bismurphy e10458d4b8
Some checks failed
Format code / format (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / extract-assets (push) Has been cancelled
Build Saturn version / build-and-test-saturn (push) Has been cancelled
Build Saturn version / function-finder-saturn (push) Has been cancelled
Build Debug Module tool / build (push) Has been cancelled
Build PSX and PSP version / build-and-test (pspeu, hd) (push) Has been cancelled
Build PSX and PSP version / build-and-test (pspeu, pspeu) (push) Has been cancelled
Build PSX and PSP version / build-and-test (us, us) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (i686, Debug, clang, custom) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (i686, Debug, clang, lle) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (i686, Debug, gcc, custom) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (i686, Debug, gcc, lle) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (i686, RelWithDebInfo, clang, custom) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (i686, RelWithDebInfo, clang, lle) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (i686, RelWithDebInfo, gcc, custom) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (i686, RelWithDebInfo, gcc, lle) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, Debug, clang, custom) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, Debug, clang, lle) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, Debug, gcc, custom) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, Debug, gcc, lle) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, RelWithDebInfo, clang, custom) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, RelWithDebInfo, clang, lle) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, RelWithDebInfo, gcc, custom) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, RelWithDebInfo, gcc, lle) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-macos (Debug, custom) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-macos (Debug, lle) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-macos (RelWithDebInfo, custom) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-macos (RelWithDebInfo, lle) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-windows (Debug, custom) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-windows (Debug, lle) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-windows (RelWithDebInfo, custom) (push) Has been cancelled
Build C code / build-windows (RelWithDebInfo, lle) (push) Has been cancelled
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-progress-report (pspeu, hd) (push) Has been cancelled
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-progress-report (pspeu, pspeu) (push) Has been cancelled
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-progress-report (us, us) (push) Has been cancelled
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-duplicates-report (us, us) (push) Has been cancelled
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-duplicates-report-psp (pspeu, pspeu) (push) Has been cancelled
Working code-sharing for a file of PSP DRA and main DRA (#1895)
Had to tweak some file splits, but ultimately I managed to decompile all
of the functions in a PSP file, and then line up the two DRA codebases
so that PSP could pull from the existing one. Of course, some of the
functions also needed tweaking to end up matching on PSP.

Glad to be able to prove this is possible in DRA!
2024-11-11 23:53:30 +00:00

95 lines
3.5 KiB

# Configuration
BUILD_DIR := build/pspeu
PSP_EU_TARGETS := dra stwrp tt_000
# Flags
AS_FLAGS += -EL -I include/ -G0 -march=allegrex -mabi=eabi
MWCCPSP_FLAGS := -gccinc -Iinclude -D_internal_version_$(VERSION) -c -lang c -sdatathreshold 0 -char unsigned
MWLDPSP_FLAGS := -partial -nostdlib -msgstyle gcc -sym full,elf -g
# Tools
ALLEGREX_AS := $(BIN_DIR)/allegrex-as
WIBO := $(BIN_DIR)/wibo
MWCCPSP := $(BIN_DIR)/mwccpsp.exe
MWASPSP := $(WIBO) $(BIN_DIR)/asm_psp_elf.exe -gnu
MWLDPSP := $(WIBO) $(BIN_DIR)/mwldpsp.exe
SPLAT_PIP := splat split
# Helper Functions
define list_src_files_psp
$(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIR)/$(1),$(wildcard $(dir)/**.s))
$(foreach dir,$(ASM_DIR)/$(1)/data,$(wildcard $(dir)/**.s))
$(foreach dir,$(SRC_DIR)/$(1),$(wildcard $(dir)/**.c))
$(foreach dir,$(ASSETS_DIR)/$(1),$(wildcard $(dir)/**))
define list_o_files_psp
$(foreach file,$(call list_src_files_psp,$(1)),$(BUILD_DIR)/$(file).o)
# Targets
build_pspeu: $(addsuffix _psp,$(PSP_EU_TARGETS))
extract_pspeu: $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/,$(addsuffix .ld,$(PSP_EU_TARGETS)))
wget -O $@
sha256sum --check $(WIBO).sha256
chmod +x $(WIBO)
$(MWCCPSP): $(WIBO) $(BIN_DIR)/mwccpsp_219
git submodule init $(MWCCGAP_DIR)
git submodule update $(MWCCGAP_DIR)
dra_psp: $(BUILD_DIR)/dra.bin
tt_000_psp: $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_000.bin
stwrp_psp: $(BUILD_DIR)/wrp.bin
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.bin: $(BUILD_DIR)/%.elf
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
$(BUILD_DIR)/wrp.bin: $(BUILD_DIR)/stwrp.elf
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@
$(BUILD_DIR)/dra.ld: $(CONFIG_DIR)/splat.pspeu.dra.yaml $(PSX_BASE_SYMS) $(CONFIG_DIR)/symbols.pspeu.dra.txt
$(BUILD_DIR)/tt_%.ld: $(CONFIG_DIR)/splat.pspeu.tt_%.yaml $(PSX_BASE_SYMS) $(CONFIG_DIR)/symbols.pspeu.tt_%.txt
$(BUILD_DIR)/dra.elf: $(BUILD_DIR)/dra.ld $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/src/dra/,$(addsuffix .c.o,$(ST_DRA_MERGE))) $$(call list_o_files_psp,dra_psp)
$(call link,dra,$@)
$(BUILD_DIR)/tt_%.elf: $(BUILD_DIR)/tt_%.ld $$(call list_o_files_psp,servant/tt_$$*) $(BUILD_DIR)/assets/servant/tt_%/mwo_header.bin.o
$(call link,tt_$*,$@)
ST_WRP_MERGE = st_update e_particles e_room_fg st_common st_debug e_breakable popup warp e_red_door
$(BUILD_DIR)/stwrp.elf: $(BUILD_DIR)/stwrp.ld $(addprefix $(BUILD_DIR)/src/st/wrp/,$(addsuffix .c.o,$(ST_WRP_MERGE))) $$(call list_o_files_psp,st/wrp_psp) $(BUILD_DIR)/assets/st/wrp/mwo_header.bin.o
$(call link,stwrp,$@)
# Recipes
$(BUILD_DIR)/%.s.o: %.s
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(AS) $(AS_FLAGS) -o $@ $<
FILES_WITH_O4 = 624DC.c.o 61F30.c.o 63C90.c.o
OPT_HIGH = -O4,p #need this because otherwise the comma breaks the filter statement
OPTIMIZATION = $(if $(filter $(notdir $@),$(FILES_WITH_O4)), $(OPT_HIGH), -Op)
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(MWCCGAP) $< $@ --mwcc-path $(MWCCPSP) --use-wibo --wibo-path $(WIBO) --as-path $(AS) --asm-dir-prefix asm/pspeu $(MWCCPSP_FLAGS) $(OPTIMIZATION)
$(BUILD_DIR)/assets/%/mwo_header.bin.o: assets/%/mwo_header.bin
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(LD) -r -b binary -o $@ $<