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synced 2024-11-23 13:09:44 +00:00
Another disappointing non-match, even closer than #1008 . There is only one registry swap in one single line. I've been permuting for a day without success. Putting this here if anyone wants to give it a try: https://decomp.me/scratch/AuSvv
472 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
472 lines
20 KiB
Executable File
# Performs analysis of every function in the asm directory. For each function, finds
# all functions called by this one, and all functions that call this one.
# By default, this will create several thousand SVG files.
# Run with --dry to generate data for all files as testrun, without outputting files.
# Run with --ultradry to just do the function analysis, but skip generating SVG.
# This will print the time taken for each step of the process, which is helpful for
# benchmarking, as well as determining if execution is taking longer as the repo grows.
# On my machine, all steps prior to SVG generation take less than 1 second, and SVG
# generation takes 30 seconds (regardless of dry mode). Note times printed are cumulative
# in the sense that the printed time is not per-step, but is time since execution start.
from pathlib import Path
import os
import re
import graphviz
import time
import multiprocessing
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate call diagram SVGs")
help="Perform a dry run. Generate SVGs, but do not output to file",
help="Perform a dry run. Calculate call hierarchy, but skip generating SVGs",
output_dir = "function_calls"
# All functions I've found that are used in a 'jalr' instruction in the game
callable_registers = ["$v0", "$v1", "$a0", "$a1", "$t2"]
# Handles drawing in the blobs
graph_colors = {"N/A": "lightblue", "True": "green", "False": "red"}
# Important function. For a given line of assembly including a 'jal' or 'jalr' instruction,
# Make an attempt to identify the function being called. For 'jal' this is usually easy.
# For 'jalr' it tends to require more processing.
def handle_jal_call(full_file, call_index):
call_line = full_file[call_index]
call_target = call_line.split(" ")[-1].strip()
if call_target in function_lookup: # easy, just a direct function call by name
return call_target
# Check if we're calling based on a register's value.
if call_target in callable_registers:
# Find what line sets that register.
searchback = 1
while (
call_target not in full_file[call_index - searchback]
or "beqz" in full_file[call_index - searchback]
or "jalr" in full_file[call_index - searchback]
searchback += 1
callreg_setline = full_file[call_index - searchback]
if "g_api" in callreg_setline:
# regex that will pull out the function being called
match = re.search(r"%lo\(([^)]+)\)", callreg_setline)
# Handle members of the g_api Overlay object
if "g_api_o_" in match.group(1):
return match.group(1).replace("_", ".")
# Handle the first element of it, where the symbol gets truncated to just g_api
if "g_api" == match.group(1):
return "g_api.o.Update"
# Handle functions such as AllocPrimitives that are referenced indirectly through g_api
if match.group(1).replace("g_api_", "") in function_lookup:
return match.group(1).replace("g_api_", "")
# Handle remaining symbols that are just straight in GameApi
if match.group(1) in function_lookup:
return match.group(1)
# Calling something held in a variable, usually a D_ or a g_
variable_pattern = r"lw\s+" + "\\" + call_target + r", %lo\(([^)]+)\)"
if match := re.search(variable_pattern, callreg_setline):
return match.group(1)
if "0x28($s0)" in callreg_setline or "-0xC($s0)" in callreg_setline:
return "UnknownpfnEntityUpdate"
# happens in NZ0/func_801C1034. v0 is set by dereferencing a register.
target_setter_pattern = r"lw\s+" + "\\" + call_target + r", 0x.{,2}\((\$\w+)"
if match := re.search(target_setter_pattern, callreg_setline):
source_register = match.group(1)
pattern = r"\s{3,}" + "\\" + source_register
# Now find where THAT was set. Repeat the same we did for v0.
searchback += 1
while not re.search(pattern, full_file[call_index - searchback]):
searchback += 1
if "g_api" in full_file[call_index - searchback]:
# regex that will pull out the function being called
match = re.search(r"%lo\(([^)]+)\)", full_file[call_index - searchback])
if match:
return match.group(1)
match = re.search(
r"\(([^)]*)\)", full_file[call_index - searchback]
) # use anything in parentheses
if match:
return match.group(1)
# Special cases that would otherwise fail. Disable any one of these to see where it's needed.
if (
"8016B3E4" in callreg_setline
): # weird case in one function with compiler optimizing two calls into one
return "PlaySfx"
if "0xB8($a2)" in callreg_setline or "-0x20($s0)" in callreg_setline:
return "UnknownEntityFunction"
if "8017B5A8" in callreg_setline:
return "g_api_CreateEntFactoryFromEntity"
if any(
x in callreg_setline for x in ["80015840", "80015E74", "8001923C"]
): # weird sdk stuff
return "UnknownSDKFunction"
print("made it out the bottom")
print("Failed to return a value")
# SDK functions in include/psxsdk/{whatever}.h are not in the decomp, but may be called.
def get_sdk_funcs():
functions = []
# weird thing where setjmp is commented out in libc.h; we add it manually here for now.
for sdkfile in ["libgpu.h", "libc.h", "libcd.h", "libapi.h", "kernel.h"]:
with open(f"include/psxsdk/{sdkfile}") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
match = re.search(
r"(\w+)\(", line
) # Find a word right before an open parenthesis - a function name.
if match:
return functions
# Many functions in main are not being splatted out yet, so we add them here, like SDK.
def get_main_funcs():
# hardcode this one in there, it's not in any assembly file
functions = ["g_MainGame"]
for file in Path("asm/us/main").rglob("*[!data].s"):
with open(file) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if "glabel" in line:
return functions
# Functions in gameapi are often strange, especially in the Overlay member.
def get_gapi_funcs():
found_functions = []
# Load up symbols for the relative functions loaded into GameApi
with open("config/symbols.us.txt") as f:
symbols = f.readlines()
for symbol in symbols:
symbolname = symbol.split(" = ")[0]
if "g_api_" in symbolname:
found_functions.append(symbolname.replace("_", "."))
# Special case, first element of struct doesn't have a dedicated symbol.
return found_functions
# Functions which have been identified as handwritten. These will be in splat
# with something like: - [0x3ABA4, asm, handwritten/DecDCTvlc]
def get_handwritten_funcs():
handwritten = [
sotn_function(s.stem, str(s))
for s in Path("asm").rglob("*.s")
if "handwritten" in str(s)
return handwritten
def is_decompiled(srcfile, fname):
with open(srcfile) as f:
srclines = f.readlines()
for line in srclines:
if fname in line and "INCLUDE_ASM" in line:
return False
return True
def get_c_filename(asm_filename):
assert "asm/us" in asm_filename and "/nonmatchings/" in asm_filename
# Step 1: Replace asm/us for src
srcpath = asm_filename.replace("asm/us", "src")
# Step 2: Remove the nonmatchings
no_nonmatchings = srcpath.replace("/nonmatchings/", "/")
# Little known rpartition drops the function name to get the last directory, which should be c file name.
c_filename = no_nonmatchings.rpartition("/")[0] + ".c"
assert os.path.exists(c_filename)
return c_filename
# Given a function name called from a caller, find which of a set of candidates is probably the function being called.
# We do this based on their C file paths, assuming that a longer shared path (usually, sharing an overlay) will correspond
# to being the function being called. This logic may need to be improved.
def find_func_match(caller, candidates):
prefix_lengths = [
len(os.path.commonprefix([caller.c_filename, candidate.c_filename]))
for candidate in candidates
# Detect ties. If this is 1, there is a single longest match, otherwise, resolve the tie.
longest_match_count = prefix_lengths.count(max(prefix_lengths))
if longest_match_count == 1:
return candidates[prefix_lengths.index(max(prefix_lengths))]
elif longest_match_count > 1:
# We have a tie. This happens when there are multiple copies of a function,
# but neither matches the caller's overlay. For example, UpdateAnim is in both DRA
# and tt_000, while being called from RIC (and some weapons). CreateEntFactoryFromEntity
# is in both DRA and RIC, while being called from tt_000. When we run into these situations,
# we will use the DRA version, since it's the overarching unifier for the rest of the game.
for candidate in candidates:
if candidate.unique_name.startswith("dra."):
return candidate
print("Can't resolve tie, none in DRA!")
print("No candidates!")
# Given a sotn_function object, go through and find all its function calls.
# Any function called should be added as a callee for the input_function, and
# the input_function should be added as a caller for the called function.
def analyze(input_function):
with open(input_function.asm_filename) as f:
asm_lines = f.read().split("\n")
for i, line in enumerate(asm_lines):
if "jal" in line:
callee_name = handle_jal_call(asm_lines, i)
# Special case due to a problem with assembly assigning symbols (see PR #1034)
if "g_PlOvl" in callee_name:
if callee_name.startswith("D_"):
if callee_name.startswith("Unknown"):
candidate_callees = function_lookup[callee_name]
assert len(candidate_callees) > 0
# It's one of the special cases that we establish
if isinstance(candidate_callees, str):
# If there is only one candidate (only one function in the codebase by that name), we have it.
if len(candidate_callees) == 1:
callee = candidate_callees[0]
best_match = find_func_match(input_function, candidate_callees)
# Create an index.html which lists all functions with their overlays
def generate_html(function_list):
# Sort all functions into overlays, with the name as tiebreaker to sort within overlays
sorted_funcs = sorted(
[f for f in function_list if f.overlay != "mad"],
key=lambda x: (x.overlay, x.name),
html = '<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"></head><body>\n'
active_overlay = ""
# Now iterate through all functions, creating links to their SVG files.
for f in sorted_funcs:
# When the overlay changes, add a heading.
if f.overlay != active_overlay:
# End the previous overlay's list, unless this is the first overlay.
if active_overlay != "":
html += "</ul>\n"
active_overlay = f.overlay
html += f"<h2>{active_overlay}</h2>\n"
html += "<ul>\n"
dec_symbol = "✅" if f.decompile_status == "True" else "❌"
html += f'<li><a href="{f.unique_name}.svg">{dec_symbol + f.name}</a></li>\n'
html += "</ul>\n"
html += "</body></html>"
return html
# Create a markdown file pointing us toward all the different function graphs
def generate_md(function_list):
sorted_funcs = sorted(
[f for f in function_list if f.overlay != "mad"],
key=lambda x: (x.overlay, x.name),
md_page = ""
active_overlay = ""
# Now iterate through all functions, creating links to their SVG files.
for f in sorted_funcs:
# When the overlay changes, add a heading.
if f.overlay != active_overlay:
active_overlay = f.overlay
md_page += f"# {active_overlay}\n"
dec_symbol = "✅" if f.decompile_status == "True" else "❌"
md_page += (
f"- [{dec_symbol} {f.name}]({output_dir}/{f.unique_name}.svg?raw=1)\n"
return md_page
# This represents calls that we can't connect to a real C function. This includes SDK functions, or calls where
# it is unclear what actual function is being called.
class fake_function:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.decompile_status = "N/A"
self.unique_name = name
class sotn_function:
def __init__(self, name, asm_filename):
self.name = name
self.asm_filename = asm_filename
# From the asm filename, get the C filename
if "handwritten" in self.asm_filename:
self.decompile_status = "N/A"
self.c_filename = get_c_filename(self.asm_filename)
self.decompile_status = str(is_decompiled(self.c_filename, self.name))
self.callers = {}
self.callees = {}
filepath_split = self.asm_filename.split("/")
self.overlay = filepath_split[2]
if self.overlay == "st":
self.overlay = filepath_split[3]
if self.overlay == "weapon":
self.overlay = filepath_split[4]
# Name used in SVG files, must be different from any other function
self.unique_name = ".".join([self.overlay, self.name])
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.name} at {self.asm_filename}\n{self.c_filename}\n{self.callers}\n{self.callees}\n"
def add_callee(self, other_function):
if other_function.unique_name in self.callees:
self.callees[other_function.unique_name][0] += 1
self.callees[other_function.unique_name] = [
def add_caller(self, other_function):
if other_function.unique_name in self.callers:
self.callers[other_function.unique_name][0] += 1
self.callers[other_function.unique_name] = [
def render_svg(self):
graph = graphviz.Digraph(self.unique_name, graph_attr={"ranksep": "2"})
# We sort the items so they will be alphabetized. This reduces changes from
# one run to the next. Any differences should be due to changes in the repo.
for callee, flags in sorted(self.callees.items()):
href=callee + ".svg",
graph.edge(self.unique_name, callee, headlabel=str(flags[0]))
# Same sorting as above
for caller, flags in sorted(self.callers.items()):
href=caller + ".svg",
graph.edge(caller, self.unique_name, taillabel=str(flags[0]))
imgbytes = graph.pipe(format="svg")
return imgbytes
def create_svg_file(self):
with open(f"{output_dir}/{self.unique_name}.svg", "wb") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
timer = time.perf_counter()
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
# 1: Create baseline function objects for every .s file
functions = [
sotn_function(s.stem, str(s))
for s in Path("asm").rglob("*.s")
if "nonmatchings" in str(s)
if len(functions) == 0:
print("Error! You probably didn't run `make force_extract` first")
f"Initialized {len(functions)} function objects in {time.perf_counter()-timer} seconds"
# Make sure all the functions really do have a unique name
assert len(functions) == len(set(f.unique_name for f in functions))
# This is a "phonebook" that allows you to get all the function objects matching any function name
# This is needed because functions only call another function by name. Therefore, with the name,
# this lookup table allows you to find the sotn_function object which is being called.
function_lookup = {}
for f in functions:
if f.name not in function_lookup:
function_lookup[f.name] = [f]
for f in get_handwritten_funcs():
if f.name not in function_lookup:
function_lookup[f.name] = [f]
# Add SDK functions (which don't exist in ASM or C form) as bare entries
for f in get_sdk_funcs():
function_lookup[f] = "SDK"
# Similar for main functions
for f in get_main_funcs():
function_lookup[f] = "MAIN"
for f in get_gapi_funcs():
function_lookup[f] = "GAPI"
print(f"Created function lookup table in {time.perf_counter() - timer} seconds")
# 2: For each function, find what it calls. When finding a callee, also add itself as caller.
for function in functions:
if not any(x in function.c_filename for x in ["psxsdk", "mad"]):
print(f"Calculated call relations in {time.perf_counter() - timer} seconds")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.ultradry:
print(f"Rendering in {'dry' if args.dry else 'full output'} mode")
# 3: Render all the functions, either dry or saved to file.
def worker(function):
if args.dry:
with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool:
pool.map(worker, functions)
print(f"Completed SVG rendering in {time.perf_counter() - timer} seconds")
if not args.dry:
html = generate_html(functions)
with open(f"{output_dir}/index.html", "w") as f:
markdown = generate_md(functions)
with open(f"{output_dir}/../function_graphs.md", "w") as f:
print("Markdown written to " + os.path.realpath(f.name))
print(f"Generated HTML in {time.perf_counter() - timer} seconds")