mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 13:09:44 +00:00
This adds this overlay to the project. Importantly, we use a new tool (tools/auto_dedupe_new_overlay) to process the new overlay and automatically split its C files according to known duplicate files. As of now, this does not do any decompiling (the whole overlay is kept as INCLUDE_ASM), but it automatically does all the file splits and code copying needed. Hopefully this reduces some amount of duplicated work. To be clear, this new script is not in any build chain, but is meant to be used after `make-config` to take the overlay from being a single giant lump of `us.c` to being individual files, for the sake of easier deduplicating. It will likely need some revision for future overlays, but at least it should be a good start toward reducing tedious work. I'll leave this overlay in place like this for about a week in case there are any newcomers who would like to try de-duplicating some of these files and decompiling the new functions; after that week I'll get into doing things myself.
385 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
385 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import mapfile_parser
import mapfile_parser.utils
import mapfile_parser.frontends.upload_frogress
import os
import requests
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from mapfile_parser import MapFile
from mapfile_parser import ProgressStats
slug = "sotn"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Report decompilation progress")
parser.add_argument("--version", required=False, type=str, help="Game version")
help="Print the request instead of posting it to the server",
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.version == None:
args.version = os.getenv("VERSION")
if args.version == None:
args.version = "us"
def printerr(msg: str):
print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
def exiterr(msg: str):
def get_git_commit_message() -> str:
return (
subprocess.check_output(["git", "show", "-s", "--format=%s"])
class DecompProgressStats:
name: str
exists: bool
code_matching: int
code_total: int
functions_matching: int
functions_total: int
code_matching_prev: int
functions_prev: int
def get_asm_path(self, ovl_path) -> Path:
Returns one of the following valid paths:
asm_path = f"asm/{args.version}/{ovl_path}"
if os.path.exists(asm_path):
return Path(asm_path)
asm_path_psp = f"asm/{args.version}/{ovl_path}_psp"
if os.path.exists(asm_path_psp):
return Path(asm_path_psp)
exiterr(f"path '{asm_path}' or '{asm_path_psp}' not found")
def get_nonmatchings_path(self, asm_path: Path) -> Path:
Returns one of the following valid paths:
nonmatchings = f"{asm_path}/nonmatchings"
if not os.path.exists(nonmatchings):
nonmatchings_psp = f"{asm_path}/psp"
if not os.path.exists(nonmatchings_psp):
# nonmatchings path does not exist, the overlay is 100% decompiled
return ""
nonmatchings = nonmatchings_psp
nonmatchings_subdir = os.path.join(nonmatchings, os.path.basename(asm_path))
if os.path.exists(nonmatchings_subdir):
nonmatchings = nonmatchings_subdir
# hack to return 'asm/us/main/nonmatchings' instead of 'asm/us/main/nonmatchings/main'
if nonmatchings.endswith("/main"):
nonmatchings = nonmatchings[:-5]
return Path(nonmatchings)
def __init__(self, module_name: str, path: str):
self.name = module_name
self.code_matching = 0
self.code_total = 0
self.functions_matching = 0
self.functions_total = 0
map_path = Path(f"build/{args.version}/{module_name}.map")
if not os.path.exists(map_path):
printerr(f"file '{map_path}' not found")
self.exists = False
self.exists = True
map_file = mapfile_parser.MapFile()
asm_path = self.get_asm_path(path)
nonmatchings = self.get_nonmatchings_path(asm_path)
depth = 4 + path.count("/")
map_file.filterBySectionType(".text"), asm_path, nonmatchings, depth
# modified version of mapfile_parser.MapFile.getProgress
def calculate_progress(
self, map_file: MapFile, asmPath: Path, nonmatchings: Path, pathIndex: int
totalStats = ProgressStats()
progressPerFolder: dict[str, ProgressStats] = dict()
for file in [file for segment in map_file for file in segment]:
if len(file) == 0:
folder = file.filepath.parts[pathIndex]
if folder not in progressPerFolder:
progressPerFolder[folder] = ProgressStats()
originalFilePath = Path(*file.filepath.parts[pathIndex:])
extensionlessFilePath = originalFilePath
while extensionlessFilePath.suffix:
extensionlessFilePath = extensionlessFilePath.with_suffix("")
if asmPath != "":
fullAsmFile = asmPath / extensionlessFilePath.with_suffix(".s")
wholeFileIsUndecomped = fullAsmFile.exists()
else: # nonmatchings path does not exist, the overlay is 100% decompiled
wholeFileIsUndecomped = False
for func in file:
self.functions_total += 1
funcAsmPath = nonmatchings / extensionlessFilePath / f"{func.name}.s"
if wholeFileIsUndecomped:
totalStats.undecompedSize += func.size
progressPerFolder[folder].undecompedSize += func.size
elif funcAsmPath.exists():
totalStats.undecompedSize += func.size
progressPerFolder[folder].undecompedSize += func.size
self.functions_matching += 1
totalStats.decompedSize += func.size
progressPerFolder[folder].decompedSize += func.size
self.code_matching = totalStats.decompedSize
self.code_total = totalStats.decompedSize + totalStats.undecompedSize
class DecompProgressWeaponStats:
name: str
exists: bool
code_matching: int
code_total: int
functions_matching: int
functions_total: int
code_matching_prev: int
functions_prev: int
def __init__(self):
self.name = "weapon"
self.exists = True
self.code_matching = 0
self.code_total = 0
self.functions_matching = 0
self.functions_total = 0
for i in range(0, 59):
stats = DecompProgressStats(f"weapon/w0_{i:03d}", "weapon")
if stats.exists:
self.code_matching += stats.code_matching
self.code_total += stats.code_total
self.functions_matching += stats.functions_matching
self.functions_total += stats.functions_total
def remove_not_existing_overlays(progresses):
new_progresses = dict[str, DecompProgressStats]()
for key in progresses:
value = progresses[key]
if value.exists == True:
new_progresses[key] = value
return new_progresses
def get_progress(module_name: str, path: str) -> DecompProgressStats:
return DecompProgressStats(module_name, path)
def hydrate_previous_metrics(progresses: dict[str, DecompProgressStats], version: str):
def fetch_metrics(category, callback):
api_base_url = os.getenv("FROGRESS_API_BASE_URL")
r = requests.get(f"{api_base_url}/data/{slug}/{version}/{category}")
if r.status_code == 404:
for ovl in progress:
callback(ovl, 0)
res = r.json()
if (
res == None
or res[slug] == None
or res[slug][version] == None
or res[slug][version][category] == None
return progress
last_measures = res[slug][version][category][0]["measures"]
assert last_measures != None
for ovl in progress:
if ovl in last_measures:
last_measure = last_measures[ovl]
if last_measure != None:
callback(ovl, last_measure)
callback(ovl, 0)
def set_code_prev(ovl_name, value):
progresses[ovl_name].code_matching_prev = value
def set_func_prev(ovl_name, value):
progresses[ovl_name].functions_prev = value
progress = remove_not_existing_overlays(progresses)
fetch_metrics("code", set_code_prev)
fetch_metrics("functions", set_func_prev)
def get_progress_entry(progresses: dict[str, DecompProgressStats]):
def as_code(progresses: dict[str, DecompProgressStats]):
obj = {}
for key in progresses:
overlay_progress = progresses[key]
obj[overlay_progress.name] = overlay_progress.code_matching
obj[f"{overlay_progress.name}/total"] = overlay_progress.code_total
return obj
def as_functions(progresses: DecompProgressStats):
obj = {}
for key in progresses:
overlay_progress = progresses[key]
obj[overlay_progress.name] = overlay_progress.functions_matching
obj[f"{overlay_progress.name}/total"] = overlay_progress.functions_total
return obj
return {
"timestamp": mapfile_parser.utils.getGitCommitTimestamp(),
"git_hash": mapfile_parser.utils.getGitCommitHash(),
"categories": {
"code": as_code(progresses),
"functions": as_functions(progresses),
def report_stdout(entry):
def report_human_readable_dryrun(progresses: dict[str, DecompProgressStats]):
for overlay in progresses:
stat = progresses[overlay]
if stat.code_matching != stat.code_matching_prev:
coverage = stat.code_matching / stat.code_total
coverage_diff = (
stat.code_matching - stat.code_matching_prev
) / stat.code_total
funcs = stat.functions_matching / stat.functions_total
funcs_diff = (
stat.functions_matching - stat.functions_prev
) / stat.functions_total
" ",
f"{overlay.upper()} ({args.version}):",
f"coverage {coverage*100:.2f}%",
f"funcs {funcs*100:.2f}%",
print(f"{overlay.upper()} no new progress")
def report_frogress(entry, version):
api_base_url = os.getenv("FROGRESS_API_BASE_URL")
url = f"{api_base_url}/data/{slug}/{version}/"
url, json={"api_key": os.getenv("FROGRESS_API_SECRET"), "entries": [entry]}
def report_discord(progresses: dict[str, DecompProgressStats]):
report = ""
for overlay in progresses:
stat = progresses[overlay]
if stat.code_matching != stat.code_matching_prev:
coverage = stat.code_matching / stat.code_total
coverage_diff = coverage - (stat.code_matching_prev / stat.code_total)
funcs = stat.functions_matching / stat.functions_total
funcs_diff = funcs - (stat.functions_prev / stat.functions_total)
report += (
" ",
f"**{overlay.upper()} ({args.version})**:",
f"coverage {coverage*100:.2f}%",
f"funcs {funcs*100:.2f}%",
+ "\n"
if len(report) == 0:
# nothing to report, do not send any message to Discord
data = {
"username": "Progress",
"embeds": [
"title": get_git_commit_message(),
"description": report,
requests.post(url, json=data).raise_for_status()
if __name__ == "__main__":
progress = dict[str, DecompProgressStats]()
progress["main"] = DecompProgressStats("main", "main")
progress["dra"] = DecompProgressStats("dra", "dra")
progress["weapon"] = DecompProgressWeaponStats()
progress["ric"] = DecompProgressStats("ric", "ric")
progress["stcen"] = DecompProgressStats("stcen", "st/cen")
progress["stdre"] = DecompProgressStats("stdre", "st/dre")
progress["stmad"] = DecompProgressStats("stmad", "st/mad")
progress["stno0"] = DecompProgressStats("stno0", "st/no0")
progress["stno3"] = DecompProgressStats("stno3", "st/no3")
progress["stnp3"] = DecompProgressStats("stnp3", "st/np3")
progress["stnz0"] = DecompProgressStats("stnz0", "st/nz0")
progress["stsel"] = DecompProgressStats("stsel", "st/sel")
progress["stst0"] = DecompProgressStats("stst0", "st/st0")
progress["stwrp"] = DecompProgressStats("stwrp", "st/wrp")
progress["strwrp"] = DecompProgressStats("strwrp", "st/rwrp")
progress["bomar"] = DecompProgressStats("bomar", "boss/mar")
progress["rbo3"] = DecompProgressStats("borbo3", "boss/rbo3")
progress["tt_000"] = DecompProgressStats("tt_000", "servant/tt_000")
progress["tt_001"] = DecompProgressStats("tt_001", "servant/tt_001")
hydrate_previous_metrics(progress, args.version)
progress = remove_not_existing_overlays(progress)
entry = get_progress_entry(progress)
if args.dryrun == False:
report_frogress(entry, args.version)