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synced 2024-11-23 13:09:44 +00:00
Wow. This is perhaps one of the hardest functions I've ever done. It does disgusting things with pointers that I've never seen anything like before - some of them are the fault of the programmers, some are the compiler. Once I was like 98% done, I found func_801B69F8 which is very similar (and decompiled), but wasn't picked up by the duplicate finder, so that was a little sad. Once I found that though, the last of my mysteries were quickly solved. This is a huge function and it's nice to get it cracked.
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133 lines
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g_SpriteBanks = 0x80180040;
g_pStObjLayoutHorizontal = 0x80180728;
g_pStObjLayoutVertical = 0x801807FC;
PfnEntityUpdates = 0x801808D0;
g_eBreakableInit = 0x80180A3C;
g_InitializeData0 = 0x80180A48;
g_InitializeEntityData0 = 0x80180A54;
g_EInitGeneric = 0x80180A6C;
g_InitDataEnt13 = 0x80180A78;
g_eInitGeneric2 = 0x80180A90;
g_eDamageDisplayInit = 0x80180A9C;
g_eRedDoorTiles = 0x80180D78;
g_eBreakableAnimations = 0x80180E28;
g_eBreakableHitboxes = 0x80180E48;
g_eBreakableExplosionTypes = 0x80180E50;
g_eBreakableanimSets = 0x80180E58;
g_eBreakableDrawModes = 0x80180E68;
g_TrapDoorFlag = 0x80181104;
UNK_Invincibility0 = 0x8018164C;
g_goldCollectTexts = 0x80181DC4;
c_GoldPrizes = 0x80181DEC;
c_HeartPrizes = 0x80181E7C;
g_ExplosionYVelocities = 0x80181E80;
g_bigRedFireballAnim = 0x80181EA8;
g_ExplosionAnimations = 0x80181F2C;
g_eUnk14SpawnRots = 0x80181FA4;
unk15_rot = 0x80181FB4;
unk15_yVel = 0x80181FC4;
unk14_yVel = 0x80181FDC;
unk14_startFrame = 0x80181FF4;
unk14_lifetime = 0x80181FF8;
g_olroxDroolCollOffsets = 0x80182000;
g_ESoulStealOrbAngles = 0x8018205C;
g_ESoulStealOrbSprt = 0x8018206C;
g_ESoulStealOrbAnim = 0x801820CC;
g_Rooms = 0x80183A7C;
EntityBreakable = 0x801B26FC;
EntityShuttingWindow = 0x801B2C20;
EntityCastleDoor = 0x801B2F30;
EntityTransparentWater = 0x801B39CC;
EntityCavernDoorLever = 0x801B3E84;
EntityCavernDoorPlatform = 0x801B4004;
EntityClickSwitch = 0x801B4558;
EntityPathBlockSmallWeight = 0x801B4680;
EntityPathBlockTallWeight = 0x801B4940;
EntityTrapDoor = 0x801B4BE8;
EntityMermanRockLeftSide = 0x801B4D60;
EntityMermanRockRightSide = 0x801B5108;
EntityFallingRock2 = 0x801B560C;
EntityStairwayPiece = 0x801B5790;
EntityFallingRock = 0x801B5C5C;
EntitySwitch = 0x801B5F60;
EntityHeartRoomGoldDoor = 0x801B6084;
EntityUnkId49 = 0x801B644C;
EntitySlogra = 0x801B6990;
EntitySlograSpear = 0x801B75EC;
EntitySlograSpearProjectile = 0x801B7798;
EntityGaibon = 0x801B78BC;
EntitySmallGaibonProjectile = 0x801B8D84;
EntityLargeGaibonProjectile = 0x801B8E94;
Random = 0x801B90BC;
Update = 0x801B90EC;
UpdateStageEntities = 0x801B93E8;
HitDetection = 0x801B94F0;
EntityDamageDisplay = 0x801BA608;
InitRoomEntities = 0x801BB508;
UpdateRoomPosition = 0x801BB680;
CreateEntityFromCurrentEntity = 0x801BB734;
CreateEntityFromEntity = 0x801BB7A8;
EntityRedDoor = 0x801BB89C;
DestroyEntity = 0x801BC4D4;
AnimateEntity = 0x801BC604;
GetDistanceToPlayerX = 0x801BC7D4;
GetDistanceToPlayerY = 0x801BC810;
GetSideToPlayer = 0x801BC844;
MoveEntity = 0x801BC888;
AllocEntity = 0x801BCD44;
AdjustValueWithinThreshold = 0x801BCF20;
SetStep = 0x801BD114;
SetSubStep = 0x801BD134;
InitializeEntity = 0x801BD1E4;
EntityDummy = 0x801BD2E0;
EntityPrizeDrop = 0x801BDEF4;
EntityExplosion = 0x801BE768;
EntityEquipItemDrop = 0x801BE908;
EntityRelicOrb = 0x801BF1A0;
EntityHeartDrop = 0x801BFC70;
EntityMessageBox = 0x801BFD98;
EntityUnkId13 = 0x801C03E4;
EntityUnkId15Spawner = 0x801C0624;
EntityUnkId14 = 0x801C070C;
EntityUnkId15 = 0x801C07FC;
EntityIntenseExplosion = 0x801C119C;
EntityStageNamePopup = 0x801C2860;
EntitySoulStealOrb = 0x801C34E4;
EntityEnemyBlood = 0x801C3878;
EntityRoomForeground = 0x801C3D28;
EntitySplashWater = 0x801C4DCC;
EntitySurfacingWater = 0x801C56D8;
EntitySideWaterSplash = 0x801C5BC4;
EntitySmallWaterDrop = 0x801C5F58;
EntityWaterDrop = 0x801C61B4;
EntityMerman2 = 0x801C6564;
EntityExplosion2 = 0x801C7650;
EntityMediumWaterSplash = 0x801C7880;
EntityMermanWaterSplash = 0x801C7954;
EntityLargeFallingObject = 0x801C8010;
EntityMermanSpawner = 0x801C80DC;
EntityMerman = 0x801C8238;
EntityMermanExplosion = 0x801C8FEC;
EntityBoneScimitar = 0x801C91C4;
EntityBoneScimitarParts = 0x801C9874;
EntityBat = 0x801C997C;
EntityZombie = 0x801C9BC8;
EntityZombieSpawner = 0x801C9E28;
EntityBloodSplatter = 0x801C9F98;
EntityBloodyZombie = 0x801CA654;
EntityOwl = 0x801CB018;
EntityOwlKnight = 0x801CC2E0;
EntityHammer = 0x801CE69C;
EntityGurkhaBodyParts = 0x801CF254;
EntityHammerWeapon = 0x801CF5B8;
EntityGurkha = 0x801CF94C;
EntityGurkhaSword = 0x801D0730;
EntityBlade = 0x801D0D40;
EntityBladeSword = 0x801D1BB8;
PrimDecreaseBrightness = 0x801D2704;
g_LayoutObjHorizontal = 0x801D2768;
g_LayoutObjVertical = 0x801D276C;
g_LayoutObjPosHorizontal = 0x801D2770;
g_LayoutObjPosVertical = 0x801D2774;
g_ItemIconSlots = 0x801D33F4;