.SECONDEXPANSION: .SECONDARY: # Binaries VERSION ?= us MAIN := main DRA := dra # Compilers CC1PSX := ./bin/cc1-psx-26 CROSS := mipsel-linux-gnu- AS := $(CROSS)as CC := $(CC1PSX) LD := $(CROSS)ld CPP := $(CROSS)cpp OBJCOPY := $(CROSS)objcopy CC_FLAGS += -G0 -w -O2 -funsigned-char -fpeephole -ffunction-cse -fpcc-struct-return -fcommon -fverbose-asm -msoft-float -g CPP_FLAGS += -Iinclude -Iinclude/psxsdk -undef -Wall -fno-builtin CPP_FLAGS += -Dmips -D__GNUC__=2 -D__OPTIMIZE__ -D__mips__ -D__mips -Dpsx -D__psx__ -D__psx -D_PSYQ -D__EXTENSIONS__ -D_MIPSEL -D_LANGUAGE_C -DLANGUAGE_C -DNO_LOGS -DHACKS -DUSE_INCLUDE_ASM CPP_FLAGS += -D_internal_version_$(VERSION) -DSOTN_STR LD_FLAGS := -nostdlib --no-check-sections # Directories ASM_DIR := asm/$(VERSION) BIN_DIR := bin SRC_DIR := src ASSETS_DIR := assets INCLUDE_DIR := include BUILD_DIR := build/$(VERSION) DISK_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/${VERSION}/disk CONFIG_DIR := config TOOLS_DIR := tools PSXLIBS := $(addprefix lib, c c2 api etc card gpu gs gte cd snd spu) # Files PSXLIB_DIRS := $(addprefix psxsdk/, . $(PSXLIBS)) PSXLIB_DATA_DIRS := $(addprefix data/, . $(PSXLIB_DIRS)) MAIN_ASM_DIRS := $(addprefix $(ASM_DIR)/$(MAIN)/,. $(PSXLIB_DIRS) data $(PSXLIB_DATA_DIRS)) MAIN_SRC_DIRS := $(addprefix $(SRC_DIR)/$(MAIN)/,. $(PSXLIB_DIRS)) MAIN_S_FILES := $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.s, $(MAIN_ASM_DIRS))) MAIN_C_FILES := $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*.c, $(MAIN_SRC_DIRS))) MAIN_O_FILES := $(patsubst %.s,%.s.o,$(MAIN_S_FILES)) MAIN_O_FILES += $(patsubst %.c,%.c.o,$(MAIN_C_FILES)) MAIN_O_FILES := $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(MAIN_O_FILES)) MAIN_TARGET := $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MAIN) VENV_PATH ?= .venv export PATH := $(VENV_PATH)/bin:$(PATH) # Tooling PYTHON := python3 SPLAT := splat split ASMDIFFER_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/asm-differ ASMDIFFER_APP := $(ASMDIFFER_DIR)/diff.py M2CTX_APP := $(TOOLS_DIR)/m2ctx.py M2CTX := $(PYTHON) $(M2CTX_APP) M2C_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/m2c M2C_APP := $(M2C_DIR)/m2c.py M2C := $(PYTHON) $(M2C_APP) M2C_ARGS := -P 4 SOTNSTR := $(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/sotn_str/sotn_str.py process MASPSX_DIR := $(TOOLS_DIR)/maspsx MASPSX_APP := $(MASPSX_DIR)/maspsx.py MASPSX := $(PYTHON) $(MASPSX_APP) --expand-div --aspsx-version=2.34 MASPSX_21 := $(PYTHON) $(MASPSX_APP) --expand-div --aspsx-version=2.21 GO := $(HOME)/go/bin/go GOPATH := $(HOME)/go SOTNDISK := $(GOPATH)/bin/sotn-disk SOTNASSETS := $(GOPATH)/bin/sotn-assets GFXSTAGE := $(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/gfxstage.py PNG2S := $(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/png2s.py ICONV := iconv --from-code=UTF-8 --to-code=Shift-JIS DIRT_PATCHER := $(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/dirt_patcher.py SHASUM := shasum define list_src_files $(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIR)/$(1),$(wildcard $(dir)/**.s)) $(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIR)/$(1)/data,$(wildcard $(dir)/**.s)) $(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIR)/$(1)/psxsdk,$(wildcard $(dir)/**.s)) $(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIR)/$(1)/handwritten,$(wildcard $(dir)/**.s)) $(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIR)/$(1),$(wildcard $(dir)/**.c)) $(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIR)/$(1)/psxsdk,$(wildcard $(dir)/**.c)) $(foreach dir,$(ASSETS_DIR)/$(1),$(wildcard $(dir)/**)) endef define list_st_src_files $(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIR)/$(1),$(wildcard $(dir)/**.s)) $(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIR)/$(1)/data,$(wildcard $(dir)/**.s)) $(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIR)/$(1),$(wildcard $(dir)/**.c)) $(foreach dir,$(ASSETS_DIR)/$(1),$(wildcard $(dir)/D_801*.bin)) $(foreach dir,$(ASSETS_DIR)/$(1),$(wildcard $(dir)/cutscene_*.bin)) endef define list_o_files $(foreach file,$(call list_src_files,$(1)),$(BUILD_DIR)/$(file).o) endef define list_st_o_files $(foreach file,$(call list_st_src_files,$(1)),$(BUILD_DIR)/$(file).o) endef define list_shared_src_files $(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIR)/$(1),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.c)) endef define list_shared_o_files $(foreach file,$(call list_shared_src_files,$(1)),$(BUILD_DIR)/$(file).o) endef define link $(LD) $(LD_FLAGS) -o $(2) \ -Map $(BUILD_DIR)/$(1).map \ -T $(BUILD_DIR)/$(1).ld \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms.$(VERSION).txt \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms_auto.$(VERSION).$(1).txt \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_funcs_auto.$(VERSION).$(1).txt endef SOTNDISK_SOURCES := $(shell find tools/sotn-disk -name '*.go') SOTNASSETS_SOURCES := $(shell find tools/sotn-assets -name '*.go') CHECK_FILES := $(shell cut -d' ' -f3 config/check.$(VERSION).sha) .PHONY: build ##@ Variables ##@ ##@ VERSION the game version to build (us, hd, pspeu, saturn, pc) (Default: us) ##@ ##@ Primary Targets ##@ all: ##@ (Default) build and check all: build check extract: ##@ split game files into assets and assembly extract: extract_$(VERSION) build: ##@ build game files build: build_$(VERSION) build_us: main dra weapon ric cen dre mad no0 no3 np3 nz0 sel st0 wrp rwrp mar rbo3 tt_000 tt_001 tt_002 build_hd: dra cen wrp tt_000 clean: ##@ clean extracted files, assets, and build artifacts git clean -fdx assets/ git clean -fdx asm/$(VERSION)/ git clean -fdx build/$(VERSION)/ git clean -fdx $(SRC_DIR)/weapon git clean -fdx config/*$(VERSION)* git clean -fdx function_calls/ git clean -fdx sotn_calltree.txt ##@ ##@ Misc Targets ##@ # this help target will find targets which are followed by a comment beging with '#' '#' '@' and # print them in a summary form. Any comments on a line by themselves with start with `#' '#' '@' # will act as section dividers. .PHONY: help help: ##@ Print listing of key targets with their descriptions @printf "\nUsage: make [VERSION=version] …\n" @grep -F -h "##@" $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | grep -F -v grep -F | sed -e 's/\\$$//' | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":*[[:space:]]*##@[[:space:]]?"}; \ { \ if($$2 == "") \ printf ""; \ else if($$0 ~ /^#/) \ printf "\n%s\n", $$2; \ else if($$1 == "") \ printf " %-20s%s\n", "", $$2; \ else { \ system("tput setaf 4; printf \"\n %-20s \" " $$1 "; tput sgr0"); \ printf "%s\n", $$2; \ }; \ }' format: ##@ Format source code, clean symbols, other linting format: format-src format-tools format-symbols format-license format-src: bin/clang-format cargo run --release --manifest-path ./tools/lints/sotn-lint/Cargo.toml ./src @# find explainer: @# find $(SRC_DIR) $(INCLUDE_DIR) : look in src and include @# -type d \( -name 3rd -o -name CMakeFiles \) -prune : if an entry is both a directory and 3rd or CMakeFiles @# ignore it and don't traverse it @# -o \( -type f \( -name '*.h' -o -name '*.c' \) \) : or if an entry is a file and named *.h or *.c, include it @# -print0 : print only the matching entries, delimit by NULL to @# ensure files with characters xargs uses as delimiters are @# properly handled find $(SRC_DIR) $(INCLUDE_DIR) \ -type d \( -name 3rd -o -name CMakeFiles \) -prune \ -o \( -type f \( -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' \) \) \ -print0 \ | xargs -0 -n10 -P$$(nproc) bin/clang-format -i format-tools: black tools/*.py black tools/splat_ext/*.py black tools/split_jpt_yaml/*.py format-symbols: VERSION=us $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py sort VERSION=hd $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py sort VERSION=pspeu $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py sort ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.dra.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.hd.dra.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.ric.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.hd.ric.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.stcen.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.hd.stcen.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.stdre.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.stno0.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.stno3.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.stnp3.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.stnz0.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.stsel.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.stst0.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.stwrp.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.hd.stwrp.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.strwrp.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.bomar.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.borbo3.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.tt_000.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.hd.tt_000.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.tt_001.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.tt_002.yaml ./tools/symbols.py remove-orphans config/splat.us.stmad.yaml format-license: find src/ | grep -E '\.c$$|\.h$$' | grep -vE 'PsyCross|mednafen|psxsdk|3rd|saturn/lib' | python3 ./tools/lint-license.py - AGPL-3.0-or-later python3 ./tools/lint-license.py include/game.h AGPL-3.0-or-later python3 ./tools/lint-license.py include/entity.h AGPL-3.0-or-later python3 ./tools/lint-license.py include/items.h AGPL-3.0-or-later python3 ./tools/lint-license.py include/lba.h AGPL-3.0-or-later python3 ./tools/lint-license.py include/memcard.h AGPL-3.0-or-later # fast-format ff: MAKEFLAGS += --jobs ff: $(MAKE) format patch: $(DIRT_PATCHER) config/dirt.$(VERSION).json check: ##@ compare built files to original game files check: config/check.$(VERSION).sha patch $(CHECK_FILES) @$(SHASUM) --check $< | awk 'BEGIN{ FS=": " }; { \ printf "%s\t[ ", $$1; \ if ($$2 == "OK") \ color = 28; \ else \ color = 196; \ system("tput setaf " color "; printf " $$2 "; tput sgr0"); \ printf " ]\n"; \ }' | column --separator $$'\t' --table expected: check mkdir -p expected/build rm -rf expected/build/$(VERSION) cp -r build/$(VERSION) expected/build/ main: $(MAIN_TARGET).exe main_dirs: $(foreach dir,$(MAIN_ASM_DIRS) $(MAIN_SRC_DIRS),$(shell mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)/$(dir))) $(MAIN_TARGET).exe: $(MAIN_TARGET).elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(MAIN_TARGET).elf: $(MAIN_O_FILES) $(BUILD_DIR)/main.ld $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms.$(VERSION).txt $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms_auto.$(VERSION).$(MAIN).txt $(LD) $(LD_FLAGS) -o $@ \ -Map $(MAIN_TARGET).map \ -T $(BUILD_DIR)/main.ld \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms.$(VERSION).txt \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms_auto.$(VERSION).$(MAIN).txt dra: $(BUILD_DIR)/DRA.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/DRA.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(DRA).elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ ric: $(BUILD_DIR)/RIC.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/RIC.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/ric.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/ric.elf: $(call list_o_files,ric) $(call link,ric,$@) cen: $(BUILD_DIR)/CEN.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/F_CEN.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/CEN.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/stcen.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/F_CEN.BIN: $(GFXSTAGE) e assets/st/cen $@ dre: $(BUILD_DIR)/DRE.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/F_DRE.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/DRE.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/stdre.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/F_DRE.BIN: $(GFXSTAGE) e assets/st/dre $@ mad: $(BUILD_DIR)/MAD.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/F_MAD.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/MAD.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/stmad.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/F_MAD.BIN: $(GFXSTAGE) e assets/st/mad $@ no0: $(BUILD_DIR)/NO0.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/F_NO0.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/NO0.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/stno0.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/F_NO0.BIN: $(GFXSTAGE) e assets/st/no0 $@ no3: $(BUILD_DIR)/NO3.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/F_NO3.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/NO3.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/stno3.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/F_NO3.BIN: $(GFXSTAGE) e assets/st/no3 $@ np3: $(BUILD_DIR)/NP3.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/F_NP3.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/NP3.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/stnp3.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/F_NP3.BIN: $(GFXSTAGE) e assets/st/np3 $@ nz0: $(BUILD_DIR)/NZ0.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/F_NZ0.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/NZ0.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/stnz0.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/F_NZ0.BIN: $(GFXSTAGE) e assets/st/nz0 $@ sel: $(BUILD_DIR)/SEL.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/SEL.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/stsel.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ st0: $(BUILD_DIR)/ST0.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/F_ST0.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/ST0.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/stst0.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/F_ST0.BIN: $(GFXSTAGE) e assets/st/st0 $@ wrp: $(BUILD_DIR)/WRP.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/F_WRP.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/WRP.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/stwrp.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/F_WRP.BIN: $(GFXSTAGE) e assets/st/wrp $@ rwrp: $(BUILD_DIR)/RWRP.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/F_RWRP.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/RWRP.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/strwrp.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/F_RWRP.BIN: $(GFXSTAGE) e assets/st/rwrp $@ mar: $(BUILD_DIR)/MAR.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/F_MAR.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/MAR.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/bomar.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/F_MAR.BIN: $(GFXSTAGE) e assets/boss/mar $@ rbo3: $(BUILD_DIR)/RBO3.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/F_RBO3.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/RBO3.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/borbo3.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/F_RBO3.BIN: $(GFXSTAGE) e assets/boss/rbo3 $@ tt_000: $(BUILD_DIR)/TT_000.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_000_raw.bin: $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_000.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/TT_000.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_000_raw.bin cp $< $@ dd status=none if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$$((40960 - $$(stat -c %s $<))) >> $@ tt_001: $(BUILD_DIR)/TT_001.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_001_raw.bin: $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_001.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/TT_001.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_001_raw.bin cp $< $@ dd status=none if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$$((40960 - $$(stat -c %s $<))) >> $@ tt_002: $(BUILD_DIR)/TT_002.BIN $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_002_raw.bin: $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_002.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/TT_002.BIN: $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_002_raw.bin cp $< $@ dd status=none if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$$((40960 - $$(stat -c %s $<))) >> $@ mad_fix: stmad_dirs $$(call list_o_files,st/mad) $$(call list_o_files,st) $(LD) $(LD_FLAGS) -o $(BUILD_DIR)/stmad_fix.elf \ -Map $(BUILD_DIR)/stmad_fix.map \ -T $(BUILD_DIR)/stmad.ld \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms.$(VERSION).txt \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms_auto.stmad.txt \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_funcs_auto.stmad.txt $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $(BUILD_DIR)/stmad_fix.elf $(BUILD_DIR)/MAD.BIN tt_%_dirs: $(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIR)/servant/tt_$* $(ASM_DIR)/servant/tt_$*/data $(SRC_DIR)/servant/tt_$* $(ASSETS_DIR)/servant/tt_$*,$(shell mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)/$(dir))) bo%_dirs: $(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIR)/boss/$* $(ASM_DIR)/boss/$*/data $(ASM_DIR)/boss/$*/handwritten $(SRC_DIR)/boss/$* $(ASSETS_DIR)/boss/$*,$(shell mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)/$(dir))) st%_dirs: $(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIR)/st/$* $(ASM_DIR)/st/$*/data $(ASM_DIR)/st/$*/handwritten $(SRC_DIR)/st/$* $(ASSETS_DIR)/st/$*,$(shell mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)/$(dir))) %_dirs: $(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIR)/$* $(ASM_DIR)/$*/data $(SRC_DIR)/$* $(ASSETS_DIR)/$*,$(shell mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)/$(dir))) $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_%.elf: $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_%.ld $$(call list_o_files,servant/tt_$$*) | tt_%_dirs $(call link,tt_$*,$@) $(BUILD_DIR)/stmad.elf: $$(call list_o_files,st/mad) $$(call list_shared_o_files,st) $(LD) $(LD_FLAGS) -o $@ \ -Map $(BUILD_DIR)/stmad.map \ -T $(BUILD_DIR)/stmad.ld \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms.beta.txt \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms_auto.stmad.txt \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_funcs_auto.stmad.txt $(BUILD_DIR)/stsel.elf: $$(call list_o_files,st/sel) $$(call list_shared_o_files,st) $(call link,stsel,$@) $(BUILD_DIR)/st%.elf: $$(call list_st_o_files,st/$$*) $$(call list_shared_o_files,st) $(call link,st$*,$@) $(BUILD_DIR)/bo%.elf: $$(call list_st_o_files,boss/$$*) $$(call list_shared_o_files,boss) $(call link,bo$*,$@) # Weapon overlays WEAPON0_FILES := $(foreach num,$(shell seq -w 000 058),$(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/f0_$(num).bin $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/w0_$(num).bin) WEAPON1_FILES := $(foreach num,$(shell seq -w 000 058),$(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/f1_$(num).bin $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/w1_$(num).bin) WEAPON_DIRS := $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/weapon $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASM_DIR)/weapon/data $(BUILD_DIR)/$(SRC_DIR)/weapon $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon weapon: $(WEAPON_DIRS) $(BUILD_DIR)/WEAPON0.BIN $(WEAPON_DIRS): @mkdir -p $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/WEAPON0.BIN: $(WEAPON0_FILES) cat $^ > $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/f%.bin: $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/f%.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/w%.bin: $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/w%.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ dd status=none if=/dev/zero of=$@ bs=1 seek=12287 count=1 conv=notrunc $(ASM_DIR)/weapon/data/w_%.data.s: # create a fake empty file if all the data has been imported touch $@ $(ASM_DIR)/weapon/data/w_%.sbss.s: # create a fake empty file if all the bss section has been imported touch $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/w0_%.elf: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(SRC_DIR)/weapon/w_%.c.o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASM_DIR)/weapon/data/w_%.data.s.o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASM_DIR)/weapon/data/w_%.sbss.s.o $(LD) $(LD_FLAGS) --no-check-sections -o $@ \ -Map $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/w0_$*.map \ -T weapon0.ld \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms.$(VERSION).txt \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms_auto.$(VERSION).weapon.txt \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_funcs_auto.$(VERSION).weapon.txt \ $^ $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/w1_%.elf: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(SRC_DIR)/weapon/w_%.c.o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASM_DIR)/weapon/data/w_%.data.s.o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASM_DIR)/weapon/data/w_%.sbss.s.o $(LD) $(LD_FLAGS) --no-check-sections -o $@ \ -Map $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/w1_$*.map \ -T weapon1.ld \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms.$(VERSION).txt \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_syms_auto.$(VERSION).weapon.txt \ -T $(CONFIG_DIR)/undefined_funcs_auto.$(VERSION).weapon.txt \ $^ $(BUILD_DIR)/$(SRC_DIR)/weapon/w_%.c.o: $(SRC_DIR)/weapon/w_%.c $(MASPSX_APP) $(CC1PSX) | weapon_dirs $(CPP) $(CPP_FLAGS) -lang-c -DW_$* $< | $(SOTNSTR) | $(ICONV) | $(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) $(PSXCC_FLAGS) | $(MASPSX) | $(AS) $(AS_FLAGS) -o $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/$(SRC_DIR)/weapon/w_029.c.o: $(SRC_DIR)/weapon/w_029.c $(MASPSX_APP) $(CC1PSX) | weapon_dirs $(CPP) $(CPP_FLAGS) -lang-c -DW_029 $< | $(SOTNSTR) | $(ICONV) | $(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) $(PSXCC_FLAGS) -O1 | $(MASPSX) | $(AS) $(AS_FLAGS) -o $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/f0_%.elf: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/weapon/f_%.o | weapon_dirs $(LD) -r -b binary -o $@ $< $(BUILD_DIR)/weapon/f1_%.elf: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/weapon/f_%.o $(LD) -r -b binary -o $@ $< $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/weapon/%.o: $(ASSETS_DIR)/weapon/%.png ./tools/png2bin.py $< $@ ifneq (,$(filter psp%,$(VERSION))) include Makefile.psp.mk else include Makefile.psx.mk endif include Makefile.saturn.mk # Force to extract all the assembly code regardless if a function is already decompiled force_extract: mv src src_tmp rm $(BUILD_DIR)/*.ld make extract -j rm -rf src/ mv src_tmp src force_symbols: ##@ Extract a full list of symbols from a successful build $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/dra.elf > config/symbols.us.dra.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/ric.elf > config/symbols.us.ric.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/stcen.elf > config/symbols.us.stcen.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/stdre.elf > config/symbols.us.stdre.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/stno3.elf > config/symbols.us.stno3.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/stnp3.elf > config/symbols.us.stnp3.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/stnz0.elf > config/symbols.us.stnz0.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/stsel.elf > config/symbols.us.stsel.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/stst0.elf > config/symbols.us.stst0.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/stwrp.elf > config/symbols.us.stwrp.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/strwrp.elf > config/symbols.us.strwrp.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/bomar.elf > config/symbols.us.bomar.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/borbo3.elf > config/symbols.us.borbo3.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/tt_000.elf > config/symbols.us.tt_000.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/tt_001.elf > config/symbols.us.tt_001.txt $(PYTHON) ./tools/symbols.py elf build/us/tt_002.elf > config/symbols.us.tt_002.txt context: ##@ create a context for decomp.me. Set the SOURCE variable prior to calling this target $(M2CTX) $(SOURCE) @echo ctx.c has been updated. extract_disk: ##@ Extract game files from a disc image. extract_disk: extract_disk_$(VERSION) disk_prepare: build $(SOTNDISK) mkdir -p $(DISK_DIR) cp -r disks/${VERSION}/* $(DISK_DIR) cp $(BUILD_DIR)/main.exe $(DISK_DIR)/SLUS_000.67 cp $(BUILD_DIR)/DRA.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/DRA.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/RIC.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/BIN/RIC.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/CEN.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/CEN/CEN.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/F_CEN.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/CEN/F_CEN.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/DRE.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/DRE/DRE.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/F_DRE.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/DRE/F_DRE.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/MAD.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/MAD/MAD.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/F_MAD.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/MAD/F_MAD.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/NO3.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/NO3/NO0.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/F_NO3.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/NO3/F_NO0.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/NO3.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/NO3/NO3.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/F_NO3.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/NO3/F_NO3.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/NP3.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/NP3/NP3.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/F_NP3.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/NP3/F_NP3.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/NZ0.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/NZ0/NZ0.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/F_NZ0.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/NZ0/F_NZ0.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/RWRP.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/RWRP/RWRP.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/F_RWRP.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/RWRP/F_RWRP.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/SEL.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/SEL/SEL.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/ST0.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/ST0/ST0.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/F_ST0.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/ST0/F_ST0.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/WRP.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/WRP/WRP.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/F_WRP.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/ST/WRP/F_WRP.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/MAR.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/BOSS/MAR/MAR.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/F_MAR.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/BOSS/MAR/F_MAR.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/RBO3.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/BOSS/RBO3/RBO3.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/F_RBO3.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/BOSS/RBO3/F_RBO3.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/TT_000.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/SERVANT/TT_000.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/TT_001.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/SERVANT/TT_001.BIN cp $(BUILD_DIR)/TT_002.BIN $(DISK_DIR)/SERVANT/TT_002.BIN disk: disk_prepare $(SOTNDISK) make build/sotn.$(VERSION).cue $(DISK_DIR) $(CONFIG_DIR)/disk.us.lba disk_debug: disk_prepare cd tools/sotn-debugmodule && make cp $(BUILD_DIR)/../sotn-debugmodule.bin $(DISK_DIR)/SERVANT/TT_000.BIN $(SOTNDISK) make build/sotn.$(VERSION).cue $(DISK_DIR) $(CONFIG_DIR)/disk.us.lba # put this here as both PSX HD and PSP use it extract_disk_psp%: mkdir -p disks/psp$* 7z x -y disks/sotn.psp$*.iso -odisks/psp$*/ python-dependencies: # the python setup cannot depend on the virtualenv # because it may not be set up yet [ -d $(VENV_PATH) ] || python3 -m venv $(VENV_PATH) pip install -r $(TOOLS_DIR)/requirements-python.txt update-dependencies: ##@ update tools and internal dependencies update-dependencies: $(ASMDIFFER_APP) $(M2CTX_APP) $(M2C_APP) $(MASPSX_APP) $(SATURN_SPLITTER_APP) $(GO) $(ALLEGREX_AS) python-dependencies cd $(SATURN_SPLITTER_DIR)/rust-dis && cargo build --release cd $(SATURN_SPLITTER_DIR)/adpcm-extract && cargo build --release rm $(SOTNDISK) && make $(SOTNDISK) || true rm $(SOTNASSETS) && make $(SOTNASSETS) || true git clean -fd bin/ bin/%: bin/%.tar.gz sha256sum --check $<.sha256 cd bin && tar -xzf ../$< rm $< touch $@ bin/%.tar.gz: bin/%.tar.gz.sha256 wget -O $@ https://github.com/Xeeynamo/sotn-decomp/releases/download/cc1-psx-26/$*.tar.gz $(ASMDIFFER_APP): git submodule init $(ASMDIFFER_DIR) git submodule update $(ASMDIFFER_DIR) $(M2CTX_APP): curl -o $@ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ethteck/m2ctx/main/m2ctx.py $(M2C_APP): git submodule init $(M2C_DIR) git submodule update $(M2C_DIR) $(PYTHON) -m pip install --upgrade pycparser $(MASPSX_APP): git submodule init $(MASPSX_DIR) git submodule update $(MASPSX_DIR) $(GO): curl -L -o go1.22.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz https://go.dev/dl/go1.22.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz tar -C $(HOME) -xzf go1.22.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz rm go1.22.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz $(SOTNDISK): $(GO) $(SOTNDISK_SOURCES) cd tools/sotn-disk; $(GO) install $(SOTNASSETS): $(GO) $(SOTNASSETS_SOURCES) cd tools/sotn-assets; $(GO) install # Handles assets $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/%.spritesheet.json.o: $(ASSETS_DIR)/%.spritesheet.json ./tools/splat_ext/spritesheet.py encode $< $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/$*.s $(AS) $(AS_FLAGS) -o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/$*.o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/$*.s $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/dra/%.json.o: $(ASSETS_DIR)/dra/%.json ./tools/splat_ext/assets.py $< $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/dra/$*.s $(AS) $(AS_FLAGS) -o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/dra/$*.o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/dra/$*.s $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/ric/%.json.o: $(ASSETS_DIR)/ric/%.json ./tools/splat_ext/assets.py $< $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/ric/$*.s $(AS) $(AS_FLAGS) -o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/ric/$*.o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/ric/$*.s $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/%.bin.o: $(ASSETS_DIR)/%.bin mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(LD) -r -b binary -o $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/$*.o $< $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/%.dec.o: $(ASSETS_DIR)/%.dec # for now '.dec' files are ignored touch $@ $(BUILD_DIR)/$(ASSETS_DIR)/%.png.o: $(ASSETS_DIR)/%.png touch $@ SHELL = /bin/bash -e -o pipefail ##@ ##@ Disc Dumping Targets ##@ dump_disk: ##@ dump a physical game disk dump_disk: dump_disk_$(VERSION) dump_disk_eu: dump_disk_cd dump_disk_hk: dump_disk_cd dump_disk_jp10: dump_disk_cd dump_disk_jp11: dump_disk_cd dump_disk_jp: dump_disk_cd dump_disk_saturn: dump_disk_cd dump_disk_us: dump_disk_cd dump_disk_usproto: dump_disk_cd dump_disk_psp%: dump_disk_not_supported dump_disk_xbla%: dump_disk_not_supported dump_disk_cd: disks/sotn.$(VERSION).cue dump_disk_not_supported: @echo "Auatomated dumping of $(VERSION) is not supported" >&2 && exit 1 disks/sotn.%.bin disks/sotn.%.cue: @( which -s cdrdao && which -s toc2cue ) || (echo "cdrdao(1) and toc2cue(1) must be installed" && exit 1 ) cd disks && \ DEVICE="$(shell cdrdao scanbus 2>&1 | grep -vi cdrdao | head -n1 | sed 's/ : [^:]*$$//g')" && \ cdrdao read-cd \ --read-raw \ --datafile sotn.$*.bin \ --device "$$DEVICE" \ --driver generic-mmc-raw \ sotn.$*.toc && \ toc2cue sotn.$*.toc sotn.$*.cue && \ rm sotn.$*.toc include tools/tools.mk .PHONY: all, clean, patch, check, build, expected .PHONY: format, ff, format-src, format-tools, format-symbols .PHONY: main, dra, ric, cen, dre, mad, no3, np3, nz0, st0, wrp, rwrp, bomar, borbo3, tt_000, tt_001, tt_002 .PHONY: %_dirs .PHONY: extract, extract_% .PHONY: update-dependencies python-dendencies .PHONY: dump_disk dump_disk_%