Luciano Ciccariello 358b7a10df
Import BSS section across all overlays (#1473)
I did not do it for `weapon`. This is the script I used:

`python3 asm/us/st/dre/data/23264.sbss.s > src/st/dre/bss.c`

import sys

with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

print('#include "common.h"')
for line in lines:
    if line == "\n":
    elif line.startswith(".include"):
    elif line.startswith(".section"):
    elif line.startswith("glabel"):
        label = line[7:].replace("\n", "")
        len = 0
    elif ".word" in line:
        if len > 0 and n != 4:
            print(f"WARN: {label}", file=sys.stderr)
        n = 4
        len += 1
    elif ".short" in line:
        if len > 0 and n != 2:
            print(f"WARN: {label}", file=sys.stderr)
        n = 2
        len += 1
    elif ".byte" in line:
        if len > 0 and n != 1:
            print(f"WARN: {label}", file=sys.stderr)
        n = 1
        len += 1
    elif line.startswith(".size"):
        if len == 1:
            if n == 1:
                print(f"u8 {label};")
            elif n == 2:
                print(f"u16 {label};")
            elif n == 4:
                print(f"u32 {label};")
            if n == 1:
                print(f"u8 {label}[{len}];")
            elif n == 2:
                print(f"u16 {label}[{len}];")
            elif n == 4:
                print(f"u32 {label}[{len}];")


the script is a bit dumb. It does not account of the header. Some types
are wrong compared to their prototype. The memory layout matches though,
so we can keep iterating on top of this.
2024-08-04 16:14:49 -07:00

104 lines
3.2 KiB

platform: psx
basename: stst0
base_path: ..
build_path: build/us
target_path: disks/us/ST/ST0/ST0.BIN
asm_path: asm/us/st/st0
asset_path: assets/st/st0
src_path: src/st/st0
ld_script_path: build/us/stst0.ld
compiler: GCC
- config/
- config/
undefined_funcs_auto_path: config/
undefined_syms_auto_path: config/
find_file_boundaries: yes
use_legacy_include_asm: no
migrate_rodata_to_functions: no
asm_jtbl_label_macro: jlabel
extensions_path: tools/splat_ext
- ".data"
- ".rodata"
- ".text"
- ".bss"
- ".sbss"
- name: stst0
type: code
start: 0x00000000
vram: 0x80180000
align: 4
subalign: 4
- [0x0, .data, header]
- [0x124, .data, header] # layers
- [0x1A4, data]
- [0x314, .data, e_laydef] # layout entries header
- [0x4BC, data]
- [0x580, data]
- [0x770, data]
- [0x828, .data, draculacutscene] # "Richter, Dracula"
- [0x830, data]
- [0x990, data]
- [0xAB0, data]
- [0x1618, .data, collision]
- [0x1978, .data, e_red_door]
- [0x1990, data]
- [0x2060, .data, rooms]
- [0x2084, data]
- [0x26B8, .data, e_layout] # layout entries data
- [0x29D8, data]
#- [0x3D1C, cmp]
- [0x487C, data]
#- [0x17F80, cmp]
- [0x187BC, data]
#- [0x1A40C, cmp]
- [0x1A750, data]
- [0x1B2D0, .data, tile_data] # tile data
- [0x1E6D0, .data, tile_data] # tile definitions
- [0x226E0, .data, sprites]
- [0x27984, .rodata, 27D64]
- [0x279E8, .rodata, draculacutscene] # EntityDraculaCutscene
- [0x27A74, .rodata, 2A218] # EntityCutscene
- [0x27AB4, .rodata, 2A8DC] # EntitySecretButton
- [0x27ACC, .rodata, 2A8DC] # EntitySecretStairs
- [0x27AE0, .rodata, 2B0C8] # EntityStageTitleFadeout
- [0x27B00, .rodata, 2B0C8] # EntityStageTitleCard
- [0x27B18, .rodata, 2B0C8] # func_801ABBBC
- [0x27B40, .rodata, 2C564] # EntityDracula
- [0x27B7C, .rodata, 2DAC8] # "charal %x\n"
- [0x27B8C, .rodata, 2DAC8] # EntityDraculaFinalForm
- [0x27BDC, .rodata, 2DAC8] # "can't get effect works!\n"
- [0x27BFC, .rodata, 2DAC8] # func_801AF774
- [0x27C1C, .rodata, 30030] # PrologueScroll
- [0x27C6C, .rodata, e_red_door] # EntityRedDoor
- [0x27C84, rodata]
- [0x27C8C, .rodata, 36358]
- [0x27CAC, .rodata, 36358] # EntityEquipItemDrop
- [0x27CC4, rodata]
- [0x27D3C, .rodata, prim_helpers]
- [0x27D44, rodata]
- [0x27D64, c]
- [0x28984, c, draculacutscene]
- [0x2A218, c]
- [0x2A8DC, c]
- [0x2B0C8, c]
- [0x2C564, c] # EntityDracula
- [0x2DAC8, c]
- [0x30030, c]
- [0x3186C, c, random]
- [0x3189C, c, update]
- [0x31B98, c, update_stage_entities]
- [0x31CA0, c, collision]
- [0x330E0, c, create_entity]
- [0x33C58, c, e_red_door]
- [0x34908, c]
- [0x36358, c]
- [0x3D0C0, c, prim_helpers]
- [0x3D8F0, c]
- [0x3EB00, .bss, bss]
- [0x425C4]