Decompile overlay_25

This commit is contained in:
cbt6 2023-10-17 10:00:03 +08:00
parent 369049dab5
commit 9dac4034a5
18 changed files with 364 additions and 769 deletions

View File

@ -115,4 +115,4 @@
.public ov01_022060B8
.public ov01_02206268
.public ov01_022062CC
.public ov25_022598C0
.public TrainerHouse_StartBattle

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
#include <nitro/fs/overlay.h>
#pragma once
.public CopyU16StringArray
.public CopyU16StringArrayN
.public StringFillEOS
.public NewMsgDataFromNarc
.public DestroyMsgData
.public NewString_ReadMsgData
.public GetSpeciesName
.public MailMsg_Init_FromTemplate
.public MailMsg_Copy
.public FreeToHeap
.public GF_AssertFail
.public String_Delete
.public String_GetLength
.public String_cstr
.public Save_TrainerHouse_Get
.public SetupNativeScript
.public ScriptReadHalfword
.public FieldSysGetAttrAddr
.public FieldSystem_VarGet
.public CallTask_020509F0
.public sub_020517E8
.public sub_020517FC
.public BattleSetup_New
.public BattleSetup_AddMonToParty
.public sub_02051D18
.public BattleSetup_SetAllySideBattlersToPlayer
.public GetUnionRoomAvatarAttrBySprite
.public ZeroMonData
.public AllocMonZeroed
.public CreateMonWithFixedIVs
.public CalcMonLevelAndStats
.public GetMonData
.public SetMonData
.public GetMonExpBySpeciesAndLevel
.public CopyPokemonToPokemon
.public Party_InitWithMaxSize
.public Party_GetCount
.public Party_GetMonByIndex
.public SaveArray_Party_Get
.public MIi_CpuClear16
.public MIi_CpuCopy16
.public MI_CpuFill8
.public ov01_021EF348
.public ov01_021EF564
.public ov25_022598C0

View File

@ -4527,7 +4527,7 @@
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_809 arg0
.macro show_trainer_house_intro_message arg0
.short 809
.short \arg0

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ ScrCmd_808: ; 0x022053EC
add r5, #0x80
ldr r0, [r5]
add r1, r4, #0
bl ov25_022598C0
bl TrainerHouse_StartBattle
add r0, r6, #0
bl UnloadOverlayByID
mov r0, #1

View File

@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "constants/species.h"
#include "constants/items.h"
#include "constants/moves.h"
#include "constants/easy_chat.h"
#include "msgdata/msg/msg_0285.h"
#include "msgdata/msg/msg_0287.h"
#include "msgdata/msg/msg_0292.h"
#include "msgdata/msg/msg_0294.h"
#include "msgdata/msg/msg_0296.h"
#include "msgdata/msg/msg_0726.h"
.include "asm/"
.include ""
.include ""
thumb_func_start ov25_022598C0
ov25_022598C0: ; 0x022598C0
push {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
sub sp, #0x184
add r5, r0, #0
ldr r0, [r5, #0xc]
add r4, r1, #0
bl Save_TrainerHouse_Get
add r2, r0, #0
cmp r4, #0xa
bne _022598FE
add r0, sp, #4
bl ov25_02259948
add r0, r5, #0
add r1, sp, #4
bl ov25_02259AAC
add r6, r0, #0
add r4, r6, #0
add r4, #0x5c
add r0, r4, #0
ldr r1, _02259940 ; =ov25_02259D8C
add r0, #0x24
bl MailMsg_Init_FromTemplate
add r4, #0x2c
ldr r1, _02259944 ; =ov25_02259D94
add r0, r4, #0
bl MailMsg_Init_FromTemplate
b _0225990E
mov r1, #6
lsl r1, r1, #6
mul r1, r4
add r0, r5, #0
add r1, r2, r1
bl ov25_02259AAC
add r6, r0, #0
add r0, r5, #0
mov r1, #0
add r0, #0xa0
str r1, [r0]
add r0, r6, #0
bl sub_020517E8
add r4, r0, #0
add r0, r6, #0
bl sub_020517FC
add r7, r0, #0
add r0, r5, #0
mov r1, #0x18
bl FieldSysGetAttrAddr
str r0, [sp]
ldr r0, [r5, #0x10]
add r1, r6, #0
add r2, r4, #0
add r3, r7, #0
bl CallTask_020509F0
add sp, #0x184
pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
.balign 4, 0
_02259940: .word ov25_02259D8C
_02259944: .word ov25_02259D94
thumb_func_end ov25_022598C0
thumb_func_start ov25_02259948
ov25_02259948: ; 0x02259948
push {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
add r5, r0, #0
mov r2, #6
ldr r0, _02259A24 ; =ov25_02259D9C
add r1, r5, #0
lsl r2, r2, #6
bl MIi_CpuCopy16
ldr r2, _02259A28 ; =0x000002D6
mov r0, #1
mov r1, #0x1b
mov r3, #0xb
bl NewMsgDataFromNarc
add r6, r0, #0
bne _0225996C
bl GF_AssertFail
cmp r6, #0
beq _022599C4
add r0, r6, #0
mov r1, #msg_0726_00003 ; Cal
bl NewString_ReadMsgData
add r4, r0, #0
add r0, r6, #0
bl DestroyMsgData
cmp r4, #0
bne _02259988
bl GF_AssertFail
cmp r4, #0
beq _022599C4
add r0, r4, #0
bl String_GetLength
add r6, r0, #0
cmp r6, #7
bls _0225999C
bl GF_AssertFail
cmp r6, #7
bls _022599A2
mov r6, #7
add r1, r5, #0
ldr r0, _02259A2C ; =0x0000FFFF
add r1, #8
mov r2, #0x10
bl MIi_CpuClear16
add r0, r4, #0
bl String_cstr
add r1, r5, #0
add r1, #8
lsl r2, r6, #1
bl MIi_CpuCopy16
add r0, r4, #0
bl String_Delete
mov r7, #0
add r5, #0x30
ldrh r0, [r5]
lsl r0, r0, #0x15
lsr r0, r0, #0x15
beq _02259A1A
mov r1, #0xb
bl GetSpeciesName
add r4, r0, #0
bne _022599DE
bl GF_AssertFail
cmp r4, #0
beq _02259A1A
add r0, r4, #0
bl String_GetLength
add r6, r0, #0
cmp r6, #0xa
bls _022599F2
bl GF_AssertFail
cmp r6, #0xa
bls _022599F8
mov r6, #0xa
add r1, r5, #0
ldr r0, _02259A2C ; =0x0000FFFF
add r1, #0x24
mov r2, #0x14
bl MIi_CpuClear16
add r0, r4, #0
bl String_cstr
add r1, r5, #0
add r1, #0x24
lsl r2, r6, #1
bl MIi_CpuCopy16
add r0, r4, #0
bl String_Delete
add r7, r7, #1
add r5, #0x38
cmp r7, #6
blt _022599C8
pop {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
.balign 4, 0
_02259A24: .word ov25_02259D9C
_02259A28: .word 0x000002D6
_02259A2C: .word 0x0000FFFF
thumb_func_end ov25_02259948
thumb_func_start ScrCmd_809
ScrCmd_809: ; 0x02259A30
push {r3, r4, r5, lr}
sub sp, #0x18
add r5, r0, #0
bl ScriptReadHalfword
add r1, r0, #0
add r0, r5, #0
add r0, #0x80
ldr r0, [r0]
bl FieldSystem_VarGet
add r4, r0, #0
add r0, r5, #0
add r0, #0x80
ldr r0, [r0]
ldr r0, [r0, #0xc]
bl Save_TrainerHouse_Get
cmp r4, #0xa
bne _02259A6C
ldr r1, _02259AA4 ; =ov25_02259D84
add r0, sp, #8
bl MailMsg_Init_FromTemplate
add r0, sp, #8
add r1, sp, #0x10
mov r2, #8
bl MIi_CpuCopy16
b _02259A7E
mov r1, #6
lsl r1, r1, #6
mul r1, r4
add r0, r0, r1
add r0, #0x18
add r1, sp, #0x10
mov r2, #8
bl MIi_CpuCopy16
add r3, sp, #8
mov r0, #0xe
ldrsh r0, [r3, r0]
str r0, [sp]
mov r0, #1
str r0, [sp, #4]
ldrh r1, [r3, #8]
ldrh r2, [r3, #0xa]
ldrh r3, [r3, #0xc]
add r0, r5, #0
bl ov01_021EF564
ldr r1, _02259AA8 ; =ov01_021EF348
add r0, r5, #0
bl SetupNativeScript
mov r0, #1
add sp, #0x18
pop {r3, r4, r5, pc}
.balign 4, 0
_02259AA4: .word ov25_02259D84
_02259AA8: .word ov01_021EF348
thumb_func_end ScrCmd_809
thumb_func_start ov25_02259AAC
ov25_02259AAC: ; 0x02259AAC
push {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
sub sp, #0x14
str r1, [sp, #8]
add r4, r0, #0
ldr r1, _02259B8C ; =0x00002081
mov r0, #0xb
bl BattleSetup_New
ldr r5, [r4, #0xc]
add r6, r0, #0
add r0, r5, #0
bl SaveArray_Party_Get
str r0, [sp, #0xc]
add r0, r4, #0
add r0, #0x94
ldr r0, [r0]
add r1, r4, #0
str r0, [sp]
add r0, r4, #0
add r0, #0xb0
ldr r0, [r0]
add r2, r5, #0
str r0, [sp, #4]
ldr r3, [r4, #0x20]
add r0, r6, #0
ldr r3, [r3]
bl sub_02051D18
mov r0, #0x53
mov r1, #6
lsl r0, r0, #2
str r1, [r6, r0]
mov r1, #9
add r0, r0, #4
str r1, [r6, r0]
mov r0, #0xb
bl AllocMonZeroed
add r5, r0, #0
ldr r0, [sp, #0xc]
bl Party_GetCount
add r7, r0, #0
ldr r0, [r6, #4]
mov r1, #6
bl Party_InitWithMaxSize
mov r4, #0
cmp r7, #0
ble _02259B60
ldr r0, [sp, #0xc]
add r1, r4, #0
bl Party_GetMonByIndex
add r1, r5, #0
bl CopyPokemonToPokemon
add r0, r5, #0
mov r1, #0xa1
mov r2, #0
bl GetMonData
cmp r0, #0x32
bls _02259B50
add r0, r5, #0
mov r1, #5
mov r2, #0
bl GetMonData
mov r1, #0x32
bl GetMonExpBySpeciesAndLevel
str r0, [sp, #0x10]
add r0, r5, #0
mov r1, #8
add r2, sp, #0x10
bl SetMonData
add r0, r5, #0
bl CalcMonLevelAndStats
add r0, r6, #0
add r1, r5, #0
mov r2, #0
bl BattleSetup_AddMonToParty
add r4, r4, #1
cmp r4, r7
blt _02259B12
add r0, r5, #0
bl FreeToHeap
add r0, r6, #0
bl BattleSetup_SetAllySideBattlersToPlayer
ldr r1, [sp, #8]
add r0, r6, #0
mov r2, #1
bl ov25_02259D14
mov r2, #0
add r1, r6, #0
mov r0, #7
add r2, r2, #1
str r0, [r1, #0x34]
add r1, #0x34
cmp r2, #4
blt _02259B7C
add r0, r6, #0
add sp, #0x14
pop {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
.balign 4, 0
_02259B8C: .word 0x00002081
thumb_func_end ov25_02259AAC
thumb_func_start ov25_02259B90
ov25_02259B90: ; 0x02259B90
push {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
sub sp, #0x28
add r4, r1, #0
add r6, r0, #0
add r0, r4, #0
bl ZeroMonData
add r0, r6, #0
add r0, #0x22
ldrb r0, [r0]
cmp r0, #0x32
bls _02259BAA
mov r0, #0x32
add r2, sp, #8
strb r0, [r2, #1]
ldr r0, [r6, #0x10]
ldr r3, _02259CC0 ; =0x3FFFFFFF
str r0, [sp]
ldrh r1, [r6]
ldr r5, [r6, #0x14]
ldrb r2, [r2, #1]
lsl r1, r1, #0x15
add r0, r4, #0
lsr r1, r1, #0x15
and r3, r5
bl CreateMonWithFixedIVs
ldrh r0, [r6]
add r2, sp, #8
add r2, #1
lsl r0, r0, #0x10
lsr r1, r0, #0x1b
add r0, sp, #8
strb r1, [r0, #1]
add r0, r4, #0
mov r1, #0x70
bl SetMonData
add r0, r4, #0
mov r1, #6
add r2, r6, #2
bl SetMonData
mov r5, #0
str r6, [sp, #4]
add r7, r5, #0
ldr r0, [sp, #4]
add r2, sp, #8
ldrh r1, [r0, #4]
add r0, sp, #8
add r2, #2
strh r1, [r0, #2]
add r1, r5, #0
add r0, r4, #0
add r1, #0x36
bl SetMonData
ldrb r0, [r6, #0x1e]
add r2, sp, #8
add r2, #1
add r1, r0, #0
asr r1, r7
mov r0, #3
and r1, r0
add r0, sp, #8
strb r1, [r0, #1]
add r1, r5, #0
add r0, r4, #0
add r1, #0x3e
bl SetMonData
add r1, r5, #0
add r0, r4, #0
add r1, #0x42
mov r2, #0
bl GetMonData
add r1, sp, #8
strb r0, [r1]
add r1, r5, #0
add r0, r4, #0
add r1, #0x3a
add r2, sp, #8
bl SetMonData
ldr r0, [sp, #4]
add r5, r5, #1
add r0, r0, #2
add r7, r7, #2
str r0, [sp, #4]
cmp r5, #4
blt _02259BEC
ldr r0, [r6, #0xc]
mov r1, #7
str r0, [sp, #0xc]
add r0, r4, #0
add r2, sp, #0xc
bl SetMonData
mov r5, #0
add r7, sp, #8
add r0, r6, r5
ldrb r0, [r0, #0x18]
add r1, r5, #0
add r2, sp, #8
strb r0, [r7, #1]
add r0, r4, #0
add r1, #0xd
add r2, #1
bl SetMonData
add r5, r5, #1
cmp r5, #6
blt _02259C5A
add r2, r6, #0
add r0, r4, #0
mov r1, #0xa
add r2, #0x20
bl SetMonData
add r2, r6, #0
add r0, r4, #0
mov r1, #9
add r2, #0x21
bl SetMonData
add r0, sp, #0x10
mov r1, #0xb
bl StringFillEOS
add r1, r6, #0
add r0, sp, #0x10
add r1, #0x24
mov r2, #0xa
bl CopyU16StringArrayN
add r0, r4, #0
mov r1, #0x75
add r2, sp, #0x10
bl SetMonData
add r6, #0x1f
add r0, r4, #0
mov r1, #0xc
add r2, r6, #0
bl SetMonData
add r0, r4, #0
bl CalcMonLevelAndStats
add sp, #0x28
pop {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
.balign 4, 0
_02259CC0: .word 0x3FFFFFFF
thumb_func_end ov25_02259B90
thumb_func_start ov25_02259CC4
ov25_02259CC4: ; 0x02259CC4
push {r3, r4, r5, lr}
add r4, r1, #0
add r5, r0, #0
add r0, r4, #0
mov r1, #0
mov r2, #0x34
bl MI_CpuFill8
ldrb r0, [r5, #7]
ldrb r1, [r5, #4]
mov r2, #1
bl GetUnionRoomAvatarAttrBySprite
strb r0, [r4, #1]
mov r0, #0
strb r0, [r4, #2]
sub r0, r0, #1
str r0, [r4, #0xc]
add r0, r4, #0
add r1, r5, #0
add r0, #0x14
add r1, #8
bl CopyU16StringArray
add r0, r4, #0
add r1, r5, #0
add r0, #0x24
add r1, #0x20
bl MailMsg_Copy
add r0, r4, #0
add r5, #0x28
add r0, #0x2c
add r1, r5, #0
bl MailMsg_Copy
mov r0, #0
str r0, [r4, #0x10]
pop {r3, r4, r5, pc}
.balign 4, 0
thumb_func_end ov25_02259CC4
thumb_func_start ov25_02259D14
ov25_02259D14: ; 0x02259D14
push {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
sub sp, #8
str r0, [sp]
str r2, [sp, #4]
add r5, r1, #0
ldr r3, [sp]
ldr r1, [sp, #4]
mov r2, #0x34
add r3, #0x28
mul r2, r1
add r0, r5, #0
add r1, r3, r2
bl ov25_02259CC4
ldr r0, [sp, #4]
ldr r1, [r5]
lsl r4, r0, #2
ldr r0, [sp]
add r0, r0, r4
str r1, [r0, #0x18]
mov r0, #0xb
bl AllocMonZeroed
add r6, r0, #0
ldr r0, [sp]
mov r1, #6
add r0, r0, r4
ldr r0, [r0, #4]
bl Party_InitWithMaxSize
add r5, #0x30
mov r7, #0
add r4, r5, #0
ldrh r0, [r5]
lsl r0, r0, #0x15
lsr r0, r0, #0x15
beq _02259D7A
add r0, r4, #0
add r1, r6, #0
bl ov25_02259B90
ldr r0, [sp]
ldr r2, [sp, #4]
add r1, r6, #0
bl BattleSetup_AddMonToParty
add r7, r7, #1
add r5, #0x38
add r4, #0x38
cmp r7, #6
blt _02259D56
add r0, r6, #0
bl FreeToHeap
add sp, #8
pop {r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
thumb_func_end ov25_02259D14
; It's MATCH!
.byte 0x00, msg_0294_00003, EC_GROUP_TRAINER, 0xFF
.short msg_0285_match, 0x0000
; VICTORY! Thank you!
ov25_02259D8C: ; 0x02259D8C
.byte 0x01, msg_0296_00007, EC_GROUP_TRAINER, 0xFF
.short msg_0285_victory, 0x0000
; You win... THANKS!
ov25_02259D94: ; 0x02259D94
.byte 0x02, msg_0292_00000, EC_GROUP_GREETINGS, 0xFF
.short msg_0287_thanks, 0x0000
ov25_02259D9C: ; 0x02259D9C
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.short 0x0033, 0x000C, 0x004C, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.word 0x11111111
.word 0x00000101
.word (20 << 0) | (20 << 5) | (20 << 10) | (20 << 15) | (20 << 20) | (20 << 25)
.byte 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF
.byte 0x00, 0x02, 0x41, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00
.short 0x0092, 0x005D, 0x007C, 0x0057, 0x0091, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF
.word 0x11111111
.word 0x00001010
.word (20 << 0) | (20 << 5) | (20 << 10) | (20 << 15) | (20 << 20) | (20 << 25)
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x02, 0x42, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00
.short 0x0081, 0x0060, 0x0086, 0x00F1, 0x00A1, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF
.word 0x11111111
.word 0x00000011
.word (20 << 0) | (20 << 5) | (20 << 10) | (20 << 15) | (20 << 20) | (20 << 25)
.byte 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x02, 0x43, 0x00, 0x32, 0x00
.short 0x005B, 0x00F1, 0x0071, 0x0055, 0x009C, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF
.short ITEM_NONE
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word (0 << 0) | (0 << 5) | (0 << 10) | (0 << 15) | (0 << 20) | (0 << 25)
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.short 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF
.short ITEM_NONE
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word (0 << 0) | (0 << 5) | (0 << 10) | (0 << 15) | (0 << 20) | (0 << 25)
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.short 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF
.short ITEM_NONE
.word 0x00000000
.word 0x00000000
.word (0 << 0) | (0 << 5) | (0 << 10) | (0 << 15) | (0 << 20) | (0 << 25)
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.short 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF
; 0x02259F20

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ _0118:
goto_if_eq _0186
script_overlay_cmd 4, 0
scrcmd_809 VAR_TEMP_x4000
show_trainer_house_intro_message VAR_TEMP_x4000
script_overlay_cmd 4, 1

View File

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ typedef enum Terrain {
#define BATTLE_TYPE_TUTORIAL (1 << 10)
#define BATTLE_TYPE_11 (1 << 11)
#define BATTLE_TYPE_BUG_CONTEST (1 << 12)
#define BATTLE_TYPE_13 (1 << 13)
#define BATTLE_TYPE_DEBUG (1 << 31)

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ typedef struct MailMessageTemplate {
u8 msg_no;
s8 ec_groups[MAILMSG_FIELDS_MAX];
u16 ec_words[MAILMSG_FIELDS_MAX];
} MailMessageTemplate;
void MailMsg_Init(MAIL_MESSAGE *msg);
BOOL MailMsg_Compare(const MAIL_MESSAGE *a, const MAIL_MESSAGE *b);
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ void MailMsg_SetFieldI(MAIL_MESSAGE *mailMessage, u16 field_no, u16 ec_word);
void MailMsg_Copy(MAIL_MESSAGE *dst, const MAIL_MESSAGE *src);
void MailMsg_Init_WithBank(MAIL_MESSAGE *mailMessage, u16 msgBank);
void MailMsg_Init_Default(MAIL_MESSAGE *mailMessage);
void MailMsg_Init_FromTemplate(MAIL_MESSAGE *mailMessage, const MAIL_MSG_TEMPLATE *template);
void MailMsg_Init_FromTemplate(MAIL_MESSAGE *mailMessage, const MailMessageTemplate *template);
String *MailMsg_GetExpandedString(const MAIL_MESSAGE *mailMessage, HeapID heapId);
String *MailMsg_GetRawString(MAIL_MESSAGE *mailMessage, HeapID heapId);
BOOL MailMsg_IsInit(MAIL_MESSAGE *mailMessage);

View File

@ -2,57 +2,69 @@
#include "save.h"
#include "pokemon_types_def.h"
#include "constants/pokemon.h"
#include "global.h"
typedef struct TrainerHouseTrainer {
u32 id;
u8 unk_04;
u8 sprite;
u8 language;
u8 version;
u8 unk7;
u8 gender;
u16 otName[PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
u8 filler_18[0x18];
} TrainerHouseTrainer; // size=0x30
MAIL_MESSAGE introMessage;
MAIL_MESSAGE winMessage;
MAIL_MESSAGE loseMessage;
} TrainerHouseTrainer;
typedef struct TrainerHouseMon {
u16 species:11;
u16 form:5;
u16 item;
u16 moves[MAX_MON_MOVES];
u32 pid;
u32 otid;
u32 hpIv:5;
u32 atkIv:5;
u32 defIv:5;
u32 spdIv:5;
u32 spAtkIv:5;
u32 spDefIv:5;
u32 dummy:2;
u32 pid;
union {
struct {
u32 hpIv:5;
u32 atkIv:5;
u32 defIv:5;
u32 spdIv:5;
u32 spAtkIv:5;
u32 spDefIv:5;
u32 dummy:2;
u32 ivsWord;
u8 hpEv;
u8 atkEv;
u8 defEv;
u8 spdEv;
u8 spAtkEv;
u8 spDefEv;
u8 unk_1E[6];
u8 ppUp;
u8 language;
u8 ability;
u8 friendship;
u8 level;
u16 nickname[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH];
} TrainerHouseMon; // size=0x38
} TrainerHouseMon;
typedef struct TrainerHouseSet {
TrainerHouseTrainer trainer;
TrainerHouseMon party[PARTY_SIZE];
} TrainerHouseSet;
typedef struct TrainerHouseSave {
TrainerHouseSet sets[TRAINER_HALL_SET_MAX];
} TrainerHouseSave; // size=0xF00
typedef struct TrainerHouse {
} TrainerHouse;
u32 Save_TrainerHouse_sizeof(void);
TrainerHouseSave *Save_TrainerHouse_Get(SaveData *saveData);
void Save_TrainerHouse_Init(TrainerHouseSave *th);
TrainerHouse *Save_TrainerHouse_Get(SaveData *saveData);
void Save_TrainerHouse_Init(TrainerHouse *th);
void TrainerHouseMon_SetZero(TrainerHouseMon *mon);
void TrainerHouseTrainer_SetZero(TrainerHouseTrainer *trainer);
void TrainerHouseSet_SetZero(TrainerHouseSet *set);

View File

@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ BOOL ScrCmd_805(ScriptContext* ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_806(ScriptContext* ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_SetTrainerHouseSprite(ScriptContext* ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_808(ScriptContext* ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_809(ScriptContext* ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_ShowTrainerHouseIntroMessage(ScriptContext* ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_810(ScriptContext* ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_811(ScriptContext* ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_812(ScriptContext* ctx);

View File

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ typedef union TrainerMon {
typedef struct TrainerData {
/*000*/ u8 trainerType;
/*001*/ u8 trainerClass;
/*002*/ u8 unk_2; // unused
/*002*/ u8 unk_2;
/*003*/ u8 npoke;
/*004*/ u16 items[4];
/*00C*/ u32 aiFlags;

View File

@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ Overlay bug_contest
Overlay OVY_25
After OVY_3
Object asm/overlay_25.o
Object src/overlay_25.o
Overlay OVY_26

View File

@ -808,7 +808,7 @@ BOOL ScrCmd_805(ScriptContext *ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_806(ScriptContext *ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_SetTrainerHouseSprite(ScriptContext *ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_808(ScriptContext *ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_809(ScriptContext *ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_ShowTrainerHouseIntroMessage(ScriptContext *ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_810(ScriptContext *ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_811(ScriptContext *ctx);
BOOL ScrCmd_812(ScriptContext *ctx);
@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ const ScrCmdFunc gScriptCmdTable[] = {

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void MailMsg_Init_Default(MAIL_MESSAGE *mailMessage) {
mailMessage->msg_no = msg_0295_00005;
void MailMsg_Init_FromTemplate(MAIL_MESSAGE *mailMessage, const MAIL_MSG_TEMPLATE *template) {
void MailMsg_Init_FromTemplate(MAIL_MESSAGE *mailMessage, const MailMessageTemplate *template) {
MailMsg_Init_WithBank(mailMessage, template->msg_bank);
mailMessage->msg_no = template->msg_no;
if (template->ec_groups[0] > 0) {

src/overlay_25.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
#include "global.h"
#include "assert.h"
#include "encounter.h"
#include "fieldmap.h"
#include "heap.h"
#include "mail_message.h"
#include "msgdata.h"
#include "overlay_01.h"
#include "overlay_25.h"
#include "party.h"
#include "pm_string.h"
#include "pokemon.h"
#include "save_trainer_house.h"
#include "scrcmd.h"
#include "script.h"
#include "string_util.h"
#include "unk_020517A4.h"
#include "unk_0205B3DC.h"
#include "battle/battle_setup.h"
#include "constants/abilities.h"
#include "constants/easy_chat.h"
#include "msgdata/msg/msg_0285.h"
#include "msgdata/msg/msg_0287.h"
#include "msgdata/msg/msg_0292.h"
#include "msgdata/msg/msg_0294.h"
#include "msgdata/msg/msg_0296.h"
#include "msgdata/msg/msg_0726.h"
#include "msgdata/msg.naix"
static const MailMessageTemplate TrainerHouse_DefaultLoseMessage = {
.msg_bank = MAILMSG_BANK_0292_GMM,
.msg_no = msg_0292_00000,
.ec_groups = { EC_GROUP_GREETINGS, 0xFF },
.ec_words = { msg_0287_thanks, 0 },
static const MailMessageTemplate TrainerHouse_DefaultWinMessage = {
.msg_bank = MAILMSG_BANK_0296_GMM,
.msg_no = msg_0296_00007,
.ec_groups = { EC_GROUP_TRAINER, 0xFF },
.ec_words = { msg_0285_victory, 0 },
static const MailMessageTemplate TrainerHouse_DefaultIntroMessage = {
.msg_bank = MAILMSG_BANK_0294_GMM,
.msg_no = msg_0294_00003,
.ec_groups = { EC_GROUP_TRAINER, 0xFF },
.ec_words = { msg_0285_match, 0 },
.language = GAME_LANGUAGE, \
.nickname = { \
0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, \
0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, \
}, \
static const TrainerHouseSet ov25_02259D9C = {
.trainer = {
.id = 0,
.sprite = SPRITE_MAN3,
.language = GAME_LANGUAGE,
.version = GAME_VERSION,
.otName = { 0x33, 0x0c, 0x4c, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }, // "ひかる"
.party = {
.otid = 0x11111111,
.pid = 0x00000101,
.hpIv = 20,
.atkIv = 20,
.defIv = 20,
.spdIv = 20,
.spAtkIv = 20,
.spDefIv = 20,
.hpEv = 255,
.spDefEv = 255,
.language = GAME_LANGUAGE,
.level = 50,
.nickname = { 0x92, 0x5d, 0x7c, 0x57, 0x91, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }, // "メガニウム"
.otid = 0x11111111,
.pid = 0x00001010,
.hpIv = 20,
.atkIv = 20,
.defIv = 20,
.spdIv = 20,
.spAtkIv = 20,
.spDefIv = 20,
.spdEv = 255,
.spAtkEv = 255,
.language = GAME_LANGUAGE,
.ability = ABILITY_BLAZE,
.level = 50,
.nickname = { 0x81, 0x60, 0x86, 0xf1, 0xa1, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }, // "バクフーン"
.otid = 0x11111111,
.pid = 0x00000011,
.hpIv = 20,
.atkIv = 20,
.defIv = 20,
.spdIv = 20,
.spAtkIv = 20,
.spDefIv = 20,
.hpEv = 255,
.atkEv = 255,
.language = GAME_LANGUAGE,
.level = 50,
.nickname = { 0x5b, 0xf1, 0x71, 0x55, 0x9c, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }, // "オーダイル"
static void TrainerHouse_SetNames(TrainerHouseSet *set);
static BattleSetup *TrainerHouse_NewBattleSetup(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, TrainerHouseSet *set);
static void TrainerHouse_CopyToPokemon(TrainerHouseMon *trainerHouseMon, Pokemon *mon);
static void TrainerHouse_InitTrainer(TrainerHouseSet *set, Trainer *trainer);
static void TrainerHouse_InitBattleSetup(BattleSetup *setup, TrainerHouseSet *set, u32 battlerId);
void TrainerHouse_StartBattle(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u32 trainerNum) {
TrainerHouse *trainerHouse = Save_TrainerHouse_Get(fieldSystem->saveData);
BattleSetup *setup;
if (trainerNum == MAX_NUM_TRAINER_HOUSE_SETS) {
TrainerHouseSet set;
setup = TrainerHouse_NewBattleSetup(fieldSystem, &set);
Trainer *trainer = &setup->trainer[BATTLER_ENEMY];
MailMsg_Init_FromTemplate(&trainer->winMessage, &TrainerHouse_DefaultWinMessage);
MailMsg_Init_FromTemplate(&trainer->loseMessage, &TrainerHouse_DefaultLoseMessage);
} else {
setup = TrainerHouse_NewBattleSetup(fieldSystem, &trainerHouse->sets[trainerNum]);
fieldSystem->unkA0 = NULL;
u32 effect = sub_020517E8(setup);
u32 bgm = sub_020517FC(setup);
u32 *winFlag = FieldSysGetAttrAddr(fieldSystem, SCRIPTENV_BATTLE_WIN_FLAG);
CallTask_020509F0(fieldSystem->taskman, setup, effect, bgm, winFlag);
static void TrainerHouse_SetNames(TrainerHouseSet *set) {
MIi_CpuCopy16((u16*)&ov25_02259D9C, (u16*)set, sizeof(TrainerHouseSet));
MsgData *messageData = NewMsgDataFromNarc(MSGDATA_LOAD_LAZY, NARC_msgdata_msg, NARC_msg_msg_0726_bin, HEAP_ID_FIELD);
if (messageData) {
String *otName = NewString_ReadMsgData(messageData, msg_0726_00003);
if (otName) {
u32 length = String_GetLength(otName);
if (length > PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH) {
MIi_CpuClear16(0xffff, set->trainer.otName, (PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 1) * sizeof(u16));
MIi_CpuCopy16(String_cstr(otName), set->trainer.otName, length * sizeof(u16));
for (s32 i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++) {
TrainerHouseMon *trainerHouseMon = &(set->party[i]);
if (trainerHouseMon->species == SPECIES_NONE) {
String *name = GetSpeciesName(trainerHouseMon->species, HEAP_ID_FIELD);
if (name) {
u32 length = String_GetLength(name);
if (length > POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH) {
MIi_CpuClear16(0xffff, trainerHouseMon->nickname, POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH * sizeof(u16));
MIi_CpuCopy16(String_cstr(name), trainerHouseMon->nickname, length * sizeof(u16));
BOOL ScrCmd_ShowTrainerHouseIntroMessage(ScriptContext *ctx) {
u16 trainerNum = ScriptGetVar(ctx);
TrainerHouse *trainerHouse = Save_TrainerHouse_Get(ctx->fieldSystem->saveData);
if (trainerNum == MAX_NUM_TRAINER_HOUSE_SETS) {
MailMsg_Init_FromTemplate(&temp, &TrainerHouse_DefaultIntroMessage);
MIi_CpuCopy16((u16*)&temp, (u16*)&intro, sizeof(MAIL_MESSAGE));
} else {
MIi_CpuCopy16((u16*)&(trainerHouse->sets[trainerNum].trainer.introMessage), (u16*)&intro, sizeof(MAIL_MESSAGE));
ov01_021EF564(ctx, intro.msg_bank, intro.msg_no, intro.fields[0], intro.fields[1], TRUE);
SetupNativeScript(ctx, ov01_021EF348);
return TRUE;
static BattleSetup *TrainerHouse_NewBattleSetup(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, TrainerHouseSet *set) {
s32 i;
SaveData *saveData = fieldSystem->saveData;
Party *party = SaveArray_Party_Get(saveData);
sub_02051D18(setup, fieldSystem, saveData, fieldSystem->location->mapId, fieldSystem->unk94, fieldSystem->unkB0);
setup->battleBg = 6;
setup->unk_150 = 9;
Pokemon *mon = AllocMonZeroed(HEAP_ID_FIELD);
s32 partyCount = Party_GetCount(party);
Party_InitWithMaxSize(setup->party[BATTLER_PLAYER], PARTY_SIZE);
for (i = 0; i < partyCount; i++) {
CopyPokemonToPokemon(Party_GetMonByIndex(party, i), mon);
u32 exp = GetMonExpBySpeciesAndLevel(GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_SPECIES, NULL), MAX_TRAINER_HOUSE_LEVEL);
SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_EXPERIENCE, &exp);
BattleSetup_AddMonToParty(setup, mon, BATTLER_PLAYER);
TrainerHouse_InitBattleSetup(setup, set, BATTLER_ENEMY);
for (i = 0; i < BATTLER_MAX; i++) {
setup->trainer[i].data.aiFlags = 7;
return setup;
static void TrainerHouse_CopyToPokemon(TrainerHouseMon *trainerHouseMon, Pokemon *mon) {
s32 i;
u8 tempByte;
u32 level = trainerHouseMon->level > MAX_TRAINER_HOUSE_LEVEL
: trainerHouseMon->level;
tempByte = level;
u32 species = trainerHouseMon->species;
u32 ivs = trainerHouseMon->ivsWord & 0x3fffffff;
u32 pid = trainerHouseMon->pid;
CreateMonWithFixedIVs(mon, species, tempByte, ivs, pid);
tempByte = trainerHouseMon->form;
SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_FORM, &tempByte);
SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, &trainerHouseMon->item);
for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_MON_MOVES; i++) {
u16 move = trainerHouseMon->moves[i];
SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MOVE1 + i, &move);
tempByte = trainerHouseMon->ppUp >> (i * 2) & 3;
SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MOVE1PPUP + i, &tempByte);
u8 pp = GetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MOVE1MAXPP + i, NULL);
SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_MOVE1PP + i, &pp);
u32 otid = trainerHouseMon->otid;
SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_OTID, &otid);
for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATS; i++) {
tempByte = *(&trainerHouseMon->hpEv + i);
SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_HP_EV + i, &tempByte);
SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_ABILITY, &(trainerHouseMon->ability));
SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_FRIENDSHIP, &(trainerHouseMon->friendship));
u16 nickname[POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH + 1];
StringFillEOS(nickname, NELEMS(nickname));
CopyU16StringArrayN(nickname, trainerHouseMon->nickname, POKEMON_NAME_LENGTH);
SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_NICKNAME, nickname);
SetMonData(mon, MON_DATA_GAME_LANGUAGE, &(trainerHouseMon->language));
static void TrainerHouse_InitTrainer(TrainerHouseSet *set, Trainer *trainer) {
MI_CpuFill8(trainer, 0, sizeof(Trainer));
trainer->data.trainerClass = GetUnionRoomAvatarAttrBySprite(set->trainer.gender, set->trainer.sprite, 1);
trainer->data.unk_2 = 0;
trainer->data.aiFlags = 0xffffffff;
CopyU16StringArray(trainer->name, set->trainer.otName);
MailMsg_Copy(&trainer->winMessage, &set->trainer.winMessage);
MailMsg_Copy(&trainer->loseMessage, &set->trainer.loseMessage);
trainer->data.doubleBattle = 0;
static void TrainerHouse_InitBattleSetup(BattleSetup *setup, TrainerHouseSet *set, u32 battlerId) {
s32 i;
TrainerHouse_InitTrainer(set, &setup->trainer[battlerId]);
setup->trainerId[battlerId] = set->;
Pokemon *tempMon = AllocMonZeroed(HEAP_ID_FIELD);
Party_InitWithMaxSize(setup->party[battlerId], PARTY_SIZE);
TrainerHouseMon *trainerHouseMon = set->party;
for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; trainerHouseMon++, i++)
if (trainerHouseMon->species == SPECIES_NONE) {
TrainerHouse_CopyToPokemon(&set->party[i], tempMon);
BattleSetup_AddMonToParty(setup, tempMon, battlerId);

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ const OVY_MGR_TEMPLATE ov36_App_MainMenu_SelectOption_Continue = {
static const MAIL_MSG_TEMPLATE sMailMsgTemplates[2] = {
static const MailMessageTemplate sMailMsgTemplates[2] = {
.msg_bank = MAILMSG_BANK_0292_GMM,

View File

@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
#include "constants/species.h"
u32 Save_TrainerHouse_sizeof(void) {
return sizeof(TrainerHouseSave);
return sizeof(TrainerHouse);
TrainerHouseSave *Save_TrainerHouse_Get(SaveData *saveData) {
TrainerHouse *Save_TrainerHouse_Get(SaveData *saveData) {
return SaveArray_Get(saveData, SAVE_TRAINER_HOUSE);
void Save_TrainerHouse_Init(TrainerHouseSave *th) {
void Save_TrainerHouse_Init(TrainerHouse *th) {
int i;
MI_CpuClear8(th, sizeof(TrainerHouseSave));
for (i = 0; i < TRAINER_HALL_SET_MAX; i++) {
MI_CpuClear8(th, sizeof(TrainerHouse));
for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_TRAINER_HOUSE_SETS; i++) {
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ BOOL TrainerHouseSet_CheckHasData(const TrainerHouseSet *set) {
BOOL TrainerHouseTrainer_Compare(const TrainerHouseTrainer *a, const TrainerHouseTrainer *b) {
if (a->id != b->id || a->version != b->version || a->language != b->language || a->unk7 != b->unk7) {
if (a->id != b->id || a->version != b->version || a->language != b->language || a->gender != b->gender) {
return FALSE;
return !StringNotEqual(a->otName, b->otName);

View File

@ -437,10 +437,10 @@ BOOL ScrCmd_SetTrainerHouseSprite(ScriptContext *ctx) {
u16 trainerNum = ScriptGetVar(ctx);
u16 *hasTrainer = ScriptGetVarPointer(ctx);
u16 *spriteId = GetVarPointer(ctx->fieldSystem, VAR_OBJ_1 + trainerNum);
TrainerHouseSave *trainerHouse = Save_TrainerHouse_Get(ctx->fieldSystem->saveData);
TrainerHouse *trainerHouse = Save_TrainerHouse_Get(ctx->fieldSystem->saveData);
*hasTrainer = TrainerHouseSet_CheckHasData(&trainerHouse->sets[trainerNum]);
if (*hasTrainer) {
*spriteId = trainerHouse->sets[trainerNum].trainer.unk_04;
*spriteId = trainerHouse->sets[trainerNum].trainer.sprite;
} else {
*spriteId = 0;