mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 05:00:00 +00:00
begin clang-format work
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
IndentWidth: 4
Language: Cpp
UseTab: Never
ColumnLimit: 120
PointerAlignment: Left
BreakBeforeBraces: Attach
SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
Cpp11BracedListStyle: false
IndentCaseLabels: true
BinPackArguments: true
BinPackParameters: true
AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
AlignOperands: true
BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true
BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: true
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false
AlignEscapedNewlines: Left
AlignTrailingComments: true
SortIncludes: false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Checks: '-*,readability-braces-around-statements,readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name'
WarningsAsErrors: ''
HeaderFilterRegex: '(src|include)\/.*\.h$'
FormatStyle: 'file'
# Require argument names to match exactly (instead of allowing a name to be a prefix/suffix of another)
# Note: 'true' is expected by clang-tidy 12+ but '1' is used for compatibility with older versions
- key: readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name.Strict
value: 1
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import glob
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from functools import partial
from typing import List
# clang-format, clang-tidy and clang-apply-replacements default version
# This specific version is used when available, for more consistency between contributors
# Clang-Format options (see .clang-format for rules applied)
FORMAT_OPTS = "-i -style=file"
# Clang-Tidy options (see .clang-tidy for checks enabled)
TIDY_OPTS = "-p ."
TIDY_FIX_OPTS = "--fix --fix-errors"
# Clang-Apply-Replacements options (used for multiprocessing)
APPLY_OPTS = "--format --style=file"
# Compiler options used with Clang-Tidy
# Normal warnings are disabled with -Wno-everything to focus only on tidying
INCLUDES = "-Iinclude -Isrc -Ibuild -I."
COMPILER_OPTS = f"-fno-builtin -std=gnu90 -m32 -Wno-everything {INCLUDES} {DEFINES}"
def get_clang_executable(allowed_executables: List[str]):
for executable in allowed_executables:
subprocess.check_call([executable, "--version"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
return executable
except FileNotFoundError or subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return None
def get_tidy_version(tidy_executable: str):
tidy_version_run = subprocess.run([tidy_executable, "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
match = re.search(r"LLVM version ([0-9]+)", tidy_version_run.stdout)
return int(match.group(1))
CLANG_FORMAT = get_clang_executable([f"clang-format-{CLANG_VER}", "clang-format"])
if CLANG_FORMAT is None:
sys.exit(f"Error: neither clang-format nor clang-format-{CLANG_VER} found")
CLANG_TIDY = get_clang_executable([f"clang-tidy-{CLANG_VER}", "clang-tidy"])
if CLANG_TIDY is None:
sys.exit(f"Error: neither clang-tidy nor clang-tidy-{CLANG_VER} found")
CLANG_APPLY_REPLACEMENTS = get_clang_executable([f"clang-apply-replacements-{CLANG_VER}", "clang-apply-replacements"])
# Try to detect the clang-tidy version and add --fix-notes for version 13+
# This is used to ensure all fixes are applied properly in recent versions
if get_tidy_version(CLANG_TIDY) >= 13:
TIDY_FIX_OPTS += " --fix-notes"
def list_chunks(list: List, chunk_length: int):
for i in range(0, len(list), chunk_length):
yield list[i : i + chunk_length]
def run_clang_format(files: List[str]):
exec_str = f"{CLANG_FORMAT} {FORMAT_OPTS} {' '.join(files)}"
subprocess.run(exec_str, shell=True)
def run_clang_tidy(files: List[str]):
exec_str = f"{CLANG_TIDY} {TIDY_OPTS} {TIDY_FIX_OPTS} {' '.join(files)} -- {COMPILER_OPTS}"
subprocess.run(exec_str, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
def run_clang_tidy_with_export(tmp_dir: str, files: List[str]):
(handle, tmp_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".yaml", dir=tmp_dir)
exec_str = f"{CLANG_TIDY} {TIDY_OPTS} --export-fixes={tmp_file} {' '.join(files)} -- {COMPILER_OPTS}"
subprocess.run(exec_str, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
def run_clang_apply_replacements(tmp_dir: str):
exec_str = f"{CLANG_APPLY_REPLACEMENTS} {APPLY_OPTS} {tmp_dir}"
subprocess.run(exec_str, shell=True)
def add_final_new_line(file: str):
# https://backreference.org/2010/05/23/sanitizing-files-with-no-trailing-newline/index.html
# "gets the last character of the file pipes it into read, which will exit with a nonzero exit
# code if it encounters EOF before newline (so, if the last character of the file isn't a newline).
# If read exits nonzero, then append a newline onto the file using echo (if read exits 0,
# that satisfies the ||, so the echo command isn't run)." (https://stackoverflow.com/a/34865616)
exec_str = f"tail -c1 {file} | read -r _ || echo >> {file}"
subprocess.run(exec_str, shell=True)
def format_files(src_files: List[str], extra_files: List[str], nb_jobs: int):
if nb_jobs != 1:
print(f"Formatting files with {nb_jobs} jobs")
print(f"Formatting files with a single job (consider using -j to make this faster)")
# Format files in chunks to improve performance while still utilizing jobs
file_chunks = list(list_chunks(src_files, (len(src_files) // nb_jobs) + 1))
print("Running clang-format...")
# clang-format only applies changes in the given files, so it's safe to run in parallel
with multiprocessing.get_context("fork").Pool(nb_jobs) as pool:
pool.map(run_clang_format, file_chunks)
print("Running clang-tidy...")
if nb_jobs > 1:
# clang-tidy may apply changes in #included files, so when running it in parallel we use --export-fixes
# then we call clang-apply-replacements to apply all suggested fixes at the end
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
with multiprocessing.get_context("fork").Pool(nb_jobs) as pool:
pool.map(partial(run_clang_tidy_with_export, tmp_dir), file_chunks)
print("Adding missing final new lines...")
# Adding final new lines is safe to do in parallel and can be applied to all types of files
with multiprocessing.get_context("fork").Pool(nb_jobs) as pool:
pool.map(add_final_new_line, src_files + extra_files)
print("Done formatting files.")
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Format files in the codebase to enforce most style rules")
help="Print the paths to the clang-* binaries used",
parser.add_argument("files", metavar="file", nargs="*")
help="number of jobs to run (default: 1 without -j, number of cpus with -j)",
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.show_paths:
import shutil
print("CLANG_FORMAT ->", shutil.which(CLANG_FORMAT))
print("CLANG_TIDY ->", shutil.which(CLANG_TIDY))
nb_jobs = args.jobs or multiprocessing.cpu_count()
if nb_jobs > 1:
f"Error: neither clang-apply-replacements nor clang-apply-replacements-{CLANG_VER} found (required to use -j)"
if args.files:
files = args.files
extra_files = []
files = glob.glob("src/**/*.c", recursive=True)
extra_files = glob.glob("assets/**/*.xml", recursive=True)
format_files(files, extra_files, nb_jobs)
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
* located whenever plugged in, but its only functional with the debug profiler.
* It will, however, allocate a much bigger pool if set to non-0.
s32 gExpansionRAMStart = FALSE;
u32 gExpansionRAMStart = FALSE;
extern struct MainPool **gMainPool; // gMainPool
extern struct MainPool** gMainPool; // gMainPool
void func_80003860(void);
s32 func_80007A58(void);
@ -20,39 +20,45 @@ s32 func_80007A58(void);
* Convert any valid address to its virtual (KSEG0) counterpart.
uintptr_t convert_addr_to_virt_addr(uintptr_t addr) {
uintptr_t retaddr = 0x00000000; // any invalid cases are treated as NULL return.
uintptr_t retaddr = NULL; // any invalid cases are treated as NULL return.
// convert physical (in installed memory range) to virtual.
if (addr < (size_t) osMemSize) {
if (addr < osMemSize) {
retaddr = addr | 0x80000000;
// convert segmented to virtual.
// convert segmented to virtual.
} else if (addr < 0x10000000U) {
retaddr = Memmap_GetSegmentVaddr(addr);
// convert a fragment pre-relocated address to a post-relocated virtual address.
} else if ((addr >= 0x81000000U) && (addr < 0x90000000U)) { // is the address in fragment space? convert it to its post-relocated address.
// convert a fragment pre-relocated address to a post-relocated virtual address.
} else if ((addr >= 0x81000000U) &&
(addr < 0x90000000U)) { // is the address in fragment space? convert it to its post-relocated address.
retaddr = Memmap_GetFragmentVaddr(addr);
// pass-through addresses that are already virtual (in installed memory range)
} else if ((addr >= 0x80000000U) && (addr < (uintptr_t) (osMemSize + 0x80000000U))) {
// pass-through addresses that are already virtual (in installed memory range)
} else if ((addr >= 0x80000000U) && (addr < (uintptr_t)(osMemSize + 0x80000000U))) {
retaddr = addr;
return retaddr;
* Copy memory from one address to the other. (why is this function not in HAL_libc?)
* Copy memory from one address to the other.
void HAL_Memcpy(u32* dest, u32* src, int size) {
while (size --> 0) {
while (size-- > 0) {
*(dest++) = *(src++);
// init_main_pools ?
void func_80002F58(void) {
// wat? mem sizes are only ever 0x400000 or 0x800000. This check makes no sense.
// Effectively, it checks if the expansion RAM is in. But why not just use all
// of it, or at least do the correct check of osMemSize == 0x800000?
if ((gExpansionRAMStart != 0) && ((u32) osMemSize > 0x600000U)) {
* wat? mem sizes are only ever 0x400000 or 0x800000. This check makes no sense
* in normal contexts. However, since osGetMemSize checks each MB at a time, if
* the 7MB check fails for whatever reason it can theoretically set osMemSize to
* 0x600000. This is not known to occur in practical contexts, but there may be
* some other unknown reason for this.
if ((gExpansionRAMStart > 0) && (osMemSize > 0x600000U)) {
main_pool_init(&gPool, POOL_END_6MB);
} else {
main_pool_init(&gPool, POOL_END_4MB);
@ -62,18 +68,20 @@ void func_80002F58(void) {
gMainPool = mem_pool_try_init(0x10000, 0);
void *func_80002FDC(s32 size) {
// main_malloc ?
void* func_80002FDC(s32 size) {
return mem_pool_alloc(gMainPool, size);
void func_80003004(void *arg0) {
// main_free ?
void func_80003004(void* arg0) {
mem_pool_free(gMainPool, arg0);
void HAL_DrawRect(Gfx** dlist, s32 ulx, s32 lrx, u16 color) {
s32 uly = 0xF;
s32 lry = 0x11;
Gfx *gfx = *dlist;
s32 uly = 15;
s32 lry = 17;
Gfx* gfx = *dlist;
if (func_80007A58() != 0) {
ulx <<= 1;
@ -88,54 +96,80 @@ void HAL_DrawRect(Gfx** dlist, s32 ulx, s32 lrx, u16 color) {
*dlist = gfx;
void func_8000310C(Gfx** dlist) {
struct MainPool *pool = main_pool_get_pool();
s32 temp_s1 = main_pool_get_available() - gExpansionRAMStart;
* Render the memory profiler bar and print the MEM display.
void profiler_draw_mem_display(Gfx** dlist) {
struct MainPool* pool = main_pool_get_pool(); // get pool pointer
* Get the available memory offset by gExpansionRAMStart variable. This variable is weird; it
* seems to be used in reference to osMemSize checks >= 0x600000 which would only be true
* in Expansion RAM contexts. However, this game does not use the expansion RAM in any
* other context. This variable is negative when gExpansionRAMStart is too big, and not when
* it isnt. It is therefore reasonable to assume that this variable would represent how much
* memory is leftover and if negative would mean this cant fit into 4MB, which would therefore
* mean that the developers need to trim more memory to get it to fit into 4MB.
s32 available = main_pool_get_available() - gExpansionRAMStart;
if (temp_s1 >= 0)
s32 base = 30;
s32 sp48 = ((u32) ( K0_TO_PHYS(pool->start)) >> 15) + base;
s32 sp44 = ((u32) ( K0_TO_PHYS(pool->listHeadL)) >> 15) + base;
s32 sp40 = ((u32) ( K0_TO_PHYS(pool->listHeadR) - gExpansionRAMStart) >> 15) + base;
s32 sp3C = ((u32) ( K0_TO_PHYS(pool->end) - gExpansionRAMStart) >> 15) + base;
if (available >= 0) {
// calculate approximation coordinates based on the current pool addresses in order
// to display them on the memory profiler.
s32 baseX = 30;
s32 startX = ((u32)(K0_TO_PHYS(pool->start)) >> 15) + baseX;
s32 headLX = ((u32)(K0_TO_PHYS(pool->listHeadL)) >> 15) + baseX;
s32 headRX = ((u32)(K0_TO_PHYS(pool->listHeadR) - gExpansionRAMStart) >> 15) + baseX;
s32 endX = ((u32)(K0_TO_PHYS(pool->end) - gExpansionRAMStart) >> 15) + baseX;
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, base, sp48, 0xFBCB);
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, sp48, sp44, 0xFFCB);
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, sp44, sp40, 0x2ABF);
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, sp40, sp3C, 0xFFCB);
HAL_Printf(base, 0x14, "MEM: +%XH (+%dK)", temp_s1, temp_s1 / 1024);
s32 base = 30;
s32 sp34 = ((u32) ( K0_TO_PHYS(pool->start)) >> 15) + base;
s32 sp30 = ((u32) ( K0_TO_PHYS(pool->listHeadL)) >> 15) + base;
s32 sp2C = ((u32) ( K0_TO_PHYS(pool->listHeadR) - gExpansionRAMStart) >> 15) + base;
s32 sp28 = ((u32) ( K0_TO_PHYS(pool->end) - gExpansionRAMStart) >> 15) + base;
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, base, sp34, 0xFBCB);
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, sp34, sp2C, 0xFFCB);
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, sp2C, sp30, 0xF94B);
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, sp30, sp28, 0xFFCB);
HAL_Printf(base, 0x14, "MEM: -%XH (-%dK)", -temp_s1, -temp_s1 / 1024);
// draw the rects.
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, baseX, startX, GPACK_RGBA5551(248, 120, 40, 1)); // orange
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, startX, headLX, GPACK_RGBA5551(248, 248, 40, 1)); // yellow
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, headLX, headRX, GPACK_RGBA5551(40, 80, 248, 1)); // blue
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, headRX, endX, GPACK_RGBA5551(248, 248, 40, 1)); // yellow
// how many bytes and kilobytes are available?
HAL_Printf(baseX, 20, "MEM: +%XH (+%dK)", available, available / 1024);
} else {
// same as above.
s32 baseX = 30;
s32 startX = ((u32)(K0_TO_PHYS(pool->start)) >> 15) + baseX;
s32 headLX = ((u32)(K0_TO_PHYS(pool->listHeadL)) >> 15) + baseX;
s32 headRX = ((u32)(K0_TO_PHYS(pool->listHeadR) - gExpansionRAMStart) >> 15) + baseX;
s32 endX = ((u32)(K0_TO_PHYS(pool->end) - gExpansionRAMStart) >> 15) + baseX;
// draw the rects. if we are negative in the memory, we are using red for the backwards
// allocations to indicate too much memory is being used.
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, baseX, startX, GPACK_RGBA5551(248, 120, 40, 1)); // orange
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, startX, headRX, GPACK_RGBA5551(248, 248, 40, 1)); // yellow
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, headRX, headLX, GPACK_RGBA5551(248, 40, 40, 1)); // red
HAL_DrawRect(dlist, headLX, endX, GPACK_RGBA5551(248, 248, 40, 1)); // yellow
// how many bytes and kilobytes are available?
HAL_Printf(baseX, 20, "MEM: -%XH (-%dK)", -available, -available / 1024);
* Clear memory address area.
void HAL_Memclear(u64* dest, u32 size) {
while( size --> 0 ) {
while (size-- > 0) {
*(dest++) = -1;
s32 func_80003348(u64* arg0) {
* Unused function for checking some 64-bit range (possibly some display list?) for values
* cooresponding to 0x8040000080400000. This could have been for some memory test however
* the code for such a test is not present in this ROM, so we can only guess this function's
* intended usage.
// check_stub_mem_area ?
s32 func_80003348(u64* ptr) {
s32 ret = 0;
while (*(arg0++) == 0x8040000080400000)
while (*(ptr++) == 0x8040000080400000) {
return ret * sizeof(*arg0);
return ret * sizeof(*ptr);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user