mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 05:19:44 +00:00
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
Language: Cpp
Standard: C++03
AccessModifierOffset: -4
AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false
AlignOperands: true
AlignTrailingComments: true
AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true
AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Inline
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None
AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true
BinPackArguments: true
BinPackParameters: true
BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: None
BreakBeforeBraces: Custom
AfterControlStatement: MultiLine
AfterFunction: false
AfterEnum: false
AfterClass: false
AfterCaseLabel: false
AfterNamespace: false
AfterStruct: false
AfterUnion: false
AfterExternBlock: false
BeforeElse: false
BeforeWhile: false
BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: false
BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false
ColumnLimit: 100
CommentPragmas: '^ (IWYU pragma:|NOLINT)'
ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false
ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4
ContinuationIndentWidth: 4
Cpp11BracedListStyle: true
DerivePointerAlignment: false
DisableFormat: false
ForEachMacros: []
- Regex: '^<[Ww]indows\.h>$'
Priority: 1
- Regex: '^<'
Priority: 2
- Regex: '^"'
Priority: 3
IndentCaseLabels: false
IndentWidth: 4
IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false
KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: false
MacroBlockBegin: ''
MacroBlockEnd: ''
MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1
NamespaceIndentation: None
ObjCBlockIndentWidth: 4
ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false
ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true
PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 19
PenaltyBreakComment: 300
PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120
PenaltyBreakString: 1000
PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000
PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60
PointerAlignment: Left
ReferenceAlignment: Left
ReflowComments: true
SortIncludes: true
SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false
SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true
SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false
SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 2
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SpacesInParentheses: false
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
* text=auto
# Explicitly declare text files
*.py text
# Enforce platform-specific encodings
*.bat text eol=crlf
*.sh text eol=lf
*.sha1 text eol=lf
# DTK keeps these files with LF
config/**/*.txt text eol=lf
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
name: Build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: ghcr.io/encounter/ww-build:main
fail-fast: false
version: [GZLE01, GZLP01, GZLJ01]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Git config
run: git config --global --add safe.directory "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE"
- name: Prepare
run: cp -R /orig/${{matrix.version}} orig
- name: Build
run: |
python configure.py --map --version ${{matrix.version}} --compilers /compilers
- name: Upload maps
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{matrix.version}} maps
path: build/${{matrix.version}}/**/*.MAP
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker [![Build Status]][actions]
[Build Status]: https://github.com/zeldaret/tww/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg
[actions]: https://github.com/zeldaret/tww/actions/workflows/build.yml
This repository supports the following versions:
- GZLE01 - Rev 0 (USA), Rev 48 (Korea)
- GZLP01 - Rev 0 (EUR)
- GZLJ01 - Rev 0 (JPN)
On Windows, it's **highly recommended** to use native tooling. WSL or msys2 are **not** required.
When running under WSL, [objdiff](#diffing) is unable to get filesystem notifications for automatic rebuilds.
- Install [ninja](https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases) and add it to `%PATH%`.
- Install [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) and add it to `%PATH%`.
- Also available from the [Windows Store](https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/python-311/9NRWMJP3717K).
- Install [ninja](https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/wiki/Pre-built-Ninja-packages):
brew install ninja
- Install [wine-crossover](https://github.com/Gcenx/homebrew-wine):
brew install --cask --no-quarantine gcenx/wine/wine-crossover
- Install [ninja](https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/wiki/Pre-built-Ninja-packages).
- For non-x86(_64) platforms: Install wine from your package manager.
- For x86(_64), [WiBo](https://github.com/decompals/WiBo), a minimal 32-bit Windows binary wrapper, will be automatically downloaded and used.
- Checkout the repository:
git clone https://github.com/zeldaret/tww.git
- Using [Dolphin Emulator](https://dolphin-emu.org/), extract your game to `orig/GZLE01` (or `GLZJ01` for JPN, `GLZE01` for PAL).
- To save space, the only necessary files are the following. Any others can be deleted.
- `sys/main.dol`
- `files/rels/*.rel`
- `files/RELS.arc`
- Configure:
python configure.py
- Build:
Once the initial build succeeds, an `objdiff.json` should exist in the project root.
Download the latest release from [encounter/objdiff](https://github.com/encounter/objdiff). Under project settings, set `Project directory`. The configuration should be loaded automatically.
Select an object from the left sidebar to begin diffing. Changes to the project will rebuild automatically: changes to source files, headers, `configure.py`, `splits.txt` or `symbols.txt`.
More documentation
- [Visual Studio Code](docs/vscode.md)
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 12 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 65 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00000E60
.text start:0x00000E60 end:0x00000E60
.text start:0x00000E60 end:0x00000EDC
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000075
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000001A0
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000020
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
CheckCreateHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
CreateHeap__9daAleaf_cFv = .text:0x0000010C; // type:function size:0x14C scope:global align:4
CreateInit__9daAleaf_cFv = .text:0x00000258; // type:function size:0xBC scope:global align:4
create_acorn__9daAleaf_cFv = .text:0x00000314; // type:function size:0x70 scope:global align:4
create_acorn_sub__9daAleaf_cFb = .text:0x00000384; // type:function size:0xDC scope:global align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000460; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
_create__9daAleaf_cFv = .text:0x0000049C; // type:function size:0x150 scope:global align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_bckAnmFv = .text:0x000005EC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x00000648; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000690; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x0000075C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x000007A4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00000800; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
set_mtx__9daAleaf_cFv = .text:0x00000848; // type:function size:0x88 scope:global align:4
_execute__9daAleaf_cFv = .text:0x000008D0; // type:function size:0x374 scope:global align:4
_draw__9daAleaf_cFv = .text:0x00000C44; // type:function size:0x90 scope:global align:4
daAleaf_Create__FPv = .text:0x00000CD4; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daAleaf_Delete__FPv = .text:0x00000CF4; // type:function size:0x30 scope:local align:4
daAleaf_Draw__FPv = .text:0x00000D24; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daAleaf_Execute__FPv = .text:0x00000D48; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daAleaf_IsDelete__FPv = .text:0x00000D6C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000D74; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00000D84; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00000D8C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000D94; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000D9C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000DA4; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00000DDC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00000DE4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00000DEC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00000DF4; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00000E2C; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00000E30; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000E38; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00000E40; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00000E48; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00000E54; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
PrmAbstract<Q37daTsubo5Act_c5Prm_e>__5daObjFPC10fopAc_ac_cQ37daTsubo5Act_c5Prm_eQ37daTsubo5Act_c5Prm_e = .text:0x00000E60; // type:function size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_acorn_leaf_cpp = .text:0x00000E7C; // type:function size:0x50 scope:local align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000ECC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000ED4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
m_arcname__9daAleaf_c = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x6 scope:global align:4 data:string
@4032 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4045 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4046 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4047 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4048 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4331 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4332 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4333 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4334 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4335 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4336 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4423 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x31 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
l_cyl_src = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
daAleafMethodTable = .data:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_ACORN_LEAF = .data:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_bckAnm = .data:0x00000094; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x00000134; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000140; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x0000014C; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
@4011 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
acorn_offset = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4 data:float
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000057B0
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x0000009D
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000574
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x0000000F
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
ExeSubA__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x2CC scope:global align:4
ExeSubAT__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00000344; // type:function size:0x328 scope:global align:4
ExeSubA2__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x0000066C; // type:function size:0x2D4 scope:global align:4
ExeSubF__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00000940; // type:function size:0x174 scope:global align:4
ExeSubF2__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00000AB4; // type:function size:0x394 scope:global align:4
ExeSubM__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00000E48; // type:function size:0x19C scope:global align:4
ExeSubM2__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00000FE4; // type:function size:0x1B4 scope:global align:4
ExeSubM3__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00001198; // type:function size:0x1D0 scope:global align:4
TriforceCheck__10daAgbsw0_cFP7daAgb_c = .text:0x00001368; // type:function size:0x448 scope:global align:4
ExeSubMW__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x000017B0; // type:function size:0x320 scope:global align:4
ExeSubT__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00001AD0; // type:function size:0x1F8 scope:global align:4
ExeSubS__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00001CC8; // type:function size:0x2E4 scope:global align:4
ExeSubR__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00001FAC; // type:function size:0x240 scope:global align:4
ExeSubB__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x000021EC; // type:function size:0x83C scope:global align:4
ExeSubD__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00002A28; // type:function size:0x368 scope:global align:4
ExeSubFA__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00002D90; // type:function size:0x34C scope:global align:4
HitCheck__10daAgbsw0_cFP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000030DC; // type:function size:0x130 scope:global align:4
HitCheck__10daAgbsw0_cF4cXyzf = .text:0x0000320C; // type:function size:0x138 scope:global align:4
MoveCheck__10daAgbsw0_cFs = .text:0x00003344; // type:function size:0x1428 scope:global align:4
dComIfGs_getMagic__Fv = .text:0x0000476C; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
MailSend__10daAgbsw0_cFUsUcUcUcUc = .text:0x0000477C; // type:function size:0x9C scope:global align:4
daAgbsw0_Draw__FP10daAgbsw0_c = .text:0x00004818; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
draw__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00004838; // type:function size:0x2F4 scope:weak align:4
daAgbsw0_Execute__FP10daAgbsw0_c = .text:0x00004B2C; // type:function size:0x1CC scope:local align:4
daAgbsw0_IsDelete__FP10daAgbsw0_c = .text:0x00004CF8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAgbsw0_Delete__FP10daAgbsw0_c = .text:0x00004D00; // type:function size:0x198 scope:local align:4
daAgbsw0_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00004E98; // type:function size:0xE8 scope:local align:4
create__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .text:0x00004F80; // type:function size:0x4D8 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00005458; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00005524; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000556C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x000055C8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00005610; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000566C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000056B4; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x000056C4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x000056CC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000056D4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000056DC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000056E4; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x0000571C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00005724; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x0000572C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00005734; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x0000576C; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00005770; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00005778; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00005780; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00005788; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00005794; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000057A0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000057A8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4744 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4745 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5062 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5063 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5064 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5151 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5152 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5153 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5154 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5155 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5156 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5157 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5337 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5338 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5339 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5546 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5547 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5548 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5734 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@7137 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@7138 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x31 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
l_cyl_src = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
@4407 = .data:0x00000074; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4408 = .data:0x00000080; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4409 = .data:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4410 = .data:0x00000098; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4411 = .data:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4412 = .data:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4413 = .data:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4414 = .data:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4415 = .data:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4416 = .data:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4417 = .data:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4418 = .data:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4419 = .data:0x00000104; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4420 = .data:0x00000110; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4421 = .data:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
ExeSubTable$localstatic3$execute__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .data:0x00000128; // type:object size:0xB4 scope:weak align:4 data:4byte
@5065 = .data:0x000001DC; // type:object size:0x1C scope:local align:4
BeatedMsg__10daAgbsw0_c = .data:0x000001F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:global align:4
DisposedMsg__10daAgbsw0_c = .data:0x00000204; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
@6889 = .data:0x00000208; // type:object size:0x210 scope:local align:4
l_daAgbsw0_Method = .data:0x00000418; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_AGBSW0 = .data:0x00000438; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000468; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000474; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x00000480; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x00000508; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000514; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000520; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
mMail__10daAgbsw0_c = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x8 scope:global align:4
mSE__10daAgbsw0_c = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4 data:4byte
se_flag$5073 = .bss:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
init$5074 = .bss:0x0000000D; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
init$localstatic4$execute__10daAgbsw0_cFv = .bss:0x0000000E; // type:object size:0x1 scope:weak align:1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000002CC
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000050
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
getSwbit__10daAlldie_cFv = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
actionWait__10daAlldie_cFv = .text:0x00000084; // type:function size:0x8 scope:global align:4
actionCheck__10daAlldie_cFv = .text:0x0000008C; // type:function size:0x4C scope:global align:4
actionTimer__10daAlldie_cFv = .text:0x000000D8; // type:function size:0x94 scope:global align:4
execute__10daAlldie_cFv = .text:0x0000016C; // type:function size:0x50 scope:global align:4
daAlldie_Draw__FP10daAlldie_c = .text:0x000001BC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAlldie_Execute__FP10daAlldie_c = .text:0x000001C4; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daAlldie_IsDelete__FP10daAlldie_c = .text:0x000001E8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAlldie_Delete__FP10daAlldie_c = .text:0x000001F0; // type:function size:0x30 scope:local align:4
daAlldie_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000220; // type:function size:0xAC scope:local align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
l_daAlldie_Method = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_ALLDIE = .data:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x00004B00
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000000B8
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000004C4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
nodeCallBack__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1A4 scope:local align:4
draw_SUB__FP8am_class = .text:0x0000021C; // type:function size:0xC8 scope:local align:4
daAM_Draw__FP8am_class = .text:0x000002E4; // type:function size:0x94 scope:local align:4
anm_init__FP8am_classifUcfi = .text:0x00000378; // type:function size:0x12C scope:local align:4
body_atari_check__FP8am_class = .text:0x000004A4; // type:function size:0x2E0 scope:local align:4
medama_atari_check__FP8am_class = .text:0x00000784; // type:function size:0x590 scope:local align:4
bomb_move_set__FP8am_classUc = .text:0x00000D14; // type:function size:0x1F0 scope:local align:4
bomb_nomi_check__FP8am_class = .text:0x00000F04; // type:function size:0x234 scope:local align:4
BG_check__FP8am_class = .text:0x00001138; // type:function size:0xAC scope:local align:4
Line_check__FP8am_class4cXyz = .text:0x000011E4; // type:function size:0x320 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00001504; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00001630; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000016D0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x0000172C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00001774; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000017D0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00001818; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x000018AC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x000018F4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
medama_move__FP8am_class = .text:0x0000193C; // type:function size:0x1C4 scope:local align:4
action_dousa__FP8am_class = .text:0x00001B00; // type:function size:0xA64 scope:local align:4
action_modoru_move__FP8am_class = .text:0x00002564; // type:function size:0x360 scope:local align:4
action_handou_move__FP8am_class = .text:0x000028C4; // type:function size:0x1A8 scope:local align:4
action_itai_move__FP8am_class = .text:0x00002A6C; // type:function size:0xA88 scope:local align:4
daAM_Execute__FP8am_class = .text:0x000034F4; // type:function size:0x4B0 scope:local align:4
daAM_IsDelete__FP8am_class = .text:0x000039A4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAM_Delete__FP8am_class = .text:0x000039AC; // type:function size:0xD8 scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00003A84; // type:function size:0x17C scope:local align:4
daAM_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00003C00; // type:function size:0x35C scope:local align:4
__ct__8am_classFv = .text:0x00003F5C; // type:function size:0x348 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000042A4; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00004370; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000043B8; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00004484; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x000044CC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00004528; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00004570; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x000045CC; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x0000463C; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x000046C4; // type:function size:0x7C scope:weak align:4
__defctor__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x00004740; // type:function size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00004764; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00004768; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000476C; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00004770; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x00004774; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x000047BC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM2dGCirFv = .text:0x00004818; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x00004860; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x000048BC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00004904; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00004914; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x0000491C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00004924; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000492C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00004934; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x0000496C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00004974; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x0000497C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00004984; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x000049BC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x000049C0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000049C8; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x000049D8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x000049E0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000049E8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000049F0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000049F8; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00004A30; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00004A38; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00004A40; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00004A48; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00004A80; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00004A88; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00004A90; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00004A9C; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00004AA8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00004AB0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00004AB8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00004AC0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00004AC8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00004AD0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00004AD8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00004AE0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00004AE8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00004AF0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00004AF8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4105 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4106 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4107 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4108 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4109 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4141 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4142 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4154 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4397 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4459 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4460 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4461 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4462 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4519 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4524 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4627 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4728 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4729 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5011 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5012 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5013 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5014 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5015 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5016 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5119 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5120 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5121 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5403 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5404 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5405 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5406 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5407 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5502 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5503 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5504 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5505 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5506 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5714 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5715 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5717 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5017 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
@5408 = .data:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
cyl2_eye_offset$5550 = .data:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
search_data$5551 = .data:0x00000094; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
eye_co_sph_src$5628 = .data:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
mouth_co_sph_src$5629 = .data:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
body_co_cyl_src$5630 = .data:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
sword_co_cyl_src$5631 = .data:0x00000164; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
l_daAM_Method = .data:0x000001A8; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_AM = .data:0x000001C8; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x000001F8; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x00000214; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x00000234; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x00000240; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
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__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000258; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000264; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x00000270; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x000002F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x00000304; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x0000038C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000398; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x000003A4; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x000003F8; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x0000041C; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x0000044C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000464; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000470; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x0000047C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000488; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x00000494; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x000004A0; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x000004B8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x00004DA8
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000000C2
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000004D4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
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nodeCallBack__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x138 scope:local align:4
draw_SUB__FP9am2_class = .text:0x000001B0; // type:function size:0xC8 scope:local align:4
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action_modoru_move__FP9am2_class = .text:0x000034A4; // type:function size:0x2F8 scope:local align:4
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GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x00004B0C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
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GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00004BD0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
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CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00004C28; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00004C30; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00004C38; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00004C70; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00004C78; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
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GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00004C8C; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
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__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x00004CF4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00004D50; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00004D58; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00004D60; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00004D68; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00004D70; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00004D78; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00004D80; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
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@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00004DA0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4185 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
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@4187 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4188 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
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@4251 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4263 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4395 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
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@4845 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4846 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4847 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
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@5080 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5081 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5082 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5083 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5084 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5085 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5086 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5087 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5382 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5383 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5384 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5385 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5386 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5387 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5388 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5389 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5390 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5578 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5679 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@5734 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5735 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5736 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5737 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5738 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5979 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5980 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5981 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5982 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5984 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0xA scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5088 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
cyl_offset_1$5777 = .data:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
sph_offset$5778 = .data:0x00000068; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
search_data$5779 = .data:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
eye_co_sph_src$5873 = .data:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
week_co_sph_src$5874 = .data:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
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sword_co_cyl_src$5876 = .data:0x00000150; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
l_daAM2_Method = .data:0x00000194; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_AM2 = .data:0x000001B4; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
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__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x00000208; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x00000214; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
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__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x000002E4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
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__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x00000378; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
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__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000390; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x000003E4; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000408; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x00000414; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000420; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x0000042C; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x0000045C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000474; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000480; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x0000048C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000498; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x000004A4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x000004B0; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x000004C8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
.text type:code align:8
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.dtors type:rodata align:8
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.data type:data align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x00000AB4
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000048
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000188
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
_delete__11daAmiProp_cFv = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x5C scope:global align:4
CheckCreateHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000000D4; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
CreateHeap__11daAmiProp_cFv = .text:0x000000F4; // type:function size:0x150 scope:global align:4
CreateInit__11daAmiProp_cFv = .text:0x00000244; // type:function size:0xD4 scope:global align:4
_create__11daAmiProp_cFv = .text:0x00000318; // type:function size:0x12C scope:global align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000444; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00000510; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00000558; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x000005B4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
set_mtx__11daAmiProp_cFv = .text:0x000005FC; // type:function size:0x98 scope:global align:4
setMoveBGMtx__11daAmiProp_cFv = .text:0x00000694; // type:function size:0x78 scope:global align:4
_execute__11daAmiProp_cFv = .text:0x0000070C; // type:function size:0x178 scope:global align:4
_draw__11daAmiProp_cFv = .text:0x00000884; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:global align:4
daAmiProp_Create__FPv = .text:0x00000924; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daAmiProp_Delete__FPv = .text:0x00000944; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daAmiProp_Draw__FPv = .text:0x00000968; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daAmiProp_Execute__FPv = .text:0x0000098C; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daAmiProp_IsDelete__FPv = .text:0x000009B0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000009B8; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x000009C8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x000009D0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000009D8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000009E0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000009E8; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00000A20; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00000A28; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00000A30; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00000A38; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00000A70; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00000A74; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000A7C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00000A84; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00000A8C; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00000A98; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000AA4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000AAC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
m_arcname__11daAmiProp_c = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x6 scope:global align:4 data:string
@4036 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4037 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4038 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4039 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4040 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4217 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4218 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
l_cyl_src = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
daAmiPropMethodTable = .data:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_AMI_PROP = .data:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000128; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x00000A64
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000000CC
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000020
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
daAndsw0_Draw__FP12andsw0_class = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAndsw0_check__FP12andsw0_class = .text:0x00000080; // type:function size:0x344 scope:local align:4
bk_s_sub1__FPvPv = .text:0x000003C4; // type:function size:0x88 scope:local align:4
bk_s_sub2__FPvPv = .text:0x0000044C; // type:function size:0x88 scope:local align:4
bk_s_sub3__FPvPv = .text:0x000004D4; // type:function size:0x88 scope:local align:4
bb_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x0000055C; // type:function size:0x78 scope:local align:4
hajimari_actor_entry__FP12andsw0_class = .text:0x000005D4; // type:function size:0xD8 scope:local align:4
hajimarinomori_check__FP12andsw0_class = .text:0x000006AC; // type:function size:0x170 scope:local align:4
event_start_check__FP12andsw0_class = .text:0x0000081C; // type:function size:0xF8 scope:local align:4
daAndsw0_Execute__FP12andsw0_class = .text:0x00000914; // type:function size:0x50 scope:local align:4
daAndsw0_IsDelete__FP12andsw0_class = .text:0x00000964; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAndsw0_Delete__FP12andsw0_class = .text:0x0000096C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAndsw0_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000974; // type:function size:0xF0 scope:local align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
@4158 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x7C scope:local align:4
l_daAndsw0_Method = .data:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_ANDSW0 = .data:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
ac = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x1C scope:local align:4
check_count = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x00000724
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000068
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
getEventNo__10daAndsw2_cFv = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
getSwbit__10daAndsw2_cFv = .text:0x00000084; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
getSwbit2__10daAndsw2_cFv = .text:0x00000090; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
getType__10daAndsw2_cFv = .text:0x0000009C; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
getTimer__10daAndsw2_cFv = .text:0x000000A8; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
getNum__10daAndsw2_cFv = .text:0x000000B4; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
getTopSw__10daAndsw2_cFv = .text:0x000000C0; // type:function size:0x70 scope:global align:4
chkAllSw2__10daAndsw2_cFv = .text:0x00000130; // type:function size:0xA8 scope:global align:4
daAndsw2_actionOnAll__FP10daAndsw2_c = .text:0x000001D8; // type:function size:0xD8 scope:local align:4
daAndsw2_actionTimer__FP10daAndsw2_c = .text:0x000002B0; // type:function size:0xD0 scope:local align:4
daAndsw2_actionOrder__FP10daAndsw2_c = .text:0x00000380; // type:function size:0xB8 scope:local align:4
daAndsw2_actionEvent__FP10daAndsw2_c = .text:0x00000438; // type:function size:0x84 scope:local align:4
daAndsw2_actionOff__FP10daAndsw2_c = .text:0x000004BC; // type:function size:0x6C scope:local align:4
daAndsw2_actionWait__FP10daAndsw2_c = .text:0x00000528; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAndsw2_Draw__FP10daAndsw2_c = .text:0x00000530; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAndsw2_Execute__FP10daAndsw2_c = .text:0x00000538; // type:function size:0x3C scope:local align:4
daAndsw2_IsDelete__FP10daAndsw2_c = .text:0x00000574; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAndsw2_Delete__FP10daAndsw2_c = .text:0x0000057C; // type:function size:0x30 scope:local align:4
daAndsw2_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000005AC; // type:function size:0x178 scope:local align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
l_action$localstatic3$execute__10daAndsw2_cFv = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
l_daAndsw2_Method = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_ANDSW2 = .data:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00001058
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000083
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000068
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000024
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
CheckCreateHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
CreateHeap__16daArrow_Iceeff_cFv = .text:0x0000010C; // type:function size:0x218 scope:global align:4
CreateInit__16daArrow_Iceeff_cFv = .text:0x00000324; // type:function size:0x2C0 scope:global align:4
set_mtx__16daArrow_Iceeff_cFv = .text:0x000005E4; // type:function size:0x158 scope:global align:4
daArrow_Iceeff_Create__FPv = .text:0x0000073C; // type:function size:0x118 scope:local align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_bckAnmFv = .text:0x00000854; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x000008B0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000008F8; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000934; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
daArrow_Iceeff_Delete__FPv = .text:0x00000938; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daArrow_Iceeff_Draw__FPv = .text:0x00000940; // type:function size:0x158 scope:local align:4
daArrow_Iceeff_Execute__FPv = .text:0x00000A98; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
_execute__16daArrow_Iceeff_cFv = .text:0x00000ABC; // type:function size:0x594 scope:weak align:4
daArrow_Iceeff_IsDelete__FPv = .text:0x00001050; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4083 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4141 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4142 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4143 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4144 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4145 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4146 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4147 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4148 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4150 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4483 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4484 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4485 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4486 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4487 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4488 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4489 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x37 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
daArrow_IceeffMethodTable = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_ARROW_ICEEFF = .data:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_bckAnm = .data:0x00000050; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
@4209 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$localstatic4$_execute__16daArrow_Iceeff_cFv = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:weak align:1 data:byte
ripple_scale$localstatic3$_execute__16daArrow_Iceeff_cFv = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4 data:float
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000011AC
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000000AE
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000074
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
setTopPos__18daArrow_Lighteff_cFv = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x90 scope:global align:4
setPointLight__18daArrow_Lighteff_cFv = .text:0x00000108; // type:function size:0x128 scope:global align:4
delete_particle__18daArrow_Lighteff_cFv = .text:0x00000230; // type:function size:0x90 scope:global align:4
CheckCreateHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000002C0; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
CreateHeap__18daArrow_Lighteff_cFv = .text:0x000002E0; // type:function size:0x344 scope:global align:4
CreateInit__18daArrow_Lighteff_cFv = .text:0x00000624; // type:function size:0x25C scope:global align:4
set_mtx__18daArrow_Lighteff_cFv = .text:0x00000880; // type:function size:0x100 scope:global align:4
daArrow_Lighteff_Create__FPv = .text:0x00000980; // type:function size:0xF0 scope:local align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x00000A70; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00000ACC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x00000B28; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daArrow_Lighteff_Delete__FPv = .text:0x00000B70; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:local align:4
daArrow_Lighteff_Draw__FPv = .text:0x00000C10; // type:function size:0x110 scope:local align:4
daArrow_Lighteff_Execute__FPv = .text:0x00000D20; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
_execute__18daArrow_Lighteff_cFv = .text:0x00000D44; // type:function size:0x460 scope:weak align:4
daArrow_Lighteff_IsDelete__FPv = .text:0x000011A4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4063 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4064 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
light_color$4068 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
@4080 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4081 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4082 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4083 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4084 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4085 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4088 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4218 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4219 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4557 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4558 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4559 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4560 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4561 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x42 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
daArrow_LighteffMethodTable = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_ARROW_LIGHTEFF = .data:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x00000050; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000068; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x0000072C
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000039
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000064
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
getSwbit__10daAtdoor_cFv = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
CheckCreateHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000084; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
CreateHeap__10daAtdoor_cFv = .text:0x000000A4; // type:function size:0x144 scope:global align:4
calcMtx__10daAtdoor_cFv = .text:0x000001E8; // type:function size:0x70 scope:global align:4
CreateInit__10daAtdoor_cFv = .text:0x00000258; // type:function size:0x114 scope:global align:4
create__10daAtdoor_cFv = .text:0x0000036C; // type:function size:0xAC scope:global align:4
daAtdoor_actionWait__FP10daAtdoor_c = .text:0x00000418; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAtdoor_actionCloseWait__FP10daAtdoor_c = .text:0x00000420; // type:function size:0xAC scope:local align:4
daAtdoor_actionClose__FP10daAtdoor_c = .text:0x000004CC; // type:function size:0x64 scope:local align:4
daAtdoor_actionOpenWait__FP10daAtdoor_c = .text:0x00000530; // type:function size:0x64 scope:local align:4
daAtdoor_actionOpen__FP10daAtdoor_c = .text:0x00000594; // type:function size:0x64 scope:local align:4
daAtdoor_Draw__FP10daAtdoor_c = .text:0x000005F8; // type:function size:0x60 scope:local align:4
daAtdoor_Execute__FP10daAtdoor_c = .text:0x00000658; // type:function size:0x3C scope:local align:4
daAtdoor_IsDelete__FP10daAtdoor_c = .text:0x00000694; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAtdoor_Delete__FP10daAtdoor_c = .text:0x0000069C; // type:function size:0x70 scope:local align:4
daAtdoor_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000070C; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
M_arcname__10daAtdoor_c = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x7 scope:global align:4 data:string
@4057 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4105 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4106 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x25 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
l_action$localstatic3$execute__10daAtdoor_cFv = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x14 scope:weak align:4
l_daAtdoor_Method = .data:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_ATDOOR = .data:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00000CE4
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000018
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000002E4
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000024
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
daAtt_Draw__FP9att_class = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
boss_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x000000F4; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
daAtt_Execute__FP9att_class = .text:0x00000140; // type:function size:0x3EC scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x0000052C; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
daAtt_IsDelete__FP9att_class = .text:0x00000568; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAtt_Delete__FP9att_class = .text:0x00000570; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daAtt_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000578; // type:function size:0x1F0 scope:local align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00000768; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00000834; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x0000087C; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00000948; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00000990; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x000009EC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00000A34; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00000A90; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00000AD8; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x00000AE8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x00000AF0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000AF8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000B00; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000B08; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00000B40; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00000B48; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00000B50; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00000B58; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00000B90; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00000B94; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000B9C; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00000BAC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00000BB4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000BBC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000BC4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000BCC; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00000C04; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00000C0C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00000C14; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00000C1C; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000C54; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00000C5C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00000C64; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00000C70; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_att_cpp = .text:0x00000C7C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:local align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000CC4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000CCC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00000CD4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00000CDC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4131 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4132 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4133 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4134 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4135 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4370 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
sita_sph_src$4156 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
cc_cyl_src$4159 = .data:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
bm_sph_src$4160 = .data:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daAtt_Method = .data:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_ATT = .data:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000144; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000150; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x0000015C; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x000001E4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x000001F0; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x00000278; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000284; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000290; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
boss = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
@4061 = .bss:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
non_pos = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4 data:float
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00003C90
.text start:0x00003C90 end:0x0000416C
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000001E5
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000005A0
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x000000E4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x210 scope:global align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000002FC; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x000003C8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00000410; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x0000046C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x000004B4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x00000510; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00000598; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000608; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
CheckCreateHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000644; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
_create__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00000664; // type:function size:0x90 scope:global align:4
createHeap__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x000006F4; // type:function size:0x7C scope:global align:4
createInit__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00000770; // type:function size:0x154 scope:global align:4
_delete__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x000008C4; // type:function size:0x68 scope:global align:4
_draw__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x0000092C; // type:function size:0x6C scope:global align:4
_execute__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00000998; // type:function size:0x178 scope:global align:4
executeWait__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00000B10; // type:function size:0x34 scope:global align:4
executeNormal__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00000B44; // type:function size:0x4 scope:global align:4
executeStart__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00000B48; // type:function size:0x4 scope:global align:4
checkOrder__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00000B4C; // type:function size:0x11C scope:global align:4
eventOrder__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00000C68; // type:function size:0x290 scope:global align:4
eventMove__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00000EF8; // type:function size:0x154 scope:global align:4
privateCut__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x0000104C; // type:function size:0x2B4 scope:global align:4
eventTalkInit__11daAuction_cFi = .text:0x00001300; // type:function size:0xC0 scope:global align:4
eventMesSet__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x000013C0; // type:function size:0x40 scope:global align:4
eventMesEnd__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00001400; // type:function size:0x34 scope:global align:4
eventStartInit__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00001434; // type:function size:0x200 scope:global align:4
eventStart__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00001634; // type:function size:0x78 scope:global align:4
eventMainInit__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x000016AC; // type:function size:0x1E0 scope:global align:4
eventMain__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x0000188C; // type:function size:0x20C scope:global align:4
eventMainKai__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00001A98; // type:function size:0x810 scope:global align:4
eventMainUri__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x000022A8; // type:function size:0x4B8 scope:global align:4
eventMainMsgSet__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00002760; // type:function size:0x3C scope:global align:4
eventMainMsgEnd__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x0000279C; // type:function size:0x1B0 scope:global align:4
eventMainMsgBikonC__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x0000294C; // type:function size:0x244 scope:global align:4
eventMainMsgBikonW__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00002B90; // type:function size:0x8C scope:global align:4
eventGetItemInit__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00002C1C; // type:function size:0x130 scope:global align:4
eventGetItem__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00002D4C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:global align:4
eventCameraOffInit__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00002D54; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
eventGetItemNpcInit__11daAuction_cFi = .text:0x00002D70; // type:function size:0x90 scope:global align:4
eventGetItemMesInit__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00002E00; // type:function size:0x40 scope:global align:4
eventCameraOffNpc__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00002E40; // type:function size:0x60 scope:global align:4
eventEndInit__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00002EA0; // type:function size:0x3C scope:global align:4
eventEnd__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00002EDC; // type:function size:0x84 scope:global align:4
eventCameraTestInit__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00002F60; // type:function size:0x4 scope:global align:4
eventCameraTest__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00002F64; // type:function size:0x8 scope:global align:4
next_msgStatus__11daAuction_cFPUl = .text:0x00002F6C; // type:function size:0x730 scope:global align:4
setMessage__11daAuction_cFUl = .text:0x0000369C; // type:function size:0x10 scope:global align:4
setMessage2__11daAuction_cFUl = .text:0x000036AC; // type:function size:0x38 scope:global align:4
setMtx__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x000036E4; // type:function size:0x70 scope:global align:4
getItemNo__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00003754; // type:function size:0xD4 scope:global align:4
getNpcActorP__11daAuction_cFi = .text:0x00003828; // type:function size:0x54 scope:global align:4
setCameraNpc__11daAuction_cFis = .text:0x0000387C; // type:function size:0x180 scope:global align:4
setLinkAnm__11daAuction_cFUc = .text:0x000039FC; // type:function size:0x40 scope:global align:4
getPiconDispOfs__11daAuction_cFUc = .text:0x00003A3C; // type:function size:0x38 scope:global align:4
nextBet__11daAuction_cFv = .text:0x00003A74; // type:function size:0x130 scope:global align:4
getRand__11daAuction_cFi = .text:0x00003BA4; // type:function size:0x64 scope:global align:4
daAuctionCreate__FPv = .text:0x00003C08; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daAuctionDelete__FPv = .text:0x00003C28; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daAuctionExecute__FPv = .text:0x00003C48; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daAuctionDraw__FPv = .text:0x00003C68; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daAuctionIsDelete__FPv = .text:0x00003C88; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
getMsg__12fopNpc_npc_cFv = .text:0x00003C90; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
anmAtr__12fopNpc_npc_cFUs = .text:0x00003C98; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00003C9C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM2dGCirFv = .text:0x00003CE4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x00003D2C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00003D88; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00003DD0; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00003DE0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00003DE8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003DF0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003DF8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003E00; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00003E38; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00003E40; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00003E48; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00003E50; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00003E88; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00003E8C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003E94; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00003E9C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00003EA4; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00003EB0; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
next_msgStatus__12fopNpc_npc_cFPUl = .text:0x00003EBC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_auction_cpp = .text:0x00003EC4; // type:function size:0x288 scope:local align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000414C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00004154; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x0000415C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00004164; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4470 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4471 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4472 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4714 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4715 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4739 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4740 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4741 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4742 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4743 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4744 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4745 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5073 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5074 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5075 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5076 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5077 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5078 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5079 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5081 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8 data:double
@5314 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5315 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5316 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5317 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5404 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5669 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5837 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5838 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5839 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5840 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5841 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5842 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5843 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5844 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5845 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5846 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5847 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5848 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5849 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5850 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5851 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5852 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5853 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5854 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x12D scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
l_item_dat = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
l_item_dat2 = .data:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
l_item_dat22 = .data:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
l_npc_dat = .data:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x70 scope:local align:4
l_npc_msg_dat = .data:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x78 scope:local align:4
l_npc_camera_dat = .data:0x0000014C; // type:object size:0x54 scope:local align:4
l_npc_emitter_ofsy = .data:0x000001A0; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4 data:float
l_npc_camera_ofsy = .data:0x000001C0; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
l_rest_msg_time1 = .data:0x000001E0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
l_rest_msg_time2 = .data:0x000001E8; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
l_rest_msg_no = .data:0x000001F0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_rest_se_no = .data:0x000001FC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_after_bet_rate = .data:0x00000208; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
l_after_bet_chk = .data:0x00000218; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
l_after_bet_msg_no = .data:0x00000220; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
l_after_bet_wait = .data:0x00000230; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
l_link_face = .data:0x00000240; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
@4431 = .data:0x00000260; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4432 = .data:0x0000026C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4433 = .data:0x00000278; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
moveProc = .data:0x00000284; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
cut_name_tbl$4637 = .data:0x000002A8; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
@4664 = .data:0x000002D4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4700 = .data:0x000002E0; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
@4699 = .data:0x0000030C; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
@4807 = .data:0x00000338; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4808 = .data:0x00000344; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4809 = .data:0x00000350; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4810 = .data:0x0000035C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4811 = .data:0x00000368; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4812 = .data:0x00000374; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
eventProc = .data:0x00000380; // type:object size:0x48 scope:local align:4
daAuctionMethodTable = .data:0x000003C8; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_AUCTION = .data:0x000003E8; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__11daAuction_c = .data:0x00000418; // type:object size:0x14 scope:global align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x0000042C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x00000438; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x00000444; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x00000450; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x0000045C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000468; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x00000474; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x000004FC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000508; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000514; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x00000568; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12fopNpc_npc_c = .data:0x0000058C; // type:object size:0x14 scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@4137 = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4138 = .bss:0x00000060; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4139 = .bss:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4140 = .bss:0x00000078; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4141 = .bss:0x00000084; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4142 = .bss:0x00000090; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_camera_pos = .bss:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x48 scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00008DF8
.text start:0x00008DF8 end:0x00008DF8
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000173
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000006C0
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000327
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
nodeCallBack__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x2DC scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000003C8; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
tail_control__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00000404; // type:function size:0x5A0 scope:local align:4
tail_draw__FP8bb_class = .text:0x000009A4; // type:function size:0xF0 scope:local align:4
tex_anm_set__FP8bb_classUs = .text:0x00000A94; // type:function size:0xFC scope:local align:4
bb_eye_tex_anm__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00000B90; // type:function size:0xB0 scope:local align:4
anm_init__FP8bb_classifUcfi = .text:0x00000C40; // type:function size:0x134 scope:local align:4
s_a_d_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00000D74; // type:function size:0x2D4 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00001048; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00001174; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00001214; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00001270; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000012B8; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00001314; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000135C; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x000013F0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00001438; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
search_esa__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00001480; // type:function size:0x154 scope:local align:4
kuti_open__FP8bb_classsUl = .text:0x000015D4; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
bb_player_bg_check__FP8bb_class = .text:0x000015F4; // type:function size:0x334 scope:local align:4
bb_setpos_bg_check__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00001928; // type:function size:0x328 scope:local align:4
bb_player_view_check__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00001C50; // type:function size:0x1A8 scope:local align:4
path_check__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00001DF8; // type:function size:0x458 scope:local align:4
daBb_shadowDraw__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00002250; // type:function size:0xFC scope:local align:4
daBb_Draw__FP8bb_class = .text:0x0000234C; // type:function size:0xF8 scope:local align:4
bb_pos_move__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00002444; // type:function size:0x2C4 scope:local align:4
bb_ground_pos_move__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00002708; // type:function size:0x14C scope:local align:4
bb_path_move__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00002854; // type:function size:0x9D0 scope:local align:4
bb_auto_move__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00003224; // type:function size:0xD64 scope:local align:4
bb_water_check__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00003F88; // type:function size:0x78 scope:local align:4
pl_name_check__FPvPv = .text:0x00004000; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
bb_kamome_attack__FP8bb_class = .text:0x0000404C; // type:function size:0x4A0 scope:local align:4
bb_atack_move__FP8bb_class = .text:0x000044EC; // type:function size:0x1048 scope:local align:4
bb_wait_move__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00005534; // type:function size:0x680 scope:local align:4
bb_su_wait_move__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00005BB4; // type:function size:0x680 scope:local align:4
bb_fail_move__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00006234; // type:function size:0x44 scope:local align:4
damage_check__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00006278; // type:function size:0x6F4 scope:local align:4
__dt__5csXyzFv = .text:0x0000696C; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
daBb_Execute__FP8bb_class = .text:0x000069A8; // type:function size:0xDD0 scope:local align:4
daBb_IsDelete__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00007778; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBb_Delete__FP8bb_class = .text:0x00007780; // type:function size:0x6C scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000077EC; // type:function size:0x27C scope:local align:4
daBb_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00007A68; // type:function size:0x4F0 scope:local align:4
__ct__8bb_classFv = .text:0x00007F58; // type:function size:0x43C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00008394; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00008460; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__ct__5csXyzFv = .text:0x000084A8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000084AC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x0000857C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x000085C4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00008620; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00008668; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x000086C4; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x00008734; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btpAnmFv = .text:0x000087BC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x00008818; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00008860; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00008864; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00008868; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000886C; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x00008870; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x000088B8; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM2dGCirFv = .text:0x00008914; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x0000895C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x000089B8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00008A00; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00008A10; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00008A18; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00008A20; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00008A28; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00008A30; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00008A68; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00008A70; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00008A78; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00008A80; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00008AB8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00008ABC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00008AC4; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x00008AD4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x00008ADC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00008AE4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00008AEC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00008AF4; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00008B2C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00008B34; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00008B3C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00008B44; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00008B7C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00008B84; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00008B8C; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00008B98; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bb_cpp = .text:0x00008BA4; // type:function size:0x158 scope:local align:4
__dt__7bbHIO_cFv = .text:0x00008CFC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoHIO_entry_cFv = .text:0x00008D58; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00008DA0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00008DA8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00008DB0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00008DB8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00008DC0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00008DC8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00008DD0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00008DD8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00008DE0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00008DE8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00008DF0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4229 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4230 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4231 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4232 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4319 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4320 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4321 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4322 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4323 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4324 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4325 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4326 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4327 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4329 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4392 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4574 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4696 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4853 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8 data:double
@5014 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5015 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5016 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5068 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5069 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5087 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5088 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5249 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5250 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5251 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5252 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5253 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5254 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5255 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5458 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5459 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5460 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5461 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5462 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5463 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5464 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5465 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5466 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5575 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@5781 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5782 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5783 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5784 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5785 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5786 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5787 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5788 = .rodata:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5789 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5790 = .rodata:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5892 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5893 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6216 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6583 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6584 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6585 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6586 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6587 = .rodata:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6588 = .rodata:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6589 = .rodata:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6590 = .rodata:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@6821 = .rodata:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6822 = .rodata:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7222 = .rodata:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7223 = .rodata:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7224 = .rodata:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7225 = .rodata:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7226 = .rodata:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7227 = .rodata:0x00000130; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7228 = .rodata:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7229 = .rodata:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x0000013C; // type:object size:0x37 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
callback_check_index = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1F scope:local align:4
tial_scale = .data:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
bb_tex_anm_idx = .data:0x00000074; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
bb_tex_max_frame = .data:0x00000080; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5257 = .data:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x6C scope:local align:4
@5468 = .data:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x68 scope:local align:4
@5792 = .data:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@5894 = .data:0x00000190; // type:object size:0x58 scope:local align:4
@5992 = .data:0x000001E8; // type:object size:0x58 scope:local align:4
head_at_sph_src$6692 = .data:0x00000240; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
head_tg_sph_src$6693 = .data:0x00000280; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
body_tg_sph_src$6694 = .data:0x000002C0; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
body_co_sph_src$6695 = .data:0x00000300; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
fire_j$6696 = .data:0x00000340; // type:object size:0xA scope:local align:4
fire_sc$6697 = .data:0x0000034C; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4
l_daBb_Method = .data:0x00000374; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BB = .data:0x00000394; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x000003C4; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x000003E0; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x00000400; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x0000040C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x00000418; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000424; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000430; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x0000043C; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x000004C4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x000004D0; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x00000558; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000564; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000570; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x000005C4; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btpAnm = .data:0x000005E8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x000005F4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000600; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x00000630; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000648; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000654; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000660; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x0000066C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x00000678; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000684; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x0000069C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__7bbHIO_c = .data:0x000006A8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoHIO_entry_c = .data:0x000006B4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
@4163 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_bbHIO = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x80 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
esa_info = .bss:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x190 scope:local align:4
esa_check_count = .bss:0x00000224; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
check_index$4859 = .bss:0x00000228; // type:object size:0xFF scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x0000DDB4
.text start:0x0000DDB4 end:0x0000DDB4
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000003A7
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000828
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000130
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__11daBdk_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x70 scope:global align:4
kamome_delete_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x0000015C; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
kui_delete_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x000001A8; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
ep_delete_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x000001F4; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
dk_delete_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00000240; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
obj_delete_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x0000028C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:local align:4
sea_delete_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x000002E8; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
bk_delete_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00000334; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
boko_delete_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00000380; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
obj2_delete_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x000003CC; // type:function size:0x58 scope:local align:4
land_area_check__FP4cXyzf = .text:0x00000424; // type:function size:0xB0 scope:local align:4
eff_hane_set__FP9bdk_classP4cXyziSc = .text:0x000004D4; // type:function size:0x268 scope:local align:4
pl_view_check__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x0000073C; // type:function size:0x68 scope:local align:4
anm_init__FP9bdk_classifUcfiUc = .text:0x000007A4; // type:function size:0x154 scope:local align:4
nodeCallBack__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x000008F8; // type:function size:0x218 scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000B10; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
tail_control__FP9bdk_classP10bdk_tail_s = .text:0x00000B4C; // type:function size:0x4BC scope:local align:4
tail_draw__FP9bdk_classP10bdk_tail_s = .text:0x00001008; // type:function size:0x118 scope:local align:4
kamen_break_draw__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00001120; // type:function size:0x80 scope:local align:4
obj_draw__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x000011A0; // type:function size:0xD8 scope:local align:4
kamen_draw__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00001278; // type:function size:0x210 scope:local align:4
eff_hane_draw__FP9bdk_classP9bdk_eff_s = .text:0x00001488; // type:function size:0x48 scope:local align:4
eff_Grock_draw__FP9bdk_classP9bdk_eff_s = .text:0x000014D0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:local align:4
my_effect_draw__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00001518; // type:function size:0x84 scope:local align:4
daBdk_Draw__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x0000159C; // type:function size:0x328 scope:local align:4
pos_move__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x000018C4; // type:function size:0x2DC scope:local align:4
ground_move__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00001BA0; // type:function size:0x140 scope:local align:4
up_fly__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00001CE0; // type:function size:0x1D4 scope:local align:4
fly__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00001EB4; // type:function size:0x4B4 scope:local align:4
landing__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00002368; // type:function size:0x68C scope:local align:4
wait__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x000029F4; // type:function size:0x570 scope:local align:4
jump__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00002F64; // type:function size:0x200 scope:local align:4
jida_attack__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00003164; // type:function size:0x2F8 scope:local align:4
kuti_attack__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x0000345C; // type:function size:0x768 scope:local align:4
wind_set__FP9bdk_classP4cXyz = .text:0x00003BC4; // type:function size:0x1D8 scope:local align:4
fly_attack__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00003D9C; // type:function size:0x82C scope:local align:4
wind_attack__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x000045C8; // type:function size:0x354 scope:local align:4
end_set__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x0000491C; // type:function size:0xA4 scope:local align:4
damage_check__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x000049C0; // type:function size:0x658 scope:local align:4
__dt__5csXyzFv = .text:0x00005018; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
kamen_demo__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00005054; // type:function size:0x370 scope:local align:4
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end__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x000057E8; // type:function size:0x6B8 scope:local align:4
obj_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00005EA0; // type:function size:0x68 scope:local align:4
t_fly__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00005F08; // type:function size:0x6F4 scope:local align:4
t_landing__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x000065FC; // type:function size:0x84 scope:local align:4
t_lastattack__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00006680; // type:function size:0x590 scope:local align:4
t_down__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00006C10; // type:function size:0x3F8 scope:local align:4
after_fight__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00007008; // type:function size:0xC scope:local align:4
move__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00007014; // type:function size:0x204 scope:local align:4
col_set__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00007218; // type:function size:0x46C scope:local align:4
kankyo_cont__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00007684; // type:function size:0x228 scope:local align:4
kamen_break_move__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x000078AC; // type:function size:0xC74 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00008520; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000864C; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x000086E0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00008728; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00008770; // type:function size:0x118 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00008888; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00008928; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00008984; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000089CC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00008A28; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00008A70; // type:function size:0x80 scope:weak align:4
obj_move__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00008AF0; // type:function size:0x1C8 scope:local align:4
demo_camera__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x00008CB8; // type:function size:0x1B10 scope:local align:4
eff_hane_move__FP9bdk_classP9bdk_eff_s = .text:0x0000A7C8; // type:function size:0xA3C scope:local align:4
eff_Grock_move__FP9bdk_classP9bdk_eff_s = .text:0x0000B204; // type:function size:0x74 scope:local align:4
my_effect_move__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x0000B278; // type:function size:0x94 scope:local align:4
daBdk_Execute__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x0000B30C; // type:function size:0xA68 scope:local align:4
daBdk_IsDelete__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x0000BD74; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBdk_Delete__FP9bdk_class = .text:0x0000BD7C; // type:function size:0x18C scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000BF08; // type:function size:0x77C scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x0000C684; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBdk_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000C6CC; // type:function size:0x5DC scope:local align:4
__ct__9bdk_classFv = .text:0x0000CCA8; // type:function size:0x4FC scope:weak align:4
__defctor__19dPa_followEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000D1A4; // type:function size:0x28 scope:weak align:4
__dt__19dPa_followEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000D1CC; // type:function size:0x6C scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000D238; // type:function size:0x7C scope:weak align:4
__defctor__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000D2B4; // type:function size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__dt__9bdk_eff_sFv = .text:0x0000D2D8; // type:function size:0xD4 scope:weak align:4
__ct__9bdk_eff_sFv = .text:0x0000D3AC; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x0000D440; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000D488; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x0000D4E4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000D52C; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x0000D59C; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000D624; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__ct__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000D6F0; // type:function size:0x84 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000D774; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__ct__5csXyzFv = .text:0x0000D7D0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x0000D7D4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10bdk_tail_sFv = .text:0x0000D7D8; // type:function size:0xAC scope:weak align:4
__ct__10bdk_tail_sFv = .text:0x0000D884; // type:function size:0xAC scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000D930; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM2dGCirFv = .text:0x0000D978; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x0000D9C0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000DA1C; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000DA20; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000DA24; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000DA28; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x0000DA2C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000DA74; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000DAD0; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x0000DAE0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x0000DAE8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000DAF0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000DAF8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000DB00; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x0000DB38; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x0000DB40; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x0000DB48; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000DB50; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x0000DB88; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x0000DB8C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000DB94; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000DB9C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000DBA4; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x0000DBB0; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_bvaAnmFv = .text:0x0000DBBC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__11daBdk_HIO_cFv = .text:0x0000DC18; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bdk_cpp = .text:0x0000DC60; // type:function size:0xB4 scope:local align:4
__arraydtor$5507 = .text:0x0000DD14; // type:function size:0x38 scope:local align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x0000DD4C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000DD54; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000DD5C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000DD64; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000DD6C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000DD74; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000DD7C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000DD84; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000DD8C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000DD94; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000DD9C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000DDA4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000DDAC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4149 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4150 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4151 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4152 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4153 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4154 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4155 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4255 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4256 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4257 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4258 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4259 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4287 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4288 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4289 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4290 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4291 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4292 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4320 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4370 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4448 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4449 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4450 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4451 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4452 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4453 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4455 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4563 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4564 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4565 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4566 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4684 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4736 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4737 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4802 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4883 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4884 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4885 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4886 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4887 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4888 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4889 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4890 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4891 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4892 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4893 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4894 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4895 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4896 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4897 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5043 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5044 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5045 = .rodata:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5046 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5047 = .rodata:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5048 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5049 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5147 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5148 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5149 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5150 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5151 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5152 = .rodata:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5153 = .rodata:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5191 = .rodata:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5455 = .rodata:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5456 = .rodata:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5505 = .rodata:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5685 = .rodata:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5686 = .rodata:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5687 = .rodata:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5688 = .rodata:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5741 = .rodata:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5742 = .rodata:0x00000130; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5743 = .rodata:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5757 = .rodata:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@6016 = .rodata:0x0000013C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6017 = .rodata:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6018 = .rodata:0x00000144; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6019 = .rodata:0x00000148; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6020 = .rodata:0x0000014C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6104 = .rodata:0x00000150; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6105 = .rodata:0x00000154; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6281 = .rodata:0x00000158; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6282 = .rodata:0x0000015C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6283 = .rodata:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6284 = .rodata:0x00000164; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6456 = .rodata:0x00000168; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6457 = .rodata:0x0000016C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6458 = .rodata:0x00000170; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6459 = .rodata:0x00000174; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6460 = .rodata:0x00000178; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6461 = .rodata:0x0000017C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6586 = .rodata:0x00000180; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6587 = .rodata:0x00000184; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6588 = .rodata:0x00000188; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6589 = .rodata:0x0000018C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6590 = .rodata:0x00000190; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6654 = .rodata:0x00000194; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6655 = .rodata:0x00000198; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6656 = .rodata:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6805 = .rodata:0x000001A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6806 = .rodata:0x000001A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6807 = .rodata:0x000001A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7208 = .rodata:0x000001AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7209 = .rodata:0x000001B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7210 = .rodata:0x000001B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7211 = .rodata:0x000001B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7328 = .rodata:0x000001BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7329 = .rodata:0x000001C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7330 = .rodata:0x000001C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7331 = .rodata:0x000001C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7332 = .rodata:0x000001CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7333 = .rodata:0x000001D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7785 = .rodata:0x000001D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7786 = .rodata:0x000001D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7787 = .rodata:0x000001DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7788 = .rodata:0x000001E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7789 = .rodata:0x000001E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7790 = .rodata:0x000001E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7791 = .rodata:0x000001EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7792 = .rodata:0x000001F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7793 = .rodata:0x000001F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7794 = .rodata:0x000001F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7795 = .rodata:0x000001FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7796 = .rodata:0x00000200; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7797 = .rodata:0x00000204; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7798 = .rodata:0x00000208; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7799 = .rodata:0x0000020C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7800 = .rodata:0x00000210; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7801 = .rodata:0x00000214; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7802 = .rodata:0x00000218; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7803 = .rodata:0x0000021C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7804 = .rodata:0x00000220; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7805 = .rodata:0x00000224; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7806 = .rodata:0x00000228; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7807 = .rodata:0x0000022C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7808 = .rodata:0x00000230; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7809 = .rodata:0x00000234; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7810 = .rodata:0x00000238; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7811 = .rodata:0x0000023C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7812 = .rodata:0x00000240; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7813 = .rodata:0x00000244; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7814 = .rodata:0x00000248; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7815 = .rodata:0x0000024C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7816 = .rodata:0x00000250; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7817 = .rodata:0x00000254; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7818 = .rodata:0x00000258; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7819 = .rodata:0x0000025C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7820 = .rodata:0x00000260; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7821 = .rodata:0x00000264; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7822 = .rodata:0x00000268; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7823 = .rodata:0x0000026C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7824 = .rodata:0x00000270; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7825 = .rodata:0x00000274; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7826 = .rodata:0x00000278; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7827 = .rodata:0x0000027C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7828 = .rodata:0x00000280; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7829 = .rodata:0x00000284; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7830 = .rodata:0x00000288; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7831 = .rodata:0x0000028C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7832 = .rodata:0x00000290; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7833 = .rodata:0x00000294; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7834 = .rodata:0x00000298; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7835 = .rodata:0x0000029C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7836 = .rodata:0x000002A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7837 = .rodata:0x000002A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7838 = .rodata:0x000002A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7839 = .rodata:0x000002AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7840 = .rodata:0x000002B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7841 = .rodata:0x000002B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7842 = .rodata:0x000002B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7843 = .rodata:0x000002BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7844 = .rodata:0x000002C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7845 = .rodata:0x000002C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7846 = .rodata:0x000002C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7847 = .rodata:0x000002CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7848 = .rodata:0x000002D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7849 = .rodata:0x000002D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7850 = .rodata:0x000002D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7851 = .rodata:0x000002DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7852 = .rodata:0x000002E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7853 = .rodata:0x000002E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7854 = .rodata:0x000002E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7855 = .rodata:0x000002EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7856 = .rodata:0x000002F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7857 = .rodata:0x000002F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7858 = .rodata:0x000002F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8081 = .rodata:0x000002FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8082 = .rodata:0x00000300; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@8083 = .rodata:0x00000304; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8084 = .rodata:0x00000308; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8085 = .rodata:0x0000030C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8086 = .rodata:0x00000310; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8334 = .rodata:0x00000314; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8335 = .rodata:0x00000318; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8336 = .rodata:0x0000031C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8337 = .rodata:0x00000320; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8338 = .rodata:0x00000324; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8770 = .rodata:0x00000328; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8771 = .rodata:0x0000032C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8772 = .rodata:0x00000330; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000334; // type:object size:0x73 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
tial_scale = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
kamen_pt$4529 = .data:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
@5154 = .data:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
@5457 = .data:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
@5689 = .data:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x34 scope:local align:4
kamen_break_off_x = .data:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
kamen_break_off_y = .data:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
kamen_break_off_z = .data:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
kamen_break_sd_x = .data:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
kamen_break_sd_z = .data:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
kamen_break_time = .data:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6285 = .data:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
@6462 = .data:0x0000015C; // type:object size:0x54 scope:local align:4
g_d$6854 = .data:0x000001B0; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
z_d$6855 = .data:0x000001C0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
z_d2$6856 = .data:0x000001C8; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
kamen_break_bdl$8410 = .data:0x000001D0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
kosi1_offset$8460 = .data:0x000001D8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
mune1_offset$8461 = .data:0x000001E4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
mune2_offset$8462 = .data:0x000001F0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
mune3_offset$8463 = .data:0x000001FC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
kubi1_offset_tbl$8464 = .data:0x00000208; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
atama_offset$8465 = .data:0x00000220; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
tubasaL1_0_offset$8466 = .data:0x0000022C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
tubasaL1_1_offset_tbl$8467 = .data:0x00000238; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
tubasaL1_2_offset_tbl$8468 = .data:0x00000250; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
tubasaR1_0_offset$8469 = .data:0x00000268; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
tubasaR1_1_offset_tbl$8470 = .data:0x00000274; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
tubasaR1_2_offset_tbl$8471 = .data:0x0000028C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
search_data$8472 = .data:0x000002A4; // type:object size:0x90 scope:local align:4
head_at_sph_src$8612 = .data:0x00000334; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
head_tg_sph_src$8613 = .data:0x00000374; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
tosaka_tg_sph_src$8614 = .data:0x000003B4; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
body_cc_sph_src$8615 = .data:0x000003F4; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
foot_cc_sph_src$8616 = .data:0x00000434; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
wind_at_sph_src$8617 = .data:0x00000474; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
kamen_sph_src$8618 = .data:0x000004B4; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
eff_sph_src$8619 = .data:0x000004F4; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daBdk_Method = .data:0x00000534; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BDK = .data:0x00000554; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000584; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000590; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x0000059C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x000005A8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x000005B4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x000005C0; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x000005DC; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x000005FC; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x00000684; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000690; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x0000069C; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x000006F0; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_bvaAnm = .data:0x00000714; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000720; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_GndChk = .data:0x0000072C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000744; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x00000774; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000780; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x00000798; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_GndChk = .data:0x000007A4; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x000007D4; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000007EC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000007F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000804; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000810; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11daBdk_HIO_c = .data:0x0000081C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@4139 = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
center_pos = .bss:0x00000060; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4 data:float
@4140 = .bss:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
center_pos2 = .bss:0x00000078; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4141 = .bss:0x00000084; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
wind_se_pos = .bss:0x00000090; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4 data:float
@4144 = .bss:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
@5508 = .bss:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
foot_eff_pos = .bss:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
@6815 = .bss:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$6816 = .bss:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
non_pos$6814 = .bss:0x00000108; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6858 = .bss:0x00000114; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$6859 = .bss:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
non_pos$6857 = .bss:0x00000124; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00002FA0
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000000E3
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000003D4
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000082
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
ride_call_back__FP4dBgWP10fopAc_ac_cP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x18 scope:local align:4
hahen_draw__FP12bdkobj_class = .text:0x00000104; // type:function size:0x80 scope:local align:4
daBdkobj_Draw__FP12bdkobj_class = .text:0x00000184; // type:function size:0x140 scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000002C4; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
top_hahen_move__FP12bdkobj_classP9bdo_eff_s = .text:0x00000300; // type:function size:0x908 scope:local align:4
__dt__5csXyzFv = .text:0x00000C08; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00000C44; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00000D70; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x00000E04; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00000E4C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00000E94; // type:function size:0x118 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00000FAC; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x0000104C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000010A8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000010F0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x0000114C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00001194; // type:function size:0x80 scope:weak align:4
kaidan_hahen_move__FP12bdkobj_classP9bdo_eff_s = .text:0x00001214; // type:function size:0x42C scope:local align:4
__dt__18dBgS_ObjGndChk_SplFv = .text:0x00001640; // type:function size:0x168 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x000017A8; // type:function size:0x140 scope:weak align:4
hahen_move__FP12bdkobj_class = .text:0x000018E8; // type:function size:0x88 scope:local align:4
tower_kaidan_move__FP12bdkobj_class = .text:0x00001970; // type:function size:0x380 scope:local align:4
daBdkobj_Execute__FP12bdkobj_class = .text:0x00001CF0; // type:function size:0x584 scope:local align:4
daBdkobj_IsDelete__FP12bdkobj_class = .text:0x00002274; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBdkobj_Delete__FP12bdkobj_class = .text:0x0000227C; // type:function size:0x6C scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000022E8; // type:function size:0x1E0 scope:local align:4
daBdkobj_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000024C8; // type:function size:0x2F0 scope:local align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000027B8; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00002884; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x000028CC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00002928; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00002970; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__9bdo_eff_sFv = .text:0x000029CC; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__ct__9bdo_eff_sFv = .text:0x00002AF8; // type:function size:0xBC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00002BB4; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00002C80; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00002CC8; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x00002CD8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x00002CE0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002CE8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002CF0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002CF8; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00002D30; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00002D38; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00002D40; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00002D48; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00002D80; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00002D84; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00002D8C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00002DD4; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00002DE4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00002DEC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002DF4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002DFC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002E04; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00002E3C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00002E44; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00002E4C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00002E54; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002E8C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00002E94; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00002E9C; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00002EA8; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bdkobj_cpp = .text:0x00002EB4; // type:function size:0x54 scope:local align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00002F08; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00002F10; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00002F18; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00002F20; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002F28; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002F30; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002F38; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002F40; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00002F48; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00002F50; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00002F58; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00002F60; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__18dBgS_ObjGndChk_SplFv = .text:0x00002F68; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__18dBgS_ObjGndChk_SplFv = .text:0x00002F70; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__18dBgS_ObjGndChk_SplFv = .text:0x00002F78; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00002F80; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00002F88; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00002F90; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00002F98; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4153 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4154 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4155 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4156 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4387 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4388 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4389 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4390 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4391 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4392 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4393 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4394 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4395 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4396 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4397 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4398 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4399 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4400 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4401 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4402 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4403 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4404 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4602 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4603 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4604 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4605 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4729 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4730 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4731 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4732 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4733 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4734 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4735 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4889 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4890 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4891 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4892 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5045 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5046 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5047 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5272 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5273 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x2F scope:local align:4 data:string_table
bdl_data = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
hahen_bdl_data = .data:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
cc_cyl_src$4966 = .data:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
hahen_sph_src$4970 = .data:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daBdkobj_Method = .data:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BDKOBJ = .data:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000178; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000184; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x00000190; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x00000218; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000224; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000230; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dBgS_ObjGndChk_Spl = .data:0x00000284; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__14dBgS_ObjGndChk = .data:0x000002B4; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_GndChk = .data:0x000002E4; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x000002FC; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x0000032C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000338; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x00000350; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_GndChk = .data:0x0000035C; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x0000038C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000003A4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000003B0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x000003BC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x000003C8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@4094 = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
non_pos = .bss:0x00000060; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4 data:float
@4773 = .bss:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$4774 = .bss:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
eff_ang$4772 = .bss:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00002CA0
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000000B2
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000003A4
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000024
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__12daBeam_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
set_mtx__8daBeam_cFv = .text:0x00000118; // type:function size:0x298 scope:global align:4
CheckCreateHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000003B0; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
CreateHeap__8daBeam_cFv = .text:0x000003D0; // type:function size:0x2B8 scope:global align:4
daBeam_AtHitCallback__FP10fopAc_ac_cP12dCcD_GObjInfP10fopAc_ac_cP12dCcD_GObjInf = .text:0x00000688; // type:function size:0x1DC scope:local align:4
daBeam_AtHitDummyCallback__FP10fopAc_ac_cP12dCcD_GObjInfP10fopAc_ac_cP12dCcD_GObjInf = .text:0x00000864; // type:function size:0x19C scope:local align:4
daBeam_checkHitCallback__FP10fopAc_ac_cP12dCcD_GObjInfP10fopAc_ac_cP12dCcD_GObjInf = .text:0x00000A00; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:local align:4
CreateInit__8daBeam_cFv = .text:0x00000AA0; // type:function size:0x484 scope:global align:4
_execute__8daBeam_cFv = .text:0x00000F24; // type:function size:0x680 scope:global align:4
checkRange__8daBeam_cFP5csXyz = .text:0x000015A4; // type:function size:0x248 scope:global align:4
move_search__8daBeam_cFv = .text:0x000017EC; // type:function size:0x224 scope:global align:4
fix_search__8daBeam_cFv = .text:0x00001A10; // type:function size:0x4 scope:global align:4
timer_change__8daBeam_cFv = .text:0x00001A14; // type:function size:0x1AC scope:global align:4
wait_proc__8daBeam_cFv = .text:0x00001BC0; // type:function size:0xC4 scope:global align:4
daBeamCreate__FPv = .text:0x00001C84; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
_create__8daBeam_cFv = .text:0x00001CA4; // type:function size:0x90 scope:weak align:4
__ct__8daBeam_cFv = .text:0x00001D34; // type:function size:0x2C4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14dBgS_ObjLinChkFv = .text:0x00001FF8; // type:function size:0x154 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000214C; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00002278; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00002318; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00002374; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000023BC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00002418; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002460; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x000024F4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x0000253C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00002598; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_bckAnmFv = .text:0x000025F4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x00002650; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x00002698; // type:function size:0xE0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCpsFv = .text:0x00002778; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x000027D4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000281C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00002878; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x000028C0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
daBeamDelete__FPv = .text:0x0000291C; // type:function size:0x70 scope:local align:4
daBeamExecute__FPv = .text:0x0000298C; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daBeamDraw__FPv = .text:0x000029B0; // type:function size:0xF0 scope:local align:4
daBeamIsDelete__FPv = .text:0x00002AA0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00002AA8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x00002AF0; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002B00; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002B08; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002B10; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00002B48; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00002B50; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00002B58; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00002B60; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00002B98; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00002BA4; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00002BB0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00002BB4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002BBC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00002BC4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12daBeam_HIO_cFv = .text:0x00002BCC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_beam_cpp = .text:0x00002C14; // type:function size:0x3C scope:local align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x00002C50; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x00002C58; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002C60; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00002C68; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002C70; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002C78; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002C80; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__14dBgS_ObjLinChkFv = .text:0x00002C88; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__14dBgS_ObjLinChkFv = .text:0x00002C90; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__14dBgS_ObjLinChkFv = .text:0x00002C98; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4024 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
M_arcname__8daBeam_c = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x8 scope:global align:4 data:string
@4104 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4105 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4106 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4107 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4108 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4109 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4110 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4203 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4451 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4452 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4453 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4454 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4455 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4456 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4766 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4767 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4768 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4808 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4809 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5194 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8 data:double
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x42 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
cps_src = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4C scope:local align:4
cps2_src = .data:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4C scope:local align:4
@4288 = .data:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4290 = .data:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4293 = .data:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4295 = .data:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4298 = .data:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4300 = .data:0x00000104; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4303 = .data:0x00000110; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4309 = .data:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4477 = .data:0x00000128; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
daBeamMethodTable = .data:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_Beam = .data:0x00000154; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000184; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000190; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14dBgS_ObjLinChk = .data:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x000001CC; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x000001FC; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000214; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000220; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x0000022C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000238; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000244; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x0000025C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x00000268; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000274; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_bckAnm = .data:0x00000280; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x0000028C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cps = .data:0x00000298; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCps = .data:0x00000320; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x0000032C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000338; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000344; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12daBeam_HIO_c = .data:0x00000398; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
@4019 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00001DFC
.text start:0x00001DFC end:0x00001DFC
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000098
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000338
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000020
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
CheckCreateHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
CreateHeap__11daBFlower_cFv = .text:0x0000010C; // type:function size:0x480 scope:global align:4
CreateInit__11daBFlower_cFv = .text:0x0000058C; // type:function size:0x1C4 scope:global align:4
init_bck_anm__11daBFlower_cFs = .text:0x00000750; // type:function size:0xBC scope:global align:4
_create__11daBFlower_cFv = .text:0x0000080C; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:global align:4
__ct__11daBFlower_cFv = .text:0x000008AC; // type:function size:0x184 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00000A30; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_bckAnmFv = .text:0x00000A8C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x00000AE8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00000B30; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00000BFC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000C44; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00000D10; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00000D58; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00000DB4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00000DFC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000E58; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
set_mtx__11daBFlower_cFv = .text:0x00000E94; // type:function size:0xB8 scope:global align:4
_execute__11daBFlower_cFv = .text:0x00000F4C; // type:function size:0x12C scope:global align:4
actLive__11daBFlower_cFv = .text:0x00001078; // type:function size:0x594 scope:global align:4
actDead__11daBFlower_cFv = .text:0x0000160C; // type:function size:0x250 scope:global align:4
animPlay__11daBFlower_cFv = .text:0x0000185C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:global align:4
setCollision__11daBFlower_cFv = .text:0x000018A4; // type:function size:0x108 scope:global align:4
_draw__11daBFlower_cFv = .text:0x000019AC; // type:function size:0x118 scope:global align:4
daBFlower_Create__FPv = .text:0x00001AC4; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daBFlower_Delete__FPv = .text:0x00001AE4; // type:function size:0x30 scope:local align:4
daBFlower_Draw__FPv = .text:0x00001B14; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daBFlower_Execute__FPv = .text:0x00001B38; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daBFlower_IsDelete__FPv = .text:0x00001B5C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00001B64; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00001BAC; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x00001BBC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x00001BC4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001BCC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001BD4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001BDC; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00001C14; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00001C1C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00001C24; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00001C2C; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00001C64; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00001C68; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00001C70; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00001C80; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00001C88; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001C90; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001C98; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001CA0; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00001CD8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00001CE0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00001CE8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00001CF0; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001D28; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00001D30; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00001D38; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00001D44; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bflower_cpp = .text:0x00001D50; // type:function size:0x8C scope:local align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00001DDC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00001DE4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00001DEC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00001DF4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
m_arcname__11daBFlower_c = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x6 scope:global align:4 data:string
@4186 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4187 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4189 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4225 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4226 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4227 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4228 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4229 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4474 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4475 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4682 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4683 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4684 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4685 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4686 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4687 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4688 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4785 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x38 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
l_cyl_src = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
l_sph_src = .data:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_sph_src2 = .data:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
@4445 = .data:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4446 = .data:0x00000100; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
action_tbl = .data:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
daBFlowerMethodTable = .data:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BOMB_FLOWER = .data:0x00000144; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000174; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000180; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x0000018C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_bckAnm = .data:0x00000198; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x000001A4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x000001B0; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x00000238; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x00000244; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x000002CC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x000002D8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x000002E4; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
@4072 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
bomb_offset = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4 data:float
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
.text type:code align:32
.ctors type:rodata align:32
.dtors type:rodata align:32
.rodata type:rodata align:32
.data type:data align:32
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x0000EE68
.text start:0x0000EE68 end:0x0000EE68
.text start:0x0000EE68 end:0x0000EEC4
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000219
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000003B8
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x000009C0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__11daBgn_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x304 scope:global align:4
draw__22mDoExt_J3DModelPacketSFv = .text:0x000003F0; // type:function size:0x198 scope:global align:4
setMaterial__22mDoExt_J3DModelPacketSFv = .text:0x00000588; // type:function size:0x34 scope:global align:4
part_draw__FP9bgn_classP6part_s = .text:0x000005BC; // type:function size:0x300 scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000008BC; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
water0_disp__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x000008F8; // type:function size:0x278 scope:local align:4
water1_disp__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00000B70; // type:function size:0x13C scope:local align:4
daBgn_DrawS__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00000CAC; // type:function size:0x320 scope:local align:4
daBgn2_Draw__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00000FCC; // type:function size:0x304 scope:local align:4
daBgn3_Draw__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x000012D0; // type:function size:0x484 scope:local align:4
room_disp__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00001754; // type:function size:0x144 scope:local align:4
ten_a_d_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00001898; // type:function size:0x94 scope:local align:4
ki_a_d_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x0000192C; // type:function size:0x6C scope:local align:4
obj_disp__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00001998; // type:function size:0x5C scope:local align:4
bgn2_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x000019F4; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
bgn3_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00001A40; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
daBgn_Draw__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00001A8C; // type:function size:0x1B4 scope:local align:4
ki_del_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00001C40; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
ks_del_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00001C8C; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
ki_c_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00001CD8; // type:function size:0x58 scope:local align:4
ki_check__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00001D30; // type:function size:0x44 scope:local align:4
move_se_set__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00001D74; // type:function size:0x22C scope:local align:4
gr_check__FP9bgn_classP4cXyz = .text:0x00001FA0; // type:function size:0x390 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002330; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x0000245C; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000024FC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00002558; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000025A0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000025FC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002644; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x000026D8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00002720; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
s_b_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00002768; // type:function size:0x1A4 scope:local align:4
bomb_splash_check__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x0000290C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:local align:4
attack_eff_set__FP9bgn_class4cXyzi = .text:0x00002938; // type:function size:0x39C scope:local align:4
part_control_0__FP9bgn_classiP6part_sP6move_sf = .text:0x00002CD4; // type:function size:0x470 scope:local align:4
part_control_0Z__FP9bgn_classiP6part_sP6move_sf = .text:0x00003144; // type:function size:0x4E0 scope:local align:4
part_control_2__FP9bgn_classiP6part_sf = .text:0x00003624; // type:function size:0x238 scope:local align:4
part_mtx_set__FP9bgn_classiP6part_sii = .text:0x0000385C; // type:function size:0x774 scope:local align:4
damage_check__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00003FD0; // type:function size:0x50C scope:local align:4
__dt__5csXyzFv = .text:0x000044DC; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
size_set__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00004518; // type:function size:0x2B8 scope:local align:4
shape_calc__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x000047D0; // type:function size:0xF0C scope:local align:4
dance_A__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x000056DC; // type:function size:0x218 scope:local align:4
dance_B__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x000058F4; // type:function size:0x1D8 scope:local align:4
ki_set__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00005ACC; // type:function size:0x60 scope:local align:4
dance_0__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00005B2C; // type:function size:0x640 scope:local align:4
punch_LR__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x0000616C; // type:function size:0xF9C scope:local align:4
start__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00007108; // type:function size:0xB8 scope:local align:4
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tail_attack__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x000076F4; // type:function size:0x1DC scope:local align:4
damage__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x000078D0; // type:function size:0x268 scope:local align:4
head_recover__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00007B38; // type:function size:0x1B8 scope:local align:4
hensin__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00007CF0; // type:function size:0x7C4 scope:local align:4
himo_control__FP9bgn_classP6move_sP4cXyz = .text:0x000084B4; // type:function size:0x3D4 scope:local align:4
last_himo_control__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x00008888; // type:function size:0x398 scope:local align:4
action_s__FP9bgn_classP6move_si = .text:0x00008C20; // type:function size:0x698 scope:local align:4
action_main__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x000092B8; // type:function size:0x354 scope:local align:4
move__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x0000960C; // type:function size:0x960 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00009F6C; // type:function size:0x118 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000A084; // type:function size:0x80 scope:weak align:4
demo_camera__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x0000A104; // type:function size:0xD88 scope:local align:4
daBgn_Execute__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x0000AE8C; // type:function size:0x2A8 scope:local align:4
daBgn_IsDelete__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x0000B134; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBgn_Delete__FP9bgn_class = .text:0x0000B13C; // type:function size:0xFC scope:local align:4
part_init__FP6part_sP12J3DModelData = .text:0x0000B238; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000B284; // type:function size:0x710 scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x0000B994; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBgn_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000B9DC; // type:function size:0x10A4 scope:local align:4
__ct__9bgn_classFv = .text:0x0000CA80; // type:function size:0x424 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000CEA4; // type:function size:0x7C scope:weak align:4
__defctor__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000CF20; // type:function size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x0000D04C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x0000D0F0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x0000D138; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
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__ct__6move_sFv = .text:0x0000D1A0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__6part_sFv = .text:0x0000D1E8; // type:function size:0xFC scope:weak align:4
__ct__6part_sFv = .text:0x0000D2E4; // type:function size:0x140 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000D47C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000D4D8; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x0000D4E8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x0000D4F0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000D4F8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000D500; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000D508; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x0000D540; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x0000D548; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x0000D550; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000D558; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x0000D590; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x0000D594; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000D59C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000D5A4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000D5AC; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x0000D5B8; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x0000D5C4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__11daBgn_HIO_cFv = .text:0x0000D620; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bgn_cpp = .text:0x0000D668; // type:function size:0x17A8 scope:local align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000EE10; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x0000EE18; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000EE20; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000EE28; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000EE30; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000EE38; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000EE40; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000EE48; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000EE50; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000EE58; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000EE60; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
__dt__22mDoExt_J3DModelPacketSFv = .text:0x0000EE68; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
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@4310 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4311 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4312 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4313 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4314 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4315 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4316 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4317 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4318 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4319 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4320 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4321 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4322 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4323 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4324 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4325 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4326 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4327 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4328 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4329 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4330 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4331 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4332 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4333 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4334 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4335 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4336 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4337 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4338 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4339 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4340 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4341 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4342 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4343 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4344 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4345 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4346 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4347 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4348 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4422 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4423 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4503 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4504 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4505 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4506 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4507 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4564 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4565 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4566 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4567 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4652 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4654 = .rodata:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4705 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4755 = .rodata:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4806 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4960 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
@5058 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5174 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5442 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5540 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5542 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5883 = .rodata:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5884 = .rodata:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5885 = .rodata:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5886 = .rodata:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6071 = .rodata:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6125 = .rodata:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6126 = .rodata:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@6358 = .rodata:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6640 = .rodata:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6641 = .rodata:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6642 = .rodata:0x00000130; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6987 = .rodata:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6988 = .rodata:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6989 = .rodata:0x0000013C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7118 = .rodata:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7119 = .rodata:0x00000144; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7120 = .rodata:0x00000148; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7141 = .rodata:0x0000014C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7142 = .rodata:0x00000150; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7143 = .rodata:0x00000154; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7144 = .rodata:0x00000158; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7182 = .rodata:0x0000015C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7202 = .rodata:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7203 = .rodata:0x00000164; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7351 = .rodata:0x00000168; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7352 = .rodata:0x0000016C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7353 = .rodata:0x00000170; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7354 = .rodata:0x00000174; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7355 = .rodata:0x00000178; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7356 = .rodata:0x0000017C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7506 = .rodata:0x00000180; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7507 = .rodata:0x00000184; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7508 = .rodata:0x00000188; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7509 = .rodata:0x0000018C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7510 = .rodata:0x00000190; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7620 = .rodata:0x00000194; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7621 = .rodata:0x00000198; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7894 = .rodata:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7895 = .rodata:0x000001A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8135 = .rodata:0x000001A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8136 = .rodata:0x000001A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8137 = .rodata:0x000001AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8138 = .rodata:0x000001B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8139 = .rodata:0x000001B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8140 = .rodata:0x000001B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8141 = .rodata:0x000001BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8142 = .rodata:0x000001C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8197 = .rodata:0x000001C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8573 = .rodata:0x000001C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8574 = .rodata:0x000001CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000001D0; // type:object size:0x49 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
l_DL$4427 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x2A scope:local align:32
@7623 = .data:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
@7691 = .data:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
cc_sph_src$8367 = .data:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
core_sph_src$8368 = .data:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daBgn_Method = .data:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BGN = .data:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x00000148; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x00000164; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x00000184; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x0000020C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000218; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000224; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__18mDoExt_3DlineMat_c = .data:0x00000278; // type:object size:0x14 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x0000028C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000298; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_GndChk = .data:0x000002A4; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_GndChk = .data:0x000002BC; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x000002EC; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x0000031C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000334; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000340; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x0000034C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000358; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x00000364; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000370; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x00000388; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__22mDoExt_J3DModelPacketS = .data:0x00000394; // type:object size:0x18 scope:global align:4
__vt__11daBgn_HIO_c = .data:0x000003AC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
bgn = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
bgn2 = .bss:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
bgn3 = .bss:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4301 = .bss:0x00000060; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
zero = .bss:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
BGN_HAND_MAX = .bss:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
BGN_TAIL_MAX = .bss:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
hio_set = .bss:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
@4304 = .bss:0x00000084; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x17C scope:local align:4
ke_color = .bss:0x0000020C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4429 = .bss:0x00000210; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
bg_tevstr = .bss:0x0000021C; // type:object size:0xB0 scope:local align:4
@4510 = .bss:0x000002CC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
w_pos = .bss:0x000002D8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
ki_all_count = .bss:0x000002E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
@6362 = .bss:0x000002E8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6363 = .bss:0x000002F4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6364 = .bss:0x00000300; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6365 = .bss:0x0000030C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6366 = .bss:0x00000318; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6367 = .bss:0x00000324; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6368 = .bss:0x00000330; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6369 = .bss:0x0000033C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
dance_pause_1 = .bss:0x00000348; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6370 = .bss:0x00000378; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6371 = .bss:0x00000384; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6372 = .bss:0x00000390; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6373 = .bss:0x0000039C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6374 = .bss:0x000003A8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6375 = .bss:0x000003B4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6376 = .bss:0x000003C0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6377 = .bss:0x000003CC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
dance_pause_2 = .bss:0x000003D8; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6378 = .bss:0x00000408; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6379 = .bss:0x00000414; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6380 = .bss:0x00000420; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6381 = .bss:0x0000042C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6382 = .bss:0x00000438; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6383 = .bss:0x00000444; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6384 = .bss:0x00000450; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6385 = .bss:0x0000045C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
dance_pause_3 = .bss:0x00000468; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6386 = .bss:0x00000498; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6387 = .bss:0x000004A4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6388 = .bss:0x000004B0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6389 = .bss:0x000004BC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6390 = .bss:0x000004C8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6391 = .bss:0x000004D4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6392 = .bss:0x000004E0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6393 = .bss:0x000004EC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
dance_pause_4 = .bss:0x000004F8; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6646 = .bss:0x00000528; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6647 = .bss:0x00000534; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6648 = .bss:0x00000540; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6649 = .bss:0x0000054C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6650 = .bss:0x00000558; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6651 = .bss:0x00000564; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6652 = .bss:0x00000570; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6653 = .bss:0x0000057C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
punch_lr1_d = .bss:0x00000588; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6654 = .bss:0x000005B8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6655 = .bss:0x000005C4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6656 = .bss:0x000005D0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6657 = .bss:0x000005DC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6658 = .bss:0x000005E8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6659 = .bss:0x000005F4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6660 = .bss:0x00000600; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6661 = .bss:0x0000060C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
punch_lr12_d = .bss:0x00000618; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6662 = .bss:0x00000648; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6663 = .bss:0x00000654; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6664 = .bss:0x00000660; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6665 = .bss:0x0000066C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6666 = .bss:0x00000678; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6667 = .bss:0x00000684; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6668 = .bss:0x00000690; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6669 = .bss:0x0000069C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
punch_lr2_d = .bss:0x000006A8; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6670 = .bss:0x000006D8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6671 = .bss:0x000006E4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6672 = .bss:0x000006F0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6673 = .bss:0x000006FC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6674 = .bss:0x00000708; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6675 = .bss:0x00000714; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6676 = .bss:0x00000720; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6677 = .bss:0x0000072C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
punch_r1_d = .bss:0x00000738; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6678 = .bss:0x00000768; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6679 = .bss:0x00000774; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6680 = .bss:0x00000780; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6681 = .bss:0x0000078C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6682 = .bss:0x00000798; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6683 = .bss:0x000007A4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6684 = .bss:0x000007B0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6685 = .bss:0x000007BC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
punch_r2_d = .bss:0x000007C8; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6686 = .bss:0x000007F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6687 = .bss:0x00000804; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6688 = .bss:0x00000810; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6689 = .bss:0x0000081C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6690 = .bss:0x00000828; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6691 = .bss:0x00000834; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6692 = .bss:0x00000840; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6693 = .bss:0x0000084C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
punch_l1_d = .bss:0x00000858; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6694 = .bss:0x00000888; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6695 = .bss:0x00000894; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6696 = .bss:0x000008A0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6697 = .bss:0x000008AC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6698 = .bss:0x000008B8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6699 = .bss:0x000008C4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6700 = .bss:0x000008D0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6701 = .bss:0x000008DC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
punch_l2_d = .bss:0x000008E8; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6996 = .bss:0x00000918; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6997 = .bss:0x00000924; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6998 = .bss:0x00000930; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6999 = .bss:0x0000093C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@7000 = .bss:0x00000948; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@7001 = .bss:0x00000954; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@7002 = .bss:0x00000960; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@7003 = .bss:0x0000096C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
start_pause = .bss:0x00000978; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@8146 = .bss:0x000009A8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
center_pos = .bss:0x000009B4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x000049C4
.text start:0x000049C4 end:0x000049C4
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000000CD
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000003C4
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000178
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__12daBgn2_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0xA8 scope:global align:4
anm_init__FP10bgn2_classifUcfi = .text:0x00000194; // type:function size:0x128 scope:local align:4
bgn_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x000002BC; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
bgn3_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00000308; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
daBgn2_Draw__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00000354; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
gr_check__FP10bgn2_classP4cXyz = .text:0x0000035C; // type:function size:0x390 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000006EC; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00000818; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000008B8; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00000914; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x0000095C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000009B8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00000A00; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x00000A94; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000ADC; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00000B18; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
asi_eff_set__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00000B60; // type:function size:0x140 scope:local align:4
asi_hamon_set__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00000CA0; // type:function size:0xE8 scope:local align:4
attack_eff_set__FP10bgn2_class4cXyz = .text:0x00000D88; // type:function size:0x220 scope:local align:4
checkGround__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00000FA8; // type:function size:0x3C scope:local align:4
move_se_set__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00000FE4; // type:function size:0x22C scope:local align:4
pos_move__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00001210; // type:function size:0x16C scope:local align:4
start__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x0000137C; // type:function size:0xD0 scope:local align:4
ki_set__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x0000144C; // type:function size:0x28 scope:local align:4
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jumpattack__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00001860; // type:function size:0x3FC scope:local align:4
mahi__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00001C5C; // type:function size:0xF0 scope:local align:4
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hensin__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00001EB4; // type:function size:0x46C scope:local align:4
move__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00002320; // type:function size:0x384 scope:local align:4
damage_check__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x000026A4; // type:function size:0x5E4 scope:local align:4
ki_c_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00002C88; // type:function size:0x58 scope:local align:4
ki_check__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00002CE0; // type:function size:0x44 scope:local align:4
daBgn2_Execute__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x00002D24; // type:function size:0xA8C scope:local align:4
daBgn2_IsDelete__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x000037B0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBgn2_Delete__FP10bgn2_class = .text:0x000037B8; // type:function size:0x70 scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00003828; // type:function size:0x438 scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x00003C60; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBgn2_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00003CA8; // type:function size:0x34C scope:local align:4
__ct__10bgn2_classFv = .text:0x00003FF4; // type:function size:0x234 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00004228; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x00004298; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00004320; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__ct__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00004324; // type:function size:0x84 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000043A8; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00004474; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00004518; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x000045BC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x0000464C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000046A8; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x000046B8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x000046C0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000046C8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000046D0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000046D8; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00004710; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00004718; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00004720; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00004728; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00004760; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00004764; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000476C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00004774; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000477C; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00004788; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00004794; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__12daBgn2_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000047F0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bgn2_cpp = .text:0x00004838; // type:function size:0x108 scope:local align:4
__dt__12dKy_tevstr_cFv = .text:0x00004940; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000497C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00004984; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000498C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00004994; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000499C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000049A4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000049AC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x000049B4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x000049BC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4280 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4281 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4282 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4283 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4295 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4296 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4440 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4441 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4627 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4628 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4629 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4693 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4694 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4695 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4696 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4731 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4750 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4824 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4825 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4826 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4827 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4931 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4932 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4977 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4978 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5068 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5069 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5070 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5144 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5145 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5146 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5147 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5150 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5715 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5716 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5717 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5718 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5719 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5720 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5721 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5722 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5723 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x11 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5148 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
body_d$5411 = .data:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
body_scale$5412 = .data:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
asi_scale$5423 = .data:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x14 scope:local align:4
fl_check_d$5430 = .data:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
cc_sph_src$5825 = .data:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
core_sph_src$5826 = .data:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daBgn2_Method = .data:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BGN2 = .data:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000190; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x000001A8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x000001B4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x000001C0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x000001CC; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__18mDoExt_3DlineMat_c = .data:0x000001F0; // type:object size:0x14 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x00000204; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x0000028C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000298; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x000002A4; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x000002F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000304; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000310; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x00000340; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000358; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000364; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000370; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x0000037C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x00000388; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000394; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x000003AC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12daBgn2_HIO_c = .data:0x000003B8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
bgn = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
bgn3 = .bss:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4272 = .bss:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
zero = .bss:0x00000068; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
hio_set = .bss:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
@4275 = .bss:0x00000078; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x34 scope:local align:4
@4510 = .bss:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
bg_tevstr = .bss:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0xB0 scope:local align:4
ki_all_count = .bss:0x00000174; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x000055D0
.text start:0x000055D0 end:0x000055D0
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000000F7
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000334
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x000000E4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__12daBgn3_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x108 scope:global align:4
bgn_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x000001F4; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
daBgn3_Draw__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00000240; // type:function size:0x128 scope:local align:4
gr_check__FP10bgn3_classP4cXyz = .text:0x00000368; // type:function size:0x390 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000006F8; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00000824; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000008C4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00000920; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00000968; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000009C4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00000A0C; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x00000AA0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000AE8; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00000B24; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
tail_eff_set__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00000B6C; // type:function size:0x224 scope:local align:4
move_splash_set__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00000D90; // type:function size:0x128 scope:local align:4
drop_eff_set__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00000EB8; // type:function size:0x164 scope:local align:4
esa_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x0000101C; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
part_control__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00001068; // type:function size:0x368 scope:local align:4
checkWall__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x000013D0; // type:function size:0x430 scope:local align:4
checkGround__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00001800; // type:function size:0x48 scope:local align:4
pos_move__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00001848; // type:function size:0xA4 scope:local align:4
move0__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x000018EC; // type:function size:0x478 scope:local align:4
mahi__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00001D64; // type:function size:0x108 scope:local align:4
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end__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00002100; // type:function size:0x424 scope:local align:4
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ke_control__FP9bgn3_ke_sif = .text:0x00002C18; // type:function size:0x234 scope:local align:4
ke_move__FP19mDoExt_3DlineMat0_cP9bgn3_ke_sif = .text:0x00002E4C; // type:function size:0x98 scope:local align:4
move_se_set__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00002EE4; // type:function size:0x22C scope:local align:4
move__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00003110; // type:function size:0xF48 scope:local align:4
ki_c_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00004058; // type:function size:0x58 scope:local align:4
ki_check__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x000040B0; // type:function size:0x44 scope:local align:4
daBgn3_Execute__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x000040F4; // type:function size:0x264 scope:local align:4
daBgn3_IsDelete__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00004358; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBgn3_Delete__FP10bgn3_class = .text:0x00004360; // type:function size:0x8C scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000043EC; // type:function size:0x45C scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x00004848; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBgn3_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00004890; // type:function size:0x330 scope:local align:4
__ct__10bgn3_classFv = .text:0x00004BC0; // type:function size:0x1F8 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00004DB8; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00004E84; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00004ECC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00004F28; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00004F70; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__7part_s3Fv = .text:0x00004FCC; // type:function size:0x128 scope:weak align:4
__ct__7part_s3Fv = .text:0x000050F4; // type:function size:0x178 scope:weak align:4
__dt__9bgn3_ke_sFv = .text:0x0000526C; // type:function size:0x7C scope:weak align:4
__ct__9bgn3_ke_sFv = .text:0x000052E8; // type:function size:0x68 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00005350; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00005354; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000539C; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x000053AC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x000053B4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000053BC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000053C4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000053CC; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00005404; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x0000540C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00005414; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000541C; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00005454; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00005458; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00005460; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00005468; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00005470; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x0000547C; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00005488; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__12daBgn3_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000054E4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bgn3_cpp = .text:0x0000552C; // type:function size:0x6C scope:local align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00005598; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x000055A0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000055A8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000055B0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000055B8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000055C0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000055C8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4280 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4281 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4282 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4283 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4284 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4285 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4286 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4287 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4288 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4444 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4445 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4446 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4561 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4562 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4563 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4693 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4694 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4695 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4696 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4697 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4698 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4829 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4941 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4942 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4943 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4944 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5016 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5017 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5101 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5102 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5103 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5104 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5105 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5106 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5107 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5333 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5376 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5378 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5448 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5947 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5948 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5949 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5950 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5951 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5952 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5953 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5954 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5955 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5956 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6022 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6023 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6024 = .rodata:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6025 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x13 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
ke_max = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0xE scope:local align:4
size_d = .data:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
fl_check_d$5521 = .data:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x12 scope:local align:4
cc_sph_src$6132 = .data:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
core_sph_src$6133 = .data:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daBgn3_Method = .data:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BGN3 = .data:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000148; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000154; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x000001E8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x000001F4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000200; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__18mDoExt_3DlineMat_c = .data:0x00000254; // type:object size:0x14 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000268; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000274; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000280; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x000002B0; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000002C8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000002D4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x000002E0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x000002EC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x000002F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000304; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x0000031C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12daBgn3_HIO_c = .data:0x00000328; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
bgn = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
esa = .bss:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
@4272 = .bss:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
zero = .bss:0x00000068; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
hio_set = .bss:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
@4275 = .bss:0x00000078; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x58 scope:local align:4
ke_color = .bss:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
ki_all_count = .bss:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x00003890
.text start:0x00003890 end:0x000038C8
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000001FD
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000130
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
oct_delete__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0xF4 scope:global align:4
nodeCallBack__10daBigelf_cFP7J3DNode = .text:0x0000016C; // type:function size:0x1CC scope:global align:4
nodeCallBack_Bigelf__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x00000338; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
lightInit__10daBigelf_cFP4cXyz = .text:0x00000384; // type:function size:0xB4 scope:global align:4
lightEnd__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000438; // type:function size:0x38 scope:global align:4
lightProc__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000470; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
darkInit__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x0000047C; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
darkEnd__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000488; // type:function size:0x48 scope:global align:4
darkProc__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000004D0; // type:function size:0xA4 scope:global align:4
demoInitFlDelete__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000574; // type:function size:0x14 scope:global align:4
demoProcFlDelete__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000588; // type:function size:0x180 scope:global align:4
demoInitFlLink__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000708; // type:function size:0xDC scope:global align:4
demoProcFlLink__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000007E4; // type:function size:0x24 scope:global align:4
demoInitFlDmAf__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000808; // type:function size:0xE8 scope:global align:4
demoProcFlDmAf__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000008F0; // type:function size:0xD0 scope:global align:4
demoInitFlDmMd__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000009C0; // type:function size:0x60 scope:global align:4
demoProcFlDmMd__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000A20; // type:function size:0x2CC scope:global align:4
demoInitFlDmBf__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000CEC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:global align:4
demoProcFlDmBf__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000CF0; // type:function size:0x8C scope:global align:4
demoInitFlDemo__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000D7C; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
demoProcFlDemo__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000D88; // type:function size:0x230 scope:global align:4
demoInitExit__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00000FB8; // type:function size:0x1A4 scope:global align:4
demoProcExit__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x0000115C; // type:function size:0x178 scope:global align:4
demoInitTalk__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000012D4; // type:function size:0xEC scope:global align:4
demoProcTalk__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000013C0; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
demoInitAppear__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001418; // type:function size:0x224 scope:global align:4
demoProcAppear__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x0000163C; // type:function size:0x178 scope:global align:4
demoInitFa1__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000017B4; // type:function size:0x94 scope:global align:4
demoProcFa1__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001848; // type:function size:0x8C scope:global align:4
demoInitWait__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000018D4; // type:function size:0x74 scope:global align:4
demoProcWait__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001948; // type:function size:0x50 scope:global align:4
demoInitCom__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001998; // type:function size:0xDC scope:global align:4
demoProcCom__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001A74; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
getNowEventAction__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001ACC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:global align:4
demoProc__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001B14; // type:function size:0x1B8 scope:global align:4
getType__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001CCC; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
getSwbit__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001CD8; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
getSwbit2__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001CE4; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
getEventFlag__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001CF0; // type:function size:0x80 scope:global align:4
makeFa1S__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001D70; // type:function size:0xB0 scope:global align:4
makeFa1__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00001E20; // type:function size:0x94 scope:global align:4
setAnm__10daBigelf_cFSc = .text:0x00001EB4; // type:function size:0x158 scope:global align:4
setAnmStatus__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x0000200C; // type:function size:0x24 scope:global align:4
next_msgStatus__10daBigelf_cFPUl = .text:0x00002030; // type:function size:0x174 scope:global align:4
getMsg__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000021A4; // type:function size:0x30 scope:global align:4
msgPushButton__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000021D4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:global align:4
msgAnm__10daBigelf_cFUc = .text:0x000021D8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:global align:4
talkInit__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000021DC; // type:function size:0x14 scope:global align:4
talk__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000021F0; // type:function size:0x17C scope:global align:4
init__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x0000236C; // type:function size:0x1C8 scope:global align:4
setAttention__10daBigelf_cFb = .text:0x00002534; // type:function size:0x6C scope:global align:4
lookBack__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000025A0; // type:function size:0x54 scope:global align:4
hunt__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000025F4; // type:function size:0xCC scope:global align:4
oct_search__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000026C0; // type:function size:0x70 scope:global align:4
oct__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00002730; // type:function size:0x1B8 scope:global align:4
ready0__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000028E8; // type:function size:0xB8 scope:global align:4
event0__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x000029A0; // type:function size:0xD8 scope:global align:4
dead__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00002A78; // type:function size:0x8 scope:global align:4
wait_action__10daBigelf_cFPv = .text:0x00002A80; // type:function size:0x20C scope:global align:4
_draw__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00002C8C; // type:function size:0x128 scope:global align:4
_execute__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00002DB4; // type:function size:0x1A8 scope:global align:4
_delete__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00002F5C; // type:function size:0x50 scope:global align:4
CheckCreateHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00002FAC; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
_create__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00002FCC; // type:function size:0x158 scope:global align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x00003124; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00003180; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x000031DC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
CreateHeap__10daBigelf_cFv = .text:0x00003224; // type:function size:0x5E4 scope:global align:4
daBigelf_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00003808; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daBigelf_Delete__FP10daBigelf_c = .text:0x00003828; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daBigelf_Execute__FP10daBigelf_c = .text:0x00003848; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daBigelf_Draw__FP10daBigelf_c = .text:0x00003868; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daBigelf_IsDelete__FP10daBigelf_c = .text:0x00003888; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
setEyePos__10daBigelf_cF4cXyz = .text:0x00003890; // type:function size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
setAttentionBasePos__10daBigelf_cF4cXyz = .text:0x000038AC; // type:function size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
l_bck_ix_tbl = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
pa_name_flower = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
pa_name_flower2 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
@4062 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4063 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4117 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4118 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4170 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4178 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4179 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4180 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4181 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4182 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4247 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4248 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4249 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4273 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4299 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4300 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4376 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4377 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4378 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4379 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4380 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4381 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4382 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4462 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4502 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4503 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4531 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4532 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4533 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4534 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4570 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8 data:double
@4629 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4630 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4667 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4694 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4695 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4739 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4884 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5067 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5068 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5106 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5156 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5157 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5541 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5542 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x125 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
p_name0$4584 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
p_name1$4585 = .data:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
action_table$4749 = .data:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
@4791 = .data:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
@4790 = .data:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
@4819 = .data:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x1C scope:local align:4
@5043 = .data:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_daBigelf_Method = .data:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BIGELF = .data:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000118; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000124; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
l_msgId = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
l_msg = .bss:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000010D8
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x0000007A
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000208
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000004
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
b_a_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
daBita_Draw__FP10bita_class = .text:0x000000C4; // type:function size:0xC8 scope:local align:4
mode_normal__FP10bita_class = .text:0x0000018C; // type:function size:0x144 scope:local align:4
mode_dead__FP10bita_class = .text:0x000002D0; // type:function size:0x1E4 scope:local align:4
base_mtx_set__FP10bita_class = .text:0x000004B4; // type:function size:0xD0 scope:local align:4
daBita_Execute__FP10bita_class = .text:0x00000584; // type:function size:0x190 scope:local align:4
daBita_IsDelete__FP10bita_class = .text:0x00000714; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBita_Delete__FP10bita_class = .text:0x0000071C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000778; // type:function size:0x2A0 scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x00000A18; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBita_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000A60; // type:function size:0x2C4 scope:local align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000D24; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00000DF0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00000E94; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00000EDC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00000F38; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00000F80; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00000F90; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00000F98; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000FA0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000FA8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00000FB0; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00000FE8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00000FF0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00000FF8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00001000; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00001038; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x0000103C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001044; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000104C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00001054; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00001060; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x0000106C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000010C8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000010D0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4164 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4165 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4166 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4167 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4206 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4207 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4208 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4274 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4275 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4276 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4277 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4441 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4442 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4443 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4444 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4445 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4446 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4447 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x26 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
ita_bmd = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
ita_dzb = .data:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
ita_Ef_bmd = .data:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
ita_Ef = .data:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
body_cyl_src$4366 = .data:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
l_daBita_Method = .data:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BITA = .data:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x00000184; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000190; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x000001F0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x000001FC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
btd = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x0000F940
.text start:0x0000F940 end:0x0000F940
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000251
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000B0C
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x000001A2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
anm_init__FP8bk_classifUcfi = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x148 scope:local align:4
yari_off_check__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00000234; // type:function size:0x374 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000005A8; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x000006D4; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00000774; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000007D0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00000818; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00000874; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000008BC; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x00000950; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00000998; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000009E0; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
smoke_set_s__FP8bk_classf = .text:0x00000A1C; // type:function size:0x4CC scope:local align:4
ground_smoke_set__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00000EE8; // type:function size:0x308 scope:local align:4
nodeCallBack__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x000011F0; // type:function size:0x264 scope:local align:4
nodeCallBack_P__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x00001454; // type:function size:0x110 scope:local align:4
search_check_draw__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00001564; // type:function size:0x440 scope:local align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000019A4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
br_draw__FP8bk_class = .text:0x000019A8; // type:function size:0x1E0 scope:local align:4
daBk_shadowDraw__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00001B88; // type:function size:0x148 scope:local align:4
daBk_Draw__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00001CD0; // type:function size:0x290 scope:local align:4
way_pos_check__FP8bk_classP4cXyz = .text:0x00001F60; // type:function size:0x4A4 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00002404; // type:function size:0x118 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000251C; // type:function size:0x80 scope:weak align:4
ground_4_check__FP8bk_classisf = .text:0x0000259C; // type:function size:0x2C8 scope:local align:4
daBk_other_bg_check__FP8bk_classP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00002864; // type:function size:0x3E8 scope:local align:4
s_w_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00002C4C; // type:function size:0x88 scope:local align:4
search_wepon__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00002CD4; // type:function size:0x2DC scope:local align:4
s_b_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00002FB0; // type:function size:0x7C scope:local align:4
search_bomb__FP8bk_classi = .text:0x0000302C; // type:function size:0x390 scope:local align:4
daBk_wepon_view_check__FP8bk_class = .text:0x000033BC; // type:function size:0x7C scope:local align:4
daBk_bomb_view_check__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00003438; // type:function size:0x40 scope:local align:4
daBk_bomb_check__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00003478; // type:function size:0x40 scope:local align:4
daBk_player_bg_check__FP8bk_classP4cXyz = .text:0x000034B8; // type:function size:0x3A4 scope:local align:4
daBk_player_view_check__FP8bk_classP4cXyzss = .text:0x0000385C; // type:function size:0x1BC scope:local align:4
daBk_player_way_check__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00003A18; // type:function size:0x44 scope:local align:4
wait_set__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00003A5C; // type:function size:0xD0 scope:local align:4
walk_set__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00003B2C; // type:function size:0x108 scope:local align:4
fight_run_set__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00003C34; // type:function size:0x40 scope:local align:4
path_check__FP8bk_classUc = .text:0x00003C74; // type:function size:0x490 scope:local align:4
jyunkai__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00004104; // type:function size:0x788 scope:local align:4
ken_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x0000488C; // type:function size:0x58 scope:local align:4
stand__FP8bk_class = .text:0x000048E4; // type:function size:0xAFC scope:local align:4
s_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x000053E0; // type:function size:0x100 scope:local align:4
stand2__FP8bk_class = .text:0x000054E0; // type:function size:0x860 scope:local align:4
path_run__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00005D40; // type:function size:0x4D8 scope:local align:4
attack_set__FP8bk_classUc = .text:0x00006218; // type:function size:0x264 scope:local align:4
shot_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x0000647C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:local align:4
fight_run__FP8bk_class = .text:0x000064D8; // type:function size:0xEE0 scope:local align:4
yari_hit_check__FP8bk_class = .text:0x000073B8; // type:function size:0x230 scope:local align:4
fight__FP8bk_class = .text:0x000075E8; // type:function size:0x90C scope:local align:4
p_lost__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00007EF4; // type:function size:0x214 scope:local align:4
b_nige__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00008108; // type:function size:0x368 scope:local align:4
defence__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00008470; // type:function size:0x110 scope:local align:4
oshi__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00008580; // type:function size:0xD4 scope:local align:4
hukki__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00008654; // type:function size:0x5E4 scope:local align:4
aite_miru__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00008C38; // type:function size:0xE4 scope:local align:4
fail__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00008D1C; // type:function size:0x1B0 scope:local align:4
yogan_fail__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00008ECC; // type:function size:0x214 scope:local align:4
water_fail__FP8bk_class = .text:0x000090E0; // type:function size:0x16C scope:local align:4
wepon_search__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000924C; // type:function size:0x6F8 scope:local align:4
d_dozou__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00009944; // type:function size:0x1B8 scope:local align:4
carry__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00009AFC; // type:function size:0x10 scope:local align:4
carry_drop__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00009B0C; // type:function size:0x2E4 scope:local align:4
d_mahi__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00009DF0; // type:function size:0x12C scope:local align:4
tubo_wait__FP8bk_class = .text:0x00009F1C; // type:function size:0x434 scope:local align:4
z_demo_1__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000A350; // type:function size:0x2E0 scope:local align:4
b_hang__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000A630; // type:function size:0x38C scope:local align:4
rope_on__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000A9BC; // type:function size:0x2B0 scope:local align:4
search_target__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000AC6C; // type:function size:0x18 scope:local align:4
Bk_move__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000AC84; // type:function size:0x5D8 scope:local align:4
bk_eye_tex_anm__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000B25C; // type:function size:0xC8 scope:local align:4
damage_check__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000B324; // type:function size:0x974 scope:local align:4
__dt__5csXyzFv = .text:0x0000BC98; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
s_s2_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x0000BCD4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:local align:4
waki_set__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000BD30; // type:function size:0x5A0 scope:local align:4
demo_camera__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000C2D0; // type:function size:0x998 scope:local align:4
tate_mtx_set__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000CC68; // type:function size:0x98 scope:local align:4
bou_mtx_set__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000CD00; // type:function size:0x118 scope:local align:4
daBk_Execute__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000CE18; // type:function size:0xF04 scope:local align:4
daBk_IsDelete__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000DD1C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBk_Delete__FP8bk_class = .text:0x0000DD24; // type:function size:0xB4 scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000DDD8; // type:function size:0x4F0 scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x0000E2C8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBk_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000E310; // type:function size:0x71C scope:local align:4
__ct__8bk_classFv = .text:0x0000EA2C; // type:function size:0x478 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000EEA4; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x0000EF70; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x0000EFB8; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x0000F084; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000F0CC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x0000F128; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000F170; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000F1CC; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x0000F23C; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__ct__5csXyzFv = .text:0x0000F2C4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000F2C8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000F2CC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000F2D0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000F2D4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x0000F2D8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000F320; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM2dGCirFv = .text:0x0000F37C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x0000F3C4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000F420; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000F468; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x0000F478; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x0000F480; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000F488; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000F490; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
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CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x0000F4D8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x0000F4E0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000F4E8; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x0000F520; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x0000F524; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x0000F52C; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x0000F53C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x0000F544; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000F54C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000F554; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000F55C; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x0000F594; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x0000F59C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x0000F5A4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000F5AC; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000F5E4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000F5EC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000F5F4; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x0000F600; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btpAnmFv = .text:0x0000F60C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bk_cpp = .text:0x0000F668; // type:function size:0x3C scope:local align:4
__dt__7bkHIO_cFv = .text:0x0000F6A4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__ct__7bkHIO_cFv = .text:0x0000F6EC; // type:function size:0x1DC scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000F8C8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x0000F8D0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000F8D8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000F8E0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000F8E8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000F8F0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000F8F8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000F900; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000F908; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000F910; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000F918; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x0000F920; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x0000F928; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000F930; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000F938; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4209 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4210 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4310 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4311 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4312 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4313 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4535 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4536 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4537 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4538 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4539 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4540 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4598 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4599 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4600 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4601 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4602 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4603 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4604 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4605 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4606 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4607 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4608 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4675 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4676 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4677 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4678 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4679 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4710 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4711 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4712 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4805 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4869 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4910 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4911 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5154 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5155 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5156 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5264 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5265 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@5529 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5530 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5531 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5678 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5831 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5832 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5903 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6240 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6241 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6469 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6470 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6471 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6474 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@6477 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@6508 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6658 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6659 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6660 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6661 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6662 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6752 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6800 = .rodata:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6801 = .rodata:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6802 = .rodata:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7107 = .rodata:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7108 = .rodata:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7109 = .rodata:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7110 = .rodata:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7373 = .rodata:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7374 = .rodata:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7375 = .rodata:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7376 = .rodata:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7377 = .rodata:0x00000130; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7492 = .rodata:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7523 = .rodata:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7524 = .rodata:0x0000013C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7651 = .rodata:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7652 = .rodata:0x00000144; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7653 = .rodata:0x00000148; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7654 = .rodata:0x0000014C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7756 = .rodata:0x00000150; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7757 = .rodata:0x00000154; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7923 = .rodata:0x00000158; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7924 = .rodata:0x0000015C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7925 = .rodata:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7969 = .rodata:0x00000164; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8035 = .rodata:0x00000168; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8148 = .rodata:0x0000016C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@8149 = .rodata:0x00000170; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8214 = .rodata:0x00000174; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8281 = .rodata:0x00000178; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8334 = .rodata:0x0000017C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8482 = .rodata:0x00000180; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8483 = .rodata:0x00000184; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8484 = .rodata:0x00000188; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8854 = .rodata:0x0000018C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8855 = .rodata:0x00000190; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8856 = .rodata:0x00000194; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8857 = .rodata:0x00000198; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8858 = .rodata:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8859 = .rodata:0x000001A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8860 = .rodata:0x000001A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8861 = .rodata:0x000001A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8862 = .rodata:0x000001AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@9199 = .rodata:0x000001B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@9200 = .rodata:0x000001B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@9201 = .rodata:0x000001B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@9202 = .rodata:0x000001BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@9203 = .rodata:0x000001C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@9634 = .rodata:0x000001C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@9635 = .rodata:0x000001C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@9636 = .rodata:0x000001CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@10048 = .rodata:0x000001D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@10049 = .rodata:0x000001D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@10050 = .rodata:0x000001D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@10543 = .rodata:0x000001DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@10544 = .rodata:0x000001E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@10545 = .rodata:0x000001E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@10546 = .rodata:0x000001E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000001EC; // type:object size:0x65 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
bk_at_kind = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
bk_attack_ready_SE = .data:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
bk_attack_go_SE = .data:0x00000048; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
bk_attack_AP = .data:0x00000054; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
br_set_tm = .data:0x00000060; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
attack1_info = .data:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
jattack1_info = .data:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
kattack1_info = .data:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
attack_info = .data:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
joint_check = .data:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x34 scope:local align:4
xad$5184 = .data:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
zad$5185 = .data:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
check_bit$5186 = .data:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6472 = .data:0x0000013C; // type:object size:0x144 scope:local align:4
@7111 = .data:0x00000280; // type:object size:0x8C scope:local align:4
@7926 = .data:0x0000030C; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
@8150 = .data:0x0000032C; // type:object size:0x54 scope:local align:4
@8485 = .data:0x00000380; // type:object size:0x80 scope:local align:4
@8863 = .data:0x00000400; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
@9638 = .data:0x00000424; // type:object size:0x7C scope:local align:4
hip_offset$9699 = .data:0x000004A0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
momo_offset$9700 = .data:0x000004AC; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
sune_offset$9701 = .data:0x000004C4; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
shipo_offset$9702 = .data:0x000004DC; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
mune1_offset$9703 = .data:0x000004F4; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
mune2_offset$9704 = .data:0x0000050C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
udeL_offset$9705 = .data:0x00000524; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
udeR_offset$9706 = .data:0x0000053C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
search_data$9707 = .data:0x00000554; // type:object size:0xB4 scope:local align:4
co_cyl_src$9856 = .data:0x00000608; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
tg_cyl_src$9857 = .data:0x0000064C; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
head_sph_src$9858 = .data:0x00000690; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
wepon_sph_src$9859 = .data:0x000006D0; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
defence_sph_src$9860 = .data:0x00000710; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
fire_j$9861 = .data:0x00000750; // type:object size:0xA scope:local align:4
fire_sc$9862 = .data:0x0000075C; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4
l_daBk_Method = .data:0x00000784; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BK = .data:0x000007A4; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x000007D4; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x000007F0; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x00000810; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x0000081C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x00000828; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000834; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000840; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x0000084C; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x000008D4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x000008E0; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x00000968; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000974; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000980; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x000009D4; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btpAnm = .data:0x000009F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000A04; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_GndChk = .data:0x00000A10; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_GndChk = .data:0x00000A28; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000A58; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x00000A88; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000AA0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000AAC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000AB8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000AC4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x00000AD0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000ADC; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x00000AF4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__7bkHIO_c = .data:0x00000B00; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
hio_set = .bss:0x00000051; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
another_hit = .bss:0x00000052; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
ken = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
search_sp = .bss:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
@4193 = .bss:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_bkHIO = .bss:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x10C scope:local align:4
target_info = .bss:0x00000174; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4
target_info_count = .bss:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
learn_check = .bss:0x000001A0; // type:object size:0x2 scope:global align:2 data:2byte
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x00006840
.text start:0x00006840 end:0x00006898
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000000F9
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x0000044C
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
draw_SUB__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x100 scope:local align:4
daBL_Draw__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00000178; // type:function size:0x180 scope:local align:4
smoke_set__FP8bl_class = .text:0x000002F8; // type:function size:0x100 scope:local align:4
fire_move_set__FP8bl_class = .text:0x000003F8; // type:function size:0xB4 scope:local align:4
fire_emitter_clr__FP8bl_class = .text:0x000004AC; // type:function size:0xCC scope:local align:4
fire_kaiten_keisan__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00000578; // type:function size:0x168 scope:local align:4
shock_damage_check__FP8bl_class = .text:0x000006E0; // type:function size:0x140 scope:local align:4
anm_init__FP8bl_classifUcfi = .text:0x00000820; // type:function size:0x12C scope:local align:4
skull_atari_check__FP8bl_class = .text:0x0000094C; // type:function size:0x2BC scope:local align:4
__dt__5csXyzFv = .text:0x00000C08; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
blue_body_atari_check__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00000C44; // type:function size:0xB24 scope:local align:4
red_body_atari_check__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00001768; // type:function size:0xB54 scope:local align:4
bound_sound_set__FP8bl_class = .text:0x000022BC; // type:function size:0x98 scope:local align:4
fuwafuwa_keisan__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00002354; // type:function size:0x104 scope:local align:4
BG_check__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00002458; // type:function size:0x8C scope:local align:4
Line_check__FP8bl_class4cXyz = .text:0x000024E4; // type:function size:0x320 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002804; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00002930; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000029D0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00002A2C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00002A74; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00002AD0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002B18; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x00002BAC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00002BF4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
roll_check__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00002C3C; // type:function size:0x88 scope:local align:4
way_check__FP8bl_classs = .text:0x00002CC4; // type:function size:0x390 scope:local align:4
action_dousa__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00003054; // type:function size:0x99C scope:local align:4
action_kougeki__FP8bl_class = .text:0x000039F0; // type:function size:0x578 scope:local align:4
action_sagarimasu__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00003F68; // type:function size:0x1C0 scope:local align:4
action_kaze_move__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00004128; // type:function size:0x594 scope:local align:4
action_itaiyo_ne_san__FP8bl_class = .text:0x000046BC; // type:function size:0x4C8 scope:local align:4
action_hook_atari__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00004B84; // type:function size:0x1B8 scope:local align:4
action_come_wait__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00004D3C; // type:function size:0x80 scope:local align:4
action_normal_skull__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00004DBC; // type:function size:0x348 scope:local align:4
daBL_Execute__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00005104; // type:function size:0x400 scope:local align:4
daBL_IsDelete__FP8bl_class = .text:0x00005504; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBL_Delete__FP8bl_class = .text:0x0000550C; // type:function size:0x80 scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000558C; // type:function size:0x2B0 scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x0000583C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBL_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00005884; // type:function size:0x504 scope:local align:4
__ct__8bl_classFv = .text:0x00005D88; // type:function size:0x298 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00006020; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x000060EC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__ct__5csXyzFv = .text:0x00006134; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00006138; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000613C; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00006208; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x000062AC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00006350; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x000063C0; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00006448; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000644C; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00006450; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00006454; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x00006458; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x000064A0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM2dGCirFv = .text:0x000064FC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x00006544; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x000065A0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000065E8; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x000065F8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00006600; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00006608; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00006610; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00006618; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00006650; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00006658; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00006660; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00006668; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x000066A0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x000066A4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000066AC; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x000066BC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x000066C4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000066CC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000066D4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000066DC; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00006714; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x0000671C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00006724; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000672C; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00006764; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000676C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00006774; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00006780; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x0000678C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000067E8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x000067F0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000067F8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00006800; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00006808; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00006810; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00006818; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00006820; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00006828; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00006830; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00006838; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
getSwordTopPos__9daPy_py_cCFv = .text:0x00006840; // type:function size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x0000685C; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4061 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
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@4120 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4128 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4162 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4163 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4164 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4219 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4220 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4271 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4308 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4309 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4310 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4411 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4694 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4695 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4696 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4967 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4982 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4997 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4998 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4999 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5014 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5308 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5309 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5551 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5552 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5553 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5554 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5555 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5556 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5695 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5696 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5697 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5698 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5699 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5701 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5737 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5738 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5846 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5847 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5848 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5849 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5850 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5851 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5852 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5853 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5973 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6123 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6124 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6223 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6224 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6464 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x11 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5557 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
@5854 = .data:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4
@6225 = .data:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
body_co_sph_src$6329 = .data:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
fire_j$6330 = .data:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0xA scope:local align:4
fire_sc$6331 = .data:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4
l_daBL_Method = .data:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BL = .data:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x00000168; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x00000184; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x000001A4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x000001B0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x000001BC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x000001C8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x000001D4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x000001E0; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x00000268; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x00000274; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x000002FC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000308; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000314; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x00000368; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x0000038C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000398; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x000003A4; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x000003D4; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000003EC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000003F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000404; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000410; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x0000041C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000428; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x00000440; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x000074CC
.text start:0x000074CC end:0x000074CC
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000220
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000438
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x000000AC
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__11daBmd_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:global align:4
core_nodeCallBack__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x00000134; // type:function size:0x10C scope:local align:4
mk_draw__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x00000240; // type:function size:0x8C scope:local align:4
daBmd_Draw__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x000002CC; // type:function size:0x2FC scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000005C8; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
anm_init__FP9bmd_classifUcfi = .text:0x00000604; // type:function size:0x130 scope:local align:4
damage__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x00000734; // type:function size:0x970 scope:local align:4
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__dt__5csXyzFv = .text:0x00002190; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
core_move__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x000021CC; // type:function size:0xD10 scope:local align:4
mk_voice_set__FP9bmd_classUl = .text:0x00002EDC; // type:function size:0x64 scope:local align:4
mk_move__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x00002F40; // type:function size:0x3CC scope:local align:4
damage_check__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x0000330C; // type:function size:0x90 scope:local align:4
wait__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x0000339C; // type:function size:0x574 scope:local align:4
attack_1__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x00003910; // type:function size:0x94 scope:local align:4
attack_2__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x000039A4; // type:function size:0xD4 scope:local align:4
move__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x00003A78; // type:function size:0x164 scope:local align:4
eff_cont__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x00003BDC; // type:function size:0x16C scope:local align:4
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demo_camera__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x00003E38; // type:function size:0x169C scope:local align:4
bmd_kankyo__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x000054D4; // type:function size:0x118 scope:local align:4
daBmd_Execute__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x000055EC; // type:function size:0x608 scope:local align:4
daBmd_IsDelete__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x00005BF4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBmd_Delete__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x00005BFC; // type:function size:0xF8 scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP9bmd_class = .text:0x00005CF4; // type:function size:0x7CC scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x000064C0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
solidHeapCB__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00006508; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daBmd_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00006528; // type:function size:0x3E0 scope:local align:4
__ct__9bmd_classFv = .text:0x00006908; // type:function size:0x1EC scope:weak align:4
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__defctor__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x00006B70; // type:function size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__ct__5csXyzFv = .text:0x00006B94; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00006C64; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00006CAC; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00006D78; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00006E1C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00006E64; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00006EC0; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x00006F30; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__8cM2dGCirFv = .text:0x00007000; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x00007048; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x000070A4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x000070EC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x000070F0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x000070F4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x000070F8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x00007144; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000071A0; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x000071B0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x000071B8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
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CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000071C8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
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GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00007258; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x0000725C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00007264; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x00007274; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x0000727C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00007284; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000728C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00007294; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x000072CC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x000072D4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x000072DC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x000072E4; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000731C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00007324; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000732C; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00007338; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x00007344; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x000073A0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__11daBmd_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000073FC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bmd_cpp = .text:0x00007444; // type:function size:0x58 scope:local align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000749C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x000074A4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000074AC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000074B4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000074BC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000074C4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4168 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4169 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4170 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4314 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4315 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4333 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4543 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4544 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4545 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4546 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4547 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4548 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4549 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4550 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4551 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4652 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4653 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4654 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4655 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4656 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4680 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4681 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4769 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4770 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4951 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4952 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5227 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5228 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5229 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5230 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5231 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5232 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5233 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5333 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5450 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5451 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5452 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5453 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5454 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5455 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5457 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5511 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5938 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5939 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5940 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5941 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5942 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5943 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5944 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5945 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@5946 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5947 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5948 = .rodata:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5949 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5950 = .rodata:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5951 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5952 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5953 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5954 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5955 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5956 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5957 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5958 = .rodata:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5959 = .rodata:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5960 = .rodata:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5961 = .rodata:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@5962 = .rodata:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5963 = .rodata:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5964 = .rodata:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5965 = .rodata:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5966 = .rodata:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5967 = .rodata:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5968 = .rodata:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5969 = .rodata:0x00000130; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5970 = .rodata:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5971 = .rodata:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5972 = .rodata:0x0000013C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5973 = .rodata:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5974 = .rodata:0x00000144; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5975 = .rodata:0x00000148; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5976 = .rodata:0x0000014C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5977 = .rodata:0x00000150; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5978 = .rodata:0x00000154; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5979 = .rodata:0x00000158; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5980 = .rodata:0x0000015C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5981 = .rodata:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5982 = .rodata:0x00000164; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5983 = .rodata:0x00000168; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5984 = .rodata:0x0000016C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5985 = .rodata:0x00000170; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5998 = .rodata:0x00000174; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5999 = .rodata:0x00000178; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6000 = .rodata:0x0000017C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6109 = .rodata:0x00000180; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6110 = .rodata:0x00000184; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6111 = .rodata:0x00000188; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6112 = .rodata:0x0000018C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6113 = .rodata:0x00000190; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6114 = .rodata:0x00000194; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6115 = .rodata:0x00000198; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x84 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
jno$4354 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x14 scope:local align:4
jno$4787 = .data:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x14 scope:local align:4
@5334 = .data:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
@5512 = .data:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
eff_name = .data:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
eff_joint = .data:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
body_sph_src$6385 = .data:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
core_sph_src$6386 = .data:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
co_cyl_src$6387 = .data:0x00000144; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
l_daBmd_Method = .data:0x00000188; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BMD = .data:0x000001A8; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x000001D8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x000001E4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x000001F0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x000001FC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000208; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000214; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x00000220; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x0000023C; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x0000025C; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x000002E4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x000002F0; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x00000378; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000384; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000390; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x000003E4; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x00000408; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000414; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000420; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11daBmd_HIO_c = .data:0x0000042C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@4160 = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
static_center_pos = .bss:0x00000060; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4163 = .bss:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
@4246 = .bss:0x00000090; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$4247 = .bss:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
g_pos$4245 = .bss:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x0000348C
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000000CA
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000270
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000074
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__15daBmdfoot_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x28 scope:global align:4
nodeCallBack__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x00000114; // type:function size:0xC4 scope:local align:4
daBmdfoot_Draw__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x000001D8; // type:function size:0xD8 scope:local align:4
anm_init__FP13bmdfoot_classifUcfi = .text:0x000002B0; // type:function size:0x128 scope:local align:4
housi_off__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x000003D8; // type:function size:0x68 scope:local align:4
wait__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x00000440; // type:function size:0x400 scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000840; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
attack_1__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x0000087C; // type:function size:0x510 scope:local align:4
ug_move__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x00000D8C; // type:function size:0x3F4 scope:local align:4
attack_2__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x00001180; // type:function size:0x980 scope:local align:4
damage__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x00001B00; // type:function size:0x1DC scope:local align:4
start__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x00001CDC; // type:function size:0x1FC scope:local align:4
end__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x00001ED8; // type:function size:0xE0 scope:local align:4
move__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x00001FB8; // type:function size:0x200 scope:local align:4
s_a_d_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x000021B8; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
daBmdfoot_Execute__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x00002204; // type:function size:0x390 scope:local align:4
daBmdfoot_IsDelete__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x00002594; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBmdfoot_Delete__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x0000259C; // type:function size:0x114 scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP13bmdfoot_class = .text:0x000026B0; // type:function size:0x304 scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x000029B4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
solidHeapCB__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000029FC; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daBmdfoot_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00002A1C; // type:function size:0x46C scope:local align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00002E88; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__ct__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00002F54; // type:function size:0x84 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00002FD8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00003020; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x0000307C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x000030C4; // type:function size:0x7C scope:weak align:4
__defctor__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x00003140; // type:function size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__dt__19dPa_followEcallBackFv = .text:0x00003164; // type:function size:0x6C scope:weak align:4
__defctor__19dPa_followEcallBackFv = .text:0x000031D0; // type:function size:0x28 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000031F8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x000031FC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00003200; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00003204; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00003208; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x0000320C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x00003254; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000032B0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x000032B8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x000032C0; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x000032CC; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000032D8; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x000032E8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x000032F0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000032F8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003300; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003308; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00003340; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00003348; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00003350; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00003358; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00003390; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00003394; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x0000339C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15daBmdfoot_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000033F8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bmdfoot_cpp = .text:0x00003440; // type:function size:0x3C scope:local align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000347C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00003484; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4156 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4157 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4259 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4260 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4261 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4262 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4263 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4264 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4265 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4266 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4267 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4269 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4383 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4384 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4385 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4386 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4387 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4388 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4389 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4390 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4473 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4474 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4475 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4476 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4707 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4708 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4709 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4711 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4751 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4807 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4894 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5077 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x32 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
eff_id$4181 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
jno$4299 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
col_joint$4314 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x14 scope:local align:4
col_joint$4500 = .data:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
@4681 = .data:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
@4808 = .data:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
cc_sph_src$5008 = .data:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daBmdfoot_Method = .data:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BMDFOOT = .data:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000158; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000164; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x000001B8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x000001C4; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x0000024C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000258; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15daBmdfoot_HIO_c = .data:0x00000264; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
boss = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
hio_set = .bss:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
@4094 = .bss:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000068; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x0000389C
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000000C7
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000002AC
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000078
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__15daBmdhand_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
hand_draw__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x00000118; // type:function size:0xB4 scope:local align:4
daBmdhand_Draw__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x000001CC; // type:function size:0x60 scope:local align:4
hand_mtx_set__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x0000022C; // type:function size:0xE4 scope:local align:4
control3__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x00000310; // type:function size:0x78 scope:local align:4
control1__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x00000388; // type:function size:0x35C scope:local align:4
control2__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x000006E4; // type:function size:0x338 scope:local align:4
cut_control__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x00000A1C; // type:function size:0x4E0 scope:local align:4
cut_control3__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x00000EFC; // type:function size:0xB0 scope:local align:4
start_control1__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x00000FAC; // type:function size:0x330 scope:local align:4
start_control2__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x000012DC; // type:function size:0x2B0 scope:local align:4
hand_close__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x0000158C; // type:function size:0x90 scope:local align:4
hand_open__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x0000161C; // type:function size:0x90 scope:local align:4
hand_calc__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x000016AC; // type:function size:0x684 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00001D30; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00001E5C; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00001EFC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00001F58; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00001FA0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00001FFC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00002044; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x000020D8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00002120; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
start_hand_calc__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x00002168; // type:function size:0x46C scope:local align:4
hand_move__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x000025D4; // type:function size:0x8A0 scope:local align:4
s_a_d_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00002E74; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
daBmdhand_Execute__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x00002EC0; // type:function size:0x168 scope:local align:4
daBmdhand_IsDelete__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x00003028; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBmdhand_Delete__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x00003030; // type:function size:0x94 scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP13bmdhand_class = .text:0x000030C4; // type:function size:0x14C scope:local align:4
solidHeapCB__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00003210; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daBmdhand_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00003230; // type:function size:0x2CC scope:local align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000034FC; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x000035C8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00003610; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x0000366C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__6hand_sFv = .text:0x000036B4; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
__ct__6hand_sFv = .text:0x000036F0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000036F4; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x00003704; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x0000370C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003714; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000371C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003724; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x0000375C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00003764; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x0000376C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00003774; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x000037AC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x000037B0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000037B8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x000037C0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x000037C8; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x000037D4; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__15daBmdhand_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000037E0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bmdhand_cpp = .text:0x00003828; // type:function size:0x3C scope:local align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00003864; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x0000386C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00003874; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000387C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00003884; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000388C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00003894; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4101 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4116 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
@4125 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4132 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4152 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4153 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4166 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4167 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4168 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4170 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4235 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4236 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4237 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4238 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4239 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4240 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4304 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4305 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4389 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4390 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4391 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4392 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4393 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4536 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4697 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4698 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4699 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4700 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4701 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4702 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4703 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4888 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5019 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5020 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5021 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5022 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5023 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5024 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5025 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5200 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5201 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x13 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
boss_joint_d = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x50 scope:local align:4
boss_joint_xad = .data:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
cc_sph_src$5121 = .data:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daBmdhand_Method = .data:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BMDHAND = .data:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x00000178; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000184; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000190; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__18mDoExt_3DlineMat_c = .data:0x000001E4; // type:object size:0x14 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x000001F8; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x00000228; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000240; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x0000024C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000258; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000264; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x00000270; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x0000027C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x00000294; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15daBmdhand_HIO_c = .data:0x000002A0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
boss = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
hio_set = .bss:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
@4096 = .bss:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00005D38
.text start:0x00005D38 end:0x00005D90
.text start:0x00005D90 end:0x00006404
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000131
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000530
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000099
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
smoke_set__FP8bo_class = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0xFC scope:local align:4
nodeCallBack_UP__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x000001E8; // type:function size:0x450 scope:local align:4
nodeCallBack_DW__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x00000638; // type:function size:0x90 scope:local align:4
execute__22yodare_ato_PcallBack_cFP14JPABaseEmitterP15JPABaseParticle = .text:0x000006C8; // type:function size:0xD4 scope:global align:4
draw_SUB__FP8bo_class = .text:0x0000079C; // type:function size:0x194 scope:local align:4
daBO_Draw__FP8bo_class = .text:0x00000930; // type:function size:0x1A4 scope:local align:4
anm_init__FP8bo_classifUcfii = .text:0x00000AD4; // type:function size:0x200 scope:local align:4
shock_damage_check__FP8bo_class = .text:0x00000CD4; // type:function size:0x150 scope:local align:4
head_atari_check__FP8bo_class = .text:0x00000E24; // type:function size:0x580 scope:local align:4
nokezori_damage_rtn__FP8bo_class = .text:0x000013A4; // type:function size:0x368 scope:local align:4
body_atari_check__FP8bo_class = .text:0x0000170C; // type:function size:0x4AC scope:local align:4
damage_check__FP8bo_class = .text:0x00001BB8; // type:function size:0x490 scope:local align:4
angle_initial__FP8bo_class = .text:0x00002048; // type:function size:0x38 scope:local align:4
wait_initial__FP8bo_class = .text:0x00002080; // type:function size:0xF0 scope:local align:4
start_bakutsuki_event_camera__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00002170; // type:function size:0x188 scope:local align:4
end_event_camera__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000022F8; // type:function size:0x44 scope:local align:4
bo_move__FP8bo_class = .text:0x0000233C; // type:function size:0xC88 scope:local align:4
bo2_move__FP8bo_class = .text:0x00002FC4; // type:function size:0x848 scope:local align:4
bo3_move__FP8bo_class = .text:0x0000380C; // type:function size:0x2C8 scope:local align:4
bo4_move__FP8bo_class = .text:0x00003AD4; // type:function size:0x3B8 scope:local align:4
bo5_move__FP8bo_class = .text:0x00003E8C; // type:function size:0x42C scope:local align:4
daBO_Execute__FP8bo_class = .text:0x000042B8; // type:function size:0x5F8 scope:local align:4
daBO_IsDelete__FP8bo_class = .text:0x000048B0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBO_Delete__FP8bo_class = .text:0x000048B8; // type:function size:0xE0 scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00004998; // type:function size:0x370 scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x00004D08; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBO_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00004D50; // type:function size:0x38C scope:local align:4
__ct__8bo_classFv = .text:0x000050DC; // type:function size:0x3D8 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000054B4; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00005580; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000055C8; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00005694; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x000056DC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00005738; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00005780; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x000057DC; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x0000584C; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x000058D4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x000058D8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x000058DC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x000058E0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x000058E4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000592C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00005988; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM2dGCirFv = .text:0x000059D0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x00005A18; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00005A74; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00005ABC; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00005ACC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00005AD4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00005ADC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00005AE4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00005AEC; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00005B24; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00005B2C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00005B34; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00005B3C; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00005B74; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00005B78; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00005B80; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x00005B90; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x00005B98; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00005BA0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00005BA8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00005BB0; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00005BE8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00005BF0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00005BF8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00005C00; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00005C38; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00005C40; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00005C48; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00005C54; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
draw__54JPACallBackBase2<P14JPABaseEmitter,P15JPABaseParticle>FP14JPABaseEmitterP15JPABaseParticle = .text:0x00005C60; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__54JPACallBackBase2<P14JPABaseEmitter,P15JPABaseParticle>FP14JPABaseEmitterP15JPABaseParticle = .text:0x00005C64; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__54JPACallBackBase2<P14JPABaseEmitter,P15JPABaseParticle>FP14JPABaseEmitterP15JPABaseParticle = .text:0x00005C68; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00005C6C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00005CC8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00005CD0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00005CD8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00005CE0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00005CE8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00005CF0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00005CF8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00005D00; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00005D08; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00005D10; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00005D18; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00005D20; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00005D28; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00005D30; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00005D38; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
getSwordTopPos__9daPy_py_cCFv = .text:0x00005D74; // type:function size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__dt__22yodare_ato_PcallBack_cFv = .text:0x00005D90; // type:function size:0x16C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00005EFC; // type:function size:0x140 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000603C; // type:function size:0x118 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00006154; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000061F4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00006250; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00006298; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000062F4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000633C; // type:function size:0x80 scope:weak align:4
__dt__54JPACallBackBase2<P14JPABaseEmitter,P15JPABaseParticle>Fv = .text:0x000063BC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4175 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4201 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4202 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4203 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4282 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4283 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4284 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4286 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4345 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4459 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4481 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4519 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4520 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4521 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4679 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4680 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4681 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4682 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4778 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4779 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5000 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5001 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5029 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5030 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5057 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5058 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5059 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5060 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5549 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5550 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5551 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5552 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5553 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5554 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5555 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5556 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5557 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5558 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5825 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5826 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5827 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5828 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5902 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5973 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5974 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6073 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6252 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6253 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6254 = .rodata:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6530 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6531 = .rodata:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6532 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6533 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x41 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
pl_cut_real_no_dt = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
nokezoru_on_off_dt = .data:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
@5559 = .data:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
head_co_sph_src$6431 = .data:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
foot_co_sph_src$6432 = .data:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
body_cyl_src$6433 = .data:0x00000130; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
fire_j$6436 = .data:0x00000174; // type:object size:0xA scope:local align:4
fire_sc$6437 = .data:0x00000180; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4
l_daBO_Method = .data:0x000001A8; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BO = .data:0x000001C8; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x000001F8; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x00000214; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_GndChk = .data:0x00000234; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x0000024C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x00000258; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x00000264; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x00000270; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x0000027C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000288; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x00000294; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x0000031C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x00000328; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x000003B0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x000003BC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x000003C8; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x0000041C; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__14dBgS_ObjGndChk = .data:0x00000440; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_GndChk = .data:0x00000470; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x000004A0; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000004B8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000004C4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x000004D0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x000004DC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__54JPACallBackBase2<P14JPABaseEmitter,P15JPABaseParticle> = .data:0x000004E8; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000500; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x0000050C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__22yodare_ato_PcallBack_c = .data:0x00000518; // type:object size:0x18 scope:global align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@5036 = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$5037 = .bss:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
cam_pos$5035 = .bss:0x00000064; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5040 = .bss:0x00000070; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$5041 = .bss:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
ctr_pos$5039 = .bss:0x00000080; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
cam_fovy$5043 = .bss:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
init$5044 = .bss:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
cam_timer$5046 = .bss:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
init$5047 = .bss:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00004378
.text start:0x00004378 end:0x00004378
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000142
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000005C0
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000145
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
keDraw__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x90 scope:global align:4
keCalc1__8daBoko_cFP6ke_c_si = .text:0x0000017C; // type:function size:0x4A4 scope:global align:4
__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00000620; // type:function size:0x118 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00000738; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000007D8; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00000834; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x0000087C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000008D8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00000920; // type:function size:0x80 scope:weak align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000009A0; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
keCalc__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x000009DC; // type:function size:0x150 scope:global align:4
draw__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x00000B2C; // type:function size:0x298 scope:global align:4
daBoko_Draw__FP8daBoko_c = .text:0x00000DC4; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
setTopRootPos__8daBoko_cFi = .text:0x00000DE4; // type:function size:0xCC scope:global align:4
setBaseMatrix__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x00000EB0; // type:function size:0xB0 scope:global align:4
checkNoDraw__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x00000F60; // type:function size:0x44 scope:global align:4
setFlameEffect__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x00000FA4; // type:function size:0x39C scope:global align:4
setRoomInfo__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x00001340; // type:function size:0x8C scope:global align:4
setThrowReverse__8daBoko_cFs = .text:0x000013CC; // type:function size:0x190 scope:global align:4
procWait_init__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x0000155C; // type:function size:0x84 scope:global align:4
procWait__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x000015E0; // type:function size:0x104 scope:global align:4
procMove_init__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x000016E4; // type:function size:0x78 scope:global align:4
procMove__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x0000175C; // type:function size:0x738 scope:global align:4
procThrow__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x00001E94; // type:function size:0x324 scope:global align:4
procCarry__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x000021B8; // type:function size:0x46C scope:global align:4
execute__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x00002624; // type:function size:0x3E0 scope:global align:4
daBoko_Execute__FP8daBoko_c = .text:0x00002A04; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daBoko_IsDelete__FP8daBoko_c = .text:0x00002A24; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
bokoDelete__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x00002A2C; // type:function size:0x78 scope:global align:4
daBoko_Delete__FP8daBoko_c = .text:0x00002AA4; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daBoko_createHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00002AC8; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
createHeap__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x00002AE8; // type:function size:0x214 scope:global align:4
__dt__6ke_c_sFv = .text:0x00002CFC; // type:function size:0x7C scope:weak align:4
__ct__6ke_c_sFv = .text:0x00002D78; // type:function size:0x68 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00002DE0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
create__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x00002DE4; // type:function size:0x370 scope:global align:4
__ct__8daBoko_cFv = .text:0x00003154; // type:function size:0x19C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x000032F0; // type:function size:0xE0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCpsFv = .text:0x000033D0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x0000342C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00003474; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00003540; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00003588; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x000035E4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000362C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x00003688; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00003710; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00003780; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x000037DC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBoko_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00003824; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00003844; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00003848; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000384C; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00003850; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x00003854; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000389C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM2dGCirFv = .text:0x000038F8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x00003940; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000399C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x000039E4; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000039F4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000039FC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003A04; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00003A3C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00003A44; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00003A4C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00003A54; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00003A8C; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00003A98; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00003AA4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00003AA8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00003AB0; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x00003AC0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x00003AC8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003AD0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003AD8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003AE0; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00003B18; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00003B20; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00003B28; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00003B30; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003B68; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00003B70; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00003B78; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_boko_cpp = .text:0x00003BC0; // type:function size:0x2BC scope:local align:4
__dt__14dBgS_ObjLinChkFv = .text:0x00003E7C; // type:function size:0x154 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00003FD0; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000040FC; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00004190; // type:function size:0x140 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x000042D0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x000042D8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x000042E0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000042E8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000042F0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000042F8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00004300; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__14dBgS_ObjLinChkFv = .text:0x00004308; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__14dBgS_ObjLinChkFv = .text:0x00004310; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__14dBgS_ObjLinChkFv = .text:0x00004318; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00004320; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00004328; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00004330; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00004338; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00004340; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00004348; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00004350; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00004358; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00004360; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x00004368; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x00004370; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
throw_timer__13daBoko_HIO_c0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x2 scope:global align:2
throw_speed__13daBoko_HIO_c0 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
@4173 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
@4180 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4282 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4283 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4284 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4285 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4286 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4287 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4288 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4289 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4290 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4291 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4292 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4293 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4295 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4369 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4370 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4385 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4476 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4477 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4507 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
base_angle$4543 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
@4650 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4651 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4652 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4653 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4654 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4655 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4656 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4657 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4687 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4688 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4689 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4690 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4691 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4692 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4912 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4913 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4914 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4915 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4916 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4917 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4918 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5000 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5001 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5100 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5101 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5202 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
model_idx$5234 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
@5429 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5430 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5431 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5432 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x42 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
m_bound_se__8daBoko_c = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x18 scope:global align:4
m_heap_size__8daBoko_c = .data:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x18 scope:global align:4
m_arc_name__8daBoko_c = .data:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x18 scope:global align:4
m_cull_min__8daBoko_c = .data:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x48 scope:global align:4
m_cull_max__8daBoko_c = .data:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x48 scope:global align:4
@4698 = .data:0x00000108; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4710 = .data:0x00000114; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4739 = .data:0x00000120; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5014 = .data:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
sph_src$5307 = .data:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
at_cps_src$5308 = .data:0x00000178; // type:object size:0x4C scope:local align:4
@5324 = .data:0x000001C4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_daBoko_Method = .data:0x000001D0; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BOKO = .data:0x000001F0; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x00000220; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x0000023C; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x0000025C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x00000268; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x00000274; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000280; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x0000028C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cps = .data:0x00000298; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCps = .data:0x00000320; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x0000032C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x00000338; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x000003C0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x000003CC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x000003D8; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x0000042C; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000450; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x0000045C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__18mDoExt_3DlineMat_c = .data:0x00000468; // type:object size:0x14 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x0000047C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_GndChk = .data:0x00000488; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_GndChk = .data:0x000004A0; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x000004D0; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000004E8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000004F4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000500; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x0000050C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14dBgS_ObjLinChk = .data:0x00000518; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000548; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000578; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__14dBgS_ObjGndChk = .data:0x00000590; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@4158 = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_break_particle_offset = .bss:0x00000060; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4159 = .bss:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
m_ground_check__8daBoko_c = .bss:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x54 scope:global align:4
@4160 = .bss:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
m_line_check__8daBoko_c = .bss:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x6C scope:global align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000144; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x00000128
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000050
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
daBossItem_IsDelete__FP14bossitem_class = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBossItem_Delete__FP14bossitem_class = .text:0x00000080; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBossItem_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000088; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:local align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
daBossItem_METHODS = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BOSSITEM = .data:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x0000E308
.text start:0x0000E308 end:0x0000E494
.text start:0x0000E494 end:0x0000E600
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000308
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000005E8
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000198
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
body_nodeCallBack__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1E0 scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000258; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
kantera_nodeCallBack__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x00000294; // type:function size:0x130 scope:local align:4
draw_SUB__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x000003C4; // type:function size:0x12C scope:local align:4
kantera_draw_SUB__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x000004F0; // type:function size:0xE8 scope:local align:4
body_draw__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x000005D8; // type:function size:0x3C0 scope:local align:4
kantera_draw__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00000998; // type:function size:0x1CC scope:local align:4
damage_ball_draw__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00000B64; // type:function size:0xBC scope:local align:4
line_draw__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00000C20; // type:function size:0x4 scope:local align:4
torituki_draw__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00000C24; // type:function size:0xCC scope:local align:4
daBPW_Draw__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00000CF0; // type:function size:0x104 scope:local align:4
anm_init__FP9bpw_classifUcfi = .text:0x00000DF4; // type:function size:0x12C scope:local align:4
body_atari_check__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00000F20; // type:function size:0x6AC scope:local align:4
BG_check__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x000015CC; // type:function size:0x8C scope:local align:4
wall_HIT_check__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00001658; // type:function size:0x140 scope:local align:4
alpha_anime__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00001798; // type:function size:0xFC scope:local align:4
fuwafuwa_calc__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00001894; // type:function size:0x58 scope:local align:4
kankyou_hendou__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x000018EC; // type:function size:0x164 scope:local align:4
noroi_check__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00001A50; // type:function size:0x26C scope:local align:4
fire_and_emitter_clear__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00001CBC; // type:function size:0xE4 scope:local align:4
noroi_brk_check__FP9bpw_classUc = .text:0x00001DA0; // type:function size:0x1A0 scope:local align:4
next_att_wait_check__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00001F40; // type:function size:0x50 scope:local align:4
next_status_clear__FP9bpw_classUc = .text:0x00001F90; // type:function size:0x184 scope:local align:4
light_on_off__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00002114; // type:function size:0x318 scope:local align:4
skull_search_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x0000242C; // type:function size:0x84 scope:local align:4
search_get_skull__FP9bpw_classUc = .text:0x000024B0; // type:function size:0x248 scope:local align:4
maai_sub__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x000026F8; // type:function size:0xF4 scope:local align:4
gouen_maai_sub__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x000027EC; // type:function size:0x1CC scope:local align:4
kantera_pos_search__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x000029B8; // type:function size:0x1F0 scope:local align:4
action_dousa__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00002BA8; // type:function size:0xA50 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000035F8; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00003724; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000037C4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00003820; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00003868; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000038C4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000390C; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x000039A0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x000039E8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
action_kougeki__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00003A30; // type:function size:0xE40 scope:local align:4
action_karada_taore__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00004870; // type:function size:0x970 scope:local align:4
action_damage__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x000051E0; // type:function size:0x10F8 scope:local align:4
action_bunri_dousa__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x000062D8; // type:function size:0x28D4 scope:local align:4
dComIfGs_onStageBossEnemy__Fv = .text:0x00008BAC; // type:function size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
cM_scos__Fs = .text:0x00008BDC; // type:function size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
setGlobalPrmColor__14JPABaseEmitterFUcUcUc = .text:0x00008C00; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
dComIfGp_particle_set__FUsPC4cXyzPC5csXyzPC4cXyzUcP18dPa_levelEcallBackScPC8_GXColorPC8_GXColorPC4cXyz = .text:0x00008C10; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
setPlaySpeed__14mDoExt_McaMorfFf = .text:0x00008C98; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
cM_ssin__Fs = .text:0x00008CA0; // type:function size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
sqrtf__3stdFf = .text:0x00008CC4; // type:function size:0x78 scope:weak align:4
action_start_demo__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x00008D3C; // type:function size:0x1328 scope:local align:4
vib_mode_check__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000A064; // type:function size:0x104 scope:local align:4
kantera_calc__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000A168; // type:function size:0x32C scope:local align:4
body_execute__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000A494; // type:function size:0x434 scope:local align:4
kantera_atari_check__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000A8C8; // type:function size:0x114 scope:local align:4
action_kantera_dousa__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000A9DC; // type:function size:0x398 scope:local align:4
kantera_execute__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000AD74; // type:function size:0x290 scope:local align:4
action_b_fire_1_dousa__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000B004; // type:function size:0x6FC scope:local align:4
action_b_fire_2_dousa__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000B700; // type:function size:0x618 scope:local align:4
damage_ball_execute__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000BD18; // type:function size:0x138 scope:local align:4
torituki_execute__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000BE50; // type:function size:0x304 scope:local align:4
daBPW_Execute__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000C154; // type:function size:0x46C scope:local align:4
daBPW_IsDelete__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000C5C0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBPW_Delete__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000C5C8; // type:function size:0x1A8 scope:local align:4
boss_useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000C770; // type:function size:0x4D0 scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x0000CC40; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
body_create_init__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000CC88; // type:function size:0x168 scope:local align:4
kantera_useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000CDF0; // type:function size:0x1DC scope:local align:4
kantera_create_init__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000CFCC; // type:function size:0xEC scope:local align:4
fire_useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000D0B8; // type:function size:0xE8 scope:local align:4
damage_ball_create_init__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000D1A0; // type:function size:0xB4 scope:local align:4
tori_useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000D254; // type:function size:0x114 scope:local align:4
tori_create_init__FP9bpw_class = .text:0x0000D368; // type:function size:0xD4 scope:local align:4
daBPW_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000D43C; // type:function size:0x6CC scope:local align:4
__ct__9bpw_classFv = .text:0x0000DB08; // type:function size:0x2F0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000DDF8; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x0000DEC4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000DF0C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x0000DF68; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000DFB0; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__defctor__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000E020; // type:function size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000E044; // type:function size:0x7C scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x0000E0C0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000E0C4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000E0C8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000E0CC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000E0D0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x0000E0D4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000E11C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000E178; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x0000E188; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x0000E190; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000E198; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000E1A0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000E1A8; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x0000E1E0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x0000E1E8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x0000E1F0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000E1F8; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x0000E230; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x0000E234; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000E23C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000E244; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000E24C; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x0000E258; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x0000E264; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000E2C0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x0000E2C8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000E2D0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000E2D8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000E2E0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000E2E8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000E2F0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000E2F8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000E300; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
getHeadTopPos__9daPy_py_cCFv = .text:0x0000E308; // type:function size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
cancelOriginalDemo__9daPy_py_cFv = .text:0x0000E324; // type:function size:0x14 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFRC4cXyz = .text:0x0000E338; // type:function size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
changeDemoMode__9daPy_py_cFUl = .text:0x0000E354; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
changeOriginalDemo__9daPy_py_cFv = .text:0x0000E35C; // type:function size:0x14 scope:weak align:4
dComIfGp_event_onEventFlag__FUs = .text:0x0000E370; // type:function size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
mDoAud_seStart__FUlP3VecUlSc = .text:0x0000E388; // type:function size:0x64 scope:weak align:4
__as__4cXyzFRC4cXyz = .text:0x0000E3EC; // type:function size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
setall__4cXyzFf = .text:0x0000E408; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
ClrCoSet__14cCcD_ObjHitInfFv = .text:0x0000E418; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
OffTgSetBit__14cCcD_ObjHitInfFv = .text:0x0000E428; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
ClrAtSet__14cCcD_ObjHitInfFv = .text:0x0000E438; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
dComIfGp_getCamera__Fi = .text:0x0000E448; // type:function size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
dComIfGp_getPlayerCameraID__Fi = .text:0x0000E460; // type:function size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
dComIfGp_getPlayer__Fi = .text:0x0000E47C; // type:function size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
fopAcM_monsSeStart__FP10fopAc_ac_cUlUl = .text:0x0000E494; // type:function size:0x78 scope:weak align:4
dComIfGp_event_reset__Fv = .text:0x0000E50C; // type:function size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
fopAcM_seStart__FP10fopAc_ac_cUlUl = .text:0x0000E524; // type:function size:0x80 scope:weak align:4
isStop__14mDoExt_McaMorfFv = .text:0x0000E5A4; // type:function size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
fopAcM_searchPlayerAngleY__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000E5D4; // type:function size:0x2C scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4186 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4187 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4224 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4324 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4331 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4333 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4465 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4466 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4467 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4468 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4469 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4543 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4570 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4576 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4655 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4869 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4932 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4946 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4948 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8 data:double
@4989 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4990 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5096 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5178 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5179 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5180 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5181 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5262 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5313 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5314 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5315 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5316 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5354 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5355 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5356 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5438 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5439 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5440 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5441 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5442 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5443 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@5653 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5654 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5655 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5656 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5657 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5658 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6103 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6104 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6105 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6106 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6323 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6324 = .rodata:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6325 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6326 = .rodata:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6327 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6764 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6765 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6766 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6767 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6768 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6769 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6770 = .rodata:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7340 = .rodata:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7341 = .rodata:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7342 = .rodata:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7343 = .rodata:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7344 = .rodata:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7345 = .rodata:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7346 = .rodata:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7347 = .rodata:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7348 = .rodata:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7349 = .rodata:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7350 = .rodata:0x00000130; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7351 = .rodata:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7352 = .rodata:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7353 = .rodata:0x0000013C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7354 = .rodata:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7355 = .rodata:0x00000144; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7356 = .rodata:0x00000148; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7357 = .rodata:0x0000014C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7358 = .rodata:0x00000150; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7359 = .rodata:0x00000154; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7360 = .rodata:0x00000158; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7361 = .rodata:0x0000015C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7362 = .rodata:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7363 = .rodata:0x00000164; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7364 = .rodata:0x00000168; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7365 = .rodata:0x0000016C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7366 = .rodata:0x00000170; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7367 = .rodata:0x00000174; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7368 = .rodata:0x00000178; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7369 = .rodata:0x0000017C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7370 = .rodata:0x00000180; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7371 = .rodata:0x00000184; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7372 = .rodata:0x00000188; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7373 = .rodata:0x0000018C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7374 = .rodata:0x00000190; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7375 = .rodata:0x00000194; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7376 = .rodata:0x00000198; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7377 = .rodata:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7378 = .rodata:0x000001A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7379 = .rodata:0x000001A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7380 = .rodata:0x000001A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7381 = .rodata:0x000001AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7382 = .rodata:0x000001B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7383 = .rodata:0x000001B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7384 = .rodata:0x000001B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7385 = .rodata:0x000001BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7386 = .rodata:0x000001C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7387 = .rodata:0x000001C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7388 = .rodata:0x000001C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7389 = .rodata:0x000001CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7390 = .rodata:0x000001D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7391 = .rodata:0x000001D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7392 = .rodata:0x000001D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7393 = .rodata:0x000001DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7394 = .rodata:0x000001E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7395 = .rodata:0x000001E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7396 = .rodata:0x000001E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7397 = .rodata:0x000001EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7398 = .rodata:0x000001F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7399 = .rodata:0x000001F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7400 = .rodata:0x000001F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7401 = .rodata:0x000001FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7402 = .rodata:0x00000200; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7403 = .rodata:0x00000204; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7404 = .rodata:0x00000208; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7405 = .rodata:0x0000020C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7406 = .rodata:0x00000210; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7407 = .rodata:0x00000214; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7408 = .rodata:0x00000218; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7409 = .rodata:0x0000021C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7410 = .rodata:0x00000220; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7411 = .rodata:0x00000224; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7412 = .rodata:0x00000228; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7413 = .rodata:0x0000022C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7414 = .rodata:0x00000230; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7415 = .rodata:0x00000234; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7416 = .rodata:0x00000238; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7417 = .rodata:0x0000023C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7418 = .rodata:0x00000240; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7419 = .rodata:0x00000244; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7420 = .rodata:0x00000248; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7421 = .rodata:0x0000024C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7422 = .rodata:0x00000250; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7423 = .rodata:0x00000254; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7424 = .rodata:0x00000258; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7425 = .rodata:0x0000025C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7426 = .rodata:0x00000260; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7427 = .rodata:0x00000264; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7428 = .rodata:0x00000268; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7911 = .rodata:0x0000026C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7912 = .rodata:0x00000270; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7913 = .rodata:0x00000274; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7914 = .rodata:0x00000278; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7915 = .rodata:0x0000027C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7916 = .rodata:0x00000280; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7917 = .rodata:0x00000284; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7918 = .rodata:0x00000288; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7919 = .rodata:0x0000028C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7920 = .rodata:0x00000290; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7921 = .rodata:0x00000294; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7922 = .rodata:0x00000298; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7923 = .rodata:0x0000029C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7924 = .rodata:0x000002A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7925 = .rodata:0x000002A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7926 = .rodata:0x000002A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7927 = .rodata:0x000002AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7928 = .rodata:0x000002B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7929 = .rodata:0x000002B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7930 = .rodata:0x000002B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7931 = .rodata:0x000002BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7932 = .rodata:0x000002C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7933 = .rodata:0x000002C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7934 = .rodata:0x000002C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7935 = .rodata:0x000002CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7936 = .rodata:0x000002D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7937 = .rodata:0x000002D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7938 = .rodata:0x000002D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7999 = .rodata:0x000002DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8000 = .rodata:0x000002E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8086 = .rodata:0x000002E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8173 = .rodata:0x000002E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8487 = .rodata:0x000002EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8513 = .rodata:0x000002F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@8514 = .rodata:0x000002F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@8571 = .rodata:0x000002F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8730 = .rodata:0x000002FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8928 = .rodata:0x00000300; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000304; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
@4991 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x1C scope:local align:4
light_on_dt$5185 = .data:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x12 scope:local align:4
@5659 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x38 scope:local align:4
@6107 = .data:0x00000068; // type:object size:0xA8 scope:local align:4
@6328 = .data:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4
@6771 = .data:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x58 scope:local align:4
@7429 = .data:0x00000190; // type:object size:0x6C scope:local align:4
@7939 = .data:0x000001FC; // type:object size:0x34 scope:local align:4
@8087 = .data:0x00000230; // type:object size:0x54 scope:local align:4
body_co_sph_src$8900 = .data:0x00000284; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
body_at_sph_src$8901 = .data:0x000002C4; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
kantera_co_sph_src$8996 = .data:0x00000304; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
damage_ball_co_sph_src$9036 = .data:0x00000344; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daBPW_Method = .data:0x00000384; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BPW = .data:0x000003A4; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x000003D4; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x000003F0; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x00000410; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x00000498; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x000004A4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x000004B0; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x00000504; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000528; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000534; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000540; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x00000570; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000588; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000594; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x000005A0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x000005AC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x000005B8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x000005C4; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x000005DC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GOUEN_FIRE_HIT = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
check_info = .bss:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x190 scope:local align:4
get_check_count = .bss:0x00000194; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x0000080C
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000060
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000068
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
set_mtx__10daBranch_cFv = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0xB0 scope:global align:4
set_anim__10daBranch_cFiii = .text:0x00000128; // type:function size:0xBC scope:global align:4
demoPlay__10daBranch_cFP14mDoExt_McaMorf = .text:0x000001E4; // type:function size:0x44 scope:global align:4
solidHeapCB__10daBranch_cFP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000228; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
CreateHeap__10daBranch_cFv = .text:0x00000248; // type:function size:0x254 scope:global align:4
daBranch_Draw__FP10daBranch_c = .text:0x0000049C; // type:function size:0x88 scope:local align:4
daBranch_Execute__FP10daBranch_c = .text:0x00000524; // type:function size:0xE8 scope:local align:4
daBranch_IsDelete__FP10daBranch_c = .text:0x0000060C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBranch_Delete__FP10daBranch_c = .text:0x00000614; // type:function size:0x80 scope:local align:4
daBranch_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000694; // type:function size:0x178 scope:local align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4025 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4026 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4027 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4073 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
@4074 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
@4075 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
@4253 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4254 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4255 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4256 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4 data:string_table
anim_table = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
m_arcname__10daBranch_c = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x9 scope:global align:4 data:string
l_daBranch_Method = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BRANCH = .data:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x00004CB4
.text start:0x00004CB4 end:0x00004CB4
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000169
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000001C8
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000058
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
ride_call_back__FP4dBgWP10fopAc_ac_cP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x48C scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000504; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
kikuzu_set__FP12bridge_classP4cXyz = .text:0x00000540; // type:function size:0xD4 scope:local align:4
daBridge_Draw__FP12bridge_class = .text:0x00000614; // type:function size:0xBD8 scope:local align:4
control1__FP12bridge_classP4br_s = .text:0x000011EC; // type:function size:0x394 scope:local align:4
control2__FP12bridge_classP4br_s = .text:0x00001580; // type:function size:0x20C scope:local align:4
control3__FP12bridge_classP4br_s = .text:0x0000178C; // type:function size:0x11C scope:local align:4
cut_control1__FP12bridge_classP4br_s = .text:0x000018A8; // type:function size:0x260 scope:local align:4
cut_control2__FP12bridge_classP4br_s = .text:0x00001B08; // type:function size:0x27C scope:local align:4
himo_cut_control1__FP4cXyz = .text:0x00001D84; // type:function size:0x228 scope:local align:4
bridge_move__FP12bridge_class = .text:0x00001FAC; // type:function size:0xA70 scope:local align:4
s_a_b_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00002A1C; // type:function size:0x70 scope:local align:4
search_aite__FP12bridge_class = .text:0x00002A8C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:local align:4
daBridge_Execute__FP12bridge_class = .text:0x00002AB8; // type:function size:0x11B0 scope:local align:4
daBridge_IsDelete__FP12bridge_class = .text:0x00003C68; // type:function size:0x6C scope:local align:4
daBridge_Delete__FP12bridge_class = .text:0x00003CD4; // type:function size:0x58 scope:local align:4
CreateInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00003D2C; // type:function size:0xD4 scope:local align:4
CallbackCreateHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00003E00; // type:function size:0x510 scope:local align:4
daBridge_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00004310; // type:function size:0x460 scope:local align:4
__dt__4br_sFv = .text:0x00004770; // type:function size:0xC0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00004830; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__ct__4br_sFv = .text:0x000048FC; // type:function size:0x148 scope:weak align:4
__ct__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00004A44; // type:function size:0x84 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00004AC8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00004B10; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00004B6C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00004BB4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00004BB8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00004BC0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00004BC8; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00004BD4; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00004BE0; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00004BF0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00004BF8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00004C00; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00004C08; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00004C10; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00004C48; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00004C50; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00004C58; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00004C60; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00004C98; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00004C9C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00004CA4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00004CAC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4306 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4307 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4308 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4309 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4310 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4311 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4312 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4313 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4314 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4315 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4316 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4317 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4318 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4319 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4320 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4321 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4322 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4323 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4324 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4325 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4326 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4357 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4358 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4359 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4360 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4438 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4467 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4675 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4676 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4677 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4678 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4679 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4680 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4682 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4755 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4756 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4845 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4928 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4929 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5137 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5138 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5139 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5140 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5141 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5142 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5143 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5144 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5145 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5146 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5147 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5148 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5149 = .rodata:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5150 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5151 = .rodata:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5782 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5783 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5784 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5785 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5786 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5787 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
bridge_bmd$5840 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
@5935 = .rodata:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5936 = .rodata:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6084 = .rodata:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6085 = .rodata:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6086 = .rodata:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6087 = .rodata:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6088 = .rodata:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6089 = .rodata:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x41 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
ita_z_p = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x2C scope:local align:4
himo_cyl_src$5817 = .data:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
l_daBridge_Method = .data:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BRIDGE = .data:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x00000120; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__18mDoExt_3DlineMat_c = .data:0x000001B4; // type:object size:0x14 scope:weak align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
wind_vec = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
wy = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x2 scope:local align:2
wp = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x0000C528
.text start:0x0000C528 end:0x0000C528
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x0000017F
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000007B4
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000098
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__11daBst_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x24 scope:global align:4
message_set__FP9bst_classUl = .text:0x00000110; // type:function size:0x64 scope:local align:4
message_cont__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00000174; // type:function size:0x88 scope:local align:4
set_hand_AT__FP9bst_classUc = .text:0x000001FC; // type:function size:0x6C scope:local align:4
set_hand_CO__FP9bst_classUc = .text:0x00000268; // type:function size:0x58 scope:local align:4
anm_init__FP9bst_classifUcfi = .text:0x000002C0; // type:function size:0x128 scope:local align:4
nodeCallBackHead__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x000003E8; // type:function size:0x12C scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000514; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
beam_draw__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00000550; // type:function size:0x64 scope:local align:4
daBst_Draw__FP9bst_class = .text:0x000005B4; // type:function size:0x39C scope:local align:4
pos_move__FP9bst_classUc = .text:0x00000950; // type:function size:0x1CC scope:local align:4
stay__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00000B1C; // type:function size:0x33C scope:local align:4
fly__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00000E58; // type:function size:0x690 scope:local align:4
down_attack__FP9bst_class = .text:0x000014E8; // type:function size:0x72C scope:local align:4
paa_attack__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00001C14; // type:function size:0x7B4 scope:local align:4
__dt__5csXyzFv = .text:0x000023C8; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
kumi_attack__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00002404; // type:function size:0xA04 scope:local align:4
harai_attack__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00002E08; // type:function size:0x384 scope:local align:4
sleep__FP9bst_class = .text:0x0000318C; // type:function size:0x2E4 scope:local align:4
beam_set__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00003470; // type:function size:0x14C scope:local align:4
beam_attack__FP9bst_class = .text:0x000035BC; // type:function size:0x5D8 scope:local align:4
damage__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00003B94; // type:function size:0x244 scope:local align:4
bom_eat_check__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00003DD8; // type:function size:0xEC scope:local align:4
head_damage__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00003EC4; // type:function size:0xAE4 scope:local align:4
head_hukki__FP9bst_class = .text:0x000049A8; // type:function size:0x224 scope:local align:4
col_set__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00004BCC; // type:function size:0x614 scope:local align:4
player_way_check__FP9bst_class = .text:0x000051E0; // type:function size:0x44 scope:local align:4
damage_check__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00005224; // type:function size:0x6F8 scope:local align:4
hana_demo__FP9bst_class = .text:0x0000591C; // type:function size:0x480 scope:local align:4
end_demo__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00005D9C; // type:function size:0x2EC scope:local align:4
move__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00006088; // type:function size:0x390 scope:local align:4
main_cont__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00006418; // type:function size:0x9A8 scope:local align:4
beam_eff_set__FP4cXyzsUc = .text:0x00006DC0; // type:function size:0x1E4 scope:local align:4
beam_wall_check__FP4cXyzP4cXyz = .text:0x00006FA4; // type:function size:0x364 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00007308; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00007434; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000074D4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00007530; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00007578; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000075D4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000761C; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x000076B0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x000076F8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
beam_move__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00007740; // type:function size:0x418 scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00007B58; // type:function size:0x118 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00007C70; // type:function size:0x80 scope:weak align:4
end_brkbtk_set__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00007CF0; // type:function size:0x46C scope:local align:4
demo_camera__FP9bst_class = .text:0x0000815C; // type:function size:0x1E70 scope:local align:4
bst_kankyo__FP9bst_class = .text:0x00009FCC; // type:function size:0x1D8 scope:local align:4
daBst_Execute__FP9bst_class = .text:0x0000A1A4; // type:function size:0x824 scope:local align:4
daBst_IsDelete__FP9bst_class = .text:0x0000A9C8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBst_Delete__FP9bst_class = .text:0x0000A9D0; // type:function size:0x10C scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000AADC; // type:function size:0x7F4 scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x0000B2D0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBst_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000B318; // type:function size:0x548 scope:local align:4
__ct__9bst_classFv = .text:0x0000B860; // type:function size:0x324 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x0000BB84; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x0000BC50; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000BC98; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x0000BCF4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000BD3C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000BD98; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x0000BE08; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000BE90; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__ct__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000BF5C; // type:function size:0x84 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x0000BFE0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
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__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x0000C02C; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000C030; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x0000C040; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x0000C048; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000C050; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000C058; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000C060; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x0000C098; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x0000C0A0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x0000C0A8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000C0B0; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x0000C0E8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x0000C0EC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM2dGCirFv = .text:0x0000C0F4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x0000C13C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000C198; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000C1E0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000C1E4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000C1E8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000C1EC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x0000C1F0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000C238; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x0000C294; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x0000C2A4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x0000C2AC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000C2B4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000C2BC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000C2C4; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x0000C2FC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x0000C304; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x0000C30C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000C314; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000C34C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000C354; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000C35C; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x0000C368; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x0000C374; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x0000C3D0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__11daBst_HIO_cFv = .text:0x0000C42C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bst_cpp = .text:0x0000C474; // type:function size:0x3C scope:local align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000C4B0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x0000C4B8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000C4C0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000C4C8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000C4D0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000C4D8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000C4E0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000C4E8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000C4F0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000C4F8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x0000C500; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x0000C508; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x0000C510; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000C518; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000C520; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4214 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4215 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4415 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4416 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4417 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4456 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4457 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4458 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4528 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4529 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4530 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4531 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4683 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4684 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4685 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4686 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4687 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4688 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4689 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4690 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4691 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4692 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4694 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4831 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4832 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4833 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4834 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4835 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5016 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5017 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5018 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5019 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5020 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5021 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5203 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5204 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5205 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5252 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5253 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5254 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5255 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5300 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5301 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5348 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5484 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5485 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5486 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5487 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5488 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5489 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5829 = .rodata:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5939 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5940 = .rodata:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5941 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5942 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6442 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6443 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6444 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6633 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@6634 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6635 = .rodata:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7610 = .rodata:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7611 = .rodata:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7612 = .rodata:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7613 = .rodata:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7614 = .rodata:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7615 = .rodata:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7616 = .rodata:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7617 = .rodata:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7618 = .rodata:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7619 = .rodata:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7620 = .rodata:0x00000130; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7621 = .rodata:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7622 = .rodata:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7623 = .rodata:0x0000013C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7624 = .rodata:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7625 = .rodata:0x00000144; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7626 = .rodata:0x00000148; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7648 = .rodata:0x0000014C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7842 = .rodata:0x00000150; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8209 = .rodata:0x00000154; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000158; // type:object size:0x27 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
set_bdl_d = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
set_za_bdl = .data:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
set_bck_d = .data:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
fly_bck_d = .data:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
damage_bck_d = .data:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
down_bck_d = .data:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
start_bck_d = .data:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
start2_bck_d = .data:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
start_smoke_name = .data:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
fly_btk_d = .data:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
fly_brk_d = .data:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
damage_btk_d = .data:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
damage_brk_d = .data:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
downa_bck_d = .data:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
paa_bck_d = .data:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
awasu_bck_d = .data:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
sleep_btk_d = .data:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
sleep_brk_d = .data:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
charge_e_name = .data:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
bomb_eff_name$5609 = .data:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
@5807 = .data:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
te_x$5856 = .data:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
te_y$5857 = .data:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
te_z$5858 = .data:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
item_smoke_name = .data:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6352 = .data:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6445 = .data:0x00000150; // type:object size:0x5C scope:local align:4
@7627 = .data:0x000001AC; // type:object size:0xE8 scope:local align:4
@7649 = .data:0x00000294; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
set_btk_d = .data:0x000002B8; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
set_brk_d = .data:0x000002C0; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
set_za_btk_d = .data:0x000002C8; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
set_za_brk_d = .data:0x000002D0; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
cc_cyl_src$8104 = .data:0x000002D8; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
core_cyl_src$8105 = .data:0x0000031C; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
finger_sph_src$8106 = .data:0x00000360; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
eye_sph_src$8107 = .data:0x000003A0; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
beam_sph_src$8108 = .data:0x000003E0; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daBst_Method = .data:0x00000420; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BST = .data:0x00000440; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x00000470; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x0000047C; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x00000504; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x00000510; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x0000051C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000528; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000534; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x00000540; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x0000055C; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x0000057C; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x00000604; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000610; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x0000061C; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x00000670; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000694; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x000006A0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x000006AC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_GndChk = .data:0x000006B8; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_GndChk = .data:0x000006D0; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000700; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x00000730; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000748; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000754; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000760; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x0000076C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x00000778; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000784; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x0000079C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11daBst_HIO_c = .data:0x000007A8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
boss = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
hand = .bss:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
msg = .bss:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
msg_end = .bss:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
hio_set = .bss:0x00000065; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
@4130 = .bss:0x00000068; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
@4295 = .bss:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$4296 = .bss:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
center_pos$4294 = .bss:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00009DD4
.text start:0x00009DD4 end:0x00009DD4
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000002D3
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000778
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x000000F4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__11daBtd_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0xDC scope:global align:4
wave_set__FP9btd_class = .text:0x000001C8; // type:function size:0x84 scope:local align:4
get_anm__FP9btd_class = .text:0x0000024C; // type:function size:0x1C scope:local align:4
get_btk__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00000268; // type:function size:0x1C scope:local align:4
get_brk__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00000284; // type:function size:0x1C scope:local align:4
anm_init__FP9btd_classifUcfi = .text:0x000002A0; // type:function size:0x134 scope:local align:4
nodeCallBack__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x000003D4; // type:function size:0x3A4 scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000778; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
hahen_draw__FP9btd_class = .text:0x000007B4; // type:function size:0x74 scope:local align:4
daBtd_Draw__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00000828; // type:function size:0x18C scope:local align:4
player_view_check__FP9btd_class = .text:0x000009B4; // type:function size:0x54 scope:local align:4
eff_off__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00000A08; // type:function size:0x30 scope:local align:4
hahen_set2__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00000A38; // type:function size:0x1DC scope:local align:4
hahen_set_s__FP9btd_classP4cXyzP5csXyz = .text:0x00000C14; // type:function size:0x170 scope:local align:4
smoke_set_s__FP9btd_classP4cXyzP5csXyz = .text:0x00000D84; // type:function size:0xC0 scope:local align:4
hahen_set__FP9btd_classSc = .text:0x00000E44; // type:function size:0xD0 scope:local align:4
startdemo__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00000F14; // type:function size:0x484 scope:local align:4
damage_check__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00001398; // type:function size:0x500 scope:local align:4
sibuki_set__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00001898; // type:function size:0x140 scope:local align:4
kubi_calc__FP9btd_class = .text:0x000019D8; // type:function size:0xAC scope:local align:4
damage__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00001A84; // type:function size:0xE40 scope:local align:4
end__FP9btd_class = .text:0x000028C4; // type:function size:0xDDC scope:local align:4
wait__FP9btd_class = .text:0x000036A0; // type:function size:0x52C scope:local align:4
jab_attack__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00003BCC; // type:function size:0x298 scope:local align:4
punch_attack__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00003E64; // type:function size:0x5B4 scope:local align:4
punch2_attack__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00004418; // type:function size:0x530 scope:local align:4
fire_attack__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00004948; // type:function size:0x69C scope:local align:4
up_fire_attack__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00004FE4; // type:function size:0x400 scope:local align:4
yoko_fire_attack__FP9btd_class = .text:0x000053E4; // type:function size:0x4C0 scope:local align:4
attack__FP9btd_class = .text:0x000058A4; // type:function size:0x8C scope:local align:4
move__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00005930; // type:function size:0x29C scope:local align:4
k_a_d_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00005BCC; // type:function size:0x58 scope:local align:4
dr2_a_d_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00005C24; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
wepon_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00005C70; // type:function size:0x58 scope:local align:4
hahen_move__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00005CC8; // type:function size:0xFC scope:local align:4
sibuki_move__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00005DC4; // type:function size:0x31C scope:local align:4
demo_camera__FP9btd_class = .text:0x000060E0; // type:function size:0x11DC scope:local align:4
btd_effect__FP9btd_class = .text:0x000072BC; // type:function size:0x34C scope:local align:4
btd_kankyo__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00007608; // type:function size:0x348 scope:local align:4
daBtd_Execute__FP9btd_class = .text:0x00007950; // type:function size:0x868 scope:local align:4
daBtd_IsDelete__FP9btd_class = .text:0x000081B8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBtd_Delete__FP9btd_class = .text:0x000081C0; // type:function size:0x144 scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00008304; // type:function size:0xA2C scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x00008D30; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBtd_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00008D78; // type:function size:0x458 scope:local align:4
__ct__9btd_classFv = .text:0x000091D0; // type:function size:0x298 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12btd_sibuki_sFv = .text:0x00009468; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
__ct__12btd_sibuki_sFv = .text:0x000094A4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11btd_hahen_sFv = .text:0x000094A8; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
__ct__11btd_hahen_sFv = .text:0x000094E4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x000094E8; // type:function size:0x7C scope:weak align:4
__defctor__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x00009564; // type:function size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00009588; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__ct__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00009654; // type:function size:0x84 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x000096D8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00009720; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00009768; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x000097C4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000980C; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__ct__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000098D8; // type:function size:0x84 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000995C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000099B8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x000099BC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00009A04; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00009A14; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00009A1C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00009A24; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00009A2C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00009A34; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00009A6C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00009A74; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00009A7C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00009A84; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00009ABC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00009AC0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00009AC8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00009ACC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00009AD0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00009AD4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x00009AD8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x00009B20; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00009B7C; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x00009B8C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x00009B94; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00009B9C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00009BA4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00009BAC; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00009BE4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00009BEC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00009BF4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00009BFC; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00009C34; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00009C3C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00009C44; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00009C50; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00009C5C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x00009CB8; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__11daBtd_HIO_cFv = .text:0x00009D14; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_btd_cpp = .text:0x00009D5C; // type:function size:0x58 scope:local align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00009DB4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00009DBC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00009DC4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00009DCC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4134 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4135 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4136 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4137 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4138 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4139 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4140 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4141 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4142 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4143 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4160 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4161 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4267 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4268 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4269 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4270 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4271 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4272 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4273 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4275 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4579 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4580 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4581 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4582 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4583 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4584 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4585 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4779 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4811 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5170 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5171 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5172 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5173 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5174 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5175 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5479 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5480 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5481 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5482 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5584 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5585 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5586 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5587 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6002 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6003 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6232 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@6355 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6356 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6633 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6634 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@6635 = .rodata:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6636 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6637 = .rodata:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6638 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6639 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6640 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6641 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6642 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6643 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6644 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6645 = .rodata:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@6646 = .rodata:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6647 = .rodata:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6648 = .rodata:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6649 = .rodata:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6650 = .rodata:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6651 = .rodata:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6652 = .rodata:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6653 = .rodata:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6654 = .rodata:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6655 = .rodata:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6656 = .rodata:0x00000130; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6657 = .rodata:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6658 = .rodata:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6659 = .rodata:0x0000013C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6660 = .rodata:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6661 = .rodata:0x00000144; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6662 = .rodata:0x00000148; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6663 = .rodata:0x0000014C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6664 = .rodata:0x00000150; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6665 = .rodata:0x00000154; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6666 = .rodata:0x00000158; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@6667 = .rodata:0x0000015C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6668 = .rodata:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6669 = .rodata:0x00000164; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6670 = .rodata:0x00000168; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6671 = .rodata:0x0000016C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6672 = .rodata:0x00000170; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6673 = .rodata:0x00000174; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6674 = .rodata:0x00000178; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6675 = .rodata:0x0000017C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6676 = .rodata:0x00000180; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6677 = .rodata:0x00000184; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6678 = .rodata:0x00000188; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6679 = .rodata:0x0000018C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6680 = .rodata:0x00000190; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6681 = .rodata:0x00000194; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6682 = .rodata:0x00000198; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6683 = .rodata:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6684 = .rodata:0x000001A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6685 = .rodata:0x000001A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6686 = .rodata:0x000001A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6687 = .rodata:0x000001AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6688 = .rodata:0x000001B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6689 = .rodata:0x000001B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6690 = .rodata:0x000001B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6691 = .rodata:0x000001BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6692 = .rodata:0x000001C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6693 = .rodata:0x000001C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6694 = .rodata:0x000001C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@6695 = .rodata:0x000001CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6873 = .rodata:0x000001D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6874 = .rodata:0x000001D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6875 = .rodata:0x000001D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@6876 = .rodata:0x000001DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6877 = .rodata:0x000001E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6878 = .rodata:0x000001E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6879 = .rodata:0x000001E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6881 = .rodata:0x000001F0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@7108 = .rodata:0x000001F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7109 = .rodata:0x000001FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7542 = .rodata:0x00000200; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7543 = .rodata:0x00000204; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000208; // type:object size:0xCB scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
joint_check = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x49 scope:local align:4
hibi_brk$4863 = .data:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
hibi_eff_name$4864 = .data:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x6 scope:local align:4
hahen_eff_name$4924 = .data:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
hahen_eff_index$4925 = .data:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@5176 = .data:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0xAC scope:local align:4
last_eff_name$5209 = .data:0x00000184; // type:object size:0x26 scope:local align:4
last_eff_index$5210 = .data:0x000001AC; // type:object size:0x4C scope:local align:4
@5483 = .data:0x000001F8; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
@5588 = .data:0x00000218; // type:object size:0x58 scope:local align:4
jab_bck = .data:0x00000270; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
punch_bck = .data:0x00000290; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4
@6004 = .data:0x000002B8; // type:object size:0x1C scope:local align:4
at_size = .data:0x000002D4; // type:object size:0x4C scope:local align:4
eff_index$6702 = .data:0x00000320; // type:object size:0x14 scope:local align:4
eff_name$6703 = .data:0x00000334; // type:object size:0xA scope:local align:4
effF_name$6714 = .data:0x00000340; // type:object size:0xE scope:local align:4
effF_nameR$6715 = .data:0x00000350; // type:object size:0xE scope:local align:4
hand_co_pos_X$6943 = .data:0x00000360; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
hand_co_pos_Y$6944 = .data:0x00000378; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
hand_co_pos_Z$6945 = .data:0x00000390; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
hand_co_size_H$6946 = .data:0x000003A8; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
hand_co_size_R$6947 = .data:0x000003C0; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
at_sph_src$7429 = .data:0x000003D8; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
eye_sph_src$7430 = .data:0x00000418; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
fire_sph_src$7431 = .data:0x00000458; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
sibuki_sph_src$7432 = .data:0x00000498; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
hand_cyl_src$7433 = .data:0x000004D8; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
l_daBtd_Method = .data:0x0000051C; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BTD = .data:0x0000053C; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x0000056C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000578; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x00000584; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x00000590; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x00000618; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x00000634; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x00000654; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x000006DC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x000006E8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x000006F4; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000748; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x00000754; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000760; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11daBtd_HIO_c = .data:0x0000076C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
kui = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
dr2 = .bss:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
@4126 = .bss:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
static_center_pos = .bss:0x00000068; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4 data:float
@4129 = .bss:0x00000074; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x58 scope:local align:4
@5230 = .bss:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$5231 = .bss:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
pos$5229 = .bss:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x0000A8E0
.text start:0x0000A8E0 end:0x0000A8E0
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000236
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000004D8
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x000002D0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__11daBwd_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0xB0 scope:global align:4
g_eff_on__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x0000019C; // type:function size:0x18 scope:local align:4
g_eff_off__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x000001B4; // type:function size:0x18 scope:local align:4
ko_s_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x000001CC; // type:function size:0x84 scope:local align:4
ko_delete_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00000250; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
anm_init__FP9bwd_classifUcfi = .text:0x0000029C; // type:function size:0x128 scope:local align:4
gr_draw__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x000003C4; // type:function size:0xBC scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000480; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
suna_draw__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x000004BC; // type:function size:0xA8 scope:local align:4
daBwd_Draw__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x00000564; // type:function size:0x1FC scope:local align:4
fly_pos_move__FP9bwd_classss = .text:0x00000760; // type:function size:0x85C scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00000FBC; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x000010E8; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00001188; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000011E4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x0000122C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00001288; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000012D0; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x00001364; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x000013AC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
damage_check__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x000013F4; // type:function size:0x24C scope:local align:4
__dt__5csXyzFv = .text:0x00001640; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
start__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x0000167C; // type:function size:0x26C scope:local align:4
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reset__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x00001AEC; // type:function size:0x1D0 scope:local align:4
sita_hit__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x00001CBC; // type:function size:0x9E8 scope:local align:4
eat_attack__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x000026A4; // type:function size:0x88C scope:local align:4
fly__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x00002F30; // type:function size:0x764 scope:local align:4
s_fly__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x00003694; // type:function size:0x6A8 scope:local align:4
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__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00004BD4; // type:function size:0x80 scope:weak align:4
control1__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x00004C54; // type:function size:0x628 scope:local align:4
control2__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x0000527C; // type:function size:0x1BC scope:local align:4
sita_move__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x00005438; // type:function size:0x940 scope:local align:4
move__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x00005D78; // type:function size:0x84 scope:local align:4
demo_camera__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x00005DFC; // type:function size:0x1524 scope:local align:4
bwd_kankyo__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x00007320; // type:function size:0x184 scope:local align:4
daBwd_Execute__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x000074A4; // type:function size:0x1780 scope:local align:4
daBwd_IsDelete__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x00008C24; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBwd_Delete__FP9bwd_class = .text:0x00008C2C; // type:function size:0x1E0 scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00008E0C; // type:function size:0x8CC scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x000096D8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBwd_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00009720; // type:function size:0x55C scope:local align:4
__ct__9bwd_classFv = .text:0x00009C7C; // type:function size:0x2B4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__19dPa_followEcallBackFv = .text:0x00009F30; // type:function size:0x6C scope:weak align:4
__defctor__19dPa_followEcallBackFv = .text:0x00009F9C; // type:function size:0x28 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x00009FC4; // type:function size:0x7C scope:weak align:4
__defctor__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000A040; // type:function size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x0000A064; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x0000A108; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000A150; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__ct__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000A21C; // type:function size:0x84 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000A2A0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__6sita_sFv = .text:0x0000A2FC; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
__ct__6sita_sFv = .text:0x0000A338; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__ct__5csXyzFv = .text:0x0000A33C; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x0000A340; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000A344; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000A38C; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000A390; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000A394; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000A398; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x0000A3E4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000A440; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x0000A450; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x0000A458; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000A460; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000A468; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000A470; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x0000A4A8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x0000A4B0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x0000A4B8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000A4C0; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x0000A4F8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x0000A4FC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000A504; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000A50C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x0000A514; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x0000A520; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x0000A52C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x0000A588; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__11daBwd_HIO_cFv = .text:0x0000A5E4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bwd_cpp = .text:0x0000A62C; // type:function size:0x224 scope:local align:4
__arraydtor$4195 = .text:0x0000A850; // type:function size:0x38 scope:local align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000A888; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x0000A890; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000A898; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000A8A0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x0000A8A8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000A8B0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000A8B8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000A8C0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000A8C8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000A8D0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x0000A8D8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4180 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4181 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4182 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4183 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4184 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4185 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4186 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4187 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4188 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4248 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4249 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4402 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4574 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4575 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4576 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4577 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4578 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4801 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4802 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4803 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4804 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4805 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4806 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4844 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4845 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4846 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4882 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4883 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5126 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5303 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5304 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5305 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5306 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5307 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5439 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5440 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5441 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5442 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5443 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5444 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5445 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5446 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5874 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5875 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5876 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5877 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5878 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5879 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5880 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6071 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6072 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6073 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6074 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6076 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@6323 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6324 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6325 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6326 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6327 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6328 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6749 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6750 = .rodata:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6751 = .rodata:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@6752 = .rodata:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6753 = .rodata:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6754 = .rodata:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6755 = .rodata:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6756 = .rodata:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6757 = .rodata:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6758 = .rodata:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6759 = .rodata:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6760 = .rodata:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6761 = .rodata:0x00000130; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6762 = .rodata:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6763 = .rodata:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6764 = .rodata:0x0000013C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6765 = .rodata:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6766 = .rodata:0x00000144; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6767 = .rodata:0x00000148; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6768 = .rodata:0x0000014C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6769 = .rodata:0x00000150; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6770 = .rodata:0x00000154; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@6771 = .rodata:0x00000158; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6772 = .rodata:0x0000015C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6773 = .rodata:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6774 = .rodata:0x00000164; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@6775 = .rodata:0x00000168; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6776 = .rodata:0x0000016C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6777 = .rodata:0x00000170; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6778 = .rodata:0x00000174; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7409 = .rodata:0x00000178; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7410 = .rodata:0x0000017C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7411 = .rodata:0x00000180; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7412 = .rodata:0x00000184; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7413 = .rodata:0x00000188; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7414 = .rodata:0x0000018C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7415 = .rodata:0x00000190; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7416 = .rodata:0x00000194; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7417 = .rodata:0x00000198; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7418 = .rodata:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7419 = .rodata:0x000001A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8077 = .rodata:0x000001A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8078 = .rodata:0x000001A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8079 = .rodata:0x000001AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8080 = .rodata:0x000001B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8081 = .rodata:0x000001B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8082 = .rodata:0x000001B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8083 = .rodata:0x000001BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8084 = .rodata:0x000001C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@8085 = .rodata:0x000001C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@8086 = .rodata:0x000001C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@8087 = .rodata:0x000001CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@8088 = .rodata:0x000001D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000001D4; // type:object size:0x62 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
target_x$5451 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
target_y$5452 = .data:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
target_z$5453 = .data:0x00000048; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5881 = .data:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x60 scope:local align:4
@6351 = .data:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x38 scope:local align:4
jno$6857 = .data:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
jsize$6858 = .data:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
demo_ang$6888 = .data:0x00000134; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
taki_bdl$7521 = .data:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
s_bdl$7539 = .data:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
s_btk$7540 = .data:0x00000148; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
s_brk$7541 = .data:0x00000150; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
s_bck$7542 = .data:0x00000158; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
body_sph_src$7712 = .data:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
bero_sph_src$7713 = .data:0x000001A0; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
bero_co_sph_src$7714 = .data:0x000001E0; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daBwd_Method = .data:0x00000220; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BWD = .data:0x00000240; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000270; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x0000027C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x00000288; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x000002A4; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x000002C4; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x0000034C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000358; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000364; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x000003B8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x000003C4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x000003D0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_GndChk = .data:0x000003DC; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_GndChk = .data:0x000003F4; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000424; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x00000454; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x0000046C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000478; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000484; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000490; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x0000049C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x000004A8; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x000004C0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11daBwd_HIO_c = .data:0x000004CC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
eff_col = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:byte
hio_set = .bss:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
@4175 = .bss:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
@4189 = .bss:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4190 = .bss:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4191 = .bss:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4192 = .bss:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4193 = .bss:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4194 = .bss:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
suna_gr_pos = .bss:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x48 scope:local align:4
@4196 = .bss:0x00000138; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
suna_gr_ang = .bss:0x00000144; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
@4197 = .bss:0x00000168; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
center_pos = .bss:0x00000174; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
ko_count = .bss:0x00000180; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
ko_ac = .bss:0x00000184; // type:object size:0x58 scope:local align:4
@6352 = .bss:0x000001DC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
set_pos = .bss:0x000001E8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6860 = .bss:0x000001F4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$6861 = .bss:0x00000200; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
@6863 = .bss:0x00000204; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6864 = .bss:0x00000210; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6865 = .bss:0x0000021C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6866 = .bss:0x00000228; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6867 = .bss:0x00000234; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6868 = .bss:0x00000240; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6869 = .bss:0x0000024C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@6870 = .bss:0x00000258; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
joffset$6859 = .bss:0x00000264; // type:object size:0x6C scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
.text type:code align:32
.ctors type:rodata align:32
.dtors type:rodata align:32
.rodata type:rodata align:32
.data type:data align:32
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x00000B88
.text start:0x00000B88 end:0x00000B88
.text start:0x00000B88 end:0x00000C2C
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000061
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00024984
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000004
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
draw__15daBwdg_packet_cFv = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x14C scope:global align:4
daBwdg_Draw__FP10bwdg_class = .text:0x000001C4; // type:function size:0x9C scope:local align:4
base_xz_set__FP10bwdg_class = .text:0x00000260; // type:function size:0xA8 scope:local align:4
wave_cont__FP10bwdg_classUc = .text:0x00000308; // type:function size:0x3F0 scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000006F8; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
boss_a_d_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00000734; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
daBwdg_Execute__FP10bwdg_class = .text:0x00000780; // type:function size:0xCC scope:local align:4
daBwdg_IsDelete__FP10bwdg_class = .text:0x0000084C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBwdg_Delete__FP10bwdg_class = .text:0x00000854; // type:function size:0x5C scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000008B0; // type:function size:0xF0 scope:local align:4
daBwdg_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000009A0; // type:function size:0x1BC scope:local align:4
__sinit_d_a_bwdg_cpp = .text:0x00000B5C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:local align:4
__dt__15daBwdg_packet_cFv = .text:0x00000B88; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00000C28; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4307 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4308 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4325 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4326 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4328 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8 data:double
@4403 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4404 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4405 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4406 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4407 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4408 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4409 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4410 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4411 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4412 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4413 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4414 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4415 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4416 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x5 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
l_B_sand2TEX = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x10000 scope:local align:32
l_texCoord = .data:0x00010000; // type:object size:0x8408 scope:local align:4
l_Hsand1DL = .data:0x00018420; // type:object size:0xC3E0 scope:local align:32
l_matDL = .data:0x00024800; // type:object size:0xBA scope:local align:32
l_vtxDescList$4284 = .data:0x000248BC; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
l_vtxAttrFmtList$4285 = .data:0x000248DC; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daBwdg_Method = .data:0x0002491C; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BWDG = .data:0x0002493C; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__15daBwdg_packet_c = .data:0x0002496C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:global align:4
boss = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00004088
.text start:0x00004088 end:0x00004088
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000000E6
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000003D0
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000088
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__12daBwds_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
anm_init__FP10bwds_classifUcfi = .text:0x00000144; // type:function size:0x128 scope:local align:4
body_draw__FP10bwds_class = .text:0x0000026C; // type:function size:0x7C scope:local align:4
daBwds_Draw__FP10bwds_class = .text:0x000002E8; // type:function size:0xFC scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000003E4; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
body_control__FP10bwds_class = .text:0x00000420; // type:function size:0x73C scope:local align:4
__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00000B5C; // type:function size:0x118 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00000C74; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00000D14; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00000D70; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00000DB8; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x00000E14; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00000E5C; // type:function size:0x80 scope:weak align:4
easy_bg_check2__FP10bwds_class = .text:0x00000EDC; // type:function size:0x128 scope:local align:4
pos_move__FP10bwds_classs = .text:0x00001004; // type:function size:0x194 scope:local align:4
ug_move__FP10bwds_class = .text:0x00001198; // type:function size:0x834 scope:local align:4
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fail__FP10bwds_class = .text:0x00001DCC; // type:function size:0x3AC scope:local align:4
__dt__5csXyzFv = .text:0x00002178; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
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move__FP10bwds_class = .text:0x0000245C; // type:function size:0x134 scope:local align:4
daBwds_Execute__FP10bwds_class = .text:0x00002590; // type:function size:0xC24 scope:local align:4
daBwds_IsDelete__FP10bwds_class = .text:0x000031B4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daBwds_Delete__FP10bwds_class = .text:0x000031BC; // type:function size:0xBC scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00003278; // type:function size:0x3BC scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x00003634; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daBwds_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000367C; // type:function size:0x328 scope:local align:4
__dt__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x000039A4; // type:function size:0x7C scope:weak align:4
__defctor__18dPa_smokeEcallBackFv = .text:0x00003A20; // type:function size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
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__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00003AC8; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00003B94; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00003BDC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00003C38; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00003C80; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__ct__5csXyzFv = .text:0x00003CDC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00003CE0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00003CE4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
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execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00003D34; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00003D38; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x00003D3C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x00003D84; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00003DE0; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x00003DF0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x00003DF8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003E00; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003E08; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003E10; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00003E48; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00003E50; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00003E58; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00003E60; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00003E98; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00003E9C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00003EA4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00003EAC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00003EB4; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00003EC0; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00003ECC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x00003F28; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00003F84; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12daBwds_HIO_cFv = .text:0x00003FCC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_bwds_cpp = .text:0x00004014; // type:function size:0x3C scope:local align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00004050; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00004058; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00004060; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00004068; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00004070; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00004078; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00004080; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4126 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4127 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4128 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4129 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4130 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4150 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4151 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4385 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4386 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4387 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4388 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4389 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4390 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4391 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4392 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4393 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4394 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4395 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4396 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4397 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4398 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4400 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4478 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4479 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4512 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4637 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4638 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4639 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4640 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4641 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4642 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4643 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4644 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4645 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4646 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4647 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4648 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4649 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4650 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4711 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4773 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4774 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4861 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4894 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5162 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5163 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5164 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5165 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x16 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4651 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
body_bdl = .data:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x1A scope:local align:4
s_bdl$5205 = .data:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
s_btk$5206 = .data:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
s_brk$5207 = .data:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
s_bck$5208 = .data:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
cc_sph_src$5300 = .data:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
body_sph_src$5301 = .data:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
hs_sph_src$5302 = .data:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
l_daBwds_Method = .data:0x0000016C; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_BWDS = .data:0x0000018C; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x000001BC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x000001C8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x000001D4; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x000001F0; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x00000210; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x00000298; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x000002A4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x000002B0; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000304; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x00000310; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x0000031C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x00000328; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_GndChk = .data:0x00000334; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_GndChk = .data:0x0000034C; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x0000037C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000394; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x000003A0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x000003AC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x000003B8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12daBwds_HIO_c = .data:0x000003C4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
eff_col = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:byte
hio_set = .bss:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
@4121 = .bss:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00002A10
.text start:0x00002A10 end:0x00002A10
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000120
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000244
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x000000B8
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
set_mtx__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x1DC scope:global align:4
bul_set_mtx__9daCanon_cFP4cXyz = .text:0x000002C8; // type:function size:0x78 scope:global align:4
getGridPos__9daCanon_cFii = .text:0x00000340; // type:function size:0x108 scope:global align:4
getBulEndPos__9daCanon_cFss = .text:0x00000448; // type:function size:0x10C scope:global align:4
createCheck__9daCanon_cFiii = .text:0x00000554; // type:function size:0x4C scope:global align:4
daCanon_nodeCallBack__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x000005A0; // type:function size:0x88 scope:local align:4
target_createCB__FPv = .text:0x00000628; // type:function size:0x14 scope:local align:4
createTargetObj__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x0000063C; // type:function size:0x110 scope:global align:4
daCanon_BreakTarget__FPvPv = .text:0x0000074C; // type:function size:0xA8 scope:local align:4
breakAllObj__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x000007F4; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
makeFireEffect__9daCanon_cFR4cXyzR5csXyzi = .text:0x00000820; // type:function size:0x26C scope:global align:4
wait_proc_init__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00000A8C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
wait_proc__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00000AB8; // type:function size:0x25C scope:global align:4
game_start_proc_init__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00000D14; // type:function size:0xC0 scope:global align:4
game_start_proc__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00000DD4; // type:function size:0x34 scope:global align:4
game_proc_init__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00000E08; // type:function size:0x24 scope:global align:4
game_proc__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00000E2C; // type:function size:0x174 scope:global align:4
fire_proc_init__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00000FA0; // type:function size:0xD4 scope:global align:4
fire_proc__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00001074; // type:function size:0x338 scope:global align:4
pause_proc_init__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x000013AC; // type:function size:0x2A8 scope:global align:4
pause_proc__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00001654; // type:function size:0x54 scope:global align:4
end_proc_init__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x000016A8; // type:function size:0x6C scope:global align:4
end_proc__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00001714; // type:function size:0x100 scope:global align:4
PadMove__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00001814; // type:function size:0x204 scope:global align:4
CheckCreateHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00001A18; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
CreateHeap__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00001A38; // type:function size:0x3CC scope:global align:4
__dt__12dDlst_base_cFv = .text:0x00001E04; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GameInfo2DDraw__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00001E4C; // type:function size:0x228 scope:global align:4
daCanonCreate__FPv = .text:0x00002074; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
_create__9daCanon_cFv = .text:0x00002094; // type:function size:0x32C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000023C0; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x0000248C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x000024D4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00002530; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daCanonDelete__FPv = .text:0x00002578; // type:function size:0x88 scope:local align:4
daCanonExecute__FPv = .text:0x00002600; // type:function size:0x14C scope:local align:4
daCanonDraw__FPv = .text:0x0000274C; // type:function size:0xF0 scope:local align:4
daCanonIsDelete__FPv = .text:0x0000283C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00002844; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00002854; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x0000285C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002864; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000286C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002874; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x000028AC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x000028B4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x000028BC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x000028C4; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x000028FC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00002900; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00002908; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00002910; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00002918; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00002924; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
draw__12dDlst_base_cFv = .text:0x00002930; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_canon_cpp = .text:0x00002934; // type:function size:0x54 scope:local align:4
__dt__14WIND_INFLUENCEFv = .text:0x00002988; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15LIGHT_INFLUENCEFv = .text:0x000029C4; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00002A00; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00002A08; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
M_arcname__9daCanon_c = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x7 scope:global align:4 data:string
angle_x_tbl = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
angle_y_tbl = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x10 scope:local align:4
@4181 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4182 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4183 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4185 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4210 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4229 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4230 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4245 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4246 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4323 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4394 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4395 = .rodata:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4396 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4397 = .rodata:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4480 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4481 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4482 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4561 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4562 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4624 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4625 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4626 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4627 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4628 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4807 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4808 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4809 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4850 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4851 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4852 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5008 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5009 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5010 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5011 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5012 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5013 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5014 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5217 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x50 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
canon_cyl_src = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
canon_cyl2_src = .data:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
@4144 = .data:0x00000088; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4403 = .data:0x00000094; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
cut_name_tbl$4413 = .data:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4487 = .data:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4510 = .data:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4554 = .data:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4645 = .data:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4721 = .data:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
cut_name_tbl$4748 = .data:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5016 = .data:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
daCanonMethodTable = .data:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_Canon = .data:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x000001C8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x000001D4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x000001E0; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dDlst_base_c = .data:0x00000234; // type:object size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@4139 = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
plight = .bss:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x20 scope:global align:4 data:float
@4140 = .bss:0x00000080; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
pwind = .bss:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x2C scope:global align:4 data:float
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x00007CD8
.text start:0x00007CD8 end:0x00007CF4
.text start:0x00007CF4 end:0x00007CF4
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x00000174
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000440
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
nodeCallBack__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x234 scope:local align:4
__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000002AC; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
draw_SUB__FP8cc_class = .text:0x000002E8; // type:function size:0x23C scope:local align:4
daCC_Draw__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00000524; // type:function size:0x3DC scope:local align:4
cc_eff_set__FP8cc_classUc = .text:0x00000900; // type:function size:0x1B0 scope:local align:4
anm_init__FP8cc_classifUcfi = .text:0x00000AB0; // type:function size:0x12C scope:local align:4
damage_mode_move__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00000BDC; // type:function size:0x98 scope:local align:4
s_b_sub__FPvPv = .text:0x00000C74; // type:function size:0xBC scope:local align:4
naraku_check__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00000D30; // type:function size:0x2F8 scope:local align:4
denki_start__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00001028; // type:function size:0x40 scope:local align:4
denki_end__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00001068; // type:function size:0x70 scope:local align:4
shock_damage_check__FP8cc_class = .text:0x000010D8; // type:function size:0x26C scope:local align:4
black_light_check__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00001344; // type:function size:0x74 scope:local align:4
body_atari_check__FP8cc_class = .text:0x000013B8; // type:function size:0xBC0 scope:local align:4
search_angle_set__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00001F78; // type:function size:0x208 scope:local align:4
action_nomal_move__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00002180; // type:function size:0x8A0 scope:local align:4
action_oyogu__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00002A20; // type:function size:0x404 scope:local align:4
action_attack_move__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00002E24; // type:function size:0x47C scope:local align:4
action_damage_move__FP8cc_class = .text:0x000032A0; // type:function size:0x9B8 scope:local align:4
action_dead_move__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00003C58; // type:function size:0x48C scope:local align:4
deku_come_demo__FP8cc_class = .text:0x000040E4; // type:function size:0x204 scope:local align:4
deku_ret_demo__FP8cc_class = .text:0x000042E8; // type:function size:0x230 scope:local align:4
action_noboru__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00004518; // type:function size:0x794 scope:local align:4
action_up_check__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00004CAC; // type:function size:0x970 scope:local align:4
action_tomaru__FP8cc_class = .text:0x0000561C; // type:function size:0xB0 scope:local align:4
tsubo_search__FPvPv = .text:0x000056CC; // type:function size:0xAC scope:local align:4
action_tubo_search__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00005778; // type:function size:0x240 scope:local align:4
BG_check__FP8cc_class = .text:0x000059B8; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:local align:4
daCC_Execute__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00005A58; // type:function size:0x7BC scope:local align:4
daCC_IsDelete__FP8cc_class = .text:0x00006214; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
daCC_Delete__FP8cc_class = .text:0x0000621C; // type:function size:0x74 scope:local align:4
useHeapInit__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00006290; // type:function size:0x79C scope:local align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x00006A2C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
daCC_Create__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00006A74; // type:function size:0x6EC scope:local align:4
__ct__8cc_classFv = .text:0x00007160; // type:function size:0x2E0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00007440; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x0000750C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00007554; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00007620; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00007668; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x000076C4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x0000770C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00007768; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x000077D8; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00007860; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x00007864; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x000078C0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00007908; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM2dGCirFv = .text:0x00007950; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x00007998; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x000079F4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00007A3C; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x00007A4C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x00007A54; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00007A5C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00007A64; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00007A6C; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00007AA4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00007AAC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00007AB4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00007ABC; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00007AF4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00007AF8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00007B00; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00007B10; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00007B18; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00007B20; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00007B28; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00007B30; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00007B68; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00007B70; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00007B78; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00007B80; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00007BB8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00007BC0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00007BC8; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00007BD4; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00007BE0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00007BE4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00007BE8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00007BEC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x00007BF0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00007C4C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00007CA8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00007CB0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00007CB8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00007CC0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00007CC8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00007CD0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
getSwordTopPos__9daPy_py_cCFv = .text:0x00007CD8; // type:function size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@4090 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4091 = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4093 = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8 data:double
@4173 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4174 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4175 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@4358 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4359 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4361 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8 data:double
@4367 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
@4392 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4413 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4529 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4530 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4531 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4532 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4533 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4534 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4629 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4630 = .rodata:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4631 = .rodata:0x00000068; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5101 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5102 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5103 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5104 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5148 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5149 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5341 = .rodata:0x00000084; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5342 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5343 = .rodata:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5344 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5345 = .rodata:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5346 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5438 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5439 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5440 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5441 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5541 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5542 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5543 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5544 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5551 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5751 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5752 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5753 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5754 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5755 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5756 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5757 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5758 = .rodata:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5759 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5760 = .rodata:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6240 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6241 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6242 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6546 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6640 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6652 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@6863 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6864 = .rodata:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6865 = .rodata:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@6866 = .rodata:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7288 = .rodata:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@7289 = .rodata:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:string
@7290 = .rodata:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x58 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
eff_color_dt$4366 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x14 scope:local align:4
@5347 = .data:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@5761 = .data:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x1C scope:local align:4
cut_name_tbl$5949 = .data:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
cut_name_tbl$5991 = .data:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
@6243 = .data:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x30 scope:local align:4
@6867 = .data:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
cc_atsp_kind = .data:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x14 scope:local align:4
cc_atatp_kind = .data:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x14 scope:local align:4
cc_HP_kind = .data:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x5 scope:local align:4
body_co_cyl$7109 = .data:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
fire_j$7114 = .data:0x00000168; // type:object size:0xA scope:local align:4
fire_sc$7115 = .data:0x00000174; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4
l_daCC_Method = .data:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_CC = .data:0x000001BC; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x000001EC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x000001F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x00000204; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x00000210; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x0000021C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000228; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x00000234; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x000002BC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x000002C8; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x00000350; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x0000035C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000368; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x000003BC; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x000003E0; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x00000400; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x0000041C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000428; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000434; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
DEMO_COME_START_FLAG = .bss:0x00000049; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
DEMO_RET_START_FLAG = .bss:0x0000004A; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
DEMO_SHORT_CUT_FLAG = .bss:0x0000004B; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1 data:byte
target_info = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4
target_info_count = .bss:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:4byte
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x0000244C
.text start:0x0000244C end:0x00002684
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x0000005C
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x0000036C
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000196
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
chase_ship__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x78 scope:global align:4
get_speed__9daComing2FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000164; // type:function size:0x9C scope:local align:4
renew_scope_info__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x00000200; // type:function size:0x13C scope:global align:4
no_ship_obstacle__Q29daComing25Act_cFP4cXyz = .text:0x0000033C; // type:function size:0x1F0 scope:global align:4
__dt__14dBgS_ObjLinChkFv = .text:0x0000052C; // type:function size:0x154 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00000680; // type:function size:0x12C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x000007AC; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x0000084C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000008A8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000008F0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x0000094C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x00000994; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x00000A28; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x00000A70; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
position_is_safety_call_back__9daComing2FPvPv = .text:0x00000AB8; // type:function size:0x98 scope:local align:4
position_is_none_obj__9daComing2FP4cXyz = .text:0x00000B50; // type:function size:0x48 scope:local align:4
check_in_large_sea__Q29daComing25Act_cFPC4cXyz = .text:0x00000B98; // type:function size:0x40 scope:global align:4
get_water_height__Q29daComing25Act_cFPfPC4cXyz = .text:0x00000BD8; // type:function size:0x288 scope:global align:4
__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00000E60; // type:function size:0x140 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00000FA0; // type:function size:0x118 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x000010B8; // type:function size:0x80 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11dBgS_WtrChkFv = .text:0x00001138; // type:function size:0x124 scope:weak align:4
init_barrelN_info__Q29daComing25Act_cFi = .text:0x0000125C; // type:function size:0x38 scope:global align:4
init_barrel_info__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x00001294; // type:function size:0x4C scope:global align:4
init_flag_info__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x000012E0; // type:function size:0x10 scope:global align:4
init_coming_info__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x000012F0; // type:function size:0x64 scope:global align:4
make_coming_param__Q29daComing25Act_cFP4cXyzPQ212daObjBarrel26Type_ePiPb = .text:0x00001354; // type:function size:0xC8 scope:global align:4
request_barrel_exitN__Q29daComing25Act_cFi = .text:0x0000141C; // type:function size:0x6C scope:global align:4
request_all_barrel_exit__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x00001488; // type:function size:0x68 scope:global align:4
checkLineCrossXZ__9daComing2FP4cXyzP4cXyzP4cXyzP4cXyz = .text:0x000014F0; // type:function size:0x120 scope:local align:4
request_all_flag_exit__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x00001610; // type:function size:0xB4 scope:global align:4
barrel_execute__Q29daComing25Act_cFi = .text:0x000016C4; // type:function size:0x11C scope:global align:4
barrel_main__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x000017E0; // type:function size:0x4C scope:global align:4
coming_clear_init__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x0000182C; // type:function size:0x24 scope:global align:4
coming_clear_main__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x00001850; // type:function size:0x68 scope:global align:4
coming_wait_init__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x000018B8; // type:function size:0x18 scope:global align:4
coming_wait_main__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x000018D0; // type:function size:0x104 scope:global align:4
coming_setF_init__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x000019D4; // type:function size:0xA8 scope:global align:4
coming_setF_main__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x00001A7C; // type:function size:0x23C scope:global align:4
coming_checkS_init__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x00001CB8; // type:function size:0x10 scope:global align:4
coming_checkS_main__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x00001CC8; // type:function size:0x98 scope:global align:4
coming_game_init__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x00001D60; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
coming_game_main__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x00001D8C; // type:function size:0x1CC scope:global align:4
coming_process_init__Q29daComing25Act_cFs = .text:0x00001F58; // type:function size:0x118 scope:global align:4
coming_process_main__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x00002070; // type:function size:0xE4 scope:global align:4
_create__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x00002154; // type:function size:0x110 scope:global align:4
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__ct__Q39daComing25Act_c12_start_buoy_Fv = .text:0x000022A0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__Q29daComing213_barrel_info_Fv = .text:0x000022A4; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
__ct__Q29daComing213_barrel_info_Fv = .text:0x000022E0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
_delete__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x000022E4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:global align:4
_execute__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x000022EC; // type:function size:0xC4 scope:global align:4
_draw__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x000023B0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:global align:4
Mthd_Create__Q29daComing225@unnamed@d_a_coming2_cpp@FPv = .text:0x000023B8; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
Mthd_Delete__Q29daComing225@unnamed@d_a_coming2_cpp@FPv = .text:0x000023D8; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
Mthd_Execute__Q29daComing225@unnamed@d_a_coming2_cpp@FPv = .text:0x000023FC; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
Mthd_Draw__Q29daComing225@unnamed@d_a_coming2_cpp@FPv = .text:0x00002420; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
Mthd_IsDelete__Q29daComing225@unnamed@d_a_coming2_cpp@FPv = .text:0x00002444; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
__dt__Q29daComing25Act_cFv = .text:0x0000244C; // type:function size:0x94 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14dBgS_SplGrpChkFv = .text:0x000024E0; // type:function size:0xFC scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000025DC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x000025E4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000025EC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000025F4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__11dBgS_LinChkFv = .text:0x000025FC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__14dBgS_ObjLinChkFv = .text:0x00002604; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@100@__dt__14dBgS_ObjLinChkFv = .text:0x0000260C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@88@__dt__14dBgS_ObjLinChkFv = .text:0x00002614; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000261C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00002624; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000262C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00002634; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x0000263C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00002644; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000264C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@16@__dt__11dBgS_WtrChkFv = .text:0x00002654; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@48@__dt__11dBgS_WtrChkFv = .text:0x0000265C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@36@__dt__11dBgS_WtrChkFv = .text:0x00002664; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@16@__dt__14dBgS_SplGrpChkFv = .text:0x0000266C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@48@__dt__14dBgS_SplGrpChkFv = .text:0x00002674; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@36@__dt__14dBgS_SplGrpChkFv = .text:0x0000267C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
L_attr__Q29daComing225@unnamed@d_a_coming2_cpp@ = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xA scope:local align:4
@4096 = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4097 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4098 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4102 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4136 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4137 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4138 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4289 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4313 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4385 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4386 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4387 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4475 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4811 = .rodata:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4812 = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4813 = .rodata:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4814 = .rodata:0x00000054; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4815 = .rodata:0x00000058; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
coming_make_item_no_table__9daComing2 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x3C scope:local align:4
colorR$4054 = .data:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4895 = .data:0x00000070; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4896 = .data:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4897 = .data:0x00000088; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4898 = .data:0x00000094; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4899 = .data:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init_table$4894 = .data:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x3C scope:local align:4
@4912 = .data:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4913 = .data:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4914 = .data:0x00000100; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4915 = .data:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4916 = .data:0x00000118; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
main_table$4911 = .data:0x00000124; // type:object size:0x3C scope:local align:4
Mthd_Table__Q29daComing225@unnamed@d_a_coming2_cpp@ = .data:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_Coming2 = .data:0x00000180; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__Q29daComing25Act_c = .data:0x000001B0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14dBgS_SplGrpChk = .data:0x000001BC; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_WtrChk = .data:0x000001EC; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_GndChk = .data:0x0000021C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__14dBgS_ObjGndChk = .data:0x00000234; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_GndChk = .data:0x00000264; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__14dBgS_ObjLinChk = .data:0x00000294; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_LinChk = .data:0x000002C4; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x000002F4; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x0000030C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000318; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000324; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000330; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x0000033C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_LinChk = .data:0x00000348; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x00000360; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@4145 = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$4146 = .bss:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
M_wall_work$4144 = .bss:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x6C scope:local align:4
@4322 = .bss:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$4323 = .bss:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
wtr$4321 = .bss:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x50 scope:local align:4
@4330 = .bss:0x00000130; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$4331 = .bss:0x0000013C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
gnd_work$4329 = .bss:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x54 scope:local align:4
init$4900 = .bss:0x00000194; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
init$4917 = .bss:0x00000195; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00001EDC
.text start:0x00001EDC end:0x000021E4
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x000000EA
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000364
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000181
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
get_water_height__Q29daComing35Act_cFPfPiPC4cXyz = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0x318 scope:global align:4
__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00000404; // type:function size:0x140 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00000544; // type:function size:0x118 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x0000065C; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:weak align:4
__dt__15dBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x000006FC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15cBgS_GrpPassChkFv = .text:0x00000758; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__16dBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000007A0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__16cBgS_PolyPassChkFv = .text:0x000007FC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00000844; // type:function size:0x80 scope:weak align:4
__dt__11dBgS_WtrChkFv = .text:0x000008C4; // type:function size:0x124 scope:weak align:4
position_is_safety_call_back__9daComing3FPvPv = .text:0x000009E8; // type:function size:0x98 scope:local align:4
position_is_none_obj__9daComing3FP4cXyz = .text:0x00000A80; // type:function size:0x48 scope:local align:4
get_challenge_id__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00000AC8; // type:function size:0x10 scope:global align:4
get_limit_dist__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00000AD8; // type:function size:0x44 scope:global align:4
coming_start_init__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00000B1C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
coming_start_main__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00000B48; // type:function size:0x210 scope:global align:4
coming_game_init__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00000D58; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
coming_game_main__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00000D78; // type:function size:0x274 scope:global align:4
coming_wait_init__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00000FEC; // type:function size:0x10 scope:global align:4
coming_wait_main__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00000FFC; // type:function size:0x6C scope:global align:4
coming_process_init__Q29daComing35Act_cFs = .text:0x00001068; // type:function size:0xE8 scope:global align:4
eff_break_tsubo__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00001150; // type:function size:0x38C scope:global align:4
coming_process_main__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x000014DC; // type:function size:0xB4 scope:global align:4
set_mtx__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00001590; // type:function size:0xEC scope:global align:4
collision_init__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x0000167C; // type:function size:0x7C scope:global align:4
collision_main__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x000016F8; // type:function size:0xE8 scope:global align:4
solidHeapCB__Q29daComing35Act_cFP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000017E0; // type:function size:0x24 scope:global align:4
create_heap__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00001804; // type:function size:0xC8 scope:global align:4
_create__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x000018CC; // type:function size:0x158 scope:global align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00001A24; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00001AF0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00001B38; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00001B94; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00001BDC; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
_delete__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00001C38; // type:function size:0x30 scope:global align:4
_execute__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00001C68; // type:function size:0x38 scope:global align:4
_draw__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00001CA0; // type:function size:0x74 scope:global align:4
Mthd_Create__Q29daComing325@unnamed@d_a_coming3_cpp@FPv = .text:0x00001D14; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
Mthd_Delete__Q29daComing325@unnamed@d_a_coming3_cpp@FPv = .text:0x00001D34; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
Mthd_Execute__Q29daComing325@unnamed@d_a_coming3_cpp@FPv = .text:0x00001D58; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
Mthd_Draw__Q29daComing325@unnamed@d_a_coming3_cpp@FPv = .text:0x00001D7C; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
Mthd_IsDelete__Q29daComing325@unnamed@d_a_coming3_cpp@FPv = .text:0x00001DA0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00001DA8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00001DF0; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00001E00; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x00001E08; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001E10; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001E18; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001E20; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00001E58; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00001E60; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00001E68; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00001E70; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00001EA8; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00001EAC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001EB4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00001EBC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00001EC4; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00001ED0; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__Q29daComing35Act_cFv = .text:0x00001EDC; // type:function size:0x144 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14dBgS_SplGrpChkFv = .text:0x00002020; // type:function size:0xFC scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x0000211C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
@12@__dt__8dBgS_ChkFv = .text:0x00002164; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000216C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x00002174; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__11dBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000217C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00002184; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@76@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x0000218C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@64@__dt__14dBgS_ObjGndChkFv = .text:0x00002194; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__11cBgS_GndChkFv = .text:0x0000219C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@16@__dt__11dBgS_WtrChkFv = .text:0x000021A4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@48@__dt__11dBgS_WtrChkFv = .text:0x000021AC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@36@__dt__11dBgS_WtrChkFv = .text:0x000021B4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@16@__dt__14dBgS_SplGrpChkFv = .text:0x000021BC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@48@__dt__14dBgS_SplGrpChkFv = .text:0x000021C4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@36@__dt__14dBgS_SplGrpChkFv = .text:0x000021CC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000021D4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x000021DC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
L_attr__Q29daComing325@unnamed@d_a_coming3_cpp@ = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4
M_cyl_src__9daComing3 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
@4146 = .rodata:0x0000006C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4147 = .rodata:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4148 = .rodata:0x00000074; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4149 = .rodata:0x00000078; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4248 = .rodata:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4264 = .rodata:0x00000080; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
@4270 = .rodata:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4332 = .rodata:0x00000090; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4333 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4547 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4548 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4549 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4595 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4628 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4657 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4658 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4659 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x2A scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
make_item_table$4287 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:4
@4442 = .data:0x00000038; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4443 = .data:0x00000044; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4444 = .data:0x00000050; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init_table$4441 = .data:0x0000005C; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
@4554 = .data:0x00000080; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4555 = .data:0x0000008C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4556 = .data:0x00000098; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
main_table$4553 = .data:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
M_arcname__Q29daComing35Act_c = .data:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x7 scope:global align:4 data:string
Mthd_Table__Q29daComing325@unnamed@d_a_coming3_cpp@ = .data:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_Coming3 = .data:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000120; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cyl = .data:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCyl = .data:0x000001C0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x000001CC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x000001D8; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__Q29daComing35Act_c = .data:0x0000022C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14dBgS_SplGrpChk = .data:0x00000238; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_WtrChk = .data:0x00000268; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x00000298; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__11cBgS_GndChk = .data:0x000002A4; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__14dBgS_ObjGndChk = .data:0x000002BC; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__11dBgS_GndChk = .data:0x000002EC; // type:object size:0x30 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dBgS_Chk = .data:0x0000031C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:weak align:4
__vt__15dBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000334; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15cBgS_GrpPassChk = .data:0x00000340; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16dBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x0000034C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__16cBgS_PolyPassChk = .data:0x00000358; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
...bss.0 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:label scope:local
@3569 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1036 = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1034 = .bss:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1032 = .bss:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1031 = .bss:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1026 = .bss:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1024 = .bss:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1022 = .bss:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@1021 = .bss:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@984 = .bss:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@982 = .bss:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@980 = .bss:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@979 = .bss:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@941 = .bss:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@939 = .bss:0x00000048; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@937 = .bss:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@936 = .bss:0x00000050; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:4
@4060 = .bss:0x00000054; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$4061 = .bss:0x00000060; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
wtr$4059 = .bss:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x50 scope:local align:4
@4077 = .bss:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$4078 = .bss:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
gnd_work$4076 = .bss:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x54 scope:local align:4
init$4445 = .bss:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
@4457 = .bss:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
init$4458 = .bss:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
gnd$4456 = .bss:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x54 scope:local align:4
init$4557 = .bss:0x00000180; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x00001130
.text start:0x00001130 end:0x00001130
.text start:0x00001130 end:0x00001250
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x0000007A
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000001D4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
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_delete__7daDai_cFv = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x4C scope:global align:4
CheckCreateHeap__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000000C4; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
CreateHeap__7daDai_cFv = .text:0x000000E4; // type:function size:0xBC scope:global align:4
CreateInit__7daDai_cFv = .text:0x000001A0; // type:function size:0x208 scope:global align:4
_create__7daDai_cFv = .text:0x000003A8; // type:function size:0xEC scope:global align:4
__ct__7daDai_cFv = .text:0x00000494; // type:function size:0x1B8 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x0000064C; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCylFv = .text:0x00000718; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00000760; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x000007BC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00000804; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
set_mtx__7daDai_cFv = .text:0x00000874; // type:function size:0x80 scope:global align:4
eventOrder__7daDai_cFv = .text:0x000008F4; // type:function size:0x28 scope:global align:4
checkOrder__7daDai_cFv = .text:0x0000091C; // type:function size:0x1E0 scope:global align:4
daDai_XyCheckCB__FPvi = .text:0x00000AFC; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
XyCheckCB__7daDai_cFi = .text:0x00000B1C; // type:function size:0x8C scope:global align:4
daDai_XyEventCB__FPvi = .text:0x00000BA8; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
XyEventCB__7daDai_cFi = .text:0x00000BC8; // type:function size:0x50 scope:global align:4
_execute__7daDai_cFv = .text:0x00000C18; // type:function size:0x60 scope:global align:4
proc__7daDai_cFv = .text:0x00000C78; // type:function size:0x170 scope:global align:4
_draw__7daDai_cFv = .text:0x00000DE8; // type:function size:0x60 scope:global align:4
getMsg__7daDai_cFv = .text:0x00000E48; // type:function size:0x94 scope:global align:4
next_msgStatus__7daDai_cFPUl = .text:0x00000EDC; // type:function size:0x1C0 scope:global align:4
daDai_Create__FPv = .text:0x0000109C; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daDai_Delete__FPv = .text:0x000010BC; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daDai_Draw__FPv = .text:0x000010E0; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daDai_Execute__FPv = .text:0x00001104; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daDai_IsDelete__FPv = .text:0x00001128; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
anmAtr__12fopNpc_npc_cFUs = .text:0x00001130; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00001134; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrFv = .text:0x00001144; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_CylAttrCFv = .text:0x0000114C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001154; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000115C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001164; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x0000119C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x000011A4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x000011AC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CylAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x000011B4; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x000011EC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x000011F0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000011F8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00001200; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00001208; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00001214; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
next_msgStatus__12fopNpc_npc_cFPUl = .text:0x00001220; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
getMsg__12fopNpc_npc_cFv = .text:0x00001228; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00001230; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00001238; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00001240; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CylFv = .text:0x00001248; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
m_arcname__7daDai_c = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x5 scope:global align:4 data:string
m_cloth_arcname__7daDai_c = .rodata:0x00000008; // type:object size:0x6 scope:global align:4 data:string
@4116 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4117 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4118 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4119 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4120 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4121 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4510 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4511 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4512 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4513 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4585 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x36 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
l_cyl_src = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x44 scope:local align:4
daDaiMethodTable = .data:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_DAI = .data:0x00000064; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__7daDai_c = .data:0x00000094; // type:object size:0x14 scope:global align:4
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__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x0000013C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000148; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__12fopNpc_npc_c = .data:0x000001C0; // type:object size:0x14 scope:weak align:4
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00005630
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x0000038F
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x00000658
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x0000011D
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
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__dt__4cXyzFv = .text:0x000002B0; // type:function size:0x3C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoHIO_entry_cFv = .text:0x000002EC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
coHit_CB__FP10fopAc_ac_cP12dCcD_GObjInfP10fopAc_ac_cP12dCcD_GObjInf = .text:0x00000334; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
_coHit__11daDaiocta_cFP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000358; // type:function size:0x84 scope:global align:4
nodeControl_CB__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x000003DC; // type:function size:0x94 scope:local align:4
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createHeap_CB__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x0000066C; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
_createHeap__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x0000068C; // type:function size:0x7C scope:global align:4
createAwaHeap__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00000708; // type:function size:0x2B0 scope:global align:4
createSuikomiHeap__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x000009B8; // type:function size:0x104 scope:global align:4
createBodyHeap__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00000ABC; // type:function size:0x148 scope:global align:4
createArrowHitHeap__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00000C04; // type:function size:0x60 scope:global align:4
setMtx__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00000C64; // type:function size:0x130 scope:global align:4
setSuikomiMtx__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00000D94; // type:function size:0x98 scope:global align:4
setAwaMtx__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00000E2C; // type:function size:0xB0 scope:global align:4
initMtx__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00000EDC; // type:function size:0x94 scope:global align:4
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setAwaRandom__11daDaiocta_cFi = .text:0x0000116C; // type:function size:0x130 scope:global align:4
initAwa__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x0000129C; // type:function size:0x13C scope:global align:4
execAwa__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x000013D8; // type:function size:0x170 scope:global align:4
isLivingEye__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00001548; // type:function size:0xA0 scope:global align:4
isDead__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x000015E8; // type:function size:0x9C scope:global align:4
isDamageEye__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00001684; // type:function size:0x98 scope:global align:4
isDamageBombEye__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x0000171C; // type:function size:0x98 scope:global align:4
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modeHide__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00001EB8; // type:function size:0x7C scope:global align:4
modeAppearInit__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00001F34; // type:function size:0x194 scope:global align:4
modeAppear__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x000020C8; // type:function size:0x2A4 scope:global align:4
modeWaitInit__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x0000236C; // type:function size:0x44 scope:global align:4
modeWait__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x000023B0; // type:function size:0xA8 scope:global align:4
modeDamageInit__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00002458; // type:function size:0x80 scope:global align:4
modeDamage__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x000024D8; // type:function size:0xEC scope:global align:4
modeDamageBombInit__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x000025C4; // type:function size:0xC8 scope:global align:4
modeDamageBomb__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x0000268C; // type:function size:0xEC scope:global align:4
modeDemoInit__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00002778; // type:function size:0x184 scope:global align:4
modeDemo__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x000028FC; // type:function size:0x854 scope:global align:4
modeDeleteInit__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00003150; // type:function size:0x134 scope:global align:4
modeDelete__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00003284; // type:function size:0x424 scope:global align:4
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setAnm__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00003888; // type:function size:0x26C scope:global align:4
setWater__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00003AF4; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_execute__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00003B20; // type:function size:0x200 scope:global align:4
drawAwa__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00003D20; // type:function size:0x138 scope:global align:4
drawSuikomi__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00003E58; // type:function size:0xF4 scope:global align:4
drawDebug__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00003F4C; // type:function size:0x1E0 scope:global align:4
_draw__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x0000412C; // type:function size:0x118 scope:global align:4
getArg__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00004244; // type:function size:0x120 scope:global align:4
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_create__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00004660; // type:function size:0x2B8 scope:global align:4
__ct__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00004918; // type:function size:0x2C scope:weak align:4
__ct__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x00004944; // type:function size:0x28 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_bckAnmFv = .text:0x0000496C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__ct__13mDoExt_bckAnmFv = .text:0x000049C8; // type:function size:0x28 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x000049F0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_AcchCirFv = .text:0x00004A4C; // type:function size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00004AD4; // type:function size:0x70 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00004B44; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x00004BA0; // type:function size:0xE0 scope:weak align:4
__ct__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x00004C80; // type:function size:0x90 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCpsFv = .text:0x00004D10; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGLinFv = .text:0x00004D6C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00004DB4; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x00004E10; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00004E58; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__ct__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00004F24; // type:function size:0x84 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00004FA8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x00004FF0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x0000504C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__ct__4cXyzFv = .text:0x00005094; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
_delete__11daDaiocta_cFv = .text:0x00005098; // type:function size:0xA4 scope:global align:4
daDaioctaCreate__FPv = .text:0x0000513C; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daDaioctaDelete__FPv = .text:0x0000515C; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daDaioctaExecute__FPv = .text:0x00005180; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daDaioctaDraw__FPv = .text:0x000051A4; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daDaioctaIsDelete__FPv = .text:0x000051C8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000051D0; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x000051E0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x000051E8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000051F0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000051F8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00005200; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00005238; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x00005240; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00005248; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00005250; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x00005288; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x0000528C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00005294; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000529C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x000052A4; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x000052B0; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x000052BC; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000052CC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000052D4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x000052DC; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x00005314; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x0000531C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x00005324; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_CpsAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x0000532C; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00005364; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13cBgS_PolyInfoFv = .text:0x000053AC; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM2dGCirFv = .text:0x000053F4; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGCirFv = .text:0x0000543C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00005498; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000549C; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x000054A0; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x000054A4; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x000054A8; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x000054F0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__15daDaiocta_HIO_cFv = .text:0x0000554C; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
cLib_calcTimer<i>__FPi = .text:0x000055A8; // type:function size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_daiocta_cpp = .text:0x000055C4; // type:function size:0x3C scope:local align:4
@32@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00005600; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@20@__dt__12dBgS_ObjAcchFv = .text:0x00005608; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x00005610; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_CpsFv = .text:0x00005618; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00005620; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00005628; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
m_heapsize__11daDaiocta_c = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
m_arc_name__11daDaiocta_c = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x8 scope:global align:4 data:string
m_sph_src__11daDaiocta_c = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x40 scope:global align:4
m_cps_src__11daDaiocta_c = .rodata:0x0000004C; // type:object size:0x4C scope:global align:4
@4128 = .rodata:0x00000098; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4129 = .rodata:0x0000009C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4130 = .rodata:0x000000A0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4131 = .rodata:0x000000A4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4132 = .rodata:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4133 = .rodata:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4134 = .rodata:0x000000B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4135 = .rodata:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4136 = .rodata:0x000000B8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4137 = .rodata:0x000000BC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4138 = .rodata:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4139 = .rodata:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4140 = .rodata:0x000000C8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4141 = .rodata:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4142 = .rodata:0x000000D0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4143 = .rodata:0x000000D4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4144 = .rodata:0x000000D8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4145 = .rodata:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4146 = .rodata:0x000000E0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4147 = .rodata:0x000000E4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4148 = .rodata:0x000000E8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4149 = .rodata:0x000000EC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4150 = .rodata:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4151 = .rodata:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4152 = .rodata:0x000000F8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4153 = .rodata:0x000000FC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4154 = .rodata:0x00000100; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4155 = .rodata:0x00000104; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4156 = .rodata:0x00000108; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4157 = .rodata:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4239 = .rodata:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4240 = .rodata:0x00000114; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4533 = .rodata:0x00000118; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4577 = .rodata:0x00000120; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8 data:double
@4863 = .rodata:0x00000128; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4990 = .rodata:0x0000012C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4991 = .rodata:0x00000130; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4992 = .rodata:0x00000138; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4993 = .rodata:0x00000140; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8
@4994 = .rodata:0x00000148; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4995 = .rodata:0x0000014C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4996 = .rodata:0x00000150; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8 data:double
@5298 = .rodata:0x00000158; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5299 = .rodata:0x0000015C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5300 = .rodata:0x00000160; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
a_anm_idx_tbl$5465 = .rodata:0x00000164; // type:object size:0x38 scope:local align:4
@5466 = .rodata:0x0000019C; // type:object size:0x90 scope:local align:4
a_brk_anm_idx_tbl$5472 = .rodata:0x0000022C; // type:object size:0x1C scope:local align:4
a_brk_anm_prm_tbl$5473 = .rodata:0x00000248; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
@5537 = .rodata:0x0000026C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5538 = .rodata:0x00000270; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5539 = .rodata:0x00000274; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5550 = .rodata:0x00000278; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@5711 = .rodata:0x0000027C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5714 = .rodata:0x00000280; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5717 = .rodata:0x00000284; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5719 = .rodata:0x00000288; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5721 = .rodata:0x0000028C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5723 = .rodata:0x00000290; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5728 = .rodata:0x00000294; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5730 = .rodata:0x00000298; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5855 = .rodata:0x000002A0; // type:object size:0x8 scope:local align:8 data:double
@5926 = .rodata:0x000002A8; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5927 = .rodata:0x000002AC; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@5928 = .rodata:0x000002B0; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x000002B4; // type:object size:0xDB scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4241 = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x7C scope:local align:4
ude_cyl_offset$4329 = .data:0x000000AC; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
te_cyl_offset$4330 = .data:0x000000C4; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
body_cyl_offset$4331 = .data:0x000000DC; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
body_top_cyl_offset$4332 = .data:0x000000F4; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
hire_cyl_offset$4333 = .data:0x0000010C; // type:object size:0x18 scope:local align:4
search_data$4334 = .data:0x00000124; // type:object size:0xCC scope:local align:4
@4858 = .data:0x000001F0; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4
@5440 = .data:0x00000218; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5441 = .data:0x00000224; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5442 = .data:0x00000230; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5443 = .data:0x0000023C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5444 = .data:0x00000248; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5445 = .data:0x00000254; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5446 = .data:0x00000260; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5447 = .data:0x0000026C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5448 = .data:0x00000278; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5449 = .data:0x00000284; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5450 = .data:0x00000290; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5451 = .data:0x0000029C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5452 = .data:0x000002A8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@5453 = .data:0x000002B4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
mode_tbl$5439 = .data:0x000002C0; // type:object size:0xC4 scope:local align:4
daDaioctaMethodTable = .data:0x00000384; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_DAIOCTA = .data:0x000003A4; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x000003D4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x000003E0; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000468; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000474; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGLin = .data:0x000004C8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCps = .data:0x000004D4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Cps = .data:0x000004E0; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000568; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000574; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13cBgS_PolyInfo = .data:0x00000580; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM2dGCir = .data:0x0000058C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGCir = .data:0x00000598; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_AcchCir = .data:0x000005A4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x000005B0; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x000005CC; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_bckAnm = .data:0x000005EC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x000005F8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12dBgS_ObjAcch = .data:0x00000604; // type:object size:0x24 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000628; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x00000634; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__15daDaiocta_HIO_c = .data:0x00000640; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoHIO_entry_c = .data:0x0000064C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
@4162 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x108 scope:local align:4
init$5454 = .bss:0x0000011C; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.text type:code align:8
.ctors type:rodata align:8
.dtors type:rodata align:8
.rodata type:rodata align:8
.data type:data align:8
.bss type:bss align:8
.text start:0x00000000 end:0x00000078
.text start:0x00000078 end:0x000000EC
.dtors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.bss start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.text start:0x000000EC end:0x00001AF0
.text start:0x00001AF0 end:0x00001B80
.ctors start:0x00000000 end:0x00000008
.rodata start:0x00000000 end:0x0000006C
.data start:0x00000000 end:0x000002D0
.bss start:0x00000008 end:0x00000071
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
_prolog = .text:0x00000000; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_epilog = .text:0x0000002C; // type:function size:0x2C scope:global align:4
_unresolved = .text:0x00000058; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
__register_global_object = .text:0x00000078; // type:function size:0x1C scope:global align:4
__destroy_global_chain = .text:0x00000094; // type:function size:0x58 scope:global align:4
__ct__19daDaiocta_Eye_HIO_cFv = .text:0x000000EC; // type:function size:0xC4 scope:global align:4
nodeControl_CB__FP7J3DNodei = .text:0x000001B0; // type:function size:0x4C scope:local align:4
_nodeControl__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFP7J3DNodeP8J3DModel = .text:0x000001FC; // type:function size:0xBC scope:global align:4
createHeap_CB__FP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x000002B8; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
_createHeap__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x000002D8; // type:function size:0x20C scope:global align:4
coHit_CB__FP10fopAc_ac_cP12dCcD_GObjInfP10fopAc_ac_cP12dCcD_GObjInf = .text:0x000004E4; // type:function size:0x2C scope:local align:4
_coHit__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFP10fopAc_ac_c = .text:0x00000510; // type:function size:0xC0 scope:global align:4
setMtx__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x000005D0; // type:function size:0xF0 scope:global align:4
checkTgHit__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x000006C0; // type:function size:0x3AC scope:global align:4
modeWaitInit__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x00000A6C; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
modeWait__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x00000A78; // type:function size:0x20 scope:global align:4
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modeDamage__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x00000BD8; // type:function size:0xF8 scope:global align:4
modeDeathInit__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x00000CD0; // type:function size:0x150 scope:global align:4
modeDeath__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x00000E20; // type:function size:0xC scope:global align:4
modeProcCall__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x00000E2C; // type:function size:0xA4 scope:global align:4
_execute__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x00000ED0; // type:function size:0x250 scope:global align:4
_draw__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x00001120; // type:function size:0xCC scope:global align:4
createInit__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x000011EC; // type:function size:0xE8 scope:global align:4
_create__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x000012D4; // type:function size:0x17C scope:global align:4
__dt__10dCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00001450; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x000014AC; // type:function size:0xCC scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGSphFv = .text:0x00001578; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x000015C0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__8cM3dGAabFv = .text:0x0000161C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_btkAnmFv = .text:0x00001664; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__13mDoExt_brkAnmFv = .text:0x000016C0; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoExt_baseAnmFv = .text:0x0000171C; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
_delete__15daDaiocta_Eye_cFv = .text:0x00001764; // type:function size:0x50 scope:global align:4
daDaiocta_EyeCreate__FPv = .text:0x000017B4; // type:function size:0x20 scope:local align:4
daDaiocta_EyeDelete__FPv = .text:0x000017D4; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daDaiocta_EyeExecute__FPv = .text:0x000017F8; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daDaiocta_EyeDraw__FPv = .text:0x0000181C; // type:function size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daDaiocta_EyeIsDelete__FPv = .text:0x00001840; // type:function size:0x8 scope:local align:4
__dt__10cCcD_GSttsFv = .text:0x00001848; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
draw__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00001890; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
executeAfter__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00001894; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
execute__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x00001898; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
init__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>FP14JPABaseEmitter = .text:0x0000189C; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
__dt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter>Fv = .text:0x000018A0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__18dPa_levelEcallBackFv = .text:0x000018E8; // type:function size:0x5C scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00001944; // type:function size:0x10 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrFv = .text:0x00001954; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__12cCcD_SphAttrCFv = .text:0x0000195C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001964; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x0000196C; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001974; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_AabAttrPf = .text:0x000019AC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_TriAttrPf = .text:0x000019B4; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC12cCcD_PntAttrPf = .text:0x000019BC; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__12cCcD_SphAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x000019C4; // type:function size:0x38 scope:weak align:4
GetGObjInf__12cCcD_GObjInfCFv = .text:0x000019FC; // type:function size:0x4 scope:weak align:4
GetShapeAttr__8cCcD_ObjCFv = .text:0x00001A00; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossAtTg__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrP4cXyz = .text:0x00001A08; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
CrossCo__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFRC14cCcD_ShapeAttrPf = .text:0x00001A10; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrFv = .text:0x00001A18; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
GetCoCP__14cCcD_ShapeAttrCFv = .text:0x00001A24; // type:function size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__dt__19daDaiocta_Eye_HIO_cFv = .text:0x00001A30; // type:function size:0x74 scope:weak align:4
__sinit_d_a_daiocta_eye_cpp = .text:0x00001AA4; // type:function size:0x3C scope:local align:4
@280@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00001AE0; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
@248@__dt__8dCcD_SphFv = .text:0x00001AE8; // type:function size:0x8 scope:weak align:4
__dt__12JntHit_HIO_cFv = .text:0x00001AF0; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
__dt__14mDoHIO_entry_cFv = .text:0x00001B38; // type:function size:0x48 scope:weak align:4
_ctors = .ctors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
__destroy_global_chain_reference = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
_dtors = .dtors:0x00000000; // type:label scope:global
...rodata.0 = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
m_heapsize__15daDaiocta_Eye_c = .rodata:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
m_arc_name__15daDaiocta_Eye_c = .rodata:0x00000004; // type:object size:0x8 scope:global align:4 data:string
m_scale_damage_time__15daDaiocta_Eye_c = .rodata:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
@4054 = .rodata:0x00000010; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4055 = .rodata:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4056 = .rodata:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4057 = .rodata:0x0000001C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4058 = .rodata:0x00000020; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4154 = .rodata:0x00000024; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4296 = .rodata:0x00000028; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4297 = .rodata:0x0000002C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4363 = .rodata:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4364 = .rodata:0x00000034; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4365 = .rodata:0x00000038; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
@4461 = .rodata:0x0000003C; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@4462 = .rodata:0x00000040; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4 data:float
@stringBase0 = .rodata:0x00000044; // type:object size:0x28 scope:local align:4 data:string_table
...data.0 = .data:0x00000000; // type:label scope:local
@2100 = .data:0x00000000; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@2080 = .data:0x0000000C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@1811 = .data:0x00000018; // type:object size:0x4 scope:local align:4
l_sph_src = .data:0x00000030; // type:object size:0x40 scope:local align:4
eye_sph_offset$4131 = .data:0x00000070; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
search_data$4132 = .data:0x0000007C; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
scale_table$4330 = .data:0x00000088; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
@4400 = .data:0x000000A8; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4401 = .data:0x000000B4; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
@4402 = .data:0x000000C0; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
mode_proc$4399 = .data:0x000000CC; // type:object size:0x24 scope:local align:4
daDaiocta_EyeMethodTable = .data:0x000000F0; // type:object size:0x20 scope:local align:4
g_profile_DAIOCTA_EYE = .data:0x00000110; // type:object size:0x30 scope:global align:4
__vt__10cCcD_GStts = .data:0x00000140; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__10dCcD_GStts = .data:0x0000014C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__34JPACallBackBase<P14JPABaseEmitter> = .data:0x00000158; // type:object size:0x1C scope:weak align:4
__vt__18dPa_levelEcallBack = .data:0x00000174; // type:object size:0x20 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8dCcD_Sph = .data:0x00000194; // type:object size:0x88 scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGSph = .data:0x0000021C; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__8cM3dGAab = .data:0x00000228; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14cCcD_ShapeAttr = .data:0x00000234; // type:object size:0x54 scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_btkAnm = .data:0x00000288; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__13mDoExt_brkAnm = .data:0x00000294; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoExt_baseAnm = .data:0x000002A0; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__12JntHit_HIO_c = .data:0x000002AC; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__19daDaiocta_Eye_HIO_c = .data:0x000002B8; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__vt__14mDoHIO_entry_c = .data:0x000002C4; // type:object size:0xC scope:weak align:4
__global_destructor_chain = .bss:0x00000000; // type:object size:0x4 scope:global align:4
@4071 = .bss:0x00000008; // type:object size:0xC scope:local align:4
l_HIO = .bss:0x00000014; // type:object size:0x5C scope:local align:4
init$4403 = .bss:0x00000070; // type:object size:0x1 scope:local align:1
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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