# build container and tag it as sotn-build:latest # docker build --tag sotn-build:latest --build-arg USER=$USER . # launch container and mount current directory under /sotn # docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/sotn sotn-build /bin/bash # make extract -j && make build -j FROM ubuntu:22.04 ADD /tools/requirements-debian.txt /tools/requirements-debian.txt RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y $(cat /tools/requirements-debian.txt) WORKDIR /sotn ARG USER RUN adduser ${USER} ENV VENV_PATH=/tools/.venv RUN mkdir -p ${VENV_PATH} RUN chown ${USER} /sotn ${VENV_PATH} USER ${USER} # this is similar to `make python-dependencies`, however, # the Makefile is not available until a container has # been created. ADD tools/requirements-python.txt /tools/requirements-python.txt RUN python3 -m venv ${VENV_PATH} && \ . ${VENV_PATH}/bin/activate && \ pip install -r /tools/requirements-python.txt RUN git config --global --add safe.directory /sotn