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synced 2024-11-23 13:09:44 +00:00
This adds this overlay to the project. Importantly, we use a new tool (tools/auto_dedupe_new_overlay) to process the new overlay and automatically split its C files according to known duplicate files. As of now, this does not do any decompiling (the whole overlay is kept as INCLUDE_ASM), but it automatically does all the file splits and code copying needed. Hopefully this reduces some amount of duplicated work. To be clear, this new script is not in any build chain, but is meant to be used after `make-config` to take the overlay from being a single giant lump of `us.c` to being individual files, for the sake of easier deduplicating. It will likely need some revision for future overlays, but at least it should be a good start toward reducing tedious work. I'll leave this overlay in place like this for about a week in case there are any newcomers who would like to try de-duplicating some of these files and decompiling the new functions; after that week I'll get into doing things myself.
218 lines
8.8 KiB
218 lines
8.8 KiB
# Automatically de-duplicates a newly created overlay. The overlay should have its code in src/st/{OVL}/us.c
# Does not work for different versions, does not work for non-stage overlays (familiars, bosses, etc)
import argparse
import re
import os
# functions which appear at the start of our deduplicated files in existing stages.
# If you have "Random": ["st_update"] that means "Random" is the first function in the st_update.c file.
# Optionally, you can include a final function, like this:
# "StageNamePopupHelper" : ["e_stage_name", "EntityStageNamePopup"],
# Maybe the dictionary should be changed so the file name is the key, but eh.
file_start_funcs = {
"Random": ["st_update"],
"HitDetection": ["collision"],
"CreateEntityFromLayout": ["create_entity"],
"EntityIsNearPlayer": ["e_red_door"],
"DestroyEntity": ["st_common"],
"func_8018CAB0": ["e_collect"],
"BlitChar": ["blit_char"],
"EntityRelicOrb": ["e_misc"],
"StageNamePopupHelper": ["e_stage_name", "EntityStageNamePopup"],
"EntitySoulStealOrb": ["e_particles"],
"EntityRoomForeground": ["e_room_fg"],
"BottomCornerText": ["popup"],
"UnkPrimHelper": ["prim_helpers"],
def get_file_splits(overlay_name):
with open(f"src/st/{overlay_name}/us.c") as f:
clines = f.readlines()
with open(f"config/splat.us.st{overlay_name}.yaml") as f:
splatlines = f.readlines()
with open(f"config/symbols.us.st{overlay_name}.txt") as f:
symbollines = f.readlines()
file_splits = []
file_last_func = ""
force_next_func_split = False
for line in clines:
match = re.search(r'INCLUDE_ASM\("[^"]+",\s*(\w+)\);', line)
if match:
function_name = match.group(1)
if function_name in file_start_funcs:
filename = file_start_funcs[function_name][0]
if len(file_start_funcs[function_name]) == 2:
file_last_func = file_start_funcs[function_name][1]
file_last_func = ""
split_location = get_symbol_addr(function_name, overlay_name)
file_splits.append([f"0x{split_location}", filename, function_name])
elif function_name == file_last_func:
force_next_func_split = True
elif force_next_func_split:
split_location = get_symbol_addr(function_name, overlay_name)
[f"0x{split_location}", f"unk_{split_location}", function_name]
force_next_func_split = False
return file_splits
def write_file_splits_to_yaml(overlay_name, new_segments):
yaml_filename = f"config/splat.us.st{overlay_name}.yaml"
# initially open for reading. Then we'll mess with it, and open for writing.
with open(yaml_filename, "r") as f:
raw_yaml_lines = f.read().splitlines()
outlines = []
for line in raw_yaml_lines:
if ", c," not in line:
# now we output the lines which list the C segments
# Start with the first block of C, before our first identified segment.
first_line = line.replace("us", "first_c_file")
for seg in new_segments:
addr, filename, _ = seg
outlines.append(f" - [{addr}, c, {filename}]")
with open(yaml_filename, "w") as f:
def split_c_files(overlay_name, new_segments):
seg_dict = {s[2]: s[1] for s in new_segments}
c_file_in = f"src/st/{overlay_name}/us.c"
with open(c_file_in, "r") as f:
c_file_lines = f.read().splitlines()
# output buffer holds the lines that will write to the current file.
# Once we reach a new C file, we dump the buffer and start a new one.
file_header = '// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later\n#include "common.h"\n'
output_buffer = []
overlay_dir = f"src/st/{overlay_name}/"
output_filename = "first_c_file"
for line in c_file_lines:
match = re.search(r'INCLUDE_ASM\("[^"]+",\s*(\w+)\);', line)
if match:
function_name = match.group(1)
if function_name in seg_dict:
dest_file = seg_dict[function_name]
print(f"got a split on {function_name} to {dest_file}")
# Now that we have a new destination file, dump the buffer.
with open(overlay_dir + output_filename + ".c", "w") as f:
# Create our new file
output_buffer = [file_header]
output_filename = dest_file
line.replace("nonmatchings/us", f"nonmatchings/{output_filename}")
# Flush the last one
with open(overlay_dir + output_filename + ".c", "w") as f:
# Looks in the .map file to find the location of a symbol.
# Returns address as a string, representing hex location in the ROM (not RAM!)
# Might return "4ADC8" for example.
def get_symbol_addr(symbol_name, overlay_name):
with open("build/us/st" + overlay_name + ".map") as f:
symlines = f.read().splitlines()
for line in symlines:
lineparts = line.split()
if len(lineparts) != 2:
if symbol_name == lineparts[1]:
address = int(lineparts[0], 16)
# change from ram offset to rom offset
address -= 0x80180000
return f"{address:X}"
def split_rodata(overlay_name, new_segments):
# Get the rodata and create splat segments
# Do this by searching for INCLUDE_RODATA in the c files, and make the rodata parse to that file
overlay_dir = f"src/st/{overlay_name}/"
yaml_rodata_lines = []
for seg in new_segments:
c_file = overlay_dir + seg[1] + ".c"
with open(c_file) as f:
c_lines = f.read().splitlines()
for line in c_lines:
match = re.search(r'INCLUDE_RODATA\("[^"]+",\s*(\w+)\);', line)
if match:
# Found a line. Need to add rodata line to yaml.
# To do that, we need the rodata address.
rodata_name = match.group(1)
addr = get_symbol_addr(rodata_name, overlay_name)
yaml_rodata_lines.append(f" - [0x{addr}, .rodata, {seg[1]}]")
# We have now extracted the rodata from any INCLUDE_RODATA lines. Now also do any jump tables in any functions.
for line in c_lines:
match = re.search(r'INCLUDE_ASM\("[^"]+",\s*(\w+)\);', line)
if match:
funcname = match.group(1)
with open(
) as asmfile:
asmlines = asmfile.read().splitlines()
for i, line in enumerate(asmlines):
if "glabel jtbl" in line:
nextline = asmlines[i + 1]
jtbl_addr = "0x" + nextline.split()[1]
f" - [{jtbl_addr}, .rodata, {seg[1]}]"
# yaml rodata comes from multiple places. Sort the lines to make splat in right order.
# We need to have only one rodata segment per file. This was found in testing.
deduped_yaml_rodata = []
curr_rodata_seg = ""
for line in yaml_rodata_lines:
seg = line.split(",")[-1]
if seg != curr_rodata_seg:
curr_rodata_seg = seg
yaml_rodata_lines = deduped_yaml_rodata
# Now we have the yaml rodata lines. open the yaml file and write the lines into it.
yaml_filename = f"config/splat.us.st{overlay_name}.yaml"
# initially open for reading. Then we'll mess with it, and open for writing.
with open(yaml_filename, "r") as f:
raw_yaml_lines = f.read().splitlines()
outlines = []
for line in raw_yaml_lines:
if ".rodata," not in line:
first_line = line.replace("us", "first_c_file")
for roline in yaml_rodata_lines:
with open(yaml_filename, "w") as f:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Perform initial splitting out of files for new overlays"
help="Name of overlay (for example, no0)",
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()
splits = get_file_splits(args.ovl)
write_file_splits_to_yaml(args.ovl, splits)
split_c_files(args.ovl, splits)
split_rodata(args.ovl, splits)