mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 04:17:54 +00:00
Build the Virtual Console patches with make red_vc
and make blue_vc
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,3 +15,6 @@
*.wav binary
*.blk binary
*.pic binary
# Declare files that will always have CRLF line endings on checkout.
*.patch.template text eol=crlf linguist-language=INI
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
# compiled roms
# rgbds extras
@ -1,19 +1,27 @@
roms := pokered.gbc pokeblue.gbc pokeblue_debug.gbc
roms := \
pokered.gbc \
pokeblue.gbc \
patches := \
pokered.patch \
rom_obj := \
audio.o \
home.o \
main.o \
maps.o \
text.o \
wram.o \
gfx/pics.o \
gfx/sprites.o \
audio.o \
home.o \
main.o \
maps.o \
text.o \
wram.o \
gfx/pics.o \
gfx/sprites.o \
pokered_obj := $(rom_obj:.o=_red.o)
pokeblue_obj := $(rom_obj:.o=_blue.o)
pokeblue_debug_obj := $(rom_obj:.o=_blue_debug.o)
pokered_vc_obj := $(rom_obj:.o=_red_vc.o)
pokeblue_vc_obj := $(rom_obj:.o=_blue_vc.o)
### Build tools
@ -43,15 +51,34 @@ all: $(roms)
red: pokered.gbc
blue: pokeblue.gbc
blue_debug: pokeblue_debug.gbc
red_vc: pokered.patch
blue_vc: pokeblue.patch
clean: tidy
find gfx \( -iname '*.1bpp' -o -iname '*.2bpp' -o -iname '*.pic' \) -delete
find gfx \
\( -iname '*.1bpp' \
-o -iname '*.2bpp' \
-o -iname '*.pic' \) \
$(RM) $(roms) $(pokered_obj) $(pokeblue_obj) $(pokeblue_debug_obj) $(roms:.gbc=.map) $(roms:.gbc=.sym) rgbdscheck.o
$(RM) $(roms) \
$(roms:.gbc=.sym) \
$(roms:.gbc=.map) \
$(patches) \
$(patches:.patch=_vc.gbc) \
$(patches:.patch=_vc.sym) \
$(patches:.patch=_vc.map) \
$(patches:%.patch=vc/%.constants.sym) \
$(pokered_obj) \
$(pokeblue_obj) \
$(pokered_vc_obj) \
$(pokeblue_vc_obj) \
$(pokeblue_debug_obj) \
$(MAKE) clean -C tools/
compare: $(roms)
compare: $(roms) $(patches)
@$(SHA1) -c roms.sha1
@ -67,6 +94,11 @@ endif
$(pokered_obj): RGBASMFLAGS += -D _RED
$(pokeblue_obj): RGBASMFLAGS += -D _BLUE
$(pokeblue_debug_obj): RGBASMFLAGS += -D _BLUE -D _DEBUG
$(pokered_vc_obj): RGBASMFLAGS += -D _RED -D _RED_VC
$(pokeblue_vc_obj): RGBASMFLAGS += -D _BLUE -D _BLUE_VC
%.patch: vc/%.constants.sym %_vc.gbc %.gbc vc/%.patch.template
tools/make_patch $*_vc.sym $^ $@
rgbdscheck.o: rgbdscheck.asm
$(RGBASM) -o $@ $<
@ -89,6 +121,12 @@ $(info $(shell $(MAKE) -C tools))
$(foreach obj, $(pokered_obj), $(eval $(call DEP,$(obj),$(obj:_red.o=.asm))))
$(foreach obj, $(pokeblue_obj), $(eval $(call DEP,$(obj),$(obj:_blue.o=.asm))))
$(foreach obj, $(pokeblue_debug_obj), $(eval $(call DEP,$(obj),$(obj:_blue_debug.o=.asm))))
$(foreach obj, $(pokered_vc_obj), $(eval $(call DEP,$(obj),$(obj:_red_vc.o=.asm))))
$(foreach obj, $(pokeblue_vc_obj), $(eval $(call DEP,$(obj),$(obj:_blue_vc.o=.asm))))
# Dependencies for VC files that need to run scan_includes
%.constants.sym: %.constants.asm $(shell tools/scan_includes %.constants.asm) | rgbdscheck.o
$(RGBASM) $< > $@
@ -98,11 +136,15 @@ endif
pokered_pad = 0x00
pokeblue_pad = 0x00
pokered_vc_pad = 0x00
pokeblue_vc_pad = 0x00
pokeblue_debug_pad = 0xff
pokered_opt = -jsv -n 0 -k 01 -l 0x33 -m 0x13 -r 03 -t "POKEMON RED"
pokeblue_opt = -jsv -n 0 -k 01 -l 0x33 -m 0x13 -r 03 -t "POKEMON BLUE"
pokeblue_debug_opt = -jsv -n 0 -k 01 -l 0x33 -m 0x13 -r 03 -t "POKEMON BLUE"
pokered_vc_opt = -jsv -n 0 -k 01 -l 0x33 -m 0x13 -r 03 -t "POKEMON RED"
pokeblue_vc_opt = -jsv -n 0 -k 01 -l 0x33 -m 0x13 -r 03 -t "POKEMON BLUE"
%.gbc: $$(%_obj) layout.link
$(RGBLINK) -p $($*_pad) -d -m $*.map -n $*.sym -l layout.link -o $@ $(filter %.o,$^)
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ It builds the following ROMs:
- Pokemon Red (UE) [S][!].gb `sha1: ea9bcae617fdf159b045185467ae58b2e4a48b9a`
- Pokemon Blue (UE) [S][!].gb `sha1: d7037c83e1ae5b39bde3c30787637ba1d4c48ce2`
- BLUEMONS.GB (debug build) `sha1: 5b1456177671b79b263c614ea0e7cc9ac542e9c4`
- dmgapae0.e69.patch `sha1: 0fb5f743696adfe1dbb2e062111f08f9bc5a293a`
- dmgapee0.e68.patch `sha1: ed4be94dc29c64271942c87f2157bca9ca1019c7`
To set up the repository, see [**INSTALL.md**](INSTALL.md).
@ -211,9 +211,19 @@ _CableClubNPCPleaseWaitText::
vc_patch Change_MSG
text "Please come again!"
text "sed because of"
cont "inactivity."
text "The link has been"
line "closed because of"
cont "inactivity."
para "Please contact"
line "your friend and"
@ -176,8 +176,12 @@ PlayAnimation:
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
vc_hook FPA_Thunderbolt_End
ld a, [hli]
vc_hook_red FPA_007_End
vc_hook_blue FPA_009_End
cp -1
vc_hook_blue FPA_008_End
jr z, .AnimationOver
cp FIRST_SE_ID ; is this subanimation or a special effect?
jr c, .playSubanimation
@ -246,37 +250,55 @@ PlayAnimation:
ld a, [wAnimPalette]
ldh [rOBP0], a
call LoadAnimationTileset
vc_hook FPA_001_Begin
call LoadSubanimation
call PlaySubanimation
vc_hook FPA_001_End
pop af
vc_hook_red FPA_008_End
ldh [rOBP0], a
vc_hook FPA_005_End
pop hl
vc_hook FPA_002_End
jr .animationLoop
vc_hook FPA_002_Begin
ld a, [wSubAnimAddrPtr + 1]
vc_hook FPA_003_Begin
ld h, a
vc_hook_red FPA_131_Begin
ld a, [wSubAnimAddrPtr]
vc_hook_red FPA_56_Begin
ld l, a
ld a, [hli]
ld e, a
vc_hook FPA_76_Begin
ld a, [hl]
vc_hook FPA_Thunderbolt_Begin
ld d, a ; de = address of subanimation
ld a, [de]
vc_hook_blue FPA_012_Begin
ld b, a
vc_hook FPA_Spore_Begin
and %00011111
vc_hook FPA_Bubblebeam_Begin
ld [wSubAnimCounter], a ; number of frame blocks
vc_hook_red FPA_010_Begin
vc_hook_blue FPA_009_Begin
ld a, b
and %11100000
vc_hook_blue FPA_004_Begin
jr nz, .isNotType5
call GetSubanimationTransform2
jr .saveTransformation
vc_hook FPA_Hyper_Beam_Begin
call GetSubanimationTransform1
; place the upper 3 bits of a into bits 0-2 of a before storing
@ -307,6 +329,7 @@ LoadSubanimation:
; sets the transform to SUBANIMTYPE_NORMAL if it's the player's turn
; sets the transform to the subanimation type if it's the enemy's turn
vc_hook FPA_Reflect_Begin
ld b, a
ldh a, [hWhoseTurn]
and a
@ -399,11 +422,15 @@ MoveAnimation:
jr nz, .animationsDisabled
call ShareMoveAnimations
call PlayAnimation
vc_hook_red FPA_004_End
vc_hook_blue FPA_011_End
jr .next4
ld c, 30
call DelayFrames
vc_hook_red FPA_010_End
vc_hook_blue FPA_012_End
call PlayApplyingAttackAnimation ; shake the screen or flash the pic in and out (to show damage)
call WaitForSoundToFinish
@ -541,6 +568,7 @@ SetAnimationPalette:
ld a, $e4
ld [wAnimPalette], a
vc_hook FPA_Dream_Eater_Begin
ldh [rOBP0], a
ld a, $6c
ldh [rOBP1], a
@ -956,6 +984,7 @@ AnimationFlashScreenLong:
ld [wFlashScreenLongCounter], a
pop hl
jr nz, .loop
vc_hook_red FPA_phy_End
; BG palettes
@ -3023,6 +3023,7 @@ LinkBattleExchangeData:
ld a, b
ld [wSerialExchangeNybbleSendData], a
vc_hook send_byt2
callfar PrintWaitingText
call Serial_ExchangeNybble
@ -3030,18 +3031,33 @@ LinkBattleExchangeData:
ld a, [wSerialExchangeNybbleReceiveData]
inc a
jr z, .syncLoop1
vc_hook send_byt2_ret
vc_patch FIGHT
ld b, 26
ld b, 10
call DelayFrame
call Serial_ExchangeNybble
dec b
jr nz, .syncLoop2
vc_hook send_dummy
vc_patch FIGHT2
ld b, 26
ld b, 10
call DelayFrame
call Serial_SendZeroByte
dec b
jr nz, .syncLoop3
vc_hook send_dummy_end
@ -6661,7 +6677,14 @@ BattleRandom:
ld a, [hl]
pop bc
pop hl
vc_hook fight_ret_c
vc_patch fight_ret
ret c
; if we picked the last seed, we need to recalculate the nine seeds
push hl
@ -6726,7 +6749,9 @@ HandleExplodingAnimation:
ld [wAnimationID], a
vc_hook_red FPA_conf_Begin
call Delay3
vc_hook_red FPA_phy_Begin
predef_jump MoveAnimation
@ -484,6 +484,7 @@ CheckSGB:
ldh a, [rJOYP]
ldh a, [rJOYP]
call Wait7000
vc_hook Network_RESET
call Wait7000
ld a, $30
ldh [rJOYP], a
@ -124,18 +124,21 @@ CableClub_DoBattleOrTradeAgain:
ld hl, wSerialRandomNumberListBlock
ld de, wSerialOtherGameboyRandomNumberListBlock
ld bc, $11
vc_hook Network17
call Serial_ExchangeBytes
ld [de], a
ld hl, wSerialPlayerDataBlock
ld de, wSerialEnemyDataBlock
ld bc, $1a8
vc_hook Network424
call Serial_ExchangeBytes
ld [de], a
ld hl, wSerialPartyMonsPatchList
ld de, wSerialEnemyMonsPatchList
ld bc, $c8
vc_hook Network200
call Serial_ExchangeBytes
ld a, (1 << SERIAL) | (1 << TIMER) | (1 << VBLANK)
ldh [rIE], a
@ -859,6 +862,7 @@ TradeCenter_Trade:
ld de, TradeCompleted
call PlaceString
predef SaveSAVtoSRAM2
vc_hook save_game_end
ld c, 50
call DelayFrames
xor a
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ CableClubNPC::
xor a
ldh [hSerialReceiveData], a
vc_hook linkCable_fake_begin
ldh [rSC], a
ld a, [wLinkTimeoutCounter]
dec a
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ CableClubNPC::
ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
and a
jr nz, .choseNo
vc_hook linkCable_block_input
callfar SaveSAVtoSRAM
call WaitForSoundToFinish
ld a, SFX_SAVE
@ -66,8 +68,10 @@ CableClubNPC::
xor a
ld [hl], a
ldh [hSerialReceivedNewData], a
vc_hook linkCable_fake_end
ld [wSerialExchangeNybbleSendData], a
call Serial_SyncAndExchangeNybble
vc_hook Network_RECHECK
ld hl, wUnknownSerialCounter
ld a, [hli]
inc a
@ -284,9 +284,11 @@ LinkMenu:
xor a
ld [wMenuJoypadPollCount], a
vc_hook Network_STOP
call Delay3
call CloseLinkConnection
ld hl, LinkCanceledText
vc_hook Network_END
call PrintText
ld hl, wd72e
res 6, [hl]
@ -37,20 +37,23 @@ LoadSAV0:
ld a, $1
ld [MBC1SRamBankingMode], a
ld [MBC1SRamBank], a
ld hl, sPlayerName ; hero name located in SRAM
ld bc, sMainDataCheckSum - sPlayerName ; but here checks the full SAV
; This vc_hook does not have to be in any particular location.
; It is defined here because it refers to the same labels as the two lines below.
vc_hook SaveLimit
ld hl, sGameData
ld bc, sGameDataEnd - sGameData
call SAVCheckSum
ld c, a
ld a, [sMainDataCheckSum] ; SAV's checksum
ld a, [sMainDataCheckSum]
cp c
jp z, .checkSumsMatched
; If the computed checksum didn't match the saved on, try again.
ld hl, sPlayerName
ld bc, sMainDataCheckSum - sPlayerName
ld hl, sGameData
ld bc, sGameDataEnd - sGameData
call SAVCheckSum
ld c, a
ld a, [sMainDataCheckSum] ; SAV's checksum
ld a, [sMainDataCheckSum]
cp c
jp nz, SAVBadCheckSum
@ -84,11 +87,11 @@ LoadSAV1:
ld a, $1
ld [MBC1SRamBankingMode], a
ld [MBC1SRamBank], a
ld hl, sPlayerName ; hero name located in SRAM
ld bc, sMainDataCheckSum - sPlayerName ; but here checks the full SAV
ld hl, sGameData
ld bc, sGameDataEnd - sGameData
call SAVCheckSum
ld c, a
ld a, [sMainDataCheckSum] ; SAV's checksum
ld a, [sMainDataCheckSum]
cp c
jr nz, SAVBadCheckSum
ld hl, sCurBoxData
@ -104,11 +107,11 @@ LoadSAV2:
ld a, $1
ld [MBC1SRamBankingMode], a
ld [MBC1SRamBank], a
ld hl, sPlayerName ; hero name located in SRAM
ld bc, sMainDataCheckSum - sPlayerName ; but here checks the full SAV
ld hl, sGameData
ld bc, sGameDataEnd - sGameData
call SAVCheckSum
ld c, a
ld a, [sMainDataCheckSum] ; SAV's checksum
ld a, [sMainDataCheckSum]
cp c
jp nz, SAVBadCheckSum
ld hl, sPartyData
@ -219,8 +222,8 @@ SaveSAVtoSRAM0:
call CopyData
ldh a, [hTileAnimations]
ld [sTileAnimations], a
ld hl, sPlayerName
ld bc, sMainDataCheckSum - sPlayerName
ld hl, sGameData
ld bc, sGameDataEnd - sGameData
call SAVCheckSum
ld [sMainDataCheckSum], a
xor a
@ -239,8 +242,8 @@ SaveSAVtoSRAM1:
ld de, sCurBoxData
ld bc, wBoxDataEnd - wBoxDataStart
call CopyData
ld hl, sPlayerName
ld bc, sMainDataCheckSum - sPlayerName
ld hl, sGameData
ld bc, sGameDataEnd - sGameData
call SAVCheckSum
ld [sMainDataCheckSum], a
xor a
@ -262,8 +265,8 @@ SaveSAVtoSRAM2:
ld de, sMainData
ld bc, wPokedexSeenEnd - wPokedexOwned
call CopyData
ld hl, sPlayerName
ld bc, sMainDataCheckSum - sPlayerName
ld hl, sGameData
ld bc, sGameDataEnd - sGameData
call SAVCheckSum
ld [sMainDataCheckSum], a
xor a
@ -612,8 +615,8 @@ SAVCheckRandomID:
ld a, [sPlayerName]
and a
jr z, .next
ld hl, sPlayerName
ld bc, sMainDataCheckSum - sPlayerName
ld hl, sGameData
ld bc, sGameDataEnd - sGameData
call SAVCheckSum
ld c, a
ld a, [sMainDataCheckSum]
@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ Serial_PrintWaitingTextAndSyncAndExchangeNybble::
jp LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1
vc_hook send_send_buf2
ld a, $ff
ld [wSerialExchangeNybbleReceiveData], a
@ -253,13 +254,25 @@ Serial_SyncAndExchangeNybble::
ld a, [wSerialExchangeNybbleReceiveData]
inc a
jr z, .loop1
vc_patch Network10
ld b, 26
ld b, 10
call DelayFrame
call Serial_ExchangeNybble
dec b
jr nz, .loop2
vc_patch Network11
ld b, 26
ld b, 10
call DelayFrame
call Serial_SendZeroByte
@ -267,6 +280,7 @@ Serial_SyncAndExchangeNybble::
jr nz, .loop3
ld a, [wSerialExchangeNybbleReceiveData]
ld [wSerialSyncAndExchangeNybbleReceiveData], a
vc_hook send_send_buf2_ret
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ INCLUDE "macros/data.asm"
INCLUDE "macros/code.asm"
INCLUDE "macros/gfx.asm"
INCLUDE "macros/coords.asm"
INCLUDE "macros/vc.asm"
INCLUDE "macros/scripts/audio.asm"
INCLUDE "macros/scripts/maps.asm"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
vc_hook: MACRO
vc_hook_red: MACRO
vc_hook_blue: MACRO
vc_patch: MACRO
ASSERT !DEF(CURRENT_VC_PATCH), "Already started a vc_patch"
vc_patch_end: MACRO
ASSERT DEF(CURRENT_VC_PATCH), "No vc_patch started"
vc_assert: MACRO
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
ea9bcae617fdf159b045185467ae58b2e4a48b9a *pokered.gbc
d7037c83e1ae5b39bde3c30787637ba1d4c48ce2 *pokeblue.gbc
5b1456177671b79b263c614ea0e7cc9ac542e9c4 *pokeblue_debug.gbc
0fb5f743696adfe1dbb2e062111f08f9bc5a293a *pokered.patch
ed4be94dc29c64271942c87f2157bca9ca1019c7 *pokeblue.patch
@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ SECTION "Save Data", SRAM
ds $598
sPlayerName:: ds NAME_LENGTH
sMainData:: ds wMainDataEnd - wMainDataStart
sSpriteData:: ds wSpriteDataEnd - wSpriteDataStart
sPartyData:: ds wPartyDataEnd - wPartyDataStart
sCurBoxData:: ds wBoxDataEnd - wBoxDataStart
sTileAnimations:: db
sMainDataCheckSum:: db
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ CFLAGS := -O3 -flto -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic
tools := \
gfx \
make_patch \
pkmncompress \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
#define PROGRAM_NAME "make_patch"
#define USAGE_OPTS "labels.sym constants.sym patched.gbc original.gbc vc.patch.template vc.patch"
#include "common.h"
#include <ctype.h>
struct Buffer {
size_t item_size;
size_t size;
size_t capacity;
void *data;
struct Symbol {
struct Symbol *next;
unsigned int address;
unsigned int offset;
char name[]; // C99 FAM
struct Patch {
unsigned int offset;
unsigned int size;
struct Buffer *buffer_create(size_t item_size) {
struct Buffer *buffer = xmalloc(sizeof(*buffer));
buffer->item_size = item_size;
buffer->size = 0;
buffer->capacity = 0x10;
buffer->data = xmalloc(buffer->capacity * item_size);
return buffer;
void buffer_append(struct Buffer *buffer, const void *item) {
if (buffer->size >= buffer->capacity) {
buffer->capacity = (buffer->capacity + 1) * 2;
buffer->data = xrealloc(buffer->data, buffer->capacity * buffer->item_size);
memcpy((char *)buffer->data + (buffer->size++ * buffer->item_size), item, buffer->item_size);
void buffer_free(struct Buffer *buffer) {
void symbol_append(struct Symbol **symbols, const char *name, int bank, int address) {
size_t name_len = strlen(name) + 1;
struct Symbol *symbol = xmalloc(sizeof(*symbol) + name_len);
symbol->address = address;
symbol->offset = address < 0x8000
? (bank > 0 ? address + (bank - 1) * 0x4000 : address) // ROM addresses are relative to their bank
: address - 0x8000; // RAM addresses are relative to the start of all RAM
memcpy(symbol->name, name, name_len);
symbol->next = *symbols;
*symbols = symbol;
void symbol_free(struct Symbol *symbols) {
for (struct Symbol *next; symbols; symbols = next) {
next = symbols->next;
const struct Symbol *symbol_find(const struct Symbol *symbols, const char *name) {
size_t name_len = strlen(name);
for (const struct Symbol *symbol = symbols; symbol; symbol = symbol->next) {
size_t sym_name_len = strlen(symbol->name);
if (name_len > sym_name_len) {
const char *sym_name = symbol->name;
if (name[0] == '.') {
// If `name` is a local label, compare it to the local part of `symbol->name`
sym_name += sym_name_len - name_len;
if (!strcmp(sym_name, name)) {
return symbol;
error_exit("Error: Unknown symbol: \"%s\"\n", name);
const struct Symbol *symbol_find_cat(const struct Symbol *symbols, const char *prefix, const char *suffix) {
char *sym_name = xmalloc(strlen(prefix) + strlen(suffix) + 1);
sprintf(sym_name, "%s%s", prefix, suffix);
const struct Symbol *symbol = symbol_find(symbols, sym_name);
return symbol;
int parse_number(const char *input, int base) {
char *endptr;
int n = (int)strtol(input, &endptr, base);
if (endptr == input || *endptr || n < 0) {
error_exit("Error: Cannot parse number: \"%s\"\n", input);
return n;
void parse_symbol_value(char *input, int *restrict bank, int *restrict address) {
char *colon = strchr(input, ':');
if (!colon) {
error_exit("Error: Cannot parse bank+address: \"%s\"\n", input);
*colon++ = '\0';
*bank = parse_number(input, 16);
*address = parse_number(colon, 16);
void parse_symbols(const char *filename, struct Symbol **symbols) {
FILE *file = xfopen(filename, 'r');
struct Buffer *buffer = buffer_create(1);
int bank = 0;
int address = 0;
for (;;) {
int c = getc(file);
if (c == EOF || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == ';' || (state == SYM_NAME && (c == ' ' || c == '\t'))) {
if (state == SYM_NAME) {
// The symbol name has ended; append the buffered symbol
buffer_append(buffer, &(char []){'\0'});
symbol_append(symbols, buffer->data, bank, address);
// Skip to the next line, ignoring anything after the symbol value and name
state = SYM_PRE;
while (c != EOF && c != '\n' && c != '\r') {
c = getc(file);
if (c == EOF) {
} else if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') {
if (state == SYM_PRE || state == SYM_SPACE) {
// The symbol value or name has started; buffer its contents
if (++state == SYM_NAME) {
// The symbol name has started; parse the buffered value
buffer_append(buffer, &(char []){'\0'});
parse_symbol_value(buffer->data, &bank, &address);
buffer->size = 0;
buffer_append(buffer, &c);
} else if (state == SYM_VALUE) {
// The symbol value has ended; wait to see if a name comes after it
state = SYM_SPACE;
int strfind(const char *s, const char *list[], int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (!strcmp(s, list[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
#define vstrfind(s, ...) strfind(s, (const char *[]){__VA_ARGS__}, sizeof (const char *[]){__VA_ARGS__} / sizeof(const char *))
int parse_arg_value(const char *arg, bool absolute, const struct Symbol *symbols, const char *patch_name) {
// Comparison operators for "ConditionValueB" evaluate to their particular values
int op = vstrfind(arg, "==", ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "!=", "||");
if (op >= 0) {
return op == 6 ? 0x11 : op; // "||" is 0x11
// Literal numbers evaluate to themselves
if (isdigit((unsigned)arg[0]) || arg[0] == '+') {
return parse_number(arg, 0);
// Symbols evaluate to their offset or address, plus an optional offset mod
int offset_mod = 0;
char *plus = strchr(arg, '+');
if (plus) {
offset_mod = parse_number(plus, 0);
*plus = '\0';
const char *sym_name = !strcmp(arg, "@") ? patch_name : arg; // "@" is the current patch label
const struct Symbol *symbol = symbol_find(symbols, sym_name);
return (absolute ? symbol->offset : symbol->address) + offset_mod;
void interpret_command(char *command, const struct Symbol *current_hook, const struct Symbol *symbols, struct Buffer *patches, FILE *restrict new_rom, FILE *restrict orig_rom, FILE *restrict output) {
// Strip all leading spaces and all but one trailing space
int x = 0;
for (int i = 0; command[i]; i++) {
if (!isspace((unsigned)command[i]) || (i > 0 && !isspace((unsigned)command[i - 1]))) {
command[x++] = command[i];
command[x - (x > 0 && isspace((unsigned)command[x - 1]))] = '\0';
// Count the arguments
int argc = 0;
for (const char *c = command; *c; c++) {
if (isspace((unsigned)*c)) {
// Get the arguments
char *argv[argc]; // VLA
char *arg = command;
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
while (*arg && !isspace((unsigned)*arg)) {
if (!*arg) {
*arg++ = '\0';
argv[i] = arg;
// Use the arguments
if (vstrfind(command, "patch", "PATCH", "patch_", "PATCH_", "patch/", "PATCH/") >= 0) {
if (argc > 2) {
error_exit("Error: Invalid arguments for command: \"%s\"\n", command);
if (!current_hook) {
error_exit("Error: No current patch for command: \"%s\"\n", command);
int current_offset = current_hook->offset + (argc > 0 ? parse_number(argv[0], 0) : 0);
if (fseek(orig_rom, current_offset, SEEK_SET)) {
error_exit("Error: Cannot seek to \"vc_patch %s\" in the original ROM\n", current_hook->name);
if (fseek(new_rom, current_offset, SEEK_SET)) {
error_exit("Error: Cannot seek to \"vc_patch %s\" in the new ROM\n", current_hook->name);
int length;
if (argc == 2) {
length = parse_number(argv[1], 0);
} else {
const struct Symbol *current_hook_end = symbol_find_cat(symbols, current_hook->name, "_End");
length = current_hook_end->offset - current_offset;
buffer_append(patches, &(struct Patch){current_offset, length});
bool modified = false;
if (length == 1) {
int c = getc(new_rom);
modified = c != getc(orig_rom);
fprintf(output, isupper((unsigned)command[0]) ? "0x%02X" : "0x%02x", c);
} else {
if (command[strlen(command) - 1] != '/') {
fprintf(output, command[strlen(command) - 1] == '_' ? "a%d: " : "a%d:", length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i) {
putc(' ', output);
int c = getc(new_rom);
modified |= c != getc(orig_rom);
fprintf(output, isupper((unsigned)command[0]) ? "%02X" : "%02x", c);
if (!modified) {
fprintf(stderr, PROGRAM_NAME ": Warning: \"vc_patch %s\" doesn't alter the ROM\n", current_hook->name);
} else if (vstrfind(command, "dws", "DWS", "dws_", "DWS_", "dws/", "DWS/") >= 0) {
if (argc < 1) {
error_exit("Error: Invalid arguments for command: \"%s\"\n", command);
if (command[strlen(command) - 1] != '/') {
fprintf(output, command[strlen(command) - 1] == '_' ? "a%d: " : "a%d:", argc * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
int value = parse_arg_value(argv[i], false, symbols, current_hook->name);
if (value > 0xffff) {
error_exit("Error: Invalid value for \"%s\" argument: 0x%x\n", command, value);
if (i) {
putc(' ', output);
fprintf(output, isupper((unsigned)command[0]) ? "%02X %02X": "%02x %02x", value & 0xff, value >> 8);
} else if (vstrfind(command, "db", "DB", "db_", "DB_", "db/", "DB/") >= 0) {
if (argc != 1) {
error_exit("Error: Invalid arguments for command: \"%s\"\n", command);
int value = parse_arg_value(argv[0], false, symbols, current_hook->name);
if (value > 0xff) {
error_exit("Error: Invalid value for \"%s\" argument: 0x%x\n", command, value);
if (command[strlen(command) - 1] != '/') {
fputs(command[strlen(command) - 1] == '_' ? "a1: " : "a1:", output);
fprintf(output, isupper((unsigned)command[0]) ? "%02X" : "%02x", value);
} else if (vstrfind(command, "hex", "HEX", "HEx", "Hex", "heX", "hEX", "hex~", "HEX~", "HEx~", "Hex~", "heX~", "hEX~") >= 0) {
if (argc != 1 && argc != 2) {
error_exit("Error: Invalid arguments for command: \"%s\"\n", command);
int value = parse_arg_value(argv[0], command[strlen(command) - 1] != '~', symbols, current_hook->name);
int padding = argc > 1 ? parse_number(argv[1], 0) : 2;
if (vstrfind(command, "HEx", "HEx~") >= 0) {
fprintf(output, "0x%0*X%02x", padding - 2, value >> 8, value & 0xff);
} else if (vstrfind(command, "Hex", "Hex~") >= 0) {
fprintf(output, "0x%0*X%03x", padding - 3, value >> 12, value & 0xfff);
} else if (vstrfind(command, "heX", "heX~") >= 0) {
fprintf(output, "0x%0*x%02X", padding - 2, value >> 8, value & 0xff);
} else if (vstrfind(command, "hEX", "hEX~") >= 0) {
fprintf(output, "0x%0*x%03X", padding - 3, value >> 12, value & 0xfff);
} else {
fprintf(output, isupper((unsigned)command[0]) ? "0x%0*X" : "0x%0*x", padding, value);
} else {
error_exit("Error: Unknown command: \"%s\"\n", command);
void skip_to_next_line(FILE *restrict input, FILE *restrict output) {
for (int c = getc(input); c != EOF; c = getc(input)) {
putc(c, output);
if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
struct Buffer *process_template(const char *template_filename, const char *patch_filename, FILE *restrict new_rom, FILE *restrict orig_rom, const struct Symbol *symbols) {
FILE *input = xfopen(template_filename, 'r');
FILE *output = xfopen(patch_filename, 'w');
struct Buffer *patches = buffer_create(sizeof(struct Patch));
struct Buffer *buffer = buffer_create(1);
// The ROM checksum will always differ
buffer_append(patches, &(struct Patch){0x14e, 2});
// The Stadium data (see stadium.c) will always differ
unsigned int rom_size = (unsigned int)xfsize("", orig_rom);
unsigned int stadium_size = 24 + 6 + 2 + (rom_size / 0x2000) * 2;
buffer_append(patches, &(struct Patch){rom_size - stadium_size, stadium_size});
// Fill in the template
const struct Symbol *current_hook = NULL;
for (int c = getc(input); c != EOF; c = getc(input)) {
switch (c) {
case ';':
// ";" comments until the end of the line
putc(c, output);
skip_to_next_line(input, output);
case '{':
// "{...}" is a template command; buffer its contents
buffer->size = 0;
for (c = getc(input); c != EOF && c != '}'; c = getc(input)) {
buffer_append(buffer, &c);
buffer_append(buffer, &(char []){'\0'});
// Interpret the command in the context of the current patch
interpret_command(buffer->data, current_hook, symbols, patches, new_rom, orig_rom, output);
case '[':
// "[...]" is a patch label; buffer its contents
putc(c, output);
bool alternate = false;
buffer->size = 0;
for (c = getc(input); c != EOF; c = getc(input)) {
if (!alternate && c == '@') {
// "@" designates an alternate name for the ".VC_" label
alternate = true;
buffer->size = 0;
} else if (c == ']') {
putc(c, output);
} else {
if (!alternate) {
putc(c, output);
if (!isalnum(c) && c != '_') {
// Convert non-identifier characters to underscores
c = '_';
buffer_append(buffer, &c);
buffer_append(buffer, &(char []){'\0'});
// The current patch should have a corresponding ".VC_" label
current_hook = symbol_find_cat(symbols, ".VC_", buffer->data);
skip_to_next_line(input, output);
putc(c, output);
return patches;
int compare_patch(const void *patch1, const void *patch2) {
unsigned int offset1 = ((const struct Patch *)patch1)->offset;
unsigned int offset2 = ((const struct Patch *)patch2)->offset;
return offset1 > offset2 ? 1 : offset1 < offset2 ? -1 : 0;
bool verify_completeness(FILE *restrict orig_rom, FILE *restrict new_rom, struct Buffer *patches) {
qsort(patches->data, patches->size, patches->item_size, compare_patch);
for (unsigned int offset = 0, index = 0; ; offset++) {
int orig_byte = getc(orig_rom);
int new_byte = getc(new_rom);
if (orig_byte == EOF || new_byte == EOF) {
return orig_byte == new_byte;
struct Patch *patch = &((struct Patch *)patches->data)[index];
if (index < patches->size && patch->offset == offset) {
if (fseek(orig_rom, patch->size, SEEK_CUR)) {
return false;
if (fseek(new_rom, patch->size, SEEK_CUR)) {
return false;
offset += patch->size;
} else if (orig_byte != new_byte) {
fprintf(stderr, PROGRAM_NAME ": Warning: Unpatched difference at offset: 0x%x\n", offset);
fprintf(stderr, " Original ROM value: 0x%02x\n", orig_byte);
fprintf(stderr, " Patched ROM value: 0x%02x\n", new_byte);
fprintf(stderr, " Current patch offset: 0x%06x\n", patch->offset);
return false;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc != 7) {
struct Symbol *symbols = NULL;
parse_symbols(argv[1], &symbols);
parse_symbols(argv[2], &symbols);
FILE *new_rom = xfopen(argv[3], 'r');
FILE *orig_rom = xfopen(argv[4], 'r');
struct Buffer *patches = process_template(argv[5], argv[6], new_rom, orig_rom, symbols);
if (!verify_completeness(orig_rom, new_rom, patches)) {
fprintf(stderr, PROGRAM_NAME ": Warning: Not all ROM differences are defined by \"%s\"\n", argv[6]);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
INCLUDE "constants.asm"
; These are all the asm constants needed to make the blue_vc patch.
vc_const: MACRO
x = \1
PRINTLN "00:{04x:x} \1" ; same format as rgblink's .sym file
; [FPA 001 Begin]
vc_const "M"
vc_const "E"
vc_const "G"
vc_const "A"
vc_const "P"
vc_const "S"
vc_const "L"
vc_const "F"
vc_const "X"
vc_const MEGA_PUNCH
; [FPA 001 End]
vc_const EXPLOSION
; [FPA 002 Begin]
vc_const "U"
vc_const "I"
; [FPA 002 End]
vc_const "K"
vc_const MEGA_KICK
; [FPA 004 Begin]
vc_const "B"
vc_const "Z"
vc_const BLIZZARD
; [FPA 005 Begin]
; [FPA 005 End]
vc_const HYPER_BEAM
; [FPA 006 Begin]
vc_const "H"
vc_const "Y"
; [FPA 007 Begin]
vc_const "T"
vc_const "N"
; [FPA 008 Begin]
vc_const "R"
vc_const REFLECT
; [FPA 009 Begin]
; [FPA 010 Begin]
vc_const "D"
vc_const DREAM_EATER
; [FPA 011 Begin]
vc_const "O"
vc_const SPORE
; [FPA 012 Begin]
vc_const "C"
vc_const ROCK_SLIDE
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
;Format Sample
;[xxxx] ;User-defined Name (Max:31 chars)
;Mode = 1 ;1:Fixcode; 2:Fixvalue; 3:Mask; 4:Palette; 5:Double Frame Buffer
;Type = 0 ;0:Begin 1:End
;Index = 0 ;Index
;Address = x1F8000 ;ROM Address
;MemAddress = x2000 ;RAM Address
;Fixcode = 0 ;Mode1: Fixed Rom Code; Mode2: Fixed Value
;DelayFrame = 0 ;Delay Frame
;FadeFrame = 0 ;Fade Frame 0:Off
;DarkEnable0 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceEnable0 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Normal Mode)
;MotionBEnable0 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:Black Fade, 2:, 3:Frame Blend (for Normal Mode)
;Dark0 = 10 ;0~10 (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceColorR0 = 0 ;0~31 (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceColorG0 = 0 ;0~31 (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceColorB0 = 0 ;0~31 (for Normal Mode)
;MotionBlur0 = 31 ;0~31 (for Normal Mode)
;DarkEnable1 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Green Mode)
;ReduceEnable1 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Green Mode)
;MotionBEnable1 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:Black Fade, 2:, 3:Frame Blend (for Green Mode)
;Dark1 = 10 ;0~10 (for Green Mode)
;ReduceColorR1 = 0 ;0~31 (for Green Mode)
;ReduceColorG1 = 0 ;0~31 (for Green Mode)
;ReduceColorB1 = 0 ;0~31 (for Green Mode)
;MotionBlur1 = 31 ;0~31 (for Green Mode)
;PaletteX = c31,31,31 ;X:0~15, cR,G,B (0~31)
Mode = 12
Type = 1
Index = {hex sGameData}
Address = {hex sGameDataEnd}
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 29
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 30
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @+5}
Type = 31
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 32
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 33
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 34
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 5
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 4
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 4
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 7
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 8
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 9
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 10
[linkCable fake begin]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 16
[linkCable fake end]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 17
[linkCable block input]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @+5}
Type = 18
;[save game start]
;Mode = 2
;Address = 0x59E6
;Type = 19
[save game end]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 20
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH_ +1 20}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @}
Fixcode = {PATCH}
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 98
[FPA 001 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 27
ConditionType = 11
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+5 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == == || == == == == == || == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "M" "E" "G" "A" "P" MEGA_PUNCH 00 "S" "E" "L" "F" MEGA_PUNCH 00 "E" "X" "P" "L" MEGA_PUNCH }
[FPA 001 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 11
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+5 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == == || == == == == == || == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "M" "E" "G" "A" "P" MEGA_PUNCH 00 "E" "X" "P" "L" EXPLOSION 00 "E" "X" "P" "L" MEGA_PUNCH }
[FPA 002 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 9
MotionBEnable1 = 3
MotionBlur1 = 8
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "G" "U" "I" "L" GUILLOTINE }
[FPA 002 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 11
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+5 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == || == == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "G" "U" "I" "L" GUILLOTINE 00 "M" "E" "G" "A" "K" MEGA_KICK }
[FPA 003 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 25
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+5 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "M" "E" "G" "A" "K" MEGA_KICK }
[FPA 004 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 25
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "B" "L" "I" "Z" BLIZZARD }
[FPA 005 Begin@FPA_Bubblebeam_Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 27
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "B" "U" "B" "B" BUBBLEBEAM }
[FPA 005 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 11
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == || == == == == == || == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "B" "U" "B" "B" BUBBLEBEAM 00 "H" "Y" "P" "E" HYPER_BEAM 00 "B" "L" "I" "Z" BLIZZARD }
[FPA 006 Begin@FPA_Hyper_Beam_Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 1
MotionBlur0 = 5
MotionBEnable1 = 1
MotionBlur1 = 5
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "H" "Y" "P" "E" HYPER_BEAM }
[FPA 007 Begin@FPA_Thunderbolt_Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 30
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "T" "H" "U" "N" THUNDERBOLT }
[FPA 007 End@FPA_Thunderbolt_End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "T" "H" "U" "N" THUNDERBOLT }
[FPA 008 Begin@FPA_Reflect_Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
MotionBEnable0 = 1
MotionBlur0 = 5
MotionBEnable1 = 1
MotionBlur1 = 5
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "R" "E" "F" "L" REFLECT }
[FPA 008 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "R" "E" "F" "L" REFLECT }
[FPA 009 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 27
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "S" "E" "L" "F" SELFDESTRUCT}
[FPA 009 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 11
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == || == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "S" "E" "L" "F" MEGA_PUNCH 00 "S" "E" "L" "F" SELFDESTRUCT}
[FPA 010 Begin@FPA_Dream_Eater_Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 10
MotionBEnable1 = 3
MotionBlur1 = 7
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "D" "R" "E" "A" DREAM_EATER }
;[FPA 010 End]
;Mode = 3
;Type = 1
;Address = 0x78176
;ConditionType = 0
;ConditionValueA = a10: 4b cf 4c cf 4d cf 4e cf 7c d0
;ConditionValueB = a10: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
;ConditionValueC = a10: 83 00 91 00 84 00 80 00 8a 00
[FPA 011 Begin@FPA_Spore_Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 8
MotionBEnable1 = 3
MotionBlur1 = 8
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "S" "P" "O" "R" SPORE }
[FPA 011 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {hex @}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "S" "P" "O" "R" SPORE }
[FPA 012 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 27
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "R" "O" "C" "K" ROCK_SLIDE }
[FPA 012 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {hex @}
ConditionType = 11
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == || == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "R" "O" "C" "K" ROCK_SLIDE 00 "D" "R" "E" "A" DREAM_EATER }
[FPA 76 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = 0x78186
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 28
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "E" "X" "P" "L" EXPLOSION }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
INCLUDE "constants.asm"
; These are all the asm constants needed to make the red_vc patch.
vc_const: MACRO
x = \1
PRINTLN "00:{04x:x} \1" ; same format as rgblink's .sym file
; [FPA 001 Begin]
vc_const "M"
vc_const "E"
vc_const "G"
vc_const "A"
vc_const "P"
vc_const "S"
vc_const "L"
vc_const "F"
vc_const "D"
vc_const "X"
vc_const MEGA_PUNCH
; [FPA 002 Begin]
vc_const "U"
vc_const "I"
; [FPA 003 Begin]
vc_const "K"
vc_const MEGA_KICK
; [FPA 004 Begin]
vc_const "B"
; [FPA 005 Begin]
vc_const "H"
vc_const "Y"
vc_const HYPER_BEAM
; [FPA 006 Begin]
vc_const "T"
vc_const "N"
; [FPA 007 Begin]
vc_const "R"
vc_const "F"
vc_const REFLECT
; [FPA 008 Begin]
vc_const DREAM_EATER
; [FPA 008 End]
vc_const "Z"
vc_const BLIZZARD
; [FPA 009 Begin]
vc_const "O"
vc_const SPORE
; [FPA 010 Begin]
vc_const "C"
vc_const ROCK_SLIDE
; [FPA 010 End]
vc_const EXPLOSION
; [FPA conf Begin]
vc_const CONFUSION
; [FPA phy Begin]
vc_const PSYCHIC_M
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
;Format Sample
;[xxxx] ;User-defined Name (Max:31 chars)
;Mode = 1 ;1:Fixcode; 2:Fixvalue; 3:Mask; 4:Palette; 5:Double Frame Buffer
;Type = 0 ;0:Begin 1:End
;Index = 0 ;Index
;Address = x1F8000 ;ROM Address
;MemAddress = x2000 ;RAM Address
;Fixcode = 0 ;Mode1: Fixed Rom Code; Mode2: Fixed Value
;DelayFrame = 0 ;Delay Frame
;FadeFrame = 0 ;Fade Frame 0:Off
;DarkEnable0 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceEnable0 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Normal Mode)
;MotionBEnable0 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:Black Fade, 2:, 3:Frame Blend (for Normal Mode)
;Dark0 = 10 ;0~10 (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceColorR0 = 0 ;0~31 (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceColorG0 = 0 ;0~31 (for Normal Mode)
;ReduceColorB0 = 0 ;0~31 (for Normal Mode)
;MotionBlur0 = 31 ;0~31 (for Normal Mode)
;DarkEnable1 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Green Mode)
;ReduceEnable1 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:On (for Green Mode)
;MotionBEnable1 = 0 ;0:Off, 1:Black Fade, 2:, 3:Frame Blend (for Green Mode)
;Dark1 = 10 ;0~10 (for Green Mode)
;ReduceColorR1 = 0 ;0~31 (for Green Mode)
;ReduceColorG1 = 0 ;0~31 (for Green Mode)
;ReduceColorB1 = 0 ;0~31 (for Green Mode)
;MotionBlur1 = 31 ;0~31 (for Green Mode)
;PaletteX = c31,31,31 ;X:0~15, cR,G,B (0~31)
Mode = 12
Type = 1
Index = {hex sGameData}
Address = {hex sGameDataEnd}
;[Fix pokemon]
;Mode = 2
;Address = 0x1551
;Type = 3
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 29
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 30
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @+5}
Type = 31
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 32
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 33
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 34
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH +1}
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 5
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 4
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 4
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 7
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 8
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 9
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 10
[linkCable fake begin]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 16
[linkCable fake end]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 17
[linkCable block input]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @+5}
Type = 18
;[save game start]
;Mode = 2
;Address = 0x59E6
;Type = 19
[save game end]
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 20
;93 A7 A4 7F AB A8 AD AA 7F A7
;at 93
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @+1}
Fixcode = {PATCH_ +1 20}
Mode = 1
Address = {HEX @}
Fixcode = {PATCH}
Mode = 2
Address = {HEX @}
Type = 98
; The effect_no decide which animation will be played.
; So we use it as a condition value. The address of effect_no is 0xd07c
; a7 c0 3e 05 ea
; and a A7
; ret nz C0
; ld a,5 3E 05
; ld (anime_buf),a EA
; ld (effect_no),a
; call put_wait
;no151 mega punch
[FPA 001 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 21
MotionBEnable1 = 3
MotionBlur1 = 21
ConditionType = 11
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+5 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+4 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == == || == == == == == == || == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "M" "E" "G" "A" "P" MEGA_PUNCH 00 "S" "E" "L" "F" "D" MEGA_PUNCH 00 "E" "X" "P" "L" MEGA_PUNCH }
[FPA 001 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+5 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "M" "E" "G" "A" "P" MEGA_PUNCH }
;no117 guillotine
[FPA 002 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 9
MotionBEnable1 = 3
MotionBlur1 = 8
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "G" "U" "I" "L" GUILLOTINE }
[FPA 002 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "G" "U" "I" "L" GUILLOTINE }
;no150 mega kick
[FPA 003 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 25
MotionBEnable1 = 3
MotionBlur1 = 21
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+5 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "M" "E" "G" "A" "K" MEGA_KICK }
;no123 bubble beam
[FPA 004 Begin@FPA_Bubblebeam_Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 30
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "B" "U" "B" "B" BUBBLEBEAM }
[FPA 004 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {hex @}
ConditionType = 11
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+5 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == || == == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "B" "U" "B" "B" BUBBLEBEAM 00 "M" "E" "G" "A" "K" MEGA_KICK }
;no116 hyper beam
[FPA 005 Begin@FPA_Hyper_Beam_Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 1
MotionBlur0 = 5
MotionBEnable1 = 1
MotionBlur1 = 5
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "H" "Y" "P" "E" HYPER_BEAM }
[FPA 005 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "H" "Y" "P" "E" HYPER_BEAM }
;no57 thunderbolt
[FPA 006 Begin@FPA_Thunderbolt_Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 30
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "T" "H" "U" "N" THUNDERBOLT }
[FPA 006 End@FPA_Thunderbolt_End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "T" "H" "U" "N" THUNDERBOLT }
;no159 reflect
[FPA 007 Begin@FPA_Reflect_Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
MotionBEnable0 = 1
MotionBlur0 = 6
MotionBEnable1 = 1
MotionBlur1 = 5
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "R" "E" "F" "L" REFLECT }
[FPA 007 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "R" "E" "F" "L" REFLECT }
;no156 dream eater
[FPA 008 Begin@FPA_Dream_Eater_Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 10
MotionBEnable1 = 3
MotionBlur1 = 7
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "D" "R" "E" "A" DREAM_EATER }
[FPA 008 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+4} {dws/ wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == } {dws/ == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "B" "L" "I" "Z" "Z" } {dws/ BLIZZARD }
;no36 spore
[FPA 009 Begin@FPA_Spore_Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 8
MotionBEnable1 = 3
MotionBlur1 = 8
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "S" "P" "O" "R" SPORE }
;no12 rock slide
[FPA 010 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 27
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "R" "O" "C" "K" ROCK_SLIDE }
[FPA 010 End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {HEX @}
ConditionType = 11
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+4 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+4 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+5 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID 00 wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == || == == == == == || == == == == == || == == == == == == || == == == == == == || == == == == == == || == == == == == || == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "D" "R" "E" "A" DREAM_EATER 00 "R" "O" "C" "K" ROCK_SLIDE 00 "S" "P" "O" "R" SPORE 00 "S" "E" "L" "F" "D" MEGA_PUNCH 00 "S" "E" "L" "F" "D" SELFDESTRUCT 00 "C" "O" "N" "F" "S" CONFUSION 00 "E" "X" "P" "L" EXPLOSION 00 "E" "X" "P" "L" MEGA_PUNCH }
;No76 explosion
[FPA 76 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 28
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "E" "X" "P" "L" EXPLOSION }
;No56 self-destruct
[FPA 56 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 23
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+4 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "S" "E" "L" "F" "D" SELFDESTRUCT}
;No131 blizzard
[FPA 131 Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {HEX @}
MotionBEnable0 = 3
MotionBlur0 = 26
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+4 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "B" "L" "I" "Z" "Z" BLIZZARD }
[FPA conf Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
MotionBEnable1 = 3
MotionBlur1 = 21
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+5 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "C" "O" "N" "F" "S" CONFUSION }
[FPA phy Begin]
Mode = 3
Type = 0
Address = {hex @}
MotionBEnable1 = 3
MotionBlur1 = 21
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+5 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "P" "S" "Y" "C" "I" PSYCHIC_M }
[FPA phy End]
Mode = 3
Type = 1
Address = {hex @}
ConditionType = 0
ConditionValueA = {dws_ wStringBuffer wStringBuffer+1 wStringBuffer+2 wStringBuffer+3 wStringBuffer+5 wAnimationID}
ConditionValueB = {dws_ == == == == == == }
ConditionValueC = {dws_ "P" "S" "Y" "C" "I" PSYCHIC_M }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user