mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 12:50:40 +00:00
4947 lines
67 KiB
4947 lines
67 KiB
#pragma once
#include "constants/scrcmd.h"
.option alignment off
.macro scrdef offset
.word \offset - . - 4
.macro scrdef_end
; Dummy command
.macro snop
.short 0
; Dummy command
.macro dummy
.short 1
; Exits script execution and returns control to the player
.macro end
.short 2
; Pauses for some frames, tracks the timer in a script variable
.macro wait frames, var
.short 3
.short \frames
.short \var
; Loads 8-bit value into the specified script register
.macro loadbyte reg, val
.short 4
.byte \reg
.byte \val
; Loads 32-bit value into the specified script register
.macro loadword reg, val
.short 5
.byte \reg
.word \val
; Reads byte at a specific memory address into a script register
; Because scripts are compiled in a code-agnostic fashion,
; this command can never be assembled.
.macro loadbytefromaddr reg, addr
.short 6
.byte \reg
.word \addr
; Writes byte to a specific memory address from a script register
; Because scripts are compiled in a code-agnostic fashion,
; this command can never be assembled.
.macro writebytetoaddr addr, reg
.short 7
.word \addr
.byte \reg
; Writes byte literal to a specific memory address
; Because scripts are compiled in a code-agnostic fashion,
; this command can never be assembled.
.macro setptrbyte addr, val
.short 8
.word \addr
.byte \val
; Copies a byte between script registers
.macro copylocal to, from
.short 9
.byte \to
.byte \from
; Copies a byte between two memory addresses
; Because scripts are compiled in a code-agnostic fashion,
; this command can never be assembled.
.macro copybyte to, from
.short 10
.word \to
.word \from
; Compares values between script reg and script reg
.macro compare_local_to_local a, b
.short 11
.byte \a
.byte \b
; Compares script reg to byte literal
.macro compare_local_to_value reg, val
.short 12
.byte \reg
.byte \val
; Compares script reg to memory address
; Because scripts are compiled in a code-agnostic fashion,
; this command can never be assembled.
.macro compare_local_to_addr reg, addr
.short 13
.byte \reg
.word \addr
; Compares memory address to script reg
; Because scripts are compiled in a code-agnostic fashion,
; this command can never be assembled.
.macro compare_addr_to_local addr, reg
.short 14
.word \addr
.byte \reg
; Compares memory address to byte literal
; Because scripts are compiled in a code-agnostic fashion,
; this command can never be assembled.
.macro compare_addr_to_value addr, val
.short 15
.word \addr
.byte \val
; Compares bytes at two memory addresses
; Because scripts are compiled in a code-agnostic fashion,
; this command can never be assembled.
.macro compare_addr_to_addr a, b
.short 16
.word \a
.word \b
; Compares variable to 16-bit literal
.macro compare_var_to_value var, val
.short 17
.short \var
.short \val
; Compares two variables
.macro compare_var_to_var a, b
.short 18
.short \a
.short \b
; Creates a new script context to run the indicated script asynchronously
.macro runscript id
.short 19
.short \id
; Creates a new script context to run the indicated script and wait
.macro callstd id
.short 20
.short \id
; Yield to parent context
.macro endstd
.short 21
; Absolute branch to offset in script
.macro goto dest
.short 22
.word \dest-.-4
; Branch to offset in script if interacting with a specific object
.macro objectgoto object, dest
.short 23
.byte \object
.word \dest-.-4
; Branch to offset in script if interacting with a specific bg event
.macro bggoto bg, dest
.short 24
.byte \bg
.word \dest-.-4
; Branch to offset in script if facing a specific direction
.macro directiongoto dir, dest
.short 25
.byte \dir
.word \dest-.-4
; Call script as a subroutine
.macro call sub
.short 26
.word \sub-.-4
; Return from subroutine
.macro return
.short 27
; Conditional branch to offset in script
.macro goto_if condition, dest
.short 28
.byte \condition
.word \dest-.-4
; Conditional call subroutine
.macro call_if condition, sub
.short 29
.byte \condition
.word \sub-.-4
; Set event flag
.macro setflag flag
.short 30
.short \flag
; Clear event flag
.macro clearflag flag
.short 31
.short \flag
; Check event flag, store result on context
.macro checkflag flag
.short 32
.short \flag
; Set event flag referenced in var
.macro setflagvar var
.short 33
.short \var
; Clear event flag referenced in var
.macro clearflagvar var
.short 34
.short \var
; Check event flag referenced in var, store result in other var
.macro checkflagvar var_flag, var_dest
.short 35
.short \var_flag
.short \var_dest
; Set trainer defeated flag
.macro settrainerflag var_or_trno
.short 36
.short \var_or_trno
; Clear trainer defeated flag
.macro cleartrainerflag var_or_trno
.short 37
.short \var_or_trno
; Check trainer defeated flag, store result on context
.macro checktrainerflag var_or_trno
.short 38
.short \var_or_trno
; Increment var value by value
.macro addvar var, var_or_addend
.short 39
.short \var
.short \var_or_addend
; Decrement var value by value
.macro subvar var, var_or_addend
.short 40
.short \var
.short \var_or_addend
; Set var to short literal
.macro setvar var, val
.short 41
.short \var
.short \val
; Set var from other var
.macro copyvar dst, src
.short 42
.short \dst
.short \src
; Set var from other var or short literal
.macro setorcopyvar dst, src
.short 43
.short \dst
.short \src
; Print non_npc_msg in field window from current map message bank
.macro non_npc_msg msg_id
.short 44
.byte \msg_id
; NPC dialogue window
.macro npc_msg msg_id
.short 45
.byte \msg_id
; Not sure what to call this but it
; is also a message printer
.macro non_npc_msg_var msg_id
.short 46
.short \msg_id
.macro npc_msg_var arg0
.short 47
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_048 arg0
.short 48
.byte \arg0
; Waits for A or B button
.macro wait_button
.short 49
; Waits for A, B, or dpad. On pressing dpad, does a turn frame.
.macro wait_button_or_walk_away
.short 50
; Waits for A, B, or dpad. No turn frame.
.macro wait_button_or_dpad
.short 51
.macro openmsg
.short 52
.macro closemsg
.short 53
; Like closemsg but does not clear the graphics.
.macro holdmsg
.short 54
.macro direction_signpost message, arg1, arrow, arg3
.short 55
.byte \message
.byte \arg1
.short \arrow
.short \arg3
.macro scrcmd_055 message, arg1
.short 56
.byte \message
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_057 arg0
.short 57
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_058
.short 58
.macro trainer_tips arg0, arg1
.short 59
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_060 arg0
.short 60
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_061
.short 61
.macro scrcmd_062 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5
.short 62
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.byte \arg2
.byte \arg3
.byte \arg4
.byte \arg5
.macro yesno arg0
.short 63
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_064 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 64
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.byte \arg2
.byte \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro scrcmd_065 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 65
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.byte \arg2
.byte \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro scrcmd_066 arg0, arg1
.short 66
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro scrcmd_067
.short 67
.macro scrcmd_068 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 68
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.byte \arg2
.byte \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro scrcmd_069 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 69
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.byte \arg2
.byte \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro scrcmd_070 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 70
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_071
.short 71
.macro scrcmd_072 arg0
.short 72
.byte \arg0
.macro play_se arg0
.short 73
.short \arg0
.macro stop_se arg0
.short 74
.short \arg0
.macro wait_se arg0
.short 75
.short \arg0
.macro play_cry arg0, arg1
.short 76
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro wait_cry
.short 77
.macro play_fanfare fanfare
.short 78
.short \fanfare
.macro wait_fanfare
.short 79
.macro play_bgm bgm
.short 80
.short \bgm
.macro stop_bgm arg0
.short 81
.short \arg0
.macro reset_bgm
.short 82
.macro scrcmd_083 arg0
.short 83
.short \arg0
; Fade out the music to the target level
; in the designated number of frames
.macro fade_out_bgm target, frames
.short 84
.short \target
.short \frames
.macro fade_in_bgm arg0
.short 85
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_086 arg0, arg1
.short 86
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro temp_bgm arg0
.short 87
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_088 arg0
.short 88
.byte \arg0
.macro chatot_has_cry arg0
.short 89
.short \arg0
.macro chatot_start_recording arg0
.short 90
.short \arg0
.macro chatot_stop_recording
.short 91
.macro chatot_save_recording
.short 92
.macro scrcmd_093
.short 93
.macro apply_movement arg0, arg1
.short 94
.short \arg0
.word \arg1-.-4
.macro wait_movement
.short 95
.macro lockall
.short 96
.macro releaseall
.short 97
.macro lock arg0
.short 98
.short \arg0
.macro release arg0
.short 99
.short \arg0
.macro show_person arg0
.short 100
.short \arg0
.macro hide_person arg0
.short 101
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_102 arg0, arg1
.short 102
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_103
.short 103
.macro faceplayer
.short 104
.macro get_player_coords arg0, arg1
.short 105
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro get_person_coords arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 106
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_107 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 107
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_108 arg0, arg1
.short 108
.short \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro scrcmd_109 arg0, arg1
.short 109
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro addmoney arg0
.short 110
.word \arg0
.macro submoneyimmediate arg0
.short 111
.word \arg0
.macro hasenoughmoneyimmediate arg0, arg1
.short 112
.short \arg0
.word \arg1
.macro show_money_box arg0, arg1
.short 113
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro hide_money_box
.short 114
.macro update_money_box
.short 115
.macro scrcmd_116 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 116
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_117
.short 117
.macro scrcmd_118 arg0
.short 118
.byte \arg0
.macro get_coin_amount arg0
.short 119
.short \arg0
.macro give_coins arg0
.short 120
.short \arg0
.macro take_coins arg0
.short 121
.short \arg0
.macro give_athlete_points arg0
.short 122
.short \arg0
.macro take_athlete_points arg0
.short 123
.short \arg0
.macro check_athlete_points arg0, arg1
.short 124
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro giveitem arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 125
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro takeitem arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 126
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro hasspaceforitem arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 127
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro hasitem arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 128
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro itemistmorhm arg0, arg1
.short 129
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro getitempocket arg0, arg1
.short 130
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro set_starter_choice arg0
.short 131
.short \arg0
.macro gender_msgbox arg0, arg1
.short 132
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro get_seal_quantity arg0, arg1
.short 133
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro give_or_take_seal arg0, arg1
.short 134
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro give_random_seal arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 135
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_136 arg0, arg1
.short 136
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro give_mon arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5
.short 137
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.short \arg5
.macro give_egg arg0, arg1
.short 138
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro set_mon_move arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 139
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro mon_has_move arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 140
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro get_party_slot_with_move arg0, arg1
.short 141
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro get_phone_book_rematch arg0, arg1
.short 142
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro name_rival arg0
.short 143
.short \arg0
.macro get_friend_sprite arg0
.short 144
.short \arg0
.macro register_pokegear_card arg0
.short 145
.byte \arg0
.macro register_gear_number arg0
.short 146
.short \arg0
.macro check_registered_phone_number arg0, arg1
.short 147
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_148 arg0, arg1
.short 148
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro scrcmd_149 arg0
.short 149
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_150
.short 150
.macro scrcmd_151
.short 151
.macro scrcmd_152
.short 152
.macro scrcmd_153 arg0
.short 153
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_154 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 154
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_155 arg0, arg1
.short 155
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_156
.short 156
.macro town_map
.short 157
.macro scrcmd_158 arg0
.short 158
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_159
.short 159
.macro scrcmd_160
.short 160
.macro scrcmd_161
.short 161
.macro scrcmd_162
.short 162
.macro hof_credits arg0
.short 163
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_164
.short 164
.macro scrcmd_165 arg0, arg1
.short 165
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_166 arg0
.short 166
.short \arg0
.macro choose_starter
.short 167
.macro get_trainer_path_to_player arg0
.short 168
.short \arg0
.macro trainer_step_towards_player arg0, arg1
.short 169
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro get_trainer_eye_type arg0
.short 170
.short \arg0
; For when one or more trainers see you
.macro get_eye_trainer_num arg0, arg1
.short 171
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro name_player arg0
.short 172
.short \arg0
.macro nickname_input arg0, arg1
.short 173
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro fade_screen arg0, speed, direction, color
.short 174
.short \arg0
.short \speed
.short \direction
.short \color
.macro wait_fade
.short 175
.macro warp arg0, arg1=0, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 176
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro rock_climb arg0
.short 177
.short \arg0
.macro surf arg0
.short 178
.short \arg0
.macro waterfall arg0
.short 179
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_180 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 180
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro flash_effect
.short 181
.macro whirlpool arg0
.short 182
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_183 arg0
.short 183
.short \arg0
.macro player_on_bike_check arg0
.short 184
.short \arg0
.macro player_on_bike_set arg0
.short 185
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_186 arg0
.short 186
.byte \arg0
; Get the player's overworld state.
; Used in some places to determine whether
; the player is masquerading as a member
; of Team Rocket.
.macro get_player_state var
.short 187
.short \var
.macro set_avatar_bits arg0
.short 188
.short \arg0
.macro update_avatar_state
.short 189
; In the buffer_XXX commands, the maximum
; acceptable value for the slot arg is 7.
; This sets the message format placeholder
; to whatever is buffered.
.macro buffer_players_name slot
.short 190
.byte \slot
; If you use this before naming your rival,
; this will be an empty string.
.macro buffer_rivals_name slot
.short 191
.byte \slot
.macro buffer_friends_name slot
.short 192
.byte \slot
; For these commands, the additional argument
; is a flex arg, meaning it can be a literal
; or a variable.
.macro buffer_mon_species_name slot, party_pos
.short 193
.byte \slot
.short \party_pos
.macro buffer_item_name slot, item
.short 194
.byte \slot
.short \item
.macro buffer_pocket_name slot, pocket
.short 195
.byte \slot
.short \pocket
.macro buffer_tmhm_move_name slot, tmhm
.short 196
.byte \slot
.short \tmhm
.macro buffer_move_name slot, move
.short 197
.byte \slot
.short \move
.macro buffer_int slot, value
.short 198
.byte \slot
.short \value
.macro bufferpartymonnick slot, party_pos
.short 199
.byte \slot
.short \party_pos
.macro buffer_trainer_class_name slot, trcls
.short 200
.byte \slot
.short \trcls
.macro buffer_player_union_avatar_class_name slot
.short 201
.byte \slot
; The other two args here are unused
.macro buffer_species_name slot, species, arg2, arg3
.short 202
.byte \slot
.short \species
.short \arg2
.byte \arg3
.macro buffer_starter_species_name slot
.short 203
.byte \slot
; These two commands are leftover from Platinum.
; As such, they are configured to check for the
; Sinnoh starters instead of the Johto starters.
; Since the player will never start with any of
; Turtwig, Chimchar, or Piplup, this command
; will always return TURTWIG, and the following
; These commands are unused in HGSS.
.macro buffer_dppt_rival_starter_species_name slot
.short 204
.byte \slot
.macro buffer_dppt_friend_starter_species_name slot
.short 205
.byte \slot
; Gets your starter species into the indicated
; variable. Used to calculate which rival
; party to use.
.macro get_starter_choice var
.short 206
.short \var
.macro buffer_decoration_name slot, deco
.short 207
.byte \slot
.short \deco
; Dummy
.macro scrcmd_208 slot, unk
.short 208
.byte \slot
.short \unk
; Dummy
.macro scrcmd_209 slot, unk
.short 209
.byte \slot
.short \unk
.macro buffer_map_sec_name slot, location
.short 210
.byte \slot
.short \location
.macro scrcmd_211 arg0, arg1
.short 211
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
; For when you talk to a trainer
.macro get_trainer_num arg0
.short 212
.short \arg0
.macro trainer_battle trainer, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 213
.short \trainer
.short \arg1
.byte \arg2
.byte \arg3
.macro trainer_message trainer, param
.short 214
.short \trainer
.short \param
.macro get_trainer_msg_params intro, after, _1poke
.short 215
.short \intro
.short \after
.short \_1poke
.macro get_rematch_msg_params arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 216
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro trainer_is_double_battle arg0
.short 217
.short \arg0
.macro encounter_music arg0
.short 218
.short \arg0
.macro white_out
.short 219
; Is this loss?
.macro check_battle_won var
.short 220
.short \var
.macro scrcmd_221 arg0, arg1
.short 221
.short \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro party_check_for_double arg0
.short 222
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_223
.short 223
.macro scrcmd_224
.short 224
.macro goto_if_trainer_defeated arg0
.short 225
.word \arg0-.-4
.macro scrcmd_226 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 226
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro scrcmd_227 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 227
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro scrcmd_228 arg0
.short 228
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_229 arg0
.short 229
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_230
.short 230
.macro scrcmd_231
.short 231
.macro scrcmd_232 arg0
.short 232
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_233 arg0
.short 233
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_234 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 234
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro scrcmd_235 arg0
.short 235
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_236 arg0
.short 236
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_237
.short 237
.macro party_has_pokerus arg0
.short 238
.short \arg0
.macro mon_get_gender arg0, arg1
.short 239
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro set_dynamic_warp arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 240
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro get_dynamic_warp_floor_no arg0
.short 241
.short \arg0
.macro elevator_cur_floor_box arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 242
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro count_johto_dex_seen var
.short 243
.short \var
.macro count_johto_dex_owned var
.short 244
.short \var
.macro count_national_dex_seen var
.short 245
.short \var
.macro count_national_dex_owned var
.short 246
.short \var
; Dummy
.macro scrcmd_247
.short 247
; The actual Pokedex evaluation.
; national: 0 = Johto dex, 1 = National dex
; msg: Variable to return the message ID
; fanfare: Variable to return the fanfare ID
.macro get_dex_eval_result national, msg, fanfare
.short 248
.byte \national
.short \msg
.short \fanfare
.macro rocket_trap_battle arg0, arg1
.short 249
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_250 arg0, arg1
.short 250
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro catching_tutorial
.short 251
.macro scrcmd_252
.short 252
.macro get_save_file_state arg0
.short 253
.short \arg0
.macro save_game_normal arg0
.short 254
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_255 arg0, arg1
.short 255
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_256 arg0
.short 256
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_257 arg0
.short 257
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_258
.short 258
.macro scrcmd_259 arg0
.short 259
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_260 arg0
.short 260
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_261 arg0
.short 261
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_262
.short 262
.macro scrcmd_263
.short 263
.macro scrcmd_264 arg0
.short 264
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_265
.short 265
.macro scrcmd_266
.short 266
.macro scrcmd_267 arg0, arg1
.short 267
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_268 arg0
.short 268
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_269 arg0
.short 269
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_270
.short 270
.macro scrcmd_271 arg0, arg1
.short 271
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_272 arg0
.short 272
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_273 arg0
.short 273
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_274 arg0, arg1
.short 274
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro mart_buy arg0
.short 275
.short \arg0
.macro special_mart_buy arg0
.short 276
.short \arg0
.macro decoration_mart arg0
.short 277
.short \arg0
.macro seal_mart arg0
.short 278
.short \arg0
; Used with poison faint, but due to overworld
; poison mechanics in gen 4, this is
; never reached.
.macro overworld_white_out
.short 279
.macro set_spawn arg0
.short 280
.short \arg0
; Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?
.macro get_player_gender var
.short 281
.short \var
.macro heal_party
.short 282
.macro scrcmd_283
.short 283
.macro scrcmd_284
.short 284
.macro scrcmd_285 arg0
.short 285
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_286
.short 286
.macro scrcmd_287
.short 287
.macro scrcmd_288 arg0, arg1
.short 288
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_289 arg0
.short 289
.short \arg0
.macro check_pokedex arg0
.short 290
.short \arg0
.macro give_pokedex
.short 291
.macro check_running_shoes arg0
.short 292
.short \arg0
.macro give_running_shoes
.short 293
.macro check_badge badge, var
.short 294
.short \badge
.short \var
.macro give_badge badge
.short 295
.short \badge
; This command is never used because it is
; assumed that you cannot get the 8th badge
; before the other 7, or the 16th before the
; other 15. This assumption does not account
; for tweaking.
.macro count_badges var
.short 296
.short \var
.macro scrcmd_297 arg0
.short 297
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_298
.short 298
.macro check_escort_mode arg0
.short 299
.short \arg0
.macro set_escort_mode
.short 300
.macro clear_escort_mode
.short 301
.macro scrcmd_302 arg0
.short 302
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_303
.short 303
.macro scrcmd_304
.short 304
.macro scrcmd_305 arg0
.short 305
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_306
.short 306
.macro scrcmd_307 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 307
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.byte \arg4
.macro scrcmd_308 arg0
.short 308
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_309 arg0
.short 309
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_310 arg0
.short 310
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_311 arg0
.short 311
.byte \arg0
.macro buffer_day_care_mon_nicks
.short 312
.macro get_day_care_state arg0
.short 313
.short \arg0
.macro ecruteak_gym_init
.short 314
.macro scrcmd_315
.short 315
.macro scrcmd_316
.short 316
.macro scrcmd_317 arg0
.short 317
.byte \arg0
.macro cianwood_gym_init
.short 318
.macro cianwood_gym_turn_winch arg0
.short 319
.short \arg0
.macro vermilion_gym_init
.short 320
.macro vermilion_gym_lock_action arg0, arg1
.short 321
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro vermilion_gym_can_check arg0, arg1
.short 322
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro resample_vermilion_gym_cans
.short 323
.macro violet_gym_init
.short 324
.macro violet_gym_elevator
.short 325
.macro azalea_gym_init
.short 326
.macro azalea_gym_spinarak arg0
.short 327
.byte \arg0
.macro azalea_gym_switch arg0
.short 328
.byte \arg0
.macro blackthorn_gym_init
.short 329
.macro fuchsia_gym_init
.short 330
.macro viridian_gym_init
.short 331
.macro get_party_count var
.short 332
.short \var
.macro scrcmd_333 arg0
.short 333
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_334 arg0
.short 334
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_335 arg0, arg1
.short 335
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro buffer_berry_name slot, item, quantity
.short 336
.byte \slot
.short \item
.short \quantity
.macro buffer_nature_name slot, nature
.short 337
.byte \slot
.short \nature
.macro move_person arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 338
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro move_person_facing person, x, z, y, facing
.short 339
.short \person
.short \x
.short \z
.short \y
.short \facing
.macro set_object_movement_type arg0, arg1
.short 340
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro set_object_facing arg0, arg1
.short 341
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro move_warp arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 342
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro move_bg_event arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 343
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_344 arg0, arg1
.short 344
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro add_waiting_icon
.short 345
.macro remove_waiting_icon
.short 346
.macro scrcmd_347 arg0
.short 347
.short \arg0
.macro wait_button_or_delay arg0
.short 348
.short \arg0
.macro party_select_ui
.short 349
.macro scrcmd_350
.short 350
.macro get_party_selection arg0
.short 351
.short \arg0
.macro choose_move_ui arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 352
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro get_move_selection arg0, arg1
.short 353
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro get_partymon_species slot, var
.short 354
.short \slot
.short \var
.macro partymon_is_mine slot, var
.short 355
.short \slot
.short \var
.macro party_count_not_egg var
.short 356
.short \var
; Count Pokemon that are not fainted.
; If except is set, exclude that slot
; from the tally. Use 6 to disable.
.macro count_alive_mons var, except=PARTY_SIZE
.short 357
.short \var
.short \except
.macro count_alive_mons_and_pc arg0
.short 358
.short \arg0
.macro party_count_egg arg0
.short 359
.short \arg0
.macro submoneyvar var
.short 360
.short \var
.macro retrieve_day_care_mon arg0, arg1
.short 361
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro give_loan_mon arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 362
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro check_return_loan_mon arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 363
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro return_loan_mon arg0
.short 364
.short \arg0
.macro reset_day_care_egg
.short 365
.macro give_day_care_egg
.short 366
.macro buffer_day_care_withdraw_cost arg0, arg1
.short 367
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro hasenoughmoneyvar var, amount
.short 368
.short \var
.short \amount
.macro egg_hatch_anim
.short 369
.macro scrcmd_370 arg0
.short 370
.byte \arg0
.macro buffer_day_care_mon_growth arg0, arg1
.short 371
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro get_tail_day_care_mon_species_and_nick arg0
.short 372
.short \arg0
.macro put_mon_in_day_care arg0
.short 373
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_374 arg0
.short 374
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_375 arg0
.short 375
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_376
.short 376
.macro scrcmd_377 arg0
.short 377
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_378 arg0, arg1
.short 378
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_379 arg0
.short 379
.short \arg0
.macro random arg0, arg1
.short 380
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_381 arg0, arg1
.short 381
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro mon_get_friendship arg0, arg1
.short 382
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro mon_add_friendship arg0, arg1
.short 383
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro mon_subtract_friendship arg0, arg1
.short 384
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro buffer_day_care_mon_stats arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 385
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro get_player_facing arg0
.short 386
.short \arg0
.macro get_day_care_compatibility arg0
.short 387
.short \arg0
.macro check_day_care_egg arg0
.short 388
.short \arg0
.macro player_has_species arg0, arg1
.short 389
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro size_record_compare arg0, arg1
.short 390
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro size_record_update arg0
.short 391
.short \arg0
.macro buffer_mon_size arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 392
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro buffer_record_size arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 393
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_394 arg0
.short 394
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_395 arg0
.short 395
.short \arg0
.macro count_mon_moves arg0, arg1
.short 396
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro mon_forget_move arg0, arg1
.short 397
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro mon_get_move arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 398
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro buffer_party_mon_move_name slot, party_pos, move_pos
.short 399
.byte \slot
.short \party_pos
.short \move_pos
; action = 0: Deactivate strength
; action = 1: Activate strength
; action = 2: Check whether strength is active
.macro strength_flag_action action, var=0
.short 400
.byte \action
.if \action == 2
.short \var
.macro flash_action action, var=0
.short 401
.byte \action
.if \action == 2
.short \var
.macro defog_action action, var=0
.short 402
.byte \action
.if \action == 2
.short \var
.macro scrcmd_403 arg0, arg1
.short 403
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_404 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 404
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_405 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 405
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_406 arg0
.short 406
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_407 arg0, arg1
.short 407
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_408 arg0, arg1
.short 408
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_409
.short 409
.macro scrcmd_410 arg0, arg1
.short 410
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_411
.short 411
.macro scrcmd_412 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 412
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_413 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 413
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro scrcmd_414 arg0
.short 414
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_415 arg0
.short 415
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_416 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 416
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_417 arg0, arg1
.short 417
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_418 arg0, arg1
.short 418
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_419 arg0
.short 419
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_420 arg0
.short 420
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_421 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 421
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_422 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 422
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.byte \arg3
.macro check_johto_dex_complete arg0
.short 423
.short \arg0
.macro check_national_dex_complete arg0
.short 424
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_425 arg0
.short 425
.short \arg0
.macro kenya_check arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 426
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.byte \arg2
.macro scrcmd_427 arg0
.short 427
.short \arg0
.macro mon_give_mail arg0
.short 428
.short \arg0
.macro countfossils arg0
.short 429
.short \arg0
.macro set_phone_call arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 430
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro run_phone_call
.short 431
.macro getfossilpokemon arg0, arg1
.short 432
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro getfossilminimumamount arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 433
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro party_count_mons_at_or_below_level arg0, arg1
.short 434
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro survive_poisoning arg0, arg1
.short 435
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_436
.short 436
.macro debugwatch arg0
.short 437
.short \arg0
.macro get_std_msg_naix arg0, arg1
.short 438
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro non_npc_msg_extern arg0, arg1
.short 439
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro msgbox_extern arg0, arg1
.short 440
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_441 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 441
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro scrcmd_442 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 442
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro scrcmd_443 arg0
.short 443
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_444 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 444
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.byte \arg3
.macro scrcmd_445 arg0
.short 445
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_446 arg0
.short 446
.short \arg0
.macro safari_zone_action arg0, arg1
.short 447
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro scrcmd_448 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 448
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro scrcmd_449
.short 449
.macro scrcmd_450
.short 450
.macro scrcmd_451 arg0
.short 451
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_452 arg0, arg1
.short 452
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_453
.short 453
.macro scrcmd_454
.short 454
.macro scrcmd_455
.short 455
.macro scrcmd_456 arg0
.short 456
.byte \arg0
.macro mon_get_nature arg0, arg1
.short 457
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro get_party_slot_with_nature arg0, arg1
.short 458
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_459
.short 459
.macro load_phone_dat arg0, arg1
.short 460
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro get_phone_contact_msg_ids arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 461
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_462 arg0
.short 462
.short \arg0
.macro enable_mass_outbreaks
.short 463
.macro create_roamer arg0
.short 464
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_465 arg0, arg1=0, arg2=0
.short 465
.short \arg0
.if \arg0 <= 3
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.if \arg0 != 6
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_466 arg0, arg1
.short 466
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro move_relearner_init arg0
.short 467
.short \arg0
.macro move_tutor_init arg0, arg1
.short 468
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro move_relearner_get_result arg0
.short 469
.short \arg0
.macro load_npc_trade arg0
.short 470
.byte \arg0
.macro get_offered_species arg0
.short 471
.short \arg0
.macro npc_trade_get_req_species arg0
.short 472
.short \arg0
.macro npc_trade_exec arg0
.short 473
.short \arg0
.macro npc_trade_end
.short 474
.macro scrcmd_475
.short 475
.macro scrcmd_476
.short 476
.macro nat_dex_flag_action arg0, arg1
.short 477
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro mon_get_ribbon_count arg0, arg1
.short 478
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro party_get_ribbon_count arg0
.short 479
.short \arg0
.macro mon_has_ribbon arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 480
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro give_ribbon arg0, arg1
.short 481
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro buffer_ribbon_name arg0, arg1
.short 482
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro get_ev_total arg0, arg1
.short 483
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro get_weekday arg0
.short 484
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_485 arg0
.short 485
.short \arg0
.macro dummy_486
.short 486
.macro pokecen_anim arg0
.short 487
.short \arg0
.macro elevator_anim direction, distance
.short 488
.short \direction
.short \distance
.macro mystery_gift arg0, arg1=0, arg2=0
.short 489
.short \arg0
.if \arg0 >= 1 && \arg0 <= 3
.short \arg1
.if \arg0 == 5 || \arg0 == 6
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro nop_var_490 arg0
.short 490
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_491 arg0
.short 491
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_492 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 492
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro prompt_easy_chat arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 493
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_494 arg0, arg1
.short 494
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro get_game_version arg0
.short 495
.short \arg0
.macro get_party_lead arg0
.short 496
.short \arg0
.macro get_mon_types arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 497
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro primo_password_check_1 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 498
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro primo_password_check_2 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 499
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro scrcmd_500 arg0
.short 500
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_501 arg0
.short 501
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_502 arg0
.short 502
.byte \arg0
.macro loto_id_get arg0
.short 503
.short \arg0
.macro loto_id_search arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 504
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro loto_id_set
.short 505
.macro bufferboxmonnick arg0, arg1
.short 506
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro count_pc_empty_space arg0
.short 507
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_508 arg0
.short 508
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_509 arg0
.short 509
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_510
.short 510
.macro pal_park_score_get arg0, arg1
.short 511
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro player_movement_saving_set
.short 512
.macro player_movement_saving_clear
.short 513
; Animate placing the balls on the machine
; for the Hall of Fame
.macro hall_of_fame_anim num
.short 514
.short \num
.macro add_special_game_stat arg0
.short 515
.short \arg0
.macro buffer_fashion_name arg0, arg1
.short 516
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_517 arg0, arg1
.short 517
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_518 arg0
.short 518
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_519 arg0
.short 519
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_520
.short 520
.macro scrcmd_521
.short 521
.macro scrcmd_522 arg0
.short 522
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_523 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 523
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro scrcmd_524 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 524
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_525 arg0
.short 525
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_526 arg0
.short 526
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_527 arg0
.short 527
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_528 arg0
.short 528
.short \arg0
.macro get_party_lead_alive arg0
.short 529
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_530 arg0, arg1
.short 530
.short \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro buffer_background_name arg0, arg1
.short 531
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro check_coins_immediate arg0, arg1
.short 532
.short \arg0
.word \arg1
.macro checkgivecoins arg0, arg1
.short 533
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_534 arg0
.short 534
.short \arg0
.macro mon_get_level arg0, arg1
.short 535
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_536 arg0, arg1
.short 536
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_537
.short 537
.macro scrcmd_538 arg0, arg1
.short 538
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_539 arg0
.short 539
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_540 arg0
.short 540
.short \arg0
.macro buffer_int_ex arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 541
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.byte \arg2
.byte \arg3
.macro mon_get_contest_value arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 542
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_543 arg0
.short 543
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_544 arg0, arg1
.short 544
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_545 arg0
.short 545
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_546 arg0, arg1
.short 546
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_547 arg0
.short 547
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_548
.short 548
.macro scrcmd_549 arg0
.short 549
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_550 arg0
.short 550
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_551 arg0
.short 551
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_552 arg0, arg1
.short 552
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_553 arg0, arg1
.short 553
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_554 arg0
.short 554
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_555 arg0
.short 555
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_556 arg0
.short 556
.short \arg0
.macro check_battle_points arg0, arg1
.short 557
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_558 arg0, arg1
.short 558
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_559 arg0, arg1
.short 559
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_560 arg0, arg1
.short 560
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro screen_shake arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 561
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro multi_battle arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 562
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.byte \arg3
.macro scrcmd_563 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 563
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_564 arg0
.short 564
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_565 arg0
.short 565
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_566
.short 566
.macro getdpplprizeitemidandcost arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 567
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_568 arg0, arg1
.short 568
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_569 arg0
.short 569
.short \arg0
.macro check_coins_var arg0, arg1
.short 570
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_571 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 571
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro get_unique_seals_quantity arg0
.short 572
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_573
.short 573
.macro scrcmd_574 arg0, arg1
.short 574
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_575 arg0, arg1
.short 575
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_576 arg0
.short 576
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_577
.short 577
.macro scrcmd_578
.short 578
.macro scrcmd_579
.short 579
.macro buffer_seal_name arg0, arg1
.short 580
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro lock_last_talked
.short 581
.macro scrcmd_582 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 582
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_583 arg0, arg1
.short 583
.short \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro party_legal_check arg0
.short 584
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_585
.short 585
.macro scrcmd_586 arg0
.short 586
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_587
.short 587
.macro scrcmd_588 arg0
.short 588
.short \arg0
.macro wild_battle species, level, shiny=0
.short 589
.short \species
.short \level
.byte \shiny
.macro get_trcard_stars arg0
.short 590
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_591
.short 591
.macro scrcmd_592 arg0
.short 592
.short \arg0
.macro show_save_stats
.short 593
.macro hide_save_stats
.short 594
.macro scrcmd_595 arg0
.short 595
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_596 arg0
.short 596
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_597
.short 597
.macro scrcmd_598 arg0
.short 598
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_599
.short 599
.macro scrcmd_600
.short 600
.macro follow_poke_face_player
.short 601
.macro scrcmd_602 arg0
.short 602
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_603
.short 603
.macro scrcmd_604 arg0
.short 604
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_605 arg0, arg1
.short 605
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro scrcmd_606
.short 606
.macro scrcmd_607
.short 607
.macro scrcmd_608
.short 608
.macro scrcmd_609
.short 609
.macro scrcmd_610 arg0
.short 610
.short \arg0
.macro pokeathlon arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6
.short 611
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.short \arg5
.short \arg6
.macro get_npc_trade_unused_flag arg0
.short 612
.short \arg0
.macro get_phone_contact_random_gift_berry arg0
.short 613
.short \arg0
.macro get_phone_contact_gift_item arg0
.short 614
.short \arg0
.macro cameron_photo arg0
.short 615
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_616 arg0
.short 616
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_617
.short 617
.macro photo_album_is_full arg0
.short 618
.short \arg0
.macro rocket_costume_flag_check arg0
.short 619
.short \arg0
.macro rocket_costume_flag_action arg0
.short 620
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_621
.short 621
.macro scrcmd_622 arg0, arg1
.short 622
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro anim_apricorn_tree arg0
.short 623
.short \arg0
.macro apricorn_tree_get_apricorn arg0
.short 624
.short \arg0
.macro give_apricorn_from_tree arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 625
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro buffer_apricorn_name arg0, arg1
.short 626
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_627 arg0
.short 627
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_628 arg0, arg1
.short 628
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_629
.short 629
.macro scrcmd_630 arg0
.short 630
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_631 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 631
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro count_party_mons_of_species arg0, arg1
.short 632
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_633 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 633
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_634 arg0, arg1
.short 634
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_635 arg0, arg1
.short 635
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_636 arg0
.short 636
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_637 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 637
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_638 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 638
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_639 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 639
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_640 arg0
.short 640
.short \arg0
.macro save_wipe_extra_chunks
.short 641
.macro scrcmd_642 arg0
.short 642
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_643 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 643
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_644 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 644
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_645 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 645
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_646 arg0
.short 646
.short \arg0
.macro get_party_slot_with_species arg0, arg1
.short 647
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_648 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 648
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro scratch_off_card
.short 649
.macro scratch_off_card_end
.short 650
.macro get_scratch_off_prize arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 651
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_652 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 652
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro move_tutor_choose_move mon_slot, tutor_no, arg2, arg3
.short 653
.short \mon_slot
.short \tutor_no
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro tutor_move_teach_in_slot party_slot, move_slot, move
.short 654
.short \party_slot
.short \move_slot
.short \move
.macro tutor_move_get_price arg0, arg1
.short 655
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_656 arg0, arg1
.short 656
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro stat_judge mon_slot, iv_sum, best_stat, best_iv
.short 657
.short \mon_slot
.short \iv_sum
.short \best_stat
.short \best_iv
.macro buffer_stat_name arg0, arg1
.short 658
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro set_mon_forme arg0, arg1
.short 659
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro buffer_trainer_name arg0, arg1
.short 660
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_661 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 661
.byte \arg0
.word \arg1
.byte \arg2
.byte \arg3
.macro scrcmd_662 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 662
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_663 arg0
.short 663
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_664
.short 664
.macro scrcmd_665 arg0
.short 665
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_666 arg0
.short 666
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_667 arg0
.short 667
.short \arg0
.macro buffer_type_name arg0, arg1
.short 668
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro getitemquantity arg0, arg1
.short 669
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro get_hidden_power_type arg0, arg1
.short 670
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro set_favorite_mon
.short 671
.macro get_favorite_mon arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 672
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro get_owned_rotom_formes arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 673
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro count_transformed_rotoms_in_party arg0, arg1
.short 674
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro update_rotom_forme arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 675
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro get_party_mon_forme arg0, arg1
.short 676
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_677 arg0, arg1
.short 677
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_678 arg0, arg1
.short 678
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_679
.short 679
.macro add_special_game_stat_2 arg0
.short 680
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_681 arg0
.short 681
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_682 arg0
.short 682
.short \arg0
.macro get_static_encounter_outcome arg0
.short 683
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_684 arg0
.short 684
.short \arg0
.macro get_player_xyz arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 685
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_686 arg0, arg1
.short 686
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_687 arg0
.short 687
.short \arg0
.macro get_party_slot_with_fateful_encounter arg0, arg1
.short 688
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
; Attempt to remove all Griseous Orbs and reset Pokemon
; to formes present in Diamond and Pearl, to avoid
; problems communicating with those games.
.macro comm_sanitize_party var_result
.short 689
.short \var_result
.macro day_care_sanitize_mon arg0, arg1
.short 690
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_691 arg0
.short 691
.short \arg0
.macro buffer_battle_hall_streak arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5
.short 692
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.byte \arg2
.byte \arg3
.short \arg4
.short \arg5
.macro battle_hall_count_used_species arg0
.short 693
.short \arg0
.macro battle_hall_get_total_streak arg0
.short 694
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_695 arg0
.short 695
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_696 arg0
.short 696
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_697 arg0
.short 697
.short \arg0
.macro follower_poke_is_event_trigger arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 698
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_699
.short 699
.macro scrcmd_700
.short 700
.macro mon_has_item arg0, arg1
.short 701
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro battle_tower_setup_multi_battle
.short 702
.macro set_player_volume arg0
.short 703
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_704 arg0, arg1
.short 704
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_705 arg0, arg1
.short 705
.short \arg0
.word \arg1
.macro scrcmd_706 arg0
.short 706
.short \arg0
.macro check_mon_seen arg0, arg1
.short 707
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_708 arg0
.short 708
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_709
.short 709
.macro scrcmd_710
.short 710
.macro follow_poke_interact
.short 711
.macro scrcmd_712 arg0
.short 712
.byte \arg0
.macro alph_puzzle arg0
.short 713
.byte \arg0
.macro open_alph_hidden_room arg0
.short 714
.byte \arg0
.macro update_day_care_mon_objects
.short 715
.macro scrcmd_716
.short 716
.macro scrcmd_717 arg0
.short 717
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_718 arg0, arg1
.short 718
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_719 arg0, arg1
.short 719
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_720 arg0
.short 720
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_721 arg0
.short 721
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_722 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 722
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro scrcmd_723 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 723
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro scrcmd_724 arg0, arg1
.short 724
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_725 arg0, arg1
.short 725
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_726
.short 726
.macro scrcmd_727 arg0
.short 727
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_728 arg0, arg1
.short 728
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro scrcmd_729 arg0
.short 729
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_730 arg0
.short 730
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_731
.short 731
.macro scrcmd_732 arg0
.short 732
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_733 arg0, arg1
.short 733
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_734 arg0
.short 734
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_735 arg0
.short 735
.short \arg0
.macro clear_kurt_apricorn
.short 736
.macro scrcmd_737 arg0
.short 737
.short \arg0
.macro get_total_apricorn_count arg0
.short 738
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_739
.short 739
.macro scrcmd_740 arg0, arg1
.short 740
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_741 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 741
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.short \arg3
.macro scrcmd_742 arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 742
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_743 arg0
.short 743
.short \arg0
.macro create_friendship_room_statues
.short 744
.macro buffer_pokeathlon_course_name arg0, arg1
.short 745
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro touchscreen_menu_hide
.short 746
.macro touchscreen_menu_show
.short 747
.macro getmenuchoice arg0
.short 748
.short \arg0
.macro menu_init_std_gmm arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 749
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.byte \arg2
.byte \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro menu_init arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4
.short 750
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.byte \arg2
.byte \arg3
.short \arg4
.macro menu_item_add arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 751
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro menu_exec
.short 752
.macro scrcmd_rock_smash_item_check arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 753
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_754 arg0
.short 754
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_755
.short 755
.macro scrcmd_756
.short 756
.macro scrcmd_757
.short 757
.macro scrcmd_758 arg0
.short 758
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_759
.short 759
.macro scrcmd_760
.short 760
.macro scrcmd_761 arg0
.short 761
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_762 arg0
.short 762
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_763
.short 763
.macro scrcmd_764
.short 764
.macro scrcmd_765
.short 765
.macro scrcmd_766
.short 766
.macro scrcmd_767
.short 767
.macro scrcmd_768
.short 768
.macro scrcmd_769
.short 769
.macro check_seen_all_letter_unown arg0
.short 770
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_771
.short 771
.macro scrcmd_772
.short 772
.macro cinematic arg0
.short 773
.short \arg0
.macro show_legendary_wing arg0
.short 774
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_775 arg0, arg1
.short 775
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro give_togepi_egg
.short 776
.macro scrcmd_777 arg0, arg1
.short 777
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro give_spiky_ear_pichu
.short 778
.macro radio_music_is_playing arg0, arg1
.short 779
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro casino_game arg0, arg1
.short 780
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro kenya_check_party_or_mailbox arg0
.short 781
.short \arg0
.macro mart_sell
.short 782
.macro set_follow_poke_inhibit_state arg0
.short 783
.byte \arg0
.macro script_overlay_cmd arg0, arg1
.short 784
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
.macro bug_contest_action arg0, arg1
.short 785
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro buffer_bug_contest_winner arg0
.short 786
.byte \arg0
.macro judge_bug_contest arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 787
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro buffer_bug_contest_mon_nick arg0, arg1
.short 788
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_789 arg0
.short 789
.byte \arg0
.macro is_npc_bug_contestant_registered arg0, arg1
.short 790
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_791 arg0, arg1
.short 791
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_792
.short 792
.macro bank_transaction arg0, arg1
.short 793
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro check_bank_balance arg0, arg1
.short 794
.short \arg0
.word \arg1
.macro scrcmd_795 arg0, arg1
.short 795
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_796
.short 796
.macro scrcmd_797
.short 797
.macro buffer_ruleset_name arg0
.short 798
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_799 arg0
.short 799
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_800 arg0
.short 800
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_801 arg0
.short 801
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_802
.short 802
.macro scrcmd_803 arg0, arg1
.short 803
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_804 arg0
.short 804
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_805
.short 805
.macro scrcmd_806
.short 806
.macro scrcmd_807 arg0, arg1
.short 807
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_808 arg0
.short 808
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_809 arg0
.short 809
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_810
.short 810
.macro scrcmd_811 arg0, arg1
.short 811
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_812
.short 812
.macro mom_gift_check arg0
.short 813
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_814
.short 814
.macro scrcmd_815 arg0
.short 815
.short \arg0
.macro unown_circle
.short 816
.macro scrcmd_817 arg0
.short 817
.byte \arg0
.macro mystry_stage_gymmick_init
.short 818
.macro scrcmd_819
.short 819
.macro scrcmd_820 arg0
.short 820
.byte \arg0
.macro get_buenas_password arg0, arg1
.short 821
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_822
.short 822
.macro scrcmd_823 arg0
.short 823
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_824 arg0
.short 824
.short \arg0
.macro get_shiny_leaf_count arg0, arg1
.short 825
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro try_give_shiny_leaf_crown arg0
.short 826
.short \arg0
.macro get_partymon_forme arg0, arg1
.short 827
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro mon_add_contest_value arg0, arg1, arg2
.short 828
.short \arg0
.byte \arg1
.short \arg2
.macro scrcmd_829 arg0
.short 829
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_830 arg0
.short 830
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_831 arg0
.short 831
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_832 arg0
.short 832
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_833 arg0
.short 833
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_834 arg0
.short 834
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_835 arg0
.short 835
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_836 arg0
.short 836
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_837 arg0
.short 837
.short \arg0
.macro bank_or_wallet_is_full arg0, arg1
.short 838
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro sys_set_sleep_flag arg0
.short 839
.short \arg0
.macro scrcmd_840 arg0, arg1
.short 840
.short \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro scrcmd_841 arg0
.short 841
.byte \arg0
.macro scrcmd_842 arg0
.short 842
.byte \arg0
.macro buffer_item_name_indef arg0, arg1
.short 843
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro buffer_item_name_plural arg0, arg1
.short 844
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro buffer_party_mon_species_name_indef arg0, arg1
.short 845
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro buffer_species_name_indef arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
.short 846
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.short \arg2
.byte \arg3
.macro buffer_dppt_friend_starter_species_name_indef arg0
.short 847
.byte \arg0
.macro buffer_fashion_name_indef arg0, arg1
.short 848
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro buffer_trainer_class_name_indef arg0, arg1
.short 849
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro buffer_seal_name_plural arg0, arg1
.short 850
.byte \arg0
.short \arg1
.macro capitalize arg0
.short 851
.byte \arg0
.macro buffer_dept_store_floor_no arg0, arg1
.short 852
.byte \arg0
.byte \arg1
; Script headers
.macro map_script kind, script
.byte \kind
.word \script
.macro map_script_2 var, val, script
.short \var, \val, \script
; Convenience macros
; Generic compare macro which attempts to deduce argument types based on their values
; Any values between 0x4000 to 0x40FF and 0x8000 to 0x8015 are considered event variable identifiers
.macro compare var, arg
.if ((\arg >= VARS_START && \arg <= VARS_END) || (\arg >= SPECIAL_VARS_START && \arg <= SPECIAL_VARS_END))
compare_var_to_var \var, \arg
compare_var_to_value \var, \arg
.macro goto_if_unset flag, dest
checkflag \flag
goto_if FALSE, \dest
.macro goto_if_set flag, dest
checkflag \flag
goto_if TRUE, \dest
.macro goto_if_lt dest ; LESS THAN
goto_if 0, \dest
.macro goto_if_eq dest ; EQUAL
goto_if 1, \dest
.macro goto_if_gt dest ; GREATER THAN
goto_if 2, \dest
.macro goto_if_le dest ; LESS THAN OR EQUAL
goto_if 3, \dest
.macro goto_if_ge dest ; GREATER THAN OR EQUAL
goto_if 4, \dest
.macro goto_if_ne dest ; NOT EQUAL
goto_if 5, \dest
.macro call_if_unset flag, dest
checkflag \flag
call_if FALSE, \dest
.macro call_if_set flag, dest
checkflag \flag
call_if TRUE, \dest
.macro call_if_lt dest ; LESS THAN
call_if 0, \dest
.macro call_if_eq dest ; EQUAL
call_if 1, \dest
.macro call_if_gt dest ; GREATER THAN
call_if 2, \dest
.macro call_if_le dest ; LESS THAN OR EQUAL
call_if 3, \dest
.macro call_if_ge dest ; GREATER THAN OR EQUAL
call_if 4, \dest
.macro call_if_ne dest ; NOT EQUAL
call_if 5, \dest
.macro goto_if_defeated trainer, dest
checktrainerflag \trainer
goto_if TRUE, \dest
.macro goto_if_not_defeated trainer, dest
checktrainerflag \trainer
goto_if FALSE, \dest
.macro call_if_defeated trainer, dest
checktrainerflag \trainer
call_if TRUE, \dest
.macro call_if_not_defeated trainer, dest
checktrainerflag \trainer
call_if FALSE, \dest
.macro item_vars item, quantity=1
.if \item < 0x4000
setvar VAR_SPECIAL_x8004, \item
copyvar VAR_SPECIAL_x8004, \item
.if \quantity < 0x4000
setvar VAR_SPECIAL_x8005, \quantity
copyvar VAR_SPECIAL_x8005, \quantity
.macro goto_if_no_item_space item, quantity, target
item_vars \item, \quantity
hasspaceforitem VAR_SPECIAL_x8004, VAR_SPECIAL_x8005, VAR_SPECIAL_RESULT
goto_if eq, \target
.macro goto_if_no_item_space_2 item, quantity, target
item_vars \item, \quantity
hasspaceforitem VAR_SPECIAL_x8004, VAR_SPECIAL_x8005, VAR_SPECIAL_RESULT
goto_if ne, \target
.macro giveitem_no_check item, quantity
item_vars \item, \quantity
callstd std_give_item_verbose
.macro takeitem_no_check item, quantity
item_vars \item, \quantity
.macro switch var
copyvar VAR_SPECIAL_x8008, \var
.macro case value, target
compare VAR_SPECIAL_x8008, \value
goto_if eq, \target
.macro phone_call who, b, c
setvar VAR_SPECIAL_x8004, \who
setvar VAR_SPECIAL_x8005, \b
setvar VAR_SPECIAL_x8006, \c
callstd std_phone_call
.macro simple_npc_msg msgid
npc_msg \msgid
; Movement commands
.macro step type, length
.short \type
.short \length
.macro step_end
.short 254, 0