bismurphy e44d51186b
Decompile Iron Shield func_ptr_80170024 (#1475)
Most important note on this one is that it uses the 0xA0 entity offset.
We already had `shield.unkA0` being used in a different shield. However,
on this shield it's accessed as a half-word, while the other one
accesses as a word.

I looked into it a bit, and realized that the other shield uses it as a
change in Y velocity, and ET_Weapon already uses 0xA0 as an
accelerationY. Therefore, I changed that shield to use ext.weapon for
that entry, and this allows us to change Shields to use 0xA0 as a

In general, it looks like shields use a mix of the normal ET_Weapon and
the specific ET_Shield. Maybe we can work out what's what at some point
in the future, especially once all the weapons are done and we can start
truly digging into the purpose of every unkXX value in there.
2024-08-04 20:05:50 -07:00

1467 lines
30 KiB

* Custom Entity Subtypes
#include "common.h"
typedef void (*PfnEntityUpdate)(struct Entity*);
typedef union {
s32 unk;
void* ptr;
struct {
s8 unk0, unk1, unk2, unk3;
} S8;
struct {
u8 unk0, unk1, unk2, unk3;
} U8;
struct {
s16 unk0, unk2;
} S16;
struct {
u16 unk0, unk2;
} U16;
} Multi;
typedef union {
s16 s;
u16 u;
struct {
s8 unk0, unk1;
} S8;
struct {
u8 unk0, unk1;
} U8;
} Multi16;
struct Entity;
typedef struct ET_Generic {
/* 0x7C */ Multi16 unk7C; // posX
union {
/* 0x7E */ u16 modeU16;
struct {
/* 0x7E */ u8 unk0;
/* 0x7F */ u8 unk1;
} modeU8;
} unk7E; // posY
union {
/* 0x80 */ s32 modeS32;
/* 0x80 */ struct Entity* entityPtr;
struct {
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk0;
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk2;
} modeS16;
struct {
/* 0x80 */ u8 unk0;
/* 0x81 */ u8 unk1;
} modeS8;
} unk80; // size = 0x4
/* 0x84 */ Multi unk84;
/* 0x88 */ Multi unk88; // this is a Multi: refer to EntityWarpSmallRocks
union {
/* 0x8C */ struct Entity* entityPtr;
/* 0x8C */ struct Primitive* primPtr;
/* 0x8C */ s32 modeS32;
struct {
/* 0x8C */ u16 unk0;
/* 0x8E */ u16 unk2;
} modeU16;
struct {
/* 0x8C */ s16 unk0;
/* 0x8E */ s16 unk2;
} modeS16;
} unk8C; // size = 0x4
/* 0x90 */ s16 unk90;
/* 0x92 */ s16 unk92;
/* 0x94 */ u8 unk94;
/* 0x95 */ u8 unk95;
/* 0x96 */ s16 unk96;
/* 0x98 */ s32 unk98;
/* 0x9C */ struct Entity* unk9C;
/* 0xA0 */ s16 unkA0;
/* 0xA2 */ s16 unkA2;
/* 0xA4 */ s16 unkA4;
/* 0xA6 */ s16 unkA6;
/* 0xA8 */ s16 unkA8;
/* 0xAA */ s16 unkAA;
/* 0xAC */ u8 unkAC;
/* 0xAD */ s8 unkAD;
/* 0xAE */ s8 unkAE;
/* 0xAF */ s8 unkAF;
/* 0xB0 */ s16 unkB0;
/* 0xB2 */ s16 unkB2;
/* 0xB4 */ s16 unkB4;
/* 0xB6 */ s16 unkB6;
union {
/* 0xB8 */ void (*unkFuncB8)(struct Entity*);
/* 0xB8 */ struct Entity* entityPtr;
struct {
/* 0xB8 */ u8 unk0;
/* 0xB9 */ u8 unk1;
/* 0xBA */ u8 unk2;
/* 0xBB */ u8 unk3;
} modeU8;
} unkB8;
} ET_Generic;
typedef struct {
/* 0x00 */ u16 timer;
/* 0x02 */ s16 unk7E;
/* 0x04 */ u8 aliveTimer;
/* 0x05 */ s8 unk81;
/* 0x06 */ s16 unk82;
/* 0x08 */ s32 fallSpeed;
/* 0x0C */ s16 gravity;
/* 0x0E */ s16 unk8A;
/* 0x10 */ s16 iconSlot;
/* 0x12 */ s16 unk8E;
/* 0x14 */ s16 unk90;
/* 0x16 */ s16 unk92;
/* 0x18 */ s32 castleFlag;
} ET_EquipItemDrop;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u32 unk[14];
/* 0xB4 */ u16 unkB4;
/* 0xB6 */ s16 unkB6;
/* 0xB8 */ PfnEntityUpdate update;
} ET_HeartDrop;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u16 timer;
/* 0x7E */ u16 size;
/* 0x80 */ u32 speed;
} ET_BloodDroplets;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u16 nPrims;
/* 0x7E */ u16 nDigits;
/* 0x80 */ u8 digits[4];
/* 0x84 */ u16 timer;
/* 0x86 */ s16 unk86;
/* 0x88 */ u16 unk88;
/* 0x8A */ s16 unk8A;
} ET_NumericDamage;
typedef struct {
u16 unk7C;
u16 unk7E;
u16 sparkleCycle;
u16 sparkleAnim;
u32 unk84;
u32 unk88;
s16 iconSlot;
u16 unk8E;
u16 floatTimer;
u16 unk92;
s32 yFloatSpeed;
} ET_RelicOrb;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u32 unused7C;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unused80;
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk82;
/* 0x84 */ s16 angle;
/* 0x86 */ s16 unk86;
/* 0x88 */ u8 sideToPlayer;
/* 0x89 */ u8 showedMessage;
} ET_Door; // Normal red doors between stages, but also magically sealed blue
// ones
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ struct Primitive* prim;
/* 0x80 */ s32 unk80;
/* 0x84 */ struct Primitive* unk84;
/* 0x88 */ struct Primitive* unk88;
/* 0x8C */ struct Primitive* unk8C;
/* 0x90 */ s16 unk90;
/* 0x92 */ s16 unk92;
} ET_StagePopup;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ struct Primitive* prim;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
/* 0x84 */ struct Primitive* unk84;
/* 0x88 */ struct Primitive* unk88;
/* 0x8C */ u8 unk8C;
} ET_StagePopupJP;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ char* label;
/* 0x80 */ u16 width;
/* 0x82 */ u16 height;
/* 0x84 */ s16 unk84;
/* 0x86 */ u16 duration;
} ET_MessageBox;
// !!! IMPORTANT: the struct MUST align with ET_Player due to the 'anim' field
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ s16 lifetime;
/* 0x7E */ s16 unk7E;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80; // Y?
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk82; // X?
/* 0x84 */ struct Entity* some_ent;
/* 0x88 */ s16 childPalette;
/* 0x8A */ s16 unk8A;
/* 0x8C */ struct Entity* parent;
/* 0x90 */ s32 unk90;
/* 0x94 */ s32 unk94;
/* 0x98 */ s32 unk98;
/* 0x9C */ s32 accelerationX;
/* 0xA0 */ s32 accelerationY;
/* 0xA4 */ s32 unkA4;
/* 0xA8 */ s32 unkA8;
/* 0xAC */ u8 anim;
/* 0xAD */ u8 unkAD;
/* 0xAE */ s16 equipId;
} ET_Weapon;
typedef struct {
s16 timer;
s16 unk7E;
s32 unk80;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
s16 unk88;
s16 unk8A;
s32 unk8C;
s16 unk90;
s16 unk92;
s16 unk94;
} ET_KarmaCoin;
typedef struct {
s16 angle;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
s16 xPos;
s16 unk8A;
struct Entity* parent;
s32 unk90;
s32 unk94;
s32 unk98;
s32 accelerationX;
s32 accelerationY;
s32 unkA4;
s32 unkA8;
u8 anim;
u8 unkAD;
s16 equipId;
} ET_HeavenSword;
typedef struct {
s16 angle;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s32 unk84;
s16 xPos;
s16 unk8A;
struct Entity* parent;
s32 unk90;
s32 unk94;
s32 unk98;
s32 accelerationX;
s32 accelerationY;
s32 unkA4;
s32 unkA8;
u8 anim;
u8 unkAD;
s16 equipId;
} ET_HeavenSword2;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u8 unk7C;
/* 0x7D */ u8 unk7D;
/* 0x7E */ s16 unk7E;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk82;
/* 0x84 */ s16 unk84;
/* 0x86 */ s16 unk86;
/* 0x88 */ s16 childPalette;
/* 0x8A */ s16 unk8A;
/* 0x8C */ struct Entity* parent;
/* 0x90 */ s16 unk90;
/* 0x92 */ s16 unk92;
/* 0x94 */ s16 unk94;
/* 0x96 */ s16 unk96;
/* 0x98 */ s16 unk98;
/* 0x9A */ s16 unk9A;
/* 0x9C */ s16 unk9C;
/* 0x9E */ s16 unk9E;
/* 0xA0 */ s16 unkA0;
/* 0xA4 */ byte pad[10];
/* 0xAC */ u8 anim;
/* 0xAD */ u8 padAD;
/* 0xAE */ s16 unkAE;
} ET_Shield;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u8 unk7C;
/* 0x7D */ u8 unk7D;
/* 0x7E */ s16 unk7E;
/* 0x80 */ u16 unk80;
/* 0x82 */ s16 pal;
/* 0x84 */ s16* palettePtr;
/* 0x88 */ u16 childPalette;
/* 0x8A */ s16 unk8A;
/* 0x8C */ struct Entity* parent;
/* 0x90 */ s16 unk90;
/* 0x92 */ s16 unk92;
/* 0x94 */ s16 unk94;
/* 0x96 */ s16 unk96;
/* 0x98 */ s16 unk98;
/* 0x9A */ s16 unk9A;
/* 0x9C */ s16 unk9C;
/* 0x9E */ byte pad[14];
/* 0xAC */ u8 anim;
/* 0xAD */ u8 padAD;
/* 0xAE */ s16 unkAE;
} ET_DarkShield;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7D */ u8 unk7C;
/* 0x7D */ u8 unk7D;
/* 0x7E */ s16 unk7E;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk82;
/* 0x84 */ s16 unk84;
/* 0x86 */ s16 unk86;
/* 0x88 */ s16 childPalette;
/* 0x8A */ s16 unk8A;
/* 0x8C */ struct Entity* parent;
/* 0x90 */ struct Entity* target;
/* 0x94 */ s16 unk94;
/* 0x96 */ s16 unk96;
/* 0x98 */ s32 unk98;
/* 0x9C */ s16 unk9C;
/* 0x9E */ s16 unk9E;
/* 0xA0 */ s16 unkA0;
/* 0xA2 */ s16 unkA2;
/* 0xA4 */ s16 unkA4;
/* 0xA6 */ byte pad[6];
/* 0xAE */ s16 unkAE;
} ET_MedusaShieldLaser;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ s16 unk7C;
/* 0x7E */ s16 unk7E;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk82;
/* 0x84 */ s16 unk84;
/* 0x86 */ s16 unk86;
/* 0x88 */ s16 childPalette;
/* 0x8A */ s16 unk8A;
/* 0x8C */ struct Entity* parent;
/* 0x90 */ s16 unk90;
/* 0x92 */ s16 unk92;
/* 0x94 */ s16 unk94;
/* 0x96 */ s16 unk96;
/* 0x98 */ s16 unk98;
/* 0x9A */ s16 unk9A;
/* 0x9C */ s16 unk9C;
/* 0x9E */ s16 unk9E;
} ET_ShamanShieldStar;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u8 unk7C;
/* 0x7D */ u8 unk7D;
/* 0x7E */ s16 unk7E;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk82;
/* 0x84 */ s16 unk84;
/* 0x86 */ s16 unk86;
/* 0x88 */ s16 childPalette;
/* 0x8A */ s16 unk8A;
/* 0x8C */ struct Entity* parent;
/* 0x90 */ s16 unk90;
/* 0x92 */ s16 unk92;
/* 0x94 */ s16 unk94;
/* 0x96 */ s16 unk96;
/* 0x98 */ s16 unk98;
/* 0x9A */ s16 unk9A;
/* 0x9C */ u8 unk9C;
/* 0x9D */ byte pad[14];
/* 0xAC */ u8 anim;
/* 0xAE */ s16 unkAE;
} ET_HeraldShieldSwirlEffect;
typedef struct {
s16 timer;
s16 unk7E;
s32 unk80;
s16 pad[21];
s16 foodId;
} ET_Food;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ char pad_7C[0x4];
/* 0x80 */ s16 timer;
/* 0x82 */ char pad_82[0x2];
/* 0x84 */ u8 attackMode;
/* 0x85 */ u8 flag; // Slogra's moveMode / Gaibon's palette
/* 0x86 */ u8 nearDeath; // Slogra loses spear, Gaibon in rage mode
/* 0x88 */ s32 speed;
/* 0x8C */ s16 angle;
/* 0x8E */ char pad_8E[0xE];
/* 0x9C */ u8 pickupFlag;
/* 0x9D */ u8 grabedAscending;
} ET_GaibonSlogra;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u16 angle;
/* 0x7E */ u16 unk7E;
/* 0x80 */ u16 unk80;
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk82;
} ET_SoulStealOrb;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ Primitive* primBg;
/* 0x80 */ s32 unused80;
/* 0x84 */ Primitive* primFade;
/* 0x88 */ s32 unk88;
} ET_WarpRoom;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ char pad_0[0x8];
/* 0x84 */ u8 timer;
/* 0x85 */ char pad_85[0x1];
/* 0x86 */ s8 timer2;
/* 0x87 */ char pad_87[0x5];
/* 0x8C */ u16 palette;
/* 0x8E */ char pad_8E[0x12];
/* 0xA0 */ u8 isUnderwater;
/* 0xA1 */ u8 ignoreCol;
} ET_Merman;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ struct Primitive* prim;
/* 0x80 */ char pad_0[0x6];
/* 0x86 */ s8 timer;
/* 0x87 */ char pad_87[0x5];
/* 0x8C */ s16 rotation;
/* 0x8E */ char pad_8E[0x12];
/* 0xA0 */ u8 isUnderwater;
/* 0xA1 */ u8 ignoreCol;
} ET_Merman_2;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ s16 unk7C;
/* 0x7E */ s16 unk7E;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk82;
/* 0x84 */ s16 unk84;
/* 0x84 */ s16 unk86;
/* 0x88 */ s16 unk88;
/* 0x8A */ s16 unk8A;
/* 0x8C */ s16 unk8C;
/* 0x8e */ s16 unk8E;
/* 0x90 */ s32 unk90;
/* 0x94 */ s32 unk94;
/* 0x98 */ s32 unk98;
/* 0x9C */ s16 unk9C;
/* 0x9E */ s16 unk9E;
/* 0xA0 */ s32 unkA0;
/* 0xA4 */ struct Entity* target;
/* 0xA8 */ s16 unkA8;
/* 0xAA */ s16 unkAA;
/* 0xAC */ s16 cameraX;
/* 0xAE */ s16 cameraY;
/* 0xB0 */ s16 unkB0;
/* 0xB2 */ s16 unkB2;
/* 0xB4 */ struct Entity* follow;
} ET_Bat;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
struct Primitive* unk84;
s16 unk88;
s16 unk8A;
} ET_BatEcho;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ char pad_0[0xC];
/* 0x88 */ u16 unk88;
/* 0x8A */ char pad_8A[0x3];
/* 0x8D */ u8 unk8D;
/* 0x8E */ char pad_8E[0xE];
/* 0x9C */ s16 unk9C;
/* 0xA0 */ struct Entity* next;
} ET_801CF254;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ char pad_0[0x4];
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
/* 0x82 */ char pad_82[0xA];
/* 0x8C */ u8 unk8C;
/* 0x8D */ char pad_8D[0xF];
/* 0x9C */ u16 unk9C;
/* 0x9E */ char pad_9E[0x8];
/* 0xA6 */ s16 unkA6;
} ET_GurkhaSword;
typedef struct ET_Dracula {
/* 0x7C */ char pad_7C[4];
/* 0x80 */ struct draculaPrimitive* unk80;
/* 0x84 */ struct draculaPrimitive* unk84;
/* 0x88 */ char pad_88[4];
/* 0x8C */ s16 unk8C;
/* 0x8E */ char pad_8E[0x2];
/* 0x90 */ u8 unk90;
/* 0x91 */ char pad91;
/* 0x92 */ u8 unk92;
/* 0x93 */ char pad93;
/* 0x94 */ u8 unk94;
/* 0x95 */ char pad_95[0x3];
/* 0x98 */ s16 unk98;
/* 0x9A */ char pad_9A[0x2];
/* 0x9C */ s16 unk9C;
/* 0x9E */ char pad_9E[0x2];
/* 0xA0 */ u8 unkA0;
/* 0xA1 */ u8 unkA1;
/* 0xA2 */ u8 unkA2;
/* 0xA3 */ char pad_A3[0x9];
/* 0xAC */ struct Primitive* prim;
} ET_Dracula;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ struct Primitive* prim;
/* 0x80 */ s32 unk80;
/* 0x84 */ s32 unk84;
/* 0x88 */ s16 unk88;
/* 0x8A */ char pad_8A[0x2];
/* 0x8C */ s16 unk8C;
/* 0x8E */ s16 unk8E;
} ET_StageTitleCard;
typedef struct ET_Succubus {
/* 0x7C */ char pad_7C[0x4];
/* 0x80 */ s16 timer;
/* 0x82 */ char pad_82[0x2];
/* 0x84 */ u8 facingLeft;
/* 0x85 */ u8 unk85;
/* 0x86 */ u8 nextAttack;
/* 0x87 */ u8 unk87;
/* 0x88 */ u16 nextStep;
/* 0x8A */ char pad_8A[0x4];
/* 0x8E */ s16 yOffset;
/* 0x90 */ char pad_90[0xC];
/* 0x9C */ struct Entity* real;
/* 0xA0 */ s16 clonePosX;
/* 0xA2 */ s16 unkA2;
} ET_Succubus;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u16 timer;
/* 0x7E */ char pad_7E[2];
/* 0x80 */ s32 unk80;
} ET_RoomTransition2;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u8 pad0[0x4];
/* 0x80 */ s32 unk80;
/* 0x84 */ s16 unk84;
/* 0x86 */ u8 pad86[2];
/* 0x88 */ u8 unk88;
/* 0x89 */ u8 unk89;
} ET_801B3C38;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u16 unk7C;
} ET_801BCC4C;
typedef struct ET_CastleDoor {
/* 0x7C */ struct Primitive* prim;
/* 0x80 */ s16 timer;
/* 0x82 */ char pad_82[0x2];
/* 0x84 */ s16 rotZ;
} ET_CastleDoor;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ struct Primitive* prim;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80; // angle?
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk82;
/* 0x84 */ s16 timer;
} ET_ShuttingWindow;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ struct Primitive* prim;
/* 0x80 */ char pad_80[0x4];
/* 0x84 */ u16 unk84;
} ET_DeathSkySwirl;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ struct Primitive* prim;
/* 0x80 */ char pad_80[0x4];
/* 0x84 */ s32 elevatorTarget;
} ET_Elevator;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ s32 pad[8];
/* 0x84 */ s16 unk84;
/* 0x86 */ s16 unk86;
/* 0x88 */ s16* unk88;
} ET_801D0B40;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ struct Primitive* prim;
/* 0x80 */ char pad_80[0xC];
/* 0x8C */ u8 unk8C;
/* 0x8D */ u8 unk8D;
/* 0x8E */ char pad_8E[0xE];
/* 0x9C */ u16 unk9C;
} ET_801D1BB8;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ char pad_0[0xC];
/* 0x88 */ u16 unk88;
} ET_801D0B78;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ s32 unk7C;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk82;
union {
/* 0x84 */ s32 val;
struct {
/* 0x84 */ s16 unk0;
/* 0x86 */ s16 unk2;
} modeS16;
} unk84; // size = 0x4
/* 0x88 */ u16 unk88;
} ET_WaterEffects;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ char pad_0[4];
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
/* 0x82 */ char pad_82[2];
/* 0x84 */ u8 unk84;
/* 0x85 */ char pad_85[3];
/* 0x88 */ u16 unk88;
/* 0x8A */ char pad_8A[2];
/* 0x8C */ u8 unk8C;
/* 0x8D */ u8 unk8D;
/* 0x8E */ u8 unk8E;
/* 0x8E */ char pad_8E[13];
/* 0x9C */ s16 rotZ;
/* 0x9E */ s16 unk9E;
/* 0xA0 */ struct Entity* parent;
/* 0xA4 */ s16 unkA4;
/* 0xA6 */ s16 unkA6;
/* 0xA8 */ u8 unkA8;
/* 0xA9 */ char pad_A9[0x7];
/* 0xB0 */ u16 unkB0[0x6];
} ET_GurkhaHammer;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ char pad_0[0x20];
/* 0x9C */ s16 unk9C;
/* 0xA0 */ char pad_A0[0x6];
/* 0xA4 */ s16 unkA4;
/* 0xA6 */ s16 unkA6;
/* 0xA9 */ char pad_A8[0xC];
/* 0xB0 */ u16 unkB4;
} ET_801CDFD8;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ char pad_0[0x8];
/* 0x84 */ u8 unk84;
/* 0x85 */ char pad_85[0x9];
/* 0x8E */ u8 unk8E;
/* 0x8F */ char pad_8F[0x20];
/* 0xB0 */ s16 unkB0;
} ET_801CE4CC;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ struct Primitive* prim;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
} ET_TransparentWater;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ struct Primitive* prim;
/* 0x80 */ s32 timer;
} ET_HeartRoomGoldDoor;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ struct Primitive* prim;
/* 0x80 */ char pad_80[0x4];
/* 0x84 */ s8 unk84;
/* 0x85 */ char pad_85[0x1];
/* 0x86 */ s8 unk86;
} ET_MermanWaterSplash;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ s32 playerVelocity;
} ET_CastleDoorTransition;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ s8 unk7C;
} ET_AlucardController;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u16 unk7C;
} ET_ForegroundTree;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u16 unk7C;
/* 0x7E */ u16 unk7E;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
} ET_FadeToWhite;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u16 unk7C;
} ET_DeathStolenItems;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u16 unk7C;
/* 0x7E */ char pad_7E[0x2];
/* 0x80 */ s16 posX;
/* 0x82 */ s16 posY;
/* 0x84 */ u16 moveTimer;
/* 0x86 */ u16 moveDirection;
} ET_Death;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ u8 unk7C;
/* 0x7D */ char pad_7D[0x3];
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk82;
/* 0x84 */ struct Entity* unk84;
} ET_SpittleBone;
typedef struct {
Primitive* prim;
char pad[0x24];
s16 unkA4;
s16 unkA6;
char padd[4];
u8 anim;
char pad2[0x8];
struct Entity* unkB8;
} ET_Player;
typedef struct {
u8 unk0;
u8 unk1;
u8 unk2;
u8 unk3;
} ET_EntitySlot1;
typedef struct {
char pad[0x32];
s16 unkAE;
} ET_EntitySlot16;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ s16 unk7C;
} ET_Entity12;
typedef struct {
u8 fiveFrameCounter;
struct Entity* parent;
char pad[8];
u16 parentId;
} ET_Entity13;
typedef struct {
s16 t;
} ET_TimerOnly;
typedef struct {
char pad[8];
struct Primitive* prim;
} ET_AxeKnight;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ s16 unk7C;
/* 0x7E */ s16 unk7E;
/* 0x80 */ s16 unk80;
/* 0x82 */ s16 unk82;
/* 0x84 */ s16 unk84;
/* 0x86 */ s16 unk86;
/* 0x88 */ s16 unk88;
/* 0x8A */ s16 unk8A;
/* 0x8C */ struct Entity* parent;
/* 0x90 */ s16 childId;
/* 0x92 */ s16 unk92;
/* 0x94 */ s16 unk94;
/* 0x96 */ s16 unk96;
/* 0x98 */ s16 unk98;
/* 0x9A */ s16 unk9A;
/* 0x9C */ s16 unk9C;
/* 0x9E */ s16 unk9E;
/* 0xA0 */ s16 unkA0;
/* 0xA2 */ s16 unkA2;
/* 0xA4 */ s16 unkA4;
/* 0xA6 */ s16 unkA6;
/* 0xA8 */ s16 unkA8;
/* 0xAA */ s16 unkAA;
/* 0xAC */ s16 unkAC;
/* 0xAE */ s16 unkAE;
/* 0xB0 */ s16 unkB0;
/* 0xB2 */ s16 unkB2;
} ET_EntFactory;
typedef struct {
char pad[8];
s32 unk8;
} unk_sub_8011E4BC;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
byte pad[14];
unk_sub_8011E4BC* unk8C;
} ET_8011E4BC;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
} ET_HellfireHandler;
typedef struct {
s16 stoneAngle;
s16 lifeTimer;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
} ET_ReboundStone;
typedef struct {
s16 timer;
} ET_Vibhuti;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ s16 unk7C;
/* 0x7E */ s16 unk7E;
/* 0x80 */ s16 pad[24];
/* 0xB0 */ s16 unkB0;
} ET_GiantSpinningCross;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
} ET_8017091C;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 pad[0x16];
s16 unkB0;
} ET_80170F64;
typedef struct {
s16 timer;
s16 size;
} ET_stopwatchCircle;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
f32 unk84;
s32 unk88;
s32 unk8C;
s16 unk90;
s16 unk92;
s16 unk94;
s16 unk96;
struct Entity* unk98;
s32 pad[5];
s16 unkB0;
} ET_801719A4;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
s32 unk88;
s32 unk8C;
s16 unk90;
s16 unk92;
s16 unk94;
s16 unk96;
struct Entity* unk98;
s32 pad[5];
s16 unkB0;
} ET_BibleSubwpn;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s32 unk84;
s32 unk88;
struct Entity* parent1;
s32 pad[10];
struct Entity* parent2;
} ET_80128C2C;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
} ET_80161FF0;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
} ET_80162870;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
s32 unk88;
} ET_8016E9E4;
typedef struct {
u8 unk7C;
u8 unk7D[3];
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
} ET_801CC820;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
struct Primitive* unk88;
s16 unk8C;
s16 unk8E;
s16 unk90;
s16 unk92;
s16 unk94;
} ET_stopwatchSparkle;
typedef struct {
s16 t;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
f32 unk84;
f32 unk88;
s16 unk8C;
s16 unk8E;
} ET_stopwatch;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
s16 unk88;
s16 unk8A;
} ET_RichterPowerUpRing;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
s16 unk88;
s16 unk8A;
} ET_TransparentWhiteCircle;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
} ET_HitByIce;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 pad7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
byte pad84[12];
s16 unk90;
s16 unk92;
s16 unk94;
s16 pad96[3];
s16 unk9C;
} ET_HitByLightning;
typedef struct {
s32 unk7C;
s32 unk80;
s32 unk84;
s32 unk88;
s32 unk8C;
s32 unk90;
} ET_Teleport;
typedef struct {
s16 timer;
s16 angle;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
} ET_HolyWater;
typedef struct {
s16 timer;
s16 angle;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
} ET_HolyWaterFlame;
typedef struct {
u16 unk7C;
u16 unk7E;
u8 unk80;
byte pad81;
u8 unk82;
byte pad83;
s32 unk84;
} ET_CrashCross;
typedef struct {
u16 unk7C;
u16 unk7E;
u8 unk80;
byte pad81;
u8 unk82;
byte pad83;
s32 unk84;
} ET_RicRevivalColumn; // Note this is the same as CrashCross
typedef struct {
s16 timer;
s16 unk7E;
u16 unk80;
u16 pad82;
Point16* unk84;
} ET_CrossBoomerang;
typedef struct {
f32 unk7C;
f32 unk80;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
s32 unk88;
s16 unk8C;
s16 unk8E;
s32 unk90;
s32 unk94;
s32 unk98;
s32 unk9C;
s32 unkA0;
s16 unkA4;
s16 unkA6;
s32 unkA8;
s32 unkAC;
s16 unkB0;
s32 unkB4;
s32 unkB8;
} ET_80166784;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
s16 unk88;
s8 unk8A;
u8 unk8B[12];
s32 unk98;
} ET_AguneaCrash;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
s16 unk88;
s8 unk8A;
u8 unk8B[12];
s32 unk98;
s32 unk9C;
u16 unkA0;
} ET_AxeCrash;
typedef struct {
s32 pad7c;
Primitive* unk80;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
s16 unk88;
struct Entity* parent;
s16 unk90;
} ET_801291C4;
typedef struct {
s16 timer;
u16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 pad82;
s32 unk84;
s32 unk88;
u16 unk8C;
} ET_VibhutiCrash;
typedef struct {
PrimLineG2* lines[4];
s16 unk8C;
s16 unk8E;
s16 unk90;
} ET_8016D9C4;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
} ET_8016DF74;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
byte pad[46];
s16 unkB0;
} ET_8016E46C;
typedef struct {
struct Primitive* prim1;
struct Primitive* prim2;
struct Primitive* prim3;
struct Primitive* prim4;
s16 unk8C;
s16 unk8E;
} ET_801AF774;
typedef struct {
s32 unk7C;
s16 timer;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
} ET_DracFinal;
// To be used for EntityEquipItemDrop and/or EntityPrizeDrop, when they are
// moved off of Generic.
typedef struct {
byte pad[0x18];
s32 unk94;
} ET_Drop;
typedef struct {
/* 0x7C */ byte pad[4];
/* 0x80 */ s16 angle;
/* 0x82 */ byte pad2[2];
/* 0x84 */ u8 switch_control;
/* 0x85 */ u8 speed;
} ET_BigRedFireball;
typedef struct {
s16 timer;
s16 spawnTimer;
} ET_SummonSpirit;
typedef struct {
struct Primitive* prim;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
} ET_3DBackgroundhouse;
typedef struct {
struct Primitive* prim1;
struct Primitive* prim2;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
s16 unk88;
} ET_LifeUpSpawn;
typedef struct {
u16 unk7C;
u16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
u16 unk88;
u16 unk8A;
} ET_801B0AA4;
typedef struct {
byte pad[4];
u16 unk80;
u16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
s16 unk88;
s16 unk8A;
u8 unk8C;
} ET_Owl;
typedef struct {
u16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
u16 unk88;
s16 unk8A;
s16 unk8C;
s16 unk8E;
} ET_AlucardWaterEffect;
typedef struct {
s32 pad;
s16 timer;
} ET_801B28E4;
typedef struct {
u32 unk24[10];
u8 unk28;
u8 unk29;
} ET_80123B40;
typedef struct {
struct Entity* ent;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
s16 unk86;
} ET_80129864;
typedef struct {
s16 timer;
s16 pad;
s16 xCurrent;
s16 yCurrent;
s16 xTarget;
s16 yTarget;
} ET_Mist;
typedef struct {
s32 unk7C;
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s32 un84;
s16 unk88;
s16 unk8A;
s32 unk8C;
s16 unk90;
s16 unk92;
s32 unk94;
s16 unk98;
s16 unk9A;
s16 unk9C;
} ET_PlayerBlink;
typedef struct {
struct Primitive* prim;
s16 unk80;
s16 pad82;
s32 pad84;
s32 pad88;
struct Primitive* prim2;
struct Primitive* prim3;
} ET_BloodSplatter;
typedef struct {
s32 pad7c;
s16 timer;
s16 pad82;
s32 pad84;
s32 pad88;
s32 pad8C;
s16 brightness;
} ET_PlayerOutline;
typedef struct {
u8 digits[4];
s16 unk80;
s16 unk82;
s16 unk84;
u16 unk86;
u16 unk88;
u16 unk8A;
s16 unk8C;
s16 unk8E;
s16 unk90;
s16 unk92;
s16 angleToMeter;
s16 distToMeter;
s16 unk98;
} ET_HPNumberMove;
typedef struct {
s16 timer;
s16 pad1;
s16 halfWidth;
s16 halfHeight;
s32 pad2;
s16 angle;
s16 pad3;
s32 pad4;
s32 str_x;
s32 str_y;
s32 unk98;
} ET_GuardText;
typedef struct {
s16 unk7C;
s16 unk7E;
s16 unk80;
} ET_Dissolve;
typedef union { // offset=0x7C
struct Primitive* prim;
char stub[0x40];
ET_TimerOnly timer;
ET_EntFactory factory;
ET_Generic generic;
ET_EntitySlot1 entSlot1; // g_Entities[1], not entityID 1
ET_EntitySlot16 entSlot16;
ET_Entity12 ent12; // entityID 12
ET_Entity13 ent13; // entityID 13
ET_8011E4BC et_8011E4BC;
ET_HellfireHandler hellfireHandler;
ET_ReboundStone reboundStone;
ET_8016D9C4 et_8016D9C4;
ET_8016E46C et_8016E46C;
ET_8016DF74 et_8016DF74;
ET_CrossBoomerang crossBoomerang;
ET_Vibhuti vibhuti;
ET_HolyWater holywater;
ET_HolyWaterFlame holywaterflame;
ET_CrashCross crashcross;
ET_AguneaCrash aguneaCrash;
ET_AxeCrash axeCrash;
ET_VibhutiCrash vibhutiCrash;
ET_RicRevivalColumn ricColumn;
ET_GiantSpinningCross giantcross;
ET_EquipItemDrop equipItemDrop;
ET_HeartDrop heartDrop;
ET_BloodDroplets bloodDroplets;
ET_BloodSplatter bloodSplatter;
ET_NumericDamage ndmg;
ET_RelicOrb relicOrb;
ET_Door door;
ET_StagePopup stpopup;
ET_StagePopupJP stpopupj;
ET_MessageBox messageBox;
ET_Weapon weapon;
ET_Shield shield;
ET_DarkShield darkShield;
ET_KarmaCoin karmacoin;
ET_HeavenSword heavenSword;
ET_HeavenSword2 heavenSword2;
ET_MedusaShieldLaser medshieldlaser;
ET_ShamanShieldStar shamanshieldstar;
ET_HeraldShieldSwirlEffect heraldSwirl;
ET_Food food;
ET_HitByIce hitbyice;
ET_HitByLightning hitbylightning;
ET_PlayerBlink playerBlink;
ET_Mist mist;
ET_Bat bat;
ET_BatEcho batEcho;
ET_SoulStealOrb soulStealOrb;
ET_GaibonSlogra GS_Props;
ET_WarpRoom warpRoom;
ET_Teleport teleport;
ET_Merman merman;
ET_Merman_2 merman2;
ET_MermanWaterSplash mermanWaterSplash;
ET_80128C2C et_80128C2C;
ET_801291C4 et_801291C4;
ET_8017091C et_8017091C;
ET_80170F64 et_80170F64;
ET_stopwatchCircle et_stopwatchCircle;
ET_stopwatchSparkle et_stopWatchSparkle;
ET_stopwatch stopwatch;
ET_80161FF0 et_80161FF0;
ET_80162870 et_80162870;
ET_80166784 et_80166784;
ET_RichterPowerUpRing ricPowerRing;
ET_TransparentWhiteCircle whiteCircle;
ET_8016E9E4 et_8016E9E4;
ET_801719A4 et_801719A4;
ET_BibleSubwpn et_BibleSubwpn;
ET_801CF254 et_801CF254;
ET_GurkhaSword gurkhaSword;
ET_Dracula dracula;
ET_DracFinal dracFinalForm;
ET_Succubus succubus;
ET_StageTitleCard stageTitleCard;
ET_RoomTransition2 roomTransition2;
ET_801B3C38 et38;
ET_801BCC4C et_801BCC4C;
ET_ShuttingWindow shuttingWindow;
ET_CastleDoor castleDoor;
ET_DeathSkySwirl deathSkySwirl;
ET_Elevator elevator;
ET_801D0B40 et_801D0B40;
ET_801D1BB8 et_801D1BB8;
ET_801D0B78 et_801D0B78;
ET_WaterEffects waterEffects;
ET_GurkhaHammer GH_Props;
ET_801CE4CC et_801CE4CC;
ET_801CDFD8 et_801CDFD8;
ET_TransparentWater transparentWater;
ET_HeartRoomGoldDoor heartRoomGoldDoor;
ET_CastleDoorTransition castleDoorTransition;
ET_AlucardController alucardController;
ET_ForegroundTree foregroundTree;
ET_FadeToWhite fadeToWhite;
ET_DeathStolenItems deathStolenItems;
ET_Death death;
ET_SpittleBone spittleBone;
ET_Player player;
ET_801CC820 et_801CC820;
ET_801AF774 et_801AF774;
ET_Drop drop;
ET_BigRedFireball bigredfireball;
ET_SummonSpirit summonspirit;
ET_3DBackgroundhouse bghouse;
ET_LifeUpSpawn lifeUpSpawn;
ET_AxeKnight axeknight;
ET_801B0AA4 et_801B0AA4;
ET_Owl owl;
ET_AlucardWaterEffect aluwater;
ET_80123B40 et_80123B40;
ET_80129864 et_80129864;
ET_801B28E4 et_801B28E4;
ET_PlayerOutline playerOutline;
ET_HPNumberMove hpNumMove;
ET_GuardText guardText;
ET_Dissolve dissolve;
} Ext;