This one was very complicated. It has 4 different switches in it, all
with their own rodata!
It also interacts with a lot of different parts of the game, including
various unknown members of structs like g_Player, so it might be a
useful resource for starting to understand what some of that stuff is.
One goto left in it that I couldn't get rid of, the jump is between two
unexpected locations that seem very different from each other.
Scratch here if anyone would like to attempt improvements:
As per title.
I created a new folder called `assetx/`, that is not cleaned with `make
clean` and that contains assets that are not extracted from the game and
that we want to keep in the repo. I am not sure if we agree on this, so
I will be happy to remove it from the PR if it is an unwanted approach.
`MySetDrawMode` is implemented and it sets the texture to render. The
problem is that currently there is not a batch system in place, meaning
`MyRenderPrimitives` will operate on the latest texture set. This works
as I am using just one texture, but it will not work long-term. The PS1
uses something called Ordering Table (our `g_CurrentOt`) that contains a
list of ordered drawing calls that will be submitted to the GPU via
`DrawOTag(g_CurrentOT)`. A later PR will come to properly handle this.
The PS1 has 32 texture pages (or `tpages`, or `tp`). I am thinking to
store each tpage into 128x128 textures. I am not sure how it will work
long-term or if it would be better to just create a single 1024x512
texture with the entire vram in it. When the tpage is 0x1E the font PNG
is loaded.
Not totally sure what this one is for, but it's connected to saving the
D_801379C8.vy is very heavily used, I'm not sure what the purpose of
that SVECTOR is. But anyway, it matches.
Mostly a proof of concept to extract resources from `BIN/F_GAME.BIN`.
There are tons of hacks to make this work:
* Tweaked png2s to decode binaries into PNGs
* Add a `config/` that describes how to extract different
sprites out of a binary file
* Coded the palette location by reading the `clut` parameter in the
source code. A clut value of `0x196` corresponds to `"palette": "0x96"`
or `"palette": 150`.
* Coded the bits per pixel for a couple of 8-bit images
* Coded the palette location of those graphics that expects the palette
from DRA.BIN instead of F_GAME.BIN
* For all the undiscovered palette, I called the files `unk` and
defaulted their palette to grey
The expectation is that sprites will slowly be documented and added into
`config/` by modders and enthusiasts. This does not yet
pack back these PNGs into the binary file. The way these assets are
extracted is probably not final or perfect, but we have to start from
The next subweapon entity. This is for the lightning subweapon. Happy to
take name suggestions but for now we have a comment on the function so
doesn't really matter if we name it immediately.
I noticed the sound test app flashes when running on WSL2. This is due
to `MyPutDispEnv` continuously calling `SDL_SetWindowSize` even when the
parameters are the same as the previous frame.
Remove a bunch of fake symbols that were overlapping with `D_80097488`.
I created a new struct called `Pos`. Since it is very similar to
`Camera` I placed them close-by as in future we might want to merge
I created some symbol hints like `D_8009748A_x_i_hi` as there are a few
functions that still use them.
Once is updated I will update the SOTN preset to include
`--expand-li`. Let me know if you run into any issues but this builds an
🆗 binary for me.
Nothing super special here, just another RIC function. I believe this is
a helper function for Richter's state machine, since it switches on
This was done by comparing the src/servant/tt_000/spriteparts.c file to
the data I found in RIC I then wrote a Python script to
take the data in the data file and output a C file which has all the
same formatting as that existing spriteparts.c file. This is a big chunk
of the .data section for RIC, so it's nice to have it pulled out to a C
file now.
Not really sure what this does, it's called by UpdateEntityRichter 5
times. Has weird pointer caching but thankfully I got it to match.
Nice to see it using g_Player.colliders, colliders2, and colliders3, I
think we probably have those all settled now.
The `const int PRIM = -5;` is very weird, I am not sure what's going on
there. The struct makes sense on the surrounding functions. I am not
even sure if the function is ever called as it involves the use of a
cutscene dialogue, never seen in the SEL overlay.
Needed a break from all the asm. I realize that Makefile changes aren't
always appreciated as they can break things in unexpected ways,
especially if they come from newbies to the project (ahem), so feel free
to close this if it's not needed.
One comment about removing `/**/*.s` and `/**/*.c`: as far as I could
see there were no subdirectories, so didn't seem needed.
Mostly a duplicate of a DRA function but enough different logic to be
fairly different.
Interesting that this uses the "dead player" string which matches HD but
is different from in US DRA.
There are 3 strings in DRA that were being left in rodata and printed
with `FntPrint(&whatever)`, this fixes two of them (the third will first
require other stuff in rodata before it to be extracted).
I also discovered that HD uses a different string in one of those spots
which was a big surprise! Weirdly, US has a string written in Japanese
(though using Latin characters) and HD has a string written in English.
The function that keeps track of if Richter has pressed down-up-cross to
do a High Jump move.
This is the first time we have a button combo being tracked outside of
DRA, so I moved the ButtonComboState struct from dra.h to game.h.
When the input succeeds, a function is called, so I've named that
function DoHighJump and also made general changes to that function to
bring it up to date with our current code standards (like FIX()).
I think those are the main highlights!
Uses a small JSON parsing library called cJSON (MIT license) to parse
the assets `equipment.json` and `accessory.json` and load them in memory
rather than hard coding it or pre-building it.
More data importing and more documentation as data is providing more
I also found a good amount of "fake" symbols, like in `DrawHud` and
This one is messy but it works. Another of those big collider functions.
Had to split g_Player.colliders into two arrays, so now we actually have
3 arrays of colliders going on. Might have more splitting to come.
We have `g_Player.colliders2[i].effects >> 4` which used the wrong
`sra`/`srl` instruction, so this indicates that it needs to be u32, not
Quite big PR that aims to document most of `menu.c` and make the code
more portable.
I had to declare `u16* func_80106A28(u32 arg0, u16 kind);` on the top of
`main.c`. Without it the compiler assumes it returns an `int`, which is
not big enough for 64-bit pointers. It took me a while to realise that
was the cause of the crash. We will have more of them in the future.
EDIT: Ignore the commit `******* FIX`. It was meant to be squashed for a
clearer commit history but I forgot to do it.