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* @file find.h
* @brief Find objects in the SW.
#ifndef FIND_H
#define FIND_H
#include "common.h"
#include <alo.h>
#include <sw.h>
#include <cid.h>
#include <so.h>
* @brief Gets the DL for the SW object with the given OID.
* @param psw The SW object.
* @param oid The OID of the object.
* @return The DL for the object, or NULL if the object was not found.
DL *PdlFromSwOid(SW *psw, OID oid);
void MatchSwObject(LO *ploMatch, int grffsoMask, int fIncludeRemoved, int fProxyMatch, LO *ploContext, int cploMax, int *pcploMatch, LO **aplo, int *pcpaloBest);
int CploFindSwObjects(SW *psw, int grffso, OID oid, LO *ploContext, int cploMax, LO **aplo);
LO *PloFindSwObject(SW *psw, int grffso, OID oid, LO *ploContext);
LO *PloFindSwNearest(SW *psw, OID oid, LO *ploContext);
LO *PloFindSwChild(SW *psw, OID oid, ALO *paloAncestor);
* @brief Checks if the given CID is derived from another.
* @param cid The CID to check.
* @param cidAncestor The CID to check against.
* @retval 1 if the CID is derived from the ancestor.
* @retval 0 if the CID is not derived from the ancestor.
int FIsCidDerivedFrom(int cid, int cidAncestor);
int CploFindSwObjectsByClass(SW *psw, int grffso, CID cid, LO *ploContext, int cploMax, LO **aplo);
LO *PloFindSwObjectByClass(SW *psw, int grffso, CID cid, LO *ploContext);
* @brief Finds the common parent of two LOs.
* @param plo The first LO.
* @param ploOther The second LO.
* @return The common parent of the two LOs.
ALO *PaloFindLoCommonParent(LO *plo, LO *ploOther);
extern void** g_mpcidpvt;
#endif // FIND_H