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synced 2024-11-23 13:29:48 +00:00
131 lines
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131 lines
3.4 KiB
import sys
import json
def get_func_type(name):
func_type = 'void '
if '~' in name:
func_type = ''
if '::' in name:
i = name.index('::')
class_name = name[:i]
second_part = name[i+2:]
second_part = second_part[:second_part.index('(')]
if class_name == second_part:
func_type = ''
return func_type
def generate_header(name):
func_type = get_func_type(name)
print(f'EXPORT {func_type}{name};')
def generate_body(name, size):
tag = '// @SMALLTODO'
if size > 900:
tag = '// @BIGTODO'
if size > 450:
tag = '// @MEDIUMTODO'
func_type = get_func_type(name)
def replace_type(orig, width, string):
return string.replace(f'({orig})', f'({width})').replace(f',{orig})', f',{width})').replace(f'({orig},', f'({width},').replace(f',{orig},',f',{width},').replace(f'{orig} *', f'{width} *').replace(f'{orig} ', f'{width} ')
def set_widthed_type(entry):
entry = entry.replace('(int)', '(i32)').replace(',int)', ',i32)').replace('(int,', '(i32,').replace(',int,',',i32,')
entry = entry.replace('(uchar)', '(u8)').replace(',uchar)', ',u8)').replace('(uchar,', '(u8,').replace(',uchar,',',u8,')
entry = entry.replace('(ulong)', '(u32)').replace(',ulong)', ',u32)').replace('(ulong,', '(u32,').replace(',ulong,',',u32,')
entry = replace_type('ulong', 'u32', entry)
entry = replace_type('uint', 'u32', entry)
entry = replace_type('ushort', 'u16', entry)
entry = replace_type('int', 'i32', entry)
entry = replace_type('short', 'i16', entry)
entry = replace_type('uchar', 'u8', entry)
entry = entry.replace('&', '*')
entry = entry.replace('((', '(').replace('))',')')
return entry
def does_func_exist(entry, base):
if entry.startswith('nullsub'):
return True
if entry.startswith('.'):
return True
name = entry[:entry.index('(')].strip()
res = name in base
if res:
print(f'Will remove {entry} {name}')
return res
def main():
prototype_def = None
entry = sys.argv[2]
base_file = None
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as fp:
prototype_def = json.load(fp)
with open(sys.argv[3], 'r') as fp:
base_file = fp.read()
except IndexError:
base_file = ''
if entry not in prototype_def:
print(f'{entry} not part of prototypes')
return 1
functions = list(prototype_def[entry].items())
functions.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
functions = map(lambda x: (set_widthed_type(x[0]), x[1]), functions)
functions = map(lambda x: (set_widthed_type(x[0]), x[1]), functions)
functions = map(lambda x: (set_widthed_type(x[0]), x[1]), functions)
functions = filter(lambda x: does_func_exist(x[0], base_file) == False, functions)
functions = list(functions)
class_prefix = None
for name, _ in functions:
if '::' not in name:
if class_prefix is not None:
class_prefix = None
current_prefix = name[:name.index('::')]
if class_prefix != current_prefix:
class_prefix = current_prefix
for name, size in functions:
generate_body(name, size)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':