bismurphy 9eb2d507b9
Some checks are pending
Format code / format (push) Waiting to run
Build C code / extract-assets (push) Waiting to run
Build C code / build-linux (i686, Debug, clang, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (i686, Debug, clang, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (i686, Debug, gcc, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (i686, Debug, gcc, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (i686, RelWithDebInfo, clang, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (i686, RelWithDebInfo, clang, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (i686, RelWithDebInfo, gcc, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (i686, RelWithDebInfo, gcc, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, Debug, clang, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, Debug, clang, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, Debug, gcc, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, Debug, gcc, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, RelWithDebInfo, clang, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, RelWithDebInfo, clang, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, RelWithDebInfo, gcc, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, RelWithDebInfo, gcc, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-macos (Debug, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-macos (Debug, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-macos (RelWithDebInfo, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-macos (RelWithDebInfo, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-windows (Debug, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-windows (Debug, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-windows (RelWithDebInfo, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-windows (RelWithDebInfo, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build Saturn version / build-and-test-saturn (push) Waiting to run
Build Saturn version / function-finder-saturn (push) Waiting to run
Build Debug Module tool / build (push) Waiting to run
Build PSX and PSP version / build-and-test (pspeu, hd) (push) Waiting to run
Build PSX and PSP version / build-and-test (pspeu, pspeu) (push) Waiting to run
Build PSX and PSP version / build-and-test (us, us) (push) Waiting to run
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-progress-report (pspeu, hd) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-progress-report (pspeu, pspeu) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-progress-report (us, us) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-duplicates-report (us, us) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-duplicates-report-psp (pspeu, pspeu) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Decompile PSP version of func_801024DC (#1886)
Picked a random `.c` file from PSP to decompile.

This caused me to discover that this function requires `-O4,p`, which is
new. All the other -O4 files also match with this, which is good.

Also back-ported my changes to PS1.

Some tiny changes to the texture displaying tools that I made due to
xeeynamo finding a tiny bug; not worth a whole PR so I just tossed them
into this one.
2024-11-08 20:11:45 +00:00

200 lines
8.0 KiB
Executable File

# Written by bismurphy, please contact in case of bugs or feature requests!
# Used for debugging and especially identifying entities based on their primitives.
# If you have a primitive pulling a texture from a Tpage, with a Clut, and
# getting a texture from UV coordinates, this will attempt to show you the texture
# being loaded from those parameters.
# In order to do this, you will need a VRAM dump from the game, in the state
# where the texture pages are configured to include the entry of interest.
# That is, you need to make sure the thing you're looking for is loaded.
# To get the VRAM dump: In PCSX-Redux, activate the web server with the setting in
# Configuration > Emulation > Enable Web Server
# Then, in your browser, go to: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/gpu/vram/raw
# this will download the raw VRAM dump. It should be a megabyte. Put it alongside
# this script, then run this script with the args for the
# filename, tpage, clut, x, y, w, h that you want.
# Alternatively, if you use "LIVE" as your filename, the data will attempt to fetch live
# from a running instance of PCSX-Redux. This avoids goofing around with managing file dumps.
# Example use (while standing on the box in Alchemy Lab):
# python3 vram_on_box.raw 0xF 9 8 200 32 32
# Alternatively, to see the whole tpage, you can run with
# python3 vram_on_box.raw 0xF 9 --whole which will skip the coordinates.
# And to just view the clut, do:
# python3 vram_on_box.raw 0xF 9 --showclut
# which will let you view clut #9. (tpage is ignored in this mode)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import argparse
import urllib.request
# Take a 5-5-5 encoded array and convert to RGB image.
# See PSYQ SDK document LIBOVR46.PDF, figure 8-3.
def convert_rgb555(in_array):
out_array = []
for in_row in in_array:
out_row = []
for i in range(0, len(in_row), 2):
two_bytes = in_row[i : i + 2]
two_bytes = two_bytes[::-1]
bits = int.from_bytes(two_bytes, "big")
s = bits >> 15 # semi transparent flag
b = bits >> 10 & 0b11111 # bits 14-10
g = (bits >> 5) & 0b11111 # bits 9-5
r = bits & 0b11111 # bits 4-0
# Transform 5-bit to 8-bit color
r = round(r / 31 * 255)
g = round(g / 31 * 255)
b = round(b / 31 * 255)
a = 255 if (r or g or b) else 0
pixel = [r, g, b, a]
return np.array(out_array, dtype="uint8")
# Once we have a tpage and a clut, apply that clut to color the tpage.
def color_tpage(tpage, clut):
height, width = tpage.shape
image = []
for y in range(height):
img_row = []
for x in range(width):
# Load one byte from the tpage.
px = tpage[y][x]
# The byte encodes two pixels in its upper and lower halfs.
# Extract each half.
px1 = px & 0b1111
px2 = px >> 4
# Individually, use the clut as a lookup table to get the real color.
color1 = clut[px1]
color2 = clut[px2]
# Put each of those two rows into the image.
return np.array(image)
# Experimentally determined. For a tpage from 0x00 to 0x1F, get that tpage
# out of VRAM.
def get_tpage_by_number(raw_dump, tpage_num):
assert 0 <= tpage_num < 0x20
tpage_row = tpage_num >= 0x10 # Row 0 or 1. First 16 are row 0, then row 1
tpage_top = tpage_row * 256 # rows are 256 pixels tall so this is where it starts
tpage_bottom = tpage_top + 256
tpage_left = (
tpage_num % 16
) * 128 # Modulo 16 gets the horizonal coordinate, then they are 128 pixels wide.
# Note: tpages are actually 256 pixels wide, but at 4 bits per pixel, they appear half as wide in our vram dump.
tpage_right = tpage_left + 128
return raw_dump[tpage_top:tpage_bottom, tpage_left:tpage_right]
# Retrieve a clut from the vram dump by clut number
def get_clut(colored_dump, clutnum):
# cluts come in 3 blocks from 0 to 256, 256-512, 512-768
block_number = clutnum // 0x100
# blocks are ordered as 1, 2, 0 based on first digit of clut.
block_x_position = ((block_number + 2) % 3) * 0x100
# get position within the block
clut_base = clutnum % 0x100
clut_x = block_x_position + (clut_base % 0x10) * 16
clut_y = 240 + clut_base // 0x10
clut = colored_dump[clut_y, clut_x : clut_x + 16]
return clut
# For a given tpage and clut, retrieve the tpage from the raw dump, and apply
# the clut to that tpage.
def retrieve_colored_tpage(raw_dump, colored, tpage_number, clut_number):
tpage_rendering_clut = get_clut(colored, clut_number)
# Now we have our tpage rendering clut extracted, get the tpage, and apply that clut.
tpage = get_tpage_by_number(raw_dump, tpage_number)
colored_tpage = color_tpage(tpage, tpage_rendering_clut)
return colored_tpage
def draw_tpage_selection(raw_dump, tpage_number, clut_number, left, top, width, height):
colored = convert_rgb555(raw_dump)
image = get_tpage_selection(
raw_dump, colored, tpage_number, clut_number, left, top, width, height
def get_tpage_selection(
raw_dump, colored, tpage_number, clut_number, left, top, width, height
ctp = retrieve_colored_tpage(raw_dump, colored, tpage_number, clut_number)
# Crop it to match the needed UV coords, and display it
segment = ctp[top : top + height, left : left + width]
return segment
# For the chosen filename for the vram dump, we load the bytes, convert
# to a numpy array, and transform this to a rectangular layout in vram.
def load_raw_dump(filename):
# Load the dump from a currently running PCSX instance
if filename == "LIVE":
api_url = "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/gpu/vram/raw"
with urllib.request.urlopen(api_url) as response:
dumpbytes =
print("VRAM fetched from PCSX.")
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
print("Error retrieving textures from PCSX. Is it running?", e)
else: # Load from a specified filename
with open(filename, "rb") as dumpfile:
dumpbytes =
datasize = len(dumpbytes)
bytestring = np.frombuffer(dumpbytes, dtype=np.uint8)
return np.reshape(bytestring, (512, int(datasize / 512)))
class textureDisplayer:
def __init__(self, vram_dump):
self.rawvram = vram_dump
self.colored = convert_rgb555(vram_dump)
def get_image(self, tpage, clut, x, y, w, h):
return get_tpage_selection(self.rawvram, self.colored, tpage, clut, x, y, w, h)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Renders textures from VRAM dumps")
# Load the numerical values; the lambda auto-detects decimal or hexadecimal and processes either.
parser.add_argument("tpage_num", type=lambda x: int(x, 0), help="Tpage number")
parser.add_argument("clut_num", type=lambda x: int(x, 0), help="CLUT number")
parser.add_argument("UV_vals", nargs="*", type=lambda x: int(x, 0), help="x, y, w, h")
# Alternate run modes
parser.add_argument("--whole", action="store_true", help="Show the whole tpage+clut")
"--showclut", action="store_true", help="Just show the 16 colors in the CLUT"
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()
array = load_raw_dump(args.dump_filename)
if args.showclut:
colored = convert_rgb555(array)
clut = get_clut(colored, args.clut_num)
clut = clut.reshape((1, 16, 3)) # reshape to turn the clut into a 1x16 image
elif args.whole:
draw_tpage_selection(array, args.tpage_num, args.clut_num, 0, 0, 256, 256)
draw_tpage_selection(array, args.tpage_num, args.clut_num, *args.UV_vals)