OTTempMon2StatExp
$c659 = wHallOfFameTempMon5End
$c659 = wBT_OTTempMon2HPExp
$c659 = wHallOfFameTempMon6Species
$c659 = wOfferMonStats
$c659 = wOfferMonAttack
$c65a = wHallOfFameTempMon6ID
$c65b = wOfferMonDefense
$c65b = wBT_OTTempMon2AtkExp
$c65c = wHallOfFameTempMon6DVs
$c65d = wOfferMonSpeed
$c65d = wBT_OTTempMon2DefExp
$c65e = wHallOfFameTempMon6Level
$c65f = wHallOfFameTempMon6Nickname
$c65f = wBT_OTTempMon2SpdExp
$c65f = wOfferMonSpclAtk
$c661 = wBT_OTTempMon2SpcExp
$c661 = wOfferMonSpclDef
$c663 = wOfferMonStructEnd
$c663 = wCurOTMon
$c663 = wOfferMonOT
$c663 = wBT_OTTempMon2DVs
$c664 = wBattleParticipantsNotFainted
$c665 = wTypeModifier
$c665 = wBT_OTTempMon2PP
$c666 = wCriticalHit
$c667 = wMobileMonMailMessageEnd
$c667 = wAttackMissed
$c668 = wPlayerSubStatus1
$c668 = wOfferMonNick
$c668 = wMobileMonMailAuthor
$c669 = wPlayerSubStatus2
$c669 = wBT_OTTempMon2Happiness
$c669 = wHallOfFameTempEnd
$c669 = wHallOfFameTempMon6End
$c66a = wBT_OTTempMon2PokerusStatus
$c66a = wPlayerSubStatus3
$c66b = wBT_OTTempMon2CaughtTime
$c66b = wBT_OTTempMon2CaughtLevel
$c66b = wPlayerSubStatus4
$c66b = wUnknownMonMailMessageEnd
$c66b = wBT_OTTempMon2CaughtData
$c66c = wBT_OTTempMon2CaughtGender
$c66c = wPlayerSubStatus5
$c66c = wUnknownMonMailAuthor
$c66c = wBT_OTTempMon2CaughtLocation
$c66d = wOfferMonMail
$c66d = wEnemySubStatus1
$c66d = wBT_OTTempMon2Level
$c66d = wOfferMonMailMessage
$c66d = wMobileMonMailAuthorID
$c66e = wEnemySubStatus2
$c66e = wBT_OTTempMon2BoxEnd
$c66e = wBT_OTTempMon2Status
$c66f = wEnemySubStatus3
$c66f = wMobileMonMailSpecies
$c66f = wBT_OTTempMon2Unused
$c670 = wBT_OTTempMon2HP
$c670 = wEnemySubStatus4
$c670 = wMobileMonMailType
$c671 = wEnemySubStatus5
$c671 = wMobileMonMailEnd
$c671 = wUnknownMonMailAuthorID
$c672 = wPlayerRolloutCount
$c672 = wBT_OTTempMon2MaxHP
$c673 = wUnknownMonMailSpecies
$c673 = wPlayerConfuseCount
$c674 = wPlayerToxicCount
$c674 = wBT_OTTempMon2Attack
$c674 = wBT_OTTempMon2Stats
$c674 = wUnknownMonMailType
$c675 = wUnknownMonMailEnd
$c675 = wPlayerDisableCount
$c676 = wPlayerEncoreCount
$c676 = wBT_OTTempMon2Defense
$c677 = wPlayerPerishCount
$c678 = wPlayerFuryCutterCount
$c678 = wBT_OTTempMon2Speed
$c679 = wPlayerProtectCount
$c67a = wBT_OTTempMon2SpclAtk
$c67a = wEnemyRolloutCount
$c67b = wEnemyConfuseCount
$c67c = wBT_OTTempMon2SpclDef
$c67c = wEnemyToxicCount
$c67d = wEnemyDisableCount
$c67e = wEnemyEncoreCount
$c67e = wBT_OTTempMon2Name
$c67e = wBT_OTTempMon2StructEnd
$c67f = wEnemyPerishCount
$c680 = wEnemyFuryCutterCount
$c681 = wEnemyProtectCount
$c682 = wPlayerDamageTaken
$c684 = wEnemyDamageTaken
$c686 = wBattleReward
$c688 = wc688
$c689 = wBT_OTTempMon3Species
$c689 = wBattleAnimParam
$c689 = wBT_OTTempMon3
$c68a = wc68a
$c68a = wBT_OTTempMon3Item
$c68a = wBattleScriptBuffer
$c68b = wBT_OTTempMon3Moves
$c68d = wOfferMonMailMessageEnd
$c68e = wOfferMonMailAuthor
$c68f = wBT_OTTempMon3ID
$c691 = wBT_OTTempMon3Exp
$c693 = wOfferMonMailAuthorID
$c694 = wBT_OTTempMon3HPExp
$c694 = wBT_OTTempMon3StatExp
$c695 = wOfferMonMailSpecies
$c696 = wOfferMonMailType
$c696 = wBT_OTTempMon3AtkExp
$c697 = wOfferMonMailEnd
$c698 = wBT_OTTempMon3DefExp
$c699 = wc699
$c69a = wBT_OTTempMon3SpdExp
$c69c = wBT_OTTempMon3SpcExp
$c69e = wBT_OTTempMon3DVs
$c6a0 = wBT_OTTempMon3PP
$c6a4 = wBT_OTTempMon3Happiness
$c6a5 = wBT_OTTempMon3PokerusStatus
$c6a6 = wBT_OTTempMon3CaughtData
$c6a6 = wBT_OTTempMon3CaughtTime
$c6a6 = wBT_OTTempMon3CaughtLevel
$c6a7 = wBT_OTTempMon3CaughtGender
$c6a7 = wBT_OTTempMon3CaughtLocation
$c6a8 = wc6a8
$c6a8 = wBT_OTTempMon3Level
$c6a9 = wBT_OTTempMon3Status
$c6a9 = wBT_OTTempMon3BoxEnd
$c6aa = wBT_OTTempMon3Unused
$c6ab = wBT_OTTempMon3HP
$c6ad = wBT_OTTempMon3MaxHP
$c6af = wBT_OTTempMon3Attack
$c6af = wBT_OTTempMon3Stats
$c6b1 = wBT_OTTempMon3Defense
$c6b2 = wBattleScriptBufferAddress
$c6b3 = wBT_OTTempMon3Speed
$c6b4 = wTurnEnded
$c6b5 = wBT_OTTempMon3SpclAtk
$c6b6 = wPlayerAttack
$c6b6 = wPlayerStats
$c6b7 = wBT_OTTempMon3SpclDef
$c6b8 = wPlayerDefense
$c6b9 = wBT_OTTempMon3StructEnd
$c6b9 = wBT_OTTempMon3Name
$c6ba = wPlayerSpeed
$c6bc = wPlayerSpAtk
$c6be = wPlayerSpDef
$c6c1 = wEnemyAttack
$c6c1 = wEnemyStats
$c6c3 = wEnemyDefense
$c6c4 = wBT_OTTempTrainerData
$c6c5 = wEnemySpeed
$c6c7 = wEnemySpAtk
$c6c9 = wEnemySpDef
$c6cc = wPlayerStatLevels
$c6cc = wPlayerAtkLevel
$c6cd = wPlayerDefLevel
$c6ce = wPlayerSpdLevel
$c6cf = wPlayerSAtkLevel
$c6d0 = wReel1ReelAction
$c6d0 = wSlots
$c6d0 = wReel1
$c6d0 = wPuzzlePieces
$c6d0 = wOTPatchLists
$c6d0 = wPlayerTrademon
$c6d0 = wPokedexOrder
$c6d0 = wMemoryGameCards
$c6d0 = wPokegearPhoneDisplayPosition
$c6d0 = wDeck
$c6d0 = wPlayerSDefLevel
$c6d0 = wNamingScreenDestinationPointer
$c6d0 = wPokedexDataStart
$c6d0 = wc6d0
$c6d0 = wPlayerTrademonSpecies
$c6d1 = wPokegearPhoneCursorPosition
$c6d1 = wReel1TilemapAddr
$c6d1 = wPlayerAccLevel
$c6d1 = wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName
$c6d2 = wNamingScreenCurNameLength
$c6d2 = wPlayerEvaLevel
$c6d2 = wPokegearPhoneScrollPosition
$c6d3 = wReel1Position
$c6d3 = wNamingScreenMaxNameLength
$c6d3 = wPokegearPhoneSelectedPerson
$c6d4 = wEnemyStatLevels
$c6d4 = wEnemyAtkLevel
$c6d4 = wPokegearPhoneSubmenuCursor
$c6d4 = wNamingScreenType
$c6d4 = wReel1SpinDistance
$c6d5 = wEnemyDefLevel
$c6d5 = wNamingScreenCursorObjectPointer
$c6d5 = wPokegearMapCursorObjectPointer
$c6d5 = wReel1SpinRate
$c6d6 = wReel1OAMAddr
$c6d6 = wEnemySpdLevel
$c6d7 = wNamingScreenLastCharacter
$c6d7 = wEnemySAtkLevel
$c6d7 = wPokegearMapCursorLandmark
$c6d8 = wPokegearMapPlayerIconLandmark
$c6d8 = wEnemySDefLevel
$c6d8 = wNamingScreenStringEntryCoord
$c6d8 = wReel1XCoord
$c6d9 = wEnemyAccLevel
$c6d9 = wPokegearRadioChannelBank
$c6d9 = wReel1ManipCounter
$c6da = wEnemyEvaLevel
$c6da = wReel1ManipDelay
$c6da = wPokegearRadioChannelAddr
$c6db = wReel1Field0b
$c6dc = wReel1Field0c
$c6dc = wPokegearRadioMusicPlaying
$c6dc = wEnemyTurnsTaken
$c6dc = wPlayerTrademonNickname
$c6dd = wReel1Field0d
$c6dd = wPlayerTurnsTaken
$c6de = wReel1Field0e
$c6df = wReel1StopDelay
$c6df = wPlayerSubstituteHP
$c6e0 = wReel2
$c6e0 = wEnemySubstituteHP
$c6e0 = wReel2ReelAction
$c6e1 = wReel2TilemapAddr
$c6e1 = wUnusedPlayerLockedMove
$c6e3 = wCurPlayerMove
$c6e3 = wReel2Position
$c6e4 = wReel2SpinDistance
$c6e4 = wCurEnemyMove
$c6e5 = wReel2SpinRate
$c6e5 = wLinkBattleRNCount
$c6e6 = wReel2OAMAddr
$c6e6 = wEnemyItemState
$c6e7 = wPlayerTrademonSenderName
$c6e8 = wDeckEnd
$c6e8 = wCardFlipNumCardsPlayed
$c6e8 = wReel2XCoord
$c6e8 = wBT_OTTempTrainerEnd
$c6e9 = wCurEnemyMoveNum
$c6e9 = wReel2ManipCounter
$c6e9 = wCardFlipFaceUpCard
$c6ea = wReel2ManipDelay
$c6ea = wDiscardPile
$c6ea = wEnemyHPAtTimeOfPlayerSwitch
$c6eb = wReel2Field0b
$c6ec = wPayDayMoney
$c6ec = wReel2Field0c
$c6ed = wReel2Field0d
$c6ee = wReel2Field0e
$c6ef = wReel2StopDelay
$c6ef = wSafariMonAngerCount
$c6f0 = wReel3
$c6f0 = wSafariMonEating
$c6f0 = wReel3ReelAction
$c6f1 = wReel3TilemapAddr
$c6f2 = wPlayerTrademonOTName
$c6f2 = wEnemyBackupDVs
$c6f3 = wReel3Position
$c6f4 = wReel3SpinDistance
$c6f4 = wAlreadyDisobeyed
$c6f5 = wDisabledMove
$c6f5 = wReel3SpinRate
$c6f6 = wReel3OAMAddr
$c6f6 = wEnemyDisabledMove
$c6f7 = wWhichMonFaintedFirst
$c6f8 = wReel3XCoord
$c6f8 = wLastPlayerCounterMove
$c6f9 = wLastEnemyCounterMove
$c6f9 = wReel3ManipCounter
$c6fa = wEnemyMinimized
$c6fa = wReel3ManipDelay
$c6fb = wAlreadyFailed
$c6fb = wReel3Field0b
$c6fc = wBattleParticipantsIncludingFainted
$c6fc = wReel3Field0c
$c6fd = wMemoryGameLastCardPicked
$c6fd = wBattleLowHealthAlarm
$c6fd = wMemoryGameCardsEnd
$c6fd = wReel3Field0d
$c6fd = wPlayerTrademonDVs
$c6fe = wMemoryGameCard1
$c6fe = wPlayerMinimized
$c6fe = wReel3Field0e
$c6ff = wMemoryGameCard2
$c6ff = wReel3StopDelay
$c6ff = wPlayerTrademonID
$c6ff = wPlayerScreens
$c700 = wReel1Stopped
$c700 = wMemoryGameCard1Location
$c700 = wEnemyScreens
$c701 = wPlayerSafeguardCount
$c701 = wMemoryGameCard2Location
$c701 = wPlayerTrademonCaughtData
$c702 = wOTTrademon
$c702 = wOTTrademonSpecies
$c702 = wBetaPokerSGBPals
$c702 = wDiscardPileEnd
$c702 = wPlayerTrademonEnd
$c702 = wMemoryGameNumberTriesRemaining
$c702 = wPlayerLightScreenCount
$c703 = wOTTrademonSpeciesName
$c703 = wMemoryGameLastMatches
$c703 = wPlayerReflectCount
$c703 = wReel2Stopped
$c705 = wEnemySafeguardCount
$c705 = wBetaPokerSGBAttr
$c706 = wBetaPokerSGBCol
$c706 = wReel3Stopped
$c706 = wEnemyLightScreenCount
$c707 = wEnemyReflectCount
$c707 = wBetaPokerSGBRow
$c708 = wMemoryGameCounter
$c708 = wc708
$c709 = wc709
$c709 = wSlotBias
$c709 = wMemoryGameNumCardsMatched
$c70a = wBattleWeather
$c70a = wc70a
$c70a = wSlotBet
$c70b = wFirstTwoReelsMatching
$c70b = wWeatherCount
$c70b = wc70b
$c70c = wLoweredStat
$c70c = wFirstTwoReelsMatchingSevens
$c70c = wc70c
$c70d = wSlotMatched
$c70d = wc70d
$c70d = wEffectFailed
$c70e = wFailedMessage
$c70e = wOTTrademonNickname
$c70e = wc70e
$c70e = wCurReelStopped
$c70f = wEnemyGoesFirst
$c70f = wc70f
$c710 = wc710
$c710 = wPlayerIsSwitching
$c711 = wPayout
$c711 = wEnemyIsSwitching
$c711 = wc711
$c712 = wPlayerUsedMoves
$c712 = wc712
$c713 = wCurReelXCoord
$c714 = wCurReelYCoord
$c716 = wEnemyAISwitchScore
$c717 = wSlotBuildingMatch
$c717 = wEnemySwitchMonParam
$c718 = wSlotsDataEnd
$c718 = wEnemySwitchMonIndex
$c719 = wOTTrademonSenderName
$c719 = wc719
$c719 = wTempLevel
$c71a = wLastPlayerMon
$c71b = wLastPlayerMove
$c71c = wLastEnemyMove
$c71d = wPlayerFutureSightCount
$c71e = wEnemyFutureSightCount
$c71f = wGivingExperienceToExpShareHolders
$c720 = wBackupEnemyMonBaseStats
$c724 = wOTTrademonOTName
$c725 = wBackupEnemyMonCatchRate
$c726 = wBackupEnemyMonBaseExp
$c727 = wPlayerFutureSightDamage
$c729 = wEnemyFutureSightDamage
$c72b = wPlayerRageCounter
$c72c = wEnemyRageCounter
$c72d = wBeatUpHitAtLeastOnce
$c72e = wPlayerTrappingMove
$c72f = wOTTrademonDVs
$c72f = wEnemyTrappingMove
$c730 = wPlayerWrapCount
$c731 = wOTTrademonID
$c731 = wEnemyWrapCount
$c732 = wPlayerCharging
$c733 = wOTTrademonCaughtData
$c733 = wEnemyCharging
$c734 = wOTTrademonEnd
$c734 = wSlotsEnd
$c734 = wBattleEnded
$c734 = wTradeAnimAddress
$c735 = wWildMonMoves
$c736 = wLinkPlayer1Name
$c739 = wWildMonPP
$c73d = wAmuletCoin
$c73e = wSomeoneIsRampaging
$c73f = wPlayerJustGotFrozen
$c740 = wEnemyJustGotFrozen
$c741 = wLinkPlayer2Name
$c741 = wBattleEnd
$c74c = wLinkTradeSendmonSpecies
$c74d = wLinkTradeGetmonSpecies
$c74e = wc74e
$c7b9 = wc7b9
$c7ba = wc7ba
$c7bb = wc7bb
$c7bd = wc7bd
$c7d0 = wc7d0
$c7d0 = wDexListingScrollOffset
$c7d0 = wPokedexOrderEnd
$c7d1 = wDexListingCursor
$c7d1 = wc7d1
$c7d2 = wc7d2
$c7d2 = wDexListingEnd
$c7d3 = wDexListingHeight
$c7d3 = wc7d3
$c7d4 = wCurDexMode
$c7d5 = wDexSearchMonType1
$c7d6 = wDexSearchMonType2
$c7d7 = wDexSearchResultCount
$c7d8 = wDexArrowCursorPosIndex
$c7d9 = wDexArrowCursorDelayCounter
$c7da = wDexArrowCursorBlinkCounter
$c7db = wDexSearchSlowpokeFrame
$c7dc = wUnlockedUnownMode
$c7dd = wDexCurUnownIndex
$c7de = wDexUnownCount
$c7df = wDexConvertedMonType
$c7e0 = wDexListingScrollOffsetBackup
$c7e1 = wDexListingCursorBackup
$c7e2 = wBackupDexListingCursor
$c7e3 = wBackupDexListingPage
$c7e4 = wDexCurLocation
$c7e5 = wPokedexStatus
$c7e6 = wPokedexDataEnd
$c7e8 = wBoxPartialDataEnd
SECTION: $c7e8-$c7ff ($0018 bytes) ["Unused Map Buffer"]
$c7e8 = wUnusedMapBuffer
$c800 = wUnusedMapBufferEnd
SECTION: $c800-$cd13 ($0514 bytes) ["Overworld Map"]
$c800 = wOverworldMapBlocks
$c800 = wDebugOriginalColors
$c800 = wHallOfFamePokemonList
$c800 = wc800
$c800 = wMysteryGiftStaging
$c800 = wLinkPlayerName
$c800 = wHallOfFamePokemonListWinCount
$c800 = wDebugRoomRTCSec
$c800 = wGameboyPrinterRAM
$c800 = wBillsPCPokemonList
$c800 = wLinkData
$c800 = wBillsPCData
$c800 = wGameboyPrinter2bppSource
$c801 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon1Species
$c801 = wDebugRoomRTCMin
$c801 = wc801
$c801 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon1
$c802 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon1ID
$c802 = wc802
$c802 = wDebugRoomRTCHour
$c803 = wDebugRoomRTCDay
$c803 = wc803
$c804 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon1DVs
$c804 = wc804
$c805 = wc805
$c805 = wDebugRoomRTCCurSec
$c806 = wc806
$c806 = wDebugRoomRTCCurMin
$c806 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon1Level
$c807 = wc807
$c807 = wDebugRoomRTCCurHour
$c807 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon1Nickname
$c808 = wc808
$c808 = wDebugRoomRTCCurDay
$c80a = wc80a
$c80a = wDebugRoomCurPage
$c80b = wDebugRoomCurValue
$c80b = wc80b
$c80b = wLinkPartyCount
$c80c = wc80c
$c80c = wLinkPartySpecies
$c80c = wDebugRoomAFunction
$c80e = wc80e
$c80e = wDebugRoomStartFunction
$c80f = wc80f
$c810 = wc810
$c810 = wDebugRoomSelectFunction
$c811 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon2
$c811 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon2Species
$c811 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon1End
$c812 = wLinkPartyEnd
$c812 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon2ID
$c812 = wMobileSDK_PacketChecksum
$c812 = wDebugRoomAutoFunction
$c813 = wTimeCapsulePlayerData
$c813 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Species
$c813 = wLinkPlayerData
$c813 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1
$c813 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Species
$c813 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1
$c814 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1HP
$c814 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon2DVs
$c814 = wc814
$c814 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Item
$c814 = wDebugRoomPageCount
$c815 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Moves
$c815 = wc815
$c815 = wDebugRoomPagesPointer
$c816 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon2Level
$c816 = wc816
$c816 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1BoxLevel
$c817 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Status
$c817 = wDebugRoomROMChecksum
$c817 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon2Nickname
$c818 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Type1
$c818 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Type
$c818 = wMobileSDK_AdapterType
$c819 = wc819
$c819 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Type2
$c819 = wDebugRoomCurChecksumBank
$c819 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1ID
$c81a = wDebugRoomMon
$c81a = wDebugRoomMonSpecies
$c81a = wDebugRoomGBID
$c81a = wc81a
$c81a = wDebugRoomItemID
$c81a = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1CatchRate
$c81b = wDebugRoomMonItem
$c81b = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Exp
$c81b = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Moves
$c81b = wDebugRoomItemQuantity
$c81b = wc81b
$c81c = wDebugRoomMonMoves
$c81c = wc81c
$c81d = wc81d
$c81e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1StatExp
$c81e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1HPExp
$c81e = wMobileSDK_SendCommandID
$c81f = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1ID
$c81f = wc81f
$c820 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1AtkExp
$c820 = wc820
$c820 = wDebugRoomMonID
$c821 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Exp
$c821 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon2End
$c821 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon3
$c821 = wc821
$c821 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon3Species
$c822 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1DefExp
$c822 = wDebugRoomMonExp
$c822 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon3ID
$c822 = wc822
$c823 = wc823
$c824 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1SpdExp
$c824 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1HPExp
$c824 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon3DVs
$c825 = wDebugRoomMonHPExp
$c825 = wDebugRoomMonStatExp
$c826 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon3Level
$c826 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1AttackExp
$c826 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1SpcExp
$c827 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon3Nickname
$c827 = wDebugRoomMonAtkExp
$c827 = wc827
$c828 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1DVs
$c828 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1DefenseExp
$c829 = wDebugRoomMonDefExp
$c829 = wc829
$c82a = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1SpeedExp
$c82a = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1PP
$c82b = wDebugRoomMonSpdExp
$c82b = wc82b
$c82c = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1SpecialExp
$c82c = wc82c
$c82d = wDebugRoomMonSpcExp
$c82d = wc82d
$c82e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Happiness
$c82e = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1DVs
$c82e = wc82e
$c82f = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1PokerusStatus
$c82f = wDebugRoomMonDVs
$c82f = wc82f
$c830 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1CaughtLevel
$c830 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1CaughtData
$c830 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1PP
$c830 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1CaughtTime
$c831 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1CaughtGender
$c831 = wDebugRoomMonPP
$c831 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon3End
$c831 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon4
$c831 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon4Species
$c831 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1CaughtLocation
$c832 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon4ID
$c832 = wc832
$c832 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Level
$c833 = wc833
$c833 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Status
$c833 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1BoxEnd
$c834 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Level
$c834 = wc834
$c834 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Unused
$c834 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon4DVs
$c835 = wc835
$c835 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1HP
$c835 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1MaxHP
$c835 = wDebugRoomMonHappiness
$c835 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Stats
$c836 = wc836
$c836 = wDebugRoomMonPokerusStatus
$c836 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon4Level
$c837 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Attack
$c837 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1MaxHP
$c837 = wDebugRoomMonCaughtLevel
$c837 = wDebugRoomMonCaughtTime
$c837 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon4Nickname
$c837 = wDebugRoomMonCaughtData
$c838 = wDebugRoomMonCaughtLocation
$c838 = wDebugRoomMonCaughtGender
$c839 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Defense
$c839 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Attack
$c839 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Stats
$c839 = wDebugRoomMonLevel
$c83a = wDebugRoomMonBoxEnd
$c83a = wDebugRoomMonBox
$c83b = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Defense
$c83b = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Speed
$c83d = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Special
$c83d = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Speed
$c83e = wc83e
$c83f = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1SpclAtk
$c83f = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Species
$c83f = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2
$c840 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2HP
$c841 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1SpclDef
$c841 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon4End
$c841 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon5Species
$c841 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon5
$c842 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon5ID
$c842 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2BoxLevel
$c843 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Status
$c843 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Species
$c843 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2
$c843 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1StructEnd
$c844 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Type
$c844 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Type1
$c844 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon5DVs
$c844 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Item
$c845 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Type2
$c845 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Moves
$c846 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2CatchRate
$c846 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon5Level
$c847 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon5Nickname
$c847 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Moves
$c849 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2ID
$c84b = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Exp
$c84b = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2ID
$c84d = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Exp
$c84e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2HPExp
$c84e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2StatExp
$c850 = wNameCardData
$c850 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2HPExp
$c850 = wMysteryGiftTrainer
$c850 = wMysteryGiftCardHolderName
$c850 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2AtkExp
$c851 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon5End
$c851 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon6Species
$c851 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon6
$c852 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2DefExp
$c852 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2AttackExp
$c852 = wc852
$c852 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon6ID
$c854 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2SpdExp
$c854 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2DefenseExp
$c854 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon6DVs
$c856 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2SpcExp
$c856 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon6Level
$c856 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2SpeedExp
$c857 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon6Nickname
$c858 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2DVs
$c858 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2SpecialExp
$c85a = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2DVs
$c85a = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2PP
$c85c = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2PP
$c85e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Happiness
$c85f = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2PokerusStatus
$c860 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2CaughtData
$c860 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Level
$c860 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2CaughtTime
$c860 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2CaughtLevel
$c861 = wHallOfFamePokemonListEnd
$c861 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2MaxHP
$c861 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Stats
$c861 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2CaughtGender
$c861 = wHallOfFamePokemonListMon6End
$c861 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2CaughtLocation
$c862 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Level
$c863 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Attack
$c863 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2BoxEnd
$c863 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Status
$c864 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Unused
$c865 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2HP
$c865 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Defense
$c866 = wc866
$c867 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Speed
$c867 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2MaxHP
$c869 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Attack
$c869 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Stats
$c869 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Special
$c86a = wc86a
$c86b = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Defense
$c86b = wc86b
$c86b = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Species
$c86b = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3
$c86c = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3HP
$c86c = wc86c
$c86d = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Speed
$c86d = wc86d
$c86e = wc86e
$c86e = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3BoxLevel
$c86f = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2SpclAtk
$c86f = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Status
$c870 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Type1
$c870 = wc870
$c870 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Type
$c871 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Type2
$c871 = wc871
$c871 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2SpclDef
$c872 = wc872
$c872 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3CatchRate
$c873 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Moves
$c873 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Species
$c873 = wc873
$c873 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2StructEnd
$c873 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3
$c874 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Item
$c874 = wNameCardDataEnd
$c874 = wc874
$c875 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Moves
$c875 = wc875
$c876 = wc876
$c876 = wMysteryGiftTrainerEnd
$c877 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3ID
$c877 = wc877
$c878 = wc878
$c879 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Exp
$c879 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3ID
$c87a = wc87a
$c87b = wc87b
$c87b = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Exp
$c87c = wc87c
$c87c = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3HPExp
$c87d = wc87d
$c87e = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3AttackExp
$c87e = wc87e
$c87e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3HPExp
$c87e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3StatExp
$c87f = wc87f
$c880 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3DefenseExp
$c880 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3AtkExp
$c880 = wc880
$c882 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3DefExp
$c882 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3SpeedExp
$c882 = wc882
$c883 = wc883
$c884 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3SpecialExp
$c884 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3SpdExp
$c884 = wc884
$c886 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3SpcExp
$c886 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3DVs
$c888 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3DVs
$c888 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3PP
$c88a = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3PP
$c88c = wc88c
$c88c = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Level
$c88d = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3MaxHP
$c88d = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Stats
$c88e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Happiness
$c88f = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Attack
$c88f = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3PokerusStatus
$c890 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3CaughtLevel
$c890 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3CaughtTime
$c890 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3CaughtData
$c891 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3CaughtGender
$c891 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Defense
$c891 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3CaughtLocation
$c892 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Level
$c893 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3BoxEnd
$c893 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Speed
$c893 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Status
$c894 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Unused
$c895 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Special
$c895 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3HP
$c897 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Species
$c897 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3MaxHP
$c897 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4
$c898 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4HP
$c899 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Stats
$c899 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Attack
$c89a = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4BoxLevel
$c89b = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Defense
$c89b = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Status
$c89c = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Type1
$c89c = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Type
$c89d = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Speed
$c89d = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Type2
$c89e = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4CatchRate
$c89f = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Moves
$c89f = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3SpclAtk
$c8a1 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3SpclDef
$c8a3 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Species
$c8a3 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4ID
$c8a3 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3StructEnd
$c8a3 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4
$c8a4 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Item
$c8a5 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Moves
$c8a5 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Exp
$c8a8 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4HPExp
$c8a9 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4ID
$c8aa = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4AttackExp
$c8ab = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Exp
$c8ac = wc8ac
$c8ac = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4DefenseExp
$c8ae = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4SpeedExp
$c8ae = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4StatExp
$c8ae = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4HPExp
$c8b0 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4SpecialExp
$c8b0 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4AtkExp
$c8b2 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4DefExp
$c8b2 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4DVs
$c8b4 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4SpdExp
$c8b4 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4PP
$c8b6 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4SpcExp
$c8b8 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Level
$c8b8 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4DVs
$c8b9 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4MaxHP
$c8b9 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Stats
$c8ba = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4PP
$c8bb = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Attack
$c8bd = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Defense
$c8be = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Happiness
$c8bf = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4PokerusStatus
$c8bf = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Speed
$c8c0 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4CaughtLevel
$c8c0 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4CaughtData
$c8c0 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4CaughtTime
$c8c1 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Special
$c8c1 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4CaughtLocation
$c8c1 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4CaughtGender
$c8c2 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Level
$c8c3 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4BoxEnd
$c8c3 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Status
$c8c3 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5
$c8c3 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Species
$c8c4 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Unused
$c8c4 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5HP
$c8c5 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4HP
$c8c6 = wc8c6
$c8c6 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5BoxLevel
$c8c7 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Status
$c8c7 = wc8c7
$c8c7 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4MaxHP
$c8c8 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Type1
$c8c8 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Type
$c8c8 = wc8c8
$c8c9 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Attack
$c8c9 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Type2
$c8c9 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Stats
$c8c9 = wc8c9
$c8ca = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5CatchRate
$c8ca = wc8ca
$c8cb = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Moves
$c8cb = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Defense
$c8cd = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Speed
$c8cf = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4SpclAtk
$c8cf = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5ID
$c8d1 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4SpclDef
$c8d1 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Exp
$c8d3 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Species
$c8d3 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4StructEnd
$c8d3 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5
$c8d4 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5HPExp
$c8d4 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Item
$c8d5 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Moves
$c8d6 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5AttackExp
$c8d8 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5DefenseExp
$c8d9 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5ID
$c8da = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5SpeedExp
$c8db = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Exp
$c8dc = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5SpecialExp
$c8de = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5HPExp
$c8de = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5DVs
$c8de = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5StatExp
$c8e0 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5AtkExp
$c8e0 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5PP
$c8e2 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5DefExp
$c8e4 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5SpdExp
$c8e4 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Level
$c8e5 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5MaxHP
$c8e5 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Stats
$c8e6 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5SpcExp
$c8e7 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Attack
$c8e8 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5DVs
$c8e9 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Defense
$c8ea = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5PP
$c8eb = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Speed
$c8ed = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Special
$c8ee = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Happiness
$c8ef = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Species
$c8ef = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5PokerusStatus
$c8ef = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6
$c8f0 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6HP
$c8f0 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5CaughtTime
$c8f0 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5CaughtData
$c8f0 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5CaughtLevel
$c8f1 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5CaughtGender
$c8f1 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5CaughtLocation
$c8f2 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6BoxLevel
$c8f2 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Level
$c8f3 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5BoxEnd
$c8f3 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Status
$c8f3 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Status
$c8f4 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Type
$c8f4 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Unused
$c8f4 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Type1
$c8f5 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Type2
$c8f5 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5HP
$c8f6 = wc8f6
$c8f6 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6CatchRate
$c8f7 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Moves
$c8f7 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5MaxHP
$c8f9 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Attack
$c8f9 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Stats
$c8fb = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Defense
$c8fb = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6ID
$c8fd = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Exp
$c8fd = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Speed
$c8fe = wc8fe
$c8ff = wc8ff
$c8ff = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5SpclAtk
$c900 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6HPExp
$c900 = wMysteryGiftPartnerData
$c900 = wMysteryGiftPartnerGameVersion
$c901 = wMysteryGiftPartnerID
$c901 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5SpclDef
$c902 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6AttackExp
$c903 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5StructEnd
$c903 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6
$c903 = wMysteryGiftPartnerName
$c903 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Species
$c904 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6DefenseExp
$c904 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Item
$c905 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Moves
$c906 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6SpeedExp
$c908 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6SpecialExp
$c909 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6ID
$c90a = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6DVs
$c90b = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Exp
$c90c = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6PP
$c90e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6HPExp
$c90e = wc90e
$c90e = wMysteryGiftPartnerDexCaught
$c90e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6StatExp
$c90f = wMysteryGiftPartnerSentDeco
$c910 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6AtkExp
$c910 = wMysteryGiftPartnerWhichItem
$c910 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Level
$c911 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Stats
$c911 = wMysteryGiftPartnerWhichDeco
$c911 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6MaxHP
$c912 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6DefExp
$c912 = wMysteryGiftPartnerBackupItem
$c913 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Attack
$c914 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6SpdExp
$c914 = wMysteryGiftPartnerDataEnd
$c915 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Defense
$c916 = wc916
$c916 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6SpcExp
$c917 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Speed
$c918 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6DVs
$c919 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Special
$c91a = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6PP
$c91b = wTimeCapsulePartyMonOTs
$c91b = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1OT
$c91e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Happiness
$c91f = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6PokerusStatus
$c920 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6CaughtLevel
$c920 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6CaughtData
$c920 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6CaughtTime
$c921 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6CaughtGender
$c921 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6CaughtLocation
$c922 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Level
$c923 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Status
$c923 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6BoxEnd
$c924 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Unused
$c925 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6HP
$c926 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2OT
$c926 = wc926
$c927 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6MaxHP
$c929 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Stats
$c929 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Attack
$c92b = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Defense
$c92d = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Speed
$c92e = wc92e
$c92f = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6SpclAtk
$c931 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3OT
$c931 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6SpclDef
$c933 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1OT
$c933 = wLinkPlayerPartyMonOTs
$c933 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6StructEnd
$c93c = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4OT
$c93e = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2OT
$c947 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5OT
$c949 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3OT
$c950 = wMysteryGiftPlayerGameVersion
$c950 = wMysteryGiftPlayerData
$c951 = wMysteryGiftPlayerID
$c952 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6OT
$c953 = wMysteryGiftPlayerName
$c954 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4OT
$c95d = wTimeCapsulePartyMonNicknames
$c95d = wTimeCapsulePartyMon1Nickname
$c95e = wMysteryGiftPlayerDexCaught
$c95f = wMysteryGiftPlayerSentDeco
$c95f = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5OT
$c960 = wMysteryGiftPlayerWhichItem
$c961 = wMysteryGiftPlayerWhichDeco
$c962 = wMysteryGiftPlayerBackupItem
$c964 = wMysteryGiftPlayerDataEnd
$c968 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon2Nickname
$c96a = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6OT
$c973 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon3Nickname
$c975 = wLinkPlayerPartyMonNicknames
$c975 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon1Nickname
$c979 = wc979
$c97a = wc97a
$c97e = wTimeCapsulePartyMon4Nickname
$c97f = wc97f
$c980 = wc980
$c980 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon2Nickname
$c981 = wc981
$c982 = wc982
$c983 = wc983
$c985 = wc985
$c986 = wc986
$c987 = wc987
$c988 = wMobileAPIIndex
$c989 = wc989
$c989 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon5Nickname
$c98a = wc98a
$c98b = wLinkPlayerPartyMon3Nickname
$c98b = wc98b
$c98c = wc98c
$c98d = wc98d
$c98e = wc98e
$c98f = wc98f
$c990 = wc990
$c991 = wc991
$c992 = wc992
$c993 = wc993
$c994 = wTimeCapsulePartyMon6Nickname
$c994 = wc994
$c995 = wc995
$c996 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon4Nickname
$c9a1 = wLinkPlayerPartyMon5Nickname
$c9a5 = wc9a5
$c9aa = wc9aa
$c9ab = wc9ab
$c9ac = wc9ac
$c9ac = wLinkPlayerPartyMon6Nickname
$c9ad = wc9ad
$c9ae = wc9ae
$c9af = wc9af
$c9b1 = wc9b1
$c9b2 = wc9b2
$c9b5 = wc9b5
$c9b6 = wc9b6
$c9f4 = wLinkPlayerMail
$c9f4 = wLinkReceivedMail
$c9f4 = wLinkPlayerMailPreamble
$c9f9 = wLinkPlayerMailMessages
$ca00 = wUnusedMysteryGiftStagedDataLength
$ca00 = wCreditsBlankFrame2bpp
$ca01 = wMysteryGiftMessageCount
$ca02 = wMysteryGiftStagedDataLength
$ca2f = wMobileSDK_ReceivePacketBufferAlt
$ca3a = wMobileSDK_ReceivedBytes
$ca3c = wMobileSDK_ReceivePacketBuffer
$ca80 = wUnusedGameboyPrinterSafeCancelFlag
$ca80 = wGameboyPrinter2bppSourceEnd
$ca81 = wPrinterRowIndex
$ca82 = wPrinterData
$ca86 = wPrinterChecksum
$ca88 = wPrinterHandshake
$ca89 = wPrinterStatusFlags
$ca8a = wHandshakeFrameDelay
$ca8b = wPrinterSerialFrameDelay
$ca8c = wPrinterSendByteOffset
$ca8e = wPrinterSendByteCounter
$ca90 = wPrinterTilemapBuffer
$cabf = wLinkPlayerMailMetadata
$cb00 = wCreditsBlankFrame2bppEnd
$cb0e = wLinkReceivedMailEnd
$cb13 = wLinkPlayerMailPatchSet
$cb2a = wBillsPC_ScrollPosition
$cb2b = wBillsPC_CursorPosition
$cb2c = wBillsPC_NumMonsInBox
$cb2d = wBillsPC_NumMonsOnScreen
$cb2e = wBillsPC_LoadedBox
$cb2f = wBillsPC_BackupScrollPosition
$cb30 = wBillsPC_BackupCursorPosition
$cb31 = wBillsPC_BackupLoadedBox
$cb32 = wBillsPC_MonHasMail
$cb36 = wcb36
$cb38 = wBillsPCDataEnd
$cb47 = wMobileSDK_PacketBuffer
$cb7a = wLinkPlayerMailEnd
$cb84 = wLinkOTMail
$cb84 = wLinkOTMailMessages
$cbe8 = wCurLinkOTPartyMonTypePointer
$cbea = wLinkOTPartyMonTypes
$cbea = wLinkOTPartyMon1Type
$cbec = wLinkOTPartyMon2Type
$cbee = wLinkOTPartyMon3Type
$cbf0 = wLinkOTPartyMon4Type
$cbf2 = wLinkOTPartyMon5Type
$cbf4 = wLinkOTPartyMon6Type
$cbf8 = wPrinterStatus
$cbfa = wPrinterMargins
$cbfb = wPrinterExposureTime
$cc0c = wGameboyPrinterRAMEnd
$cc4a = wLinkOTMailMetadata
$cc60 = wcc60
$cc61 = wcc61
$cc62 = wcc62
$cc64 = wcc64
$cc65 = wcc65
$cc9e = wLinkOTMailPatchSet
$ccb4 = wccb4
$ccb5 = wccb5
$ccb8 = wccb8
$ccb9 = wccb9
$ccba = wccba
$cd05 = wLinkOTMailPadding
$cd0a = wLinkOTMailEnd
$cd14 = wOverworldMapBlocksEnd
$cd14 = wLinkDataEnd
EMPTY: $cd14-$cd1f ($000c bytes)
SECTION: $cd20-$cfd7 ($02b8 bytes) ["Video"]
$cd20 = wBGMapBuffer
$cd20 = wcd20
$cd20 = wCreditsPos
$cd20 = wMobileMonSpeciesPointer
$cd21 = wcd21
$cd22 = wcd22
$cd22 = wMobileMonStructPointer
$cd22 = wCreditsTimer
$cd23 = wcd23
$cd24 = wMobileMonOTPointer
$cd24 = wcd24
$cd25 = wMobileCommsJumptableIndex
$cd26 = wMobileMonNicknamePointer
$cd26 = wcd26
$cd27 = wcd27
$cd28 = wMobileMonMailPointer
$cd28 = wcd28
$cd29 = wcd29
$cd2a = wMobileMonIndex
$cd2a = wcd2a
$cd2a = wMobileMonMiscSpecies
$cd2b = wcd2b
$cd2b = wTempOddEggNickname
$cd2c = wcd2c
$cd2d = wcd2d
$cd2e = wcd2e
$cd2f = wcd2f
$cd30 = wcd30
$cd31 = wcd31
$cd32 = wcd32
$cd33 = wcd33
$cd34 = wcd34
$cd35 = wcd35
$cd36 = wcd36
$cd37 = wcd37
$cd38 = wcd38
$cd39 = wcd39
$cd3a = wcd3a
$cd3b = wcd3b
$cd3c = wBattleTowerRoomMenu2JumptableIndex
$cd3d = wcd3d
$cd3e = wcd3e
$cd3f = wcd3f
$cd40 = wcd40
$cd41 = wcd41
$cd42 = wcd42
$cd43 = wcd43
$cd44 = wMobileInactivityTimerMinutes
$cd45 = wMobileInactivityTimerSeconds
$cd46 = wMobileInactivityTimerFrames
$cd47 = wcd47
$cd48 = wBGMapPalBuffer
$cd49 = wBTTempOTSprite
$cd49 = wcd49
$cd4a = wcd4a
$cd4b = wcd4b
$cd4c = wcd4c
$cd4c = wEZChatCursorXCoord
$cd4d = wcd4d
$cd4d = wEZChatCursorYCoord
$cd4e = wcd4e
$cd4f = wcd4f
$cd50 = wcd50
$cd51 = wcd51
$cd52 = wcd52
$cd53 = wMobileOpponentBattleMessage
$cd53 = wcd53
$cd54 = wcd54
$cd55 = wcd55
$cd56 = wcd56
$cd57 = wcd57
$cd58 = wcd58
$cd59 = wcd59
$cd5a = wcd5a
$cd5b = wcd5b
$cd5c = wcd5c
$cd5d = wcd5d
$cd5e = wcd5e
$cd5f = wcd5f
$cd60 = wcd60
$cd62 = wcd62
$cd63 = wcd63
$cd64 = wcd64
$cd65 = wcd65
$cd66 = wcd66
$cd67 = wcd67
$cd68 = wcd68
$cd69 = wcd69
$cd6a = wcd6a
$cd6b = wcd6b
$cd6c = wcd6c
$cd6d = wcd6d
$cd6e = wcd6e
$cd6f = wcd6f
$cd70 = wcd70
$cd70 = wBGMapBufferPointers
$cd71 = wcd71
$cd72 = wcd72
$cd73 = wcd73
$cd74 = wcd74
$cd75 = wOTMonSelection
$cd77 = wcd77
$cd78 = wMobileCrashCheckPointer
$cd7a = wcd7a
$cd7c = wcd7c
$cd7f = wcd7f
$cd80 = wcd80
$cd81 = wcd81
$cd82 = wcd82
$cd83 = wcd83
$cd84 = wcd84
$cd85 = wcd85
$cd89 = wcd89
$cd8a = wcd8a
$cd8b = wcd8b
$cd8c = wcd8c
$cd8d = wcd8d
$cd98 = wBGMapBufferEnd
$cd98 = wDefaultSGBLayout
$cd99 = wPlayerHPPal
$cd9a = wEnemyHPPal
$cd9b = wHPPals
$cda1 = wCurHPPal
$cda9 = wSGBPals
$cdd9 = wAttrmap
$cf41 = wAttrmapEnd
$cf41 = wTileAnimBuffer
$cf42 = wcf42
$cf44 = wcf44
$cf45 = wcf45
$cf51 = wLinkReceivedSyncBuffer
$cf51 = wOtherPlayerLinkMode
$cf52 = wOtherPlayerLinkAction
$cf56 = wLinkPlayerSyncBuffer
$cf56 = wPlayerLinkAction
$cf57 = wUnusedLinkAction
$cf5b = wLinkTimeoutFrames
$cf5d = wLinkByteTimeout
$cf5f = wMonType
$cf60 = wCurSpecies
$cf61 = wNamedObjectType
$cf63 = wJumptableIndex
$cf63 = wBattleTowerBattleEnded
$cf64 = wPrevDexEntryJumptableIndex
$cf64 = wDebugColorRGBJumptableIndex
$cf64 = wBattleTransitionCounter
$cf64 = wTrainerCardBadgeFrameCounter
$cf64 = wHoldingUnownPuzzlePiece
$cf64 = wDebugTilesetCurPalette
$cf64 = wNrOfBeatenBattleTowerTrainers
$cf64 = wUnusedBillsPCData
$cf64 = wMagnetTrainOffset
$cf64 = wNamingScreenLetterCase
$cf64 = wStatsScreenFlags
$cf64 = wSlotsDelay
$cf64 = wCreditsBorderFrame
$cf64 = wTradeDialog
$cf64 = wIntroSceneFrameCounter
$cf64 = wFrameCounter
$cf64 = wcf64
$cf64 = wHallOfFameMonCounter
$cf64 = wMomBankDigitCursorPosition
$cf64 = wPackJumptableIndex
$cf64 = wCardFlipCursorY
$cf64 = wMemoryGameCardChoice
$cf64 = wPokegearCard
$cf64 = wTitleScreenSelectedOption
$cf65 = wUnusedSGB1eColorOffset
$cf65 = wDebugColorCurColor
$cf65 = wMagnetTrainPosition
$cf65 = wBattleTransitionSineWaveOffset
$cf65 = wCreditsBorderMon
$cf65 = wDebugTilesetRGBJumptableIndex
$cf65 = wPrinterQueueLength
$cf65 = wTitleScreenTimer
$cf65 = wUnownPuzzleCursorPosition
$cf65 = wPokegearMapRegion
$cf65 = wTrainerCardBadgeTileID
$cf65 = wcf65
$cf65 = wFrameCounter2
$cf65 = wCurPocket
$cf65 = wBattleTransitionSpinQuadrant
$cf65 = wPrevDexEntryBackup
$cf65 = wIntroSceneTimer
$cf65 = wCardFlipCursorX
$cf66 = wTrainerCardBadgeAttributes
$cf66 = wUnusedTradeAnimPlayEvolutionMusic
$cf66 = wCreditsLYOverride
$cf66 = wDebugTilesetCurColor
$cf66 = wUnusedPokedexByte
$cf66 = wUnusedSlotReelIconDelay
$cf66 = wUnusedPokegearByte
$cf66 = wCardFlipWhichCard
$cf66 = wcf66
$cf66 = wMagnetTrainWaitCounter
$cf66 = wDebugColorCurMon
$cf66 = wPackUsedItem
$cf66 = wBattleTowerRoomMenuJumptableIndex
$cf66 = wUnownPuzzleHeldPiece
$cf67 = wRequested2bppSize
$cf68 = wRequested2bppSource
$cf6a = wRequested2bppDest
$cf6c = wRequested1bppSize
$cf6d = wRequested1bppSource
$cf6f = wRequested1bppDest
$cf71 = wMenuMetadata
$cf71 = wWindowStackPointer
$cf73 = wMenuJoypad
$cf74 = wMenuSelection
$cf75 = wMenuSelectionQuantity
$cf76 = wWhichIndexSet
$cf77 = wScrollingMenuCursorPosition
$cf78 = wWindowStackSize
$cf81 = wMenuHeader
$cf81 = wMenuFlags
$cf81 = wMenuMetadataEnd
$cf82 = wMenuBorderTopCoord
$cf83 = wMenuBorderLeftCoord
$cf84 = wMenuBorderBottomCoord
$cf85 = wMenuBorderRightCoord
$cf86 = wMenuDataPointer
$cf88 = wMenuCursorPosition
$cf8a = wMenuDataBank
$cf91 = wMenuData
$cf91 = wMenuDataFlags
$cf91 = wMenuHeaderEnd
$cf92 = wMenuData_2DMenuDimensions
$cf92 = wMenuData_ScrollingMenuHeight
$cf92 = wMenuDataItems
$cf93 = wMenuData_2DMenuSpacing
$cf93 = wMenuDataIndicesPointer
$cf93 = wMenuData_ScrollingMenuWidth
$cf94 = wMenuData_ScrollingMenuItemFormat
$cf94 = wMenuData_2DMenuItemStringsBank
$cf95 = wMenuData_2DMenuItemStringsAddr
$cf95 = wMenuData_ItemsPointerBank
$cf95 = wMenuDataDisplayFunctionPointer
$cf96 = wMenuData_ItemsPointerAddr
$cf97 = wMenuDataPointerTableAddr
$cf97 = wMenuData_2DMenuFunctionBank
$cf98 = wMenuData_ScrollingMenuFunction1
$cf98 = wMenuData_2DMenuFunctionAddr
$cf9b = wMenuData_ScrollingMenuFunction2
$cf9e = wMenuData_ScrollingMenuFunction3
$cfa1 = w2DMenuCursorInitY
$cfa1 = wMoreMenuData
$cfa1 = w2DMenuData
$cfa1 = wMenuDataEnd
$cfa2 = w2DMenuCursorInitX
$cfa3 = w2DMenuNumRows
$cfa4 = w2DMenuNumCols
$cfa5 = w2DMenuFlags1
$cfa6 = w2DMenuFlags2
$cfa7 = w2DMenuCursorOffsets
$cfa8 = wMenuJoypadFilter
$cfa9 = wMenuCursorY
$cfa9 = w2DMenuDataEnd
$cfaa = wMenuCursorX
$cfab = wCursorOffCharacter
$cfac = wCursorCurrentTile
$cfb1 = wOverworldDelay
$cfb1 = wMoreMenuDataEnd
$cfb2 = wTextDelayFrames
$cfb3 = wVBlankOccurred
$cfb4 = wPredefID
$cfb5 = wPredefHL
$cfb7 = wPredefAddress
$cfb9 = wFarCallBC
$cfbb = wUnusedLinkCommunicationByte
$cfbc = wGameTimerPaused
$cfbe = wJoypadDisable
$cfc0 = wInBattleTowerBattle
$cfc2 = wFXAnimID
$cfc4 = wPlaceBallsX
$cfc5 = wPlaceBallsY
$cfc6 = wTileAnimationTimer
$cfc7 = wBGP
$cfc8 = wOBP0
$cfc9 = wOBP1
$cfca = wNumHits
$cfcc = wOptions
$cfcd = wSaveFileExists
$cfce = wTextboxFrame
$cfcf = wTextboxFlags
$cfd0 = wGBPrinterBrightness
$cfd1 = wOptions2
$cfd4 = wSecondsSince
$cfd4 = wOptionsEnd
$cfd5 = wMinutesSince
$cfd6 = wHoursSince
$cfd7 = wDaysSince
EMPTY: $cfd8-$cfff ($0028 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0035 bytes
WRAMX bank #1:
SECTION: $d000-$d001 ($0002 bytes) ["WRAM 1"]
$d000 = wBetaTitleSequenceOpeningType
$d000 = wGBCOnlyDecompressBuffer
$d001 = wDefaultSpawnpoint
SECTION: $d002-$d065 ($0064 bytes) ["Miscellaneous WRAM 1"]
$d002 = wLuckyNumberDigitsBuffer
$d002 = wEarthquakeMovementDataBuffer
$d002 = wMonMailMessageBuffer
$d002 = wSuicuneFrame
$d002 = wLinkBattleRecordBuffer
$d002 = wPokeFluteCuredSleep
$d002 = wDebugColorIsTrainer
$d002 = wSwitchItemBuffer
$d002 = wCurRadioLine
$d002 = wSeerAction
$d002 = wWhichBoxMonToPrint
$d002 = wd002
$d002 = wTempMailMessage
$d002 = wBoxNameBuffer
$d002 = wBugContestResults
$d002 = wKeepSevenBiasChance
$d002 = wApricorns
$d002 = wDecoNameBuffer
$d002 = wTempRestorePPItem
$d002 = wCurBeatUpPartyMon
$d002 = wMovementBufferCount
$d002 = wTempDayOfWeek
$d002 = wCurTradePartyMon
$d002 = wExperienceGained
$d002 = wUnownPuzzleCornerTile
$d002 = wPrintedUnownTileSource
$d002 = wTempMail
$d002 = wSwitchMonBuffer
$d002 = wLinkBattleRecordName
$d002 = wTempPokedexSeenCount
$d002 = wPrevPartyLevel
$d002 = wBugContestFirstPlaceWinnerID
$d002 = wPhoneScriptBank
$d002 = wNumOwnedDecoCategories
$d002 = wMartItem1BCD
$d002 = wTownMapPlayerIconLandmark
$d002 = wBufferMonNickname
$d003 = wPlaceBallsDirection
$d003 = wMovementBufferObject
$d003 = wNextRadioLine
$d003 = wDebugColorIsShiny
$d003 = wOwnedDecoCategories
$d003 = wFinishedPrintingBox
$d003 = wCurOTTradePartyMon
$d003 = wBugContestFirstPlaceMon
$d003 = wd003
$d003 = wBillsPCTempListIndex
$d003 = wPhoneCaller
$d003 = wTownMapCursorLandmark
$d003 = wSeerNickname
$d003 = wTempPokedexCaughtCount
$d003 = wTownMapCursorCoordinates
$d004 = wBufferTrademonNickname
$d004 = wRadioTextDelay
$d004 = wDebugColorCurTMHM
$d004 = wBugContestFirstPlaceScore
$d004 = wTownMapCursorObjectPointer
$d004 = wTrainerHUDTiles
$d004 = wd004
$d004 = wBillsPCTempBoxCount
$d004 = wAddrOfBoxToPrint
$d004 = wUnusedMovementBufferBank
$d005 = wMartItem2BCD
$d005 = wStartFlypoint
$d005 = wUnusedMovementBufferPointer
$d005 = wNumRadioLinesPrinted
$d006 = wBankOfBoxToPrint
$d006 = wBugContestSecondPlaceWinnerID
$d006 = wMobileParticipant1Nickname
$d006 = wEndFlypoint
$d006 = wOaksPKMNTalkSegmentCounter
$d007 = wMovementBuffer
$d007 = wWhichBoxToPrint
$d007 = wBugContestSecondPlaceMon
$d008 = wBugContestSecondPlaceScore
$d008 = wd008
$d008 = wMartItem3BCD
$d00a = wBugContestThirdPlaceWinnerID
$d00b = wMartItem4BCD
$d00b = wBugContestThirdPlaceMon
$d00c = wMobileParticipant2Nickname
$d00c = wRadioText
$d00c = wBugContestThirdPlaceScore
$d00d = wBufferMonOT
$d00d = wLinkBattleRecordWins
$d00e = wMartItem5BCD
$d00e = wBugContestTempWinnerID
$d00e = wBugContestWinnersEnd
$d00e = wSeerCaughtLocation
$d00f = wBugContestTempMon
$d00f = wLinkBattleRecordLosses
$d010 = wBugContestTempScore
$d010 = wd010
$d011 = wLinkBattleRecordDraws
$d011 = wMartItem6BCD
$d011 = wd011
$d012 = wPrintedUnownTileDest
$d012 = wMobileParticipant3Nickname
$d012 = wd012
$d013 = wd013
$d014 = wMartItem7BCD
$d014 = wd014
$d016 = wBugContestWinnerName
$d017 = wMartItem8BCD
$d017 = wd017
$d018 = wBufferMon
$d018 = wd018
$d018 = wBufferMonSpecies
$d019 = wBufferMonItem
$d019 = wd019
$d01a = wBufferMonMoves
$d01a = wMartItem9BCD
$d01d = wMartItem10BCD
$d01e = wBufferMonID
$d01f = wSeerTimeOfDay
$d020 = wBufferMonExp
$d022 = wTempMailMessageEnd
$d023 = wBufferMonHPExp
$d023 = wBufferMonStatExp
$d023 = wTempMailAuthor
$d025 = wBufferMonAtkExp
$d027 = wBufferMonDefExp
$d029 = wBufferMonSpdExp
$d02a = wSeerOT
$d02b = wBufferMonSpcExp
$d02b = wTempMailNationality
$d02d = wd02d
$d02d = wTempMailAuthorID
$d02d = wBufferMonDVs
$d02e = wd02e
$d02f = wTempMailSpecies
$d02f = wBufferMonPP
$d02f = wd02f
$d030 = wTempMailType
$d030 = wd030
$d031 = wTempMailEnd
$d031 = wd031
$d032 = wd032
$d033 = wBufferMonHappiness
$d033 = wd033
$d034 = wBufferMonPokerusStatus
$d034 = wd034
$d035 = wSeerOTGrammar
$d035 = wBufferMonCaughtLevel
$d035 = wBufferMonCaughtData
$d035 = wBufferMonCaughtTime
$d036 = wBufferMonCaughtLocation
$d036 = wBufferMonCaughtGender
$d036 = wd036
$d036 = wSeerCaughtLevelString
$d037 = wBufferMonLevel
$d038 = wBufferMonStatus
$d038 = wBufferMonBoxEnd
$d039 = wBufferMonUnused
$d03a = wSeerCaughtLevel
$d03a = wBufferMonHP
$d03b = wSeerCaughtData
$d03c = wSeerCaughtGender
$d03c = wBufferMonMaxHP
$d03e = wPoisonStepFlagSum
$d03e = wCurCoordEventSceneID
$d03e = wItemBallData
$d03e = wBufferMonStats
$d03e = wCurInput
$d03e = wElevatorPointerBank
$d03e = wFacingTileID
$d03e = wSeenTrainerBank
$d03e = wCheckedTime
$d03e = wCurCoordEvent
$d03e = wMartType
$d03e = wMenuItemsList
$d03e = wPoisonStepData
$d03e = wCurBGEvent
$d03e = wCurFruitTree
$d03e = wHiddenItemEvent
$d03e = wElevatorData
$d03e = wItemBallItemID
$d03e = wHiddenItemData
$d03e = wBufferMonAttack
$d03e = wCurBGEventYCoord
$d03f = wCallerContact
$d03f = wMartPointerBank
$d03f = wCurFruit
$d03f = wPhoneListIndex
$d03f = wCurCoordEventMapY
$d03f = wJumpStdScriptBuffer
$d03f = wPoisonStepPartyFlags
$d03f = wWalkingIntoNPC
$d03f = wElevatorPointer
$d03f = wItemBallQuantity
$d03f = wCurBGEventXCoord
$d03f = wSeenTrainerDistance
$d040 = wItemBallDataEnd
$d040 = wMartPointer
$d040 = wBufferMonDefense
$d040 = wWalkingIntoLand
$d040 = wCurCoordEventMapX
$d040 = wHiddenItemID
$d040 = wNumAvailableCallers
$d040 = wSeenTrainerDirection
$d040 = wCurBGEventType
$d041 = wTempTrainerEventFlag
$d041 = wElevatorOriginFloor
$d041 = wCurBGEventScriptAddr
$d041 = wAvailableCallers
$d041 = wWalkingIntoEdgeWarp
$d041 = wTempTrainer
$d041 = wHiddenItemDataEnd
$d042 = wBufferMonSpeed
$d042 = wElevatorDataEnd
$d042 = wCurCoordEventScriptAddr
$d042 = wMovementAnimation
$d042 = wMartJumptableIndex
$d043 = wBargainShopFlags
$d043 = wTempTrainerClass
$d043 = wWalkingDirection
$d044 = wTempTrainerID
$d044 = wFacingDirection
$d044 = wBufferMonSpclAtk
$d045 = wPoisonStepDataEnd
$d045 = wWalkingX
$d045 = wMenuCursorPositionBackup
$d045 = wSeenTextPointer
$d046 = wMenuScrollPositionBackup
$d046 = wWalkingY
$d046 = wBufferMonSpclDef
$d047 = wWinTextPointer
$d047 = wWalkingTileCollision
$d048 = wBufferMonStructEnd
$d049 = wLossTextPointer
$d04b = wScriptAfterPointer
$d04d = wRunningTrainerBattleScript
$d04e = wPlayerTurningDirection
$d04e = wTempTrainerEnd
$d04e = wMenuItemsListEnd
$d050 = wMonOrItemNameBuffer
SECTION: $d066-$d26a ($0205 bytes) ["More WRAM 1"]
$d066 = wTMHMMoveNameBackup
$d073 = wStringBuffer1
$d086 = wStringBuffer2
$d099 = wStringBuffer3
$d0ac = wStringBuffer4
$d0bf = wStringBuffer5
$d0d2 = wBattleMenuCursorPosition
$d0d4 = wCurBattleMon
$d0d5 = wCurMoveNum
$d0d6 = wLastPocket
$d0d7 = wPCItemsCursor
$d0d8 = wPartyMenuCursor
$d0d9 = wItemsPocketCursor
$d0da = wKeyItemsPocketCursor
$d0db = wBallsPocketCursor
$d0dc = wTMHMPocketCursor
$d0dd = wPCItemsScrollPosition
$d0df = wItemsPocketScrollPosition
$d0e0 = wKeyItemsPocketScrollPosition
$d0e1 = wBallsPocketScrollPosition
$d0e2 = wTMHMPocketScrollPosition
$d0e3 = wSwitchMon
$d0e3 = wSwitchItem
$d0e3 = wd0e3
$d0e3 = wSwappingMove
$d0e4 = wMenuScrollPosition
$d0e8 = wQueuedScriptBank
$d0e9 = wQueuedScriptAddr
$d0eb = wNumMoves
$d0ec = wFieldMoveSucceeded
$d0ec = wSolvedUnownPuzzle
$d0ec = wItemEffectSucceeded
$d0ec = wBattlePlayerAction
$d0ed = wStateFlags
$d0ee = wBattleResult
$d0ef = wUsingItemWithSelect
$d0f0 = wCurElevatorCount
$d0f0 = wCurMessageScrollPosition
$d0f0 = wCurMartCount
$d0f1 = wCurElevatorFloors
$d0f1 = wCurMartItems
$d0f1 = wCurMessageIndex
$d0f2 = wMailboxCount
$d0f3 = wMailboxItems
$d100 = wListPointer
$d102 = wUnusedNamesPointer
$d104 = wItemAttributesPointer
$d106 = wCurItem
$d107 = wMartItemID
$d107 = wCurItemQuantity
$d108 = wCurPartySpecies
$d109 = wCurPartyMon
$d10a = wWhichHPBar
$d10b = wPokemonWithdrawDepositParameter
$d10c = wItemQuantityChange
$d10d = wItemQuantity
$d10e = wTempMon
$d10e = wTempMonSpecies
$d10f = wTempMonItem
$d110 = wTempMonMoves
$d114 = wTempMonID
$d116 = wTempMonExp
$d119 = wTempMonStatExp
$d119 = wTempMonHPExp
$d11b = wTempMonAtkExp
$d11d = wTempMonDefExp
$d11f = wTempMonSpdExp
$d121 = wTempMonSpcExp
$d123 = wTempMonDVs
$d125 = wTempMonPP
$d129 = wTempMonHappiness
$d12a = wTempMonPokerusStatus
$d12b = wTempMonCaughtData
$d12b = wTempMonCaughtTime
$d12b = wTempMonCaughtLevel
$d12c = wTempMonCaughtLocation
$d12c = wTempMonCaughtGender
$d12d = wTempMonLevel
$d12e = wTempMonStatus
$d12e = wTempMonBoxEnd
$d12f = wTempMonUnused
$d130 = wTempMonHP
$d132 = wTempMonMaxHP
$d134 = wTempMonStats
$d134 = wTempMonAttack
$d136 = wTempMonDefense
$d138 = wTempMonSpeed
$d13a = wTempMonSpclAtk
$d13c = wTempMonSpclDef
$d13e = wTempMonStructEnd
$d13e = wSpriteFlags
$d13f = wHandlePlayerStep
$d141 = wPartyMenuActionText
$d142 = wItemAttributeValue
$d143 = wCurPartyLevel
$d144 = wScrollingMenuListSize
$d146 = wNextWarp
$d147 = wNextMapGroup
$d148 = wNextMapNumber
$d149 = wPrevWarp
$d14a = wPrevMapGroup
$d14b = wPrevMapNumber
$d14c = wPlayerBGMapOffsetX
$d14d = wPlayerBGMapOffsetY
$d14e = wPlayerStepVectorX
$d14f = wPlayerStepVectorY
$d150 = wPlayerStepFlags
$d151 = wPlayerStepDirection
$d152 = wBGMapAnchor
$d154 = wUsedSprites
$d173 = wd173
$d194 = wUsedSpritesEnd
$d194 = wOverworldMapAnchor
$d196 = wPlayerMetatileY
$d197 = wPlayerMetatileX
$d198 = wMapPartial
$d198 = wMapAttributesBank
$d199 = wMapTileset
$d19a = wEnvironment
$d19b = wMapAttributesPointer
$d19d = wMapPartialEnd
$d19d = wMapBorderBlock
$d19d = wMapAttributes
$d19e = wMapHeight
$d19f = wMapWidth
$d1a0 = wMapBlocksBank
$d1a1 = wMapBlocksPointer
$d1a3 = wMapScriptsBank
$d1a4 = wMapScriptsPointer
$d1a6 = wMapEventsPointer
$d1a8 = wMapConnections
$d1a9 = wMapAttributesEnd
$d1a9 = wNorthConnectedMapGroup
$d1a9 = wNorthMapConnection
$d1aa = wNorthConnectedMapNumber
$d1ab = wNorthConnectionStripPointer
$d1ad = wNorthConnectionStripLocation
$d1af = wNorthConnectionStripLength
$d1b0 = wNorthConnectedMapWidth
$d1b1 = wNorthConnectionStripYOffset
$d1b2 = wNorthConnectionStripXOffset
$d1b3 = wNorthConnectionWindow
$d1b5 = wSouthConnectedMapGroup
$d1b5 = wSouthMapConnection
$d1b6 = wSouthConnectedMapNumber
$d1b7 = wSouthConnectionStripPointer
$d1b9 = wSouthConnectionStripLocation
$d1bb = wSouthConnectionStripLength
$d1bc = wSouthConnectedMapWidth
$d1bd = wSouthConnectionStripYOffset
$d1be = wSouthConnectionStripXOffset
$d1bf = wSouthConnectionWindow
$d1c1 = wWestConnectedMapGroup
$d1c1 = wWestMapConnection
$d1c2 = wWestConnectedMapNumber
$d1c3 = wWestConnectionStripPointer
$d1c5 = wWestConnectionStripLocation
$d1c7 = wWestConnectionStripLength
$d1c8 = wWestConnectedMapWidth
$d1c9 = wWestConnectionStripYOffset
$d1ca = wWestConnectionStripXOffset
$d1cb = wWestConnectionWindow
$d1cd = wEastMapConnection
$d1cd = wEastConnectedMapGroup
$d1ce = wEastConnectedMapNumber
$d1cf = wEastConnectionStripPointer
$d1d1 = wEastConnectionStripLocation
$d1d3 = wEastConnectionStripLength
$d1d4 = wEastConnectedMapWidth
$d1d5 = wEastConnectionStripYOffset
$d1d6 = wEastConnectionStripXOffset
$d1d7 = wEastConnectionWindow
$d1d9 = wTileset
$d1d9 = wTilesetBank
$d1da = wTilesetAddress
$d1dc = wTilesetBlocksBank
$d1dd = wTilesetBlocksAddress
$d1df = wTilesetCollisionBank
$d1e0 = wTilesetCollisionAddress
$d1e2 = wTilesetAnim
$d1e6 = wTilesetPalettes
$d1e8 = wTilesetEnd
$d1e8 = wEvolvableFlags
$d1e9 = wForceEvolution
$d1ea = wPPUpPPBuffer
$d1ea = wCurMailAuthorID
$d1ea = wTreeMonCoordScore
$d1ea = wPCItemQuantityChange
$d1ea = wMagikarpLength
$d1ea = wFieldMoveJumptableIndex
$d1ea = wFinalCatchRate
$d1ea = wTempMysteryGiftTimer
$d1ea = wHPBuffer1
$d1ea = wFieldMoveData
$d1ea = wCurMapScriptBank
$d1ea = wKurtApricornCount
$d1ea = wEvolutionOldSpecies
$d1ea = wBattleHUDTiles
$d1ea = wd1ea
$d1ea = wExpToNextLevel
$d1ea = wEnemyAIMoveScores
$d1ea = wEnemyEffectivenessVsPlayerMons
$d1ea = wHealMachineAnimType
$d1ea = wSkipMovesBeforeLevelUp
$d1ea = wRestartClockCurDivision
$d1ea = wBuySellItemPrice
$d1ea = wCurDecoration
$d1ea = wMonSubmenuCount
$d1ea = wMonIDDigitsBuffer
$d1ea = wRegisteredPhoneNumbers
$d1ea = wCurHPAnimMaxHP
$d1ea = wListMovesLineSpacing
$d1eb = wThrownBallWobbleCount
$d1eb = wEscapeRopeOrDigType
$d1eb = wSurfingPlayerState
$d1eb = wKurtApricornItems
$d1eb = wMonSubmenuItems
$d1eb = wPlayerEffectivenessVsEnemyMons
$d1eb = wRemainingBGEventCount
$d1eb = wFishingRodUsed
$d1eb = wSelectedDecorationSide
$d1eb = wTreeMonOTIDScore
$d1eb = wd1eb
$d1eb = wEvolutionNewSpecies
$d1eb = wRestartClockPrevDivision
$d1eb = wSwitchMonTo
$d1eb = wPCItemQuantity
$d1eb = wHealMachineTempOBP1
$d1ec = wSelectedDecoration
$d1ec = wBottomRightYCoord
$d1ec = wCutWhirlpoolOverworldBlockAddr
$d1ec = wHPBuffer2
$d1ec = wSwitchMonFrom
$d1ec = wd1ec
$d1ec = wCurHPAnimOldHP
$d1ec = wCurMailIndex
$d1ec = wEvolutionPicOffset
$d1ec = wHealMachineAnimState
$d1ec = wRestartClockUpArrowYCoord
$d1ed = wOtherDecoration
$d1ed = wEvolutionCanceled
$d1ed = wd1ed
$d1ed = wBottomRightXCoord
$d1ed = wRestartClockDay
$d1ee = wChangedDecorations
$d1ee = wHPBuffer3
$d1ee = wd1ee
$d1ee = wCutWhirlpoolReplacementBlock
$d1ee = wRestartClockHour
$d1ee = wCurHPAnimNewHP
$d1ef = wFishingResult
$d1ef = wCutWhirlpoolAnimationType
$d1ef = wd1ef
$d1ef = wCurDecorationCategory
$d1ef = wStrengthSpecies
$d1ef = wRestartClockMin
$d1f0 = wd1f0
$d1f0 = wCurHPAnimPal
$d1f1 = wd1f1
$d1f1 = wCurEnemyItem
$d1f1 = wCurHPBarPixels
$d1f1 = wFieldMoveDataEnd
$d1f2 = wd1f2
$d1f2 = wNewHPBarPixels
$d1f3 = wLinkBattleRNPreamble
$d1f3 = wd1f3
$d1f3 = wCurHPAnimDeltaHP
$d1f5 = wCurHPAnimLowHP
$d1f6 = wCurHPAnimHighHP
$d1fa = wLinkBattleRNs
$d204 = wTempEnemyMonSpecies
$d205 = wTempBattleMonSpecies
$d206 = wEnemyMonSpecies
$d206 = wOTLinkBattleRNData
$d206 = wEnemyMon
$d207 = wEnemyMonItem
$d208 = wEnemyMonMoves
$d20c = wEnemyMonDVs
$d20e = wEnemyMonPP
$d212 = wEnemyMonHappiness
$d213 = wEnemyMonLevel
$d214 = wEnemyMonStatus
$d216 = wEnemyMonHP
$d218 = wEnemyMonMaxHP
$d21a = wEnemyMonAttack
$d21a = wEnemyMonStats
$d21c = wEnemyMonDefense
$d21e = wEnemyMonSpeed
$d220 = wEnemyMonSpclAtk
$d222 = wEnemyMonSpclDef
$d224 = wEnemyMonType
$d224 = wEnemyMonType1
$d225 = wEnemyMonType2
$d226 = wEnemyMonBaseStats
$d226 = wEnemyMonStructEnd
$d22b = wEnemyMonCatchRate
$d22c = wEnemyMonBaseExp
$d22d = wBattleMode
$d22d = wEnemyMonEnd
$d22e = wTempWildMonSpecies
$d22f = wOtherTrainerClass
$d230 = wBattleType
$d231 = wOtherTrainerID
$d232 = wForcedSwitch
$d233 = wTrainerClass
$d234 = wUnownLetter
$d235 = wMoveSelectionMenuType
$d236 = wCurBaseData
$d236 = wBaseDexNo
$d237 = wBaseStats
$d237 = wBaseHP
$d238 = wBaseAttack
$d239 = wBaseDefense
$d23a = wBaseSpeed
$d23b = wBaseSpecialAttack
$d23c = wBaseSpecialDefense
$d23d = wBaseType1
$d23d = wBaseType
$d23e = wBaseType2
$d23f = wBaseCatchRate
$d240 = wBaseExp
$d241 = wBaseItem1
$d241 = wBaseItems
$d242 = wBaseItem2
$d243 = wBaseGender
$d244 = wBaseUnknown1
$d245 = wBaseEggSteps
$d246 = wBaseUnknown2
$d247 = wBasePicSize
$d248 = wBaseUnusedFrontpic
$d24a = wBaseUnusedBackpic
$d24c = wBaseGrowthRate
$d24d = wBaseEggGroups
$d24e = wBaseTMHM
$d256 = wCurDamage
$d256 = wCurBaseDataEnd
$d25a = wMornEncounterRate
$d25b = wDayEncounterRate
$d25c = wNiteEncounterRate
$d25d = wWaterEncounterRate
$d25e = wListMoves_MoveIndicesBuffer
$d262 = wPutativeTMHMMove
$d263 = wInitListType
$d264 = wBattleHasJustStarted
$d265 = wCurType
$d265 = wNextBoxOrPartyIndex
$d265 = wMoveGrammar
$d265 = wTempSpecies
$d265 = wUsePPUp
$d265 = wTempTMHM
$d265 = wTextDecimalByte
$d265 = wBreedingCompatibility
$d265 = wTempPP
$d265 = wd265
$d265 = wTempIconSpecies
$d265 = wNumSetBits
$d265 = wTempByteValue
$d265 = wNamedObjectIndex
$d265 = wTypeMatchup
$d265 = wChosenCableClubRoom
$d265 = wApplyStatLevelMultipliersToEnemy
$d266 = wFailedToFlee
$d267 = wNumFleeAttempts
$d268 = wMonTriedToEvolve
$d269 = wTimeOfDay
SECTION: $d26b-$dcd6 ($0a6c bytes) ["Enemy Party"]
$d26b = wOTPlayerName
$d26b = wOTPartyData
$d26b = wPokedexShowPointerAddr
$d26b = wUnusedEggHatchFlag
$d26d = wPokedexShowPointerBank
$d271 = wd271
$d276 = wOTPlayerID
$d280 = wOTPartyCount
$d281 = wOTPartySpecies
$d287 = wOTPartyEnd
$d288 = wOTPartyMon1Species
$d288 = wOTPartyMons
$d288 = wOTPartyMon1
$d288 = wDudeNumItems
$d289 = wDudeItems
$d289 = wOTPartyMon1Item
$d28a = wOTPartyMon1Moves
$d28e = wOTPartyMon1ID
$d290 = wOTPartyMon1Exp
$d292 = wDudeNumKeyItems
$d293 = wOTPartyMon1HPExp
$d293 = wDudeKeyItems
$d293 = wOTPartyMon1StatExp
$d295 = wOTPartyMon1AtkExp
$d297 = wOTPartyMon1DefExp
$d299 = wOTPartyMon1SpdExp
$d29b = wOTPartyMon1SpcExp
$d29d = wOTPartyMon1DVs
$d29f = wOTPartyMon1PP
$d2a3 = wOTPartyMon1Happiness
$d2a4 = wOTPartyMon1PokerusStatus
$d2a5 = wOTPartyMon1CaughtData
$d2a5 = wOTPartyMon1CaughtTime
$d2a5 = wOTPartyMon1CaughtLevel
$d2a6 = wOTPartyMon1CaughtLocation
$d2a6 = wDudeNumBalls
$d2a6 = wOTPartyMon1CaughtGender
$d2a7 = wOTPartyMon1Level
$d2a7 = wDudeBalls
$d2a8 = wOTPartyMon1BoxEnd
$d2a8 = wOTPartyMon1Status
$d2a9 = wOTPartyMon1Unused
$d2aa = wOTPartyMon1HP
$d2ac = wOTPartyMon1MaxHP
$d2ae = wOTPartyMon1Attack
$d2ae = wOTPartyMon1Stats
$d2b0 = wOTPartyMon1Defense
$d2b2 = wOTPartyMon1Speed
$d2b4 = wOTPartyMon1SpclAtk
$d2b6 = wOTPartyMon1SpclDef
$d2b8 = wOTPartyMon1StructEnd
$d2b8 = wOTPartyMon2Species
$d2b8 = wOTPartyMon2
$d2b9 = wOTPartyMon2Item
$d2ba = wOTPartyMon2Moves
$d2be = wOTPartyMon2ID
$d2c0 = wOTPartyMon2Exp
$d2c3 = wOTPartyMon2HPExp
$d2c3 = wOTPartyMon2StatExp
$d2c5 = wOTPartyMon2AtkExp
$d2c7 = wOTPartyMon2DefExp
$d2c9 = wOTPartyMon2SpdExp
$d2cb = wOTPartyMon2SpcExp
$d2cd = wOTPartyMon2DVs
$d2cf = wOTPartyMon2PP
$d2d3 = wOTPartyMon2Happiness
$d2d4 = wOTPartyMon2PokerusStatus
$d2d5 = wOTPartyMon2CaughtLevel
$d2d5 = wOTPartyMon2CaughtData
$d2d5 = wOTPartyMon2CaughtTime
$d2d6 = wOTPartyMon2CaughtLocation
$d2d6 = wOTPartyMon2CaughtGender
$d2d7 = wOTPartyMon2Level
$d2d8 = wOTPartyMon2Status
$d2d8 = wOTPartyMon2BoxEnd
$d2d9 = wOTPartyMon2Unused
$d2da = wOTPartyMon2HP
$d2dc = wOTPartyMon2MaxHP
$d2de = wOTPartyMon2Attack
$d2de = wOTPartyMon2Stats
$d2e0 = wOTPartyMon2Defense
$d2e2 = wOTPartyMon2Speed
$d2e4 = wOTPartyMon2SpclAtk
$d2e6 = wOTPartyMon2SpclDef
$d2e8 = wOTPartyMon2StructEnd
$d2e8 = wOTPartyMon3Species
$d2e8 = wOTPartyMon3
$d2e9 = wOTPartyMon3Item
$d2ea = wOTPartyMon3Moves
$d2ee = wOTPartyMon3ID
$d2f0 = wOTPartyMon3Exp
$d2f3 = wOTPartyMon3StatExp
$d2f3 = wOTPartyMon3HPExp
$d2f5 = wOTPartyMon3AtkExp
$d2f7 = wOTPartyMon3DefExp
$d2f9 = wOTPartyMon3SpdExp
$d2fb = wOTPartyMon3SpcExp
$d2fd = wOTPartyMon3DVs
$d2ff = wOTPartyMon3PP
$d303 = wOTPartyMon3Happiness
$d304 = wOTPartyMon3PokerusStatus
$d305 = wOTPartyMon3CaughtData
$d305 = wOTPartyMon3CaughtLevel
$d305 = wOTPartyMon3CaughtTime
$d306 = wOTPartyMon3CaughtLocation
$d306 = wOTPartyMon3CaughtGender
$d307 = wOTPartyMon3Level
$d308 = wOTPartyMon3BoxEnd
$d308 = wOTPartyMon3Status
$d309 = wOTPartyMon3Unused
$d30a = wOTPartyMon3HP
$d30c = wOTPartyMon3MaxHP
$d30e = wOTPartyMon3Attack
$d30e = wOTPartyMon3Stats
$d310 = wOTPartyMon3Defense
$d312 = wOTPartyMon3Speed
$d314 = wOTPartyMon3SpclAtk
$d316 = wOTPartyMon3SpclDef
$d318 = wOTPartyMon3StructEnd
$d318 = wOTPartyMon4Species
$d318 = wOTPartyMon4
$d319 = wOTPartyMon4Item
$d31a = wOTPartyMon4Moves
$d31e = wOTPartyMon4ID
$d320 = wOTPartyMon4Exp
$d323 = wOTPartyMon4StatExp
$d323 = wOTPartyMon4HPExp
$d325 = wOTPartyMon4AtkExp
$d327 = wOTPartyMon4DefExp
$d329 = wOTPartyMon4SpdExp
$d32b = wOTPartyMon4SpcExp
$d32d = wOTPartyMon4DVs
$d32f = wOTPartyMon4PP
$d333 = wOTPartyMon4Happiness
$d334 = wOTPartyMon4PokerusStatus
$d335 = wOTPartyMon4CaughtData
$d335 = wOTPartyMon4CaughtLevel
$d335 = wOTPartyMon4CaughtTime
$d336 = wOTPartyMon4CaughtLocation
$d336 = wOTPartyMon4CaughtGender
$d337 = wOTPartyMon4Level
$d338 = wOTPartyMon4BoxEnd
$d338 = wOTPartyMon4Status
$d339 = wOTPartyMon4Unused
$d33a = wOTPartyMon4HP
$d33c = wOTPartyMon4MaxHP
$d33e = wOTPartyMon4Stats
$d33e = wOTPartyMon4Attack
$d340 = wOTPartyMon4Defense
$d342 = wOTPartyMon4Speed
$d344 = wOTPartyMon4SpclAtk
$d346 = wOTPartyMon4SpclDef
$d348 = wOTPartyMon4StructEnd
$d348 = wOTPartyMon5Species
$d348 = wOTPartyMon5
$d349 = wOTPartyMon5Item
$d34a = wOTPartyMon5Moves
$d34e = wOTPartyMon5ID
$d350 = wOTPartyMon5Exp
$d353 = wOTPartyMon5HPExp
$d353 = wOTPartyMon5StatExp
$d355 = wOTPartyMon5AtkExp
$d357 = wOTPartyMon5DefExp
$d359 = wOTPartyMon5SpdExp
$d35b = wOTPartyMon5SpcExp
$d35d = wOTPartyMon5DVs
$d35f = wOTPartyMon5PP
$d363 = wOTPartyMon5Happiness
$d364 = wOTPartyMon5PokerusStatus
$d365 = wOTPartyMon5CaughtData
$d365 = wOTPartyMon5CaughtTime
$d365 = wOTPartyMon5CaughtLevel
$d366 = wOTPartyMon5CaughtLocation
$d366 = wOTPartyMon5CaughtGender
$d367 = wOTPartyMon5Level
$d368 = wOTPartyMon5BoxEnd
$d368 = wOTPartyMon5Status
$d369 = wOTPartyMon5Unused
$d36a = wOTPartyMon5HP
$d36c = wOTPartyMon5MaxHP
$d36e = wOTPartyMon5Attack
$d36e = wOTPartyMon5Stats
$d370 = wOTPartyMon5Defense
$d372 = wOTPartyMon5Speed
$d374 = wOTPartyMon5SpclAtk
$d376 = wOTPartyMon5SpclDef
$d378 = wOTPartyMon5StructEnd
$d378 = wOTPartyMon6Species
$d378 = wOTPartyMon6
$d379 = wOTPartyMon6Item
$d37a = wOTPartyMon6Moves
$d37e = wOTPartyMon6ID
$d380 = wOTPartyMon6Exp
$d383 = wOTPartyMon6StatExp
$d383 = wOTPartyMon6HPExp
$d385 = wOTPartyMon6AtkExp
$d387 = wOTPartyMon6DefExp
$d389 = wOTPartyMon6SpdExp
$d38b = wOTPartyMon6SpcExp
$d38d = wOTPartyMon6DVs
$d38f = wOTPartyMon6PP
$d393 = wOTPartyMon6Happiness
$d394 = wOTPartyMon6PokerusStatus
$d395 = wOTPartyMon6CaughtTime
$d395 = wOTPartyMon6CaughtLevel
$d395 = wOTPartyMon6CaughtData
$d396 = wOTPartyMon6CaughtLocation
$d396 = wOTPartyMon6CaughtGender
$d397 = wOTPartyMon6Level
$d398 = wOTPartyMon6BoxEnd
$d398 = wOTPartyMon6Status
$d399 = wOTPartyMon6Unused
$d39a = wOTPartyMon6HP
$d39c = wOTPartyMon6MaxHP
$d39e = wOTPartyMon6Attack
$d39e = wOTPartyMon6Stats
$d3a0 = wOTPartyMon6Defense
$d3a2 = wOTPartyMon6Speed
$d3a4 = wOTPartyMon6SpclAtk
$d3a6 = wOTPartyMon6SpclDef
$d3a8 = wOTPartyMonOTs
$d3a8 = wOTPartyMon1OT
$d3a8 = wOTPartyMon6StructEnd
$d3b3 = wOTPartyMon2OT
$d3be = wOTPartyMon3OT
$d3c9 = wOTPartyMon4OT
$d3d4 = wOTPartyMon5OT
$d3df = wOTPartyMon6OT
$d3ea = wOTPartyMonNicknames
$d3ea = wOTPartyMon1Nickname
$d3f5 = wOTPartyMon2Nickname
$d400 = wOTPartyMon3Nickname
$d40b = wOTPartyMon4Nickname
$d416 = wOTPartyMon5Nickname
$d421 = wOTPartyMon6Nickname
$d42c = wOTPartyDataEnd
$d430 = wd430
$d430 = wBattleAction
$d431 = wLinkBattleSentAction
$d432 = wMapStatus
$d433 = wMapEventStatus
$d434 = wScriptFlags
$d436 = wEnabledPlayerEvents
$d437 = wScriptMode
$d438 = wScriptRunning
$d439 = wScriptBank
$d43a = wScriptPos
$d43c = wScriptStackSize
$d43d = wScriptStack
$d44d = wScriptDelay
$d44e = wScriptTextBank
$d44e = wDeferredScriptBank
$d44f = wScriptTextAddr
$d44f = wDeferredScriptAddr
$d452 = wWildEncounterCooldown
$d453 = wXYComparePointer
$d459 = wBattleScriptFlags
$d45b = wPlayerSpriteSetupFlags
$d45c = wMapReentryScriptQueueFlag
$d45d = wMapReentryScriptBank
$d45e = wMapReentryScriptAddress
$d464 = wTimeCyclesSinceLastCall
$d465 = wReceiveCallDelay_MinsRemaining
$d466 = wReceiveCallDelay_StartTime
$d46c = wBugContestMinsRemaining
$d46d = wBugContestSecsRemaining
$d470 = wMapStatusEnd
$d472 = wCrystalData
$d472 = wPlayerGender
$d473 = wd473
$d474 = wd474
$d475 = wd475
$d476 = wd476
$d477 = wd477
$d478 = wd478
$d479 = wd479
$d479 = wCrystalDataEnd
$d47b = wPlayerID
$d47b = wPlayerData
$d47b = wGameData
$d47d = wPlayerName
$d488 = wMomsName
$d493 = wRivalName
$d49e = wRedsName
$d4a9 = wGreensName
$d4b4 = wSavedAtLeastOnce
$d4b5 = wSpawnAfterChampion
$d4b6 = wStartDay
$d4b7 = wStartHour
$d4b8 = wStartMinute
$d4b9 = wStartSecond
$d4ba = wRTC
$d4c2 = wDST
$d4c3 = wGameTime
$d4c3 = wGameTimeCap
$d4c4 = wGameTimeHours
$d4c6 = wGameTimeMinutes
$d4c7 = wGameTimeSeconds
$d4c8 = wGameTimeFrames
$d4cb = wCurDay
$d4cd = wObjectFollow_Leader
$d4ce = wObjectFollow_Follower
$d4cf = wCenteredObject
$d4d0 = wFollowerMovementQueueLength
$d4d1 = wFollowMovementQueue
$d4d6 = wObjectStructs
$d4d6 = wPlayerStruct
$d4d6 = wPlayerSprite
$d4d7 = wPlayerMapObjectIndex
$d4d8 = wPlayerSpriteTile
$d4d9 = wPlayerMovementType
$d4da = wPlayerFlags
$d4dc = wPlayerPalette
$d4dd = wPlayerWalking
$d4de = wPlayerDirection
$d4df = wPlayerStepType
$d4e0 = wPlayerStepDuration
$d4e1 = wPlayerAction
$d4e2 = wPlayerStepFrame
$d4e3 = wPlayerFacing
$d4e4 = wPlayerTileCollision
$d4e5 = wPlayerLastTile
$d4e6 = wPlayerMapX
$d4e7 = wPlayerMapY
$d4e8 = wPlayerLastMapX
$d4e9 = wPlayerLastMapY
$d4ea = wPlayerInitX
$d4eb = wPlayerInitY
$d4ec = wPlayerRadius
$d4ed = wPlayerSpriteX
$d4ee = wPlayerSpriteY
$d4ef = wPlayerSpriteXOffset
$d4f0 = wPlayerSpriteYOffset
$d4f1 = wPlayerMovementIndex
$d4f2 = wPlayerStepIndex
$d4f3 = wPlayerField1d
$d4f4 = wPlayerField1e
$d4f5 = wPlayerJumpHeight
$d4f6 = wPlayerRange
$d4fe = wPlayerStructEnd
$d4fe = wObject1Sprite
$d4fe = wObject1Struct
$d4ff = wObject1MapObjectIndex
$d500 = wObject1SpriteTile
$d501 = wObject1MovementType
$d502 = wObject1Flags
$d504 = wObject1Palette
$d505 = wObject1Walking
$d506 = wObject1Direction
$d507 = wObject1StepType
$d508 = wObject1StepDuration
$d509 = wObject1Action
$d50a = wObject1StepFrame
$d50b = wObject1Facing
$d50c = wObject1TileCollision
$d50d = wObject1LastTile
$d50e = wObject1MapX
$d50f = wObject1MapY
$d510 = wObject1LastMapX
$d511 = wObject1LastMapY
$d512 = wObject1InitX
$d513 = wObject1InitY
$d514 = wObject1Radius
$d515 = wObject1SpriteX
$d516 = wObject1SpriteY
$d517 = wObject1SpriteXOffset
$d518 = wObject1SpriteYOffset
$d519 = wObject1MovementIndex
$d51a = wObject1StepIndex
$d51b = wObject1Field1d
$d51c = wObject1Field1e
$d51d = wObject1JumpHeight
$d51e = wObject1Range
$d526 = wObject1StructEnd
$d526 = wObject2Sprite
$d526 = wObject2Struct
$d527 = wObject2MapObjectIndex
$d528 = wObject2SpriteTile
$d529 = wObject2MovementType
$d52a = wObject2Flags
$d52c = wObject2Palette
$d52d = wObject2Walking
$d52e = wObject2Direction
$d52f = wObject2StepType
$d530 = wObject2StepDuration
$d531 = wObject2Action
$d532 = wObject2StepFrame
$d533 = wObject2Facing
$d534 = wObject2TileCollision
$d535 = wObject2LastTile
$d536 = wObject2MapX
$d537 = wObject2MapY
$d538 = wObject2LastMapX
$d539 = wObject2LastMapY
$d53a = wObject2InitX
$d53b = wObject2InitY
$d53c = wObject2Radius
$d53d = wObject2SpriteX
$d53e = wObject2SpriteY
$d53f = wObject2SpriteXOffset
$d540 = wObject2SpriteYOffset
$d541 = wObject2MovementIndex
$d542 = wObject2StepIndex
$d543 = wObject2Field1d
$d544 = wObject2Field1e
$d545 = wObject2JumpHeight
$d546 = wObject2Range
$d54e = wObject3Struct
$d54e = wObject2StructEnd
$d54e = wObject3Sprite
$d54f = wObject3MapObjectIndex
$d550 = wObject3SpriteTile
$d551 = wObject3MovementType
$d552 = wObject3Flags
$d554 = wObject3Palette
$d555 = wObject3Walking
$d556 = wObject3Direction
$d557 = wObject3StepType
$d558 = wObject3StepDuration
$d559 = wObject3Action
$d55a = wObject3StepFrame
$d55b = wObject3Facing
$d55c = wObject3TileCollision
$d55d = wObject3LastTile
$d55e = wObject3MapX
$d55f = wObject3MapY
$d560 = wObject3LastMapX
$d561 = wObject3LastMapY
$d562 = wObject3InitX
$d563 = wObject3InitY
$d564 = wObject3Radius
$d565 = wObject3SpriteX
$d566 = wObject3SpriteY
$d567 = wObject3SpriteXOffset
$d568 = wObject3SpriteYOffset
$d569 = wObject3MovementIndex
$d56a = wObject3StepIndex
$d56b = wObject3Field1d
$d56c = wObject3Field1e
$d56d = wObject3JumpHeight
$d56e = wObject3Range
$d576 = wObject3StructEnd
$d576 = wObject4Sprite
$d576 = wObject4Struct
$d577 = wObject4MapObjectIndex
$d578 = wObject4SpriteTile
$d579 = wObject4MovementType
$d57a = wObject4Flags
$d57c = wObject4Palette
$d57d = wObject4Walking
$d57e = wObject4Direction
$d57f = wObject4StepType
$d580 = wObject4StepDuration
$d581 = wObject4Action
$d582 = wObject4StepFrame
$d583 = wObject4Facing
$d584 = wObject4TileCollision
$d585 = wObject4LastTile
$d586 = wObject4MapX
$d587 = wObject4MapY
$d588 = wObject4LastMapX
$d589 = wObject4LastMapY
$d58a = wObject4InitX
$d58b = wObject4InitY
$d58c = wObject4Radius
$d58d = wObject4SpriteX
$d58e = wObject4SpriteY
$d58f = wObject4SpriteXOffset
$d590 = wObject4SpriteYOffset
$d591 = wObject4MovementIndex
$d592 = wObject4StepIndex
$d593 = wObject4Field1d
$d594 = wObject4Field1e
$d595 = wObject4JumpHeight
$d596 = wObject4Range
$d59e = wObject5Sprite
$d59e = wObject4StructEnd
$d59e = wObject5Struct
$d59f = wObject5MapObjectIndex
$d5a0 = wObject5SpriteTile
$d5a1 = wObject5MovementType
$d5a2 = wObject5Flags
$d5a4 = wObject5Palette
$d5a5 = wObject5Walking
$d5a6 = wObject5Direction
$d5a7 = wObject5StepType
$d5a8 = wObject5StepDuration
$d5a9 = wObject5Action
$d5aa = wObject5StepFrame
$d5ab = wObject5Facing
$d5ac = wObject5TileCollision
$d5ad = wObject5LastTile
$d5ae = wObject5MapX
$d5af = wObject5MapY
$d5b0 = wObject5LastMapX
$d5b1 = wObject5LastMapY
$d5b2 = wObject5InitX
$d5b3 = wObject5InitY
$d5b4 = wObject5Radius
$d5b5 = wObject5SpriteX
$d5b6 = wObject5SpriteY
$d5b7 = wObject5SpriteXOffset
$d5b8 = wObject5SpriteYOffset
$d5b9 = wObject5MovementIndex
$d5ba = wObject5StepIndex
$d5bb = wObject5Field1d
$d5bc = wObject5Field1e
$d5bd = wObject5JumpHeight
$d5be = wObject5Range
$d5c6 = wObject6Sprite
$d5c6 = wObject6Struct
$d5c6 = wObject5StructEnd
$d5c7 = wObject6MapObjectIndex
$d5c8 = wObject6SpriteTile
$d5c9 = wObject6MovementType
$d5ca = wObject6Flags
$d5cc = wObject6Palette
$d5cd = wObject6Walking
$d5ce = wObject6Direction
$d5cf = wObject6StepType
$d5d0 = wObject6StepDuration
$d5d1 = wObject6Action
$d5d2 = wObject6StepFrame
$d5d3 = wObject6Facing
$d5d4 = wObject6TileCollision
$d5d5 = wObject6LastTile
$d5d6 = wObject6MapX
$d5d7 = wObject6MapY
$d5d8 = wObject6LastMapX
$d5d9 = wObject6LastMapY
$d5da = wObject6InitX
$d5db = wObject6InitY
$d5dc = wObject6Radius
$d5dd = wObject6SpriteX
$d5de = wObject6SpriteY
$d5df = wObject6SpriteXOffset
$d5e0 = wObject6SpriteYOffset
$d5e1 = wObject6MovementIndex
$d5e2 = wObject6StepIndex
$d5e3 = wObject6Field1d
$d5e4 = wObject6Field1e
$d5e5 = wObject6JumpHeight
$d5e6 = wObject6Range
$d5ee = wObject7Sprite
$d5ee = wObject6StructEnd
$d5ee = wObject7Struct
$d5ef = wObject7MapObjectIndex
$d5f0 = wObject7SpriteTile
$d5f1 = wObject7MovementType
$d5f2 = wObject7Flags
$d5f4 = wObject7Palette
$d5f5 = wObject7Walking
$d5f6 = wObject7Direction
$d5f7 = wObject7StepType
$d5f8 = wObject7StepDuration
$d5f9 = wObject7Action
$d5fa = wObject7StepFrame
$d5fb = wObject7Facing
$d5fc = wObject7TileCollision
$d5fd = wObject7LastTile
$d5fe = wObject7MapX
$d5ff = wObject7MapY
$d600 = wObject7LastMapX
$d601 = wObject7LastMapY
$d602 = wObject7InitX
$d603 = wObject7InitY
$d604 = wObject7Radius
$d605 = wObject7SpriteX
$d606 = wObject7SpriteY
$d607 = wObject7SpriteXOffset
$d608 = wObject7SpriteYOffset
$d609 = wObject7MovementIndex
$d60a = wObject7StepIndex
$d60b = wObject7Field1d
$d60c = wObject7Field1e
$d60d = wObject7JumpHeight
$d60e = wObject7Range
$d616 = wObject7StructEnd
$d616 = wObject8Sprite
$d616 = wObject8Struct
$d617 = wObject8MapObjectIndex
$d618 = wObject8SpriteTile
$d619 = wObject8MovementType
$d61a = wObject8Flags
$d61c = wObject8Palette
$d61d = wObject8Walking
$d61e = wObject8Direction
$d61f = wObject8StepType
$d620 = wObject8StepDuration
$d621 = wObject8Action
$d622 = wObject8StepFrame
$d623 = wObject8Facing
$d624 = wObject8TileCollision
$d625 = wObject8LastTile
$d626 = wObject8MapX
$d627 = wObject8MapY
$d628 = wObject8LastMapX
$d629 = wObject8LastMapY
$d62a = wObject8InitX
$d62b = wObject8InitY
$d62c = wObject8Radius
$d62d = wObject8SpriteX
$d62e = wObject8SpriteY
$d62f = wObject8SpriteXOffset
$d630 = wObject8SpriteYOffset
$d631 = wObject8MovementIndex
$d632 = wObject8StepIndex
$d633 = wObject8Field1d
$d634 = wObject8Field1e
$d635 = wObject8JumpHeight
$d636 = wObject8Range
$d63e = wObject9Struct
$d63e = wObject8StructEnd
$d63e = wObject9Sprite
$d63f = wObject9MapObjectIndex
$d640 = wObject9SpriteTile
$d641 = wObject9MovementType
$d642 = wObject9Flags
$d644 = wObject9Palette
$d645 = wObject9Walking
$d646 = wObject9Direction
$d647 = wObject9StepType
$d648 = wObject9StepDuration
$d649 = wObject9Action
$d64a = wObject9StepFrame
$d64b = wObject9Facing
$d64c = wObject9TileCollision
$d64d = wObject9LastTile
$d64e = wObject9MapX
$d64f = wObject9MapY
$d650 = wObject9LastMapX
$d651 = wObject9LastMapY
$d652 = wObject9InitX
$d653 = wObject9InitY
$d654 = wObject9Radius
$d655 = wObject9SpriteX
$d656 = wObject9SpriteY
$d657 = wObject9SpriteXOffset
$d658 = wObject9SpriteYOffset
$d659 = wObject9MovementIndex
$d65a = wObject9StepIndex
$d65b = wObject9Field1d
$d65c = wObject9Field1e
$d65d = wObject9JumpHeight
$d65e = wObject9Range
$d666 = wObject10Struct
$d666 = wObject10Sprite
$d666 = wObject9StructEnd
$d667 = wObject10MapObjectIndex
$d668 = wObject10SpriteTile
$d669 = wObject10MovementType
$d66a = wObject10Flags
$d66c = wObject10Palette
$d66d = wObject10Walking
$d66e = wObject10Direction
$d66f = wObject10StepType
$d670 = wObject10StepDuration
$d671 = wObject10Action
$d672 = wObject10StepFrame
$d673 = wObject10Facing
$d674 = wObject10TileCollision
$d675 = wObject10LastTile
$d676 = wObject10MapX
$d677 = wObject10MapY
$d678 = wObject10LastMapX
$d679 = wObject10LastMapY
$d67a = wObject10InitX
$d67b = wObject10InitY
$d67c = wObject10Radius
$d67d = wObject10SpriteX
$d67e = wObject10SpriteY
$d67f = wObject10SpriteXOffset
$d680 = wObject10SpriteYOffset
$d681 = wObject10MovementIndex
$d682 = wObject10StepIndex
$d683 = wObject10Field1d
$d684 = wObject10Field1e
$d685 = wObject10JumpHeight
$d686 = wObject10Range
$d68e = wObject11Sprite
$d68e = wObject11Struct
$d68e = wObject10StructEnd
$d68f = wObject11MapObjectIndex
$d690 = wObject11SpriteTile
$d691 = wObject11MovementType
$d692 = wObject11Flags
$d694 = wObject11Palette
$d695 = wObject11Walking
$d696 = wObject11Direction
$d697 = wObject11StepType
$d698 = wObject11StepDuration
$d699 = wObject11Action
$d69a = wObject11StepFrame
$d69b = wObject11Facing
$d69c = wObject11TileCollision
$d69d = wObject11LastTile
$d69e = wObject11MapX
$d69f = wObject11MapY
$d6a0 = wObject11LastMapX
$d6a1 = wObject11LastMapY
$d6a2 = wObject11InitX
$d6a3 = wObject11InitY
$d6a4 = wObject11Radius
$d6a5 = wObject11SpriteX
$d6a6 = wObject11SpriteY
$d6a7 = wObject11SpriteXOffset
$d6a8 = wObject11SpriteYOffset
$d6a9 = wObject11MovementIndex
$d6aa = wObject11StepIndex
$d6ab = wObject11Field1d
$d6ac = wObject11Field1e
$d6ad = wObject11JumpHeight
$d6ae = wObject11Range
$d6b6 = wObject11StructEnd
$d6b6 = wObject12Struct
$d6b6 = wObject12Sprite
$d6b7 = wObject12MapObjectIndex
$d6b8 = wObject12SpriteTile
$d6b9 = wObject12MovementType
$d6ba = wObject12Flags
$d6bc = wObject12Palette
$d6bd = wObject12Walking
$d6be = wObject12Direction
$d6bf = wObject12StepType
$d6c0 = wObject12StepDuration
$d6c1 = wObject12Action
$d6c2 = wObject12StepFrame
$d6c3 = wObject12Facing
$d6c4 = wObject12TileCollision
$d6c5 = wObject12LastTile
$d6c6 = wObject12MapX
$d6c7 = wObject12MapY
$d6c8 = wObject12LastMapX
$d6c9 = wObject12LastMapY
$d6ca = wObject12InitX
$d6cb = wObject12InitY
$d6cc = wObject12Radius
$d6cd = wObject12SpriteX
$d6ce = wObject12SpriteY
$d6cf = wObject12SpriteXOffset
$d6d0 = wObject12SpriteYOffset
$d6d1 = wObject12MovementIndex
$d6d2 = wObject12StepIndex
$d6d3 = wObject12Field1d
$d6d4 = wObject12Field1e
$d6d5 = wObject12JumpHeight
$d6d6 = wObject12Range
$d6de = wObject12StructEnd
$d6de = wCmdQueue
$d71e = wPlayerObject
$d71e = wMapObjects
$d71e = wPlayerObjectStructID
$d71f = wPlayerObjectSprite
$d720 = wPlayerObjectYCoord
$d721 = wPlayerObjectXCoord
$d722 = wPlayerObjectMovement
$d723 = wPlayerObjectRadius
$d724 = wPlayerObjectHour1
$d725 = wPlayerObjectTimeOfDay
$d725 = wPlayerObjectHour2
$d726 = wPlayerObjectType
$d726 = wPlayerObjectPalette
$d727 = wPlayerObjectSightRange
$d728 = wPlayerObjectScript
$d72a = wPlayerObjectEventFlag
$d72e = wMap1ObjectStructID
$d72e = wMap1Object
$d72f = wMap1ObjectSprite
$d730 = wMap1ObjectYCoord
$d731 = wMap1ObjectXCoord
$d732 = wMap1ObjectMovement
$d733 = wMap1ObjectRadius
$d734 = wMap1ObjectHour1
$d735 = wMap1ObjectHour2
$d735 = wMap1ObjectTimeOfDay
$d736 = wMap1ObjectPalette
$d736 = wMap1ObjectType
$d737 = wMap1ObjectSightRange
$d738 = wMap1ObjectScript
$d73a = wMap1ObjectEventFlag
$d73e = wMap2Object
$d73e = wMap2ObjectStructID
$d73f = wMap2ObjectSprite
$d740 = wMap2ObjectYCoord
$d741 = wMap2ObjectXCoord
$d742 = wMap2ObjectMovement
$d743 = wMap2ObjectRadius
$d744 = wMap2ObjectHour1
$d745 = wMap2ObjectTimeOfDay
$d745 = wMap2ObjectHour2
$d746 = wMap2ObjectType
$d746 = wMap2ObjectPalette
$d747 = wMap2ObjectSightRange
$d748 = wMap2ObjectScript
$d74a = wMap2ObjectEventFlag
$d74e = wMap3Object
$d74e = wMap3ObjectStructID
$d74f = wMap3ObjectSprite
$d750 = wMap3ObjectYCoord
$d751 = wMap3ObjectXCoord
$d752 = wMap3ObjectMovement
$d753 = wMap3ObjectRadius
$d754 = wMap3ObjectHour1
$d755 = wMap3ObjectTimeOfDay
$d755 = wMap3ObjectHour2
$d756 = wMap3ObjectPalette
$d756 = wMap3ObjectType
$d757 = wMap3ObjectSightRange
$d758 = wMap3ObjectScript
$d75a = wMap3ObjectEventFlag
$d75e = wMap4ObjectStructID
$d75e = wMap4Object
$d75f = wMap4ObjectSprite
$d760 = wMap4ObjectYCoord
$d761 = wMap4ObjectXCoord
$d762 = wMap4ObjectMovement
$d763 = wMap4ObjectRadius
$d764 = wMap4ObjectHour1
$d765 = wMap4ObjectTimeOfDay
$d765 = wMap4ObjectHour2
$d766 = wMap4ObjectPalette
$d766 = wMap4ObjectType
$d767 = wMap4ObjectSightRange
$d768 = wMap4ObjectScript
$d76a = wMap4ObjectEventFlag
$d76e = wMap5Object
$d76e = wMap5ObjectStructID
$d76f = wMap5ObjectSprite
$d770 = wMap5ObjectYCoord
$d771 = wMap5ObjectXCoord
$d772 = wMap5ObjectMovement
$d773 = wMap5ObjectRadius
$d774 = wMap5ObjectHour1
$d775 = wMap5ObjectTimeOfDay
$d775 = wMap5ObjectHour2
$d776 = wMap5ObjectType
$d776 = wMap5ObjectPalette
$d777 = wMap5ObjectSightRange
$d778 = wMap5ObjectScript
$d77a = wMap5ObjectEventFlag
$d77e = wMap6ObjectStructID
$d77e = wMap6Object
$d77f = wMap6ObjectSprite
$d780 = wMap6ObjectYCoord
$d781 = wMap6ObjectXCoord
$d782 = wMap6ObjectMovement
$d783 = wMap6ObjectRadius
$d784 = wMap6ObjectHour1
$d785 = wMap6ObjectHour2
$d785 = wMap6ObjectTimeOfDay
$d786 = wMap6ObjectPalette
$d786 = wMap6ObjectType
$d787 = wMap6ObjectSightRange
$d788 = wMap6ObjectScript
$d78a = wMap6ObjectEventFlag
$d78e = wMap7ObjectStructID
$d78e = wMap7Object
$d78f = wMap7ObjectSprite
$d790 = wMap7ObjectYCoord
$d791 = wMap7ObjectXCoord
$d792 = wMap7ObjectMovement
$d793 = wMap7ObjectRadius
$d794 = wMap7ObjectHour1
$d795 = wMap7ObjectTimeOfDay
$d795 = wMap7ObjectHour2
$d796 = wMap7ObjectType
$d796 = wMap7ObjectPalette
$d797 = wMap7ObjectSightRange
$d798 = wMap7ObjectScript
$d79a = wMap7ObjectEventFlag
$d79e = wMap8Object
$d79e = wMap8ObjectStructID
$d79f = wMap8ObjectSprite
$d7a0 = wMap8ObjectYCoord
$d7a1 = wMap8ObjectXCoord
$d7a2 = wMap8ObjectMovement
$d7a3 = wMap8ObjectRadius
$d7a4 = wMap8ObjectHour1
$d7a5 = wMap8ObjectHour2
$d7a5 = wMap8ObjectTimeOfDay
$d7a6 = wMap8ObjectPalette
$d7a6 = wMap8ObjectType
$d7a7 = wMap8ObjectSightRange
$d7a8 = wMap8ObjectScript
$d7aa = wMap8ObjectEventFlag
$d7ae = wMap9ObjectStructID
$d7ae = wMap9Object
$d7af = wMap9ObjectSprite
$d7b0 = wMap9ObjectYCoord
$d7b1 = wMap9ObjectXCoord
$d7b2 = wMap9ObjectMovement
$d7b3 = wMap9ObjectRadius
$d7b4 = wMap9ObjectHour1
$d7b5 = wMap9ObjectHour2
$d7b5 = wMap9ObjectTimeOfDay
$d7b6 = wMap9ObjectPalette
$d7b6 = wMap9ObjectType
$d7b7 = wMap9ObjectSightRange
$d7b8 = wMap9ObjectScript
$d7ba = wMap9ObjectEventFlag
$d7be = wMap10ObjectStructID
$d7be = wMap10Object
$d7bf = wMap10ObjectSprite
$d7c0 = wMap10ObjectYCoord
$d7c1 = wMap10ObjectXCoord
$d7c2 = wMap10ObjectMovement
$d7c3 = wMap10ObjectRadius
$d7c4 = wMap10ObjectHour1
$d7c5 = wMap10ObjectHour2
$d7c5 = wMap10ObjectTimeOfDay
$d7c6 = wMap10ObjectPalette
$d7c6 = wMap10ObjectType
$d7c7 = wMap10ObjectSightRange
$d7c8 = wMap10ObjectScript
$d7ca = wMap10ObjectEventFlag
$d7ce = wMap11ObjectStructID
$d7ce = wMap11Object
$d7cf = wMap11ObjectSprite
$d7d0 = wMap11ObjectYCoord
$d7d1 = wMap11ObjectXCoord
$d7d2 = wMap11ObjectMovement
$d7d3 = wMap11ObjectRadius
$d7d4 = wMap11ObjectHour1
$d7d5 = wMap11ObjectHour2
$d7d5 = wMap11ObjectTimeOfDay
$d7d6 = wMap11ObjectType
$d7d6 = wMap11ObjectPalette
$d7d7 = wMap11ObjectSightRange
$d7d8 = wMap11ObjectScript
$d7da = wMap11ObjectEventFlag
$d7de = wMap12ObjectStructID
$d7de = wMap12Object
$d7df = wMap12ObjectSprite
$d7e0 = wMap12ObjectYCoord
$d7e1 = wMap12ObjectXCoord
$d7e2 = wMap12ObjectMovement
$d7e3 = wMap12ObjectRadius
$d7e4 = wMap12ObjectHour1
$d7e5 = wMap12ObjectTimeOfDay
$d7e5 = wMap12ObjectHour2
$d7e6 = wMap12ObjectType
$d7e6 = wMap12ObjectPalette
$d7e7 = wMap12ObjectSightRange
$d7e8 = wMap12ObjectScript
$d7ea = wMap12ObjectEventFlag
$d7ee = wMap13ObjectStructID
$d7ee = wMap13Object
$d7ef = wMap13ObjectSprite
$d7f0 = wMap13ObjectYCoord
$d7f1 = wMap13ObjectXCoord
$d7f2 = wMap13ObjectMovement
$d7f3 = wMap13ObjectRadius
$d7f4 = wMap13ObjectHour1
$d7f5 = wMap13ObjectTimeOfDay
$d7f5 = wMap13ObjectHour2
$d7f6 = wMap13ObjectPalette
$d7f6 = wMap13ObjectType
$d7f7 = wMap13ObjectSightRange
$d7f8 = wMap13ObjectScript
$d7fa = wMap13ObjectEventFlag
$d7fe = wMap14Object
$d7fe = wMap14ObjectStructID
$d7ff = wMap14ObjectSprite
$d800 = wMap14ObjectYCoord
$d801 = wMap14ObjectXCoord
$d802 = wMap14ObjectMovement
$d803 = wMap14ObjectRadius
$d804 = wMap14ObjectHour1
$d805 = wMap14ObjectTimeOfDay
$d805 = wMap14ObjectHour2
$d806 = wMap14ObjectPalette
$d806 = wMap14ObjectType
$d807 = wMap14ObjectSightRange
$d808 = wMap14ObjectScript
$d80a = wMap14ObjectEventFlag
$d80e = wMap15Object
$d80e = wMap15ObjectStructID
$d80f = wMap15ObjectSprite
$d810 = wMap15ObjectYCoord
$d811 = wMap15ObjectXCoord
$d812 = wMap15ObjectMovement
$d813 = wMap15ObjectRadius
$d814 = wMap15ObjectHour1
$d815 = wMap15ObjectHour2
$d815 = wMap15ObjectTimeOfDay
$d816 = wMap15ObjectPalette
$d816 = wMap15ObjectType
$d817 = wMap15ObjectSightRange
$d818 = wMap15ObjectScript
$d81a = wMap15ObjectEventFlag
$d81e = wObjectMasks
$d82e = wVariableSprites
$d83e = wEnteredMapFromContinue
$d841 = wTimeOfDayPal
$d846 = wTimeOfDayPalFlags
$d847 = wTimeOfDayPalset
$d848 = wCurTimeOfDay
$d84a = wSecretID
$d84c = wStatusFlags
$d84d = wStatusFlags2
$d84e = wMoney
$d851 = wMomsMoney
$d854 = wMomSavingMoney
$d855 = wCoins
$d857 = wBadges
$d857 = wJohtoBadges
$d858 = wKantoBadges
$d859 = wTMsHMs
$d892 = wNumItems
$d893 = wItems
$d8bc = wNumKeyItems
$d8bd = wKeyItems
$d8d7 = wNumBalls
$d8d8 = wBalls
$d8f1 = wNumPCItems
$d8f2 = wPCItems
$d957 = wPokegearFlags
$d958 = wRadioTuningKnob
$d959 = wLastDexMode
$d95b = wWhichRegisteredItem
$d95c = wRegisteredItem
$d95d = wPlayerState
$d95e = wHallOfFameCount
$d960 = wTradeFlags
$d962 = wMooMooBerries
$d963 = wUndergroundSwitchPositions
$d964 = wFarfetchdPosition
$d972 = wPokecenter2FSceneID
$d973 = wTradeCenterSceneID
$d974 = wColosseumSceneID
$d975 = wTimeCapsuleSceneID
$d976 = wPowerPlantSceneID
$d977 = wCeruleanGymSceneID
$d978 = wRoute25SceneID
$d979 = wTrainerHouseB1FSceneID
$d97a = wVictoryRoadGateSceneID
$d97b = wSaffronMagnetTrainStationSceneID
$d97c = wRoute16GateSceneID
$d97d = wRoute17Route18GateSceneID
$d97e = wIndigoPlateauPokecenter1FSceneID
$d97f = wWillsRoomSceneID
$d980 = wKogasRoomSceneID
$d981 = wBrunosRoomSceneID
$d982 = wKarensRoomSceneID
$d983 = wLancesRoomSceneID
$d984 = wHallOfFameSceneID
$d985 = wRoute27SceneID
$d986 = wNewBarkTownSceneID
$d987 = wElmsLabSceneID
$d988 = wPlayersHouse1FSceneID
$d989 = wRoute29SceneID
$d98a = wCherrygroveCitySceneID
$d98b = wMrPokemonsHouseSceneID
$d98c = wRoute32SceneID
$d98d = wRoute35NationalParkGateSceneID
$d98e = wRoute36SceneID
$d98f = wRoute36NationalParkGateSceneID
$d990 = wAzaleaTownSceneID
$d991 = wGoldenrodGymSceneID
$d992 = wGoldenrodMagnetTrainStationSceneID
$d993 = wGoldenrodPokecenter1FSceneID
$d994 = wOlivineCitySceneID
$d995 = wRoute34SceneID
$d996 = wRoute34IlexForestGateSceneID
$d997 = wEcruteakTinTowerEntranceSceneID
$d998 = wWiseTriosRoomSceneID
$d999 = wEcruteakPokecenter1FSceneID
$d99a = wEcruteakGymSceneID
$d99b = wMahoganyTownSceneID
$d99c = wRoute42SceneID
$d99d = wCianwoodCitySceneID
$d99e = wBattleTower1FSceneID
$d99f = wBattleTowerBattleRoomSceneID
$d9a0 = wBattleTowerElevatorSceneID
$d9a1 = wBattleTowerHallwaySceneID
$d9a2 = wBattleTowerOutsideSceneID
$d9a3 = wRoute43GateSceneID
$d9a4 = wMountMoonSceneID
$d9a5 = wSproutTower3FSceneID
$d9a6 = wTinTower1FSceneID
$d9a7 = wBurnedTower1FSceneID
$d9a8 = wBurnedTowerB1FSceneID
$d9a9 = wRadioTower5FSceneID
$d9aa = wRuinsOfAlphOutsideSceneID
$d9ab = wRuinsOfAlphResearchCenterSceneID
$d9ac = wRuinsOfAlphHoOhChamberSceneID
$d9ad = wRuinsOfAlphKabutoChamberSceneID
$d9ae = wRuinsOfAlphOmanyteChamberSceneID
$d9af = wRuinsOfAlphAerodactylChamberSceneID
$d9b0 = wRuinsOfAlphInnerChamberSceneID
$d9b1 = wMahoganyMart1FSceneID
$d9b2 = wTeamRocketBaseB1FSceneID
$d9b3 = wTeamRocketBaseB2FSceneID
$d9b4 = wTeamRocketBaseB3FSceneID
$d9b5 = wGoldenrodUndergroundSwitchRoomEntrancesSceneID
$d9b6 = wSilverCaveRoom3SceneID
$d9b7 = wVictoryRoadSceneID
$d9b8 = wDragonsDenB1FSceneID
$d9b9 = wDragonShrineSceneID
$d9ba = wOlivinePortSceneID
$d9bb = wVermilionPortSceneID
$d9bc = wFastShip1FSceneID
$d9bd = wFastShipB1FSceneID
$d9be = wMountMoonSquareSceneID
$d9bf = wMobileTradeRoomSceneID
$d9c0 = wMobileBattleRoomSceneID
$d9f2 = wJackFightCount
$d9f3 = wBeverlyFightCount
$d9f4 = wHueyFightCount
$d9f5 = wGavenFightCount
$d9f6 = wBethFightCount
$d9f7 = wJoseFightCount
$d9f8 = wReenaFightCount
$d9f9 = wJoeyFightCount
$d9fa = wWadeFightCount
$d9fb = wRalphFightCount
$d9fc = wLizFightCount
$d9fd = wAnthonyFightCount
$d9fe = wToddFightCount
$d9ff = wGinaFightCount
$da00 = wIrwinFightCount
$da01 = wArnieFightCount
$da02 = wAlanFightCount
$da03 = wDanaFightCount
$da04 = wChadFightCount
$da05 = wDerekFightCount
$da06 = wTullyFightCount
$da07 = wBrentFightCount
$da08 = wTiffanyFightCount
$da09 = wVanceFightCount
$da0a = wWiltonFightCount
$da0b = wKenjiFightCount
$da0c = wParryFightCount
$da0d = wErinFightCount
$da72 = wEventFlags
$db72 = wCurBox
$db75 = wBoxNames
$dbf3 = wCelebiEvent
$dbf5 = wBikeFlags
$dbf7 = wCurMapSceneScriptPointer
$dbf9 = wCurCaller
$dbfb = wCurMapWarpEventCount
$dbfc = wCurMapWarpEventsPointer
$dbfe = wCurMapCoordEventCount
$dbff = wCurMapCoordEventsPointer
$dc01 = wCurMapBGEventCount
$dc02 = wCurMapBGEventsPointer
$dc04 = wCurMapObjectEventCount
$dc05 = wCurMapObjectEventsPointer
$dc07 = wCurMapSceneScriptCount
$dc08 = wCurMapSceneScriptsPointer
$dc0a = wCurMapCallbackCount
$dc0b = wCurMapCallbacksPointer
$dc0f = wDecoBed
$dc10 = wDecoCarpet
$dc11 = wDecoPlant
$dc12 = wDecoPoster
$dc13 = wDecoConsole
$dc14 = wDecoLeftOrnament
$dc15 = wDecoRightOrnament
$dc16 = wDecoBigDoll
$dc17 = wWhichMomItem
$dc18 = wWhichMomItemSet
$dc19 = wMomItemTriggerBalance
$dc1c = wDailyResetTimer
$dc1e = wDailyFlags1
$dc1f = wDailyFlags2
$dc20 = wSwarmFlags
$dc23 = wTimerEventStartDay
$dc27 = wFruitTreeFlags
$dc2d = wLuckyNumberDayTimer
$dc31 = wSpecialPhoneCallID
$dc35 = wBugContestStartTime
$dc39 = wUnusedTwoDayTimerOn
$dc3a = wUnusedTwoDayTimer
$dc3b = wUnusedTwoDayTimerStartDate
$dc40 = wMobileOrCable_LastSelection
$dc41 = wdc41
$dc42 = wdc42
$dc4a = wBuenasPassword
$dc4b = wBlueCardBalance
$dc4c = wDailyRematchFlags
$dc50 = wDailyPhoneItemFlags
$dc54 = wDailyPhoneTimeOfDayFlags
$dc58 = wKenjiBreakTimer
$dc5a = wYanmaMapGroup
$dc5b = wYanmaMapNumber
$dc5c = wPlayerMonSelection
$dc5f = wdc5f
$dc60 = wdc60
$dc73 = wStepCount
$dc74 = wPoisonStepCount
$dc77 = wHappinessStepCount
$dc79 = wSafariBallsRemaining
$dc79 = wParkBallsRemaining
$dc7a = wSafariTimeRemaining
$dc7c = wPhoneList
$dc9d = wLuckyNumberShowFlag
$dc9f = wLuckyIDNumber
$dca1 = wRepelEffect
$dca2 = wBikeStep
$dca4 = wKurtApricornQuantity
$dca5 = wVisitedSpawns
$dca5 = wCurMapData
$dca5 = wPlayerDataEnd
$dca9 = wDigWarpNumber
$dcaa = wDigMapGroup
$dcab = wDigMapNumber
$dcac = wBackupWarpNumber
$dcad = wBackupMapGroup
$dcae = wBackupMapNumber
$dcb2 = wLastSpawnMapGroup
$dcb3 = wLastSpawnMapNumber
$dcb4 = wWarpNumber
$dcb5 = wMapGroup
$dcb6 = wMapNumber
$dcb7 = wYCoord
$dcb8 = wXCoord
$dcb9 = wScreenSave
$dcd7 = wCurMapDataEnd
SECTION: $dcd7-$dff4 ($031e bytes) ["Party"]
$dcd7 = wPokemonData
$dcd7 = wPartyCount
$dcd8 = wPartySpecies
$dcde = wPartyEnd
$dcdf = wPartyMon1Species
$dcdf = wPartyMons
$dcdf = wPartyMon1
$dce0 = wPartyMon1Item
$dce1 = wPartyMon1Moves
$dce5 = wPartyMon1ID
$dce7 = wPartyMon1Exp
$dcea = wPartyMon1StatExp
$dcea = wPartyMon1HPExp
$dcec = wPartyMon1AtkExp
$dcee = wPartyMon1DefExp
$dcf0 = wPartyMon1SpdExp
$dcf2 = wPartyMon1SpcExp
$dcf4 = wPartyMon1DVs
$dcf6 = wPartyMon1PP
$dcfa = wPartyMon1Happiness
$dcfb = wPartyMon1PokerusStatus
$dcfc = wPartyMon1CaughtLevel
$dcfc = wPartyMon1CaughtData
$dcfc = wPartyMon1CaughtTime
$dcfd = wPartyMon1CaughtGender
$dcfd = wPartyMon1CaughtLocation
$dcfe = wPartyMon1Level
$dcff = wPartyMon1Status
$dcff = wPartyMon1BoxEnd
$dd00 = wPartyMon1Unused
$dd01 = wPartyMon1HP
$dd03 = wPartyMon1MaxHP
$dd05 = wPartyMon1Stats
$dd05 = wPartyMon1Attack
$dd07 = wPartyMon1Defense
$dd09 = wPartyMon1Speed
$dd0b = wPartyMon1SpclAtk
$dd0d = wPartyMon1SpclDef
$dd0f = wPartyMon1StructEnd
$dd0f = wPartyMon2Species
$dd0f = wPartyMon2
$dd10 = wPartyMon2Item
$dd11 = wPartyMon2Moves
$dd15 = wPartyMon2ID
$dd17 = wPartyMon2Exp
$dd1a = wPartyMon2HPExp
$dd1a = wPartyMon2StatExp
$dd1c = wPartyMon2AtkExp
$dd1e = wPartyMon2DefExp
$dd20 = wPartyMon2SpdExp
$dd22 = wPartyMon2SpcExp
$dd24 = wPartyMon2DVs
$dd26 = wPartyMon2PP
$dd2a = wPartyMon2Happiness
$dd2b = wPartyMon2PokerusStatus
$dd2c = wPartyMon2CaughtData
$dd2c = wPartyMon2CaughtTime
$dd2c = wPartyMon2CaughtLevel
$dd2d = wPartyMon2CaughtLocation
$dd2d = wPartyMon2CaughtGender
$dd2e = wPartyMon2Level
$dd2f = wPartyMon2Status
$dd2f = wPartyMon2BoxEnd
$dd30 = wPartyMon2Unused
$dd31 = wPartyMon2HP
$dd33 = wPartyMon2MaxHP
$dd35 = wPartyMon2Stats
$dd35 = wPartyMon2Attack
$dd37 = wPartyMon2Defense
$dd39 = wPartyMon2Speed
$dd3b = wPartyMon2SpclAtk
$dd3d = wPartyMon2SpclDef
$dd3f = wPartyMon3Species
$dd3f = wPartyMon2StructEnd
$dd3f = wPartyMon3
$dd40 = wPartyMon3Item
$dd41 = wPartyMon3Moves
$dd45 = wPartyMon3ID
$dd47 = wPartyMon3Exp
$dd4a = wPartyMon3StatExp
$dd4a = wPartyMon3HPExp
$dd4c = wPartyMon3AtkExp
$dd4e = wPartyMon3DefExp
$dd50 = wPartyMon3SpdExp
$dd52 = wPartyMon3SpcExp
$dd54 = wPartyMon3DVs
$dd56 = wPartyMon3PP
$dd5a = wPartyMon3Happiness
$dd5b = wPartyMon3PokerusStatus
$dd5c = wPartyMon3CaughtLevel
$dd5c = wPartyMon3CaughtTime
$dd5c = wPartyMon3CaughtData
$dd5d = wPartyMon3CaughtLocation
$dd5d = wPartyMon3CaughtGender
$dd5e = wPartyMon3Level
$dd5f = wPartyMon3Status
$dd5f = wPartyMon3BoxEnd
$dd60 = wPartyMon3Unused
$dd61 = wPartyMon3HP
$dd63 = wPartyMon3MaxHP
$dd65 = wPartyMon3Attack
$dd65 = wPartyMon3Stats
$dd67 = wPartyMon3Defense
$dd69 = wPartyMon3Speed
$dd6b = wPartyMon3SpclAtk
$dd6d = wPartyMon3SpclDef
$dd6f = wPartyMon4Species
$dd6f = wPartyMon3StructEnd
$dd6f = wPartyMon4
$dd70 = wPartyMon4Item
$dd71 = wPartyMon4Moves
$dd75 = wPartyMon4ID
$dd77 = wPartyMon4Exp
$dd7a = wPartyMon4HPExp
$dd7a = wPartyMon4StatExp
$dd7c = wPartyMon4AtkExp
$dd7e = wPartyMon4DefExp
$dd80 = wPartyMon4SpdExp
$dd82 = wPartyMon4SpcExp
$dd84 = wPartyMon4DVs
$dd86 = wPartyMon4PP
$dd8a = wPartyMon4Happiness
$dd8b = wPartyMon4PokerusStatus
$dd8c = wPartyMon4CaughtData
$dd8c = wPartyMon4CaughtLevel
$dd8c = wPartyMon4CaughtTime
$dd8d = wPartyMon4CaughtGender
$dd8d = wPartyMon4CaughtLocation
$dd8e = wPartyMon4Level
$dd8f = wPartyMon4Status
$dd8f = wPartyMon4BoxEnd
$dd90 = wPartyMon4Unused
$dd91 = wPartyMon4HP
$dd93 = wPartyMon4MaxHP
$dd95 = wPartyMon4Attack
$dd95 = wPartyMon4Stats
$dd97 = wPartyMon4Defense
$dd99 = wPartyMon4Speed
$dd9b = wPartyMon4SpclAtk
$dd9d = wPartyMon4SpclDef
$dd9f = wPartyMon4StructEnd
$dd9f = wPartyMon5Species
$dd9f = wPartyMon5
$dda0 = wPartyMon5Item
$dda1 = wPartyMon5Moves
$dda5 = wPartyMon5ID
$dda7 = wPartyMon5Exp
$ddaa = wPartyMon5HPExp
$ddaa = wPartyMon5StatExp
$ddac = wPartyMon5AtkExp
$ddae = wPartyMon5DefExp
$ddb0 = wPartyMon5SpdExp
$ddb2 = wPartyMon5SpcExp
$ddb4 = wPartyMon5DVs
$ddb6 = wPartyMon5PP
$ddba = wPartyMon5Happiness
$ddbb = wPartyMon5PokerusStatus
$ddbc = wPartyMon5CaughtTime
$ddbc = wPartyMon5CaughtData
$ddbc = wPartyMon5CaughtLevel
$ddbd = wPartyMon5CaughtLocation
$ddbd = wPartyMon5CaughtGender
$ddbe = wPartyMon5Level
$ddbf = wPartyMon5BoxEnd
$ddbf = wPartyMon5Status
$ddc0 = wPartyMon5Unused
$ddc1 = wPartyMon5HP
$ddc3 = wPartyMon5MaxHP
$ddc5 = wPartyMon5Attack
$ddc5 = wPartyMon5Stats
$ddc7 = wPartyMon5Defense
$ddc9 = wPartyMon5Speed
$ddcb = wPartyMon5SpclAtk
$ddcd = wPartyMon5SpclDef
$ddcf = wPartyMon5StructEnd
$ddcf = wPartyMon6Species
$ddcf = wPartyMon6
$ddd0 = wPartyMon6Item
$ddd1 = wPartyMon6Moves
$ddd5 = wPartyMon6ID
$ddd7 = wPartyMon6Exp
$ddda = wPartyMon6StatExp
$ddda = wPartyMon6HPExp
$dddc = wPartyMon6AtkExp
$ddde = wPartyMon6DefExp
$dde0 = wPartyMon6SpdExp
$dde2 = wPartyMon6SpcExp
$dde4 = wPartyMon6DVs
$dde6 = wPartyMon6PP
$ddea = wPartyMon6Happiness
$ddeb = wPartyMon6PokerusStatus
$ddec = wPartyMon6CaughtLevel
$ddec = wPartyMon6CaughtTime
$ddec = wPartyMon6CaughtData
$dded = wPartyMon6CaughtLocation
$dded = wPartyMon6CaughtGender
$ddee = wPartyMon6Level
$ddef = wPartyMon6Status
$ddef = wPartyMon6BoxEnd
$ddf0 = wPartyMon6Unused
$ddf1 = wPartyMon6HP
$ddf3 = wPartyMon6MaxHP
$ddf5 = wPartyMon6Attack
$ddf5 = wPartyMon6Stats
$ddf7 = wPartyMon6Defense
$ddf9 = wPartyMon6Speed
$ddfb = wPartyMon6SpclAtk
$ddfd = wPartyMon6SpclDef
$ddff = wPartyMon6StructEnd
$ddff = wPartyMon1OT
$ddff = wPartyMonOTs
$de0a = wPartyMon2OT
$de15 = wPartyMon3OT
$de20 = wPartyMon4OT
$de2b = wPartyMon5OT
$de36 = wPartyMon6OT
$de41 = wPartyMonNicknames
$de41 = wPartyMon1Nickname
$de4c = wPartyMon2Nickname
$de57 = wPartyMon3Nickname
$de62 = wPartyMon4Nickname
$de6d = wPartyMon5Nickname
$de78 = wPartyMon6Nickname
$de83 = wPartyMonNicknamesEnd
$de99 = wPokedexCaught
$deb9 = wEndPokedexCaught
$deb9 = wPokedexSeen
$ded9 = wUnownDex
$ded9 = wEndPokedexSeen
$def3 = wUnlockedUnowns
$def4 = wFirstUnownSeen
$def5 = wDayCareMan
$def6 = wBreedMon1Nickname
$df01 = wBreedMon1OT
$df0c = wBreedMon1
$df0c = wBreedMon1Species
$df0d = wBreedMon1Item
$df0e = wBreedMon1Moves
$df12 = wBreedMon1ID
$df14 = wBreedMon1Exp
$df17 = wBreedMon1HPExp
$df17 = wBreedMon1StatExp
$df19 = wBreedMon1AtkExp
$df1b = wBreedMon1DefExp
$df1d = wBreedMon1SpdExp
$df1f = wBreedMon1SpcExp
$df21 = wBreedMon1DVs
$df23 = wBreedMon1PP
$df27 = wBreedMon1Happiness
$df28 = wBreedMon1PokerusStatus
$df29 = wBreedMon1CaughtLevel
$df29 = wBreedMon1CaughtData
$df29 = wBreedMon1CaughtTime
$df2a = wBreedMon1CaughtGender
$df2a = wBreedMon1CaughtLocation
$df2b = wBreedMon1Level
$df2c = wDayCareLady
$df2c = wBreedMon1BoxEnd
$df2d = wStepsToEgg
$df2e = wBreedMotherOrNonDitto
$df2f = wBreedMon2Nickname
$df3a = wBreedMon2OT
$df45 = wBreedMon2Species
$df45 = wBreedMon2
$df46 = wBreedMon2Item
$df47 = wBreedMon2Moves
$df4b = wBreedMon2ID
$df4d = wBreedMon2Exp
$df50 = wBreedMon2HPExp
$df50 = wBreedMon2StatExp
$df52 = wBreedMon2AtkExp
$df54 = wBreedMon2DefExp
$df56 = wBreedMon2SpdExp
$df58 = wBreedMon2SpcExp
$df5a = wBreedMon2DVs
$df5c = wBreedMon2PP
$df60 = wBreedMon2Happiness
$df61 = wBreedMon2PokerusStatus
$df62 = wBreedMon2CaughtData
$df62 = wBreedMon2CaughtTime
$df62 = wBreedMon2CaughtLevel
$df63 = wBreedMon2CaughtLocation
$df63 = wBreedMon2CaughtGender
$df64 = wBreedMon2Level
$df65 = wEggMonNickname
$df65 = wBreedMon2BoxEnd
$df70 = wEggMonOT
$df7b = wEggMonSpecies
$df7b = wEggMon
$df7c = wEggMonItem
$df7d = wEggMonMoves
$df81 = wEggMonID
$df83 = wEggMonExp
$df86 = wEggMonStatExp
$df86 = wEggMonHPExp
$df88 = wEggMonAtkExp
$df8a = wEggMonDefExp
$df8c = wEggMonSpdExp
$df8e = wEggMonSpcExp
$df90 = wEggMonDVs
$df92 = wEggMonPP
$df96 = wEggMonHappiness
$df97 = wEggMonPokerusStatus
$df98 = wEggMonCaughtData
$df98 = wEggMonCaughtTime
$df98 = wEggMonCaughtLevel
$df99 = wEggMonCaughtLocation
$df99 = wEggMonCaughtGender
$df9a = wEggMonLevel
$df9b = wEggMonBoxEnd
$df9b = wBugContestSecondPartySpecies
$df9c = wContestMon
$df9c = wContestMonSpecies
$df9d = wContestMonItem
$df9e = wContestMonMoves
$dfa2 = wContestMonID
$dfa4 = wContestMonExp
$dfa7 = wContestMonStatExp
$dfa7 = wContestMonHPExp
$dfa9 = wContestMonAtkExp
$dfab = wContestMonDefExp
$dfad = wContestMonSpdExp
$dfaf = wContestMonSpcExp
$dfb1 = wContestMonDVs
$dfb3 = wContestMonPP
$dfb7 = wContestMonHappiness
$dfb8 = wContestMonPokerusStatus
$dfb9 = wContestMonCaughtLevel
$dfb9 = wContestMonCaughtData
$dfb9 = wContestMonCaughtTime
$dfba = wContestMonCaughtGender
$dfba = wContestMonCaughtLocation
$dfbb = wContestMonLevel
$dfbc = wContestMonStatus
$dfbc = wContestMonBoxEnd
$dfbd = wContestMonUnused
$dfbe = wContestMonHP
$dfc0 = wContestMonMaxHP
$dfc2 = wContestMonStats
$dfc2 = wContestMonAttack
$dfc4 = wContestMonDefense
$dfc6 = wContestMonSpeed
$dfc8 = wContestMonSpclAtk
$dfca = wContestMonSpclDef
$dfcc = wDunsparceMapGroup
$dfcc = wContestMonStructEnd
$dfcd = wDunsparceMapNumber
$dfce = wFishingSwarmFlag
$dfcf = wRoamMon1Species
$dfcf = wRoamMon1
$dfd0 = wRoamMon1Level
$dfd1 = wRoamMon1MapGroup
$dfd2 = wRoamMon1MapNumber
$dfd3 = wRoamMon1HP
$dfd4 = wRoamMon1DVs
$dfd6 = wRoamMon2Species
$dfd6 = wRoamMon2
$dfd7 = wRoamMon2Level
$dfd8 = wRoamMon2MapGroup
$dfd9 = wRoamMon2MapNumber
$dfda = wRoamMon2HP
$dfdb = wRoamMon2DVs
$dfdd = wRoamMon3Species
$dfdd = wRoamMon3
$dfde = wRoamMon3Level
$dfdf = wRoamMon3MapGroup
$dfe0 = wRoamMon3MapNumber
$dfe1 = wRoamMon3HP
$dfe2 = wRoamMon3DVs
$dfe4 = wRoamMons_CurMapNumber
$dfe5 = wRoamMons_CurMapGroup
$dfe6 = wRoamMons_LastMapNumber
$dfe7 = wRoamMons_LastMapGroup
$dfe8 = wBestMagikarpLengthFeet
$dfe9 = wBestMagikarpLengthInches
$dfea = wMagikarpRecordHoldersName
$dff5 = wGameDataEnd
$dff5 = wPokemonDataEnd
EMPTY: $dff5-$dfff ($000b bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $000b bytes
WRAMX bank #2:
SECTION: $d000-$d190 ($0191 bytes) ["Pic Animations"]
$d000 = wTempTilemap
$d168 = wPokeAnimSceneIndex
$d168 = wPokeAnimStruct
$d169 = wPokeAnimPointer
$d16b = wPokeAnimSpecies
$d16c = wPokeAnimUnownLetter
$d16d = wPokeAnimSpeciesOrUnown
$d16e = wPokeAnimGraphicStartTile
$d16f = wPokeAnimCoord
$d171 = wPokeAnimFrontpicHeight
$d172 = wPokeAnimIdleFlag
$d173 = wPokeAnimSpeed
$d174 = wPokeAnimPointerBank
$d175 = wPokeAnimPointerAddr
$d177 = wPokeAnimFramesBank
$d178 = wPokeAnimFramesAddr
$d17a = wPokeAnimBitmaskBank
$d17b = wPokeAnimBitmaskAddr
$d17d = wPokeAnimFrame
$d17e = wPokeAnimJumptableIndex
$d17f = wPokeAnimRepeatTimer
$d180 = wPokeAnimCurBitmask
$d181 = wPokeAnimWaitCounter
$d182 = wPokeAnimCommand
$d183 = wPokeAnimParameter
$d185 = wPokeAnimBitmaskCurCol
$d186 = wPokeAnimBitmaskCurRow
$d187 = wPokeAnimBitmaskCurBit
$d188 = wPokeAnimBitmaskBuffer
$d191 = wPokeAnimStructEnd
EMPTY: $d191-$dfff ($0e6f bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $0e6f bytes
WRAMX bank #3:
SECTION: $d000-$dfff ($1000 bytes) ["Battle Tower RAM"]
$d000 = w3_d000
$d001 = w3_d001
$d002 = w3_d002
$d012 = w3_d012
$d080 = w3_d080
$d081 = w3_d081
$d090 = w3_d090
$d100 = wBT_OTTrainer
$d100 = wBT_OTName
$d100 = w3_d100
$d10a = wBT_OTTrainerClass
$d10b = wBT_OTMon1
$d10b = wBT_OTMon1Species
$d10c = wBT_OTMon1Item
$d10d = wBT_OTMon1Moves
$d111 = wBT_OTMon1ID
$d113 = wBT_OTMon1Exp
$d116 = wBT_OTMon1StatExp
$d116 = wBT_OTMon1HPExp
$d118 = wBT_OTMon1AtkExp
$d11a = wBT_OTMon1DefExp
$d11c = wBT_OTMon1SpdExp
$d11e = wBT_OTMon1SpcExp
$d120 = wBT_OTMon1DVs
$d122 = wBT_OTMon1PP
$d126 = wBT_OTMon1Happiness
$d127 = wBT_OTMon1PokerusStatus
$d128 = wBT_OTMon1CaughtTime
$d128 = wBT_OTMon1CaughtData
$d128 = wBT_OTMon1CaughtLevel
$d129 = wBT_OTMon1CaughtLocation
$d129 = wBT_OTMon1CaughtGender
$d12a = wBT_OTMon1Level
$d12b = wBT_OTMon1BoxEnd
$d12b = wBT_OTMon1Status
$d12c = wBT_OTMon1Unused
$d12d = wBT_OTMon1HP
$d12f = wBT_OTMon1MaxHP
$d131 = wBT_OTMon1Attack
$d131 = wBT_OTMon1Stats
$d133 = wBT_OTMon1Defense
$d135 = wBT_OTMon1Speed
$d137 = wBT_OTMon1SpclAtk
$d139 = wBT_OTMon1SpclDef
$d13b = wBT_OTMon1Name
$d13b = wBT_OTMon1StructEnd
$d146 = wBT_OTMon2
$d146 = wBT_OTMon2Species
$d147 = wBT_OTMon2Item
$d148 = wBT_OTMon2Moves
$d14c = wBT_OTMon2ID
$d14e = wBT_OTMon2Exp
$d151 = wBT_OTMon2StatExp
$d151 = wBT_OTMon2HPExp
$d153 = wBT_OTMon2AtkExp
$d155 = wBT_OTMon2DefExp
$d157 = wBT_OTMon2SpdExp
$d159 = wBT_OTMon2SpcExp
$d15b = wBT_OTMon2DVs
$d15d = wBT_OTMon2PP
$d161 = wBT_OTMon2Happiness
$d162 = wBT_OTMon2PokerusStatus
$d163 = wBT_OTMon2CaughtData
$d163 = wBT_OTMon2CaughtTime
$d163 = wBT_OTMon2CaughtLevel
$d164 = wBT_OTMon2CaughtGender
$d164 = wBT_OTMon2CaughtLocation
$d165 = wBT_OTMon2Level
$d166 = wBT_OTMon2Status
$d166 = wBT_OTMon2BoxEnd
$d167 = wBT_OTMon2Unused
$d168 = wBT_OTMon2HP
$d16a = wBT_OTMon2MaxHP
$d16c = wBT_OTMon2Stats
$d16c = wBT_OTMon2Attack
$d16e = wBT_OTMon2Defense
$d170 = wBT_OTMon2Speed
$d172 = wBT_OTMon2SpclAtk
$d174 = wBT_OTMon2SpclDef
$d176 = wBT_OTMon2Name
$d176 = wBT_OTMon2StructEnd
$d181 = wBT_OTMon3
$d181 = wBT_OTMon3Species
$d182 = wBT_OTMon3Item
$d183 = wBT_OTMon3Moves
$d187 = wBT_OTMon3ID
$d189 = wBT_OTMon3Exp
$d18c = wBT_OTMon3StatExp
$d18c = wBT_OTMon3HPExp
$d18e = wBT_OTMon3AtkExp
$d190 = wBT_OTMon3DefExp
$d192 = wBT_OTMon3SpdExp
$d194 = wBT_OTMon3SpcExp
$d196 = wBT_OTMon3DVs
$d198 = wBT_OTMon3PP
$d19c = wBT_OTMon3Happiness
$d19d = wBT_OTMon3PokerusStatus
$d19e = wBT_OTMon3CaughtTime
$d19e = wBT_OTMon3CaughtData
$d19e = wBT_OTMon3CaughtLevel
$d19f = wBT_OTMon3CaughtGender
$d19f = wBT_OTMon3CaughtLocation
$d1a0 = wBT_OTMon3Level
$d1a1 = wBT_OTMon3BoxEnd
$d1a1 = wBT_OTMon3Status
$d1a2 = wBT_OTMon3Unused
$d1a3 = wBT_OTMon3HP
$d1a5 = wBT_OTMon3MaxHP
$d1a7 = wBT_OTMon3Stats
$d1a7 = wBT_OTMon3Attack
$d1a9 = wBT_OTMon3Defense
$d1ab = wBT_OTMon3Speed
$d1ad = wBT_OTMon3SpclAtk
$d1af = wBT_OTMon3SpclDef
$d1b1 = wBT_OTMon3Name
$d1b1 = wBT_OTMon3StructEnd
$d1bc = wBT_OTTrainerData
$d1e0 = wBT_OTTrainerEnd
$d200 = wBT_TrainerTextIndex
$d202 = w3_d202
$d202 = w3_d202Name
$d20c = w3_d202TrainerClass
$d20d = w3_d202Mon1Species
$d20d = w3_d202Mon1
$d20e = w3_d202Mon1Item
$d20f = w3_d202Mon1Moves
$d213 = w3_d202Mon1ID
$d215 = w3_d202Mon1Exp
$d218 = w3_d202Mon1HPExp
$d218 = w3_d202Mon1StatExp
$d21a = w3_d202Mon1AtkExp
$d21c = w3_d202Mon1DefExp
$d21e = w3_d202Mon1SpdExp
$d220 = w3_d202Mon1SpcExp
$d222 = w3_d202Mon1DVs
$d224 = w3_d202Mon1PP
$d228 = w3_d202Mon1Happiness
$d229 = w3_d202Mon1PokerusStatus
$d22a = w3_d202Mon1CaughtData
$d22a = w3_d202Mon1CaughtLevel
$d22a = w3_d202Mon1CaughtTime
$d22b = w3_d202Mon1CaughtLocation
$d22b = w3_d202Mon1CaughtGender
$d22c = w3_d202Mon1Level
$d22d = w3_d202Mon1Status
$d22d = w3_d202Mon1BoxEnd
$d22e = w3_d202Mon1Unused
$d22f = w3_d202Mon1HP
$d231 = w3_d202Mon1MaxHP
$d233 = w3_d202Mon1Stats
$d233 = w3_d202Mon1Attack
$d235 = w3_d202Mon1Defense
$d237 = w3_d202Mon1Speed
$d239 = w3_d202Mon1SpclAtk
$d23b = w3_d202Mon1SpclDef
$d23d = w3_d202Mon1StructEnd
$d23d = w3_d202Mon1Name
$d248 = w3_d202Mon2
$d248 = w3_d202Mon2Species
$d249 = w3_d202Mon2Item
$d24a = w3_d202Mon2Moves
$d24e = w3_d202Mon2ID
$d250 = w3_d202Mon2Exp
$d253 = w3_d202Mon2StatExp
$d253 = w3_d202Mon2HPExp
$d255 = w3_d202Mon2AtkExp
$d257 = w3_d202Mon2DefExp
$d259 = w3_d202Mon2SpdExp
$d25b = w3_d202Mon2SpcExp
$d25d = w3_d202Mon2DVs
$d25f = w3_d202Mon2PP
$d263 = w3_d202Mon2Happiness
$d264 = w3_d202Mon2PokerusStatus
$d265 = w3_d202Mon2CaughtLevel
$d265 = w3_d202Mon2CaughtTime
$d265 = w3_d202Mon2CaughtData
$d266 = w3_d202Mon2CaughtGender
$d266 = w3_d202Mon2CaughtLocation
$d267 = w3_d202Mon2Level
$d268 = w3_d202Mon2Status
$d268 = w3_d202Mon2BoxEnd
$d269 = w3_d202Mon2Unused
$d26a = w3_d202Mon2HP
$d26c = w3_d202Mon2MaxHP
$d26e = w3_d202Mon2Stats
$d26e = w3_d202Mon2Attack
$d270 = w3_d202Mon2Defense
$d272 = w3_d202Mon2Speed
$d274 = w3_d202Mon2SpclAtk
$d276 = w3_d202Mon2SpclDef
$d278 = w3_d202Mon2StructEnd
$d278 = w3_d202Mon2Name
$d283 = w3_d202Mon3Species
$d283 = w3_d202Mon3
$d284 = w3_d202Mon3Item
$d285 = w3_d202Mon3Moves
$d289 = w3_d202Mon3ID
$d28b = w3_d202Mon3Exp
$d28e = w3_d202Mon3HPExp
$d28e = w3_d202Mon3StatExp
$d290 = w3_d202Mon3AtkExp
$d292 = w3_d202Mon3DefExp
$d294 = w3_d202Mon3SpdExp
$d296 = w3_d202Mon3SpcExp
$d298 = w3_d202Mon3DVs
$d29a = w3_d202Mon3PP
$d29e = w3_d202Mon3Happiness
$d29f = w3_d202Mon3PokerusStatus
$d2a0 = w3_d202Mon3CaughtTime
$d2a0 = w3_d202Mon3CaughtData
$d2a0 = w3_d202Mon3CaughtLevel
$d2a1 = w3_d202Mon3CaughtLocation
$d2a1 = w3_d202Mon3CaughtGender
$d2a2 = w3_d202Mon3Level
$d2a3 = w3_d202Mon3BoxEnd
$d2a3 = w3_d202Mon3Status
$d2a4 = w3_d202Mon3Unused
$d2a5 = w3_d202Mon3HP
$d2a7 = w3_d202Mon3MaxHP
$d2a9 = w3_d202Mon3Attack
$d2a9 = w3_d202Mon3Stats
$d2ab = w3_d202Mon3Defense
$d2ad = w3_d202Mon3Speed
$d2af = w3_d202Mon3SpclAtk
$d2b1 = w3_d202Mon3SpclDef
$d2b3 = w3_d202Mon3Name
$d2b3 = w3_d202Mon3StructEnd
$d2be = w3_d202TrainerData
$d2e2 = w3_d2e2
$d2e2 = w3_d2e2Name
$d2e2 = w3_d202TrainerEnd
$d2ec = w3_d2e2TrainerClass
$d2ed = w3_d2e2Mon1
$d2ed = w3_d2e2Mon1Species
$d2ee = w3_d2e2Mon1Item
$d2ef = w3_d2e2Mon1Moves
$d2f3 = w3_d2e2Mon1ID
$d2f5 = w3_d2e2Mon1Exp
$d2f8 = w3_d2e2Mon1StatExp
$d2f8 = w3_d2e2Mon1HPExp
$d2fa = w3_d2e2Mon1AtkExp
$d2fc = w3_d2e2Mon1DefExp
$d2fe = w3_d2e2Mon1SpdExp
$d300 = w3_d2e2Mon1SpcExp
$d302 = w3_d2e2Mon1DVs
$d304 = w3_d2e2Mon1PP
$d308 = w3_d2e2Mon1Happiness
$d309 = w3_d2e2Mon1PokerusStatus
$d30a = w3_d2e2Mon1CaughtTime
$d30a = w3_d2e2Mon1CaughtLevel
$d30a = w3_d2e2Mon1CaughtData
$d30b = w3_d2e2Mon1CaughtGender
$d30b = w3_d2e2Mon1CaughtLocation
$d30c = w3_d2e2Mon1Level
$d30d = w3_d2e2Mon1BoxEnd
$d30d = w3_d2e2Mon1Status
$d30e = w3_d2e2Mon1Unused
$d30f = w3_d2e2Mon1HP
$d311 = w3_d2e2Mon1MaxHP
$d313 = w3_d2e2Mon1Stats
$d313 = w3_d2e2Mon1Attack
$d315 = w3_d2e2Mon1Defense
$d317 = w3_d2e2Mon1Speed
$d319 = w3_d2e2Mon1SpclAtk
$d31b = w3_d2e2Mon1SpclDef
$d31d = w3_d2e2Mon1StructEnd
$d31d = w3_d2e2Mon1Name
$d328 = w3_d2e2Mon2
$d328 = w3_d2e2Mon2Species
$d329 = w3_d2e2Mon2Item
$d32a = w3_d2e2Mon2Moves
$d32e = w3_d2e2Mon2ID
$d330 = w3_d2e2Mon2Exp
$d333 = w3_d2e2Mon2HPExp
$d333 = w3_d2e2Mon2StatExp
$d335 = w3_d2e2Mon2AtkExp
$d337 = w3_d2e2Mon2DefExp
$d339 = w3_d2e2Mon2SpdExp
$d33b = w3_d2e2Mon2SpcExp
$d33d = w3_d2e2Mon2DVs
$d33f = w3_d2e2Mon2PP
$d343 = w3_d2e2Mon2Happiness
$d344 = w3_d2e2Mon2PokerusStatus
$d345 = w3_d2e2Mon2CaughtData
$d345 = w3_d2e2Mon2CaughtLevel
$d345 = w3_d2e2Mon2CaughtTime
$d346 = w3_d2e2Mon2CaughtGender
$d346 = w3_d2e2Mon2CaughtLocation
$d347 = w3_d2e2Mon2Level
$d348 = w3_d2e2Mon2BoxEnd
$d348 = w3_d2e2Mon2Status
$d349 = w3_d2e2Mon2Unused
$d34a = w3_d2e2Mon2HP
$d34c = w3_d2e2Mon2MaxHP
$d34e = w3_d2e2Mon2Stats
$d34e = w3_d2e2Mon2Attack
$d350 = w3_d2e2Mon2Defense
$d352 = w3_d2e2Mon2Speed
$d354 = w3_d2e2Mon2SpclAtk
$d356 = w3_d2e2Mon2SpclDef
$d358 = w3_d2e2Mon2StructEnd
$d358 = w3_d2e2Mon2Name
$d363 = w3_d2e2Mon3
$d363 = w3_d2e2Mon3Species
$d364 = w3_d2e2Mon3Item
$d365 = w3_d2e2Mon3Moves
$d369 = w3_d2e2Mon3ID
$d36b = w3_d2e2Mon3Exp
$d36e = w3_d2e2Mon3HPExp
$d36e = w3_d2e2Mon3StatExp
$d370 = w3_d2e2Mon3AtkExp
$d372 = w3_d2e2Mon3DefExp
$d374 = w3_d2e2Mon3SpdExp
$d376 = w3_d2e2Mon3SpcExp
$d378 = w3_d2e2Mon3DVs
$d37a = w3_d2e2Mon3PP
$d37e = w3_d2e2Mon3Happiness
$d37f = w3_d2e2Mon3PokerusStatus
$d380 = w3_d2e2Mon3CaughtTime
$d380 = w3_d2e2Mon3CaughtLevel
$d380 = w3_d2e2Mon3CaughtData
$d381 = w3_d2e2Mon3CaughtGender
$d381 = w3_d2e2Mon3CaughtLocation
$d382 = w3_d2e2Mon3Level
$d383 = w3_d2e2Mon3BoxEnd
$d383 = w3_d2e2Mon3Status
$d384 = w3_d2e2Mon3Unused
$d385 = w3_d2e2Mon3HP
$d387 = w3_d2e2Mon3MaxHP
$d389 = w3_d2e2Mon3Attack
$d389 = w3_d2e2Mon3Stats
$d38b = w3_d2e2Mon3Defense
$d38d = w3_d2e2Mon3Speed
$d38f = w3_d2e2Mon3SpclAtk
$d391 = w3_d2e2Mon3SpclDef
$d393 = w3_d2e2Mon3Name
$d393 = w3_d2e2Mon3StructEnd
$d39e = w3_d2e2TrainerData
$d3c2 = w3_d3c2
$d3c2 = w3_d2e2TrainerEnd
$d3c2 = w3_d3c2Name
$d3cc = w3_d3c2TrainerClass
$d3cd = w3_d3c2Mon1
$d3cd = w3_d3c2Mon1Species
$d3ce = w3_d3c2Mon1Item
$d3cf = w3_d3c2Mon1Moves
$d3d3 = w3_d3c2Mon1ID
$d3d5 = w3_d3c2Mon1Exp
$d3d8 = w3_d3c2Mon1HPExp
$d3d8 = w3_d3c2Mon1StatExp
$d3da = w3_d3c2Mon1AtkExp
$d3dc = w3_d3c2Mon1DefExp
$d3de = w3_d3c2Mon1SpdExp
$d3e0 = w3_d3c2Mon1SpcExp
$d3e2 = w3_d3c2Mon1DVs
$d3e4 = w3_d3c2Mon1PP
$d3e8 = w3_d3c2Mon1Happiness
$d3e9 = w3_d3c2Mon1PokerusStatus
$d3ea = w3_d3c2Mon1CaughtData
$d3ea = w3_d3c2Mon1CaughtLevel
$d3ea = w3_d3c2Mon1CaughtTime
$d3eb = w3_d3c2Mon1CaughtLocation
$d3eb = w3_d3c2Mon1CaughtGender
$d3ec = w3_d3c2Mon1Level
$d3ed = w3_d3c2Mon1Status
$d3ed = w3_d3c2Mon1BoxEnd
$d3ee = w3_d3c2Mon1Unused
$d3ef = w3_d3c2Mon1HP
$d3f1 = w3_d3c2Mon1MaxHP
$d3f3 = w3_d3c2Mon1Attack
$d3f3 = w3_d3c2Mon1Stats
$d3f5 = w3_d3c2Mon1Defense
$d3f7 = w3_d3c2Mon1Speed
$d3f9 = w3_d3c2Mon1SpclAtk
$d3fb = w3_d3c2Mon1SpclDef
$d3fd = w3_d3c2Mon1StructEnd
$d3fd = w3_d3c2Mon1Name
$d408 = w3_d3c2Mon2
$d408 = w3_d3c2Mon2Species
$d409 = w3_d3c2Mon2Item
$d40a = w3_d3c2Mon2Moves
$d40e = w3_d3c2Mon2ID
$d410 = w3_d3c2Mon2Exp
$d413 = w3_d3c2Mon2StatExp
$d413 = w3_d3c2Mon2HPExp
$d415 = w3_d3c2Mon2AtkExp
$d417 = w3_d3c2Mon2DefExp
$d419 = w3_d3c2Mon2SpdExp
$d41b = w3_d3c2Mon2SpcExp
$d41d = w3_d3c2Mon2DVs
$d41f = w3_d3c2Mon2PP
$d423 = w3_d3c2Mon2Happiness
$d424 = w3_d3c2Mon2PokerusStatus
$d425 = w3_d3c2Mon2CaughtLevel
$d425 = w3_d3c2Mon2CaughtData
$d425 = w3_d3c2Mon2CaughtTime
$d426 = w3_d3c2Mon2CaughtGender
$d426 = w3_d3c2Mon2CaughtLocation
$d427 = w3_d3c2Mon2Level
$d428 = w3_d3c2Mon2BoxEnd
$d428 = w3_d3c2Mon2Status
$d429 = w3_d3c2Mon2Unused
$d42a = w3_d3c2Mon2HP
$d42c = w3_d3c2Mon2MaxHP
$d42e = w3_d3c2Mon2Stats
$d42e = w3_d3c2Mon2Attack
$d430 = w3_d3c2Mon2Defense
$d432 = w3_d3c2Mon2Speed
$d434 = w3_d3c2Mon2SpclAtk
$d436 = w3_d3c2Mon2SpclDef
$d438 = w3_d3c2Mon2Name
$d438 = w3_d3c2Mon2StructEnd
$d443 = w3_d3c2Mon3Species
$d443 = w3_d3c2Mon3
$d444 = w3_d3c2Mon3Item
$d445 = w3_d3c2Mon3Moves
$d449 = w3_d3c2Mon3ID
$d44b = w3_d3c2Mon3Exp
$d44e = w3_d3c2Mon3HPExp
$d44e = w3_d3c2Mon3StatExp
$d450 = w3_d3c2Mon3AtkExp
$d452 = w3_d3c2Mon3DefExp
$d454 = w3_d3c2Mon3SpdExp
$d456 = w3_d3c2Mon3SpcExp
$d458 = w3_d3c2Mon3DVs
$d45a = w3_d3c2Mon3PP
$d45e = w3_d3c2Mon3Happiness
$d45f = w3_d3c2Mon3PokerusStatus
$d460 = w3_d3c2Mon3CaughtLevel
$d460 = w3_d3c2Mon3CaughtData
$d460 = w3_d3c2Mon3CaughtTime
$d461 = w3_d3c2Mon3CaughtLocation
$d461 = w3_d3c2Mon3CaughtGender
$d462 = w3_d3c2Mon3Level
$d463 = w3_d3c2Mon3BoxEnd
$d463 = w3_d3c2Mon3Status
$d464 = w3_d3c2Mon3Unused
$d465 = w3_d3c2Mon3HP
$d467 = w3_d3c2Mon3MaxHP
$d469 = w3_d3c2Mon3Stats
$d469 = w3_d3c2Mon3Attack
$d46b = w3_d3c2Mon3Defense
$d46d = w3_d3c2Mon3Speed
$d46f = w3_d3c2Mon3SpclAtk
$d471 = w3_d3c2Mon3SpclDef
$d473 = w3_d3c2Mon3StructEnd
$d473 = w3_d3c2Mon3Name
$d47e = w3_d3c2TrainerData
$d4a2 = w3_d4a2Name
$d4a2 = w3_d4a2
$d4a2 = w3_d3c2TrainerEnd
$d4ac = w3_d4a2TrainerClass
$d4ad = w3_d4a2Mon1
$d4ad = w3_d4a2Mon1Species
$d4ae = w3_d4a2Mon1Item
$d4af = w3_d4a2Mon1Moves
$d4b3 = w3_d4a2Mon1ID
$d4b5 = w3_d4a2Mon1Exp
$d4b8 = w3_d4a2Mon1StatExp
$d4b8 = w3_d4a2Mon1HPExp
$d4ba = w3_d4a2Mon1AtkExp
$d4bc = w3_d4a2Mon1DefExp
$d4be = w3_d4a2Mon1SpdExp
$d4c0 = w3_d4a2Mon1SpcExp
$d4c2 = w3_d4a2Mon1DVs
$d4c4 = w3_d4a2Mon1PP
$d4c8 = w3_d4a2Mon1Happiness
$d4c9 = w3_d4a2Mon1PokerusStatus
$d4ca = w3_d4a2Mon1CaughtTime
$d4ca = w3_d4a2Mon1CaughtLevel
$d4ca = w3_d4a2Mon1CaughtData
$d4cb = w3_d4a2Mon1CaughtGender
$d4cb = w3_d4a2Mon1CaughtLocation
$d4cc = w3_d4a2Mon1Level
$d4cd = w3_d4a2Mon1BoxEnd
$d4cd = w3_d4a2Mon1Status
$d4ce = w3_d4a2Mon1Unused
$d4cf = w3_d4a2Mon1HP
$d4d1 = w3_d4a2Mon1MaxHP
$d4d3 = w3_d4a2Mon1Stats
$d4d3 = w3_d4a2Mon1Attack
$d4d5 = w3_d4a2Mon1Defense
$d4d7 = w3_d4a2Mon1Speed
$d4d9 = w3_d4a2Mon1SpclAtk
$d4db = w3_d4a2Mon1SpclDef
$d4dd = w3_d4a2Mon1StructEnd
$d4dd = w3_d4a2Mon1Name
$d4e8 = w3_d4a2Mon2
$d4e8 = w3_d4a2Mon2Species
$d4e9 = w3_d4a2Mon2Item
$d4ea = w3_d4a2Mon2Moves
$d4ee = w3_d4a2Mon2ID
$d4f0 = w3_d4a2Mon2Exp
$d4f3 = w3_d4a2Mon2HPExp
$d4f3 = w3_d4a2Mon2StatExp
$d4f5 = w3_d4a2Mon2AtkExp
$d4f7 = w3_d4a2Mon2DefExp
$d4f9 = w3_d4a2Mon2SpdExp
$d4fb = w3_d4a2Mon2SpcExp
$d4fd = w3_d4a2Mon2DVs
$d4ff = w3_d4a2Mon2PP
$d503 = w3_d4a2Mon2Happiness
$d504 = w3_d4a2Mon2PokerusStatus
$d505 = w3_d4a2Mon2CaughtTime
$d505 = w3_d4a2Mon2CaughtData
$d505 = w3_d4a2Mon2CaughtLevel
$d506 = w3_d4a2Mon2CaughtGender
$d506 = w3_d4a2Mon2CaughtLocation
$d507 = w3_d4a2Mon2Level
$d508 = w3_d4a2Mon2Status
$d508 = w3_d4a2Mon2BoxEnd
$d509 = w3_d4a2Mon2Unused
$d50a = w3_d4a2Mon2HP
$d50c = w3_d4a2Mon2MaxHP
$d50e = w3_d4a2Mon2Attack
$d50e = w3_d4a2Mon2Stats
$d510 = w3_d4a2Mon2Defense
$d512 = w3_d4a2Mon2Speed
$d514 = w3_d4a2Mon2SpclAtk
$d516 = w3_d4a2Mon2SpclDef
$d518 = w3_d4a2Mon2StructEnd
$d518 = w3_d4a2Mon2Name
$d523 = w3_d4a2Mon3
$d523 = w3_d4a2Mon3Species
$d524 = w3_d4a2Mon3Item
$d525 = w3_d4a2Mon3Moves
$d529 = w3_d4a2Mon3ID
$d52b = w3_d4a2Mon3Exp
$d52e = w3_d4a2Mon3StatExp
$d52e = w3_d4a2Mon3HPExp
$d530 = w3_d4a2Mon3AtkExp
$d532 = w3_d4a2Mon3DefExp
$d534 = w3_d4a2Mon3SpdExp
$d536 = w3_d4a2Mon3SpcExp
$d538 = w3_d4a2Mon3DVs
$d53a = w3_d4a2Mon3PP
$d53e = w3_d4a2Mon3Happiness
$d53f = w3_d4a2Mon3PokerusStatus
$d540 = w3_d4a2Mon3CaughtLevel
$d540 = w3_d4a2Mon3CaughtTime
$d540 = w3_d4a2Mon3CaughtData
$d541 = w3_d4a2Mon3CaughtLocation
$d541 = w3_d4a2Mon3CaughtGender
$d542 = w3_d4a2Mon3Level
$d543 = w3_d4a2Mon3BoxEnd
$d543 = w3_d4a2Mon3Status
$d544 = w3_d4a2Mon3Unused
$d545 = w3_d4a2Mon3HP
$d547 = w3_d4a2Mon3MaxHP
$d549 = w3_d4a2Mon3Attack
$d549 = w3_d4a2Mon3Stats
$d54b = w3_d4a2Mon3Defense
$d54d = w3_d4a2Mon3Speed
$d54f = w3_d4a2Mon3SpclAtk
$d551 = w3_d4a2Mon3SpclDef
$d553 = w3_d4a2Mon3Name
$d553 = w3_d4a2Mon3StructEnd
$d55e = w3_d4a2TrainerData
$d582 = w3_d4a2TrainerEnd
$d582 = w3_d582
$d582 = w3_d582Name
$d58c = w3_d582TrainerClass
$d58d = w3_d582Mon1
$d58d = w3_d582Mon1Species
$d58e = w3_d582Mon1Item
$d58f = w3_d582Mon1Moves
$d593 = w3_d582Mon1ID
$d595 = w3_d582Mon1Exp
$d598 = w3_d582Mon1HPExp
$d598 = w3_d582Mon1StatExp
$d59a = w3_d582Mon1AtkExp
$d59c = w3_d582Mon1DefExp
$d59e = w3_d582Mon1SpdExp
$d5a0 = w3_d582Mon1SpcExp
$d5a2 = w3_d582Mon1DVs
$d5a4 = w3_d582Mon1PP
$d5a8 = w3_d582Mon1Happiness
$d5a9 = w3_d582Mon1PokerusStatus
$d5aa = w3_d582Mon1CaughtTime
$d5aa = w3_d582Mon1CaughtLevel
$d5aa = w3_d582Mon1CaughtData
$d5ab = w3_d582Mon1CaughtGender
$d5ab = w3_d582Mon1CaughtLocation
$d5ac = w3_d582Mon1Level
$d5ad = w3_d582Mon1BoxEnd
$d5ad = w3_d582Mon1Status
$d5ae = w3_d582Mon1Unused
$d5af = w3_d582Mon1HP
$d5b1 = w3_d582Mon1MaxHP
$d5b3 = w3_d582Mon1Attack
$d5b3 = w3_d582Mon1Stats
$d5b5 = w3_d582Mon1Defense
$d5b7 = w3_d582Mon1Speed
$d5b9 = w3_d582Mon1SpclAtk
$d5bb = w3_d582Mon1SpclDef
$d5bd = w3_d582Mon1Name
$d5bd = w3_d582Mon1StructEnd
$d5c8 = w3_d582Mon2Species
$d5c8 = w3_d582Mon2
$d5c9 = w3_d582Mon2Item
$d5ca = w3_d582Mon2Moves
$d5ce = w3_d582Mon2ID
$d5d0 = w3_d582Mon2Exp
$d5d3 = w3_d582Mon2HPExp
$d5d3 = w3_d582Mon2StatExp
$d5d5 = w3_d582Mon2AtkExp
$d5d7 = w3_d582Mon2DefExp
$d5d9 = w3_d582Mon2SpdExp
$d5db = w3_d582Mon2SpcExp
$d5dd = w3_d582Mon2DVs
$d5df = w3_d582Mon2PP
$d5e3 = w3_d582Mon2Happiness
$d5e4 = w3_d582Mon2PokerusStatus
$d5e5 = w3_d582Mon2CaughtTime
$d5e5 = w3_d582Mon2CaughtLevel
$d5e5 = w3_d582Mon2CaughtData
$d5e6 = w3_d582Mon2CaughtGender
$d5e6 = w3_d582Mon2CaughtLocation
$d5e7 = w3_d582Mon2Level
$d5e8 = w3_d582Mon2BoxEnd
$d5e8 = w3_d582Mon2Status
$d5e9 = w3_d582Mon2Unused
$d5ea = w3_d582Mon2HP
$d5ec = w3_d582Mon2MaxHP
$d5ee = w3_d582Mon2Stats
$d5ee = w3_d582Mon2Attack
$d5f0 = w3_d582Mon2Defense
$d5f2 = w3_d582Mon2Speed
$d5f4 = w3_d582Mon2SpclAtk
$d5f6 = w3_d582Mon2SpclDef
$d5f8 = w3_d582Mon2Name
$d5f8 = w3_d582Mon2StructEnd
$d603 = w3_d582Mon3
$d603 = w3_d582Mon3Species
$d604 = w3_d582Mon3Item
$d605 = w3_d582Mon3Moves
$d609 = w3_d582Mon3ID
$d60b = w3_d582Mon3Exp
$d60e = w3_d582Mon3HPExp
$d60e = w3_d582Mon3StatExp
$d610 = w3_d582Mon3AtkExp
$d612 = w3_d582Mon3DefExp
$d614 = w3_d582Mon3SpdExp
$d616 = w3_d582Mon3SpcExp
$d618 = w3_d582Mon3DVs
$d61a = w3_d582Mon3PP
$d61e = w3_d582Mon3Happiness
$d61f = w3_d582Mon3PokerusStatus
$d620 = w3_d582Mon3CaughtLevel
$d620 = w3_d582Mon3CaughtData
$d620 = w3_d582Mon3CaughtTime
$d621 = w3_d582Mon3CaughtGender
$d621 = w3_d582Mon3CaughtLocation
$d622 = w3_d582Mon3Level
$d623 = w3_d582Mon3BoxEnd
$d623 = w3_d582Mon3Status
$d624 = w3_d582Mon3Unused
$d625 = w3_d582Mon3HP
$d627 = w3_d582Mon3MaxHP
$d629 = w3_d582Mon3Stats
$d629 = w3_d582Mon3Attack
$d62b = w3_d582Mon3Defense
$d62d = w3_d582Mon3Speed
$d62f = w3_d582Mon3SpclAtk
$d631 = w3_d582Mon3SpclDef
$d633 = w3_d582Mon3Name
$d633 = w3_d582Mon3StructEnd
$d63e = w3_d582TrainerData
$d662 = w3_d662
$d662 = w3_d662Name
$d662 = w3_d582TrainerEnd
$d66c = w3_d662TrainerClass
$d66d = w3_d662Mon1
$d66d = w3_d662Mon1Species
$d66e = w3_d662Mon1Item
$d66f = w3_d662Mon1Moves
$d673 = w3_d662Mon1ID
$d675 = w3_d662Mon1Exp
$d678 = w3_d662Mon1StatExp
$d678 = w3_d662Mon1HPExp
$d67a = w3_d662Mon1AtkExp
$d67c = w3_d662Mon1DefExp
$d67e = w3_d662Mon1SpdExp
$d680 = w3_d662Mon1SpcExp
$d682 = w3_d662Mon1DVs
$d684 = w3_d662Mon1PP
$d688 = w3_d662Mon1Happiness
$d689 = w3_d662Mon1PokerusStatus
$d68a = w3_d662Mon1CaughtData
$d68a = w3_d662Mon1CaughtTime
$d68a = w3_d662Mon1CaughtLevel
$d68b = w3_d662Mon1CaughtLocation
$d68b = w3_d662Mon1CaughtGender
$d68c = w3_d662Mon1Level
$d68d = w3_d662Mon1BoxEnd
$d68d = w3_d662Mon1Status
$d68e = w3_d662Mon1Unused
$d68f = w3_d662Mon1HP
$d691 = w3_d662Mon1MaxHP
$d693 = w3_d662Mon1Stats
$d693 = w3_d662Mon1Attack
$d695 = w3_d662Mon1Defense
$d697 = w3_d662Mon1Speed
$d699 = w3_d662Mon1SpclAtk
$d69b = w3_d662Mon1SpclDef
$d69d = w3_d662Mon1Name
$d69d = w3_d662Mon1StructEnd
$d6a8 = w3_d662Mon2Species
$d6a8 = w3_d662Mon2
$d6a9 = w3_d662Mon2Item
$d6aa = w3_d662Mon2Moves
$d6ae = w3_d662Mon2ID
$d6b0 = w3_d662Mon2Exp
$d6b3 = w3_d662Mon2HPExp
$d6b3 = w3_d662Mon2StatExp
$d6b5 = w3_d662Mon2AtkExp
$d6b7 = w3_d662Mon2DefExp
$d6b9 = w3_d662Mon2SpdExp
$d6bb = w3_d662Mon2SpcExp
$d6bd = w3_d662Mon2DVs
$d6bf = w3_d662Mon2PP
$d6c3 = w3_d662Mon2Happiness
$d6c4 = w3_d662Mon2PokerusStatus
$d6c5 = w3_d662Mon2CaughtData
$d6c5 = w3_d662Mon2CaughtTime
$d6c5 = w3_d662Mon2CaughtLevel
$d6c6 = w3_d662Mon2CaughtLocation
$d6c6 = w3_d662Mon2CaughtGender
$d6c7 = w3_d662Mon2Level
$d6c8 = w3_d662Mon2Status
$d6c8 = w3_d662Mon2BoxEnd
$d6c9 = w3_d662Mon2Unused
$d6ca = w3_d662Mon2HP
$d6cc = w3_d662Mon2MaxHP
$d6ce = w3_d662Mon2Stats
$d6ce = w3_d662Mon2Attack
$d6d0 = w3_d662Mon2Defense
$d6d2 = w3_d662Mon2Speed
$d6d4 = w3_d662Mon2SpclAtk
$d6d6 = w3_d662Mon2SpclDef
$d6d8 = w3_d662Mon2Name
$d6d8 = w3_d662Mon2StructEnd
$d6e3 = w3_d662Mon3Species
$d6e3 = w3_d662Mon3
$d6e4 = w3_d662Mon3Item
$d6e5 = w3_d662Mon3Moves
$d6e9 = w3_d662Mon3ID
$d6eb = w3_d662Mon3Exp
$d6ee = w3_d662Mon3StatExp
$d6ee = w3_d662Mon3HPExp
$d6f0 = w3_d662Mon3AtkExp
$d6f2 = w3_d662Mon3DefExp
$d6f4 = w3_d662Mon3SpdExp
$d6f6 = w3_d662Mon3SpcExp
$d6f8 = w3_d662Mon3DVs
$d6fa = w3_d662Mon3PP
$d6fe = w3_d662Mon3Happiness
$d6ff = w3_d662Mon3PokerusStatus
$d700 = w3_d662Mon3CaughtData
$d700 = w3_d662Mon3CaughtTime
$d700 = w3_d662Mon3CaughtLevel
$d701 = w3_d662Mon3CaughtGender
$d701 = w3_d662Mon3CaughtLocation
$d702 = w3_d662Mon3Level
$d703 = w3_d662Mon3Status
$d703 = w3_d662Mon3BoxEnd
$d704 = w3_d662Mon3Unused
$d705 = w3_d662Mon3HP
$d707 = w3_d662Mon3MaxHP
$d709 = w3_d662Mon3Attack
$d709 = w3_d662Mon3Stats
$d70b = w3_d662Mon3Defense
$d70d = w3_d662Mon3Speed
$d70f = w3_d662Mon3SpclAtk
$d711 = w3_d662Mon3SpclDef
$d713 = w3_d662Mon3Name
$d713 = w3_d662Mon3StructEnd
$d71e = w3_d662TrainerData
$d742 = w3_d662TrainerEnd
$d742 = w3_d742Name
$d742 = w3_d742
$d74c = w3_d742TrainerClass
$d74d = w3_d742Mon1Species
$d74d = w3_d742Mon1
$d74e = w3_d742Mon1Item
$d74f = w3_d742Mon1Moves
$d753 = w3_d742Mon1ID
$d755 = w3_d742Mon1Exp
$d758 = w3_d742Mon1StatExp
$d758 = w3_d742Mon1HPExp
$d75a = w3_d742Mon1AtkExp
$d75c = w3_d742Mon1DefExp
$d75e = w3_d742Mon1SpdExp
$d760 = w3_d742Mon1SpcExp
$d762 = w3_d742Mon1DVs
$d764 = w3_d742Mon1PP
$d768 = w3_d742Mon1Happiness
$d769 = w3_d742Mon1PokerusStatus
$d76a = w3_d742Mon1CaughtData
$d76a = w3_d742Mon1CaughtTime
$d76a = w3_d742Mon1CaughtLevel
$d76b = w3_d742Mon1CaughtGender
$d76b = w3_d742Mon1CaughtLocation
$d76c = w3_d742Mon1Level
$d76d = w3_d742Mon1Status
$d76d = w3_d742Mon1BoxEnd
$d76e = w3_d742Mon1Unused
$d76f = w3_d742Mon1HP
$d771 = w3_d742Mon1MaxHP
$d773 = w3_d742Mon1Stats
$d773 = w3_d742Mon1Attack
$d775 = w3_d742Mon1Defense
$d777 = w3_d742Mon1Speed
$d779 = w3_d742Mon1SpclAtk
$d77b = w3_d742Mon1SpclDef
$d77d = w3_d742Mon1StructEnd
$d77d = w3_d742Mon1Name
$d788 = w3_d742Mon2Species
$d788 = w3_d742Mon2
$d789 = w3_d742Mon2Item
$d78a = w3_d742Mon2Moves
$d78e = w3_d742Mon2ID
$d790 = w3_d742Mon2Exp
$d793 = w3_d742Mon2StatExp
$d793 = w3_d742Mon2HPExp
$d795 = w3_d742Mon2AtkExp
$d797 = w3_d742Mon2DefExp
$d799 = w3_d742Mon2SpdExp
$d79b = w3_d742Mon2SpcExp
$d79d = w3_d742Mon2DVs
$d79f = w3_d742Mon2PP
$d7a3 = w3_d742Mon2Happiness
$d7a4 = w3_d742Mon2PokerusStatus
$d7a5 = w3_d742Mon2CaughtLevel
$d7a5 = w3_d742Mon2CaughtTime
$d7a5 = w3_d742Mon2CaughtData
$d7a6 = w3_d742Mon2CaughtLocation
$d7a6 = w3_d742Mon2CaughtGender
$d7a7 = w3_d742Mon2Level
$d7a8 = w3_d742Mon2BoxEnd
$d7a8 = w3_d742Mon2Status
$d7a9 = w3_d742Mon2Unused
$d7aa = w3_d742Mon2HP
$d7ac = w3_d742Mon2MaxHP
$d7ae = w3_d742Mon2Attack
$d7ae = w3_d742Mon2Stats
$d7b0 = w3_d742Mon2Defense
$d7b2 = w3_d742Mon2Speed
$d7b4 = w3_d742Mon2SpclAtk
$d7b6 = w3_d742Mon2SpclDef
$d7b8 = w3_d742Mon2Name
$d7b8 = w3_d742Mon2StructEnd
$d7c3 = w3_d742Mon3Species
$d7c3 = w3_d742Mon3
$d7c4 = w3_d742Mon3Item
$d7c5 = w3_d742Mon3Moves
$d7c9 = w3_d742Mon3ID
$d7cb = w3_d742Mon3Exp
$d7ce = w3_d742Mon3StatExp
$d7ce = w3_d742Mon3HPExp
$d7d0 = w3_d742Mon3AtkExp
$d7d2 = w3_d742Mon3DefExp
$d7d4 = w3_d742Mon3SpdExp
$d7d6 = w3_d742Mon3SpcExp
$d7d8 = w3_d742Mon3DVs
$d7da = w3_d742Mon3PP
$d7de = w3_d742Mon3Happiness
$d7df = w3_d742Mon3PokerusStatus
$d7e0 = w3_d742Mon3CaughtLevel
$d7e0 = w3_d742Mon3CaughtTime
$d7e0 = w3_d742Mon3CaughtData
$d7e1 = w3_d742Mon3CaughtLocation
$d7e1 = w3_d742Mon3CaughtGender
$d7e2 = w3_d742Mon3Level
$d7e3 = w3_d742Mon3BoxEnd
$d7e3 = w3_d742Mon3Status
$d7e4 = w3_d742Mon3Unused
$d7e5 = w3_d742Mon3HP
$d7e7 = w3_d742Mon3MaxHP
$d7e9 = w3_d742Mon3Attack
$d7e9 = w3_d742Mon3Stats
$d7eb = w3_d742Mon3Defense
$d7ed = w3_d742Mon3Speed
$d7ef = w3_d742Mon3SpclAtk
$d7f1 = w3_d742Mon3SpclDef
$d7f3 = w3_d742Mon3StructEnd
$d7f3 = w3_d742Mon3Name
$d7fe = w3_d742TrainerData
$d800 = w3_d800
$d800 = wBTChoiceOfLvlGroup
$d802 = w3_d802
$d80e = w3_d80e
$d810 = w3_d810
$d822 = w3_d742TrainerEnd
$d869 = w3_d869
$d880 = w3_d880
$d881 = w3_d881
$d889 = w3_d889
$d88a = w3_d88a
$d88e = w3_d88e
$d88f = w3_d88f
$d893 = w3_d893
$d894 = w3_d894
$d895 = w3_d895
$d8a0 = w3_d8a0
$d8a1 = w3_d8a1
$d8a2 = w3_d8a2
$d8a3 = w3_d8a3
$dc00 = w3_dc00
$dd68 = w3_dd68
$de00 = w3_de00
$dfec = w3_dfec
$dffc = w3_dffc
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
WRAMX bank #4:
SECTION: $d000-$dfff ($1000 bytes) ["News Script RAM"]
$d000 = w4_d000
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
WRAMX bank #5:
SECTION: $d000-$d28f ($0290 bytes) ["GBC Video"]
$d000 = wBGPals1
$d000 = wGBCPalettes
$d040 = wOBPals1
$d080 = wBGPals2
$d0c0 = wOBPals2
$d100 = wLYOverrides
$d190 = wLYOverridesEnd
$d191 = wMagnetTrainDirection
$d191 = wMagnetTrain
$d192 = wMagnetTrainInitPosition
$d193 = wMagnetTrainHoldPosition
$d194 = wMagnetTrainFinalPosition
$d195 = wMagnetTrainPlayerSpriteInitX
$d200 = wLYOverridesBackup
$d290 = wLYOverridesBackupEnd
EMPTY: $d290-$d2ff ($0070 bytes)
SECTION: $d300-$d461 ($0162 bytes) ["Battle Animations"]
$d300 = wBattleAnimTileDict
$d30a = wActiveAnimObjects
$d30a = wAnimObject1Index
$d30a = wAnimObject1
$d30b = wAnimObject1OAMFlags
$d30c = wAnimObject1FixY
$d30d = wAnimObject1FramesetID
$d30e = wAnimObject1Function
$d30f = wAnimObject1Palette
$d310 = wAnimObject1TileID
$d311 = wAnimObject1XCoord
$d312 = wAnimObject1YCoord
$d313 = wAnimObject1XOffset
$d314 = wAnimObject1YOffset
$d315 = wAnimObject1Param
$d316 = wAnimObject1Duration
$d317 = wAnimObject1Frame
$d318 = wAnimObject1JumptableIndex
$d319 = wAnimObject1Var1
$d31a = wAnimObject1Var2
$d322 = wAnimObject2Index
$d322 = wAnimObject2
$d323 = wAnimObject2OAMFlags
$d324 = wAnimObject2FixY
$d325 = wAnimObject2FramesetID
$d326 = wAnimObject2Function
$d327 = wAnimObject2Palette
$d328 = wAnimObject2TileID
$d329 = wAnimObject2XCoord
$d32a = wAnimObject2YCoord
$d32b = wAnimObject2XOffset
$d32c = wAnimObject2YOffset
$d32d = wAnimObject2Param
$d32e = wAnimObject2Duration
$d32f = wAnimObject2Frame
$d330 = wAnimObject2JumptableIndex
$d331 = wAnimObject2Var1
$d332 = wAnimObject2Var2
$d33a = wAnimObject3
$d33a = wAnimObject3Index
$d33b = wAnimObject3OAMFlags
$d33c = wAnimObject3FixY
$d33d = wAnimObject3FramesetID
$d33e = wAnimObject3Function
$d33f = wAnimObject3Palette
$d340 = wAnimObject3TileID
$d341 = wAnimObject3XCoord
$d342 = wAnimObject3YCoord
$d343 = wAnimObject3XOffset
$d344 = wAnimObject3YOffset
$d345 = wAnimObject3Param
$d346 = wAnimObject3Duration
$d347 = wAnimObject3Frame
$d348 = wAnimObject3JumptableIndex
$d349 = wAnimObject3Var1
$d34a = wAnimObject3Var2
$d352 = wAnimObject4Index
$d352 = wAnimObject4
$d353 = wAnimObject4OAMFlags
$d354 = wAnimObject4FixY
$d355 = wAnimObject4FramesetID
$d356 = wAnimObject4Function
$d357 = wAnimObject4Palette
$d358 = wAnimObject4TileID
$d359 = wAnimObject4XCoord
$d35a = wAnimObject4YCoord
$d35b = wAnimObject4XOffset
$d35c = wAnimObject4YOffset
$d35d = wAnimObject4Param
$d35e = wAnimObject4Duration
$d35f = wAnimObject4Frame
$d360 = wAnimObject4JumptableIndex
$d361 = wAnimObject4Var1
$d362 = wAnimObject4Var2
$d36a = wAnimObject5
$d36a = wAnimObject5Index
$d36b = wAnimObject5OAMFlags
$d36c = wAnimObject5FixY
$d36d = wAnimObject5FramesetID
$d36e = wAnimObject5Function
$d36f = wAnimObject5Palette
$d370 = wAnimObject5TileID
$d371 = wAnimObject5XCoord
$d372 = wAnimObject5YCoord
$d373 = wAnimObject5XOffset
$d374 = wAnimObject5YOffset
$d375 = wAnimObject5Param
$d376 = wAnimObject5Duration
$d377 = wAnimObject5Frame
$d378 = wAnimObject5JumptableIndex
$d379 = wAnimObject5Var1
$d37a = wAnimObject5Var2
$d382 = wAnimObject6
$d382 = wAnimObject6Index
$d383 = wAnimObject6OAMFlags
$d384 = wAnimObject6FixY
$d385 = wAnimObject6FramesetID
$d386 = wAnimObject6Function
$d387 = wAnimObject6Palette
$d388 = wAnimObject6TileID
$d389 = wAnimObject6XCoord
$d38a = wAnimObject6YCoord
$d38b = wAnimObject6XOffset
$d38c = wAnimObject6YOffset
$d38d = wAnimObject6Param
$d38e = wAnimObject6Duration
$d38f = wAnimObject6Frame
$d390 = wAnimObject6JumptableIndex
$d391 = wAnimObject6Var1
$d392 = wAnimObject6Var2
$d39a = wAnimObject7Index
$d39a = wAnimObject7
$d39b = wAnimObject7OAMFlags
$d39c = wAnimObject7FixY
$d39d = wAnimObject7FramesetID
$d39e = wAnimObject7Function
$d39f = wAnimObject7Palette
$d3a0 = wAnimObject7TileID
$d3a1 = wAnimObject7XCoord
$d3a2 = wAnimObject7YCoord
$d3a3 = wAnimObject7XOffset
$d3a4 = wAnimObject7YOffset
$d3a5 = wAnimObject7Param
$d3a6 = wAnimObject7Duration
$d3a7 = wAnimObject7Frame
$d3a8 = wAnimObject7JumptableIndex
$d3a9 = wAnimObject7Var1
$d3aa = wAnimObject7Var2
$d3b2 = wAnimObject8
$d3b2 = wAnimObject8Index
$d3b3 = wAnimObject8OAMFlags
$d3b4 = wAnimObject8FixY
$d3b5 = wAnimObject8FramesetID
$d3b6 = wAnimObject8Function
$d3b7 = wAnimObject8Palette
$d3b8 = wAnimObject8TileID
$d3b9 = wAnimObject8XCoord
$d3ba = wAnimObject8YCoord
$d3bb = wAnimObject8XOffset
$d3bc = wAnimObject8YOffset
$d3bd = wAnimObject8Param
$d3be = wAnimObject8Duration
$d3bf = wAnimObject8Frame
$d3c0 = wAnimObject8JumptableIndex
$d3c1 = wAnimObject8Var1
$d3c2 = wAnimObject8Var2
$d3ca = wAnimObject9
$d3ca = wAnimObject9Index
$d3cb = wAnimObject9OAMFlags
$d3cc = wAnimObject9FixY
$d3cd = wAnimObject9FramesetID
$d3ce = wAnimObject9Function
$d3cf = wAnimObject9Palette
$d3d0 = wAnimObject9TileID
$d3d1 = wAnimObject9XCoord
$d3d2 = wAnimObject9YCoord
$d3d3 = wAnimObject9XOffset
$d3d4 = wAnimObject9YOffset
$d3d5 = wAnimObject9Param
$d3d6 = wAnimObject9Duration
$d3d7 = wAnimObject9Frame
$d3d8 = wAnimObject9JumptableIndex
$d3d9 = wAnimObject9Var1
$d3da = wAnimObject9Var2
$d3e2 = wAnimObject10Index
$d3e2 = wAnimObject10
$d3e3 = wAnimObject10OAMFlags
$d3e4 = wAnimObject10FixY
$d3e5 = wAnimObject10FramesetID
$d3e6 = wAnimObject10Function
$d3e7 = wAnimObject10Palette
$d3e8 = wAnimObject10TileID
$d3e9 = wAnimObject10XCoord
$d3ea = wAnimObject10YCoord
$d3eb = wAnimObject10XOffset
$d3ec = wAnimObject10YOffset
$d3ed = wAnimObject10Param
$d3ee = wAnimObject10Duration
$d3ef = wAnimObject10Frame
$d3f0 = wAnimObject10JumptableIndex
$d3f1 = wAnimObject10Var1
$d3f2 = wAnimObject10Var2
$d3fa = wActiveBGEffects
$d3fa = wBGEffect1
$d3fa = wBGEffect1Function
$d3fb = wBGEffect1JumptableIndex
$d3fc = wBGEffect1BattleTurn
$d3fd = wBGEffect1Param
$d3fe = wBGEffect2
$d3fe = wBGEffect2Function
$d3ff = wBGEffect2JumptableIndex
$d400 = wBGEffect2BattleTurn
$d401 = wBGEffect2Param
$d402 = wBGEffect3Function
$d402 = wBGEffect3
$d403 = wBGEffect3JumptableIndex
$d404 = wBGEffect3BattleTurn
$d405 = wBGEffect3Param
$d406 = wBGEffect4Function
$d406 = wBGEffect4
$d407 = wBGEffect4JumptableIndex
$d408 = wBGEffect4BattleTurn
$d409 = wBGEffect4Param
$d40a = wBGEffect5Function
$d40a = wBGEffect5
$d40b = wBGEffect5JumptableIndex
$d40c = wBGEffect5BattleTurn
$d40d = wBGEffect5Param
$d40e = wLastAnimObjectIndex
$d40f = wBattleAnimFlags
$d410 = wBattleAnimAddress
$d412 = wBattleAnimDelay
$d413 = wBattleAnimParent
$d415 = wBattleAnimLoops
$d416 = wBattleAnimVar
$d417 = wBattleAnimByte
$d418 = wBattleAnimOAMPointerLo
$d419 = wBattleAnimGFXTempPicHeight
$d419 = wBattleBGEffectTempID
$d419 = wBattlePicResizeTempBaseTileID
$d419 = wBattleAnimGFXTempTileID
$d419 = wBattleObjectTempID
$d419 = wBattleSineWaveTempProgress
$d419 = wBattleAnimTempOAMFlags
$d41a = wBattleSineWaveTempOffset
$d41a = wBattleBGEffectTempJumptableIndex
$d41a = wBattlePicResizeTempPointer
$d41a = wBattleObjectTempXCoord
$d41a = wBattleAnimTempFixY
$d41b = wBattleSineWaveTempAmplitude
$d41b = wBattleAnimTempTileID
$d41b = wBattleObjectTempYCoord
$d41b = wBattleBGEffectTempTurn
$d41c = wBattleBGEffectTempParam
$d41c = wBattleObjectTempParam
$d41c = wBattleAnimTempXCoord
$d41c = wBattleSineWaveTempTimer
$d41d = wBattleAnimTempYCoord
$d41e = wBattleAnimTempXOffset
$d41f = wBattleAnimTempYOffset
$d420 = wBattleAnimTempFrameOAMFlags
$d421 = wBattleAnimTempPalette
$d422 = wSurfWaveBGEffect
$d454 = wBattleAnimEnd
$d462 = wSurfWaveBGEffectEnd
EMPTY: $d462-$d7ff ($039e bytes)
SECTION: $d800-$dc49 ($044a bytes) ["Mobile RAM"]
$d800 = w5_d800
$da00 = w5_da00
$dc00 = w5_dc00
$dc0d = w5_dc0d
$dc11 = w5_dc11
$dc1a = w5_MobileOpponentBattleMessages
$dc26 = w5_MobileOpponentBattleStartMessage
$dc32 = w5_MobileOpponentBattleWinMessage
$dc3e = w5_MobileOpponentBattleLossMessage
EMPTY: $dc4a-$dfff ($03b6 bytes)
TOTAL EMPTY: $07c4 bytes
WRAMX bank #6:
SECTION: $d000-$dfff ($1000 bytes) ["Scratch RAM"]
$d000 = wDecompressScratch
$d000 = wScratchTilemap
$d000 = w6_d000
$d400 = wScratchAttrmap
$d800 = wDecompressEnemyFrontpic
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
WRAMX bank #7:
SECTION: $d000-$dfff ($1000 bytes) ["Stack RAM"]
$d000 = wWindowStack
$dfff = wWindowStackBottom
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes
HRAM bank #0:
SECTION: $ff80-$ff89 ($000a bytes) ["OAM DMA"]
$ff80 = hTransferShadowOAM
$ff86 = hTransferShadowOAM.wait
SECTION: $ff8a-$fffe ($0075 bytes) ["HRAM"]
$ff8a = hROMBankBackup
$ff8b = hTempBank
$ff8b = hFarByte
$ff8c = hSRAMBank
$ff8d = hRTCDayHi
$ff8e = hRTCDayLo
$ff8f = hRTCHours
$ff90 = hRTCMinutes
$ff91 = hRTCSeconds
$ff94 = hHours
$ff96 = hMinutes
$ff98 = hSeconds
$ff9b = hVBlankCounter
$ff9d = hROMBank
$ff9e = hVBlank
$ff9f = hMapEntryMethod
$ffa0 = hMenuReturn
$ffa1 = hUnusedByte
$ffa2 = hJoypadReleased
$ffa3 = hJoypadPressed
$ffa4 = hJoypadDown
$ffa5 = hJoypadSum
$ffa6 = hJoyReleased
$ffa7 = hJoyPressed
$ffa8 = hJoyDown
$ffa9 = hJoyLast
$ffaa = hInMenu
$ffac = hPrinter
$ffad = hGraphicStartTile
$ffae = hMoveMon
$ffaf = hConnectionStripLength
$ffaf = hMapObjectIndex
$ffb0 = hConnectedMapWidth
$ffb0 = hObjectStructIndex
$ffb1 = hEnemyMonSpeed
$ffb3 = hQuotient
$ffb3 = hMGExchangedByte
$ffb3 = hProduct
$ffb3 = hDividend
$ffb3 = hPrintNumBuffer
$ffb4 = hMGExchangedWord
$ffb4 = hMultiplicand
$ffb6 = hMGNumBits
$ffb7 = hRemainder
$ffb7 = hDivisor
$ffb7 = hMGChecksum
$ffb7 = hMultiplier
$ffb8 = hMathBuffer
$ffba = hMGUnusedMsgLength
$ffbb = hMGRole
$ffbc = hMGStatusFlags
$ffbd = hCurSpriteXCoord
$ffbd = hUsedSpriteIndex
$ffbe = hUsedSpriteTile
$ffbe = hCurSpriteYCoord
$ffbf = hCurSpriteXPixel
$ffc0 = hCurSpriteYPixel
$ffc1 = hCurSpriteTile
$ffc2 = hCurSpriteOAMFlags
$ffc3 = hMoneyTemp
$ffc3 = hMGJoypadPressed
$ffc4 = hMGJoypadReleased
$ffc5 = hMGPrevTIMA
$ffc6 = hLCDCPointer
$ffc7 = hLYOverrideStart
$ffc8 = hLYOverrideEnd
$ffc9 = hMobileReceive
$ffca = hSerialReceivedNewData
$ffcb = hSerialConnectionStatus
$ffcc = hSerialIgnoringInitialData
$ffcd = hSerialSend
$ffce = hSerialReceive
$ffcf = hSCX
$ffd0 = hSCY
$ffd1 = hWX
$ffd2 = hWY
$ffd3 = hTilesPerCycle
$ffd4 = hBGMapMode
$ffd5 = hBGMapThird
$ffd6 = hBGMapAddress
$ffd8 = hOAMUpdate
$ffd9 = hSPBuffer
$ffdb = hBGMapUpdate
$ffdc = hBGMapTileCount
$ffde = hMapAnims
$ffdf = hTileAnimFrame
$ffe0 = hLastTalked
$ffe1 = hRandomAdd
$ffe2 = hRandomSub
$ffe3 = hUnusedBackup
$ffe4 = hBattleTurn
$ffe5 = hCGBPalUpdate
$ffe6 = hCGB
$ffe7 = hSGB
$ffe8 = hDMATransfer
$ffe9 = hMobile
$ffea = hSystemBooted
$ffeb = hClockResetTrigger
$ffeb = hDebugRoomMenuPage
TOTAL EMPTY: $0000 bytes