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synced 2024-11-27 06:50:35 +00:00
I've been meaning to do this for a long time now. The analyze_calls script running in the CI creates a .md file which acts as a directory pointing to all the function graphs that were generated. It also generates an HTML file. Because Github does not natively render HTML files, but does render Markdown files, it is preferrable to have this for the sake of easy viewing and linking within the gh-duplicates branch. We need to just move the generated file into the proper directory, which will hopefully make it show up at https://github.com/Xeeynamo/sotn-decomp/tree/gh-duplicates. I'm very hopeful that this will work, and not be yet another "Fix CI" commit... I also added a space to an output string. Doesn't really matter but might as well make things look a tiny bit nicer.
444 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
444 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
# Performs analysis of every function in the asm directory. For each function, finds
# all functions called by this one, and all functions that call this one.
# By default, this will create several thousand SVG files.
# Run with --dry to generate data for all files as testrun, without outputting files.
# Run with --ultradry to just do the function analysis, but skip generating SVG.
# This will print the time taken for each step of the process, which is helpful for
# benchmarking, as well as determining if execution is taking longer as the repo grows.
# On my machine, all steps prior to SVG generation take less than 1 second, and SVG
# generation takes 30 seconds (regardless of dry mode). Note times printed are cumulative
# in the sense that the printed time is not per-step, but is time since execution start.
from pathlib import Path
import os
import re
import graphviz
import time
import multiprocessing
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate call diagram SVGs")
help="Perform a dry run. Generate SVGs, but do not output to file",
help="Perform a dry run. Calculate call hierarchy, but skip generating SVGs",
output_dir = "function_calls"
# All functions I've found that are used in a 'jalr' instruction in the game
callable_registers = ["$v0", "$v1", "$a0", "$a1", "$t2"]
# Handles drawing in the blobs
graph_colors = {"N/A": "lightblue", "True": "green", "False": "red"}
# Important function. For a given line of assembly including a 'jal' or 'jalr' instruction,
# Make an attempt to identify the function being called. For 'jal' this is usually easy.
# For 'jalr' it tends to require more processing.
def handle_jal_call(full_file, call_index):
call_line = full_file[call_index]
call_target = call_line.split(" ")[-1].strip()
if call_target in function_lookup: # easy, just a direct function call by name
return call_target
# Check if we're calling based on a register's value.
if call_target in callable_registers:
# Find what line sets that register.
searchback = 1
while (
call_target not in full_file[call_index - searchback]
or "beqz" in full_file[call_index - searchback]
or "jalr" in full_file[call_index - searchback]
searchback += 1
callreg_setline = full_file[call_index - searchback]
if "g_api" in callreg_setline:
# regex that will pull out the function being called
match = re.search(r"%lo\(([^)]+)\)", callreg_setline)
# Handle members of the g_api Overlay object
if "g_api_o_" in match.group(1):
return match.group(1).replace("_", ".")
# Handle the first element of it, where the symbol gets truncated to just g_api
if "g_api" == match.group(1):
return "g_api.o.Update"
# Handle functions such as AllocPrimitives that are referenced indirectly through g_api
if match.group(1).replace("g_api_", "") in function_lookup:
return match.group(1).replace("g_api_", "")
# Handle remaining symbols that are just straight in GameApi
if match.group(1) in function_lookup:
return match.group(1)
# Calling something held in a variable, usually a D_ or a g_
variable_pattern = r"lw\s+" + "\\" + call_target + r", %lo\(([^)]+)\)"
if match := re.search(variable_pattern, callreg_setline):
return match.group(1)
if "0x28($s0)" in callreg_setline or "-0xC($s0)" in callreg_setline:
return "UnknownpfnEntityUpdate"
# happens in NZ0/func_801C1034. v0 is set by dereferencing a register.
target_setter_pattern = r"lw\s+" + "\\" + call_target + r", 0x.{,2}\((\$\w+)"
if match := re.search(target_setter_pattern, callreg_setline):
source_register = match.group(1)
pattern = r"\s{3,}" + "\\" + source_register
# Now find where THAT was set. Repeat the same we did for v0.
searchback += 1
while not re.search(pattern, full_file[call_index - searchback]):
searchback += 1
if "g_api" in full_file[call_index - searchback]:
# regex that will pull out the function being called
match = re.search(r"%lo\(([^)]+)\)", full_file[call_index - searchback])
if match:
return match.group(1)
match = re.search(
r"\(([^)]*)\)", full_file[call_index - searchback]
) # use anything in parentheses
if match:
return match.group(1)
# Special cases that would otherwise fail. Disable any one of these to see where it's needed.
if (
"8016B3E4" in callreg_setline
): # weird case in one function with compiler optimizing two calls into one
return "PlaySfx"
if "0xB8($a2)" in callreg_setline or "-0x20($s0)" in callreg_setline:
return "UnknownEntityFunction"
if "8017B5A8" in callreg_setline:
return "g_api_CreateEntFactoryFromEntity"
if any(
x in callreg_setline for x in ["80015840", "80015E74", "8001923C"]
): # weird sdk stuff
return "UnknownSDKFunction"
print("made it out the bottom")
print("Failed to return a value")
# SDK functions in include/psxsdk/{whatever}.h are not in the decomp, but may be called.
def get_sdk_funcs():
functions = []
# weird thing where setjmp is commented out in libc.h; we add it manually here for now.
for sdkfile in ["libgpu.h", "libc.h", "libcd.h", "libapi.h", "kernel.h"]:
with open(f"include/psxsdk/{sdkfile}") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
match = re.search(
r"(\w+)\(", line
) # Find a word right before an open parenthesis - a function name.
if match:
return functions
# Many functions in main are not being splatted out yet, so we add them here, like SDK.
def get_main_funcs():
# hardcode this one in there, it's not in any assembly file
functions = ["g_MainGame"]
for file in Path("asm/us/main").rglob("*.s"):
with open(file) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if "glabel" in line:
return functions
# Functions in gameapi are often strange, especially in the Overlay member.
def get_gapi_funcs():
found_functions = []
# Load up symbols for the relative functions loaded into GameApi
with open("config/symbols.us.txt") as f:
symbols = f.readlines()
for symbol in symbols:
symbolname = symbol.split(" = ")[0]
if "g_api_" in symbolname:
found_functions.append(symbolname.replace("_", "."))
# Special case, first element of struct doesn't have a dedicated symbol.
return found_functions
def is_decompiled(srcfile, fname):
with open(srcfile) as f:
srclines = f.readlines()
for line in srclines:
if fname in line and "INCLUDE_ASM" in line:
return False
return True
def get_c_filename(asm_filename):
assert "asm/us" in asm_filename and "/nonmatchings/" in asm_filename
# Step 1: Replace asm/us for src
srcpath = asm_filename.replace("asm/us", "src")
# Step 2: Remove the nonmatchings
no_nonmatchings = srcpath.replace("/nonmatchings/", "/")
# Little known rpartition drops the function name to get the last directory, which should be c file name.
c_filename = no_nonmatchings.rpartition("/")[0] + ".c"
assert os.path.exists(c_filename)
return c_filename
# Given a function name called from a caller, find which of a set of candidates is probably the function being called.
# We do this based on their C file paths, assuming that a longer shared path (usually, sharing an overlay) will correspond
# to being the function being called. This logic may need to be improved.
def find_func_match(caller, candidates):
prefix_lengths = [
len(os.path.commonprefix([caller.c_filename, candidate.c_filename]))
for candidate in candidates
# Detect ties. If this is 1, there is a single longest match, otherwise, resolve the tie.
longest_match_count = prefix_lengths.count(max(prefix_lengths))
if longest_match_count == 1:
return candidates[prefix_lengths.index(max(prefix_lengths))]
elif longest_match_count > 1:
# Currently the only overlap is in UpdateAnim, which is in both dra and servant,
# but is called from ric and some weapons. Hard-code this to use the dra version.
assert candidates[0].name == "UpdateAnim"
for candidate in candidates:
if candidate.unique_name.startswith("dra."):
return candidate
print("No candidates!")
# Given a sotn_function object, go through and find all its function calls.
# Any function called should be added as a callee for the input_function, and
# the input_function should be added as a caller for the called function.
def analyze(input_function):
with open(input_function.asm_filename) as f:
asm_lines = f.read().split("\n")
for i, line in enumerate(asm_lines):
if "jal" in line:
callee_name = handle_jal_call(asm_lines, i)
if callee_name.startswith("D_"):
if callee_name.startswith("Unknown"):
candidate_callees = function_lookup[callee_name]
assert len(candidate_callees) > 0
# It's one of the special cases that we establish
if isinstance(candidate_callees, str):
# If there is only one candidate (only one function in the codebase by that name), we have it.
if len(candidate_callees) == 1:
callee = candidate_callees[0]
best_match = find_func_match(input_function, candidate_callees)
# Create an index.html which lists all functions with their overlays
def generate_html(function_list):
# Sort all functions into overlays, with the name as tiebreaker to sort within overlays
sorted_funcs = sorted(
[f for f in function_list if f.overlay != "mad"],
key=lambda x: (x.overlay, x.name),
html = '<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"></head><body>\n'
active_overlay = ""
# Now iterate through all functions, creating links to their SVG files.
for f in sorted_funcs:
# When the overlay changes, add a heading.
if f.overlay != active_overlay:
# End the previous overlay's list, unless this is the first overlay.
if active_overlay != "":
html += "</ul>\n"
active_overlay = f.overlay
html += f"<h2>{active_overlay}</h2>\n"
html += "<ul>\n"
dec_symbol = "✅" if f.decompile_status == "True" else "❌"
html += f'<li><a href="{f.unique_name}.svg">{dec_symbol + f.name}</a></li>\n'
html += "</ul>\n"
html += "</body></html>"
return html
# Create a markdown file pointing us toward all the different function graphs
def generate_md(function_list):
sorted_funcs = sorted(
[f for f in function_list if f.overlay != "mad"],
key=lambda x: (x.overlay, x.name),
md_page = ""
active_overlay = ""
# Now iterate through all functions, creating links to their SVG files.
for f in sorted_funcs:
# When the overlay changes, add a heading.
if f.overlay != active_overlay:
active_overlay = f.overlay
md_page += f"# {active_overlay}\n"
dec_symbol = "✅" if f.decompile_status == "True" else "❌"
md_page += (
f"- [{dec_symbol} {f.name}]({output_dir}/{f.unique_name}.svg?raw=1)\n"
return md_page
# This represents calls that we can't connect to a real C function. This includes SDK functions, or calls where
# it is unclear what actual function is being called.
class fake_function:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.decompile_status = "N/A"
self.unique_name = name
class sotn_function:
def __init__(self, name, asm_filename):
self.name = name
self.asm_filename = asm_filename
# From the asm filename, get the C filename
self.c_filename = get_c_filename(self.asm_filename)
self.decompile_status = str(is_decompiled(self.c_filename, self.name))
self.callers = {}
self.callees = {}
filepath_split = self.asm_filename.split("/")
self.overlay = filepath_split[2]
if self.overlay == "st":
self.overlay = filepath_split[3]
if self.overlay == "weapon":
self.overlay = filepath_split[4]
# Name used in SVG files, must be different from any other function
self.unique_name = ".".join([self.overlay, self.name])
def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.name} at {self.asm_filename}\n{self.c_filename}\n{self.callers}\n{self.callees}\n"
def add_callee(self, other_function):
if other_function.unique_name in self.callees:
self.callees[other_function.unique_name][0] += 1
self.callees[other_function.unique_name] = [
def add_caller(self, other_function):
if other_function.unique_name in self.callers:
self.callers[other_function.unique_name][0] += 1
self.callers[other_function.unique_name] = [
def render_svg(self):
graph = graphviz.Digraph(self.unique_name, graph_attr={"ranksep": "2"})
# We sort the items so they will be alphabetized. This reduces changes from
# one run to the next. Any differences should be due to changes in the repo.
for callee, flags in sorted(self.callees.items()):
href=callee + ".svg",
graph.edge(self.unique_name, callee, headlabel=str(flags[0]))
# Same sorting as above
for caller, flags in sorted(self.callers.items()):
href=caller + ".svg",
graph.edge(caller, self.unique_name, taillabel=str(flags[0]))
imgbytes = graph.pipe(format="svg")
return imgbytes
def create_svg_file(self):
with open(f"{output_dir}/{self.unique_name}.svg", "wb") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
timer = time.perf_counter()
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
# 1: Create baseline function objects for every .s file
functions = [
sotn_function(s.stem, str(s))
for s in Path("asm").rglob("*.s")
if "nonmatchings" in str(s)
if len(functions) == 0:
print("Error! You probably didn't run `make force_extract` first")
f"Initialized {len(functions)} function objects in {time.perf_counter()-timer} seconds"
# Make sure all the functions really do have a unique name
assert len(functions) == len(set(f.unique_name for f in functions))
# This is a "phonebook" that allows you to get all the function objects matching any function name
# This is needed because functions only call another function by name. Therefore, with the name,
# this lookup table allows you to find the sotn_function object which is being called.
function_lookup = {}
for f in functions:
if f.name not in function_lookup:
function_lookup[f.name] = [f]
# Add SDK functions (which don't exist in ASM or C form) as bare entries
for f in get_sdk_funcs():
function_lookup[f] = "SDK"
# Similar for main functions
for f in get_main_funcs():
function_lookup[f] = "MAIN"
for f in get_gapi_funcs():
function_lookup[f] = "GAPI"
print(f"Created function lookup table in {time.perf_counter() - timer} seconds")
# 2: For each function, find what it calls. When finding a callee, also add itself as caller.
for function in functions:
if not any(x in function.c_filename for x in ["psxsdk", "mad"]):
print(f"Calculated call relations in {time.perf_counter() - timer} seconds")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.ultradry:
print(f"Rendering in {'dry' if args.dry else 'full output'} mode")
# 3: Render all the functions, either dry or saved to file.
def worker(function):
if args.dry:
with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool:
pool.map(worker, functions)
print(f"Completed SVG rendering in {time.perf_counter() - timer} seconds")
if not args.dry:
html = generate_html(functions)
with open(f"{output_dir}/index.html", "w") as f:
markdown = generate_md(functions)
with open(f"{output_dir}/../function_graphs.md", "w") as f:
print("Markdown written to " + os.path.realpath(f.name))
print(f"Generated HTML in {time.perf_counter() - timer} seconds")