mirror of
synced 2024-11-26 22:40:33 +00:00
Some checks are pending
Format code / format (push) Waiting to run
Build C code / extract-assets (push) Waiting to run
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, Debug, clang, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, Debug, clang, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, Debug, gcc, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, Debug, gcc, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, RelWithDebInfo, clang, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, RelWithDebInfo, clang, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, RelWithDebInfo, gcc, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-linux (x86_64, RelWithDebInfo, gcc, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-macos (Debug, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-macos (Debug, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-macos (RelWithDebInfo, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-macos (RelWithDebInfo, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-windows (Debug, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-windows (Debug, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-windows (RelWithDebInfo, custom) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build C code / build-windows (RelWithDebInfo, lle) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build Saturn version / build-and-test-saturn (push) Waiting to run
Build Saturn version / function-finder-saturn (push) Waiting to run
Build Debug Module tool / build (push) Waiting to run
Build PSX and PSP version / build-and-test (pspeu, hd) (push) Waiting to run
Build PSX and PSP version / build-and-test (pspeu, pspeu) (push) Waiting to run
Build PSX and PSP version / build-and-test (us, us) (push) Waiting to run
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-progress-report (pspeu, hd) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-progress-report (pspeu, pspeu) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-progress-report (us, us) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-duplicates-report (us, us) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Build PSX and PSP version / generate-duplicates-report-psp (pspeu, pspeu) (push) Blocked by required conditions
Adds match targets for servants.
1163 lines
40 KiB
Executable File
1163 lines
40 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import concurrent.futures
import hashlib
import itertools
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
from typing import Callable
import yaml
import signal
import struct
import sys
import threading
import time
from symbols import get_non_matching_symbols, print_elf_symbols, sort_symbols_from_file
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Make files inside config/ for a PSP overlay"
help="name of the overlay to disassemble",
help="game version",
def yowarning(s: str):
print(f"\033[1;33;m{s}\033[m", file=sys.stderr)
def omgpanic(s: str):
print(f"\033[1;31;m{s}\033[m", file=sys.stderr)
def align(n: int, alignment: int):
return int((n + alignment - 1) / alignment) * alignment
GREEN = "\033[92m"
RED = "\033[91m"
RESET = "\033[0m"
BOLD = "\033[1m"
spinner_running = False
spinner_thread = None
spinner_chars = ["⠋", "⠙", "⠹", "⠸", "⠼", "⠴", "⠦", "⠧", "⠇", "⠏"]
spinner_msg = ""
def tty_hide_cursor():
def tty_show_cursor():
def spinner_task():
global spinner_running, spinner_msg
for char in itertools.cycle(spinner_chars):
if not spinner_running:
sys.stdout.write(f"\r{GREEN}{BOLD}{char}{RESET} {spinner_msg}")
sys.stdout.write("\r") # Clear the spinner line
def spinner_start(msg: str):
global spinner_running, spinner_thread, spinner_msg
if spinner_running == True:
spinner_msg = msg
spinner_running = True
spinner_thread = threading.Thread(target=spinner_task, args=())
def spinner_stop(success: bool):
global spinner_running, spinner_thread, spinner_msg
if spinner_running == False:
spinner_running = False
# Show result with checkmark or cross
if success:
sys.stdout.write(f"{GREEN}{BOLD}✔{RESET} {spinner_msg}\n")
sys.stdout.write(f"{RED}{BOLD}✖{RESET} {spinner_msg}\n")
LW = 0x23
ADDIU = 0x09
LUI = 0x0F
V0 = 0x02
SP = 0x1D
JR_RA = 0x03E00008
NOP = 0x00000000
def parse_mips_instruction(data: bytes):
Parse a 32-bit MIPS instruction and separate its components.
Consts: https://github.com/Xeeynamo/mipsdump/blob/master/mipsdump/Instructions.fs
Format: https://github.com/Xeeynamo/mipsdump/blob/master/mipsdump/Disassembler.fs
if len(data) < 4:
omgpanic(f"unable to decompile mips instruction {len(data)} bytes long")
if len(data) > 4:
data = data[:4]
word = int(struct.unpack("<I", data)[0])
immu = word & 0xFFFF
imm = immu
if imm & 0x8000:
imm -= 0x10000 # signed short
return {
"op": (word >> 26) & 0x3F,
"rs": (word >> 21) & 0x1F,
"rt": (word >> 16) & 0x1F,
"rd": (word >> 11) & 0x1F,
"shamt": (word >> 6) & 0x1F,
"funct": word & 0x3F,
"imm": imm,
"immu": immu,
def match_word(data: bytearray, match: Callable[[bytes], bool], r: range) -> int:
for i in r:
if match(data[i : i + 4]):
return i
return -1
def match_first_word(data: bytearray, match: Callable[[bytes], bool]) -> int:
return match_word(data, match, range(0, len(data), 4))
def get_first_word(data: bytearray, word: int) -> int:
search = struct.pack("<I", word)
return match_first_word(data, lambda x: x == search)
def match_reverse_first_word(data: bytearray, match: Callable[[bytes], bool]) -> int:
return match_word(data, match, range(len(data) - 4, -1, -4))
def get_reverse_first_word(data: bytearray, word: int) -> int:
search = struct.pack("<I", word)
return match_reverse_first_word(data, lambda x: x == search)
def estimate_gnu_c_function_begin(data: bytearray, reverse: bool):
Get an estimation of where a function begins within the specified data.
This works by searching for 'addiu $sp, $sp, XX'.
NOTE: it does not necessarily mark the beginning of the function.
Use reverse=True to search from the end of the data array instead from the beginning.
def match_addiu_sp_sp(data: bytes) -> bool:
mips = parse_mips_instruction(data)
return mips["op"] == ADDIU and mips["rt"] == SP and mips["rs"] == SP
if reverse:
return match_reverse_first_word(data, match_addiu_sp_sp)
return match_first_word(data, match_addiu_sp_sp)
def get_gnu_c_function_end(data: bytearray, reverse: bool):
Finds the end of a function within the specified data by searchinfg for 'jr $ra'.
Use reverse=True to search from the end of the data array instead from the beginning.
if reverse:
off = get_reverse_first_word(data, JR_RA)
off = get_first_word(data, JR_RA)
if off < 0:
return off
return off + 8
def get_gnu_c_first_jtbl_addr(data: bytearray):
Get the raw address of the first jump table used by the first function found.
def is_lw_to_v0(x: bytes) -> bool:
mips = parse_mips_instruction(x)
return mips["op"] == LW and mips["rt"] == V0
def is_lui_to_dst(x: bytes, dst_reg: int) -> bool:
mips = parse_mips_instruction(x)
return mips["op"] == LUI and mips["rt"] == dst_reg and mips["rs"] == 0
# search for 'jr $v0'
off_jr = get_first_word(data, 0x00400008)
if off_jr == -1:
return -1
# restrict search close to the offset found
# assume the search begins within the previous 10 instructions
subdata = data[off_jr - 40 : off_jr]
# search for 'lw $v0, %lo(XXX)(YYY)
off_lw = match_reverse_first_word(subdata, is_lw_to_v0)
if off_lw == -1:
return -1
mips_lw = parse_mips_instruction(subdata[off_lw:])
reg_src_lw = mips_lw["rs"]
# search for 'lui $RS, %hi(ZZZ)
off_lui = match_reverse_first_word(subdata, lambda x: is_lui_to_dst(x, reg_src_lw))
if off_lui == -1:
return -1
mips_lui = parse_mips_instruction(subdata[off_lui:])
return (mips_lui["immu"] << 16) + mips_lw["imm"]
def estimate_c_file_split(input: str, text_len: int):
tries to detect a file split by looking for gaps on 0x10 aligned functions
with open(input, "rb") as f:
data = struct.unpack(f"{text_len>>2}i", f.read(text_len))
splits = [0x80]
for i in range(len(data)):
n = data[i]
if n != JR_RA:
# check for a gap of at least two nops
if (i & 3) > 1:
if data[i + 1] != NOP:
if data[i + 2] != NOP:
offset = align(0x80 + i * 4, 0x10)
if offset < text_len:
splits += [offset]
return splits
def is_psp(version: str) -> bool:
return version.startswith("psp")
def is_hd(version: str) -> bool:
return version == "hd"
def is_weapon(ovl_name: str) -> bool:
return ovl_name.startswith("w0_") or ovl_name.startswith("w1_")
def is_servant(ovl_name: str) -> bool:
return ovl_name.startswith("tt_")
def is_base_ovl(ovl_name: str) -> bool:
return ovl_name == "dra" or ovl_name == "ric" or ovl_name == "maria"
def is_boss(ovl_name: str) -> bool:
ovl_name = ovl_name.lower()
return ovl_name.startswith("bo") or ovl_name.startswith("rbo") or ovl_name == "mar"
def is_stage(ovl_name: str) -> bool:
return (
is_weapon(ovl_name) == False
and is_servant(ovl_name) == False
and is_base_ovl(ovl_name) == False
and is_boss(ovl_name) == False
def make_ovl_path(ovl_name: str, version: str) -> str:
if is_psp(version):
return f"disks/{version}/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/res/ps/PSPBIN/{ovl_name.lower()}.bin"
elif is_hd(version):
return f"disks/pspeu/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/res/ps/hdbin/{ovl_name.lower()}.bin"
elif version == "saturn":
omgpanic("saturn version not implemented")
if is_servant(ovl_name):
return f"disks/{version}/SERVANT/{ovl_name.upper()}.BIN"
elif is_weapon(ovl_name):
omgpanic("weapon overlays for PS1 needs to be manually extracted")
elif is_boss(ovl_name):
return f"disks/{version}/BOSS/{ovl_name.upper()}/{ovl_name.upper()}.BIN"
elif is_stage(ovl_name):
return f"disks/{version}/ST/{ovl_name.upper()}/{ovl_name.upper()}.BIN"
elif is_base_ovl(ovl_name):
return f"disks/{version}/BIN/{ovl_name.upper()}.BIN"
omgpanic(f"'{ovl_name}' not recognized for '{version}' version")
def make_dst_path(ovl_name: str) -> str:
if is_weapon(ovl_name):
return f"weapon/{ovl_name}"
if is_servant(ovl_name):
return f"servant/{ovl_name}"
if is_boss(ovl_name):
return f"boss/{ovl_name}"
if is_stage(ovl_name):
return f"st/{ovl_name}"
return ovl_name
def make_ovl_fullname(ovl_name: str) -> str:
if is_boss(ovl_name):
return f"bo{ovl_name}"
elif is_stage(ovl_name):
return f"st{ovl_name}"
return ovl_name
def get_metrowerk_ovl_header(input: str):
Parse and return the Metrowerk overlay header that contains all the
necessary metadata to successfully parse the binary file.
with open(input, "rb") as file:
header_data = file.read(48)
if len(header_data) != 48:
omgpanic("not a valid overlay")
unpacked_data = struct.unpack("I I I I I I I I 16s", header_data)
if unpacked_data[0] != 0x336F574D:
omgpanic("not a valid overlay")
return {
"name": unpacked_data[8].split(b"\x00", 1)[0].decode("ascii"),
"vram": unpacked_data[2],
"text_len": unpacked_data[3],
"data_len": unpacked_data[4],
"bss_len": unpacked_data[5],
def get_splat_config_path(ovl_name: str, version: str) -> str:
return f"config/splat.{version}.{ovl_name}.yaml"
def get_sha1(file_name: str) -> str:
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
with open(file_name, "rb") as f:
return sha1.hexdigest()
def get_splat_config(
input: str,
ver: str,
name: str,
path_stuff = make_dst_path(name)
file_stuff = make_ovl_fullname(name)
platform = "psx"
asm_path = f"asm/{ver}/{path_stuff}"
bss_is_no_load = False
section_order = [".data", ".rodata", ".text", ".bss", ".sbss"]
if is_psp(ver):
platform = "psp"
asm_path += "_psp"
bss_is_no_load = True
section_order = [".text", ".data", ".rodata", ".bss"]
return {
"options": {
"platform": platform,
"basename": file_stuff,
"base_path": "..",
"build_path": f"build/{ver}",
"target_path": input,
"asm_path": asm_path,
"asset_path": f"assets/{path_stuff}",
"src_path": f"src/{path_stuff}",
"ld_script_path": f"build/{ver}/{file_stuff}.ld",
"compiler": "GCC",
"symbol_addrs_path": [
"undefined_funcs_auto_path": f"config/undefined_funcs_auto.{ver}.{file_stuff}.txt",
"undefined_syms_auto_path": f"config/undefined_syms_auto.{ver}.{file_stuff}.txt",
"find_file_boundaries": True,
"use_legacy_include_asm": False,
"migrate_rodata_to_functions": True,
"asm_jtbl_label_macro": "jlabel",
"symbol_name_format": f"{ver}_$VRAM",
"section_order": section_order,
"ld_bss_is_noload": bss_is_no_load,
"disasm_unknown": True,
"include_macro_inc": False,
"disassemble_all": True,
def make_config_psx(ovl_path: str, version: str):
class IndentDumper(yaml.Dumper):
def increase_indent(self, flow=False, indentless=False):
return super(IndentDumper, self).increase_indent(flow, False)
ovl_name = os.path.basename(ovl_path).split(".")[0].lower()
if is_stage(ovl_name) or is_boss(ovl_name):
vram = 0x80180000
elif is_servant(ovl_name):
vram = 0x80170000
elif ovl_name == "dra":
vram = 0x800A0000
elif ovl_name == "ric":
vram = 0x8013C000
omgpanic(f"unable to determine vram for '{ovl_name}'")
with open(ovl_path, "rb") as f:
ovl_data = f.read()
data_off = 0
text_off = estimate_gnu_c_function_begin(ovl_data, False)
bss_off = get_gnu_c_function_end(ovl_data, True)
jtbl_addr = get_gnu_c_first_jtbl_addr(ovl_data[text_off:bss_off])
if jtbl_addr > 0:
rodata_off = jtbl_addr - vram
# sometimes text_off can be a fluke (e.g. HD RIC), we might need to re-calculate the offset
# we know it is the case if the found rodata offset starts after the found text offset
if jtbl_addr > text_off:
text_off = estimate_gnu_c_function_begin(ovl_data[rodata_off:], False)
text_off += rodata_off
rodata_off = -1
file_size = os.stat(ovl_path).st_size
config = get_splat_config(
subsegments = []
if data_off >= 0:
subsegments.append(f" - [0x{data_off:X}, data]\n")
if rodata_off >= 0:
migrate_rodata = config["options"]["migrate_rodata_to_functions"]
if migrate_rodata:
subsegments.append(f" - [0x{rodata_off:X}, .rodata, {version}]\n")
subsegments.append(f" - [0x{rodata_off:X}, rodata]\n")
if text_off >= 0:
subsegments.append(f" - [0x{text_off:X}, c, {version}]\n")
if bss_off >= 0:
subsegments.append(f" - [0x{bss_off:X}, sbss]\n")
ovl_name = config["options"]["basename"]
splat_config_path = get_splat_config_path(ovl_name, version)
with open(splat_config_path, "w") as f:
f.write(yaml.dump(config, Dumper=IndentDumper, sort_keys=False))
# now writes the rest manually because the default yaml formatting is horrifying
text = [
f"sha1: {get_sha1(ovl_path)}\n",
f" - name: {ovl_name}\n",
f" type: code\n",
f" start: 0\n",
f" vram: 0x{vram:08X}\n",
f" align: 4\n",
f" subalign: 4\n",
f" subsegments:\n",
text.append(f" - [0x{file_size:X}]\n")
return splat_config_path
def make_config_psp(ovl_path: str, version: str):
class IndentDumper(yaml.Dumper):
def increase_indent(self, flow=False, indentless=False):
return super(IndentDumper, self).increase_indent(flow, False)
ovl_header = get_metrowerk_ovl_header(ovl_path)
vram = ovl_header["vram"]
text_len = ovl_header["text_len"]
data_len = ovl_header["data_len"]
bss_len = ovl_header["bss_len"]
data_start = align(text_len, 0x80) + 0x80
bss_start = align(vram + data_start + data_len - 0x80, 0x80)
file_size = os.stat(ovl_path).st_size
splits = estimate_c_file_split(ovl_path, text_len)
config = get_splat_config(
ovl_name = config["options"]["basename"]
splat_config_path = f"config/splat.{version}.{ovl_name}.yaml"
with open(splat_config_path, "w") as f:
f.write(yaml.dump(config, Dumper=IndentDumper, sort_keys=False))
# now writes the rest manually because the default yaml formatting is horrifying
text = (
f" asm_inc_header: |\n",
f" .set noat /* allow manual use of $at */\n",
f" .set noreorder /* don't insert nops after branches */\n",
f' .include "macro.inc"\n',
f"sha1: {get_sha1(ovl_path)}\n",
f" - [0x0, bin, mwo_header]\n",
f' - name: {config["options"]["basename"]}\n',
f" type: code\n",
f" start: 0x80\n",
f" vram: 0x{vram+0x80:08X}\n",
f" bss_size: 0x{bss_len:X}\n",
f" align: 128\n",
f" subalign: 8\n",
f" subsegments:\n",
+ [f" - [0x{offset:X}, c]\n" for offset in splits]
+ [
f" - [0x{data_start:X}, data]\n",
f" - {{type: bss, vram: 0x{bss_start:X}}}\n",
f" - [0x{file_size:X}]\n",
return splat_config_path
def exec(cmd: str, *args):
cmd_args = [cmd]
with subprocess.Popen(
) as p:
stdout_raw, stderr_raw = p.communicate()
stdout_result = stdout_raw.decode("utf-8")
stderr_result = stderr_raw.decode("utf-8")
if p.returncode != 0:
omgpanic(stdout_result + stderr_result)
return stdout_result
def git(*args):
return exec("git", *args)
def make(*args):
return exec("make", *args)
def cargo_run(*args):
run_args = ["run", "--release", "--"]
return exec("cargo", *run_args)
def find_dups(threshold, dir1, dir2) -> dict[str, str]:
dir1 = os.path.join("../../", dir1)
dir2 = os.path.join("../../", dir2)
output = cargo_run("--threshold", f"{threshold}", "--dir", dir1, "--dir", dir2)
# format the output so it returns just a list of key-value pairs
separator = "--------------"
last_separator_index = len(output) - 1 - output[::-1].index(separator)
lines = output[last_separator_index + 1 :].split("\n")
pairs = {}
for line in lines:
items = line.split("|")
if len(items) < 2:
left = items[0].strip()
right = items[1].strip()
if len(left) == 0 or len(right) == 0:
pairs[left] = right
return pairs
def split(splat_config_path: str, disassemble_all: bool):
if disassemble_all:
return exec("splat", "split", splat_config_path, "--disassemble-all")
return exec("splat", "split", splat_config_path)
def adjust_include_asm(c_file, version):
with open(c_file) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
with open(c_file, "w") as f:
line.replace(f'INCLUDE_ASM("asm/{version}/', 'INCLUDE_ASM("').replace(
f'INCLUDE_RODATA("asm/{version}/', 'INCLUDE_RODATA("'
for line in lines
def list_all_files(path):
Return a list of all the files by walking through all subdirectories
list = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for file in files:
list.append(os.path.join(root, file))
return list
def get_asm_path(splat_config):
return splat_config["options"]["asm_path"]
def get_src_path(splat_config):
return splat_config["options"]["src_path"]
def get_symbol_prefix(splat_config):
prefix = splat_config["options"]["symbol_name_format"]
if prefix == None:
return ""
return str(prefix).replace("$VRAM", "")
def get_symbol_of_export_table(splat_config):
asm_path = get_asm_path(splat_config)
symbol_line = None
for file in list_all_files(f"{asm_path}/nonmatchings"):
with open(file) as f:
while True:
line = f.readline()
if line == "":
if " 1D09043C " not in line: # lui $a0, %hi(D_91CF738)
line = f.readline()
if " 38F78424 " not in line: # addiu $a0, $a0, %lo(D_91CF738)
maybe_symbol_line = f.readline() # lui $a1, %hi(D_psp_0924B960)
line = f.readline() # addiu $a1, $a1, %lo(D_psp_0924B960)
line = f.readline() # addiu $a2, $zero, 0x40
line = f.readline()
if " E127240E " not in line: # jal memcpy
symbol_line = maybe_symbol_line
if symbol_line != None:
if symbol_line == None:
return None
match = re.search(r"lui\s*\$a1,\s*%hi\(([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\)", symbol_line)
if not match:
return None
return match.group(1)
def get_symbol_of_entity_table(splat_config):
asm_path = get_asm_path(splat_config)
symbol_line = None
for file in list_all_files(f"{asm_path}/nonmatchings"):
with open(file) as f:
# get the previous 4 lines and look for the signature
# at the 4th last line read
buffer = [
while True:
buffer[0] = buffer[1]
buffer[1] = buffer[2]
buffer[2] = buffer[3]
buffer[3] = f.readline()
if buffer[3] == "":
if " 30BC43AC " not in buffer[3]: # sw $v1, -0x43D0($v0)
if " C708023C " not in buffer[2]: # lui $v0, (0x8C70000 >> 16)
symbol_line = buffer[0] # lui $v1, %hi(D_psp_09265438)
if symbol_line != None:
if symbol_line == None:
return None
match = re.search(r"lui\s*\$v1,\s*%hi\(([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\)", symbol_line)
if not match:
return None
return match.group(1)
def get_symbol_table(splat_config, table):
table_symbol = table
asm_path = get_asm_path(splat_config)
table = []
for file in list_all_files(f"{asm_path}/data"):
with open(file) as f:
while True:
line = f.readline()
if line == "":
if f"glabel {table_symbol}" not in line:
while True:
line = f.readline()
if f".size {table_symbol}" in line:
table += [line]
if len(table) > 0:
if len(table) == 0:
return None
# /* 4C388 09283A08 20BE2309 */ .word func_psp_0923BE20
# extract the '20BE2309' part
table = [
re.search(r"\/\* \w* \w* (\w*) \*\/ \.word \w*", line).group(1)
for line in table
# read it from the little-endian format from '20BE2309' to '0923BE20'
table = [f"{line[6:8]}{line[4:6]}{line[2:4]}{line[0:2]}" for line in table]
# finally convert it to an int
return [int(line, 16) for line in table]
def add_symbol_unique(symbol_file_name: str, name: str, offset: int):
with open(symbol_file_name, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
symbol_already_in_the_list = False
for i in range(len(lines)):
if f"0x{offset:08X}" in lines[i]:
symbol_already_in_the_list = True
if not lines[i].startswith("func_"):
if not lines[i].startswith("D_"):
if name.startswith("func_"):
if name.startswith("D_"):
# replace the existing default splat symbol with the good name
lines[i] = f"{name} = 0x{offset:08X}"
with open(symbol_file_name, "w") as f:
if not symbol_already_in_the_list:
with open(symbol_file_name, "a") as f:
f.write(f"{name} = 0x{offset:08X};\n")
def add_symbol(splat_config, version: str, name: str, offset: int):
if offset == 0:
# do not add symbols that belongs to the shared area
base_addr = splat_config["segments"][0]["vram"]
if offset < base_addr:
# do not add symbols that belongs to the shared area
base_addr = splat_config["segments"][0]["vram"]
if offset < base_addr:
# add symbol to the overlay symbol list
symbol_file_name = splat_config["options"]["symbol_addrs_path"][1]
sym_prefix = get_symbol_prefix(splat_config)
add_symbol_unique(symbol_file_name, name, offset)
# do a find & replace on the extracted C code
for c_file in list_all_files(get_src_path(splat_config)):
adjust_include_asm(c_file, version)
with open(c_file, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
lines = [
line.replace(f"D_{sym_prefix}{offset:08X}", name).replace(
f"func_{sym_prefix}{offset:08X}", name
for line in lines
with open(c_file, "w") as f:
def hydrate_stage_export_table_symbols(splat_config, version: str, export_table):
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "UpdateStageEntities", export_table[0])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "TestCollisions", export_table[1])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "UpdateTilemap", export_table[2])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "InitRoomEntities", export_table[3])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "g_Rooms", export_table[4])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "g_SpriteBanks", export_table[5])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "g_Cluts", export_table[6])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "NULL", export_table[7]) # ??????
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "g_TileLayers", export_table[8])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "g_EntityGfxs", export_table[9])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "UpdateStageEntitiesAlt", export_table[10])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "g_SpriteBank1", export_table[11])
if len(export_table) <= 12:
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "g_SpriteBank2", export_table[12])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "unk34", export_table[13])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "unk38", export_table[14])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "unk3C", export_table[15])
def hydrate_stage_entity_table_symbols(splat_config, version: str, export_table):
if len(export_table) > 15 and export_table[14] != export_table[15]:
f"cannot make assumption of 'EntityDummy' at 0x{export_table[14]:08X}\n"
"entity symbols will not be hydrated."
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityBreakable", export_table[0])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityExplosion", export_table[1])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityPrizeDrop", export_table[2])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityDamageDisplay", export_table[3])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityRedDoor", export_table[4])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityIntenseExplosion", export_table[5])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntitySoulStealOrb", export_table[6])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityRoomForeground", export_table[7])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityStageNamePopup", export_table[8])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityEquipItemDrop", export_table[9])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityRelicOrb", export_table[10])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityHeartDrop", export_table[11])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityEnemyBlood", export_table[12])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityMessageBox", export_table[13])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityDummy", export_table[14])
def hydrate_servant_symbols(splat_config, version: str, export_table):
# TODO give a meaningful name to this stuff
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Init", export_table[0])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Update", export_table[1])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk08", export_table[2])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk0C", export_table[3])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk10", export_table[4])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk14", export_table[5])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk18", export_table[6])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk1C", export_table[7])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk20", export_table[8])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk24", export_table[9])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk28", export_table[10])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk2C", export_table[11])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk30", export_table[12])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk34", export_table[13])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk38", export_table[14])
# add_symbol(splat_config, version, "Unk3C", export_table[15])
def hydrate_weapon_symbols(splat_config, version: str, export_table):
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityWeaponAttack", export_table[0])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "func_ptr_80170004", export_table[1])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "func_ptr_80170008", export_table[2])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "func_ptr_8017000C", export_table[3])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "func_ptr_80170010", export_table[4])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "func_ptr_80170014", export_table[5])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "GetWeaponId", export_table[6])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "LoadWeaponPalette", export_table[7])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "EntityWeaponShieldSpell", export_table[8])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "func_ptr_80170024", export_table[9])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "func_ptr_80170028", export_table[10])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "WeaponUnused2C", export_table[11])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "WeaponUnused30", export_table[12])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "WeaponUnused34", export_table[13])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "WeaponUnused38", export_table[14])
add_symbol(splat_config, version, "WeaponUnused3C", export_table[15])
def hydrate_psp_symbols(splat_config_path: str, splat_config, version: str):
need_to_update_symbols = False
spinner_start("getting the export table")
ovl_name = splat_config["options"]["basename"]
table = get_symbol_table(splat_config, get_symbol_of_export_table(splat_config))
if table != None:
if is_stage(ovl_name):
spinner_start("adding stage symbols")
hydrate_stage_export_table_symbols(splat_config, version, table)
elif is_servant(ovl_name):
spinner_start("adding servant symbols")
hydrate_servant_symbols(splat_config, version, table)
elif is_weapon(ovl_name):
spinner_start("adding weapon symbols")
hydrate_weapon_symbols(splat_config, version, table)
need_to_update_symbols = True
if is_stage(ovl_name):
spinner_start("getting the entity stage table")
entity_table_symbol = get_symbol_of_entity_table(splat_config)
if entity_table_symbol != None:
entity_table = get_symbol_table(splat_config, entity_table_symbol)
hydrate_stage_entity_table_symbols(splat_config, entity_table)
need_to_update_symbols = True
if need_to_update_symbols == True:
# disassemble once more to update the symbols
need_to_update_symbols = False
spinner_start("updating all symbols")
split(splat_config_path, True)
def hydrate_psx_duplicate_symbols(splat_config, ovl_name: str, version: str):
Hydrate the symbol list by comparing the extracted functions with those already detected
in other overlays.
This works by invoking `make force_symbols` and `split --disassemble-all` to disassemble
existing decompiled function with the right names from other overlays and then launching
the duplicate detection tool to hydrate the targeted overlay symbol list.
spinner_start("disassembling matched functions")
# cross-reference only what makes sense to cross-reference
if ovl_name == "dra":
samples = ["dra"]
dup_paths = ["dra"]
elif ovl_name == "ric":
samples = ["ric"]
dup_paths = ["ric"]
elif ovl_name == "stsel":
samples = ["stsel"]
dup_paths = ["st/sel"]
elif is_servant(ovl_name):
samples = ["tt_000", "tt_001", "tt_002"]
dup_paths = ["servant/tt_000", "servant/tt_001", "servant/tt_002"]
samples = ["stdre", "stnp3", "stnz0", "stst0", "stwrp"]
dup_paths = ["st/dre", "st/np3", "st/nz0", "st/st0", "st/wrp"]
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
lambda name: split(get_splat_config_path(name, "us"), True), samples
git("checkout", "config/")
spinner_start("finding duplicates across overlays")
left_asm_path = os.path.join(get_asm_path(splat_config), "nonmatchings")
sym_prefix = get_symbol_prefix(splat_config)
t = 0.9
dups = find_dups(t, left_asm_path, f"asm/us/{dup_paths[0]}/matchings")
for dup_path in dup_paths[1:]:
dups |= find_dups(t, left_asm_path, f"asm/us/{dup_path}/matchings")
if len(dups) == 0:
return 0
spinner_start("adding cross-referenced function names")
found = 0
added = set()
for left, right in dups.items():
func_prefix = f"func_{sym_prefix}"
if left.find(func_prefix) < 0: # ignore malformed function names
# avoid to add the same symbol to different offsets when dups are too similar
if right in added:
found += 1
offset = int(left.split(func_prefix)[1], 16)
add_symbol(splat_config, version, right, offset)
return found
def hydrate_psx_cross_ref_symbols(splat_config, ovl_name: str, version: str):
leverage symbols.py cross <matching> <nonmatching> to find symbols in data and bss
if version != "us":
# assume the equivalent overlay in the US version is already decompiled
ovl_full_name = make_ovl_fullname(ovl_name)
compiled_overlay = f"build/us/{ovl_full_name}.elf"
if not os.path.isfile(compiled_overlay):
f"overlay {compiled_overlay} not built, symbols will not be cross-referenced."
config_us_path = get_splat_config_path(ovl_full_name, "us")
symbols_us_path = f"config/symbols.us.{ovl_full_name}.txt"
spinner_start(f"splitting {config_us_path}")
with open(symbols_us_path, "w") as f:
print_elf_symbols(f, compiled_overlay, False)
split(config_us_path, True)
git("checkout", symbols_us_path)
right_matchings_path = f"asm/us/{make_dst_path(ovl_name)}/matchings"
elif is_stage(ovl_name) or is_boss(ovl_name):
# pick NZ0 as the most complete overlay to cross-reference symbols
right_matchings_path = f"asm/us/{make_dst_path('nz0')}/matchings"
elif is_servant(ovl_name):
# pick TT_002 as the most complete overlay to cross-reference symbols
right_matchings_path = f"asm/us/{make_dst_path('tt_002')}/matchings"
f"cannot find a similar overlay to {version}/{ovl_name} to cross-reference"
return 0
left_nonmatchings_path = os.path.join(get_asm_path(splat_config), "nonmatchings")
left_func_paths = list_all_files(left_nonmatchings_path)
left_func_path_set = {}
for func_path in left_func_paths:
file_name = os.path.basename(func_path)
if file_name.startswith("D_"):
left_func_path_set[file_name] = func_path
# the functions to cross-reference need to exist on both the overlays to compare
func_paths_to_cross_reference = {}
for func_path in list_all_files(right_matchings_path):
if os.path.basename(func_path) in left_func_path_set:
func_paths_to_cross_reference[os.path.basename(func_path)] = func_path
spinner_start(f"cross-referencing {len(func_paths_to_cross_reference)} functions")
syms = dict()
for func_name in func_paths_to_cross_reference:
match_func_path = func_paths_to_cross_reference[func_name]
with open(match_func_path, "r") as asm_ref_file:
cross_func_path = left_func_path_set[func_name]
with open(cross_func_path, "r") as asm_cross_file:
err, new_syms = get_non_matching_symbols(
asm_ref_file.readlines(), asm_cross_file.readlines()
if err != "ok":
for sym in new_syms:
syms[sym] = new_syms[sym]
spinner_start("adding cross-referenced symbol names")
for sym in syms:
add_symbol(splat_config, version, sym, syms[sym])
return len(syms)
def assert_sotn_decomp_cwd():
Ensure the tool is running from the sotn-decomp root directory.
If it does not, it tries to return back up to three directories.
for _ in range(3):
cwd = os.getcwd()
if (
os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwd, "tools"))
and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwd, "src"))
and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cwd, "disks"))
and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(cwd, "Makefile"))
# retry from directory up
omgpanic("re-run this script from sotn-decomp root directory")
def handle_interrupt(signum, frame):
def make_config(ovl_name: str, version: str):
ovl_input = make_ovl_path(ovl_name, version)
if is_psp(version):
spinner_start("generating psp splat config")
splat_config_path = make_config_psp(ovl_input, version)
spinner_start("generating psx splat config")
splat_config_path = make_config_psx(ovl_input, version)
with open(splat_config_path) as f:
splat_config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
for symbol_path in splat_config["options"]["symbol_addrs_path"]:
if not os.path.exists(symbol_path):
with open(symbol_path, "w") as f:
spinner_start(f"splitting {splat_config_path}")
split(splat_config_path, False)
src_path = get_src_path(splat_config)
spinner_start(f"adjusting files at {src_path}")
for c_file in list_all_files(src_path):
adjust_include_asm(c_file, version)
if is_psp(version):
hydrate_psp_symbols(splat_config_path, splat_config, version)
found = hydrate_psx_duplicate_symbols(splat_config, ovl_name, version)
if found > 0:
spinner_start(f"renamed {found} functions, splitting again")
split(splat_config_path, False)
found = hydrate_psx_cross_ref_symbols(splat_config, ovl_name, version)
if found > 0:
spinner_start(f"renamed {found} data/bss symbols, splitting again")
split(splat_config_path, False)
# automatically stage new files in config/ so make clean will not nuke them
git("add", splat_config_path, splat_config["options"]["symbol_addrs_path"][1])
spinner_stop(True) # done 🫡
if __name__ == "__main__":
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_interrupt)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.version == None:
args.version = os.getenv("VERSION")
if args.version == None:
args.version = "us"
make_config(args.input, args.version)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception as e:
raise e