Luciano Ciccariello 1df0706a04
Document animation-related code (#1269)
This took a few hours of research spread across a few days. A few

`.ext.weapon.anim` and `.ext.player.anim` are both on `0xAC` and they
NEED to stay aligned since they both call `PlayAnimation`, which
operates on `.anim`. I double-checked `EntityWeaponAttack` and the param
entity is definitively not `PLAYER`, despite `.anim` being in the same
offset. I did not encounter a single `.ext.generic.unkAC` that is not
related to animations, so this can be a pretty strong clue of a pattern.
I have this theory where not all the area of an entity from `0x7C` to
`0xBC` is reserved, but just from `0x7C` to _at least_ `0xAC`, with _at
least_ the last `0x10` bytes are part of a shared struct among all
/* 0x7C */ Ext ext;
/* 0xAC*/ u8 anim;
I want to collect more proof before proceeding to mass-rename

I learnt what `g_Player.pl_vram_flag` is actually doing. It holds some
kind of state of the player towards the map collision. It holds a bunch
of flags that helps setting the animation. I still feel not confident
enough to create `#define`'s for it until we know more.

All the `condition = ((g_Player.pl_vram_flag & 0x20) != condition)` got
rewritten with the following:
atLedge = 0;
if (g_Player.pl_vram_flag & 0x20) {
    atLedge = 1;
the `atLedge` adds up to the `anim` function. The animation table
essentially have one ID after the other where the first holds the Anim
ID when the player is not at the ledge and the next one where it is. For

`D_800ACF4C` and `D_800ACF54` are some kind-of animation helpers when
Alucard either stands still, jumps or falls. I burnt the values in
`stubs.c` while we wait for importing the remaining DRA data.
2024-06-06 20:12:26 +01:00

174 lines
5.2 KiB

g_CheatCodes = 0x800A300C;
D_800B0860 = 0x800B0860;
aPbav = 0x800B107C;
aPbav_0 = 0x800B407C;
aPbav_2 = 0x800B607C;
aPbav_1 = 0x800B807C;
aPqes_1 = 0x800BA07C;
aPqes = 0x800BC37D;
aPqes_0 = 0x800BCAC3;
g_CdVolumeTable = 0x800BD07C;
g_DebugEnabled = 0x800BD1C0;
g_VabAddrs = 0x800BD1C8;
g_SeqInfo = 0x800BD1E0;
g_XaMusicConfigs = 0x800BD224;
g_SfxData = 0x800BF554;
D_800DBFFC = 0x800DBFFC; // ignore:true
aStrY02x = 0x800E1A74;
HandleGameOver = 0x800E5584;
RenderEntities = 0x800EBBAC;
AllocPrimitives = 0x800EDC80;
FreePrimitives = 0x800EDE78;
RenderPrimitives = 0x800EDEDC;
CheckCollision = 0x800EF45C;
MenuDraw = 0x800F8F28;
MenuHandleCursorInput = 0x800FA034;
MenuHandle = 0x800FBC24;
AddToInventory = 0x800FD874;
GetStatusAilmentTimer = 0x800FDB18;
IsRelicActive = 0x800FE3A8;
HandleSaveMenu = 0x80103238;
DestroyEntity = 0x80106590;
EntityAlucard = 0x8010A5BC;
SetPlayerStep = 0x8010D584;
SetPlayerAnim = 0x8010DA48;
DecelerateX = 0x8010E1EC;
SetSpeedX = 0x8010E390;
AlucardHandleDamage = 0x8011405C;
PlayerStepHellfire = 0x80116408;
EntityNumberMovesToHpMeter = 0x80118D0C;
EntityGuardText = 0x80119588;
CreateEntFactoryFromEntity = 0x8011AAFC;
EntityEntFactory = 0x8011AC3C;
EntityPlayerBlinkWhite = 0x8011BDA4;
EntityMpReplenished = 0x8011D9F8;
EntityTransparentWhiteCircle = 0x801200AC;
EntityPlayerPinkEffect = 0x80120AF8;
EntityPlayerDissolves = 0x80120DD0;
EntityLevelUpAnimation = 0x80121980;
EntityMist = 0x8012231C;
EntityTeleport = 0x801243B0;
EntitySubwpnThrownDagger = 0x80124B88;
EntitySubwpnThrownAxe = 0x80125330;
EntityHolyWaterBreakGlass = 0x80125E68;
EntitySubwpnCrashCross = 0x801267B0;
EntityHellfireHandler = 0x80126ECC;
EntityStopWatch = 0x8012A89C;
EntityBatEcho = 0x8012BEF8;
CdSoundCommand4 = 0x80132F60;
CdSoundCommand6 = 0x80133290;
CdSoundCommand12 = 0x80133960;
CdSoundCommand14 = 0x80133BDC;
PlaySfx = 0x801347F8;
g_DebugFreeze = 0x801362AC;
g_DebugHitboxViewMode = 0x801362B0;
g_DebugPalIdx = 0x801362C0;
g_DebugColorChannel = 0x801362C4;
g_CurrentOT = 0x801362CC;
g_DebugIsRecordingVideo = 0x801362D8;
g_GpuMaxUsage = 0x801362DC;
g_DebugWaitInfoTimer = 0x80136300;
g_DebugRecordVideoFid = 0x80136304;
g_softResetTimer = 0x80136408;
g_NowLoadingModel = 0x80136414;
g_SimFile = 0x8013644C;
g_PadsRepeatTimer = 0x80137460;
g_MemcardRetryCount = 0x80137470;
g_MemcardFd = 0x80137474;
g_DecSrcPtr = 0x80137578;
g_DecDstPtr = 0x8013757C;
g_DecReadNibbleFlag = 0x80137580;
g_DecWriteNibbleFlag = 0x80137584;
g_IsCloakLiningUnlocked = 0x80137600;
g_IsCloakColorUnlocked = 0x80137604;
g_IsSelectingEquipment = 0x8013760C;
g_EquipmentCursor = 0x80137610;
g_EquipOrderType = 0x80137618;
g_MenuData = 0x8013761C;
g_JosephsCloakContext = 0x801376EE;
g_RelicMenuFadeTimer = 0x80137850;
g_TimeAttackEntryTimes = 0x80137854;
c_strTimeAttackEntry = 0x801378C0;
g_NewAttackRightHand = 0x8013792C;
g_NewAttackLeftHand = 0x80137930;
g_NewDefenseEquip = 0x80137934;
g_NewPlayerStatsTotal = 0x80137938;
g_ServantPrevious = 0x8013795C;
g_PlayerHud = 0x8013796C;
g_HealingMailTimer = 0x80137998;
g_MemCardRetryCount = 0x80137E50;
g_MemCardRStep = 0x80137E64;
g_MemCardRStepSub = 0x80137E68;
g_CdCallback = 0x80137F58;
g_CdLoc = 0x80137F5C;
g_Cd = 0x80137F60;
g_Cd_D_80137F68 = 0x80137F68;
g_Cd_D_80137F70 = 0x80137F70;
g_Cd_D_80137F74 = 0x80137F74;
g_Cd_D_80137F78 = 0x80137F78;
g_Cd_D_80137F7C = 0x80137F7C;
g_Cd_overlayCopySrc = 0x80137F80;
g_Cd_overlayCopyDst = 0x80137F84;
g_Cd_addr = 0x80137F88;
g_Cd_overlayBlockCount = 0x80137F8C;
g_Cd_overlayLastBlockSize = 0x80137F90;
g_VabId = 0x80137F94;
g_WasFacingLeft = 0x80137FC0;
g_WasFacingLeft2 = 0x80137FC4;
g_WasFacingLeft3 = 0x80137FC8;
g_WasFacingLeft4 = 0x80137FCC;
g_WasFacingLeft5 = 0x80137FD0;
g_WasFacingLeft6 = 0x80137FD4;
g_WasFacingLeft7 = 0x80137FD8;
g_WingSmashButtonCounter = 0x80137FF4;
g_WingSmashButtonTimer = 0x80137FF8;
g_WingSmashTimer = 0x80137FFC;
g_BatScreechDone = 0x80138000;
g_MistTimer = 0x80138004;
g_CurrentXaConfigId = 0x80138458;
g_SeqTable = 0x80138460;
g_CurCdPos = 0x80138F20;
g_CdMode = 0x80138F24;
g_KeyOffChannels = 0x80138F28;
g_CdCommandResult = 0x80138F2C;
g_SeqPointers = 0x80138F84;
g_SfxRingBufferReadPos = 0x80138FAC;
g_DebugMode = 0x80138FB0;
g_VolL = 0x80138FB8;
g_ButtonCombo = 0x80138FC0;
g_sfxRingBufferWritePos = 0x80139000;
g_VolR = 0x80139004;
g_DebugCurPal = 0x8013900C;
g_MuteCd = 0x80139020;
g_PrevEquippedWeapons = 0x8013905C;
g_CurrentXaSoundId = 0x80139064;
g_SeqVolume1 = 0x8013909C;
g_BackBuffer = 0x801390D4;
g_SfxRingBuffer = 0x801390DC;
g_CdCommandStatus = 0x801396F0;
g_CdSoundCommandQueuePos = 0x801396F4;
g_SeqPlayingId = 0x80139810;
g_XaMusicVolume = 0x80139820;
g_CdSoundCommandQueue = 0x80139868;
g_SoundCommandRingBufferReadPos = 0x80139A68;
g_SoundCommandRingBufferWritePos = 0x80139A70;
g_CdSoundCommandStep = 0x8013AE80;
g_UnkChannelSetting2 = 0x8013AE84;
g_volumeL = 0x8013AE8C;
g_ReverbDepth = 0x8013AE98;
g_SoundInitialized = 0x8013AEEC;
g_SeqVolume2 = 0x8013AEF0;
g_MemcardInfo = 0x8013AEF8;
g_SoundCommandRingBuffer = 0x8013B3E8;
g_MemcardBlockRead = 0x8013B5F0;
g_UnkChannelSetting1 = 0x8013B614;
g_ChannelGroupVolume = 0x8013B620;
g_SeqAccessNum = 0x8013B658;
g_MemcardStep = 0x8013B660;
g_CdVolume = 0x8013B668;
g_CdSoundCommand16 = 0x8013B684;
g_volumeR = 0x8013B698;
g_imgUnk8013C200 = 0x8013C200;
g_imgUnk8013C270 = 0x8013C270;
g_StageOverlay = 0x80180000;