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synced 2025-02-18 20:18:55 +00:00
Rewrite analyze_calls (#471)
I have rewritten much of the overall logic flow of analyze_calls. This should make it run faster. Hopefully the program logic is also easier to understand. The output of this script is mostly identical to the previous version. It will now include calls through g_api to a given function, which is a nice upgrade (for example, a call to g_api.func_800FE97C will now properly show up on func_800FE97C's call graph). Important change: I am now using the argparse library to parse arguments. Running without arguments will generate all the call trees, and save the files along with the HTML page that links to all of them. There are two optional arguments: `--dry` will render all call trees, but will not save them to files. The bytes of the SVG are created, but are then simply forgotten. `--ultradry` will perform the analysis of every function, what it calls, and what calls it, but will stop there without generating any trees. I believe that `--ultradry` will be sufficient to automatically run in PRs, since the majority of problems are in the function analysis stage, and not in the call tree generation stage. Therefore, for the CI, I would recommend that we set PRs to run with `--ultradry`, and the main repo to run with no arguments. In the event that we find a situation where `--ultradry` misses an error that `--dry` catches, we can revert to using `--dry` on PRs. For some benchmarking: Normal runs and --dry runs take approximately 30 seconds on my computer. It turns out that writing to files is a relatively small amount of the execution time. On the other hand, `--ultradry` takes less than 1 second. This is the main reason I suggest using `--ultradry` for PRs. This will hopefully be applicable to the stalled `weapon0-weapon1-makefile` branch. Note: The previous run modes of this script (running with command line interface, or running generating single flow charts one at a time) are now removed. If anyone was relying on them, I can reimplement them, but I assume the web interface is more convenient for everyone.
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ jobs:
run: make check
- name: Analyze calls dry run
if: matrix.version == 'us'
run: make force_extract && ./tools/analyze_calls.py ALL_DRY
run: make force_extract && ./tools/analyze_calls.py --ultradry
- name: Remove clutter from build folder
run: rm -rf build/$(VERSION)/asm build/$(VERSION)/src build/$(VERSION)/assets
- name: Export build folder
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Generate function calls chart
run: |
make force_extract
python3 tools/analyze_calls.py ALL
python3 tools/analyze_calls.py
git clean -fdx asm/
- name: Generate duplicates and function report
run: |
@ -1,40 +1,53 @@
# Very closely related to analyze_calls.py (and uses some of the same internal Python functions).
# USAGE: Invoke with no arguments to start interactive graphical mode. User will be prompted for
# functions one at a time, and a graph will be made for each one they give.
# Invoke with one argument, a function name, for command line mode. Callers and callees will be printed.
# Invoke with one argument, ALL, to automatically generate call trees for every function in the game,
# as well as an index.html to connect them all. This is meant to be hosted on the web.
# Performs analysis of every function in the asm directory. For each function, finds
# all functions called by this one, and all functions that call this one.
# By default, this will create several thousand SVG files.
# Run with --dry to generate data for all files as testrun, without outputting files.
# Run with --ultradry to just do the function analysis, but skip generating SVG.
# Credit to xeeynamo for creation of analyze_calls, and sonicdcer for suggestion of command line mode.
# This will print the time taken for each step of the process, which is helpful for
# benchmarking, as well as determining if execution is taking longer as the repo grows.
# On my machine, all steps prior to SVG generation take less than 1 second, and SVG
# generation takes 30 seconds (regardless of dry mode). Note times printed are cumulative
# in the sense that the printed time is not per-step, but is time since execution start.
# On first run, this will generate a call tree, traversing every function and identifying its calls.
# This gets saved to sotn_calltree.txt. To regenerate this tree, simply delete the file.
# all just for drawing the graph
from functools import partial
import multiprocessing
import graphviz
from PIL import Image
import io
# regex matching, file access
import re
import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import os
import re
import graphviz
import time
import multiprocessing
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate call diagram SVGs")
help="Perform a dry run. Generate SVGs, but do not output to file",
help="Perform a dry run. Calculate call hierarchy, but skip generating SVGs",
output_dir = "function_calls"
# All functions I've found that are used in a 'jalr' instruction in the game
callable_registers = ["$v0", "$v1", "$a0", "$a1", "$t2"]
# Handles drawing in the blobs
graph_colors = {"N/A": "lightblue", "True": "green", "False": "red"}
def handle_jal_call(full_file, call_index, known_func_list):
# Important function. For a given line of assembly including a 'jal' or 'jalr' instruction,
# Make an attempt to identify the function being called. For 'jal' this is usually easy.
# For 'jalr' it tends to require more processing.
def handle_jal_call(full_file, call_index):
call_line = full_file[call_index]
call_target = call_line.split(" ")[-1].strip()
if call_target in known_func_list: # easy, just a direct function call by name
if call_target in function_lookup: # easy, just a direct function call by name
return call_target
# Check if we're calling based on a register's value
# Check if we're calling based on a register's value.
if call_target in callable_registers:
# Find what line sets that register.
searchback = 1
@ -48,17 +61,25 @@ def handle_jal_call(full_file, call_index, known_func_list):
if "g_api" in callreg_setline:
# regex that will pull out the function being called
match = re.search(r"%lo\(([^)]+)\)", callreg_setline)
if match.group(1) in known_func_list:
# Handle members of the g_api Overlay object
if "g_api_o_" in match.group(1):
return match.group(1).replace("_", ".")
# Handle the first element of it, where the symbol gets truncated to just g_api
if "g_api" == match.group(1):
return "g_api.o.Update"
# Handle functions such as AllocPrimitives that are referenced indirectly through g_api
if match.group(1).replace("g_api_", "") in function_lookup:
return match.group(1).replace("g_api_", "")
# Handle remaining symbols that are just straight in GameApi
if match.group(1) in function_lookup:
return match.group(1)
if match.group(1) == "g_api":
return "g_api_o_Update"
if (
f"lw {call_target}, %lo(D_" in callreg_setline
): # Simply jumping to what's stored in a D_ variable
jump_variable = callreg_setline[51:61]
return jump_variable
if "0x28($s0)" in callreg_setline or "-0xC($s0)" in callreg_setline:
return "pfnEntityUpdate"
return "UnknownpfnEntityUpdate"
# happens in NZ0/func_801C1034. v0 is set by dereferencing a register.
target_setter_pattern = r"lw\s+" + "\\" + call_target + r", 0x.{,2}\((\$\w+)"
if match := re.search(target_setter_pattern, callreg_setline):
@ -101,47 +122,7 @@ def handle_jal_call(full_file, call_index, known_func_list):
def get_g_api_funcs():
funclist = []
curr_struct_lines = []
with open("include/game.h") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if "typedef struct" in line:
curr_struct_lines = [line]
elif len(
): # We're in a struct and actively have added lines to it. This one is next.
if line[0] == "}" and len(
): # We're at the end of the struct and it's all loaded into curr_struct_lines.
structname = line.split(";")[0][2:] # Grab the name
# If this is the struct we're looking for, process it. Otherwise forget the struct.
if structname == "GameApi":
for line in curr_struct_lines:
match = re.search(
r"^\s*\/\* ([a-fA-F0-9]+) \*\/\s+[^\s]+\s+\(?\*?([^\s\;\)]+)",
if match:
function_name = match.group(2)
funclist.append("g_api_" + function_name)
if structname == "Overlay":
for line in curr_struct_lines:
match = re.search(
r"^\s*\/\* ([a-fA-F0-9]+) \*\/\s+[^\s]+\s+\(?\*?([^\s\;\)]+)",
if match:
function_name = match.group(2)
funclist.append("g_api_o_" + function_name)
curr_struct_lines = (
) # Empty it so we go back to just piping lines to output file
return funclist
# SDK functions in include/psxsdk/{whatever}.h are not in the decomp, but may be called.
def get_sdk_funcs():
functions = []
# weird thing where setjmp is commented out in libc.h; we add it manually here for now.
@ -158,6 +139,7 @@ def get_sdk_funcs():
return functions
# Many functions in main are not being splatted out yet, so we add them here, like SDK.
def get_main_funcs():
with open(f"config/symbols.us.txt") as f:
symbols = f.readlines()
@ -171,113 +153,20 @@ def get_main_funcs():
return [line.split(" = ")[0] for line in symbols]
def get_all_funcnames():
api = get_g_api_funcs()
sdk = get_sdk_funcs()
cfuncs = [s.stem for s in Path("asm").rglob("*.s") if "nonmatchings" in str(s)]
# files in src/main are from sdk and remain as asm, not broken out into function files
mainfuncs = get_main_funcs()
return api + sdk + cfuncs + mainfuncs
def build_call_tree():
tree_dict = {}
all_func_names = get_all_funcnames()
tree_dict["IGNORE_FUNCS"] = ",".join(
get_sdk_funcs() + get_g_api_funcs() + get_main_funcs()
print("Functions loaded.")
print(f"Function count: {len(all_func_names)}")
print("Building call trees...")
for path in Path("asm").rglob("*.s"):
f = str(path)
if "mad" in f: # Skip mad for now, it has weird symbols
if not "nonmatchings" in f or "psxsdk" in f:
overlay = path.parents[2].name
with open(f) as opened_f:
filelines = opened_f.read().split("\n")
foundfuncs = {}
for i, line in enumerate(filelines):
if "jal" in line:
funcname = handle_jal_call(filelines, i, all_func_names)
if funcname not in foundfuncs:
foundfuncs[funcname] = 1
foundfuncs[funcname] += 1
tree_dict[path.stem] = ",".join(
[overlay] + [f"{func}-{count}" for func, count in foundfuncs.items()]
return tree_dict
def get_all_c_files(src_dir):
c_files_list = list()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(src_dir):
for f in files:
if f.endswith(".c"):
c_files_list.append(os.path.join(root, f))
return c_files_list
class NonMatchingFunc(object):
def __init__(self, nonmatching_path):
split = nonmatching_path.split("/")
self.asm_path = nonmatching_path
self.name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(nonmatching_path))[0]
nm_index = split.index("nonmatchings")
self.overlay_name = split[nm_index - 1]
self.text_offset = "/".join(split[nm_index + 1 : -1])
assumed_path = f"/{self.overlay_name}/{self.text_offset}.c"
c_paths = [src for src in src_files if src.endswith(assumed_path)]
if len(c_paths) != 1:
print("Error getting cpath")
self.src_path = c_paths[0]
def get_nonmatching_functions(base_path, func_name, overlay=None) -> list:
function_list = list()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_path):
if "/nonmatchings/" in root:
for f in files:
if f == f"{func_name}.s":
full_path = os.path.join(root, f)
function = NonMatchingFunc(full_path)
if len(function_list) > 1:
overlay_matches = []
for potential_func in function_list:
if f"/{overlay}/" in potential_func.asm_path:
if len(overlay_matches) > 1:
print(f"Multiple matches, failed to whittle")
print([x.asm_path for x in overlay_matches])
elif len(overlay_matches) == 0:
print(f"Multiple matches but none match overlay {overlay}")
elif len(function_list) == 0:
print("Function not found")
return function_list[0]
def get_function_name(code):
# match a function with a return type, name, parameters, and opening curly brace
pattern = r"\w+\s+(\w+)\([^)]*\)\s*{"
match = re.match(pattern, code)
return match.group(1) if match is not None else None
# Functions in gameapi are often strange, especially in the Overlay member.
def get_gapi_funcs():
found_functions = []
# Load up symbols for the relative functions loaded into GameApi
with open("config/symbols.us.txt") as f:
symbols = f.readlines()
for symbol in symbols:
symbolname = symbol.split(" = ")[0]
if "g_api_" in symbolname:
found_functions.append(symbolname.replace("_", "."))
# Special case, first element of struct doesn't have a dedicated symbol.
return found_functions
def is_decompiled(srcfile, fname):
@ -289,173 +178,234 @@ def is_decompiled(srcfile, fname):
return True
def analyze_function(fname, tree):
overlay = tree[fname][0].split(";")[0]
foundfunc = get_nonmatching_functions("asm", fname, overlay)
decomp_done = str(is_decompiled(foundfunc.src_path, fname))
graph = graphviz.Digraph(fname)
graph_colors = {"N/A": "lightblue", "True": "green", "False": "red"}
f"{overlay}/{fname}", style="filled", fillcolor=graph_colors[decomp_done]
print(f"Analyzing {fname}; Decompiled: {decomp_done}")
print(f"Functions called:")
# Look through our asm file, and see who else we call.
if len(tree[fname]) < 2 and "GRAPHICAL_ALL" not in MODE:
print("No functions called.")
overlay = tree[fname][0]
for item in tree[fname][1:]:
func, count = item.split("-")
if (
func in tree["IGNORE_FUNCS"]
or func
in ["pfnEntityUpdate", "UnknownSDKFunction", "UnknownEntityFunction"]
or "D_" in func
decomp_done = "N/A"
function_object = get_nonmatching_functions("asm", func, overlay)
decomp_done = str(is_decompiled(function_object.src_path, func))
href=func + ".svg",
graph.edge(f"{overlay}/{fname}", f"{overlay}/{func}", count)
print(f"{func} called {count} times; Decompiled: {decomp_done}")
# The opposite, find who calls us
print(f"\nFunctions which call this:")
for key, value in tree.items():
overlay = value[0]
callees = value[1:]
if key == "IGNORE_FUNCS":
def get_c_filename(asm_filename):
assert "asm/us" in asm_filename and "/nonmatchings/" in asm_filename
# Step 1: Replace asm/us for src
srcpath = asm_filename.replace("asm/us", "src")
# Step 2: Remove the nonmatchings
no_nonmatchings = srcpath.replace("/nonmatchings/", "/")
# Little known rpartition drops the function name to get the last directory, which should be c file name.
c_filename = no_nonmatchings.rpartition("/")[0] + ".c"
assert os.path.exists(c_filename)
return c_filename
# Given a function name called from a caller, find which of a set of candidates is probably the function being called.
def find_func_match(caller, candidates):
prefix_lengths = [
len(os.path.commonprefix([caller.c_filename, candidate.c_filename]))
for candidate in candidates
# Assert that there is a single highest max (and not a tie)
assert prefix_lengths.count(max(prefix_lengths))
best_match = candidates[prefix_lengths.index(max(prefix_lengths))]
return best_match
# Given a sotn_function object, go through and find all its function calls.
# Any function called should be added as a callee for the input_function, and
# the input_function should be added as a caller for the called function.
def analyze(input_function):
with open(input_function.asm_filename) as f:
asm_lines = f.read().split("\n")
for i, line in enumerate(asm_lines):
if "jal" in line:
callee_name = handle_jal_call(asm_lines, i)
if callee_name.startswith("D_"):
if any(callee.startswith(f"{fname}-") for callee in callees):
callee_dict = {a: b for a, b in (x.split("-") for x in callees)}
if fname not in callee_dict:
if ("g_api_" + fname) in callee_dict:
fname = "g_api_" + fname
if callee_name.startswith("Unknown"):
candidate_callees = function_lookup[callee_name]
assert len(candidate_callees) > 0
# It's one of the special cases that we establish
if isinstance(candidate_callees, str):
# If there is only one candidate (only one function in the codebase by that name), we have it.
if len(candidate_callees) == 1:
callee = candidate_callees[0]
print(f"Function {fname} is not in {callee_dict}.")
call_count = callee_dict[fname]
key_as_func = get_nonmatching_functions("asm", key, overlay)
decomp_done = str(is_decompiled(key_as_func.src_path, key))
href=key + ".svg",
best_match = find_func_match(input_function, candidate_callees)
# Create an index.html which lists all functions with their overlays
def generate_html(function_list):
# Sort all functions into overlays, with the name as tiebreaker to sort within overlays
sorted_funcs = sorted(
[f for f in function_list if f.overlay != "mad"],
key=lambda x: (x.overlay, x.name),
graph.edge(f"{overlay}/{key}", f"{overlay}/{fname}", call_count)
print(f"Called by {key} {call_count} times; Decompiled: {decomp_done}")
# Display the graph in a window on the screen
imgbytes = graph.pipe(format="png")
img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(imgbytes))
# Save graphs to files
filename = f"{output_dir}/{fname}.svg"
imgbytes = graph.pipe(format="svg")
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
call_tree_filename = "sotn_calltree.txt"
src_files = get_all_c_files("src")
if __name__ == "__main__":
tree = {}
# Check if tree needs to be built.
if not os.path.exists(call_tree_filename):
# This is an arbitrary file for a decompiled function. It only exists after a force extract.
if not os.path.exists("asm/us/main/nonmatchings/5A38/ResetCallback.s"):
print("Need to run `make force_extract` to build call tree!")
tree = build_call_tree()
with open(call_tree_filename, "w") as f:
for key, value in tree.items():
f.write(key + ":" + value + "\n")
with open(call_tree_filename) as f:
treelines = f.readlines()
for line in treelines:
fname, calls = line[:-1].split(":")
tree[fname] = calls.split(",")
# Run with no arguments to get interactive rendering of one graph at a time
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
# Run with ALL to generate a graph for every function, and an HTML directory
elif sys.argv[1] == "ALL":
# Run with ALL_DRY to do a dry-run, which is like GRAPHICAL_ALL without file writes
elif sys.argv[1] == "ALL_DRY":
# Run with function name to do text-mode description of calls for that function
elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
print("Too many arguments!")
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
while True:
startfunc = input("Give function to analyze:\n")
analyze_function(startfunc, tree)
print("Initiating autogeneration of call tree diagrams")
funclist = list(tree.keys())[1:]
with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool:
file_generator = partial(analyze_function, tree=tree)
pool.map(file_generator, funclist)
print("All trees have been generated.")
# Generate an index.html to direct to all of them
overlays = {}
for func in funclist:
overlay = tree[func][0]
if overlay not in overlays:
overlays[overlay] = []
# Sort the names
for overlay in overlays:
html = '<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"></head><body>'
for overlay, funcs in overlays.items():
# create a heading for the overlay
html += f"<h2>{overlay}</h2>"
# create an unordered list of functions
active_overlay = ""
# Now iterate through all functions, creating links to their SVG files.
for f in sorted_funcs:
# When the overlay changes, add a heading.
if f.overlay != active_overlay:
# End the previous overlay's list, unless this is the first overlay.
if active_overlay != "":
html += "</ul>"
active_overlay = f.overlay
html += f"<h2>{active_overlay}</h2>"
html += "<ul>"
for func in funcs:
dec_done = is_decompiled(
get_nonmatching_functions("asm", func, overlay).src_path, func
dec_symbol = "✅" if dec_done else "❌"
html += f'<li><a href="{func}.svg">{dec_symbol + func}</a></li>'
dec_symbol = "✅" if f.decompile_status == "True" else "❌"
html += f'<li><a href="{f.unique_name}.svg">{dec_symbol + f.name}</a></li>'
html += "</ul>"
html += "</body></html>"
return html
# This represents calls that we can't connect to a real C function. This includes SDK functions, or calls where
# it is unclear what actual function is being called.
class fake_function:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.decompile_status = "N/A"
self.unique_name = name
class sotn_function:
def __init__(self, name, asm_filename):
self.name = name
self.asm_filename = asm_filename
# From the asm filename, get the C filename
self.c_filename = get_c_filename(self.asm_filename)
self.decompile_status = str(is_decompiled(self.c_filename, self.name))
self.callers = {}
self.callees = {}
filepath_split = self.asm_filename.split("/")
self.overlay = filepath_split[2]
if self.overlay == "st":
self.overlay = filepath_split[3]
if self.overlay == "weapon":
self.overlay = filepath_split[4]
# Name used in SVG files, must be different from any other function
self.unique_name = ".".join([self.overlay, self.name])
def __repr__(self):
callernames = [c.name for c in self.callers]
calleenames = [c.name for c in self.callees]
return f"{self.name} at {self.asm_filename}\n{self.c_filename}\n{callernames}\n{calleenames}\n"
def add_callee(self, other_function):
if other_function.unique_name in self.callees:
self.callees[other_function.unique_name][0] += 1
self.callees[other_function.unique_name] = [
def add_caller(self, other_function):
if other_function.unique_name in self.callers:
self.callers[other_function.unique_name][0] += 1
self.callers[other_function.unique_name] = [
def render_svg(self):
graph = graphviz.Digraph(self.unique_name)
for callee, flags in self.callees.items():
href=callee + ".svg",
graph.edge(self.unique_name, callee, str(flags[0]))
# print("callers")
for caller, flags in self.callers.items():
href=caller + ".svg",
graph.edge(caller, self.unique_name, str(flags[0]))
# print("done")
imgbytes = graph.pipe(format="svg")
return imgbytes
def create_svg_file(self):
with open(f"{output_dir}/{self.unique_name}.svg", "wb") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
timer = time.perf_counter()
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
# 1: Create baseline function objects for every .s file
functions = [
sotn_function(s.stem, str(s))
for s in Path("asm").rglob("*.s")
if "nonmatchings" in str(s)
if len(functions) == 0:
print("Error! You probably didn't run `make force_extract` first")
f"Initialized {len(functions)} function objects in {time.perf_counter()-timer} seconds"
# Make sure all the functions really do have a unique name
assert len(functions) == len(set(f.unique_name for f in functions))
# This is a "phonebook" that allows you to get all the function objects matching any function name
# This is needed because functions only call another function by name. Therefore, with the name,
# this lookup table allows you to find the sotn_function object which is being called.
function_lookup = {}
for f in functions:
if f.name not in function_lookup:
function_lookup[f.name] = [f]
# Add SDK functions (which don't exist in ASM or C form) as bare entries
for f in get_sdk_funcs():
function_lookup[f] = "SDK"
# Similar for main functions
for f in get_main_funcs():
function_lookup[f] = "MAIN"
for f in get_gapi_funcs():
function_lookup[f] = "GAPI"
print(f"Created function lookup table in {time.perf_counter() - timer} seconds")
# 2: For each function, find what it calls. When finding a callee, also add itself as caller.
for function in functions:
if not any(x in function.c_filename for x in ["psxsdk", "mad"]):
print(f"Calculated call relations in {time.perf_counter() - timer} seconds")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.ultradry:
print(f"Rendering in {'dry' if args.dry else 'full output'} mode")
# 3: Render all the functions, either dry or saved to file.
def worker(function):
if args.dry:
with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool:
pool.map(worker, functions)
print(f"Completed SVG rendering in {time.perf_counter() - timer} seconds")
if not args.dry:
html = generate_html(functions)
with open(f"{output_dir}/index.html", "w") as f:
print("Initiating dry-run of call tree diagrams")
funclist = list(tree.keys())[1:]
with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool:
file_generator = partial(analyze_function, tree=tree)
pool.map(file_generator, funclist)
print("Dry run complete. Deleting call tree.")
analyze_function(sys.argv[1], tree)
print(f"Generated HTML in {time.perf_counter() - timer} seconds")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user