
1130 lines
30 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
aDraBin1 = 0x80010040;
aFMapBin1 = 0x8001004C;
a0123456789abcd = 0x8001005C;
jpt_80011B20 = 0x80010074;
aClip3d3dDD = 0x80010120;
aOfs3d3d = 0x80010138;
aTwDDDD = 0x80010148;
aDtdD = 0x80010160;
aDfeD = 0x8001016C;
aDisp3d3dDD = 0x80010178;
aScreen3d3dDD = 0x80010194;
aIsinterD = 0x800101B0;
aIsrgb24D = 0x800101BC;
aIdSysCV1831995 = 0x800101C8;
aSBadRect = 0x800102B0;
str = 0x800102D4;
aLoadimage = 0x800102E0;
aStoreimage = 0x800102EC;
aMoveimage = 0x800102F8;
aVsyncTimeout = 0x800103C4;
aIdIntrCV173199 = 0x800103D4;
a0123456789abcd_0 = 0x8001046C;
a0123456789abcd_1 = 0x80010480;
jpt_800163F4 = 0x80010494;
aNone = 0x80010560;
aCdlreads = 0x80010568;
aCdlseekp = 0x80010574;
aCdlseekl = 0x80010580;
aCdlgettd = 0x8001058C;
aCdlgettn = 0x80010598;
aCdlgetlocp = 0x800105A4;
aCdlgetlocl = 0x800105B0;
aCdldemute = 0x800105DC;
aCdlmute = 0x800105E8;
aCdlreset = 0x800105F0;
aCdlpause = 0x800105FC;
aCdlstop = 0x80010608;
aCdlstandby = 0x80010610;
aCdlreadn = 0x8001061C;
aCdlbackword = 0x80010628;
aCdlforward = 0x80010634;
aCdlplay = 0x80010640;
aCdlsetloc = 0x80010648;
aCdlnop = 0x80010654;
aCdlsync = 0x8001065C;
aDiskerror_0 = 0x80010664;
aDataend = 0x80010670;
aAcknowledge = 0x80010678;
aComplete = 0x80010684;
aDataready = 0x80010690;
aNointr = 0x8001069C;
aCdTimeout = 0x800106A4;
aDiskerror = 0x800106D0;
aCdromUnknownIn = 0x800106F8;
jpt_80019DE8 = 0x80010718;
aCdSync = 0x8001072C;
aCdReady = 0x80010734;
aCdCw = 0x80010758;
aIdBiosCV177199 = 0x80010760;
aCdInit = 0x80010794;
aCdDatasync = 0x800107AC;
aSDirWasNotFoun = 0x800107D4;
aCd001 = 0x80010870;
aCdreadSectorEr = 0x800109A4;
aCdreadShellOpe = 0x800109BC;
aCdreadRetry = 0x800109D4;
jpt_8001DE24 = 0x80010A60;
jpt_8001EECC = 0x80010C48;
jpt_8001EFB8 = 0x80010CA8;
jpt_80020818 = 0x80010CD4;
aWaitReset = 0x80010CFC;
aWaitWrdyHL = 0x80010D0C;
aWaitDmafClearW = 0x80010D20;
aSpuTimeOutWait = 0x80010D34;
jpt_8002A518 = 0x80010D74;
jpt_8002A5E8 = 0x80010D94;
jpt_8002ADFC = 0x80010DB4;
jpt_8002AEC4 = 0x80010DD4;
__main = 0x80010DF4;
start = 0x80010DFC;
stup1 = 0x80010E20;
stup0 = 0x80010E9C;
main = 0x80010EB8;
LoadTPage = 0x8001112C;
LoadClut2 = 0x80011218;
SetDefDrawEnv = 0x80011280;
SetDefDispEnv = 0x80011310;
SetDumpFnt = 0x8001134C;
FntLoad = 0x8001138C;
FntOpen = 0x80011430;
FntFlush = 0x800116FC;
FntPrint = 0x8001195C;
GetTPage = 0x80011D54;
GetClut = 0x80011DEC;
DumpTPage = 0x80011E04;
DumpClut = 0x80011EA0;
NextPrim = 0x80011EE0;
IsEndPrim = 0x80011EFC;
AddPrim = 0x80011F18;
AddPrims = 0x80011F54;
CatPrim = 0x80011F90;
TermPrim = 0x80011FB4;
SetSemiTrans = 0x80011FCC;
SetShadeTex = 0x80011FF4;
SetPolyGT3 = 0x80012058;
SetPolyG4 = 0x80012094;
SetPolyGT4 = 0x800120A8;
SetSprt8 = 0x800120BC;
SetSprt16 = 0x800120D0;
SetSprt = 0x800120E4;
SetTile = 0x80012134;
SetLineG2 = 0x80012170;
ResetGraph = 0x80012434;
SetGraphReverse = 0x80012604;
SetGraphDebug = 0x80012714;
SetGraphQueue = 0x8001277C;
GetGraphType = 0x80012818;
GetGraphDebug = 0x80012828;
DrawSyncCallback = 0x80012838;
SetDispMask = 0x80012894;
DrawSync = 0x8001290C;
checkRECT = 0x80012978;
ClearImage = 0x80012A90;
LoadImage = 0x80012B24;
StoreImage = 0x80012B88;
MoveImage = 0x80012BEC;
ClearOTag = 0x80012C90;
ClearOTagR = 0x80012D3C;
DrawOTag = 0x80012E1C;
PutDrawEnv = 0x80012E8C;
PutDispEnv = 0x80012FE4;
SetDrawArea = 0x80013500;
SetDrawMode = 0x800135F0;
SetDrawEnv = 0x80013648;
get_mode = 0x80013900;
get_cs = 0x80013950;
get_ce = 0x80013A1C;
get_ofs = 0x80013AE8;
get_tw = 0x80013B24;
get_dx = 0x80013BA8;
_status = 0x80013C80;
_otc = 0x80013C98;
_clr = 0x80013D80;
_dws = 0x80013FCC;
_drs = 0x80014258;
_ctl = 0x80014528;
_getctl = 0x80014560;
_cwb = 0x80014580;
_cwc = 0x800145D0;
_param = 0x8001461C;
_addque = 0x8001464C;
_addque2 = 0x80014670;
_exeque = 0x800148D8;
_reset = 0x80014BD8;
_sync = 0x80014D54;
set_alarm = 0x80014F40;
get_alarm = 0x80014F74;
GPU_memset = 0x8001510C;
InitHeap = 0x80015138;
Load = 0x80015148;
Exec = 0x80015158;
GPU_cw = 0x80015168;
_bu_init = 0x80015178;
open = 0x80015188;
lseek = 0x80015198;
read = 0x800151A8;
write = 0x800151B8;
close = 0x800151C8;
format = 0x800151D8;
firstfile = 0x800151E8;
nextfile = 0x800151F8;
erase = 0x80015208;
Krom2RawAdd = 0x80015218;
ChangeClearPAD = 0x80015228;
PadInit = 0x80015238;
PadRead = 0x80015288;
PadStop = 0x800152B8;
StopPAD = 0x800152D8;
PAD_init = 0x800152E8;
PAD_dr = 0x800152F8;
VSync = 0x80015308;
v_wait = 0x80015450;
ChangeClearRCnt = 0x800154EC;
ResetCallback = 0x800154FC;
InterruptCallback = 0x8001552C;
DMACallback = 0x8001555C;
VSyncCallback = 0x8001558C;
VSyncCallbacks = 0x800155C0;
StopCallback = 0x800155F0;
RestartCallback = 0x80015620;
CheckCallback = 0x80015650;
GetIntrMask = 0x80015660;
SetIntrMask = 0x80015678;
startIntr = 0x80015694;
trapIntr = 0x80015770;
setIntr = 0x80015958;
stopIntr = 0x80015AAC;
restartIntr = 0x80015B58;
memclr = 0x80015BE0;
_96_remove = 0x80015C0C;
ReturnFromException = 0x80015C1C;
ResetEntryInt = 0x80015C2C;
HookEntryInt = 0x80015C3C;
EnterCriticalSection = 0x80015C4C;
ExitCriticalSection = 0x80015C5C;
startIntrVSync = 0x80015C6C;
trapIntrVSync = 0x80015CC4;
setIntrVSync = 0x80015D3C;
VSync_memclr = 0x80015D68;
startIntrDMA = 0x80015D94;
trapIntrDMA = 0x80015DE4;
setIntrDMA = 0x80015F68;
DMA_memclr = 0x80016010;
SetVideoMode = 0x8001603C;
GetVideoMode = 0x80016054;
exit = 0x80016064;
puts = 0x80016074;
setjmp = 0x80016084;
strcat = 0x80016094;
strcpy = 0x800160A4;
strlen = 0x800160B4;
memcpy = 0x800160C4;
memset = 0x800160D4;
rand = 0x800160E4;
srand = 0x800160F4;
malloc = 0x80016104;
free = 0x80016114;
printf = 0x80016124;
sprintf = 0x80016134;
memchr = 0x80016990;
memmove = 0x800169A0;
_card_info = 0x80016A0C;
_card_load = 0x80016A1C;
InitCARD = 0x80016A2C;
StartCARD = 0x80016A3C;
_card_clear = 0x80016A4C;
_card_write = 0x80016A84;
_new_card = 0x80016A94;
GsInitVcount = 0x80016AA4;
SetRCnt = 0x80016ADC;
GetRCnt = 0x80016B7C;
StartRCnt = 0x80016BB4;
StopRCnt = 0x80016BE8;
ResetRCnt = 0x80016C1C;
GsGetVcount = 0x80016C54;
GsClearVcount = 0x80016C78;
rsin = 0x80016C9C;
sin_1 = 0x80016CD8;
rcos = 0x80016D68;
SetFogNear = 0x80016E08;
InitGeom = 0x80016E6C;
SquareRoot0 = 0x80016EEC;
func_80016F7C = 0x80016F7C;
func_80017134 = 0x80017134;
SquareRoot12 = 0x8001721C;
CompMatrix = 0x800172BC;
func_8001741C = 0x8001741C;
func_80017528 = 0x80017528;
func_8001760C = 0x8001760C;
SetMulMatrix = 0x800176F4;
func_80017804 = 0x80017804;
func_80017964 = 0x80017964;
PushMatrix = 0x80017AB8;
PopMatrix = 0x80017B58;
func_80017BF8 = 0x80017BF8;
func_80017C40 = 0x80017C40;
ReadColorMatrix = 0x80017C88;
TransMatrix = 0x80017CDC;
ScaleMatrix = 0x80017D0C;
SetRotMatrix = 0x80017E3C;
SetLightMatrix = 0x80017E6C;
SetColorMatrix = 0x80017E9C;
SetTransMatrix = 0x80017ECC;
SetVertex0 = 0x80017EEC;
SetVertex1 = 0x80017EFC;
SetVertex2 = 0x80017F0C;
SetVertexTri = 0x80017F1C;
SetRGBfifo = 0x80017F3C;
SetIR123 = 0x80017F50;
SetIR0 = 0x80017F64;
SetSZfifo3 = 0x80017F70;
SetSZfifo4 = 0x80017F84;
SetSXSYfifo = 0x80017F9C;
SetRii = 0x80017FB0;
SetMAC123 = 0x80017FC4;
SetData32 = 0x80017FD8;
SetDQA = 0x80017FE4;
SetDQB = 0x80017FF0;
SetBackColor = 0x80017FFC;
SetFarColor = 0x8001801C;
SetGeomOffset = 0x8001803C;
SetGeomScreen = 0x8001805C;
LocalLight = 0x8001806C;
DpqColor = 0x80018090;
NormalColor = 0x800180AC;
NormalColor3 = 0x800180C8;
NormalColorDpq = 0x80018104;
NormalColorDpq3 = 0x80018128;
NormalColorCol = 0x80018170;
NormalColorCol3 = 0x80018190;
ColorDpq = 0x800181D4;
ColorCol = 0x800181FC;
AverageSZ3 = 0x80018220;
AverageSZ4 = 0x80018230;
RotTransPers = 0x8001824C;
RotTransPers3 = 0x8001827C;
RotTrans = 0x800182DC;
NormalClip = 0x8001830C;
RotTransPers4 = 0x8001833C;
RotAverage3 = 0x800183BC;
RotAverage4 = 0x8001841C;
RotAverageNclip3 = 0x8001849C;
RotAverageNclip4 = 0x8001852C;
RotAverageNclipColorCol3 = 0x800185DC;
RotMatrix = 0x800186AC;
RotMatrixYXZ = 0x8001893C;
RotMatrixX = 0x80018BCC;
RotMatrixY = 0x80018D6C;
RotMatrixZ = 0x80018F0C;
ratan2 = 0x800190AC;
patch_gte = 0x8001922C;
FlushCache = 0x800192CC;
func_800192DC = 0x800192DC;
CdInit = 0x8001930C;
def_cbsync = 0x8001939C;
def_cbready = 0x800193C4;
def_cbread = 0x800193EC;
DeliverEvent = 0x80019414;
CdStatus = 0x80019424;
CdMode = 0x80019434;
2023-05-13 19:35:35 +00:00
CdLastCom = 0x80019444;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
CdLastPos = 0x80019454;
CdReset = 0x80019464;
CdFlush = 0x800194D0;
CdSync = 0x80019570;
CdReady = 0x80019590;
CdSyncCallback = 0x800195B0;
CdReadyCallback = 0x800195C8;
CdControl = 0x800195E0;
CdControlF = 0x80019718;
CdControlB = 0x80019844;
CdMix = 0x80019988;
CdGetSector = 0x800199AC;
CdDataCallback = 0x800199D0;
CdIntToPos = 0x80019A14;
CdPosToInt = 0x80019B18;
getintr = 0x80019B98;
CD_sync = 0x8001A110;
CD_ready = 0x8001A390;
CD_cw = 0x8001A65C;
CD_vol = 0x8001AAA4;
CD_flush = 0x8001AB2C;
CD_initvol = 0x8001AC0C;
CD_initintr = 0x8001AD00;
CD_init = 0x8001AD50;
CD_datasync = 0x8001AF3C;
CD_getsector = 0x8001B0A8;
callback = 0x8001B1B8;
CdSearchFile = 0x8001B298;
cmp = 0x8001B578;
CD_newmedia = 0x8001B59C;
CD_searchdir = 0x8001B878;
CD_cachefile = 0x8001B920;
cd_read = 0x8001BBC4;
cd_memcpy = 0x8001BC30;
strcmp = 0x8001BC64;
strncmp = 0x8001BC74;
cb_read = 0x8001BC84;
cd_read_retry = 0x8001BEA8;
CdRead = 0x8001C080;
CdReadSync = 0x8001C188;
CdReadCallback = 0x8001C254;
CdRead2 = 0x8001C26C;
StClearRing = 0x8001C320;
StSetStream = 0x8001C4C8;
mem2mem = 0x8001D0A0;
dma_execute = 0x8001D0D4;
SsSetMVol = 0x8001D290;
SsSetSerialAttr = 0x8001D2E0;
SsSetSerialVol = 0x8001D374;
_SsInitSoundSeq = 0x8001D470;
_SsSeqPlay = 0x8001D864;
_SsGetSeqData = 0x8001D974;
_SsNoteOn = 0x8001DC20;
_SsSetProgramChange = 0x8001DD10;
_SsSetControlChange = 0x8001DD88;
_SsContPortamento = 0x8001E310;
_SsContResetAll = 0x8001E474;
_SsContNrpn1 = 0x8001E53C;
_SsContNrpn2 = 0x8001E66C;
_SsContRpn1 = 0x8001E7B0;
_SsContRpn2 = 0x8001E828;
_SsContDataEntry = 0x8001E8A0;
_SsSndSetVabAttr = 0x8001EE40;
_SsSetPitchBend = 0x8001F104;
_SsGetMetaEvent = 0x8001F1B0;
_SsReadDeltaValue = 0x8001F504;
_SsUtResolveADSR = 0x8001F5BC;
_SsUtBuildADSR = 0x8001F618;
_SsSndNextSep = 0x8001F6A4;
SsVoKeyOff = 0x8001F7AC;
SsVoKeyOn = 0x8001F7E8;
SsUtFlush = 0x8001F834;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
_SsSndCrescendo = 0x8001FAA8;
_SsSndDecrescendo = 0x8001FD84;
_SsSndPause = 0x80020030;
_SsSndPlay = 0x800200D0;
_SsSndReplay = 0x800200FC;
_SsClose = 0x80020164;
SsSeqClose = 0x800202E0;
_SsInit = 0x80020328;
SsInitHot = 0x80020410;
SsQuit = 0x80020440;
_SsStart = 0x80020460;
SsStart = 0x800206C8;
SsSetTickMode = 0x80020798;
SsSetReservedVoice = 0x80021198;
SsVabClose = 0x800211D0;
SsVabFakeBody = 0x800212AC;
SsUtGetProgAtr = 0x80021A30;
SpuVmVSetUp = 0x80021B38;
SsUtGetVagAtr = 0x80021BFC;
SpuVmAlloc = 0x8002220C;
SpuVmKeyOnNow = 0x80022474;
SetAutoVol = 0x800236F0;
SpuVmInit = 0x80023F34;
SpuVmFlush = 0x800247C8;
SpuVmKeyOn = 0x80024B74;
SpuVmKeyOff = 0x80025164;
SpuVmSeKeyOff = 0x80025440;
_SsVmSetProgVol = 0x80025840;
_SsVmGetProgVol = 0x800258B0;
_SsVmSetProgPan = 0x80025900;
_SsVmSetProgVol_0 = 0x80025908;
_SsVmGetProgPan = 0x80025970;
_SsVmGetProgVol_0 = 0x80025978;
_SsVmSetProgPan_0 = 0x800259C8;
_SsVmGetProgPan_0 = 0x80025A38;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
SsUtKeyOnV = 0x800264A0;
SsUtKeyOffV = 0x800267E8;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
SsUtPitchBend = 0x80026954;
SsUtGetDetVVol = 0x80026DD8;
SsUtSetDetVVol = 0x80026E14;
SsUtGetDetVVol_0 = 0x80026E2C;
SsUtSetDetVVol_0 = 0x80026E68;
SsUtGetVVol = 0x80026E78;
SsUtGetVVol_0 = 0x80026ECC;
SsUtSetVVol = 0x80026F24;
SsUtSetVVol_0 = 0x80026F78;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
SpuInit = 0x8002705C;
_SpuInit = 0x8002707C;
OpenEvent = 0x800271C8;
EnableEvent = 0x800271D8;
_spu_init = 0x80027274;
_spu_writeByIO = 0x80027790;
_SpuDataCallback = 0x80028304;
SpuQuit = 0x80028328;
CloseEvent = 0x800283A4;
DisableEvent = 0x800283B4;
SpuInitMalloc = 0x800283C4;
SpuMalloc = 0x80028418;
SpuMallocWithStartAddr = 0x80028D40;
SpuSetNoiseVoice = 0x80029070;
SpuSetAnyVoice = 0x80029094;
_spu_setReverbAttr = 0x80029810;
SpuClearReverbWorkArea = 0x80029CE0;
WaitEvent = 0x80029E7C;
TestEvent = 0x8002AD5C;
_spu_setInTransfer = 0x8002AD6C;
SpuGetAllKeysStatus = 0x8002B458;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
Font = 0x8002B760;
GPU_printf = 0x8002C264;
_qin = 0x8002C2A0;
_qout = 0x8002C2A4;
Hcount = 0x8002C2B0;
g_InterruptMask = 0x8002D348;
Vcount = 0x8002D374;
rsin_tbl = 0x8002D3CC;
SQRT = 0x8002DBE0;
aThisFunctionIs = 0x8002E1EA;
rcossin_tbl = 0x8002E210;
2023-05-13 22:03:13 +00:00
g_AtanTable = 0x80032210;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
CD_cbsync = 0x80032AA4;
CD_cbready = 0x80032AA8;
CD_status = 0x80032AB4;
CD_status1 = 0x80032AB8;
CD_nopen = 0x80032ABC;
CD_pos = 0x80032AC0;
CD_mode = 0x80032AC4;
CD_com = 0x80032AC5;
snd_seq_tick_env = 0x80032EF0;
_spu_EVdma = 0x800330F0;
_spu_isCalled = 0x800334F8;
_spu_tsa = 0x80033500;
_spu_RXX = 0x80033504;
_spu_transMode = 0x8003351C;
_spu_addrMode = 0x80033520;
_spu_mem_mode = 0x80033524;
_spu_mem_mode_plus = 0x80033528;
_spu_mem_mode_unit = 0x8003352C;
_spu_mem_mode_unitM = 0x80033530;
_spu_inTransfer = 0x80033534;
_spu_transferCallback = 0x80033538;
_spu_IRQCallback = 0x8003353C;
text_orgend = 0x800339E8;
tpage = 0x80037E18;
clut = 0x80037E1C;
ctlbuf = 0x80037ED0;
pad_buf = 0x8003925C;
Alarm = 0x80039278;
file = 0x80039284;
load_buf = 0x8003AE84;
fp_2 = 0x8003B684;
_svm_sreg_buf = 0x8003B690;
_svm_sreg_dirty = 0x8003B810;
_svm_voice = 0x8003B828;
_svm_envx_hist = 0x8003BD0C;
_svm_okon1 = 0x8003BDD8;
_svm_okon2 = 0x8003BDDC;
g_IsTimeAttackUnlocked = 0x8003BDE0;
_svm_orev1 = 0x8003BDE4;
_svm_orev2 = 0x8003BDE8;
D_8003BDEC = 0x8003BDEC;
D_8003BDEC_0x13 = 0x8003BDFF;
D_8003BDEC_0x30 = 0x8003BE1C;
D_8003BDEC_0x31 = 0x8003BE1D;
D_8003BDEC_0x32 = 0x8003BE1E;
D_8003BDEC_0x34 = 0x8003BE20;
D_8003BDEC_0x35 = 0x8003BE21;
D_8003BDEC_0x62 = 0x8003BE4E;
D_8003BDEC_0x63 = 0x8003BE4F;
D_8003BE71 = 0x8003BE71;
D_8003BE81 = 0x8003BE81;
D_8003BE82 = 0x8003BE82;
D_8003BE87 = 0x8003BE87;
D_8003BEA5 = 0x8003BEA5;
D_8003C0EB = 0x8003C0EB;
D_8003C0EC = 0x8003C0EC;
D_8003C0F0 = 0x8003C0F0;
D_8003C0F4 = 0x8003C0F4;
D_8003C0F8 = 0x8003C0F8;
D_8003C100 = 0x8003C100;
D_8003C104 = 0x8003C104;
D_8003C304 = 0x8003C304;
D_8003C30C = 0x8003C30C;
D_8003C3C2 = 0x8003C3C2;
D_8003C3E4 = 0x8003C3E4;
D_8003C704 = 0x8003C704;
D_8003C708 = 0x8003C708;
D_8003C708_unk2 = 0x8003C70A;
D_8003C708_unk4 = 0x8003C70C;
D_8003C708_zPriority = 0x8003C70E;
D_8003C710 = 0x8003C710;
D_8003C712 = 0x8003C712;
D_8003C728 = 0x8003C728;
D_8003C730 = 0x8003C730;
2023-05-15 13:42:52 +00:00
g_GameState = 0x8003C734;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_8003C738 = 0x8003C738;
D_8003C73C = 0x8003C73C;
D_8003C744 = 0x8003C744;
_svm_rattr = 0x8003C748;
g_roomCount = 0x8003C760;
g_api = 0x8003C774;
g_api_o_TestCollisions = 0x8003C778;
g_api_o_unk08 = 0x8003C77C;
g_api_o_InitRoomEntities = 0x8003C780;
g_pfnInitRoomEntities = 0x8003C780;
g_api_o_rooms = 0x8003C784;
g_api_o_spriteBanks = 0x8003C788;
g_api_o_cluts = 0x8003C78C;
g_api_o_unk1C = 0x8003C790;
g_api_o_tileLayers = 0x8003C794;
g_api_o_entityGfxs = 0x8003C798;
g_api_o_unk28 = 0x8003C79C;
g_api_o_unk2c = 0x8003C7A0;
g_api_o_unk30 = 0x8003C7A4;
g_api_o_unk34 = 0x8003C7A8;
g_api_o_unk38 = 0x8003C7AC;
g_api_o_unk3C = 0x8003C7B0;
g_api_FreePrimitives = 0x8003C7B4;
g_api_AllocPrimitives = 0x8003C7B8;
g_api_CheckCollision = 0x8003C7BC;
g_api_func_80102CD8 = 0x8003C7C0;
g_api_UpdateAnim = 0x8003C7C4;
g_api_SetSpeedX = 0x8003C7C8;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
g_api_GetFreeDraEntity = 0x8003C7CC;
g_api_GetEquipProperties = 0x8003C7D0;
g_api_func_800EA5E4 = 0x8003C7D4;
g_api_func_800EAF28 = 0x8003C7D8;
g_api_PlaySfx = 0x8003C7DC;
g_api_func_800EDB58 = 0x8003C7E0;
g_api_func_800EA538 = 0x8003C7E4;
g_api_g_pfn_800EA5AC = 0x8003C7E8;
g_api_func_801027C4 = 0x8003C7EC;
g_api_func_800EB758 = 0x8003C7F0;
g_api_func_8011AAFC = 0x8003C7F4;
g_api_func_80131F68 = 0x8003C7F8;
g_api_func_800EDB08 = 0x8003C7FC;
g_api_func_80106A28 = 0x8003C800;
g_api_func_80118894 = 0x8003C804;
g_api_enemyDefs = 0x8003C808;
g_api_func_80118970 = 0x8003C80C;
g_api_func_80118B18 = 0x8003C810;
g_api_UpdateUnarmedAnim = 0x8003C814;
g_api_func_8010DBFC = 0x8003C818;
g_api_func_80118C28 = 0x8003C81C;
g_api_func_8010E168 = 0x8003C820;
g_api_func_8010DFF0 = 0x8003C824;
g_api_DealDamage = 0x8003C828;
g_api_LoadEquipIcon = 0x8003C82C;
g_api_D_800A4B04 = 0x8003C830;
g_api_D_800A7718 = 0x8003C834;
g_api_AddHearts = 0x8003C838;
g_api_func_8010715C = 0x8003C83C;
g_api_TimeAttackController = 0x8003C840;
g_api_func_8010E0A8 = 0x8003C844;
g_api_func_800FE044 = 0x8003C848;
g_api_AddToInventory = 0x8003C84C;
g_api_D_800A8720 = 0x8003C850;
Decompile DRA func_800FF7B8 (#402) This is a big one. This is the main function that runs to initialize the player's stats and equipment. It takes into account the bonuses that the player gets for Prologue completion (completing faster, or with certain items, gives bonuses of stats and items). It also checks for the famous X-X!V''Q and AXEARMOR savename codes. I therefore called it InitStatsAndGear. This function takes only one argument. In the real game, both calls to this function have an argument of 0, but one of the first things in this function is `if (arg0 == 1) {`. I therefore assume this is a debug parameter, where developers could have called this with 1, in order to do some sort of testing. I decided to call the argument debugMode. I chose to call the two savename codes "c_strLuckModeCode" and "c_strAxeArmorCode"; I believe this matches the existing formatting for strings that exist in the game, but let me know if I've made a mistake there. I removed many D_8009XXXX which are within g_Status, to make sure nobody uses these in their D_ form in the future. There is a loop in this function which iterates, in blocks of 3, over the last 21 entries in g_Status. I noticed that this overlaps with the Sword Familiar level check in CalcAttack, so I believe this to be the stats for each of the 7 available familiars. One stat is the level, another should be the EXP, and the other is something else. I will leave this as a matter of future work, since the details of familiars are not key to the decompiling of this particular function. I tried to comment this function fairly heavily. Many variables are touched by this and there are a large number of if-statements which are highly relevant to the game logic. Given that different people reading the code have different levels of familiarity with behavior of the game, being clear about the circumstances where a variable holds a certain value seems useful. This function was a DECOMP_ME_WIP previously; I did not use that preexisting code and instead decompiled this function from scratch myself. I think that covers all the things worth mentioning! --------- Co-authored-by: sozud <>
2023-07-29 01:32:01 +00:00
g_api_InitStatsAndGear = 0x8003C854;
g_api_func_80134714 = 0x8003C858;
g_api_func_80134678 = 0x8003C85C;
g_api_func_800F53A4 = 0x8003C860;
g_api_CheckEquipmentItemCount = 0x8003C864;
g_api_func_8010BF64 = 0x8003C868;
g_api_func_800F1FC4 = 0x8003C86C;
g_api_func_800F2288 = 0x8003C870;
g_api_func_8011A3AC = 0x8003C874;
g_api_func_800FF460 = 0x8003C878;
g_api_func_800FF494 = 0x8003C87C;
g_api_func_80133940 = 0x8003C880;
g_api_func_80133950 = 0x8003C884;
g_api_func_800F27F4 = 0x8003C888;
g_api_func_800FF110 = 0x8003C88C;
g_api_func_800FD664 = 0x8003C890;
g_api_func_800FD5BC = 0x8003C894;
g_api_LearnSpell = 0x8003C898;
g_api_func_800E2438 = 0x8003C89C;
g_api_unused12C = 0x8003C8A0;
g_api_unused130 = 0x8003C8A4;
g_api_unused134 = 0x8003C8A8;
g_api_unused138 = 0x8003C8AC;
g_api_unused13C = 0x8003C8B4;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_8003C8B8 = 0x8003C8B8;
D_8003C8C4 = 0x8003C8C4;
D_8003C908 = 0x8003C908;
D_8003C90C = 0x8003C90C;
D_8003C910 = 0x8003C910;
_svm_damper = 0x8003C954;
g_blinkTimer = 0x8003C998;
D_8003C99C = 0x8003C99C;
g_CurrentPlayableCharacter = 0x8003C9A0;
D_8003C9A4 = 0x8003C9A4;
g_MenuNavigation = 0x8003C9A8;
g_MenuNavigation_cursorRelic = 0x8003C9AC;
g_MenuNavigation_cursorEquip = 0x8003C9B0;
g_MenuNavigation_cursorEquipHand = 0x8003C9B4;
g_MenuNavigation_cursorEquipHead = 0x8003C9B8;
g_MenuNavigation_scrollEquipHand = 0x8003C9C8;
g_MenuNavigation_scrollEquipHead = 0x8003C9CC;
g_MenuNavigation_cursorSpells = 0x8003C9DC;
g_MenuNavigation_cursorSettings = 0x8003C9E0;
g_MenuNavigation_cursorCloak = 0x8003C9E4;
g_MenuNavigation_cursorButtons = 0x8003C9E8;
D_8003C9EC = 0x8003C9EC;
D_8003C9F0 = 0x8003C9F0;
g_Settings = 0x8003C9F8;
g_Settings_buttonConfig_1 = 0x8003C9FC;
g_Settings_buttonMask_0 = 0x8003CA18;
D_8003CAA4 = 0x8003CAA4;
g_Settings_cloakColors_0 = 0x8003CAA8;
g_Settings_cloakColors_1 = 0x8003CAAC;
g_Settings_cloakColors_2 = 0x8003CAB0;
g_Settings_cloakColors_3 = 0x8003CAB4;
g_Settings_cloakColors_4 = 0x8003CAB8;
g_Settings_cloakColors_5 = 0x8003CABC;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
g_Settings_windowColors_0 = 0x8003CAC0;
g_Settings_windowColors_1 = 0x8003CAC4;
g_Settings_windowColors_2 = 0x8003CAC8;
g_Settings_isCloakLiningReversed = 0x8003CAF8;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
g_Settings_isSoundMono = 0x8003CAFC;
D_8003CB00 = 0x8003CB00;
D_8003CB04 = 0x8003CB04;
2023-05-13 22:03:13 +00:00
g_GpuBuffers = 0x8003CB08;
2023-05-15 18:15:09 +00:00
g_GpuBuffers_0_draw_isbg = 0x8003CB24;
g_GpuBuffers_0_draw_r0 = 0x8003CB25;
g_GpuBuffers_0_draw_g0 = 0x8003CB26;
g_GpuBuffers_0_draw_b0 = 0x8003CB27;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_800542FC = 0x800542FC;
D_80054300 = 0x80054300;
2023-05-13 22:03:13 +00:00
g_GpuBuffers_1_buf_draw_clip_y = 0x80054302;
2023-05-15 18:15:09 +00:00
g_GpuBuffers_1_draw_isbg = 0x80054318;
g_GpuBuffers_1_draw_r0 = 0x80054319;
g_GpuBuffers_1_draw_g0 = 0x8005431A;
g_GpuBuffers_1_draw_b0 = 0x8005431B;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_80057F70 = 0x80057F70;
D_80061B70 = 0x80061B70;
D_80063F70 = 0x80063F70;
D_800646F0 = 0x800646F0;
D_80065AF0 = 0x80065AF0;
D_800682F0 = 0x800682F0;
D_800692F0 = 0x800692F0;
_svm_stereo_mono = 0x8006BAF8;
2023-05-16 02:19:37 +00:00
g_LoadFile = 0x8006BAFC;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_8006BB00 = 0x8006BB00;
D_8006BB74 = 0x8006BB74;
D_8006C373 = 0x8006C373;
D_8006C374 = 0x8006C374;
D_8006C378 = 0x8006C378;
2023-05-12 19:50:42 +00:00
g_CurrentBuffer = 0x8006C37C;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
_snd_ev_flag = 0x8006C380;
D_8006C384 = 0x8006C384;
D_8006C388 = 0x8006C388;
D_8006C38C = 0x8006C38C;
D_8006C390 = 0x8006C390;
kMaxPrograms = 0x8006C394;
2023-05-09 11:49:20 +00:00
g_CdStep = 0x8006C398;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
g_backbufferX = 0x8006C39C;
g_backbufferY = 0x8006C3A0;
D_8006C3AC = 0x8006C3AC;
2023-05-13 19:35:35 +00:00
g_IsUsingCd = 0x8006C3B0;
2023-05-04 23:24:40 +00:00
g_CurrentEntity = 0x8006C3B8;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_8006C3C4 = 0x8006C3C4;
D_8006C3CC = 0x8006C3CC;
D_8006CBC4 = 0x8006CBC4;
_svm_tn = 0x8006CBC8;
g_Clut = 0x8006CBCC;
D_8006EBCC = 0x8006EBCC;
D_8006EBE0 = 0x8006EBE0;
D_800705CC = 0x800705CC;
D_80070BCC = 0x80070BCC;
2023-05-18 18:54:05 +00:00
g_Player = 0x80072BD0;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_80072BD8 = 0x80072BD8;
D_80072BE0 = 0x80072BE0;
D_80072BE8 = 0x80072BE8;
D_80072BF4 = 0x80072BF4;
D_80072C18 = 0x80072C18;
D_80072C20 = 0x80072C20;
D_80072C28 = 0x80072C28;
D_80072C3C = 0x80072C3C;
D_80072C44 = 0x80072C44;
D_80072C4C = 0x80072C4C;
D_80072C60 = 0x80072C60;
D_80072C68 = 0x80072C68;
D_80072C70 = 0x80072C70;
D_80072C80 = 0x80072C80;
D_80072C84 = 0x80072C84;
D_80072CCC = 0x80072CCC;
D_80072CF0 = 0x80072CF0;
D_80072CF4 = 0x80072CF4;
D_80072CFC = 0x80072CFC;
D_80072DC8 = 0x80072DC8;
D_80072DEC = 0x80072DEC;
D_80072EC4 = 0x80072EC4;
2023-05-18 18:54:05 +00:00
g_Player_padPressed = 0x80072EE8;
g_Player_padTapped = 0x80072EEC;
g_Player_padHeld = 0x80072EF0;
2023-05-17 17:36:10 +00:00
g_Player_D_80072EF4 = 0x80072EF4;
g_Player_D_80072EF6 = 0x80072EF6;
g_Player_D_80072EF8 = 0x80072EF8;
g_Player_D_80072EFC = 0x80072EFC;
g_Player_D_80072F00 = 0x80072F00;
g_Player_D_80072F02 = 0x80072F02;
g_Player_D_80072F04 = 0x80072F04;
g_Player_D_80072F06 = 0x80072F06;
g_Player_D_80072F08 = 0x80072F08;
g_Player_D_80072F0A = 0x80072F0A;
g_Player_D_80072F0C = 0x80072F0C;
g_Player_D_80072F0E = 0x80072F0E;
g_Player_D_80072F10 = 0x80072F10;
g_Player_D_80072F12 = 0x80072F12;
g_Player_D_80072F14 = 0x80072F14;
g_Player_D_80072F16 = 0x80072F16;
g_Player_D_80072F18 = 0x80072F18;
g_Player_D_80072F1A = 0x80072F1A;
g_Player_D_80072F1C = 0x80072F1C;
g_Player_D_80072F1E = 0x80072F1E;
g_Player_pl_vram_flag = 0x80072F20;
g_Player_unk04 = 0x80072F24;
g_Player_unk08 = 0x80072F28;
g_Player_unk0C = 0x80072F2C;
g_Player_unk10 = 0x80072F30;
g_Player_unk14 = 0x80072F34;
g_Player_unk18 = 0x80072F38;
g_Player_unk1C = 0x80072F3C;
g_Player_unk20_0 = 0x80072F40;
g_Player_unk40 = 0x80072F60;
g_Player_pl_high_jump_timer = 0x80072F62;
g_Player_unk44 = 0x80072F64;
g_Player_unk46 = 0x80072F66;
g_Player_unk48 = 0x80072F68;
g_Player_unk4A = 0x80072F6A;
g_Player_unk4C = 0x80072F6C;
g_Player_unk4E = 0x80072F6E;
g_Player_unk50 = 0x80072F70;
g_Player_unk52 = 0x80072F72;
g_Player_unk54 = 0x80072F74;
g_Player_unk56 = 0x80072F76;
g_Player_unk58 = 0x80072F78;
g_Player_unk5A = 0x80072F7A;
g_Player_unk5C = 0x80072F7C;
g_Player_unk5E = 0x80072F7E;
g_Player_unk60 = 0x80072F80;
g_Player_unk62 = 0x80072F82;
g_Player_unk64 = 0x80072F84;
g_Player_unk66 = 0x80072F86;
g_Player_unk68 = 0x80072F88;
g_Player_unk6A = 0x80072F8A;
g_Player_unk6C = 0x80072F8C;
g_Player_unk6E = 0x80072F8E;
g_Player_unk70 = 0x80072F90;
g_Player_unk72 = 0x80072F92;
g_Player_unk74 = 0x80072F94;
g_Player_unk78 = 0x80072F98;
g_Player_unk7A = 0x80072F9A;
g_Player_unk7C = 0x80072F9C;
g_Player_unk7E = 0x80072F9E;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_80072FA0 = 0x80072FA0;
2023-05-15 13:42:52 +00:00
g_GameStep = 0x80073060;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_80073064 = 0x80073064;
2023-05-08 12:29:58 +00:00
g_EvSwCardEnd = 0x80073068;
g_EvSwCardErr = 0x8007306C;
g_EvSwCardTmo = 0x80073070;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_80073074 = 0x80073074;
2023-05-08 12:29:58 +00:00
g_EvSwCardNew = 0x80073078;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_8007307C = 0x8007307C;
PadIdentifier = 0x80073080;
g_CurrentRoomTileLayout = 0x80073084;
D_80073088 = 0x80073088;
g_Camera = 0x8007308C;
g_Camera_posX_i_hi = 0x8007308E;
g_Camera_posY_i_hi = 0x80073092;
D_8007309C = 0x8007309C;
g_CurrentRoom = 0x800730A0;
g_CurrentRoom_hSize = 0x800730A4;
g_CurrentRoom_vSize = 0x800730A8;
g_CurrentRoom_D_800730AC = 0x800730AC;
g_CurrentRoom_left = 0x800730B0;
g_CurrentRoom_top = 0x800730B4;
g_CurrentRoom_right = 0x800730B8;
g_CurrentRoom_bottom = 0x800730BC;
g_CurrentRoom_x = 0x800730C0;
g_CurrentRoom_y = 0x800730C4;
g_CurrentRoom_width = 0x800730C8;
g_CurrentRoom_height = 0x800730CC;
g_CurrentRoom_bg = 0x800730D8;
g_CurrentRoom_bg_0_tiledef = 0x800730DC;
g_CurrentRoom_bg_0_scrollX_i_hi = 0x800730E2;
g_CurrentRoom_bg_0_scrollY_i_hi = 0x800730E6;
g_CurrentRoom_bg_0_zPriority = 0x800730F0;
g_CurrentRoom_bg_0_D_800730F4 = 0x800730F4;
g_CurrentRoom_bg_0_w = 0x800730F8;
g_CurrentRoom_bg_0_h = 0x800730FC;
g_CurrentRoom_bg_0_D_80073100 = 0x80073100;
g_CurrentRoom_bg_0_flags = 0x80073104;
D_8007331C = 0x8007331C;
g_Entities = 0x800733D8;
2023-05-27 10:13:49 +00:00
PLAYER_posX_i_hi = 0x800733DA;
PLAYER_posY_val = 0x800733DC;
PLAYER_posY_i_hi = 0x800733DE;
PLAYER_velocityX = 0x800733E0;
PLAYER_velocityY = 0x800733E4;
PLAYER_hitboxOffX = 0x800733E8;
PLAYER_hitboxOffY = 0x800733EA;
2023-05-27 10:13:49 +00:00
PLAYER_facing = 0x800733EC;
PLAYER_palette = 0x800733EE;
PLAYER_blendMode = 0x800733F0;
PLAYER_unk19 = 0x800733F1;
PLAYER_rotAngle = 0x800733F6;
PLAYER_rotPivotX = 0x800733F8;
PLAYER_rotPivotY = 0x800733FA;
2023-05-27 10:13:49 +00:00
PLAYER_zPriority = 0x800733FC;
PLAYER_entityId = 0x800733FE;
2023-05-27 10:13:49 +00:00
PLAYER_step = 0x80073404;
PLAYER_step_s = 0x80073406;
PLAYER_entityRoomIndex = 0x8007340A;
2023-05-27 10:13:49 +00:00
PLAYER_unk44 = 0x8007341C;
PLAYER_unk4C = 0x80073424;
PLAYER_animFrameIdx = 0x80073428;
PLAYER_animFrameDuration = 0x8007342A;
PLAYER_animSet = 0x8007342C;
PLAYER_animCurFrame = 0x8007342E;
PLAYER_unk5A = 0x80073432;
PLAYER_unkA4 = 0x8007347C;
PLAYER_ext_generic_unkAC = 0x80073484;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_80073490 = 0x80073490;
2023-05-27 10:13:49 +00:00
g_Entities_1 = 0x80073494;
g_Entities_1_entityId = 0x800734BA;
2023-05-27 10:13:49 +00:00
g_Entities_1_flags = 0x800734C8;
g_Entities_1_animFrameIdx = 0x800734E4;
g_Entities_1_animCurFrame = 0x800734EA;
g_Entities_1_primIndex = 0x800734F8;
2023-05-27 10:13:49 +00:00
g_Entities_1_unk7C_S8_unk0 = 0x80073510;
g_Entities_1_unk7C_S8_unk1 = 0x80073511;
g_Entities_1_unk7C_S8_unk2 = 0x80073512;
g_Entities_1_unk7C_S8_unk3 = 0x80073513;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_800735A6 = 0x800735A6;
D_80073662 = 0x80073662;
D_800736C8 = 0x800736C8;
D_80073F98 = 0x80073F98;
D_80073F9A = 0x80073F9A;
D_80073F9E = 0x80073F9E;
D_80073FBE = 0x80073FBE;
D_80073FC4 = 0x80073FC4;
D_80073FC8 = 0x80073FC8;
D_80073FD2 = 0x80073FD2;
D_80074046 = 0x80074046;
D_80074054 = 0x80074054;
D_80074058 = 0x80074058;
D_8007405A = 0x8007405A;
D_8007407A = 0x8007407A;
D_80074110 = 0x80074110;
D_80074114 = 0x80074114;
D_8007412E = 0x8007412E;
D_80074136 = 0x80074136;
D_800741CC = 0x800741CC;
D_800741D0 = 0x800741D0;
D_800741F2 = 0x800741F2;
D_8007428A = 0x8007428A;
D_8007428E = 0x8007428E;
D_800742AE = 0x800742AE;
D_8007434A = 0x8007434A;
D_800749E0 = 0x800749E0;
D_800749E6 = 0x800749E6;
D_80074A06 = 0x80074A06;
D_80074B58 = 0x80074B58;
D_80074C08 = 0x80074C08;
D_80075D88 = 0x80075D88;
g_Entities_STAGE_ENTITY_START = 0x800762D8;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_80076ED6 = 0x80076ED6;
D_80077282 = 0x80077282;
D_8007D858 = 0x8007D858;
D_8007EF1C = 0x8007EF1C;
2023-05-08 12:29:58 +00:00
g_EvHwCardEnd = 0x8007EFD8;
g_EvHwCardErr = 0x8007EFDC;
g_EvHwCardTmo = 0x8007EFE0;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_8007EFE4 = 0x8007EFE4;
D_80082FE4 = 0x80082FE4;
D_80084FE4 = 0x80084FE4;
2023-05-08 12:29:58 +00:00
g_EvHwCardNew = 0x80086FE4;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
spuVmMaxVoice = 0x80086FE8;
g_PrimBuf = 0x80086FEC;
D_80086FF6 = 0x80086FF6;
D_80086FFA = 0x80086FFA;
D_80086FFC = 0x80086FFC;
D_80087012 = 0x80087012;
D_800973B8 = 0x800973B8;
D_800973EC = 0x800973EC;
playerX = 0x800973F0;
playerY = 0x800973F4;
D_800973F8 = 0x800973F8;
D_800973FC = 0x800973FC;
D_80097400 = 0x80097400;
g_zEntityCenter = 0x80097408;
D_8009740C = 0x8009740C;
D_80097410 = 0x80097410;
D_80097414 = 0x80097414;
D_80097418 = 0x80097418;
D_8009741C = 0x8009741C;
D_80097420 = 0x80097420;
D_80097424 = 0x80097424;
g_entityDestroyed = 0x80097428;
D_80097444 = 0x80097444;
D_80097448 = 0x80097448;
D_8009744C = 0x8009744C;
D_80097450 = 0x80097450;
D_80097488 = 0x80097488;
D_8009748C = 0x8009748C;
g_pads = 0x80097490;
g_pads_0_released = 0x80097492;
g_pads_0_tapped = 0x80097494;
g_pads_0_repeat = 0x80097496;
g_pads_1_pressed = 0x80097498;
g_pads_1_tapped = 0x8009749C;
g_StageId = 0x800974A0;
D_800974A4 = 0x800974A4;
_svm_vcf = 0x800974A8;
D_800974AC = 0x800974AC;
g_UseDisk = 0x800978AC;
_snd_openflag = 0x800978B0;
D_800978B4 = 0x800978B4;
g_randomNext = 0x800978B8;
D_800978C4 = 0x800978C4;
svm_cur = 0x800978C8;
svm_vab_used = 0x800978E8;
D_800978F8 = 0x800978F8;
_svm_auto_kof_mode = 0x80097900;
D_80097902 = 0x80097902;
D_80097904 = 0x80097904;
D_80097908 = 0x80097908;
D_8009790C = 0x8009790C;
D_80097910 = 0x80097910;
g_DemoMode = 0x80097914;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
g_mapTilesetId = 0x80097918;
D_8009791C = 0x8009791C;
D_80097920 = 0x80097920;
D_80097924 = 0x80097924;
D_80097928 = 0x80097928;
g_GpuUsage = 0x8009792C;
g_GpuUsage_gt4 = 0x80097930;
g_GpuUsage_g4 = 0x80097934;
g_GpuUsage_gt3 = 0x80097938;
g_GpuUsage_line = 0x8009793C;
g_GpuUsage_sp16 = 0x80097940;
g_GpuUsage_tile = 0x80097944;
g_GpuUsage_sp = 0x80097948;
g_GpuUsage_env = 0x8009794C;
VBLANK_MINUS = 0x80097950;
g_Status = 0x80097964;
g_Status_relics_1 = 0x80097965;
g_Status_relics_4 = 0x80097968;
g_Status_relics_5 = 0x80097969;
g_Status_relics_6 = 0x8009796A;
g_Status_relics_7 = 0x8009796B;
g_Status_relics_9 = 0x8009796D;
g_Status_relics_10 = 0x8009796E;
g_Status_relics_11 = 0x8009796F;
g_Status_relics_12 = 0x80097970;
g_Status_relics_13 = 0x80097971;
g_Status_relics_15 = 0x80097973;
g_Status_relics_16 = 0x80097974;
2023-05-17 17:36:10 +00:00
g_Status_relics_17 = 0x80097975;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
g_Status_relics_20 = 0x80097978;
g_Status_relics_22 = 0x8009797A;
g_Status_relics_25 = 0x8009797D;
g_Status_relics_26 = 0x8009797E;
g_Status_relics_27 = 0x8009797F;
g_Status_relics_28 = 0x80097980;
g_Status_relics_29 = 0x80097981;
g_Status_spells = 0x80097982;
D_8009799A = 0x8009799A;
D_80097A02 = 0x80097A02;
D_80097A05 = 0x80097A05;
D_80097A32 = 0x80097A32;
D_80097A33 = 0x80097A33;
D_80097A42 = 0x80097A42;
D_80097A4D = 0x80097A4D;
D_80097A60 = 0x80097A60;
D_80097A63 = 0x80097A63;
D_80097A65 = 0x80097A65;
D_80097A6A = 0x80097A6A;
D_80097A6B = 0x80097A6B;
D_80097A6C = 0x80097A6C;
D_80097A81 = 0x80097A81;
D_80097A8C = 0x80097A8C;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
g_Status_equipHandOrder = 0x80097A8D;
D_80097B36 = 0x80097B36;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
g_SaveName = 0x80097B90;
D_80097B9C = 0x80097B9C;
2023-05-17 17:36:10 +00:00
g_Status_hp = 0x80097BA0;
g_Status_hpMax = 0x80097BA4;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
g_Status_hearts = 0x80097BA8;
g_Status_heartsMax = 0x80097BAC;
g_Status_mp = 0x80097BB0;
g_Status_mpMax = 0x80097BB4;
g_Status_statsBase_0 = 0x80097BB8;
g_Status_statsBase_1 = 0x80097BBC;
g_Status_statsBase_2 = 0x80097BC0;
g_Status_statsBase_3 = 0x80097BC4;
g_Status_statsEquip_0 = 0x80097BC8;
g_Status_statsEquip_1 = 0x80097BCC;
g_Status_statsEquip_2 = 0x80097BD0;
g_Status_statsEquip_3 = 0x80097BD4;
g_Status_statsTotal_0 = 0x80097BD8;
g_Status_statsTotal_1 = 0x80097BDC;
g_Status_statsTotal_2 = 0x80097BE0;
g_Status_statsTotal_3 = 0x80097BE4;
g_Status_level = 0x80097BE8;
g_Status_exp = 0x80097BEC;
g_Status_gold = 0x80097BF0;
g_Status_killCount = 0x80097BF4;
g_Status_D_80097BF8 = 0x80097BF8;
2023-05-16 02:33:00 +00:00
g_Status_subWeapon = 0x80097BFC;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
g_Status_equipment_0 = 0x80097C00;
2023-05-17 17:36:10 +00:00
g_Status_equipment_1 = 0x80097C04;
g_Status_equipment_2 = 0x80097C08;
g_Status_equipment_3 = 0x80097C0C;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
g_Status_equipment_5 = 0x80097C14;
g_Status_equipment_6 = 0x80097C18;
g_Status_attackHands_0 = 0x80097C1C;
g_Status_attackHands_1 = 0x80097C20;
g_Status_defenseEquip = 0x80097C24;
g_Status_defenseElement = 0x80097C28;
g_Status_D_80097C2A = 0x80097C2A;
g_Status_D_80097C2C = 0x80097C2C;
g_Status_D_80097C2E = 0x80097C2E;
g_Status_timerHours = 0x80097C30;
g_Status_timerFrames = 0x80097C3C;
g_Status_D_80097C40 = 0x80097C40;
g_Status_D_80097C44 = 0x80097C44;
g_Status_D_80097C48 = 0x80097C48;
g_Status_D_80097C4C = 0x80097C4C;
g_Status_D_80097C74 = 0x80097C74;
D_80097C98 = 0x80097C98;
_ss_score = 0x80097C9C;
D_80097D1C = 0x80097D1C;
D_80097D34 = 0x80097D34;
D_80097D35 = 0x80097D35;
D_80097D36 = 0x80097D36;
D_80097D37 = 0x80097D37;
D_80097D38 = 0x80097D38;
D_80097D39 = 0x80097D39;
D_80097D3A = 0x80097D3A;
D_80097D3C = 0x80097D3C;
D_80097D3D = 0x80097D3D;
D_80097D3E = 0x80097D3E;
D_80097D40 = 0x80097D40;
D_80097D41 = 0x80097D41;
D_80097D42 = 0x80097D42;
D_80097D5F = 0x80097D5F;
D_80097F3C = 0x80097F3C;
D_80097F3D = 0x80097F3D;
D_80097F3E = 0x80097F3E;
D_80097F3F = 0x80097F3F;
D_80097F40 = 0x80097F40;
D_80097F41 = 0x80097F41;
D_80097F42 = 0x80097F42;
D_80097F44 = 0x80097F44;
D_80097F45 = 0x80097F45;
D_80097F46 = 0x80097F46;
D_80097F48 = 0x80097F48;
D_80097F49 = 0x80097F49;
D_80097F4A = 0x80097F4A;
_SsMarkCallback = 0x80097F9C;
D_800987B4 = 0x800987B4;
_svm_vab_count = 0x8009880C;
g_DebugPlayer = 0x80098850;
2023-05-06 11:24:32 +00:00
D_8017A000 = 0x8017A000;
D_8017D000 = 0x8017D000;