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synced 2024-12-04 19:17:13 +00:00
108 lines
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108 lines
4.5 KiB
#include "battle/battle_setup.h"
#include "script.h"
#include "sys_task.h"
#include "unk_0203BC10.h"
struct FieldLongWarpTaskData;
typedef struct UnkStruct_Ov02_0224E4EC {
SaveData *saveData;
void *unk04; // points to fieldSystem->unk_10C
u8 unk08;
u8 deltaX;
u8 unk0A;
u8 deltaY;
u8 unk0C;
u8 unk0D;
u8 unk0E; // not set
u8 unk0F;
u8 unk10;
u8 unk11;
u8 unk12;
u8 unk13;
u8 unk14;
u8 unk15;
u8 unk16;
u8 unk17;
u8 unk18;
u8 unk19;
u8 unk1A;
u8 unk1B;
u16 unk1C; // known from what's decompiled
u8 *unk20; // points to fieldSystem->unk_111
} UnkStruct_Ov02_0224E4EC;
SysTask *ov02_0224B418(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, int gender);
BOOL ov02_0224B43C(SysTask *unk);
void ov02_0224B448(SysTask *unk);
struct FieldLongWarpTaskData *CreateFieldEscapeRopeTaskEnv(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, HeapID heapId);
struct FieldLongWarpTaskData *CreateFieldTeleportTaskEnv(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, Pokemon *mon, u8 slotno, HeapID heapId);
struct FieldLongWarpTaskData *CreateFieldDigTaskEnv(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, Pokemon *mon, u8 slotno, HeapID heapId);
BOOL Task_FieldEscapeRope(TaskManager *taskManager);
BOOL Task_FieldTeleport(TaskManager *taskManager);
BOOL Task_FieldDig(TaskManager *taskManager);
BOOL ov02_0224C1F8(TaskManager *taskManager);
void *ov02_0224C1D8(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, int a1, int a2);
u8 ov02_02251EE8(GearPhoneRingManager *a0, u8 *a1);
// TODO: define the struct, figure out what a1 is
void *ov02_02249458(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, int a1, Pokemon *mon, int gender);
BOOL ov02_0224953C(void *work);
void ov02_02249548(void *work);
void ov02_02245B80(TaskManager *taskManager);
void ov02_022460AC(TaskManager *taskMan, u8 a1);
void ShowLegendaryWing(TaskManager *taskMan, u8 a1);
void ov02_022462E8(TaskManager *taskMan);
void PokecenterAnimCreate(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u8 kind);
void ov02_0224BDE8(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u8 direction, u8 length);
int ov02_0224CD38(PlayerProfile *profile, u16 a, u16 b, u16 c, u16 d, HeapID heapId);
int ov02_0224CD74(PlayerProfile *profile, u16 a, u16 b, u16 c, u16 d, HeapID heapId);
void ov02_0224BF58(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u8 a1);
void ov02_0224BFC0(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u8 a1);
void ov02_0224BFCC(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u8 a1);
void ov02_0224CDB0(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u8 a1);
void ov02_0224E074(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u16 *p_ret, int a2, HeapID heapId);
void ov02_0224E0BC(LocalMapObject *obj1, LocalMapObject *obj2, TaskManager *taskManager);
void ov02_02251EB8(GearPhoneRingManager *phoneRingManager, u8 a1, u8 a2, u8 a3, u8 a4, u8 a5);
void FieldSystem_FollowMonInteract(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
BOOL ov02_02250780(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u8 a1);
void ov02_022507B4(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u8 a1);
void ov02_022508B4(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_02250A60(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_02250AC8(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_02250AE8(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_02250AFC(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u8 a1);
void ov02_02250B30(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_02250B80(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_02251424(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u8 a1);
void ov02_022514C8(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u8 a1);
void ov02_02251554(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_022515A4(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_022518E0(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_02251B14(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_02251CF0(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_02251DC4(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_02251DE8(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_022523B4(TaskManager *taskManager);
void ov02_02252534(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_022529FC(FieldSystem *fieldSystem);
void ov02_02252EE4(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u8 a1);
BOOL ov02_02253134(SaveData *saveData);
int ov02_0225316C(void);
BOOL ov02_02253188(SaveData *saveData);
int ov02_022531B4(SaveData *saveData);
BOOL ov02_022470A0(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, BattleSetup **setupPtr);
void ov02_BattleExit_HandleRoamerAction(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, BattleSetup *setup);
BOOL ov02_02247374(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, BattleSetup **setup, void *arg2);
void ov02_02247F30(FieldSystem *fieldSystem, u16 mon, u8 level, BOOL shiny, BattleSetup *setup);
void ov02_02246714(TaskManager *man, u32 a1, u32 a2, u32 a3, u32 a4);
void ov02_022469B4(TaskManager *man, LocalMapObject *obj1, LocalMapObject *obj2);
void OpenAlphHiddenRoom(TaskManager *man, u32 a1);
int GetRadioMusicPlayingSeq(void);