mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 13:09:44 +00:00
PSX: https://decomp.me/scratch/RL97B PSP: https://decomp.me/scratch/3WKmX `func_us_8018B4A0` needed to be decompiled before importing all the assets due to GCC compiling `PfnEntityUpdates[entity->entityId - 1]` into a hardcoded offset landing to the `header.c` data as a fake symbol. The decompiled function seem to be some kind of object spawner for the cutscenes controller. I have yet to confirm that, so I did not rename any symbols yet. EDIT: `func_us_8018B4A0` turned out to be a shared function I renamed as `CutsceneRun`. DRE and CEN use slightly different variants and they will not use the new `cutscene.h`. I plan on putting more stuff into `cutscene.h` in a separate PR and maybe rename all the C files that handle cutscenes accordingly.
940 lines
32 KiB
940 lines
32 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import concurrent.futures
import hashlib
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
from typing import Callable
import yaml
import struct
import sys
from symbols import sort_symbols_from_file
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Make files inside config/ for a PSP overlay"
help="name of the overlay to disassemble",
help="game version",
def yowarning(s: str):
print(f"\033[1;33;m{s}\033[m", file=sys.stderr)
def omgpanic(s: str):
print(f"\033[1;31;m{s}\033[m", file=sys.stderr)
def align(n: int, alignment: int):
return int((n + alignment - 1) / alignment) * alignment
LW = 0x23
ADDIU = 0x09
LUI = 0x0F
V0 = 0x02
SP = 0x1D
JR_RA = 0x03E00008
NOP = 0x00000000
def parse_mips_instruction(data: bytes):
Parse a 32-bit MIPS instruction and separate its components.
Consts: https://github.com/Xeeynamo/mipsdump/blob/master/mipsdump/Instructions.fs
Format: https://github.com/Xeeynamo/mipsdump/blob/master/mipsdump/Disassembler.fs
if len(data) < 4:
omgpanic(f"unable to decompile mips instruction {len(data)} bytes long")
if len(data) > 4:
data = data[:4]
word = int(struct.unpack("<I", data)[0])
immu = word & 0xFFFF
imm = immu
if imm & 0x8000:
imm -= 0x10000 # signed short
return {
"op": (word >> 26) & 0x3F,
"rs": (word >> 21) & 0x1F,
"rt": (word >> 16) & 0x1F,
"rd": (word >> 11) & 0x1F,
"shamt": (word >> 6) & 0x1F,
"funct": word & 0x3F,
"imm": imm,
"immu": immu,
def match_word(data: bytearray, match: Callable[[bytes], bool], r: range) -> int:
for i in r:
if match(data[i : i + 4]):
return i
return -1
def match_first_word(data: bytearray, match: Callable[[bytes], bool]) -> int:
return match_word(data, match, range(0, len(data), 4))
def get_first_word(data: bytearray, word: int) -> int:
search = struct.pack("<I", word)
return match_first_word(data, lambda x: x == search)
def match_reverse_first_word(data: bytearray, match: Callable[[bytes], bool]) -> int:
return match_word(data, match, range(len(data) - 4, -1, -4))
def get_reverse_first_word(data: bytearray, word: int) -> int:
search = struct.pack("<I", word)
return match_reverse_first_word(data, lambda x: x == search)
def estimate_gnu_c_function_begin(data: bytearray, reverse: bool):
Get an estimation of where a function begins within the specified data.
This works by searching for 'addiu $sp, $sp, XX'.
NOTE: it does not necessarily mark the beginning of the function.
Use reverse=True to search from the end of the data array instead from the beginning.
def match_addiu_sp_sp(data: bytes) -> bool:
mips = parse_mips_instruction(data)
return mips["op"] == ADDIU and mips["rt"] == SP and mips["rs"] == SP
if reverse:
return match_reverse_first_word(data, match_addiu_sp_sp)
return match_first_word(data, match_addiu_sp_sp)
def get_gnu_c_function_end(data: bytearray, reverse: bool):
Finds the end of a function within the specified data by searchinfg for 'jr $ra'.
Use reverse=True to search from the end of the data array instead from the beginning.
if reverse:
off = get_reverse_first_word(data, JR_RA)
off = get_first_word(data, JR_RA)
if off < 0:
return off
return off + 8
def get_gnu_c_first_jtbl_addr(data: bytearray):
Get the raw address of the first jump table used by the first function found.
def is_lw_to_v0(x: bytes) -> bool:
mips = parse_mips_instruction(x)
return mips["op"] == LW and mips["rt"] == V0
def is_lui_to_dst(x: bytes, dst_reg: int) -> bool:
mips = parse_mips_instruction(x)
return mips["op"] == LUI and mips["rt"] == dst_reg and mips["rs"] == 0
# search for 'jr $v0'
off_jr = get_first_word(data, 0x00400008)
if off_jr == -1:
return -1
# restrict search close to the offset found
# assume the search begins within the previous 10 instructions
subdata = data[off_jr - 40 : off_jr]
# search for 'lw $v0, %lo(XXX)(YYY)
off_lw = match_reverse_first_word(subdata, is_lw_to_v0)
if off_lw == -1:
return -1
mips_lw = parse_mips_instruction(subdata[off_lw:])
reg_src_lw = mips_lw["rs"]
# search for 'lui $RS, %hi(ZZZ)
off_lui = match_reverse_first_word(subdata, lambda x: is_lui_to_dst(x, reg_src_lw))
if off_lui == -1:
return -1
mips_lui = parse_mips_instruction(subdata[off_lui:])
return (mips_lui["immu"] << 16) + mips_lw["imm"]
def estimate_c_file_split(input: str, text_len: int):
tries to detect a file split by looking for gaps on 0x10 aligned functions
with open(input, "rb") as f:
data = struct.unpack(f"{text_len>>2}i", f.read(text_len))
splits = [0x80]
for i in range(len(data)):
n = data[i]
if n != JR_RA:
# check for a gap of at least two nops
if (i & 3) > 1:
if data[i + 1] != NOP:
if data[i + 2] != NOP:
offset = align(0x80 + i * 4, 0x10)
if offset < text_len:
splits += [offset]
return splits
def is_psp(version: str) -> bool:
return version.startswith("psp")
def is_weapon(ovl_name: str) -> bool:
return ovl_name.startswith("w0_") or ovl_name.startswith("w1_")
def is_servant(ovl_name: str) -> bool:
return ovl_name.startswith("tt_")
def is_base_ovl(ovl_name: str) -> bool:
return ovl_name == "dra" or ovl_name == "ric" or ovl_name == "maria"
def is_boss(ovl_name: str) -> bool:
ovl_name = ovl_name.lower()
return ovl_name.startswith("bo") or ovl_name.startswith("rbo") or ovl_name == "mar"
def is_stage(ovl_name: str) -> bool:
return (
is_weapon(ovl_name) == False
and is_servant(ovl_name) == False
and is_base_ovl(ovl_name) == False
and is_boss(ovl_name) == False
def make_ovl_path(ovl_name: str, version: str) -> str:
if is_psp(version):
return f"disks/{version}/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/res/ps/PSPBIN/{ovl_name.lower()}.bin"
elif version == "hd":
return f"disks/{version}/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/res/ps/hdbin/{ovl_name.lower()}.bin"
elif version == "saturn":
omgpanic("saturn version not implemented")
if is_servant(ovl_name):
return f"disks/{version}/SERVANT/{ovl_name.upper()}.BIN"
elif is_weapon(ovl_name):
omgpanic("weapon overlays for PS1 needs to be manually extracted")
elif is_boss(ovl_name):
return f"disks/{version}/BOSS/{ovl_name.upper()}/{ovl_name.upper()}.BIN"
elif is_stage(ovl_name):
return f"disks/{version}/ST/{ovl_name.upper()}/{ovl_name.upper()}.BIN"
elif is_base_ovl(ovl_name):
return f"disks/{version}/BIN/{ovl_name.upper()}.BIN"
omgpanic(f"'{ovl_name}' not recognized for '{version}' version")
def get_metrowerk_ovl_header(input: str):
Parse and return the Metrowerk overlay header that contains all the
necessary metadata to successfully parse the binary file.
with open(input, "rb") as file:
header_data = file.read(48)
if len(header_data) != 48:
omgpanic("not a valid overlay")
unpacked_data = struct.unpack("I I I I I I I I 16s", header_data)
if unpacked_data[0] != 0x336F574D:
omgpanic("not a valid overlay")
return {
"name": unpacked_data[8].split(b"\x00", 1)[0].decode("ascii"),
"vram": unpacked_data[2],
"text_len": unpacked_data[3],
"data_len": unpacked_data[4],
"bss_len": unpacked_data[5],
def get_splat_config_path(ovl_name: str, version: str) -> str:
return f"config/splat.{version}.{ovl_name}.yaml"
def get_sha1(file_name: str) -> str:
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
with open(file_name, "rb") as f:
return sha1.hexdigest()
def get_splat_config(
input: str,
ver: str,
name: str,
filename = input.split("/")[-1]
if is_weapon(name):
path_stuff = f"weapon/{name}"
file_stuff = name
elif is_servant(name):
path_stuff = f"servant/{name}"
file_stuff = name
elif is_boss(name):
path_stuff = f"boss/{name}"
file_stuff = f"bo{name}"
elif is_stage(name):
path_stuff = f"st/{name}"
file_stuff = f"st{name}"
path_stuff = name
file_stuff = name
platform = "psx"
asm_path = f"asm/{ver}/{path_stuff}"
bss_is_no_load = False
section_order = [".data", ".rodata", ".text", ".bss", ".sbss"]
if is_psp(ver):
platform = "psp"
asm_path += "_psp"
bss_is_no_load = True
section_order = [".text", ".data", ".rodata", ".bss"]
return {
"options": {
"platform": platform,
"basename": file_stuff,
"base_path": "..",
"build_path": f"build/{ver}",
"target_path": input,
"asm_path": asm_path,
"asset_path": f"assets/{path_stuff}",
"src_path": f"src/{path_stuff}",
"ld_script_path": f"build/{ver}/{file_stuff}.ld",
"compiler": "GCC",
"symbol_addrs_path": [
"undefined_funcs_auto_path": f"config/undefined_funcs_auto.{ver}.{file_stuff}.txt",
"undefined_syms_auto_path": f"config/undefined_syms_auto.{ver}.{file_stuff}.txt",
"find_file_boundaries": True,
"use_legacy_include_asm": False,
"migrate_rodata_to_functions": True,
"asm_jtbl_label_macro": "jlabel",
"symbol_name_format": f"{version}_$VRAM",
"section_order": section_order,
"ld_bss_is_noload": bss_is_no_load,
"disasm_unknown": True,
"include_macro_inc": False,
def make_config_psx(ovl_path: str, version: str):
class IndentDumper(yaml.Dumper):
def increase_indent(self, flow=False, indentless=False):
return super(IndentDumper, self).increase_indent(flow, False)
ovl_name = os.path.basename(ovl_path).split(".")[0].lower()
if is_stage(ovl_name) or is_boss(ovl_name):
vram = 0x80180000
elif is_servant(ovl_name):
vram = 0x80170000
elif ovl_name == "dra":
vram = 0x800A0000
elif ovl_name == "ric":
vram = 0x8013C000
omgpanic(f"unable to determine vram for '{ovl_name}'")
with open(ovl_path, "rb") as f:
ovl_data = f.read()
data_off = 0
text_off = estimate_gnu_c_function_begin(ovl_data, False)
bss_off = get_gnu_c_function_end(ovl_data, True)
jtbl_addr = get_gnu_c_first_jtbl_addr(ovl_data[text_off:bss_off])
if jtbl_addr > 0:
rodata_off = jtbl_addr - vram
rodata_off = -1
file_size = os.stat(ovl_path).st_size
config = get_splat_config(
subsegments = []
if data_off >= 0:
subsegments.append(f" - [0x{data_off:X}, data]\n")
if rodata_off >= 0:
migrate_rodata = config["options"]["migrate_rodata_to_functions"]
if migrate_rodata:
subsegments.append(f" - [0x{rodata_off:X}, .rodata, {version}]\n")
subsegments.append(f" - [0x{rodata_off:X}, rodata]\n")
if text_off >= 0:
subsegments.append(f" - [0x{text_off:X}, c, {version}]\n")
if bss_off >= 0:
subsegments.append(f" - [0x{bss_off:X}, sbss]\n")
ovl_name = config["options"]["basename"]
splat_config_path = get_splat_config_path(ovl_name, version)
with open(splat_config_path, "w") as f:
f.write(yaml.dump(config, Dumper=IndentDumper, sort_keys=False))
# now writes the rest manually because the default yaml formatting is horrifying
text = [
f"sha1: {get_sha1(ovl_path)}\n",
f" - name: {ovl_name}\n",
f" type: code\n",
f" start: 0\n",
f" vram: 0x{vram:08X}\n",
f" align: 4\n",
f" subalign: 4\n",
f" subsegments:\n",
text.append(f" - [0x{file_size:X}]\n")
return splat_config_path
def make_config_psp(ovl_path: str, version: str):
class IndentDumper(yaml.Dumper):
def increase_indent(self, flow=False, indentless=False):
return super(IndentDumper, self).increase_indent(flow, False)
ovl_header = get_metrowerk_ovl_header(ovl_path)
vram = ovl_header["vram"]
text_len = ovl_header["text_len"]
data_len = ovl_header["data_len"]
bss_len = ovl_header["bss_len"]
data_start = align(text_len, 0x80) + 0x80
bss_start = align(vram + data_start + data_len - 0x80, 0x80)
file_size = os.stat(ovl_path).st_size
splits = estimate_c_file_split(ovl_path, text_len)
config = get_splat_config(
ovl_name = config["options"]["basename"]
splat_config_path = f"config/splat.{version}.{ovl_name}.yaml"
with open(splat_config_path, "w") as f:
f.write(yaml.dump(config, Dumper=IndentDumper, sort_keys=False))
# now writes the rest manually because the default yaml formatting is horrifying
text = (
f" asm_inc_header: |\n",
f" .set noat /* allow manual use of $at */\n",
f" .set noreorder /* don't insert nops after branches */\n",
f' .include "macro.inc"\n',
f"sha1: {get_sha1(ovl_path)}\n",
f" - [0x0, bin, mwo_header]\n",
f' - name: {config["options"]["basename"]}\n',
f" type: code\n",
f" start: 0x80\n",
f" vram: 0x{vram+0x80:08X}\n",
f" bss_size: 0x{bss_len:X}\n",
f" align: 128\n",
f" subalign: 8\n",
f" subsegments:\n",
+ [f" - [0x{offset:X}, c]\n" for offset in splits]
+ [
f" - [0x{data_start:X}, data]\n",
f" - {{type: bss, vram: 0x{bss_start:X}}}\n",
f" - [0x{file_size:X}]\n",
return splat_config_path
def exec(cmd: str, *args):
cmd_args = [cmd]
with subprocess.Popen(
) as p:
stdout_raw, stderr_raw = p.communicate()
stdout_result = stdout_raw.decode("utf-8")
stderr_result = stderr_raw.decode("utf-8")
if p.returncode != 0:
omgpanic(stdout_result + stderr_result)
return stdout_result
def git(*args):
return exec("git", *args)
def make(*args):
return exec("make", *args)
def cargo_run(*args):
run_args = ["run", "--release", "--"]
return exec("cargo", *run_args)
def find_dups(threshold, dir1, dir2) -> dict[str, str]:
dir1 = os.path.join("../../", dir1)
dir2 = os.path.join("../../", dir2)
output = cargo_run("--threshold", f"{threshold}", "--dir", dir1, "--dir", dir2)
# format the output so it returns just a list of key-value pairs
separator = "--------------"
last_separator_index = len(output) - 1 - output[::-1].index(separator)
lines = output[last_separator_index + 1 :].split("\n")
pairs = {}
for line in lines:
items = line.split("|")
if len(items) < 2:
left = items[0].strip()
right = items[1].strip()
if len(left) == 0 or len(right) == 0:
if right.find("func_") >= 0: # ignore unnamed functions
pairs[left] = right
return pairs
def split(splat_config_path: str, disassemble_all: bool):
if disassemble_all:
return exec("splat", "split", splat_config_path, "--disassemble-all")
return exec("splat", "split", splat_config_path)
def adjust_include_asm(c_file, version):
with open(c_file) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
with open(c_file, "w") as f:
line.replace(f'INCLUDE_ASM("asm/{version}/', 'INCLUDE_ASM("').replace(
f'INCLUDE_RODATA("asm/{version}/', 'INCLUDE_RODATA("'
for line in lines
def list_all_files(path):
Return a list of all the files by walking through all subdirectories
list = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for file in files:
list.append(os.path.join(root, file))
return list
def get_asm_path(splat_config):
return splat_config["options"]["asm_path"]
def get_src_path(splat_config):
return splat_config["options"]["src_path"]
def get_symbol_prefix(splat_config):
prefix = splat_config["options"]["symbol_name_format"]
if prefix == None:
return ""
return str(prefix).replace("$VRAM", "")
def get_symbol_of_export_table(splat_config):
asm_path = get_asm_path(splat_config)
symbol_line = None
for file in list_all_files(f"{asm_path}/nonmatchings"):
with open(file) as f:
while True:
line = f.readline()
if line == "":
if " 1D09043C " not in line: # lui $a0, %hi(D_91CF738)
line = f.readline()
if " 38F78424 " not in line: # addiu $a0, $a0, %lo(D_91CF738)
maybe_symbol_line = f.readline() # lui $a1, %hi(D_psp_0924B960)
line = f.readline() # addiu $a1, $a1, %lo(D_psp_0924B960)
line = f.readline() # addiu $a2, $zero, 0x40
line = f.readline()
if " E127240E " not in line: # jal memcpy
symbol_line = maybe_symbol_line
if symbol_line != None:
if symbol_line == None:
return None
match = re.search(r"lui\s*\$a1,\s*%hi\(([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\)", symbol_line)
if not match:
return None
return match.group(1)
def get_symbol_of_entity_table(splat_config):
asm_path = get_asm_path(splat_config)
symbol_line = None
for file in list_all_files(f"{asm_path}/nonmatchings"):
with open(file) as f:
# get the previous 4 lines and look for the signature
# at the 4th last line read
buffer = [
while True:
buffer[0] = buffer[1]
buffer[1] = buffer[2]
buffer[2] = buffer[3]
buffer[3] = f.readline()
if buffer[3] == "":
if " 30BC43AC " not in buffer[3]: # sw $v1, -0x43D0($v0)
if " C708023C " not in buffer[2]: # lui $v0, (0x8C70000 >> 16)
symbol_line = buffer[0] # lui $v1, %hi(D_psp_09265438)
if symbol_line != None:
if symbol_line == None:
return None
match = re.search(r"lui\s*\$v1,\s*%hi\(([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\)", symbol_line)
if not match:
return None
return match.group(1)
def get_symbol_table(splat_config, table):
table_symbol = table
asm_path = get_asm_path(splat_config)
table = []
for file in list_all_files(f"{asm_path}/data"):
with open(file) as f:
while True:
line = f.readline()
if line == "":
if f"glabel {table_symbol}" not in line:
while True:
line = f.readline()
if f".size {table_symbol}" in line:
table += [line]
if len(table) > 0:
if len(table) == 0:
return None
# /* 4C388 09283A08 20BE2309 */ .word func_psp_0923BE20
# extract the '20BE2309' part
table = [
re.search(r"\/\* \w* \w* (\w*) \*\/ \.word \w*", line).group(1)
for line in table
# read it from the little-endian format from '20BE2309' to '0923BE20'
table = [f"{line[6:8]}{line[4:6]}{line[2:4]}{line[0:2]}" for line in table]
# finally convert it to an int
return [int(line, 16) for line in table]
def add_symbol(splat_config, name: str, offset: int):
if offset == 0:
# add symbol to the overlay symbol list
symbol_file_name = splat_config["options"]["symbol_addrs_path"][1]
sym_prefix = get_symbol_prefix(splat_config)
with open(symbol_file_name, "a") as f:
f.write(f"{name} = 0x{offset:08X};\n")
# do a find & replace on the extracted C code
for c_file in list_all_files(get_src_path(splat_config)):
adjust_include_asm(c_file, version)
with open(c_file, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
lines = [
line.replace(f"D_{sym_prefix}{offset:08X}", name).replace(
f"func_{sym_prefix}{offset:08X}", name
for line in lines
with open(c_file, "w") as f:
def hydrate_stage_export_table_symbols(splat_config, export_table):
add_symbol(splat_config, "UpdateStageEntities", export_table[0])
add_symbol(splat_config, "TestCollisions", export_table[1])
add_symbol(splat_config, "UpdateTilemap", export_table[2])
add_symbol(splat_config, "InitRoomEntities", export_table[3])
add_symbol(splat_config, "g_Rooms", export_table[4])
add_symbol(splat_config, "g_SpriteBanks", export_table[5])
add_symbol(splat_config, "g_Cluts", export_table[6])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "NULL", export_table[7]) # ??????
add_symbol(splat_config, "g_TileLayers", export_table[8])
add_symbol(splat_config, "g_EntityGfxs", export_table[9])
add_symbol(splat_config, "UpdateStageEntitiesAlt", export_table[10])
add_symbol(splat_config, "g_SpriteBank1", export_table[11])
if len(export_table) <= 12:
add_symbol(splat_config, "g_SpriteBank2", export_table[12])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "unk34", export_table[13])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "unk38", export_table[14])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "unk3C", export_table[15])
def hydrate_stage_entity_table_symbols(splat_config, export_table):
if len(export_table) > 15 and export_table[14] != export_table[15]:
f"cannot make assumption of 'EntityDummy' at 0x{export_table[14]:08X}\n"
"entity symbols will not be hydrated."
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityBreakable", export_table[0])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityExplosion", export_table[1])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityPrizeDrop", export_table[2])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityDamageDisplay", export_table[3])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityRedDoor", export_table[4])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityIntenseExplosion", export_table[5])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntitySoulStealOrb", export_table[6])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityRoomForeground", export_table[7])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityStageNamePopup", export_table[8])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityEquipItemDrop", export_table[9])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityRelicOrb", export_table[10])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityHeartDrop", export_table[11])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityEnemyBlood", export_table[12])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityMessageBox", export_table[13])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityDummy", export_table[14])
def hydrate_servant_symbols(splat_config, export_table):
# TODO give a meaningful name to this stuff
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Init", export_table[0])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Update", export_table[1])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk08", export_table[2])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk0C", export_table[3])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk10", export_table[4])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk14", export_table[5])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk18", export_table[6])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk1C", export_table[7])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk20", export_table[8])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk24", export_table[9])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk28", export_table[10])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk2C", export_table[11])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk30", export_table[12])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk34", export_table[13])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk38", export_table[14])
# add_symbol(splat_config, "Unk3C", export_table[15])
def hydrate_weapon_symbols(splat_config, export_table):
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityWeaponAttack", export_table[0])
add_symbol(splat_config, "func_ptr_80170004", export_table[1])
add_symbol(splat_config, "func_ptr_80170008", export_table[2])
add_symbol(splat_config, "func_ptr_8017000C", export_table[3])
add_symbol(splat_config, "func_ptr_80170010", export_table[4])
add_symbol(splat_config, "func_ptr_80170014", export_table[5])
add_symbol(splat_config, "GetWeaponId", export_table[6])
add_symbol(splat_config, "LoadWeaponPalette", export_table[7])
add_symbol(splat_config, "EntityWeaponShieldSpell", export_table[8])
add_symbol(splat_config, "func_ptr_80170024", export_table[9])
add_symbol(splat_config, "func_ptr_80170028", export_table[10])
add_symbol(splat_config, "WeaponUnused2C", export_table[11])
add_symbol(splat_config, "WeaponUnused30", export_table[12])
add_symbol(splat_config, "WeaponUnused34", export_table[13])
add_symbol(splat_config, "WeaponUnused38", export_table[14])
add_symbol(splat_config, "WeaponUnused3C", export_table[15])
def hydrate_psp_symbols(splat_config):
need_to_update_symbols = False
print("getting the export table...")
ovl_name = splat_config["options"]["basename"]
table = get_symbol_table(splat_config, get_symbol_of_export_table(splat_config))
if table != None:
if is_stage(ovl_name):
print("adding stage symbols...")
hydrate_stage_export_table_symbols(splat_config, table)
elif is_servant(ovl_name):
print("adding servant symbols...")
hydrate_servant_symbols(splat_config, table)
elif is_weapon(ovl_name):
print("adding weapon symbols...")
hydrate_weapon_symbols(splat_config, table)
need_to_update_symbols = True
if is_stage(ovl_name):
print("getting the entity stage table...")
entity_table_symbol = get_symbol_of_entity_table(splat_config)
if entity_table_symbol != None:
entity_table = get_symbol_table(splat_config, entity_table_symbol)
hydrate_stage_entity_table_symbols(splat_config, entity_table)
need_to_update_symbols = True
if need_to_update_symbols == True:
# disassemble once more to update the symbols
need_to_update_symbols = False
print("updating all symbols...")
split(splat_config_path, True)
def hydrate_psx_duplicate_symbols(splat_config):
Hydrate the symbol list by comparing the extracted functions with those already detected
in other overlays.
This works by invoking `make force_symbols` and `split --disassemble-all` to disassemble
existing decompiled function with the right names from other overlays and then launching
the duplicate detection tool to hydrate the targeted overlay symbol list.
samples = ["dra", "ric", "stsel", "stdre", "stnp3", "stnz0", "stst0", "stwrp"]
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
lambda name: split(get_splat_config_path(name, "us"), True), samples
git("checkout", "config/")
left_asm_path = os.path.join(get_asm_path(splat_config), "nonmatchings")
sym_prefix = get_symbol_prefix(splat_config)
t = 0.9
dups = (
find_dups(t, left_asm_path, f"asm/us/dra/matchings")
| find_dups(t, left_asm_path, f"asm/us/ric/matchings")
| find_dups(t, left_asm_path, f"asm/us/st/sel/matchings")
| find_dups(t, left_asm_path, f"asm/us/st/dre/matchings")
| find_dups(t, left_asm_path, f"asm/us/st/np3/matchings")
| find_dups(t, left_asm_path, f"asm/us/st/nz0/matchings")
| find_dups(t, left_asm_path, f"asm/us/st/st0/matchings")
| find_dups(t, left_asm_path, f"asm/us/st/wrp/matchings")
found = 0
added = set()
for left, right in dups.items():
func_prefix = f"func_{sym_prefix}"
if left.find(func_prefix) < 0: # ignore malformed function names
# avoid to add the same symbol to different offsets when dups are too similar
if right in added:
found += 1
offset = int(left.split(func_prefix)[1], 16)
add_symbol(splat_config, right, offset)
return found
def assert_sotn_decomp_cwd():
Ensure the tool is running from the sotn-decomp root directory.
If it does not, it tries to return back up to three directories.
for _ in range(3):
cwd = os.getcwd()
if (
os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwd, "tools"))
and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwd, "src"))
and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwd, "disks"))
and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(cwd, "Makefile"))
# retry from directory up
omgpanic("re-run this script from sotn-decomp root directory")
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.version == None:
args.version = os.getenv("VERSION")
if args.version == None:
args.version = "us"
version = args.version
overlay = args.input
ovl_input = make_ovl_path(overlay, version)
if is_psp(version):
print("generating psp splat config...")
splat_config_path = make_config_psp(ovl_input, version)
print("generating psx splat config...")
splat_config_path = make_config_psx(ovl_input, version)
with open(splat_config_path) as f:
splat_config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
for symbol_path in splat_config["options"]["symbol_addrs_path"]:
if not os.path.exists(symbol_path):
with open(symbol_path, "w") as f:
print(f"splitting {splat_config_path}...")
split(splat_config_path, False)
src_path = get_src_path(splat_config)
print(f"adjusting files at {src_path}...")
for c_file in list_all_files(src_path):
adjust_include_asm(c_file, version)
if is_psp(version):
print(f"finding duplicates (will take a while)...")
found = hydrate_psx_duplicate_symbols(splat_config)
if found > 0:
print(f"cross-referenced {found} symbols, splitting again...")
split(splat_config_path, False)
print("Done! 🫡")